#and meeting him tonight he did seem very complimentary. i just wish. i was a little bit more present for my conversation w him lol
britneyshakespeare · 2 years
My new friend’s childhood best friend is in prison. It’s bullshit, right, but it is what it is and it’s very hard on everyone who loves this guy. My friend, the guy’s girlfriend, the guy’s family. The guy himself obviously but that goes wo saying. The prison-industrial complex in the United States is fucked up. It especially hits you when you have such a close connection w someone who’s on the inside of it.
I recently did a portrait of this guy. I spent about a month working on it. For his girlfriend’s birthday. But I’m making copies of it for his family because I want everyone who loves him to know... you know. People care. They’re not alone. No one is. I’m not planning on posting the portrait on here for privacy reasons. This guy’s family has been through some serious harassment and if my portrait were identified, which is very possible, that could become very very dangerous.
My friend has shown all of his family and friends my portrait, though. Everyone but his girlfriend who we still haven’t been able to meet up w since her birthday, lol. And the guy’s stepfather owns a restaurant that I’ve been to three times. It’s really good. The mixed drinks there are no fucking joke though. I’ve been there three times, but I’ve walked out sober zero times. You know you know.
The first time I went, my friend introduced me to the guy’s stepfather. It was really late at night though and it was only for a second; I hardly remembered what the guy looked like. And he was just like “Hey this is my friend” and I shook his hand and all that. And I was pretty obviously drunk. This was last month, before I finished the portrait. I don’t remember if at that time he knew the portrait was being made; I know my friend showed several of his family members pictures of it even when it was just in progress. But he did not say “This is my friend who’s doing the drawing” when I met him the first time.
This time I met the guy’s stepfather again. I was DRUNK drunk. And my friend called him over to the table and said “This is my friend who drew your son” and I did look him directly in the eyes (I remember what his face looked like this time) and he was just very kind to me. I wish I could remember better what he said, but he was like, “It’s very beautiful, and you’re very talented. The features look so much like him.” And I was just like. “Thank you. It was really really really really really really hard.” Or something like that. Nodding over and over again. Lol.
One day I will meet the family of my latest portrait’s subject, sober. One day they’ll meet the artist who did a charcoal drawing of their son when she’s not fucked up on tequila in their eatery.
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
You're So Vain - Marilyn Manson x Reader [Smut]
Synopsis: You wear a Rob Zombie dress to your boyfriend's double headliner concert. This article of clothing has a certain effect on him, and it’s not good.
Notes: Heaven Upside Down era! I just banged this one out fast (that's what she said) and figured it's passable enough to post. Takes place in the same timeline as "Just For Me." Enjoy the light dom/sub jealous!Manson quickie! ALSO HAVE YOU SEEN HIS NEW HAIR FROM THE OSCARS PARTY??? 
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His eyes meet yours through the mirror as he shadows his eyes. You can tell immediately upon your entrance into the room that he’s not pleased, and you can’t wait to hear why this time. 
"What's that?"
You look at your boyfriend, to see where he's looking now. His eyes are on your clothing. "What do you think it is? It's a dress." 
"Don’t need your attitude. Is that really what you're wearing? For the show?"
You sigh. He always has a way of making you feel special. "Yes." You spin around in your black and red dress, adorned with symbols, splatters and big "Rob Zombie" logos on it. "I think it's perfect, since you're playing the show with Rob, Twins of Evil, yada yada." 
"I'm sure Rob’s going to love that," Manson says in a low voice, and the undertone of irritation does not go unnoticed by you. He sucks in his cheekbones to dust them with a powder puff of blue, and you dissect the darkness in his eyes. You can’t say you didn’t know this was going to happen, when you wore a dress with his co-headliner’s name all over it. You know how possessive your boyfriend can get. 
Provoking? Of course that’s not what you’re trying to do...
You smirk, walking over to smooth your hands down his chest. "Jealous?"
"I’m not jealous. But you've got his name emblazoned over your tits."
"And whose tits are they?"
"The correct answer there would have been "yours," but the jury will accept it."
Manson grumbles some more. "When did you even get it?" 
"I ordered it."
"With my money?"
"Look, I'm supporting my friend. He's in the band."
"In case you don't remember, Ginger was my drummer for 15 years."
"Well, he's not anymore. What do you want me to say?! I'm not gonna wear a dress with you on it! I've got you on my body every other night of the year, I don't need it tonight."
"You don't think I'm going to fuck the shit out of you tonight?" 
"Not at the rate you're going," you tease. 
“Watch yourself.”
“Make me.” It’s a clear invitation, up in the air. 
Manson looks like he's about to literally growl, but turns back to finish his makeup, sulk, and down his three "complimentary" glasses of stadium beer. It’s not worth it to start anything with you ten minutes til showtime, and you have to say, you’re disappointed he doesn’t make a sport of it. 
When your boyfriend goes out on stage first, Zombie's band comes in through the backstage, along with your best friend from when you two worked in Vegas together. "Kenny!" you grin, jumping into his arms. He picks you up in a hug, that drummer strength useful in boosting you up. 
"Ah, (y/n)! Glad you could come on this leg of the tour. I was so excited when I heard we were playing with Manson again, couldn't wait to see you."
"We're definitely meeting under calmer circumstances this time," you smile, arms wrapped around him tight.
He laughs, remembering all the backstage shenanigans from the late 90s touring days with you along for the ride. "Yeah, it's much more chill with Twiggy and Pogo gone. And Manson's toned down a little I guess."
You cock your head. "In a manner of speaking."
"It's kind of nice. It's like we've grown up, you know?"
"I don't think Manson will ever grow up," you laugh. Ginger pulls away to look at your dress, finally noticing it.
"That's super cool... what did he think of it?"
You giggle. "What do you think he thought of it?"
Ginger shakes his head, remembering the fiery look of pure rage his ex boss had given that one guy from the pit at that one concert in 1999. The guy’s never gonna change, I swear.” 
Rob comes in, punching the air. "Ready to fucking ROCK!?”
"Totally!" John calls from a distant room.
"Woah," Rob says, "You must be (y/n). Ginger's told me all about you."
"All bad?"
"Jesus, yeah. Heard about the time you got plowed on stage in '99. Typical Manson. Cool dress." Rob looks at your outfit. "Really cool. Hey, what's up with your bf?"
"What? What about him?"
"He's crashing and burning out there. Crowd's pissed, whiiiich means I'm gonna have to save the show."
"Bad day?"
You sigh, and walk out to the wing. Rob's right. The crowd is practically rioting, and they're not the only ones who are pissed. Manson seems to be out of his mind, singing Kill4Me with a particularly hard edge and apparently a version that skips every third lyric. He then launches into an overly aggressive rendition of The Beautiful People.
You know exactly what this is about.
Rob jostles your shoulder as he prepares to go out, wishing you luck when you should really be the one wishing him luck. Ginger gives you a low five, and you take a deep breath as Manson comes stumbling off stage, makeup trailing down his face and neck from the water he always spits upward.
"Could you be anymore of a child about this whole thing?" you demand, crossing your arms. He points a wavering finger at you, letting the security carry him properly toward the hall.
"Don't. Even."
"Oh, don't what? Don't what? I can't wear a dress now?"
"Wear whatever the fuck you want, I don't care." Piggy D hurries between you two awkwardly to run out on stage.
"You are being such an asshole."
"Whatever. You wanna misinterpret how I... what I'm..."
"I know you, you're jealous."
He shoves the security off, coming back over. "I'm not fucking jealous."
"It's a dress. What, you think I wanna fuck Rob?!"
This time, he does growl. His tall, imposing form advances on you, and despite his debauched appearance, the intense darkness in his eyes is unmistakable for anything other than hunger. Real fear flickers through you for a split second.
"Wanna try that, little girl? Hm?" You shiver, breath quickening, but you've known your boyfriend for far too long, and you're not about to back down now. You want him hard and fast, and it’s your turn to get him back for making you wait.
"Maybe I do," you whisper defiantly. That does it. He tears the straps on your dress. You moan, letting him reach in and grab your thighs, and lift you against the wall with ease, pinning you there. 
"You want me to drag you out on that stage, and fuck you in front of the crowd again?” 
“You only teased me in front of the crowd,” you have the nerve to reply, “You never actually fucked me out there in front of anyone.” Manson holds you by the neck as he roughly marks you down your jawbone. 
“That’s because you're mine," he mutters, hurrying to get his dick out, "You're fucking mine. Only person gets to see these tits, see this pussy? Is me." He leans in to hiss: “Only one who gets to see you gush is me.” 
You can't protest, caught up in a rush of arousal as his stage pants rub dangerously close to your clit. You grind your hips forward, desperately seeking his touch. You’ve never wanted him so bad, his stupid fucking feral expression covered in pink and blue gloss driving you wild. 
"Fuck me," you gasp, not stopping to wonder if the roadies were around or minding their own business.
"Oh, I'm going to, baby," Manson whispers, finally getting himself out of his briefs, "You need to remember who you fuckin' belong to." He tugs your hair back sharply, and sinks his teeth into your shoulder. You scream from the shock of it, and wetness starts to drip down your thigh.
"Ah," you hiss, pussy clenching desperately to be filled, "Do it again."
Manson bites down your flesh to the tips of your nipples, leaving pink marks across your chest. He reaches up, letting your leg fall slightly as he slips two fingers inside you. 
You gasp again, louder this time over the beat of Rob performing Superbeast, and clutch tighter to your handsy boyfriend. He comes back up to suck your neck, nipping slightly at the sensitive spots where he marked you before.
"Fuck me, come on," you chant, “Fuck me like you did that day.” He grabs you again by the neck, dragging you in for a rough, sloppy kiss. A hard pound, and your back hits the wall in rhythm with his body. He doesn't wait for you to adjust, and you both know you don't need him to. He slides in deep, with you very ready to take him, and he pulls back easily before thrusting back in harder, the weight of his body pounding against you heightening the thrusts. His belt buckle jangles with his every movement. 
"How much do you love this cock?”
“I love it, I want it--”
“Can Zombie do this?" 
"Could he make you cum like this?"
You whine. "Only you can make me cum." 
"That's right. Don't ever forget it, or I’ll fucking remind you again." He kisses you again, all sloppy tongue, and your hair falls forward between you two as he puts every ounce of effort into bouncing you on his cock. He thrusts one more time with a low grunt, and the pain in your scalp as he tugs again sends you over the edge into a much needed climax. He freezes too, deep inside of you, and you feel him finish.
Manson lets you down, groaning as he rubs the sweat and shiny makeup off his face. Adrenaline shooting through him from both his show and the sex, he’s spoiling for a fight as was usual in these moods. He glares at a stage tech who had been coiling ropes. “Fuck you staring at?” The poor guy looks down in terror, carrying on with his job. Yep, Ginger was right, you think with a smile. He’s never gonna change. No matter how long it’s been, he’s still the same Manson you’re stuck with.  
Manson zips up his pants again and unbuttons his restricting black stage vest. Breathless and rubbing your hands around and down your boyfriend’s chest, you pout at your ruined dress in the mirror, straps dangling down your arms. 
"Look what you did to the dress, baby.”  
“Looks better this way. Now you can’t see his name, you can just see your tits,” he smiles lazily, sucking on his bottom lip lasciviously. 
“You’re a dirty old man, always looking at my tits.” 
“What am I supposed to do? They’re tits, they’re attached to your chest, and I think you’re hot.” 
You hide your flushed smile as you turn your nose up, sighing for show. “You do realize it's not normal that the best sex we have is when you're jealous."
"Since when are we normal?" He looks at you through the mirror, tired and grinning. "And I told you. I'm not fucking jealous." 
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BEASTARS MINI-STORY #4: “A Different kind of Charity pt. 3” by JCL
--- OGUMA: "Well?" Juno blinks, but remains composed despite this unexpected development. JUNO: "Yes, yes I am. I am Juno." OGUMA: "I am sorry, I forgot introductions. I am Oguma." He then glances at Shigure. OGUMA: "And this is my assistant, Shigure." Shigure gives a curt bow without saying anything. Juno gives her a nod. OGUMA: "Are you enjoying your evening so far?" JUNO: "Well I just got here, but I have to say it is really quite something. How about you?" OGUMA: "It is as it always is." Juno discreetly examines Oguma. JUNO: "..." (Louis said he was adopted, but they have a similar feel to them) One thing in particular that she takes notice of is his eyes, which has her fixed with a sharp and unreadable expression. JUNO: (Their eyes and their tone of voice... It's like they're perceiving you from atop a great height) OGUMA: "Forgive me for being direct, but I need to ask you something: Are you the person that my son meets with twice a month?" We can see that this catches Juno a bit off her guard. JUNO: "Yes... Louis wants to keep tabs on the school and the progression of the club in his absence, so I keep him updated." OGUMA: "Is that all you do?" Juno thinks back to what Louis said to her earlier: 'You're here as my platonic friend.' JUNO: "That is mostly what we talk about when we meet." OGUMA: "Mostly?" Juno looks a little uncomfortable, thinking back to the moment when she held Louis hand and flirted with him. Oguma's hard stare does not help the situation. JUNO: "Yes." (What is this, an interrogation?) "Usually over some tea and something to eat... He has not mentioned any of this?" OGUMA: "He has, though usually without much detail. He never mentioned that you were female for instance." Juno looks down, trying to hide her growing anxiety. JUNO: (Or the fact that I was a wolf I bet) "I guess he didn't view it as an important detail." Oguma examines Juno. OGUMA: "Oh, I think he does." JUNO: "Well I... I..." (How the hell do I even respond to that?!) It is then that Louis comes into frame and joins Juno. He greets his father and his assistant. LOUIS: "Father. Shigeru." Juno looks relieved beyond words. JUNO: (Oh thank God!) Shigeru nods at Louis and Oguma greets his adoptive son. OGUMA: "Louis." Oguma examines Louis suit. OGUMA: "A red shirt huh? I never would have guessed that it was such a complimentary color on you." LOUIS: "Well, I wanted to match my company somewhat." He refers to the see-through shoal draped around Juno's shoulders, which has a shade of red. Oguma nods. OGUMA: "I see." Nobody says anything for a few seconds. Both Juno and Shigeru feel the weight of the awkward atmosphere. JUNO & SHIGERU: (Uncomfortable!) OGUMA: "I need to greet some old associates. I hope to see you again later." LOUIS: "Same here." Oguma turns to Juno, giving her a curt little bow. OGUMA: "It was a pleasure to meet you Juno."   JUNO: "The feeling is mutual, sir..." Oguma then proceeds to walk away together with Shigeru. Louis sits down in his seat and leans over to talk to Juno. LOUIS: "Did he scare you?" --- Once they're out of hearing range, Oguma talks to Shigeru. OGUMA: "Shigeru, find out all you can about that young lady. Her background, her activities at school, the circles she hangs around in. Anything that'll paint up a clear image of her character and her precise relationship with my son." Shigeru adjusts her glasses. We can see a great determination burning in her eyes. SHIGERU: "As you wish, sir." She proceeds to pick up her tablet, apparently starting with her search righ away. Oguma closes his eyes and looks a little self-conscious. OGUMA: (I hate to dig around in Louis private life, but if I had been more concerned about his activites at school, or at least more involved as a parent, he might have still had both of his legs) He looks back in Louis and Juno's direction. OGUMA: (What I don't understand is, having lost a leg to them, why does he always surround himself with carnivores?) We zoom in and see that Juno is talking to Louis about something. Louis smiles a reserved but completely genuine smile. OGUMA: (He said that he sacrificed his leg to help his classmate, a wolf. Now he is together with another. A young, well-mannered and attractive wolf of the opposite sex at that) Staring at them over his shoulder, his eye narrows a bit. OGUMA: "..." (Could she be the reason?) --- We skip ahead a bit. Louis and Juno has gotten their ordered meals by now. JUNO: "I mean he was perfectly civil, but it felt like he was staring into my soul or something." Louis gives off a little laugh as he picks up some salad and feta with his fork. LOUIS: "Yeah, I know all about that. When I was younger I was afraid of misbehaving, cause it felt like if I had done something bad, he would know about it, just by looking at me." Juno smiles at this. JUNO: "My big brother Hector is like that too. He can be downright terrifying if he thinks that you're up to no good." Louis look a bit surprised. LOUIS: "You have a brother?" JUNO: "Three of them actually. Though they're actually my half-brothers, from my mom's previous marriages." Louis nods at this with some thought. LOUIS: (Marriages? As in plural?) "Doesn't it get pretty rowdy with so many siblings?" JUNO: "Oh like you wouldn't believe! Though they're good boys whenever they try. Overprotective as hell though. I tell you, if they knew where I was right now anyway, they'd probably hunt us both down." Louis looks like he understands this; the confirmation that at least Juno's family has a normal degree of intolerance in regards to herbivore/carnivore-relationships. LOUIS: "They wouldn't approve of you having dinner with a herbivore?" Juno picks up her knife and fork with an annoyed look, thinking about her brothers. JUNO: "Knowing them they wouldn't approve of me going out with any guy, no matter the kind of vore. I'm the youngest, so they always baby me. They probably think I'm too immature to date." She then takes a bite from her omelette, at which her face suddenly turns into cartoonish deligth with stars for eyes and her tail wagging intensily. JUNO: "THIS IS SO DELICIOUS! OH MY GOD!" Louis sweatdrops at Juno's overly excited expression.   LOUIS: "What about your parents?" The mention of her parents seem to quell Juno's excitement a bit. JUNO: "If my mom knew that I was in love with a herbivore, she'd probably have a fit. She's the biggest worrywart." She takes a sip from her orangejuice.   JUNO: "I don't really know my dad. He left when I was like five. From what I've been told he wasn't exactly father-material." This prompts a curious look from Louis. LOUIS: (Quite a tumultous family history... Is that why she was sorted into the drama club?) Louis thinks back to the other members of the club, which has all been selected and drafted for the drama club on account of their troubled backgrounds. --- We see a group-image of all the members with cracks over it, as if seen through a broken window. LOUIS: (No, that couldn't be it. Having a mother that has been married a few times and a couple of halfbrothers sounds pretty mundane compared to the history of the rest of the clubmembers. Though what could it be?) --- Going back to the present, Louis continues to stare at her, curious but reserved.   LOUIS: (I want to know, but I can't ask her, in case it is very personal) Juno then puts her glass down. She now looks down with sad eyes. JUNO: "I don't like lying to them though, even if it is to spend time with you. It makes me feel like I'm sneaking around." LOUIS: "... You lied about where you were going tonight?" JUNO: "Uh-huh." LOUIS: "If they don't know that you're out here, where do they think you are?" Juno looks up. JUNO: "I told them that I was going with the rest of the dramaclub to Shima over the weekend. Bill is taking the guys out there to his uncle's beach house. I was planning to join up with them tomorrow." Louis blinks at this. LOUIS: "Why is he taking you out to Shima?" JUNO: "Because it's been a tough time lately. It hasn't been easy with the club getting suspended, and all the pressure that is now on us to keep it going." --- JUNO: "The herbivore members are picked on for intermingling with carnivores, and carnivores are picked on for intermingling with herbivores." We see a flashback of the all-herbivore basketball team picking a fight with the members of the dramaclub. Bill is held back by Aoba and Pina as he wants to fight with the smug-looking team captain, while a scared-looking Els looks on. --- We ten return to the present with Juno and Louis. JUNO: "Not even the teachers seem to have our backs. It's more like they see us as the troblemakers. Bill just figured that we could use some time away together. You know, just hang out and not feel like a bunch of freaks for a while." This makes Louis look a bit thoughtful. LOUIS: "I never did anything like that back when I was the president... Then again, Bill has different sensibilites than me." JUNO: "You wouldn't like to come too?" This makes Louis nearly choke on a cherry tomato. He looks at Juno, who gives him a hopeful look. He then closes his eyes and takes another bite from his salad. LOUIS: "I don't think me being around would change much." JUNO:  "Oh don't say that. Everyone misses you." Juno gives his hand a playful poke with her finger and blinks at him. JUNO: "Especially the girls." Louis clears his throath and looks away. LOUIS: "It wouldn't feel right." Juno looks a little surprised by his odd reluctance. She takes her glass up for another sip. JUNO: "Why not? It's just old friends." LOUIS: "That is the issue though. Back when I was president, I looked out for them, did everything that I thougt was right for the club and the school." Louis puts down his fork and crosses his hands. He looks down with a dark look. LOUIS: "But truthfully, it wasn't because it was the right thing to do, or because I really cared about them." Juno looks shocked at this and lowers her glass. LOUIS: "All I cared about was myself and becoming the next Beastar. Every little speech I made, every performance and all the concern I showed, at it's core, wasn't out of the goodness of my heart. It was all about asserting myself, standing out and getting the support I needed." Louis looks down, a joyless smile forming on his lips. LOUIS: "See... In a sense, I was no different from most of the people here: doing good things for the self-serving reasons. I don't really deserve to call any of them my friends. To be honest... My kindness back then was just charity." *CRACK!* Louis looks up in surprise. We see that Juno's glass has been broken in her hand, with juice and shards spilling down on the table. Tears have formed in the corners of her eyes. JUNO: "You're horrible..." Juno the pulls her hand back, realizing that she is hurt. JUNO: "Ow! My hand!" Blood trickles from inside her palm and drips onto the table. Louis swiftly gets up and walks over to Juno's side with a concerned look. LOUIS: "Are you alright?" Juno grimaces in pain and holds her hand. JUNO: "It hurts...!" LOUIS: "Let me have a look." Louis takes her hand, opens it gently and takes a look.   LOUIS: "There is glass imbedded in your hand." He grabs a napkin from the table and wraps it over her hand a well as he can. LOUIS: "The kitchen staff always have bandages. Let's go." Juno gets up though and glares Louis straight in the eye. JUNO: "I can take care of it on my own." Juno walks off while holding her hand, leaving a stunned-looking Louis behind. JUNO: "I don't need any of your charity." As she walks away, we can see that she and Louis are receiving a few stares from others in the restuarant section. ???: "Well that was dramatic." --- We then see that the unknown voice is coming from DUMAS (Peacock, male, 23 years old, black suit, foppish), who is sitting at a table a few meters away, opposite Georgette. Apparently he is her ´idiot-date´. Georgette has a glass of Chardonnay in her hand, while Dumas is eating from a plate with vegetarian spring rolls. The two are among those staring at the little spectacle that just occured. DUMAS: "Though I guess one should expect as much. I mean dogs and the like are quite emotional, not to mention lacking when it comes to a gentle touch. I bet even the females have hands like plyers. I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would want to bring any of them as company." Georgette seems to ignore Dumas ignorant ramblings, taking a note of Louis regretful expression as he grabs Juno's veil, which she has left on her chair. DUMAS: "I mean if they're here and not carrying a plate, then what is the point?" Georgette continues to stare at them with a sharp look, but also with a hint of intrigue. TO BE CONTINUED...! ---
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thiswasinevitableid · 5 years
Moonlit Walk
Prompt for the 19th was: “If you thought you were safe, you thought wrong.” Beware, this prompt is Not Suitable For your Workplace.
