#sorry my Drabble are always so loooong
nosleepjustlevi · 1 year
for the drabble list, "wait for me" pls and thank you
Sure! #4 wait for me
Drabble list pinned on my page
Tags: canon!verse, minor descriptions of violence, blood
Context: Five years after the first breach of the walls in Wall Maria, the Trost District has come under attack. The wall has been breached by the Colossal Titan and Bearded Titan. You are a cadet from the 104th Cadet Corps and when the time came, you choose to join the Survey Corps. You are one of the few assigned to the Trost District. All hell has broken loose and you and the other newbies are just trying to survive, and kill some titans if you’re brave enough.
You’re on a roll of pure adrenaline. The perfect combination of bravery, stupidity, and luck. You’ve slayed three titans so far. Suddenly, a 10 meter swipes his hand down on a roof, wrecking the shingles and grabbing hold of one of your comrades. You’re tunneling towards the titan at incredible speed and the adrenaline is pumping through your veins. You know the routine, get behind it then slice its nape. You fly up above the titan and spin to fall back down behind him but weren’t expecting to see another titan, 4 meters tall, lurking behind the larger one. The 10 meter was so big it had blocked you from seeing the 4, you had no idea. The 4 meter titan swings his arm at you and here it is, you think, you were careless, clouded by pride, now it’s over. A heavy force knocks into you, but it’s not the titan, it’s Captain Levi. His arm is wrapped around you as he pulls you out of the way. The two of you crash onto a nearby roof.
“Are you stupid?” Levi yells at you sternly. He is practically laying on top of you, his arm still wrapped around your waist. “3 titans down huh?” Levi looks at you incredulously. Then his face turns stern again, “You’ve got courage rookie, I’ll give you that. But in a battle against titans, ego will get you killed. Don’t be a hero.” Levi commands. He rises from you and flies to cut down the 4 and 10 meter. He turns around in the air and gracefully lands next to you. He seems suddenly aware of something on his abdomen and presses his hand against him. He looks confused when he pulls his hand away and its covered in blood. Then his eyes widen and he looks at you. A broken piece of shingle has lodged itself in your side. You didn’t notice with all the adrenaline racing through you. But when Levi had saved you and pressed himself against you, you must have bled onto him.
Levi rips off a strip from his cape and ties it securely around your abdomen hoping to put pressure on your wound.
“Get back to the others on the inside wall,” he says as pulls the cape tight.
You wince and nod your head slightly. You try to lift yourself up but the gash in your side sends ripples of pain through you. You open your mouth to yelp in pain but catch your scream before it can leave your throat. You don’t want to seem weak in front of the Captain.
“Shit… alright,” Levi whips his head around as a loud crash sounds behind him. He huffs in annoyance and looks down at you, “wait for me.” Levi engages his ODM gear again and propels into the air. Based on the loud thuds you hear, you know he’s just cut down a couple of titans. In no time he is by your side again. He lifts you slightly and you wince again, fighting back the pain. Levi sits you up and separates your legs. Then he sits between them, his back against your chest, and moves your legs to hook around his front.
“Hold on to me and don’t let go, that’s an order.” Levi shoots a hook into a nearby chimney and uses the leverage to lift you both off the roof. Your wrapped around him piggy back style and you hang on for dear life as he maneuvers through the crumbling chaos of Trost, back to the safety of the inside wall.
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onwriting-hrarby · 1 year
I did not live until today — John's feelings
This is a drabble of my fic "I did not live until today" that an anon requested a loooong, long time ago. Anon: I'm sorry I didn't write it sooner! But enjoy some words of John, Mikasa's father, reflecting upon her relationship with her daughter. And if you like it, let me know! (Honestly I don't know if you're here anymore... You wrote in september... I am so sorry...)
tw: divorce, angst
John watched her daughter wake up—how her eyelashes intertwined with each other, the way her thumb rubbed her eyes until they teared up. Mikasa let out a yawn. Her messy bun bobbed on top of her hair, and John observed her from the table of the kitchen, his steamy coffee smelling burnt.
He couldn’t pinpoint what he was doing in here. An attempt to make up with her, he told himself, thanks to Sakura’s kindness. He had come unannounced, in the secret shadow of someone who knows should be embarrassed of what he did. How much time did he spend without calling her, his heart aching at the possibility that Mikasa wouldn’t answer? How much sleep did he lose, accepting that Mikasa might not love him anymore, and he had brought this upon himself?
He whispered, Good morning. John looked at how his daughter reacted—barely a twitch in her mouth as she answered, Yes. She grabbed some tea from the kitchen shelf. Her legs were long, now, boney like always. John remembered the way the legs used to fold at his shoulders when he picked her up, and Mikasa would grab at his hair, and would say, Yes, dad, higher! Her little hands would fist painfully at the split ends, but he’d endure until Mikasa fell asleep, wobbling down, and Sakura took her in her arms.
Silence fills the kitchen with anger brewing. It’s not his, John acknowledges. He’s not angry that Mikasa is angry at him, nor is he disappointed, nor did he hope for something else.
How many years? Seven, probably?
He wants to say, I needed to be happy, too. Because John can’t say why, or when, but it showered him all over once: that he wasn’t happy. As if he had been woken up from a dream and realized that everything was gray, pale in comparison of what he used to live. He would never know the answer why, he knew. He understood he could never explain to them what had changed—and that was part of the problem, the inability to speak, to manifest. The way Sakura looked at him guiltily, as if it had been her fault. She was always hard on herself, harder on Mikasa, though. The way his own daughter glared at him every time he made the sheer attempt to talk to her and tell her the truth: that he had another daughter, now, that he loved just the same as her, that she would never be replaced.
But, sometimes, John understood, being away meant not being able to love fully.
Would you like some tea?, Mikasa asked. She waved the kettle at him. Her lips tightened in a line, as if she was trying not to tell a thing through her gestures. Her shoulders, broad like a ballerina’s, tensed. He could see her, all rock, all frozen.
John lowered his gaze. The coffee layed undrunk, unkempt. It didn’t smell anymore. He wanted to say, No, but something in his throat burnt, stuck, made him breathless, and he forced tears not to come into his eyes, and so he shook his head, bit his lip, wanted to scream, hear me out, Mikasa—but the dad accepted the silence, and the daughter left the kettle on the stove, then took her cup, then went away to her mother, just like she had done for so many years when he wasn’t there.
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traumxrei-archive · 3 years
【 cupid's got me in a chokehold 】
author's note: today's white day ! and i forgot,,,so i wrote about my favorite boys n what they would give the prefect on white day ! just a heads up, they're in paragraphs so. yes. this is entirely self-indulgent, so if you'd like to request your faves, please do so next time my requests are open (i'll do them in the hc style tho bc this took a loooong time to do)
characters: azul ashengrotto, floyd leech, jade leech, leona kingscholar
gender neutral! prefect, long-ass drabbles, self-indulgent !!
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The Prefect didn't know what to expect for White Day. They had given their, ah, crush some homemade chocolates for Valentine's Day. But what if they don't get a gift in return? Well, today was the day. Now, what would he give them in return?
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Azul Ashengrotto
azul ashengrotto. that was the name of their crush. it's kinda hard to have a crush on someone who's so busy all the time. they could barely catch glimpses of him at mostro lounge on a good day, and they were too busy focusing to really talk in class.
so when they gave him a valentine's gift, they pondered if he would have the time to even think about giving them a gift for white day. and on the day, their fears were confirmed.
they had kept their eyes peeled all day for just a sign of silvery hair to no avail. they were sure that azul had forgotten, trying to convince themself that it was okay; that he was a busy man after all.
until there was a knock on their door. it was evening time, and they had just queued up a sad song playlist to play as they lamented a gift-less white day.
to their surprise, floyd was there, "heya shrimpy ! 'm here to take you to mostro lounge, azul's orders."
"azul?" their stomach started to flip. "wait, it's nighttime what does he want-" they didn't get to finish because floyd was picking them up by the waist like they were some purse dog.
and that was how they entered the empty-looking mostro lounge.
"floyd, i do not think azul would be pleased if you carried them like that," jade sighed as he saw them.
floyd put them down fairly quickly, strangely enough, "alright alri~ght. today's azul's day so imma be nice."
"come through here, prefect," jade gestured further into the lounge. "azul is waiting for you." there were nerves buzzing at their fingertips as they walked, seeing a brightly lit table in the middle of the dark lounge.
and there was azul. they felt their breath stolen from them because of how was looking at them, a soft emotion shining in those crystalline eyes.
