#and just launch them into the sun
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moonfurthetemmie · 2 months ago
Deimos is the only one in DU who hasn't been touched by Yighraru
maybe only three of the others are 100% under its command, but i don't think the rest would be able to resist for very long if Yighraru tried to command them directly. or Petruccio and Gonzalo command them with their rings, which isn't quite as strong but it's still less layers of reality for its words to go through.
So...if Deimos manages to remain untouched, he's probably going to have to finish this alone.
To keep his (remaining) sanity, he's going to have to be very careful and deliberate, and that likely means Gonzalo and Petruccio will be able to attempt to summon Yighraru. And they'll do whatever they have to do to make sure the ritual isn't interrupted, and they can bring their master into their reality.
Deimos could theoretically stop them sooner, but any attempt to directly intervene risks him acquiring The Touch(TM). And I'm sure he's acutely aware of that.
Antonio, along with Bella, Lodo, and Bea, are compelled to guard Gonzalo and Petruccio. Sforza he probably won't have to worry about; he's part of the ritual whether he likes it or not. Francisco and Sortino can't really fight like the rest of the team, but by god are they going to try. And they're still probably the least of Deimo' worries.
Phobos' case is the lightest and he still has some wits about him, but he won't let Deimos stop them, either.
Deimos doesn't have many issues with hurting his 'allies' (even if he did really like Antonio). They were a means to an end. But Phobos?
Deimos is doing all of this for him. Phobos is pretty much the only one Deimos really, truly cares for. He's all he has.
And now Phobos is trying to stop him.
Phobos will absolutely try to convince him to stop with words first. Why can't you join us, Deimos? We can still stay together. Please. It'd be so much easier than this madness. And when that doesn't work...? Well...Phobos doesn't like it any more than Deimos does, but he doesn't have a choice. He doesn't even realize he doesn't have a choice.
Whether or not Deimos can get past Phobos will probably be the deciding factor. Gonzalo and Petruccio will be too distracted by their ritual (and too confident that the others can stop Deimos from getting to them) to defend themselves before Deimos can cut them down.
And he will absolutely kill them for all the trouble they've caused him. Probably Sforza, too, though that's out of necessity and mercy rather than hatred.
It's uh...it's going to be interesting to see what happens after that. Because Yighraru isn't gone; it's just been thwarted for now; and the others are probably still under it's sway even if they've come to their senses (which Isabella, already completely gone, and Phobos, still unaware that his will isn't entirely his own, will not).
And I doubt any of them have any idea how deal with the whole 'touch' thing. Deimos and the other three who'd been reading Alinda's journal had nothing about that; she and her group never thought about having to remove it's corruption from people. Maybe they can banish Yighraru completely, but will that fix them? Or will the eldritch corruption just sort of go dormant until it comes back?
They have no idea. And Isbella and Phobos don't want them to try and figure it out.
phobos is all fucked up about it though. he feels like deimos has betrayed and abandoned him, and he can't fathom why. he wants to try to talk to him, make things right, but he doesn't even know where to start. He knows how stubborn Deimos can be, and Phobos is absolutely certain that he and Isabella are in the right. So he can't imagine doing anything other than trying to stop him.
unfortunately since those two are alive and still under Yighraru's influence, they'll probably try to take the rings. so hopefully someone is smart enough to grab those and keep them under lock and key and deimos' watch. no one else can be trusted. they don't even trust themselves now; they had no idea they could just be...controlled.
So uh. the clock's been reset! but deimos doesn't have nearly as much time as he did before.
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coccineum-vocatorem · 1 year ago
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It's now or never, don't surrender We came too far to die So claim your weapons This ain't heaven We came here now to fight
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itmightrain · 1 month ago
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the US pulling out of the WHO is so fucking bad for global health but this graph (from the WHO website) is cracking me up like hello european union? what's up?? why are 27 countries unionized barely surpassing the contributions of the UK (a country on the brink of economic collapse)? also the bill and melinda gates foundation contributing only $26M less than germany is taking me out we live in hell lskdjfa;lsdkfj
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yharnamesque · 2 months ago
After several watches and a playthrough of my own, I think my only real major (obviously unanswerable) question about Mouthwashing is the big psychological one: what was it about this particular Pony Express haul that led Jimmy to assaulting Anya?
Cause like looking at the past circumstances, aside from general stresses of working for a shitty company, he seemed to be doing pretty well for himself. He was in a role he seemingly enjoyed next to his best friend, he had coworkers he could get along with even if he didn't necessarily like them as evidenced by the fact he's obviously done previous trips with Anya and Swansea, he was ultimately away from whatever problems he'd been having back on Earth. If he'd just gotten on with things, he'd still be a massive prick but things would have been fine
Which makes me turn to what could've been going on in his head, same as what would have been going on in any abusers head when they decide to do what they do, consciously or unconsciously. Was it a snap decision brought on by a culmination of more stresses than he let on and his own shitty personality? Was it a long term thing he'd been planning after waiting to see how the rest of the crew worked and behaved? Did Anya do or say something innocuous on a previous trip that his brain perceived as a slight that he had to react to? Was there even anything at all? Jimmy please answer this questionnaire for me while you're waiting to get ejected from the airlock
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year ago
JODI I was looking through your AO3 and realized: you're also a fan of Ace Attorney and a fellow Miles/Phoenix shipper?! I could kiss you.
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i need you to know that i had to go track down that one video between taika and jason just so i could make a gif for the occasion to properly showcase my feelings here because-
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Dude. O m f g. I will say, *Ed voice* I've actually mellowed a bit, but they were my brain rot right before I was claimed to the sea by OFMD PFFFF. Like I deadass have an ~*~ace attorney merch shrine~*~ in my living room still.
I'm kissing you so hard right back shdjklsd I cannot BELIEVE. WE'RE JUST REALLY SUSCEPTIBLE TO GAY PINING HUH,,,
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the-nation-of-today · 2 years ago
EVERYONE STAY CALM (<- failing miserably at this)
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mmmthornton · 2 years ago
Stolkien Musical Competition AU: Come On
SOOOO the way it works is a little less America's Got Singing and more of a combination of the Carole and Tuesday contest and Sing where its more about putting on a good show to get the audience to pay attention week after week. Stan is still the lead of Crimson Dawn, but the members get shifted around and perform with other people for the sake of variety and to demonstrate various skills to the audience/judges.
This is how prettyboy pop singer Tolkien ends up singing lead on a punk song with Stan on guitar, Jimmy on drums, and Red on bass. What song is it? This one baby!