“If you thought you were safe, you thought wrong.”
Stern turns to look at the man behind him. His date is smiling, all teeth.
Sharp teeth. 
“Remember I said how handsome you look in the moonlight?” The man is shifting, changing, and Stern gazes up at the full moon. 
“Shit. Alright, don’t panic, I’m sure there’s a way we can get you somewhere where you can’t hurt anyone or yourself.” 
“Aw, it’s cute that you think this is a warning so you can try to save yourself. Hate to break it to you, Joseph, but we didn’t come all the way out here to get cozy. But I meant what I said; You really do look like a snack.” It’s coming out as more of a growl now, and the smile is staying put.
“You can’t, can’t be serious.” He’s already trying to picture his escape route.
“Dead serious. But” he drags his claws down a tree-trunk, nonchalantly, “I’ll give you a sixty second head start. It’ll be more fun that way. One-”
Stern is running before the syllable leaves his mouth. Even as it pounds in his ears, his heart sinks as he notices he’s completely lost.
Not nearly far enough behind him, there’s a howl. 
This was not how this night was supposed to go.
He’s been in the sleepy California town of Kepler, researching his newest book of cryptid sightings, for two months. Dating pools are already small in towns like Kepler, even more so when you’re gay. So imagine his pleasure when another visitor approached him a few days ago and asked if he’d like to go on a date. He was charming, and handsome, and Stern was curious and a little bit horny and figured the worst that would happen was some disappointing sex. 
They’d had dinner in the lodge where Stern was (is) staying, and he’s had a perfectly decent time. His date wasn’t an amazing conversationalist, but he was pleasant enough, and seemed very into Stern. 
The only odd moment had come when, while his date was in the bathroom, the bartender (and cook) came over to personally drop off his drink. 
“You doing okay?”
“Yes, why?”
“That guy’s not giving you any trouble?”
“Not in the slightest.”
“Huh. Well, uh, lemme know if that changes, okay?”
Now, as he ducks and weaves through the woods, Stern replays that conversation. Wishes he’s paid more attention to what, in retrospect, may have been a warning. Wishes he’d paid attention to their path in the forest, rather than to the many complimentary things his date had said to him. 
How does that poem go?
And now, dear little children, who may this story read,
To idle, silly, flattering words, I pray you ne’er give heed;
Unto an evil counselor close heart, and ear, and eye,
And take a lesson from this tale of the Spider and the-
“Fuck” he hisses as he comes to a stop at the edge of a sheer rock face. Cracking branches and panting growls are terrifyingly close. Weighing his options, he grabs the largest stick he can swing; if flight won’t save him, maybe fight will. 
“Ooh, bad luck. Guess you’re not as sharp as I thought.” His date lurches through the trees towards him. 
“I’m not helpless either. Leave me alone.” 
“Oh yeah, this is gonna be fun” the monster crouches, ready to spring, when a cacophony of snapping branches comes from Sterns left. 
“You heard him. Beat it.” Rumbles a voice.
The werewolf must be able to see better in the dark than Stern, because he scoffs “who’s gonna make me, Squatch-boy?”
It’s only when the newcomer steps into the light that Stern sees him too. 
Yeah, that’s definitely a Bigfoot. 
“Look, man, you’re already in pretty serious trouble. Don’t make me kick your ass on top of it.” 
The werewolf snarls and launches himself at the cryptid, who dives to the side and comes up with what appears to be half a dead tree. He swings, sending the lycanthrope flying. 
Unfortunately, he flies Sterns way and lands too close for comfort. 
“I’m gonna tear you apart youOW!” 
Stern hits him with the stick again for good measure, giving Bigfoot time to cross the distance between them and haul the creature into an extremely violent bear-hug. When he throws the wolf to the ground this time, he stays down for a twenty count before stumbling up and limping towards the treeline. 
“Fine, asshole, you eat him! Fuck that hurt.” It glares at them once before skulking off into the darkness. 
At the implication that Bigfoot sees him as prey, Sterns panic gives an encore. He knows of no accounts suggesting that Bigfoot or cryptids of his kind eat people. But until tonight, Stern didn’t know of any credible accounts of the existence of werewolves, either. 
Bigfoot turns to look at him and he raises his stick.
The cryptid holds up his hands, “Whoa, hey, I’m not gonna eat you. That guy’s just being a dick.”
“You’ll forgive me for not being inclined to believe you right now.”
“I swear, I’m mostly harmless.” He kneels, then sits down on the forest floor. 
“You are almost two feet taller than me, you have fangs, and you just beat up a werewolf.”
“.....Yeah okay I see your point. Uh” he pats around his body, looking for something, “here, maybe this’ll help.” He slips a woven bracelet on his wrist, and then there’s no more Bigfoot. 
Just a bartender. 
The other man waves sheepishly, “Hey. Uh, this making you feel better?”
“It’s mainly increasing my confusion.”
Barclay scratches the back of his neck, “There’s more than I can really explain right now, especially without checking with some other people first. The main thing is what you already saw; there’s monsters running around, and they can look like humans.”
“There’s more than just the two of you?”
“Lots more. Most of us are really chill. I haven’t seen that guy before, so I think he might have either just come through from our home or be passing through from another town. Either way, he’s the only werewolf I’ve ever seen who’d pull a stunt like this.”
“There are other werewolves?” Stern cautiously lays the stick down. 
“Most of them are having a chess club meeting tonight.” Barclay shrugs. 
Stern slowly settles onto the ground, heart rate returning to normal, “That’s why you asked me about him, isn’t it?’
“I wasn’t sure if he was what I thought, because I hadn’t seen him before. I just got a kinda predatory vibe off of him. When I saw you two heading out here I got suspicious and followed you. After letting Mama know my hunch.”
Stern nods, beginning to understand. Mama runs the lodge, and if anyone in town looks prepared to handle a monster, it’s her. 
“Do you wanna continue this conversation back at the lodge?”
“Yes, please.” Stern ought to stand up, but the idea of doing so sounds exhausting. Barclay gets up, walks the several feet between them and holds out his hand. Stern takes it, gratefully.
“Is the lodge close? I’m so goddamn turned around, I feel like such a fool for not even paying enough attention to know where I am in relation town.”
“He turned you around on purpose.”
“By stroking my ego with nice words, and I fell for it.” Stern mutters.
“Try not to beat yourself up, okay?” Barclay rests his free hand on his shoulder. 
“I’ll do my best.”
They start back through the trees, Barclay keeping a protective arm around the shorter man. 
“You’re taking me being Bigfoot pretty well.”
“Honestly, I just processed so much unexpected information in such a short time that I’m still sorting through all my feelings.”
“...Are you trying to decide whether to ask me for help with you research?”
Stern looks over at him, finds a wry, sweet smile heading his direction. 
“Gotta buy me a drink first.”
“Barclay, you are the one serving them. You can have one for free whenever you want.”
“Not from a cute guy I can’t.”
Sterns’ cheeks heat up at the same time his stomach twists, compliments in the dark woods now linked to danger in his brain. Barclay notices the reaction, clears his throat. 
“Did you get a chance to finish that book I gave you?”
“It was spectacular, I stayed up all night a few days ago to read it. I meant to give it back, but I’ve been swamped with research just like you’ve been swamped with customers.”
“Really has been hectic the last few days. Think we got written up somewhere again.”
“Does that happen often?” Stern picks his way over a fallen log, Barclay offering a hand to steady him.
“Every now and then Sunset or somesuch writes about Kepler as a nice weekend vacation spot. Lodge gets mentioned every time, usually as a place to eat.”
“As it should. You’re an amazing chef, Barclay.”
It’s a pity the moonlight washes the world out; he’s fairly certain Barclay is blushing.
When the lodge comes into view, a figure wearing a wide-brimmed hat approaches them, coalescing into the shape of Duck Newton, local ranger. 
“Mama wanted me to let you both know that she’s taken care of the issue.” 
Barclay groans, “she didn’t kill him, did she?”
“Nope, just put the fear of god into him and chased him across the border into the next county in her pick-up. Accordin to ‘Drid, no futures of him comin back.”
“That’s...good?” Stern isn’t quite sure how Duck’s tall, gangly husband can be so sure. 
“Whelp, I better be headin home. Evenin you two, glad you didn’t get eaten.” He tips his hat and heads off towards the parking lot. 
Stern rubs his arms, nerves still refusing to quiet entirely. 
“Kitchen’s closed, but I got a little kitchenette in my room, could make you some tea. Uh, if you want.”
“That would be nice, thank you.”
Soon he’s seated on Barclays green, plaid bed-spread as the larger man putters around the small stove. Barclay keeps up a quiet, consistent chatter, seeming to understand that Stern is craving the reassurance of a friendly, familiar voice. 
“...Anyway, it turns out it’s even harder than you’d think to get caramel syrup out of your beard.”
Stern laughs at the image, reaches for the mug Barclay offers him. The trouble is, he can’t make his hands grab it. It nearly drops on the floor, but Barclay cups his hands around Sterns to keep them steady,
“Everything okay?”
“I, it’s like my limbs are numb but full of little, buzzing bugs all at once and I can’t make them grip anything. It’s an adrenaline reaction I get some time.”
“Is there a way I can help?” The question is gentle, earnest, Barclay staring down at him with those deep brown eyes. Stern glances down, trying to ignore the lewd thoughts flooding his head at Barclays offer. Instead he counts the various scars on Barclays hands, wonders which are remnants of kitchen incidents and which are reminders of monster battles. 
In spite of this distraction, his mind offers up thoughts. Thoughts of how Barclay brings him his coffee with just the right amount of cream and sugar already added, while all the other guests have to add theirs at the table.  How more than a few nights, he’s kept Stern company while he pours over notes and researches leads, busying himself with looking over recipes or cleaning the bar. 
Thoughts of how more than once, Barclay’s given Stern a shy once-over, a thing he’d previously never thought possible. How the few times the bartender complimented him, Stern glowed for hours afterwards. 
He looks back up, finds the other man waiting on his answer.
It doesn’t take much, merely a soft tug on Barclays hands, to bring him close enough for a kiss. He gets surprised, short moan in response, pulls back to smile at him. 
“I don’t know about you, Barclay, but I can think of some far more enjoyable ways to burn off adrenaline than sipping tea.”
“Got that right. And I’m happy to do them, as long as you promise me you’re not doing this because you think it’s something you owe me.”
“I’m not.” 
Barclay takes the mug from Sterns hands, sets it down on the bedside table calmly. 
Then he makes a surprisingly graceful hop-flop onto the bed, and pulls Stern on top of him. The fire in Sterns system is instantaneous, and he frantically kisses Barclay while tugging at his shirt and grinding against him. When the shirt proves too difficult, he goes for Barclays belt, but the other man grabs both his hands with one of his own, grips his hip to keep him still with little effort (good lord he is strong).
“Much as I appreciate the thought, babe, I wanna make it all about getting you off right now. You’ve had a hard night. Will you let me make you feel good?”
Stern cups his face and kisses him hard and happy, nodding as best he can.
“Lay back and get comfy.”
Stern tears his shirt off like it’s on fire, gives his slacks the same treatment. Barclay chuckles, undoes his flannel and drops it on the floor. Then he kneels down, grabs Sterns ankles and slides him down to the edge of the bed, eases his underwear off once he’s there. Then hooks Sterns legs over his shoulders, nuzzles his inner thighs with a low, rumbling purr.
“Want me to suck your dick?”
“Oh lord yes, please, yesYESohhhhh.” His heels dig into Barclays back at the first firm swipe of his tongue. Barclay huffs out warm, laughing breath against him before continuing to circle and swirl along his folds, Stern whimpering whenever his tongue teases at his dick. The room steadily fills with his moans, the odd laugh when Barclays beard tickles his skin, and the other mans panting, pleased purr. 
Barclay pulls back just a little, kissing Sterns’ hips and thighs as he groans, “fuck, love doing this to you, love hearing you moan baby, god, wanna make you feel so good.”
“You’re doing, ah, so well, oh lord Barclay please don’t stop.”
“Not planning to.” Is all he hears before Barclay dives back down, moaning around his cock like it’s the best thing he’s ever tasted. The noise rumbling out of him is no longer a purr, it’s a growl, Barclays ministrations becoming messier, more animalistic, with every second. Stern is matching his enthusiasm , no longer content to lay back and be lavished with pleasure. Instead he chases it, grinding against Barclays face, which only serves to make the man on the floor growl louder. 
“That’s so good, you’re so good, ohlordfuck” he grips that endearingly shaggy hair, “right there, please right thererighttherrerightthereOHhhhh.” His eyes shut as his orgasm floods him, and a comforting pressure registers on his thigh as Barclay rests his chin against it to watch him come. 
“Yes. Would, would you like to uh, not be on the floor.” He gestures weakly at the bed, hoping Barclay gets the gist.
He does, climbing onto the mattress and rolling Stern into his arms. 
“Give me a moment and I can re-” he yawns, the long-awaited crash finally hitting him, “-ciprocate.”
“Don’t worry about it, okay babe?”
“But you’re clearly turned on. I’m fairly certain I felt you trying to hump the side of the bed while you were down there.”
“I mean yeah, because you’re real fucking hot and I like doing that. But you’re already going limp and sleepy on me.” He lifts Sterns hand, which thwaps back onto the bed because he doesn’t have the energy to even think about keeping it up.
“Suppose you’re right. And you’re very comfortable.” 
“If you want, tomorrow you can nap on me while I’m Bigfoot.”
“I’d” another yawn “like that.” Then a rather ridiculous thought occurs to him and he begins laughing “I never need to work a day in my life again. I’m just going to sell my story to the National Enquirer for a million dollars.”
Barclay belly-laughs, cuddling Stern closer, “Go to sleep, you goofball.”
“Won’t be calling me that when my feature, ‘Bigfoot is real and he sucked my dick’ goes viral.”
“You can only write that if I get a cut.”
Stern blinks sleepily up at him, kisses the goofy smile spreading across his face, “deal.”
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Eat Your Greens
It started when Chouji had returned from his week-long mission.  This was the longest that he’d been away from Karui since she’d moved to Konoha and his absence was felt.  
Thankfully she’d become close to the Konoha girls, and they all made sure that she was okay while he was gone.  They took her out so that she didn’t stay at home and sulk. 
Karui also made an effort to go visit his parents and took on some of his clan responsibilities while he was gone.  His mother was so loving and kind and Karui knew how lucky she was.  Temari had inherited one hell of a mother in law.  Although she knew that the Sand Princess loved her new family.  The Akimichi clan had been so welcoming and sweet to her since she’d started dating Chouji. They would love to tell her that she was too skinny and needed to eat more.  They were good, kind and honest people and she could see why her sweet boyfriend was the way he was. She had also taken on missions that were easy enough given her skillset.  This was just to keep her busy during the day and from worrying about how he was and whether he was eating.  
She had never been the type to be dependent on a man, often finding them annoying and tedious.  Although, that was more related to her feelings about her old teammate. Even so, he’d become her safety blanket, warm and comforting.  She missed his all-encompassing hugs, hearty laughs that could be heard down the hall, sweet kisses and constant affection. He was unlike anyone that she’d ever met before.  His kindness and loyalty seeped from his very core. Even while she had rebuffed his early attempts to become close to her he continued to be far kinder and sweeter than she deserved.  He remained there steadfast convinced that he was strong enough to break down those carefully constructed walls and in what seemed like very little effort knocked them down with a simple swing.  She’d never been vulnerable, often relating such a feeling to weakness but she trusted him so much. To place that faith in him seemed like a sure bet. 
So when he was finally due to come home she’d worked all day in the kitchen preparing all his favorite dishes will love and attention.  She enjoyed cooking for him. It was something close to being a meditation practice for her. She would be calm and focused on the ingredients and steps, her mind centered. 
 “I missed you!”  Karui laughed in surprise feeling her feet float above the floor as he pulled her into a crushing hug.
“You’re back!”  She replied excitedly.
He smiled softly before meeting her lips in a kiss and that familiar feeling, was like coming home again.  He was there, safe and sound.
“It smells amazing in here!” He grinned brightly at her before taking in the spread.  He easily identified all his favorite dishes.
“You’re the best Sweetheart.”  He thanked her kissing her cheek. 
“I’m just happy you’re home.”  She replied, placing her hands against his cheeks her fingers tracing the familiar swirls needing to remind herself that indeed he was there.  
He took her hand in his placing a soft kiss on her palm. “I am too my sweet.  Come on let’s eat.”
Surprising her he placed her on his lap an arm around her waist.  “How do you expect to eat like this?” She teased him a light blush dusting her cheeks.  He shrugged unbothered while chewing on a piece of shrimp.
“I haven’t held you in a week, nothing even my beloved food is going to stop me now.”  He replied, causing her face to flush a deep crimson. She wondered if everyone who knew him as the sweet unassuming ninja knew how charismatic and flirtatious he could be.  Actually, she was happy that no one else knew that side to him, that was meant only for her. He just grinned in response. She could still be so shy when it came to affection.
Their dinner was carefree and delicious.  Their meals together were always her favorite.  They shared stories about their missions in between bites of food.  She finished long before him and just rested her head against his shoulder content to just be there in his arms.  She listened attentively as he told her about his teammates a few names she could recall hearing before and other ones she’d never heard of.
“She made the most amazing food!”  That statement made Karui sit up.  
