#and literally everything went wrong. But alas
kyouka-supremacy · 11 months
im so sorry it wasn't a good day:( sending you a big hug!!!
It's alright, there will be better ones ( •‌ᴗ•‌)ง Thank you for your concern Anon, I can't express how much little messages like this warm my heart and are able to instantly improve my mood!!! Stay wonderful (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧
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elsfavor1te · 1 year
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this one resonates so closely with me cause those last few weeks of school were so stressful and i could not take it man. sooo, here’s this!! be kind or be quiet, hope you enjoy.
cw: overstimulated!reader x ellie williams. college!au. reader is feminine. no lowercase intended. hurt/comfort. i really dk anything else.
You were exhausted. In every way you could feel the word, you were. Since your class ended 3 hours ago you had been trying (and failing) to study for the final exam you had coming up in one of your classes.
But it seemed that everywhere you went, noise followed. You tried to study at your dorm but your dorm mate seemed to forget to tell you that she was having a group of friends over. Now you’re not the type to be bitchy about having people over, quite frankly you didn’t care as long as none of your shit was bothered and/or broken.
Today was different though, everything had been going wrong from the start. You woke up late for your first class, for starters.
After that it was all downhill.
For some reason in your rush to get ready, your hair just would not act accordingly. No matter how much you brushed it, sprayed it or ran your fingers through it, it still looked as if you had just rolled out of bed and didn’t spare it a second glance.
Then, as you were leaving the dorm you tripped over your shoelace, leaving some nasty carpet burn on the palms of your hands from trying to break your fall. You wanted to end the day right there. You wanted to turn around and go back into your dorm and lie down right then, but you didn’t.
Once your class ended the plan was to go back to your dorm to study. But alas, roommate.. inviting friends over… yeah. It was too loud. Couldn’t study there. Next you tried the spot your girlfriend, Ellie, had introduced you to. A tree in a clearing behind the art building, but boom. A rambunctious group of freshman had found it and were.. having fun there. Annoyingly enough.
Library was under construction so you couldn’t go there. So here you are, in the small coffee shop near the edge of campus. At first glance this would be a perfect place to study, but your ears was picking up on everything. The annoying whir of the air conditioning, the smacking of the barista’s gum, the way your hair felt on the back of your neck.
Everything was wrong. Today was wrong. A quick glance at the time tells you just what you want to know. It’s a little after 5 meaning Ellie should be at her dorm now. She’ll know what to do. She’ll help you figure out why the fact that you can feel the seam of the socks rubbing against your pinky toe is bothering you so much, why the sound of people merely existing was bothering you so much.
Without thinking too much you shoved all of your study materials into your backpack and left.
By the time you got to Ellie’s dorm your eyes were burning with unshed tears and your hands were fiercely rubbing against your denim clad thighs as to ground yourself.
You knocked 3 times. When the door opened around 5 seconds later and your auburn-haired girl came into view it took everything in you to not immediately fall into her embrace.
“Hey baby! I was literally just about to text you.” Her laugh falls flat once she notices your tense frame and the restlessness of your hands, which you were now shaking out at your sides.
“T-Today sucks.” You breathe out shakily, finally letting the tears brewing in your eyes carve their paths into your cheeks.
You’d tried to push it down like usual. You attempted taking deep breaths and counting backwards from ten, but it was no use.
One tear turned into two and two turned into sobs that had the other people on her floor tempted to come out and see what was going on.
“I-I fell and I have carpet burn on- on my hands.” You flip your hands palm up to show Ellie as she tries her best to gently usher you into her dorm.
“And t-the barista wouldn’t stop chewing her gum- smacking. She was smacking, and it was so loud Els. So loud and obnoxious— and I just wanted to study.”
Your hands clenched into fists as you recalled the events. All of the events from this week has sent your brain into overdrive. The end of the year is always a stressful time for you which more often than not, leads to breakdowns.
“Okay baby, I hear you. How about I help you study, hm?”
Ellie’s thumbs brushed your cheeks softly in a back and forth motion. With each pass of her fingers, Since the day you met her, she’s been your anchor. Her serene energy is what you would say brought you to her.
To others she may be seen as talkative, fidgety, maybe even restless. But they didn’t see your Ellie. They don’t see how pretty she looks in the mornings when she opens her eyes. None of them will ever experience the comfort you feel when you’re resting in her arms.
Speaking of resting in her arms, you have no clue how you got there but your head laid on her tummy. Your head subtly rose and fell with each of her breaths.
Ellie’s fingers were tangled in your hair, fingernails gently scratching your scalp. The quiet whir of the fan was nothing like the AC unit at the coffee shop. In fact— everything about her place was different. For the first time all day, you felt at peace.
“You wanna talk babe? That was some serious overstimulation.”
A breathy giggle escaped your lips as you wrap your arms around her torso. “I dunno, my day just- started badly. Nothing was going the way it was supposed to.”
“Mmm. I get it, you okay now?” Ellie’s pointer finger found your chin, bringing your eyes to her own.
“Yeah, m’okay. You make everything better, Els.” A wide grin spread across your face when she blushed red. “Oh and before I forget, some freshmen found our spot behind the art building.”
“Oh come on!”
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Mercs favourite books? Doesn't have to be written in the time the game is set ofc
The TF2 Mercs Favorite Books!
teehee and all that, I love this prompt. Thank you for sending it, Anon! We're also going to have to assume half of them can even read. I kinda stuck to the classics just for funsies. Also, I added their favorite quotes from the books!
But, anyway, here we go!
Spoilers, maybe? Probably not.
Demo- The Anarchist Cookbook (William Powell)
Now, let's be honest. This man went through the table of contents like a checklist. I personally think Demo and Soldier took a particular liking to the entry, "Converting a shotgun into a grenade launcher." They're just so silly like that. Anyways, once he started making mustard gas, the other mercs decided that it would be a good idea for the book to go missing. Little did they know he had eight separate copies of this book. He was very proud when he finished the book. Everyone was concerned at the new horde of weapons and drugs Demo had, until he offered to share, then they were thrilled.
“If a man is to be a man, a free spirit unto himself, he must arm himself not only with weapons but with ideals and concepts he is willing to die for.”
Engie- Charlotte's Web (E. B. White)
Hear me out! Even though this man has eleven PhDs, he doesn't like to read long drawn out novels. He doesn't like most of the "classics" or even most new books. Don't get me wrong, he loves to read. He just doesn't get why books can't be simple. He read Charlotte's Web when he was a kid, and it just kind of stuck with him. It was one of the only books he read that didn't really feel like a chore to read. He finds himself rereading it frequently. You'll catch him reading it to Pyro too, I personally think him and Pyro read books together a lot.
“I don’t understand it, and I don’t like what I don’t understand.”
Heavy- The Odyssey (Homer)
Would you believe me if I told you this man is a huge fan of Greek mythology? He has no clue why, he was never interested in it when he was younger, or even up until he read the read The Odyssey. He picked it up from a library, it had a really pretty gold cover, so he read the description and figured why not? When I tell you this man was so obsessed with this book while he was reading it for the first time. He just like, wouldn't stop reading it? Like the other mercs were slightly worried that he was reading all the time. Because, sure, he probably reads more than the others, but this was excessive even for him. He loves the escape it provides, he likes the adventurer, he likes the fantasy. He just really loves this book.
“For a friend with an understanding heart is worth no less than a brother”
Medic-The Tell Tale Heart (Edgar Allan Poe)
Are we really super surprised that Medic is a fan of The Tell Tale Heart? He's also just a fan of Poe in general, but alas, I will put that away and focus on the book itself. Medic loves reading the main characters' descent into madness. He also loves the idea of someone who seemingly has a lack of guilt be riddled with it, though a different medium than actually feeling guilty. (i hope that made sense) He's just a huge fan of artists using their mediums to inflict psychological torture on their creations. Also lets be honest if Medic ever went fully insane he'd be like the main character from the book.
“Now this is the point. You fancy me a mad. Madmen know nothing. But you should have seen me. You should have seen how wisely I proceeded...”
Scout- Romeo and Juliet (William Shakespeare)
HEAR ME OUT AGAIN! This man doesn't read, he has ADHD and dyslexia, how can you expect him to? But! When he was in high school it was required reading and this man struggled with like the first page, but it was really important for his grade so he tried literally everything to read it, and once he actually found out a way to be able to read the book, he was hooked, as weird as that seems. He thinks old English is hilarious, and actually liked the romance, he cried when Romeo and Juliet died. He can't tell you why he loves it so much though, it just stuck in his brain and never left. He even went out and bought his own copy of the book, it remains hidden as to not alert the other mercs to his love of it, reads it once a month.
"I defy you, stars."
Sniper- The Outsiders (S. E. Hinton)
So, I know this is Snipers headcanon, but..... I gotta talk about Scout really quick. So Scout has read The Outsiders, and he loved it! (Not as much as Romeo and Juliet, but enough to also have bought the book.) So one day, he's talking to Sniper about books, and is utterly shocked at the idea that not everyone has read The Outsiders, so he literally reads this book with such conviction to Sniper, (Sniper claimed he would read it on his own but Scout know he absolutely would not.) So Sniper begrudgingly listens to the book, and actually finds himself drawn into the story.
“He sure put things into words good.”
Spy- Dracula (Bram Stoker)
Spy would be a vampire if he could be, wouldn't ever admit that though. Okay I'm half kidding. I think Spy really likes this book for the drama of it all, the fact that it never stays the same for long, the way it borders on actual horror, but is too dramatic to actually be scary, he just ugh, he loves it so much. I think he first found the book by it just being in his home when he was a kid. His mom just left it sitting somewhere and he just went and picked it up because he was bored and just started reading. I think he was originally scared by the book, probably cried the first time he read it. Then years later, he just remembered the book that traumatized him as a kid and he was like, it can't be that bad, I'll read it again to prove younger me was a coward. So he reads it and just falls in love with the book.
"I am longing to be with you and by the sea, where we can talk together freely and build our castles in the air."
Soldier- Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
Uh, so, do I need to put a hear me out for the third time? So I already headcanon that he likes Jane Austen, I'm so torn between him actually understanding and grasping hidden meanings and deep plot point and him just smiling and nodding along to the silly drama unfolding. Maybe both? His mom actually read it to him when he was younger, because it was her favorite book. The memories of his mom talking about and reading the book also contributes to the reason he likes the book so much. He has his mom's worn copy of the book and loves it. He'll reread it at least twice a month, always thinking about the first time he was introduced to it. Loves everything about the book.
"There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me."
Pyro- Alice in Wonderland (Lewis Carroll)
Dont get them started with all the things they love about this book. If they could talk, they'd rant for hours. Who am I kidding they still rant for hours even though no one can understand them. They love the whimsy and insanity of Wonderland. They love the Cheshire cat and the Mad Hatter. They read this book every day. It's not even just their favorite anymore. It's the only book to ever exist 😭 On days when Pyro isn't able to read the book, they beg Engie to read it to them. Engie doesn't mind. He loves to see Pyro get all happy when he agrees.
“Imagination is the only weapon in the war with reality.”
So that took forever to churn out for some reason, maybe because I had to actually remember reading some of these books and actually read others 😭 Sorry it's not super long or detailed! I tried not to spoil the contents of the books.
Regardless, it was fun to do, and I think I'm finally back in the swing of things! I feel more motivated, uh tons of asks came in after this sooooo expect lots of uploads after this, I think I have at least six asks right now?
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hantheheart · 5 months
ok so this was just gonna stay "man would that be fucked up or what" idea that came to me out of nowhere, but my brain has done as it always does and latched on to it.
Why i ever think "oh I'll just leave it there" is beyond me, you think I'd learned after doing this shit for over a decade at this point.
Anyways, I was thinking about this part of my Next Gen Rewrite idea of Gwen Lance and Tris getting kidnapped and went "but what if it all went so so WRONG"
not me with an absolutely off the shits idea for this of when Gwen Tris and Lance getting kidnapped but the parents don't find them in time and some crazy people get a hold of the three of them and are like. obsessed with this idea that Arthur is a "False Chaos". And they think Gwen's the "True Incarnation of Chaos" cause she was born with Chaos magic instead of how Arthur got it so they steal the kids away to the north and try to make Gwen into this Ideal Deity of theirs and the three of them, who have not manifested any magic yet aside from Chaos from Gwen that she can't control yet, just struggle to do what these people want until their parents come but then they don't and the kids gotta play these maniacs and pretend they're going along with all this.
And then they have to pretend to be bad guys who want a war with Britannia ala Arthur in 4KOTA and its like 5 or so years after they got kidnapped and they have to keep trying to send low down messages to their parents without being obvious of "we're trying to help you catch these guys so we can come home because they're insane and we're tired and we miss you" but its so hard to do when these people are on the edge of taking out Tristan and Lancelot at any second for "not being part of the vision" and Gwen's doing everything she can to be this person she really isn't just to convince these people Tris and Lance are "part of her vision" and its exhausting and they can't drop their guard at all except for the few moments the three of them manage to hide away in the gilded-cage-of-a-room Gwen's been given.
