#and it was like. i couldn’t answer any questions about my direct lead because she just quit.
gobbluthbutagirl · 1 year
oh my god it’s may 8th. you know what that means. One year ago today i saw this guy’s penis in the parking garage at World’s Worst Target where i worked while i was out there looking for carts
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kurishiri · 1 month
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alfons sylvatica . . . episode.0
— this translation may not be 100% accurate or contain creative liberties due to characterization or narrative flow purposes. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost these or claim these as your own!
— cw: depiction of death.
I do so wonder, were I to say, “Life is but a tragedy,” would you disagree with me?
Well, in the end, it matters not if you agree or disagree.
Everyone is free to interpret what’s before them in their own way. Much like everyone is free to choose how they face reality.
By this, then, if I were to state my personal views on this, I would claim for certain that life is but a tragedy.
Ah, but by no means am I embracing a pessimistic perspective.
If you find reality to be unpleasant, you need only seek out an escape.
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Even should an escape fail you, though——
madness will still ever remain your friend.
In the back alley, where twilight drew near, I happened upon an elderly man collapsed on the ground.
With my hands on my knees, I crouched down beside him. In response, the man’s hollow eyes, devoid of any sign of vitality, looked my way.
Elderly man: Ahh… it’s you.
Alfons: Yes, indeed, it is none other than me.
I do, in fact, have quite a large circle of acquaintances.
That goes especially for people like this man, who had been driven out from the light.
Alfons: Might there a final dream you wish to see?
Elderly man: ………My wife.
Elderly man: I………would like to say sorry………
Alfons: …Is that so.
For a miraculous, utterly unrealistic happening to occur in the finale, right before the curtain closed on a play, would be the universal joke of all comedies.
Alfons: See now, look there. Isn’t it great? “Your wife has come to see you.”
Elderly man: ………Ahh…ahh…
When I murmured this while touching the back of his neck, the man’s eyes widened, tears brimming slightly at the edge of his eyes,
and unable to say the words ‘I’m sorry’ until the end, he drew his last breath.
Alfons: Did she smile for you in your final dream?
A: …Or so I ask, but I can hardly say I’m very interested in the answer.
I gently closed his eyes before promptly leaving the place myself.
(Now, I say it’s about time to search for something new to kill off this boredom.)
Upon leaving the alleyway, I found myself in a twilight-colored London, filled with livelihood,
and the people, in their restlessness, couldn’t bother to pay heed to the fact that just a step in the alleyway would reveal quite a ghastly death.
That would make up the majority. ——However.
A postwoman passed me by, running the opposite direction as me,
and as she entered the alleyway where the man was lying, she suddenly stopped.
(So she realized him…?)
At first, I held no interest, but now I was curious to see what this postwoman would do, so in a daze, I stared after her.
She hesitated to step into the alleyway, which had begun to sink in the twilight,
instead looking around her before running toward some patrolling police officers who were some ways away.
(Aww, truly a fool she is. If only she simply feigned ignorance…)
(As the first witness of the body, she will be questioned and subsequently end up tardy for her deliveries.)
But if she left the body, either the police or the cleaners would have discovered it eventually.
(I take it she is the type to carry more burdens than she needs to.)
The kindest people are the easiest to hurt. Such habits are troublesome because it is much like walking into a bush of thorns.
(A pitiable soul she is.)
(Her naïve honesty will be her downfall and lead her to scenes that reek of blood…)
(Well, I suppose I can only hope this theory remains as such.)
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Victor: You went out and used your ability again, didn’t you, Alfons?
The next day, the one who caught me in the hallway was the Queen’s Aide, who was laughing wryly.
Alfons: Well, now, whenever could that be? If you remain so vague like that, I’m afraid I will be unable to pin down exactly which incident you speak of.
A: You see, I am but a frugal soul who is simply using what is at his disposal.
Victor: Just as a friendly reminder, you guys’ existences are to be kept confidential, okay?
Alfons: Now, now, why so caught up in the gritty details?
A: After all, I reckon my ability is about as good as a plain old crook when put next to one like William’s.
Victor: Good lord, you naughty boy, you. It’s a no from me, I say, no!
With an air of jest surrounding his warning, his jewel-like eyes narrowed.
Although he was likely scheming a thing — or perhaps two, this respectable person’s true colors still remained ever unfathomable.
Victor: Anyway, all that aside, tonight marks the day of the mission. Have you made your preparations?
Alfons: Yes, but of course.
Crown, a villainous organization that used evil to fight evil, was going to condemn a target tonight.
It was just going to be like any other dull mission that gave me no room to show a sweet dream in one’s dying moments.
Or, that was what I thought.
As per William’s command, the target slit their own throat, and it was right after that.
The door opened, and in came none other than that postwoman.
Kate: ——!?
Drawing in a breath, I could hear the sound come from her throat.
(I know I had foreshadowed this, but even for a prediction, is this not much too soon?)
(Goodness, I just cannot help but wonder how that naïve honesty led you here.)
With blood staining her cheeks, she simply stood there, dumbfounded.
I could practically hear the sound of the cruel reality before her piercing through her gentle heart, even now.
(Oh, please, I would prefer anything over this serious air.)
A dull and boring mission turning into a stage set for a tragedy was much too common to hold an ounce of my interest.
(And if this is bound to become a tragedy,)
(why not simply make it a most amusing stage instead?)
If you find reality to be unpleasant, you need only seek out an escape. Even should an escape fail you, though…
Alfons: Well, well, to think we had an audience.
——madness will still ever remain your friend.
In the end, the lady, who introduced herself as Kate, was given a joke of a role dubbed as a ‘fairytale keeper,’
and it was decided that she would be staying in this den of evil for a month.
Alfons: She truly is hapless… I’m certain anyone would find themselves more at home in this world of darkness than a lady such as her.
Shrugging my shoulders while heading toward my own room, Elbert, who was walking beside me, turned to me with worry.
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Elbert: …Are you alright, Al?
Alfons: Yes? Now whatever could you be referring to?
Elbert: Well… you seemed somewhat sad, if I had to say.
Alfons: Ahha! I assure you I am anything but.
A: Why, in fact, when will such an opportune moment arise again, where I will have a most interesting plaything for an entire month? Do you truly believe I have capacity for anything but amusement?
Elbert: …I see.
To me, this ordeal was naught but a new plaything, having stumbled in here, I can use to fill this life with amusement.
And to her, this ordeal was naught but the darkness of England that she did not have to witness, and a troublesome role that was pushed onto her.
(And for the both of us, if this can become an entertainment that can divert us, even for a moment, that is all it needs to be.)
Alfons: Truly… I do look forward to this.
Reality knows nothing but cruelty: it will only eat away at your heart before throwing you in the middle of the darkness.
So cease this folly act of trying to face it directly and getting yourself hurt.
(Now——may the time pass us by, much like a most amusing dream.)
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NOTE: and this would mark the start of alfons’ route! i feel this route may probably be the least romantic-feeling out of the ones released so far; of course, that’s not to say there isn’t romance, but the way he expresses love is quite subtle and the romance may feel overshadowed by his issues. but i hope the high drama can make up for any (perceived) lack of romance!
truth be told, i feel this route may end up dividing the fandom when it comes to alfons, especially with his actions. and you may find yourself surprised at how kate ends up sort of toughing it out to the very end with him. but i do think, overall, it does take a read through of this route to really understand and delve into the parts of his character the other routes seem to only hint at.
i hope you enjoy this wild ride, if you choose to ride along with me!
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masterlist🪞 ╱ ko-fi ☕️
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ador3sturniolo · 1 year
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An - I was listing to mine tv, and I was thinking of a story/blurb that’s was so cute that I had to write it for you guys. I’m working on one story and it’s taking me a while so I wanted to write this for you guys so that way you have somthing to read!
Paring - Matt Sturniolo X FemReader
Summary - Matt is just so in love with you
Warnings - Kissing, Like one curse word
Requested - Nope
Master list
Me and Matt were secretly dating, not wanting the fans to know, but today was the first day of tour. I was going with them, although i was nervous, i was also excited at the same time. I’m in the bathroom, touching up my makeup when I hear a knock on the door. I quickly put on my lipgloss and open the door.
“Hi baby, are you ready?” Matt said wrapping his arms around me.
“Yeah, Just a little nervous.” I say shrugging my shoulders
“Don’t be, and if it gets to much for you, you can always take a break, you can come to me or go off stage. It’s whatever you need.” He says rubbing my arm, reassuring me.
“Okay” I give him a smile, leading it with a kiss. I hear a loud clap approaching us.
“Wow you two, That’s was about to make me cry.” Said Nick, wiping fake tears. Matt shoved his brother on the shoulder walking towards the stage. It was showtime. They all walked out one by one, i was hesitant but walked out behind Chris, waving to the fans. I was surprised how big the crowd was, i started to get a little anxious, i took a deep breath and sat down in a chair next to Chris they had all layed out. I wanted for me and Matt to space out so that way no one suspected anything much. They started off tour with questions, then Chris handed me the mic. I was bathed with questions, which answering them, made me calmer than before. Every now and then I would look up and find Matt starting at me with a smile. I would blush and look down and continue answering the questions. I decided to take a break and get off stage for a couple minutes, when i just got off the stage, i hear Matt make a announcement that they all were going to take a couple minute break.
“Hey baby” I say putting my fingers in his hair pulling him close.
“Hi. How was that? Was it’s bad or no?” He said putting his arm around my waist.
“It was great actually. I felt fine when you looked at me, which was all the time, even if Nick was talking. He was beside you and you looked at me instead.” I say curling my fingers
“Well that’s because your so fucking gorgeous. I just can’t believe you’re mine.” He said adding a smile. I couldn’t help but blush by his words.
“Ima going to go get some water, do you want any?” I say turning, heading the opposite direction. He shakes his head no as i leave
Matt’s pov
I Watch her Walk away as Chris pats my shoulder with force.
“Damn Chris.”
“You seem to really like her. I think she’s the one” Chris said
“I think she is. She is the best thing that’s ever been mine.” I say smiling to myself
“Okay brother, no need to turn into a famous writer.” He said walking away as i chuckle
Readers pov
I come back with my water to see Matt standing there smiling.
“Why are you smiling? Did something happen while I was gone?” I say opening my water
“Nope, Just glad my baby’s back.” He said kissing my cheek
“I love you so much, like really, i do.” I say walking with him, back to the stage.
“I love you too.” He says, pulling me into a hug.
An - don’t you just love short ones?! This one was so cute to write. Leave more requests cause I’m running out!! 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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hayatheauthor · 2 years
How To Write POC Characters Without Seeming Racist
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Writing about a community you don’t come from can be hard. A lack of research or basic knowledge can often lead authors to wrongly represent or describe characters who belong to that community. But this is a simple mistake that can be reversed with a little bit of guidance and an open mind. 
If you’re a non-POC writer looking to accurately describe your POC characters without coming off as racist, here are some tips for you! From a POC YA fantasy author. 
Would You Describe Your Character Similarly If They Were White?
This tip is honestly a very basic technique that is often overlooked when discussing ways to combat racist descriptions in literature. The tip is simple: if you wouldn’t describe your character that way if they were non-POC, then don’t use that description. 
Think of every time you described your POC character’s physical features. Did you ever feel like you ‘had to’ write a certain description because your character was POC? Are your descriptions of your non-POC characters drastically different from that of your POC ones? 
If your answer to these questions were yes, then it’s very likely that your POC descriptions will come off as racist to your readers. 
I would recommend crawling through your manuscript and comparing the way you describe your non-POC characters to the way you describe your POC ones. More specifically, compare how you described your characters the first time they were mentioned in the book. The goal is to compare the two descriptions and figure out any differences between them, why these differences are present, and whether they exist due to a racist eye.
Word Choice 
An author’s word choice when describing their POC character is often a direct reflection of their perception of that community. When writing a POC character, it is important to consider what your character really looks like. This goes beyond their hair type or skin colour. 
Take a look to analyse your character’s physical attributes and come up with a list of words you could use when describing them. This can be beneficial in the long run when you need a quick adjective to describe said character during a scene. 
How To Describe POC Features 
Non-POC authors often don’t realise how discriminatory or redundant their descriptions of POC characters can be. They tend to water down their character’s features to the colour or visual depiction of it rather than actually describing those features. 
Saying your character has tan skin is an effective way to describe your character’s appearance, but it can come off as a cop-out when compared to detailed descriptions of your non-POC character’s fair skin dotted with light freckles. An easy way to better your descriptions is by using creative descriptions. 
Here is an expert from my WIP, The Traitor’s Throne, that describes one of the many POC characters: 
Her grandmother’s briefings of the royal guards failed her when Amaya needed them most, for try as she might, Amaya couldn’t recall anything to help her recognise the green-eyed man with a face like an acorn, both in shape and shade. 
I could have easily said he was tan skinned and left it at that, but the acorn analogy seems more alluring and helps the reader gain insight on the character’s features instead of their skin tone. 
When using creative descriptions, consider using words and phrases that tie into your character’s personality. A scary antagonist would have long black hair dark as night that curtained their pale face, a cute child could have golden skin that glowed under the sunlight. 
Refrain From Using The Word Exotic! 
The word exotic is possibly the worst thing you could use when describing a POC character. 
The Oxford dictionary describes exotic as ‘from or in another country, especially a tropical one; seeming exciting and unusual because it is connected with foreign countries’. Thus, this adjective would make no sense if your book takes place in a POC setting or is written from another POC’s perspective. 
Exotic is also often overused by non-POC writers and is seen as a lazy copout by many. 
Rather than describing your character as exotic, consider actually describing their features. Ask yourself why you chose to use exotic in the first place. Maybe they have wild curls unlike anything your character has ever seen, or their fair skin is so different from the tan skin your character is used to. 
Narrow down the reasons and then take the time to redescribe your character. This will not only help you ensure you don’t come off as racist but will also paint a clear picture for your readers. 
Are you facing a hard time trying to pick the right words for your POC characters? Consider checking out this blog by writing with colour on Tumblr that details how to describe skin colour. Their tips can also be applied to other aspects of your character’s features.  
Avoid The Stereotypes 
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sighed in annoyance every time I come across a tan-skinned South Indian character in literature who is kind and smart and has long dark brown hair.
Yes, there are many Indians who look like that. But India is a diverse country known for its various cultures and people, and it’s unfortunate to see authors completely overlook the rest of our country in an effort to pertain to their stereotypes. 
The same can be said for many other POCs, such as East Asians who are always described as thin and dainty with sharp features and minds, or Middle Easterns and Africans who are extroverted, excitable and often portrayed as violent. 
Non-POCs often find racial stereotypes amusing, but they are really just frustrating and show us how uninformed non-POCs are when it comes to our cultures and countries. 
The next time you draft up your POC character’s appearance and personality, take the time to consider why you chose to make them this way, and whether their personality is really a reflection of your limited insight into that character’s culture. 
Don’t Over Describe 
It’s important to paint a clear description of your characters, but it’s just as important to remember when your descriptions are redundant. Overdescribing POC characters is the biggest mistake you can make when writing a POC. As mentioned at the start of this blog, it’s important to consider whether or not you would describe your character that way if they were non-POC. 
For example, if I were writing a fight scene between the antagonist and an African character, I would likely use lines like ‘their dreadlocks slapped against the back of their neck as they raced away from the villain’ or ‘the blood staining their hands ran down their russet arms as they tightened their grip around the antagonist’s neck’. 
These are simple yet effective descriptions that help paint a clear image of the character without ruining the reader’s immersion. 
When writing POC characters, it’s important to remember that they are just like every other character you are writing. They are human. And their race or physical attributes shouldn’t change the way you describe your characters.
 I hope this blog on how to write POC characters without seeming racist will help you in your writing journey. Be sure to comment any tips of your own to help your fellow authors prosper, and subscribe to my email list for new blog updates every Monday and Thursday.  
Looking For More Writing Tips And Tricks? 
Are you an author looking for writing tips and tricks to better your manuscript? Or do you want to learn about how to get a literary agent, get published and properly market your book? Consider checking out the rest of my blog where I post writing and marketing tools for authors every Monday and Thursday. 
Want to learn more about me and my writing journey? Visit my social media pages under the handle @hayatheauthor where I post content about my WIP The Traitor’s Throne and life as a teenage author.
Copyright © 2022 Haya Sameer, you are not allowed to repost, translate, recreate or redistribute my blog posts or content without prior permission
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zoeysdamn · 1 year
Bark, Bite & Break Bones - Tyler Galpin x Van Helsing!reader | Part.9
Summary: The mystery around the Weathervane attacks remains, but it’s really none of your or Tyler’s businesses anymore. Until it is. The Avengers might be a weird group, but you’re honestly willing to beat the strangeness level of their team with an unexpected coalition of your own. 
Warnings: swearing, angst, mention of blood, mention of child neglect (minor)
A/N: HOLY MOTHER OF SEA OTTERS, SHE’S ALIVE-- I’m once again soooo sorry for being so unactive on this fic, but y’know ✨ adult life struggles ✨ and ✨ depression ✨ Jokes aside, this was supposed to be the last chapter, but I realized it was probably better to cut it in two. Aaaaaand I have to admit, I used some reference from The Witcher 3, guilty (I’m not)
[Masterlist] [Prologue] [Part.1] [Part.2] [Part.3] [Part.4] [Part.5] [Part.6] [Part.7] [Part.8]
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“Can I talk to you for a minute?” 
