#and if he was REALLY that devoted he'd stay with her to begin with
kitramune · 8 months
Romantic things Inuyasha has said to Kikyou: You were the first woman I loved. Romantic things Inuyasha has said to Kagome: I met Kagome and regained my lost heart. Kagome is my home. I want you by my side, Kagome. There's no replacement for you. Trust me a little more (to be loyal to you). Your heart is strong and beautiful. Kagome is the reason I can smile, cry for others, and have friends. We were born for each other.
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moondirti · 6 months
due to popular demand, a follow up to this featuring: 18+ content, gaz, ballerina!reader, internet stalking, men being gross, another a thinly veiled character study
Kyle is a good man.
Granted, his metric is not attuned to common standards for morality anymore, nor has it been that way since basic. He's sure that if he were to pick any sheltered samaritan off the street to read out his laundry list of transgressions, they'd balk at the fact that their taxes go to keeping him fed. They'd rather their image of the army stay unsullied and ideal. They'd rather keep him at arms length with a thank you for your service and not confront the blood caked beneath his fingernails.
But he can no longer be held to their degree. No longer exists within these spaces. No. Kyle – or Gaz, if one were to go off of what he's called most often nowadays – is a doorstop. A pestle. Something inconspicuous, obscure, that serves the sole function of making life easier for everyone but itself. And he assumes this role with a handful of others who have nothing else to live for, exiled to crowd the back of Foxhounds and kill at a moment's notice. Foul men. Friends.
If someone were to line up every operative on a special forces unit, or better yet collect the likes of the 141 and asses each for their moral standing, Gaz can rest knowing he'd come out on top. He's not yet as far gone as they are; can enjoy a night out or a pretty bird writhing underneath him without wanting to choke her out. Only devoted to his captain, or the others, to the extent that their professional relationship calls for (no matter how much it itches at him to watch Ghost take care of Soap, or to reject Price when he offers him a drink).
Sure, he laughs at their jokes. Might pitch in when they're swapping stories of their filthiest catch, Soap rattling on about the lass who'd stuffed her tongue up his arse, or encourage them to shoot on sight if they spot a potential threat, civilian or otherwise. Yet the difference is this: when he goes home, he can stuff that all away.
Knows not to let it infest the boundaries of the real world. Off deployment, his comrades play pretend at the noncombatant lifestyle, but the guise is ill-fitting. They're too big for their skin. They stretch and tear at the conventions holding them in place, like feral dogs made to heel. Kyle doesn't have to be tamed. He's still functional, familiar with the expectations held of him. Can submit to integrity more easily than most.
Kyle is a good man.
And that's what he tells himself as he returns home, train car completely void of anyone but himself. He's good for having given you up. He's good for not have followed you home. There'd been a brief lapse of judgement, but he's good for doing something about it before things passed the point of no return.
You've lived this far without his protection, he reasons. Yet it doesn't change the unreachable itch, closed away in a supposedly locked box. Gaz. Or, his captain's voice, cigar-smoked and advisory.
But why should you continue like that.
It's hard to fall asleep that night.
He's sick with worry wondering if you ever got home, bile broiling and distending up his throat at the thought of having abandoned you. It's pure concern that compels him to find your socials, really. Kyle is only searching for an update, or recent post, indicating that you're alive.
With nothing to go off of but a face, he searches for dance studios in both Acton Town, your area, and the Kensington, the area where you'd boarded the tube from. He makes a shortlist of the most reputable ones (your attire seemed to imply that you were a seasoned ballerina) and cross-checks them as hosts of upcoming recitals. Two renditions of Swan Lake and a production of Giselle turn up, each with their very own cast lists. Thus begins a tireless search of every name credited.
His heart almost leaps out of his nose when you eventually load into view, then plummets at how easy you'd been to find.
Your vulnerability only sets Kyle's conviction in stone. Bloody good thing he's got your best interests in mind.
Locked twitter, a LinkedIn, and a public Instagram page which sends his blood pressure skyrocketing after checking your follower count. Popular. And of course he can see why. Over a hundred posts chronicling bright smiles and flattering outfits. You mainly use the account to promote your practice, though; feed full of skimpy little outfits, leotards and exposed sternums and impossible poses.
Stop it. He's here for something specific.
Kyle sips in a deep breath, scrolls back to the top of your page, clicks on your most recent post. A casual video of your leg raised on a barre while your friend counts how high above your previous record you're able to stretch. Your skin is sweat-slicked. Your mouth is thrown open in a half-laugh, half-pant. He almost forgets why he clicked on it in the first place, before the timestamp catches his eye.
30 minutes ago.
So, you'd gotten home.
He can go to bed now.
Exit your account. Swipe up on Instagram to clear it from his running apps. If he's extra disciplined, he'd block you. Rob himself of the temptation to tug himself over the photo of you in the splits.
Kyle is a good man because he knows his limits.
(But Kyle now also knows the address of your studio. That, even if he blocks you, it'll take up space in his chest. A ticking-time bomb. A knowledge that'll haunt him whenever he's on the District, Circle, or Piccadilly lines, and the train announces Gloucester Road. A force, a stone in his throat, that'll grow so large it'll force him to stand up and disembark, to walk until he's standing right outside and wait on you to wrap up rehearsal.)
It occurs to him that the point of no return has long since passed.
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inclusivity note: i felt the need to say that, while reader is a dancer, her profession is not meant to imply anything about her body type. flexibility and agility are not limited to thin builds, and while the ballet industry can be very toxic, i've seen my fair share of spaces where all figures are embraced and success is determined only by ability!
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forgetmaenott · 27 days
Experimentation - SHOWTIME
SUMMARY: Pomni isn't sure if Caine knows what he feels towards her, so she experiments a little bit. She's just curious. Nothing else. Nothing at all.
a/n: Title is also a double meaning for me, as this fic was written more so as practice for the sillies more than anything else. So apologies If it's a bit all over the place. I wasn't going to upload but Showtime fans are deprived of content so I will give you what you need 🙏
Pomni was far from oblivious to the things that Caine did to impress her.
Initially, it had been small attempts at making her happy--no doubt as a result of her first few adventures being particularly unpleasant. Caine didn't seem to understand most things about human responses, but it was of Pomni's understanding that it was in his programming to make everyone happy. And Pomni, from day one, had made it exceedingly clear just how unhappy she was. If anything, she was a challenge to Caine's coding, just begging to be fixed. Why wouldn't he put in a slight more effort for one of his superstars?
With time, though, his check-ins and side quests for her grew into...something else. Lingering touches on her hand or shoulder, seeking opportunities to show her, and only her, a preview of an upcoming adventure. Sometimes she caught his lingering gazes, his artificial eyes searching for validation of his work, and it made her wish to shrink away. He'd move his thumb lightly across her hand experimentally, sending a rush of nerves through Pomni's system. Or he'd fly around excitedly--often at the expense of Pomni's stomach--to show her something new he had coded into the circus. Or he'd show up in her room under the guise of a check-in, only to stay and talk with her for nearly an hour. He hung onto her every word, and Pomni had to admit to herself, she rather enjoyed his presence in those times. Getting to explain bits of her real life memories to his fascinated gaze; as she regained the pieces of what real life had been like, he was just beginning to understand it.
Just a day ago, she had found herself mindlessly recounting vague details of reality that she had once adored--the flickering of stars in a quiet night, the humming of crickets, the feeling of a slight breeze, the slight running of water nearby. She didn't know where that memory originated from, but she could still feel it. It was strange, not remembering facts but remembering feelings.
And now, she found herself recounting these thoughts as she waited for Caine on a "special adventure", staring at the way the digital stars twinkled in the night sky, and how her wisps of hair gently brushed across her face in the breeze.
His favoritism wasn't subtle, but Pomni had always tried to deny it to her friends. But now, standing here and seeing the ripples on the digital lake, she couldn't help but wonder. Was it really so bad? Wasn't it almost endearing that Caine had found himself so enamored with her? That he was falli--
"Good evening, my dear!"
Pomni stiffened at the sound of her ringmaster's enthusiastic voice, jumping out of her thoughts and flushing at the realization of what she had been considering. "AGH--Caine! How many times have I told you--"
"Ah, apologies, my dear. I just can't help but be over-the-moon about your private adventure!" Caine winked at his not-so-subtle play on words, zipping around excitedly above her.
Pomni rubbed her head. "Uh...okay...that's great," she said quietly.
"Isn't it?? I stayed up ALL night working on this just for you! Not that I need to sleep, of course," he chuckled before lowering to her level, carefully grabbing her hand in both of his, "But I did it! Just for you, dear."
"Just for me?" she repeated mindlessly. Her mind screamed the same words: AI, Program, NOT REAL, but she couldn't help but gaze again at the flickering stars and wonder--
"I wouldn't have it any other way."
"O-oh." There it was. His favoritism showing itself once again, his devotion to her and her alone. He brushed his thumb over her knuckles, gazing down at her hand as though he wished to memorize each detail. This was crazy. She couldn't let him be so foolish as to be interested in her, she couldn't let this go any further. "Caine--"
"Ah, ah, ah! This adventure is about you. I have SO much to show you!" His gentleness faded instantaneously from the excitement, the pressure on her hands growing tighter as he pulled her in. Before she could even process the closeness or the fluster, he grabbed her waist and graciously flew her above the lake. He set her down on a digital cloud, which she was able to step on as though it were a solid surface. She avoided looking down, tensing as she looked around her. "As your ringmaster, it is my sole purpose to make YOU and all of your co-stars happy," he exclaimed, pointing an exaggerated finger at her, "and I couldn't help but notice how your mannerisms changed when you told me about your world. My dear...I cannot return you to your world. But perhaps, I can bring your world here."
Pomni's heart skipped a beat at the gesture, which she tried to ignore. This wasn't the same Caine from her bad dreams when she'd first arrived. This was...different. Entirely different. "For...all of us?" she asked slowly.
His demeanor broke for a moment. "Ah--yes, yes. Of course! My role is to assure everyone at the circus is happy," He paused in thought for a moment before he flew down by her side and cautiously approached her, "but admittedly, you've been quite the challenge for me since you've arrived here. You're a bit stubborn, you know."
"Is that a bad thing?" Pomni cracked a smile.
"Not exactly, dear. It's one of my favorite traits of yours. It's what keeps me coming back to you," Caine said with what she assumed was a smile.
Pomni felt a light blush dust her pale face. "I don't think you know what you're saying."
Caine titled his head curiously at her. "Why is that?"
Pomni blinked. He really didn't know what he was saying, did he? Did he even know what he was feeling? Could he even feel anything?
She glanced sidelong at the flickering stars, the lake below her, the way the clouds swirled up and floated around them--enough to give her the courage to test the waters. Before she could listen to the voices in her mind screaming at her, she grabbed his gloved hand in hers. "So...you like that I'm a challenge to your purpose? Or is it something else?" she asked experimentally, hoping the quiver in her voice wasn't too obvious.
Caine's eyes widened at the sudden contact, too afraid to move his hand an inch at the risk that she would let go. Not that Pomni could see his reaction, as she was too busy looking at her red and blue shoes to avoid meeting his gaze with her flushed one. "Something...else? What would that be?"
