#and in his eyes he WAS battling for his comrades & himself in the 10 of hearts
carminewill · 2 months
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the h̶e̶r̶o̶ villain
so we meet again, don't we? pity, I hoped our reunion would never occur. oh, pardon my discourtesy would you? but I really find tyrants unpleasant to the mouth. "sic semper evello mortem tyrannis." I have seen many before you fall, and I will see many after you descend as well. oh don't give me that hateful sneer, you more than anyone should know the expanse of my kindness, but vain little heroes are but villians in different shoes. you grew up wishing to prove yourself, you were good once, or I thought you were. maybe you were born nasty. you strove to reach the stars, for you felt unworthy, ha, perhaps you were onto something you pushed those you saw as dirty into the dirt, face down in the name of righteousness. but one does not merely hate for hatred itself. all abhorrence stems from fear. you call yourself a savior to merely stomp on the ones beneath you. would you like a bitter truth? no one's beneath you, some just strike more worry into your heart. are they better than you? as much as I'd adore saying yes, there might still be hope for you yet. after you swallow a few slices of humble pie, and wake up to reality. you cannot force anyone to change. you cannot force anyone to do anything. it is as simple as that. reality has very few set rules and somehow even then people find a way to break them. you're not a god, little beast. it's time you stopped acting like one, for one day a real god will smite you where you stand, and they will be disguised as the "lesser" people you mock so bitterly.
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the fallen prodigy
hello old friend, it's been a while hasn't it? I remember when you were just a child, gape-smiled and beaming like the sun. where have you laid your youth to rest my love? is it buried beside your heart perhaps? I know how deeply life has wounded you, it took away everything, didn't it? oh poor soul, you held onto happiness with bloody, shaking hands but still fate ripped even that away from you. your past lovers are dead or did some betray you? turning away in fear of what they once admired. your comrades have been slain, or their priorities shifted. I've heard you too have changed your way of thought. the people fear you now, do they normally cower at the sound of your name? ah don't fret, that makes two of us. the masses tend to despise the things they do not have the will to comprehend. the villian finds sympathy for you don't they, well I could have seen that from a mile away. you two are the oldest friends, you made a deal with them correct? to save your late love, they tried to hold their end of the bargain, really, but I fear you are cursed to forever be despondent. oh what a sad and miserable life without love. is that why you chase loneliness? for is it truly a life of sorrow if you yourself has chosen it? but don't become bitter from the pain. trust when I say I have seen wounds unfold a man, turning the gentlest spirits into seething beasts. please, keep seeking love, even if it seems you are forbidden from it. you are the master of your own fate, I see how tired you are. the scars never healed, they twist and wrap around your entire person. your eyes are dark and lifeless, rest. but keep fighting, not with the sword you have forsaken so long ago, but with your heart. I'll be rooting for you my friend.
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the rising under dog
why hello again dearie, I see you managed to help those frogs those children were kicking, hm? oh how much I can emphasize we are but the ghosts of our childhood passions. and, unsurprising enough, the hero to the trodden little creatures of the earth is now a rising golden savior to the masses. oh love, I said you'd go far, didn't I. for the good always prevail in the end, somehow, they do. you lived a difficult life, I know, but you never let that get you down. you took beatings with a grin, and dished back kindness in return. inequality and injustice made you outraged, and you strove to assist the hurting and abused. oh shining dragon, you are bathed in golden light. please keep being true. you have tasted blood and death, but you refused to force it down the throats of others. and that alone proves there is inchor in your veins, demigod. you will be struggling until the very end, battling for your comrades, your people, and yourself. never lose sight of your goal my dear. sometimes you needn't have one, except see the good, and protect it. that is all my advice can tell you. I implore, protect the goodness in yourself with everything you have, but never refuse to share it also. young hero, you are growing. you are destined for wonders even I may not live long enough to encounter. keep up the good work, and keep your head held high. you are bound to do the impossible, all because you see the truth. there is good in the world, and it deserves to be found.
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kaszuma · 3 months
Oxygen is all we need | Hoshina Soshiro
Part 5 of “Certainly Yours”
pairing: Hoshina Soshiro x fem!reader
summary: you rarely see soshiro be breathless on the battlefield. And the one time you did, it was coerced by a sentient Numbers Weapon you had created.
warnings: NSFW explicit scenes with plot, mentions of sexual m/f activity, Fingering/handjob with Combat Suit on, Semi-public fingering/handjob, Hoshina being a little feral, slight description of gore for dissecting combat suits, mentions of injury for Hoshina, SPOILERS for Kn8 manga
wc: 7,719
note: Please tell me if I missed any warnings. There's kind of a lot. NSFW part was originally gonna be some soft lovemaking type of writing. But I figured I could save that for a future part. Went too feral on his Number 10 Combat Suit from reading the manga lmao. This is not proofread
Soshiro Hoshina, was an enigma.
He had always been that way to his peers. He was no different to you, now that you had been privy to see a small part of his life that people have yet to pry open.
Despite the laid-back persona he'd exemplify, you were always aware of the disciplined and hard working nature he hid beneath the surface of his jokes and smiles. And his everyday life only showed a fraction of this side of him that no one seems to pay attention to.
All except you of course, who had been keeping an eye on him well before the two of you started dating.
It started in the little actions he'd take. From the early hours of the morning, he'd wake up on the dot just to grab a cup of coffee before the day had turned busy. The privacy of his office had been made neat, filled with finished paperwork that he'd arranged the day before. Leaving room for him to swing his sword in the training rooms until the cool nights of the summer where even cicadas started sleeping early.
His comrades? Fast asleep in their bunks. Unaware that the Vice Captain was sweating. Recreating the battles he's faced in the wake of an emergency. Where Tachikawa's base had been left in his hands.
Every failure, every mistake, every mishaps he had allowed. He had made sure to embed the consequences deep into his body. Making a vow to never let anyone catch him off guard. Kaiju or humans included. And although it was a rare sight. Even you, his lover. Had not seen him work himself breathless.
Not once had you caught him wheezing to catch up. His hard work, hidden under people's watch.
His efforts were definitely there. But no one had been able to see his training first hand. Leaving people to chalk it up to simply talent, or the bloodline of his ancestry belonging to a family of generational Kaiju Slayers.
But his hard work, though hidden. Had not all been in vain. As he of all people knew deep down that he worked–no, strived to become better. To prove his existence in the field. And you, had strived to make it happen in the wake of Kaiju Number 10 readying itself to be weaponized upon your command.
It had been a few days since you and a team of technicians had decidedly worked on converting Kaiju no. 10 as a plausible weapon. A suit befitting for your lover to wear.
The first time you had seen its deformed body, trapped in a tank for containment. It had chilled you to the bone. When it briefly made eye contact with you. As if it knew something deep within your body that you hadn't known yet. Its one eye continuously staring at your form, in a strange admiration. Similar to how it looked to Soshiro.
Admiration was one thing. But said admiration coming from a potentially dangerous Kaiju was another. Such is the way of their line of work.
Surprisingly, anytime the tank had been registered open. You had not seen Kaiju no. 10 struggle at all in its restraints. Not at all bothered at the mere fact that its life was threatened to be converted into a weapon. The plates of armor, although mangled. Had not shown any signs of tension. And each incision you'd make was relaxed. The formation of the modified Combat Suit was simple. Unrestrained, even. To the point that it would obediently let you slice it as you wished. To shape and mold it to the combat suit you wished to make.
Hell, it even went as far as to talk you through it when you were removing the last bits of his shattered headpieces. Leaving the core and its surrounding muscle fibers intact. Beating, breathing like a heart. “So this is the one huh?” You heard it's gurgled laughter. As if you had not been cutting it open for hours by now.
Soshiro and a few soldiers were stationed right behind you. A team of other technicians and scientists assisting your movements to place the armor pieces together. The tension in the room was heavy, weapons readied in the case of an emergency. But like always, the Kaiju had all but stayed completely still. Obedient with a few laughs here and there for the hell of it.
“Even his woman is a weapons creator. I really did make the right decision to join forces with you, Swordsman.” Kaiju no. 10 had spoken. And you look over to Soshiro wearily at the way it had so easily figured out your relationship with him. It’s as if it read his mind, which both startled and irked your lover to no end.
“Shut yer’ trap. By the time she's done with you, you're as good as obedient to me.” You had seen the way Soshiro had glared at the dismembered monster. And the way his voice had lowered an octave. It made you momentarily forget that you were in a room full of people.
You purse your lips. Trying not to focus on his smooth voice. Not when you were potentially busy dealing with a Kaiju that had not been fully weaponized yet.
You had all but shook your head. No, get your mind out of the gutter.
“Stop provoking each other.” You spoke, pulling away at the last bit of veins connected to the hardened plating. "I'm trying to work here.”
You let out a sigh. Eventually taking the last muscle fiber and attaching the last bit of the Kaiju’s parts onto the mold of the suit. Its shape fully formed right besides its old carcass that had been readily discarded afterwards. The Combat Suit took ages to cut apart. With its armor far too hard to penetrate with just a scalpel alone. But somehow you and your team had managed. And all somehow went according to the blueprints you made.
The suit was the right size. The plating was sturdy, amplified with shields and wires that would support its structure. And the fact that it had an added limb for a tail. Its extension beautifully connected to the lower end of its spine that completed the look.
Number 10 had not made a single sound as it had likely died from being weaponized. Like the rest of the Kaiju before it. And you mentally pat yourself on the back for a job well done for making quick work of him.
Or at least..that's what was supposed to happen. “Wear me, swordsman. I want to fight something already.”
“It's still speaking?” You had felt yourself be pulled back. Soshiro had wasted no time getting in front of you. Hand already on the hilt of his swords, as the weaponized Kaiju stared straight back at him. This time, instead of a mangle corpse, it had been a combat suit. Capable of speech and thought processing.
“Why is it still sentient?” He had glanced back at you. And you can see the faint traces of his still fresh bandages wrap around his lower neck, within the zipper of his jacket.
“I don't know.” You had spoken truthfully. “We've never had to weaponize a sentient Kaiju before.” You had replied. Weary of the tension in the room. Soshiro's back had all but blocked your view from the Combat Suit. And it laughed when the rest of the technicians also backed up. Cowering behind some of the soldiers who already had their guns raised. Pointed straight at the tank that held the completed weapon.
“Is it safe to use?” Soshiro asked.
“It should be. The rest of his core can't sync up to his body anymore, so I doubt he can kill anyone right now.” You explained. Not once had Soshiro looked away from the suit.
You had watched as Soshiro wearily stood straighter. This time, raising his hand so that the rest of the soldiers would lower their aimed weapons. And although they had been hesitant, they had done exactly that. With the weaponized Kaiju not reacting at all in fact.
“Well this isn't good..” He whispered. Skeptical about letting you get any closer to it as the Kaiju inside of it seemed ecstatic. Screaming praises towards you, excited that it might be worn soon. And Soshiro twitched, his smile irritated more than usual.
“It..probably needs a bit more time to adjust in the combat suit. For now, let me work on it alone.” You had suggested, seeing the skepticism of the other technicians who did not want anything to do with the suit who is very much still alive.
You had no doubt that no one wanted to work on the weapon, especially since it was still very sentient. Now in possession of solidified upgrades to strengthen its use in combat. If it was still able to formulate thoughts despite having been completely mangled as a weapon. Kaiju no. 10, now had the means to breach the combat suit's limitations. In the case it did lose control. And when you were working with an unidentified threat, there's a high chance it wouldn't hesitate to attack.
Meaning, if the higher ups wanted this weapon usable for Soshiro. Then you were the only one who'd be willing to work through the weapon’s new kinks and pieces. To stop it from getting wild and uncontrollable.
It had obediently let you work on it the first time. You were positive that it wouldn't be a problem now. Right?
“...Are you sure about this? I don't mind if it doesn't become usable ya’ know? It ain't worth risking your life like this.” He had briefly brushed a thumb to your cheek. Forgetting that there had been an audience of officers just behind them.
Though it seems Soshiro did not care much about that. More worried for your safety, in all of this.
“Calm down swordsman. I'm not interested in killing the woman who's bound to make me stronger. It'll keep things..Interesting.”
Soshiro had looked over to the tube that held the weaponized Kaiju in place. It didn't even register in your eyes when he had unsheathed one of his blades. Pointing the tip directly at the cross section on the combat suit's chest. Where the eye had been placed. “Keep talking and I'll slice you to ribbons ya’ little-”
But before he could threaten number 10, you had crossed your way over to lower his weapon. A gentle hand on his bandaged chest that had been healing for a few days now. “I will be just fine.”
“You heard him, he won't hurt me.”
“And ya’ sure about that?” He had a strained smile on his lips. Bordering frustration as he had not once moved his gaze from the suit.
“If he planned to, he would've attacked me way before I could dice him up to make armor out of him.” You had given him a small smile. Despite your own skepticism.
“I'll be fine..” You reassured him again. And silence took momentary peace in the room full of weary people. The others had not been convinced in the slightest.
Soshiro had a minute to take in your words. His hardened gaze softened momentarily as it met your pretty face. And as usual, you did not falter when you spoke confident sentences. Strong-willed and unafraid as you were. As self-confident as ever it seems, befitting for someone who worked closely on the defense force despite not being a soldier. You were troublesome indeed. But he had no doubt you'd be able to make something out of the living Kaiju he and Captain Ashiro worked so hard to kill.
He couldn't help but let out a sigh. Placing his blade back on his hip. “Fine. But, I'm staying here with you, so…”
“Get him ready, and I'll be the one to break him in for ya.”
It had been a few days since that incident occurred. After a few talks with command, you had been granted access to a private facility where the necessary tools and materials were given to you to fix Number 10's control over the weaponized suit. Having been quickly transferred to a private facility that no one but a select few had access to.
Surprisingly, Soshiro had done well on his promise. Leaving the Tachikawa base to stay with you on a daily basis in the case that Kaiju no. 10 would attack. Likely having already explained the situation to Captain Ashiro long before you had worked on adjusting the suit’s flaws.
Soshiro was usually a patient man. But being a Vice Captain of an entire division, you did not want to waste a second of his packed schedule when he was already so busy with his other responsibilities. So you wasted no time as you continued to limit the weapon's control over its armored body. Thoroughly eradicating its ability to disobey order from its wearer, but to no avail.
So far, all you had been able to do was to limit the monster's movements, down to a singular point which was its tail. The limb seems to have a mind of its own, and it did not bother to listen to any of you nor Soshiro's commands. Demanding that they let him battle a Kaiju to test out his new uses. And the moment Soshiro had declined. You weren't spared from Kaiju no. 10's complaining either. Constantly yapping in excitement for a battle that had yet to start.
Although it wasn't nearly as controlled as you liked, command had apparently dubbed the weaponized combat suit as usable enough for Soshiro to handle. And despite the dangers of its early prototypes, they were both given the permission to do a test run within the indoor training grounds provided near the labs.
Which is what leads you today, alone once more in an enforced room no less. Watching Soshiro step into the small pod, where wires had connected the Weaponized combat suit onto his body.
And from the control panel right next to it. You are able to grasp a few readings of his vitals. All seemed stable thus far.
“Are you sure about this? Wouldn't it be safer to have soldiers on standby for the simulation?” You had stood up from your chair. Brows scrunched the moment the combat suit had zipped closed around his body.
Your eyes had glanced over at the way his suit had all but molded to his form. The armor plating had fit distinctly to his chest. And his arms and legs had no trouble adjusting to the heavy heat of Kaiju no. 10's muscle fibers. The ones you had distinctly measured to fit his body. A combat suit made only for him in mind.
And he looked damn good in it. You thought.
“I’ll be fine sweetheart. I'm confident ya’ made it safe enough for me to wear it.” He had spoken through the standard respiratory mask he wore. And you could hear each audible breath he took in. Calm and steady unlike the buzz in your head that kept glancing down your lover's abdomen.
You had half a mind to look away. To not focus on the ridges of his plated hands. The hardened steel that covered his abs. And that damn tail on his back, that traced the ridges of his neck and spine.
Here he was, trusting his safety to the very core of your days worth of handiwork. And all you were thinking about is how you wished his hands were unbuttoning your blouse. And worse.
“Sure.” You stutter.
“Let's just hope it syncs up with your brain waves..” You had distracted yourself. Forcing your eyes to face the screen instead of his body. And you could see the way Soshiro had visibly slackened when he had noticed the way you had turned away from him. And this abruptness had made him frown a little. Thinking that the suit might've scared you to bits. A far cry to the actual thoughts swimming in your mind.
“Your woman here is quite talented in strengthening me. I see why you can't ignore her.” Kaiju no. 10 spoke to him. A chuckle sounding out from the small intercom he wore. Luckily you were too distracted to hear its comment.
“You show hesitation. If I had been the one in control, I'd show no restraint to your woman and take her as mine..” Soshiro had heard it's voice in his head. And flashes of their synced brain had shown him a brief future where you had pinned her under his arms. His clawed hands gripping at the plush of your thighs, and he'd carefully start to taste the droplets of slick that would caress the skin nearest your-
He shook his head.
“Quit yappin’ or I'll have you decommissioned before you can ever become useful to me.” He had stepped forward. The wires disconnecting from the skeletal structure of his armored back. And Soshiro could feel the weight of the weaponized combat suit completely engulf his body. That tail of his, which previously belonged to Kaiju no. 10. Was swinging around haphazardly, out of his control. Like it had been excited from being worn. After days of laying dormant in the table to be operated on.
But if Soshiro had to guess. It was likely this excitement had stemmed from the thoughts the Kaiju had dug up from the very back of his brain. Thoughts that he had kept for himself in the darkness of his room where no one would disturb him.
And a monster having access to that?
He might not hear the end of it.
If only he hadn't put that image inside his head. Who would've thought that syncing his brain waves with a sentient combat suit would have him thinking sinful thoughts. In broad daylight too, where the suit could monitor every muscle and bone in his body. Each reaction recorded and documented for a report.
He had heard stories that this was a common side effect that the Weapon Numbers had. The non-sentient ones had at least some form of memory of their previous users. The difference was, number 10 was more talkative. Straightforward even. It had just been his luck that the monster somehow managed to resurface a few of his thoughts that he buried deep within the very corners of his brain.
And here he was, in a situation that made his body unbelievably breathless and hot. Alone and in front of you.
“Vital signs are okay..but your thermal readings are higher than normal.” You had spoken. Shaking away the tingling sensation you felt from seeing him in the Combat suit. More worried about his well being this time.
But Soshiro couldn't seem to look you in the eye. A strained smile seems to have overcome his features as he felt the heat travel from the pit of his stomach, all the way down to the valley between his legs.
Now was not the right time for him to harden.
“Is everything alright?” You had walked up much closer to him. And you can see the telltale signs of breathlessness in him. Odd considering he had never been caught breathless like this. And the moment you had come closer in proximity, he took a singular step back.
Which didn't go unnoticed by you.
In actuality, he was lucky that your eyes had been focused on his face. His pants were loose, no different from the standard uniform all officers would wear. But if you looked hard enough, you might be able to see the signs of his printed heat. Carved on the fabric nearest his thighs.
“Just peachy.” He answers with a chuckle.
“He's just..a little noisy that's all.” He had cleared his throat. Feeling the familiar sensation of his erection start to throb. And another wave of uncontrollable thoughts had washed over his mind. Likely a result from No. 10 sharing its desires to him. No, rather than sharing its thoughts, it most likely resurfaced his feelings that he kept hidden from his lover.
It hadn't been that long since you had officially gotten together. Save one date or two during the rare occasion that they'd both be off-duty. But never had they been intimate in that way before. Hell, he didn't even know if you were a virgin or not.
He flinches. Suddenly feeling the shockwave of heat skim across his armored body, making him falter from his movements to back away. And he falls forward. A hand on your shoulder to steady himself before he could completely stumble.
“Soshiro!” He had heard you speak. The palm of your hand against his chest. But his mind was dazed. His name on your lips had made his pants feel awfully tight. And his ears had warmed slightly, removing the respiratory mask on his face so that he could breathe more evenly. “M’ fine..”
His tone had not been convincing. And you could feel the quick breaths he'd take to make up for the lack of oxygen that took up all the heat in his body.
Damn you, Kaiju no. 10. Soshiro could practically hear it chuckling.
