#and it wasn’t just me being extremely lazy
o0o0thorn0o0o · 1 year
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I had an idea in mind I really wanted to execute, and if that meant I had to smudge their heights a bit to make it work, so be it.  Seriously, though, I always overestimate Ichigo’s height only to realize that, no, he is not, in fact, that tall.
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mochiwrites · 3 months
i hate my mother.
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darkromanceenthusiast · 8 months
Okay so I was gonna ask about a MM fic but I saw you do werewolves….
Maybe a witch is doing a ritual under the full moon in the forest? Maybe it feels so good that the werewolf just needs to keep fucking you…
I’m an extremely shy person and have no idea on how to request but I just have a BIG thing for werewolves so pretty please
M!werewolf x human!witch!reader
Warnings: Smut, dirty talk, reader is AFAB, Cunnilingus, degradation and praise, breeding kink, reader is very okay with it, but still dub/non-con, cursing, kidnapping, not proof read
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This was not, how you were expecting this night to go, face down ass up in the dirt as the panting werewolf man above you tried his best to move your restrictive clothing, one large hairy paw-hand keeping you still. The full moon was high above you and you could see your crystals and herbs for your ritual spilled before you.
“You’re practically begging for it, you know? Pretty little thing like you coming into the woods as if you’re not going to get fucked.” The werewolf says, your attention snapping back to him, he must have had enough of the struggle game because he finally ripped everything from the waist down off, you feel a rush of cold air and shiver, feeling your nipples harden a bit as your blood rushes through your veins in a perverse mix of fear and arousal, the smell making him groan as he nudges his face forward, taking a deep whiff of your cunt and letting out a growl that went straight to your core. You’re not…. Into this… are you? No absolutely not! You’re just frustrated… it’s just been a while since-
A gasp is pulled from your lips as you feel his warm, rough tongue lap at your folds, you can feel the small puffs of hot air coming from his nose as he laps at you, a few whines escaping him.
“You just keep getting wetter and wetter, do you like this, having your gorgeous pussy eaten by me?” He asked tauntingly, he knew you wouldn’t answer but he didn’t care, you didn’t know it yet but you would he his mate, his pretty little witch. He gives another long lap before finally plunging his tongue in your hole, swirling around and making you moan softly, embarrassment flooding you, his tongue was bigger and thicker than any human man’s tongue after a while he pulls back from your cunt with a squelch and gives a deep chuckle as he grabs your hips tighter and forces you on your back so you’re looking up at him, he smiles down at you, sharp canines glistening in his half wolf-half man form.
“Fuckin hell, princess, I can’t wait to give you my knot… I bet you’ll take it so well, huh?” He growls and you nod slowly, he raises an eyebrow before he leans down, licking your neck softly as he inhaled your scent before finally ripping your top off, he wastes no time running his tongue all over your nipples, letting out soft pants and whines as he did, it wasn’t long until you felt his cock poking at your entrance before he ran it through your folds a few times, growling as he did,
“Fuck I’m not even inside ya yet and you feel amazing.” He huffs out, your face flooding red as he spits on his cock and pushes the tip to your entrance, you can feel his large, hairy paw like hands pressing right above your womb as he enters you, the sensation of being filled and the pressure causing your breath to hitch a bit, he moved his thumb down and made lazy circles on your clit, mumbling curses and praise under his breath. You could feel his dick twitching and throbbing inside you, begging for some friction. You gave your hips a small roll and he snapped, growling as his hand flew to your throat, pining you as his other hand lifted your hips and began to pound you.
“I was gonna be gentle… but if you want to act like a whore I’ll fuck you like one.” He says but you don’t entirely hear him you’re too focused on the feelings. Him filling you, cock pressing against your cervix with every thrust, his thumb tracing your clit, and his hand wrapped firmly around your throat making everything feel more intense. Finally he pulls his hand off your throat, air flooding your lungs as you cough and sputter a bit making him laugh, you feel a dizzy rush and stare at the spinning wolf man above you, feeling a familiar tug building in your stomach. You’re so close already, he’s filling you in ways you didn’t think could happen.
“God fucking damnit,” he says as his claws dig into your hips a bit, “You feel so good… look at you taking me so well.” He says, gripping the back of your thighs and pushing them back, giving you the perfect view of his cock stretching you out, you can already see it beginning to swell at the base and you bite your lip, he rubs your clit a bit faster and the tension finally snaps, your orgasm running through your body as he continued to pound you, you hear him growl as you tighten around him, after a few seconds you feel his knot pressing against you.
“C’mon… take my knot, little witch, take my pups.” He growls into your ear, still pounding your sensitive and overworked cunt, you felt your eyes roll back as his knot popped in, stretching you impossibly full before he finally gave one last thrust, filling you with his first load of the night.
“Fuck, fuck yes, little mate… you did so good… such a good girl.” He says, his tongue lapping at your back as he wraps his arms around you.
“We’ll be stuck with you on my cock for a bit, pretty girl.” He says, standing up as he used his hands under your ass to keep you balanced and close to him, now that he quite literally had you trapped on his cock you couldn’t run as he took you to a small cabin, you doubt you’d be let to leave anytime soon though.
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trashmouth-richie · 3 months
I feel like I’m really bad at prompts so I’m just gonna go with my “do’s” from costar today…
Stomping. Instant coffee. Cold* shower.
*“Cold” autocorrected to “come” and I almost didn’t fix it, soooo…do with that what you will.
hoping my slutty choices for this prompt find you well.
18+, no minors, acts of sex, yay.
**peep my little hints at 90s tv and movies—there are 4 🖤
send me a prompt from this post ! (writers block is killing me !)
Cold beads of water trickle like ice down your body. Making your already pert nipples stand at attention and harden in an instant. 
Cursing the boy you’ve been best friends with since diapers, you turn the faucet off in a quickened haste— exiting the tub in an anything but graceful fashion, stubbing your toes on the way out. 
“Eddie!” your shrill voice is clouded by the throbbing in your foot and the chatter in your teeth. “Did you pay the water bill?”  
One job, the menace had one job— one duty for the small shared apartment, and it was to pay the water bill each month. 
Wrapping yourself in a threadbare towel that had once been a swim towel for an uppity family— you stomp down to his bedroom, kicking open the door with enough rage to channel Jackie Chan.
You should have knocked. Fuck, why didn’t you knock? 
Eddie was naked.
Pale-moon colored ass on display. 
Thigh muscles rippled beneath dark patchwork tattoos, arms that never looked muscly suddenly flexed tight. A veiny hand wrapped tight around a black haired pony tail. Hips, his hips were— fucking, thrusting, pounding. 
His mouth was slack, slick like an oil painting, head back and eyes rolled to squinted ivory surrounded with a colossal woodland of thick lashes.
Sweat coated his brow, dribbling down until it collected on his cupids bow, a salty pooled tease. His rougey lips were spit coated, sheer— glossy— begging for your tongue to taste them. 
Your heart thumped loudly, heat in your core on its own tempo, hot and deep. 
And then you hear it. 
A whimper. Softer than silk, low, whiny, almost sweetly pathetic in its delivery from a deep space in his throat. 
Your cheeks warm, cunt heated like a fire, sirens going off for extreme temperatures. 
His eyes meet yours and you hold his gaze for a second. The clouded look of a man being sucked dry took over his normal instant coffee colored irises. Glaucoma esque beauty in the dark swirls, and you wet your lips at the sight of him— at Eddie Munson— resident freak of Hawkins and your best friend. 
Both your lips explicitly mutter words with eyes wild doe like. His going from lazy pleasure to shock. Yours were covered with your palm, the other reaching, fumbling for the door knob. 
Apologizing profusely you suddenly stammer around clearing your throat and trying to leave ASAP. 
The towel around your middle, the only thing keeping you decent, glides to the ground—falling gently like that fucking feather in opening scenes of Forest Gump. Practically in slow motion but still too quick for your blind shut eyes to catch it. 
Pulling with both hands on the knob your heart races to shut the door, not registering that the towel is wedged tight between the frame, making it impossible to shut. 
Shit shitshitshitshitSHIT
With a last feeble attempt of yanking your arms, the latch clicks into place and you beeline to your room with a slam of your door so hard it ricocheted off the walls, making a framed picture of you and Eddie at a Metallica concert fall to the ground, shattering the glass.
What the fuck? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!
Your heart boomed in your ears, back stuck to the door like you were holding it up. It wasn’t the first time you’d seen Eddie naked, pretty sure your entire graduating class saw him naked on more than one occasion. But this?! This was so mouthwatering better than any other time. 
Goosebumps spread across your skin at the burned image of Eddie getting head on your retinas. The two of you had never crossed those lines. Each dating, fucking around it never once crossed your mind what he would be like in the sack, or what his sack would be like in your mouth. 
You’re pleased when you don’t cringe at the dirty thoughts of him— it felt like second nature, like eve seeing adam —lol okay maybe not, but still! What your mind was conjuring up was biblical. 
A giggle surpasses your lips and you wipe a line of drool from the corner of your mouth. Nerves finally settling as your realization hits— who was it?
It wasn’t Sarah, you hadn’t seen her since last fall. Eddie had said she started dating Steve—his comic book “arch nemesis” but in reality another bestie, who spent most of his time wallowing on your couch about Nancy than he did actually going on dates. 
Mary ended up being a virgin—preacher’s daughter, one of seven. He stopped seeing Clarissa after she wouldn’t stop over explaining every single minute detail of her day. Could it be the girl with the green leather jacket? Darla? Daria? 
The horny ache in your belly soured like curdled milk. 
How dare her (whoever she was!) The thought of someone other than you pulling those noises from Eddie suddenly set you on edge. Rage burned through your veins like lightning. Spidering and leeching to your skin. 
The pajamas you had taken off before your shower lay in a heap on your floor and you quickly yanked them on. Muttering to yourself about every vile thing you could imagine about whoever the lucky girl was who currently had a mouthful of your roommate. 
You needed to leave. The clouds of embarrassment eased overhead, colliding with the lightning making a storm brew deep beneath your surface and you be damned if you were going to let the rain fall whilst still in this apartment. 
Keys in your palm you throw open your bedroom door, ready to bolt through your apartment and down to your car— destination unknown. 
You nearly knock him over in your attempt to run. But you’re stopped cold by sweaty bangs, a heaving chest, and the same stupid pair of boxers that had small tears along the elastic from years of wear. 
“Sweetheart…” he coaxed, voice so sugary and laced with tiny shreds of venom it could ice a wedding cake— then strike you dead. 
You had seen plenty of Eddie today, your body screamed for you to leave, but your feet were stuck in the icing, waiting for the bomb to drop. 
Warmth from your cheeks from your shame could keep a trailer with broken windows warm in a blizzard—your stomach flipped— dropped like lead as his next words hit like a bullet. 
“We need to talk.” 
part two
steve tied up
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cvlutos · 1 year
“No Nut November” Pt.3
| Repost: 01.09.23 | 1.4K | Mature |
NRC 3rd Years X GN!Reader
| Sexual Themes | Masturbation | Flirting | Sorta Creepy | Voice Kink | Phone Masturbation(One-sided) | Etc. | Proceed with Caution, Dearest. |
Earl’s Notes: A special thanks, to those who have reposted and shared as such with me<3
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Let me preface all this with those who lost, lost most definitely on purpose, except for Cater and Idia. Trey’s losing. That’s his first thought when Ace and Deuce ramble about it to him and knows he’ll lose if you’re anywhere near him. If you just don’t ever acknowledge his existence, he’s automatically winning. But you don’t, 'cause he’s got baked goods that you like and they're free. Ain’t no way you're avoiding him. Trey also doesn’t take NNN super seriously, so it’s okay if he loses. I also have this slight thing that Trey already loves when people eat his deserts, but with you, it turns him alil on, not in a creepy way, but ya know. He’s turning the other way if you get any sorta food stuck on your lips, or face.
Ngl, he probably daydreamed about this exact scenario, as much as he hates to admit. He just learned a new recipe for your favorite dessert, deciding to add a Lil whipped cream. He was so proud of himself, as he texted you about it, and you, being a loyal friend without hesitation, pull up. You and whip cream, we know what this leads to. You, silly Lil, you end up with whipped cream on your face. Trey, without skipping a beat, imagines it as his cu—he has to excuse himself. Moving to his room to jack one-off. He’s extremely guilty after.
“I’m glad you like the dessert. I made it with you in mind.”
Stood not a chance. Wasn’t even gonna try. He’s such a horn dog. It’s almost embarrassing at this point. 90% of the time, you're responsible for his third boner of the day. Because Cater is such a social phone person, he has multiple pictures and most definitely trades with Ruggie. He just has the most innocent to the most scandalous (as in you sleeping at Heartslabyul, don’t be weird) Like he has access to you, or your pictures 24/7, a recipe for disaster.
So, as always, it’s a nightly ritual at this point. Laying on his back, his roommates are far into dreamland. It’s late as his eyes gradually run along the phone screen, slowly pumping his dick. Your name is a silent cry on his lips. He’s shamelessly losing and doesn’t give a damn.
“[Nickname]! You are simply the cutest, letting me take a pic!”
Not only is it a chore to participate, but also a chore to actually do the deed. As well as Ruggie sending photo after photo of you, being you. Which has the lion beastman slightly interested, but far too damn lazy. Leona is lasting till the end of the month, simply because he doesn’t get horny, like could go weeks without masturbation. So it really is a ‘if he feels like it’ situation. Like if he needs to cum, he’s going to. Not some imaginary competition is stopping him. Though Leona attempts the competition for about 5 minutes before he’s bored with it.