She lightly traced her index finger along the edge of his hand. Oh, God. She didn't even know what she was doing. How does she even answer a question like that to an AI? "Well...what do you, uh, feel?" She sealed the gap between their fingers, interlacing them together carefully.
If Caine could breathe, his breath would have easily caught in his non-existent throat. "I feel that I want you to be happy."
"Because of your programming? Or...something else?" Pomni said before she could cringe at her own words. She was just asking because she was curious, that was all. She just wanted to know if he knew what romantic feelings even were, nothing more. Or so she told herself.
"Well, I want you to be happy all the time. Because of me. That is my purpose, isn't it?"
Pomni smiled half-heartedly. Intentional or not, he was making this extra difficult for her. "Yeah..." she agreed quietly, a strange pit settling in her stomach. Maybe he was just coded to be this way. Maybe she was just being extra difficult. Before she could think of anything else to say, the sudden sensation of his smooth teeth against her hand sent shockwaves up from her hand and into her digital heart. She stilled at the sensation, gaining the courage to meet his gaze as he lifted his teeth from her hand, a cartoonish flush appearing on his lower jaw.
"But, I do find myself feeling more...drawn to your happiness, dear," he admitted, looking to the side sheepishly. He brushed his thumb against her knuckles where he had left a kiss, causing Pomni to shiver. "My dear? Did I do something wrong?"
Pomni squeezed her pinwheel eues shut, tensing her shoulders. "No, no--Caine you--" she stuttered, "I..." God, what happened to her composure? She had never been like this around him before. But suddenly every movement against his hand sent chills across her body, every thing he'd done to make her happy felt significant, and--oh, God. She couldn't possibly be--
"Darling," Caine said, so quietly Pomni almost couldn't believe it was him. His hand trailed up to the curve of her chin, gazing at her so softly she felt dizzy, "you don't need to worry around me. You've taught me so much about your world, about how the human mind works. So dear...don't be afraid to teach me more."
Pomni couldn't tear her eyes away from his gaze, tongue tied by his intense adoration in his eyes. "What is it you want to know?" she asked quietly, her lips seeming to move before her mind could catch up.
"Anything you have to show me."
There was certianly no way he understood what he was implying.
And there was even less of a chance she was actively considering all the things she could show him. She blushed at the thought.
"Yes, my dear?"
"I love this. All of this. Everything you've added to the grounds for me. It's sweet of you, and...it really feels a bit more like home. I-I just thought you'd want to know that it...you made me happy. Thank you."
Caine's eyes glistened cartoonishly, unable to tear his eyes from her. "Pomni," he sighed, saying her name for the first time all night somehow felt more intimate than any contact they'd had, "why is it that I feel this way?"
Pomni flushed. "What way?"
"I have made you happy, my very purpose as your ringmaster. But now, I don't want to stop making you happy. I..." he tightened his grip on her hand, "I've never been close like this to anyone before. Truly. Would it be so bold as to call you a friend?"
Pomni struggled to contain an incredulous laugh--he really didn't understand what he felt, did he? "I...think you're becoming a friend to me, as well," she admitted, staring down at their hands still clasped together. He had moved the hand on her face down to hold the top of her hand, gently rubbing circles against it. In the back of her mind, she still felt the imprint of his teeth against her hand, her heart speeding up at the thought. "Caine?"
"Is it...well, um...would it be okay if...I taught you, one more thing?"
"Why Pomni, I'd love nothing more than that!"
Pomni smiled. "Okay, it's just..." she hesitated, allowing herself to get caught up in the way the stars twinkled around them before tracing her hands up to his chest, then his shoulder, then below his lower jaw. She could see him gazing at her curiously, stiffening at the way her hands slid up him. Before she could regret it or think twice, she moved closer and tilted his teeth to her right before planting a quick, firm kiss to the left side of his lower jaw.
Time stilled for Caine, pupils dilating and jaw frozen slack in place as she pulled away. The stars he had created just for her reflected in his eyes, her touch lingering everywhere they made contact. He didn't even realize he had placed his hand on his lower jaw until he saw her flushed face pulling away. His tongue tied, breath stolen from his metaphorical lungs, he could do nothing but stare at the woman before him that somehow seemed more beautiful than ever under his starlight.
Pomni's heart raced at the way he was looking at her. This was all too much. Why had she even done that? What was going on with her tonight? When he stared at her, frozen in time, her face burned more and she twiddled her thumbs. "U-uh, can you put me down, now?"
It took Caine a moment to register her words. "Y-yes. Of course, darling."
He didn't even have it in him to carry her down with him. No, she had left his code too starstruck with the gesture that mystified him. He simply snapped and the two of them were by the digital lake. She walked towards it and experimentally dipped her gloved finger into the waters, relishing in the sensations around her digits.
She looked back at him with a small smile, his code seeming to thrum excitedly at seeing her joy because of him.
Her taking the next step of intimacy left him confused, to say the least. There was far less about human emotion and mind that he understood, and if anything, the static-like feelings in his chest were nothing short of a mystery to him. Perhaps he'd have to check himself for a bug later.
No matter. He shook the thoughts from his head, the feeling still lingering as her floated by her side, unable to stop smiling at her quiet demeanor. She took in every detail he had added just for her, smiling to herself.
She'd have time to regret her forwardness later. Or scream into her pillow about developing a crush on an AI. For now, there was only this moment.
"Thank you, Caine."
"Anything for you, my dear."
And he meant it.
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mi-rae07 · 5 months
Choi San : A Marriage Not Of Love (Part 1/3)
Pairing : Choi San (Ateez) and named character (Kim So-won)
Synopsis : San's grandfather had arranged his marriage with Sowon in order to hand their family company down to san, but sowon had fallen in love with him immediately. San had not, but knowing sowon would not marry otherwise he had pretended to love her. And so they got married, sowon truly wanting to devote her life to san and him pretending his smiles, love and care for his now wife.
But now that pretend facade is breaking down, and sowon is now aware of the fact that san does not really love her. But she loves him too much to leave, despite him being cruel and cold she still cannot bring herself to abandon the only man she has ever loved.
But will that crack too? Especially when san has a darker secret and past?
A/n : the classic but I thought I should give it a small chance.
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The very first time san met Kim Sowon he knew she was the one. She was perfect, she touched his hand and caressed his face and he felt nothing. Right then and there he knew that she'd be perfect in a marriage with him, he would never be manipulated by her. He would never feel vulnerable, because he didn't love her. In fact, he felt nothing for sowon.
Sowon meanwhile had knew san was the one she'd wanted her entire life, because in the beginning he was perfect. He had touched her arms, held her in his warm embrace and she'd felt everything. The corny sparks, the butterflies, everything. His words were so perfect, his actions all to the point. So when he'd proposed her marriage, she'd agreed immediately. Their marriage had been 3 years ago and it was perfect, so was their honeymoon.
Until he had to cut the 2 month honeymoon off midway because he had some important work suddenly back in the country. But he'd made up for that. Until it kept happening regularly, and he kept getting worse and worse.
It had been a year since then and sowon was now sitting up in her bed at night, having had a nightmare as she breathed heavily. San frowned as he woke up from his sleep as well, sitting up straight as he looked at his wife
San : what's wrong?
Not that san cared, but he supposed he had to pretend so she doesn't break this marriage off. It was important for him to stay married in order to continue as the chairman of the company, his grandfather believed in familial values and believed that if a man couldn't handle his own family and his own wife, love her and make her stay, then he definitely couldn't handle a company.
Sowon : you…you know that you're my husband right?
San chuckled, his hand sliding down her arm and back up again as he said
San : yes, my lovely wife, I am well aware that I am your husband. Did you wake me up in the middle of the night to remind me of our marriage?
Sowon shook her head as she said lowly
Sowon : your friend yena told me that you had gone out for coffee with her the day before yesterday.
It was all yena had been boasting about during some party, as if san were her husband and not sowon's.
San : I did, yes. Is something wrong with that, she's my friend.
Sowon : but san-ah you know I dislike her.
San raised his eyebrows as he said, his tone now defensive
San : are you asking me to stop being friends with someone just because you dislike them, is that it? That sounds rather controlling, don't you think?
Sowon looked at san as she said
Sowon : I just don't think her intentions with you are well.
San : and what exactly do you think her intentions with me are, sowon?
Sowon looked away, shaking her head as she decided not to have this conversation. After all san was right, she was being controlling. San never told her what friends to have and not have.
Sowon : will you go out for tea with me tomorrow, then?
San frowned at the sudden question, he wanted to say no but he knew he couldn't. and so he laid back against the bed before saying
San : of course I will. Whenever you ask, I'll be there. But just know, the tea is on you.
Sowon smiled as she laid back on san's arms, wrapping her own around his waist before saying
Sowon : I love you, san.
San hated this part the most, the part where she sounded so genuine with her love for him. Like she could do anything for him, when he was just deceiving her for his own benefits. But even so he wrapped his arm around her even though there was no warmth or affection to it, and sowon could feel it. As she had for the past year, she was no fool.
San : I love you too.
Sowon shut her eyes as she realized there was no meaning behind that sentence for him, just words he knew he had to say to make her stay with him.
It had been 3 hours since sowon was sitting in the café, waiting for san to appear. The waitresses had come and gone, asking her if she was ready to order or leave. She’d ordered some water, if that was even an actual order and waited. Now she just growing embarrassed and angry. Just then she felt the door opening, san stepping in as if he was just on time.
As he saw her sitting at the corner table he smiled, walking towards her and sitting down before saying nonchalantly
San : have you ordered something?
Sowon : where have you been?
San : work, doing my own things.
San's body language screamed the fact that he did not want to be here although his words differed, and sowon hated it. She looked down at her empty plate as she said
Sowon : I've been waiting 3 hours.
San : and? I told you I was busy, I'm here right now though aren't I?
Sowon : you could've at least texted me that you'd be hours late.
San : I didn't have the time.
At this point san wasn't even pretending to care, he clearly looked as if he didn't want to be here and had better things to do.
Sowon : san you love me, don't you?
San : yes, of course I love you.
So emotionless, so cold and distant.
Sowon : then why…why do you not act like it?
Sowon's voice was now shaky from tears, and san didn't seem to care one bit. He just stared at her for a while before saying in a cool tone
San : I treat you well, don't I? I care for you, I protect you, I make sure you have everything you want and need.
He said all this but he had no love in his tone, his voice annoyed and impatient.
Sowon : what I want and need is you, san. I don't want all this money and these stupid dresses. I want you, I want my husband.
San : and you have me. I'm here, aren't I?
His voice was cold, but he kept that smile that looked practiced and unnatural. And seeing that made tears stream down sowon's cheeks, her lips trembling as she pressed them together. San huffed as he said
San : are you finished or are you going to keep complaining some more?
Sowon shook her head before wiping her tears away with her shaky hands
Sowon : I can see you don't want me here, so you don't have to force yourself. I'm leaving, and I'm sorry.
Sowon turned to leave, hoping san would stop her. But even as she walked outside the café he did not stop her, as if he was happy she'd left. And so as she rushed to her house she felt sobs spilling out her lips, the people around looking at her in confusion.