“Stop lying..” You had spoken exasperatedly. “Is he talking to you right now?” You heard him give you a hum.
And such a curt reply makes you wonder. Finding it odd that Soshiro, who was normally talkative and easy-going, had all but quieted down. Your question remained unanswered as he was too busy hearing the words of the Weaponized suit in his head. Urging him forward which had left you clueless to the thoughts in his head. “Your hesitation is cowardly. Move. Or I will, swordsman.”
And he purses his lips at the thought. His head leaning against your shoulder. Hand abruptly moving to palm the small of your back to pull you much closer than before. And he gritted his teeth at Number 10's coercion. “Don't touch her.”
His growl had made you flinch. And you can see the way his fangs had showed up from the way his teeth had bared. The low baritone of his voice had been unlike him. Heavy and out of breath. But somehow the sound shot straight down your core. And it makes you gulp.
The reply had clearly not been for you. And such actions would provoke him enough to pull you closer. That and you had found it strange for him to be acting in such a way. You had assumed as much that Number 10 would be talking to him. Though exactly what they had conversed about you hadn't had a clue. Only going off in the little hints of emotions you’d find surrounding his body and face. But that had been impossible too.
Not when he had his nose buried on the crook of your neck where the scent of your subtle cologne had wafted thoroughly. Leaving a mark that made him want to do as Number 10 had desired. Or better yet, provoked him to do it.
“Soshiro..” you called softly. Running your hands through his dark hair starts to worry for both his physical and mental state. It was common knowledge that Weaponized Kaiju would put a strain on its user. And you did not want to risk his life for an early prototype that had yet to be perfected by you.
To your better judgment, you had led him to lean against the control panel. Gently letting his back hit the surface of the table. And you had slowly unwrapped yourself from him. Reaching to the keyboard which will let you issue a command to get him ejected from the Weaponized Kaiju.
But before you could reach to press a few buttons, he pulled you back. Strong hands wrapping at the softness of your waist. Gingerly pulling you back, closer to him in proximity to prevent your escape. Your spine was pressed up against his chest where you could feel the sturdiness of his suit against your shoulder. And your frown at your lover's unusual stubbornness. Not one to often find him resisting any actions you'd issue when it came to testing weaponized materials. “Soshiro, just hold still I need to-”
You flinched. Stopping your sentence midway.
The sudden feeling of his teeth sinking into the nape of your neck had overridden whatever words that wanted to leave your mouth. All but too focused on the feeling of his teeth taking a bite from the skin of your very neck.
Surprisingly, his bite had not been enough to draw blood. It was softer than you anticipated. One that oddly made you yelp in a pleased manner. And just as quickly as he marked the area, he moved to lick away at the reddened state your skin had been left in. Which you had not expected, placing a hefty hand over your lips to strangle any noises your throat attempted to make from his intimate actions.
“Soshiro, wait.” You had flinched again.
Feeling his lips trail kisses southward. Down from the nape, all the way over to the pulse point on your neck. He had hummed, giving your skin a few kitten licks. Before he immediately sank his teeth into your skin once more.
Leaving red marks that left you jolting against him. Your head leaning back to press closer against his shoulder. Likely to let his teeth sink deeper, if he wanted to. But Soshiro, even in this dazed state, remained disciplined. Rigid as he didn't let the bite intensify in fear of injuring you. His only intent was to leave ravishing red marks that proved to him that you were his. A warning to the Kaiju that threatened his place beside you.
“Mm..sorry dear. You're jus’ way too fuckin sweet.” He mumbled against your skin. His tail, which had previously been quiet, had now wrapped itself loosely against your leg. As if trying to pull you closer to Soshiro's body. The same sentiment seemed to have been shared between Kaiju No. 10 and Soshiro. And you wonder if this had been the result of their minds syncing up. The conversation they would have in their head remained a mystery to you as they worked in tandem to challenge each other further. And you had hesitantly tried to pull away despite not wanting to stop.
“We're still at work..” You had whispered out. Breathing heavily as he licked and sucked on your neck. Leaving purple marks on the wake of his careful lips. Even in this state he had been meticulous. Leaving careful bites that only ever felt ticklish and pleasant. And he pulled you closer, halting you from escaping.
He had not been rough at all in the way he had so easily painted your skin with his masterpieces. And although his grip was firm. All you needed was to push him away. To stop him from going further. But you hadn't moved a single inch away. Let alone stop him.
“I know..I just..” He breathes heavily against your jaw and ear. Taking your free hand to drag it behind you. Guiding your touch to trace the ridges of his abdomen. Reaching all the way down to the softness of his pants. And you feel the cold zipper of his clothes graze against your fingertips.
But more importantly. Something warmer had touched her fingertips. And you could feel the shape of his length under the confines of fabric. Painfully hard and tight from his size. And you feel your breath hitch the moment you had realized why exactly he had been heating up so abnormally since he wore the suit. The strangled sound of his groan had been muffled by his lips pressing thinly together. Biting back the soft sighs as he guides your warm palm to press harder against his crotch.
“Jus’ tell me to stop.” He whispered.
“Tell me you don't want this..” He breathlessly groaned. Suddenly finding relief that your hand had cupped the very place he had been craving friction from. The texture of his pants made him shiver as you had delicately traced the imprint of his hard-on. As if all but admiring the large warmth in your hand. And you realized that your body showed no signs of stopping. Giving into the inhibitions that that struggle through the restraints of your logic.
And although you couldn't face him right now, you spoke softly. Immediately in your reply. “I want this..”
Soshiro had taken a moment to glance at you. And he sees the redness of your cheeks bloom against your skin. Chest heaving just as much as he was when he had started thinking about the pleasure in his body. Number 10 had seemed to read both you and him so easily that he didn't need to hold you both in place just so something would happen. The work is already being done in place as you suddenly press yourself further into his erection.
Without warning, you start grinding your hands against him. Moving it up and down, feeling the way the fabric rolled against your palm and the traces or dampness. Ones that alluded to sticky mess he made underneath the fabric.
A hiss came from his mouth and Soshiro couldn't help but pull you closer by the hips. His enhanced hands, one that had been strengthened by the weaponized suit, would likely leave bruises on the handle of your hips. If he had been too caught up or careless in his actions.
So he faltered, moving his hand away from your body. Instead, deciding to prop itself up on the surface of the control panel they leaned on. The other hand, which had still made contact with your hips. Had caressed you hungrily upon your own touches. Holding back his urges to grab you too tightly lest he breaks your body from his strength alone. An idea likely from Kaiju no. 10 who had oddly quieted down from his actions. Whether it too can feel the effects you have on him was a mystery to him. One of which he had greedily just decided to ignore for the time being.
He'll save the lectures for later.
“Fuck-” He had sighed out. Feeling your fingers start palming him harder. Rubbing his crotch vigorously. Enough to cause him to squirm in place. His eyes had momentarily opened. Squinting around for any cameras or recording devices hidden in the training room. Luckily, there was conveniently none. Likely a result of keeping Weapons 10 a secret in the case they get infiltrated by a Kaiju.
Not that it was a problem for him. He'd wipe any footage he finds later. And everyone would be none the wiser to their endeavors.
His focus had solely fixated on the way your fingertips felt upon his crotch. His hips have grown desperate. Moving to grind against your hand to get more friction out of you. But to no avail, the fabric was in the way. And right now, his only thought was that this moment, although as pleasing to him as it did to you, had been the worst time for the both of you to start in.
He had it all planned out too.
He'd take you out on a date on his off-duty. Make you wear a pretty sundress that he could easily peel off. And focus on your pleasure for the rest of the night should he be allowed to do so.
But this had been too different from his plans. Far too risky and sudden for his liking. His pleasure had been amped, and he had felt the careful touches you'd do in order to please him. Touch and palm his dick until it was beyond the point of arousal. Make him spill an early load in the confines of a training room no less.
But he'll be damned if he doesn't please you too.
“Ngh..You too sweetheart..” He groaned. “Let me make you feel good too.” He whispered, trying to regain a sense of control when his crotch had surely been sticky and wet from all the precum that damped his own boxers.
The hand that had hesitated in gripping your hip had slid forward to your stomach. His fingers tracing down the crumpled blouse that had tucked into the standardized pencil skirt that you had worn. And time and time again, it had not failed to grab his attention in each waking moment you decided to wear the damn thing.
The way it had hugged your figure, where he'd sneak a glance at the curves of your stomach and hips. His thoughts couldn't help but darken, admiring the way you had always managed to capture his attention. Unwarranted and without warning.
He didn't hesitate to pull your skirt up. Trailing the fabric directly above your navel until it revealed the pretty underwear you wore. And his textured fingertips traced his name on the waistband of the fabric. Playing with the mere shudders you'd make upon his touches. Your hands, which had busied themselves by touching Soshiro’s crotch, had stilled for a moment. Giving him a stellar opportunity to make up for lost time. It was his turn now.
“Keep yer legs open for me sweetheart..” He had whispered out. Immediately running his hand through the valley of your clothed core. Feeling the dampness of the underwear, stain his coarse fingertips with your slick. Your inner thighs which had quivered against his light touches had glistened as a few droplets slipped past his fingers which made the skin of your thighs all the more tantalizing to watch.
He'd like to admire it more if he were being honest. He could tell number 10 had been all the same as his tail trailed up further onto your thighs. Gripping the skin to keep you in place. But right now, it wasn't the ideal setting for such a thing. Had this been a perfect world, he'd have taken you somewhere more comfortable. More private to please you. But right now, the suit isn't responding to any of his commands. And the best way to shut him and his damn urges up was to do this as quickly as possible. He'll have to make up for this at a later date. For now, all they needed was each other's touches.
“Soshiro..wait, I've never-” You threw your head back. Pausing when the hand that had moved to palm your cunt had suddenly invaded your space. His fingers had slipped past your waistband to quickly pinch at the sensitive bundle of nerves above your entrance. Your clit throbbing to meet his touches as you clenched against nothing in particular. Leaving Soshiro's own pulsating erection shuddering from your lack of touches. Far too distracted to continue your previous movements. Pinching your tender clit had made Soshiro groan in response. Feeling just how wet you had gotten for him despite only touching you just now.
“This your first time?” He whispered. Kissing you squarely on the shoulders. Trying his best to calm your nerves at the new feeling he was giving you. His hand was far too occupied at touching the quivering spot between your legs. And he starts rubbing circles with his fingers. Pressing down on the nub of your clit which made you moan and buck your hips in response.
“Shh..S’okay. Let me take care of ya.” He breathed next to your ear. “I won't enter ya..just focus on the pleasure.” He sighed out. His fingers were already making quick work of your entrance which had not wasted any more time than he should have. Weary that anyone could walk in and see them doing other things that didn't involve number 10's prototype testing.
Immediately, he didn't hesitate to run his hands through your fleshy lips. Mixing the liquids of your slick to help satisfy the itch your heat had felt. And the noises you made when you spoke his name had all but proved to encourage his touches further. Stretching your cunt wide open to make way for his fingers.
And you had all but yelped the moment his movements had made quick and distinct touches to your cunt. Your entrance trying its damndest to swallow his fingers whole that had so easily helped build up the euphoric high your core desperately chased after. But to no avail, his fingers teased. Slipping past the entrance just to help you fit his fingers in much easier. Testing out whether you can take the stretch of his fingers or not.
Despite the strain on his pants, his hand had expertly rubbed and felt your fleshy entrance. Squeezing the slick out of you as it had completely dampened his fingers and the underwear that had threatened to slip past your thighs.
The shaky moans you'd let out was followed up by a finger slowly prodding at your cunt's entrance and without warning his coarse gloved hands had invaded you without struggle. His finger easily made it past the slippery exterior he worked so hard to prep. All for this moment. “Nghh..Soshi..ro..feels good.”
“I know sweetheart. You're close right?” His own shaky breaths had replied back. His fingers suddenly pistoning in and out of your sopping wet core. Invading and reaching spots no one, not even you had reached before. And your head throws back against him. Hand immediately palming his clothed dick to encourage him further. The unfamiliar feeling of a string coiling around the pit of your stomach had formed. And it threatened to spill out from your cunt like a glass cup that had been too full.
“Mmm..let me touch you too.” You had managed to let out between sighs. Your legs are shivering at this point. And you feel your underwear slip down to pool against your ankles. No longer struggling to keep itself up against your inner thighs. Revealing the lewd scene of his fingers penetrating your cunt. You hadn't even realized he added a finger until he started moving it in a scissoring motion. And you had half a mind to give up on your endeavors to match his euphoria.
But you have always been quite a stubborn person. Even when you had carefully tiptoed around each other. You had been bold in your endeavors. And you were bolder now, more than ever.
“Shit- hold on a second..mmm..” Soshiro had felt the way your hand had reached to unzip his pants. And your palm had gradually encased his dick with the warmth of your fingers. Massaging his erection directly to feel the ridges and veins it naturally had. The tip of it was a raging red that dripped pearlescent drops of his precum. Bubbling at the slit to land on the floor below them.
And Soshiro couldn't help but groan. Imagining that it had been your cunt that had engulfed his dick in languid motions.
Number 10 didn't need to coerce him this time. Getting lost on the feeling as he bucked his hips to meet the sensations you dished out. But despite this, he did not falter in his actions at all. Completely enamored that he could touch you and feel you all at the same time. Driving his mind into a short circuit the minute his fingers managed to reach deeper into your cunt. Finding the hardened button of your g-spot that only makes your vision blurry.
“uh…ahh..I'm close. Soshiro..I'm close..” You had closed your eyes, your movements beginning to turn sloppy as you tried to keep up with his pace. And your shaky moaning had increased in volume since then.
Soshiro could feel the telltale signs of your release. Feeling your cunt squeeze onto his fingers which had been knuckle deep into you at this point. And he too lets out a shaky moan when he feels his semen drip down more steadily from his dick. Leaving the liquid dripping between your fingers and soft palms. “Me too..”
“Just..keep your voice down dear.” He spoke slowly. Burying his face unto the crook of your neck before bucking his hips wildly into your hand. Letting him control the pace in which you had massaged his dick. And he began seeing stars. Your moans had been crystal clear while his fingers stretched you open. Grinding up against your cunt whilst his thumb pressed deeply against your clit to further push you on the edge.
And without warning, you had arched your back to scream.
Soshiro hadn't realized this as you both came. The release for both of you had been so intense that he had forgotten all about Kaiju no. 10 who was still silent but active within his suit. Silently snarling and listening in on the intensity your pleasure had dictated the scene. Number 10 had not been perfected as a weapon, So it still had somewhat of a mind of its own. Able to control just a part of its tail upon being worked on for days on end.
And surprisingly, he made himself rather useful when its weaponized tail wrapped around the jaw of her mouth. Muffling your pleasured screams before you'd be found out by any passing officers outside of the training room.
Your body convulsed at the feeling.
The euphoria traveling in shockwaves as your ivory essence had pooled between your thighs and his hand. Coating it with the liquid that you had not thought you'd be able to reach without Soshiro's expertise. Luckily, his dick was much the same.
Shooting out thick semen that had stained the skin of your calf to create a messy picturesque sequence that he's sure would be number 10’s leverage for the next time they try to test him as a prototype. And that had been all Soshiro needed to know for a sigh to escape his lips. His weird suit sure had its ups and downs he supposes. But if this were to happen again, he'd rather keep you as far away from him when he's wearing this suit for the next time around.
“Sorry..” You had heard Soshiro breathe out. And you watch him in the corner of your eyes. As hair clung against the sweaty sheen of your cheek. The tail that had muffled your mouth slowly retracted upon Soshiro's command. And you could've sworn you heard a faint laughter from within the Number 10. As if he too had been satisfied by such an event.
“What for?” You had smiled. Glancing at the way your lover had breathed heavily. Taking in the steady breathes he needed after the passionate event you had both experienced. And his face had gingerly lifted up from your shoulder. A baffled look crossing his features.
“I didn't mean to attack you like that..I-” He paused. Feeling the way the Combat suit had finally cooled down. Signaling that it had been shut down. Likely because it had not been fitted for a better power source yet. So it turned off on its own before Number 10 could even make another snide comment, one of which Soshiro was sure he'd be doing just about now. Had he the actual power capacity to do so.
And he grits his teeth upon the suit slowly opening up to reveal the compression shirt he wore underneath it. Finally his control had been mostly back. With Number 10 no longer plaguing his thought process.
“Damn this Kaiju..” He whispered. Removing his fingers from your core. And you flinch upon the loss of his warmth.
“It's fine.” You shook your head.
“Was it the Kaiju giving you ideas? or was it all you?” You had asked. Suddenly it was strange that the researcher in you would surface after just touching each other so lewdly earlier. But you couldn't help but wonder. He had acted strangely upon putting on Number 10. You'd only assume they had a spoken agreement earlier when Soshiro had looked protective almost, in the way he had held you.
“Most of it..yeah..” Soshiro had admitted. Awkwardly looking away knowing that he might've crossed boundaries with you. He'd be remiss if you didn't get a little bit angry at the sudden attack. And he wouldn't blame you if you had not wanted to be anywhere near him ever again.
But you surprised him once more when you moved to kiss him on the lips. Unchanged in the way you felt when you had consented to his advances. It was partly your logic that encouraged him. It was partly your fault too for not stopping him when he asked. Now you both were held responsible in submitting a fake report that would inevitably be submitted to command. And such a kiss that spoke those very sentiments leaves him breathless, trying to catch oxygen before it could leave him panting for another.
“Good. I'd be pissed off if you told me you didn't want me at all.”
“Did’ya really think I didn't want you?” He sighed. “I just..wanted you to feel special. Unlike how I treated you before..”
And you couldn't help but smile. Knowing how hard Soshiro had likely been working a lot harder to make time for you despite the nature of their work. And that fact alone, has been enough for your cheeks to flame. His efforts have been enough for you for some time now. Unbeknownst to his better judgement.
“It's fine..just make it up to me another time.” You had spoken softly. Wrapping your arms around his neck. And he in turn hugged you just as tightly back.
“I will. I promise you I will, sweetheart.” He spoke. Leaning back in to capture your lips despite the slight fatigue the suit has done to his body. The heaviness didn't matter much to him anymore. And damn the suit if he had to beat into submission on a later date. Number 10 may have had a grip on him this time, but next time around he won't be the one dictating his desires.
He'd do it himself. Properly and in a much better setting, where he wouldn't be panting like a puppy in heat.
His breathlessness had been a rare sight indeed. But Oxygen was all he needed to kiss you breathless too.
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getoed5725 · 1 year
about Gojo, Geto, Shoko, loneliness and love
spoilers for 220
written by my local monkey friend that i got permission to translate! don't take it as actual fact though, this is from our overall perspective from reading the latest chapter.
In Shoko's memory, there's an image of Gojo with the loosed white bandages, who said "I won't let anyone be alone (独り/hitori) anymore" so you can see, the memory is around a year before the main events of jjk (~2017), and the time when vol 0 occured.
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Speaking of vol 0, there was a scene at the beginning when Gojo was talking to Yuuta when he received death sentence by the higher ups, he said something similar: "But being alone (一人/hitori) is very lonely?"
They (独り/一人) have they same pronounciation (hitori), but 一人 is to count the number, and 独り is the state of being lonely. For example, you are in a room with 10 people => you're not alone (一人), but you can still feel lonely (独り). Basically, you can be surrounded by many and can still feel lonely. And in chap 220, what Gojo doesn't want his students to go through anymore, is being lonely (独り). on top of that, he used もう誰も (no other (person) anymore) which means Gojo himself had to go through that state, or he witnessed someone else going through it.
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What Gojo wanted is "I won't let any other person be lonely anymore", not "I won't let anyone be lonely", meaning he doesn't want the PAST to reoccurred, so it's not him just being kind out of goodwill or anything. The reason for it is to make up for the past he went through.
Back to the subject individual of "being alone" state, Shoko, as one of the 2 people in Gojo's beautiful 3 years of youth, has given the right answer: "Truthfully, being in love (愛/ai) with either of you guys (オマエら/omaera) is something that will never happen even if the world falls down. But I was there (with you) too, what do you mean alone, you idiot. There's this bunch of monsters waiting for you to come back".
