#and im not talking about the mmo... i dont really play it anymore
snowdroppy · 1 year
is there any ni no kuni discord servers out there i can be insane in or what....i just wanna talk about nnk... can we talk about nnk, please mac? i've been dying to talk about nnk with you all day okay?!!!!
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quintiliusheartripper · 8 months
I will say while i am intrigued by the recent expansion and willing to see it through to the end-
(probably because i dont have an attatchment to a commander character. Like me and velak have a commander and characters attatched but im super flexible with it since he doesn’t really play anymore and eod feels like the true end to it all. I use the main story as a like… marker for events in the world since theres a lot of places that one can explore thats more enriching interesting and personal. I can still use the wizard tower as a plot point for some things but im still seeing the commander being an anomaly who wasnt supposed to happen in a living fractal and its why the wizards didnt do anything this whole time untill something was actually directly attacking them. )
-i am disappointed by a lot and part of it is the way they are doing the releases especially when the expansion is full priced and unfinished when released
It really feels like a cop out and a excuse and im more interested in arenanets unannounced project ive been tracking for a while. “A well funded mmo established fantasy rpg with a focus on story” running on a unreal engine and with linux support and also talking about “guild wars 2 and beyond”in their hiring. Im hoping its a guild wars 3 but this expansion DEEPLY feels like how it felt just before EOD during LWS5 where resources were being cut from one place to be placed in another. Like its one fractured expansion per year until…when? The unannounced game that started production 2022/23 is released? I just hope they figure out a way to keep the game running for people if they move on to a gw3 but gw2 is n entirely different beast from gw1.
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faiiryys · 5 years
its leeky noelle
i wasnt going to come back to tumblr ever again but... ngl i miss photosets lmao. uhh. i dont really want to talk about why i left but a run down is i went into financial crisis, 3 people hurt me over the summer, i was actively suicidial and getting sick constantly and yeah! its been a rough year of job hopping after only working days at a time to working a job that treats me like garbage when they know i fork over 40-50 per workday just to be there.
but uh yeah i miss tumblr... i thought since i would be back id follow a few mutuals again. um.
positive! on a positive note im going to school for money LOL but i got approved a job on campus so thats something. im desperate to get out of the food industry so im gonna try and get a degree to become a high school counselor just to have something. i hope i can make it work. i play final fantasy xiv mmo. its my life rn. i fucking rewatched hannibal of all things and had a meltdown that made me want to get my life on some sort of track. uhhh. steven universe movie was cool. i havent dyed my hair and look like shit. i love fire emblem. still about my shitty interests. met a g4m3grump loosely on the ff mmo and he liked my art and followed my twitter so that was kinda cool. small world. had a birthday. i cleaned my room last night and i quit my job but they dont know that yet rlly but :P
i still go by leeky/noelle but ive been calling myself fairy and even ofeimfeoin latte the past two months... its my ff character and i just feel nice when ppl call me those names :( latte is just amusing to me lmao its cute but yeah..fairy..
i ...just really miss being social but dont know how to be anymore. ive been living on solely twitter but no one talks much over there so yeah. anyways miss u guys if anyone reads this.
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skiasurveys · 7 years
tell me about your crush!!!!!!! - Hes my boyfriend. I love him a lot, he’s funny, he loves gaming. He likes anime ( lmaooo), he is white but hes part turkish and german. but born in canada haha. He’s 7 years older than me (or 6.5) , we went to the same high school except he graduated WAYYYY BEFORE ME. He knows a lot of weird stuff. He loves MMOs and is on the leader boards for ESO which i find hilarious. We met on OKcupid which is a dating app. He says hes serious about me lol.
tell me about your ex-  well my most recent ex, i dated for only 3 months. we dated from Nov 2015- feb 2016. He broke up with me on Valentines day last year, which is funny tbh because he spent lots of money on me and then broke up wtih me. apparently i was too invested which makes no sense. I didn’t really connect well with him. we were more like close friends than boyfriend/girlfriend. He was slightly autisic or whatever so he didn’t really understand sarcasm sometimes which was really fucking annoying. I would make jokes and he took them way too serious or hard and would get mad at me -.-. He wasnt a bad boyfriend but he was just not my type. I said i loved him even though i didn’t. i was in love with the idea. I knew i didn’t want to spend my life with him. we never connected super great either, like we had nothing in common except the fact that we liked video games but he played shit games like (League of Legends). After we broke up, we met a week later to clear shit up i guess and it was super awkward and i was acually over him within a day so i was like this sucks and is weird. Then a month after we broke up he wanted to hang out but then he stated he wanted to have a hook up.. we never had sex when we dated either so that was weird -.-  Then he started dating other people and if i messaged him asking how he was, he would get all pissed off and said we couldnt talk any ore and i was like whatevr thats fine but then his relationships never worked out and he would break up within a week LOL and then tried to date me again. THEN when I started dating Connor ( my current bf) he got really jealous and mad, and tried to tell me to get out. Then later in my relationship like 6 months he asked if we could fuck (three some) and i was like i rather kill myself, then he would randomly text me asking if connor and i broke up, and then would claim he missed me but all he wanted was a booty call. He got super mad when he found out i fucked connor lol. anyways, i told him to fuck off and respect me and connor and he finally stopped being weird. But i recently deleted him off Facebook because I was so tired of seeing him on fb, so yeah. we dont really talk anymore. thank god.