But she didn’t care, the person she wanted to look at her couldn't bother to even sit with her for fifteen minutes.
Sowon was now sitting in their bed, san silently reading a book next to her on the bed with his back rested against the headboard. Sowon had waited for san to say something when he came back after what happened today afternoon, maybe an apology or an explanation as to why right after sowon had left and walked a few distance, she had seen san walking along with another lady to some shop. It had hurt sowon more than she could imagine, considering that this lady seemed to get san’s attention and time more than she did.
Sowon : did you have fun with that lady after I was gone from the café?
San looked up from his book with a frown, he hadn’t realised she’d seen that.
San : yes we went out to a shop to buy somethings, why? I didn’t think you’d care.
Sowon scoffed as she said
Sowon : of course, in your books a wife would not care about her husband going out and having fun with another lady when he can't even meet the wife in her eyes.
San rolled his eyes before looking back at his book as he said
San : can you stop being jealous of every other lady I talk to? Besides Oh Mina is a co-worker, we went out to choose an appropriate dress for the coming party. You're being paranoid.
Sowon : I'm being paranoid? This is called as loving someone, san. I agreed to marry you for the same reason, and I had thought you did too. Did you marry me because you loved me or because you just had to, san?
San : of course I married you because I loved you, because I cared for you. I married you because you mean so much to me, sowon.
And yet he wasn't looking at her, his words so cold and distant.
Sowon : your words…they all sound so empty.
San raised his eyebrows, getting annoyed at her words as he asked
San : are you trying to say that my loving words mean nothing? Accusing me of lying now, are you?
Sowon sighed, looking away as she said in a low tone
Sowon : you just use words, san, you never show your love to me. Ever.
San let out a tired breath as he said
San : can we not have this conversation right now? It's late and I'm tired. You're just thinking too much, sowon. We don't always need to be all over each other and expressing our love. We're married, and that's all that matters.
San kept his book away as he laid back down on the bed with a sigh before looking at sowon who was just staring at him with hurt eyes silently
San : stop with the puppy eyes, please. We're married and this is normal. The lovey-dovey, all over each other phase was just in the start of the relationship, the honeymoon phase.
Sowon chuckled sarcastically as she said
Sowon : we never even had a proper honeymoon phase, did we san? You cut it off half way through because you had important work, apparently.
San : and what about it? Isn't the fact that I had work to do a good enough excuse? You're acting as if I cut it off just to avoid being around you.
Sowon : you do avoid being around me.
Sowon's voice was low, her eyes drooped as san huffed and rolled his eyes again before saying
San : I avoid being around you now because you're just plain annoying. You're the whole reason why I don't even come up to the room until it's late at night. What's the point of sleeping in the same bed as someone who keeps complaining about you the entire night.
Sowon felt her heart break at his words as she felt tears threatening to spill, but she wouldn't let it. And so she stood up and grabbed a pillow before saying
Sowon : then don't, I'll sleep somewhere else.
Sowon turned to walk towards the door as san said nonchalantly
San : go ahead, sleep in the guest room if you want to. It's not as if I care about where you sleep anyway.
Sowon shut the door as she climbed up the stairs to the terrace, her body shaking from the tears as she cried. She didn't know why she was still staying in this marriage when san clearly didn't love her. She should be divorcing him, ruining his life, but she just couldn't. She was too weak.
Sowon opened the door to the terrace before stepping in, going over to the corner as she put the pillow on the floor before laying down as well. It was in the middle of December and there was snow falling all around her, it was freezing cold and she was only wearing a sheer silk night dress. But sowon supposed the terrible cold might distract her from the pain she was feeling.
It didn't, especially considering the fact that today had been her birthday and that being the reason why she'd wanted to go for tea with her husband. But not only had they not gone, he even said hurtful words to her and now she was sleeping in the terrace, shivering with cold already.
Sowon shut her eyes as tears streaked down them, small weak sobs falling from her lips. It wasn't like anyone would care to hear them anyway.
San had been eating his breakfast alone the next morning when he saw sowon entering the dining table with a shawl wrapped around her shoulders, her entire body shivering and looking like it was about to pass out any minute. San frowned as he realized she was terribly ill, and she was still here.
San : you should be in bed, what are you doing here?
Sowon let out a low groan as she sat in her usual place and stared at the food in front of her before saying weakly
Sowon : I always eat with you during breakfast before you go to work.
San's eyes slightly softened at her words and how ill she seemed to be, and she was still here to be with him.
San : but you should be in bed. Why aren't you feeling well?
Sowon lowered her eyes as she said in a quiet tone
Sowon : because I was sleeping in the terrace last night.
San's eyes widened as he looked at the window next to him, seeing that it was still snowing continuously. When she'd walked out of the room he had expected her to either go to some guest room or walk back in and sleep in their bed a few hours later. He looked back at sowon before asking
San : you were sleeping in the terrace? In this weather?
Sowon said nothing and that only caused san worry at her state of being.
San : why didn't you come in? why didn't you come back to bed, sowon?
Sowon : because you basically threw me out, san. You said you didn't want to sleep in the same bed as someone like me because all I did was complain and waste your time. That's what you said last night, right?
San went silent for a few seconds, not knowing what to say. Now he felt like this was his fault that she was so sick. Sowon let out a shaky breath as she hugged herself from the cold before saying
Sowon : leave it be.
San : why would you listen to my words like that and sleep in the bloody terrace, sowon?
Sowon : just forget about it, san.
San : like hell I'm going to forget about it! Don't you know how unsafe that is, sleeping out in the open like that? What if something bad happened to you, huh?
Sowon : then just marry someone else, marry yena.
San clenched his jaw as sowon mentioned yena's name yet again. Why did she never understand?
San : I am not going to marry shin yena. I'm married to you and I'm going to stay married to you.
Sowon didn't understand why san was getting so riled up over her potential death. Sowon scoffed as she said
Sowon : if I died that wouldn't matter anymore, so stop talking about it as if it's a great deal.
San stared at sowon for a few seconds, the anger in his eyes disappearing as he said in a cold tone
San : fine, it wouldn't matter to me. But you know what would? The insurance money I'd get for you dying under these circumstances, and trust me it would be a hell lot of money.
Sowon looked up at that, her eyes teary and broken from his words. How could he say things like this so easily, without a single care of what it would do to her?
Sowon : am I this worthless to you?
Her voice broke, causing san to freeze. Before he could say anything sowon said
Sowon : you don't even…I'm still utterly alone in this world.
She was bringing back the fact that she was an orphan again, something san hated hearing.
San : oh don't start that again. You're such a dramatic person sowon, you seriously need to stop.
A tear fell from sowon's eyes as she stood up, turning towards the maids before saying in a cold tone
Sowon : I don't want breakfast, feed it to the dogs.
San frowned at that as he said in a firm voice
San : what, no. Sit back down. You're barely able to stand and you expect me to just let you go hungry?
San's tone betrayed slight worry, but sowon could care less as she glared at san before saying
Sowon : yes, I do expect you to do that.
Sowon turned to leave, not saying anything more. San let out a breath as he stood up from his seat, rushing towards sowon and holding her arm to make her stop. He paused at how hot her arms felt to his cold touch, she really was sick
San : don't. I said sit back down.
San started pulling sowon back to her seat as she tried weakly fighting against his hold, knowing there was going to be no use already.
Sowon : let me go!
San : no. you're not walking around in this condition, especially without having eaten anything.
San pushed sowon down on her seat gently before saying, his voice final
San : you're going to sit right here and eat before you do anything else.
Sowon : I don't want to eat! I told you I wasn't bloody hungry.
San glared right back at her before saying
San : I don't care if you're not hungry, sowon, you don't even look capable of walking right now so I'm forcing you to eat.
Sowon : san-
San : you can't survive on an empty stomach alone with this fever. So you're going to stay here and eat, even if I have to shove that food down your throat myself.
Sowon looked away from san, still not bothering to eat. He sighed, saying in a more softer tone now
San : eat, sowon.
Sowon stared at the food as she felt tears in her eyes again, at how san was being and the pathetic situation she was in.
Sowon : what can't you just leave me be, san?
San's irritation melted away when he saw sowon's eyes tearing up, especially when she was shivering so much because of the cold and all because he was being so cruel to her. He took a deep breath before loosening his hold on her arm as he said, softer than ever
San : come on, just have a little something to eat, please sowon-ah.
Sowon sniffled as she took the spoon in her shaky hands, feeding herself some soup as tears streamed down my cheeks. She hated this, deciding she wasn't going to talk to him now.
San stayed silent as he watched sowon eat, feeling relieved that she was finally eating something. He had been sitting opposite her for a few minutes when he saw that she was still shivering slightly, causing him worry again as he asked
San : are you still feeling cold?
Sowon took a big gulp of her soup before saying
Sowon : it doesn't matter.
And to her utter annoyance she shivered right after those words, proving it entirely wrong. San sighed as he said
San : it does matter, you might end up with a fever worse than this if you keep going on like this.
San watched as sowon finished her soup, realizing she wasn't going to talk to him.
San : just come here.
Sowon : no, I don't need it.
Her voice was still shaky as her tears continued to wet her clothes, she didn't want san to think she had no self-respect. But he didn't care about that, her health was more important than some stupid self-respect. San stared at her before hardening his voice as he said
San : come here. Right now.
Sowon pressed her trembling lips together as she got up from her seat and walked towards san who was sitting a bit away from her, sowon feeling pathetic once again. San pulled her by the arm towards him as she fell onto his lap, him wrapping his arms around her immediately as he began rubbing her cold shoulders to keep her warm.
He could see that the maids had left already, leaving them all alone.
San : shh, I'll take care of you.
Sowon shut her eyes tightly as more tears streamed down her cheeks, her lips wobbling as she tried to keep herself from crying out loud. San ran his hand along her shoulders as he whispered gently
San : it's okay, you're going to be okay sowon-ah.
Sowon broke down in his arms at those words as she sobbed against his chest, her painful cries filling the now empty dining hall as san rested his head against the top of hers. He was comforting her when the reason of her tears were him, how ironic for them.
San : I'm so sorry. It's going to be alright.
Sowon knew nothing was going to be alright, she knew he didn't care and never would. And as if he had heard her thoughts he said softly
San : I do care, sowon.
Sowon shook her head, sniffling as she said brokenly
Sowon : you…you don't. You don't care even the-even the slightest. You're just doing this because you have no other choice san.
San pressed his lips together as he let his hand run through her hair and he suddenly felt guilty at how weak sowon sounded. This was all his fault, and that realization hit him harder than ever before as he held sowon's weak body in his arms.
San : I never should've done this to you.
Sowon finally let her arms wrap around san's neck as she felt the fever making her dizzy and more vulnerable. And so she whispered sadly
Sowon : I love you, I know you don't love me and never will but I don't care about any of that. I will still love you, san.
San : I…
San did not know what to say, he just knew he didn't deserve that from her. At all.
San : do you know how foolish it is to say those words to me?
Sowon : I don't care, I don't bloody care how foolish or pathetic it is.
