#and it makes sense!! i'm not annoyed at you if you think this!
twilightkitkat · 1 day
I know people normally brand Wade as The Funny One, but can we talk about how they'd be as a comedic duo? While flirting? While fighting?
People oftentimes tend to stereotype Logan as The Straight Man, the guy who keeps a serious face no matter what. And while sometimes that can be true, if you look at his characterization in the movies and comics, that isn't always the case. I think that because his humor is more subtle and down-to-earth than Wade's they tend to overlook it entirely.
Wade's humor is more obnoxious and in-your-face. He uses a cheerful, dramatic tone to cue you in that he's trying to be funny. He makes pop culture references and rambles on and makes constant, non-stop commentary. He's meant to be entertaining and funny because it's his brand to be insane and nonchalant even in the face of danger.
Logan, on the other hand, has this very blunt, sarcastic humor. The type that requires you to think a second to get it. He'd make little quips and jabs, but either with a straight face or barely there grin, so it's harder to tell he's joking. His tone of voice is more deep and gruff, which we don't typically associate with being humorous, but he does tease enemies and joke and throw their lines back in his face and goad them.
These two together would drive everyone up the wall.
Everyone (the X-men, the enemies, Wade's friends) assumed that their interactions would be Wade making crude, obnoxious jokes and Logan telling him to shut up or acting annoyed but... that doesn't happen? Instead, Logan quietly laughs at Wade's antics or, even more shockingly, joins in.
Logan gets Wade's humor—relishes in it, even. He would find Wade funny when he makes stupid jokes at all the wrong times because he does it too but nobody pays attention because it flies over their head or he's too intimidating for them to really register his words.
(The only reason Logan was more serious in the movie was that he was a grieving, broken man who thought he was responsible for the deaths of his family. He felt completely alone. And yet, even then, he played along to some extent with Wade's jokes and acted baffled rather than genuinely annoyed unless it was a super inappropriate moment. And you could tell he found Wade funny and liked him talking by the end of the movie.)
These two would be sitting across the table and Wade would make some stupid joke and Logan would add onto it, straight-faced.
Wade would gasp and clutch his chest dramatically at someone taking the Ketchup from him before he was done and whine, "How could you!? The betrayal! I thought I could trust you, this is a crime of the highest degree! I should have you canceled on Twitter for the atrocities you just committed."
And Logan would shake his head, stoicly, and reply, "It isn't cool to steal, man. It feels good in the moment but you hurt other people."
And everyone would sit there like what the fuck? Did Logan just... play along with Wade?
(Logan was biting his cheek to not grin at their confused faces and Wade was practically cackling to himself.)
It'd be even funnier when they're fighting villains together.
"Watch out, babygirl! Daddy's going to save you!" Deadpool would scream, as he lunges in to stab the enemy as they have Logan pinned to the ground.
"Well, 'Daddy' needs to do a better fucking job at it," Logan would grunt as he threw the guy off himself.
Logan would be snarky, because that's his personality and sense of humor, but he'd play along. He'd commit to the bit so hard that the enemies would stop attacking for a second just to look at each other like, "Are you seeing this???"
"Wolvie, what did I tell you about your greasy tits? If you wanted to be a prostitute you could at least tell me so we could start an Onlyfans and monetize it," Wade would say after Logan's shirt got shredded in a fight.
"I'm not giving you a fucking cent of my Onlyfans money," Logan would grunt as he continues fighting.
"That's unfair! I'd be the best photographer out there, you need to pay me my fair share! This is a worker's rights violation!"
"Yeah, well, I'm the pornstar. I'm the one doing all the heavy lifting, you aren't entitled to shit."
And everyone would be like???? Did The Wolverine have an Onlyfans? Since when? And where could they find it—
It'd be funny to see them tear down the self-esteem of a villain together as they fought them.
"You look like Simon Cowell got dipped in a vat of acid and then grew out a mullet and got it cut by a 5-year-old on America's Got Talent just because their mom died of cancer," Wade would laugh and point at their appearance.
"That's being generous. At least Simon Cowell was attractive. More like a fucking muppet," Logan would add on.
And then they'd fight over whose interpretation was correct while the villain just stood there and took out a mirror to look at themselves because?? They didn't think it was that bad?? (It was.)
It'd actually give them the edge in fights because they'd baffle the villains so much. They'd either make them pissed off at not being taken seriously and therefore more sloppy, or just make them insanely self-conscious. Win-win.
Eventually, word on the street got around that Wolverine and Deadpool were a brutal duo. Verbally. There'd be villains telling stories about how they were disrespected and maybe an emotional support club "Fought Deadpool and Wolverine and survived on the outside but died on the inside."
They'd be a peak comedy duo that would become notorious for their chemistry (both in their fighting style and commentary).
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starlight-45 · 2 days
Trying to take care of drunk reader (Part 1)
Featuring: Yoichi Isagi, Meguru Bachira, Rin Itoshi and Michael Kaiser
Here's the masterlist!
A/n:- Don't know why I did this. thought it would be funny.
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• Poor guy was just concerned for your life when he saw you chugging that third glass of wine with flushed cheeks.
• Isagi dosen't say anything though and thinks to let you enjoy yourself for today, sipping up his non-alcoholic drinks calmly.
• However, he draws the line with it when he sees sees going you not being able to walk in a straight line.
• Regrets for not saying anything before. A lot. Like really.
"I'm your boyfriend y/n, please stop calling me your bro 😭"
• Never, ever again, he thinks. Yes, he always wanted a sister but you're his girlfriend! Stop calling him that!
• But we all know, this guy is the responsible one. Of course he's take care of your drunken self well.
• A bit annoyed by the situation, yes but also intrigued if you happen to utter out stuff and secrets your sober self would never.
• Is literally goggling stuff like "Do's and don'ts with a drunk person" , "How to make somehow sober as soon as possible" while you're clinging on his back like a koala.
• Please don't laugh at him later for doing that, he is an athelete who never dealt with a drunk individual.
• Gently urges you to sleep, as soon as you guys get home, because lord knows he just wants you to get back to your usual self.
• Because Isagi doesn't think he can survive being called 'bro' again by you. :')
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~Meguru Bachira~
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• Bachira's definitely laughing at your funny, silly actions all the time. Not like in a "You're such an idiot" way, but in a "That's so cute!" type of way actually.
• Takes this as an opportunity to be the more responsible one in this relationship for once which obviously never happens.
• And by "responsible" I meant playfully scolding him, trying to imitate the way you scold him sometimes when he gets out of line sometimes.
• "Y/n, you can't take that money plant home~!"
• ...Yeah. I guess you already knew he fails miserably at that.
• Very good at handling your mindless ramblings , like you could tell him every thought of yours which came from your overthinking process.
• And believe me sweetheart, he would have the perfect reply to match your vibe, somehow. Lord knows whow he does it every time because I don't.
• "Meguru...when you say forward and backward your lips moves in those directions."
• But jokes aside Bachira encourages you to drink a lots and lots of water to help you get better. :D
• Long story short, perfect companion to get crazy with!!
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~Rin Itoshi~
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• Was geuninely dreading the possibility of being the babysitter of your drunk self when he accidentally came late to your little 'outing' with your friends.
• still managed to look all cool and unbothered while coming. What in the actual hell is up with this guy?
• Needless to say, his fears came true. I mean this guy can't even handle having teenagers his age around sometimes.
• So how is he supposed to handle an individual who has lost their sense of coordination because of these shitty drinks?
• Anyway.
• Tries his best not to glare or be too harsh on you in this state, but y'know his nature. Definitely made you cry over the most stupid shit ever.
"*No* we can't. I have enough of taking care of your stupid ass already."
• ...and from that Rin already mentally decided to never EVER let you get this much drunk. Because let's be honest here, his way of communication is 90% of the times with insults.
• Despite his tough exterior, is worried as hell though, like what if you got alcohol poisoning? Please someone remind this guy that threw glasses in years doesn't get you that.
• That's why, if you need to throw up or anything, he suprisingly doesn't give you any snarky remarks. Just calmly rubbing your back.
• Kinda knows that he is a screwup when it comes to words, so tries his best with his actions.
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• I'm sorry but Kaiser is another one who laughes at your drunk antics. And definitely in that "you're such an idiot" type of way 😭
• This bastard see what I did there haha I'm so funny, please don't block me🙏🏻 is certainly enjoying this way too much than he should.
• Messes around with you by saying the most random shit, for the sake of his own entertainment.
• Like. You accidentally hit a mail box and then you were apologising to that non-living thing y'know with the bowing all.
• And this guy was like, "Y/n you know this guy has gotten very hurt because of your hitting?"
• When he does all this bullshit in front of Ness, that guy suggests to just leave ya alone and they their way.
• Kaiser looked at him like he was speaking some kind of sin or something, and like. two hundred percent offended before shooing Ness away.
• Ex-fucking-cuse him, but does he look like the type to leave his girlfriend just like that? Sure he is an asshole, has many mental issues...but not that.
• In case you're wondering, those are the author's words, ya really think he would think all that of himself hm?
• Oh by the way, he read once about the intoxicated state of humans so he's not that hopeless about your situation then as he appears to be.
