#and jon being so terrified of others being scared of HIM
fizzseed · 1 month
im goign to be sick i can tdo this anymor i listrerally cannot do this anmymore
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batmanfruitloops · 9 days
Man- after seeing the comic/ask where Ed and Jon reunited in the Scarebeast au-
Makes me curious what would happen if Scarebeast didn't recognize him- considering the fight or flight reaction, being cornered would remove flight, and the other two aren't a good idea for a predator, so fight would be the only option left-
:) yippee
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It would stress Scarebeast out a lot to be so enthusiastically approached. He'd be tired of dealing of Penguin and Batman and he doesn't want anyone else to get close to him. He'd actually be fully capable of killing Ed here but he doesn't see him as much of a threat. Instead, he wants to scare him away. If Batman was standing in front of him, Scarebeast would bite his head clean off.
Ed would feel even more guilty about what had happened. He'd be terrified that Jonathan hates him. He couldn't help but imagine how betrayed and alone he must feel. He doesn't want to be a part of Jonathan's pain, he never wanted to hurt him. He would spiral even deeper and fully convince himself it was entirely his fault.
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tumb1rprincess · 1 month
Random Thoughts About the Magnus Archives
I feel like something's being said about your personality depending on which avatars you like and which ones you want to drop dead, I just don't know what. Like, anytime Peter showed up, I'd be like "You're a bitch ass, go away." But anytime distortion Michael made an appearance, I'd be like "That's my baby boy!" And there are a few that are kind of in between. Like with Nikola, I was like "You freak me the fuck out, but you're funny, so I guess that evens it out."
I think it's so interesting how despite a lot of the characters not getting any physical descriptions, a lot of artists in the fandom draw them the same way. Like, Melanie almost always has colorful hair, usually blue. Jon's hair gets longer with every season. Helen is almost always wearing purple. I just wonder how everyone unanimously agreed on some of this stuff.
I thought the Leitner rant was a canon thing, so I avoided anything about it 'cause I wanted to be surprised. I think near the end of the series though I finally looked it up and I was like "What!? This was a fan thing?" Totally hilarious though, I kind of felt the same way about Leitner.
The inside jokes are fucking hilarious, like the "homophobic vase." Or we have classics like "I just listened to the episode where the guy has sex with a bug." "Oh, which one?" and "Peter and Elias are definitely divorced."
Seeing what episodes scared people and which ones had people going "Actually, that sounds kind of nice" was very interesting. Like, episode 57 where the guy was stuck all alone in space? Emotionally destroyed me. But then others would be like "Yo, being able to be all alone in space with no one to bother me? Sign me up."
Also interesting to see which Fears scared people the most and which ones they think they would end up serving. I think the Buried scared me the most. Episodes 15, 132, and 195 freaking terrified me. I'd probably end up serving the Lonely, I remember thinking "Oh, that's me," with a lot of episodes, particularly episodes 159, 170, 186. It was a weird combination of "I'm in this statement and I don't like it" and "I actually feel seen." Like a weird mix of being called out and also kind of validated because I felt like my thoughts and feelings were finally being put into words and that meant somebody else had gone through the same thing.
What were some popular fan theories that ended up not coming true? I think I saw somewhere that a lot of people were theorizing that Martin would join the Web before he ended up serving the Lonely instead. People often say Gravity Falls fans grew up to be Magnus Archives fans and I remember Gravity Falls fans going crazy with some of the theories. And even if some of them ended up not happening, they're still really interesting.
I love how a lot of the characters do shitty things, but you completely understand why. Like, Melanie's wrong for blaming Jon for a lot of things that go wrong, but you understand that she feels trapped like an animal in a cage, so she's just lashing out. Or Tim is kind of an asshole in season 3, but you understand because he went through a lot of the same trauma that Jon did, he's just reacting with anger instead of paranoia.
I've been watching a lot of fan animations for this show and a lot of the comments are like "I checked out the Magnus Archives because of this video!" And the same thing happened to me too. Did you guys see any fan animations that made you decide to give this show a go?
When people draw Jon with long hair, they draw him like he’s the prettiest man alive and I love it. That or ends up looking like Jesus or Bruno Madrigal
I see every day things like a spiral shaped object or a spider and I jokingly think “Is that a Magnus Archives reference?” Or I’ll be listening to a song and think “Hmm, that could go in a Lonely playlist” or “Ooo, that so fits with the Vast.”
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zabala0z · 14 days
TMA S3 FINALE (and me screaming)
I don’t know where to start. Maybe the fact that everyone I like in this podcast always dies? Yeah I’ll start there. What the fuck guys. What. Like. What?????
I’m not going into my usual format but holy shit. MAG 119 was like motion sickness but for my ears. The music. I hated it so much. That organ. Tim. Tim. I knew he raised too many death flags, Jesus. Like I’m happy and all for him but GOD NO. AND DAISY??? Though when she started attacking the shit out of Breekon and Hope, I did internally cheer her on. The fact they tried to act as Basira made me wanna scream. Now that I think about it, was Daisy being influenced by one of the entities?? Like The Slaughter?
Basira is so much stronger than me. Like genuinely, I think she got bumped up a couple places just by her sheer logic during 119 and I am so impressed 💀 so much so, I’m wondering if she had like any internal help, y’know??
Orsinov is like one of the most horrifying sounding characters here. The moment she put on Gertrude’s and Leitners voice, I shrieked. Something about the sing-song voice, the way she inflects certain words makes my head spin. Like Michael.
Little backtracking, Martins situation with his mom is like devastating. And the moment Elias started speaking, I knew he was gonna pull out some traumatizing shitty news to give Martin, I hate him.
Fast forwarding: Jon’s dreams
Okay. So. Jon I guess is in some sort of coma and man are his dreams fucked up.
All the people that appeared in there were the people who gave physical statements. Not super hard to figure out but we had Dr Lionel Elliott, Tessa Winters, then Daisy but obviously she’s not there (DAISY 😭), Karolina Górka, Jordan Kennedy, I think the melted woman refers to Jude Perry, the hunters (Julia and Trevor), Naomi Herne and then the pitying figure. The only woman I would think would fit this vague description is Sasha because of course it’s vague, he doesn’t remember her and I’m going to sob.
Bit scared on what Jon is turning into. Whatever it is, it’s not anything good. He’s watching a lot and I guess he’s watching other people’s dreams- or nightmares- and just….watching??? I’d be terrified.
Elias got arrested. Love it. Though, “Be seeing you” I HATE YOU. 🫵🏻
Would be happy but god damn PETER LUKAS has replaced him and I don’t know if that’s worse or better because we at least know Elias’s actions and his limits. We don’t know much on Peter and I don’t like him at all. At least he’s giving them paid leave. And a counselor. I personally need a counselor for this WHOLE SEASON.
When people told me “good luck” when I started getting into TMA, I laughed it off. I should’ve taken it more seriously because I have never felt more distinct and unpredictable emotions than listening to this podcast. I think that’s all my thoughts. Mostly I’m just uhh dying here. I hate everyone and this podcast and I’ll be listening to the beginning of Season 4 tomorrow!
Again, thank you to everyone who has been following my mini rants and crappy theories. Remember when I thought Gertrude was living in the tunnels??? But seriously, thanks to anyone who has been like fully reading through my posts. School has been wack and the people, and just the podcast as a whole has been making my time less stressful 💀 anyways that’s too emotionally vulnerable so thank you!!!
