#jen kale
gaypalz · 1 day
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LMAOOO his full name, and like even after they know his real name
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i-heart-scully · 1 day
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I needed you. My coven.
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the-ominous-owl · 1 day
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jennifer kale continues to be the biggest mood
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Trying to figure out the significance of each witch costume this episode 🤔
Agatha is the Wicked Witch of the West: the poster child for evil witch, has immense power and control over an army, but also has a spinoff tale depicting her tragic past where society made her the villain she never wanted to be. Very much some symbolism here about Agatha being the hero of her own story yet the villain in the true story
Jen is the Old Hag, aka the Evil Queen from Snow White: a character who valued beauty over everything, yet cast away what was most dear to her for the sake of revenge. If she couldn’t be the most beautiful in the land, then neither could Snow White. A fellow potionist with an emphasis on beauty, very fitting
Lilia is Glinda The Good: pairs well with Agatha’s costume as her antithesis. She’s the selfless counterpart to the Wicked Witch, who guides adventurers to their destinies and brings hope to the lost. Lilia saved everyone this episode while sacrificing herself…. That’s the “goodest” thing anyone could ever have asked of her
But something stumps me about Billy’s costume…. Maleficent. She stands out as a fraud in the crowd, not even a true witch but rather a Dark Fairy with dark magic. She seeks respect and equilibrium with others, but is disregarded for being different and thus lashes out with a curse. Reminiscent of Billy’s actions and motivations sure, but also reminds us that he is not a traditional witch, and that he’s not considered equal by his coven
Lmk if there’s anything significant I missed, this is all speculation after all
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thegaygenz · 1 day
lilia and alice both got they wanted out of the Road without even realizing that’s the thing they were looking for and so their journeys came to an end. as the song says “i’ll see you at the end” i hope we see them at the end cause i miss my girls
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Give me a series about Lilia
Give me a series about Alice
Give me a series about Jen
Give me a series about Rio
Hell, give me a series about Sharon, I'll watch that too.
Just give me more of these Witches.
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Agatha: I’m seeing Rio. Jen: As in dating or hallucinations?
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sapphicwitch · 15 hours
Not to sound like a veteran lesbian user on this app, but do you all realise the significance of having canon gay rep in Agatha All Along? This isn’t in our heads or exists in AU fanfic and fanvids… This is a real show. This is real. This is canon.
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alrightyfruits · 2 days
agathario snog tonight! alice resurrection tonight! sharon party tonight! jen unbound tonight! lilia minted tonight!!!
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Oh that episode, especially Jen and Lilia, how Jen thought Lilia was crazy initially but was willing to listen, was willing to take in what she was told, and gave Lilia time, listened to what she told her (information about what happened, about the path forward, that they were fine with Billy) and then at the end, Jen knew what Lilia was doing, and she worried about her, tried to stop her as she didn’t want to lose Lilia, but Lilia? She knew how she would save them, would help them
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demonparmour · 18 hours
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gaypalz · 1 day
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no, not Lilia 😭😭😭😭😭
Also like the raw emotion in Jen's voice- 😭
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cabinetofquriosities · 24 hours
I am so excited to see what Jen will become. There aren’t enough posts about this.
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the-ominous-owl · 22 hours
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Jen and Lilia - 1x03 | 1x07
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talksabouttheshows · 6 hours
The way Lilia says: maybe because I'm close to the end
And baby Jen goes: of the Road? 🥺
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thegaygenz · 1 day
jen and lilia having this beautiful episode together and jen finally understanding lilia and them connecting, only to watch lilia sacrifice herself later in the episode. i’m heartbroken 💔
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