Tolkien: This is stupid, there's only two words in this song. What's the point of even having a lead singer? 😒 Its like someone chopped the chorus out of something else. Kyle: WELL its the song we got the rights to. Lets take it from the top everyone!
They play it through and...its ass. Tolkien isn't leading the music at all and the brash rhythm is all over the place.
Red: This SUCKS. I should take lead on this! Cartman: Nah, we got you doing a country song with Nelly this week, we can't feature you twice. Red: FINNEEE but I'm gonna make that song SUPER gay. 😏 Kyle: Noted. We still need to uh...address some issues here. Tolkien: Issues like what? 💱 Cartman: ...Hey Stan? Stan: What? You want me to sing? Tolkien: Be my fuckin' guest. Kyle: NO, no, just...maybe you can offer some guidance here? Stan: 🙄 Whatever...
Stan shows Tolkien about how to really *wail* without wrecking his voice similar to his death metal screams. They practice putting your whole body and energy into the delivery, and how to stay on beat even while EVERYTHINg is loud and messy and its a LOT for Tolkien to take in.
When he finally nails it in the first runthrough, he makes eye contact with Stan and its like Stan's guitar is answering Tolkien's vocals in an intense and entertaining back-and-forth of pure ROCK. đŸ€˜
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When the group performs it live in their monochromatic suits, for the entire duration no one can take their eyes off Tolkien. He's been the Solo Singer with a Backup Band before, but this is the first time he's seemed like a part of a band. In this story, this is the first time he really "gets" that aspect of performing live, and before this he maybe even wrote off Stan as more of a whiney punk who makes up for a lack of talent with volume. It's a good chance for them to see each other as something more than just a rival........ 👀
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0dotexe · 2 years ago
I have got to figure out why my muscles refuse to let me exercise properly this is actually driving me nutz. Like I would love doing daily exercises but when my joints and muscles hurt for 2-3 days after low/medium impact stretches it really makes me wonder wtf is going on.
Like I know I'm not gonna get fit overnight but I've been trying to do this for months now and everything hurts? Even with my meds???
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razzek · 1 year ago
Also humans need more than one kind of feedback, and especially in something like a vehicle going at 50 or more miles an hour, the driver Does Not need to be looking away from the road for even a second! Switches, dials, and keypads are important!
Touchscreens do not belong in cars
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favvnsongs · 7 months ago
any time I'm listening to a podcast and fuckign, curtis yarvin comes up in the conversation I have to make a split second "do I have the patience and grace to hear about this insufferable fucker this morning without getting too heated" decision
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deep-space-netwerk · 1 year ago
So Venus is my favorite planet in the solar system - everything about it is just so weird.
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It has this extraordinarily dense atmosphere that by all accounts shouldn't exist - Venus is close enough to the sun (and therefore hot enough) that the atmosphere should have literally evaporated away, just like Mercury's. We think Earth manages to keep its atmosphere by virtue of our magnetic field, but Venus doesn't even have that going for it. While Venus is probably volcanically active, it definitely doesn't have an internal magnetic dynamo, so whatever form of volcanism it has going on is very different from ours. And, it spins backwards! For some reason!!
But, for as many mysteries as Venus has, the United States really hasn't spent much time investigating it. The Soviet Union, on the other hand, sent no less than 16 probes to Venus between 1961 and 1984 as part of the Venera program - most of them looked like this!
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The Soviet Union had a very different approach to space than the United States. NASA missions are typically extremely risk averse, and the spacecraft we launch are generally very expensive one-offs that have only one chance to succeed or fail.
It's lead to some really amazing science, but to put it into perspective, the Mars Opportunity rover only had to survive on Mars for 90 days for the mission to be declared a complete success. That thing lasted 15 years. I love the Opportunity rover as much as any self-respecting NASA engineer, but how much extra time and money did we spend that we didn't technically "need" to for it to last 60x longer than required?
Anyway, all to say, the Soviet Union took a more incremental approach, where failures were far less devastating. The Venera 9 through 14 probes were designed to land on the surface of Venus, and survive long enough to take a picture with two cameras - not an easy task, but a fairly straightforward goal compared to NASA standards. They had
mixed results.
Venera 9 managed to take a picture with one camera, but the other one's lens cap didn't deploy.
Venera 10 also managed to take a picture with one camera, but again the other lens cap didn't deploy.
Venera 11 took no pictures - neither lens cap deployed this time.
Venera 12 also took no pictures - because again, neither lens cap deployed.
Lotta problems with lens caps.
For Venera 13 and 14, in addition to the cameras they sent a device to sample the Venusian "soil". Upon landing, the arm was supposed to swing down and analyze the surface it touched - it was a simple mechanism that couldn't be re-deployed or adjusted after the first go.
This time, both lens caps FINALLY ejected perfectly, and we were treated to these marvelous, eerie pictures of the Venus landscape:
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However, when the Venera 14 soil sampler arm deployed, instead of sampling the Venus surface, it managed to swing down and land perfectly on
.an ejected lens cap.
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huda-pls · 5 months ago
Save What's Left of My Family in Gaza.
In the heart of Gaza, where daily life has become a constant challenge amidst the siege and continuous bombing, we experienced unforgettable moments, filled with love and hope despite the pain. This is my story, and the story of my family, which may not differ from hundreds of other families in Gaza, but it holds special memories that will forever be etched in our minds.
Yazan, my dear nephew, was always a symbol of courage and joy in our family. Since childhood, he loved to wear his elegant blue suit, always made sure his hair was neatly styled, and smiled at the world as if to tell us that tomorrow would be better. On the day of a family member's wedding, Yazan stood proudly beside us, radiating happiness, sharing his smiles with everyone, as if he knew that these moments would be among the last memories we would have of him. Just a few days later, in a merciless airstrike, we lost Yazan. He left us while dreaming of a tomorrow filled with peace and joy, leaving behind a void and indescribable pain.
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As for Suheir, my beloved niece, she is the sun that rises in our lives every day. Suheir is still with us, full of life and hope, dreaming of wearing her white dress on her special day and living a life filled with joy and success. Despite the harsh circumstances, Suheir carries the spirit of childhood and is the source of hope that we cling to amidst all this pain. Every time I see her, I feel that life still offers us a chance to witness its beauty and happiness.
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We lost Yazan, but we thank God that Suheir is still with us. She is a symbol of hope and resilience. Although life has become more difficult and harsh, I believe there is always light at the end of the tunnel. We have endured these bitter experiences together as a family, but we still carry in our hearts a passion for life, seeking safety and the opportunities that can grant us a new beginning.
