#and if ford breaks his phone during his
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kikayyam · 6 months ago
Keeping in touch
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ckret2 · 6 months ago
Hi! I don't remember if anyone asked this, but do you have any headcanons about Shermie Pines?
Sure, here's the big one.
I've decided to resolve the "if he's the baby then Mabel & Dipper are the product of two generations of 15-year-old parents; if he's older than Stan & Ford and maybe already out of the house then where is he and who's the baby?" problem the most ridiculous way possible:
He IS the baby, but he grew 20 years in 10 years.
I don't mean he's a 10-year-old that looks 20, i mean that for every year he existed, he experienced two years of life. Like at the start of September he entered 1st grade and at the end of next May he exited 2nd grade, and nobody knows how, he didn't jump up a grade during winter break or something, everyone around him clearly remembers him going through nine months of school and then summer break and then another nine months of school, his first and second grade teachers both remember teaching him for a whole school year, but it happened within one year.
Nobody else is affected; they all remember experiencing two years of life with Shermie, but they didn't age two years too. Just him. No one can explain it. It's the darnedest thing.
"But how did this happen." Time magic. "What caused it?" Magic. "Did he experience every year twice?" No just once; the year was twice as long for him. "Then how did he experience two school years instead of one double length school year?" Magic. "How does that even work???" I'm not an expert on time magic.
Caryn told Ford about it, but he was busy with more PhD programs than any human should ever endure and assumed it was some kind of hyperbolic lie to communicate how fast it feels like Shermie's growing, so she's going "this sounds like one of your strange anomalous things you study, isn't this one of those things you study?" and he's like "uh huh that's great mom."
Stan, of course, didn't hear any of this, so the first he learns of it is during a reluctant family reunion soon after he takes over Ford's life and Caryn's like "and over there's your brother Shermie and his wife, I don't know if you've seen him since your master's degree, try to talk to them won't you?" and Stan goes "Shermie?? Isn't he supposed to be twelve, why's he look like a MAN? Whaddaya mean wife??? Is she pregnant????" and Caryn went "😏 I KNEW you were never listening on the phone."
Shermie gradually stopped experiencing life on double time and slowed down to age normally around his mid twenties (well, mid twenties from his perspective; around 13 according to his birth certificate). Filbrick and Caryn sort of agreed that getting married must have helped him "settle down" and they don't really question it.
Ford gets to learn this several hours after he gets home when he finally gets a break long enough to put two and two together and goes "wait, SHERMIE'S grandkids?? But he's barely in his forties, how does he have 12-year-old grandkids" and Stan tells him and Ford goes "You mean Mom was telling the truth?!"
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2knightt · 1 month ago
— REAL SWEET (but i wish you were sober!)
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…IN WHICH—reader tells the greasers the things they want to hear. if only they were sober. (Greasers: J.C, D.W, PB.C, SP.C, D.C.)
tags/warnings: gn!reader, reader is depicted either high or drunk, reader is toxic, greaser(s) miss reader/miss the familiarity of reader, angsty, story-focused, rather long.
ೃauthor notes⁀➷ red flag!reader, oh how you will always mean so much to me! this was supposed to be posted in august LMFAO
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dallas winston
he should’ve never picked up that call.
if he knew that it was you calling him from a payphone, so drunk that you didn’t even know your own name, he would’ve let that phone ring.
“dally? oh, dally. i-i’m scared, i dunno where i am. it’s dark an-and i miss you.”
you slurred your words accidentally, trying to act sober in hopes that it would incline him to come and pick you up more.
“y/n, i’m busy. take this shit up with someone else.”
he corrected you with a stern tone. he wasn’t your dally and he hadn’t been for a long time. not since your break-up. you hadn’t been his baby and he hadn’t been your dally.
“dallas, please. come and get me. i-i’m by the old gas station. please,”
you pleaded some more, no longer hiding the desperation in your voice.
the screeching from the other line was deafening. dally—dallas, had hung up on you.
wearing thin pants at a night like this, during the cold oklahoma fall, was stupid of you. it only hit you when you sat on the curb, the cold concrete hitting you like a truck.
it sobered you up; only for a second. then, just as before, it was back to every wind that rustled past, every slight movement you made was met with a familiar dizziness.
dallas kept on muttering to himself as he drove to the gas station. “can’t believe i’m doing this, man,” “they’re drunk outta their mind,” “they’re using me. it’s clear as day.”
he saw you sitting on the curb, the gas station lights illuminating your figure in the dark night. you were tightly hugging your knees to your chest, covering your face from the wind.
dally chuckled as you jumped from him honking the horn of the curtis’ ford. he leaned out the open window, not hiding the sheer annoyance he felt.
“hurry up! i got shit to do!”
watching you stumble to the truck made him feel bad for you. it’s been awhile since you’ve been this drunk. and you smelled disgusting when you got into the truck.
he rolled all the windows down.
“god, dallas. you’re so good to me—i dunno why i left you. i miss you, y’know?”
you rambled, tears already forming as you spoke. never were an emotional drunk until now.
dallas’ knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel harder, holding back from snapping at you.
‘if you missed me so goddamn bad, why is this the first fucking phone call i’m getting?!’ he thought, wishing he had the guts to shout it at you.
“you were s-so nice to me. so handsome, so funny. i’m such a fucking idiot..”
“where you goin’?”
dallas cut off your sobbing with a question, trying to stop himself from either yelling or crying.
he didn’t know why he was like this when it came to you. he hated it, almost as much as he hated you.
you mustered between hyperventilating, tears streaming down your cheeks. you didn’t know where home was anymore since you drank yourself silly.
you two drove in silence for the rest of the ride. it was only until he pulled into the driveway did you speak again,*
“i still love you.”
god, dally wished his baby was sober.
johnny cade
“y/n, i thought you quit smokin’ mary jane.”
“i dunno where you heard that from.”
you giggled, too high to realize the seriousness of the situation.
crossing paths with you after the break up you had was unfortunate. smoking by yourself in the lot where you two hung out before was even more unfortunate.
johnny getting caught trying to go to your guy’s spot was the most unfortunate. he smelled the weed on your clothes, he seen the stub of the joint on the ground, and he seen your eyes that were red and tired.
he wished he could’ve said no when you patted the spot beside you, telling him to sit down.
“isn’t it funny that-that we meet here? i mean, accidentally, of course. unless..?”
johnny hated that you were joking with him. he knew that it could never go back to the normal bickering you two had.
“i just wanted to clear my mind.”
“yeah, me too.”
you mumbled, finding yourself in a trance with how your hair felt between your finger tips. you missed this feeling.
“is that why you started smoking again?”
the dark haired boy asked, only now realizing that he was asking too many question, getting too comfortable with you again.
god, what the hell was wrong with him?
“then why?”
johnny couldn’t help himself from asking.
“i missed you too much. my..my mind was jus’ racing n’ racing with you. i needed to smoke.”
you admitted, dragging out the sentence for longer than it had to be.
that’s how johnny knew it wasn’t you talking anymore. the weed took over your brain, it took over your senses, it took over your mouth—it took over you.
he’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to hear those words, though.
johnny just wished you were sober when you said it.
ponyboy curtis
“why’re you here, y/n?”
“why are you here, ponyboy?”
the alcohol on your breath reeked. the way you slurred your words made him cringe.
he hated you when you were drunk. pony hated it so much to the point where you stopped drinking all together.
you were clearly back into the habit now. he scoffed, wishing he hadn’t come out of the house party to sit outside. if he knew you were on the steps too, he’d have done a u-turn.
too late, though. you seen him and ponyboy couldn’t hold back a sarcastic comment.
“my friends are here.”
“you got friends?”
you chuckled at his answer. despite the alcohol in your system, you laugh reminded him of the good times; when you were sober.
“i thought you quit.”
ponyboy kicked the red solo cup beside you, watching it roll down the steps.
you replied, popping the ‘p’ in the word. he scoffed, walking to sit beside you. the steps creaked as he sat down.
your movements were slowed as you turned your head to face him, your chin in the palm of your hands as the other gripped a half-full cup tightly.
it was an awkward several minutes of you borderline admiring him while he looked up at the stars in the sky.
after awhile, he finally snapped and asked you in an agitated tone,
“why are you looking at me?”
“i miss you, y’know. i’m sorry.”
ponyboy paused, feeling like a little kid again. only for a second, however. then the irritation came back.
why can’t you say this sober? pony would’ve done anything to hear you say that sober.
sodapop curtis
“you’re gonna get yourself killed if you keep wandering off,”
he warned as he held your wrist tightly, pulling you away from the road. even when you were tipsy, you stumbled over your feet.
being blackout drunk, however, made it hard for you to even process that you had legs attached to your body. you walked like a rag doll.
“i don’t want ‘sorry’s, y/n.”
“i’m sorry.”
sodapop doesn’t even know why he bothered. you wouldn’t take in anything he told you.
he was walking you home. you were so drunk at the party steve dragged him to, he had to make sure you were good.
even if it meant walking your ex home at midnight.
“you smell nice, soda.”
“thank you,”
he mumbled in response, keeping his head straight forward. if he looked back at you, he didn’t trust himself to not cry or engulf you in a hug.
sodapop hated the way you two ended things, but he hated the relationship more.
as you two neared your house, he seen your porch light on and audible sighed. at least someone was home to care for you in this state.
“i’m so, so sorry, soda. i’m such a fucking idiot-”
“no, you aren’t.”
“yes, i am. i lost you.”
tears brimmed in your eyes as you thought back to your mistakes, the vodka making your emotions 10x stronger. the alcohol made you say stuff you didn’t mean or believe.
and soda knew that.
an apology was all he wanted. but, he wished you were sober to tell him that.
darry curtis
“you should know better by now.”
“i’m a grown woman, darry.”
he knew that. he seen the joint between your fingers as you sat out on your steps. he was scolding you like he was your boyfriend again.
“that doesn’t mean your lungs won’t be effected.”
it felt nice to be taken care of again. you missed darry.
“i miss you, dare.”
“no, you don’t.”
he replied sternly. he was, also, a grown man. he knew damn well that it wasn’t your actual feelings.
darry was the first person to call you out on your bullshit; always.
“i’m sorry,”
“be better, y/n.”
darry had to walk off before he did something stupid. he had to before he started to console you, before he started to treat you like a girlfriend again.
hearing you apologize, hearing you say you miss him wasn’t what he needed.
but god, he wanted you to be sober when you said those words so bad.
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multi-fandom-imagine · 6 months ago
❥𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 || Stanford Pines ||
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It started out like any other normal night, minus the fact you were heavily pregnant. Ford swore he knew the exact date and time when your water would break even going as far to have some bags packed and ready.
So when your water broke during the middle of the night needless to say it came as a surprise to the man.
"My calculations must be off." Ford muttered as he tapped at his watch.
"Ford! Hospital ! Now!" You gritted your teeth, body hunched over, hand on your belly.
"Ah right away dear!" Ford gave you a weak smile as his arms wrapped around your waist as he guided you out to the car. "We'll get you to the hospital on time."
A cry tore from your lips, your nails digging into the seat. "Ford...you need to pull over and call an ambulance...I can't"
Ford parted his lipa, his hands tightening on the wheel as he looked at you then the road ahead of himself.
Maybe if he went faster then he might make, though hearing your pained cry he couldn't help but flinch hating that you were in pain. Fumbling with the phone, Ford did his best to stay calm as he pulled off on the side of the road.
He could do this, you were the love of his life, you were having his children.
He could do this.
Ford could feel the tears streaming down his cheeks as he held two of the squirming new borns in his arms. His heart leaping in his throat as the paramedic instructed you to push one last time and with that his little girl was born.
The paramedic's closing the door to the ambulance, driving off to the hospital with you, Ford and the triplets.
"I'm already failing as a father, I could have gotten you four killed...I should have gotten it better I mist have missed-."
"Ford." Giving him a tired smile, you placed your hand on his cheek. "You did a wonderful job, you were by my side...that's all that matters."
Giving you a watery smile, Ford lent over kissing your head then turned his attention to the new borns.
"I love you...I love you all so much...thank you...thank you for giving me a family." Ford whispered. "Thank you for choosing me, for loving me."
Smiling, your thumb caressed his cheek brushing away a stray tear. "I love you too Ford...more than anything."
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darka-3363 · 3 months ago
A fic idea where Stan has never told Ford that he now technically has 3 professor titles and a ride or die arch nemesis in theoretical physics Stanley has acquired by accident 15 years ago and has been in bloody theoretical feud ever since, and that he kept up even after Ford has come back.
