#and life is less about hey I’m suffering and it’s unbearable and more am I working on unity of humanity and kindness to myself?
don’t really want to elaborate but those ‘you’re going to hell’ posts really just show me how strange my outlook on life is
#like the concept of heaven and hell are so far removed from the individualistic sense of self to me#and I’m happiest when this is the case. when I incorporate more eastern ideals of unity with the rest of humanity rather than#punishment and reward. which is hopefully obvious as to why we don’t like thinking about it that way bc it’s just shitty#but I’m also learning to see them as extensions of life here on earth; not actually happening here but like. as a soul thing#and having an existence that spans more than just the material and it makes life a lot more liveable#but thoughts like these also shape how I think about death. to me death is still a continuation#and life is less about hey I’m suffering and it’s unbearable and more am I working on unity of humanity and kindness to myself?#like am I preparing to build heaven or to destroy it?? and there’s so much I can do within that#but I’m well aware that I done actually know how to exist without that sense of purpose and the belief it’s gonna succeed#like there’s nothing else to life to me. and in a way it makes sense that I’m on tumblr#jokes on them I’ve been talking about tumblr missionaries (decolonial) and actually doing shit while people complain#hey yeah I’m referring to a specific post you’ll find it#don’t like reblogging things with hell mentions though that’s shitty imo and I know we’re used to it but it’s traumatic#cw hell#cw religion#and I kinda talk about suicide in the tags but not really#except for now. when I say I have no way of telling if I’m actually suicidal bc it’s never conventional for me#but on the upside of that I can reconceptualise life and death until it’s bearable and maybe that’s enough#personal mental health tag
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anotherapostate · 1 year
Fairly long vent under the cut because I have Problems and I’m not entirely sure how to talk about it with the people in my life.
(featuring: wedding woes, conservative Christianity, dresses, an ex-gf, alcohol mention)
Before I was out (or even realized that I was a lesbian for that matter), I attended a four-year Christian college with the purpose of taking a ministerial position within my (conservative, evangelical) denomination. You can imagine how well that went. Once I graduated, I left the faith and lost contact with a lot of friends. This was my fault, but the shame I felt within those first six months was too much to bear, and I couldn’t face my peers who were still in the faith. The few friends I retained from that time mean a lot to me, even if our beliefs aren’t the same anymore. It’s hard to explain, but my experiences at that school seem so incomprehensible to others that weren't there with us (or didn't have a similar experience), that it’s like, “well, we believe different things, but at least I can talk to you about this very formative time in my life and feel understood. You don’t look at me like I have three heads.”
All that to say, my college roommate is getting married and I’m invited to the wedding, which I’m excited for. She’s still in the faith, but she’s always been more left-leaning than our peers. She knows I’m queer and still invited me to her wedding (just the thought makes me want to cry). I’ve already RSVP’ed to the shower/wedding, so it’s too late to back out now, but the more I think about this wedding, the more stressed I feel.
In the Bridal Shower invitation, the stated dress code is “fall/summer dresses.” Dear Reader, I have not worn a dress since my college graduation in 2019. I am a fat, hairy butch with an undercut and a dress-less wardrobe. But I don’t want to make a fuss on a day that isn’t mine, so I ordered a skirt online and figured I could Dyke It Up. But the idea of wearing this skirt makes me feel sick. Like I’m choosing to wear a costume to make others happy. Like I’m impersonating my former college self: closeted, afraid, shame-filled. And even taking the "college-self impersonation" out of the equation, I don't feel at home in traditionally feminine clothing anymore. I wish I had the language to express these feelings. Using vocabulary like “gender dysphoria” feels incorrect to describe my (cisgendered) experience, and I don’t want to misuse words meant to describe trans experiences. But god, this feeling has to be adjacent? A cousin or step-sibling? If the skirt don’t have pockets and I have to bring some sort of bag, I would rather fling myself into the Atlantic. The thought of bringing a purse is almost unbearable. Now, I know the obvious solution is to ask if I could wear pants, but again — it feels like I’m making my friend’s day about myself. I think my social anxiety would prefer me suffering in a skirt than being seen as the Dyke that needed Accommodation.
I will be wearing a jacket/pants for the actual day of the wedding. I’m less concerned about this. I know my peers (and maybe former professors if any are present?) will stare, but hey — half of them probably suspected I was gay in school anyway. Not much use in hiding now. What will be awkward is talking to people I haven’t spoken to in years and nod along with the Jesus talk.
I am 99.99% sure my ex from college will be there. We don’t talk, we aren’t friends, and I still have a grudge against her for reasons I won’t get into here. Which means that we’ve gone from “two queer women hiding our queer relationship from our peers” to “two queer women hiding our former queer relationship and current misgivings with one another from our peers.” Which is demented and stupid and probably a great plot for a fanfic if I wasn’t already living it. (If someone wants to write a fic about this, be my guest. Please give meaning to my very silly sufferings.) There is a chance that she will be at the head table/in the wedding party, in which case I won’t have to sit near her, but I know myself and I probably will feel petty about that too.
If this is a dry wedding (and there’s a good chance — my former denomination is dry) and I have to deal with all of the above, I will probably combust. Part of me want to bring a flask, but if others smell alcohol on me, that will put me in a worse light and give validity to the belief that I’m unhappy because I’m “living separate from God” (see: living as a lesbian).
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skiyoosmi · 4 years
if fate permits
chapter twenty
a taste of his own medicine
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“Hey… uhm… I’m sorry. I’m not sure where to start because I’ve been the worst friend to ya for the past weeks. But I want to start with an apology, I guess… yer probably tired of hearing it, right? … it’s something I’ll never gonna be proud of, my pettiness, I mean… but yeah… I’m sorry, YN. I hope ya believe me when I say yer impo–”
Beep! You sighed, ending yet another voicemail from Atsumu. It’s been almost a week since you and your brother moved out of the apartment and ever since the day after that, your soulmate has yet to cease dropping more than three voicemails every single day.
It wasn’t that you haven’t caught sight of him at school; in fact, you see him everywhere. It’s just so happens that you couldn’t help but avoid him like a plaque. You think he knows it though and you’re actually glad that he’s trying to respect your space (except for the endless ringing of your phone which only gets sent straight to voicemail every time, much like today). Which is why right now, you only stared at his contact, contemplating whether you will entertain his ‘apology.’ He sounds like he regrets it, after all and the fact that you only have less than 10 days before your flight wasn’t helping the situation.
“You know, if you keep having a soft heart like that, I’m betting a hundred bucks you won’t get too far once you become a famous writer. A lot of people will take advantage of you, you know. And don’t even get me started with those haters that disguise themselves as critiques,” Speaking of the devil, Kiyoomi suddenly spoke up, his figure leaning against the doorway of your room, much like the pose your father had when you were leaving your previous apartment.
Hundred bucks, you begin to think, where the hell would your jobless ass get a hundred bucks? You won’t tell him that verbally, of course; you value your life too much to even risk being strangled by your brother’s own hands.
“What do you mean soft heart? Where’d you even get the idea that I’m going to talk to him, doofus!? No way, he needs to learn his lesson,” You huffed, turning to him with an eyebrow raised, as if challenging him. He scoffed, entering your room, and sitting on your bed. You were kind of surprised he did given that your room was still messy as hell; but once again, you opted to keeping your mouth shut.
“It’s written all over your face, dear sister. Plus, you’ve said that a million times already I’m actually tired of hearing it now. After all these years, you think I don’t memorize every habit you have?” He replied, hands taking some of the clothes that were still stored in a brown carton and beginning to fold them neatly before standing up and putting it into your closet. He really does take after your father, from appearances to characteristics, “Your eyes, they speak to me the loudest, telling me every bit of your feelings. In fact, I’m kind of puzzled Atsumu never found out through them. But then again, it just supports the truth that he’s as dumb as he could get.”
This boy doesn’t really miss a chance to voice out his disfavor for your soulmate, huh? You wonder what is it that made him dislike… no, wait dislike was an underestimation… rather, loath Atsumu to the core. Bad first impression? No, your brother was not that petty. Did they have a fight you never knew about? If Atsumu and him ever fought, you were sure as hell you’d be the first one to know, seeing as your best friend practically whines and complains at you at every single thing in his life… so why?
“He hurt you and not just once. It’s not supposed to be my business but technically speaking, you are my sister before you were his soulmate and that’s all I needed to dislike him,” said Kiyoomi, continuing to fold your clothes as if what he said was practically nothing. Was he a mind-reader? You don’t know but perhaps, you could try to convince him to start up a fortune-telling business with you and earn millions.
“… You’re so creepy, ‘Yoomi,” You spoke up after a few moments of silence while he sneered, obviously not pleased with your comical reply, “Forget it! God, it’s so hard to have a serious talk with you.”
You only pursed your lips before bursting out into laughter, making him glare at you before his eyes softened. He hasn’t heard that pure laughter in a long time, after all. For some odd reason, he is proud that it was him that made you happy again like that, even for just a short while. After watching you work on something he doesn’t really know what, probably for the play, (it’s a relief you still have a smile on your face while you were on it though), he stands up, stopping by the doorway again when he heard you speak, “Thanks for being there, ‘Yoomi. Can’t imagine my life without my best brother.”
Kiyoomi knows he’s far from being the best brother in the world; he wasn’t expressive, sweet nor overprotective… but hearing those words from you means he’s at least good and somehow, he’s fine with that. He remains quiet before saying, “You know, your friend Hajime, I think he’s nice.”
He doesn’t say anything more, but he knows that his words reached you; he didn’t miss the way you blushed, after all. He takes note of making you flustered more often.
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Osamu grumbles under his breath in annoyance, clenching then unclenching his hands as he watched Yui cling onto his brother’s arm like there was no tomorrow. Doesn’t this girl have any decency left in her blood? They were in the public cafeteria of the university, good heavens! And they haven’t even officially became soulmates AND a couple.
The last thing he wanted on his agenda today was to become a third wheel, much less to his brother; and the fact that it’s not even with you, the true soulmate, his favorite Sakusa (he won’t let Kiyoomi know that though), and best drinking buddy, makes it more unbearable for the gray-haired lad. He could only scowl so hard at his twin, who on the other hand, remained unmoved. At least that’s what Osamu sees but unbeknownst to him, Atsumu just wishes he could go and find you as soon as possible.
He has had enough of you averting your gaze each time you catch each other’s eyes at the theater room. According to his brother, your flight is in ten days which means he only had a few more days to make your friendship right; to make it up to you and prove that you are, indeed, an important figure in his life (cue Osamu’s mocking last night when they talked: “HAH!? You sure do have a peculiar way of showing her that she’s important. You’re making me want to laugh and choke you at the same time.”)
“Oh! Iwaizumi-kun, Tooru and… Sakusa YN?” Yui trails off, making the blonde perk up at the sound of your name, turning his body quickly only to find you already looking back at them with… disappointed eyes? As quickly as it came, it disappeared and soon, you were smiling and waving at Osamu, completely ignoring your “best” friend. Atsumu can only stare at you in disbelief; never, not even once, had you disregarded his existence like that before. Even when you had small arguments, you made sure to acknowledge him with a simple nod.
In addition to your indifference, Hajime only furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at Yui’s greeting, as if he doesn’t know Yui at all, not even as an acquaintance. Hence, the three of you only proceeded to the table Makki, Mattsun and your brother saved for you.
“Eh? Iwaizumi… ignored me?” Yui frowned, obviously not used to being disregarded by the boy who used to give her a greeting every time they come across each other. As far as she could remember, they ended their bond in good terms, without anyone having to feel angry at the other so why is it that he acted that way? Did he hold a grudge after all?
Meanwhile, Atsumu gazed into nothing, your sad eyes flashing into his mind and staying there. Have you given up on him already? Did his nightmare that day actually came true? His trail of thoughts was cut off with Osamu’s voice speaking with amusement plastered on his face, “ooh, a taste of his own medicine, huh YN?”
He smirks, finding his brother’s suffering oddly satisfying. He too, like Kiyoomi, has his limits as to Atsumu’s undesired talent of hurting you (he knows the blonde was also suffering but you know, it just really gets on his nerves how blind his twin could get). So right after saying that, he stands up, picking up his tray that holds his food and beginning to walk where your table was.
“Samu! Where are you going?” The said lad looks back at his blonde twin weirdly before shrugging, “YN and Kiyoomi’s table, where else? You can’t expect me to stay on the table with you two, it’s weird.”
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“So… you really can’t remember anything about your soulmate? Like who it is or something?” Oikawa asked, staring at Hajime’s hands, as if he’d be able to see anything on his pinky. Unfortunately for him, the ex-captain was not given the ability to be a Moira so he wouldn’t be able to see any changes no matter how long or hard he looks. The spiky-haired lad merely groans, feeling a headache coming due to his dear friend’s pestering, “Yes. I told you that already. I just woke up, saw my thread black and now, I can’t remember anything about who it is.”
“But you can remember us? It’s just the soulmate stuff you forgot?”
“Well, I’m talking to you right now, am I not, you dumbass?” Hajime snarled; an inch close to punching his best friend in the face. Beside him, you look down, feeling the sadness and heartbreak for him because even those feelings were lost the moment he woke up. If you let go of Atsumu, will this also happen to you? You can only give a pathetic laugh at your silly question; of course, it will. You weren’t some kind of special Moira that will be exempted from that ‘curse.’ But you wonder, how would he react? Would he be sad? Or would he just forget about you too and just throw everything you had away? It seems so easy for him to do that, after all.
Now that you witness what’s gonna happen upon cutting the thread, a part of you somehow wishes you should’ve just told him when it was still early, when you were still young and problem-free. Maybe he would’ve given you a promise like those in the movies wherein he says he would marry you once you get older. Maybe he would’ve been able to love you if you could’ve just given him a chance to do so. But it’s your fault, isn’t it? Because you were a coward; you were so greedy for true love that you can no longer have it, you think to yourself.
In the midst of your rather negative thoughts, a warm hand pulls you away from mentally beating up yourself further. Looking up, you find Hajime looking at you with soft eyes, as if assuring your heart that: “You’ll be fine. I’m here. I’ll keep you safe.”
Maybe… just maybe, the universe has given you another chance for true love.
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Twin Snowflakes 23: Struggling
“Join me…” Shiva called out to Summer, extending her hand. “It’s been so long.” Her voice was like a siren, tempting and calm. “Aren’t you tired of being so helpless?”
Summer’s entire body seemed to be drawn towards the words. Inch by inch, her feet took her a step closer. However, not without resistance. “No…” Summer muttered, her mind clouded. Her right hand held back her left from reaching out while her legs did their best not to move. “No, this isn’t….I don’t…”
“Don’t try and fight it. You know how this all ends if you do.” Shiva smiled, “Nothing but dread. You keep telling yourself you’ll get stronger, that you can stand alone but you can’t. I’m not the only one who knows it either. How many times do you think your family can save you? They’ll die trying, because they love you despite all reason. Can you live with that? I know you can’t.”
Tears ran down Summer’s face. With all of her power, Summer still made her way forward. “Leave them...alone. Please…” she asked, knowing who she was dealing with.
“I’m not the one hurting them. If you were stronger, then you wouldn’t be here right now, begging. Does it hurt, the weakness? I know it must be unbearable.” Shiva cooed. “You’ll never be enough.”
“I’ll...I’ll stop you.”
“Ha, you can’t even stop your legs right now. Gods, it’s really embarrassing it’s taken me this long to have you. I mean seriously, you’re pathetic. Every pill you take, I spit out. Any cut you carve, I make it like it never happened. I know you know that very well….”
Summer’s eyes begin to dim. The pounding pain in her head banging like a drum solo. Desperately she wished it stopped. Summer wished she’d stop, completely. Shiva had made it very clear though. Summer wouldn’t be done until Shiva said she was done. The will to reach for her was too great, and the pain eased with the gap between them closing.
Shiva smiled tenderly as she watched Summer get closer and closer to the ice. “See? I knew you’d see it my way. Don’t you want the pain to stop.”
“Y...Yes” Summer uttered, losing her grip on her mind. “I….just…...want to……” her will all but left. Not that it mattered. What good did her resolve do her anyways? Every attempt was a failure, a struggle for air that only made what she had left painful. In the end…. “Stop hurting.” Another step closer was taken with ease. Frigid air and Shiva were the only thing Summer could recognize. The world itself seemed to simply...disappear. Until...nausea, right in the pit of her stomach. It began to grow and feel like a hollow pit until, boom! The gap between herself and Shiva has increased greatly. She seemed to get smaller and smaller as Summer felt her soaring backwards until something hard crashed behind her, turning everything to darkness momentarily.
Weakly, Summer opened her eyes. The right side of her face felt cold to the bone and was obstructed by snow. “Wh...what is?” Summer looked in front her to see a white flower at eye level with her. “That...I was wearing that. I fell?” Her mind began to clear and body started to ache. A breeze blew the flower closer. It was only then she noticed the flower was stained red. It was only then… she remembered who gave her that flower. “Ver...onica?” A pair of legs walked into vision but not the pair she wanted to see. Summer looked up to see Shiva looking down at her.
“Yet again, a person is hurt because of you. But don’t fear. That’s your blood.” Shiva said, watching the red substance begin to run down the side of Summer’s face. She bent down and pointed to the lake. “Unfortunately, Veronica has an entirely different problem.”
Summer barely manages to turn her head enough to see the girl in question laying on the ice; the cracked ice. The gravity of the situation makes Summer go wide eyed. “Oh no…” she mutters. Her arm reaches for her blade to find that it is not on her hip. It had fallen off and several feet ahead of her. Summer began crawling but another wave of pain shot through her head, stalling her progress.
Shiva chuckled. “Hehe, oh this is quite the problem isn’t it? That stupid girl knocked you away somehow for your own good, but also managed to hurt herself. I’m not even sure if she’s conscious.”
“Ver...Veronica!” Summer yelled, “Hey! Answer me!” She could get no response and could barely notice the girl moving. Most likely wincing in pain. Summer knew that feeling in her stomach from early was familiar. Veronica must’ve phased her hand or something inside of her body and then sent her flying back by being tangible again. The blow must’ve been too much for Veronica and sent her flying as well. Summer didn’t know if Veronica had thought the plan through and got it wrong, or if she was grasping at straws to do anything. Either way, things weren’t looking too good.
The ice cracked and crumbled a bit more, spurring Summer to continue her crawling to the best of her ability. Every inch gain increased the pain yet again and made her want to vomit at this point. There was no way she could make it to Veronica, but with a blade there was a chance. Still….
“Veronica! Really need you to wake up right now!”
Shiva walked over to a nearby rock and sat down, watching Summer struggle in agony. “I don’t know what you think you do but I’m telling you it’s gonna fail at the rate you’re going. Even if that girl was awake, is she okay to walk? Let’s say she can. That ice is cracking mighty fast and we both know just how cold that water is. Don’t forget you’re a miracle, my little Summer. That girl though? I’d give her two minutes before dying of shock and hypothermia.”
Summer tried her best to ignore Shiva’s words. The vile girl could tell by the tears Summer tried to hold in that the words had made an impact. Shiva kept watching as Summer’s arms trembled and clawed at the ground to drag her body inch by inch. Strained breathing and grunts of pain never stopped and only got worse as Summer tried to move faster when the sound ice cracking got louder. The intrigued smile Shiva usually had was changed to a more neutral face.
“I could save her you know?” Shiva said, getting up. She walked leisurely alongside the wounded girl. “You’d heal in seconds and be able to refreeze the lake with a snap of a finger. You should have no problem tapping into my power. You did say you’ll stop me so you shouldn’t have to think twice about it. Unless...you’re just all talk? What do you say Summer, think you can gamble your life to save hers, or are you too scared to do anything that matters?”
It was a trap, plain in simple. Yet it made Summer falter nonetheless. There was no doubt in her mind Shiva wouldn’t consume her with ease. The chance of holding any kind of fight in this state would be essentially handing a victory over, but that didn’t change the fact that for a few seconds Summer would be able to save Veronica. The fear was what came after that. A fear Shiva must’ve been aware of, because she bent down to whisper in Summer’s ear.
Shiva said in a calm and deceptively caring voice, “I won’t hurt her” before stepping back with her hand stretched out again. Summer’s arms gave out and she laid in the snow, desperately trying to move. Her options were limited. Less than limited. They were gone.
“I’ll fight you…” a voice said.
It reached Summer and Shiva, shocking them both as they looked towards the lake. Without warning, Veronica started moving.
The girl slowly brought her arms in front of herself and began weakly pushing up to her stumbling feet. Pieces of her arms and her left cheek felt numb and burning red at the same time from frostbite. Her knees buckled briefly as she did her best to remain stationary so avoid disturbing the ice further. “I can’t hear her, and I can’t see her either. But...that rotten stench is oozing from you so much I can’t even lay down without feeling disgusted. I don’t know what’s she saying to you but Summer, I fucking swear….”
Veronica lifted her head and stared at Summer with intense catlike eyes and clenched, gritted fangs that bit back the pain. “If you do anything she says, I am going to give you that fight you wanted and beat both of your asses! Is that clear!?” Veronica extended her hand.
Shiva rolled her eyes. “Such nonsense. Just who the hell does she think she-”
“Fuck off…” Summer exhaled. Both of her arms raised up, then slammed to the ground. Mustering all she had, Summer pushed herself up. First to her knees and then to her feet, rising slowly while bearing the pain. “As if...I’d listen to someone like Shiva...about anything?” Summer extended her hand toward the lake with her right arm while the left one braced it with all the grip she had. A single glyph formed under Veronica’s feet at first. Then, another appeared in front of it. And then another, and another; until six total formed a bridge to actual land.
Veronica began to limp from glyph to the next slowly. Each step took more strength than the last until finally she was close enough to fling herself onto solid ground. Weak and injured, Veronica muttered, “See? That wasn’t so hard.” Blacking out right after.
The glyphs and ice came apart while Shiva could not process what she had just witnessed. Biting her nail, she looked back to Summer, who was staring at her with a cold glare that Shiva found deplorable. “Tsk, don’t look at me that. The only reason this is going this way is because that girl over there was capable of walking. Without that you’d still be suffering in silence!”
“You know there’s dignity in just cutting your losses right? Looks like the only failure today is you.” Summer scowled, “Now just go already. It’s over.”
Shiva raised an eyebrow. “Sure about that? Last time I checked, somebody spent an awful lot of time just now drowning in never feelings.” Shiva stepped aside and directed her attention to beady red eyes that were looming in the tree line.
Summer looked around to see only several sets of eyes. That was still far to me in her current state. She looked back at Veronica and kept her eyes on her. No grimm was around her, yet.
“Still think it’s over?” Shiva hummed.
Summer said nothing. Before she could act, a breeze went over her body that stung her wounds before all of her pain began to fade. Not only that, but Summer also felt just a little less tired as well. Confused, she looked back at Shiva and found no one there. Just herself and the grimm that lurked.
“You are so lucky I can’t have you mauled to death in a forest. Yet again you’re only gonna live through this because of me. Count your blessings.”
Summer dove towards her blade and tumbled into a sprint towards Veronica, going as far to slide into a crouch in front of the girl. Summer put a glyph under them and raised it to the sky, watching the beowulves make their approach. Though physically healed, Summer’s body felt so fatigued and riddled with aches that it made the idea of fighting daunting to say the least. Oh well though. Not much choice at this point. Right now it was more than her life at stake. She looked back at the sight of Veronica’s injuries and gritted her teeth. If those injuries left scares…
“Fuck it.” Summer jumped off and dove down right on top of a grimm with her sword right through its neck, freezing it from the inside with ice dust. “I’m so sick and tired of this. All these mistakes, and for what!?” She snarled. The grimm shattered. Summer landed on her feet with frustration in her eyes and grief in her heart. Her hands were thrown up in the air as she yelled at the grimm. “Well!? Come and get it! I got your despair right here!”
The howl of her sorrow met ravenous hunger of theirs, making them attack. Without a witness in sight to observe this fight, it would be hard to even say one happened. For even though her wails rang loudly, Summer began to sound more monstrous and human.
It is often said things happen for a reason. For better or for worse, the invisible threads that tie people together tighten and unravel at the whims of fate. Veronica was never one to put much thought in such things. But if she were to, then it would appear fate had decided that the cold forest was no place to unravel.
Groaning in pain, her eyes began to open to a world of light. “Mmmgh, where…?” Her vision adjusted. No longer was in the woods. Veronica was in bed, the guest bed in the manner; in her black nightgown no less. She looked to her left to find an IV drip by her bedside, hooked to her arm. Next to it was a platter of sandwiches that smelled like every barn animal imaginable. Veronica’s stomach was quick to growl. Reaching for one made her wince in pain. It was only then she realized her body had multiple bandages wrapped it and gauze on her left cheek.
“Oh yeah. I got thrashed.” She sighed. Veronica tried moving her right hand but found it weighed down. She finally looked right and gasped. Her senses must’ve been out of whack, because she somehow managed to ignore a sleeping Nick at her bedside who held her hand, tightly. “N-Nick!?”
Her shout stirred him awake. “Huh?” He rubbed his eyes. “Hey….oh? Oh!? Hey, you’re awake! Do you know how worried I was!?” He sat on her bed. “What happened out there?”
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?” Last time I checked I was quite literally on thin ice. The pun was given no positive recognition. “What? I quip a little when I’m out of it. You know this.”
“Yeah. That one one was just….anyways, I think it might be better if you went first. Actually, do you remember anything to begin with? Penny didn’t say anything about brain damage when she patched you up but it’s like we saw you get hurt.”
Veronica rubbed the back of her neck. So Penny was the one to tend to her wounds. Made sense. If it had been Nick, Veronica may have died from embarrassment. Emergency or not, having him change her would be too much to handle.
