#and like. it is fun! but it is also a bitch and challenge lmaoo
ofj-art · 4 months
Developing fangan designs are so much fun. Having a sort of gimmick with their talent is a great prompt to jump off of. It’s sort of low stakes designing.
When I design for Rift it is still fun, but it’s with the expectation that because Rift is a comic I’m gonna need to break these designs down to their essentials and plan them out in a way that’s easy to understand for replication. There’s also gotta be sooome level of groundedness in their presentations. Distinct styles, but practical to a degree to suit their world. Although I am trying to incorporate more whimsical exaggeration. Loosen up a bit for maximum expression. But I’m still drawing them over and over again, but in many different poses and angles for my comic.
Fangan characters are much less serious of stakes. They have motivations and a level of depth as any character, but there’s a level of campiness that makes it more simple. They have full permission to be a bit goofy because of the tone of the story they exist in. Their presentation is direct and on the nose (unless subverting your expectations which is still fun!)
Idk, it’s just a fun time. I’ll be posting some of my designs sooner or later. As much as I love Rift I need a break from it sometimes so I can come back to it with fresh eyes and renewed vigor. Working on my fangans is an excellent distraction and great practice for a variety of character designs. Styles, body language, and body type. And it doesn’t need to be too serious.
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awhiskeyriver · 3 years
I have more **VERY IMPORTANT AND URGENT QUESTIONS** that I need you to answer now please and thank you (the weird anons have inspired me)
1) Who is the most likely to pull an all nighter? (For fun and not for fun)
2) Who is the biggest baby when they have a cold?
3) What style of underpants do the MCs in Nightlocks wear?
4) Who still sleeps with a stuffed animal?
5) Who has had a truly embarrassing haircut?
Okay, these are v important questions indeed, lmaoo...you're really making me think here friend, I love it.
Katniss and Peeta are def the most likely to pull an all nighter for fun. They are silly gooses who like to do things like make blanket forts, sneak into the kitchen for late night snacks, stay up chatting and of course spontaneous sexy time, too. For *not fun* probably Gale and Madge. Madge because she over obsesses about quizzes/papers and spends the night before stress cramming and making Gale quiz her (ie: the one scene in the challenge, lol). Gale because he's a procrastinator and remembers at the last minute when he has something big going down the next day.
Katniss is the biggest baby when she has a cold. She gets overly cuddly and climbs into Peeta's lap and when he asks what she needs from the store she asks for the Kleenex with lotion in them with big eyes that he can't say no to. Also for his homemade soup, haha.
Okay question three is very important, very important indeed. Ladies first--Katniss sticks to basic bikini cut unless there's a special occasion, then she does a thong or something to avoid panty lines. She doesn't go for anything *too* fancy, because when money is tight it doesn't get spent on high-end undies so usually it's just from the mix and match section in Target. Madge's favorites are boy shorts and she has them in an array of colors and patterns--blue stripes, pink hearts, yellow polka dots, etc etc. Annie usually goes panty-less...you gotta watch out for the quiet ones.
I think all of the guys vary between wearing boxers and boxer briefs. Gale is definitely firmly in the boxer brief territory. Peeta doesn't mind either, but Katniss likes it better when he wears briefs because they hug his ass and thighs and leave little to the imagination. Finnick has multiple pairs of boxers which are suggestive in a hilariously corny ways, like ones with banana's all over them or something.
Madge has a teddy that she still sleeps with whenever she's alone and needs something to cuddle with or is missing home.
And man oh man, who HASN'T had an embarrassing haircut? Like the time in middle school when Madge insisted on wearing pink and purple "clip-in highlights" in her hair--even on picture day. Her parents still keep the photo front and center despite her protests now. Or when Katniss decided to get "the chop" in high school and instantly regretted it because her curls tightened and she felt like a poodle. It was a bitch to grow back out and now she never goes so short that she can't do a braid.