He has come clean about his actual identity to that arch nemesis sometime during early 2000s, but asked him not to blow his cover, to which his nemesis was like: you can even be a blue man on the moon for all that I care, now explain what do you mean about your paper on string theory—
Additional points if the nemesis is affiliated with West Coast Tech, and even more if he defends Stanley's theories and papers when talking with his colleagues while simultaneously being his nr 1 enemy (academically speaking).
And Ford only learns about it when he notices a very thick letter on the table addressed specifically to Stanley and not to him, the twins who got the letter from the postman are just as confused, and when Stan comes out for his break, he's all like "oh a letter from Johnny? Finally, I've been waiting for it forever ever since he called."
Mabel: What's in it what's in it?!
Stan: Nothing you'll be interested in pumpkin, just some new paper about gravitational waves. Apparently they're finally working out the details of making the machine that might actually detect 'em.
Stanford assumes Stanley's lying just because, little does he know that Stan was actually 100% honest, and he forgets about the whole thing until after weirdmaggeddon, when they're sailing on Stan-O-War II, and Stanley's phone starts suddenly playing AC/DC 'T.N.T.' while he's busy outside with the fishing net, and Stan shouts at him to take it, he'll be there in a few.
Ford: Uh, hello?
Ford: Uhh... Stanley's busy right now.
Johnny: You know, your excuses are usually much better than pretending you are not you.
But before Ford can explain the situation, Stanley gets into the cabin, gets the phone from Stanford, and starts talking in scientific jargon so fast that Ford can barely even understand what they're talking about, and this is the moment he realizes two very important things
1) Stan wasn't lying about getting a paper about gravitational waves
2) Holy shit Stanley actually seems to know what he's talking about
3) And Stanford doesn't know what they're talking about since some of the terminology has changed during the 30 years he's been away, new discoveries were also made and holy fuck he needs to catch up asap
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cosmicdahlias · 4 months ago
Picture You
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You’re snowed in at your research partner’s place! All other rooms are occupied so he offers to let you sleep in his room. You’ve harbored a crush on him for some time so just being alone in his room is enough to excite you, leaving you unable to resist touching yourself.
warnings: HUGE age gap (reader is in their 20’s), masturbation, p in v, mild mdom/fsub, creampie
this is loosely based off of chappell roan’s “picture you”. the second i realized what it was about i was ✨inspired✨
You had been Stanford Pines’ research partner for a year and some change, although the actual amount of time you had spent in his company was only a little less than six months. Not long into working with him, he left to sail the open seas and travel the world with his brother, Stanley.
You stayed back, working in the lab and cataloging their findings on your computer. Your skills with technology complimented his total inept ability for anything made post-1982. He would call you- from the phone you painstakingly convinced him to get- excitedly sharing the news of his and Stan’s latest discoveries.
You weren’t totally by yourself during this period. You were once Stan’s employee before becoming Ford’s assistant, so when you ventured upstairs you had the company of your former coworkers. Wendy, an incredibly laid back teenager with a habit for shirking work, and Soos, previous handyman turned Mystery Shack owner. There was also Soos’s girlfriend, Melody, and his abuelita who would hand you home baked goods practically every morning as you walked in the front door.
Still, you missed Ford’s presence dearly. You secretly looked forward to his phone calls and eagerly awaited his return. Ever since you had met Ford two summers ago you were madly in love with him. Hell, before you even met you were drawn to him. Dipper would lend you journal 3 during your breaks when you were still working at the Mystery Shack. You read every page over and over, wondering who the author could be and what they looked like.
You watched Ford walk through the portal, shocked to discover that the Stanford Pines you thought was your boss had actually been impersonating the true Stanford, his twin and author of the journals. As he removed his goggles and hood you felt your face flush. Of all the ways you’d imagined the author to look, a silver fox was not one of them.
What should’ve been a happy reunion between brothers quickly turned into an altercation, interrupted by Mabel’s demand for answers as to just “what the heck” was going on. Ford, who had been distracted by his contempt for Stan, took notice of the other four in the basement: Dipper, Mabel, Soos, and you.
He looked everyone over, but when he reached you his gaze froze, a slight pink dusting his cheeks. He pulled out his journal, writing something down and every so often looking at you before stuffing it back in his trench coat pocket.
Between a lengthy backstory told by both brothers and an interruption by government agents, there wasn’t much room for introductions. After some quick thinking by both Dipper and Ford to use the memory gun to erase the agents’ memories of raiding the shack, Stan insisted you and Soos head home.
The following day you worked with Soos and Wendy to repair the damage of temporary gravitational insanity, when Ford ascended the stairs. He walked towards you, the same shade of pink returning to his cheeks when you met his gaze.
“I don’t believe I had the chance to properly introduce myself yesterday. I’m sure you remember my name, but just in case, I’m Stanford. Though please, call me Ford.”
“And you can call me y/n. So… you’re the mysterious author?”
He raised his eyebrows in genuine surprise.
“Wait, you’ve read my journals?”
“Only the third one, your nephew would let me read it every now and then.”
He gave a small smile. “I’m so flattered to know you take an interest in my work.”
“Are you kidding? You make this hick town actually interesting, a place worth living in!”
You and Ford had a pleasant conversation, discussing the various creatures of Gravity Falls at length. Eventually he excused himself, insisting his work must be attended to, but that he would be happy to have future discussions of the same nature. You went to return yourself to your own tasks when you heard a gravely laugh behind you. You turned to see Stan leaning against the doorframe. Had he been there the whole time?
“Heh, I don’t think I’ve ever seen sixer so interested in someone before. Hell, I’ve never seen YOU so into a guy and men practically flock to you.”
You gave a small laugh. “I think he was just happy to meet someone interested in his research.”
“Oh please, that’s all it takes. Just stroke his ego and he’s yours.”
“Oh no, I’m not-“
“Look, I know I’m a catch and he shares my good looks, so I get it. It’s hard to resist a face like ours and you’re a total nerd so clearly you were gonna fall for him.”
You went beet red. “No, seriously it’s not like that at all.”
He cackled. “Oh really? Cause your face ain’t hiding a thing, kid.”
Throughout the week, Ford would often come upstairs to continue your talks of creatures and cryptids. The second he left the room, Stan couldn’t resist winking and making an obnoxious sex gesture with his fingers.
Another day had passed and Ford once again approached you. You assumed to discuss the plaidypus or something, but instead he offered you a proposition.
“So, y/n, I’ve been mulling it over and I think I could use an assistant. Would you be interested?”
“I thought you told Dipper you wanted to work alone.”
“Because he’s just a child. You’re an adult and I believe you’re fully capable of handling the dark and dangerous side of Gravity Falls. Besides, I’m getting far too old to do this sort of thing myself.”
Ford seeing you as someone worth working alongside with felt like something to be proud of. From your interactions you sensed he didn’t trust easily. You were eager to accept when you remembered your obligations.
“I’d love to, but… I have to discuss it with Stan first. It’d be shitty to just quit on him without warning.”
He seemed to bristle at the mention of his brother, but was willing to put his feelings aside for you.
“I completely understand.”
Later that evening as your shift ended you turned to Stan.
“Hey, so listen, Ford asked me to work as his assistant. I know you guys have a touchy history, but I-“
He waved a hand. “It’s fine, kid. I figured this was coming. Me and him might not get along anymore, but I still want what’s best for him. Go for it. And hey, if you do hook up, just promise you’ll name the kid after me!” He winked.
Over a year had passed, the holiday season was well under way. Dipper and Mabel were staying over for the winter break, having just arrived the day before. You were busy with research in the lab when a startling EAS alarm blared from your phone. You picked it up, reading the notification.
Dec. 16, 9:46 PM
Severe Blizzard Warning until Dec 17, 10 AM. Unsafe road conditions expected. Avoid travel.”
“Shit.” You groaned.
“What is it?” Ford asked.
“Looks like we’re in for a snowstorm. I’m gonna head upstairs and see if I can still get out of here.”
You ascended the staircase and poked your head out the front door only to be greeted with a massive blanket of snow and thick flakes falling in droves. The lower half of your car was completely buried, tires no longer visible. Welp, you were stuck.
Normally this would’ve been less than ideal, but as you stared out at the enormous layer of freshly fallen snow you couldn’t help the feeling of your heart pounding excitedly at your chest. Possibilities swarmed in your head of what could happen while spending a night with Ford. You turned to head back downstairs when the telltale high pitched voice of Mabel piped up.
“Did you see all the snow? Hey, how are you gonna get home?”
“They’re probably not Mabel, it’d be suicide heading out in this weather.” Dipper said, nose buried in a book.
“Ooooo, we should have a sleepover! We could stay up doing each other’s makeup, painting our nails, watching holiday movi- WAIT WAIT WAAAAAAIT!!! This could be your chance! You could finally tell Grunkle Ford how you feel!” Mabel beamed up at you, face alight with excitement.
“How did you- I mean, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You lied.
“Pfft, yeah you do! I found your love letter to him in the trash! It was soooo romantic, I don’t get why you threw it out.” Mabel said.
“Hey! That was private!” You scolded.
“Don’t worry, she did that to me too.” Dipper sighed.
“Either way, I know there’s something between you two! Nothing like a little snowstorm as the perfect nudge to make sparks fly.” Mabel said, playfully elbowing you at the word “nudge”.
You shook your head and trudged down the stairs. Ford studied your face, trying to determine the situation by your expression.
“How is it?” He inquired.
“Not good, there’s no way I can drive in this weather.” You huffed, feigning disappointment.
“Ah, I see. Well, the house is rather full at the moment, so there’s not a spare room. The only thing I can think of is the living room recliner, but I wouldn’t exactly recommend it. It’s not really designed for sleeping.”
He paused, looking nervous before offering his suggestion.
“I suppose you could… stay in my room. I finally added a proper bed, so I can take the couch. I- if you don’t mind, I don’t want to impose.”
Your heart did a backflip.
“I’m okay with that.” You said, doing your best to act calm.
After about an hour and a half of work you finally felt yourself getting tired. You yawned, struggling to keep your eyes open. Ford noticed immediately.
“Ready to call it a night?” He asked.
“Nnnmn, yeah I suppose.” You mumbled sleepily.
“Alright, I’ll show you to my room.”
He led you up the stairs and down the hall, opening the door. A long red couch, a queen bed, and a stained glass window were the main points of interest.
“As I previously stated, the bed is yours.” He said, gesturing towards it.
You sat on the bed.
“Thanks for this, Ford.”
He gave a small chuckle. “Well, I’m not about to let you brave a storm like that. You’re my favorite assistant and far too important for me to lose.”
You blushed at the idea of being “important” to him and his “favorite”.
“Aren’t I your only assistant?” You ribbed.
He laughed softly. “Fair enough.”
He looked down at you and his face gave the impression that he wanted to say something important.
“Y/n, I-“ He paused, stopping himself.
He shook his head. “Never mind… Okay then, I’ll let you get some slee- oh wait a minute, you don’t have any clothes to sleep in, do you?”
You shook your head.
“I figured as much. I can’t imagine being in jeans all night would be comfortable. Let me see what I can do.”
He rummaged around in his dresser, pulling out an old BMU t-shirt and forest green running shorts.
“I haven’t touched these since college. They’ll be a bit big on you, but hopefully they should suffice.” He said, handing them to you.
“Alright, well, I’m going to finish up things in the lab for another hour or so. Let me know if you need anything.” He said, closing the door behind him.
You took off your clothes and bra, putting on the shirt and shorts and looking at yourself in the mirror. Wearing his clothes was way more arousing than it should be. You laid back on the bed, sighing. Every second you spent with Ford was akin to torture. You wanted him- needed him so bad. He was nearly 40 years your senior, but you always fancied older men. Something about that salt and pepper hair and having more experience than men your age was incredibly appealing to you.
Given Ford’s years in other dimensions you would’ve thought that the latter wasn’t the case for him. However, he had admitted to you after a liberal amount of drinks the night he came home from traveling the world that he hadn’t been entirely alone in those three decades. He ended his statement mumbling in embarrassment that he had still never been with another human.
Your mind was flooded with thoughts of all 12 of Ford’s fingers on you, him eating you out, and fucking you in every position known to man, some only known in other dimensions. You slipped your hand underneath the shorts and your panties. You gathered the wetness from between the lips of your pussy on your finger and dragged it up to stroke your already throbbing clit. It wouldn’t take you long, just touching yourself in his room heavy with the scent of him was turning you on so much. God, how you loved his scent, you would find any excuse to be close to him just to take it in.
You were close, you rubbed yourself furiously as you felt yourself just about to tip over the edge. You pulled the shirt up, squeezing one of your breasts. At that exact moment the door swung open, Ford stood in the doorway.
“Sorry, y/n, I forgot to- oh my.”