Gojo himself never mentions who is the individual behind that "loneliness", himself or someone else, but Shoko can immediately realize what he means. And that is because she links "being alone" with "you guys" (オマエら) (Gojo and Geto), and at the same time thinking about them during school. A Geto Suguru who felt alone with his spiral, with the insane ideals that he thinks no one could understand; and a Gojo who felt alone even though he stood among many peers and comrades because he lost the feeling of standing side by side with someone equal during his "first and last blue spring".
Next, we need to pay attention to the word "love" (愛) that Shoko uses.
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Shoko uses 愛 (ai) when talking about her relationship (or lack thereof) between her and her two friends. In most cases, this word means romantic love, and it is heavier than the use of like (好き/suki). She is denying to hell and back that never ever in this life that she has feelings for them ("even if the world falls down"), but she "was there" too. It means she admits that she cannot provide (romantic) love for either of them, but she is still there for them as a friend. So, it would be stupid that you can't escape the feeling of loneliness, cannot escape the past.
The above sentence is suspicious, I must say. If you wanna show that Gojo's not going to be lonely with friends and students by his side, then this whole panel and confession of NOT being in love with either of Gojo or Geto are completely unneccessary if you really think about it. And if you want to show that you understand no one can replace a "bestfriend" for Gojo like Geto, then the word "love" is also not neccessary. Not to mention she uses 愛. Yuta uses that word for Rika in the battle. Yorozu said she will give Sukuna this bc she truly loves him.
So why does Shoko use such a term in the negative tone? Why does she want Gojo to know that friendship can also erase loneliness, not just "love"? Isn't it because in Shoko's eyes, Gojo feels that he has lost his "love"? During that 3 years of youth, Gojo never felt lonely because Geto was by his side. So when Geto left, no other person could help Gojo escape that feeling of loneliness anymore. In other words, there's no reason to bring up the idea of love if it's not to underline that it is what Shoko sees in them. Hence the panel is from her POV: it is only Gojo and Geto in that panel, after all.
Shoko confirmed herself. That even though she was "still there", even though "a bunch of monsters" were there surrounding Gojo, he still can't let go of the past, he still thinks that he's "lonely" all this time. "What do you mean alone, you idiot. I was there too". Yes she was there too. Even though she was there. Gojo cannot escape loneliness because Geto has gone. That is the reason why Geto is, and still is Gojo's "bestfriend, the only one he has".
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In conclusion (tl/dr):
1. Gojo has not moved on
2. Gojo's current dream/ideal (not letting anyone alone, not letting anyone take away the youth of the young children) is because he wants to make up for the past
3. Shoko knows she can't provide them what they yearn for to truly feel happy when they were together (愛/love), but her and the students can give him care and support and companionship, so he shouldn't said that he's lonely
4. Gojo with Geto by his side is a Gojo who is not lonely
I didn't expect to get more insight into Shoko's POV of the whole ordeal, but I'm glad we did. Shoko's denial of being in love with them isn't just there for no reason. There is no reason for her, of all people, to bring such a topic up under such circumstances: the children are going to fight to the death to save him and others. Shoko is also calling him out for thinking he's been alone, even though her and others are there for him. Which is... very sad to me. Geto is such a huge loss to Gojo, such an irreplacable existence, that when he's gone from this world, he made a huge void, and Gojo keeps gazing into that void, thinking he's lonely. He doesn't want anyone to be lonely like that, when Shoko calls his bullshit out because he has friends!!! He losed his love, and Shoko can't bring his love back, but she and the kids are there to support him in other ways too!!
I'm not saying this perspective is correct and canon, but it just makes so much sense that way for me. Gege has been playing the vague game about Gojo and Geto's relationship since v0, what with the mysterious last words, and now this mysterious love from Shoko's POV. I just love Satosugu and how Gege builds their relationship.
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lucidfallacy · 17 days
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* König x Reader 18+ *
It's about twenty meters high. I survey the dauntingly short distance between me and a guaranteed spot as a sniper on the esteemed firing-squad. One last wall of rock and destiny to earn the privilege of fighting alongside the Colonel's 4 man fireteam. Truth be known I'm really just vying to be near the soft spoken Austrian death-bringer, König. That fateful name, meaning king in German and spawning fear among the toughest of men across the globe. And maybe it's sad, but I would gladly bow to him. After the things I've witnessed him do... His interrogations alone feel like a damned strip tease. Even though I still don't know what lies under that ragged executioners hood cloaking his head and maybe I never will. But I do know that his eyes are bluer than a vile of Kortac's sparkling lethal injection. Which I've seen him administer on quite a few occasions. I also know he is utmost respectful, looking and speaking to me as if we are equals. My attraction to him is quite the opposite of atomic and the repercussions if I followed through with my desires are nuclear. I'm just hoping that serving him will be enough to quench this insatiable thirst I have for his approval.
The trials have been exceedingly treacherous and I'd be lying if I said I didn't love it. I've fought for everything I own. My rank, my reputation. Today's challenges must have been crafted in soldier heaven just for me. We started off early as sin this morning with bare knuckled knock out boxing. Not usually my first choice for breakfast, but it was entertaining at least. By no means am I small and still they underestimated me. Should've guessed that I wouldn't go down easy just from how fucked my body looks. Did they get a good look at all my bruises? The scars? I spent my teenage years fighting for my life as I wandered the streets of Chicago. It's a part of me I've gladly left behind, ever since I joined the military on my eighteenth birthday. I had not a single doubt in my mind about it, but that was years ago and I was young. I mean, who was around to tell me no? The routine here was good for me in the end. But I'm no less grateful for the lessons I learned in that chapter of my story. I was stuck believing that I could only ever be worth the life I was born into. That's until I found my purpose.
They all see me as "just another bitch in the way." Well, that's how my 'comrades' put it. That's why it was almost too easy, contorting Zero into that arm bar earlier. He wanted this position so very badly too, but obviously not enough for a broken arm. I'm still reveling in the way his shoulder popped right before he tapped out. Wish I could've recorded it for the next time he pisses me off. But I will admit, he had me sweating there for a second. In the end, his teeth sunk deep into my thigh as my legs wrapped around his hopeless neck. I wrenched his arm back into a devastating hold, pulling harder as we fought an unspoken battle of "No, you let go first." König stood just outside the cage with his men in the shadows, studying us. Arms folded across his imposing 6'10 stature and unmoving with every crushing blow to we laid to each other. The abandoned building was filled with our groans and grunts as we fought for dominance. The spotlight almost blinding while we rolled around in each other's sweat on the makeshift ring's floor. But as my blood pooled around Zero's mouth he licked his lips and I cried out in pain. I'm almost certain I saw the Austrian death himself fucking twitch. Soon I'll know why.
After winning, I was bagged blind and thrown into the barbed wire mud pits. There was only five of us left. It would've been courteous to warn us about those friendly crocs who damn near took one of my shoes in the process. Anyway, 3 of us made it through without any major issues. Next was a 10 mile run through the god damned jungle, weighed down by 50 something pounds of equipment and muddied fatigues. It pushed me to my limits, knowing he was watching from afar. Letting him know the lengths I'd go just to please him. My boots are still lined with the uncomfortable grittiness of the dried dirt and as night falls. The air has dropped to a bone chilling temperature. This something I'm used to. Being disgusting, cold, hungry even. During this entire trial, my colleagues were not ones to spare any fairness or sympathy for me. I've been pushed, trampled, spit on. And I expected it. If anything it's fucking welcomed.
I leap onto the first notch of the rocky wall, my nimble calloused hands making it easier than expected. Droplets of rain begin crying from the forming dark clouds and my opponents boots trample through the mud behind me, so I quicken my pace. Something slides out from the corner of my vision as I ascend, sounding like the grind of two cinderblocks. Soldiers are meant to be adaptable, but a decaying rock wall was not something I had expected. My hand slips on the next peg as it falls below. I twist my torso, catching my weight on a smaller peg to the right of me with my opposite hand. Too fucking close. I would say I'm about halfway up at this point and I peer down to my opponents below. The loose rock that was determined to make me eat shit is now laying beside an unconscious Velilkan in the mud puddles below. Unfortunate really. To get this far, just to be knocked out by a pebble. Operator Nikto and agent O'Connor are hot on my ass, kicking and pulling at each other like two bickering children. I giggle at the sight. O'Connor falters a bit, brandishing a nasty bite on his bicep from one of our reptilian companions earlier. It's commendable that he actually made it through the whole lockjaw and death roll routine.
But here I am only meters away from the golden bell at the top. The resounding ring will be a testament of my strength and resilience. I begin daydreaming about my future on the team. How I will be their right hand and all seeing eye for impending danger. How I will finally feel like I am enough and maybe even- My fingertips can almost graze the knotted white end of the bell's rope, before I know it. I can't even hold back my elation as it floods over my expression. This is the first time I've truly smiled in what feels like ages. A single bright crack of lightening tears through the night sky. The rain continues to beat down violently on my face as if its a ritualistic cleansing to start anew.
"Like the rest," the thickly accented Russian agent bellows to me through the raging storm. The former FSB operative digs his gloved fingers into the lip of my boot. "Just a corpse."
Nikto yanks me downwards with all his might, almost taking himself out in the process as he hangs one armed off a peg. The rope slips through my needy fingers and fear strikes through me, mocking the way lightening rips into the clouds. My screams are drowned out as I claw the air, grasping for anything to break my fall. My stomach is in ruin, tossed and turned all sorts of ways in my descent. The fall may be 20 meters, but it's scarier to think of as 65 feet. A plummet that most certainly could kill me, or leave me paralyzed nonetheless. I ease my panic and straighten my body, colliding with an unknowing O'Connor who has valiantly climbed about halfway up. My arm latches around his throat in a sort of goofy headlock and just before I gather my bearings, his pegs give way to our combined weight. We wrestle in each others arms through the air only 30 feet to go now, a short-lived battle deciding who will break the other's fall. Less than a second later, the wind is knocked from my lungs as the bell tolls and I collapse in a plank-like position over the two soldiers bodies beneath me. There's no room for me to think about the ache of my potentially broken ribs, or how my wrist twisted the wrong way underneath me upon landing. All I can feel is the pounding high of adrenaline laced with a fervent hatred. And just like that, the trials are complete. And god am I a sore fucking loser.
Embarrassing is the first word that crosses my mind, thinking about how I limped back to base on shaky legs like a newborn fawn. My entire being feels sprained. Fractured even, by one simple mistake. My skull throbs as I lift my forehead from the tiled shower wall. I'm fighting a bitchin' headache which is only amplified by the bathroom's blue fluorescent lighting overhead. It's bright enough to annoy even a blind man. The scalding hot water steams inside of the barbed wire gashes along my spine so I gnash my teeth, attempting to stifle a cry. Soldiers of Kortac aren't allowed to cry, or feel anything really. It's one of the 3 big rules around here. And though I'm alone, having my own special pity party, I'd rather not test the waters. Every soldier on base is celebrating that son of a bitch at the mess hall right now. Well, that's if they're not shacked up in the infirmary. I can hear the echoes of their victorious chants in all sorts of foreign languages from across the barracks. I can imagine Nikto now as he begins a speech, beer in hand at the middle metal lunch table. It should be me up there. Is he happy for Nikto? König watched on as each of us trained for this position over the past year. He probably had one of us in mind, but the trials are only fair. And I know he's passionate about this. Would've been his specialty if he wasn't so... vertically challenged? No, he's just freaking massive.
Now, would I have received the same commendable treatment from my peers? Probably not. But still, I refuse to stuff my face in front of that cheating bastard, let alone congratulate him. All he deserves is the crusted crocodile shit on the bottom of my combat boots, as far as I'm concerned. I pump some of the citrus orange colored soap from the shower wall dispenser and lather it through my hair. I work around the forming goose egg on my crown with a wince.
"Stupid. So fucking stupid" I whisper to myself as I yank my hair in frustration. A sob begins to creep up my throat.
It's an unfamiliar sensation I can't ignore, stinging across my cheeks and nose bridge. The oncoming snot hinders my breathing. My chest and hands tremble as I try every coping skill in the book to sooth my anxiety. Last time I had a panic attack was probably high school... Grabbing a rag from the shower's hook, I decide to focus on getting myself clean rather than irrational emotions. I whimper at the mix of soap and friction against my lacerations. Not a single square inch of skin was sparred by the elements. I scrub into my arms, but no matter how long or hard I chip away at the dirty feeling across my body. It seems I will never get clean.
"Useless. Just another corpse," I cry to myself, replaying Nikto's words in my head.
My skin becomes reddened and raw from my self inflicted abusive cleansing. My next victim is my chest as venomous tears seem to poison my bloodstream. I'm overcome with a wracking sob that reverberates through the bathroom. The slow tread of heavy boots make their way to my open cubicle in the back corner, but I'm too occupied in my own head to notice. I only stop scrubbing myself as a shadow looms over me, blocking all recesses of light and swirling thoughts in my mind. The rag slips from my hand, hitting the cement floor with a wet plop as I slowly turn to meet the warmth of steel blue eyes. I suck in another shaky breath, wiping the snot from my face as I stand at attention. I'm barren to him, covering my breast with one arm to try and remedy my naked state.
"Colonel, sir," I sputter out wide eyed.
The Colonel has now seen me cry, no König has. And I will harbor this shame for the next century.
"What troubles you, soldier?" König asks, voice thickly accented and rigid with concern.
He grabs the arm covering my bare chest, flipping my wrist to examine my forearms. His gloved thumb grazes my raw sensitive flesh I scrubbed away just moments ago. The shower runs cold, but my body has heated up beyond a boiling temperature. He cocks his head, and I can tell his expression furrows beneath the material of his hood.
"I know what it's like, you know," he whispers. "To be seen as small. To never be enough." König drops my arm, his knuckle reaching up to graze against my streaming faucet of tears. "If you take a foolish man's words to heart, it'll end up consuming you little Maus."
His touch is kind and unexpectedly welcoming. I wanted him to make an example of me, scold me for feeling anything other than cold indifference. But this? It's validating. My lip quivers, understanding his thoughtful words.
"I wanted it so bad, sir. I- wanted you," the words spill out of me before I can think.
I might as well have driven a stake through my own heart, realizing what I've done. Covering my truthful lips, I try rushing past him. But this human blockade of a man traps me in and I bounce off of his solid chest, like he's sandwiching me between self-doubt and excitement. And I think I might be sick in the head from how slick my pussy is in arousal. It's just the close proximity, I tell myself.
"Don't hide away from me, Sonnenschein," he groans, fingers traveling from my navel and between my breasts to my neck.
His thumb presses on the underside of my jaw as he grips my throat. He backs me into the wall, the frigid water baptizing us with an intoxicating sensation. His tan trousers part my thighs and the material makes me shiver with terribly filthy expectant thoughts.
"You've wanted me, the same way I've needed you Y/N?" he says shakily, those steel blue eyes never leaving mine.
He's drinking in my thoughts and expressions, not just my body.
"Yes-" I admit, trying to comprehend his feelings.
He exhales a quick excited breath and I can imagine the way his nostrils flare. König leans in, licking my tears away through the hood's material. His other hand snakes in between my folds, pinching and rolling my swollen clit. I gasp, my hips bucking as he grinds into me. Maybe I'm drunk off of the hypothermia, but I need for him to fuck the anxiety out of my pitiful head. His eyes dip down, urging me to touch him too. As I reach up and trace the outline of his bulge, I realize how hopeless my situation really is.
"Shit König, that's-" I moan.
"Help me out here, Y/N" he hums against the crook of my neck, rubbing small circles around me.
My hands are unsteady as I work towards freeing him from the confines of his trousers. I get quickly frustrated in anticipation, unable to undo this complicated belt fucking fast enough. My fingers dip into the waistband of his underwear and I jerk downwards. König's reddened cock slaps against my stomach at full attention, already leaking from its slit. My thumb runs over the sizeable head, smearing around his precum as I feel the throb of his racing heartbeat. He twitches, just as he did during my match with Zero. In a fell eager swoop, he reaches under my bare ass and thighs, hoisting me up to his level as if I weigh nothing. My back arches against the hard coldness of the tiles. His elbows fit like a puzzle piece underneath the crook of my knees as he lines himself up with my entrance.
"How patient have you been little Maus? How long have you waited for me?" König growls, reveling at the sight of me bent to his will.
It was the first of August, 2022. I was just a trainee then, five painstakingly long years ago. There I was, uselessly watching on as König, the insertion specialist, snuffed out twelve Al-Qatala members single-handedly. I held my breath with each shot he took, eyes glued to the drone cameras from a sentinel truck parked on the outside of town. This man saved fifteen women that day. And promised myself I would be just like him.
He teasingly smears my wetness up and down my lips with the head of his cock awaiting my answer. Up and-
"Since Berlin," I finally confess.
"Fuck-" he whines, forcing himself inside to the hilt against my pussy.
He's like a human fucking battering ram. And I'll let him use me. Break me down. He's pounding and pounding, his ragged moans altering into gravely cries. We are both balls of convoluted nerves, forced to mask ourselves and freed by each other's embrace. And once again I'm crying. Not from anger or my failures. It's because we share the same burdens and have finally found solace, in a raw emotional fuck.
My fingers dance around my clit, finding rhythm in his thrusts. His dick fills me completely, hitting every spot I never knew existed. I'm gasping for air in between sobs and the freezing shower's torrential downpour invading my lungs. Our foreheads press together as we warm our faces with moaning breaths. His musk still smells of a busy day's worth of sweat and mahogany, a delectable combination that'll haunt me. A reminder of the man who has now completely ruined my expectations for sex. But maybe this isn't it for us.
"Can I cum little Maus? Please god-" he whimpers, death gripping my thighs with no consideration for my sensitive bite mark.
I hiss at the pain, but it sends me over the edge. My cunt tightens in spasms around his cock.
"I'm- yes oh my god König," I cry out as he pins me up higher against the tile and unravels into me.
White stars flit across my vision and I hear ringing as if I'm in earshot of an oncoming train. I'm completely spent, slumping over onto his stiff body as my arms loosely grasp around the girth of his neck. I feel empty when he pulls out of me, but he stuffs his still hard member back into those tight khaki slacks. An ungodly amount of semen and my fluids to drip to the floor and wash away. But the water begins to run red. I tip my head back knocking against the shower wall, but the pain is dulled as my vision dilutes. Those steel blue eyes are struck with horror, staring at his bloodied gloved hands. I smile tiredly.
"Mein Liebling, you're bleeding. I'm so- shit, shit," his cadence reminding me of my own self deprecation.
König cradles me as if I'm some injured puppy he has rescued off the side of the road, delicately wrapping me up in my white towel from the railing.
"I can fix you. I'll fix all of this." he sniffles out.
I groan, cold, wet, and sore in his loving embrace. I'm a soldier and yet he's allowing my vulnerability just as he is allowing me to witness his. The ambiance shifts as his heavy boots pick up their pace in the hallway. I can somewhat recognize each corner we turn and the different floors he treads upon. We aren't going to the infirmary? König kicks open a creaky door with a thud, striding in as he caresses my head. In my weakened state I'm none the wiser, but I relax when he lays me down upon the pillowy grace of a mattress. I hear the unfamiliar grumble of a man from across the hazy room.
"I didn't know you had it in you, ya fuckin' animal," the blurry man says blowing out a puff of fragrant cigar smoke and giving König a firm slap on his back. I catch undertones of a British accent in his inflections. I'm freezing but a light sweat clings to my forehead, so Konig pushes my drenched messy hair out of my face with a sigh. I begin fading in and out with every other word of their conversation.
"Quit your bitchin'. I'll take good care of her. Now hurry up and go get rid of that sorry excuse for a sniper before he gets too comfortable," the mysterious man orders.
I blink, lightheaded and attempting to focus as the man turns my chin towards the dim light. He's illuminated enough for me to see his tight black mask concealing the entirety of his head.  Half of a skulled face mask is fixtured at the top. His dark eyes hold a sinister mischievousness, but his touch is gentle as he begins dressing my wounds.
"I'll be honest with you girl. We already had our pick of the litter for the team," he chuckles, tearing away at the tied gauze on my arm with his teeth. "And he wanted you from the start." 
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nocandnc · 3 months
Ello! Ab that otp questions, is it alright if both Kafmina and OkoHoshi? 23 and 26 GUAHAH I crave a lil smthn sweet😭
My pleasure!!!
23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of loosing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry?
26) Who kissed first?
Nuthin lil about this, so read below the cut~
23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of loosing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry?