Gale's was when his mom let the neighbor in cosmetology school shave his head over the summer (clearly he is not over it and does NOT like cutting his hair). Finnick, bless his heart, had a couple bad/awkward cuts when his hair was growing back after chemotherapy.
Honestly though, I don't think Peeta or Annie have ever had bad hair cuts. Those gorgeous curls have always been a blessing for Peeta and Annie has never done anything drastic with her hair--cut or color wise. Only small trims to keep it healthy and always long enough that it could be pulled up into a bun.
Thanks for the questions, babe! Hope you enjoyed the answers :) haha
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imlostinsantacarla · 4 years
Anonymous said: Hello! May I request an x reader with Marko and a female reader? Something where he helps her dye her hair a bright color.
(a/n: heya hun, thanks so much for your request! i’m so sorry that it took me a thousand years to get round to writing it and then posting it. i hope that you enjoyed what i came up with and it’s what you were looking for. - admin kat 🌙❣)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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Marko Helping his S/o Dye Their Hair a Bright Color Headcanons:
° When you first told him, this boy was so  s t o k e d!! He was practically bouncing on the spot with utter excitement over the entire ordeal.
° “What color?!” He inquired with an immense beam stretched from ear to ear across his entire countenance. His eyes had lit up like bright torches whilst he imagined the endless possibilities.
° Yet no matter what color you decided to go for, he thinks it’ll suit you. He’s honestly your biggest hype man at this point! He’s a supportive significant other, he doesn’t want to dictate the way that you look or act because he believes in allowing you to have total freedom on how you express yourself, in whatever way that you see fit.
° In all honesty, you already had bought the pack of bleach and dye for yourself because you’re a prepared badass bitch! You want this to work and Marko, your ever loving boyfriend, is not going to settle for anything less than perfect. After all, it’s your hair and he wants you to be happy with it!
° Originally, your friend was meant to help you out with the bleaching and dying process, however, they bailed out the night before which left you with a predicament. This led to you asking Marko for help, which he gladly accepted. You had wanted it to be a surprise, however that idea was promptly scrapped when your friend decided to change their plans.
° During the entire process he’s hyped asf!!! Marko is bouncing like an excitable child. He can’t wait to get this done because he knows you’re going to look fire!
° The night of this colorful ordeal, he showed up with snacks and soda, because you guys are definitely going to pig out whilst you dye your hair. He also calls a pizza joint somewhere in the area so y’all can eat something solid too, because pizza is the best! Obviously there’s no garlic for him because that would go down terribly.
° You’re filled with nervous anticipation so Marko has your favorite bands/musicians playing in the background to soothe your nerves. He constantly reassures you that it’ll turn out great because he’s not going to fuck up your hair. He swears on his eternal life that he won’t! He’s not Paul after all...
° This boy genuinely gets everything that you both need, including one pair of gloves; which are for you because he’s undead and refuses to wear them. Besides who needs that shit anyway? Not him!
° I believe it would be a team effort when it comes to the bleaching and dying of your hair. Marko doesn’t want to take away from the experience, so you get to do the front of your hair while he gets to do the back and the hard to reach areas. And again, he’s so excited that he’s having such a challenging time keeping still.
° Marko is incredibly professional about the entire ordeal and ensures that the bleach is covering your hair completely and has been worked in super well. He is really gentle with your hair the entire time so he doesn’t hurt you.
° Then the pizza arrives just as you’ve finished putting the bleach on and Marko is a little punk and hypnotizes the pizza guy so y’all don’t have to pay lmaoo. You aren’t complaining though because he did order enough pizza for all the boys, even though they’re not there? And you weren’t going to pay $50+ in pizza.
° Marko is such a sweetheart that he keeps track of the time so your hair doesn’t fry, your scalp doesn’t get burnt and that you don’t lose your hair. My man cares about your well-being! That is incredibly evident.
° So y’all are pigging out on pizza with your stereo blaring in the background whilst you talk about your days or anything really. This also happens in between you both belting out proper tunes like the pair of cool kids that you are!