He definitely forgets for the later weeks of November, till one compromising moment. Not even something inherently sexual, you had massages his ears, something that only lovers would do. Most definitely tried to ignore the boner that tightened his boxers as he tried to sleep, tossing in turning. He finally settles with a growl, nearly shoving his hands into his underwear. (Though I’m personally a firm believer Leona would never wear clothes to bed, you and Ruggie probably begged him to at least wear underwear so that when you had to wake the lion prince, he didn’t whack you in the face with that horse of his. Ruggie’s actually been slapped, which is hilarious)
“Leave me be, Herbivore. I’m not doing something so dumb.”
Short and sweet, if he’s going to cum to you, it’s going to be within your presence. He’s not going to fantasize about you, he’s going to have you. So he’ll wait till he has you. Period.
“I have no desire, Spudling. Why is it you care? Do you desire to bed me?”
We saw how he is with Neige and this man damn near nearly cums with anything he sees as beautiful. Like he’s weird. Rook Hunt is mad weird. Though I love him for it. #RookHuntforPresident. Similarly to Cater, he has photos of you, physical and digital, and honest access to you at any point, though he’d never masturbate to you in a tree outside of ramshackle, he has thought about it. He honestly is similar to Vil. He wants to be able to fully experience you and revel in the moment with you, but he ends up thinking about it far too much which leads him being hot and bothered.
So that’s why he loses and isn’t that so beautiful, that he can put competition aside for love and beauty. His breath comes out as short huffs, legs unusually shaking, his hat discarded to the side. His face flush and eyes that seemed to glow, a low moan of your name, cum sputtering from his dick head.
“Mon très cher Trickster, permettez-moi de prendre soin de vous de toutes les manières!”
Idia is a hentai-watching, cum-drinking slut for you. Like I don’t make the rules. He hypes himself up for NNN, bragging, chatting, confident with all his lil e-friends, til the actual day NNN begins. His goal was to simply ignore you, like as if you didn’t exist, like you wouldn’t just show up uninvited. How hadn't he included that in his calculations? Most definitely has a school uniform kink, like have you met this man? You could be dressed for a day at the church and he’s cumming at the thought of you sucking him off while the choir sings of the lord. He’s shameless.
His hair wildly burning pink, voice stuttering as his tongue runs across his lips, trying to stop himself from drooling and cumming as he fucked his hand, leaning back in his gaming chair. Your voice is just so nice. His eyes roll into the back of his skull, a shuddered breath as he realizes he’s close. He damn near breaking his phone to hang up as he cums, painting his computer screen. Leaving you on the other line, completely confused.
“I-I-I wasn’t avoiding you! Just—Just working…. Yes! This game counts as work! Get Out!”
Now, why would you tell this man about NNN? Cause he’s genuinely distraught. Like should he win in your honor, or should he simply indulge in his desires to bed you? Literally asking Lilia, the worst person to ask, cause Lilia is having a field day. Best day of Lilia’s life. He’s telling Malleus to simply have fun and try. It’s better that way if you wait. The problem is Malleus doesn’t want to wait. Spoiled royal rich boy. I swear. Why must he suffer in simply doing what he pleases with his soon-to-be darling? Half of Diasomnia recognizes you as Malleus’ spouse, which is a little problematic once you actually go to the dorm and half the people are referring to you as if you're royalty. Malleus is absolutely pleased that Diasomnia accepts you, even though you aren’t together yet.
Malleus is the only one on this list who will directly go to you. Without a doubt, just appearing with little fairy lights in your bedroom, a large unhidden bulge. Like who let a horse in the house. Literally scares you out of your skin. Grim, luckily, isn’t home. He’s sorry but swears it’s urgent. Thinks you jacking him off is a loophole to NNN, he’s a darling. So when you send him away, embarrassed as hell, he’s sulking in his bedroom. Refusing to masturbate unless you're there. (Deadass sitting with arms crossed, glaring at the wall with a pout, boner still very prominent. He’s a spoiled, royal rich kid.)
“Then I will simply make them mine. That way I can indulge happily.”
Menace. Loses, cause it’s funny. You being scared by him turns him on. Like it’s hot to see your body flinch, and your eyes widen. Loves it. He’s lived so, so long, so the oddest of things turn him on. This is probably a cycle through all of November, him scaring you, but purposely not cumming till the very last day.
Teeth digging into his lower lip, hand slowly teasing, dragging along his cock, imagining it's you. Rolling his head to the side with a hot chuckle. Your name is hot and playful on his tongue. You’re so worth the wait, so worth the pain. Though this isn’t a victimless crime, you feel what he felt one day. (Bout to become a Lilia Supremacist)
“Fufufu~ [Name], you teasing little thing~”
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ⓒ 2023 love-thanatopsis — all rights reserved. Any sort of plagiarizing, copying, modifying, translating, editing of my works are strictly prohibited.
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onyourhyuck · 1 year
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— Prologue: “I like what we have.”
— Summary: You and Jaemin are best friends but behind the close doors you have a lowkey relationship that no one knows about.
— Genre: Fwb smut. Best friends to secret fwbs. Suggestive and soft sex. Lazy sex. Pussy eating. Jaemin loves Y/n’s thighs so much.
— Notes: Lazy sex honestly hits differently.
One word to describe you and Jaemin? Lowkey.
You’re best friends everyone knows that. People can mutually agree that you and Jaemin are close friends nothing else but what you know is the opposite. Behind the close doors you’re the one spread wide open for your best friend letting him have a taste as much as he wants.
Behind those close doors lies a secret that no one else knows except you and Jaemin.
And it excites you because you love what you have with him. It’s a secret only you and him have. Nothing else matters when you’re alone together by yourself with your true, true selves. You don’t have to pretend you guys don’t want one another when you equally want each other.
Jaemin doesn’t have to bullshit his way out to say you’re only a friend when in reality he knows how your lips tastes. He knows the chapstick flavour you use. He knows you like to mismatch your underwear and he thinks it’s wonderful you do.
Or the fact that you have a these mood swings when you wake up and he isn’t in bed with you. He knows that you love to cuddle someone or something to fall asleep otherwise you want go to sleep.
He knows things ‘friends’ wouldn’t usually know.
Right now you’re lazing with Jaemin on the bed. Your arms are wrapped around him and he has the same arms wrapped around your body together, you guys are in the most comfortable position you don’t even need to move to get comfortable because Jaemin’s chest was the perfect pillow substitute. And you were a cute little baby wrapped in between the forearms as he looks down at you cuddling you even closer because being close to you simply wasn’t close enough for him. You’re staying over at Jaemin’s house today. He told you to come over because he missed you and who were you to say no to that?
You ran out the door the moment you read the ‘I miss you’ text and then arrived at his doorstep the next second.
You’re keeping this so lowkey your parents don’t even know or your mutual friends aren’t suspecting anything which is fine. Because when you’re alone with Jaemin you feel like you don’t need anyone else.
You see your best friend looking down at you and he gives you a little kiss on your forehead at the centre as your bangs were in the way of your eyes he slowly wipes them upwards with his thumb. He takes his gently time to swipe them back so he can look at your face without having your hairs in the way. You enjoy seeing how soft he can actually be. You’re just lazily laying there trapped between his tight embrace as if he was never going to ever let you go.
You let a small smile, watching the sinewy beautiful boy in front of you. “Jaemin you might suffocate me if you keep squeezing me and kissing me right here.” He wore a white tee shirt short sleeves and the black hair very loose and soft. It looks like a bunch of cotton candy to you or at least that’s how his hair feels like to you. It’s very soft. You’ve never touched anything soft as this. Jaemin’s bare face was also, extremely handsome you wonder if you’re gazing into a real life prince.
Your best friend playfully frowns and kissed your forehead again. “Hmm one more?” He asked you and you feel your eyebrows raise up. “Okay, one more.” Jaemin went for another kiss but then he just goes and pampers your entire face with kisses; he attacks your forehead with his lips, your cheeks, your eyelids that are closed, your chin and jawline. He even kissed your ears and the sides of your neck now. You feel so overwhelmed by how fast he kissed you in all those different places. At the same time they were soft and sweet too.
Jaemin’s very much affectionate when he’s alone with you like this and he feels so safe with you.
You let out a soft laugh. “You said one more, that was at least like seven times.” He heard you say this and he smirks softly leaning up and staring at your eyes a little bit.
Jaemin shifts on top of you hovering above as he stares down at your beautiful face and he’s practically taunting your lips wanting to kiss them. No. He needs to kiss them.
Jaemin’s silvery and husky voices has you hyperventilating at times because it’s so deep and soft with love and adoration for you. “I wasn’t counting, to me that felt like one kiss.” Jaemin retorts back to you running his fingers through your hair that feels so warm.
You want to tell him that he was in fact counting he just didn’t want to say he wasn’t. You know at times Jaemin can be very smug.
When the time closes the both you found yourselves in a lazy makeout. It starts of slow and low on energy. There’s no extra movements, no extra efforts put into the kiss. It’s just lazy kisses that can make your skin crawl and your heart run wild.
The lazy makeouts while he’s on top of your softly brushing his thumb across your inner cheek makes you melt like a puddle in middle of the Highway.
You didn’t even realise that you’re making out with him with slight more I resistant intensity now. The lazy makes-out went from zero to a whopping hundred when Jaemin began to brush his tongue within the seconds of the kiss growing more and more frisky between the two of you.
Your bodies get even closer. You sat up on the bed as Jaemin did the same. He sat up to pull you closer by your waist and the kiss not once broke off between the both of your faces. He caressed you and your body feels warmer in response to how good this all feels. It feels like you’re going to explode into something that will have you squealing with excitement and joy for him.
Your heart picks up a rate when Jaemin slips his hands around your shirt and slowly takes it off, your eyes were closed in that moment as you’re focusing in giving everything you have in the kiss you’re sharing with your best friend.
Jaemin didn’t waste a minute to pull you back down and lay you in the same position as previously you were in. He breaks it off as he looks into your eyes longingly.
He needs you, so bad.
“I don’t want to move, but I need you so bad.” Jaemin whispers brushing your hair and tucks it behind your ears.
You look at him understanding what he meant. He was feeling like lazing around with you and being in bed with him was such a good comfort thing to do. You don’t feel like moving too much either so instead you just kiss his lips a little and the sides of his neck.
“We can keep it lowkey.” You whisper. “I like what we have.” You’re reassuring him because you want him to know you feel the same as he does.
He doesn’t need to put too much effort. Jaemin smiles liking your answer and he found it appealing to him because you just know the right words to say everytime he needs you.
His hands tug on your sweatpants, which are his but you’re wearing them at times now. Whenever you come over you tend to take his clothes with you. Jaemin slips them down to your ankles and he reconnects his hands around your thighs. Jaemin kissed your knee and then your thighs he loves so much. They’re just the perfect size and if anything he sometimes wished you’d suffocate him around them. They’re so warm too, probably the warmest place around your body if you don’t count your breasts.
Jaemin won’t do anything too much effort but he will do enough to pleasure you and him at the same time. He doesn’t even need to get any pleasure to stimulate him because him pleasuring you was a way of giving him a better pleasure anyways.
He always finds your pleasure to be the most thrilling. It turns him on. It makes him satisfied.
Your hands prickle at his hair when Jaemin lowers the head down picking at your panties he slips them off and then, he takes an admiring look between your legs at your regional central. Jaemin saw how much your pussy looks to be begging to him at this point you’re anticipating it hard.
The moment you feel your best friends mouth open and touch at your clit giving it a little kitten lick you feel your eyes clench. Jaemin works his eyes down at your pussy not even bothering to look at your face right now because he’s too focused on giving you the best but low effort pleasure yet. Your body was very loose and relaxed because of all the cuddling you did with him earlier.
When his tongue laps around your two folds perking up at the erecting pleasure you feel his hands gently knead and fold around your inner thighs, he squeezes them at every lick he does at your cunt or when he wants to give you a little more of a harder time he shifts and sucks longer at your clit by using his teeth light to graze over, like a canon shooting out balls of pleasure at your body.
Sure, you don’t have a label with Jaemin. You say you’re best friends but you’re clearly more than that. But at the same time you wouldn’t say you’re boyfriend and girlfriend. It’s like you don’t have a label but you’re so comfortable being like this with him you don’t mind it.
At the end of the day labels don’t matter right? As long as you have Jaemin and he has you, that’s all that matters to the both of you.
And none of you would swap it for the world.
Your face cannot hide the pleasures that the boy down below was giving you and giving only you. It was something you cannot control because your eyebrows flutter like a pair of blooming Iris’ whenever he tastes you even more like he’s been imprisoned for decades or centuries.
The seeping tongue coursing through your insides and your clit makes your body skyrocket and sluggish with more this continues and Jaemin drags his mouth like a landmark on a map.
He traced his tongue down even further as his fingers made little progress between your smooth skin caressing your beautiful inner thighs and upwards up the pelvis, and right above your hips he gave a tight living squeeze as Jaemin’s breath began to pour against your cunt.
The room was filled with your sigh’s or your own running thoughts you spoke when the pleasure got too much.
You were allowed to say whatever you wanted because this was yours and Jaemin’s safe place. No one can see your relationship behind the closed doors because this was lowkey.
He wasn’t doing much effort yet he made you tremble by the lewd pulsing indulges the mouth was gaping at your watering hole, with the whole world behind the door not knowing a single thing that your best friend was eating you out like no tomorrow, and you love it, you love it so much you don’t want it to ever stop.