Kafka has been down on himself for not meeting Mina's expectations for so long. Of course he wouldn't feel worthy of her romantically. He thinks he's constantly screwing up, and he does screw up sometimes, but Mina assures him each and every time that she won't be throwing him aside that easily - not when they're finally together.
Mina has always been a scaredy-cat. Only with Kafka is she truly brave. He's here now just like they always promised, like a dream. She's terrified of what cold reality she might wake up to one day when Kafka isn't Kafka but Kaiju No. 8, and she's the heroic Captain of the 3rd Division with a duty to slay him. But for now she'll keep the dream going, one romantic blunder at a time.
Okonogi cannot comprehend why the Vice Captain is interested in her. He could have any man or woman he wanted, so why choose the frumpy little nerd with severe myopia? But after a lot of reassurance from Hoshina and probably No. 10 in its own way, she comes to accept that yes, he really really likes her. Hoshina on the other hand is secretly insecure the whole time, because childhood trauma runs deep. What if she realizes that everyone who said he was a useless defect was actually right?? Okonogi has to do some reassuring of her own.
In terms of loss, you'd think the idea would hit Okonogi harder - she can't count the number of times she's cried out to him over the radio, tears spilling from her eyes far too easily. But the thing is, she knows this is how it goes. She knows there's a chance these soldiers, amazing as they are, might lose their lives in battle. Hoshina knows too, that he or his comrades could die at any time. But not Okonogi. Okonogi was far from danger, always safe. She had to be. There would never be a time when he couldn't hear her voice in his ear. He'd sooner die than let that happen.
26) Who kissed first?
Mina, definitely. Several anime staff (Kafka and Mina's VAs included) have described Kafka as pure, and I agree - I don't think the idea of kissing Mina would ever occur to him unprompted. Not that he wouldn't want to, he just can't fathom anything beyond 'being by her side', especially when he wasn't even sure he'd make it this far.
I love those dramatic 'kissing my beloved to bring them to their senses' tropes, so in peak fanfiction land Mina first kisses Kafka to wake him from No. 8's berserk mode, helping him calm down and return to human form... but that's pure fantasy!!!
In a more natural setting I think Mina would simply kiss him goodnight after their first date (and make no mistake, she has to plainly tell him they're on a date) - it must seem so sudden to him, but she's been waiting so so so long, how can she not? Kafka is thrilled once the shock wears off, grinning into the kiss while they linger near doors of her high-rise.
Or if we still want more oomph, maybe she pulls him in for a surprisingly deep kiss just before battle when the other officers aren't looking. "For luck" she says, marching off with extra vigor while he's left in shambles.
I have spent an ungodly amount of time fantasizing about different 'first kiss' scenarios for these two, but to keep it short... probably Hoshina?
Maybe Okonogi gets caught up in a dangerous kaiju attack while he's on duty. Hoshina rushes in to save her, and for once he's not enjoying the fight at all because all he can think of is making sure she's okay. He stumbles over to check on her once it's all over, heart still racing from another close brush with death. Konomi is halfway through giving a status report when he suddenly cuts her off, mouth pressing to hers a bit desperately. To hell with potential workplace complications - life was too short to hold back anymore.
Maybe it's more of a quiet affair where the two of them are sitting cozily at a cafe together. Neither of them said it was a date, but there's no one they'd rather be with. Okonogi offers a fork-full of her dessert to the Vice Captain when he asks for a taste, only for him to lean over and kiss her instead. Konomi's fork drops to the floor.
Maybe Okonogi does try to kiss him first, because he's about to leave again and how can she possibly convince him to please, please, please be careful!? She yanks his face to hers in a panic - only he's already wearing his gas mask, so her mouth smashes against the industrial-grade PPE and now she's got tears in her eyes for a wholly different reason. Soshiro chuckles a bit behind the offending mask as she's still reeling. "...Let's give that another try once I get back, m'dear."
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wishluc · 1 year
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On a scale of 1 - 10 I think the yandere here is around 4? 5? But I find Childe to be terrifying regardless. Set in Sumeru, during the archon quest.
✧ CW: yandere character, abuse of authority, power imbalance, mentions of Harbinger-typical violence
✧ PAIRING: Childe x Fem! reader
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You can't help but be mesmerized by the twinkling stars, shining so brightly against the blanket of darkness. A peaceful night like tonight is a luxury you can't usually afford.
"Beautiful night, isn't it?"
Your mood is soured almost as quickly as it was lifted as you hear the careful emphasis on your name, almost as if he was testing it out for the first time
Regardless, you aren't surprised to see that Childe is here again.
Despite his position, he didn't seem to have much to do—except, of course, spend every possible moment hounding you. Unlike the frightening rumors that lurked around the Harbingers, Childe appeared only as a man who was extremely proficient with his weapons, full of boyish charm and towering ambition. At first, you considered that he may be putting on a front—one that relied on a disarming smile and easygoing words—but after your actual meeting with him, you realized he was not full of tricks and traps. Childe was a blatant, proud challenge. The lack of deceit on his part, the plain truth he laid out to you when he introduced himself to you as "Number Eleven of the Fatui Harbingers," was because he wanted you to know. He wanted to exude his power over you, while simultaneously, extending an invitation to you, one that read loud and clear; Try and cross me, if you dare.
Even if he wasn't with the Doctor, on official business, Childe was still a Harbinger, and it was made very clear to you already. You had never seen a man so thrilled by violence, so exhilarated at the sight of blood and pain. He wielded his weapons with frighteningly natural ease, swiftly cutting through air and flesh alike with the same fluid motion. And when he stood, yearning for yet another rush after yet another battle won, it looked as though he was born to do this. You still remembered the blood-splattered figure, the glowering blue gaze, and the mad expression on his face, and you remember thinking that somehow, you believed nothing would suit him better.
And now, you're forced to regard this bloodlust-driven creatur, as the esteemed diplomat he makes himself out to be. You have to smile at his jokes and agree with his demands, forcing yourself to ignore just how swiftly he can pull a blade out and press it against your neck, and how it would only take a moment, a single command, to get his loyal soldiers to rip your heart out for him—since you clearly won't do it yourself. You have to pretend his sly remarks and coquettish grins fluster you, and not disgust you. You have to ignore the reminder that the callouses on the hand that was often placed on your shoulder were from training with numerous weapons and what exactly the mask at the side of his head symbolized.
And you have to do it all pretending like you're honored to be serving him.
"Master Tartaglia," a polite smile found its place on your face, "I hope your night is going well."
He grins, a playful quirk on his lips, "seeing that you are here, comrade, I can confidently say that it's going splendidly."
Childe gently turns you around, a hand finding purchase on the small of your back, to face the masked Fatuus who had been silently following him, "I'll be with my friend here, so you lot can go make yourself busy, hm?"
They immediately scatter away at his words, and he turns to face you again, the lopsided smile still playing on his lips, "sorry about that. They take their jobs quite seriously."
You nod in understanding, as he looks over the railing with you. You see his eyes linger on the many food carts stationed by the streets, a soft glow of light embracing each one. He looks at you with a knowing look, that excited glint in his eyes dancing wildly, and puts out a hand for you to take. You bite back any protests and take the gloved hand offered to you, praying the night would pass quickly.
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The food is as good as you remember, hot, savory, and bursting with flavor. But it's hard to enjoy yourself when you're standing next to a man who is obviously a soldier of some sort, earning you both wary looks from all around.
"What's wrong, pretty girl?"
You've always hated when he called you that. At least, with 'comrade' you could believe it came from a place of equal respect, him recognizing the role you played as his guide, and the dangers you had exposed yourself to by doing so. That, and anyone could tell that you worked with him. But when he was flirting, it made it so much harder to deal with him. He wasn't stupid. He knew that there were others listening. He knew exactly how much harder it was coming up with excuses about why you were walking around with a Fatuus glued to your side when said Fatuus was sweet talking you, face pressed close to yours, instead of marching ahead of you with no concern for how you struggle to keep up.
"Nothing," you reply, "it's just been a while since I've come out here."
He chuckles, "I must have kept you quite busy."
Your laugh is awkward at best and forced at worst, but by now, he's used to your pathetic attempts at avoiding conversation. It doesn't perturb him—not that anything you do does, anymore. Childe only hums, seemingly lost in thought as his eyes gloss over the scenic view.
The streets suddenly fell silent, except for the rustling of paper and hushed whispers. It felt as though everyone was holding their breath, waiting to see what the Harbinger would command. You weren't sure if other Fatuus had already come around here and wreaked some havoc, or if they were just unsettled because of the way Childe's smile never met his eyes.
Then, at last, he walks some ways out to a more secluded spot. The lights here are dimmer and the silence even more deafening. You find your eyes searching around for any other signs of life, despite knowing that Childe did not bring you here to have you killed. Not yet, at least.
"I was thinking," he says, eyes closely gauging your reaction, "of extending my stay."
He's not asking for your input, that much you can tell.
"There's still a lot I'd like to see around here. So, what do you say?" The warm smile is everything but inviting, now. It feels like you're about to sign a deal with the devil.
"I'll have to see if the Akademiya—"
He sighs, "The Akademiya works for us. That wasn't what I was asking." Almost as quickly as it dropped, the all too familiar grin is back on his face, "what about it, then?"
You think back to the calloused hands stained red and the blades concealed on his person. It would take less than a moment for him to pounce. How many of his subordinates are waiting for his orders, hidden in the dark and ready to attack? You remember the bloodstained Harbinger you were introduced to all those days ago, that look of uninhibited delight clear in his eyes. Childe—Tartaglia—was not asking for your opinion. He did not have to go through the pleasantries of pretending to do so, because there was clearly only one answer you could give him.
"It would be my pleasure, Master Tartaglia."
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all works © wishluc. do not copy, steal or repost my works on other platforms. (including translations)
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nikoisme · 8 months
Did Hector know he would die fighting Achilles? I know about the moment *during* the battle, when he realises he's doomed, but I think I've heard something about a prophecy of his death that came beforehand? Or am I just confusing this with Achilles knowing that he would die in the Trojan war because of another prophecy?
But if there was a prophecy about Hector dying, while fighting Achilles, who else would've known about it? Do you think Hector would've kept it all to himself or tell it to his closest people? Perhaps Andromache and Priam? Or would the whole royal family be aware of something like that?
I'm actually a bit confused about that as well. As far as I know, Hector never inherently got a prophecy telling him that he will die. But I'm not 100% sure. If i'm wrong on that one, someone correct me!
However, in book 6 of the Iliad he does tell Andromache that he knows Troy will fall - and in order for Troy to fall, he'd have to die. So maybe he didn't need a prophecy to know he will die,, perhaps he could've seen the way the war has been going for 10 years to realize that he will, sooner or later, die. He was the trojan hero, he protected the city. He was the one to rival Achaean's finest warriors. To go out in the battlefield was a constant chance of dying. And being the strongest warrior, the Achaeans would need him out of the game to have a chance of sacking Troy.
On that note, I think he didn't need to tell anyone he will die. Everyone just knew it. His father knew it. His mother. His siblings, comrades, wife. He knew it. But maybe they'd cling onto the hope that the Fates will be kind and let him live long enough to sit on his father's throne. To close his parents' eyes in death. To see his son grow to be better than him. To maybe have more children with Andromache. To rule over Troy. But they knew it was no use. He will die.
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chaosrealm · 3 months
Titan Aella
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Template by the wonderful @malicedragoness 🖤💜
Title: Goddess of War
Motto: “He who sweats more in training bleeds less in war.”
Life-Force Absorption - Aella’s power has strengthened with her ascension, she can now drain multiple beings at a time and rarely sees her victims' memories or has any pain. However, she finds herself using this ability less often as it makes her overly aggressive afterward. 
Conjured Weapons - Aella can summon many weapons — axes, spears, swords, staffs, and shields to name a few. This gives her and those she fights alongside dozens of combinations that she can also enchant with her magic. It also grants them the element of surprise, as her opponents will never know what to expect. 
Delirium - She can manipulate her opponents' minds amid battle, making them view their allies as enemies and vice versa. This power can only be used on 10-15 people at a time, but it can easily turn the tide in her favor if she's outnumbered. 
Realm they favor: Aella favors Outworld. She still lives there, alone in the hillsides with her small farm. Outworld is her home, the place that molded her into the warrior she is today, and she will never abandon it. But if conflict occurs in other realms, she will oversee and offer aid. 
Places of worship: She has a temple in the lush hillsides of Outworld. A circular array of pillars with a statue of her holding her sword high in the center. In the spring, the fields of violets surrounding it bloom. After long wars, people make the trek to plunge the weapons of their fallen loved ones and comrades into the ground as an act of remembrance.
During conflicts, people make smaller shrines for her, placing offerings and praying for strength in the battles to come.
Consort: To the surprise of no one, it’s Reiko. Her love for him has transcended time.
However, Aella only admires him from afar for now. She's still weary since the Reiko she knew abandoned her for other women and to become a 'Blood God' and well... She saw the aftermath of how that turned out.
Physical appearance: Aella’s scars on her body from previous battles remain. Her magic no longer glows red, but the same shade of violet as her eyes. Her black hair is still in its trademark braid, now streaked with silver. 
Armor/Style of clothing:
Aella's armor:
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Around her home:
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Weapons: As stated, she can conjure her weapons, but she favors swords. She has a few on display in her home that she uses for self-defense or just to train with. 
How does Geras help them/regard them: Geras advises Aella, having lived billions of lifetimes and observing many wars, he has seen and learned a lot about warfare. He will occasionally aid her on the battlefield, using his powers to halt enemies in time, blind them with sand, or teleport himself or Aella around to aid their allies. As much as Aella knows about kombat, she finds herself learning new things and for that, she is forever thankful. She will always treasure his company in and out of battle, and make sure he is well taken care of.
Geras' armor:
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Any characters or events that have drastically changed that you would like to mention?:
The tournament was started by Sindel and Aella, all realms can participate if they wish to. Sindel and Jerrod rule Outworld. Mileena and Kitana are twin sisters. Shang Tsung leads a meaningless life, Quan Chi and Shinnok simply do not exist.
Tarkatans are born the way they are and are not cannibals, they are nomads but live comfortably that way. They are also fierce warriors and make up a large portion of Outworld’s army along with the Shokan. Shao is still a bit of a cocky General, but he serves Outworld and the throne faithfully for now. 
Saurians are still apart of Earthrealm. The Osh-Tekk have yet to be discovered, but their realm is still within Outworld. 
The Kytinn are a much larger threat, with millions in their population. They have much stronger defenses and are led by D’Vorah, who plans to invade the entirety of Outworld. 
The Netherrealm is more akin to Hades, being made up of three distinct regions. The deepest region is where all who are evil in life go to be tortured eternally, the region above it is where the majority of the dead dwell, and the highest is a haven for all those who died honorably or were virtuous in life. Ashrah and her sisters Sareena, Kia, and Jataaka guard these realms and usher the dead to their final resting place.
Aella’s family has no reason to disappear, they instead help run the College of Mages and teach restorative magic. 
The Umgadi exists, with rules less strict — no longer do all first-born daughters have to be Umgadi, they can enlist on their own like in the army. They now consist of more female Shokan. Still, they guard the throne with their lives.
I find myself falling for him once more. Even now, as I stand in front of the hourglass, my thoughts wander to him.
The Reiko I knew had eyes for many, but his lust for blood and battle was insatiable... until Havik's deception allowed it to devour him. But as I peer into the glass, observing the ghostly replay of this current Reiko's heroic acts, I feel my heart swell with the same love I held for him eons ago.
We have only met briefly, as I helped defend his encampment from Kytinn invaders, but we never shared any words other than ''Thanks for the assist.'' Seeing him in the flesh helped me to understand that he isn't the Reiko I knew, and I pray he never makes the same mistakes, but my heart aches all the same.
Geras advised that I should stay out of his life, and let him carve his own path... but I can't turn off my selfish heart. I can't forget everything that happened. But I will take things slow, and take my time in getting to know this Reiko, and maybe one day we will share the hourglass' power together.
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nosleepjustlevi · 1 year
for the drabble list, "wait for me" pls and thank you
Sure! #4 wait for me
Drabble list pinned on my page
Tags: canon!verse, minor descriptions of violence, blood
Context: Five years after the first breach of the walls in Wall Maria, the Trost District has come under attack. The wall has been breached by the Colossal Titan and Bearded Titan. You are a cadet from the 104th Cadet Corps and when the time came, you choose to join the Survey Corps. You are one of the few assigned to the Trost District. All hell has broken loose and you and the other newbies are just trying to survive, and kill some titans if you’re brave enough.
You’re on a roll of pure adrenaline. The perfect combination of bravery, stupidity, and luck. You’ve slayed three titans so far. Suddenly, a 10 meter swipes his hand down on a roof, wrecking the shingles and grabbing hold of one of your comrades. You’re tunneling towards the titan at incredible speed and the adrenaline is pumping through your veins. You know the routine, get behind it then slice its nape. You fly up above the titan and spin to fall back down behind him but weren’t expecting to see another titan, 4 meters tall, lurking behind the larger one. The 10 meter was so big it had blocked you from seeing the 4, you had no idea. The 4 meter titan swings his arm at you and here it is, you think, you were careless, clouded by pride, now it’s over. A heavy force knocks into you, but it’s not the titan, it’s Captain Levi. His arm is wrapped around you as he pulls you out of the way. The two of you crash onto a nearby roof.
“Are you stupid?” Levi yells at you sternly. He is practically laying on top of you, his arm still wrapped around your waist. “3 titans down huh?” Levi looks at you incredulously. Then his face turns stern again, “You’ve got courage rookie, I’ll give you that. But in a battle against titans, ego will get you killed. Don’t be a hero.” Levi commands. He rises from you and flies to cut down the 4 and 10 meter. He turns around in the air and gracefully lands next to you. He seems suddenly aware of something on his abdomen and presses his hand against him. He looks confused when he pulls his hand away and its covered in blood. Then his eyes widen and he looks at you. A broken piece of shingle has lodged itself in your side. You didn’t notice with all the adrenaline racing through you. But when Levi had saved you and pressed himself against you, you must have bled onto him.
Levi rips off a strip from his cape and ties it securely around your abdomen hoping to put pressure on your wound.
“Get back to the others on the inside wall,” he says as pulls the cape tight.
You wince and nod your head slightly. You try to lift yourself up but the gash in your side sends ripples of pain through you. You open your mouth to yelp in pain but catch your scream before it can leave your throat. You don’t want to seem weak in front of the Captain.
“Shit… alright,” Levi whips his head around as a loud crash sounds behind him. He huffs in annoyance and looks down at you, “wait for me.” Levi engages his ODM gear again and propels into the air. Based on the loud thuds you hear, you know he’s just cut down a couple of titans. In no time he is by your side again. He lifts you slightly and you wince again, fighting back the pain. Levi sits you up and separates your legs. Then he sits between them, his back against your chest, and moves your legs to hook around his front.
“Hold on to me and don’t let go, that’s an order.” Levi shoots a hook into a nearby chimney and uses the leverage to lift you both off the roof. Your wrapped around him piggy back style and you hang on for dear life as he maneuvers through the crumbling chaos of Trost, back to the safety of the inside wall.
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snazzy-suit · 4 months
Luigi: Liaison of Ghosts Chapter 5.9 - Hey! Creatures! Leave Them Kids Alone!
MP - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5.1 -5.2 - 5.3 - 5.4 - 5.5 - 5.6 - 5.7 - 5.8 - (5.9) - 5.10 - 6 - 7.1 - 7.2 - 7.3 - 7.4 - 7.5 - 8
Part 9 of 10
[Prefer to read on ao3? Click here]
In which something awakens, Luigi considers making a questionable deal with a wizard, and the final battle commences.
Something has changed. Something that Luigi can’t identify, and likely won’t for some time yet. Something that won’t be contained now that it is free. It is dynamic. It listens carefully to Luigi’s heart and responds to his fear—to The Threat. Like a supernatural serpent, it assumes a defensive coil. It cannot hiss or rattle a tail in warning—it has no hood to flare—but it thrums with its own warning; a warning that goes unheard or unheeded. It doesn’t bother issuing another.
It listens to Luigi’s heart.
It feels his anger.
And now, so will The Threat.
