#and its okay. i think. as long as they don't intrude on our space and the way of our life
kodyzzz · 2 months
while society emphasises success and competitiveness, our reality often involves a significant absence of drive and motivation. it’s hard to explain to others why we don't care about climbing the ladder when they’re racing to the top. it’s even harder to explain to ourselves, I think
I still distinctly remember my German teacher starting a whole ass rant when I told her I had no dreams or goals in life lol
i think I talked about this previously, it’s not that we don’t understand the importance of those achievements; more so that the internal drive to pursue them is missing. there's a lot of pressure put on us, since our society is fixated on success and competitiveness, and I think it should be mentioned that underachievement ≠ inadequacy
I read that the best thing to do is setting those personal goals for yourself and ticking them off when accomplished to get that sense of purpose. but honestly, has that worked out for anyone?
I heard that working with a good therapist who understands szpd can be helpful. I heard that support groups are apparently a thing, too
but I think the best thing is to work towards acceptance. no drugs can fix us, no amount of therapy will either so, at some point, we'll have to learn to live with who we are. being different doesn't mean we're worse, or our lives lesser. but we first have to accept that we aren't like other people, and I don't think we should hold ourselves up to the same standards if we don't want to, either
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
helloo, i hope its okay for me to send this here… but! i saw you made a post on @multiplicity-positivity and mentioned indigenous people with a low quantum bloodline, and it got me thinking.
my maternal grandfather was a member of the blackfeet (specifically aamsskáápipikani) nation. he was born and grew up there, but moved to florida in the 60s, where he met my grandma. i never met him (he died before i was born), but i heard a lot about him growing up. his name was something like “barking yellow coyote” but everyone called him frankie, and thats how hes referred to by my grandma when we talk about him.
no one in my family is very interested in connecting with our indigenous roots, and i never would have considered myself indigenous since my family is so white passing. my mom turned out pretty light skinned despite being mixed, and all of my siblings and i are very white. but ive always felt so pulled to the blackfeet nation for my whole life. i used to ask about my grandpa all the time, and even though ive never met him i feel so connected to him and ive always felt this drive to immerse myself in his culture and learn more about the blackfoot nation. i feel guilty about it though, since im basically white and i dont want to intrude in a space that isnt for me.
i guess what im wondering is… is it okay to want to connect with the blackfoot nation if i have never been to the actual reservation, and have never even met my only relative who was a full-blooded member? am i considered partially indigenous, and am i allowed to try and explore that aspect of my identity?
idk your post really spoke to me and so i wanted to reach out. im sorry if this is breaking any of your boundaries or something. if im being totally honest i didnt really check out your blog too much before i hit the ask button… you can just delete this if you’re uncomfortable responding. either way thanks for reading, have a great day!
-🍓🌙 (my emoji tag just in case you do post this)
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Hi, uh. Sorry, we& just woke up from an unexpected nap and I& guess I'm& fronting now? This shit is weird, it never happened to me& before but here we& are. Anyway, nice to meet you. To answer your question, we're& not bodily Blackfoot or anything like that but I& think it's only natural that you'd wanna discover and reclaim your heritage. Usually there's a reason for it. I'd& say go for it as long as you be respectful about it and do it for the right reasons. Blood quantum is colonizer bullshit. But keep in mind there's no "part" indigenous of anything, you either are or you aren't. That's all I& really gotta say on the topic. We're& glad it touched you and collectively wish you the best if you do end up reconnecting to your heritage, just know it's a long and hard journey and from experience, it isn't always fun because you also have to dig up intergenerational trauma and all that other shit, and you also have to be active and fight for your community, it's definitely not all fun and games, but it's worth it. To anybody else who's disconnected and who reads this: please don't give us& your whole entire life story and ask us& if you're Native enough, don't ask us& questions about your place in the Native community, or whether you're Native or not, or on whether you can do certain things, especially if you haven't even started your reconnection journey. I& realize we're& very vocal on our& indigeneity and the issues our& communities face, we're& collectively flattered you guys come to us& about these things, but that doesn't automatically mean that it's an invitation to come into our& inbox and seek validation, especially if we're& not from your nation. We're& not elders or knowledge keepers. Thanks.
— 🍊 / Clementine Maria Jasmine Cree&, she/her; they/them.
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astrumocs · 3 years
Convo meme for Null and Jejune?
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This is from Jejune's perspective because you Can't have Null's. Also, the original ask was sent by @quiescent-trolls , but I'm pretty sure Tumblr deleted it after I drafted the ask so <3
Google Docs Link
Surely it's not a good sign when your boss calls you in to chat alone... and before your therapy session is supposed to start, no less. Hmm. No, you don't think you'll take that chance, actually.
You were taking your usual post-stolen snack nap up in the rafters when your rest was disrupted by the calm, monotone voice you’d come to know as your employers. Your boss told you he needed to speak with you ‘immediately’ as if it could be more urgent than your food coma. You’re not one to rush things in your downtime, but you don’t think that matters to him in the least.
Honestly, the guy still calls you friends, but you haven’t felt that way in a really long time. Debt that you owe him be damned, you know what friends are like and this isn’t it. Well, you think you know at least, but that’s hardly the point. No need to start trouble that you can’t handle though, so you comply with his ‘request’. Mostly. Look, he doesn’t need to know he won’t be talking with the real, physical you. Secrets never killed anyone. Hah.
After you spend a minute lying on your back and thinking you remember that you were supposed to be heading down for your chat. Right, okay, here you go. Staying in your prone position you sweep any hair on your face off to the side and open your extra eye, the ring around your pupil glowing a bit brighter as you manifest your duplicate, an exact copy of you sitting on the rafter beam beside you.
Ugh, you really are the sexiest bitch in this place, huh?
With a smirk you tilt your head to gesture to the floor below and close your lower two eyes, focusing all of your attention on perceiving through your duplicate. It jumps to the floor, landing in a stylish three point that none of your coworkers are around to appreciate. ‘Typical’, you think to yourself.
In only a couple of moments, you see the face of Null through your duplicate, the door to his ‘office’ creaking open to reveal the snake himself.
“Hey boss man, what can I do for ya? Need some intel?” you project your voice through the duplicate, your true self is moving their mouth but no sound comes out from it.
“My darling June, I’ve noticed that you’ve seemed…” His head tilts to one side and his dark eyes flicker to you from where they’d been staring at the wall a second prior, then he continues. “...Somewhat distant recently, would you be willing to tell me why?”
Yeesh, just June? What a dick, he knows you hate that. Regardless though, your duplicate makes a deep bow, holding one side of the cloak out for a bit of dramatic flair. “Sorry, Null, it won’t happen again! You’ve just been hanging with our dearest Divine a lot recently, so I didn’t want to intrude.”
Standing back up you see the faintest quirk of one brow upon his face.
Shit, did you overdo it? No, no, surely not, he knows you’re a bit dramatic but there’s no way he takes you seriously enough to think you’re being ingenuine, right?
Up in the rafters, you can’t help but swallow nervously. You did just wake up, so you’re not exactly at the top of your game here.
Null steeples his fingers, “Oh please my friend, no need for such a grand apology. I was simply concerned for your well-being. Drawing back from others is often a sign of other things…”
He sounds genuine, but you’re keen enough to pick up the hidden implications. You and he are the least connected and he knows it, so it isn’t really all that surprising that he’s wary of you straying.
“Still looking out for me as always, huh? You make a jade blush, honestly!” Your duplicate gives a shy laugh, lifting a hand to rub at the back of its head in seeming embarrassment. “Really, I’m fine, just giving you your space. I prefer to play with that sewer beast of yours anyway, my jokes tend to go right over Parl’s head, y’know?”
This seems to placate his suspicions a little, as it plays into what he knows and it isn’t really a lie, either. Null rests both hands on his desk, posture relaxing just a touch.
“Is that all? You know I can appreciate your humor as well, Junebug.” A relaxed smile takes place on Null's otherwise neutral features.
Well, that’s what it looks like, however, you don’t really trust any expression this guy makes at you. “You know, that’s a good point! I always tend to think of you all serious because of our working relationship n’ all, must just be subconscious association haha.”
Null inclines his head in understanding, his expression sympathetic towards you.
“I apologize if I’ve seemed too harsh or reminded you of your guardian in some way but please, why don’t we spend the day together tomorrow, Junebug? It would be nice to have your company and counsel.”
You allow your physical self to grimace, really you can’t help it, he had to bring up your ‘lusus’? He’s really trying to bring you down here. What are you going to do though, deny his ‘request’? Not a smart move.
“Ah, man, if it wouldn’t get in the way of your business, I’d be game! Might have to cancel some plans with Caorse, but no big deal- he’s lame anyway.” You honestly can’t help but snicker a little bit through your duplicate at the slight, but it just adds to your act so it doesn’t worry you.
“Yes, well, we can speak on Caorse another time, but I am sure he will understand.” Null moves around the side of his desk and settles down in his chair then gestures for the door, “I thank you for speaking with me, Jejune. I’ll eagerly await your company tomorrow.”
The smile on his face makes you sick-- you just know he’s gonna try and fuck with your head tomorrow. At least you made it out of this without him trying something like that, though, you really didn’t feel like pretending to get brainwashed today.
“Right, right, see you then! I’ll bring snacks!” your duplicate replies cheerily, stepping back out through the door and closing it before disappearing into thin air. Above, your third eye closes and you lift your hands to your face, rubbing your eyes in frustrated exhaustion.
You can’t help muttering to yourself as you smush your face further in exasperation, “Fuck, tomorrow is gonna suck real bad, isn't it...”
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gretavanfleetposts · 3 years
Ello, I would really love a ship if that’s okay! I’m a Virgo sun, Leo moon and cancer rising. I’m about 5’8 with long brown hair that goes all the way down my back with hazel eyes that sometimes look more like honey brown in the right light. I can be extremely introverted until I’m comfortable with the group I’m in and then my true colors show and I always try to cheer people up. I’m very much the mom friend of the group as well as the most chaotic depending on what day it is.
My passions lie with wildlife and animals. I have a degree in zoology and ecology and currently work in the animal care field. I adore wild spaces and it’s engrained in me to save our wild spaces and truly make a difference for the world. Besides being passionate about animals I’m passionate about singing. I did choir and theater all through high school, can play guitar but I also just sing to everything.
In my past time I love to watch movies. My favorite genres are: Sci-fi, thrillers, mysteries. I like to be able to walk away from a movie potential getting a different take away than the person next to me has. I tend to dislike movies that explain everything as its happening. I want to think, I want to have to watch it over and over and get new bits of information I missed each time. I do enjoy reading every now and then but I really appreciate when people are able to bring a vision to life.
When I love I love hard, platonically and romantically. I give my everything to make sure the people in my circle are happy and supported. Sometimes I give my everything too much and never really know how to ask for it in return, but even in my darkest mental moments I make sure my friends have me for support. I’ve been alone so many times in my life that I don’t want anyone to ever feel that way. So even if it drains me completely I will be there for you. I will love you and I will care for you.
Hopefully that was enough information, much love 💕
Hey there!
❤: You sound like such a sweet person! The way you care about and love others is amazing (but don't forget to be there for yourself too). I appreciate the fact that you don't want to be spoon-fed your art. You actually want to think about it and become immersed in all the little details. The interpretation is, after all, the best part about consuming art!
Ship: Danny 🌹
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Because: I think Danny would really make you feel loved. You spend so much time making sure the people around you feel loved and he would do that very same thing for you. He would constantly be checking in with you to make sure you're taking care of yourself because he wouldn't want you to forget to love yourself. I think Danny can relate to being the 'mom friend' of the group but I also think the two of you would balance each other nicely, both of you keeping the other grounded when needed and reminding the other to have fun when that is needed too.
TW: slight mentions of mental health issues
You plopped down onto Danny's couch with a huff, hanging up your phone and placing it next to where you sat
It had been a stressful day
One of your closest friends was having a bad mental health day and you were trying your hardest to be there for her
You had been on the phone with her for the last hour reminding her how much you loved her and how amazing she was
When you hung up the phone, you felt confident that she was going to be okay but you were still sad for her
She was in a rut and you wished more than anything that you could help her out of it
You were too far away to go to her but you'd keep your phone next to you all night, ringer on, just in case she needed to hear your voice again
Danny had kept his distance while you were on the phone, not wanting to get in the way or intrude
When he heard you say your final goodbyes, he emerged from the kitchen with two mugs of tea
"How is she?" he asked with genuine concern in his voice
You explained what she was going through but assured him that she would be okay
He placed a mug on the coffee table in front of you and sat his down next to it
"Here, sit in front of me," he said motioning for you to sit on the floor in front of where he was moving to sit on the couch
You obliged and sat with your back resting against the couch, his legs on either side of you
He ran his fingers through your hair once before placing his hands on your shoulders and squeezing
His hands worked through the tension sitting in your shoulders and neck
There was a dull pain as a result of the force he was using but it was overshadowed by how good his hands felt on you
Danny was always there for you, the same way you were there for your friends. He was your rock, always making sure you took care of yourself as well and making sure to take of you when you wouldn't
As his thumbs rubbed circles into your skin, he leaned down to speak
"You're such a good friend. She's lucky to have you."