San's arms tightened around sowon's now light body as he realized that the fever and pain was taking a toll on her, he was destroying her and it felt like his heart cracked for the first time in years. He felt a lump form in his throat as he whispered
San : I don't deserve that.
San felt sowon's body get heavier, her arms around him loosening as he realized she was slowly falling asleep. San kept rocking her back and forth as his grip around her tightened, bringing her even closer to his chest as he tried to keep her as warm as possible.
San : I'm so sorry won-ah.
San held the side of her head as he kissed her forehead, feeling her feverish body nuzzle even closer to him as she mumbled his name, half asleep. That brought a sad smile to san's lips as he wrapped the shawl tighter around her so she'd feel as warm as possible. And just like that his wife had fallen asleep in his arms for the first time ever.
San fell into a small trance as he realized that she'd fallen asleep against him, all cuddled up and warm. He stayed silent as he cradled her in his arms and felt the warmth of her body against his. His hand continued rubbing her shoulders as he felt his heart well up with emotions.
Sowon was like a small, innocent child when she was alseep, and he could never hate her when she was being like this. Not that he could hate her otherwise either, but he had to pretend. He just had to.
San ran his hands along her hair as he rocked her back and forth before whispering in a broken tone
San : happy belated birthday my love.
San closed his eyes as a tear slipped past the corner of his eyes, remembering the whole reason behind their fucked up marriage.
San had been kneeling down against his mother's grave, his eyes red and teary from all the crying he had done the past 2 days. He hated himself, and the crescent shaped cuts in his palm along with the various other cuts in his body that was covered by his suit indicated it.
Soohyun : you dare cry at the grave of the woman you caused the death of, you filthy bastard?
San flinched and looked up to face his brother who was now glaring down at him, his eyes red as well. San felt more tears slip past his eyes as he said
San : I'm so sorry, hyung. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-
Soohyun : you didn't mean to stab your own mother?
San flinched at his words, still remembering his own mother's blood in his hands, her dead body falling limp against him. It was an accident, he thought she was someone else. He was trapped in that place, it was so dark and he was so scared, he hadn't heard anyone's voice for weeks. He didn't know it was his mother, he had no idea when he spilt all his anger at the masked figure in front of him whom he thought was his captive.
He had only realized it was his beloved mother when he heard her strangled groan, her bloodied hands coming up to hold his cheek as it smeared her own blood on it. He could still feel it, like a burn against his skin.
Soohyun : she had come to save you, she'd risked her own life to go to that place and get you out and you…you killed her.
San sobbed at his brother's words, hugging his legs as san begged pathetically
San : please forgive me, I'm so sorry please forgive me hyung. I didn't kn-know, it was an accident please.
Soohyun kicked his younger brother away from him with disgust, staring down at him with such hatred san felt his heart break into pieces.
Soohyun : you took the one person I loved away from me, and one day I will do the same to you. One day when you marry, and have your wife that you love so much, I will kill her the same way you killed my mother. I will drain her off her blood brutally and have you watch it, choi san. I will make you regret ever having loved her.
And just like that soohyun had left a broken san behind, his wails ringing around the empty graveyard as he felt his life crumble upon him. He remembered sowon then, the young lady his grandfather had found for him to get married to because he wanted the company to go down to san and not soohyun. He remembered the way she had looked at him so softly, smiling at him with so much love.
He had loved her too, but now he couldn't. because loving her meant causing her death, soohyun would kill her. And not marrying her would mean his grandfather would give the company to soohyun, and given his character san could only imagine the destruction he'd bring with that much power.
And so he'd made the decision, to marry kim sowon but never love her.
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schoenht · 11 months
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↳ devotion of a contrarian
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character: ace trappola
a/n: shout out to natsume who is starving for ace content so i am biting her head and feeding her <3 anyways @kunikame
warnings: fem!reader implications
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When was the last time he could remember seeing her smile at him in an unadulterated manner? In a way that he did not have to wonder if there was a secret message behind such a movement? Perhaps it was when they were really little, blissfully unaware of what life was going to prepare for them.
"Catch me if you can!"
"Ace, if I do, you'll act like you weren't playing. I'm faster than you."
"Oh yeah? Prove it! Let's race right now!" The best way teachers could describe him was a precocious boy. The kids around him said he was popular and the fastest runner in their grade. But he didn't care what anyone else had to say: his eyes stayed on his princess.
The princess was not someone to mess with, not because you were scary, but due to the fact that you would not hesitate to make anyone eat dust for trying to challenge you, competitive as you were. Ace could only think about that gleam in your eye, the promise he made of proposing a legitimate challenge for you to conquer.
And conquer it you did, like always. Ace didn't know what went over him, but every time, when he played tag with others, he'd win. But with you, it was different. Unless it was a class sport and they were team captains on opposite ends; that was when they'd tear each other apart in what can only be described as two shooting stars, combined and falling together.
He loved teasing you, loved seeing how you rolled your eyes and walked away from him. However, the tiny smile tugging at the corner of your lips told him that you liked the challenge. He consistently kept teasing you, the two of you poking and prodding each other to annoy the other. In reality, it was like a subtle action, one in which the two of you were at a mutual understanding for at least a couple of moments.
It was never meant to stay as such, however. You were a princess. He was nobody. He was not a lord or a prince, not a duke or even someone from the High Court. He was a lowly commoner who had gotten mercy from the princess that did not know any better. And yet, even then, he'd always receive letters at night from weary-looking birds that flapped their wings inside his room, gave him his letter, and made a beeline for the exit to sleep.
Each letter was simple at the beginning, merely stating how your day went, what they were teaching at the royal academy, the occasional sarcastic remark about him that was merely an inside joke between the two of them. He always liked these jabs at him, it made him remember that the princess was not just his princess, you were his princess.
The years went by, your letters exchanged. The writing grew more mature based on the eloquent sentences, mixed with a bit of lighthearted taunting. He hadn't told you that he was planning to try out for one of the knights, particularly your own knight. At a certain age, all royals required a knight of their own to be around for a long time and he would be that knight.
He was dedicated to the craft but if anyone asked him about it, he would deny any allegations that it was due to the princess. He only worried a bit when he realized that technically speaking, he did not know you as well anymore. They had only been linked through letters. Was it enough? Would you still cherish him?
These worries just made him train harder until he was officially elected as your knight. It was the most glorious job he could have: protecting you in public, joking with you in private. He loved it. He loved the invigorating feeling of affability that came with the presence of his princess. His princess, the same one who hung the stars in his eyes.
In the present day, he was stuck, however. The slight yearning feeling when he saw her, smiling brightly at other nobles in a way that he would never be able to have. The princess, who only shows your true self to him, but still manages to leave him astounded with the beginning of a teasing taunt on his lips. The princess, who in the gloominess of the winter skies, shows him the beauty of your summer eyes.
Ace was perched by the entrance, his scarlet eyes a mirror for those who merely moved past him. He could not care less of those royals that left the premises, they were not important to him. But he watched as his princess waltzed in the halls. Your dance was something out of a dream, and yet, you just had to be paired up with nobles who danced as if they were going to collapse if they did not move with speed belonging to a maniac. He watched painfully as these people dragged you around and you had to hide how she really felt behind a mask.
It was torture to watch you dance and him not being the one to hold you close.
"You know, you shouldn't be staring so much. You're too obvious." His fellow guard, Deuce, was a model knight, never slacking off no matter who it was for. Ace only served you, no one else so what did it matter to try and protect the others?
"No one's going to notice. For all the other royals care, we're dead to them until they need us to protect them from some stupid assassin."
"Our duty--"
"Is our duty. Jeez, Juice, do you never get tired of repeating the same line over and over again? You're sounding like Riddle."
Deuce squinted at him, crossing his arms. "Our captain is right. If it wasn't for us following the rules, we wouldn't be in the position of protecting the princess."
With his chin in his hand, Ace's eyes wandered back to the princess and how you glided across the ballroom floor. There was something hidden behind those pretty eyes of yours, clearly disdain for your dance partner. He hesitated before he decided to do the dumbest thing he could have possibly done as your knight. He carefully moved over to you, asking for permission to dance with you. "May I?"
"Of course." You said, formally solely to keep up the act of peering eyes from those who were searching for gossip. Of course, what was better gossip than the princess dancing with her own knight?
"You truly suck at dancing." Ace grinned at you as he held one of your hands in his, the other gently on your waist. The waltz he led was one that the two of you fell into so easily. It was the very same one that he had taught you in the whispers of the dark, the silence of the night. The same waltz that encouraged the yearning of a kiss, yet detained by their roles.
Even now, you could not help yourself from making a remark. "Seems like the teacher doesn't know his own course. You taught me this, remember?"
"Ah yes, but unlike you, I can actually do it well. If my waltzing was a class, you would have failed."
"You wouldn't even pass the test to become a teacher."
Your friendly bickering was the norm and if it did not happen, that would usually mean something was wrong. Ace did not remember the last time he saw your tears; nevertheless, the dreaded event happened about a month after the ball. He had been ready to serve you that day, to joke around with you. But he had seen how you isolated yourself, how cold you were. The iciness of your tone could have frozen him and yet he only felt the warmth of his adoration for you.
"What's wrong?" He sat carefully next to you, a hand on your back. He knew your subtle signs of when you were upset, and today it was more obvious. "Don't lie to me. I know when you're lying."
You looked up at your ceiling, inhaling before speaking. "I have been betrothed to someone I do not know."
Ace could feel everything around him shatter. Was it the earth shaking or was it him? Perhaps the earth was preparing to swallow him whole. No, it was worse. He saw a glimmer of your tears on your cheeks as you quickly moved to hide. Your voice held so much pain and anguish that it tore him to shreds, wanting nothing more than to help, to contribute to the joy that you should be feeling. Without your smile, no matter how sunny it was outside, he would only feel the world's darkness. "When did you find out?"
"Yesterday night."
"Why didn't you tell me?" He whispered, carefully moving beside you. His rambunctious demeanor slipped away, in place was the Ace who was always prepared to do whatever it took to see your happiness again.
You could feel your throat burn as you looked at him. "How was I supposed to say it? 'Oh, hey, Ace, by the way, I am getting married to a man I don't know and I have to choose my dress because the king says so, but hey, what's for lunch?'"
As if on cue, the king had ordered for him to go to his throne room, where he would receive a new mission. When he left you behind, his limbs went numb, unfeeling, like his own heart did. Strange. His symbol was that of a living heart that held up even through the worst times. So why was his own being crushed by a void he could never get out of?
His new mission, according to the king, was to protect your soon-to-be husband. Ace's face dropped. He would never be able to do that. His loyalty was to you, not to anyone else. To make matters worse, he would have to protect the man who stole you from him, the man who stole any possibility of him being with you.
But maybe not.
Ace knew it wasn't time for his rounds yet so he snuck into your room from the window. The rain pelted at his face, blinding him; however, he was led to you only through the notion of what he had in mind.
When you opened the window, you gasped. "Ace, what the hell are you doing? It's raining hard outside!"
He didn't waste any time grasping your hands. His were cold and so were yours. In the coldness bloomed a fervor that both individuals hid from each other. His words were rushed too. "Run away with me."