Lance and Tris having to act liek this super uptight, rude and stuck up Knights but in reality theyre just really tired 16 year olds who want to just go wrestle in the dirt with their friends and hug their dads and be scolded for dumb kid things by their moms but their lives are constantly under threat and they're the only thing holding their friend together who's one wrong word from having a mental breakdown that could absolutely wreck the surrounding areas because she is literally the only thing keeping these lunatics from going on a murder spree, they're desperately trying to come up with reasons to convince these people to not kill every living thing they come across
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clockworkcheetah · 11 days
*shaking your shoulders* hiiiii tell me everything about your thought process behind writing your incredible bangfic the bad dog nerves, inspiration characters writing EVERYTHING it's so good tell us more
hiii getting to talk about my creations!!! ahhh
ok so cause its been a couple of months and my memory is nothingness aka im a little hazy on some stuff. buuuuuut i distinctly remember several things that heavily inspired TBDN im just gonna run my thoughts as they come so i apologise if its incoherent. i am also putting this under a readmore for the sake of everyone. and because spoilers for the fic
first inspo was deathmark2 cause it got its english translation earlier this year (i love deathmark but ill say everytime i talk of it its very difficult to recommend cause it needs so many content warnings). im very much the kinda person who can and will mash fandoms together- ill make those parallels. god cant stop me. basically dm is what got the ball rolling for me- spirits and possession and influenced moods. its only inspired pretty loosely by dm- very much the general concept/brainrot for both fandoms kinda deal. also more horror elements in dghda yes pls
another thing that inspired it was the doctor who ep 'midnight'. that ep was chilling- i think about how you can tell ten is fully awake and aware during his possession and it stuck with me- a+ acting from david. its a fear of mine being fully awake/aware whilst having no control of your body/immobilised and you cant do anything but wait for the inevitable. granted todd leaned more towards anger, or like the five stages of grief, than fear. but that felt more him also cause it went on longer than a few hours (or rather he expresses his fear through anger/lashing out) but i wanted that ugly rawness of it- hes nervous like a bad dog ay ayyyyyyy
(i sorta wish i went harder with it at the end with his scene with dirk, but alas he was burnt out and healing)
also tbh i just love scenes like that in media too. the character is right there! its so close and nobody is helping them so they gotta save their own ass and be a bitch about it
also i just kinda wanted more fics where dirk just fucks up?? like theres no hoops being jumped through to make what he said right (im not exactly a fan of this fanon!dirk where hes this saint who does no wrong/is always right/everyone else is to blame) so that was a goal in mind when writing this- dirk mostly, but also amanda to an extent of being wrong (not like in some horrible malicious way just. you made a bad call. u gotta live with it). also why todd was quicker to forgive farah (or at least be on better terms with her than the others- i really wish i included a convo between them aw well) granted these arent really specific to this fic- i like to have it in other fics, i need those two to fuck up. as well as todd getting to be angry/upset without this notion that he cant cause he did bad things therefore can only be bad, undeserving person forever cause thats how it works obviously (look if i wanted content of todd fucking up id watch the show lemme have something else with fics- ok ill stop being salty now asdfghjkl;)
i also really wanted the aftermath of what happened to be explored (i love the concept of possession/mindcontrol but shows kinda brush it off after the character is freed. like??? youre telling theyre all sunshine and fine now??? no way, theres gonna be a recovery period. aka todds body being weak from literally having zero nutrients, miru not taking care of the body, also learning to have control of his own body again
with the characters or i guess specifically project miru, she wasnt inspired by anything specific. i really like tragic but unsympathetic characters in media so wanted to have a try at it, and to explore the whole riggins' favouritism towards dirk and how the other projects may have felt. idk how well i pulled it off but i had fun writing her interactions with todd even if it was mostly them being dicks to eachother and being a dick to everyone
ok my brain is starting to run on empty so ill close up this haha.
im sure this is universal but when i got the idea of this fic i had the immediate The Scenes™️ for it. they were: amandas confrontation and realising that oh shit it isnt todd the whole time that scene was vivid in my head (also fave scene to write!!) and the other is the final scene with dirk and todd and todd breaking down. todds kinda the 'strong' one of the two (to dirk) and the caretaker- so someone takes care of him and lets him be upset with everyone
but yeah!!! some of my thoughts behind the creation of TBDN 💖🥰🧡 theres stuff i wish i included in the fic and ideas i had after i had already posted but im happy with it regardless. at its core i just wanted some sweet sweet todd whump i wanna traumatise that little man
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silly-guy-123 · 9 months
Mostly platonic but with a hint of romance if you squint
Badsansuary Day 4 - Compliments
Horror x Reader
(Also the rest of the Bad Sanses are here but they aren't the main focus)
“you look nice today,” Horror said.
The end.
It was surprisingly hot outside today, considering that it was winter. You weren't a fan of the heat when it went on for too long, but today you welcomed the change from freezing cold to somewhat warm.
You might even be able to go outside today without feeling like you're going to get frostbite.
But alas, you had nobody to spend the day with…
Actually. You did.
You almost forgot that you had friends, which was embarrassing.
Anyway, you got dressed in clothing appropriate for the weather. And you made sure to bring a jacket, just in case it got cold again.
One could never be too prepared.
Then you went outside, sending your friends a quick text that practically demanded they show up. But it was worded politely. You were so amazing at making things sound polite when you needed to.
Anyway. You had plans today.
A picnic!
You had been tracking the weather for several days in order to hopefully find a day warm enough for it.
You had prepared a bunch of snacks the day before.
So you were really hoping that your friends would show up.
You just had to wait.
Eventually your waiting payed off, because you could see the cracked skull of your best friend, Horror, along with your other skeleton friends, Dust, Killer, and Nightmare.
Yeah. All of your friends were skeletons. So what? They were better than everyone else. Even if they were a bunch of murderous hobos.
You had the picnic set up already. So there wasn't really a rush. You decided to have a bit of a conversation first.
“Can you believe how warm it is today?” You asked.
Nightmare just frowned. “Yes. I am, quite literally, seeing it with my own eyes.
“No need to be such a buzzkill!” You teased playfully, turning to the rest of the group. You opened your mouth to speak, but Dust interrupted you.
“don’t even start. we came here for a picnic, not a one hour rambling session,” he said grumpily, but there was a smile on his face.
Killer put his elbow on Dust's shoulder, leaning on him. “Awww, come on, you know, I think listening to them talk about the types of plants and their differences is fun. Why don't they tell us about it, hmm?”
“noooo!!” Dust said, pretending to be mortally wounded.
Horror just chuckled, “thanks for this, muffin. we all needed a break. you're the best.”
You tried to laugh it off, not used to being complimented so highly. “Haha! Anyway, let's eat, I guess.”
And so you all sat down for a picnic, and began to eat. Once the meal was finished, everyone appeared to be content.
“you made that? wow, thought ya bought it from a store or somethin’, ‘s really good.” Horror grabbed a second helping.
There was a chorus of agreement from everyone else except Nightmare, who preferred to just watch.
“Thank you everyone,” You said, trying to hide your embarrassment. You just liked to cook. You didn't need to be complimented for it.
Nightmare looked at his watch. “Oh. It's nearly 6pm. The sun will be going down soon.” He looked at you. “Hate to cut this short, but we must be going now.”
You understood. You just nodded, and went to pick everything up. Horror decided to help you, and you both went inside to put everything away.
“i meant what i said, muffin,” Horror said, “you really are the best.”
You began to blush, and decided to kick him out.
“Okayyyyyy, time to stop the unnecessary praise for something so simple! Bye bye!!! Stay safe everyone!!”
You said this after shoving Horror out of the house (you weren't actually shoving him, he only left because you seemed insistant) and waving at everyone before they left.
What a good day.
Horror belongs to Sour Apple Studios,
Dust belongs to Ask Dusttale
Killer belongs to Rahafwabas (I hope I didn't spell that wrong 😭)
Nightmare belongs to Jokublog
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masterj · 16 days
So, @lomotunes2008 , I haven't got around to designing Margot yet, but dammit, I couldn't wait any longer to post these facts about her story I came up with:
On the other end of Chug Town Trackside Towers is Chuggington Airport, a new location I will introduce in my headcanon (loosely based on what I saw in my dreams once or twice lol.)
Speed Fleet are the most common chugger here. It has a big station where passengers and parcels are transfered, and is the terminus of a newly built monorail line that goes all the way to Buffertonia.
Margot is one of the monorails on trial. Only up to four would be chosen to by Vee to stay.
Poor Emery was very hurt by Margot's mean words - but it wasn't Margot saying he was bad at his job that broke him - she also said his face looked like a pig, his swaying horns and buffers make him look like a ugly caterpillar, (Ooh, deja vu...) and that his eyes make him look like an ugly alien, because he has heterochromia. (Emery's left eye is green, and his right eye is blue)
And of course, he wasn't the only chugger she tormented; she called Chatsworth a wimp when she honked as loudly as she could at him, causing him to jump and overturn his hopper car.
She called Olwin a fat old fusspot because of her large streamlined body, and how upset she was when she got covered in sand from Chatsworth's car tipping over.
She called Old Puffer Pete a rusty, weak piece of junk and that he was the most useless, pathetic, and ditzy chugger she had ever seen, because he is the oldest in Chuggington and always gets the youngster's names wrong.
She finished off with I quote: "What's a smelly steamer like you still doing around?😒 Go find a scrapyard!😈"
Pete: 😨
What a bi🤬🤬🤬.
She then passes Hodge and Eddie and calls Hodge similar insults, due to the fact he is a 'hodge-podge' of scrap metal. Eddie, with his wrench clutched in his fist, shouted just what he thought of Margot insulting his faithful work companion, but alas, she was already leaving them far behind.
Margot is also very impatient and honked at everyone yelling at them to work faster, whether they were in her way or slowing her down in any way, shape, or form or not, kinda like Emily when she was bossy little b🤬tch in the S8 episode "Emily's Adventure."
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Margot literally yelled exactly this at the start of her journey at The Airport, when the station porters were loading up her passenger's luggage, and honks at them, which only caused them to bump the trolley and drop everything, and the passengers, disturbed by her horn, were very angry; monorails are supposed to be quiet!
She then honked rudely at Wilson and Brewster hauling a heavy stone train from the quarry, telling at them to hurry up, even though they were not in her way or anything whatsoever because she is a monorail so they don't run on each other's tracks at all. Brewster thought Margot was the rudest monorail he'd ever met and Wilson was very cross.
But Margot thought 'it made them work harder'.
What a f🤬🤬🤬ing stupid 🤬🤬🤬🤬.
She even insulted Koko's speed claiming she could go three times faster than Hanzo, let alone her. Koko was fuming.
So yeah, she was indeed just being an absolute menace to society and causing confusion and delay overall lol, and Emery was especially miserable. He meets up with the main trio (and my yet-to-be-revealed main oc) in The Depot later and told them what she said to him. Already angry with Margot, they convinced Emery they need to tell Vee about her appalling behavior and overcoming the pain, he agrees.
But of course, they weren't the only ones to complain to Vee about Margot, and long story short, Vee was not happy, and indeed, there was nothing for it but for Margot to be sent away in disgrace. All the other chuggers and monorails went off back to work as normal, and Margot was put back on the wagon, and taken straight back to the Buffertonian production plant she came from by Dunbar. Did she ever change her ways? We may never know...
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ggren-mainz · 2 months
Umineko - question arcs playthrough -> ep 1 - 12 - final
last part - All parts and episodes - next part
Can't believe I finished ep 1. Well here will be the tea part, my theories and ideas :]
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ok first thing i noticed. Purgatory? So this isn't some external thing like in Higurashi where they were acting like actors in a movie? This is still canon to their universe, and simply what happens in their purgatory? Is this also referring to them getting a second chance?
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secon thing. I literally kept saying this, but nobody listens to me *rolls eyes *
Anyways another interesting thing i noticed in the tips.
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It says this at George and more or less the same at Jessica. SO this means because of Battler's lack of faith they all went to hell? I bet this will be important later on.
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Also all of them saying it like 'this' does not give me a good vibe. Only the servants say it like this, and it was visible throughout the story as well. Do they not actually believe in her existence, or is "exist" a term that can't define her way of being?
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This makes me even more convinced that it was not magic lmao. Reads too much like propaganda. and also the first crime would've been totally doable by a human. It really wasn't that complex. maybe the others but the first one - not magic at all.
It's like they want us to believe there was no magic involved, with how fake and propagandishy they sound. Also Jessica and George do not sound in character at all...