He placed a kiss on your cheek before adding, "and so am I."
I hope you liked it! Thank you for the request!
get shipped here!
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wendystales · 3 years
Memories - lrh (Chapter Five)
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Memories (also available on Wattpad)
Chapter Four ※※※※※ Chapter Six
Noah parks the car in front of a beautiful house. My stomach churns more every second and I almost throw up when Leah opens my door. I spent the whole way rehearsing what I was going to say, but in truth, I can't remember anything and I have doubts if I will even be able to say ‘hi’.
“Well, Noah's house is down the street, we'll be there. In case it goes wrong, just call, text or shout, I don't know. We come running. Now, just in case you are okay, just don't send anything.” Leah fixes my hair and coat.
“Good luck!” Noah gives me a kiss on the cheek, before they get in the car.
I take a deep breath about five times before I press the bell. I hear the house door open and I almost pass out. Seconds later the gate opens and I feel my pressure drop slightly.
“Marnie? How did you get here?” he looks for a car, but the twins are gone.
“The wonder twins brought me.” I shrug.
“Why are you here?” he doesn't look happy or sad to see me.
“Hm, I need to talk to you. About the two of us, more precisely.” I press my fingers against each other, noticing my trembling.
“Okay, do you need help to get in?” he asks pointing to the boot on my foot. I accept the help and with support I enter his house.
I stand in the hall while he closes the door. We head to the kitchen, where he offers me a drink, but I refuse. If I drink something now, I’m sure I’ll get it out.
“So, what do you want to talk about?” he asks with a fake smile.
“Do you know.” I speak softly and awkwardly.
“About your meeting with Stephen? Yeah, I know.” he raises his eyebrows quickly, before opening a bottle of water.
“Luke …” I start, but he interrupts me.
“What? Isn't that what I'm thinking? Or was he the one who kissed you?” Luke doesn't change his tone of voice, but it still hurts. I am even ashamed to say that it was both alternatives.
“I really had no intention, he took advantage of the moment.” I try to defend myself.
“Yes, Marnie, that's what he does, what he's always done and what he's always going to do.” he look at me upset.
“Please try to understand me, I needed to see him, I needed to talk to him.” I'm starting to despair. It looks like it will come to nothing.
“The worst thing is that I understand, Marnie. I don't know how things are in your head, but if you needed it, we would arrange it, because all we want to do is help you.” he hits the bottle against the island's hail.
“I never wanted any of this to happen.” I look back at him after a while. “Both the accident and Stephen. If I had my head in place, I wouldn't have let any of that happen. Sorry.” Luke cuts eye contact and stares at the floor. “I never meant to hurt you.” I whisper. “And I will understand if you hate me for the rest of your life. Believe me, I hate myself a lot now.” I finish.
Luke lets out a humorless laugh and I notice his teary eyes.
“That's the problem, Marnie. Since I saw you, I try to hate you and I can't, you must know why.” he throws the ball back to me.
Cause he love me. I look away, not being able to sustain it. I know the answer, that's the shit. I sit on the stool facing the glass door leading to his garden. Luke sits next to me and we stay like that for a few minutes.
“I just don't want him to manipulate you, or hurt you. Marnie, I know how this story still moves you, how it is still hurt. I don't want to have to see you go through this again.” he vented, visibly tired.
I can't say anything for a few minutes. My mind spins at high speed. I review all my memories with Stephen at school, on the afternoons he took me to the beach or the pier and everything seemed perfect, like in a movie. I feel my heart race in nostalgia and longing. Even angry, even disgusted.
“When he kissed me …” I start, but Luke tries to interrupt me. “It didn't feel right. It wasn't him.” I finish quickly, returning to face him. His blue eyes look at me with a mixture of pain and hope. “I know I don't remember you and us yet, but something inside me knows and I want to hear that thing, but at the same time, I feel like an intruder in my own life. As if I were an impostor, the bad twin. In my head, I was going to leave everything the way it was, untouchable, so that when the ‘real me’ came back, everything was in place.” I vent.
It is horrible not to fit in with my own life, with my own self.
“What if doesn't come back?” he asks quietly.
“I freak out.” I shrug, making him laugh lightly. At least I made him laugh.
Of so many people at that intersection, of so many cars, mine had to be hit. In the midst of this confusion, if it had to happen, then I would prefer it to be a total blank, forget everything. Perhaps it was easier to start from scratch, than from a crucial point for what I have become today.
“What made you believe the story?” Luke asks quietly.
“I wrote in my diary, shortly after we met and probably I tell you. Everything that happened that day.” my throat closes when I remember the written words. “It was hard to believe my mother, because I know she couldn't stand him, but I couldn't help but believe me.”
“I thought you stopped with the diary.” I look at him confused “That's what you said to me, a while after you told me about the day and about the diary.”
“Did you read the diary?” I ask with my breath caught. I remember everything I said about him. I feel my cheeks heat up. This is what I haven't read all yet.
“No, you never left.” he shrugs. I breathe relieved.
We stayed in silence for a while longer. It is strange that even with all this hurricane, I feel very comfortable with Luke. My body recognizes him.
“Honestly, I'm trying to absorb everything. I'm upset with the kiss, but, deep down, I always knew you weren't to blame, but it still hurts. Deep down, we both know we need some time and I don't want to lock you up to me.” he speaks looking at the garden.
I look at him confusedly.
“Are we breaking up?” I don't know if that's what I wanted.
“It doesn't have to be an end, just a break.” he shrugs.
“Luke, a break, is a disguised ending.” again he laughs, I don't know why.
“Deep down, you're still the same Marnie, even though you feel like an intruder.” he looks at me with a smile and again, I feel intimidated around him. I look away. “I don't want to break up with you, Marnie, but I know you need space and time. Like me. It's just a break, but if you meet someone and don't want to come back… I will understand and respect you.” he explains.
So it seemed easier, meeting someone new, starting from scratch. New memories, without having to stick to the past, without trying to reconstruct everything. It looks so easy, why does it seem so wrong!?
“What if you find someone?” I ask quietly, looking at the drawings of my cast, as if that were a thousand times more interesting.
“I doubt it, but if it does, I'll talk to you first and we'll see what to do. You need to get close to the people and I don't want to be a hindrance, they are your friends too and you need them.”
I need you too, hell. I bounce mentally, without the courage to say it out loud. I know I need him, but I can't make him stay if he doesn't feel comfortable.
“Won't be that weird climate? I don't want it to be that thing just because I arrived, you have to go and vice versa.” I face him. Luke watches me for a few seconds before proceeding.
“There's no reason to be. We are fine, we always have been.” he assures me.
I roll my eyes, visibly irritated. Why does he have to be so understandable? Couldn't he yell at me and hate me? It would be much easier to go on like this.
“You can't be real.” I mumble, making him laugh again, but this time louder.
“Come here.” he gets up and pulls me into a hug.
Luke was taller. Much taller. Then it got a little difficult, without being able to stay at my tiptoes. He notices and sits back down, burying his face in my neck. I close my eyes, feeling its scent bring me a sensation, but it doesn't bring me any memory.
Still hugging him, I scan his refrigerator, seeing a polaroid of ours holding Petunia, his little dog, glued to a drawing. In art, I see Luke, me, Petunia and my brothers all holding hands and several flowers around. I soften seeing that he still keeps everything.
“ I'm sorry.” I whisper again.
“It's okay, M&Ms.” he whispers back.
I leave the embrace, feeling lighter and calmer. Luke still gives me a kiss on the forehead before I pull away completely. As good as the mood was, I was not going to push my luck, I had better go. I send a message to Leah and wait.
“Er, Ash commented on a dinner on Friday, are you going?” I ask.
“Still don1t know.” he sighs. “But it is very likely. You want me to go?” he questions uncertain.
“Yes! I would like it very much. It will be good to be with everyone.”
“Then I go.” he gives a closed smile.
“Er, before I go …” I feel embarrassed again “What about Petunia?”
“Do you remember her?” question incredulously.
“It was one of the first things I remembered in PowerPoint.” I reply shy.
“Do you remember her and not me?” he remains incredulous.
“ I'm sorry.” I don't hold it for a long time, I cover my face and start laughing, really nervous. Luke stops with his hands on his hips, shaking his head.
“Michael went to hike the observatory and offered to take her. Maybe I’ll take her on Friday.” he smiles.
I hear the car and say goodbye to him. As I expected, Noah and Leah look closely at the two of us, like two curious children. Luke helps me into the car and gives me another kiss on the forehead.
“Please take good care of her.” he asks leaning against the window.
“I don't know what you mean by that.” Noah is offended. “If you still refer to the day she tried to escape and hung in the bathroom window, it was only once! And I was busy doing my feet.”
“Wait, what?” I ask scared from the back seat.
What the fuck did I hang on the bathroom window?
“Long story, I'll explain later.” Noah counters.
We said goodbye again and left. I stick my head out of the window, waving at him.
I don't know what my future is with Luke, but I was very happy that we got it right. And, deep down, I didn't lose hope, after all, I already fell in love with him once, nothing prevents it from happening again.
“So?” Leah asks.
“We took a break, but we're fine.” I smile happily.
I leave the closet wearing a black cotton dress, because it was the easiest clothes to wear, because of the boot. The hair stuck in a ponytail, due to the heat. And without makeup, I'm not into it.
“Well?” I ask Noah, who was lying on my bed reading a magazine that I was on the cover.
“Beautiful as always. Ready?” he throws the magazine on the chair, coming towards me.
“No!” I give a nervous smile.
“Everything will be fine. Everyone is crazy to see you. You will love.” he hugs me, rocking me from side to side. “Shall we go?”
I confirm after a sigh. Everyone was at Ashton's house, ready to see me, and as ready as I felt, deep down, I wasn't.
The rest of my week was quiet, few memories, but a lot of pain in my arm, but the doctor said it would be common for one day or another to hurt. My father, my mother, Leah and Ashton came to visit me almost every day and after much conversation, I convinced my mother to return to her home. So at the end of the day, I was alone. Which is great, because I have peace and quiet to put my ideas in place.
On the way to Ashton's house, I go over some points with Noah so as not to be embarrassed, I know they are not expecting much from me, but even so, I prefer to avoid constraints.
As we get closer to the house, I feel my stomach churn. I try to snap my fingers, but with a hand in a cast it doesn't give much. When we park at the door, my legs freeze and I need Noah to help me more than usual to get out of the car.
Noah rings the bell and the laughter that filled the house ceases. Ashton opens the door and, when he sees us, opens a smile, hugging me and pulling me inside. I take his arm and follow him into the living room, where everyone is standing looking at me anxiously.
Michael. Kyleen. Calum. Luke. Leah.
“Piggy!” I shout excited when she comes towards me.
“I still can't get over it.” I hear Luke speak indignantly, but I do not answer, because I am focused on that huge and cute four-legged being.
After falling apart with Petunia, I again lean on Ashton who brings me closer to them. Luke and Leah are further behind, since she practically lives with me and I’ve seen Luke before. I stick to Ash more, like a child afraid and embarrassed to talk to strangers.
“Hi!” I wave after a sigh.
Everyone gives a bigger smile and waves back. It's so weird, the way everyone looks at me, I know they know me and that's what scares me. Ashton sits me on the couch and everyone sits around me, staring at me, like I'm an alien.
“Okay, this is getting weird and uncomfortable.” I comment by holding the air.
“Sorry.” everybody talks.
“It's just… it's weird, you don't remember anything, none of those last years?” Kyleen asks curiously.
“No, no. In fact, I remembered a few things already, but in the beginning, nothing.” I give a closed smile.
“And how do the memories come? Do you have any pain?” I turn to Michael, who looks at me impressed, as if I'm a superhero of the video games that I know he plays.
“No, no pain. Do you know when you drink a lot and have a hangover that you don't remember at first and then during the day, the memories come?”
“Yes!” everyone responds, much to my surprise.
“My God! You guys drink it, huh.” I comment scared. Everyone looks at each other with a laugh. “Well, it's like that. They start popping up in my head. Sometimes out of nowhere, sometimes because of some video, photo or text.”
“Aah” they speak in unison, again.
“Any more questions?” I control the smile. My God, they really look like kids asking questions with an adult.
“Have you remembered all of us?” I look at Kyleen again. Unlike the photos, she now has several strands colored by her long hair.
I dry swallow. How to answer that without causing it?! I had remembered almost everyone but Luke. I had no direct memory of him. If he showed up, it was like an extra, deep down, far away. However, nothing he and I. Soon who I was most curious to remember.
“So-so. Nothing too direct, but everyone has already emerged in some way.” I try to answer, without being very clear.
I glance at Leah almost shouting ‘change the focus’ and luckily for me, she understands.
“What about your arm and your leg? Do they still hurt?” she shrugs.
