#and lmanburg is so fall
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bobobingy · 2 days ago
In my heart we are still there..
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THEY MAKE ME SO ILL SO BAD 😭 it's crazy how fast they fell apart like literally one thing made them break up help. But when it had just been them, everything was perfect.
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eggsplice · 1 year ago
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By this time next year our country will be dead and rotted
Click for better quality btw
Plus screenies I thought looked cool
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+no fireflies vers
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rat-rosemary · 4 months ago
Dream is the god of false luck. Of shifting change. Of shoving everything in your pockets so you have a way out hours later. Of jumping from cliffs with half of a plan. Of Deus Ex Machinas made days earlier one the few seconds you had to breathe in the middle of a chase.
Of making it all look magic, like you can twist reality while hiding your bloody knuckles behind your back
No matter what happens the dsmp still prays to him.
In lmanburg Wilbur would leave a small offering to Dream before going to fight them same man. Karl would mutter a small prayer before making a particularly stupid prank to get the attention of a married man. Tommy screamed a plea as he stumbled and fell from the obsidian grid, managing to snatch a water bucket from his inventory just in time.
All but two of them keep their bonds to the god they lock away under obsidian and lava.
Sam breaks his the day he becomes the Warden, locking the rosary he has carried for years in a box in his base and never touching again
(The way his body becomes stiff and cold does not bother him. It doesn't. His duty comes first, even if he doesn't know what to do now that his body doesn't seem to move like it used to)
Quackity breaks his the day before his first visit to the prison, easily throwing his rosary into the flames of the fireplace in the office of his new empire
(His wings ache where they're bound to his back, his skin tingles, so cold and hard compared to the fluid metarmothis he got used to for years. He imagines being able to absorb the divinity that pours out of Dream through his skin, holds back the urge to eat his heart)
Quackity wanted endless luck. He wanted everything to always go exactly as planned, for all the pieces to fall into place
But the only luck that is certain is a gun with six bullets pressed against your temple.
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barzfrommarz · 4 months ago
c!wilbur headcanons for @dynamitedarlingg
-during a breakdown in pogtopia, he went to go burn the original lmanburg flag but stopped himself. Opted for burning pieces of paper with the lmanburg flag drawn on instead
-(aroace c!wil propaganda incoming) after revival he tried to force himself to feel romantic/sexual attraction because he wanted to feel like a normal human again and that is how everything with c!quackity started. He only snapped out of it when they got drunk and hooked up and woke up in his bed like “wait a minute…”
-Favorite snack is goldfish crackers (i’m eating some while writing this)
-Has a tic where he throws his head back and brings his arms into like a “rawrrrr” position like he’s trying to scare someone. Think during the dance scene in the wendnesday show where wednesday is dancing and looks up to the ceiling and her arms are moving side to side kinda in that position. Everyone thinks he’s either joking or making a piss poor attempt to scare them and it’s really embarrassing for Wilbur
-Had a major goth phase as a teen to rebel against phil. He doesn’t dress the part but he still considers himself a goth and the Lmanburg uniform was somewhat inspired by gothic aesthetics 
-Used to hate halloween but it’s now his favorite after revival because he doesn’t have to try as hard to look presentable to others 
-Pretends to hate asmr but actually loves it. Sometimes if he exhausts all his other options to try and fall asleep he will use asmr and it always works
-Hates his crow wings because he feels like they make him look like his father. Purposely got them clipped some point during lmanburg and excused it by saying it would make him less of a target in war
-He can somewhat shapeshift. Mostly stays human/a crow but sometimes will give himself fox ears and a tail because he secretly wishes he was one instead of a crow. Could also explain why c!fundy is a fox 
-He explores all art mediums. Drawing has always been a way for him to visualize his emotions since he sometimes has a hard time identifying them
-Ashamed of his scars and stitches. tries to use foundation to cover them up but it never works and everyone can tell he’s wearing it
-Was a huge theater and band kid in middle-high school. Wished he went for a career in acting or music first instead of the president of a random country on a random secluded island in the middle of the ocean
-Burned all the music he wrote and recorded during his days on the smp on cds. He plans to one day release some of them in an ep but he’s saving it for when he truly feels he has healed enough to handle it
-He struggles with pain seeking stims. He picks at his skin, bites his hands and fingers and pulls out hair 
-He never cries infront of others. He only did once infront of Tommy and Quackity when he was told people use his name as a way to imply someone is being crazy/irrational. (this was inspired by a comic I saw basically doing that I forgot who drew it) ((he also swears up and down it doesn’t upset him after the fact)) (((Idk I just think something like that would really get to him esp since he tries so hard not to be like how he was in pogtopia)))
-I like to think c!wilbur is an empathetic person but he struggles with showing it especially after he was revived. He thinks it makes him look weak or vulnerable so he keeps it to himself and this makes him look more like a major asshole than he already does 
-When no one is around, he will do childish activities like hop scotch or watching cartoons because it strangely helps him calm down and unwind 
-His diet after revival consists of. Mac and cheese, instant mashed potatoes, all meat besides ham or bacon with a stupid amount of seasoning, plain white rice (sometimes with soy sauce), whatever fast food he serves (but only as a treat). Mostly just simple things because he can’t be arsed to make himself a good meal like phil did for him when he lived with him before starting the burger van
-He sleeps in the burger van on the floor with one pillow and a scratchy blanket. No one knew this until he forgot his coat at last nevadas and Quackity saw him like that when he went to bring it back to him. He ended up offering Wilbur a hotel room to sleep in for the night because he felt bad. Wilbur declined because he felt like he was being mocked 
-If the game WEBFISHING existed in the dsmp universe, you would not see Wilbur for days because all he wants to do is fish and forget about life
-Actively goes out of his way to cook and eat every salmon he catches. It makes him feel empowered 
-Either rides a bike to get around or drives a motorcycle. He doesn’t wear a helmet when riding either 
YIPPEE THATS IT KEEP THE ASKS COMING PEOPLE (but give me a bit to get back in my thinking chamber)
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alliumsduo · 3 months ago
hold my hand. we're getting serious. (and maybe emotional?)
honestly, as the year comes to a close, and with all the shit that's gone down, it hits me every december. how much has changed. how much i've change, the people around me. who i've lost, who i've gained. (can you tell I watched tommy's newest video and paused like near the end to write this?)
it just. it hits me like a brick sometimes. i'll watch tubbo, or tommy, or any other creator, and i just. i don't tear up, but i go into some sort of state of shock that things have truly changed. did it take me two years? yeah, maybe. but i remember being a dumbass kid in quarantine, roleplaying as c!schlatt in a stupid ass dsmp roleplay server, making stupid jokes, playing minecraft horror maps. it hits me that those days have changed. i remember watching the exile arc. hell i remember watching fucking lmanburg being founded, the war, the trials, all of it. the end to that disaster of a beautiful symphony. or something poetic.
i guess i just. i dunno. i guess near the end of every year, i get emotional. or, not emotional, but nostalgic. because in all reality, the dsmp shaped me in a way i don't think anything ever has. it got me into writing, into gaming, it gave me a light in a dark tunnel. it gave me friends who i'll remember forever, and even if i don't talk to them to this day i don't regret spending nights on calls and falling asleep on those calls. in some ways i feel like c!tommy, i won't forget my roots, and i won't regret them either. they shaped me into who i am. i love the dsmp, i think a part of me always will even years into the future, even if somehow, someway, i forget, a part of me won't.
i won't say the dsmp wasn't flawed. it was. but i think that's why i love it so much. the fandom, the creators, all were flawed. but i think that's why, i, we, loved it so much. because it was as flawed as we were.
anyway. that was my ramble. take my pre-new years ramble with a grain of salt, or reminisce with me. i won't ever mind the company.
