#and mia just SILENTLY STUNNED
noblehcart · 1 year
perhaps that's why i find your obvious disdain for me so refreshing. -lou/mia 
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"apparently i'm not showing you enough disdain because you're still HERE."
the biting hiss continued on as he followed after her in the middle of bloomingdales. a place she really had no place to be considering she had a total of ten dollars to her name, but a girl loved to dream. and unfortunately he followed her in and around. she had a dress on her arm to try and was looking at scarves when he continued his pestering with those eyes of his.
eyes she had a disturbing amount of trouble trying to forget at night.
"i'd be nervous if i were you." she said with a huff, head held up high, as she continued her fake shopping. "i'm sure security will be coming around soon. places like these don't like..."
blue eyes flickered of his rough appearance as the faint hint of a smirk teased at her lips. "-certain fashions. it kind of tends to tell a lot about a person, you know? they like a particular clientele."
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ma1dita · 1 year
without a doubt
part one can be found here -> it will pass
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words: little under 3k
summary: James has a lot of questions, but he quickly finds out Peanut is the answer.
warnings: none! angst–hurts before things get happy, peter (since some of yall might need a warning), all the marauders are alive and happy, lily is too smart for this, peanut and jelly 4 ever
a/n: thank you for all the love (and tears shed) for it will pass! i genuinely rewrote this about four different times and almost lost the plot, but please let me know if it meets your expectations!
(posted 9/11/23)
I know it will pass, it’s just heavy. You’re all I know.
There’s something about the noise in your brain as you move around your silent apartment. It overpowers the fear that hasn’t quite left your body after he let the front door fall shut. Being paralyzed in the aftermath of the truth that left your lips…It’s maddening. And you can’t even talk to the person you want to hear it most. You love him.
I do love you (Y/N), just in a different way.
Those 10 minutes were a fleeting moment in the life you’ve shared with your best friend thus far. But now, he’s stopped writing, stopped calling, and you’ve never heard him be so quiet in the past few days after the fact. There’s a knock at the door, and the sound interrupts the way you breathe, dishrag in hand, and James’ sweater still on your body.
I know that, James. I just don't know how to stop.
“What a vision you make, (Y/N).” Remus jokes in an attempt to try to make you smile. He’s leaning against the doorframe as you pop your head through the opening and he slowly moves to follow you into your home. Why does it feel like you have to explain yourself this time? But Remus is deeply understanding in nature, and he opens his arms for you to burrow yourself in.
“Get yourself fixed up. Not taking a no for an answer, love. You’ve been MIA for long enough and you know how Pads is about his birthday. He’ll want you there, broken heart be damned.” Remus is rubbing your back, and you groan.
“Ever the fucking diva.”
His chest rumbles with laughter, but both of you know that you say it lightly. Years ago, when Sirius moved into the Potter’s, it was understood that every birthday was to be as great as he was to his found family.
Nothing has to change, Peanut.
Remus sniffs you lightly, nose crinkling, “Place is spotless. Your turn for a deep clean and then off we go.” A horrified noise leaves your throat as you push yourself out of his embrace.
As the steam from the shower slowly suffocates you, you realize that Remus innately knew the reason for your emotional sabbatical from James and the rest of your friends. You wonder if everyone’s known that you’ve been in love with James Potter, and scrunch your face at how oblivious you both have been. The cold water washes away the grief that’s had a handle on your being this past month. Out of all the pranks they’ve played, this tops it. What a sick joke for the both of you to be left out of.
I think you should go now. Please.
All of Sirius’s birthdays are spectacular, but you really can’t fight the hurt crawling up your chest. There are too many memories here at Potter Manor, too many familiar faces asking where you’ve been, and James looks petrified, eyes following your figure around the Manor like you’re a ghost he can’t touch. You walk up the stairs like you have many times over the years, finding a hideaway in the west wing. You and James used to gaze at the stars here.
“So why the hell are you moping on my birthday? No one’s allowed to be sad today.” Sirius grins, breaking the silence as he walks across the balcony to throw his arms over your seated figure.
“Happy Birthday Padfoot.” you smile, leaning up to kiss his cheek. You clink your glass against his as he takes a seat next to you on the bench.
“Trust me when I say you always look stunning, (Y/N) but there’s this look in your eye that you get when you’re around Prongs nowadays. Might I say it’s why you dropped off the face of the Earth?”
Your face instantly drops at his words, and you’re glad he can’t see much in the dim light.
“How long have you all known, Pads?”
“I don’t know about much when it comes to love, (Y/N). But what I do know is that I’m his brother, and you’re his best friend. There’s a lot of responsibility being those two things for someone like that idiot. You love him like humans need air.”
“I just… I don’t know what to do with it.” The elderflower wine glides down your throat, its taste sweet on your tongue. Sirius sits with you, knowing what’s coming next. As an older brother, he also knows you’ve been waiting for someone to listen.
“What do I do with all the love I have for him? Where does it go now that he doesn’t want it?”
“I’ll take some. It sounds lovely.” Peter’s voice almost echoes in the silence as you both turn your heads to see him and Remus in the dim light of the hallway, a bottle of firewhiskey in hand and it makes you genuinely smile for the first time in days.
“Yeah, pass it around. Godric knows Prongs doesn’t appreciate you enough.” Remus says bluntly, and you hit his stomach when he ruffles your hair.
“Honestly, what a prat! Makes you plan his proposal and doesn’t want you at the afterparty? The nerve.” You choke on the remnants of your wine as you laugh at Sirius’s outrage for you, and all four of you are giggling in the dark like idiots as Remus pours you shots. If anything else goes wrong in this life, you’re glad that you have the Marauders to live it with you.
The laughter reaches the hallway, and in walks Lily, who teasingly asks “Did the party move in here without us?” James is as still as a statue behind her, watching you laugh with his boys. He can’t remember the last time he’s seen you happy and acknowledges that he’s to blame.
“You shouldn’t be surprised, Lils. There’s always a party when Padfoot’s around,” you remark, and everyone gets up to go back to the party. Lily looks around as if she’s missing something, then looks at James.
“I’m glad that (Y/N)’s back from whatever’s been keeping her busy. Looks like everything’s falling back into place.” she muses, and James can’t help but watch his best friend, no, his best girl, walk away, thinking that everything must be falling apart.
It’s morning now, and a lot of the crowd has gone home or fallen asleep in the many rooms of Potter Manor. You decide to stay to help clean up for Mr. and Mrs. Potter, who were always like second parents to you as well. They had a thing for taking in kids who needed love. With your best efforts, you can’t seem to escape James, who has incessantly trailed behind you into every room you walk into. You dodge him again as you walk down the hall, but James, who has always been a chaser in more ways than one grabs you by the arm and pushes you into his childhood bedroom.
A shriek leaves you as he closes the door and has you up against the wall.
“What the fu—”
“You’re avoiding me. Why are you avoiding me?” his face is panicked as his breath hits your face.
“You told me to leave you alone. That’s what I’m doing now, James. What else could you want from me?” Your hands are on his chest, crinkling the dress shirt that you once helped him pick out at the shops, and you feel breathless, angry at knowing him too well, and angry at what he’s insinuating.
James is at a loss. He loves you. He’s never gone more than a weekend without you and now it’s been ages…. And he loves you. He’s looking at you differently now, in the sunlight that floods through his old bedroom. He loves you so much that it hurts.
His hands slide from the wall behind you, until they reach your shoulders, and trace down your arms. Intertwining your fingers together, James speaks.
“I didn’t mean…” he exhales. “I just…”
“Did you not want me here too? Because unfortunately, my friends are also yours, so maybe we can clarify exactly the terms you want me to follow next time, James.” you seethe, getting in his face.
You push him away, his arms chasing after you, pining for your touch. Your heart is racing with hurt, with anger, with love, all for the man standing across the room.
“I never want you to leave me alone, okay? It’s been agony without you and I can’t even put into words how—”
“I can, James. How long have I been so oblivious to the fact that I’m in love with you and how long have you just let it happen? You can’t just… please don’t pretend that you don’t know that I’ve been waiting all my life for you to let me fill the empty spaces in your heart.” Your voice wavers as you pull yourself away from him, sitting on his bed.
“Just tell me what’s happening, Peanut. You’ve always had the answers. I feel like I can’t breathe when you’re not there and I….. my heart feels like it’s going to combust… I… I just feel…. so intensely. I miss who I am when I’m with you.”
James throws himself down onto the bed, hyperventilating with his head in his hands. Your hands are shaking as you reach for him. You’ll always reach for him.
He raises his head, as you delicately grab his face into your hands. Your fingertips brush his tears away, loving him for the mess he is.
“My life has been so quiet these past few days and I’m so scared to live life without you. Did I fuck it all up for us?” You whisper.
James licks his lips, and he’s playing with your hair in his hands. Your knees are touching on the patterned bedspread. The space between you diminishes as you realize that he’s about to ruin everything.
Your best friend is going to kiss you.
He’s holding your jaw so gently and for a second, you wonder if this is what it would feel like to be loved by him in the way that you do. With every single ounce of control, you turn your head away from what you’ve been craving most. James’ lips land on your cheek, and he’s chasing after you again, muttering apologies as he looks into your eyes and sees everything he’s been wanting. He sees his whole life with you through the split second your eyes connect. Pushing him away again, you stumble away with a sob.
“What was that?”
“I just… “ He’s gasping for air, feeling like his heart has exploded, and the silence is so loud that he feels like his heart must be in pieces, and you’re picking up the wreckage to take home. He’s in love with you. His heart has always been yours.
“You what, James? Don’t do that!”
He’s lived in a mansion his whole life but Godric, is this room suddenly feeling too small? You get on your feet, stepping away from him and he’s following you.
“Do what?”
“Don’t make me hate you, Jelly. Loving you has been painful enough.” Tears are blurring your vision as you hiccup, and maybe it’s better to not see him right now. Maybe you really shouldn’t have come.
“I just wanted to know. I know now, love, I…” James whimpers at the sound of his nickname. Your nickname for him alone has this man wanting to drop to his knees.
“No. Don’t you know how cruel you’re being right now? To me? To the love of your life? I would never do that to Lily!” Your voice is getting louder by the minute, and James is stoic in his silence, steps away from your blaze.
“But you told me you’re in love with me. Are you saying this is because of me?”
“Everything I do is because of you, James. And if you don’t know that by now…” Then maybe you don’t know me at all.
The words go unsaid but the both of you are hit with the reality of it. Your hands jangle the doorknob to get away from him, to be anywhere but here.
Lily listens intently as James tells her everything he's been wanting to say for the last eleven years. She's not surprised, in fact, she knows this is the truth, but she's still heartbroken. Lily Evans and James Potter are both people who like to chase things, people—but after all that’s said and done, the thrill wears off. They’re more alike than they’ll ever know.
He tries to apologize, but Lily cuts him off and tells him there's no need. She's always known the truth, and even though it took him this long, she's glad he finally figured it out. Smartest girl of their year, after all.
“I mean, I always felt like she should’ve been dating you, but then we happened and I fell too hard and didn’t stop to ask questions. I tried to be blind to it, but…it was nice, wasn’t it?” Lily whispers, holding James’ hand for the last time. He looks like he’s about to pass out.
“I’ll be okay, Potter. I was before you, and I will be after you. So thank you for being honest. You’ve always been honest with me.” A small kiss on his cheek renders him breathless. Once upon a time, he would stay up all night at the idea of Lily Evans loving him. But his heart has always belonged to you. Without a doubt, James Potter is in love with you, his best friend.
He doesn’t tell Lily he was planning to propose tomorrow, since the situation is already as messy as it is. But Lily Evans always knows.
James is pushing boxes back into Potter Manor, and Mippy helps flit the rest of his belongings up the stairs with magic. The least he could do is give Lily their apartment after their breakup. He looks around, rubbing his fingers of dust as his mother calls him for dinner. How humbling, he thinks, to start all over because he was too stupid to realize he’s in love. Starting over in a place he calls home is absurd. He looks out towards the courtyard where you had your fairytale wedding, walks by the hallways you used to race training broomsticks in, and back to his room where he used to whisper hushed lullabies to help you sleep. Everything reminds him of you, and your love consumes each memory that flickers through his vision. The feeling shocks him like ripping your head out of a pensieve. He’s so utterly in love with you.
What the hell is he doing at his parents’ house? He should be getting his girl! James apparates to your apartment, knocking on the door like a madman. He knocks so loudly the wood is bruising his knuckles, red blooming under his touch.
The door rips open, and he’s never been so glad to see you angry.
“You literally have a key, James. You don’t have to be a dick every—”
“You’re wrong.”
Your frustration gives way, lines on your forehead wrinkling in confusion. It’s like there’s a glass separating the both of you, and you’re scared to touch him.
You shake your head as he continues, “You’re wrong, by the way. I don’t know if Lily’s the love of my life. I haven’t lived it with her, nor will I. What I do know is that I’ve loved you for most of mine.”
“What are you saying, Jelly,” you utter, and James’ is grinning so largely you want to punch his face in.
“I love you. As in I’m in love with you. Without any doubt, or excuses, or anyone holding me back, my heart is yours, if you’ll have me?”
He rushes to catch you, his proposal hitting you hard as you fall into his embrace, hands feeling as much of him as you can. His broad shoulders, his strong neck, the dimples on his cheek, the glasses on his face—all of him is in love with you.
Your blubbering is muffled as he finally pulls his lips to yours, finally feeling, finally… James’ kiss lays out all of what he’s been holding in, and without words you both understand that this wreckage in your beating hearts, the destruction of everything you’ve set together as best friends, is love. He’s clutching you to his body, moving you backward into your apartment, feet moving in sync like an orchestrated dance. You both fall onto your couch in a fit of laughter and tears. Finally.
“How foolish of me to be with another, Peanut. I’m a married man, after all.”
"Not bad for a second kiss, Jelly." You laugh at him.
James looks at your smile like it’s the answer to every question he’ll ask in this life.
“We give those we love nicknames, because love requires a word that belongs to us alone.” Fredrik Backman
tagged: @prongs-moon @alltheotherkidss @anehkael @princessprongs
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ivelle-serenity · 4 months
Skateboard 7
Wind breaker
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fem bodied reader | smut | action | pwp | jayjo/fml | vinny/fml | wooin/fml | joker/fml | hyuk/fml | owen/fml | enemies to lovers | angsty | the other woman (?) | reverse harem | fluff | SLOW BURN! | all characters featured are 18+
author's note: i need demitra's interaction with sabbath now and write smut. damn it. they're so hot--i just can't.
✧˖° — windbreaker men
✧˖° — mdni, smut, description of not safe for work content.
✧˖° — this is a story not one shot.
"Jay's out of it again," Dom sighed, watching Jay sitting alone on the bench. It was currently our P.E. class, and we were doing our stretches. Jay, on the other hand, seemed oblivious to the world, sitting on the bench reading a book.
"He didn't eat lunch again. I'm really worried about him," Mia said, lowering her head.
"Damn it, I hate seeing him like this. Why doesn't Shelly even message our friend?" Dom said angrily, throwing the ball down in frustration.
I kept staring in Jay's direction. His friends were getting worried about him, but Jay didn't seem to care because of Shelly. I noticed my bag beside Jay; I had left it there so I could go straight home after P.E. without having to go back upstairs.
"I'm going to get some water," I told Mia and Dom. Mia nodded while Yuna tried to calm Dom down.
When I reached the bench, I grabbed my water bottle for a drink. I was surprised to find a sandwich in my bag that I hadn't eaten earlier. I took it out.
"Do you want?" I offered it to Jay. He paused and looked at the sandwich.
"I'm fine," he said.
"I made it myself. It's really good! Promise!" I said, sitting next to him. He glanced at the sandwich again before putting his book down.
"Fine, thanks," he said.
I smiled widely when he accepted it. I felt proud of myself for getting him to eat. As I watched him, I noticed Dom walking towards us.
"The tournament's tomorrow. I still can't believe we have to ride without Shelly," Dom said worriedly as he approached us.
"You guys trained for a reason. I know you can do it," Minu tried to reassure his friends.
"Why do we have to fall apart when we're so close to the end of the competition?" Dom sat down beside Jay, who was now eating the sandwich.
I just listened to their conversation, not wanting to intrude. I was only here to replace Shelly in the competition. I didn't want to assume they saw me as a friend. I knew my place. Besides, I had no intention of officially joining their crew. Wooin didn't want me getting close to the Hummingbirds, so joining was out of the question. I sighed.
"How about you, Demitra?" Mia's question caught me off guard. I forced a laugh.
"I'll just try my best tomorrow. I think you can win even without my help. You guys are amazing."
I could feel Jay's eyes on me. My actions yesterday were too risky. I can't let that happen again. I really need to control my feelings for Jay. It's embarrassing because he probably sees me as just a friend, while I see him in a different light. I also don't want Shelly to know I'm here. If she finds out, I'll probably transfer to another school.
"We still need your help to win the race," Jay said, stopping my thoughts.
"Of course," I said, scratching the back of my neck in embarrassment.
"We got you a wig," Yuna said, holding out a bag. A wig? For what? "So no one notices you're not Shelly."
I was stunned and had no choice but to nod. I couldn't believe I was going to pretend to be Shelly. If Noah were here, she'd probably laugh at me. She knew how much I hated being compared to her. But here I was, agreeing to her friends' plan.
"Got it," I said softly.
After saying that, they started discussing unfamiliar things related to the race. I overheard Sangho's name being mentioned, which made me even more silent. I noticed that it wasn't just Jay who was looking at me; even Yuna seemed to want me out of there, judging by her glances. Since I didn't want to intrude on their privacy, I moved away from the group. I approached some other classmates and grabbed a ball to play with.
Our teacher was absent. From what Dom said, they called him Mr. Nam. I hadn't met him yet, but based on how Jay and the others seemed to respect him, I figured he must be a great teacher.
My brows furrowed as a ball rolled towards the school's entrance, played by some other classmates. I quickly went to retrieve it. As I picked it up, I nearly dropped it when I saw a familiar guy.
"Vinny?" I exclaimed in surprise. He looked blank and pocketed something. He had a bike with him.
"You're studying here too?" he said with almost a tone of disgust. Perhaps he said that because he knew his former friends were studying here.
I nodded. "What brought you here?" I asked, looking down at the bike.
"Wooin wanted you to come to a race tomorrow to watch," he said, almost stopping my heart. "And he also wants you to know that you should be at the club every night at 8 p.m."
"W-What?" I couldn't process what he was saying.
"I can't go tomorrow," I said quickly. I didn't want them to know that I was one of the racers tomorrow! "And why should I go to the club at night?"
His gaze turned colder. "Have you forgotten the deal you made with Wooin?"
Damn it.
"You need to be there every night before the tournament. He needs you for the strategies we'll be planning for the race," he explained, looking irritated.
"O-Oh..." I nodded. "But isn't Sangho there?" I said nervously.
He fell silent. "Why are you so afraid of him?" he asked seriously.
I clenched my fists. "I told you, I got into a fight with some guys who seemed to work for him. And... those men didn't just want me dead. They tried to touch me." It felt pointless to lie. They would find out eventually.
"They what?" His face darkened. His eyes widened.
I looked away. "But I think they won't chase me here. But still... I don't want to see Sangho—"
"They tried to touch you? Fuck."
I smiled bitterly. "Vinny, do you think it's easy being a female rider in the underground? Not everyone we race against wants to compete fairly. Some of them want to..." I couldn't finish my sentence.
We both fell silent. Maybe he realized I didn't want to talk about it anymore. It was a nightmare. That's why I promised myself I'd never bike again.
"You stay close to Dom," he broke the silence. "He can protect you."
I furrowed my brows. "Why him? Don't you think Wooin can protect me?"
He sighed. "Not like that. Like you said, you don't want any connection with Sangho. Wooin has business with that man, so it's better if you stick with Dom for now," he explained, combing his hair.
"He's part of the Yakuza. He can protect you."
The real question is... Why would he protect me? I'm not even his friend! I'm just his classmate. I don't want to approach Dom just to be protected. I'm not that desperate!
"I think I can protect myself very well, Vinny. Thank you for your concern," I said with a smile. His gaze remained serious.
"I'll go talk to him, then."
"What!?" I exclaimed, trying to stop him from entering the school. "Wait! I thought you two weren't friends anymore?"
I blocked his way to stop him from entering. He was so tall that I was having a hard time. There were many eyes on us because of him. He looked like a gangster trying to enter the school.
I tried to block his way, but it was too late. Vinny had stopped and was glaring at something behind me.
"What's going on?" Jay's cold voice made me wince.
"Call Dom. I don't need you," Vinny snapped at Jay. I quickly turned to Jay and shook my head, trying to defuse the tension.
"You can go back. He's just asking me something," I lied, but Jay's gaze remained fixed on me, then shifted to Vinny in a silent challenge.
"I thought you weren't friends with him?" Jay's comment made Vinny pause and look at me with an annoyed expression. Maybe he was irritated because I had told Jay, or perhaps that was just his usual demeanor.
"Why do you even care, jerk?" Vinny retorted, his voice dripping with disdain.
"Hey, stop," I urged Vinny, my brows furrowed. "Can you please just go? You're making a scene." I whispered, glancing around and noticing the growing number of onlookers. The tension was palpable, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest.
"What the fuck? What's that bastard doing here?" Dom's voice startled me. He approached with a fierce look, positioning himself between Jay and Vinny. I felt a surge of anxiety, fearing they might start a fight. Both of them towered over me, their presence intimidating.
Vinny clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. "You..." he couldn't finish his sentence, throwing sharp glances at Dom, who tilted his head mockingly.
"Vinny, just go," I said firmly, my voice steady despite the chaos. His gaze dropped to me, and I felt a wave of relief wash over me. He ran a hand through his hair, frustration etched on his face.
"I'm not here to fight, considering I've already beaten you," he sneered. Dom made a move towards him, but Jay held him back with a firm hand on his shoulder.
Vinny continued, "Just protect your new member, will you? You never know who might want to hurt this little one." His tone was mocking, but there was an undercurrent of threat that made my blood run cold.
Dom’s eyes narrowed, his body tensing as he took a step closer. “You think you’re tough? Coming here and making threats?”
Vinny smirked, clearly enjoying the reaction he was provoking. “I don’t need to think. I know.”
“Enough,” Jay said, his voice cutting through the rising tension. “Vinny, leave now.”
Vinny held Jay’s gaze for a long moment before he shrugged, as if bored by the whole confrontation. “Fine. But remember what I said, Dom. Watch your back. And hers.”
With that, he turned and walked away, leaving a heavy silence in his wake. I let out a breath I didn’t realize I’d been holding and looked at Jay and Dom, who were still tense and ready for a fight.
“are you okay?” Jay asked, with a serious look on his face.
I nodded, but my mind was racing. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just… let’s go back to class.”
What the hell was that? Is that his excuse to follow through with his plan to have Dom protect me? I hate him! He doesn't need to do that,.