For this reason, I have launched a fundraising campaign to help my family escape this harsh reality. My goal is to secure a better future for those of us who remain, especially the children who deserve to live their lives without fear of bombings and airstrikes. All I ask for is a chance to give them a future filled with peace and opportunities, far from wars and destruction.
With hope and faith, I ask everyone who reads these words to contribute to our cause. Together, we can build a better future for our children, keep Yazan's memory alive as a symbol of courage and hope, and continue to support Suheir so that she can live the life she dreams of, filled with safety and happiness.
Vetted by @gaza-evacuation-funds @nabulsi @irhabiya @bilal-salah0
Sorry for mention you
@claudiasescapesubmarine @neptunerings @malcriada @timetravellingkitty @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @northgazaupdates2 @rhubarbspring @watermotif @kyra45-helping-others @gaza-evacuation-funds @appsa @emathystg @transmutationisms @lonniemachin @retvolution @rairikka @a1m3v @bookn3rd-cartoons
@chronicschmonic @feluka @halalchampagnesocialist @ihavenoideashelp @irhabiya @jezior0 @kordeliiius
@komsomolka @kit-today @laurapalmerss @mushroomjar@mahoushojoe@mothblossoms
@orchidvioletindigo @pcktknife @planetgraves @vetted-gaza-funds @turtletoria @the-bastard-king @three-croissants @tortiefrancis @sleevesareforlosers @grapejuicedragoon @girlinafairytale @lovewontfindherwayhome @rooh-afza
@unfortunatelyuncreative @vakarians-babe @wellwaterhysteria @xinakwans @hametsukaishi
@afro-elf @officialspec @prinnay @khanger @bilal-salah0 @a-shade-of-blue @kaereth @acepumpkinpatrick @ana-bananya @heir-of-the-chair @sar-soor @dlxxv-vetted-donations @punkitt-is-here @walcutt @heritageposts @sayruq @prokopetz @triptrippy @zigcarnivorous @ot3 @gryficowa @schoolhater @postanagramgenerator @prinnay
@appsa @a-shade-of-blue @a1m3v
@transmutationisms @nightydraws@mimiqyu
@grapejuicedragoon @boostpOwer @ohwarnette
@mothblossoms@zigcarnivorous @xzbat-loverzx
@degenderates @briarhips @bunnie-the-idiot
@brutaliakhoa @claudiasescapesubmarine
@commissions4aid-international @doug-dimmadumb
@deepspaceboytoy @feluka @flower-tea-fairies
@girlinafairytale @halalchampagnesocialist
@hametsukaishi @irhabiya @kordeliiius @killaltrock
@kyra45-helping-others @kit-today @laurapalmerss
@lovewontfindherwayhome @malcriada
@mushroomjar @neptunerings @planetgraves
@pocketsizedquasar-2 @queerstudiesnatural
@rhubarbspring @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @s8n66
@strawberrysnipes @schoolhater@sawasawako
@the-bastard-king @three-croissants @tortiefrancis
@wellwaterhysteria @xinakwans
@neptunerings @claudiasescapesubmarine @northgazaupdates2 @gaza-evacuation-funds @rhubarbspring @flower-tea-fairies @postanagramgenerator@chronicschmonic
@blackgoliath @sharingresourcestorpalestine @60309 @malcriada @jeziorO @retvolution @raydiantgarden @emathyst9 @mothblossoms @pile-of-anxiety @brutaliakhoa @alm3v@magnus-rhymes-with-swagness @schoolhater @lesbiandardevil @devilofthepit @lizlives @transmutationisms @kit-today @appsa @hametsukaishi @vetted-gaza-funds @gazagmboost @heritageposts @timetravellingkitty @a-shade-of-blue @lovewontfindherwayhome @ohwarnette @nightowlssleep
@pretendingtobeaperson @laurapalmerss @im-living-under-your-basement @komsomolka @dvanaestmrva @lonniemachin @heliopixels @zigcarnivorous @turtletoria @opencommunion @wellwaterhysteria @queerstudiesnatural @grapejuicedragoon
@mangocheesecakes @kyra45-helping-others
@7bitter @tortiefrancis
@toiletpotato @fromjannah @vague-humanoid @criptochecca
@aristotels @komsomolka @xinakwans @heritageposts @nibeul
@ot3 @amygdalae @ankle-beez @communistchilchuck @dykesbat
@watermotif@stuckinapril@mavigator @lacecap @yugiohz
@socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sayruq
@vakarians-babe @wayneradiotv
@psychotic-gerard @mavigator @communistkenobi @socalgal @chilewithcarnage
@ghelgheli @determinate-negation @papasmoke @omegaversereloaded
@xinakwans @givemearmstopraywith @loombreaking
@killy @deathlonging
@palms-upturned @blackpearlblast @littlegermanboy @loveaankilaq @sar-soor
@fridgebride @27-moons @tamarrud @familyabolisher @fleshdyk3
@appsa @malcriada @gryficowa
@postanagramgenerator@bilal-salah0@son-of-gaza @somospoesia @buttercuparry @beserkerjewel @neptunerings @ot3@schoolhater @o@dormimi-zzz @violetellipse @good-old-gossip @apollo@prinnay @brutaliakhoa @prokopetz @turian @heritageposts @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness
@mangocheeseships @communistchinaaesthetic @northgazaupdates2 @nasa@triptrippy
@transmutationisms @kitty @khanger@pomodoko @shakira @determinate-negation @a-shade-of-blue @therealmsdarling @opencommunion
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cherrb333 · 1 year ago
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joke’s on raph they don’t throw a bouquet they shoot a rocket launcher into the sky 
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norrisainz33 · 4 months ago
friend of a friend || MV33
☆ summary: max meets his dream girl through his friends good friend, pato o’ward
☆ pairing: max verstappen x mexican!reader
☆ fc & warnings: gala montes & poorly translated spanish and slightly suggestive! you are responsible for the content you consume
☆ requested: yes!! thank you for requesting and apologies for the delay đŸ«¶đŸ»
. ✿ à­šâ€ïžŽà­§â €âœż . 
maxverstappen1 has made a post
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maxverstappen1: enjoying some much needed sun and relaxation before we head to vegas 😮
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user1: max i’ll meow if you need another cat
user2: i’m sorry who in the heck is in the last slide
user4: is he soft launching rn??? at a time like this???
user6: so this is why he still looks happy despite rbr woes
user7: is that his girlfriend?!
