#and i'm probably gonna have to stay here christmas night
cicadidae-tm9899 · 2 years
#dogsitting rn and istg these people haven't taught their dog anything other than ringing a bell to be let out#he doesn't know what no means!#they've had him for at least a year and a half and they hate him#and he smells really bad so idk if they even bathe him#not to mention that their place is like 30 minutes away from mine#and i'm probably gonna have to stay here christmas night#just ugh#i mean they pay well and i've known them my entire life#guy's like an uncle to me#but like#dude#AND they had to leave a week earlier than expected!#they were gonna leave on christmas#which would've meant that i'd only have to stay here a couple of days#but NO#I'm wasting half my fuckin break taking care of their dog#and my sister's with me bc i don't like being alone places and also she's my bestie#but i'm never allowed to be mad about anything so at the slightest hint of anger she gets all pissy at me#and my boss is making me work on christmas#and i'm not even gonna get fucking paid for it#because i volunteer#he was like#'i don't want to separate adults from their families and make them work on christmas#so i'm going to make the two EXPENDABLE CHILDREN work on christmas instead. you understand right?'#like sure that logic tracks#yeah yeah i get it#these adults only get so many christmases with their kids before they grow up#not like the children should be enjoying it with their families!#especially since this is my last christmas before i'm actually an adult and move out#makes perfect sense
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eggmeralda · 2 years
iiiiii aaaaam sooooo booooored
#i'm stuck here for the weekend with nothing to do#then i'm doing a gig on monday and then hopefully go home tuesday but it'll probably end up being thursday#but i cannot live in this house rn i don't wanna come back here after christmas i'm so sick of the people i live with#I've pretty much lived with them for 2 years and they were fine but now things are different and i'm so sick of them oh my god#the only one i'm not sick of yet is in spain so i'm not gonna see her for like a month#but anyway there is nothing to do bc usually i'd talk to my former best friend who has now been demoted to friend status#but he's with his girlfriend all the time and she's annoyed at me bc i asked him can he not have her round every single night#which i can understand why she'd be offended but it doesn't feel that unreasonable?#me and my other housemate both are uncomfortable with her being round like 6 nights a week#it's like she's suddenly living here and we didn't even get a say in it#and we were both friends with her and said multiple times it's nothing against her and we don't mind her being round for a few days#but apparently our other housemate is possibly stirring shit even though he's not involved but apparently he told them that we've been#bitching about them. which we haven't. maybe occasionally venting but that's like private between us two so he's literally not involved#but anyway she probably thinks that we've been bitching about her and is now ignoring us#but she's still staying round all the time like if you suddenly hate us so much wouldn't you wanna stay in your own house?#like idec if she wants to be childish and just straight up ignore me then cool good for her bc at least her bf is still talking to me#and he knows i haven't said anything bad about her but idk he could at least tell her that? but whatever we're both the least#confrontational people in existence and hate drama so neither of us wanna do anything about it#but idek anymore#anyway bc of all this i have no one to talk to and nothing to do for the next few days#so I've literally just been lying in bed watching classic coronation street for the past week#but whatever#someone send absolute help#ramble
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goldsbitch · 9 months
That second flight
part 4 to That one Christmas flight
summary: What happens when people stop lying to themselves? Sometimes, you get a good night out of it.
warnings: cheesy af, swear words and alcohoI guess, cliche probably, typos most definitely
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Do not fuck it up, do not fuck it up, do not fuck this up.
Hey you? What kind of a message even is that? Ugh. She ruined it. Now she will have to move away and start her life again.
The weather forecast predicted high levels of overreacting for today.
He must have liked the cool girl vibe she somehow gave of on the plane. Y/N prayed for the gods of cool vibes to bless her again.
Lando was just about to start an interview for Sky Sports when he received her message. He imagined this was how it felt to win a podium. On the top of the world. He gave an absolutely charismatic, energetic and funny interview. One that would surely create lots of gifs on the socials. PR manager even high-fived him when they finished. To be honest, he could not wait for a moment of solitude so that he could reply.
"hey" he started. "so I broke the rule, ups" Her reply came instantly.
"I've noticed. But then again, you radiate speeding tickets vibe from miles away. So no surprise."
He smiled, well aware of how efficient the Italian ticketing was running.
"paid one last week, so you got me there" "so, how's your cool student life going?"
"Trying gain some wisdom, as people just feel free to call me dumb on social media these days."
"compliments come in a variety of forms, don't discriminate"
From now on, there was no way back.
The next few days consisted of constant texting. Joking around, sending pictures capturing their daily life - both of them keeping in secret that lots of the information shared was nothing new. They were careful, somewhat distancing themselves from any real deep topics. But, days felt like blur, waiting for the next text to come and somehow managing to live the real life in between that. Y/N stayed in most evenings, almost making her friends concerned.
It did not take long enough for famously patient Lando to getting sick of it. They had a week between the next three week round of races. It was now or never. He missed one chance by being mr. mysterious, so mr. direct it was now.
"so, lady. what are you doing this weekend?" he asked out of the blue.
"I dunno. Probably studying, I guess."
"well, you're smart enough, you can skip that. let's meet up."
Y/N pretended to herself that she was second guessing. She headed out, to the bar where her friends were hanging out before they planned on heading to some faculty party. She felt joining them suddenly. Sat quietly, listening to their usual chit chat. Her charade lasted about seven minutes.