“Not much and I made a point of reserving a space for you.” I extend the cast of my arm and in less than two minutes, everyone is proofreading to write things.
We ended up eating right there, each with a plate of pizza on your lap. I was still watching everyone, I didn't know who I was looking at, since everyone was talking together. To Noah's happiness, I remembered his hair and again Calum and I were out of breath from laughing.
In revenge, Noah commented on the day that I, drunk, tried to escape through the bathroom window and got stuck, leaving only with a lot of butter. I cover myself with the pillow when he throws the photo, my God what have I become?!
Suddenly, my mind starts to form another puzzle.
““I take a deep breath, feeling my body, especially my head, tingling. It's already the third round and I need to win again. Also because I bet with Ashton that I beat Mike and his friend, that I have no idea who he is.
I kiss the ball and throw it in the direction of the blue cup. The ball rotates around the edge and falls into the cup beside it. I shout with the whole audience at our side, celebrating. Mike turns the glass around reluctantly, while I continue my victory dance.
His friend takes the ball and plays, hitting it too. I turn the glass over, just like Michael a second ago. I blink a few times, already feeling drunk and very light. If a wind hits, I fly away, for sure.
Kiki takes the ball and closes an eye, aiming. I don't know if it's the high and mixed level of alcohol in my blood or if it really happened, but I swear I saw that little ball going in full slow motion into their last glass, signaling our victory. Three-time champions.
I raise my arms, giving, perhaps, the biggest scream I have ever given. I hug Kyleen jumping and spinning in place. However, doing this drunk is not the best option, since in a few seconds, Kiki and I were sinking into the pool.
I come back to the surface watching Mike roll over on the floor laughing and Noah looking at us both confused and angry, as always he was responsible for us. Poor boy."”
I resolve not to interrupt the conversation about the trip to Hawaii. Michael was laughing out loud as they left that Mark alone in the market. Leah once again withdraws in regret.
“Say, the sex was very good, right? Because you stayed with him for three months, something had to be really good.” Calum asks.
“Worse than not, I pretended every time.” At once, the whole room explodes in laughter. “It was a difficult time and he was always available.” she tries to justify herself. “And so complaining about it, worse than Mark just Emery.” she points to Ashton and everyone says "uuh".
“What?” I ask lost. “Was she boring?”
“Boring? Boring?” Mike raises his voice indignantly. “Luke is boring, she was unbearable.” I hold my laughter watching Luke look at Mike in offense.
“ I'm not boring.”
“Of course it is, I don't know how Marnie put up with you and your little jokes.”
“Because you never heard hers.” Luke counters and now I feel offended.
“Hey! My jokes are not bad.” I throw the cushion at him.
“Damn the jokes, let's talk bad about Emery.” Kyleen begs sly.
“I was afraid of her. She entered Calum's house by jumping over the wall, who does that?” Mike reveals.
“Was my house a pet and the hotel room in Denmark? It came out of nowhere. But nothing beats Mitch's birthday party.” Calum raises his eyebrows and once again, everyone is laughing, remembering.
“What?” but does it cost them to tell everything at once?
Noah once again takes out his cell phone and hands it to me. The video shows me and most likely Emery, tangled in a blur of hair pulling and scratching.
“That's not me.” I say in total shock to see my face very well lit.
“Oh, yes it is.” Noah answers.
“In total anger held for four long months.” Calum complete.
I watch Luke trying to get away from her, while Jack from All Time Low, tries to hold Emery. In the background I notice Calum sitting drinking, watching everything in peace. Noah was trying to get in the middle like Ashton. Leah and Kyleen shouted angrily for me to punch Emery and Michael… well.
“Who recorded this?” I ask seeing everyone pointing Michael. I look at him in awe. “Michael!”
“You wanted me to do what? I had been waiting for this moment for months.” he defends himself.
“But why did this happen?” I hand the phone back to Noah.
“Because Emery was kind of obsessive and crazy!?” Kyleen answers quietly, before drinking the beer.
“Emery never liked you and the girls, but mainly you because of our friendship. Because we were doing yoga all day. She was very jealous and you knew it, but you stayed in your corner, didn't provoke her.” Ashton responds with a grimace, perhaps knowing that the ex affair's paranoia was nonexistent. “Until that day, Emery, I don't know, freaked out and both started to argue.”
“Until you freak out and fly on her like a lioness.” Leah completes with a smile on her face.
“My God what have I become?” I sink on the couch, astonished.
“Calm down, we didn't even tell you about the time you climbed on Calum’s roof to jump into the pool and got stuck in your pants.” Michael ‘tries’ to calm me down.
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okaywitheverything · 4 years
Konoha X Reader ♡1
A/N: So I’ve been really inactive I know but its because I have a lot of tests coming up. Here is fun series I wrote long ago which is sort of everybody flirting with you in Konoha. Hope you like it. Here’s part one of three.
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"Yeah, it would be a nice change of space. I've been cooped in one place for far too long I feel. I've always had a nick for travelling and exploring." You answered with an adorable smile on your face.
"Is that the only reason? Pardon me for questioning you but I need to be completely sure about approving your request to move here to Konoha. I can't take any duty of mine lightly."
"Nothing less would be expected of you Hokage-sama. You truly are as intellectual, perceptive and ingenious as people say."
The Third Hokage laughed lightly at this. "As flattered as I am dear, I am not cutting you any slack." He replied smugly.
"I'm an okay Jounin-level kunoichi that feels the urge to start anew. Oh come on, I'm not an assassin in disguise! I could have fooled you if I actually wanted to." You replied as serious you could, slightly staring at him to try and intimidate him.
Don't think it's working at all.
"I'm actually in a disguise right now."
That's seemed to have caught him off guard. You smirked a little. "You haven't even checked my ID yet. The photo it has right now, doesn't match my current self. Wait! Don’t peek! Let's make this interesting. You'll see my abilities as a ninja as well. What do you say?"
Tempting the Hokage was probably not a good idea, but you have never been one to shy away from risks.
"Oh I'm not doubting your ability of deception. Say what, that door leads to a bathroom. If you manage to amaze me with a different disguise that matches whatever is in your ID, I'll let you move here, no more questions asked." He said, propping on his elbows, leaning forward. This old man was surely fun, you had to give him that.
"Alright, give me five minutes."
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You looked at your appearance right now. Really big dorky glasses that hid your beautiful features under its frame. A really tight braid with middle parting of your hair. You looked oh-so-nerdy right now. But only you knew that on the removal of these two things, your entire appearance did a one eighty degree. And that's what you intended to do as of right now.   
 You looked at yourself with awe in the mirror. You never bragged about your appearance or thought of yourself as superior to basically anyone. 
But you weren't one to willingly drag yourself down, you remained confident with whatever you wore, whatever you had. Sure everyone had bad days, but to make a routine out of it? That was not you. Right now, your beautiful (h/c) tresses cascaded down your body to (whatever your hair length is).
Your cherry pink lips glossed more as you reapplied the lip balm. Your (favourite colour) blouse was the one thing that remained the same. You swapped your baggy pants with a similar (favourite colour) skirt that reached your mid thigh that matched your painted nails. You had removed your glasses already and replaced it with contacts. (Or just removed if you don't need contacts)You were thankful for all the accessories you kept in your (favourite colour) purse in case you needed to party anytime.  
But you really outdid yourself by taking out matching heels from the bag and replacing your flats. 
Guess the female purse is really a mystery.
You readied yourself and stepped out.
 Go big or go home, right? 
The Hokage looked up from some documents he was checking and Kami, you could have sworn you saw blood trickling down his nose. You instantly grew worried, was he having a seizure? 
You then saw him frantically grabbing your folder and snatching out your ID. His widened eyes darted back and forth from the photo on the ID to your  confused face. 
"Are you going to say something?" You said after few minutes of silence.
"I think I need to check the bathroom to see if you swapped places with someone. As shocked as I am to admit this, I was totally not expecting that. Keeping my end of the deal, as you have truly amazed me, I can only hope this will help our undercover missions. Anyways, welcome to Konoha!" The Third replied with a grin, a narrow strip of blood still gushing down. 
You responded with another charming smile of yours. However, before you could say something, the door abruptly opened revealing a large man with really long white hair and a lady close behind who had beautiful golden locks."Hokage-sama, did you hear about Oro- Oh! Hello there. I don't believe we have met. I'm Jiraiya, a renowned writer and appreciator of beauty and grace. And you seem just the kind of elegant lady that I was looking for."
 The man started but changed his composure entirely when his eyes met yours mid sentence. You tilted your head in slight confusion and saw the lady behind him come ahead while smacking the back of his head. However, as soon as she saw you, a slight pink tinted her cheeks.
 Maybe at the embarrassment of realising someone else's presence?You wondered.
"Hello I'm Tsunade. I haven't seen you around, you seem new." With pink cheeks, she put her hand forward which you gladly accepted giving her a small smile.
"Yes, I arrived here today. I'm (Your first name) (Your last name)." You replied.
You didn't realise at what point exactly did the white haired man had moved to the corner of the room during your conversation. You saw him squatted down, vigorously writing down something and mumbling incoherent words along the lines of 'new characters initials will be (your initials)'.
What surprised you was the river of blood gushing down his nose, blood almost thrice the amount you witnessed on Hokage's face earlier.
He seriously looked like he was about to pass out.
Is the weather here really this hot and cruel?  Good thing I'm wearing a mini skirt right now.
You came out of your thoughts when you heard knuckles cracking quite loudly and saw Tsunade glaring at Jiraiya that he totally ignored as his eyes only travelled between your face and his book. 
The Hokage, about whom you had completely forgotten until now stood beside Jiraiya, leaning to read what he wrote, giggling like a lovestruck teen.
 "Is this how you are supposed to behave?!" Tsunade pulled Jiraiya up by his ear, and to be honest she even scared you. "And you sensei, supporting him like that?!" She continued and you praised her confidence and unwavering voice.
If you hadn't witnessed the scene, you would never believe she was talking to The Lord Third. 
The Third sheepishly scratched his neck, embarrassment coating his cheeks. You felt you should excuse yourself before the situation escalated to another level. "If my request is approved, I'd like to look around the Village." You said moving towards the door. "Let me assist you with that. I know all the exclusive spots in the vill- Oww   ow what?!" You heard Jiraiya exclaim from the corner.
"Have you forgotten about the important matters we came to discuss here? It's not like I'd rather stay here than show her pretty ass around but we have some duties." Tsunade said making you blush.
'Pretty ass' caught you off guard. Both the curse and the compliment. 
You grabbed your folders and put them inside your purse and headed out, not before flashing a bright cheeky smile to all the three people in the room as you heard Tsunade say, "We hope to see you around soon." 
The two guards outside almost didn't recognise you as the same girl who entered the office. They exchanged quizzical glances while all you could wonder was how could they let Jiraiya and Tsunade intrude like that. Maybe because it was an emergency. You gave them both genuine smiles and shrugged to yourself while moving to find the exit. 
This wasn't how you planned on exiting and roaming, in such a short skirt but you had no choice because of the intrusion in the office. You didn't mind though, Konoha seems to intrigue you in a good way and you found yourself excited to explore, looking like a total bomb in that sleek, sexy (favourite  colour) outfit of yours.
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A/N: this was just some meaningless drabble of sorts. Hope you enjoyed.
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subbyyang · 3 years
You don't have to say 'I love you' to say 'i love you' - Jin Ling/Zizhen/Sizhui/Jingyi [3/7]
Everyone has a good cry and then things get interesting ~
“A-Ling...we don’t need to bother them with my problems…” Zizhen whined once Jin Ling had led him to Sizhui and Jingyi’s room.
“You’re not a bother...you never were and never will be…” Jin Ling turned to Zizhen and gave him a fond smile as he tucked a flyaway hair behind his ear, causing a subtle pink blush to grace Zizhen’s cheeks.
Jin Ling was about to go into the room when the door opened from the inside, showing Sizhui, still dressed.
“What are - “ Sizhui didn’t finish his sentence when he took in Zizhen’s appearance from his puffy red eyes to the tear tracks still visible on his cheeks. “What’s wrong? A-Zhen, what happened?” he quickly pulled Zizhen inside, Jin Ling following right behind as Fairy stayed at the door.
Zizhen didn’t know what to say. He knew how important it was for the Lans to be asleep by 9pm but here he was bothering them with his stupid insecurities.
“A-Zhen?” Sizhui had led him to the bed, forcing him to sit as he sat across from him, holding his still cold hands as he waited for a response. Zizhen’s eyes fluttered shut when Jin Ling sat behind him, his arms around his waist as he nosed at his neck.
“Tell him, love…” Jin Ling said, managing to sound both authoritative and loving and soft as he finished his sentence with a small kiss to Zizhen’s cheek.
“I-I thought you were going to leave me…” Zizhen whispered as his lips started to quiver once again, a new fresh batch of tears gathering at his eyes.