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gravehags · 1 month
his mother's blood
Pairing: Cardinal Copia x f!Reader (Curator!Reader)
Rating: Teen
Tags: EMERITUS FAMILY DRAMAAAAA, tokophobia, revelations, nihil being a fucking shitass, reader being the voice of reason, sister imperator gets a first name and it's exactly what you'd think it is
Words: 2,727
Summary: You know it's just a joke but you can't fight the dread that settles in your stomach the moment the words leave Terzo's mouth.
a/n: this was a lot!!! title comes from the ethel cain lyric "jesus can always reject his father but he cannot escape his mother's blood" :) you know for extra fun family pain
You feel as if both time and your heart stops the moment the words playfully exit Terzo’s mouth.
So when are you two going to give me a niece or nephew, huh?
The five of you were having a lovely time, sitting around the patio table in the Papas’ courtyard on the early summer evening. The sun had only just started to dip below the horizon and you were already tipsy off the sweet wine Secondo had supplied you with. As soon as Terzo says it you feel the color drain from your face as Copia kneels beside you and reaches for your hand.
“Terzo, don’t–”
You see Primo and Secondo furrow their brows, clearly aware that this is a sensitive topic not to be broached but Terzo doesn’t get the hint and nudges your arm.
“Come on,” he says with a grin, “you’d look so pretty all round and glowing–”
“Silenzio!” Copia shouts as he straightens. You know it’s the liquor that’s making the tears drop one after the other into your lap while your lip quivers and you can’t bring yourself to look at any of them.
“Che cazzo?” Terzo asks, “I’m just poking fun–sorellina, it was just a stupid joke please don’t–”
“You don’t get to joke about that,” Copia says and out of the corner of your eye you see his balled up fist shake, “I don’t want to hear you mention that again ever, do you hear me? I’m not fucking kidding, Terzo Emeritus.”
A stunned silence settles among the brothers while you hastily wipe your tears with the sleeve of your linen button down. You know there’s no way the evening will be recovered after this if you don’t explain why Terzo’s words filled you with such visible dread so you take a deep breath and exhale shakily.
“Do you guys know why Sister Imperator hired me?”
Copia looks down at you, alarmed, and once again kneels by your side.
“Amore, you don’t have to talk about this, it’s none of their business.”
“I know. But I’ve been meaning to ask them for a while…if they knew. If they knew about any of it.”
“Knew about what, fiore?” Primo asks cautiously, steepling his fingers.
“Um…so about…I don’t know a couple, few months back Sister Imperator had me come to her office where she proceeded to tell me that I was hired because–” you take another deep breath and squeeze your eyes shut and then open, “because I was chosen by your Unholy Father…to carry Copia’s child.”
Once again the stunned silence among the five of you is electric. Secondo’s jaw is dropped, Terzo looks horrified, and Primo radiates silent rage.
“Y-yeah. She tried to convince me it would be an ‘honor’ despite the fact that I-I told her I don’t want a baby, ever. Tried to tell me I had to do it, that it was my purpose–”
Terzo stands abruptly and the other brothers follow suit. Copia remains squatted next to you holding your hand.
“Guys what are you do–”
“Quella dannata stronza,” Secondo growls, “she’ll pay for this.”
You look around at everyone in a panic.
“No, no, no you can’t let her know that you know a-and she’s backed off on the topic after Copia and I confronted her–”
“Sorellina, we love you, you know that. To know that that woman tried to force a fucking pregnancy on you–unthinkable. She should be excommunicated for even uttering the words to you. Maledetto inferno, this is the last straw.” Terzo grabs your free hand and places a kiss to the back of it. “You do not need to come, bella mia. You do not need to see this. Neither of you do.”
You gently pull your hand from Copia’s and stand, wiping off your cheeks.
“I think I - we - should be there to keep you from…from I don’t know, doing anything you’ll regret. Copia and I have already gotten our piece said with her after she tried to fire me–”
“She what?!” Secondo halfway roars. Primo is already gone down the cloister corridor and the four of you hustle after him. He leads you to an area of the abbey you’ve passed by but never entered which you assume is Sister Imperator’s wing. Primo approaches a door and doesn’t knock, instead flinging it open with such force you wince at the sound of the doorknob denting the drywall. In the large sitting room, in two high backed dark green chairs are Nihil, in his usual vestments and Sister Imperator, who wears a dark red robe snugly cinched around her. Nihil has a deep scowl etched into his wizened features but Sister only looks mildly irritated as if she’s misplaced her phone.
“Gentlemen, what is the meaning of–”
“Stronza!” Primo thunders, and you recoil in shock from the volume of his voice. Copia holds you tightly next to him by your elbow. “How dare you, how fucking dare you attempt to force a child on this girl.”
She looks at you with such raw contempt it makes your stomach roil with nausea.
“Really?” she asks, addressing you and Copia, “The two of you couldn’t keep this to yourselves?”
“The fact that they didn’t tell us sooner is a blessing to you,” Secondo snarls, stepping in front of you and Copia and breaking her line of sight. “I would have killed you myself if–”
“Silence, boy,” Nihil barks from his chair, “and remember to whom you are speaking.”
“I wasn’t talking to you, old man,” Secondo hisses, his eyes burning, “but since you insist on inserting yourself, how could you fucking agree to this?”
Nihil scoffs.
“Don’t be stupid, this was the will of the Council. Sister was simply enforcing their decision. And she was right to do so, it is an honor. One clearly unworthy of this–”
“Be very careful about the next words that leave your mouth, Nihil,” Copia says softly and for the first time in the year of knowing him you feel a horrible thrill at the idea of what he would do for you. Everyone falls silent.
“The Council knew?” Secondo says, clearly floored by this information, “Psaltarian would never have agreed to this, let alone the Director…something that is such a clear violation of the tenets of our religion?”
“Why?” Terzo interjects quietly, “Why was it so important that Copia of all people have a child?”
“I think you already know the answer to that,” Sister Imperator says, idly studying her fingernails. You feel Copia squeeze your arms as he holds you tighter to him. Secondo and Terzo glance at one another, clearly puzzled. Primo turns to look at you both, apologetic.
“The Antichrist need not have a bloodline,” he says softly and Copia inhales sharply next to you. You see Terzo’s jaw drop and the color drain from Secondo’s face. 
“You knew?” When Copia speaks, his voice makes you jump. “You–you knew?”
The mounting anger in his tone has you panicking, turning to him to console him but he’s staring Primo down with such fury it makes you shy away from him. At once, Secondo is at his side gripping his bicep as Terzo gently extricates you from Copia’s ever tightening grip.
“Copia, I always suspected but–”
“You fucking raised me!” Copia shouts, and the raw betrayal cracking his voice instantly makes tears spring to your eyes. You try to go to Copia’s side to comfort him but Terzo holds you snug against him with a strength you did not expect. “You were more of a father to me than this pezzo di merda–” he gestures sharply to Nihil, whose mouth is pulled in a severe frown but blessedly stays silent, “a-and you just let me grow up thinking I was some kind of freak? With no explanation?”
“Topolino, you–”
“Don’t fucking ‘topolino’ me, Primo.”
“Copia,” Primo says, softly but with great power, “I only ever had suspicions. It was bad enough that I - that any of us - couldn’t officially acknowledge you as our brother, how could I hoist this burden upon you as well? If it were true, I knew that in time you would come to realize it…I just never expected the knowledge to be wielded like a weapon by someone so vile–”
“By his mother,” Sister Imperator says, her voice loud and clear. The brothers turn to look at her, stunned, then look to Nihil.
“Even more unconscionable,” Primo says after a moment, his voice low. “To not only place disgusting expectations on the woman he loves but to expect him to blindly go along with it…where were you when he had doubts as a child? When he cried at night from his bad dreams? When we celebrated every birthday, just the four of us, convinced that Copia’s mother was dead just like the rest of ours? We expected the worst from him–” Primo jerks his head towards Nihil, “--but how dare you try to step in now forty-nine years after abandoning him, pretending to give a shit about him or his purpose. Shame on you, Mary.”
Everyone in the room inhales sharply and you’re shocked at the reveal of her true name. You expect her to look infuriated but when you glance at her all you see on her handsome face is exhaustion. You remember her words in her office about how Copia was taken from her as a baby and you’re filled with sickening remorse.
“That’s not right,” you say softly, and everyone swivels to you, “s-she didn’t have a choice. The Council insisted she give up all ties to Copia after his birth. She’s been a shitty mom, I’m not arguing that and I’m not defending her…but so much of it wasn’t her choice.”
You extricate yourself from Terzo’s grasp and walk the length of the room to stand by Imperator’s side. The brothers look stunned and Copia gives you a tiny, gentle smile.
“Listen, I didn’t tell you guys about this shit so everyone could fight about it or bring up anything else. I told you because this is a family and I wanted to be on the level with all of you. Because I want to be a part of it. I’m so…tired of the fucking tension between us,” you gesture between you and Sister Imperator, “on the topic. I’m done, I’m over it. It’s not happening and she knows that a-and the Council knows that. Right, Sister?”
You look at the woman next to you, your lips in a taut line, and her gaze softens to something that resembles respect.
“Exactly,” she says, matter-of-factly, “it’s water under the bridge, gentlemen.”
“Enough of this bullshit,” Nihil whines, and everyone jumps after having forgotten that he was even in the room. “Doesn’t anyone care what I have to say?”
You swear in the chorus of “no’s” that echo throughout the room you hear Sister’s voice and you bite your cheek to keep from smiling.
“Are we done here?” she says, straightening her robe, “Because my programs are about to come on and–”
“Yeah, we’re done,” Copia says, and you leave her side to come to his. “Goodnight, Sister. Goodnight, Papa.”
She nods at him with a smile while Nihil waves his hand dismissively, turning from his four sons to continue playing Candy Crush on his phone. Primo, Secondo, Terzo, and Copia all file out of the room but as you’re about to cross the threshold you hear your name being called from behind you. When you turn around, Imperator is smiling at you peculiarly from her chair.
“You continue to surprise me, dear. Well done handling the situation,” she says and you swear she gives you a small wink.
“Yeah uh, you’re welcome for not letting Secondo kill you, I guess,” you say with a nod before exiting and shutting the door behind you. Copia is waiting for you, giving you a look just as peculiar as Sister’s.
“What?” you ask softly, taking his hand.
“Nothing. I just love you, you know?”
He draws you in and you rest your forehead on his shoulder, his hand tenderly cupping your skull. The two of you hold one another for a moment and you both jump when you feel another body and arms enveloping you both.
“I am so sorry, topolino,” Primo murmurs as he strokes Copia’s hair, “and you, fiore mio, you should have never have had to hear any of that bullshit from start to finish.” He turns to place a kiss on the top of your head and suddenly you’re aware of another pair of arms wrapping around your little group. When you lift your head, Terzo grins at you before waving Secondo over.
“Come on you grumpy old fuck,” he says and you hear Secondo scoff.
“I’m only a year older than you, idiota,” he growls, but you feel him join the pod all the same. It takes a bit of straining, but you’re able to look up at Copia, who has his eyes shut as if he’s trying to cement the moment into his memory. It fills you with such affection, not just for your beloved, but for all the men surrounding you, and you sigh.
“Love you guys,” you murmur, and Terzo’s hand comes up to pet your hair.
“And we love you, sorellina.”
“Had you said the word, I would have killed her on the spot with my bare hands,” Secondo says, his voice muffled by Copia’s back. “I’ve been looking for an excuse.”
“That’s…actually really sweet in a fucked up way. Thanks for having my back.”
“Can we leave this hallway before we overhear Sister and Nihil fucking because–”
The five of you separate, everyone either making violent retching noises or groaning.
“That’s my mother, stronzo,” Copia finally says, giving Terzo a dirty look.
“And your father too, unfortunately,” Primo grimaces, leading the group back down the hall, “but at least you have the benefit of being able to claim a different father, topolino. We’re stuck with him.”
You wrap your arm around Copia’s waist as you exit the wing and he wraps his around your shoulder.
“I eh, don’t know about all of you,” your love begins, “but I could use a fucking drink after that. Secondo…?”
“On it,” Secondo says, striding down the hall ahead of you in the direction of the kitchen. Eventually the group makes its way back to the round patio table, and a shiver runs through you.
“Shit, it’s cold now that the sun’s gone down,” you announce, “and if I’m going to keep drinking I need something to eat because I do not want to end the night with Copia holding my hair. Let’s go meet Secondo and see if I can bully him into making me a grilled cheese.”
Primo and Terzo both snort.
“‘Bully him’ as if he wouldn’t bend over backwards for you, piccolina,” Terzo says, imitating his brother’s voice when he says the endearment. You swat at his arm.
“Stai zitto, stronzo,” you snap playfully and Primo and Copia both turn to you looking impressed.
“She’s been doing the eh, Duolingo app,” Copia explains, and you smile at the pride in his voice, “Well done, amore mio.”
“Non è niente di speciale,” you say demurely with a wide grin. Terzo cheers loudly as the four of you enter the kitchen.
“Be quiet, you fucking animal,” Secondo snarls from his place at the stove, where he’s currently pressing a spatula into two pieces of bread between which cheese oozes. Terzo turns to you and winks.
“Told you,” he says with a smirk before heading off in the direction of the wine cellar. Primo shakes his head and takes a seat at the small table in the corner and Copia pulls you into his side to place a wet kiss to your temple.
“Love you, dolcezza,” he murmurs. When his hand drifts to the small of your back you’re reminded of the first time you set foot in this kitchen and the way he comforted you after you burned the bruschetta. You look over at Primo, who yawns wide, then over to Secondo, who is singing under his breath as he flips your sandwich, to Terzo, who bounds into the room with way too much energy and carrying an alarming number of wine bottles. You look over at Copia.
“Ti amo di più.”
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frankcastlescumslut · 2 years
Wicked Games
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pairing: Matt Murdock x Female Reader
word count: 5.8k
synopsis: Matt needs to be put back together after a rough night of patrolling Hell’s Kitchen
warnings: SMUT 18+ MDNI!! angst-ish!! BDSM-y!! edging, bondage, boot riding, oral (m/f receiving), fingering, p in v, breeding kink if you squint, humiliation/praise kink, dom!matt, sub!reader, use of “sir” / “good girl”/“daddy”, some aftercare <3
A/N: heyyyy :p sorry I’ve been MIA, inspiration has struck since watching season 3 and I needed this, so please enjoy my nasty thoughts (:
as always, I love reading your feedback and comments!! reblogs are more than welcome <3
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Glaring red digits of the alarm clock burn through your sleep-clouded vision as the walls abruptly shake, causing you to wake. It’s well past midnight and you almost give yourself permission to be aggravated at the slamming hatch and weak foundation of Matt’s apartment, but you know better, and more importantly, you know your lover returned— alive.
It would only be a matter of minutes before he would slip next to your relaxed body, place a gentle kiss to the crook of your neck and apologize for waking you; the thought alone relaxes you into the sweet anticipation of your routine.
That’s what you expect, at least, and yet minutes pass as if they have no concept of time. The spot behind your back grows colder as the bed remains empty, and the sounds of heavy footsteps alongside clinking glass emphasize the silent room.
Just a rough night. Just a rough night. Just a rough night.
You attempt to ease your worries with the familiar, albeit honest, excuse to justify his path to penance by repeating the mantra until your eyelids grow heavy, practically baiting sleep. It would only be so long until he would find you in bed and entangle himself with your limbs, whispering promises of safety into your hairline and relaxing to the sound of your even breaths.
In, out. In, out. In-
The shatter of glass pulls your eyelids open and lifts you from the bed as if some puppeteer pulled a string straight from your sternum.
“Matt?” you call out, shuffling to your feet through remnants of sleep, afraid you would find him incapacitated, and the sliding door groans as you shove it open, masking the sound of your exhale.
Even through the drowsy daze, you watch neon bathe his tense frame as he expertly paces throughout the apartment. He must've known you would wake from his brooding, yet he secretly wished you would turn a blind eye to his frustrations in hopes of maintaining some semblance of dignity.
“Matthew?” you try again, a little louder this time, to emphasize your presence.
He knew you were there, of course- the thump of your heart practically reverberated throughout his chest and echoed in his ears.
“Is there anything I can-“
“Just go.” His voice echoes throughout the apartment, the gruff tone stunning you momentarily. He stops to exhale, running a calloused hand over his down turned lips in a tidal wave of emotions- mostly regret and embarrassment at his short reaction to your concern. “Just go back to sleep, it’s fine.”
“Clearly it’s not fine,” you shoot back, defensiveness quickly forming in your chest. “What happened? Are you hurt?”
Sleep quickly dissipates from your body as glimmering shards of glass catch your eye. You attempt to draw closer to inspect his current state, wanting to ensure he wasn’t critically injured, only to feel the familiar pang of rejection as he moves away from your outstretched hand.
“I’m fine. You should sleep.” He turns further from you, secretly grateful that his lack of vision shields him from the greatest shame, knowing you wear heartbreak on your face.
“Bullshit,” you spit, your feet landing thunderously against the floor.
“Go to bed, please,” he groans, only stopping with a frown as your fingers wrap around his bicep, finally pulling him to face you.
“You don’t get to just walk in here, throw a fucking tantrum, and pretend like everything is fine! You don’t get to push me away like this!”
Matt tears from your gentle grasp, unwilling to admit that your argument holds a significant amount of weight. In his shame and impulsiveness, he mimics a young Catholic boy, unable to cope with his personal shortcomings and inability to communicate his frustrations.
The sole of his boot collides with an innocent leather couch, causing it to slide a few inches, and the soft suction of your cupped palm greeting your mouth cuts through the deep groan of wood against wood, practically rupturing his eardrums.
“I almost lost you tonight!” His footsteps are leaden, leaving holes in the floorboards as he confesses.
You wait silently, watching Matt pace the small space in search of composure.
“What are you talking about?” Your voice gets lodged in your throat, but he hears you nonetheless.
“They knew your name.”
“Who?” The question leaves your lips carefully, attempting to ignore his sudden outburst.
“It doesn’t matter now.” His voice is hardly audible and hidden under what sounds like regret, maybe even disappointment.
Even in the dark, his pain radiates from his face.
“Did you…“
You want to ask if he had crossed his deeply etched line of morality, but refrain, ultimately to preserve your own feelings— unwilling to face whether you were selfishly worth dying over or not.
“No, I didn’t kill him.” He answers the lingering question with a huff of amusement and tinge of detest, lowering himself carefully onto the coffee table.
The buzz of fluorescent billboards emphasizes the silence that hangs heavy in the air, seemingly pushing you further from him even though you remain planted firmly.
Unbeknownst to you, Matt’s world remains chaotic and clamored as he tunes his senses to the way your silence draws out the hurt.
“I almost lost control,” he clears his throat before his head hangs from his neck like it’s a rusted hinge. “I almost lost control and I almost killed a man.”
His confession leads you to look at him, to see him, for the first time that night.
You expect to find a broken man, and you do- the gash on his forehead, the reddened and bruised cheeks, the split in his upper lip, all evident even feet away- but you were unprepared to find an orphaned boy curled in on himself, fighting two invisible gods that threatened to tear him in half.
The thought of your worthiness being dependent upon inflicted violence suddenly chokes you, and you gravitate towards him effortlessly.
“Listen to me,” your gentle voice beckons him, but he ignores the instinct.
“I was so close. He knew your name, and I swear I could’ve- I should have-“ his lip quivers in admission, consequently dragging you to your knees in front of his folding stature.
“But you didn’t, because you are a good man.” His cheeks warm the palms of your hands as you interrupt him, the floorboards groaning as you lean forward. “You hear me? You are a good man, Matthew Murdock.”
He feels the sincerity of your words and intent gaze as you study his face, forcing him to soften under your tender inspection. His huff of disbelief echoes between your bodies, and you allow it to settle, filling the gap with nervous anticipation.
“You don’t have to-“
“Stop it.” You interrupt, already anticipating his onslaught of self deprecation.
“You could have been killed-“
“Well I wasn’t so-“
“Stand up, you’ll bruise your knees.”
The instructions catch you off guard before you realize your attempts to stealthily shift your weight did not fall on deaf ears.
“I’m fine. But really, though-“
“Stand up.”
The quick rebuttal you form catches in the back of your throat, and an invisible, familiar feeling begins to blossom in the depths of your chest as you note his stern undertone, cheeks warming consequently.
You almost feel guilty for your instinctive, physical reaction to his authority, given the nature of the current predicament, but you catch the way he clears his throat to mask the implications of his allusive tone, and swallow your own embedded shame in return.
Get it together.
The stale apartment air floods your nostrils as you brace your palms on Matt’s clothed thighs. He mimics you, holding his breath at the unexpected touch, only to relax as you use him as leverage to follow his directions.
Your knees thank you while you straighten gingerly, and you stare at your feet, careful to avoid his roaming eyes. You don’t need to watch him to know he’s attuning himself to your current state. There’s a certain intensity, an unspoken eagerness to the busy silence; his vacant gaze follows the way your body anxiously sways in front of him, and you hold your breath in wanton anticipation.
Get it together.
Time passes on its own accord, and while you tower over Matt, you somehow feel small and vulnerable under his assessment. It was almost intrusive at times, knowing that he was currently calculating your pulse, identifying which parts of your body were warmer, how shallow your breaths became if he gripped at his own knee to compose himself…
Get it together.
You attempt to distract yourself from his assessment and trail your gaze towards his face.
He looks untouchable yet so human, so broken- the way the neon emphasizes the deep shades of purple and red blossoming against his cheeks, the sunken troughs beneath his eyes, the rusted stain against his top lip- and you act without thought.
“Let me help you.” Your request leaves your lips without permission, forcing you to confront the growing desire that branches throughout different corners of your body.
He’s like a magnet, or perhaps a puppeteer, and you inch closer towards him like you’ve done so many times before.
To your surprise, he doesn’t recede, and you carefully thread your fingers through the hair against the nape of his neck. He closes the space, leaning a heavy head against you, and wraps exhausted arms around your frame while relishing in your presence.
In the rare moments that Matt surrenders to himself, you always remember to silently thank whatever higher power for the intimate moments, and you do— so much so that he notices the semi-hypnotic trance you find yourself in while holding him close to you.
“Let me help you feel better, please,” you whisper, afraid if you voiced your desires any louder that the bubble would burst around the sacred embrace.
He lifts his head at your request, noting the desperation in your voice, before weighing the costs of his own longing- your flushed cheeks and strong pulse helping him in solidifying his decision to trail his hands down your back.
You nearly whine at the perceived separation, but quickly silence yourself as he skillfully lifts your hoodie over your head before dropping it to the floor.
He moves swiftly, lifting himself from the table with a fervor, and you find yourself pulled into his chest. Your lips crash together, teeth practically clashing, and he swallows his name while hungrily pulling your face towards his, desperate for any part of you.
You almost feel guilty at the way you’re already falling apart, but your insecurities are overshadowed by the way Matt nips at your bottom lip and grabs at any exposed skin as if you would disappear if he let go of you.