“It was incredible.  I’d never eaten anything like it.  I told her that she could go become a world-renowned chef.  She’d probably make more money that way too.” She sat there as he went on and on about how amazing this unknown kunoichi was.  She had to bite down on the inside of her cheek to prevent herself from reacting.  
She wasn’t jealous, that was a childish emotion wasted on insecure girls.  She was none of those things, but then why did her boyfriend’s gushing of some faceless ninja bother her so much.
Surprising her he picked her up and placed her softly on the couch.  “Thank you for dinner Sweetheart. Relax and I'll take care of the dishes.”  Before she could protest he kissed her cheek and made his way back to the dinner table.  
She took a deep breath and forced herself to relax her shoulders.  This was nothing to get worked up over. So this girl was a good cook, so what?  Chouji was just too nice and would be overly complimentary to anyone that fed him.  This was just a one-time thing, it wasn’t as though they’ be paired up for missions again. 
 Until they were and he once again came home starry-eyed about some dish that she made.  Karui couldn’t understand how they could have so much time to cook and eat during missions. 
After this cooking became less peaceful and more competitive.  She started pushing herself to improve upon old recipes and to try out new ones.  She became annoyed and upset when they didn’t turn quite right.  
“Sweetie?  Are you okay?”  Chouji asked his girlfriend nervously as she aggressively scrubbed at a pan.
“Just annoyed by this stupid dish.”  She snapped causing him to step back. 
“Can I help you?”
“No, I'm fine.  Sorry. Dinner will be done soon.”
“Okay.”  He walked over to her where she continued to fight the dish as though it had wronged her in a previous life.
“Hey, look at me.”  She glanced up at him annoyed wearing that expression of irritation that he’d seen many times before, but rarely directed towards him. 
“I love you, sweet girl.”  And it was enough to stop her aggressive movements and ground her back to reality. 
“I love you too Cho.”
 After her little tantrum, she felt like she had gotten better in addressing her feelings.  Convincing herself that she wasn’t bothered that her boyfriend enjoyed another woman's cooking, it was fine, she was fine. That is until she wasn’t.
She spent the day preparing and cooking up a feast for him as an apology for how she’d been acting the last week.  It wasn’t his fault that she felt this way, it was her thoughts running away from her. 
He greeted her like he always did, capturing her in a big hug.  Making her feel weightless as her feet hung suspended in the air before pulling her into a sound kiss. 
“Hope you’re hungry!  I made some new stuff tonight that I've been working on!”  She told him proudly with a bright smile. 
“Thank you, Sweetheart, you’re the best, but I’m actually full still.  She made us a ton of food for lunch today, give me a few hours and I'll be good to go.”  Karui felt her heart drop to her stomach. This wasn’t the response that she’d been expecting and every known, taught instinct within her was telling her to fight.  To yell out baseless accusations and hate-filled sentiments but this was Chouji not some enemy of hers so rather than say anything she took a deep breath and walked out. 
Watching her leave he knew that he messed up.  It wasn’t as though he’d meant to overdo it at lunch, the food was just too good.  Staring at the untouched plates on the table he should have probably made a different decision.  He took one spoonful of an unknown dish and it was unlike anything he’d ever had before but it screamed his beautiful girlfriend.  This was a terrible feeling. She’d clearly put so much effort into this and he acted as though it wasn't a big deal. He’d noticed a shift in her this past week and he had a sneaking suspicion of what it was about.  He’d seen the lightning appear in her eyes and was ready to defend himself but when she just turned away wordlessly it showed great restraint on her part. Part of him wished that she’d fought and yelled. Seeing her broken and emotionless hurt more than anything else that she could have thrown at him.  He wanted to go after her to apologize and comfort her but it was like entering the heart of a lightning storm. Right now she needed time to process, he’d learned more about her than she thought over the years. So he remained there steadfast and ready whenever she was. 
 Karui sliced through the air facing imaginary enemies, seeing talented kunoichi that thought it was just okay to feed other people’s boyfriends. 
Her katanas came down sharply at those images.  Taking a break she sighed and breathed deeply. The rational part of her knew that he didn’t mean any harm by it and it was okay he enjoyed food from other people.  The emotional side of her could care less and wanted to scream out loud “I bet you would have eaten it if she made it.” This only increased her efforts as she continued to fight imagined enemies and herself. 
When she returned home the table had been cleared and the dishes washed. Their home was perfect and pristine. Her favorite candle that he’d lit cast a warm glow and now she felt bad for her tantrum. Chouji was gentle and kind he didn’t deserve her temperament and shitty attitude especially when he didn’t know why she was upset. 
She crawled into bed and he wordlessly pulled her into the safe recesses of his arms. She settled finding that familiar feeling of safety and peace.
“Cho...I….” He kissed her forehead softly cutting off her apology.
“Don’t worry about it we’ll talk tomorrow. I love you, my sweet girl .”  She bit back a sob not wanting to shed tears over something that seemed so small and silly. 
“I love you too.” 
 When Karui woke up she groaned feeling the stiffness in her shoulders and arms.  She’d really gone for it last night while training and now she was feeling it. Hopefully, Chouji would be willing to massage her strained muscles.  Not feeling his arms securely around her when she woke made her heart drop. He hadn’t mentioned needing to leave early for a mission, although she’d never given him a chance to tell her anything.  She just hoped that he didn’t leave early to avoid her. 
Refusing to dwell on it any longer she went about preparing for her day.  She’d planned to meet with his mom again this morning to help with something or other, honestly though it just seemed that the Akimichi matriarch wanted to spend time with her future daughter in law as she so affectionately called her. 
“Good morning beautiful.”  She looked up seeing Chouji standing at the entryway with a tray of food.  She was thankful that he was still home.
“I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed.”  He explained placing the tray on their bedside table and ushering her back to bed. 
“That’s sweet Cho but I have to go see your mom.”  She knew that she’d understand but she was using her as an excuse so that she didn’t have to talk about uncomfortable feelings and her behavior.
He just smiled at her in response.  “Already took care of it. Your schedule is cleared for the day, your only job is to hang out with me.  It’s actually a mission you’re assigned to, you can call the Hokage’s office if you’d like.”
“Are you serious?”
He just grinned in response. “Of course, come relax.  I made you a bunch of stuff and tried a Kumogakure recipe too!”  he explained placing the tray on her lap.
She had to hand it to him, years or eating different food from all over the world made him a good cook. 
They smiled and laughed through breakfast making the past week of emotional upheaval feel like an old nightmare.  He cleared their plates but didn’t make an effort to put them away.  
He took her hands in his.  Her honey-colored eyes looked up at him and he could see the worry present and tried to kiss that unease away.  He took a deep breath. It always rendered him speechless that she was his.
“Karui, I’m sorry.  I haven’t been very present these last few weeks between the mission and coming home.  I also haven’t really thanked you enough for everything that you’ve done and do for me.  I guess with everything that’s happened recently with you moving here I kind of just went through the motions of it all. Never really showing you how much I appreciate you for choosing to leave your home to come here to live with me.  I don’t know that I could ever thank you enough for that sacrifice. You’re amazing, you’ve made our house a home, my parents and the clan love you and you’ve done all of this without a complaint. I can’t tell you enough how much I love and appreciate you.”
“Cho...I’m sorry too.  I guess that I was just feeling ...jealous and a little insecure about that girl.”  She had to bite back the bile in the back of her throat at admitting her human weaknesses. 
“I hadn’t seen you in a week and when you came back you immediately started telling me all about this amazing shinobi and the food that she made.  It made me feel like you didn’t miss me at all.” And here was the root of the emotional roller coaster. Moving to Konoha had clearly affected her more than she thought and this conversation made her realize how much she did miss her old home.  Also, this was the first time while there that he had left and it was hard figuring out her place in the village. It left her feeling untethered and she needed a strong and secure foundation to identify who she was. If this girl could fill that role for him what part did she play, what was a shinobi without a job or mission? 
Chouji felt his heartbreak seeing the unshed tears in her eyes.  His girl never cried and here she was on the brink because he was insensitive.  He always prided himself on being observant and understanding the emotions of others, but here she was. She was the most important person in his life, and he’d brought her to this point. He gathered her into his arms clutching her tightly to his chest. 
“I’m sorry Karui, I never meant to make you feel like that.  Of course, I missed you, being away from you felt like hell. I hated it and I think that my squad did too because I kept complaining about how much I’d rather have been home with you than out on a mission with them.  And in regards to her, yes the food she makes is good but it can’t compare to what you make for me. When you cook it’s like you’re writing a love letter to me. I can almost feel how much you love and care about me with each bite.  Trust me, there’s nothing anyone can make me that can compare to how it feels when I eat something you so carefully made for me. Besides, it’s not just about the fact that you can make such incredible food. You do so much for me and I’m so thankful every day that you chose me to love.  I’m the luckiest person in all the five great nations. I love you so much, my sweet girl.”
She sighed into his chest feeling that weight lift off her shoulders.  
“Thank you Chouji.”
“Thank you, really I do appreciate everything you've done.  I have a quick trip planned for us to Kumogakure in two weeks.  I talked to Omoi and Samui and it’s all set up.”
“Chouji!  We can’t just leave like that. You have responsibilities here.”
“You are my first and foremost responsibility and I haven’t been here for you.  This will be good for both of us.”
She sighed but nodded.  It would be really nice to go back for a little.  “Thank you Chouji. Really, I appreciate it.” He kissed her forehead in response.  
“I want you to be happy here, and I’d never want you to regret moving here for me.”
“I never would, you’re my home.”  As uncomfortable as this whole situation got, in a way she was thankful for it. She realized that she was more than just his girlfriend and homemaker. She was a member of the village, a part of the Akimichi clan, practically a daughter in law. She had friends and was still a talented and capable kunoichi. She had a role and a part to play in his life and in the village, her home. 
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Bodyguard II: Familial Ties (Part I - Chapter 7) (Brendon Urie x Reader)
Brendon fiddled with the bullion cuff links on his suit jacket as he sashayed down the partially crowded hallway, the heels of his freshly shined dress shoes creating an echoing clank-clank as he walked. He kept his focus trained on his dinner partner sitting across the room at a table in the most secluded area of the restaurant.
There was a pianist playing a medley of classical songs on the grand piano in the centre of the room, right underneath an enormous glass chandelier, as waiters clad in shirts and waistcoats strolled between tables of high-society groups conversing in hushed tones.
The entire place screamed ‘pretentious and materialistic’, and usually Brendon would have no desire to be in such an atmosphere. But tonight, he had to make an exception.
With a quick flex of his jaw muscles, Brendon lifted both hands to readjust the collar of his shirt before walking the last few steps to the table where he would be dining.
“Mr Brady, an honor to finally make your acquaintance.”
“I wish I could say the same,” Brendon replied coolly, extending his hand to grip his counterpart’s in a firm handshake.
A dark chuckle left the lips of the other man as he unbuttoned his jacket and sat down once again, a hand smoothing down his shirt as he did so.
“I see my reputation precedes me.”
“That would be an understatement.”
“Well then you have me at a disadvantage,” the man’s eyes flinched lightly as he forced a smile, “Because your reputation seems to be practically non-existent.”
Brendon forced a smile of his own before motioning for a waiter. “I try to keep to myself as much as possible. A double bourbon on the rocks, please.”
The waiter gave a polite nod and turned to fetch the drink as Brendon turned back to his counterpart.
“When you’re not slaughtering my employees, you mean.”
“I only kill people who deserve to be killed.”
“Ah yes,” the man sighed, leaning back in his chair slightly and pointing a finger at the youngster across from him, “How noble of you. I must admit… seeing your handiwork, I was impressed. ”
The waiter returned with the bourbon, placing it down on a paper coaster on the mahogany wood table. Brendon smoothly reached for it and took a gulp, maintaining eye contact and a perfect poker face the entire time.
A dark gleam flashed across the man’s dim eyes and he continued. “And it got me thinking – surely a man of your… talent, wouldn’t have gone unnoticed for so long. So, I did a little digging. Tried to find whatever information I could on Scott Brady. Do you know what I found?”
Brendon raised an eyebrow in boredom, replying in a monotonous tone. “Enlighten me.”
Another forced smile graced the man’s features as he twirled the butter knife from the table setting in his hand.
“Nothing,” he said, “Other than a vague description, there are no personal records whatsoever of a Scott Brady. What I did find, however, was the profile of one Agent Brendon Urie, a S.H.I.E.L.D employee who supposedly died just a little while ago. Naturally, the information was accompanied by some pictures and I-” he paused for a moment to chuckle shortly, “I couldn’t help but notice that you, Scott Brady, bear a striking resemblance to him.”
“How strange,” Brendon responded without missing a beat, cocking his head to the side in mock surprise.
Suddenly, the knife was brought down, piercing the complimentary rolls in one harsh, swift movement. The force of the action resulted in the crockery on the table clanging, causing a few of the other patrons to halt their conversations and turn to investigate the disturbance.
Brendon didn’t even flinch; he stayed as cold and unmoving as an ice-sculpture, slowly lifting the glass to his lips and tilting it upwards to allow the liquid into his mouth.
“Do not,” the man hissed in a hushed tone so that only Brendon could hear him, “play games with me, boy. I can assure you that it won’t end well for you.” His expression changed from that of an extremely irate man to a properly smug one. He once again leaned back in his chair and tossed Brendon a small smirk. “You were unwise to even come here tonight.”
The emergence of three black flashes in his peripheral vision prompted Brendon to look up onto the balcony around the restaurant’s perimeter, where he was met with the sight of three burly men spread out around the area, just in front of the marbled pillars.
The younger man took a gulp from his drink before copying his counterpart’s stance – leaning back and smirking.
“And you were stupid to think that I would come alone.”
Instinctively, Brendon’s dinner partner looked up to check on his men and felt his stomach drop as he did. His reinforcements were gone.
And The Hounds stood in their place.
“Don’t even try,” Brendon scoffed, noticing that the man was reaching to tap the screen of his smart-watch, “We took care of your goons outside, too. Now, you don’t need half a brain to figure out that this isn’t gonna end well for you; so if you don’t wanna get torn to shreds by my friends up there, I suggest you tell me what I want to know.”
The man’s eye twitched somewhat as Brendon leaned forward, face hard and menacing.
“Where is he?”
Curtiss Jackson remained silent and unblinking, which only angered his dining guest.
“Look, you douche, I’m already more on edge than you could ever imagine, and you really don’t wanna piss me off even more. I’ve paralysed someone with a fucking wooden spoon before – imagine what I could do with a knife.” Brendon picked up a knife from the place setting and twirled it around for good measure. “So I’m gonna ask you one more time and I expect an answer. I know you transferred him from your HQ after our phone call, so where did you move him to?”
Jackson drew in a breath before steeling himself and replying. “I believe we agreed to forge a deal.”
“Here’s my deal: you tell me where you’re keeping him, and I won’t kill you.”
“I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the concept, but that’s not exactly a deal.”
Brendon rolled his eyes. “Alright, so what do you propose?”
Pressing his tongue to the roof of his mouth, Jackson leaned forward and propped his elbows on the tabletop.
“You never mentioned, Mr Urie, why exactly it is that you want Subject 45.”
“Does it matter?”
“If we’re going to strike a reasonable deal, then yes. It matters very much.”
Brendon exhaled impatiently. “He’s Nick Fury’s godson. Fury personally assigned me to this mission with the order to do whatever it takes to get him back.”
Jackson’s eyebrows raised in intrigue. “Is that so? Well then I imagine Director Fury would be willing to bring a decent offering to the table.”
“Whatever you want,” Brendon sighed, “Within reason, of course.”
“I’m sure he’d agree that you can’t put a price on his godson’s life.”
The brooding agent narrowed his eyes. “I’m sure he would.”
Jackson folded his hands and cleared his throat. “So here’s my proposal: I’m willing to do a trade. I’ll release Subject 45… if Fury gives me one of his top level agents.”
“One moment please.” Brendon held up a finger and pulled out his cellphone. “Yeah, sir? He says he’ll let Drew go if you give him a Level One agent in return. What’s that? Yeah, I’ll tell him.” Brendon set his phone on the table and looked at Jackson. “He said to fuck off.”
Jackson scoffed before holding up both hands. “It’s his funeral.”
“Actually,” Brendon smirked, “it’s Corporation’s.” He picked up his phone, tapped a few buttons and held it out to the man opposite him. “You see that? That’s your headquarters right now. In five minutes, there’ll be nothing left. Oh and don’t worry, we took care of the western branch, too. Senator Stivak was much more cooperative than you.”
The color drained from Jackson’s face as he observed the live feed of his headquarters going up in flames. “What is this?”
“This is the end of Corporation.”  It was Brendon’s turn to lean forward now. “See, right from the start, I was always two steps ahead of you. I always knew where you were based. This meeting was simply a way of keeping you preoccupied while my associates took care of business.”
Jackson looked up to stare hatefully at Brendon, who cocked his head. “You’ll never find him, now,” he spoke, referring to the mention of Nick Fury’s godson.
“Oh, you didn’t think I was telling the truth just now, did you?” Brendon chuckled as he jutted a thumb over his shoulder. “Subject 45 was never who I was after, and Nick Fury doesn’t even have a godson; I only told you that during our phone call to throw you off. I knew that once I told you who I was after you’d transfer him. So, I lied, and you moved the wrong subject while the one I wanted was still safely at HQ. You trust too easily, Curtiss. You should work on that.”
“Now if you’ll excuse me,” Brendon downed the remainder of his drink before shooting Jackson a wink, standing up and buttoning his suit jacket, “I have places to be, people to see. My friends here,” he tilted his head at The Hounds, who suddenly appeared behind Jackson, “will make sure you get treated just right. Thanks for the drink, Mr Jackson. We should do it again sometime.”
Jackson yelled out angrily after Brendon as he started for the exit. “We were supposed to have a deal!”
Brendon didn’t bother to turn around, and smirked to himself as he strode off. “You should know better than to make deals with the devil.”
✧ ✧ ✧
One hour earlier. Secret S.H.I.E.L.D facility. Queens, New York.
“Alright,” Brendon stood up as he addressed his team, “I’m meeting assface in one hour, so let’s go over the plan one more time.”
Everyone nodded and gave the agent their undivided attention.
“Aaron, you and Spalding will take a quinjet down to Corporation HQ. Fury was kind enough to send you a S.H.I.E.L.D task force including one of his best agents – Spencer Smith. They’ll be waiting for you on site. A reminder that no one outside of this room besides Dallon and Fury know that I’m alive, so don’t mention me to them at all, okay?” Aaron and Spalding nodded in understanding. “Fury’s also sent another task force to take care of the western branch, so after tonight, Corporation will cease to exist.”
A short cheer came from the group and Aaron smiled happily. All he wanted was to end Corporation once and for all, and he felt giddy over the fact that it was actually about to happen. He made a mental note to thank Brendon after everything was done.
“The Hounds will accompany me to the restaurant, where they’ll take care of any reinforcements that Jackson felt necessary to bring with. They’ll alert you,” he looked at Aaron, “once I’ve joined Jackson at the table, and that’s when you’ll move in.”
Brendon looked down and took a deep breath before finishing off. “I only have two requests. One: once you’re inside, you release the imprisoned subjects and send them with the task force. Two: you separate Subject 0 from the rest and keep him with you until I get to you guys. He’s precarious, so I suggest you knock him out first. Other than that,” Brendon held his hands out, “you have free reign to do whatever the hell you want with the place. Go crazy. Have fun.”
“Oh,” Aaron chuckled shortly, “I will.”
✧ ✧ ✧
Now. Corporation HQ, Eastern United States Branch.
“Arson,” Brendon nodded approvingly as he treaded through the ashes of Corporation HQ, towards Aaron, “I like.”
“Yeah, wasn’t originally what I had planned but,” Aaron shrugged as he looked around, “I accidently knocked over some kind of chemical in the lab and just ran with it.”
Brendon scoffed in amusement and stood with his hands on his hips. He noticed a body in the back off the nearby quinjet and pointed at it.
“That him?”
“Yep. All wrapped up and ready for transport,” Aaron smiled as he led Brendon forward.
“Thanks,” Brendon placed a hand on the bot’s shoulder. “Appreciate it.”