It was so mollifyingly beautiful, to see you look so spread out for him and taking everything Jaemin gave you because you’re such an amazing girl who listens to what he’s willing to do for you.
It’s times like these he’s the most grateful for you. You let him relax and be himself. He doesn’t have to do much to please you and you’re appreciative.
Jaemin of course does so much for you. He goes the extra length for you in anything.
The pleasure enhanced by the second, your eyes open now and you staring at the ceiling as your mouth escapes out your begs — oh how sweet your begs make Jaemin so weak and drunk on your sweet sweet darling cunt.
“J-Jaemin… I’m… so close, I don’t think I can last, Jaemin…” you repeat his name, in such short threats you feel him diving even more into your sating pretty pearl that he rubs his tongue on your perky lips down below contouring your pleasure.
Your nub was so abused by the boy below hungrily burning his mouth on the space between your spread legs.
One quick thrust from his mouth all at once had your orgasm reaching a certain high level of speed rushing out of your lips.
Jaemin saw you rasping at the bedsheets as your legs sent miniature spams and he saw your thighs jig around between the intensifying orgasm running wild at your stomach you sucked in.
The boy held your thighs down pushing your body against the bed when your body went to arch forward off the bedsheets. He made sure to force you back down as Jaemin didn’t move backwards, no, he stayed and pushed his tongue further more inside until he had all the taste of you.
“Ah.. ahhh fuck…”
Your hips buckle forward doing a little dry hump against your best friend’s mouth as he was making you cry from how good this feels.
Jaemin hums against your sex with tiny purrs leaving his beautiful plum lips looking so kissable. Moving away from your cunt he looks up at you seeing how well you took all his mouth provided, and you’re not left slightly breathing abnormally as it leaves your oxygen levels decreasing.
The blood rushing to your head and your cheeks was a visible sign that you were feeling better, now that you came on his mouth and Jaemin loves the taste of you too.
“Hmm… you taste so good, so fucking good.” He whispers as he leaves his face away from your sex and slowly looks at you with lambing eyes at your flushed face.
The cloying nature of the situation catches up to the both of you and it didn’t take long until he laid down next to you and you wrap your arms around his chest as you lay next to one another.
None of you said anything else but your eyes spoke words to each other that your lips could never achieve to rejuvenate.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank youu! Reblog this fic and follow me for more updates. It helps a girl out <3
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inuyashaluver · 7 months
could you write a fic for either alessia or mlt where she’s sick but being stubborn about it in front of everyone at training, until you both get home and she goes all soft and clingy with you
you’re sick - alessia russo
alessia russo x reader
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description: in which your stubborn girlfriend insists she’s not sick and swears she’s fine to go to training, as soon as you both get home, she crumbles
warnings: slightly angsty? swearing
a/n: hiya!! i decided to go with lessi on this one because i literally have a maya sick fic coming HAHAH, ENJOY❤️
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if there was one thing to know about your girlfriend, alessia russo, it was that she was extremely stubborn. whether it was in football, arguments or her own health, she was stubborn, something that you alone always had to deal with.
alessia had dragged you to bed extremely early last night, claiming that she was just really tired. you believed her until she pushed you on the bed and completely laid on top of you. she hides her face in the crook of your neck, her hands went under your shirt to rest on the skin of your back, she was really warm. she places her entire weight on you but you didn’t mind, you love her clingy side.
you woke up first to the loud blaring of your alarm, alessia snuggles closer to you and groans into your neck, she was still warm. “grumpy this morning, lessi baby?” you slot a hand through her hair, gently scratching her scalp with your nails. she hums at your contact and places lazy kisses on your neck in appreciation. she doesn’t reply, instead she moves up to straddle your waist and looks down at you with a frown.
“you okay?” you look up at her with a teasing smile, you run your hands over her thighs comfortingly, she leans down to place a kiss on your lips, you smile up into her, she cups your face with her hands and returns the grin in the kiss. though, when she presses her hands to your cheeks fully, you wince and gently push her from you,“baby, you’re really hot” she hovers over you with a gentle smirk, “you’re really hot” she says with a wink and you shake your head.
“alessia” you say sternly and she sits up again at your glare. moving off you to sit cross legged beside you. and that’s when she cracks, she sniffs. she fucking sniffs. alessia russo is sick. you sit up quickly and hold your hand to her forehead, tutting at her. “alessia, you're sick” your stern expression never leaving your face. “i am not! and stop calling me alessia” she whines, grabbing your hand in attempts to ease you up. you almost crack and have to clear your throat to stay composed.
“lessi, you’re staying home, i’ll take the day off training too and we can stay here” you lean over to grab your phone but alessia grabs both of your hands and presses you to the bed, “baby, sarina will kick us out of the squad!, it’s the world cup please don’t” she pleads, pressing you into the hotel bed with her arms and hips.
“she would never do that baby, you’re too amazing” you pause “oh and alessia, you’re sick” you go to move up but her grip on you is extremely tight. “(y/n). i. am. not. sick.” she emphasises each word sternly, you do understand why she was upset you first named her, but you were pissed, her stubbornness driving you insane.
“alessia. you. are. sick.” out of anger, she places her lips on yours again, somehow trying to convince you that she wasn’t sick, “woah, baby, you’re heating up, are you sick?” alessia says against your lips, you shake your head at her and push her off you.
“fine! we’ll go to training” you look at her with your hands on your hips, you were dressed only in her shirt, “you’re so sexy, baby” you point a finger at her warningly, “don’t try me, russo, i’m getting changed and we’re going.”
she winces when you slam the bathroom door, she got last named, that hurt. she got dressed quickly, sitting on the hotel bed and waited for you. she was pissed but she would never leave without you, even when she was feeling stubborn.
you come out of the bathroom with a frown, glancing at her slightly red nose and pink cheeks. she was sniffling while scrolling on her phone. your heart softens at the fact that the girl waited for you.
you wordlessly walk up to her and pull her up by the hand, gripping her wrist and taking her down to the meeting point before getting on the bus. once you saw ella, you push alessia towards her and walk away towards the small coffee stand at the hotel lobby, seeing your close friend esme and walking up to her.
ella was shocked by both yours and alessia’s appearance, you both looked pissed. “trouble in lover’s paradise, less?” alessia glares at ella, “don’t fucking try me right now, tooney” she says with a sniff and a slight cough. alessia kicks at the ground, she just wanted her girlfriend right now, slightly regretting agreeing to training and wishing she would have listened to you and stayed in bed.
“you’re sick, aren’t you?” ella teases, alessia slaps her arm, “i’m not sick!” she begins to argue with her best friend.
that’s when she feels a gentle hand on her shoulder, she looks down to see you with a cup of tea in hand. you extend it out to her and she takes it with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. your eyes trace over her face worriedly. “thank you” she whispers, you gently smile at her, placing a quick kiss on her cheek. “come and find me when you’re not being stubborn” she can’t help but let out a little giggle and places a kiss on your forehead with a scoff, trying to hide the smile forming on her lips, not going unnoticed by you.
“sit next to ella, i’ll sit in front of you” she pouts slightly but nods at you, knowing you hated when she was stubborn and wanted to give you some space. you both get situated on the bus, you sitting with esme in front of ella and alessia. you sit in the aisle seat in front of your girlfriend, you could hear her sniffing and coughing from behind you and you put your hand out behind you, she immediately grasps your hand tightly as you hold her from the back of your seat.
you gently run your thumb over her hand comfortingly, you were being so sweet despite her stubbornness, she wanted to cry. you let go of her hand when you feel her grip loosen. you peer over at her from the top of your seat, ella and alessia had both fallen asleep. you grin at them, taking a photo on your phone and turning back to sit back down to chat with esme for the short time left.
you keep your eyes on alessia the entire time during training, she was with ella during drills. a couple of the girls kept coming up to you to inform you that alessia was sick, all you could do was sigh and nod, thanking them for telling you what you knew all too well.
you kept looking at her with raised eyebrows when she coughed or sniffed, she would look at you with a scowl, “i’m not sick!” if you had a dollar for everytime she said this today, you’d be a millionaire. you would just nod your head unconvinced, to humour her.
sarina even came up to you and asked if alessia was sick, you glanced over at her and she shook her head at you desperately, “no no, it’s just cold, isn’t australia supposed to be hot?” you laugh uncomfortably, sarina just smiles at you, knowing you were just protecting your girlfriend, she would text you later to tell you and alessia to have the day off tomorrow. she tells you to go back to training after seeing alessia’s panicked face.
alessia lets out a sigh of relief, she jogs over to you and hold on to your bicep, “thank you, baby” she smiles at you softly, placing a gentle kiss on your cheek. you gesture at her to come close to you, “you’re sick, lessi” you say directly in her ear, she rolls her eyes and gives you a light shove, slightly grinning at you.
she was slowly starting to crack, she was sick and she knew it. you laugh at her brightly, reaching up to pinch her cheek playfully before returning back to your team drills.
the rest of training, alessia progressively got worse, she kept swallowing with a wince and clearing her throat all the time, coughing and sneezing. you stay near her, you keep subtly checking her temperature but pulling her down for kisses on her cheek and forehead, she knew what you were doing but she was appreciative you were letting her continue her facade.
you sat next to each other on the bus, you hold her hand as you rests her head on your shoulder, nuzzling into you.
you say goodbye to everyone, telling everyone you would see them tomorrow, you drag alessia to the room by her hand, she grips onto you tightly. her eyes were slightly droopy and feeling congested.
as soon as you open the door, you lightly push alessia inside, closing the door behind the both of you. “baby” she whines out, you extend your arms out to her, she immediately steps forward and hugs you tightly, you squeak as she lifts you up and puts you on the bed. she lies on top of you again, immediately putting her head in your neck.
you rub gentle circles on her back, “i’m sick” she mumbles out into your neck. you giggle softly, kissing her cheek, “i know, baby”. she slightly pulls back to face you, looking into your eyes, “i’m so sorry” she pouts, placing a kiss on the tip of your nose.
“you don’t have to be sorry, baby” you move a hand to cup her face with one hand, “no training tomorrow, okay? i’ll call sarina” she nods begrudgingly, giving you a quick, soft kiss on your lips. you get her medicine and order some soup for her, nursing her back to health fairly quickly, she just had a little cold.
“thank you for taking care of me, baby, i love you” she smiles softly, you sitting on her lap as the two of you watch a movie. “i love you too, lessi baby” you grin at her cheekily, giving her a quick kiss but quickly pulling away to let out a sniffle “fuck” alessia sighs, “i’m not sick!”
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ★ ⋆
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liked by ellatoone and 44,232 others
alessiarusso99: we’re not stubborn, we’re passionate
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yourname: yeah but you’re REALLY stubborn
↳ alessiarusso99: you’re stuck with me
↳ yourname: you’re lucky you’re cute
↳ alessiarusso99: you’re cute
ellatoone: i’d say you’re both delusional
↳ alessiarusso99: rude.
↳ yourname: rude.
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m4tthewmurd0ck · 5 months
Tom Blyth x Actress!Reader
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i try to avoid descriptors but i do use she/her, mention being shorter than tom and reader is a swiftie! click [HERE] for my tom blyth masterlist :)
the beginning of everything 🩵
*ALSO* speak now (taylor’s version) was released on july 7, 2023 but for my story it’s june 7, 2022 because we only support taylor’s version in this house
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june 7, 2022
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liked by username and others…
yourname enchanted (taylor’s version) 4:13 - 4:36. also no one is prouder of mother than i. she has my whole heart fr
username excuse me???
username whoooooo?!?
↳ username who what
↳ username i think they’re asking who the caption is about. because of the time stamps.
username i’m lazy can someone tell me what the lyrics are
↳ yournamefans “these are the words i held back as i was leaving too soon / i was enchanted to meet you / please don’t be in love with someone else / please don’t have somebody waiting on you”
rachelzegler 🥰 i ship iiiiittt!!!
↳ yourname shhh not so loud hasmzjejiajef
taylorswift meredith said if you don’t tell me who you’re talking about she’s going to be extremely upset. also hi i love you and you totally have my whole heart 💜
↳ taylorswift but tell me. i mean her.
↳ yourname i’m crying right now 😭 but also of course i’ll tell u anything for you my queen
joshandresrivera 🙊
↳ yourname and the monkey’s mouth better stay closed 🙃🙃🙃
ewanmitchell ooooooooooooooo
↳ yourname juliette is gonna put poison in aemonds drink istg
↳ username house of the dragon isn’t even released yet and we’re already witnessing a lovers spat!
↳ username wait is she dating ewan?
↳ username no but ewan plays aemond targaryen and yourname plays juliette atlas. they’re together in the book at least
tchalamet je sais qui 😄 (i know who)
↳ yourname je vais te tuer 🤭 (i’m going to kill you)
tomblyth liked this photo
tomblyth followed yourname
yourname followed tomblyth
~ 2 weeks later ~
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liked by joshandresrivera and others…
tomblyth by the way, i was enchanted to meet you too ♥️
username i’m crying????
username i’m going to die alone.
↳ username heavy on that for me too 😭
username soft launch!!
↳ username more like hard af launch. this is obviously referring to yourname post a couple of weeks ago which means her crush was mutuaaaaal
yourname ♥️
username WAIT that means they’re gonna be in a movie together???
