#DU Petruccio
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moonfurthetemmie · 5 months ago
cracks knuckles
So. In normal Dreamtale, Dream and Nightmare are really, really durable. And they have a lot of power in their lil skeleton bodies.
In the JMV, DINTIS, and DS versions, corruption isn't the magic from the Tree getting fucked up, it's specifically a more potent version of negativity. And radiance is the more potent version of positivity.
Radiants and corrupts are fully-powered negative and positive spirits. Ergo, radiants and corrupts have far more power than base positive and negative spirits
Also, like I said, spirits are pretty durable. I'm sure corrupts and radiants are more durable as well.
...obsidian certainly seems to be. He's definitely an extremely powerful spirit, at the very least.
I would imagine a being that already has surprisingly vast power reserves and incredible durability, for a mortal, would make an excellent vessel for an ancient, incomprehensible being.
Let's hope that, should they meet Obsidian, Gonzalo and Petruccio don't have the same thought I had :))
if he hurts one of them though he's DEFINITELY fucked
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teecupangel · 2 years ago
This is because @ma-du who tagged me on this post with the idea:
Everything is the same, but the gang is reborn as Marvel characters
I am going to assume this means that the characters' personalities stay the same, it's just that they have been reborn to live the lives of Marvel characters (Assassins versus Templars plot optional XD)
First of all, we’ll focus on MCU characters because having the ability to choose from the entire Marvel roster will… well… it would require more research that would probably take too much time XD
Also, I will primarily be using Phase 1~3 MCU characters (focusing on the Avengers with some exceptions) because the post did have Infinity Saga MCU characters (yeah, that’s the main reason why).
Alright, let’s give everyone some new problems!
Desmond: Moon Knight. Okay, he’s the main reason why I said ‘with some exceptions’. I mean… come on. Come oooonnn. Oh course, Desmond will still suffer thru the Bleeding Episodes which would lead him to be the AC equivalent of Moon Knight. Not to mention, just imagine the absolute fuckery he will suffer thru when he meets up with the reincarnated versions of his ancestors while he still have his ancestors in his brain as the Bleeding Effect. Instead of Khonsu though, I suggest we go for Ra (for the sun irony) or, if you wanna stay in the Greco-Roman mythology that was strongest in Desmond Saga, may I suggest Minerva (to make Minerva suffer with him) or Dionysus?
Altaïr: Doctor Strange, hands down. Used to be an arrogant overachiever? Taken down a peg by some kind of tragedy? Still a bit of an asshole but now has an entire subject he could spend the rest of his life studying and be the top expert still? Becomes leader of a secret-ish organization trying to protect the world in what amounts to a short time all things considered? OP powers with a lot of glowing gold accents AND holds an OP artifact? Altaïr is, hands down, the nearest Doctor Strange we will have on this list. Sidenote: Malik gets Wong’s job of being the usually annoyed dude that has to keep Altaïr from bending the rules too much. The Sanctum Masters are the Rafiqs of Damascus and Jerusalem + Kadar. Karl Mordo will have to be Abbas (sorry Karl Mordo) while Al Mualim would either take the Ancient One (if we plan to keep him good in this one) or Kaecilius.
Ezio: Iron Man. He comes from a rich family with lots of connections, is actually smarter than people usually assume he is, flirts a lot but also carries a torch for a specific person in his life, and a tragedy in his life changed him. Of course, his father wasn’t a dick to him (up to you if we gonna kill Giovanni and Maria off for drama), Federico gets reborn as Happy (who is still Ezio’s brother but preferred to be his security officer), Claudia is still his sister but has Pepper Pott’s job (although, everyone in Auditore Industries knows it’s really Claudia who takes care of the everyday operation, Ezio is the inventor and the face of the company, Claudia is the shadow queen) and Cesare gets to be Justin Hammer. Petruccio can be the kid in Ironman 3 or he's just living his life as the third Auditore child who has cool 'toys' to help his weak body that his brother made for him.
Ratonhnhaké:ton: We can go for Hawkeye/Ronin, the normal human who can keep up with everything that’s happening (also, he would make a good parental figure for the Frye twins). Also, even if we call him ‘normal’, we all know he could kick everyone’s ass thru sheer determination and stubbornness alone. Another option would be Black Panther but I kinda want Adéwalé to be Black Panther?
Haytham: … is it weird I kinda want him to be Nick Fury? Like… he’s the all-time suffering man in charge who doesn’t actually have any authority over any of the superheroes he ‘conscripted’? I just want Haytham to suffer while, for once, not being on the other side.
Edward: Okay… I mean… I know there would be a Phase 1~3 character that would work for him, the easiest would be making him part of the Asgardian family drama but, may I suggest a non-MCU character? Daimon Helstrom. Because Edward’s actor Matt Ryan is sooo good as Constantine that I will always think of him as Constantine. Helstrom is the nearest Marvel equivalent to Constantine and he’s also a free agent type which works well with Edward’s character for most of Black Flag. (plus I got “canceled after a good season 1” deja vu with Helstrom as I did with Constantine). If you really want him to be part of Phase 1~3, Antman (Scott Lang) would work with Jenny taking the place of the daughter Cassie.
Shay: If Haytham is our Nick Fury, Shay gets to be his Maria Hill (second-in-command, normal human that can kick so much ass, and… that tight outfit) or Phil Coulson if you wanna go down the route of Shay doing his own thing.
Arno: Spider-Man because I think Ezio mentoring him would be a nice touch and… his first love Élise being a Templar is kinda similar to how Liz was the Vulture’s daughter. Still thinking about who his Ned should be though.