“Why would you think that?” Sizhui sounded confused as he squeezed Zizhen’s hands before letting them go so he could wipe his tears away, only causing more hot tears to fall down his freezing cheeks, a small sob echoing in the room. Jin Ling wrapped his arms tighter around Zizhen’s waist as he kissed the side of his head.
“Wh-what’s going on?” said a half awake Jingyi, his voice deep and thick with sleep. He immediately fully woke up when he heard Zizhen crying, sitting up in an instant and dragging himself across the bed so he could get closer. He looked from Zizhen to Jin Ling to Sizhui hoping someone would give him an answer.
“A-Zhen thought we were going to leave him…” Sizhui whispered, making an effort to not cry himself when he felt his throat constricting. He cupped Zizhen’s cheeks as he petted his cheekbones with his thumbs.
“I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry…I just heard you talking after dinner about tomorrow a-and everyone knows I’m n-not good enough…” once again, Zizhen didn’t get to finish his sentence before Sizhui threw himself in his arms, his own arms snaking around Zizhen’s neck, leaving Zizhen dumbfounded by his reaction.
“You’re good enough, you’re more than good enough!” Sizhui had his forehead leaning on Zizhen’s as he held him close. It still felt too far, he needed to be closer, needed to hold Zizhen tighter, needed to make him understand how much he loved him, how much they loved him. Jin Ling moved his legs so Sizhui had the space to climb in Zizhen’s lap, ‘I love you’ and ‘You’re good enough’ falling freely from his lips. Zizhen shyly wrapped his own arms around Sizhui, letting his head fall to the crook of Sizhui’s neck.
“Is it...is it what’s been bothering you lately?” Jingyi said quietly as one of his hands intertwined with Zizhen’s hair, his fingers lightly scratching at the scalp.
Jin Ling’s chest tightened, he had never heard Jingyi sound so dejected. He didn’t want to let go of Zizhen but he also felt the desperate need to comfort Jingyi and pull him into his arms. He found a good compromise by keeping one arm around Zizhen’s waist and freeing his other hand to squeeze onto Jingyi’s thigh before he started rubbing it soothingly, the message clear ‘I’m here, I’ve got you’. No matter how much they bickered with each other, Jin Ling was irremediably in love with the big idiot and would very much kill anyone who dared hurt him.
Zizhen nodded in response to Jingyi’s question and Sizhui pushed on Zizhen’s head so he could look him in the eyes. Zizhen sniffed quietly as he let Sizhui wipe his tears and Jingyi scratch his scalp while Jin Ling rubbed his stomach.
“How long have you felt that way?” Sizhui’s voice was as soft as ever as his hands moved from Zizhen’s face so he could grab his hands, holding them tightly in his own and rubbing them to warm them up.
“I don’t know...I guess it’s something that has always been there? But, it’s been worse these past couple of weeks…” Zizhen thought he had said enough and should probably stop talking but his mouth seemed to have a mind of its own. “It’s just, you three are so meant to be and it just feels like I’m intruding...but I love you so much and I’m selfish and I don’t want to lose you all…” Zizhen tried to avert his eyes from Sizhui’s pained gaze only to be met with Jingyi’s. Beautiful Jingyi whose smile was as bright as sunlight now had tears falling from his eyes. Zizhen really ruined everything he touched.
“You idiot…” Jingyi whispered before leaning forward, his lips landing softly on Zizhen’s. They shared a wet kiss as both of them had tears falling down their cheeks as Jin Ling and Sizhui tried their best to comfort the two of them with soft touches. “We love you so much, it wouldn’t make sense without you...”
“I’m sorry, don’t cry, p-please…” Zizhen begged as he desperately wiped Jingyi’s tears before leaning forward to leave multiple small pecks to his lips.
“A-Zhen, sweetheart…” Sizhui squeezed Zizhen’s arm softly to get his attention. Zizhen turned back to Sizhui, who was still sitting on his lap. “Yesterday we went to town…”
“I know. I-I saw you when you arrived…” Zizhen looked down to where Sizhui was playing with his fingers.
“Oh, you saw us? Why didn’t you tell us?” Jin Ling said as he placed his chin on Zizhen’s shoulder, one arm still protectively wrapped around his waist.
“I thought you didn’t want me around, that’s why you had told me you had Sect business to take care of...but it’s okay…”
“Oh, A-Zhen, that’s not - wait, was that why you went to bed early yesterday?” Sizhui asked.
Zizhen was making an effort not to start crying again. He wanted them to think he had been okay with seeing them go out without him, that he understood, that it hadn’t felt like someone was ripping his heart from his chest. He wanted to shake his head in response and tell them he just had spent too much time in the sun, leaving him feeling feverish and nauseated. But he couldn’t lie to them.
“A-Zhen, please tell us the truth...did it upset you?” Sizhui cupped his cheek with one hand, the other lifting his chin so he could look him in the eyes. He watched as Zizhen’s eyes fluttered closed and he nodded, one single tear slipping down his cheek. “Oh, sweetheart, come here…” Sizhui pulled Zizhen into a tight hug, his hands rubbing soothing circles onto his back.
Jingyi stared as Jin Ling let go of Zizhen’s waist and got out of the bed, going straight for their desk. He knew exactly what Jin Ling was looking for and his suspicion was confirmed when he turned around carrying a small pouch with him.
Sizhui started pulling away from the hug, stopping to kiss Zizhen’s forehead before pulling away completely and leaving his comfortable place on Zizhen’s lap and accepting the pouch Jin Ling handed him.
“We went to town yesterday to get this, it was meant to be a surprise…” Sizhui handed the pouch to Zizhen, a small blush on his cheeks. Zizhen looked surprised as he opened the pouch to find four small, round medallions with an intricate flowery pattern.
“They’re soulmate medallions, they can be infused with your soulmate’s qi energy so you always feel them with you when you’re apart.” Jingyi explained as he sat even closer to Zizhen, one hand resting comfortably on his thigh.
“Soulmate?” Zizhen choked out before he looked up to his boyfriends. “You think of me as your soulmate?”
Jin Ling pulled on Zizhen’s hands so he would turn, making him sit on the bed with his feet on the ground before kneeling in front of him, Zizhen’s hands still tightly clasped in his.
“Of course we do…I’ve told you, love, you’re part of us. It didn’t feel right before and once we talked together we realized...it was you. We all wanted you, we all needed you…” Jin Ling leaned down to kiss the back of Zizhen’s hands before looking up at him. It was hard for him to open up his heart, always had been, but he needed Zizhen to understand he was loved and wanted and he had been loved and wanted even before they themselves had realized it.
“Gods, you don’t know how much it hurts when one of you is not around…” Jingyi dragged himself so he could be sitting next to Zizhen, one of his arms intertwining with his boyfriend’s as he laid his head on Zizhen’s shoulder.
“We just thought that the medallions would be good to remember each other when we have to separate...until we can finally truly be together that is…” Sizhui continued, a fond smile on his face when Zizhen started blushing again. “You’ve always looked beautiful in red…” he joked, one hand caressing Zizhen’s flushed cheek.
“Oh…” Zizhen started taking deep breaths, his lips quivering and his eyes becoming shiny with unshed tears.
“A-Zhen? Did we overstep? Did you not like the medallions? We can take them back...” Sizhui asked nervously when he felt Zizhen tremble under his hand.
Zizhen could only shake his head as a soft “I love them” left his lips, followed by a small sob. It had been such a perfect gift and Zizhen couldn’t imagine them loving him that much.
“I told you he would cry...our beautiful crybaby…” Jingyi turned Zizhen’s face towards him, wiping his new tears with a loving look on his face.
“Shut up,” Zizhen let out a wet chuckle, “look who’s talking…” he whined. He didn’t get to say anything else as Jingyi leaned forward and slotted their lips together, one hand holding tightly onto his cheek while the other slid to the back of Zizhen’s head where he could hold him in place.
Jingyi let out a disgruntled sound when Sizhui pulled Zizhen towards him, just as Jingyi was about to push his tongue against Zizhen’s lips, hoping he would let him in.
Zizhen laughed when Sizhui leaned down for a kiss, their noses bumping together before Sizhui changed the angle, letting his soft lips fall on Zizhen’s even softer ones. They shared small, almost chaste kisses, Zizhen sighing when he felt Sizhui’s fingers pleasantly caressing his cheeks and Jingyi’s arms wrapping around his waist. Too soon for Zizhen’s liking, Sizhui was being pulled away from him by a now standing Jin Ling. He never got the time to complain before Jin Ling was climbing on his lap and pushing their lips together, insistent and hungry, leaving Zizhen feeling breathless.
Jin Ling pulled away only long enough for Zizhen to take a deep breath before he was leaning back in, his tongue poking at Zizhen’s lips and his arms wrapping around Zizhen’s neck. Zizhen smiled into the kiss as he opened his mouth, letting Jin Ling push his tongue in. He couldn’t help the small moan that escaped when he felt Jingyi’s lips leaving fluttering kisses on his neck.
“You sound so pretty…” Sizhui whispered in Zizhen’s ear, rejoicing in the whimper he let out before reaching for the pouch with the medallions and leaving the bed to put them away safely. He watched them as he walked back, the sight of Zizhen with his head thrown back as Jin Ling and Jingyi peppered his neck in kisses leaving him a little breathless.
Zizhen felt in heaven. They had kissed before of course, but it had always been soft and gentle and as much as he had loved it he also loved how hungrily they were kissing him now. Like they were afraid he would disappear if they stopped.
He wanted to cry. And then he wanted to hit himself for always wanting to cry.
A choked out moan left his throat when Jingyi sucked on his neck, hard enough to leave the area red and a little sore. Instigated by the sound, Jin Ling’s neck kisses soon turned into sucks and bites that mirrored what Jingyi was doing on the other side.
Zizhen’s body tensed up when he felt his cock filling up inside his pants. Sure they seemed to be enjoying kissing him but this was different. What if they became uncomfortable?
“A-Zhen?” Sizhui quickly approached the bed when he saw Zizhen tense up, his nervousness coming out in waves. He gently pushed Jin Ling who got the idea and left Zizhen’s lap, a worried look on his face. “A-Zhen...was it too much?”
“I’m sorry, after this morning we should have known…” Jingyi held onto Zizhen’s hand, squeezing it tightly.
“No! No, I liked it...a lot…what do you mean this morning?”
“When we were helping you undress so you could get in the water, you became all tense and nervous, just like now…we made you uncomfortable.” Sizhui explained slowly as he crouched in front of him, his hands resting just above his knees.
“You didn’t...I-I had the same problem I’m having now…” Zizhen looked away, not wanting his face to betray him.
“And what problem is that?” Sizhui asked, his hands rubbing Zizhen’s thighs, thinking that maybe he knew where the conversation was going.
Zizhen’s gaze fell to his own lap before he looked back at Sizhui, who stared at him with an unreadable look on his face. It was times like these that Zizhen realized Sizhui really was Hanguang Jun’s son, even if not biologically.
“What’s the problem, sweetheart?” Sizhui continued, his tone almost teasing.
“Please don’t make me say it…” Zizhen whined cutely, his cheeks a pretty shade of pink.
“Oh, I see it now…” Sizhui laughed his cristalline laugh when one of his hands slipped under Zizhen’s robes - technically Jin Ling’s robes - and slid all the way up his thigh to his crotch. Zizhen gasped when Sizhui’s hand touched his bulge, his hands coming up to cover his face. “Well, I don’t think you have to worry…A-Yi,” Sizhui pulled Zizhen’s hands away from his face and lead one to Jingyi’s crotch, “and A-Ling,” he then placed Zizhen’s other hand in Jin Ling’s crotch, “are having the same problem…”
Both Jingyi and Jin Ling groaned when Sizhui squeezed Zizhen’s hands around their hardening cocks.
“But why?” Zizhen asked, still unsure of himself.
“What part of ‘we love you, you’re gorgeous and we would very much love to ravish you’ is not entering that big head of yours?” Jin Ling huffed, his own cheeks dusted in pink to match Zizhen’s darkening ones.
“Thanks, A-Ling…” Sizhui laughed affectionately. “Come here…” Sizhui got back up and pulled Zizhen up with him, walking a few steps backwards. With his eyes always trained on Zizhen’s, Sizhui started to undo what was left of his outer robes, thanking fate for the fact he had already been undressing for bed when they arrived. He let his robes fall to the ground loving the way Zizhen’s gaze immediately fell to the obvious tent inside his pants.
Zizhen watched as Sizhui approached him again, just in his most inner robes, and grabbed onto his hands, lifting them towards his head. Zizhen resisted when he realized where his hands were heading, a panicked look on his face as he stared down into Sizhui’s eyes. Sizhui just smiled and gave him an encouraging nod as he kept pulling his hands towards his head ribbon.
“Take it off for me?” Zizhen was trembling as his fingers made contact with the silky band, his hands sliding to the back of Sizhui’s head to carefully undo the ribbon. When he finally managed to undo it, he held it up to his chest gently. He knew what an honor he had just been given and he didn’t want to ruin anything.
“Thank you…” Zizhen was still dumbfounded, holding reverently onto the ribbon without quite knowing what to do with it.