In your own earnestness, your hands act independently, gripping the soft strands of his hair and tugging ever so slightly, pulling a breathy moan from him as your lips part from each other.
“C’mere,” he growls, sliding his hands towards the crook of your knees to hoist you onto his torso.
You giggle at his ardor while wrapping your legs around his frame, not once questioning his intentions. His lips quickly attach to the column of your neck before drawing a moan out of you as he sucks the skin lightly, teasing the tender flesh with teeth.
“Baby, please,” your unfinished request falls on expectant ears, and he takes the initiative to guide you both to the room, though not without difficulty as you adjust against him.
The cool metal door greets your back abruptly, nearly knocking the wind out of you as Matt stumbles, too distracted by the growing warmth between your thighs and fluttering heartbeat.
“I’m sorry!”
“It’s okay,” you laugh against his cheek before leaving a trail of kisses alongside of his scruffy jaw, ending below his ear. “Just get me to the bed in one piece.”
The mattress sinks beneath your weight and you find yourself engulfed as Matt hovers over your body. He kisses the already sensitive spot on your neck while his hands roam your soft skin, chuckling as he pulls sweet noises from you.
“Baby…” you whine, writhing and shoving your hips into him in search of attention.
“What’s the matter sweetheart?” He mumbles into your neck while his fingertips graze over your hardened nipples, causing you to gasp.
Lines form against your forehead as you study his reaction, experimentally dragging your palm against the evident bulge in his pants. He anticipates your forwardness, quickly wrapping a bruised hand around your wrist and pinning it above your head, before tracing the column of your neck and thrumming pulse with his tongue.
“Did you mean it?” He growls against you, his spare hand snaking towards your aching core. “Did you mean it when you said you wanted to help me?”
Your legs are manually parted as he shoves a hand between your thighs, cupping your clothed cunt, and you can’t help but peel your back off the mattress at the subtle friction, lust clouding your senses completely.
“Answer me,” he taps against your core harshly, prompting your attention. “Did you mean it, angel? Be honest, I’ll know if you’re lying.”
“Y-yes I meant it!” Tap. “I mean it!” Tap.
“Good girl.”
In your own selfishness, you expect him to indulge himself in your dripping offering, and to your astonishment and disappointment, he instead places a featherlight kiss beneath your jaw before pulling away from you.
His changed demeanor leaves you breathless while gentle, panting breaths float around your bodies as you attempt to collect yourself. He studies you— listening and acclimating to your exact needs and responses. His intensity is felt as it aimlessly wanders the features of your flushed face.
During the small windows of inspection, you yourself have become accustomed to Matt’s reactions, easily identifying his yearning by the way his chest falls in short succession to the way his lips part in nervous expectancy before finally melting into you.
This kiss is different. The way he touches you is soft and intentional, tracing the outline of your jaw and the curvature of your ear, sealing his adoration with a stamp against your forehead.
“You trust me, right?” He whispers against your lips.
“Of course I do.”
Although you mask your confusion, your heart betrays you, fluttering in your chest.
He listens to the rhythmic thudding as if it were communicating with him, practically pleading that he stop his routine of self denial and give in to his vices.
You notice his quick smirk before processing the way his knuckles graze against the mounds of your breast and trace the outline of your body.
“And you know I love you, right?”
“Yes.” You shiver against the delicate touch.
“Good…” he runs calloused fingertips against your thighs before returning his attention to your lips. “Kneel on the ground and hold out your wrists.”
The demand barely registers through your hazy awareness, and you’re only cognizant of Matt’s missing warmth from the way your limbs prickle.
He is hypnotic, moving effortlessly around the room in pursuit of something you’re unsure and uncaring about. You nearly reach out, practically desperate to touch any part of him, and yet you’re only able to concentrate on the way the flashing lights emphasize the contours of his muscles hidden beneath his fitted black shirt.
“Do I need to remind you of where you’re supposed to be?”
You gasp unintentionally at the alluring timbre mere inches from your ear- too preoccupied with the glimpse of maroon swinging from his closed fist, an indicator of your immediate future.
“No,” you exhale, silently cursing yourself at your incompetence while shuffling around his body, bracing yourself against the hardwood floor. “I’m sorry.”
Before he could correct you, you hold out your wrists to him in submission.
It feels odd at first— surrendering to his fervor and your own hunger, knowing his cognition has been blanketed with the desires of the flesh while you dangle in front of him on your knees.
You can’t help but wonder whether you are the one who washes his wounds or are nothing more than the inflictor, simply offering tangible and fleeting relief to his moralistic suffering.
“I’m okay,” he precedes your concern, kneeling in front of you. “I just… need to feel in control for a little bit. Can you help me do that?”
It feels as if the roles had switched and you could audibly hear his nervous heartbeats and feel the warmth radiating from his neck and cheeks.
You nod, knowing he can sense your agreement.
“But if you say stop,”
“We stop.” You finish his sentence.
“Exactly.” He exhales with a mirrored smile, scanning your face earnestly before landing his vacant gaze just beyond your left ear.
The maroon rope feels heavy in his hand and he stiffens, the end of it hardly brushing against your bare thigh as if to make a subtle introduction.
He catches the way you hold your breath in the chasm of your throat at the gentle intrusion before guiding your exposed wrists to his lips, sighing into the way your pulse reacts to his touch.
“I love you,” his declaration fans against your delicate skin before he lifts himself from his kneeling posture, now completely towering over your submissive form.
The room is filled with an electric hum; whether it was the blinding billboards or the charged current circulating both your bodies, you were unsure, but you knew Matt could feel it as well.
He remains silent, drawing out the suspense as he exaggerates the fluid motions by pulling the rope to accentuate his wingspan before cuffing your wrists, leaving you wide-eyed and expectant.
Meticulous patterns form around your skin as the rope burns deliciously with each loop, and although it doesn’t hurt, you wince, drawing a breath between your teeth.
Matt cranes his neck towards your reaction, his jaw growing taut as he listens for your heartbeat and warmth blooming across your cheeks, chest, and between your thighs.
“Feel okay?” he asks, roughly tugging the tail ends of the rope.
“What was that?” You jerk forward unexpectedly, whining as your knees crush into the floor while he pulls the ends of the rope together with force, cinching the cuffs to your wrists. “I asked you a question, sweetheart. Use your words.”
“Yes sir, it feels good.” The blush creeps towards your ears in embarrassment, emphasized by the way Matt silently knots the loose ends.
You study his work, admiring the way the rope hugs your skin and applies the perfect amount of pressure to your veins while securing you to submission before he loops a finger through the middle knot and tugs, inspecting his own handiwork.
It’s evident that you are timid- nearly naked and restrained, Matt circles you, noting the way he has reduced you to nothing but wanton expectation.
You feel like a caged bird; displayed for the masses while others indulge in your beauty— the excitement and hope of being rewarded overpowering the nagging urge to open and offer yourself up for the taking.
The lack of attention is maddening, and you make no attempts to hide it, completely aware that Matt is relishing in your impatience.
He knows it’s a cruel game, but your fluttering heart and shaky breaths only add onto his enjoyment as he controls your reactions, finding it particularly amusing to watch you clench your thighs in search of any kind of relief.
And while it is a cruel game, he also prides himself on being fair and just, leading him to slide a thick boot between your parted thighs as he centers himself in front of you.
“Fuck,” you moan at the unexpected contact.
He extends a hand to cradle your face and you watch him with pathetic puppy dog eyes.
“What’s wrong angel? Does it feel good?” His tone teases you.
“Yes sir,” your voice is embarrassingly small and you shrink under the way his eyes desperately scan your face.
“I know it does. You’re gonna help me and I’m gonna help you, okay? Can you do that for me?”
You look divine— wrists bound in maroon and held close to your chest as if you were praying to him, nearly drooling as he fiddles with the buttons of his pants.
As much as you crave to be touched and devoured, your need to be used- to be the one that relieves him of his iniquities- takes precedent, and you impatiently stretch your arms to help him undress.
“Come on, angel. You know better,” he gently scolds, attempting to disguise his amusement. “Are you really that desperate?”
You audibly whimper as he spits into his palm before stroking his length in front of you, and he knows that you don’t have to verbally answer him- he can practically taste your dripping cunt as you grind against his boot.
But you do answer, though, and open your mouth to offer your throat to him with complete satisfaction as he smirks.
“So fuckin’ eager, huh?” He taps the tip of his cock against your tongue. “Go on then, take it.”
Without a second thought, you wrap your lips around his length, quickly pulling a moan from the depths of his chest. You do your best to take as much of him as you can without using your hands, skillfully running your tongue against the shaft before hollowing your throat to fit him.
He hisses in pleasure and you hum around his heavy cock as he bucks his hips automatically, quickening the pace in selfish pursuit.
“There you go,” he thumbs away the stray tear that follows the contours of your cheek. “You’re doing so good for me.”
The praise baits you and you take it with ease, bobbing your head in rhythm with his thrusts. You’re too engulfed by his affirming moans to care about the drool that coats your swollen lips, consequently dripping onto your bare chest.
“Fuck,” he grits, grabbing your cheeks to pull you off of him before he finishes embarrassingly fast and collides his lips with yours. “Make yourself feel good, sweetheart. You deserve it after waiting so patiently.”
You want to be ashamed. You want to be absolutely humiliated at the speed in which you follow his orders, but the way your hips move automatically, dragging your clothed core across his filthy boot and the expletives that fall from your lips suggest otherwise.
“Feels so good,” you whimper, dropping your head against his knee.
“I know, angel. You’re doing so good for me.”
The heels of your palms support your weight as you pick up your pace, chasing your pleasure while your pulse thrums against the maroon rope in tandem.
“Look at you,” he coos, wrapping his fingers through your hair to pull your face towards him. “Such a dirty girl riding my boot like that.”
“Such a dirty girl,” you repeat, already feeling your judgment become clouded with the oncoming ecstasy.
Matt laughs in disbelief, almost impressed at how quickly you have unraveled beneath him. He can tell by the way your hips stutter and fingernails scrape against the floorboards that you are encroaching upon your first orgasm, and he almost gives it to you— almost.
“C’mon now, you know better than that…” he tsks, noting your confusion as you freeze. “You should know that I’m the only one who gets to make you cum, angel.”
You should have known better than to doubt Matt’s leniency; he was very black and white, rare to show unwarranted mercy towards those who are undeserving, and you have yet to convince him that you are worthy of a climactic release.
With leaden hips, you stop your movements, hoping to be rewarded for your compliance.
“Please, Matt…”
“What’s the matter?” He teases, beckoning for you to stand with outstretched arms.
You meet him, your knees groaning as you struggle to gain your balance, only to be held upright by a large hand cupping your warm cunt.
“Jesus!” Your moans fill the air as you throw your head back, desperately grabbing onto his shirt through the confines of your roped cage.
“Wrong guy, sweetheart,” he smirks before placing a kiss to your pulse, gently swirling his fingertips against your drenched panties while leading you to the bed.
The mattress dips beneath your weight as you plop down, only ceasing to part from Matt’s lips while he hastily attempts to undress.
You drink him in, enchanted by the way his muscles work in tandem with his own fervor, the fluorescent lights washing over his contours and scars as if to pay homage to his own selflessness.
Without thinking, you reach out for him, fingertips barely grazing the elastic waistband of his boxers.
“Did I say you could touch me?”
“No, but,” you hardly expect his reaction, let alone the way he slides his hands beneath your knees, forcing your body towards him
“Did I say that you could touch me?” He enunciates his words carefully.”
“No sir.”
“No sir,” he repeats. “That’s right, do I need to remind you of your place?”
Sliding your legs further apart, you open yourself up to him like some offering on a golden plate; his threat is felt between your thighs, and you make no efforts to hide the effect of his words.
“No sir,” you smirk at the way he clenches his jaw as your scent captures his attention.
“I don’t think I agree with you, angel.”
The cool air hitting your drenched core sends a shiver through your body as Matt tears your underwear from your hips in an attempt to reinstate his authority. You stifle a laugh at his urgency, knowing your efforts for attention had not been in vain, and yet the thrill of punishment excites you.
Without fail, you find yourself being spread open to a hungry and awaiting audience.
A warm breath fans against your inner thighs and you shudder at the intimate intrusion. His lips savor the warmth of your skin, his fingers gripping onto your soft flesh like you’re threatening to melt away.
“Matthew,” you moan as he inches closer to your pussy, but never close enough.
“Hm?” he murmurs into your skin, and you tremble as he adorns your body, leaving a trail of wet kisses in his exploration.
“Your mouth,” you gasp as he experimentally brushes the pad of his thumb against your clit, never peeling his lips off of you.
“What about it?”
“I want it!” Your hips buck towards him on their own accord, chasing any kind of attention.
“You want it?” He draws a finger between your folds, collecting your sweet offering before bringing it to his tongue. “Tell me where you want my mouth.”
“On my- God! On my pussy! Please!”
“You’re so cute when you beg.”
He indulges himself per your request, his warm breath fanning across your core before he satisfies his thirst, drinking you in with a flat tongue and open mouth moan.
You melt against him effortlessly as his mouth satisfies your prolonged pleasure, trying to touch him, to bring him impossibly closer while he teases your clit, but your fingers hardly graze the tufts of hair between your knotted restraints.
He ignores your selfish attempts, too preoccupied by your taste, his senses completely engulfed by all that is you.
It’s humiliating at how quickly your orgasm builds. Your body feels like it’s on fire with each languid stroke of his tongue against your sensitive clit, his fingers marking you with ownership as he anchors himself to your thighs, moaning into your cunt like a starved man.
“Matthew, I’m so close.”
He actually whimpers, scrunching his eyes while grinding his hips into the mattress for some release, knowing that he is the one responsible for your ecstasy.
“Cum for me, princess,” he mumbles into you before expertly sliding a finger into your pussy, hooking you to him as he pulls your orgasm out of you, selfishly giving over some control for his own insatiable desires.
You obey perfectly, unraveling against Matt’s tongue as he works you, your vision blurring and wrists burning from the tension against the maroon ropes.
“Stop!” You croak out, twitching from overstimulation.
“What’s the matter, honey? Is everything okay?” He pulls away from you with glistening, downturned lips.
“Out,” you hold out your wrists. “I need out. Please.”
Matt is quick to respond and unbinds you as gently as possible, taking extra care to caress the patterned indentations along your delicate skin.
“You did so good for me,” your pulse thumps against his wet lips as he soothes you, gently squeezing the lengths of your arms to relax the muscles.
Free from the confines of your mental and maroon cage, you yield to the crumbling preservation and melt into a familiar safety of Matt’s gentle affection.
“Need you,” you whisper, freely stretching your hands towards Matt’s face, drawing him into you for the first time. And although he nearly crushes you, the added weight is comforting, filling a part of you that had been gnashing and snarling for attention.
Your lips fit together, colliding with an urgency and avidity, and you swallow each other’s affinity. You study his body with your touch starved fingertips, caressing his skin and lingering over the raised markings and scars before pressing into them, collecting his moan into your mouth.
“I need you,” you raise your hips towards his length that rests between your thighs. “Please.”
Without hesitation, he pulls himself from the confines of his boxers, completely disregarding his calculated systems of control and authority, and glides his leaking tip over your drenched heat.
“Fuck,” he trembles as he positions himself over you, and you take the opportunity to mark his neck with hungry kisses.
Your attempts are futile; he intertwined his fingers with yours before slowly pressing his cock into you, your body welcoming him with ease.
“God, you’re so tight, angel.”
“You’re so fucking big.”
He listens to your body— the way your muscles contract as he rubs circles around your swollen clit, the way your cunt stretches and burns to fit him, and the way you welcome it with your eyes rolling back as he grinds his hips into your own, expertly hitting your g spot.
“Please don’t stop!” You beg, your voice bouncing off of the rafters, the echoes only encouraging him to continue his efforts. “It feels so good, baby.”
“I know it does. You’re doing such a good job taking my cock, sweetheart. Such a good job.”
He wishes he could watch the way he slides into you, watching the way your face contorts in pleasure as you take him, but he is just as satisfied hearing the lewd sounds of your cunt greedily swallowing him. He knows by the way your fingernails dig into the soft flesh of his shoulders that you are reaching your climax, practically begging him to continue.
“Matt,” you whine, desperately holding onto him like you would float away if you let go. “You’re gonna make me cum.”
“What was that?” He asks, knowing fully well what you confessed.
“You’re gonna-“ you falter as you watch him suck on his fingers before circling your abused clit.
“Tell me, angel.”
“You’re gonna make me cum, daddy.”
He groans, not anticipating that your own release would trigger his.
“That’s right, sweet girl. I’m the only one that makes this pussy cum, isn’t that right?”
“Yes yes yes!” You nod while simultaneously chanting your agreement, trying your best to hold onto the building climax. “Cum in me, please! Please, I’m begging!”
“God you’re such a dirty slut, begging for daddy’s cum, huh?”
It crashes over you unexpectedly; your chest pulls towards the heavens and you scratch your name into his back as your orgasm floods your system, luring Matt to follow suit.
“Such a good girl for me, just taking my cock like that— fuck— gonna fill that pretty pussy!” His hips stutter as your greedy cunt clenches around him and he spills into you, giving you all that he can.
“There you go sweetheart, such a good girl for me,” he falls into you, melts into you, savoring the scent of every exposed inch of skin that you offer up- his breath fanning against the crook of your neck as he pumps his hips a final time for good measure before pulling out of you reluctantly.
Falling against the silk sheets, you entangle your limbs with his, connected by exhaustion and delirious smiles, reveling in the closeness and simplicity of each other’s presence.
Matt reaches out to you, cupping your face with a warm palm that invites you to nuzzle closer.
You aren’t sure why you’re whispering— maybe to preserve the illusion of dignity or the sanctity, but it blankets the both of you with a tenderness that reflects the soft smiles mirrored between you.
“Hi, beautiful.”
A warmth creeps up your neck and blossoms to your cheeks, so evident that you are ablaze in his limited field of vision.
“Shut up,” you deflect, shying away from his tenderness by burrowing into the crook of your arm. You’re used to the physical affections and the acts of service, making adjustments to his definition of quality time, and yet his words never fail to make you come apart.
“Never.” You’re pulled into him against your own will but never fight back, enjoying the soft kisses that he plants against your bare shoulder. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you sneak your hand to wrap your fingers around his, bringing his knuckles to your lips to seal your declaration.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
He hesitates, filtering through which words to choose.
“For trusting me— for choosing me. Thank you.”
You turn to face him, throwing a blanket over your tangled limbs and settling in the closeness. He feels your stare studying the features of his face, landing on the creases of his bashful smile.
“I’ll always choose you, Matthew.”
A comfortable silence falls between you, and the annoying buzz of the alarm clock meddling with the sound of a busy city just outside the windows dares to pull his attention away from you. He waits, though, listening to the succession of your breaths evening out, your muscles relaxing as you nestle into his radiant warmth, and a gentle hum slip through your lips to indicate the sleep that washes over you.
“I’ll always choose you, too.”
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 7 months
Hello, I read ur rule and it says you write about mental health issues so, can I request a resident lover one where mc copes in a way that uses cutting basically
Sh, and it's not like.. obvious but concerning enough, and id like to see how donna would do, or react in your perspective,thank you ❤️ also the previous Donna fix was awesome, got me feeling butterflies
(Hello! Thank you so much for your kind words. I’ve decided to do Donna and Bela like you asked in the other ask you sent. I really hope that you enjoy this and that it helps you)
Donna & Bela reacting to their S/O hurting themselves
RL! Donna x Reader & RL! Bela x Reader
(Warning: Self harm, mentions of blood, comfort)
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💐Donna Beneviento💐
- When she first found out, she was utterly stunned, not once did she expect you to do this.
- A million thoughts run through her head, mainly self-deprecating thoughts blaming herself for not noticing sooner.
It felt like time had frozen in place as you saw Donna standing in the doorway. You saw that she had already left for work but you didn’t expect is for her to come back so soon.
“W-what, cara mia-” is all Donna could say. She walked away to get some things to clean up the blood and treat your wounds. When she got back she sat you down and began the treatment, staying silent most of the time until she spoke up.
“Tesoro, you don’t have to do this. I’m here, if you need to talk to anyone I-I’m always here for you.” Donna says nervously, afraid that she may say something wrong and make it worse.
She swiftly finishes up rubbing the disinfectant on you, taking the bandages and stares through them like she’s zoned out in thought. Donna looks at your fresh wounds and leans forward to place a small, quick kiss on one of them. This caught you off guard but you were touched by the sweet gesture, making you smile a little.
“I love you, caro, and don’t you ever forget that. If I ever lose you my whole world would be shattered.” Donna says, placing another kiss but this time on your lips. “Now let’s get you wrapped up and you can vent to me if you’d like. If not then we can have a you day and do whatever you want.”
🫀Bela Dimitrescu🫀
- She was shocked when she found out that you self harm. She even scolded you, telling you that if she ever lost you her newly beating heart, the same heart that you helped her get back, would be shattered.
- Though she stops talking and takes a deep breath once she realizes that she’s scolding you. She then takes the more comforting route.
Bela felt as if her heart dropped down to her stomach when she saw what you were doing. She ran towards you and grabs your shoulders firmly but still gentle.
“W-what are you doing- no, why are you doing this?!” Bela frantically asks, looking into your eyes, seeing fear and guilt in them. She takes a deep breath to calm herself before pulling you into a gentle embrace.
“It’s okay darling, I’m not mad. I was never angry at you I was just scared. Let me clean your wounds.” Bela assures, pulling away to get a wet towel and some disinfectant.
When she got the supplies, she began to clean you up. Staying quiet to gather her thoughts. After she was finished she gently pulled you into the bed with her, your face in her chest.
She played with your hair to comfort you as she spoke, “I’m sorry I didn’t notice this sooner. Please don’t do this anymore, if you ever need to talk, no matter what time it is you can always come to me and I’ll listen to whatever you have to say.” Bela says, kissing the top of your head.
“But for now, rest up sweetness and I’ll be right here when you wake up.”
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portaltothevoid · 1 year
you're losing me -- terzo x reader
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A/N: so.... yeah.... ghost has taken over my life. i had this idea, i was thinking of it like i was writing it, and i wrote it! so here's my first lil entry into the ghost fandom. hi! i have an idea for a part two so... if this does well and you want one? let me know?
song: you're losing me by taylor swift
warnings: angst, hurt/no comfort, allusions to mutual cheating, terrible communication (please talk about your feelings), fem!reader
word count: 1.5k
You’d been putting this off for a while. Constantly snapping. Constantly hiding. Hiding the fact you were in pain, the fact that pain caused you to act in ways, to do things, you never thought you would. There were some sins, even in this satanic church, that weren’t to be celebrated. One of which you had committed and, from the looks of your observant eyes, so had he. Yet, you couldn’t stand the guilt just as much as you couldn’t stand being casted into the shadows any longer. 