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mysticalsoot · 2 years ago
you changed, it's good
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A/N; soooo ive kinda been in a writing slump so take this fic thats been building dust in my docs- also tysm for 300!! hopefully ill come up w smth for it lol- I have no clue how to process that information omf
summary; months after wilbur's revival and his reunion with you and the daughter you share (that he didn't know about), you let out pent emotions and have a heartfelt talk with wilbur
tw// swearing, not lore accurate, im a wilbur apologist shush, children, suicidal mentions maybe? lmk if i missed anything
words; 1.8k
pairings; c!wilbur x gn!reader (they're parents), revivedbur x gn!reader
pronouns; none!
The time since Wilbur’s death and revival may not have been that long, but for you, it felt like ages--you had a child now, his, yes but you’ve begun another life. A life with a little girl, a life without him. But now, he was here and he was trying. You appreciated it but god did you fear it too. The memories taunted you, the hurt and the aching that still lingered, haunted you. He haunted you.
Your head is rested upon Wilbur's chest, and the thumping of his heart echoes in your mind. His left arm wraps around your shoulder and your own arms around his middle. Your daughter, Willow lays against his other side, curled into a ball, and his other arm held tightly around her in comforting warmth. This moment is what you imagined life to be all those years, before everything…happened.
You seemed to always subconsciously wish for moments like these, at least, in the past few years. One’s where Willa has a parent other than yourself, someone else to hold her, and someone to hold you too. Domestic bliss, calm and serene. No wars or bombs, no screaming, and yelling. Simply the sound of your partner's heart and the sight of him holding your child. It's a reassurance of sorts, a silent "everything will be okay, even if it wasn't before". 
Things used to be so not okay that having this calmness is nice. Having his arms around you again is lovely, being able to kiss him and hold him, to watch him help raise your daughter, to play with her and hold her. Tickle her and carry her on his shoulders, hold her hand with his, and walk with her on the prime path. To teach her how to ride a horse, after bringing one home for her, and helping her name him.
"Wilbur?" You whisper to him, moving your head back, your gaze locked upwards on him. He looks down at you, a soft smile written on his features, and he tilts his head to the side.
"Yes, my love?" he leans down, leaving a soft kiss to your lips and you smile through it, the warmth in your stomach swelling the same way it did when you both were younger. You take a moment to admire him, the way his curls fall in his face, how his glasses are always crooked and now are no different, and how the small freckles he adorns sprinkle his cheeks. Everything about him is beautiful, and so it brings you back to what you wanted to say. What you need to say, what is right to say.
"What happened? After lmanburg? You were so…" Your mind goes blank for a word to properly describe it, without hurting him. Cruel, evil, manipulative, the list goes on. It's odd to you, how someone could become so horrible and then return to a better version of their old self in a matter of years. "Horrible, then. To everyone, to yourself."
His face falls, and so does your heart, falling to the deep pits of your stomach. You can feel the life drain from your face and it hurts. You feel an immense dread, and wonder if you hadn’t mentioned it, how you would feel. It's a difficult subject for him but at this point, you think it had to be brought up. How can one accept this happy domestic life without knowing the full truth?
"I got lost, I think. Lost in the greed I suppose." He pauses, dips his head down to press his forehead against yours. His eyes close and he takes a breath, his arm letting go of Willa and placing his hand on your cheek, fingers gently brushing the skin and his eyes hold a warm sadness to them, "I wanted the joy still, the happiness for our future. But it got pushed back. I was blinded. There's a lot I don't remember. I mean I remember pieces here and there. Bribes from dream, desperate attempts to make things work for everyone and everything."
"And then what? You realized hurting us was better?" You’re hostile now, something switching or rather, breaking in your heart. You know you shouldn't react this way, get defensive--but a piece of you is still painfully angry and hateful, filled to the brim with spite and it’s accidentally let through the cracks. You back up a moment, his touch leaving you, hand falling to his side, head still dipped down.
"I realized I couldn't make it perfect for everyone, there were sacrifices I had to make." He takes another deep breath, wraps his arms around Willow again, she doesn't move. "And I made the wrong ones, I know that. I see that." Wil looks down at the lump that his daughter forms, a little ball of a girl. She moves to grab onto his arm in her sleep and she hums, a soft smile adorns his lips.
You feel you should be satisfied with his answers, and half of you is, but you still wonder; "Why? Why did you do it?"
His gaze lets its grip off of Willow, walks up and he looks to you, pupils big and somber, bloodshot and wet. "To not hurt anyone anymore. It was for the best." 
You want to scream at him now, tell him how much of an idiot he is. Screams that are bloodcurdling, one’s that most definitely would wake up Willa and anyone surrounding the area. That no, killing yourself in fact does not stop the hurt, it only fuels it, like a spark to dead grass. He made Phil kill him, he made you watch as he destroyed his livelihood, your shared livelihood, watch as he's stabbed to death by his own goddamn father. It was never ending with him, it was always something new, something bigger, more painful than before. You want to storm away, back off, and not let him near you for a split second, it's all an overreaction, you tell yourself but you simply can't help it.
You stare at him for a moment, your expression blank and emotionless. Willow turns onto her back, eyes open slightly and her arms reach up to Wil. "Hey, daddy." She mumbles out, a smile of her own sculpted onto her features. Wil smiles back.
"Hello, my love. Are you ready for bed?" He asks, lifting her up by her sides and gently sitting her on his lap. She nods sluggishly, and she rests herself against him, chest to chest, head on shoulder, and tiny arms wrapped around his neck. "Let's get you into bed then, sweetie."
You just watch, your eyes follow him as he walks out of the living room, into the kitchen, and down the stairs. You sit there, alone now. Thoughts cycle through your mind. All the things you had wished for, every thought that graced your consciousness, every question unanswered for years. You missed him, you really truly did. But you aren’t sure who you missed more, and is the one you missed, the one you lie with at night? The one that wraps his arms around you in the morning, leaves a sloppy kiss on your cheek, and brushes the hair out of your face. The man that waits there, holding you, until Willow comes rushing in the room to ‘wake’ you both up. The same man that shushes you lovingly and says "Pretend you're asleep, love," the moment he hears her bedroom door open, so she can have the satisfaction of waking you both.