“No, thank you…” Sizhui’s hands fell on Zizhen’s cheeks as he left a soft peck to his lips before grabbing the ribbon from his hands and placing it carefully on a small table. He turned back to Zizhen and started walking, his hands on Zizhen’s stomach, pushing him back towards the bed with each step he took forward.
Finally Zizhen’s legs collided with the bed, a squeak leaving his lips when he felt Jin Ling and Jingyi pull him down, just as Sizhui pushed him. He laid flat on his back, Jingyi’s and Jin Ling’s hands caressing his body and he watched as Sizhui climbed on top of him and straddled his waist, their hard cocks touching through all the layers of fabric, causing Zizhen to keen.
“Let us prove to you how much we love you?” Sizhui smiled when Zizhen nodded before leaning down to engulf Zizhen in a searing kiss.
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refinedbuffoonery · 4 years
I have a new prompt!
So I'm thinking Riley can't have a shower in her bedroom's bathroom cause something is wrong with her tub and now that Mac is not home she decides to take a quick shower before he comes back. When she's about to leave his bathroom Mac enters his room. This is an idea I had shared with another writer in the past but if you it inspires you I would love to see it from you.
Plus I made a few gifs of Mac's house and I tried to post them but if they don't get posted because the size is big I'll try to send them to you in private.
always a good one ;) 
Waking up to find a turtle in her bathtub didn’t surprise Riley nearly as much as it should’ve. It seemed to glare at her with its beady black eyes like it was offended she intruded in its space. Never mind the fact that this was her bathroom. 
“Well good morning to you too,” she said, grabbing her towel and retreating from the bathroom. 
The door to Mac’s bedroom was wide open. The smell of coffee didn’t yet permeate the house, so he must’ve still been on his run, Riley deduced. She figured she could sneak in and out of his shower before he returned, considering he put a fucking turtle in hers. 
She piled her hair into a bun and stepped into Mac’s oversized shower. Closing her eyes, Riley focused on the steady stream of water cascading down her back. The hot water wasn’t doing her any favors. Her eyes remained sleep-heavy, and she took her time lathering Mac’s ocean scented body wash all over herself, carefully avoiding her hair. 
Too soon, she shut off the water. The bathroom hadn’t even fully fogged up yet. Five-minute showers were a brutal, but necessary part of SoCal life. Fuck being in a drought. 
Humming softly, Riley loosely wrapped herself in a towel and picked up her pajamas. Coffee, she thought. Maybe she got lucky and Mac had already returned and made some. 
She opened the bathroom door and nearly shrieked. Oh, she got lucky all right. Barely two feet away, Mac sat on the edge of his bed, untying his running shoes. Riley scrambled to pull up the front of her towel. 
“I see you met our new roommate,” he said, peering up at her through his long, blond eyelashes.
Riley wanted to die on the spot. Here she was, standing in his bathroom doorway, completely naked save her towel, and he just sat there expecting her to laugh at his joke about a turtle, completely oblivious to her embarrassment. He’d seen her wearing a bikini countless times, sure, but wearing just a towel felt so much more naked, despite the fact that it technically covered more of her.
Be cool about it, she reminded herself. “I did.” Riley walked past him, making a beeline for her room.
“You’re really not going to question why there’s a turtle in your bathtub?” Oh god, he wanted to discuss this now?
Riley paused, leaning against the doorframe. Just a few more steps and she’d be safe, in her own room, away from turtles and oblivious crushes. She took a deep, steadying breath. “Why is there a fucking turtle in my bathtub, MacGyver?” She rarely used his full name, but it seemed appropriate in the moment.
He smiled, clearly enjoying this little game. “Found him on my run. He isn’t native to California, so I’m going to take him to Fish and Wildlife later.”
Riley raised an eyebrow. “And in the meantime, you put him in our bathtub.”
“Yes,” he said, showing absolutely no remorse.
“Okay then. I’m going go now.” She practically ran the last few feet to her room, not giving him the chance to stop her.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Riley leaned against her closed door. He better have started that coffee already.
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euphoriahrs · 4 years
bittersweet | jjk [ii.]
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» pairing: manhwa artist!jjk x female oc
» genre: roommate au
» word count: 2.1k
» disclaimer: contains strong language and drinking, but very little
» rated pg 13
* lowercase is intended *
[series mlist]
chapters: i. | ii. | iii. | iv. | v. | vi. | vii. | viii. | ix. | x. | xi. | xii.
© euphoriahrs (please do not steal or copy in any form)
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a/n: make sure to reblog and let me know what you think about this chapter!
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𝐇𝐀𝐄𝐖𝐎𝐍 didn't arrive at the apartment until evening time. on her way back, she received an unexpected call from work informing her that a coworker was caught stealing customers' medications and needed to get there urgently.
she worked at a local pharmacy that was run by a lovely couple in their 50s. haewon was in urgent need of a job so when she saw that they were looking for an extra hand, she was elated. she would finally have a job that fit her major.
the jung’s started their pharmacy soon after they got married and raised three children, all of which moved out of the average-sized town and into bigger cities for better opportunities.
the only help they had was a man in his early 30s who was working to pay off debts, and since none of their children wanted to inherit the pharmacy as well as old age creeping upon them, they began to search for the much-needed help. now the sweet couple are practically her parents.
she reluctantly cracked the door open, wide enough so she could peek through without anyone noticing her. she expected to see an alert guard dog waiting to bite off the intruder’s finger, but there was nothing so she opened it wider.
instead of finding a vicious guard dog, she was met by what seemed to be an adorable puppy-like dog that was fast asleep waiting for its owner to come back so that they could go on their daily walk at the park.
disappointed but not surprised, she closed the door behind her and walked closer to her roommate. she slowly walked towards the boy until she was close enough to hear his soft snores.
from where she was, she squatted down and positioned her elbows on her thighs to place her head in her hands, so that she can look at his face from a safe distance without getting caught.
she examined his features of his sleeping state.
his brows were furrowed creating a crease right between them, his slightly scrunched nose, and a frown that was formed on his lips.
"i wonder what's on his mind," she whispered.
"you better turn that frown upside down, idiot," she motioned with her fingers. she stayed in that position a little longer before getting up, not wanting to be there in case he woke up.
she stretched and sauntered towards the kitchen thinking of what she should eat for dinner.
"do i cook or get takeout?" she mused making her way to a stool. she tapped the counter like a drum while trying to decide.
she was too lazy to cook and besides that, they haven't gone grocery shopping in a while so there was no food in the fridge.
"takeout it is," she pulled out her phone and opened postmates. "now the question is what(italics) to eat," she sighed scrolling through the options.
"order from that chicken and beer restaurant," a voice croaked behind her. she dropped her phone from the sudden sound, "oh, jeongguk you scared me," she let out an anxious laugh and placed a hand over her heart.
"you should really make it known when you're around," she picked up her phone.
"well, you should start paying more attention to me then," he fired back smugly while getting some water from the fridge to quench his thirst.
ignoring his comment, "when did you wake up?" haewon questioned.
with his tired stare, "just now. i just so happened to see what was on your phone." she hummed in response and searched for the restaurant, "i guess we could get that then. i didn't know what to get anyways." jeongguk moved to sit on the stool next to her and sat in silence.
after a minute or two, jeongguk broke the silence, "i haven't forgotten about this morning just so you know," he sang in a threatening way. "of course," she replied in a bored tone and she jokingly added, "so, how was your guest last night?"
"she was amazing," he amused sarcastically. haewon perked her eyebrows, "oh really? how did it go this morning hm?"
"quite refreshing actually," he seethed. haewon peered further, "not terrifying? not even a little bit?" while squinting her fingers.
jeongguk shot her a threatening look. "of course that shit was terrifying! i thought murdered someone while i was drunk last night! how do you expect me to react when i woke up to see a bloody body laying right next to me?!" he barked.
"um let me think," haewon pretended to think. "over the moon," she faked gushed. jeongguk was about to respond when the doorbell rang. "i'll get it!" haewon rushed to the door.
"hello, are you park haewon?" the delivery boy asked. he was tall and lanky with dark brown eyes and hair, probably around 17 years old.
"yes i am," she answered. the boy smiled, "did you order a mixed box in with two beers?" haewon nodded.
"okay, that'll be $14.76," he gave her the bag. haewon was getting her wallet when jeongguk gave the boy money instead.
she scrunched her eyebrows and looked at jeongguk, "i can pay for it myself you know." jeongguk gave her his famous bunny smile. "i know, but i wanted to pay anyway."
“what's with the sudden mood change?” she muttered.
the delivery boy looked over to haewon to make sure that he was okay to take the money from jeongguk. she smiled and nodded, "it's not my money anyway." the boy was about to take the money when jeongguk interrupted.
"you know, actually you can pay for it yourself," he took the money back and walked away.
haewon whipped her head towards jeongguk, "how do you just say 'oh i'm going to pay for our dinner today' and then decide to take it back?!" she looked confused with a tinge of annoyance.
"i don't know," he stood there with his hands in his pockets. haewon rolled her eyes and turned back around to give the delivery boy money. the boy awkwardly smiled, "would you like your change?"
"no thank you, have a good night," she smiled back.
haewon closed the door and leaned against it. she stared at jeongguk trying to figure out why his mood kept changing. one minute he seemed like he was going to kill her, the next minute he was all nice and stuff, and another minute later he wants to take back his kindness.
jeongguk cleared his throat, "if you take a picture it'll last longer." she thought about his remark and did what he said to and took a picture. jeongguk was surprised but covered up quickly before she could take the picture. "there i did it." she said in a monotone.
"but you know what? you don't deserve to be in my camera roll, more like in the trash." she paused, "actually you don't deserve to be in my phone at all," with that haewon deleted the photo in her camera roll, then went into the trash and deleted there so that there was no trace of the photo left.
"come on, let's go eat before the food gets cold," she walked away. jeongguk stood there processing what just happened. "and she did that for what?" he shook his head and couldn’t help but form a grin and made his way to the kitchen to eat.
haewon had just finished placing the food on the counter when jeongguk came in. she handed him a beer and swung her piece of chicken, motioning him to sit down.
"so, how is your progress going on getting a company to accept your manhwa?" she asked being nosy and wondering how his life was going.
jeongguk almost spit out his beer, "how did you know about that?"
haewon scratched the back of her head, "well, you see, it was only a peek-"
"just a peek?" jeongguk interrupted raising an eyebrow. she sighed, "okay i went through it. but only because i was trying to at least tidy up your room since i did just leave something possibly life traumatizing in your bed." she sheepishly smiled. "sorry," she added and took a sip of her beer.
“that’s bullshit,” he rolled his eyes.
“okay, you caught me, i was snooping,” she said exaggerating the ‘a’ and put her hands up surrendering. “but being nosy is in my nature, i can’t help it,” she shrugged and took a sip of beer.
“whatever,” he exhaled. his shoulders slumped, "none of the companies are responding. i doubt they even took a glance at what i sent them. so i guess i'll just have to continue to work on webtoon," he confessed and chugged his beer.
"from what i have seen, your works are really good. you just haven't found the right company yet, all of those other companies are just blind jerks that can't see that there's a great manhwa in front of them," haewon tried her best to console him while not sounding fake. she hated being in situations like these without sounding awkward, it was rather hard for her to console someone.
jeongguk showed a pained smile and stared off into space.
silence consumed over the two as they finished their food. haewon glanced at jeongguk for a second, he was staring at his drink with his tongue poking the inside of his cheek. he reminded her someone that she used to know, who was long in the past. not wanting the thoughts to continue, she rubbed her face as a way to get rid of the memories.
she ended up staring at him much longer than she intended, she was so caught up thinking about her past that she hadn’t noticed that jeongguk was staring right back at her. he quickly looked away when he noticed that she came back to her senses.
after they were finished eating, jeongguk got up to throw their food away. haewon rested her head on the counter and played her favorite game on her phone. jeongguk leaned forward against the counter and asked, "why did you come home so late? i thought it was your day off."
haewon stared at her phone contemplating whether she should answer him or not. she didn't feel like talking because it would take too much effort.
she conversed in her head, “should i answer? do i want to? no, but... ah whatever.”
finally making her decision she lazily explained, "my coworker was caught stealing customers' medications at work today and my boss needed me to come in to take over the rest of his shift," she moved her head so that she could face him.
"apparently he was an addict but hid it well i guess. every time we had to take drug tests he would have a way to fake them so that they would turn negative,” she paused to take a break and rubbed her eyes, “we also had him do inventory at the end of each day of our over the counter pills since he had been working there for a year or two now, and was trusted," she yawned wanting to stop talking but it was too late now.
"but it turns out that he kind of faked those as well. he would get different friends to buy some every other day, so he wouldn't have to put much work into faking everything and so that nothing looked suspicious when our boss checked everything at the end of the month," she finished explaining, thanking heaven that she could finally stop talking.
jeongguk was nearly speechless by how dedicated that man was. "that's crazy," was all he could let out. "i know right," haewon chuckled.
she got off the stool, "i’m going to head out now. night," she left the kitchen dragging her feet to her room.