° And of course he washes his hands before he goes to wash your hair out!
° He’s very meticulous when it comes to washing out all of the bleach, but he’s a bit unsure of when that is because he’s never had to really bleach anyone's hair before? But nevertheless, he does a fantastic job and when he’s working in the conditioner, he’s giving you a scalp massage that almost makes you fall asleep over the edge of the tub.
° Cue this little shit spraying water down your top so now you’ve got soaking white hair and you’re shirtless! He’s living his best life then! He definitely also dodges all the attempts you make at trying to get him wet as well. He’s not having any of it and shuts the water off before anything wild can occur.
° He then helps you put in the dye. You use gloves but he doesn’t because in his eyes, gloves are for fucking pussies!
° Marko does an astounding job as always and works the color in really well, being very gentle about it! This boy is genuinely the sweetest ever!
° Then the pair of you just chill out and watch something funny as hell on the TV when you wait for the dye to settle in. He’s still keeping time for you though!
° You look down at his hands and they’re just fucking  v i b r a n t  as hell, even though he washed his hands immediately afterwards.
° “I told you to wear gloves!”
° “Gloves are for pussies!”
° Marko washes out the dye super well and wraps your head in a towel. He wipes away any colored water that’s dripping down your face because he’s the sweetest chicken!
° Not gonna lie though, he first threw the towel in your face because he’s kinda an ass like that. He also didn’t regret that life choice either.
° Now it’s all on you to take the ropes in regards to drying and styling your hair. It’s your individual choice and Marko isn’t mad however you style it. He thinks you could rock any hairstyle. So instead, he would lay back on your bed and just observe you. He showers you in compliments the entire time!
° “Babe! You look so pretty.”
° “It so suits you!”
° “Man, the boys are gonna freak when they see you!”
° “You look so bad ass!”
° “You’re gonna look even better when you wear my jacket now.”
° “I’m so glad we did this!”
° It’s practically impossible for the boy not to run his fingers through your hair, whether it’s long or short. He’s so incredibly mesmerized and the conditioner made it sooo soft!
° He also has a habit of smelling your hair a lot afterwards, telling you that the conditioner is nice but the bleach burns his nostrils a lot.
° And honestly, he can’t stop playing with your hair after because it amuses him so much. Even if you complain that your hair will get oily from his constant touch, he doesn’t relent. How can he when it’s so bright and soft?!
° Marko will be down to redye your hair, bleach and dye the roots once they’ve grown out or will straight up just dye it another color, if you wanted him to. He’s so excited for the next time because this was an incredibly fun experience for him.
° Whatever you want he’s down for.
° He will probably give you crazy ideas for next time, which you either accept as potential ideas, claiming he’s a genius or you disregard because there’s no way you’re that crazy to pull off his suggestions. But he makes a mental note of what are potential options.
° Marko was right about something though, the other boys did flip out when they saw you. But in the best way of course! They teased you for how bright it was, stating that none of them would be able to lose you on the BoardWalk now.
° P.s. you made him clean up the water on the floor.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
please like, reblog and follow for more!
requests: closed!
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marukrawler · 4 years
bakugan liveblogging episode 31 (skipping marucho’s trial real quick bc i wanna know what happens to shun)
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- lmaoo way to ‘foreshadow’ alice and masquerade’s connection through some quick cuts.
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- subtitle provider is a joe stan, through and through (but we been knew)
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- shun screaming as he’s flung away in one direction, followed by phoenix’ shrill as fuck scream had me dEAD
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- whyyyyy
- the way shun read the title card was so extra too
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- oh god oh boy oh geez oh fuck-
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- shun: “we’ll take on any challenge you give us!”
- bby shiori: “hey!”