• Get lots of water, gentle with his movements with you, tries you to get to sleep....yeah. he's not that bad for you.
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A/n: The author promises sincerely that she is not high on anything. What in the actual fuck I wrote even I don't know 😭
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olderthannetfic · 3 days
There is something confusing to me about older queer people (which is to say, older than I am, at a relatively young 24 years old) who get mad at original fiction whose worldbuilding involves neopronouns. I'm hoping maybe, ONTF, since you've been in queer spaces a lot longer than I have, you can explain why people have such a negative reaction to the idea.
Basically, I'm working on a novel based that takes white-throated sparrow biology and uses it for building blocks in the same way A/B/O takes (now debunked) wolf science and used it for building blocks. This means there are essentially four genders, the two viewed as more intelligent (brown-haired men and women) and the two viewed as more physical (white-haired men and women). Those two groups then get further divided along the lines of 'women are better at making smart decisions under pressure' and 'men are better at staying home and defending the children, as God intended'.
So it seemed natural to me that this worldwide quaternary system would result in at least some languages having pronoun sets for each of the four options. Some languages in real life have more complicated pronoun systems than that, particularly ones where there's a bunch of formal and informal pronouns. It'd also help the reader keep track of who was a part of what group without my having to turn around and state people's coloration constantly. Yes, these people are human, just as humans in A/B/O are, but society is fundamentally very different. I'm not throwing this in to just complicate things or sound smart or something. It's here because my minoring in Anthropology and majoring in Linguistics taught me language usage reflects the needs and values of a people.
The writing group I'm a part of IRL is mostly queer, mostly 40+, with some cishet women who are also present and active writers. The writing group I'm a part of on DW is mostly DWRPers, in their 30's and up, though no older than 50, and entirely queer. I did not expect these to be groups that were uncomfortable with the idea of "different world, different pronouns".
Instead the reception has ranged from suggestions it's pretentious or overthinking things to requests I reconsider doing it. I've been informed this could be seen as mocking the real life queer people who go by pronouns other than she, he, or they. One person asked if this was went to be me "artificially justifying" nonbinary pronouns and implying I didn't find them valid in the real world. That was an awkward conversation, to say the least.
In reality I wasn't really thinking about real life people who use nonbinary pronouns when I was writing. I was just asking, "Logically, wouldn't it make sense for things to work very differently under a quarternary than it does under a modern European binary?" and following my brain along to its' conclusions as it processed that.
I have gotten zero negative feedback from my queer friends my age regarding this. So obviously, generation and the experiences informing a generational context are key, here. I'm just... still lost on how anyone finds this objectionable.
Ahaha. Oh god.
Well, as a reader of sff in the 90s, the first reaction I have to such things is "IS THERE A CONLANG AND A MAP?" Because, man, the conlang people were some of the most tedious motherfuckers I ever had to deal with in sff spaces.
But broadly... I think the reasons queer people get annoyed about this stuff boil down to a couple of big factors:
Disrespectful children who don't know history
Idiot old people harrumphing about "history" they clearly failed to pay attention to while it was going on in the first place
I personally hate being asked to use new words most of the time. A few bits of fandom slang I'll pick up at once, but I'm usually like "Why would I call it 'spirk'? We already have 'K/S'!" *shakes cane*
If you're American, they're your "roommate", not your "flatmate". No, I don't care how much more precise this foreign term is, you pretentious wanker. (But then I'll use 'wanker' because fandom adopted that years ago...)
So my reaction to being asked to say aloud any pronoun not in very frequent circulation in my offline life is "Urrrgh. Do I have to?"
However, the reality is that people have been messing around with pronouns in English since forever. Do you see 'heo' in Modern English? No, you do not! (Not that it was gender neutral, but the point is that even words as ancient as pronouns have changed quite a bit.) The early internet was full of pronoun stuff in MUDs and the like. You had a choice of a lot more than just three in a bunch of these. People besides men and women have always been in queer communities.
So some people like to cry about neopronouns being actually neo, and they're just wrong.
As for the why do you care part...
There is a nasty habit in contemporary queer spaces to act like gay rights issues are solved. Bisexuality? Passe! etc. Gays and lesbians finally got a little mainstream acceptance only to suddenly be treated like the worst of the establishment by the queer youth. How dare?!?! It's even more egregious with bisexuality where the focus of a bunch of queer activism finally swung that way in the 90s... only to be sharply cut off in the 00s.
There's a real "You already got yours. Where's mine?" vibe to some queer discourse today, and it's directed at people who never got theirs. It shows up in demands for mentorship by people who've barely had a chance to escape a rocky start and figure out who they are themselves. It shows up in yowling about this or that bit of queer media we finally got not being progressive because it's the wrong letter of the acronym.
None of which has a damn thing to do with what pronouns you use in your novel, obviously, but I think some unresolved embattled feelings are why some older queer people are very weird about pronouns.
Some of them are also doing the old person version of throwing the weirdos under the bus to placate the normies. Respectability politics became a term long before the behavior was rife on tumblr.
If someone really does find it pretentious, though, and not just as a cover for crying about nonbinary identities being fake, I suspect they just remember how 1970s SFF was full of privileged anthropology students misunderstanding kinship systems from elsewhere in the world and then trying to tell everyone how ~deep~ their extremely contrived novels based on them were.
I'm not saying your writing is like this or that every one of these old sff novels was either, but when I hear "anthropology student", I groan internally. It's an instinctive reaction. It's less about the real fields and more about the bevvy of dilettantes I've run into over the years who'll say they study those things but really want to talk my ear off about Joseph fucking Campbell or the strong form of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis or something.
Those birds are a really cool source of inspiration. Like with A/B/O, the first thing I wonder is how queerness works in that context and how much people like to defy their designated roles.
Omegaverse started on porn logic, so "The one I say tops always tops!" makes sense. When it gets expanded to try to make it make logical sense as a whole world, I often enjoy it, but it can break down quickly if treated as biology is law. I don't know how often the birds veer off of their set patterns, but humans certainly would.
One place where I get a strong "Oh god, this again" feeling from people's plotbunnies is when they're trying to make up a sff society that strikes me as too rigid in a way that real humans aren't. I'll see people using fake wolf biology (not just for horny reasons) but never looking at what's going on with gender in contemporary Thailand or whatever. Like... Le Guin may have made sedoretus feel plausible, but nobody I've ever seen stanning the concept as something fandom should play with has. That's probably because Le Guin was using over-complicated social norms as a thing that breaks down and causes trouble, and "This should be the next A/B/O!" posts are treating it as something that actually works and is a good way to get the pair you don't ship separated while shipping poly.
"It'd also help the reader keep track of who was a part of what group without my having to turn around and state people's coloration constantly."
This, in particular, gives me that cold shudder of recognition from when Homestuck fandom was everywhere and everyone wanted to over-explain those stupid playing card suits and why I should care.
Your concept sounds neat, and I think a set of four pronouns could easily make sense there...
But I also think that if people need the pronouns to keep track of coloration, you haven't set up a system that feels organic enough or haven't given enough cues about how characters are treating each other or why. Use the pronouns too, but just keep that in mind. It's like the "m/m is hard because the pronouns don't tell me whose hand is where" problem. It's almost never actually a pronoun problem.
Anyone else have thoughts here?
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hellogoodbyeitsme · 2 days
I think after the events of tim drake: robin the marina should just assume that [Bern's nonchalance toward finding out Robin and Tim were possibly sleeping together on the DL] is because they're actually a thrupple, and they're all just like oh that's nice actually 3 nice boys taking care of each other, how sweet :)
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koolades-world · 13 hours
hey! I really like your writing and was curious if you ever did a brothers react to an MC w/ dermatillomania? Like, an MC who might pick at their skin/scabs when they’re stressed or overwhelmed or just bored.
Thank you <33 have a fantastic dayYyY
~ Anon
hi! sure thing :)
i honestly didn't know that was a thing but i've been doing this my wholeeeee life. did some research and everything makes so much sense now. i pick at my lips the most without even thinking about it, and i only realize when i find dried blood on my hands later, but i'm also really bad with picking at my acne and cuticles too. working on this request has made me hyper aware about just how much i actually do it. usually, i just try to keep my hands busy but that can only do so much. next time i go to the doctors, i'll bring it up if i remember haha. thank you anon!
enjoy <3
Mc with Dermatillomania
no matter the cause, his door is always open if you want to chat
he's got connections everywhere in the devildom if you find human world treatments aren't really helping
whenever he sees pens out while shopping that look like you'd play with, he buys
that way, when you write, you'll be just a little more likely to play with the pen instead of pick
the first time you showed up with a bleeding lip, he was so worried
he was ready to beat up whoever did it to you
it sure was a shock for him to learn that you did it without thinking about it
tries his best to help you out, but also always has tissues on hand to clot the bleeding
i feel like he'd also pick at his skin
he knows saying to just stop picking doesn't help and can get annoying
so, if he realizes either of you are picking, he'll try to get your hands or mind busy
has lots of fidget toys for you to pick from!
lowkey i also feel like he would pick especially with his cuticles
he didn't know his actions could be explained, and just thought it was a thing he did until you showed up
you've only been a positive light in his life
eternally grateful for you
tries his best to help you out where he can!
if you're taking meds, he makes sure you've had them every night
if you're picking, he'll hold your hands to keep them busy
he only wants the best for you!
he doesn't quite understand it at first
but of course, he's a great listener and soon he's an expert just like you!
if he even sees you getting worked up and picking more, he helps you calm down
anything for you <3
he's pretty blunt with his approach of trying to help
like asmo, he'll hold you hands, but he yanks them instead
his goal is to totally put your attention on him instead
it's a win-win, what's not to like?
