#and it’s killing me
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houseswife · 10 months ago
wilson saying “I need to do this. for you.” is fucking insane actually. in the same episode where house is deciding whether or not he should commit suicide as a result of wilson’s dying. They are each other’s lines between life and death. humans have a biological instinct to preserve their survival at all costs; house has an addiction that governs his life. but they were willing to forgo all of it for one another, because they couldn’t fathom it being any other way. IM SICK
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buff-solitare · 5 months ago
Imagine if Thorin’s heart was a smidge less guarded. He loved Bilbo from the minute he set foot into his home but just image them being able to love and live on their journey. We see their longing but never see it truly come to fruition. Imagine their late nights at the campfire as Bilbo’s hair grows longer and Thorin manages to work braids into the silken strands, quietly whispering about each other's customs and courting. Imagine them, side by side on their horses, unable to keep their eyes to themselves. Imagine Kili and Fili accidently calling Bilbo ‘Uncle’ but it sticks because Bilbo is family now. Imagine Thorin, deep in his gold sickness, still being able to braid Bilbo’s hair. Imagine that braid being the last thing Thorin touches before he dies, leaving it soaked in his blood. Imagine Bilbo’s breakdown when he realizes he has to take the braid out and can never get that love back. Can you imagine?
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thieves-never-say-die · 6 months ago
“I’m glad things are back to normal” says Peter
“Me too” says Neal
While they are both LYING through their TEETH to each other!!!
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riickgrimes · 1 month ago
seeing dr robby and dr collins with a baby is making me feel things
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thespiritlessghost · 1 year ago
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if anyone has a spare 100 bucks lying around send it my way 🙏🙏
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to-rise-above-monsters · 2 months ago
the parallels between kenuri and eremin are insane but idk if ur ready for that conversation
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ibenology · 2 months ago
getting a new hyperfixation which is far from anything you have ever hyperfixated on before and thus you cannot talk to anyone about it is a special kind of hell
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lesbianfakir · 9 months ago
Why is planning a story so HARD
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justhannigramfics · 3 months ago
What if this time, I write a fic focusing on Hannibal’s desire for praise, but only from Will? Because it’s hollow from everyone else, but Will actually sees him, and his praise is so sparingly doled out. A fic about Hannibal desperately trying to get Will to give him any little compliment. What if I did that?
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thesecretthirdoption · 19 days ago
I can’t be a centralist. This whole “compromise! Find a middle ground!” thing is killing me. Where am I supposed to compromise? Am I supposed to say, “well you can deport SOME of my friends and neighbors, but could you leave Val from my Bio class?” Should I ask “can you wait a few years so I can get married before you restrict gay marriage?” Or “maybe we could let him have half of another term, but no more!” Oh, I got it! I should beg for him to only ruin our relations with HALF the world!
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skoulsons · 1 year ago
Baylan and Shin’s parting
The scene that has upset (me) or confused (also me) most people. A chunk of people, who I respectfully disagree with, have said that Baylan is “abandoning” Shin. While I agree she definitely feels abandoned, I do not believe that is or ever would be Baylan’s intention. I just don’t think it works.
There’s an obvious amount of care (love, you could say) in their relationship. They’re not your typical competitive Sith master / apprentice relationship or Jedi master / padawan where feelings like that were repressed. They’re not mercenaries who were put together for a job or purely for the selfish gain of power. Shin has been under his wing as his padawan, borderline his child, for a long time.
He’s very protective of her as we see most notably in episode 4 when he ‘kills’ Ahsoka because she threw Shin into a rock. That sort of protection that drives you to kill someone (I don’t believe his original intention was to kill her—it was that that set him off) doesn’t come from a lack of love or lack of a relationship.
Their first scene on Peridea is another to consider. They’re comfortable, open, and vulnerable. Shin’s tone when she says “I know no such stories (shoutout to the person who made that post about Baylan telling Shin stories about the Jedi when she was younger. i still think about you)” is a sarcastic tone, almost teasing. They both comfortably smile and are way more relaxed being around just each other. Shin asks him questions without fear and Baylan answers without hesitation.
So, no, I don’t believe he’s abandoning her.