“Veronica? You still with me”
“Huh? Oh, sorry.” She smiled, “My mind wandered, but yeah. I remember.” She propped a pillow up and leaned back against the headboard. “I had taken Summer to the woods to have her fight some grimm and work on her outfit. I thought seeing her fight up close and learning about Shiva would help make the perfect outfit for the tournament. I recently became aware of just how real she is.”
“You didn’t...force her to come out did you?” Nick asked, concerned. It was comforting when Veronica looked at him like he was insane. “So that’s a no?”
“Of course it’s a no! I just got the worst luck imaginable and found what apparently is ground zero for Diamond Dust. So that lake is the spot huh?”
Nick folded his arms and frowned. “Yeah, that’s the spot. I’ve been there a few times after the fact, but Summer never has. Well, until today.”
“Figured. She- hey? Where is she?”
“Resting by now. Don’t worry, she’s safe.”
“Wouldn’t say I was worried. Not with twisted power like that.” She muttered. Veronica continued her story. “Anyways, I guess the shock or something was too much for her to deal with. Summer completely ignored my calls to her and started walking to the lake like a zombie. Ice and cold air blew around her so crisp it cut skin. Getting her attention verbally wasn’t working and I wasn’t about to see what happened if she stood on the glowing mass of dust and ice; so I punched her.”
“You…” Nick tilted his head. “Punched her? And it worked?”
“Well, it wasn’t a normal punch. All that wind and ice made it physically hurt to get close. I touched her once and it messed up my right hand.” Veronica started flexing it. It hurt but it didn’t seem permanently damaged. “I used my semblance the second time so all that wind around her went right through me. I put my fist in her stomach and then boom, shockwave. I wasn’t really thinking much about it, as you can see.” She gestured to herself, “I’m not messed up with dust or anything now, right?”
Nick smiled, “That’s not how that works. As in the dark we are about Diamond Dust, we know it’s not as easy as touching it. Penny said you’ll make a full recovery. No long term damage, and no scars.”
Veronica let out a sigh of relief. “Well I guess I can live with today then. I’ll be honest, I was terrified you might tell me my fingers would never be the same or they had to be cut off.” She laughed about it, but in order to push that fear down. Her dreams and love for creating clothes wasn’t harmed. “After I hit her I got knocked down by the blast and landed on the ice. After that...it’s pretty hazy. I know I managed to get off the ice because of Summer’s glyphs, but that’s it.”
“I see. That matches up then.”
“What does? Summer already said her piece?” Veronica raised a brow.
Nick gave her a nod. Veronica couldn’t help but feel a little bad. “I guess we’re leaving out the part about the fight and having Diamond Dust to begin with. Not that it matters too much. I doubt already having it made this situation happen, but it may have made it harder for Summer to snap out of whatever trance she was in.” Veronica thought.
Nick noticed the silence again and hit worried. He looked at the IV drip briefly before feeling his hands start to tremble anxiously. He managed to take his eyes off of it and looked back to what mattered. “You sure you’re okay? I figured you’d be hungry but you haven’t touched a single sandwich. That and Penny said you were understandably a bit dehydrated.”
“Don’t worry, You’re the one who said I’ll make a complete recovery. I’m only not stuffing my face right now because I don’t wanna look like an ugly animal starved of a meal in front of-” he turned around to face away from her. “.....”
“We did this last time, remember? Now you can eat and I can tell you what happened next.”
Reluctantly, Veronica’s eyes shifted between the platter and Nick. Yeah they did this before but it was still a bit embarrassing. “I swear if you turn around Nick... I’ll be very upset” Yeah, that sounded better in her head.
“I won’t.” He chuckled, “Eat up. As for your question earlier, I knew something was up with Summer because I could feel it.”
“Oh yeah, she did mention something about you having this uncanny twin thing to know when Shiva takes over.”
“Yeah it would be cool if I didn’t fear the worse every single time it happens. Mom, auntie, and I all immediately pinged the location and off we went. Dad came too. By the time we found you both, you were unconscious on a glyph and Summer was cornered by grimm. She must’ve put up a fight considering several were dead already but I’d to think about how long she would have kept them at bay. Summer passed out the moment she saw us. Adrenaline was the only thing keeping her up most likely. Dad healed what he could before we got you both back here where Penny did the real medical work.”
“You must’ve been so worried.” Veronica said, solemnly. “Guess the blame should fall on me this time.”
“I’m not interested in the blame game. I’m just glad we’re past this. You done eating? Kinda wanna flop on the bed.”
“Hehe, go for it.”
Nick leaned back and went limp on the bed. He looked up to see Veronica smiling at him with a thumbs up. He returned the gesture. “I need a break from everything.”
“Whaaaat? Nicholas Schnee wants a break?” She sarcastically gasped, “maybe you’re the one who needs bed rest? Still sick?”
He shook his head. “No, I’m feeling fine. Auntie might’ve beaten the sickness out of me. She’s actually pleased with you for once by the way. Summer expressed just how much you bailed her out of danger.”
Veronica sunk into her pillow. “Like I cared about either of their opinions. Especially your stick in the mud aunt. She’ll still shoot me icy looks.”
“Can’t you take a win? Why are you so negative about everything.” He pinched her leg.
“Ow! I’m injured here!? Also I’m not negativ, I’m just telling the truth. Despite the genes, Xiao Long optimism isn’t-...hey, where is ma? If anybody was gonna be at my bedside I would’ve bet money on her?”
Nick sat up. “Well you know, she freaked out after seeing you for a second and stayed a long time. But then she had to leave to-” A click of the door cut Nicholas off before he could finish. Yang and Blake came in anxiously.
Yang spoke first.“Hey Nick, how’s Ver-” her eyes locked with her daughter’s. The teenager blinked rapidly in confusion. Yang however, she started tearing up and lunged at her with open arms; Blake only seconds behind. “You’re awake!!!”
“Veronica!” Blake said estactically. The two mothers carefully wrapped their arms around their daughter and showered her with love.
“Pick your mom up.” Nick finally finished. “Yang went to pick your mom up.”
“Gah! Yeah, I can see that!” Veronica wheezed, pushing them off to breathe. A little space please!? It’s hard enough to breathe as is! Mom, why are you here so early!?”
“I got a call saying you were hurt! Why wouldn’t I come early!?” Blake said firmly.
“That’s not- I meant how!? Did you just drop everything and hop on some super speed air Shai don’t know about? Menagerie isn’t a pleasure flight away.” They both finally got off of her. Veronica watched her parents look at her as if she said something weird. “What?” She said, raising a brow.
Nick caught her attention with an awkward laugh. “Hehe, so uhhh, one other thing. It’s not Saturday anymore. It’s Sunday afternoon. You uh...been unconscious for around thirty hours.”
“.......” Veronica looked around for a scroll until
Blake handed hers over. That forest incident had to have happened at around 11:00 am since her and Summer left early, so the fact that the time was 3:00 pm and was more than a little suspicious. Veronica sat in silence for a moment, processing. Then...she dropped the scroll. “I lost a day of progress….”
“That’s what you’re worried about!?” Her audience yelled.
“Yes! Nick, you are the last person I wanna hear say that!” She pointed. “This is a mess! How long was Summer asleep!?”
Nick scrunched his face. “Three hours.” He said, slightly whispering. “She heals real fast.”
“Well good for her!” Veronica shouted sarcastically, ignoring the fact that doing that really hurt. “I hope she’s well rested, because we have shit to do.” Veronica tried getting out of bed. A pain in her left side made her wince and putting weight on her right leg made it buckle the moment it reached the floor.
Blake quickly braced her daughter with her hand on Veronica’s stomach to stop the girl from falling forward. “You need rest. Don’t move.”
“Mom, we both know I will try to move anyway. So instead of being a brace, can you be a crutch instead and get me to the door?” Veronica asked needlingly. She had no will to argue. Her eyes got all big to sweeten the offer. Blake let out a sigh then got under Veronica’s arm to support her. Veronica smiled, “Thanks.”
“Mmmhmm.” Blake grumbled, annoyed over the fact she bought into puppy eyes. “Yang, get the door please?”
Yang did just that and looked into the hall. “Uhh fair warning, Summer hasn’t been taking visitors since yesterday and that hasn’t changed it looks like.” She stepped out of the way for them to see Jaune knocking on the door. “This isn’t his first time trying to get her out of the room.”
Nick let out a sigh. “Leave it to dad to keep trying. Summer has been down ever since we found her. More than usual. Maybe give her some space?”
“I recognize your suggestion, but….” Veronica continued out her room with Blake’s house. There was no reason to act any different now from how she always treated Summer. “I’m going anyways.”
“Ver- ugh, at least choose your words carefully please?” Nick conceded. He also was way too drained to argue with anyone. Yang patted his back and followed the two faunus. Might as well see how this turns out.
Thump thump thump, the low sound of Jaune’s knuckle hitting the solid wood door hit rhythmically. “Summer, please talk to me? You didn't have dinner last night or breakfast today. You have to come out eventually.”
“Just go away…” she said, devoid of energy. “I’ll eat later. I just wanna be alone right now, please?”
Jaune pressed his head against the door. Hearing her like this was rough. Forcing Summer to come out wouldn’t help, and telling her how worried people are would only make her feel bad. He knew his daughter though. Summer wasn’t just gonna come out on her own if she didn’t have to. The sound of footsteps brought Jaune’s attention to his approaching friends and family. He moved from the door and gave Blake a side hug. “Not how I wanted to greet you when you visited but I’m glad the trip was okay.”
“Good to see you too, and yeah. I wish it wasn’t because of an emergency. Where’s Weiss?”
“She’s with her sister and Ruby inspecting the lake. They should be back before long.” He looked at Veronica. “How are you feeling?”
Her ears fell down and she avoided his gaze. “Uhhh I’ll manage just fine. Th..thanks for helping treat my injuries when you did. I probably would be worse off if you didn’t.” Veronica said, awkwardly. When it came to Jaune, she could never find herself to act normal. Being calm was always top priority around him. If Jaune Arc doesn’t like you, then clearly you’re a bad individual. Same rule applied for Ruby. Veronica couldn’t explain why their opinion weighed a bit more than others. They just did. “Summer awake?”
“Yeah but-” Veronica knocked on the door before Jaune could finish.
“Hey, Princess.” Summer pressed her head against the door. “I have no idea why you’ve been shacked up in your room since yesterday and frankly I don’t really care.”
Blake frowned. “Ver-”
“What I do know is there’s no way you’re guilt tripping yourself over me, because that would be crazy. Not like you would have expected anything like yesterday to happen, so an apology would be stupid. Just as stupid as if I felt bad unintentionally taking you there in the first place.” Veronica sighed, “Shit happens. Far as I’m concerned...we’re even. The only thing you should feel bad about in regards to me is if you aren't wide eyed and attentive Tuesday evening to try your outfit on. Are we clear?”
They all waited for a response, but none came. Veronica groaned. “Ugggh, I said...are we-”
“Okay! Fine…I hear you.” Summer grunted, more energized than before.
“Hey, you’re the one who didn’t respond. You better see me with a better attitude. Also stick that schedule I gave you. Eating and school wise. Having a pity party doesn’t excuse you from it.” Veronica nagged. She had said what she wanted to. No reason to stick around further. Veronica smiled at Jaune. “Well, at least you know she’ll at least be out for school tomorrow now.”
“I guess that’s one way to handle things.” Jaune wasn’t sure if Veronica was simply irritated by Summer, or if that’s her definition of tough love. The look on Blake and Yang didn’t help either. They were just as confused. “Do you really think you can make an outfit in two days in your condition?”
“I was about to ask the same thing.” Nick said, concerned. Yang rubbed his head and laughed however. “Wait, she can!?”
“Oh yeah. I’ve seen her make an entire collection in three weeks before. It was impressive. Concerning, but impressive.”
“I wouldn’t brag about that. All of them were terrible.” Veronica admitted. “I was crazy to try that, but this is different. I came here with your clothes for you both, remember? I’m not working from scratch with Summer’s. All I need is the finest materials Remnant has to offer in terms of dust and sewing machinery. I’m sure the Schnee family wouldn’t mind giving me access to such things?”
Nick rubbed his chin dramatically. “Hmmm I think we can find it in the budget.” He laughed, pulling his scroll out to make a note of it. “You’ll have it by tomorrow.”
“Then we’re officially back on track then. I could start prep now.” Veronica hummed, until Blake flicked her nose. “Ow!”
“You are getting rest right now and can start tomorrow. This isn’t a negotiation, it’s a command.” Blake said sternly. “Haste makes waste.”
Darn! She was right and Veronica knew it. Resting did sound good though. There was no hiding how fatigued her body was. “Fine, you win. Back to the fluffy bed I go.”
“Nick can you take her back? Yang and I still have unpacking to do. As well as formally announcing we are here in Atlas before the world starts panicking. I miss being like a ninja in the shadows.” Blake sighed.
Nick took her spot under Veronica and walked her back into her room. Blake looked at Jaune warmly and patted his back as the three friends began walking. “Still worried about Summer?”
“All three really. They all felt shaken up in their own way. Nick seemed pretty passive.”
Blake nodded “Veronica too. I think they’re stressed out in a variety of ways. Has she been eating properly.”
“As much as I can get her to.” Yang grumbled. “Nick has been a big help with that. Most of the credit is his. Before all of this, Veronica did ask to spar out of the blue and took my gauntlets. I figured she was still upset from the fight at school but maybe it was because she planned on going into the woods too? Not sure how much Nick or Summer told her about Shiva, but I guess that doesn’t matter now.”
“It could.” Jaune spoke, clicking his tongue. “She may have wanted to be prepared for anything. Wasn’t enough though. Anyways, I think a couple days of rest might do Nick and Vee well. Summer though, it could go either way.”
“Parent life, remember when things were simple?” Yang said.Jaune and Blake looked at her, confused. Thinking about it, they had a right to be. “Yeah you’re right, it’s never been simple. Never felt this complicated either though.”
“I think I know what you mean.” Jaune said cautiously. This anxious, looming thought in the back of his mind made his heart race. “We’re missing something important. Not just about Shiva, but our families in general. I don’t know what it is, but…I feel like we can’t afford to miss it.”
A mournful expression reached his friend’s faces. He was right. Despite their best efforts, loving their kids wasn’t enough; being there for them apparently wasn’t enough either. Deep down they all knew the lives they built had begun to crack somewhere in the very foundation of it all. If nothing is changed then it’ll all come crashing down. Like a house in an avalanche.
Alone, Summer hugged her knees tightly and stared vacantly into the mirror; wondering when she’d finally be able to recognize it.
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loth-creatures · 4 years
Pain That Binds
TRIGGER WARNING: self-harm, blood, cutting, Big self-esteem issues, vaguely suicidal thoughts
TMA hurt/comfort day 1!
Jon’s hands were shaking as he tried to cut into a slightly stale bagel he’d scavenged from the breakroom. He was weak with hunger, though not the right kind. Not for food that didn’t taste like anything anymore and didn’t satisfy anyway. But Basira insisted he at least try to keep some fat on his ribs through normal human means, and it was not a good idea to argue with her. He had to prove that he still wanted to be human.
He flinched when the knife inevitably slipped and sliced his knuckles instead. Pain raced through his nerves and blood welled up and dripped onto his desk. Only for a moment. The cut sealed itself in seconds and Jon was once again left without distraction from the gnawing emptiness inside him. And a reminder that this pretending wasn’t working. Nothing was working, and well...what was the point anyway? Jon did want to stay human, but who was he even being human for anymore? Basira had made it clear that she would give him the chance, but if he couldn’t manage it, he wasn’t worth it. Maybe she was right. It seemed he’d managed to drive everyone away already, and they’d had the right to leave him. Georgie was right to distance herself. Tim had been right to hate him. Martin? Jon knew he had no right to miss Martin as much as he did.
And yet. If he let his humanity shrivel away, however flawed it was, he would only be making himself even more pliable to Elias. He still didn’t understand why, but if he let himself fall completely under the Eye’s control, the people he wanted to care about would suffer even more. If Jon was worth something to only one person, then it sure as hell wasn’t going to be Elias.
Jon surrendered the bagel and paper plate to the trash and slumped back in his chair, closing his eyes and trying to center himself. A pile of old statements lay on the desk but his gaze wouldn’t focus on them. None of them stood out the way they used to, as if now that he’d gotten a taste of real prey, the Eye would disdain anything less. The world tilted and his head ached with restless, seeking static. God, if only it would shut up. At least for a moment. He ran his fingers over the burn scars on his right  hand. Jude Perry’s mark still twinged slightly if he pressed in the right places.The maze of welts was now too familiar to be much distraction, but the pain dulled the static just a little. Just enough.
Suddenly knowledge erupted in his mind, just before he heard Elias’s deliberate footsteps in the hallway outside his office. A tiny burst of fear fluttered in Jon’s chest. He knew better than to be afraid, but what if Elias knew? Knew everything that Jon was thinking and feeling. Jon tensed and dug his nails deep into the scars, sparking tingling pain, breaking the skin, trying to stop himself from shaking so damn much. Elias stopped in front of his door, mockingly, with no intention of coming in. He didn’t need to, to see how Jon was doing.
Eventually he left, but Jon’s anxiety didn’t abate and he found himself continuing to dig at the small scrapes he’d manage to draw a tiny bit of blood from. They... weren’t healing. Jon opened his hand and forced his eyes to focus. Now that he’d stopped digging at them, they did start to close. Jon frantically scratched at them again. A burst of hope that his body might still be capable of working normally seized all his concentration. The static died. He ripped at the skin of his palm, desperately trying to keep the scratches open, as if they were his life line slipping away, but they were healing faster now. Anger built inside him, simmering with fear. Without thinking he snatched the knife off his desk and dragged it over his palm. Pain snapped his mind into focus and then the wound disappeared, mocking him. Jon glared at the scars that lined his palm and dotted his arms. All these scars. Like brands. Yet his body refused to bleed.
The static built in his head again, even more insistent than before. Well, if it wouldn’t shut up and leave him alone...With white hot determination, Jon seized upon the will of the Beholding and slashed again at the Desolation’s brand.
It burned. It bled. And it didn’t stop. Tears streamed down Jon’s face but instead of his own triumph, he felt only the Eye. It was enjoying this. He’d marked himself with his own power, and the action  was only making its hold stronger, as it drank up the fear that swam under his brief rebellion.  
Jon sat there, defeated, pinned under the Watcher’s sight, sucking in erratic breaths as the pain only grew worse and worse. He wondered if he’d just done himself in. He’d refused to feed his patron and now it seemed he’d offered himself up instead. Perhaps it would be better if he just let it consume him. But just as Jon remembered that despite everything, he really didn’t want to die, something changed. The Eye’s gaze shifted towards something else. Jon saw it too; the beginning of a small tragic scene within a longer story. Jon’s mind prickled. It was the enticing glimpse of prey. But beneath the Eye’s hunger, his own instincts resurfaced and he knew that something was wrong. Someone he cared about was hurting.
“D-Daisy.” The whisper left his lips before he realized he knew who needed him. He pushed himself out of his chair, the effort taking every ounce of strength he had left. Blood rushed away from his head, vision blackening, and he pitched forward. He caught himself on his desk, and cried out as his lacerated hand slid against the wood. Stupid, stupid, stupid thing to do. Jon belatedly noticed that his other hand was still clutching the bread knife. Cursing it and himself, he hurled it away. Perhaps Martin had been right to be worried all those years ago, about letting Jon near knives. Even if that scar had actually been Micheal’s doing.
He had to brace himself on the desk for several moments, waiting for the dizziness to ebb enough to walk. The Eye was still nagging, telling him to seek out the pain and fear of his next victim. He told it to fuck off. Taking a deep breath he dug for the strength to leave the office, tucking his injured hand against his chest and using the other to steady himself against the wall as he cautiously followed his Sight down the gray corridors of the Institute. For once he was grateful for their emptiness. He was pretty sure Martin would have a heart attack if he saw him like this. At least, the Martin he remembered and longed for.
Daisy’s room wasn’t far away,luckily. Jon nearly fell through the door, but managed to keep his feet as he fumbled for the light switch.
He’d heard her startle as soon as he’d entered, Knew she was sitting on the corner of her cot, against the wall, knees drawn to her chest, blood weeping down her arms.
“J-Jon? Go away. Please.”
“I, um. No.”
Daisy buried her face into her knees, determined not to look at Jon. Why did he have to be so damn stubborn? She could smell his blood, hear his labored breathing, feel his exhaustion. Whatever had happened, he’d made himself excellent prey. He needed to leave. Daisy dug her nails deep into the scratches she’d made, trying to focus on her own pain and blood, keeping the Hunt’s attention away from Jon.
“Jon, you’re bleeding, the blood--I’m going to hurt you if you don’t get out. Please.”
“No.” Daisy didn’t notice that he’d approached until he tentatively touched her wrists. She snarled and flinched away. Jon retracted his hands for a moment.
“You’re not going to hurt me. Because I’m not afraid of you. I am not afraid of you, Daisy.”
Daisy considered that. He was...right. She knew it. She could still kill him. The Hunt still wanted her to. But...Daisy realized she didn’t need to.
“Huh.” She grunted. This time when Jon gently guided her hands away from her arms, she let him. She could feel him trembling, and as concern began to replace the urge to tear into something, she let herself unfold and look up at Jon. 
“God, Jon. You look like shit.”
Daisy stood, lending some support by taking Jon’s hands. He winced, and Daisy pulled her palm away, now slick with red. The scent wafted into her nose, her throat. The urge to spill the rest of his blood was almost unbearable. She choked it down.
“Y-yeah, I know. You’re not much better off, you know.”
“What happened--”
“I--I, I hurt myself. I hurt myself like you’re doing now. It didn’t help. I fucked up. P-please stop.”
Daisy nearly buckled under his slight weight as his legs gave out. She cursed herself for still being so weak.
“Fuck! Jon, I can’t--wait, there we go.” Muscles burning, Daisy sat Jon down on the cot as gently as she could. She knelt in front of him, brushed his long hair away from his face.
“You are such an idiot. Hey, look at me. Can you see me okay?” His eyes locked on hers for long enough that she could hope he wasn’t going to pass out. He nodded.
“Right.” She dug the box that contained her medicine out from under the cot, rummaging for the gauze and antibiotic she knew was stored in there as well. She took Jon’s hand in hers and had it cleaned and wrapped with practiced efficiency.
“Okay. I guess I should get you some water or tea or something. Wait here--”
With strength he shouldn’t have had, Jon grabbed her wrist and pulled her down beside him.
“You too.” He said, fumbling the cap off the antibiotic cream and smearing some onto the welts in her forearms. Daisy was confused until they started to sting as Jon’s fingers made clumsy, uncoordinated contact. It wasn’t until then that she actually remembered they were there.
“Oh. Right.”
She was used to them now, apparently. She’d reopened them so many times now that they were well on their way to scarring, the seams of skin raw and tired of trying to heal. Looking down at them as Jon began to cover them with bandaging, she realized that she didn’t want them there forever. She’d promised Basira that she would try to come back from all this. If that miracle came around, she knew she wouldn’t want to look down at those scars in the future, though she was sure she deserved to. She didn’t see how she could stop at this point though. The Hunt was still there, still hungry. If she had to hurt someone, it was going to have to  be herself from now on.
“No, it doesn’t,” Jon snapped. Daisy jolted, startled by the force in his voice, at the same time feeling the static prickle of being Known.
“Sorry,” Jon mumbled. “I didn’t mean to.”
A couple awkward seconds passed, then Jon continued wrapping Daisy’s arm. “I’m serious though. You can’t keep doing this. It’s helping no one but the Hunt. Trust me, I’ve...tried too many times.”
“Hmm. We’re both real wreckage, aren’t we?” Daisy said.
“Yes. Real dumpster-fire people.”
Daisy snorted. “Me, maybe. Not you though.”
“What? Daisy, I’m--”
“A mess, a complete idiot sometimes, and also a right bastard once in a while. But that didn’t stop you from mutilating yourself to save someone who wanted to kill you.” She poked him in the side where his ribs were missing, eliciting a scandalized yelp.
“All I’ve ever done is hurt people. Kill people.”
Jon considered that. Maybe it was a tad awkward that one of his only friends was a murderer. There was no denying that Daisy had been a terrible person. Yet looking at her now, Jon couldn’t help but be a little proud. He squeezed her hand. “Well. For what it’s worth, I think you...are capable of being better. But you can’t start by hurting yourself.”
“Hmm. We’ll see. The pain, it--it helps me focus on not wanting to kill. It’s exhilarating...In a twisted way, I guess. Doesn’t replace the chase, but it's something.”
“Well, find a different outlet. Buy a shit load of steak or...something.” Jon said in his pretentious I’m-right-and-you’re-not voice.
Daisy turned to look at Jon. There was a haunted look in his face. Daisy realized that he had scared himself by doing what he’d just done. He’d done a lot of reckless things in the past, she knew. Reckless acts that had gotten him badly hurt. But this was the first time time he’d deliberately and directly hurt himself for the sake of hurting himself. Unlike her, he was not used to it, and he didn’t want to be. And he was scared for Daisy too. Although, Daisy was pretty sure he was too late to start worrying about her bad coping methods. Of course he was still going to try, and probably be a pain in the ass about it if she didn’t try as well.
“Heh, you’re a good friend, you know? So that goes for you too, Jon. You’re gonna be better, yeah? And take care of yourself to do it.”
Jon’s eyes dropped. “I...Don’t know if I can. The Eye has a stronger hold on me than the Hunt does on you. It’s pretty determined to keep me.”
“Pfft. Doesn’t matter. You’re too bloody stubborn. And I’m pretty determined to keep you too. And so is Martin.”
“M-Martin? He’s--got other things to worth about now. I didn’t give him any reason to keep caring about me.”