"thank you for coming this evening," azul gently grasped their hand, leading them to the table. "sorry that i didn't send, ah, prior notice."
"it's alright," their eyes track his movements as he walked over to the other side. "so...what's the occasion?" they had dared to hope, but...this was azul, it could've been anything.
azul blinked, "did you perhaps think that i would forget about white day?"
"k-kind of? i mean, y-you're really busy, so i figured that you wouldn't have time," a familiar heat crawled up their neck as they stuttered, and they felt their heart doing a frantic dance against their ribs.
"i'm offended that you think so little of me," azul's laugh trickled through the air. "how could i forget to give you a gift in return for those chocolates? they were...very sweet."
"they were tasty," floyd's voice startled them, and their head snapped up to see food lining the table, with jade bringing in another plate. "but azul wouldn't let me have more than one. even though he doesn't like chocolate." something within their chest fluttered with excitement. azul liked their chocolates! mission success, they made their crush happy!
"isn't this around the time you show them the contract?" jade said, smiling eerily. oh no. not a contract.
azul coughed at the mention of it, "you two, always rushing things. very well, please leave me and the prefect alone." as soon as the tweels were gone, azul hesitantly pulled out a sheaf of paper, "it is...a bilateral contract concerning...certain things that are of importance of me. take your time to read over it."
they looked over the contract, and stopped short when they saw the words "relationship agreement" somewhere near the end. they couldn't help but let out a short laugh. an idea popped into their head as they took up azul's pen.
"w-wait, you're going to sign it already?" azul's glasses looked like they were about to fall off in his hurry. "y-you're not going to think about it a little more?"
they shook their head, turning the papers over and scribbling on the back of it:
will you date me? (circle your answer below)
yes or no
"i have a contract of my own to propose, azul," they slid the paper back to him, watching in delight as his face erupted into red as he read the words.
azul took up his pen, circling something before sliding it back, "i...look forward to your cooperation from now on..." his voice was soft, and they couldn't help but smile at this more unguarded side of him.
they took the paper. he had circled yes.
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Floyd Leech
floyd leech is...floyd leech. when the prefect gave him a valentine's gift, they were already 80% sure that the eel would forget all about white day.
but then there's floyd, in all his 191cm glory, waiting in front of their classroom before lunch. they tried to ignore the way their heart raced seeing the wide grin on his face as he waved.
oh. so the 20% chance might actually happen.
"shrimpy ! 'm here to kidnap you for lunch~" they ignore the way everyone else gave floyd a wide berth, coming up close to the eel.
they snorted, "you're not that good of a kidnapper if you're telling me that."
"then should i pick you up and run?" floyd's grin grew mischievous. "that'd be fun, i bet mackerel and crabby are gonna start yelling."
"please don't." they could see the start of a whole series of troubles if he did. though it might've been fun. trouble and floyd leech were never far from each other.
"i'm a good eel today, so imma just squeeze your hand," he said, grabbing their hand. "let's go shrimpy ! i have a surprise for you!"
he lead them away through the twisting hallways, his pace going from slow and purposeful to rushed skipping and hopping. he twirled them around, following music that only he could hear. and they should've known that walking with floyd probably didn't entail much walking at all.
finally they arrived at a room with wide windows that they had never seen before. "sit, sit," floyd patted the window ledge. "now 's just me and you."
he pulled out a box, "heard from jade about that white day thing. shrimpy gave me some nice chocolates last time, so i got you something too~"
he opened the box, taking out some of its contents and puffing out his chest, "this is a~ll for you shrimpy!" they're all smaller in size, a box full of gifts that they couldn't quite understand.
they pointed at a tiny shrimp figurine, "what's this one?"
"oh, that's a tiny shrimp. i saw it at sam's 'n it's tiny, like you," he held on to it defensively. "that's for me though, you get this really cool and handsome eel one." there's a matching figurine of an eel next to it and they couldn't help but laugh at his attention to detail.
"and this one?" they point at what looked like a jewel. they hoped that he didn't take it from somewhere.
"hm? oh that's a stone i got in professor beakfish's class. it kinda looks like your eyes."
they hesitated before picking it up, "wouldn't it be better if you give it to azul?"
"but i don't wanna! i don't care if it's expensive, it's not for him it's for you, shrimpy!" there was a pout on his face, which was a telltale sign his mood was worsening.
they quickly reassured him, "i love it floyd. it's amazing you can make something so cool in alchemy class." his mood brightened a little after that.
after going through a few more, they realize that these were all items that reminded floyd of them. this type of gift was so very floyd and their heart warmed at his little explanations
then floyd snapped, "ah i almost forgot! i made a drink cuz i felt like it. it's called love potion. i made it especially for you~"
they stared at the flask hesitantly, the sweet smell of the drink wafting into their nose, "that's not...a real love potion right?"
he blinked at them for a moment before something in his eyes change. oh. shit. they knew trouble was coming when he leaned over, knocking down his carefully laid out gifts in favor of putting his face close to theirs.
"shrimpy always says the funniest things," floyd's signature grin was back, all teeth and curve. "why would i needa potion if you're already madly in love with me~?"
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Jade Leech
it was early in the morning when they received a knock on their door. they had barely gotten their bearings together before answering, ready to berate adeujack for coming to their door so early.
instead, they were met with a chest. a very familiar chest, clad in octavinelle colors. they craned their neck to see the polite smile of one jade leech. in panic, they tried to slam the door back closed, but he had gotten a grip on it.
"my, i am hurt that you tried to close the door on me," he said, letting himself in. their breaths came faster as jade disappeared inside the house, mind racing to try and figure out why exactly their crush was in their house so early in the morning.
was it some special occasion? his birthday? or did grim get into debt again? great seven, they hoped it wasn't the latter. they didn't have hours to spare working to pay off the debt.
"are you coming, prefect?" jade's voice rang out and they scrambled towards the lounge.
"good of you to finally join me. before you ask, i have come today to give you this." it was a spherical glass bowl with an opening on the side that was filled with small plants.
"is that...one of your terrariums?" they knew about jade's hobby of scouring the mountains for rare mushrooms and bringing back plants for his terrariums. but the question was, why he was giving a terrarium to them, of all people.
"yes, well. it's yours now," jade placed it on the table. "i'll teach you how to take care of it since we have time before class starts."
"wait, i'm sorry jade but why are you gifting me something that's so precious to you...?" they didn't mean to sound ungrateful. it's just they knew how much effort he put into each and every terrarium he built. it was
jade raised a brow, "you are a lot more forgetful than i thought. though i suppose it is quite early in the morning. today is white day."
their brain buffered for a bit. white day? oh. white day. this was their crush giving them a gift in return for those chocolates they gave him on valentine's day. great seven how could they forget?
the eel chuckled, "that's quite an adorable expression you're making. well? will you sit down as i explain?" they nodded, sitting down right next to him, but not before they felt their heart flutter at his casual comment. they listened intently as he explained basic succulent care for them.
it turned out that he had picked the perfect plant for them: something that didn't need too much careful attention to keep alive. of course jade knew about the busy life they led at nrc, their hands full just trying to keep grim out of trouble. they imagined that jade was in the same situation with his twin.
toward the end of it, he patted their head, which really wasn't helping the butterflies that were stuck at their throat, "t-thank you, jade. this is...a really meaningful gift."
"don't think too much of it," jade said, before his smile finally turned sharp; a little dangerous. "if this hadn't worked i had other plans. after all, this is simply an excuse to see you more often."
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Leona Kingscholar
they should've known something like this would happen. they were currently walking all the way to the hall of mirrors to get to savanaclaw, all because of a lazy lion by the name of leona kingscholar. who also happened to be their crush, which was probably in the top five worst decisions they've ever made. and no, they will not elaborate. well, maybe they will elaborate. just a little.
earlier in the afternoon, they had greeted ruggie at ramshackle's door after their classes, "delivery service~ today i'm your friendly delivery man, here to give you this letter- for a hefty price."
their eyes narrowed, "do i have to pay you?"