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bullet-clubs-bitch · 2 months
AEW/ NJPW Wrestlers Pregnancy Headcannons
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Main Masterlist
Wrestlers Mentioned: El Phantasmo, Drilla Moloney, Clark Connors, PAC, Jon Moxley
(Mentions of abortion)
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El Phantasmo
It was no secret Riley had been going through a touch time. He was depressed, he felt alone. All his friends had moved on from New Japan yet he coudn't get himself to leave the place he called home for so many years. When you found out you were pregnant you were shocked. You didn't think it would happen so soon. Sure you and Riley talked about wanting to start a family but now that you were pregnant you started to have second thoughts. When you told Riley you were pregnant he was over the moon. It was like he was relieved. His mood was instanly changed. He was instantly out of his depressive state. RIley was so exited to be a dad, he was contanly buying things for the new baby and woudn't leave your side. He was so supportive and encouraging during your whole pregnancy. There was nothing he woudn't do. The two of you ended up having a son and he and Riley instantly became best friends. It was almost like your son saved Riley.
Drilla Moloney
You were terrified when you found out you were pregnant. You and Dan where nothing more than friends that sometimes slept together. You didn't want to tell him about the pregnancy, in fact you didn't even want to keep the baby. Your friends convinced you to at least tell Dan about the baby before making any decisions. When you told him about the baby he was mortified. He was in no state to have a child. Dan was supportive during the process, he went with you all your appotiments and was understanding when you told him you didn't want to go through with the pregnancy. At the end of the day your relationship grew closer due to all of it.
Clark Connors
When you found out you were pregnant you knew it was more than likley you would have to do it on your own. Clark was terrfied when he found out he was going to be a father. All he did was party and do drugs, simular to what you did. He saw how easy it was for you to get your act together and get clean after finding out you were pregnant but knew he wouldn't be able to follow suit. For the majority of your pregnancy you were alone. It was hard, it was depressing. You didn't know how you would be able to raise a daughter on your own, especially in this economy. You called Clark dozens of times but it was no worth it. Two weeks before you have birth to your daughter Madaline, Clark showed up at your front door in tears. His hands were filled with gifts as he begged for foegiveness. He explained how he checked himself into a rehab and got sober. He admited to being a jerk and was genuinely sorry. He wanted to be apart of you and your daughters life. Clark would end up being a great dad. He spoiled your daughter and would play dress up with her. In fact he was such a good Dad you would end up having 3 more kids together.
Pac and his son were best friends. It was like you cloned your husband. Your son Wyatt was a absolute menance, he was a little bastard like his father. I just know Pac and his son would get up into trouble. The two of them were in a constant prank war to see who could scare you the most. He would teach Wyatt how to hunt, fish, fight and more than likley some illegal things aswell. When you told Pac you were first pregant the look on his face told you he was planning on knocking you up. You wondered if he replaced your birth control for sugar pills. I feel like Pac would be obsessed with your pregnant body, he loved the way your skin glowed and body changed. He wanted to keep you pregnant all the time.
Jon Moxley
Mox is such a girl Dad (I mean look at him and Nora). He would spoil your daughter to death. From a far he looked scary. He was always that sketchy looking guy at the park that often scared the other parents. But up close he loved your daughter. He would spend hours playing with her. She would play dress up with him, do this makeup and play with dolls together. Mox's soft spot was his daughter. Even though he did lots of "girlie' things with your daughter he made sure to teach her every sport. He would teach her Death Jitsu and how to fend for herself in the scary world. When you told him you were pregnant he was so happy. He coudn't wait to be a dad. He truly is the best father.
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imtryingbuck · 6 days
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Summary: Y/n L/n becomes Queen of Astoria not that she wanted to. Prince James of Winterfeld meets her and falls in love.
Word count: 1,893
Warnings: angst. fluff. mentions of being barren. mentions of hunting.
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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Sitting in the chair that her father had been sitting in only two months prior with a crown sitting upon her head that she was surprised her neck had not yet broke with the weight of the thing, she tried not to wince at the pinching of the corset.
She had been crowned as the rightful heir to the throne and was now Queen. The whole hall erupted into cheers and chants, “Long live the Queen” and “The warrior Queen” hit her ears as she sat with her back straight. The knights all bent their knee to her - Carlson in front of them all, smiling up at her as he pledged his allegiance to her. She saw the scowl coming from Sir Jon as he nursed his ale, she smiled at him just to piss him off a little extra.
The celebration was loud with music and chatter from those in the hall, the smell in the air was intoxicating with food and ale - a lot of that was going to the floor as the guests danced. Everyone including her mother, sisters and Carlson were laughing and dancing, celebrating their new Queen. 
But Y/n, she just couldn’t find it in herself to join in the festivities she just wanted to be left alone or preferably in the woods training with Carlson and some of the other men, or better yet she wished that she was far away from the kingdom as she could possibly get. Looking around slowly making sure no eyes were on her as they were to busy dancing and having conversations amongst themselves, she stood and walked out of the side door. She found herself out in the private courtyard that only her family were allowed to be in, she took the crown off releasing a content and relieved sigh. The cold air soothed the ache of her chest as she looked up to the darkened sky smiling as the stars twinkled.
“Should have known you were going to try and run away. Ah, see you do not startle easily anymore.”
“I could smell you before I heard your boring voice.” She replied still staring up at the stars. “And do you see me running? The answer is no.”
“Listen here, you should have respect for your elders-“ he barked as he moved closer to her.
“I am not the same thirteen year old who was terrified of you, matter of fact I am more scared of a butterfly than I am of you.”
“You should not even be queen!”
Turning to face the man she had known all her life, the man who taught her how to play chess, the same man who would sneak some extra cake slices onto her plate when her parents weren’t watching. “Why shouldn’t I? I am the first born, my father never had a son, so why should I not be queen?”
“You are rotten. You are a barren bitch, what use are you if you cannot have an heir? You are best to work in the whore house-“
“Along with your mistress? I would rather not hear how dull you are at sex, thank you.”
“Y-you have no idea what you are talking about!”
“No? Red head, big tits, pretty face? A stark contrast from your wife, I must say.”
“Rotten you are-“
“So you have already said.”
“Barren bitch whose only deeming qualities lay on the battle field.”
“Again, you already called me that and also a battle field you have not seen in so many years, too busy hiding behind my father. And may I remind you of who you are talking to? I am the Queen, do not like that fact? Go and jump off the cliff, I will be sure to keep your wife and mistress safe and looked after.”
“You-you- wh-“
“You are embarrassing yourself now. You keep forgetting your station and I will end up removing more than your tongue. Do you understand?”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes… my Queen.”
“Very good. Run along and leave me in peace.”
“What happened to you? The little girl I knew was nice, sweet and had a heart of gold. Where did that little girl go?” Jon asked her with his hand on the door knob.
“She died the moment you dragged her off that boat. Goodnight Jon.”
Hearing the door slam close she gulped a large breath of air, trying her hardest to keep her heart rate down. She wasn’t scared of him but she did know how dangerous he could be, she had seen it with her own two eyes. When Y/n was younger she use to sit upon a tree stump with her knees pulled up to her chest and watched in fascination as Jon trained the other warriors, she watched in awe of how fast he was though he had years added on to those he was training. And although Jon was friendly and sweet to her she had seen him do things that gave her nightmares or would be afraid to go near him for a few days after. The Jon that stood in front of her just then, calling her those names, wasn’t the same man she had grown up with.
