#and it says ‘minors dni’ 🙃
capri851 · 6 months
i seriously gotta start checking people’s bios before i reblog their posts ☹️
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ddejavvu · 17 days
Ohh I just thought of another one..
Logan with grumpy reader and he just leans her over the nearest surface and pounds the attitude out of her 🙃
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Attitude - Logan Howlett x Reader
send me mean!logan requests!
contents/warnings: smut, minors dni, mean!logan, brat taming, don't like don't read.
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"Go on." Logan urges, his voice domineering and loud, his palm squishing your face against the cool, hard surface of the kitchen countertop, "You had so much to say earlier, where is it now?"
You don't answer- you can't, not when Logan's hand is squeezing your mouth shut with the way it smashes you against the counter. There's also the matter of his cock pounding relentlessly into your pussy from the back, your ass shaking with every thrust.
"Hm?" He leans in when you don't answer, his breath hot against your ear as he spits, "Where's all that shit about me bothering you- about me being in your way? 'You so prissy no one can be in the room with you? Hm? Am I in your way now, princess?"
You let out a strangled cry, as good of one as you can muster with your makeshift muzzle, as Logan humps into you like a crazed animal. He's irritated at your audacity, and this is what you'd been asking for earlier with the way you'd snapped at him. He'd grabbed you by the arm and forced you over the counter, and now you're pressing back desperately into his thrusts, trying not to give him the satisfaction of moaning while he keeps you pinned.
"I'm in your fuckin' guts now," He snickers, leaning in close to bite at the shell of your ear, sending a lightning rod of pain through the thin skin, "Y'know, you need a good fuck when you get like that, priss. It calms you down- it shuts you up. See?" He jostles his hand against your face, pressing your head even further into the counter as he mercilessly fucks your cunt, "No more attitude."
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
Hi! I absolutely love your work and I hope this week treats you well!💗 I was thinking of this Eddie imagine I don’t know if you’ve done something like this but I haven’t been able to get it out of my head. Ok here it goes: Eddie’s fucking you stupid, it’s raw, it’s passionate, it’s filthy and in the midst of it all he says, "marry me". You think nothing of it, so you say yes obviously cock drunk and Eddie starts to fuck you even harder. Cut to the next morning you wake up stark naked next to the love of your life with a pretty engagement ring on your finger
I'm such a sucker for fluffy smut, and this is no exception 🙃
WC: 717 Warnings: smut (18+ only, minors DNI), unprotected p in v, pet names (baby/baby doll)
The night is still, save for the sound of bed springs creaking and panting breaths that you and Eddie exchange into each other’s mouths. Strong hands pin your own wrists to the pillow as he thrusts into you, moaning as he sucks a bruise into the crook of your neck. A bead of sweat trickles down his sparse chest hair and lands between your cleavage, another way your bodies are joined tonight.
“Baby, baby, baby,” he groans just under your earlobe. “How d’you always feel s-so fuckin’ perfect? Jesus Christ!” You can feel him tremble as you clench around him, already indebted to you simply for letting him see you like this. Small, crescent-shaped indents mark his bicep from where your fingernails dug into him earlier, a piece of you left behind. They’d eventually fade, but Eddie would always remember them being there.
He’s deep inside you, his wiry patch of curls brushing against your clit with each piston of his hips. You bite your lip to suppress a moan. 
“Nuh uh.” Eddie briefly lets go of you, bracing his body weight on one forearm as his other thumb peels your lip from between your teeth. “Wanna hear those pretty noises loud and clear, baby doll.”
You nod and whimper, “yes, sir,” which only makes him increase his pace. He lowers his body so that your chests are pressed together, and slips an arm around your waist when you arch your back. 
“This body…this perfect—fuckin’—body,” he grunts, thrusts accompanying each word. “Want this body forever.”
“‘S yours,” you manage, breath hitching in your throat as he grows even harder inside you. “All yours, Eddie. No one else’s.”
He leaves nipping kisses along your shoulders and collarbone. “Marry me,” he murmurs, surprising himself. It’s something he’s wanted for an absurdly long time, but he hadn’t planned on asking you mid-fuck. “Let me worship you for the rest of our lives. Please, baby.”
“Y-Yes, fuck—fuck, Eddie,” you cry out, and your affirmation has him bucking his hips without much precision. Still, he hits your sweet spot over and over again, throaty yeses emanating from your diaphragm. 
Yes, that feels good. 
Yes, I’ll love you forever. 
Yes, I’ll marry you. 
You chant it until you’re both cumming, your release creaming his cock and his release filling you entirely. Harsh breaths make way for giggles as he flops down next to you, falling asleep with his tattooed arm draped over your torso. 
His sleeping form leaves no way to discuss his marriage proposal—if that’s even what it was, and not just something he’d spouted out in the heat of the moment. Exhaustion overtakes you soon after, and you don’t wake until you hear Eddie pattering around the kitchen the next morning. 
It’s not until you wipe the sleep from your eyes that you catch a glimpse of something new: a shiny diamond ring on that finger. It’s beautiful but modest; nothing flashy, but you’ve never been the type for over-the-top jewelry. It’s perfect. 
Eddie comes into the bedroom, a bowl of cereal in each hand. He’s in just his plaid boxers, exposing the soft happy trail below his belly button. Heat blossoms in your core at the sight of him. 
“Hi, fiancée,” he grins, placing your breakfast on the nightstand. A bit of milk sloshes over the side of the plastic bowl, but you don’t care. You’re too busy frantically kissing him, morning breath be damned. “I guess that ‘yes’ of yours still stands?”
“Mhm,” you murmur, fingers dipping below his waistband. He’s always at least half-hard in the morning—he claims it’s because of you, but you know it’s probably just basic biology. Your hand easily finds what it’s looking for, and Eddie chuckles. 
“Don’t you want to eat first?” he teases, but he’s already putting down his bowl and climbing on top of you. He takes your left hand and kisses just above the ring now adorning it. 
“I love it,” you tell him, noticing that you’re wearing matching smiles. “I love you.”
Eddie presses a kiss to your nose. “I love you, too.” He slides a hand up your still-naked body, cupping your breast and gently sucking on a pert nipple. “Y’know what’s better than morning sex with your boyfriend?”
He grins wickedly. “Morning sex with your fiancé.”
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 5 months
Hiii love your writingggg, could you plsss do very innocent!reader and pervy!ethan 🫶🏻
Hiii! I hope you like it, even though you requested this MONTHS ago.
I'm not innocent, so I'm not the best at writing it🙃 Hopefully this is okay:)
Creep - Pervy!Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
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This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: You ask Ethan for help in econ, and once Mindy mentions the empty bedroom in the apartment she shares with Ethan and Chad, you agree to move in. But you realize that your sweet, dorky new roommate has been stealing your panties.
Contains: Pervy kinda creepy Ethan, innocent inexperienced reader, fingering. m!masturbation.
A/N: Okay...this needs a part 2 but I'm already at 5k words lmao. A lot of fics I've read along these lines had had Ethan more subby, but not in this one. 👀
*For the poll I posted earlier today, this one had the most votes at the time of me posting this fic. I'm going to write them all in the order that they're wanted:)*
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It seemed like your life was starting to fall apart. You couldn’t stand your roommate, your boyfriend had broken up with you, and your grade for econ was starting to tank. When you brought up your grade to your professor after class, hoping to figure out some way to raise it, she suggested that you talk to Ethan Landry.
The next time you had class, you beelined towards him once he walked in. He noticed you, getting a little nervous the closer you got. He wasn’t the best at talking to girls, he even thought this could’ve been a figment of his imagination that the girl he struggled to take his eyes off was walking to him. He was chewing the inside of his cheek, his eyes not leaving you until you were finally face to face.
“Ethan, right?” you sweetly said, as he nodded. “I hear you’re the best for tutoring, and I desperately need your help if you have the time.”
“I’ll make the time,” he spat out, before he internally screamed at himself for sounding so desperate to help. “I mean, I can help you.”
“You’re a lifesaver,” you said, as you pulled out your phone. “What’s your number?”
“Oh, um…” he trailed off, racking his brain for those ten digits that he suddenly forgot. “I’m sorry, it’s been a long day.”
“It’s okay,” you smiled, “Are you okay with me just giving you my number and you can text me so we can set something up?”
“Yeah,” he said, as he pulled out his phone and went to create a new contact. He passed you his phone as you typed in your name and number, before you handed it back to him.
“Don’t forget to text me,” you said, a sweet smile playing on your lips as you turned to walk back to your seat.
“I won’t,” he said, tightly gripping his phone in his hand as you turned to smile at him once more.
He was struggling to focus as he sat through that class. His fingers kept rubbing over the phone screen that your thumbs had moved across, and he started to realize how pathetic he was for already being so addicted to you when you’d only spoken to him once.
Later that week, you were supposed to meet Ethan in the library to study. You both completely forgot about the renovations they were doing, the normally quiet space filled with the loud sounds of the various pieces of machinery on the opposite side of the room.
“Maybe we should try to do this some other time,” you yelled over the noise. “I can’t concentrate on anything you’re saying.”
“Oh, okay,” Ethan said, looking down so you wouldn’t see the sad look on his face. That’s when he started to get an idea. “My apartment is only two blocks away. It should be quieter. You want to come over to study?”
You liked to be cautious, and you normally wouldn’t go to someone’s apartment that you barely knew, but Ethan seemed innocent enough, and you desperately needed to pass the class so you wouldn’t have to take it again.
“Sure,” you said, wincing as the noise in the room got louder.
You walked beside Ethan as you went to his apartment, and even though it was just for studying, he felt a glint of pride as he walked with you. He hoped that anyone who saw you together would think you were his.
“Hopefully my roommates won’t be too loud,” Ethan sighed, as he stuck his key in the front door.
“Nothing is worse than what’s going on in the library right now,” you said, as he shrugged.
“You say that now…”
You barely made it inside when you heard arguing. Ethan sighed in defeat before he turned to you, “I moved in with my friends, and they’re constantly arguing.”
“Oh,” you giggled, as you followed him into the living room of the apartment. “Oh, hey Mindy,” you said, as she turned to you and smiled.
“Hey! What are you doing here?” she asked, as she walked over to you. Chad just stood there, still worked up from the spat they were having when you walked in.
“Ethan’s trying to help me not fail econ,” you said, as she nodded.
“I remember you mentioning you were having trouble with it.”
Ethan was confused as he stood there, because Mindy had never mentioned you, but she seemed to know you quite well. The two of you talked for a few minutes, and once Ethan heard another guy’s name get mentioned, he immediately got jealous.
“I’m proud of you for not giving him another chance,” Mindy said, as you let out a small laugh.
“I’m not going to say I didn’t think about it, but I don’t need him making my life any harder than it needs to be right now,” you sighed, “On top of the bullshit with him, my roommate is just so awful. Like, she woke me up blasting music before the sun even came up today. I’m trying to find somewhere else to live, but I haven’t had any luck yet.”
“Well, we’re looking for a fourth roommate…” Mindy trailed off, as Ethan’s eyes grew wide. “It’d be nice to have another girl here.”
“Don’t tempt me,” you joked, as Mindy smiled.
“Seriously, think about it,” she said, before she started to yell. “Chad!”
You noticed that the other boy was no longer in the room, but you saw him again as he turned the corner and groaned. “What?”
“Okay, don’t be rude,” she snapped, “I’m trying to convince her to move into the fourth bedroom.”
“Oh,” Chad said, his annoyed face turning up in a smile. “Hey, I’m Chad.”
“Hey,” you said, before he started to go over rent and other things you’d need to know. “Why would I want to move in when you two argue like this?” you joked, as Chad tried to play it off.
“We shared a womb, we lived in the same house until we moved into our dorms, and I finally got a break from her,” he said, as she scoffed, “But now we have to live together again and we’re trying to figure out how to do that.”
“I’ve never lived with boys before…and I’m sure my parents would kill me if they ever found out, but I’ll definitely think about it,” you said, before you turned to Ethan. “I’m sorry, you want to study now?”
“Yeah, let’s go to my room,” he said, as he led you there.
You both got settled on his bed. He sat across from you, his back against the headboard as you adjusted to get more comfortable, laying on your stomach. He bit his lip once he noticed the perfect view he had down your shirt, the neckline barely covering anything as your chest was pressed against his bed.
“So, where should we start?” you asked, your soft voice barely getting his attention as he kept staring at your chest. He wanted to squeeze your boobs, suck on them, fuck them, even. “Ethan?” you questioned as you looked away from your notebook, and opened your laptop, completely blocking the sight he was fantasizing over.
“Oh, uh…” he said, as he opened his laptop. “Maybe let’s work on the quiz that’s due this weekend. It’ll show me what you do and don’t need help with.”
You spent over an hour studying with Ethan, and you felt like you were having a little bit of a better understanding. You were starting to get hungry, so you closed your laptop. Ethan glanced over his screen the second he noticed, getting another peak down your shirt again. This time, he saw a part of one of your nipples peaking out of your bra, the sight making his pants grow tighter. He fought off the sound that was threatening to come out before you sat up, once again taking his perfect view away from him.
“I’m starving,” you said, as you started to put your stuff away. “But thank you so much for your help, and I hope you’ll want to keep helping me. You’re my only hope.”
He softly chuckled at your words, “If you move in, we can study whenever you want.”
“You’d be cool with it?” you asked, smiling at him. “You didn’t really say anything out there and I didn’t want to actually start considering it until you said something.”
“Yeah, I think it’s cool,” he said, “If you do want to, and you need help moving or anything, let me know.”
“Thanks, Ethan,” you said, smiling again before you made your way out of his room.
He wanted to walk you to the door, but he knew the second he stood up, his hard cock would be so obvious. He ran his hand over the spot you were laying on the bed, your warmth still soaked up by his comforter. The view down your shirt was burned in his brain as he got up and walked over to the door, shutting and locking it before he dropped his pants to give his aching cock the attention it desperately needed.
The next time you had econ, you walked in and sat down beside Ethan. He didn’t notice at first, but he soon smelled the familiar scent that he couldn’t get out of his head after you’d left his apartment a few days before. He wasn’t sure if it was your hair or the perfume you were wearing, but it smelled delicious.
“Hey,” he smiled, his pupils growing large as he saw you. “Are you okay?”
He took in the stress on your face, and how tired you looked.
“Yeah, are you sure you’re cool with me moving in?” you asked, “Because I can’t deal with my roommate anymore.”
“Yeah, of course,” he said, “What happened?”
“She invites her boyfriend to stay over whenever she doesn’t have class the next morning,” you sighed, “I don’t want to explain all the sounds I had to listen to while I tried to sleep last night.”
“Oh,” he said softly, “Well, your room would be beside mine, and I wouldn’t keep you up all night.”
“I bet that’s why I’m failing this class right now. I never sleep,” you said, as you looked over to him. “Wait, you don’t have a girlfriend that stays over?”
“No,” he said, his cheeks turning pink at your question.
“Sex is overrated,” you shrugged, “But I really thought you would’ve had a girlfriend.”
“Really?” he asked, as your professor walked in.
“Yeah, you’re a cutie,” you smiled, before you directed your attention to the lecture.
Ethan was thankful that you were so focused and didn’t see the cheesy smile on his face. The girl he’d been thinking about as he jerked his cock for the last few days called him cute, and his heart was swelling.
After a couple weeks, Ethan, Chad, and Mindy showed up to the apartment you currently lived in while your roommate was at her boyfriend’s to help you move.
“First, I want you guys to know that none of this mess is mine,” you said, as soon as you answered the front door for them.
“Whoa,” Chad said as he glanced around. “There’s no way you live with a girl.”
“Yeah, you’ll never guess what I found on the kitchen floor this morning,” you said, as Mindy started to think.
“With the mess, I’m going to guess…dead mouse?”
“Not even close,” you said, as you shook your head and shuddered as you thought about it. “It was a condom.”
“Like…in the wrapper or…?” Chad asked, as you, once again, shook your head.
“Ewwww,” Mindy said, cringing at the thought.  “Okay, is anything in the kitchen yours?”
“I already boxed that stuff up. Except the dishes that she’s refused to wash,” you said, as you led them to the living room. “The TV is mine, and that lamp,” you said, as you pointed, “But other than that, I really just have to worry about my room.”
“I think it’d be best to have all the heavy stuff in the living room so Ethan and I can worry about that,” Chad said, as you nodded and led them down the hall.
You had already packed up most of your room, which made it so easy for your new roommates to help you. Once Chad was carrying your mattress out and Mindy had ran out to get coffee, Ethan started to glance around your room. He noticed the hamper full of clothes in the corner, and he found himself inching closer towards it as he listened to you and Chad talk in the living room. Before he could stop himself, he grabbed a shirt off the top of the pile, inhaling its scent. He let out a deep breath before he went to put the shirt back in the hamper, before he noticed some black lace sticking out under a pair of your jeans. He snatched it out of the basket and put it in his pocket before he put the shirt back in it once he heard footsteps coming back down the hall.
“Did you need help with this?” Ethan asked, pointing to the basket, trying to make it not seem like he was being weird.
“Shit, I forgot to do laundry,” you groaned, as the realization hit him that the panties he’d grabbed had been worn. “I’ll carry that out.”
“Okay,” Ethan said, before Chad motioned for him to help with the dresser.
Later that day after you got your stuff moved into your new room, you flopped on your freshly made bed as Mindy popped in.
“So, I’m going to try to convince the guys to share a bathroom so you don’t have to share with Ethan,” she said, as you shrugged.
“It’s not a big deal,” you said, “I just hope he doesn’t mind all the girly stuff in the shower and the makeup and stuff.”
Ethan didn’t mind at all. In fact, he’d already been in the bathroom, smelling your body wash, your shampoo and conditioner. The skincare products you used. He realized that all those things together were the cause of the scent that made his head spin.
Later that night after you had takeout with everyone, Ethan excused himself to go to bed. He couldn’t stop thinking about your panties that were still in his pocket. Once he pulled them out, he ran his fingers over the lace before taking in your scent. He softly groaned before he dropped his pants, the thoughts of his face buried in your pussy making him harder by the second. He had them tightly clutched in his fist as he started to stroke himself with his free hand, small whimpers flying out of his mouth as he tried to imagine how soft your hand would feel wrapped around him. His bottom lip was in between his teeth once he started to get louder, the tip of his cock red as be brought himself closer to the edge. Just as he was about to cum, he deeply inhaled the scent of your panties one more time before he rubbed them against the tip of his cock, his thick, white ropes covering the lace.
You thought living with boys was going to be difficult, but your first month wasn’t bad. You were surprised at how clean they liked everything to be, and Ethan always put the toilet seat down. You started to get close to your dorky roommate, especially once you spent so much time studying together. You already thought he was cute, but once you actually got to know more about him, you realized that he was so sweet, so nice. He might’ve been a little shy, too, but he got to the point where he was doing cute little things to make you laugh.
One day, you went to do your laundry in the apartment. You walked over and were about to throw stuff in when you noticed clothes were already inside, and Ethan quickly rounded the corner with the rest of the stuff he needed to toss in.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” he said, “You want me to take my stuff out? I can wash it later.”
“No, it’s fine, I’ll wait,” you said with a smile, before you noticed something familiar in the washer. “Oh,” you said, your cheeks turning pink as you reached out and grabbed your panties out of the washer. “Must’ve dropped these in.”
Ethan’s eyes grew wide as he noticed them in your hand, the realization hitting you that they were sticky.
“Eww, what is all over these?” you said, a disgusted look on your face as you tried to figure it out. You looked over to Ethan, his face bright red and his eyes huge, when you pieced it together. “Ethan…”
He just stared at you, the silence deafening as he tried to think of something, anything to say to you. He’d gotten away with stealing your panties for a month, but it was a way for him to feel close to you, and satisfy some of the sexual frustration he had whenever he thought about you.
“What’s on my panties?” you questioned, as he tensed up. “Actually, I don’t think I want to know.”
You tossed them back in the washer and walked past him and headed straight to the bathroom to wash your hands. When you went to your room and shut the door, Ethan huffed and tossed in the rest of stuff that was in his hands before he started the washer.
As the day went by, you couldn’t stop thinking about Ethan, and how you’d noticed that pairs of your panties had been going missing ever since you moved in. But then you’d randomly see them again, in the top drawer of your dresser after a few days. You didn’t think Ethan was like that, and it made you feel a little uneasy to live with him.
Later that night, you had to say something to him. You walked out of your room and glanced around the apartment for him, before you walked to his closed door and started to knock. He eased it open after a few seconds, his eyes connecting with yours through the small crack.
“Can we talk?” you asked, as he took a deep breath and hesitantly opened the door for you.
You walked in and took a seat on the side of the bed, your gaze on his floor as you tried to think of the right way to talk to him.
“You want me to leave the door open,” he asked, barely above a whisper as you shook your head no.
“If Mindy or Chad come home, I don’t want them to hear the conversation.”
“Thanks,” he mumbled, before he took a seat beside you. “I’m sorry.”
“Why were you stealing my panties?” you asked, as he took a deep breath.
“I can’t explain it without sounding like the total creep you probably already think I am.”
“So…that was what I thought it was on them,” you said, as you turned to look at him. He nodded, looking away to not meet your gaze.
“Again, I am so sorry,” he said, “I know you probably hate me, and I understand if you don’t want to be around me. I’ll stay in my room so you don’t have to see me.”
“I’m just a little confused,” you said softly, as he finally let his eyes connect with yours. “What’s so exciting about my panties?”
At that moment, one thing you said to Ethan started to play in his head. ‘Sex is overrated.’ He was questioning how much experience you actually had.
“Do you really not know or are you fucking with me?” he questioned.
“Like, does it feel good? How does it even turn you on?” you asked, curiously staring at him.
“They uh…yeah, it feels good when I uh…rub them on myself. And they smell like you.”
“They smell like fabric softener and laundry detergent,” you said, a small laugh slipping out as he shook his head.
“I haven’t been stealing clean ones…they smell like you.”
“Oh,” you said, as you looked away from him. “That turns you on?”
“You have no idea,” he said, and even though the conversation was uncomfortable, he was getting hard.
“Why are guys so weird?” you thought out loud, laughing a little as you shook your head. “So does that mean that you like me? Or you’re like…sexually attracted to me? I still don’t fully get it.”
“Both,” he said, “I think you’re so beautiful, and I’ve had so much fun with you this last month…but I also think about you in a different way, too. Ya know?”
“I’ve thought about you that way, too,” you admitted, “It’d kind of hard not to. I hear you through the walls all the time.”
“You’ve heard me?” he asked, a blush spreading to his cheeks. “I’m sorry, I know you hated when you heard your old roommate.”
“I like it when I hear you,” you said so softly that he barely heard it.
“Do you touch yourself when you hear me?”
Your breathing got heavier at his question, and Ethan noticed. You were getting so flustered under his gaze.
“I…I’ve tried to,” you said, as you took in the curious look on his face.
“Tried to?” he asked, “What do you mean?”
“Like…I know what feels good, but I can never get myself…there, if you know what I mean.”
“You’ve never made yourself cum?” he questioned, admiring how cute you looked as you got embarrassed.
