Tom Hiddleston Fan fiction
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A place dedicated to Tom Hiddleston fan fiction. This blog no longer accepts submissions. The majority of the stories posted on here are written by Lisa Z. MOBILE LINK TO MASTERPOST
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tomcuddlesfic · 5 years ago
Why do I always have the urge to write when I need to study or work
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tomcuddlesfic · 6 years ago
The Truth Between Me & You
TITLE:  The Truth Between Me & You
AUTHOR : tomcuddlesfic WHICH TOM/CHARACTER:  Tom x OC
GENRE: fluff / romance / angst / family drama FIC SUMMARY: Ever since she could remember, Lily knew she was the black sheep of the family. She was always in her older brother Phillip’s shadow and she was never taken seriously. When Tom, Phillip’s best friend, shows up to the wedding, Lily’s attraction to him flares up and suddenly, she’s caught between telling the truth and losing everything or the man she loves.
AUTHORS NOTES/WARNINGS:  It’s been SUPER LONG since I last updated on this page and yes, who am I? Who is she? I completely forgot about her. Well, I can’t say I’m officially back but I was inspired by a song and my head kind of went crazy and I really needed to write it down. So here it is. It’s super long (5,200 words) and I was going to break it down to two parts but I have no time for that.
Tom didn’t know how long he sat in his car outside his best friend’s house. He continued to stare at the modest red bricked house he practically grew up in with Phillip and his little sister, Lily, remembering his life before he was launched into the spotlight and made it big. Before where he wasn’t constantly being followed by cameras and he could get a damn cup of coffee from his neighborhood café without it being splashed on the front pages of The Daily Mail. The simpler days were what he deeply craved right now especially since at the age of thirty-eight, he was sending off his last bachelor friend into the land of holy matrimony while he had no inkling of a love interest in sight. Of course, despite his desperately single status, the tabloids had a way to spin anything into a story.
Just last week, his publicist, Luke, rang him at five in the morning, alerting him that he wasn’t going to like what he sees when picks up the paper. Apparently, Tom was in a secret relationship with Ukraine’s top model with icy blue eyes and hair so blonde, it was almost white. Tom had only met her in passing at one of the galas he was forced to attend because his agency thought it would be a good networking session and if he was being honest, he couldn’t quite remember her name. Lydia? Linda? Lisa?
“Are you just going to sit there all day or are you going to come in?” A female’s voice broke through his thoughts so abruptly, he jumped up in his seat, and banged his head on the roof of his car. The owner of the voice snorted.
Rubbing the top of his head, he whipped his head and glared at the strikingly beautiful woman standing next to his car. For a moment, Tom was rendered speechless. It has been a long time since he saw Lily. Aside from the few short emails and text messages exchanged between them and any news passed on from Phillip these past few years, Tom hadn’t actually seen Lily all grown up. Instead of the awkward gangly kid sister he had engrained in his memory, Lily, at age twenty-nine, had filled out her figure. From her silky violet bridesmaid’s dress that hugged her body, he could tell her breasts were full, probably spilling out of his large hands if he were to cup them. His eyes lowered from her cleavage to a trim waist and hips that flared out. He didn’t have to look to know that Lily had a great ass.
“Tom?” Lily knocked on the window when he continued staring. “My eyes are up here.”
Tom gulped, his cheeks warming. Did he really get caught staring at his best friend’s little sister?
“For the record,” He opened the car door smoothly, effectively pushing her back away from him, and slammed it shut. “I was looking at the stain on your dress.”
Lily gasped, looking immediately down at her spotless dress and growled. “Still haven’t grown up?”
“No, I’m afraid not.” Tom smiled smugly and walked past Lily, leading the way into the bustling house filled with family and friends. Phillip and his fiancée had chosen to keep the celebrations small, opting to hold the ceremony in the backyard they played in during their elementary school years. “How bad is it in there?”
“Why do you think I’m out here talking to your lanky arse?” Lily huffed, trailing after him. Her dress was so long, she had to lift up the fabric just to walk. She picked up her pace and walked ahead of him, confirming his earlier suspicion. Lily had an ass that made Tom’s mouth dry and his pants a bit tighter. “Brace yourself, mom’s a bit high-strung.”
It had been almost six years since Lily last saw Tom. That is, of course, if that didn’t count all the movies or television appearances and the tabloids Lily religiously watched Tom in. One movie was all it took to take her brother’s best friend from small town actor that barely scraped by to a hot heartthrob that was loved by all. Sometimes she hated the character Loki. If Tom never got casted as Loki, he would have stayed in London more. He wouldn’t miss any important traditions or events like Christmas, Phillip’s birthdays, or most importantly, her birthday. Every event Tom missed because of his hectic schedule, was an event that Lily felt an unexplained feeling of emptiness to. It just wasn’t the same without the curly blond boy who taught her how to ride a bike because her father was too busy at work and Phillip had more important things to do than to teach his kid sister. Or how Tom always managed to keep the peace between her and her older brother when things got too heated. Without Tom as a buffer, Lily often struggled being in the same room with her family.
Lily sighed deeply, watching wearily at her loud obnoxious aunts who caged Tom in like animals ready to pounce and feast. She had finally moved out recently to a nice studio flat near the inner heart of the city and every time she had to step back inside her parents’ house, she felt like she was trapped. Lily always knew she was an outsider, a black sheep that nobody understood. Her father had pushed for her to get a reputable business degree but she still managed to continue her passion for photography on the side. In fact, she worked was an investment banker during normal working hours and a professional photographer after. Lily was good at her work. She was proud of it but her family never understood it. They thought of it as a silly fad that would pass soon enough and even laughed when she brought up the idea of quitting the bank to be a full time photographer.
It was another reason why her showcase was so important. Lily needed her family to see her work and take her seriously. She poured her heart into every photo taken, capturing the right moments at the right time to tell stories that could never be told with words. Just then, her Aunt Shirley, dropped her the contents of her purse, leaving Tom to bend down to pick it up. His dress pants pulled tight across his butt, leaving little to no imagination. Tipping back her flute of champagne, she gulped it down in one shot.
He had suffered enough.
“Tom, I think Phillip wants to see you.” Lily walked over to where he stood and squeezed his forearm for his attention. Her mind instantly went to dangerous territory that came with being near him. He smelled good. His lanky build had been replaced with thick muscles and the way he looked at her never failed to send shivers throughout her body. Lily was going to be in trouble if she spent any more time with him.
“Great!” Tom smiled broadly and excused himself from her aunts who tried to hold him longer with more questions and compliments about his latest work. Once they made their way back into the house where Phillip and Holly were getting ready, Tom’s smile immediately dropped. “You know you could have saved me sooner.”
“I was busy.” Lily shrugged, grabbing another flute of champagne off the tray from the passing waiter, and drank a long sip.
“You were watching me being eaten alive.” Tom grit his teeth and narrowed his gaze on her. Did his eyes linger on her mouth or was that just her being loopy from so much alcohol?
“You were fine.” Lily retorted.
“Your aunt grabbed my ass.”
“She must have been disappointed.”
“You didn’t seem so when you were staring at it earlier.” Tom pointed out, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Says someone who stared at my tits longer than my face.” Lily mimicked his stance, and raised an eyebrow. His eyes met hers and grew darker. The room suddenly felt a few degrees hotter as they properly studied each other. She had a few boyfriends growing up but nothing ever lasted long enough to get past the heavy petting stages. If she were to be honest, she probably wouldn’t have let herself take any step further. None of the guys she went out with ever stirred the unwarranted feelings inside her now than Tom.
“Hey, shit head.” Lily’s brother’s voice broke the delicate silence between them. Phillip walked into the room, dressed in his sleek black suit, and clapped a hand on Tom’s shoulder before embracing him in a hug. “I’m glad you made it or else I would have dragged your ass here no matter which country you were in.”
Tom laughed, squeezing his old mate tightly before pulling back. “I had to give my condolences to Holly for marrying your ugly face. How she holding up? She’s not still crying or trying to escape right?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Phillip rolled his eyes, his face growing somber. “I mean it. I’m glad you made it.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Tom replied, feeling his chest constrict. He hadn’t been a good friend. With his crazy lifestyle involving long extended filming schedules, he had found it extremely difficult to keep up with everyone. When he was immersed in a project, he tended to leave things by the wayside. It had gotten so bad that Tom almost forgot about the wedding if it weren’t for Lily’s email asking if he was going to have chicken or fish at the wedding. His eyes flickered to Lily who seemed fascinated by the floor.
“Lily, why don’t you go and see if Mom needs help?” Phillip asked, his voice cold to Tom’s ears.
Lily looked up immediately. Her jaw tightened and her eyes narrowed. “Sure.”
What had happened between these two? When the three of them had been in the same room together six years ago, the brother and sister duo seemed as tight as ever. But now, they appeared to be strangers.
Squeezing past the, Lily ventured back out into the backyard where everyone sat waiting for the ceremony to begin.
“Something wrong?” Tom asked, watching Lily go. Her shoulders hunched as she walked closer and closer to her mom.
“Nothing much changed.” Phillip sighed, his gaze following where Tom watched. “She’s been a brat then and a brat now. I thought she would have grown up by now after graduating from University but she’s gotten worse.”
“Come on, Phillip.” Tom laughed lightly. “What could have she done?”