She didn’t know why he was so against something that she didn’t even ask for, he should have taken it out on her father and not her.
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“Jon said I could find you here, old man is too busy drowning his sorrows in the corner- hey what is wrong?”
“Nothing. Go back and enjoy your night. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“You are freezing, come back inside Y/n/n.”
“Would you marry Anna?” She asked changing the subject.
“No. She’s a pretty girl but I do not view her in that way, why?”
“What about my other sisters?”
“No Y/n, what is going on?”
“If you married my sister I could abdicate from the throne and hand it over to you two, and then the kingdom would have a King and a Queen that would have heirs and I could leave and I-I could be happy, I could be free.”
Carlson stood there frozen listening to his friends words, he had half a mind to go back into the hall and attack Jon knowing for sure that he had said something to her for her to be thinking of such things. “You will find a husband of your choosing, hopefully it would be a marriage of love and have your own child-“
“I cannot have them and you know that.”
“You do not know that though. Your father told you that when you was a child Y/n, he was wrong about many of things - he is wrong about this too.”
“I will find a suitable prince for one of the girls-“
“I do not want this life Carlson, I never have. And I am not ashamed to admit that I am scared.”
Wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into him, he whispered. “I know. I know you do not want this but I believe in you, I know you will be the best Queen anyone will ever know. I am sorry but this is your life, and please know I will be right by your side every step of the way. I will not allow you to fail or to fall, this I swear to you.”
For the first time since she was sixteen years of age when she was made to take part of the annual hunt and forced by her father to take the life of an innocent deer, she cried. Gripping tightly of Carlson’s shirt she let everything go, the loss of her life, the loss of her fathers life, her stepmother life ending so soon, the unfairness of the life she had to live when she did not want it. She cried and cried until there was nothing left for her to give.
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“Queen Y/n.” Her personal servant bowed as the young girl entered her chambers.
“Larissa, how are you?”
“I-I am very well my queen, how are you?”
“Good, have you eaten today?”
“I have not but-“
“Come sit with me, and enjoy some food. I fear the cooks have given me more than enough.” She sees the hesitation in the young girl’s movements, Y/n pushes a chair out and pats on the seat giving her an encouraging smile.
“Th-thank you my Grace.”
“Do not need to thank me, eat as much as you can”
Larissa was not use to this. She thought at first that she was to be the tester to make sure no one had tried to poison the queen, finding herself frowning when Y/n digs into the food before she does. Larissa had always admired Y/n growing up, always finding herself smiling then she would hear the Princess laughing, when she would have the duty to collect herbs from the woods she would see Y/n fighting against men who were bigger in height and weight to her and would always silently cheer on the Princess and finding herself chuckling to herself when she would win against her opponents. Never in her life did she think she would be handpicked to serve her queen directly, and now here she was eating a breakfast fit for royalty, answering questions that Y/n asked, mind and heart racing as her queen actually paid attention to her words.
The bubble burst for the two of them when a knock came from the door, Larissa goes to stand up but Y/n’s hand came into contact with her arm, “it’s okay. Come in.”
“My Queen.”
“Mother, how are you? Would you like to join me and Larissa to eat? There’s plenty to go around.”
“I have already eaten, but thank you.”
“Your loss. What is it?”
“I need to speak to you, privately, please.” Larissa nods and stands, bowing to the two women she leaves quickly.
“What is wrong?”
Y/n watched as her mother take the seat that Larissa had been occupying, her fingers tugging at the flow of her dress - something she tended to do when she was nervous. A habit she herself had taken up. “Please, please do not be mad.”
“What has happened?”
“Y/n, you need a husband and you know it. You need an heir and that is just how it is, you need to marry in order to have them.”
“Mother, you know-“
“Your father was being a foolish angry man, he did not mean it.”
“But what is he was? What if I am barren and I cannot give my husband what is required of me? I do not, no, I know I cannot go through what you went through. I will not do it, it is not fair on me, the man or the other woman. Please mother, please just drop this. I will figure something out.”
There was a deafening silence that followed her words, mother and daughter just staring at each other waiting for someone to speak. Y/n truly wished she had just bid farewell and left her own chambers to go and train with Carlson even though she knew she had other obligations to attend.
Her mother smiled sadly at her and whispered the words that Y/n had been dreading to hear ever since she was a child.
“I have found you a husband.”
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Tags: @sapphirebarnes | @sebastians-love | @sidraaaaaaaaa | @mrsnikstan | @barnesxstan | @hi172826 | @alexdarkacademia | @supraveng
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 8 months
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*harvey bullock's voice* : batman an' that scarecrow guy are in cahoots! i'm tellin' ya! the vigilante an' that fruitcake totally have somethin' nasty goin' on!
bullock ships it know whats up. meanwhile, gordon is like 🤷‍♂️ 'idk, they look like sworn enemies to me'. so what if batman apprehends him very weirdly.
(one of very lovely an’ endearing btas crane’s features for me, always gonna be how he’s a complete twerp compared to his comic counterparts. he’s not only hella scrawny, but he’s also pretty short too.
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comic crane build like a pencil compared to bruce, but btas jon is this, but a small version. a real gremlin, where in the comics, he's a goblin.
him being smaller have it's +. for one, he's easier to throw around an’ manhandle. or in this case, i kinda just thought ‘hey, bruce will have no problem to just place him in his laps’. jonathan is cuddly sized for the bat. gotta abuse this advantage to the max. he can catch him this way, or can hold him too… 
an’ look at that, it might lead to one of those few *rare, very rare* times, when jon will attempt to be comforting. he sucks at this, but he does show a shine of sympathy, if he's in the mood for that. but yeah, he would only do it, when batman is all sad an’ down. if he was scared, it’s another story. 
depressed bat makes crane feel some sort of way he hates. he won’t dare to call it anything, but he would rather them do smth less…..this. being held is nice tho. so he tolerates it, telling himself that it's fine just this one time. but then, casually tolerates *basks in* it every damn time from that point on, while using the same excuse… 
he can be regal like that lol.  
an’ speaking of regal…….
i always loved, when the bat tried to catch the scarecrow for a second time in ‘nothing to fear’, an’ jon talks to him in an odd manner. almost like a teacher would speak with a student. bruce’s slightly shameful an’ vulnerable expression is everything in that scene, esp when jon stands on the upper row of stairs looking at him. the tides shift later on, naturally. but even as a kid, it was fun to see batman being kinda humbled by some short, weird guy in a potato sack. 
like, jon is so funnily rude an’ ‘argh’ through the whole ep, it’s hard not to cherish, that batman had to put up with it. the way jonathan abused his henchmen is also smth else. he literally re-broke the dude's nose, while calling him names lol. i just wish, that besides ‘lock up’, we had managed to see other sides of him, which clearly existed. love him being a rude ass almost all the time too tho, bc it suits him. an’ it’s a fun difference compared to comic crane, whose spitefulness is usually more emotionally loaded an’ childish. btas crane feels like a proper antisocial sociopath, than anythin’. but like any good sociopath, he has that one person, who he fancy *even if in a strange fashion*. so, batman has a chance to see it all, once he gets past the cold shoulder phase. 
in their case *btas universe*, i picture that jon’s wary ‘get out of my way’ fashion in which he deals with bruce, would essentially build up into proper obsession, where terrifying him is less of a curious experiment an’ method of eliminating him, but also like….he legit wanna know what batman fears. what he sees. how jon affects him an' if it affects his every-day life. fights with him getting more personal an' more crucial.
from that bit, i was wondering what jonathan might have thought about times, when batman hung out with justice league. an’ if there was a villain, who he would feel envious of. an’ idk, doctor destiny came to mind. he’s not like fear-themed villain even per say, but he can control dreams, which is scary in itself. so jon *naturally for him* assuming that dr. destiny went after batman’s fears an’ gave him nightmares. which would instantly make him possessive an’ jealous lol. it’s his an’ bat’s thing! it fully escapes crane, that batman…doesn't ever prefer whatever villain he's fighting. not in way, where he thinks that he bonds with them over being tormented lol. i mean, he kinda does it with jonathan to a degree, but he'd rather they did it in more normal way.
regardless, bruce will have to tell him, that nope, like dr. destiny totally sucks compared to the scarecrow. mostly bc if he won’t, jon might make so, that dr. destiny won’t breathe air ever again lol.)
