#and i'm tired of fighting it
7thedisasterdyke · 1 month
I've been seeing an influx of posts trying to tell you not to vote Harris. Please, for the love of fuck, DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM. If you are making these posts out of some sense of morality or honor, PLEASE STOP.
Look, I get it. I live in the heart of the empire. It sickens me to my core to see the US funding genocide... again.
You Will Not Be Able To Stop It. You absolutely will never again be able to even try to stop it if Trump wins.
Everyone talking about "Blue MAGA" this and "They're the leopards-eating-faces party too" that... You're forgetting something.
Under Trump, everyone who wants positive change? Everyone who wants to put up a fight and try to change the empire?
They'll all go down swinging.
When everyone who's willing to fight goes down swinging, who will be left to fight?
If Trump wins, I and many others, many of whom will have been community organizers, will have to leave the country for our own safety. Censorship laws will be put in place regardless of "free speech" that will allow Trump and his ilk to have us thrown in prison forever, or just killed right away.
If Trump wins, so do all genocidal states.
A win for Trump is a loss for the world.
Accelerationism hurts more people than it helps.
The "revolution" will die before it can begin under Trump.
Don't help him win by pulling votes away from the only candidate for presidency with a chance against him.
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daily-odile · 4 months
AUGH I’d love to see more time looping odile if possible,,,,, how do you think she’d like; “devolve” over each of the acts as compared to Siffrin over time :O
ok im gonna be honest i did like portrait edits months ago and just never finished them. so here you go
act 3:
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act 5:
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erinwantstowrite · 5 days
the haters are trying to get me to care about canon. they're trying to get me to only fuck with canon. newsflash you stupid bitch if you are in a fandom space you are consuming fanon. i don't CARE that it's canon that bruce wayne has hit his kids in canon. i make my own world where it's common fucking sense that heroes are good people who would not be abusers. "human flaw" this my ass that motherfucker drives a Batmobile and wears a Batsuit and throws around Batarangs. live in a suspended belief and have fun before you dry up and die a sad raisin of a being
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not-terezi-pyrope · 16 days
The inherent tension between the eat-the-rich working class self-made grind of being an independent etsy/commission artisan on social media, and the fact that due to the (very fair!) "know the worth of your work" price points in the hundreds of dollars their clients can by definition pretty much only ever be well off people with a lot of disposable income.
Issue is that a lot of them don't seem to realise this, which is evident when they try to guilt fellow poor people (and often those who are in fact a lot worse off) into buying their work, or call them or for not being willing to personally spend at their price point.
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emblazons · 1 year
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swkbiggestdefender · 1 month
Headcannon that wukong feels incredibly uncomfortable and anxious whenever macaque shapshift into him because he only get reminded of how macaque tried to take his place and hurted his master and brothers using his face
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poitionsprince · 3 months
Things a random person is trying to claim canon on Snape and the Marauders over one of my videos since I can't fall asleep cus of sickness + they are EXTREMELY stupid for a 17yo:
Severus tried to kiss Lily by force. (???)
The worst memory happened because of he wouldn't leave Lily alone (??? He didn't even talk with her before it started and they were BEST FRIENDS)
James was "provoked" and did it to "protect his girlfriend from the enemy" (the "gf" in question which hated him and refused to date him till their 7th year, and the enemy being her best friend)
Severus physically hit children (only happened in the movies where his character was cut by more then half ☠)
Physically abused Harry for 7 years (girl do you know how to read?)
He was a stalker (??? Mixing him much with the marauders who literally had a map that showed who is where and when? 🤨)
Severus called lily a slvt (what even???l
She said Severus trying to apologize for using the word 'mudblood' is "guilt tripping" (you would've cried over him not apologizing, right? ☠)
Came to attack me for shipping Snupin as if that had anything to do with the convo lol (didn't have anything smart to say ig)
Continued it by saying that Remus was a marauder and that they all hated Snape - also untrue regardless, he was the only one to call him be his name and to feel bad for him, also the only one to not laugh at him at the worst memory.
They said they're 17 yet they're fighting me like a 12 yo ☠
"I've read the book 4 times" girl who gave you the knockoff version ☠
The video in question was a joking vid over people hating Snape-defenders and Harry being the 1# defender, nothing more.