It wasn’t the question per se, more of the person asking it that surprised you. Lifting your nose from your herbology textbook, you raised a perplexed eyebrow at the small dark form of Wednesday Addams in front of you. A solid second of silent surprise passed before your brain connected again. 
“Uh, yeah sure. Let me grab my things.”
Gathering your textbooks and notes you followed the younger student out of the library. If Wednesday Addams took time to actually ask if you had time to talk, it surely would be interesting. Once you both reached the quad, Wednesday stopped in a more scheduled area, away from other student’s stares. Even if the dirty or frightened looks had slightly died down over the months, a Van Helsing still attracted unwanted attention. 
“So,” you began, “what’s up?” 
“I’m surprised your paramour isn’t at your side,” she observed sharply out of the blue, “I have come to notice you two are almost as disgustingly prone to display affection as my parents.”
“Yeah, like you’re one to talk. Who’s your girlfriend again?” you snickered, thinking about Enid’s tendency to smother everyone with affection. Given Wednesday’s deeping frown, you made a good point. 
“Anyway,” the Addams said after cleaning her throat, “there is some interesting news regarding the attack at the Weathervane. I thought it might interest you.”
You arched a brow. “And you’re aware of that because…?” 
“Despite his poor skills as a detective and a father, Sheriff Galpin has the merit of being aware of his incompetence.” 
Cackling bitterly, you couldn’t help but let a scoff escape you, “I beg to differ on that point, but go on.” 
“He asked for my help on the investigation and I agreed to.”
“You mean that a team of full grown and trained detectives asked for a teenager to help them on an official investigation?” you repeated in disbelief. “Damn”, you chuckled, “Jericho’s police are even shittier than I thought, I wonder how Tyler and I were even arrested in the first place.” 
Wednesday shrugged lightly, “I was there for Tyler’s arrest, which explains the resolution of this case itself. For you I guess it was beginner’s luck.” 
“Mmmh, you don’t think of yourself poorly, do you Addams?” you hummed, somehow amused by her bold assumptions. 
“I’m merely sharing facts,” she deadpanned in her usual flat tone. “The point is, I found some clear evidence leading to the conclusion the attackers were indeed mercenaries.”  
Your witty demeanor disappeared at her words, immediately replaced by tense concentration and a serious frown. “So someone did pay them,” you completed. It was only confirming what you suspected. “Any idea who the contract may come from?” 
“Not yet,” answered Wednesday with evident frustration, “but the real goal of this attack is more certainly outcasts-directed.” 
The frown on your face only deepened, “But the only outcasts there had been Tyler and I.” 
The brunette lifted an unimpressed eyebrow at you. As a long silence settled, the pieces connected in your brain. “Oh,” you whispered. 
“It is highly probable that you or Tyler were the true targets of this attack,” said Wednesday. “It’s still unclear whether it was because you two are Nevermore’s students or directed against you personally.”
You nodded, thinking about it, “Yeah, you have a point. We often go to the Weathervane but we’re not regulars either. If the attack was directed to us, that means the person who ordered it was well-informed on our whereabouts and the therapy sessions.” 
“Do you think the therapist might be involved?” 
��No,” you said, shaking your head, “Dr.Fern might be a little too noisy for my taste but she’s not shady. And if the whole point of this attack was to kill either Tyler or me, they really did a shitty work. Why start to shoot everywhere when there’s only two clear targets and the element of surprise on your side? And none of their shots actually hit us, mercenaries are supposed to have some skills usually.” 
Wednesday cocked her eyes to the side, carefully listening to your out loud reflexions. “What’s your point?”
“I mean, despite everything it doesn’t seem that they effectively tried to kill us,” you explained, trying to find some sense to your own thoughts. “Either they were terrible at their job, or there’s something more at stake.” 
“Interesting,” noted the Addams, “according to you there might be something more than a badly executed hold up.”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged, immediately shutting off defensively, “it’s only things that sounded weird when we talk about it. I don’t want to have anything to do with this investigation.” 
That had the merit to actually surprise Wednesday, whose eyebrows rose in surprise. “Don’t you want to get to the bottom of this?”
As a reflex, you snorted sarcastically, “The only thing I want to get to the bottom of is a cup of coffee and Tyler’s bed.”
Again, you shrugged. “Look, this year has had a lot of shit shows already, I’m not interested in digging up some more. I got out alive from this attack, and so did Tyler; it’s fine for me.”
“What if the person behind this isn’t done with you?” countered the unfazed brunette. 
“I’ll be here again to save our asses. If they ever grow some courage to actually face us instead of sending fucking amateurs.” 
With that you gave her a polite nod and made your way to your next class. Wednesday might be focused on finding out the truth about the Weathervane attack a few weeks prior, but you definitely weren’t. All that mattered to you currently was to get through the rest of the year without too much trouble; then you and Tyler would be free to go anywhere else but the juridic clutches of your stay at Nevermore academy. 
Speaking of your boyfriend, you were pulled out of your thoughts by the familiar sensation of his arms sliding around your waist. 
“Hey babe,” he greeted, dropping a kiss on your cheek. You hadn’t heard him reaching you in the corridors. 
“Hey there handsome,” you grinned softly at him. 
For a moment, you pondered if you should tell him what troubled you after your talk with Wednesday. But as soon as his lips found yours you brushed that thought away. He was okay, you were okay. Whatever it was could wait, you didn’t want to trouble him with suspicions that could very well turn out to be nothing important. The main objective was to get the two of you to the end of the school year quietly. Then, if vengeance to plot there’ll be, you’ll be here to do the dirty work without a doubt. 
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It had been almost a week since your encounter with Wednesday Addams. Eventually, you had ended up sharing it with Tyler, the conversation laced with your own concerns on the matter. Just like you, your boyfriend had his doubts on the real reason behind this attack. This was Jericho, not some 1920’s Chicago moment. There had never been such attacks in this small town, even less from mercenaries, so he agreed that something was off. But Tyler also rejoined you on your decision to not get involved in the investigation. After all, he was the last person police officers would want to collaborate with, and he definitely wasn’t fond of seeing his dad again either. So the subject had been quickly brushed away, as the day passed and you focused yourselves on school and your couple. Maybe it was better this way, even if he didn’t admit it yet you could say Tyler still felt antsy about the whole ordeal and his transformation. It wasn’t uncommon for him to startle up with a gasp in the middle of the night, breath short and knuckles gripping the bed sheets. He had gradually started to spend more nights in his own room to avoid any reproach from Weems, but after the third time calling you in the middle of the night with a trembling voice, you had called it out and practically dragged him into your own room – not that it had ever been something hard to do. 
This has only strengthened your decision to not interfere with the investigation whatsoever. No matter how weird all of this had been, the attack and its consequences had already taken quite a toll on Tyler and you. Even if you had stayed at Nevermore, you didn’t forget how close you had been to being sent back in juvie. So for now, what you needed to do was to lay low, and take care of Tyler – as much as you let him take care of you. At some point you had both agreed to solely focus on school work and getting the two of you through the school year and not play the heroes here. Not that you would have been considered as such, anyway. 
Deep into slumber, it took a certain amount of time to your ears to pick the knocks on your door. The warm embrace of Tyler’s front pressed against your side was so deliciously numbing, your consciousness didn’t want to emerge from this. But whoever was knocking on your door didn’t share such concerns. With a groan you cracked an eye open, and your frown immediately softened when you met your boyfriend’s sleeping face. Even with the scars crossing from his forehead to his jaw, Tyler was beautiful in his sleep. You lost yourself a little in the contemplation of him, eyes gazing over his freckles, slightly parted lips and brown curls. A more insistent knock made you swore under your breath, the softness of the previous moment whipped away by the crushing reality – it was way too early to knock on your door like that. Carefully removing the arm that Tyler had draped over your waist, you slipped out of the bed, grabbing a pair of night shorts to throw under your sleeping shirt on your way to the door. 
Flying the door open with the deadliest glare you had, you couldn’t help your eyebrows to raise a little at the unexpected sight of Xavier. The psychic looked nervous – but again, anyone who disturbed your sleep should be. 
“What do you want Thorpe?” you grumbled in a still sleep-tainted voice. 
The long-haired boy seemed uneasy, “Y/N there’s something you need to see.”
“It’s fucking four in the morning, can’t this wait?” An irritated groan morphed into a yawn when slipping past your lips, emphasizing your words. Still, Xavier didn’t back down. 
“No it can’t. Please, it’s really important. Can we at least talk about it inside?”
You threw a glance over your shoulder at Tyler half naked sleeping form. Biting back another swear, before returning your attention to Xavier, “Give me two minutes to get ready.” 
True to your words, two minutes later, some clothes thrown over and a loving kiss pressed on Tyler’s forehead, you exited your room ready to follow Xavier to whatever was so important. The fact that he didn’t answer any of your questions and gave evasive answers played on your nerves even more. But your last streak of patience definitely snapped when he started to lead you to the forest. 
“Woah there, okay look Thorpe, you’re nice and all but I’m not following you in that forest unless you tell me what’s going on here.” 
“You’re afraid?” he asked in genuine surprise ; never would have he thought of the fearless Y/N Van Helsing, who had done unspeakable things to other students, being wary of a forest at night. 
Like reading his mind, you scoffed, “I’m not afraid of this creepy-ass forest but I did get beaten to a bloody pulp last time I was there. I’m not stupid enough to walk into another trap.” 
“Who would have thought,” interjected a new voice. 
Whipping your head around to the sound, you winced at the unwelcomed sight of Bianca emerging from the woods. The siren’s jaw was clenched, and her eyes throwing daggers at you. Nothing unusual. 
“Okay this is definitely a trap, I’m out of here,” you snapped irritably, the lack of sleep evident in your edgy tone. “Thorpe, I’m not wishing you good night,” you sneered bitterly at the artist before starting to stomp back to your dorm. But another familiar flat voice interjected out of nowhere. 
“It seems like you misread the situation, Y/N.” 
This time, you turned around in pure surprise. Wednesday Addams stood next to the murdering-looking siren, like she had appeared out of nowhere. For a moment, you took time to take in the sight of the odd trio before you. From what you had understood from Ajax and Enid during an unexpected gossip session in the library, Xavier used to have a thing for Wednesday last year, while he and Bianca had freshly broken up. This had led to some tension between the two girls, and knowing Bianca it surely wasn’t pretty. So yeah, it was indeed weird to have a reunion of the four of you. 
A dry chuckle escaped you as you turned to face Wednesday. “Have I? Pretty sure Ariel over there will take on any opportunity to try to kill me. Again.” you pressed with a death glare to Bianca. 
“Don’t think I wouldn’t,” she hissed in return. 
This made the small brunette roll her eyes of boredom, “If you called me only to witness your childish bickering then it’s a waste of my time, Bianca. At least put a knife in the feud so it’ll be interesting.” 
Your eyebrows arched at her words, but then you looked back to Bianca who only swore under her breath, eyes cast down in annoyance. Suddenly the situation became way more funny to you and a grin stretched your lips. 
“Ooooh this is rich,” you giggled. It made the three other students’ eyes widen a bit, given how unusual this reaction was for you. But you found this too glorious to contain your amusement. “Bianca Barclay, actually asking not only for Wednesday Addams’ help but mine too? Boy, you should really be that desperate.” 
Instead of a venom-laced comeback, Bianca shrugged ; and that was telling you how serious all of this was. 
“Let’s not waste any time,” she simply muttered, “Come, it’s not far.” 
Before you could realize how unbelievable this situation was, you followed the odd trio into the woods, a flabbergasted expression on your face. Now, this was a day to remember. 
While your group walked in awkward silence you shuffled closer to Wednesday. 
“Do you have any idea what this is about?” you muttered to her, still eyeing Bianca and Xavier suspiciously. They didn’t seem quite at ease, which knowing both of them was odd. 
“No,” deadpanned the Addams. “That’s why you’re here.” 
Her answer only left you even more confused, and as on cue you all arrived at what looked like a shed in the middle of nowhere. Given no one spoke you raised your eyebrow at your fellow students. 
“I was joining Xavier in his art shed earlier,” egan Bianca, arms crossed in annoyance – or was it actually uneasiness? You couldn’t tell. “But I noticed something really strange around here.” 
“Such as?”
“I don’t know,” Bianca snapped out of frustration at your question, “It was creepy as fuck so Xavier called Wednesday but she doesn’t know what it is. Thought you might come see and tell us what it is.”
“Hold on,” you scrunch your nose in mild disgust, “I’m not investigating this place you certainly shagged in. Like ew, no thanks.” 
Xavier’s cheeks heated up at your words, “I- it’s my art shed!” he said defensively, to which you rolled your eyes. 
“Yeah sure, and your ex-not-ex-girlfriend came here to learn how to paint with acrylics.”
“Grow up a little, Van Helsing,” grumbled Bianca, not feeling amused at all by your antics. “Besides, it’s not in the shed but a few feet away.” 
The siren pointed at a tree nearby, and you turned away from a reddening Xavier to approach the mysterious thing. Curiosity grew in you as you came closer and detailed the strange composition in front of you. A large animal skull was binded on the tree by a rope, engraved with strange symbols on its front. Some flowers and branches were intricated around the whole thing, maybe in a poor aesthetic attempt. It could pass as a weird gloomy art and craft project if it wasn’t for the dark and uneasy vibe it gave off. 
“I found it like that,” explained Bianca, “creeped the shit out of me.”
“You really called me in the middle of the night to join your scooby-gang investigation?” you snickered, rolling your eyes. But no one bought your denial this time. 
“It’s not a genuine installation,” commented Wednesday next to you, eyeing the skull. “Even you can sense something’s off about it, don’t you?” 
You had to admit that they were right. No matter how sarcastic you wanted to be about this absurd meeting, you had to give it to Bianca that she had spotted something clearly unusual. Fortunately for them, your sleepy brain still managed to recognize the strange contraption. 
“So what is it?” asked a nervous Xavier. 
“It’s a nithing.” The perplexed silence your words left made you realize how none of the other students had any idea what you were talking about. So did their frowns when you glanced at them behind your shoulder. 
“A what?” 
“A nithing,” you repeated, eyeing the carving closely, “A vessel to emit a curse, a powerful one. Made with a horse’s skull and some runes. But that’s odd.”
“What is? That someone set a curse on someone else?” scoffed Bianca - yet in her tone laid some concern. 
Fully turning to them you shook your head, “This is a very ancient norse method, not known by many. I’m not even sure if it has been used in the past centuries or even outside of Scandinavia.” 
It would be oh so tempting to snicker at them and gloat at Bianca ; but the presence of such contraption made you more concerned than a childish contentment of making fun of the siren. 
“Yet you seem awfully well informed about it,” commented Wednesday flatly. 
Instead of vexing you, her words only made you shrug. “Not that much, honestly. Heard about it before, perks of having to learn magic history from monster hunting books. Though I regret not having much more information about it now. This,” you pointed to the engraved skull, “is kinda concerning.” 
“Do you know how to lift this curse?” Bianca asked, but you shook your head. 
“No. I told you, this isn’t something I ever saw in real life, I only heard about it.” 
“So what now?” said Xavier. “We obviously can’t let this happen here, what if it’s already working?” 
For a moment, a part of you suddenly wondered why the three students were here. Apart from having discovered the cursing vessel, nothing obligated Xavier or Bianca to do anything about the nithing, let alone seek help to destroy it. But thinking about it, you realized that both of them were Nightshades – as unbelievable it sounded to you after your history with this order, they seemed willing to help their fellow students for the greater good. Maybe things indeed had changed after Jeremiah’s departure. As for Wednesday, she was probably there for the thrill of the mystery. In any other context, you wouldn’t have blamed her for that. 
A deep sigh escaped your lips. 
“I don’t know,” you admitted. 
“But you will help us, right?” 
Taken aback by the question, you arched your eyebrows at the three other students watching you expectantly. You would have never thought that Nevermore students would actually call you for your help. Not only information, but a true, sincere demand to protect this academy. Sure, you weren’t as bitter toward the school and its students as you used to be a few months ago, but you weren’t sure that you were willing to go to any lengths to help them. Not interfering with any funny business apart from your own safety, that’s what you always lived by. That’s how you would go through the end of the school year, you knew that. Nothing forced you to help this school, you didn’t owe any of its members shit. 
But you had already broken that rule of yours. When you had decided to help Tyler, way before you fell for him. Or every time you had made sure he wouldn’t attack anyone; or the negotiations with Weems to stay at Nevermore, and the lack of revenge after what Yoko did to you at the Poe cup. The truth was, you had crossed the line of being neutral a long time ago; maybe it had started when you had made Jeremiah pay. Back then, you weren’t even protecting yourself, you were protecting all of the students who could have been armed by this fucker. 
And then it hit you: deep down, you knew that you would help those students. Because you didn’t want to be like the rest of your family. Because deep down, under all the build-up confidence, all the sarcasm and buried trauma, there was this fear clenching your guts that you could one day be like your elders. Either a blood-thirsty radical like your grandparents, or a pathetic back-hunched coward that claimed neutrality like your parents. All of them hurted people by their actions and let kids that should never suffer from what they are be hurt. 
As long as you lived, you would never let a kid be hurt like you had been; no matter if they were outcasts or humans. So in the end, the answer was easy. 
“Yeah,” you breathed out, realizing how long you had been silent. “Yeah, I’ll help you.” 
A relieved sigh was almost heard from Xavier and Bianca. Although you didn’t mention it, there was no need to push your luck. Instead, you immediately set your brain on a more strategic mode. 