“No one has.”
“No one?” he asked, his throat dry at the thought. “Are you a virgin?”
“No…but I’ve never enjoyed sex. Like, it feels good, but I think it’s so disappointing when you hear how amazing orgasms are and then I just never get one.”
Ethan expected the conversation that was happening to go so differently. He thought you hated him, but there you were, telling him that you’d tried to get yourself off when you’d heard him. The thought of him being the first one to make you cum had him salivating, but he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable if he offered.
“Have you ever…given someone an orgasm?” you asked, as he nodded. “I’m jealous of whoever she is.”
“Don’t be,” he said, scooting a little closer to you. “Fuck, I’d make you cum all the time if I could.”
“Really?” you smiled, “If you ever want to, I’m right next door,” you joked, as he smiled and shook his head.
“Hey, don’t offer that or I’ll be in your room every day.”
You were starting to squirm against his bed, your thighs rubbing together so subtly that he could barely tell. The sexual tension was so thick, your breathing getting heavier as you thought about how good Ethan would make you feel.
“I think I need to go back to my room,” you said, as you started to stand up. That’s when you glanced at Ethan’s lap, noticing the tent in his sweatpants.
“Do you really want to?” he asked, “Because if you want me to take care of you right now, I will.”
“Seriously?” you questioned, as he smiled and nodded.
“Come here,” he said, reaching out to grab your hands, pulling you to him.
Once Ethan leaned in to kiss you, he was almost taken aback by how quickly your lips were moving against his. He was desperate for you, but you were just as desperate for him. He matched your pace before he pushed you back on the bed, his hand running from your hip, up your ribs, until it landed on your breast. You gasped into the kiss once he squeezed it.
You had massive butterflies in your stomach once you felt his cock pressing against your thigh through his sweatpants, your head was spinning, but you were loving every second of it.
“Hey, I have an idea,” he said, once he pulled away to catch his breath. “I think we should go to your room.”
“Why?” you asked because you didn’t want to stop. You needed his lips back on yours.
“Because you have that full length mirror leaning against your wall,” he said, chuckling once you noticed the confused look on your face. “I want you to see what I’m doing to make you cum…in case I’m never here to help you.”
“Okay,” you said, as he stood up and grabbed your hands.
Once he opened his bedroom door, he listened to make sure he didn’t hear anyone else in the apartment before he walked out and to your room next door. He shut and locked your bedroom door once he made it inside, before he pulled you into another kiss. His hands held onto your hips until they started to rub against the flesh under the hem of your shirt. He kept inching it further and further up, until he pulled away to pull it over your head. His lips went back to yours as he reached around to unhook your bra, his hands squeezing at your breasts once they were free.
His mouth moved to your neck as his hands explored your body, before they snaked under the waistband of your leggings. He moved them down over your hips as you shimmied out of them, leaving you in nothing but your panties. He recognized them as the first pair he ever stole, the black lacy ones.
“Fuck,” he mumbled, as his hand moved to rub you over your panties. The material was soaked as you moaned at the feeling. “That feel good?”
“Yes,” you said, quickly nodding your head just in case he needed the extra confirmation. “So good.”
“I hate that I have to take these off you,” he said, as he inched the fabric down your thighs, leaving you completely nude in front of him. “I’m going to sit on the floor in front of the mirror, and I want you to sit between my legs.”
“Okay,” you said, as he took a seat on the floor, his legs spreading for you to sit. You did as he said, looking at him in the mirror as he spread your legs, placing your feet on either side of his legs on the floor.
You watched him lick two of his fingers before he placed them against your clit, rubbing slow circles. Your eyes stayed on the reflection of his hand, your mouth parting as you started to breathe faster. He added a little more pressure as you fully relaxed back into his chest, the softest moans slipping out as he went a little faster.
“Ethaaan,” you whined out, the noise quickly becoming his new favorite sound.
“Shh, I don’t know if anyone else is here,” he said softly, “Just keep your legs spread for me, baby.”
He rubbed a few more circles on your clit before his fingers moved lower, one of them slipping inside you. He pumped it in and out for a minute before he added another, as you angled your neck to look up at him. He leaned down to kiss you as his fingers moved, before he started to mumble against your lips.
“If you ever finger yourself, this…” he said, as he curved them just right, a low moan flying out of your mouth, “Is the spot that needs attention. Okay baby?”
“Okay,” you whimpered, as he moved his fingers faster.
The sounds you were making just kept getting louder, and Ethan was just hoping and praying that no one else was home. One of your hands clung to his thigh as your other hand wrapped around his wrist, as you started to feel…different. It felt so good, and the last thing you wanted was for him to stop. Once he went even faster, the squelching sound of your wet pussy and your whimpers filling the room, your legs were trying so hard to close as your toes curled against the carpet on the floor.
“Oh my god,” you moaned, your fluttering eyes watching his hand in the mirror as your body started to tingle.
“Cum for me baby,” he encouraged, as you finally let that feeling wash over your body. You were jolting, your eyes screwed shut as his fingers started to slow, his free hand roaming your chest as you let out all your sounds.
Once you fully relaxed in his arms, he placed a kiss to the top of your head as your hazy eyes connected with his in the mirror.
“Now you can’t say no one’s ever made you cum,” he said with a smile, as he slid his fingers out of you. “Did it feel good?”
“That was better than I thought it was going to be,” you said, “Thanks, Ethan.”
“You’re welcome.”
You sat there in silence for a minute as you felt his cock pressing against you, and you wanted so badly to take care of him, until you heard commotion in the apartment.
“Hey, guysss,” Chad yelled, as he walked down the hall.
You tensed up as you glanced at your door, before Ethan whispered, “It’s okay, I locked it.”
You relaxed again before Chad started to yell again, “Tara’s here!”
You forgot about hanging out with Mindy and Tara for the night, and you didn’t want to pull away from Ethan, but you hesitantly did, your legs wobbling as you tried to stand. Ethan got up to help you, and once you got your bearings, he started to grab your clothes off the floor for you.
“Thanks,” you said, before you noticed him pick up your panties.
“No, thank you,” he joked, a smirk playing on his lips as he backed towards your door. “I’ll see you when you get back in the morning.”
“I better still have panties in that top drawer when I get back.”
827 notes · View notes
joosthead · 3 months
just too soft for all of it || j.k. f!reader
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₊˚⊹⋆ prompt(s): 2S) crying crying during sex that leads to a pause or early end to comfort and take care of whatever emotions bubbled over & 3F)  gently pushing their hair behind their ear to see their face better
₊˚⊹⋆ reader: f!reader, no pronouns, reader gets referred to as his “favourite girl” one time. notfamous!reader lol also does not speak dutch
₊˚⊹⋆ word count: 4.4k
₊˚⊹⋆ cw: smut (fingering, piv), a good amount of negative self thought (i may have gone overboard—feeling inadequate as a partner, reader is very hard on themself and quite sensitive), mentions of anxiety/stress/being overwhelmed, a very fluffy and healthy joost :( aur i love him anyways, pls heed the prompt cuz that in itself is a content warning teehee, 🧀🧀🧀alert i can’t lie!!, a variety of dutch terms of endearment i'm not sure i’m using right but it’s for the sake of no y/n
₊˚⊹⋆ track of the fic: "sweet nothing" by taylor swift
₊˚⊹⋆ junote: i resonate heavy with this 🙃🙃 had the worst last few weeks of this uni year but i’m FREE!!!! thanks for requesting this, i combined this with a few other asks stated above! happy first juno joost fic to meee yippeee
rpf ahead—don't like it, don't read it!! you've been warned. please do not repost this on any other platform.
18+ only — explicit rpf content ahead, minors dni.
To say the utter least—it had been a hard few weeks for you. 
The whims of life carried you away like a tsunami to your normal routine—work and classes and friends and family and life, life that you couldn’t ignore or get away from like you wanted to do, nothing to do except doing it. And you’d been doing it, just fine for the most part, but one thing led to another, and the last week was a whirlwind of commitments, obligations, your procrastinating on all of them, somehow. You got yourself into a mess of your own making. 
It certainly didn’t help that your boyfriend, Joost, was away for his own life: a festival performance in Canada, one in Belgium, one in the Netherlands but not one you could attend easily with all of the work you had for yourself. After that, he worked on the new album in Germany, putting the final touches on his 9th project, filming new content and preparing for his upcoming tour. 
He left around the beginning of when your life started getting busier. If you added it up—23 days you hadn’t seen him in person, but it’s not like you were counting (you were counting, and sad the entire time about his absence.). It felt like the same amount of time you hadn’t even seen or talked to him, through the phone, on Facetime, even texting each other.
Voice memos in the bathroom at work, always apologizing for how rushed you had to be; leaving him on delivered for hours as you studied, or had an event you needed to be at, or had a person you needed to talk to, someone else who needed your time more than Joost needed yours, and it was too much. All of it was too much. Too much for you to handle easily, every second taken by someone else. 
You felt like a terrible partner, not being able to speak to him as much as you wanted. Seeing all of his messages, the reassurance that he understands how busy you are and that in the end, you'll always make time for each other…his ability to be such a good partner held up next to your perceived inadequacy made you even more stressed. 
In the end, it’ll all work out—today, Joost flew back home, though you still had a number of commitments and assignments to get to and couldn’t pick him up from the airport. Your mutual friend picked him up, and you bit your nails at every update given; willing the time to go slower so you could tidy up more, work on that one last piece of paperwork so you wouldn’t have to worry about it, make sure everything is perfect so Joost can have a good welcome back.
In the nick of time, you were able to get everything done, but it still felt as if there was something missing, like you'd be hit with a missed deadline in the midst of your time back together, and it would all come crumbling down. 
As you opened the door, right as your friend pulled up to your street, you tried to put it aside, and you did—for now. Late afternoon and you stand at the top of your townhouse steps, watching in nervous excitement as Joost unloads his luggage from the trunk. Your friend closes the trunk and waves at you.
You wave back, but your eyes are on Joost as he gathers the two suitcases and starts rolling them to you in a sort of disorganized frenzy, just as excited as you are; you would come forward and help, but it’s cute to watch him, clumsy and stumbling over his long pants and tote bag and everything—your Joost, finally back with you. 
He wears a heavy black jacket, sunglasses, a black cap that he takes off and shakes his hair out of; the sun shines off him, and you can't help but smile at the sight. His hair grew out a little, the darker blonde roots growing in. Those jeans are ones you’ve never seen before, new glasses, new clunky boots that look greatly uncomfortable but perfectly his style. Evidence of the time passed, and for some strange reason, it brings a pang to your chest that you try to ignore as you come down the steps of your house. 
“Come here, come here, come here, baby, I missed you,” Joost exclaims, arms open and leaving his bags behind him to come meet you halfway, laughing. 
You say as you hug him around his neck, his arms around your waist and squeezing you tight, “I’m so sorry I couldn’t pick—” 
“Don’t worry about it, I know you were busy.” 
You nod as he moves his arms around your neck and you go around his waist, Joost pecking your cheek several times and making you laugh. “I still feel bad I couldn’t pick you up.”
“Never feel bad, you’d still be the best even if you left me on the side of the road.” You give him and his compliment a weak smile as you pull away. 
The first time you get a moment to yourself in a month: Joost’s head lays in your lap as you both watch some cartoon on the couch together after eating. 
You cleaned most of yesterday and some of today; you cooked most of last night since you knew you had more time, preparing Joost’s favorite meal—it was the best you could reasonably do, considering all of the other obligations you had in these last two days. 
As he ate, you pushed around your own food; would’ve made it fresh, could've had a nice table setting for dinner, should’ve prepared more for all of this. You still gave him a sheepish smile as you watched him happily eat the microwaved meal you warmed up for him, no indication at all that he’s disappointed or unhappy like you are with yourself. You shouldn’t feel like this, but you do. It’s getting increasingly difficult to shake. 
The colors and lines dance across the TV, spouting raunchy jokes that you can half understand with the few years of Dutch you have under your belt; the air conditioner is on, and you can finally rest. Joost is changed out of his airport outfit and into some shorts and a shirt. He’s home, and you did the best you could do, and now he’s in your arms again. 
You don’t even mean to, but you sigh, perhaps louder than usual, because Joost looks up at you from your lap, brushes a lock of your hair out of your eyes, says, “You’re the best, you know?” 
It catches you off guard enough that you shake your head almost instinctively, not fast enough to hide…whatever feeling this is you’re feeling. “I don’t feel like it, Joosty.” 
“You don’t?” He gets up from your lap, sitting next to you, and brings his face close to yours. “You should, because you are.” 
Your noses are brushing, and even in the midst of your racing thoughts, you can't help but smile at him. His face grows into a smile, and you come forward and kiss him, deeply; you know it takes him by surprise, how he takes a little to kiss back, like trying to learn each other again. Nonetheless, he kisses back, holding your face in his hands, grinning into it—he's so pleased, so content, you know it by how sweetly he holds you. 
The TV becomes background noise to you, the air conditioner no use with how hot you feel when you move to sit atop him in his lap, one of his hands on the small of your back, the other on your ass as you grind down on him, licking into his mouth. 
“You're so tense,” Joost says when you pull away, thumbs rubbing into your back where there are sure to be knots in your muscles. 
You roll your eyes. “Can you blame me?” you snicker and he smiles. 
“I’ll relieve some tension for you, then.” 
Nothing but a few layers of clothes separate you—he smells so good, tastes so good, feels so good that you pull away, run your hands underneath his shirt, feeling his warm body, his stomach. You move to take it off of him, and he’s a step ahead of you, taking it off himself and attaching his lips to yours again, like a magnet. 
“You’re not wasting any time,” he says as you rest your hands on his chest and kiss down his stubble covered jaw to his neck, on top of Lola Bunny and back up again. 
“I need you, Joost,” you breathe in between kisses, and he pulls back and groans which makes you giggle, “What is that supposed to mean?” 
“You can't just say that, oh my god,” Joost whines, looking up at you pathetically, pupils blown and lips swollen from yours. “That’s so hot,” he laughs, and it makes you laugh too, how ridiculous he is. “Fuck, I love you.” He comes back in for one more kiss before he shifts so you can lay down on the couch, and he's on top of you, kissing again. He helps you shimmy down your shorts, your underwear, and in no time—his hand is between your legs.
“I would have taken it slow but—I’m too excited,” he breathes. You palm his hard cock through his shorts, coaxing a sigh out of him. Joost hovers above, leaning on one elbow and using the other hand to run his fingers through your slit, wetting them with how aroused you are. Involuntarily, your legs twitch, your breath catches in your mouth, and Joost gives you a soft laugh. “You’re so sensitive, schat.” Fingers still touching you so gently, he noses at your cheek—you’re a hairpin trigger, how reactive you are to him. “Has it been that long?” 
Breathless, you nod as he presses his thumb to your clit, petting at it. “Too long, I was waiting for you.”
“I could say the same for you.” 
You sit up, pushing up against him, still kissing like you can’t bear to be separated from him, but he pulls back from you—brings two fingers to his mouth, wetting them with his spit, and the sight brings your heart to your stomach with how arousing it is. 
Sure, Joost sends videos; yes, you have…homemade…videos of your own between the two of you; his deep voice through the speaker in your late night Facetimes, talking you through it or his incessant compliments when you send him some pictures of your own. 
Nothing compares to the real thing—the smell of his cologne on his collar even after he’s taken a shower; his blonde hair in your eyes as he kisses you; holding onto his strong arms as he fingers you, the wet sound music to your ears though normally, it would make you sheepish at how filthy this all is.  
Sometimes it makes you laugh that the random guy you met with a Crazy Frog tattoo on his forearm is now your boyfriend, but it feels so serious now more than ever. You realize now how much you’ve missed him, and how much you’ve pushed down that feeling in favor of everything else. 
Joost crooks his fingers inside of you and you moan into his mouth, which he smiles at. “You like it?” he asks, both of you knowing the answer. He knows you so well, inside and out. Knows that spot inside of you that renders you unable to speak, how to hit it just right like it’s muscle memory to fuck you with his fingers. He rubs your clit at the same time, using his spit and your wetness to do so, and God—you wish never leaving this spot was an option. 
Your climax fast approaches you; Joost kissing at the side of your lips, your chin because you’re too lost in your pleasure to kiss back. With a few more pumps of his fingers, he brings you there, a choked moan tumbling from your mouth as you cum, almost falling into him as he takes you through the last waves of your orgasm. “Thank you,” you breathe, pressing a deep kiss to his lips again now that you have the ability to. 
“Thanking me? Nothing to thank me for,” he says, but you shake your head.
“I disagree,” you say quietly, palming over his erection once more now that you’ve gathered yourself. “I have everything to thank you for,” you think, but can’t say out loud. You move so you can be on your knees on the ground in between his legs. It’s been quite a bit, enough so that the program on the TV is completely different now, the AC has turned off—he’s still so hard, still hasn’t been taken care of.
You're about to lower his shorts, take him into your mouth, but Joost takes your hand and says, “Can we skip it? I wanna be inside of you, lieverd.” 
Almost a whisper, you reply, “Whatever you want,” nodding, and he cocks his head to the side in confusion.
“You’re so quiet today. Is anything wrong?” He can read you like a book, the furrowing of your brow at his suggestion an easy giveaway. 
“Nothing’s the matter,” you lie, but he still looks disbelieving. “I just wanted to give you something back.”
“This is something back and more, baby. Lie down.” 
You do, too tired to argue for your side—the side that wants to give Joost everything you have and more, pay him back for the time you’ve been so absent, so distracted from your relationship and all the things Joost had been doing in the time away. It’s not as if you don’t want to lie down and have him fuck you—it’s just that you feel that you haven’t earned it yet. 
Your body language gives you away—“Still so tense, lieverd,” he says, squeezing your shoulder as you adjust, legs on either side of his thighs. “You sure you want to do this?” 
“Of course I do,” you purr, because of course you do, reaching into his briefs—Joost Klein branded, of course—and pulling his cock out, jerking it a few times and making him groan with the sensation. “You're so sensitive,” you quote him from earlier. “Has it been that long, schat?” 
The pet name makes his cock twitch; a month away, hard work on his album and music videos, content and marketing, coming back home to his favourite girl gazing at him starry-eyed with a hand around his dick and ready to take him inside. If you peered into his mind, this is what he’d be thinking. No thoughts match your worried thinking about how you may or may not have let him down—you didn’t. That would be impossible, at least to him. 
“Much too long.” 
You rest your head on a throw pillow that Joost has laid for you, and he lines himself up with your entrance. Fingertips on his stomach, you stop him for a few seconds from coming forward, and you wrap your hand around his shaft, swiping it through your slit a few times, collecting your wetness and his pre-cum on the head of his cock.
Loudly, he swears in Dutch, and the latter half sounds more like a strangled whisper than any real word. “You…fuck, my god…you are evil,” he laughs, even though he’s now rubbing the head of it against your clit, making you mewl. 
“You ready for me?” he asks, and you nod, licking your lips, trying to control your breathing. Your initial apprehension is long gone, though it could creep back every second—who cares? You’re finally together again. “You’re so wet,” Joost breathes as he eases the head of his cock into you. The stretch is something to get used to after so long away, but he gives time for you to adjust—seems like he might need it more than you do, how he sucks a breath in through gritted teeth, the snail’s pace he's going at. “I might cum right now.” 
“You promise?” you tease, watching the slow slide of his cock inside of you, watching just like he is. 
“I might have to promise with how this is going.” 
“You can do it,” you giggle and then moan because he's managed to fit half of his length into you. “I believe in you.” 
“Yay,” Joost smiles as he bottoms out in you, then gives you a kiss. “We did it!”
He holds his hand up for a high-five and you laugh—”I’m not high-fiving you while you're inside me.” 
“When has that ever stopped you before?”  
Rolling your eyes, you give him the high-five he so desperately wants and he beams at you with a toothy grin. “Never, I guess.” 
“Never,” Joost repeats, and then straightens up. You look up at him through your eyelashes—his mullet is mussed from the tangles of your fingers through his hair, his chest moving steadily up and down with the exertion of this all.  He moves your legs so your left ankle rests on his shoulder, the right wrapped around his hips. 
His hand creeps up your shirt, and you do the rest, exposing your tits to him. Joost is normally so clumsy, so heavy-handed—what a contrast that he can be so calm dragging his fingertips around your nipple, making it pebble in the cold.
He cups your cheek after you moan, then runs his tattooed knuckles down it, slips his thumb between your lips and hooks it on your teeth momentarily—you chase  it, but he continues down your chest and to your belly until his thumb is finally back on your clit and circling it slowly. 
The drag of his cock out of you is wonderful, so wonderful it makes you shudder when he does it, combined with his terribly slow treatment of your clit.
“My baby, did you miss me?” Joost says softly, kissing at your calf, your ankle as he sinks back into you. The sensation robs you of a response, a sigh tumbling out of your mouth before you can stop it, but he takes it as a response enough.  The smile on his face—the beauty mark under his lip, those deep dimples so prominent—you could never tire of it. “I missed you more, schatje.”
It feels so good, it feels like heaven being with him again. He comes back from such a busy time in his life, where you’ve done little, and all he has is praise and warmth and affection for you—fingers you within an inch of your life and doesn’t even ask for anything in return, just takes care of you in the way you need most. 
You know that he benefits from this just as much as you do—this isn’t so one-sided. But your brain is so frazzled from this last month, the nerve endings fried and in want of a fuck up to cling to like they have been whenever you’ve made a mistake at work, in class, in your relationship. 
Joost interrupts your thoughts: “I was so happy to see you on the steps, I could’ve sprinted to you if I wasn’t wearing those damn shoes.”
All of the times that you forgot to reply to Joost, getting a text saying your name and a sad face right after; the times where you were too distracted to give him your full attention and could only hum your acknowledgement to him, having to be reminded about what he said later; that one time just a few days ago you fell asleep on call with him in the middle of him excitedly speaking about a breakthrough with a bridge on the most important song of the album. 
The pleasure you felt earlier is now overshadowed by your racing thoughts. 
“I wrote a song about you, you know?” Joost says, his voice so gentle. I was only going to let you know when the album came out, but I can’t keep a secret.” Rocking against you, his pelvis rubs against your clit and it makes you cling to his shoulders. “The voice memo I sent you earlier—it was my first draft, just me. Did you like it?” 
“You…you wrote a song about me?” 
Only now do you remember the voice memo Joost sent you in the morning when you were still cleaning, the one that you saw and made a fleeting mental note to reply to later on, which you promptly forgot as you vacuumed, dusted, folded. 
Such misplaced priorities, and now you're paying the sad price.
“Joost,” you say, eyebrows screwing up, that all too familiar pulling feeling behind your nose and eyes—you realize quickly that all of the emotions bottled up inside of you from the past month have come out with vengeance at the new knowledge of Joost’s song about you. The knowledge wouldn’t have been new if you just paid more attention. 
You try to hold it back, pushing down the feelings again, but it just won’t work. All of it spilling over at the worst possible time, tears streaming down your face before you even know it. You fail to wipe the wetness from your cheeks—Joost stops his movements, asks in a panicked and concerned voice, “Oh my—are you crying, schat?”