You now rest your head on the back of the couch, your gaze focused on the window on the opposite side of the room. Snow gently falls past it, frost taken over the glass. The fire crackles and warms you like a hug. 
What feels like moments later, even warmer arms wrap around you, pulling you closer to the body they're attached to. "Wil?" You call out, your voice coming out gravelly, and you realize you must've fallen asleep.
"Hey.." It comes out weak, the word feels broken and sounds broken. "I'm sorry, for all the shitty things I've done. I know my reasoning isn't nor has it ever been valid. But I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere, and I don't have any plans of mass terrorism." His voice becomes clearer, breaks up less and he dips his head down again, pressing his cheek against yours. You nearly open your eyes, but keep them closed, and revel in the feeling of him more. 
"I know." You pause, and let your own arms wrap around him, but instead of his middle like he has you held--you wrap your arms around his neck, your hands weaving into his mop of curls. "I think part of me still hurts, it's stupid I guess." You rest your head on his shoulder, and he pulls you closer, your legs now wrapped around him too.
"It's not, I hurt you. I take accountability for that and I hate that I even did it in the first place." His voice cracks again, and you know he means it. You pull back, your hands pressed against his cheeks and he looks up at you.
You hesitate, mulling over the words falling off his lips, his expression knotted in anxiety. Your thumbs run over his pink-tinted cheeks and you kiss his forehead.
"If you were that same person, you wouldn't say that." You take a breath, "I think you've changed. In a good way."
He sighs, wrapping his arms tighter around you. "I hope I have."
“I know you have,” You pause, grasping his face in your hands and getting him to pull back simply so he can gaze at you.
“How?” His voice is merely a croaked-out mumble but it’s enough that you hear it loud and clear.
“Would you be here, in my arms, after putting our daughter to bed if you hadn't changed?" You paused, eyes gazing deeply into his and searching for any doubt to crush with your words, "Would you even search for us if you were that same man? For good, not to hurt us."
He shakes his head, "I changed, didn't I?"
"In the best way possible." A soft kiss placed on his lips, one of love and devotion. A simple peck speaking every word and emotion you've ever felt--but only the good.
He smiles against the kiss, grasping at your sides and pulling you closer and closer to him. You were already so close, practically one, but he felt the need to pull you so much closer that not only were your bodies one, but so were your souls.
He pulls away from the kiss, hands resting on your face, "I love you," he nuzzles his nose against yours and you giggle, twisting your fingers into the curls on the back of his head, "so much." The last bit is whispered, like a quiet promise. A promise of devotion and loyalty. Something you're glad to finally have. 
There's nothing in the way of him being with you. With your daughter.
"I love you more," You smile to him softly, a kiss placed on his forehead, and you push stray curls out of his face as he nuzzles his head against your chest.
taglist; @ella-fella-bo-bella @lillylvjy @sleepyburs @lotusanonymouse @lcvejoy
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tubzthelilbeeboy · 7 months ago
I have created what C!Tommy and C!Beeduo's houses look like in my head and I wanna draw it but I have zero art skill to do it. Sad day for Tubz nation. anyway, RANT TIME! Tommy's house def looks like a grandma house. Floral patterns, big plushie sofas that sink too far down when sat on, you know it. that built in ugly ass brown carpet that feels lovely on ur feet. tiles of flowers on the kitchen counter tops and nice dark oak wooden cabinets. small ass tv to remind him of simpler times. round door with a little window and curtain for it and the space around it inside the house is tiled and has a welcome mat and a little shoe holder for Clementine, Shroud, and Chat's shoes. A big plush chair in the living room that he knits on. No coffee table between it and the tv so the kids can roll around on the carpeted floor while watching fucking Bluey or sm. Tea sets on display. A "this house voted for pog 2020" and "love is love" signs on the grass outside with a bird bath. Tommy's room is just posters and old flags on every wall. its small and cozy with a huge bed just for him. A sewing station in the corner to sew the kids and his friends sweaters. a drawer with all his clothes stuffed in and various trinkets on the top with a mirror dangerously close to falling off. shit hanging from the ceiling like fake plants and an old lmanburg flag and a trans flag. Overall comfy vibe, imagine like Juno's room from the movie Juno. Thats what I imagine for it idk m just guy. Shroud, Clem, and Chat all share a room cuz its a small house. All their beds are separated into different corners of the room, toys EVERYWHERE and tons a chargers on Chat's corner of the room to charge themself. Lots of cracks on the ceiling from Shroud and Clem somehow getting up their and banging their heads cuz spider and moth you know? I went too insane, ill do the beeduo mansion at some point I love ranting abt this shit rgrgrggrrgrgr
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cdroloisms · 1 year ago
I've been in a particular c!Dream mood today, so I thought I might as well take a bit of a crack at the timeline with the hindsight of the Dream SMP being over specifically with respect to c!Dream in terms of his actions from the revive book deal to staged finale.