“So what now?” you said out loud, refocusing everyone’s attention on the matter at hand. Unsurprisingly, Bianca was the first to react. 
“If there’s any danger for a student, we need to find who is targeted,” she declared. “Y/N, how far do you think the power of the curse goes?”
“You want to bring the student out of the curse’s reach?” asked Xavier, to which she nodded. 
Thinking about it for a moment you waved your hand in the air. “I don’t know, like around…10, 20 miles? Curses bounded by objects usually have a field of action but it depends on many things.”
“So we can’t exactly rely on that,” concluded Wednesday. “For once I regret my mother isn’t here, her insights on curses could have been useful.” 
All of you collectively nodded gravely. But then, a sparkle burst in your mind, lightning all the boxes of ideas that had been so fogged. 
“Wednesday Addams, you’re a genius,” you blurted excitedly, under the perplexed looks of the other students. 
“I know,” she shrugged. “Why?” 
Fishing your phone in your pocket you quickly flipped open your contacts. “I know who might know something about nithings and how to lift the curse.” 
“Really? That’s awesome!” beamed Xavier. 
“Who is it?” asked an ecstatic Bianca. 
The smile of hope that had pushed its way to your lips immediately disappeared, turning into a wince. Looking back at them, you offered your newfound colleagues a sorry look. “Well…none of us will like this call, that’s for sure.”
They looked at each other in confusion. 
“Y/N, who are you calling?” repeated Bianca. 
With a sigh, you pressed the call button, “My grandmother.” 
A few shocked gasps escaped Bianca and Xavier, but you quickly turned away, pressing the phone to your ear. They may have been wary of you at first, but the infamous Irina and Ephraïm Van Helsing were more terrible threats than you were; every outcast knew that. It didn’t please you either to call your grandmother, but you really were short on options here. 
Just as you were considering ending the call, someone picked up on the other side of the line. 
“I thought you were lying dead somewhere in a gutter,” said an old voice as a greeting. 
Rolling your eyes at her comment, you tried your best to not sigh too hard, “Hello to you too old hag. Guess you’re not mummified yet, what a shame.”
Even on the phone, you could practically hear your grandmother roll her eyes. “What do you want, child?” 
“Don’t think I call you out of a joy of heart,” you snickered, under the wide eyes of Bianca, Xavier and Wednesday; this exchange was surely quite a scene. “You’re a cold hearted bitch but you know a thing or two about curses.”
She scoffed, “What makes you think that?” 
“Because living with you and Ephraïm sure was one,” you spat bitterly. “C’mon grandma, don’t make me compliment you, I’m not in the mood for ass-kissing.”
“Always the gem Y/N. Such an ungrateful disgrace you are.” 
“Yeah, yeah whatever,” you said with a dismissive wave of your hand. “Nithings, what can you tell me about it?” 
A long silence followed your question. For a moment, you even thought that your grandmother had hung up on you. But then she said, “Where did you find one?” 
You debated whether or not you should tell her; if she knew it was at Nevermore, she would gladly let it kill whoever was targeted. “Does it matter?” you said instead. 
“For your answer or for your will to?”
A chuckle resonated on the line, “It’s in this degenerated school, then. I sure hope you’re not trying to lift this curse. At least it would do the job you’re failing to do.”
“As a matter of fact, I am trying to lift it,” you answered dryly. “And please, if I was really failing at my job I’d be dead by now.”
Your grandmother scoffed in disbelief, “Why are you even doing this? You side with the enemy now?” 
Sighing in annoyance you pinched the bridge of your nose. “Why does it even matter anymore, I might be the one cursed, isn’t this enough for you?” 
A pause. “You sure don’t want the answer to that,” assured the elderly woman quietly. 
Her response stinged a little, but you were already aware of that; to be honest, the contrary would have surprised you. So you decided to play the card you knew would work. 
“You do realize that the Van Helsing lineage will end with me, right? What a shame it would be if the disgrace I am happened to be the last of this oh-so-glorious family because you didn’t help, don’t you think?” 
At the lack of immediate answer from your grandmother, you knew you had hit right. Slightly glancing behind you, you gave an encouraging thumb up to the baffled trio of students who were witnessing the bitter exchange with wide eyes. FInally, your grandmother spoke up. 
“What do you need?” 
A relieved sigh almost escaped you, but you didn’t want to give her the satisfaction. Instead you said, “How can I know who’s targeted by the curse?” 
“Does the nithing have carvings on?”
“Yeah, runes on the top of the skull.”
She hummed in agreement, “They should give you the name of the person the curse had been set on, then.”
Scratching the back of your neck, you chuckled nervously. “My nurse runes are a bit rusty, never been the best at old languages.”
The elderly woman scoffed, “You’ve never been the best at anything, child.”
“Fuck off grandma. Anyone know any old norse by any chance?” you called out behind you.
Wednesday, Bianca and Xavier all shook their heads. 
“Guess Google translate will do, then.” you shrugged. “Okay, we find who’s the target, then what?” you asked again. 
“Either way you find the person who set the curse and carve their name instead, or you let the curse do its job.”
Once again, you let out an irritated sigh at her stubbornness. “What part of ‘lifting the curse’’ do you not understand? I know you’re ancient but jeez, your hearing isn’t improving.”
“Quit the petulant child behavior, Y/N.” 
“You first,” you retorted back bitterly. “I’m not thanking you, bye.” 
Before another unpleasant remark could be thrown at you, you pressed the end call button angrily. The first phone call with one of your grandparents in years, and it had been as nasty as you had thought. 
Xavier’s question pulled you out of your thoughts. You turned around to see the three students look at you expectantly. 
“Apparently the target’s name is engraved on the skull,” you explained pointing at the nithing. “And carving the name of the person responsible for this should inverse the curse.” 
“Are you sure?” frowned Bianca. “This sounds awfully simple.”
You raised an eyebrow at her. “If you want to call the old hag yourself, be my guest.”
The siren shivered in cold sweat by the mere thought. 
“So, what now?” she asked, trying to think about a plan of action. 
“Don’t you think we should inform Weems?” said Xavier. “Maybe she could help with that.”
“If we are going to evacuate the school, yeah maybe,” you muttered quietly. “Didn’t you use your siren song last year?”
Bianca’s eyebrows rose at your genuine question, “Yeah, we did. Why? How do you know that?”
“Ajax mentioned it,” you shrugged. “What if we used that to interrogate students? Find out who had set the curse?” 
“Are you sure about that?” Bianca raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t that illegal and breaking, I don’t know, like a dozen laws on personal rights?”
You shrugged, “At this point, I’m not counting anymore how many laws we’ll be breaking to sort this shit out. Would that be possible, yes or no?”
The siren thought about it for a few seconds. 
“It could,” she admitted, “but it would take a lot of time. Even if we ask for help from other sirens students, we’ll have to explain the situation to them so that they ask the right questions. Last time was easier, we just had to tell everyone to get out.”
“How long do you think it would take?” nudged Xavier. 
“Around two hours, maybe three…one and a half if everyone’s cooperating, which is rather unlikely.” 
“So it’s too long if we want to lift the curse before it gets to work,” you deduced. “For all we know, it might already be working. You said you discovered it just tonight?” 
Bianca and Xavier nodded in sync. “I came here last night too, and there was nothing,” confirmed the artist. 
“What about that?” called Wednesday. 
The three of you turned your heads to where the smaller student was crouching in front of the nithing. Phone in hand, she was looking closely at the engraved runes. To be honest, you hadn’t noticed her slipping away from your group. 
“What did you find?” you asked, approaching her. 
“This rune,” she pointed to the last one, “according to this device you call “Google translate” it should be meaning something along the lines of a house, or territory.”
“So you do know how to use a phone,” grinned Xavier. 
She sent him a death glare, “Don’t push your luck. I still despise modern technology.” 
Ignoring the bickering, Bianca frowned. “A house? I thought the curse was targeting someone, it doesn’t make any sense. Could there be another meaning to the rune?” she asked you. “Google translate isn’t the most accurate.”
“Don’t think so,” you mumbled, deep in thought. Then, something hit you. “Xavier,” you snapped suddenly, “is this area still within Nevermore’s grounds?” 
He blinked at first, taken aback by your question. “Uh, yeah. Yeah it is, I’m pretty sure the shed is a school’s property. Why?” 
It clicked in your head, and a dreadful feeling sank in your bones. 
“We have to go back to the school,” you whispered in a shaky voice. 
“What? Why?” asked Bianca in surprise. 
Instead of answering, you started to rush in the school’s direction. When Xavier shouted your name, you said,  “I know what the curse’s target is.”
Despite their surprise, the three other students quickly followed you. Reaching your side, Bianca frowned. “Don’t you mean “who”?” 
You shook your head. “We were wrong thinking the nithing was set on one person. The runes are indeed referring to both a territory and a house, not someone inside in particular.”
“What do you mean?” 
Gulping loudly, you really hoped you weren’t too late already. “The curse had been set on the whole school. None of the grounds are safe, we need to get everyone out now.” 
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It was the smell that reached you first. You and the three other students weren’t out of the woods yet when the strong smell of ashes caught your nostrils. No need to look at the other to sense the equal worry that immediately caught them too. Bursting out from the forest, you stopped dead in your tracks at the sight in front of you: draped in raging flames, the walls of two Nevermore dorms were burning. Heavy smoke escaped through the windows and burned your eyes, the all too familiar feeling freezing you on the spot for a handful of seconds. Then the reality came back to you like a slap on the face, when the piercing screams of students finally reached your ears. How come you hadn’t heard them from the wood all that time? Everyone was screaming, terrified students running out of the buildings in their night clothes and horror in their eyes. It was only when you heard a familiar voice shouting your name that you came back to your senses, whipping your head around.
Crossing the crowd of terrified students the best he could, Tyler was running to you. He looked utterly distraught and there was something of a scared little boy in his eyes before they met yours. You opened your mouth to say something but were tackled in a bone-crushing hug insead. It could have been a cute gesture if it wasn’t for his fingers gripping around your shoulder like a lifeline. 
“Y/N where have you been??” asked Tyler frantically, pulling away after long seconds of an embrace filled with worry. He still held you by the shoulders, at arm length, as to make sure you really were here in front of him. 
You could feel his hands trembling on your arms, and your own hands immediately went to cup his scarred cheek in reassurance. “I’m fine,” you breathed out. “Some shit happened in the woods and my help was needed.”
This didn’t seem to calm the bubbling worry in Tyler, whose eyes were wet with tears. “You weren’t there when I woke up,” he choked with a sob. 
A pained winced draped over your features, “I know, I’m sorry babe,” you whispered, trying to soothe him. Beyond the fact that the Hyde could come out under pressure or tense situations - and it definitely was one - you didn’t want Tyler to think you had somehow abandoned him. 
But even if every fiber of your being wanted nothing but to cradle your boyfriend closer and comfort him, the heat of flames and screams reminded you this wasn’t a luxury you had. 
“What happened?” you asked firmly but in a softer voice, still trying to contain his Hyde. 
Thankfully it seemed to work, and Tyler nodded to himself to focus on the matter at hand, “I don’t know I- I was sleeping and then the fire alarm blasted. It startled me awake and I ran out of the room, but I couldn’t find you.” 
“Did you see where the fire was when you got out?” you tried to ask softly to continue to soothe him. Tyler shook his head. 
“There was smoke when I got out of the room,” he gulped, “so much smoke– I don’t know where the fire came from, but it was close.” 
The information turned in your head ; none of this was really helpful. The panic created by the fire was so overwhelming for everyone, it made it so hard for you to think correctly. The arrival of Wednesday, Bianca and Xavier next to you got you out of your thoughts. 
“Has everyone got out?” barked the siren hurriedly to the scarred boy. Too shaken to snark a witty comeback, Tyler could only shake his head. 
“I- I don’t know,” he muttered. “everything was so fast and–” 
“Wen!” a voice shouted from afar. Everyone of the little group turned their head to a panicked Enid, stumbling in her girlfriend’s direction, a raincoat thrown over her nightclothes. Despite her general disgust of any form of physical affection, Wednesday didn’t waste a second to wrap her arms around the terrified girl. 
“Are you alright?” she asked her girlfriend; Enid could only sniffle as her whole body was trembling. 
“I- I’m f-f-fine,” she hiccuped. Tears were rolling down her cheeks but no one seemed to care. “There’s still- oh my god Wen, there’s still people in there,” she cried. 
That made everyone’s eyes widened and the questions fused immediately. 
“What! Who?” 
“Do you know where they are?”
“When did you see them last? How many are still up there?” 
Enid winced at the torrent of questions, but under Wednesday's encouraging gaze, she gulped and managed to articulate an answer. “Two werewolves,” she croaked weakly, “first years…they- they started to wolf out with the panic and I- we tried to help them escape, I swear we did but-”
“But what?” pressed Xavier. 
Enid averted her eyes in shame. That’s when you finally noticed how she gripped one of her forearms, and the blood dripping from between her fingers. Someone in the group gasped when they noticed it too.
“You’re bleeding!” shrieked Wednesday – and it was definitely a first to see her lose her temper as she practically forced her girlfriend to sit on the ground. “What happened?”
“I tried to help them,” muttered Enid in a blank voice, like she was too shaken up to register anything else, “I tried to- and they wolfed out and they-”
She didn’t need to explain further for all of you to put two and two together. Glancing up to the sky, you let out a curse at the sight of the bright moon behind the heavy smoke. 
“And of fucking course it’s a full moon tonight,” you mumbled. At Tyler and Bianca’s perplexed looks you explained, “Young werewolves tend to wolf out prematurely under intense pressure and aren’t the most reliable. That’s probably what happened with this fire.” 
All eyes redirected to Enid, who rocked back and forth mind-absently and face white as a sheet. Seeing younger werewolves she cared for attacked her, knowing they were in a very distressed situation due to both the sudden fire and first wolfing out must have been shaking her to the core more than you thought. 
A beat passed ; then you swore under your breath again, cursing yourself mentally. 
“Oh what the hell,” you groaned before dropping to one knee in front of the shaken up werewolf, “Enid,” you started with the calmest voice you could put at the moment, “where are those kids’ dorms?” 
She lifted eyes full of tears in your direction, wide in shock. “I- what?...”
“Focus Enid,” you insisted more firmly, trying to shut out the screams and roars of the fire only a few meters from you. “Where? Where were the students you saw?” 
Enid stared at you for a moment before she managed to articulate, “Second…the second floor of O-ophelia hall.” 
You nodded in thanks and rose up, shedding your jacket in the movement. That immediately made Tyler’s worried rise even harder. 
“What are you doing?” he asked. 
Throwing your jacket over your shoulders like a fireproof blanket – a poor one – you did your best to ignore his eyes, “I’m going to get those kids.”
 A collective gasp answered you before Tyler grabbed your forearm. Even if you knew you shouldn’t look at him if you wanted to go, you did so anyway. His brown eyes were blown wide in horror and worry. 
“You can’t go there! It’s madness, there’s nothing you can do!” 
You huffed, “Fucking watch me.”  The grin had been a poor attempt to lighten the mood with your usual sarcasm. But your boyfriend’s terrified gaze and trembling hands told you nothing could ease his mind. 
“Tyler’s right,” protested Bianca, “let’s wait for the firemen, at least they could help!” 
“I’m not letting those kids die,” you headbutted stubbornly. But deep down, you were just equally frightened as everyone else. 
“Fuck Y/N, this isn’t about pride, did you see what rabid werewolves did to Enid? You wouldn’t stand a chance!”
A cold feeling of resignation sank in your bones, and you turned to the siren with a serious face. “I’m precisely the only person who can help them,” you said slowly. “This will not be the first time I’d face an early wolf.” 
Bianca’s eyes widened, but you cut her worried question short before she even spoke, “There’s other way to calm them than killing, if that’s what you’re worried about. I know it’s a hard thing to ask, but you have to trust a Van Helsing on this one.” 
Turning back, you started to walk toward the bruning school. Every second spent on debating silly things of trust was a second of letting innocent young kids in danger. 
A hand wrapped around you once again; you didn’t have to turn to know who it was. 
“Don’t go,” he whispered in a broken voice. “Please.”
“I can’t let them in there,” you muttered, still avoiding his gaze. 
Tyler tugged gently on your hand, making you turn around to face him. He cupped your cheek, but again, you refused to look at him. If you did, you were afraid to lose all strength and hide away like the frightened little girl you once were. 
But unfazed by your shifty gaze, Tyler stroked his thumb against your cheek lovingly. “You don’t have to prove yourself,” he whispered in a mix of loving affection and despair – to see you running through those flames. “Please, don’t kill yourself trying to prove anything to them, I beg you.” 
The crack of his voice at the end of the sentence finally made you look up at him. Tears gathered at the corner of his eyes, threatening to fall any moment. No matter how this sight broke your heart, you knew you couldn’t go back. “You know I can’t let those kids in there,” you said softly - although you could hear how wavering your words were. “I promised myself I would never let that happen to any kid again.” 
Tyler nodded slowly, but the look on his face was one of pure heartbreak, “I know, “ he whispered, “that’s why I can’t watch you go in there again. Never again.” 
One of your hands came to gently squeeze the one that was cradling your cheek, and you leaned against it for a moment, closing your eyes and savoring the feeling. The feeling of something wet rolling down your cheek made you open your eyes slowly. Tyler’s eyes were equally wet. Slowly, you gently pulled his hand off your cheek, guiding it  back to his side. 