Attempting to pull it together once more, you cover your face with your hands and shake your head silently, but your already sniffly nose sells you out. Your shoulders shake with your crying. Too far gone now. 
“I wanted—“ you sniffle, and he hands you a tissue from the side table for you to blow your nose into as he stumbles out and off of you. “I wanted to be with you tonight, but I just—so much—I never—I never listened to your memo, I couldn’t, I had to finish so much before you got here and I couldn’t and I feel so bad, like, you wrote a song about me and I didn’t even have the time to listen—” 
“Shh, shh, shh, shh,” Joost coos, brushing your hair out of your eyes as you sob. “Baby, please.” His expression is so concerned, eyebrows furrowed as he pats your back. “Wait, shit,” he says, getting up from the couch and looking down at his still bare bottom half. “Let me put everything back on, I’m sorry schatje, give me—“ In a hurry, he puts his underwear and shorts back on, tripping over himself and almost falling over. “I just can’t do this naked, I’m sorry.” 
That brings a laugh out of you and a laugh out of him, and you start explaining as he sits back down next to you, rubbing your arm. “I don’t—I don’t deserve you.” You shake your head, wiping your eyes with the backs of your hands. “I should’ve listened to what you sent me, I should’ve been there more.” 
“Bro,” he deadpans, beckoning you to come and sit on his lap. 
You do, still trying to get the tears out of your eyes as you settle into his arms. “Shut up, don’t call me bro while I’m crying,” you laugh, voice weak but lighthearted.
“Bro. I will do it again.” Joost gives you a second to let it out more, to breathe as he smooths his hands back and forth on your back. “You did everything perfectly, lieverd. Perfectly. We were both so busy, and you still made time to call me and text me. I would have been lost without you, I know for certain.” 
You shake your head. “I forgot to reply and pick up your texts so many times, Joost, I felt like such a bad person for doing so.” 
“You did? I didn’t notice. All I cared about was that you replied.  You’re not a bad person at all,” Joost says, and the sweetness of his words just make you want to cry more. “I appreciate more from you the effort that you put into everything, into what we have. Not what you couldn’t or didn’t do.” 
“You’re so nice,” you whisper, sniffling. You can’t think of a better compliment with how overwhelmed you are, so you kiss him, instead, and he kisses back. Even with this, you can tell how gentle Joost is holding your cracked pieces back together. 
“I’m nice?” he asks, smiling. “Best compliment I’ve ever gotten.” For a little, you both sit there in the silence together. “How about this—tomorrow, we can have a day to ourselves. You can lounge and study by the pool, and I’ll be your little butler or whoever and we can just relax for a bit, hm? Order food, drink, smoke, whatever.” Pausing, he grins. “We can even listen to the whole album, if you want.”
“You finished it?” you ask, sitting up more and incredulous. That’s complete news to you.
“This morning, right before I flew back here,” Joost says, nodding proudly. “I also texted you, but duty calls, no?” 
“You texted me?” He texted you? And you missed it?!?!? Again, the new information makes you cry, and he holds you tight as you do. “You should be mad that I didn’t see it,” you say in between dry heaves into his shoulder. “I’m so proud of you.” 
“I could never be mad at you, lieverd, and I’m sorry I made you cry again,” he says, rubbing your back, petting your hair. “I just wanted to let you know when I did it—it was just a timestamp, that doesn’t mean you needed to know right that second.” 
“But I wanted to know.” 
“You know now, and I know how proud you are of me. That’s enough, that’s even more than what I wanted.” You trust him and his words so fully, every passing second with him is another way to help you feel better. “I love you,” Joost says your name so seriously, a punctuation to his love letter. “I mean it.” 
“I love you too.” You kiss him, deeply, moments passing that you use to thank everything you can that he’s so good with your worries, your anxieties. “I’ll take you up on that offer for tomorrow, Joost,” you say, finally calmed down enough. Your eyes are incredibly bleary—you didn’t know that was possible. But at least you aren’t actively crying anymore. “Thank you for everything.” 
“Thank you for giving me something more to look forward to, schat. Now—let’s go run a bath together and listen to my song for you.” 
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A Love Game
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DI!Single!Dad!Leon S. Kennedy X F!Teacher!Reader
Summary: You hear a glimpse of Leon's relationship with his daughter. And later he makes you a proposal you just can't refuse
Warnings: mild sexual content, still minors dni, brief phone sex, allusions to sex, Leon has a mouth on his as always, bit of soft!dom leon, mostly Leon being a soft dad on this one, foul language (as always), no use of y/n
WC: 3k
A/N: so I'm totally in love with this dynamic! And yalls support was insane. I literally wrote two separate drafts of a continuation of these two and whichever I finished first was gonna be posted, so the light smut one won bc I'm tired atm and didn't feel like sitting in front of my computer for 6 hours🙃 so this short part will have a second part to it with full spicy time. And another standalone part with these two (coffee and other things) having some more spicy time is also in the works, so stay tuned. Besitos <3
Universe Masterlist
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Leon blinked slowly, his eyes now starting to grow sore from staring at the bright computer screen for so long. But he just hadn't had time to finish this stupid report. Sure, he has had two whole days to get it done, but with a tiny human clinging to his arm every waking minute, it was a bit more complicated than he thought. But he couldn't possibly ignore his little girl when he barely had the time to be with her without having to worry about stopping some mad scientist with too much time in their hands. He didn't mind though. His little girl was more important than anything else. 
Still, he took advantage of the little window of time he had now. He had given Isabella dinner a little over an hour ago. Then left her in the dining room to finish her homework. She had always been a smart girl, responsible with her homework, she never fussed when he asked her to do it, so it didn't worry him in the slightest to leave her to do her own thing. She tended to get distracted when he was around anyway. 
Though, maybe an hour had gone by when he heard tiny feet pad bare through the wood floors and he saw a mess of chocolate brown strands sticking from its bun peek above his computer screen. He slowly lowered the screen until it was almost shut and he was met with a pair of sapphire eyes that were a replica of his own. He raised an eyebrow at her. 
"Daddy." She took a step closer to him, her eyes big like she wanted to ask him something. 
Leon sat up fully, setting his laptop aside and nodded at her, giving her his full attention now. "What's up bee?" 
"Can I.. uhm.. I can play with your switch now?" She asked, dark lashes batting as she fiddled with her hands. As if she had to give him puppy dog eyes for him to say yes. He kept his face serious though. 
"You wanna play on my switch?" She nodded. He ran his fingers over his light stubble as if he was thinking real hard, he pursed his lips in thought. "I dunno hun, did you finish your homework?" 
"How did you know I had homework?" She asked with an adorable frown on her face, it took Leon all of his willpower not to break then. 
"Well I do now." He slipped a smile and she pouted. He couldn't help but chuckle at his little girl. He took her in his arms and sat her on his lap. "Well I knew before. Wanna know how?" 
Her head perked up. "How?" 
Leon leaned into her ear with a smile, "'Cause dads know everything about their little girls." He pressed a kiss to the side of her hair and set her back on her feet. "But yeah, Miss Pretty Teacher told me." 
"That's cheating!" She whipped her head around with a gasp and glared at him. He again couldn't hide his laugh. 
"Yeah alright, you caught me," he raised his hands up at her in surrender. "You can play on the switch for a bit. Do you remember how to turn it on?" 
Izzy proudly nodded and skipped over to the large TV hooked up to the living room. The TV had been on, nothing playing, but just on, since Leon had intended to play some white noise in the background but never actually loaded up anything. He switched to the right input as he watched Izzy turn on the Switch. It took her a second to remember how, but she was happily skipping back to the couch with the controllers as the loading screen came up before Leon could get up to help. He shook his head to himself, but he puffed out a breath when Izzy jumped on his lap, rather hard, the little girl giggling when he groaned. 
"Jesus Christ, when did you get so big?" He chuckled, fixing her on his lap so she wouldn't fall and watched as she scrolled through the games until she found Mario Kart. 
"I turned seven in October, remember?" She piped up, genuinely reminding him of such an important date, as if he would ever forget. He nodded. 
"I know, Izzy. I took you to Dave and Busters with Amara, remember?" 
"Oh. Yeah, you're right. That was fun. We should go again sometime! Please daddy?" She turned her head to look at him with this smile on her face and her big blue eyes. 
God, what did he ever do to deserve this kid? 
He pressed his lips to her forehead and nodded. 
"'Course. I'll talk to Amara's mom, okay?" 
He watched as Izzy excitedly nodded and cheered happily before she got lost in the game in front of her. He didn't mind her having screen time. It wasn't like she had an iPad glued to her face twenty-four-seven. He let her play once or twice a week, and maybe a third if he was feeling like playing with her. And she was more than happy to spend that time with her dad. 
Tonight he wasn't really feeling playing, so he watched her do her best. To her, she was the biggest winner there ever was, throwing turtle shells and bombs at practically nothing and hitting the wall with every curve, but she had fun with it, so he let her be, cheering her on whenever she finished a race, even if it was in ninth or eighth place. 
Maybe thirty minutes had passed when he felt his phone buzz beside him. He took his eyes away from the colorful screen to look at his phone. It lit up with a text, and his smile grew wide at the name. 
My pretty teacher. 
He grabbed his phone and quickly opened the conversation. You had been texting back and forth all day, for days now, after what he considered a perfect first date, but he just hadn't gotten around to match your schedule to plan another date. So you had resorted to texting and maybe calling once here and there. But God, he was really missing you right about now.
My pretty teacher: sorry, I went to dinner with my mom and sister. And I just got home. Hru? 
He bit his lip as he attempted to type into his phone one handed. 
Me: It's fine. I'm ok. With izzy. 
My pretty teacher: awww🥰 
Me: Can you call? I'm texting with one hand at the moment. 
You saw the message, and he could see the three text bubbles appear and disappear. Until they didn't come back. He mentally grimaced at himself, maybe the idea of talking to him while Isabella was there made you uncomfortable? Shit. He hadn't thought about that. Christ, he hadn't dated in so long he had forgotten that being a single dad wasn't exactly the biggest turn on. No matter how much one liked kids. 
His anxiety riddled brain stopped racing when he saw your contact name pop up on his screen as his phone started ringing. He grinned to himself. He glanced at Izzy— her full attention was still on her game, he shrugged and answered the call. He set his phone down, still having one ear bud in from when he was working on his laptop. 
"Hey Miss." He spoke first, his heart racing in his chest a bit. 
"Hi Leon." He could hear the smile in your voice. That shy smile he thought was the prettiest thing. 
"You busy?" He asked, still a bit worried he was interrupting you in the middle of something. Though the indistinct sound of TV playing in the background let him know that maybe you weren't that busy. 
"Not really. I got home a little bit ago so I was just about to run myself a bath." You answered, walking back and forth between your bedroom and the bathroom connected to it. "You?"
Leon tried his hardest not to think about your words too much. Not right now. 
"Nah. Just watching Izzy play on my switch. She's kicking ass in Mario Kart." He heard you blurt out a giggle, which made him chuckle, but what made him actually laugh was Izzy shooting him a frown over her shoulder. 
"Daddy, that's a no-no word." 
Leon snapped his head down at Izzy and he frowned, not sure if he heard her correctly, "What's that bee?" 
"I said that's a bad word."
"What is?" 
Leon almost snorted at the way she said the word. With a frown and her lips pursed. He didn't care if she said bad words or not. He sure as hell said them all the time, but he encouraged her not to repeat what he said, in front of other people, at least. He narrowed his eyes at her. 
"So don't say it. I'm an adult. I can say them." When she kept looking at him, he placed a hand on top of her head and —gently— turned her head back towards the TV screen, despite her protest. "Keep playing your game, Isabella. Or you can't sit on my lap anymore." 
All Leon could hear was you attempting to muffle your laughter, but he could hear your giggles loud and clear. He only rolled his eyes, but he had a tiny smile of his own. 
"C'mon don't laugh, being a parent is hard. Are you the one teaching her this no-no bull— B.S?" He caught himself, closing his eyes when you laughed even more, now not even bothering to hide it. 
"I have to! I have a swear jar, I'm sorry. I gotta set an example." 
He actually laughed at this, remembering the mouth you had on you when he had you on his bed. 
"Yeah, well, you weren't so pure and innocent when you were screaming—" He caught himself again, his own eyes widening when he remembered Isabella was right there and he sighed out softly. "Give me an hour and I'll give you the answer you deserve, Miss." 
You stayed quiet for a second, not because he offended you, but because you needed a second to breathe and control the heat that flashed between your legs at his insinuation. You exhaled deeply before responding. 
"You're what again? Playing Switch with Izzy? 
Leon hummed in response. "She is. She's sitting on my lap so I'm being forced to watch." 
"I'm not forcing you!"
"On your game, Isabella. Stop listening to my conversation." 
"Does she have her own Switch or something?" You asked, now sitting on the edge of your bathtub as hot water poured from the faucet. 
"No. It's my Switch. But I leave it in the living room so she can play sometimes." He answered you with a shrug you obviously couldn't see. 
You chuckled softly, "How old are you again?" 
"Thirty-eight, but that's besides the point. I barely have time to use the thing. I mostly bought it for Izzy." He wasn't lying— entirely. He sometimes played, late at night by himself when he wanted to drown himself in a bottle of whiskey. He would choose to play a game to blow off steam instead of getting drunk with his little girl sleeping in the next room or passing out drunk at some shitty bar. 
"I'm very convinced by that." You snorted, making him sigh out at you.
"Hmph. Whatever. You wouldn't understand how cathartic throwing green turtle shells at tiny cars can be." 
"Oh I bet." 
"Daddy?" You heard Isabella's voice through the phone and your heart warmed.
Leon looked down at Izzy, "Yeah?" 
"Who are you talking to?" She asked with genuine curiosity, her very glorious race tournament now over and her attention was on him. 
He heard you go silent, most likely having heard the little girl and he sighed out, his eyes landing up on the ceiling for a second as he thought of his answer. 
"Just a friend, bee." He ultimately decided on that answer. It wasn't that he was ashamed of being with you, not at all, but Izzy was still young, and even he knew there had to be a proper introduction of you outside of your teacher role. He actually wanted to do this the right way.
"You fuck my brains out last week and I'm just a friend now?" He heard you comment in his ear and he groaned out. 
"C'mon, that's not fair." He leaned back into the couch, his forearm over his eyes now as he basically had two women all over him, pressing him with way too many questions for his liking. 
"I'm just giving you a hard time, Leon. I get it." There was humor in your voice, lightheartedness and even though he couldn't see you, he had a feeling you had that gentle smile on your lips. That eased the pressure on his chest. 
"Listen sweetheart, it's almost Izzy's bedtime," His eyes were on Izzy now, and with his eyes he was nudging at her to start wrapping up her game. She pouted, but didn't otherwise fuss. "Call you in an hour?" 
You both had this dumb, lovesick smile on your face, if only you could see the other.
"I'll be up."
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The warm water, the foaming body wash and the intoxicating smell of your favorite candle had done wonders to relax you. When you left the bathtub you felt like a whole new person. Though there still this tug of butterflies in your stomach as you anxiously waited for Leon to call you. 
You sat on the edge of the tub, warm and fluffy robe wrapped around your naked body as you mindlessly scrolled through your social media for a little while before you decided to check out for the night. You nearly slipped right off the tile when your phone buzzed and you felt a cold shiver run down your spine. 
"Hey, sorry about, y’know, earlier. Izzy and I are like that." You smiled at the sound of Leon's voice, now a bit hushed but more relaxed and carefree, like he now could say whatever the fuck he wanted. 
"It's okay. It was cute, hearing how you talk to her. You're sweet." You smiled to yourself, and you could hear him breathe out a soft laugh, most likely a bit flustered by your words, but he otherwise didn't show it. "You put her to sleep though?" 
"Yeah, I stayed with her 'til she fell asleep. I'm in my bedroom now, about to take a shower." He said the words slowly, with purpose, like he wanted you to think about it like he had been thinking about you, taking that bath. "So, you take your bath yet?" 
"Yeah, it was nice. I definitely needed it. I could've used some company though." You bit your lip, testing his reaction. There was silence, then he hummed. 
"Yeah? That so?" Now it was your turn to hum in agreement, your legs instinctively closing as you tried to soothe the ache between your thighs. "I'm sure you could've. Would've been nice to have someone hold you, right? Have someone leave kisses on your wet skin, say how good you're doing while getting your pretty pussy fingered?" 
You couldn't hold back the moan that left your throat at his words, and your free hand instantly traveled down, stopping at your belly. 
"Oh, that's a sound I'll never get tired of hearing. Fuck, you're already moaning for me and I'm not even there to give you a reason." He exhaled out a chuckle, his hardening cock starting to press against his sweatpants. 
"Fuck, I really wish you were here." You sighed out, your hand itching closer towards your already wet cunt, but you knew it wasn't your touch you ached for. It was Leon's. 
"Yeah? Why's that?" 
You whined softly, your phone almost slipping off your grip as your head fell to the side. "Leon…" 
"Tell me." 
"Because… I really, really, need you to touch me, hold me, ugh— I just need you to fuck me, Leon." 
Leon clenched his fist as his side, teeth digging into his bottom lip as he listened to your desperate words, and the sound shot straight to his cock. Fuck, he'd be lying if he said he didn't need you, too. 
"Goddamn baby," He grunted softly, his hand now brushing the front of his sweats, where his cock strained against the material, and he tried to muffle the sound between his teeth, but you heard it anyway. "You have no fucking idea how much I've been wanting to ruin that pussy of yours again. It's actually driving me crazy." 
You shuddered, the ache between your legs starting to become unbearable. "I really want to see you too, baby." 
Leon closed his eyes, biting his lip raw as he thought fuck it. He could explain in the morning. 
"Fuck it, just fuck it. Wanna take the drive here? I swear I'll give you exactly what you need and it'll be so worth it." 
You'd like to think you were a rational person, you always thought things through twice, three times if necessary. You didn't take risks, much less acted in a way that could be considered immoral, but for Leon? Fuck, for that man you would become the biggest whore in this world if it meant he would take you just one more time. 
"Be there in thirty." 
Fuck it. 
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Sneak peek of A Love Game Part II, coming soon
His lips were hard on your own, messy on your jaw, like he didn't know which part he wanted to kiss more. Your fingers were entangled in his perfectly soft honey brown strands, already melting under his touch. His hand came up under your jaw to grip your face in place, long fingers sprawled out over your neck. He pulled you back by your face and his eyes were hard on you, with this mixture of authority and utter need to fuck you. He could be both. 
"This is how this is gonna be. I'm going to throw you on that bed and fuck you the way you deserve. But I better not hear a single fucking sound leave those pretty lips of yours. Not tonight. Got it?"
Stay tuned for upcoming parts lovelies. Besitos<3
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whiskeynwriting · 8 months
Good Soldier
Captain John Price x Female Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI)
Age gap (20ish years - it’s so delicious), secret relationship, alcohol consumption (Price is drunk), dirty talk, praise kink, daddy kink, brief spitting, mentions of oral (m receiving), vaginal fingering, unprotected vaginal sex, squirting. 
A/N: Drunk daddy Price babyyyy YESSS
Also, ty SO much to @thesleepingmusicneek for proof-reading this. I wrote this at 3am on a random whim and it was embarrassing how many errors it originally had🥲😂
Also also, I completely forgot to post this on Monday 🙃
Captain John Price Masterlist
Join My Taglist!
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It’s early in the morning when he wakes you, rough hands pawing at the covers and soon your chest. At first, you’re not sure what’s going on; all you can feel is the weight of his body on top of you, the rough scratch of his facial hair rubbing over your face and neck. His back arches forward, curling around you, arms strong in their embrace. 
“Price?” Your voice is quiet and wispy, rough from sleep.
“Don’t call me that.” Comes his immediate response. “You know my name.”
And you smile at that, a sinister little smirk he can’t see through the darkness. He’s too busy pushing his lips against your cheek to notice it, anyway. 
“Sorry, sir.” That smirk is everlasting, body resting against the mattress as John works his way to your bare skin. “Didn’t realize it was that kind of moment.”
“Why the fuck else would I be on top of you?” He’s snarling, finally ripping your top from your body so he can grab a fistful of your tit. Breathing heavily, his mouth hangs open beside your cheek before closing with a deep inhale. The entirety of his presence is clouded with the smell of cigar smoke and whiskey, nothing you’re surprised by. And you’re not sure if your body is so limp and pliant because of your sleepy state, or your unwavering desire for him. 
“Wish you came tonight.” He then says in a rare moment of sweetness, almost cuddling into your body. 
“You told me not to.” Finally turning your head toward him, your noses meet, brushing over the other’s. “Don’t need your boys seeing us interact…” 
He frowns at this, your repetition of his earlier words. You’d wanted to go out with him, with all of them, but John was getting paranoid. He already felt like all eyes were on him when it came to you. Every chance he got, he went easy on you, gave all the hard paperwork to the other recruits, let you take as many breaks as you’d like during training, even made a habit of calling you into his office one too many times throughout the day. 
Reaching forward, John grabs your jaw, fingers pinching into your cheeks. That authoritative tone then makes an appearance as he demands slowly, quietly, “Behave.”
And that makes your cheeks run hot, a girlish little smile forming on your lips. Innocently, you reply with a whisper of, “Just repeating your own words, sir.” 
“Christ, you’re a sassy little thing.” With one quick motion, the hand on your face dives down to your thigh, squeezing its softness before moving to your ass. But even though he sounds genuinely annoyed, he’s still pulling on your panties, and it’s now that you realize he’s without his shirt. His chest presses down against your own, firm and full of hair and fuck if that didn’t turn you on more than anything. 
“Say my name,” He requests, mouthing at your neck. John is beyond sick of hearing that title, specifically when it came from your lips. He liked giving you this piece of him, liked creating this intimate space. 
Burning in the best of ways, his beard scrapes against your skin, soothed by the soft press of his lips. John seemed to be entranced by your entire presence, in the way you smile, the way you move. He’d never felt a sensation so ravenously delicious before he met you, so intensely carnal. 
Dropping his head down, John’s lips find your chest, mouthing at your soft slopes. It’s now that you fully give in, hands rising to either side of his face while arching into his touch. Both of those strong hands come up to grab you, too, molding your tits to fit perfectly in his palms. 
“There we go,” With a broad smile, he praises you. “There’s the good girl I know.”
Those words make your head spin, make your center pulse and your body run hot. He knew what words like that did to you, even in the most mundane situations. You each had your triggers, particular words or phrases that made you weak in the knees and absolutely dumb in the head…
John liked to be called captain on the field, and when he heard you address him by said name, he had to fight the hard-on growing in his pants. But in bed, he liked John, he liked giving you that piece of him. And you, you fought for his attention, for the reward that made your eyes shine like stars in the sky - his praise. There have been too many times where John commended you for your hard work, even in front of the others, speaking words so innocent that no one but you could interpret otherwise. Good soldier, strong girl, even his favorite recruit. 