↳ username do your hands hurt from all that reaching 😳
↳ yournamefans i think they’re right. tomblyth and rachelzegler were already announced to play lucy gray baird and coriolanus snow. they were then seen with joshandresrivera and yourname on june 7. that wasn’t a double date based on their captions, so it was possibly a meet / hang out with your co-stars thing? they haven’t known josh and rachel that long so that’s my guess.
rachelzegler i’m screaming! i knew you guys would be perfect together 😍
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If you’d like to be tagged for future Tom x Actress!Reader, let me know! if you’ve already asked to be tagged and don’t see your username, it means I wasn’t able to tag you.
TAGLIST — @daenerysqueenofhearts | @coconut-dreamz | @spencerstits | @callsignwidow | @inf4ntdeath | @upsidedownjill | @toeoffrog | @bada-lee-ily | @sassyangel16 | @or-was-it-just-a-dream | @jolleluvsyou | @ennycutie | @ashcosmo | @urfavnoirette | @nomorespahgetti | @a-mysterious-potato
353 notes · View notes
kooahae · 9 months
After Last Night: Work Visit
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Read the previous drabble here.
Read the next drabble here.
Summary : something seems up with Jungkook so you go to his job to cheer him up.
Pairing: best friends to lovers, Jungkook X female reader 
Warnings: Fluff, Smut, Big d!ck koo, oral (m.receiving) use of good girl bc well that’s what he called her the first time, office Jk is hot to me- he’s still a simp, cursing, swallowing, deep throating, they're down bad for each other as always <3
Word count:  2.5K
A/N: Before we get a little angst we have this and one more fluff drabble coming out hopefully this week- if not I’ll do my best to lyk when. School is kicking my ass but yeah me and my angsty babies will have our moment. I promise. As always thanks for reading 🩵
Minors DNI
Today has been so long! Jungkook is beyond exhausted. He didn’t really want to be in the office at all today on top of it. He’s gotten used to working only 2 days in the office, and three at home due to his routine. The thought alone of his routine being disturbed pissed him off. Plus, He has been in serious work mode all week. He hasn’t even been able to just cuddle on the couch. You’ve been asleep the last 2 nights when he got home as well. You cuddle up to him like usual when he climbs into bed but damn, he’d do anything to just have a lazy day and not be in a rush to get up. 
Apparently, his employees can’t follow simple directions. He’s been stuck reprogramming a new app for what seems like forever. He swears if it didn’t pay the bills, and If he wasn’t so good at it- He’d find something else to occupy his time. He wishes he got paid for all the times you cross his mind, that would be a lot better than being here -and he’d be filthy rich! 
As Jungkook reaches into his pocket for his phone to call you, someone else rips his chance from him. 
You have got to be fucking kidding. 
“Oh, um..Mr. Jeon I just wanted to ask is it okay if I leave early today?” His assistant asks him. 
Jungkook has never been someone who was extremely strict. He knows he’s younger than most of the people working for him and he’s been cool about a lot of things because of that. However, that does not mean they can walk all over him. They take time away from you when they don’t do their job and also add more problems than solutions lately. He’s simply fed up. 
“Go into the meeting room and call everyone there please Duri.” He asks nicely, even though he doesn’t know why he keeps being so kind about it. 
“Oh…okay sir. Will do. But i-“
Jungkook really doesn’t care. He’s not trying to be mean but today has been a shit show. Things could be going better than this. That’s all he’s hoping for. 
“Duri…tell them they have thirty minutes. That means you too.” He points to the door, sitting his feet up on his desk. 
His assistant stares blankly, so Jungkook squints, points again and tilts his head. 
“By the time you’re done looking at me…There will be zero minutes.” He exhales placing his hands behind his head, as he watches Duri run out.
Today you’ve decided to bring Jungkook lunch, he seemed so sluggish this morning. He gave you your good morning kisses but you can tell something is up. He didn’t even remember his banana milk. You’ve seen him do a lot of unusual things, but this weirdly enough takes the cake. The last time you even remember him acting like this, was when he swore he bombed an exam -He got the top score in his class, but that’s not the point. Jungkook genuinely only acts like this when there’s more work than he wants to do, or he feels burnt out. You know him the same way you know yourself, if not better. You have been thinking about him heavily today as well. You both could use a day off after this week, but life isn’t always that kind, you’ll just have to make do with your idea today. 
You get dressed in a shirt of his since he likes you in them so much, a cute skirt and some shoes.  Food and banana milk in tow, making sure you feed Bam on the way out. 
Once you arrive you can hear him giving what may be a motivational speech in the conference room. Jungkook is so cool in your eyes. He has his own business at 23, which he started two years ago. His gym side-venture is thriving. You’re almost there with him but not quite yet, starting your own media company is in the works though, and it’s nice to have his support. It still amazes you how Jungkook can make his mind so quickly with business decisions. He’s really intelligent- that’s exactly what you love about him. 
You realize you’ve been just standing in the entryway like a creep daydreaming about your boyfriend so you continue to walk forward and get closer to the door. 
“Can someone explain to me why everyone thinks they can just leave early while I reprogram everything? “
Oh. That’s why he’s so tired. 
You take note that no one responded, so there’s no reason he should have been left to do everything. He’s absolutely right. Your poor baby. you know how much of a perfectionist he is as well. He deserves some rest too though.  You decide to keep listening. 
“We’re supposed to be a team so I treat you fairly but this isn’t fair…I have someone waiting at home for me too.” He says. 
That person is you- and that makes your heart do backflips, the butterflies in your tummy rise, and a smile creep upon your face. You now know why he’s been so out of it lately. He’s doing a lot of hard work, barely gets as much time home as his employees and he just misses spending time with you. You’ll definitely visit work more when he can’t be at home with you if it makes him feel better.  You miss him too whenever you’re separated. It’s really refreshing to know he feels the same. 
As for Jungkook. His heart is kind of heavy. He knows it hasn’t been that long but he’s really been stressed out lately, the past two weeks at work have been hell and he feels like he can’t catch a break. He just needs to be with you, somewhere he can relax. With someone who is his comfort place. 
“Starting today we all do our delegated parts. I do mine. You do yours. We talk to each other about things beforehand that could affect other people’s schedules. Understood?” He asks. You can tell he doesn’t want to be that guy, but he also knows he’s been too nice until now. 
“If you do your part I don’t care what you do afterward if you wanna go home so be it. But finish your task.” 
He looks so withdrawn and tired. Watching everyone give him a head nod, you decide to just go sit in his office while he dismisses everyone. 
He walks in completely irritated and immediately starts patting for his phone but then looks up to see you. Sitting on the loveseat in his office. Smiling and waving hello to him. The sun from the window lightly shines on you. You look like what you are- his angel. 
“Hi, handsome!” You stand up and walk towards him. 
“You’re really here? Like I’m not going crazy because I missed you?” He says waving his hand in his own face. 
He’s always so silly. You hug his waist. Your face in his chest. He immediately hugs back. He doesn’t know how you knew he needed you, but he doesn’t care. He just appreciates the fact that you always show up for him. You always have. 
“No, but you’re checking your hand silly to make sure you’re real. Instead, you should be kissing me to make sure I’m real…” you say peaking your head up and poking your lips out. 
“You’re so cute. “ He says leaning down to kiss you. Cupping your face in his hand. Lips smacking gently against yours. His kisses are so soft and feel divine. 
“I’m. sorry. I’m. not. home. “ he says a kiss between every word. 
You pull away and look up at him he’s still holding your face so you place a hand on his forearm.
“Don’t apologize for working. I’m glad you stood up for yourself and I’m even happier to be here with you.” You say and lean back in for another kiss. 
“How am I so lucky?” He says as you both finally pull away. 
“Makes two of us! I brought you lunch and even brought my laptop too.…”
Jungkook sits in his office chair and you climb on his lap. Straddling him. 
He immediately reaches for the remote that closes the blinds. Not that anyone can see his office from where they sit but just in case they thought of approaching him. 
You wrap your arms around his neck. 
“If you’re gonna be bored and have to be here, let’s be bored and overworked, responsible people together…” You say leaving a kiss on his neck. 
“…I can rub your shoulders while you code. You can fill me in on everything I missed this week.” 
He hisses at the sensation of your neck kisses. Hands running up and down your sides. 
“I really missed you.” He says and puts a finger on your chin to tilt your head to his. Kissing you yet again. 
Then he continues. “Don’t want to work, just want to be with you” He’s always pouting, so you do what anyone would do in your situation-Pull his bottom lip in, and suck on it gently then let it go with a pop. 
That’s when an idea pops into your head. 
Jungkook’s office is spacious, and you can tell he needs to decompress, so maybe you’ll …
“Don’t work then, let me do it.” You say and push the chair back a little bit so you can stand up. 
Jungkook raises an eyebrow, “ Aren’t you supposed to do your work?”
“I will.” You say and he looks up at you. Standing in front of him with your head tilted- fucking cute, he also takes note of how you made sure to wear his shirt. 
“Baby you don’t really like coding… I tried teaching you before unless it’s a blog or something-“ you interrupt him. 
You place your hands on his thighs, hovering, still standing, and kissing him. 
“If I do a good job on it, we go home.” You state matter of factly. Almost like you’re making a deal, that you know you’ve won. 
He chuckles “Who’s work mine or yours?”
“Mmm it’s my task but…” Jungkook watches as your fingers dance closer to his crotch.  
“You’re the work.” You finish your statement dropping to your knees. 
You love the way he looks at you from above. Biting his lip and tilting his head slightly. 
Jungkook raises his hips so you can unfasten the button on his trousers.
“Gotta be quiet princess-oh shitt.” 
Jungkook’s head falls back as your hand strokes up and down his length. He knew he was the task- but if you’re about to suck him off here, his work day has had the best turn of events possible. 
“I’m gonna make you feel good, okay?” he nods breathlessly, It’s interesting how you both have the same effect on each other. 
“Don’t you always.” He says rolling his head forward to watch you. His mouth is drawn out into an ‘O’ shape, You know how much eye contact turns him on and you haven’t broken it yet. He looks fucked out and you’ve barely done anything. 
You spit on his dick and move your hands up, your pumps are perfect and have him bring his lip more and more at the sensation. 
“Babygirl, I think that’s enough teasing.”
You shake your head no and look up at him through your lashes. 
“How can you look at me like that knowing I’ll rip your clothes to shreds if -Fuck.”  You don’t mean to interrupt him. You promise. You just really notice all the precum oozing from his tip and can’t help but put your mouth on it. Sucking on the head of his dick like the good girl you’ve shown him you can be. He deserves it though
If you kept teasing him, you knew he would edge you non-stop later as well - and you’re already soaking through your panties. 
As you look up at Jungkook once more, you slide his entire length in your mouth at once, His shoulders relax and his hand comes to your hair and moves it out of your face. 
He has a thing for visuals, you happen to be his favorite.  
You rest at the base and keep your eyes on him as you bob up and down. Jungkook is massive, He’s really impressed that you can take him the way you do, and suck him so effortlessly. All of it makes him hard whenever he thinks about it. This is going to be engraved in his brain forever. 
You finally lift up and Jungkook watches the drool from your lips that’s attached to his cock as well. 
You moan at the sight of how red, swollen, and slobbery you have his dick, before going back in for more. 
Jungkook’s moans have been turning you on, he sounds so good and it’s making you never want to stop as you suck the soul out of him. 
You start to moan too, rubbing your thighs together for friction.  He just looks so fucking good!  You could cum from the visual in front of you as well
“Look at you sucking my dick like a good girl, so fucking pretty!” He says gripping your hair up more so he can enjoy his view. 
You go all the way down once more, then tighten your lips as you come back to the head of his dick, moaning so he feels the vibrations go down his shaft. 
“Just like that baby.” He says encouraging you. 
You continue deep throating him, watching his knees get weaker even though he’s in the chair, he looks like he’s barely holding on. Fully concentrating on the way he looks at you with lusty eyes but can’t contain his moans. 
Your hand starts palming his balls as you feel him deep in your throat. 
“Fuck baby girl, I’m gonna cum soon- oh my fucking god!” He’s trying his best to be quiet. You really hope his coworkers can’t hear him, but a part of you doesn’t care as long as he feels better. 
Jungkook is close and you nonverbally ask him with the look you give him for confirmation, just to double-check. He’s panting and can barely answer you. 
“Y-ye-yes baby.” He finally manages to muster out. 
You swirl your tongue up and down as you continue deep-throating him. It’s all so sloppy and messy. Your eyes are a little watery too, but you won’t stop until you swallow every last drop. 
“Fuck fuck fuck.” His chants and breathing are erratic which means…
Jungkook pushes your head all the way down and bites his lip, looking at you as he cums all down your throat. It’s so warm and thick. You moan and feel his hand slip from your hair to your neck as he pushes himself further one more time.
He pulls all the way out and you gasp but stick your tongue out to show him you’ve swallowed every last drop. 
You rise to your feet and sit on his desk, but he stands all the way up and towers over you. Lips brush across yours before he leans into your neck and leaves a kiss right below your ear lobe. 
“I’d love to bend you over here but let’s go home. I want to hear you scream.”
 You don’t have to be told twice! 
So back home you go- the both of you. 
Taglist : @joyfulwobblerhoagieegg @diorh0seokie @jennafromhome @taesungx @kimber-kook @whoa-jo @kaiparkerwifes @yoonglesbby07 @bangtansoneyondanfan
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Aita for telling my partner they need to be better at communicating during sex?