Now, nothing is known for sure. What exactly does he hear? What exactly does he see? What vision does he have?
Hopefully we get that answer, but my (and maybe most of you) bigger concern is why part from Shin for a wasteland and some power (yes yes we know he wants the ‘beginning’ but that’s still kinda VAGUE)?
Again, don’t know the truth, just throwing out ideas. i cant wait to be wrong on every front and be completely humbled tuesday night lolol
For one, he’s sensed and understood her questions and doubts and is actually considering them. He’s recognizing “OK, she doesn’t see all that I do”. He isn’t saying “Nope, I’m forcing you to join me in this”. He’d be a jackass if he did that. Since he seems pretty sold on staying on Peridea for… whatever it is he believes is there, he’s letting her go so she can, in turn, find her footing and take her place in the coming empire. Yes, he doesn’t know if that’s even what she wants, but Shin hasn’t exactly told him what she would want. All she’s mentioned (I think) was about leaving Peridea since Thrawn is desperate to leave as well.
Either way, he’s considering her and letting her go her own way instead of forcing her into a future with him that she obviously isn’t interested in.
Two, Baylan actually knows a lot more than he’s letting on and sees something that is… dangerous. Something he doesn’t want Shin exposed to. Something he knows is dangerous and he’s trying to keep her from (so she doesn’t suffer the same fate as his last padawan—if it’s true, of course). This one seems more selfish than some other thoughts. It can even fit other fandoms—he’ll go into it guns blazing for himself despite its dangers, but not her.
Three, which is just a bit of a vaguer, rephrased Two, he can’t / doesn’t want to lose another padawan if he can help it.
“Oh, then why’d she even follow him to Peridea? Why’d Baylan even let her come if he was going to abandon her anyway?”
He’s her master. Of course she’s going to follow him. It’s the guy she’s known longer than anyone else in her life. Her master, her father figure. Why wouldn’t she follow him? Why wouldn’t she stick it out for him? And, again, don’t believe at all that it’s abandonment or even something that was planned. It seemed very spur of the moment—like an off screen decision being made in Baylan’s head. Parting from her wasn’t something on his bucket list he was waiting to check off.
Fourth, the “ambition” that Baylan said was driving Shin is her willingness (not the word im looking for please read my mind) to embrace the dark side compared to himself. If he truly wants to bring an end to the Jedi v Empire back-and-forth, he’ll stay more Gray. So, he parts from her to give her that freedom. It’s the thing that drives them apart.
There’s even more ways to try and understand why, im sure. These are just word vomits and nothing to be taken as truth.
While I don’t at all believe Baylan’s intention was to abandon her, leave her for dead, etc, I definitely agree that Shin does feel abandoned.
Was the decision easy for Baylan? Highly doubt it. I don’t think he would watch her go, take a deep breath in, and roll his shoulders if it was easy. I don’t think he’d look around after Ahsoka stole his howler and debate going back for her if it was an easy decision. I don’t think he’d wait on the hill to keep watch and protect from a distance if he didn’t care.
I think one thing is for sure. Baylan thinks he’s doing what’s best when it’s really not. Shin looked like a kicked dog when Ahsoka offered to help—and whether that’s because she was reminded of 30 minutes prior on the hill beside him, or 15 years prior when Baylan stood above her and offered his help that started them on their journey (yari put this thought in my noggin), it hurts all the same.
I just hope the finale clears something up
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chipswsalsa · 2 years ago
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i have to be so honest, i’m only looking at the slut (affectionate) that is daniel jean louise marie wagner
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emiko-fan-2podcasterin · 2 years ago
So im just going trough my old stuff cause I’m moving and then I stumble upon the most atrocious detective Conan fanfiction I’ve ever seen written by my 14 year old self in the middle of class cause I was a little shit…
Like it’s really not that great but I gotta respect 14 year old me for never getting caught and having the determination to write all that stuff down by hand…
But now I also wanna read it again cause you know memories and shit, might even translate it to English cause I don’t know how active the German detective Conan community is on here lol
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fandoms-spamdom · 1 year ago
I may watch that Percy Jackson show
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doubletalkingmaeve · 1 year ago
Bought silk pyjamas today and they’re sooooo comfy I need Jase’s approval
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