Evie and Jacob: Look, we’re talking about twins here so I’m pretty much obligated to make Evie and Jacob Wanda and Pietro. Although, this time, Jacob’s not gonna die. XD
Bayek: Steve Rogers (no, he will not be called Captain America, think of a more ‘universal’ superhero name) because he’s an all-around good guy, his default weapon in AC promotional images has him using a shield, and he started out as a man who just wanted to do what was right and protect his people that got sucked into the overarching plot because of a tragedy. Also… Aya as a badass normal human like Peggy Carter, hhhmmm?
Kassandra: You know, I was thinking that Kassandra could be Steve Rogers with Alexios becoming Winter Soldier. (Which I think would still work, we’ll just have to change Bayek into someone else…) But Kassandra has to be Captain Marvel, right? The OP powers and “not to be a lesbian but oh my god oh my god” vibes she gave off just made her suited to be Captain Marvel more.
Eivor: She’s gotta be reborn as Thor, right? Like… sure, Odin is right there but Eivor’s love for fighting and her loyalty to her people feels more like Thor than Odin. (Let’s not make AC Odin reborn as MCU Odin. I’d even go for Varin to be reborn as her father again or even Sigurd to have a bit of arrogance at this point)
Basim: Look. We all know Basim’s gonna be reborn as… Korg. Of course, I’m kidding. He’ll be reborn as Loki as we all expected. XD
Clay: Deadpool. He’s supposed to be dead, his mind got shattered after receiving his ‘superpowers’, and… he’s the only person in this cast other than Desmond that actually remembers who he was before. His whole ‘knows about the fourth wall’ shtick is connected to the fact that he still has access to the Calculations and that’s actually what broke his mind… again.
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ao3feed-assassinscreed · 6 years ago
Au bord du gouffre
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Qf4hOp
by Nearween
Ezio voit son monde s'écrouler, alors que sa famille se fait pendre sous ses yeux. À la dérive et sombrant dans une vie violente, il est confronté aux sept étapes du deuil.
Words: 149, Chapters: 1/8, Language: Français
Fandoms: Assassin's Creed - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, Multi
Characters: Ezio Auditore da Firenze, Federico Auditore da Firenze, Claudia Auditore da Firenze, Giovanni Auditore da Firenze, Maria Auditore da Firenze, Petruccio Auditore da Firenze, Leonardo da Vinci, Sofia Sartor
Relationships: Ezio Auditore da Firenze/Leonardo da Vinci, Ezio Auditore da Firenze/Desmond Miles, Ezio Auditore da Firenze/Sofia Sartor
Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Depression, Death, Guilt, Drama & Romance, Drama, Poetry, Français | French, Happy Ending
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Qf4hOp
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moonfurthetemmie · 3 months ago
Deimos’ Understudy: Horror Theater Kid AU Master post
Gonzalo and Petruccio
Phobos and Deimos
Everyone else
The Rings
Bonus content: Carter
It’s been one hundred twenty-two years since the cursed rings of Yighraru came into Jade and Obsidian’s possession. Despite how long they’ve been working, only in the past few years have they made notable progress. The one who was meant to stop them is dead. Her organization, wiped out. They have a highly effective team behind them, and one of them is as dedicated as they are.
Some months ago, however, they made the (potentially fatal) mistake of pulling one Umbra into their madness. It happened so quickly that Astra’s jealousy almost didn’t cover his concern. In trying to dig up even the pettiest of dirt on Jade and Obsidian to get Umbra away from them, Astra finds a much more serious problem lurking beneath the surface. Something far bigger than any of them.
Everyone who lives with Jade and Obsidian has been touched by it.
Including Umbra.
Now Astra must find a way to stop this madness, despite his desire to just grab Umbra and leave everyone else to their fate. But Jade and Obsidian are trying to pull him in, too, and they’ve had decades to perfect their acting and manipulation skills.
The odds are against him. But if it means getting Umbra back and away from anyone who tries to take him from Astra, then he’ll find a way through.
The clock is counting down. Jade and Obsidian aren't as patient as their master.
Astra (Jet) and Umbra (Dark) are from another Horror version of DINTIS that, at the time of this post being written, hasn’t been released. There’s some little comments and fun facts shared about them (mostly Astra) in the AU tag for Deimos’ Understudy, though, and eventually I do plan on talking about the AU (and the corresponding JMV AU) that Astra and Umbra come from >:]
Carter’s cool you should go look at him :3 (please 👉👈 look at my most fucked up beloved yet) (except for ebony in certain fics/aus/etc. pats his head. this baby can fit so much trauma and mental & emotional instability in him)
The lore is all over the place. Please feel free to dive through the tags and consume everything.
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moonfurthetemmie · 23 days ago
Regarding my tags on this post here:
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I have a few suggestions.
No romance and yandere work together just fine. Theres a million ways to dedicate yourself to another in an absolutely bat-shit insane way, or to be absolutely determined to keep them with you. I would also consider wanting them dead so badly you obsess over it ’yandere’, which kind of makes me look at Light and L (death note) a little differently. Anyways I have some possible scenarios
1. Lazuli and Oleander
Lazuli’s a human who ate the positive apples, which shouldn’t be possible, so he could easily qualify as a cosmic horror with a little tweaking.
Ollie’s entire aesthetic is gothic and eldritch horror, and eldritch horror is very close to cosmic horror. It’d take even less tweaking.