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Wait guys, i just had a thought, i just had a thought! I looked back and maybe i missed it so tell me if i did but, it doesn't mention that his parents put on the chain. Ofc, this is a bit of a stretch but if they never did, it's possible that the culprit had the key and then just locked the chain to make it look like they couldn't have entered. But alas this brings up more issues, like how did they get out. If they're a 19th person they could've hid in the room till everyone left, but this would also mean they had acomplices, who drew the painting on the door. Oh but yeah, another flaw in the magic plan, the crypt was drawn after the murder, so it was obvious that magic wasn't used to open the door. That was simply drawn for show. Yeah there's also the possibility of hidden doors which would answer all of our questions, but i don't wanna go with that until we get actual proof of their existence. Also there was also the possibility of hiding and then coming out when the others find the corpses, but that's the thing, i remember having known everyone location at the moment. So we'll see.
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Idk man, i'm getting mad suspicious vibes from George and Jessica rn. You tell me the classic and rational George, just believes everything was witchery?? I don't buy it.
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yeepppp i do noooot believe these are the same people, or they're at least altered in a way. Their language is all weird, and they say some things that are so out of character. The only way i could believe this straight up propaganda would be if they know if they convince Battler of the witch they're allowed into the Golden Land. That would make sense, and while they know what he's saying isn't wrong, they need him to believe in Beatrice.
Now we're going into our daily routine of gaslighting Battler. So fun.
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I was actually thinking of this too, except i don't believe they pretended to be dead. So i really believe there's more than 18 people, and as such i believe they might've used the corpse of someone we don't know, perhaps a twin? I had this idea in mind, that perhaps there might be a set of twins, that switched out/kept switching out during the story. But those would need to be from the servants, because if they would be from the main family we'd know. This is just an idea I'll throw out, i have no proof but you never know. But yeah if we go on the idea that the killer is one of the 18, than 100% someone faked their own death. Now i'd take out Hideyoshi, Kanon and Kinzo, as i don't believe those could've faked their death, not saying they aren't involved at all. But again, if Kanon was involved with Nanjo he could be taken out of that list. I'd say the first 6 and last 3 killed with their faces fully destroyed are the most suspicious, as those could've been replaced with any other body. Those would be Nanjo, Rudolf, Kirye, Rosa, Genji and Kumasawa. Now don't take me wrong, i don't think these are the suspects, but I'm just pointing out stuff. There really aren't enough clues at the moment. Or at least i don't see them.
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and whose body would i be?
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um...who is writing this text?
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ahahahaha, bulls eye. I was right. That's why they keep insisting. They want to escape this purgatory and go to the Golden Land.
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Rika Furude disagrees.
And yeah so is she Bernsomething and a witch here? It wouldn't be that weird, she has said that she is a witch in Higurashi as well, although offhandedly.
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" 24 But Thomas, one of the twelve, called Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came. 25 The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe. 26 And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. 27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. 28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. 29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed. "
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Oh do not worry Beatrice, he'll kiss more than your toes.
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>is shown exactly how the crimes were done
>says this.
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woah woah woah, what does THIS mean now. It's the same as with Maria. They act like they've been forced to believe. Were they forced to believe?
Anyways so they al disolve and Battler swears to prove that a human is the culprit. Now i only have the ??? left.
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Heeeeelllooooo Ri- I mean Bernkastel. Well yeah this does sound a bit like Rika, but in the end this would just be a cute reference, not that important so I'll leave that for now.
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alright i got it, i have to pay a lot of attention to the world's rules if i want to understand this mystery, ok ok.
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Definitely Rika lmao. ok good to know then.
Now we have unlocked some tips which are very...interesting? I do not get all of them, but i probably will later. Like what's the deal with execute and resurect? I get it it's so i can see all the tips given along the episode but idk.
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oookay this one looks very important, so they won't work on Battler huh? alright alright.
ALRIGHT FINALLY THE END. I was so scared I'll reach the photo/link limit but i was 1 off lmao.
So i have kind of said my thoughts and theories already although i was trying to be all cool and nonchalant and keep it at the end uf. Anyways let's recap then
time loop - 1000%
I believe there are more than 18 people. Be it dead or alive, there's a 19th body. As long as the face (read teeth) was fully destroyed the corpses could not be recognized by the policeman.
I believe the witches are real, but i also believe there could be a human culprit. Like yeah witches are real but idk if they're the one doing the crimes. so [ Nanjo, Rudolf, Kirye, Rosa, Genji and Kumasawa] these 6 remain with a big question mark. Now they aren't my actual suspects but that's besides the point, i cant just choose as suspects the people i do not like.
Big question. How reliable are the narrators? Because if they're all reliable then everyone is innocent. Which I severely doubt so myeah. Who is lying?
Also how were the kids killed? 'Their bodies were eaten by the demons' alright alright, but how did they actually die? it sounds like a very violent death and i cannot think of an answer that doesn't include chemicals (didn't Beatrice say something related to that?) or wild animals. Another mystery ig.
I also believe there are more perpetrators, be they direct or not.
The servants are all suspicious to a point, and I'm not saying they're the killers but they're definitely hiding some things. Some many things.
All the other theories i have mentioned along this part which is getting obnoxiously long. Now let me finish with one image, as to reach the limit.
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Tier rank of what i think of all the characters i saw for now. I can't wait to see this drastically change lmfao.
Anyways, see you next episode ;P
next part
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x0401x · 3 months
When the irony is almost too ironic
So now that I’ve posted the rest of the character highlights (had to split them into two because of Tumblr’s image limit), I might as well comment on them too. Need to get this off my chest for a moment.
The highlights of Masaki, Eisuke and Koushirou in particular gave me whiplash. They threw me back to my reviews of S2 in ways that feel oddly cathartic. Like how they just… keep confirming literally everything I pointed out as negative in S2. It’s weird because those things were all so obvious, but the way they’re written in the fanbook almost exactly how I talked about them is… well, it’s really something. Some of it even dates back to things I said regarding S1 six years ago. I don’t know how to describe this but it sort of feels like being vindicated in a morbid way, if that makes any sense.
I just wonder… when whoever was in charge of writing this text typed it down, did they actually believe that it had anything to do with the source material at all? Because it… kinda reads like they did? “The only thing he thought about was improving his skills in order to change his grandfather’s opinion of him” really sounds like that’s what they got from Masaki’s backstory and, uh. How. How do you miss the point by so far? It literally went in the opposite direction. We already knew that but still.
Also gotta love that it says his mindset changed when he watched the boys doing archery in earnest, instead of Minato being the one who changed it when he begged Masaki not to leave him. KyoAni really went out of its way to make sure that there’s absolutely nothing exclusive in their relationship this time around. Everything that was originally a them-only thing in the novel has been turned into a Masaki and the boys' thing in S2.
Speaking of the team, the implication that Masaki started out not rejoicing in his disciples’ development but learned to do it eventually is just brutal. I get what KyoAni is trying to convey to the viewers and that they’re making up for a lot of what they didn’t show in S1, but the timing is terrible and it’s a contradiction of basic Zen principles. Principles that Masaki had already been shown to follow prior to this.
Alas, that’s just one contradiction of many. Masaki is probably the character with the biggest amount of incoherences in how he is portrayed in the anime. My guess is the animators were so focused on collecting material about archery that collecting material about Shinto priesthood probably wasn’t a priority. More like they were so focused on the boys that Masaki was relegated to the sidelines. And I say this a lot but have to say it again: that’s what happens when you try to write Masaki separately from Minato. It goes off the rails.
Other than this, there’s also confirmations of some of my suspicions. Masaki almost telling the boys what they got wrong, then deciding to do it the Zen way and letting them find out for themselves only after getting a cue from Tomio is one thing that I hadn’t been so sure if I was just overthinking or not, but turns out not. This is the anime’s way of telling the viewers that Masaki, too, is growing as a teacher, but they could’ve done something equivalent that wouldn’t make him seem contradictorily inexperienced.
I say contradictorily because, again, he has been teaching these kids in the Zen way (indirect, mystic, full of puzzles, fuck around and find out for yourself, master throws a question and disciple has to give his own answer) from the very beginning. Even in S1 he was already doing that. But in S2, just like the boys suddenly forget how to work as a team, Masaki seems to suddenly forget how he had been teaching them until then. So he suddenly becomes a greenhorn as well, because it’s totally realistic for a high schooler like Eisuke to be the perfect teacher for a bunch of other high schoolers, but a 5th dan has to start again from zero. They could’ve just animated Masaki’s fight with Minato and let that be his greenhorn moment, but their relationship isn’t supposed to exist in S2, so this just isn’t an option, apparently.
Speaking of Eisuke, now I finally understand why his relationship with Shuu and Minato felt so off in the anime to me. In the novel, his beef was with them, not with Saionji. Saionji chose them as disciples because he felt something fateful about meeting them. It’s never explained in the novel, but a while after I finished reading volume 3, I got hit with a thought. I felt this was the author’s way of hinting that the three of them are an allegory to Amida Sanzon, with Saionji being Amida Nyorai, Shuu being Seishi Bosatsu and Minato being Kannon Bosatsu. Same logic applies to the Minato-Masaki-Shuu trinity, since Masaki has also taught Shuu at some point, with Masaki being Amida in this case. I imagine that Ayano wrote about it so vaguely in volume 1 because she didn’t know whether or not she could delve this deep into Buddhist territory back then.
But in any case, the way that the novel establishes the conflict with Eisuke is: Minato and Shuu are special. Not in general, but to Saionji, specifically. Teaching them is his calling and being taught by him is their calling. But all Eisuke gets from this is the first part. That Minato and Shuu are special, and he is not. That somehow they were regarded more highly than him, who is older and more experienced, when actually, they were not. Saionji simply felt that it was his mission to teach them, and he was right about that. Eisuke could’ve tried to find his own calling with another master—one who perhaps could teach him in uchiokoshi style. Instead, he chose to be immature and became obsessed with proving himself superior to Minato and Shuu. He could not stand the idea that little kids with no previous experience, one that got apprenticeship through connections and one by dumb luck, were worthier to be taught than him and even his uncle.
Eisuke also seems to have felt like there was something fateful about Saionji choosing them over him. The way he talked about it felt a lot like chosen people ideology, which even Shuu sometimes seemed to believe whenever he went on about being “loved by the god of archery”. He’s pretty much looking down on Saionji by thinking Saionji was mistaken to choose Minato and Shuu over him, and it’s extremely arrogant to try and prove Saionji wrong by defeating Minato and Shuu. It’s also childish logic, because defeating them would prove nothing, actually. And that’s the point of the novel. Same point as Zen Buddhism and archery: those who hold grudges can never reach spiritual adulthood. Eisuke is, as his name itself implies, forever a child on the inside.
But all of that makes Eisuke look kinda lame in the eyes of the audience, doesn’t it? And Yamamura Takuya is having none of that with his new bias. Nuh-uh, the ones who have to look bad are Saionji, and by extension, Minato and Shuu. Because pulling the rug from under the main characters’ feet is the smartest possible move.
In the anime, as confirmed by the fanbook, Eisuke’s problem is Saionji. Not because she chose Minato and Shuu over him, but because she rejected his uncle. In the novel, Saionji rejecting Shigeru was also something that pissed him off, but his main problem was with Minato and Shuu. In the anime, that’s the opposite, which is why Eisuke is way less hostile and childish towards them in it. The difference that this makes is: the anime makes Eisuke look good in detriment of Minato and Shuu. With him being angry at Saionji for her being unfair to Shigeru, his attitude and motives seem justified. It’s not about him, it’s about someone he loves and admires. That one hurts more and doesn’t make him seem arrogant at all for defying her decision. It even almost seems like Saionji is in the wrong for hurting his family’s honor in certain respects, and that he rightfully wants closure from it but isn’t going the best way about it, which is his one and only mistake. And with Saionji being the target of his anger, he doesn’t need to be as antagonistic with Minato and Shuu in particular.
Now this might make people think, “Isn’t that better than in the novel, then?” That is subjective, but objectively speaking, this is a narrative incongruency. Novel!Eisuke is an example of how narrow-mindedness and lack of humility can lead one astray. By taking away his arrogance and just making him angry while justifying this anger, they’re basically taking away the reason for him to fail. It also makes him more endearing than the actual protagonists and makes the audience want to cheer for him instead of them (which a lot of people did). And none of that is an accident, because the director himself says it in this fanbook that he likes Eisuke personally. Or the traits that he can identify with, at least.
On the topic of Eisuke being the director’s bias, it’s amazing how the other members of Tsujimine basically exist in the anime not as their own person but as extensions of Eisuke. They’re there to make him look better and to do things for him. Koushirou’s highlight made me realize that we only ever get any information about the other members in relation to Eisuke, save for when Enyuu had a crush on Rika, but this was meant to give the girls more screen time rather than give him a personality. I always wondered why Reiji, who is so flashy in the novel, was so meek in the anime, but now I guess it’s because no one can catch more attention than Eisuke. Literally all data there is in the fanbook about Koushirou and the others is linked to Eisuke. His highlight is only about what he does to help Eisuke, even though the anime never explains why Koushirou goes that far for him in the first place. It’s not interested in exploring Koushirou himself. The director’s only interest is Eisuke.