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violetbutterflix · 2 days
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Kinktober Masterlist here!
4.Detective/ADA Chuuya:
Warnings: fuck or die, spanking, degradation, and fem!reader
Chuuya’s impatience grows with every ticking second; the thick, quiet tension in the interrogation room makes it harder for him to stay focused. He slams his hands on the table in frustration, his blue eyes glaring at you. “Will you finally fucking speak up?” He shoves the documents in front of your face, pointing to them as he accuses your organization of being behind all the criminal activities.
Despite the clear evidence, you shrug it off, denying all accusations and not speaking a single word. You have to watch your words carefully now that you're in enemy territory—the Armed Detective Agency. Anything you say could jeopardize your organization. You know that once this is over, you’ll be scolded by your partner and likely your boss too. It’s not like you wanted to get caught; you could have easily gotten away, but the detective in front of you managed to stop that. Sure, you could’ve put up a fight to increase your chances of escape, but damn, he looks too hot to say no to. So here you are, sitting across from him, with only the hard wooden table separating the two of you. You stare into his eyes, resting your chin on your hand as your forearm rests on the table, smiling as you admire his appearance. Honestly, you’ve told him everything—if you weren’t risking your job and the good money (and it’s tough in this economy with the high inflation rate), you’d ask him on a date later.
Chuuya hisses at your nonchalant response; he doesn’t understand it. He has dealt with a lot of criminals in this same interrogation room over the years, but he has never met someone like you. He can’t seem to understand you—not in this moment—with that smile curving on your lips as if you're challenging him. Could this be part of your evil plan to distract him, tricking him into falling for it easily?
“Spill it out: it was your doing, wasn’t it?”
"I'm hurt, detective." You place a hand on your chest, giving him a fake sad smile. "Do you really think I did that?”
He crosses his arms over his chest, leaning back in the chair with an annoyed expression. Chuuya could’ve saved so much time if it weren’t for you. Originally, it was supposed to be his mission partner—Dazai—interrogating you, but Chuuya stole his spot. Chuuya couldn’t stand that idiot being too close to you. You’ve been his target since day one, ever since he laid eyes on your file in the meeting with his boss. Not Dazai’s, not anyone else’s in the agency—just his; you are his.
"Blackmail, robbery, identity theft, kidnapping, arson, and murder." His eyes narrow as he lists your crimes. "The real question should be: is there anything you haven’t done?"
Damn, Chuuya really did his research on you. You cough, "But detective, I have nothing to do with this case." You can’t deny he’s on the right track, but this time, it’s not your doing. You didn’t even get a chance to act—he appeared out of nowhere and dragged you off just as your day was starting (though you went along willingly). You managed to call for backup without him noticing. Now, you’re just playing with him to kill time while waiting for your partner to rescue you. You know the ADA has had their eyes on your small organization for a while, and everyone’s been bracing for the worst-case scenario: getting caught. How unlucky that you had to be the first. (At least the situation is a little more enjoyable with such a handsome detective.)
“You’re saying that you’re innocent?”
“Yes I am-”
Suddenly, a loud warning siren blares through the room at maximum volume, so deafening that your ears can barely handle it. A strong, sharp aroma fills the air, stinging your senses.
"THIS IS AN EMERGENCY! I repeat, THIS IS AN EMERGENCY. We are under attack. The area is being surrounded by an unknown ability. We are working to identify the ability user responsible for this. In the meantime, please remain calm and find somewhere safe-”
The signal cuts off abruptly, leaving the room in dead silence. Chuuya glances up at the speaker on the ceiling, then back at you, a frown deepening on his face. There’s no way this could be happening right after you confessed your innocence—it can't be a coincidence. You’re grateful that your partner is here to rescue you, but the timing definitely needs improvement in the future. The sweet, heavy scent rises to your nose, and your body begins to feel strange—weak and feverish, as if you’re stranded in a desert, scorched by relentless heat. You notice Chuuya is affected too.
As you ponder the possibilities, the realization hits you: sex pollen. An experiment your partner mentioned a month ago that significantly increases hormones—and if you don’t get laid, death will welcome you to the other side. You thought she was joking at first, but this situation proves otherwise. You wouldn’t have minded her testing it on an enemy organization, but the problem is, you’re in their territory. Of all the days in the month, she had to choose today. You swear you’ll kick her ass after this.
“It’s sex pollen,” you warn, breathing heavily as you explain the situation. “We have to have sex, or we die.”
“Haa?” His eyes widen, looking at you as if you’ve said the most ridiculous thing he’s ever heard. “Don’t make me laugh. You think you can joke around at a time like this?”
A fly—how it got in here is a mystery—appears between the two of you and suddenly collapses, falling to the floor. It’s unsettling; it makes no sense for an animal to die out of nowhere, confirming your suspicion that the pollen is to blame. “Well, detective, did you see that fly? It just died!” It’s just a consequence of not having any sexual interaction, after the unlucky speaker couldn’t finish their announcement. “None of us even touched it; it has to be the pollen. Either we fuck or we die.”
He gasps at the sight, unable to believe what’s happening before him. This whole situation feels like some kind of twisted fantasy that Dazai would be into. Chuuya’s body aches, scorched by an overwhelming heat. He can’t believe he has to trust a wanted criminal for a solution. He stands up from his chair, moving behind you. His hands slam down on either side of yours, hitting the table with more force this time. You spot cracks forming beneath his palms. Is he using his raw strength?
His head spins, thoughts consumed by you in this moment. Perhaps it’s the smell that makes him feel this way toward a criminal. Chuuya leans in closer, his hot breath brushing against your ear. He’s resolute in staying with you, ensuring you can’t escape—there’s no way he’ll let you get away. For once, he defies orders. “I’ll make you tell me everything I want to hear.”
“Beg for it, you bitch.” Chuuya's hand delivers a hard slap ass, showing no mercy on you or your reddened buttcheeks. His other hand grips your cheek tight as he lands another hard slap. Chuuya moves his hips, rubbing his hardened, thick cock against your wet cunt. “This whore wants me to fuck the shit out of her? Then you better beg for my dick.”
You moan and cry, caught between the sting of pain and the rush of pleasure, each feeling like waves crashing over you. You've lost count of how many slaps you've received from him; it's becoming too much to handle. It feels like hours have already passed. He knows he’s doing this to torture you, trying to make you confess. Your resistance is vanishing, overwhelmed by the sensations coursing through your body. The mix of pain and pleasure isn’t enough to satisfy you; your body craves more of him. You turn your head, locking eyes with him—his gaze filled with anger and lust. His hair is messy, and his breaths are heavy, turning you on even more at the sight.
“Please…I need you...Please fuck me...I want your dick...” you beg again, throwing away all your dignity for him. In this heated moment, you're no longer thinking straight.. “I’ll tell you everything you want. So pleaseee…”
"Took you long enough... You were into this, weren’t you, fucking slut?" A smirk forms on his lips, like a madman achieving his goal—his victory over a poor, defeated enemy. Yet, Chuuya can’t cruelly refuse a pretty girl’s plea, especially when your voice trembles with need, stirring something deep within him and making him eager to give you what you desire most. Chuuya enters your entrance, causing you to gasp. Your body shivers at the unexpected movement. His cock twitches inside as he begins to move deeper into you. His pace quickens, driving into your sweet spot as he whimpers your name, cursing how good your body feels for him. Chuuya is lost in his feelings, unable to stop thinking about you, consumed by the pleasure you both share. Your eyes roll back, thighs trembling as your hands grip the edges of the table. In the heat of the moment, you accidentally reveal a secret you shouldn’t have, and now there’s no turning back. You feel like the biggest disappointment to your organization, but hey, at least you’re getting fucked good. There’s some luck in this misfortune that will make you feel a bit better after it’s all over.
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rosemarydisaster · 5 hours
I feel like a lot of the Batfam fandom misrepresents the sibling relationships not out of some inherent lack of reading comprehension, but just cause they're only children.
Listen, the sibling experience is so weird. Like, you'd die for each other, you ignore them most of the time, once you move out you barely speak with them (not even your favorite one) until you get together and spend three hours talking nonstop. You don't hate them, but they annoy you in ways most mortals can't even comprehend. The alliances and rivalries shift at random. You may be in good terms with two siblings that can't stand each other.
When you truly fight (I'm not talking arguing about something, I'm talking someone has done something that truly hurted the other) it's bad. You may still talk to each other and have fun together but it can fester and rot the relationship from the inside out. And even then, depending on what happened and their personality, they may still be there for each other.