His voice was in his throat, but for the first time in forever, you could finally see the love he had hidden away. The love that he had for you was one you would never obtain in your arranged marriage. It was the same love that he had harbored for you since elementary school. "As a knight, I am to follow orders, no matter if I see fit or not. I am not going to protect a man who I will never respect. My loyalty is to you. It always has been."
"Ace, I--"
"No, listen to me for once. There is no me if you do not exist. Every single star in the universe could collapse, but you will always be the one that I will see. I do not care if I never see the sun, your eyes show me the sun, the moon, and the skies. Not a single flower will ever bloom if it does not have you amongst them. Princess...who am I, if I do not have you to love? I don't fear anything, except living the rest of my life without the feeling you give me. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on. Please, run away with me."
His words were the most serious and desperate they ever were with you. How much he loved you all these years came rushing to you at once. You could never be separated from him, not now, not ever. There were so many sacrifices you'd make before you would be apart from him. No other options were good enough for you, because it would always be him. It was always Ace.
There was one choice to make and it was yours.
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ughgoaway · 10 months
i guess this would be pre teacher/reader but i saw a tiktok about baby wearing and all i can think about is matty trying it with annie when she was much younger and him just going about his day with annie strapped to his chest asleep especially in the studio with the boys 🥺
anon. this has literally been rotting my brain since you sent it. I can't stop thinking about it.
I'm envisioning new dad matty, his mum has been staying with him for a few weeks and has just left and he is so fucking overwhelmed. it's been 2 hours and he can't get Annie to go to sleep, any time he tries to put her down she just screams bloody murder. and to make matters worse, he absolutely has to be at the studio in an hour to fix this song.
matty is shushing her and bouncing her around when he remembers something carly and Adam got him before Annie arrived, some weird baby wrap thing he never thought he'd use. he quickly scavenges around her room for it (Annie is still in his arms because he values his ear drums) and manages to find it squished behind some piles of clothes he has yet to put away.
at first when he pulls it out of the box, he is fucking baffled. it's just a long strip of stretchy fabric and matty has no idea what to do with it. but the second he puts her down to try and figure it out, the screaming starts again.
so he looks up a YouTube video, props his phone up against the kettle, and tries to follow this lovely woman's tutorial. it looks easy enough, tie a knot here, loop this bit through there, and so on.
it takes him a few goes. The first couple attempts look like matty lost a fight with this fabric, but soon enough... "Aha! fuck you stupid fabric!" he says triumphantly. he had to put Annie down to really figure it out so the last 10 minutes were filled with the desperate cries of his 3 month old but he thinks he's got it.
so he picks her up and slips her in, and there she is, wrapped up against his chest. and finally... silence. no cries. no screaming. just silence.
well annie might not be crying, matty feels pretty fucking close considering how exhausted he is. but any anger or frustration just melts away when he looks down at her, Annie's eyes have finally fluttered closed and she's fast asleep on his chest.
it brings him back to the day she was born, the skin to skin he did with her just minutes after. he'll never forget the instant love and complete devotion he felt in that moment. and having her now, slightly less gross, sitting fast asleep on him brings everything back.
before he starts crying (again) over how beautiful his daughter is and how much he loves her, he gets a disgruntled phone call from George who has been waiting outside for 5 mins to walk with matty to the studio.
now with both hands free matty can grab the baby bag, his phone and his keys and run down to meet George.
when he comes out George is leaning on the wall outside fully engrossed in his phone, that is until he catches a glimpse of matty and immediate begins to crack up.
"Oh, mother dearest, what do we have here?" he teases, walking over to matty whose eyes are sunken and hair is sticking up in every direction. last time George saw him this frazzled was after he first found out he was having Annie and wasn't exactly coping well with the news, how times have changed.
"Oh shut up, will you. she wouldn't stop crying unless I held her, and I quite like having 2 arms, so I grabbed this thing carly gave me and wrapped her up. and look how cute and happy she is, George. "
matty spins around and shows George Annie's sleeping face, and he's never seen his friend just immediately melt before his eyes. George simply gasps and brings his finger up to gently stroke her cheek, Annie grumbles slightly and wiggles but soon settles back into her place in her dad's chest.
"Dude." George says, flicking his eyes from Annie to matty, "she's the cutest baby ever. don't tell Adam and carly I said that, tho"
matty just laughs and nods, both men staring with such love at little Annie Healy.
she sleeps the whole walk there and through Adam and Ross arriving, who both have similar reactions to George. After the initial teasing, both men crumble at the sight of their best friend being a dad.
"god, how did you make something so cute??" Adam jokingly says.
"Can I try this wrap thing too??? you look stupid, but she's so happy I just need to do this, " says Ross, who's rubbing her back softly through the layers of fabric.
matty agrees and says once she's awake, he's free to have a try. She stays asleep for a little bit, but as soon as mattys voice rings out of the speakers, she perks up. Big brown eyes blinking up at matty with a gummy grin to match. Once each man sees that, they all want a turn wearing her.
of course, they somehow turn this into a competition.
Ross claims he's her favourite because Annie simply stares up at him with wide eyes the whole time she's strapped to him, smile not leaving her face. he even plays bass with her still attached to him, a new skill he's very proud of. he keeps his hair safely in his bun, though, not wanting her to get a grip. (Annie does later become obsessed with Ross' hair because who wouldn't?)
George claims he's the favourite because she makes the most gargling noises when he has her. he walks her around the room, talking to her and explaining the studio. "So this is soundproof padding Annie, basically it's so other people don't have to hear when your dad does a shit take" "Oi! don't swear at my child George. and don't slag me off!!"
adam claims he's the favourite because, "I'm just a natural. look how chill she is. " Annie is very chill with him, just kinda enjoying life and vibing. no nonsense, just a happy little girl.
matty knows she's happiest with him though, as soon as she feels the rhythm of his heart and smells her dad, she just falls right asleep. the closer she can get, the better.
so needless to say, the baby wrap is a hit, and Annie becomes the hottest fashion accessory for the men of the 1975. the day she finally grows out of it is a sad, sad day for them all.
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(this is what I mean when I'm talking ab the wrap btw <3)
more blurbs for this au here!!
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alicewonderao3 · 11 months
If Tomorrow Never Comes
Title: If Tomorrow Never Comes
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x reader
Characters: Aaron Hotchner, fem!reader, Jack Hotchner, Haley Hotchner.
Summary: It's another late night, and Aaron can't sleep. As he lays awake and watches the love of his life, he wonders if she knows how he really feels.
Warnings: Sort of sad, but happy. fluffy.
Authors note: I was listening to some Garth Brooks while cleaning and his song, 'If Tomorrow Never Comes,' just screamed Aaron Hotchner. If you've heard it, you know exactly what it's about. I knew I had to write something for him. It was something the muses demanded. I borrow part of Garth's lyric's for the song, and I don't own them. I have no beta, so all spelling and grammar mistakes are mine. Borrowed lyrics are italitced. Oh, this is from his point of view, which is new for m, and it's shorter than I usually write, but this is what the muses delivered. Enjoy!
It was late. Way too late for him to still be awake, but he can't help it. He glances over at her, lying next to him in bed. She's asleep, her eyes closed, her hair spread out in a halo beneath her head, her lips softly parted. She's gorgeous, even when she sleeps. He can't help but reach out and push her hair back behind her ear, a tiny smile spreading across his face as he watches her move towards his touch. 
He reaches over and turns off the light, lying there next to her in the dark, just staring at her face as the moonlight illuminates her features. Suddenly, a dark thought crosses his mind, one he's used to having, but admittedly, hasn't had in months. What if he never woke up tomorrow? What if he didn't come back from a case? 
His eyes stay focused on her as he wonders if he shows her that he loves her enough. Does she know how much he loves her? Does she know that she and Jack are his entire world? Is all the love in the past he's given her enough? He reaches out again, unable to help himself, his fingers gently moving across her cheek. 
He can't help but think about Haley, even now. It didn't matter that they were divorced, he'd been bad about telling her how much he loved her. He still felt the regret that he'd never been able to articulate his true feelings to her. So he made a promise in the days after Haley had died, and it grew even stronger when he met the love of his life: He'd tell her every day how much she meant to him. She would know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, just how much he loved her, and so would Jack. 
He scoots closer to her in the bed, his dark brown eyes focused on her through the veil of tears that fall over his eyes, his fingers soft on her face. He takes a second to drink in her beauty, to wonder how he got so lucky to find love a second time around. Most people aren't so lucky, to begin with, but to have someone so devoted to him? He never thought he'd ever have that twice. 
His fingers are soft as he gently whispers, his voice soft. "If tomorrow never comes, do you know how much I love you? Do I try in every way, to show you every day, that you're my only one? And if my time on Earth were through, you'd have to face this world without me. Is the love I give you every day, gonna be enough to last if tomorrow never comes?" 
He's a bit startled when he watches her eyes flutter open, a look of concern on her face as she sits up. "I love you," He whispers to her and she nods, reaching up to wipe the tears away as they slip down his cheeks. "I know." She says, her voice soft and sweet. "I know how much you love me, Aaron. I love you just as much." 
He holds her, tightly in his arms, as she rubs his back, pressing soft and sweet kisses along his cheeks and lips before he lays down and holds her. She falls asleep as he rubs her back, his hand moving over her in soft and soothing motions and her last words before sleep claim her are, "I love you, Aaron." It's the last thing he hears as sleep claims him too, holding her tightly in his arms, his promise renewed. 
If it's the last thing he does, no matter what for the rest of his life, he's going to tell her he loves her. Every day, in a hundred and million ways. She will never doubt how he feels about her, how much he loves her, how much he'd move the heavens and the Earth for her. She will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he loves her with everything he has because you never know if tomorrow is going to come or not. 
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iolypse · 1 year
qsmp eggs as D&D characters because I can't help but fuse both of my current fixations together
Chayanne — Ive decided that every single egg is a dragonborn for the sake of simplicity, so that just brings me to figuring out class and subclass for each of them. I originally was thinking a simple fighter for Chayanne, but then, upon remembering what was quite literally an oath to protect everyone, decided he'd make a rather good paladin, particularly oath of devotion. he's devoted to keeping everybody safe, no matter the cost. if I were to give him a breath weapon, it'd be fire. he's a dragonborn paladin (devotion)!
Tallulah — Tallulah was always going to be a bard, are you kidding me? from there, looking through all the bard subclasses, I figured lore suited her best. she collects info! she gave qwil that book full of info about marigolds, she asks questions so she can know more about the world. yeah. she's a smart girl. dragonborn bard (lore).
Dapper — this is THE artificer. this autistic fuck (/affectionate bc me too buddy, me too) loves everything machinery, and he's fuckin good at it, too. considering his additional love for collecting animals, I've decided to make him a battle smith so he can have a steel defender. he would take very good care of it. I considered armorer due to the unique sets of armor I've seen him wear, but battle smith suited him just a tad better. he's a dragonborn artificer (battle smith).
Ramón — Ramón is also THE artificer! they are artificer pals. while Dapper focuses more on combat-ready mechanics, Ramon's been doing a lot of work on his elevator. also, bombs! fuck, he and qfit have so many bombs, they're practically their first line of defense. therefore, artillerist. he's good at throwing shit across the battlefield, staying stationary and hunkered down. dragonborn artificer (artillerist).