Righteous fury guides the stirring energy down Luigi’s arm, chasing away the stabbing cold as it goes. The energy pools in his palm. One of his fingers twitches imperceptibly. With a blink, Luigi suddenly finds he can move. He doesn’t spare any time to question this latest development. Instinct, a reflex, something, has Luigi’s once lax hand mirroring the wizard’s crushing grip. Merlich looks between their interlocked hands and Luigi’s narrowed eyes with unmitigated shock.
The stirring finds its outlet.
A crackling, phlox colored energy surges through Merlich’s arm. The dark wizard cries out in surprise as he is brutally torn from Luigi’s grasp and propelled across the room with incredible force. He collides with the far wall with a surprisingly solid thud—as if the assailing energy briefly rendered the entity corporeal—and falls to the ground in a twitching heap. Sound and clarity crash back into Luigi in the wake of the wizard’s absence. Luigi gasps like a drowning man breaching the water’s surface. He blinks rapidly with a sharp shake of the head, desperate to return moisture to his stinging eyes.
The Dry Horde stare after their master in stunned silence. Luigi somehow manages to recover first, and quickly takes advantage of their stupor, wrenching himself from their hold. A couple of revenants make a grab for him as he leaps to his feet and pulls away. Luigi turns on his heel, left arm extended in a sweeping motion as he moves to strike the nearest offenders. The strange energy hungrily seeks its next outlet. It lashes out at its newfound targets, sending several revenants violently crashing into their hapless kin. Bones fly and rotted bodies clatter to the floor in a hazardous pile. Groaning undead struggle to disentangle themselves from the wayward remains of their obliterated comrades. The revenants lucky enough to escape the remains-turned-shrapnel hiss with agitation and alarm. A few begin a restless pace along the fallen, watching the retreating human warily.
Luigi backpedals from the Dry Horde with wide eyes. He looks down to his offending arm in time to see the last of the unknown energy fizzle out. The stirring seems to settle—satisfied, for the moment. Luigi stares at his hand as if it is something foreign.
What in Stars’ name was that?
A deranged cackle pulls Luigi from his stupor. He whirls around to find the dark wizard rising unsteadily from their prone position on the floor. Between Merlich and Luigi lies Dane and the unguarded Poltergust. Luigi’s eyes widen impossibly further. This was his chance!
Luigi dashes to his Poltergust as the slowly recovering Merlich continues to cackle madly. He dares to grin when he snatches up the device, but the triumphant feeling immediately dissipates when he finds the quick-release buckles on the straps are still disengaged. Precious seconds burn away as Luigi clicks them back into place with shaking hands. He curses silently to himself, eyes darting between Merlich and the Dry Horde while he threads his arms through the straps and retrieves the Poltergust’s wand. The moment it is in his hand, Luigi presses the button that manually releases his paranormal partner. A literal and figurative weight lifts from his shoulder as a familiar gurgling cheer announces Gooigi’s return.
“Oh, thank the Stars! You’re not—” Gooigi cuts himself off, looking from the recovering horde and cachinnating wizard to Luigi and the Doogan at their feet. “…I have questions.” 1
“I’ll have to answer them later,” Luigi says, turning to Merlich. He is dismayed to find the Vitiate has already recovered.
“Marvelous!” the dark wizard bellows, “A taste—a mere sampler—of what is to be mine!”
Merlich slowly makes his way towards them. The blast clearly weakened him, but Luigi’s unwitting demonstration of the unknown power also seems to have reinvigorated the dark entity. Luigi can see it in the hungry glow of their eyes. He quickly averts his gaze, unwilling to test if the wizard can induce that horrible trance-like state from this distance.
“I’m not sure if it will work on you,” Luigi whispers to his partner, “but just in case, avoid eye contact with Merlich.”
“You’ve been looking him in the eye?” Gooigi whispers back, “I can’t stop staring at his mustache.”
Merlich halts briefly to scrutinize his scrambling horde. “Hm. Unrefined, but admittedly effective. And it’s only just been brought to the surface!” He leers at Luigi. “Imagine that energy at peak capacity in the hands of someone that knows how to use it.” The wizard’s eyes crinkle in amusement. “Perhaps you don’t need to. Surely, you must have witnessed its full potential when you faced its previous owner.”
“What in Jaydes’ name is he talking about?”
“I don’t really know,” Luigi mutters quietly. It’s not a total lie. Regardless, now isn’t the time to get into it.
“Though I suppose, if that were the case,” Merlich continues, “you wouldn’t have been able to steal it, hm?” He looks back to the Dry Horde. With a wave of his hand, the fallen and entangled revenants are lifted and reassembled. They shake themselves out in apparent relief, bones rattling and jaws clicking as they readjust. Merlich resumes his slow advance. “Rest assured; it will soon be in more capable hands.”
Suddenly, the ghost hunting duo find themselves back-to-back as two threats approach from opposite sides. Luigi, facing the dark wizard, dares to spare a glance at the unconscious teenager situated between him and his partner. They need to find a way to get Dane out of the crossfire.
“Gooigi,” he calls, keeping a close eye on Merlich, “grab Dane and move him to the wall. I’ll cover you.”
“Why do I gotta be the heavy lifter?”
Luigi arcs a brow at the ectomorph. “Do you have a way to deflect magic?”
“Do you?”
Luigi pointedly lifts a hand sparking with electricity.
“…fine.” Gooigi grumbles. He reaches down and grabs Dane under the arms and begins to carefully drag him adjacent to the encroaching threat. The spell book, which had been carelessly deposited on the boy’s chest, slides down into his lap.
Luigi moves so he is standing between their paranormal foes and his retreating partner. He slowly walks backwards, matching Gooigi’s pace and keeping a careful eye on their pursuers. The trio are almost to the wall when Merlich makes his first move.
Merlich thrusts out an arm with a flourish, a colorful array of shapes following the motion as they swirl into existence. The geometric Koopa magic is almost comforting in its familiarity. Luigi is quick to call upon the Thunderhand to deflect it. He winces as the technique’s backlash stutters his step, but it isn’t strong enough to stop him altogether. Merlich switches tactics and summons a globe of water. To Luigi’s surprise, the Vitiate keeps their attack focused on him instead of targeting his vulnerable partner. The watery orb is immediately vaporized by his Thunderhand. Again, Luigi is hit with marginal backlash.
They have at last reached the wall. Merlich summons another orb of water, and Luigi swiftly vaporizes it as well. Luigi grimaces when the cycle repeats itself yet again. Steam from the colliding attacks thickens between them. He is beginning to question the dark wizard’s strategy as he destroys another water-based attack. It is during his next backlash that a significantly larger globe of water cuts through the vapor cloud. Luigi is unable to react fast enough. He desperately lashes out with the Thunderhand, but the aquatic orb is already too close. His attack hits its mark, yet it only succeeds in vaporizing part of the water-based magic. Most of it crashes into Luigi, saturating his damp attire anew.
Luigi is really, really, tired of soggy clothes.
His partner is not spared the water’s wrath. The ectomorph dissolves into a gooey puddle with a frustrated cry. Not even Dane is free of the splash zone. A cup’s worth—negligible, in comparison—washes over the boy’s face. Bafflingly, this is what snaps the Doogan out of his comatose-like state.
Dane snaps up in a sitting position, flailing and spluttering in the wake of his rude awakening. He shakes himself like, well, like a dog, dispelling most of the liquid from his fur. A few stray drops find their way to Luigi, but in the man’s soaked condition, it makes little difference. The teen’s focus falls on Luigi once he settles. He blinks up at them, bleary-eyed.
“…Luigi? What are you—” Dane squints, watching a drop of water fall from the brim of Luigi’s cap. “…did you get another pool thrown at you?”
Luigi’s eyes dart back to the dark wizard. “Something like that,” he grumbles.
Dane follows Luigi’s gaze. He gasps sharply, eyes widening in shock as they land on Merlich. “That’s him!” he cries, pointing frantically at the Vitiate. “That’s the hooded ghost I told you about! Where’d he come from?!”
“…I’m sorry, what?”
“Well now!” Merlich interjects. “Look who finally decided to join us.” He spreads his arms, gesturing grandly to the Dry Horde. “My friends here have just been dying to meet you.”
The revenants click and clatter agreeably, shambling a little closer upon their delayed introduction to the boy. Dane scrambles backward with a shriek. He stares at the horde in wide-eyed terror, back pressed firmly against the cold dungeon wall. The spell book slides from his lap and flops to the floor unnoticed.
“Wha—zombies?! Why are there zombies?!” Dane dares to look away for a moment, eyes darting frantically around the unfamiliar room. “And where in Stars’ name are we? Why aren’t we at my house? What is happening?!”
Luigi grimaces. The teen’s fear and confusion are completely justified, but he doesn’t have time to answer all their questions. Brevity is all he can afford. “Remember that magic circle in your attic? The ‘hooded ghost’—Merlich—used it to bring us here; this is his domain.”
Dane gapes at Luigi. “Hold on—are you telling me the ghost pulled an Uno Reverse on us?” 2
Luigi blinks. “That’s… actually not too far off. Yeah.”
The Doogan grasps his head with a groan. “Oh man oh man oh man! I knew being eaten by zombies was going to be how I went out!" he rambles hysterically. “Why did I have to go and leave my silver dagger in my room?!"
Luigi isn’t given the chance to reassure (or correct) the teen. His focus is swiftly stolen by Merlich when the dark entity suddenly drifts closer. The wizard is but a few meters away.
“The boy is right to fear for his life,” Merlich says. “But perhaps… he doesn’t need to be.”
 Luigi frowns at the wizard, bemused. Merlich takes this as his cue to elaborate.
“Witnessing your power has put me in an oddly charitable mood,” he continues. “That energy far exceeds anything I could ever hope to take from the pup. In comparison, he’s rather useless. I honestly have no need for him.”
Dane squeaks fearfully at the implication. Luigi moves to shield him from Merlich’s view.
“You misunderstand me!” Merlich laughs, shaking his head mirthfully. “I’m not threatening the child, I’m offering to let him go.” His mustache lifts in a grin. “In exchange for your complete surrender.”
Luigi baulks. He can sense his recovering partner’s own incredulity. “What?”
“This is what you wanted, no? A diplomatic solution?” Merlich spreads his hands pragmatically. “Put down your weapon, surrender your power, and I’ll send the child home unharmed. Simple as that.”
“No, not simple,” Luigi refutes, agitated. “Do you really think I’d be stupid enough to fall for that?”
“I think it’d be stupid of you to not even consider it,” the wizard retorts. “Let’s take a moment to assess your situation, shall we? You’re completely outnumbered, and your grimy doppelgänger can’t hold up to even the weakest of water magic—the same magic, which has now rendered your electrical manipulation hazardous to yourself.” He gestures to Luigi’s freshly soaked clothes as he says this.
“I’m almost always outnumbered in my line of work,” Luigi says. “And I don’t need the Thunderhand to defeat you.”
Merlich’s eyes settle on the Poltergust. “I see. Let’s say, for arguments’ sake, you do manage to best me; that you use your strange little device to capture me like all the other spectral husks.” He sweeps a hand toward his revenants. “What of them, hm? They can’t be caught or killed. They’ll just keep getting back up, even if I’m not here to give orders, and they won’t stop until they’ve torn you to pieces.”
Luigi’s eyes flit to the only exit; the exit currently blocked by swathes of reanimated rot. Merlich follows his gaze.
“Oh yes, do try and make a run for it. I’m sure that will end well,” the ghost cackles. “Even if you somehow manage to leave this room, you still have the rest of my dungeon to contend with. It’s a veritable maze full of traps, dead ends, and, of course, my vast horde of the undead. You only made it through unscathed because I allowed it.”
Luigi had suspected as much, but the revelation is unnerving all the same. Merlich’s level of influence and reach in their domain is a deadly unknown.
“But, again, for arguments’ sake, let’s say the Stars smile upon you, and you somehow escape in one piece. What then? You have no idea where you are! We could be in the middle of a desert, or high in the treacherous mountain peaks. We could be in an entirely different dimension! How ever will you get home?”
It’s quiet but for the anxious rattle of pacing undead. Before Luigi can offer any kind of reply, Dane clears their throat.
“W-we, uh,” Dane begins nervously, “We could leave the same way we got here?”
Merlich barks out a harsh laugh, shaking his head in amusement. “A grand idea! Because teleportation magic isn’t volatile in the slightest! I’m sure an an inexperienced mutt, a speech-impaired slime monster, and a human with a curious aversion to magical texts will wield that power with grace.” He chuckles sadistically. “Yes, I would love to see you try and execute that type of magic while a horde of the undead bear down on you…”
Dane mumbles something unflattering under his breath. Though neither quite catch what he says, the ghost hunting duo silently agree with the sentiment. Luigi scowls at the wizard in the hopes that it conceals his growing uncertainty. He hates to admit it, but Merlich has raised some very good points. The outlook of the mortal’s situation is rather bleak.
Luigi shakes his head, ignoring the mantra of denials trickling in from his partner. “It doesn’t matter how solid your argument may be, the fact of the matter is you can’t be trusted to uphold your end of the deal.”
Merlich reclines in the air as if taking an invisible seat. Luigi’s eyes narrow at his display of ease. “A fair concern,” he admits. “Tell you what, I’ll send the runt home right now in a show of good faith. Your little doppelgänger can even accompany them, if you like.”
Gooigi thrums with irritation; irritation that turns to disbelief when Luigi doesn’t immediately tell the wizard off. Disbelief that slowly turns to fear the longer Luigi stays silent.
The dark wizard folds his hands over his lap. “Protecting others is your top priority, is it not? You’ve been backed into a corner, Star Child, and the odds are stacked heavily against you.” He tilts his head as he regards Luigi. “Do you dare to gamble the boy’s life on such a grave uncertainty? Can you live with yourself if he is made to pay for your… failure?”
The Poltergust’s wand creaks under Luigi’s tightening grip. Luigi isn’t sure what he hates more, Merlich’s smug look or that he’s giving the wizard’s offer serious consideration. The thought sends Gooigi into a frenzy. He demands to be released from containment, but his frantic clamoring fails to garner Luigi’s attention. The latter is centering himself—eyes closed as he takes a deep, composing breath.
What would Mario do in his place…?
Merlich rises from his casual recline and drifts a little closer. When he is but a few paces away, he extends a cold, shadowy hand to Luigi. “Well, little hero? Do we have an accord?”
Luigi eyes the hand like it is a venomous serpent set to strike. Phantom ice prickles along his left arm as he recalls their last physical contact mere minutes before. Luigi scowls at the memory. With a weary sigh, he prepares his answer.
Luigi turns sharply to Dane in wide-eyed surprise. The Doogan is glaring at Merlich with a defiant scowl.
Merlich meets the boy’s glare with one of his own. “This doesn’t concern you, pup.”
Dane scoffs. “Uh, yeah it does. Your dumb deal has me as a bargaining chip. I’d say it concerns me a whole lot.”
“Dane,” Luigi says patiently, “it’s alright. Let me handle this.”
“Uh-uh. No way!” the kid squawks. “You can’t sacrifice yourself for me; that’s messed up! This whole thing is my fault in the first place!”
“Even if I was willing to go along with this—which I’m not—that creep would probably double cross you anyway! I mean, how can you even be sure Gummy Man and I get sent back home? Or that he wouldn’t just come after us anyway after you’re… you know.” Dane shakes his head with a grimace. “Besides, I think it’s suspicious that he offered this deal in the first place. ‘Good mood’ my hat—he totally knows there’s a chance you can beat him!”
“You’re right.”
The teenager blinks. “…I am?”
“Yeah,” Luigi smiles tiredly. “I’ll admit, I was tempted for a moment there, but then I remembered a bit of advice I gave your friend, Koojo.”
“Uh… never give up?”
“Don’t make questionable deals with wizards. But yeah, ‘never give up’ is good, too.” 3
Dane huffs a relieved chuckle, a sentiment Gooigi quietly mirrors. “Oh, thank Grambi. I really didn’t want to be known as the jerk that got Luigi killed.”
“No,” Merlich agrees, “I think I’d like to have that honor all to myself.”
The hairs on the back of Luigi’s neck rise in warning. Luigi whips back around to face the dark wizard, but he’s not fast enough to dodge or deflect the colorful, prismatic spell aimed at his person. It knocks him to the ground with a pained cry. Luigi narrowly avoids landing on Dane, who pulls his knees to his chest with a startled yowl.
“Oh dear, you weren’t ready,” the wizard notes flatly.
Luigi pushes himself up into a seated position with a grunt. He winces at the moderate burning sensation where the magic made contact. It was relatively weak for a spell spun of Koopa magic (Kamek has delivered more devastating blows), but Luigi has a feeling that was intentional. The attack was to get his attention, not to incapacitate him.
“A thousand pardons; I didn’t read the room correctly,” Merlich continues. “I had gleaned that you decided to decline my generous offer to show mercy. Was I wrong?”
“I think you already know the answer to that,” Luigi grinds out.
Merlich shrugs, looking wholly unbothered. “Suit yourself. If you want to do this the hard way, I’m happy to oblige.”
Unknown magic crackles to life in the dark wizard’s hands. The Dry Horde form a half-circle behind their master, hissing and rattling in anticipation as Luigi scrambles to his feet. Luigi retrieves the Poltergust’s fumbled wand with great haste. A press of a button later, the weight on his back lessens, and Gooigi is freed from the canister at last. The ectomorph gives him a Look—one that promises an impending lecture—but otherwise says nothing. Luigi grimaces. Wordlessly, he and his partner take up a defensive stance in front of Dane.
“Let’s see what you’re really made of,” Merlich cackles, lifting their arms into a striking pose. “Give it your all, Star Chi—!”
A white blur crashes into Merlich from above. It slams the dark entity face-first into the hard, stone floor, effectively silencing him. The magic in his palms fizzles out.
Gooigi bursts into hysterical, gurgling laughter while Luigi stares at the new arrival in shocked awe. “…Pepper?!”
The Polterpup yaps happily in the affirmative. He sits on the downed wizard’s head, his ghostly tail little more than an excited blur. With a cheerful bark, he abruptly leaps off his impromptu cushion and makes a line for Luigi. Pepper only just keeps from tackling his favorite human to the floor. He settles for excitedly pawing at Luigi’s legs, vying for the man’s attention. Luigi relents with a watery laugh.
Impeccable timing? Waggly tail? Dopey smile? There’s no doubt in Luigi’s mind: this is the real Polterpup.
“It’s good to see you too, buddy,” Luigi says, cupping the spirit’s beaming face. “Is this where you’ve been all this time?”
“No, we’ve only just arrived.”
Luigi turns with a yelp, startled by the new, but familiar voice. There, floating at his side, is the wayward knight. They meet Luigi’s surprise with quiet scrutiny.
“…You’re still alive,” the knight observes, sounding almost impressed. “Well done.”
Luigi blinks dumbly. “Um… thanks?” He clears his throat. “Your warnings were, uh, enlightening.”
The Dry Horde look from their prone master to the interlopers with no small amount of uncertainty. A few dare to creep forward, whether to check on the dark wizard or lead an attack, Luigi can’t say. They hardly make two shambling steps before a slew of spear constructs abruptly rise from the floor, pinning the skeletons in place like insects on a board. Luigi grimaces as they writhe and click their jaws in distress.
The knight lowers their outstretched arm. They turn their burning gaze from the impeded revenants to the dark wizard, the latter of which has begun peeling himself from the floor. Merlich rises unsteadily, giving his head a rapid shake as if to clear it. His gaze falls on his servant. For a beat, he regards the knight, uncomprehending. Luigi sees the moment it finally registers in the wizard’s mind.
“What?! Where did—?” Merlich cuts himself off when he spots Pepper. He lunges backward, eyes growing impossibly wider. “The chaos spirit! How in Jaydes’ name did you get here?!” 4
Luigi’s brows furrow in confusion. Chaos spirit? Hadn’t Merlich said something about a chaos spirit earlier? Something about one favoring him? He squints down at the Polterpup, bewildered. Merlich had been talking about Pepper?
“We used the magic circle,” the knight replies evenly.
“Impossible!” Merlich hisses, swiping a hand through the air. “I barred you from the circle; you shouldn’t have been able to enter the blasted thing, never mind use it!”
The armored Koopa nods to Pepper, an amused glint in their glowing red eyes. “Tell that to the chaos spirit.”