If there's neurodivergency or disabilities involved it's a whole different shit show. You obviously want to help your little brother with chronic anxiety but jesus, you're trying to live your life too! You know they're autistic but come on can't we go out for dinner to a different place, just this once?? And don't get me started on disabilities, they may understand how your body works and still invalidate your pain on accident.
You cover for them in front of your parents and sometimes you rat them out for whatever reason. If you're angry with your father you will get in the middle of their fights, and if you're angry at your sibling you'll enjoy the show.
Siblinghood is really complicated from the outside, but from the inside it makes perfect sense. So yeah, I get why people that haven't experienced it have trouble reconciling Dick's love for his siblings and also his fierce independence from his family. Yeah, it's weird that Damian goes from hating Tim to joking around with him without fixing their issues but sometimes it is what it is. It makes sense for Jason to hang out with Dick's friends since they run similar circles and everyone thinking it's normal except for Dick. Cassandra doesn't speak to any of them for months but the second she's back from Hong Kong she's besties with Duke and Tim again.
It's only contradictory if you don't have siblings.
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sysmedsaresexist · 3 days
Sorry if this is annoying/you have been asked this already but we have been seeing more and more posts trying to deny that Alters/headmates are separate people and that they are actually just you but separated by amnesia barriers.
it’s very confusing to us since we have OSDD 1 and view ourselves as distinctly different people just inhabiting the same body
is that wrong of us to think? (We also get confused since a lot of said posts say it’s “scientifically accurate” but we have checked the DEM multiple times and talked to our therapist and we can’t seem to find where it says that headmates can’t be separate people)
I actually haven't been asked this in a long time.
First off, the "amnesia barriers" thing is an AI talking shit about nothing in Google results. It's inaccurate, and I wish it would go away. Dissociative barriers are not only caused by amnesia, and the result of them is not always amnesia, but that's me being pissy.
Now, as for how people view themselves.
You do you, boo ❤️
Fuck the haters.
I'm going to explain this as simply as possible. This is a very general overview.
The ToSD asserts that no one is born with an integrated sense of self. During normal, uninterrupted development, childrens' action and defense systems begin to cohesively work together to create... The person you would become, I suppose. You learn to prioritize your needs and wants and create plans for yourself using a cohesive set of thoughts. For example, you're hungry but also need a shower. Your experiences have shaped you to prioritize and perform actions in certain ways. Some people will eat first, then shower, some will shower first and eat second. And these decisions are influenced by the totality of all of your experiences.
In CDDs, these action systems become separated-- dissociated away, not hidden by amnesia. If your parents were particularly cruel around food, you may have pushed those needs away, and that action system develops within itself, beginning its own prioritization process. In many cases, we lose access to those systems, and they no longer play a normal part in our decision-making.
For many, we don't have any access to those parts that we originally rejected. Some parts become alters, some parts are just fragments, but we struggle to cohesively and strategically place those needs in our day to day lives. We struggle to communicate with those parts. They have drastically different wants and needs and priorities, and access to their own unique coping skills (that may or may not be good for the system as a whole).
At any given time, we only have full, cohesive access to parts of our lives, skills, techniques, needs, thoughts, the list keeps going.
This is "parts of a whole."
This is what parts language is.
It's what I believe and it's what's helped my system.
This does not have anything to do with how autonomous or individualized alters can become, how separate, how they view themselves.
Some people relate much more heavily to this particular framework, some can understand but don't like it applied to them, some don't feel it applies at all to their system.
It's a mechanism of how CDDs develop, and within this framework, you can use whatever language you prefer. Not all parts work is parts focused. Alters can see themselves as their own people, they can wish for their own lives and dream of having their own body. Therapists can and do empathize with these feelings, and they play no part in the success or failure of treatment.
Are you all working together to stay alive and keep out of jail? Does your whole system understand they share a body?
Yes? Great, you're good to go. Use whatever language feels right.
We are parts, but we're also people within our own rights, and that's okay.
It's a huge framework. Explore it.
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novankenn · 1 day
(In the Spirit of @howlingday's RU-JA-GUN-CON, and my own Jaune Gets a Gun Au I present... )
"Jaune Gets An Upgrade AU" Day One - (Entrenching Tool)
Ren was still brooding over his newly acquired ability to become a waifu... and was seriously annoyed at Jaune's complete acceptance of that strange fact. While in the back of his mind the true fear about what Nora would do if she ever found out.
Jaune: SO...
Ren: No.
Jaune: But...
Ren: I said no. You are not going back for that dagger thing...
Jaune: I guess. Well we do have these new bracelets, and I think...
Ren: Don't say it. Don't even think of it.
Jaune: Come on Ren. It's a cool ability, that NO one else has!
Ren: It's a inane ability that makes no logical sense!
Jaune: Gee, for a guy who keeps spouting things about being open minded, you sure have a closed view on the whole gender-swap thing.
Ren: ...
Jaune: I wonder how the girls are making out in the firearms section?
Ren: Probably better than we are... and seeing as I haven't heard and screams of terror or explosions...
Jaune: Then Nora and Pyrrha are keeping team RWBY under control.
Ren: Is it weird that it's team RWBY and not Nora we're concerned about causing destruction?
Jaune: Ah, I mean they did blow up the docks and cause millions of lien in damage fighting a mech.
Ren: It was a stolen Atlas Paladin.
Jaune: Right. A mech.
Ren: ...
A pair of figures in the distance causes Jaune to stop in mid stride. Ren notices this and also stops.
Ren: Jaune?
Jaune: I think... is it?
Ren: Is what? Do you see someone you know?
Jaune: It couldn't be... but it has to be.
Ren: Ah... Jaune?
Jaune: It IS!!! Aunt Sally 674735-Arc and Uncle Sam 668843-Arc! Over here!
Ren's brain paused, and then crashed as a pair of very similar looking figures turned to face them. To him, they booth looked exactly the same...
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(Images copied from https://warhammeruniverse.com/death-korps-of-krieg/)
Aunt Sally: Jaune!
Uncle Sam: Nephew!
Jaune jogged up to the pair of figures a huge smile on his face, leaving a still bewildered Ren flat footed and behind.
Jaune: Why are you guys here? Last I heard you were deployed to the out reaches to breach a Heretic base?
Aunt Sally: Vacation Days, so we thought we'd come visit some family.
Uncle Sam: We're due back in about a week.
Jaune: Well Mom is going to be thrilled that you're here! Does she know?
Uncle Sam: No. We haven't told her yet. We want it to be a surprise.
Jaune: I won't tell a soul.
Aunt Sallyy: So why are you here, Jaune?
Jaune: I'm here to find an alternate weapon to Crocea Mors.
Uncle Sam: Why?
Jaune: Well.. um...
Aunt Sally: Does your mom know you are in Vale?
Jaune: Well...
Uncle Sam: Jaune?
Jaune: I sort of ran from home to attend Beacon, and borrowed Crocea Mors... WHICH I want to send back, so I need to find something else to serve as my main weapon.
Jaune fidgeted, and by the time Ren finally reset his thoughts and joined him, Jaune looked like he was about to burst into tears, under the stern gaze of the pair of gasmask wearing individuals. At least Ren thought it was a stern gaze. To be honest he really couldn't tell.
Aunt Sally: You're mom has to be worried sick. I suggest you CALL her very soon...
Uncle Sam: Preferably before we visit her and tell her were we saw you. Understand?
Jaune: Yes, and I promise to call her as soon as I finish here.
Uncle Sam: Good boy, now as for a replacement for Crocea Mors... not that much could ever replace such a honorable and venerable blade...
Aunt Sally: How about this?
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Ren: That's a... shovel?
Aunt Sally / Uncle Sam / Jaune: HERESY!!!
Ren: huh?
Jaune: That's not a SHOVEL!
Aunt Sally: It's a Munitorum Mk III Sapper Shovel! An intrinsic and iconic part of the Death Korps of Krieg kit of battle!
Ren: Death Korps?
Uncle Sam: Is your friend a heretic?
Jaune: I don't think so? Ren you're not a Heretic disguised as my friend are you?
Ren: ...
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dr-spectre · 3 days
also it's a random thing but I've realized people have been using brainwashed wrong too
Brainwashing has nothing to do with actually mind controlling people and has everything to do with propaganda. And being told it constantly
For context -
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<- the actual definition of doing something
if we use this definition instead of how literally everyone uses it (ie. It's just a replacement for mind controlled)
Then honestly callie being "brainwashed" makes more logically sense if you treat the hypnoshades as consistently feeding her propaganda. It's not literally taking over her mind she's literally probably being played octavios music tbh
Because it's canonically a thing that octavio uses music for propaganda
TLDR: even by LITERAL INSISTENCE INKIPEDIA DEFINITIONS that she id "brainwashed and mind controlled", she can not be mind controlled. Realistically if Callie was brainwashed that means she was just fed propaganda about Octarian.
So people can't argue that she was forced into that outfit she wears in splatoon 2 still because she probably chose to wear it maybe as a strange solidarity idea. It's not about being forced to wear something... Like that. It's wearing a uniform.