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thatpodcastkid · 3 months
Magnus Archives Relisten 21, MAG 21 Freefall
Tom Petty plays in the background as a man falls to his death
Is this too niche a joke? Not possible. MAG 21 analysis, spoilers ahead!
Facts: Statement of Moira Kelley, regarding the disappearance of her son Robert. Statement given October 20th, 2002.
Statement Notes: I have some friends with thrill seeking hobbies and I've really just been waiting for this to happen to one of them. RIP Robert Kelley but my bros are NOT built different and the sky will eat them.
The intensity of Robert's fear in this episode was so deep and profound. The way that he fell for so long that he actually wanted to hit the ground. The fact that he didn't open his parachute on time because he was so desperate to reach the ground faster. You were really able to experience and understand his emotions.
"The sky ate him" is usually the line that gets a lot of press in this episode, and for good reason. But the line that's always stuck with me is "Enjoy sky blue." It's only three words, but it says so much. The word "Enjoy" highlights the normalcy of life in the Magnus Archives universe. Rober is doing what he loves, he should be happy, he should enjoy the jump. But he won't. Fairchild won't let him. The horrors won't let him. The narrative won't let him.
But the second half of that sentence--"sky blue"--adds a whole other element. Syntactically speaking, Simon Fairchild presents it as a noun. It could be an activity or experience to Fairchild, like skydiving. It's something he does often, experiencing the thrill and horror of the fall by "sky bluing." It could be fun for him. Maybe if Robert had enjoyed the fall, Fairchild would have recruited him as an entity. It's not capitalized in the transcript, but because it is being spoken by Moira Kelley who lacks context, it's possible it is a proper noun. Could it be a place? An area the Fairchilds blip in out of and send hapless victims to, the same way the Lukases send people to the Lonely? Or is it a name? A living entity that got a taste of Robert on his first dive and decided to finish its meal on the hill?
The wind sfx in this episode is so great. I've been suspending my disbelief with the sound effects in the early episodes because I assumed they were mainly just to build ambiance for the listener, but they do have interesting implications for future episodes. If, in recording early statements, Jon begins experiencing/developing his Eye powers, then these effects (the wind in this ep, the heart beating with Julia Montauk, etc.) could be him "hearing" what the victims felt and experienced. He is looking through their eyes as he reads the statement.
Entity Alignment: Tom Petty continues playing quietly in the background
Really great Vast episode. I've never been particularly scared of heights, so I don't often find the vast episodes "scary," but I do find this one to be particularly unsettling and thrilling. The sky being presented as semi-sentient, with the ability to not only steal but eat a man makes the idea of falling through all the more terrifying.
When Moira Kelley began the statement, she explains that she "doesn't have the words" and doesn't know what to write. But of course, she explains everything in perfect detail anyway. By virtue of being in the Institute, she is compelled to tell her story. The Eye is urging her to relive the horror that she sold her home to escape. She says that "knowing won't bring him back," but the Institute doesn't care. It just wants more knowledge and fear to consume.
Character Notes: In MAG 111, Gerry explains that families are often just tools for avatars to ensure transfers of power and increase their own power. This vaguely seems to be what Fairchild is doing with Harriet, although less so. But I also wonder if the same can be said of the businesses that avatars and entities involve themselves in. According to Jon, Open Skydiving isn't a "real" company with any records, but it clearly has been operating for many years and people utilize its services. Similar circumstances seem to be true for the Magnus Institute, as well as Peter Lukas' real estate and shipping companies. They provide moderate services merely to provide funds and resources to avatars, while also functioning as mediums through which they can create more fear.
(Something something a company treating you like family means they want to use your success to increase their own status something something)
Slightly less relevant, but Robert says the jump was a charity event for Simon's deceased wife. I would love not only to know more about who Fairchild's wife was and how she died, but also what charity he could possibly be leaving any money to. "Defective parachutes for youth" "Old men against OSHA" "Wheelchair kitesurfing fund."
Slightly more relevant, but Martin!! He's back! Oh no!
The most important thing about Jon's reaction to Martin bursting in is when he shouts "What are these things?" Not only has he never seen the worms before, but he has no idea what they are. Even after reading Timothy Hodge's statement, he can't connect the worms he sees to Jane Prentiss. This is totally reasonable for any regular person, as he likely never expected to see the worms in person nor would expect Martin to burst in covered in them, but Jon isn't a regular person. At times, Elias has allowed Jon to make leaps in logic that lead him to the actual truth as a means of hiding his Eye powers. Elias wants Jon to know things he shouldn't, but only on his schedule. Jon needs to explore Prentiss more deeply so he will be marked for the ritual, so he's rationing information.
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cult-of-the-eye · 11 months
Mag 81 A Guest for Mr Spider
Wait I need to check the timelines - this was 2 days after leitner's death
New spooky music???
My man is so fucking dramatic I love him so much "grand of sand behind my eye" love the way he speaks
Omg the greying hair is canon??
Child in the 90s makes him at most 27 GOD DAMN. I was imagining like mid 30s...can you imagine a fucking 27 yr old using words like "ilk" when talking to you
Oh shit he's an orphan poor guy
Yeah ok a lot of his personality seems to make sense if you realise he was raised by his grandma
You know those memes that are like people raised by their grandparents are exceptionally polite but in a brisk way, talk fancy and are super posh? Yeah that's him.
Getting such neurodivergent vibes
Yeah he sounds like a main character from the start Jesus Christ he's such a kid who got traumatised and then grows up to be a horror protagonist vibes
My First Leitner lol like kids had to be introduced to them at a young age like those my first toys
He's so funny I can just imagine him as an 8 yr old getting super like affronted at this like how dare my grandma think I am of subpar intelligence he's such a little bitch from the start
"The eponymous Mr spider" even talking about his childhood trauma he's busting out the vocabulary
Fuck that story actually kinda rattled me I had my hand over my mouth in shock for most of it
I think it was the bit where the horsefly brought his son and they were both crying that got me, I could definitely imagine it scaring an 8 yr old
The way it drags out as well, with the pages of the same scene it really heightens the suspense
Is his childhood bully someone we should keep track of?? Love how he says Michael probably cause he sees him as a bully lol
It's interesting how despite him bullying him (quite badly seeing as though he beat him up) he's still like yeah but he saved my life and that means he deserves to be remembered
My bro didn't save your life on purpose, he was just trying to make it worse and happened to come to a terrible fate cause of that
I guess underneath it all he was still a kid who watched someone die, knowing they'd get eaten by a fucking spider, he still held him in some regard
The way he specified the guy was his bully even after he was being eaten though lol
He was desperate to get the book back? That's a leitner thing I guess, the book makes you want to keep it so it can finish whatever it wanted to do to you
On my relisten (which I will do once I've finished the series I'm sure of it), I'll have to look out for any reaction of leitners name
I wonder why Jon didn't react more to Carlos vittery's statement, like it must've terrified him? I saw a post a while back explaining Jon's thoughts and IT WAS GENIUS it was like of course he doesn't react, he must be terrified that someone knew about his experience and somehow did this to mess with him or it was a joke and he can't let anyone know that the Head Archivist is not Good at This ugh it's so good I'll tag it if I can find it
yeah at least he's right about Elias killing leitner
Awwww he's so cute with georgie
Can he not go back to his own flat?? Did he bring all his clothes to the archive and then subsequently leave them there? Does he even have a flat??