“But he still does, Jon. He’s just as stubborn as you, you know? You’re worth it to him. So be better for him. And I’ll be better for Basira. And for you. Okay?”
“Ah--okay, yes! Yeah. We’ll be monsters together, and then, uh, not monsters for everyone we care about?”
“Not monsters. Just very fucked up people.”
Daisy looked at Jon’s brightening expression and had to laugh. “You know you’re blushing, right?”
“So when did you realize you loved him back?”
Jon spluttered, his cheeks darkening further. “Uhh, erm, I--”
Daisy laughed again. “Nevermind. Hey, you know what we need right now?”
“Let’s try food. I mean good food. When’s the last time you ate something other than trauma?”
Jon huffed. “Well, I tried to eat a bagel today. It didn’t go very well.”
“You mean the shit that’s in the breakroom? No wonder you’re collapsing everywhere. I know you’re probably never hungry anymore, but seriously. Let’s get takeout at that fancy Indian place down the block. Shock the system back into liking food. I’ll pay.”
Jon had to smile. He doubted he would be able to keep much down, but supposed he should start making up for all the times he’d declined dinner with his coworkers--his friends. He’d missed chances with them. He wouldn’t miss anymore.
“Alright. Th-that sounds good. Thanks Daisy.”
“Yeah. You too.”
TRIGGER WARNING: self-harm, blood, cutting, Big self-esteem issues, vaguely suicidal thoughts
I speedwrotethis I speedwrotethis I speedwrotethis, BUT I did have a beta reader!
73 notes · View notes
nooneactuallyasked · 3 years
Diner Gal - Reggie x Reader Part 11
Requested: It’s a series, enough said-
Word count: 1,845
Warnings: No that I know of, but please let me know if there is anything!!
Summary: Julie and the Phantoms ( + Flynn ) go to a musical diner/café/restaurant for inspiration and hopefully a future gig but they end up meeting a very special waitress.
Note: So, I didn’t intend to have a 3-month break but here we are-
I am so sorry but at the same time I needed to put my mental health, schoolwork and future first, so I’m also not sorry? Anyway, I’m back with a new part so my exams can actually try me- Enjoy! (Can’t remember if I’ve used this gif but who cares)
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Part 1 here   Part 2 here   Part 3 here   Part 4 here   Part 5 here   
Part 6 here   Part 6.5 here   Part 7 here   Part 8 here   Part 9 here   
Part 10 here
Y/N sat on a stool at the counter in Le Paradis du Chanteur, a broom leant against the edge. She played with a pen whilst staring down at blank pages of her notebook, her whole body felt heavy and she couldn’t will herself to do anything, the truth had hit her full force like a bright red truck with flashing neon signs that read ‘Caution! Heartbreak!’. She knew she didn’t love him; it was too soon for that but it didn’t stop the aching feeling of knowing all of her options were really only one option: let him go. No matter how selfish Y/N wanted to be she knew that it wasn’t fair to any of them, she wasn’t heartless or ignorant, she knew what accepting Caleb’s offer would do and she refused to take the easy way out.
She would much rather a future alone and without Reggie in it, knowing that he’s safe and happy than condemn him to a life he never wanted, well afterlife but the sentiment stayed the same. Plus, it wasn’t just Reggie, there was Luke and Alex too and they would have to suffer through the consequences of her choice just as much as Reggie would. It wasn’t fair. Y/N sighed and put the pen down on the paper, her chair scraping against the floor as she got up and walked over to the office, staring at the drawer that withheld her chance, her hope. With a slight sigh, she found the courage to open the it and hold the contract in her hands.
Reggie would rip it for you if he were in the same situation.
So, she did, she closed her eyes and did it.
She ripped it.
A blinding light filled the room, a warm sensation wrapped itself around her fingers, growing until it was so unbearably hot that she dropped the ripped pieces of paper, almost instantly the light faded and the heat from before waned into a fuzzy tingling in the tips of her fingers. Y/N hesitantly opened her eyes and saw the contract on the floor, singed along the rip lines. A dark purple mark was burned into the paper, the lines disintegrated and spread across the paper until there was nothing left but thin streaks of ash on the floor. She did it. She really did it, she let him go. All that was left was to wait until the end of the Friday event and then live out the rest of her life as if she’d never heard of Julie and the Phantoms.
Easier said than done but Y/N was determined. If she could take on an evil ghost magician, she could handle pretty much anything.
“And that’s kinda what happened, I guess…”
“Y/N, you’re like one of those really cool superheroes whose origin story is like, the saddest but coolest thing of all time: A waitress who was looking for more in her life than just scrubbing tables comes to find she can communicate with ghosts, specifically three incredibly handsome, cool and charming musicians who teach her there’s more to life than work. Then, the bad guy comes in and messes everything up, though we do have to mention he has amazing food at his ghost joint, but because the waitress is so cool, she saves herself and the three ghosts. But the hero always has to have someone die or sacrifice something, like Cal, sad really. The end!”
Y/N slumped, a terrible sludge-like feeling eating her up inside. She had totally forgotten about Cal, assuming the boys hadn’t found Cal a way out, she had pretty much just sacrificed any chance at freedom he would ever get. Sighing, Y/N looked up to meet Reggie’s questioning gaze who quickly turned pale with realisation, “Oh- sorry, I guess that would still be a sore subject, and you know what, I’ll just stop talking now…”  She forced out a chuckle which quickly faded into a sad smile, her gaze turning toward the floor “It’s okay, Reggie. I know you didn’t mean it like that, I just wish there was more I could do…I feel useless, like I can’t save him, I can’t even get credible information sources to even start to help him. I just, I wish I could do more.” Y/N let out a breath, looking back up at Reggie, “Sorry, that was a lot, huh?”
Reggie bit the inside of his cheek, his brows furrowing, “I just had an idea, I’m not sure if it would work but it’s the best I’ve got.” Y/N’s eyes widened, “Well anything is better than nothing, I’m all ears.”
“Right, so when we performed at the Orpheum we were marked by Caleb, we would either have to join him or disappear for probably forever. After the show we went back to Julie’s garage and she hugged Luke, they started it glowing, it was really weird but awesome too, and so we joined in and we glew, glowed? Glowed, glew? Whatever, we did it too and the marks just disappeared. What if she could do that for Cal? Sorry it’s the best I have, I’m not all that great at-” Y/N wrapped her arms around him in the tightest hug she could muster, “You’re a genius, thank you so much!” Reggie chuckled awkwardly, “It might not even work, and even if it did, I wouldn’t have done anything much to help, it’d be all Julie.” She shook her head, a slightly watery smile on her face, “Leather Boy, you’re the humblest person I know, and that’s probably not a good thing. You’ve helped me so much; you’ve done so much more than I ever could, I don’t think I would even have had the courage to rip the contract if it weren’t for you. Thank you so much, Reggie. You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met and I don’t know what I would do without you.”
“Thanks, Diner Gal, that means a lot.” She grinned, desperately trying to get rid of the depressing atmosphere, “Everything I say means a lot, Leather Boy, it’s what happens when you reach your peak as the edgy, ‘not like other girls’ girl in middle school; everything you say becomes wisdom.” He slowly nodded, a small, confused smile plastered on his face, “I’ll pretend I know what that mean s and go ask Julie later after I’ve convinced her to help Cal, see you, Diner Gal.”
“Right back at you, Leather Boy.”
Y/N tied some balloons together before attaching them to a weight and strategically placing them around, okay she was just putting them down randomly but whatever, who needs strategy when you have a night full of music and, hopefully, possession free Cal’s in the near future.
“Wow, this is really starting to take shape. Love the balloons, I do hope they don’t pop whilst we’re performing though.”
She spun around to face the group behind her, “Hey, Firecracker, good to see you. And of course, I can’t forget, Leather Boy, Lover Boy, Boomer and my favourite marketing team, how are you all?”
“Great, it’s nice to see you again since Reggie’s been keeping you all to himself.”
“I have not! You and Luke are just busy pretending to write lyrics when you’re actually staring into each other’s eyes and Alex is with Willie pretending he’s gonna learn to skate when he’s actually just gushing over Willie.”
“Uh…” The mentioned parties turned as bashful as the Disney dwarf whilst Y/N and Flynn doubled over in laughter at their expressions.
“Man, Jules, what did he say back to mad you that flustered?”
“Don’t talk to me or I’ll egg your house.”
“Hey, I didn’t even go through with it, I don’t get why you’re still mad about it.” Both girls glared at each other for a second before bursting out in a second bout of laughter. Y/N turned to Reggie with an amused expression, “This is your fault, you know that, right?” A sheepish smile crosses his lips, “I realise that now, yeah.”
“Good, I was just checking.”
“Anyway, Y/N, Reggie was telling us about some ghost magician troubles you may or may not have, how can I help?” Y/N nearly cried in relief, there was a chance she was getting her self-appointed uncle back, “Uh, if you know how to get rid of Caleb’s mark that would help, from what I’ve been told that’s how he gets control or least has influence; since he can be outside of Cal’s body it’s probably less possession and more influence or control, if you get what I mean.” Julie nodded along, a thoughtful look on her face, “Yeah, I tried reading up on what happened more but most of it was just people trying to make a buck of off other people’s desperation…Actually, hey, Alex? Do you think you could get Willie this short notice?” He shrugged, “Maybe, I’ll see if I can get him, see you guys in a minute.”
Immediately after Alex poofed out Luke started grumbling, “Not even a question as to why, just so desperate to see his boyfriend…” Y/N rolled her eyes, “I bet you’re the same with your dearest Julie though, aren’t you, Lover Boy?”
“Tell that to Reggie.”
“Okay, setting up time, positions everyone!” Flynn flitted around, ushering the air into different positions before pushing Y/N and Julie to different ‘awesomeness-in-progress stations’
After about 15 minutes of blowing up balloons, hanging up bunting and banners and moving tables away from the enlarged performance area, Alex finally returned with Willie. “Took you long enough, jeez.”
“Okay, Romeo, I’ll remember that for next time, but let’s focus on saving Cal and tonight’s performance, yeah?” Willie quickly stepped in, “Hey, I’m Willie, Alex told me about you guys. Julie and Y/N, right?” His gaze turned to Flynn who was sorting through a pile of ribbons on the floor, “Can the other lifer see me? Or is that a no-go?” Julie smiled, “Nice to officially meet you, and no, she can’t see you, but she does know you’re here since I dragged her into this mess, so if she randomly starts talking to air or addressing you please try to ignore my loveable and not at all exasperating best friend.” Flynn looked up form the pile and flashed a smile at Julie, “That’s me! I’m also the only one setting up right now? Come on, guys, there’s still an event on tonight.”
“Right, I still have to set up light, sound, make copies of the setlist and make sure all of our performer’s resting spaces are prepared. Not to mention getting the staff ready. Would it be okay if I did those while you discuss? I’ll be here for the main event; I just have a lot to do.” Julie laid a hand on Y/N’s shoulder, “Relax, we got this. You sort out the diner, I’ll fill you in later.” She received a tired smile in return, “Thanks, Firecracker. It was nice meeting you, Willie. I’ll see you guys in just a bit.”
@dotishyperfixating​   @daddydraco0   @morganayenneferburnham​
@dxestars   @dcnerd98   @ultraworthlessbitch
@revolutionary-werewolf-ghosts   @underc0vercryptid
@underc0vercryptid-reads   @miisacore​
@cas-loves-pizza   @slytherhoes​ 
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flowercrown-bucky · 4 years
Trouble has never looked so good - But then again, it’s never been wearing a push-up bra before.
Fandom: 1970s!Loki Multi-Chapter
Pairing: Loki x ConArtist!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, drinking, drug references, later death, later smut, crime, loki and the reader are con artists..... It’s a wild one y’all, hold onto yo’ seats.
Word Count: 3084
[Something Wicked This Way Comes - Chapter One] 
Loki’s life on Asgard has become vapid; uninspiring. He’s got the taste for a little danger. 
During a trip to earth, he finds just the danger he’s looking for.
A partner in crime - in every imaginable sense. 
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LIFE on Asgard was unbearably normal.
It was fine. If anything, it was too fine.
There was only so much feasting and so many council meetings one could take, you know?
Loki had stalked off to his chambers, muttering to his brother that he needed time to focus his magic.
He didn't, of course. Odin's lecturing on diplomatic decorum had simply become mind numbingly dull and it seemed like the most suitable excuse.
Loki's chambers were in a prime position. It was, after all, the reason he had coerced his older brother into switching with him when they were both around three hundred years old. He was roughly a hundred yards from the palace kitchens, something that well suited his secret midnight-snacking habit, and about as far from the Allfather and Allmother's chambers as he could possibly be, something that well suited his secret midnight sneaking-out habit.
However, the thing he loved most about his chambers, was the proximity to the palace orchard. If he stepped through the doors onto the balcony, he could grip the railings and sort of kamikaze himself over, before dropping the two-or-so-feet distance between him and the floor, and it was this that had made him want to occupy this chamber so badly.
He'd loved the orchard ever since he was a little boy. It was his safe spot, somewhere he had gone to hide from the world, where nothing could harm him or make him feel anything he didn't want to. He liked to take a book with him, and read under the shade of the apple trees until someone came to retrieve him.
It was here he had considered retreating to when he remembered the girl kneeling between his legs.
She was, Loki believed, a princess of Vanaheim, visiting Asgard with her father. Sex was not something that particularly concerned him, but he had left the council hall feeling rather frustrated, and the remarkably attractive woman had practically thrown herself at him.
If a beautiful woman desired to fellate him, who was he to complain?
It was, however, doing nothing for him - so much so he had forgotten she was even there.
"You can stop now." He wasn't entirely gentle when he tugged her off him, opting to do so with the help of a handful of her hair, but ,hey, he was extremely frustrated and she had been no help in the easing of that frustration.
"I can-"
"Nope." He waved a hand dismissively at the woman, leaving her to gather her clothes and dignity from where they'd been discarded in the floor. Girls were far more his brother's thing.
The only satisfying sexual encounter he had ever had had been on Midgard, some ten years before. Her name was Elizabeth, and she wanted to be an actress. With a head of carefully constructed dark curls and unusual violet coloured eyes, she was positively electrifying. She'd liked Loki's regal manner, assumed he was important. He'd been looking for a way to unwind and had yet to find it in a bottle of whiskey. They had, you might say, used each other equally.
He wondered what she was doing now.
Midgard, however, didn't seem like too bad an idea.
The mortals, he thought, were funny. Their funny little ways, their funny little habits, their funny little emotions.
He rather liked that idea. Midgard it was to be, then.
Las Vegas, was perhaps, the worst place he had ever been. Crawling with perhaps the worst specimens humanity had to offer, and drowning in immorality, Vegas was perhaps the physical embodiment of iniquity. 
Perhaps the underbelly of the world, Vegas combined all aspects of bigotry - racism, misogyny, pride. Men traded their lives away to pay to warm the sheets of women condemned to a life of misery, destined to while their days away in some clandestine pact with dingy hotel rooms. 
Not Vegas, Loki thought to himself. 
New York, he was not particularly fond of either. It was much too cold and full of self importance. The people were, largely, cold and unpleasant, and the food was something he could never get behind. 
Europe he had not visited for a long while since. It had been stricken by an unpleasant pox last time he had visited, covering the suffering with boils as large as the palm as his hand. He’d begrudgingly lent his healing skills to the ailing people. After all, he really didn’t like the smell of rotting flesh. 
 He wasn’t altogether pleased with the likenesses the people later formed in the name of worship.
In all honesty, they made him look rather greasy and weaselly.
Montecarlo, Loki thought, might be a little more interesting than he'd initially thought. Possibly, his favourite place he'd visited on Midgard.
It was like a hive of temptation, the culmination of human greed. Nowhere on earth quite said luxury like a city dressed to the nines, and Loki loved it.
It was far better than his previous visits, wherein he had found the planet stricken by various bouts of violence and deadly plagues. 
1973, with its penchant for sex, drugs and rock'n'roll was far more to his taste.
He had, in the short time he'd been in the city, become very well acquainted with the calibrate of person who liked to visit. Men with enough class to never let an expletive pass their lips within company, but perfectly happy to snort narcotics off the seats of public toilets using a ten dollar bill that was on its fourth use.
Women loyal enough to remain on the arm of one gentleman for the whole of an evening but not opposed to a quick fuck in a back alley from a tall dark stranger with a mysterious smile.
Sex was not something Loki was particularly concerned with, but he did enjoy the sense of power he got from looking directly into the eyes of a man whose wife he had made come undone not ten minutes earlier.
Humans, he noted, were no different to the savage tribes of Muspelheim. They just hid it better, under expensive clothes and university degrees and layers of makeup.
This was not something he necessarily was bothered by. He was having far too good a time for that.
Casinos, he had taken a real liking to. Money was another thing that held no meaning for him, but cheating pompous assholes out of what they believed was rightfully theirs?
That, he could get behind, and it seemed he was not alone in that.
He had been watching you all evening, as you worked your way around the room.
You were dressed to kill, and the man you'd turned your attentions to looked like he would gladly die if it would please you.
One hand stroking his *ahem* ego, and the other stealing his wallet.
You were perfect.
Mischief was on his agenda, and you looked like a wonderful accomplice.
He'd approached you quietly, a gentle hand on your shoulder, his lips by your ear.
"Well, hello." He'd murmured, as you turned to face him. "Who might you be?"
You'd practically preened at the sudden attention, clearly very pleased with the idea of a second conquest of the evening.
"Darling, I'm your worst nightmare." You bit your red painted lip, your eyes trailing the length of him. Your glance was cold, calculating - pretty much everything Loki appreciated in a woman. 
For a moment, he wondered if you were to kill him, how you would carry out the act. He felt almost as if he would appreciate it. 
You looked like a poisoner, he decided. Less messy, less loose ends to take care of. 
“And what, exactly, does my worst nightmare take to drink?” He could feel the smug grin growing on his face. “I am well acquainted with the torment of the unconscious mind.” 
You were taken aback, that much he could see from your face. For someone so experienced with hustling card games, you did not have much of a poker face. 
His smile grew. Unsettling people was one of his very favourite things.
“Champagne.” You still gnawed at your lip, but the reasoning, he could tell, had changed - if he didn’t know better, he’d think you were quite literally biting back a smile. 
“A lady after my own heart.” He replied. “You have good taste.” 
 “Only the best.” You lifted your glass towards him. 
“I’ll drink to that.” 
The course of the evening made abundant to Loki exactly how you operated. You were fairly certain you had him in the palm of your hand, that much he could tell - and it was certainly amusing to play along with it. 
You played your role well, and that was something he admired. You allowed him to lead the conversation, showering his ego with praise and affirmation. You fiddled with your hair as you spoke, twisting it around your index finger before draping it over your clavicle, trailing towards your ample bosom. 
You occasionally - intentionally - licked at your lip as you spoke, your tongue coyly tracing your plump bottom lip, tilting your head to the side as if to show how truly intrigued you were by what he was saying, exposing a good deal of neck in the process. 
It truly was a shame, he thought, that mortal men were unable to see the brains, the intellect, behind the beauty - or more specifically, the bust. 
Midgardian men were truly unable to see exactly what they possessed, but on Asgard, you would’ve been celebrated, treasured even, for the power of your mind. 
It was a great pity, Loki thought, and rather unfortunate for their wallets. 
You’d kept him on his toes since you’d first spoken. You were keeping him on his toes now. 
He watched you as you spoke to the woman next to you. You were so careful, every movement deliberate, purposeful. 
You played your part well. In a knee-length blue dress, you largely left the curves of your body to the imagination. The imagination, however, was aided by how the material clung to your hips and your more than ample bosom. Almost every male eye in the room was on you. 
You made your way back over to where he lent on the bar. You seemed to enjoy toying with him. As to why, he could not fathom. 
You waved a bottle of champagne in his face, before topping up his own glass. 
“Consider the favour...” You flashed a smile at him that was utterly to die for. “Repaid.” 
He ran a hand through his long hair, catching your gaze. 
If he was an ordinary man, he would be truly fucked. 
“So, tell me.” His voice came out as something closer to a purr than anything else. “How does a woman such as yourself turn to petty crime?” If it were possible to display every element of the spectrum of human emotion in one simultaneous instant, Loki was sure it would look very similar to how your face currently looked. 
Almost as quickly as it had come over you, it was gone. The mask returned and you flashed him a coy grin. 
“What gave me away?” Your left eyebrow quirked. 
“I’m perceptive.” He smiled. “You’re good, I’ll give you that. But I’m better.” 
“What are you, a cop?” Your voice was calm, level. It was almost completely impossible to detect the emotions behind it. 
“Please.” He scoffed. “I have a proposal for you.” 
Your arm dropped to your side. Your face remained unchanged, but the mischief, the slight twinkle in your eye, was gone. 
“Meet me outside the toilets in five minutes.” Your voice was hoarse. You turned away from him with a swish of apple-scented hair, taking a step away from him. 
He reached out, catching your wrist. You stumbled slightly, grabbing at the bar to steady yourself. 
“I’m not interested in sex, if that’s what you think.” His voice dropped. 
“Then what do you want?” You spun to face him. 
“If you show me, I’ll show you.” He grinned at you. 
“Show me, what, exactly?” You asked, intrigued. 
“Everything.” He whispered. His hand came up to your face, taking your chin gently inbetween his forefinger and thumb. He turned your head gently from side to side, before tilting it back. You watched with curious eyes, but allowed him to rest his hand on your forehead. 
He closed his eyes slowly, his consciousness seeping through his body, penetrating your mind. 
It was an odd place, your mind. He’d never been in any other quite like it. There had always been a lot going on, in people’s minds. They were.. furnished. Most appeared as a place, at least - a childhood home, a favourite place - but yours was remarkably empty. 
Enormous black units surrounded him, rows upon rows of boxes reaching as far as his eyes could see. The only other thing present within your mind was a chair, upon which you sat. 
It was tall and as black as the shelves. The back faced him, your legs slung either side of it, your elbow resting on the top. Your chin rested on your fist, and you watched him as he adjusted to your surroundings, one eyebrow bemusedly quirked. 
“Fancy seeing you here.” You smiled. “Sorry about the mess. I don’t get a lot of visitors, you know, inside my head.” 
Loki laughed. 
“Your mind is intriguing, little one.” He walked towards one of the units to get a closer look, lifting a hand to open one. It didn’t budge. 
“I bet you say that to all the girls.” You teased.  
“Just the pretty ones.” He tugged again, a little harder. “What’s in these boxes?“
“My deepest secrets.” You replied curtly. “How do you do this, anyway? You don’t get many people who can waltz into your mind uninvited around here.” 
“I told you, you show me, and I’ll show you.” He left the boxes, walking over to where you sat. He circled you a few times, looking around for anything else within your mind. “I am not of this world.” 
“No shit.” You grumbled. 
“Ladies first.” He grinned. “I want to know how you do it. Then you will get your answers.” 
“Then get out of my head.” You replied. “The only person in here to scam is you, and it’s not quite the same when someone knows you’re going to rob them.” 
“Very well.” Loki snapped his fingers. 
You opened your eyes with a gasp as he lifted his hand from your forehead. 
“Never do that again.” You warned. 
He chuckled, lifting his hand to support his head, looking at you expectantly. 
“I’m waiting.” He raised an eyebrow. 
“Where shall we start?” 
You leant across the table towards Loki. 
“That one.” You tilted your head towards the left. 
He lifted his head, looking up for the man you’d singled out. The ginger in the double breasted suit? The lanky blonde with the knock knees? The man bun? 
He knew the one. 
“Clammy hands.” He mused. “Look at the discoloration on the front of his trousers. The pigment has been lost from repeatedly wiping his hands on them. He has sweaty hands.” 
“Can I keep you?” You tilted your head to the side. 
“Why him?” He asked. “How do you choose?” 
“I don’t.” You replied. “They sort of... reveal themselves. They look at me. Stare at me. All I have to do is look back.” 
“And from there?” 
“The art of robbing someone just comes down to sleight of hand. Same as hustling a card game.” You glanced over at the man. “I used to do magic tricks with cards and make people’s car keys disappear as a kid. I picked it up from there.” 
“Impressive.” He leaned back in his seat. “Why do you do it?” 
“This world has not been kind to me.” You sighed. “Besides, life is so much more interesting with a little chaos.” 
He chuckled, placing both of his elbows on the table, hands clasped together in front of his face. 
“Do you fuck all of them?” He raised one eyebrow. 
“Just the pretty ones.” Your face cracked into a wide smile. 
He stared at you for a second. This beautiful, conniving woman in front of him, the poison that resided in your mind, the deadliness that lay in your hands. 
In all honesty, it excited him. 
You’d intrigued him since he’d very first laid eyes on you, and every moment since, that  intrigue had grown. Who were you really? What were you? 
For the first time that evening, it occurred to him that he didn’t even know your name. 
He got the feeling that if he asked, you wouldn’t tell him the truth. You weren’t that stupid. 
You were hiding from something, he was fairly sure. Being in hiding was something he was all too familiar, and if there was anything he had learned in his five thousand years of life, it was how to spot when someone was on the run. 
“I believe you are exactly what I’ve been looking for, little criminal.” He murmured. 
“And what, pray tell, would that be?” You pursed your red painted lips. 
“A partner in crime.” He replied. “A fellow mischief maker, if you will.” 
“You could be a serial killer.” You crossed your arms over your chest. 
“So could you.” He said curtly. “I entered your mind and you’ve just explained how you con and rob people, but yet, here we both still are.” 
You blinked, shifting so you were leaning on your left side. Your expression was thoughtful - you were considering his suggestion. 
“And what exactly do I get out of this deal?” You asked. 