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- shun if you don’t look at that uncanny hair flip and put 2 and 2 together
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- sorry mommy but while you were in the hospital, i was studying the blade
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- but she was studying deception
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- these ninja tricks are getting out of hand
- with speed like this he has no excuse for not catching masquerade already and ending this season
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- aww
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- AW
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- tfw you forget what city you live in but tbh. mood.
- the realization that the sun isn’t setting was so ominous
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- OHHHH i get it
- the sun not setting connects to shun’s past attempt at stopping time for his mother so she wouldn’t die nOOOOOO-
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- oh no was shun used to his mom being sick for so long ._.
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- im trying be sAD here lmaoo
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- its fine, dan bites anyway
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- mm ok so the sun never setting refers to a memory of shun’s mom wishing it was always evening so they could hang out together. but im sure it’s also a parallel.
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- i skipped marucho’s trial for this yall
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- oh god, the absolute heartbreak of hanging out and having fun with a little girl and now you gotta defeat her just as you realize its ur dead mom
- fuck this show rlly hates shun huh
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- ok that’s. cute.
- what’s the significance of the cable cars though.
- ohh so chibi shiori knows what moves shun will do bc shiori used to know everything about shun. dID YOU KNOW ABOUT HIS HELLISH NINJA TRAINING MOMMY???
- disregarding that, how is shun supposed to play now?? LIKE DAN??? lmaoo
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- oberon is a nightmare
- don’t be scared skyress ur much prettier than her. and u got ur own theme music.
- yall know what quartet battle means right. . .four bakugan on the gate card and i only see three.
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- good question
- shun generally seems like he’s holding himself back from battling properly rip
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- the majestic mom no. 2
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- nhi huynh predicts the fall of skyori yall
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- don’t have a flashback while phoenix is being manhandled bruh
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- but tbh. . .she’d be a kid tho. not mom size. so personally. i wouldn’t.
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- THIS ISN’T A ‘well i guess she’s dead’ MOMENT
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- this traumatic experience done gave him thicker lines
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- this show really said ‘lets have shun watch his mom die in front of him again’
- also. still think the healing tear trope is cliche but. okay.
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- idk. . .is phoenix saying shun helped her evolve or that she was going to evolve anyway bc she died. i guess she was just never in danger of dying lmao.
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- phoenix says ‘remember when you cooked me’
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- and the winner of the custody battle is
- the ominous finally sets good fucking riddance
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- to who
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- shun no you didn’t
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- physically 13 but mentally 21
- eyyy they’re the new ventus warriors
- woww what an emotional rollercoaster
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leechanluvbot · 6 years
Make A Splash! | Boo Seungkwan
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Maybe nearly drowning in the wave pool at Typhoon Lagoon wasn’t the highlight of your day, but finally talking to the cute lifeguard on duty sure was.
Part 1/13 of the Disney w/ SVT series! | masterlist here 
Genre: fluff, mini bit of angst, non idol!SVT, Seungkwan x reader 
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drowning and mini panic attack 
Recommended song: Candle Light - NCT Dream
Summer in Florida was especially hot this year
You and your friends were dying for a day off of this sweltering temperature 
So your close friend, Jennie, came up with a plan to beat this heat for one day at your house
“I’m so boredddd” Jiyho groaned, throwing her phone somewhere behind her
Your barely glanced up from your book that you were reading
“Go eat a popsicle or something then” you mumbled
“Boooo I don’t like your tone,” Jiyho yelled back
“I wanna do something fun for once! Like there gotta be something we can do” 
“Idea!” Jennie said sitting up quickly from your bed she was sitting on
“Lets go to the waterpark!” 
“Oh my gOD I haven’t been in years, y/n can we go??” 
You looked between the two rowdy girls, contemplating this idea 
I mean, what was there to loose? You loved the water and going to a waterpark genuinely sounded fun
Except for the fact you were not a strong swimmer 
You figured you would still go to swim, but nothing too crazy 
You threw your book down and stood up
“Fuck it, lets go” 
 An hour later, you and ur girlies drove over to the closest waterpark
Typhoon Lagoon 
“I haven’t been in years!” Jiyho said as you passed through the gates
“I wonder whats changed.”