“No need to thank me,” Aaron assured with a shake of his head, “In fact, I wanted to thank you. You gave me a chance to avenge my father, and I will be eternally grateful for that. You’re a really good guy, Brendon.”
“Believe me, I’m not that good,” Brendon mumbled, bending down to get a better look at the bound man. He looked back at Aaron with a creased forehead. “But you’re welcome. You find him okay?” He waved over the man in the jet.
“Yes, quite okay. Found him immediately.” Aaron stepped forward, quiet for a moment before continuing. “The resemblance is quite striking.”
“Yeah, well…” Brendon stood back up and smiled sarcastically. “I wouldn’t have known before now.”
Brendon turned around and called for The Hounds to bring the SUV closer so that their new guest could be loaded into it. Once he was, Brendon extended his hand for Aaron to shake.
“So this is where we part ways?”
“Yeah,” Brendon confirmed, “Thank you again, Aaron. I won’t say we couldn’t have done it without you, ‘cause that’d be a lie,” Aaron laughed at the agent’s words, “but it sure as hell would’ve been a lot more difficult.”
“Likewise,” Aaron chirped, pulling his hand back with a nod. “If you ever need anything…”
“Yeah, you too.”
The men exchanged one last pat on the back and Aaron bid his farewells to The Hounds before each group retreated to their respective vehicles. Brendon allowed Aaron and Spalding to take the quinjet, while he and The Hounds clambered into the SUV.
As soon as the SUV hit the main road into the city, Dean started complaining about his hunger.
“Can we stop at a diner for the customary post-mission victory meal?” he requested, setting his hands on the backs of the front seats and sticking his head in the opening between them. “My body’s comprised of 90% protein bars by now.”
“Is that other 10% irritation?” Brendon asked monotonously, resting one hand on the steering wheel as he propped his other elbow on the edge of the driver’s door.
Tired laughs came from Seth and Roman while Dean rolled his eyes.
“Can we?” he persisted.
“Are you serious? There’s an unconscious body in the trunk and you want us to pull over for food?”
“We can get him something, too,” Dean huffed with a bob of his head.
Seth clicked his tongue and pivoted his body so that he could shove Dean back into the backseat.
“He’s not gonna shut up until he gets fed,” The Architect sighed and rubbed his tired eyes as he looked to Brendon, “Can we at least just go to a drive-thru?”
Somewhat reluctantly, Brendon conceded and twenty minutes later the SUV pulled up at the entrance to a McDonald’s drive-thru. He rolled down the window and placed the order.
“Four large double quarter pounder meals, please. Diet cokes.”
Dean leaned forward again, this time whispering something in Brendon’s ear.
With a monumental eye-roll, Brendon exhaled heavily and added to the order. “And a twelve-piece chicken nuggets with ranch dipping sauce.”
Dean smiled contentedly and patted Brendon’s shoulder before relaxing into his seat as the older guy handed the cash over to the cashier. The SUV pulled up to the next window and Brendon collected the food, passing it on to the other guys and driving off after.
“Thanks, Brendon,” Dean said through a mouthful of fries, “You’re such a great dad.”
“Piss off,” Brendon snorted, barely containing a smile. All was quiet as The Hounds munched on their food and Brendon decided to make use of the rare moment of noiselessness. “Hey, I just wanted to tell you guys that I really appreciate everything you’ve done other these past five months. I know it wasn’t easy, and it was exceptionally mentally and physically draining, but you stuck with me through it all, and for that I thank you.”
“Hey man,” Roman reached forward and lightly squeezed the other agent’s shoulder, “no worries. You know we got your back.”
“Yeah, you’re like an honorary fourth member of The Hounds,” Dean chimed, slurping his Coke.
“When did you get all soft and cuddly?” Seth gave the driver a sceptical look, slowly depositing a fry in his mouth. “That’s the second ‘thank you’ speech you’ve given today. It’s making me uncomfortable. Hash-tag bring asshole Urie back.”
“Shut the fuck up and accept my rare moment of gratitude. ‘Cause I promise that you won’t get another one for at least another two years.”
“There he is,” Seth reached over and ruffled Brendon’s hair, earning himself a moderately painful punch to the gut.
“Don’t touch my fucking hair.”
Thank you for reading x
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forumofkuka · 6 years
Vans Warped Tour 2018: My Amazing First & Unfortunate Last
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When I discovered my love for the emo subculture during the summer after 7th grade, I began expanding and refining my taste in both fashion and music. Spending countless hours on Tumblr - discovering new artists and designers - I eventually came across the epitome of emo/punk celebrations: Vans Warped Tour. As a nationally-touring, all-day rock & roll/punk/metal festival, Warped Tour became the unofficial holiday for all those who identified as “alternative,” almost like a family reunion. Each date of Warped Tour across the United States was a unique opportunity for all the surrounding scene queens, metalheads, and pop punk kids to come together, an event that truly seems like the only one of its kind. Here, dozens of bands/artists come together, perform sets on various stages scattered around the arena, sell their merchandise at (sometimes discounted) prices, and host meet & greets/signings for their fans to attend. Additionally, in the midst of all the music, alternative clothing brands, charity organizations, and local food trucks offer all kinds of products, some you buy and others you can win! Warped Tour is an opportunity for devoted fans to see many of their favorite artists take the stage, as well as discover new ones.
Ever since I discovered Warped Tour, I’ve wanted to attend; every summer, they make a stop in my state, in a city that is barely 20 minutes from my house, yet I’ve never been able to go because the festival always seemed to fall on my mother’s birthday or a vacation outside of the country. Finally, as I’ve graduated high school, Vans announces that 2018 will be the final year for a cross-country Warped Tour. Seeing the heightened stakes, I knew that this was the year I had to go, no matter what; fortunately enough, my local date fell three days after my mom’s birthday, and with a couple of friends, we bought a 4-ticket pack and planned our attendance!
Although it has become less prevalent in my day-to-day demeanor and appearance, my love for alternative music and edgier style hasn’t faltered. Sure, I’ve given away many of my Hot Topic graphic tees and lessened the black makeup, but if anything, I’m listening to post-hardcore, newcore, hard rock, and pop punk even more. Warped Tour encouraged me to step outside of my usual and to finally listen to iconic groups that I’ve neglected to give a chance in the past. Their names were very familiar in my head, but when it came to their actual music, I was clueless.
Two weeks before my mid-July date, I decided to create a collaborative Spotify playlist, where my friends and I (mostly me haha) added our favorite bops from artists that we knew we HAD to try and see. Through personal exploration, I finally listened to Tonight Alive’s latest album, Underworld, and absolutely fell in love. I wish I had given them a chance earlier! Although I didn’t end up sticking around until their set, I know now that I have a new band to keep up with and to hopefully get to see live in the future.
In addition to ‘studying’ for Warped, I spent a couple of weeks coming up with the ultimate outfit. Because I don’t get decked out in checkered patterns, fishnets, and band tees on a regular basis, I wanted to go all out for this festival, even more so because I’d be surrounded by people who were going to do the exact same!
When we finally arrived, July 15th, 2018, at Xfinity Theatre, I felt almost euphoric. I don’t think my friends or I could describe to you how smiley I was. Because of crazy traffic, we walked a little over half a mile to the actual entrance. As much as I’m super proud of being an emo, I didn’t hold back from laughing with my friends at how stereotypical or cringey some of our fellow concertgoers were - I mean, come on, alternative kids are usually outcasts for a reason and I’m not going to deny that we’re usually freaks LOL, I know I am! It was so so so hot outside, but there were many opportunities to affordably stay hydrated, since Vans Warped Tour hosted a large, FREE hydration station right by the Journey Stage and the entrance. At most concerts, any beverages - alcoholic or not - are never complimentary, and so I think this anomaly only shows the care and consideration the creators of Warped Tour have for its fans and attendees.
I felt so in my element. For years, I had only ever had a handful of friends who only moderately shared an interest in this subculture, but it was never to the same extent as I did. Being at Warped Tour finally gave me a chance to feel free, an opportunity for me to not have to tone down or hide this actual part of my identity. Looking back, I’m happy with how it went. We ended up splitting up in pairs for parts of the day, but I was able to watch or listen as I walked around to the sets of almost a dozen bands: Doll Skin, Issues, Real Friends, Unearth, Wage War, The Amity Affliction, The Story Untold, Northlane, Ice Nine Kills, Crown the Empire. Although I didn’t watch all of them fully, and there were various others I had wanted to see, it was so much fun to get a taste of different styles of music, ranging from pop-punk to metalcore, and to also see the vibes of the crowds. Never in my life, have I seen so much dust in the air from crowd-surfing, headbanging, and mosh-pitting. It was amazing, and with concerts already being such a euphoric and almost spiritual experience for me, I loved it even more.
Out of all four of us, I’m definitely the one in the group who is more extroverted, aggressive, eccentric, and just overall “out there.” I almost ran away from the group at times, as I would walk ahead of the group, looking around, and was the only one who seemed to be able to beeline through the crowds. 
Rather than spending ridiculous amounts on junk food, I was able to bring in half a dozen, packaged mini cucumbers, and surprisingly didn’t get them confiscated. Although it was a strange snack to bring, it worked out pretty well as an addition hydration boost!
Instead of droning on about the minute-to-minute occurrences of the day, I’ll summarize some highlights.
One of the funnier moments of the day was unexpectedly walking by a faculty member from high school, decked out in all black with his swoopy, punk-styled ginger hair. I had no idea he was into this kind of scene, but seconds after we walked by, a set ended and he quickly left. While I don’t know if he walked away because he saw that we had seen him, it was such a surprise that the one familiar person we’d see that day, wasn’t a student but someone who had worked in the IT department at our high school.
Another moment was when I was buying an Official Vans Warped Tour T-Shirt, and a girl came up to me, in order to compliment me on my outfit. To be honest, she wasn’t the only one to praise me for my checkered overalls, blue barlot crop top, fishnets, and dark gray Doc Martens. I even received a free sticker from a vendor for my overalls! I felt so warm inside, seeing others appreciate these stylistic choices that I had very much been excited about displaying! What stood out to me about this moment with this girl, in particular, was that she had actually tried complimenting me from her car, as my friends and I were walking to the venue, but I hadn’t heard her! The fact she came across me and went up to me, just to tell me, was so sweet <3
To continue on this train of highlights, although I had went into Warped Tour, not planning on getting anything signed or waiting in line for a meet & greet, I ended up meeting The Story Untold and getting all of their signatures on my phone case! Before Warped Tour, I had definitely seen their name around the internet, knowing they were a pop-punk band. Nonetheless, I had never listened to them before and didn’t get a chance to before the festival. When we were walking around the different stands, partly to see what’s there, partly to kill time until Ice Nine Kills was set to take the stage at 4:00pm, we decided to take refuge by the Fueled by Ramen stand and reapply sunscreen in the shade of the tent. While standing there, we had overheard a really good set by this pop-punk band that turned out to be The Story Untold. Hearing how good they had sounded, we decided to get closer and become more a part of the crowd. After jamming out to their songs, “History” and “Delete,” they had announced that they were going to their nearby stand for a meet & greet shortly after. Seeing as we had loved their set and weren’t planning on going elsewhere for the next hour, we quickly ran to their stand and managed to be within a dozen people from the very front of the line. When watching their set, their lead singer vaguely reminded me of All Time Low’s Alex Gaskarth, in both appearance and sound. In between songs, he mentioned something about the group being French-Canadian, with the drummer, Johnathan Landry, having horrible English, as a part of a bit that continued on. While waiting in line, I kept thinking about why these two thoughts felt familiar, until I realized that the lead singer was Janick Thibault. Back in 2016, I remember watching a few of his All Time Low/Green Day covers on Youtube, at a time when I don’t think he was in the band. The world truly works in mysterious ways. I hadn’t thought about him since, and so it was crazy that we happened to be chilling by the Owly.fm stage, right when they were in the middle of their performance.
Aside from The Story Untold, my favorite set was by Ice Nine Kills, a band that was in my Top Three to see for the day. Besides being basically in love with Spencer Charnas, I absolutely loved their performance. In addition to sounding great, they really took their theatrical sound to the next level by having everyone in the band dress up as iconic and classic horror movie serial killers, such as Jason Voorhees (Friday the 13th) and Freddie Krueger (Nightmare on Elm Street). Having probably something to do with their two latest singles, “The American Nightmare” and “Thank God It’s Friday,” it was really fun to watch, and their music completely encouraged an awesome moshpit (that I watched from afar) and a ton of head-banging.
The one downside of the day was having to leave 3 hours or so earlier than I had planned. Of course, it was mildly expected, but that’s part of going in a group, you make compromises, and with some friends not feeling well periodically throughout the day, it was my turn to sacrifice, especially since out of everyone, I was able to see the most artists on my list. Although it was advertised as the last cross-country tour, I know my friends and I - as well as many others - hope that that simply means that Vans Warped Tour might be a regional event, with separate tours on the East and West Coast. Warped Tour was a true moment of liberation for me and I will forever remember July 18th, 2018 as a peak of not only my 2018 summer, but my 2018 year as well.
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tysonrunningfox · 7 years
Group Projects
So I’ve had a Hell of a Few Days but here is the boy and he is CUTE and an idiot, frankly.  It’s just five thousand words of that.  
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The only crush I’ve ever had was on my sister.  It felt different.  Looking back, it felt bad.  Heavy and stupid and like another thing to live up to.  
I’m struggling to call this new, strange, incredibly determined set of emotions I’m having with regards to one Fuse Thorston a crush.  Because she’s—because—I want to hug her.  Again.  Just to feel it again and at a lesser level, just to make sure.  But mostly to feel it again.  Just…
I don’t know.  I really don’t.  
I know that I’m meeting her and Arvid and Aurelia and Smitelout of all people sometime around midnight and I haven’t seen her since…since she hugged me.  With all her self and her smoky hair and…and…
“Are you about ready?” Aurelia asks, a shadow of her usual sureness as she grips the strap of a bag over her shoulder.
I almost don’t say anything, but I don’t want to be mad at her and that requires actually not being mad at her.  It takes effort, but I stand up and turn around.  
“I’m good.”  
“You didn’t shave.”  
Normally, I don’t care, to be fair.  I don’t care until it itches and when it itches I shave but…but what if Fuse cares? What if she’s particularly annoyed by a scruffy random weirdo staring at her?  How am I not going to stare at her?    
“How long do I take to shave?”  I blurt, scratching my chin and Aurelia pulls half of a cautious face.  
“I don’t know that information.”  
“Ok…we’ve got to go,” Aurelia looks out the window and scratches the back of her neck.  Her hair’s braided, it looks like Mom’s and I wonder who did it.  
“You think I’m fine without shaving?”  I ask even though I can’t fathom her having an opinion.  She never noticed me when I was suffering that unfortunate crush and now that I might have something halfway real, why would she be able to tell? I’m an enigma, as far as girls are concerned.  Undercover.
“You look scruffy, no one cares,” she rolls her eyes before leading the way down the stairs with a suddenly silent trot.  I follow her outside and it’s too silent as we jog down the hill and out of sight. We don’t see the forge yet when she starts talking in that easy way we used to.  “Any particular thing you want to drill into anyone’s head tonight? Best to get that straight early because of the…you know, stubbornness.”  
“Do we have to talk?”
“I thought you weren’t mad.”
“I’m not.  I’m just not feeling very chatty.”  I cross my arms, exhaling until I see a white cloud in front me.  I scratch my chin, it’s not that much stubble.  I shaved like a week ago, it’s not bad.  
Fuse wouldn’t care.  
Oh Gods, Fuse liked my beard at Snoggletog.  I remember her commenting on it.  I wish I could go back in time and tell myself to never shave again.  Oh Hel, why would she comment on it?  What if she was making fun of me?  What if it is still patchy?  
I rub my hand over my chin, feeling for sparse areas. There’s one on my jaw but that’s a scar so that doesn’t count as patchy, even to girls, right?  And Fuse is a girl, I can’t separate that now and I don’t know how I got so far without putting it together.  And more than that, I like her, I like talking to her, I like being around her, and now when I think about her there’s this fog and she seems pretty where before I never thought about it.  But she must have always been pretty.  She’s so pretty, too pretty to actually compliment my beard.  
“I can practically hear you thinking too fast, it’s making my head hurt.”  Aurelia tries to joke, but her tone is wrong and I don’t have the energy to call her out or comfort her about it.  
“I’m just…thinking about what I’m going to say tonight.”  It’s true, in a way, because now I’m thinking about how in the Hel I’m going to say it with Fuse looking at me with those eyes.  
“What are you going to say?” She clears her throat, “if I can ask—”
“Stop being so nervous, you’re making me more nervous.”  
“Why are you nervous in the first place?”  
She’s trying.  I almost wish she wouldn’t.  
“Because we’re ready,” I shrug, “we’ve got the firepower to get through the wall we need to.  Or at least we have the knowledge and ability to make it.”  
“You mean Fuse does,” she elbows me like it’s not stiff and strange to tease me and I think of Fuse again. Fuse and her half eyebrow and her scarred fingers and the way the tip of her tongue sticks out when she’s thinking really hard and Gods, if she felt that good to hug, I can’t even imagine what kissing her would be like.  
Shit, I don’t know how to kiss.  I especially don’t know how to kiss with a beard that she either made fun of or liked.
“Yeah.  But we can help.”  
“When do you think we’ll be fully ready?  Like, any idea how long it’s going to take—”
“I don’t know,” I snap, “I was going to get everyone’s opinion before making decisions that affect others.”  
She sighs, “sorry. I’ll shut up.”  
“I don’t quite believe you but I appreciate the effort.”  
Hotgut and Wingspark are outside the forge with Arvid and he shoves his hands in his pockets and looks at the ground when he sees me.  He looks smaller until he pushes off of Wing’s side and stands up straight and my shoulder throbs a little, part pride and part hesitation to fight again.  He nods at me.  The black and green under his eyes makes me equal parts proud and nauseous as I nod back.  
“Fuse inside?” Aurelia asks him, hesitant in that direction too, and it hits me for the first time how it must have felt when she set him up to win and then he lost in front of everyone.  
To me.  
Which, if I’m feeling as mean as I want to be, that’s pretty hilarious, but more than I want to be mean, I want all the stupid animosity between us to be over.  If he has to ignore me, fine, but I’d like to stop looking over my shoulder.  
“Yeah.  Jorgenson isn’t here yet.”  He glances at me before turning around and walking inside.  
It’s tense enough that I almost assume it’s going to be business as usual when I see Fuse, that the way I’ve been feeling the past few days is just a fluke and I’ll see her as just…my brilliant friend who I can rely on.  Which would be fine and kind of a relief but also a loss in a way I don’t quite understand.  It’s been nice, feeling something new that didn’t suck.  
Arvid grunts something like hello at her and when I see her she’s frowning, whittling a hunk of wood with a deadly looking knife and my heart jumps into my throat so hard I almost throw up.  Aurelia runs into my back and opens her mouth to say something insulting before stopping herself and stepping carefully around me.  
Fuse raises an eyebrow and half smiles, that cute little half smile that reminds me I’m never as funny as I want to be, and both my knees turn to useless goo simultaneously.
“You’re letting the warm out,” she prompts me, “shut the door?”  
“Sorry,” I stumble inside and slam it shut behind me, “sorry, sorry.”  
“It’s fine,” she cocks her head and her pretty hair falls over her shoulder and I remember how soft it looked at the Snoggletog feast and I must have forgotten my brain to not notice it then.  “Are you ok?”
“Great!”  I almost yell and Aurelia’s staring at me with that blank expression she’s been making when she’s trying to be nice.  Arvid’s staring at his feet, arms crossed.  
“He’s just excited,” Aurelia says almost gently, “I heard you guys had a successful test.”  
“We did,” Fuse nods, that beautiful, scary, manic smile she has when something blows up just right spreading across her face.  
I want her to aim it at me, suddenly, I want to make it happen.  I want to be the explosion that makes her that happy.  
Then she shifts, her face falling to a steady glower as she stares at Aurelia, icy in a way that’s terrifying and impressive and beautiful in a completely different way.  “Are you going to use me again?”  