"Yes. Let's." she texted and threw her phone deep down to her bag. She was nervous, heart racing and mind quite not catching up yet.
"I need to tell you guys something," she interrupted them and almost demanded immediate attention. Questioning looks followed. "Uh, so I met this guy on a plane. And I'm gonna see him again this weekend."
Saying it like that, she realized that it was all kind of real and that she probably could not explain it in words how bizzare it all felt.
"Aw, that's cute! Tell us more!" Teresa clapped excitedly, the whole weird vibe surrounding her friend making more sense now.
Y/N expected her friends to be more shocked. "Um, yeah. It's just this guy. I don't really know how it's gonna happen, but yeah."
"Is he coming here? Can we meet him?"
Y/N kept the information that they already did to herself. Just in case she is left stranded alone and disappointed.
"I don't...I don't know actually. Yeah."
"We will do as we always do - sharing location and staying by if needed, honey."
Y/N missed a text notification. "great. i'll fly you out to somewhere where we can be alone, not to sound too creepy."
She landed an hour after him. Lando sent a picture of him waiting at the airport cafe.
He booked the best hotel room he could find. Well, technically he booked two rooms. Just in case she wanted to keep her distance or if by any chance he fucked up so royally, that she would refuse to share space with him. At least, he could walk away from this like a gentleman.
Since she last him, she forgot just how hot this guy was in person. Seeing him, sitting casually sipping coffee and glued to him phone, she took a moment to study him. It was as if he was tailored specifically to her taste. His clothes covering his godlike body, not too muscular but enough for the sight of his arms sending her to different dimension. The origin of her audacity she had to be the first one to talk to him on the plane was unknown to her. There was no more panic left in her body, as she had done nothing but panicking the whole flight.
She walked and sat opposite to him.
"Hey," he smiled.
"Hey yourself," she replied. There was a moment of awkward silence. Turns out there was a bit of panic left in Y/N after all. Last week she though she'd never see this guy. And now she was staring in his eyes.
"Do you want some coffee?," he asked innocently. He looked her up and down, excited to see her. All of his worries he refused to acknowledge were gone. After all, she got up and flew here just to hang out with him. The reality of this filled him with confidence.
"Yes. A small tiny espresso with no milk."
"Great. Let's grab that and hit the road."
Lando's car might have as well run on butterflies alone present in his vehicle. There was absolutely no way for him to drive some random rental car, so he called up McLaren people to provide him one for the night. It came up in the same conversation when he requested personal time off. Both things came to a certain level of surprise, as he had never done this before. Y/N knew she had to work on a group project for one of her minor classes. Just like him, she had done something she would not have dared - and completely ghosted her group for this weekend.
"You look nice, btw," he commented casually.
"Well yeah, when you're not on an overnight flight across half of the world wearing airport attire, it makes thing easier."
"Hm, I would say sweatpants have some magic to them."
It was hard for Y/N to get the image of him out of her head.
"So, where is my lovely kidnapper taking me?"
They discussed prior to this that the vibe they would like out of this was a casual dinner and then finding the shittiest club possible and have some fun, trying to remain as private as possible yet within the vicinity of the small Italian city.
"My assistant found this lovely little place in the centre. Don't get mad, but I had him completely book it out. You know, the privacy thing," he said with more insecurity than one would expect.
Y/N picked up on that and tried to lighten up the mood. It seemed a bit excessive to do that, but he probably knew what he was doing.
"Your assistant," she gagged over dramatically. "Jesus, am I not worth enough for you to google on your own? Mr. Busy man. Was he also the one who found me online them?" she joked?
"I'm sure I'd have to hire a special person to that if I planned on outsourcing it."
"You love it."
And she did.
He parked in front of the restaurant, without a care for the world.
"So you're telling me we're making a big deal about keeping a secret that you're here, yet you decide to park like a proper asshole?" she remarked while he opened the door for her. Jokes were making her focus on something else than the fact she was falling for him too hard.
"Oh, you're going absolutely hate my plan," he laughed as they were entering the full on empty restaurant.
"Wow, look at that. I invited all my friends!" he whispered to her ear before addressing the owner.
"Hello, you must be Dario?"
This Dario person smiled brightly at him. "Ah, mister Papaya!" Lando nodded and Y/N rolled her eyes. Dario then started speaking Italian without a care of the world. Language wise deaf Lando did not count for the fact people just did not speak English in this part of Italy. A tiny crack in his plan. What was he suppose to do, call Carlos? But, Y/N having spend a good year or two studying there was there to ease the situation. She whipped out her B1 Italian and greeted the man. Dario's happiness filled up the room.
He seated them and immediately brought local red wine and giving a long talk about where this wine was from and how his grandma used to pick up the grapes herself and how the notes did this and that. Y/N tried to translate at the beginning, but Dario looked like was ready to give a TED talk. She started to loose the grasp of the story, which Lando observed. And like good gentleman he helped her out. No, of course not, when he saw her getting lost, he put on a super interested face and asked about seven follow up questions. Y/N was super annoyed. The kind of annoyed that creates a smile on your face.
When this showdown finally ended, Y/N nearly gulped the wine down. "So rude, Dario just said, you're suppose to sit it and let it roll," said Lando and with too much affect sipped his wine. "Aah," he took a deep breath and the bit his tongue. Y/N stuck her tongue out completely like a five year old child. "Yes, I can your red tongue, that's also one of the reasons why you sip it."