Leaning back in the front seat, you also wondered the same thing
After spending a shit ton of money JUST TO GET IN i’m big mad about the one day pass like tf
Y’all found seats near the water to sunbathe 🤩🤩
Laying out your stuff, you just happened to look up for a second
And thought you had had developed sun stroke and went to heaven
Cause w h o was that fine ass angel in the lifeguard tower??
And apparently you said this out loud cause your friends immediately whipped their heads to check him out 
“He is cute” Jiyho whispered “Do you think he’s available?”she questioned, to which Jennie smacked her 
“Eyy y/n called dibs relaxed” Jennie grumbled
 But you weren’t listening
You were too focused on staring burning holes into that beautiful boy’s back
y/n stop being whipped challenge: failed 
You immediately made a pact with your friends to try and get this cute boy’s attention at all cost today
When he wasn’t busy that is!!! please don’t try to distract a working lifeguard 
Standing up straighter and smiling while sending little glances up at the chair, mission get y/n their man was a go 🤪👊🏼
Meanwhile, Seungkwan was bored™️
There was little to do at Disney, since everything was pretty much baby-proofed
expect for the wave pool, where he was currently stationed 
The amount of dumb tourists that were knocked down by waves and then proceeded to come to him to complain when it is literally called a wave pool was frustrating to say the least
Like he’s supposed to be on duty, what is he supposed to do, fight the pool? headass 🗿
So whlle he was grilling away in the heat, he decided to people watch
his personal talent
And his eyes landed on you and your rowdy friends
Mentally groaning to himself, he sat up straighter to make sure to keep extra watch on your group
It was always the rowdy groups that caused the most trouble 
Trying to not make it so obivous he was babysitting your group from far away, he only took sparring glances at your and your friends
Meaning he missed the signals you sent to him to,,, “flirt” if you can even call it that 
Which was frustrating,, to say the least
So with you growing more and more unconfident in making Kwannie turn, your friends immediately knew what they had to do when they got to the deeper part o the wave pool 
Which was faking you drowning
Sounds kinda desperate but how else were you gonna get his attention?? he’s a working man
Jennie cleared her throat after sending Jiyho a look
“Hey y/n, lets go in deeper!” 
You immediately got nervous with that 
“I don’t know guys,,, its already pretty strong over here, and its barely up to our thighs,,,”
 Jiyho just waved it off “You’ll be fine, you have us to hold you up<” Jiyho started
“And if anything goes wrong, mr cute over there can hold you up ;)))” 
“Y’all better not be planning my funeral” you warned wearly as they dragged you deeper into the water
Jennie + Jiyho: “Don’t worry!! You’ll live”
Watching you being dragged over to the deep end of the pool, Seungkwan started to really focus on you guys
Only to be blocked by Chan who stood in front of him
“Hyung, you can take break now, I got it” the younger boy stated
“Give me a couple more minutes” he muttered, eyes never leaving you and your friends
Chan followed his gaze over to the pool, where you were currently being dragged into shoulder height
“Ah! do you like one of them or something?” Chan said loudly
Seungkwan opened his mouth to say something when he heard a loud shout from the pool
Just as he thought, it was you that went under the waves
He cursed to himself, shoving Chan out of the way 
“Move fathead, I got this” he grunted before sprinting over to the scene 
Chan, ten seconds later: “fATHEAD?? BITCH-” 
Meanwhile during that short talk, you were trying to break free from your friends
“Guy I really don’t feel comfortable anymore, we’re almost over our heads!” you called, but they weren’t listening anymore
Struggling to break free, you coincidentally didn’t see the rather large wave coming towards you and your friends 
“Here we go!” Jennie shouted gleefully, as the wave crashed into the three of you 
Not expecting it, you took in a large gasp of pool water while under there, and were failing after Jennie and Jiyho let go of you
Panicking as if you forgot how to swim, your body completely went into fight or flight mode and you started to flail 
This in turn, made things worse
Just as your boy was about to completely knock out from sheer terror, a strong grip grabbed your arm and yanked you up
Sputtering and thinking it was Jennie you turned to give her a piece of your mind
Instead you found yourself being dragged to the land with a concerned Jennie and a near tears Jiyho behind you, the two apologizing profusely
Putting two and two together you slowly turned to see none other that the cute lifeguard from before,,, shit 🗿
Finally hitting ground where you could stand you gently pried your arm out of his grip
“I-I can stand from here,, but t-thank you for all your help,,,” you said awkwardly
He turned and gave you a hard look 
Expecting him to yell a you, you prepared for the worst
But wasn’t expecting his reaction  “It’s my job” Seungkwan said with a laugh, “Are you in need of any other assistance now that you have my attention?”