God Georgie is so nice I would kill for her
It's so funny that an apparent supernatural cynic dated a ghost podcaster
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rainbowmess823 · 2 years
You absolutely cannot change my mind about this:
- Steve is the mom, Robin is the dad, Eddie and Nancy are the step parents, and Jonathan and Argyle are the really cool uncles.
- Steve definitely mothers everyone, there's curfew, there's a carpool scheduled, and, even if he doesn't admit it, he has definitely got into a shout match with a ref or another mom about his kid and another kid.
- Robin definitely fits the dad, she helps out with the kid's homework (especially languages classes), she has thrown one punch at a jock for picking on one of the kids tho she made them swear never to let anyone know that she punched someone for them, and her arsenal of dad jokes help.
- Eddie and Nancy both are step-in parents when the kids can't find either Steve or Robin, there's usually a threat of violence involved and the kids feeling extremely safe with the two tho both Steve and Robin scold all of them for it.
"No, Eddie! You can't say you'll summon Satan if they pick on Dustin."
"Nancy don't flash them your revolver please, I know they shoved Lucas but bullets wont solve this."
"I'm not mad but...when we agreed to talk I imagined the talking with less threat of bodily harm and more of 'Hey! that's my brother so back off or else.' But it works."
- Jonathan and Argyle are very much the chill, laid-back uncles for when the kids just want to vent or want to see a different kind of perspective.
- Steve and Eddie parent Dustin and they have Sunday morning put aside for sci-fi movies in their pajamas.
- Robin parents the Sinclairs who loves that they get Robin to themselves on Mondays bcos they get milkshakes and talk about easy stuff like how their week is so far or Robin teaching them new shit.
- Eddie and Robin share custody of Will with Jonathan and all four of them have a bi-weekly gossip session at a diner, they talk shit about ppl and judge jocks.
"He's so stupid but so cute."
"You are down baaaad, mini Byers."
"He was terrible in California, I wanna hit him."
"I'll hold him down and you can handle him."
"I like the way you think, Buckley."
"We have a deal, Byers."
"Remind me never to get on your bad sides."
"Please don't."
- Robin and Nancy parents Max and they have a day-in every Sunday morning where they play music and do their own thing, Nancy's working on her article, Robin is reading her other language book, and Max is playing tea party with Holly (who sneaks her way in every morning to play with her new big sister Max).
- Nancy and Jonathan parents Mike and it a more of a subtle parenting caring thing bcos all three of them are emotionally constipated, there's casual check-ins and subtle reassurances.
- Argyle and El are the communal uncle and child, respectively.
- The kids go to Argyle for advice about anything under the sun and loves his relax attitude on life.
- The teens love El and makes sure she gets a semi-normal childhood which mean cartoon Friday with Steve, learning new things with Robin, shopping with Nancy, listening to new music with Eddie, bedtime stories with Jonathan, and advice about what life can be with Argyle.
- Everyone is absolutely terrified of Jonathan and Robin that when being scolded the two are used as a threat.
"Mike you better be down here on time or I'll have Jonathan and Robin teach you about punctuality!"
"I said no, Henderson! I swear to God, I'll have Jon and Rob take you for the week instead."
"Usually I'd say "hell yeah, red!" But Jonny and Buck scare me as much as they scare you and they'll find out we did this so I'm gonna have to say no."
- Jonathan and Robin get along so well and together they can get so scary.
- When the entire party are hanging out together they get scared when both Jonathan and Robin being scolding them bcos it's scarier than Nancy and definitely scarier than the Updie Down.
"I told you it was a bad idea! We're gonna get I trouble!"
"Relaaax, Eddie wouldn't care, Nancy's always telling us to do it ourselves and Steve won't know."
"I don't think stealing booze from the cabin counts, Michael."
"Don't call me, Michael!"
"They can't say anything all three of them drank waaaay more at our age anyway."
"Dustin, you may have a point but that's not what I'm worried about."
"Will's right you guys. Robbie and Jonathan are here so maybe we shouldn't be doing this."
"We'll be fi--"
"What do you four think you're doing?"
"That better not be alcohol, mini dinguses."
Tadaaaaa? I just find it funny just how scary both Jonathan and Robin can be. Just imagine for a bit how scary those two can be together when any of the kids are theirs for the week. They'd be so chill but as soon as you do a wrong they can be so firm that none of the older teens would dare cross both of them. Anyway! Tadaaaa
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to-the-stars8 · 1 year
Affairs and Letters
Jason Todd x Reader Regency AU! AO3 Chapters
Part IX
Mr. Todd was suddenly aware of one fatal flaw of his when kissing you, and that was he would move heaven and Earth all for you. A weakness he could well surrender to. 
“Mr. Todd,” You had gasped between kisses. He had no thought upon hearing his name pass your lips. It made him feel like a well-kept secret that he wanted you, and only you, to know. When you had turned your head from his kiss, Mr. Todd felt terrified that he had committed some unforgivable offense. No greater monster could scare him than the thought of you thinking so ill of him. 
“Forgive me, forgive me,” Mr. Todd said quickly. 
You shook your head. “Hush, let me listen.”
Confused, he inquired what you meant, but you ignored him. For a moment, he thought that you were afraid that someone might be listening in on the two of you, and he attempted to assure you that no one was. You refused to hear his words, shaking your head as you slipped from his grasp. He was quick to follow close behind you, smelling your perfume as he did, saying again that he meant no offense if one was caused. 
Alas, you refused to hear him, ignoring anything he had to say as you attempted to find some way out of his sight. You yearned for him, and you had realized it quickly, but duty had to come before love. Good gracious, you thought momentarily at the realization of how severely you had been carried away, what would Sir Kent think—Worse, what would Lady Kent think? Lady Kent had a mouth the size of the entire county and was too loud, yet you held no opinion of her. 
Suddenly your name was called again and it was loud—Urgently loud. You and Mr. Todd paused, turning to the salon right down the hall. Your legs moved faster than his, practically running toward a young man’s voice calling your name. 
“What is it,” You cried upon entering, seeing Jon on the floor surrounded by his brother and two of the other Wayne children, Damian and Timothy. “Jon!”
Connor was quick to explain what had happened. The four of them had been playing cards when Jon started to complain of a sudden chill. Eventually, the boy had been so out of sorts that, when it came to his turn, he simply fell over. You pressed your hand upon Jon’s forehead and noted that it was hot to the touch. 