They sat, talked and laughed. He seemed genuinely interested when she blabbed a little bit too long about her latest projects. And then he asked her for a feedback on his latest merch, which by sheer coincidence included lots of photos of him. It was hard to admit how much he enjoyed the idea of her looking at him.
"So, um. I'm not sure I understood Dario correctly. But it looks like he insists on getting us the local speciality," she said hesistantly.
"Well, only if his grandma would approve. But why is this strange look on your face?"
"I must have gotten it wrong. Because burnt pasta just sounds wrong. If I wanted that, I could have stayed and have my roommate cook for us."
"Hm, that is an interesting idea." Lando pretended he did not know her roommate's name.
Once Darion brought out the burnt pasta, the couple had a hard time not to laugh.
"When in Rome...well not in Rome, but you get the idea."
"Why is this good?" Y/N proclaimed with her mouth full to the limit.
Lando laughed. "Ah, we have a lady at the table, I see. I mean yeah, I am not supposed to be having pasta now, but this is so weirdly good."
They finished their strange pasta and the bottle of wine. Said goodbye to Dario, Y/N tried not to think on how much it cost to close a restaurant down.
"Wait, what are we going to do about the car? We can't drive now."
"Not to sound like a complete asshole, but I'd like we remove the WE from any sentence including driving now at the beginning, if that is ok. And like I said at the beginning, you're gonna hate this."
"Go on, Lando boy. Tell me."
"Yeah, the car was provided by my employer. And they really need me, so I'm just going to leave the car here to get towed and inform them later."
"Jesus, why!"
"Well, I figured we'll get a taxi in the morning. I want to enjoy all the time I have with you. Dealing with the car is not on the menu today."
There was nothing for Y/N to reply. She was having too much fun to be thinking.
They found what seemed to be the shittiest bar playing 80's and 90's songs, weirdly colored lights swinging out of the rhythm and with people there consisting of old papas and few probably underaged kids. They brought their own wine bottle from Dario, Lando paid 100 euro for two glasses and for the bartender leaving them alone. It did not take long for Y/N to break out to the dance floor. Lando watched her clumsy yet somehow elegant moves for a moment, before he joined her. They danced, as if they were the only people there, laughing and completely ignoring the looks they were getting. And to the tones of remix of Brother Louis, they kissed again. And this time, they kept kissing until late hours, hand roaming around each other, as if they were two teenagers making out for the first time.
part 5
Tagged all those who like to suffer: @prudyhoo @anuksunamon @sagestack @esquerkaren @ushygushybaby @ilove-tswizzle @thehufflepuffavenger1  @superlegend216 @mehrmonga @lovely-blackinnon @mylifeihate1029 @lausdigitaldiary @tswizzleismother
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makorragal-312 · 5 months
I think I know how Buck is gonna be involved in the Abuela/Diaz family storyline:
Basically, Abuela is gonna end up being admitted into the hospital because of a bad injury and Eddie ends up having to call his parents so they end up leaving Texas. Later on, it gets revealed that Abuela is showing signs of degenerative memory loss (I'm thinking Alzheimer's or dementia) and they have to discuss next steps.
Eddie and Chris are already at the hospital, but Eddie called Buck when they first went in, so Buck arrives to look out for his boys and to be mortal support. Meanwhile, the Diaz parents are surprised at Buck's presence, but they don't say anything.
Later on, when they're discussing taking care of Abuela, Helena decides to bring up how Eddie could end up getting an injury on the job that puts him in a similar position to Abuela (with his memory being compromised) and that if that happens, there would be no one to look out for Christopher. She starts to say how they can look after him, but Eddie immediately cuts her off and says that he would never put himself in a position where he got hurt like that. And if it did happen, Chris was already going to be taken care of. This almost leads to an argument where Ramon has to shut it down and Eddie walks out.
Outside of Abuela's room, Buck is sitting with Chris, making sure he's okay after hearing Abuela's diagnosis. Chris says that it's scary, but he just wants her to be okay and taken care of, but Buck can tell that there's something more going on. Chris later admits that he heard Eddie getting into it with Helena and it reminded him of all the times they argued about taking him back to Texas. He then admits to Buck how it's been going on ever since he was a kid and that no matter what happens to his dad, he never wants to move back to Texas because he'd be leaving behind the things he's found and grown to love about California: the main thing being Buck. Buck ends up comforting him and tells him that Eddie would do everything in his power to never put him in that position. And if God forbid something happened to Eddie and Chris was at risk of going back, he wouldn't let that happen, thinking back to Eddie telling him about the will.
The next day at the station, Buck tells Eddie that Chris heard his conversation with his parents and how it brought up his anxiety of having to go back to Texas if anything happened to him. Eddie is horrified at this, but Buck reassures him that he was able to calm Chris down. However, Buck grows serious and suggests to Eddie that he needs to tell Chris about the will, admitting that it took everything in him not to tell Chris himself but he didn't want to do it without Eddie's consent. Eddie ends up telling Buck that he always intended to tell Chris, but after that Christmas that made Eddie quit the 118, he put it to the back burner because he didn't want to give Chris that anxiety. Buck tells Eddie that Chris is always going to have that anxiety about something happening to him, but telling him about the will and his role in it will probably provide Chris a safety net where he knows that no matter what, he's not leaving LA and he's not leaving Buck. After a minute, Eddie relents and decides to tell Chris, but only if Buck is in the room with them when he does it.