user8: max please give us the tea
user9: f1gossip im begging you to figure out who this is
redbullracing: happy you’re getting some r&r max đŸ€
ynuser: mi novio es tan bonito [my boyfriend is so pretty]
[liked by maxverstappen1]
user9: now hold up 
.. who is this and why did max like
f1gossip: taking note of this interaction
user12: ugh she’s private so we can’t even snoop but she’s followed by pato and elba oward, carlos, rebecca, rbr and checo
user13: this is pato and elba’s childhood friend!!! she’s good friends with them
user12: everyone say thank you user13
user3: the shirtless photos?? the soft launch??? how am i supposed to be normal
charlesleclerc: 👀
user4: i’m gonna miss ur fine ass when i scroll
user5: sometimes you just gotta say damn and move on
ynuser has added to their story 🔒
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[staying here forever]
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yourbff: in monaco???? no gracias. you can’t leave me like that 😭
ynuser: yes monaco!! it is so beautiful đŸ„č
yourbff: you’re not just saying that because of a certain man?
ynuser: oh no i am saying that bc of a certain man 😼‍💹 he is a dream come true bestie
yourbff: ugh do elba and pato have any other hot millionaire friends they could set me up with???
ynuser: i’ll ask them im sure they do
yourbff: preferably one who’s name rhymes with pranko dolapinto
ynuser: HAHAHA mi amiga
carlossainz55: te gusta monaco? [you like monaco?]
ynuser: yes!! i love it. you, me, rebecca and max should grab dinner one night while im here!!
carlossainz55: i’d love that
maxverstappen1: you can always move đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž
ynuser: maybe one day đŸ€”
elbaoward: my work here is done đŸ„č
ynuser: you are a magician. how’d you know we were perfect for each other?
elbaoward: bc i know my best friend đŸ€
ynuser: te amo elba đŸ«¶đŸ»
redbullracing: can’t wait to see you in vegas!
patriciooward has made a post
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liked by ynuser, elbaoward, yourbff, maxverstappen1, landonorris, and 321,345 others
patriciooward: gentle mornings with my hermanas
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user12: oh max is in the likes 👀
ynuser: why do you insist on picking the worst photos
patriciooward: it’s my brand
elbaoward: đŸ’đŸ»â€â™€ïž
maxverstappen1: send me the last pic
patriciooward: done!
ynuser: PATO wtf
user12: user13 you were right
user1: oh to have gentle mornings with pato 😭
user3: i love that he calls y/n his sister too
ynuser has made a post 🔒
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourbff, carlossainz55, iamrebeccad, patriciooward, and 313 others
ynuser: la vida Ășltimamente [life lately]
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yourbff: ugh the red hair suits you
ynuser: i agree đŸ„č
maxverstappen1: prettiest girl in the whole world
ynuser: mi amor đŸ„č i love you đŸ€
maxverstappen1: te amo
elbaoward: the spanish 😭đŸ„čđŸ©·
maxverstappen1: i’m working on it!
iamrebeccad: dinner last night was so fun. let’s do it again đŸ€
ynuser: i’d love that!! see you in vegas darling
patriciooward: oh so you’ll post but not answer my texts
ynuser: yes exactly
friend1: hermosa chica [beautiful girl]
maxverstappen1 has posted to his story
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user2: max emilian the man that you are
user4: screaming crying throwing up. i can’t believe he’s off the market
ynuser: my man my man my man 😍
maxverstappen1: that’s me baby
ynuser: thanks for inviting me to vegas with you
maxverstappen1: schjate you’re invited everywhere with me. i never want to be without you
ynuser: omg you big softie
charlesleclerc: oh she’s got you dressing up now too?
maxverstappen1: i want to look nice for my girl what can i say
charlesleclerc: oh he’s in love
maxverstappen1: đŸ€­ maybe
user5: i ! can’t believe you’re not wearing skinny jeans. the power she must have
schecoperez: i like this girl 😉
maxverstappen1: me too
user6: the emoji???????? max i’m speechless who are you
ynuser has added multiple stories 🔒
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yourbff: god you’re gorgeous. have so much fun at the race baby
ynuser: thank you bebe. vegas is amazing - i am having the best time
yourbff: living vicariously through you đŸ„č
maxverstappen1: you have no business looking this good especially when there’s nothing i can do about it đŸ˜«
ynuser: win me the race and you can have me as a prize later 😉
maxverstappen1: you got it baby
elbaoward: are you in red bull hospitality??? come to mclaren i want to see youuuuu
ynuser: yes i’m in red bull but will cross enemy lines for you gorgeous
patriciooward: hermana donde estas? [sister where are you?]
ynuser: omw patito
f1gossip has made a post
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liked by user1, user2, yourbff, user3, user4, user5, user6, user7 and 7,234 others
f1gossip: in an interview earlier today max confirmed his relationship with, y/n y/l/n. y/n is childhood friends with elba and pato o’ward and it turns out that the siblings introduced max and y/n in miami earlier this season. the pair hit it off immediately according to max and “it was the closest thing to love at first sight he’d ever experienced.” she’s in attendance today at the grand prix! let us know if you get the chance to meet her and if there’s any further intel you get
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user1: ohhhhh max đŸ„č
user2: this interview melted my heart. he looked so genuinely happy to be talking about her
user7: i love seeing him happy
user3: i’m obsessed with them already. perhaps my new favorite wag
user4: love at first sight???? i’m not crying! you are!!
user6: the way max also talked about trying to learn spanish for her because she’s mexican and how he’s also trying to teach her some of his language too đŸ„č😭
user8: this is the sweetest thing. that is true love idc what any of yall say
user5: i hope a love like this finds me one day
maxverstappen1 has made a post
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liked by ynuser, yourbff, schecoperez, alex_albon, patriciooward, and 645,123 others
maxverstappen1: vegas you were a fun one - thanks for having me and y/n/n!
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user2: y/n/n 😭
user4: crying my eyes out
user6: yayyy maxie!!! glad to see you on the podium again
ynuser: te amo mucho vegas đŸ€
maxverstappen1: and you te amo mucho me too right?
ynuser: omg yes maxie. i love you endlessly
user14: SIMP
user15: max asking for validation has done something to me.
charlesleclerc: great drive max!
patriciooward: take care of my girl ok?
maxverstappen1: you got it pato! no need to worry
redbullracing: our champion đŸ’ȘđŸ»
user8: jealousy isn’t cute on me but here we are
. ✿ à­šâ€ïžŽà­§â €âœż . 
a/n: thank you for reading!! reblogs, feedback and likes are very appreciated đŸ«¶đŸ»
. ✿ à­šâ€ïžŽà­§â €âœż . 
disclaimer: pictures are not mine and everything i write is fiction
© norrisainz33 || please do not rewrite, translate, or copy any of my works posted here on to any other platform
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sunni-stuff · 2 months ago
People are judgmental. Some think they aren't, others don't mean to be, and then there are those who do it on purpose and simply don't care.