“I have to do this,” you said, squeezing his hand softly. “If not for me, for the terrified kids who are still inside.” 
Tyler wanted to add something, he truly did. But at your tone, he knew there was no way to make you change your mind. So instead he dove and pressed a hurried and passionate kiss on your lips. You could feel your heart squeeze at the feeling, returning the kiss eagerly. It only lasted a few seconds, then you tore yourself apart from Tyler’s lips, your hand slipping away from his. Despite the overwhelming sadness and heartbreak painted all over his features, he tried to push a small smile on his face. 
“I love you.”
This sent another squeeze to your heart – both painful and loving. “I love you too, Ty.”
Turning away from him, you started to hurry to the flaming building, until you heard him call out for you one last time. 
“Don’t try to be the hero!” 
A small smirk tugged your lips, and you looked back above your shoulder. 
“Don’t worry,” you shouted with a slightly cracking voice, tainted with fake assurance, “I never am!” 
And so you dived into an opened window of the blazing building. 
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[Part.10] [COMING SOON]
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bingo6776 · 2 years
people say she's bad (but they don't see the way she is with me)
wednesday addams x enid sinclair
enids had a long day. cuddling ensues.
Enid was just about ready to throw herself off of her balcony.
Her day had been seven different kinds of difficult and gruelling, it was a downright fucking mission to get through.
Firstly, she had forgotten her history essay on ‘Werewolf and Vampire Relations in the 18th century’ which she personally thought was saving her from a lot of unnecessary boredom, and saving her girlfriend, Wednesday, from a lot of well deserved complaining. Detention.
And then it was the personal vendetta her teachers had against her today, as if they had met up before classes and decided to throw the most complex questions they could at her. And when she couldn’t answer any? “Detention for [her] lack of attention.” Her teachers were aspiring poets, what could she say?
Fencing consisted of Yoko beating her repeatedly again, and again, and again. Simply because, although the werewolf was physically stronger, the vampire had literally had decades to perfect her skill. It was heavily unfair, in Enid’s opinion.
But mostly she just missed Wednesday. She’d had hardly been able to see the smaller girl all day. Whenever Enid had seen an opening to talk to her girlfriend during lunch, she was whisked away by her never ending social groups or stopped to talk about her numerous clubs, person after person demanding her attention.
The werewolf was surprised she hadn’t wolfed out ten times over with how infuriating it had been to be this close to finally hearing Wednesday’s voice just to be yanked back by people she currently really did not want to talk to.
With that in mind, who can blame her if when her detention had finally ended she practically ran towards her room, praying Wednesday didn’t have any more leads she needed to follow up about her “gloriously furtive” – Wednesdays words, not hers – stalker.
Feeling as if her entire body was vibrating as she pushed the door open with such force it flung back at her, she quickly dropped her bag on the floor and threw her blazer in the direction of her bed.
“Wednesday!” she called, excitement seeping from her very pores. All she wanted to do was wrestle her girlfriend into cuddling her to sleep as she did every night. Wednesday could pretend she didn’t like it, but Enid knew the girl loved it as much as she did. It was routine at this point.
Aaaaaand, with how her day was going, Enid was not at all surprised to see that the goth was missing from the room.
‘great’ Enid felt as if her entire body had slumped, looking like a dog with its tail between its legs, she threw on pyjamas and decided to just go to sleep at a disgustingly early time and hope for a better day tomorrow.
The slow creak of the door pulled Enid from her less than peaceful sleep, sitting up with her heavy feeling eyes struggling to see in the dark.
“Wends?” fuck, she sounded like shed just woken up after sleeping for decades. Why is my throat so God damn dry?  
“Go back to sleep, Enid. It’s almost midnight.”
At the sound of her girlfriends whispered voice, Enid felt a small smile pull at her lips. And if anyone calls her a simp for missing her girlfriends voice then she wouldn’t even try to deny it.
Enid reached over to turn on the lamp that sat on her desk, her eyes immediately landing on Wednesday as the psychic moved around the room doing God knows what.
“I missed you today.”
“I saw you this morning,” Wednesday quickly looked over her shoulder, at seeing how tired – no – exhausted Enid looked she muttered a small “I missed you also.”
With a dramatic sigh, as if all was suddenly right in the world, the blonde hauled herself from her bed, making the short walk to Wednesday’s side before unceremoniously flopping down onto the much darker bed, pushing her face deeply into Wednesday’s pillow – being a werewolf wasn’t all that bad if it was this easy to revel in the array of smells that made up Wednesday, it was all dusty books, and ink, and blood and Enid loved it. Simply could not get enough of the scent.
Wednesday had watched Enid’s short journey from her own bed to usurping Wednesday’s. Normally she would at least act as if she didn’t want Enid in her bed – she always did, she often spent the nights they didn’t share a bed missing the warmth Enid filled her with. It was truly revolting.
But after seeing how drained Enid had been, she simply climbed into the bed next to her girlfriend, wrapping a tentative arm around the taller girls waist, pulling her closer so they’re bodies where touching in every way they could.
“What, no declarations of how the oh so mighty Wednesday Addams does not, under any circumstances cuddle?”
“If you insist on mocking me, I am more than prepared to let you go back to your own bed, Sinclair.” Yet, despite her words, Wednesday placed a soft kiss on the back of Enid’s neck.
“Nah, I know you missed me too much today, Wends. Our separation today has truly wounded my cardiac organ, it was an astonishing surprise when I had emerged from my day unscathed,” Enid struggled to hold in her laugh at what she considered to be a very accurate Wednesday imitation – because it was ­– whilst Wednesday dug her fingertips harshly into Enid’s side, making the werewolf let out a puppy like ‘yelp’.
“I warned you that if you were to do such a disgraceful imitation of me again, you’d wake up with Wolfsbane stuffed down your throat,” Wednesday growled, fighting to keep the smirk off her face at how impressed her girlfriend sounded with herself. “My family quite enjoys stuffed werewolf, actually. It would please Pugsley to have such a delicacy.”
At that, Enid spun around, Wednesday’s arm still tightly around her body, keeping them pressed flush against each other.
“You’re joking, right, Willa? Because that sounds like an Addams thing to do, and I don’t want to wake up at yours next break with Pugsley chewing at my ankles.”
Wednesday simply closed her eyes in lieu of a response, placing her head in the crook of the blonde’s neck.
“Wednesday, I’m serious.”
“As am I, Cara Mia,” no, she wasn’t, but this was far more amusing. “It’s late, and if you are not asleep soon, I’m forcing you back to your own bed.”
A snort left Enid’s mouth at the obviously fake threat, “I love you, you little demon.”
Now, Wednesday Addams did not do soft, and she most certainly did not do sweet, but despite it all she pulled Enid impossibly closer, held her even tighter. And against her better judgement replied with a soft, yet firm, “I love you more, my love.”
Yeah, she was whipped.
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topazy · 2 years
Inside, outside
Pairings: 10k x reader, Addy Carver x sister reader
Warnings: Swearing, child death
Chapter: 4.10
You shake your head, watching as Warren storms on ahead, not stopping to take a much needed break. She was leading you towards something called the black rainbow; not that any of you knew what it meant, but she had currently led you into a large open field in the middle of the country.
Rolling your eyes, you rub at your forehead, feeling a headache come on, most likely caused by a lack of food, water, and sleep or by Murphy continuing to moan. You walk forward to get further away from his irritating voice and unintentionally listen in on 10k and Sarge’s conversation.
“What was it like being in the Marines?”
“I'm still a Marine,” Sarge beams at him. “I reckon I’ll die as one. They were my family. After they rescued me from my old family, they gave me something to live for other than myself. Still does. What about you? What keeps you going, ten thousand?”
“My girl.”
A woozy feeling builds up in your stomach, and your face flushes red. You know 10k loves you, but he doesn’t talk much openly to others about his feelings, so hearing how much he says that causes your heart to speed up.
“Getting her to Newmerica is the goal. At least there we can find a new home and start fresh.”
No missions, no saving the world, no Murphy. No matter how hard he tried, 10k couldn’t let go of the things you'd been through together.
“You know that’s back that way, right?” Sarge looks at him confused.
“Yeah, but if history has taught me anything, it is that following Warren is our safest bet, and it will get us where we need to be.”
“Disgusting, isn’t it?”
You jump in surprise when Murphy appears behind you, scowling. Knowing he’s talking about what 10k just said, you flip him off and say, “Shut up, Alvin.”
He scoffs, “Alvin? Who pissed in the cornflakes this morning?”
Doc puts his arm around your shoulder and says, “Don’t listen to him; he’s old and jealous of you young kids in love.”
“Pfft love, that’s what they're calling it.”
Usually you don’t rise to Murphy’s teasing, and by the look on Doc’s face, you know you shouldn’t, but you snap back at him. “You wouldn’t recognise it because you’ve never been in it.”
“Of course I have,” Murphy says, clearing his throat. “Trust me, you’ll fall in and out of it quicker than I ever did.”
Doc quickly changes the subject to avoid saying anything else. The last few days, Murphy had been more belligerent than usual, taking every opportunity he could to cause an argument. You didn’t know what his issue was, but the way he kept staring at Warren suggests it somehow related to her.
The first building you come across is one that you’d been in previously, years before, and returning brought back memories of Red and 5K.
Tellers lab.
The air feels tense as you walk along the outside of the building, the silence only broken by Murphy asking the question you were too afraid to ask. “Warren? Why the hell did you bring us back here?”
She hesitates before answering, “I don’t know. But I intend to find out.”
The grounds of the building are scattered with dead bodies, and Sarge looks around confused. “What in the holy heck happened here?”
“We tried to help some people, but it didn’t work out.” You say, biting on your lower lip, remembering all the people who died. You turn around and see something moving fast—“Z incoming!”
The last time you were at the lab, someone had put metal helmets on Zs, making them merciless proof. 10k manages to trip the Z up with a metal chain, causing Doc to let out a loud laugh.
“Stop playing with that damn thing!” Warren orders before tossing a piece of metal in the opposite direction for the Z to chase. “All right, everybody suits up.”
Wearing a suit that was on a dead body moments before felt disgusting. Thinking about it makes your skin crawl.
You look up, feeling a hand on your back, to see 10k giving you a sad smile and asking, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Are you?”
“No,” he chuckled softly, pulling you to your feet. “But I will be once we leave this place.
“Good because I was lying.”
You follow the others and head inside the lab, which is now covered in dampness and has what looks like a fungus growing on the walls. Warren claimed she was searching for batteries, but you didn’t believe her.
The further into the building you went, the darker it got, with the only light coming from your torches, which is how you, 10k, and Warren got separated from the others. You watch bewildered as Warren automatically knows how to find the secret rooms and codes to enter them. Well, most of them.
Warren, try shaking her shoulder. “Warren!”
She looks hypnotized while trying to figure out different padlock codes for what looks like a metallic freezer with lots of chains and locks around it. Warren mumbles to herself, managing to get some of them off.
You and 10k share a look of concern when a rattling sound comes from outside. Seconds later, a Z burst through the door; it knocked you to the ground and pinned you against the wall.
She suddenly grabs a chain and smacks the Z on the head with it, saying, “I show you mercy.” She drops the chain to the ground and then looks at the 10k, confused. “What are you doing here?”
“We were following you.”
She looks around the room and asks, “What am I doing here?”
“You were trying to get into that,” you say, getting to your feet and pointing to the metallic object. “I think you were having one of your visions.”
The lights in the room start to flicker as a beeping noise goes off. 10k watches as she struggles to remove the chains. “You knew the combination to all the other locks. You're on the last one.”
“I don’t remember,” Warren walks up to 10k. “Hit me.”
“Hit me. Sometimes fighting triggers the dream. Hit me.”
You look between them and say, “I’ll do it.”
“No offense, but I think our boy here is a little bit stronger than you.”
“I don’t know. I think you should let Astra do it.”
“Come on!” Warren rolls her eyes. “Don’t sissy out, just hit me.”
10K very lightly hits her cheek; his cheeks flush with embarrassment at how weak the slap was. It was obvious he didn’t want to hurt her.
“Hit me.” 10k goes to move his hand again, but Warren catches his wrist, squeezing it tightly. “Harder!”
You push 10k aside and punch Warren in the face, knocking her to the ground. You both look down. “Shit, I think that might leave a bruise.”
10K bites on his lip, looking down at her then back at you, “Any unresolved issues I need to know about?”
You shake your head, trying to laugh it off. In truth, you adored Warren and had a lot of respect for her, but all the rage you felt when she wanted to leave 10k behind when he fell out of the boat or hurt him to get information about Murphy came flooding back at once.
Minutes later, Warren wakes up, knowing the code, and unlocks the final padlock. She opens the door and puts her hand through a thick layer of slime and goo, pulling out three metal objects, including a transmitter.
She looks back at you and says, “Let’s go.”
You meet up with the others, who are gathered around a test tube that has a little boy trapped inside it. His body is frozen inside, but his mind is still alive. Sarge tried to split the power from a battery so that the power for the tank stays on, keeping the little boy alive, and so Warren has enough to get a radio working.
Amazingly, it works, and you managed to make contact with Citizen Z, who had information on the black rainbow. Hearing his voice was good; you always worried something bad had happened to him whenever he went silent for too long.
“Kaya’s been drilling down into deep storage looking for anything black and rainbow.”
“Did you find anything?”
“We had intruders here, zona soldiers. They copied all the black-and-white files, then wiped the servers. They also used a secure NSA hardline to spoof into the NORAD computers. They logged onto the administrator account for a defunct weapons program. Guess what it was called.”
“Black rainbow.”
“What is a black rainbow?” Warren asks.
“You won’t believe…”
The radio cuts out before you can hear Kaya’s answer. The only way to get the radio to work again is by turning the tank with the kid in it off, which means turning off his life support. Your group starts to debate what to do; Sarge wants to somehow save the boy, while Murphy wants to show him mercy. It was a difficult decision to make, but the kid was already dead; his brain was only functioning because of a machine, which was incredibly cruel considering he would never move, talk, or be remotely human again.
Warren makes the tough call and orders Sarge to divert the power to the radio, but when she’s unable to do it, you step in. You put your arm around Sarge and said, “She can’t do this.”
Warren nods and takes over, granting the young child mercy before turning his power off. When the power is diverted back to the radio and you are able to make contact with Citizen Z again, you learn that Black Rainbow is a biological weapon of mass destruction.
And the only way to stop it from being blasted was by getting the president of the United States' thumbprint and resetting the missile at the launch site.
Shit, nothing is ever going to be easy.
The car ride towards Washington is tense; everyone is still reeling from what happened at the lab and the information you’d found out about Black Rainbow. You sit in the back of the truck in between Doc and 10k, trying not to fall asleep. Your fingers play with 10k’s hair as he sleeps with his head resting on your lap.
While driving, Sarge motions to the sky and says, “It’s a beautiful sunset.”
“It’s only beautiful if someone is there to watch it,” Warren says bluntly.
“That’s not true,” you say quietly. “The world is still full of beautiful things we can’t see; it’s just a little harder to notice now.”
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panjakes · 2 years
Shall we dance?
Summary:Kevin catches you in his webs after one dance
Warning: Profanity, mentioning of blood, sexual content
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He had been staring at you the whole night. He stood at the second floor while you were on the first. Every so often you’d look up from your drink to find him staring. So you decided to put on a show for him because why not?
You and your friend dance with each other which soon turned into dance on each other. You threw a smirk his way which he returned.
“Your hungry aren’t you” younghoon says standing next to Kevin sipping from his glass.
“So hungry…and for her” Kevin says, his brown eyes turning to a ruby red color.
“She’s easy on the eye” younghoon says with a smirk
“Find your own” Kevin grumbles
“I will,. Just thought I’d state my opinion” younghoon says shrugging
“Well nobody asked you to state your option” Kevin says with a sarcastic smile
He turns his attention back to you and your “friend”. He watched as your friends hands ran down your curves. He growls before standing up straight dusting off his clothes
“I’ve grown tired of this little show” he says fixing his tie
“Go get her” younghoon chuckles
“I will” Kevin says smirking
He treads lightly down the steps, walking through the crowd of people until he got to you and my my my. You were even more beautiful up close.
You turn around once you felt Kevin’s presence. You two just looked into each other’s eyes. You couldn’t help it. It was as if you were under a spell
“Can I help you?” Your friend asks. Kevin whips his head in his direction before taking a step closer to him
“Yes you can, you can leave” Kevin says pointing in another direction
“Excuse me? I’m not going anywhere”
“I’m sorry, it wasn’t a question” Kevin says stepping even closer to the male. His eyes, again they changed into that ruby red color
“Your going to leave me and this lovely lady here. Alone” Kevin says with a sarcastic smile
The male nods his head before just walking away. Something about that made you tingle sand in a good way. You looked Kevin up and down with a smirk
“You enjoy giving orders?” You asks
“Only if I give them too you” he says placing two of his finger under your chin lifting your head. He pushes your head lightly to the left look down at your smooth but strong neck
Your dark skin had some type of glitter on it that glistened under the lighting in the club. His eyes went from your neck to your plump glossy lips that were outlined in brown lip liner.
You. We’re perfect.
“Your so beautiful” he mumbles
“T-thank you” you say. You were nervous and didn’t know why. No man has ever made your feel this way. So nervous and So small.
“Now darling tell me why your here?” He asks finally letting go of your chin looking into your eyes
“I was bored. Why not come have some fun” you say shrugging. He chuckles before pointing a ring clad finger in your face
“This…isn’t fun sweetheart. This is just the bare minimum. If you want, I could show you some real fun” he says
What did he even mean by that? You didn’t have any time to give an answer because before you know it, he had your hand leading you the stairs. You come to a red door.