Later that night, Eddie and Buck sit with Chris in his room and they proceed to finally tell them about the will. Chris is shocked, but is ultimately relieved that he'd be staying with Buck and that even though he loves his grandparents and Texas, his home is here in LA with Eddie and Buck. Cue Buckley-Diaz group hug.
Once they leave his room, Buck suggests that Eddie might have to tell his parents about the will so that at least they're not blindsided when Buck starts making the decisions in Eddie's absence. Eddie knows he's right, but tells him that he'll cross that bridge when he gets there. He then apologized to Buck for putting him in such a rough position and reassures him that he had a permanent place in Chris' life long before he changed his will and that he's stuck with them. And Buck couldn't be happier. Cue an extra long Buddie hug.
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lizaluvsthis · 9 months
Accidental Kiss - (Christmas Eve)
fic - and art (forgive me I'm bad at writing fics)
(Thanking @shygirl4991 for doing an episode fic remake called "Mistletoe Wars" !)
Everyone was really hoping for a mistletoe T.T well that didn't happen. A promise is a promise!
It's winter season, and the crew members had enjoyed the nostalgic feeling of snow. But since they've never get to experience what snow felt before. Now it's a good chance to go out there and have some fun!
-this fic contains language and some sensitive stuff (NOT the one you're thinking about-)
The crunch of snow beneath their feet sounds as they all walked around, the crew looked outside in excitement.
"Woahh its a very nice and cold snowy night!" Boopkins was the first to start as he picked up some snow from the ground and tried making a snowman. "Alright everyone! You can do whatever you want here, make some snowmans, ice skate or whatever types of games you want to play like snowballs. It's up to all of you!" Smg4 announced.
Mario commented same as Meggy
"Mario's gonna make good big snowman!"
"I'm gonna make the tallest snowman!"
The two never expected to have the same idea, and looked at each other. Meggy smirked and Mario also thought about the same idea. "Hey mario you thinking what I'm thinking? Lets start making out big snowman and beat them!" Meggy whispered.
Mario salutes in order to follow Meggy "yes boss!"
Tari is making a cute-duck snow while Saiko tried building her own snowman, which it failed due to her unexperience of snow. Tari comforted Saiko by patting her head.
Meanwhile Smg3 is making his own Snowman Statue of EggDog, enjoying some quiet and peace. "Bark!" Eggdog called. "Hey there Eggdog!" Three picks him up to make him see the full view of the snow statue he made.
"I built this just for my cute little egg! Who's a cute lil dog? Yes you are!" Smg3 rubs eggdog's stomach and pets him, playing dearfully from his lovable pup.
Three puts eggdog down and puts eggdog's mini-sized hat on top of it. "Bark!" He jumps in excitement.
"Hehehe... I bet my statue is more better than those losers-" Three's words were cut off right when he felt a snowball hit his back.
"Hey! Whats the big ide-" Smg3 thinking it would be some of Four's friends that three would like to call- "idiots" he turns around annoyed.
"Hahaha! -Gotcha now Mar- huh?" Four expected Mario would be the person he hit, suprisingly it was three.
But to his suprise it wasn't Smg4's idiots who've hit his back. It was Smg4 himself. "Oh. You."
Three rolled his eyes, just seeing Smg4 right infront of him makes his skin boil. For any other reasons this is just probably him getting "angry" again.
"Oh- uh- sorry about that Smg3 I didn't know it was you. Me, Bob, Mario, and Meggy are playing snowball fight. If theres a possible chance I thought it'd be fun too for you to joi-" Three wasn't having this, he doesn't NEED a childish game to waste his time on.
"No thanks" "aww cmon! Why not?" Four walks closer to Three as his eyes darts down to the ground, aware that Four might've noticed. But he didn't.
"B-because it's pointless, on such a stupid game you guys had to pick that sh-t of a junk. Wow." His response were cold to Four, receiving those messages. Four felt bad to his friend.
Smg3 flinched as soon as Smg4 puts his right hand from his shoulder, this startled him. "Dude, you definitely have to join us- besides you've barely enjoyed christmas from these past few years. How about giving it a go?"
Smg3 stayed silent, not even facing his ex-rival. "It's christmas. We all deserve to have some fun! Even you..." even if Three didn't look at him, he knew that four was giving that "look".
Those blue eyes that matched from the color of the nightsky, gazing upon the color of wine. The color of blood that gave the matching of purple when theh meet. Purple butterflies form, starting to surround them with this tension.
This made three felt sick from his guts.
Three knows. He knew how much of a coward and a b-tch he was for admitting Smg4 was his friend, how else could he say no? They almost died. He. Almost died.
"But I understand you now. You're really scared, aren't you?
You're scared you could lose it all at any time.
But I've met your friends man.
No matter what you make, they...
WE... will always be here to have fun and laugh together"
Three could barely even remembered what he told him back on the castle, does he really meant all of the things he said to Four?
Is this also the main reason why four has felt sympathetic towards him? He wasn't sure.
Sure they made good laughs, they've been enemies for so long and now that the two had went through lots of stuff. The two had developed something that they were never sure about it yet.
"I still remember what you said..." four decided to break the long distant of silence. This lit up three's eyes, he wanted to say something... anything at all... but he kept it close, wanting to hear what his friend has to say.