"nah, leona already gave me a handsome sum for this, so rest easy," the hyena handed over the letter before letting out his signature laugh. "shishishi~ best of luck, prefect."
leona? writing them a letter? was this the day that pigs flew? then again, they wouldn't be surprised if pigs did fly here. it was twisted wonderland after all.
they opened the envelope, carefully removing the letter inside to reveal his annoyingly perfect handwriting:
dear herbivore,
come over to my room. i ain't writing a whole sappy letter for white day or whatever it's called, but your gift is here.
come quick or else i'll go to sleep.
and that was where it led them, fuming slightly less than before because what was stopping him from using ruggie's delivery service to give them their gift? but at the same time they were...excited to see what leona got them. they couldn't believe that leona of all people would get them a white day gift.
they walked into his room to find the lion lying down on the couch for once, tail flicking lazily in the air. there was a brown box next to him, and his ears swiveled as they walked over to him.
he didn't budge when they picked up the box, "this is the gift right? i'll get going no-"
"wait," green eyes were on theirs, his hand grasping their arm. "open it in front of me. c'mon." they sighed before sitting down. his tail came to rest against their leg as they peeled the tape that sealed the box.
the packaging was simple, and it was obvious that leona probably did it himself. and they appreciated his effort, minimal as it was. leona wasn't one to get gifts, he seemed to show his affections in a different way.
"this is..." they were almost rendered speechless. "you were listening to me that time?" inside was a pair of leather gloves, shiny and new still in its packaging.
it was a fairly normal gift if you didn't know how much it meant to them. they vaguely remembered ranting to leona about the time grim had spilled their potions assignment all over their school uniform gloves, ruining them entirely. but they had thought he was asleep at that time.
leona scoffed, "of course i was listening, herbivore. try 'em on." they did, and they fit well, like a glove.
"these are perfect, i..." they looked at leona, who was still watching them intently, before smiling. "thank you, leona."
there was a low hum, and he entwined their hands, leather warming under his touch, "yeah. i should do this much as your boyfriend."
they swore they heard a record scratch playing in their ears. did he just...? "you're my...boyfriend-!"
"yeah?" leona sat up, frowning while still holding their hand. "you said that we were dating if i took your chocolates."
that sent a wave of heat rushing to their face at the memory, "it was sarcasm! valentine's day is supposed to be romantic but you're not...exactly...romantic so i was joking, kind of, and-"
he gave a hard tug to their arm, making them fall right into his chest, "what? ya don't want to date me, herbivore? got someone else on your mind?"
they couldn't really think when his handsome stupid face was right in front of them like that! especially not when he was still squeezing their hand tight, as if scared for their answer.
after they shook their head, a slow smirk spread on leona's face, "that's what i thought, herbivore. you're stuck with me whether you like it or not. and we both know you like it."
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want a request ? check out the request menu for details ! wanna read more ? check the masterlist for more works!
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bonvoyagenoona · 3 years
Tumblr Year End Review Game
Tagged by @sunshinerainbowsbts​ -- thanks so much! I loved your answers. I still think of you and Paradise whenever I hear “Be Still My Heart”! 
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Rules: post the top 5 works you’re most proud of that you released this year (not necessarily your most popular), the top 4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year, the 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year!
Surprise, surprise -- my answer ended up being super long! If you’re interested, keep reading after the cut!
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Top 5 Works I’m Proud of from 2021
These kinds of questions always feel like Sophie’s Choice. 
1. Countermelody. It was the first fic I completed in 2021, and it means a lot. I talked about some deeply personal themes and life questions here, and the fact that people welcomed it so fondly. I was floored. Thank you.
2. Kittenfishing. I wrote it during a rough period in the summer, and it helped me process a lot of things. I also felt like I unlocked the next characterization level in my journey with this fic. And I got to talk about a very specific theme that not only came from my personal experience, but also some interesting social psych research!
3. Like Butter. I was so inspired by the lightning strike of an idea that I got after watching Yoongi’s Butter concept video that I challenged myself to write something coinciding with Butter’s release. So, I wrote one chapter a day that was at least 5k, and then, after some very light editing, posted each chapter right away. I posted the last chapter just a few minutes shy of the MV release! It was thrilling, and I’m hoping that thrill carried over into the fic.
4. Tie between Bear with Me and The Cul-de-Sac Cons. I’m sorry to do this, but I just have to say something about both. Bear with Me helped me get to a new place with sensuality, eroticism, friendship, and love. The Cul-de-Sac Cons helped me get to a new place with plot, subject matter, and character dynamics. Kinda crazy that I worked on both at the same time. It was a fascinating mix.
5. Project Dream Girl. I don’t know if I have fully processed where this fic took me, or the response to it. I processed another aspect of the phase of life that I am in with this fic, but it also coincided with a wonderful holiday, and an opening up of sorts. The brightest, warmest fuzzies. And I’m so thrilled that they’ve carried into this year. I guess I’ll keep you posted on how it all goes... with the fics that I’ll inevitably write lol.
4 WIPs I’m Excited to Release in 2022
I’ve got a ton of one-shots that I’m working on, but I’m also hoping to kick off 2022 with a few chaptered fics...
1. A Map of Mrs. Kims. Aaaaalmost there, y’all! I feel it! Read the “drabbles” here, and thank you so much to everyone who has contributed to the world-building -- y’all are amazing!
2. Ficdrunk. This one is gonna be very personal, and, I hope, very fun. I’ll share more soon!
3. Breakaway. Hideaway!Jimin’s spin-off! Synopsis: Jimin has a habit of going dark from time to time, to where not even the great Kim Seokjin can find him. But it’s not to escape Jin. It’s to escape You.
4. Faraway. Hideaway!Jungkook’s spin-off! Synopsis: Jungkook’s insane travels, insane highs, insane lows — and insane loves.
3 Biggest Improvements in My Writing
Wow. I reflected on this for a loooong time. I love this question so, so much, and I have so much more to say about writing. Pleeeeease send me more questions about writing! For now, here are the things that are top of mind:  
1. Creating stronger characterizations with tighter connections to deeply personal themes that I’ve been wanting to explore. If you know me, you know that this is a core piece of my identity as a writer. Here’s a post where I break down an example in Kittenfishing!
2. Playing with and expanding variance in story and sentence structure. I think of fics like 3D puzzles, kinda like Lego blocks, and I love jumbling up the pieces to see what I get. I’m really enjoying breaking rules in creative ways, using more metaphor, thematic imagery, omg, wordplay. There are some sentences where I put in little bits of consonance for fun, almost like tongue twisters. I enjoy that side of reading so much, so I thought I’d try it with writing this year. Gonna try to do even more. Love these little, clever games!
3. Saying even more with even less. (@vyduan​, this makes me think of your great work, An Economy of Words!) I still LOVE being verbose lol, but I think I did more show-not-tell, and I think I did interesting things with metaphors. I really, REALLY want to jam-pack even MORE into every. single. sentence!
2 Resolutions for 2022
1. Make you laugh.
2. Make you love, and feel loved.
Favorite Line from 2021
Y’all, I just don’t have a true favorite because each sentence feels like one of my babies, even the ones that are just, like, “He scoffed”, lol. But the first thing that came to mind is something that I am very fond of. 
In Like Butter, you and Yoongi are photographers. And he does this little thing: he sees the world in hex codes.
A new file saves in Yoongi’s mind, one that has previous information already loaded into it. He already knows that under the room lights, your hair is #171717 with bits of #2C2C2C sprinkled in, especially near the top, and just a handful of thin strands of #8A8A8A and even #FFFFFF. He’s wondered about this before, whether you’re like him, a child with black hair that churned out gray strands surprisingly early, prompting elders to remark that you must be wise beyond your years.
But in the flood of red safelights, these in particular, your hair is a solid #000000, a black, soft velvet that Yoongi wants to devour him. The most generous death.
Tagging (if you’d like to play!)
@playmetheclassics @mochilatae @skyys-universe @m-yg93 @svgahigh @jinpanman @minyfic @sahmfanficbts @helenazbmrskai​ @xjoonchildx​ @floralseokjin​ 
and inviting anyone else who’d like to play!
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starlightandsouls · 3 years
Locked In
Imagine being restrained to one building for the rest of your life. Imagine the fading white paint of the walls greeting you every morning and singing you to sleep every night because that is the only scenery you get to see. Your sanity will slowly start slipping away from you because loneliness ans separation are killers far more dangerous than any virus. We humans crave social interaction to grow and develop, it is a part of our life force.
