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hauntinglesbian · 3 days ago
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legacies-safari · 3 days ago
Sasheer saying her favorite fan theory is that Rio is Nicholas' mom. And Jac confirming that it's true (x)
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haenels · 3 days ago
sasheer zamata, lesbian icon that she is, made sure the agatha panel didn't conclude without getting nicholas scratch confirmed as death's gayby
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ultramoderngurl · 3 days ago
jac schaeffer confirmed that agatha’s son nicholas was her love child with rio vidal!!!! WE WON!!!
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thezenanna · 1 day ago
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All I wanna hear her say is "Are you mine?"
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lucyllawless · 2 days ago
Name a more iconic thing than Jac not telling the Marvel execs who Nicky’s father was because she knew they wouldn’t let us have that story if she did.
She knew the fans would be smart enough to figure it out even if they couldn’t say it out loud.
Jac they could never make me hate you.
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reigncorps · 2 days ago
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agathario wedding <3 (realized i never post my art here oops, more on my twitter!)
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talesofdecorum · 2 days ago
Even though I've assumed Rio has always been the other parent for Nicky, I couldn't help but feel super emotional at Jac's confirmation and here is my two cents as to why...
Studio heads don't take risks and will often do what is tried and true and that meant playing it safe, and not offending anyone by never really confirming or denying certain relationships or their backgrounds. It isn't the same but I remember the days of swanqueen and supercorp
So I think Jac and Kathryn has talked in depth about her character's relationship with Rio and Nicky and both of them approached the story line with the assumption that Rio is the father
HOWEVER, Jac has to toe this very delicate line of appeasing the studio execs by not outright saying it because there will be too many questions and notes that it'll never fly, so she doesn't say it. actually shes adds in the script for Agatha to say Nicky is 'made from scratch', so you can possibly assume Agatha is the only parent. Throughout the show, they've insinuated as much as they can without outright stating that they're a family. Get as much past the studio and hopefully the audience can read between the lines.
But NOW? with the massive success of the show and knowing that studio execs probably won't have much to say since confirming it won't affect future storylines (assuming Nicky is really dead), Jac says it and confirms it. out loud.
It was all intentional. Casting a kid that looks like Aubrey, having Agatha give birth near a river (rio), having Nicky say "my 'mother' needs me home", showing how unphased Nicky was upon seeing Rio, Rio asking Nicky to kiss Agatha twice before leaving and Rio being offended with Agatha walking the road with another woman's kid. It was all intentional
It's so unexpected and I assume why Kathryn looked so emotional. Because they've had to quietly navigate this tricky line of telling the story they want to tell but also pacifying the people above. Jac did it!Not only are these two characters queer but she's also saying that they love each other so much they have a kid together. The how isn't important, it just is.
And that is such a power move
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calexinred · 2 days ago
cr to @jenreesekathrynuk and @kathryhahneuropefans on instagram for this video
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ematin · 3 days ago
And it's worth it, it's divine. I have this some of the time. The way she shows me I'm hers and she is mine. Open hand or closed fist would be fine. The blood is rare and sweet as cherry wine.
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Her fight and fury is fiery Oh, but she loves like sleep to the freezing
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legacies-safari · 2 days ago
"It's been mentioned that you and Aubrey would send songs and poems back and forth to prepare for the scenes of Agatha and Rio, can you share a song or poem that you sent?"
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holyblanchett · 3 days ago
Jac please reunite this family and bring them back to me it's not funny anymore.
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velvet4510 · 23 hours ago
We all knew Rio was Nicky’s other parent but it’s glorious to see it firmly confirmed and so no hater is able to deny it anymore.
And now we can really bask in just how deep and unique the writing is for that final episode.
From conception, Nicky was half-life, half-death.
Death isn’t supposed to create life. It’s a total paradox that explains why Nicky was meant to be stillborn. How could the child of Death live? Agatha becoming pregnant must’ve turned Rio’s world upside down.
Also Rio doesn’t see death as a tragedy. How could she when it’s her job? When it’s the natural order of things? Before meeting Agatha, it never crossed her mind that death could be seen as bad.
But it’s when she fell for a living human, a mortal, that she finally saw what death means for humans. How much pain and fear and grief it brings.
And suddenly here’s Agatha pleading and pleading for her to NOT do her job, to NOT take their child with her. If she does this, she’ll break Agatha’s heart - the antithesis of her understanding of death. Rio suddenly comprehends that as long as Agatha lives on, there’s no way for the three of them to ever be together as a family. No wonder she chokes back tears.
As for Agatha, she only has the living person’s perspective. How could Rio want THEIR child to die? It’s the antithesis of parental instincts to want or allow your child to die. Death or no Death, surely Rio can see why this would be wrong?
Agatha and Rio are looking at the situation through totally different and incompatible lenses.
So out of love for Agatha alone, Rio lets Nicky’s “life” half take over not just for a few hours or days, but SIX WHOLE YEARS.
Then when Rio can’t stretch the rules any longer and she comes for him, Nicky knows her. He does not fear her, or where they are going. How can he, when she is his mother, when she needs him home?
Then Rio pays the price, as Agatha cuts ties with her and wants nothing to do with her anymore.
I also think this explains why Rio is so determined to kill Agatha herself or to let the Salem Seven do it, during the rest of the show. Again, as Death, she doesn’t see death as bad, or a harm, or a pain. If Agatha dies, then Rio can take her to Nicky and they can finally be a family. But Agatha doesn’t want them to be a family together. She still sees what happened as a loss and betrayal that Nicky would never forgive her for - the opposite of how Rio views it.
Ultimately, Agatha makes herself into a ghost who can’t cross over to where Nicky is, and Rio’s dream of her family being together is shattered.
Truly one of the greatest and most profound tragedies in television history, let alone MCU history.
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creaturesaphique · 9 hours ago
From the collection "Scenes that hit different now that Jac confirmed Rio is Nicholas' father"
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ennn · 3 days ago
Jac Schaeffer confirming the fan theory that Rio is the father / other mom
Credit: DerpSwan on Twitter – Audio is bad but my attempt at transcribing:
Sasheer: A lot of people think Rio is Nicholas' mom
Jac: [...] a lot of execs were [...] were we got a lot of questions like: Who's the dad? Who's the dad? And we were like 'well I don't know'. But we... And then when we were casting Nicky, we were like 'That could...'
Kathryn: That was what I was [...] for
Jac: Anyway so that was just something we didn't want to answer the how's and why's of it because it's witches but it was just something that y'know, was important to the writers and to me, and ... something special so it really [...] something that the fans said that we can confirm.
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