Lazuli wants Ollie dead. Ollie is the cosmic horror.
Ditto, but Lazuli is the cosmic horror.
Both of those but reversed; Ollie wants Lazuli dead.
They’re both cosmic horrors and want each other dead. strangely enough probably the most plausible
Lazuli has decided the best way to make sure Aspen never leaves is to keep Oleander around and happy. In the process he’s gotten a little insane about it. Either could be the cosmic horror.
That, but Ollie is the one who loses his mind. Maybe he thinks this is an excellent opportunity to get Lazuli to trust him so he can kill him. Maybe he decides he likes Lazuli after all. Who knows!
2. Delusion and Slash
Could be Supernova flavored, but it’s (gasp) not romantic. More likely anyways, since he’s canonically aroace.
Delusion is 100% the cosmic horror. There’s no way around it. I love Slash but she is a slasher villain and that’s kind of it.
There are a million ways Delusion may want to keep Slash around that aren’t romantic. She’s incredibly strong, very good at hiding, and even better at fighting. She could be very useful. Also it’d be easier to keep Pluto around if she’s there.
Or they just want to kill each other. And honestly I’d love to see Slash go (even more) insane trying to kill a cosmic horror like that. I think her friends might too until they realize she’s dead serious and they have to physically grab her to keep her from getting killed
3. Obsidian
yeah just obsidian. And pretty much anyone. And unfortunately (?) for him there are likely many people who are insane about him, for various reasons. Some of which he’d probably be totally fine with but those people are very rare
4. Deimos’ Understudy
Gonzalo and Petruccio already meet two of the requirements. Cosmic horror is the one tag they don’t fit, because Eldritch isn’t quite the same as cosmic.
Also Deimos and how far he’ll go to get Phobos back. With Phobos it is romantic (among other things) but after a certain point it may very well be about killing Gonzalo and Petruccio as much as getting Phobos back. But I think the ‘no romance’ tag probably is talking about the whole fic overall, rather than just whatever’s going on with the main characters
Do I even have to mention Carter
yeah pretty much the entire AU would fit those tags just fine. Just another lil shift from Eldritch to Cosmic
5. Sophism/Entropy and Jasper
I don’t remember if I ever said anything about it, but Entropy ended up getting very attached to Jasper. Sophism probably wouldn’t be any different. He’s just more manipulative.
They both (Entropy especially) end up being kind of emotionally dependent on Jasper.
The only question here is whether we’re using Entropy or Sophism. Because they’re both going to be the Yandere and cosmic horror.
I mean…with enough fucking around we could probably make Jasper the Yandere, but honestly the fucking around is probably torture and him getting rescued. No one who knows him would want to torture him, and while a nameless faceless Tormentor could be the culprit, he doesn’t. Go out enough. To get kidnapped for that. Because obsidian wouldn’t let him. And neither will Sophism, who finds Jasper real fast
6. All above mentioned characters and [Y/N]
who doesn’t love a self-insert story
Bonus points if the reader is the Yandere though; I don’t see that happen much at all. Granted it’s been ages and ages since I read fanfic that wasn’t sent directly to me, but still.
7. Secret 7th option
No specific character is a cosmic horror, but one way or another the Yandere bullshit ends up dragging everyone involved into something they never should’ve found. Which could be SO fun oh my god
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moonfurthetemmie · 4 months ago
Some time ago I learned that sign language can have accents.
Ex. Signing with a ‘drawl’.
I assumed that meant it could also have tones; angry, joking, sad, whatever.
then I went ‘wait hold on’ and looked it up and the answer is Yes
So with that in mind,,,
Petruccio and Gonzalo are Deimos’ main sign language teachers. They also are flirting with him big-time and have that kind of tone to their signs
Deimos probably won’t realize that his signing always comes across as flirty until someone—most likely Lodovico or Antonio, since they rely on it the most—points it out to him
And which point he gets really, really irritated with Petruccio and Gonzalo, and also himself because he did notice that Antonio and Lodovico signed with…well, not that tone. At least, not that he’s seen. He feels a little stupid
But in all fairness that’s how he talks to most people anyways. So. He just has to tone it down a little bit.
(He notices a lot of them relax a little around him once he does. Oops…?)
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moonfurthetemmie · 5 months ago
so with the addition of this lass, I'm (already) retconing lore.
Please welcome this alternate of a character that barely existed in normal JMV. Peridot; or, in this AU:
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She should have been the protagonist. The hero. But Gonzalo and Petruccio made sure she didn't have the chance.
Alinda managed to put all the pieces together of what’s happening. She tried to stop it. She kept it super secret, though. She didn’t want to get too many people involved, because she knew that those two would find out she was onto them quickly. She recruited a few people, yes, but not even her husband knew anything about it.
Her husband, by the way? Antonio.
Alinda was, at one point, military. She and Antonio both, though they retired from that when they found out they had a daughter coming. They both had ‘normal’ civilian jobs, and there was always at least one person home to take care of little Peony.
The actual reason Gonzalo and Petruccio targeted Antonio’s family is because they needed Alinda out of the way. Antonio is told the same thing that I originally said; that they just needed a sacrifice and didn’t want to put on a whole big show of it with just the two of them. But that isn’t true.
Gonzalo and Petruccio tried to destroy any notes or documents she made of what she found out. But there were many, many copies. Her cohorts had at least one each, and there were more in their ‘base’.
They found each of her teammates and their sets of notes.
They never did find their base.
Deimos, however, does. Entirely by accident.