Or maybe it is because you haven't seen a single ray of the golden sun or the iridescent shine of the moon in what seems like a millenia. The melodious orchestra of birdsong and the sight of graceful butterflies fluttering about vibrant flowers of spring have now been long forgotten. Rolling hills, lush green forests and the sound of the ocean waves crashing against each other are now a distant memory. All the beauties and miracles of nature have been banished to the farthest part of your mind just because you haven't laid eyes on them for so long. Now all you know is the eerie white of the walls and the piercing silence. The monotones driving you insane. Eyes and mind bursting for a splash of colour, a tune of a song.
But the thing you miss the most about the outside world are the stars. The sight of the silvery white asters against a velvety night sky will forever prosper in your mind. Ever since the dawn of literature, writers and poets have expressed their love for stars in their work. The constellations of Cassiopeia and Polaris, the positions of the North star are known by even those who have never studied astronomy because of these writings. For some unknown reasons humans have always, always loved the stars. We have always loved gazing at them on a clear night. The strange thing is that not only are the stars billions of miles away from us but they are are also thousands of light years away, meaning for all we know many of the stars we see have blown up ages ago and all we see is the cosmic dust left behind. So when we gaze up at the stars and the sky we are actually looking back in time. Maybe that is why stars are so enchanting to us, they allow us to dive deep into the past while also absorbing the beauty of it.
A/N: Hiiii everyone I'm back after a loooong time. I'm having my mid term exams at college and they have me completelt swamped. I have not had any time off but I have a week off to prepare for the next exam so I'm going to try to write more. So if anyone who reads ASOSAS is wondering I'm so sorry but if I don't get any time then the next update will probably be after my exams. In the mean time, enjoy this little drabble I wrote during the Covid lock downs in 2020. Hope you like it!
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paradise-creator · 4 years
Okayyyy. Seatbelt on, space cadet! I'm gonna take you on a loooong journey ✨
First of all hello again! I'm here to request for a Haikyuu romantic Haven Box if there's still a spot left. Take your time tho, I'm good at waiting 🙌🏻
here we gooo. so I'm an 159cm pansexual asian girl. I'm a little bit on the chubby side. I got long black wavy hair and I always let it down. People say I look rude and cold so they are afraid to befriend me at first (some even hate me for no reason.) I mean its not my fault that I borned with this resting bih face 😭💔 I love wearing dark colored clothes, high waisted jeans and Sneakers.
I do wear makeup, and my favorite lipstick color is red. Like a really bold red. That's like my trademark.
for personality, I'm an enfp, taurus, gryffindor (big yikes!); I think I'm a pretty openminded person. I'm not afraid to speak up and I will fight (both using words and fists) for what I believe in. People see me as someone confident and to look up to; Tho honestly I'm pretty insecure with myself. Like I find nothing good about me and got depressed easily. Its like I have this happy clown persona everytime I'm outside my house and once I go back to my bedroom by myself its all the sad clown hours haha. ooh- this is getting kinda heavy. 😵 But anyway I care about my family and friends a lot. Their happiness is actually more important than my own. So I'd do anything to help and protect all of them.
My hobbies are sleeping, singing and watching horror movies/true crime documentaries; and yes I got scared after watching those stuff so I ended up searching for some broadway musical 😂😂 I also love to play games; otome games, cause my love life sucks *coughs*
Some facts about me!!
I believe in soulmate. Just the thought that we all have someone created specifically for us is making me happy 🥺❤
I'm a touch starved person. So I like doing skinship and PDA. I just love being spoiled and showered with love I guess 👉🏻👈🏻
I hate spicy foods, cause it really burns my throat. and I also hate lizards. They are gross and weird 😭😭
I believe ghosts are real and I'd definitely want to speak to them someday. Just asking them how does it feel to be a ghost? Is there a way to help em stop being a ghost? (Only with the nice ghost of course) 👻💕
My favorite song is Helpless by Phillipa Soo and if that doesn't show how much of a Hopeless romantic I am then idk 😂😂
I love watching tarot cards reading.
I'm a sucker for enemies to lovers trope and I can't stop this addiction. Like aaaaa its cliche but I love em so much ashdjflgl
Okay thats it! I need to stop talking before my ask give you some real headache 😂 I wish all this information helps you write a little bit and not bother you in one way or another!! Have a great day and stay healthy in this pandemic situation 🙌🏻✨ see yaaaaa~☆
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Dream catcher loading...
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*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *. •.°
┊┊┊☆   ��             
Hello and Welcome my Starlight!
The Haven box includes:
- Match up
- Sun drop
- Old habits die hard
-  No matter what
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
I'd match you up with
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Oikawa Tooru, The Grand King
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Sun drops
- Okay, when I read your description Oikawa popped in my head. So on to the great king we go!
- I also had an Oikawa brain rot when I decided to do your request but either way, I still think you two would look cute!
- Oikawa is the most realistic character in Haikyuu and I believe you two would definitely match
- You feel insecure? No worries, Oikawa already saw it coming and is going to give you compliments and gifts
- He may not look like it, but he is really observant
- You can't hide your feelings from this man cause he has been through that
- You both were deemed the power couple of the school
- He would ALWAYS always remind you to take care of yourself
- Both of you seem confident and really out going but in reality, you both are really insecure
- You both would understand each other
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Old habits die hard
- He almost NEVER calls you by common nicknames, except for Queen and princess
- Your nickname can be something weird like my little Alien or smth
- Whenever you watch a game, he alsyws gives you his extra jersey or his jacket
- He would randomly say I love you and if you don't respond, he'll pout
- You gave him a plushie and he named it after you
- Stargazing (Alien hunting) is his favorite type of date
- Study dates almost always ends up with one of you dead asleep before starting anything
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
No matter what
Oikawa Tooru is the grand king of Seijoh. He was handsome, smart, and all that. He was very athletic and observant. He gets along with everyone and anyone. He could get any girl to swoon to him but he is only loyal to volleyball and Iwaizumi. And that’s what people thought, but this king has fallen off his throne. He, has fallen in love and doesn’t know what to do. It started with the little things like seeing how she loves skinship or how she hates spicy food. He thought it was normal, he was observant after all. But as time passes, he realized that he might be falling. He tried and tried to avoid it, knowing that it might just hurt him in the end anyway. He knew that he wasn’t going to be able to fulfil what was in her heart because he would always choose volleyball. Oikawa had a girlfriend once, she left him because he wasn’t good enough, and he didn’t give her enough of his time.
Oikawa did not want that to happen again. He didn’t want his heart torn into pieces yet again. But still, he fell deep into the rabbit hole called love. And he hated her for it, becoming her enemy for no reason at all. But, fate seemed to be in his side. Soon enough the “mortal nemesis” relationship faded away and love soon blossomed. It wasn’t as smooth as most people would say but it’s still a beautiful sight to behold. The way Oikawa looks at her with so much love and passion, it’s breathtaking. The way that she would cheer for him no matter what, it’s alluring. A love so pure that it seems surreal and impossible. From then on, the great king knew that she was thee one. He knew that even if he was too busy, she would understand. He knew that she would always be by his side no matter what the cost is.
And he knew that no matter what happens, he would always love her. Volleyball may be his priority, but he will soon get out of it. Slowly but surely, the walls he built was crumbling away. Slowly but surely, his distant exterior grows into an attached and close koala. Oikawa’s train of thought was then shattered as he heard someone calling out to him. “Oi Shittykawa, why the hell is your face like that?” Iwaizumi said as he cringed at the sight. “Geez Iwa-chan, can’t a guy think about his soulmate in peace?” He then responded as he glared at the shorter male. “We have a game to play, Stupidkawa. And if you miss her so bad, why don’t you go to her at the stands and talk to her?” Iwaizumi said as he glared intently at his best friend. “I have a better idea,” Oikawa said as he stood up. His eyes wandered around the bleachers to find his one and only. And soon enough, he was able to see her long black wavy hair and her beautiful eyes. “Princess!” He yelled.
The female then smiled and waved at the player adorning the cyan colors with the number one. “Yes, my prince?” She yelled back. “Oh! My darling Princess! I love you with all my heart and know that no matter what, I’ll still be in love with you,” He yelled. The stadium awed at the interaction. Oikawa now found his one and only, his soulmate. And he would never let go, no matter what.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Author's note
Hello there! I'm so sorry for doing this quite late. Since exams and school and all that.
I hope you enjoy this matchup nonetheless! And I also made sure that the drabble was a bit different and unique to make up for it. Since I decided to try out a new way of writing.
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randombtsprincessa · 5 years
Valentine’s Gift!