“That was some party, eh, amore mio?” he asked, snaking his hand around your waist. 
The only response you were capable of giving was a stiff smile. He couldn’t just see the fakeness oozing from your features, he could feel it. You’d been silent the whole walk back to your shared quarters. Most of the time you’d swear he never noticed you, but he did. As soon as you both were away from the prying eyes of the others, he saw you deflate. Your shoulders slumped, your features all but turning to stone. He was never one to pry. He was always afraid of the emotions difficult conversations would bring up. It was just something he never knew how to handle. A side effect of always being on display.
Tonight was different. Lately, it seemed there was always tension radiating off you. All he wanted was for you to come to him and tell him what’s wrong. Yell at him, if you had to. Something. Anything. Anything other than this. So his hand slid to the other side of your waist as he turned himself in front of you, stopping you in your tracks. Quickly, he placed his other hand on you, steadying you. His eyes scanned your face for any sign of life, pleading with you to tell him everything.
You sighed defiantly. “The party was great. You really outdid yourself this time.” A lie and a truth. The party was torture. The only way he outdid himself was by sneaking away three times, twice with different Sisters of Sin, and once with a Ghoul. Even when you tried to ignore it, somehow you instinctively always looked up just as he was headed out the door, to somewhere more private, more quiet. Every time it chipped away at your now calloused heart.
“Why are you being like this?” he asked softly.
“Why am I being like this?” you repeated. “Why are you like this?” You shook your head as you pushed him aside, briskly walking the few paces to your chamber doors, leaving him stunned momentarily. The door was almost shut before he caught up.
You had stormed off to your bureau, alreadying having started to take off your ornate garnet jewelry. You ignored him when he entered the room.
“Cara mia, per favore. Talk to me. I…” he trailed off as he reached for your shoulder with a trembling hand. 
You swatted his hand away. “Don’t,” you said harshly as you turned around, hurrying, as if you couldn’t get away from his touch fast enough, over to the walk-in closet to change out of your dress. 
He gave you a few moments, not daring to push his luck. You had changed quickly. Staring at yourself in the floor length mirror, you didn’t see the rage you felt bursting inside. All you saw was sadness. The shell of your former self. You stared at yourself with your hair pinned up, perfectly placed stray hairs framing your face, your black t-shirt, and merlot colored sweatpants. You hated everything about this moment. 
The floodgates have opened.
Behind you, you saw him leaning on the door frame. Your eyes met in the mirror. 
“What have I done to make you hate me so much?” he whispered.
You spun around. The fury of hell shone in your eyes. “You really don’t have a fucking clue, do you?” you said, charging past him.
“So… so you really do hate me?” 
“I can’t– I can’t do this anymore, Terzo!” You’ve never seen this man look more hurt than he did right now. He was searching for an answer, for a hint, for something that might explain how everything had led up to this point. You took a few deep breaths before you finally told him everything that you had kept locked deep inside. “I can’t watch you flirt with everything that walks on two legs anymore. I can’t watch you sneak out of rooms with someone else’s hand in yours. And– and– and I know you’re the Papa now, but… There used to be an us. We used to be a team. It was you and me. You… you made me feel special. For the first time in my life I felt seen. After that mitre went on your head, it’s like the spotlight blinded you. You haven’t even seen me at your side, because you pushed me back into the shadows.”
“I have never lost sight of you, tesor–”
“But you have, Terzo. You have. Ever since you got the Grammy for the Church… It’s felt like… the only time you even acknowledge me, the only time I’d ever be special to you, is behind these closed doors. At the parties, you dance with me once and then you’re… you’re batting your eyelashes at every other person who looks at you. I can’t follow you around anymore and be ignored. I’m not you’re fucking shadow!”
“Why have you never told me this before? Why haven’t you talked to me about this?”
“I’ve tried. I’ve asked you to include me more. I’ve asked you to– I gave up begging for your attention. For your affection.”
“But you know how I am, you knew what you signed up for.”
“No. I knew you were a flirt. But this? I never signed up for this.”
Terzo felt the tears start to sting his eyes. While he never purposely meant to push you away, now that you’ve said it, he knew exactly what he did. He took for granted the one person he wanted… no, needed by his side. But he wasn’t all that oblivious. He’d seen you sneak away just as you had seen him.
“And how do you think it felt when I would watch you sneak away? You think I don’t know why you don’t come home some nights? Hmm? What do you have to say to that?” he challenged.
“‘Why have you never told me this before? Why haven’t you talked to me about this?’” you echoed mockingly. “Because I wanted to be where I felt wanted, where I felt like my feelings were reciprocated. I wanted to be where I felt like a queen. I needed to feel loved.” Your words dripped with venom, but he scoffed at them.
“Oh, please, this is a church not a monarchy.”
“But don’t the two go hand in hand? With the way you’ve been acting, I never would have known there was a difference,” you spat.
He felt like a knife had been plunged into his heart and it just kept going deeper and deeper.
“Tell me how it started. Tell me what made you seek solace in someone else,” he demanded.
“After I caught you with Sister Thérèse. I just ran. I ran and couldn’t even see where I was going, because of how hard I was sobbing. I collided with someone around a corner who had come to see what was the matter. He kept your secret. He hasn’t told a damned soul. So I knew he would keep mine.”
There was nothing left to say. Nothing left to do. The damage was irrevocable. Any semblance of this relationship was left asunder. Terzo couldn’t move. The weight of his actions, and lack thereof, immobilized him. You wasted no time walking around him, back into the closet. Grabbing a good-sized duffle bag, you started filling it with clothes and a couple pairs of shoes. You walked over to the bathroom and tossed in various toiletries. Walking around him once more, you unplugged your phone charger from your side of the bed, before going to the bureau and sliding your phone in your pocket. Once the bag was zipped and slung over your shoulder, you made your way to the door.
Too wrapped up in your haste to leave, you didn’t hear the footsteps padding behind you on the carpet. It wasn’t until you felt his hand grab yours did you turn around. 
“Who is it?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. “Who makes you feel like a queen, feel… loved?”
You hesitated. Only for a brief moment. The man in front of you held the most power out of everyone here at this Ministry. But there was no way you or who you were going to could be implicated without Terzo implicating himself. Looking him dead in the eye, you told him, “Cardinal Copia.”
The second the words left your mouth, he dropped your hand. The door felt heavy as you opened it and it shut behind you. Tears sprung in your eyes and began to fall, cascading down your face. You were only a few steps away when you heard glass shattering against a wall.
part ii
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vioartemis · 2 years
Didn't you want this, Cara Mia?
(Wednesday Addams x fem! Sinclair! reader)
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Summary: You're Enid's twin sister, and happen to have a tiny little crush on her best friend Wednesday Addams Part 1 || Part 2 Warnings: Injuries, blood, mention of death (I think that's all) (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
Here it was; the Rave'N. Your worst nightmare. The bal wasn't actually your worst nightmare. It wouldn't have been if your plan went well. But it didn't.
You were now condemned to the torture of seing your crush go to the Rave'N with someone else.
At first, you weren't too happy, but you knew it was for the investigation's sake. But now. It was not that anymore.
You really liked Thing. But was he forced to write that note to Tyler in Wednesday's name?
Wednesday. Your sister's best friend. The girl you have a crush on. Okay he didn't know that. But still. Why him?
"Hey Y/n! Ready to go?" Yoko asked
You turned around to face her. She was pretty. And your date for the bal. But not a date, date. Neither of you was interested in the other, you only went together as friends, nothing more.
"You look good" you said, walking toward her
"You too" she smiled "Let's go, we're gonna be late"
You nodded silently, letting out a sigh.
"Everything's okay?" the vampire asked, walking by your side
"Yeah, just.. the idea of seeing the person I like dancing with someone else is more than unpleasant. I really don't want to see that but.." you sighed again, shaking your head
"That sucks. I'm sorry for you. But you can still dance with him, even if you didn't come together. Or her." she winks at you as you both entered the ball room.
"Not sure about that, but thanks"
You smiled at her, before greeting Principal Weems and Mrs Thornhill, wondering if Wednesday was already here, but you couldn't see her anywhere.
She was, in fact, already here, her jaw clenched tight at the sight of you and Yoko arriving together. She hated that she felt like that. That you made her feel like that.
At first, she didn't understand what was happening to her, so she asked Thing for advice. What he told her wasn't what she expected, and she didn't like it.
She felt weak every time you looked at her, every time you smiled at her. She would never admit it out loud but she liked your smile. Not now though. Not when she wasn't the reason you smiled.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Three hours into the bal, the only interesting thing that happened was Wednesday dancing. She was stunning. You couldn't take your eyes away from her.
"Do you like her??"
You jumped at the sudden exclamation.
"Jesus, Enid! You scared the shit out of me! And keep your voice low please!"
"So you like her?? You like Wednesday??" she asked again, more quietly
".. Yes. Tell her and you can say goodbye to your stuffed animals"
"Why are you being so- ohhh" she smirked "Are you jealous?"
Before you could answer, you felt something drop on your shoulder. Something red. The red drop soon turned into a red rain.
"Carrie.." you murmured
"Interesting choice of animation, I have to say. Sadly it is not pig blood, but paint."
Earing Wednesday's comment, your lips turned into a soft smile.
Everyone was panicking and falling on the floor, while you calmly stood here, admiring how red looked good on the ravenette, who got pushed forward by a student trying to flee the room.
Suddenly, her head fell back. She was having a vision.
"Wednesday are yo-"
"I need to go. Eugene is in danger."
She was already gone. Shit. She was putting herself in danger. You started running after her, guiding yourself with the scent of danger, which was becoming stronger every step you took.
But you weren't going fast enough. You knew it. The only solution was to wolf out. You didn't want to. You didn't tell anyone that you already wolfed out.
When you wolfed out the first time, the only thing you could think about was what your mother would say or do to Enid. You were twins, even if you didn't look alike. And you knew your mom's behavior toward Enid would've been worse if she knew.
So you simply didn't tell anyone. To protect your sister. To who you've been lying for almost a year about your transformation.
In your wolf form, you were going fast enough to see the monster Wednesday told you about ready to cut Eugene in half with its claws.
You didn't think twice and jumped on the monster, attacking him with your own claws, trying to push him far away from Eugene and Wednesday, who you could hear coming.
You fought for a while. But the monster was stronger than you. You started to feel dizzy. You were about to turn back into your human form.
You tried to hurt the monster as much as you could, hoping that it would go away before your transformation ends. After you almost gouged out one of its eyes, the monster threw you into a three.
You thought it was about to end you, but instead it ran away with a limp, to your relief. You slid down the three, all your forces leaving you.
You heard footsteps coming toward you, but you passed out before seeing the face of the person.
This person was, of course, Wednesday. She saw everything. The fight, your wolf form, the way you were hurt. She was running toward you, and for the first time in her life, the sight of a body, hurt and covered in blood, didn't feel good.
Because it was you. Death didn't look good on you. Not as good as she thought it would. She hated it actually.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
"If you die, I will kill you."
That was the first thing you heard since you passed out in the forest. You were in what you thought was a bed. A very confortable bed. Nothing to do with the forest.
Maybe you were dead.
No, that wouldn't make any sense given what you just heard. So you should be in a hospital. Yeah, now you could hear a slight bip bip beside you.
You opened your eyes slowly, letting out a grunt when the bright light of the room kinda burned your eyes. As you did, you felt something - or someone - move next to you.
You turned your head to the side, wanting to see who it was, even if you already had an idea.
"Hi Wednesday.."
A little smile made its way up to your face at the sight of her. She was sitting on a chair beside you, a book on her lap.
"Why did you do that?" the ravenette asked "You put yourself in danger. You could have not wolfed out."
"Actually... it wasn't the first time I wolfed out... I already did, almost a year ago"
She raised her eyebrows, visibly surprised.
"Enid doesn't know" you added
"Still. You could have died."
"I thought you liked the sight of death?"
You saw her fingers grip her book until her knuckles turned white.
"It doesn't suit you."
You stayed silent for a moment, not knowing exactly what she meant.
"Is Eugene okay?" you finally asked
"He's fine. He just left. Enid too."
You tried to sit on your bed, but as you did you felt a sharp pain in your chest. You quit and just lay on your back, looking at the ceiling.
After a little while, you spoke again, quietly.
"What is it Y/n?"
"Thank you. For being here." you turned your head toward her once again "I appreciate it. Really." you smile, before adding "Oh, I wanted to tell you.. Blood looks good on you. As long as it's not yours"
You took a deep breath, well as deep as your wounded chest could handle, before continuing.
"You know, I uh.. I think I'm in love with you.."
"I see you are still recovering from your fight. You are clearly out of your mind."
"I'm serious Wednesday. I'd do anything for you. I'd die for you. I'd kill for you. I'd rip my heart out of my chest and carve your name into it if you asked me to." you claimed
She looked at you, trying to figure out whether you were serious or not. You were.
"That is a terrible idea. I could ask you to do that."
"Ask and I'll do it."
You looked dead serious. At this moment, you swore her lips curled up a little. She stood up, and walked toward the door, but stopped before exiting the room.
"You are mine."
You were surprised by her sudden words, blushing hard. She turned around to look at you, a slight smirk on her beautiful face.
"Didn't you want this, Cara Mia?"
[Next part]
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toournextadventure · 2 years
Hi, don't know if you're still accepting requests. But if you are I have a really long one.
I was thinking about a Wednesday Addams x fem psychic reader (possibly masc), where the reader is like an investigation partner for Wednesday. (I don't know if you want to give some more backstory)
The reader is obviously crushing hard on Wednesday and compliments her, in very Addams way, every chance she gets. And when it's time for Rave'n, the reader just says fuck it and asks Wednesday. And they're matching (all black obviously).
So when it starts raining blood and everyone starts screaming, the reader puts on a waltzer (midnight waltz, Adam Hurst) and asks Wednesday to dance like:
"May I have this dance, cara mia?"
And they just waltz in the bloody ballroom.
It would really make my gay heart happy, thank you in advance.
I gotchu bestie, don't even worry about it 😎
the show must go on
“You look preposterously gloomy,” you said when Wednesday finally stopped looking for more clues about the Hyde. “It suits you.”
This whole Hyde thing was really starting to wear Wednesday down, you could tell. Weeks and weeks of trying to figure out the mystery and she still wasn’t much closer to figuring it out. You had offered your assistance instantly, of course, but two minds most certainly were not better than one.
At least it gave you an excuse to flirt. Which you may have learned from her father on Parents’ Weekend. After he had gotten out of jail. Maybe you needed a better role model.
“We can keep an eye on the cave tomorrow night,” Wednesday said with a huff. You knew she didn’t take defeat well, but this was starting to get downright comical.
“Tomorrow night is the Rave’N,” you pointed out when you followed behind her on your way out of the woods.
She didn’t answer, leading you to let out your own huff. You had wanted to do this with some sort of dignity, but it appeared she wasn’t going to let you. Why would she, you thought with a roll of your eyes. She wouldn’t be Wednesday Addams if she gave you an easy time.
“The Hyde has to appear at some point,” Wednesday finally said as you neared campus. “And I plan on being there when it does.”
“I doubt it would show during the Rave’N,” you mumbled. Wednesday either didn’t hear you, or didn’t care. “We might as well do something that would make us miserable.”
Now that made the young Addams pull up short. With minimal effort at best, you suppressed a smile when she turned to look at you. It was one that you received far too often, one that dared you to continue and see what would happen. A beautiful look, it was; you would do anything to see it more often.
“What would that be?” Anyone else would have missed the hint of a smile on her lips. But not you. No, not you.
“You might as well accompany me to the Rave’N,” you answered. “I guarantee it’ll be positively frightful.”
She didn’t give you a response of any kind before continuing her walk back to her dorm. Oh what a wonderful thing to be around an Addams. It was never boring.
As predicted, Wednesday's silence on the matter had been a resounding yes. She was already looking stunning in her black vintage dress when you stopped by her dorm to pick her up. No smile, no words, just the silent understanding that she wasn't excited, but that's what was going to make it so much fun.
"You look ghastly," you said with a smile as you slipped the corsage over Wednesday’s wrist.
“You match!” Enid practically shouted when she saw you at the door. “Have you always had that suit?”
“It was my father’s,” you said with a smile. “Fits like a glove, wouldn’t you say?”
“Do a spin for me,” Enid said, and you were more than happy to oblige.
You could feel Wednesday glaring into your very soul as you spun slowly, your arms outstretched so Enid could ooh and ah as much as she wanted. There was one point where Enid even came up and started adjusting your tie - horribly, you thought with a contained giggle - and you thought Wednesday was going to murder her. To you, it just made her all the more beautiful; nothing was more beautiful than a woman scorned.
“We should get going,” you said once you had finished enjoying Wednesday’s silent rage. “We’ll see you down there, Enid.”
With outstretched arm, Wednesday took it and let you walk her down to the dance. She still had yet to say anything for that night, but you didn’t mind. Her father had told you time and time again how she was a woman of few words, and that was okay. It was very Wednesday of her, especially given the fact you knew she wasn’t exactly stoked to be going.
The dance was already in full swing by the time you both appeared; nothing was better than being fashionably late. You shared a single look with Wednesday - who looked like she would rather die than be there - before dragging her to the dancefloor. She was going to enjoy the night even if it killed her.
If she was lucky, it would.
“Your dancing is mesmerising,” you told her once she stepped back in front of you. Still no smile, but there was a twinkle in her eye that betrayed her outward unhappiness.
You opened your mouth to make another comment when you felt something drip onto your shoulder. Wednesday’s eyes darted to your shoulder before she furrowed her brows. Another drop, this time on Wednesday’s cheek. Red?
Before you knew it, the sprinklers went off and something with the appearance and consistency of blood was falling from the ceiling. For the first time that night, Wednesday smiled, a beautifully bloody grin. Whether it was from the blood rain, the screams of everyone around you, or the general chaos, you didn’t care. She looked stunning.
“One moment,” you told her as you got an idea.
You nearly slipped a few times on your way to the DJ table, but thankfully Wednesday was too distracted by the chaos to notice. The DJ himself was nowhere to be found, but that was alright; you knew how to hook your phone up to the speakers. It took only a moment to connect and another moment to put the song on before you could slide your way back over to where Wednesday was standing.
As soon as the waltz came on, her head turned to you, her smile now gone and replaced with a look of curiosity. None of that animosity she had shown earlier in the night. No, this was a genuine look from her, her emotions unmasked for the first time since you had known her.
“May I have this dance, cara mia?” You asked as you held your hand out for her to take.
Just like that, realisation dawned in her eyes as her smile came back. She took your hand and let you pull her into the waltz, the blood making your movements a little smoother. If you both slipped once or twice you didn’t call attention to it; it didn’t matter.
In the chaos, you found the beauty in being with an Addams. It was horrifying, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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I Forget Where We Were
1.6k/ joel miller x f!reader / MINORS DNI 
summary: life with Joel from the start. Be kind please- this is my first piece and has taken 6 months of courage🤍
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Chapter Seven: Evergreen
Take me back to the catacombs, I am tempted by her love.Bluest eyes against my own skin, I have never been so caught up. 
what to expect: There’s radio silence, as Joel contemplates his options.
warnings: bad language i guess idk?😂fluff, dad!joel,lover boy joel, no specific physical description of reader, female reader (please let me know if there is anything I’m missing, I will elaborate as the series goes on) no outbreak, age gap (reader is mid 20s and Joel is mid 40s), boyfriend!joel? i repeat boyfriend!joel, angst, another woman but relax guys, Daddy Joel loves you and things will be okay, alcohol consumption 
    · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
The only sign of life from you was Tommy telling Joel he had seen you at the gym and you offered to pick Sarah up from school on Thursday.
He couldn’t help the way his heart sank like lead everytime your name was mentioned.
‘Sarah’s at a sleep over Friday night, you fancy the bar?’ Joel asked Tommy.
‘Yeah sounds good, think we need to have a chat’ Joel sighed and hung up the phone to his brother.
    · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
You somehow made it through to Friday afternoon, and you and Laura sat together at lunch still investigating all the possibilities of who Mia was and why she missed Joel.
Usually you weren’t an overthinker and you were good at taking things at face value. The reality was you were Joel’s girlfriend, he had told Tommy and all his work buddies about you, weeks before becoming official, and not to mention, you were now part of Sarah’s life, and all your friends knew about Joel.
This, however, a random woman you had never heard off popped back up telling Joel she missed him, and reinstating plans. How else should you take this?
‘Worst case is, she’s an ex something who Joel’s not spoken to her since you guys got together and she’s just checking in on plans they made pre- you& Joel. A little needy and desperate, sure, but haven’t we all been there?’ Laura played with you hair as you held back tears and rubbed your thumb on your bracelet.
‘Let’s go for drinks tonight doll, I need it’ you composed yourself and tried to give Joel the benefit of the doubt.
Laura agreed, and you texted Joel.
Look, I’m sorry I just went silent for a couple of days. I love you, I love Sarah, somehow I love Tommy🙄 but we’ll talk soon. I don’t want to lose you, but I just need answers x
Within seconds your phone chimed with a reply:
I love you too, we all do. It’s just a misunderstanding, I want to explain it, I do. Let’s just do something Sunday and sort this out. 
You sighed relief, but couldn’t rid yourself of the underlying feeling of dread.
   · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
Laura turned up at your apartment, and shrieked when she saw you.  You were in a dark grey two piece, a maxi skirt which sat low on your hips and a high cut long sleeved top to match, showing off your stomach and curves.
She looked stunning as always. Auburn hair, tanned skin, and glowing emerald eyes, wearing an orange satin backless ankle length dress to match.
Meanwhile, Joel and Tommy were getting ready to talk all things devastating. 
   · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
The drink went down too easy, as you& Laura ended up in an unfit state, dancing on tables and making a fool out of yourselves.
Joel and Tommy were sat in their local pub, down the block to you, unbeknownst to either of you.
The whiskey took over, and Joel pulled out his phone. 
I’m still up for this weekend if you are.
*current location*
Be there in 5.
Simultaneously, Tommy noticed Joel texting but couldn’t see the red heart emoji next to the name, just like you had.
You better get down here.
Be there in 5. I’m with Laura, you’ll love her, she does yoga😉
   · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
You and Laura left the bar and stumbled down the road to where Tommy and Joel were. At the same time, a gorgeous black haired girl with piercing blue eyes held the door open for you. You thanked her and Laura said ‘I loveee your outfit’ in typical drunk girl fashion.
You noticed you were hot on her heels as you followed her through the exact same route to get to Tommy and Joel.
The knot in your stomach tightened as she leaned into Joel before you could, with her arm snaked around his neck. You were both the same size, and so Joel draped his hand around her waist as he did you, and pulled her in. He kissed her cheek as he made eye contact with you. Time stood still, and Tommy gulped and was in the middle of you all like a deer in headlights .
‘Mia, this is Joel’s girlfriend. Joel, remember her?’ Tommy spat venom towards his brother.