Alinda was created by the Tree of Feelings. Having watched Gonzalo and Petruccio’s descent into madness, the Tree knew that someone needed to stop them. It intended to use the magic of the two spirits within it to create a third guardian to keep the other two in line, but they, unaware of its plan, stole the power themselves. The Tree had just enough magic left to make Alinda’s form and give her life, and a mission, but she has no magical abilities beyond unnatural physical strength and an extended lifespan.
As she didn’t have any magic, nor really any idea what she was supposed to stop Gonzalo and Petruccio from doing, Alinda wandered around a while. Eventually she stumbled into Antonio’s home AU, where she stayed almost exclusively until she found some way to reliably travel between universes, which likely involved some magical technology bullshit. However, by that point she’d gotten quite comfortable in this AU, and decided she’d just. Live there.
She joined the military for a number of reasons. Namely for the combat training, to be nosy and snoop to see if anyone’s heard anything about Gonzalo or Petruccio, and to try to find people who can help her deal with a couple of crazy bastards.
For a while she doesn’t find much. Gonzalo and Petruccio are keeping low. But slowly they start making Big Scenes™. They weren’t nearly as big as the shit they’re doing in the present, but enough that they’re hearing about it from other AUs. Alinda rallies her little group and they start making plans.
They have a hell of a lot of trouble, though. It doesn’t help that Gonzalo and Petruccio are constantly on the move, and they can never, ever predict where they’ll strike next. But they are getting some good intel. Bits and pieces. As Alinda gathers these bits and pieces to present to the whole group she goes “...oh. Ohhh no”
Sometime in the middle of all that she meets Antonio and they fall in love etc etc.
She’s. Unsure. When he asks her to marry him. She wants to. But it would be so dangerous…
So she says something like “I have a very important mission, that was given to me literally the day I was born. And it’s very, very likely that I would put you in danger just telling you about it. I love you. I really do. But I absolutely cannot tell you anything. I’ve got a few people helping me, but even that feels like too much, and god damn it I can’t put you in that danger. I’ll marry you, if you are willing to accept that I’m going to be hiding something very important from you.”
Lovestruck fool that he was, Antonio agreed. They were very happy together! Peony’s conception freaked Alinda out a lot but things had been very quiet for a while. And honestly, an excuse to leave the military, to have more time not only with Beloved but also to find Gonzalo and Petruccio, was…very tempting.
Alinda had a 20-point plan made for how she’d keep her family safe if Gonzalo and Petruccio found out about her, and a second, more complex plan for if they also found out about said family. She had taken all the precautions she could think of, and even asked her cohorts if they could think of anything else.
There’s a good chance Alinda knew they were coming. She called Antonio to get home quickly, and had Peony start packing, so they could run as far and as quickly as possible. At which point she’d have to explain everything to Antonio, but he deserved that much.
But Gonzalo and Petruccio moved in too quickly. She’d only just hung up the call with Antonio when they grabbed her and Peony by surprise.
Alinda had sounded nervous when she called, but did a very good job acting like it wasn’t a huge deal. Peony was already freaked out. She needed to stay calm. And Gonzalo and Petruccio acted like it was tooootally random.
Gonzalo and Petruccio decide that it would be a very poetic form of revenge to make Antonio work for them, after poor Alina tried soooo hard to stop them. Him turning out to be an excellent fighter was just a wonderful surprise.
A few years later, when Deimos stumbles upon the last remaining notes that Alinda and her team had compiled, he finds way, way more than he’d been able to figure out so far.
He’s heard the name ‘Yighraru’ before. He’s very alarmed to find out what manner of being Yighraru is.
He also finds some speculation on whether or not they’re going to try and summon Yighraru, or if they’re just going to sacrifice people to it. Some speculation on how the summoning might work, whether or not the dramatics are just Gonzalo and Petruccio being Gonzalo and Petruccio or if it has something to do with the worship of Yighraru. So on.
He takes the notes to the castle he and Phobos live(d) in. Makes a digital copy. Changes some keywords and names, rephrases a lot of stuff. Maybe organizes it better for himself. Then locks it behind a couple of different passwords, so that, hopefully, no one else can get into it, and doesn’t understand the significance of they do. But especially not Gonzalo, Petruccio, Bella, or (and it hurts him to even think it) Phobos.
He pokes his nose around the manor a little more, and makes a mental note of what the mysterious writer was right about, what was incorrect, and so on. He adds to the notes with his own discoveries.
He is now much better prepared that he was before. But it still might not be enough.
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moonfurthetemmie · 2 months ago
Trying to write Gonzalo and Petruccio is hard for multiple reasons
The main one I think being that every time I try to write with them my brain gets so excited screaming about my fucked up blorbos to have any coherent thoughts
But a close second, which is purely a dialogue issue, is that I can’t make them swear the way I normally would
They would not say ‘oh my god’ or ‘Jesus Christ’ and maybe not even ‘Hell’.