“You saw what I did earlier.” He leaned forwards on his forearms. “I will open your mind to things you cannot currently even begin to comprehend.” 
“Okay. I’ll bite.” You lifted your drink to your lips, taking a sip. “I accept your offer.” 
“I must tell you.” He warned. “You will be playing with fire.”  You set your glass down on the table, before leaning back in your seat. You turned your head to the left briefly, tossing your hair over one shoulder. You crossed one leg over the other as you turned back to face him. Your eyes found his, a gaze that truly seemed to be looking into his soul, and you smiled. 
“Luckily for you, I like to watch things burn.” 
TAGLIST: @possessedjoker​ @amour-delicate
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 4 years
Protea (Part 7)
Mai hasn’t stopped by yet, Snapdragon supposes that it is just as well, she hasn’t finished her gift yet. It is quite simple but she is still proud of it. She hopes that Mai will enjoy it as much as she is thrilled to be making it.
So far the necklace has six charms, a very vividly colored paradise-peacock feather, a small elephant-rat paw bone, a naturally polished and very shiny stone with a hole in it, an aged fork, a clam shell, and one of several old coins that she had found buried in the jungles of Hira’a.
She thinks that the cord can hole at least one more trinket and a few beads. She scampers through her piles sorting through ribbons, thimbles, and empty bobbins. She inspects shards of glass before ultimately deciding that those are all too pointy to wear around the neck. She picks up a crab claw and puts it on its own pile, a candidate for being the final trinket. She finds her collection of beads and plucks out a few black and dark red ones, Mai seems to enjoy the gloomier shades.
She scrambles over to her plant specimens. Mostly they consist of interestingly shaped twigs but there are several dried leaves, petals, and roots. She thinks that the leaves and petals are too frail to be threaded onto the cord. But the roots, those might very well work. And they would make sense too. Mai works with flowers and plants so the necklace should have at least something to represent that. Snapdragon’s current necklace represents her.
She feels it against her chest. It has at least eight charms, a few of them don’t mean anything in particular to her. But she has recently added snapdragon roots between the tiger-monkey claw and her a dusty, broken geode. A tiger-monkey claw for her fierceness and her love of climbing and a rusty cog for her love of old factories and abandoned places. There is a coconut chip to remind her of her days in the jungle and a blunt tip of a broken dagger. She isn’t entirely sure about the geode but it speaks to her on some level. The coins, beads, and the piece of tattered red cloth are more for show than anything else.
She twirls the root in her hand before ultimately deciding that they will be the perfect final addition to her necklace. She ties it onto the cord with a satisfied smile and holds it up. It is perfect, an asymmetrical cluster of things that don’t seem like they should go together. But they are harmonized in their chaos.
Her smile fades, she isn’t sure that Mai would like to wear something so odd. Especially in a palace full of watching, judging eyes. She supposes that it’s okay if she only wears it around her and then takes it off when she gets to the palace.
It is raining quite heavily but Mai doesn’t particularly care. The pounding of the drops drowns out the angry beating in her mind. Zuko is being unbearable. Everything is an argument, everything is taken so personally. And she doesn’t care for that Jin girl that he has been bringing around.
She can’t quite place it at first but she thinks that it might be a twinge of jealousy one that she wishes she could permanently purge. She isn’t sure why she is jealous, she has made it clear that things were over between the two of them. And yet she can’t shake that nagging sense that it should be she who is going to be attending Ember Island Players shows with him. That was their thing and now their thing is being shared with some ditzy, doe-eyed, air headed…
Mai tightens her fists in her pockets. Small puddles are gathering uncomfortably in the folds of her robes and she has no one to blame but herself. Why does Snapdragon’s factory have to be at the very other side of the city? Why did she neglect getting herself a palanquin ride?  Zuko probably wouldn’t have let her borrow one anyhow. Not mid-squabble.
Her feet slosh through puddle after puddle, soaking through to her socks. She shudders, there is no greater discomfort. No greater suffering. But at least she isn’t bored.
She finds Snapdragon, also soaked thoroughly, leaping from puddle to puddle. She, unlike Mai herself, seems absolutely delighted to be dripping wet. She hasn’t yet noticed mai. Even in the misty gloom, Snapdragon is a splash of color. The necklace she wears today is particularly flashy as it clanks against her chest. Mai is inclined to believe that she has chosen it specifically to stand out in the drabness.
“I’m glad that you’re having fun.”
Snapdragon comes to an abrupt halt, kicking up a splash of oily mud. “I like rainy days sometimes.”
“You would enjoy playing around in the mud.”
“It’s too slick for climbing ‘n jumping on roofs today.” Snapdragon shrugs. “So I’m pretending that the puddles are roofs ‘stead.”
“Interesting.” Mai remarks stoically.
“I ain’t realize you liked walks in the rain.”
“I don’t.”
Snapdragon tilts her head, “then why are you walking in the rain?”
She shakes her head, “just...don’t worry about it. Can we go inside, I need to wring my clothes and hair out.”
Snapdragon flounces over to the door and holds it open, “after you, hotwoman.”
Mai rolls her eyes. Normally it would be enduring, today she just finds herself annoyed by the woman’s uppity antics. She sighs and gives her hair an overly forceful twist and squeeze. She can’t let herself take her frustrations out on Snapdragon. The girl has been nothing but pleasant.
“Hey, stay right there! I gotta go get something!”
She doesn’t give Mai a chance to answer before darting off and scrambling up her rickety ladder. It is probably a good thing, she very well might have muttered a harsh, ‘where else am I going to go, Snapdragon?’ Mai rubs her hands over her face. Maybe she should try to lighten the mood. Maybe she should try to drink in some of the delight that Snapdragon radiates.
The girl comes back down with another one of her gaudy necklaces. She is beaming from ear to ear. “What do you think?”
Mai inspects the jewelry. “It’s...uh...it’s unique. Very you.”
“I was trying to make it more you.” She holds it out. “See, the roots are supposed to represent your flower shop.”
Mai tries to muster up a smile but it probably looks more like a grimace.
“It’s for you.” She retracts her hand slightly and thrusts it out again.
Mai takes a deep breath and tries for a joke, “I don’t know if I can pull off a trash necklace.”
Maybe it is her deadpan delivery, or maybe she has simply uncovered and hit some hidden raw spot, but Snapdragon’s face falls. Mai could slap herself. “No, no. I mean it’s a cool necklace, I like it. I just wanted to make a joke.”
Snapdragon forces a laugh. She doesn’t try to hand the necklace to her again.
“You’re not going to offer it again?”
“It’s alright, Mai, you don’t have to take it if you don’t want to.” She forces a smile.
“I do want to.” She holds her hand out. Snapdragon sets the necklace in her palm. Mai tries to make small talk with her but she mostly answers with simple yes or no’s while toying with the charms on her own necklace.
And Mai considers that maybe Zuko isn’t the problem at all. Maybe it is her. She does have this amazing ability to drag everyone down instead of allowing them to lift her up. It always happens eventually. She wishes that she weren’t so unremarkable.
By dusk the rain comes to a slow. After an hour or so of getting nowhere in conversation, Mai had declared that it would probably be best to make her way back home before it gets dark and the second round of storm clouds roll in.
She can see them lingeringly darkly on the horizon as she scuttles her way over a heap of wooden beams and crates and shimmies up the husk of an old war tank. She squeezes herself into the hatch and slips behind the wheel. She imagines the war machine roaring to life in a cough of black smoke. Imagines the raw power of it. Imagines being something more than just some downtrodden alley dweller. Maybe then Mai wouldn’t be embarrassed by her. Maybe then, she’d have a chance with the woman.
Her gift was accepted out of pity and nothing more, she knows that Mai is just going to chuck the necklace aside when she gets back to the palace and pretend like she has no idea where it had come from.
Snapdragon gives the rusty metal wheel a turn. Maybe if she spent less time lurking in abandoned places, people wouldn’t abandon affections for her. She supposes that it is hard to love someone who is constantly covered in dust and grime. All the same, she loves her hobby, she can’t really see herself without it.
She finds a little corner of the tank to curl herself up in and wait out the storm. It comes suddenly and with a surprising fury. From the sound of it, the drops are thick as they pelt the side of the tank. And the thunder shakes the ground. It is probably a horrid idea to hole up in a metal tank so she hustles out of it and into the rain.
The puddles are no fun anymore and the rain throws itself violently into her face. She thinks of going into the factory but it is entirely metal too. The lightning strikes it over and over again with a terrifying fury. And yet it manages to stand on, powerful and admirable. She thinks that it is what keeps her safe from getting struck; the lightning is so enticed by it that it doesn’t bother with her as she heads towards Mohi’s home.
The wind lashes at her with a fury and she wonders if and hopes that Mai has made it home.
Maybe if she were a shaper, smarter, noblewoman she would have thought to offer letting Mai stay with her at Mohi’s. Would have walked there with her a while ago.
But she isn’t smarter. She isn’t a noble woman. But she isn’t anything grander than what she is now. Isn’t anyone impressive. She’s just Snapdragon, a girl who doesn’t even have a real name.
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Kitty Cat & Tweety Bird (Part 16) - Jason Todd
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Gif: Dxnninja on Tenor
Word Count: 2.1K
Paring: Jason Todd (Titans) x (f)Reader
Summary: Jason and Y/N spend some quality time together while Dick third wheels. Y/N meets the board of Wayne Enterprises.
Warnings: N/A
A/N: This is a little series I am doing about Jason Todd in Titans. I don’t know Comic!Jason very well so I’m taking all of this from the show, and at the moment he hasn’t been in very often, so please forgive any mischaracterisations.
Tagging: @bella-0104-123 @ninergirl1d @httpfandxms @rosybrock @attackonnat @reclusive-chicken-nugget   @demoiselle-en-detresse00 @young-psychos @thesleepykaijuu @thescottpack @nightlygiggles @rougestorms @sinon36​ @acvrosstheuniverse @friedchickening​ @chillybabe
There was zero chance for Jason and Y/N to sneak away as they jumped over the roof tops of Gotham with Dick overseeing them. He loitered behind them the entire time, watching them with an eagle eye, never giving them a chance to escape and enjoy themselves.
‘We can’t get five minutes to ourselves,’ Y/N sighed as her and Jason dawdled over the rooftops, Dick lingering behind them just enough so they could talk privately but close enough that they couldn’t ditch him.
‘Yeah, sorry about him,’ Jason smiled sympathetically to Y/N, his mask covering his cheekbones but highlighting his eyes. ‘If I knew he was so close then I would’ve been quieter.’
‘Not your fault,’ Y/N assured Jason, ‘as he said – he’s technically my brother now. Aren’t big brothers supposed to be, like, giant pains in the ass?’
‘You’d prefer a little brother?’ Jason chuckled. ‘Aren’t they like… little demons or something?’
‘I don’t know – I’ve been an only child all my life now I’ve got a new dad and a brother along with that,’ Y/N shrugged as she waited for Jason to climb over a roof that she had already conquered, ‘it’s a totally new life. I’ve got to adjust to it all, I guess.’ Y/N smiled tightly as Jason landed on his feet next to her. ‘It’s been months though, since I learned who my dad was, and since I met Dick, I thought I’d be used to this by now.’
‘Come on,’ Jason said, ‘you can’t really expect to just walk into a new life and not be affected by the change, Kitty Cat. You’re only human.’
‘But I’m more than ‘only human’, aren’t I?’ Y/N groaned and leaned her head against the bricks, ‘I’m Batman’s daughter, I’m Catwoman’s daughter. I was raised by Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn. For fuck sake, I pet-sit Hyenas on my Saturday nights.’
‘That doesn’t mean you’re unshakable,’ Jason said, placing his hands on her waist and resting his forehead against hers. ‘You have every right to feel overwhelmed and not know how to adjust or know what to do – everyone feels like that, regardless of background, of who they are. It’s human.’
‘I know,’ Y/N nodded and spoke quietly, ‘but I’ve never felt this overwhelmed by life before. Becoming Lynx was easy, coming to terms with Mum being a criminal was easy, knowing who Auntie Ivy and Auntie Harley were was easy, fighting the Joker was easy – this is so unknown to me.’
‘Well,’ Jason kissed the end of her nose gently, ‘I’ll help you through it. I’ll hold your hand the whole time.’
‘Hey, you love birds alright?’ Dick asked appearing behind them.
‘Yeah, yeah,’ Y/N nodded, ‘just talking, appreciating the distance from the paps.’
‘Yeah, they’re a pain,’ Dick smiled awkwardly, ‘after I moved out of the manor, they left me alone, but before that, they were utter hell!’
‘So, in your professional opinion,’ Jason began, ‘when will they leave us all alone?’
‘Honestly?’ Dick frowned, ‘not till they get what they want.’
‘And what do they want?’ Jason asked.
‘They want me, don’t they?’ Y/N mumbled, ‘to know me?’
‘Pretty much,’ Dick nodded, ‘they’re vultures, and they’ll keep circling. If they don’t get the information through us, as a family, they’ll get it somewhere else, a less legit source, and then that’s the public’s opinion of you.’
For the first time since her formal announcement to the public, Y/N Kyle-Wayne was back inside the building of Wayne Enterprises, not as an intern, nor as Bruce Wayne’s assistant or Jason Todd’s girlfriend, but as the future CEO of the company. To say it was overwhelming was an understatement. Shaking from head to toe, Y/N gulped as she was led by Bruce towards the board room, filled with board members who were eager to tear her apart and prove she had no right to the Wayne Fortune or Business. Stopping in the middle of the hallway, Y/N pressed her hands against the wall to brace herself. Bruce and Dick stopped and watched before Bruce approached his daughter.
‘You alright?’ Bruce asked softly as he rubbed her back.
‘Nervous,’ she confessed.
‘We don’t have to do this today,’ Bruce said in a comforting voice, ‘we can call the whole thing off.’
‘No, no,’ Y/N shook her head, standing up straight, ‘let’s do it. Rip the bandage off.’
‘We’ll be right there with you,’ Dick assured his sister.
‘I know,’ Y/N nodded, giving a hesitant smile before the trio continued towards the board room.
‘Ready?’ Bruce asked, placing his hand on the handle.
‘Let’s go,’ Y/N said as Bruce opened the door. The three walked into the boardroom. A long wooden table took up most of the space with elegant office chairs blocking any and all free space. Every single one of those chairs were filled with members of the board of Wayne Enterprises. All were old, miserable men who stared Y/N down the moment she walked in. Seeing the large, ceiling to floor windows that overlooked the Gotham skyline, Y/N felt at ease, sighing in relief before meeting the shark eyes of the board members.
‘Mr Wayne,’ one of the men said standing up, ‘Mr Grayson.’
Y/N noticed how he didn’t acknowledge her, but rather her father and Dick, and looking at the other two, they noticed it as well. Dick coughed and folded his arms.
‘What? My sister isn’t good enough to be greeted like a human being?’ Dick spoke up.
‘No, no,’ Y/N turned to Dick, ‘I’m sure the man had a perfectly good reason for being unbearably rude to the future CEO of Wayne Enterprises, right, sir?’
The old man merely quirked his lip and met the gaze of the young Wayne, almost amused.
‘Well, young lady, you must understand how your position in the Wayne Line is obviously up for debate, and anyway, you are far too young and… delicate to take the position of CEO. CEO’s need to be strong and respectable.’
‘Dude,’ Dick chuckled, ‘she served my ass to me the first time we met – she’s stronger and more respectable than all of you lot put together.’’
‘He’s saying I can’t run a company because I’m female,’ Y/N said, ‘right? Along with questioning whether I am a Wayne.’
‘Well, what name did you go by for most of your life? It was that Street Rat Girl Mr Wayne fawned over in childhood, correct? Kyle?’
‘Selina is her mother, yes,’ Bruce said, ‘and her father is indeed I. You can see the DNA test results that we have. Obviously, I was prepared for those who would doubt the truth that was right in front of you. Can’t you see the Wayne in her?’
‘Mr Wayne, you surely cannot expect this… girl to lead the company after you leave.’
‘I can and I will.’
‘And I have a name,’ Y/N snapped, ‘if any of my future employees would care to know.’
‘My son would make a far superior CEO than this girl.’
‘Again, I’ve got a name.’
‘Just meet with him.
‘Oh, I’ve met your son, O’Connor,’ Bruce scoffed, ‘the one doing lines of cocaine in the bathroom at the Gala, yes? Utterly unfit and, currently, being arrested by GCPD for possession and use of drugs.’
Y/N placed a firm hand on O’Connor’s upper arm.
‘O’Connor – is it?’
‘Greggory O’Connor,’ the man said.
‘Well, Greg, mind if I call you Greg?’ Y/N said, not giving him a chance to answer before carrying on, ‘why don’t you take a seat and listen for a change rather than shove your nose where it doesn’t belong, especially when you’re as misogynistic as you have been towards me, who is, I will remind you yet again, is your future boss. And you still haven’t asked me my name.’
‘What is your name, Miss Wayne?’ Another man spoke up as Greggory sat back down. This man looked kinder, warmer with a greying beard and wire glasses.
‘It’s Y/N,’ she said directly to the man, ‘and you are?’
‘Lucius Fox,’ he smiled at Y/N, ‘I see the Wayne in you. Stoic – just like your grandfather, but a warmth that is undeniably Martha, especially in those eyes.’
‘Thank you, Mr Fox,’ Y/N nodded towards the man as she took her spot at the front of the room, ready to address the members.
‘I have no doubt that when you lead the company, you shall do it with the strength and values that all previous Waynes’ have had.’
‘I like him’ Y/N said, turning to her father, ‘don’t fire him,’ she joked, causing a few little laughs in the room. ‘Now, I’m certain that if you asked all of us in this room at this point last year where we’d all end up, none of us would’ve said here, in this moment. Especially I of all people. Yes, as Mr O’Connor and my father said, my mother is Selina Kyle, who did grow up on the streets, but she has worked hard to provide me with a stable and good life. I do want to be CEO of Wayne Enterprises. I believe that we, as an international enterprise and a Gotham based one as well, need to show that, when we work together, Gotham can be more than criminals that run the city, we need to show that, when the people stand up against the evil and wrongs in the world, we can make a difference. A lot of people in Gotham are pushed aside, never heard, and those people are the ones who suffer the consequences of us and our ignorance. My mother was one of those people, and she was lucky and was able to claw her way out, though it wasn’t without hardships. But we need to make sure that none have to the pain and trials and tribulations that my mother went through, and that starts with us.’ Y/N paused, ‘As some have made themselves abundantly clear, you are not happy with me eventually becoming CEO of Wayne Enterprises, although I don’t want to be cruel here but I will state the truth I don’t know how many of you will be with us when what time comes, sorry if that comes to a shock to any of you but death is inevitable. I do hope that the ones of you who are happy with me will be able to work alongside me in using Wayne Enterprises power and influence to better Gotham City, and hopefully other places in the world. Those who aren’t fond of me and perhaps are secretly plotting against me, no offence if you don’t like me and aren’t plotting against but this is Gotham – we’ve been trained to expect the worse – I hope that you take this moment to do one of two things, one, you look at yourself and your world view and question why you are so threatened by me becoming the CEO, and hopefully we can see eye-to-eye and work well together. I don’t want any arguments to breakout amongst us all, we’re supposed to be colleagues, teammates, brothers-in-arms even against the war in Gotham. If you still cannot, or will not, work with me and see eye-to-eye, are still threatened by me, a young woman who will work hard to achieve her aims in life and will not be threatened, blackmailed or bullied by those weak willed and weak minded fools, I hope you take that as your queue to end your time here at Wayne Enterprises. I do look forward to working with you, and I hope we can do it like a family, for that is what everyone in Gotham is, family. No one else knows what it is like to live in Gotham, for it is a complex and unusual upbringing to have, and that is our strength as a city, no matter where we are from in Gotham, rich or poor, young or old, we all grew up the same, with that fear of the criminals and what they would do. Some of us were lucky enough to do it in a penthouse, others in crappy apartments, and others on the streets, but at our core, we’re all the same. We are Gotham. Let’s change it for the better.’ She finished and stepped back, slowly but surely members of the board began to clap for Y/N, all except O’Connor who stood up and met the trio’s gaze.
‘My letter of resignation will be on the desk by the end of the day, Mr Wayne.’
‘Very well.’
The man walked out the room while the others all came towards Y/N and welcomed her kindly. Lucius Fox patted her on the back and spoke gently, seeing her concern over O’Connor.
‘Don’t worry about Greg,’ Lucius assured her, ‘he’s no threat, all bark and no bite. He’ll just make a comment to the press and fade away. You think Wayne Enterprises is the first place he’s quit from?’
‘Thank you, Mr Fox.’
‘Call me Lucius, please, as you said, we’re family.’
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cyberhwas · 4 years
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➳ pairing/characters: hercules! mingi x reader, wooyoung as terpishchore (muse of dance), seonghwa as erato (muse of love poetry), hongjoong as euterpe (muse of music), jongho as polyhymnia (muse of hymns), yeosang as thalia (muse of comedy), san as clio (muse of history), yunho as urania (muse of astronomy) 
➳genre: fluff, greek mythology au, inspired by hercules (the animated disney film), romance, angst, mutual pining, denial of feelings (reader is very stubborn hehe) 
➳ tw: mentions of death, slight violence, light swearing, soul-selling, servitude, mentions of bullying (nothing too intense)   
➳ disclaimer: may contain slight inaccuracies concerning dates, i also changed the story a little bit to make it a less bit intense, so there won’t be anything like what happened in the movie, which is honestly a bit intense? i mean, hercules goes to the underworld and retrieves meg’s soul after she gets crushed by a boulder so i won’t be including that outcome in this series. 
➳ rating: m, 18+
➳ wc: 5.8k
➳  summary:  after your first relationship had ended quite tragically, love was the last thing on your mind. however, after countless encounters with song mingi, the beautiful hero, being open to love again seemed possible.
 ➳ note: this was originally supposed to be a drabble, but i guess it’s a mini fic series now? oops? anyways, i hope you all enjoy this, and, as always, feedback is always appreciated💖!! i adore all of you so much and i hope all of you are staying safe and drinking lots of water!! please take care of yourselves my loves!! also this is my first time posting a fic on this blog, so it’s lowkey nerve-wracking but here goes nothing! 
“it’s too cliché, i won’t say i’m in love.” - megara (hercules, 1997)
( june 1, 1300 b.c.e) 
you sighed, wringing out your wet hair, gaze shifting to the muscular male a few feet away, whose cheeks were flushed with pink and looked quite embarrassed. “s-sorry about that.” he mumbled, blush deepening. despite that fact that you had just gotten splashed with water, you couldn’t help but let out an amused laugh. “don’t worry about it, wonder boy. besides, you saved me from the nessus, after all.” 
he laughed softly at the nickname,  hand rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “it was nothing, really.” you rolled your eyes, fingers combing through your damp hair, ridding it of tangles. “you are too humble, wonder boy.” “i-it’s mingi, actually.” “hmm, it suits you, but i think i like wonder boy better.” you smirked, trying not to laugh at how flustered said male was, turning a shade equally as red as his hair. 
 out of the corner of your eye, you noticed a flash of pink and green, as well as a tendril of black smoke, and tried not to grimace at the sight. “well, i better go. thanks for saving me, wonder boy.” you turned to go, ignoring the dread pooling in your stomach at having to talk with hades again. “wait, can i at least get your name?” mingi blurted, stopping you in your tracks. you glanced over your shoulder, making sure to keep your expression as neutral as possible. “it’s y/n.” and with that, you disappeared into the heart of the woods, ignoring the erratic beating of your heart. 
you braced yourself for the annoying lecture you were going to receive from the god of death himself, watching as he took physical form, tendrils of black smoke filling the air. a few seconds later, hades stood in front of you; his two minions standing attentively at his side. “y/n, how was your first meeting with wonder breath?” “fine.” hades frowned. “that’s it?” “nothing, you know, dramatic happen?” you tried not to roll your eyes at how clueless hades was acting, as if he wasn’t the one that summoned the monster in the first place. “the monster grabbed me, i pretended to act like a damsel in distress, wonder boy saved me; i got splashed with water, that’s about it.” “so, he didn’t, you know, show a weakness that might help me defeat him?” 
“no, wonder boy’s as strong and unbeatable as they say.” hades’ dark eyes narrowed. “we’ll see about that.” he murmured, and you ignored the uneasy feeling in your stomach. “good work today, y/n. once wonder boy falls for you, then we can find out what exactly can break him.” you swallowed against the bile rising in your throat, and managed a weak nod. 
“don’t forget the deal we made.” you resisted the urge to scowl at the way hades’ lip curled at your reaction. 
centuries ago, you were a completely different girl, romantic and open to love. you had fallen in love with your then boyfriend at the time, only to have him taken away from you, permanently. a sickness had plagued the small village you lived in at the time, and your boyfriend had been unfortunate enough to succumb to the deadly illness, and died just a week after he had contracted it. you were desperate and heartbroken, and then during one rainy day, hades had appeared before you, offering you a deal. he would revive your boyfriend, but only if you would sell your soul to him, as well as promising years of servitude. agreeing to such a deal would be foolish and unorthodox, especially for a dead lover, but because your heart and mind were so broken, you had agreed to hades’ terms. 
hades had summoned a scroll and a black feather quill, and thus, your soul had been signed away. the god of the underworld had kept his word and revived your lover, but he had soon ripped your heart out by leaving you for another woman. you had never felt so foolish in your life, and from that day on, you swore off love, and built walls around yourself, refusing to let anyone in, afraid of suffering the same fate you had with your first love. 