"You remember when I was stuck and possessed by a goddamn keyboard from that old castle...?" It was four's turn to look down and face his hands, twiddling his thumbs.
Three didn't respond but just stood there, waiting the following words as he listened.
"I never thought I could say this to anyone else just to you... I... heard you reaching out on me... I know its all classic and cheesy but in all seriousness... did you meant all of that...?" Smg3 took a step back.
"I know its been a few months since we never talked about what happened there, with all of the monster attack and sh-t" "I did."
Three turned to look at Smg4 with his eyes locked onto his. "I did meant it, I meant everything what I've said. You were the onl- the reason why you're having so much fun with your friends. I told you all of that because I admitted it."
But its not only just for their friendship...not only for his friends...
"But I understand you now..."
If three wouldn't be such a d!ck, then this wouldn't have happened. He wouldn't drive him insane nor putting everyone in danger.
You're an idiot Three...
How many years has it been ever since they called their truce? How many years did it came for three to wait? How many? He didn't answer.
Because on what other choice could he take? He'd been an enemy of Smg4 and always WILL be his enemy. Even tho he wanted to forget those days that he's tried to kill smg4 that never worked.
Smg4 was a superior, he was a star, a golden child, the big f-king attention from the top of the stairs to where everyone would admire. He is the Lord of Memes, and him? Three? Was the Lord of the Dead-Memes.
Smg4 had such an opportunity to do alot of stuff with posting his memes (creating memes or bunch)
Three was sure that four didn't have those affectionate feelings towards him, even tho he came out as bisexual. He wasn't even sure anymore if Four was still looking for a new partner that'll interest him.
Would he even like me back even after...?
Forgetting about this, smg4 could sense Three's feelings inside of him having the urge to blow. Sure they're both cosmically linked to each other. What about it?
What concerns Four is Three.
"You're not telling me anything else at all are you...?"
"Why the hell do I need to tell you everything? You completely RUINED me" ouch. (Touche...) said by four. But in other words, where could Three have been feeling this sentimental emotion from the other parts?
He can't do anything else but to do something.
"I forgive you" Smg4 closed his eyes smiling sadly at Three, wrapping his arms around his back. In a cold weather outside, Three could feel Four's chin resting on the back of his shoulder. Between the two's burning sensation from the body heat, Three didn't mind him at all.
After a few couple of minutes, Three breaks the hug four gave him and covered half of his face. (Not trying to feel embarrassed from this)
"Thats enough- I'm worried that your stupid idiots would've ended up seeing us both like- like this!" He crossed both of his arms and huffed. He could still feel Four's warm body press from his back. Turning red.
"Aww man- It was just starting to get comfortable! You sure you don't want that again?" "No! I'm never enjoying that sh!t ever its f-king gay" Four frowned at Three in a way that made him feel so bad, a way that made him feel soft around him. GOD HE HATED IT.
"You can do that after..." Smg3 sent Four to having butterflies by giving him a pleasant smile. Smg4 blushed, his heart beating and racing, his cheeks fumming out smoke. He panicked "oh boy haha- oh man is it- is it getting hot in here or maybe you are..." (SHIT.)
Cursed by four. Three raised an eyebrow in confusion. (Did he just FLIRT AT ME?!) the audacity. He had never heard smg4 flirt to him like that.
Wow. That was smooth as hell.
Three had enough of it. "WHY YOU..." he got to the ground and started making a snowball and throws it to Smg4's face.
"Don't you talk like that to me it's cheesy! I hate it!" (Lie)
Smg4 smirked "you sure~ cause I'm convinced that you're lying, I know you liked that~" he laughed. "You're still a tsundere three even after all of this" he wept a tear.
"N-NO I'M NOT A TSUNDERE YOU BAKA!!!" Smg3 starts throwing snowballs at Smg4. "Hey! Its not fair!" He tried covering himself in order to not get hit on the face by the snowballs.
"I'M NOT STOPPING BECAUSE YOU'RE BEING- A COMPLETE- IDIOT-" he heard something... something jiggling... on top of his head there was... a mistle toe...? He stopped for a second.
"Ran out of snowballs I see?" Smg4 noticed Three looking upwards, followed by Four's contact.
"Is that- supposed to be... a mistletoe?" Three and Four looked at each other "oh god..." "f-ck."
"I umm- I'm not sure about this... this is super f-king gay four well played but stop it-" "stop? What do you mean stop? I didn't place that there!"
"If you didn't then who?!" This is making him feel terrified. Three wanted to kiss Four ofcourse, he was too scared of what will happen after that. He might ruin his friendship with four and all and he didn't want that to happen because Smg4 is all that he even had, he ever needed, all that he wanted.
"I uhh... I have to go-" Smg3 started backing away not even turning, Smg4 looked at three upset. "Wait- Smg3!" Three accidentally slips from the ice on the floor, causing him to lose balance.
Four attempted on helping three's situation by approaching forward, immediately landing Three's lips to his.
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A few seconds later, Smg3 pulled himself away in need of air. Wow. What an experience. "I-I- Smg4?" He opened his eyes to meet four's again.
"SH!T! WHAT HAVE I DONE?! NOW IT'S COMPLETELY RUINED!" Smg4 took a whole minute to proccess whatever happened back there. Damn. It took too long to realize- Three has best taste...
Wait. What the f-ck?