Yighraru may not be the only god in existence, but it’s the only one they care about, and they don’t refer to it as their god most of the time. It’s more like their master. ‘Lord’ works too
Jesus is actually a dude who actually lived, claims of him being the son of god and a literal miracle worker notwithstanding. But the only people who really care about him in general, aside from people with an interest in human history and particularly this dude who ended up founding an enormous religion that is going strong over 2000 years later, are Christians. I’m real sure most people who aren’t culturally Christian don’t swear or exclaim surprise with from variant of ‘Jesus Christ’
I don’t think they really believe in hell, either. Their lord and master loves all of its worshippers, past, present, and future, and will give even nonbelievers a chance for eternal happiness. But then again there’s no phrase that gets the point across as effectively as “make your life living hell” and I think it’s kind of become a slightly more generic “This Is Bad And Awful And Painful” thing? Maybe??? so it might just be rare. I also might be full of shit but the point about effectiveness remains
But since I’m culturally Christian (shocking, I know), that’s the stuff my brain defaults to
Isabella probably has hard switched to the way Gonzalo and Petruccio swear, too, regardless of what religion she came from (or was culturally immersed in, even if she didn’t actively participate)
So I have to like. Think about how they swear. In a way that doesn’t make it sound like they’re in a cult and/or are as batshit insane as they actually are. Which kinda slows me down, especially because nothing really roles off the tongue quite like “I swear to god-“ or “Jesus christ dude are you trying to get killed”
maybe i should just start making a list actually. Stop thinking hard just pull from the list
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moonfurthetemmie · 5 months ago
Hiii I survived the hurricane
We actually got really lucky and the worst part was just power going out for a hot while. But we had enough gas for the backup generator to last us until the power came back, so we were able to plug the main fridge in and some of our window AC units.
In the 21 hours without power or internet I spun some more ideas for the Horror Theater Kid AU
In normal JMV and the normal Theater Kid AU, Obsidian is delighted that the people in Silver’s AU think he’s a god and is like “hell yeah I am! Bring me human sacrifices!!”
or some variation of that. In the theater kid AU Puck helps Lear make a big show about it
In the Horror Theater Kid AU, Gonzalo and Petruccio deny that Gonzalo is a god, but instead insist that they serve a much higher power. They are then called spiritual messengers, and the people gladly give them human sacrifices. Lodovico was not the first, and far from the last. But Gonzalo and Petruccio wanted to see if there was anyone there they could recruit somehow, or try to use to bring even a small bit Yighraru’s essence to their world, so the first few sacrifices were brought to them alive.
Lodovico is the only one who survived. While everyone from their home universe thinks they’re dead, it’s treated more like they were raised to sainthood. A great honor was bestowed upon them. They were taken away alive. They must’ve had something special in them.
So, Lodovico knows about this god shit, but they think it’s just an excuse to do satiate their bloodlust. At most, Gonzalo and Petruccio are completely insane. Their lack of faith is probably one of the reasons they were sacrificed so early on.
Antonio watched his family die. Gonzalo and Petruccio were going to sacrifice him, too, but they saw how much he cared for them while figuring out their plan of attack and decided it would be very entertaining to let him come home just in time for his spouse and child to see him ooonne last time.
He lost his shit. Understandably.
Unlike in normal JMV, Gonzalo and Petruccio weren’t wanting to cause a huge commotion. They didn’t have the resources (namely people) for the kind of display they really wanted to do.
So most of Antonio’s neighbors, who didn’t see Gonzalo and Petruccio and didn’t hear his family scream for help (because they couldn’t. Petruccio made sure of that very quickly), think that Antonio either just fucking snapped, or pissed off someone who was deeply unstable. The fact that Antonio was never seen again isn’t encouraging.
Antonio stays with them because he has nowhere else to go, and is terrified of what they’ll do if he tries to desert. He’s absolutely convinced his neighbors think he killed his family and the thought of trying to go back scared him even more. At least there are some people here who understand, and who are friendly.
Beatrice’s version of Ruby is still dead, but the pair were lured into the woods before Gonzalo and Petruccio tried to kill them. Ruby was caught off-guard, but Bea had a split second warning and managed to defend herself so well that Gonzalo and Petruccio thought she needed to join them. Much like in normal JMV, she wasn’t actually given a choice.
Isabella’s story is mostly the same as the normal theater kid AU. Including the part where only Gonzalo found her. There was a little portal mishap. Petruccio freaked. Gonzalo would’ve freaked but he was too busy being really fucking confused
He would’ve told Bella that she was a friend of his before, but in his distress and confusion he started with a “where the hell am I and who are you”, so. Kinda botched that one. But he still offered a way out of the anti-void, under the condition that she helps him and Petruccio with something. Bella tried to ask what, but she was too anxious to get out of there to really question why Gonzalo was being dodgy about it.
Probably she pissed Petruccio off by calling him a nerd (derogatory) for all the theater stuff and the plays he’s been writing. You do not insult his art. He will fucking get you. Gonzalo wasn’t too happy either.
The fact that Petruccio now asks her for her opinion and to proofread and stuff shows just how much he’s come to trust her now. Or perhaps he’s simply forgotten why they broke her mind. It’s hard to say. Bella certainly doesn’t remember anything about it.
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moonfurthetemmie · 6 days ago
Deimos' Understudy: Mer Edition
I don't have a lot of Lore(TM) yet. in fact, i ain't got shit. but i have assigned them all species so that's a start
Petruccio: Whip-lash squid (Siren; witch)
Gonzalo: Bigfin Squid (Siren; witch)
Isabella: Euplokamis (Specifically the type in the very first image in the wiki entry. I can’t find a specific species name for it.) (witch)
Antonio: Swordfish
Lodovico: Pacific hagfish
Beatrice: Blind lobster
Sortino: Lesser electric ray
Francisco: nurse shark (hahah funny joke. Doctor man is a nurse shark)
Sforza: Blue tang (please let him go it’s dark and cold and he is miserable)
Alinda: Atlantic bluefin tuna (witch)
Deimos: firefly squid (witch)
Phobos: pacific black dragon (bonus content; they’re so black they absorb only a little less that 100% of the light that hits them) (able to use magic, but chooses not to. he doesn't think it's evil he just Doesn't Use It)
While the names we've been using to refer to the characters are technically nicknames in-universe, here in the mer version those are just their names. because yes
Petruccio's a very capable sea witch, but his siren voice is more powerful than any that they've seen before. He's probably not the most powerful in history, but. it's kinda scary.