You moaned softly, too caught up in your own pleasure to hear his baritone voice.
“Oh god, Ford.” You whimpered.
Ford turned as red as his sweater and gave an incredibly audible clearing of his throat. Your eyes opened, you gasped as you met Ford’s gaze. You quickly snapped your hand up and pulled the shirt down to cover your breasts.
He stared at you in silence for a few seconds before speaking.
“Were you… moaning my name?”
You looked away, your embarrassment making you want to spontaneously combust. There was no way of talking yourself out of this one.
You blurted out an apology. “I’m so sorry! I seriously thought you weren’t coming in here for an hour!“
“No, no, it’s okay. You just surprised me. I wasn’t expecting this, not from someone as young and as gorgeous as you.” He said.
He shut the door behind him and crossed the room to stand next to you. You looked up at him.
“Y- you think I’m-“
He took your face in his hand, stroking your cheek with his thumb.
“Gorgeous? Of course I do, anyone with eyes can see that. When I first saw you that day after finally coming back to our dimension you were such a sight for sore eyes.”
“Ford, I- you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to hear you say something like that.”
“And you don’t know how long I’ve wanted to have you in my bed like this.”
“You wouldn’t believe half of the things I’ve done picturing you.”
He chuckled. “I think I have a pretty good idea.”
He leaned in, kissing you deeply. His hand traveled underneath the shorts to your wetness.
“Oh stars, you were close to orgasming when I walked in, weren’t you?”
You nodded sheepishly.
“Well then,” he purred “don’t stop on my account.”
He removed his hand from you, shrugging his trench coat off his shoulders and pulling his sweater over his head. He loosened his belt and unzipped his pants, sliding them off of his legs and letting them fall to the floor. His boxers barely contained his hardened cock, you could see a glimpse of it through the slit. He slid them off and they joined his pants on the floor. You bit your lip, he noticed you staring.
“D- do you like it? I’ve never been with a human, so I have no idea if it’s satisfactory.”
You laughed. “Oh I think you’ll be more than satisfactory.”
He leaned down again to kiss you.
“Let me see you, all of you.” He cooed.
You sat up and lifted the vintage shirt off of you, he eyed you in pure hunger.
“My goodness, your breasts are perfect.”
You laid back and hooked your thumbs in both the waistband of the shorts and your panties, sliding them off. Ford got onto the bed. The sight of your dripping pussy was too much to stop himself, came in close dragged his tongue along your wetness.
“Sorry, I couldn’t resist, I had to taste you. God, your scent and taste are incredible, just the pure essence of sex.”
He moved to sit on his knees at the foot of the bed.
“Now, sweet girl, pick up where you left off.” He said.
You didn’t need to be told twice, returning your hand between your thighs.
“Good girl.”
“Fuck, I love being called that.” You whimpered.
He chuckled. “I always suspected you had a thing for praise.”
His hand found his cock and he began to stroke himself to you. If being in Ford’s room was enough to make you cum fast, him touching himself to you was going to do you over in half the time. You worked your fingers quickly, electricity pulsing through you. Ford watched intently.
“Are you close, princess? Already?”
“Mmmnn, I can’t help it with you watching me and stroking your huge cock like that.” You moaned.
He blushed a deep scarlet.
“H- huge?”
“Massive. Like I said, more than satisfactory.” You smirked.
Your breathing quickened, your body shook, your moans became louder.
“Good girl, that’s it. Cum for me.” He coaxed.
Your head sunk into the pillow as you came hard, moaning and swearing like a sailor. Ford watched you intently.
“God I’ve wanted to see you like this for so long, you look so perfect in a post-orgasm glow.”
Ford got on top of you, kissing you passionately.
“Ready?” He said softly.
“Please.” You begged.
He slowly slipped himself inside you, you winced and moaned at the sensation of his thick cock.
“Are you alright? You’re squeezing me so hard.” Ford asked.
“Y- yeah, just give me second to adjust.”
He kissed you and gave you time to ease up around him.
“Dear moses, even when you’re relaxed you’re still so tight. I’m going to start moving, tell me if it feels like too much. Okay?”
You nodded and he began to thrust softly.
“Oh god, human pussy feels incredible, y- you feel incredible.” He moaned.
“Ever since you told me you’d never been with a human I wanted so badly to change that.”
“I longed to have you as my first, but I never imagined it would happen. I thought it would be nothing more than a foolish pipe dream of an equally foolish old man. I’ve always been incredibly attracted to you, not simply for your beauty, but because you compliment me so well. We make a good team. I would trade all of the stars in the known universe and beyond for just a second of being in your presence. Out of all the creatures I have seen, you are by far the most enchanting, the most captivating.”
“Ugh, how am I supposed to top you saying something as beautifully Shakespearean as that?” You huffed.
“It’s alright, just the feeling of being inside you is far more poetic than anything I’ve ever read.”
You laced your fingers in his hair and pulled him into a kiss. He sat on his knees, lifting up your hips and putting a pillow under your ass, throwing your legs over his shoulders.
“What’s the pillow for?”
“It’ll increase pleasure to the Gräfenberg spot.”
“The what?”
He chuckled. “The g-spot, love. Here, this will only make things better.”
He slipped a hand between your thighs, stroking your clit. He began to move again, holy fuck he was right, this felt amazing.
“Ohhhh jesus, Ford.”
“Yes that’s it, your pleasure is all I want.”
His free hand found your waist, gripping it.
“H- harder, please.” You whimpered.
“You have to earn it. Beg for me.”
“P- please fuck me harder, sir. Make me cum all over you. I need it, I need it so badly.”
“Sir? That’s my good girl, how could I not oblige?”
His grip on your waist tightened and he began to move himself at a blinding pace. The bed creaked and shook, the headboard slamming against the wall. You tightened around him.
“God, you’re getting so wet and tight. Are you close?”
“Uh huh.” You panted.
“I’m getting there too. I’m going to let you cum, but you have to promise that you’ll cum with me. Understand?”
“Yes, sir.”
“So obedient, such behavior needs to be rewarded.”
His fingers began to move as fast as his thrusts.
“I’m going to cum, sweet girl. Will you let me cum inside you?”
You nodded.
“Use your words, princess.”
“P- please.”
He stopped.
“Please, what?”
“Please, sir.”
“Good girl.”
He resumed his brutal pace. You felt a pressure within you explode and you arched your back, cumming around his cock. The feeling of you undid him. He let go of your clit, both hands gripping your waist to pull you against him and bury his cock fully inside you down to the hilt. He came an ungodly amount inside of you, it spilled out and dripped onto the bed.
“Oh god, I love you!” You moaned.
He looked down at you, his face bright red. You froze, that was an inside thought.
“You- you love me?”
“I- I- ah, uh-“ you took a deep breath. “Yes, since the day I met you.”
He kissed you passionately.
“I love you too. I was so drawn to you from the very beginning. My feelings developed when you told me you read my journals. Hearing you talk so passionately about the weird and unusual, I knew I had met a true kindred soul, my twin flame.”
Ford pulled out and laid beside you, pulling you to him with your back pressed against his chest, his arm around you.
“This was not how I was expecting my night to turn out, but I’m so glad it did.” He mumbled into your neck.
You smiled. “Never thought I’d be so happy to be snowed in.”
You lay in silence, drifting off until you felt something hard and warm press against your ass. Ford moved himself down, his head between your thighs.
“Ready to go again, princess?”
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froggy-demon · 5 months ago
Stan + Ford - S/O with insomnia HCs
Totallyyyy not just because I have insomnia.. anyway submissions are open <3
Ford has sleep issues himself, if not insomnia as well he at least has a hard time sleeping though the night from needing to stay hypervigilant during his time dimension hoping
So he notices very quickly when you are having a difficult time getting to bed
He’d keep a journal entry about different strategies that helped more than others, reading before bed, sleepy time tea, hot shower, getting up for a walk, etc., even if nothing worked 100% of the time
He loves acts of service so he’d love to be the one to make your tea, start your shower, pick out your pjs, whatever it is, plus just wanting to be a gentleman and take care of you
He would be very worried anytime he woke up throughout the night to find you missing from bed, he’d have to lay eyes on you to make sure you were safe even if it meant waiting for you to get back from a walk or out of the shower
Wouldn’t make you immediately go back to bed of course, he’d be happy to sleepily sit with you until you were ready to try and lay down again
Happy to try and lull you to sleep with stories, either real ones from his adventures or reading to you from whatever he was reading at the time
Would also try to soothingly (think almost asmr) explain the biological processes involved in falling asleep, this would not actually help, similar to being reminded that your are breathing
Some nights you would both not be able to fall asleep and after a good few minutes of laying there silently trying to let the other sleep one of you would break, ‘you’re breathing sounds awake, let’s go watch Ducktective’
Stan sleeps like a freaking rock
So he would want to try and create good ‘wind down’ activities for you
Happy to draw you a bath in the evening, even got you candles and lavender soaks to help, extra loves taking a bath with you—holding you and combing his hands through your wet hair
He’d try to get lots of things to help actually, weighted blanket, eye mask, incense, white noise machine, etc., anything if it might help you fall asleep
Will hold you and talk your ear off in bed to try and get you to fall asleep, it doesn’t help, but you like listening to him so you’ll never tell him that
If he does wake up to find you out of bed he’ll track you down and bring you back, he just needs to be able to feel you in bed next to him, doesn’t mind if you are on your phone or whatever as long as you are near him
Happy to rub your shoulders and scratch your back to help smooth you before bed while peppering you with kisses—likes when you hum happily as a response
Would instinctively cuddle you back to sleep if you stirred after finally falling asleep, he just loves physical affection
So much so that even if you are sitting up in bed unable to sleep he will lay his head on your lap, nearly purring if you run your hands through his hair/scratch is head—happy to return the favor
Worries and dotes on you more when you seem any more tired than usual during the day, he just wants his baby to get the rest they need
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senseofnewness · 6 months ago
what are your own like personal headcanons about art donaldson!!! i love hearing about silly thoughts people have <333 (i love your writing btw!!)
(thank you bby <3)
random art donaldson headcanons
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• at 31 years old, art donaldson still can't grow a full mustache. it's as if god took all the body hairs meant for him and gave them to patrick zweig instead.
• art wears tom ford’s azure lime, a fragrance that is fresh and crisp, with none of the heavy muskiness you might expect. some might say it smells a bit feminine, but it suits him well, at least, it always smells clean.
• he named his daughter lily after his grandmother, liliane. although she didn't raise him, they shared a special bond. it was liliane who introduced him to tennis.
• he is a secret fan of the lord of the rings and occasionally quotes gollum, much to tashi’s annoyance, who rolls her eyes at the nerdy side of her husband.
• his favorite food is lasagna, but not the kind you'd expect. he doesn't crave the gourmet freshly made lasagna his personal chef prepares. what he really loves is the store-brand frozen lasagna, the kind that comes in a box and is microwaved. tashi only allows him to eat it on his birthday.
• out of all his body parts, hands are probably his favorite. which is why he finds holding hands to be one of the most intimate gestures. he prefers sturdy hands with slender fingers and manicured nails.
• art had never blocked patrick’s number all those years, just so he could one day say "the phone works both ways" if patrick ever tried to blame him for their falling out.
• he has an irrational fear of spiders. if he spots one in a room, he cannot bring himself to sleep in there, even if tashi has killed the spider for him. in his mind, the spider’s family might be plotting revenge, and that thought is enough to keep him awake at night.
• art donaldson hates the taste of coffee, no matter how many times he had tried to like it in an effort to appear more mature. to him, it always tastes like straight-up dirt. he prefers to stick with vanilla milk.
• he has tried the curly girl method countless times, hoping to restore the curly texture his hair once had as a teenager. despite his efforts and the many products he has tried, his hair remains persistently straight.
• art chews his nails when nervous. and he will chew on anything else he can get a grip on as well. tashi tries to break this habit by painting his nails with bitter nail polish but it doesn't stop him from biting them, it just tastes like shit now.
• art rarely swears or gets angry, but when he does, tashi knows he will spend the entire day brooding. it's all about muttered complaints and scowls. the only thing that typically soothes him is a warm bath.
• when lily was born, art sobbed so loudly that the nurses had to ask him to quiet down to avoid disturbing the other babies in the hospital wing. tashi was so mortified that she pretended not to know him.
• he wears those tiny underwears because he doesn't feel supported in anything else. he needs his pink fuzzy balls to be secured on the court. a lesson he learned the hard way. when he was fifteen, one of his balls slipped through the leg of his loose boxers during a match, and patrick teased him about it for months. ever since that day, he has sworn off boxers entirely.