“What?”  Aurelia has the good sense to look scared and she takes a cautious step back, towards Arvid but not behind him, because she’s not hiding behind him anymore.  “No, I’m sorry—”
“I’m going to hold you to that.”  Fuse says it like she’s signing something and she stares at Aurelia for another even second before relaxing.  “Back to that successful test, then.”  
“It was great,” I fumble over something that feels dangerously complimentary and stutter, “Y-you were great.”  
“Like I said, I wouldn’t have thought of it at all without you.”  She shrugs like her being nice to me didn’t just set my entire gut on fire.
“Congrats,” Arvid looks up just long enough to grumble and Fuse narrows her eyes at him. “What?  I mean it.”  
“You do?”  Her nose wrinkles and there’s soot on it and I take a step to lean against the counter a few feet away from her, because maybe if I’m looking in another direction I can stop staring.  She’s bound to notice me staring.  She should stop having such a cute, expressive nose if she doesn’t want me to stare.  
“It’ll be good to finally do something,” he picks up a hatchet blade off of the counter and stares at it instead of meeting anyone’s eyes, “instead of just standing around all night arguing.”  
“I agree,” I pause and wait for him to argue or glare at me, but he doesn’t and it feels as weird as Aurelia’s silence, “once Smitelout’s here we can talk about that.”  
“We could start without her,” Aurelia shrugs, “I mean, the original crew is all here.”  I know that it means something to her to be part of some original group, but I can’t help but hear her trying to steer.  I clear my throat.  
“I don’t really feel like saying anything twice,” it’s pointed enough for her to look ashamed, “and we need her.  I haven’t had time to forge anything and don’t tell her I said this, but she did a decent job with the baffle.”  
“Better than decent,” Fuse grins again like she’s remembering the blast and my cheeks feel hot. She catches me staring like an idiot and frowns, “what?”  
She’s beautiful. She’s so smart.  Why is she so nice to me?  I’m an idiot.  I’m staring again.  
I cough.  
“You’ve got soot on your nose.”  
“Oh,” she reaches up to wipe it off.  
“In a good way!” Aurelia just has to say something, because being silent is beyond her.  
“Where the Hel is Smitelout?”  I try and peer through the shutters over the window and Fuse leans back to do the same. And I’m crazy, because we aren’t even touching but I swear I can smell that intoxicating girl-soot smell and if I close my eyes maybe I could feel her breath on the back of my neck.  I stand back up and stare straight ahead, trying not to look at her out of the corner of my eye.  
It’s impossible.  
“I could go look for her,” Arvid offers, probably just hoping to escape, but he at least looks at me when he says it.  I don’t recognize his expression and it makes me wonder if I’m forgetting how his face moves. How Dad’s face moves.  
“If you don’t want to be here, just go,” Fuse shrugs, nonchalant, “we can tell you where to throw things once we’ve made them.”  
“I can help,” he snaps, a flash of irritability extinguishing as quickly as it came on. “I can do more than just throw things.” He looks at me again.  
It sounds a lot like his version of a scroll I didn’t ask for.  
It’s different with him, though.  It’s an older wound, deeper, but closer to healing.  And I know an Aurelia idea when I see one, Arvid doesn’t stage his ambushes verbally.  
Fuse looks over at me like she’s waiting for my answer before she says anything and I’d never noticed the rim of gray in her eyes right by her pupil.  Or the triad of freckles on her left cheek that twitches when she frowns.  Or the way her teeth leave little indents in her chapped lower lip when she’s worried about something.  
I swallow hard and look back at Arvid, “you have to let Fuse teach you because…well, explosives but—”
“I can listen to Thorston,” he sets the hatchet blade down and crosses the room to throw a log onto the fire.  A flurry of sparks bursts into the center of the room and Fuse scoots closer to me to avoid the wave of heat.  Her vest touches my arm.  
Arvid puts his arm around Aurelia’s shoulders and she perks up, leaning against him like she didn’t expect the attention.  
Fuse tucks her hair behind her ear and her elbow brushes my shoulder and I wonder what she’d do if I put my arm over her.  Probably laugh at my beard.  I scratch my chin and she glances at me and the door, like she’s silently asking if she should go look for Smitelout.
The door opens and Smitelout walks in, grinning when she sees Arvid.  
“Heard you got your ass kicked.”  
“Good to see you too,” Aurelia scoffs, all the venom she’s been holding back from me poured into those five words.  She leans further into Arvid’s side and he stiffens slightly before shaking his head.
“Not by you.”  
“No, better, by the squirt,” Smitelout tries to ruffle my hair and I catch her wrist, glaring at her for a second before dropping it.  “I’m just trying to congratulate you—”
“Who told you about that?”
“My dad was there,” she shrugs.  
“Yeah, but he wasn’t supposed to tell anyone and by extension, neither are you.”  I try for some semblance of that chiefly presence I can convince most people of, but Smitelout rolls her eyes.  
“Right, like I’m going to go around saying you are now the toughest Viking on Berk?  Please, I’d be a laughing stock.”  
“Too late for that,” Fuse scoffs, chewing on her pinky nail and looking at me out of the corner of her eye.
Arvid snorts then quickly forces his expression neutral.  
“Let’s get started, I guess,” I looks around the room, “since everyone’s finally here.”  
“I was just letting you dorks get all the making out done before I got here and threw up,” she grins like she said something hilarious and fuck, now I’m thinking about it again. Just…the fact that Fuse’s lips are right there and suddenly really interesting and fuck.  
Smitelout thought Fuse was my girlfriend months ago.  Like, right after Snoggletog.  She always thought we were flirting.  What does that mean?
I get a flash of her standing closer to me, like Aurelia does to Arvid, just close and comfortable without even thinking about it and my palms feel hot.  I’m so stuck on the odd, new feelings that I didn’t even get to what they could mean or what I’d want to do about them.  
“We had a successful test yesterday,” Fuse looks at me like she thinks I’m broken and I realize how long I must have just been standing there silently, “took down a cave wall with one blast and the baffle stayed in tact.”  
“Right, yeah,” I nod, “thanks for uh…starting that.”  Looking at her is a mistake because I freeze again, mouth half open for a second before I remember how to talk.  “Yeah, Fuse is great.  I mean Fuse is right, we had a successful test yesterday and we think we’re ready to start planning the final…full on plan.”
“Start planning?” Smitelout raises an eyebrow, “you don’t already have a plan?”  
“Well, the plan is to blow up the volcano,” I roll my eyes, “especially the north side of the volcano. But I don’t know how many bombs we need yet.  I thought I’d get an opinion before I asked you to make about forty scrap metal hemispheres, but hey, if you want to do the extra work—”
“Whatever,” she rolls her eyes but shuts up anyway.  
“Do we have any paper or anything?”  Fuse asks me even though I don’t work here anymore and I point vaguely towards the back room of the forge.  
“There might be some in there.”  
She grabs what looks like an old axe drawing and flips it over, smoothing it on the counter and pulling a pencil from behind her ear.  She has cute ears.  I didn’t know an ear could be cute but hers are and my mouth feels dry.  Her tongue pokes out of the corner of her mouth as she starts to draw and I look away.  
Aurelia catches my eye and raises an eyebrow.  
I shake my head, trying to silently communicate something like ‘Smitelout, right?’
Aurelia blinks, slowly, like I’m disappointing her, before walking across the room to stand on Fuse’s other side.  
“Doesn’t the north wall come up a little more?”  She points at Fuse’s drawing of the volcano and Fuse measures it with her index finger.
“Are you going to use me again?”  Fuse turns all that focus onto Aurelia in a way I’m miraculously not jealous of at all, because it’s terrifying.  
“No, I—I’m sorry.” Aurelia shakes her head and Fuse mulls that over for a second.  
“I won’t. Really.  I’m so sorry—”
“You’ve been to the island?”
“Arvid took me,” Aurelia doesn’t look at me, “it’s…something.”  
“Wait, so all you twerps have been to this island and I haven’t?”  Smitelout complains even though no one’s listening to her.  
“It’s not a vacation destination,” I scoff and Arvid and I manage to share one of those mutually annoyed looks without trying to kill each other.  We should have invited Smitelout earlier, she has a way of bringing us all together.  
“The West coast is a little oval, right?”  Fuse shades a large portion of the drawing and Aurelia nods, asking for the pencil with an open hand and adjusting the shape of the mouth of the volcano.  Fuse seems to agree and she waves everyone over.
Smitelout jostles to see better and bumps me into Fuse, her shoulder slipping slightly in front of mine so she can keep drawing.  Her shoulder blade presses slightly into my chest and I still don’t remember being taller than her but I am and that makes me think of how she’d fit under my arm again. I lean forward to try and focus on her drawing but that just makes it worse, because her drawing’s perfect and I don’t understand how she remembers things so clearly.  
When I try and picture the island in my mind, all I can think of is those dragons.  Old and sick and scared.  And once again, my emotions are getting in the way of my capability and Fuse doesn’t have that problem.  She’s cool under fire where I’m not and it makes me feel like we could fit if she had any flat spots I could compensate for.  
And sense of humor doesn’t count.  She’s just discerning.  
“So, this wall is the one I think we need to blow out.  This is where those old maps said there was a thermal vent, so I’m going to assume that whatever’s blocking it is under here,” she retraces the line she’s talking about and shades beneath it with a different stroke than the rest of the island to make it stand out.  “This rock is still young and porous, so we’ve got a chance to get through it.  We tested yesterday on a wall about a foot thick and made of much harder rock, so I’m going to say that the blast yesterday could get through about three feet of this soft stuff.”  
“And you said we could make it bigger?”  I try and think about the inside of the volcano, the scale of the cliff there.  
Fuse smiles at the suggestion and my heart lurches.  
“I think we can double it and still maintain baffle integrity,” she points at Smitelout with the end of the pencil, “it’s super sturdy.  That leaves us with the other side of the wall there and…hmm…there are these old lava flows into the water that might block a large scale collapse like I’m looking for.”  
“Someone on a dragon could drop something there, right?”  Aurelia points to a vague indent at the bottom of the wall we’re attempting to eliminate.  “Something weighted that would sink fast.”  
“If both of those went at the same time, the internal shockwave in the rock could lead to vertical shatter…” she mumbles to herself for a minute and try not to look at the pale skin of the back of her neck where it’s peeking out between her braids.  I swear I can see her pulse, fluttering a little faster as she starts scrawling numbers on the corner of the drawing. “Three standard auger bombs, the ones I make for new storage caves all the time, I know they can move…this much rock each,” she draws three wedges onto the mountainside right above the underwater lava flows.  “If we can get vertical shatter with the big bombs at either edge of the wall, we could send the whole cliff into the ocean and open the thermal vent right back up.”
She stands up, seemingly unaffected by her shoulder bumping my chest, and stares down at the drawing with a confident nod.  
Aurelia starts pointing at other points on the island and Fuse responds, making notes of other, smaller charges to direct new lava flow another direction and away from the open thermal vent.  Arvid even joints in, almost sheepishly mentioning monstrous nightmare gel as a way to clear dragons away from targets before dropping the bombs.  Smitelout starts piling scrap metal in the back room, weighing it in her hands and asking Fuse to get her a list of parts.  
“How long’s this going to take?”  I ask Fuse as Smitelout and I get the last of the scrap metal piled in some kind of organization.  
“I can have the big shells done next week, probably,” she assesses the stack of weapons on the anvil, “Unless we go to war by then, that is.”  
“Doing my best to prevent that,” I nod, remembering what the chief said about going to a council meeting next week.  That might free up my schedule at least a little bit, “next week we start assembling bombs then.”  
“I’ll have the supplies for the first three by then,” Fuse frowns, recounting a patch of tally marks on the edge of her page.  I see why all her drawings are so messy now, she just starts writing wherever she happened to be looking when she had a brilliant thought.  And because it’s her, that’s almost everywhere on the paper. “I wish I had a second gronckle, Hotgut can only do so much at once and the water activated charges need a completely clear stomach.”  
“How’d you learn that one?” Aurelia snorts.  
“Did you ever see my old shed?”  Fuse smiles and shakes her head, “lava puke.  Lava puke that smelled like death and threw all these green sparks everywhere. My dad was so pissed that it happened outside and not in the great hall or something.”  
“I can see if Rolf will let me borrow Slugwing,” I offer and Arvid looks at me, progressively less cautious from last time.  
“You’re talking to Rolf?”
“We aren’t friends or anything but…I’m helping him with cataloging some things.”  I shrug, “I don’t think Slug’s getting much attention with the new baby and everything though.”  
“What color is she?” Fuse frowns, drawing a line and splitting her notes in half.  
“She’s yellow, does it matter?”  
“Not really,” she shrugs, “it’s superstition but I’ve never gotten a good batch out of a green gronckle. If you could ask him, that’d be great.”
She’s superstitious and that’s cute and I forget how to say anything else for a moment.  
“I mean, I’m not going to guarantee anything, but…”
“It’s basically the difference between one month of work and two.  Either way, we can do this in the summer when we don’t have to contend with ice,” she efficiently rolls up her drawing and then folds it, jamming it into the pocket of her vest.  
“Sounds good,” I look around and everyone seems tired but content, and like Arvid said, it actually feels like this is moving forward.  If nothing else, it doesn’t seem openly hostile anymore.  “I think we should call it a night. Smitelout, let me know when you’ve got those first six shells done?”  
“Got it Chief Twerpling,” Smitelout fake salutes me and I roll my eyes.  
“I’m going to ignore that.”
“So sensitive when your girlfriend’s around,” she closes the door to the back room and I swallow hard, trying not to look at Fuse.  Aurelia stares daggers at me and I open the forge door, gesturing everyone outside like I have the power to do that.  I guess I do, because they all walk outside, and I lock the door behind me.  
“Can I come with you?” Arvid startles me, half lurking in the shadow of the forge.  “When you talk to Rolf.”  
“He’s your brother too,” I shake my head, “I mean, he’s your real brother.  Why do I have to be there?”  
“Because he’s a dick,” Arvid shrugs.  
I laugh.  It takes Arvid another second but he cracks half a smile, and I’m more relieved than I expect when I recognize Dad’s smile on his face.  
“Yeah, sure.  I’ll let you or Aurelia know.  Or something.”  
He nods but doesn’t say anything else, pushing off of the side of the forge and walking to talk to Aurelia.  Smitelout’s already gone and Fuse waves at me, adjusting a bag over her shoulder. It looks heavy.  Aurelia is paying no attention to me and I jog up next to Fuse.
“I’ll walk you home.”
“You really don’t have to.” She doesn’t tell me to go though. And it’s Fuse, if she wanted me gone, she’d tell me.  That’s one of the most comforting things about her and it still makes me feel calm, even when I look at her for a second too long and my heart starts trying to escape.
“I really don’t want to see Arvid and Aurelia make out.”  I half lie.  I don’t want to see that, of course, but well, for the first time in a long time, something in me wants to move towards someone instead of away.  “I could help you carry your bag.  I mean, if you want—”
“I’m good,” she adjusts it on her shoulder, bandaged thumb flexing around its strap, “I’d like to keep my explosives unshaken.”  
“What’s that supposed to mean?”  
“You’re jittering out of your skin,” she looks me up and down and I think I catch her eyes sticking as they drag over my chin.  “I’m excited too but slow down, it’s still going to take a month.”  
“I know that,” I exhale, looking down when I see her house on the horizon, like if I don’t stare at it we won’t be getting any closer.  “I’m just—it just feels like a long time coming.”  
“What does?”  She pauses, frowning at me before her cheeks darken and she shakes her head.  “Nevermind. We have been planning for this most of a year.”  
“What did you think I was talking about?”  I stop a few feet short of the path up to her house and she stops too, looking up at one bright window and then back at me.  
“I never know what you’re thinking about.  Well, not until you tell me, unprompted and in specific detail.”  
“You prompt me.”  I laugh but feel embarrassed anyway. “You’re just easy to talk to, sue me.” And she’s beautiful.  And scary.  And all of my skin itches when I look at her for too long, like I’m allergic to being close to her but not close enough.  
“Must be why Smitelout keeps calling me your girlfriend,” she rolls her eyes.  I feel my face flush and take a step back, hoping she can’t tell.
“Right?  What is that?”  I draw air circles by my temple with my finger, “delusional, am I right?”
“Someone’s delusional,” she sighs, deflating slightly and shaking her head, “I should get inside.”
“Yeah, it is late.”  I fake a yawn, like there’s any chance of me sleeping after looking at her all night.  
“Goodnight, Eret.”  
My stomach jolts when she says my name.  Not because she never says it, but something about her tired, vaguely stressed delivery makes it sound new.  It might be the first time in almost a year that my name feels like mine, instead of a misplaced hand me down, and I almost keep following her when she takes her first few slow steps towards her house.  
In fact, following her might be better than what I actually do, which is to stand right where I am and call after her, clearly too tired to think.  
“Did you mean it when you said you liked my beard?”  
She turns around quickly enough that her bag jostles and sloshes.  
“Before Snoggletog. You said you liked my beard.  Did you mean it?”  
“Why would anyone lie about that?”  She shakes her head and waves one more time.  “Goodnight, Eret.”  
“Night, Fuse.”  I stay where I am until her front door closes behind her.  
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cielpurrple · 7 years
MAKE ME 17.2
Pairing: Jimin x Reader Word count: 5167 Warnings: IDK! but it’s fuffy for me, I was grinning the entire time writing this chapter! <3
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 “I’ll do whatever I can just to see you smile everyday, Princess.” He sweetly said as he smiled at you.
“How sweet of you. I’m sorry I don’t have a present for you yet.” You pouted.
“That’s okay, silly. Now, go back. Your parents are waiting for you.” He said as he ruffled your hair.
“Aren’t you coming with us?” you prayed that he would but he shooked his head.
“I wanted to but I have to meet Gram.” His tone a bit disappointed.
“Alright, drive safely.” You said.
He embraced you and you pat his back then said your goodbyes. You returned to your parents who waited patiently for you.
“Thanks for waiting Mom, Dad.” You smiled sweetly.
“I thought Jimin’s with you?” Your father says.
“He left, he’s meeting his grandmother.” You responded.
“I see.” He replied.
The three of you started to walk and enjoy the place. After a while, your father asked for a break. You bought them hot beverages and in the middle of drinking it, he declared that he’s hungry so you took him to one of the restaurants that you’re sure they’ll love.
And true enough, your father won’t stop saying that the food is delicious.
“So, um, where are you staying?” you can’t help but to ask.
“Well, we’re staying at a hotel. Jimin told us that everything is covered for a week.” Your father answered.
“Really? Oh, I see.” You responded shortly. You need to talk to Jimin as soon as possible.
While the dessert is being served at your table, you checked your phone and there’s a text message that came from Jimin. You checked it and it says:
[From: Jimin
You smiled for a bit and replied with a picture of your table. You’re about to keep your phone but he repiled.
[From: Jimin
I wish I was there with you.]
[To: Jimin
Yeah, I wish you were.]
Your father called you and you payed for the meal. The next thing that you did was to tour them. Your father proudly said that their ‘vacation package’ as Jimin stated includes a car plus a personal driver. So you didn’t have to worry about them being uncomfortable during your trips around the city.
You only knew several places around this area so the ‘tour’ ended early. When you arrived at the hotel, the very same hotel where Summer Solstice was held, it made you remember the memories and you just smiled a bit. Because if it wasn’t for that party, you wouldn’t actually realize that you have feelings for Jimin.
As your mother open the door of your unit, your eyes squinted a bit. Your parents are staying at a five star hotel, and staying at a presidential suite. You placed your things on the extra room and stayed in the living room. While your parents were out in the sauna.
You checked what’s on TV so you scanned the channels you’re interested and landed at an anime-exclusive one. Good thing it’s the first episode and you’re a bit interested so you started focusing on it.
As the first episode showed the ending credits, you became more interested on it so you took note of the title and will search for it when your phone notified you that Taehyung is calling.
“Hey, what’s up?” you greeted him.
[Hyung told me you’re still around?] he said. You can hear the video game they’re playing from the backgound.
“Yes. I’m staying at a hotel with my parents. He brought them here.” You added.
[Isn’t it great? You’re spending Christmas with your family and probably with us too?]