On the flip side, Gonzalo's siren voice isn't particularly powerful, but he's the most powerful witch in the pod.
Lodovico is especially valuable to the group as she's able to smell a whalefall from literal miles away. So if hunting's bad, they just follow Lodo and her nose.
Alinda is still dead. haven't figured out the lore of it yet. But she was fucking fast, and was so secretive about her usage of magic that Antonio only knows by pure chance. And no one else knew, except probably Petruccio and Gonzalo. If they didn't know when they went to get rid of her, they found out real fuckin fast
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moonfurthetemmie · 2 months ago
Imagine that Deimos managed to stop them from summoning Yighraru and get rid of the ones touched by it only to get affected/touched himself
i think you and i share part of a braincell
I'm not certain if 'get rid of the ones touched by it' means killing them or getting rid of their corruption, but honestly both options are tasty.
And I'm certain that, whichever option we go with, it's right as he's about to destroy the rings for good that it takes him; like Isildur in Lord of the Rings
If he kills all of them, he's tormented by it. Constantly. Especially what he did to Phobos. It just makes it easier for the rings to push him over the edge. He'll go mad in other ways, too, and think Phobos is still with him, watching. Angry. Bitter. Hurt. Judging.
Gonzalo and Petruccio probably come back to haunt him, too, though not nearly as much as Phobos does. Those two weren't very important to him, but they could've been. He did like them before he thought they were stealing Phobos from him. But all they truly wanted was for all of them to stay together in Yighraru's realm. And he killed them for it.
He'll vow to 'repent for his sins', which just means he's going to (try to) do what Gonzalo and Petruccio were doing. But he knows now that to summon Yighraru he needs one other to wield the other ring and help with the ritual, and a third to be the vessel. He keeps the rings very very safe, but won't put them on until he finds someone he believes he could trust.
He is very manipulative; far more than Petruccio and Gonzalo were, and it's only going to get worse now. This person will likely be chosen mostly by how much he likes them and how easily he can manipulate and lie to them. They, much like Phobos, will not realize what he's doing to them. Ever. They will become completely enthralled, just like him, and not even question it. The chances of someone stopping him and his new 'friend' are way lower than his chances of stopping Gonzalo and Petruccio had been.
but in the meantime there's clearly something so, so wrong with him. he looks like he's seen something horrible. He'll be crying and saying 'im sorry' over and over and then just start laughing suddenly. still crying. He's obviously hearing voices and seeing shit (but the voices are real) and he keeps talking about making things right and welcoming some 'master' into their world or something?? he's off his rocker. bro needs help. so much help.
most people are too afraid to talk to him. he's not afraid of talking to them, though.
If they don't die, though, and he just gets rid of their corruption, he probably went to destroy the rings alone. Isabella and Phobos (but especially Isabella, after what those two did to her) are not dealing with this well. With what they've done. The others decide to keep an eye on them, and it never occurs to anyone that maybe they shouldn't let Deimos go alone to destroy the cursed whispering rings.
He's resisted this long. He'll be fine.
But he's exhausted. Mentally. It took so much to keep away, and to figure out any solution that didn't hurt Phobos too badly. And for a moment, he lets his guard down.
Deimos doesn't return to the manor. It's a long time before anyone sees him again, and they fear the worst.
He shows up in the middle of the night, just to find Phobos, and Phobos is horrified to find that they were right.
Deimos offers him the gold ring. Asks Phobos to forgive him for what he's done.
He very heavily implies that he actually brainwashed everyone instead of getting rid of some eldritch corruption, but now he's seen the light and knows that Yighraru isn't to be feared etc etc
Phobos can't even answer for a while. He's in no headspace to deal with this, no idea what to do.
He almost does accept.
And then he remembers fighting Deimos when Gonzalo and Petruccio were performing the ritual. How desperate Deimos was to stop those two, how hard he tried to get Phobos out of the way without hurting him. The pain on his face when Phobos attacked him.
That wasn't an act.
This...? No. No, this wasn't right.
He tells Deimos his head's still a little fucked up and to give him some time. Deimos offers to stay with him until the morning.
For the first time in a very, very long time, the last thing Phobos wants is for Deimos to stay with him
Fortunately someone else was up and heard them talking, and Deimos left. But not without promising Phobos he won't let them be torn apart like that again.
Phobos now has to stop Deimos from this fucking eldritch god-summoning bullshit.
Fortunately, he's got a lot of people who want to help.
Unfortunately, Deimos knows exactly what Antonio, Sortino, and Francisco will try. So. no advantage there.
They might be fucked!
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moonfurthetemmie · 2 months ago
Deimos is the only one in DU who hasn't been touched by Yighraru
maybe only three of the others are 100% under its command, but i don't think the rest would be able to resist for very long if Yighraru tried to command them directly. or Petruccio and Gonzalo command them with their rings, which isn't quite as strong but it's still less layers of reality for its words to go through.
So...if Deimos manages to remain untouched, he's probably going to have to finish this alone.