tell me about your day It was okay. I slept til 2 Pm ( yikes..) and picked up Pills and played video games. nothing to do.
tell me about your dreams  I cant remember my dreams actually.
tell me about your drama  I have really no drama in my life.
tell me about yourself :-)  I am 20 years old, I like cats, mcdonalds fries. I am a art student in college. I am dating someone, its our one year today. I live in Canada..i like taking surveys too much
tell me about something awkward/embarrassing  I once had sex and then got my period during it and that was super awkward and embarrassing, and i was so embarrassing that i hid in the bathroom for 20 minutes and he was like “yo its okay jen” and its still awkward when i think about it.
tell me about a funny story or something  Lol, okay. this story is like 4 years old but whatever. so i was in grade 10 at the time and I went to this Youth Conference with my youth group from church. So my best friend was with me and we were at the concerts and stuff, and she had to use the washroom but she didn’t want to go alone so i went with her. So I use the stall next to hers but I come out way before she does. I am washing my hands and she comes up to me and washes her hands super quick turns to me and says we need to get the hell out of here, and before we run out this girl comes out of the stall that i was in and my friend turns to her and says “ Im so sorry i thought you were my friend” and im like what....so we leave quickly and she tells me. so basically This girl was wearing the same shoes as me and same colour pants as me, and my friend thought it was me so she grabbed the girls leg from under the stall and the girl was like “wtf???!” and so she thought that girl was me, and i honestly can’t stop laughing whenever i think of this because its just something that she would do. I never let her forget.
tell me your favourite band/artist/album/song  My fav band is Of Monsters and Men. They are from Iceland, and they sing different songs. They have a unique sound too. I love every song they produce.
tell me about your favourite meme  I can’t just pick one..
tell me about your favourite fic  I dont read fanfiction really.
tell me a secret ;)  um. when i was 18 i almost banged some 34 year old because I was stupid and actually thought he liked me LOL. Thank god i got rid of him. LOL i still laugh at my stupidity 
tell me a lame joke/bad pick-up line are you a astronaut cus your ass is out of this world.
tell me about your favourite tumblr user(s)  I don’t really have a FAV..i love all my mutuals.. 
tell me about your least favourite tumblr user(s)  I only dislike people who are super self righteous..who think they are always right.. who give out false info..especially people who use their followers for money..etc
tell me what you’re thinking about  just life.
confess your sins  I sometimes lie a lot but thats usually just to get out of shit LOL rant about stuff!!!  Not really a rant. But i super duper hate it when people leave you on “read” idk its super annoying. Like if you cant talk just say youll talk to me when youre off work/etc but i hate it when they have no excuse. Im fine if its a few minutes or whatever but when they just dont reply especially if im asking a question it just gets so fucking annoying. If i know youre busy its differen’t. But idk i just wish people would just tell me they wouldnt be texting that much a certain day or at leas jjust reply something quick. it takes 2 seconds..
let’s talk about the sex because sex ed isn’t talked about enough  dont have sex until you know you could handle a child. 
talk to me about astrology stuff!!!  I dont know anything about that stuff.  talk to me about aliens!!!  why havent the aliens taken me..yet..