‘Baby, let me explain’ Joel croaked, looking at you offering his hand.
‘Explain what, Joel? ‘Mia interrupted’How we make plans to live in the same city, and you ghost me for three weeks before inviting me here and rocking up with a whole ass girlfriend?’
‘God damn I ain’t talking to you’ Joel hissed.
‘Then why’d you ask here’ Mia spat.
‘I’m leaving’ you sobbed, and Laura followed you, darting out the doors.
‘Baby wait’ Joel yelled, but you were gone.
‘Look I’m gonna drop the girls back. Joel, you know what you’ve gotta do. Mia, go do something or someone else’ Tommy patted his brother on the back.
‘I want to go to Joel’s’ you sniffled.
Tommy agreed and let you in with a spare key, and then drove Laura home.
You stumbled around the bathroom and got ready for bed, slipping into one of Joel’s old t-shirts. You started to regret your idea, out of fear that Joel would bring Mia home, and you played the whole situation over and over in your mind.
As you started to drift off, the lock clicked and you heard Joel’s footsteps come up the stairs. He showered and then crawled into bed next to you.
‘I’d never do anything to hurt you, you have to believe me’ Joel sighed.
Your body shook as you sobbed ‘Leave it for tomorrow, I don’t want to talk about it now.’
   · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
You were woken up by the blinding summer sun in your eyes. Ordinarily it would start your day positively, but it was accompanied by a dull dehydration headache and the weight of saving your relationship with Joel. 
Joel was still beside you, and his hands were wrapped around your forearm, as if subconsciously begging you not to leave. You wrapped a loose curl around your finger and swept it off his face, and kissed his forehead. Already, his presence calmed you, although you were devastated. He began to stir, and pulled you closer. His movements were slow, and he took in a deep breath as a pang of guilt and anxiety took him like a stake to the heart.
The alarm clock read 7:13am. Plenty of time to clear the air and get your affairs in order before Sarah gets home.
You nuzzled into Joel like a runt of a litter, and he held you so tight, you swear you stopped breathing. ‘I’m so sorry baby. Please let’s fix this.’ Joel ran his hand up and down your back, and you fell back to sleep,
    · · ────── ·𖥸· ────── · ·
It was only half an hour later but you woke up and went downstairs to make some coffee.
Joel was still in bed, but his phone, wallet and belt were on the breakfast counter.
His phone was flashing and buzzing.
2 new messages
6 missed calls
You sighed, and left the phone screen facing up, dreading the outcome.
The floorboards creaked as Joel made his way downstairs. He crept behind you and kissed your shoulder. You gave him his phone.
He shook his head and lounged back on the sofa bringing his coffee through with him.
Like a lost puppy, you followed him through and sat in the armchair opposite the sofa.
‘Look, I don’t care who texts you or messages you. You can’t help it, but I just care how you respond. And you responded by texting her last night when you were drunk and putting your hands over her.’ Tears spilled over your lashline, and rolled down your cheeks.
He took a deep breath, and his eyebrows raised as he searched for the words to give to you.
‘It was a mistake. We saw eachother a couple of times way before you, and I just wasn’t that serious. She never met Sarah, she never came over. Mia lives out of town and she had to come here for work for a weekend so we just planned to do something. Obviously I met you and just didn’t text her back. Like you say, I can’t help that she still wanted to see me or the thought crossed her mind.’
You cringed slightly as he didn’t seem to grasp why you were upset. You wanted to be understanding but couldn’t get over that he texted her still last night, and cuddled her the same way he does with you. 
‘So what were you planning on doing when she met you last night? If Tommy wasn’t there or if I didn’t come?’ 
For the first time, Joel was speechless.
‘Look, you’re my girlfriend. I wouldn’t have let anything happen. I’m sorry for what did happened and I know I crossed a line. I should never have done anything to make you feel as shitty as you do. I love you’ Joel sighed as words failed him.
‘I love you too, I just don’t want to be wondering what if.’
‘All I can do is prove it.’ Joel sighed.
‘Let’s go get some breakfast’ you said, ‘We’ll go get Sarah soon and go do something with her, don’t want to ruin her Saturday.’
‘You’re right- thank you for looking out for her. I promise I’ll make things right for you’ Joel grabbed your hand as you walked past and rubbed his cheek into it.
‘I know. It just takes time’ you sighed, and cradled him into your hip.
Now to begin the healing process. 
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feralforpapa · 2 years
Missionary Man [Part 2]
Terzo Emeritus x AFAB!reader
A/N: Thank you all for all of the love on Part 1! I’m sorry it took so long to get this out, I’ve been swamped at work lately. If anyone has any fic or headcanon requests for Papa 3, just send ‘em my way. 💕
Plot: just a continuation of Missionary Man [Part 1]
Warnings: NSFW. Smut. Pure smut. Foreplay. Fingering. Unprotected sex. Breeding kink.
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“As much as I want to confess right now… I also have to keep you on track with going onstage, Papa.” Your voice was almost a squeak as your face was still being held by Terzo’s hand. “I still have to do my job.”
Terzo’s lips pressed into a thin line and he gave you a quick nod before dropping his hand to his side again. He turned back to the mirror once more, giving himself the final outfit check - he was always adamant about looking put together, and it always showed based on his exquisite suits, stunning Papal robes, and right down to his calm and lustrous demeanor. For a moment, you thought you might have angered him, or made it seem like you were trying to reject him in a subtle way, and that sent a wave of panic through you.
you were promptly cut off before you could even get his name out of your mouth, and that was probably for the best, considering that your voice would’ve sounded small as you tried to explain yourself.
“I know. The ritual comes first, and then we can resume this… confession… si?.” Terzo shot a reasurring smile at you through the mirror. “We still have a job to do here.”
“We do.” You let out a little sigh that conveyed how much you didn’t want to be professional at the moment. “Speaking of: it’s time for you to go backstage.”
“Mhm,” Terzo hummed, folding his arm behind his back to take that proper stance that always seemed to drive you wild. “A lot of ground to cover tonight, cara mia.”
There were a few moments of silence between the two of you. Both of you seemed to be caught up in your own thought process about the way the rest of the night might possibly play out. We’re the confessions taking place here? The hotel? Somewhere else? The possibilities were endless, but you weren’t very picky about where any of it took place. All you knew was that you wanted Papa Emeritus III’s cock buried inside of you within the next two hours, or you were bound to just lose it.
Terzo finally turned his eyes and attention over to you after that bout of prolonged and tense silence.
“Half an hour will seem like an eternity, no?” He asked as if he had just plucked those thoughts directly from your brain.
“Well, I’ve waited this long to have some time with you, so, I don’t think another hour will kill me - hopefully.” You smiled in amusement, and silently willed yourself to last a little longer.
So far, you were doing fairly decent at keeping your mind on your job itself, but that seemed to get a little harder with Terzo stepping towards you now. He stared down at you, and his eyes were still consumed with that look of hunger from before. You swallowed down the lump that had settled in the back of your throat, and started to become very noticeable to you that your arousal was only growing as Terzo’s gaze almost put you in a trance-like state. His hand came up once more to grasp you tenderly by the chin, giving you a pull towards his body.
“Bravo ragazza.” Terzo’s accent came out velvety and smooth as he purred at you.
That was it, and that was all it took for your arousal to come fully into fruition. You weren’t very fluent in Italian, but you knew enough from your time at the ministry to know when your Papa was calling you a good girl. You clamped your thighs together right where you stood, forcing yourself not to moan out loud at his words, or just forget about the ritual all together and drop down to your knees in front of him.
It was practically like the floodgates had opened at that moment - figurative and literally, let’s just be honest about that - because every single encounter that you had with him never failed to make a puddle form between your legs. Every passing glance at Mass, the way he strutted the halls with such a balanced and confident stride, and his eyes… those fucking eyes that you’d been so desperate to watch bore holes into your soul while he was between your legs again… it was all you wanted at that moment.
“Y-you really-“ you had to cut yourself off to take a deep breath and swallow down that lump in your throat again, “You really have to go backstage now, Papa.”
Terzo, already sensing your emotions let that smug smile pull at his painted lips again. He gave your chin another small squeeze before lowering his head to press a quick peck to your lips, only letting the heat between the two of your linger for less than a second. He pulled away with a small, teasing hum as he dropped his hand from your face.
“I assume you’ll still be here when I return, hmm?”
“Yeah, definitely not going anywhere.” You caught your bottom lip with your teeth this time.
You couldn’t done everything in the book to try and hide the way that you were feeling or how goddamn desperate you were to have that man on top of you, but it was of no use. Terzo wasn’t a fool, and he knew exactly the type of effect that he had on you, because it had never been much of a secret. There really was no way of keeping secrets from him anyway. He always seemed to know exactly what you needed and when, especially if it involved a need for him; it was like he could smell it on you like you were in heat, or something. Then again, perhaps you were when it came down to the brass tacks of it. The man seemed to hit the on switch for your most primal instincts, and it left you wanting him in the most animalistic of ways.
Needless to say, Terzo was a very versatile lover from what you had already witness from him. He didn’t have any hangups about trying new things, nor was he on some sort of “alpha male” power trip where you were just expected to lay there and let him fuck you without complaining. He could be dominate if needed or wanted, yes. But, the man was also capable of laying you down and making love to you like you were the only person he ever needed or wanted. And that change of pace was always nice when you were in the mood for it.
But, romance wasn’t really what you were after at this moment in time. There was a part of you that wanted him to fuck you until you were raw, because at least you’d have something to remember him by in case you didn’t get a chance to be with him for another few weeks. You were already a flurry of emotions, and nothing had even happened yet. You were undeniably aroused, but also sad at the thought that he might be gone and busy again once you two fucked. You knew deep down that you were never going to get enough of him, you’d always want more.
“Alright.” It was Terzo’s voice that brought you back to reality once more. “Then I fully expect you to be here when I come back.”
“Yes, Papa.” Your voice betrayed you, and your tone oozed with how needy you were.
Terzo let his mismatched eyes roam your form for a moment, but it didn’t last nearly as long as you wanted it to. Before you could even blink, he had already turned and sauntered fluidly over to the dressing room door. But, he didn’t leave before cocking his his head back to you, throwing a flirty smile and that goddamn wink of his over to you. That was the second time in the span of 10 minutes that he made you want to sink down onto the floor - whether that be to gravel at his feet or blow him was debatable - and just like that, he had disappeared out of sight, closing the door behind himself.
That hour and a half really did feel like an eternity, just like Terzo had questioned you about before he left. You found yourself pacing around the dressing room like a caged tiger, doing your best to take your mind off how slowly the time seemed to be dragging on and on. The slow ticking of the nearby wall clock seemed to get louder and louder by the second; needless to say you weren’t doing a very good job at keeping your mind occupied elsewhere.
You did a lot of preening in the mirror during that time. You did your best to make sure your outfit and hair were styled right, wanting to make sure everything was in place. You became slightly insecure that you might not look as desirable as you thought you should - but that was obviously a harsh critique on yourself that wasn’t needed.
Your outfit of choice wasn’t all that different from the stage garb that the Nameless Ghouls wore. You did your best to try to look the part while you were on the road with them, but it was also the fact that you just appreciated their aesthetic. You wore a long sleeve button down and the hem of it was tucked neatly into your jeans, and those jeans were paired with black leather boot me that stopped below your knee. You spent a good chunk of your time buttoning and unbuttoning the top button of your shirt, trying to decided which looked more appealing.
You finally decided to leave it unbuttoned after 30 minutes of internal conflict about it.
The time that wasn’t spent obsessing over your appearance in the mirror was spent keeping yourself occupied by listening to the echo of the band playing as it reverberated into the backstage hallway. Of course, you could’ve gone out to watch them perform, but you had seen the show countless times and you just didn’t want to tack on anymore temptation for this moment that wasn’t already there. Terzo had already gotten you wet just by being in the same vicinity as him, so seeing him performing and going through his usual antics onstage would’ve driven you completely feral, and it was only bound to get worse before the night was over with.
Nearly two hours later, your salvation finally came when you heard Terzo’s vocal over the beginning of Monstrance Clock echoing through the venue. You knew full well what that meant, and anybody that knew anything about a ritual did; it was a tradition that it was the last song to be played at the end of the show. That’s when your nervousness really began to hit you with full force, knowing you were only moments away from Terzo returning. You made your way over to the vanity once more, still listening to the ongoing chanting of the crowd as they sang along with Terzo.
You laid your hand on the counter, leaning over slightly as you gave yourself another once over in the mirror. You bit your lip at the thought of the confessions that you were going to make, and that only made the excitement settle in the pit of your stomach.
You were sitting on a leather loveseat that sat in the dressing room when the door finally opened up to reveal Terzo standing in the doorway. You could see in Terzo’s face that he was still high from the adrenaline rush that being on stage gave him, and you knew that would only add fuel to the fire of what he was going to be like now. You shifted where you sat as you watched him shut the door behind himself as he sauntered over towards you. You had taken off your boots a while ago, letting your feet press against the floor as you stood up to approach him.
“How was the Ritual tonight?” You asked, with a coy smile tugging at your lips.
“Amazing, Tesoro. They always are,” Terzo replied, offering his gloved hand to you. “But, we can talk about that later. We have - if I may say - more important matters to attend to, don’t we?”
“Yes, absolutely. We do.” The words came out of your mouth a little faster than you intended to.
Nope. There was definitely no denying your neediness for him now. But, the way his head tilted back slightly as he looked down at you through his lashes let you know he seemed to be pleased by that. And if there was one thing you wanted to do: it was to please Terzo in every way that was possible.
“I guess we should start with your confession then, si?” Terzo asked, taking another long step toward you, letting his body come to a stop only a few inches away from yours.
And then that solid lump formed in the back of your throat again, but it seemed damn near impossible to swallow it down this time. For a moment, you thought you might choke on your own words, but somehow, you managed to swallow thickly before letting out an audible sigh. You turned your eyes up to Terzo’s again, and it didn’t take them long to start scanning over his face paint. It never failed to make you weak in the knees to see how it brought all of his best features to the forefront.
“How do the siblings do it?” You asked.
Terzo cocked his eyebrow at your question, as if he didn’t quite understand your meaning.
“The confessions,” you added with a small laugh. “Is it, ‘forgive me, Father, for I have sinned?’ Or ‘Forgive me, Papa… I haven’t sinned enough.’?”
Terzo smiled with a quietness, letting that intimidating gaze of his grow into one that was ready to send you over the edge. He reached his hand up just as he had before, letting his gloved digits grasp lightly at your chin, giving you a small tug forward as his mismatched eyes burned into yours.
“The rest usually just ask for a talk… but, I could get used to hearing that second one, cara,” Terzo purred, letting his accent roll fluidly off his tongue. “And what about you, eh? How do you want to address your Papa?”
“Well, if we we’re going by the restrictive rules of Christianity… then I’ve sinned a lot lately, Papa- sinful thoughts, anyway.”
There was a slight pause, and the tension between the two of you felt like a thick cloak was being draped over the entire room itself.
“And what are those thoughts?” Terzo’s voice was more of a whisper as he raised an eyebrow with strict interest and attention.
Here it was, it was all or nothing now. There was no way you could mention something like that and not go through with telling him about it.
“You,” you confessed, biting into the side of your cheek. “My mind keeps going back to our earlier… encounters… I mean, the thoughts are really bad during Mass, but they get even worse at night.”
You raised your hand up to wrap your fingers around his wrist while he still had your chin in his grasp. You gave it a small squeeze as you blinked up at him with a wanton expression. This man had barely touched you in all the ways that you needed him to, yet you were already mush in the palm of his hand, ready and willing to do anything he asked.
“I know it’s probably obvious and, like you said, there’s no need to be coy,” you continued, letting out a small breath when you felt his fingers squeeze into your skin again, “So, the confession is that: no matter how many times I try to get myself off at night thinking about you, it just doesn’t compare to how good you made me feel when you touch me.”
“I can’t say that it didn’t seem obvious… I can feel the tension and frustration radiating off of you when I’m near you these last few weeks, amore,”he replied, letting his eyes scan over your face and body. “And if your body didn’t give you away, then the way that you look at me certainly does.”
“Guess I’m not so good at keeping secrets.”
“Not from me, no.”
You started to let your hand drop away from Terzo’s wrist, but he finally released your chin and grabbed your hand instead, pulling it up to place your palm flat against his chest as he tilted his head at you.
“But, I am slightly disappointed to hear that you aren’t finding your own pleasure lately… that just won’t do,” Terzo hummed, letting the tip of tongue click against his teeth to emphasize his words. “All of us need to be satisfied and happy if we are to serve or ministry properly.”
“Give it back to me then.” Your fingers gripped slightly into his white shirt. “Please.”
“As your Papa, I’m happy to provide whatever you need.” Terzo’s free hand snaked around your body, pulling you into his chest.
He finally lowered his head enough to put his face closer to yours, and it was close enough that you could feel his breath against your skin. Your fingers gripped further into his shirt this time, and you closed the distance between the two of you as you leaned forward to press your lips against his. You couldn’t help the small moan that escaped against his lips as the two of you engaged in a long awaited makeout session. You could feel his arm tug you flush against his body, and that only made you more eager to keep your lips on his.
You were only showcasing your impatience by both of your hands already starting to work their way over the silver buttons on his shirt. You tugged at them to unsnap and few and you felt the chuckle against your lips from Terzo before he dragged his warm tongue along your bottom lip.
“Trying to skip right to the good part, are we?”He mumbled against your lips.
“All of it’s good, Papa,” you breathed against his mouth, catching his bottom lip between your teeth.
You could feel that smirk of Terzo’s as he brought his hands up to your chest, starting to undo the top buttons of your shirt. The kiss continued when he took the lead and pressed his lips back to yours, letting his tongue slip into your mouth this time. Another small moan sounded in your throat as your hands grasped at his slender waist, but a whine of protest escaped you when he detached his mouth from yours too quickly for your liking. There were more wanton stares thrown back and forth before he finally let two of his gloved fingers slip between the buttons of your shirt.
“I’d love to see this unbuttoned just a little more, cara,” Terzo purred, tugging at the fabric of your shirt, then dropping his hand to the button on your pants. “And these.”
“As long as you’re the one doing it,” you told him, taking his hands in yours to pull them back up to your chest.
“With pleasure.” Terzo’s lips pursed while he slowly began to unbutton your shirt.
His eyes barely left yours as he as he finally undid the last button and let your shirt fall open. But, obviously he couldn’t stop himself from dropping his gaze down to get a look at your bare chest. You watched his teeth scrape over his bottom lip. You took the incentive to try and further please his eye by shrugging the material from your shoulders, letting it slide down your arms to pool in the crook of your elbows. You stayed like that for a moment before dropping your arms to let the shirt fall to your feet.
“Hot. There’s no other way to put it.” Terzo’s hand snaked around your waist once more, giving you a sharp tug into his body. “And far too irresistible to be so unstatisfied lately… but, I’m determined to fix that tonight, sorella.”
He ghosted his lips over yours on purpose, making the intensity of the moment build before ducking his head down to your neck. There was a small gasp that escaped you, and your hands involuntarily clamped down on his shoulders when you felt his warms lips on your neck. He immediately found that sensitive spot at the base that he knew would send you into a completely unhinged state. You felt his lips suction around your spot as he let out a small growl against your skin, and then you felt the material of his gloved fingers move their way up your body to your breasts.
You dug your nails into the material of his suit on his shoulders, letting your head fall back, rendering yourself vulnerable to his mouth as he nibbled and sucked at your heated flesh. One of Terzo’s hands fell down to your ass, gripping into like he owned it - like you were his - it made you squirm with delight against his body to see him assert that dominance. You didn’t bother to try and stifle back the moan that escaped your throat when you felt him press his warm tongue against the base of your throat to lick a stripe up to the side of your neck. He coated you with his saliva as if he was marking you for himself.
“Fuck, Terzo,” you whined, sounding completely desperate for him, but that was the least of your concerns. “I need more of your mouth. Please.”
“That’s a dangerous request to make when I’m starving to devour you again,” Terzo purred against your skin, brushing his thumb over one of your stiffened nipples. “Especially when I know just how fucking good you taste.”
You huffed out in response to his words, practically turning into a post-verbal mess before him. It was light a switch had finally flipped inside of you, and whatever shyness you were still clinging onto was finally released. Instead, you were taken over by your own carnal instincts and your need to let this man have his way with you.
You reached up, grasping at Terzo’s raven black hair to pull his head down to your chest. You only had to use minimal effort, because he was more than willingly to duck his head down and suction his mouth around one of your nipples with a certain quickness. You whined sharply and hiked one of your legs up onto his hip as much as you could; your next goal was to press your crotch flush against his, more than a little impatient to feel his cock harden against you. Your grip strengthened on his hair as he growled against your breast, continuing to tease your nipple with his tongue. You couldn’t hold yourself back from rolling your hips against him, starting up at slow grind to try and relive that severe ache between your legs.
Terzo seemed to be pleased by your initiation, and it was further proven by the way his other hand dropped down and he was helping guide your small thrusts with his hands gripped into your ass. You had soaked through your underwear with your arousal by now, and you wondered how much more wet you could get before it soaked through onto his trousers - which was a turn on within itself, to mark him just as he had done you moments ago.
Terzo finally pulled his head up to press his forehead against yours, narrowing his eyes as he watched your face already contorting with pleasure. He kept that firm grip on your ass, giving your hips a small yank so you could grind your pussy flush against him this time - as flush as you could since the two of your were still clothed. Your pupils dilated with a glimmer of lust when you felt just how hard he was getting. You let your hands slip between the two of you, quickly unbuttoning your jeans and taking down the zipper.
One of his hands shot back up to your face, grasping your chin as he tilted your head back to make you look up at him once more. You watched the side of his jaw flare from the way he gritted his teeth, biting back his own seething arousal. Your hands came up to hold onto his waist as he stared down at you, and the smoldering look he was giving you made you realize that he probably wasn’t going to hold back when he finally fucked you.
“Touch yourself for me, cara,” Terzo groaned at your mouth, flicking his eyes down to your lower half. “You say it doesn’t compare to how I touch you, so show your Papa.”
Your jawed flared as you looked up at him with eyes that were already glazed over and completely shot with lust. You grabbed Terzo’s wrist, pulling it down between the two of you, leaning your head forward to engage him in another hot kiss. You slipped your tongue inside of his mouth this time, desperate to taste him in anyway that you could get it. He moved his tongue back against yours without protest, still using his other hand to grope and squeeze your ass as he began to grind against you with more intent this time.
“I’ll show you, but I wanna use your hand, Papa,” you breathed against his mouth, pressing his gloved hand into your crotch.
“Sembri così viziato,” he teased you for your needy behavior, but it was evident by his tone he enjoyed it. “At least let me get this off, si?” He lifted his gloved hand back up to show you.