Merlich glares down at the Polterpup, shaking with rage. Pepper looks back, dopey smile strangely absent. It’s a little unnerving, the way he regards the dark entity. The intensity of the pup’s gaze almost feels challenging.
“Meddlesome creature… You had your chance at claiming the Star Child’s power for your own; it is now mine for the taking! And you—!” Merlich points at the armored Koopa, “Your rebellion was amusing at first, but my patience is at an end. Once I’ve dealt with the Star Child, you will suffer dearly for your insolence!”
The flames burning in the sconces along the walls flicker and flare in time with the wizard’s ire. Their warm color shifts into an icy blue. The ember-like glow in the eye sockets of the revenants stand out starkly in the eerie new light. Luigi frowns as his vision adjusts to the ambience’s dramatic shift; sometimes he hates being right.
Merlich thrusts out a commanding arm, eyes now locked on Luigi. “Bring me the mortals!” he bellows.
The Dry Horde surges forward with an eager snarl. Luigi flinches when a row of spear constructs manifest before him; parallel to the floor with sharp points trained on the undead. They abruptly streak toward their targets in a shadowy blur. The front line of revenants is knocked back as the constructs penetrate and thread through their boney bodies. Several standing directly behind their comrades are skewered as well, like a batch of particularly unappetizing kebabs. Another row of spear constructs form as the knight turns their head toward Luigi.
“I will keep the horde at bay,” they tell him. “Focus your efforts on my master.”
With a sweep of their arm, the second row of spears perforates the next wave of revenants. The knight shoves them back in the direction of the door. They repeat the process again, ensuring to pin down any of the undead that dare to break formation. The Dry Horde shrieks angrily as they begin to lose ground.
“…did I have a stroke, or is the armored ghost talking normally?” Dane asks. “Also, when did they join our team??”
“It’s a long story,” Luigi sighs.
“Useless,” Merlich growls, gaze now settled on the knight. “I’ve had it with your interference.”
Luigi’s eyes widen as electricity begins to arc between the wizard’s fingers. If Merlich manages to incapacitate the knight, they’ll lose their buffer from the revenants. He can’t allow that to happen.
“Pepper, stay here and look after the kid,” Luigi says, keeping his eyes on the wizard. “Gooigi, you’re with me.”
Luigi takes off with haste, leaving no room for argument. His partner quickly follows. Luigi begins to charge up the Strobulb as he comes within range of the wizard. The latter has yet to notice their approach. When the charging whine of Luigi’s flashlight crescendos, he calls out to Merlich to get his attention.
Merlich’s head snaps toward his voice. The second they lock eyes, Luigi activates the Strobulb. Merlich cries out in alarm as his vision is whited out by the blinding light. The lightning brewing in his palms fizzles out. Gooigi quickly steps up before he can recover and fires off a Plunger Shot at the wizard’s face. The ectomorph then darts forward and catches the end of the plunger’s rope with the Poltergust’s nozzle. He pulls with all his might in a downward arc, slamming the dark entity into the ground; once, twice.
On the third swing, he aims towards Luigi. The plumber quickly intercepts as the ghost breaks free from the plunger and captures them in the gale of their own Poltergust. The ends of the dark entity’s robes are snagged by the nozzle, and Luigi turns on his heel and slams the ghost into the ground twice more. Gooigi prepares to catch them after the third swing, but Merlich has long since caught on to their violent game of paranormal pass, and blindly lashes out with a volley of flames. The ectomorph just barely ducks under the elemental attack and Luigi diverts the fire with a blast of air from the Poltergust’s Burst function.
Luigi fires off another charge of the Strobulb shortly after he lands. Gooigi follows suit, but judging by the lack of glowing from beneath the ghost’s hood, they have wizened up and shut their eyes. Merlich sightlessly raises their arms above their head, and the sound of cracking stone cuts through the hissing and groans of the Dry Horde. Chunks of rock are torn from the ceiling, and with a downward thrust of the dark entity’s hands, they descend upon the duo like a vindictive meteor shower. Luigi and his partner frantically dodge the projectiles, but the chamber, though large, doesn’t offer much in the way of cover. One stone manages to clip Luigi’s shoulder, but the plumber barely notices the pain through the rush of adrenaline. Gooigi is less lucky. A large rock smashes the poor ectomorph into paste, forcing them back into the safety of Luigi’s Poltergust canister. Luigi dares to glance over at Pepper and Dane. He is relieved to find that their area has been largely spared from the raining rubble. Currently, the Doogan is looking at something cradled in his hands—the spell book.
Luigi can’t afford to divide his attention any longer. He releases his partner from the canister shortly after the final rock falls. The ectomorph grumbles in frustration.
“Now what?” he asks.
Luigi looks around at the fallen stones. He considers using some of them as projectiles—turn Merlich’s attack against them—but he isn’t confident that the Poltergust’s gale is strong enough to hold that kind of weight. Something abruptly grabs Luigi by the ankle. He yelps and twists in the offender’s grip. A Dry Bones had managed to slip past the knight’s defenses, and it’s no wonder; the revenant is missing its legs. Luigi supposes it would be easy to overlook a foe dragging its way across the floor when the immediate threat is either at eye level or raining down on you from above.
A horde of Dry Bones is one thing, but a lone straggler missing half its assets? Luigi can handle that.
Luigi takes up the Poltergust’s wand and points it at the reanimated skeleton’s head. He switches on the intake, and at this proximity, the strength of the gale is more than enough to pull the revenant’s skull from their vertebrae. He looks to Gooigi and nods his head at the weathered shell left behind.
“You don’t happen to remember how we fought that T-Rex skeleton back at The Last Resort, do you?”
“I remember being chewing gum.” Gooigi quickly snatches up the turtle shell with his own gooey Poltergust. “But I see where this is going.”
Merlich slowly lifts his arm, palms up. The rubble littering the floor gently follows the rising motion. “Yes, keeping talking,” the dark entity growls, “it makes it all the easier to find you.”
With a sharp wave of their hand, half of the floating rubble speed toward Luigi and his paranormal partner. The two ghost hunters leap in opposite directions as they desperately try to avoid the attack. The stones had broken into smaller pieces upon colliding with the ground, meaning there were more projectiles to contend with. Between that and keeping track of their boney arsenal, escaping the onslaught completely unscathed was nigh impossible. Luigi is grazed at least twice in his retreat. He can hear some of the debris glance off the Poltergust. One stone passes over his head close enough that it nearly takes his hat with it. Several smaller rocks whizz through Gooigi’s gelatinous body, but none are large enough to break his form.
Before the wizard can unleash the remaining floating rubble, Luigi takes aim and fires off the angrily chattering Koopa skull. The wizard Vitiate cries out in surprise as they’re struck. Concentration broken, the stones collapse to the ground in a noisy clatter. Gooigi doesn’t give Merlich time to recover. He quickly launches the dusty Koopa shell and cheers as it hits its mark.
Luigi rushes forward and activates the Poltergust’s intake. The stunned ghost is drawn into its gale, and Gooigi is quick to add his Poltergust’s power to the mix. The two ghost hunters gradually move backward as they work to draw the dark entity closer. Merlich pulls in the opposite direction, but it is clear he is losing ground to the combined strength of two Poltergusts. Then, to Luigi’s surprise, Merlich abruptly turns and allows the vacuum’s suction to bring them closer. Their hands are sparking with electricity. There’s no time to dodge.
White light fills Luigi’s vision as he is blown back with a concussive boom. The tell-tale pop! of Gooigi losing form is lost in the cacophony. Luigi comes to a sudden stop against one of the many stones littered across the floor, but the pain from the impact is negligible compared to his spasming muscles. His ears are ringing from the blast, but he can still distantly hear the groaning and clattering bones of the Dry Horde trying to circumvent the knight.
“I was going to be merciful,” the dark wizard hisses. “I was going to take your power and give you a swift death.”
Luigi laboriously works to get his arms underneath him. He looks up and finds he is now facing the doorway where the Koopa Vitiate is working tirelessly to keep the revenants at bay. The horde of skeletons are relentless; if the knight attempted to come to Luigi’s aid, the horde would overwhelm them all in seconds.
“I was going to spare you from witnessing your own failure as I took the boy’s life next.”
Luigi can feel Gooigi’s presence at the back of his mind. They are sending pulse after urgent pulse through their connection, prodding Luigi to get to his feet. But Luigi isn’t quite there yet. The spasming in his arms and legs have only just eased enough for him to get to his hands and knees.
“I even considered sending the child’s body back home—give his family something to bury.” Merlich chuckles darkly. “I’m not usually so generous, you know.”
Luigi’s jaw clenches as he shoves himself into a kneeling position. He can feel the wizard’s presence behind him.
“But now? Now I plan to save you for last.”
Luigi braces himself against a stone and carefully rises to his feet. When he feels certain he won’t collapse, he slowly turns so he is facing the dark wizard. He releases Gooigi from the Poltergust’s canister and stumbles slightly at the abrupt shift in weight. Gooigi moves as if to support him, but the plumber’s drenched clothing prove to be a strong deterrent.
Merlich sneers. “Still have some fight in you, I see. You just don’t know when to quit.”
Luigi glares at the wizard as he takes up the Poltergust’s wand. “Yeah,” he says, “I’ve been told that before.” 5
Merlich matches his glare. “It matters not. You cannot outlast me, mortal. You’re nearly at your limit.” The dark entity’s tone becomes sadistic. “Once I have you restrained, I’ll make you watch as I kill the boy—slowly. Then I’ll track down the other children and force you to witness their demise as well.” His gaze shifts to Gooigi. “As for the slime golem—”
“The what?”
“—I think I’ll keep it; mold it into an obedient little pet. It may have a lot of weaknesses, but it could still prove useful. At the very least, it would be entertaining.”
The Poltergust’s wand creaks in Luigi’s tightening grip. A strange feeling builds in his chest alongside his anger. “Are you finished monologuing?”
The approximation of a snicker bubbles from the ectomorph. Merlich’s eyes snap back to Luigi, and the temperature of the already chilly dungeon seems to drop further. “…it appears I’ll only be adding six skeletons to my horde,” the ghost says, voice dangerously level. “After I’m through with you, human, there won’t be anything for your dog to bury—”
The ghost abruptly silences himself. “…your dog,” he says slowly. Merlich turns away, eyes widening as he frantically scans the room. “Where is that chaos spirit?!”
Merlich whirls around, freezing as his eyes land on the Polterpup. No, Luigi realizes, not the Polterpup, but the kid at his side. Dane is on his hands and knees, hurriedly drawing what looks to be a magic circle the size of a dinnerplate. His canvas is the dungeon floor, and his chosen medium is a sharp rock in lieu of chalk. The wayward spell book is open face-up on the floor just off to his side. The kid looks between the hastily completed drawing and the reference page. With a nod to himself, he scoops up the book and scoots back. Pepper trots forward and drops something from their mouth into the circle’s center. Whatever it is, it’s too small to make out from where Luigi is standing.
Luigi may not understand what he is seeing, but the dark wizard clearly doesn’t share his ignorance. They point sharply at the Doogan with an angry roar. “YOU!”
Dane’s head snaps up from the book with a yelp. He stares back at the angry wizard with wide, terrified eyes.
“Foolish child! You dare invoke the ancient warden’s magic?” Merlich snarls. “Have you the slightest notion what’s at stake?!”
Dane gawks at the dark entity, jaw working uselessly as he tries to formulate a response. “I—! No, not really!” he squeaks. “But Luigi’s dog seems to think it’s a good idea so… yeah!” He looks back down at the book clutched tightly in his hand. “Here goes nothing…”
Dane starts reading aloud from the old tome and the magic circle begins to glow. The wizard lifts his arms, bellowing with rage as electricity once again builds in his hands. Luigi’s stomach drops. Merlich is facing away from him and Gooigi, so they can’t use the Strobulb or Suction Shot to obscure the ghost’s vision. There’s no time to get between the ghost and the kid, either.
The Poltergust’s wand drops from Luigi’s hands as he prepares to utilize the Thunderhand, consequences be damned, but then the strange feeling that had been building in his chest steals his focus. The stirring—the energy—once again demands an outlet. Luigi unconsciously abides. He takes a step and thrusts out an arm as if performing the Thunderhand technique, but instead of lightning, a phlox-tinged energy arcs from his hand. It feels natural, and yet not at all, but whatever it is, his drenched clothes don’t conduct it. All the strange energy hones in on one target.
Merlich howls in agony as the energy strikes him from behind. The electricity forming in his hands snuffs out as he crashes to the ground. Luigi blinks owlishly at the stunned Vitiate. He retracts his still outstretched arm, watching as a final spark of phlox energy fizzles from his palm. It’s just like what happened earlier…
Gooigi warbles in surprise, head swiveling between the spasming ghost and his partner. “Since when could you do that?!”
A furious snarl cuts through any response Luigi may have given. He looks up from his hand in time to see the dark wizard rise unsteadily from the ground. Dread seizes Luigi in a cold grip. Merlich’s appearance is warping and twisting before his very eyes. Their mustache, once a pristine white, has become greenish grey in color. Stringy and clustered, the hairs seem to sway in a non-existent breeze, like Spanish moss draped over the arms of an ancient oak. A fitting analogy, given the entity’s fingers have elongated into gnarled things reminiscent of the reaching branches of a tree. Their robe hangs on them in loose, flowing tatters. The old worn fabric also appears to ripple and wave, an unnatural phenomenon in this subterranean world where wind is a foreign concept. Beneath Merlich’s hood, a third yellow eye opens in what Luigi approximates to be the wizard’s forehead. Smaller orbitals wink in and out of the hood’s obscuring shadows. Luigi isn’t sure if these are all new independently operating eyes, or one eye with an ever-changing location, and he’s even less certain which would be more unsettling.
The corrupted form of Merlich shudders with rage and residual magic. His burning gaze flares as it settles on his attacker. The dark wizard’s arm rises in a sharp, stilted motion, a gnarled finger uncurling from his warped fist to point in silent accusation. Luigi takes an unconscious step back.
“Y̺̬͉̺ ͈̹͙̳o̠̹̦͎͉͕͓ ̙̮̩̦͖u͓̖̼̲̼...” Merlich hisses, “F̙͖ ̤̤͖̘̰a ̜l ̼̪̠̬s̩͍̺̥̗̥̮ ͙̩͉̻̙e ̫̳̘̠̞̱ ̙̭̯͈͇̣ ̻m̭̯͖̞̘͎ ̺͚̼o̯̣ ̖̘r̳̤̫ ͇̦ͅt̞ ͇͇͙͙̪̜̩a̲̬ ̱̟̻l͔ ̣̰̩...!”
The wizard lunges at Luigi, hands alighting with unknown magic. He barely makes it three meters before he jerks to a halt, as if reaching the end of an invisible tether. The dark entity starts to drift backward. He whirls around, eyes wide with the first semblance of true fear Luigi has seen since the fight began. The ghost’s body is being drawn toward the object resting in the magic circle’s center. It finally clicks, and Luigi suddenly understands what he is seeing.
Sealing magic.
Merlich attempts to call upon their power again, but it fizzles out in his hands. He darts toward the ground and makes a desperate grab at the large stones—to use as a weapon or anchor themselves, Luigi isn’t sure—but every single one simply passes through his gnarled fingers. The ghost even attempts to escape by sinking into the floor, but the spell Dane is casting proves to be stronger and swiftly tears him from it. Merlich bellows with fury when the futility of his struggle becomes clear. He fervently curses the room’s occupants, hissing and snarling like a feral beast as he is dragged ever closer to his undoing. The dark wizard’s hateful gaze pierces Luigi one final time before he is sucked into the small object. Then, silence.
Six down…
It isn't over yet, folks! Luigi and company still gotta get home, you know. Will the Dry Horde, or even the Dark Koopa, interfere? One thing's for certain: everyone is going to need some serious therapy after this ^^'
1. Much like the Jaydes/Grambi/Stars lore, I haven’t gotten around to establishing certain aspects of how Gooigi and Luigi’s connection works, nor Gooigi’s state of being within the Poltergust. Basically, Luigi and Gooigi can sense and telepathically communicate with each other when in close proximity. The further they are from each other, the weaker this connection becomes, and when Gooigi is in the Poltergust, the connection is cut off completely unless Luigi is wearing the Poltergust. On his own, Gooigi can’t hear anything outside of the Poltergust’s tank. He can still see, but not very well (being in blob form seems to dampen his senses). If someone is wearing the Poltergust, sensors along the back allow Gooigi to vicariously experience outer stimuli through the wearer’s own senses. - 2. Whenever I make real-world references in fictional universes, I try to change it enough that it (hopefully) doesn't feel jarring while still being recognizable (Google = Goomble , Yelp = Welp , et cetera). In this particular instance, I felt it was okay to leave "Uno" as is (largely because I was afraid the dumb joke might get lost in translation otherwise). - 3. I briefly considered writing an alternative "Bad Ending" where Luigi agrees to Merlich's terms, but ultimately decided against it. For one, I didn't want to give myself any more work than I already had, but most importantly, I arrived at the conclusion that there really wasn't much of a story to tell (it pretty much would go exactly as Dane called it). Besides, though I love reading angst, writing it is not my forte (nor is drama, tbh) and it doesn't fit in with the overall tone of the LLoG AU (this installment is already on thin ice in that regard lol). - 4. I wrote the scene showing how Pepper and the Knight were able to come to Luigi's aid, but I felt the flashback messed with the pacing of this chapter a little too much and I didn't think the specifics of their arrival was important enough to try and work into the main story. This scene will, however, be included in the extras that I will post after the main story is completed. - 5. The Super Mario Bros. Movie really reignited my passion and desire to finish this installment, so it only seems right that it gets a little homage. <3
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accursedkaleeshi · 1 year
Accursed Izvoshra: Bentilais san Sk’ar
Behold! The only Izvoshra to be (retroactively) named & expanded upon in the source material! After surviving both the shuttle crash that took Grievous from his people & Thrawn’s orbital bombardment of his colony on Oben, Sk’ar was put to work as an Imperial General. That’s Legends canon bruv. The rest of this is community headcanon!
Long before that Sk’ar was the Prince of Kaleela & the Hand of the West. When he met Qymaen & Ronderu he was young, younger than them by a couple years, but already 9 standard feet tall & accomplished enough to be the Khan of his father’s military. Through the Huk war he would be instrumental in the defeat of the yam’rii & even kept getting bigger, just under 10 feet at his largest. Out of all Kalee, Bentilais worked closest to Grievous for the longest. They were comrades in arms in a way that the term best friends didn’t really seem to cover.
How did big Benny meet Qymaen & Ronderu? I asked some of the other Grievous nerds what they thought & outsourced really liked what TB came up with. Meet-cute under the cut by @tuberculosis-bot-9000. (The Consumption. #bentalais, Kaleeaboos. Discord, July 7, 2023.)
Kaleela is in and of itself a nation. Located on the convergence of multiple major trade routes by land and sea, it’s the largest city on Kalee by a massive margin. It’s influence is incredibly widespread. The Kaleela Tongue is a pidgin language that is spoken almost globally, as a lingua franca is some places and as the default in others. The state-sponsored faith is the most codified “church” type thing Kalee has. The pockets of Kaleela’s elite are deeper than some countries. And all of it bows to the Emperor.
The Emperor of Kaleela is… not what you expect when you imagine the most important person on Kalee. He’s miserly, he’s physically unimpressive, and he’s ancient as shit. He’s a hop, skip, and a jump away from being a skeksis. And he’s Sk’ar’s father.
Because Kaleela is untouched by the war! Yes, the outlying colonies to the east are bedeviled with rumors of invaders, and the southern territories are all but wiped out, and more and more refugees are flooding in by the day, but the Jewel City is safe. There is no war in Kaleela. The Emperor sees no reason to join the war effort, much less bend the knee to some backwoods eastern barbarian.
This makes Q+R very mad.
They just park their army in the city and start making other connections. It’s a careful song and dance convincing cushy nobles to lend their strength and resources, but it’s one they play well. They have to. Kaleela is the crux of it all. Without Kaleela’s army and navy, the war will eventually end in a Yam’rii victory.
Then, at a party, they meet the prince. It’s a celebration of his recent appointment as Khan of Kaleela. He’s the one that controls Kaleela’s military now. So they have to be precise.