Here's a post by Airrec and Bluebell that goes into a lot, definitely worth reading in terms of timeline shenanigans. With all that said, here's a few dates:
some time before november 6th - revive book deal
nov 16th - it's november 16th what can i even say
nov 18th/19th - c!Dream frames c!Tommy for stuff with c!Puffy
nov 23rd - vikk and lazar join the server
nov 28th - george's house burned
nov 29th - probation begins, date set for exile negotiations, dream says that he wouldn't push for exile if he got mellohi
dec 2nd - spirit speech
dec 3rd - dethronement
dec 4th - tommy exiled, prison commissioned
dec 6th - egg discovered, mexican lmanburg conflict, prison construction begins
dec 15th - dream gives techno map to woodland mansion and warns him of butcher army
dec 16th - tommy leaves exile, technoblade execution
dec 17th - dream and punz conversation about staged finale
january 5th - green festival
january 6th - doomsday
january 20th - staged finale
for this time period, there's a few things we know for sure, now:
c!dream didn't intend to put himself in prison at first but did plan on doing so by the time he told punz about staged finale. this is also when doomsday was for sure in the cards
c!dream created the prison largely due to his anxiety because of the supernatural that was specifically triggered by the revive book deal
c!dream was publicly known as having "no allies but punz" by the time of dethronement
c!dream takes on the stereotypical villain role in full during green festival, immediately after securing both discs
vikk and lazar experiments had to happen around/after doomsday, as the last time they're seen around the server is january 4th
with all of this in mind, there are a few things that we can pretty confidently conclude:
c!Dream was obviously thinking about the prison before he specifically commissioned c!Sam for it, but in the early days of the prison's conception (and judging by similar wording that we see him use on the day that the prison construction started) it is reasonable to believe that in universe, c!Dream did not yet plan to put himself in the prison when the prison construction began, and therefore staged finale was not yet his end goal
c!Dream's investigation of the supernatural could not have yet occurred at the beginning of his plans re: exile, as even if you consider the idea of vikk and lazar experiments happening earlier than their last known sighting on the server, they literally didn't join the server until november 23rd or so--and c!Dream's starting to frame c!Tommy for things happens November 18/19th, which leads into the exile conflict when c!Tommy does do something by burning down George's house
c!Dream's plan with exile seems to center heavily around the discs, as we had originally concluded. This is evident in his telling NLM that he wouldnt push for exile if he was given Mellohi, the focus on the discs during Spirit Speech, and his obvious change in demeanor once he was given the disc in Green Festival. The focus on separating Tommy and Tubbo (as Tubbo had Tommy's disc) during exile + after obviously went into this--however, as staged finale was, as we've established, not yet planned at this time, c!Dream evidently wanted the disc for other purposes
while it's impossible to say when c!dream switches gears for staged finale completely, it's obvious that this was the route that he had chosen when he brought the plan up to c!punz (when he already quite evidently had thought through several parts of the plan to put himself in the prison: he talks about something he'll do that'll make everyone hate him (doomsday), the need to stage a falling out (the finale), and considerations about the prison being "put to use") on December 17th. his reasons for deciding to commit fully to staged finale are hinted at by this conversation as well by his mentioning the failed execution of c!Technoblade and how that has reinforced the idea that they will now be after him the day before (December 16th) and c!Dream specifically establishing a rapport with c!Technoblade on December 15th by giving him a heads up on the Butcher Army seems to indicate his starting to act with the intention of possibly going through with staged finale in the future
more speculative side of this under the cut (warning. it's long and rambly and definitely less coherent than i usually try to be, which isn't great considering i'm already quite wordy and incoherent):
obviously c!dream was gunning for the disc for the entirety of the exile conflict, but we know that that wasn't specifically about staged finale yet because he hadn't yet planned to put himself in prison. at some point in time between december 5th and december 17th, his plans changed from the prison being intended for nebulous powerful enemy to being intended for himself--hence him being particularly neurotic about security and probably explaining shit like, raw potatoes etc. dream specifically says that exile didn't work in his tweet because tommy got away and went to technoblade, but after tommy leaves he also doesn't seem to prioritize continuing along that original plan--he explicitly says that he doesn't care where tommy is as long as he's away from the SMP, and even when he catches tommy a few times by the main server after that he really doesn't make a priority of taking him away + reexiling him. the most obvious example of this is his confrontation with technoblade at the nether portal, as the prioritization of saving the favor instead of using it for tommy is a very explicit show of him prioritizing the plan in its current iteration over continuing to harangue tommy
thinking about all of this i feel like. immediately after november 16th, c!dream had like. something like, three main goals? 1) Holy Shit What The Fuck + dealing with the supernatural side of the server, 2) dealing with the tommy problem (tm) and trying to restabilize the political situation on the server at that time, and 3) ensuring his safety and the safety of his allies
obviously some of c!dream's priorities after the revive book have to do with the supernatural, and obviously a world reset is something he specifically starts looking into after doing more revive book research. but seeing as revive book research isn't really possible until later on in season 1b, i think it's safe to say that until he was sure about that, the plan regarding the supernatural at first is to lock shit down and figure things out. c!punz obviously is an asset in the "figuring things out" department, and the prison itself is the biggest and most obvious example of c!dream taking proactive action to not be caught off guard. c!schlatt obviously scared the shit out of him and everyone in part just because no one expected alluvthat to go down, and the revive book reveal on top of all of c!schlatt's being. Like That. obviously sent c!dream into a spiral--the prison is a very obvious sort of knee jerk reaction to "there are threats beyond your comprehension that defy all known laws of reality" because he reacts by being like Okay Then We Will Make Something That Can Contain Any Threat (tm). the egg + realizing the literal world is broken when he and punz start doing revive book research obviously exacerbates all of this
the second thing that c!dream prioritizes literally immediately is dealing with c!tommy and the discs. which was definitely ooc for him at the time--he literally never was a guy that outright hunted down c!tommy before this time, and the disc conflicts were repeatedly initiated by c!tommy, not c!dream. his trying to frame the hell out of tommy was a new thing
but it's important to consider that on november 16th, c!Tommy very explicitly makes a point of saying Hey, My Goal Now Is Going To Be Getting Those Discs. he talks to tubbo specifically as well about how at the end of the day, no matter what happens, it'll be them against dream for the discs (and dream has neither disc at this point?)--c!Dream has every reason to believe that the Disc Conflict (tm) is going to start up soon and that c!Tommy is going to be back in Starting Shit Over The Discs Mode that had defined a lot of their conflicts pre-Manberg. and, well, you can't even say that he's wrong here--c!Tommy even makes a point of saying later that he went after c!George's house because he wanted to get to c!Dream.
when you consider stuff like c!tommy talking about his unfinished business and all-encompassing paranoia, right, it really is. like. c!dream is fucking scared as shit at the Eldritch Forces Beyond His Comprehension, he sees the world as out to Get Him especially after nov 16th makes him all but enemy no. 1, and he knows. KNOWS, for sure, that c!tommy is going to go back to pursuing him in the near future. and he's got a server that is very unstable after the fall of manberg and pogtopia, and the literal supernatural as a problem to contend with, and Tommy Fucking Innit is about to come after him again. and he's got no real leverage
the peace treaty between lmanburg + dream smp doesn't exist anymore because manberg was violently overthrown, the reasonable wilbur that allowed for peaceful coexistence on the server is just Gone, tommy is coming after him, the entire world doesn't make sense anymore
so all of this seems to suggest you know that the whole thing that c!Dream says about the discs in spirit speech all seems to be a big part of what he's doing at this point--c!Tommy is a threat that goes out of his way to fuck with c!Dream, he's continuing the disc conflict (a conflict that largely consisted of c!Dream being stolen from and blackmailed pre-Manberg) and the way exile conflict goes down (between c!Tommy telling all of NLM hey guys you know the most important part of all of this are my discs and the whole. Spirit situation.) really seems to affirm all of that. so with c!Tommy specifically talking about how he wants to continue the Disc Conflict, it does seem to suggest that to a certain degree, c!Dream's goal at this point in time might've been to more or less "win" the disc war and end that conflict already. by making himself someone impossible to blackmail (unlike how he was in the past) he establishes that c!Tommy's gambits to get the discs away from him that he's used in the past won't work anymore, which means that when c!Dream gets the discs it'll basically be game over.
he knew that the discs would be a problem again bc tommy literally announced it to everyone, and with dream this high strung he probably thought that this time he was going to make it happen according to his time frame instead of just waiting for tommy to attack him out of nowhere or some shit. as far as c!dream is concerned, c!tommy is one of the biggest threats against him on the server at that point because c!tommy Will Not Let This Conflict Go. and honestly, c!dream has a lot of reason to think of c!Tommy as a character with a hell of a lot of sway, considering uh. people were listening to this kid more or less over wilbur during the war on nov 16th and in pogtopia and all.