• when patrick taught art how to jerk off, art waited for patrick to be asleep to look closely at the sock patrick had used. he studied the slimy stains, comparing the cum to his own, just to make sure everything was normal with him.
• he isn’t a fan of quickies. he prefers to take his time with tashi, believing that making love is about enjoying every moment and taking the time to bring her to the edge. to him, it’s not really making love if she doesn’t climax too. however, there are times when he becomes so horny after a particularly intense practice session, where tashi had pushed him harder than usual, that a quickie becomes necessary.
• he has incredibly sensitive nipples and gets easily aroused when they’re touched or teased. when tashi wants to make him shut up during an argument, she just pinches them and he starts whimpering.
• sometimes he can't help but think about the fact that patrick had been with tashi before him, and it turns him on. the thought of them together becomes a driving force, turning into a personal competition. he feels the need to prove to tashi that he is the best sex she will ever have.
• tashi used threats of her strap-on as a way to motivate him during his matches, but now, instead of fear, it has become a source of excitement. art knows that each victory means tashi is waiting for him at home with her silicone cock, ready to celebrate.
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callsign-dexter · 8 months ago
Family Under Fire
Request: Tim’s daughter works a part time job (yknow like to earn a little extra money while in high school) and while she’s working one day someone attempts to rob the place…And Tim and Lucy are the closest to the robbery and Tim recognises the name of the shop way too quickly
Pairings: Tim Bradford x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, cussing, inaccurate police talk, inaccurate hospital talk, robbery, guns, blood, caring Tim Bradford, Dad!Tim Bradford
A/N: Thank you @justabigassnerd for requesting it and also this is payback for sending angst TikTok videos.
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Summer. You always liked summer but it could become unbearable in Los Angeles but it was 2 months away from school work, which you did not miss. You were 18 which meant that you were in the last of high school and you couldn’t be more excited. Sure, you loved seeing your friends and most teachers but you could care less for the cliques, bullies, jocks, etc.  During the summer you had gotten a part time job at Cozy Corner Café, a cute little place for people to hang out, meet up with friends, do school work, eat, and drink. Everyone there was so nice and it was refreshing. It was a fairly big café and it did really well so well it became popular fast. The café also was a 24-hour café which meant that sometimes you worked well into the night, that part sucked but it paid well and you loved it so you stuck with it. You had your driver’s license which helped with giving you freedom during the summer. You drove a Ford Bronco but recently it was acting up and when you told your father, Tim Bradford, about it the night before he said to bring it down to the station and he would trade vehicles out with you and he would get it looked at either have the mechanics at work look at it or take it down to a mechanic shop after work and get a ride from someone. 
Monday morning rolled around and your alarm clock started to go off abruptly waking you up with a groan. You opened your eyes and turned it off and looked at the time which was 7:00 AM. It was the first official day of summer break and the first day of work for you. You sighed and rolled out of bed and walked into the bathroom while grabbing a towel from the hall closest, you needed a shower before you switched cars with your dad and headed off to work. You turned on the shower and got it to the right temperature before shedding your clothes and hopping into the warm water. The water cascaded over you, you quickly did what you needed and then turned off the shower and grabbed your towel drying off and then started to get dressed in jeans and your work shirt. You then brushed your teeth and brushed your hair leaving it to air dry. Once you were done there you grabbed your phone and shut the lights off and walked downstairs to drop your dirty clothes and towel in the washer. Kojo happily greeted you and you smiled petting the dog “Hey there boy. Are you gonna be good while we are gone?” You asked, smiling and not expecting a response but he barked and wagged his tail. “You’re always a good boy, aren’t you?” You asked and he barked and put a paw on your hand making you chuckle. You filled his food bowl and water bowl and then grabbed your backpack and keys. “I gotta get going. Be a good boy.” You said he barked again and then you were heading out of the house and to your Ford Bronco. You got in and put the key into the ignition and turned it “Come on please don’t do this now.” You said as it sputtered for a few seconds before turning over. “Thank you.” You said and then reversed and headed to the station. It didn’t take long before you got there and parked beside your dad’s truck and as soon as you did it died. “Right on time.” You said and got out grabbing your things and throwing on the jacket you would have throughout the night. You walked into the station and literally ran into Wesley Evers, aka your Godfather. “Oof.” You said stumbling back.
“Woah, are you ok?” He asked catching you before you fell backwards.
“I’m good. I promise.” You said looking up at him and then going to hug him.
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be getting to work?” He asked and you nodded as you pulled away from him. He knew you started work today because you had excitedly texted him and Angela about it.
“Yes, I left the house a little bit early to drop The Bronco off.” You said
“Is it acting up again?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yes unfortunately.” You replied
“Why don’t you trade it in and get a different vehicle?” He asked
“It’s my baby, I can’t just get rid of her.” You said and he shook his head.
“I get it. I get it.” He said smiling.
“Dad is letting me take his truck while he figures out what is going on with it.” You said and he nodded. “You know where he is so I don’t have to do a scavenger hunt for him?” You asked, chuckling and so did Wesely.
“Last I checked everyone was in the briefing room.” He said and you nodded.
“Hey, you should stop by later.” You said and he smiled.
“I will make sure to do that. I have to go but I will see you later Y/N.” He said and he hugged you again and kissed your head. 
“Sounds good. Bye Wesely.” You said and he smiled and then you both started to walk your separate ways. You nodded and smiled at the front desk and they smiled back, everyone knew who you were so you got a free pass. You got on the elevator and pressed the button and when it dinged signaling that you were on your floor you got out and instantly spotted everyone in the briefing room it looked like they had just finished as you walked onto the floor. Angela was the first one to spot you and she smiled, which was rare for her, and nudged Tim who looked your way and smiled, something rare that only few people have seen. They both walked out. 
“Hey, what are you doing here?” Angela asked walking up to you with Tim.
“I’m dropping The Bronco off for dad to get looked at and getting the keys to his truck.” You said and she smiled as you handed Tim your keys.
“Right, I’ll be right back. Let me go and get the keys.” He said and you nodded.
“Why don’t you trade it in and get a different vehicle?” She asked and you laughed.
“That is the same thing your husband said. I’ll tell you what I told him. It’s my baby, I can’t just get rid of her.” You said and she chuckled.
“I remember my first car. I had it until he upped and died on me on the interstate. Had to let it go then. It was truly a sad day.” She said
“Dad got me The Bronco when I got my permit when I was 15 ½. I learned everything in that car. I can’t let her go.” You said 
“When do you start work?” She asked
“8. I left the house early to switch out vehicles with dad.” You said as Tim walked back up and held out the keys to you.
“Be careful and remember it is very sensitive with the gas and brakes.” He said and you nodded.
“I remember. Oh, and the engine died as soon as I parked it.” You said and he nodded.
“I’ll get Seth to look at it while we are gone.” He said 
“Thank you.” You said and he smiled and hugged.
“You’re welcome. I’ll see you later. Call or text if something doesn’t sit right with you.” He said and you nodded.
“I will.” You said as Lucy came up. 
“Hey, what are you doing here?” She asked with a smile.
“My car started to act up and dad said he would get it checked out so I’m switching vehicles with him.” You said and looked down at your watch and saw it was 7:20 AM. “I gotta go. I’ll see you guys later. I love you dad.” You said and he smiled.
“I love you too.” He said and hugged you and kissed your head and then you were heading to the elevators. When you got down to the main level you waved at the front desk and walked out of the building to your dad’s truck. You got in and put your stuff in the passenger side seat and turned the ignition. You reversed and headed to the café ready to start your long shift for the day/part of the night. When you reached the café, you parked in the back where the employees parked and killed the engine. As you were getting out, leaving your bag in the truck, your friend and coworker, Valencia, got out of her car as well.
“You’re in a different vehicle.” She said and you chuckled and smiled.
“Yea, The Bronco was acting up.” You said as you locked the truck and the both of you headed into the back.
“Oh man you love that thing.” She said and you nodded.
“I do and I’ll be heartbroken when it has to go.” You said as the both of you began putting your stuff in the lockers. “Damn, I left my bag in the truck. I’ll just get it later.” You said as Mark walked in overhearing the conversation.
“You sure? We still have some time before we start.” Mark said, your other friend said.
“Yea, I’m sure. I’ll get it on break.” You confirmed and they both nodded and the three of you clocked in and walked to the front and the shift began. The beginning of the shift nothing exciting happened and not a lot of people came in. Some college students came in to grab coffee and maybe something to eat and then they were on their way to class and then the customers died down. You spent the down time by cleaning up and making sure everything was stocked and swept while Remi, Amelia, and Carlyn came and greeted you three, they were also your friends.
“So, you have any plans for the days you’re not working?” Valencia asked and you shrugged as you wiped down the counter as she tended to the cash register along with Amelia.
“No, not really. Might take Kojo out for a run one day and work on some college applications.” You said shrugging.
“Are you really serious about getting into the police academy?” Remi asked as he restocked the higher up things.
“I am. My dad went through it and I love helping people so why not? It runs in our family.” You said not bothering to say anything about your mom since she wasn’t in your life for most of it.
“That would be so cool when you get in and graduate. You’re badass now but you’ll be even more badass.” Mark said, leaning against the counter. You rolled your eyes and smiled and then playfully shoved him off of it.
“Hey I just cleaned there.” You said and wiped the counter down again.
“He’s right, you know. Y/N Bradford certified Badass.” Amelia said and you rolled your eyes and shook your head. 
“It is only the truth.” Carlyn said and everyone nodded and you blushed but smiled.
“Stop you guys.” You said as the door chimed and a flood of people came in and when you looked down at your watch you knew why, it was already noon and this was the lunch rush. Mark, Remi, and Valencia took to the cash registers and getting the food and you, Amelia, and Carlyn started to make the coffee and whatever drinks were ordered, you took this role because you were fast at it and everyone agreed. You three really worked in harmony and got people out quickly. Your boss said when you six were out of school and either going to college and needed work or just needed work in the summer you all had a job, you six were that good. Mark, Remi and Valencia were fast at making coffee too but you and Amelia were a tad faster but they could get the job done just as well and it tasted just as good. You had finished serving the last customer and they were out the door when you sighed in relief. “What a rush.” You said and the other two nodded.
“You got that right.” Mark said turning to you as did Valencia and now it was time to wait. While you waited you wiped down the equipment and cleaned it with the help from Mark. “What time is it?” He asked and you looked down at your watch.
“It is 2:00.” You said 
“Damn time flies by when you’re having fun.” Valencia said and everyone chuckled. As the afternoon went on you served customers and talked. Around 5:00 PM the college crowd started to come in. Mark took the coffee making and you took one of the registers. You were taking orders when a familiar face popped and you smiled.
“Wesley! You came!” You exclaimed and he smiled and nodded.
“I sure did. This is actually one of my favorite spots to hang out and get coffee. I got excited when I knew you were starting to work here.” He said and the two of you talked and he gave you his order and he got it and went to sit down. 
“Y/N take your break.” Mark said and you nodded and clocked out for your 15-minute break. Just as soon as your boss Jason Alderman walked in.
“Taking your break?” He asked and you smiled and nodded.
“Yes, Sir.” You said
“Good. Can’t have one of my best baristas breaking down on me.” He said and then walked to the front as you did and Mark handed you your favorite drink and food.
“You know me so well.” You said and he smiled.
“Of course I do. You’re my best friend.” He said and you rolled your eyes and went and sat down with Wesley while you texted your dad.
You: Hey, I’m on break and Wesley is here as well. 
Tim: You two have fun. I love you 
You: I love you too. 
“So, how have things been with you?” You asked as you took a sip of coffee and looked up at Wesely.
“I’ve been good. A lot of cases have been happening.” He said
“How are you and Angela?” You asked 
“Good. We’re good. Actually, we are trying for a baby.” He said and your eyes got wide.
“Seriously? That is amazing. I can already see a mini-Angela and Wesley running around.” You said and he chuckled.
“Yea, we are pretty excited about it too.” Wesley said 
“Sir, I can’t do that.” You heard Amelia say which made you and Wesley look up and him over to the counter and the both of you froze. The man was tall and slim, he had light brown hair and from the looks of it brown eyes. You got up and made your way to the counter to protect your friend and coworker kicking in. 
“Y/N no.” Wesley said but you ignored him.
“Is there a problem, Sir?” You asked
“Yes, there is, this little bitch won’t give me the money.” He said
“Sir, she cannot do that.” You said voice going into a commanding tone.
“I tried being nice but you made me do this.” He said and pulled out a gun and everything stopped.
“Give me the money now.” He growled out. Jason was quick to come out of the back.
“She is not going to do that.” He said and got in front of him and Amelia. As someone called 911.