NSFW ask, but this has been an ongoing issue for a while and I’m very frustrated
My (19M) partner (21NB) is my first true sexual partner. They’ve been with other people in the past, some good experiences but mostly bad. I on the other hand have dated before and have had pseudo-sexual relationships (just touching) but my partner is the first person I’ve properly done the horizontal tango with
That being said, with my just-touching exes, we’ve always been extremely careful about communication in the moment. My most recent ex and I had the stoplight method even when we weren’t being kinky. It was reassuring to be able to check up on her and for her to be able to do the same. Maybe we were playing is too safe, idk, but that’s what I became comfortable with during sex
With my current partner, however, this has never been the case with their exes. I think I might be the first partner they’ve had that actually took time before making any sexual advances to ask them what they like and how I can make them happy because in the moment when I did, they looked confused.
Being horny young adults, we did eventually sleep together, and during the act, I realized that neither of us had checked in on the other outside of the initial “is this okay?” when removing clothes (I was the one who asked) so I slowed my roll and asked my partner if they were with me. They were not. They sputtered and said that I brought them out of the moment, and I became really really concerned that they had been disassociating the entire time because of previous sexual trauma. I told them I wanted to stop, they did not, so I rolled off and whispered into their ear while (and I apologize for not finding a better way to describe this without being overly graphic) I was straight jorkin’ em off. They were happy, they fell asleep, and I felt awful.
About half an hour later they kicked me out because their mom was coming home from a New Years Eve party (it was my 19th birthday which also hurt), but that’s not relevant, I just need the timeline in place.
We’ve done more sexual things since then and every time I try to check on them, they get weirded out. I stopped doing it in the moment so overtly and changed tactics to asking “what can I do for you” and “what do you need baby”, and this seems to get the job done. However, afterwards when I ask actually ask them how they were feeling, they would say that “the afterglow’s ruined” (which is wild because we’ve been together for six months and I’ve never finished -> I am a pre-op transman and my partner is AMAB, aka has told me that they don’t know what to do with my parts and once joked that sex would be easier if I had a dick, for context)
The last straw was tonight (March 4th) when they came over to my place and we started making out. I wasn’t really feeling it, so I tried to back off and shift to just lazy kisses, but my partner didn’t stop so I pulled away and said: “not tonight, baby”
They said: “if you weren’t in the mood, why did you kiss me?”
I said: “because I like kissing you?”
They said: “you should have told me you didn’t want to do anything. I don’t want to get the wrong idea.”
I said: “I’m sorry, I should have. I thought I wanted to, but I changed my mind. Can we go back to watching anime?”
They said yes and we watched another episode of a show (dungeon meshi!!) before I finally asked them why they don’t check in with me the way I do with them
They said: “I don’t like talking during sex. Ruins the vibe”
I said: “Okay, so can we find a system that lets the other know how we’re feeling when we don’t want to talk? Like how I use signs when I go nonverbal?”
They said: “I don’t see the point. If you don’t want to fuck, just push me off.”
I got mad and said: “What is wrong with you? I don’t want to push you off, I want to talk about it!”
They told me I was getting worked up and left. It’s been two hours and I feel like total shit for pushing the subject when they’ve expressed that they don’t like my expectations for sex. Am I too high maintenance?
TL;DR, I annoyed my partner by asking too many times for them to talk to me during sex, they got pissed and left my house. Atia for asking too many times?
What are these acronyms?
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tf-lover · 10 months
Commission - Undercover Truths
Interested in commissioning me? Check out this post for more information on rules and pricing.
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Detective Patrick Walters had been in the game a long time. Having just hit 40, he was still in very good shape compared to a lot of guys his age. By this point he’d watched many formerly athletic colleagues in their youth grow lazy and spend more time behind a desk than in the gym, but not Patrick. He was still in the gym five days a week, working out to keep himself in top shape. He prided himself on it. Sure, most of the time you didn’t get dramatic chases like the movies showed, but there were occasions over the years where his athletic prowess had mattered. And besides, it wasn’t for the job. He stayed fit because he liked how it felt, even now into his 40’s he worked hard to keep his appearance as good as it could be for himself and the ladies he hooked up with.
As a seasoned detective who’d worked his way right up the chain from a new member of the force at 18, Partick knew what he was doing when it came to the job. Living in a big city there were always new cases being dropped on his desk. From murders to drug crime at the extreme end, there wasn’t much he didn’t know how to handle at this point in his life. 
This new case though, this one had been tough. Gang activity, but none of his usual sources had been at all useful, and any evidence he’d gathered so far was circumstantial at best. He’d been on the case long enough to know some shady stuff was going on; everything from drugs to disappearances had crossed his desk; but there was never enough hard evidence to back up his instinct that all the cold cases over the last few months were connected. He knew they were though. He could feel it in his bones, as nonsense of a notion as that was. 
So, as he saw it, Patrick only had one option left. 
“Absolutely not.” The precinct’s chief, a man Patrick had been friends with a long time named Simon, said when he put forward his idea. “Out of the question Detective, I’m sorry. I can’t authorise an undercover mission to investigate a hunch, as much as I agree these cold cases are odd and need a solution, we’ve got no proof the downtown gangs are responsible. Sending you in without a strong reason or proof of their involvement just isn’t something I can authorise.” Simon had an apologetic look on his face as he sat back in his desk chair. “I’m sorry Patrick, really. I wish I could help, but I just can’t authorise an op like this and you know it. Maybe taking some time off would help clear your head of all this? You barely ever use your vacation time, that I could quite easily approve.”
A small smile spread over Patrick’s face. “You’re right Sir, maybe I should use up some of those vacation days.” He turned to leave the office, but paused when he got to the door and glanced back at the chief. “Thank you Simon, really.”
“Don’t know what you’re thanking me for Pat, I’m just approving some vacation time is all.” Simon didn’t give any hint of anything showing through, but Patrick didn’t need him to. “Now get out of here, you’ve got some vacation time to enjoy.”
Patrick nodded and headed out of the office. He was lucky he’d known the chief as long as he had, he’d have missed the hint at an off books snoop around if not. Simon couldn’t approve a full on investigation, but if Patrick could come to him with enough evidence, officially or unofficially obtained, to link one of the downtown gangs then maybe he could launch something. He’d have to be careful though, since he knew there was no protection if he was caught; Simon would have to deny all knowledge and claim he went rogue. 
All he had to do now was finish off some paperwork then he’d be ready to head off for his ‘vacation’. One that, little did he know, was going to be far more life changing than he was expecting…
It’d taken a couple of days and a lot of phone calls, but eventually Patrick had found an in. He’d hung around the right places and managed to run into a former member of the largest gang in the city, one who let just enough information slip when Patrick had pretended to be someone the guy knew from the gang years ago. Act in the right way and you could get people to think you knew them from a long time ago, a skill Patrick had become fairly good at over the years.
Armed with the knowledge he needed, Patrick made his way to the warehouse district of the city after that conversation. He’d long suspected there was gang activity around these parts, but had never had enough specifics. Now was different though, as now he knew the rough area to check. There were only a few unused warehouses in the southern part of the district below the river, so one of those had to be the one he was looking for. 
The first one was a bust. Picked the lock and slipped inside, only to find stacks of rotting cardboard boxes, filled with products from a toy company he knew had gone out of business several years ago. 
The second of the three ws now in use he’d discovered. When he’d walked up there were a few workers loading furniture into the back of a van, and a quick conversation after pretending to be lost had revealed this definitely wasn’t the place he was looking for. 
All he had left was the third one he knew was abandoned. 
When he got there he was glad to see no signs of life like the second one. No signs of anything when he walked in, not even boxes stacked up like the first. He still had a good look around though, just to be sure he hadn’t missed anything. And he was lucky he did, as in one of the back corners was a hatch that had to lead down to a basement. As he descended the ladder down he could see a soft glow of some type of light and the sound of a voice, which meant he had to be in the right place. 
A few seconds later he stepped back onto solid ground to find himself in a short corridor with sets of doors along each side and one at the end. It was this end one that piqued his curiosity, as this one unlike the others was slightly ajar and was the source of the sound and pale glow. 
Partick stepped closer quietly and carefully, not wanting to alert anyone that might be inside. The closer he got though, the more he realised it wasn’t a conversation he could hear and wasn’t a light on he could see. It was the same voice saying the same words on a loop of several minutes, which meant the light was probably a TV playing a video on a loop. Why there would be something like that down in the basement of an abandoned warehouse he had no idea, but it was definitely suspicious enough to lead him to believe he was in the right place. 
Once he got to the door at the end of the corridor, Patrick hovered outside for a few moments to make sure he couldn’t hear anyone moving around. When he was sure he pushed his way into the room, gun held low and ready to fire if it came to it. As he suspected though, there wasn’t a soul in sight; only him, the TV as he’d guessed, and the rest of the small room. A table with clothes and a half used pack of cigarettes on, a shower in one corner, and the TV in the centre of the room with a chair in front. It was an odd set up to say the least, and not what Patrick had been hoping to find. 
“This is… What even is all this for?” Patrick mumbled to himself as he walked around. The most confusing part of it all was the fine layer of dust on everything, a sign no one had been here or touched this stuff in some time. “No one’s been here, so why is the TV on? I can’t have been left on for the same amount of time as this other stuff hasn’t been touched.”
With nothing particularly interesting laying around the room, Patrick turned to the TV. He’d largely ignored it until now, but with no other signs of a clue it was the only thing left. It was clearly pretty old, not one of the more modern flat screens by any means. It wasn’t playing anything in particular though, all he could see was a blank white screen that occasionally flickered to black when whatever was playing looped to the beginning. 
Welcome back home Lance, you’ve been gone a while.
The words the voice spoke struck some kind of chord within Patrick’s mind. He wasn’t this Lance guy, but somehow he knew instinctively he was the one being spoken to by the deep voice. A pause later as Patrick moved around to the front of the TV and the voice spoke again. 
Not saying anything? Figures. At least take a seat why don’t you?
Patrick sat down in the ratty chair without thinking about it. Not until he’d got comfortable anyway did he realise he’d just listened to what the voice said. It was like it was talking to him, but that wasn’t possible. Was it? 
“Who are you? What is this place?” He asked, his curiosity getting the better of him despite the logical part of his brain knowing he’d heard all this before in the background as he’d looked around the room. “Can you hear-”
We’re not having a conversation, I just know you well enough to know what you’re going to ask whilst you’re like this. I’m your everything Lance, I’ve missed you.
Missed him? How could this voice have missed him when he didn’t even know who it belonged to? Despite that, there was still a shiver of satisfaction as whoever this man was said that; Patrick was suddenly feeling like he had missed the man behind the voice too. It made no sense, but he couldn’t deny the feeling was there now out of nowhere. 
It sent a jolt of panic running down his spine and Patrick fought the urge to stay sitting in the chair like he’d been told. He wanted to run, get out of here and all the strangeness of this small, dark room whilst he still could, but something deep in his core kept him locked in place.
You’re probably panicking right now. Have a cigarette Lance, that always helps you calm down.
Patrick’s eyes flicked over to the pack on the table. There was a lighter there too he realised, all ready for him to grab and light up. Patrick had never smoked in his life, not even a slight puff on one as a teenager. He hated the things, could never see how someone would want to destroy their body like that. 
He was reaching over to swipe them up before he knew what he was doing. Slid one out of the pack, balanced it between his lips, then flicked the lighter with a practised ease and set the cigarette burning. Two fingers around the end by his lips to keep it steady, then one deep inhale later he felt that sweet, familiar rush of nicotine and a calm wash over him. Lance blew the smoke out slowly as he pulled the cigarette from his lips, letting out a content sigh as he did. He’d missed that feeling. 
Patrick blinked down at the cigarette in his hand as he was about to raise it back to his lips. What had he just done? For a moment he’d lost himself completely. No coughing after what he knew was his first time smoking; the ease with which he pulled one out a lit up wasn’t one he possessed; he definitely wasn’t familiar with the calming high he got afterwards. It wasn’t possible for him to be missing a feeling he’d never felt before, and he absolutely did not know where the momentary comfort with being this ‘Lance’ dude had come from. 
On reflex, Partick slotted the cigarette back between his lips and took another long, heavenly drag from it. Smoke filled him up, swirling around as he held it inside for a moment to enjoy the sensation before he let it back out in a lengthy blow. 
Comfort. Home. Relaxed. All those feelings swirled around with the smoke as he took drag after drag from the cigarette between Lance’s lips. 
Confusion. Panic. Fear. All those feelings left Patrick as he blew out the smoke each time. 
There wasn’t anything to worry about here, the cigarette had reminded him. He belonged here, this wasn’t some break in, he was just coming home. Each inhale of smoke he calmed down as the previously unknown itch for nicotine was scratched, each exhale Patrick felt more comfortable and at ease letting this voice call him Lance. It felt right, more right than Patrick felt as his name in the current moment. 
Once you’ve finished that off Lance you should get changed. Have a shower to wash off all that hair dye and makeup covering your tattoos, then your usual gym clothes are all there just as you left them. 
Lance looked over at the shower in the corner of the room. He could do with a shower after the long day, even if he didn’t quite know what else the voice was talking about. He ran a hand through his grey hair as he stood up and kicked his shoes off. It’d been brown once upon a time, but he’d never cared enough to dye it as he grew older. He’d never liked the way tattoos looked either, so why the voice thought he’d need to wear makeup to cover something he didn’t have was beyond him.