"goodnight," jeongguk softly replied. he stood at the counter for a little longer before walking over to the couch and turning on the tv to a random late-night cartoon.
since he was his friend's p.a, it was his job to review the busy work schedule for the next day and memorizing it, or at least he tried to, but he mainly tried to find when he would have time for a break.
feeling drowsy, he tossed his phone onto the coffee table and got comfortable on the couch. he was too tired to even think about going all the way to his room, so he just stayed in the living room. listening to the t.v in the background, he closed his eyes and let sleep wash over him.
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elaz-ivero · 4 years
Celestial Bodies- Television Script // E1- Pilot
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"If your afraid of these hills, of the pastures past the signs, of the people here who are just living their lives then your not going to make it out of here alive" -
Category - Young Adult
Genre- Coming of Age/ Thriller
Synopsis- Radon Springs, a small town tourist hotspot where the Bluepark radioactive disaster is memorialised in printed t-shirts, keychains and commemorative mugs. Within this town five teenagers, from social butterflies to newcomers unaccepting of the small-town traditions to investigators who learn of things they’d rather not know, find themselves in a religious once dead prophecy on top of the usual teen drama, romance and occasional death.
Tone- Dreamy, dark, nostalgic.
Inspo- Sabrina the Teenage Witch, The Devil All the Time, I'm not okay with this, End of the F***ing world.
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Celestial bodies is a project that I've started so that one day I can perfect it and add it to my end of year portfolio, since it's my first television script it's a bit rough and more literary than normal following my roots as a poetic writer. I use Writerduet.com for drafts of my scripts and celtx.com as a space for collaborative work and the 'rough' drafts sits around 2,223 words long the length of a flash fiction story. Following an already insane idea, each episode follows a specific colour scheme with the opening pilot being scarlet; danger, action, consequences.
The pilot of Celestial Bodies follows a non-conventional three-act structure to reflect the instability of the setting, in a place where radiation runs rampant and affects the technological efficiency of cameras, compasses, radios and computers of course it'd affect the filming process in a meta-way. I've always imagined Celestial Bodies being shot on disposable camera's at times and being overlayed with bleeding and colour replacement effects to make the film feel as though it is deteriorating as one watches which helps reflect the breaking mental stability of the opening episodes main character.
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The episode begins with a recording of an old documentary, the screen flickering and fading in and out of focus the establishing shots of the town interwoven with a male voiceover telling the history of RadonSprings and the infamous radioactive disaster hidden in its memory. I tend to stray away from prefactory information in introductions, however, I don't believe this choice takes away from the intrigue especially since almost everything else is shown to the audience through background visuals/ allusions in speech.
After this recording dies down, the voice mellowing to a melodramatic drum the shot changes to an establishing shot and we briefly meet our first character.
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Dallas is the eldest daughter to her first-generation immigrant parents who've moved away from the illustrious big city to focus on whats important, family, connection and affordable house prices. Dallas is calm, collected, well-reasoned and willing to start over in a new town, make friends three years older than her and find herself again or under the worst circumstances hide away again and retreat into a formulated identity. We meet Dallas as she reckons with her parent's decision and when a stranger appears at their house at the end of the episode desperately reaching out to her mother and claiming to know her Dallas is left alone, her parents fleeing forgetting to pack her and her brothers. Left in a parental position and lost Dallas is desperate to find people her age whom she can connect with.
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We take a break from Dallas to establish Gecko, a young boy coddled by his mother for years who is about to do the unthinkable.
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We meet Gecko briefly in the present day, wearing bright tight-fitting clothing, his hair recently dyed, movements pre-planned and anxious a brief cutaway to a few nights prior shows him in the form he's used to, 20 years old and still wearing hand-me-downs from his grand-father. He's apart of an average radioactive family, a mother faking her therapy degree and psycho-analysing her own son, a displaced father, drop-out older brother and him; a trigger-happy straight-A son still reckoning with his own gender and sexuality and unable to get higher-paid work because of his disability. The scene is slow but punctual with an intruder entering Gecko's house and threatening to attack his mother, Gecko does the only thing he can think to do, he grabs his absent fathers hunting gun and shoots one lethal shot into the burglar's back.
His mother takes care of it, burying the man in her tulip garden she reasons with him that this won't be the end for him and that if he just pretends everything's normal...no...everythings perfect it'll be fine. People die of gradual radiation poisoning all the time, people disappear all the time.
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Act three is an amalgamation of the aftermath of all these events, Gecko reinvents himself becomes a walking performance and summer school starts, all his old friends are back in town. Lexa owns a motorcycle, Scottie's picked up some work, Bea's preparing for the tourist season, each of them unaware of the changes that have been made to this small town.
Before I start Episode Two, I'm planning on going back through this script and adjusting some dialogue and lengthening some scenes so they feel more natural.
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But that's Scarlet Fever! I love the vibes of this episode and how eratic it is in its unnatural delivery. My goal for this project isn't to complete drafting the two seasons I've planned but to just write a script that isn't shit. I'm loving this project so far and the characters are some of my favourite, so refined and mature!
Till next time
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one-spidey-boii · 4 years
BUMMER SUMMER || peter parker; ch nine
read ch eight here
an; i’ve really struggled with juggling all my responsibilities lately so please forgive me. i just ate questionable fried rice and i’m feeling mediocre at best. have a great day you guys.
warnings; mentions of battle wounds (i.e. blood/scars/etc), smut, mature language, fluff, angst, both peter and oc are 18+!!
word count; 3.1k+
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edie's pov
i take in a deep breath and click the call button on my phone after hovering over it with my thumb for a few long and painful seconds. i slowly bring it up to my ear. on the third ring, a small click sounds on the other end.
"ah! you're still alive. yippee!" tony's voice chirps jokingly at me from wherever he and the rest of the avengers were staying. i sit up in my bed and play with the end seam of my shorts.
"i am..." i trail off awkwardly, not entirely sure what to say to the man. he's making me call him everyday, and i don't know how long it's going to last, but i'm already running out of things to tell him at this point. i'm healing, my bruises are fading, the pain is subsiding.
"is peter treating you right?" he asks. i gulp at his question, remembering the moments peter and i shared only a day ago.
"u-uh yeah, wait- um what do you mean?" i stutter out, mentally kicking myself.
"i mean, is he taking care of you? yanno, making you chicken noodle soup or hot chocolate and giving you back massages- actually scratch that last one, i don't wanna think about that." he rambles on, my face flushes and i pull loose pieces of fabric off of my shorts completely in panic. no way can mr. stark find out about peter and i...whatever we are.
"hey! it's not like that." i mumble, doing my best to cover my nerves.
"yeah, sure it's not." tony retorts back with a snort, his voice just above a whisper. i'm at a loss for words, "uh, pfft, yeah, it's not."
"i don't care either way- well, that's a lie, i care a little bit. just keep healing and make sure peter stays sharp out there." i squirm in my spot and continue to update mr. stark on my condition, eager to get off of the phone.
with a final 'goodbye' and 'don't do anything stupid'- he ends the call and i flop back down on my bed. my side only slightly aches when i move now, becoming less of an annoyance and more of a numbing feeling.
i glance around my room at my fresh yellow walls. the color brightens the space and brings a warm feeling to the pit of my stomach. but my bed is still in the middle of the room, making me feel open and vulnerable on all sides. with one big huff i roll out of bed and plant my feet at the end of the frame. i give one push with both hands and the bed goes skidding back to the wall. in the process, my side cramps up and a burning sensation pushes its way through my body, making me wince.
"you okay there?" a soft, yet teasing voice speaks up from behind me. i dip my head down between my arms still placed on the bed and peek at the intruder through my legs from upside down. peter stands there, a lazy smirk spread across his lips. i roll my eyes and flip my head back up to turn around and face the boy.
"absolutely. i don't always need your help, parker." i reply and lean against the end of my bed. after the alarm went off last night, peter and i spent our time making food until he had to go out on patrol, more hesitant that ever to leave. none of us said a word about the disturbance, despite my suspicions. he returned late in the morning, later than his usual schedule. and when he did get back, he went straight to sleep, not even making it to his room. he stayed fast asleep on the couch until late afternoon. i guess he came straight to me after he woke up.
it's only been two days since i've been out, but my body is growing restless at the lack of adventure. jealousy poked at heart knowing that he would be the one seeing and protecting the city until mr. stark deemed me ready to get back out there.
i push the feeling away, not wanting to focus on things i have no control over.
peter takes a few steps closer to me, speaking playfully, "so, mr. stark gave me a call today. he wanted to know if i was taking care of you." once his body reaches mine, his fingertips immediately move to trail along my hips, "what do you think, wolfie? am i taking good care of you?" his voice lowers the closer he leans in.
i gulp audibly at his question, thinking back to my own conversation with mr. stark. my eyes meet his and i can’t t form any words under his gaze. so i just nod sheepishly at him, it seems to be the only thing i can do lately. peter's mouth curls into a satisfied smirk and it makes my stomach drop into my feet. an overwhelming surge of heat passes through my body and i have to lean back farther into the mattress for support.
peter and i didn't really talk about what had happened yesterday. at the time, it didn't seem weird or out of the ordinary. it felt natural, good. now that we've—i've—had time to think about it, well, i don't know what to think. i don't even know what to say to him. it's embarrassing how much control he seems to have over me, after so many years of being able to joke around as friends.
now his closeness makes my heart squeeze both in adoration and frustration. i'm angry at how fast he's able to make me melt into his hands. i used to tease and make him blush, now he somehow turned the tables. just add that to the list of things i can't control.
peter leans in, close enough to pepper a soft kiss to the corner of my lips, "i gotta head out, but i'll be around." he pulls away and points to his ear, where his comm rests.
"see you around." i say with a level voice, now too focused on gaining a hold of myself to be sweet with him. he drops his remaining hand from my hip, choosing to ignore my change in demeanor. with a small wave that reminds me of the nervous boy he used to be, he turns the corner and i'm alone again.
my skin is buzzing. the feeling is mostly concentrated on where peter's fingers had been, but it's spreading quick. needing a distraction from the feeling, i change out of my comfy clothes into something a little more suited for action. i rumble through my luggage and pull out a black sports bra with leggings to match. before i leave, i shove my own comm in my ear.
after making my way to the training room, i set up a few different targets. the first one is a simple circle with three red rings spaced around a red center, i place it firmly on the ground. the next one is the same, except this time i suspend it into the air, letting it sway back and forth. the last one is a little different. it's human shaped. as a fighter who refrains from hurting people as much as possible, i'm hesitant to set this one up. but after what i went through, i need the practice on a human target.
i flip through my phone and search for some music to get my energy up, i connect to the speakers that run throughout the house and crank up the volume. the bass of the music cancels out the continuous buzzing through my body, allowing me to shake the tension away. i stretch in front of the mirror before pulling a table to the far side of the room, opposite the targets.
on the table i set out an array of throwing knives, each one reflecting the fluorescent light from the high ceilings. i run my hand over the edge of one knife in particular before grabbing the handle and nailing the middle of the hanging target in one fluent motion. the knife sticks out from the center as the momentum violently swings the target in the air.
i take in a deep breath and pick up two more, one in each hand. i throw both at the same time, hitting the grounded target side by side with barely an inch between them. i continue to practice on the two targets, using up all the knives on the table in the process. i'm sweating and panting as i go to collect them and start again. i let my eyes pass over the human shaped target, but i quickly look away and focus on the other two once again.
after ignoring the last target for what seems like forever, i stop myself mid throw as i notice how shredded the others have become. i drop my arm to my side and use my other hand to turn off the music.
the silence of the room makes the pounding in my ears almost unbearable as i scope out my last challenge of the night. the lifeless figure has no face. it's only the silhouette of a head and torso, a simple shape. despite the fact, i can still see the features of one person in particular.
i raise my hand and ready myself to throw the potentially deadly weapon held in my grasp. i can feel my heart rate pick up and i stare down the figure before me.
a female, seemingly innocent.
my breathing grows heavier as i fall back on the memories of that night, only a few days ago.
she looked scared, all i wanted to do was help.
my stance falters at the thought. my eyes clouding over as i grit my teeth and shake my head to snap myself out of it.