“She stole from my parents, Tom.” Phillip said gravely. His face was filled with pain as he relayed the story. “Took my mum’s pearls and pawned it off for money so she could buy a new camera.”
Tom had trouble believing Lily would do such a thing. After all, this was the same Lily that had been shoved across the playground after she told her teacher which one of her classmates cheated on a test. She didn’t care about the consequences simply because she did what was fair and right. But it had been six years since he’s last seen her. Six years could change someone. It had definitely changed him.
Tom swallowed, finding a lump in his throat. “That’s awful.”
“She paid her back soon after she started her job but…” Phillip inhaled a sharp breath. “It’s hard to regain trust after something like this. I just never thought she would go to these lengths just for her silly hobby. If she needed money, she could have asked. I would have lent it to her but she went behind our backs and it’s tough…”
Tom could only nod, digesting the information that he was once again fooled by his attraction towards a woman.
The ceremony had ended an hour ago. Dinner was served and in proper wedding fashion, Lily had gotten borderline drunk. It was all she could do as she watched her brother and his now wife slow dance across the makeshift dance floor in the backyard. Lily had slipped inside, unnoticed like always, and watched the festivities from the kitchen window. She sipped on her glass of wine, and hummed along to the soft music playing outside.
Holly was a good woman. Lily could sense someone and tell who was genuine and sincere. Although Phillip was a news anchor, it was never Holly being the lucky one who snagged someone as famous or as wealthy as him. Lily saw the opposite. She saw Phillip being the lucky one to marry a woman like Holly who was forgiving, selfless, and extremely loving. In fact, Holly had made Phillip a better person and that was something Lily could attest to.
Something moved behind her.
Startled, Lily let out a short yip before splashing the contents in her glass across the floor.
“Tom?” She squinted at the dark figure standing a few feet from her.
“Lily.” Tom confirmed with his low crisp voice that made her brain run wild. How did he sound like when he woke up in the morning? How would he sound like if he was on top of her or when he came? Lily mentally shook her head before looking at the floor.
She grabbed some towels and threw them down to soak up the mess, watching them stain red.
“Already tired of being the center of attention?” Lily asked, cleaning up the mess as best as she could. She could only do so much as intoxicated as she was.
Tom grunted before kneeling down and helping her clean. She looked up just as he did, locking eyes.
“Why are you in here?” He asked, quietly.
She blinked, taken aback by his question. Her heart clenched as she stood up straight and went to the sink to wash her hands. “Some people don’t like big social gatherings.”
Lily said calmly, not facing him because she couldn’t trust herself with him. She felt raw and vulnerable around him with her piercing eyes that seemed to see her for who she really was. When everyone else seemed to be hearing static on a radio, Tom always seemed to find the right notch and hear her loud and clear.
“You’ve been avoiding everyone.” Tom stated, and walked right up behind her. She could lean back and fall into his safe embrace. Where was he when she needed him the most?
“There’s no proof.” Lily turned around, letting her eyes slowly run up from the middle of his chest to the base of his neck and finally to his devastatingly handsome face. She gulped.
“Lily, tell me what happened.” His voice firm, completely opposite to the fluttering of her heart. Her chest ached because Phillip had told him and now he was no longer going to be on her side. Tom probably thought the worst of her just like her family when she revealed the truth.
The truth made her laugh.
“You already know.” Lily laughed bitterly, moving away from him but only to have him grab her forearm, holding her in place.
“I want to hear it from you.” Tom spoke louder, irritation lacing his words. It made Lily sick to hear how he was speaking to her. Never once in their years of friendship did Tom use this tone of voice with her.
“I sold my mother’s pearls for an old camera so I could take photos for my portfolio.” She let the words fall out robotically. It was the same story repeated over and over again whenever someone asked why she wasn’t close with her family anymore. The people who she told were always taken aback by her bluntness and her character but what could she do?
The statement was met with silence.
She shook her arm, peeling back his fingers that gripped onto her and caressed it to her chest. She needed to leave. Her emotions were already wrung out by everyone’s judgmental stares this evening. Nobody could ever get past the idea of the groom’s little sister stealing from her own family. If she left now, she could get to the grocer’s and grab some ice cream before they closed and return home to a bubble bath where she soaked and ate ice cream by the pint.
“I don’t believe you.” Tom finally spoke. “The Lily I knew wouldn’t do that.”
“You barely spoke to me in the past six years, Tom.” Lily scoffed, fighting back tears. Damn, she really needed to go before she exploded. “I’ve changed.”
Lily was back at her parent’s house again. It was a week after the wedding so she thought it would be an appropriate time to go back and retrieve the last few remaining items in her bedroom. This would hopefully sever the strings attached between her and her parents. With proper planning and execution, Lily believed she could get away from seeing them except for the holidays and birthdays. Inhaling a deep breath, she braced herself for the awkward greetings but no amount of deep breathing exercises would prepare her for the sight of Tom in her parent’s house.
Lily had left after their conversation in the kitchen, refusing to look back at the house, and saying goodbye to everyone. She knew her aunts would have something to say about her rudeness but she didn’t care at that point. She needed out. Tom had not tried to contact her afterwards and for that, she was glad. Lily didn’t need the constant reminder that Tom was disappointed in her as well.
“I didn’t expect to see you here.” Lily closed the door behind her and stood from the doorway, watching him sit on the couch in the living room, watching the morning news.
“I was invited for brunch.” Tom explained, watching her closely when her face crumpled and quickly snapped back to a fake happy self.
“Right.” Lily blinked, refusing to let being uninvited to Sunday brunch dampen her moods. This was what she wanted. A clean cut from her family so she can go on and live a happy life where people never thought of her as a pest or menace. “I won’t be staying…I have some things to pick up and then I’m out of here.” She laughed breezily before running up the stairs to her bedroom.
She slowly cleared off her bookshelves, taking the photo frames off and carefully putting them in an empty box. Lily sniffled, allowing a tear slip when she saw a photo of her brother and her at the local fair. They were happy then. It was one of those rare moments in their siblings dynamic did she feel equal and appreciated. Growing up with Phillip had been hard as she was constantly in his shadow from his grades to his sports events to his family’s general appreciation for him.
When she finally packed up the last box, she started carrying them one by one to her car parked outside. The outside porch steps creaked as she climbed down and when she climbed back up, her grip on the railing slipped. It was shaky and loose. Frowning, Lily went to the garage and grabbed a hammer and some nails to fix the mess before her mom got hurt.
She was just about finished fixing the mess when Tom’s voice broke her concentration.
“For what it’s worth, I don’t believe you.” Tom said behind her.
“I can’t help you there.” Lily packed up her tools, turned and squinted up at him. “I am what they say.”
“If you were really as awful as others say, you wouldn’t fix the railing for your mom.” Tom pointed out simply. “You would have left that railing like that and not care if your mom or someone else had gotten hurt.”
Lily was gob smacked. Once again, Tom saw right through her charades. She wanted to cry into his arms, have him tell her everything will be okay, and let her have things return back to normal. But she knew nobody could be her hero.
“Got me there.” Lily admitted defeat and slowly got back to her feet. She walked back to the garage to put away the tools as Tom followed her.
“Why did you tell everyone you did it?” Tom asked urgently. “Why? Who are you trying to protect?”
“Tom, I’ve been an outsider in this family since the day I was born.” She whipped around, her eyes fierce, and voice strained with emotion. “Let’s face it, I wasn’t your friend. I was your best friend’s annoying little sister. You had to play with me or be around with me because I was part of the package deal. I’m not little anymore. I don’t need you to be here out of obligation.”
Was it really that bad? Tom thought back to their childhood days and slowly pieced together faded memories. Him and Phillip raising hell on the school playgrounds, Lily always following closely behind, and Phillip telling her to leave. It was what normal brothers do. Or how dinner time at their house went down and Phillip would always be able to share his school stories at the table but Lily’s stories were ignored or cut off by someone. Or when Lily expressed her interest in arts during school and everyone taunted her for it, telling her it was a silly dream for someone like as she had didn’t have talent. One memory burst in his memory. It was when Lily wanted to audition for a lead in the school play and her parents had laughed and told her she shouldn’t bother if she wasn’t good as Tom.
Tom had laughed along with them, taking it in as teasing but now in hindsight, he wanted to punch himself.
“You are not an obligation.” Tom gritted his teeth. “You are special to me and I care about you. I can tell, Lily. I can tell that you’re breaking so just tell me so I can help.”
Lily squeezed her eyes shut and put her hand on her forehead, willing silence in her mind. Her brain was swimming with memories and emotions, dizzying her to no end. “I lied for Holly.”
“Jesus.” Tom ran a hand through his hair. He swore. “Holly?”
“Her uncle needed to repay a loan and threatened to ruin her relationship with Phillip if she didn’t give him money.” Lily spoke quietly but firmly. She wrung her hands and sobbed. She had no clue what to do when the pearls went missing and Holly came crying to her, asking for advice. Holly was so afraid of losing everything with Phillip, it broke Lily’s heart. So she protected Holly by lying. This was for the greater good, she had thought. She didn’t feel like she was part of the family already so what harm would it have done if she lied for Holly?
Only she didn’t know it would hurt so much worse.
“You let everyone think the worse of you because of Holly?” Tom began pacing, clearly agitated and frustrated. He could punch a wall. He wanted to scream for the injustice.