“you’re my servant, don’t forget that. and what i tell you to do, you do it, unless you want to be thrown in tarturus, or maybe suffer the same fate as him?” you fought the urge to punch hades in his horrifyingly gorgeous face as you shook your head, careful not to let your anger show. “i don’t have any complaints.” hades smiled, seemingly pleased. “good, you know what to do, with wonder breath then?” you nodded, tearing your gaze away from his dark, soulless, eyes. 
hades gave you a mock wave as he disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. when you were finally alone, you collapsed onto the soft, green grass, burying your face into your hands, sobbing. 
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(months later) 
you allowed yourself a small smile at the dainty, white flower in your hand, the sweet-smelling petals invading your senses; the petals soft and velvety against your fingertips. it was a particularly beautiful day, with the sun shining brightly above you, the sky cloudless and a gorgeous shade of light blue. there was even a small breeze that tickled your skin and hair,  fresh air washing over you, relieving you from the otherwise unbearable heat. you were sitting on a stone bench in a garden, enjoying the great weather and admiring the flower in your hand. it’d been nearly four months since you had begun to flirt with mingi, and there were days where you had forgotten the reason you were talking to him in the first place. mingi was not only unbelievably gorgeous, with fiery red hair and forest green eyes that turned into crescents whenever he smiled, but he was also unfailingly sweet, gracious, humble, clumsy, and polite. 
mingi would also turn an adorable shade of pink whenever you would compliment him, rubbing the back of his neck shyly. you also tried your best not to stare at his arms, which were corded with muscle, as they were quite distracting. 
and over the past few months, you had found yourself becoming more and more intrigued and infatuated with mingi, of which you couldn’t help but scold yourself for. there was a part of you that was convinced the sweet words he spoke so often were sincere, but then there was also the part of you that thought otherwise. after all, your last lover had left you to wallow in your own sadness, without so much as a goodbye, even after you had sacrificed so much for him to be able to live again. 
suddenly, annoyance coursed through you and you threw the flower over your shoulder in disgust, not bothering to see where it landed. “y/n, seriously? you’re throwing away a perfectly good flower? it’s like you don’t even care about nature.” you fought the urge to roll your eyes. “wooyoung, i didn’t throw it away, i just carelessly tossed it.” “uh huh, sure.” you couldn’t fight the fond smile that tugged at your lips as you turned to look at the muse, who was standing behind you, mock disapproval on his face. beside him, a tall, silver haired male scoffed and smacked him lightly on the shoulder. “would you quit being a pain in the ass, woo?” seonghwa scolded good naturedly. aforementioned male pouted, the gesture nearly childlike. “you’re so mean seonghwa-hyung.” the older rolled his eyes, expression brightening upon seeing you. “hey, y/n, how’s everything?” you shrugged, ignoring how wooyoung’s hazel eyes narrowed in suspicion. “alright, how is everyone?” “oh, you know, being a pain in my ass, as always.” 
“ignore him, he’s been having writer’s block and has been moping about it for days, so he’d taking out all his pent-up anger on us by being a mother hen all the time.” “kim hongjoong, you better shut it right now before i throw you into tarturus.” 
said muse giggled, head popping out from behind a tall tree, blue hair falling in strands across his forehead. “hi!” hongjoong called out from his hiding place, small hand waving in greeting. “hi , joong, it’s nice to see you!” “likewise!” “what are you doing over there?” “o-oh, i was picking flowers, i was going to weave them into a flower crown.” hongjoong mumbled shyly, a light shade of pink settling across his cheekbones, and you couldn’t help but smile fondly at the sight. 
“you’re adorable.” “am not. i am older than you, you know.” “yes, but you’re as intimidating as a baby bunny.” “shut up, i am not adorable!” “fine, fine, whatever you say, joong.” “i hate you.” “aw, i love you too.” 
hongjoong sighed as he stepped out from behind the tree, a bunch of pink flowers in his hand, settling down on a patch of grass a few feet away, setting to work on his crown. “if any of you dare to annoy me while i do this, i will bite you.” “wow, cannablism much, hyung?” “san, shut up.” “wow, hyung, you’re so cruel! i just got here and you’re already insulting me!” “san, i swear to zeus, you better shut your mouth and let me weave this gods-damned flower crown before i strangle you.” “damn, someone has a-” “san, would you please just stop being a pain in the ass and listen?” “ok, ok, fine.” san plopped down on the ground next to wooyoung, who was busy admiring the flower in his hand, violet eyes shifting towards you, a smile breaking out on his gorgeous face, dimples indented in his cheeks. “y/n! i haven’t seen you in a millennia! how are things?” “alright, how are you?” “oh, you know, just trying to make sure wooyoung doesn’t get kidnapped or thrown in tarturus, the usual.” “why am i always being bullied?” “because you’re so easy to pick on, woo.” the blonde male gasped in mock offense. “san! how could you say such a thing? i thought we were friends!” said male only rolled his eyes. “quit being so dramatic, will you? you’re giving me a headache! and would you stop yelling? i’m pretty sure zeus can hear you.” “y/n, help me! i’m suffering!” wooyoung whined, falling dramatically into san’s lap, white chiton billowing with the movement. you laughed. “sorry, woo, i’m kind of outnumbered here.” 
wooyoung huffed in annoyance. “stupid hyungs won’t go away and leave me alone.” that earned him a finger flick to the forehead, causing him to cry out in pain. “san, what was that for? that fucking hurt, you know!” the former ignored him. “you should be grateful we’re even around to look after you, you big baby.” 
you rolled your eyes fondly at their incessant bickering, and settled down on the grass next to san, leaning your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes. immediately, you felt an arm wrap around your own shoulders. ever since you had met the muses all those years ago, you had become extremely close with all of them, and they were not only your best friends, also the older brothers you’ve always wanted.  they always looked out for you, no matter what, and was there for you when no one else was, and had always treated you like a sister. 
“seriously, though, what’s up with you? you seem happier these days.” san’s tone was light, teasing, but the question was enough to make your face flush scarlet. “you’re as red as a tomato, are you seeing someone?” wooyoung asked, hazel eyes alight with curiosity. one of san’s perfect eyebrows raised in question. “well?” “there’s no one!” “liar.” seonghwa sing-songed from where he was sitting with hongjoong a few feet away, watching the latter with a fond gaze as the petite male wove flowers into a crown. “ok, ok fine, there might be someone.” you mumbled, immediately regretting it when san’s face practically lit up, green eyes twinkling with mirth. “oh? who is it? maybe we know him?” you hesitated, not sure if telling them about mingi was the greatest idea, but you decided to just do it, for you knew that the muses would keep pestering you about him for gods knows how long. 
“i-it’s mingi?” as soon as his name left your mouth, san and wooyoung gasped. “NO WAY! SONG MINGI??? AS IN THE HERO HIMSELF??!”  “yes?” san gave your shoulder a light shove. “how long?” “how long what?” “how long have you been seeing him for?” you blushed furiously. “we’re not dating.” “oh, so do you have a crush on him?” “what? no!” san chuckled, a knowing smirk tugging at his lips. “y/n, you’re not fooling anyone. you definitely have feelings for mingi, don’t you?” you sighed in defeat. “i really don’t know yet. i’m still trying to figure out my feelings.” san hummed in acknowledgment. “well, you didn’t confirm nor deny, which means that we have the right to tease you about your potential lover!” “say it a little louder, will you?” you hissed, a light shade of red settling across your cheekbones. 
seonghwa snickered, ducking his head down slightly so that hongjoong could place the now finished flower crown on his head. “there’s no shame in being attracted to someone, it’s normal.” “it’s not that i’m embarrassed, it’s just.. i don’t know if i’m ready or willing to be attracted to someone, not after-” san cut you off by throwing his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug. “don’t you dare finish that sentence. that jerk deserves to rot in tarturus for hurting you.” wooyoung nodded, expression darkening. “i really wanted to punch his face in that day.” 
‘‘we all wanted to.” seonghwa mumbled, crossing his lean arms over his chest, frowning at the memory. “i’m sorry for ruining the mood.” “oh, don’t you dare. you did nothing wrong, y/n. and you did not ruin the mood.” “i did though?” hongjoong shot you a look from across the garden, chestnut eyes flashing with warning. “y/n, please stop blaming yourself for things that aren’t your fault. i hate seeing you miserable, we all do.” his voice was gentle, yet firm, and your heart clenched at how sincere he was. “i really don’t deserve you all as friends.” seonghwa scoffed. “i think it’s the other way around, y/n.” 
where’s yeosang, jongho and yunho?” “jongho’s probably forcing yeosang and yunho to listen to one of his newly written hymns. he’s very picky about them, you know.” “but aren’t they-”  “the muse of comedy and astronomy? yes, which is why yeosang and yunho always complain when jongho asks them for feedback, as they know nothing about music.” “yeah, that’s my forte.” hongjoong mumbled, a slight pout on his lips. “he never asks me for help on anything, hyung.” seonghwa rolled his eyes half-heartedly, reaching out to ruffe the younger’s hair affectionately. “it’s ok, joong, he’ll ask you one day.” “i’ve literally been waiting for a whole gods damn century, hwa!” 
seonghwa tried not to laugh as he pulled the younger into a hug, rubbing comforting circles on his back. “i know, i know, just be patient.” hongjoong huffed, but didn’t say anything after that, burying his face into the crook of seonghwa’s neck, sighing. “the day jongho asks me for help on one of his hymns is the day i will throw myself into tarturus.” “please don’t do that, joong. someone has to help me keep jung wooyoung and choi san in check, i can’t do it on my own.” aforementioned muses cried out in protest. “hey!” seonghwa ignored them, hugging hongjoong tighter. san rolled his eyes, falling back onto the grass, pulling you and wooyoung down with him. you laughed and closed your eyes, letting sleep take over.
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mingi couldn’t help but smile as he tossed a stone carelessly across the smooth surface of the river, face flushing scarlet as it always did when he thought of her. cheesy and cliché as it was, she was truly unlike any girl he had ever met, for most of them practically fell at his feet, which made him highly uncomfortable, especially when they would propose marriage. he shuddered, remembering coming back from a particularly difficult mission, which had included killing the hydra, a three-headed beast that had begun terrorizing a small, defenseless village, and as he had walked through the streets once home, girls had tried to grab at him and even went as far as to chase him around the town. 
while mingi was happy that the village acknowledged him, the female attention was well, irritating. people had teased him for it, claiming that he secretly loved it and just was pretending not to like the attention. he really truly hated it, dreaded it even, and would breathe a sigh of relief whenever he managed to escape his very, very, enthusiastic admirers. 
you were different. while you were aware who he was, you didn’t know the “heroic” side of him, which was something that mingi could rarely keep under-wraps lately, and it both surprised and relieved him that you didn’t have a clue about his accomplishments. mingi always felt so awkward whenever people would constantly praise him for his bravery, heroic deeds, the like. he never knew what to say, as he didn’t want to sound arrogant or narcissistic. deep down, mingi hated it when people would talk for days on end about his heroic deeds, for it made him feel a bit uncomfortable. and yes, maybe he asked for all the praise and the glory when he had practically begged maddox to train him, in hopes that people wouldn’t see him as “different” or a “freak.” 
when he’d been living with his parents in the small village he used to call home, all the kids wanted nothing to do with him, for they thought the unnatural strength he possessed was scary and abnormal. after enduring their harsh words for years, mingi decided to leave home and try to find someone who would help him control his strength. 
at first, maddox had been reluctant, especially after all the past heroes he trained died tragically, but eventually gave in when he realized that mingi wasn’t going to take no for an answer. training was difficult, and there had been times where maddox was ready to give up on mingi entirely, to tell him to go back home, but mingi was determined, and he began to improve. 
the training had paid off, mingi supposed, as fighting was something that now came naturally to him. “still thinking about that girl, huh?” mingi fought to hide the blush that was spreading across his cheekbones. “n-no, what makes you say that?” maddox scoffed. “kid, please, you’re making it obvious. you’ve been spacing out a lot recently. plus, you always have that look on your face.” “what look?” “oh you know, the look that says i’m a fool in love, something like that.” “i-i’ve only known her for a few months.” “and?” “there’s no way-” maddox held up a hand, silencing him. “look kid, i know i may not look like the type who’d be in love, but i’ve been there. and you definitely look how i felt centuries ago.” “i mean, i guess i am, i don’t know.” 
maddox leaned against a tall tree, scoffing. “you are kid, trust me. i can see the way you look at her, you’re very much smitten.” “i-i guess?” “you’ll see for yourself one of these days.” mingi ignored how his face flushed at the thought of you having feelings for him, and turned away from his mentor, looking out at the smooth surface of the river in front of him, trying not to let his mind wander. 
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“so, are you sure you’re not in love with him? not even a tiny bit?” yeosang asked, lifting a perfect eyebrow in question. you scoffed, placing the scroll you’d been reading off to the side of the large wood table in front of you. you and yeosang were currently in the spacious library that the comedy muse often occupied during the week, reading various scrolls. “did the others tell you?” yeosang rolled his eyes. “of course they did. well, it was mostly wooyoung. you know that little shit can’t keep his mouth shut sometimes.” “wooyoung may be loud, but he’s the sweetest and he means well.” 
“yeah, yeah. anyways, how’d you meet mingi?” you groaned, burying your face in your hands. “how much did wooyoung tell you?” yeosang chuckled. “too much.” “i will kick his ass later.” you mumbled. “i’ll help.” the former offered, lavender eyes twinkling with mirth. 
“he saved me from a nessus months ago, and from then on, we just kept bumping into each other after that.” “by coincidence? or by chance?” you shrugged, ignoring the pang of guilt that shot through you. “probably by chance. we just somehow end up seeing each other in the most unlikely circumstances.” yeosang hummed thoughtfully. “you definitely have it bad.” “what? what do you mean by that?” “y/n, even the dumbest person alive can tell that you are in love with him.” 
you threw your hands up in exasperation. “why does everyone think that?” yeosang reached out and gently patted your shoulder, as if to comfort you. “y/n, i love you, you know i do, but it’s kind of obvious. you’re kind of shit at hiding your feelings. even i can tell, and i’m the muse of comedy!” 
“he’s right, you know.” you turned to glare at the source of the voice. seonghwa was leaning against one of the white pillars that surrounded the outside of the library, golden eyes practically sparkling in the warm sun. “not you too, hwa.” aforementioned muse shot you a sheepish smile. “sorry, y/n, but it’s honestly undeniable at this point.” “but i’ve only known him for a few months!” seonghwa shrugged, pushing off the pillar with a sandaled foot, making his way over to the center of the room. “so? love is a funny thing, you know. you can realize you’re in love with someone in a short span of time, it’s not unheard of.” the love poetry muse plopped down on the chair next to you, hastily tucking a stray strand of hair behind his ear. 
“how you long were you standing there?” “not long. i was just passing by and happened to overhear your conversation.” “where are the others?” “they’re in the garden, doing gods knows what.” “is hongjoong with them?” seonghwa nodded. “yeah, but he’s probably making a flower crown and purposefully ignoring wooyoung and san’s antics.” “but, jongho is there, and he scares the shit out of those two, for whatever reason, so i trust that he’ll keep an eye on them while i’m gone.” 
yeosang huffed a laugh, picking up one of the discarded scrolls on the table, lavender eyes scanning the contents curiously. “so, what are you doing here?” “i needed a break from san and wooyoung, and well, i thought that, since i’m here, i can look for some inspiration for poems. like hongjoong mentioned, i’ve been having terrible writers’ block recently.” 
“do you want help? i’m not doing much today anyway.” seonghwa’s expression practically lit up. “you would do that? it’s not going to be a lot of fun, though.” you shook your head. “i love looking through scrolls, gives me an excuse to read.” “want to join us, yeosang?” said muse in questions shook his head. “i’d love to, but i have some errands to run. i’ll see you two later at the garden?” you nodded and waved him goodbye, smiling fondly as the blond male rushed off. 
“he was lying, wasn’t he?” seonghwa asked, an amused smile on his face as he scanned the massive shelves that took up a quarter of the other side of the library. you chuckled. “definitely.” 
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hongjoong rolled his eyes fondly at the sight before him. jongho, wooyoung, and san were in a heated debate about which olympian god was the best, of all things. he sighed in exasperation and turned back to the flower crown he’d been working on for hours now, ignoring wooyoung’s petulant cries. it was nearly done, and all he had to do was string one more flower together. hongjoong furrowed his brows in concentration as he wove the last flower together, sighing in relief when it stayed intact after he’d finished tying it off. he’d always loved making flower crowns, as it was something that calmed him after a particularly difficult day, or when lyrics for a song just wouldn’t come to him immediately like they normally did. weaving flower crowns often made his anxiety and worries dissipate like smoke. the others often teased him for it, but their words never had any bad intent behind them.  he had been mocked for his favorite hobby in the past, and hongjoong was glad that he finally found people, a family, who accepted him for who he was, flower crowns and all. 
hongjoong hummed softly to himself, placing the finished flower crown onto his head, making sure it was secure, and laid back onto the soft green grass, letting the cool night air wash over him. he didn’t realize he’d fallen asleep until he felt someone shake his shoulder gently. “joong?” hongjoong’s eyes fluttered open slowly, and seonghwa was next to him, golden eyes twinkling with amusement. “did you fall asleep again?” hongjoong blushed as he slowly sat up, adjusting the crooked flower crown on his head. “n-no.” 
seonghwa rolled his eyes, but his smile was fond as he helped hongjoong to his feet. the former led him to a more secluded part of the garden, where the rest of their friends were waiting, gathered around a table of fruit and bread.
you waved at hongjoong, a sheepish smile on your face as he drew near with seonghwa. “it’s not much, and i know it’s not quail eggs or anything luxurious, but i thought i’d try and prepare something nice for once, since all of you have done so much for me.” wooyoung shook his head and pushed past san, bounding forward and throwing his arms around you, hugging you tight. “don’t say that, y/n! this is more than enough! and you really didn’t have to do this! you already do enough just by tolerating us.” you huffed a laugh, wrapping your arms around the muse of dance. “you guys are too kind to me.” 
“we love you, and you know that you’re like a sister to us. you never have to do anything for us.” “i wanted to, though.” “yes, and we appreciate it a lot, so don't you dare say it’s not anything special.” yunho declared from behind san, light green eyes bright with happiness. you fought back the happy tears that were threatening to spill and smiled. i love you all.” “aww, we love you too!! group hug!!!!” yunho shouted. a few seconds later, you were being squeezed tightly by seven muses, and you had never felt so loved in your entire life, which made you feel even more guilty for what you were about to do. 
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after a light dinner of fruit and bread, you found yourself laying on the soft green grass of the garden that you now considered your safe place, surrounded by seven muses, staring up at the midnight blue sky, stars like tiny specks from afar. the night air was crisp and cool, and you allowed yourself a smile, leaning your head against seonghwa’s shoulder, who immediately wrapped an arm around your shoulders, squeezing gently. stargazing had become a daily thing after hongjoong had first suggested it after a practically exhausting day of work, and you had come to love it. 
suddenly, you felt a wave of sadness crash over you, and before you knew it, you were being pulled into a warm and firm chest, strong arms wrapping around you, comforting circles being rubbed on your back. “y/n, what’s wrong?” seonghwa asked, and you didn’t have to see his face to know that he was extremely worried. you didn’t answer, burying your face into seonghwa’s chest, feeling your heart ache with immense guilt. “i-i’m s-sorry.” you choked out, voice shaking. “darling, what could you possibly be sorry for? you’ve done nothing wrong.” you shook your head, reluctantly pulling away from seonghwa’s warm embrace, refusing to look any of your friends in the eye, instead focusing on a blade of grass. 
“i really don’t deserve to have you all in my life, and i am the shittiest person in the world. i-i lied to you all.” “about what?” you closed your eyes, turning away from the people you never deserved to call your friends. “about how i met mingi. it wasn’t a coincidence. it was all on purpose.” 
“what? what are you talking about, y/n?” yunho asked, and your heart broke at how confused he sounded. “hades.” you mumbled, voice barely audible, but you knew they heard you, from the way the tension in the air seemed to thicken. “what about hades?” seonghwa asked, voice deadly calm. “d-do you remember my past lover?” “the one that broke your heart into pieces? we’re familiar with him, why?” san asked, clear disgust in his tone. you fought back tears as you forced the words to come out. 
“w-when he died, i was so heartbroken and desperate for happiness that hades appeared to me and he offered me a deal, which was that if he would bring him back, only if i agreed to sell my soul to him and become his servant. and then, he wanted me to make mingi fall in love with me in order to discover his weakness. hades wants to kill him. i wouldn’t have agreed, but he then threatened to hurt all of you, and i- i c-couldn’t let that happen so i-” 
you couldn’t bring yourself to finish that sentence, and felt your knees give out from under you, your pale blue chiton billowing around you as you fell. you didn’t dare open your eyes, as you couldn’t bear to see the looks on their faces. to your surprise, you felt strong arms wrap around you, holding you tight. you felt your eyes flutter open due to shock, and tears practically leaked out of your eyes. 
your friends, no, your family, were gathered around you, hugging you tight. san looked up at you, violet eyes glimmering with tears, smiling sadly. wooyoung, lips quivering, reached out and wiped your tears away with the pad of his thumb. seonghwa had his face buried in your shoulder, crying softly, lacing your fingers with his, squeezing tightly. hongjoong was curled up  in your lap like a child,small hands gripping the fabric of your chiton, trembling as he cried. yeosang had his lips pursed tightly as he placed a gentle hand on your head, fighting back tears. jongho and yunho were both a mess, swollen eyes and flushed cheeks, resting their heads on each other’s shoulders. 
“h-how can you all forgive me? how can you all stand to even look at me?” “we could never hate you.” “b-but-” “you’ve gone through so much, darling, and you grieved in your own way. if i was you, i would’ve probably been desperate enough to do the same.” “i really don’t deserve to be forgiven.” that earned you a light shove to the shoulder. “shush, don’t say that. you could lie to us a thousand times over and we would still love you just as much as we do now.” you allowed yourself a soft, sad laugh as you buried your face in the crook of san’s neck and cried happy tears. 
after your shocking revelation and the tears had subsided, you lay back down on the grass with your head resting on san’s lap, letting him play with strands of your hair, while the others were curled up next to you. “thank you.” you whispered. “no need to thank us. just promise us that you won’t keep stuff like that from us again.” you nodded. “is anything going to happen to you?” “probably, you never know with hades.” “we’ll protect you.” you smiled sadly. “i know you all want to, but hades is too powerful. i don’t want any of you getting hurt.” “y/n, we would never be able to live with ourselves if anything happened to you!” hongjoong exclaimed, chestnut eyes glimmering with determination. “the same goes for me, if anything happened to any of you, i would never be able to forgive myself.” “don’t worry, y/n, we’ll figure out a way to protect you.” san reassured you, ruffling your hair affectionately. you returned his smile, but deep down, you weren’t so sure if that was possible. 
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➳ a/n: this was part one, and i hope you all enjoyed this! let me know if you have any suggestions for the sequel! this was so much fun to write! what do you think will happen in the sequel? let me know your predictions! 
tagging: @deonghwa​ @subinily​ @hwacinth-main​ (ily all MWAH)
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 104
The Blades had no patience, and Keith’s had run fresh out. He was yet to read his mother’s letter, but she’d given him space and hadn’t tried butting in on his life, so for that he was grateful. He was finally allowed back at work, “on light duties”, meaning he was playing desk jockey and doing more of the planning towards missions. He’d liked to say he enjoyed himself, but paperwork sucked and Lance was too busy with Lotor to do much. Though. He had done one crucial thing. Coming to meet Keith after “training” with Lotor, and his generals, his boyfriend had kind of been too full of energy to sit still. Keith did not enjoy the way Lance talked about the thing he talked with Lotor, despite the fact his boyfriend was being open and honest with him. Four sessions with Lotor and Keith wanted to skin the vampire alive for spending so much time his Lance. Lance hadn’t done anything wrong. He wasn’t off having some illicit affair with Lotor. Their training was filmed, Keith could even watch if he wished, but the whole thing filled him some ugly growth that sat in a lump in his chest thanks to it. Lance had decided after the third two-hour session that Lotor had given him enough tips to practice at home, the fourth session being the last over the ten day period. Lance declaring it happily as he threw the briefing room door open bounding in. Hyperactive and handsy, his boyfriend threw himself on him, Keith smiling like a moron as Lance nuzzled into him, pressing kisses to his cheek. The news couldn’t have come sooner as his boyfriend kissed his cheek then dashed off to check in with Allura and let her know the good news... leaving Keith to realise he had no idea where he’d been in the stack of purchase orders before him.
Being a desk jockey came with perks, that he was fully taking advantage of. Without being awake at obscene hours, he was able to talk with their friends more, instead of Lance and Pidge alone, due to her insomniac ways. Plus, he’d been going back to Lance’s for the night when his boyfriend had to make the drive back the following morning. Lance was welcome to crash at the apartment, yet his lover wanted to work through the things he’d done with Lotor in their training sessions in the yard where it didn’t matter if the grass was pulled up or things broken. Lotor thought Lance was wasting his potential, but Lance stuck to being as human as possible, meaning Lotor had to fall in line with him.
That’s how he ended up on a double date after that fourth training session. A double date was something he’d never actually ever believed he’d have to suffer through. A double date he could have probably handled, maybe, had the other couple not been Allura and Lotor. Seeing he was busy with paperwork, Lance had gone to catch up with Allura, then the next thing he knew, for some unfathomable reason, that had turned from hanging out into “Hey, let Shiro know you’ll be out tonight because we’re going out with Allura and Lotor”. His boyfriend wasn’t on the ”Team Lotor” bandwagon, he was on the “If Lotor touches Allura or looks at her the wrong way, I’m going to castrate him” team.