“Fine.” He said and turned the gun on you and pulled the trigger. White hot pain is all you felt and then you were falling to your knees as someone was catching you and calling your name.
“Y/N!” Wesley said as he caught you and gently laid you down head in his lap as he applied pressure to the wound. It made you cry out. “It’s ok. I got you. Your dad is on the way.” He said.
“It hurts.” You said tears escaping your eyes.
“I know it does. Just hang on for me. Ok?” He asked and you nodded. There was commotion and Mark and Remi had tackled the man but not before more gunshots went off but thankfully nobody else was hurt as bad as you. They may have some scratches from glass and graze wounds but that is about it. 
“Ok.” You said through gritted teeth. You just wanted your dad.
After you had left the station everyone else had gone and got ready and they started to do the same and as they were at war bag station and they grabbed their cameras Tim turned to Lucy “Get the shop ready. I need to go down to the garage.” He said and she nodded.
“You got it.” She said as she grabbed the bags as Tim made his way down to the garage and straight to Seth, the main mechanic, to ask for him look at your Bronco and they agreed, he knew that Grey would allow it since Tim was a sergeant too, before they even left, they were already giving him an update. 
“So, the engine blew up and the transmission is bad as well.” Seth said.
“How is it possible that it was running fine for months?” He asked as they stood outside by your Bronco and hood up.
“Driving on a blown engine and a bad transmission is possible. Is it good? No.” Seth said
“It never showed any signs of going out or being a bad transmission.” He said and Seth nodded 
“That is not out of the norm. Most people don’t know about it until something happens. Has the light ever come on?” He asked 
“No never.” Tim said and Seth nodded.
“There could be a loose wire or connection. Don’t worry. We will get it up and working. It’ll be good to go by the end of your shift.” Seth said
“Thank you so much.” Tim said and gave him the keys.
“Not a problem. Have a good shift.” Seth said and Tim nodded and he was on his way to Lucy.
“So, what is the news?” She asked
“Blown engine and a bad transmission.” He said
“Oh man. That’s not good.” She said and he shook his head.
“What is even worse is that it didn’t even give warning that it was blown or had a bad transmission. No light ever came on.” He said
“Damn.” She said as they got in the shop and they started their shift. “So, are you going to have to take it somewhere to get fixed?” She asked and he shook his head.
“No, Seth said they would get it fixed by the end of our shift.” Tim said 
“Well, that’s good.” She said and he nodded. Their shift consisted of several noise complaints and several arrests. He drove by Cozy Corner Café and smiled seeing all the cars there and knew you were busy and thankfully Lucy didn’t pick up on what he was doing.
Around 5:00 PM Tim and Lucy were driving back from the station after having just booked someone when he got a text from you. He quickly pulled out his phone before starting to drive.
You: Hey, I’m on break and Wesley is here as well. 
Tim: You two have fun. I love you 
You: I love you too. 
As they got back out on the road the radio went off “7-Adam-100 respond to a 10-66 at Cozy Corner Café. One GSW reported. Multiple injuries. RA requested.” Dispatch sounded and Tim’s heart dropped and he had gone somewhat pale. He was quick to grab the radio.
“7-Adam-100 responding.” He said before Lucy could even make a move towards the radio. He turned on the lights and sped off towards where you worked.
“10--66 is an armed robbery. Tim, what is going on?” Lucy asked
“Y/N works there.” Is all he said and Lucy got a sinking feeling that something wasn’t right. 
“7-Adam-07 responding.” Angela came over the radio.
“7-Adam-19 also responding.” Harper’s voice came through and Tim was grateful for that.
Tim and Lucy were the first to get there and parked in a hurry and they quickly got their guns drawn and went in. “We have him held down over there.” Jason said and pointed to where Mark and Remi were keeping him at bay.
“Officer Chen, you go and take care of him. Where is the gunshot-” Time started but was cut off by Wesley.
“Tim over here. It’s Y/N.” He said and Tim was over there in a hurry. 
“Holy shit.” He murmured. “Y/N, Sweetheart, can you hear me? If you can hear me, open your eyes.” He said and so you did. 
“Daddy?” You asked, he nodded.
“I’m here, what happened?” He asked kneeling beside you not caring if he was getting blood on his uniform.
“He came in demanding money and A-Ameila said we couldn’t give it to him and I got up and went over to him, asked him what he wanted and he repeated himself and I told him that. He got mad then pulled out a gun and and pointed it at me and pulled the trigger. I was just trying to protect my friend, I’m sorry. It hurts, Daddy.” You said and and he put a hand on your face and you leaned into it.
“I’m not mad at you I promise, mad at him yes. I know it hurts, Sweetheart.” He said “Just hold on.” He said as the others arrived and Angela came straight over to you, Tim, and Wesley. 
“Fuck. Is she ok?” She asked 
“I think she will be.” Wesley said
“Are you hurt?” Tim asked and he shook his head.
“No. I’m fine. She didn’t hit anything as she went down. I caught her.” He said Jackson came over.
“Suspect is secured and the RA should be here any second.” He said and then walked away to help Nolan and Lucy and Tim nodded as he helped put pressure on your wound and you groaned in pain.
“RA is coming through.” Harper said. Lucy, Jackson and Nolan were checking in on everyone else and getting statements. The EMTs came through and quickly started to take your vitals and pack the wound as best as they could and then they were putting you on a gurney and ushering you out of the building. 
“I’m going with her.” Tim said and nobody stopped him. They got you in and he followed and they were off to the hospital. His hand never left yours and it would stay like that as long as they didn’t need it and thankfully, they didn’t. Everything was blocked out for Tim all he could hear was the rhythmic sound of your heartbeat and your unconscious form, when you passed out, he didn’t even know. He couldn’t lose you not now, not ever. Finally, the ambulance arrived at the hospital and you were ushered in and taken to surgery immediately and left Tim out in the waiting room. Not even 10 minutes later here came Jackson, Angela, Nolan, Harper, Lucy, Wesley, and even Grey. They spotted him immediately.
“How is she?” Nolan asked 
“Don’t know yet. They rushed her back to surgery. Wesely, I have to thank you for being there and keeping pressure on her wound.” Tim said, looking at Wesley at the end.
“She asked me to stop by and I’m glad I did. I hope she’s going to be ok.” He spoke
“She will be. Have you not seen who her dad is? Also, she is a Bradford.” Angela said and everyone chuckled and Tim smiled. Finally, the doctor came out and Tim was quick to get up and walk to him. 
“She is going to be ok. The bullet didn’t do major damage but just one more centimeter and it would’ve hit her kidney. All intestines were spared. We repaired everything and got the bullet out and I’m happy to say she’ll make a full recovery.” He said and Tim sighed in relief “You can see her now. She may be a little groggy but that is to be expected.” He said and Tim nodded. 
“Give me a second.” Tim said and the doctor nodded. Tim walked over and told them what he was told and everyone sighed in relief.
“You go and be with your daughter. Someone will bring your bag by and your truck from the café. I’ll let the garage know that you won’t be picking up The Bronco tonight.” Grey said and Tim nodded.
“Thank you.” He said
“Now go. Tell her we say hi, we love her and are proud of her.” Wesley said everyone nodded in agreement and he nodded and headed in the direction of the doctor who took him to your room. 
“Remember she will be groggy and may be in some pain. If you need anything or if something goes wrong just press the button.” He said and Tim once again nodded and then was left with you. He walked over and sat down. You must’ve sensed that he was there because you started to wake up.
“Daddy?” You asked and looked over at him.
“I’m here, Sweetheart.” He said
“I’m sorry.” You said and he looked at you confused.
“For what?” He asked
“For trying to stop the robbery.” You said
“Sweetheart, it is ok. You did stop it. Even though you got shot it gave Mark and Remi enough time to tackle him.” He said
“I did good?” You asked and he nodded.
“You did excellent. I’m so proud of you.” He said and leaned up and kissed your forehead. You could barely keep your eyes open due to the anesthesia left in your body.
“Get some sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up. Oh, and everybody says hi and that they love you and are so proud of you.” He said and you nodded with a smile as you closed your eyes and got comfortable.
“I love you, Dad.” You said and he smiled and cradled your face with one hand and you leaned into it.
“I love you too, Sweetheart. Get some sleep.” He repeated the last part and he waited until your breath evened out before taking his hand away slowly and leaned up and kissed your forehead. He sat back down and let the tears fall. He could’ve lost you today but he didn’t and he was so glad about that. He doesn’t know what would’ve happened if he had lost you but he doesn’t have to think about that because he could hear your steady heartbeat projected by the monitor and he could see your chest rising and falling. He held your hand and stroked your knuckles. “You did excellent, Sweetheart. I’m so proud of you.” He said again but softly and quietly and then sat back just watching. You were going to be ok.
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nowimjustastranger · 5 days ago
How would things have gone if Watchdog's Stan hadn't died? It couldnt have gone completely the same as canon since Ford has those axolotl powers right?
Considering that The Axolotl is all about balance and he gave Watchdog Ford premonition (which Watchdog Ford amplified to prescience later on in life) at conception, it only makes sense that Stan was also gifted an complementary ability.
Of course, Watchdog Ford is completely unaware of this.
While Watchdog Ford looks into the future, Stan can see into the past with psychometry, which is the ability to gain information about an object's history or the person it belonged to simply by making physical contact with it.
Stan's ability manifested before Ford's due to the abuse he suffered and it was unpredictable, so he was dragged into visions at random. He had no idea what was happening to him and ignored it out of fear of being locked up in a psych ward if he spoke about it. So he never learned any amount of control, which was another thing that factored into him taking his own life at nineteen.
However, if Stan hadn't committed suicide, Ford wouldn't have become as close to Fiddleford. The two would've went their separate ways after graduating, Fiddleford marrying Emma Mae and having Tate like in canon.
The major change would be that Ford actually asked his mom for Stan's phone number because of the dreams he'd been having of Stan dying for the past week and a half. And the moment Stan picked up, Ford would awkwardly try to start a conversation only for Stan to burst into tears.
Basically, they would've been reunited at the tender age of nineteen.
Stan would confess everything, from the abuse to the sexual assault. He'd also apologize for breaking Ford's project, begging Ford to believe that he didn't do it on purpose. He'd just be a complete mess, clinging to the phone like a lifeline. Because if Ford hated him, if Ford hung up, he would find the nearest bridge and step off of it.
Stan would end up making the trip to Backupsmore to crash in Ford and Fiddleford's dorm for a few days while Ford scrounged together enough money to rent an apartment near campus for them to stay in. They'd end up moving to Gravity Falls together at 23 years old so Ford can study the anomalies there, though he's not as obsessed as most of his other variants.
It's more of a hobby that he made a career out of because he couldn't go to West Coast Tech for advanced engineering.
The most interesting part of lore is that Dimension 419"3 is actually untouched by Bill Cipher, so Ford would never summon him since there would be no trace of him. That's not to say that they aren't plenty preoccupied with their own abilities growing stronger the longer they're in Gravity Falls.
Stan eventually comes clean to Ford about the visions, leading to Ford telling Stan about his dreams that come true. Ford becoming obsessed with learning everything there is to know about their respective abilities, shifting his focus from the anomalies to studying themselves.
Ford would use tarot cards to channel his abilities while he was awake while Stan took to wearing gloves to avoid being assaulted with visions because once Ford opened his third eye during an experiment, there was no safe way to close it again.
Instead of the tourist trap, Stan would open a psychic shop after convincing Ford to do tarot readings (focusing specifically on the future for obvious reasons) to help pay the bills, though Stan would still sell overpriced trinkets as souvenirs.
Stan himself would use his abilities to find things or people for free at first, eventually gaining enough notoriety among the townspeople and tourists to be approached by local (and sometimes not local) authorities and help them out with cases for a modest fee.
They'd be well-loved in Gravity Falls, with plenty of clients.
They'd both retire at fifty years old with the money that they saved up and go sailing during the summer, living in Gravity Falls for the rest of the year. They'd still take the occasional client (mostly close friends like Soos and Wendy), but otherwise they'd just live out the rest of their days together. It would be a content life and they'd both be happy.
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littleoneamanda · 6 months ago
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GF: Fiddleford Hadron Mcgucket
Alright, I think I'll just continue drawing in the original style. It's actually pretty fun xD The only difference is colored lines and maybe background. Hope you like it!
And here we go again to my thoughts on the book of bill, thisisnotawebsitedotcom and my thoughts on Fiddleford as a character. Or in this one is more like a summary of what information we have about him. Welcome to my second essay on 2D characters xD (SPOILERS)
Oh boy, where do I begin with this one? xD
Fiddleford, probably (imo) one of the most tragic character in this show. Going from once a brilliant inventor to a deranged hillbilly living at the dump. His life ruined by trauma, his fear of bad memories, and by his own invention.