"see what happens when you try and help people?"
with a grunt, i charge at the inanimate target before me. my legs cross the floor in three simple strides as i jump up to plunge the knife into the head of the target. i slide down and i hold the knife tighter in my grasp, letting it slice all the way down the figure, nearly severing it in two. i drop the weapon.
with heavy breaths, i turn to grab another human shaped target. i kick the other one out of the way, replacing it with the new one.
i try different attacks, needing to set up a new target every time i 'kill' the last one. i do it again, and again, and again- picturing the same face every time.
peter's pov
i can't just come out and tell edie i'm searching for the people that attacked her. but i can't come up with any explanation as to why i'm staying out so late—err, early? i don't know. i do know that every second i'm not out here looking, it's becoming more and more dangerous for her. it scares me.
the sun is peaking out from behind the tall buildings of the city. i spent the entire night staking out two people specifically, but no such luck. now i'm sat atop a building, hesitant to call it a day and go back to edie. but, oh boy, i want to see her. thinking about her makes my heart swell, and now that i'm finally able to show her how i feel, it seems like the whole world let out of sigh of relief for me.
i like the way she reacts to me. it being a huge contrast to the playful, witty banter that we used to share exclusively. now, when we get close- i'm the one who takes control. it's a weird change of pace between the both of us, but i don't mind it one bit. it’s almost like i crave it.
once making the decision to go back to the compound, i swing myself across the city, eager to see edie. i get to the door and press a suit covered thumb over the touch screen. the glass door slides open and i slip into the cold air of the compound, making sure the glass shuts and locks behind me before i go any further.
i pull the mask off my head and stumble into the living room, hoping edie is somewhere close. when i don't see her, my face drops and i turn to jog down the hall towards her bedroom. not finding her again, i raise my hand to the comm in my ear and speak.
"e, you there? where've you run off to?" i turn on my heel again to step into my room down the hall. as i do so, her voice floods through my head.
"training room." she utters, her usual soft voice sounding hardened and cold. i quirk an eyebrow up as i change into more comfortable clothes, confused by the girls tone. nevertheless, i finish up and trot over to her.
as i round the corner, my eyes settle on her standing in the middle of the room, rolling her shoulders back with a knife in her hand. i stand quietly and watch her movements, hesitant to step in and become an accidental target. edie raises her arm to throw and adjusts her feet into a low stance. so quickly, i almost miss it, the knife flies through the air towards a human shaped figure. to my surprise- it clatters against the target and falls to the floor.
she lets out a groan and pulls at her hair, muttering profanities under her breath as she turns to see me staring. her body stiffens under my gaze and slowly she lowers her arms to her side, a doe-eyed expression on her face.
"you're back." she mutters. i take a few steps into the room and gulp at what i see. targets similar to the one she just attacked are shredded and thrown across the room in piles. there must have been fifty of them, each one damaged in a different way.
looking back at her, i force a smile on my face, "you've been busy, yeah?"
her eyes follow the path mine took and she shrugs, indifferent, "mhm. training." i nod hesitantly.
"have you slept at all?" i pipe up, curious at how long she has been here.
"not really, no."
another nod, and i shuffle over to the table that holds her collection of weapons. i'm impressed with her skills, seeing as she has no 'super powers'. but damn, she could take anyone down in seconds. i admire the girl in front of me, hoping she knows just how much i do. not long after, a bug of curiosity wiggles around my stomach.
"do...you think you could teach me?" the words slip out of my mouth before i can think of the consequences. edie looks at me with a stoney expression that makes my heart jump. i regret my words immediately, afraid that i offended her or something.
i try to take it back, "i mean- only if you want! i know it's stupid so you don't..."
the devilish smile that creeps along her face shuts me up, "i'll teach you."
i let out a small breath, "o-okay. i should probably go change." i say as i look down at my baggy clothes and compare them to her tight fitted ones. edie shakes her head and waltzes up to me, the smug smile still gracing her lips. i grow nervous, realizing i'm in her territory now. this is her thing, so i force myself to hand over the reigns.
she gestures to the rows of knives on the table, "take you pick, parker." her cool and confident voice sends a small shiver down my spine. i look closer at the table and gingerly run my fingers along each sharp edge. i stop at a knife with a shiny black blade and red handle and i pick it up to feel the weight of it in my hand. the blade isn't metal or steel and it has small ridges on the surface. i bring it closer to examine it even further.
"that's obsidian, black volcanic glass. it was used a lot in the stone ages," edie takes the knife from my hands and twirls the point on the tip of her finger, "it's sharper than steel, and nowadays surgeons use it in their scalpels...good choice, peter." she smiles up at me. i can feel my cheeks flush. she places it back in my palm and struts to the center of the mat, "we'll start close, hopefully you can hit the target. how's your aim?"
i roll my eyes at her taunting words and walk over to her place on the mat. edie strolls around me in circles, observing my body language- which is less confident than i'd like to admit. she stands in front of me and plants her hands firmly on my hips, twisting them into a desired position. next, she does the same with my shoulders, all the while sticking her tongue out in concentration.
then she comes to the knife in my hand and pulls it away, only to place it back and wrap my fingers around it one by one. it immediately feels more comfortable in my hand. she circles me one more time and hums in satisfaction at her work.
"now, obsidian is brittle, so it's really important to make your shot count or else you risk breaking the blade," edie comes back around my front and leans in close, her finger resting under my chin, "don't break my blade." she threatens with a smug smile curling at the edge of her lips. i can't stop my eyes from dropping down to look at them, and she notices.
edie traces her finger along my jaw line, making me shiver once again. i groan at the lack of control over my body and my eyes widen at the sound. she just smiles and lets her hand fall down my chest to finally rest at her side before taking a step back. she points behind her to a circular target a few yards away.
"give it a go." her voice grows softer, encouraging me to make a move. i tighten my grip around the knife and raise my arm to chuck it at the target. i stop short.
"could you...maybe show me first?"
|| taglist; @my-patronus-is-mabel-pines @whycantileaveyou @lovewolfspirit @kitykatnumber @franksholland @goddamnit5sos @thehugslut
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stardust-static · 4 years
Puppy update 🥰
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So if you didn't know I got to bring this guy home early which was about two and a half weeks ago now. We weren't supposed to get him till 8 weeks which was the 16th of December, but we got a call when he was six weeks saying that he's eating solid food and no longer needs his mama. Bailey and I did research and found that puppies usually still need a mama dog to learn mannerisms from and usually they're still nursing at that age. However since he was eating solids and I have three mature age dogs to teach him, & I'm an experienced dog owner who will pretty much be home with him all the time. I thought that it should be fine. Also he was sleeping outside in a pen.. these dogs are typically farm dogs and sleep outside with the farm animals to protect them at night. I was worried he might get too used to that and not want to sleep in the house.. some people get GP'S that are a little older and they usually won't sleep indoors as they want to patrol at night. We want our guy to be inside at night. These are typically working dogs that want a job, but mostly we wanted him to be a pet and his "job" is to protect my other dogs incase of coyotes and us incase of intruders. So it wasnt such a bad deal to get him when he was still so young and impressionable. We agree to come get him. Took a spur of the moment two hour drive. Got out to the farm in the middle of no where. He handed me the other boy. I knew he wasn't mine because I had been staring at this picture of my puppy for weeks. I set it as my wallpaper.
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As you can see my guy had speckled nose (its fading now :( ) so he brings me my baby who was just sleeping and he's holding him up to me by his neck fat and he's crying and I grabbed him and he nuzzled his little face into my neck and that was it. We got in the car and I held him close to me and he shook and shivered half of the way and I just kept comforting him. He flinched everytime I touched him clearly not having much human contact. Half the way home he started warming up to me and was giving me kisses and wagging his tail. Bailey and I fell in love with him. We could not handle how adorable he was. Then we finally made it home. I set him in the garage and he was still so goofy and unsure of me. Then he came to me and let me pet him and love on him. Then one by one I let the other dogs in to meet him. They didn't really think much of him at first. Next we gave him a bath which he clearly never had. He smelled like urine and there was so much dirt in his fur. He was a little angel in the bath. The next day he became more confident and started to play with all his new toys and the eskies were pretty jealous. I've made sure to give them all equal amounts of love so no one feels neglected. Wally as always is a lot of work in that department. He's got his behavior problems which have heightened since the puppys arrival. We're working on that. Fast forward to today and Winston adores him. They play so cute together and Winston will actually let the baby cuddle him. Wally just.. I don't think he knows what a baby is. He's very rough and quick to anger. Bailey and I always say that he would have made a great only dog, but he's definitely not so all we can do is correct his behavior when he's mean to the puppy. The puppy cares very little about Wally's hissy fits though. I just don't want him to learn any bad behaviors from Wally. He hasn't yet. He's honestly just a big goofy teddy bear. Such a happy little guy. He's already doubled in size. Everyday I look at him and notice him getting bigger. Today I noticed that he's getting his long coat hairs coming through. He no longer fits in our kitchen sink that we washed him in the first night. Since we did get him so young he is very attached to me. I can not leave him alone. I've been sleeping on the couch with him when Bailey has to work in the morning and he's a sweetie. He snuggles up to my face and gives me kisses to wake me up when he has to potty. He's perfect. The only difficult thing is potty training. The worst part of raising a puppy for me. Especially now that we have carpet in every room. Luckily my mom gave us her commercial carpet cleaner. I put that baby to use last night. It's coming along though... Anytime now I'll have him potty trained. I had my mom babysit him today while I worked and she said he was an angel and didn't potty in her house once so thats good! I just watch him like a hawk and try to catch him before he goes. I'm always letting him outside and hopefully he'll learn how to use the dog door soon. We just got that set up for him, though we will need a bigger one eventually.
Now let me tell you about the stressful ass day I had yesterday and about how I just wanted to lock myself in my room and cry at the end of it all-- because of my pets.
First we wake up and I let the dogs out, and discover that Wally is leaving our yard. The gate on the back side of our property is a metal bar gate with chicken wire over it. Wally pushed the chicken wire out of the way and slipped his skinny little weasel body through the bars. So we went to buy a heavier duty wire fencing to put over the metal fence. Bailey said we should bring Toby cause we want to socialize him and also get him used to the car. So we bring him and on the way home Bailey says we should put him in the trunk of my suv so he could be more comfortable and because he was scratching Bailey up on the way to home depot with his little puppy claws. So we put him back there and we're on our way to get food and Toby is in the back screaming his head off. Then we go "whats that smell?" And I look in my rear view mirror and I see our puppy Toby with his feet hanging over the backseat, paws covered in shit and he's just jumping on everything back there that he can, just really smearing it everywhere. So I'm like WE NEED TO GO HOME NOW!!! just trying so hard not to puke. Bailey is laughing his ass off. Then Toby jumps over and into the back seat. I don't know with what strength suddenly. Winston and Wally have never managed to get out of the trunk space. So now he's making his way to me and I have to reach back and just hold him in place. Theres shit all over my back seat now. I'm crying. I keep gagging. Then Bailey starts to get queezy. We're both not keeping it together. So we eventually get home. Bailey cleans the car and I clean the puppy. Then I have to clean Winston because he ate my mascara while we were gone and got it all over himself. Then as I'm letting the dogs out my indoor cat bolts out of the house for the third time this week. I didn't even go after her. I just said "so be it!". I was having such an annoying day. Then Bailey goes to get us food and I put puppy in the kitchen because I need to vacuum and shampoo the carpets. Puppy screams his head off the entire time cause he hates being confined. The cat comes home an hour later. Bailey and I eat and get to work repairing the fence. Then puppy pees later on the newly shampood carpet. Then Bailey and I get dinner and put puppy in the kitchen again. We're just there at the dinner table eating our Chili's takeout, Bailey goes to get something out of the kitchen and I just hear him go "oh...no." I just looked at him and go "did the puppy shit in there?" and he goes "yup" I say "is it everywhere?" And he says "yuup..."
There was no peace to be had that day.
The dogs woke up and chose chaos.
So today Bailey went to work and so did I.
It was the first time since getting the fence put up that I let the dogs have free roam without me being there for hours. I've been really afraid to. It my number one fear right now, them getting out or stolen or somehow attacked by another animal, but I left the dog door open and just let them be for the day and took the puppy to my parents house. We're also letting the cat come and go as she wants now, because she has been so determined to leave the house. She's constantly bolting out the door and would even rather be in the garage most days. So we're letting her be and hopefully nothing happens to her. I took the bell off her collar so she can be extra stealthy. She did go into my neighbors yard and their 5 dogs chased her away and after that she's just been hanging out on our property laying in the dirt, soaking up the sun. Theres a little dog door built into the garage door that I'm now keeping open for her.
But yeah.. like I said my parents said that Toby is an angel and they'll watch him any time and I came home to the yard still intact and my dogs perfectly fine after being alone for six hours.
I enjoyed my much needed mini break from them and I'm going to go out tomorrow as well now that I feel confident that they'll be okay if I leave them sometimes.
I guess I'll end this massive post about my animals now.
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guillotinedangel · 6 years
Day 02. ANCIENT.
Based on the January 2019 prompt list published by @downwithwritersblock
Author: @blackpaladintshirogane aka @guillotinedangel
Characters: Allura, Lance, Keith, Hunk, Pidge, Shiro and some original ones added by me which are Rajhet and his soldiers.
Ships: None.
Summary: The paladins find themselves in a planet devastated by the Galra. While they try to find survivors, Hunk and Allura walk into a hallway that takes them back in time.
"I don't even know what are we doing in this desert. This place is dead! Can't we go back to the castle now?" Lance whined, kicking a rock as him and the rest of the paladins walked across the dusty empty street of the collapsed city they've been patrolling for the last hour.