“If you can’t beat them, join them.” Lily shrugged, and laughed sadly before wiping her tears away. Thrown back from the embrace of his hug, she stumbled little before he righted their balance. Tom hugged her tightly as if he was trying to hold it all together for her.
“You have not changed one bit.” Tom muttered, pressing his lips to the top of forehead and inhaling the sweetness of her fruity perfume she wore all throughout her teenage years. He pulled back and looked her in the eyes. “You are still a bloody idiot.”
Before Lily could have a chance to retort, Tom pressed his mouth on hers. His body felt alive as he finally did the one thing he wanted to do all along. Deeply relieved that his premonition was right and that Lily was nothing like the deceitful women he met in his life, he slowly it himself fall for her.  He wasn’t sure but somewhere between remembering their earlier days together, her growing up to the woman she was today, and watching her go to great lengths to save her family, he found himself in love. His heart thumped against his chest as he deepened the kiss, savoring the softness of her lips, the short sighs escaping her mouth, and the feeling of her body melting into his. She was all he needed. And she was right there in front of him all along.
Lily felt like she was in one of her dreams. More specifically the dreams she had when she was a teenager and when she had a secret crush on Tom. The dreams had always ended up with a kiss from him. She would never admit this to anyone but when she watched him kiss his costars in movies, she often wondered how it would feel like. She imagined it to be great but definitely not this good. Inching up her tippy toes, she gained better access to his mouth. Her breasts rubbed against his solid chest, aching to be touched. She wanted him. She needed him.
“What the fuck!” Phillip’s voice roared. Her body slammed against the garage door before she was able to right herself. For a second all she saw were two bodies wrestling on the grass. They tossed and turned, Phillip, at one point straddling Tom, and throwing a punch right to his nose. A sickening crunch made Lily shrill hysterically. Undeterred, Tom grabbed Phillip’s shirt and tossed his body like a rag doll off of him. He rolled on top of him and was ready to beat the shit out of the man who was supposed to protect his little’s sister and instead turned his back on her without hearing her side first when Holly ran out of the house and got between them.
“Stop it!” Holly yelled, separating them with her hands. “Stop it right now!”
Tom exhaled a deep breath and dropped Phillips shirt, and backed away. His eyes landed on Lily who was cradling her arm close to her chest and clearly in shock.
Phillip slowly rose up from the floor and looked at Tom like trash on the street. “You’re really out here trying to fuck my little sister?”
Tom shook his head, ready to explain himself and his feelings when Lily cut in.
“It was me.” Lily said, looking at Phillip. “I kissed him first.”
Phillip looked back at Tom for confirmation but Tom was flabbergasted by Lily’s lie. Frozen solid, Tom blinked in confusion at Lily when she spoke again.
“It didn’t mean anything though.” Lily smiled, shaking her head. “I just wanted to kiss a movie star and I did it.” She shrugged and looked at Tom. “It was good but I’ve had better kisses.”
Tom didn’t meet her smile. His stomach had fell when she saw the fake Lily take over the one he loved. The one who acted like what everyone thought of her and pretended like she had no feelings or regards for others. It was complete bullshit. No one kissed him back like that unless they felt something. And what they shared during the kiss was everything. He wanted to vomit. This was all going entirely wrong and there was nothing he could do to get her back. It wasn’t his secret to tell because he knew if he did, it would ruin all of their lives.
“I guess I’ll go now.” Lily moved away from the crowd, still holding onto her arm. Tom could see her shoulders folding in, the way she did when she was holding in a sob.
“Wait!” Holly cried, her big eyes glistening with unshed tears. All eyes focused on her as she looked to the floor. “I have something to confess, Phillip. I’ve been carrying this guilt ever since a month ago when all this started.” She gestured with her hand, the space between him and his little sister.
“It’s my fault.” Holly said quietly. “I’m the one that ruined your relationship with Lily.”
“What?” Phillip breathed. “Darling, I don’t understand.”
“My uncle.” She hiccupped, silent tears falling down her cheeks. Phillip tensed at the mention of him, inching closer towards Holly. “He needed to pay back a loan.”
Lily watched at his brother squeezed his eyes tightly, digesting the news. He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down his throat. “Did he hurt you?”
“No.” Holly cried. “He wanted me to give him money or else he would do everything in his favor to ruin our engagement. I couldn’t, Phillip. I couldn’t. I didn’t have the money and I became desperate so that’s why I took your mom’s pearls. I was going to earn back the money and buy it back but she found out.” She paused, shaking her head. “I confided in Lily but I didn’t expect her to cover for me like the way she did. She didn’t steal the pearls for a camera, Phillip. She never did. It was me.”
Phillip watched his wife cry as she hugged herself tightly. He didn’t know what to do or how he should feel. As his gaze left his wife and slowly went to his little sister, his heart squeezed tightly.
“Lily…” He said, not knowing where to begin. “I’m the worst brother.”
Lily inhaled a sharp breath.  She was crying just as much as Holly now. “You’re not.”
“I am.” Phillip shook his head. “I’ll never be able to forgive myself for how I treated you and I can never apologize enough. I’m so sorry.”
He reached for her, stopping halfway, unsure about his actions. Lily met him halfway and walked into his arms, hugging her older brother tightly. Burying her face in his chest, she squeezed tighter, crying for all the times she wanted her brother to protect her and letting go of the past.
When Phillip pulled away from Lily, he looked at Tom. “I may not have been a good brother back then but this shit changes now. If you fucking break her heart, I’ll break you.”
Tom grunted. “No need for the threats. I will never hurt her.”
Phillip nodded and released Lily to attend to his wife. He grabbed his hand and murmured into her ear, leading them back into the house where they could have some privacy.
“Let me see your arm.” Tom demanded, rushing to Lily’s side. He gently inspected it, noticing the slight bruising but nothing too serious to raise alarm. “You’re going to need ice.”
He frowned when she winced.
“So much for never hurting me.” Lily teased and yelped when he pulled her into his embrace, careful not to hurt her more.
“Are you always going to be this sassy?” Tom pressed his forehead against hers, allowing his heartbeat to go down from the adrenaline rush.
“Yes.” She quipped, kissing him softly on his mouth.
“I thought I was going to lose you.” He confessed quietly, his chest constricting at the mere thought. Lily was the only constant in his life that grounded her at this point. He couldn’t imagine days without her.
“It broke me more than I thought it would.” Lily stroked the side of his face with her index finger, studying his facial features.
“Promise to always work things out instead of running away?” Tom kissed her mouth softly.
“Promise.” She said, returning another kiss.
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tomcuddlesfic · 6 years ago
What if I came back and wrote something again
Who would be interested
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tomcuddlesfic · 7 years ago
Holy sh*t
I haven't been on this blog forever mostly because I kind of stopped writing except for the few pieces here and there but!!!!!!!!! I reached 10,000 followers!!!!
NEVER would I have thought I would reach 10K. When I first started this blog as a thing to do on the side because I had a crazy crush on a British man that starred in a marvel movie, I was half expecting myself to give up. But with support and words of encouragement from you guys and obviously, the need to write down these fluffy sexy pieces, I built this blog to be bigger than I imagined. I don't even know how many pieces I wrote but I'm sure well over 100 now. And with each piece, you guys read it, liked it, or reblogged. Of course, you guys followed me too. Thank you so much for joining me on this journey and staying with me even with my absence.
I love you guys!
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tomcuddlesfic · 7 years ago
You are absolutely wonderful and a fantastic writer please never forget it
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tomcuddlesfic · 7 years ago
God of Mischief & I
TITLE: God of Mischief & I
AUTHOR : tomcuddlesfic WHICH TOM/CHARACTER:  Tom x Loki
GENRE: fluff / romance / FIC SUMMARY: What happens when you catch the God of Mischief causing mischief? Caroline is on a date with a nice guy. Just not the right guy according to Loki. When Loki takes a joke too far, they both might just learn that not everything is all fun and games after all.
RATING: R --There’s light smut
AUTHORS NOTES/WARNINGS: It’s been a long time since I last wrote something but I FINALLY watched Thor: Raganork (I know I’m beyond behind) and I was intrigued by Loki. I normally don’t write Loki Fan fiction just because he does little to nothing to me but after reading an interesting article about how people blame their little accidents on the god of mischief instead of their own clumsiness, I thought that was fun to write something based on it. 
Also, I wrote this in third person and it shifts from past/present and also from focusing more on one character’s emotions at certain times and then it alternates. It might get confusing so I apologize in advance.
It was all his fault.
Caroline was on the floor, knees scraped and stinging. She squeezed her shut in hopes of holding back her tears but it was no use. Her shoulders dropped as she let out a quiet sob. A figure blocked out the light casted from the street lamp beside her. Growling, she looked back at the man who made a mess of all things.
“You’re hurt.” The man stated plainly, hands in his trouser pockets. He seemed bored of her like she should get up now and continue to play along with his game.
“Thanks to you.” Caroline spat. Before she knew it, the man scooped her up in his strong arms. One minute she was on the street outside of the bar and the next, she was in an expensive looking apartment. She blinked several times, sure that all the alcohol she drank during her date with a bald accountant named Jerry that her friend Melissa set her up with had something to do with it. Caroline was sure she blacked out and only woke up now to the stranger’s apartment but if her suspicions were correct, blacking out had nothing to do with it.