S2 is such a frustrating topic to write about. So many things were done well and so many were done horribly. I feel terrible whenever I analyze anything Tsurune-related nowadays.
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terrence-silver · 4 months
What do you believe is Terrys greatest regret in life?
Being too nice.
Yeah. You've heard that right.
He's convinced he's been too nice throughout life and that in fact, he could've and should've been infinitely worse, infinitely more self-serving, ambitious, Machiavellian; call it whatever you will --- which is hilarious and downright absurd, all facts considered and when we take all the things he's done into account and consideration (and how the man literally puts Bond villains to shame) but I get the distinct impression this is one of Terry Silver's prime regrets in life.
You know how some of the most toxic people you'll ever are convinced they're never bad or in the wrong, right? It's everyone else, but somehow never them? That they could've been much more awful and that they've been (unfairly) holding back because they don't owe the World crap, but one of these days, oh, one of these days, everyone will pay and everything around them will burn into a cinder because they'll turn into the very dragon that lay dormant deep inside for decades?
Well, that's Terry Silver for you.
He feels he should've accumulated more, lied more, schemed more, used more, bribed more, been even more corrupt, manipulated more, seized more, destroyed more, that he should've trampled over even more people, been an even bigger sadist, caused even more pain for his personal delight, never held back from any lecherous, meanspirited, vengeful impulse --- you name it --- this is a desire that encompasses everyone and everything, ranging from his payback and vow of devotion towards John and how he should've never been thankful for any of it (a sensation bitterly amplified after his and John's parting of ways, causing Terry to feel used and then abandoned), towards how much Dynatox polluted in the past and that it could've polluted more, towards how many people he hurt and that he should've hurt them even worse and laughed even harder at their misery and pretty much anything you could imagine, but alas, he didn't do any of those things to the degree he could've, and the fact haunts him, causing him to feel he's missed out on something, somehow, somewhere. Causing him to feel that he's spent certain parts of his life neutering himself. That he didn't grow as much as he could've because he never achieved perfect control. That he spent years trying to repay life debts, trying to make himself appear normal and 'rehabilitated', that he went ahead apologizing to people he previously harmed only to be rejected, and now, he's no longer playing Mr. Nice Guy (as if though he did before) and everyone will get a taste of his actual fire, which I feel is the reason why he fell back into his old ways as quickly as he did when John re-appeared in his midst. He felt old. Felt like he was in the final chapters of his life and that it was now or never --- he was going to embrace every desire he ever had and he's gonna embrace them with zero regrets.
A decision that, down the line, led to situations like Terry fighting another man sword-to-sword in a duel to the death, which ironically, is exactly what Terry would've wanted for himself anyway. Exactly the type of life he wanted and yearned to lead. Exactly the type of death, according to his own words, he wanted to eventually die. Adrenaline-filled. Unhinged. Theatric. Bloody. And all out. On the battlefield. With a smile on his face.
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rose1021 · 10 months
I know you did not ask and you can ignore if you like but whenever I see Garroth’s Betrayal Sucks I feel contractually obligated to speak on what I make it in my head because I hate that pat so fucking much and of it wasnt so intrinsically tied to the time skip I would burn it to the ground
I make it an Aphmau’s Fault Too thing. Garroth being the loyal guard he is tells Aphmau about someone trying to indoctrinate him and Aphmau just says. “We can use this.” and so a double cross plot is born but Aphmau never pulls the plug even as it gets more and more apparent they cannot make this work because everything has always worked out for her before even when she goes against peoples advice, and despite Garroth insisting they should stop he doesn’t disobey his lord, until it’s already too late of course.
That solves the “Well why wasn’t any blame placed onto Garroth?” issue as well as really adds to and clears up Aphmau’s desperation to bring him home.
It also makes Aphmau missing her children’s childhoods and her village crumbling partially her own fault, the consequences do not fit the crime but to me when it’s something that big and Aphmau being such a “Makes things happen” character it should be her own fault in some way.
(this also of course breaks Garroth’s trust in Aphmau, because he thought they were friends but she ignored every concern and let him be sworn into the Jury of Nine, an establishment she knows he detests)
No thank you for bringing this up! I completely didn’t think about it that way (probably the Laurmau bias 😰) but I definitely see that this works a whole lot better than the shithole that part is, especially the part where Garroth asks about the pendant and,, (I literally paused for a whole minute I forgot what happened) ok so I may be wrong but originally aphmau refused to tell Garroth about the pendants location however after the war she finally tells him that laurance has is. Considering she knew Garroth wasn’t himself and Ofc later finding out that Garroth immediately went and stole the pendant, that would definitely point guilt onto aphmau, also like girl he’s been “sick” and been looked after by a random stranger who walks in also was it cadenza who told Lillian abt Garroth istg first Zane about laurance now this ANYWAYS especially when tensions are high in the village and there is a traitor would you not hold slightly more concern?? I hate this part can we just idk make up a different reason they go to the Irene dimension 😭. Anyways I’m not 100% abt the indoctrination however there is absolutely mistrust between Garroth and aphmau which is completely their own faults in different ways, ultimately I think it’s Zane’s fault, and if I could completely remove that part I would but alas we have to fix everything in this series.
TLDR I think in my very future rewrite the betrayal arc will turn into a oh no he’s manipulated and under a spell arc (smth like that ig) basically keep the good (needed) parts (the time skip and relic absorption) and ditch the bad (the complete butcher of Garroth)
Tempted to write out Aaron but I guess he needs to be in to get Garroth out 🙄 or we can use aphmaus Irene powers or smth
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 2 years
@missusnora​ I hope you like this.
Pairing:  Éomer x fem reader.
Themes: Some angst | soft | fluff | smut | Slow burn
Warnings: Explicit content of a sexual nature | minors DNI
Word count: 3137 words 
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The toddler giggled on her father’s lap, runny nose and all. You give her a soft wafer and hand over a bottle to her father. “Make sure she takes a small spoonful of this, once in the morning, once just before bed, and she’ll be as right as rain in a couple of days.”
The farmer took the bottle and stored it away carefully in his bag. “I’ll make sure Livitha takes it. Good evening to you, miss.” In one swift move, he lifted his daughter into his arms and walked off.
And you collapsed into a nearby chair as soon as the door closed behind him. The last patient of the day, from Rohan anyway.
Six months. You had been here six months after accidentally walking through a portal in your world, and ending up in this one. A slip-up, the wizard Gandalf had said, after one of his students, a novice Maia, experimented a tad too much with a spell. They had been working around the clock to try and open the portal again, for you to go back home, to your place and time. Alas, it had been unsuccessful so far.
The door opened, and you sighed. “Another patient, captain Gerold?”
“No. Just me.”
"Your grace!" The smile that lit your face came unbidden. “Finally! Someone that does not need poking and prodding!”
Éomer was leaning against the door post, watching you. “Tired, y/n?” 
“Uggghh!” You sink even deeper into your chair and invite him to join you. “If only you knew.”
He grinned and made his way over to a counter, picking up a goblet and a pitcher of water. “If you need a break, you need only ask.”
“Ooooh!” You clapped your hands and sat up immediately. A little holiday was just what you needed. “A vacation? Can I have one?” When he brought over a goblet of cool water for you, you thank him. “The mountains maybe? No! A sunny beach, with lots of drinks that come in fancy glasses with tiny umbrellas in them!” 
Éomer arched an eyebrow. In the beginning, he would have been confused with words such as vacation and umbrella, but after six months of listening to you talk of your world, they made sense to him now. “I doubt very much you will find drinks in fancy glasses with umbrellas,” He held his thumb and index finger as close as possible to each other. “This big. And the nearest beach is almost four weeks by carriage.”
He fought back a chuckle when you choked and coughed out your water. Three to four weeks in a carriage, no matter how comfortable, would be a trial for the will. And your will was in no mood to be cooped up in a carriage, days at a time. “You know what,” You looked around for a cloth to clean up the mess you made, and Éomer was more than happy to toss a handkerchief he had to you. “I changed my mind. No. No beaches for me.” 
“Just so.” Éomer grew pensive and sighed. He had just received a letter from Gandalf. He was sure it was about your journey home, and if he was honest with himself, Éomer didn’t want you to go back. After the initial shock of you literally falling on top of him that day when you walked through that portal, he had grown to enjoy your company. He found excuses to spend time with you, even rearranging his kingly duties to allow it. His sister had noticed and insisted he speak his feelings before you left. Éomer always shied away, fearful of saying the wrong thing and complicating everything. In his own words, fighting and king-ing were easy. Matters of the heart, on the other hand, were not.
His mind went back to the letter. His feelings aside, he didn’t want to keep any news from you. “Here.” He handed over the letter he was holding. “This came for you, from Gandalf. I think they may have found a way to get you home.”
The letter felt unwelcome in your hands. You find yourself not wanting to hear possible good news. Why did your heart fill with dread at the thought of leaving Meduseld and going home? Your fingers trembled as they worked on the seal, on the ribbon holding everything together. Your heart fluttered as you rolled open the parchment and read it.
My lady y/n.
Good news, my lady. 
We’ve done it. We’ve found a way to send you, and only you, safely home. Should you still desire to do so, just send the word, and we will make all the arrangements. 
With much fondness,
Your eyes drift to the postscript. 
p.s. The Valar and I are making sure this spell is never used again, and they have more than willingly given leave for you to stay, should you wish to do so. So think very carefully about what you want to do. Once the portal is closed, it will never be open again. 
You gulped. The wizard had indeed found a way. You could go home. Leave Meduseld for good and go back to your old life. 
Éomer coughed, distracting you. You gulped again. If you accepted Gandalf’s offer, you would not only leave this realm for good, you would have to leave Éomer for good. Over the past six months, the two of you had grown close. Conversation came so easily when you were with him. You looked forward to seeing him, spending time with him. It was a feeling you had, that grew and grew, a feeling you could give no name to. And now, the thought of leaving him fills you with dread. “Gandalf-“ You gave the letter for him to read. “Gandalf has found a way it seems, to send me back. I--”
Éomer read the letter and then read it again, one ear trained to what you were saying, hoping against hope you weren’t going to say what he thought you were going to say. 
Don’t say it. Please don’t say it. 
Éomer knew this day might come, but he hoped he still had time to talk to you, ask you to stay. Now it felt like it was already too late, and he cursed himself for his cowardice. He wondered how much time he had left.
“I think I might take him up on the offer. Go home.” Home. To a quiet apartment, the grind of routine, insane hospital shifts, day in, day out, rinse and repeat. You quickly steal a look. Éomer was reading the letter intently. His hands were all bunched up in fists, his knuckles nearly white from the strain, the letter nearly tearing in his hands. He was angry. 
“Home,” he muttered under his breath. “You want to go home?”
“Yes, I want to go home.” The words felt like ash on your tongue. “I’m not sure I belong here, really, and…”
Fearful of the thought of losing you, of you ending up with someone else, Éomer cut you off with an abrupt, “You are not going.”
It came out like an order, and you stood up with a start. “I am not going? I am not going?” You got in Éomer’s face and pointed a finger at him. “Listen, sir, I know the past six months have been nice and all, but I would like to go home.”
“Home?” Éomer stood up and tossed the letter to a side. The both of you squared up like two fighters going against each other. “To a place with no true friends, where you are worked to the bone, for little appreciation and reward?”
“Yes!” You spat, although his words made you question yourself. Why did you want to go back to such a life? “I want that!” 
I think.
He could have given you every possible luxury and comfort he could muster, a life of peace, and to hear you say that angered him even more. “Oh! You want such a miserable life?” Éomer was up in your face now, and his sister was by the door, debating if she should stay out of this argument. Eowyn used her better judgment and quietly closed the door to give you both some privacy. “My lady?” Captain Gerold, and two of his men, stood behind her, wondering what the hullabaloo was all about. “My brother is trying to convince the lady y/n to stay. In the worst possible way imaginable.” Eowyn murmured as she waved her hands about, to shoo them away. “Let us give them some privacy, and pray the king does not bungle this up in glorious fashion.” 
Meanwhile, you and Éomer were still going at it. “Miserable!” You hissed through your teeth. “You want me to stay and insulting my life from before is how you go about doing it?!?”
“Yes!” Éomer quickly rethought the wisdom of his answer and changed tack. “I mean, no! I did not mean to insult your life! I just do not want you to leave!”
“Why don’t you want me to leave?” 
“Because if you leave, I will not be able to come to your realm!” Éomer shot back. “Not being able to travel to your realm means I lose you!”