“Are you sure you want have fun?” Kevin asks raising a brow
“Fun is my middle name” you say causing the man to laugh
“Let’s see how true that is” he says opening the door. You step inside shocked at the sight. There was a whole different party. Red and blue lights illuminated the room as the people danced.
“Come this way with me sweetheart. Allow me to get you a drink” he says holding out his hand. You take it with no hesitation. He leads you to the bar
“donnez-lui une vodka limonade à la fraise” he says making you raise a brow
“How’d you know I’d like a lemonade vodka?” You ask
“I took a wild guess. I’ll take another and say you know French” he says raising a brow himself
“I studied in college” you say smirking
“Mm a women of many languages, we’ll get along well” he says smirking
“Mm what are you attentions with me..?”
“Kevin…it suits you” you say tilting your head
“And what name was bestowed on you?” He asks making you laugh
“You talk like your a thousand years old” you say. Not much to your knowledge, the man in front of you was older than that.
“My apologies” he says with a smirk
“But my name is Yn” you say getting your drink from the bartender
Kevin watched as your red lips wrap around the glass rim. Even the way you took sips from the cup were angelic. That’s what drawn him to you.
You were a very delicate angel, and he couldn’t wait to ruin you.
“Shall we dance?” He asks
“Do you deserve a dance with me?” You ask with a smirk
You were challenging him? He would have fun breaking you.
“After all the teasing you’ve done to me tonight I think I do deserve a dance” he says making you giggle. You throw back the rest of your drink sitting the cup down on the bar
You were still nervous. He could feel it. You were doing a good job at hiding it. He’d give you that.
“Maybe you do deserve a dance.” You say grabbing his hand guiding him to the dance floor. You two moved through the sea of bodies before finding a free spot to dance.
You turn around moving your body on his. Placing his hand on your waist your waist and his other on your thigh. Kevin groaned as your body pushed against his. You were warm, you smelled sweet.
He dipped his face into the crook of your placing light kisses on it. You tilt your head giving him more access to your neck. His hands started to roam your body, not that you had any complaints.
You kept swaying your hips as he felt up and down on your curves. He quickly turned you around so that you were now face to face. He looked you in the eye as his hand massaged your lower back.
“You are so beautiful” he says slowly leaning in
“And your handsome” you say
He looks down at your plump red lips. How he so desperately wanted to kiss them
“Can I please kiss you?” He asks
“You may” you whisper
He finally leans down connecting your lips in the most hot and steamy kiss. Never in a million years have you thought that you’d be standing in the middle of a club kissing a man you just met a mere hour ago.
The kiss got deeper. Steamier. Hotter. You were getting hot and Kevin was getting impatient. He was ready to make his mark
“I think we should take this party else where” Kevin says rubbing his thumb across your bottom lip. His lips covered in your red lipstick
“I’m not opposed to the idea” you say making him chuckle
“Follow me” he says taking your hand in his leading you outside the club room leading you to an elevator. How big was this club? Moments later it dings and the door slide open to reveal a pent house. Was this his home?
“Welcome to my humble abode” Kevin says leading you into the penthouse.
“It’s beautiful” you say walking over to the big window. From the window you saw the big seat and it’s beautiful lights. Kevin walks over to you and wraps his arms around your waist
“That it is. But my eyes have caught something way more beautiful” he says
“And what is that?” You ask
“You.” He says before you could say thank you he takes it a step further
“Bent over and me taking you against this window” he says turning you around so you could see his face when he says what he’s about to say next
Your face was hot. Your body was getting hot. You wanted him just as much as he wanted you.
“But I also want to take you on every surface in this house. If I have your permission” he says kissing the side of your mouth
You nod your head, falling deeper into his spell
“Ah ah. I need word princess” he coos into your ear
“Yes. Please” you say wrapping your arms around his neck
“It would be my pleasure” he says picking you up by your butt and taking you too the bedroom. He laid you down on the big California king bed that was cladded in black and red silk sheets.
He straddled you running his index finger up your arm slowly sliding the thin black strap of your dress down your shoulder, doing the same to your other.
You whine at his slow teasing
“Ahh princess, be patient.” He says tugging the tight material of your dress down your thick thighs. Once your dress was in the floor Kevin’s hands were on your thighs and his eyes on your body
“My, aren’t you beautiful” he says leaning down to kiss your brown thighs. After all the teasing tonight. He’d finally be getting what he wants.
He placed his thumb over your clothed clit. He laughed at your tiny gasp and the wet patch on your panties
“Have you been waiting for me princess?” He asks. You nod just wanting him to touch you.
“So have I, can I take these off you?” He asks looking up at you
“Please Kevin” you whine. He chuckles proceeding to drag the dainty fabric down your legs and throwing it behind his head.
He doesn’t even say anything. He just lays down on his stomach throwing your legs on over his shoulders before diving in.
Your tiny gasp turned into whined and those turned into moans. Kevin pushes two fingers into your core looking you in the eye
“It’s okay love, you can be as loud as you please. Nobody’s gonna hear you but me” he says before going back in, sucking on your bud.
He himself was getting lost in your essence. He was probably getting more pleasure out of this than you were.
You run a hand through his long curly hair. He was making you feel so good. It had been a while since you felt this good
Kevin closed his eyes basking in your taste. He could feel his eyes turning red. It was time.
He looks up at you with those red eyes shocking you
“Ke-Kevin your e-eyes” you moan out
“Your close aren’t you?” He asks. You don’t say anything just nodding your head In response.
With a few more pumps of his fingers and a few more licks of his tongue you had reached your climax letting out the most beautiful thing Kevin ever heard.
He takes his fingers putting them in his mouth staring your right in the eyes.
“You taste better than I thought” he says
His eyes still red.
“What happened to your eyes?” You ask as you try to sit up. But you couldn’t. You didn’t have energy and it felt like you were stuck
Kevin chuckles getting up from the bed walking over to the bar that was on the other side of the room pouring himself a drink. When he was finished he walked over to the big window.
“I’m just hungry is all my dear” he says taking sip from the cup, lips pressing into a thin line at the burning alcohol.
Once he turned around towards Yn she let out a gasp. He no longer looked human. Horns were growing out of his head and wings slowly grew from his back.
His eyes ruby read and nails black and sharp like claws. His teeth were now fangs. What the hell was he?
“I have taken almost every ounce of energy from your body. That is why you feel tired, but don’t fret my love. When the eclipse moon comes out your energy will be restored.” He says with a smirk
“What did you do to me?” You ask weakly
He chuckles stalking over to the bed
“Don’t worry love. I wouldn’t hurt you. That was never my intentions. You are slowly but surely becoming like me” he says running his index finger down your cheeks
“You look beautiful like this” he says
“Why?” You ask as your eyes get heavy
“Why? Because I want you. I want you all to myself. You see love. I am a king and that party we just left, was full of my people. We are hidden amongst you humans. I came out tonight looking for a bride and you my darling…are perfect” he says smirking
“No” you mumble
“Yes.when I ordered your drink I spiked it with my blood.In an hour the transformation will be complete and we shall marry” he says chuckling
You couldn’t keep your eyes open any longer.
You should have stayed home.
You shouldn’t have came out tonight.
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my-shields-are-down · 2 years
What's ur thoughts on the break up? Should Tim have broken it off?
Personally if Tim did break up with Ashley then he'd have to face his feelings for Lucy and I dont think he's ready to just yet.
Thanks for the question! People might be surprised by my answer - especially since I have been anti-Ashley (I call her Voldie in most other places, but not today) for awhile now.
I have mixed feelings about “the break up”. Turns out I have quite a lot of thoughts on this (and some tangents), so this might be long.
First, on the surface the manner in which Ashley broke up with Tim was harsh - a total dick move. She couldn’t wait until he was coherent, she had to dump & dash the instant he was opened his eyes? She couldn’t wait until he was clear of anesthesia? Completely heartless. Rude.
And yet, on another hand, she had an epiphany at some point that a life with Tim where he stays in his job and doesn’t retire is not a life she can lead - so she swiftly takes action and goes. I am all about action, deciding or recognizing what works or doesn’t, what you want and going after that?! Fuck yeah, I support that big time. That said, I would have waited - because that was the more compassionate, empathetic way to do it. The way Ashley has been written, neither of those two things would be considered her top qualities. Lucy? Yes, definitely. Ashley? Not so much.
I think there were clues from the beginning of the episode that this could happen.
1) Tim mentions being on Whole 30 - it was Ashley’s idea in reaction to her dad having some health issues. Ashley and her Dad are wickedly close - I bet she is freaking out that his health could be at risk- so she’s desperately trying to control her life. Tim is part of that world - so he gets controlled to.
2) Ashley got WAY too excited about the possibility of Tim retiring. I felt like she was on a game show and the host had just said, “if he retires, tell her what she’s won Bob!” For a first time conversation on the topic she just barreled through all the possibilities and benefits like it was a done deal. Which made me think that she’s had this conversation with her Dad on more than one occasion and Dad regrets not taking advantage sooner - or he says he does.
She then brushes off Tim’s idea of traveling to see a MLB game in every stadium - which first, I raised my hand and volunteered to go with him, and second I think she does that all the time with Tim. The few scenes we saw her in were about Tim changing to meet her wants and needs instead of them growing together in a new direction.
3) Neither Tim nor Ashley asked any questions about the surgery. Granted because of their jobs as first responders, they’ve have some trauma training and advanced first aid classes. But this is major surgery, major not because of method - the fact they can do a minimally invasive procedure is fantastic, but major because the spine is involved. Like the brain, there’s so much unknown about the spine and the nervous system and LUCY is the only one who asks about the dangers involved the surgery. No one asks about side effects, or lasting damage, recovery times, PT, pain management, etc etc. I get being shocked, but this is why you take someone with you to ask questions while you sit there and freak out about knives being near your spine.
4) Ashley just stood there. She wasn’t holding his hand, or sitting next to Tim in the bed providing comfort and care before during or after the doctor’s visit. She was facing him like an adversary as opposed to sitting next to him as a partner or team member. Without knowing how she and Tim interact when alone, I read this as she was starting to distance herself from him. With him, but not.
She’s not overtly affectionate, she’s very reserved, hesitant almost and I think insecure. She rarely looks Tim in the eye for any extended period of time, and she’s not aware or open to Tim. I don’t think she loves Tim as he is. I think she loves the version of Tim that she’s created in her head, if he changes x, y, z then he’ll be perfect. A confident person loves and accepts themselves, I don’t think Ashley does. She kept looking to Tim for validation, that’s not confidence.
I said it in another post, but I think Ashley’s relationship with her Dad really shapes her relationship with Tim. She’s the apple of Jerry’s eye. I am sure Jerry doted on her and always let her have her way. So she manhandles her relationship with Tim to recreate that type of relationship where she’s the focus, and she controls everything.
Because things with her most important male (Jerry) are taking some hits because of his health, Ashley’s relationship with a Tim is receiving the backlash of that. She’s going to want Tim to provide her with a life that gives HER happiness - a lifeguard in Bali, living with Tim off his free money. When she realized that wasn’t going to happen, she bailed and ran.
I don’t think Lucy ever really entered into Ashley’s mind about the break up other than as a passing thought that Tim has a large cop family to support him.
I think if we had waited for Tim to break up with Ashley, we would have been waiting a long time. Tim liked Ashley. He cared about her. I think he was stung when she left him - more proof he’s unlovable, that people who love him, leave him. She was safe. Tim knew what to expect in his relationship with Ashley.
Being in a relationship with Lucy is wholly overwhelming for Tim. Like space, it’s undiscovered territory. He’s been in love - but Isobel didn’t know him as well as Lucy does. He has female friends - but he does not long for Angela like he longs for Lucy. I believe Tim doesn’t think Lucy likes him likes him or more importantly doesn’t think she loves him loves him. Yes, she’s attracted to him and yes, she willingly invited Tim into her home for a night of sexual pleasure. But she said it was biology. He doesn’t yet know it wasn’t just that for her.
IMO Tim never would have broken up with Ashley unless Lucy broke up with Chris and she told Tim that it wasn’t pretend for her. That she loves him and wants to be with him. Lucy, however, is waiting for Tim to do the same thing. She’s waiting for Tim to say he wants her, that he desires her, that he loves her. They are both waiting for the other to make the first move.
Right now, Tim’s overwhelmed with feelings. Feelings about Ashley and their break up. Feelings about Lucy. Feelings about her spending the night in the hospital with him. Feelings about surgery, retirement, marriage, babies, his sister, selling his childhood home, his dad dying, etc. He’s got more feelings on top of feelings, intertwined with other feelings that he doesn’t know which way is up. Before he can do anything, he has to untangle them all, acknowledge and name them and accept and process them. I bet he deals with Lucy first because SHE is the most important thing to him.
Thankfully, Tim is much more adept at dealing with them now. He’s strengthened his emotional intelligence muscle (thank you Lucy), but he’s not a talker - unless he talks to Lucy. He’s an avoider - and he’s going to avoid Lucy because it hurts him not being able to fully connect like he wants to. As he realizes how in deep the connection is with her, I don’t think he’ll be able to do it half way. Unless, there’s an imminent threat to losing her, I don’t think he’s going to be able to let her back in not all the way- his struggle with wanting to be near Lucy vs letting her in all the way, will play out on Tim’s super expressive face.
Tim is in feelings overload- so I expect Tim to revert back to TO Tim or try to at least. I loved that version of him. I’ve loved Tim since day one. He was in self-preservation mode. A hard shell and big time walls preventing people from seeing the anguish and heartbreak over losing his wife. Imagine it - you are married and one day your spouse disappears. Gone. How would YOU handle that? What would YOU be like in the world? Would you put up walls so you could cope? Or would all your emotions be on display 24x7? Or somewhere in between? Tim likely will distance himself emotionally with extreme professionalism as a way to keep his feelings hidden and in check. Without Ashley he now has no protection from Lucy, his feelings are going to be more obviously on display. He will probably make some bad decisions along the way. Until he opens back up and let’s Lucy back in.
Anyway… my 25 cents on the topic.
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silverloreley · 2 years
I need a bit of a distraction right now so I’ll write a bit about the importance of keeping your head cool in emergencies.
You see, my mom is a panicky type, like, full blown jumping-to-conclusions assuming-the-worst, shouting “they’re dead“ type. My brother is pretty much the same, with the added trouble of not being able to hear/follow directives unless they’re very clear and repeated more than once (he was never diagnosed for any neurodivergence but I have my suspicions he may be in the autism spectrum or have ADHD, but that’s another discussion).
This means, in a crisis, you can’t really count on them being useful, unless you’re ready to deal with that with top-tier calm. Usually, that’s my dad’s job, he’s the one who manages to keep his cool in the house. Unless the emergency involves him, which means he can’t give effective directives due to a lack of objectivity.
Me? I have anxiety. Which usually means I am physically unable to be calm, I always think the worst, worry a lot and so on. But I do it in my mind. Which means 1) I am able to ponder on the possibilities and consequences and 2) I am used to disguise and somewhat control my panic for moderate timespans (afterwards I collapse, I’ll get to that later).
Anyway, panic is always your enemy. Jumping to conclusions and not keeping your head cool can lead to disasters even in daily life.
Which brings me to today. Actually, not even an hour ago (and the reason I need to calm down).
I was in my room when I hear my brother, somehow panicked, ask-shouting to know if dad is on the terrace. Mind you, my dad who was not home yet, to my knowledge. He heard my dad call, didn’t hear exactly what he said and jumped to the conclusion my dad must be on the terrace and needed a hand with something up there.
He was more than half wrong, but wihout listening and just saying us “dad must be up I’ll go see what is it“ he ran upstairs.
My mom, who knew dad couldn’t be upstairs because she has been near the entrance door and would have heard him go up, went to check the road to see if the motorbike was back.
And here the real Panic started. The first thing she did was shout my dad’s name, the immediate next was “he’s dead“ (you see, I wasn’t exaggerating, I almost had an heart attack at that). Cue her running downstairs, without telling me anything, without keys and, I assumed, without a clue of what may have actually happened or what to do.
Now, I know three things: 1) we live in a road with scarce visibility (lots of almost-incidents and I lost count of how many cats run over) and our driveaway has bad pavement, 2) my dad was out with the motorbike; 3) my brother heard him call.
Conclusion, my dad must have fallen from the bike, most likely with enough energy and wits to call for my brother, who, by sheer dumb luck today, had his window open and no music on. (and now I wonder why the nosy neigbour who is always at her stupid balcony is never there when something happens, she could have alerted us, damn it!)
In my mind I was deadly afraid of a bloody scene, but, here’s the trick, this allowed me to spare two seconds to gather my wits and grab my phone and the house keys, call for my brother that dad was down and not up and reach out.
Now, the thing was that the wheel had slipped on a stone, dad fell down with the motorbike on him and his leg was stuck underneath. In the time my mother panicked, asked frantic questions without listening to answers and generally did nothing useful, I had figured out the situation was not life or death (my dad was conscious and lucid), shut down the bike and I would have picked it up too, if my dad had not insisted I waited for my brother, who was finally getting to the right place.
Cue figure out what to do next. First thing first, get the bike up and safely away from my dad, then find out how he felt, maybe take some weight from him (backpack and helmet first. Shit, I have to buy him a new helmet!) and decide on it.
