#and it's so nice to see
zukkaoru · 1 year
okay but actually i think one of my favorite things about mob psycho is that. mob is very autistic coded, right? but he's just. he's a normal kid and he has so many friends and everyone loves him!! when he wants to get in the top 10 in the school marathon, no one tells him that's an impossible goal; they all try their best to help him train and encourage him every step of the way! he isn't the butt of the joke, and even when reigen does try to tell him he's misreading things and the people he thinks are his friends aren't actually his friends, that is 1. proven not to be true, 2. not portrayed as a funny haha joke moment, and 3. reigen faces consequences for saying it. mob is autistic coded, and no one treats him any differently for it. it's just one of the many things that makes mob who he is, and no one dwells on it. and it's so nice to see a character who, in pretty much any other show, would be an awkward loner and a loser and an outcast, have so many real friends. mob isn't popular, he's awkward, he doesn't always read situations correctly, he's a middle school boy who has never fit in with his peers. but he has so many friends and so many people who care about him and maybe he's not the most popular boy at school but he has more real friends than tsubomi, who is clearly the most popular girl, and at the end of the day, popularity doesn't matter. being happy does, and mob is happy. like,, it's refreshing to see a school friend dynamic where there's a middle ground between "popular" and "social outcast" and it's also so nice to see a neurodivergent-coded character treated just like any other middle school kid in the show. he's no different because of his autism. it's just a character trait
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borrelia · 4 months
if you donate one single us dollar to the unrwa, you will have donated more money than you would have by clicking that stupid arab.orb link every day for four and a half years. yes, they do actually donate money to the unrwa, but even with tens of thousands of clicks, most of that money is the baseline $90 they send every quarter. from 2023 quarter 4, half a million clicks turned into $380.57. maths out to six hundreths of one cent per click. just donate to unrwa.
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Of the 19 hijackers who carried out the Sept 11 attacks:
15 were from Saudi Arabia (a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
2 were from the United Arab Emirates (also a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
1 was from Egypt, 1 from Lebanon.
None of the hijackers were from Iraq.
None of the Sept 11 hijackers were Iraqi.
None of the 9/11 hijackers were from Iraq.
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hansoeii · 7 months
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aueua · 10 months
people with siblings: how do you feel about them?
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alexandriad · 6 months
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azherwind-art · 6 months
"Tell your favorite creators that you like their work, people usually enjoy things silently, but hate tends to be loud"
This is a phrase I just heard from Dnd shorts that captures perfectly why I often try to make the effort of commenting on posts and telling people that I enjoy their work and why Even to small creators, I advice everyone to make the extra effort to tell them, I can guarantee it makes all the difference in the world, it's not cringy or obnoxious, it'll just brighten someone's day
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loveofastarvingdog · 2 years
castiel loves you guys. thanks cas
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cozylittleartblog · 10 months
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what if there was a plague doctor that was so so so cute (and was also secretly a bird themself)
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barghest-land · 1 month
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drawings from paleo expedition to dagestan, done right on the trip. sometimes messy when it was cold and rainy, but i won't correct it. i think it's cool to leave it just the way it was done, and not retouch it after. there will be more drawings later, but those will be done from home
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Michael Afton draws Vanny’s FNAF fursona,,
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stuckinapril · 3 months
I love Tumblr because nothing matters here truly. There are no influencers. Having followers doesn’t mean anything. It’s just a site where people post their sporadic thoughts and rb pretty pictures. Anyone who thinks any of this matters is woefully missing the point
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apollo’s confidence in court: oh my god i’m the worst lawyer ever my client is going to go to JAIL because i can’t even do my JOB
apollo’s confidence outside of court: i’m the only smart one here, i’m the most normal guy in the world and NO ONE is doing it like i am, investigations are EASY, klavier gavin wants me carnally
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fyanimaldiversity · 2 years
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A beautiful grey American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) [x]
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nothorses · 3 months
after having an entire hour long conversation with my coworkers about what "degendering" is, and the importance of using trans people's pronouns when you know them- rather than always defaulting to "they/them" no matter what- and still getting "they/them"ed by people I trusted not to fucking do that to me, I have decided that the name and pronouns circle of introductions for new additions to the group will now include the very clearly stated boundary that they do not use "they/them" pronouns for me.
your move, cowards!
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enthyrea · 1 year
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watched nimona today i love cringefail riz ahmed
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