This down below is my gift for the lovely @re-sugance​! A brilliant writer and this particular fic is a homage to her Shadows in lieu of the Made With Love Project held by @bangtansmutcentral​ <3
A/N: I cut short it till it was just a drabble. The original was loooong lol sorry! I hope you like it!
Disclaimer: References to the original content belong to Original author. The following content and characterization is copyrighted.
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The walls were bright white, reflecting lights so harshly you had to squint when you had to. The tight lip of your skirt was uncomfortable around your knees and the heels dug into the back of your ankle but you kept on, pushing your body like you had been for so long.
The work you were a part of had no room for luxuries such as comfort and while you would sometimes dearly just like to sit, you learned early on that sitters were losers and the ones who were willing to keep walking or even running actually ran the operations.
Of course, nobody really told you that the sitters would be getting most of the credit.
You took a deep breath before you were pushing on the handle of the Experiment Containment chambers. Separated into seven glass enclosed rooms or chambers per se, you found the person you were looking for at the far back, near the youngest experiment.
You slowed, your eyes taking in the posture of your boss.
She was leaning completely over safety railing, something strictly prohibited – even if she was the lead scientist. Her forehead and palm was pressed to the fogged glass and on the other side, a black, glutinous mass attached to where her palm was splayed.
Jungkook…or better known as 19970701…
You knew you weren’t supposed to give the masses of black substance originated in outer space Human names but it seems your boss and the Head couldn’t help herself. She had given the seven surviving subjects humanity, training…names.
She was a mother to them, and to the youngest of the lot…it always seemed to you, she was much more.
You caught the quick jerk of the black substance, an acknowledgement to your presence just as you called for your Head’s attention.
“The next trial begins in ten minutes. Should I bring the volunteer in?” You asked politely.
She glanced back at the mass that had retreated to the far back of the room, motionless before nodding her head, leading you out.
You followed quietly, sounds of your steps already echoing in the room, attracting attention from the ones that were far less shy.
Symbiosis; a little hidden project funded by the government, returning from the outer space with symbiotes that had alien characteristics but would be able to merge with humans and live off them, enhance them.
The government wanted soldiers obviously but as you looked at the very front, trying hard not to feel emotional for the seven last remaining organisms that had survived the failures of establishing symbiosis with various contenders, you knew they were not meant for a life of war.
The mass at the very front, 19940712, sitting in a pool in front of Jane Eyre definitely wasn’t going to be much help in a battle field.
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Your work as a scientists’ assistant had shown you a lot. You had seen men and women painfully contorting their bodies as black shadows wrapped around them before flickering and dying out within the lifeless eyes of the volunteers. You had personally switched on the incinerators in some of these cases but you had never seen human zeal to liberate alien substances.
“With all due respect, ma’am,” You said, “but you cannot be serious.”
Your boss had her hands deep into the pockets of her white coat.
“It’s a failing endeavor because the symbiotes have come to rely on us. We will have to protect them.”
“They are aliens for god’s sake, ma’am. We cannot just break them out just because we don’t approve what use they’re going to be serving.”
She turned at that. “So, you don’t approve as well.” She shot out immediately.
Your eyes widened as she took hurried steps towards you. “I want you to help me, Y/N. Help me break them out. After me, you are the most close to the symbiotes, even if you don’t want to show it. Help me find better substitutes, people who can hide with them, so no one will ever find them.”
Aside from taking them yourselves, you had no other ways to let them go. You said so.
There was a brief crestfallen look to her eyes before she nodded, dismissing you.
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You kept a steady look down at your wrist, watching the second hand tick down to a minute before standing; eyes fixed across the small bedroom to the bathroom, hearing the lock give way.
A man stepped out, tall, broad, with thick limbs and hair that fell right down to his nose. The simple black tee and sweatpants looked big on him somehow as if he wasn’t used to filling them and life yours had been, his eyes were on his feet and hands as well.
You took a careful step forward.
“1994…I mean, Namjoon?” you chanced, your long habit of referring to them by their codenames having faded into the long time you’d been away from your workplace.
The man looked up, blinking and whipping hair out of his face. His head moved too fast, bouncing off of the doorway painfully that cause the man’s form to haze out, come away black for more than a few seconds before freezing and slowly dissolving back into human.
You blew out a huff, taking another step.
“Y/N,” he grated out, voice whispery and hoarse.
“Yes,” You took another step, hand outreached and his fingers moved, clasping around your pulse, physical contact established after ages of experimentation, research and explorations.
Dimples appeared in tanned cheeks as Namjoon gave you a small smile. “I can do it. I can actually hold form outside of my heat.” He whispered.
“That’s great,” you whispered back, looking up at him, not used to actually talking to him while looking at another body.
He let go of your hand, moving further into the room, arms outstretched to catch him if he fell. You followed closely behind.
“I…I’m big, aren’t I?”
Instead of out loud, you heard him inside your head.
“Yes, Namjoon, you’re big. You’re a person now.” You said.
He turned, still slow before impishly moving in to wrap his arms – carefully – around you. “Sex is going to be easier and more fun now.”
This time, he spoke out loud, his voice still scratchy but adorably shy as he leaned in to press small hesitant kisses down your neck. Of course, this time it being the first time he was in a human body of his very own, he had to bend over quite a bit.
You tried not to roll your eyes, barely masking a moan when Namjoon’s tongue lapped across your collarbone.
“Are you sure, you can…?” You lead him to the bed, just in case he fell over in his excitement and took you down with him.
His eyes glazed, he sat down from your touch, looking up at you in confusion before following your gaze to where his legs were gone, replaced with black huge stumps, clawed toes visible. He closed his eyes, the stump reducing back to human nails, wiggling them at you.
I might explode a few times but that just means I’m enjoying it. He leaned in to give you a hearty kiss.
His hands explored, gripping at your breast through the shirt, his fingers reflexively clenching the fabric before going under the skirt, finding the crotch of your panties.
Without his heat, Namjoon was much more controlled and you waiting patiently as he explored you with his own body, letting him familiarize himself with touch and sensation.
Maybe you were selfish, maybe you wanted him to get used to control so he could hold himself in his newly gained human form long enough to blow your mind, but hey, you had seen firsthand what the man who’d attached himself to you could do and you were hopeful.
So you lay back, enjoying Namjoon’s hands, and then his mouth on your skin.
Once attached to you, he didn’t seem to want to let go as he kept kneading at your flesh with his large palms. He found your breasts, freeing them from your shirt and letting his fingers pull at your nipples, all with an expression of curiosity on his face.
All he wanted to see was how far he could push it before he wavered, he told you, and shedding more of his own clothes then yours, staring at your naked, spread form in front of him.
Not akin to his heats, when he pounced ravenously on you, he was slower, gentler. Every stroke of his fingertips was calculated.
It was at the juncture of your thighs, his fingers dipping to find arousal seeping from you when he first moaned…and simultaneously dissolved into a puddle of black.
“Joon,” You called apprehensively before the strands of black were knitting together again, gaining skin, or whatever comprised of their skin before giving you another impish grin.
“Sorry, I can’t help myself anymore.” He revealed, lowering himself, almost reverently into you.
You let him.
Namjoon bucked, huffed; thrust himself into you with iron hold, precise in his movements, losing form only twice, once when he entered you and then when he was close.
Finally when he exploded, there was nothing over you, even as you felt his climax splash across you.
By the time he collected himself again, ready for cuddles, you’d cleaned up and changed the sheets, snuggling closer to him.
“I’ll practice, I promise.” He whispered.
“I believe in you.” You whispered back.
You did, seeing what you’d seen with Namjoon over the years, you knew that going rogue had been the best decision of your life. Maybe you were never meant for something ordinary.
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amenomiko · 5 years
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Thank You for the Request!
Oh Gosh...
Pairing: IkeSen Hideyoshi x MC
Type: Fluff, Drabble
It was a peaceful war council. Well, not really. 10 minutes has passed and suddenly a sound of running footsteps came closer and closer and BAM!!! Revealing her with a wide grin on her face with "HEEEYYY SORRY I'M LATE!!"
"MC! This is the-" Hideyoshi take a long breath and calm himself. "Just- sit down." Then as she's about to sit down, another running footsteps can be heard from the other side and BAM!!
It was Masamune. With "HIYA SORRY NOT SORRY I'M LATE..!"
"Masamune! What's with that attitude- just how many times-" He was cut off. Masamune and MC high-5 each other, proud of their lateness and happy they are in sync with one another.