In all of this my mom is still in full panic-mode, shaking like a leaf, two steps from collapsing herself, which would have not being useful at all, while my brother, appropriately directed, manages to be a lot more useful overall with helping dad stand and stay up.
The shoulder has clearly something wrong, it really sticks out in a weird way, my dad starts refusing to see a doctor because he probably doesn’t realize how bad it looks. Needs water and to sit down, and perhaps it would be a good idea to call at the very least our physiotherapist.
We manage to get dad home because he needs the bathroom and to sit, mom finally had cleared her head a bit and goes get changed to accompany dad to the hospital, but she’s still in enough panic she’s frantic and blabbers and can’t find stuff and I have to leave my brother with my dad and calm her down.
And now they (dad, mom, bro) are at the hospital (where no one can enter but the patient, due to the still up Covid restrictions), while I almost collapsed myself once they got out the door.
Act first, panic later is the best strategy, but damn! it takes a toll on you. I’m still shaking, my legs are trembling and I received no news so far. Hence this essay-delirium-retelling or whatever.
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bwritesbooks · 21 days
Emerging from my cage to give you a snippet from my novel. For context, Taka is a half-orc with black hair, violet eyes, and grey skin. Isolda is a halfling with tan skin, shaved black hair, and black eyes. They have recently been at a party thrown by a group of elven nomads. Before this, they were on a quest. They had to pause for spoiler reasons.
As the night wore on Isolda and Taka spun and swayed. Drank and talked. Neither of them had ever cared less about the time that was passing or what the people around them were doing. Though they had known each other for two weeks they both felt as though they were meeting eachother for the first time. Taka discovered that Isolda loved animals and that she was fascinated by all of the new ones she had seen since leaving her family’s boat. Isolda learned that Taka had a fondness for pastries and was determined to learn to cook them even though most of her attempts had ended in failure. In those hours, the world narrowed to a single point that only the two of them lived within. Eventually, giddy with drink and freedom from care, Isolda took Taka’s hand and led her off towards the woods.
“Wait, where are we going?” Taka asked, less because she actually cared and more because it felt like something she should say. 
“You’ll see,” Isolda replied, laughing lightly and tugging Taka’s hand to make her go faster.
It felt like it had been years since she had been this happy. It almost felt inappropriate in the face of everything that had happened and all that was yet to come, but, for once, Isolda did not care. She did not feel the pressures of duty creeping up behind her nor does she fear what her parents will say when she returns to them. Right now, nothing matters, but Taka’s hand in hers. She leads Taka to a grove filled with glowing flowers. Once it was a pet project of the previous clan leader’s, but since his passing it has taken on a new life as a sanctuary to the scant few people who still know it is there. By day it looks like nothing more than a particularly lush piece of the woods. Beautiful, but unassuming. By night, it is like a different world. 
Taka spun around in a slow circle, taking it all in. Her mouth was open in wonder and Isolda’s heart soared knowing that she was the one who put that smile on her face. 
“This is beautiful,” Taka exclaimed. “How did you find this?”
“I couldn’t sleep a few nights ago and I decided to take a walk. I honestly did not want to leave,” she said with a laugh. 
“I don’t blame you,” Taka replied. “I would not want to leave either.”
Isolda smiled.
“It is beautiful isn’t it?” she said, but she was not looking at the flowers.
Instead, she stared at Taka’s smile. That smile is such a rare and beautiful thing, she thought to herself. I would give all my gold to keep that smile on her face. A blush rose to Isolda’s cheeks at the thought. The logical part of her brain knew this was a bad idea. She was not to pursue anyone her parents had not already approved and Taka had definitely not been approved. It would only cause trouble if she went against them even more than she already had. Isolda’s heart did not care and it pushed her forward. 
“Taka?” she asked. 
Taka turned and the light from the flowers caught in her hair like a crown. She directed her smile at Isolda and Isolda felt nervous for perhaps the first time in her life. She stepped closer and took Taka’s hands in hers.
“May I kiss you?” She asked.
Taka’s eyes went wide. If you had asked her two seconds ago what her answer to this question would be she would have said yes, absolutely. Perhaps she would not have answered and simply kissed Isolda as an answer. But now, faced with the chance to actually follow through, all Taka feels is afraid. 
“Uh…I…um..” she stuttered her brain short circeting and freezing any answer she could give.
To Isolda, who was already afraid that this was a bad idea, it is as good as a no. Her mind latches onto the hesitation and immediately tells her to back off. This was a bad idea. It was too fast. For the gods’ sake, she and Taka were hardly even friends yesterday. Suddenly all of the peace and joy she had been feeling was replaced with anger. Anger at herself for even trying this. Anger at Taka for being so pretty. Anger at the world for not being fair. 
“I..I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m going too fast. I shouldn’t have…”
Isolda looked uo to see that Taka was already gone. So overwhelmed that she had fled the woods like a monster was on her tail. 
“Taka wait!” Isolda shoughted at her retreating back. 
But Taka was already gone.
“Minska!” Isolda cursed.
Then she slid down with her back to a tree and began to cry.
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spacenutspod · 11 months
5 min read NASA’s Modern History Makers: Maricela Lizcano Maricela Lizcano poses inside NASA Glenn Research Center’s Aerospace Communications Facility.Credit: NASA/Bridget Caswell >back to gallery Maricela Lizcano never dreamed of working for NASA. In fact, she wasn’t planning on furthering her education until she had a revelation in her late twenties. “I was watching one of those forensic shows, and I loved the way they caught the criminals with science,” said Lizcano, research materials engineer at NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland. “I wanted to be able to do that. I realized I should be studying science and engineering.” It took Lizcano about ten years to prepare mentally and financially to go back to school, and during that time, she received some startling news. “I found out that I was losing my sight, and it was very scary,” Lizcano said. “I think that was one of the things that tossed me off the rails. I had so many questions: ‘What am I going to do? How am I going to work or go to school? How quickly am I losing my vision?’ There were no answers.” Lizcano was diagnosed with Stargardt disease, a rare genetic eye disease that occurs when fatty material builds up on the macula — the small part of the retina needed for sharp, central vision. “My Stargardt disease started on the outer edges of my macula, and over time, it grew to the center,” Lizcano said. “By the time I was 45 years old, it had pretty much taken all of my central vision, and now I rely on my peripheral vision to see.” Eventually, Lizcano viewed this as another obstacle to hurdle, no different from any others she had experienced in her life. She attended the University of Texas–Pan American, now called the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. She started during a second summer session, easing her way to full-time attendance while also holding a job. Because of her new disability, she couldn’t see what professors were writing on the board. She taught herself to listen intently to the topics being discussed in the lecture, then after class, she read the textbook and rewrote the lecture notes using special magnification tools. “It took that much longer, but you learn to adapt,” Lizcano said. “There are certain skills you develop because of the changes you have to make when you have a disability. I learned that I really have to listen.” After five years, Lizcano completed her mechanical engineering degree. She didn’t get a job right away after graduation, so she continued her education and earned master’s and doctorate degrees. “I can’t just look at my disability as some great thing that I really had to overcome,” Lizcano said. “I think a lot of people overcome many obstacles because we are driven by the desire to achieve things. You don’t see the challenges as challenges, you just see them as something to conquer to get to your goal.” In 2010, former President Barack Obama signed an executive order to increase federal employment of individuals with disabilities. The executive order directed executive departments and agencies to improve their efforts to employ workers with disabilities through increased recruitment, hiring, and retention of these individuals. “Through the Workforce Recruitment Program, I had the opportunity to interview with representatives from federal agencies,” Lizcano said. “I heard nothing for a long time, but then suddenly I got an email from NASA Glenn asking if I’d present my research.” She accepted a job as a research materials engineer and now leads a team working on high-voltage materials for electrified aircraft. She collaborates with various universities to develop composite insulation materials and lightweight conductors. Even now working at NASA, Lizcano faces challenges that she finds ways to overcome. She depends on her fellow colleagues to carpool to work and accessibility tools — like the magnifier app — to use her computer. “Understanding my needs allowed me to get over the fact that I lost my independence,” Lizcano said. “It was a mind shift to be all right with asking for help.” Lizcano’s recommends a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics career to anyone looking for a challenge or excitement. “We’re always solving problems. If you’re one of those people who really wants to make a difference in the world, STEM careers are a good place to start,” Lizcano said. “Any challenge that you may have in result of a disability is no different than the challenge you’re trying to solve, and it will give you the motivation and unique skills you need to be successful.” NASA is in a Golden Era of aeronautics and space exploration. In partnership with commercial and private businesses, NASA is currently making history with significant missions such as Artemis, Quesst, and electrified aviation. The NASA’s Modern History Makers series highlights members of NASA Glenn’s workforce who make these remarkable missions possible. Jacqueline MinerdNASA’s Glenn Research Center Explore More 6 min read Lynn Bassford Prioritizes Learning as a Hubble Mission Manager Lynn Bassford levels decades of experience and a desire for self-growth as she helps lead… Article 7 days ago 1 min read Dr. Guy Bluford Reflects on 40th Anniversary of Historic Shuttle Flight  Article 1 week ago 3 min read Glenn in the Community Article 1 week ago
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uselessboss · 2 years
Useless Effort(2/3)
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Andrews let a long sigh after the door clicked shut.
Why couldn't he control his cursed tongue? He promised himself to not act weak in front of her anymore yet he let something like that slip by.
At least he hoped she didn't catch him glaring at that Saramsrein guy.
“Andrews… Are you ok?” Hunter asked, having stayed behind to check on him after how strange he had been acting the entire time.
“If I am to be sincere then I am not.” Andrews admits with an humorless laugh. “Having THAT guy around Miller fills me with uncertainty”
“Oh! Right, do you know who he is? You seemed to have recognized him”
“Not really, no" Andrews flopped in one of the chairs, staring at the sterile white color of the ceiling, “I even thought this was guy was a figment of my imagination"
“You are not making any sense Andrews"
“Yeah, it doesn’t, does it?” he ruffed “Nothing that happened does"
Even after her sentence was delivered, even after they parted ways to never see each other again he didn't give up.
He had been tirelessly investigating everything related to the incident, hoping against odds to find proof of his dear partner's innocence but only meeting failure and disappointment along the way.
There had to be something missing, he was sure of it. Because what happened didn't make sense at all.
“…Say Hunter" he examined his words carefully, still trying to decide if he could trust the guy or not with what he had to say “What do you think about the ‘incident'? Do you think that Miller was the culprit behind it? That she is a deranged murderer?”
“…I lost count of how many times I had checked the reports and read articles related to her case" Hunter replied, upfront “No matter how much I tried to find something amiss, nothing changed. By all accounts she had to be the culprit”
Hunter looked pensive.
He was once someone that abhorred letting emotions cloud someone’s judgment so he stuck strictly to concrete evidence to dictate whether something was the truth or not.
She showed how naïve his thinking was.
“That said… Even if the clues point to that direction I can't help but not believe it. Miller isn't like that" Hunter firmly stood his ground “If anything I have this sensation that there's something missing, like there's something not quite right here"
“It probably is" Andrews' face scrunched up in distate “For starters, they completely omitted and disregarded my testimony”
Hunter's eyes widened in surprise.
“People talked as if it was a foregone conclusion that she would do something heinous like that because she was acting odd days prior right? But they sure didn't elaborate in what way” he spat “To them Miller was crazy from the get go so anything she did would be seen that way"
She was so scared.
His partner, the strongest and most virtuous person he ever met was scared.
Of what, he didn't know.
But he remembered how tormented she looked, barely sleeping, skittish, flinching at being touched and refusing to tell him anything about what was going on.
“Those signs… Abuse?” Hunter asked, concerned.
“I thought the same so I requested for her to do physical tests yet nothing came up" he frowned “Miller is a strong person, it's unthinkable for her to suddenly go nuts out of nowhere so something HAS to have happened"
“Any other leads?”
“… When she was rescued Miller reacted strongly to sedatives being used on her" he winced as that grotesque and vivid image of her injured body and smell of burnt flesh hit him again “She had to be feeling a lot of pain yet the numbness… The loss of feeling of her body was what terrified her"
“Miller… Miller once told me something similar to that"
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“…She had a panic attack after rescuing someone from drowning because the cold water made her body go numb" Hunter shared, before adding a rhetorical question he was apprehensive sure of what the answer was “She… She didn't have any issues with water before the incident did she?”
“No, she didn't"
“Was she under some sort of “influence” perhaps? I remember her vaguely commenting that she didn't know what “possessed” her and that didn't feel like a joke"
“We did all the tests, no drugs or any foreigner substance found on her body"
“I also checked her cellphone, e-mails, correspondence and searched her home on the unlikely chance that she was being threatened but I found nothing"
It was frustrating.
He knew that had to be the truth yet he couldn't find a single damn proof.
“…I got to know Miller better than anyone. There's no one as kind, selfless and brave as her, I know she would never do something like that” he pressed his clenched fists to his face. “I tried to do everything in my power to help her yet I couldn't do anything! Despite how much she did for me!”
“Tried everything to help Miller…” Hunter mumbled, looking uncertain, “Andrews, there's something I had been wondering for a while”
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“I didn't see your name among the witness or mentioned anywhere else"
“That's because I was under arrest at that time”
“Wait. What?!”
“A series of crimes happened at the same time frame as Miller's stay at the hospital. Missing cases to be more exact"
“And how does that correlate to you at all?” Hunter was baffled.
“Because all of the missing people were targeting Miller.”
“Hired hitmen, relatives of the victims that wanted vengeance or real extremists that wanted to enact justice with their own hands.
“Still, why you?”
“Well, for one because I nearly punched the staff for mistreating Miller" he waves it off to Hunter's astonishment, “And because I was the only one Miller had. There are no register of living relatives, no lovers and no friends besides me. Albeit flimsy, I was the only one in their eyes that had a reason to commit those crimes"
“Wait a second.” Hunter blinked, eyes widening, “Then what…”
“Yes. Then what explain the guy I met nights prior? This “Saramsrein" guy"
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He stood there in the dark in complete silence, his tall figure hunching over Miller as he watched her unconscious figure.
When he noticed his presence and turned to look at him, those big and creepy eyes made him freeze like a deer in the headlights.
He was going to die.
He didn't know why, but his instincts told him so. Every single fiber of his being was telling that the guy was dangerous.
It took his entire willpower and worry over Miller's well being to overpower the fear he was feeling to take his gun out and point at the stranger and even then his hands trembled like crazy.
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He didn't even notice when the guy had approached him. He felt a hand squeeze his shoulder, words whispered to him to look after Miller and then… Nothing.
When he gathered his bearings and turned he saw nothing.
The next day he request for the list of his partner's visitors but there's no one else's name. Only his.
He tried to ask the security team if they saw someone like the intruder enter the premises and checked the footage of every single camera in the building but he couldn't find anything.
“I almost thought I was going insane" he rubbed his temples, remembering the chill that he felt after he found nothing “Because I couldn't find a single proof of that guy's existence… Well, not THERE at least"
“What do you mean Andrews?”
“One of the guys that found Miller and took her to the hospital said that they saw someone that fit his description at the scene carrying Miller in his arms"
“Do you think he could be the real culprit?”
“I… Don't know" Andrews caught himself sighing again, just as dejected as before, “He seemed to drop his hostility after he figured I was on Miller's side but the guy is still hella sketchy”
“…If you think so then why are you allowing him to accompany her Andrews?”
“Because it would represent a far bigger risk to Miller if she felt forced to bring us with her... If I… Became a burden to her again"
Blood. So much blood.
“I told you before didn't I?” his smile was pained, “How once Miller got hurt because I was a good for nothing partner.”
Not only because of his negligence that led to her sacrificing herself for his sake, but also for everything that happened after.
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“She was the one that was hit, her face was ashen from losing blood and from the pain and yet she was the one to call an ambulance, to touch my face as she tried to reassure me while I could only stand there, frozen, panicking as I could only think how everything was my fault".
Useless. He was so pathetic. A sorry excuse of a man.
“Even in this situation, even when she should have been the priority she put herself aside for my sake"
It was always like this.
If she brought him along history would repeat itself, she would prioritize him and she would get hurt one way or another by covering his useless ass.
“I think I can understand now why Miller sought you out when she needed help the most”
“Because you care. Because there's no room to doubt that" Hunter spoke gently “You are the only one that could give her the stability that she needed”
“…That's what I think, but I'm not Miller, it would be better if you confirm that with her"
“Didn't you hear a single word of what I just said Hunter?”
“Yes, and to me that sounded like what happened back then was equally traumatic to you" Hunter crossed his arms, unfazed by his angry outburst, “Talk to Miller, only then you will be able to settle things for good Andrews"
"There is no need for that, I can handle this much"
"If there's something I learned with everything that happened was that some secrets are really not worth keeping." Hunter shook his head before sighing "And... As much as it also pains for me to admit this it's unavoidable that we will keep depending on Miller in one way or another. The only thing we can hope for is for her to feel inclined to rely on us the same way isn't that right?"
"...You sure don't mince words, do you Hunter?" He sighed, before slouching his shoulders in resignation. As much as he didn't want to admit it, Hunter might have a point. 
"Fine... I might give it a try"
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imthebadguyyy · 3 years
maybe something like interviewer asking her sexist questions and the boys stand up for her , after that interview she feels insecure and the boys comfort her . that's just an idea you don't have to write it !! <33
I hope you like it, and I'm so sorry about the delay 😭 I couldn't find my footing with this one, and I hope it's what you wanted ! Have a lovely day 💙
The One Where They're There For Her
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Pairing - One Direction x Reader (6thmember!female!reader)
Fandom - One Direction (Directioners)
Summary - A particularly sexist interview decides to reduce you to just a sexual being and makes no effort to hide his misogyny. But the boys are there to support you.