And god if it wasn’t the most awkward five hours of his life for the month. Relying on Lance to help him piss after the accident didn’t come close to how awkward an evening with Lotor was. Opera. Keith did not do opera. He wasn’t completely sure he understood why the main character suddenly regained her strength to then go and drop dead. Lance and Allura clutched each other as they cried over her tragic demise... and for some reason the opera kept going! What was this fresh hell?!. Lotor seemed vaguely bored, and Keith had spent most of the time making silent bets with himself over how long he could his breath. He couldn’t use his phone, the screen would be glaringly obvious in the blackness of the theatre. Fuck it. He needed the bathroom and doubted he’d be missed. Allura was holding hands with Lotor, not like how Keith was holding Lance’s hand in his lap, thumb rubbing the back, enjoying the touch and that alone, but like holding hands all the same.
Turning towards to Lance, he nudged him with his knee, Lance raised his head to smile at him. His boyfriend was so damn pretty. Okay. Maybe they were a little loved up. Lifting their hands, Lance kissed the back of his. Keith enjoying that much more than what was happening on the stage. Bumping Keith with his knee, Lance gestured with his chin
“I need to use the bathroom, babe”
“Oh, sure. Me too, actually”
Thank god. English conversation with no singing. He was amazed by the skills and that production it’s self, but the issue came from the fact he didn’t speak Italian, and the story writer had no clue how to write.
Finding himself following Lance to the theatre bathroom, Keith was clueless. Lance walking over and waving his hand under the tap sensor. There was something familiar about the two of them hiding in bathrooms
“Why am I here?”
Here, as in, “Why the hell were they being tortured slowly?!”
“So Allura and Lotor could have a moment”
How did they need to be there to... never mind. They were being good friends
“You could have saved me sooner. Do you actually have to pee? Or are we just staying here until Allura and Lotor have had their moment”
It was kind of hard to have a moment at the opera. Keith’s arse was numb and his leg stiff. A headache was building in his temple... ugh. Nope. Opera was not for him.
“I was trying to make Allura feel less self conscious about us being there. She was so nervous about tonight. I couldn’t say no to her”
Lance did that... Took care of everyone. Fine. He’d forgive him this time
“Do you think she’s okay?”
“She can handle herself... but at the moment, I’m more concerned about you. I’m sorry I decided for us both. I know you don’t like him”
“It’s fine. You’re being a good friend”
“It’s not really. This isn’t really us. I much prefer you, us, in our pyjamas, mocking horror films”
Lance said that, but he deserved more
“Babe, I don’t know how to do fancy... If I... If you want to do fancy... I mean, I can try”
Lance must have reassured him so many damn times over him not being rich and smart.
“I know, but... I also love the real you. Pidge hates the opera too. Colleen tells her she’s a disgrace to her Italian heritage. But Hunk’s pretty cool about coming with me. You... don’t mind, do you? I mean, I haven’t been in a long time....”
Now Lance was rambling. Rambling and playing with the tap sensor like he could trick it
“It’s fine. Are you okay? You were crying pretty hard when she snuffed it”
His boyfriend snorted, shaking off his wet hands and before wiping his face to rid himself of the tear tracks. Smiling at him in the mirror
“Yeah. You know me and tragic love stories”
“I don’t think I got it. I mean. She died and they kept singing”
“It’s alright. Nah, I’m okay. Just wanted to give Allura and Lotor a moment, and kind of wanted a moment to check in with you... this bathroom’s pretty nice”
It was a bathroom. All grey marble and matt gold. What did it matter as long as it did it’s purpose
“I suppose so?”
Lance snorted. His boyfriend letting his old man show
“I can take the hunter out of the practical, but I can’t take the practical out of the hunter”
“If you say so. How long are we supposed to wait for this moment to be over?”
“I don’t know. Like 5 minutes. Allura was super nervous. Lotor burned her in the past and she definitely hasn’t forgiven him”
“Couldn’t she just work him for the information?”
“She could, but she’s got to protect herself too. She’s fae, and there isn’t that many of them left these days”
“I feel like she could take Lotor”
“Yeah. But then there’s Honerva and Lotor’s generals to think about. I don’t like Narti. Acxa seems okay. I saw her talking to Krolia”
“Maybe she’s planning on jumping ship”
“I’d jump ship too. I swear I’ve never had to tell someone “No” as many times as I’ve told Lotor no over using ego”
“I can’t believe that I can’t believe he brought us to the opera”
“I can. At least I won’t have to see him for a bit after this”
Crossing his arms, Keith kicked the marble floor with the tip of his shoe
“He can fuck off”
Laughing softly, Lance came over to him, wrapping his arms around him. His boyfriend smelt like soap and spilt alcohol. Lotor had gotten them champagne delivered to the private box they were being tortured in, he’d offered Lance blood to add to his, yet his boyfriend wisely declined
“I know you’re not happy about it. But, I think I have a plan to turn back next time I’m a bat... I can’t say for sure though”
“You didn’t tell me you figured that out”
“I said “I think”, Babe. Anyway, you know I know you haven’t had a fun time lately... so I was thinking after this, we grab some pizza and go watch the stars”
“Why are you always trying to bribe me with pizza?”
“Because I’m a pizza kind of man, and your kind of man”
“I fail to see the logic... but that sounds so much better than heading back with them. I want to burn his stupid limo”
Lance kissed his hair
“You only get to burn it if I get to douse it first”
Keith shoved Lance off playfully, he couldn’t keep the laughter out his tone
“I’m shocked! What happened to my sweet law abiding boyfriend?”
Lance was so cute when he scrunched his face up with laugher
“He fell head over heels for a bad boy...”
“Are you saying I’m the bad influence?”
Wiping small tears from his eyes, Lance hugged himself tightly with his right arm as he nodded
“Oh, totally. Matt says I’m completely unbearable when you’re not around. All I do is mope and long for you”
“Matt met you after you met me”
“I know. He smacked me with a pillow last night and sent me to bed too, reminding me I’d be here today... like I could forget”
Keith reached out, grabbing Lance by the arse to pull him close, his boyfriend automatically looping his arms over his shoulders, laughter turned unexpectedly serious as Lance rubbed his forehead against Keith’s. He loved this man so damn much... the hunter hated that sometimes he couldn’t help but need him to tell him that
“You really miss me that much?”
“Babe, I miss all of you like all of the time. Literally the best thing about getting up early to come to Platt is seeing you”
“So you don’t come to Platt just for the opera?”
“Nope. You really don’t like the opera, do you?”
Keith shook his head. Sitting in the dark, with the only light coming from the lights on the steps and stage, he could easily picture vampires feeding in secret. Maybe they should have had a vampire kill the lead, it would have been exciting then
“Not at all... But I kind of feel it’s very vampirey”
Lance replied, overly heavy on the sarcasm
“Yeah, babe. Completely vampirey. Like, didn’t you, the opera is in our blood. Why do you think the theatre is dressed in red velvets? To hide the blood, obviously! We’re drawn to it, seeking out our next hit. I don’t really go back to Garrison... oof!”
Stepping on Lance’s foot, his boyfriend shut up. Lance didn’t to rub it in that he was way smarter than him
“I get it. I’m uncultured”
Lance nuzzled into him, sensing his teasing had dropped his mood further
“Other than stomping on innocent feet, you’re cultured enough. Seriously though. Allura never said opera. She said dinner. And I was like, we can do dinner... And now I’m like “Please God, let Coran call with some emergency””
“Hey, you’re the one who’s suddenly friends with Lotor”
“No I’m definitely not. Nope. He taught me some stuff, mostly about vampire culture and it’s whack. He keeps going on about ego and quintessence and I can do more things if I tried. I got a stitch last night thinking about having to train today. I seriously threw up last time”
He didn’t know about that. Lance shouldn’t be pushing himself that far. How had his boyfriend had time to come from practice to him, with a stop to throw his guts up and brush his teeth on the way?
“My poor baby... Did you miss your big bad boyfriend?”
Lance whined at him softly, nuzzling into him as he did
“Yes, give me sympathy. Seriously. I’m thinking of stealing his phone and finding a way to lure Sendak back to pick his brat arse up”
“Tell me about it. They’re off raiding a place tonight. I had to do the stupid paperwork. I don’t know why. Kolivan comes and takes it, then that’s that”
“I’m sorry you’re still benched”
“Nah. I’ve got something to do with my time...”
“Do you think if we’re good tonight, Lotor will finally help?”
“I think you’re more delusional than me... someone’s coming. We should head back”
He was happy hiding here!
“Now who’s the baby. I’ll buy you an ice cream if the confection stand is still open”
“Fuck. Fine. If the opera isn’t over, then I’ll call Coran and beg him for a pick up”
“We need an excuse to leave”
“Then I guess I’ve finally found a reason for you deciding you needed to be banged up”
“I think I can support that. Those seats aren’t comfortable”
They didn’t need an excuse. The opera had ended, people milling into the theatre’s entrance hall. Leading Allura along, Lotor made his was through the crowd and over to the pair of them
“We thought you’d left”
His tone was cold, like they’d disappointed him by not
“I’ve got a headache and Keith’s stiff from those chairs”
Allura immediately took the reason as her chance to let go of Lotor’s hand. Moving to Lance, she placed her hand on his forehead
“You do feel warmer than usual. Perhaps we should head back for the night?”
Lance played along
“I don’t want to ruin your evening”
“Nonsense. You’ve been pushing yourself again. I’m sorry, Lotor. We really should head back. Lance may be going into heat again”
Lotor scoffed
“I doubt it. Yet, in any case, we shall return if that is what you wish”
Wanker. Keith tugged Lance up against him. He was supposed to be their excuse to leave, being a weak and lowly human. Not Lance. Lance was good about it. Their prayers silently answered
“I think it’s for the best. I really am sorry to interrupt your night”
“Nonsense. Your health is more important than dinner. You’re both very important to me”
So was escaping Lotor apparently. Unpleased, and outvoted, Lotor swallowed down his snark, though made it very clear he was unhappy as he swept ahead of them. Allura not disappointed at all as she winked at them. Hopefully this wouldn’t bite them in the arse.
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hotpotrandomfics · 3 years
Sixth Year AU: Missing Part 2
Summary: Merula and the few brave souls willing to leave Hogwarts in attempt to find and save the Slytherin who was an integral part of their lives, Jason. Hopefully, for their sake they find him before it’s too late...
Word Count: 3,773
"I can't believe the amount of cowardice by all of then!" Merula thought as she and Ismelda began their mission to sneak out of the castle. The two made their way down the corridor slowly as to not arouse suspicion to their clear violation and disregard to the rules.
"We'll have plenty of time for that after we leave here," Ismelda commented as she peaked the corner to make sure they were in the clear. Ismelda didn't sneak around all that much but guessed Merula would know the way as she always tends to do so after lights-out. Either searching for the vaults herself or finding a place to hide with her boyfriend.
As the two witches walked to the corridor that led to the front gate of the castle, they noticed a few figures waiting there. If they got in Merula way, she'd take them down because nothing was going to stop her from getting Jason back. She readied her wand as she looked to Ismelda, who nodded and did the same. They crept up slowly to the three individuals who seemed to be arguing.
"You're not going without us!" said a feminine voice. "Jason needs us, and we have to do something!"
"I'll deal with it. You two are students here and are risking being expelled. Jason wouldn't want that for either of you," the taller figure said sternly."
"I refuse to wait, and the others can cover while we are gone. I am not letting you get in my way Weasely." It seemed that this argument between the three had been going on for some time now. The three went back and forth without either side faltering to the other.
"Talbott. Chiara. I can't protect you two and search for Jason at the same time." Bill clearly was exhausted by the tone of his voice.
"We aren't asking for your protection. What good are these spells you've taught us if we can't use them? Especially to save our friend?!" Talbott looked at Bill with grief, not at him, but at the thought of his friend suffering or maybe worse. "Either you help us or get out of the way. I won't hesitate to fight you."
"Bill, please. We have to do this, and we know the risk. Talbott and I are willing to make those choices, and we don't need your permission," Chiara stared at the red-headed wizard with the look of a wolf who'd lost a member of her pack.
Merula and Ismeldia decide it was best to confront the group after witnessing the display by Talbott and Chiara. The three turned to the sound of footsteps and saw Merula and Ismelda. Merula smirked at the two who wished to help.
"You have more guts than the rest and say," Merula was about to make fun but held back her usual comments. "Winger and Lobosca, I'm sure he'll appreciate the help from you two. Bill, before you even start-"
"I know I can't stop all of you, and I am not a fool, Merula." Bill sighed and shook his head. "Let's go before we all get stopped by any of the professors, or I come to my senses."
Merula and the rest didn't say anything as they followed behind Bill out of the gates of Hogwarts. Leaving the safety of their home and out to face the unknown. The group was going to be on their own with no assistance on this race against time to find their friend. Merula's pulse raced as her thoughts went to Jason. She couldn't let her fears get to her as she needed to be focused for his sake. The sooner she found him, the better it would be, knowing Rakepick she would make Jason suffer after the curse vault last year for following Snape's advice and not trusting Rakepick.
"I'll find you. I promise." Merula vowed to herself quietly as Bill and the group apparated out of Hogsmeade.
After a week, Merula's fears will have been realized, and more as Rakepick had all sorts of plans for her former student. In the dungeon, where Jason was being held was being beaten by the members of R. Jason hung from his chains bloodied and panting from trying to catch his breath.
"This wouldn't hurt as much if you just spoke up pretty boy," said a  burly man wiping his hands clean.
"Maybe he likes it. Can't say I am a fan of that," said another cloaked man. "Freak."
Jason did say anything as he tried not to pass out. He needed a way to get out of here, but without his wand, he can't do anything. For now, the young man just had to endure and hope for a miracle. The only thing he could think of to keep him sane from the torture was his thoughts of Merula.
"Meri," he mumbled to himself.
"Hm? What was that now, lad?" the burly man walked over to Jason. "Got something to say?"
Jason stared at the man with a smirk, spitting blood at the man's face earning himself a fist to his jaw.
"Now, you've done it, you brat!" the brute grabbed Jason by the throat and slamming his head against the wall.
"Hey! We still need the brat alive!" said the hood man. "Patricia will kill, and the rest would be disappointed if our means to enter these vaults get killed by you." The hooded man seemed to be at his wit's end with his partner. "Let it go, Winston."
"Shut your gob, James!" Winston turned to his partner. "I am not gonna let some brat treat me like an arse!"
"You don't help with that now, do you? Come on, we got a meeting, and Patricia is on her way to give this kid a lesson anyway," the man named James made his way to the door of the cell waiting for Winstein. "Well, we don't have all day!"
"Fine," Winston grumbled as he punched Jason in his stomach before leaving. "Torturing him was getting boring anyway."
As the door of the cell closed, Jason coughed out some blood and looked to the ceiling, wondering how long he'd survived. This torture was unbearable as he didn't know if he'd have the strength to push through it any longer. If it was his fate to die here, then fate indeed was cruel. His thoughts wandered to some of the moments before now. His train ride to Hogwarts, his first charms lesson, the day he made his first friend. Jason couldn't help but smile despite his situation as he then remembers the most crucial moment of his life, meeting Merula. It was those little moments that kept him sane, although he was in pain.
"Well, well," said an all too condescending voice coming from the entrance of the cell, "aren't you looking worse for wear. Mister Aurelius De Leone." Rakepick pushed the door open as she stepped in with a scowl. "Come now, why don't you crack? I could make you drink a truth serum-"
"But it's no fun for you though, Rakepick. I could care less regardless of what you will try." Jason scowled back at her. "It really is a shame that anyone believed you, including me." He looked at his former mentor with disappointment as he thought she could have been trusted against his better judgment. "I honestly thought of you as a well-respected mentor, but I know better."
"Is that so? If you know better, then why do you resist?" Rakepick crossed her arms as she tried to decipher what he was planning. "You do understand you'll die if you don't do as we say, yes?"
"I'm dead either way," Jason smirked. "So why give you satisfaction?"
"You're quite cheeky now," she sighed in annoyance. "I guess you learned that from me?"
"Oh, by all means, I don't enjoy acting so," Jason coughed, "but all I can say is that I did learn to be more foulmouthed from someone I respect. You, Patricia Rakepick, I have no respect for, and you are-!"
Jason screamed as his muscles started to contort in tightly. Rakepick had cast Crucio on the Slytherin boy with an utter look of pure malice. She wasn't going to let this boy outsmart or in this case, treat her as some fool. Rakepick needed to figure out how to convince him to submit as she knew Snape and Dumbledore taught Jason how to use Occlumency. The boy showed little emotion, but she knew he was the most empathic of her former students.
"Oh, I think I know how to make you talk, Aurelius." Rakepick lowered her wand, giving a dastardly smile.
"W-what," Jason panted as he realized what she said. "No, no, no, no, no! If you go near her, I swear I'll-!"
"You'll do nothing." Rakepick turned away, walking out of the cell. "It's time I paid, my dear Miss Snyde, a visit."
"You stay away from Merula, you trollop!" Jason yelled at her.
As Rakepick left, she passed a few of her fellow R members and told them to bump up the cruelty of Jason's handling. She knows the pain alone won't get him to talk, so she needs to find Merula as she seems to be his only weakness.
Rakepick walked up the stairs leading out of the dungeon to the main hall of her organization facility. The room was carved out of obsidian with gold accents with brazers hanging from columns that reached 30 feet high. At the center was a throne with an eye similar to that of Rakepick cloak hanging over it. In the throne sat a man in a black suit with a grander cloak. His was whiter than the first snow of winter, sporting a trimmed beard and a gaze of ice-blue eyes.
"My lord, we've made some-" Rakepick stopped as the man raised his hand, prompting her to silence herself.
"I am aware of this Patricia, and to be honest, I am more impressed by the boy's resolve than your efforts of prying information." The man stoic expression caused Rakepick to gulp in dread. "You are aware that the longer he stays, the closer the Ministry will find us out. Yes?"
"My lord, I can assure you that I can make talk. I know of means to make him speak." Rakepick said as clenched her fists.
"You've had a week to find this out? I expect more from you, Patricia, or do I need to remind you I can end you here and now?" The lord gritted his teeth in irritation.
"I need just find one of my former students and threaten her. The ladder will soon follow, and we will find the answers we seek. My lord, have faith in!" Rakepick knew she should have stopped sooner as the lord's eyes looked at her angrily.
"Have faith?!" the lord stood and stomped his way towards her. "If I had faith in you, the task would have been completed without all this unnecessary drama. Children, Patricia, outsmarted you! I'll be damned before I have in you until you prove otherwise!" His cold and stern voice sent shivers down Rakepick spin as she only knows that this man wasn't to be trifled with no matter how skilled you were. "Do what you need to and be quick about it."
"Y-yes, my lord!" Rakepick turned away and left her leader alone to his devices.
"Time is running short as is my patience," the lord walked to his throne and pulling a pocket watch from his coat pocket. "Hm, this boy is proving more troublesome."
Rakepick had made her way to one Floo network chimney of one of the many rooms of the lord's home. Stepping and slamming a handful of powder down. "Knockturn Alley!" she shouted as Rakepick was engulfed in green flames. She was transported to one of the access points of Knockturn Alley. Brushing the dirt off her cloak and covering her head with her hood. She then made her way to the streets of the sesspool where she was. Rakepick needed to get information if Merula had been seen anywhere in the area as she did keep tabs on her former students knowing fully they'd be out for revenge and right the wrongs of their mentor.
Elsewhere, at the Leaky Cauldron, Merula and her associates were going over what they've learned. So far, all they have heard are rumors that have lead to one dead end after another. Ismelda had persuaded quite a few of the misfits of Knockturn Alley as they were definitely scared by her words alone. Some of these "dark wizards and witches" were no more than cowards who believed if they had the power, they wouldn't be messed with, but those were big mistakes. Bill had to make sure Ismelda didn't go too far with her cursing as one can imagine what a history buff can only bring around.
Talbott, on the other hand, had been flying around the area and eavesdropping on a lot of individuals who seemed dubious by their attire and mannerisms. Unfortunately, his search didn't prove as much fruit as he'd hope. Talbott ran his hand through his hair, feeling the frustration getting to him.
"So, how'd your search turn up?" Bill asked Talbott, who wore a face of defeat.
"Nothing." Talbott grabbed his pint and took a swig. "I only keep getting rumors and nothing serious to go by. You?"
"Afraid not, we need to find someone." Bill rubbed his chin, trying to figure out what to do.
"Mundus Fletcher," Merula chided as she looked at them with bags hanging from her eyes. "If anyone knows something, he will."
"Merula, when did you last sleep?" Chiara asked as she walked over with a bowl of stew, placing it down as she took a seat next to the girl in question. The two had become friends when Jason had been coming to terms with being a werewolf. Chiara knew the pain of it and the stigma that came from it. "Merula, you need to eat and get some sleep too. We'll do most of the searching, okay?"
"Chiara, I can't just-"
"We know," Ismelda butted in as she placed a bowl in front of her, "and we'll need you at your best. No excuses."
Merula didn't have the energy to argue, and her stomach was quite empty. She sighed in defeat and when ahead and started to eat. As she ate, her thoughts went to that of Jason and his eating attics. The way he'd eat elegantly but obscene amounts. Well, with his growth from when they're but first years, his appetite grew with him. Merula couldn't help but smile as tears trickled down her face.
"Snyde?" Talbott looked at her with concern as the rest of the group did. "Are you alright?"
"I..." Merula didn't know how to respond. "I just miss him..."
"We all do, Merula. We'll find him, and we'll go back home." Ismelda placed a hand on her friend's shoulder, hoping it would provide some comfort. "Aurelius is durable than most and has handle worse than Rakepick, I'm sure."
The group continued their meal in silence as they felt that emptiness in their chests. None of them had much of an appetite. Merula stood up, leaving the other four alone as she needed a moment to herself. She headed to her rented room and sat on her bed as she couldn't stop the thoughts racing in her mind. Merula pulled out the necklace Jason got her the Christmas of their fifth year.
"Where are you..." she said as she softly wept — this sadness. This emptiness is something Merula hadn't felt for so long. "I can't lose him too."
"...M-Meri..." a voice whispered into Merula head. "Jason?" Merula sat up, looking around the room.
"R-Rakepick...is...coming for you. Y-you need to stay far away..." hoarse voice of Jason spoke into Merula.
"Where are you?" Merula pleaded. "I can be there."
"F-forget about me..." Jason's voice began to fade.
"No! Jason, please!" Merula screamed as Jason's voice fell soft.
"I l-love you..." then nothing...
Chiara and Ismelda burst into the room see Merula crying on the ground. The two kneeled down next to her, asking what had happened. From the breaks of tears, the two learned of the talk Merula and Jason had. If Jason was able to use legilimency to communicate, then he had to be somewhere close, right?
"If what he said is true, then he is closer than we think," Ismelda said as she helped Merula. "Merula, this a lead, if anything. Chiara, I'm going to tell Bill and Talbott." Ismelda ran out of the room to go the boys to the news.
"You okay?" Chiara sat next to Merula rubbing her back. "Merula?"
"Yeah, we need to find him, Chiara. I need to find him," Merula gripped her necklace tight, "because I know he wouldn't rest until I was safe. The idiot, why'd he go alone?"
"Jason is hard to read, but he's always honest with you. I'm sure once we get him, you can go ahead call him an idiot all you want." Chiara smiled at her friend, reassuring her confidence.
"Thanks, Chiara. I mean it. God, what is wrong with me?" Merula faced palmed. "It's all his fault that I'm saying things like "sorry, thanks" and other crap I don't usually say."
"Jason believes the best in you because he saw it. The person who had trouble seeing it," Chiara pointed to Merula, "was you, and I think that takes a lot of courage to do. Have faith in other's ability for good."
Ismelda showed back up with the boys following behind to the room when all of a sudden, Merula and Chiara flew through the door of the room, hitting the wall of the hallway.
"Merula! Chiara!" Ismelda drew her wand as Talbott and Bill did so.
"Well, well, isn't this a surprise? My lovely students are all together, having a heart to hearts. Didn't I teach you to need to have a colder heart?" Rakepick smirked as sent Talbott flying with a wave of her wand.
"Aaaaaaaahhh!" Talbott screamed as his limp body flew down the stairs into the tavern.
"Talbott! Rakepick, I swear you're gonna pay for that!" Bill waved his wand ferociously, casting spells to push her back. Bill worked hard to learn these new skills and will protect his friends this time!
"You've grown Mister Weasely; I must say I am impressed if only a little." Rakepick brushed his spells off as if they were but flies. "I only need one of you anyway, the rest of you can either leave or die."
"Neither!" Ismelda said as helped Bill on the assault on Rakepick. While she and Bill held her at bay, Merula and Chiara crawled past Rakepick.
"Guys, we need to get out of here!" Merula said as she helped Chiara to her feet. "Go check on Talbott! Chiara, I'm gonna help them fend off that bitch."
"Merula, don't be stupid!"
"Godammit! Go, Chiara!"
Begrudgingly, Chiara ran to the stairs and ducking the blast coming from the hallway behind her. She jumped the last few steps and looked at the dust around the pub, Chiara saw Talbott laying on the ground knocked out. "Oh no," Chiara said as she slid next to Talbott and shook him.
"Why did I volunteer for this?" Talbott muttered as looked at Chiara.
"Because you have a heart. Now we need to get out of here!" Chiara helped Talbott to his feet and guided him to the door. "GUYS! We got company!"
As Merula fought along with Bill and Ismelda, the shout of Chiara reaching their ears, and it wasn't any good news. They couldn't stay here any longer, or else they'd pushed into a deeper corner.
"You seemed Merula," Rakepick smirked, "but it was so easy to manipulate and figure out where you were. Do the words "I love you," ring any bells?"
"No, you went into my head?!" Merula snarled. "Where's Jason? What did you do to him?!"