This was the opportunity you friends had been waiting on
“Actually yes!!” Jiyho started, briskly walking over to you two
“She’s still a little weak on her feet, could you maybe help her??” 
And guess what 
Seungkwan, as if he was expecting it, caught your flying body before you knocked the two of you over
“Careful now, you did nearly swallow the whole pool” he joked 
“Watch it” you said gently hitting his arm
As unprofessional as it was, Seungkwan couldn’t help but admit that you were really pretty,,,
He couldn’t really tell from afar and underwater, but damn
Boy was: whipped
SO he was gonna try and milk any time he could have with you 
“Maybe we should have you checked out, just to make sure” he said
“YES! She would love that!” Jihyo blurted, making you turn pink
Smooth Jiyho. 10/10 
“O-oh? Your face is turning red,” Seungkwan said, feigning ignorance. “ I think we should at least give you sunscreen or a some water.” 
So with that said, he took you over to one of the huts selling drinks and bought you one
“Wait-” you started but he raised a hand. 
“No need,” he said with a smile. “After all, it’s my job.”
“At least let me pay you back somehow,,” You said ”I feel bad that you saved me and bought me water.” 
“Just your name with be enough” smooth, Kwan
“It’s y/n” you said, sticking your hand out. “And you? What’s yours? Or should I keep calling you the cute lifeguard that saved my life?” 
Now its Seungkwan’s turned to be flustered uwu
“I’m Seungkwan. But cute lifeguard works too,,,”
After returning to our friends with your water and a comfortable silence between you and Seungkwan, you turned to him
“When’s your next break? Maybe,,, if you want company,, I can chill with you while they go swim?” you questioned bashfully 
“I would love that”
During his short yet sweet break, you guys got to know each other better 
Seungkwan tried to finesse the system and tried to make Chan take his second shift 
“Im helping the poor soul who nearly drowned! D R OW N E D, Chan. I’m in a therapy session right now shut up” 
RIP Seungkwan 
Later, as you were finally leaving the pool, Seungkwan jogged up to you stopped you yet again 
“Wait!” He said, nearly out of great from running from his shift
“I know it’s a little early but, can I get your number?”
*Cue internal screeching*
“S-sure!” And with that the two of you shot each other a quick text so the other would have the number saved
As you sat in the car talking to the two troublemakers up front, your phone dinged once more
Cute lifeguard 😊💞: hey, when can I see you again?
You nearly made Jennie crash the car after the scream you let out LMAOO
And once you told the girls, they screamed too DBDJDB
Texting back quickly you responded with:
You: I’m free Friday night, if you wanted to catch the Disney fireworks?
Cute lifeguard 😊💞: works for me! See you then! 😆
me that’s who 🤪
Putting the phone down and grinning, you couldn’t help but be excited for whatever was next to come with you and Seungkwan
Who knows, maybe this summer will be a memorable one with a boyfriend?? Only time would tell ;))
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survivorelara · 6 years
Episode #3: “This tribe can literally suck my left nut.” - Toby
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Well after goofing my confessional days (sorry hosts who have to figure that one out.) I got an alliance chat together so that we can communicate without goofing up the challenge the only downside is that we haven't started yet due to nobody being on. (The sucky thing of people having different timezones.)