Loki didn’t set her down until he made to his bathroom in the master suite. He had told himself he had gone a joke too far and didn’t want the human to suffer anymore and that’s why he didn’t set her down right away, allowing her to walk to the bathroom herself and not because of the fact that he enjoyed the feel of her womanly curves pressed against his body. The human sitting before him had caught him in his act. Usually, he was discreet. Nobody saw him cast small spells that resulted in what humans called little accidents or clumsiness. But she saw. Her brown eyes had looked past her pathetic date to him just as he flicked his hands in the air, casting a spell to knock over the beer on her date’s lap. She had narrowed her eyes, intrigued by the coincidence. Just as she looked away, he wanted her attention back on him. Loki waved his hands again, this time casting a spell to knock over her date’s chair just as he was sitting back down from cleaning up the mess on his lap. Her gaze immediately went back to him. Loki smirked at the memory of her sauntering towards him in her pretty summer dress and short heels. She was beautiful for a mortal.
“What are you doing?” Caroline had demanded. She knew she was acting crazy. There was no such thing as magic. But seeing the smirk on the handsome man’s face made her think she was right all along.
“I’m afraid I have no idea what you’re talking about.”  The man brought the crystal glass filled with amber liquid to his lips, smiling before taking a sip.
“I see what you did.” She had said with as much intimidation in her voice as possible. However, at only five foot three, it’s hard to be intimidating to a man who easily towered her judging by his long sleek legs stretched out before him. “I don’t know how you’re doing it or what exactly are you playing at but this date is important to me so find your entertainment somewhere else.”
Loki grinned at the memory of earlier tonight. He couldn’t resist especially when he was confused as to why someone so stunning would waste their time on a pudgy middle aged man who didn’t have the slightest idea in seducing the opposite sex. He had also found out her name through tuning into their conversation. Caroline. A name fit for a small thing like her.
Throughout the night, he had made more accidents happen. Until her date had rushed off when a bottle of ketchup exploding on his white shirt just as he was squeezing some out on his plate for his fries. The woman had looked over him, eyes narrowed with hatred. She was cute even when angry, he had thought.
“You are despicable!” She had stomped her foot, yelling across the bar to where he sat. People had looked at her like she had gone mad. Without another word, Caroline stormed off only to mysteriously trip on her own two feet.
“Let me take a look at you.” Loki retrieved the first aid kit from under the washroom sink. After being banished to Earth, he had found his healing powers to be weaker and in need of medical equipment created by humans.
“Don’t touch me.” Caroline sniffled, shifting her leg out of his way just as he was about to inspect it.
Guilt flooded his senses. This was new to him, he realized. He had caused his father to fall into slumber, betrayed his brother multiple times, tried to rule New York, and killed countless beings and humans but nothing compared to the guilt he felt when he saw the tears he had caused to fall down her face. Without thought, Loki reached out and gently brushed the few tears off with the pad of his thumb. They both froze in that moment, staring at each other.
“Just who exactly are you?” Caroline gulped, her eyes searched his face for answers. He was so close to her, she could see the multiple shades deep green of his irises. One hand still resting on her bare knee and the other gently on her neck, he sucked in a quick shallow breath.
“Loki.” The trickster replied quietly like he was confessing his sins in church. He almost barked out a laugh at the sound of his cracking voice. A God himself, feared by many for his supernatural powers, and fearless in great wars is found vulnerable and weak before a mortal woman. Loki studied her neutral expression, aching to move closer to her. The space between them was little but yet he mourned the distance. He was captivated by her.
“You have a strange name.” Caroline’s broke into a slow smile. She was slightly inebriated from the cocktails she gulped down after the disastrous date the man before her caused but the warmness spreading through her body had nothing to do with the alcohol.
“Not as strange as my attraction for you, princess.” Loki returned the shy smile before hesitantly lowering his mouth inches to hers. He could smell the sweetness of her scent, drawing him in. He cleared his throat, blinking furiously to clear his clouded vision.
“How do you do that?” Caroline tilted her head so she could see his face. The bathroom was spacious with a luxury tub, a shower, and a sink with enough counter space to dine on but somehow when he was in it, his presence and body made it feel so small.
‘Do what?” Loki said with nonchalance, ripping open a package of sterilized wipes. He gently wiped down her wound, feeling more and more awful every time she winced and jerked her leg.
“The tricks.” She leaned forward, taking her lower lip into her mouth. “You’ve been waving your hands all night and every time you do that, things happen.”
He nodded his head, unable to meet her eyes. Would there be judgement in them? Fear? He was too afraid to look because if he looked, the illusion of someone who didn’t fear him for what he was would end. “Short answer would be that I’m a God. God of Mischief to be exact.”
Caroline tilted his chin up with the crook of her finger so he looked directly at her. “You know that’s pretty cool. Except the part where you know you ruined my date and made me fall on the floor.”
Loki laughed, feeling relief for the light banter instead of delving deeper into the reasons for his guilt and shame for who he was. He continued bandaging her up, stopping when she rested a hand on his. When she tipped forward again due to her drunken state, he caught her in his arms, their faces dangerously close to each other.
The desire and need to kiss her was strong. His heart thundered, his head grew dizzy, and his body hummed as saw her eyes look at him with lust. This wasn’t mischief or mind controlling powers. This was a woman who desired all of him.
It wasn’t right.
Of all the morally wrong things Loki has done in his existence, he knew it was even too much for him to ruin someone so pure and so good like Caroline. He was beyond worth saving. A God who was unredeemable and didn’t deserve happiness for all the destruction he has caused.  Just as he was about to pull away, Caroline grabbed his shirt and kissed him.
Caroline felt his whole body freeze. Through her hazy gaze, she saw his eyes had widened, fixated on her. Maybe she had been reading the signs all wrong, the thought quickly passed in the back of her mind. Cold panic flashed her senses before she abruptly pulled away from him only to have his hand on the back of her neck draw her back into a deep intoxicating kiss. He devoured her, parting her swollen lips, tasting her sweetness. She groaned, hands grasping his shirt to pull him right against her chest. Loki easily maneuvered his body between her soft thighs, feeling the heat of her core against his hard cock. He wanted her. He needed her.
Large calloused hands ran up her silky thighs, drawing up the flimsy fabric of her summer dress, exposing the wet stain on her white panties. Loki growled against her neck when pushed closer off the edge of the bathroom counter to rub herself against him. He could feel her wetness seeping onto his trouser pants. This woman was going to be the death of him, he realized as he ripped down the thin straps of her dress to reveal full breasts topped with pink nipples that begged to be suckled. Tearing down the rest of the fabric, she was left with nothing but her panties in front of him.
“So fucking beautiful.” Loki moaned as he cupped her breast and brought a nipple in his mouth. Swirling his skillful tongue around the hard tip, he ran his hand down the soft curves of her body, squeezing her ass before slipping into the front of panties.
“Loki!” She gasped, finger nails digging deep into his biceps. “Please.”
Many mortals have begged and pleaded for his mercy but the sound of sweet Caroline begging for him and the only release he could give to her was nothing compared to it. His heart thumped wildly against his chest as he looked at this mortal that wasn’t running for the hills, afraid of him but instead trusted him enough to expose the most private parts of her body and soul to him.
“I got what you need, princess.” He whispered harshly into her ear before dropping a kiss on the crane of her neck. His long fingers slipped easily into her hot slick folds. Her tiny body thrashed against him when his thumb pressed down and circled on her clit.
The friction was exhilarating. Caroline voluntarily spread her thighs wider for his better access as she dropped her head back, feeling every sensation through her body. Her toes curled as he fit one digit up her pussy, filling her in a way she never experienced.
“Fuck.” Loki spat out as he continued to pump his finger in and out of her tight hot cunt. There was no way she could be as tight as she felt around his finger without being an innocent. An unfamiliar possessive need raged throughout his body.
The word burned in his mind. Caroline was his. Nobody will ever come close to her ever again as long as he was still alive.
Curling his finger inside her, Caroline squealed when he found the spot that seemed to be where every single one her nerve endings began and met. A need within her that she didn’t know she had was fulfilled as he continued rubbing the spot. She was on the brink of exploding around him. Her breath caught her throat as the ache grew and grew until she couldn’t contain it anymore. Bright bursts of light filled her vision as pleasure overcame her entire body.
He continued his motions as her pussy quivered, tightening and releasing around his thick fingers. Her body was so responsive. So needy. So beautiful. He watched intently at her, storing every second of her orgasm in his memories, not wanting to forget any moment of this stunning sight. It was expected of him to be the playful trickster everyone had known him for. He would be unattached with little to no emotions. Sentiment was definitely not a part of his agenda. But deep down, he knew Caroline struck a nerve. He didn’t countless women when he could have one.
Caroline shivered when she felt her thighs slipping against each other caused by own juices. She slowly fell forward into his warm chest, arms circling around her and catching her before she fell to the floor. Caroline knew it would be silly to think anything could begin from this. The handsome devil standing before her probably didn’t feel the same strong connection she felt. Of course, leave it for a virgin to romanticize things that weren’t actually there.
Loki smoothed down her hair, dropping kisses on the crown of her head. Slowly, he inserted an arm under the back of her knees, swept her up, bridal style, and carried her to his bed. Her eyes were closed, face flushed, and looking as perfect as all the stars in the galaxies.