Parents are guilty of this.
Parents who pay you to teach their kids do this.
But the worst offenders?
Particularly those with too much free time—gossiping Gertrude's who'd rather nitpick and judge than deal with the boredom of daytime TV and their kids screaming in the background. You’ve dealt with a handful before—a crack in the system that always rippled right under your skin whenever one of those vultures threw out a backhanded compliment.  
“You’re so patient with the kids. I could never do what you do—how do you even manage?”  
“Must be nice having all that time off during the summer. A little vacation every year, huh?”  
“Teaching must be so rewarding. Though I imagine it’s not really about the money, is it?”  
Each one, a subtle dig disguised as flattery, like they couldn’t help but twist the knife just a little deeper. 
If there was one thing you’d learned about this job, it was to always kill them with kindness. The rumor mill among parents was ruthless, and the wrong rumor could ripple out and jeopardize your career. So, you’d mastered the art of the polite smile, the well-timed thank you, and the effortless small talk. It was a strategy that had served you well, keeping any overly curious mothers at bay.
Still, these women were relentless. They circled like hawks, always looking for an opening to pry into your life or make veiled comments about your parenting. You’d never given them the satisfaction of slipping up—until the day you almost did.
The sun was setting, the air brisk and tinged with the promise of winter as parents gathered their children. Little voices chattered away as teachers handed over day charts, neatly summarizing each child’s activities. Standing at the cubbies, you were bundling up Adira. Her small frame was snug in her sweater, jacket zipped up to her chin, and scarf tucked securely around her neck. She fidgeted as you worked, barely able to stay still with how much excitement bubbled in her tiny frame.
Her voice was high-pitched and animated as she launched into a story, her words tumbling over each other in her eagerness to share. “Messy man said, we play trains when he comes back!” she chirped, her dark eyes wide with delight.
You paused, your fingers lingering on the last button of her jacket. A soft smile tugged at your lips as you straightened her scarf. “Oh, did he now?”
Adira nodded vigorously, her curls bouncing. “Yep! He said, “Adira, we make the best train track ever!” Her imitation of Simon’s deep voice was laughably exaggerated, and you couldn’t help but chuckle.” We gonna play with the biiig track!” She spread her arms wide for emphasis, nearly toppling over from the effort.
The mention of Simon was enough to draw some attention from the other parents nearby. You could feel their eyes darting your way, their curiosity almost palpable. Simon’s occasional appearances to pick up Adira hadn’t gone unnoticed, and the whispers had already started. Who was this tall, broad man with a thick accent? Was he Adira’s father? A boyfriend? The air was thick with silent speculation.
Ignoring the countless eyes and ears listening in on your harmless conversation, you assured Adira. “Well, if messy man promised, he’ll keep it,” Simon had made it clear that he intended to be a constant presence in Adira’s life, and so far, he’d stuck to his word.
As you stood and picked up her small bag, a sharp voice interrupted the moment.
"Well, aren’t you just the picture-perfect little family?”
Your polite smile returned instantly, masking the irritation that flared at the condescending tone. Turning, you saw one of the daycare moms—Linda, if you remembered correctly—standing there with her perfectly manicured nails wrapped around her designer purse. Her son trailed behind her, nose buried in a tablet.
“Evening, Linda,” you said evenly, keeping your tone light. “How’s Ethan doing?
She waved a dismissive hand, her eyes already scanning Adira with that overly curious gaze that made your skin crawl. “Oh, he’s fine. But I couldn’t help overhearing... this ‘Messy man’ your little one mentioned. Is he... new in your life?”
Ah, there it was—the opening she was fishing for. 
Adira, oblivious to the undercurrents of adult conversation, grinned up at Linda uncharacteristically, the joy she felt for Simon completely expunging her normal glaring behavior. “Messy man makes pancakes! But they go splat!” She threw her hands out dramatically, mimicking the chaos Simon often caused in the kitchen.
Goddammit, poor Adira revealed too much to the wrong person, and you could already see the cogs turning in Linda's head. Forcing a chuckle, you reached for Adira’s hand. “Messy man is her nickname for Simon, her dad. He’s stationed overseas, so she gets pretty excited when he’s home.”
Linda’s perfectly arched eyebrow lifted slightly, clearly surprised. “Oh, I see. Military man, huh? I suppose that explains why we’ve never seen him around.”
You gave Linda your most neutral expression, taking notice of the other moms matching from behind her. “He’s been busy, but he’s doing his best to be here when he can.”
"Oh, I see. I simply would've never guessed you were married. You never wear a ring," Linda remarked, her tone dripping with subtle judgment.
You knew what she was doing. It was a carefully laid trap, baited to catch you in a corner. If you rebuffed her comment, if you made a scene, it would only give her more ammunition to spread rumors. These women didn’t care for nuances; they thrived on gossip, and the topic of marriage—or rather, the lack of a visible wedding ring—would be a field day for them. They’d ride that horse straight to hell, and you'd be left cleaning up the mess.
With the growing number of parents in earshot, you understood that this wasn’t just a comment; it was a test. You had to choose your words carefully. It wasn’t just about keeping things smooth in the moment—it was about protecting your future.
You gave a small, practiced smile, maintaining your composure as you slipped Adira’s bag onto your shoulder. “I don’t wear my ring because I work with children. It could get caught in their hair, or worse, I could lose it.” You met her gaze with a calm confidence that bordered on dismissive.
“That’s understandable, dear. We all have kids after all!” Lina laughed, her tone attempting to sound warm and genuine, but it was too polished, too forced. The laughter rang hollow, like a poorly executed attempt to mask her true intentions. “Does this mean we’ll finally get to meet him at the fundraiser this weekend? We’ve all been here for so long, and not a single glimpse of your beloved other half. Right, ladies?”
Her words floated in the air, sharp with insinuation. The smile she wore was one of practiced sweetness, but the glint in her eyes was anything but kind. She knew what she was doing—attempting to pull you further into her web, hoping to get a reaction that would either reveal more or, better yet, give her ammunition to fuel the rumors she clearly wanted to start.
A few of the other women murmured in agreement, their eyes flicking from you to each other, already whispering amongst themselves. They were all waiting for a response, and the pressure began to build in the pit of your stomach.
“Yes, he is.” The words slipped out of your mouth before you could even process them, your own response surprising you as much as it did the group of wives surrounding you. You felt a jolt in your chest, your heart picking up pace as the reality of what you had just said began to sink in. What the fuck did you just do?