Days with extra praise ended with John pulling you into the locker room, bodies sweaty and sore but desperate for the other’s touch. He’ll lift you against the lockers, cold and rough against your back but it’s hard to notice when he shoves his cock between your legs. Heavy breaths and deep, quiet moans fill the smaller space, John’s sweat dripping onto your body. And you cling to him, too, with every limb you have, face burying into his neck to kiss and lick his sweat-slick skin. It happened often, way too fucking often. 
Other days, when he wouldn’t see you as much, that’s when he’d call you into his office. Little is said when this happens, John’s strong arms manhandling you over the side of his desk. He’d yank your cargos down and spit on you from behind, rubbing his fattened tip over your delicate lips. 
At times, he’d take you in the shower, too, his strength preventing you from slipping. Sometimes it’s up against the tiled wall, but more often than not, he took you from behind. Your cheek would press up against the cool tile, John’s front pressed firmly to your back. Shower sex was usually a more sensual experience, John’s hands roaming your body with an incredibly loving touch, lips obsessing over your jawline and neck. You’d sway back against him, feeling him throb inside your body while steam filled the room. You only got away with this when it was late, when no one else was in the room. 
But fucking in your room, this is new. 
“Perfect fucking tits,” He’s nibbling on your nipples now, wrapping his lips around them and sucking harshly. 
As if it’s your natural instinct, your hips rock up toward him, your blood rushing with excitement when he finally moves to settle his pelvis between your legs. It’s clear that he’s completely wasted, his movements both erratic and sloppy, but that’s never stopped him before. If anything, it makes everything that much more enticing to you. Even in his inebriated state, he wants you, he finds you. 
“Gorgeous girl, my gorgeous girl.”
With an intrigued grin, you return with, “Yours?” 
And that’s when his head shoots up, face inches from yours when he declares, “Mine.” Grabbing your jaw in one hand, he stares into your eyes as best he can with the darkness surrounding him. 
“You think any of those others boys will fuck you like I do? Think they’ll take care of you like I do?” His head tilts as he asks you this, free hand dipping to the space between your legs. “You’re my girl…” And then, his eyes are drifting down, watching the pad of his finger trace the damp trail on the center of your panties. “My good little soldier…”
“John,” The whimper that comes out sounds helpless, and he likes it that way. Lifting his head alongside a sweet smile, John leans in, finally reuniting your lips. He’s got you now, and he knows it. 
It’s been a few days, nearly an entire work week since you’ve last had each other. John was out with the task force for most of it, using tonight to celebrate a successful mission. And while it’s amazing he’s able to do that, amazing that he led another successful operation, to say you missed each other was an understatement. 
The hardened muscles of John’s chest press into you, pelvis grinding between your legs while he kisses you breathless. The hand on the back of your head keeps your mouth against him, his eyes closed in bliss. And when you moan, that liquor-soaked tongue takes advantage, shoving its way into your mouth and he’s moaning when you reciprocate the action. 
“Let me fuck you.” That raspy voice says, hands already on his pants. Looking up at him, you nod, no longer feeling like the fearsome soldier you know you are. With him, you can be soft. 
His own words prompt John to lean back then, undoing his belt and side-stepping out of his jeans. It’s quite the sight, watching this large, muscular man undo his jeans while towering above you. The bed dips with his weight, and you feel a brief chill in his absence. But it’s not for long. 
He doesn’t even bother taking your panties off, just slides them to the side before cramming his fingers into you. It makes you moan, makes you shriek when he curls them. And then you’re grasping at his shoulders, scratching over his freckled skin. Your captain doesn’t start slow, it’s quick and firm, the way he fucks you with two digits. 
“J-John, baby.” 
“Hush.” Is all he says before quieting you with his mouth, moaning into your throat when he finally tastes your tongue. “God, you’re so good like this.” Taking a breath, he shakes his head, scissoring his fingers into your dripping cunt. “Such a good fucking slut when you’re like this.”
“Fuck me,” Your eyes are rolling back, earning a proud grin from your partner. Is he your partner? Has it grown that deep? 
Before your sleepy mind can even comprehend it, he’s replacing his fingers with his cock, his head popping in. At such an early hour, it’s almost impossible for you to have a single coherent thought in your pretty little head, other than the sensation of his girth filling the space between your legs. It’s heady, and he’s heavy, throbbing against your warmth when you release such a cute little squeak. 
“Christ, just give it to me.” He grumbles above you, the scent of liquor and cigar smoke wafting through the room. That scent just does something to you, especially when you watch him smoke. Late at night, you often fantasize about blowing him while a cigar hangs from his mouth; maybe another time. “Ngh, just lay there while I take this tight little pussy.”
It fills you so completely, his warmth consuming your being. Every time you take him, it’s a perfect stretch, not enough to hurt but just enough to sting. Your hands don’t leave his shoulders, either, clinging to him and urging him down, closer to your skin. Happily, he complies; he’s been waiting for this all night. 
“Fuck, I wish you were there tonight.” John repeats, feeling you bite into his neck. “I really do.”
He tries desperately to keep his composure but he can’t, not when you’re squeezing him so sweetly, warm walls wrapping around him so tightly. It’s mere seconds before he’s moving his hips, not allowing you to take in the full sensation of him. 
“What if the boys see me?” Your question is breathy, lips kissing the hinge of his jaw and whining when he sinks back into your heat. 
“Y’know, sometimes princess…” Leaning back, John grabs onto both of your hips, staring down at you. And the window allows you the perfect view, far off street lamps illuminating the room. “I wish they would.” 
It’s then that he’s pulling your body back and forth onto his pelvis, forcing you to meet his movements. He can’t help but pound into your soft body, sinking in as deeply as he can. And wouldn’t you know it, the old man is already panting, blue eyes staring down at you with voracious desire. 
“Fuck, it’s so good. You make me feel so good, so fucking good.” John’s words, his moans, they’re louder than you’d anticipated they’d be. And honestly, it feels amazing to be able to do this to him; to be such a young woman and have this captain’s attention. 
“Baby…” Whining quietly, your hands reach back, holding onto the pillow beneath your head. It’s all you can do, really, while your body rocks against him with every thrust he gives. And John didn’t just plow into you, no… his hips swayed, plunging deep, hitting hard. “Please.” 
“Taking it so good for me, lovie.” You’re practically on display for him. With your arms raised, it leaves your entire torso vulnerable, presenting your body, as if to say use me, use me however you want. 
“Bragged about you today, princess.” 
“W-What?” The way your hips rut against him forces a groan from his throat, brows furrowing. 
“My good little soldier,” He explains, breathless, running a gentle hand down the skin of your stomach. “How well she’s done, how strong she is…”
“They’re,” Laughing briefly, you sigh. “They’re gonna figure it out.” 
“It’s like I told you… I don’t know if I care anymore.” Glancing down at your chest, John watches the way your tits bounce with his movements, the way your nipples harden when he leans in to spit on them. “Perfect fucking girl…” 
“Baby, please.” You don’t know what you’re begging for and John knows it’s just because he’s fucking you dumb, hitting that delicious spot deep inside your cunt. “Please, more.” 
With all your strength, you manage to wrap your legs around his waist, watching the reaction it pulls from him. Letting go of your hips, he lays both palms flat on the bed, dropping down to your chest. The moan that comes from John’s mouth is deep and needy, resting his face between the slopes of your breasts. He was such a sucker for that move. And that, combined with your sweet begs for more, please, John’s picking up his speed. The bed begins to rock from it, your hands leaving the pillow and finding the back of his neck and head. 
“Gorgeous fucking thing,” He says, kissing your nipple. “Sweet little girl… all for me.”
The way he moves is utterly devastating to your body, your nerves alight with that wonderfully erotic heat. Every time felt like the first with him, so passionate and erratic, quick movements and forceful kisses. He just wants you, wants to fuck you full until he physically can’t, to mark you from the inside out. 
“I fucking love it, I love this, baby.” The way your nails scratch down his back makes him shiver, strong legs supporting his body as he plunges between your legs. “You’re right.”
“I’m right?” John immediately asks, heavy breaths damp against your cheek. 
“You, you take care of me.”
And that fills him to the brink with pride. He really does try to, he always has the best intentions in mind when it comes to you. 
“Yeah, I do… because what am I, sweetheart? Who am I?” 
Fuck, you knew he’d bring this up. You fucking knew it. Of course he held onto that, your slip up from last week, before he left for the mission. But honestly, you haven’t been able to let go of it, either. The name left your lips in quiet pleas throughout the week, playing with yourself and imagining it to be him - in bed, in the shower, after workouts in the gym. And you wouldn’t have even thought of whispering that title if it hadn’t spilled from your lips the night John left. 
“I asked you a question.” He demands, punctuating it with a sharp shove. 
“Fucking Christ.” It punches out of his chest, the muscles in his body flexing to their limit. Both hands find your skin then, one securing to your hip, the other holding the back of your head. Leaning in, John rests his face against your neck, moaning freely. 
“Daddy, please.” Your fingers rake through his hair, stinging his scalp when you pull on the shorter strands. “Please.” 
Tossing your head back gives him perfect access, his teeth digging in. Here, John sucks on your skin, rutting his hips against yours hard enough to slap against your ass. It rings throughout the room, alongside your collective chorus of pleasure. And he drinks in every little noise you make, every cute whimper that slips from your mouth. 
“I love it,” He can feel you sucking him in, can feel the way your slick drips down his shaft. “Oh Christ, I love that. I take care of you, yeah?”
“Yes, yes and,” Swallowing dryly, you sigh. “I wanna take care of you.” 
Together, your hips grind against each other, forcing him in as deep as he can get. Here, he pauses, breathing against your mouth before biting at your lower lip. 
“Yeah?” John questions, hand lifting so he can pull at your bottom lip with his thumb. “And how’re you meant to do that, hm?”
Moving slowly, your captain trails his facial hair along your cheek, your jaw, breathing airily against your neck. It runs a flurry of shivers down your neck and chest, arousal curling tightly in your abdomen. 
“I want you in my mouth.” Finally, you admit it. 
“Oh,” His surprised chuckle makes you feel hot in the face, sheepish. “What an offer that is. But… it’s not gonna happen, not tonight.”
“Why?” It’s a full-on whine; you can’t help it. With how wonderful he feels inside your cunt, you can’t even imagine how delightful he’d feel on your tongue. His heavy girth filling your mouth, leaking down your throat. 
“When I’m inside you, princess, feeling you raw,” Now, that ravenous pace returns, that broad body leaning back again to grab at your waist and ass. “I’m not pulling out, not until I’m done with you. And you want daddy to cum, don’t you?”
“Yes, baby. Yes…” 
Releasing a harsh grunt, John continues his movements, rutting into your core and throbbing against your welcoming warmth. 
“Can feel you dripping down my dick, sweetheart. You wanna cum?”
“John,” Arching up toward his body, you release a high gasp. “Yes! I want more, daddy, please. Please, I want more!” 
“Oh, god, you just love it, don’t you?” Snarling, John runs his nose up the column of your neck, taking in your scent. “My lovely little girl wants my dick, doesn’t she?” 
He’s whispering in your ear now, listening to your shrill cry of yes while your hand is grabbing at his ass, pulling him further into you. And then, seemingly out of nowhere, he’s grabbing your face and shoving his mouth over your own. It’s rough, mostly tongue and teeth, feeling overcome by his desire for you. 
John can feel every twitch of your velvety inner skin, can feel the way your slick drips down his balls. Christ, you get so wet for him, so wet for such an older man. 
“So sweet for me,” John huffs beside your cheek, kissing your soft skin obsessively. “Tight as a fucking virgin, aren’t you?” 
In the darkness of your room, your body rocks against the mattress, feeling John’s weight keep you down. All you can hear is his voice, his grunts and groans. All you can feel is the firm warmth of his body, his hot breath, his skin damp with sweat. 
“Cum for me,” Comes your small whimper, wanting to feel him inside you, wanting to know he’s inside you. “Please, John.” 
“No, I need you.” He insists, reaching down between your bodies. Here, his fingers toy with your clit, circling it, squeezing and rubbing it. “C’mon, princess.” John requests, lips beside your ear as he groans. “Cum on this fucking cock.”
“Fuck,” It comes out as a whisper, eyelids pinching shut with your lips falling open. 
“Feeling my little soldier… squeezing around my cock.”
“John, John.” The way he touches you makes you see fucking stars, a delicious little heat burning up through your belly. 
“Are you gonna cum for me, baby?” John can feel the way you spasm around his length, the way your breathing becomes shallow and erratic. “C’mon, lovie, be good for me. Cum on my cock, cum like you're supposed to. Just make a mess on me.” 
“I’m gonna,” You reply, arms wrapping tightly around his neck. Then, your body relaxes, hips jerking up in an involuntary act. And when John feels it, that hot rush of liquid on his pelvis and lower abdomen, he all but loses his goddamn mind. 
A groan punches from his chest, stuttering out through his mouth. Your girlish shriek forces his eyes back, feeling you tear skin with how hard you’ve scratched him. And he can’t wait for the boys to ask, he genuinely thinks he’ll tell them this time. Because… it won’t be the first time they’ve inquired about the marks on his back. 
At this point, he can’t hold back, he’s grunting into your neck while he absolutely floods your heat. Every spurt is accompanied by a sharp jerk of his hips, his body tensing and flexing and he’s doing everything he can to keep from falling on top of you. His arms hold you, squeeze you, rubbing the hot slick of your cum over both your bodies. 
“Mm…” He’s groaning, laying lightly over your chest. Your wetness has bathed his lower stomach and pelvis, the sight and feel and smell driving him mad. “Baby…” 
Gently, lazily, he kisses your neck, eyes closed in contentment. And for a moment, you wonder if he’ll stay. You’ve spent nights together before, parting in the morning to fulfill your separate duties. But will he allow himself to leave from your room? To allow the possibility of someone seeing? 
“You’re so warm.” Caressing his back, you sigh, drinking in the intimacy of this moment. He’s still inside you, flaccid and just resting. Your combined slick begins to drip from your folds but neither of you seem to care enough to clean it up, not yet. 
After a few minutes pass, John releases a saddened breath, muffling into your shoulder, “Should I go?” 
“No,” Instantly, you’re tightening your hold on him. “Stay.” 
A cocksure grin forms on his face from that, eyes drooping with exhaustion. “You want me to stay?” 
“Yes,” It comes out as a small giggle, fingers now running through his hair. “Stay, John.”
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multi-kpop-fanfics · 5 months
Hehe dear autor, I don't know what is happening with me but...
Isn't bad that I see Dom Hybrid Dragon Seungcheol x Sub Hybrid Bunny FemaleReader where reader is in it and Seungcheol as a good boyfriend help her, but Reader is already overstimulated and almost pass out when he's plugging his cock on her pushy because he's too big like saying that he won't fit because it's too big but he told her that her body said otherwise...🙃🤭
tw: dragon hybrid!seungcheol, bunny hybrid!reader (fem), bulge kink, dacryphilia, overstimulation, cockwarming, missionary position, mentions of heat, established relationship - minors dni.
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"Cheol, please s-stop moving." You plead, consciousness starting to waver.
"Oh? But I thought you wanted me to take care of you?" Seungcheol purrs in your ear, his forked tongue tracing the shell of your ear.
"I know!" You whine weakly, "But....y-you're-"
"I am?" He juts his hips forward, "What are you trying to say, darling?"
"I-I can't- fuck." You weakly hold onto his arms, the dragon scales feeling coarse under your palms.
"Just say it, Y/N. It's okay, no need to be ashamed."
"Y-Your....your cock is too big, Cheol. I can't take it!"
Seungcheol grins, planting his palms on the mattress to give himself easier access between his legs.
"Too big, huh? Cute little bunny can't handle some dragon cock? Is that it?"
You nod furiously, tears rolling down your cheeks. He positions his lips over you cheek and rolls out his tongue to pick up your tears and savour them like nectar.
"How ironic - You were practically begging for my cock not too long ago thanks to your heat and now you won't even let me move.....Such a cruel little bunny, tsk tsk." He mocks you and drags one of his claws over the bulging spot of your tummy, making you shiver.
"C-Cheollie.....please, I c-can't-" You cry harder, your pussy clenching around his cock, more wetness gushing out of your stretched hole.
"Shh, it's okay, bunny." He shushes you with gentle kisses on the corners of your lips, his shaft throbbing almost painfully. "It will fade away, I promise to take good care of you."
Seungcheol throws your legs over his lower back and repositions you to bury himself to the hilt, a loud cry erupting from your mouth.
"T-Too deep- Cheol, you're too deep!"
"Easy now, bunny. I told you, I'll take care of you." He reminds you once more.
"You just have to promise me that your bunnycunt will keep me warm and milk me dry."
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torukmaktoskxawng · 2 months
Sleeping Beauty - Jake & Tsu'tey
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Part of the Sleeping Beauty Series (all stand-alone)
Pairing: Jake Sully/Fem!Reader/Tsu'tey
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, minors dni, somnophilia, bi!Jake, dom!Tsu'tey, unprotected p in v (wrap it, you skxawngs), biting, swearing, surprise threesome, creative use of Na'vi words to avoid saying Y/n, oral (male receive), reader gets Eiffel-towered, reader is a bit of a masochist, creampie, Tsu'tey!lives au, Tsu'tey is olo'eyktan and Jake is just Toruk Makto.
A/n: Surpriiiiise! I feel like this one isn't as long as the last but I was almost desperate to push this out. I hope it's okay.
Also, I'm not gonna keep writing a 'Na'vi Words Used' section 🙃 Google is free, and this provides a browser that helps you quickly type in a word to find out what it means. Enjoy!
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Jake knew from the very beginning that you had some sort of infatuation with Tsu'tey, but you would rather die than admit it. 
After all, you were with Jake, and in Na'vi terms you were mated for life. In human terms, you were married, and it made Jake extremely happy knowing that no matter what shape or form the two of you were in, you loved him no matter what and he loved you. When he decided that he wanted to pass through the Eye of Eywa and permanently transfer his subconscious into his avatar's body, you fully supported his decision. It helped that you had an avatar of your own, so you could still be a part of his world and occasionally return to yours if need be. You've only ever wanted him to be happy, and you always loved him, in and out of that damn wheelchair.
He knew you loved him, more than anything, but he catches the way you look at the clan's olo'eyktan from time to time. He knew you would never act on it. What you felt was just interest, nothing more, because you only wanted Jake at the end of the day. But then again, Jake was also just as curious as you, and if you weren't going to do anything about it, he was going to be the one to make the first step.
"Isn't she a doll? I mean, she almost is in the literal sense. A silent, inanimate object and pliable for me to play with however I want."
Tsu'tey didn't say anything in response, too caught up in watching the way Jake's large cock pushed into your squelching heat, the sound filling the kelku. The fact your avatar's body reacted according to Jake's touch without you possessing it had the Na'vi man completely transfixed from where he crouched near your head, a barely caged primal desire swimming in his yellow eyes. Watching how your lower lips, covered in your slick, spread, and pucker to stretch and accommodate Jake's unnatural size (thank you, labcoats), Tsu'tey's tail flicks with contained interest that was definitely questioning every rational thought.
He knows he shouldn't be here... but he had been thinking about this for months and not even Eywa could persuade him to look the other way after Toruk Makto was adamant about how both you and him wanted Tsu'tey.
Jake wasn't deterred by Tsu'tey's silence, knowing that if the olo'eyktan didn't want to be here, he wouldn't have followed Jake here after being invited. The two of them had gone out hunting that day and Jake thought it would be the perfect time to bring up his little... proposition.
Focusing back on the unconscious body beneath him, Jake grabs your avatar's hips with both hands and continues to gradually thrust inside of your pussy. Your body was already so tight and naturally became aroused and slicked up by the time Jake was done stretching you with his fingers. It took every ounce of self-control for him not to fuck you like an animal to his own completion when you look this enticing. Nothing was boring about your sex life, but with Tsu'tey's intimidating gaze watching his every move as Jake pumped in and out of your tight heat, something really hot and angry began to stir deep in Sully's stomach.
He lets out a punctured grunt, a wave of adrenaline coursing through him from the excitement of it all, a grin slowly plastering over his lips, glancing back up at Tsu'tey, "She lets me do this a ton, you know. She loves it. You would have never guessed she was such a minx, huh?"
Tsu'tey's ears twitch with that same intrigue, pupils further blown wide with barely contained desire, trying to ignore the growing strain of his loincloth. 
Jake's grin falters for a moment when your pussy grips him tight, a groan spilling from his lips and falling open in a silent gasp as his eyebrows pinch together in pleasure. He struggles to find his words again, huffing between sentences as everything else drains to his groin, "She said she was going to link up around this time. 'Should be waking up right... about..."
The first thing that moved was your avatar's eyebrows, scrunched closely together as your eyelashes fluttered. Tsu'tey watches as a soft flush rises up your body, reaching your face just as you open your eyes, pupils blown out of proportion as a soft, quiet whimper is pulled from your lungs. Your hands instinctively fly up to graze and scratch at Jake's tight chest and tummy when you feel that familiar sensation of an approaching orgasm.
"Oh, fuuuuck..." you moan out, tilting your head back as you close your eyes once more.
A deep, low chuckle reverberates from Jake's throat while staring down at you, slowing his thrusts until he's only grinding, the friction of his pelvis against your clit sending your growing moans to ricochet throughout the marui, "Hey, baby. Glad you could join us."
"Us?" You breathlessly question, managing to catch the choice of words. Looking around, you suddenly realize you and your husband are not alone. Craning your neck up, you find a familiar Na'vi crouching above your head, your eyes widening, "Tsu'tey?"
His eyes, so hard and intimidating like the rest of his physique, always piercing into your soul... had a lilt of something else that now pierced something deep in your abdomen and caused your warm and wet walls to flutter around Jake's cock. While Jake softly curses under his breath, biting his lip to stay quiet, Tsu'tey's eyes never leave yours even as his hand brushes over his straining loincloth to try and relieve the pressure, "Sevin..."
Any initial horror or embarrassment you might have felt at the thought of another man seeing you naked and being properly fucked started to melt and drift out of your mind the moment your eyes glanced down to the olo'eyktan's crotch. You now shamelessly watch and even feel a small ping of pride as Tsu'tey's clothed cock unexpectedly jumps under your attention.
Feeling some level of satisfaction now that you understood what was going on, you quickly replaced your shock with a smug smile as your eyes turned up to Jake, "You really wanted to spice things up that badly, huh?"
The grinding immediately halted and you whine loudly from the loss of friction. Jake smirks down at you, strong hands gripping the flesh underneath your knees, "Maybe I was just tired of watching you drool after Tsu'tey without doing anything about it."
"Like you acted any better," you found yourself snarling back in the midst of your sexual frustration.
Tsu'tey surprised even himself when he scoffed in amusement, attracting the attention of the couple in front of him. With both sets of "demon" eyes on him, the Na'vi man felt a warmth swirling deep in his gut, his own eyes slowly traveling down to the spot where yours and Jake's bodies connected, almost as if he appreciated the view. 