Warnings - sexualization of the lgbt community, sexist comments, swearing, (honestly I hated myself for writing some of the comments here,and I'm so sorry)
Being a part of the biggest band in the world comes with certain responsibilities. Not responsibilities that come along with signing a recording contract, but those that a person deems themselves responsible for. For example, as the only female in a boyband, a female with a fanbase as large as yours, you took it upon yourself to always stand up for what's right, and to be an ally for the causes close to your heart.
That meant that your social media was often flooded with information about important causes, or your opinions on issues like feminism. Was it always well received? Heck no. There were people filled your feed with hate and comments calling you the most horrible names and labelling you a 'man hater' and a 'bitch' But you didn't let it get to you. On most days. On days like today, it was all you could do to keep it together. It had been a tiring few days, touring, recording, performing and doing an endless amount of interviews and photoshoots. It was safe to say you were on the last of your nerves, having battled your way through a makeup artist who had insisted on pointing out your flaws and had used a shit ton of makeup to cover them up. You had battled a photographer who had not hesitated to tell you that if you didn't look more feminine people would think you were turning into a man.
Before you could retaliate, Paul had dragged him away and told management to cancel the photoshoot, and find another photographer before grabbing the six of you some sandwiches and had let you all go back for a quick power nap at the hotel. Then in about half an hour he had woken you up, to get you ready for another interview. That's how you were here, in a white jumpsuit and a black blazer jacket, paired with black heels. Another day, another interviewer that got on your nerves. But this one, this one was different. This interviewer was different, but also the same. Another misogynistic man who thought he was entitled to stare at your ass and cleavage, and eye fuck you as you settled into a seat in between Niall and Zayn.
Settling in, you crossed one knee over the other, plastering a fake smile onto your face, as the man leaned back in his chair, throwing you a sleazy smirk. Noticing the look, Zayn shifted so you were out of view of the interviewer, but in view of the audience. It was in moments like this that you were a 100× more grateful to have your boys. They were well aware of how sleazy some interviewers could be, having had plenty of experience with them, and Zayn and Louis in particular were very protective about the way you were treated. Squeezing your thigh softly, he leaned back a little, lips settling into a thin line as he looked at the interviewer with a cold look. A little behind, Louis threw the interviewer a dirty look.
"So, One Direction! Congratulations on the album, as you all know its out on November the 22nd, with eighteen new songs, including the singles Night Changes and Steal My Girl Speaking of stealing girls, do you think I could steal your number Y/N? And may I mention, you look ver, very hot in that outfit" The interviewer joked, throwing you what he thought was a sexy smirk. (P.S - it wasn't) Answering with an awkward laugh, you shook your head, as Niall tensed up beside you. "Aww come on, your'e a pretty girl, I'm a handsome guy, let's go out sometime" he pressed on, ignoring the growing anger in Harry's eyes. "That's umm, nice. But no thanks, I'm not going to go out with you" was your answer, as you pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. Picking up on your nervous tic, Zayn moved his hand to rest on your knee, stopping it from bouncing up and down.
"Aww come on baby, what is it? You like girls or something? Because I wouldn't mind being a part of that action either" the sleazebag chuckled, ignoring the disgusted look Liam sent his way. "That's rude" Liam said, while Zayn tightened his grip on your knee. "Oh come on lads, are you telling me the idea doesn't appeal to you? Two women together, mm, makes me all excited just thinking about it, especially if one of them's Y/N" That comment was all it took for Louis to stand up, turning to the man and saying in a voice much rougher than his usual voice, "Alright, that's fuckin' enough, what the fuck is actually wrong with you?" he was backed up by Liam, who stood up, going to tower over the interviewer, whose eyes had lost some of the sleazy look in them. "All you've done since we walked in here is make those disgusting comments about Y/N, and it's sickening. Have some fucking respect" he practically spat.
Behind him, Zayn took your hand in his and pulled you to your feet, noticing the slight glossiness in them, leading you back to the dressing rooms, while Niall, Liam, Louis and Harry stayed back to continue to snap at the interviewer. "That is no way to treat a woman, and not only are you disrespecting her, you also made those god awful events about seeing women together. Your'e a shame to every single person in this room by talking like that" Harry continued, glancing over his shoulder to check if you were okay.
"And no, it doesn't excite us, because we are not assholes, and you are, a disgusting sleaze who does not deserve the job he has. Fuckin loser" Niall chimed in, standing up and storming out. Louis stood up as well, turning to directly face the cameras and the cameramen and sound technicians, who had all looked shocked when the man had made his comments towards you. "I sure as hell hope you have that on record, so you can see just how fucking sexist this industry is to women. Y/N does the same job as us, works just as hard and has the same number of awards, nominations, and records and yet you decide to only focus on her body, clothes, love life and sexuality. Get a fucking life" he spat at the camera, before walking away himself, eventually followed by Harry and Liam, who apologized to the outraged fans before leaving themselves. As they made their way to the dressing rooms they could hear the audience telling the interviewer to apologize to you, their anger at the way you were treated echoing through the building.
Walking in, Harry caught sigh of you curled up in one of the armchairs, with Louis sitting beside you, while Niall and Zayn talked to a furious Paul. "He had no damn right to treat her like shite, and you need to make sure that he knows those comments were un-fuckin-acceptable" Niall was saying, looking angrier than Harry had ever seen him. "And to make those sickening comments about wanting to get action? Can't we sue him for something?" Was Zayn's reply, glancing over his shoulder at you to make sure you were still okay. "We can't sue him, atleast I don't think we can, but I'll have someone let the smug bastard know that he needs to learn how to respect a woman" Paul said, before leaving the room to give the six of you some time together before you had to head back to the hotel.
"How're you feeling darling?" Louis said, moving over and patting your knee so you moved. "I'm okay" you mumbled back, letting Louis settle in next to you, leaning back to rest on his chest. "He had no fuckin right to say any of that, and don't you let it trouble you for a second" Zayn added, pouring out a cup of tea for you and for Louis and Harry. "I don't care about what he said, I couldn't care less, but it was just so frustrating, sitting there and listening to him just sexualize a whole community of people. You've got to be in a really sad place to think of shit like that. That's what annoyed me. You think I give a damn about what he said about my clothes or wanting to take me out on a date? It was the way he was talking, like he was sure any woman would be glad to have him that irked me. He's really tiresome" was your reply, as you reached forward for a sip of your tea. "That's the right attitude love. Haters gonna hate" Harry said.
"I know that. But I just wish I could punch him once, which sounds mean, but he does kind of deserve it" Niall said, earning a laugh from you. Niall was never usually aggressive, and even now, he wasn't particularly rude but it was rare to see him wanting to punch someone. "It's okay Niall, you don't have to. I can do it myself, but I won't" you replied, leaning up to squeeze his hand. "Besides, Ni, if you went and punched him, I'd do it too, and then we'd all go to jail" Liam chimed in, scrolling through his twitter. "Twitter isn't happy either babe. #stopsexualization and #Y/Ndeservesbetter is trending already" he added, showing you his phone. "If it means some of these sexist asses get their heads out of the sand, I'm happy. But I dont want to to think about it now" you replied, cuddling closer to the warmth radiating from Louis's body.
"Okay, we won't talk about it. Do you want to go back to the hotel?" Harry asked, standing up and walking to the door "No I want to go to Nando's. Anybody else hungry?" You asked, to nods of assent from the boys. "I'm starving. Those stupid sandwiches didn't fill me up at all" Zayn said, standing up to grab his coat and wallet. "I know and I'm craving some hot Peri Peri chicken with some fries. Do you think they'd let me put the lemon and herb sauce on the fries?" You asked, standing up yourself, earning a laugh from Louis. "Your'e an international superstar babe, I think they'd give you some lemon herb sauce" Liam joked.
Laughing, the six of you made your way to the car, with Harry and Niall squishing you in between them, as Louis sat in the back with Liam, and Zayn sat in the front with Paul (he was driving thank GOD) "I'm proud of you darling" Harry chimed in suddenly. "I am too" Niall added. "You know I am" Louis said, before Liam added "Always babe" and Zayn turned to smile at you before adding, "We are all proud of you, and we always will be, not only because you do a damn good job of not listening to the haters, but because you do what you think is right" "Awh come on, your'e gonna make me cry" you mumbled, leaning into Niall's shoulder. "Almost makes me feel bad for teasing you about having an extremely low spice tolerance the last time we were at Nando's Haz" you smirked, earning a roar of laughter from the boys.
"That chicken was spicy love!" "It was lemon and herb with no peri peri!" "And it was spicy!"
And just like that, you were back to messing around with each other. Sleazy interviewers would come and go, but your boys were always there to support you. Always.
A/N - Thanks for reading ! I'd also like to apologize on the behalf of this fictitious interviewer I made up, I felt so bad while writing some of this 😭 anyways, I hope this is what you wanted! Enjoy !
Tags - @zaynkissbot @gucci-hazza @bxtchboy69
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scarletwinterxx · 3 years
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this - haechan imagine
hi! so i’m back. I’ve been swarmed with work these past few weeks and couldn’t get some writing done. finally here’s one and i’m honestly so inlove with this🥺💛
Like always i appreciate all your support! leave a like/comment here if you have any questions or suggestions!
by the way, I opened a KOFI acc. this is totally optional and if only you want to donate😊 any donation will be highly appreciated or you can just leave a like/comment here💛
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2022 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
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Age 5
“Okay class, go pick your buddy now” the kids immediately ran to their friends to find their partners, meanwhile you stay seated on your chair. Too shy to even talk to your seatmate who is now standing with her buddy from across the room.
The teacher notices your eyes darting around the room, your lips quivering and hands toying with each other under the table. She was just about to approach you when suddenly one of the boys skipped over to you, “Hey you! Why are you sitting here alone” he asks
“Because this is my chair” you answer, looking up at the boy with curly hair and tanned cheeks
“Do you have a buddy?” you shook your head at him, earning a gleaming smile from the boy 
“Okay, then I’ll be your buddy”
He didn’t give you a chance to say no, not that you even had the courage to, all you knew was you earned yourself your class buddy named Lee Donghyuck.
Age 12
“We should head back Hyuck! Your mom will get mad at us!” you tell him for the 5th time, meanwhile the boy was still too busy playing on the swing set
“5 more minutes”
“But your mom said we should be back before dinner” you stomped your feet on the ground, feeling annoyed yet again. Your friend had a knack at defying orders and most of the times he takes you down with him, which means if he gets in trouble you also get in trouble
“It’s not dinner yet, the sun is still up dummy” Hyuck answers, looking up the sky then back at you
Rolling your eyes at him, you turned your back and started to walk away from him. Not even a few steps away you could already hear him chasing after you, “Yah! don’t leave me here, I told your mom I was going to walk you homr” he takes your hand in his, an action so innocent and natural between the two of you but your mother’s always gush about how cute you would look together.
He walks with you in tow, his steps a bit bigger than yours. You always complain to him about how your legs are shorter than his so he should walk slower, of course instead of solving it normally like you suggested Hyuck instead walks behind you and pushes you infront of him urging you to walk faster. Ever since then you learned not complain out loud.  
Age 18
“Since when did Haechan looked that cute? Yah why didn’t you tell me your bestfriend is hot? Does he have a girlfriend?” your friend asks you but you didn’t give her a single answer. Not that she’s even paying attention to you. She’s already screaming again, your school’s soccer team leading with 2 points.
The only reason you’re braving the cold cold night breeze was busy leading the team into victory. You watch the number 06 run across the field, hearing his occasional screams at his teammates telling them which direction to go. Even with all the sweat, your friend is right. He did look cute. Which makes you think back to her question, since when did Haechan looked that cute? 
Your answer, one you would never tell him straight to his face: he’s always been cute. To you, Hyuck looked like a cute cuddly bear and sometimes he looks like the guy you would daydream about to take you to prom as his date. 
Does he have a girlfriend? no, he’s too busy playing the role of star player, class president and life of the party to even think about that. His words not yours.
It’s not the first time you’re asked about his relationship status, it’s a fact known across campus that you’re Haechan’s bestfriend. It’s also pretty obvious since he’s always seen stuck by your side pretty much all the time, that is if he’s not away bothering Renjun.
The loud cheers from your schoolmates shook you out of your thoughts, your attention returning to the game happening in front of you. Coincidentally Hyuck was standing near where you were sitting, the ball was on the farther side of the field, you can spot Jeno and another player from the other team chasing it while Hyuck watches from your side of the field.
As if he could feel your gaze at him, he looks over the bleachers quickly spotting you in the sea of students. His letterman jacket making you look tinier, he chuckles to himself just thinking about how cute you looked. 
The other girls hoping the star player looks at them, but little did they know he’s all eyes for you. Tapping his chest where his heart would be thrice, a signal only you would understand. He said he’ll do it to let you know he saw you and that you should keep your eyes on him,
“Aren’t you sounding a bit too cocky? What if I wanted to watch Jeno?” you jokingly asked him, “Then don’t even think about coming”
You laugh at him, the boy just glares at you. “Should I do something too?”
“Shoot me a kiss like this” taking his hand to his lips before blowing it over to you, this time it’s your turn to glare at him.
“You know what, maybe you’re right I just won’t watch your game”
Tapping the center of your forehead thrice, signaling you saw him. He smirks before turning his attention back to the game, leading the team to another victory. 
As always you stay back while you wait for him, the rest of the students started to go their own ways for the night. Most of them on their way out to celebrate while others on their way home. 
You rest your back on the lockers, hearing some shouts from inside the locker room. Even from the outside you can easily distinguish your bestfriend’s voice, mainly because he’s literally screaming right now. 
A couple more minutes passed, you were getting more bored. Looking down at your feet to see one of your shoelaces untied. Just when you’re about to crouch down, someone beat you to it. A mop of brown hair blocking the view of your shoe, 
“How many times do I have to tell you, double tie your shoelaces. I can’t be there all the time to do it for you” Hyuck tells you as he ties it back for you, standing back up when he’s done and tapping you on the nose twice
“Took you long enough, why were you screaming bloody murder in there?” you ask him while the two of you walk towards the exit, “I poured a bottle of cold water over Jeno, then he poured the whole jug if ice water on me”
He bumps his shoulders on yours making you wobble over the side, but he quickly pulls you back by the arm “You’re so mean to me, here I was about to treat you out for dinner”
“Aren’t you going to celebrate with them?” usually they have a party or atleast a dinner out after games, “I’ve been with them the entire month, let me have my moment with you” you chuckle at his reason, not thinking too much of it. 
“You love them”
“I love you more” 
“In that you have no choice, you literally picked me out of the bunch” you tell him, Hyuck just laughs at the memory of your childhood. Giving his 6 year old self a pat on the head for gathering the courage to talk to you because he thought you were the cutest one in class. Not that he ever admitted that outloud. 
“Exactly, so you’re stuck with me whether you like it or not” He opens the passenger door of his car to let you in before jogging over the driver’s side, “Dinner?”
“Please don’t say you want to eat kimchi stew again” you look over at him, the boy doing the same. Neither of you looking away for a few more seconds, a silent bet already happening, 
“Fine! but you’re buying me ice cream after” Hyuck throws a punch in the air before starting the car, As promised he did buy you ice cream after dinner, talking about the game while he drives you home
“My friend was asking me if you had a girlfriend”
“Oh that again, what did you say?”
“I didn’t say anything” you mumble, pulling the sleeves of his jacket over your hands since it got colder. Noticing your action, Hyuck turns the heater higher. 
“You could’ve just said you’re my girlfriend”
“I’m not doing that again, Jaemin hasn’t stopped teasing me since that” recalling that one time he made you say you’re his girlfriend to make that one girl stop asking him out. Jaemin teased you all week after that, even making kissy noises whenever the two of you were around. 
“What’s so bad about dating me?”
You didn’t answer immediately because he’s right, what’s so bad about dating him? he’s funny, he’s smart, he can be a pain in the ass but his intentions are always on the good side. He’s very considerate of people around him, and even though he likes to tease his closest friends you know he’s the first person you’d call if you needed help. 
“One, you’re my bestfriend”
“So? friends can’t date each other? I’d date you”
“Okay, filter please.” your eyes almost popping out of its sockets when you heard him say that
“What? It’s true. If I don’t get married by 30, can we just agree to marry each other?” not sure if he’s joking or not, he didn’t sound like he was. 
“Do I even have a say in this?”
“Say yes”
“You’re being very weird, first you said you’d date me now you’re asking me to marry you? It’ll take more than dinner for me to say yes” you chose you indulge him this time, your bestfriend chuckling at you. You didn’t even notice you’re already parked outside your house when he turned to look over at you
“Okay, would you like to go out on a date?”
“With you?” you blinked at him, waiting for him to say he’s just kidding or it’s all a joke but he just stared back at you waiting for an answer
“Oh my god you’re not joking”
“Do I look like I’m joking?” he asks, pointing at his face
“You’re always joking”
“Not this time, so do you want to go on a date with me?”
Unlike when you were kids, he’s now giving you the chance to say yes or no. But the answer was clear, it always has been. Deep down you knew he’s the guy you liked, if anybody were to ask you to describe your ideal guy you’ll just list down all of his qualities without meaning to. Hyuck’s your person the same way you are his. 