Because the portal was going to be a one-time thing. The Valar were making sure of it. That still didn’t answer your questions. “And why don’t you want to lose me?”
“Because!” Éomer snorted, his eyes blazed. “Because! Be--” He gave up and sighed, let go of his anger and stopped fighting. The time had come to bare all, and if he didn’t say it now, he never would. “Because I am in love with you. I--” He inched his way closer, till he was right in front of you. “I do not want you to go because, I am in love with you and I do not want to lose you. I want you to stay here, with me.”
“Wha--” It felt as if the wind was taken right out of your sails. Éomer, King of Rohan, one of the greatest warriors of his age, was in love with you. And wants you to stay with him. “I—I don’t know what to say.”
You were taken aback by his confession, and stuck for words. You did not know what else to say, or do. Éomer, however had the answer. “Say yes. Say yes, that you will stay.”
It was still so much to take in. Your mind was a roil. “But--”
“I can look after you, give you the kind of life you deserve.” Éomer gulped, placed his hands on your shoulders. “You can still worker as a healer, if that is your wish, but you will be happier here, I will make sure of it.”
Here. Meduseld. Rohan. On Middle Earth. Away from the stress and grind of it all, with people that genuinely cared about you and where magic was very real. When large, callused hands drifted over your shoulders to your cheeks, the warmth of them made you forget all your worries. “Stay,” It was a plea, and from a king, no less. “Stay here, with me.”
Time seemed to stand still. Éomer waited, hoping for an answer, and then, when he couldn’t wait anymore, he leaned in and brushed his lips against yours.
His kiss was so gentle at first, so tender, as he slowly back you up until you bumped into a table. His hands drifted away from your cheeks, going lower until you felt fingers undoing the clasps and ties of your dress. Feeling more than a little daring, you undid the cords of his doublet, helping him slip it off. When your dress loosened, he stopped, curled a finger under your chin, tilted it up and asked, “Do you want me to?”
You licked your lips, as nerves from before gave way to excitement. “Yes.”
He took his time, hiking up your dress, lifting it over your outstretched arms and tossing it to the floor. Your stays joined it. You felt cold in your shift, but you watched while he undressed himself. Under tunic, boots, breeches, all joined the growing pile on the floor. When the last of his clothes were disposed of you felt your cheeks burn. His body was covered in scars, from battles of old, but that was not all you saw. You quickly lower your gaze, but Éomer tutted and lifted your chin. “Yes?” He asked, his eyes never leaving you.
You were now more certain than ever. “Yes.”
In a move you have to admire, he scooped you up, set you down on the table. “Leg,” He ordered.
You stick out your left leg playfully, giggling when he struggled with the lacings of your shoe. “And here I thought armour was a trial.” Éomer chuckled as he finished up with one shoe and worked on the other. “Women’s fashions are never an easy business,” you teased. “Did your sister never tell you that?”
“More times than I care to recall.” He mumbled and hiked up the skirt of your shift. That too went over your arms and onto the floor. Your eyes dart to the door. “Someone could barge in.”
The door. It was closed, but not locked. Éomer quickly went over and made sure it was locked and bolted before coming back to you. “There,” He crooned and dipped to your neck, drawing out a gasp when his lips glided over your flesh. “No one,” he whispered as his teeth gently nipped. “Is going to disturb us now.”
While one hand hooked around your waist, holding you close, the other hand worked up your body, to your breasts. You felt jolts when he massaged a nipple between his fingers, when his teeth pressed down harder on your skin. You felt yourself grow wet and throb between your thighs. “Éomer,” you breathe, “Don’t stop.”
He loved that, loved hearing his name rolling over your lips. He kissed his way back up to your lips. “Your legs,” He mumbled against between kisses. “Spread them.”
You hesitate for the briefest of moments before resting your legs on your hips. Éomer rubbed the tip of his cock against your clit, drawing out another gasp out of you. You bit your lip, to try and contain your moans. Éomer didn’t want that, not one bit. “Let go for me.” He rasped as he slid in his cock, making your walls stretch for him. “I want to hear every sound you make.”
Every time he went a little further, his name rolled over your lips again, and again. It was like a drug to him, hearing his name spill from your lips. When you managed to open your eyes, rich hazel pulled you in. Éomer let go and plunged in completely, making you cry out as he sunk his cock as deep as he possibly could. Your eyes fly wide open. There’s no protection here, something could happen. “Éomer,” you breath when kisses glide over the shell of your ear. “This is r-risky,” he began nibbling on an earlobe, one arm holding it tight, the other playing with your nipple. “I-I c-could get,” your mind had grown foggy, your body overcome with lust. “I c-could get pregn--”
His kisses had stroked their way down to the curve of your neck. “And?” he mumbled against your skin, his breath growing ragged with each passing second. “What if I want you to carry my child?”
The surety and confidence in his words. “B-but the others--”
He bit down on your flesh again, his cock throbbing and pulsing in your cunt. “Fuck the others.” He pulled away again and cupped your cheek. “I am king, anyone who says speaks against my future wife answers to me.” He fingers gripped into your cheek when he kissed you again, this time with his tongue licking past your parted lips, making you tremble with desperate need. Your arms move away the table and circle his shoulders. It felt like your very breath was being pulled out from your lungs and unable to help yourself, you let one of your hands glide down, to his back. That nearly broke Éomer, and he started moving. Slowly again, gently, his arm around your waist tightened like a vice as he pumped you, bringing the both of you closer and closer to the edge. “Say you will stay,” he mumbled.
You whimpered into his shoulder. “Yes, I’ll stay.”
Éomer kissed your neck again, roughly this time, his teeth biting, his tongue running over the bruised skin. When he pushed in deep and you pulled on his hair, he almost sobbed, it felt so good. Still, he wanted to hear more. “Say you will be mine,” he lifted his head, rested his brow against yours. “Say it.”
Something about the way he said it got your pulse racing like made. “Yes. Yes I’ll be yours.”
When he growled and slammed into you, you bury your face into his shoulder, your moans growing louder, filling the room. Someone would hear, but you had gone beyond the point of caring. All that mattered was the man inside you, what he was making you feel. Your hands dig into his skin, you head rolling back when your orgasm neared. “É-omer,” you couldn’t hold on much longer. “Éomer, I-I’m g-going t-to--”
Teeth sank into your skin hard this time, making you cry out again. “Cum for me,” he grunted as he grabbed onto your hips, to go deeper. “Now.”
It grew intense, so intense, your muscles coiled and your cry was drowned when he crushed your lips with his. It felt like a switch had gone off, your body splintered and shattered as he continued to thrust past your pulsing walls. So overwhelming it was, you barely felt a tear streak its way down your cheek, the deep grunt he made when he whimpered your name and filled you with his seed. You could barely feel yourself breathe, you certainly could think. The world seemed to have a ground to a halt, and all that was there was you and the man on top of you.
Éomer held onto you, not wanting to let you go. He wanted to make this moment last, for it was the first time he had lain with you, and he hoped no one came to disturb either of you. His chest heaved, sweat gathered over his skin, over yours. “Y/n,” he murmured against your ear. “My queen.”
When he rested his brow on yours again, you disentangle yours arms, and cupped his cheeks. “My king.”
His kiss was tender now, chaste and sweet. “So, when do we tell the others?”
Your smile was as wide as his.
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moonshineplaydate · 8 months
AN: I watched Amphibia for the first time recently so, I’m sorry if this is OOC at all!!
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Don’t Wanna Be Alone
Summary: Marcy wakes up in the middle of the night, regressed with no one around, so she decides to go find her friend!
Characters: Little Marcy, Caregiver Anne
Warnings: SFW Age regression, DNI if NSFW,
Marcy’s time in Amphibia had been nothing short of a blessing for the overly energetic girl. The world, especially Newtopia had been the fantasy adventure she’d always dreamed of having, weird, terrifying creatures and all. She had filled every page of her journal with nothing short of unbridled, yet still neatly written passion. The formally socially awkward school girl has reinvented herself into a brilliant inventor and strategist, excelling to the point where she had become friends with the King.
She loved every bit of her new life, she had friends, confidence, a whole new world to explore and study, but there was one, or rather two people missing that would complete this. Anne and Sasha. Marcy’s two friends that she missed oh so much, don’t get her wrong, her life was so, so great now but she just wished she could share it with the two people she cared the most about. Alas, no matter how hard she looked, they were nowhere to be found, presumably appearing in a wildly different area of Amphibia. She tried to brush it off, saying that she’d get to ask them about it once they found each other, but nothing could deny the aches in their heart or those tight, drowning knots in their stomach whenever Marcy thought about the too for long. That didn’t mean she would stop thinking though.
Besides, she did get them stranded here to go on an adventure together but that wasn’t going according to plan…
That what she tried to think about less.
Luckily, at least one of her problems sorted itself out when Anne quite literally turned up at her doorstep, and after around a twenty minute long adventure with some kind of moral lesson to be learned, they were finally back home. Well at least at Marcy’s home, the palace. They honestly couldn’t get enough of the look on Anne’s face when she saw where they had been living, wishing that shed been here from the start. The girl certainly looked quite disheveled, she’d have to ask Anne where on Earth her other shoe went and why she hadn’t bothered to replace it. But that wasn’t why she’d brought Anne here.
The Plantars needed a place to stay while in Newtopia, and Andrias was a, supposedly, nice king so it was no problem for them to stay in one of the lavish guest rooms, the items in it probably being worth more money then they’d ever seen. That was…a real problem, Marcy would have to find a way to sort that one out. Begrudgingly, she gave Anne some space to unwind after a brutally long day, knowing they’d see each other in the morning.
Marcy retreated into her room, pulling off their long fluffy boots and leaving them next to a well made, sparkling bed which she plopped herself down on. They hummed as they opened their heavy journal, sitting it on her lap, scribbling away about everything that happened in the day, their hand nearly shaking with excitement as they wrote Anne’s name.
Marcy obviously knew Anne was here, she’d seen them nothing more then five minutes ago, but seeing it right there, written on the page…she’d really found her. After all this time, she wouldn’t be alone in the castle anymore, they could have sleepovers and pull pranks just like back at home! They giggled cheerfully at the thought, continuing to write and doodle away with a giddy, smiling expression worn on her face.
Marcy only began to notice how lost in their writing she truly was when the light began to fade from her room, leaving a pleasant, warm illumination for a more freezing void like shadow that crept over the whole room.
‘Night already?’ They yawned, thinking allowed. It was only now they realised they spent the better part of a couple hours gushing about Anne and all her memories about her, filling up a good amount of pages with the love coated ink. Marcy blushed a little at this realisation, promptly shutting their journal and hoisting it up. She patted the top of it as she left it on her desk, hanging up her coat and cloak since she was already standing up. It was also only now that they realised how tired today had made them, their blinks becoming longer like it was trying to coax her to sleep, her movements being more slow and sluggish. Marcy sighed and rubbed her temples, dragging herself over to her own bathroom, quickly brushing her teeth with a newt substitute for toothpaste, which she hoped was safe to use.
After a bit, the exhausted girl practically crawled her way over to her bed, having barely managed to get herself into her PJ’s without passing out. But once her face hit her pillow, she was already out like a light.
Unfortunately for Marcy though, it seemed like her body was working against her as she awoke herself barely even an hour later, into one of the darker corners of the light. Maybe she was doing too much work before bed and interrupting her sleep patterns…again. But that wasn’t what she should be worrying about.
For some reason that Marcy couldn’t put together right now, something felt so, so wrong. Sure, their bed was really comfortable and warm and she could just snuggle up under there until she fell asleep again, but she didn’t wanna! There was one massive problem that she couldn’t put her finger on until she cautiously peered her eyes out from the protective confines of her blanket, looking around the room like a cat deciding if somewhere was safe. But she was nothing. And she realised what the problem was.
No one else was with her. She just got Anne back, everything should be great for her, but she wasn’t here. She knew she sounded clingy, that her friend couldn’t always be with her, but they wanted her to be! Being alone felt like the biggest problem ever to her right now, and proactive as always, Marcy went to solve it. Anything to get her out of the room anyway, that terrifying, lonely room.
Stepping quietly out of the hall, which looked a lot bigger then she remembered, Marcy kept their hands curled up to their chest, making small, teetering steps against the carpeted, well made floors. Her eyes squinted as she tried to read the numbers on the doors, letting out a frustrated whine at each one that wasn’t Anne’s. The self proclaimed artificer was so close to giving up, to just accept that she’d be alone and cry her eyes out until Olivia found her…but, that was something she did when she was little. And she didn’t need that write now.