Uh that tldr is too long:
Etldr: callie can't be mind controlled no matter how much people insist, brainwashing literally is about propaganda and not "oh no my memories are lost I can't feel ::((("
You literally cannot force her to not have autonomy no matter if it's "brainwashing vs hypnosis"
o god this is super long
I actually got a comment that was VERY similar to this!!! Someone (I forgot who) said, "I'm gonna think of cult brainwashing instead of sci-fi brainwashing for callie for my own sanity."
From my knowledge, the term brainwashing has always been this general term to describe mind control plots and shit like that and people use it poorly and wrongly. And THAT'S where my anger comes from. Because people wanna make Callie's arc in Splatoon 2 way worse, more disgusting and less interesting. It's so SOOOOO annoying and disregards any sort of arc that Callie could go through....
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The word is either used in cults, or military experiments, or family drama of "you're brainwashing my child!" Or sci fi lazy bullshit where it's just "mind control and you lose all of your autonomy and memories" aka Winter Soldier, Widowmaker, etc. It's such a general term that has a trillion different meanings and it's fucking frustrating as hell.
If I try to look at Callie’s story through the lens of "standard" brainwashing where it's just psychological manipulation and propaganda from the Octarians and Octavio, considering that he is known to use music and other things as motivation to boost Octarians.... then... I actually wouldn't have a problem with people using that word... maybe...
Because Callie STILL had some amount of agency and autonomy, even with the shades on, she couldn't have been forced to do anything against her will cause of how hypnosis works. She still heard out the Octarians and listened to their propaganda. Was Octavio still in the wrong? Yeah! DUHHHH!!! NO FUCKING SHIT SHERLOCK!!! HE MANIPULATED A MENTALLY ILL SQUID WOMAN!!! YOU THINK IM RESOLVING THAT MAN OF BLAME?!?! FUCK NO!!! But in that scenario it's WAYYYY LESS EVIL than what the fuck people and Nintendo tried to suggest that they did. I dont wanna believe that Octavio immediately grabbed and then "brainwashed" Callie with the shades after she said "okay fine I'll hear you out." And then "kidnapped" her and her memories were wiped... Ugh. (Fucking Nintendo bro god I hate them...)
It would also help explain WHY she doesn't feel any sort of trauma or suffering from those events and why she finds the Octarians cute and why she went with Octavio to the Low Water party. She probably felt sorry for the Octarians and wanted to help them willingly because her life beforehand was shitty and she was alone... Octavio probably didn't need to do much to convince her, too, which is kinda sad... She probably doesn't feel regret or pain because, well, she was going through a rough period and she wanted an escape, so the Octarians, in her mind, were the only way out...
However.... I can't see that word the same anymore, and every time that I see it, I ALWAYS think of the bullshit sci-fi definition and people just LOVEEEE TO USE IT AS A CATCH ALL TERM!!!! IT'S REALLY REALLYYYYYY ANNOYING!!!!
That word has actually caused me physical reactions when I hear it, like I was in a family dinner and one of my parents used that word and like... I fucking tensed up and felt stinging across my entire body, my heart was pounding and stuff. NO THAT ISNT A JOKE! THATS HOW FIXATED I AM ON THE STUPID SQUID LADY!!!!
Idk if I will be able to comfortably use the word "brainwashing" to describe Hypno Callie because that word has been fully engrained to me as the sci fi. one, rather than the general cult one with more autonomy and more room to dive into depth and character change.
I guess you could say that Nintendo have... BRAINWASHED me into believing that the word is only used as a way to say mind control and "oh no I lost all of my memories!!!" Heh... Heh... eh.... I wanna die.
I fucking hate Nintendo bro. I hate them. So much.
Oh Nintendo, when I find you I swear to go-
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axtivaqe · 2 days
Life is strange Double Exposure is NOT canon
So its been getting around that Chloe isn't gonna be in Lis DE and I have never been more devastated in my life. Deck nine said they were going to respect the 2 decisions that players could've made, yet they practically said "fuck you" and took Chloe out of the picture. I just don't understand why though, like 50% of the fanbase picked sacrifice Arcadia bay and it was mainly because we are huge pricefield shippers (idk about y'all but I am). And their not stupid, they know about the pricefield ship and how much people wanted to see Chloe and Max in another game. They literally said they were going to follow through with the original games and the 2 decisions at the end, but then they completely scrap the idea of Chloe and Max being together, and they didn't even want to tell us. People had been asking about Chloes role in DE since the game first got announced, so why would they leave our questions unanswered for so long? It makes no sense on their behalf and its js overall bad marketing, They made it out that Chloe left Max because she didn't want to do long distance, but thats not Chloe at all. Chloe is the girl who dedicated her WHOLE journal to letters for/to Max in before the storm, Chloe is the girl who wrote "and she probably has all new friends up in fucking Seattle, i still miss her. if she came back tomorrow and said "hey Chloe, want to dress up like pirates and be stupid together?" i would take her back in a heartbeat." after she hadn't seen or spoken to her for 3 years, Chloe is the girl who told max that they would last forever and that she would never leave her. They completely mischaracterised her and made the whole sacrifice Arcadia bay option pointless, they spent 10 years together and Chloe throws it away because she cant do temporary long distance? Thats not like her at all. I see people saying "its realistic though, a relationship built from trauma isn't healthy" and it really annoys me, like yes their right, but thats in the real world, its a game about a girl who can jump between realities which isn't realistic at all. And don't even get me started on the rumour about Chloe flirting with VICTORIA.
But the game still isn't out yet, I mean we only have the first 2 episodes and I'm not sure if all of this is confirmed (if it is how do we know when we only have the 2 episodes?) or if people are just taking the 2 episodes and their story line, and then putting the pieces together. I was having a convo with someone in the comments under a yt video by Cucu on Games about how Chloe will be in DE (the video was made 3 weeks ago before all this info came out) and we both thought that maybe Chloe will come back into max's life in one of the last episodes, maybe she misses Max and hears about what happened with her friend Safi and comes to see her and reconnect with her, because surely Deck nine, a huge game company who know what their fanbase wants, wouldn't use false advertising by making us think Chloe is gonna be in the game only to scrap that idea after saying they wanted to respect and follow the two choices players could have made.
Its a really controversial opinion and I've seen a few people say it makes sense and its part of Max's character development, but Id say most of the fanbase isn't happy about this whole thing. I mean of course I'm happy to be able to see Max in another game, and we're lucky to even be getting another lis game. But to make us think we're going to see Chloe and then let us find out that we aren't is just bad marketing. If they never intended to have Chloe in the game then why wouldn't they answer everyones question, 'Is Chloe going to make a physical appearance?' (they would've 100% seen people asking because their social media pages are flooded with the one question about Chloe) Lmk what you think tho, and if you made it all the way through this then thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this long ass rant 😭
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allwormdiet · 2 days
Sentinel 9.3
Y'know, the irony here is that as I'm writing this post I've just started an online course with video lectures.
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Solid bit of establishing characterization, an easy display of people's emotional ties and states.
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Parahuman science must be so fucking hard to work with, honestly. Your subject matter is made up of a bunch of people with trauma-activated abilities that actively defy physics or other laws of reality, combination of psychology and whatever the hell you call studying outliers in how the fucking universe works.
Also glad people aren't just content to let the matter of parahuman origins end at "they just started happening." I know they haven't cracked the how or why of it in thirty years but I also know they crack it some time in the next two-ish years of canon, which should be interesting.
Also also, the inclination towards combat and conflict is... I know it's not going to be a long time until we talk about the "why" of that one either, but when we do I have notes for the designer(s) on these things
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Oh, okay, so trigger events are talked about in a 100-level course, and Taylor straight up didn't know about them. Interesting? She really didn't give that much of a shit about cape stuff before stumbling into the life of a supervillain, huh.
Correlation between physical trauma -> physical powers and psychological trauma -> mental powers is interesting as well, although that leaves plenty of room for the edge cases. Glory Girl is actually the prime example there, too, brute and mover seem like the obvious tags but that doesn't cover the aura, which is I guess master? I'm less and less convinced that it was really just a foul in basketball that made her trigger tbh.
Also: I cannot even fucking imagine what the studies must be like about the New Wave families. Imagine writing your fucking thesis on the Dallon-Pelham Torment Nexus. Imagine being Victoria, Amy, Crystal, or Eric, and your family is being taught about in classes because of how "good" it is at inflicting superpowers on you. No I will not entertain the idea that either family is normal, parahuman psychology has so far shown zero signs of being healthy for anybody and it's not going to start holding back when it comes to child-rearing.
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I'm not unsympathetic to what Clockblocker is stewing over, but the PRT can't let these kids dedicate every waking hour to crisis management; there will be a day where they're not dealing with a drowned city, and they might as well get ready for it now, and take time off from trudging through muck and mayhem as they do it.
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Narrowing my eyes at the witch burning thing but I'm not going to harp on whatever the hell's going on there.
I think the gender divide makes sense but I don't know if it holds totally consistent in-story; the pre-Leviathan Wards and Protectorate ENE definitely leaned more male than female in its numbers, Merchants and ABB are two men to one woman, Empire is... eight men to seven women I think? I think as of right now the only teams we have that even have more women than men are Undersiders, Travelers, Faultline, and New Wave.