Nevertheless, he still switched the shower on then stripped quickly and stepped under the warm spray. It felt almost as good as the cigarette had, so much so he unconsciously turned the heat up higher than he’d usually tolerate. There was something about the almost scalding hot water as it rolled down his neck from his head, over his shoulders and down his torso, something that just felt right. There was a cloth and bottle he could only assume was shower gel, so he squeezed a generous amount into his hands and started rubbing it into his skin. Under his arms, over his crotch and between his ass cheeks, then up and over his shoulders and back into his hair, barely an inch of him was spared.
Once he was properly soaped up, Lance turned a little to place himself back directly under the spray and went to work washing it all off again. He barely noticed the grey colour that came with the suds in his hair, or the pinkish tint that sloughed off as he rubbed at his skin. Dark lines appeared the more he rubbed and cleaned, revealing dark tattoos and tanned skin all over his body, just as the voice had claimed. As he washed his hair he watched as some of it fell out and washed away down the drain, leaving it now cropped perfectly short to his scalp.
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“When did I…?” Lance hesitated for a second as he stared at his inked flesh when the last of the shower gel had washed off. He didn’t remember getting tattoos… or did he? “Huh, yeah. That’s… that’s my ink. Missed seeing that on this job, maybe I’ll get more to celebrate being finished at last.”
“You did a great job getting into the police so deep Lance, I’m proud of you. Undercover work isn’t easy, but you’re done now.”
Lance smiled to himself as he stepped out of the shower and dried off. It was all coming back to him now. He wasn’t a cop or a detective, he was only pretending to be for the gang to throw off some of the stuff they’d been doing. He wasn’t this perfect Patrick Walters guy, that was just an alias they’d created for him. The memories of that life, growing up into some old guy like that, none of it was real. It was a backstory they’d planned out together. Even now he barely noticed as the memories slipped away, just the important details Lance had to memorise for the job sticking around. 
The location the voice was coming from had shifted too, but Lance was too preoccupied with drying himself off and grabbing his clothes to notice. It was clearer and closer to the door instead of sounding like it came from the TV in the centre of the room, not that it made a difference as Lance pulled on his favourite jockstrap and shorts. A tank top that showed off his muscles and tattoos followed, along with the necklace, backwards cap and earrings he always wore. 
He felt comfortable again now he’d dropped out of the disguise and got back to himself. How the stupid pigs had ever believed some shitty hair dye and makeup he hadn’t a clue, it wasn’t exactly a believable disguise. That and somehow passing for a man who just turned 40 when Lance himself had turned 28 only a few months before the beginning of this undercover stuff; the cops were really all as stupid as he thought they were. 
“How’re you feeling babe? Better to be back?”
The voice that was very clearly from inside the room startled Lance for a second before he looked up to see his boyfriend, who was also the leader of the gang he was part of, stood at the door. He had his arms folded over his chest and his signature smirk on his face, one that always got Lance’s cock throbbing.
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“You know I am Raf. Been dying to be back in your arms for months.” Lance said as he strolled across the room. When he got close enough he untangled Raf’s crossed arms and pressed himself up against his lover, their muscled bodies snug together. “You got no idea how much I’ve missed you and myself, pulling off the straight older cop shtick was torture.”
Raf rubbed a hand over Lance’s shaved hair then let them slide down and settle around his waist. “I bet it was, but you’re back to normal now eh? Can get the hell outta here and get shit moving on the next phase. Now you’ve thrown them off us we can expand and take over the smaller gangs, become the big underground name around here. We’re gonna own this city thanks to you babe.”
Raf leaned in and kissed him then. Lance happily kissed back, letting his lover's beard scratch against his jaw as their lips slid together. It was more heavenly than the cigarette, which was something considering how much he smoked in one day. Not smoking or being with Raf had been the worst torture of his life, but it was all over now. He had his boyfriend back kissing him, his life back, everything. 
A few moments later the kiss ended and Raf slid out of his arms. He still held Lance’s hand tight as he pulled him out of the small room and pushed him back towards the ladder upwards, then let go so his lover could move. “You go on up Lance. I’m just gonna clear this place out, then I’ll come meet you up there and we can leave yeah?”
Lance nodded and grabbed hold of the ladder. “Sure thing Raf, I’ll see your sexy ass in the car for some hot sex yeah?”
Raf nodded and smirked again. “You bet your ass I will. It’s been long enough, I’ve missed the way you suck dick.” He watched Lance blush as the other man climbed the ladder out of the small basement, leaving Raf alone down there. He switched the TV off, grabbed up the clothes his boyfriend had taken off to get in the shower earlier, then walked back to the door. “Well Patrick, that sure went off without a hitch, didn’t it?” He said to the empty room before he locked it and headed off to catch up with Lance. 
Raf had a lot of fucking to do so he could make up for lost time, though whether that time was a few months or a lifetime was anyone’s guess…
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zombyjuice · 6 months
NOBODY BETTER THAN YOU! - eunseok.🍨🦷🐆🍦 t(>.<t)
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In which your boyfriend you recently just got back together with is coming over for the first time since.
bf!eunseok x fem loser!reader
toxic relationship, fluff, angst, smut! suggestions to the reader having depression (NOT ROMANIZING.) suggested cheating. etc..
so many things inspired/helped me make this so I’m just gonna . @melobin and @anquelic on insta and my playlist below took inspo from there too <33 lol!
“Eunseoks here…” one of your roommates sneered from the other side of the door you could almost feel the face they gave eachother. You hop up and rush to open your door with a wide smile on your face “Hey baby” your boyfriend, walking towards you, a hand in one pocket and a bag of Burger King in the other an extremely attractive smile on his face “hii” you practically melted pulling him into your room and hugging him tight.
“Please don’t fuck yet! Give it a week!”
“shut the fuck up!”
He chuckled kissing your forehead and pinching your sides, you loved it when he did that, made you feel so safe you could practically feel your heart melt watching his movements as he placed the bag on your table.
That feeling goes away in an instant as you watch him sigh as he moves some of your clutter to the side. This made your heart flutter with sadness and your brain go a bit fuzzy.
He understands you more than anybody really, he’s patient and he does seem to care for you, he understood all those months before you guys were ever official you’d disappear trying to decide if he’s the one and if you should give him the chance.
He understood the nights where you’d just sit in silence not wanting to be touched or talked to, and he understood the nights you guys would be talking like normal only for you to start crying out of nowhere, or the nights you’d scream and push him losing your temper only to end up in his arms letting him watch you crumble under him. “It’s okay baby, it’s okay I've got you, doing so well for daddy” “‘m not mad at you, okay pretty, it's okay”. He understood the nights when you were finally your silly self after spending a weekend alone.
He understood all your quirks and interests. Once he dragged you to one of his sets because he remembered someone working on it had a dog who understood multiple languages, remembering your rather odd fascination with it how. can they do that? And watching as you said sit to the dog in Spanish, French, and Japanese, complete shock and happiness painted on your face as you laughed and laughed, adoration painted on his.
So how is it that you caught him multiple times all over the girl, the same girl he had a pass with, rumor has it they were “casually” sleeping together before you ever entered the picture you know it was deeper than that. To him “it wasn’t that big of a deal and he was just being nice.” You had to constantly shift your morals just so you could be happy with him, he knew you hated it, he knew the disgust you felt with yourself every time you’d go back with him. But you loved him so it's alright.
You knew the irritation and anger that bubbled up inside of him when you'd ask “Are you unhappy in our relationship?” or “Am I annoying you? I'm sorry” but he loves you so he's got to deal with it, right?
And no matter how many times you believed he cheated he was stable, nothing in your life is stable but him. So maybe that’s why you feel you always go back to him. And only him. Because, to you, there's nobody better than him.
He turned to you already able to read your face “It's alright, today's our lazy Sunday isn't it? We'll clean a bit tomorrow but for now, cmere let's lie down”
The smile that was once on your face came back and you gladly took his hand as he led you to your bed and cozy. Watching some of your favorite horror movies and munching on Burger King you between his legs a hands squishing your thighs and head dropping down to your neck every now and then to suck a hickey at your favorite spots your hands would grab at his knees as you whimper and giggle. “quit it, they’re finally escaping”. He'd quietly pout and slightly rut his hips up against you visibly hard.
{2:49 am}
Your eyes meet your boyfriends and grab at his hand that's hitching up your inner thigh, yours visibly smaller “Should we play some-” he smashed his lips against yours, your first actual kiss of the night “fuck I know we said we wouldn't do anything, but shit you look so good, sound so good, need to fuck my babies in you, make you mine forever” he grabbed at your neck and slid it down to your arm, manhandling you under him.
You could only submit to him, knowing this would have happened by the end of the “night”.
“Can’t believe I spent so many Sundays without you, felt so wrong, I’ve missed you so much” he'd moan against your lips grabbing at your thighs and aggressively pushing them up as he grinds against you, whimpers slipping out of you “missed you so much more” you’d whisper mind going elsewhere remembering exactly why you spent so many night away from each other’s grasp.
“Let me fuck away all that nonsense,only have you think about this cock” as if he could read your mind “please”.
And just like that he’d do exactly what he said.
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roronoaswifey · 2 years
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summary. your brilliant boyfriend zoro comes up with an idea when he sees you in nothing but a taunting two piece lingerie set.
pairing. roronoa zoro x f!reader
warnings/tags. mirror sex, penetration, fingering, oral sex (m), zoro calls you slut but affectionately, breath play, unprotected sex, banter, just you both being a cringy couple, bold is japanese, slightly ooc zoro??
wc. 4.3k
kazu’s note. *scratches head* uh- this was longer than i expected… oops
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“fucking finally,” were the first words your boyfriend spoke after a long night. you chuckled, closing the door behind you and locking it shut.
“it wasn’t that bad,” you stretched your neck, laughing as the boy continued to grumble about his annoyance throughout the entire night. “everyone was having a good time, you’re the only grumpy one.”
“that might’ve been the worst night in my entire twenty-one years of living,” zoro plopped lazily on the bed, back flat with his chest facing the ceiling. he huffed childishly, limbs stretched at each extremity of the bed. “and that’s including the sabaody and thriller bark incidents.”
“all because we ran out of sake?” you couldn’t help the laugh you let out. he was being incredibly childish, so childish that you found it endearing.
“‘s not funny,” he mumbled, crossing his arms beneath his head as support. you shook your head unimpressed, and as if he could sense it, “it was the good kind too!”
“you have nobody else but yourself to blame for your ineptitude to enjoy yourself sober,” you teased, removing your diamond earrings and placing them on the dresser.
“tch, i don’t expect you to understand.” he retorted, although it lacked fire. you hummed in faux acknowledgment, moving towards the body length mirror to help yourself out.
you looked back at your reflection. a silk black dress that stopped mid thigh and was dangerously close to revealing a cheek. the dress hugged your body perfectly, every crevice and curve accentuated. it snug your frame just right, almost teasingly, and you couldn’t help the way your fingertips roamed over your body.
whenever you cleaned up, you cleaned up damn well. your eyes narrowed at the sight of yourself more.
“what a self-conceited woman,” your boyfriend joked from where he laid. you snapped out of your trance, finding his teasing gaze from the reflection of the mirror.
you returned the smirk back, “when you look this good, it’s hard not to be,” shifting your body, your hips moved so your backside could now be seen through the mirror. you eyed your ass in the tight material, satisfied at the stretch of the silk over your curve.
“my pretty girl.” zoro agreed, letting his eye rest once more. a smile fell on your glossed lips, a warmth spreading through your chest at his compliment. my pretty girl. for a man as non-verbal as zoro, you would take that compliment and never let it die.
the more you looked at yourself, you noticed the steel gray zipper stitched in the material. it brought you back to your senses, remembering you’d now have to switch into more comfortable clothing to sleep.
although you wish you had more moments to appreciate the dress, you felt yourself slowly growing tired. you stretched your arm behind your back, fingers attempting to find the zipper. when you managed to get ahold of the lever, you felt your arm struggle to pull it downwards.
you frowned, trying once, twice and another time. the muscles in your bicep began to burn from the movements, and so you let your arm fall down.
“hey baby,” you called out to your lover, eyeing him through the reflection of the mirror. you saw him open his singular eye, a lazy hum vibrating from this throat, “c’mere and help me with my zipper?”
“can’t do anything without my help, needy woman” he sighed, though lifting himself from the bed. he stretched his limbs with a groan, before walking over towards you.
you felt his presence behind you, and so you playfully rolled your eyes, assuring he could see you through the reflection. “‘m just so helpless without my incredibly strong and reliable boyfriend,” you fed on his ego, slapping his thigh encouragingly.
“i mean i am incredibly strong and reliable.”
“that you are, my love.”
“‘m also very skilled and observant. would never let you get hurt.”
“ah, whatever would i do without you?”
through the mirror, your boyfriend gave you one of his rare smiles— the one that exposed his adorable left dimple, pearly whites flashing, cheeks stretching wide. you cherished whenever the man would smile like this, since it only ever came every once in a blue moon.
you granted him a smirk, slapping his thigh once more, “now get on with it, my knight in shining armour.”
he placed a gentle kiss at the crevice of your neck, before putting his hands to work. you watched as he moved your hair out the way, dragging the zipper down slowly. his tongue poking at the inside of his cheek, and you ignored the heat in your stomach bubbling.
once the zipper landed right at your lower back, the dress dropped and pooled at your ankles swiftly, revealing your skimpy undergarments.
you blinked, momentarily forgetting you paired the silk dress with your black lace bra and matching thong. your boyfriend, on the other hand, blinked as his eye roamed from your back muscles, and moved down to the tattoo that sat right above your ass, before lowering his gaze down to cheeks.
you watched him amusingly, loving the way he was mesmerized by the set you wore. ironically, when you had purchased the set and offered to give a haul, he let you know he was nowhere near interested in what you and the witch bought.
when you brought your thoughts to words, he chuckled in disbelief, rough hands grazing down your warm skin, resting at your waist, “guess i’m a dumbass then,”
“you guess?” you joked, and when he raised his head to give you a flat look, you giggled in retaliation. his eye moved back to your backside, practically drooling over your flesh.
turning around, his sight was now replaced from your ass to your breast. “c’mon zee, you gonna keep looking or put your incredibly strong and very skilled hands to use?” you pressed your chest against him, draping your arms over his broad shoulders, offering an innocent smile.
he returned a smile, though far more mischievous than the previous one. his hands found their way around your middle, tugging you incredibly closer to him. his nose teasingly brushed yours, lips inches dangerously away from your own.