like for c!dream, c!tommy is a threat that isn't going to stop until dream makes him stop, and he's a guy that can pretty effectively make a lot of people on the server agree with him. he has very little bargaining power with nlm at the minute, but the situation (as far as he's concerned) is definitely more controllable with nlm than it was for like, manberg. tubbo is someone that can be reasoned with and someone that couldn't afford a war, and he did seem to be prioritizing peace over starting stupid battles--so for dream, the priority would've been getting the guy who DID make his whole deal into "starting stupid battles" to Stop Fucking Doing That, and just. in general, securing the discs was his best route for doing so. by getting the discs, he has solid leverage over c!tommy that he knows that c!tommy will listen to, and by establishing that blackmail wont work on him the way it has in the past, as soon as he gets the discs he does more or less "win"
in continuation of this, when it comes to c!Dream's goals about NLM in particular at this time, i am. looking at what he says about tubbo being a reasonable leader and going hmmmm. because what's pretty clear, right, is that no matter how you cut it, doomsday has to be connected to staged finale and putting dream in the prison. there is no world, no matter how buddybuddy he is with NLM and/or tommy, that destroying NLM through Doomsday wouldn't make everyone want his head on a stake. if c!Dream didn't decide on staged finale until later, it does seem like a logical progression of that statement to say he didn't decide on Doomsday until later as well. Which, once again, fits his actions at this point in time--c!dream specifically points to nlm's successfully hunting down and executing technoblade and subsequent focus on hunting him down as being the reason why they have to go for staged finale full throttle, and the butcher army escalating is the reason why he starts moving towards an allyship with c!Techno, the local guy who hates countries and would be the most obvious ally in destroying one.
(edit: this indicates that c!dream, who doesn't originally seem to be gunning for Doomsday specifically if we consider that he doesn't decide on staged finale until a little later, didn't really tip over onto the side of "this place has to go fr" until more obvious signs of nlm being completely averse to a "resolution" of sorts, the most obvious of that being the butcher army and plans to Go And Kill People including c!dream. and this further aligns with some of his villain speech on green festival, where he specifically talks about tubbo being a bad leader because he let quackity push him around too much, as we know that quackity was the one behind a lot of butcher army)
id say c!dream's plans immediately after november 16th seemed to be more along the lines of reestablishing a status quo with nlm than anything else--establishing himself again as the guy that shouldn't be fucked with (the walls, threatening to close the borders) and working for the discs. in a way he almost seems to be reverse engineering the original independence deal with lmanburg--technical independence for the discs, you guys agree to not mess with me and my shit and i get leverage over the guy that won't stop picking a fight with me--like exile was definitely about trying to get tommy to Stop Fucking Doing That + trying to get the discs first and foremost, because if tommy sees him as a "friend" and dream has the goddamn discs (and is no longer blackmailable) then the chances of the server "going back to normal" probably felt higher, all while dream is i think more or less trying for some level of peaceful coexistence with nlm--trying to establish himself as someone rational and willing to work with them and not against them as long as everyone was staying in their goddamn lanes
but obviously between the situation with c!tommy quickly showing itself as not really being sustainable + nlm's increasing aggression, considering how he obviously knew abt butcher army and later on green festival, he had to abandon the idea that the server could return to a status quo and instead go for the staged finale, with the breaking point obviously being c!Tommy leaving exile and the butcher army making its first definitive move on december 16th
c!dream framing c!tommy -> exile conflict -> saying that he'll not push for exile if he gets the disc all definitely seems to be For The Discs, and the specific engineering of a divide between tommy and tubbo (through exile, obviously) definitely seems to be for the purpose of getting the disc, either through convincing c!tommy to give it to him directly or through pressuring c!tubbo to give it to him as he does in green festival. his increasing lack of giving a shit about where c!tommy is and what he's doing post-dec 16th suggests that he switches gears in his plan, and the main thing that he emphasizes at that point is still the separation between tommy and tubbo (though obviously to a less neurotic degree than he does during exile) (and obviously even in exile the separation he particularly keeps up is once again between c!clingy and not all of the other like, ten people that visit tommy) . the emphasis on the discs isn't yet about staged finale but obviously does get incorporated into it when he comes up with staged finale because mans literally already made a whole plan centering around getting the discs of course he'd still proceed with it even when it becomes clear that peaceful coexistence, with or without them, has become completely impossible
and like all of this is happening at the same time that c!dream is actively freaking the fuck out about the revive book, and later experimentation really doesn't help with any of that at all when he discovers that whole Corruption thing. by the time we get to staged finale, the best way of ensuring some kind of stability seems to be having punz keep an eye out, getting rid of lmanburg for good, locking himself up to be like 👍 okay i cant cause problems anymore, and giving tommyinnit those god damned discs holy fuck
and obviously with no one really willing to peacefully coexist until they thought of him as Defeated (a point obviously established over the course of season 1b) that meant that the best way to ensure that he, his allies, and the revive book were all secured would be to engineer his own defeat and put himself in the safest possible position
buuuuuut yeah i think as far as my thoughts on c!dream and plans in season 1b, there's the plan to get the disc + reestablish a status quo of sorts that he abandons for good by the time of december 17th (though as early as december 15th we can see him starting to switch away from it + he probably came up with the plan for staged finale and doomsday and putting himself in the prison in more specifics earlier than that) and after that we see him full throttle go for staged finale until jan 20
and it's important right that during all of this c!dream is acting notably different from how he acts at literally any other point in the server. we know he has a literal like, psychotic break + paranoid spiral because of the revelations of the revive book and all of that ends up with him making the giant fucking what the fuck that is the prison. he's notably paranoid during a LOT of this two-month period. this is not a man in his right mind and a lot of the plans i think around this time definitely reflect that--staged finale is Batshit, and his plan to get the discs is Batshit as well. he's still strategizing and obviously he still pulls off staged finale successfully, but like. in terms of the actual like decisions he's making. it's like. holy hell dude why are you doing things like THAT.
and the idea of backup plans upon backup plans is also something that we see a lot from c!dream--he is adaptable and will change what he does based on the circumstances around him. we saw it in the revolution and multiple back up plans in terms of this time period makes sense as well--the original plan with exile was to get c!Tommy to see him as his "friend" to achieve his goal (with his goal, as established, seeming to be to get the discs), but when that obviously wasn't really working he instead focuses on pressuring c!Tubbo through establishing himself as less volatile than c!Tommy to end up obtaining Mellohi during the Green Festival. his shifting away from originally trying to establish an agreement with NLM more similar to how the server had been pre-Manberg when doing so was evidently impossible bc of the butcher army focusing wholeheartedly on hunting him down leads to the plan that consists of Doomsday/Staged Finale/Putting himself in the prison, which secures himself + his ally + the revive book and gets rid of the perceived major threat that was evidently not going to agree to coexist peacefully, NLM.