Marcy had become so much more confident and hardworking since landing in Newtopia, they thought that maybe, just maybe they’d gotten rid of their little side. But it sprung back up, a couple weeks into her stay after so long suppressing it, it came bursting right it with little her crying in her room. Luckily it was Olivia that found her, who didn’t persist with any questions afterwards but still, she worked hard to make others perceive as a strong adventurer, or to be accepted. To be seen as normal. To regress would be to through all that away, so, she wasn’t regressed, no matter how much she just wanted to curl up in Anne’s arms, how much she wanted a toy to keep her hands busy, how much she wanted a paci.
How much she didn’t want to be alone.
Marcy pushed down her fears, trying to put on a brace face as she considered making the isolated walk back to her room before her sleepy eyes glanced over one of the doors in the castle. Anne’s room! She finally did it, all by herself like a big girl teenager. After bouncing on the spot for a little while, a big smile on her face, she shakily ran over to the door before knocking at it, quickly but gently.
Marcy pushed down her fears, trying to put on a brave face as she considered making the isolated walk back to her room before her sleepy eyes glanced over one of the doors in the castle. Anne’s room! She finally did it, all by herself like a big girl (cross out) teenager. After bouncing on the spot for a little while, a big smile on her face, she shakily ran over to the door before knocking at it, quickly but gently.
The excited student turned artificer swung about on her heels, arms buzzing and twitching with excitement at her sides, beaming up at the door like it was the best thing since sliced bread. When it finally opened, she had to suppress a squeal in her throat at the start of the bushy haired, messy, most perfect girl she knew staring down at her, seeming a little tired and confused.
She yawned, while Marcy just stayed looking up at her, her smile getting a little wider at the nickname.
‘What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be asleep?’ Anne asked her, seeming a little skeptical about why she was here though that was probably her time in Amphibia talking. Nothing ever seemed simple here. Now that March actually had to answer the question as to why she was here, they couldn’t help but blush over how childish it seemed. Not being able to handle being alone, having to come all the way here in covet of the scary, dark night to see her friend just so she wouldn’t be so scared. There was no way they could tell Anne that, she’d think that they were small right now! Which she wasn’t! Marcy had to think quickly, and blabbered out a lie.
‘I..uh, I jus’ missed you!’ Smiling up at Anne like an angel, Marcy desperately hoped the Thai girl would buy it, even though it technically wasn’t a lie. For the most part she did, Anne could tell there was something going on with them, but had no idea what it is and didn’t want to pry. Instead, she just kneeled down a bit to be at Marcy’s eye level, something that made her feel oh so tiny.
‘How about we go back to your room then? I’ve missed out sleepovers,’ she admitted in a hushed whisper, hoping not to disturb anyone else. Anne would get a response very quickly, Marcy nodding up and down and squealing a little under her breath, the feelings of excitement bubbling up inside her brain and washing away her maturity.
Anne decided not to make the impatient girl wait, wondering why she was acting..different. She couldn’t put her finger on it just yet, but they seemed a lot more excitable then normal, more bouncy, more giggly.
Though as they walked, the self proclaimed artificer/rogue seemed to be stepping a lot more close to Anne, to the point where their arms were brushing against each other with every step. Anne looked down at her friend, seeing that she was looking down, playing with her fingers a little; a nervous habit she’d grown to recognise. Delicately, she planted her fingertips on Marcy’s arms so they knew she was there, before tracing her hand down to Marcy’s, interlocking their fingers in a gentle, protective manner.
Marcy practically cooed at this, walking in the dark was scary, even with Anne. They had no idea how they managed to make the perilous journey before, but was just glad Anne was with them this time.
‘Fank you!’
Marcy exclaimed sweetly, her voice having a distinctive lisp to it, sounding more carefree and…childish. It suddenly clicked with Anne, why Marcy was clingy, why she was more giggly and absent minded to the world around her. Why she didn’t want to be alone.
‘Hey, Marbles,’ she began, talking slowly as they approached Marcy’s room, bumping open the door as she got the two of them inside before continuing the conversation, hoping it would make her feel safer.
‘Mhm?’ Marcy hummed back, tilting her face to look at Anne, looking like a baby deer.
‘Don’t take the wrong way,’ Anne began, already not liking how she was phrasing this but she knew she had to stay committed.
‘But are you..small right now? You just seem a little more..’ with her free hand, Anne placed the side of her hand next to her head before lowering it down, making it literally appear smaller.
Marcy looked horrified at the small question, her hand squeezing against Anne’s for a moment as she stared, half blankly and half fearfully. She had totally forgotten that Anne even knew about her regression in her own joy to see her again, and now she was gonna think that they were just a little kid, who needed to be coddled and couldn’t do anything for themselves. Everything they’d done in Newtopia to become reputable and…and normal, something they never got back home, would be gone! Olivia knowing was terrifying, Marcy knew neither of them would tell anyone but couldn’t help but be on edge whenever it was brought up. How would people in Amphibia even take it? Could she lie to them about it? No, that would make things so much worse, like it was with the Music Box, like it was with everything-!
‘Marcy!’ Anne gasped in front of her friend’s face, a couple tears beginning to fall down their cheeks. Marcy didn’t even realise they were zoning out and could only stare up pitifully at their friend, lip shaking, sniffling at the cruel thoughts of their own mind.
‘Shh, shh, it’s okay Marbles, it doesn’t matter to me if your big or small right now, mkay?’ Anne said, though her tone was leaning towards the latter; she already knew. But there wasn’t any judgement or even disinterest on her expression targeted towards the little, she looked concerned and care, eyes locked on Marcy as her thumbs gently wiped away her tears. Marcy just shuffled closer to her, desperate for any comfort, desperate not to be alone. They buried their face in Anne’s neck and wrapped her arms around the the taller girl.
‘Now, hun, do you wanna tell me what’s got you all worked up or is that a bit too big for you right now?’ Anne asked, making no effort to hide that she knew Marcy was little right now. There was no point to it, she needed the comfort.
Marcy babbled for a few seconds, not trying to hide it as a wave of sorrow got caught up in her throat from how soft she was being treated. When she finally got her words out, they were mixed in with snivels and quiet sobs.
‘I-I ain’ su-suppos’d to b-be lil’..I wanted to do be-better here!’
Marcy cried, getting frustrated as they stomped their foot on the ground, crying a little harder onto Anne’s warm body. In response, Anne began rubbing circles into Marcy’s back, squeezing her a little tighter in their hug.
‘Oh, baby, no, no, you’ve been doing so well here! You still are!’
Stubbornly, the little looked up at Anne, unsure of what she was getting it. She couldn’t be doing good if she was just a little kid right now!
‘You’ve done so much for Newtopia, and you’ve become a hero down here! There’s no shame in needing a little time to relax however you feel like, sweetie, no matter what I’ll always be proud of my special little adventurer.’
The words cut into Marcy lovingly, by the time Anne got to that sweet nickname at the end, she was crying even more. But not from sadness, Marcy just couldn’t handle all those big emotions right now. Anne being proud of her? It was validating, it felt like she’d just been given permission to be herself. The little adventurer kept babbling out something that resembled, ‘I love you’ to Anne, even if it was a little hard to tell with her lisp.
‘Aww, I love you too, just don’t hold off on being little when you need to, okay sunshine?’
Their friend asked, looking at Marcy patiently, keeping a hand lightly clung to their arm.
‘M-mhm!’ Marcy nodded. Slowly, the raven haired artificer regained some composure, still feeling pretty small, staring up at Anne with a smiling, slightly tear stained face.
‘Do-does dis mean you’ll s-stay with me?’
Beaming right back, Anne ruffled Marcy’s hair, her touch not leaving Marcy’s body.
‘Of course I will, I’d love to spend time with my little angel!’
Finally, Marcy wasn’t alone, whether she was big or small.
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xoxiu · 1 year
first love of late spring - ot7 x reader
chapter three table of contents masterlist join the taglist discord
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summary: falling, falling, falling- that's what you shouldn't be doing as a young intern at hybe. falling in love with your supervisor is frowned upon, especially all seven of them. you'll never learn, will you? guess you’ll just have to be their dark secret.
tags/warnings: intern!reader, poly relationships, stockholm syndrome, age regression, spanking, drug use, sugar daddy au, dubcon, body dysmorphia
taglist: @frieschan
The first few weeks of your internship seemed to fly by. Your coworkers were extremely nice and helpful, and maybe a bit too friendly for your introverted nature. Work itself wasn’t too hard, just a lot of busy work and whatever the higher-ups didn’t want to do. 
“Hey, y/n, we need you to do a coffee run.”
Anything and everything no one else wanted to do, in reality. 
Grabbing your jacket and headphones, you exited the building with music blasting. Thankfully, a café was just a short 5 minutes away. You double-checked the order on your phone when you noticed a frappuccino and some cake pops. That stopped you right in your tracks- they wanted Starbucks, not just a random coffee shop. 
Bring up your navigation app on your phone, you found that the nearest Starbucks was a 30-minute walk away. You didn’t like it, so you rummaged around in your pants pockets trying to find enough change the take a bus at least from Starbucks back to the office. Alas, you only had ₩1,100 for a ride back. Time to walk the rather long and cold walk to Starbucks. 
Mentally you made a note to yourself to put more won on your T-Money card. 
The coffee was needed in recording studio A. You quickly walked to the room, trying to balance a bag full of nine coffees. Because you didn’t know the passcode to the door, you managed to free up one hand to knock. One of the producers opened the door, saw the coffee, and ushered you inside.  He took the bags from you and placed them on a small table. 
“Finally! It felt like hours,” a man sitting at the sound mixer said, giving you a less-than-friendly look. You smiled out of awkwardness and gave out many apologies. 
“It’s fine, the shop may have been busy,” Namjoon said, turning to look at you with a smile, “You did well.”
Blushing, you tried to excuse yourself, having done your job, until a hand reached out to stop you. 
“No, no. You deserve a break. Producer-nim, cut the music. We want a coffee break.” Jungkook removed his hand from your arm. 
“Alright, reconvene in twenty minutes.” The two producers grabbed their coffees and left the room. 
“Sit down, I don’t think you’ve met everyone yet.” Namjoon pointed to one of the now empty rolling chairs, and you timidly went to take a seat. You tried your best to shrink in on yourself, intimidated by the presence of literal legends. 
It was Hoseok that began distributing the coffee and treats amongst the other members. He looked up at you confused, and you began to panic, wondering what you got wrong with the order. 
“I’m sorry-”
“Why didn’t you get yourself anything?” Hoseok asked. You looked at him with a blank stare, your mouth slightly opened. That was not what you expected him to comment on. 
“Well, I-”
“Let’s go get you something to drink. Do you like Starbucks?” Taehyung said, standing up to leave. “Oh, no. You look scared.”
“No wonder she looks scared- she doesn’t even know you and your offering to get her a drink!” Seokjin pulled Taehyung back down onto the couch. 
“But she’s y/n, hyung. Jungkookie told us about her.” 
The room grew quiet as Taehyung spoke. Everyone was tight-lipped and stiff, especially Jungkook. You looked over at him- his head was in his hands but you could see the redness radiating from his face. 
The thought of them talking about you amongst themselves made you feel a mess of emotions. On one hand, you were honored the be the topic of their conversation, but on the other hand, you wondered just what they were talking about. What was so remarkable about you that Jungkook couldn’t help but speak about you to the other members? 
“I- uh- it’s fine, really. I’m fine.” You tried to stand up, but a heavy hand pushed you back down. You were too flustered to really notice who it was. 
“I’m sure you know who we are at this point, but just for formalities, I’m Kim Seokjin.” Seokjin pointed to the blond next to Namjoon. 
“He’s Min Yoongi.” Yoongi gave you a small wave. 
“And He’s Kim Taehyung. You’re y/n, yes?”
“Yes, sir. But I really should-” Jimin was the one to cut you off this time. 
“You’re going to be our social media manager soon, let us treat you to a drink.” Jimin’s smile felt hypnotic, but you were too much into fight or flight mode.
‘Social media manager’ caught you off guard, however. 
“I-I think you’re mistaken, sir. I’m just a general BigHit social media intern. I’m not your manager.” 
Once again the room fell into an awkward silence. You looked around at everyone staring at each other with wide eyes and mouths slightly agape. 
“Once again, one of the kids has spoken the quiet part out loud,” Yoongi said in between sips of coffee. 
“I, uh, specifically requested you to be our manager once your internship ends,” Namjoon said, staring down at his feet. He looked up at you after a beat. “You’re young and fresh out of college. I would think you know more about social media and what’s trending than a middle-aged woman.”
You stared at the leader, not believing what you just heard. In your head, you believed you were nowhere near ready for a managerial position, especially in a sector so vital. 
“Anyways, let’s take one of the vans to Starbucks. I’ll drive.” Seokjin stood up as the rest followed. 
You sat in between Taehyung and Jimin in the far back seat of the black van, an overly expensive Pink Drink in your hands. Seokjin had gone on and on about the additions he makes whenever he gets a Pink Drink, including cold foam, peach juice, and raspberry syrup. It totaled nearly ₩12,000, which Seokjin happily paid for. 