“Yes, I am very grateful Tae, don’t get me wrong but I told him, he doesn’t have to spend anything just to please me.” You sighed.
[Here’s what I think, aside from showing his affection towards you, it’s his only way of saying that he’s precious and he loves you. Eww, what am I even saying? You got it right?] he confirmed.
You responded with a chuckle as you blush just by thinking about Jimin and what Taehyung just said.
“Yes, yes, I get it. Why did you call by the way?”
[Well, I was just checking up on you, and I have plans on visiting you one of these days but since you’re just around It’ll be much easier for me to... hang on---] his voice became a bit distant but still audible, you heard him greet someone.
[Sorry ‘bout that. Where were we? Oh yeah, it’ll be easier for me to invite you to hang around. Ya know what I mean.]
A smile creeps on your face.
“Awww, I’m touched. Thanks Tae.” You appreciate his thoughtfulness.
“Bye.” You ended the call.
You went to your room, looking for something to do. You brought a book with you but you don’t want to read. So you just returned to the living room and searched for the anime that you wanted to watch.
You’re on the fourth episode when your parents returned. Shortly after, your dinner is served.
In addition, the person in charge for your room service gave you a long stemmed pink rose.
You thanked him and when he’s out of your room, you slowly looked at your parents. Your mother’s beaming while your father looks like he’s trying to burn the flower with his stare.
A small note is attached to the stem and it says:
There’s no Magnolia so I chose the rose instead.
With that, you knew whom it was from.
“Did it say from who is that from?” your mother asked.
You nodded.
“It’s from Jimin.” you just hoped that they wouldn’t notice the blush that’s on your face.
“Oh, how sweet of him.” your mother smiled. And you notice that your father soften his expression.
You placed it on a makeshift vase wichi is a water bottle and began eating.
“So, how’s the city so far?” you glanced at them as you pour water on your glass.
“I like the hotel amenities. I’m not sure if I would love to live here.” Your father said.
“It’s nice dear. Because you’re with us.” Your mother smiled.
“Wait... who’s looking after Potchi?” you suddenly remembered your beloved dog.
“Sejeong volunteered to keep him until we come back. Potchi seemed to like her.” Your mother said.
You released a sigh of relief when you heard that. You’d definitely have to buy her two gifts.
The three of you spent a couple of hours watching an action movie and when it ended, your parents called it a night.
You’re on your room but you couldn’t sleep. You tossed and turned but there’s no way you’d be able to sleep so you continued watching the anime from earlier.
You’re in the middle of the fifth episode when a text message from Jimin appeared.
[From: Jimin
Gram and I just finished adding decorations on our Christmas tree. I hope you’re enjoying your time with your parents.]
Quickly, you ran towards the living room, grabbing the rose. You took a quick selfie, your face being covered by the flower.
[To: Jimin
Aw that’s cute. My parents are enjoying their vacation here.
Thank you for this by the way.
You hit the send button and when it said it was sent, your eyes widen when it says ‘read’. Another message came in but your phone suddenly rang. You answered the call and you heared him clear his throat.
“Hey.” You greeted him.
[I love you.]
Then he ended the call.
“What? Wait.” You stared at your phone and chuckled.
“What’s up with this guy, seriously?” If someone’s watching you right now, you’ll be looking like a fool as you can’t stop smiling. You now read his message and it says:
[From: Jimin
I’m glad you liked it.]
Your smile grew wider. You hugged Peachy tightly, and kissed its forehead and you tried getting some sleep.
It’s the 24th and you’ve been staying at the hotel for two and a half days now and three for your parents. You hate to admit it but it’s getting boring. Your parents were given complimentary tickets for the opening of the musical play later tonight while you  planned on finishing the anime you’re watching today.
You’re enjoying your warm mocha when your father asked you about your plans for later and you told him you’ll just stay in the room. They went out again now trying the pool, then the jacuzzi.
You’re happy that you're parents are enjoying themselves and you just wish you’re feeling the same way. You wanted to go out but you’re shy to ask them.
You’re on the last four episodes of the anime and it’s already in the afternoon when your father texted you to grab something to eat. You replied yes to them.
You checked the fridge but there’s nothing there with the exeption of left over butter, syrup, and such so you went downstairs where the buffet is being served.
You chose pasta and pizza for lunch. When you came back, you heard some movements on the bathroom and the room being occupied by your parents.
You called out to them just to confirm. Your father sat beside you.
“We’re gonna watch a movie. I want to bring you but we only have two tickets, and it’ll probably bore you.” Your father said.
You remained quiet as you watch. Yes, you’re getting bored.
When your mother was done preparing, she sat on the opposite side of the couch. So now you’re in between your parents.
“Will you be okay by yourself dear?” your mother asked.
You nod.
“Alright, don’t skip meals. We won’t be back until probably a few hours before Christmas.” Your father said.
As they went out, you told them to enjoy.
You finished the entire series as planned. Now you’re watching Home Alone.
That movie’s funny although you’ve seen it a couple of times before. To you, it never gets old.
The sky became dark, and you can feel that everybody’s starting to get busier.
Then room service came in, giving you several paper bags. You tried declining but the person who sent it addresed it in your room with your name.
You opened it and there’s a dress, accessories and shoes.
You wonder where it came from. You placed it back into the paper bags and put it inside your room.
You decided to wait for your parents when you fell asleep.
You were woken up by a gentle pat and voice of your mother. You slowly sat down.
“When did you get back?” you asked while rubbing your eyes.
“Just now.” She gaved slight smile.
“Oh. How’s the movie?” you looked at your father.
“It’s okay.” he replied shortly. He again sat beside you.
“Dear, we noticed. We know you’re bored. Knowing Jimin and your friends are around, we know you wanted to go out.” she said.
You looked at her and to your father.
“But Mom, Dad, Jimin brought you here to spend Christmas with me so I think it’ll be a waste if I just went out and...you know?”
“It would be a waste if you won’t go out and enjoy the season yourself.” your father said.
“Go, dear.” Your mother added.
So, without any questions asked, you took a quick shower,get changed, put some lipstick, wearing the dress that was sent to you earlier.
“You look beautiful. Have fun. Just send us a message okay?” she continued.
You smiled at her and to your father.
Before you went out, he called you.
“He’s waiting for you.” He said.
“Who?” then you realized who it is, you smiled at him once again and exited the suite.
“I can’t believe I was the one who told her that.” your father said as he stared at the door.
“Good job honey. She’s not little anymore.” Your mother said as she went closer to your father.
“She’ll always be our little girl.” He said.
You quickly pressed the down button hoping that there would be a space for you. It was your third try and as you stayed longer, the more crammed the elevator looks.
You sighed and pressed the down button once again, and there it is, lesser people.
When you heard the elevator ‘ding’. You waited patiently for your turn to alight. You searched for him around and when you’re tired scanning the sea of people entering and exiting the hotel’s entrance, you dialled his number.
He answered immediately.
“Where are you?” you asked, hoping he’s still around.
[I thought you’d never ask. Where are you?] he said.
“I’m at the lobby.” You still try to look for him.
[Meet me at the entrance, Princess.]
There you went to the entrance and not a minute has passed and he was there, wearing a suit with the same shade of red as yours, a smile forming on his lips.
“There you are.” He greeted you.
“Hey.” You smiled.
He reached for your hand and kissed it when a car approaches.
“Ladies first.” He said and you obliged.
He followed and as he closed the door, the driver picked up speed.
Your resting right hand was slowly filled with his, automatically intertwining his fingers with yours. You’re looking at the window, enjoying the snowy view of the city and trying to hide the smile from your face.
He squeezed your hand lightly, asking for your attention, but you keep on your eyes on the window.
Then he kissed it again.
“Jimin!” you tried to stop him.
“What?” he aked innocently.
“Stop doing that.” you replied.
“Where are we going by the way?”
“Tae prepared a party. He obliged me to pick you up.” he said as he plays with your fingers.
“Oh, well, are you the one who sent these?” you pointed at what your wearing.
“Nope. It’s gram.” He said smiling.
“Aw. I really have to see her and thank her personally.” You said.
“Yes you do.”
Your conversation continued until the car stopped. Jimin reached for your hand, and you gladly accepted it. When you’re out, you admired the place in an instant. It was at a very nice mansion decorated elegantly.
“Wow.” You said in admiration.
“Shall we?” he said as you began to walk inside the mansion. There are several people who’s dressed in black who greeted Jimin. As the two of you walked further inside, you instantly fell inlove with the mansion.
You looked at the other guests and to your surprise, it composes of Jungkook, Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi.
You approached them and greeted them properly while Jungkook approached you and gave you a hug.
“Now that we’re complete, let’s start the party, shall we?” Teahyung appeared out of nowhere, him wearing red as well.
“Wait, it’s just us?” you whispered to Jimin.
“Yes Princess, it’s just us.” He confirmed.
“If it’s just us, we could just celebrate in his flat you know.” you said as you pick a piece of choclate chip cookie.
“Well, he wanted to celebrate here so we just let him.”
You remembered what you must do in case you and Jimin will meet so you took your plan into action.
“Oh and this is for you.”
You punched his arm.
“Oww what was that for?!” his voice was a bit louder due to shock.
“Really, “vacation package at a five star hotel? And not just that, we’re at one of the most expensive suites?” you said in a quite frustrated manner.
You were beaten by the surprised-almost disappointed expression written on Jimin’s face.
“You know I appreciate everything you’re doing not just for me but for my parents as well but ugh, Jimin, I told you, stop wasting money on me.” you explained.
You heard a soft chuckle from him.
“Whenever I see you surprised because you’re happy because of what  I did, nothing is wasted. And don’t worry about it too much. I told you I would do it again and again if you would keep on getting mad about it.” he said.
“And why would you do that?” you frowned.
“Just to tease you~” he joked.
“I don’t know what to do to you and to your gram, really.” You shook your hand in defeat.
He pulled you close to him so he can embrace you when Yoongi pat Jimin’s back.
“May I have a word with Y/N, please?” he said.
“Sure, hyung.” As soon as he let go of you, you began to panic but you tried to keep it cool.
“Shall we sit over there?”
You just nod and followed him. You sat across him, trying to keep distance.
“What is this about Sir?” you asked.”
His eyes automatically closed upon hearing the word ‘sir’.
“Please, just call me Yoongi. Well, I know you still have a lot of questions in your head as to why I did such things,” he began.
“And I know we haven’t even talked about it that much on our first party so, I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to do so. So please, bear with me I hope you’ll listen to my explanation.”
You looked at him and he looked so sincere, you couln’t say no. And a part of you really is curious since you couldn’t speak, you just nod in response.
“Well, when I heard from Jimin that he’s in love, I was happy but worried for him. At first, I just listened and observed how your relationship would turn out. Believe me, I fully supported him when he went to your hometown.  I was also happy when you said came back with him but clouds of thought made me think of bad things about you.” he started explaining.
You frowned at his last sentence.
“Bad things like?” you wanted him to clear his words.
“I started to doubt your feelings towards him. If you really love him just as he is or because of something else that he has.” He continued.
“I’m sorry Y/N I doubted not just you, even Jimin’s feelings as well.
“I thought I was going to lose him when he found out those pictures.” You looked at your fingers.
“So was he. I saw him cry one time because of it.” he said.
Then there’s silence for a couple of minutes.
You sighed and asked, “How did you do it? Those pictures?” you asked.
“I asked the help of the students at school. Photography club, freshies from the track and field, and one of the girls at SAO.” He confessed.
“Right. The real teacher’s studying abroad right?” you confirmed.
“If you’re not a teacher, you must be of some great influence since those students couldn’t say no to you.” you concluded.
“Yes, he is.” Jimin responded out of nowhere, pulled a chair beside you and sat down.
You looked confused when Namjoon approached your table, giving Yoongi a pat on the shoulder.
“He is the son of President Min, the owner of the school. So, he basically owns it.” Namjoon said.
“Right, that’s why.” You stood up and approached Yoongi.
You again pinched both of his cheeks.
“But that doesn’t mean you can play God and do whatever you want to other students!” You said, your voice raised.
“I thought I’d lose that man over there! Good thing I didn’t.” You said and released his cheeks.
Namjoon and Jimin burst out laughing then Taehyung and Jungkook began teasing Yoongi.
As the others started the countdown, Jimin pulled you to the side.
“Shoot, I only have a few seconds so bear with me. Y/N, I’ve been in love with you for more than a year and I’ve been courting you for almost a year now, so uh, will you be my girlfriend?” he said it too fast, you didn’t actually absorbed everything.
“What?” you asked confused, because your attention is divided between the countdown and his speech.
“I won’t repeat it. It’s a one time thing.” He said.
“Whaaaaat? Sorry I got distracted because of the countdown and BOY, you  talk so fast, you could be a rapper.” You teased.
He  brushed his hair which you really really really find too cute.
“Say it again please?”
“No.” He said firmly.
“Jimiiiinnn, please~?” you said sweetly.
“Make me.” he dared.
You glanced at the boys who’s busy popping champagne. You pulled him closer and lower to you so he can reach your height. You pecked his lips as quick as you could.
Damn, this boy really lets the playful side of you come out at inapproriate times.
He looked surprised but the good kind of surprised. He cleared his throat,
“Will you be my girlfriend?” he said it as slow and as clear as possible.
It’s your turn to be surprised.
“So...?” he met your gaze, his eyes are shining, full of hope.
“Yes.” You blushed.
“YES!!!!!!” He shouted and run around.
“I assume it’s a good thing?” Jin glanced at you, smiling.
Jimin returned to you, and walked towards the  boys.
“Hey guys, we have an announcement.” Jimin said and pulled you close.
“Y/N and I-“ Jungook cut you off.
“You getting married tomorrow?” he said.
“I hope so, but no, not yet.” He said.
“Then what?” Jungkook said, disappointed.
“Y/N’s officially my girlfirend. She said yes.” He said, smiling.
Everybody especially Jungkook and Taehyung cheered, pouring champagne over your heads which earend a few screams from you. The older boys gave a sincere ’congratulations’ and all of you enjoyed the food and drinks. You danced and played games until dawn came. Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi left as soon as Taehyung passed out. You, Jungkook, and Jimin were the one’s that remained and helped Taehyung on one of the beds. He also called it a day and sleep on one of the rooms.
“It’s only us now.” Jimin declared.
“Yeah, shall we clean up?” you asked.
“No, no, cleaners will be here soon. Shall I take you back?” he asked.
“Can we stop for some coffee before we head back to the hotel?” you bargained. You don’t want to go back to the hotel yet.
“Alright. Coffee it is.” he said.
He took you to his parked car and he skillfully exited the place and stopped at a famous coffee shop.
He ordered you your favorite mocha and him, americano. He sat beside you while you rest your head on his shoulder.
“I wanna take our first picture.” He said.
“What first picture? We took like more than a hundred, each time we feel like taking pictures.” You sipped your coffee.
“Our first picture as an official couple, silly.” He said shyly.
“O-okay,” you fixed your hair and so is he. When the two of you are ready, you leaned closer to him and you took a picture.
“I sent it to Gram.” He said.
A video call coming from the old lady made you look at Jimin’s phone. You’re the one who accepted it.
Jimin positioned his phone so you two can be seen.
“Is it true?” she asked with a smile.
Jimin flashed a wide grin, and spoke. “I believe it should come from the lady herself.”
“Is it true you’re now a couple?” The madam asked.
“Ah,” you pursed your lip and continued to answer the old lady “Yes, yes we are.”
“Oh my goodness I am so happy! Why am I crying? Oh great news! We should meet up some time sweetheart.” She sweetly said.
“I agree. Merry Christmas Gram.” You both said.
“Oh, it’s merry indeed. Oh, send my regards to your parents. You better take care of my future granddaughter-in-law or I’ll disown you.”
“Yes gram, will do. See you later.”
“Alright, bye.”
You both waved and when the camera view from the other side turned black, Jimin ended the call.
“She has to know. She’s been waiting for this for a long time, you know.” he said in defense of his actions.
“I’m not gonna argue with you on this one.” You tried to hide your smile behind your cup but Jimin caught a glance of it.
“I’m glad you’re happy that gram knows.” He said.
“Of course, I wish my parents will be happy when they heard the news.”  You said.
“Oh, they will. Don’t worry.” He said with a hint of confidence.
“Oh, by the way, remember my plan? You’ll be moving in at my house?” he brought the topic up once again.
“Yeah, what about?” you looked at him.
“Well, I’ll be meeting gram for that. I won’t stop until she said yes.” He sounded determined.
“Best of luck to you in convincing gram.” You rest your head again on his shoulder.
You stayed at the coffee shop for a couple more minutes and went back to the hotel.
He didn’t just dropped you but, he walked you until you reached your suite. You knocked and your mother received the both of you, giving you two warm hugs as welcome and Christmas greetings.
Your father appeared from the kitchen, holding a cup. He looked like he haven’t slept the entire night but he doesn’t look like mad or anyting.
“Eat breakfast before leaving Jimin.” he said as he returned to the kitchen.
“I would like to have a word with you, Mr. And Mrs F/N.” He sounded serious making your parents look at each other.
“Alright, sit down, sit down.” Your father said.
You don’t know what’s gonna happen, your stomach seemed to start tying itself in knots.
“Um, Y/N and I...” he glanced at you and to your parents, resting his gaze to your father who seemed a bit tensed because you’re sure he gulped, waited for the next words Jimin would say.
“We’re a couple now,sir. She said yes to me just today.” He said.
Your mother was so surprised, she cheered for the both of you while your father just nods, and reached for Jimin’s hand and shook it.
They tried inviting him for breakfast but it’s already 9AM and he must go so he properly excused himself. You excused yourself as well so you could walk him out of the suite.
“Oh my god, I can’t believe it. You’re so cool back there by the way.” You said.
“Am I? I felt like I was gonna be devoured by your father.” He said.
“Drive safely.” You waved goodbye but he caught your wrist and pulled you into a kiss.
“I will. Merry Christmas, my princess.” He said as he kissed your forehead released you.
“Merry Christmass to you too.” you smiled.
“Ah, I wish I could bring you home right now but, for the meantime, expect me to bring you good news love, talk to you later.” He said as he walk towards the elevators.
“I’d love that too, but let’s hope for the best.” You said to yourself as you returned to the suite.
You took a shower and changed into comfier clothes. You smiled like an idiot the entire time thinking about how your relationship with Jimin develops. You’re drying your hair when your mother asked if she can come in and you said yes.
She teased you with funny sounds which made you smile then she took over the towel you’re using to dry your hair and began patting your hair with it.
“I’m very happy for you Y/N. Jimin is a great guy.” She said.
“Thank you mom, really.” You sincerely said.
She faced you and she looked at you with a serious expression on your face.
“You kissed already don’t you?”
“MOOOM! I will not answer that.” you said, trying to hide your face.
“Ah, my baby girl is not a baby anymore.” she added.
“Just remember this: it’s okay to love someone. But don’t forget to love yourself too.”
You nod and hugged her, thanking her once again. After that, you were called by your father and asked you to go to their room.
“Yes dad?” you plopped on the king sized bed.
“He is charming and irresistable is he not?” he started.
“Huh?” you looked at him, confused.
“Your ehem, boyfriend.” He said.
“Oh. He’s cute.” You confirmed.
“Y/N, your mother and I treasures you a lot. You’re precious to us.” He continued.
“I know you’re a good girl and I hope you’ll stay that way for a long time despite you having a boyfriend. A handsome one even.”
You giggled at his last statement.
“Dad, are you in love with Jimin?” you teased him, and he gave you an I-am-not-joking-this-is-a-serious-talk-lady look.
“Just take it slowly okay?” he said.
You nod and assured him you’ll behave and nothing will change.
Your discussion ended with a tight hug, He let go of you, as he pack their things because they’ll be leaving early in the morning tomorrow.
You spent the rest of Christmas strolling around the city, watched a movie and even played arcade. Your mother won a new pan set at a raffle while your dad won a stuffed animal at the claw machine which you’re so happy and proud as well. Evening came and you spent your Christmas dinner at Jimin’s favorite steakhouse. You took a photo with your parents and even sleep on their room, the both of them hugging you.
The next day, you wake up extra early so you could prepare something for them but Jimin was quicker, he brought breakfast.