anyway hopefully someone could make some sense out of . all of that. a lot of speculation in terms of his original plan pre-staged finale but i think that it does seem to fit w/ some earlier patterns that have been established--mostly i'm just solid on the points of 1) he was gunning for the disc from the beginning for his goals, whatever his goal at the time was and 2) i don't think doomsday + a total annihilation of lmanburg was really something he was specifically gunning towards until he established staged finale as the plan, because he obviously knew that destroying lmanburg would destroy any possibility of peace between him and the rest of the server and would therefore have to ensure his safety through something like putting himself in the prison--after all, c!dream at the beginning of this whole arc already knows that he's alone and wasn't necessarily trusting in a whole collection of allies to watch his back (like, as if anyone watched his back like, from the revolution onwards. lmao. guy literally has more allies by this point in punz and ranboo than he did before i stg)
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tommyssupercoolblog · 5 days ago
I think what made the nuke ending so painful for fans wasn't even necessarily the bad writing, although that made it worse- the DSMP had a few questionable writing and lore choices sometimes and we all just ran with it before.
I think the thing that's at the core of it is something people don't really talk about, which is that the nuke ending basically told you, to your face, that you wasted your time watching the DSMP and were an idiot for caring.
What I mean is, the entire appeal of an SMP as a storyline split across so many characters is that you aren't stuck with a protagonist you don't like- you choose the perspective and storyline you care about. The personal attachment to characters is the whole, like, POINT? It's a character driven show. It's a character drama. It's not about big action set peices, even when those are THERE the POINT is still the characters.
And moreover, the point of all the horrible fucking things that happen was not just that you wanted your favorite characters to struggle, but over and over again, to FIGHT. To claw their way through it. Characters suffer and die, they choose to live even when life is MISERABLE, they barely avoid suicide, they come back from the dead.
People who watched the show watched it FOR the characters and for their personal struggles and fight for happiness.
The nuke ending basically says that none of that struggle mattered. Who fucking CARES if everyone dies in lmanburg's war for independence, if Tommy kills himself in exile, if the egg takes over the world, if Tubbo goes crazy after Ranboo 's death and kills his son and himself in some murder suicide. Who CARES that ghostbur died, that WILBUR died before him OR came back, if Wilbur never tries to better. Who cares what happens to anyone!!! They were all going to die anyway!!!
Regardless of how many times they fought for their lives, it was all for NOTHING. If they gave up and laid down from the very first lore stream, they would have STILL DIED but just avoided all the suffering along the way.
Since the show is ABOUT the characters, the nuke ending killing everyone makes every single plot point and character arc up until that point irrelevant because it takes a story where nearly every character struggles against death and their will to live, and tells you that their struggle is futile. Now any scene where anyone fights for their life in any sense of the word is pointless, for EVERY character, and most people's arcs are left dangling- some cut off in the WORST POSSIBLE PLACE as well- which just further sends the message that you shouldn't have cared. That none of it mattered. That no one's goals or dreams or aspirations meant a damn fucking thing.
The nuke ending is dream pointing and laughing at you for getting attached to a "stupid Minecraft show" after people spent YEARS invested in it. Of course it fucking hurt.
Imagine if you were watching some other character driven drama and that happened. Like, okay, A Silent Voice is a great movie, watch it if you haven't seen it- it's about a suicidal man who sees himself as an irredeemable monster who deserves to die because of how he bullied a deaf girl in childhood, and how he reconnects with her and makes ammends, realizes he isn't beyond hope or redemption, and rediscovers his will to live in the process; also helping her find happiness and friends too. (She also falls in love with him but they don't actually date in the movie, they stay friends.) also worth noting she and all the other characters have their own arcs and personalities, so this isn't some "using the disabled person as a catalyst for another character's growth" movie, their back stories are connected but she has agency.
Imagine if in that movie, right when they start to make friends for the first time and it looks like they might both get better, everyone in the whole world suddenly died at the same time mid-story and it ENDED LIKE THAT. Imagine sitting through their internal struggles and thoughts, watching our protagonist fail to kill himself and then slowly find reasons to live, and then BAM I'm sorry were you INVESTED in that? Turns out nothing he said or did mattered and everyone is dead now. :)
The Dream SMP did that exact thing, to EVERYONE, after years on the air. It's CRAZY.
Of course in real life, every second alive matters. It isn't not worth living just because you die two years or even two days later. But this is a STORY with NARRATIVE and CHARACTER ARCS with people who ARE NOT REAL. Their "lives" are fictional and only exist and matter so much as they do for the story, which has decided to throw all of them out the window even though that is literally ALL IT HAD GOING FOR IT from the word go. Like, that's the show!!! That's the whole show it's just character interactions!!!! A mix of improv and scripted encounters between characters!!! That's IT it's MINECRAFT there isn't much else to make it a narrative but CHARACTERS AFFECTING EACH OTHER and having relationships!!!! The show ripped out it's own insides in front of you!!!!
Anyway. Nuke ending bad, retconning it POGGERS and good.
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erissdoesart · 4 months ago
On my needs begging you to expand on the godhood and religion of the No Venom universe
Hey anonim asker. Do you feel well marinated? Did you wait a while? (I forgor to finish it up for two weeks lmao)
Godhood in No Venom is based loosely on my og story religion! Therefore it's bit beefier and under the cut :D
Also, warning, this post got SO CHAOTIC. Read on your own risk
Okay before anyone judges, I was lazy and drew the symbols with my notes app, with finger haha
Divinity in No Venom belongs to a handful of entities who create a very moody pantheon. The strength they possess is determined by their following and by the country they're tied up with (except Mumza but her whole deal is spoiler reasons so for now shhh)
each god "belongs" to a country- Kristin, Lady Death, belongs to the Antartic Empire
XD belongs to Essempi
Prime Belongs to Lmanburg
Golden Totem belongs to Las Nevadas
And Time Lord, who is temporarily inactive belonged to Kinoko
Why is it important? Gods are tied to the dealings between countries. This means that the bigger the country, the better fun they can have BUT also can be very dangerous to them if said country stops existing
Kinoko and Time Lord are current examples. Because Kinoko is not their own country but merely a province to the Empire, Time Lord is currently inactive- somewhere between a coma and falling from godhood temporarily
In og story, after Kinoko gained a status of the independent Kingdom, Time Lord was reawakened and pretty happy with the turn of the events
But both Totem and Prime got struck into coma instead (Las Nevadas was overtaken by Essempi and Lmanburg became Empire's province)
Mumza controls everyone, and would control everyone, regardles if Empire existed or no but she likes the extra boost of power
Each country has its own god and their religion is centered around said god- to the point where its NOT ALLOWED to have temples of another god in your country.
You can have shrines and leave offerings in the general temple but you cannot outshine the god of your country by a temple of another god!
Domains of the gods!