And a loooong sigh is out from him.
Yes, it was HELL for Hideyoshi. Not only he have to deal with Masamune's bad habit, here comes another one. She is quite boyish, despite having a very beautiful feature. She would always pull the hem of her yukata and walk as fast as she could when Hideyoshi is not around, and the number of nags that she got whenever she make Mitsunari shocked and Ieyasu gets mad  from it is endless.
Just how he fell in love with her?
Well. Simple. There's one time when Hideyoshi and her went out to town, shared some funny jokes, and in the midst of laughing she suddenly said, "You look so handsome when you smile like that." with the most beautiful smile on her face, and before he know it, she had kissed him first. "Want to be my boyfriend?" She winked.
He said yes.
Sure, there are times she can be reckless, but whenever she smile at him, saying sorry while laughing, that is the part where he can hear his heart thumping for her. She always made him fell in love over and over again, and he didn't regret it at all.
So when he have decided to marry her, it was very simple as well.
"I.. I think it's time to.. Uhm.." He blushed, looking away from her. "I.. I want you to be.. No..! What I mean is- mmf..!"
He was kissed first. Just like their first kiss.
"You want to create mini Hideyoshis with me? I do..!" She beamed.
"Agdhsdhsjf- *cough* y-yes.. Marry me..? I mean- marry me..!"
"Awww you are so cute when you stutter~"
"....Stop. I'm not cute." He grumbled. But then again his frown gradually changed into a chuckle, and he was laughing with her before sharing another loving kiss with each other.
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honestlyfrance · 4 years
writing updates for June-July
If you wanna know my content!!! Read please!!!
After cease intimacy (which will end on June 13; yes, I changed the schedule, you have one day waiting time), I'll be both tackling the golden armory case and this baby right here 🤧✨ you might recognize the snippet as one of my drabbles and wips, which sounds like a good thing to share at the moment. and since this snippet up there belongs to a very long wip, well, we'll have some things here, but first:
For The Golden Armory Case:
No snippets/sneak peaks for y'all
A make it like a movie edit will be posted after I finish the third draft top hype you all up
Still 27 chapters! And I started writing too
This will be on the down low since I want this to be a surprise and all that. The only hints I’ll ever give you all were the edits I posted before which have no relation to the final outline whatsoever
So, yeah, this will be the last you’ll hear of TGAC... for now
for now because I might complain about writing it lmaoo
For the above fic, HWE:
The wip, I hope, will be about 50 chapters (500+ words each) as I planned initially (or just 30 chapters, idk)
Due to the way the story flows, it gives me a lot of freedom so I’m hoping to get a lot down
I'll be posting excerpts and snippets
snippets will be posted for feedback (so, pls?)
and, you guessed it, edits and aesthetics
The only thing ever motivating me now are two things: a deadline and readers. I'm counting on finishing the outlines by the end of June, and I'm posting this in hope of, like, interested readers?
Like I said: two things motivate me. 
For Death To The Ending:
Sorry for Death to the Ending :( I had a one month due date for that and it went downhill when I rushed to fill my bingo card lmao, but that’s fine I guess. What I’m trying to say is that DTTEND will have a loooong chapter, even longer than the previous one (it was a 19k!).
I’m pretty confident with the way DTTEND 3 starts, but I’m not sure at the middle. It seemed out of place, but then again, who the fuck is this government appointed cap and why is Zemo even here? I have a very vivid ending, but the middle just makes me mad, like?? what??
who are you?
I’ve done my research for the House of M and it gave me an idea for Wanda, but she’s not my problem. My problem is this slow burn that has been happening between sambucky for 32k words and to finally act upon it with all this action is bumming me out, because, to be fair, if I write action then I don’t write romance: look at all my Nat wips - it proves the point. 
For What Killed Sam:
I’m doing it, I swear. I even found amazing plot points, plot twists, and scenes, which means all I have to do is write them down 
*googles how to word*
For the longer ver. of the sweetest tragedy:
the fic has gotten a few pieces of feedback on AO3, but that’s not the point! It helped revive (had I always had it in the first place tho?) my love for art and I’m planning to make it longer with more scenes and actually make it cry-worthy lmao. You can read this one on AO3 since the new version will only be based off of this. But I’ll still be doing HoH!Sam because I say so!
Maybe none of these will get posted for June or July, but I will be busy. My content requests are open so if you wanna help me be distracted, go ahead! I’m also doing this ‘send me an AU, 5+ hc thing’ so pls keep my head preoccupied from the disaster in the PH haha thank you loves <3
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exosmutfactory · 3 years
okay hi oh my god this is genie anon right here! i just read the drabble and maam- when i say i love it more than your previous alien drabble (which i proclaimed to be my fav fic of yours) i am not lying oh lord 😭😭😭 its just so- endearing. i dont even know what to call it because its THAT good 😭😭😭
i mean- the smut is bombastic as always but like the plot and baek in general is so ???? chefs kiss istg. i love his portrayal! like his character is already sooo interesting and then add the genie bit to it? perfection!!
but i do have some questions tho if u dont mind me asking hehew likee dont genies usually disappear after they grant 3 wishes for the one who finds their lamp? i fr thought baek was gonna disappear after granting all 3 of her wishes ☹😤 oh and the green and red thing, the green is just him right? like his magic? but whats the red bit? 👀 from what my brain could gather, its because he broke the genie rule righhtt? is there like a punishment to that or smth? i need answers! 😭✋🏻
man i really love your world making, it fills my head with so many unanswered questions!!! hoping you have the loveliest day/night, dont push your fingers too much, and im so sorry for this long ass message lmao <333
Adding a 'keep reading' line for a loooong reply 💕✨
Genie anon! 😭😭 Hello, hello! I'm so happy you're still around. I've been wanting to write your DT drabble request for forever. It's such a lovely request, thank you for sending it in 🥺🌸 I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I'm sorry it took so long, I hope it was worth the wait 💗
(O.O) this drabble topped alien Baek?! 😲 That's a relief 🥺 I tried to make it as genie-ish as possible while still showing the "norm"-macy of OC/You dating a supernatural being... I have no idea if that sentence made sense or not FKBKHDGD I researched the genie concept and tried to make it work as much as possible ✨
(Also I reread alien DT Baek today and I was like (O.O) it reads better now than it did a month ago for me?!??!) Thank you so so much. I'm honored 🥺🌸 These two drabbles are the most "experimental" for me, so your words mean a lot!!! 😭
You might not believe me, but it's been two days since I wrote DT genie Baek and I had completely forgotten the plot within 48 hours 🥴 48 hours to forget a story I spent 12 hours on fhsfhkfkh 😭🤧 it has more plot than I remember and I'm super satisfied with it 🥺😄🌻 so happy you liked those little sprinkled details ✨
I swear Baek's character is becoming my favorite; he's growing on me. Yes he's the wild, sexy beast out of the two characters, but his little toothy grins and quiet actions of love freaking melt my heart every time! 😭😭💓 so happy you like him; he's writing himself at this point huhuhu 🥰💖
Yes, genies usually disappear after granting 3 wishes to the person who found their lamp. However~ when I researched it the other day, I saw something like "the most powerful genies can grant more wishes to one person" so I decided that Baek will grant his 3 wishes to OC, but they are soulmates.
So 1, he will stay after 3 wishes
& 2, he granted her 4 wishes and will stay by her side forever
After all... they have 3 little ones on the way 🤭😇💞
His power is green, and since he broke the genie rule, he has sealed his fate to give OC more wishes and stay by her side forever. Hence the red now mixed with his green 🌸🌺🌷 He won't be punished! Because she's the woman of his dreams. Being with her is a dream come true for him~~~
Thank you, lovely 🥺🥰 I'm wishing the same for you!!! Thank you once again for sending your request in and this lovely message. You've made my day 😄 I will! Don't worry. I can't wait for the day I can fully get back to writing again ✨🌸🌺🌷💗💖
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scoups-ofsuga · 7 years
SVT Jeonghan x Reader [Tangled]
Pairing: Yoon Jeonghan x Reader
Theme: fluff
A/N:was suggested or requested and inspired by my friend she has long hair and the poor baby is hecka lazy to brush it hahaha don’t be lazy with your hair kids its your responsibility ! This is just short im sorry! Im teying to finish orim working on some writings that are quite long and “detailed hehe so yeah drabble! Im actually growing my hair (again) Ive had short hair for less than a year and my mom wants me to grow it out. So yeh happy readings ! Feed back is always good! Requests are open~GOD BLESS !!