Age 23 
“This is your what? Fifth anniversary?” Renjun asks, you’re having dinner out with your friends. A tradition you promised to carry on after high school when you all went your different ways for college. 
“I think so”
“You’re not sure?” Jeno asks, “They were pretty much dating since they were six, remember Haechan said Y/N looked cute with her ribbon that day we were asked to pick out our class buddies”
“You thought I looked cute?” you turned to look at your boyfriend/bestfriend to see him glaring at Jaemin, this was news to you. Hyuck turns to you, a fond look on his face instead of the glare he sent Jaemin
“What else do I have to lose, you’re already my girlfriend. Yes I did” you can hear Jaemin squeal from his seat, hitting Jeno on the arms multple times while Renjun fake gags 
“Did you know she had a crush on you sophomore year?” You hear Jeno say, this time you’re the one sending a glare at your friend. You can feel Hyuck’s gaze on the side of your face, “Did you now?” he asks you
“I did not!”
“You said he looked cute” Jeno said confidently while Jaemin adds, “I heard her say that too”
“Oh my god, was that why you were sulking during the dance? because he didn’t ask you to be his first dance?” Renjun asks loudly, looking back and forth between you and Hyuck
You were being corned by everyone, not knowing what else to say so you just blurted out the truth you’ve been keeping ever since
“And what if I was? I’m the one dating him now” this made everyone on the table cheer laugh meanwhile your boyfriend just looks at you, turning to look at him
“What?” you mumble 
“Nothing, you just look so cute right now”
“Okay, enough with that. You can do that after dinner please”
The rest of dinner went by, sharing stories of your memories together. It was fun to catch up with everyone. When it was time to go, the two of you decided to walk around for a while. 
“You could’ve just told me you had a crush on me” you hear Hyuck say from beside you, already expecting him to tease you about it. You’re suprised he held out this long. 
“It wasn’t a crush, I just thought you were cute that day and Jaemin just so happened to be the one who heard me”
“And that night of the dance?”
“I thought my bestfriend was going to ask me to dance with him first since you know he was the one who asked me to come. I only came to that stupid dance because you asked me” you told him, a pout forming on your lips as you recall that memory. Meanwhile Hyuck just smiles at you, 
“I was too shy to ask you”
“You? Shy?” you looked up him, not expecting him to say that
“Yea, there were a lot of cute guys in our class. Some of them even had a crush on you” again, some of this were new news to you. You were always hanging out with him or the other guys to even notice that. 
“They did? why?”
“What do you mean why? Baby, have you seen you? You’re like the prettiest girl in our grade”
“I think you’re forgetting Jimin was in our class” you chuckle, it was a nice compliment but you know for a fact that she was the prettiest girl in your class. 
“To me, you were. You’ve always been. When I hear guys from the team or in our class talk about asking you out, I always get this sudden fear you’d say yes to them and forget about me”
You listen to him, your heart turning into mush at your boyfriend’s words. 
“Not that I wanted to keep you away from them, of course I wasn’t going to make that decision for you. You could’ve dated whoever you wanted to. Then I think about how none of them will ever treat you the way you deserve, how none of them knew you hated mayonnaise on anything, or how much you love chocolates during that time of the month, or how easily you get cold or how you like your coffee. I listed all those things they didn’t know about you, all the things only I knew, things only you told me”
He stares down at you with so much love, a look you’ve grown familiar with throughout the years. 
“I realized I wanted to be guy who deserves you”
“And you are” you smile up at him, standing on your tip toes to kiss him on his chin. Feeling his arm snake around your waist, pulling you infront of him
“Good thing you said yes that day” he mumbles
“When you asked me out on a date?” you asked back, he just shook his head with a smile on. Kissing you on the forehead, then on your nose, then both of your cheeks
“That day when we were in preschool, when I asked you to be my buddy in class”
“Technically, you didn’t ask me to be your buddy. You just asked me if I had one then the thing you were declaring yourself to be buddy”
“Same thing, tomato tomato potato potato”
You roll your eyes at his antics. You know though you won’t have it any other way, your answer will always be the same. 
His lips rest against your forehead, feeling him kiss you thrice. Your hand that was resting on his chest, tapping him gently three times where his heart would be. 
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[AU, SMUT] What Are You? | Bucky x Steve x Reader
Category: AU, Smut (Mandatory) Age: 18+ Trigger Warnings: Mafia themes, derogatory language, intercourse Ship: Steve x Bucky x Reader Summary: Steve and Bucky Are Planning Some Work With a Client, But What Happens When That Client Doesn't Respect Their Girl? Request: N/A Contains Spoilers for: N/A Word Count: 2.6k
Almost everyone knew - there was no doubt about that. Everyone should’ve known, at least, but those who didn’t pay enough attention… sorry for them.
Everyone who heard the sound of the heels clacking against the marble flooring would straighten themselves up as if the sound was coming from the men themselves.
Which men? Oh, which men indeed.
That’s not to say that the woman couldn’t have any kind of friendships with any of the men in the building - she does need a little bit of platonic fun here and there.
“Slow down, Aphrodite, you might chip the flooring.” A mocking voice calls from behind her. Despite it being from a familiar face, the other men still stiffen as if they were the ones doing wrong.
“You might shatter the mirrors if you look in them for any longer.” The woman retorts as she attempts to hide the grin that forms at her own comeback.
The man, however, doesn’t even try to hide his smile as he turns his strides into a jog to catch up with her.
“How do you even know how often I stare in the mirror? You spying on me?” Sam asks, the pair glancing at each other and both now smiling.
“So you admit that you stare at the mirror, and not just look at it?” The woman tactically avoids his question with her own retort.
Sam’s laugh echoes through the corridor they’re walking through. It’s quite spectacular really - some would mistake it for being a palace. A place where only the good-willed people reside. Almost a shame that it’s full of the likes of James ‘Bucky’ Barnes and Steve Rogers - the two men who own just about all the power there is in New York, let alone Manhattan.
“You know they’re not done yet, right?” The man quizzes, a content smile still on his lips as his hands rest in the front pockets of his black trousers.
The woman doesn’t respond, simply nods.
Sam catches it out the corner of his eye and simply shakes his head.
“You have a habit of interrupting their meetings.”
“And you have a habit of saying things that might get you killed one day.” (Y/N) answers, but her gentle smile admits that that’s not entirely true.
Her attire consists of a loose but very fitting crimson dress that sits mid-thigh, along with the matching red heels that are buckled around her ankles. A simple silver chain around her neck that has two small, but very expensive, black and red diamonds resting in the centre of her collarbone.
“Tell Steve that his car’s being valeted if he needs it anytime soon.” The man comments as he turns off down another corridor, different to (Y/N)’s route.
She simply nods again.
Why is it that she’s heading toward her husbands’ meeting? Because she’s interested in seeing how it will end. The man who has been persisting to speak with Steve and Bucky for the last sixteen months is desperate, to say the least. He wants investment in their three hotels that are situated across NYC, in Queens, Brooklyn and Manhattan.
She was the one who decided on where those hotels would be built, so she wants to see the man, John Walker, crumble as her partners’ pretend they care, only to tell him no.
It might seem like a waste of time but in reality, it’s to see how the man deals with hearing the word no, and whether Bucky and Steve need to deal with him.
“Ma’am.” Christopher greets as (Y/N) approaches the door of the conference room that her men are in.
“Chris.” She responds, nodding her head as he opens the door for her. “How’s it going, gentlemen?” The woman adds as she casually struts into the room, grabbing everyone's attention.
There’s a moment of silence as everyone turns to look at the woman who’s interrupted their meeting. Steve and Bucky simply smile as they take a moment to admire their wife.
“Excuse me?” John is the first to speak up and everyone’s attention turns to him, including (Y/N), who doesn’t seem phased by his evident frustration.
“You’re excused.” Her response is simple but ignites a spark inside of the man.
“Do you usually let whores just stroll around and cause inconvenience in their wake, gentlemen?” He asks, but his eyes remain on (Y/N).
The woman’s eyebrows raise, and a surprised but impressed smile etches its way onto her face. She says nothing. John stares at her with a quirked brow, waiting for a response from the two men his question was directed to, so obliviously aware of the fearful stares he’s now getting from everyone else in the room.
Bucky and Steve’s heads turned very slowly, in sync, back toward their guest, their smiles now distorted into that of pure fury.
“Would you like to say that again?” Steve speaks up first, John now turning his head toward the boss in curiosity of his sudden change of voice.
That’s when the man notices all the stares on him. His eyebrows furrow as he acknowledges everyone’s expression. His eyes flick from the other men in the room to Bucky and Steve, to (Y/N), and back to the two leaders.
He gulps.
“I said: Say. It. Again.” Steve enunciates.
“Come here, doll,” Bucky speaks up also, his eyes flicking from John to (Y/N) for a brief moment, his arm opening up and inviting the woman to situate herself on his knee.
The woman obliges, striding over to her husbands and letting the brunet’s arm wrap around her as she sits.
John’s eyes haven’t left Steve’s, too mortified to even blink, but he catches the action of Bucky and (Y/N).
Steve’s eyebrow quirks, reminding his guest that he’s waiting. And Steve hates waiting.
“I didn’t mean- I didn’t know she was- gentlemen, please, look, this is all a big misunderstanding, I just-”
“Called our woman a whore and an inconvenience.” Bucky finishes his sentence, his expression just as murderous as Steve’s, despite the soothing actions of his hand stroking his wife’s waist.
“I didn’t know she was your-”
“And you think that excuses it?” Steve interrogates. “You think calling any woman a whore is acceptable? An inconvenience?”
John gulps and the sound echoes in the room. His eyes flicker away from Steve’s for a moment to the woman herself, intentionally or not, but his eyes drop to the prominent cleavage on display.
Bucky smirks at the action that most definitely didn’t go unnoticed by himself.
“Sweetheart,” Steve begins, John’s attention darting straight back to the blond’s once more. (Y/N) hums in response. “Who do you belong to?”
(Y/N) bites her lip, core throbbing at the obvious dominance and possession of the two men.
“You and James.” She whispers, Bucky’s hand gripping her waist tightly at the use of his birth name.
The sweat glistening on John’s forehead is clear as day.
Knowing what’ll get everyone in the room riled up even moreso, (Y/N) turns herself around so she’s facing Bucky, sat on his lap, legs on either side of his body. Everyone else in the room keeps their eyes firmly locked on the glass table or the white ceiling.
A pleasant hum resonates from the brunet’s throat, his hands naturally adjusting to rest on her hips.
The moment John’s eyes flicker to (Y/N) once more and then drift down her back, a gun is cocked and metal is pressed firmly against the back of the man’s head.
The woman goes to turn her head around to see what’s happened but Bucky’s lips locking with hers prevents that from happening. She whimpers against his mouth and he absolutely adores it.
“Bend over this table for me, doll.” The man murmurs. “Let’s show Mister Walker what a proper whore looks like.”
The excitement that sparkles in his wife’s eyes makes his cock throb between his legs.
“Yes, sir.”
The pet name makes both men throb.
The woman stands up and turns herself around, making sure every sway of her hips is a show to be watched. Her eyes lock with none other than their security lead, Tony Stark, who’s holding the gun up to Walker’s head, as she bends herself over the table, dress drooping at the front to display her cleavage.
Tony’s eyes don’t even flicker away from her own. The staff in this building know better than to try and indulge in what is rightfully Bucky and Steve’s. John, however, sees this as a prime opportunity to stare at what he believes he’s being offered, his trousers getting tighter.
(Y/N) sees it. She finds is humorous.
Bucky’s hands slide their way up the backs of his wife’s bare thighs, pushing up the crimson material as he reaches it.
Her eyes flutter shut and lips part in satisfaction at the feeling.
“Tell us what you want, doll.” Bucky mumbles, sitting the bottom of her dress at the base of her back, grinning at her lack of underwear.
“Touch me.”
The explicit word that escapes John’s lips are heard clear as day and he knows it, face once again panicking as he looks back at Steve, whose expression still hasn’t changed.
“Where do you want me to touch you, princess?” James continues, not paying an ounce of attention to anyone else in the room right now besides his missus.
His fingers stroke the top of her inner thighs, seeing her soaking wet core already dripping down them.
“Want you to touch my pussy.” (Y/N) breathes, eyes flitting open barely a millimetre.
James presses soft kisses on his wife’s ass before sliding his middle and ring finger lightly over her slit. The action gets a mewl out of her.
Fifteen men in this room in total, only two of them can touch this woman yet all fifteen are dreaming about it.
“Move.” Steve states, prompting John to widen his eyes once more, but this time the words aren’t directed at him.
Bucky grins and obliges, removing his hands from his girl and stands up.
(Y/N)’s eyes open fully this time as she whines in complaint at the loss of contact, but a large smack on her ass distorts her whine into a large gasp.
“You’ll get what’s coming to you, sweetheart.” Steve states, manoeuvring himself so he’s stood directly behind his wife, Bucky casually pulling his own gun out of his inner blazer pocket and wiping it down with his hands.
John’s face stays facing Steve, but his eyes follow Bucky as the brunet moves behind him and out of his sight.
Tony takes the sign to back away and let his boss take over from here.
Steve has no shame as he unbuckles his belt, undoes his trousers and pulls out his rock-hard cock, stroking it with his hand a few times while his other hand returns to Bucky’s previous actions.
“You see that?” Bucky whispers in John’s ears, prompting the man to gasp and jump in his seat. He gulps again but remains silent. “I asked you a question.”
The man frantically nods, fearful for his life, and absolutely humiliated.
“You’re so wet, baby,” Steve murmurs, leaning down and moving her hair aside, kissing the back of her neck.
Before the woman can even respond, her husband thrusts himself inside of her in one go, (Y/N)’s back arching and moaning so loud that Christopher can probably hear outside the door, and Steve’s head being thrown back, his own moan equally loud.
Bucky almost loses his composure if it wasn’t for the fact that he knew not to falter when making sure a man like John Walker was wanting his woman.
“Fuck…” Walker whispers, lips parted as he stares at the woman in front of him being railed by none other than Steven Rogers.
“Keep watching because this is your death wish.” Bucky whispers, John’s eyes widening. “Does she look good?”
John nods his head almost desperately.
Her moans only get faster and louder as Steve fucks her.
“Remind him what you are, sweetheart?” The blond groans, grabbing the woman’s hair and pulling her head back so she’s more or less face-to-face with Walker alongside her other husband.
“A whore.” (Y/N) practically begs.
“Louder.” Steve demands.
“A whore!”
“I said: fucking louder!”
“A WHORE! I’m your whore, sir!” She screams, John losing it and standing up to lean forwards but a gunshot firing beside his head makes him stumble back down to his seat.
(Y/N) flinches are the known noise but settles quickly as Bucky strokes her face with the hand that’s not holding the freshly-fired weapon.
“Don’t you fucking dare move an inch toward our wife.” Bucky threatens to the man he’s leaning over.
John gulps but nods, not taking his eyes off (Y/N).
“Is she inconvenient now, Walker?” Steve asks, glaring daggers at the man. He only shakes his head, eyes only meeting Steve’s for a split second. “No?” He breathes. “Then what is she?”
The guest falls speechless, shaking his head as his eyes flicker between Steve and (Y/N).
“Hot as fuck.” He whispers, Bucky growling in his ear.
“Fuck!” (Y/N) cries out, desperate eyes staring at Bucky’s, who smirks at her state.
“Think our girl wants to cum, Steve.” He comments, John panting in his seat.
“Yeah? You wanna show this scum what a good girl you are for us, baby girl?” Steve grunts, not slowing down but rather speeding up as he too reaches his peak.
The woman’s head nods in desperation, face flushed as her eyes flicker across all men in the room, including Tony’s, who simply winks at her before removing his stare.
“Say it, doll.” Bucky demands.
“I wanna cum.” (Y/N) gasps, watching her brunet lover shake his head.
“Gonna have to do better than that, doll.”
“Please,” She begs. “Please, daddy. Sir. Please, let me cum!” Her voice screams, Steve grunting in response to the feeling of her squeezing his cock, milking him for all his worth.
“Cum, baby girl.” He permits. “Cum like the whore you are.”
And how she does.
Her scream could shatter glass, Christopher would be concerned if he hadn’t already established the differences between the woman’s fearful screams and her pleasure-filled ones.
Taking full advantage of Bucky’s distraction, John leaps forward to get a taste of the woman who’s almost passing out from the pleasure, but that’s the last move he makes as a bullet is shot through his back, knocking him down onto the table.
Tony doesn’t seem phased as he shakes the smoke from his gun, settling it back into his pocket.
Making sure the woman doesn’t collapse atop the, now dead, man on the table, Bucky holds her up while Steve sorts himself out before pulling her back across the table and into his lap.
“You okay, sweetheart?” The blond whispers, smoothing the hair out of her face.
(Y/N) nods but keeps her eyes shut as she rests against her husband’s chest.
“Words, baby.” He requests.
“That’s my girl.”
Two of the security men alongside Tony head over and remove the body from the room, Bucky asking for someone to clean up the mess whilst walking over to his two lovers.
“We okay?” The brunet murmurs, Steve smirking and nodding before both paying attention to their girl who��s still half unconscious.
“Does anyone else in the room have anything to say before we carry on?” Steve asks, everyone shaking their heads frantically. “Good, now leave.” And they do.
“You okay, baby doll?” Bucky whispers, cocooning her cheek with his hand.
The woman nods and manages to open her eyes.
“That’s our girl.”
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