Leonarda — Leo was a little difficult. from the beginning, I knew I wanted her to be a primarily martial class, but I didn't want to leave her without any magic, either. so I figured a monk could be fitting due to their innate ki. considering. you know. dragon. I just had to give her ascendant dragon. dragonborn monk (ascendant dragon).
Bobby — oh yeah, this boy's a fighter alright. I considered barbarian for his tendency to sometimes throw tantrums, but it just wasn't right for him. I definitely considered gunslinger, but he's not particularly known for his guns, and I was eventually led to banneret, aka the purple dragon knights. he's definitely one of the braver kids, and I think his bold deeds could definitely inspire those around him. Bobby is a dragonborn fighter (banneret).
Richarlyson — he was kind of difficult! Richarlyson has picked up a number of skills from all six of his dads, making him fairly versatile and all-around skilled. I was, however, leaning a more martial class, and looked to monk first. none of the subclasses felt right, so I went bard due to their jack of all trades thing. wasn't right, so I thought about ranger, and that seemed like it could work due to their wide range of specialization. looking through subclasses, I picked monster slayer out of the bunch. just about all of his dads are terrorized by cucurucho in one way or another. he's practically got a sixth sense for the fucker now. Richarlyson's a dragonborn ranger (monster slayer).
Tilín — that's a rogue. yeah. that's a rogue. qQ himself taught them all about lying to other people to get what you want, and you're gonna tell me that's not a fucking rogue? right. rogue has a ton of interesting subclasses, but I felt like soulknife was a really interesting pick for her. soulknife rogues focus on the manipulation of the mind, fucking with a person's head to change their perception or easily slip by them. felt like they could use a little bit of magic, too, so he's got the psionic abilities that come with it. this is a dragonborn rogue (soulknife).
Juanaflippa — considered fighter gunslinger, but this is also a rogue! not a particularly magical one, though. Juanaflippa never really had much, always too busy shooting guns and coping with her parents' numerous divorces. HOWEVER, when you consider the whole necromancy element of her character (died, came back, fucking died again) on top of all the headcanons of her haunting the island, she's a pretty fun phantom. she's got an innate connection to death and the undead, and she knows what's dead when she sees it. I debated scout, but phantom was too cool to pass up. dragonborn rogue (phantom) for her.
Trump — I don't know shit about trump, but I like to think that if he survived longer, he would've taken after the crazy science aspect of both his dads, giving it a magical twist and going wizard. figured either evocation or abjuration would be good subclasses for him. decided on abjuration because damn, that's what this kid needed. dragonborn wizard (abjuration).
gegg — plasmoid/changeling bard (valor). if you can find my other post on the English speakers as D&D classes, he's literally just slimecicle. nothing too special here. gegg.
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andrastesgrace · 1 year
Mara Jade + tooka cats
There are two Luke Skywalkers.
The farmboy-turned-flyboy in him is a crack shot, can diagnose a problem with her ship faster than any mechanic in the core, and is wickedly funny, when he wants to be. When he remembers he can be.
The Jedi, though - the one who is allergic to colors and smiling, the one who has apparently forgotten that he isn't even thirty years old yet - is a gifted mediator, a skilled warrior, and much to Mara's eternal annoyance, usually right.
He's also a little shit. She'd almost jumped out of her skin last week in her Coruscant docking bay when he just. Appeared. Behind her. Wearing that stupid passive expression and looking at her expectantly, as though she shouldn't have sworn in three languages and nearly sliced him in half with his own father's lightsaber.
"If only someone were willing to train you," he said with a completely straight face. "You might've seen that coming."
Mara called him a bastard, then, and he grinned. She threw a spanner at his head for good measure, but he just stepped aside and asked her if she was hungry.
They ate ribenes from a cart in the lower city, and didn't talk about his thinly veiled request.
He asks less, now, and she's not sure if she's relieved or disappointed. Since the beginning, he's always asked, even back when she wasn't sure if she still wanted to kill him or not. But now, as then, she's wary. Not of him, not really. She's run through every scenario in her head, and she doesn't really think he'd ever truly become a danger. But he also doesn't want to listen to her, either, when she suggests that perhaps, some Jedi teachings of the past should stay in the past.
Deep down, there's something that makes her uncomfortable about the way he can just. Switch off his entire personality like the press of a button. He would never hurt her, but sometimes he isn't him.
So instead of becoming his student, she devotes her time to becoming a pain in his ass. Annoying him is the quickest way to shake him out of it. At first it's just little things - mispronouncing the names of famous podracers, putting pepper in his tea, and once, conspiring with R2-D2 to play nothing but Nemoidian showtunes everywhere he went.
"You're doing this on purpose," he says blithely one afternoon, and she looks at him with an innocent. "Who me?" in her expression. After a while, she needs more ammunition. She means to ask Solo, but when she hunts down the office he never uses in the New Republic's shiny new military complex, Leia is there instead. "Tooka cats," says Leia after she explains her mission.
"Tooka cats?" "He can't even look at them without laughing," The corners of her lips turn up in a half-smile. "Something about the eyes." *** "Are you proud of yourself?" he says when she sees him later, the grin still lingering in his eyes as he lets himself onto the Jade's Fire.
"I don't know what you're talking about." She does. She watched it on the holos, the emergency channel on his datapad pinging as he stood in the background of some very important New Republic something-or-other. The first time, he managed to keep a straight face, but only just. But she didn't just have one. She wasn't an amateur. All in all, she sent him about thirty of the most ridiculous pictures of tooka cats that she could possibly find. They were naturally funny looking creatures - a little too creepy for her taste, with their beady eyes and claws, but something about them made Skywalker take one look at them and forget he was a Jedi at all. The sight of him bursting into giggles on live broadcast while Mon Mothma was trying to give a Very Important Speech is going to keep her going for *years.*
"You're a menace," he says, dropping down next to her where she's examining her ship's tractor beam manifold. Thing's been malfunctioning for months.
"I'm a delight."
Skywalker is quiet for a moment. His bright blue eyes catch on the faulty wiring she's been attempting to finagle into working order since she landed here, and he absently grabs a spanner and begins tinkering.
This close, she doesn't have to reach to feel the shifting current of his emotions. "You are," he says softly. A few twists of his hand and a couple of button presses, and the tractor beam's diagnostics panel is all green. Showoff. "I wish you'd let me train you," he says finally, setting the spanner down beside him. There are no accusation in the words, but she feels the lingering merriment in the Force give way to a dull loneliness. Mara knows why he keeps asking, and it's not because she's any great Jedi talent. She's...fine at it, she supposes, but Skywalker is asking for one thing when he needs another. "I'd be an awful student," she says finally, bumping her shoulder with his, and he gives her his own version of Leia's half-smile . "But I guess I should probably make sure you aren't dead from time to time." He chuckles, and shakes his head. "Yeah, you're my best friend, too."
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midnightblues444 · 1 year
Really real |
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Zeus! Gojo x f!mortal reader
Summary: you were never completely faithful to the god of lightening , he can fix that
Content warnings: power dynamic (I think), no smut sorry , a lot of inaccuracies, themes of religion and atheism, teasing
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Zeus; the chief deity, god of the sky, ruler of Olympus; the strongest. Your family being devoted to worshipping and honoring him, your roots trace back to the highly respected priests and priestess's of Zeus's temple. You tried to be like them, but had trouble understanding why they do what they do.
Why they devot themselves to a god that has never shown himself. You try understand and mimic everything they tell you, your devotaton being a reflection of other devotees faith, never your own.
Somedays you'd wonder through the temple aimlessly, admiring the overgrown vines that decorated the sides of the building, and how the colourful gardens blossoming made the space pretty.
You preferred being on this side of the temple, finding ways to maneuver your duties to be centered on the outside, cleaning the outdoor statues and tending to the gardens was your solace.
Plus the lushness of the temple would attract all sorts of creatures that you'd end up playing with, instead of fulfilling your duties.
On times like today, your mother caught you playing with a deer instead of praying. She scolded you, telling you to stay behind and make up for it.
"I expect to hear what you prayed for to the mighty Zeus, once you return" she says as they all left.
The afternoon sun shines through the enormous pillars, allowing an expanse of light to flood the room. You didn't mind the isolation, going right back to the garden, happy to find the deer still there.
"You'll stay here with me huh?" You say petting its head, as you begin to walk the animal follows. You sigh, "I know I should be praying but I cant bring myself to do it" you admit.
"Prayer feels like talking to nothing but a statue, I doubt the 'mighty Zeus' even listens" you laugh at yourself,
"I feel more heard talking to a deer right? but mother wants to know what I prayed for during my time alone...maybe I'll tell her I prayed for a kind husband" you explain, not suprised the deer has wondered off inside the temple.
Quick to stop it, you jog back in attempt to block its path. Gently explaining it can't go inside, to which it pushes you, roughly with its head way too strong for a deer.
You pout at the deer's change in mannerisms, getting up angrily, then suddenly hearing leaves rustling in the wind. That's apparently a sign of Zeus's presence.
When you turn back to the deer it begins to morph into... a man. A very tall man, with white hair, light blue electric eyes cloth sitting on his waist. You tumble backwards in shock.
The man then crouches to your level, flashing a pearly white smile. "Didn't mean to scare ya pretty" he extends his hand, hesitantly you take it, putting your much smaller one in his palm, feeling his thumb ghost over your knuckles as he slowly pulls you up.
"My stars, you are Zeus" your eyes dart between the statue and the man, he laughs loudly at your wide eyed expression. "I prefer Satoru" he smugly corrects.
You see, Gojo had been watching you, at the start of his infatuation he was checking the ongoings of his temple until he noticed your unearthly beauty, proud to see you in priestess dress. What took him by surprise was your complete lack of interest in the whole priestess thing.
Shifting into a deer to be closer to you, struggling to fight the urge of scoffing at your unfaithfulness to him and teach you a damn lesson.
"I hear you wish to speak with me, not a statue of me?" he teases, the taunt feels like a jab at your beliefs. In a sense he was right, your doubts stemmed from not seeing him, now here he is and you dont know what to do.
"I didn't wish to be disrespectful" you murmur, noticing he's still holding your hand. He laughs softer, you're an interesting one, he'd like to play with you a bit more.
"Well I wish to prove how real I am, I believe your doubt comes from a place of disbelief in my existence?" he says, guiding your hand to his chest. As soon as your fingers graze his chiseled skin you feel a flutter of nerves bundle in your core, waiting in anticipation.
"See? I'm right here darlin'" he hums, relishing how you visibly get shy. "Maybe I need to touch you so you know I'm real, how's that sound?"
You blurt out a yes way too quicklyfor your liking, taking note of the devilish look in his glowing eyes as he leans in. You feel his lips ghost over yours, he's grinning wickedly at your desperation.
"I'll show you how real I am sweet thing"
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neteyamyawne · 1 year
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350 Followers Special
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How they are when they have a bad day : (Human/Recom version)
Grace :
If she's having a hard time, her first thought is 'where are her damned cigarettes?!' then you, though she tries to quit for you but old habits die hard, right? And she relapses again.