Tucking her in, he laid a soft kiss on her cheek, not missing the small smile that curved her lips when he pulled away. Loki knew he should go. These powerful emotions stirring inside his chest were overwhelming and he needed time to sort them out. Just as he was turning away, a hand clasped around his wrist, stopping him in his tracks.
“Don’t go.” Caroline pleaded, fully awake. “Please stay.”
Loki studied her. Without another word, he gently removed her hand and stepped back, unbuttoning each button on his dark silk shirt, revealing lean muscles that rippled under his pale skin. He dropped the shirt on the floor, moving his attention to his belt. Her gaze fixated on every movement he made. And if he wasn’t already a God, he knew that with just her eyes looking at him like the way she did now, he would feel like one. Hell, he even felt like the honorable one people actually worshipped. His pants soon joined his other clothes on the floor, leaving him only in his black boxer briefs that did nothing to hide his thick erection caused by her and only her.
She gulped when he walked around the bed, slipped under the covers, and drew her right against him. Her bottom nestled perfectly against his thickness, allowing her to feel just how hard and hot he was.
“Loki.” Caroline whispered, adjusting her position before the arm draped around her waist tightened, stilling her motions.
“Sleep, princess.” Loki murmured into her ear, lifting off some of the pressure of expectations for the rest of the night. “I ask nothing from you tonight but don’t test my patience. I find it running very thin with you almost naked around me.”
Caroline remained quiet, chewing on the bottom of her lip. She knew this was a horrible idea. She barely knew the man lying beside her but the attraction between them was undeniable. Turning around so she faced his chest, she cocked her head up to see his eyes closed, pretending to sleep.
“Shouldn’t I do something?” She asked ignoring his earlier statement about sleeping. It seemed only fair that he sought for his release as she did hers. Her hand trembled as she trailed it down his muscled stomach, feeling him suck in a breath before seeking lower and lower until her fingertips grazed his hardness. She gasped when Loki grabbed her hand in his and stopped her in her place.
Loki squeezed his eyes tightly shut.
“Woman, the only thing you need to do is sleep.” Loki grounded out through clenched teeth. When he opened his eyes, he met wide brown eyes filled with uncertainty. For a brief second, he caught the look he was all too familiar with pass her face. She felt humiliated. Still holding her hand, he brought it up to his mouth before kissing it softly and allowing her to cup his face. He turned towards her touch, seeking warmth and love. “You’re the only person who has ever made me feel like this. It’s madness. Of all my years, I’ve never felt this way so please, Caroline. I’m trying for once in my life to do the right thing. And the right thing is to give you time and to not rush into things we’re both not ready for. We can take things slow, yes?”
He looked into her eyes, searching for answers. Once again, he found himself showing the most vulnerable sides of him to a woman that managed to break down all his walls.
For a moment, Caroline was sure Loki had only done what they did out of pity. So when she offered to reciprocate pleasure and he flat out refused, it hurt. She might not have been a sexual goddess but she knew she wasn’t all that unattractive. But maybe it was her inexperience that made him uninterested in taking things further. She felt embarrassment to suggest such a silly thing but his next words were like a balm to her stinging wounds.
“Yes.” Caroline nodded, chewing her lower lip before speaking again. “So this isn’t a one night stand?”
“I don’t think I can ever let you go after this let alone let it be a one-time thing.” Loki scoffed sarcastically before hushing her to go to sleep.
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tomcuddlesfic · 7 years ago
Random part of a Loki Fan Fiction I just started.
“Just who exactly are you?” Caroline gulped, her eyes searched his face for answers. He was so close to her, she could see the multiple shades deep green of his irises. One hand still resting on her bare knee and the other gently on her neck, he sucked in a quick shallow breath.
“Loki.” The trickster replied quietly like he was confessing his sins in church. He almost barked out a laugh at the sound of his cracking voice. A God himself, feared by many for his supernatural powers, and fearless in great wars is found vulnerable and weak before a mortal woman. Loki studied her neutral expression, aching to move closer to her. The space between them was little but yet he mourned the distance. He was captivated by her.
“You have a strange name.” Caroline’s broke into a slow smile. She was slightly inebriated from the cocktails she gulped down after the disastrous date the man before her caused but the warmness spreading through her body had nothing to do with the alcohol.
“Not as strange as my attraction for you, princess.” Loki returned the shy smile before hesitantly lowering his mouth inches to hers. He could smell the sweetness of her scent, drawing him in. The desire and need to kiss her was strong. His heart thundered, his head grew dizzy, and his body hummed as saw her eyes look at him with lust. This wasn’t mischief or mind controlling powers. This was a woman who desired all of him.
It wasn’t right.
Of all the morally wrong things Loki has done in his existence, he knew it was even too much for him to ruin someone so pure and so good like Caroline. He was beyond worth saving. A God who was unredeemable and didn’t deserve happiness for all the destruction he has caused.  Just as he was about to pull away, Caroline grabbed his suit collar and kissed him.
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tomcuddlesfic · 7 years ago
Loved by the Boss
TITLE: Loved by the Boss
AUTHOR : tomcuddlesfic WHICH TOM/CHARACTER:  Tom x business man
GENRE: fluff / romance / FIC SUMMARY: Sydney finally gets asked out by the cutie she’s had her eyes on for the past few months but what happens when her boss finds out? Tom isn’t too thrilled to hear that his assistant has a date with another man. So he does the only thing he could do. He’s going to put a stop to it.
AUTHORS NOTES/WARNINGS: Okay, so I was in the office and I was bored and came up with this idea. It’s been so long since I wrote a story as long as this one. It involves jealousy, dirty talk, and romantic comedy vibes. Let me know if you dig it or not!
“Someone’s looking rather happy today” Susan, my colleague and best friend on my floor, singsonged as she strolled into the lunchroom. She grabbed a cup beside the coffee machine, a packet of instant mix, and turned to me with a toothy smile. “You have a date.” She declared, eyes glittering even with the poor lighting. Budget cuts. The bank may be rolling in hundreds of millions of dollars but it didn’t mean they were going to sport an extra $2.99 for a light bulb that actually lights the room.
“I do.” I sipped my coffee, watching her over the rim of my cup, and hid my smile that I couldn’t seem to get ride of ever since the cute guy from the train finally asked me out.
“Oh my God!” Susan covered her mouth with her hand. “Shut up. Is it the guy from the train? The one you’ve been ogling for the past five months?”
“Okay, first of all.” I blinked rapidly, and winced when I heard the defensiveness in my tone. Inhaling a deep breath, I flicked my short auburn hair over my shoulder and beamed at my friend. “I wasn’t ogling. I happened to seem him occasionally and I may have…let my gaze linger on him.”
“You mean staring.” She ran a tongue over her immaculate white teeth and smacked her lips. “Babe, you know I love Fred but even a married woman like I am can’t help but stare at the hotties that pass me by. I’m married, not blind, after all.”
I laughed, feeling comforted that she understood me on so many levels and that was why she was the only person I could confide in about my work, life, and relationships. “I’m meeting him tonight at 7. He suggested dinner by the theater and honestly, I’m nervous. I’ve never been on a date in so long. I was convinced I was going to die alone in my room with nobody but Pepper by my side.”
Susan rolled her pretty blue eyes and shook her head. “With a cute face like yours and tush that makes the guys on our floor drool over? I don’t think so. Stop downplaying yourself. You’re smart, funny, driven, and beautiful. It’s time for you to accept the compliments and own it and stop always thinking that you’re going to die with your dog eating your remains.”
Feeling a tad uplifted, I inhaled a deep breath and beamed. “I knew you would be my best friend ever since my first day when you warned me that Beth from marketing was a bitch.”
She smirked and shrugged her shoulders. “I have a thing about knowing people. Now tell me more about him and what on earth are you going to wear?”
“Well, his name is Marcus. And he’s tall. He has really nice brown eyes and he wears glasses like Clark Kent and he has dimples! Dimples! Susan, he has dimples when he smiles. He smiled down at me today and I swear, I never felt so hot in my life.” I giggled, my cheeks already burning from the memory of Marcus, the stranger that took the 7:10 AM train every weekday morning heading towards the city that was no longer a stranger anymore. “And I seriously have no idea what to wear but I’ve got about an hour after work to rush home and change. I was thinking of my red dress that I wore to the Christmas dinner. Do you think it’ll make me look like I’m trying too hard?”
“I think it’s best to spend office hours to discuss work related topics rather than your attire.” A dry voice came from behind me. The tiny hairs on the back of my neck rose and I slowed turned around, meeting the eyes of my devilishly good looking boss. His lips were pressed firmly together and his eyes narrowed on me when I continued to stare at him in awe. Did my boss just hear my entire conversation discussing a man’s dimples and if a dress made me look like a skank or not?
“Mr. Hiddleston.” I offered weakly. My mind blanked afterwards as I felt my blood drain from my face. Through the haze of my absolute mortification, I heard footsteps scurry away and it didn’t take a genius to realize Susan had skittered out of the room as soon as possible. Traitor.
Was it just me or was the room spinning?
“Miss. Saunders.” Tom returned, hands slipping into his pockets. He looked extremely good today in his light gray suit. But who was I kidding? He looked good everyday. All his suits seemed to be designed for him, making him look sharp and incredibly…hot. But he wasn’t just a pretty face. He was smart and a force in the boardroom. I was his secretary for the past five months and I’ve seen him shut down an entire project, build it back up, and make it a multi-millionaire dollar success.