Lady Death deals with souls of the dead, rebirth, [spoilers] and [MEGA SPOILERS]. She's a patron of crows, avian hybrids, cats, phantom hybrids and enderman hybrids
XD is a god of domination, connection and magic, more soecifically magic creation. He's a patron of oxes, horses, bovine hybrids and sheep hybrids.
Golden Totem is a god of greed, drive, ambition and shares dominion with Prime over riches. He is a patron of scarabs, ants, sharks, cat hybrids, bug hybrids and structure hybrids (for example, totem hybrids- anything thats not animal hybrid)
Prime is a goddess of chance, trickery, good fortune, riches and astrology. She is a patron of foxes, snakes, deer, snake hybrids, nether hybrids and humans
Time Lord is a god of time, dreams, stories and phophecies. They are patron to slime hybrids, creeper hybrids, moths, sheep and rats
Each god "holds" onto the dead of their country for a bit before they are forced to give them up to Lady Death who holds them and later repurposes their souls for new lives or [VERY LOUD SOUNDS OF SPOILERS]
Also, fun fact for the fic, Lmanburg cannot grieve. Its not allowed to grieve in a normal manner.
Their whole deal is seeking chances and happiness and good fortune. They do not show their grief outside and people generally dont say stuff like "im sorry for your loss", they say "Let them dance with Prime and Prime repay you" :3
Each god has 2 holy symbols as well
For Lady Death it's the classic angry hardcore heart
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And a cheaper version for the masses, three shards- those are usually used in the temples as chimes
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XD has the eye of ender (sometimes swapped with ender eye)
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And cheaper, an x scratched onto any item that is dear to the person (Knight Dream has tiny x scratched onto his mask for example)
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Totems symbol is a golden pyramid
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and, the budget version is any coin attached to a chain!
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Prime, as a goddess who is said was born of stars, has a star with divots made. Idk how to explain, basically this star:
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cheap version is this pentagon because if you pushed the sides so they curved, you would basically get the star
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And lastly, Time Lord has an hourglass. To show if you will have good or bad time or what period of your life you are, you flip it so the sand inside flows down or keep it down (dripping sand=good, still sand=bad. People would get concerned and will attempt to flip someones hourglass if they notice it still)
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And "cheaper" version is tree symbol. Thankfully, it can just be a little bit of a branch but some people are really nitpicky about it
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1wn8ure · 2 years ago
you know that quote abt a place being home because the other person was there? c!beeduo.
to ranboo, at least, and i think to tubbo to some degree as well, home is any place they shared. it's lmanburg it's snowchester it's the god forsaken cookie outpost. which is why it hurt so badly when Tubbo gave it away, because he didn't know. he saw it as an asset, a security position. but to Ranboo? to ranboo, it was the place that was their own, the place they'd built together. to Ranboo it was home, felt more like home than Snowchester had in a while because they were both there, and they even laughed, sometimes.
and it's a hill where they had a picnic, once. and maybe, maybe it's even a crater where a burger van once stood because at least there, there was trust. a mutual understanding that the other was there, so really things couldn't be so bad at all, right?
but it's not snowchester. not anymore. not when the mansion they'd built never became a home, except to a stranger wandering from a distant land. not when the cabin that used to hold a family sits cold and empty and abandoned. not when only half of a person ever visits anymore. not when the kettle never whistles anymore. not when the planks only ever creak with the blowing of the wind. not when dust has settled on the toy chest in the attic. not when the pink tulips left in some forgotten vase have bent over and let their petals fall.
they weren't the only things to die, there. but they were the last.
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lmanburgseulogy · 6 months ago
Imagine lmanburg in the fall.... hot chocolate... playing in the leaves.. colder nights so the campfire was even more comforting... pumpkin carving.....
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Sneefledo you tjink cniki made pumpkin pie…do you think cwilbur shared his crappy poetry about the seasons changing (they all clapped for him even though every line felt slightly off)…do you think they stole each others sweaters…LEAF PILES…did they all huddle up in the camarvan when it was really cold…did ctommy line their uniforms with thicker material to keep them warm (he gave tubbo extra) Did fundy steal all the marshmallows when they made hot chocolate…Do you think the camarvan almost burned down because too many leaves fell into the roof-hot-dog’s fire and it got out of hand. Because i do
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rat-rosemary · 3 months ago
Ranboo couldn't breathe. He had fallen into a spiral for seemingly no reason, and now he couldn't get any oxygen in, no matter how hard he tired to follow the square breathing technique Techno had shown him.
"No no no please I can't I cant-"
The walls were closing around him, obsidian burying him alive-
Ranboo listen
Old wounds opening once more, all alone but it felt like he was back in New Lmanburg, screaming and accusations of things he doesn't remember doing-
"I swear I tried so hard I didn't mean it please-"
The next gasping breath he took felt like it was ripped out of him, tears of relief as his form was changed against his will, the shift enough to snap him out of the spiral, like shoving your hands in ice.
Ranboo slumped into the floor, his new wings covering him, soft and fluffy and grounding.
No nevermind, back to panic time. Because that was Dream's voice and Dream was supposed to be in prison and no one was supposed to know about the panic room-
But the room was empty.
Ranboo called out, his voice rough, cracking embarrassingly
"I- Where are you?"
He leaned against a wall,pushing himself up into shaky legs
I'm right here
Dream's voice cooed back, sounding completely directionless. There was something about it that made Ranboo's shoulders loosen, and he feels a bit guilty about it. Dream might be their God, but he's also Dream.
"Here where? Y-You're supposed to be in prison."
Ranboo turned around, covering himself with his wings as he searched the small room. There isn't much to it, there shouldn't be anywhere for Dream to hide in, yet he can't find him. He doesn't even have a couch in here!
I am in prison.
"What? Then. Oh void I have actually gone insane"
A chuckle sounded on his head, and Ranboo felt like something had nudged his mind, a pyscic equivalent of a cat bumping it's head against his forehead.
No, I'm in your head. Don't have another panic attack.
"Wha- How? Why?"
He keeps spinning around, scouring the room. Somehow he would be more relieved if he found Dream now.
You were praying
Dream starts, pausing awkwardly for a moment
Very very loudly
"No I wasn't! I was-"
Panicking. How do you think animals pray to me Ranboo?
They fall into silence and Ranboo sits down again, still shaky and unsteady.
It does feel better to not be alone tho. To have the quiet reassurance of someone else with him, even if it's Dream and even if he's not really here.
So... what happen?
"It was... nothing."
It didn't feel like nothing. Ranboo you have no clue how loud you were.
Ranboo squeezed his eyes closed, hiding his face in his hands. Void, this was his personal hell.
"I guess," he hesitated, fluffing up his wings and curling up further under them as he hid his face in his knees, "I've been overwhelmed lately I think? Which is stupid because all the wars are over because- uh."
Because I'm in prison?
"Yes! Or at least they were supposed to be. But everyone is so tense and there's all these politics and ugh! It's supposed to be better now! But it's so scary all the time"
That sucks buddy
Dream's voice had a tilt of dry humor and bitterness that Ranboo didn't really get
I don't know, go take a swim about it? Get away from all this shit?