Sk’ar is intrigued by the demigods. He’s heard tales of their glory, their cunning, their prowess in battle. He knows the skinny man with a rifle is the best shot on the planet and the woman with the mane and swords moves faster than the eye can see. And he knows he’s got them on the back foot. He’s interested in seeing what they do more than what they say.
They tell him, in no uncertain terms, that the war will come, and sooner rather than later. The Emperor wants to hide behind his money and his wives and his 88,888 things, but the bugs don’t care. They’ll drag him off his throne, crack open his skull, and eat him before his mewling pups if something isn’t done. Sk’ar finds the idea hilarious. He knows his father is weak. But he wants to know why he should follow Qymaen rather than take a throne by himself. He certainly has enough money and warriors for it. Qymaen just shrugs. If he wants to do it that way, he can, and Qymaen will take what remains when the bugs rout the Kaleela prince. Sk’ar throws his head back and laughs. The gall!
He agrees.
(Thank you @tuberculosis-bot-9000 for letting me use your words & the Benny braincell!)
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shonenkun309 · 2 years
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A/N : Yo!! How's it going? what's up my lovely sweet potatos? Well, for this chapter...how am I gonna tell you that I was crying while I writing it? Because I was. I'm not going to go any deeper, so relax while reading the chapter, though I doubt you'll relax after that hehe...heh...hmmm...
𝑯𝒂𝒗𝒆 𝑭𝒖𝒏 ~𝑺𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒏~ words : 1628
Chapters : 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12
Tags : @just-somehuman @the-bird-and-the-flute @kogasimp1 @callmeklair @colourless-hydrangeas @randomf2p
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𝑻𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅 ➡➡➡
Futaba yelled at the top of her lungs, "RUN!!!" urging her friends to bolt. But just as she turned to sprint, she stumbled, hitting the ground hard. "FUTABA!!" Koga cried out, his voice cutting through the chaos as he pulled out his blade, ready to defend her. Futaba struggled to get back on her feet, but something felt off—like her leg was glued to the earth. Her teammates rushed to her aid, but a wall of trouble stood in their path. Suddenly, out from the shadows of the chaos emerged the two entities they saw before—those ominous sand creatures. Futaba’s struggling became more frantic as she realized she was indeed trapped. A familiar figure began to surface from the ground, a hand emerging first, followed by the form of the sandman she’d seen by the riverbank—shrouded in sand, featureless, but undeniably focused on her as if she were its prey.
Koga charged ahead, clashing blades with one of the sandmen alongside Kuya. He swung fiercely, severing a limb with a satisfying slice, only to see it regenerate right back. "What the...?" he muttered, taken aback. Kuya, not backing down, summoned his fan and unleashed a barrage of sharp blades against another foe, but it barely flinched. He dodged a counterattack by soaring into the air, his wings spreading wide. Meanwhile, Koga was in a fierce struggle, hacking away at his opponent, but it just kept healing as he fought. Not far off, Nachi was making a beeline for the sandman that had Futaba pinned down. “Leave her!!!” he roared, but the sandman ignored him, wrapping more of its grains around Futaba like a suffocating blanket.
Futaba shouted, “Kyo kyo nyo ritsu ryo!!!” and unleashed a blinding white aura that pushed the sandman back, giving her a chance to escape. She bolted toward Nachi, but the sandman was hot on her heels. Kuya swooped in, swirling winds from his fan to hold the beast at bay, but a massive wave of sand surged from behind, slamming into him and toppling him over. “Kuya!!” Futaba cried out, panic surging through her. Just as she made to rush back, Nachi grabbed her shoulders and spun her to face the growing threat. “You gotta run now!!” he insisted, eyes locked on the advancing sandman.
“What? No way!! I’m not leaving you to deal with this alone!” Futaba shot back, her heart racing. “I’ll distract it while you make a break for it, come on Futaba!!” Nachi urged, his gaze unwavering on the monster closing in, while Koga continued his fierce fight against the relentless creature that now wielded a sharpened arm like a sword. The stakes were high, and the fight was far from over.
Amidst the chaos of battle, the ogre found himself in a bind. Half his focus was on saving his comrades and Futaba, while the other half was preoccupied with fending off an imposing sandman. Taking advantage of Koga's distraction, the creature swung its menacing weapon, unleashing a powerful wave of energy that sent Koga tumbling backward. He hardly had time to collect himself before the sandman was bearing down on him, weapon poised to deliver the final blow. With adrenaline pumping, Koga raised his sword just in time to clash with the sandman’s strike, the force of which threatened to overpower him.
Meanwhile, Kuya was locked in his own fierce struggle against a different sandman, evading strikes while desperately slashing with the blades hidden in his fan. But even as he severed limbs, they reformed in an unsettling display, leaving Kuya at a loss. Both Koga and Kuya were stuck in dire circumstances, fully aware that someone needed to rush to Nachi and Futaba's aid.
In the eerie silence that followed, the third sandman cornered Nachi and Futaba, who stood frozen in fear. Nachi urged Futaba to flee, but stubbornly, she refused to abandon him. That decision enveloped them both in danger as the sandman edged closer, brandishing a sharp spear and directing it menacingly towards Nachi.
“NACHI!!” Futaba shrieked before snapping her eyes shut, bracing for the worst. But to their shock, the spear merely grazed Nachi's neck, a chilling reminder of their vulnerability. Panic surged within Nachi, his heart racing as the sandman effortlessly lifted him off the ground.
“Hey! Put me down!” he shouted, struggling against the creature's grip. But the sandman tossed him aside like a rag doll, sending him crashing to the dusty ground. Futaba screamed again, calling desperately for him, craving the strength to run to his side. Yet the sandman had other plans for her, capturing her firmly by the wrist, leaving her thrashing against its grip.
Watching the scene unfold, Kuya's heart dropped as he saw Futaba in peril. He wanted nothing more than to rush to her aid, but was momentarily held back. In an instant, he decided he had to act. With a dramatic flick of his fan, he unleashed a wave of blades, catching his opponent off-guard. The fan sliced cleanly through the sandman’s neck, and with a sickening thud, its body collapsed into an unremarkable pile of sand. But before Kuya could rush to assist his friends, Koga’s opponent surged forward, encasing him in a swirling prison of sand.
“Kuya!!” Koga shouted, desperation coloring his voice as he thrust his sword at the encasing Arm of the sandman, causing it to falter momentarily. Though the grip loosened just enough for Kuya to escape, the enemy’s arm quickly regenerated, snapping back to life as it coiled menacingly.“ Leave it to me!” Kuya called back, determination glinting in his eyes.
Meanwhile, Nachi watched in horror as the sands began to snake around Futaba, lifting her high into the air.
“Stop! Put Futaba down!” he bellowed, sprinting toward the menacing sandman. The distance felt like an eternity, but then, when he was almost upon them, something strange happened. The sandman stopped, its movements betraying an unexpected hesitation.
“Nachi!! Don’t come any closer!!” she yelled, panic lacing her voice, but Nachi was beyond hearing her warning. He charged forward, driven by a fear he couldn't shake. Just as the creature turned to intercept him with a swift, predatory motion, someone cried out from the sidelines.
A figure sprang forth, pushing Nachi out of harm's way, sending him tumbling to the ground just as the sandman’s shadow loomed over him. But the creature’s wild grasp found a new target, seizing Koga instead, tightening its grip around his neck.
“NO! Let him go! Please!” Futaba cried, desperation twisting her words, as she yanked violently against her bonds. Koga, struggling to catch his breath, met the creature’s gaze with fierce determination.
“P- put her down—” he gasped, but before he could finish his plea, an invisible force constricted around him, stealing his breath away. Futaba’s eyes widened in horror as she watched Koga’s strength fade, his sword slipping from his grasp, clattering uselessly onto the ground. The sandman seemed to relish in its victory, releasing Koga from its grip only to deliver a punishing blow to his face, sending him sprawling away until he lay still, motionless in the dust.
Both Futaba and Nachi were left utterly shocked by the scene before them, their hearts pounding as Koga remained motionless. Futaba's voice rang out desperately, calling his name over and over as she struggled against the grip of her captor, but it was all in vain. Just when everything felt hopeless, she suddenly collapsed to the ground, released from her binds. She barely registered that her captor’s head lay severed a few feet away; instead, her only focus was on Koga. She bolted towards him, her heart racing as she yelled his name, willing him to wake up.
Once beside him, she dropped to her knees, cradling his head in her lap. A wave of dread washed over her as she noticed the blood trickling from his mouth and the way his eyes hung half-open, vacant and dull. The horror and anxiety crashed together in her chest; this was the first time she’d seen Koga so broken. With trembling fingers, she brushed her hand across his battered cheek, trying to find any flicker of life in him.
“Koga, you— you’ll be fine... just— hold on a bit, okay? Please...” Her voice was shaky, and her hand shook as she held him. Nachi stood nearby, feeling the weight of the moment crash over him too. Koga didn’t respond, just stared into Futaba’s tear-filled eyes. Then, everything around them seemed to freeze, and the only sound was the gentle rustle of leaves in the breeze.
Koga whispered, the words barely escaping his lips before his crimson eyes slid shut completely. As his body grew heavier in her arms, Futaba felt a gasp escape Nachi’s throat; she, on the other hand, was frozen in shock. Despite the tears pouring down her face, a sense of disbelief enveloped her, each droplet falling like a torrential rain onto Koga’s lifeless features.
“No... no no no no!! Don’t... don’t do this to me!! Open your eyes, please!!! KOGA!!!” Her voice broke as she shouted his name, desperation lacing every syllable, but it was as if the world around them had gone silent. She clutched him tight, hoping against hope that he would somehow stir back to life.
Tears streamed endlessly down her face, and Nachi��s heart shattered at the sight of his friend in such agony. Kuya knelt a few feet away, unable to tear his eyes from the fading form of the sandman, hearing Futaba’s cries echoing in the distance. His heart ached with a blend of sorrow and helplessness; the nightmare he had feared was unfolding before him, and all he could do was listen to his friends’ mourning pierce the stillness around them.
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FFXIV Write 2023 || FFXIV Write info\\Prompt list\\Character info \\Master post ||
Prompt 10: You pick: Limit
the furthest extent of one's physical or mental endurance.
Character(s): Kien Eilath and Ardbert with mentions of Emet  Cw: very mild body horror (if you squint) depiction of being sick Word count: 579 Notes: I asked my friend/co-worker to give me a word and this is what I got! :3 Contains Shb spoilers as this was the first thing I thought of when I heard this word. Might go back and edit this cause what I want to really capture here is just barely scratching the surface. Under the cut for the cw. 
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His comrades were down–there was no one left.
The Light was finally breaking free with a vengeance. 
Harsh coughs racked the Miqo’te’s body as pain coursed through him. 
It was only a matter of time before he became the very thing he feared to become. 
A scream tore through his throat as a white hot pain stemming from his left shoulder blade drove him to his knees. That must’ve been the wing bursting through…the transformation was beginning to take hold and it made him feel sick to his stomach–literally.
 He felt his stomach clench painfully and he fell forward onto his hands as his body began to heave up the chalky white bile again at an alarming rate. He could seem to catch his breath, his mouth opening and closing with needy gulps of air any chance he wasn’t coughing up. Dimly he could hear Emet-Selch saying something to him but it was drowned out by the cracking in his ears and his vision began to white out. 
This is it then….I’m at my limit….after everything and it still came to this…
Kien fought back the tears as his body finally gave out and he fell forward onto the ground, the last of his energy spent. Just as his consciousness began to fade, he could see a pair of boots step up next to him. He didn’t need to look up to know who it was–the familiar warmth of his presence would be the last thing he felt before his vision was engulfed in blinding white light. 
He wasn’t out for long though. Or at least, that’s how it felt when he blinked open his eyes. He was still somehow himself. At least, in here he was. He shuddered to think if on the outside he had already transformed entirely but at least here in this white cocoon in his mind, he was no longer in pain. The warm presence was still with him too and he finally had the strength to lift his head to see it was indeed Ardbert standing by his side. 
He opened his mouth to say something, an apology for failing but somehow he knew that wasn’t necessary. The Hyur kept his gaze focused ahead, a raw sort of determination radiating off of him a as he finally seemed to understand his purpose. “If you had the strength to take another step, could you do it?” Ardbert asked, his question causing hope to bubble through Kien’s chest. “Could you save our worlds?” 
Kien inhaled a breath, feeling his strength return to him. They haven’t lost yet. He pushed himself up to his elbows, a small determined smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “You know I could,” Kien spoke, his voice clear with determination. Emet-Selch would not be the victor today. His gaze softened as he too knew why Ardbert was still with him and he added with quiet conviction, “But not without you.” 
Ardbert let out a short chuckle as he finally turned his gaze to Kien, his eyes full of the same purpose reflected in the Miqo’te’s eyes. “That’s the spirt,” He grabbed his axe off his back and offered it down for Kien to take. “Take it, we fight as one!”
A new blinding light filled Kien’s vision as he grabbed the hilt of the axe and he knew he could push himself beyond his limits to win this battle. His world and this world would be saved.
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viva-la-whump · 7 months
Febuwhump Day 10
A random Eli appears!!
“Eli! Behind you!”
The young corporal heard the warning of his comrade over the din of battle, but the words didn’t sink in until he heard a shout from behind him from a voice filled with anger and bloodlust. Turning around, Eli Vanto saw a huge man from the Separatist Army almost upon him.
He froze, eyes wide as fear seeped to his very core, making him incapable of doing anything other than think “I’m dead, I’m dead, I’m dead…” But by some miracle, he brought up his rifle, just barely, bayonet glinting in the sunlight. He couldn’t get his finger to find the trigger, but the brute barreled towards him, eyes wild with murderous intention, and didn’t seem to heed the blade pointing straight at his gut. 
The impact drove Eli to the ground, all the wind knocked out of his lungs in a mighty whoosh. His head connected with the ground and sparks danced in his eyes, his vision blurring so he only saw a vague form looming above him, a large red spot oozing more red to the ground. How was he still alive? How could someone possibly get up after a wound like that, let alone continue to fight?
These thoughts swirled in Eli’s mind and he was barely aware of more shouting from a familiar voice. That snapped him out of his stupor and he rolled to the side just as the goliath swung something down right where he’d been. It was his own gun! He must have thought it wasn’t loaded and was now using it as a club.
Survival instincts finally kicked in and Eli scrambled to his feet. He was small, certainly smaller than his opponent, but he was also faster. He dodged another swing of his gun and danced behind the man, sending a kick to the back of his knee that made his leg give out. With a grown of annoyance and pain, the man tried to swing his makeshift club around, but once again, Eli was faster, perhaps in part due to the blood loss that was finally seeming to have an effect on the behemoth.
Eli grabbed the knife that was at his belt and stabbed    the man high in his back. There was a strangled cry, almost more like a gasp, and the man dropped Eli’s rifle. His arms, seeming to have grown heavier, waved about uselessly, both trying to reach the knife still in his back and to hit Eli. But soon his efforts grew slower and weaker until he fell forward onto ground and moved no more.
For his part, Eli just stood there, numb, looking at what he’d just done. He could hardly believe it. He knew this was part of war, knew he’d have to take a life at some point. But he’d never…he didn’t think… His hands were shaking and the world grew blurry again, but this time it wasn’t because of the hit to his head (though that was still pounding painfully throughout his skull). No. This time it was due to the tears that were welling up in his eyes. His knees gave out then and he was powerless to try and stay upright, so he just let his body fall. Except he didn’t. Something stopped him from hitting the ground, something with arms that wrapped around him. Something that had a face with so much concern written on it that it drew a sob deep from within Eli’s chest.
It became too much for Eli - the shock, the pain, the sudden exhaustion he felt sapping all the strength from his body, and the boiling mass of emotions churning inside him. He allowed himself to be held by those arms, trusting that face to look after him as he closed his eyes against this hellish battle and sank into the sweet oblivion that welcomed him.
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•During the clone wars, you were a padawan to Jedi master Plo Koon, so naturally you were fighting against the separatists on the front lines along side your master
•Everything was going well, all too well when you and the Wolf Pack were suddenly pinned down against incoming droids. You knew you were pinned down and couldn’t see a way out until-
•Out of nowhere, a ship you didn’t recognize, crash-landed. And right on top of the droids that were almost your demise too
•You were all startled to say the least, the buzz of the battle still settling in. But what came next was even more alarming. The hatch of the ship prompt opened to reveal a hulking brute of a solider all dressed in black, charging headfirst into the fight with a battle-cry and his blaster.
•”Strange?” You pondered out-loud. He’s certainty wearing clone armor, but there’s something about this one that says he’s different. The force is telling you so. Not to mention the obvious skull on his modified clone trooper armor.
•”Drop it!” You turn to see a droid about to gun you down. Before you striked it down, a blast knocked it’s head off. Turning to your savior, you see another one of the modified clones blaster pointing towards the dismembered droid.
•”I guess that means I owe you one.”
•you could practically feel him smirk under that helmet of his. “No sweat, Ma’am.”
•But as another droid came up behind him you swiftly pounced on it, cutting that one down to size. Looking over your shoulder, you smirked in return. “And I guess that means you owe me one.” Hearing him chuckle, you both returned to the battlefield.
•After the battle, you soon learned the names of your heroes as they were called “Clone Force 99”. A nice ring to it, don’t you think? But that was only the beginning of your many adventures together with The Bad Batch…
•As time passed, you’ve come to learn they were rather, well, an odd group of entities. From Crosshairs to his keen marksmanship to Tech’s technology genius and Hunter’s phenomenal instincts to Wrecker’s massive strength. And while their tactics were unusual, yet effective, not to mention their uniqueness, you’ve come to care for them as your friends. Your comrades. Your brothers. Each one of them you formed a bond with.
•From that first time he saved your butt, you and Hunter were pretty much in sync. Your stoic attitudes made you both rely on each other and when it was just you two. You were both able to relax around each other’s presence. Almost like a peaceful atmosphere despite the on-going war. With you two, it’s almost like a understandable serenity. So when you two would stay up for some late night talking and soft spoken laughs, it was rather lovely for the both of you.
•For Crosshairs, it was a different story. He was a hard nut to crack, but you eventually warmed your way into his heart. He was a little annoyed at first when you tried talking to him about anything at all really. But while he wasn’t a conversationalist, you did find out he liked making bets. Especially between you and himself. More specifically, the ones where if your Jedi powers could sense where exactly he’s gonna snipe you at. Could you dodge at 10 kilometers? 20? And with each bet you guys grew a bit closer. Although as you guys grew together, he had less credits in his pockets then when he started. But let’s just say, he was a little less annoyed with you than when you first met.
• Just like with crosshairs, it took a while for Tech to warm up to you. You didn’t know how to bond with him so it all seemed hopeless with him, but when you first heard one of Tech’s speeches, you were practically speechless yourself. You never knew anyone who was as knowledgeable as him before besides a Jedi Holocron! It was rather fascinating to say the least. So when you asked a question about something you knew would set him off (in a good way), his eyes lit up. It was like watching fireworks! It was so sweet! But the most genuine part of the conversation is that you were patience, unlike his brothers. You actually took an interest in what he thrived from. He found it heart warming that you too share the same curiosity he craved for.
•Out of all the bad batch members, Wrecker quite startled you the most. From his loud and brash personality you weren’t too sure what to make of him. As a Jedi, you were trained to be passive, calm and to keep your emotions at bay. But with him, he was prone to expressing himself in a very palpable manner. While it wasn’t what you were use to, it kinda made you want to spread your branches a little. Be a bit more open with yourself and your feelings. A bit more loud!
•Later on after successful missions, you would go out to celebrate and always end up drunk off your rocker with Wrecker right beside you, giggling and having a good time. But as you tried beating him in a drinking contest it didn’t go as planned…SPOILER ALERT: you always lost.
•You and Echo famously got along. Echo’s history with Anakin and Ashoka made it pretty clear he trusted you wholeheartedly. Pretty soon, you guys formed a bond. You’d even swap war stories from the 104th battalion and his from the 501st. Around you his attitude changed as well. From his usual grumpy self, he would joke around you with a slight nudge here and there. But besides that, your friendship ran deeper than that.