Keith growled at the Cuban's words but he didn't say a thing. Shiro smiled down at him, proud that the red paladin had been able to control his impulses for once.
"You know we can't" Allura stated, handling the situation.
"We picked a weird frequency coming out of this planet. I tried to decript the message, but I wasn't able to, so we have to check this the old fashioned way"
"And get killed in the process?" Lance replied, closing the fingers around his bayard tighter. That place gave him the chills even though its warm weather, "We don't know if it was the Galra or something worse to lure us here"
"It could also be a distress call" Shiro slowed down his pace to walk besides the blue paladin, "As paladins of Voltron our duty is to help anybody who is in danger"
"I get that, but we should care a little bit more about our lives if we're so important. We didn't even brought the lions!"
"They can scare people away" Keith stated dryly.
"Yeah! Precisely!"
"Uh. Guys?" Hunk stopped walking and called everyone's attention, pointing his finger at a huge piramidal construction that had seemed to appear out of nowhere, "Has that thing been there all along?"
Lance detained his steps right before crashing against the yellow paladin's back, and peeked over his shoulders to see what he was talking about.
"It definitely wasn't"
And indeed the building seemed to have popped out of nowhere, like an illusion.
"Should we check it out?" Keith suggested.
"No way! One thing is wander an abandoned town and another getting into a creepy alien piramid; ah, ah, no, just, no! "
"I'm actually with Lance on this one" Hunk mumbled, twisting his fingers with a worried look on his face, "It doesn't look welcoming"
"We still haven't found the source of the emission and this place looks like the only thing standing in miles. Maybe it's worth our while" Pidge was already looking at the construction with shiny eyes, "Who knows what we can find in there"
"Mummies and deadly traps"
"Lance, won't you shut up for a second?" Keith snapped.
"Look, mullet, I don't know if your emo soul is driving you to the darkness, but I don't wanna die young, even thought I'd make a beautiful corpse"
"You two, shut up" Shiro intervened, "We will go inside and look for survivors. Just grab your weapons and don't split up"
Grinning his teeth and not very convinced, Lance followed the rest of the team inside the piramid but, as expected, the place was huge, filled with twisted paths and narrow passageways. All the walls looked the same, and, as they walked deeper into the core of the construction, some paintings started to decorate them, so beautiful and luring that soon enough, Allura and Hunk found themselves alone at a dead end.
"Um, Allura?" Hunk called his partner with a trembling voice, looking around at the cold darkness, "I think we're alone"
The princess also took a quick look at the empy space, but she didn't seem to be as shaken as the paladin who quickly tried to contact any of the other pilots, without succeeding. Only static was heard on the other side of the comms.
"We're alone, lost and alone! We're gonna die here!"
"This is so weird" Allura mumbled, taking a step towards the adorned wall, ignoring Hunk's ranting, "Some of the paintings seem to be... glowing?"
She elongated her hand to touch them, but before Hunk's warning could reach her ears, a blinding beam of light swallowed the room.
When they opened their eyes again, the hallway had slightly changed. I wasn't dark anymore, as some torches were pending from metallic ornaments on the walls, the flames licking the rock on a scintillating motion that seemed hypnotic. Also, there was a sweet scent in the ambient, nothing like the tainted and thick air they had been breathing seconds before.
"Where are we? What just happened?"
"I told you not to touch it" Hunk said, with his back against the dead end, gazing, mistrustful, to the long hall ahead of them.
"I couldn't help it, it's like if I was driven--"
Allura stopped talking as soon as her sharp hearing caught some other sound in the air. She tried to focus, after shushing Hunk, just in case there were any of the other paladins, but she wasn't able to recognize the voices... Or the language.
" Hunk, do you have your bayard still with you?"
"Yes, why?"
"Because we may have to use it"
Both of them stood in silence while the approaching beings' steps started to echo in the empty room. Their hearts where racing like wild horses, sweat dripping down their foreheads... Until a dark skinned alien's head popped out of a passageway.
When his eyes met theirs, he barked something in a rough language and another three like him showed up, blocking the only way Allura and Hunk had to escape.
Looking at them, you could say they were scary nonetheless. They had long snoots garnished with a long row of sharp teeth, black furred skin and pointy ears they were laying back, in a threatening way; the three of them dressed with nothing but a colorful garment similar to a skirt and several golden jewelry adorning their limbs and neck. Also, they were armed with long spears, that were pointing at the intruders.
They looked canine, or so Hunk thought.
"They're gonna eat us!"
"We are here to do you no harm" Allura spoke in a soothing tone, "We received the transmission, we just want to help"
The four soldiers exchanged looks and one of them, that looked like the leader because of his strong presence and bigger and more richly bejeweled necklace, addressed them in a low husky tone.
"Are you Altean?"
His question took Allura by surprise, who rose her hand to touch the marks on her cheeks without even noticing.
"I am. How do you know that?"
With a quick wave of his hand, the leader dismissed the other soldiers who lowered their weapons.
"Our planet is a strong ally to yours. My name is Rajhet, guardian of this temple. How did you get in?"
"We received a distress frequency from this planet" the princess explained, "We patrolled the city for survivors until the temple appeared out of nowhere. We thought the signal may come from here, so we walked in"
"Survivors? Walked in?" Rajhet raised and eyebrow and looked at them in disbelief, "We have suffered no attacks, our city is golden and prosper as ever. And there's no way you could have just walked into the temple without the permission of the gate guards"
"Gate guards?" Hunk repeated, "There were none. And the city is destroyed, we guess the Garla attacked it"
Rajhet turned around, enraged, to look at his soldiers. One of them, the shortest, seemed to shrink even more under the threatening gaze of his superior. He mumbled something with a scared voice before Rajhet turned back to the princess and the paladin.
" My soldier says no attack has befallen our planet, and why would the Galra attack us? They're as much as an ally to Altea as we are. You're making no sense" as he spoke, his volumen rose to a point were a low growl started to creep on his throat. At the first sound of it, the soldiers rose their weapons again, "You better explain yourself right now, or else"
"Lance was right! We're gonna die here!" Hunk shrieked.
"Wait! You don't understand!"
"You're intruders in our temple! Liars! What are you doing here!?"
As they started to get more angry, the soldiers slowly reduced the space between them and Allura and Hunk, with their weapons ahead.
"We are not liars!"
"Allura!" Hunk tugged the princess' arm and signaled the wall behind him to her, "The wall is shinning again, do what you did before!"
"Just touch it!"
"Wait!!" Rajhet shouted, but his words died in the void, as the light flooded the room again like before.
When Allura and Hunk opened their eyes, the hallway was dark again, the air tainted and they were alone.
"Hunk! Princess! Come in!" Shiro's familiar voice sounded on the other side of the comms.
"Oh thank the stars!" Hunk sighed.
"We are here" Allura responded.
"Are you okay?"
"Alright, Pidge found a way out. Just stay still, we're coming to get you."
"No. Don't worry, we're not moving a finger until you get here" Hunk said, sitting on the floor and leaning away from the wall, looking at it with reticence, "leave alone touching anything"
But Allura was not listening anymore, but thinking about Rahjet's words. Allies to Altea? Like the Galra? And he had recognized her as altean, even though no one had seen one of her species for centuries.
"Here you are" Shiro sighed with relief upon seeing his teammates safe and sound, "What happened? We tried to contact you, but we only got static. Where have you been?"
"I think..." Allura stammered, still in shock by the only explanation her reasoning was giving her "I think we just traveled to the past"
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dekko-61 · 6 years
(Universe 1, Multi Omniverse, of the Left Realm version). We now begin as we see a secret constructional base from underground the tree of abolish. Fire Phoenix:"Okay one of us is stupid."
Jake:"your learning."
Darkness boy:"quite you too."
Jake:"I'm sorry but this mission's really confusing."
Darkness boy:"not for long! We finally uncovered the plan behind, the sepertist armies are being reformed."
Fire Phoenix:"I don't get it. How is it happening, someone's behind this."
Darkness boy:"that's what we're about to find out."
We see Darkness boy and the others facing a giant army of battle droids being built for battle in this under bunker chamber.
Jake:"I suggest I used my Time Orb to slow down the signature of this reality for close observation."
Darkness boy:"I don't know, something's wrong about all this..."
A battle droid then notices them and sounds the alarm.
Jake:"shit." Darkness boy:"let's move!"*runs towards the droids* Fire Phoenix:"Well hero time!"*pulls out his staff and runs towards the droids aswell*
Jake:"time to shit some robots!"
Darkness boy:" KI BLADE BLAST!!!"
A form of blue energy burst in the shape of Blade from Darkness boy's hand. He swings it at the droids and clashes against them. The Ki energy of the blade destroys the huge sum of droids causing a lot of destruction!
Fire Phoenix flips in the air and hits many droids with his staff. He round house kicks one of them to the ground and side kicks another. He punches a few more and continues throwing punches and kicks against all droids in his direction. Blaster fire then starts growing rapid as the droids start blasting their blasters in defense of the instant attacks. Darkness boy and Fire Phoenix immediately start avoiding the blast with dodges and flips. Jake comes in with different spells destroying droids instantly. Jake flies in the air and summons his cape. Jake:"Fire Road Pistols!" He blast large amounts of Fire from his palms. The blast of fire come in contact with the droids. The fire instantly reforms them into small green butterflies. All the other droids then wither away into black sand.
Jake:"hey guys, new trick I learned, Impressed."
Darkness boy:"It was alright I guess."
Fire Phoenix:"hey you ruined all the fun!Now that the weird robots are gone what will I get to fight!"
Darkness boy:"have to agree. We were in the zone before you showed up with your mystic magic tricks."
Jake:"Fine, ....you guys never appreciate me."
A shadow of a new figure appears before the chamber now facing our heroes.
ZENO:"hello my young young friends..."
Darkness boy:"okay we have a new opponent."*pulls out his shuriken*
ZENO:"oh just give it up already Young Agent."
ZENO*snaps his fingers and all Darkness boy's shuriken appear in his hand*
Darkness boy:"what the... my shuriken!"
Fire Phoenix:"How did he do that?!"
*Sweat goes down Jake's head as his mind starts to panic* Jake:"Uh...He could be a magic user, ... we can take him."
Darkness boy:"that's no magic his power level is off the charts, .... I don't know how,....wait I can sense it he can use Ki! That's how he got a hold of my shuriken! I still don't know how though?! It must be a higher level of Ki!"
Jake:" ... great just great... you chi users are a real pain! Sorcerers like us have a hard time just to even take you on. Why can't you people be normally ignorant like the others! At least we are Special, you guys are just descendents of fossils from an era that died years ago!"
Darkness boy:"Hey it's not our fault we are immune to your magic, it's natural!"
Jake:"Vigilante...shut up."
ZENO:"This is just cute..."
Fire Phoenix:"Don't worry guys I'll handle this one!"
Darkness boy:"wait what?!"
Jake:"...stupid Kid"
Fire Phoenix runs towards ZENO charging his attack. He puts his hands together in a clappIng position and aims them at ZENO. ZENO:"here... we ....Go!" Phoenix:"FENIKKUSU SEANCHAI!"
Darkness Boy:"Phoenix no!"
Fire Phoenix sends a powerful yellow beam towards ZENO.
ZENO holds up his finger and deflects the blast into a paralell wall from his position causing a huge explosion.
Fire Phoenix looks in shock before his little face forms into anger. Fire Phoenix:"Dang it, I thought I had someone this time!That dum blast never works!" Darkness boy:"what! He could deflect the Fenikusu technique! How strong is this guy?!"
All of a sudden Space knights appear surrounding everyone.
Darkness boy:"oh no, this is bad."
Fire Phoenix:"hey big brother what was that code word I had to say when Space knights are here."
Darkness boy:"Forget that Fire Phoenix we have to go!" Darkness boy then grabs Fire Phoenix's hand.
Fire Phoenix:"okay."
Jake:"huh afraid if they get the mask it's fuel in the fire especially for you retsu."
Darkness boy:"whatever mysterio your also in trouble if they spot you.And No hex's can get you out of that one."
Jake:"huh fair enough."
Fire Phoenix:"are we still saying names because I think its my turn hahaha."
Darkness boy:"no quite."
Jake:"of course the idiot just had to say something stupid!"
ZENO:"This was perfect game young Agent.But your next test won't be so easy."
Darkness boy:"Grrr....Stop calling me that! And tell us who you are Scum! and are you part of the sepertist?!"
ZENO:"Your persistentsy is quite exciting Young Agent, I like that, but your to late,you might as well focus on leaving, they will not wait any longer."
Darkness boy:" *sigh* , Guys come on."
Fire Phoenix:"Roger that Captain." Jake:" just Hurry up already!"
Darkness boy grabs Fire Phoenix and Jake and they instantly teleport away.
The Space knights then spot Zeno among all the smoke...
Space Knight Jet-Torah:" hey! It's Zeno! We found him!"
All the Space Knights summon their Golden weapons.
ZENO then smirks boldly...
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