YoNa = Your Name, okay ?okay
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You dear reader have long hair, and what I mean is loooong, as in like maybe your whole back or something. No particular reason for letting it grow out, but at first you were like, “hmmmm long hair seems like a nice change” and so you proceeded to growing your hair. And then seeing your boyfriend with long hair was your second motivation,
“... wha- wh-why do you look SO good even with long hair ??? Iike HOW ????” And jeonghan just shrugs while smiling at you.
Years have passed, and your hair is waaaaay longer than it was, you have reached the maximum length you can managed, and you loved the long hair. Flipping it around and ‘unintentionally’ hitting jeonghan or the other boys with your hair, playing with it like twirling your finger in some strands, pressing it against your face and making mustaches, putting nice accessories and flowers while tying it up in cute hair styles; you would comb it everyday 100x and have it treated once in a while, jeonghan liked seeing you smile and he is enjoying your long hair, as his hair was getting trimmed shorter and shorter.
On cold nights rather than sleeping with a heated blanket you two would be warmly cuddling each other on the sofa, as you sit on his lap and lean on his chest he would gently run his finger through your hair finding a bit therapeutic. Twisting some strands in his finger as he twirls it around and you melt into his hold.
Its the busy season and its now harder to maintain ya locks. You still take baths but you got lazy In brushing or combing your hair, now its in unimaginable tangles and knots.
Late at night you waited for your boyfriend to come home from practice. You hear your door open, that must be him you think to yourself. You were preparing some late night snacks when arms stretched at your sides and hugged your mid, a soft kiss was then placed at your cheek and you giggle,
“Welcome back” you greet and Jeonghan hums in response,
“Thanks YoNa” and pecks kisses onto your shoulder. One of his hands reach to your head, nuzzling his finger in your hair he slides them down to brush but then ...
His fingers get caught in a hair knot, Jeonghan softly grumbles as his eyebrows scrunch,
“YoNa !!??” He says and you let out a sheepish laugh,
“Ummm, yes Jeonghan ?” You turn to face him slowly to see that mothers “diss appointed” look.
“Come with me right now young miss !” He grabs your wrist and pulls you to your bedroom you let out baby whines but Jeonghan pays no attention. He makes you sit on your bed and heads towards the bathroom, you hug your knees to your chest a bit in fear of what may happen, moments late Jeonghan comes out and holds out a brush! Your eyes widen and you swallow saliva piling in your mouth.
“YONA COME BACK HERE !!” The man shouts as he chases you around the bedroom, a game of cat and mouse was in play just because you didn’t want to brush your hair,
“Jeonghan its gunna hurt !” You say across from the bed to where Jeonghan stands,
“It would never turn up like this if you weren’t so lazy !” You playfully gasp and hold a hand in front of your mouth,
“How could you say that to your girlfriend !?” You click your tongue and run towards the left of the bed trying to reach for the door buT BOOM ! Jeonghan caught you in his arms and pinned you to the ground,
“Do I have to tie you to a chair ??”
“MaAAAYBE” you joke
Soon later you were on the bed (not tied dont worry lol) knees tucked in your arms and you let out soft eeks and ows,
“Cant you be a bit gentler ??”
“If I did your hair would still be in tangles” he says with a hint of coldness and you let out another hiss,
“My poor YoNa, why dont you just brush your hair ?”
“Ive been busy, okay !” Jeoghan stops brushing and looks at you with disbelief eyes drooped and lips in a line,
“Okay ive been lazy-OW !”
You both sit in silence in the room as only brushing sounds could be heard. A laugh then slips through he mans lips, you look curious and see a smile on his lips,
“Whats up ?” You ask,
“Nothing, I just remembered the time I had long hair” he says, “ do you think I should grow my hair again ?”
You hum as to thinking and shrugged,
“Its up to you babe. Like, you look good in short hair or in long hair”
“I see”
“And if your grow your hair I can brush you and torture you like how you torture me !” You shout out as if its your warning in a mischievous tone.
“On second thought never mind” you laugh and Jeonghan laughs,
“Aaaa~” and a couple more brushes and Jeonghan prolonging that and, “ aaand you’re done” your hair is beautiful! again ! Tossing the brush to the side Jeonghan falls to his back on the bed and breathes out in accomplishment and tired, you follow to where he lays and and lean on his arms as a pillow. Softly giggling you peck his cheek which makes him grin, with his eyes not bothering to open he hugs you.
“Thanks hannie” you mumble and
“No biggie baby” Jeonghan airily says now brushing hands more smoothly against your hair.
“You know hannie, don’t grow your hair, okay ?” Jeoghan peeks with one eye at you,
“Why so ?”
“You look better with short hair, you look cooler... and besides, I don’t want my boyfriend to look prettier than me !” Jeonghan laughs loudly and so amusingly, his nose scrunches and the sides of his eyes crinkle,
“Okay I wont,,, now, lets sleep” the lights dim and the world becomes quiet.
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kindafooey · 7 years
Oh, I've been meaning to ask - I read 'Communist Tomfuckery' and was wondering about the inspiration for it. What drove you to write it and what gave you the idea? I loved that it's fairly open-to-interpretation, Death Of The Author and all that, but I always find it fascinating to know what said author is thinking and where they are coming from when they write.
Ohhhhh boy! First of all, I'm super moved and flattered that you read the thing and even wanted to ask about it. >////
I'll have to start with Lee. Lee is a character from an original project of mine that I've been working on since 2009. Well, technically the Lee that appears in the universe of Communist Tomfuckery isn't the same character, but instead a sort of a... conclusion? The project in question is essentially the process of me pursuing, uh, "higher values" in my wildly idealistic youth, a sort of a study on altruism both in theory and in actual social context, and the eventual failure and disillusionment that inevitably followed. So basically drabble!Lee is someone who's had to witness that process, an embodiment of everything I learned while working on the story. Although it doesn't come off very clearly in the drabble, Lee is kind of a sad, borderline nihilistic being who's had to see everything she's worked for and believed in come down with a crash. I guess she represents a hopeless part of me that I'm constantly struggling with.
Then Mad. Mad is much easier to explain, actually - first and foremost she's an embodiment of the internet, mixed with the influence of a couple of chaos-driven characters I've come across in the world of fiction (one of them being none other than Bill Cipher, hee hee). It was around when I first joined the GF fandom when it occurred to me that the internet is something of an antithesis to my shattered idealism: little to no shared values, limitless freedom of self-expression, the general IDGAF mentality, just an allround lack of direction or integrity. To me, the internet is the greatest culmination of moral chaos humanity has ever witnessed so far, and... I guess after all that trying and failing, just giving up and going with the senseless flow of the internet was exactly what I needed. The transition wasn't/isn't completely without problems, but anyway. The partnership between Lee and Mad represents the clash and merging of two different worlds, the one I used to live in and the one I've succumbed to. I use the interactions between the two characters as mental practice that might one day help me find a nice balance in my ongoing internal crisis. Maybe. *shrug*
Last of all, Theo. Theo is... well. A loooong time ago someone convinced me that facing the worst of humanity head-on would help me figure out the best of it. And the naive, gullible little bean that I was, I took this advice to my heart and exposed myself to a WHOLE LOT of crap for the sake of, ugh, moral maturation or whatever. That phase lasted for the better part of my teenage years, and whatever the educational value turned out to be, I'll never know. What I do know is it left me with quite a severe case of intrusive thoughts of just how unscrupulous humanity can be. This effect is especially strong in the context of society, as in-depth depictions of dystopic societies can sometimes upset me to the point of being emotionally incapacitated for a good while. To me, individual moral depravation is somehow easier to deal with than the structural kind. Anyway... that's Theo. Mad's distress over Theo's presence in her house is essentially me freaking out over a reminder of everything wrong with humanity, and my stupid brain refusing to let go of that idea unless I figure it all out. And I never will, so... The situation depicted in the drabble where they're essentially stuck together against their will, all that mindless hostility and distress and desperation, well, that's what happens in my head sometimes whenever the internet does its thing and shoves things I can't deal with into my face. ^^;
The bunch of kids that also appear in the drabble symbolize these kinds of conflicts that have been somewhat resolved. Lele and Lee are the same person, btw, Lele being closer to the "original" Lee from the other story I mentioned.