“Hey princess.” He landed a kiss on your cheek.
“They’re about to wake up.” you said as you pull him inside the suite.
“Why are you here by the way?”
“I wanted to see them personally before they leave. I also want to drive them to the station.”
“Wow.” You replied.
He greeted your parents properly and you shared sandwiches as breakfast then get ready to check out.
After checking out, Jimin placed all of your family’s belongings on a van and started driving them to the train station.
Your father asked him and Jimin to be excused for a while so you and your mother remained inside the car.
You watch them from the inside, wondering what are they’re talking about. Your father gave Jimin a pat on the back and you two alighted the vehicle. Before your parents went inside the station, your father asked a stranger to take a picture with Jimin. You hugged your parents and waved goodbye. When they’re out of your sight, You went back to the van, now sitting beside Jimin.
“Now, I must take you back to gram’s house for the meantime.” He said.
You smiled at him. You looked outside the window as he drive, one hand on the steering wheel while the other’s on your hand.
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Risk For Reward (Finn Balor) Vol. 4
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Prompt: You are the new make-up artist for WWE. You have no prior knowledge of Finn or the work that goes into creating the demon. With a whole new world to discover is there room to be anything but professional? Your biggest test will be fighting your new demon(s) and showing that’s this job was made for you. Even if resisting Finn will be harder than you first thought.
Pairing: Finn Balor & Reader
Word count: 1.2k
Warning: None..yet ;)
Those who wish to be tagged! @ambrosegirlforever
The remainder of the afternoon into the early evening wasn't as exciting as the minimal time you got to spend with both sides of Finn Balor. You traveled around the arena exchanging meaningless conversations with the crew and other wrestlers. There were several other attractive stars, but the encounter you had with Finn stuck with you.
It was less than a half hour before Monday Night RAW was scheduled to begin. You had spent the better part of the last two hours fixing up the women's roster. Just as you were finishing with Alexa Bliss you felt a hand glide up the center of your back to formally wrap around your shoulder. Turning your head you couldn't stop the large smile that overcame your lips as Finn stood beside you in his ring gear. You could see parts of his make-up cracking that would need touch up.
“Balor, do you really need to be so blunt with the new girl here?” Alexa chuckled as she rose up from her seat and checked herself in the mirror. “If I wasn't already in love with myself, Y/N, this make-up would surely do it” She didn't even wait for a response before sauntering off. You placed your hand over his and turned just enough so your eyes could meet his without straining your neck.
“If it isn't my favorite demon” You squeezed his hand just as your released from his grasp to clean up a few things before grabbing what you would need to fix his markings.
“Favorite, ey? How did I get so lucky?” His voice was smooth and husky at the same time. He was still in the frame of mind the paint plunged him into. Turning to face him with a fresh brush in hand you made quick to patch up any spots that were any less than perfect.
“I can attest to say that we are both lucky here, hmm?” You leaned in closer to him making sure that the reinforced strokes of your painted skills reflected on camera when he eventually would be up close and personal with them. You let out a soft hum watching the brush plunge down his neck, over his collarbone and midway over his pecks. “Ya seemed focused der', hun” The new pet name made your stomach do a flip. How was this man having such a divine effect on you?
“I'm putting my name all over you. I want to look good” You spoke sternly knowing this paint job was your first major piece to be viewed by millions of people. It had to be perfect.
“I'll be tinkin' of ya when I'm out there, wondering what ya face will look like when the masses go crazy for me” He gives you a complimentary smile showing that he understood just how valuable this moment would be. “Ya're very talented lass, don't ya ever sell ya self-short” He pointed a finger between your eyes too firmly place a confidence in you.
“You're very sweet, Finn, thank you” The blush that framed your cheeks earlier made it's comeback as you soaked in the comment. As you finished you whirled around him to make sure he was ready to go. It was all about to happen. Your life could be very different once this was for all to see. Finn had his faith in you, but you always struggled to hold a confidence in your art. You knew you were good, but you couldn't find any reason to be cocky. You appreciated everything for what it was.
The sound of music began to blare out in the forefront of the arena signaling the beginning of the live show. Finn was debuting the demon tonight in just a few minutes. His feud with Bray Wyatt being sent into full production. You grabbed his shoulders softly to make sure you didn't ruin any of the paint that molded over his skin. “Make me proud, huh? Be the demon” You already felt as if you knew him more than a third of a day. He had a comfort to him that you hadn't felt in a long time, but now was not the time to explore your new found emotions.
“This one is ya, hun. I'm glad this is home” He leaned in and softly pressed his lips to your cheek. Your body stiffened in shock. This was escalating with each new meeting. How would it be once he was done for the night? One of your arms fell to your side as your fingers of the other drifted down his arm and down to your side.
“It's time, Finn..” You breathed out as he pulled away and gave you a bright smile with pearls of white shining behind his lips. Whatever this was, was better than anything you could have hoped for. Not only are you living a dream, but there was a new reason to get to work on time, maybe even early.
“See ya in a bit” He relaxed his body and walked off. You immediately turned to watch him enter a room that led to an entrance of the arena. It was only a few feet away that you had to walk to find a TV. Bray was in the middle of the ring calling for Sister Abigail to grant him the strength and power to take down the demon.
Darkness consumed the arena as Finn was about to make his way onto the grand stage. The excitement inside of you was almost too much. You would remember this very moment for the rest of your natural born life. You would always remember this feeling.
The vision of smoke graduated onto the big screen as it smothered the ramp waiting for the demon himself to merge through and make his presence known. You bounced on the tip of your feet in anticipation of seeing his face occupy the screen. The smoke began to part and there he was, on all fours crawling over the steel in long menacing strides. It was magical for you. Your work was in being drunk in by millions who cheered and screamed for the star.
It all became too much as the pride swelled and leaked from the ducts of your eyes. Your hand pressing over your heart and watching your dream come true. How were you so lucky to have this life? How were you so lucky to be paired with this man? This strong stature Irish of a man. You let out a long breath you had been holding unknowingly. This was real. It was all real.
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Southern Cut Calamity
Here comes the wave of applause doused with honor and glory. I’d like to say I do this strictly for the sake of spreading quality journalism to the masses but I’d be lying if I did. A portion of me craves the complimentary spotlight that comes with releasing a mouthwatering segment. This news team had broken ground on a gold mine of success. Each press release has been an excavation of a cavern leading to paydirt. Yet a common motif of dread is hovering around each developing accomplishment. When will the bubble pop? A moral question is raised as well upon the idea of one media outlet having enough clout to control the ebb and flow of public opinion. Will the tides eventually turn? I have to accept that my career as a reporter is leaving a mark on society that is permanent as skidmarks in a pair of granny panties. Its Monday now and of course it seems mundane but that’s how most days begin and i can’t discount the potential of more life altering news. I play a tape of an exclusive interview I had with congressman Luther Strange of Alabama. I hear his southern drawl dribble out his cheeks with long pauses as if I were waiting for his words to coagulate and clot into sentences. He talks of his road to Capitol Hill and the sacrifices he has made for the people of his state while being unwavering on his principles. Typical government suit, always overzealous towards the topics of conversation his constituents could care less about while casually duck diving beneath the questions that have any meat on their bones. I stop the tape and rap my fingers against my temple. What to make of all this. There is so much expectation from our listeners, I can’t give them a poppycock edition of 60 minutes. They would burn me at the stake, and I’ve already announced information would be released about the Alabamian senator. I open my web browser and decide to catch the next flight back to Huntsville International Airport where I was greeted not 3 days prior by the men of Luther Strange’s entourage. Something didn’t sit right with me as I left our previous pow wow. Luther’s last name wasn’t the only thing strange about our discussion and at the moment I had no other stories occupying my dossier. At times a reporter must trust his gut and follow intuition when no obvious scandal rears its head. Hours passed and I was experiencing severe jet lag but I arrived nonetheless at our original meeting place, the Huntsville Museum of Art, to investigate as to why the senator would meet in such a public place rather than in his plush office. The curator of the museum was at the door speaking with a group of collectors. Upon this visit I was able to make out his face and recognized him as Sal Gumby from the cover of a recent issue of Artsy People of Alabama. He must know something. Seeking out important leads becomes a sixth sense after you’ve been working the city beats as long as I have. He’s up to something I’m sure of it. I walk past him and nod in his direction, he doesn’t seem to remember me. That was his first mistake. His second was his undoing as he said goodbye to his peers and walked down a a corridor in solitude. The thick shag carpet although tacky made for a near invisible pursuit as I snuck closer and closer to my source. A sharp left was made and I followed mere feet away. That’s when I pounced and hit Mr. Gumby with a jawdropping question in the form of a lead pipe. He was out cold. Actually as i take a closer look I may have cracked his skull with the blunt force trauma of metal and inquisition. “Fuck” I say under my breath, why must I be so cavalier in my opening statements. Yup, he’s bleeding out faster than slit pig. I quickly open my bag and start foraging for the mickey mouse band-aids I know are floating around my pack. I hear a low moan and I worry someone might be alerted. Again with the pipe, the band-aids are a lost cause, and down goes Gumby for the eternal count. Well there goes my only lead. Now I’m stuck in the deep south with the blood of a beloved Art Curator on my hands and it’s getting close to closing time. I’m sure Mrs. Gumby will be expecting him home any minute now. I grab the iPhone from Sal’s pocket and begin to type. “Hello to my beautiful wife. I wish I could make it home for dinner tonight but alas I would like a divorce and never want to see you, the family, or any of our friends again. Please do not look for me and close the museum for good with no hope of anyone else entering. This includes you my newly divorced ex-wife. (That means lock the doors from the outside.) I will mostly remember you for your ability to follow instructions and never question my whereabouts, how fondly I will recall your embodiment of those traits. Please do not let me down or else I will be very disappointed during the pursuit of my new hobby, swinging lead pipes wildly above my head with an apathy towards safety. I will now live out the rest of my life however short it may be doing what I love, and that is I repeat, throwing caution to the wind and violently flailing a lead pipe near my own cranium.” That should clear things up for the wife and give me a way to present any proceeding case to a court jury with a dash of “reasonable doubt”. As i place my trusty bludgeon in the cold lifeless grips of a seemingly innocent art enthusiast I find the keys to his office have fallen on the ground. It seems today is my lucky day after all. I stumble to Gumby’s office still shaken from the recent homicide, but that was expected. I reach out to unlock the door but it pushes open as if it wasn’t locked at all. What do you know, it wasn’t locked. I’m beginning to think murder was a bit over dramatic at this point when i could have simply walked in here alone with little to no supervision. Now that I think of it I don’t even remember seeing security anywhere on the premises. Well it’s the thought that counts they say. I never have been good with idioms and that phrase didn’t seem to fit the situation but it sounded nice to me anyway. I snap out of my internal monologue and my eyes open wide as I am rummaging through Gumby’s desk. Nestled between the countless paperclips and other office supplies, a tuna sandwich and an old edition of a sports illustrated swimsuit magazine I see now what I have been looking for all day. I see a photo of the senator. He is standing next to what looks like a Nazi, a high ranking member of the KKK and none other than actor Paul Reubens, who plays the beloved Pee Wee Herman. In the foreground the senator, Nazi, and Klansman are all smiling giving a thumbs up while burning a manila envelope labeled “List of Cures for Cancer”. In the background Paul Reubens is holding up the “Shocker” symbol spray painting various ethnic slurs on the side of an old folks home. Unsure as to why the art curator had this photo in his possession but happy my off kilter excursion was coming to a close I left the office in comforted silence. I’m chalking this up as a win in my book. I don’t have to go looking for a senator who before today nobody was going to give a shit about and I have dirt on that very same senator who will soon be notorious as the racist nazi sympathizer who hangs out with a surprisingly crass, racist in his own rite, actor Paul Reubens. I can see the headlines now “Shocking Photo Drives Alabama Senator to Resignation and Paul Reubens Fans to Tears: We Did Nazi that Coming”. And just like a revolving door this investigation opens and closes with ease. Unrelated to revolving doors, this investigation also lead to the mysterious disappearance of Art Aficionado Sal Gumby. Alabama mourns the loss of its one artsy fartsy person.
Legal Advisory: Documents of this nature have never been admissible in trial court therefore none of my previous writing shall condemn me to death row or any fine/jail time. Any and all implications of guilt leading to my arrest on the charges of murder, attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon, trespassing, breaking and entering, defiling a tuna sandwich, and/or attempted kidnapping brought about by this non-fiction story are considered faulty in concept and the person/s bringing forth these allegations will be prosecuted under the full extent of the federal and state laws regarding slander.
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Henry, the Great Detective
Here’s a weird little story I wrote years ago and found on my computer tonight, and am never going to do anything else with. Who wants a break from the fandom wank? 
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     Henry was always looking for an opportunity to show off his towering intellect, the problem being it wasn’t as towering as he imagined. For forty years he’d been a chartered accountant who enjoyed the occasional detective novel, but since retirement it had become an obsession for Henry. From Holmes to Hercule, Marlow to Marple, Henry knew them all backwards.
     “For heaven’s sake, dear, you’re a retired accountant, not an epicure,” I murmured as he picked fussily over his dinner, a trait he’d inherited from Nero Wolfe.
     Henry had become more finicky in everything since retirement. Things had to be just right, from the creases ironed into his trousers each morning, to the one and a half spoons of Splenda in his tea three times a day, to his slippers just so beside the bed each evening. I had the feeling that he was going to make this holiday, our first in years, absolute hell.
     His seasickness didn’t help. We had hardly left Sydney Harbour before that struck. I had just unpacked and we were sitting down to our first cup of tea when Henry suddenly made a dash to the toilet.
     “I don’t feel well,” he moaned from the u-bend. “Bea, I’m not well.”
     “Henry, you’re seasick. Come and have a lie down and you’ll feel better.”
     Henry, being irrepressible, rallied for dinner, and we were in the restaurant in plenty of time for him to start criticising the service, the food, and the size of the complimentary cocktail.
     It was the first night of the cruise, and it was “Meet and Greet Evening” aboard the Pacific Sunset. We were at a table with five strangers: two holidaying couples and a crewmember, and Henry was drawing attention to himself already with his disapproving Wolfesque sighs over the lobster thermidor.
     “And what do you do, Mr Willmott?” asked Dr Neumann, a pleasant young Austrian chap, and the ship’s medical officer.
     “Call me Henry,” said Henry, beaming around the table. “I was an accountant, but my lovely wife Bea and I are here celebrating my retirement. Now I’m an amateur detective.”
     Henry paused for effect. No one quite met his eye.
     “Really? How very interesting,” managed Dr Neumann at last.
     The young lady next to the doctor bravely soldiered on. “Um, hi, my name’s Julie Mason, and this is my husband Kevin. We’re on our honeymoon.”
     They looked at one another adoringly for a moment, as young couples do before forty years of Where are my keys, Bea? and Have you ironed my pants, Bea? takes the shine off marriage.
     The last couple wore Versace. They were both tanned and bleached in all the right places, and probably waxed and buffed as well. They were a matched pair, except fot the good fifteen or twenty years age difference.
     “Hello, I’m Violet Cavill-Smith,” drawled the bejewelled woman from behind a puff of cigarillo smoke and at least three facelifts. She brushed a manicured hand over the young man’s cheek. “This is my Jet, my fiancé.”
     “Oooh!” exclaimed Julie. “You’re Veronica Saint-Just on Deadly Sins!”
     Henry had been upstaged, but that didn’t stop him from contributing his usual claptrap for the rest of the meal.
     “Motive, means and opportunity are the keys to solving any crime,” he pontificated. “Everyone from Sherlock Holmes to Philip Marlowe knew that!”
     Poor Kevin Mason, who had never heard of Philip Marlowe, found himself on the receiving end of a twenty minute lecture. It was a relief for everybody when we had to skip dessert as Henry’s nausea resurfaced. Dr Neumann was kind enough to see us back to out cabin.
     “I’m sure you’ll feel better in the morning,” he said. “If you don’t, my office is on B deck. Goodnight.”
     “I don’t feel well, Bea,” Henry griped, but once sitting on our bed he shipped out his notebook and began scribbling away while I made our tea.
     “Now really, Henry, can’t you put that away?”
     Henry sipped his tea and looked smug. “I don’t suppose you noticed anything odd about that dinner, Bea, since you don’t have my mind, but I most certainly did! Would it surprise you to know that Jet, if that is his real name, is having an affair with Julie Mason?”
     “Oh, Henry, leave it alone, won’t you?” I drank my tea in silence while Henry itched to display his powers of deduction, and finally relented. “Go on, then, how could you know that?”
     “I have been studying lip reading,” Henry said. “During the man course I saw Julie Mason lean over to Jet and whisper Meet me later. How do you explain that?”
     “Lip reading is not an exact science, Henry, especially if you’re a retired accountant.” I shook my head at him. “And I hardly think a girl on her honeymoon and a boy who is being kept in the lap of luxury by a soap star would risk it all on a fling. She’d lose her husband, and he’d lose his bankroll.”
     Henry, being Henry, had an answer for everything.
     “Whish is probably the reason Jet stole Violet Cavill-Smith’s ring!” Henry’s triumphant look wavered as his stomach rebelled. “Oooh, Bea, I’m not taking to the ocean at all!”
     “Have some more sweet tea, Henry, and tell me about this ring theory. It will take your mind off the seasickness.”
     “It’s not a theory, Bea,” Henry puffed, slurping his tea. “I have a mind like a steel trap. You’re not observant like me, so you wouldn’t have seen the pale band around her finger where she usually wears a thick ring. She seems like the sort of vain woman who would wear all her flashiest jewels to dinner, so why wasn’t she wearing her thickest ring tonight?”
     “Maybe it fell down the sink,” I said.
     But Henry was on a roll. “No, it’s far more likely it’s been stolen, and my money’s on Jet. He’s a real fancy man, Bea, a real player. A lady-killer! In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s planning on doing her in!”
     “That’s quite a leap from a missing ring,” I said mildly. “Are you alright, dear? Do you need me to call Dr Neumann?”
     “Ha! I’m not sure he’s even a real doctor. He certainly isn’t Austrian! Shall I tell you how I know?” Henry had gone quite grey while we spoke, and he clutched his stomach. “I wish we’d gone on the rail trip instead, but you wanted this cruise. I should have known better than to listen to you!”
     “There, there, Henry,” I said soothingly.
     He smiled grimly through his nausea. “Still, it has given me a chance to pit my keen intellect against this criminal plot. Motive, means and opportunity!”
     I thought back to dinner. “But Henry, everyone seemed so nice. Are you sure, dear, that you aren’t just jumping to conclusions?”
     “I suppose you think I’m just a silly old man!” Henry said indignantly.
     “Yes, dear,��� I answered, feeling a little sorry for him that he just wasn’t clever enough to figure it out in the end. “That’s why I poisoned your tea.”
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idekwidcfo · 4 years
party time? a.k.a. “worse” version chapter 4
or maybe 3... I didn’t keep track very well... 
As I predicted, my dad was almost joyous at my request to go to a normal teenager parents-are-out-of-town party. He teased me, which I didn’t love, but he also gave me explicit permission to go and encouraged me to have fun. I hadn’t actually told him that my activities last night had been a date, but when he told me to bring a condom or dental dam or “whatever it is you people use” I felt it was better that he knew. 
“I’m actually going as a second date with this girl I like from school,” I told him, very pointedly not looking up from the homework I was pretending to do. 
I tried to stay focused on my math questions but as the seconds ticked past, his lack of a response became impossible to ignore. I found myself looking up from my homework despite the fact the only reason I had homework out was to give me an excuse not to look at him. He was just staring at me thoughtfully. The seconds continued to stretch out, long enough that I almost stopped feeling awkward. He finally nodded his head in obvious approval. “Good for you, kiddo. If you two are serious about things I’d like to meet her sometime.” 
I felt blood rush to my cheeks and wished that blushing wasn’t so obvious. “Oh, I don’t think that’s necessary, we just went out for the first time last night.” 
He got up and walked over to the fridge, grabbing a beer and cracking it. I tried to hold back my frown, but Christ, it was only about 10am. “You’re on two dates in two days? That sounds at least a little bit serious.” 