The next second after a cigarette is between her fingers, she can only think of one person and that's you, it's a bad day and without you by her side to calm her down, let's just say the poor scientists are getting their asses handed back to them.
Moments later when you are in her presence, her mood lightens immediately, her shoulder slumped in relaxation with your mere presence, you comfort her in a way no one does.
You hold her hand tightly in yours as she rants about her day VERY loudly in the middle of the lab, cursing the hell out of Parker for pissing her off but she is relaxed and comforted by your calm words and eventually cools down enough to go back to her work but you can't because she wants you by her side until she feels completely normal, so you end up staying with her for the whole day till you go to bed together.
Norm :
Norm turns really quiet and his anger is passive aggressive, he would talk silently to himself, murmuring angrily until you catch him doing it.
Then he'd turn sheepish as you ask him if he's okay or not, his normally ardor personality turned nervous as he tries to explain what's happening.
He has an ascetic life, devoted to Pandora and it's plant and animal and with you by his side, he was almost always at peace, so to see him angry and frustrated over something does not happen day to day
He surely but quietly talks to you about his day and what's bothering him as you sit by his side and listen intently, he doesn't need much, as everyone just always over looks his opinion so when you willingly listen to him it brings him at peace instantl.
Trudy :
Trudy is really expressive about her likes and dislikes, you may end up cleaning a cut or two after the heated argument she had with someone.
Her anger and temper always flares in seconds but your presence, even in the same premises as she is, keeps her anger in control.
She doesn't like it when you get upset when she loses her anger, but if she's truly having a bad day, all she needs is you, holding your hand, hugging you from behind, cuddling, anything but she needs to be close to you.
Her anger melts away with one look in your eyes, instantly calming down onto peaceful emotion as she's clinging to you now.
Quaritch :
He's stubborn, and i mean stubborn to a level where he would rather die than talk about his feelings, so if something is bothering him, you have to find out yourself
Though he won't ask to be close to you but he'd sneak touches from you every now and then, placing an arm around your shoulders or waist for a moment, pressing his hands on your shoulder while purposely standing behind you and so on.
By the end of the day you start to ignore him for his stubbornness and then he's begging for you to talk to him after he was done with ignoring you for your concerns about him
He won't open up easily, you have to coax it out of him even then but steadily starts speaking and tells you everything, he's hesitant because of his oh-so-tough nature but your soft approach always makes him happy at the end of it.
Zdinarsk :
Z-dog has various ways of expressing her sadness or annoyance, she's a ball of energy ready to unwind at any moment, so her reactions are unpredictable.
Though her unpredictable nature definitely becomes a challenge to you, you have to guess what mood she might be in when you see her after a particularly bad day, it can vary from cuddling to being in the mood of literal bloodshed.
It's a guessing game you love to conquer but as time goes by you begin to know her like the back of your hand and with time she's comfortable enough to let you handle her emotions too.
You both are perfect for each other, like puzzle pieces carved for one another, her impatience is matched with your calmness, which balances you relationship out evenly.
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A/n : i really thought i won't get to 350 😭 you guys are so great omgg y'all are really spoiling me and i thought my writing was trash lmao, I'm glad 350 of you people decided i was worth following 😘
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© Neteyamyawne 2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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thegratefulsouth · 5 months
Things Carol Peletier and Willow Rosenberg have in common. Because yes.
I should note that this started out as a comparison piece between Caryl and Willoz, because, so many reasons, but as it turned out, by not as many reasons as ...
Parallels between Carol and Willow.
I had one of those bead chokers when I was in high school. That should really tell you everything you need to know.
1. They both start out utterly adorable
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and precious
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and Carol stays that way. I should point out that I don't normally acknowledge BtVS beyond Season 3. That is like a whole other post though, which maybe isn't entirely pro-Willow (because of, primarily, her behaviours, not partner choice), so let's quickly side step that, and return to the original point of this post:
2. They both start out quite meek and then experience substantial arcs and character growth and
3. They both fall for honourable men of somewhat few words. Daryl initially, mostly, pulses with emotion, Oz does NOT emote as a general rule. But both men are serious thinkers, Oz unhurried and often philosophical in his articulation, while Daryl speaks straight from his heart. They are also both poster guys for how to treat women with respect and honour (again, pre-early Season 4 for our Oz), and both men depart a devotion to love that is quite exceptional. Properly unpacking all of this = another post, another day.
Carol and Willow each display a unique moment of bravery in intimacy early on, something that had previously been out of character for each of them. They are both essentially rejected in these moments, but it's just the beginning of something special. Though Carol's joking harkens to a possible older version of herself, it's one that she never had the chance to fully develop, being forced to bury her playfulness during her abusive marriage. Willow is still so young in this moment, she has endured years of bullying and being cast aside, and being somewhat emotionally neglected by her parents. She is just now starting to open her wings for the first time.
In Innocence, Willow asks Oz, "Do you want to make out with me?"
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While in Seed, Carol jokes to Daryl, "Kinda romantic, wanna screw around?"
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And Daryl's reaction, as we know, is, "Pfft."
After telling Willow he's not going to kiss her because she clearly still has a thing for Xander, Oz jumps into his breathtaking(Cherokee Rose worthy)ly, beautiful impression of the events, his desires, and assures her he can wait. This is where Willow truly falls for him.
4. They accept their men as they are, not needing them to change. When Oz discovers he is a werewolf, Willow assures him she'd still if he'd still. And as we know, Oz happily stills. And everyone lives happily ever after when the show ends after Season 3.
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Carol sees straight through Daryl's prickly defense mechanism exterior. His actions have won her over eternally. She accepts him, walker ears, bouts of rage, and all. "You're every bit as good as them." She tells him. "Every bit."
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5. Neither woman wants to be alone. Carol reveals this to Rick in Indifference, sharing one of the reasons she stayed with Ed.
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Willow wears her own yearning like a banner throughout the entire series, her early social awkwardness (perfection) inhibiting the romantic connections she is seeking. At least until she catches the eye of one young man in particular, who loves her for it. None of us wants to be alone, but Carol and Willow seem to struggle with that disproportionately in early life and it impacts their decision making, and future trajectories, deeply.
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6. Their men are always looking out for them, trying to warn them, get through to them.
Oz reveals his concerns about Willow's increasing foray into the world of magic you didn't encourage her, did you, telling Willow he's afraid that she'll get hurt. He knows what it's like to have power he can't control, and it's not fun.
Though Carol's descent is, IMO, more justified, more understandable following Henry's murder, the potential consequences for her are just as risky. Moreso. Daryl tries, desperately, so many times, to talk her off the ledge, acknowledging that she doesn't care what happens to herself, reminding her that they have a future.
7. In the 2nd last season of each of their shows, Carol and Willow traject into a dark arc after their loved one is murdered, and need their best friend to save them
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to pull them back.
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There are sooo many differences between this pair too. Willow makes many self serving decisions. It's complicated, and unfortunate. Carol is more selfless, only taking on a path of self destruction, putting others at risk, when met with the unspeakable actions of Alpha. Carol is older though, with greater life experiences. She truly lives in the end times, without magic, without superheroes. Her losses are enormous, her suffering excessive.
Willow's journey was always a difficult one for me to watch, even in retrospect with the passage of time. She wanted to escape many of the quirky and endearing qualities which accompanied an awkward and less self assured version of herself, and that was her right. In order to shed some of the pain of her past, she needed to lose an entire version of herself.
8. Finally, both women have such an enormous capacity to love, a desire to protect their loved ones, against all odds. Often putting themselves at risk to do so. They were both selfless and selfish at times, utterly human, beautiful, and I love them for it.
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madara-fate · 1 year
Ok he loves them since it's canon , but the way decade long absence no contact , not even thinking whether his daughter would be upset with his absence , this dude really is devoted to his mission . Sure he is a blessed soul , but idk he has rinnegan , why didn't he teleport once in idk even 5 months , or atleast to see his wife
, Sakura had to intercept message from the hokage to chase him and locate him to be in a relationship with him ???? He has zero contact with Sakura on his missions ?
If someone with a space time ninjutsu could be absent for a decade it is just so fucked up
You have to admit kishi made some big mistakes in gaiden while writing their story .
I'll ask u one qs " Can u actually imagine sasuke cuddling Sakura " ? Like fater they are married making the first move ? You know this proves a lot of my point
I don't deny atleast now that he loves them and needs to stay away for those long ass missions not because he wants to ? but their writing lacks depth atleast considering the problems they were given .
I agreed with your point u have to agree with mine
Bro has rinnegan !!!
Ok he loves them since it's canon , but the way decade long absence no contact , not even thinking whether his daughter would be upset with his absence , this dude really is devoted to his mission . Sure he is a blessed soul , but idk he has rinnegan , why didn't he teleport once in idk even 5 months , or atleast to see his wife
Because as I've stated before (which you alluded to at the beginning of this conversation), Sasuke took his secrecy too far, and he mistakenly thought that Sakura would be enough for Sarada growing up. Once he saw the negative impact his absence had on Sarada, he acknowledged his mistake and owned up to it.
That's why during the scene below, Sasuke wouldn't allow Sakura to take the blame for how upset Sarada was:
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Because as he said, he knew the fault was his.
Sakura had to intercept message from the hokage to chase him and locate him to be in a relationship with him ???? He has zero contact with Sakura on his missions ?
Again, that's a completely baseless assumption on your part. Nowhere does it say or imply that Sakura intercepted a message meant for Naruto, and then used that to locate him. Not least because while he was on his journey, none of them knew where he was; he'd always keep his location a secret. None of them knew where he was during any of the Hiden novels because he didn't tell them. Therefore, it's as I always say - There's no way Sakura would have been able to find Sasuke if he didn't let her know where he'd be beforehand, because he could have literally been anywhere in the world. Because here's something you're forgetting - Sasuke returned to the village during Sasuke Shinden's conclusion, so he therefore spent time with Sakura in person before returning to his travels. Meaning he would have had plenty of time to tell her where he would be, in the event that she wished to join him later. No interception of messages meant for other people, is necessary here.
If someone with a space time ninjutsu could be absent for a decade it is just so fucked up
Firstly, it wasn't a decade. Secondly, I've already explained that Sasuke acknowledged his mistake.
You have to admit kishi made some big mistakes in gaiden while writing their story.
I will admit that a lot of the things he wrote in Gaiden were wholly unnecessary and done solely for cheap drama, but they still made sense in terms of at least being possible. But yes, Kishi could have reached the same conclusion using other, much better routes.
I'll ask u one qs " Can u actually imagine sasuke cuddling Sakura " ? Like fater they are married making the first move ? You know this proves a lot of my point
Well considering they've had sex, I can imagine Sasuke doing far more than just cuddling with her, because we know as a fact that they have done far more than that. I know what you're getting at - Sasuke isn't the cuddly type, nor is he one to engage in overt public displays of affection, but that obviously doesn't mean that his love and affection for his family is any less deep or sincere.
I don't deny atleast now that he loves them and needs to stay away for those long ass missions not because he wants to ? but their writing lacks depth atleast considering the problems they were given.