He was that good.
“I think I’ll get back to work now.” I noticed my hand trembled as coffee threatened to slosh over the rim of the cup I was holding. My eyes were fixated on the floor as I passed by him to get my tush as fast as possible to my cubicle without any more humiliation.
One can only suffer such a bruised ego.
“Oh, Miss. Saunders.” Tom’s voice stopped me in my tracks. I squeezed my eyes tightly, swearing under my breath for not walking faster. “I have some projects to run tonight. I have some investors from Japan and with the time difference…it’ll be later than usual.You may want to cancel any plans or reschedule.
I looked up and blinked. Panic spread through my chest as I thought of Marcus and our dinner date.
“But–” I started, not knowing how I could ever come up with a good enough excuse. My job was important and Tom never let a day go by without letting me know that if my work fell below performance standards, it could mean that I could lose a deal worth millions for the company. It was one of the reasons why I took so much pride in my work. I was driven to outperform and do well and to possibly have the praise from not just my team but Tom as well. Instantly, I deflated. “I’ll reschedule.”
Tom nodded. “Very well. I expect the morning reports by my desk before noon.”
He reminded me as he brushed past me to head back to his office.
How will I ever make it up to Marcus?
I snapped when I heard her praise another man. Call me a barbarian or a brute but jealousy flared in my belly when I realized another man was interested in Sydney. And the thought of her in that short and sexy red dress she wore to the Christmas dinner on a date with anyone else but me made me want to grab her and prove to her nobody would be worth her time except for me.
She was mine.
And mine, only.
Ever since she sauntered into my life with her cute but comfortable wedges, tight skirts with eccentric prints, blouses that dipped low enough to let me see enough skin and let some room for imagination, I knew she was going to be a huge problem. And I’m not talking about the problem in the lower regions that always seemed to strain against my trousers every time she was near.
No, it was the problem that I strictly forbid myself from office relationships. They were too fussy and complicated for my liking. An office fling that went horribly wrong in my first years in my father’s company made me learn that eventually things will get messy. Feelings will get hurt and suddenly, an email sending out to all staff members containing information about my dick will be sent out eventually.
Somehow, a deep inkling of doubt blossomed in my head. Sydney wasn’t vindictive and definitely, not a bitch like some people on my team. She was possibly one of the sweetest girls I’ve known in my entire life time. Her smiles were always genuine. She remembered everyone’s birthdays. She always made sure to listen to whoever was talking to her, giving every ounce of her attention, and asked appropriate questions because she really did care about the person she was having a conversation with. And everything about her…just made my chest ease.
My work is extremely tough. Everyday is a battle against time and resources. My company depends on me to make the right strategic moves to get us to the top and I would be lying if I said the work was easy. I’m burdened with so much responsibilities, my chest constantly feels like I’m being squeezed so tightly that I’m breathing through a tube. But then Sydney walks in and leaves me a cup of coffee, made just the way I like it, or she comes in just to ask if I needed anything and gives me one of her smiles and suddenly, I can breathe. The tension in my muscles slowly disappears, leaving me in a wonderful trance.
I growl as I return back to my office. I knew I was being an asshole for purposely ruining her evening but I’ll be damned if a man could ever touch what was mine.
Something was wrong. He was grouchier than usual.
“Mr. Hiddleston.” I knocked and ducked my head around the door before I entered. It was past eight and I’ve been working nonstop, trying to finish up the proposal and set up meetings with the investors in Japan. Tom wasn’t happy when the investors didn’t have time for a meeting tonight but I was immensely happy. It meant I could get off earlier which meant I could probably meet Marcus for a later dinner if he would still be interested.  “I finished the reports and thought you would might like to review them.”
“Leave it on the desk.” Tom didn’t bother to look up at me at all. Instead, his eyes were fixated on his screen as he typed rapidly. The room was silent except for the sound of his typing.
I slowly walked to his desk like I was in the lion’s den, approaching slowly to a beast that could spring and attack me at any time. Before I lost my courage, I cleared my throat and wiped my sweaty hands on the front of my skirt. Tom flicked his cool gaze on me, his jaw twitching as I stared down at him.
“The reports are finished and if there’s nothing else, I think I’ll leave for the evening.” My eyes darted to my shoes quickly before I finished. His gaze felt too intense. Too intimate.
“There are many things to be done still.” Tom leaned back in his chair and crossed his legs. “Sydney, I warned you before you started that this position would be tough. It’s crucial for you to be dedicated and to respond to the demands of the position.”
“I am.” I blurted out, panicking. “I mean, I am dedicated, sir.”
His eyes flickered. Not missing a beat, he shook his head and shrugged. “I disagree, Sydney. You’re hardworking, yes. But I find that you seem to be slipping.”
Hold on. I’m slipping? Me? The person who comes to work an hour early everyday not because of said cute guy who takes the train at 7:10 AM but because who wants to show up prepared to fight the tasks of her never ending to-do list is slipping? The person who anticipates every need of her boss? The person who stayed past 9 PM on a Friday while everyone was long gone and the janitors finished cleaning the offices is slacking?
I was suddenly overtaken by anger. “Mr. Hiddleston, I hardly think you’re being fair or objective for that matter. I have been the most dedicated individual on your team for the past five months I’ve been here. I’ve put my heart into every proposal or report you’ve made me written and, I don’t want to be conceited, but I have done nothing but serve your every personal and work need and have done a damn well good job at it so please excuse me when I say it’s pretty ridiculous that your can criticise my work ethic when I have been perfect.”
Tom sat back, seemingly stunned at my speech. The earlier on adrenaline rush seem to have been slowing down because my body broke out into a cold sweat as the silence drawn on. He rose out of his seat and closed the small distance between us.I took a step back only to have him take a step forward.
“You’re right, Sydney.” He spoke softly. “I was being unfair. I’m sorry.”
Did the Tom Hiddleston just apologize to me? I must have been thrown into an alternate universe because my hard as nails boss doesn’t apologize.
“I’ve been…more difficult today.” Tom continued when I stood there with my jaw on the floor. I must have looked like a goldfish because every time I thought I would respond to his declaration, I would open my mouth and immediately close it. “I’m not in exactly one of my best moods.”
My heart softened at the sadness lacing his words. It made him seem more…human. The powerful man who took over companies without mercy seemed unreachable at points but tonight…this moment…it all seemed different. I inched forward, raising my hand to rest on his cheek and stopped myself before I could touch him. What was I doing? I wasn’t his lover or his friend for that matter. So why did I want to do nothing but hold and comfort him?
I really done it.
I really made myself the biggest ass on this planet. How could I ever say something like that to Sydney? Immediately after I accused her of being a slacker, I wanted to retract my statement. Feelings and attraction for her or not, she didn’t deserve that bullshit I said about her. She was right. She was clearly the stronger member on our team. Sydney pulled her own weight and then some. I could see the anger and hurt cross her face as soon as I said it. It nearly killed me to know that I was the one responsible for making her feel that way.
But the thought of her leaving early to see the prick made me possessive and pissed off. It was barbaric of me. It’s not like I can lock her in this office forever but until I thought of how to approach my desire for her, I didn’t know jack shit about how to handle it.
Just when I thought I couldn’t look more pathetic, she raised her hand to my cheek, hovering over my skin. Closing my eyes, I welcomed her touch. I craved it. I needed it more than the air I breathed. At night when all I can think of is my next project, a little memory of what she did that day would creep into my mind. She was the sweetness that made being in the loneliest industry worth it.
Her touch never came.
I groaned, and pinched the bridge of my nose.
“I think i’m going to go.” She mumbled, turning away. Instinct told me to grab her elbow and turn her around so swiftly that she collided into my chest. My hand cupped her cheek, forcing her to look into my eyes while my other arm encircled her waist. She fit perfectly in my arms. It was like I was born to hold her. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes grew wide.
I dropped my head to the crook of her shoulder and breathed in her clean floral scent. She always smelled like soft flowers like the ones from my mother’s garden. “Don’t go.” I mumbled, holding tighter. Not tonight. I didn’t want to be alone tonight.
She stayed still in my arms, stiff like a board until her shoulders dropped and I felt her melt into me. She stroked a hand up and down the length of my neck, soothing me. “I won’t go. It’s okay.” Sydney cooled into my ear.
I pulled away just enough to fully take in her beauty. God, my heart beat so fast I swore I could have suffered a heart attack. How could I pretend any longer that I wouldn’t risk everything I believed in for her?
“Sydney, I want to date you.” I rambled nervously. “I thought it was pure lust when I first saw you. It was something I thought I could get over with nothing but a few late nights of hard work or a bar filled with girls that tripped over their heels to get to me but it didn’t. Nothing and no one could get you out of my head. And I don’t know why I’m telling you all this and maybe it’s because I was such a jerk and I’m scared you might walk out of those doors forever but you have been simply the only reason I’ve been surviving these past few months. I get so caught up in my head with so many things and then all I see is you talking to the guy who delivers internal mail and I suddenly feel like my problems aren’t problems and it’s something I can solve. And yes, you are the most vital member of this team but you’re also becoming the most important person in my life–”
I was cut off by the feeling of her soft lips pressed up against mine. My eyes fluttered closed at the sweet taste of her mouth. I groaned as I cupped her face and kissed her deeply, enjoying how innocent she’d grown when I reacted. The little minx was confident enough to steal our first kiss but she grew shy as I became more controlling and dominated the kiss. It was like music to my ears when she moaned, grinding her curvy body towards mine. I saw her eyes flutter open when she felt my hard length pressed against her tummy. That’s right, baby.