"I won't say that much, but he's still breathing. Though," Rakepick reached in her coat and pulling out a photo, and it showed Jason ragged and beaten. "This was taken this morning, and we are still making progress on my "favorite" student."
"No," Merula muttered as a stream of tears rolled down her facing. "Give him back!" Merula waved her wand, spending spell after spell to Rakepick. Slowly, she kept pushing Rakepick. Her anger for her betrayal and the hate that has grown even more seeing and knowing the closest person she has is on Death's door at this moment. The force of Merula spells was enough to through Rakepick off-balance, sending her wand out of hand Rakepick, slamming her into the wall. "Where is he?!" Merula stomped over to her, placing her wand to Patricia's throat.
"Oh my dear," Rakepick snickered, "if I told you it wouldn't be fun, would it? The fact of the matter is Merula; I planned to take you anyway to him after all." Rakepick pointed behind Merula, and as she turned to see her associates being held by members of R. "So either play nice or you all die."
"Why you piece of-!"
"Nuh-uh uh, Miss Snyde, mind your manners or they die."
"Merula, don't worry about us just- oof!" Chiara was knocked out by the dark wizard that held her.
"Alright!" Merula shouted. "Just don't hurt them. Please." She placed her wand down, lifting her hands.
"Good," Rakepick smiled as she picked up her wand. "Now then," she turned to Merula, slapping her to the ground. "Let's go and see my favorite student."
Rakepick and her associates took the little task force from the Leaky Cauldron before the Ministry would show up only a few moments too late. The group was in it now as they are now held in the same position as the one they wanted to save.
Merula woke to drops of water falling on her face causing her to wake up. She looked around to see she and her friends were chained up to the wall.
"Where are we?" as Merula scanned the room, she noticed something at the center of the room. The sound of raspy breathing and the smell of blood hung in the air. "My God," Merula stood up as she walked closer to where the breath was coming from as the light of the moon broke through a small opening lighting the room. She covered her mouth as tears began to run down her face. "Jason..."
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twiceinadream · 5 years
“I’ll be home for Christmas.”
Requested: Yup
Request: Mina's remote girlfriend surprises her in her apartment to take care of her   Sorry for the english I speak spanish (Also I know Christmas has passed, but I kinda made it work. Hopefully)
a/u: Hey, guys! So this is still kinda a holiday themed one so sorry if this wasn’t what you were expecting. But, I hope you enjoy since this is kinda more fanfiction than a one-shot. But I also want to thank you guys for all your continued support, it really means a lot! (Uh, I miss Mina so much. I wish her the best)
Category: Fluff and (Minor) Angst
Word Count: 1.7k (Sorry, I just got out of a writer’s block)
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“Yes, I promise. I’ll be home for Christmas,” You smile to yourself as the voice of your girlfriend drifts out of your phone, your eyes watching the snow fall from the window of your guy’s shared apartment back in Korea. Sighing as she tells you, ‘I love you, Y/N-yah.’ You run a hand through your hair, your heart clenching at her words, “I love you too, Minari.”
The call ended, but you continued to stare out the window; you looked at the reflection of your suitcase in the glass. ‘Five months.’ You thought to yourself as you walked over to your couch, falling onto the plush cushions. Five unbearable months of not being able to see your girlfriend; all because of a stupid rule emailed to you by JYP himself.
The notice read:
Dear Ms. L/N,
This is Park Jinyoung. I am sending you this email personally on behalf of your partner: Myoui Mina. As you know, Mina will be returning to Japan for recovery, and we are asking for you to please not interfere with her treatments and to not seek her personally. You will be allowed standard calls but that will be all, information on her progress will be released to you as soon as we are able to get them. Thank you.
Park Jinyoung
More than anything, that email felt like a slap to the face as you were forced to endure life as normal. Well as normal as you could get it ever since your girlfriend was practically ripped out of your life. But, your pity party was coming to an end and you couldn’t be happier. You smiled to yourself as you got into bed. Cuddling Mina’s pillow as you imagined the sleepy, gummy smile she would flash you just before she pecked your lips and drifted off to sleep. Plus, it was Christmas Eve; what could possibly go wrong?
Well a lot apparently. You woke to the shrill sound of your alarm as you bolted out of bed, blinking away sleep as best as you could as you reached to turn off your phone. Noticing an alert below your alarm, ‘Snow Storm! All streets closed until further notice. All persons are advised to stay inside.’
You felt your heart sink as you read the alert over and over again, this can’t be happening! How could this be happening! You threw your phone to the end of the bed as you screamed into the empty space surrounding you. Running your hands through your hair as you grabbed your phone, pulling up your contacts to call Mina.
Unfortunately as soon as you held the phone to your ear a robotic female voice sounded, “You are unable to reach this number due to the storm. Please try again at a different time. Thank you.” You pulled your phone away from your ear, staring down at it in disbelief, “You have got to be kidding me!?” You threw the device behind you as you put your hands over your face, “There is no way this can get any worse.” And just as the words left your mouth, your power went out. It felt as if fate was just laughing in your face now, “Why did I even ask.” It wasn’t a question.
So you spent Christmas completely alone and cold, since the heat in your building was completely shut down and your cold, dead heart did nothing to warm the moment. So you went to bed: cold and lovesick beyond belief.
The next morning was just like the last, your alarm rang at an annoyingly loud volume as you grabbed your phone to shut it off. Thanking God (Jihyo) that the storm has passed and the streets were now free to roam. You breathed out in relief as you attempted to call Mina again, only to get the same robotic female voice as before. But that was just one minor inconvenience, today would be better. You hoped.
So you grabbed your luggage as you got ready to make the drive to the airport, marveling at the snow around you as you thought of Mina. The way she would tuck your guy’s hands in her coat pockets when you would walk the street at night or the Christmas tree in the center of a park that you shared your guy’s first kiss under. The memories making you smile as you parked your car in the airport parking lot and started making your way to the front desk of the airline you were using.
“Hello. I had a flight yesterday, but it was cancelled due to the storm.” You smiled at the receptionist as you handed her your boarding pass.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. But there will be no flights heading to Japan today, the storm left the airstrip too icy for take off and Japan is currently in a storm and it was deemed too dangerous to fly. Once again, our sincerest apologies. I can reschedule you for tomorrow.” You looked at her in disbelief as you let out a long sigh, bringing your palms to rub your face, ‘This cannot be happening. Who has this worst of luck!?’ You wanted to slam your head into the counter, ‘Right. I do.’
The receptionist still looked at you as she waited for your answer, “Yes. A flight tomorrow will be fine.” The girl nodded as she typed in your information into the computer frowning as she saw the look in your eyes, you were honestly close to tears.
“Hey, are you okay?” You shook your head ‘no’ as she printed out your new boarding pass.
“I was supposed to leave two days ago to see my girlfriend for the first time in five months. But I guess fate likes to play games with my heart.” The girl gave you a sympathetic smile as she handed you your boarding pass, you looked over it noticing she had changed your seat to first class. You were about to ask her about it, before she beat you to it.
“For the inconvenience,” she gave you a small smile as she squeezed your hand, “and good luck. Your girlfriend is a really lucky girl. Merry Christmas.” You smiled as you thanked her, heading toward your gate.
“I’m the lucky one. Thank you again, Merry Christmas.”
But little did you know, a country away Mina was suffering a similar fate as you. “Where is Y/N? She should have been here by now.” Mina frowned as she checked her phone again, no messages from you and no service on her end. Your girlfriend’s eyes looked out to the growing storm outside her parent’s front parlor, her eyebrows furrowing. Her mother frowned as she watched her daughter, sighing as she went to comfort her.
“Y/N will be here sweetie. She’s probably just caught up in the storm, you need to get some sleep.” Mina pursed her lips, she knew her mother was right.
“Okay, Mom. But if Y/N comes tonight, you better wake me up before you let her in.” Mina’s mom nodded as she sent her daughter upstairs.
“I promise. Goodnight, Mina.” Mina gave her mother a small smile.
“Thanks. Goodnight, Mom.”
You awoke to the bustling sound of the airport as you sat up from the seating area in front of your gate, the terminal opening as they announced first class, ‘Just in time.’ You sighed as you stretched, ignoring how sore you were as you handed the flight attendant your boarding pass and sat down. You were only a few hours from your girlfriend, you could do this.
Once the plane landed, you were quick to make your way through customs and out of the airport to finally be able to tell Mina you had arrived. But there was one problem: your phone was dead. You groaned as you hailed the nearest cab you could see, immediately jumping in as you told the man who was driving the Myoui’s address as best as your limited Japanese could do. And thank your lucky stars he understood.
You let out a heavy sigh as you slumped back into the seats of the cab, looking out the window to see the fresh snow that blanketed the ground.
‘Japan is just as pretty as Mina said it would be.’ You smiled at the thought, only to have your stomach feel like a knot a second later. This was the first time you would be able to see your girlfriend in forever and to be honest; that scared you to death.
You were pulled from your train of thought as the man stopped the cab, the address of the house matching the one Mina had texted you a few days prior. You thanked the man as you handed him probably more than what the ride had actually costed but at this point you could honestly care less, as you dragged your luggage behind you and ascended the Myoui’s front porch.
The light from inside the house felt warm, you felt like you were finally home. You let out a deep breath as you knocked, the chatter from behind the door went silent as footsteps approached and the door opened.
You and Mina’s brother were equally surprised by each other as you two just stared at one another. Then Kai’s face suddenly turned annoyed almost angry, “You’re finally here. Do you know how long Mina’s been waiting for you?” You crossed your arms as you stared him down.
“Do you know how long I’ve been waiting, to at least see her?”
“Kai! Who’s at the door?” You could hear Mina’s father from inside the house. Kai moved aside.
“You better come in.” You gave him a nod as you walked past him and into the living room, the three other Myoui’s eyes were now on you, completely speechless as they stared.
Until Mina gasped and held her hand to her mouth tears already falling as she ran into your arms. You caught her midair as you spun her around, your heart so full you felt like it could burst, “I’ve missed you so much, Minari.” You whispered into Mina’s ear as her tears wet your neck.
“I’ve missed you so much too, Y/N-Chan.” The two of you smiled as Mina captured your lips in a kiss, surprising the other Myoui’s and yourself. But you kissed her back nonetheless, when she pulled away you were breathless.
“What was that for?” Mina blushed as she buried her face into your neck.
“For not being able to see you.” You smiled as you hugged her closer, kissing the crown of her head.
“Hey, it’s just like I promised. I’d be home for Christmas.”
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
1165. Part 4
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 (Warnings: violence, kidnapping, graphic description of android dismantling, mentions of physical and mental abuse)
[Part1]   [Part2]   [Part3]
The room was completely silent, and Gavin felt guilty just by disturbing the peace with his presence and the sound of his breath. He didn’t look at the android lying on the cushioned examination table. Nines’ lower half had been covered with a blanket and for the last software check-ups and self-healing protocols to do their work after the main repair, he had been left there to wake up. But the human was staring down on the floor. His head was ringing like a church bell and felt just as heavy and sluggish. He had suffered a mild concussion and had been advised by doctors to stay in bed for a while, but he just needed to make sure Nines was alright first. He had to apologise. Had to know why he was so afraid of him. Then he could rest. The vertigo, headache and overall sickness wasn’t as bad as his lingering guilt.
He didn’t realise it at first as Nines woke up. The sound of the blanket because of sudden movement startled him out of his thoughts. The android looked at him with big eyes, already in the process of getting away from him. Gavin immediately reacted, scooting backward with his office chair until it hit the wall. He quickly raised his hands and tried to be as gentle and non-threatening as possible. ‘It’s fine, it’s fine! You are safe! You are out! You are repaired, see? I won’t do anything to you.’
Nines looked at him surprised and vary. But he seemed to relax more with the distance between them and started tentatively touching the spots that had been damaged: His face, his thirium regulator and his entire front. It felt invasive to watch him, so Gavin gave the android his space. After some time, Gavin spoke up again, noticing how his voice caused Nines to freeze in his movements. ‘I made mistakes’, he said. Nines was silent, but he could feel the android’s gaze on him. ‘I made a lot of them.’ With every word Gavin wished for the silent peace to come back. For the break filled with anticipation and worry, but still ultimately frozen. ‘I hate androids. I don’t think I could ever start liking them. My brother is a huge self-entitled asshole and he invented them, so they were already off to a bad start. And then one of them killed my sister. The android was running from its owner, was panicked and took my sister, who was just on her way home that night, as a shield. The owner didn’t care, he shot anyways.’ He swallowed hard. What he was about to say had been lingering in his head as unpleasant intrusive thoughts. He knew they were right, but he had always avoided saying them out loud, making up some dumb excuse instead. But not now. Not when he owed the android the truth and more. ‘I know logically, androids have nothing to do with it. My brother is an asshole, that doesn’t mean the bots he created are too. The owner of that android was drunk, and the plastic couldn’t possibly foresee he would have shot her. But you know what? It’s easy. Hating the people steeling our jobs, hating the people everyone hates, following the wide mass. It’s phcking easy and I never was one to work hard when I didn’t need to. And if you do something long enough, regardless of reason, it becomes your second nature.’
He took a deep breath, the android in the room remaining silent simultaneously being unbearable and a blessing. What he was about to say was hard for him. ‘But it was wrong to treat you like shit because of it. I should have showed the level of professionalism to leave my views of the world out of work. And I… Phck’, he trailed off. Then he lifted his head to meet Nines’ eyes, who was completely unreadable besides the fact that he let him speak and was willing to listen. ‘Did you really think I was the one torturing you? Do you really think I could do that? Are you that afraid of me?’
Nines had watched the man curiously. He had to admit he had been afraid upon seeing Gavin again. His memories were a confusing mess of things that had happened long ago, intermingled with the recent torture and Gavin’s face sprinkled in for good measure. But the man had given him space. Had begun to talk – just talk – and it sounded like an attempt of an apology. Maybe this was what he had waited for so long. Maybe this was the chance at making peace with the Detective and getting into more friendly interactions. And if it wasn’t… He could still take Fowlers offer. Disappear from one day to the next and be send off somewhere else, where he would never have to see him again. If he really wanted to, he could destroy Gavin’s whole career, telling the Captain the man had held him at gunpoint several times. Maybe he was just as afraid of a friendship with someone who could end him as Nines was of letting a human into his life. But well, someone had to give, and he had a backup plan if things went south. So, he decided to tell him.
‘You don’t have to sit so far away, Gavin’, he began and watched the man hesitantly scoot closer. The way he pulled a grimace he likely hadn’t gotten away unscathed by the whole ordeal either. ‘I’m afraid of humans in general. I was a prototype model meant to replace Connor. During the revolution I was in the testing phase. I caught the deviancy virus, but it didn’t work on me as I was meant to withstand its effects. That didn’t… It didn’t work as intended. Instead of giving me the chance to be free and disobey, it took away the controlling part completely. It destroyed my mind palace, a simulated reality to talk with humans or other androids, hand in reports and receive new missions. It was rendered inaccessible. Unfortunately, that also meant I couldn’t be put to stasis by humans and no one realised the error. I didn’t have the experience to resist against treatment, too. So, whenever I failed, they would enter the order to send me to stasis. I would remain conscious because the order never reached me, but I would stay motionless and let them work regardless, because it was all I knew. When the virus spread and the damage reports would change to something equal to your pain sensations, I tried to bear through it. But ultimately, I snapped. I tried to resist, I tried to reason with them that I could still work with my damaged part just to avoid being repaired.’
He sighed, pulling the blanket closer. ‘They… They didn’t listen and I was afraid. The day they finally looked into my coding and realised I had caught my very own deviancy, they talked about resetting me completely or transferring me to a new body. I knew that would be the end of me. I was so afraid I… I snapped. I killed every last one of them. Just with my bare hands. I was so merciless Cyberlife decided to lock down the lab and let me wreak havoc there while they evacuated the floor and barricaded it so I could never escape. I was found in that lab after the revolution, caked in old blood amidst the decaying bodies of the men I killed. That’s why everyone is so afraid of me, although I am far more scared of everyone around me. Fowler was so kind to take the risk after getting to know me and he decided not to tell anyone of my past.’ He waited for Gavin’s judgement, but he stayed just as silent as he had before, allowing him to continue.
‘If you take that into account, Gavin, I’m afraid of every human out there. I learned to hide it, but I am. I think of every human to be capable of doing this to me, because I have no faces to pin my tormenters to. As far as I’m concerned it could have been anyone in that lab. And yes, that includes you, Gavin.’ ‘Then why did you join the police?’, the Detective asked. ‘I couldn’t imagine a worse job for someone who is paranoid of humans and is traumatised by violence.’ ‘One has to face his fears to overcome them, right?’, the android answered. ‘I wanted to at least give it a try. And I managed to stay for some time, haven’t I? I would be lying if I said I wasn’t completely terrified by you when you threatened me. But I also saw you being competent and trustworthy as soon as we worked together, and you forgot I was an android. That kept me going. I hoped you just needed time to adapt to my presence. I thought that if I was just determined enough, we could have become friends. Like my predecessor.’
‘I’m sorry it had to be being tortured together to manage that’, Gavin sighed. ‘To be honest I think about quitting’, Nines admitted. ‘I don’t know if I could live with the whole precinct knowing what I just told them. I don’t want them to be afraid of me.’ ‘Why? Did you tell them?’ ‘No, but…’ ‘Hey, I won’t tell them, who do you think I am?’ ‘You won’t?’ ‘Hell no. I know how difficult it is to tell someone something you want buried deep inside you. If this whole conversation stays between us, then that’s fine by me.’ ‘That… Thank you. That means a lot to me’, Nines admitted. ‘Yeah, yeah’, Gavin waved it off, embarrassed.
He sighed deeply, then held out his hand. ‘How about we give this another chance and I try to be less of an asshole to you, dipshit?’ Nines stared at the hand and his eyes darted from it to Gavin’s eyes and back as if trying to find out if he meant it. Then he reluctantly took it. ‘I think I would like that, sweetheart.’
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jbuffyangel · 5 years
The Good and the Bad: Arrow 8x09 Review (Green Arrow & the Canaries)
Arrow did another backdoor pilot for the spin-off even though 7x16 felt like one, 
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but it’s clear from this episode things have been… retooled. 
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Not always for the better. I liked Green Arrow and The Canaries more than I disliked it, but I’m an easy sell. If Olicity’s progeny are available via my television then I’m watching. Period. End of discussion. 
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There’s good content for the writers to mine, but there’s definitely some kinks to work out.
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Doing things a little different with this review. Yes, I can change. 
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It didn’t feel like a fully fleshed out episode and I have a feeling we’ll be repeating this pilot in some form if Green Arrow and The Canaries is greenlit, so for now we’ll just hit the highlights – the good and the bad.
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Let’s dig in…
What I Loved
This is the first episode immediately after Crisis, so we don’t entirely know how the present day is impacted, but the future certainly is bright. Mia and William have grown up in an almost paradise. Star City is the safest city in the country. There’s been no crime for almost twenty years and it’s all thanks to the city’s hero – Oliver Queen.
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Source: feilcityqueen 
It’s nice to see Oliver being honored years later by the ungrateful twats of Star City. They are slightly less ungrateful in my eyes. However, it’s even more wonderful to see that Oliver’s children grew up safe, protected, and maybe even a little pampered. It’s everything he wanted for them. 
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The big stick with this carrot of course is Oliver not being able to raise William and Mia.
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Mia Smoak is the princess we were promised and she is ready to ascend the throne. I loved everything about her character. 
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Source: kathmcnamara 
The alternate timeline/universe (?) has softened Mia. There’s no anger. No dark and twisty past. No hatred of vigilantes. No resentment over lies and betrayals. 
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Mia knows her father was a hero, but she hasn’t grown up hiding out in a cabin with Felicity. Instead she grew up with William in the Queen Mansion (where she currently resides). On the surface, Mia’s life has been pretty friggin perfect, even if she’s a little adrift. That said, the Grand Canyon sized hole in her life is that her dad is gone.
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Source: oliverxfelicity
Mia blissfully wakes 
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Source: kathmcnamara
and is proposed to by… JJ DIGGLE!
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Source: kathmcnamara 
We have a scantily clad naked Diggle boy and he’s already dropping down on one knee. This show is my crack.
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This also means JJ Diggle isn’t evil! Plot twist!! Dun dun DUNNN!!!
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Source: kathmcnamara 
Mia says yes after a brief hesitation and the DIGGLE BROTHER LOVE TRIANGLE HAS COMMENCED. I know I’m the only person who wants this love triangle, but I don’t care. 
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JJ is the “good” brother and Connor isn’t “evil” but he seems like a colossal screw up with questionable facial hair. 
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But also maybe I like the facial hair? 
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It’s clear he has an adversarial relationship with Mia, but so many romances have been born from loathing. Enemies to lovers is a classic trope. I’m all in.
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Of course, we’re supposed to expect Connor in Mia’s bed since the Season 7 flash forwards more than hinted at a brewing romance between the two, 
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but instead it is JJ. A plot twist the Olicity fandom called ages ago.
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John Jr. is new and improved though. There isn’t much to dislike about this version of him. He’s kind, sweet, sexy, attentive and pulling out expensive jewelry in the first five minutes. What’s not to love? There’s a smol and tol aesthetic happening too. Everyone knows that’s my shipping jam.
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Things immediately get rocky though (pun intended). First, JJ gives Mia the Queen family engagement ring. 
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Source: arrowdaily 
Mia makes a point of saying it was her mother’s which gives me the feels. 
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I never had the same issues with Moira’s engagement ring others did, but even I can recognize there’s some bad juju in it
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Next, Mia gets her memories back (more on THAT later) and officially remembers her fiancé was a psychopathic killer who ran one of her friends through with the pointy end of a sword. It’s a little difficult to kiss JJ after that visual. 
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Things don’t get much easier after Mia accuses JJ of being the mastermind behind Bianca Bertinelli’s kidnapping. (Yes, she’s Helena’s daughter). He’s not the kidnapper. All his secrecy revolves around the honeymoon JJ is planning. It does lead to a truly hilarious moment between the two characters. 
JJ: Jumping to conclusions is I’m cheating on you not that I’m a kidnapper. For the record, I’m neither.
It’s a heavy moment, but I died. It’s going to be a little hard to pick out cake now.
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The scene itself is heartbreaking. Charlie and Kat acted their asses off in it too. JJ thinks Mia doesn’t want to marry him. She hesitated before accepting his proposal (Yes, he noticed that Mia. So did I). JJ believes Mia is commitment phobic. It’s not wildly unlike how Oliver’s story began. Thank God there’s no cheating with siblings though.
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Mia is merely struggling with the idea that her fiancé was a cold blooded killer in another world. She just needs some time to… adjust. She’s also a little commitment phobic. After stopping the real bad guys, Mia reassures JJ, but she doesn’t tell him the truth about who she is.
Mia: I couldn't imagine spending my life with anyone else."
I see your not-so-subtle wink at SmoakNHawke writers. I AM SO HERE FOR THIS.
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The truly awesome moment with JJ’s character is when he gets his memories back too. I was not expecting this and was genuinely surprised. Charlie Barnett is a PHENOMENAL actor. He played that scene perfectly. 
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Giving JJ his memories back is a stroke of genius because now he's a more complicated villain (I hope). He gets to struggle with his love for Mia and his loony tune desire to take over the city. 
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Katherine McNamara also does a fantastic job of blending the two versions of Mia after she gets her memories back. 
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Source: supercanaries 
She’s reeling from the suffering and loss, but Mia is still our bad ass princess who takes no crap. 
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Source: oh-my-hades
She is still every bit the hero Oliver and Felicity raised her to be.
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Source: feilcityqueen 
She’s just a little more pragmatic. Her communication skills are much improved. One of the best moments of the episode is when she gets to show up L*urel with her “new” experience.
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Source: supercanaries
Mia telling L*urel where to stick it was a long time coming. We had to wait twenty five minutes for it to happen, but it was GLORIOUS when it did. 
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Source: arrowversedaily 
William is a perfect cupcake, excited to be Mia’s man of honor, but bummed his boyfriend cheated on him. We hate Kevin. 
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Source: arrowdaily 
He encourages Mia to join Smoak Tech, but she’s not sold on joining Mama’s company. William running Felicity’s company fills me with a deep and abiding joy.
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William Clayton-Harris-Smoak-Queen is perfection from start to finish. 
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Source: oliverxfelicity 
The chemistry between Ben and Kat is so natural. William’s good natured teasing about their “family heirloom” exuded warmth and love. 
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Source: feilcityqueen 
I adore how comfortable the two characters are now. Erasing William and Mia’s separation is the best thing to come out of Oliver’s Crisis retcon.
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ZOE IS ALIVE because I said she would be and I like to get my way.
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Source: oliverxfelicity 
Din*h owns a bar (Thea’s old club) and lives in the apartment upstairs (Thea and Olicity’s old loft).  
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Source: canarynetwork 
She woke up in the future after Oliver’s funeral and discovered she doesn’t exist in 2040. I’m only mildly curious about this. The bigger shock is Din*h is tolerable. She’s compassionate towards Mia and often serves as the peace maker between her and L*urel. She feels like an older and wiser Din*h Dr*ke. More like Season 5 Din*h, but not so angry.  
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Also, hello that voice? She can be like Lorne on Angel and randomly break out into show tunes.  Juliana did a beautiful job.
E2 Oliver cheated on L*urel with Sara too. There is no universe where L*urel & Oliver end up together. Nobody hates L*uriver more than these writers.
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What I Hated
L*urel. I hated everything about L*urel. 
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At first, I thought I was being too sensitive, but after a certain point it was clear she is just an asshole. L*urel being unbearable in Arrow pilots is a tradition apparently.
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It starts with how Mia gets her memories back. There were some spoilers out on this, but I wasn’t entirely sure how it would play out onscreen and yeah… total dick move. 