To keep his (remaining) sanity, he's going to have to be very careful and deliberate, and that likely means Gonzalo and Petruccio will be able to attempt to summon Yighraru. And they'll do whatever they have to do to make sure the ritual isn't interrupted, and they can bring their master into their reality.
Deimos could theoretically stop them sooner, but any attempt to directly intervene risks him acquiring The Touch(TM). And I'm sure he's acutely aware of that.
Antonio, along with Bella, Lodo, and Bea, are compelled to guard Gonzalo and Petruccio. Sforza he probably won't have to worry about; he's part of the ritual whether he likes it or not. Francisco and Sortino can't really fight like the rest of the team, but by god are they going to try. And they're still probably the least of Deimo' worries.
Phobos' case is the lightest and he still has some wits about him, but he won't let Deimos stop them, either.
Deimos doesn't have many issues with hurting his 'allies' (even if he did really like Antonio). They were a means to an end. But Phobos?
Deimos is doing all of this for him. Phobos is pretty much the only one Deimos really, truly cares for. He's all he has.
And now Phobos is trying to stop him.
Phobos will absolutely try to convince him to stop with words first. Why can't you join us, Deimos? We can still stay together. Please. It'd be so much easier than this madness. And when that doesn't work...? Well...Phobos doesn't like it any more than Deimos does, but he doesn't have a choice. He doesn't even realize he doesn't have a choice.
Whether or not Deimos can get past Phobos will probably be the deciding factor. Gonzalo and Petruccio will be too distracted by their ritual (and too confident that the others can stop Deimos from getting to them) to defend themselves before Deimos can cut them down.
And he will absolutely kill them for all the trouble they've caused him. Probably Sforza, too, though that's out of necessity and mercy rather than hatred.
It's uh...it's going to be interesting to see what happens after that. Because Yighraru isn't gone; it's just been thwarted for now; and the others are probably still under it's sway even if they've come to their senses (which Isabella, already completely gone, and Phobos, still unaware that his will isn't entirely his own, will not).
And I doubt any of them have any idea how deal with the whole 'touch' thing. Deimos and the other three who'd been reading Alinda's journal had nothing about that; she and her group never thought about having to remove it's corruption from people. Maybe they can banish Yighraru completely, but will that fix them? Or will the eldritch corruption just sort of go dormant until it comes back?
They have no idea. And Isbella and Phobos don't want them to try and figure it out.
phobos is all fucked up about it though. he feels like deimos has betrayed and abandoned him, and he can't fathom why. he wants to try to talk to him, make things right, but he doesn't even know where to start. He knows how stubborn Deimos can be, and Phobos is absolutely certain that he and Isabella are in the right. So he can't imagine doing anything other than trying to stop him.
unfortunately since those two are alive and still under Yighraru's influence, they'll probably try to take the rings. so hopefully someone is smart enough to grab those and keep them under lock and key and deimos' watch. no one else can be trusted. they don't even trust themselves now; they had no idea they could just be...controlled.
So uh. the clock's been reset! but deimos doesn't have nearly as much time as he did before.
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moonfurthetemmie · 3 months ago
cracks knuckles. DU in the Fantasy AU
so obviously the deity they're entertaining in the Fantasy AU is an alternate version of Yighraru
(or, the funnier option, it’s the same Yighraru, and for some reason it just understands the mortals of the fantasy AU world way way better. It being the same entity that exists in a different dimension entirely would also kind of check out with the eldritch deity thing)
Petruccio and Gonzalo, probably when they were just starting out as warlocks, sort of communed with them by accident. It was an interesting conversation. It baked their noodles a bit. Yighraru is so goddamn bored that they asked if they could talk more, and seeing no real harm in it they agreed.
Eventually they began trying to summon demons to make a contracts with. Around this same time Yighraru tells them they've been watching the two for a while and is having so much fun with 'their strange hobby of playing pretend.' Could they do that more? Also what exactly is it??
They explain it. Yighraru is delighted by the concept. Gonzalo and Petruccio go "Y'know, we were kinda going to put together a traveling theater anyways. You can 'come along' and watch all you want!" and they go "YES PLEASE"
Deimos and Phobos are summoned. They're not happy about it at first, thinking they've been pulled away from the other and won't be able to spend much time with them anymore if they're *forced* into a mortal's service
and then they see TWO warlocks AND their demon bestie. Gonzalo and Petruccio are practically inseparable? Were planning on traveling around together anyways, so if Deimos and Phobos sign contracts with them they can stay together? okay yeah sure we can talk.
The contracts are made, and the four decide they’re going to need money if they really want to get their traveling theater troupe. So they decide to take some commission-type things to hunt monsters. This keeps the warlocks’ skills sharp, and gives them and the demons a good chance to learn each other’s fighting styles and figure out the best ways to work as a team.
Petruccio and Gonzalo also end up getting a lot of ideas for their own original productions, which they’re more than a little excited about. And Deimos and Phobos go “oh they’re so cute. They’re so excited about this.”
They slowly pick up more people. Alinda, Antonio, and their kid end up joining. Alinda has been studying the occult and various Lore of the outer gods. She's actually pretty excited to meet Gonzalo and Petruccio, because she’s heard that they’ve been talking to an outer god semi-regularly.
Antonio watches his wife like "Aw look how excited she is :] I love her so much I'm so glad we met these guys it's been a while since she's been so hyped up about something :]" He’s hard of hearing due to some semi-recent accident, but gets along fine.
