#and maybe url
ianmckellen · 1 year
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brianskangs · 6 months
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(240501) GAON *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ENDING FAIRY
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syn4k · 7 months
HERMITS STOP GOING ONTO REDDIT AND STOP READING MEAN COMMENTS CHALLENGE U ARE ALL BEAUTIFUL AND PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS. WE LOVE YOU. seriously we love you and we love how laid back this season has been so far. love and light, signed the entirety of hermitblr and people who love what yall do without exceptions
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smileyobrien · 30 days
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yanaichi · 2 months
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Here’s to new memories !
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discountgospel · 3 months
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of losing. of wanting
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bleeedingheart · 14 days
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i was like Okay i'm just gonna do a quick doodle of Maddie before bed. hour and a half later . whoops !
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guildfordd · 11 hours
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bartowskis → guildfordd
finally changed my url for the first time in many many years!!! and of course it had to be in honor of these faves 💜 (watch my lady jane!!)
tagging some lovely friends under the cut! any signal boosting is so so appreciated 🥰
@adamsvanrhijn @andorerso @anthonybridgertonn @antoniosvivaldi @art-donaldson
@astromechs @berthas-russells @bikananjarrus @bo-kryzze @cal-kestis
@chandler-monica @clintnatalias @conradfiisher @deadpoets @dilf-din
@dindjarism @doscharolastras @frostbitepandaaaaa @glendaisys @goodthingscomeinthrees
@hawkwidows @henwilsons @ianmckellen @jonnybaileys @kalikoris
@karenandthababes @kizzyedgelll @ladytharen @laurabenanti @manny-jacinto
@mcgregor @miriammaisel @natalias @nicola-coughlan @penny-hartzs
@poguelandia @quarantineddreamer @rebeljyn @rosamundpkes @scarlettjohanssones
@starfighters @staticwaffles @sydneyadmu @thatonekimgirl @torisprlng
@trueloveistreacherous @tusermira @userobiwan @violet-bridgerton @yrsonpurpose
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efverse · 2 months
so...i've been resting my wrist these last two days and it feels better enough now. I'm still gonna get it looked at by the doctor but....I realized that...
I dont really want to do a comic.
Or any big long term story project w these characters? Not even just bc of potential wrist problems either? just a lot of different reasons...
dgmw I still want to share them and I really appreciate everyone who follows this blog and interacts w me and my content at all, and i just want to say thank you all so much for the support and i hope this isnt too much of a let down for anyone...
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cryptocism · 3 months
changed my pf pic finally so if u dont recognize me yes you do just look into ur heart i am there waiting for u
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elfdyke · 4 months
New Life is Strange game starring Max Caulfield... no mention of Chloe in the trailer... I'm gonna cry
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hi.... AHSJJDNG YEAH ERMM ITS LOOKING GRIM IDK. it kinda feels like they know the OG life is strange is where all the heart of the franchise lays and so theyre trying to go back to that...they were already tiptoeing around it with true colors, considering steph, but they really just said fuckit we'll give her back to you. especially considering the premise is so samey..... i dont know it feels rather odd to me. you could even say strange -_-
not to mention the plot and shit is so.. unrelated to chloe and doesnt seem to leave really much room for her to be relevant at all? which i assume either means A) theyre picking sac chloe as the canon ending (insane thing to do) or B) itll be choice dependent and either chloe is around but not a big part of the story (?????) or that max and chloe went their seperate ways at some point (also very ????? to me). i dont know 😭 im honestly not a huge fan of decknines work, im still sour over how badly they butchered before the storm, what a nightmare of a game i fear i could whine about that one for a good while. but regardless! there we have it. life is strange and dragon age are back! welcome back 2015!!!
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mysticlongan · 5 months
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say hi to Mistleberry Cookie! consider her a cross between hollyberries and mistletoe! despite not resembling mistletoe much, I've chosen to name her Mistleberry because mistletoe often gets confused with holly... (or at least I confused them???) much like Mistleberry is (technically obligatory for Hollyberry's sake) "confused" with ONLY being Hollyberry's kid. Looking at Mistleberry, it's pretty clear she's also Pitaya's daughter, but. Shhh. We wouldn't want House Cranberry to find that out. Giant dragon wings are... kind of hard to hide, but seeing as Pitaya was able to hide theirs easily in Legend of the Red Dragon, we can probably assume Dragon Wings™️ can be turned on/off in the settings 💥
Fun facts and OC lore!
- Mistleberry can fly and DOES have a dragon tail that she can't hide! That's why she wears her huge dress!
- I don't consider her as co-existing with Royalberry Cookie! She's sort of a "what if Hollyberry had baked her kid with some of Pitaya's dough too?"
- ^ The above is funny because I headcanon Royalberry as being Pitaya's kid... BUT IF HE WASN'T... Oh, whoops. That's not a Mistleberry fact- Back to her!
- Her personality is a mix of Pitaya's and Princess Cookie. Like Princess Cookie, she often runs off on adventures (and to go see her other mom/dad/parent at the Dragon's Valley. But you know. She doesn't have to do that very often because they spend more time in the Hollyberry Kingdom.)
- She has massive amounts of beef with wyverns. My other OC, Shadow Milkshake (Mistleberry's cousin!) knows more Dragontongue than her. Mistleberry can vaguely understand Dragontongue, but not speak it. Therefore, she gets clowned on by wyverns for being the daughter of the Red/Greenish Red Dragon and being TRASH at Dragontongue. Despite this, she can take on a small dragon form for short amounts of time. I'd say she's the size of Pitaya Dragon if they were scaled down to 3/4 of a door's height. Weird measurement to use for my OC? It comes with being American 💔
- One of her favorite places to sneak off to is Dragon City, which Hollyberry used to disapprove of (since she's half-dragon). Hollyberry stopped caring after she was an adult, but she'd sneak off there as early as her teen years! To this day, she wonders why she's told she resembles Sweet Pinkyberry Cookie whenever she visits. Like, who is that? ⁉️
- She DOES have a disguise for her travels! I'll draw it soon! It's about as good as Hollyberry and Pitaya's. You can guess what that means 😭
thanks for looking at my OC!!!! this has been in the drafts for a bit so I thought I'd free her ♥️
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Only my friends can call me Aspen
If I dislike you then you’ll have to painstakingly write out all 5x aspens in my username when you refer to me
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co27 · 1 year
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halloween secret santa for @grungekitty-77 !! i was told to draw sparx and i was sooo happy to deliver. some angst followed by his actual dorky costumes :D thank you so much to @sweetcircuits for organizing, this was a ton of fun!
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chinzhilla · 11 months
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We're like a family here.
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gale-dekarios · 5 months
im not saying all of my posts are bangers, but its hard not to notice that posts i make about other companions easily break 100 notes no sweat, with the upper limit breaching 1k, to outliers of well over 4k, but whenever it's about wyll, it's crickets. i dunno, youre allowed to interact with anything you want to, and this isnt a call to reblog from me, specifically, this is the same for a lot of wyll orientated posts ive seen, but its just odd. and by odd i mean racist.
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