This is probably more math than I should be doing but whatever, don't use math in your story if you don't want someone checking it.
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That's the same thing as Circus, right? Interesting that it's a known phenomenon.
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He's doing his best, be nice.
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Bunch of people are gonna be really annoyed when it turns out where powers come from because there's no way they could predict it from where they're standing.
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Oh, so that's Clockblocker's trigger event and power explained all at once, isn't it? I don't know if it's stated explicitly but "buying time in every way except for the one that matters the most to you" sounds like the kind of monkey's paw shit that powers love to do.
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Now see, there's an interesting dilemma, isn't it. Family teams are all well and good (allegedly, given how parahumans work) but the moment one or more members die all of a sudden it's that much more fucked up for everybody. Even if the team persists past losing Manpower and Shielder there's no way they're gonna hold together after Amy & Vicky's Nightmare Extravaganza. One of the most notable independent teams in the setting with over a decade of experience, and in the span of a few months they're going from apex to nonexistence. I don't really have it in me to weep for the adults, see above suspicions about Torment Nexus, but I feel awful for the kids. Crystal is gonna be the last one standing until, what, Ward? That's gotta fuck you up good. Poor fucking girl.
And then the portraits. Hoo boy.
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The portraits thing feels. I dunno. Do you have to put them right next to the other members? That feels like a really good way to get your underage parahumans even more fucked up about mortality if I'm being honest.
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This is touching. Also fuck cancer.
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Exactly what the Wards need, less open communication.
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This is a hard conversation to have in a lot of ways. Weld is fumbling but he's trying, and the rest of the team needs to meet him in the middle for things to work out.
And. Ugh. I see an unfortunate side of myself in Clockblocker here. I've got an awful habit of going for low blows in an argument if I'm feeling low enough. I get mean, I say things just to make it hurt. I haven't done it in a long time, but it's still a thing I have done and can do if I don't watch it. With this at least it's an accident, or at least the extent of harm Clockblocker is doing is way beyond what he intended.
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Clockblocker has the sense to fear Glory Girl in this moment, and she has the grace to forgive him.
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And that's proof of who Clockblocker is when he's not at his worst. When he's not lashing out because of the active fucking wringer he's being shoved through, he's obviously thoughtful and kind; the lashing out is, uhh, understandable, but still a problem.
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She's just a kid...
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I talked about this with some folks on Discord, it's kind of remarkable to me that a guy with literal empathy powers couldn't hold a steady relationship with a single girl. I'm sure parahuman romance is its own special kind of fraught, but that's a little silly.
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That said, it sounds like Gallant was good people.
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This is very funny though
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Oh hey, we have anger and futility coming back together again, haven't seen that for a minute.
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Honestly I feel like the ones who try to be funny are usually the ones who've got so much shit going on in the background, anger is the least surprising thing to come from the team's designated funny one.
Good on Dennis for realizing how easy it is to use anger and how hard it can be to let go of it. Shit sucks.
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Wuh oh.
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This is gruesome, and a harbinger of things to come. Oh boy.
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Fuck were the Travelers even doing here, anyhow?
Also crazy bold of the Wards to try and pick this fight. The Travelers have such outrageous firepower, I don't think there'd be much sense in picking this fight.
Skimming back through the fight, not a whole lot for me to say? I'm not super invested in it, I guess, it feels like there's exceptionally little actually riding on this fight. The Travelers want to fuck off and the Wards want to stop them from fucking off, the gallery fight had more meat than this.
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"Oh thank god, a conflict I can throw myself into to feel useful and offset all the negative feelings that not fighting has left me stricken with."
That's not a criticism of Clockblocker by the way, if anything I'm just staring at the thing brought up earlier this chapter where most parahumans are driven into fighting each other and suspecting something of a connection.
Current Thoughts
I see some of my younger self in Clockblocker, which is ironic bc I actually had a superhero OC back in high school named Clockblock (his powers were a lot broader and his thing was more about struggling with overwhelming ennui in the face of his own significance in the grand scale of Time Itself). I hope he manages to get over that anger and hurt, but he's a parahuman, so I kinda doubt it.
Kid Win next, plus further plot developments.
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hiskillingjar · 1 day
Body Writing (Ren/MC)
writing in the office, nobody tell my boss
day 15: body writing second person.
"This is fun, right?"
Ren tittered softly behind you, his tail wagging happily (fanning you with cool air), as you felt the slow drag of the permanent marker’s felt tip against the small of your back, letters dragged into your skin without your knowing.
Well, you did know. You had let him do this, after all.
Much like you let him do lots of things that you didn’t care for. 
You didn’t have room to complain about it though. He had been gracious enough to let you live in relative comfort and security, after all.
"Nhh, what have you written this time?" You asked, doing your best to peer over your shoulder as you laid on your front on his/your bed (he didn’t sleep in it without you, so you weren’t sure of the ownership). “It better not be anything gross.”
"Ah, nothing you have to be worried about,” He said quickly, covering the word with his palm, giggling to himself again as he refused to let you see it. “I promise!”
You rolled your eyes as your gaze went forward again, resting your head against a curled fist.
"I don't trust you not to have written something pervy, you know." You murmured quietly through an annoyed pout.
"What's wrong with me writing something pervy?” He asked, raising his hand again and writing another word against your hip, where your waistband of your panties was riding up. “Isn't this supposed to be pervy? It is whenever I see it anyway."
"Mm…” You huffed again, feeling the felt tip drag down the curvature of your ass, sensing that he was probably drawing an arrow, pointing between your legs. “No, it doesn't have to be. You could just…” You looked at him again. “Write your name or something."
He groaned, eyes going to the side with a petulant pout, like a teenager, making you snort.
He might have been a few months younger than you, but you had the sense that he was stuck in something close to a permanent adolescence.
Traumatised people tended to, in your experience. But you didn’t say that.
"Yeah, but that's boring.” He drawled, each word long and drawn out, but he let you move onto your back and look at him properly, the remnants of other words patterning your chest, stomach and thighs. “Everybody already knows you're mine,” His golden eyes flicked up to yours with a twitch of his tail, gauging your reaction. “Without me having to literally write my name on you, after all."
You felt your cheeks go a little warm, but did your best not to give him more to work with and tease you for.
"It would be nicer than you writing stuff like this." You said, gesturing to a slightly smudged ‘slut’, written over one of your breasts (making him smile smugly and his tail wag even more). "You don't actually think of me like that, do you?"
"What?” He laughed, his ears going down, bashfu, as his cheeks flushed slightly pinkl. “No, no, of course not!"
You glared at him flatly.
"Don't be silly.” He gave his head a shake, trying to shift his blushing and make his ears point upwards again. “This is just a little fun, I'm not trying to hurt your feelings."
"Mmhmm, sure." You mumbled, your jaw tensing slightly as you folded your arms across your chest, covering up the vulgar words.
"Look, look, I'm writing my name now, see?” He then said quickly, leaning into you to add ‘Ren’s’ before the ‘slut’ title, like that would make you feel any better. “I even put a little heart next to it,” He had, big and obnoxious. “Just, because I love you so much~"
You let out a short sigh, letting your muscles relax slightly and your arms sink back down to your sides.
"You're so corny," You murmured with a shake of your head, almost fond.
"Hey." He replied, sounding slightly offended, his ears tilting upwards with alarm. "You asked me to-"
"Yeah, I know.” You interrupted him quickly, trying to settle down any negative feelings you might have inspired from him. “I'm…I’m just teasing, okay?" You tried to give him a reassuring smile (though it didn’t quite meet your eyes).  "Thank you, I do prefer this...I mean, it's romantic, isn't it?"
He blinked, tilting his head to the side quizzically. 
"Romantic?" He repeated.
"Mm. Even if nobody sees it", Which they won't. But you didn’t say that, laying your palm against his ankle and idly rubbing his skin. "It's...nice to be claimed by you."
"Hmph…what, you like being claimed by me all of a sudden, huh?" He asked, with another thoughtful tilt of his head, smiling a little wider. “You like being mine?”
You weren’t lying completely.
Had this been any other situation, you would have quite liked a boyfriend like Ren. 
Sweet and nerdy, passionate about his interests and yours in tandem, willing to do anything to make you comfortable, to make you like him.
But you had to remind yourself that it wasn’t another situation. You had to remind yourself that you were a hostage with a shock collar around their neck and a shackle around their ankle, and you were speaking to someone who could easily hurt you much worse, if you didn’t please him.
“Yeah, I guess I do." You said with another smile, warming your cheeks slightly.
You could be smart and enjoy these moments too.
Ren’s smile softened into a slight smirk, an unspoken intention in his amber eyes that you couldn’t completely read, as he, too, placed his free hand on your shackled ankle and moved closer.
"I can make it permanent, if you want me to." He murmured, eyes softening with poorly concealed lust
"What?” You blinked, letting out a little laugh. “Are you going to tattoo it into me, or something?"
"Even better." 
Giving your ankle an encouraging pat, he set the marker down and pushed himself onto his knees, reaching over to the bedside table, his wagging tail occasionally batting against your body.