“It’s worth it, trust me.”
It was fun to be around the members- they truly acted like brothers. They laughed loudly, messed around with each other, and even included you in the controlled chaos. You quickly found yourself relaxed and smiling around them. 
“y/n, did you graduate from university in Seoul?” Namjoon asked you, turning around to face you. 
“No, I graduated from Chonnam Univeristy in Gwangju.”
“Gwangju!” Hoseok yelled, looking back at you with a wide smile. “Are you from there?”
“Kind of. I grew up in a farming village on Gwangjuho Lake.”
“Oh really?” Taehyung said, “A farm girl.”
You let out a chuckle. “I spent more time on the internet than in the fields, though.”
It’s true that the internet basically raised you as a child. Once your parents got a computer, you would spend day and night on the internet playing games. As you grew into your preteen years, social media gained popularity, and you hopped on immediately. Your parents never monitored what you did, leading you down very scary paths online. However, it did end up with you making the internet basically your career. 
A ringing came from Namjoon’s phone, and he answered it immediately. The producers were back in the studio, wondering where they were to finish recording. The eight of you went back to the HYBE building to continue work. 
Two months had passed, and you hadn’t seen BTS around since. They were busy preparing for a comeback and tour, and you were busy working on TXT’s current comeback. Schedules never seemed to align for all of you. 
Your boss called you into his office early Friday morning. You knew your work had been satisfactory, but this meeting hadn’t been planned, so you weren’t sure exactly why he needed to see you. He sounded urgent, too. Not his typical carefree nature. 
Knocking on the door, you waited until you heard a faint ‘come in’ from the other side of the door before entering. Your boss motioned for you to take a seat, but no greeting was given, making you even more on edge. 
“y/n, you’ve done amazing work the past three months. I know your internship doesn’t officially end until May, but we feel like there won’t be enough work for you in your current position here for the next two months.”
Not knowing what to say, you simply hung your head and nodded. You were being fired. There was nothing you really could have done- no matter how well you did your work, you couldn’t have prevented there just being no work available. You stood up to excuse yourself when your boss began talking again. 
“We’d like to offer you a full-time job earlier than expected. You’d manage BTS’ social media accounts for their comeback, tour, and whatever comes after.” 
You looked up at your boss in disbelief- Namjoon had been right all those months ago. The boss had a shit-eating grin on his face- he knew he tried to initially make you believe you were fired, only to be offered a real, paying job. 
“No more analytics nonsense- you just take the photos and videos and upload them. Create good content.” 
You were dismissed from the office after being given all of next week off. Giddy, you did a small happy dance outside of his office. 
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walkman-cat · 9 months
hands up tell me abt Your star trek au right now!! on the double bro. what are the tensions it all looks too kind & magical i don’t trust it yet
(if it is literally kind & wonderful i am grateful i am thankful i am honored i’d just like to hear more)
i'm ngl my star trek au au is mostly running on vibes wbwbwb so it is pretty kind and happy and warm (i just really like how much everyone in the enterprise's crew has such a respect and care for each other yknow. found family and all that innit).
that being said, here are some funky things about the characters ive been thinking about lately (under a cut because i'm incapable of being concise):
the stars were essentially jack's santa fe. he grew up surrounded by stories of starship captains and space and it became his lifelong dream and ambition to captain a starship, something which he dropped everything to attain. now he is captain of a starship– one of the youngest in starfleet's history– and it's wonderful and fantastic and he's never felt more alive! but there's always something gnawing at the back of his mind (he's based his entire life up until this point around this moment, it was a driving force and a beacon to look up to when times were tough. what if the experience is nothing like his dreams and he ends up disappointed? what happens when the mission's over? what'll become of him?).
also starfleet's assigned him a galaxy-class starship with families onboard and he's having a Time because of it (what if they get hurt under his watch. what if he gives the wrong order and a child dies. starfleet officers know the risks of space travel and are aware of this but the families. the children). other than that he's having a great time !!
kath's half-betazoid on her mother's side, but she never knew her mother nor has she ever been to betazoid (i really went woe! being mixed and only connected to one of your cultures but still being unable to fit in even there because of the fact that you're mixed be upon ye!). she's trying real hard to learn more about betazoid and who her mother is even though she knows she won't really feel like she "belongs" in betazoid either. she's working on understanding and using her empathic/telepathic powers more.
oh also!! pulitzer is a notorious and not-well liked admiral, when kath joined the acedmy she officially had her name changed to plumber and has since told no-one that they're related (this surely won't backfire terribly on her in the future)
also because this is the spot (cat) show, kath loves spot (cat) and wants to babysit her and play with her but alas. she is allergic to cats
race cannot catch a break– he's got a massive losing streak at senior officer poker night, spot (cat) hates him, he can't grow a beard but every time theres an impostor/clone/mirror universe situation the other version of him always has a beard (this is half in jest but also it amuses me wbwb)
jokes aside, i've been having a whole bunch of race as first officer thoughts (and a lot of riker and race parallel thoughts but. that's another story). i don’t really know how to explain it other than the way riker acts in the last episode of tng season two (yes, the riker montage episode) when facing death (joking around and keeping up the appearance of flippancy and courage in the face of agonising death because he’s first officer and there are people who look up to him and he has to set an example) seemed very race and very kony to me, in a way. (youve got this to blame for riker beard race. im not sorry)
race is also one of the first people to advocate for les becoming acting ensign. he makes it very clear that he's in les' corner and makes himself responsible for his studies and sometimes his training (and he teaches him poker).
OH ALSO! sarah and davey didnt know les ws going to be onboard and only found out about his presence after they'd set off. did he sneak onboard?? mayyyybeee (he just really wants to be a starfleet officer). after the initial shock (and notifying their parents) sarah and davey start the Let Les on the Bridge campaign (letting him watch the bridge from the turbolift, helping out in sciences and engineering, etc etc) the that eventually leads to les becoming acting ensign. it reaches a point where most of jack's senior officers would probably mutiny all for this kid.
there's more stuff but i'll stop rambling now because, again, i have a problem with being concise wbwbw. thankyou soso much for the ask rizz once again i love your star trek au so much and am always eager to hear more wbwbw!!! :D
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Wayward Waters Chapter 6,5 Arthur P.O.V
Hello everyone! Chapter 6.5!
This chapter explores Arthur’s P.O.V this time!
have fun reading!
and as always Reblogs are appreciated! (Also ASK’s are open so feel free to bother me!)
AO3 Link for those that prefer the layout there;
AO3 Wayward waters
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Arthur looked out the Window onto the ocean.
Fuck his stupid motion sickness! 
If he didn't have that he could have gone with them!
Instead he had stayed back and tried to deal with the LITERAL mountains of paperwork the old King had left behind due to negligence.
He let his head fall onto the desk where even more paper was, groaning in discontent.
How the fuck did Rikaad manage to deal with all this without getting mad? And for so long as well!
Yeah no, he was done, he was so done, especially seeing as a lot of them repeated the same forty or so points again and again due to never being addressed.
Despite only working on this for about two hours he felt ready to set the room on fire and make it look like an accident, like a stray candle falling over.
Alas, none of this was his stuff, and he didn't want to somehow set the rest of the castle on fire too.
So he sorted the paper into at least now more organized piles and put them back on one of the many big drawers filled with even more paper.
Man, how many trees would have had to be felled for this all? 
At least two or three big ones.
He angrily set the piles of paper on the drawer, which caused a taller one not too far to fall over, some of the documents landing behind the drawer itself.
With a drawn out and exasperated sigh he went to fix it, picking the ones on the floor up first before jamming his hand behind the wooden furniture.
He hoped there were no spiders, while he didn't exactly have a phobia like Robin after the chaos in the forest he was not fond of them.
He fished out as much paper as he could, putting them back into a pile before leaning over the drawer to look behind it, making sure he really got everything.
It seemed he got all of them, good, he was not keen on having to move a piece of furniture that was filled with a ton of paper.
As he moved to get back upright he saw that there was another piece of paper stuck behind the drawer on the other end of the thing.
Judging by the dust it had been there for some time, 
he couldn't even make out how many pages it was.
Eh, better get it as well while he was at it, before he forgot about it.
He placed the rest of the papers back and walked to the other end of the stupidly long drawer.
He had no doubts this thing was custom made just for this.
He leaned over the stupid drawer again, reaching down behind it to snatch the dusty papers, leaning even more forward when he couldn't quite reach.
Then he tilted forward at speed, the hand he had used to stabilize himself slipping on even more paper and causing his face to crash into the wall while his other hand darted deeper behind the drawer.
He let out a howl of pain as it caused his little finger to bend in the ABSOLUTELY WRONG way and his knuckles scraped along the rough wall, causing some bleeding spots.
He still managed to grip the paper, not really caring now about the few droplets of blood that dripped onto it as he wriggled himself out from the situation to stand upright once more.
He inspected his hand which gave off painful throbs.
Yeah his little finger was definitely broken, and it was painfull as fuck!
He put the paper he retrieved on the desk without actually looking at it so he could hurry to the infirmary.
While he walked as fast as he could without tripping he clutched his injured limb close to him, of course something like that would happen to him.
He noticed he was a lot more unlucky when his friends weren't around.
He cursed his motion sickness even more now.
Walking out of the room he kicked the door shut and headed right for the stairs so he could get to the infirmary.
And of course as it was just his luck, or really not, he walked into Nea at the bottom of the stairs.
She looked at him and then noticed his injured hand.
“Well I'll be damned! How ta fuck did ye manage to mangle yer hand with paper of all things?”
Arthur rolled his eyes at her, 
she really was the last person he had wanted to see right now.
“Wasn't the stupid paper, 
i tried to get some documents from behind the drawer and slipped”
He tried to just push past her as he was not in the mood to deal with anyone at all after having to spend his morning surrounded by piles of paper.
Though before he could do that Nea grabbed him and slung him over her shoulder like a bag of flour.
“NEA! I can walk by myself! It's my hand that's injured, not my leg!”
As expected she completely disregarded what he said.
“Eh come on, I'm still faster than ya!”
He rolled his eyes while she carried him along like he was nothing.
“I'd still prefer to walk by myself! 
Of all the people to run into of course it HAD to be you” Since fighting against her was a waste of time and energy he focused on keeping his injured hand steady while she lugged him towards the infirmary at a fast and steady pace.
“Aww come on! I know ya don't actually hate me!”
He didn't, that was true, 
but she was overbearing sometimes and a bit too much and he'd rather avoid her still.
It did make him understand Robin a little better though.
“Well I like you more than Winton, that's for sure!”
He would never admit to any of that though.
She laughed loudly at the stupid comparison.
“HA! Everybody is better than that fuck! I like the stumbling block at the left side of the castle more than him!”
There was a protruding brick? He'd have to remember that.
“Fair, he's the worst i had ever had the displeasure to meet, I heard you broke his kneecap for the interrogation thing?”
While normally he was very against torture Winton had caused so much damage ,and murder and death, that he deserved to suffer for a good long while.
“Heard from someone or ‘heard’?”
Nea smiled and he was very glad they were on the same side, fuck knew if he ever was opposite of the rough woman hed rather jump from the tower onto the spiky rocks in the ocean below. 
“Heard from someone, i don't want to get within fifty feet of that asshole”
Nea shrugged, jostling him before she set him down in front of the infirmary door.
Yep, she was faster than him.
“Here ya go, next time don't stick yer fingers where they don't belong!”
If he could have he would have flipped her off, alas one hand was injured and the other cradling said injured one.
“Yeah yeah, stupid fucking paper, no idea how Rikaad manages”
He kicked the door open as softly as he could while Nea waved him off and disappeared somewhere into the castle.
He walked into the infirmary and the nurse that surely had planned to chew him out for kicking the door stopped when she saw his hand with the scraped of skin and overly bent finger.
They treated him very quickly after that and he got a weird half glove looking splint for his finger after everything was disinfected and bandaged.
It honestly looked like a fucked up version of an archer glove with metal bits to keep his fingers straight.
Well at least one thing was straight about him now.
They also gave him some bitter tasting painkiller that at least made the rest of his arm function again.
He was allowed to leave after that with the warning to come back at least once a day to make sure his finger healed right and to not use the injured hand.
He was glad he had injured the left one now as he was right handed.
He walked outside, 
trying to gauge the time as Amicia was scheduled to visit him.
Not because she was his cousin but to talk business.
Since the war, or big battle really, the bridges going over the river were almost all destroyed and it impacted trade routes.
So they had to go and plan to build new ones.
He didn't really like thinking about all that, while most of it was a blur he did remember falling face first into pale sand and then pummeling one of Winton’s men with his fists who believed he was a ghost.
Yeah that had been… something, at least his fit of rage made him blend out the rest of the carnage around him.