You squirmed where you stood, wanting to protest, but decided against it as you nodded your head at him. You watched his painted lips tug into a smirk while he lifted his fingers up to his mouth. He placed his fingers to his teeth, biting down on the soft cotton of the gloves as he maintained eye contact with you. Your lips parted as you let out a sigh, watching him give a tug to the material to pull it off of his large hand. When his bare fingers finally came into view, your gaze went straight for them, eyeing them hungrily.
You grabbed Terzo’s wrist again, pulling it back down between the two of you, pressing his fingertips against your exposed underwear. Your breath hitched into your throat when you felt the warmth of his fingers as he pressed into the top of your pubic bone. You guided his hand, letting his fingers slip into the band of your underwear, and that’s where he decided to take over his own movements. You placed your hand over top of his, digging your nails into his skin when you felt the first few jolts of pleasure as his fingers slipped between your folds.
“Ah, sorella, you really have missed me, haven’t you? Already so wet for me,” he growled in that silly tone, using his fingers to spread your leaking arousal around your sex. “You are going to feel so good stretched out around me again.”
You moaned out, using your hand to press his fingers further inside of you. Your body jolted roughly against his, both of your chests pressed against one another. Your head fell back, enjoying the feeling of Terzo beginning to draw rhymically circles around your swollen clit. The ache you felt from in your core was still very prominent, but it was becoming a little more satisfied with each stroke he made with his skillful fingers.
“Right there, Terzo. Your fingers feel so good.” Your voice was already becoming shakey from each hard breath you took.
As much pleasure as you were in, you still weren’t intending to be selfish about it. You pulled your hand away from his, bringing it forward to press your palm against his crotch. You let out a grunt when you felt just how hard his cock was as it strained against the material of his jeans; that was enough to make you want to bend yourself over from him right at that second. You’d throw your own pleasure to the wind for him, but you knew he wouldn’t allow you to do that to you.
“Do you feel what you do to me, bellisima?” Terzo asked, jutting his hips forward to press his cock firm against your palm. “You aren’t the only one that thinks about us fucking. Fantasizing about you during Mass isn’t enough anymore.”
“Fuck me now, then.” The words blurted from your mouth without a single sense of hesitation as you rubbed his erection through his pants. “You can bend me over that vanity and use me, Papa.”
Terzo narrowed his eyes, and his fingers slipped deeper inside of your entrance until they were penetrating you fully. You felt his fingers curl upwards until he was pressing right into your g-spot. Your hand paused their strokes against his cock for a moment, becoming caught up by your own pleasure when he began to pump his fingers in and out of you.
“Facile, bambina. I’m going to breed you on every surface tonight, until you tell me you’ve had enough,” Terzo purred dangerously, creating rhythmic strokes against your g-spot for emphasis. “But first, I want to feel you cum on my fingers - that’s an order.”
You nodded feverishly up at him, looking at him through hooded eyes as he gave you his strict order. You started grinding your pussy down into his hand enough to press your mound into his palm as he fucked you with his fingers. Each thrust made your clit glide against his skin, creating a new wave of sensation and pleasure each time. Each stroke of his fingers only seemed to make you wetter, and that was very obvious as your arousal began to leak enough to coat his fingers and open palm.
“Fuck- right there- don’t stop, Papa” you moaned, grabbing hold of Terzo’s waistband, hastily unbuttoning his pants.
You snaked your hand into his pants, finally getting the first feel of how hard he really was when you wrapped your hand around his cock. Terzo growled out with a mixture of pleasure and impatience, pressing his hips against your hand, urging you to continue. You pumped your hand along his cock a few times, biting into your lip when you heard the first actual moan fall from his lips.
Hearing his deep voice turn into sounds of pleasure was more than enough to bring you closer to your impending climax. You stroked your hand along his length, stopping ever to often at his tip just to tease him, loving to feel the way he would thrust sharply against your hand. You watched as he glared at you with narrowed eyes, and that only seemed to encourage his to to make his fingers move more intensely against your g-spot. He’d pull his fingers from you every so often, but only to circle his fingers around your clit.
Your moans had turned into sharp whines as that coil of pleasure begin to tighten in your stomach, letting you know that you were getting close. Terzo only added to your stimulation as he dropped his head, surprising you as he took one of your nipples into his mouth again. You mewled out, letting your head fall back to surrender yourself over to his mouth and fingers as you were right on the edge of your relief. Your legs trembled right where you stood, so much that you thought you might collapse right there. Your movements against his cock finally paused, and you could feel the warmth of his pre-cum leaking onto your fingers.
“Terz’, I’m so close,” you panted, using your free hand to grasp his hair again, clinging to him while your walls started to tighten around his fingers. “I’m gonna cum.”
He released your nipple from his mouth once more, pulling his head back up to look down at you again. He grasped your face with his free hand, forcing you to look up at him, yet again.
“Si, cara mia. Show me how good it feels - I want to see that pretty cum face when you let go for me,” Terzo encouraged you, but still keeping a consistent pace with his fingers.
You released his length from your hands at that moment, bringing them up to wrap around him, hanging on for dear life. You cried out as you clung to Terzo’s frame, feeling that tight coil in the pit of your stomach finally snap. You felt that intense wave of pleasure as your orgasm began to overtake you in heavy waves that shuddered your whole body. Your chest rose and fell rapidly, and your walls contracted tightly around Terzo’s fingers, but he still made the effort to pump them in and out of you as you rode out your orgasm.
“I’m cumming.” You were able to choke out words through your gritted teeth, but only just.
“Brava ragazza, just like that. Cum for your Papa,” he continued to talk you through your orgasm, tugging at your bottom lip with his teeth. “Merda… I can feel you dripping down my fingers, tesoro. They feel that good, hmm?”
“Y-yes, yes.” You had to force yourself to answer his question.
You were already feeling a little dazed and foggy-minded, thanks to the first orgasm he gave to you. The last few weeks, you were only able to give yourself minimal amounts of pleasure, but having Terzo forcing you to cum for him gave it all back in an instant. It was slightly overwhelming to feel so much stimulation at once, but it was a euphoric feeling none-the-less.
“I need you, Terzo. I don’t want to wait anymore. I want you inside me now,” you finally began to beg without an ounce of shame.
Terzo, obviously starting to become just the slightest bit impatient from his own lust pulled his hand from your pants. He lifted his hand to reveal the way that you had slicked his fingers with your fluids, and his mismatched eyes scanned over them. You watched his take his fingers to his mouth, and you breath hitched when he dragged his tongue along his ring and middle fingers, tasting you.
He hummed, closing his eyes as he savoured the way you tasted on his fingers. He licked another stripe up to the top of his fingers before placing them in his mouth briefly to clean them off. His mismatched eyes finally opened to find your again, and he tilted his head at you with a small smile. He reached out that same hand to you, and it’s as if you already knew exactly what he wanted as your mouth opened without him so much as having to signal you to do it.
“You taste even better than you did the last time. If I went down on you now, I don’t think l’d be able to stop,” he whispered gruffly, pressing his fingertips against your tongue, making you whimper at his words. “But, I plan on having my face buried between your legs before the night is out.”
You lips closed around Terzo’s fingers with a hum, sucking at them gently before pulling your head back to make them pop out of your mouth. You grabbed his hand, pulling him with you as you headed for the vanity. You mind had only one intent at that moment, and that was to have his cock filling you completely; you had waited long enough to feel him again. You used your arm to swipe the contents of the counter to the side, gazing up at him through the mirror with a lust-driven glance of encouragement.
“Fuck me, baby,” you said bluntly, reaching down to shimmy your pants down below your ass, leaving yourself exposed.
Without another word, Terzo’s hand began to do the same to his trousers, lowering them enough to let his cock spring free from them. You pressed your chest down against the counter, giving your back as much of an enticing arch as you could as you reached back to grab at his waistcoat, pulling him into you. You grunted when you felt his large hands grab your hips, giving you a sharp yank back into his pelvis. You loved feeling that bit of assertiveness from him, even more so, you loved the feeling of him grinding and pressing his cock against your ass.
“You are so ready for me, cara,” Terzo moaned, letting the tip of his cock slip between your folds, teasing your slit with the head of his cock. “I can feel how wet you are against my cock.”
You groaned, pushing your ass back against Terzo to start up a slow grind against his cock and pelvis. You felt him press the tip of his length against your entrance, hitting his hips slowly to press his himself inside of you. You moaned out, digging your nails into the wood top of the vanity as Terzo gave a harder thrust this time, stretching you open as he began to penetrate you.
“Don’t stop,” you gasped, pressing your hips back against his, forcing his cock further inside of you. “I missed feeling you stretch me out, Papa.”
Terzo groaned, giving his hips a snap as he filled your pussy all at once with his girth. You let out a slightly strangled moan at the surprise of feeling him enter you all at once. Your chest heaved up and down against the vanity, and you lifted yourself up into your tiptoes, trying your best to expose all of yourself to him. You were presenting yourself to him as if you were something that was in heat.
Then again, being in heat was exactly what it felt like whenever Terzo was near you. Perhaps that’s what he meant earlier when he said that your body gave you away whenever he was near you. It was obvious that he could feel how turned on he made you whenever he was around you.
“And I love feeling you around my cock,” he replied through a growl, starting to give you slow thrusts as he kept a firm grip on your hips. “I want to feel you cum again. I want to feel you soak me before I breed you, bellisima.”
The next thing that you felt was a stinging slap to your ass. It made your body jerk forward against the vanity as you mewled out again, tilting your head back, and that’s when Terzo tracked his hand up the base of your neck to grab a fistful of you hair. He gave your hair a quick tug, reminding you that he was absolutely in charge, and that was when he began to roll his hips against yours with quick movements. His cock delved deep inside of you with each thrust of his rhythmic pace.
You choked out a moan, unable to form any sentences this time as you were taken over by the pleasure of him bottoming out inside of you. You panted as you laid there and took every single stroke that he gave to you, letting your cunt contract naturally around his length each time. Terzo let out growl and moans of his own, becoming focused on getting you off and nothing else. He landed another hard slap to your ass, leaving your skin red and burning, but it only added to how good it all felt.
The small room was was filled with the sounds of the two of you moaning in unison, and it was only contrasted by the lewd sounds of your skin colliding with Terzo’s as he fucked you. You could already feel yourself getting closer to your inevitable second release of the night, and you could tell it was going to hit you harder than the first. You had been reduced to nothing more than a moaning mess as you clinged to the vanity. You had had gotten so wet from the encounter that it was beginning to run down the insides of your thighs, it very obviously had soaked his cock and the front of his pants by this point.
“Does it feel good?” Terzo moaned, giving your hair a tug to pull your back up into his chest so that you were forced to look at him through the mirror. “Tell me. I want to hear it.”
“Fuck yes,” you whimpered when you felt the head of his cock brush your g-spot from this new angle. “I’m not gonna last much longer - you’re hitting my spot, Papa - goddamn.”
“Good,” he snapped hotly in your ear. “I want you to lose control for me, ragazza. I want to please you.”
“You do, Papa,” you cried, started to move your hips back against his, grinding yourself into his cock. “No one makes me feel this good. I’m all yours, whenever you want.”
“Of course you’re mine.” It was a blunt statement that sounded very serious when Terzo growled it against your ear. “I don’t want anyone else to have you like this, sorella.”
You had completely surrendered yourself over to him at that moment. You let your head fall back to his shoulder, still keeping that eye contact with him through the mirror as your hand came up to brush through his raven hair again. You gripped into it as he dropped one of his hands down to slip it between your legs, using the fingers of his bare hand to stroke over your sensitive clit. You grinded against him, but you were also met with those rhythmic, jarring thrusts from him.
“Fuck, don’t stop- just like that, Terzo. Shit, shit, I’m gonna cum so hard,” you encouraged him through choked crying, feeling your legs start to tremble more intensely this second time around. “I want you to cum with me, baby.”
Terzo moaned against your ear a little louder, his body shuddering against yours when you praised his efforts. You kept a tight grip on his hair, continuing to move your hips back against his, trying to fuck him just as hard as he fucked you. Judging by the sharp moans that both of you were letting out at this point, you both seemed to be doing a very good job and bringing each other closer to the precipice of climax.
“Cara, you’re getting your Papa so close. I’m going to cum with you-” Terzo let go of your hair and reached down to wrap his hand around your neck glaring at you through the mirror, continuing, “Where do you want it? Tell me, bambina.”
You turned your head up to look at him directly, pushing yourself up to let your lips crash into his. You moved your lips against his, nipping against his bottom lip every so often before slipping your tongue into his mouth. You moaned out when you got the first taste of yourself from earlier on his tongue, huffing out before pulling back enough to ghost your lips over his.
“I want you to cum inside me,” you breathed, letting go of his hair to cup the side of his face as you looked at him with big eyes. “I want all of it, Terz’. Your hair came up to grasp his hair just as quickly as you let it go. “Cum with me. Breed me.”
Terzo growled in response and his lips pressed to yours this time, initiating a very sloppy kiss as his tongue darted past your lips to get to the inside of your mouth. You whined against him as he let go of your throat, bringing his hand up to hold the side of your face briefly before pushing you back down to your chest on the vanity. You breathed breathed out and gripped into the vanity again when he grabbed roughly onto your hips again, you flicked your eyes up to him in the mirror, watching intently as he fucked you.
You didn’t want the image of him standing over you and fucking you from behind to leave your mind; you wanted to keep it etched onto your memory like an engraving on stone. The sight of it was more than enough to bring exactly where you needed to be at that moment. You locked eyes with Terri through the mirror, letting out strangled cries of pleasure as your eyes began to well with tears from the amount of stimulation you were receiving. The combined feeling of Terzo’s cock filling you up and his fingers drawing circles around your clit was the final nail in the coffin.
“Okay- okay-“ you managed to choke out, trying your best to form a coherent sentence to warn him. “I’m cum- FUCK- I’m cumming-“
You cut yourself off with a desperate cry as you doubled over against the counter, slamming your ass back against Terzo, doing your best to keep his length as deep inside your cunt as was possible while your orgasm overtook. You felt your walls convulsing and clenching hard around his cock, making him moan out along side you in the process as he leaned over to press his chest down to yours. You could feel the heaving of his chest against your back as his own composure began to wane.
“Ah, cara mia, sto per venire,” he announced, burying his face into the nape of your neck to let out a primal growl against your skin. “Ti senti così bene.”
You didn’t need to understand what Terzo was saying to know that he was climaxing - you could feel it. Your back arched painfully against his chest when you felt the first few spurts of his cum coating your walls and filling you deep. You continued to thrust back against him as much as you could, but you were slowly reduced to only being able to grind your ass against him. You doing your best to try and milk him for everything with his weight on top of you. You reached up with a shaker hand, placing it against the back of his head, for no other reason than to feel as close to him as your could.
Terzo returned the affection by laying a few random kisses against your shoulder blade, biting down into your flesh every so often with his teeth. Your hips shuddered against one another, and there were more than a few stray moans that escaped oth of your as you continued to ride out your orgasm to reach that post-coital high that came along with it. There were another few sets of sloppy kisses and nibbles being left along your shoulders and neck before the two of you were finally finished.
You body and legs were trembling so much at this point that you began to have genuine concerns that you’d fall over into the floor of you didn’t keep a tight hold onto the counter. You let out a large breath and let yourself relax against the counter. You felt him pull some of his weight off of you as he let his palms rest on either side you your head. His cock was still buried inside of you, and each movement that he made - no matter how small - sent aftershocks through you that made you whine softly.
“You are gonna be… the fucking death of me,” you breathed out, adjusting your head to eye him from your peripheral vision.
“Me?” Terzo scoffed before taking in a breath to relax himself. “You are younger than I am, sorella.”
“Mm… you’re way too humble, and a sadist to boot…” You did your best to prop yourself up onto your elbows, “there’s no reason to make someone cum that hard, unless you want them obsessed with you… old man.” You threw a teasing look over your shoulder at him.
“I don’t believe in things that are lackluster, and sex is at the top of that list. If I have anyone obsessed with me, I just chalk that up to my position as Papa.”
“Oh, is that how you explain that harem of siblings that are always following you around?” You hummed, throwing a look up to him.
Terzo smirked, reaching down to caress your cheek and chin with his hand. He tilted your head back to get a good look into your eyes.
“Is that jealously I’m sensing?” He questioned, stroking his thumb across your cheekbone.
“It depends on how much you’re gonna make fun of me if I say yes.”
His eyes wandered over your face and features silently for a moment. After a moment, he shook his head slowly before leaning himself in and pressing his lips to your cheek, planting a lingering kiss there. When he pulled back, he press his forehead into the side of your face, giving his head a small shake.
“You have nothing to be jealous of. I appreciate the devoutness of the other siblings and they’re loyalty to the clergy, but who’s the one that’s with me right now?”
You bit into your lip, and tried to pull your face away from his hand to hide the deep blush that began to radiate across your cheeks. But, it was no real use, he held your face firmly in his hand, giving it a little squeeze to let you know he wasn’t allowing you to pull away so easily.
“Answer me, Sorella.” Terzo’s tone was a little more stern this time, but you knew he didn’t mean for it to sound intimidating.
“Me. I’m the one with you now, Papa,” you replied, still looking back at him with a doe-eyed gaze.
“Exactly.” Terzo’s voice was more gentle when he answered, then he laid several quick pecks to your lips. “I thought it might have been becoming obvious that you’re my favorite of all the siblings.”
“I’ll make a mental note of it. I promise.” You smiled back at him, but quickly shifted your stance where you stood when you started to grow stiff from your current position. “Okay, I think I need to stand before my legs give out on me.”
Terzo’s length was still inside of you while it finally started to soften. The mixture of your fluids was quickly creating a mess that seeped out of your pussy. You could feel the mess it was making as it ran down the insides you your thighs, coating your skin, along with your pants and his. You grimaced lightly at the feeling of it now; the sloppiness of sex was always fun for the first few minutes after it was over, and then it just started to feel overly sticky.
“That statement right there: it makes you the oldest one here by default, Tesoro,” he chuckled, giving your cheek another small kiss before he stood up straight. “I’m going to pull out now, si?”
You nodded your head, non-chalantly reaching your hand behind yourself to lay it against his slender hip. It was the same reasoning as to why you grabbed his head moments ago; you just wanted to be close to him. You wanted to touch him and feel his warmth beneath your fingertips. Secretly, it was something that you didn’t want to l live without now. Terzo gave you a small smirk through the mirror, and it wasn’t until now that you noticed just how smeared it Papal make was; it was mainly the paint around his eyes and mouth that was smudged beyond repair
You felt him start to pull out, but even that added to the overstimulation that you felt. You moaned softly, giving his hip a small squeeze of warning as he laid his palms against your back, rubbing soothing circles to one of your shoulder blades. He gave a quick jerk back with his hips to pull himself out fully all at once, making another small moan escape your throat, and then came the feeling of all of his ejaculate running out of you.
“I’ll apologize for putting your legs to sleep, but I won’t apologize for the mess I made - that part was worth it,” Terzo mused, admiring the way that his seed oozed from your cunt before pulling his eyes up to your face again. “Are you okay?”
“Trust me, I’m fantastic,” you reassured him, grunting as you started to lift yourself up again. “Just a little worn out, if we’re going to be honest.”
“Let me help you then.”
His reply was quick and he didn’t give you any time to protest or tell him you were going to be okay before he was shoving himself back inside his pants and making a beeline to gather up another of your clothes that had been strewn around the room. You stared at him through the mirror, shaking your head with amusement as he pranced around to gather your clothes and, lastly, a small pack of wet wipes that he had in his stage back. He returned back over to your to set the items down on the counter, then he grabbed your shirt to hold it open for you.
“Yeah, no need for you to fuck that well and be this respectful afterwards,” you protested playfully, pouting at him through the mirror as you slipped your arms back into your shirt.
“Well, tough shit. You’re just gonna have to deal with the fact that I have a few manners, amore mio,” Terzo replied bluntly, giving you a smug grin.
“Mhm, very polite,” you chuckled, buttoning up your shirt.
You watched Terzo sink down to his knees at that moment, and you were slightly confused - but so not opposed to such a sight - you turned your body carefully towards him to see him pulling out one of the wipes from it’s packaging. It was very obvious what he was about to do, and seeing such a level of caring from someone that held such power was such an unusual thing to see.
“Wow. Papa Emeritus… on his knees with a pack of wet wipes,” you said it more to yourself than him, finding it rather comical to see. “Even you have to find this strange, Terz.’”
“Nope. It’s not strange for me, at all. I’m more than happy to pamper and look after any of my lovers - being Papa doesn’t absolve me of having decency,” Terzo replied, lifting up the wipe to your thigh. “May I?”
You nodded your head at him, turning your head away for just a moment to try and hide the blush he had forced from you again. You chewed the inside of your cheek when you felt the damp wipe come into contact with your skin as he cleaned your off. The was a gentleness to Terzo’s touch that threatened to arouse you all over again; the way that he too his time and the care he put into the actual aftercare was a whole kink of it’s own.
“Besides, I get on my knees for many different reasons,” he added, cutting a flirtatious glance up to you. “Had you not been so sensitive when we were finished, I would have happily dropped down to my knees to clean you with my mouth instead of this.” He waved the wipe at you to get his point across.
You sighed audibly at the thought of him going to his knees you clean the aftermath of your shared fluids with his mouth and tongue. It was right then that you cursed your body for getting so worked up that you had missed out on the chance to have that man’s face buried in your pussy while he was down on his knees for you. You let your head fall back for a moment so that you could let out a calming breathe, then you pulled your head back down to look at him as he finished up with wiping your skin down.
“Will I sound desperate if I ask for a rain check?” You raised a curious eyebrow at him.
“It’s funny that you think you need to ask for a rain check, as if we won’t be doing this again.”
“Well, I never like to assume things.”
“You can very much assume that I want to keep seeing you.” Terzo swiped over your skin once more before discarding a few used wipes into a small trash can by the vanity. “I did tell you that my face would be buried between your legs before the night is out, no?”
“If I can get out of Sister Imperator’s sight, you mean,” you laughed, pulling your pants and underwear back on again. “And yes, you did say that.”
“She keeps you for herself far too much. Perhaps you should consider assisting your Papa full time.”
“I’ll think about it, pretty boy,” you teased, reaching out to brush a lock of his hair back into place.
Terzo sighed, leaning forward on his knees to place a kiss to your stomach through your shirt. He flicked his mismatched eyes up to you, staring at you as he finally lifted himself back up to his feet. He still had that small smirk of seductiveness on his face as he took a step towards you, reaching out you caress the side of your face with his hand again.
“Well, you still have the rest of the night to consider a new venture. That is, if you want to accompany me back to my hotel?” He questioned, tilting his head at you.
You smiled, reaching out to snake your hands around his waist, taking a step forward to press yourself comfortably against his chest. His thumb strokes gently over cheekbone as he gazed down at you as if you were the only other person in the world. He had that otherworldly effect of making anyone feel special when they were in the moment with him, and all you wanted to do was for this feeling to last beyond tonight.
“Of course I want to… but under one condition,” you said.