The expression on the olo'eyktan's face was not lost to Jake, who smiled with a hidden arrogance as he slowly dragged his hips back, pulling his hard cock completely out of your squelching heat, shiny from your juices, the loss of fullness forcing a broken whimper to escape your throat. Without warning, Jake grabbed your hips and flipped your over, gently smacking your ass until you got the message and moved to lean forward on your hands and knees, gasping from the sting of his hand that would definitely leave a mark in the morning. 
Jake moved to press himself up against your ass, idly twirling your tail around his veiny forearm and giving it a firm tug, "Why don't you put that mouth to work for Tsu'tey if you're just going to be a smartass, huh?"
You whine, feeling so degraded, and yet your body feels like it's on fire. Keeping yourself upright on your hands and knees, you flip your hair over to one shoulder and look up at Tsu'tey through hooded eyelashes, your face flushed and your lips shining wet from rolling your tongue over them as you watch his tight loincloth begin to dampen with precum. When you peer up at the silent warrior, your eyes lock and you can't help the way your mouth gradually falls open, poking your tongue out like a welcoming invitation that makes Tsu'tey's balls tighten.
The growl that leaves his throat softly echoes throughout the marui, and your pulsating walls clench around nothing, a flutter of arousal making its presence from such a sound. Finally, Tsu'tey unties his loincloth and both you and Jake shamelessly watch his cock spring up to attention once released from its confinements. He's not as big as Jake, but he's still long with a small barb leaking precum at the tip, which flushes an angry dark purple.
He doesn't waste any more time, not when you look so enticing. He grabs a hold of your chin, harshly, and squeezes until you're forced to hold your tongue all the way out, the dominance making your belly stir. He grips his cock with his free hand, angrily pumping himself with a few, firm strokes as his dark, gold eyes keep you frozen in your spot, your spine tensing with anticipation. Tsu'tey gently slaps his leaking tip against your tongue for a moment and you bring the appendage back in your mouth, moaning at the taste of him before you roll it back out for more.
Tsu'tey looked up and met Jake's gaze, and whatever Sully saw swimming in those same orbs made the muscles in his stomach clench. You can feel Jake twitch against your entrance and you whine while pushing back against him for more, all the while keeping your mouth wide open and panting like a bitch in heat, your warm breath fanning over Tsu'tey's length. The olo'eyktan groans lowly, eyes drifting back down to you as he lines himself up, parting your lips with his tip before gradually shoving his way into your mouth.
You choke once but then immediately relax your throat, breathing deeply through your nose to try and not gag, moaning around his cock when you taste more of him. You've barely been given time to relax and breathe before Jake finally pushes his own dick back inside your pussy, filling you up in one swift motion that makes your moans rise in pitch, the vibrations turning Tsu'tey into a growling, feral creature that forces himself to remain still... for now.
Jake faintly smirks while huffing out a small moan in response to your pussy contracting around him, "'See how her bratty mouth isn't running anymore?"
Tsu'tey's usual snarl appears as he gives Jake a warning look, "I wonder if the same conclusion will happen if I do the same to you."
You don't have to see to know that Jake's shit-eating grin is etched on his lips, leaving you moaning around Tsu'tey when your husband slides out and immediately plunges back in, a large, wet slap echoing in the air when his hips meet your ass.
"I think she'd like nothing better than to see you teach me a lesson," Jake pushes out while huffing a strained, small laugh, "She just got tighter."
Tsu'tey grunts in answer, feeling your throat constrict around his cock like a living being each time Jake pulls out and shoves his way back in. 
"Ngh, yes. Very 'ekxin," Tsu'tey groans out, finally giving in and starting to move his hips back and forth, small motions at first before eventually matching Jake's rhythm. 
You felt like a spitroast with both cocks thrusting in and out both ends of you, and even more so when you felt a burning warmth, pleasant and growing deep in the pit of your stomach. The way Jake's cock rubs against the lining of your inner walls is so addicting, but you're unable to savor it because you're instantly distracted by the reminder to breathe through your nose when Tsu'tey only manages to plunge further down your throat. It was the kind of edging that would make anyone insane... and you loved it.
"You're greedy, baby, ya know that?" Jake growls playfully as he bends over your back and nips at your ear, "First, you had Toruk Makto, but then you also had to go and want the olo'eyktan. Well, now you have both of us, and it looks as though you can barely handle it."
The whines you let out send shocks up Tsu'tey's cock, making him growl uncontrollably, like a cornered animal. His mind foggy with desire, he briefly forgets how he needs to be gentle and roughly grabs your kuru, pulling it back to force your head to tilt at the desired angle before thrusting deep inside your mouth. His balls slap the underside of your chin while your constricting throat makes the most obscure, spongy sounds as you take his dick.
One of your hands shoots out to tightly grab his thigh, gagging around his cock as the leaking tip hits the back of your throat, past your uvula. Your nails dig into his skin in an attempt to push him away, but that only appears to rile him up more.
He snarls down at you, pulling back his lips to display his teeth, "Take it, sevin."
Your eyes widen with tears as you choke around him, your tearful gaze only spurring Tsu'tey on. Jake bites down on your shoulder, either to muffle his moans or to remind you he was there, no one could say. 
"You heard him," Sully gasps as he lathers his tongue over your new bite mark, "Take it, baby. Take it all."
He tugs your tail a little tighter, reminding you that he still has his arm tangled around it. You whine loudly around Tsu'tey, feeling him twitch inside your mouth. The Na'vi man only rides your mouth faster, growling incoherently, precum leaking down your throat, making it tickle and threaten to make you cough or choke. Sensing he was close, you flex your tongue just underneath his length, hallowing your cheeks to the point his thrusts leave the most grotesque, sucking noises to fill the air.
"Yawntu-" Tsu'tey cut himself off with a snarl, his muzzle scrunching up like an angry thanator, "Kalweyaveng-!"
He's so deep in your throat that your nose bumps his pelvis, feeling his muscles tighten in his abdomen as he starts shooting his cum down your throat with one last thrust, driving himself as deep as possible while gasping for breath. You don't even dare close your eyes no matter how good it feels, watching his face contort above you, eyes closed as his brow ridge scrunched up as if in pain, and his mouth open while panting for air, loosening his grip on your kuru. He's still emptying his load as he slowly starts to pull out, the last couple of streams of his seed splashing over your lips and cheek. You close your mouth to swallow before your lips fall open to gulp down the air as if your life depended on it, your gaze flicking back up to him with half-lidded eyes. 
Tsu'tey's tail twitches behind him at the sight of your flushed and marked face. While the heat of his lust has dimmed slightly from his eyes, the way he looked at you made everything in your body instinctively tighten, forcing both you and Jake to start spiraling to your own orgasms.
Jake whines every time he pushes his cock back inside your wet heat, a ring of white cream now forming around his thickness every time he stretches your puffy ring, "Ah, ah, ah-!"
The first spurts of his seed filling your womb sends your eyes to roll back as you clamp down around his cock, forcing him to stop thrusting and just empty everything he has as deep as possible, painting your walls. You moan loudly as the warmth in the pit of your stomach bursts, flooding your body with euphoria, a high you have never been able to recreate without your husband, but this time it only felt better with both he and Tsu'tey pumping you full from both ends.
As usual, Jake's ears twitch erratically as the edge of his orgasm begins to fade, leaving him blubbering nonsense as he tries to ride it out longer, "Ohhhh, baby. That's it... oh, fuck. Clenching me so tight... god, I never want to leave this tight little thing. Took us so well. Our little doll."
Instead of replying, the overstimulation as Jake faintly moves his hips to form shallow thrusts makes you whine and reach forward to bite the inside of Tsu'tey's thigh, eliciting a deep sound in the back of his throat as his hand tightens in your hair once more, "Mawey, sevin."
Jake chuckles and slowly pulls out, groaning while watching a large amount of cum leak out of your abused slit, his tail already curling with interest, "Take her real quick so I can grab a cloth."
As if you weighed nothing, Jake takes your hips and lifts you up, passing you to Tsu'tey like the doll he claims you to be. Your face practically magnetizes to the crook of the olo'eyktan's neck, the corded muscle flexing beneath your lips as you playfully bite him stirring a small wave of amusement through you. Tsu'tey harrumphs while tightening his arms around you, his previous hesitance no longer there.
"Did I mention she bites?" Jake smirks while finding a cloth and wetting it down, moving back over to the two of you.
Tsu'tey scoffs faintly, but there wasn't any malice behind his tone, too exhausted and surprisingly relaxed to care while watching Jake dip the cloth between your legs.
As your gasp quietly at the feel, Jake dips his head down to whisper hotly in your ear, "So, tomorrow night... how do you feel about breaking your link and keeping both yourself and your avatar here so Tsu'tey and I can fuck both of your pussys?"
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Taglist: @pandoraslxna @inolaphoenix @neteyamsoare @mooniequeen @avatar-lover @taronyuhunter @ikeyniofthetayrangi @neteyamssyulang @sullybrothersmate @rivatar avatar4eva @bdudette
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d4minnie · 21 days
So I want that Megumi story is kinda like...he likes the reader.... But they are friends.... And she's a so close friend with Yuji or maybe likes him?... And Megumi doesn't like that whenever he tries to go close to the reader Yuji interrupts.... He couldn't take it anymore and Noncons the reader being jealous
Hope it helps 🙃🎀
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Pairing: Fushiguro Megumi x Afab!Reader
Warnings: dub con
wc: 1,194
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Today was the day. Megumi had decided he was finally going to ask you out. He had a crush on you for so long—no, he was in love with you—and he never had the courage to tell you. After preparing himself and getting some unsolicited advice from Gojo, he felt ready.
He texted you to meet him outside in the yard. Just as he was about to confess his feelings, an annoying voice interrupted the moment: "Y/NNNN!" You turned to see Yuji. "Oh, hi Yuji!" you said, completely forgetting about Megumi.
Megumi was pissed. It wasn’t the first time Yuji had interrupted your time together. There were so many instances: like when Megumi asked you to the movies and Yuji showed up and made plans with you right in front of him, or when you and Megumi were at the mall and Yuji appeared, ruining your hangout. Megumi was done with it and wasn’t going to let this slide.
"Im coming i'm coming wait"
When you opened the door to your dorm, you saw Megumi standing there with a serious look. "Hey Megumi, are you—" Before you could finish, Megumi put his hand over your mouth and locked the door behind you. You were confused and tried to get away, but his grip was too tight. You tried to shout, but only muffled sounds came out. Megumi then gently but firmly guided you to your bed and laid you down.
"Are you going to say anything?" you asked, growing increasingly frustrated. As you tried to get up and leave the room, Megumi roughly grabbed your arms and pinned them behind your back. "What the hell?" you exclaimed. He then forced you onto the bed, face down. You heard some jingling before feeling something firm and leather restrain your wrists. Panic set in as you realised what was happening, and you tried to call for help, but then it hit you:
Nobody's on campus today.
He ripped off the pyjamas you were wearing, leaving you in just your bra and underwear. He then bunched up your panties into fists and ripped them off.
Before you could make anymore noise you felt his hard on pressing against your ass. kneeling then grabbing your hips, he pulled you closer then put you into a mean arch. He took his cock and stroked it before rubbing the tip up and down your folds.
you felt his pretty pink tip disappear between your lips. Feeling it catch your soaking wet hole.
he started rolling his hips.
"So fucking wet" He cursed, sliding out before the weight settles itself inside me again, his tip hitting your cervix, a slightly painful sensation sending shivers down your spine.
His hips rocked in a steady rhythm, his finely trimmed nails digging into your waist from behind.
"M- Megumi..." Your voice was scratchy.
"Yeah, Megumi. That's right." The corners of Megumi's lips pulled into a snarl. "Megumi is gonna wreck you not Yuji"
heat started to grow in your centre again, rising with his fast and forceful thrusts. Megumi pressed down, his stomach touching your back.
"It's what a tease like you deserves. You knew what you were- fuck" He panted, trying not to slow down his pummeling. "Doing to me."
"Gonna do this whenever I fucking want! You're mine to fuck." Your waist slipped from his grasp as his long, fingers closed around the back of your throat, wet slaps of skin and squelches filled the room, your titillating walls squeezing around the length of him. 
"Mine not Yujis..fuck, not gonna last. Say it, princess." The grip around the back of your neck made your head spin a little more, he kept thrusting relentlessly.
"Y- yours not ah Yujis." He might've not even heard your, thrusting even deeper, not even retreating completely, going in and out of you until you both reached your peak.
You let out a whiney yell as warmth dribbled down your leg and filled up your insides.
You heard the distinct click of a camera behind you. "W-wait, Megumi, what are you doing?" you asked, reaching for the camera. Megumi quickly sidestepped, then turned his phone screen toward you.
There was a photo of you, and it had been sent to Yuji with the caption below it.
not yours"
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bruhnze · 3 months
Apple tarts and tiramisu - Part 5
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Summary ''Apple tarts and tiramisu'': Lucy just moved to Barcelona, you offer to teach her Spanish. Reader gets into a relationship with Lucy Bronze who she met while she served her an apple tart.
Other parts: part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
SMUT - MINORS DNI, Warnings: smut
Wordcount: 3k?
Long awaited part 5, hope you like it 🙃
Apple tarts and tiramisu - Part 5
´´Do you want to go back to yours?’’ you asked Lucy walking back to the car.
‘’Yeah I wanted to ask you that actually, because Narla comes home tomorrow morning’’ Lucy said ‘’but how did you know?’’.
‘’Oh I didn’t, but speaking about that, how come you only have a dog sometimes?’’ you asked her ‘’you have a dogsitter?’’
‘’uhm, yes, I also have a dogsitter’’ she cleared her throat and looked at the ground ‘’andishareNarlawithmyex'’ she coughed.
You laughed ‘’what?’’
‘’I share my dog with my ex’’ she said hesitantly.
‘’But you just got to spain’’ you joked ‘’already have an ex here who you have shared custody with? Damn you really do move fast’’.
Lucy laughed now too ‘’damn that would be crazy, no I actually move quite slow normally, but ehm, the ex is also from England, and ehrrm… god this sounds bad, but it isn’t.. she moved to Barcelona too,.. she’s in the same team.. we… our… no.’’. She thought and collected herself again and said ‘’her and my transfers were already a done deal when we broke up.. we broke up on good terms.. and we both share the opinion that our career went before everything and we just professionally work together.. and the dog is mine actually but I just.. she asked If Narla could stay at hers every now and then too and now it just turned into one week at mine and the other week at hers and so on’’.
‘’Okay’’ you stated ‘’and what is her name?’’
‘’oh ehm, Keira’’ Lucy looked at you trying to read you.
You smiled ‘’its okay Lucy, ofcourse you have exes, me too, it’s normal’’ you said reinsuring ‘’but what is her last name?’’
‘’Walsh’’ she frowned ‘’why? Your not go-
‘’Was she number 21?’’ and then you heard what Lucy had tried to say ‘’God no, i was just curious who it was’’.
‘’yeah the number 21 indeed, midfielder, sorry’’
‘’Ah! She was pretty good right, she’s didn’t lose the ball once and she , what’s it called, yfs/n was pretty excited about it, when she put the ball through the other players legs?’’’
‘’gave a nutmeg?’’
You laughed ‘’I guess, but my friend said it in Spanish so I don’t know''.
''Your so silly, i can't believe you don't know anything about football''. Lucy giggled.
You shrugged your shoulders ''anyways your place it is then’’.
Lucy opened the door from the car for you ‘’mhmm, but why did you want to go there?’’
You gave her a quick kiss ‘’no reason’’ you smirked.
She had put on some Spanish music in the car and you were sure she had been influenced by her teammates because it were songs you and your friends enjoyed.
Friends that you probably neglected a bit the last few weeks. That made you think about yfs/n and the fact that she had probably known Lucy’s ex was in her team, as she also knew about Putellas’ personal life and some other players.
Lucy’s hand was back on your knee, just like during the drive on the way to the restaurant.
You got your phone and texted your friend, also sharing the fact you had a girlfriend now.
Your best friend was happy for you and about the ex she texted that she had thought that was something for Lucy to share with you.
@bestfriend: are you with her now?
@y/n: yeah driving back from the restaurant
@bestfriend: ah okay, otherwise I would have called you, want to go to the gym tomorrow afternoon? bcs I need you to tell me everything about how she asked u
@y/n: yh tmrr works, btw also got a crazy story to tell involving my mom💀💀
@bestfriend: okay im curious, your not mad right?
@y/n: no about what?
@bestfriend: that I hadn’t said anything?
@y/n: ohh no, I don’t even think I mind that she works with her ex, idk just hadn’t expected it and was surprised to find out now, when you had told me about a few other players personal lives, so I thought, did you know or did you not know, and if you knew why didn’t you tell me.. but ig I get what u meant about Lucy telling me.
@bestfriend: just so you know you are hotter tho
@y/n: thanks but that’s not nice to say!!
@bestfriend: truth is harsh sometimes xx
@bestfriend: love you always
@bestfriend: now go kiss some abs
@y/n: 🙄
You chuckled at your phone.
Lucy looked at you curious. You cleared your throath ‘’I’m sorry, my friend was being dumb’’
‘’what did she say?’’ Lucy asked smiling.
‘’Oh nothing’’ you blushed ‘’just yfs/n, she is happy for us’’.
Lucy smiled ‘’already told yfs/n?’’
‘’Oh’’ you looked surprised ‘’is it secret that were together?’’
‘’no no’’ Lucy rubbed her thumb over your skin ‘’it’s cute’’  ‘’but speaking about that subject, I think it is maybe wise to keep everything away from the public, the media can be cruel, but..´´ she gulped ´´some fans are even worse, and I don´t want you to have to deal with that´´.
´´Yeah I get that´´ you said putting your hand on top of hers ´´but I would like to meet your friends and family too eventually´´.
´´ohhh yess, I can´t wait´´ Lucy smile was back ´´that is going to happen ofcourse, that´s got nothing to do with keeping our life private... anddddd i also still have to meet your dad´.
´´Still?´´ you chuckled ´´it´s been´´ you looked at the time ´´maybe an hour since we´ve been together´´.
In the elevator the two of you pursued your usual elevator activity; kissing. It felt like that had become the standard routine whenever the two of you stood in the small mirrored space.
‘’you know why I wanted to go to yours’’ you seductively said in her ear.  
‘’because the other day you brought something over to mine and-‘’
You kissed her neck.
‘’have been thinking about it ever since’’
Lucy gulped, thinking about the strap-on she had brought last week. ‘’yeah, did you like that?’’.
''Mhmm, very'' you said, already getting turned on from anticipation.
She stumbled trying to open the door while you leaned against her back, reaching around her tugging her blouse out of her pants.
As you felt up her stomach Lucy abruptly stopped and turned around between you arms, she grabbed your wrists.
‘’Nuh uh’’ Lucy said with a smug face ‘’you wait here, like this’’ she walked you a step back and crossed your arms. ‘’and i will open the door’’.
You thought it was funny how she used dominance to take control of a situation where you clearly distracted her so much she couldn’t open a door. But you didn't laugh because this had been the mood you wanted to put her in.
''Okay come in pretty girl'' Lucy said already halfway into the hallway.
As you walked in to the apartment you were hit by a wall of cold air.
''jodidamente frio'' (ugh very cold) you scuffed out rubbing your arms, ''Lucy why are we in Antartica''.
Lucy came back to the hallway were you were taking you shoes of, ''sorry for the cold, forgot the AC apparently''.
''left in a rush?''
Lucy laughed ''yeah, had to pick a pretty girl up, couldn't leave her waiting''.
You pushed her chest ''nah she wasn't waiting''
Lucy fake gasped ''she wasn't?''.
''Nope'' you shook your head with your eyes closed.
''hmm i heard some different things, i heard she couldn't wait to get dinner over with'' Lucy said cocky.
You looked at her questioning ''really who said that?''
''She told me herself'' she wispered in your ear ''she couldn't wait to be fucked again''.
You gulped ''oh yeah, maybe you should listen to her, sounds like she knows what's up''.
''I don't know'' Lucy teased ''i mean this morning was already quite an active morning and she told me her stamina aint that good''.
''im not tired at all'' you sputterd.
She held her face away from you a bit and you spotted the grin she was wearing. ''Okay'' Lucy said ''but we'll take it slow, i want to show you how much i love you''.
You sighed internally, you had planned for a different night with a more dominant Lucy, but i guess you could work with this too. You just had to recalibrate yourself for a second and you made an internal note to research how to get the dominant side out of her, because you knew she had it and was dying to meet her.
In the bedroom Lucy unzipped your dress, slowly kissing down you back. ''your so pretty y/n, i love you''.
You got goosebumps all over your body, okay maybe this wasn't too bad either you thought.
You stepped out of your dress, leaving you only in a thong. Lucy rubbed your sides to your hips where her hands continued to rest. She pressed herself against you and gathered all your hair in her hand and placed it over your left shoulder before she started placing soft open mouth kisses on your neck.
"Luce" you intertwined your fingers with hers and pulled them over your breasts, making her cup them.
''mmh'' she murmered against you shoulder where she had now reached with her kisses ''not so fast, go lay on the bed for me bub''.
You let go of her hands and laid down "you are wearing to much".
''Jeez'' Lucy laughed ''patience baby patience, I can't go that fast and I don't want to go fast, but I promise you'll get what you want''.
A blushed took over your cheeks, you didn't know what had gotten in to you, you got the realisation that Lucy made you so horny, no one had ever effected you like that, you thought about the recent weeks and how much sex you'd had and even next to that how much you had thought about it.
While you had been thinking Lucy was getting rid of her clothes. She looked at you concerned ''what are you thinking about?'' she asked you softly.
You blinked, ''oh sorry my thoughts wandered off for a second , i just, i'm so very attracked to you''.
''so you resort to your thoughts eventhough im standing right here?'' she chuckled.
''to be honest, yes'' you chuckled aswell ''I've built up quite a good mental stock lately, some pretty nice images''. you said cheekily.
''oh yeah? do you think about me much?''
''yeah i was litteraly just thinking about how you are taking over my brain, i can't remember thinking off anything else these last weeks... i think i have a big crush''
Lucy smiled ''im so in love with you, i totaly get what your saying, i feel the same''.
Lucy pinned you to the bed with her own body, she had put on the strap you had been longing for and was now softly kissing you as she leaned on her arms, not wanting to put to much weight on you.
You squeezed her biceps and
travelled up with your hands to her shoulders, then her back.
You loved her muscles, you had never been with someone this strong and you had never seen a women pull muscles off as good as Lucy did, she was very astheticly pleasing.
Trying to deepen the kiss you pulled her closer to you, resulting in her whole body brushing against yours.
Lucy moaned as her nipples brushed along your skin. She pulled back from the kiss and went to your neck.
With a combination of tongue and teeth she gave attention to every inch of your neck and jaw. Trying to figure out the points the made you squirm.
The attachment between her legs pushed against you when she moved her hips trying to reach further back your neck.
A shiver of arousal ran down your spine and instinctively you tried to grind against her.
''Not yet baby'' she murmurred against your skin ''i want to kiss every part of your body'' she sighed ''your so beautifull''.