Fidds is the first Mcgucket in the family to go to college. His first day starts off pretty rocky. The school's mascot "THE BMU B-", shoved him into a locker, got his mustache caught in a pencil sharperner (???) and getting laughed out by a whole class for trying to prove the universe was a giant hologram. While sitting in his room in tears, his room mate barge in the room. Confidently declared that his theory was plausible and was ready to not sleep until they have proved it accurate. Not only did they cracked it, but Fidds did something else that he thought was impossible: He made a friend, Stanford Pines.
This is pretty much (currently) the information we have about them in college. I really wish there were more. It seems both of them became friends very fast. Both being nerdy and outcasts for different things. Ford with his sixth finger and Fidds coming from a hog farm ( I relate so hard with Fidds on the farm background you have no idea I love it) However, while Ford is more of a socially awkward introvert, Fidds seems to be a little bit more extroverted.
After college
Fiddleford moved to Palo Alto, California. Around this time he met his wife Emma-May and they had their son Tate.  He starts up his own computer buisness "Fiddleford Computermajigs". It's unclear how the relationship between Fidds and his wife were, but the fact that he doesn't seem to hesitate to leave them behind to help an old college friend he haven't talked to in 6 years is a little weird. Six years is how long Ford had been in Gravity Falls before he contacted Fidds. (Source: Journal 3). Sure, if the whole project was a positive thing, it could be have been their big break in science and fame. But Fiddleford had a life in California. He had a family, but how good was the marriage? Maybe Fidds didn't get any other friends after college. So when Ford called for help, he didn't seem to hesitate to say yes and join him.
"Success! He has agreed to join me! With his assistance, I am confident we can complete the machine. He has already made several suggestions over the phone that I intend to incorporate into my revised designs."
-Stanford, Journal 3
Gravity Falls, Fiddleford is now Stanfords assistant/partner.
Some things Fiddleford brought with him: A vase/pot when he chews tobacco, a photo of his family, the banjo, floppy disks , two laptops which one of them is special designed for Fords extra finger. The other one is Fidds which has Fords name as password. And a Cubic's Cube that Ford scrambles when Fidds is not looking. Fidds solves it without a problem tho.
When seeing the blueprints for the portal for the first time, he asked Ford if he had any help with these plans because of complex they are. Ford describes Fidds as a suspicious man (pretty ironic knowing how Ford will become later).
During his time in Gravity falls we learn early that Fidds seems to have some trouble handeling his anxiety. Especially after some of the things they encountered. His knee starts bouncing when he's agitated or he starts pulling out his hair. Being Fords assistant turned out to be adventurous and scary at the same time. Reading Journal 3 you kinda wonder why he even stayed for so long with Ford. There was times he really got traumatized. It is now where the we get into the speculations and the hints of Fidds having a bit of stronger feelings for Ford than just a friend.
The gifts. Already in Journal 3, he gives Ford a special designed laptop with extra keys for his extra finger. He buys a pumpkin at the fair because it reminded him of Ford.
"He pulled it out of a barrel of "reject gourds" because he said it reminded him of me! (Suppose I did inherit my dad's nose.)
-Stanford, Journal 3
From the thisisnotawebsitedotcom, if you type in Oroborous, you will get two pages of when Fidds gave Ford an axolotl that Ford named it Frilliam.
"F said it's frills reminded him of my sideburns and he thought it could keep me company the next time he's out."
-Stanford, thisisnotawebsitedotcom, Code: Oroborous
I'm still pretty traumatized after Frilliam...that damn dorito asshole demon. Also...Ford drew a heart over the "i" in friend instead of the dot??
In the TBOB, Fiddleford gives Stanford a snow globe that HE MADE. And not only that! He gives Ford knitted a pair of six-fingered gloves that HE has KNITTED.
Fiddleford flies back home to visit his family for the holidays, but the reunion have not been exactly happy. Fidds and his wife had got in a massive fight when she realized he'd forgotten to buy her a Christmas Present...man. Look. I mean...I honestly do not know what to say to that. My guy gave gifts that he had made to his bestfriend that he might have some certain feelings for and just happen to forget he had a wife...that's normal right? xD
Let's talk a little bit about Ford cause I forgot to mention some other things as well. In journal 3, Ford talks in a certain way. It's more sterile and stiff. Keeping distance from emotions pretty much. Especially before the 30 years on the other side of the portal. In TBOB+ the pages from the website, these pages are more personal. Which is a whole new view of Ford that we didn't see before. This time we get to see what Fidds and Ford did when they weren't focused on the project. When they had a winter break from it. When Fidds tells Ford he's leaving to visit his family, you can kinda read between the lines that Ford seems very sad about that. His fear of being alone again. On that page, there are some blue stains which some believe are tears... :(
"Sixer was a lot better at science than he was at making friends, and he tended to rip out journal pages that had anything to do with his issues with others..."
-Bill, TBOB
After the massive fight between Fidds and his wife, he decides to return to Gravity Falls as soon as possible. When he reurns, he sees Ford being in trouble and saves him from the Krampus by hitting him with his banjo. They embraced. Fidds explains why he's back and Ford asks him if there is anything he could do to cheer him up. But Fidds feel pretty defeated by everything that has happen.
That night, Ford calls Fidds to come down to the lab for a portal update.
"I'll admit that it wasn't the most efficient use of our electricity, but the smile on his face proved I'd made the right choice."
-Stanford, TBOB
Ford later tells that it was time to drink nog until they didn't remember what a Krampus was. And they spent the rest of the night building snowmen and reminiscing about old times.
This is wholesome asf. Also, Ford said himself he's not really a drinker, but after that kareoke drunk thing, I wonder if he kinda wanted have a similar experience? Perhaps a stretch, but interesting in my opinion.
But all good things comes to an end. In Fiddlefords case, in a very tragic way. After some traumatic encounters (especially after the  Gremloblin), he invents the memory gun. He uses the gun multiple times on himself during his time with Ford. He have even used it on Ford at one point when Ford tries to talk him out of ever using it.
The night before the testing of the portal, Fiddleford expresses his concerns to Ford about the portal. He tries to talk him into publish his research as a thesis instead of the portal. Ford who has been ver manipulated at this point to believe Fiddleford has ill intentions, refused. And the next day...the portal incident that makes Fidds mental state go so south. Seeing the Nightmare realm and  predicting apocalyptic catastrophe that was about to be the consequences of the portal.
Now here is a interesting thing about the portal scene (this could be a stretch once again). Something i did notice while rewatching s2. When Ford tells the story about the portal, it seems pretty cut and clear of what happen. Fidds get dragged into the portal, traumatized, warns Ford, stands up and leaves. And Ford calls Stan. Which makes it look like everything happened in a very short time period. But when Ford talks about the portal incident again with Dipper, Ford has different clothes, sitting down and have Fidds in his lap. Now this could just be a mistake or something they choose for more dramatic effect. But seeing the difference how Ford talks in Journal 3 and TBOB, it is a interesting choice for that scene. Like, when he has the white shirt and black tie, there is a more serious tone and stiffnes. When he has his blue shirt and brown sweater vest he is more personal. In TBOB, it takes like around 2 days before he finally decides to contact Stan. He decides to do that after he found the 5 failed knitted prototypes for the perfect 6-fingered gloves and the ripped photo. When he realized he had lost Fiddleford.
Fiddleford's mental health keept getting worse. After quitting the project, he found himself still very haunted by everything he has seen. He started to use the memory gun even more and created an organization, The Blind Eye Society. Hoping this would help other people in the town to forget bad memories. Ford found this out and suspected Fidds to be behind it. Unfortunaly, Fidds started to use it as soon as he had seen something scary. The more he used it, the more he started to lose his mind and forgetting words. 618 days. It took around 1 year, 8 months, 1 week and 6 days. That is not really a long time. He used it so frequently, and knowing he had some trouble handling his anxiety from the start…this hurts. His body aged so fast during this time as well. And he's suppose to be around the same age as Ford, around or in his 30s.
Fiddleford before the portal: a very smart, brilliant inventor, sensitive and a very kind person.
After the portal: An old deranged hillbilly who lived at the dump with no memory of his past, but still haunted by what he saw in the portal.
He does starts to regain his memories in S2: Society of the Blind Eye. Finding out after 30 years who he really was.
"After all these years I finally know who I am. Maybe I messed up in the past, but now that I've seen what happened, I can begin to put myself together again."
-Fiddleford, S2, "Society of the Blind Eye"
When Ford and Fidds reunite in Weirdmaggedon, he forgives Ford for everything that led up to this. After Weirdmaggedon, Ford visits Fiddleford. Fidds was overjoyed to see Ford and they spent hours talking. Ford is feeling guilty for the things leading to Fidds causing losing his memories, but Fidds dismisses his attempts to apologize.
"Not only is this man's mind superior to mine, but he has one of the biggest hearts I've ever seen."
"Before I left, Fiddleford insisted that I listen to him play the banjo. I could have sworn that as he joyfully played, i could see the age lift off his face, and see the the Fiddleford who had been my friend so many years ago."
-Stanford. Journal 3
I swear a tear dropped from my eye while writing this quote. And I have an idea for a drawing for just that one.
And that's where I wanna leave this. A happy ending after all :)
I'm very sorry again if there are any grammar errors in this one. I have to go back and forth on the sources a lot here. The show, books, website and the wiki just to try understand the timeline and if there were any details missed. I did not intend for this one to be as long (maybe even longer) about Stanford. But I kinda wanted to put Fiddlefords story together and give some of my thoughts on it as well. Fiddlefords story is so sad in so many ways. He and Ford, Best friends and room mates in college. Both of them having no other friends than each other. He sacrifices a lot when he leaves his family to help Ford in Gravity Falls, Returns to Ford when the family reunion goes south. The fact that he could have done anything else, but he decides to go back to Ford. Maybe because he felt he didn't feel welcome there anymore and only has Ford left. Tate is probably the one I mostly feel sorry for in this situation. His father coming home for the Holidays and then leaves again to not come back. Fidds trying and wanting to help Ford, but get his concerns about a real danger ignored. Then Fidds trauma and fear of remembering bad things takes over so much he invents a memory gun that becomes his addiction. Ruined by his own invention.
Now, I'm someone who has NEVER done shipping art or not really expressing any thoughts about it. I'm pretty careful with that honestly and I have been with Ford and Fidds as well. But this time feel so different from the other times of speculations of what happend between them. It feels like it's right there. Especially with Fiddleford reading TBOB what he did for Stanford. Or maybe I'm just another person hoping a little bit too much xD It's just...the possibility of them having some kind of stronger feelings is there. Again, Especially when it's from Fiddleford. Stanford is kinda bit harder to read when it comes to his feelings. Kinda what I said before, he talks in two different tones. Probably depends on who he trusts to talk to.
Alright, That's all folks! I promise I won't do a essay like this for the other drawings xD But I just needed it to get out of my system. And I haven't really seen a post like this that sums up the information we have atm. So I wanted to contribute xD
Thanks for reading!
Next up is actually going to be a GF video🍃
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Daddy's Little Princess
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Reader (One-Shot)
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Description: You get home after a long day at the office to near silence. It warms your heart when you walk into your living room to see your husband Bradley Bradshaw playing with your eldest and making her laugh as she combs his mustache with a doll's comb.
Disclaimers: AFAB!Reader, Tooth-rotting fluff, Babies, Bronco, Bradley
Word Count: 1167
A/N: Hi, Star here! The Top Gun Brain-Rot still has me by the throat. This was inspired by this post which suggested, Play with his mustache use barbie hair brushes on it. Obviously, the minute I saw it, my brain immediately went yup, that's a Bradshaw and so this fic was born. This is un-beta'd and un-edited by anyone other than me, so forgive any glaring errors.
AO3: Cross-posted here!
My Masterlist
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It's been a long, horrendous day. You'd had to go into the office for an important meeting and dress formally for it, too. The worst part was having to leave your husband and children at home alone. Thankfully, it had been one of his few days off-duty from NAS North Island. You'd kissed your babies on their foreheads as you left early in the morning and spent far too long pressed against your husband’s chest before leaving. Traffic in San Diego was no worse than it usually was, so all in all, your morning was typical. It was during your meeting that your day rattled off the rails. Your proposal was not well received. It had been ripped to shreds by every member of the C-Suite present in the boardroom that day. You'd spent the remainder of the day with your team reviewing every inch of the proposal with a fine-toothed comb and writing and re-writing pieces for the follow-up meeting in one week.