“Run me a hot bath when we get there, pretty please,” you whined playfully, looking up at him with the most innocent gaze you could muster.
“Well, lucky for you, I had planned to do exactly that when we got their anyway,” Terzo hummed in response.
“Are you trying to make me spoiled?” You huffed.
Terzo tilted his head at you. “I don’t know- is it working?”
You rolled your eyes at him in response, doing your best to hide the smirk on your face as you finally turned your head. You pulled away from him with reluctance to grab your bag and pull the strap over your shoulder before throwing a look over your shoulder as Terzo followed you.
“C’mon, let’s go gather up the Ghouls and get them occupied for the night before they get loose inside the venue.”
“I’ll follow you. I get to enjoy the scenery more that way.” He winked at you.
Your eyes rolled at him yet again, but it couldn’t hide how undeniably happy you were in that moment.
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
So I've just read the entirety of Gabe and Odessa's story for the first time today.
Ghosti. It's so good wtf. I don't have the words to tell you how much I adore those two idiots in love and all the sweetness and fluff that surrounds them.
I am astonished. Positively befuddled. Absolutely and undoubtedly stunned by how beautifully written everything is.
Thank you so much for sharing all that hard work with us.
Thank you???? SO MUCH???? FOR THIS??????? :D :D
Here's a WIP of Gabe's POV from the 'between seasons interlude' thing I worked on, as a thank you, and hopefully a treat?
Contents: shifting, pining, mention of mating/true mates, estranged family, and fluff Wordcount: 2957
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The shift was already prickling along his skin the moment her little red VW was out of sight through the trees.
Thunder sensed it first, going tense before herding Axel gently away from the metal fence and chuffing at Mia to follow. For once, they both obeyed without question, and Gabe’s awareness of them faded.
A series of tiny tremors skittered through his muscles and he snarled as a frisson of pain shot up his spine. He needed to get out of sight of the main road and into the woods, but each step he took away from the direction she’d gone felt like he was being torn apart. His wolf was screaming at him to chase after her, throwing itself against the walls of his mind in desperation to make right whatever he’d done wrong, and no amount of human reasoning that she had just been there on holiday would placate it. Wolves didn’t understand time the way humans did and he found no way to convince his wolf that this wasn’t goodbye forever; that he’d see her again in no time.  
His mate.
That did make him pause, with one foot through the front door, the other still out on the veranda.
He’d mated her.
After leaving the city at just shy of nineteen, he’d spent the intervening fourteen years never expecting to mate anyone, and in less time than a single cycle of the moon after meeting her, he’d mated her.
Gabe’s eyes rolled closed and he clutched the doorframe as real, genuine pain lanced through his chest at the growing physical distance between them, and he let out a muted grunt through clenched teeth. He was bound to her for life, and he’d chickened out of telling her what he’d done. “You moon-damned idiot,” he snarled at himself, kicking his legs back into action and slamming the front door shut behind him so hard it made the OS map on the wall to his right vibrate. “You bloody well should have told her.”
He’d told himself that he was holding off telling her because he hadn’t wanted her to feel obliged to stay with him in any way, and while that was the case, he knew he had also just been a coward about it. He might have been certain of his feelings for her, but he had a wolf’s instinct to rely on. She was human, and she deserved the time to make up her own mind about him.
Silently, as he levered off his boots and crossed the living room that still smelled of pancakes and strawberries and of Odessa, he vowed to tell her the next time he saw her face to face. Mating wasn’t like a human marriage ceremony, where it was fundamentally just words, no matter how earnestly they were spoken. This was something that went down to his bones, that bound him to her forever, and he’d chosen it after only two weeks of knowing her. She was his One though. He’d known it the moment he’d looked at her in the Centre and her wide, dark eyes had skated down his body in a way he’d almost been able to feel like a physical touch. There would never be another for him now, no matter what.
The wolf paced and snarled about in his head and in his heart, and he knew there was no way to silence it now. With the moon this close and his mate drawing further and further away, he was facing a shift whether he wanted to or not.
He just about managed to get his clothes off before the cramping began in his shoulders and back, and he pitched forwards onto his hands and knees to let the shift sweep over him in the middle of his living room. God, the last time he’d done this, abandoned himself to the shift, he’d mated her. Just the memory of sinking his knot into her wet heat was enough to make him howl and forget the pain of the transformation.
When it was over, he was out the back door and halfway through the wolf-dog enclosure before he had even realised it. Thunder kept the others back, physically penning them into the den, and Gabe lifted his lip to warn him to stay put. Thunder dropped his head and licked his lips in submissive understanding, and let him go without asking to come along.
Mud beneath his paws, claws digging into the soft, cold earth. Damp air filling his nose. Pine needles. Deer scent.
Find her.
Find her.
Find her.
He drew up short at the edge of an open meadow and stood stock still apart from his heaving chest.
A fly buzzed past his ear and he twitched it in irritation.
This was too close to being feral. Spooked by that realisation, he shook himself and forced himself to take a step back, to think.
I am not an animal. I am a wolf, but I am a man.
Find her.
Again, he shook his head, snapping and snarling.
His mind was like the mud of the forest behind him — cloying and slow.
He skirted the forest at a steady lope, still on all fours since it was easier to run like that despite his slightly longer hind legs, and as he turned instinctively south west, he realised where he was going. The road cut through a rocky pass that was blanketed in thick trees, and if he was careful about it, he might be able to get there before Odessa’s little red car did. He could watch her.
He knew it was stupid and reckless and dangerous, but the wolf leapt at the thought of catching up to their mate, as though it had become a game of long-distance tag.
They did make it to the promontory before her, and when that red VW trundled into view, he lifted his nose to the sky and howled in triumph. The car didn’t stop though. It didn’t slow, and the sound died in his throat. She didn’t know he was there. She couldn’t sense him the way he could feel her, like a tug on his soul.
The wolf lay down on the rock with his muzzle on his paws and watched the car vanish for a second time. The day drifted by, and he didn’t stir for hours. He felt the moon rising though — another tug in his chest like the pull of his mate, only even more primal — and he threw back his head again and sang his heartache out to her like a child crying to his mother. The moon had always been there for him, in a way his own mother never had been. Ruth Kirkbride was a hard woman, all sharp angles and cutting words, even when her boys had been young children, but the moon was soft curves and gentle guidance, and he lost himself to the wolf that night for the first time in years.
When he woke up, it was to the sound of a car engine and running water, and he panicked. Looking around, he found a small, human building made from cut trees. A cabin.
Shit, he thought, realising exactly what he’d done. His wolf had brought him to the place where his mate’s scent was strongest and he’d lain like an oversized hound outside the door, waiting for her to come back.
And now someone was here to tend to the cabin and ready it for the next visitors. He growled. They were going to destroy her scent with chemicals that burned his nose, and —
The wolf took him into the trees in a swirl of dark fur and he lay low in the bracken, just as he had that first night when he’d glimpsed Odessa through the pines in the dark. Except the person who drove up to the cabin and got out of the 4x4 was not Odessa. It was Tala. He backed away and skirted many miles around to avoid her, following the soft calling of Thunder’s warm baritone, checking in. He lifted his muzzle while he paused to lap at another fast-flowing stream and, with his chops still running with icy water, he told them he was coming back.
Slinking back into his house like a thief, Gabe felt ashamed of himself. He forced the shift to ripple through him the moment he was indoors and he hobbled upstairs to run himself a bath. Odessa’s scent filled the bedroom and he considered climbing into bed and losing himself in it for a while, but he knew he should wash the mud off his hands and feet and make himself feel human again. The wolf was angry and brooding, unsettled by the absence of his mate from the den, and confused about why they weren’t going after her.
Gabe phoned in sick after his bath and curled up under the sheets, burying his nose in Odessa’s pillow before exhaustion claimed him and he slept the rest of the day away. It was only the yipping rebukes of Mia that brought him to consciousness again, and after nuzzling once more at Odessa’s pillow and filling his lungs with the scent of her, he got up, dressed, and went to take proper care of his dogs.
Life resumed its pattern after that, though it was hard to keep his focus. It got better when he acquired a smartphone and had an engineer come out to install internet at his cabin. Odessa’s answering selfie had taken him off guard, and when he hit video-call it had gone a long way to quieting his pacing wolf once more. She looked happy and safe. Jake had not resurfaced. She’d been out with her friends, who were apparently dying to meet him and had teased her endlessly about falling in love like it was a Hallmark movie. 
She was also looking at job options, but she seemed a little cagey about the details, so he left that subject alone for the time being and made a note to ask Carys if she knew of anything that might appeal to Odessa in the area. The park service must need some kind of legal team, though he was embarrassed to admit to himself that he had no idea what that might involve. He knew the woods and how they worked, but much beyond that was a foggy mystery to him. Until Odessa, he’d never had any reason to think much about it.
A week after Odessa had returned to the city, he opened his piece of shit laptop and began an email to his brother. It took eleven drafts and three complete re-writes to get something he was confident about, and before he lost his nerve completely, he hit send at 2:03am. 
It’s been a while, I know. Somehow it’s almost Christmas and the last email you had from me was back in the spring. I hope you’re doing ok. I think about you a lot.
Something’s happened in my life lately that’s made me rethink a lot of stuff, and I know I’ve not been the brother I maybe used to be, and certainly not the brother you deserved, and I truly am sorry for that. We were out of touch for so long, and when we started to email again all those years later, it was all so distant and cold. I’ve been alone for a long time, and I never expected to find someone out here that I wanted to share my life with, but it’s happened all the same. I met someone while she was visiting, and she’s my One, Raph. I know it. We’re mated. She lives in the city though, and for the time being, we have to do distance. It’s been rough, but I’m handling it better than I thought I would. We talk every day, which helps.
I know I don’t have any right to ask you for favours, but I have one to ask of you anyway. I’d like to visit my mate for a weekend, but you know as well as I do that I’ll have to speak to mother first. Would you advocate for me if it becomes necessary? I don’t want to interfere with the pack — I don’t intend to see anyone or involve myself with pack business while I’m visiting at all, though if you wanted to meet somewhere neutral, I’d love that.
Let me know your answer when you can.
 Less than a day later, Raph had replied.
I could hardly believe my eyes when I read your last email. It’s always good to hear from you again, though I was surprised to hear that you’re mated! She must be one hell of a woman. Can’t promise she’ll let you stay, but if you need someone in your corner, Gabe, you have me. When are you planning to come? Let me know and I’ll set something formal up for you with mother. She won’t like it, but she’ll at least have to give you an audience.
Relief flooded through him so violently that his vision swam and he sat back against the soft sofa cushions, dizzy. The fans on his brick of a laptop whirred and for a moment he wondered if the sound was in his own skull it was so loud. His heart thudded and the early morning light felt far too bright against his eyes. Outside, snow had piled up on the gravel and on the roof of his house, insulating it like a proper den in the winter, and the wolf-dogs were loving the snowfall. He could hear Mia already haring around the enclosure, snapping at snowflakes and careering to a sliding halt, face first, ass in the air as she troughed through the snow like a pig in mud. Even Axel was enjoying himself.
Did Odessa like the snow? The realisation that he had no idea suddenly pained him, and he shook himself. That discovery could wait. Hitting her contact info in his recent calls list, he was three rings in when he realised it was six o’clock in the morning on a Saturday, but it was too late now. She answered blearily, the phone camera struggling in the dark room, and his heart clenched at the sight of her looking so sweetly dishevelled and sleepy.
“Morning,” he grinned apologetically.
“What?” she frowned, squinting in the light of her phone as she fumbled for the light beside her. “What is it?”
“I’ve been emailing my brother,” he said. That got her attention, and he smiled as she came more sharply awake.
He nodded. “Raph said he’ll advocate for me. I’d… I’d like to come and see you…” he said, trying to ignore the fact that his sudden burst of courage and elation was sputtering out like a guttering candle flame. “If that’s still alright?” If she was having second thoughts about having him there, it would crush him, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep it off his face.
“Alright?” she practically shrieked at him, grinning so that her cheeks bunched up in a way that made him want to hold them in his hands.
She scrabbled around like an upturned spider, flailing with one hand get the duvet out of the way, and revealed her adorable cupcake pyjamas in the process. The neckline sank down to reveal her bare collarbones and Gabe ached all over to run his teeth over them and suck bruises into her delicate skin and cover her with the scent of him so that she would know he was hers. Instead, she caught him looking and he smiled bashfully.
“Of course it’s alright! Yes! When? I was going to suggest making a trip to see you soon, but that works too, if you’re sure about it?”
“I’m sure,” he said, trying not to sound too intense. “How does next weekend sound?”
A look of wide-eyed joy spread across her face. “Yes! Oh my god, perfect!” she actually made some kind of inhuman screeching noise that got a bit garbled over her phone’s microphone, but he didn’t overly mind. He was fairly certain Thunder and the others would have been able to hear it. “Why are you awake now anyway?” she asked. “You do know what a weekend is, right?”
“Yeah,” he chuckled. “I’m sorry. I’ve just picked up Raph’s message. He’s an early morning person too, so…”
“Oh my god, you’ve only just this second heard back from him?” she asked. He wondered fleetingly how she could have been a good lawyer when she wore all her emotions so plainly on her face, but perhaps she was different when she was at work. The thought of seeing her dressing down some scumbag in a courtroom made him unexpectedly hot under the collar, and he nearly missed her next question, which followed on the heels of the first without waiting for an answer. “…long will you be staying?”
He scrubbed at his beard and thought idly that he needed to trim it, and shrugged. “I’d set off early from here on Saturday morning to be with you by about nine or ten, and then, if she lets me stay, I’d go back on Sunday night or Monday morning. Does that work?”
“Of course,” she said, and he could practically feel the excitement rolling off her. God, he wished he could smell it too — practically taste the way her body was reacting — but he would have to make do with just being able to see her. His mate. God, she looked so happy. That was miracle enough for him, he supposed.
Hopefully one day there'll be Season Two of Gabe and Odessa - I've written bits and bobs and snippets of it, and I know the rough outline. It just takes a lot of time and effort...
If you enjoyed this, which I hope you did, please consider reblogging it, as well as the original Season One story.
Take care of yourselves, and I hope you have a lovely day/night wherever you are, and whenever you read this.
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ivelle-serenity · 4 months
Skateboard 5
Wind breaker
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fem bodied reader | smut | action | pwp | jayjo/fml | vinny/fml | wooin/fml | joker/fml | hyuk/fml | owen/fml | enemies to lovers | angsty | the other woman (?) | reverse harem | fluff | SLOW BURN! | all characters featured are 18+
author's note: i'm sorry if you're being impatient for smut, trust me, I was too. I just need the fml to interact with the boys. They say slow burn is at its finest.
✧˖° — windbreaker men
✧˖° — mdni, smut, description of not safe for work content.
✧˖° — this is a story not one shot.
Jay followed my instructions, his movements more fluid this time. "Like this?" he asked, glancing at me for confirmation.
"Exactly," I said, smiling. "You're getting it."
For a moment, we were both silent, just standing there, him on his bike and me beside him. The tension from earlier seemed to melt away, replaced by a comfortable understanding.
"Thanks for the tip," Jay said, breaking the silence again.
"You're welcome," I replied, feeling a bit more at ease. "Just remember to keep your elbows wide and your grip firm. It'll help you stay balanced."
Jay nodded.
As we rejoined the rest of the group, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. Interacting with Jay had been nerve-wracking, but it also felt surprisingly natural. Maybe joining their crew wouldn't be so bad after all.
I bit my lower lip as I realized June, Dom, Minu, Yuna, and Mia had been watching us the entire time. I felt so embarrassed! They must have been surprised, especially after our training where we warmed up with a 180km bike ride from the city to the countryside. It was exhausting, but I enjoyed it with them.
After our training, I noticed Jay practicing the tips I gave him, so I went over to help. But I didn’t expect the rest of the crew to be watching us!
"Wow, you're getting close to the foreigner. How come you always attract foreign girls?" June laughed, crossing his arms. Jay ignored him, continuing to drink his water.
"Damn, good thing Demitra can speak Korean. That blue-haired girl, I couldn’t understand a word she said!" Dom complained while wiping his sweat.
Blue-haired girl? That sounds familiar.
"You know her too?" Jay asked quietly from beside me, though I knew his friends were listening.
"Nah, I don't think so," I forced a smile. He looked at me for a long moment, as if trying to gauge the truth.
Minu cleared his throat. "We noticed you were teaching Jay. It seems you know a lot of biking skills?" he asked. Mia nodded in agreement.
I looked down at my bike, balancing without holding the handlebars. "Just a few," I said. Dom gave me a doubtful look. "I used to love doing tricks on ramps." I added.
"You're talking about the ramps at the skatepark?" June asked, eyes wide with shock.
I rubbed the back of my head, feeling embarrassed. "Yeah, that's my specialty."
Mia's jaw dropped. "If I'm not mistaken, are you one of those bicycle riders who do tricks in the air? Like spinning around?" she asked, stunned. I nodded.
"That's dangerous, right?" Dom asked June, who nodded in disbelief while looking at me.
"But of course, I don't use those in tournaments. Actually, I don't do those tricks much anymore. I'm more into sprint riding, like what Dom does," I explained, looking at Dom. Jay adjusted his posture, clearly interested.
"You also know some techniques for sprint riding?" Jay asked, and everyone looked at him. I laughed softly.
"Maybe a little?"
"You're just being humble," Yuna gave me a sharp look.
"Isn't it unfair that you’re teaching Jay but not us?" Dom said dramatically. Jay avoided his gaze and got on his bike.
"Well, I would love to help you—"
"It's too late. We need to go home now," Jay interrupted, making me widen my eyes.
"What!? Oh come on, man! Don't be so selfish!"
"What do you mean 'we'? Are you taking Demitra with you?" Minu clarified, locking eyes with Jay as if they were having a silent conversation.
I remembered our last conversation before the training session. Jay had offered to help me with my Korean literature studies. I even asked him where we’d study since it wasn't allowed at my place! Plus, I've never brought a guy to my apartment; my roommates might assume Jay is my boyfriend. How embarrassing would that be? Thankfully, he volunteered his place since he’s not allowed to stay out late either.
"He’s going to help me with Korean literature and history." I interjected into their conversation.
Mia chuckled. "You seem to learn quickly, judging by how well you speak Korean! I know you can do it."
"Just the two of you?" Minu asked Jay seriously. Jay looked at him without any emotion, but I could feel a strange tension.
"It won’t take long! Don’t worry!" I quickly added.
"Well, good luck, Demitra! Jay isn't the best teacher, you might give up halfway!" Dom laughed.
I noticed Jay had already started biking, so I hurriedly got on my bike and waved at everyone. "See you tomorrow!" I called out cheerfully before following Jay, who was ahead of me. I pouted. Why was he in such a hurry?
I followed Jay because I didn't know where his house was. He was quiet, but I guess that’s normal for him. I couldn’t believe Shelly liked this type of guy. It was very unusual for her.
I was deep in thought when we arrived at a large house. My jaw dropped in shock at how big his house was. Was this where he lived? Wow, he must be rich.
"Just park your bike here," he said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I nodded and did as he said, parking my bike next to his.
Without another word, he walked inside. I bit my lip nervously. Was he not going to invite me in? It felt awkward just walking in unannounced. What if his parents were inside?
I was startled when Jay came back. "What are you still standing there for? Come in," he said before turning away. I pouted.
"Who’s with you, Jay?" I was surprised to see a small boy wearing glasses. He seemed just as surprised to see me, his cheeks turning red. "W-Who..."
"Turn off the TV if you’re not watching," Jay told him. He went into what I assumed was his room, leaving the door open. Was that where we’d study?
"It's nice to meet you, Jay's brother. Hi! I'm Demitra!" I introduced myself, holding out my hand. Jay’s brother just stared at me, his face red. I frowned and forced a smile.
It was so awkward because Jay's brother didn't say a word. He was just staring at me like he was looking through my soul. I forced a smile. "I'll head in now," I said awkwardly before walking into Jay's room.
"Your brother is weird," I said to Jay, setting my bag on the table. I watched as Jay organized his things.
He didn’t respond, instead handing me three books, one of which was a dictionary. I frowned at the books.
"What is this?"
"A dictionary," he said, as if stating the obvious.
"Yes, I know it's a dictionary. What's it for?" I raised an eyebrow. "I’m struggling more with Korean literature and history than the language itself."
His expression didn’t change. "Your Korean isn’t that good," he stated. My jaw dropped. "Maybe that’s why you can't understand our lessons about history."
"Hey, take that back! You understand what I’m saying! Even your friends!"
He shook his head. "It’s lame. I can barely understand you."
I dramatically held my chest. "Whatever, no offense, but Japanese is easier to learn than Korean."
"I agree."
I couldn’t believe this guy! I let out a sharp breath before sitting down. The contents of the books were overwhelming. This was harder than physics. Why did I end up in Korea? I glanced at Jay, who was staring at his phone.
"Are you going to teach me or not?" I raised an eyebrow at him. He looked at me boredly.
"Read that first."
"How can I read it if I don’t understand it?" I said sarcastically.
He stared at me for a moment before sighing and putting his phone down. He took the dictionary from my hands and replaced it with a larger book.
"Start with the basics," he said. When I opened the book, my jaw dropped. It was the Korean alphabet!
"Oh, come on, I already know some of these."
"Some? Then you should know all of these," he said, placing the book on the table. I cursed inwardly.
"Now I understand why Dom said you’re a terrible teacher," I grumbled, starting to read. As usual, he didn’t respond.
"How did you get a girlfriend when you’re this quiet?" I muttered while reading. "Huh?" I glared at him.
"It’s none of your business."
I rolled my eyes. "I heard you’re a player. How come Shelly doesn’t get jealous?" I teased without looking at him.
"Those are just rumors."
I laughed softly and continued reading. I glanced at Jay, who was now looking at his phone. Without his glasses, I realized how handsome he was. His mullet haircut suited him. No wonder many girls liked him.
Besides being handsome, he was good at biking and wasn’t very talkative. Some girls might prefer a quiet guy as a boyfriend, thinking there’s less chance he’d cheat because he’s so reserved.
My heart almost stopped when he looked up, and our eyes met.
"If you keep staring at me, you should just go home."
I rolled my eyes at him. "Is this how you treat girls? So rude," I muttered. "I was just about to ask you something about what I’m reading, but never mind."
He cleared his throat. "Show me. Where are you having trouble?" He must have heard my muttering.
"Forget it. I just remembered the internet exists. I’ll search for the meaning," I said, grabbing my phone.
He was silent for a moment.
"That’s a consonant. It refers to a double s," he suddenly said. My eyes widened when I realized how close our faces were. He had leaned in to look at the book. I could literally feel my heart racing. I was still distracted by how close our faces were to each other, so I didn't even notice what I had searched on my phone.
"Too late, I already looked it up," I whispered.
"You shouldn’t use your phone while studying."
"Well, genius, if you were a better teacher, I wouldn’t need to."