“gotta help my damsel in distress,” he mumbled with a feral grin, barely giving you a breath before locking lips with yours.
the kiss was slow and sensual. your boyfriend was taking his time, savouring your taste if the tilt of his head revealed anything. you hummed in appreciation, fingers moving to play with his short fringes, scraping his scalp gently.
and before you knew it, his tongue eagerly slipped into your glossy lips, slipping into your cavern and explored every inch of the warmth. his hands lowered and grabbed onto your mouldy flesh, feeling his rough callouses contrasting your soft skin.
you moaned softly into his mouth, enjoying the rub of your ass, simultaneously enjoying the way your front would rub teasingly against his. his hard-on was impossible to ignore, poking into your groin so naughtily, and surely enough you felt your panties dampen with your slick.
zoro pulled away just slightly, panting against your swollen lips, the feral grin returning on his mouth, “got a brilliant idea just now.”
you cocked an eyebrow, a smile following your words, “care to share?”
“you’ll see,” zoro gave you a light spank, feeling the delicious recoil beneath his palm, his smirk growing dangerously wider. “turn around for me, princess,”
you complied to his order, turned around and found yourself staring at your own reflection once again. it was only when you eyed your swollen lips and the devious stare behind you that you put the pieces together.
“got an idea yet?” zoro pressed his bulge into your ass, arms wrapping around around stomach. when you giggled, he smiled approvingly, resting his nose in between your shoulder and neck, taking an inhale of your intoxicating scent.
“‘m gonna blow your mind away,” his warm lips left trails of wet kisses along your neck. from beneath your ear, to the back of your neck, his kisses would grow harsher, teeth dragging your skin with intent to leave marks.
“blow me away then,” you sighed, throwing a hand back to find his hair. feeling tingles of pleasure where his lips would leave bites, heats of fire licked at your spine as his explored your upper body, eventually resting at your breast.
he took a greedy squeeze and you moaned before you could help it, the cold metal pierced through your nubs being tugged at. his hands slipped through your bra, fingers finding your nipples with practiced ease as he fondled the erect peak, while simultaneously massaging the tender flesh.
the breast play drove your mind to mush quicker than you anticipated, “hurry up, take it off already!”
zoro tsked, plunging his teeth particularly deeper into your neck, the sting making your legs buckle, “we’re keeping the set on. think of it as a makeup haul,”
“still your fault,” you grumbled childishly, and when he pinched your nipple and anticipated your squeal, he delivered a soft kiss at your jaw.
“m tryna make up for it, aren’t i?” he dropped a hand from your chest, fingertips trailing downwards. his hands stopped at your waistband, slipping his index past the elastic as he circled around your waist teasingly.
“we’re gonna play a little game, yeah?” he mumbled right within earshot, the words sending shivers through your body. in the pause between his words and your nod, he lowered his hand in your panties, pushing the flimsy string aside and used his thumb to graze just over your clit.
you stiffened at the discreet move, body yearning for more. he was being a teasing little shit, and as much as you wanted to call him out on it, you didn’t want to risk him leaving you in this state. you bit your tongue.
“simple rule; keep your eyes on yourself at all times. got it?” as if to demonstrate, his free hand grabbed at your jaw, tilting your chin so you’d be forced to stare at yourself.
you huffed in slight embarrassment. you looked a mess— in the process of it all, your hair had gotten messed up, neck littered in nasty love bites, lips swollen and gloss smothered around your mouth. of course he wanted to do this, the bastard.
“what’s wrong?” zoro hummed, though his taunting smirked showed anything but concerns. “thought it was hard to not keep your eyes off of yourself when you looked this good?”
“fuck off,” you rolled your eyes, and when the hand in your thong threatened to leave, your hand quickly gripped it and kept it in place. “fine, god you’re annoying,”
“what ever happened to my gentle damsel in distress?” he chuckled, thumb now rolling your clit around. at the touch you threw your head back, stomach churning at the pleasure. you could see from your peripheral zoro’s pointed gaze, before yanking your head back down, the grip on your jaw tightening.
“thought i told you to keep your eyes on yourself at all times?” he growled, teeth nipping at your earlobe. you whimpered, the hand on his gripping his wrist harder.
“hurry it up then!— please,” you pleaded, slowly losing your composure. behind you, zoro dragged his lips lower down your neck.
“only ‘cause you asked so nicely,” he cooed, wasting no time to plunge two fingers knuckle deep in your pussy.
the moan you let out was pornographic, the stretch of his thick digits burning so deliciously. his pace was slow but steady— experimentally fingering you, scissoring your walls with ease. your slick made the job easier, and only when it dribbled down your thigh had you noticed how horny you were.
“look at what i get to see regularly,” his hand guided you back to the mirror you’d subconsciously been inching away from. “wouldn’t it have been greedy to keep this all to myself?”
you were too out of focus to reply. you’d never seen yourself during sex before. and as embarrassing as it was, it also turned you on immensely. your buckling legs, the way zoro’s fingers would disappear into your cunt and come back out glossier than previously. your eyes moved up to your face, jaw dropped as you moaned and moaned like there was no tomorrow. drool collected at the corner of your mouth, eyes lidded as pleasure slowly consumed you entirely.
“my pretty little slut,” zoro leaned forward, cheek now in contact with yours, slipping in a third finger into your looser cunt. you whined are the addition, arms stretching forward to hold onto mirror for support. “see how good you look?”
he mumbled in your ear, soaking in the way you crumbled at his fingers alone. his cock twitched at the mere thought of seeing you see yourself fall apart on his dick. growing impatient, he growled, quickening his pace.
“zoro— oh fuck, right there!” you babbled, eyes rolling at back of your head when you felt his ruthlessly thrust at your sweet spot. the familiar yet different coil in your gut built, threatening to release at the pounding.
“eyes, my love.” he growled beastly, and you whined in annoyance, though forcing your gaze back into yourself. it was getting harder with the nips at your sensitive neck and your cunt sucking in and out his fingers.
“you’re squeezing me so tight,” at the words you clenched impossibly harder, focusing on chasing your release as quick as possible. “gonna cum for me, baby?”
“yes, oh yes! please let me cum!” you begged, legs stuttering as you barely held yourself together. if possible, his pace quicken and the thrusts grew sharper, his bicep flexing in the process.
“anything for my damsel,” a tough bite at your jugular and the multitasking of your clit and sweet spot being stimulated had you squirting hard.
the coil snapped and you moaned loudly, hardly considering the possibility of your crewmates hearing you. you melted as the liquid sprayed down your legs and onto the mirror. you watched yourself breakdown, drool now escaping your mouth and body quivering at the overstimulation.
“thought you said you were cumming baby?” zoro teased, removing his fingers from your panties and bringing them to your mouth.
still hazy, you eagerly accepted the wet digits into your mouth, moaning around his fingers at your taste. zoro watched with animistic intensity at the sight, his dick twitching vigorously.
“good job love, you did so well,” he brought his own fingers to his mouth, now savouring your saliva coating his fingers and the faint taste of your pussy.
“now,” he popped his hand away, placing them on your hips and turning you around. you raised an eyebrow in confusion, and so he explained himself. “mini pause on the game, i need some help. you willing to help me out?”
“do i even have a choice?” you snorted weakly, and when his hand cupped your jaw, index finger lifting your gaze to meet his, your eyes widened in surprise.
“‘course you do. ‘m not gonna make you do anything you don’t wanna do.” he pointed, sternly.
you heart swelled at his statement. you rolled your eyes playfully, swatting his hand away gently, “i know that, idiot, now lemme help you out,” you lowered down, opting to squat instead of kneeling.
when you looked back up, your boyfriend stared you down in an amused shock, “well that’s new,”
you shrugged, not wanting to admit you wanted to give him a good view through the mirror. you only hoped the intense workout sessions with him would pay off here.
“gonna whip out your dick now?” you asked, hands moving up to his zipper, only to have him stop your movements. you looked back up, ready to retort when it died down on your tongue at his teasing grin.
“no hands. can you take it?” he asked, bringing his free hand to your hair, pushing it out of your face.
your face twisted in annoyance at the nerve he had, competitiveness slowly bubbling in your veins. you kissed your teeth, hands flying to grip his thighs to accept his request.
“‘course i can, you’re talking to me here.”
“ah, whatever would i do without you?” he ruffled your head affectionately, loving the way your lips fell into an unintentional pout. “now, get on with it,”
you rolled your eyes at him using your own words against you, but decided to push past it. for now, you focused on how you were gonna pull his pants down without hands.
you leaned forward, teeth popping off the button of his dark jeans with ease. when you heard an approving grunt, you found yourself wanting to impress him further. and so, you bared your teeth out, finding the piece of steel and dragged it down slowly while keeping eye contact with him.
a smirk pulled at his lips at your dedicated eyes. he knew you’d be able to do it, you were his slut after all.
moving on, you managed to pull his pants down with a rather big bite. you were careful to not tangle his skin in the process, and the second the article of clothing moved past his mid thigh, gravity did its thing and finished the job for you.
you moved up and repeated the same cycle with his briefs, ignoring the way your pussy clenched around nothing at his musk. god, you wanted his dick in your mouth so badly. his briefs now hung at his mid thigh, his throbbing cock now hanging at your face.
“you did it,” he spoke the obvious, and when you gave him a flat look, he chuckled, “don’t give me that face, get on with it.”
you collected all the saliva in your mouth, eyes glued on the pretty brown tip of his cock. it leaked with pre, curving slightly to the left as the bottom of his large shaft was decorated with dark green pubes.
you were gonna reach down there.
and so you leaned forward, with the help of your hands stuck to his thighs, and greeted his tip with a kiss. you heard the man hiss, and so you took him further down, jaw slackening as bobbed down his cock.
you started slowly, dragging your tongue around his dick, the salty taste of his skin leaving a pleasant buzz in your head. though harder to manage, you didn’t back down as you took him even further down.
“there we go,” he grunted, the grip on your hair tightening. he held back the thought of guiding you down, turned on by the idea of you taking him in without his help. “just like that,”
saliva began to escape your mouth, jaw and thighs getting sore, but you knew you had to deal with the pain. you were determined to make him cum, without your hands.
taking a deep breath in, you leaned forward all the way down to his cock, nose meeting the dark green pubes. the smell of his hairs clouded your mind, and the guttural groan your boyfriend released made you leak.
“fuck—“ he cursed under his breath, watching as you went ham on his dick. you weren’t letting up, you moved up and down like your life depended on it, your thumbs rubbing circles on thighs and fingernails digging deep into his flesh.
your eyes caught his and though your mouth was occupied, zoro pictured the smirk you’d give him. he smirked back at you, and you understood as to why.
you went back to working up and down his throbbing cock, before pulling up and sucking harshly at his tip, just like how he likes it.
“god— okay, okay, that’s enough,” he used the grip on your hair and pulled you entirely off of him. you frowned, ready to voice out your annoyance but he cut you off before you could begin.
“needa cum in that pretty pussy of yours,” he lifted you up from your crouching stance. when you now fully stood, you felt the ache in your trembling thighs, “besides, you looked like you were having a hard time there.”
“i know you’re not talking,” you raised a singular eyebrow, amazed by the audacity of this man.
he chuckled, swiftly turning you around, and you were once again greeted with the view of yourself. he kissed your jaw, “game’s back on. remember my love, eyes on yourself.”
before you could roll your eyes, you felt the tip of his cock playfully rubbing at your lips. you bit your lip, holding back a moan threatening to release. the grip he had on your hips would surely leave bruises, but the taunts of his cock slipping in and out of your cunt made it feel worth it.
“put it in already,” you complained, feeling your brain melt at the teasing. you were so close to the feeling and whenever he felt as though you were ready to express your delights, he’d pull back out.
“i’d suggest holding the mirror,” he nodded his head, his tip waiting at your entrance. your arms tumbled towards the mirror, palms nearly slipping at your moistness.
you were finally granted the thrust he gave, you both moaning wantonly as you sucked in his dick greedily. your arms nearly gave out at the burn of his stretch, but you were far too greedy to care about it. you wanted more, and if you took your eyes off of yourself, he’d throw a fit.
“remember,” he growled, barely holding it together himself together. “eyes up or i swear to god i’m pulling out.”
a whine slipped past your lips, “okay, okay, hurry!” you moved your own hips back and forth, deciding to begin without him. he hissed at the feeling of your gummy walls accepting his cock so easily, your lips gripping him so naughtily.
and much to your satisfaction, he held your hips and began to pound you. he pounded into you brutally, so ruthlessly, never letting up. you wanted it? then he’d give it to you.
you cried in pleasure, watching your body jerk forward as you matched his thrusts, head bobbing without control as your breasts jiggled in sync. whenever he’d sink into you, he repeatedly attacked your cervix, his cock dragging at your walls and stretching you impossibly further.
you fingers curled and your knees buckled, though your eyes stayed glued to the mirror. you watched as his eye met you, an animalistic smirk stretched on his lips, watching with pride as he ruined you. he then lowered his gaze to your ass, the recoil of each bounce made him pound deeper, addicted to the movements.