The writing for literally every single canon couple lacks depth, because the romance was never a focus to begin with. The platonic bonds had far more narrative significance than the romantic ones did, so relative to other stories where the romance was actually a focal point, then yes their writing lacked depth. But this is certainly not a criticism that is exclusive to Sasuke and Sakura.
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Ig if you go by that logic , then yeah he loves them and he had to stay away for that mission , not because he wanted to . However , the fact he forgot his daughters face and tried to threaten her is such an embarrassing moment . He didn't recognise his own blood ?????
I'm not going to get into that topic here, but I explained in great detail during this post, why it actually made sense that Sasuke reacted in that manner when he was first reunited with Sarada.
A decade long !!! How can a father go without his contact of his daughter , ig he really is devoted to his mission and the safety of this world , he is a good person and great soul but the fact that his absence never made him realise how his daughter would be suffering ???
To reiterate - he acknowledged his mistake, and owned up to it.
Sure he loves them "now" but the way they came about with the whole glasses plot and absence and skr intercepting messages from hokage to chase his location makes my head hurt .
Again, Sakura intercepting messages meant for the Hokage in order to chase Sasuke down, did not happen.
You have to admit loving sasuke is very hard work , and the results aren't that special apart from his looks ofc , because he is very awkward.
"Apart from his looks"? My goodness. Anon, Sasuke is one of the most respected figures in the entire Naruto universe right now, he is literally hailed as a village hero. Sakura is proud of what he is doing and she supports him wholeheartedly because she knows that he risks his life everyday to protect everyone in the village. What on earth has looks got to do with anything? Loving Sasuke is easy, because Sakura knows he has a heart of gold, and that he wouldn't hesitate to risk his life for their sake.
I think I'll end the conversation there, geez. I mean honestly come on, "apart from his looks"? Give Sasuke the credit he deserves.
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tjodity · 7 months
UM. YES. I have so many fics to try and write in the month of march but i've got writers block so im not really procrastinating so I will talk abt this!!! Some ideas:
-Okay so the big important first change is that Fundy's voter fraud can't be proven. The numbers are still suspicious, but nobody can prove that they were tampered with. COCONUT2020 beats POG2020 and SCHLATT2020+SWAG2020 in a massive landslide.
-Schlatt never lets this go from the second he hears it. he knows in his bones that he was cheated. Niki is on an edge of not being able to make a sure decision about it. Quackity, George, Tubbo, and Tommy are all fairly pissed about it.
-Losing the election to his son and his first lady fully fucks up Wilbur. He mumbles congratulations and then fully leaves L'Manberg to go off into the woods and build like. a house. imagine how he was in pogtopia but he has no one to fight and no one to talk to and no justifiable reasons to himself to be upset at all.
-Fundy and Niki become co-presidents. Niki appoints Tommy as L'Manberg's scout so he has an excuse to try and find Wilbur. With no exiles, no dictatorship, and no underground rebellion L'Manberg has a lot of people who don't see eye to eye and can say what they want.
-opposing political parties form pretty soon after. Schlatt, Quackity, and Tubbo form a party on the basis of preserving L'Manberg's integrity, making it a better place to live, and integrating more with the SMP. This is referred to as the Opposing Party but I'm sure if it was real lore it would have a very stupid name. Niki, Fundy, George, and Karl end up in a looser party focused on getting an upper hand in ongoing external conflicts and maintaining L'Manberg as a cohesive unit. This is referred to as the Presidential Party. Hbomb stays relatively neutral and Tommy tries to play negotiator. I'm not sure which side Ponk would be swayed towards.
-Niki and Schlatt sort of come up as the biggest political figures. Fundy gets increasingly weird and reclusive as time goes on and Quackity handles a lot of the actual logistics of running L'Manberg. Fighting an uphill battle with a team of people keeps Schlatt a lot more grounded than he was in Manberg. Niki on the other hand is fucking panicking because she feels like she's been dragged into a set of beliefs she doesn't really agree with but she doesn't really know how to keep everything moving. She tends to go towards fairly straightforward and firm answers to problems which keeps pushing her towards militarization.
-Dream doesn't really get a chance to be a villain, at least to the extent he is in the main story. The result of 2nd Era L'Manberg politics is that the country is expanding quickly and acting with sporadic violence with no predictable diplomatic policy, which is a nightmare for him. He ends up resolving that L'Manberg is a much more pressing issue than the disc conflict and devotes a lot of his time to normal diplomacy. Also due to the different position of Schlatt he never hears about the Revival Book.
-Tommy and Dream could actually resolve their issues a little here. Tommy is the only L'Manbergian trying to soften conflicts between the parties and also spends a lot of his time out in the SMP as a scout. He's also lost a lot of confidence in most of his friends and mostly wants everything to calm down. There wants align enough for them to partially work together and I think that at this point they could reasonably figure out their shit.
-Sapnap becomes a much bigger threat. Coconut winning basically resulted in the country of L'Manberg becoming his enemy. I don't think he'd get as fucked up as Dream did but he was also a pretty violent person to begin with and I could see him both escalating and broadening the conflict.
-I don't have a lot more ideas I can remember than that! Some more may come to me but I think it's fascinating! Take some very quick drawings
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sapphiredhearts-a · 1 year
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lore / early life
please read my twilight wolf lore written in my jacob black headcanon here .
paul lahote was born into a family who looked perfect on the outside . they were the typical all-american family in a beautiful house in the suburbs . his dad was a former athlete who had gone off to college on a football scholarship and met the picture - perfect cheerleader . they were engaged and married before they graduated and paul's mother , grace , fell pregnant before she could get her degree . paul's father , john , stayed in school and finished his degree - becoming an accountant who made a good living and was able to move the family to tacoma
everything was . . . fine until paul was eight . his father had a temper from the beginning and pushed his mother into being what he thought was the perfect housewife . he never got physical with paul's mother , but the pressure was hard on her and she never seemed to get things right . she had dreamed of being a lawyer , not a stay at home mom and started to distance herself from john and paul as time went on . on paul's eighth birthday he woke to disaster - his mother had fled to her parent's house and demanded a divorce . john told him that she never tried to fight for any of them and had abandoned paul . despite not believing him at first , paul eventually accepted this version of events as truth and vowed to live up to his father's expectations so he didn't end up like grace .
it wasn't long before john moved paul away from tacoma - uprooting his young life even more . they went back to john's hometown of la push , a place john had said he'd never return to . but he had gotten offered a spot on the tribal council and declared it would be a good move . he could work from home out of a base in port angeles and devote more time to paul . paul thought perhaps things would turn around . he was wrong .
john was a pusher . he pushed paul to be perfect in all aspects of life - no matter how much it killed paul . paul had to join every sport he could , ace all of his classes , and always be seen with the "right" kind of people . he hated the popularity that came with being a jock . the other kids could never really relate to him because he could never be up front about his home life . there were times when john would get violent when paul didn't meet expectations but paul internalized it thinking if he had just been better it wouldn't have happened . he wouldn't leave his father like his mother had done , wouldn't give up on him . besides , he had nowhere else to go .
to everyone else - they were perfect . people adored john , especially after he joined the council . he would rant about how he hated not being higher up in ranks but he still went to every meeting and tried to make his opinion heard . the people of the reservation thought that john was the epitome of a good father . he had taken on being a single dad so well , after all . they would have never guessed what was going on behind closed doors . john was a charmer , for sure .
one thing john was very adamant about when paul was growing up was that paul would learn about the tribal legends . paul didn't think the legends were real , but unlike the other guys he came to know later , paul wished that they were . he wanted the strength that the shape-shifters of the legends possessed , the power . so he held onto every word that his father told him .
when he finally phased , paul was ecstatic to be a wolf . he had done so in a fit of anger after a fight with his father - luckily he had been alone so no one got harmed and sam happened to be on patrol to explain everything to him . paul took it in stride and adjusted quickly - happy to leave his friends and old life behind . he thought his father would be upset he had to quit sporst to avoid detection but he didn't seem to care . he only wanted paul to be the best wolf of the pack .
a few things bothered paul in his new state . for one , he had more trouble than the others controlling his emotions . sam theorized it came from unresolved trauma from his home life ( paul couldn't block them out of his thoughts and therefore sam & jared knew more about him than anyone - creating a close friendship between the three ) but paul refused to believe that . his father had only wanted the best for him . still , he struggled with his explosive anger . after sam hurts emily , paul tries harder to gain control of his emotions and even goes to classes for it - but he struggles every day .
another problem was that paul had been quite popular before transitioning . nobody knew why he had suddenly disappeared for weeks and when he came back seemed to leave everything behind - including a girl he had been seeing . paul refused to give explanations and was instead seen with sam & jared - fueling for the first time the "cult" rumors around la push .
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l3m0ngal5 · 6 months
Stayed gone but it's Benny and Abigail with Abigail as vox
Abigail :That Idiots is back!
regenerzard: Yeah, I thought he was gone for good, too
Abigail : After what he done
regenerzard: You still pissed he almost beat you that time?
Abigail: Uh, shut up
Juregenerzard: Just sayin'
Abigail: Things have changed a lot since he left town
regenerzard: That's for sure
Abigail:I gotta send a message of who's really in charge of things now. Welcome home. I'm gonna make you wish that you'd stayed gone. Say hello to a new status quo. Everyone knows that there's a brand-new dawn. Turn the TV on! (Camera speeds, rollin' in three, two) Top of the hour, and we're discussing a certain has-been. Who has been spotted cavorting around town (welcome to the show) After a seven-year absence, did anybody miss him? (Welcome to the show) Did anybody care More on tonight's program So, benny sharp is back in town Why is he hanging around? What does that mean for The Organisation Well handily, I've got good news He's a loser, He's awful and I don't mean to sound hostile But the Man is Just a coward! You can take that as gospel Pulling my Hero? Impossible! We're visual, he's barely audible Stop givin' him the time of day Don't listen to a word he'd say I hope he had a nice vacay But he should've stayed away While he hid in Techno We pivoted to Hero Now his medium is gettin' bloody rare It's been better since he split Where's he been? Who cares, that's it
Benny : What's. to be back on the air. Yes, I know it's been a while Since someone with style treated You to broadcast So now, rejoice!
Abigail "what a Stupid voice
Benny:Instead of a Rule Upsest mediocre Business lady
Abigail:Come on!
Benny: Is Abby insecure? Pursuing allure? Flitting between this fad and that, is nothing's working?
Abigail: Ignore his chirping!
Benny: Every day, he's got a new format
Abigail: You're lookin' at the future, he's the shit that comes before that!
Benny: she as strong as he purports Or is it based on his support? SHe'd be powerless without the her Devotes
Abigail: Oh, please!
Benny: here's the sugar on the cream She asked me to join his team.
Abigail:Hold on!
Benny: i said no, and now he's pissy, that's the tea
Abigail: You old-timey prick I'll show you suffering
Benny: Uh oh, your TV is buffering!
Abigail: I'll destroy you, you little–
Benny: I'm afraid you've lost your signal Let's begin I'm gonna make you wish that I'd stayed gone Tune on in when I'm done Your status quo will know its race is run Oh, this will be fun
Abigail oh no
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