“Connor, go retrieve your mother and father,” You ordered. “Tell them that Jon has come down with a fever. Go, now!” 
The young man flew from the room in a hurry, exclaiming that he would be back quickly. Mr. Todd knelt by your side, already looping his arms around Jon’s small frame. Before you could react, he assured you that all would be well. 
“Tim, Damian, go tell Mr. Pennyworth that he should send for the apothecary,” said he. “Come, Miss, we will take him to his room. The poor lad must have been fighting this fever for days.” 
You followed Mr. Todd, reaching around him to move sweaty parts of black hair from Jon’s face. There was no lie, your heart was in tatters at the sight of the poor boy suffering so much. Perhaps, if you were there sooner, you would have been more attentive to Jon’s sudden condition. 
When Mr. Todd set Jon down on his bed, you were quick to get him out of his outerwear so he would not overheat due to the fever. Mr. Todd left the room, and you attributed his sudden absence to being done with the issue entirely. It nearly had you reeling on the feeling of ever having taken his affections so open-heartedly until he returned with a bowl of water and a washcloth. 
“Here,” He said, wringing out the water into the bowl. “It is cool, dab it on his forehead and neck.”
You took the rag, dabbing it over Jon’s forehead, Mr. Todd squeezed your shoulder in assurance. He whispered that all would be well again, and your heart fluttered. You shook off his touch, turning to focus on your charge.
As soon as the coolness was upon him, Jon’s eyes fluttered open. Not once could you recount a time when you had been so happy to see blue eyes before that very moment. The boy smiled up at you, eyes twinkling with familiarity. 
“I feel ill,” He said weakly. 
You could not help but laugh. “Why did you not speak of your condition sooner?”
“I—I wanted to see my friend. Father would not let us leave home if I was sick,” Jon's smile turned into a pout. 
Before you could speak Lady Kent burst into the room so distraught that upon seeing her son flushed with sickness set upon knowing every detail of what had happened. You tried your best to relay the information Connor had given you and stated that Jon gave no hint of even being the slightest bit sick. Her disposition turned to sorrow quickly upon seeing the tears in her son's eyes. 
“Why—Why are you crying, my love,” Lady Kent asked. 
Jon sniffled, “I do not want you to be cross with me, Mother.”
His mother pressed a kiss upon his head, “I am not, my love. I am worried for your health since someone took a reprieve from her duties so to heart.”
As you stared at the scene before you you could not have felt a greater sense of disappointment. Jon’s being sick was not something you were keen on missing, and you were angry at yourself as well as Mr. Todd. Perhaps if he wasn’t so intent on this infatuation with you, then then this would not have happened. Still, you were not entirely blameless. Somehow, even being so upset with Jason, he managed to keep in your good graces. You wished to know if it was the yearning to love or some sort of subconscious rebelling that had you holding him close.
At the knock at the door, the apothecary stepped in and relief seem to flush through the room. Mr. Todd looked at you, eyes holding a longing that told you he yearned to hold you, but you could not return it in fear of someone noticing, no matter how much you wished for him to come to you. Mr. Wayne ushered everyone out, stating that the apothecary needed privacy as well as the family. 
When you stepped out into the hall, now all too aware of how distant you truly were from the Kents, you searched for some comfort. Mr. Wayne had told you to rest, that after such stress all your nerves must need some compassion, so you took his advice. 
Upon entering your room, you left the door open so Mr. Todd, who you knew was well behind you, leaned against the door frame when he found you. 
“How are you feeling,” said he, not daring to take a step inside your room. 
You were hesitant to answer, “I do not know, Mr. Todd.”
“How odd,” He tried to jest. “If not you, then who better to ask, hm?”
There was an attempt to laugh, but it died before it could leave your lips. You looked up at Mr. Todd in all his beauty. It was difficult to not notice it, and even more so when you held such a partiality toward him. 
“Mr. Todd—Jason, I…I feel as though I am to blame for Jon’s condition,” You confessed. “If I had been more attentive…” You meant to say distracted but found you could not shame Mr. Todd. 
Jason scoffed, “The boy had admitted himself that he hid his illness so he could play with my brother. It was not your fault, so do not blame yourself for it.”
“That is very difficult, Mr. Todd,” You said, trying to smile. “The Kents treat me very well, I assure you, but Jon’s whole being has been mine to keep since the boy could walk. I am responsible for him in every way.”
“He is  fortunate to have someone who loves him so, but it is a pity it has to be you.”
You shook your head, smiling down at your hands. “That has been my job for so long, what else am I to do, sir?”
The answer seemed to come so easy to him, “That is up to you, I believe.”
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captainkirkk · 2 years
All the fics I’ve read and enjoyed recently. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes.
straight on 'til morning by merils
Kon hasn't been a kid in a long time - he's not stuck at sixteen anymore, and he hasn't been for years; he's twenty-three and living his best life. But the past has funny ways of coming back to haunt everyone when they least expect it, and there's no predicting the storm on the horizon for him.
It starts simply, as do most things. Jon turns sixteen.
Jon turns sixteen, and Kon suddenly realizes that if anyone were to treat him the way he was treated at sixteen, he'd tear the world apart.
The revelations, unfortunately, don't stop there.
Clone Wars
A Light in the Dark by glimmerglanger
Sometimes, it seemed Obi-Wan only saw other people across the field of battle.
The only reliable source of contact he had with other living beings - for the past year - had been during a fight. And he had not been able to enjoy such contact, had not been able to sink into the Force and refill his reserves, because all of the men he fought were trying so desperately to kill him and all the people he was trying so hard to protect.
OR, the one where Obi-Wan serves the Republic, Cody serves the Separatists, and they find a way forward anyway.
Star Wars
Sunburst by ShyOwl
When Luke drifted off into the Force after he faced off against Kylo Ren, he thought perhaps, finally, he was done with suffering and loneliness and so much loss. Instead, he wakes up in the body of his eight-year-old self with a haunting whisper vibrating in his memory:
One more chance, little sun, you deserve one more chance.
and i will be your shade by beatperfume (+ podfic)
Alec Lightwood grew up in the New York Institute; it's his home. He loves it.
The Institute loves him back.
The Difference In A Kiss by sobsicles
"You all have to kiss me.”
Simon looks a little terrified when he announces this to the group, his hands fluttering around as he shifts in place. Everyone is gathered on Magnus’ large leather couch, squished together while Simon stands on the other side of the small coffee table, like he's scared one of them is going to launch across and attack him.
Or: When Simon gets put under a spell that will kill him if he doesn't kiss everyone he loves, Alec has no idea why he's even involved, or what he's done to the universe that lands him in this situation. He is not amused.
But he ends up a little surprised by what unfolds when magic forces everyone's hand.
Stranger Things
Why The Hell Not? by Katyakora (+ podfic)
"Did I really just witness the Hair himself flirting? With you? Right in front of my register?!" Jeff's voice rose by an octave with each question. Eddie would be impressed by his range if he wasn't freaking the fuck out.
Or: How to get your dumbass best friend a boyfriend, a guide by Robin and Jeff
The Nightly Stroll by RurouniHime (+ podfic)
It takes him a second, and then he snaps his fingers. Steve’s car. Steve Harrington is parked out here in the dark by the railroad tracks for some—
“Ah,” Jim breathes out as he takes in the fogged windows. All three of the ones he can see, and he’s willing to bet the other three are as well. The backseat passenger side is so far gone that rivulets have begun to slip down, carving darkness through misty gray. Considering the volume the music has to be at to be heard through the rolled-up windows, it’s a wonder the car isn’t vibrating all on its own.