I'm hoping we can pull another win out of this challenge, I'm trying to just keep things casual overall, I can't exactly start making big moves or anything out of the gate. (Making this 4-man alliance is as big as it's gonna get for now.)
Just gotta stay low, do my part in challenges, and work social magic on people... ew did I really try to tell myself that I have social magic?
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I feel like a loser. Even though I was saved. I can be stubborn sometimes and it makes me look bad. I hate that.
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ok I started writing this yesterday.... and then forgot to send it... anyways hi this games going pretty good still? we havent gone to tribal and i really think I have some good allies on my tribe. also legacy woo!!!! I’m a bit overwhelmed with work irl but as always I’m going to ignore it
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RoxyToday at 3:54 PM 201 202 203 304 RoxyToday at 3:54 PM 201 202 203 304 RoxyToday at 3:54 PM 201 202 203 304 RoxyToday at 3:54 PM 201 202 203 304 RoxyToday at 3:54 PM 201 202 203 304 RoxyToday at 3:54 PM 201 202 203 304
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oh? you want to hear about my master strategy? the one where i vote for odd instead of logan? well, it's actually a really complicated plan that involves: 1. voting early because i was about to go into a really long class that i cant use my phone in 2. that's it.   this is only the FIRST step that leads to me skillfully placing myself in the FTC where i win by a vote of 8-0-0.
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Me? Sabotaging a challenge?? For a joint tribal council???
It's more likely than you think.
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hi.......... so immunity challenge isn't going too well... half of our 24 hours is up and we're on 67. i mean that's mainly because no one was awake when i was so i really expect everyone to be popping off when im sleeping.... i don't want to go to tribal at all (even less than if it were to just be our tribe going to tribal, despite us having the numbers) because i can see this flipping on us somehow... or an idol being played or some shiz. hopefully,,,,,,,,, the other losing tribe if we go really aren't close and don't have our ~incredible~ group morale so the chance of an idol being played is minimised.... i can't really do anything rn except be optimistic and help with immunity but no one is on! ughhhhh if i dont get to play my legacy myself im gonna be s0000000 sad. i think if i go i'll give it to andrea bc i mean i knew louise beforehand but it isn't that fair to give it her because of pre-existing relationships... and andrea's a queen so.
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Well we got into the challenge a little late unfortunately. I'm also worried I might be acting more... leaderly than I wanted to coming in, but hopefully I'm garnering more respect and appreciation rather than Oh, he's bossy, or Oh, he's good at this he's a threat, etc etc.
Ideally we wanna avoid that double tribal, but if we go then we'll just hopefully stay 6 strong, because I mean if we don't that means our tribe has a snake, which would suck.
I'm hoping to keep my, overall casually gameplay up, though my social game is lacking a bit, if I talk a bit more with people I think I'll be able to get people on board the Kori train.
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We are currently at 420 as a score and I kinda hope it stays that way lawllll I doubt we are going to win but I honestly wouldn't mind some excitement as far as a tribal council will go. If we lose we will have 6 going against whatever other tribe we are againsts 5. So I wouldn't by any means say this is being thrown because we have all been trying however nobody has really been panicking today which is fun. I have really enjoyed talking with Big Z as we have been getting these numbers in together the last few hours, and am hoping if we swap together we will have a good connection going forward. I want to make everyone feel good and comfortable working with me
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A combined tribal council... I really don't know how to feel. I'm already set for tribal council tonight, but I just want to know who will be attending alongside us. Like, its just something that is so defeatist and shit, but like if you fuck up on 203 out of all numbers and its just you and one other person... that's concerning.
Like that is my mood when I woke up. We lost at the number 203. Probably the other tribes are in the high 1000s and idk. I'm just begging for the worst at this point.