I continued reading, trying to push away my distraction. I couldn't help but feel Jay's gaze on me, and the thought of our eyes meeting again made me too embarrassed to look up. Is this what it's like when you like someone? I sighed and tried to focus on what I was reading.
As I went through the Korean alphabet, it felt more familiar, like I was revisiting what I had studied before deciding to come to Korea. It refreshed my memory. Maybe the reason I struggled with Korean history was that I had forgotten the correct way to read their language.
"Vinny..." My forehead creased at the name. "You know him? You’re friends with the Sabbath?" Jay suddenly asked.
And now I was doomed.
"No, I'm not, especially Vinny. He hates me."
He paused, clearly puzzled. "But he said you’re his friend."
"No, he’s just bluffing," I said with irritation.
"They are dangerous. You should stay away from them."
Well, it's too late. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't just walk away now. Wooin helped with my parents' debt. I can't just abandon him. Even though I'm confused about why he did it, I still choose to serve them.
"Are you saying your friend is dangerous?" I asked seriously.
Jay didn't respond, his expression unreadable. I know he is old friends with Vinny. So why would he warned me from him?
I sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. "Look, I know it's risky, but I owe them. Wooin helped my family when no one else could. I can't just turn my back on that."
Jay's eyes flickered with something I couldn't quite identify—concern, maybe? But he remained silent, his gaze steady on mine.
Finally, Jay spoke, his voice softer. "Just be careful."
I nodded, appreciating his concern. "Worried for me? Aw," I teased. "I didn't expect you to have this side to you." I continued to tease, but he remained serious, shaking his head. I couldn't help but laugh, knowing he was probably feeling embarrassed by my comments.
Actually, studying with Jay isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I expected him to give me a hard time, but it seems like it's just his personality to be reserved. I suddenly paused. What if he isn't really like this, especially with Shelly?
Oh, come on, Demitra. Why should I care about that? I frowned, feeling irritated with myself.
I was jolted from my thoughts by a knock on the door. Jay stood up to answer it, and I almost froze when I saw a middle-aged woman. From her appearance, she looked like Jay's mother! I quickly stood up and bowed.
"Good evening, Ma'am," I greeted her. She gave me a cold look. Now it made sense why Jay always had that cold expression on his face. He inherited it from his mom.
"You didn't eat dinner again?" she said sternly. I looked at Jay, confused, but his face remained emotionless.
"We're studying," he replied shortly.
"You didn't eat breakfast, and I know you didn't eat lunch at school either," his mother said angrily, but she paused when she noticed me.
"Let's talk in the living room."
"I'm fine. Just leave," Jay said.
"Jaehyun," his mother said firmly, leaving Jay with no choice but to get up. I was left alone in his room.
My heart pounded with worry about what I had witnessed. Was Jay going to be scolded? Was it because of me that he hadn't eaten dinner? I hadn't eaten dinner either. Damn, maybe it's my fault he missed his meal. His mother should be scolding me, not him!
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pinkrifle · 1 year
hear me out
reader is a girl n she meets princess kenny and she knows it’s just kenny, a guy but she constantly battles her sexuality over it—but eventually giving in and asking princess kenny out on a date, disregarding gender,, :3c this is gnn be a series cuz “ i aint writing allat” and nobody’s gnna read an entire 3 pages worth of this (realistically)
— tags: @trevvylovesspence
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— ✦ heart to heart ♡
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i stepped up to kingdom Kupa Keep to meet the newfound princess, princess kenny—never expecting her to be so majestic, beautiful, stunning, adorable.. what other words could i possibly use to describe this girl? it only makes sense how she was selected princess. boy do these people have taste,,
i started to play this new game with my class and my best friends, stan, kyle, cartman and kenny. so far i find it nice! i mean it’s kind of a better DND. but not for super-nerds. just regular nerds.
walking up to the *very beautiful* majesty i bow my head down slightly towards her, making sure i never took my eyes off (who would want to anyway :3) “hello, dear princess kenny!!” i greet her, smiling at her—fixing my hair to make sure i don’t look like a bum in-front of this adorable babe. “huhu! hello! i understand you know my name, but yours is?”
“ooh! im [namey name ;3] im sure evryone has told you, but your so elegant!” i remind her, staring into her beautiful deep purple eyes. i notice her brush off her dress, scoff and a tiny blush spread across her hooded face. “wh- well thank you! i actually don’t get that a lot, so i appreciate that :)” she retorts in an even softer tone from her normal confident and wavy voice, cupping her left cheek with her left hand.
“[namey name], why don’t you come over to my palace for some tea, if you wish?” princess kenny proposes a brilliant idea, i assume that’s a regular thing <3 “of course! i would be more than happy to spend an afternoon with Kupa Keep’s princess. :3” i silently-shriek out loud, watching all the people of the fellow kingdom stare at me in envy. “well for now, why don’t we take a walk?”
her big eyes bat her eyelashes and before i can answer wit an exaggerated yes she carefully gets up off of her throne, taking my hand in her soft, gloved, hand. i stare at her in awe and start gliding my feet along with hers across the ol backyard we stood in, i feel amazing with princess kenny with me.
it’s something i havent felt before, is it a lovely envy? is it admiration? it can’t be love, no way,, i just met this girl! i remind myself. the word girl stains my mind… girl girl girl girl. why am i feeling like this if we’re both girls? you know what.. that’s the least of my concerns, as far as i know it’s just kenny, not a real girl.
but why am i upset that he isn’t a “real girl”? i thought that if i let myself realize princess kenny was really a boy, my worries would set aside, but i only got more and more upset, confused :( i stare at the ground as i feel my body tug—“[namey name] is everything alright? what was with that sudden stop is the weather too cold?” she questions me, cara mia! how i love hearing her say my name. it’s like angels have come down from heaven and had graced me with their voice.
“oh, yeah i’m alright!i just had to think about a little something for a sec, we can continue now &lt;3” i reassure her, telling her she had nothing to worry about and i was fine with walking with her, hell i knew so well i was more than fine walking with her. “well i hope that something wasn’t making you upset! we can always do something else if you wish, you are the guest after all :)” she stops me in the middle of the sidewalk, taking my forearms into her hands—staring at me with innocent eyes. “wha?! of course not! but i would be open to do anything you want to!” i bluff. it was practically love at first sight with this girl! i couldn’t tell her how i feel right now..
as we keep walking we chat up a storm, playfully grabbing each others hands, giggling, blushing, looking away.. <;3 “huhu— [namey name]! such a flirt! who would have known a lady like you could be so charming!” she’d compliment me from time to time, making my cheeks heat up. “well look at you! who wouldn’t wanna charm such an eye candy of a prin,,,,” i’d wanna retort, but get cut off by elves swarming infront of us. “GET THE PRINCESS FIRST” i hear one of them yell, without a thought in mind i swoop princess kenny off her feet, bridal style and begin darting down the way we came.
picking up the pace i take my wand out of a pocket in my cloak and cast some spell at the top of my head, it knocks the elves back and i keep running with the maiden. huffing and almost out of breath i get back to Kupa Keep and alert the people that elves were coming to wreak havoc. setting the princess down behind a rather large tree as i hide with her i assume someone’s keeping watch of the stick. i yell to everyone that sit infront of us, rather far away from our hiding spot that the elves are coming.
“oh thank you, thank you [namey name]! for i could have gotten much more than hurt back there,,” she clamors, very faintly shaking with some sort of fear. “we’re gonna be alright princess, i promise you. these slimy elves can do nothing to your glowing kingdom.” i hesitate to say your, as i want to say our. but how could i be thinking of love in a striking time like this? who wouldn’t wanna think of loving a beautiful princess in a striking time like this.
as i hear one final shriek before the backyard goes silent, i look at princess kenny as she looks back at me. i nod and smile as i hold her even tighter, emerging from the tree. watching as a final elf gets dragged out, i set princess kenny down and we cheer in unison as everyone else in the kingdom follows along. princess kenny settles everyone down as she takes a hand and places it in my direction.
“everyone, i don’t think we would have gotten this done as fast as we did without the help of my lovely mage, [namey name].” she announces, and everyone looks at me as i have a short smile on my face, waving out to the kingdom.
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UHHH THSI IS PART 1 MUEHEHE… I HOPE UUY GUYS ENJOYED!! i am so excited i finally got yhis out YIPEEEE
update log (u can ignore idk)
pdate one [writing]: 11:38 pm 6/4/23
upd8 two [finishing, publishing] 1:47 pm 7/4/23
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klutzyroses · 1 year
Hi there! Could I request ikemen vampire suitors reaction to MC with galaxy eyes that glitters in the sunlight and when looking at the stars. Vincent, Charles, Leonardo, Vlad, Faust, and Comte.
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How pretty!
IkeVamp HCs: SO with Galaxy Eyes
How do they react to an so with sparkling galaxy eyes?
Suitors: Leonardo, Vincent, Comte, Faust, Charles
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What gorgeous eyes she has...
His cara mia is already pretty enough as she is, but it's her eyes that truly captivate him. He could spend all day dreaming of their splendor.
Especially in the dark. The way they glow and sparkle is enough to put him under a trance. As a pureblood, he has been alive for a very long time. Centuries and decades and yet, he has never seen such eyes like hers before.
He will definitely spend his time complimenting and teasing her, often cupping her face at random and tilting her head upwards to lock eyes with her, just to get lost in those sparkling orbs of light and to see them widen in surprise as his own soften in affection for her.
She is precious, the most beautiful he has ever seen and he will make sure he tells her that one way or the other as many times as she may need to hear it.
He will press a kiss to her forehead and caress her cheeks with his fingers as he peers into her glowing eyes. When questioned, his response will come as naturally as the sunrise.
"No reason. I just felt like looking at the stars."
He can barely look away from at all...
Her eyes...so beautiful...
From the first moment he sees her, he is speechless. Her long lashes framing her large, iridescent irises could have lit up the room if it were dark.
He takes no issue with telling her how lovely she is. Particularly when it's dim and she seems to be glowing, her eyes like a calming light in the darkness.
She is so angelic and breathtaking to him, he wonders if he could even dream of replicating her in a painting.
He isn't confident that he can, but he can certainly try. So when he does get around to asking her to model for him, he only ends up getting distracted by her eyes, so much so that he forgets to paint. It isn't until she asks him if he is alright that he remembers what he is meant to be doing.
"Ah, Sorry, its just...your eyes are so beautiful, I got a bit lost in them. I don't know if i can do them justice..."
If the door could take him through time, her eyes could take him through space.
He could see the entire night sky in her gaze and he will never tire of telling her this, even if she is embarrassed.
She is a beauty and she needs to know that. Especially when she can be seen in the day, her eyes seeming to gather the light and emit their own ethereal glow.
He wonders if there are any jewels in the world that could compare to hers...
If there are, she could easily put them to shame by batting her pretty lashes, making her orbs glitter beautifully.
On the chance that he does find a particular gemstone that does happen to remind him of her, he gifts it to her, the stunning gem complimenting her perfectly as her eyes sparkle with delight at the gift resting against her collarbone.
"As I thought, it looks beautiful on you. Even if it doesn't quite compare to your eyes, ma cherie."
What lovely eyes...simply remarkable.
Can humans have such eyes? Is she human?
Once it is confirmed that she is indeed human, he finds it doesn't deter his interest in the young woman. In actuality, his interest is just the slightest bit piqued all the more.
He will keep his opinions on her eyes to himself, silently observing her during the day as they catch the sunlight and shimmer as her thick eyelashes flutter like butterfly wings.
Its rather fascinating, especially when she catches different shades of light through her dazzling irises, reflecting several colors like a white diamond.
He finds it truly mesmerizing when her eyes glow dimly in the darkness, like a feline's, but more enchanting, more alluring. He may randomly seek out her gaze, simply wanting her to look his way so he can observe those spectacular eyes of hers.
"Fascinating. Let's see what colors you can show me with those eyes..."
Wow~ Incredible!
The man is awestruck at her beauty when she looks in his direction with those starry eyes of hers.
It's like slipping into a pond of stars and constellations.
He will not be averse to spending ages staring into her gorgeous gaze, to the point the maiden herself is blushing from the embarrassment, only adding to her already stunning appearance.
He will simply gush about it every now and again, because every time he thinks he is getting used to it, her eyes capture yet again in the dark of night, with an ethereal glow that makes her appear otherworldly.
It's enough to put him in a trance. She could tell him to do anything and he would. Not that he wasn't already crazy for her but she has him even more in love with her beautiful eyes. And Faust will certainly hear the most of it.
"I could spend all day looking her, Docteur! She has the prettiest eyes in the whole world and they sparkle so much and when she blinks, her lashes make them look like stars in the day, and, and..."
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artemis1214 · 15 days
La Petite Sirène : Chapter Three
( A/N: Let me explain, this is a mini story of Alastor and Esme's lives together in the modern world. This is basically an ongoing fic but lives in my AU as it's part of multiple different AUs that I have for them.) 
You can read more of my one-shots and AUs here!
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La Petite Sirène : Modern AU (Chapter 3)
The two make their way outside the building, mostly making small chit-chat as they ride the elevator and Alastor gathers his things from his office. Esme listens intently to his rambling about the neighborhood and all the things she has to experience before she goes back home, but her attention is quickly taken away when she sees a stunning car parked in the driveway.
It appears like something she would see roll out of a vintage movie, with larger wheels in the front, a sleek black exterior with golden accents, and arches spreading across the front wheels to the mid of the vehicle.
"A Zeppelin..." She whispers in awe as she quickly hurries to it, her eyes raking over it in amazement.
"So you're familiar." Alastor chuckles at her reaction, raising a brow at the fact that she knows her cars. He didn't take her for a car person, let alone someone who could spot the make and model of a vintage car with a simple glance. "She's mine, a 1938 Maybach DS8, imported from Germany."
"Mamma mia..." She whispers under her breath, "The black paint job is just like the original, cla-"
"Classic?" He finishes for her with a smirk, "Yes, I know. She wasn't cheap but I do have a thing for these things."
Just so we're clear, he wasn't loaded like she was. He worked hard for his earnings, working his way to the top slowly over time, but he was definitely comfortable.
Whereas she just had to snap her fingers and would easily own this herself.
She wouldn't though.
"How do you manage to keep this thing alive? It's nearly 90 years old!"
He leans against the side of the vehicle, softly tapping the top, "You'd be surprised. The car is old, yes, but it runs well. I have a couple of tricks up my sleeve when it comes to keeping old things like my baby alive after all~"
Esme smiles and reaches out her hand, but it freezes in mid-air, "May I?"
"Of course."
She slowly and carefully runs her fingertips along the paint of the car, marveling in its beauty, before taking the sleeve of her coat and wiping it for any marks. "Wow..."
He looks down at his reflection against the black metal, smiling proudly to himself, "I've worked hard to keep this thing in shape for years, it's taken a lot of maintenance, but I love the beauty and elegance of these old cars. They have a certain charm and finesse that you don't find in cars you can buy nowadays~"
Esme looks up and watches him as he speaks about his passion, noting how his eyes glaze over with pride. A small smile creeps on her face and she feels a strange sensation in her chest.
A warm heat travels up her neck and her mouth goes dry.
"Well, I'm assuming you're starved. We should go, yes?" Alastor walks over to her side, and her head follows him as he does so, watching as his hand slips over the handle and opens the door,
"Of course." She looks back at her car and presses the lock on her keys to ensure it's secure before climbing inside, quickly crossing her legs and taking in a whiff of the leather interior.
The car ride is rather silent and short, and they soon arrive at the restaurant. Alastor parks his beauty and turns the engine off, getting out quickly to open Esme's door before she does. The door opens just as she lays her hand on the handle, and she looks up dazed at his manners.
"Thank you." She pulls her dress down as she sweeps her legs over and steps out. Alastor's eyes catch a glance of her dress as she does so, trailing over her smooth milky skin. He clears his throat and quickly averts his eyes, feeling disgusted for even having the audacity to look at her. He offers his hand out to her and she takes it gently without a second thought before following him into the restaurant.
The way these two were acting, you would think they knew each other for more than 24 hours.
He pushes the door open for her, stepping aside for her to enter first, and as she does so he places his other hand on her back to guide her through. This was very unusual for Esme, but she assumed this was part of that 'southern charm' she always heard so much about.
The host smiles at the two and they're led to a small secluded table in the back. It's a beautiful restaurant with dim lighting and a small jazz band playing calmly in the back, something very strange for a colleague to bring a guest.
Esme smiles at the flowers on the table and brings her hand out to pull out her chair, but Alastor quickly slides before her and takes it for her, pulling it out for her to sit. "I got it, darling, let me."
Her cheeks flush softly as she sits down and he pushes her in, which doesn't take much force as she's significantly smaller than he is. As soon as he's seated, Esme picks up the menu to inspect the options. Alastor glances up at her face, taking a moment to skim over her features as she reads.
She is a vision.
Especially under this lighting.
He lets out a small exhale that he hadn't noticed he was holding since they walked in. He rests his forearms on the edge of the table and smiles as his eyes fixed on hers. "So, what do you like about here?" She asks, still looking at the menu.
"They have excellent steak here, as well as a wonderful selection of wines. I always find myself coming back to this place, simply because of their assortments."
"Hm...this is a nice spot, but seems like someplace you need company to enjoy."
"I make do, the jazz players are good company."
She parts from his eyes and looks back down at the menu, "I like steak, rare actually."
"Very nice, and how about I order us a nice bottle of wine to share? You like red?" She nods and he smiles, taking a moment to flag down a waiter. Esme gets a notification on her Apple Watch and looks down to read it as Alastor orders.
"Could I get a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon for me and my dear companion?"
"Of course, sir, and what will you be having for the main course?"
"We'll both have the filet mignon, cooked rare, please."
Esme's face picks up at the mention of her food, "Can I have a side salad with that, please?" She asks the waiter, "Balsamic vinegar and oil would be fine."
"Of course, anything else?"
Alastor shakes his head, returning his focus on the waiter once more, "No, that's all for now." Esme's face twists at his words and she shakes her head with a small huff as the waiter goes to prepare their meals.
The waiter pauses mid-step as he starts to walk off. He turns back to look at her, "Yes, miss?"
She looks back at Alastor, "You need a side with your steak." She says firmly with a raised eyebrow. Alastor's eyes widen as she speaks, taken back in surprise by her boldness. Her tone left little for discussion, and he never met a woman so direct. Let alone anyone so direct to him.
She turns her face back to the waiter, "A side of mashed potatoes would be fine, gravy on the side for taste." The waiter nods and finishes writing down the other order on his notepad.
"Very well miss, it'll be out shortly."
Alastor just stares at her and blinks in confusion as his thoughts race.
But, that's my job....she...I....
She smiles and casually looks back down at her Apple Watch and begins to flip through her notifications, taking out her phone and going through her numerous messages coming in, her face twisting in focus.
He uses the water at the table to soothe the frog in his throat before speaking, "I wasn't expecting you to be so...assertive. I don't think anyone has demanded I do anything."
"What else are you gonna eat? You'll be hungry later..." She says as if it's the most obvious thing, scrolling on her watch, biting her lip.
"Is something wrong, dear?"
"Our interview went live."
He raises an eyebrow, a small moment of silence passing through the table, "And...is that...a bad thing?"
She shakes her head, "People are...um...they heard me with my little smartass comment to you..." She says embarrassedly, "They're talking."
She sighs and begins to read the comments, "Quote, 'We didn't ask for a whore to be on the show'...ahem, another said, 'Did she not know she was on live, wow' and then there's a shocked emoji."
His jaw clicks as he listens, "Is that all?"
She blushes as she reads another, "Well....quote, 'He sounds hot, Es, snatch that.' end quote."
He covers his mouth and lets out a little chuckle, the thought of both of their audiences already imagining them together when they barely know one another is amusing to him, "What an audience~"
"Here, let's freak them out." She smirks, opening Instagram stories and picking up her wine glass, "Don't worry, I know you don't show your face, just hold yours behind mine." She raises her hand and he follows suit.
She snaps a picture of their hands and turns her phone for him to see, "Heh, your hand is huge compared to mine." She puts some emojis on it and adds background music, "See, a faceless pic of a mysterious man on my story, watch and learn." She uploads it.
He takes the phone from her, leaning back and holding it like a grandfather trying to send a text message without his spectacles, as he taps through her stories. Most of them are snapshots of her throughout her day.
Her with her morning coffee and her television set, her 'ootd' (whatever that means), and this mysterious man accompanying her for drinks.
He slides it back to her on the table, "Clever girl~"
"Mmhmm" She sips her wine. The moment the phone hits the table, it lights up and starts buzzing, vibrating across the wood. She clearly has a lot of fans, all currently going nuts over her little picture. She giggles and silences her phone.
He hums in amusement as he drinks from his own glass.
The waiter comes over to check on the two, bringing them their steaks and sides, "Here you go, rare just as requested, is there anything else I could get for you two?"
"No, that's okay. Thanks, though." Esme smiles at him, still holding the glass close to her lips. When he turns, she closes her eyes and brings her lips to it once more, taking a deeper sip.
The way they part around the glass and how she slowly removes it from her lips once she's finished makes Alastor's head go fuzzy. She was alluring in almost everything she did, from the smallest details, it was extraordinary.
If only he could replace that glass with his own li- WAIT HOLD ON NONONONONO
I've only met this woman this morning, what kind of gentleman am I?
This has never happened before.
She is completely unaware of his thoughts and looks around the restaurant taking in the scenery before her eyes catch him desperately pouring more wine in his glass and drinking rapidly, "Umm.....you good?"
His heart is racing and now he feels put on the spot, "Ah...yes..I'm fine, darling, just fine, never better ha..."
"Ooooookayyy~" She shrugs, looking down at her steak, "Oh, it really is bloody." She cuts into the meat with her steak knife and brings a small piece to her mouth, sucking the juice before popping it in entirely. It's potent and rich in taste, and cooked perfectly, edible but juicy enough where she can practically taste the iron.
Just how she likes it.
She chews contently.
A small shiver crawls up his spine as his mind imagines her lips and mouth on him, how beautiful she is, and how soft she must feel. He swallows his food thickly but keeps his eyes on her.
God, she looks beautiful under this lighting.
Now that he can see her, she has the faintest freckles dusting her cheeks, her eyelashes are long (and he can tell they're real) and her hair is in tip-top shape, not one strand out of place.
He wondered how it would feel to run his hands through those curls.
To reach her scalp and tighten his grip until he p-
He looks down at her phone, seeing it light up with an older man's photo and the name 'Papa' across the screen. Her eyes widen and she perks up, sliding the screen and bringing it to her ear.
"Ciao, pa, come stai?" She raises a hand to Alastor to excuse herself and she stands up, walking away. He can hear her voice carry through the restaurant as she exits, "Sto bene, mangiando cena." (("Hi, dad, how are you? I'm good, eating dinner."))
He's left at the table, staring at his food as she leaves.
What the hell is going on?
🖤Words: 2220🖤
~ Artemis🦌💗
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