The laughter from Linda faltered for a split second, her eyes narrowing slightly as she processed your words. The others exchanged glances, some of their faces lighting up with an almost predatory curiosity, while others masked their thoughts behind polite smiles. You could almost hear the gears turning in their heads—oh, this was going to be something they could use.
The tension in the air thickened, and you suddenly felt exposed, as if every secret you’d carefully kept tucked away was now dangling on the edge of a cliff. You’d just handed them the perfect piece of gossip, but what would it lead to? Would they use it against you, twist it into something worse? You hadn’t planned for any of this—hell, you hadn't even planned on saying anything at all—but now that it was out there, you had to somehow steer this conversation. 
You had to control the narrative, or risk letting it spiral completely out of your hands. 
Your mind races, trying to formulate a response, but everything seems so loud—your thoughts, the laughter, the eyes watching you. How could you backpedal without it seeming like a lie? How could you walk that fine line between the truth and keeping your personal life hidden?
"Yes, Simon’s coming," you added quickly, trying to steady your breath. "But, you know... he’s not really into the whole fundraiser thing. He’s more of a stay-at-home guy, a bit of a quiet one, really. I’ll be there though, and we’re looking forward to it." You tried to sound casual, but the flicker of doubt in your voice betrayed you. 
The women around you didn’t miss a beat, though. The moment had been set, and now it was only a matter of what they would do with the information. 
“Well, I look forward to seeing you.” Lina’s voice was dripping with a false sweetness, and you could feel the weight of her gaze as she gave you one last look. Her eyes lingered a bit longer than necessary, as if trying to peel back layers, searching for some crack to exploit. Then, with a nod, she steered Ethan away, her entourage of women following closely behind, their chatter rising in the air like a distant murmur. The click of their heels echoed as they disappeared down the hall, leaving you standing there, frozen in place.
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"And so, that's what happened," you finished, your voice trailing off as you leaned against the kitchen counter, trying to gauge Simon's reaction.
Simon blinked up at you from where he was sitting on the floor, his focus still mostly on Adira, who was happily arranging her toy train with her blocks, making a makeshift kingdom. He didn’t seem phased, just a little confused. "You want me to pretend to be your husband?"
The question hung in the air for a moment before he let out a chuckle, shaking his head slightly, his eyes filled with that familiar warmth. "Out of all the things I've done in my life, this has to be the funniest, love.”
You blinked, momentarily thrown by the unexpected nickname. It felt oddly intimate, a shift in the dynamic between you and Simon that you hadn’t anticipated. Love. It wasn't what you'd expected to hear from him, not in this context, not when everything felt so messy and uncertain. But there it was, slipping out so naturally from him, like he'd always called you that, like he'd been in your life much longer than he really had.
Your heart skipped a beat, the sound of Adira’s laughter in the background making the moment feel surreal. It should have been funny—this whole situation, with you essentially asking Simon to pretend to be your husband for the sake of those gossiping women. But instead, you felt something else, something soft and unfamiliar tightening in your chest.
“Did you just call me that?” You couldn't help but ask, your voice a little quieter than you intended.
Simon paused, his playful smile faltering for a second as he caught the look on your face. “I—yeah, I guess I did,” he replied, his tone a touch more uncertain now. He glanced down at Adira, who was happily stacking blocks at his feet, then back to you. “It was just a slip of the tongue. Didn’t mean anything weird by it.”
“I’m not exactly husband material, you know,” he added lightly, his voice teasing. “I’m more of a... messy man.”
You chuckled at that, shaking your head. "A messy man, huh?"
He nodded, grinning. “Yeah, but I’m good at it. Just ask Adira.”
Adira, hearing her name, immediately let out a squeal of approval. “Messy man!” she giggled, throwing a block in Simon’s direction, her tiny hand pointing at him with delight.
"So, what's the plan here then?" That easy grin back on his face, his eyes still dancing with humor, but there was something underneath it—something you couldn’t quite place. “You want me to just walk into a room and act like we’re a picture-perfect couple?”
The way he said it made you laugh a little, though there was a slight edge of uncertainty to it. You found yourself shifting uncomfortably, knowing you had no real plan for what came next. It wasn’t like you had a relationship with Simon beyond the occasional dinner and time spent with Adira, and yet, here you were, asking him to play a role in your life, one that might end up blurring lines you didn’t fully understand.
“Well, you don’t have to pretend, exactly,” you said, running a hand through your hair, suddenly feeling all the weight of the day settling in. “I just... I just need you to be there. You know, to back me up, to—” You paused, glancing over at Simon again. “I guess I just don’t want them thinking I’m alone in all of this. It’s bad enough that has already started.”
Simon’s gaze softened as he leaned back in his seat, watching you with a quiet understanding. "You're not alone in this," he said, his voice steady. “And I’m here. You don’t need a ring or a title for that.”
The sincerity in his tone made your chest tighten again, but this time it was different. His words weren’t a joke or a half-hearted attempt to make you feel better—they were real. He was offering something more than just pretending for the sake of others. He was offering his presence, his support.
For a moment, you forgot about everything else. The plans, the expectations, the pressure. Instead, all that mattered was Simon sitting across from you, smiling at you like you weren't asking for something too much, like it wasn’t strange to think of him in your life like this.
“Thank you,” you murmured. "Really."
He gave a small nod, then grinned, shifting his attention back to Adira, who had managed to get half the blocks stacked to an impressive height. “It’s nothing. Besides, I think Adira’s got the best part of this deal anyway.”
You glanced over at your daughter, who was watching both of you with wide eyes, a smile tugging at her lips. Adira was your source of strength, a beacon that pushed you forward, her smile alone gave you determination.  “Alright, let’s figure out what married people do.”
"I know just who to call." Simon reached for his phone, the battered thing covered in scratches, an old case and sporting a broken screen from a hazardous drop. Upon seeing it, the first thought running through your head was, how the fuck was it still usable?
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Price’s living room radiated warmth and history, a perfect mix of domestic coziness and military precision. The centerpiece was a sturdy stone fireplace, its mantle adorned with framed photos of Price and his wife, Melanie. In some, they stood arm in arm at scenic locations; in others, Price was in uniform, the edges of his cap sharp against the backdrop of distant skies. Above the fireplace hung a shadow box displaying medals and insignias, each one polished to a shine, speaking volumes about his service.
Bookshelves lined the walls, filled with everything from military strategy texts to well-worn novels. On one shelf sat a small globe and a model of a Spitfire plane, a nod to his admiration for history. A comfortable, overstuffed armchair, complete with a folded tartan blanket, sat near the fire. The coffee table bore faint scratches, evidence of years of use, and atop it lay an open newspaper, a mug of tea, and a small dish of biscuits.