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tsurumyaru · 7 years
i should probably check my wow blog i whisper, staring blankly at the logout button,,, bu,,,t,,,,,
tho tbh, i have no will whats so ever to play wow. I have a TON of drafts on lorstandian to make into in game jokes, but i just.. i bought wow time last month, logged in twice, and left. best 100k ive ever spent. /sarcasm/ thank god half my time on wow is spent farming and i think i have 200k ish left bhfju i mean no one talks to me on wow really so what is the point? the only person i care abt on there is jenn and i hhhhhh cant face her anymore!!! so looks good!!!! id play for my guild because that was fun but they died out when the gm got a new job and moved into no internet land. honestly if my wow blog didnt have 2k+ followers i wouldnt feel so bad abt never updating, but idk, the only shit i reblog/anything there is my own content and im just,what do i do if i never log in? wheezes. i didnt even touch the new legion patch, i just did noble garden and... thats it...
i guess ill go check that blog anyhow, rip me. i love lorstandian, but honestly im just soooo,,,, i dont,, love the game anymore. i love my wow ocs, i love my characters, i love my mounts, but its all so repetitive when you’ve played for about 12?? 13?? years. o well. maybe one day, ill play again. whats the point of a mmo if it just makes you feel lonely? Its to the point of ‘the memories are more fun than the current situation.’
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skiasurveys · 7 years
basic shit
As you begin this survey, what is the current date and time?
May 31th 2017, 6:30 PM
How has your day been so far?
actually decent!
How are you? Are you okay? I just thought I’d ask, because people don’t always bother to ask.
I am actually doing okay. 
If you’re NOT okay, what’s wrong?
The last time you left your house, where did you go? Did you walk, or travel in a vehicle?
I drove my car to the mall to get taco time and mcdonalds for my boyfriend and i haha 
In your opinion, who is/was the coolest teacher at your school, and why?
I really loved Mrs Waldo and Mrs Oprenchok because they both knew how to teach and Mrs Waldo was an amazing art teacher.
Are you wearing anything blue? What about purple?
What tinned foods do you currently have in your cupboard?
tuna, beans, soup.
Who was the last person you yelled at? Why?
no one. i dont normally yell.
Do you know anyone named Graham?
Are you sitting next to anyone?
How many girls do you know named Alison?
Do you dislike the last person you Facebook messaged?
Who was the last person that sent you a Facebook friend request, and you ignored them? Why did you ignore them?
A random person, i didnt know.
Is there a certain person that you only have to think about, and you automatically smile?
Yeah connor <3
Do you dunk biscuits in your tea/coffee?
I dont drink coffee or tea
Who is your favourite person to have weird random conversations with?
depends on the person.
Does it bother you when someone goes offline without saying “bye”?
No not anymore. since everyone has their phone we kind of just all talk randomly. it only bugs me if were in a good convo and they just disappear for hours haha.
Is there anyone in your group of friends that you don’t completely trust? If so, why do you feel that you can’t trust them? You don’t have to give names.
I trust them all. 
When was the last time you used a computer in a public place?
Long time.
5 random facts about the person you love/like.
1. He is half turkish. 2. He is on the leaderboards for Elder scrolls online. (MMO). 3. He broke his ankle when playing Football in 9th grade ( i think was 9th) and now has a metal bar in it. 4. He loves being naked lol 5. He LOVES meat.
Do you prefer to do the asking out, or be asked out?
Be asked out. But really i kind of like it mutual. Like with my current BF when we first started talking/seeing eachother we were flirty and then he said he wanted me to be his GF and then it just happened so casual. so it was kind of mutual. :D
Is there anything happening soon, that you’re NOT looking forward to?
Not really.. I mean im not looking forward to school with finales and papers but im also looking forward to it! haha
Have you ever called a teacher mum/dad?
when i was 8.
Who’s the quietest of all your friends?
I dont know were all the same. 
What were you like as a 10 year old?
Tom boyish.
Who did you last say “I hate you” to? Did you mean it?
No idea. Probably didn’t mean it though.
Do you own anything that is heart-shaped?
Have you forgiven the last person that broke your heart?
I have.
Are you home alone right now? If so, where are the people you live with?
What colour was the last towel you used?
white and tan.
Are you planning on getting drunk anytime soon?
Not really.
How old were you when you got your first computer?
I was 11 when I got my first laptop that was mine.
Are you a chocoholic?
nah. I dont really like chocolate.
Name the last 5 males you talked to, outside of family.
Connor, the other Connor lol, Jacob, Jared, Josh, William.
Name the last 5 females you talked to, outside of family.
Kyra, Jennifer, Sasha, Courtney, Seanna
What kinds of music do your parents like to listen to? Do you share any of their taste in music at all?
My mom likes all kind of music, she likes country which i don’t. But we do share a few of the same tastes.
Did you ever have an imaginary friend as a child? What was his/her name?
Is there a song that reminds you of the person you love/like? Do you listen to that song often?
a few.
What’s the date and time now?
7:05 PM. I took a break half way through this survey haha
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