•One night, you felt a disturbance aboard the Marauder. Specifically, a disturbance from Echo’s room. Quickly you raced to see him upright from his bunk, gasping breaths and sweat dripping down his forehead. What gave it away the most though was the look of fear plastered all over his face. Slowly you revealed yourself to him and before he could shoo you away, you pulled him into a hug and muttered reassurances of comfort. A nice, long soothing hug. Echo was shocked but remained in the embrace. To him, you were a pillar of emotional support. Whenever he need to talk to you about his nightmares or anything, he’d always go to you. Always.
•Clone force 99 wasn’t what you expected and that’s what you expected. They were wild, unpredictable, and undisciplined. But most of all, they were passionate, dedicated, loyal and fought for what’s right. And you can’t be any prouder than that.
•The first time you met Omega, she was the cutest little thing you ever did see! You fawned over the girl 24/7 and you couldn’t stop! And when Omega first met you, she instantly loved you! You two spent almost every minute with each other as you two bonded over everything and anything! From your stories from traveling all over the galaxy as a Jedi knight, she was in awe. She’s never met someone as pure hearted and empathic as you before, almost like a mother. And for you, she reminded you of the younglings back at the Jedi temple and felt even more protective of her than before.
•Hunter couldn’t be more grateful for you when you showed up. You looked after the young clone and made sure she was getting everything she needed. Ever since you found out she was living with the boys aboard that ship for weeks, you were horrified. A little girl alone with nothing but testosterone for all that time?! You scolded the boys enough to make them want to face general Grievous.
•You’d even made them stop at a planet to get some much needed supplies for omega: hair brushes, cosmetic supplies, anything for a growing girl like her. You guys even had some much needed girl time!You were practically a big sister to her and she loved every second of it.
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Cryo Archon!Childe fucking his wife on their wedding night and he gets her pregnant? and he's a little yandereish like the way you write him? your work is sublime
Thank you~! I had fun writing this since I never once entertained Childe being a cryo archon but the image of him having the signature tip dyed hair was simply o(*////▽////*)q
In Snezhnaya with Love
Summary: Cryo Archon's most treasured and beloved possession was not his gnosis, but the Tsaritsa that was protected in the depths of the Zapolyarny Palace.
Of the current Seven, the Cryo Archon, the Tsar of Snezhnaya was famed for his glorious victories in the battlefield, a once human who vanquished gods when meeting gods and slayed demons when meeting demons. All Snezhnayans held their Cryo Archon with high regards, loved him and respected him for all the battles he had won for himself and that of Snezhnaya. They tell the story of their Archon, the second to ascend among the Original Seven, whose battle prowess was second only to Morax of Liyue.
Though no one knew their Tsar’s once mortal name, their were many monikers he went by at the times he paraded himself as a mortal; Tartaglia of the Harbingers when in Snezhnaya, Childe when in Liyue, Herrscher in Mondstadt, Wakasama in Inazuma, Le Seigneur in Fontaine, Bhagavan in Sumeru, and Kasike in Natlan. Thus, the people of Snezhnaya found no need to discover their Archon’s once name.
And you were one of them, you had no need nor want to know the Cryo Archon, the Tsar, beyond what he wanted his people to know. All that mattered was that you loved him just as your fellow countrymen did. Though you were no devout follower of the Tsar, despite your status as the heiress of 10 Noble Houses of Snezhnaya’s high society, you still carried yourself like one.
You were after all graced with his element, and your Uncle Pulcinella’s position in the Harbingers ensured that you brought no shame to the prestige of your bloodline and your status as a Cryo Vision Holder. You were the embodiment of your Archon’s ideals, Strength not only to protect one’s self and family but also to challenge the Divine.
It was the price you willingly paid to enjoy the privileges your vision and status granted you. Perhaps in another world you would have gone on and married someone not out of love but out of duty, but such thoughts flew out of the window that one summer day in Morepesok.
It had been a vacation for you, a rare moment of freedom from the prying and judging eyes of the world. You had been allowed to roam free in your Uncle Pulcinella’s vacation villa in the rural seaside village. It was one of the top tourist destinations in Snezhnaya, a town seemingly stuck in time, where the rest of Snezhnaya was filled with towering buildings and skyscrapers of metal and light, Morepesok retained the traditional houses of Snezhnaya.
A rare glimpse of the past long gone. It was during this trip that you had your fateful encounter with the young man, his orange hair with sky blue tips that gently swayed in the cold wind, and his piercing blue eyes that had taken your breath away.
He smiled at you, curious and just a touch of arrogance that let you know he knew he was handsome. Your cheeks flushed not from the cold but from embarrassment.
“Hey there, girlie~!��� He called out as he trotted towards you, his hunter attire letting you know he was one of the hunters of Morepesok.
“He-hello” You greeted him back, soft and shy. Stuttering as you felt your heartbeat quicken with each step that he took towards you.
“Don’t you know it’s dangerous in this area?” He asked you, eyes glinting with cold amusement and something in you wanted to rise to his unspoken challenge.
“Oh? Was there?” You replied, “With this being part of my uncle’s villa, I doubt that there is anything here that would be dangerous to me…”
His smile fades away and you continued, “Of course even if this part of the woods is no longer a part of his villa, other than our beloved Tsar’s ire, I would be the most dangerous creature out here.”
You punctuated your words with the masterful and powerful display of your control over Cryo. The frostarm lawachurl heading towards your location toppled over, the top of their head bleeding out from the spikes of cryo that burst out from their forehead. Their dying cry had the man before you looking back and his laughter echoed in the desolate winter forest of Morepesok.
“Hahahaha!” He laughed, hands on his stomach as he bent over “Amazing, comrade! This is the first time I’ve ever seen Cryo be used in such a way! Not even the Tsar was said to be that ruthless!”
You smiled at him, sweet and pleased at his praise, “Perhaps, our beloved Tsar has yet to meet an opponent that would make him use such cruelty.”
“Interesting, I’m Ajax of Morepesok. And you...must be Pulcinella’s treasured niece” His smile turned more genuine offering his hand to you he added, “Something tells me would get along most splendidly.”
And as you gave him your hand, he brought it close to his lips, kissing it gently and you knew, as the distant sound of the waves crashing into the shore sounded in the forest, that your first defeat was in the hands of this charming young man.
And it was your sweetest defeat, you spent most of your days in his cabin, an inheritance from his deceased family, your time split between sparring with him and going ice fishing. Each moment spent made you stronger, Ajax taught you in every weapon he knew. Each touch that corrected your stance sent shivers down your spine.
And neither of you shied away from the inevitable. His touches became less innocent, less sincere in teaching you. And you took every opportunity to have skinship with him, from taking advantage of the gentle cold air to asking for his help in reeling in the ridiculously large fishes in Morepesok.
Despite the never ending cold of Snezhnaya, the distance between you and Ajax slowly melted away with each shed of layer between the two of you. In his cabin, you were just a young maiden in love, and he was just your strong lover who sheltered you from the harshness of the world.
The domesticity of your everyday life with him lulled you into a false sense of comfort, the mornings and afternoons spent with him would come to an end. Maybe, it was the knowledge that you would never be able to return to this time, or perhaps it was your reluctance to be forgotten so easily that led to this point.
The moment Ajax had kissed you against his door, you had shed all pretense of propriety. You kissed him back, tongue entangling with his as his hands ventured down and began divesting you of your clothes. Neither of you stopped kissing as your hand went to his pants and unbuckled his belt, his hydro vision dropping to the ground in sync with him removing your top that held your cryo vision.
You broke off to breath and found your neck being kissed as Ajax lifted you up and you let out a surprised gasp. Your arms automatically embraced his neck as he brought you upstairs and into his bedroom. You had no chance to look around as he gently placed you atop his soft bed.
His lips trailed down from your neck to the center of your chest down to your groin, leaving a soft trail of kisses before he began to eat you out.
Outside the window of his room, snow fell harshly and the windows softly shook with each gust of wind. Idly you wondered what had made the Tsar rage about but this thought was lost to the lust and pleasure of your love making with Ajax.
You laid on his chest, utterly spent as he curled his arm around you and gave you soft kisses atop your head. Neither of you spoke, unwilling to face the reality of your departure. But you were never one to falter from the things that you didn’t like.
You were always moving forward. Bravely facing whatever comes your way, be it life or love. So you broke the silence, because it was what you believed you owed him.
“I’m enlisting in the Fatui” Your voice soft, “This would be most likely the last time we would meet.”
You felt his hand on your waist tighten before it relaxed. You looked at him and was greeted by his warm smile.
“But not definitely” He said and your heart ached because you knew that even if you met him next time there was no chance for anything more.
“Ajax, the next time we meet, I will no longer be as I am today.”
His eyes grew cold and you found yourself underneath him, he looked at you darkly and foolishly you still found yourself lost in his beautiful eyes.
“We will meet again,” he said, voice hard and steely “and no one would be able to take you away from me.”
His kiss was hard and biting, cold and passionate, and for a moment you believed him.
“Promise me then,” You begged him as tears gathered in the edges of your eyes as you surrendered to him once more “promise me that you’ll wait for me, that you’ll fight for me and I’ll return to you and fight for you.”
“I promise” Ajax smiled, his coldness and anger melting away as he showered you with all of his love. Leaving traces of himself on you, marking you to proclaim his rightful ownership of you.
Enlisting in the Fatui and joining their ranks hadn’t been easy with the additional expectation being brought by your familial connection with one of the current Harbingers, and with that the hatred and envy of others. You didn’t care for it though, thoughts of Ajax and the life you’d have with him making it easier for you. Then again, the Fatui was a place where strength was respected and it was something you had in spades, from fighting abilities to scheming. You didn’t have the best leadership skills but that was something that could be slowly learned.
All in all, you had gritted your teeth, bore the difficulties, and slowly but surely made your way up in the ranks and into being a Harbinger. Innamorati, they called you and you it was a name you proudly wore. A name bestowed upon you by your beloved Cryo Archon, the Tsar with his bright orange hair and deep blue eyes that reminded you of Ajax.
It was surprising to see such a familiar and beloved face in that of the beloved Archon but you had learned to hide your emotions. But even as you walked away from him and went home to celebrate, the unmistakable pull you felt didn’t allow you to delude yourself completely.
You needed to see Ajax.
The trip to Morepesok was faster with the portable waypoint Ajax had made you. An easy temptation to meet him in the middle of your enlistment but one you never took. You wanted to prove yourself, and at the same time show him that you’d never easily cave, be it for him or for something else, you would keep your word. And maybe that was why the waiting figure of your Tsar, in Ajax’ clothes, had shaken your heart.
The winds howled and snow fell harshly, each step he took towards made you tremble whether it was from trepidation or something else you didn’t know but as he took a strand of your hair and held close to his lips you couldn’t help but call for him,
You felt at loss, not knowing how much of the days you spent with him were true, not knowing if his words had been meant. You wouldn’t be able to take it if it wasn’t.
“Yes, my love?” He asked, gently and comforting as he took you into his arms and held you tight enough that it hurt.
You didn’t know what to say, unable to put your feelings into words so you buried your face into his chest, held him just as tight with your trembling hands and begged him to understand what your heart wanted.
You never noticed how you remained unaffected by the cold, despite the howling winds and harshly falling snow that surrounded you. All you could think of was the feeling you held tightly as Ajax carried you inside his home, up to his bedroom and slowly but gently began to undress you.
You made no protest beyond the need to have your hand held by his. He had laughed, soft and gentle, at your clinginess but no less than pleased at it.
“I’d need my hand to properly undress you” He said even if he had no problem tearing your clothes off.
You gave him an unimpressed glance but nonetheless leaned close when he moved to take your panties off, you snuggled closer to him, holding his hand tighter. You felt your panties drop to your feet and you moved to take it off them. Ajax pushed you to sit and the bed, finding it adorable and pleasing how you easily complied.
Trusted him so much that you made no protest beyond the soft pout when he untangled your hands. He gently rolled your black thigh highs off your legs, raising one leg high to slowly and teasingly slide it off your smooth legs.
He smirked at seeing your pussy twitch ever so often, knowing that you were surely having lewd thoughts. So he pulled you closer by your legs until your pussy was just a scant few centimeters away from his face. Your breath hitched and you unconsciously wanted to close your legs but his hands stopped it and began the process of taking off your remaining thigh highs. The process barely took a minute but it felt so long that you were ready to beg him.
When your thighs were freed from your thigh highs, you spread your legs, fingers going towards your labia and spreading it wide for him to see.
“Please?” You begged, voice soft and cute as you showed him your glistening wet pussy.
And Ajax, had never been one to deny you. Spoiling you with gifts and affection until you were drunk and dizzy from it. His mouth pressed close to your cunt, tongue licking the outside, circling your clit before it made its way in. He ate you like the sweet treat that you were, holding your thighs securely as you writhed on the bed with pleasure, moans growing louder and louder with each passing minute until you were crying for release.
He was relentless in teasing you, calloused hands teasing your clit before stopping when you were on the edge of your orgasm.
“Ajax~” You cried his name, moaning and panting as his fingers fucked you “please le—ahh!”
“Aren’t you my most devoted Harbinger?” He teased, “Surely you can hold on until I order you to come?”
You nod your head with slight hesitation but it was something Ajax could forgive seeing how you were feverish with want and your earlier words of begging for his cock.
His fingers went in and out of your pussy, each thrust accompanied by the squelch of your slick, his saliva and the hydro that coated his fingers. Your pussy loosened with each passing minute as he alternated his attention to your sweet cunt and your cute clit.
When he had deemed you loose enough, he stood up and freed his cock from the tight and uncomfortable confines of pants, he let his pants and briefs drop to the floor before he climbed the bed and in one smooth motion, plunged his cock into your waiting wet pussy.
“Cum” He ordered and you did, voice a sweet melody to his ears as he fucked you through your orgasm, the loud creaking of the bed and the sound of the head board as it repeatedly slammed on the wall made you aware of your situation, as the haze of lust slightly lifted.
It didn’t do much beyond making you want to hold his hand which Ajax did, held your hand as he repeatedly rammed his cock into your pussy, slowly reaching your depths with each thrust of his cock until he let out his cum inside you, spilling it deep inside your pussy that Ajax knew that there wasn’t any impossibility you wouldn’t end up pregnant.
He softly fell on top of you, caging you beneath him as you hugged his muscular back and simply existed in that moment. His cock remained inside of you and the feeling of being connected in such a way, on having all of him touching your skin, the soft sound of his ragged breaths and his scent mixing with the smell of sex that pervaded your nose anchored you in this precise moment.
Where the world felt like it had melted away leaving the two of you alone. Neither a monarch and his subject nor a god and its believer. Just you and him, as lovers.
“Did you really mean it?” You asked, soft and preparing for the worst.
“Yes,” He answered, voice equally soft as he squeezed you tight, he continued “I meant every I love yous I said to you, every promise made.”
He kissed you on your neck, on the vein that betrayed your heart’s quick pulse. He inhaled your scent which he had missed so dearly, remembering the nights he had spent thinking of you, wondering what you were doing. The nights he laid awake missing your warmth on his side, the afternoon naps where he held you close to his heart.
He watched from afar as you slowly and steadily made your way up in the ranks, each battle won and lost that slowly shaped you into a Harbinger. He thought of the days that made him want to simply steal you away, lock you in his room until you forgot your family, your duty, and only had him in your mind.
But he stopped himself, he knew that doing so would make you lose the shine that had entranced him, he would lose the you that he came to love. The you that was bound by duty both self-imposed and ones imposed by society. So he waited, until the day came when you stood before him, surprise hidden well but he was Ajax, he was your Cryo Archon, he was your lover whom you eagerly wrote every week.
So he knew your tells better than anyone else, knew the moment it clicked in your mind, saw the trepidation behind your eyes and Ajax wouldn’t have that. He had promised you after all, and he was one to keep promises.
Even if one day you wanted to leave him, he wouldn’t allow you. He had a promise to keep after all.
In the depths of Zapolyarny Palace was a room where the Tsaritsa, the Tsar’s most beloved wife resided. It was a room filled with splendor and grace, the best and most beautiful artworks and gadgets decorated the room.
It was a room that the Tsar loved the most, and thus it was the most important room in the Palace. The best of the Fatui sans the Harbingers guarded the doors that led to the halls of the room. It was strictly guarded and meant to ensure that not a single thing would be stolen from the room.
It was after all where you resided, a place where the Tsar designated as his home. His personal haven from courtly matters and godly duties. And today was no exception, every day you spent on the room was reliving your wedding night.
The soft silk sheets that you felt on your back, the white lacy lingerie that you wore underneath your wedding gown. It’s tiny slits that showcased your exposed and erect nipples, the your cum filled pussy that dripped with your husband’s thick cum that was always replenished multiple times in a day. The soft clink of the chains that held your wrists and had your legs spread widely. The familiar sensation of your collar that held your Cryo vision, a mark of his favor and love, a seal that ensured you would remain his until you drew your last breath. The soft cotton of your blindfold had enhanced your other senses beyond compare, making you hyper aware of everything that was happening in the room.
The familiar footsteps on the warm carpet of your bedroom, the familiar rustle of his clothes as it fell softly on the ground, cape first, shirt second, belt next and lastly his pants. His warm calloused hands gently caressing the insides of your thighs.
The same routine, repeated every day at different times since you married him. You couldn’t tell how much time had passed since he blindfolded you, how long you had spent with him, the days blurred as he never removed your blindfold.
He took you apart every time and mended you back, fucking you over and over again until he felt satisfied, until your pussy felt raw, until you were begging him for sweet release, until you lifelessly laid on his chest enjoying the feel of his hard cock being warmed by your cunt.
Your apprehension melted away with each fucking, with each release of his seed inside you, until you could only demand more of his time, more of his attention, more of his cum filling you up.
You loved when he was rough with you, the harsh and loud clinks of the chain as you moaned wantonly, begging him to cum inside you, to use you as he saw fit. And each time he went along with your wishes, fulfilling each and every demand you asked of him.
You kissed him with everything that you were, unrestrained by duty or dignity, only knowing what you want as you rubbed your naked and marked body against his, you weren’t the dignified or noble Tsaritsa the public knew. In this room filled with the most prized treasures of the Tsar, you were his most precious slut.
A slut that opened your legs for him alone, a slut that presented your ass and pussy to him with eager eyes hidden by a blindfold. A slut that couldn’t wait to be filled to the brim. It was his duty, his calling as a husband and as your lover to fulfill your needs, to ram his cock again and again inside your loose pussy that held so much of his cum even when your stomach was already showing.
It was his duty to ensure that you, his lewd wife, would be filled with his cum, from your pussy, to your asshole, to those pretty pink lips that eagerly wrapped itself on his cock. He loved how you didn’t care where he fucked you in the room. He loved how different you acted depending on whether he was ramming his cock inside you on the bed, or fucking you in front of the window.
He loved the way you moaned when the table digged on your hips, the way you grasped at the cover as he slid his dick in and out of your loose pussy, cum spilling down your thighs and pooling on the floor. He loved how slutty you could get when being fucked in the bathtub, water sloshing as you repeatedly slammed your pussy down his cock, moaning loud enough that some of it undoubtedly could be heard behind the thick doors of your room.
He loved the sounds you made, pleased and eager, as he fucked your mouth in front of the fireplace, your naked body sitting on the floor while a Cryo dildo repeatedly slammed inside your pussy.
He loved you when your stomach began showing signs of pregnancy, growing big with each passing week and yet you remained unaware, or perhaps you paid it no mind.
He couldn’t tell if you were genuinely happy with the arrangement but as long as you remained by his side, happily doing what he wants, whispering I love yous and adoration in his ears. Eagerly kissing him good morning and good bye, Ajax didn’t put any thought on it.
On the ninth month of your pregnancy, the blindfold was taken off, you looked at him with love and the unmistakable look of longing.
“I missed you!” You told him, eagerly running up to hug him, and plaster your entire naked body, cum dripping down between your legs, to his.
He laughed at you, amused and loving and gently held you close, “You shouldn’t run so quickly, you’re carrying our child after all.”
You nod, and look at your bulging stomach, hand instinctively rubbing it.
“I hope this child will look just like you!”
“Is that so?” He asked a pensive look in his eyes as he rubbed your stomach.
“Yes! How lovely would it be to see a child version of you? A mini-you calling me mother!”
He smiled at you fondly, pleased to know that you still loved him. He kissed you lovingly on your lips and whispered, “As you wish.”
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