“fuck, yes, oh zee, ‘s so good!” you bit your lip in attempt to muffle your moans, but the fingers that wrapped around your throat cut your breathing circulation briefly. you inhaled sharply, the lack of air fucking with your thoughts.
“god, look at you,” he growled, leaning forward and hitting a whole new spot. your vision began to fill with stars, the penetration hitting even further and nearly had you spasming in bliss.
“love having my hand around your neck, huh?” his grip tightened and god, how badly you wanted to cum. “want me to breed you and make you mine forever, ain’t that right?”
“yesyesyes!” you babbled, bringing your own hand to hold the one on your neck. zoro smirked impressively, lifting your body so you were now pressed against another. you felt his sweaty chest behind your back, and when his hand slipped forward to toy with your clit, you lost it.
you tilted your head back, lips inches away from his panting ones, “i’m cummin’! fuck, oh fuck— please let me cum, please!” your free hand moving back to grab ahold of his bulging bicep.
zoro’s lips twitched in anticipation, leaning forward to mumble the words on your plump lips, “‘m right behind you baby, cum for me,”
capturing your mouth with his before you could wake up the whole ship, you cummed and hard. you screamed in his mouth, tongue muffling your sounds as he milked out everything you had to offer.
zoro followed you shortly, groaning in your mouth, hips stuttering as he emptied his milky load into you. he rode out his orgasm, briefly forgetting you were now on the verge of overstimulation, focused on bringing you both down from your highs. your broken sobs indicated you were feeling as good as he was, sunken deep into your cunt as he painted your walls white.
eventually, he slowed his thrusts down, your whines music to his ears. when his thrusting stopped, he released the grip on your neck, his hand now moving to your stomach and resting around your waist.
though out of breath and nearly on the verge of passing out, you kissed your boyfriend as passionately as he kissed you back. his fingers, once gripping you tight, now rubbed shapes onto your skin soothingly. his touch left sparks of warmth all over your body, even after your promiscuous actions.
you pulled back, resting your head on his shoulder, panting heavily. you watched the view before you, and you had to admit it was rather charming to see zoro post orgasm. the way he eyed you with love made your chest flutter with butterflies.
“brilliant idea, by the way,” you spoke first, chuckling at the way his face lit up.
“right? ‘ve had this fantasy for so fucking long, can’t believe it took this long to do it,” he kissed your temple gently. you hummed in agreement. you couldn’t believe all it took was for him to pull your zipper down.
“what?” you looked back at him. his smirk deepened, and he brought his hand to rest at your neck, though with no pressure. you cocked an eyebrow in confusion.
“you lost the game. time for your punishment.”
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… idk 😐
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gb-patch · 9 months
Hi! I saw your ask about skin tones and honestly, that is very much a barebones excuse to not include skintones in your game. You act as though adding skintones to a sprite would be a complete hand-drawn new asset when it would quite literally be filling in a pre drawn base for both Opal and the mc. Not only that but you potentially have thousands of mc outfits you promised for specific tier havers on the kickstarter. And then for 250,000 dollars, you're telling me we'll get more colors but not even 2 or 4 skintones when there are games with Less funding who have more skintones? Especially considering OL:B&A had the exact same amount of skintones and I could count all the afro centric hairstyles in that game on my two hands. I rather have more skintones than just pale, peach, olive, tan, brown and dark brown (most of which screams a 2000s foundation line of tones) than have more hair or clothing colors. I'm sorry, I love your games, I really do but that's an extremely lazy and abhorrent response from you and I am extremely disappointed.
"Hi. I just saw the post about you not adding in more skintones. I really hope this doesn't come across as rude or demanding but I find your reasoning for not being able to add them...lackluster at best. With all due respect, you set this goal for 250k, over three times the original goal you set for the kickstarter, the idea that somehow you can promise an additional set of darker colours for the clothes, accesories hair and eyes alongside the additional MC pieces people are going to request but not an additional skintone because of Opal seems a little ridiculous. I'm not an experienced artist but I do know how art files tend to work and I imagine adding additional colours to Opal's base design wouldn't be an extreme undertaking. In fact, by contrast, the work to add more colours to the clothes and hairs seems much more labourous considering the amount of them and the fact that some of the clothes have subcolours.
Again, I do hope I don't come accross as rude but I just feel like this announcement was highly dissapointing, especially considering the fact that the additional colours are currently the biggest goal for the kickstarter at the moment" There were two replies, so I put them together. I hope that's alright.
I understand. It would be bad and make no sense if that didn’t happen. I can say that this has nothing to do with funding. I'm not gonna attach more skin tones to a stretch goal, that’s not fair. It’ll be done whenever it can be regardless of what happens with the Kickstarter.
The other colors for hair and such is something I confirmed can be done by our programmer ahead of time using a color picker system in coding.
The situation as it stands today for Opal is that I personally don't have the skills to recolor her myself, the artist we have is in a situation where it would be unkind to increase how much work they have to do (it'd be easier if even less work could be on them), and while another artist could be hired- that hasn't happened at this point. So, saying it "could happen but maybe not" is cautious development process. It’s how it went with both the Cove Patreon Bonus Moments, where I pretended for months that it may or may not happen while working on it behind the scenes because I wasn’t sure how long I’d need to finish it and was worried it could be delayed for long stretches of time.
Being realistic, it is virtually a 100% certainly that before the game comes out, the skin tones will be expanded. There is no good reason why it wouldn’t. I was waiting until things got to a better point in production before coming out to officially say that it’s happening.
And I could’ve said it’s extremely likely but we’re not able to do it quite yet and avoided making anyone feel hurt. I wish my way of handling it hadn’t made the people who believed in our games sad. The reason why I didn’t is that I just can’t help but be averse to making promises I can’t do/the team can’t do and so have to rely on something else working out at some point in the future, even if it is entirely likely that it will.
That’s because I know that these things will make a lot of people happy. I want the excitement and any praise that might come to not happen until the goal has been achieved or is on the way to being achieved for sure. To a degree it’s helpful for players to have confidence in what the company is promoting, but it’s mainly to help with my own habit of catastrophizing. I tend to believe bad things could happen and I’ll let people down even when it’s so unlikely it’s not worth considering. I consider it anyway. And so, you get this kind of long-term hedging before the feature people hoped for suddenly appears. Even now my compulsion is to add a caveat that “there’s still a chance something (I don’t even know what) could happen and it won’t be added so don’t thank me yet” despite me already coming out with the truth that there’s every intention to have it added. I’m sorry to have disappointed you and made you feel disregarded by doing this. Hopefully when the skin options are expanded people will be able to enjoy the game a lot more than how it is with the current demo. And thanks for taking the time to let me know what you thought rather than giving up on the project entirely.
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the0maski · 7 months
Fear headcanon’s I have, but can’t explain, about the Link’s and some endings of their adventures.
Sky: has a massive fear that people are just using him. I think I picked it up from some dialogue in the game, where Zelda apologized for using him??? It’s been ages since I played SS, so my mind could have had made this one up, but something like that stuck to me. His "laziness" is just his way of protecting himself. If someone asked him for something, and will just send him and come with him, he is getting suspicious of that person. Even if it was to go get some books for class.
Time: He was lying about regretting being forgotten as a hero. He was extremely happy being back in time and having an actual chance of changing things. He never overcame his abandonment issues and the need to be enough, that’s why he helped Twilight. Also I have a strong feeling that his spirit never moved on, because he never felt he belonged anywhere. Where does a rejected soul go?
Wind: Massive fear of people drowning and people getting kidnapped. The crew has to stop him from jumping into the water to save someone, or kill someone. (He killed Ganondorf, he will do it again) He is acting on instinct on those moments, so as much as Tetra likes him as her right hand man, she can’t take him everywhere.
Legend: What I thought was that Koholint Island, wasn’t completely a dream. The island actually existed somewhere else. Dreams are made from things we see in real life sometimes, so the Wind Fish had passed that island at some point. But by falling asleep she doomed the acutely island to falls asleep with her. Legend was sent to wake up the Wind Fish, because there was a Koholint Island somewhere, where people are about to die because they can wake up. Legend never found that out…and has a hard time seeing himself as a hero for along while. What hero has blood on his hand?
Warriors: Scared of woman. And man. And probably everything that can betray him. He doesn’t get help unfortunately, since his paranoia had helped them extremely at war and some battle plans. He is one of the Links I see that will also never have a happy ending…
Wild: Extremely clingy, his issues are just as skyrocketing like Time’s, but the difference is Wild is extroverted. People notice that something is going on, but since Wild is a stranger to most at the beginning of his adventure, no one knows how to help. After Zelda comes back, she immediately notices that Wild needs help, and those a lot of research to help him. Wild gets better with time, yet he still clings to some people a lot.
I don’t have one for Hyrule sorry, boy has already everything, distrust, low self esteem and so on, from what I see in the fandom. Once I get to play his game or watch a play through I will understand him better.
Same goes for Four, all I could say, that he is probably afraid of getting falsely accused. (Red in the Manga). Splitting into four isn’t painful for him, if he does it for drama.
Twilight is a good boy, with a loving family and village that acutely cares about him, so all he has was a very strong broken heart. This man falls in love and HE FALLS IN LOVE! So leave him alone, he has done nothing wrong in his entire life. Yes he is afraid of rejection but he gets support. I love him to much to hurt him.
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toadallytickles · 2 months
NEST 2024 + Gatherings Going Forward (again)
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Attended my 4th NEST this year! This is just a quick point-form summary as I’m still dropping and wanted a write-up before I fly out this weekend to see my moms!
Perhaps I wore my “tickle me I’m cute!” shirt on Friday- and perhaps it got me pinned and gang tickled by 4 friends UGH- I haven’t been gang tickled since last June which is WILD honestly. Kinda hoping wishing this June it happens again 👀
Learning that it’s okay to let people touch me. 🙄😒 From my past writing “AUNT 2024 + Gatherings Going Forward,” I shared that I’ve denied myself from playing with friends until everything felt perfect, but recognized that I set the bar way too high and that maybe I just fear that “awkward first session” because I’m really awkward with touching and this fetish. At NEST this year I’ve allowed friends I’ve met and connected with at previous gatherings to tickle me in the con-spaces to break that touch barrier in a fun, familiar way for everyone. I also let myself engage in pick-up sessions with friends to get that “awkward first session” out of the way! I had to reassure myself throughout the weekend that it was okay that they were touching me, and they were touching me because they wanted to~.
My nesting partner is choosy about the gatherings he attends as he wants to focus on those he has connected with already, and can find gatherings overwhelming at times. This NEST made me feel similar- I want to continue attending gatherings, and I love meeting new people, though going forward I’m going to focus on regular attendees and friends I know from previous gatherings. There are a lot of regulars and mutuals I would love to get to know better and potentially play with- I’m just really awkward and don’t know how to approach people, and in turn I feel I accidentally give off a closed-off vibe. I would like to be part of my friends’ friend group, I just don’t know how to integrate! NEST going forward, I would love to volunteer and help out more to continue making the gathering the best it can be!
Oh, I had my first Wawa experience! I tried their Caramel Cookies and Cream Frozen Cappuccino, IT WAS SO GOOD, Starbucks Frapps could never. definitely kept me up way past my bedtime! 😋 Also the mascot is a (Canada) Goose because Wawa was originally a dairy farm in Wawa, Pennsylvania, and the Ojibwe word “we’we” means “Snow Goose.” Now I need a Sheets experience~.
I got to try out @ticklingduck's vibrating tickling rods! @mister-ttt and I did record content including them! They are like a small Pursonic (without it stopping after 2 minutes~)! 😏 I also BOUGHT ONE!! 🎉 @ticklingduck's socials: Etsy, Twitter, Tumblr.
Wore my Geurdo Link cosplay on auction night, even though I was not participating in the auction, and I was extremely shy so I just sat in the audience and didn’t really show it off LMAO!! (Still editing the tickle video featuring this cosplay, previews are in the NEST Server and on my OF~).
I’ve had the literal pleasure of forming a play partner dynamic with a local friend, and he has really built up my confidence, self-esteem, and has helped me be more self-sex-positive. It was exciting to carry that sex-positivity into some sessions this weekend, and I learned that I really like being consensually sexually violated by friends.. 🥴💦 don't look at me.
This weekend really validated my growth and boundaries. Finding this gathering somewhat personally hard to navigate because I wasn’t meeting my exact wants (a me-issue, not NEST's), that helped me recognize that I’m not the same person I was at my first NEST and other 2019 gatherings, and that I’m truly growing. I wasn’t able to navigate NEST like I did in 2019, so now I know I’m on the right path and know what I’m exactly looking for.
And finally on the last day of the gathering, I’m sitting in the lobby in my lazy travel fit, not showered, sporty wind-breaker, capris, my glasses, pink paw print socks + sandals of course, and a guy I’m pretty sure was not part of the NEST group asked me if I was “Kyle-“ and there were other men around. I say no, and guy just wanders back to where he came from. Assigned Kyle at NEST. I have not felt gender euphoria in a long time. 🥹
anyway, the end. looking forward to the next gatherings~
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