From the top drawer, traditionally where he kept his toys and items of traditional pleasure (he had to move aside the plugged in wand to find what he wanted, after all), he produced a butterfly knife, a rainbow, iradescent coating covering it, making the bite of the blade appear less serious than it was.
In Ren’s hands, though, you knew that even a Boy Scout’s pocket knife could be dangerous.
"Come on, don't look like that.” He said with a hyena-esque titter at your frightened expression, settling himself back down, between your legs, and folding out the blade against his palm. “I’m being nice! I'm even giving you the choice this time!” He leaned closer, his chest against yours. “And I promise I'll be super careful, I won't even cut that deep-"
"Ren-" You started, brows knitting together as you pushed yourself against the headboard of the bed, trying to get away from him and the knife.
"No no, I promise,” He said quickly, gesutring with his free hand, like he was trying to settle you down. “It won't even hurt that much. Come on,” He smiled encouragingly. “It'll be fun!"
You swallowed hard, frowning a little more as you stared at the knife.
"It won't hurt?" You repeated.
"That much." He corrected you, making you frown even more to his delight, since it made him titter again.
"Why do I have a sense that you're lying to me?" You asked, eyes flitting to the side, trying not to look at his excited expression, his glowing eyes, his sharp smile.
"I'm not lying. Promise." He pushed his bottom lip forward with a pleading look. "Please?"
He wasn’t going to let you up, despite him insisting that you had a choice in the matter.
Maybe you did have a choice; endure a simple carving into the skin or choose something much worse.
How much could a skin carving really hurt? People did it for fun all the time, didn’t they?
You sighed, your chest sinking back against his, a defeated (and slightly irritated) expression on your face.
"...Fine." You breathed, cringing slightly as his shoulders went up with excitement and his tail began to wag ecstatically. “Just your name, though. None of the gross stuff, okay?”
You dragged in an anticpatory hiss through your teeth as Ren slowly lowered the knife to your chest, the rainbow blade reflecting the LED lights in his room, reflecting back your own frightened expression as it approached, closer and closer.
"I promise it's not gonna hurt," He murmured quietly, his other hand reaching up and pulling the skin on your chest taut and tight, making it as clean as possible. "Just keep still and don't make any sudden movements." He then smirked again. "Wouldn't want this going any deeper than your skin, would we?~"
"N-No," You replied, trying to still the stammer in your voice as the tip of the knife was pressed into your skin and he started to carve. "Fhhh..."
A heavy bead of blood gathered under the tip of the blade, growing larger and spreading down your skin, down the bleeding cuts, as he dragged the knife along the letter already printed into your chest.
"I-Is it going to s-scar?" You asked, trembling from the pain, the burning sting that just kept dragging through your skin.
"I should hope so," He said with an eager smile, positioning the knife against the next letter, much easier to carve than a curve. "I'm pressing down hard enough...or what?" His eyes flicked up to yours with a broader smirk, showing off wet fangs and hunger. "Should I press down harder, just to make sure?"
"No!" You yipped, shrieking softly at the first new slash in your skin. "No, no, you don't need to do that..."
"I didn't think so~" He drawled teasingly, eyes going back down to your chest as he slashed three neat lines beisde the first.
"I don't think I'm turned on, you know." He murmured as he worked, his thumb spanning over your new set of wounds, smearing the blood. "Not in the traditional sense, at least. Mm," He tilted his head again, lowering the knife for the final letter, his eyes lockied down. "My heart feels warm..."
"That's...actually kind of sweet," You breathed hard, gritting your teeth slightly, in spite of the sudden gentle subtext attached to the scene. "I mean, it hurts way more than you said it would, s-so you lied about that-"
"Sorry," He said gently with a little chuckle (he wasn’t that sorry, but it was nice of him to say, all the same), stroking over the cuts again and bringing his stained thumb up to his lips, lapping it clean with an indulgent expression.. "It's almost done. You're being really good, taking all of this too."
You scoffed lightly at his praise, but didn't pull back when he pressed closer, his chin resting on your shoulder as he stared down at his work, the knife contuinuing to drag slowly, slowly, the pain like a cleansing fire of pure sensation.
"Okay." He breathed into your ear. "All done."
'REN', carved over your heart, hammering fast under his knife.
"Now, I'll always be in your heart," He murmured with a lovesick smile, tracing a heart around the wound with your still streaming blood.
Whether you liked it or not. 
"So, what do you think about doing me now?~"
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acethehorseishere · 2 days
Opinions on Xanacevid? (Or just Acevid/Xanace if you like those better)
Fuck it let's do all three
Xanacevid: it's fine? Honestly I don't really enjoy poly ships most of the time (not that there's anything wrong with them, I just really enjoy the exclusivity aspect of romantic relationships and that kinda doesn't work with polyamory that well? I don't know if that makes sense) but in Xanacevid's specific case, Ace just kinda feels haphazardly thrown in at the last minute? "And Bumblebee!" kinda shit. I genuinely don't think Xanvid would waste their energy on Ace if they had each other already.
Xanace: I don't really think about Xander. Like I could not care about him any less. I don't hate him, but that's probably worse for him because I genuinely forget he exists sometimes and when I remember him it's because David is being annoying talking about his dead boyfriend for the nth time. You can see how me not caring about one of the two members of the ship could affect my feelings about it. It's inoffensive, I'm not gonna scoff at it when I see it, but Xander for me is like a black hole that sucks all the enjoyment out of anything he is in. Xanace just is.
Acevid: Honestly it's probably the ship I enjoy the most out of this roster and I think that says more about the kind of person I am than any words could. They fucking hate each other but get some alcohol in their systems and they are making out sloppy style against the wall. It actually used to be my second fave Ace ship (Acevi number one always) but then the mastermind aus made Whace shoot up to second place out of nowhere. Third place is still good though, I think. I just think Ace should get degraded a little (the fun way).
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katerinaaqu · 3 days
Since I've seen that you've listened to both Epic and Paris the musical, I was curious to know what are your toughts on them! Did you like how the myths and characters where handled? What do you like best and worst? (If you'd like to share, what's your favourite song/moment in each?)
Thanks :]
My my you really wanna get me have an even bigger target on my back than the one I put already! Hahaha! Ok so be it! Hahaha If this gets waaaaaay too long or too runty forgive me! ^_^
You have noticed from many of my comments and my notifications, memes or jokes. I am not a fan of EPIC. Not at all. I believe I am one of the most disliked people on Tumblr on mythology matters because I so openly speak my dislike against EPIC and being annoying about it! Hahaha! XD The thing I absolutely love about it is of course the guy's passion with the project, the way the music works and all (undoubtedly the guy is a very talented composer and can combine the scene with music and emotions and the tricks he uses with music are great) but the way the plot of Odyssey was twisted beyond recognition and to the point that to me you can literally change the names of the characters to anything else and still have the story he presents with the Musical. Maybe that was his goal but in my head that is not what a retelling or an adaptation is about. A retelling to me is not something that seeks to change literally as much as possible from the plot to fit the modern standards or the fanbase. A retelling is something as the word says that "retells the story" aka adapts the story as loyally as possible and adapts it to the audinece by taking creative liberties that are still generic to the story as it was originally told so that it will fit more to the modern standards or ear.
I believe we have so much twisted the word "retelling" that nowadays "retelling" seems to be equivalent to "let's change the hell out of the story because the original plot is not even THAT important to be salvaged and no modern person would watch it anyways" which in my opinion is not the case at all. Unless of course one writes satire. Then it doesn't matter, as I mentioned to another ask of mine.