You sat stiffly on the plush sofa, feeling distinctly out of place amidst this blend of home and honor. The ticking of a grandfather clock in the corner filled the silence as you watched Simon talk to Price in the adjoining kitchen. Occasionally, their eyes flicked toward you, and you pretended not to notice, your gaze wandering instead to a black-and-white photo of a younger Price standing with a group of soldiers, all grinning ear to ear.
The awkwardness of the situation weighed on you like a heavy blanket. This wasn’t exactly how you envisioned your day—asking Price, of all people, to help stage your fake relationship. But you were in too deep now to back out.
In the kitchen, Price rubbed his hand over his mouth, barely concealing the grin that tugged at his lips. A low chuckle escaped as he grabbed a cup of coffee, shaking his head at Simon, who stood across from him, arms folded, his expression far more serious than the moment warranted.
“You want me and Mel to help you two seem like a couple? That right?” Price’s voice carried an unmistakable note of amusement, his words tinged with disbelief.
Simon shifted his weight, rolling his shoulders back, clearly trying to maintain some semblance of dignity. "Yes, that’s the gist of it."
Price’s laughter broke free, a warm, hearty sound that echoed off the kitchen tiles. “Bloody hell, Simon. You’ve seen action all over the world, but this—this is what’s got you nervous?” He clapped a hand on Simon’s shoulder, his grin wide enough to light the room. “You’re in for a treat, mate. Melanie’s going to love this.”
From your seat, you caught Price’s amused glance, and you couldn’t help the way your face heated. This was going to be a long evening.
Price, still chuckling, crossed the room to the wide bay window, pushing it open with ease. The crisp evening air drifted in, carrying with it the scent of freshly cut grass and the faint hum of distant crickets. He leaned out slightly, cupping his hands around his mouth.
“Mel! Come on inside, love. You’ve got to hear this one,” he called, his voice carrying easily over the quiet of their backyard.
From where you sat, you caught a glimpse of Melanie in the garden. She was tending to a neat row of vibrant flowers, her hands gloved and a straw hat perched on her head. At the sound of Price’s voice, she straightened up, brushing dirt off her knees with a curious look on her face.
“Be right there!” she replied, her voice warm and lilting. She removed her gloves, tucking them into her apron pocket as she began making her way toward the house.
Price turned back to Simon, shaking his head in mock disbelief. “You better hope Mel doesn’t laugh you out of the house, mate.”
Simon groaned softly, rubbing his temples. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, Price.”
Moments later, Melanie stepped into the living room, a radiant smile lighting up her face. She was the epitome of grace, her presence immediately softening the room’s atmosphere. Her gaze shifted between you, Simon, and her husband, her curiosity evident.
“What’s all this about, then?” she asked, removing her hat and setting it on a nearby chair. “You’ve got that mischievous look again, John.”
Price grinned, gesturing toward you and Simon. “These two need a favor, Mel. A big one.”
Melanie’s brows lifted as she looked between the two of you. “Oh? Do tell.”
Simon, looking equal parts determined and mortified, cleared his throat. “We... need help convincing a group of nosy parents that we’re married. Long story.”
Melanie’s smile widened as her eyes twinkled with amusement. “Oh, this sounds rich. Go on, I’m listening.”
You shifted in your seat, feeling the warmth of Melanie’s gaze settle on you. Her smile was kind but tinged with unmistakable amusement, and it was clear she was holding back a laugh as she took in your flustered state.
“Well,” you began hesitantly, clasping your hands together in your lap. “It’s a bit of a mess, really. One of the moms at the daycare cornered me, started asking questions about Simon, and
 I might’ve let it slip that we’re married. Which we’re not. Obviously.” Your words tumbled out in a rush, and you glanced at Simon for backup. He was rubbing the back of his neck, caught between exasperation and amusement.
Melanie let out a soft laugh and gracefully sat down beside you on the couch. “Ah, I see. And now you need to sell the story before it falls apart. Oh, love, I’ve been in a similar pickle—not quite like this, but close enough.”
“See?” Price chimed in from his armchair, leaning back with an amused grin. “Told you Mel would get a kick out of this.”
Simon shot him a flat look. “Not exactly the reaction I was hoping for, mate.”
Melanie waved a dismissive hand at Price before patting your knee in a reassuring gesture. “Don’t mind him. Now, let’s think this through. If you’re going to convince anyone, you need to act the part. People pick up on the smallest details—how you talk to each other, how comfortable you seem together. If you’re too stiff, they’ll see right through it.”
Simon leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees as he nodded. “Alright, so what do we need to do? We’ve got about a week before the fundraiser, so I’m open to ideas.”
Melanie’s eyes lit up with a mix of mischief and determination. “Perfect. We’ll start with body language—how you interact without saying a word. And then we’ll move on to the conversational stuff. You’ll need to know each other’s habits, quirks, and all those little details married couples just know.”
Price clapped his hands together with mock enthusiasm, a cheeky grin plastered across his face. “Right, then. Let the awkward training sessions begin. This’ll be one for the books.”
You groaned inwardly, glancing between Simon and Melanie. This bizarre charade was only just beginning, and while you couldn’t imagine where it would lead, one thing was clear—you were in for a wild ride.
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Happy new years friends! The holidays were a riot and I spent most of it spending time with family instead of writing as I felt kind of burnt out from writing in November, sorry about that but I hope this makes up for it.
@midnight-blue-moon-princess @pipedream411 @frogofrg @loonagabs @ghostlythots @vixenshiftsvrs @devoetee @shorty-tolentino @aethelwyneleigh27 @ayesha-eroticax3 @emilia527 @danielle143 @maniacalbooper @awildewit @gifted-aurora @teenagellamaangel @julesjunimos @tacticalgirlboss @midnights-song @suzuki-18 @t3a-bag @latencygirl @krispymagazinepizza-blog @harperdoodle @odettecigno @sockertop @arrozyfrijoles23 @lovelystarfish @my-little-evil-blog @imastorytelleritsondvd @l1lpip @cringeycookies @identity2212 @balletbiscuit @mulletmcghee @maciswack @littleracco0n @oliver-1270 @weemansoap @cryingpages @connorsui @beebeechaos @gluttonybiscuits @strawberrygato @sozainturpal @echo9821 @blinca @illusionistlover @blubearxy @superficialfeelings @new-author3 @xanvasy @oniiloma @bankaixx @evie-199 @notsochillnerd @thatpersonnamedrook @hon3y-cloud @jaguarthecat @reinekoya @apixasflora @a-lovers-card @gloriousloveduck @aetherthetrashpanda @princess-vibes25 @vickykazuya @enfppuff @liliannamae @m0chac0ffee @flamehero-phoenix @bean-cream @realizemandi97 @almostdecadentstarfish @lunamoonbby
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5sospenguinqueen · 2 months ago
Espresso | Max Verstappen x Singer! Reader
Summary: Despite going back to his relationship with Kelly, Max can’t stop thinking about you. Every night. It certainly doesn’t help that you keep cropping up in the McLaren garage.