Leetol Peony sometimes gets to act on stage with them for some performances! She's so excited. She often gets to help make props though and she always gets to come on stage at the end to take a bow as one of the prop/set designers
Isabella got recruited because Gonzalo and Petruccio saw her magic abilities and went “dude. Oh my god. Can you imagine the shit we could do with that?? She could do flashy stuff for her part AND set off special effects! Holy shit we need her on the team”
Bea and Lodo were just monster hunting and teamed up with the group for a few marks, and then Gonzalo and Petruccio went “you guys are really cool and we think you’d be awesome for our group. how do you feel about theater and acting”
Sortino was probably incidental. Like. He wanted to get out and decided running off with the traveling theater was a good way to do it, assuming they’d take him. His stage fright was way too much for him to join as an actor but he can cook like a god. And he was more than happy to help with set pieces and props.
Francisco was likely recruited early on because shit can happen and it would be a huge help to have a doctor with them. He probably helps with set pieces sometimes too.
Sforza I’ll have to figure out still. I’m toying with the idea that, for whatever reason, he can hear/speak to Yighraru incredibly easily, and between that, Gonzalo & Petruccio being quite curious about that, and Alinda being FASCINATED and wanting to (very gently) poke at him to see why that might be, he ended up tagging along. Not entirely sure what all he’s doing, though. Might just be hanging out.
Most of them actually didn’t initially really care so much about the theater thing. But, which the exception of Antonio, they didn’t really have anything else going on, and it sounded like fun to travel the world, so they agreed. And then they got really into it NWJSHSJ
Antonio was far more concerned with staying with his family than anything else, and Alinda really wanted to stick with them for a while and learn more about Yighraru, so he was happy to come along. He didn’t even have to join the troupe as an actor. He was probably just supposed to keep an extra eye out for any potential threats, but Peony wanted to act and begged her dad to join in a few shows. And he turned out to be really good and was having a lot of fun.
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moonfurthetemmie · 3 months ago
ok so hear me out,,,,
a handful of times i've talked about the Fantasy AU, which is a big, mostly-soft Fix-It AU where everyone's friendly (if not actually friends), and the biggest conflicts come from Misunderstandings and also the occasional generic monster attack that destroyed an entire town,,,
anyways. um. cheetah furry pretruccio?
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I thought he'd make a good cat, but i couldn't decide which decals/fur patterns i wanted so i used a randomizer. that ended up working out tho because Cheetahs' claws are just Out all the time, like a dog or wolf's. i wanted the furry-looking paw feets, but they don't have retractable claws. win-win.
The first outfit is the "I'm going on a fucking QUEST and I need my GOOD gear" set, and the second is "Casual adventure time!!" or perhaps just general casual wear.
this time i actually made the questing outfit first. and then i thought "well. it's kinda unfair if the human dresses like a hoe but the cheetah furry doesn't." so i did the second one.
I'm thinking he and Gonzalo are warlocks, but the issue is that warlocks here work more like World of Warcraft warlocks than D&D warlocks, despite the heavy D&D inspiration.
In D&D warlocks pledge themselves to a deity of...dubious morality, at best.
In WoW, you just use Demon Magic and bind demons to your will to fight with you. and then obliterate your enemies.
...warlocks are fun in WoW
Anyways, the initial idea was that they're still pledged to some deity, but. that's D&D rules. And I'm not sure how to make it work with the WoW rules I'm using.
but it's also like 10:40 at night and i don't usually stay up this late. so.
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moonfurthetemmie · 4 months ago
actually do you remember how I said Antonio made a point of avoid Gonzalo, Petruccio, and Bella, but Bella generally didn’t let him
what if Gonzalo and Petruccio told her that Antonio’s spouse was the leader of the resistance, and asked her to keep an eye on him in case he tried something.
which would make it much harder for Antonio to collaborate with Deimos.
And since he doesn’t know what Alinda had been up to, he doesn’t actually know why Bella’s been so insistent on hanging around
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moonfurthetemmie · 4 months ago
What would Gonzalo and Petruccio do if they figure out what Deimos is doing behind their backs. Would they just kill him or idk do whatever they did to Bella ?
Probably try to do what they did with Bella. They’d be really upset about it, though. They do genuinely like him, and don’t want to have to hurt him.
It’ll be much harder to get ahold of Deimos for that than it was Bella. He’s more powerful, and he can just. Melt into a puddle and zoom off
They may try to find another way to convince him to not try to stop them at first, but he’s very stubborn.
Having said all that…Deimos is still just A Guy. He’s pretty weak to Gonzalo’s magic. And Petruccio and Gonzalo are very, very creative. Also they can get Phobos to help catch him
Gonzalo and Petruccio have the upper hand here. Deimos’ best option is going to be to start running. Unfortunately, he’s not very likely to do that while Phobos is still in the manor, and those two know that. So…Its more likely that they’ll catch him and uh… “convince” him they’re and he doesn’t need to do anything against them. In fact, he should help them!
If Deimos does end up worshipping Yighraru with them, then Phobos is going to get much worse much faster. He might even, eventually, be brought into the inner circle and told all the secrets.
If, somehow, all of their attempts to make him join them still fail…
Well…unless they can find a reliable way to keep him contained (which will be very difficult, since neither MV has the technology for that like JR in DreamSwap does), he’s going have to go.
But that will be an absolute last resort. And they’ll need a day or so to recover from that; never mind figuring out a lie to tell Phobos as to what happened to his best friend/unofficial boyfriend.
They’re upset enough that they could probably easily convince him they witnessed An Accident or something like that, but they gotta figure out what would be the most believable.
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