"I can't swim Dream, I'm an enderman hybrid!"
Of course you can, just-
And then Ranboo was falling over, barely catching himself before he face planted the cold obsidian as his wings and legs dissappear, being replaced with a tail.
"...I'm a seal."
Laughter rang in his head once more, and Dream let go of his form, the tail staying just a few seconds more before splitting back into his normal legs
You're a seal
"And I can just. Do that. And jump into the ocean. And get no burns"
Yes, why would you?
"Well, because I'm an enderman-"
You are. Until you're a seal. And then you're not.
All the response Ranboo got was a small wave of fondness and the mental equivalent of an eye roll. He stood once more, leaning against a wall as he made his way out of the panic room.
From there he walked straight to the ocean, feeling a sticky mix of terror and wonder as he reached the shore.
Dream had left him when he left the panic room, but he once more reached for the god, shaking as he reached the waves bobbing gently against the ice.
With a leap of faith Ranboo jumped in, squeezing his eyes shut as he sank.
And Ranboo did, opening his eyes and sliding across the water, kept warm by the fur scattered across him. His skin did not burn.
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plaguethewaters · 3 months ago
filled with isat au thoughts. so many
the crux of tommys friend quest still being about feelings of inadequancy in his religion but - even though hes aroace too bc like cmon - he feels like he cant be strong enough. hes not the perfect selfless hero everyone wants, he struggles finding quests he can actually finish he doesnt Know if hes ever going to be the hero Wilbur, and everyone with him, suggests for him to be. But hes been nothing but an annoying child forever and he needs to change right? To Change? Thats the whole point of the thing! But leaving out his stupid bits and jokes and trying to put on a serious saviour persona makes him feel like hes loosing more and more of himself the more time passes by.
techno still struggles with identity. Hes never been able to feel accepted in his home country - the Antartic Empire isnt strict with most thing, the idea of absolute freedom is clear in everyones mind, but "one's freedom ends where another's start", and many saw technos illness (/expression possession/ancient divinity speaking through him, he still isnt sure) as dangerous. as an infriction of their own freedom to feel safe. But Lmanburg... people speak of lmanburg, and phil speaks of it highest of them all. His sons country, his sons faith. Techno isnt one to fall for pretty words, but he cant deny they sound... appealing. The acceptance, the unconditional love, the community.He hopes his research might bring him closer to understanding it all. To not feel foreign in every land.
Niki, for all that anyone might think, is Not a child. Shes small, and shes not strong, and she can barely Craft anything - all this time and no one has figured out her type yet, no matter how hard they try - but goddammit, she isnt a useless little baby. She has a voice, she has her strenght, she Has the abikity to protect those she loved, even if she failed before. Jacks frozen face stares at her, even from hundred of miles away, back in their little house. She looks at tommy and she cant really understand why Hes been chosen and not her, what really makes them so different, what makes her so much crabbing worse that shes not even allowed to hold her own against the simplest sadness. Nad then she tries, and Ranboo loses an eye. A whole eye, just because in her stupid crabbing arrogance she thought she could be more than her place, more than the job she was assigned. She needs to protect them better. She just needs to get stronger.
Tubbo, all things considered, doesnt think hes doing badly. Theres a bit of resentment in his heart - like jesus, when hed joined the Hunters he really thought they were there to Do something about the evil in the world. But they didnt, and tommy really evidently needed help, and he doesnt hang around cowards anymore, so he left. Whatever. Hes fought so hard in his life to be taken seriously (little, cute baby tubbo, a shirt too big for his frame and a smile always too wide for his face. Do you like bees, tubbo? Do you want to go find bees? they talk to him with sickeningly sweet voices and dumbed out words) (he ignores every bee he sees, lately), hes Changed, hes bulked up, hes leaned heavy onto the crazy strongman archetype until nobody could ever look at him and see a "cute little guy". He wants them to be scared, he wants to cackle so loud mothers hurry their children away, he wants to know tidbits of the darkest parts of the world, to talk about bombs and dissections and whatever Will keep people the most away from his true feelings. Tommy doesnt seem disgusted when he tugs him along on his quest (in fact, he seems to enjoy your humor as well, and hes very quick to become your friend).
With ranboo its. Different. Not that hes put off by you or anything - none of them are, surprisingly, you get along real nicely as a group - in fact, they lean into it. Theyre super quick to pull up one of their favorite horror stories while you eat yoir dinners, for you to enjoy and for niki and tommy to be grossed out by and for techno to barely react at, and they love your particular dark, ceass humor even id they dont participate themselves. They just have this. Super annoying thing about them, that makes tubbo want to Change again. Want to bring back that vulnerability, that cuteness, the bees and the flowers and the weaknesses that have hurt him before. Tubbo wouldve loved to be a farmer, once. A little cabin in the countryside, selling honey to the nearest House. But it doesnt matter. Hes never going to say anything about it anyway - talking about these things feels. so weird.
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bizlybebo · 7 months ago
Dude revisiting the dsmp is crazy. It’s like a time capsule to a period in my life so far divorced from where I am now. I don’t think anything has made me as happy as waking up at 7 on a Sunday in like September of 2020, playing among us while watching MCC or lore streams. Even if I don’t fw the content anymore, it’s crazy how influential and impactful that damn minecraft server was on my life. Like bro.
GODD THIS IS SO REAL. unfortunately i have a big Gap in my memory concerning mid 2020-early to mid 2022 and unironically the dsmp helps me recover memories from that time, whether positive or negative LMAO,, and i just. it’s really crazy how much of a grip something like that had on me and how it seriously influences my life to this day. that shit was a genuine cultural phenomenon and nothing is gonna beat walking into my moms classroom after a long day and wanting to finish watching techno’s doomsday stream since it happened around lunchtime for me and then being blasted with news about the capitol riots. everyone was panicking about the fall of america but i was grieving lmanburg 💔
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deadduvznap · 1 year ago
Noncon insane wilbur content pls I'm starved <3 -Hatter
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it hasny been a month so im on time !!!! okay but fr revbur would kinda likes being nonconned like. obv hed hate it somewhere in the back of his fucked up mind he LOVE it like hed love being cnced okay and its like okay hear me out drag him to the lmanburg crater yknow the one covered in glass and fuck him on top of that pin him face down and push his face into the glass and just straight fuck him and hes bleeding bcs theres no prep so ur using his blood as lube (which is so hot btw) and hes yelling at you to stop and hes trying to push you away and he wants to break the glass to get away but if yall fall from that height both of you will die and well he doesnt want that and hes begging oh my god hes begging so hard and so loud he just wants you off of him but he doesnt want you to stop or get off of him but he hates that you are violating him like that and you just keep fucking him and calling him men disgusting names and you cum inside him and leave him laying there on the glass full of cum and bleeding and still hard <//3
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