You did this to me.
It was all you.
“Tom…” Sydney slowly broke off the kiss. Damn, her cheeks were flushed, lips swollen pink, and her eyes were half-closed like she’s just been well fucked and was just relishing the aftermath of a good orgasm. My dick grew harder. “We should take this slower.” I heard her voice crack and I felt like the world’s biggest asshole again.
“Babe, shit.” I gritted my teeth. How many times was I going to fuck up tonight? I told this woman I wanted to date her and I was already dry humping her right after. If I were ever going to get anything more from Sydney and actually develop a relationship, I needed to think before thinking of where I could stick my dick in. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
I kissed her softly on her cheeks, tasting the salt from her tears. Fuck, I made her cry.
“I’m sorry.” She sniffled. “I’m being silly. It’s just I’m so confused right now. There are a lot of mixed emotions inside me and I don’t want to rush things.”
“You’re right.” I brushed the remaining tears off her cheeks with my thumb. My heart sank further as I felt weighted with guilt for causing her to cry. “We’ll take as slow as possible. Whatever it takes to get you to trust me.”
“Thank you, Tom.” Sydney gave me the tiniest of smiles that made me feel like I was ten feet tall. She stood up on her toes and pressed a gentle kiss on my cheek.
“No, thank you, Sydney.” I took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “I really want this to work so anything, Sydney. You tell me if we should go slower or faster or if you need space or not. I’ll do anything if it means I can have you in my life.”
Sydney hugged me tightly around the waist, burying her face in my chest. “How can you be real?” She murmured and hiccupped.
“I ask the same thing about you.” I laughed.
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tomcuddlesfic · 7 years ago
Hello to all my new followers! You guys are amazing.
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tomcuddlesfic · 7 years ago
Every Damn Word
TITLE: Every Damn Word
AUTHOR : tomcuddlesfic WHICH TOM/CHARACTER:  TomxActor
GENRE: fluff / romance / FIC SUMMARY: OC got her heart broken once before by Tom. What happens when they see each other again for the first time in 5 years?
AUTHORS NOTES/WARNINGS: I thought I would write a little something for the new year. Also, there are probably a lot of mistakes but eh.
I couldn’t believe it. 
After five whole years of living in New York, building a life, a career, and a home for myself, I was back in London in the same family townhouse I was in where my heart was shattered into pieces by the man standing in front of me. Everyone was oblivious to my inner turmoil as I clutched tightly onto the stem of my champagne flute, ready to toast my older brother for his engagement to the love of his life. They all roared with laughter or chatted among themselves, hugging, smiling, and eating the little snacks my mother set up on the dining room table while I stood by the entryway to the living room, trying desperately to keep myself together. 
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
Why did I come? Why did I subjugate myself to this torture of seeing my childhood crush and also my older brother’s best friend knowing fully well I would never have a chance with him in this life time? 
I tipped my flute back, drinking in the delicious gold bubbly liquid. Alcohol would be my salvation tonight. When I lowered my drink, my eyes caught onto his. His expression fell, eyes hardening as he took me in. I lifted my chin, meeting his gaze head on. I was no longer a flat-chested, long limbed, little sister to his best friend any longer. I was mature, confident, and strong. 
Tom excused himself politely from the person he was chatting with and slowly made his way towards me. I gulped, my knees trembling. 
No, no. This could not be happening. 
Turning around, I quickly made my way upstairs, taking the stairs two at a time, not daring to slow down until I closed my childhood bedroom door behind me. My back pressed against the door, I squeezed my eyes tightly shut, wishing everything was a dream. I was back home in my loft style apartment in New York and tomorrow would be another day at work as a creative director. I would be rushing towards the subway station, cursing myself for not waking up earlier so I could grab a cup of coffee before heading into a day full of meetings and endless emails. 
A knock broke through my thoughts. 
“Lily.” His voice soft and smooth. The same voice that whispered into my ear when we were in the backseat of his used car. 
“Go away.” I swallowed a lump down my throat. Damn, myself! I thought five years of being far away from him would make me immune to him and make forget the humiliating night that cut me raw. I was twenty-two, inexperienced, and so completely in love with him. I was ready to give him my all but at least minute, he pulled fiercely away and left me alone in his car, showing no signs of return. I never cried so hard before.
“Lily, please.” Tom insisted, turning the door knob.
I pressed against it, stopping him from entering into my room. At times like this was when I really wanted my mom to have given me a lock on my door but since she always campaigned that locks increased secrets in a family, I never got the privacy I needed growing up. 
“Lily.” Tom sighed. He swore. And then silence. 
It was only then did I let myself slide down onto the floor and cry as the wounds reopened. The humiliation from the rejection. The pain from a broken heart. And the friendship that was all ruined. 
“I never stopped thinking about you.” His voice quietly came from the other side. “It kills me that I caused you this much pain, Lily. I would do everything in my power to never let anyone and myself included for ever hurting you like this again.”
I sniffled, wiping the tears harshly from my cheeks. 
Whipping the door open, I saw him standing there with his back against the hallway wall. His gaze fixated on the floral print carpet. 
“You don’t get to be the nice guy.” I seethed. “You don’t get to some charming words and expect me to forget everything.” I spat out, jabbing a finger into his chest. My stomach clenched and unclenched while my breath came out jaggedly. 
Tom silently encased my shaking hand in his and pulled me against his chest. Numbly resting my cheek on his chest, I cried silently, allowing him to soothe me. 
“I know you hate me, Lily.” Tom sighed, not letting me out of his arms when I tried pulling away. “I don’t blame you. I was young. A prick who didn’t know how to treat girls with respect. But I knew that if I had followed through with what I intended that evening, I would not be able to live with myself.” 
“Why? Because I was so unattractive?” I grunted bitterly,pulling slightly back so I could see his confused expression. 
“My god, Lily. If you ever thought a second I didn’t find you attractive, I must have been a damn good actor even before my professional career took off.” Tom shook his head, running a hand through his messy blonde hair. “I was gripped by you. Every time I was in a room with you, my eyes would always follow wherever you go. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you. My heart would thump. My mind would go blank. My hands will get sweaty. You make me a mess and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“So then why?” I blinked, unable to believe all this. “Why did you walk away? Why didn’t you say something?”
“Because I’m your brother’s best friend.” He said simply. His jaw clicked and I could see him struggling with his emotions too. “I’m seven years older than you. I’m supposed to protect you from assholes not be the asshole. I didn’t want to take advantage of you for my own uses. It wouldn’t be right.” 
“I was old enough to make my own decisions.” I nearly shouted, furious that he would belittle me. 
“But you also seemed to have run away to New York at the first chance after the mess we created.” Tom pointed out, putting his hands on his hips. “For fuck sake’s, Lily. I was falling for you but I didn’t want to admit it to you or myself because I was fucking scared out of my mind. I never felt this way about someone and I was too young to know what to do with all my emotions. But I knew that you don’t deserve to have sex for the first time in the back of my dirty old car. You at least deserve to be taken out on a date first!” 
I stood there, motionless and staring at him, digesting every word he said. So it was true. He felt the same way about me and every glance, every word, every touch, was not me imagining things or thinking too much into it. He actually liked me. It’s been five years, Lily. I thought to myself. My stomach dropped. He couldn’t possibly still have feelings for me. 
“I guess then everything has been resolved.” I smiled weakly, brushing back my hair. “Sorry, I didn’t let you explain and run off to New York. You were right. I was scared and heartbroken. I didn’t want to face you because I was too humiliated. But now that we cleared the air, how about we go back and just pretend everything didn’t happen.” 
I turned around in a trance, hoping the numbness from shock in my body to pass soon when he caught my upper arm. 
“What if I didn’t want to pretend everything didn’t happen?” Tom said quietly. “What if I told you, the young stupid prick grew up, and realized he lost everything when you left him for five years?” 
I sobbed, new tears filling my eyes. He turned me around, pulling me back into his arms. His warm hand cupped my face so that I was forced to look into his eyes. 
“Do you mean it?” I mumbled, gaze dropping to his mouth. 
“Every damn word.” Tom said before bringing his lips to mine. 
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tomcuddlesfic · 7 years ago
TITLE: Reassurance 
AUTHOR : tomcuddlesfic WHICH TOM/CHARACTER:  TomxActor
GENRE: fluff / romance / FIC SUMMARY: Everyone needs a little comfort sometimes.
AUTHORS NOTES/WARNINGS: Back for a little one shot because I felt like writing. 
I was curled up under a blanket on the couch watching a random television series on Netflix when I heard the front door open. The crisp cold breeze of autumn greeted me, tickling my cheeks, reminding me that summer’s warmth had gone quietly without notice as months blurred together. It was already November, I thought with a hint of sadness as I watched my husband shrug his heavy dark navy coat off and drape it over a chair. 