Except, the taillights aren’t just reflecting, they’re glinting, like eyes winking. The car is rocking just a smidge, little jumps and squeaks on its suspension. Jim would have to have been a much more well-behaved kid than he had been not to recognize that particular cadence. “Shit, Harrington."
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bellysoupset · 1 year
Oh my gosh that story with Jonah and Leo was SO GOOD - would you ever consider a part 2 with Leo and Jonah talking about what he was saying???
- 💋
You guys really should stop indulging my angsty self. We'll end up killing this boy.
This is a continuation of this fic: Feverish Leo has a nightmare and overshares his past with Jonah. - Which happened before Sicily!
Warning for the f- slur and mentions of past child abuse, thread carefully.
JD let out a pitiful meow as Leo stopped her from escaping and squeezed her to his chest, kissing the top of her head. Jon snorted, noticing the cat staring at him, as if begging him to help her run away.
"Sorry, little miss, I guess you're stuck," he whispered darkly, crawling back in the bed with a bottle of Gatorade, "bottom's up, Leo."
The blonde coughed weakly against his fist and took the bottle from him, taking a small sip and grimacing when it hit his irritated throat. He gulped down a couple more sips then handed Jonah the bottle back, slumping against the pillows and letting out a soft burp.
JD burrowed against his stomach, starting to make biscuits and Leo opened a smile, running a shaky hand over her fur, "her belly rubs are better than yours."
"Yeah but hers don't come with a get-well-soon blowjob," Jonah deadpanned, rolling his eyes and moving closer so he could push a strand of hair out of Leo's eyes. His hair was much longer than usual and Jon loved it, he knew Leo wasn't cutting it entirely for his benefit too.
"What exactly did I tell you last night?" Leo sighed, turning slightly so he could meet Jon's worried eyes, "you have that freaked out look on your face."
Jonah cringed. He thought he had his usual bitch face on, but clearly Leo was getting better at reading him.
"Not too much," he reassured him, fiddling with a strand of golden hair, "don't worry-"
"I'm not worried," Leo shrugged, sounding exhausted. His voice was basically gone, he had spent the better part of the night coughing, once the fever broke, "I don't mind you knowing, Jon."
Jonah sighed, pulling his hand back, "you thought you were back home... And I think you thought I was your dad? You kept saying you'd stay out of my way and behave, so if you could stay home instead of going to school..."
"Sounds very on brand with dad," Leo snorted, without any humor, "he hated when I stayed home instead of going to school."
"Even sick?"
"Especially sick," Leo scoffed, "and give him my germs? Please."
Jonah bit on his lip, angrily munching over the words he wanted to call the man, "your father was a piece of work."
Leo let out a chuckle and slid down the bed just a little bit, continuing to pet JD, "he was complicated."
Jon didn't think there was anything complicated about the man being a cunt. He trailed a hand over Leo's arm, up and down, "did he... Did he abuse you?" the words were whispered, he couldn't bring himself to say them out loud, "I- I asked you to remove your shirt and you freaked out..."
Leo flinched, then opened and closed his mouth twice before saying, "no, he didn't," he wasn't lying, but it wasn't all of it. Still, he shut his mouth and avoided Jonah's gaze, focusing on their kitten who was playfully rolling onto her back on his stomach, little spotted belly open for him to rub.
"He was just..." he shrugged, "he was weird and he scared me. He fucking terrified me," Leo looked up, "I don't know if it was some form of homophobia, because he always knew I was gay, he made it very fucking clear he knew it with the name calling, but he just... I didn't like undressing around him. Or being near him, to be quite honest. But he didn't abuse me like that."
"Like that?" Jonah repeated, voice a whip. He had never felt so heartbroken or murderous.
Leo shrugged again, "well, there was the name calling. You'd the surprised how many slurs there are other than faggot," he smiled without any happiness, tickling JD's belly, "then there was the beatings. It didn't happen often, only when he was really wasted, but towards the end..." he shuddered and Jonah moved away from the bed, getting up.
He couldn't sit still, too angry, and Leo looked up, concerned.
"I'm fine," he waved him off, pacing the room, "...Was he like that before your mom left?"
Leo frowned, confused "I don't know, baby, I don't really remember anything from back then. I was too young and trauma..." he touched his temple lightly, "kinda fucks with your memory. My whole childhood is a little bit of a blur."
Jonah ran a hand through his hair, tugging at the tight curls' roots, "when- When did she leave again?"
"I was ten," Leo answered and then the next question Jon was going to ask, "and seventeen when he passed away."
"Suicide, right?" Jon sat back down, near his knee and JD meowed, jumping to his lap. Leo nodded, quietly seeming to be thinking over everything.
"Hung himself in the living room," he said in a hesitant voice, clearly scared he was freaking Jonah even more.
Jon squeezed their cat, causing her to meow and try to bite his fingers "that's why..." his mouth was dry, "another day, you mentioned a fan... That's why...?"
"Yeah," Leo shuddered and curled up on his side since JD was no longer sitting on him, watching Jon, "what are you thinking?"
"I'm thinking that I hate him," Jonah answered honestly, "and I hate the fact that you still have all these scars, I wish - I know it's silly, but I wish I had met you earlier, I wish I could've helped."
Leo smiled sadly, "I wish I had met you earlier too, babe," he sighed, coughing again, "I don't hate him... I'm pretty sure he had the same chronic depression I have-"
"Being depressed doesn't cause people to abuse little kids, Leo," Jon said sternly, "sucks for him, but this justifies nothing."
Leo nodded, wincing "yeah, I know... But I can't help thinking it if he wasn't so severely depressed, things would've been different. He wouldn't have drunk all the time, for starters."
"He'd still be a fucking asshole," Jonah scoffed, leaning in and planting a kiss on his boyfriend's forehead, lingering there, "I'm happy you moved here and that... And that we found each other... And that you told me all that."
Leo melted under the kiss, tugging on his sweater and causing Jonah to crumple on him into an awkward hug. JD let out a yelp and jumped away from between them, offended.
"Doesn't this scare you?" Leo whispered, voice muffled by Jonah's sweater, "I know it's a lot, the- the past, yeah, but also now-"
"Nothing about you scares me," Jonah hugged him a little bit tighter, "we all have baggage, Leo," he pulled back to look him in the eye and met Leo's feverish gaze, blue eyes searching his face as if Jonah was going to pull back and say gotcha, "I want to help you carry yours too."
Leo let out a little scoff, pulling back with a smile, "since when you're so good at communicating?"
"Please," Jonah rolled his eyes in a playful manner, pressing his forehead to Leo's, "you're so feverish, you're delusional."