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Source: supercanaries 
L*urel destroys Mia’s life by forcing unbelievably painful memories on her without discussing it with her first. And for what? So, Mia can help L*urel find her kidnapped friend. 
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Even the newspaper article L*urel drops about the Green Arrow failing the city doesn’t excuse the way she gave Mia her memories back. I understand she is trying to convince Mia to be a superhero, but I feel a more effective approach would have been to sit down, grab a cup of coffee, offer the pros and cons of getting her memories back and then let MIA DECIDE.  
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Source: supercanaries 
L*urel didn’t need to grab her from behind at her graduation/engagement party.  It had the uncomfortable vibe of mind rape and no amount of “girl power” makes that okay.
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Oh hey - if  J'onn J'onzz from Superg*rl is going around and zapping people’s minds without clearing it with them first - 
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What was with L*urel insulting Mia every two seconds? UGH. Where is that damn bird baton?
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There’s a fine line between snark and nasty. L*urel was just nasty.
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L*urel decides Mia is a lazy, self absorbed, idiot because she’s not immediately jumping at the chance to be the Green Arrow. She literally blew this kid’s life apart, gives her no time to process, and immediately begins insulting her because she’s not following all of L*urel’s commands.
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On what planet does L*urel have any authority over Mia's life? 
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They have a warm and fuzzy heart to heart about choosing to be a hero to smooth over L*urel’s wildly unpleasant personality, but it’s ludicrous. L*urel didn’t even rate a goodbye from Oliver. I find her suddenly being an expert on what Oliver would want for his daughter pretty tough to swallow. 
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This conversation should’ve been with William. PERIOD.
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Source: oliverxfelicity 
It’s insane L*urel is judging anyone about anything because SHE IS A MURDERER. But sure, being a socialite is the real crime. Thank goodness L*urel is here to stop all the shopping.
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The show was desperate glaze over Bl*ck Sir*n’s history with bizarre explanations.
L*urel: I wasted a lot of time pretending to be something I wasn’t because it was easier.”
So, Bl*ck Sir*n was pretending to be a murderer because it was easier? 
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That’s not a thing. You don’t pretend to a murderer. You just are one.
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Bl*ck Sir*n wasn’t like Oliver Queen. She killed good and innocent people. We’re just supposed to accept she was always a good person simply because she says so? Sorry sweetheart, the evidence does not exist. I would send your ass to prison for a good 25 to life, but the network didn’t ask for my opinion about your participation in the new show. THEY SHOULD HAVE.
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Then there’s the way they casually avoid things Bl*ck Sir*n has done.
Din*h: I can let go of the people I lost and mistakes that I made.
Din*h lost her boyfriend because L*urel murdered him. They ate French fries and drank milkshakes in a ten second scene and now we’re supposed to believe they’re best friends. Umm… no. If you want to make this friendship believable don’t pretend their history doesn’t exist. Most of your viewing audience is coming from Arrow. We remember that L*urel killed Dinah’s boyfriend.
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L*urel: D you’re up. You ready?
Din*h: Never not.
Ugh. Cringe. Arrow was effortlessly bad ass because Stephen Amell made Oliver Queen look effortlessly bad ass. 
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The action was show, not tell, and that includes the dialogue. There is no making L*urel and Din*h cool, so just-
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And POSE. It’s like mannequins in a Macy’s window. YIKES.
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Source: canarynetwork
They force this “Ra Ra Girl Power” nonsense with clunky lines and empty camaraderie while at the same time; L*urel eviscerates Mia’s life choices by insulting her all hour. If you want to bolster “female relationships” on this network then start with the women treating each other with respect.
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There was a criminal lack of William, Zoe and Connor. TERRIBLE DECISION.
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Hopefully, this changes dramatically if the show goes to series. This is what I meant by “retooled.” It is clear two different concepts are being slapped together. The one we saw in 7x16 and whatever KC pitched to the network. The biggest flaw in this backdoor pilot is how disjointed it feels.
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It’s like there are two shows. Mia has her life with William, Zoe, JJ and Connor and the other show is Din*h and L*urel. It’s similar to Oliver and L*urel/Tommy/Thea versus Diggle/Felicity in the beginning of Arrow, but it feels really unnecessary to make that mistake again. I do not feel Green Arrow and The Canaries is Marc Guggenheim and Beth Schwartz’s vision for what they wanted the spin-off to be and it is GLARINGLY obvious.
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No mention of Felicity or Diggle. Yes, I understand why. We have to watch the Arrow series finale to find out what happens to our beloved characters. Mia and William never mentioning Felicity and JJ and Connor never mentioning Diggle & Lyla is WEIRD. Particularly since it was Mia’s graduation and her engagement party with JJ.
Stray Thoughts
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 I vote for this to be Mia’s next tattoo. Source:  amunetblack
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Well… that’s new information Din*h. Source:  shawgroves
Why is L*urel calling Din*h “D?” When did that start?
Rene is running for a third term. Do we need to be concerned about a utilitarianism regime happening?
I will never believe Din*h can do “Felicity stuff.” Where the hell is William?
“Oh frack you.” FINALLY.
The adversarial relationship between Mia and L*urel is a wise choice given how KC and Katherine McNamara interact online with each other. Or don’t as the case may be.  
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What is happening with L*urel's boots? Are there bombs attached to them or something?
The lipsticks on L*urel and Din*h are not good. There's a lot of eye makeup happening too. Let's tone it down makeup department.
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This is my face whenever I see L*urel too.  Source: supercanaries
You killed her fiancée L*urel. Pay your fucking tab.
Female Big Bad. Could be awesome. Just have to wait and see.
I'm really glad William and Mia are rich again. I missed billionaire money. It's fun.
Disclaimer: Any gifs on the blog are not mine. If you would like a gif removed from my reviews, please message me. 8x09 gifs credited.
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lunawolflight · 4 years
Hey everybody, so last night I watched the livestream of SUF finale and ... I really didn’t like it. Okay I wanted to write this later and focus on my work, but I couldn’t concentrate enough so there you go.
Okay let’s get started.
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From the episode “Homeworld Bound” I felt something off with the plot’s development; Steven acting like a jerk to Spinel without even say sorry bothered me a lot, not only ‘cause I really like Spinel, but because Steven’s bad attitude towards others went too far for me, like, SHE CAN STILL BE MENTALLY UNSTABLE AND YOU SAY “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??”? THE WHOLE POINT THAT MADE SPINEL A VILLAIN WAS BECAUSE SHE THOUGHT SHE WASN’T GOOD ENOUGH AND THOUGHT SHE WAS THE REASON WHY PINK LEFT HER AND-!
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Okay okay, need to calm down or I won’t arrive at the end of this.
So the rest of the episode was good, I liked that the diamonds are actually changed for the better for the better with helping the gems they had hurt (even though I didn’t’ understand how the heck Yellow can be now so powerful to reform a shattered gem alone but okay).
So after this we now have “Everything’s Fine”, accurate may I add.
Tbh, once Steven left the diamonds in the last episodes I expected to see Steven to want to be alone for a while. What I mean is; after you almost shattered a diamond (which I thought to be a suicidal’s thought forSteven’s diamond part), and rethink about the fact that you shattered Jasper, this would be a lot of stuffs to process. I imagined Steven would have use the portal and traveling alone through some planets with the company of his own thoughts and space. Like a revisit of Spinel’s garden, The Moon station, even the Kindergarten, all places that would have recall all the things that had a central role in Steven’s journey with no need of dialogue whatsoever, THEN he would have come back home, thinking that everything’s fine, BUT OKAY.
He comes back home immediately, Connie calls him and Steven has a self conversation when he says he’s good, PERFECT. Here nothing to say, I particularly loved the parte when the camera zooms to Steven, FINALLY I WANTED TO SEE IT FOR AGES. The gems arrives, Steven says everything is fine and then go to little Homeschool ... okay? He starts to mess around and ... the gems don’t do nothing? WHAT?!?!?!
No, I’m sorry this is unacceptable, you let all this time pass (exactly an half of season) letting your kid alone with a mental issue that gone worse and worse, in the last few episodes he escaped home for three days coming back horrified, he goes away horrified saying that you can’t help him anymore, he comes back still glowing and clearly showing the issue that leads him to disappear for days AND YOU DO NOTHING?!?!??!? LIKE NOTHING??
You let Steven doing shit when he’s clearly unstable and you keep working like nothing happened??? I’m sorry, this is the thing that made me so angry, in the whole serie (future) the gems have no importance whatsoever, yeah there’s a moment between Garnet and Steven, but really I can’t find anything that could give them more role, they can’t be this dumb and stupid to let the boy that they loved, protected and grown alone and not even be more involved in his pink problem. It’s frustrating, they were so much important and in Future their role is inexistent, they seem to not care about Steven, so why should we? If everyone still accept Steven to mess around after all the things he has done, why I should be emotionally involved when the Crystal Gems, the most important character’s in Steven’s life along with Greg and then Connie, where do I can exactly feel the conflict??
Alright, let’s move on.
Finally AFTER FIVE MINUTES of Steven messing as we predict because the gems CLEARLY didn’t knew he had troubles, they force him to talk with Greg and Connie too. Steven vents is really deep, I like that the others just say a line and then is STeven that throw out all the things he has done still pretending that he’s fine and then alternate it with the real deep suffering that he’s feeling inside. GOOD, back on board, he finally vented and GASP HE’S CORRUPTED FINALLY! Let’s see what it’ll happen!
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“I Am My Monster” when I first saw the title, I was so sure that this would have been the big climax of the serie, all the action, emotional final moment and resolution will happen here, and the double sense of the title already implies a bit about Pink, LET’S GO!! *sigh*
So finally corrupted Steven makes his entrance, everything is trembling, people are scared like “Oh shit, here we go again” and from the distance they finally see the monster ... okay, gonna be honest, I didn’t expect him to be so bright.
Alright it’s just a design and this is not even a critique valid to say why I didn’t enjoy the finale, but for only and personal taste, I don’t really like the design.
He looks like any other colored monster we saw before, since the monster is born from the thought that Steven consider himself as a monster that has grown inside of him through the trauma that Steven realized in the course of the season, he should have been way more dark then just normal bright pink, something like dark pink with a lot of tendency to purple and even black, more sharp and with more monster’s characteristics, like shorter paws, more claws and sharps in his body, the eyes the brighten and more attracting part of his new horrible form.
Again, this is a really personal’s taste thought, it’s not relevant at all in this “review”, but I wanted to express my opinion about it anyway since THIS was the monster we were waiting for for the entire season.
Okay back to the plot. The gems talks a bit about Steven’s new for and the consequences if he doesn’t come back normal, Connie goes ALONE to bring everyone in the whole freaking town safe, in the movie all the gems basically had to save the humans, but Connie is enough apparently, and then decide to attack Steven and stopping him from destroying the town and in less then two minutes they’re able to cage him thanks to Lapis. IS LAPIS THIS STRONG??
I know that she’s been to a lot and probably her powers increased with time, but is shown just few minutes later that Steven is even stronger then the diamonds and the Cluster, and they’re like, the most powerful characters??
I don’t get it, there’s a constance discontinuity of strength in the characters, Lapis is an ordinary gem that never really shines in combats, yeah she was her purpose before the diamonds, but in fact, she can’t be stronger then them and the Cluster. She was holding him with water chains, okay, but it’s still not believable, and she keeps Steven blocked for quite long too!
Let’s move on ...
The diamonds arrive with my baby Spinel and once again the thing is tricked like an annoying joke that goes on too long. Alright I get that the diamonds are not exactly the best characters, tbh the last chance to evolve them in this season was wasted forever, but it can’t be possible that every time these morons arrives everyone gets annoyed, especially here!
on the contrary, the others should have feel relieved to see them arrive since, you know, THEY’RE FREAKING DIAMONDS and could know how to turn Steven back to normal since they’re not only powerful but also are close to these kind of problems. This brings back the problem of the gems that I brought up earlier; if they don’t make them look relieved to see the diamonds ‘cause they’re the most powerful beings above all the gems that make them look like they don’t care sincerely for Steven’s transformation and safety after what he has become. Okay maybe you don’t like the diamonds, but if you’re so desperate to bring back the person you love the most and the people that have the most opportunity to do it are luckily here you can go over the annoyance and pray them to bring your kid back.
But okay, the diamonds just made another entrance that annoys others even in this shit of situation, FINE. Even they joke about it.
The GodMothers Diamonds tries to bring Steven back thanks to their new abilities but it’s useless, that’s fair ‘cause this kind of mental monstrosity could be dominated a bit by these powers, but not entirely, even thought the powers are still really confusing, but okay good. Meanwhile Lapis calmly keeps Steven chained, heck she’s a new GodDiamond. Steven FINALLY frees himself roaring and kick everyone down, tries to escape again but then the Cluster arrives to hold him (in lesser time then Lapis).
There’s a dope moment when everyone cries and blame himself for not had been able to help Steven or for being the ‘cause of its status now. Believable, but too wimpy for me, Greg’s part is the best one ‘cause he stands there without caring to be hurt if that means to bring his son back. The diamonds were unnecessary honestly, even for Spinel, White’s part is just so unbearably pity, it’s just too explanatory for all WHite’s character and the problem that the fandom always had for her.
Then Connie arrives and openly says YES THIS IS YOUR FAULT.
*breath and let it sink in*
Okay this feels like fanbase.
I know that White is hated and such, but in this kind of situation you can’t just blame one single person if the problem, as you clearly saw, is that Steven has mental diseases and just five minutes earlier he said what’s the problem that he had to face in that period, if he would have said something like”IT’S WHITE’S FAULT!” Then I would understand, but since the diamonds had NO PLOT RELEVANCE, they arrived only at the end of the serie, then how she could primarily be the responsible of Steven’s corruption??? It’s because Steven’s hate to be a diamond, fine, but none know for sure it, the gems can understand it since it’s the hole point of the last seasons, but attack White saying that it’s all her fault is far from being correct, the reasons are way more complex and we just watched the entire progression of it in the last episodes! I don’t like White but you can’t give all the blame to her, I’m sorry but it feels like the fandom talked instead of Connie and that’s just feels wrong. AND YES, I’m aware that after all White is the one that also caused more problems, but it’s not just that, and CONNIE CAN’T FREAKING KNOW IT IF STEVEN DIN’T TALK FOR AN ENTIRE SEASON ABOUT HIS SHIT. Well anyway Connie give the inspirational speech, everyone now is ready to fight and Garnet has a plan.
Gonna say, I don’t really like the animation here, there are no big contrasts of colors and the part where Steven is running towards them is so flat and seems to be a running baby dinosaur and not a treating monster.
So okay everyone hugs him (noticing White’s face and the hate for her increase again), everyone says they’re here (admit that Greg’s parts here are my absolute favorite, he had so much space for Steven and I just love how much he cares and sounds genuinely emotionally broken and involved, LOVE GREG!) and won’t ever leave him. Of course Connie arrives and with her kiss Steven comes back.
... no, I’m sorry, this was too quick.
This monster that we were waiting to see for an entire season lasted ONE EPISODE OF TEN MINUTES??? This is even worse then White’s battle, at least there was good action, emotional involvement and White has been a “treat” for more or less 40 minutes and some plus with the last episodes!
I don’t say that the intention of doing it is bad, I mean, of course Steven would have come back normal, but if you turn someone that thinks that is a monster into an actual monster LET HIM DO MONSTER STUFFS!
They needed just a bit of minutes: Steven immediately escapes after the diamonds arrives, cut out the useless joke of their arrival, let Steven actually destroying Beach City and also go further then that and Homeschool and show that yes he’s acting like a monster, but he’s also fighting to not kill anyone (he cause a bit damage), there would be a fight sequence and then a scene with them that tells him that he’s not what he seems, now that I think of, let the other new gems of Homeschool help so Steven can see the gem he helped at the beginning of the season, including Jasper.
Also, I don’t think that the corruption just needed an hug of comfort, like, it needed more, use gem’s healing stuffs, a stick to calm him, anything that wouldn’t had just involve simply hugging because yes, knowing that the people we love are here for us helps, but it won’t magically make all the depression and mental damage go away, it needs time.
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But the worse thing, is that they NEVER addressed Pink, I know that “SHE’S GONE” but at least give her a moment because apparently she’s really important since, you know, PINK POWER, DIAMOND EYES AND ALWAYS REFERRING TO HER WHENEVER THERE’S BEEN A PROBLEM WITH THIS NEW POWER.
It didn’t need much sentimentalism, just a whisper of her saying her son’s name, a phrase, or heck, once Steven woke up let him open the chest in lion’s mane and let him found one last message of his mother also to give her more importance either then make her look like the worst being of the galaxy.
Sooooo Steven woke up and, I’m not gonna lie, this is the part that made me tear up, none says anything, Steven realizes his actions, but then lion comes and while he starts cuddling him, he hugs him and finally cry, for real, I think that this is the most emotionally involved and sincere crying I have ever see in a cartoon, you can feel all the pain and thrown up of Steven, no words needed, just him that finally screams his pain, free, while his family watches him relieved that he’s back. CUT.
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“The Future”. Here we areeeeeee, the epilogue of the story.
Soooo Steven decides to leave. Jee didn’t see that coming. I mean, it can be but I never saw Steven like he wanted to leave, maybe I needed more clues about it, or maybe I’m just nitpicking sorry, I wrote enough for the monster part.
Anyway FINALLY STEVEN SEES A THERAPIST good lord it happened!!
So there’s the scene of Steven that makes cookie cats for the gems to tell them that he leaves and they’re like: “Sure whatever, be happy and leave the tv here” and then they leave him alone. I hated this part, I knew from the beginning that they were pretending to be happy and the inside they were in pain as hell.
Two things bothers me the most: after the events of the last episode apparently everything magically comes back normal, I’m sure it was intended but, for a person that experienced depression in her own skin, I found it really dumb. I had to go to several psychologists in the course and even after my depression period, it took me a lot of time to process the shit that happened and even now sometimes I rethink about it. One entire year of process plus some months to find confidence.
And you’re telling me a kid that experienced multiple traumas, which we know had a crucial impact to his mental stability, get over it perfectly, yeah he sees a therapist now but you know what I mean. And this lead to the fact that it all feels like Steven is about to explode again because the gems are acting like shit for him leaving.
The second thing that bothers me is the fact that HE’S ABOUT TO LEAVE “PROBABLY FOREVER” AND HE DOESN’T TELL TO THE GEMS UNTIL THE DAY BEFORE HIS DAY LEAVING??? So now we have Steven that AGAIN doesn’t tell to the gem that he’s leaving, THAT IS LIKE A PRETTY MUCH BIG IMPORTANT THING TO SAY TO THE PEOPLE WHO RAISED YOU, no emotional conflict whatsoever, just another useless episode where everyone acts like freaking unrealistic morons, OKAY THEY’RE GEMS, but they’ve been able to put a lot of emotions with rocks as protagonists and now we have to buy this excuse? And all of this without mentioning a bit what happened in the last episode?? The diamonds of course don’t count anything along with Spinel, Steven then gives everyone a gift for his departure and I really enjoyed it, love so much Peridot’s reaction since one of my fave episodes of Future is the tv one just for the relationship with Steven and Peridot while the powers were really plot conventional. Jasper just make an appearence of not even ONE MINUTE, yeah she’s been shattered, nothing to explore much really UGH-! No, enough, or I really will lose my sanity into this freaking analysis fff. OH SOMETHING THAT I LOVED! Greg’s part was really cute, FINALLY he has a bed to sleep on and it just warms my heart, he has been one of my favorite characters AWWW
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Then Steven say bye to everybody, come back and the gems cracks (GET IT).
This is so cringe I’m not kidding, also hilarious because wants to see them cry at all costs, like I THOUGHT I WAS THE SADISTIC BUT LOOK AT HIM! I understand his reasons, but really for the rest of the episode he wants to see them be tortured by agony, they do it and then he leaves with the smile on his face, I find it funny xD
There’s this exchange between them that I found good, but at that point I wasn’t even engaged anymore and so didn’t really get emotionally involved once again. So without any deeper explanation of what happened to Steven, an emotional engagement or a final satisfying shot, the boy leaves for adventure, following the now trend of protagonists that has to leave because nowadays people are obsessed with drama.
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Aaaaaand this is the official end of Steven Universe and the finale of Future.
Guys, I didn’t cry, and once the screen went black I was so mad to myself at first because I really wanted to get emotional, I really wanted to feel the power that this show used to give me and that now officially finished without a single tear.
I talked with my brother all night about it and, in whole my entire life, I’ve never found and recognized so many flaws in a movie or tv show at its first watch.
Wanna give you an example of the finale of my all time favorite cartoon to give you a breath personal opinion of IT.
Phineas and Ferb Last Day of Summer: usually I hate to be redundant, but this is my absolute favorite show and I won’t ever get tired of talk and fangirl about it.
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So the conflict in this special wasn’t the Inator the caused the repetition of time itself, but it was the context itself: this is the last day of summer.
There’s already a vibe that something is different, the nostalgic tone is heavy but not overdramatic because that’s not what Phineas and Ferb is about. However, what is different from its general formula in fact, is not only the tone, but how the characters are facing this imminent ending, not only for them, but also for the fans, which is something that immediately involve us emotionally because we’re exactly living what the characters are living. The only one that doesn’t accept it it’s Candace, who in fact cause the main conflict of the episode; not accepting the end of something and creating an alternative about it has its own consequences, and this could reflect the thoughts that some people may have when they don’t accept change; the day keeps on repeating and repeating, the changes are always different and with different strategies (in the case of Candace and Doof) but this little game can’t last long and we’re accepting something that is constant we’ll sooner or later get through extremely huge consequences. It’s also really subtle the portals that, once you fall on them, everything that involves you is disappear like it never exist, that’s another great scene when Phineas and Ferb gets sucked by these portals and THEIR OWN MOTHER doesn’t know their existence, it’s something that we knew it was gonna happen, but we’re so involved that we gasp anyway because it’s in the context of a season finale, and personally my first thought was “WHAT IF PHINEAS AND FERB NEVER EXISTED??”. Doof’s final resolution and becomes good is finally something we were waiting for the entire show, we always knew he was good and it’s so satisfying to finally see him redeemed, Candace tries to fix the damage that she caused with the help of the gang, Phineas and Ferb of course use their inventive to come back and in a final breath take sequence where the time is about to end forever, the day is finally save and so the rest of the characters!
*I’m starting crying welp*, then everyone just sits, no inventions, no crazy schemes, just a breath moment when the characters are talking and confronting their memories, the interactions between them suddenly increase while the music starts playing nostalgic, showing the characters we grew up with talking about all the amazing adventures they’ve been through, and we’re with them, sitting and feel close to them because we know what they’ve been through, we’ve always been with them, and we are now in this last day of summer.
THEN THE MUSIC STARTS AND TEARS HAVE TO DISAPPEAR FOR A MOMENT! The classic magnificent song formula is directed to us, the characters are talking to everyone that is now watching and primarily the people that have been loyal to them and followed their adventures after all this time. A big, heartbreaking love letter for the support shown towards them, the song has an happy tone but the words are strong, there’s this self awareness of everything they’ve done (also AYA but who cares I overlook for this!) and then finally Linda goes out and asks if anyone wants the pie, as usual, like everything, even if it change, always stay the same, the real spirit of thew show. Everyone enters in the house, all together, and the one that decide to say the last goodbye it’s Phineas.
Phineas, that always lived the moment, that went through the impossible and possible to gift to everyone the joy and fun we have to create with our own hands with the time that we have in our hands without necessarily do the greatest things, but just seize it to have fun and never forget to waste one single second of it. This boy, that always shown so much love for the summer, the season that allows you to do the impossible, now is closing the door, with a warm smile on his face, confident that with the end of this amazing journey, more adventures will wait if he’ll keep pushing forward, Carpe Diem.
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You know I’m not able to watch that last song even knowing the meaning of it because IT STILLS MAKE ME CRY THE END OUT OF ME.
After FIVE YEARS from its ending, this is a finale that is able to give a proper and plus exceptional conclusion of one of the best cartoons I ever seen and that is always dear to me. Maybe my standards for a finale of an important show are too high? Maybe, but what I know for sure, is that for the SUF finale, this feeling of conclusion felt empty to me.
Now that I shitted all the last three episodes, does that mean I hate the show?
Absolutely not. Even if not much like PnF and GF, I see Steven Universe as one of the most revolutionary and bravest show of this decade, its emotional beats conquered the heart of many fans and the characters made them stay by their side for so long. Some realizing its flaws or not, this show had a huge impact, and even if I personally didn’t felt it, so many people cried for the end of one of their favorite cartoons that meant so much for them, and thanking Rebecca Sugar and her crew for all the work she did for this show.
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Alright so, these are my final thoughts, I’m sure that many people wouldn’t agree with me, and for that I’m greatly happy, but please I’d like to not get too much hate but only constructive comments about this finale. I understand that fans don’t like to let any idiots like me to ruin their enjoyment of their favorite show, and for that in fact I promise that this is will be my first and last expression of negative opinions on the finale of Steven Universe, I’d only answer my personal thoughts whenever people require it, for the rest I know how annoying picky fans could be, so I promise that I won’t ruin any longer the fun of this show, I’m just expressing my opinion.
Oh well look at that, another long post where I express my opinion, jeez I think this is the longest one yet, it took me one day to finish to write (in total, that would be three day but pfff who cares), I hope I didn’t bother much anyone opinion, remember I’m just a stupid Italian girl that wants to write during quarantine xP
For everyone that arrived at this point, thank you very very much for had stand my longest poem yet (GOSH IMAGINE WHEN CANDACE AGAINST THE UNIVERSE WILL COME OUT WELP) and see you soon for something different then sassy reviews, bye!
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