Still, looking at what had been left afterwards made him really glad Robin had stayed behind.
The Ginger was one of his best friends and the first one he had made after his escape from Maringand.
They had met by chance really, with Robin accidentally running into him and then apologizing profusely.
After that he had shown Arthur around as best as he could to sort of make up for it.
Since neither could afford the Inn for the next few days they stuck together with Robin showing him his favorite hiding places in the park.
Some of which had been meters deep in shrubbery or one had even been an old hollow tree where one had to climb to the top to get in.
So far that had probably been the safest place as nobody would go climbing random trees in the middle of the night.
Then in some weird chaotic string of events they managed to stop a serial thief somehow and got accepted into the Guard school in what Arthur was now sure was a publicity stunt.
Well it had worked, even if they had lied about Robin's age and just told them he was small.
And that's where they had met Rikaad, who Robin insisted on befriending even if Rikaad had not seemed interested at all.
And then half a year later they ended up in the forest chasing after Robin because Donovan had taken him, 
Rikaad now ready to murder for the redhead had previously not paid much attention to, at least at the start.
While Arthur still cursed himself for not being strong enough to stop them from leaving back then it all turned out alright in the end.
Even if he got eaten, twice.
Though both were excusable by circumstances as paradoxically it had kept him from dying.
If anything he had to admit if that had not happened things might have turned out worse than they were now?
Rikaad wasn't as standoffish as at the start, and with meeting Donovan they had to think more about how some rules created inequality for other folk.
So really, if that hadn't happened then Arthur doubted Rikaad would be working to fix those old ass laws and rules, probably deeming them not important.
All of that thanks to running into a little weirdo redhead, how strange fate could be.
He nearly walked into a flower pot during his musings and had to take a look at where the hell he was walking. 
The flower pot contained a few visibly wilting plants that he couldn't identify. 
Man, why did it all look so unkempt?
He quickly left the garden and walked to the front gate of the castle wall instead. 
Amicia and whoever else she brought was due to arrive soon anyway, might as well be polite and greet them. 
To be completely honest he was not looking forward to having to discuss building bridges, he was not an architect and would have no idea what he was doing. 
He could only hope that whoever Amicia dragged along knew at least a little bit about building on the swampy ground that was around the river. 
Also he had to give it to her to be at least considerate enough to meet him here instead of making him go to her or meet somewhere else.
Using a carriage with his Motion sickness was just awful so he was glad she agreed to come here.
Speaking of, he could see said carriage where no doubt Amicia was in.
Right on time! Maybe even a bit early.
He waited patiently for the carriage to come to a stop in front of the gate and before the coachman could even think of opening the door for he she had ripped it open and sprung out.
Not surprising, what WAS surprising however was that she had brought the other Ardua boy along.
Rowley was it?
The poor boy looked nervous and half hid behind Arthur's cousin despite having been here before.
Said cousin was wearing pants, which was not new for her,  But at least this time they weren't made from curtains.
God the housemaid had flipped out about that.
As soon as she saw him Amicia ran into him and gave him a hug,  he luckily had the mind to hold his injured hand away so it didn't get caught in the bear hug.
“Nice to see you too, how's it going for you as ruler?”
She let go of him and smiled.
“It's great! Though we got way less paperwork than your lot! 
Whoever was put in charge before must've had a knack for it!”
Arthur wished it was the same here.
Amicia then seemed to notice his injured hand.
“Are you alright? What happened?”
She grabbed his uninjured underarm and inspected the damage.
“Broke my little finger, it'll heal don't worry, i slipped on paper”
She looked up at him with a very unamused expression.
“How-? Nevermind i've seen the amount of paper in that room i don't want to know, lets go inside and talk about building things!”
Despite not living here at all she dragged him, 
and a perplexed Rowley, inside.
“You don't even know where to go! Slow down dammit!”
And for once Amicia actually listened to him.
“Well then tell me! I want to get this over with and maybe kick Winton in the face while I'm here!”
Arthur rolled his eyes at her antics, at least he was already used to her.
“If you let go of me i can show you”
She let go of his uninjured hand and he turned to one of the side doors to his right.
“Behind that door and down a hallway is some old meeting room, Norrin already put all the necessary things-”
Amica clearly wasn't listening anymore as she dragged the poor Rowley towards the door.
Arthur was quite frankly surprised the boy put up with her, especially after what Winton did.
Well while the boy did seem nervous he actually clung to Amica, 
so it was more likely the new environment rather than her.
That was a first, whatever, at least she was making friends.
Also Rowley seemed polite so there was that.
He walked in after them seeing that Amica had already secured the only window seat and put Rowley right next to her.
Norrin was as mentioned beforehand already there as well, standing alert there and looking slightly confused at Amica.
Arthur didn't doubt Amica had made some stupid comment, but apparently Norrin had done the smart thing and ignored her.
He took the seat opposite her and motioned for Norrin to sit down as well, he really didn't want to have someone standing behind him the entire time while he talked.
He had never liked that.
“Yeah we all know why we're here,  i say we cut the formalities and just do what we are here to do”
After having to go to countless stupid meetings in the past already when he still lived in Maringand he was kinda done with that shit.
At least Amicia seemed to agree.
“Sure! I hate talking around things anyway! Like mosquitoes but the only thing lost is a chunk of our time instead of blood!” He really wished she didn't describe things like that, and judging by the faces Norrin and Rowley made they thought the same thing.
“Yeah alright, so we need to build a bunch of new bridges, since the old ones got arsoned and whatnot.
Any ideas for placements? We already drew a few onto a map but since the other half is your stuff you have to give it the okay.
Also we need to talk about what materials to use and who brings how much of what” He pointed at the map while speaking and Amica pulled it closer to her, looking over it while Rowley half leaned over her shoulder to see it as well.
“Nice map! Almost too pretty to have you scribbling over it like that!
As for placements, well the one near the waterfall would be the shortest route but our side of the river is just absolute swamp there, I think I heard about quicksand too! Someone could fall in and die!
I think the middle one is best! 
The one near the forest seems useless to me as that route takes longer! Also monsters from the forest could attack!”
That had been helpful and unhelpful at the same time.
He took the map back and crossed the sketch nearest to the waterfall as well as the one next to the forest.
Which left two places roughly in the middle,  if they made both there wouldn't be any traffic jam at least.
“So we are building the two in the middle? Alright what should we make them out of?”
So far it went pretty well aside from the fact Amica made these awkward comments.
She was also kinda morbid.
“Well the old ones were made of wood, and then burned. 
Since I doubt we are going to have another war,  Maybe we can make a stone one? 
Would prevent it from rotting and collapsing when people walk over it as well!”
Arthur really hated the mental images she put into his head sometimes.
“Alright, stone it is, having something sturdier would mean we don't have to replace old wood all that much as well, 
now we just need to figure out a design and-”
Before he could actually finish his sentence the door to the room flung open, startling Norrin who drew his longsword and making Rowley hide Behind Amicia in shock.
It was Oakley because of course it was.
The birdlike man was carrying a big piece of rolled up paper with him and then simply shoved their own paper from the table to roll it out.
Oakley then stood there like a proud hawk, pointing at what Arthur now recognized as an elaborate blueprint.
“Heard ya needed a new bridge! Got bored and made blueprints! You can have them!”
Yeah that sounded about right, at least for Oakley.
He was so god damn extra sometimes though.
Arthur really didn't have one ‘normal’ friend.
Looking at the paper he saw a detailed instruction on how to build a big and rather pretty bridge, though it was longer than actually needed and gave off the vibe of an aqueduct somehow.
“I- thanks Oakley, but i think this bridge is a bit too long for the river, 
this thing is like three times as long as the river is wide”
Oakley just nodded and pointed at the riverbanks.
“Yes I know! In case of heavy rainfall the sides would get all swampy and muddy! Or even flood! So having it long like this would avoid that and give safe passage even in bad weather!” Wow, Oakley thought pretty far ahead huh?
Just then Amica shoved him off the side of the chair to take a look at it since from her perspective it had been upside down.
Arthur would normally take it personally if he didn't know that that was just how his cousin was.
So he just grumbled and stood up from the floor with Norrins help who had offered a hand and looked at Amica with a weirdly deadpan expression.
"Ooh that looks pretty! How did you draw that with only three fingers? And wouldn't your wings smudge it anyway?"
Yep, leave it to her to ask the weird questions. 
At least Oakley didn't seem bothered by it,  instead pointing to his two pronged tail. 
"I know, I learned how to hold a pen with my tail so nothing would get smudged!"
To demonstrate he picked up one of Arthur's pencils with his weird two pronged tail and twirled it. 
Admittedly this was kinda impressive. 
They were getting off topic though. 
"Okay the bridges are nice and all but we still need to figure out where to get the materials needed and on top of that we also need workers. 
We should get people that know what they are doing in this situation, 
like carpenters and stone carvers and the like. 
Which means we need to figure out a salary for them as well"
While the plan Oakley gave them was pretty good they did need to figure out how to actually build it.
Of course none of them had an answer to that. 
“Oh! How about I give Rowley the bracelet back? He could help drag some of the bigger stones! No wait Rikaad made child labour illegal.
Eh what's he gonna do? Kill me? That has been tried and failed twice as many times as it was successful!”
Oh right, Oakley was like semi immortal or something, though Arthur had no idea how the fuck that worked, just that a tree was involved.
Also the notion alone of him having been killed more than once was horrifying.
“Okay first of, what the fuck? Secondly I think we should ask Rowley if he even wants to? Not to talk over him but last time he didn't want it so i don't think shoving that onto him is nice”
While he was aware that yes, it would be faster he didn't want to put the poor guy on the spot like this.
Norrin leaned forward then despite having been quiet the entire time.
“If I may interject? We could bring all the lighter and smaller materials there first and prepare them, 
I do not think the King and the other two will be gone for more than a month, and when they come back Donovan could help?”
That was, very reasonable actually, huh,  Norrin was smarter than most gave him credit.
Probably because he was more the quiet type, but he was right.
As was proven by Oakleys nodding and Amica opening her mouth to no doubt say something cursed.
They were spared the probably distasteful comment as Rowley distracted her by grabbing her wrist and hiding behind her.
“M’not keen to have so many people look at me, n’ i dun like the shapeshifting thing”
Despite his mumbling Arthur understood him well enough.
Yeah he couldn't blame the boy for not wanting back into the form that Winton had abused and was forced to fight in a war.
Oakley just shrugged at that, He was even more socially inept as Nea sometimes.
“Eh, just a suggestion, but I like Norrin’s more! Donovan is stronger anyway!, well you have the blue prints so i'll leave you to figure it out!”
With that he walked to the only window in the room and jumped out of it.
Amicia and Rowley just looked after him rather perplexed.
“Aren't we on the second floor?, no wait nevermind the fucker got wings, if i could ignore a door like that i would too”
Of course Amica would say that,  and Rowley was justified to look at her horrified like that.
Arthur just rolled his eyes.
“Can we get this done already? 
I have paperwork to do that makes me want to commit arson”
“Oh yeah, sure, I also have some things to do, 
but I want to do them and don't have to!”
Why did he like her again? Right only living relative and she did make his childhood more bearable by making everyone else mad.
He didn't find it as funny when it was him.
At least everyone sat back at the table, 
except for Norrin who was still standing guard.
Secretly Arthur was glad to not have to be alone with his cousin in a room, well Rowley was here but the boy looked like he wanted to fuse to the wall and never be seen again.
“Okay so, we got blueprints and I'm pretty sure Oakley secretly takes drugs, but we still need to organize materials and workers,  as well as figure out a salary for said workers, any ideas?”
“Well i want whatever Drug that guy took if this is the result” “AMICIA!”
The meeting went on for a total of about three hours and by the end of it Arthur was exhausted and angry.
But at least they had figured out that Kamerasca and Maringand would import stones from a Kingdom named Synef and use the sturdy wood of the nearby forest to build it and that workers of both kingdoms would help to actually build it.
He walked, or rather shambled, outside for a bit of fresh air before he had to go back to do paperwork.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw his cousin talk to Nea who nodded and then led her towards the basement door. 
He did not want to know. 
He'd just pretend that he never saw anything. 
Ignoring the fact that those two would absolutely commit murder he went back inside and up the stairs to the room with the fuckton of paper.
If anything plausible deniability sounded good, 
so back to working it was.
He went over to the desk and saw that one of the papers had a drop of blood on it.
Oh right, the very reason he broke his finger.
The blood was surely dried by now so no just cleaning it.
He sighed, 
at least it didn't look like the drop fell on any writing on the paper.
What was it even about?
He picked it up and examined it.
A wide smile appeared on his face after reading the title.
Hey, at least this day didn't end as bad as it started!
And maybe Rikaad would relax more now that he found the stupid paper the young King had been looking for for weeks.
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