The air that left her mouth when she spoke tickled against the wet spots in your neck.
''Luce, i need you''' you whimpered at the idea of waiting much longer, feeling the sogginess between your legs and your aching empty hole, waiting to be filled.
She smirked as she sat up, and took your hands, pulling them above your head.
Lucy kissed the inside of your arm, making you get goosebumps ''already begging me?''
''yes Luce, please''
''but i want to taste you babe, all of you, can you be good for me and let me kiss you'' she gave more kisses, now to your other arm.
Her words made you moan ''kiss me then, but don't take your time''.
Lucy giggled as she went on.
After she had called every part of your body beautiful, littering it with kisses, even leaving some marks on your neck and chest, she had finally arrived at your hips, very close to the place you needed her most.
''My beautiful girl'' she hummed in between kisses.
You couldn't handle it anymore and were so turned on that your brain almost short-circuited. Your hands pushed her head lower.
You felt her lips against your skin in a smile. She placed soft kisses on your lips and then went back to your groin, licking and biting softly, placing another mark ''all mine'' she groaned.
Her tongue licked along your slit, making you gasp out a moan.
Your hand tightened in her hair and she lapped at you a couple more times before pulling back.
The head you had just dropped on the pillow with your eyes closed shot back up and you looked at Lucy.
''So needy'' she smirked.
''only for you'' you cried out below your breath.
''What's that?''
''you make me crazy Lucy, please-''
Lucy placed her tongue back on you still looking you in the eyes.
''fuck'' ''yeah like-
She started sucking your clit, a moan escaped your throat.
After a bit she got up and hovered infront of your face ''do you want to taste how good you taste?''.
You groaned but accepted the kiss, your taste on her tongue made you moan into her mouth, you couldn't believe how long she was taking but you had to admitt she was fucking amazing at what she did.
''What did you want me to call you again?'' Lucy asked cheeky.
You blushed ''a slut?''
''i think you are being a bit of a slutty girl right now, aren't you? so desperate for my cock''.
You pulled her closer for another kiss but she held back ''i can feel you pulsate against me, all for me?''
''yes'' you moaned ''only you Lucy, i have never thought about sex this much in my life, nor did i have so much sex as i did these last weeks''.
''hmmm'' Lucy moaned in your neck ''thats right, your such a slut for my cock, aren't you? are you gonna take me so well''
''y- yeah''
Gently she guided the strap with one of her hands to your opening, lining it up with the ring of muscle that was waiting to be entered.
Lucy looked you in your eyes as she slowly put the tip in. Your head fell back as the feeling flushed over your body.
With the head of the dick Lucy fucked you gently. It was not enough for you ''Lucy, more''.
''you need more slutty girl? want me to fill you up?'' Lucy purred ''such a good girl for telling me''.
Lucy bottomed out in you, making your eyes roll back. Finally experiencing the exact thing again you had been longing for the last days.
''Feel good pretty girl?''
You could only moan in response, the build up had been so intens that you were on the verge of cumming already, not even needing more stimulance.
You wrapped your legs around Lucy, bringing her closer to you. She held one arm around your shoulder and put the other hand behind your neck, pulling you in for a kiss.
The ritm felt so good you thought you didn't have enough oxygen to kiss Lucy back.
Nails dug into Lucy's back making her pull back a bit ''i- im so c-close''.
She looked into your eyes as she kept thrusting in to you, remaining the pace she had ''come for me pretty girl, show me how good that feels''.
With a few more thrusts the high flushed through your body, it was an intens but short orgasm.
You let moans and cries escape your body as Lucy slowly came down to a stop and pulled out.
She kissed your face, "you look so pretty like this".
You gave a weak smile "cuddle me?"
"Ofcourse pretty girl"
The next morning Lucy and you woke up from the doorbell.
Lucy jumped out of bed and put on a jumper and some joggers, without having time to search for underwear.
''Heyy'' you overheard as Lucy had opened the door and waited for Keira to come upstairs. You were still laying in the bed.
''Hey Lucy, here she is, she hasn't eaten yet, but i did walk her, she was a very good girl as usual''.
''Thanks, i'll see you later''
''Yes, see you this afternoon, had a good weekend?''
''yeah very, did you?''
''yeah, i wanted to tell you i'm dating someone again, i don't know why but just wanted you to know, she's German and she was with me this weekend, Narla liked her a lot so it was all good''.
''Okay, nice, i'm happy for you, i actually have been dating someone too'' you heared Lucy say ''asked her to be my girlfriend yesterday actually''.
''ah congrats, thought you looked happier lately''
''Thanks Kei''
''Okay see you later!'' ''and bye Narla, mommy will see you next week''.
''go on, say bye Narla''
You heared the door shut and a sound of nails on the floor coming your way.
The cute white dog you had seen and petted at the cafe a few times jumped on the bed.
''Like she knew you were here'' Lucy giggled at the sight of you getting licked in the face.
''Narla, get off her'' Narla oblidged as her owner put on a stern voice.
Lucy sat down next to you in bed ''goodmorning, sorry you got woken up like this, forgot to set the alarm yesterday''.
''Nah it's fine, you told me yesterday so it wasn't unexpected'' you laughed as you were petting Narla ''such a cutie, aren't you such a good doggie''.
''She likes you'' Lucy said.
You laughed ''Narla likes everyone Luce, but thanks''.
Lucy kissed your cheek ''but she doesn't come up running to lick everyones face''.
''Yeah but maybe if they would be the one handing her cups of whipped cream she would''.
Lucy laughed ''yeah okay, you did some good bribery'', ''i'm happy to though, cause if Narla didn't like you it would've been a problem''.
''Yep, she's the most important thing to me on the whole world.'' ''but she likes you so we're good''.
You laughed and turned yourself to Narla and said in a high voice, "Then I'll just have to keep spoiling you, don't i little doggie."
That concludes part 5! Hope it was good, sorry it took a bit longer this time..
Anyone got suggestions for part 6?
more parts
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agendabymooner · 10 months
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summary: their friendship wasn't the only thing that took an unexpected turn. but it wasn't anything that they wanted to complain about.
content warning: smut under the cut (minors dni!), use of explicit language, best friends to lovers-ish, dom!george, brief degradation, overstimulation, fingering, p in v, brief impact play, mentions oral sex (m receiving), dacryphilia (???) aftercare, mentioned past relationship, filthy filthy george 🙃
song rec: outside by bryson tiller (i have a driver specific prompt written hehe)
note: so like... george got the dog in him, canonically. also, 20 smut pieces??? 😳 enjoy xx
something sinful (smut) masterlist
a - n masterlist
o - z masterlist
if you’d like to get on one of my taglists, check this post out
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george russell had always known that her ex was a fucking prick. but to hear that her ex kept calling her, asking for forgiveness was another level of stupidity that george hadn’t expected. 
he had been her best friend long before he became a professional driver and he knew her all too well. he listened to her vent left and right— he knew her inside and out.
so george didn’t understand why she was still here, sulking in their booth as if the dance floor wasn’t calling for her. he had managed to get her out of her room and dressed up for tonight— she looked so amazing. so why was she here sulking over some man who wasn’t even worth half of her? 
“you ought to let loose, doll,” george leaned and whispered in her ear. her head immediately turned to look at him as he shrugged nonchalantly, “‘m just saying. that man is a prick.”
“i know he is, russell,” she huffed, kicking him lightly under the table. “there’s no need to tell me how much time i’ve wasted on him.” 
“well it’s not the matter of the time you’ve wasted on him before,” george told her with a smirk, extending his hand towards her direction as she grabbed it. 
he took her to the dance floor, standing behind her as they both danced amongst the sweaty bodies that wished for nothing but to let go of their worries and stress. 
the british man continued as he nibbled on her ear, “it’s the matter of time that you’re wasting on him now.” 
“george—“ she almost sighed at the feeling of his mouth, making him shush her. 
“don’t think about him now, love,” he murmured quietly, resting his hands on her hips as they both swayed their bodies to the club music. “it’s all about you and you're moving on from him.” 
“do you treat all of your friends like this, george?” she whispered back, leaning her head back to whisper in his ear. she was intoxicated by his touch and his words. it was hilarious how long before her previous relationship, she was willing to give it up for her best friend— and such feelings resurfaced now. 
she loathed george’s presence. his hilarious self, his blue eyes, his being. she hated him because he could make her feel things that friends shouldn’t feel.
his face feigned innocence as he asked, “like what?”
“like you want to fuck and love them more than their exes ever did,” she raised a brow and spoke bluntly. her bewildered feeling hadn’t stopped her from looking up at him with the same curiosity that she held as she asked him. 
he was just as shocked as she was, yet he remained where he stood. his eyes darkened at the way her words let those filthy thoughts out, unable to keep his thoughts contained as he answered truthfully, “only when i know their worth.” 
“you’ve spoken about how unsatisfied you felt with him,” he continued, his low tone sending chills down her spine as she looked ahead of her. “especially when he doesn’t listen to what you wanted to try in bed— those filthy thoughts of yours that he never listened to.” 
“i think about it a lot,” he hummed, his lips still fanning her ear as he spoke, “i think about those days when you overshared your thoughts and your fantasies in bed to me. and how you’d feel about him once that i fuck you the way you want to be fucked— if you’d ever think about him at all.” 
she almost whimpered at the words he let out, earning a chuckle from him as george laughed quietly. “you’re worth more than some daft bastard who wouldn’t even give in to your needs for once, darling.” 
“hm?” he hummed again, both their bodies burning in desire, lust, and prolonged yearning as he held her closer. 
“fuck me,” she pleaded quietly, “make my body yours, george. please.”
“who am i to deny you that?” he chuckled again, nipping at her neck this time as he murmured, “don’t worry, sweetheart, i’ll make sure you’re so fucked out that you wouldn’t think of anyone but yourself and me.” 
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she hadn’t expected this from george. 
she had always known that he had his mean streak, but to be on the receiving end of that behaviour was what she hadn’t expected from him. though she wasn’t sure if it was mean of him to keep her body overstimulated from the amount of times he’d given her orgasms just by finger fucking her. 
her ex hadn’t even given her any long before they’d broken up.
her legs shook violently as the room was filled with squelching noises, sobs escaping her throat while she kept her head down against the soft mattress. 
the white sheets under her contrasted with how he fucked her with his fingers. who would’ve thought that the sweetest bastard to have existed would even be this domineering in bed? 
she couldn’t even think right now; she was eager to have his cock inside her after she’d gotten a taste of it earlier. 
her pussy throbbed against his fingers as he curled them up inside her, george’s other hand holding her cheeks apart to watch her cum drip down her legs. 
“geo- ngh~ god,” she whimpered against the mattress, her head moving to the side to try and get a look at his lustful smile. he seemed to be enjoying himself, fucking her from behind like he hadn’t just given her multiple orgasms in two hours. “pleaseeee— want your cock so bad.”
“oh? you want my cock, darling?” george asked, his fingers still thrusting inside her slowly as she whined. “thought you just wanted to get off?” 
“go- no,” she cried out, her legs wriggling against his touch before she moaned at the impact of his palm against her dripping cunt.
“stop moving,” george muttered, “you’re makin’ it hard f’me.”
“george, please,” she babbled incoherently, “want your cock so bad— please, please fuck me.”
she almost cried at the feeling of emptiness when george pulled his fingers out, walking around to pull her up. 
george propped her head up against his hand, silently observing the mess that he had made of her.
she always looked so pretty without makeup, he thought to himself. yet there was a sinful part of him that loved the smudge of her mascara and lipstick after fucking her mouth and making her cry for pleasure.
she always looked pretty, but seeing her so desperate and eager to submit to him made him realize how neglected she was before. george could only pity her ex for missing out on her. 
“y’look so pretty, did you know that?” george murmured, wiping the stains off her face as he continued, “so eager to lose control of your body— did he ever make you feel like this?” 
she felt nothing but haze and happiness that she hadn’t realized he was asking a question. her head snapped when he gave her face a light slap and demanded, “answer me, princess.”
“wh- i—“ she stammered, leaving george to chuckle.
“you sound so pathetic, sweetheart,” he cooed mockingly. “you’ve always wanted to give up your control of your body and he wouldn’t give it— and now you’re so lost that you can’t even hear me. d’ya want my cock that bad?”
she nodded, the grip on her chin restraining her from showing her eagerness as she begged, “yes, yes— please. put it in my mouth— my cunt, please george.” 
she didn’t expect this from george— the way he manhandled her body like she weighed nothing as he pulled her to the edge of the bed and bent her over. she hadn’t expected him to bottom out inside her cunt in one swift move, earning a deep groan from him as he swore silently. 
buzz… buzz… buzz…
george thrusted inside of her, hearing her scream and cry for more while he slid his cock past through the sensitive spot until his tip reached her cervix. 
“oh- fuck,” george swore. “such a good fucking pussy. it’s like you’re made for me.” 
“yes, yeah- i— george, please fuck me harder,” she sobbed, her eyes shutting tight as adrenaline rushed through her body. her face flushed at the heat of their bodies as she felt his cock inside her. 
“this cunt is made for me, yeah?” george taunted her, “this is mine only?” 
“yes, i— god~ fuck— yes, it’s yours,” she moaned, “yours only.”
buzz… buzz… buzz…
george reached for her phone, too pissed off at the vibration. 
“good,” he heaved, his hips snapping against hers as she cried aloud. “because i don’t like to share what’s mine— ‘m gonna make sure you belong to me only, got that, princess?”
“yes! fuck! george,” she babbled, “hah~ ‘s yours only, i promise! wanna make you mine a- wanna be yours! god! fuck me.”
“i’m yours, sweetheart— oh fuckin’ ‘ell,” george moaned, “so tight around me. you gonna cum?” 
“yes, ‘m gonna— please cum with me, georgie,” she whined, her body slowly convulsing against him as he continued to thrust— his pace now speeding up as they both reached their highs. “gonna cum, gonna cum! ngh~ ah- hah cum with me please!” 
“let go f’me darling,” he murmured, letting out a choked sigh as his cock twitched inside of her. she let out a sigh as her body shook, whimpering quietly as she reached her orgasm. 
hearing her cry about the emptiness inside of her made george smile, pulling out slowly before gently laying her limped body down on the mattress.
she had only nodded when he pressed a kiss on her forehead and said that he’d be back with a damp towel, her eyes trained on her phone which laid on the mattress. 
funny, she thought with a puzzled look, it was on the bedside table earlier. 
she took it and saw the first text that she received.
max verstappen: already fucking your best friend after we’d broken up? 
max verstappen: i expected better from you. 
she scoffed haughtily, eyes finding george’s as he gave her a worried look. she texted her ex boyfriend back quickly.
💗: he knows more about what i want better than you did.
she then tossed her phone aside as george walked back to the bed and started helping her clean up. 
“‘m not lying you know,” she mumbled, offering george a grateful smile once he finished cleaning her up. she then said, “when i said i wanna be yours.”
“oh i know you’re not lying,” he chuckled silently, pulling the comforter over her naked body as he snuggled with her. “i also meant it when i said that i’m yours.”
it was safe to say that neither of them had expected to like each other like this, either. but it wasn’t anything that they wouldn’t welcome with open arms. 
after all, nobody knew each other as much as they did. not even her shitty world champion ex boyfriend.
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♡ moony’s reminder 🅶 (general): @hiraethrhapsody @avaleineandafryingpan @topguncultleader @enhacolor @roseandtulips @woweewoowa
♡   moony’s reminder 🅴 (explicit edition): @glitterf1
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minniesmutt · 5 months
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
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     There were signs. There were always signs but the rose-colored glasses hid them far too well. Y/n should have listened to her friends. She should have listened to her family but there was no way someone as nice and sweet as Jeongin would hurt her. Right?
     “Y/n, he’s not protective. Jeongin is obsessed with you,” Changbin told her. He’d been her best friend since they were kids. They grew up together, he was like a brother to her.
     “Everyone keeps saying that!” Y/n exclaimed as she put her head in her hands. “I think you guys all don’t like that I’m happy with him!”
     “I think he is manipulating you. He didn’t let you go out with Hyunjin last week for his birthday.”
     “And thankfully I listened because now he, Chan, and Felix are in a coma, Changbin.”
     “And I don’t think he got hit by a drunk driver in that Uber.”
     “Are you trying to blame Innie for it? He was with me all night!”
     “Y/n, he told you six months into dating him to stop talking to your parents,” Changbin reminded her
     “So? They weren’t giving me support. Why would I wanna have people in my life that don’t support my decisions!”
     “Because they can see how crazy he is!”
     “Whatever,” Y/n rolled her eyes and gathered her things, “Thanks for the coffee Changbin.”
     “Y/n…” Changbin sighed as she walked out of the café
     Y/n walked over to her car and got inside. Taking a deep breath before her phone rang.
     Innie 🩷
     Y/n answered her phone as she started her car. “Hey,” She sighed
     “Hey, baby. You okay? You sound tired,” Jeongin asked
     “Yeah. Just met with Changbin for coffee. About to head home. How was work?”
     “Alright. Same old same old. What’d you guys talk about?”
     “I don’t wanna talk about it. Tired of talking about the same shit with everyone.” 
     “I’m sorry baby. Do you want to come over then? Get your mind off whatever it is?”
     “Can I?”
     “Of course. I just got back but I’m gonna hop in the shower. You know where the key is?”
     “Yeah. I’ll be there soon. I love you.” 
     “I love you too.”
     Y/n hung up the phone and put on her seatbelt, pulling off and heading to her boyfriend’s, listening to the playlist that they had made together. She was replaying the conversation she’d had with Changbin in her head.
     She had pulled up to his building and walked up to his unit. Grabbing the key he had hidden for her she walked in. Announcing her presence just in case he had gotten out of the shower. She could still hear the shower running as she set her stuff down and slipped her shoes off. It shut off not long after she hung up her bag and she walked into his kitchen and grabbed some water. She sat on his couch and waited for her boyfriend to join her.
     After a few minutes, Jeongin walked out from down the hall and pecked her forehead before sitting down next to her, “Hi baby.”
     “Hi innie,” Y/n said as she wrapped her arms around him and snuggled into him
     “Sure you don’t wanna talk about it? You seem upset about it,” Jeongin pointed out, wrapping his arm around her.
     “It’s all the same shit. Not worth talking about it again and again.” 
     “I’m sorry, baby.”
     “Sometimes I wish it was just us. No one else to give their opinion or tell me to leave you.”
     “We could always run away,” Jeongin suggested
     “That’d be nice. Start a new life.” Y/n giggled, thinking her boyfriend was joking, that he was playing into her little fantasy.
     Jeongin just kissed her head before turning on the TV. Turning their current show on. Waiting. All he needed was an opportunity. Just one, and he would take it.
     Jeongin loved his girlfriend, like no one else in her life. Her parents did not like him, he knew that. He’d overheard her dad telling her “there’s something off about” him. That she should “be careful”— she should have. She’d come to him a bit upset and he proudly had convinced her to cut them off. 
     “You’re an adult, you can make your own decisions. And you know what’s best for you, you don’t need people telling you what to do.”
     Hyunjin and Chan also had too many unsolicited opinions for Jeongin’s taste. But he couldn’t do anything without raising suspicions of her other friends. It wasn’t hard for him to do the dirty work for him. Though he was a bit upset they only ended up in a coma. Felix getting put in one too wasn’t the plan but it was one less person
     Changbin had been an issue since they met. The fact he was still around pissed him off. He needed to know what was said in that conversation. He could tell he still had his hold on Y/n at the very least.
     He’d played off his idea as a spontaneous trip. A quiet weekend, just the two of them. He’d even packed for her, not making her worry about a thing. The place was fully remote, with not much of a signal, and miles from the city. A remote cabin he paid cash for. Owned under a fake name that he’d been working months on to make perfect. She wanted a new life, he’d give her one.
     “This is so cute, In!” Y/n gasped as she walked into the cabin
     “I’m glad you like it,” Jeongin smiled as he kissed her cheek, bringing thrift suitcases inside the room as she unpacked the kitchen. Getting all their supplies into the fridge for the weekend. Humming to the last song that had played in the car as she did so.
     Jeongin had finished bringing everything in and locked the front door before joining his girlfriend in the kitchen. Wrapping his arm around her as she finished packing the fridge. “We should break the place in,” Jeongin suggested. His voice was low in her ear.
     “Mm, I like that idea.” Y/n smiled
     Jeongin kissed her neck before pulling her into the bedroom. Y/n smiled, even over a year into their relationship, he still gave her butterflies. He pushed her onto the bed, wrapping her legs around his waist as he leaned down and pushed his lips onto hers. Y/n moaned into his mouth as her lips moved in sync with his. She wrapped her arms around him, playing with the collar of his shirt. “My pretty girl,” Jeonging groaned as he rolled his hips against her. 
     “All yours,” Y/n moaned
     “Know who you belong to,” He smiled as he sat up, pulled his shirt off, and chucked it onto the ground before pushing her shirt up over her chest. 
     Y/n sat up a bit to help him before laying back down. Jeongin positioned her up on the pillows of the bed. Y/n smiled— thinking he was trying to make her comfy— and wrapped herself around him again. His lips attached to her neck, sucking and biting the skin like his life depended on it. Grinding into her as his hands wandered her body. His hands wandered down to her bottoms, pulling the fabric down her legs as quickly as he could. 
     “Did you bring condoms, In?” Y/n asked as he sucked on her skin
     “No. I’ll pull out.” He had no intention of doing so
     “M’kay,” Y/n moaned as he lightly bit the skin
     Jeongin sat up and tossed the fabric of her pants onto the ground and pulled off her undergarments, leaving her bare under him. He laid down between her legs, tongue licking up from her entrance to her clit. Y/n let out a small moan as the rough muscle slid across her clit before his lips wrapped around the small bud.
     “In,” Y/n moaned, gently lacing her fingers into his hair.
     Jeongin sucked on the bud as he pushed her legs open. Spreading her open for him to taste. His lips sucking on her clit as two fingers slipped into her. Hearing her gasp from the intrusion and tightened her grip on his hair. His fingers pumped in and out of her as his tongue and lips both took care of her clit. Her moans were music to his ears. The music he was going to hear forever.
     Y/n moaned as he inserted a third finger into her, stretching her further. His fingers reached deep inside of her, curling his fingers up into her. Sucking harder on her clit while her back slightly arched from the mattress. Looking and admiring the top of his head as he ate her out. His eyes met hers. Something different in them. 
     The tips of his fingers rubbing against her g-spot had her forgetting her current train of thought. Head tilted back into the pillow below as he tipped her over the edge. Continually stimulating her clit and her g-spot till she was coming down from her high. 
     He pulled away from her and sat up on his knees. Pulling his pants off along with his boxers. He grabbed both her hands and pinned them above her head while she was still in the post-orgasm haze. He reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a pair of handcuffs. Cuffing her wrists to the metal frame of the bed and smiling. 
     Y/n looked at her boyfriend. His smile was different as he leaned down and kissed her chest. Mumbling something she couldn’t hear but her gut said something was off. 
     “In,” Y/n said, pulling at the restraints. 