"Smg3 its o-" Four tried calming him down. "I COMPLETELY DID RUIN IT! I- SH!T DUDE! SH!T SH!T SH!T!!!" "Smg3-" "Everythings supposed to go how it always were..." "Three-" "I don't want you to see me as a friend I-" "You don't w-" "And I can't even admit this stuff BECAUSE I'M SCARED THAT I MIGHT LOSE YOU TOO!" "SMG3!!!"
Smg3 is filled with tears caught by Four's attention. "You're never going to lose me again..." "how can you be so sure?"
"Because of this." Smg4 smiled at him and gave his fated ex-enemy a second kiss, it lasted longer than the first one and boy to tell you something.
It was a dream come true.
Three didn't even pull away, but closes his eyes. Waiting for a next miracle...
NEXT PART (Purposely on Purpose)
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equallyshaw · 11 months
come back to me. | matthew knies.
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Warnings: light swearing, sad stuff, slightly acknowledges toxic and abusive parent. harassment and bullying.
Word count: 2.2k
italicized is russian.
amelia watched from across the across the dinner table, that was a mixture of players and their partners. it was american thanksgiving and the two had been invited to auston's place to celebrate the holiday with the other american's on he team, and a few canadians joined as well. matthew was laughing at whatever mitch had said, as amelia was in her own world; as she had been the entire evening. the two had fought on their way over about something stupid that pissed matthew off. with matthew going a little too hard at the girl who had just uprooted herself over the thanksgiving break to be with him. throughout the evening, she minded her business talking in bit's to some of the other wags, while matthew was having a great time relieving some stress.
it was around 11 now and she was quite tired, the flight getting to her and all she wanted to do was go to bed. she began her dissent towards matthew, and auston smiled widely as she walked up to the two of them. "hey...hope the food was decent. not much of a cook but tried my very best." auston said and she smiled, "it was really good! don't sell yourself to short." she said easing his anxiety. he nodded, and then excused himself to get himself another drink. "hey..do you know when you want to leave?" she questioned and matthew shrugged. "well id like to get going soon, I've had a long 24 hours." she said hoping he'd take them home. "you can take my keys, and go back. I'm gonna hang with the boys." he said pulling out his keys and pushing it into his hands without meeting her eye. she nodded, swallowing back tears. "alright." she said raspy, fighting back tears. she set her cup down in front of him, turned around and headed towards the door to retrieve her coat.
she exited into the night, without daring to say goodbye to anybody. she was embarrassed and pissed off. she quickly sped off back to his apartment on the other side of the city, debating if she should stay and try to fight it out with him or leave. she was sick of the constant cycle the two had had since senior year back in arizona. they were up when they were up, and then low when they got low. she was sick of him being immature and not taking responsibility for his actions or comments. after replaying the fight from that evening, she knew that she had to go home.
matthew got dropped off two hours later, to an empty house. "amelia?!" he asked jogging down the hallway. he saw that her suitcase was gone and the keys left on his dresser. he cursed himself, pulling out his phone. it went straight to voicemail, and so he began texting her. apologizing for that night and apologizing that he did not go home with her. apologizing for not talking through everything, and she read them all. but she never responded.
it just so happened that the leafs were in town at cristmas time, and amelia was hoping that she would not run into him since the two lived down the block from one another. and had since they were in preschool. it was around 9 am on the 24th when she heard laughing and voices talking loudly downstairs, and she sighed knowing it was probably the knies here for the annual christmas eve breakfast the families had had for years. she pulled her comforter over her head, trying to block it all out. she did not hear the knocks from the hallway, her mom letting her know the knies were there. and that one in particular wanted to speak to her privately. "amelia ann!" her mom said pulling back her comforter a bit, and amelia fought. she fought until she saw matthew step in. she sighed and sat up defeatedly. "ill leave you two." her mom said slipping out and amelia sighed throwing her hair up in a messy bun. "yes, matthew?" she quipped looking at him, really looking at him more than she had had in months. he sighed sitting down on her bed in front of her, "i was an idiot-" she cut him off, "damn right you were. you made me look like an ass leaving without you matthew! you fucking embarrassed me in front of people i barely know, do you know how that made me feel, huh? huh!?" she said getting heated, and he took it all in. his eyes filling with tears, as he looked at her. "this- this keeps happening matt, we're good and then we fight and its like the whole world is ending. its exhausting and i don't want to to keep doing this shit. we don't even talk anymore...and when we do it becomes a problem! its like were scared and apprehensive to, and im sick of it. we never learn, and were never going to are we?" she rambled feeling a few tears fall down her olive skin, cheeks. matthew sniffled, wiping his tears away.
he sighed, "but i dont want to let you go mia. i don't want too. youve been my best friend practically our whole lives, my constant person through everything and most important my first love who i want to be my final love." he said pausing to wipe his eyes. watching him do so, broke her heart, and grabbed ahold of his hand, both their lips quivering. "i - i can't be with somebody that i don't love..i don't love this version of you matty, i don't like this version that hurts me with words and sly comments thinking ill just take it. others might, but not me. i wont take what my mom took for so long. I'm not being a doormat or a punching bag and i know it isn't intentional matt, i know but it still hurts nonetheless." she said placing her other hand on his cheek, tears fully streaming from both. he remembers. he remembers her rocky childhood, her dad always going after her mom physically and psychologically, it was hard for the girl understandably. so many sleepovers took place at the knies, at the drop of a hat. and he knew that she promised herself years ago she'd never be in a relationship like that. before they got together, she vowed to herself and when they got together, matthew promised and vowed to never turn into her father. and he wasn't but she had grown nervous recently.
