#and it's all for Joe
respectthepetty · 2 months
*about my stand-in* A chained up kidnapping plot? And it's only episode 4? Why I never!
I originally thought it was going to be sexy times with Joe's hands tied behind him when he lifted Ming's shirt with his mouth.
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Only to realize during the fourth episode's previews that Ming was going to fuck Joe over.
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And yet . . . I loved it because it actually showed how crazy Ming is . . .
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We know Ming is jealous and possessive, but he didn't hold Joe hostage to help Tong but because Tong activated Ming's batshit crazy behavior the second he mentioned Sol.
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So, like, good for him really loving Joe in a completely fucked up way where he'd rather tie Joe up, feed him, and spend all his money on him just to keep him away from his friend.
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That's the toxic behavior I like to see!
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What a fucking pathetically insane asshole.
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I love him the most-est.
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ibtisams · 7 months
Since October 7th, Joe Biden, who is currently trying to get a lawsuit dismissed that says he is responsible for the genocide of Palestinians, has:
Vetoed the UN resolution for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza
Asked Congress to approve the sale of 45,000 shells for Israel's Merkava tanks for use in its offensive against Hamas in Gaza
Sent $14.5 billion in military aid to Israel
Met with Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and said to him "I don't believe you have to be a Jew to be a Zionist, and I am a Zionist."
Publicly said that he saw the Israeli beheaded babies and then had to take it back since it was debunked
Approved a $320 million 320 for precision-guided bomb equipment for Israel
Defended the raid of Al Shifa hospital where thousands of injured and displaced civilians were sheltering
Said he had no reason to believe the Palestinian death toll was correct because he believed the source was unreliable despite the Health Ministry being recognized as a valid source
Said Hamas’ attack on Israel was like fifteen 9/11s
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I've said it before but for newcomers, I will say it again. I fully stand with Palestine and Palestinians. If you're neutral, or you don't care, or you support Israel or you're "free everyone", unfollow me right now. This is not a political topic. Tons of innocent people dying is not a political topic.
Everyone's always saying that they're for making a change but I don't see any change in an account that doesn't stand for humanitarian crisis. Swifties, I'm sorry but y'all post millions of things about Taylor Swift's albums and various tours but can't be bothered to reblog posts about people dying.
1000 is a big number and we know that. Now imagine, 36050+ people dead, 15000+ are children, 80,643 injured, and 10,000 missing.
We all know what to do when genocides happen, it's in the history books. This is going to make it in history books. Stop being ignorant.
Free Palestine and all eyes on Rafah.
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sayruq · 1 month
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These people need to be tried for genocide
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nyxx01 · 3 months
All eyes on Rafah‼️‼️‼️
Go to the top tag and interact with it and make it go absolutely fucking viral.
And to anyone who is still complicit, get your head out of your ass.
Well done, I’m proud of them and quite impressed 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
(I will be removing/blocking useless comments, I do not need that in my comment section ty very much. Edit: However I will let the the idiocy speak for itself)
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nando161mando · 2 months
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A Palestinian journalist pays tribute to his little boy who was just murdered by 'Israel'.
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taviamoth · 2 months
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[ID: Tweet by @\ecomarxi that says, "Never forget that the same politicians who are helping murder Palestinians because it benefits their career would also murder you if it benefitted their career and they could get away with it". End ID]
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hussyknee · 8 months
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rixareth · 8 months
As requested, I have examined my fondness for terrible characters, and I have concluded that I like them because they're terrible and I'm not sorry.
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coastaltowned · 3 months
the manuscript ending the album on the utter jawdrop moment that neither of the muses of the actual album were the first men to fuck her up with promises of marriage and babies, and that first heartbreak so long ago laid the scene for the woman she would become and the ways she would approach love and how we all watched her life like scenes in a show but she kept coming back to the manuscript of the first torrid affair that ruined her, to bookend an album about two love affairs that destroyed her utterly in almost the exact same way, because all her muses are acquired like bruises........ it's bone-chilling
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cavalierzee · 23 days
Massacred By Israel
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An Israeli occupation airstrike, aimed at a previously targeted building in Rafah, massacred a Palestinian mother and all of her children.
Source: Quds News Network
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plistommy · 2 months
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A Bambi
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demonsandpieohmy · 8 months
Can’t believe it’s been 50 years since:
“If you were really in love you wouldn’t have missed.” “Time comes for us all Goncharov.” “We’re just meat to them Joe. Remember that.” “I dream of you every night, but I can no longer remember your face.” “If you are a snake, then I am Eve’s trembling hands.”
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sayruq · 2 months
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heaveniowa · 9 months
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keep a calendar, this way you will always know.
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nando161mando · 1 month
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