After your day, you were flagging as you got into your Jeep that evening to drive home. The one highlight of your day had been the giggle-filled voicemail you'd received during your lunch break. Your daughter's voice had been so sweet with the baby's babbling and your husband's deep tones in the background. It was apparent your mischievous little princess had stolen your husband's phone and called you accidentally. It brought much-needed energy to you and an impetus to finish work as soon as possible.
All the streetlights are coming to life and illuminating the road with a golden glow as you turn onto your street and finally breathe a sigh of relief. Your husband's bright blue Ford Bronco sits in your driveway as you pull in behind it. It's only a few minutes before you're unlocking the door and finally stepping out of your heels. Rather than the giggling stampede you expect, the house is nearly silent. Sure, there is the ever-present low hum of Bluey pouring out of your living room, but the undercurrent of chaos usually present in your home with a 3-year-old, an 8-month-old, and not one but two dogs isn't there at all. You place your bag on the side table and stretch your tense muscles before padding silently to the living room and peeking in. Your son, Arden, rocks in his swing seat on the floor, suckling happily on a pacifier. Surrounding him lies the residue of what looks to be a war zone of dinosaurs versus Barbies, your daughter Maria's favorite game at the moment. You can't see her yet, but boy, can you hear her now.
"Daddy, Daddy! The dinoswars won! I twout the Barbies were gonna win. You tolded me they would win!" Her little voice pipes on and on about how sad it was that the Barbies lost. Interspersed with her chatter, your husband hums inquisitively to keep the conversation going. Your grin grows at your husband's voice when the little miss runs out of steam.
"Baby, maybe the Barbies didn't win because you forgot something?"
"What, Daddy?"
"What magic spell did Daddy tell you the Barbies needed to beat the big bad dinosaurs so you could save Ardy?"
"I hadda brush all their hairs and kiss them."
"That's right, baby. But you forgot one thing." Maria makes a little confused hum, and your husband continues, "You forgot to comb your hair and Daddy's!"
"Oh!" Her little squeal of realization is too cute. "Daddy, help!"
"Gimme the comb, Princess. Gonna make you look all pretty so we can save Arden from the big bad dinosaurs." 
You step a little bit closer. The kids are entirely occupied with the game, and the dogs, Tramp and Falcon, are curled up in one of the dog beds. The only person to notice you is your husband, who winks at you from his spot in the war zone of toys your living room floor has become. 
"All done!" He proclaims, "Don't you look beautiful?!" He smacks a loud wet kiss against her cheek as she giggles loudly.
"Daddy, wait!" Maria's all bossy now, "We forgot one thing!"
"What's that?" Your husband is the best.
"Your moostach, Daddy!" She's smiling proudly at pronouncing the word mostly correctly. 
"Alright, baby girl. C'mere. Let's comb my mustache and defeat these dinosaurs before mama gets home."
He tugs Maria to stand in between his legs and hands her the bright pink doll's comb. He sits there with unerring patience as your baby carefully runs the comb through his mustache, wiggling his upper lip occasionally to make her laugh. It's absolutely adorable to see. Bradley Bradshaw had confided to you early on in your relationship that he was afraid to have children. As he’d lost his father at a young age, he didn't know what it meant to be a good dad. All that fear turned into uncontrollable love the minute he held Maria in his arms, and he'd proven what a fantastic father he was every day since. You’re unbelievably in love with this man. That love only swells in your chest when you see the glittery butterfly clips nestled in his curls and the love in his eyes as he devotes all of his attention to your little princess. 
Unsurprisingly, of your two kids, Arden sees you first, giving you a gummy smile and squealing as he wiggles his little body to catch your attention. You step into the warzone willingly, carefully avoiding stepping on any of the toys, and heft your youngest into your arms. He’s warm and baby-soft in your arms as you snuggle him close, breathing in the scent of his baby shampoo and the special detergent you use on his clothes. Hurricane Maria is not to be deterred, though, as she wraps herself around your leg and kisses your thigh.
“Princess, princess, c’mere.” Bradley sounds so fond as he tries to free your daughter from her limpet-like grasp of your leg. “Let Mama and Ardy sit down, baby girl. Then you can cuddle her all you want!” He coaxes her away and pulls her into his lap as he sits on the sofa. You join them, letting the soft cushions conform to your body. Maria joins Arden in your arms, and you finally let yourself decompress.
"Hey, Mama," Bradley murmurs.
"Hi, B," Your voice is soft as you turn your head to kiss him. 
"How was your day?"
"Terrible. But it's better now. It’s always better when I have you and our babies in it."
You smile into the kiss he gives you, relishing in your husband's taste before focusing all of your attention on your children in your arms. Maria chatters about everything she'd done during the day, and you converse happily with her. Arden babbles at breaks in the conversation, and you love seeing Maria interact with him. It'll soon be time for dinner, baths, and bed, but for the next few moments, you can rejoice at the feeling of having everything you love at your fingertips.
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strawberryshortcake1495 · 5 months ago
Book 2: A Heated Housewarming
It’s been a week since Jaden and Mabel started dating, and everyone at school won’t stop bombarding them every time they come in. Jaden is growing tired of it but Mabel loves the attention so he puts up with it. One day, Jaden’s dad come across Miss Pines at the grocery store alongside their kids. The parents both gush over their kids’ relationship, while Jaden and Mabel just hold hands and talk to eachother. Then Miss Pines says that since the last day of school was tomorrow, she and her husband would be sending their kids off to Gravity Falls and asked if Jaden would like to come. Jaden is hesitant but his dad answers for him. In 2 days, he’ll be staying at the Mystery Shack with Soos and Melody.
Meanwhile, Stan and Ford learn that the twins are coming back to Gravity Falls for the summer, so they dock the Stan-O-War and decide to spend the summer back in the town they made a lot of memories in. During a phone call, Mabel spills the tea that she has a new boyfriend. Stan is surprised when he finds out that Mabel’s new boyfriend will be staying with them for the summer. So, 2 days later when Jaden arrives, the first thing Stan does is grab him and drag him into the basement to interrogate him (with Ford ofc). Stan tells him if he ever hurts his great niece, he’ll wish he was never born and Jaden is genuinely threatened by this and is kinda on edge now. Later, Mabel decides to throw a welcome-back party to kick off the summer and guess who arrives? That’s right, Gideon Gleeful. The news of Mabel’s new boyfriend spread like wildfire and Gideon declares Jaden his mortal enemy. Jaden doesn’t even want to attend the party because he’s already volunteered to do a bunch of stuff in town like babysit a bunch of little of kids but seeing Mabel’s excited face and her bright eyes made Jaden come up with a plan. He would switch between his roles for the whole night and hopefully nobody will find out. Someone does. It’s Gideon. After an hour of switching, the little kids Jaden’s babysitting somehow manage to find their way to the shack and Gideon takes this as a chance to make Jaden look bad in front of everybody and convince them he’s not good enough to be Mabel’s boyfriend. Jaden is embarrassed in front of everyone and Gideon asks how someone like Mabel could ever love him. Jaden snaps and goes all off on Gideon, telling him he KNOWS he doesn’t deserve Mabel. She’s warm and kind and beautiful, and he’s a weird ugly loser. But Mabel has already put her trust in him, and there is no way in hell he is going to break that trust. He’d die a million times to make sure Mabel is happy and loved, and he asks Gideon if he’d do the same. Before Gideon can answer, Mabel screams at him to get lost and that he wasn’t even invited. Once Gideon’s gone, Mabel softly asks Jaden about what happened and he apologizes. He realizes he’s getting teary-eyed and quickly runs out of the shack, all the way out into the woods where he finds a small stump to sit on and cry to himself. After having a good cry, he notices someone approaching him. It’s Stan. Jaden quickly collects his composure and bitterly tells Stan to leave him alone. He’s already had a rough night and he doesn’t need the small speck of his self-worth to be crumbled by an old man. But to his surprise, Stan puts a heavy but gentle hand on his shoulder. Jaden looks up at Stan and realizes he’s wearing a funny-looking monster mask. Their exchange goes like this.
Jaden: Mr. Pines?
Stan: *monster voice* Uhm…I’m not Mr. Pines, I’m the Boogeyman. 
Jaden: Haha, very funny.
Stan: *monster voice* Nooo, I’m being honest! Have you seen a little kid in a grey shirt?
Jaden: Seriously, is this some sick joke to mock me for being such a loser?
Stan: *whispers* Just play along, kid. 
Jaden: Fine. *rolls eyes* No, I haven’t seen a kid.
Stan: *monster voice* Well…he’s a good kid. When I first met him, I thought he was an annoying loser, but then my niece told me how he made an absolute fool of himself to save my little brother’s animal shelter. Tonight, I watched as he yelled at a brat who’s definitely no better then he is. He said how he was willing to go through heck and back for my niece, and something inside me tells me all that was true. So if you see him, tell him that if he needs a helping hand, he can always stop by the Mystery Shack. Because he’s a part of the family now, the Pines family.
Jaden: *at the brink of tears* Oh…
Then Stan takes the monster mask off and tells Jaden to stop crying and be a man. The two share a little bonding moment together when Stan takes off his jacket and wraps it around Jaden’s shoulders. He then leads the boy back to the Mystery Shack where Mabel immediately hugs Jaden.
Mabel: Jaden! I’m so glad my awesome boyfriend is okay!
Jaden: *blushes* T-Thanks, Mabel.
Candy and Grenda have a fangirl moment when the best part of the night happens. Mabel and Jaden decide to dance on the dance floor together while everyone watches. It was a little nerve wracking for Jaden, but holding Mabel’s delicate hands and looking into her soft eyes made him relax. At the end of the night, Stan walks over to Mabel and ruffles her hair, telling her she picked a good one. The night ends with Dipper and Jaden spilling the punch bowl and they’re both covered in punch as everyone has a good laugh.
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obsidiancreates · 1 year ago
One Undead To Another (Chapter 3)
(It's 1 AM and I work today so naturally I'm hyperfocused on writing. Trigger warning for blood drinking, POV of someone who's dying, and temporary death.)
Burton Guster wakes up to use the bathroom. He checks his phone as he snuggles back under his still-warm covers, a habit he developed pretty much the moment Shawn got a cellphone and the ability to send texts. 
Following MY lead and proving you all wrong
Oh, no. He did not.
Halfway to the Spooky Mansion. Still a chance for you to join in.
Seriously are you ignoring me or did you forget to turn your volume up again :( 
Going in, keeping your half of the check when I solve this.
Spooky mansion got way too spooky. Bury me with my Tears for Fears vinyls.
Gus immediately calls Shawn after reading that last text.
No answer. He waits for a text scolding him for calling during a snooping mission- he waits for ten minutes before he lets out a panicked scream and dials Lassie.
No answer there, fine. He calls Juliet next.
“Gus?” Her voice is groggy and scratchy. “This better be an emerge-”
“Shawn went back to that mansion.”
“He what? I- why am I even surprised?”
“His last text to me says he might be in trouble, Jules.”
“Gus, we ruled them out as suspects.”
“In those murders! In just one set of murders!”
“... That’s a fair point, actually. Okay, I will call Carlton, and we will check on Shawn. Are you going to come with us?”
“Yes, obviously I’m coming with you!”
“Okay, okay, I’ll pick you up on the way to Carlton’s. And Gus?”
“Change out of your pajamas before I get there.”
He looks down at his fireman pjs- the same he was wearing last time Shawn did this. Maybe they’re cursed. He should probably burn them and get new ones, just to be on the safe side. “Right.”
“Jebus, O’Hara, why is Guster here?” Lassiter groans as he slumps, practically unwillingly, into his Ford Fusion. 
“He was extremely helpful last time!”
“Thank you, Juliet. Besides, I’m the one Shawn is texting!”
“If he got himself shot again, I’m putting you both in the holding cells for the rest of the case,” Lassiter gurmbles as he starts the car and pulls out.
“If he got shot again, I’m sicking his dad on him.” If there anyone left to- no, no, he can’t think like that. He can panic and doom-spiral after he finds Shawn totally safe, healthy, and grinning with some stupid new piece of evidence. Because that’s how they have to find him.
“Whatever. We’re either going to save his ass again, or arrest it for breaking an entering. Either way, Guster stays in the car.”
Gus scoffs. “Yeah, alright.” 
The car ride is quiet. Lassiter oozes irritation over being woken up. Jules hums along to the radio, either used to or simply resigned to situations like this being apart of her life- and probably trying to help Gus calm down. It’s working, a little. Gus feels a little silly about it, but it’s hard to panic when there’s someone humming nearby.
They’re only a few minutes away when all three feel a… twist. 
Lassiter tenses at the wheel as Jules lets out a soft gasp and Gus’s stomach drops.