TL;DR: death of idealism, the internet and intrusive thoughts.
Hooooo hell this turned out long. But you did ask. ':D I hope this wasn't too overwhelming for an answer!
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akaanonymouth · 7 years
Things I’m Working On...
List all the things you’re currently working on in as much or little detail as you’d like, then tag some friends to see what they’re working on. This can be writing, art, vids, gifsets, whatever…
I’ve not been tagged, but I was making a list of things I’m writing because I’m driving myself insane opening 43 docs and forgetting what idea/ story/ whatever goes where and then spending more time reading and cutting things than actually writing so…. what better place to make a note! (It may be a loooong note! I mean, like, I’m talking through my ideas here because nothing’s actually finished, so feel free to wither jump in and provide input, or just keep scrolling now!) Berena
Berena and the Fletchlings: As you may know, one little “Berena dancing in the kitchen” idea escalated into a 7,000odd word fluff fest involving the Fletchlings, then Berena took them all swimming, and now my brain seems to insist on inserting some Fletchling interaction at almost every opportunity, so I named it a series, and since I named it a series, I haven’t managed to finish a single idea, haha!  But, here’s what I got in the pipeline: (Actually I will put this under a cut to save people’s dashes, because I have a lot of ideas to work through and I’ve apparently lost a verbal filter alongside gaining a mental health issue, who knew! Sorry! Anyhoo:
-Evie’s Birthday:  She wants to attend a festival. Fletch is dead set against it, Evie’s obviously having a meltdown, so is Fletch, Serena steps in. Decides to throw a mini fest in her house/ garden, and gets most Holby staff involved. Bernie convinces Charlotte to come, because Charlotte can play guitar and sing, and Elinor is also persuaded, because she can sing and play piano and Serena’s set up a gazebo like a stage, but there’s also a piano in the living room, and it turns out Bernie can also play the piano because have you seen her hands?! Anyway, they have mad fun all day, Ric and Sacha do an ‘oldie’ set, etc etc. I’ll stop there with all the details otherwise no one will want to read it when it finally gets done properly! But it’ll include Bernie and Serena dancing, to new and old songs, and Ellie is all like “eww” but Evie’s all moon-eyes and explains what she sees to Ellie, and Charlotte is persuaded by Cam to play an acoustic version of his favourite song and…. basically a lot of Bernie and Serena  eye sex, slow dancing in bubbles they create for themselves, and Evie just being crazy about her OTP. I haven’t decided yet if Berena are established, or whether it should be another sort of “intervention/ dawning realisation” type thing, so if anyone wants to add their thoughts, or message me for more details, PLEASE feel free to! 
- Bra shopping: I was going to keep the “fletchlings” series relatively angst-free, but this one, canon-compliant with Elinor’s death, is bugging me. Serena promises to take Evie bra shopping; does take Evie bra shopping on the following Saturday. Bernie goes with them. It’s Mother’s Day the next day, and they see shops full of Mother’s Day paraphernalia etc. They have a lovely time shopping but towards the end, melancholy/ anger/ grief sets in, so Bernie does little things to keep them in the here and now, not really knowing what else to do. When they’re heading home, they detour through the park, and come across Mikey in an altercation with a few other older boys. They’re picking on him, and Bernie steps in (BMAM!) and they start to take the piss, but she sends them off, then Mikey turns his anger onto her, and she encourages him (a bit like the speech she gave Serena in the toilets) and he fights her; breaks down; they head back to Serena’s. There’s silent cuddles, angst, but loving. Etc and all that. 
- The as-yet-wholly-unformed-idea whereupon Evie still wants to move in with Serena, is in love with Berena, as in, the actual ship, as well as them as individuals, and loves spending time with them. She’s made aware that maybe she is intruding, so she tries not to encroach so much, but Bernie messages her asking if she wants to go to the cinema one night, and she just… Yeah, The One Where Evie is the Berena Fandom Incarnate (and gets to bask in their presence for weekends at a time). May tie this in with the drabble I wrote about Evie giving Serena a friendship bracelet after Elinor died, with green for Bernie weaved through it, then she does the same for Bernie.
If anyone has any Berena + Fletchlings ideas they’d like to see written, pop me a line, and I’ll try my best :)
Untitled WIP:
1) Comedy of sorts. Half the hospital staff are sick to the back teeth of Serena and Bernie tiptoeing around each other, because please, as much as they both liked to preach from their pedestals that they were only being professional and didn’t want the hospital, the trauma unit, AAU, the patients, the bloody agency nurse who turned up now and again to suffer, suffer they were. Especially those that kept stumbling into the middle of serious eye fucking sessions and half-finished sentences. It had to stop.  In which Zosia’s taken it upon herself to be Bernie’s fairy godmother (and if she gets a good few snogs out of Jac along the way, all the better), and the staff come up with, frankly, ludicrous ways to get B&S together, even employing Mrs. B as a seductress. Why no one just talked to Jason, I don’t know…
2) If Holby writers can steal Doctors on The Roof from ER, then I can steal Stinky the dog from it, and give him a storyline with Serena and Bernie. (Or, The One where Serena gains a dog and a Wolfe). Kerry Weaver ended up taking home a dog called Stinky from a tramp that died, and I’ve apparently based a whole story on that idea. Also I love Kerry Weaver.)
3) In which Serena loses the point of Texas Hold ‘Em because she’s too busy wondering what Texas holds, exactly? Bernie tells her to add it to her Google list….. And I’ve lost the plot a bit with this one, but Im sure it’ll come back (or it is already here, trapped in the wrong document!)
3) Smut fic. Pure smut. There is nothing but smut. I mean, at a push, it could be described as character exploration through sexual situations, character development via sex…. basically I’m just writing a multi-chap fic about Serena and Bernie having sex in the here-and-now, and harking back to various ‘first-time’s’ as it comes up in their conversation.  (Can I work “fight on your feet or die on your knees” into this? I think I can. I can see Serena saying this.) 4) Smut fic. Yes, like the above. But, I found I was thinking about their lives post-Elinor death, and what impacts that would have. This is a bit darker. Not harrowing, and with as happy ending as anyone could have with a dead child, but still, dark enough to warrant being a separate story.
5) The obligatory stuck-in-a-lift-fic that I have never written for any of my OTPs before, so feel it’s beyond time that I give it a go. Mingling it with the “sweaty, vigorous passion” episode, substituting Raf for Bernie :) 
6) Angst. In which Bernie uses Jason to determine Serena’s mental state, because whatever is happening, Serena does not lie to Jason.  Wrote the idea for this when Elinor first died, so I don’t know if I’ll finish. Just a one-shot, to try to explain to myself where their relationship was, where Bernie’s level of concern was at, at the time.
7) After a whole day of being majorly, ridiculously excited about the post, I am writing a perfume-based story haha!
8) I’m not technically working on this one, because I don’t watch Dr Who religiously, and I’m not a massive, massive fan, but I couldn’t get rid of this thought: Serena is all bitter and sad, and Kate Stewart turns up like “Somewhere in your memory is a woman called Bernie Wolfe….” In order to be happy and save herself (and Holby or the world, if that’s your bag) Serena must remember Bernie, must remember her timeline for her actual reality to realign again, because Bernie is Serena’s soulmate, but not only that, Bernie and Serena’s relationship has a direct impact on Kate’s lineage (or something, it’s all about the timey-wimey shit that I haven’t figured out) and so Serena absolutely has to remember that Bernie was wiped from her memory, because it’s the only thing that’ll bring her back.  I’m probably never going to even attempt to start this one, but I would read the shit out of it if anyone could do it?!
9) I nearly forgot about this one!  Actresses AU. Whereupon Serena and Bernie, and the rest of the cast, are the actors in a medical drama. Serena and Bernie’s story remains theirs, but there are eerie similarities between them and their character storylines. Bernie remains married for much longer, her character is written out of the show they play in for an indefinite amount of time because she does a moonlight flit, etc. Angst, slow burn. Not entirely sure how this will play out; it’s one I think I’d like to finish completely before posting.
Aaaand I’ll end there. Maybe I’ll do a separate post for the HP, DWP and ER fics that I’ve either temporarily (does 7 years count as temporary?!) abandoned,  completely lost, or thought so much about that I think they already exist and am horrifically surprised when they do not (hello, me Voyager fics, too, haha!)
Not tagging anyone, but I’m always grateful to read what other people are up to! God bless anyone that’s made it this far!
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