I lost interest and was massively disappointed from the end of second saga and the song "Storm". The first two sagas were a masterpiece. The creative liberties were amazing to make sense with the plot and give the characters motivation (for example "I'm just a man" was FANTASTIC! The way the myth from Iliou Persis that gave us only one phrase "Odysseus kills Astyanax by throwing him off the wall" is now transformed into a marvelous emotional dilemma and a painful decision). In this case the creative liberty work WITH the plot and not against it. I didn't mind it as much that they made Polites a fluffy guy for no reason to fit that stereotypical "innocence of the team" plot because Polites is a clean slate character in Odyssey. However after Storm I started seeing your typical "Hollywood film 'adaptation' logic with changing stuff at the plot". I was intrigued at how they decided to give Polyphemus an excuse to kill like the guys enter a cave that is obviously habitable and kill an animal that is obviously domesticated and they do not know someone lives there? In the original it was clear someone lived there which made Odysseus curious to interract with them. I was willing to ignore that because ok creative liberties but then Athena was there!? And she gave Odysseus every opportunity to kill him while Odysseus was just "TOO NICE?!" like since when? Odysseus was all about killing him but he had no guarantee he would plus he needed him to open the cave. And the way he revealed his name in the musical was so rush and almost "out of spite" for Athena not a result of a secclusion in a cave for days and days and then his pride speaking up when Polyphemus called him a coward (which I tried to capture to my fic, not sure if I succeeded but still). So anyways at that point I was sure we wouldn't see the last of it with the changes. Poseidon destroys the ships instead of the Laestrygonians (no surprise there, rarely ever see anyone even mention the Laestrygonians yet alone show their contribution to the Odyssey) but then Circe happened and I just knew that we would have to derail from the original more and more
Circe's role was incredibly diminished for the sakes of making her actions more mellow and pass the message of loyalty and kindness. Circe in the original gives Odysseus valid information for his trip provisions and much more. In Epic not only we do not see the importance of Odysseus selling himself to Circe and we have Circe for some reason seducing him to kill him (removing her humanity from when she got scared that her magic won't work on him, potentially thinking he is some kind of god, begging for her safety to then suggesting her bed as Hermes predicts) I mean she had lions and wolves to her disposal she doesn't need to seduce him to kill him. Then of course Jorge realized that a big chunk of plot is missing and so he made Odysseus find out about Skylla by the sirens?! Like...okay... Even Tiresias gives him almost nothing (in the original he also tells him how to break the curse) Which seems interesting how Odysseus breaks down with "Monster" in Tiresias when he has received an act of kindess before. Wouldn't it be more amazing if he had that breakdown AFTER he paid the price with Circe with his own body? That even kindess has a terrible price? Of course the most iconic scene of the Odyssey after the murder of the suitors and Cyclops, the Sirens were twisted to whatever we had there; Odysseus listening to their song was of massive importance to his natural curiocity and we didn't get that (not to mention how would the sirens spell work on him and have Penelope there if he didn't hear their song in the first place?) and of course the fact that he kills them?! Like...how that even works I have no idea and like in the original people were running for their lives. Didn't even look back. Apparently they had all the time in the world to capture them, they knew apparently exactly how many they were and then they kill them?! Like I won't even say that they used the medieval mermaid instead of the sirens and then they "leave them drown" (how you drown fish people is beyond me! Maybe they are sharks that need to keep moving lol) and of course again that scene seemed to me that it was there only to show that "Odysseus is a monster" which makes no sense Odyssey-wise for many reasons. and then of course again Skylla; Odysseus doesn't gear up to protect his men, he is the one who chooses the sacrifice out of spite etc etc
Many others got sped up like the Helios cattle but ok I guess that is expected up to one point even if it could be handled differently but of course then we have also Zeus being a jerk and again making Odysseus choose? The storm that took the lives of his men was a natural consequence, not some twisted thing to prove how "monstrous" Odysseus is. In fact Odysseus tried till the last moment to sail away and save the lives he could (see my other analysis here) and of course again as many people said on God Games and all how Zeus was twisted yet another time although in Odyssey he had zero reasons to object apart from the natural hubris nemesis sequence. He never called Odysseus "shameful" either. In fact he says he agrees with Athena that calls him the most pious.
I think the massive change that I believe is abused by modern retellings is the whole "monster to man" trope. Odysseus losing his moral compass and "becoming the monster" and the plot around revolving to it. That was never the pont of Odyssey in my opinion. Odysseus never really lost his moral compass it is just his morality was not all pure and lovey in the first place. Was he changed by his experiences to be more ruthless in general? Absolutely but he was never changed to a monster according to Homeric version (because post-homeric versions already treat him as a villain from the get-go)
As for the things I liked about it, I had made a post you can see here:
I do love the harmonies and the music in it and I love the passion and the talents of the people in it. It is just that the whole plot for me is just not it. Also maybe I am also mostly annoyed with how the "fandom logic" has taken over it. Like internet getting swarmed by it. Epic quotes or facts getting literally mixed up or associated with the original or the fact we can no longer speak on the original unless someone brings up Epic the Musical... This annoys me to no ends. Of course I recognize the passion of the fans of the musical. Is just a personal thing to me. I felt the same when people were using Percy Jackson or Miller's books to talk on mythology before. Is the same here.
Of course I need to say this all the above is my PERSONAL OPINION. I have literally NOTHING against people who love the musical and the original equally. I am just NOT one of them. Also i have nothing against the artist either. I just do not agree with his outtake. Still appreciate his hard work. However when I saw the firsttwo sagas I knew this guy KNEW his mythology which is why I feel so disappointed that his later sagas felt like "Hmm...let me use that knowledge I definitely have on Odyssey just to change the hell out of it!" And that had me very sad and lowkey annoyed because I think this guy had some real stuff to create an actual Odyssey adaptation and yet again we had your average hollywood film plot where you barely see any of the plot he ellegedly adapts
Now on Paris the Musical I had answered another ask you can see here
I will not take more space on this already huge and runty post that probably made me more annoying and irritating around Tumblr! XD Generally again has little to nothing to do with Iliad but I loved the music (it was arguably one of the most original choices for music for a musical) and the songs I mention to the ask. Apart from that I am ot ecstatic by it either (arguably stage musicals do not seem to work for me when it comes to the ancient classics to a large degree because of how much the plots need to be overly simplified to fit the time frame) but I am more happy that it din't get blasted out of proportions like Epic was so the plot of it doesn't even need to be pointed out that it is not accurate and all. It is self-evident. The fact that the creator of Epic needed to "warn the fans" on how inaccurate his work is, speaks volumes to me.
I will close this runt now because is already too long. I think both Epic and Paris musicals have little to nothing to do with the things they adapt but Ironically Paris the Musical changed less stuff than Epic in comparison to magnitude. Both are passionate projects with great potential and very good music but plot wise I am not anymore surprised that they do not follow the actual plots or character developments. I am surprised that Epic was more accurate to the character development of Eurylochus than the main protagonist Odysseus! Made me focus more on Eurylochus than Odysseus! Hahaha!
I am glad that the musicals make more people willing to read the originals though. For that I am grateful.
And if I have to pick one song from each musical I would say "Just a Man" and "Business" respectably but of course I like others as well especially from Epic such as "Horse and the Infant", "Will of the gods" and "Storm".
I hope this answers your questions! I will elaborate further on some of the points I make here if you want! ^_^
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sohyxn · 2 days
01.⠀love expert!?⠀.✷. ⠀in which y/n help her desk mate, kim minjeong with some love advice.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀LOVE ADVICE
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the fluorescent lights of the classroom buzz overhead, casting a sterile glow over the rows of desks.
you, with your nose buried in a textbook, are trying to decipher the complexities of quadratic equations. math isn’t exactly your favorite subject, but you’re determined to ace the upcoming test.
what now? you grimace internally.
“hey, yn!”
“earth to yn!” a bright, bubbly voice breaks through your concentration.
you look up to see kim minjeong, your desk mate, waving her hand in front of your face.
minjeong, with her infectious smile and playful energy, is the epitome of sunshine.
when you first sat down next to her in class, you thought she was just another bubbly desk mate. her laughter was loud, and her bright personality seemed to fill the entire room.
you had no interest in befriending her ; after all, you were focused on your studies and avoiding any distractions.
but as the days turned into weeks, somehow you found yourself drawn into her orbit just like everyone else does.
“what’s up, minjeong?” you ask, a tight smile gracing your lips, clearly annoyed.
“I need your advice,” minjeong says, her eyes sparkling with mischief. “you’re the love expert, right?”
you chuckle. “sorry, what? I’m nowhere near a love expert. where did you hear that from?”
“oh, come on! yunjin told me you helped her with zuha!” minjeong claims.
“well, i wouldn’t call myself a love expert, but i'm a good listener, i guess.”
“okay, so you know karina, right?” minjeong asks, her cheeks turning a delicate shade of pink.
you nod, your mind still focused on the quadratic equation you’re trying to solve.
yoo jimin or everyone knows as karina is the captain of the cheerleading squad, with striking beauty, impeccable style, and unmatched charisma. students whisper her name in awe, and her presence commands attention wherever she goes. so it's practically impossible to have not heard about the campus goddess.
“so I want to ask her out,” minjeong continues.
yeah no shit sherlock.
“and I want to make her fall in love with me,” she adds, her voice laced with determination. “but I’m not sure how to do it.”
you hum, trying to focus. “how about starting a conversation with her? you know, some small talk — ask about her day, her well-being, and give some compliments here and there. girls usually love those.”
your mind drifts back to the math problems.
“arghh, that’s so hard!” minjeong groans. “what if I wrote her a note instead?”
your interest piques. “a love note? that could work. just keep it light and fun.”
"right! I could do something cute—like, ‘hey, i think you’re amazing, and I’d love to grab coffee sometime!’” minjeong’s eyes light up with excitement.
“exactly! just make sure it sounds like you,” you encourage, feeling a sense of pride for her creativity.
minjeong scribbles down her thoughts on the crumpled paper, her brows furrowed in concentration. “what if she doesn’t like notes? what if it’s too cheesy?”
“then just be yourself! If she doesn’t appreciate your style, she’s not worth it,” you say, trying to bolster her confidence.
“okay, okay! I’ll do it!” minjeong beams, determination flooding her voice.
as she folds the note carefully, your heart flutters. you can’t help but feel excited for her.
“thanks, yn! you’re the best! i will pay for your lunch!!” minjeong says, her energy infectious.
you smile, but inside, you know your life is going to be harder than usual.
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🏷️⠀──⠀@gayforalll @ringelar @wintersgff @kiazell @sixflame438 @kimminjiissosjdirbidnsjje
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