Something is wrong. Deeply, deeply wrong, and they don’t need to say it out loud to know they all feel it.
Lassiter floors it for the last stretch. He and Jules run up to the house with guns already drawn and fingers on the triggers, Gus behind them with a mounting dread as the mansion looms.
Lassiter has barely raised his hand to knock when the screaming starts. 
Shawn’s scream of pain is muffled, silenced, in the shoulder of The Boss. He feels her fangs dig, pressing deeper and deeper into his neck as she uses him like some kind of handsome juice pouch, or maybe a soup dumpling- yeah, definitely a soup dumpling. Should he be thinking about food right now? He is food- and being food hurts.
She bites deeper, and his next scream feels choked. He can feel his blood as it’s sucked out of him, a horrible unnatural feeling. It’s not like when he was shot, where his blood just oozed out of it’s own accord. It’s like his blood knows it’s being stolen, knows it’s being taken away, and it’s trying to cling to the inside of his veins with all of it’s thick, liquid-y strength.
He thinks he might be screaming again, or maybe moaning in pain? He’s making some kind of sound, but good god, she is making quick work of him. The world is going dull and fuzzy, his eyes drooping but never closing. The flickering candles cast strange shadows, making it look like more than four other people surround them- he sees a dozen, maybe more, it’s hard to tell, they’re all moving through each other. How much blood has he lost if he’s hallucinating already? 
His fingers feel cold. No, actually- all of him feels cold. His fingers feel numb. He’s slumping against her now. He can’t hold his own weight anymore. Will they dump him in a field? No, that- they have something else planned for him. Don’t they? It’s starting to go away. Everything is starting to go away. There must be fifty people in the room now. There’s a sea lion in the corner. His arms have gone slack. Why can’t he close his eyes all the way?
“-ay strong.” He’s not sure who spoke. What did he name the other people again? How many were there? He was… investigating something. Right? It’s hard to think. It makes him tired. Someone is cradling him and holding him up, but it doesn’t feel nice. His neck feels the least nice.
“-wn. Shawn, stay with us, help is coming. Help is coming.”
He… he knows that voice. It’s… comforting. Who is that?
His eyes still won’t close. He feels cold. He feels his last dregs of blood clawing to stay inside of him. There’s pairs of feet, just in front of him, taking up his blurry darkening vision. A pair of white shoes, for… some kind of sport, Shawn doesn’t know, he can’t… connect. And a pair of… he doesn’t know, some kind of old lady shoes. He knows those shoes.
There’s a hand against his cheek. No, there isn’t. Yes, there is. No, there isn’t- but there’s something. It’s there and it’s not there, like- like cotton candy. That stuff is weird. A whole mouthful turns into nothing within seconds. Someone is saying something to him.
“-ay. It’ll be okay. They’re almost here.”
“So are we.” He knows that voice too. It’s not as comforting- but it’s not not comforting. It’s… someone. He can’t make the connection. He should’ve passed out by now. He’s lost enough blood to die, he knows that, if he knows one thing it’s that. Why is he still awake?
“We’ll make sure they find you.” That not-there hand is carding through his hair now as whatever is digging in his neck leaves- it’s the first sensation other than numbness he’s felt in… has it been seconds? Minutes? Hours? He’s not good at tracking time even when he does have blood. This is a nightmare. He hopes it’s a nightmare. Thinking hurts.
His head is pushed back. The shoes belong to people- that’s good to know. He can’t really see who. He isn’t sure what he’s capable of seeing right now actually counts as Seeing at all. Someone is yanking open his mouth. 
“-or you. I’m here for you. You’re not alone right now.”
“I’m not sure he understands what you’re saying.”
“Shush, Mary. He needs to hear it anyway.”
Something is in his mouth. Something cold, and thick, and slugdy, and awful. He doesn’t have the strength to gag as it slides down his throat. It tastes rotten. It tastes wrong.
There’s a lot of it. He can’t swallow. He can’t gag. It lasts forever.
It reaches his stomach.
It burns.
He’s on the floor now- he didn’t feel his head hit, but it’s resting against something solid, so it must’ve. Hey, he can still make deductions. That’s cool. Everything is numb, but not numb, and everything hurts, but he can’t feel it. It hurts someone else, even though it’s him. It’s… far away. He’s far away. Someone is kneeling in front of him. Two someones. He can’t see them. His eyes are closed, finally. He doesn’t know how he knows they’re there.
“Go to sleep, Shawn.” … Oh. Oh, he knows where he knows that voice. He must really be dying, then. Or already dead.
“Gr’ma.” He can’t hear his own voice.
“Shhh. It’s okay. Go to sleep. We’ll make sure you’re okay.”
There’s a sound pounding against his ears. He tries to lift his head to hear it better. It’s a dull roar, like a terrible low-quality recording of a rock concert. … Yeah, exactly like that. It’s screaming.
“Your friends will be okay too. I promise. Trust me, sweetheart. Just… let yourself sleep.”
He actually doesn’t think he has a choice- but it’s nice that she’s talking. It’s so much clearer than the screaming. He should probably care about that. He’s too far away to be able to.
Shawn takes a deep breath and relaxes.
He sighs. 
He loses consciousness. 
He does not breathe again.
As soon as the screaming starts Lassiter breaks the door down. It’s almost too easy- the wood is rotten. Who would live in a place like this? Someone not looking to stay long. Shawn had said that. Why hadn’t Gus believed him?
“SBPD!” Lassiter and Jules to in with guns raised and ready to fire- Gus feels safe enough behind them to follow.
No-one is home. If it weren’t for the ear-splitting screaming coming from somewhere, it would be eerie.
“Guster, go back to the car.” Lassiter doesn’t move. “Now.”
“Shawn is somewhere in here.” Gus can hear his fear leeching into his voice.
“We’ll find him,” Jules promises, just as rooted to the spot- something in the air feels wrong. A stillness, but a crackling, an energy but a void. 
“Alright.” He can’t stand it anymore, he loves Shawn and he wants to find him but he can’t stand it anymore-
The door slams shut behind him.
“AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!” Gus’s scream is lost among the chorus. The lights are flickering- no, that’s too mild a word for it, because the lights are going in and out and sparking and buzzing and it’s like the whole house is screaming-
Someone’s at the end of the entrance hall.
“Hands in the air!” Lassiter bellows, but the figure doesn’t put their hands up. The lights go out again. They come back on. The figure is closer.
“Stay where you are!” Juliet’s gun is steady as she aims it.
“-me? Testing, testing- forgive me. The afterlife doesn’t usually have this much bleed-over.”
Gus almost faints. He knows that voice.
“That’s impossible.” Lassiter swallows. He knows it too. They all do. “You’re worse at rescuing than Shawn,” Mary Lightly says, hands in the pockets of his racquetball uniform. “At least he was moving.”
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transwicky · 9 months ago
Ngl I want more characters in check please to have glasses. Besides Holster, who wears contacts, and Ford, who is the manager.
There should be more.
So I'm doing this.
Bitty? Needs glasses
He literally doesn't realize it until mid sophomore year when Dex asks if he has glasses bc "you shouldn't be that close to your phone, Bitty." This is after an ENTIRE YEAR of Holster and Ransom BOTH telling Bitty to get his eyes checked, and then Shitty hearing them and also telling him this. He never goes until it gets mentioned to his mother during Winter Break that "oh, it's just the boys telling me to go get my eyes checked while home." (Coach is, in fact, the one to drag him there, and not Suzanne. Turns out Coach wears reading glasses.)
Tango and Whiskey? Glasses.
Tango forgets to wear them like all the time and gets (gently) bullied/hounded/reminded to wear them (literally a coworker of mine is like this which is hilarious bc I work at a glasses/eye dr place. The bullying is "where are your glasses?" "My car" "lotta good they're doing you there, huh?". She laughs and half the time actually grabs them.)
Whiskey wear contacts because he looks like a nerd (he does not, he looks hot as fuck, he could get anyone in them)
I ain't here for that Ransom No Longer Has Them thing. He wears contacts 50% of the time, especially for hockey. He and Holster know the cheapest place in Samwell to get decent glasses. They made a spreadsheet together.
His eyesight is just an issue bc of slight astigmatism so he does not wear them sometimes. Especially in hockey bc he doesn't want to break them. Glasses are Expensive.
Nursey needs them but doesn't realize it.
He thinks everything is normal. He, like Dex, has some slight astigmatism, and it's only in one eye (pretty common, it turns out), so he doesn't fucking notice.
Ollie and Wicky both have glasses
Wicky has some shitty ass eyesight. Literally the worst eyes on the team. Even Ford is horrified.
Ollie has some pretty bad eyes too but it's mostly astigmatism that's the issue for him. He is pissed about it.
Hops has glasses
His eyes are pretty fucking shit and he wear contacts for sports.
Bully SHOULD have glasses
They don't match the vibe so he doesn't wear them and everyone yells at him for it
Louis used to have glasses
He had LASIK before going to Samwell.
Johnson had them but never wore them ever at all in his years at Samwell
"It's not important to the storyline."
Part 2 for the Falcs coming later
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chanelfunnell · 2 years ago
a) anon, shame Trevor Zegras is injured. I like his technical style of the game when he's serious about hockey and frankly, he's a little bit crazy off ice but adorable. We all need to laugh so to his horrible footwear. He is on the left..I know he is dorky as well and the shoes are super trendy.
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B) anon, I am glad to see Tazer but I am not glad to see him in this puffy face state it is puffier than before and definitely he has not bloated face during his struggles in 2020, 2021. I'd point a finger on Meghan Butler in his life as all Marcus Aubrey's crap quasi medicine is up to Tazer's throat. He also clinges to old memories, having his old buddies over. What a coach said about his moods is quite scary. Maybe also booster by the intake of Aubrey's bs.
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He's still handsome and adorable when he's serious, not furious but you see he is not all right and so his look aka so bloated face. Either health problems with kidneys that he does not admit etc or some substance by M Aubrey's use. Obviously it's a circle because he struggles withbkack of his routine and old team mates, changes, Lindsey pregnant again, Kaner is gone, his Blackhawks career ends soon so he clinges more and more to that bad support...tjan breaking the circle and facing the music...and these people are more fragile and getting more and more addicted to certain sect or drugs, pills etc..
C) anon, the Blackhawks injury list is vast, I am sorry for Tomorrow, Reese Johnson, good Tyler Johnson is back but they did not play so bad in last couple of games based on the injuries and newbies. I guess Seth Jones is calmer captain than nervous Tazer who was amazing when he did well off and on ice because he can't deal with losses.
D) anon, Crosby's long term crazy fan Ashley who is followed by Tazer is off the railing and on memory lane to Vancouver which was 13 years ago. Please...with all of that
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You need to ask her or betteer, try to ask Sidney Crosby and Marketa whether they have dated, slept together, kissed or had a fling...i do not bother and no way after 10 years like Ashley. Obviously Kathy is in his life despite her denials and calling her a generic bland blonde. I am not a big fan of Kathy as I think she's bland lazy Step ford Wife but she is pretty and a serious partner of Sidney Crosby. Marketa and Kathy are the similar type at least in face department and Crosby has reacted to the Blackhawks and Hossa's photoshoot of 12 apostles of Last Supper as a copycat of flat caps so .....speculate...Ashley has been obsessed with her beside Kathy Leather for ages. We do not know how many children Marketa has and so about her partner's. We know 2, one of 8 years and one soccer player. Se has a baby boy apparently but no one knows. Whether true or not I guess when she will crawl out with any kid on the skates it will be definitely a champion with a huge game IQ and these two Vancouver goal champions once young bucks Crosby and Toews will start their own families. They are 36 and 35 years old this year for the sake of good hockey DNA and dynasties!!!!!
E) it is Nico Hirshier's sister, calm down, anon also a sister of Nurse etc is very good looking. At least NJ Devils are devils on the ice once again after years of tanking.
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f) did you see Lafranieree and his cheeky sneaky puck between legs manoeuvre? He is brilliant if he wants to be as he is older now. It is stupid to put just 18 years old kid into NHL season to play permanently but he plays better with Kakko and he's too much sensitive or angry. When he gets his crap out of his head it's an amazing smart game and footwork to watch. Then Russian players and I don't mean Ovechkin empty entree but Kaprizov and his magic. I can't find on my stupid cell phone a video of certain game but I am not able to upload photos from that phone to Tumblr as well...
g)anon, I guess Dallas and San Jose players have huge competition in Skinner and new Swedish defenseman of the Oilers regarding moustache and a stubble, well, a beard department so Hannah Montana's dad with his doppelganger with a mullet in Mullet Arena. What a place to celebrate.
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