I smiled warmly, greeting him with a soft kiss when he leaned down to where I sat. His arms enveloped me, squeezing me tightly. I could still smell the faint hint of his earthy and spice cologne on his warm skin. The scent comforted me just like how my embrace comforted him. A deep sigh escaped his lips as he sunk down onto the seat. He looked more tired than ever. The dark circles under his eyes showed his late nights at work and his pale complexion reflected his exhausted state. 
“Come here.” I comforted, pulling his heavy body into my arms as I lied down on the couch, letting his head rest on my chest. Patting him on the back, I kissed him on his messy bed of hair, hushing him. “It’s been a long day, hasn’t it?” 
He mumbled an answer that I couldn’t quite catch. His long arms held me tightly as his eyes fluttered shut, the quietness of the night lulling him to sleep. 
“You’ve done well, today.” I murmured into his ear. “No matter what went wrong, you’ve handled it well and done well.” Kissing him softly on his cheeks, I continued patting him on his back, gently coaxing him to quiet his mind for once so he could finally get the rest he deserved. 
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tomcuddlesfic · 7 years ago
'I choose you' is so cute! I love a little jealous!Tom
Thank you love for the feedback!!! I’m thinking of writing more :)
Read my latest one shot
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tomcuddlesfic · 7 years ago
TITLE: I choose you
AUTHOR : tomcuddlesfic WHICH TOM/CHARACTER:  TomxActor
GENRE: fluff / romance /  FIC SUMMARY: OC asks Tom to attend a work function only to have Tom acting strangely.
AUTHORS NOTES/WARNINGS: I never wrote fan fiction in so long I forgot all the short forms. I legit didn’t know what to call my nameless character for the longest time until I remembered ‘OC’ 
Also, thank you guys for being so patient with me and for sticking around. I know I’m coming in and going like the breeze and I’m so unpredictable. Thank you to everyone who has sent in prompts for me to write. You guys are amazing! 
Also, let me know what you think. 
I hate work functions.
When I say, I hate work functions, I mean that I would rather eat my dog Pepper’s food by the handfuls than attend one of them voluntarily. But since I was up for promotion in about a month’s time when the investment firm I worked for would merge with another medium sized firm, it meant that in order to secure my spot as a manager, I had to butter up a room full of the city’s brightest financial analysts.
“You’re going to be late if you keep changing.” Tom blew out a breath. He leaned back on his elbows and stretched out his ridiculously long legs, studying me from my bed he was sitting on. Dressed in a tailored Gucci black suit, he looked as handsome as ever. I met his eyes in the reflection of the mirror which sent my heart fluttering. He always had that effect on me.
“I look frumpy.” I tugged at the skin tight fabric clinging to my stomach. Suddenly, I regretted skipping the gym this month.
Tom rose from his position and closed the distance between us. Wrapping his solid arms around my waist, he pulled me in so that my back was against his chest. His warm spicy scent filled my senses, instantly relaxing me. I leaned in closer when he dropped his chin to the crook of my neck and smiled.
“You look divine.” He murmured into my ear, dropping a small kiss before taking my hand and leading me out of my small bedroom. “Come on, love. We have to go before I take you on the damn bed.”
I giggled and kissed him softly on the corner of his mouth.
“I’m so glad you’re going with me.” I confessed before turning off the lights to my apartment and entering into the unknown.
“So, like I was saying. Mr. Harris has to be the biggest idiot on earth.” Henry groaned, raising the cup of golden amber liquid to his mouth. He swallowed a large gulp and gave me a toothy smile.
“That’s what I told you before but you never believed me.” I rolled my eyes, laughing along with him. His laugh was infectious. Out of all the people in my department, I liked Henry the best. We had the same type of humor and it certainly helped a lot that we disliked the same people as well. There were more times than I could count where I would catch his gaze in a dry meeting run by the people we hate and we would both look at each other with disgust written on our faces.
“Watch out.” Henry cautioned, pulling me gently by my forearm towards his chest so that the group of people walking behind me could get through. I looked up at him, noticing his green eyes. Maybe it was the alcohol or the proximity but Henry looked rather dashing under the dim lighting of the banquet hall we were stationed in.
“You okay?” He asked softly.
“Yeah.” I answered, noticing that he was still holding onto my forearm.
“Hey, darling.” An arm snaked around my waist at that point, pulling me in so that my hip was against his hip. I looked up at Tom who looked down at me with hardened eyes and hiccupped, nervous as to what could be possibly running through his head. Tom’s eyes trailed from my face, down to where Henry’s hand was still on my arm.
Henry ripped his hand away from me like I was burning hot like fire.
“Hi.” I smiled warmly at Tom. He had a couple of phone calls to make and had stepped out of the hall for a moment. I was just about wondering where he went when he showed up beside me. “Everything okay?”
“Yes.” Tom smiled stiffly at me, not elaborating any further. I frowned at his response. What was going on?
“Oh!” I gasped, suddenly remembering that Tom hadn’t exactly met Henry yet. “Tom, this is Henry. He’s my partner in crime at work. And Henry, this is Tom. He’s my—”
“Boyfriend.” Tom cut me off, finishing my introduction. He stuck out his hand and shook Henry’s firmly, his eyes never leaving his.
“Nice to meet you.” Henry beamed. “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“I can’t say the same about you.” Tom grinned when Henry blinked, taking aback by his comment. I looked up at Tom, shocked at his uncharacteristic behaviour. He was always the charming one when he met my friends so why was he being like this now to Henry?
“Oh.” Henry let out a breathy laugh. “I’m not that interesting anyways. Probably didn’t want to waste her breath, huh?” He joked, a flicker of sadness crossing his eyes.
“Please, Henry.” I shook my head, hating how my best friend from work seemed so upset. “You make work bearable. I couldn’t stand five days a week without you next to me.”
“I feel the same way too.” Henry nodded his head before giving Tom a squeeze on his arm. “I have to run to go talk to my boss.” He paused, rolling his eyes. “It was nice meeting you, Tom. I hope we can see each other again.”
“I hope so too.” Tom said drily.
Giving a nod in my direction, Henry turned and left, leaving me with my brooding boyfriend.
“Do you want to see what they’re serving?” I asked, taking Tom’s warm hand in mine.
He looked away from me, staring at the large crowd around him. “I’m not that hungry.”
I frowned, looking around to see what could have caught his attention. He usually was always on eyes on me. Something was bothering him but I wasn’t sure what.
“Do you want to go dance?” I tilted my head to the direction of the dance floor where some of my colleagues were shuffling along to the latest pop songs from the radio.
“No, I’m fine.” Tom sighed.
“Let’s go.” I tugged his hand, leading him the way outside of the venue and into the garden. It was starting to get late. The sun had already set and the cool chilly breeze of autumn wrapped around me causing me to shiver. The sound of crickets filled the air alongside with my high heels clicking on the cobblestone path leading down towards the beds of flowers. Tom followed my lead silently, allowing me to pull him along. When we reached the center of the garden, I stopped and placed my hands on my hips, facing towards this insufferable brute.
“You’re pouty.” I commented.
“Am not.” He deflected my comment like a child and looked away.
“You’re also grumpy.” I stepped in closer, jabbing a finger into his chest.
“You’re not being fun.” Another Jab.
“You’re acting strange.” Jab.
“And you’re being rude to my friends.” Jab.
Tom swiped and grabbed my hand in his before I got to jab him again. I gasped, at his sudden action.
“Friends.” Tom rolled his eyes. “You mean, Harry?”
“His name is Henry.” I corrected him, suddenly understanding why he was acting so strange. My eyes narrowed. I took a step forward as he took a step back. Tom dropped my hand, blinking rapidly as I cornered him against the street lamp post. Tiling back my head, I grinned like a Cheshire cat.
“Tom Hiddleston, are you by any chance jealous?” I asked, enjoying every second of the look of panic on his handsome face. I loved the man but I also knew he had an ego built by his career and confidence born from years of performance on stage. To think that his ego was taken down a notch and he actually felt slightly inferior to a man I have absolutely no romantic feelings for, I was quite ecstatic to know that he wasn’t always the confident man he makes himself to be. It was also comforting to know that we both have our insecurities have the better of us from time to time.
“I’m-I’m-I’m not jealous.” He sputtered, barking out a large outlandish laugh. “I’m not jealous.” He repeated, almost like he was trying to convince himself.
“It’s okay to be jealous.” I reasoned, wrapping the silky fabric of his tie around my fist. “But there’s nothing to be jealous about because I chose you. And I will always. Choose. You.” I said slowly, looking deeply into his eyes. His shoulders relaxed, the tension visibly releasing his body. Standing up on my tippy toes, I kissed him on the mouth, savoring the taste of him.
“But don’t you ever be a twat, again.” I warned, releasing my hold on him. Without saying another word, I turned and started walking back to the venue, smiling to myself when I heard Tom’s footsteps quickly follow.
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tomcuddlesfic · 7 years ago
Can I have a cute and fluffy story about Tom and his girlfriend watching a movie at home?
ooooooo sounds like a good start. 
Send me prompts to beat my writersblock!
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tomcuddlesfic · 7 years ago
Prompt! While on a camping trip Tom sees a beautiful woman dancing in the woods.
Thank you for the prompt!
Send me prompts to beat my writersblock! 
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tomcuddlesfic · 7 years ago
if you guys still care, send me some prompts!
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tomcuddlesfic · 7 years ago
Lol all these porn blogs are following me...
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