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gophergal · 1 month
To say an Aspec person's life is wasted because they lack an interest in [sex/romance/platonic relationships]* is like saying an evergreen tree has wasted its life for refusing to grace its branches with apples
*(respect aros, aces, and aplatonic folk equally or taste my blade)
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thesaltyace · 2 months
Link to original video in replies.
stitched creator: keep Palestinians' names out of your mouth when you're trying to defend your decision for voting for Kamala--
bigzaiire: I'm starting to see a lot of these videos coming out and I feel like someone really really has to speak on it, so I'm going to. And I'm gonna tell this with all my due respect -- Palestine is not the only country that's dealing with genocide right now.
I am from Congo in case you cannot tell, I'm from Congo, okay? We are also dealing with genocide in Congo. In fact, the genocide in Congo has been going for way longer than the genocide in Palestine. The genocide in Congo has made 8 millions of victims. 8 millions.
And you might wonder, why am I making this video? Well, I am making this video because I'm going to support Vice President Kamala. 100% I'm going to. And I'm going to tell you why I'm going to support Vice President Kamala.
Listen to me. This is one of the Congolese genocide enabler. His name is Dan Getler. This guy is an Israeli billionaire who owns mines in Congo. This guy was sanctioned in 2017 by President Barack Obama for corrupt and illegal mining.
Listen very carefully. He was sanctioned by Obama. Obama is a Democrat. Okay?
This dude got reinstated. Someone gave him his money back. Someone gave him his money back. Do you know who did that?
Donald Trump.
Donald Trump gave him [Israeli billionaire Dan Getler] his money back. It was one of the very last thing he did as a president was to give this guy his money back.
And do you know who sanctioned this guy again?
President Biden.
President Biden sanctioned him again. So currently, this person [Israeli billionaire Dan Getler] does not have his money. All the money, all the illegal money he made in Congo -- he does not have it right now. Because of President Biden.
So one thing I know for sure, one thing I know for sure: Vice President Kamala, she's not going to let this guy get his money back. And another thing that I know for sure is that if Trump gets back in office, Trump is going to reinstate this guy. Trump is going to give him his money back.
How do you think Israel is getting all the money? Because of this guy. He's one of the people who are giving money is Israel. So if you want to stop this guy -- hmm? -- from getting his money back and potentially giving that money to Israel, make sure that Trump does not make it.
Now let's be real for a second. Because I feel like a lot of people don't take this part in consideration. Listen.
A lot of people have lost their jobs for supporting Palestine.
A lot of content creators got their account banned for supporting Palestine.
A lot of people got hurt physically for protesting for Palestine.
A lot of people have ruined their relations with their families and friends simply because they were on the side of Palestine.
So if you're going to tell all these people who have sacrificed so much for your cause that they are wrong for choosing a candidate who's going to preserve their rights in their own country, then I'm sorry to tell you this, but you are being both ungrateful and disingenuous.
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okthisway · 3 months
me: dragon age origins is great i'll take my time enjoying the story also me: where the hell is zevran WHERE IS HE where's zevran!!!! wheeeeere is heee
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copypastus · 1 year
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Sign me up for the tithe in the Spring Court I hear rent prices in Velaris went up again.
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miraculousbohemian · 9 months
i'm so fucking tired of heteros ffs GIVE ME PEGGYNAT
also natasha in this entire episode is just *gay yearning* for a certain Brit
Melina just goes slipping shit like "ah go for her left knee she fucked it up in third grade" LIKE MA'AM.
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cukerka32 · 11 months
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lazylittledragon · 1 year
i guess my political opinions are quite extreme in that i don't believe there should ever be any sort of debate on whether or not a group of people deserve the right to exist
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So, I cannot show support to Palestine at my university (flyers for protest, the colors and the flag, you get it...) because it's "encouraging violence and antisemitism" but when my university was tagged with antisemitic symbols, they did NOTHING. When the students union was targeted with threat of violence and their office was destroyed, covered with neo-nazis symbols, they did NOTHING.
The Neo-Nazis student association (which has been multiple times reported for their hate-crimes) were distributing flyers at the entrance yesterday WITHOUT ANY ISSUES, because they support Israel.
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gwandas · 4 months
When I see people say they’re happy that Cassian puts Rhys first because they dont want him throwing away a 500 year old friendship for a woman… you guys know this is a romance book right?
Also if a friendship can die because the man told his friend to treat his wife better, that friendship was worthless in the first place. Nesta has NEVER asked him to choose her or abandon his friends for her. She knows he wouldn't because she doesn’t see herself as worthy of him—All anyone is asking for is him not needing to be asked to simply tell his friends to back the fuck off.
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