I take it back. No one cleared 500. That's just pathetic. Truly, it is.
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Wow we were trash and now we have to vote someone out if it’s me I’m gonna 🔫🔫🔫🔫 everyone before I leave they’re all getting super soaked
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FUCK BITCH! We're going to tribal with the other damn tribe. FUCK! No idea what's going to take place lol. Maybe if I keep a low profile I might be safe. IDK if being under the radar is such a good thing. I haven't played like this in a while. But if something happens I might snap.
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Although tbh I'm getting kind of bored with all of the nothing happening in our tribe so hopefully something interesting or exciting happens soon
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No idea what's gonna happen, and based on the vague implications, I think we might be seeing a swap of some kind perhaps of 2 tribes of 7 plus one person exiled.
ALTERNATIVELY It's a live challenge next... both have me mildly stressed but I'm ready to embrace either with open arms.
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My patience grows thin with each passing hour that these Zosma's dont answer my one about this vote. At this point, Im gon a throw out a name to my Auva's and call it a day. But then again, Dylan and Odd are too awol to be trusted- thus aggravating me a little more. So if this is my final confessional of the season, better give me that OTTN5 edit.
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Hello I hope we don’t swap I wish we went to tribal my tribe sucks and loris is definitely a snake and John is meh and Emma is inactive and kori is scary and I wanna work with zosma or like literally anyone else and I think I forhot someone OH big z he’s iconic but doesn’t talk to me smh
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im so lucky lmaoo the rest of the cast can suck my dick also loris is kwl
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I think we are probably going to rocks me and drew discussed the idea of getting both sides to vote for each other so when rocks are drawn we’d both be safe but he got worried about the idea of someone flipping and him dying which I understand but idk I’m ready to go balls to the wall
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heuse1acToday at 4:05 PM Oh Sam calls me "dude" that might be my vote we're gonna have to see
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DANI LIKES TO SING, KWEEN. Toby r e a l l y loves talking about himself. Sam is definitely straight. Unfortunate.
Y e e t h a w 🤠 Toby flopped in the counting challenge that I was ready to go the distance for & I’m not exactly sitting pretty for this joint tribal. I have a feeling that I could be targeted by Auva just because from an outsider’s perspective, I’ve done well in the past few challenges. There’s a lot of speculation that we’re gonna swap after this round, so I want Auva to know that I personally want to work with them in the future. Then together we can lower Revati’s numbers since they’re a bit too stronk right now. Drew T. tells me that himself, Drew H. & Roxy have been more on the “livelier” side as opposed to Odd & Dylan, whom I presume are on the bottom. Apparently Odd argued with the hosts as he was in the middle of a timed challenge & has rubbed some people the wrong way. So...why don’t we just vote out Odd for that reason? All I need to do is convince one person from Auva to flip & we avoid going to rocks, but I’m not shying away from rocks either. Dani said she’d go to rocks if Louise or I were in jeopardy, Roxy doesn’t want to kill me, Drew H. wants to play this game with me, & Drew T. let me know I wasn’t receiving votes. Maybe it isn’t the end of the world?
Toby finally found out that the idol was hidden under 39 & someone had already found it. I decided to stick to my guns by not claiming I have it because that only gives people incentive to vote you out. I have been leading Zosma’s votes which isn’t the position I’d ideally like to be in, but no one else is stepping up to the plate. I make my Odd pitch & say that we should tell the rest of Auva that they should vote out someone disposable to them instead of going to rocks for that person. Zosma & Auva are stubbornly solidifying themselves against the other for this vote, but I believe I could get Drew T. to flip. If not then I guess I’ll be drawing for rocks. :o
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I want to make a longer one when I get home but for now im ready to did to rocks and join my boy jack in the robbed premerge with 0 votes club YEEEEEEEEET
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Joint tribal is interesting. I think it will just be a tie. We will see.
Odd is voted out 5-3-2.
0 notes