“Well, I’m not really even sure this counts as a date. We ran into a friend of hers at the show and he invited us. She said she’d go with or without me, but I figured you wouldn’t mind me getting out of the house.” 
He shrugged. “Well, if you take her on a third date I hope you’ll consider bringing her home. I’d give the two of you privacy if you wanted to hang out in your room and fool around.” 
I felt my face flush again. “Dad, that’s really not necessary.” 
“I know it’s not necessary but I also know teenagers are fucken horny and I’d rather have you foolin’ around downstairs where you’re safe and not gonna get a public indecency charge or banned from the local theater or whatever than have you goin’ out and doin’ it weird places and feelin’ like you can’t come talk to me if the condom breaks. Oh, I guess that wouldn’t be a problem for you, huh? Lucky kid-- no preggo scares for you! You’d still want to get tested for chlamydia and stuff, I suppose.” 
I wondered if my face would stay red permanently at this point. “Okay,” I conceded. “Thank you. I’ll talk to her about it and see if she is interested.” 
“That sounds good. Also, I know this is hypocritical coming from me, but make sure that after this party you’ve either got a place to crash or a ride home. I don’t need you taking after your old dad here and getting a DUI. Call me if nothin’ else, I’ll be good and drunk by then but better my experienced ass drives drunk than your inexperienced ass drives drunk and ends up wrapping you and this little lady around a tree and then you’re either dead or in the hospital with a bunch of medical bills and either way there goes my weekend.” 
I cracked a smile at his bad, dark joke, but I hated that he had just made such a good point such a stupid way. His grammar especially irked me. Sometimes it seemed like he was in a neverending competition with himself to see how long he could extend a run-on sentence. But he had a point that I hadn’t considered. I was not about to drive drunk. Ever. I hoped to die of old age having never driven drunk in my life. But I hadn’t thought about getting home. I had pretty much stopped planning at ‘go to party with Mar’. “Yeah, thanks,” I told him. “I’ll make sure we have that taken care of before we leave. In fact, I’m gonna go down to my room and message her about it now,” I said, excusing myself from the table. 
And I did just that. I logged onto AIM, hoping that Mar was online. To my relief, she was. 
Cows_IV: hey! Glad to catch you on. Got permission from my dad as expected but he brought up a good point of how do we get home? 
Mar didn’t respond for a bit, and I was worried that she was actually away from her keyboard despite her username showing up as “online now!” I opened MySpace and caught up on some of my other friends’ new photos and bulletins and whatnot, considering whether or not to also send her a text. Before I could make up my mind, however, I got a response on AIM. 
OHSHITITSMAR: hey! What do you mean? 
Cows_IV: I mean, like, I wanna drink and have a good time, but I don’t wnat to drink and drive. Do you know if we’ll be able to crash there? 
OHSHITITSMAR: oh! duh! You’ve never been to one of Derek’s parties! Yeah, he always has somewhere for people to crash. His dad has like a million couches for some reason. 
Cows_IV: oh cool! Perfect lol
Cows_IV: ummmmmmm 
Cows_IV: also my dad wants me to consider bringing you home so you can meet him. 
OHSHITITSMAR: ummmm ok. Why not lol 
Cows_IV: because he’s an alcoholic and will probably embarass me, but he did say we could have some privacy in my room. 
OHSHITITSMAR: well, privacy in your room sounds nice and I don’t mind alcoholics lol 
Cows_IV: cool lol so maybe like, next week you come over here after school? 
OHSHITITSMAR: well, I was kinda hoping you’d want to go to Electric Avenue again next Friday. They have a show nearly every week. 
Cows_IV: That works. We can come home and let my dad make us dinner, then go to the show afterwards. If that’s ok with you. 
OHSHITITSMAR: htat is okaby with me! 
Cows_IV: haha cool 
Cows_IV: I guess he sort of also brought up something else that I should figure out with you… 
Cows_IV: is this already our second date, or are we just two buds going to a party? 
OHSHITITSMAR: whatever you want. you need to be more assertive about what you want lol 
Oddly enough, or maybe not so oddly, that message stung. I knew that, of course I did, but it was hard. 
Luckily for me, it was easier to be brave from behind a keyboard. 
Cows_IV: noted. thanks. Constructive criticism. I can take it. 
Cows_IV: so on that note, if you’re counting tonight as a second date and we already have plans for a third date next Friday, I feel like one could argue that we are, in fact, date-ing, no? 
Cows_IV: so in conclusion, would you like to like oifficially like be my girlfriend or whatever? 
I typed the last sentence with my eyes closed and hit send before I could start to second-guess myself. I then immediately clicked back over to MySpace so that I would have something to do besides sitting there waiting for the “OHSHITITSMAR is typing…” notification to change to her response. Billie had posted a new photo of herself that was really flattering. I decided to write a detailed complimentary comment, mostly to take my mind off of waiting for Mar’s response. I was still working on it when my conversation with Mar started flashing, informing me that there was a new message. I took a deep breath and switched back to that window. 
OHSHITITSMAR: good for you! That’s what I call being assetive about what you want! I’d be down to officially be your girlfriend, athough i think i should let you know that part of me worries we’re jumping into things kinda fast? We just started actually talking like les than two weeks ago lol 
Cows_IV: I’m sorry but I have no idea what that means. So you will be my girlfriend but watch out we might be moving too fast? 
This time I just stayed in the window where our chat was and waited until “OHSHITITSMAR is typing…” turned into a message. 
OHSHITITSMAR: okay i see why that might not make a lot of sense. Sorry. So like, I like you, and I like haging out with you, but I feel like we’re still getting to know each other really. So like. If I don’t want to continue seeing you in a few weeks just cuz it like fizzles out and I realize I only like you as a friend I don’t really want it to be like a big serious thing. 
Well fuck that. I mean, I did kind of see where she was coming from, but fuck that. I wasn’t even sure what “that” I was addressing a “fuck” towards, but the short phrase summed up how I felt after reading her message. 
I couldn’t even begin to think of what I could or should say to that, so I decided to just wait for a bit. I finished up my comment on Billie’s new MySpace photo and posted it. I went upstairs to use the restroom and grab a pop. 
It didn’t help. What did someone say to that? It felt shitty. I guessed she was being like, careful or responsible or whatever, but it had hurt. 
The thing that hurt the most is that I knew I was absolutely crazy about her, and if she didn’t feel the same way, it was like… I didn’t know what it was like. I couldn’t think of a poignant enough simile or metaphor. The most accurate phrase to come to mind was simply, “incredibly disappointing”. I was also a bit angry. I had just asked her out! She had said yes! But instead of celebrating and congratulating myself, I was upset because she said she might not actually like me like that. 
I finally steeled myself for reading whether or not she had messaged me while I got myself a pop and emptied my bladder, and if so, what she had said. It turned out there were a few messages, and as I read them getting defensive clashed with feeling bad about having just left during a rather serious chat. 
OHSHITITSMAR: soooo you’re just not going to say anything to that? 
OHSHITITSMAR: look even if you just went to the bathrroom or something it’s kinda rude to just not say anything for five minutes after I said that. 
OHSHITITSMAR: are you gonna act mature and respond tyo me or are we just never gonna talk again now? 
OHSHITITSMAR: by the way in the fufute asking if someone wants to be your firlfriend “or whatever” isn’t a good move. the “or whatever” si so unnecessarily flippant. do you actually want me to be your fgirlfriend or is it just ‘whatever’?? 
I felt really shitty about myself. It won out over the defensiveness. She was right, I should have at least said, “okay”, or “give me time to think about how to respond”, or even “I’m gonna go to the bathroom and grab a pop brb.” I started typing something in another window, because I didn’t want her to see the “Cows_IV is typing…” message, but then she sent another message about me not saying anything. 
OHSHITITSMAR: you know it’s been ten minutes now since you’ve said anything? Can you please just respond to me? 
Cows_IV: sorry that was shitty of me, please hold for a better response. 
I continued to compose my better response in another window, even though it was obvious to Mar at this point that I had seen her messages. She didn’t say anything. I felt relieved that I was able to take my time on my response, but also disappointed that she didn’t have anything else to say. Finally, after editing it three or ten times, I was ready to send her the paragraph I had written. 
Cows_IV: It was immature of me to leave. I grabbed a pop and used the bathroom but I was also really disappointed and I didn’t know what to say, so I didn’t say anything. I totally admit that was shitty of me. I’m just kind of hurt, I guess. I really like you and it sounds like you’re saying you’re not actually sure if you like me. Also it was really dumb of me to say ‘or whatever’, I should have just been straightforward and asked if you’d like to be my girlfriend. I typed that and hit send as soon as possible so I couldn’t pussy out, but that’s not an excuse for me being so flippant while asking you to be my girlfriend. You were being honest with me, which I appreciate even if it hurt. I’d like to be your boyfriend and continue going on dates even if it does mean we break up in a month because you realize you don’t actually like me as more than a friend. I’m not going to lie and say that I won’t be hurt and upset if that happens, but I appreciate the headsup that it could. 
I copy and pasted the paragraph into our chat window and hit send. I felt a little better. Worrying over a response and landing on something that was both apologetic and understanding felt really mature. Feeling mature sure felt better than feeling defensive, upset, and angry. I zoned out for a bit, staring through the computer screen out into space, waiting for Mar to respond. I zoned back in when I distantly noticed there were more words for me to read. 
OHSHITITSMAR: ok, thanks for the apology. you drove me a little crazy just not saying anything for over ten minutes!! I do like you, I’m just worried I don’t really know you. How deep of a dive have we really gotten into with each other in only two weeks, you know? 
OHSHITITSMAR: And it goes both ways! 
OHSHITITSMAR: You might think you like me but you don’t really know me yet, and I’m like afriad that you won’tnlike me iuf you get to know me better so. 
OHSHITITSMAR: There’s tjat. 
OHSHITITSMAR: I guess I’m a little afraid. Of like. Getting close to someone. So. Thanks for being understanding and I am sorry if I did hurt your feelings. 
Cows_IV: glad we got through this pretty okay haha. Was it our first fight? Before we were even official? 
OHSHITITSMAR: no, it was our first fight after we became official, I said yes before we had that heavy convo lol. but people fight, I think it depends more on how they handle it than whterh or not they fight at all you know? And we did do good :) 
Cows_IV: yeah that’s a good point. So just to be clear, you are my girlfriend now? 
OHSHITITSMAR: yes, boyfriend, you and I are now a couple :) 
Cows_IV: wow! Lucky me :D 
OHSHITITSMAR: yes. But unlucky for you, I have to go grocery shopping since my mom’s too busy working one of her three jobs to do it. Whoo hoo being poor [eye rolling emoji]. I’ll see you here at 7 so you can take me to Derek’s party? 
Cows_IV: oh, that does suck. Are you walking there? I could come help you with my car. 
OHSHITITSMAR: hey now I don’t want to get sick of you. enjoy your Saturday afternoon and don’t worry about me or my grocery shopping. See you, what, at 6:52pm on the dot? 
Cows_IV: [laughing emoji] you’ve got me figured out. don’t hesitate to call me if you change your mind! I’m not doing anything but relaxing until I leave for your place at 6:39 on the dot :P 
OHSHITITSMAR: okay… I won’t but okay. See you at 6:52! 
OHSHITITSMAR is now offline. 
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that-writer-girl5 · 7 years
Adventures in the Slow Path {Part Twelve//The Hen & Stag}
Before they left for the hen and stag, Donna told Shaun everything about her health scare and about the Doctor and Rose and their travels. She felt better now that he knew, especially because there were no secrets between them now. She did, however, swear him to secrecy.
The night before the wedding, Donna, Shaun, Adam, Pete, Jackie, Jake, Rose, and the Doctor went to a pub down the street from Rose’s and the Doctor’s flat.  None of them had been there, but when Donna asked Adam what he had planned, Donna immediately suggested a night out with everyone and a relieved Adam agreed.  He had then confessed to Donna that he had forgotten about the preparations for a stag party.
“Thanks for saving my hide, Donna.  I’ve never been a best man before and as far as knowing what a straight man wants, if not strippers, I’m lost.  Neither of us were keen on the idea of strippers anyway.  Not the female variety for me, at least.”
“I don’t think Rose would have been too keen on the Doctor with strippers either.  He’s not the type anyway.”
“When I brought it up to him, he didn’t even know that was a thing blokes do at stags.  He seemed utterly disgusted.”
“Sounds like him, dudn’t it?  Can’t think to look at another female below the neck, can he?  Utter gentleman, that one.  Same as I got,” Donna said as Shaun walked up.
“Hello, Darling.  We were just talking about your gentlemanly quality of not looking at other females below the neck.”
“Why would I need to?  I got you, don’t I?”
“That you do.  Where’re the others then?”
“I think they went to the VIP room.  Bit of a mix up at first, but it’s been sorted.  Seems they wanted to put us in a room you hadn’t rented.  We’d be sharing and Jackie said we couldn’t, due to them being paid extra for a private room.  We now have the one you rented.”
“Let’s get to it then.”
Donna, Shaun and Adam entered the VIP room that Adam and Donna split the cost to rent out for the rest of the night.  It was a nice room with red suede couches and curtains with a little speaker playing soft jazz tunes above the entrance and complimentary wine, champagne and hard liquor for the rest of the evening.
Donna had invited Pete and Jackie, not thinking they’d make it, but were delighted when they agreed to attend.  Tony stayed with the sitter.  She had also brought up toasting at the party instead of at the wedding.  The reason being that the majority of the guests at the wedding didn’t even know Rose and the Doctor and everyone who would truly appreciate the toasts would be at the party.  Jackie agreed and so the toasts would be conducted tonight.
“I guess I’ll go first since toasting here was my idea.”  Everyone chuckled.  “First off, I want to start off by saying how happy I am that the Doctor got his love.  He was angry at both himself and the world after he lost you, Rose.  You helped to shape him into who he is today and for that, I’m grateful.  There were a lot of stories told to me by the Doctor.  One of his fondest memories was of the day he met you.  In the basement of a shop, of all places.  He can tell you many stories of love and loss, but you were the only stories he told about where his smile reached his eyes.
“Doctor, even know I just got these memories, I’m glad I started working for Rose.  She has helped me to find you, so we can can work on being best mates again.  I also found a mate in Rose, but really she’s become more like a sister.
“Even though I’m not the Donna you knew before, Doctor, I have all of her memories and I’m so happy we had the adventures we had, even though I had to stop you sometimes.  We will always share a bond.
“I’m so proud of you two.  Cheers!”
“My turn!”  Adam stood.  “I don’t have much to say, but the Doctor and I became fast mates.  He tells me that he knew someone who shared my face on his and Rose’s Earth and apparently he was a real screw up.  Also, he seemed to fancy Rose, which was futile, I’m sure.  These past couple of years have been great working with you and being your mate, Doctor.  Thank you for thinking of me when you asked me to be your best man and may the two of you always have each other!”
Jake stood.  “The night I met you it was obvious you two were meant for each other.  You had such chemistry, even if neither of you knew it yet.  That was also the night I lost Ricky, but having you two here to help put an end to the chaos that caused his death, was something that most people who have lost someone rarely gets.  Thank you for being there when you were needed, even if it was by accident and here’s to you two being happy forever!”
“I don’t know either of you well,” Shaun said as he stood, “but you have shown my Donna such great friendship and acceptance and for that, I’m thankful and hopeful that your days together will be plentiful. Also, your secret is safe with me.”
Pete stood up with a smile on his face. “Doctor, Rose,” he said as he looked at each them when he said their respective names, “your love story is a long and winding road.  You have been through losses, traumas, hopelessness and just when things seemed to have reached rock bottom, you found each other in the most unexpected way.  Much like I got Jackie.
“As only the few of you in this room know, my first wife died, the same night, actually that Jake’s Ricky died.  Our marriage wasn’t perfect or even equal most of the time, but I loved her.  Then she died and I didn’t have her anymore.  I didn’t have a child to carry on her memory.  Much the same happened with Jackie.  Her husband died when Rose was just a baby.  She was a single mother and a damn good one too by the looks of the way Rose turned out.  
“I know that I’m not that Pete and this Jackie’s not my first wife, but because of the Doctor and Rose, we were both able to find love again.  It wasn’t as if we picked up where we left off because we didn’t have the same memories and experiences.  It was brand new for both of us.  I realized after we got married that I wanted another child.  I say another child, because Rose became my daughter.  I, in no way, would think I could take her father’s place, but I don’t think of her as my stepdaughter.  She is my daughter Rose, just as Tony is my son.
“Now, as her father, I saw what not having the Doctor did to her.  I saw the pain, the loss, and finally, the motivation she put into finding the Doctor.  She spent countless months perfecting this technology that would bring her back to her one true love.  The last time she left us before she went to find the Doctor, Jackie had finally accepted the fact that Rose was determined and although she was scared to lose her forever, she had made the decision that morning to start attending the launches.  She wanted to see what her, our, daughter was doing.
“For months, Jackie had been in denial.  She didn’t understand why Rose was willing to put herself in danger.  Eventually she understood, but she was fearful of her launching and never returning.  Now, on that day, Jackie was there, but before she used the Cannon, she walked up to us and with controlled tears in her eyes, she looked at Jackie and me, hugged us both and said, ‘Mum, Dad, this is it.  I feel it.  Today is the day I find him and I’m never leaving him again.  I don’t care if I have to hijack the TARDIS and force him to listen to me, I am never going a day without seeing my Doctor again.
“‘Dad, thank you for being my dad.  I never really knew my dad, except for stories that mum would tell me about him and when I got to meet him briefly, but you have shown me the same love you show for Tony.  Thank you.
“‘Mum.  You are great mum.  Always puttin’ me first.  I hope you really really understand why I need to do this, even if it means you never see me again.  Just know that he is the love my life and I need to tell him that.  If he tells me he never wants to see me again, I’ll be back, but I can’t live my life with a what if.  I love him, Mum.’
“‘I know, Sweetheart.  I wish you didn’t, but I understand.  I love you, Rose, my beautiful daughter.’
“‘Love you too.’
“‘Love you, Dad.’
“‘Love you too.’
“I will forever have that conversation burned into my brain.  She was the happiest we’d seen her in months.  Jackie being Jackie, though, couldn’t help but to go after her and thankfully, it all worked out.  Now, I have the pleasure of being one of two to escort our beautiful daughter down the aisle to marry the love of her life.  There couldn’t have been a better outcome.  To my daughter and soon-to-be son-in-law!”
Jackie and Rose sniffled.  Everyone else had misty eyes, but it was Jackie’s turn.  She stood up and walked to place herself facing the Doctor and Rose so she could talk to them.
“I’ve known of the pair of you longer than anyone here.  As you recall, I wasn’t the happiest I’d ever been havin’ my one and only daughter go off with a man I didn’t know, but Rose is stubborn and she wanted to.  I missed her every second she was gone, but I took comfort in the fact that you’d care for her as good as I would.  It took me a while to get there, but when I did, I felt better about her taking off with you. You promised me you’d always bring her home and you never broke that promise.
“She always loved you, no matter how different you looked.  It was just you, Doctor.  The day that Pete spoke about was very hard on me, but I knew I’d see her again regardless of whether you told her you wanted to be with her or not.  You always understood how important we were to each other.  How important she was to me.  I knew you cared for her more than yourself and that was why I was rooting for you.  I knew her well-being would always be your number one priority.
“Rose, from the moment you were born, you were my pride and joy. You were the reason I got up in the morning and you gave me purpose, especially after your dad died.  We were all we had left in the world and so we took care of each other.
“Now, to the Doctor and Rose, you two will be getting married and hopefully, giving me some grandchildren and I can’t wait to finally be able to call the Doctor my son.  I couldn’t be prouder to say that.  Just remember, love each other always, regardless of any struggles you encounter.  Love is a wonderful thing and it is definitely worth waiting for. Love you both.”
Jackie took her seat next to Pete.
Rose and the Doctor stood up after a few seconds of whispering back and forth.
“The Doctor and I would like to thank everyone for coming and for the wonderful toasts.  Let’s dance!”
The rest of night was fairly quiet for a hen and stag.  Donna thought that everyone was maybe feeling a bit emotionally drained from the toasts.  The Doctor and Rose had been through hell, but they found each other and were finally getting their happily ever after.
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