Warnings: softcore angst? Swearing. A pining man 
Requested: yes by many of you on the previous part 
Facelaim: Sabrina Carpenter (she was used on the last one and yes, she's used a lot but I stole her song and her job so I'm also stealing her face)
F1 Masterlist
prev. || next.
this will end up having 4 parts total. they're planned but not fully written
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yn_ln just posted
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liked by mclaren, oscarpiastri and others
yn_ln what do you do when you get woken up at 2am and can’t get back to sleep? write a song espresso is out now 
user1 is this what the kids call a soft launch? is she seeing someone?
user2 okay but who is the guy reflected in her sunglasses? a new beau perhaps?
alexandrasaintmleux i don’t know what’s hotter. the song or the body 
→ francisca.cgomes the men in the video
→ pierregasly i can see this
user3 at least we know this new guy is dicking her down good 
user4 why do i feel like this is about max?
→ user5 why tf would it be about max? it’s a fun song about fucking all night
→ user4 because it feels teasing. like, he’s with someone else but can’t stop thinking about yn
→ user6 i’m with user4. maybe she’s trying to throw us off?
landonorris the sun looks bright in that pic
→ user7 uh oh. norizz is alive and well everyone 
user8 does this mean max keeps contacting her? 
user9 max is 100% messaging her at 1am saying how he misses her 
user10 i need a camera in max and kelly’s house when they first heard this 
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━━━━ àŒ»đ–„žàŒș ━━━━
yn_ln just posted
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liked by redbullracing, kellypiquet and others
yn_ln i know i mountain dew it for ya (although, most of these had vodka) tagged: alexandrasaintmleux, francisca.cgomes
user11 she looks like a hot librarian
→ user12 i‘d let her help me with my homework
user13 red bull admin is a canon yn stan
francisca.cgomes hot girls do bottomless brunch
→ alexandrasaintmleux maybe they shouldn’t. i still can’t find my left shoe
→ yn_ln i have it
user14 i bet the debrief was piping hot 
→ user15 oh to be in a gossip sesh with yn, kika and alex 
charles_leclerc stay away from my girlfriend. she came home drunk ranting about how much she loved you and the colour of your hair 
→ pierregasly and mine wouldn’t stop talking about how pretty your eyes are and how good you smell
→ yn_ln i have unbelievable rizz 
user16 i’d let yn step on me
→ yn_ln and i won’t even charge you 
user17 max fumbled so bad 
landonorris who’s that cute blonde?
→ yn_ln oscar isn’t in this post??
→ user18 i don’t think he was talking about oscar, hun
→ yn_ln why would he publicly embarrass his boyfriend like this?
→ oscarpiastri i hate you 
f1wags just posted
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liked by verstappencom, shortnsweet and others
f1wags not even 6 weeks after reconciling, max verstappen and kelly piquet were caught arguing 
user1 can they just stay broken up this time??
→ user2 i love max but i’m fed up now 
user3 yet you’ve not got any pics of it? why all the old lovey dovey pics of them
→ user4 the pics are all over twitter. i think f1wags chose not to post them because max looks like he’s trying not to cry in them, and f1wags has always been nice towards the drivers
user5 why is no one talking about the fact that both verstappencom and shortnsweet liked this??? 
→ user6 the fact that their teams are so desperate for them to be together that they’re publicly rooting for kelly’s demise 
user7 i’ve seen the clip on twitter and i wanna know why she’s yelling at him so aggressively 
→ user8 i bet it’s cause he’s been all up in yn’s likes 
→ user9 yeah but so is she 
→ user10 you’d think their relationship would be strengthened by their shared obsession with yn 
━━━━ àŒ»đ–„žàŒș ━━━━
mclaren just posted
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liked by lilymhe, flavy.barla and others
mclaren papaya party it wouldn’t be a maiden win celebration without some celebs. guess who got to hear espresso live 
yn_ln why is lando’s hand like that? he’s not a ken doll 
→ landonorris i’m the barbie. you’re the ken
→ yn_ln you wish you were the barbie. you don’t have barbie energy
→ oscarpiastri i’m confused
→ yn_ln you’re an alan 
→ landonorris you take that back! 
→ user11 does this mean lando and yn saw barbie together?
→ oscarpiastri yes and they left me back at the mtc 
user12 not all the wags liking a mclaren post 
→ user13 it’s the power of yn
user14 lando and yn’s interactions give me life 
user15 i love how mclaren’s engagement has increased since yn started commenting on everything
→ user16 they’ve become more enjoyable since she became a fan 
user17 okay but she looks so good in orange
→ redbullracing except she was meant to be in navy
user18 her and lando make such a cute couple
→ landonorris ew no
→ yn_ln ew no. besides, you guys told me she was with oscar. i can’t break that up
→ oscarpiastri @/mclaren can we ban her from the garage?
→ lilyzneimer no! 
→ mclaren no! 
→ landonorris @/yn_ln i know i said no but why did you say no?
user19 guys, max liked and unliked this 
user20 mv1 fans, i think we’ve lost her 
landonorris posted a new story
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yn_ln replied still serving cunt though 
maxverstappen1 replied is that yn?
━━━━ àŒ»đ–„žàŒș ━━━━
requests open
coming next; oscar piastri. rivals to teammates to more
tell my why i lowkey feel bad posting this after the pregnancy announcement. i mean, i still don’t like kelly but i wish them every happiness for a safe and healthy delivery.
there will be NO lando x yn in the next two parts 
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@peachiicherries @rosecentury @c-losur3 @heavy-vettel @evie-119 @raizelchrysanderoctavius @lilorose25 @sillyfreakfanparty @justaf1girl @omgsuperstarg @seonghwaexile @alejandrablacklupin @nina-or-anna-or-nora @shelbyteller @raynetargaryan2 @astroniii @jxnellat @seasonswinter @casey1-2007 @chemiru @strengthandstay @ivanag1rl @chaoswithus @ivegotparticulartaste @kiyoke3xe @pookynknowntranger
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