     “You're safe, babe. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, would I?” He asked as he sat up on his knees. Lining his tip up at her entrance. 
     Slowly he pushed into her. Reveling in her warm walls wrapped around him. Y/n shrunk into herself as he pushed in further and Jeongin noticed. He stopped for a moment, expression dropping as he looked at her. Then quickly bottoming out inside her.
     Y/n gasped as he was fully sheathed inside her. Jeongin grabbed her jaw as he leaned down to her face 
     “You love me, right?” Jeongin asked 
     Y/n looked at him, wondering what was going on. “Right?!” He snapped 
     “Yes!” Y/n replied, tears starting to form. this wasn’t her Jeongin. 
     “Say it.”
     “I love you…” Y/n watched him sit back on his knees, letting go of her face. 
     “I love you.” Y/n moaned as he pulled out and then pounded back into her 
     Jeongin had her chanting the phrase as he pounded into her. A wicked smile appeared on his face. One of his hands snaked to her throat, fingers wrapping around and shutting her up. Y/n looked up at her boyfriend, tears streaming down her cheeks. Pleading with her boyfriend to let go of her neck, tell her this was a weird wet dream.
     But the tighter his hand got on her neck— the less oxygen she got— the more she realized this was real. Her friends and family were right. She tried bringing her legs together, to push him away but it only resulted in him slapping her across the face before he grabbed her face and made her look at him, stopping his thrusts, “What do you think you’re doing?”
     “‘M sorry…” Y/n cried
     “Keep your legs open or I’ll tie them up too.” 
     Y/n nodded as he let go of her face and started thrusting into her again. The hand that was on her neck had moved down to her clit. Y/n bit her bottom lip, trying to hide the moan that threatened to come out of her throat as he rubbed her clit. Watching her squirm under him.
     “Come on baby, you know I’m the only one that makes you feel good,” Jeongin teased as he leaned down and kissed her neck, “I’m the only person who gets to see you like this. Not even Seungmin.”
     The mention of her ex threw her off. Seungmin had dumped her a few months before she met Jeongin but he’d disappeared not long after they broke up. Everyone assumed he had just gone out of town. It wasn’t out of character for him to just do something without telling anyone so everyone let it go. He’d show back up eventually. But now Y/n wasn’t so sure…
     Jeongin sucked on her skin, leaving what were once pretty bruises in his wake. Pressing harder on her clit and finally getting the moans to fall out of her throat. “Only I get to feel you cum on my dick. No one else and no one else cums in this pussy.”
     “No one.” He cut her off as he felt her clench around him.
     Y/n tried getting her words out but her orgasm was building too quickly. He knew all the right buttons to push. All her butterflies had turned into anxiety.
     One particular thrust from him to her g-spot had tipped her over the edge. She moaned and pulled on the cuffs around her wrists.
     “That’s my girl,” Jeongin smiled as he pistoned his cock into her. Working his own high while she rode out hers.
     Y/n was barely out of her high when she felt him twitch inside of her. “In, pull out,” Y/n begged
     “You don’t get to tell me what to do Y/n,” He bit back
     “Please In! Pull out,” She tried again
     “You’re the one always begging me to fill you up when I fuck you. Here’s your wish,” Jeongin groaned as he buried himself into her. Y/n cried as she could fill his warm cum flooding her insides. Sticking to her walls before he pulled out of her, staring down at her used hole, pushing his cum back into her, listening to her whine.
     Y/n sniffled as he reached up and took her cuffs off. Pulling her to sit on his lap. Y/n looked at her boyfriend like he just switched back to the Jeongin she fell in love with. She watched as he kissed her wrist and then her cheek. “I love you,” he whispered against her cheek
     Something in the back of her mind told her she should run but it wasn’t even possible. So she chose to play along, then maybe she could get out of this alive. “I love you too.”
     Their vacation was three days. For three days she was isolated alone with him. Three days— and she had told Changbin they’d be gone for three days. But as day one turned to day two, three, four, Y/n could tell it wasn’t going to be three days. 
     Jeongin did not let her leave his site. Not once. Everything she did, he watched— even when she went to the bathroom. They had no service— not that she had any chance to reach out to her friends. Hell, she could barely use her phone.
     “Innie,” Y/n asked as she was making them lunch, Jeongin sat at the bar of the kitchen
     “Yes, baby?” He asked
     “Can I ask you about something you said the other night?”
     “Of course.”
     “What did you mean when you said ‘not even Seungmin’?” She asked
     “Don’t say his name.” Y/n heard his tone change and turned to look at him. He was staring at her, face void of emotion
     “I’m sorry, it’s just no one has brought him up since he left so it just threw me off…”
     “Don’t be sad baby,” Jeongin sighed, getting up and walking over to her. Cupping her face in his hands, “You don’t need to think about him anyways. You have me, just me now.”
     Y/n nodded as he leaned in and kissed her lips. Play along, she told herself. Lips moved with him as he pinned her against the counter. Y/n moaned into his mouth, from the countertop hitting her back uncomfortably. His hands had moved from her face to her hips.
     She shouldn’t have let him back her suitcase either. All he had packed for her was lingerie. That’s all she wore since day two there. She’d practically been his little doll the last three days, dressing her up and fucking her as he pleased then returning to the sweet boyfriend she met. Everything left her so confused as to what was going on.
     Jeongin gripped the silky fabric of the flowy lingerie he had put her in, pressing her firmly against him. She could feel his hard-on against her stomach. He’d been fucking her like a dog in heat for four days now, she was sure he was trying to get her pregnant, a way to keep her tied to him. 
     Jeongin moved his hands up, pulling the fabric with him and spreading her legs open with his knee. Y/n groaned into his mouth while he moved one hand to the front of his sweatpants. Pulling his hard cock from the material and quickly pushing into her sensitive cunt. Y/n whined as she grabbed his arms, trying to ground herself a bit as he wrapped her legs around his waist and started thrusting up into her. 
     His lips detached from hers and attached to her neck. Biting and sucking on the skin as his free hand traveled to the back of her head. Holding her still. Y/n closed her eyes as a couple of tears slipped down her cheeks and bit her lip. Play along, play along, don’t make him mad, don’t make him mad.
     “Love you so much,” Jeongin moaned into her neck and pulled back on her hair
     “Love you too,” Y/n replied
     “Gonna fill up this pretty pussy again,” he groaned, starting to roll her sensitive clit with his thumb.
     “Innie,” Y/n moaned
     “That’s right baby. Only Innie gets you off like this,”  He smiled and Y/n could feel his teeth on her skin.
      By the end of day two, Y/n had started mentally checking out and faking her moans. He knew what buttons to push for her orgasms but she still tried to fake it. But Jeongin caught on way too quickly. Fucking her the rest of the night, not letting her sleep. Even if she tried it ended with a hand on her neck or him slapping her to wake her up. She wouldn’t try that again. But she could fake her moans, she knew what she sounded like so it was easy to convince him she was still his.
     His. It didn’t sound right anymore. Back when she was heartbroken over Seungmin, being called Jeongin’s was the best thing she could think of. Now, she wanted to go back in time and wished she walked away when he said hi at that club with Felix, Hyunjin, and Minho.
     Felix. Hyunjin. They were still in a coma when she left. So was Chan. She hadn’t even gone to see them in the hospital because Jeongin didn’t want her to. 
     Minho had just stopped talking to her months ago when he realized she wasn’t going to listen to him. She wished she did. 
     She wondered where Seungmin was. Was he safe? Did Jeongin have something to do with him disappearing?
     How was Jisung— whom she texted every day? Was he worried sick about her? Begging the others to go to the police? Getting on Changbin’s ass for not getting through to her
     Changbin. She wished she listened to him. Wishing he was seeing through Jeongin the way he always had and was on his way to her.
     A hard thrust threw her out of her thoughts. Her high washing over out of nowhere— she knew it was building but tried forgetting it. Jeongin wasn’t far behind her. Pushing himself deep into her as he filled her up again.
    “That’s my girl,” he moaned into her neck.
    “What happened to him?” Y/n asked, hoping to get an answer from him while he was still hazy from his orgasm
     “Don’t worry baby. He’s locked away, can’t hurt you.” He kissed her cheek and pulled out of her, “Finish lunch then you can clean up.”     Jeongin tucked himself back into his sweats. Y/n whipped the tears from her face and fixed her dress, already feeling his cum run down her legs. She finished making lunch and then went to the bathroom— the door open for him to keep an eye on her. Then sat down and ate with him.
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 2 months
Remedy - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
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This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: After you and Ethan both tease each other all day, you couldn't wait to be alone with him.
Contains: Oral - m and f receiving, p in v, rough-ish sex, dirty talk, a smidge of sexting i guessss
A/N: I found this in my notes today, if it's garbage, I'm sorry🙃 I wrote this FOREVERRR ago. Someone requested it but I lost it when I lost all my requests lmao. The Carpenter!Reader fic is coming soon, today was fucking insane.
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Ethan was struggling to not get hard as he sat through his classes, and you were fully to blame. The morning started off with you walking around his apartment in nothing but one of his shirts and your panties, taking every opportunity to bend over in front of him that presented itself. You might’ve been intentionally trying to tease him, knowing that he wouldn’t have time to do anything about it if he wanted to make it to his first class on time.
If that wasn’t bad enough, you were sending him the filthiest messages as you sat in class.
‘I need your cock in my mouth so bad’
‘I love the way you whimper when it hits the back of my throat’
‘Mmm and the way it fills my pussy up’
He finally had to put his phone on ‘Do Not Disturb’, because his cock was throbbing as it strained against his jeans, and it was hard for him to focus on anything his professor was saying. You sent him one final message, clicking ‘Notify Anyway’ once you saw his messages were silenced.
‘I need you to fuck me as soon as you get home today’
That’s when Ethan got an idea, one that would help him get a little revenge, and have you begging for him by the end of the night.
When he got home, as bad as he wanted to just give in and fuck you, he brushed you off. He felt a little guilty, because he knew how badly you wanted it. But he knew you didn’t feel guilty making him struggle to get through his classes, so he decided to have a little fun with you.
“Hey, babe,” you said, quickly walking over to him as soon as you saw him.
“Hey, baby. How was your day?” he asked, giving your lips a quick peck before he walked around you to set his stuff down.
“It would’ve been better if I wasn’t thinking about you all day,” you said, as you followed him towards his room. “But I’m sure you already knew that from the texts you were ignoring.”
“I read all of them,” he said, as he walked over to the closet and grabbed a new shirt, before pulling the one he was wearing over his head. Your gaze went straight to his abs before he put the other shirt on, blocking your view. “Are you ready to go to Tara’s? We’re supposed to be there in twenty minutes.”
“It only takes us ten minutes to get there,” you said, the seductiveness in your tone making him chuckle. “I need you, Eth.”
“You know once I get into it, I lose track of time,” he said as he walked back towards the bedroom door. “I’ll take care of you when we get back home, baby.”
You didn’t say anything, the pouty look on your face letting Ethan know how you felt. He sighed as he walked over to you and placed a kiss to your forehead.
“It’s only fair for you to wait after how hard you made me earlier.”
As soon as he pulled away, he smirked at you once he noticed the sad look on your face turned into annoyance.
When you got to Tara’s, you knew the best way to not think about how bad you needed Ethan to fuck you was to distract yourself. Ethan watched you talk to Tara as he talked with Mindy and Anika about the movie they wanted to watch, and he was a little disappointed that you had a happy look on your face, like his attempts to make you feel the way he did earlier in the day wasn’t working.
Then, he remembered the texts you were sending him. He decided to take it up a notch once Tara walked away from you to go to the kitchen. He excused himself from the conversation with Mindy and Anika before he walked over to you, leaning down a little so what he was saying to you wouldn’t be heard by anyone else.
“Are you having fun, baby?” he asked, your breath hitching in your throat once you felt his on your neck. You nodded your head in response as you felt one of his hands go to your hip, before it moved towards your ass, giving it a gentle squeeze. As soon as you let out a soft moan, he pulled it away. “You’ll be having a lot of fun later tonight, once I get your pretty ass back home.”
“Can we leave now?” you whispered back, your body involuntarily leaning into his as his hand moved up and down your side.
“Oh, come on, baby. You can be patient,” he said, as you huffed in response. “Just a couple hours, and my cock will be in your pussy so deep that you won’t be able to speak.”
“Fuck,” you mumbled, your cheeks heating up before Ethan stole a quick kiss and pulled away.
“You wanna go to our spot on the couch? Mindy’s going to start the movie soon.”
As everyone was sat in front of the tv, you were trying so hard to focus on the movie. You were snuggled up with Ethan under one of the fuzzy blankets Tara had, and his hand kept inching further and further up your thigh. You shot him a warning glare as he smiled in response.
“Ethan, knock it off,” you softly whispered, your hand grabbing his and moving it back to his lap.
“Sorry, babe. I guess I just can’t wait to have my fingers in your pussy,” he said lowly, before he glanced around the room to make sure everyone was still paying attention to the movie. “And my tongue flicking against your sensitive clit.”
“This is so not fair,” you mumbled, as his hand when back to your thigh. “I wasn’t this mean to you.”
“My favorite though is when you’re about to cum, and I suck on your clit. You make the hottest sounds,” he mumbled, before you pulled his hand off your thigh and hopped out off your spot on the couch. Mindy grabbed the remote and paused the movie before everyone looked at you, the awkward silence in the air heavy, but not nearly as heavy as the sexual tension between you and your boyfriend.
“Ethan and I have to go,” you said, his eyes wide as he hesitantly stood up. 
“Is everything okay?” Tara asked, before Chad spoke up.
“They’re going to fuck,” he said, before he looked at Ethan. “If you want to talk dirty to your girl, do it a little quieter next time.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Ethan lied, as you grabbed his hand and led him out of the apartment.
The fast-paced walk to his place was silent, aside from the sounds of cars passing and sirens off in the distance. He was running through all the things he wanted to do to you in his head, all the positions he wanted you in. He was already hard from teasing you, but as his mind wandered, the feeling of his cock confined by his jeans and his boxers was starting to get painful.
He had his keys out before he made it to his apartment, and once you were inside, clothes started to fly before the door fully closed. You were both craving each other, both so desperate to do the things you’d said to each other throughout the day.
“Those need to go,” you said, looking down at his boxers as you slid your panties off.
Ethan did as you said, and at first, he thought you wanted to skip foreplay, until you dropped to your knees in front of him. You wrapped your hand around his cock as you looked up at him, his lips parting at the contact.
You swirled your tongue over the tip of his cock as your free hand reached between your legs, rubbing slow circles over your bundle of nerves. You gasped around him as you inched him into your mouth, his praise starting almost immediately.
“Fuck, that feels so good.”
“So fucking beautiful on your knees for me.”
“Yeah, just like that, baby.”
As your fingers moved against you, you slid him out of your mouth, your eyes still on his as your tongue flatly moved up his cock, base to tip. He was letting out the softest moans as his hand ran through your hair, his sounds turning into the loudest whimpers once to sucked him back into your mouth until his cock was almost to the back of your throat.
Your hand twisted as you hollowed your cheeks, his eyes fluttering as he tried to keep them on you. As soon as you took him back a little further, your gag reflex kicking in as you bobbed your head, he tugged on your hair, hard. 
“Gonna cum,” he groaned, as you bobbed your head faster.
Right as Ethan hit his high, he placed his free hand on the wall to stabilize himself as his mind went blank, his eyes screwing shut as you just kept sucking. It was so intense that he got a little lightheaded and had to pull you back by your hair, the feeling making you moan around him before he slid out of your mouth.
“Jesus Christ,” he said, as he looked down to see you still on your knees, your eyes glassy from the tears that welled up. “I don’t think I’ve ever came that hard.”
“You’re welcome,” you said softly, as he grabbed your hands to help you stand back up. “I was hoping you wouldn’t cum yet. I was close.”
“Oh, really?” He asked, “Let me help you with that.”
You expected to end up on the couch, because you knew you weren’t going to make it to his bed, but he had other ideas. He backed you towards the kitchen table, grabbing your hips and sitting you on it before he gently laid you back.
“Your kitchen table?” You said, giggling a little as he kissed up your thighs.
“No better place to eat, baby,” he mumbled against you, before he traced his tongue up your thigh, until he made it to your pussy. 
Your wetness was dripping out of you, and he didn’t want to miss a single drop as he dove in, lapping at your entrance before he pushed his tongue inside you.
Your hands tangled in his soft curls as he ate you out, your toes already tingling when he’d just gotten started. He hummed at how good your pussy tasted, his head leaning against your inner thigh as you lazily ran your nails all over his scalp.
He slid his tongue out of you and licked up your fold a few times before he made it to your clit. He chuckled as the slight contact made your hips arch off the table, before he pushed them back down.
“Fuck, Eth,” you moaned as the tip of his tongue gave you the perfect amount of pressure. “Fingers?”
He did as you asked, sliding two digits into your soaked pussy with ease. He watched you as he angled his fingers to move them against that special spot inside you, your jaw dropping as he worked you closer to your orgasm.
He knew you were close when your whining got louder, and he was more than willing to get a noise complaint from his neighbors if he was making you feel as good as you were. Your pussy began to pulse around his fingers before you whimpered that you were cumming, your entire body starting to jolt as you let that feeling take over.
When Ethan pulled away, he smirked at you as your body was sprawled out across the table, your breathing labored as you let out the shakiest whimpers he’d ever heard.
“Maybe us teasing each other all day isn’t a bad thing,” he said, as you looked at him, your bottom lip in between your teeth. “I’m not done with you, yet. Let me know when you’re ready for more, if you think you can take it.”
“What makes you think I can’t?” You asked, as you sat up. Your legs were a little weak when you hopped off the table, your boyfriend’s knowing smile making you roll your eyes as he held you upright.
“That,” he said, chuckling as he turned you around and bent you over the table.
You whimpered when you felt his cock pressing against your ass, your hips instinctively moving back towards him.
“How bad do you want it?” He asked, running the tip of his cock over your dripping pussy.
“So bad,” you said, whining once you felt his tip inside of you.
He made it clear that he wasn’t done teasing you when he slid inside you halfway and pulled out. He kept repeating his actions until you were begging him for all of it.
“Please baby,” you whimpered, as he gave you a little more than he had before. “I need it.”
“You need it?” he questioned, before he slid all the way inside you, the full feeling causing a low moan to build in your throat. “Don’t hold back. Let me know how good it feels.” 
His thrusts were slow at first, so deep that his hip bones were pressed against your ass as he filled you up. You needed him to go faster, but before you had the chance to say anything, he sped up. His hands were gripping your hips as he pulled you back to meet every thrust, your moans turning to whimpers as he kept hitting that spot.
You gripped the table with your hands as your legs started to tingle, his skin slapping against yours so hard that it was starting to sting, but it only made it feel even better.
“Fuck, I’m getting close,” you whined out, as he laughed to himself.
“Mhm,” you hummed, as his hand snaked underneath you to pull you towards him, your back pressed against his chest.
He kept his pace as your hand went to your clit, rubbing fast circles as he placed kisses on the side of your neck.
“Gonna cum,” you cried, your shaky hand still moving as you heard him start to grunt.
He laid you back over the table as he fucked you through your orgasm, his right on the edge as he pounded into you harder than before.
“Fuuuck,” he moaned, “Can I cum in you?”
“Please,” you said, your voice showing how tired you were as his hips snapped forward a few more times until they slowed.
Ethan stayed inside you as he caught his breath, his hands running over the flesh that was red from how hard his skin was slapping against yours.
“You okay, baby?”
You lazily nodded your head against the table in response, before he helped you stand.
When you turned around to face him, he leaned down to kiss you, his lips gently moving against yours before he pulled you away and held you against his chest.
“I love you,” he said, his hands running over your back as he kissed the top of your head.
“I love you, too.”
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daisyvisions · 1 year
✦ Day 21 - Food Play
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‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Pairing: neighbor!Eric x afab!reader
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Word Count: 1.7K
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Warnings: Smut (18+, minors DNI), food play (using syrup), fingering, lots of nipple play here, mutual pining, strength kink (if you squint), pet name (sweetheart), kinda fluff but like smutty fluff lol, sexual innuendo mentioned
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. A/N: My brain was in rest mode it was so hard to think of how this would go until the idea finally struck when I was supposed to go to sleep 🙃 Hope you enjoy this one! Actually proofread.
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Network: @deoboyznet
✦ Kinktober Masterlist ✦
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It had almost been a week since Eric had moved into the apartment across from yours.
After you came back from your morning walk to the nearest coffee shop, you bumped into your landlord, stopping for a moment to have a small chat with them.
"Oh! By the way, there's a new guy moving in across from you."
"Is he a cranky middle-aged man again?" You joke.
"No, not at all. I think he's around your age actually! You might actually get along with this one." She winks, but you don't understand what she was implying.
"Cool, I'll be sure to give him the usual first-day greeting!"
As soon as you reached your floor, you spotted a number of moving boxes outside. You quickly reminisced about the first time you moved into your apartment. How stressful it was bringing in all the boxes and unpacking each one. So you decided to bake something for your new neighbor as a form of sustenance and get your chance to say hello.
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You rang the doorbell, balancing on the heels of your feet as you held a box of lemon bars in one hand.
While waiting for him to respond, you wondered what he might be like. Did he keep to himself? Was he a nosy neighbor? Was he the type to blast music and keep you up at night? Did he bring any people ho-
The door suddenly swings open, and you're greeted with an image you weren't expecting at all. Beads of sweat dripping from his forehead, hair slightly damp, a towel hanging from his shoulder, and... Oh no. He's shirtless.
"Uh, can I help you?" He looks at you with curiosity. You almost don't hear him the first time as your eyes quickly scan his toned chest.
"Oh, sorry to interrupt!" You try to play it cool. "I live right across from you, wanted to drop by to say hello." You smile at him. He looks up and down at you for a moment, licking his lips before smiling back at you. She's cute.
"I'm Eric." He extends his hand to you. You try to compose yourself, feeling the rough and firm grip of his handshake. You say your name in return.
"I, baked you something. Thought you needed some energy from all the moving in."
"Oh, right, um, thank you." He shyly replies, trying not to make a fool out of himself.
There's an awkward pause between you, the music coming from the other side of his door faintly playing in the background.
"Well... if you need anything, you know where to find me. Nice meeting you again, Eric!"
"Oh, I definitely will. See you around, neighbor." He winks at you before taking the box of baked goods from your hand.
Before you start blushing in front of him, you turn around and walk straight into your apartment. You lean your back against the door as soon as you close it. Your heart racing just from that tiny interaction with your new hot neighbor. You suddenly shake off the incoming butterflies in your stomach.
Before you even set foot in the living room, you hear a knock at your door. When you walk back to open it, you catch Eric mid-way through knocking on your door again.
"Sorry, I know you just got in, but I just have to say your lemon bars were really good." He exaggerates, spotting a few crumbs at the corner of his mouth.
"I'm glad you liked them! I could make more for you if you want?" You ask.
"Actually... I was thinking maybe you could teach me how. Kinda suck at cooking, to be honest. Between you and me..." Eric motions his finger for you to come closer.