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merwynsartblog · 7 months
eh i should ramble about monster au thingy (i am still thinking of a name shush im slow w/ names) uh warning this will be very scattered
marxin owns the home the guys lives in. he came back alive one day and went to the house with maymay in his arms and saw 4 monsters completely change up the place and make the house clean and tidy- made him fucking panic edd died due to a car crash a few years before the present. he doesnt...really remember wtf happened he just knew he used to drive pretty well
the guys ages are sorta weird. marxin is the oldest edd is the second oldest edd is 3rd oldest tord and tom are the second oldest and matt is the youngest actually out of the adults- (i wish i knew how to explain this better man-) tom and matt has to carry stuff when they are out of the house. tom has to carry a fuck ton of water due to him being a siren and raw salmon with him. (ey a man gotta eat-) while matt has to carry alot of sunscreen and skin care products and a tinyyyy amount of blood (that he gets from tom) just in case he get blood withdrawls Eduardo, mark and jon are not monsters in this au but sorta like..."if i find out yall are monsters im going to call the monster hunters" and its just a pain to deal with em. matt since he cant see his reflection always asks the gang if he looks nice or good. he is veryyy self consious about his looks since he just recently turned into a vampire. marxin usually has to tell him he looks good before matt believes them mayline is the reason marxin is alive. maymay messed around with alot of forest stuff and kept dropping it off at marxins grave and then BAM he rises tord and tom actually slightly gets along. they like causing problems but their relationship is like brothers marxin is usually on edge since he is pretty much the only one who can die again(except mayline and tom and matt but they dont think about it alot) and he doesnt wanna go back into the ground. marxin is pretty much the only one who can understand gabriel ( @xinxxu oc ) and the other guys are just "0-0. dude he not talkin." the guys are fucking terrified of nash ( @lynniezdoodles oc) except tord. tord likes messing with him with stories about how he slayed 100 monsters one time (coughcough he killed humans but he aint tellin him) marxin likes ollie (again @lynniezdoodles oc) since he reminds him of mayline but scared of screwing smth up with lynn (again @lynniezdoodles ) since she already fucking dislikes the gang also marxin only eats dead animals. he wouldnt dare hurting anything. but the gang realllyyyy hates this so he always has to eat outside- only one who really doesnt mind this is matt- when tom is in the house he rests in a bigggg pool in the living room. he fucking loves his pool he called it susan (im funny sh) edd still has ringo but she a ghost kitty kitty- uhhhh thats all i got lmao
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froot-batty · 1 year
I'd love to learn more about your Jon! Any fun facts or tidbits about his lore/backstory you're willing to dish out for free?
i sure do! i'll just drop his whole backstory, since i've been meaning to anyway :]
Jonathan Crane was born and raised on a rural farm in the heart of Georgia. Contrary to what most might've guessed, his parents were actually really respected doctors/researchers, who had moved out there after having Jon in an attempt to have a family life. They quickly realized that they'd only had a kid out of a feeling of obligation, and they held no real love for Jon nor a desire to raise him. The pair of them were often out for what could be months at a time on "business trips".
This left Jon often in the care of his extremely religious and abusive grandmother. Jon was homeschooled, so there was no escape from her tyrannical rule over their house except if he stuck his nose in a book or ventured out into the fields.
Jon had always loved the crows out on his family's property. They were the pets that he was never allowed to get, and basically became a family to him. His grandmother was absolutely freaked out by the crows, and Jon eventually noticed. To get back at her, he'd sprinkle seed or other bits of food in places where she would undoubtedly see them and get scared by them. She was always going on and on about demonic forces and ghosts and the like, so eventually Jon took it up a notch and started dressing up as a scarecrow, creeping around the farm in the distance or even standing over her bed at night.
Seeing her turn from an monstrous, terrifying figure to him to the scared, frail old woman she was was quite a power trip for him. He became fascinated by the power of fear and how it revealed a person's true nature. And how it made him feel powerful in return.
The death of his grandmother was a complete accident. The power of being the scarecrow had gotten to his head so much that he confronted her head on, meaning to just wave his scythe around and scare the daylights out of her. But one thing lead to another lead to her gutted on their living room floor.
By now Jon's parents hadn't come back in over two years, so he neatly cleaned up her body, packed a bag, stole some money, and ventured out to Gotham City.
fun facts (and a doodle) under the cut, since this already got HELLA long
-Jon works at Arkham, very closely with it's director: Hugo Strange. Strange is aware of Jon's double life as the Scarecrow and they commit various wildly unethical experiments on the patients within Arkham
-Jon's leg brace comes from one of his first encounters with the Bat. It'd been bad since he had fucked up his knee as a kid, but after accidentally falling off of a roof while fighting Batman it just got absolutely destroyed. It'd have been too suspicious to go to a hospital, so it ended up healing wrong. Lucky for him he's got a high pain tolerance
-He and Ed met during Ed's first stint in Arkham. He thought Ed was fascinating psychologically and thus was his psychiatrist for a little while. Until he broke him out
-Oswald absolutely hates him. Jon doesn't like the little man but he finds the rivalry more funny than anything. The reason for it is that during the mayoral campaign, Oswald came to Jon for help creating something that would indispose his fellow candidate. After Jon refused, Oz got petty and tattled the location of his current hideout to the GCPD. A faceful of fear gas later and Oz's healthy wariness of Jon is restored
this is baby crane's first scarecrow costume <3
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jonjaydami · 5 months
OK. Within the Princess/Knight/Dragon dynamic (damsel, rescuer of damsel, guardian of damsel). I know the automatic assumption is Princess Jay, Dragon Dami, and Knight Jon. But I think it's actually Princess Jon (golden retriever, denial ain't just a river in Egypt if you ask him about his mental health, would pretty much provably canonically rather die than admit he's not okay and needs time off but I think that'll get better once he admits he has trauma), Dragon Jay (firmly believe he can and will throw down with anyone who tries to hit Jon while he's down, does not give a shit if they're actual deities or Lex Luthor's latest pet project, Jon is polite and helpful whether he's capable of being helpful without hurting himself or not so SOMEONE has to tell everyone asking him to do things to fuck off, and Dami can and does but Jay is more vicious and personal about it because he gives fewer fucks about Nightwing using the disappointed mom voice), and Knight Dami (these two can't stay out of trouble to save their actual lives and if they won't stop fistfighting dictators they're going to need someone with infinite bail money who isn't above quietly removing many of the dictators key pawns before they can be used against his boyfriends). Propaganda for this theory includes the mental image of Suffering From Kryptonite Exposure Jon being protected by a visibly unhinged Jay who is worried but not terrified because his job is to hold down the fort till Damian can rescue them (it's about them relying on each other it's about Jon letting himself be hurt and Jay letting himself be scared and Damian letting himself be in love), and the idea of YouTube compilations existing titled 'Gossamer and Superman getting bailed out by Robin for forty two minutes and eighteen seconds'
I literally love this so much. I love the analysis you were going for and its literally what I've been trying to say all along.
I love the way your broke it down and talked about it cause I agree Jonathan may be perceived as invincible but he's not. He may have superhuman abilities but other then that he is basically just a human. Like he has trauma that needs to be desperately talked about but he doesn't want to cause he thinks he would be a burden and useless (which he could never)
Jay is sassy and will literally go crazy mode for his boyfriends. Literally no questions asked he would throw down. People think Damian is the demon who is unhinged but really it's because he had a really scarred past of being an assassin. Hurting people is what he thought was right and thats how you took put targets but then he learned to be better and that there are ways to handling things that don't need violence.
He also is very emotionally constipated (thats literally 90% of the bat fam tho) and has a hard time expressing himself and talking and it always comes out like he's mad or angry when in reality being angry and defensive just feels like the best way to deflect. This is why I think Jay is a very good rendition to Jonathan and Damian. He is like a balance to a scale they didn't even know they needed.
Also is it weird that I've been thinking about making a fantasy fic for them? Like you beat me to the punch but it's weird how you read my mind. In all honesty if you ever wanna debate hit me up cause I have so much stuff we could discuss about this.
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