"Might've been the reason why I got kicked out of my old apartment." He chuckles.
"Well, lucky for you, I love to cook. So I'll make sure you won't burn our floor to the ground." You joke back.
"Perfect, are you free this weekend?" He asks.
"Yeah, I've got nothing else to do." You smile.
"Great, I'll see you then."
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"And where do I pour this again?"
"Just in the mixer, Eric." You chuckle at the man next to you.
"You got it!" He points at you with finger guns as he grabs the vanilla extract. You both smile at each other, enjoying each other's company while music plays in the background.
At first, you felt very nervous about having Eric over. Worried that you might become too obvious with your attraction towards him and scare him off. But to your surprise, spending time and getting to know him was very calming.
"Okay, now after pouring, just turn on the mixer for a few seconds." He nods his head at your instruction. After turning off the mixer, Eric slightly dips his clean finger into the batter to taste the mixture.
"Oh my god, this is so good!" He groans.
"Eric... It hasn't even been baked yet."
"No, try it! I swear." He dips another clean finger into the batter and holds his finger out in front of you.
"No, no, it's okay. I can get it myself." You nervously say, trying not to blush at what he wants you to do.
"C'mon now, before it spills over." His batter-dipped finger still hanging in front of you.
"O-okay..." You grab his hand in yours and raise it a little higher, leaning forward to take his finger in your mouth.
Eric's breath hitches as you slowly swirl your tongue around his digit, your eyes never leaving his.
"T-taste good?" He stutters.
"Mhm." You hum in response, hollowing your cheeks to suck the batter completely clean off his finger. Releasing it with a pop.
"H-holy shit..." He mumbles, caught in a daze watching you suck his finger clean.
To be completely honest, he did it as a joke. He was not expecting you to actually lick the batter from his finger at all. The whole act makes his cock twitch in his pants.
You don't even know where your boldness came from. But you liked the confidence it brought you, seeing Eric get all flustered from what you just did. Mentally patting yourself on the back for adding that popping sound at the end.
You turn around before making things more awkward than they are, grabbing the baking pan on the counter to prepare pouring the batter.
"Okay, now that the batter is good, we can finally start to bake-" You suddenly feel Eric's hands grab your waist, spinning you around to face him as he instantly smashes his lips against yours.
Both your lips move oddly at first until they find the perfect groove. Your arms slowly wrap themselves around his neck as he leans his hands on the edge of the counter, caging your body under his.
You kiss one another passionately until you pull away for a moment to catch your breath.
"I knew from the moment you rang my doorbell I was a goner." He smiles at you. “Thought about you every night since we met.”
Before you can even respond back, he grabs your waist and hoists you up, making you sit at the edge of the counter before diving back in to kiss you some more.
Your hands find their way through his hair, tugging them as you slip your tongue into his mouth. He groans, squeezing your waist before pulling down the straps of your sundress to kiss your exposed chest.
"So pretty..." he mumbles against your skin, littering as many kisses as he can while massaging your breasts with his strong hands.
As you close your eyes and play with his hair, Eric spots a bottle of syrup in the corner of his eye. He grabs the bottle with his free hand and releases your nipple from his mouth, pulling himself away from you for a moment to open the bottle.
"Hold still..." he inverts the bottle and squeezes the syrup onto your chest, making sure the syrup covers your nipples in the process.
You gasp at the feeling of the liquid slowly rolling down your skin but instantly moan as you feel the tip of Eric's tongue following the trail of the syrup as he cleans it off your body.
His tongue flicking and sucking each nipple in the process, making your back arch at his touch.
You feel your core throbbing slowly, secretly wanting to relieve yourself of the ache. But it's like Eric read your mind as he brings his hand to your inner thigh, massaging it before moving it closer to your core. His finger hooks your panty to the side before plunging two fingers inside your cunt.
The squelching sound of your dripping hole becomes audible as soon as he pumps his fingers in you at a fast pace.
You utter what Eric thinks is the most angelic moan he's ever heard in his life, motivating him to keep pumping his fingers inside you as he continues to lick the syrup off your chest.
"Oh, Eric..." you moan out his name as you arch your back more, your arms resting behind you to keep yourself balanced. The slurping sounds he makes as he continues to lick your chest have you nearing your edge.
"Fuck, you're getting tighter around my fingers. Gonna cum for me, sweetheart?" He lifts his head to look at you.
"Yes! Yes! I wanna cum-"
"Then cum for me, cum all over my fingers." He increases the pace of his fingers, rubbing his thumb on your clit to help you reach your high faster.
Your high hits you like a tidal wave, making you cum so hard you're practically seeing stars. You hear Eric catching his breath as you come down from your high.
"That was fucking hot..." Eric looks at you with hazy eyes. Chest heaving as if he-
"Did you just?" Your eyes widen at the discovery.
"Yeah, I did..." his cheeks glow red in embarrassment. "Best dessert I've ever had." You giggle at his remark.
"Actually, I'm pretty good at making this one recipe. I can show you if you want." He adds.
You tilt your head to the side. "Oh? For what dessert?" He smirks at you as he squeezes your waist once more,
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jujutsubaby · 8 months
after hours (part 4)
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☆ pairing: toji fushiguro x afab!reader, satoru gojo x afab!reader ☆ summary: you and toji FINALLY have some alone time...things are getting steamy in the fushiguro household...meanwhile, satoru gojo cannot keep his hands to himself, no matter how hard he tries. ☆ warnings: 18+. MINORS DNI !! oral sex (f!recieving & m!recieving) deepthroating, fingering, spanking, penetrative sex, slight power dynamic, dirty talk, hints of a threesome, masturbation, dirty fantasies ☆ tags: modernAU, babysittingAU ☆ a/n: OK IT"S FINALLY HERE U HORNDOGS <3 the toji smut i wrote once again with one hand 😈 i'm excited for the next chapter where i can finally write some gojo smut hehe 🤭 🖤🤍 series masterlist 🤍🖤
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"be right back, gonna tuck megumi into bed really quick," toji says to before giving you a quick peck on the lips and heading upstairs.
you sit on toji’s couch, twiddling your thumbs, quite honestly feeling excited for the rest of the night. you’ve wanted this for long it feels like you manifested it and you just couldn’t wait any longer. you close your eyes and sigh deeply, imagining how toji’s hands would feel sliding up and down your body and shiver slightly. your hand starts wandering lower and lower down your stomach, but your thoughts are abruptly interrupted by your phone dinging. you immediately frown. getting a text from satoru is always an immediately boner kill…sometimes.
satoru: wyd wanna come over?
ugh, how many times do i have to tell him that i’m busy tonight? you quickly type a response.
y/n: dude i alr told u i was busy tn remember 😒
satoru: are u fr gonna let toji’s broke ass dick you down instead of hangin w me?? sad 😔
y/n: yes 🙃 best offer i’ve had tn
speech bubbles show up, indicating satoru is typing, and continues to type for what feels like hours (it was 30 seconds). 
satoru: i guarantee u i can blow ur back better than he can. just ask anyone 😈
you stare at the text dumbfounded. what the actual FUCK is he on? you’re honestly so annoyed that he would try to slide into your thoughts right now, right before toji blows your mind. 
y/n: kys
you put your phone on vibrate and mute satoru’s texts, not caring how he responds back. you go back to the fantasy you were thinking of before his intrusion and your hand starts sliding down your body once again. you’re imagining toji’s arms holding you tight and how skillful he was with his tongue last night. he never properly showed love to your tits, and you imagine him continuing what he was doing earlier in the night with your delicate buds. and satoru choking you while it happens. wait, what the fuck?
your hand immediately stops, shocked by your intrusive thoughts, but your lower body betrays you, soaking your panties. 
as if your heart wasn't beating fast enough, you hear toji come down the stairs and you get up to meet him. he holds a hand out for you.
"have you ever been to my bedroom?" he asks, leading you up the stairs.
you giggle, excited to see toji's bedroom for the first time. "i haven't! i'm so excited! i feel like a person's bedroom says a lot about them and i just love-"
you're left speechless as you enter toji's bedroom, which is just plain sheets on a king sized mattress without a headboard, and a measly bedside drawer and dresser. you think you saw one of the two on the sidewalk last spring for spring cleaning.
"this is where the magic happens, pumpkin," toji says slyly. "i know, i know, contain yourself."
"there's no way you live like someone who's in kappa sigma. be so fucking for real right now, toji. you're literally a father..." you say, still in absolute shock over over his room. you vowed back in undergrad you would never hook up with a frat guy ever again and here now is this mid-30s man who you were about to link up with that doesn't have a headboard. you look up at toji nonplussed.
"i guarantee that you won't give a shit about how this place looks once i'm done with you." with that, toji lifts you up and starts kissing you deeply, tongue feverishly exploring yours. he slams your body down into his bed, and you're surprised that his bed is softer than you expected. your body melts into his sheets and you never break contact with his mouth, moaning into the kiss.
he breaks the kiss and flips you over, causing you to squeak. "let's get this thing off of you," toji growls, his eyes filled with hunger as he fiddles with the zipper on your back. you arch your back out, your ass meeting his hard member, and he hisses at the slight touch.
"calm down, pumpkin...so eager and slutty for me..." toji whispers as he finally undoes the buttons and zippers. it practically takes everything toji has to not rip your jumpsuit to shreds as he turns you over and peels your jumpsuit off of you, exposing your chest and your perky nipples.
he wastes no time and immediately latches on to one while kneading the other, and you let out a wanton moan, gripping his hair. the things he's doing with his tongue is sending electricity throughout your body and your back arches in pleasure.
toji moves on to your other nipple, and lightly bites and rolls it between his mouth, causing you to yell out a pathetic "toji, please..."
"what do you need from me, pumpkin?" he asks, lifting his head up and locking eyes with you.
"n-need...i need you in my mouth." you whimper, feeling so helpless to the lustful indulgence you were giving into.
toji grunts and places your hand on his hard member and you use your fingers to unzip his pants and palm him through his boxer briefs, whining for more. "can't keep my pumpkin waiting, can i?" he says, as he pulls his underwear down and his throbbing member bounces out.
your eyes widen at the sheer size of him, but you were never a quitter. your mouth salivates as your fingers wrap around him and start to move up and down. you kiss the tip and leave a trail of saliva connecting your lips to his throbbing member, before fully engulfing him in your mouth.
you hear toji let out a guttural moan before his hands fixate themselves as your makeshift ponytail. "just like that...yeah...you're taking me so well, pumpkin..." he says softly between throaty sighs. he starts moving your head up and down at a faster pace and you moan around him.
the vibrations of your constant moans sends toji into a frenzy. "fuck, y'think you can deepthroat me? think your little mouth can handle that?" he asks between deep breaths.
your eyes look up to meet his. you give him the green light, and toji wastes no time picking up the pace and fucking your mouth. your whimpers against him only motivates him to go faster. you don't think your mouth has ever been this full (and you're sure it's gonna be bruised tomorrow morning), and tears start to brim your eyes and mascara slowly smudges down your face. you're determined to take his full length into your mouth, or at least gag trying until he's close.
you should've known better than trying to fit all of him in. he's so incredibly huge so you don't get to take in his full length, and you end up gagging on him a few times. soon enough, toji finds a pace that allows your tongue to skillfully lick and suck his entire length while your hand takes over what you can't.
"f-fuck, pumpkin, you keep goin' like this i'm gonna get close..." toji says, his eyes closed, face flushed, and his mouth in an o-shape, taking in the sensations your mouth was performing. it really was a spectacularly lewd performance, as toji cannot recall another time another girl was so skilled with their tongue. none of the girls he fucked before compared to you.
you continue your ministrations, and just as toji warned before, he gets dangerously close before he abruptly pulls his soaked, leaking member off your mouth. you cry out at the loss of him inside your mouth, but finally relax your jaw as toji starts kissing your neck all the way up to your mouth, and then back to your neck.
as he starts to bite your neck and leaves, what you think will be, a giant purple patch tomorrow morning, you wantonly cry out. "t-toji~ please, i can't handle this anymore," as tears start to well up in your eyes from deepthroating him. "i-i n-need you i-inside m-mee~" you beg. your mind can barely form a coherent thought, as all you could think about was how you wanted to feel him. all of him.
toji lets out a breathy chuckle as he starts kissing you down your body, slowly removing the rest of your jumpsuit and leaving you in your - oh my god? why the hell are you wearing your pink panties with burger prints all over them?!
"ohmygod, sorry i totally forgot to change into sexy pant- ohh, f-fuck~"
toji kisses your wet clothed core deeply, hitting your bundle of nerves, causing you to stop mid-sentence. "these are fuckin' adorable, pumpkin," toji coos, his eyes never once leaving your clothed core, hypnotized by the sight of your wet panties sticking to your core in front him.
he slowly takes off your burger panties, and locks eyes with you, before his tongue flicks across your bundle of nerves, causing you to practically scream at how sensitive you were. toji smirks, knowing he quite literally hit the right nerve, before diving into it.
"o-ohh, f-fu-, don't stop, pleaaase~" you whine as you hold his head in place between your legs. you grind your core up and down, feeling your sensitive nub shoot pleasure through all part of your body and causing your toes to curl.
"you know, i think we forgot to get dessert tonight...", toji teases as he switches to his fingers rubbing rough circles on your bundle of nerves. "you taste better than anything we would've got..."
you breaths become heavier and shorter as you feel the familiar dam build up begging to release. "remember when i made you cum all over my face last time princess? let's do it two for two," toji says between licks to your sensitive and throbbing core.
"y-yes p-please, toji~" you nod, already feeling yourself coming undone. "i-i'm about to...please~" you beg, unable to stop the dam from breaking and you release over toji's mouth once again. toji takes in every part of you, making sure you ride your release until the very end, almost to the point of overstimulating you.
you to jerk your hips away from toji's mouth due to how overstimulated you got. satisfied, toji leans up to give you a wet open mouthed kiss that you whimper into pathetically, unable to properly prop yourself up after your first release. before you're able to say anything, toji flips you over on your chest and pulls your exposed ass up as he slips off his underwear.
"been waiting my turn for ages, pumpkin," he mumbles, as he licks his two fingers before sliding them inside your entrance, stretching and prepping your for his length. you let our a throaty moan as you feel yourself already ready for another release over just his fingers.
"think you can handle me, pumpkin?" he asks, taking his fingers out of you and you mewl at the loss of contact.
you bit your lip and widen your eyes as you look at him. his pupils were dilated and filled with lust, and you bit back a moan. "i can take you," you pout, feigning displeasure with toji's diffidence towards you. can you though? you've never had something as big as him inside you, and you knew it. but once again, you were never a quitter, always a pleaser.
he wordlessly chuckles, as he slowly teases your entrance with his tip. you shake your hips back and forth, eager to feel him fully inside you, and toji obliges, unapologetically sliding his full length inside your eager entrance.
he anticipates your long moan, and immediately slaps his hand over your mouth, and your cries end up muffled and muted. toji hisses at the way your walls immediately tighten around him.
"fuck, pumpkin. never met anyone tighter than you..." he grunts, slowly and rhythmically moving himself against your ass. you feel him hit the sensitive patch inside you, and your moans are muffled even further as toji tightens his hand around your mouth harder.
after pounding into you for a bit more, he releases his hand from your mouth, causing you to slur out toji's name. "t-toji~ i'm getting sooo clo-"
you're cut off by toji switching angles, as he pushes your back down, creating a harsh arch of your back. your face sinks headfirst into the pillows, and your ass flush against the base of toji's throbbing member. your whimpers are muffled against the pillows, as toji masterfully and ruthlessly starts to slam into you in and out. he's getting close, but he's determined to hold out until you are too.
toji's hand slips around your waist and his fingers start circling your bundle of nerves, causing you whimper and grab the bedsheets until your knuckles turn white. he switches up the sensation by giving your ass a harsh slap, earning a high pitched moan out of you. seeing the red palm imprint on your ass cheek spurs him on to hammer into you even faster.
you feel the familiar tight coil starting inside your core, spreading all over your body. your toes and fingers curl, and you're a moaning crying mess. your makeup is definitely staining toji's sheets but your don't even care. no one does.
toji alternates between relentlessly massaging your delicate nub and playfully slapping your ass as he's teetering closer and closer to the edge.
he feels your walls clench up around him and can tell your close. "need a release, pumpkin?" he says through gritted teeth and deep breaths.
you don't even understand what you say, your words slurred from the ecstasy of toji's sublime movements. how is he managing to hit your g-spot every single time?
"nnghh~ i-i'm g-gonna c-cu-"
you cry out in ecstasy as your walls begin to tighten around him as you feel the tight coil in your stomach unfurl with fireworks and spots blurring your vision as you have your second, and strongest, release of the night. your release directly results in toji's as you milk his hard throbbing pulsating member and he fills you up. he lets out quick, deep, guttural groans as he spills all over you. thank god you're on birth control.
you both are left breathing heavily, as you turn on your back, legs still twitching from how hard your body gave in to toji, who bounces into the spot next to you breathing heavily. you feel toji's seed slowly seeping out of you, but you can't bring yourself to care; you're far too fucked out to think a coherent thought.
he wraps his arms around you and pulls you close as you snuggle into his neck, just like a puzzle piece finding it's place. you sigh and close your eyes, hearing nothing the sound of your breaths in unison slowing down.
"that...was...so fun..." you whisper slowly in between breaths.
toji airily chuckles. "it was, wasn't it, pumpkin?" toji starts massaging your scalp an playing with your hair and you both sit in the comfortable companionable silence you both appreciated.
toji doesn't know when your silence turned into slumber, but when he gets up, he sees your eyes closed with your mouth slightly open, your mind somewhere far away. he knows he shouldn't wake you, but he also knows you really should use the bathroom before falling asleep. deciding on letting you sleep a bit more before waking you, he tries his best to slowly get out of the creaky bed and head to the washroom.
toji won't lie, he's also incredibly fucked out, and his eyes are droopy as he tries to stay awake while he brushes his teeth and gets out an extra tooth brush for you. once he's done, he approaches you silently and lightly shakes you to wake you up.
"mmmghh, stoppp i'm trying to sleep..." you mumble, clearly unreceptive to waking up.
"i know, pumpkin," toji coos, rubbing your body up and down, "y'gotta pee after sex, i read it somewhere i think..."
you sleepily giggle at his concern with your eyes closed as you lay on your back. "ugh, fine...but you have to keep my spot warm for me." you warn, as toji helps you get up.
"left you a toothbrush on the counter. it's the blue one."
"gotcha," you say with a thumbs up as you swing your legs over the bed. as you take the first step, you double down over the pain you feel in your abdomen and lower stomach and yelp.
a concerned toji runs over to your side, only to start grinning and laughing. he leans down your level. "ohhh, someone's sore..." he teases.
"shut up toji~" you yell in a loud whisper, frowning at him laughing at your pain. "this is all your fault," you pout.
"okay, go pee and brush your teeth and i'll make it up by playing w your hair again until you sleep," he promises, giving your ass a quick slap. you give him a playfully dirty look before heading to the bathroom to finish your business.
while brushing your teeth, you send quick text to shoko letting her know you're planning to stay the night with toji. immediately, you get a text back from her acknowledging it, but even more surprisingly, you get a text from satoru:
satoru: so ur spending the night at his place, huh? that good? 🤨
no way they're together right now. you furrow your eyebrows and send a quick text back.
y/n: what are you doing w shoko
satoru: i'm at ur apartment stupid i told u i got bored
y/n: stay away frm my room
satoru: too late i'm going to do 3/3 of my jerk offs in ur bed tn :/
you don't know why you snorted. i mean it was a little funny. you shake your head and finish brushing your teeth. you look at your reflection in the mirror and notice all the mascara and eyeliner streaks on your face and have to hold back a laugh. you're looking so ridiculous and fucked out, and you know shoko and utahime would find it hilarious (and partially very happy for you for having a fun time). you grab your phone and take a selfie of your makeup streaked face and send it to your group chat with them.
y/n: [1 Photo] it happened ya'll 🤪
utahime and shoko both immediately respond:
utahime: u deserve this queen u manifested it 💓
shoko: i do NOT want to hear that ur down bad ever again after this
shoko: also !! [1 Photo]
shoko sends you a screenshot of her and utahime's villager avatars on their animal crossing island, cottagecore witchy theme and all, holding hands. this might possibly be the cutest thing you've ever seen in your life and send at least 10 hearts in response.
you let out a big yawn and head back to bed. you have an early morning tomorrow, as you made plans with your friends to meet up at cafe amanai again to dissect the parent teacher conference. you can't remember why you were so nervous about tonight -- it went just as lovely as you hoped (aside from all the dumb texts from satoru).
"gotcha this also so you're not cold," toji mumbles, half alseep, pointing to his national park t-shirt on the bed. you put it on, and it's the perfect oversized fit for you. oh my god, it's kinda cute...should you keep it?
you get into bed and bonk toji's head lightly. "hey! you said you would play with my hair," you chide, facing away from him, but pushing your body snugly against his. he pulls you even closer, accepting his role as the big spoon, and mumbles something you can't hear starts playing with your lightly.
you hum in contentment. "by the way, this t-shirt..." you yawn. "it's...so dilfy."
"hmm..." toji says half alseep, "bet you say that to all the dilfs you fuck..."
you feel so warm inside when you realize you can hear his smile in that response, even half asleep. "you got me," you joke, as the sound of toji's breathing and his fingers caressing your scalp sends you into a blissful slumber within minutes.
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meanwhile, at your apartment, shoko and utahime are bidding farewell to suguru and satoru. utahime is trying not to rush them out, but she really doesn't want her night to be more soiled by satoru than it already is, and shoko agrees.
satoru drives himself and suguru back, mostly in silence since it is past midnight, and they are both incredibly tired. once back at their apartment, like clockwork, satoru finds himself doing the motions to get ready for bed.
his head plops into his silk pillow and despite being obviously tired and having an early morning of gossip sessions, work, and classes ahead of him, he cannot stop thinking about the photo he sneakily saw of you on shoko's phone -- the one of your mascara running down your face.
if he recalls correctly, you didn't have a neck hemline in the photo either, so you were probably naked too. he's trying really hard not to think about him fucking your mouth like that. no, he really is, he swears his hands are just reaching down his boxers magically. he's also getting hard despite trying to replace your face with literally any other girl he's slept with, but it always reverts back to you.
satoru always makes jokes about blowing your back out, and he knows he's joking...right? it's just a cheeky joke he makes with one of his best friends, satoru thinks, as he's starts stroking himself more passionately.
his breath hitches, and he imagines you- no, not you, that, uh, other girl...what's her name? jessica? he imagines jessica's face tearing up as he casually rams himself deeper into your throat - no, jessica's throat!
fuck, satoru thinks, reaching closer to the edge of no return. at this point, he's shameless as he let's his fantasies run wild. he thinks of you on your knees, tongue sticking out, waiting for him to spill all over your fucked out face. satoru climaxes hard, and wishes nothing more than to watch you clean it up with your mouth.
god, satoru knows it's wrong but you both have bad habits of blurring the lines of your friendship...
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