"i love you my love." she whispered placing one last peck on matthew's lips, before he stood up and walked out. she fell back onto her bed and sobbed. she lost her first love and best friend in one moment. it was going to be a long christmas break.
it was now the beginning of june and amelia was spending time on her mom and step dad's lake house, finally through her junior year of college and she was quite happy with the way it had finished. once her and matthew had broken up, she refocused on her studies and focused on her friends around her at school, something she had been lacking at the beginning of the school year. she was laying out on the boat they had. around march she began seeing a guy, she thought merely was a fling. though it had turned in to so much more, and it had meant a lot to the both of them that they took the weekend to spend out on the lake. amelia sat up, looking over at anthony and smiled who caught her staring. she leaned over and pecked him, moved a few inches up to look at him. she pushed back his long front locks, and kissed him again. he was completely different than matthew, in the best ways. though every once in a while, she thought about where here and matthew's relationship could have been but quickly dismissed those thoughts. she moved back onto her back, before deciding it was time to jump in. anthony skipped a song on the shuffle, and it was 'i wanna dance with somebody.' and she felt her body go numb. that was her and Matthews song, the uptempo version by whitney houston and a slower cover that was found. she skipped the song and wannabe by the spice girls came up, and she stood up giggling. she took off her sun hat and looked back at anthony who had sat up, and as she turned around she caught sight of a familiar boat that she knew all to well. she knew it was his parents, and she knew it was him on the boat. she quickly jumped off the boat, anthony followed suit behind her. he came up behind her and pulled her into his chest, and she rested her head on his shoulder briefly before heading back to the boat as her phone dinged. she hoisted herself up, and took a glance down at her phone. she sighed seeing it was from matthew. she deleted it and helped anthony up into the boat. "hey, im not feeling very well." she said wrapping herself in a towel, and Anthony nodded. "lets get back to the house." he said kissing her temple and taking the two back to the house.
it was about 30 minutes later when anthony left and she made her way back to the boat, to talk to matthew. he was in the same area as before, and she got over as quickly as she could. matthew could see the girl speed over, as soon as saw her figure making her way out. "can i help you matthew, or do i need to go find somebody to help you?" she screamed at him as soon as she came up next to him. he only chuckled, "why do you feel inclined to comment on my relationship, huh?" she screamed at him. "so what if I'm out here on my parents boat with him, its not illegal y'know!" she screamed at him again and he just took it all in. "you find this amusing, don't ya?" she said crossing her arms in front of her, "but its understandable. i broke up with you, i broke your heart and you're still upset about." she said without thinking. she saw the change in his mood, and stepped back. nervously. "obviously mia, obviously I'm still upset! how can you throw away three years in mere weeks?" he questioned standing up now. "you didn't even give me a chance to grieve mia! you didn't give me a chance to process everything before you went on and started posting it!" he screamed at her, and she looked down and sighed. he shook her head, "i had to move on matty, i had too! if i showed people that i had moved on, maybe then they wouldn't find the need every second to harass and bully me through dms matt! i had to show the world i moved on, even if i wasn't completely. all the while knowing it would hurt you, i had to. i just had to." she said biting the inside of her cheek. matt was taken back by her comments, were people still dming her hate?
"im sorry that i broke your heart, i really am...but you gave me the opportunity to do so matty- so many." she said with her chin hitting her chest as she began to cry. matthew's heart broke, before he climbed over the boats to her. once she felt his arms wrap around her, she began to sob. "you hurt me matt, i had to leave. i had to protect myself." she whispered and he nodded, chin hitting her head. "i know baby, i know." he whispered back, feeling his own tears begin to form. "i still love you so much mia, i never stopped and truthfully never will." he now sobbed and that warmed her heart, because she felt the same. she looked up at him, and the two stared at one another - taking in each others presence. "come back to me mia, come back." he said softly, and she nodded. it was if the question, "really" was written over his face and she nodded again. he smiled widely before pulling her in for a kiss. tasting one another's lips as if they'd never kissed before. ones that held history and so much pain and yet, so much love. they moved in synch, their arms wrapping around one another. the pulled apart after a minute and breathed heavily.
"i love you." he hummed as he wrapped his arms around her waist, looking at the mountains that lined the lake, now as the sun was setting. "i love you too, my love." she whispered back before leaning back to kiss him. the two boated back to their respective docks before matthew walked over towards her parent's house. "took you long enough." the two heard as soon as they walked in. both sets of their parents sat at the dining room table eating dinner. "oh." mia said shocked, while matthew blushed. "nice little show yall put on." his dad said, "the neighbors were invested." her dad added and the mia turned to put her face in his chest. "sit down and eat, foods getting cold." his mom said and the two made their way over.
ahh hope you all enjoyed! pls like and reblog if you did--- id appreaice it 🫶🏻
Random tags: @cuttergauthier @slafgoalskybaby @hockeylvr59 @hockeyboysarehot
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
I need to know how Fe, Rooster and Dot’s Christmas was? What did he get them?
First update after Christmas. Oof—let’s get back into the swing of things shall we? As always, here’s the Series Masterlist for those looking to catch up.
Warnings Below: Smut! Mention of domestic violence.
“Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you guys?” Jake asked one final time as you helped him carry his bags out to the taxi that was idling in the drive. “Because I can always call and say I've been asked to stay on base.” Jake was going home for the holidays, back to Texas where a large quantity of the Seresin family resided. He only really had one option, there was no way his mother was going to let him bail out of Christmas again this year–not after he’d been deployed for the last two. 
“No, you go spend time with your family–” You really didn't want to be a burden on Jake anymore than you already felt like you'd become. Passing him the bags one by one as he hoisted them into the boot of the taxi. “Me and Dot will be just fine here.” Jake had invited you and your little girl to the Seresin family Christmas and it was a warm invitation you almost accepted. But being back in Texas meant running the risk of Jaidyn finding out where you had run off to. He wasn't a dumb man and if you set foot back on Texan soil he’d surely sniff you out–besides, you didn't really want the Seresin knowing you were hiding out in Miramar. They were a family who had only ever known money–and for a dollar they would out anyones dirty laundry. All except Jake and his sister Lydia. “Besides, Roosters gonna swing by and stay the night of Christmas Eve and then we’re gonna head off to Penny and Mavs place for lunch on Christmas day.” 
“You two are starting to get pretty serious aren't you?” It had been a couple of weeks since Rooster had first stayed the night and a few weeks since you’d started to let your walls come down a little. Letting in the chestnut blonde who looked at you like you hung all the stars in the night sky just for him. “Not that i'm complaining, He’s a good guy–just gotta get used to seeing Bradshaw walking around the house in his boxer briefs is all.” It had been one time, Bradley had woken up in the middle of the night, skulking down stairs for a glass of water–he’d run into Jake who was doing the same thing. Only Jake was wearing pants and Braldley had decided that the few extra seconds it would have taken to put his sweats back on would have sent him into the early dehydration process. You chuckled as Jake drew you in for a hug, his arms wrapping around your waist as he issued the top of your head. “Keys are in the key bowl and I filled up the tank.” 
“I should probably start looking at getting my own car huh?” You mumbled into Jake's chest before pulling away. The two of you normally carpooled to work and it hadn’t been an issue sharing. But perhaps it was time. “Still waiting to hear about staff housing, but I could look at getting a private somewhere a little more in town.” 
“Let's table this for when I get back, yeah?” Jake was in absolutely no hurry to actually get you out of his house. He joked and he taunted and he teased that his humble abode had been taken over, but he would never toss you out. He’d never make you leave if you weren't ready to. You came to him for help, for protection. He was willing to play that role for the rest of his life. “Just don't burn the house down while I'm gone! And dont let Rooster in my fucking room.” He pointed into your chest before ducking into the passenger's side of the taxi. “You call me, if anything happens?” 
“Roger that.” You tapped him off and stepped away, watching as you hugged yourself as Jake disappeared out of sight down the road. Leaving you somewhat alone since you first showed up on his doorstep unannounced all those months ago. It felt odd, silent. But soon enough as you stepped back into the house you shared with Jake the beaming sound of your daughter's favourite show Bluey could be heard ringing out from the living room where you left her. 
“Looks like it's just you and me girly.” You sighed as you started picking up toys she’d discarded the minute her attention was drawn to the television. Crayons and pieces of paper that were scattered across the coffee table caught your attention as you noticed the unmistakable drawing of your daughter's version of a plane. “This Rooster baby?” You asked softly as you showed your daughter the drawing you were referring to. Her soft nod told you everything you needed to know. “He’s pretty cool huh?” 
“He likes you mamma.” Dot smiled but her eyes never left the TV.
“Oh yeah?” Placing your hands on your hips you smirked back at your mini me. “And who told you that little miss?” Dot was still learning how to pronounce certain letters and sounds. Her R’s were still a little wonky. But you knew who she was talking about when her attention was finally drawn to you. 
“Tooster did.” 
Bradley Bradshaw was for once, excited about Christmas. For the longest time he hadnt had a child around him to create the magic of Christmas for. He’d never been one big on it, coming from a small family that just seemed to get smaller and smaller every year that passed him by. It felt nice to know that this year would be different. 
“How’ve things been without Jake here?” It had only been two days, but there was certainly a void that had ripped through the usually loud home. Without Hangman around? Things had actually been pretty quiet. He was always blaming the noise on dot and her abundance of obnoxiously loud toys. But as it turns out? He was the source of it all. 
“Surprisingly okay, but we’ve been camping in the living room with all the Christmas lights on.” You explained as Bradley placed a few gifts he’d gotten for you and Dot under the tree. “Just couldn't bring myself to sleep upstairs.” Rooster just frowned at you as he stood–he wasn't blind to the bags under your eyes that looked a little darker than the ones you normally wore as a hard working single parent. “I know, super irrational.” 
“You could have called me.” If Bradley had known you were having trouble, he would have come. Point blank, end of discussion. “But I get it, and it's not irrational.” It was nice to have your feelings validated. “But unfortunately we can't camp tonight, otherwise Santa won't be able to deliver all your presents. Will he Odette?” Bradley was quick to turn his attention to your daughter who'd come barrelling into the living room with her bowl of cut up apply. Scooping her up with ease as she giggled and laughed at being spun around. 
“Mamma said we have to leave a cawwot out for the waindear and a glass of miwk for santa.”
“Ah, I'm pretty sure Santa drinks oat milk–he’s got a small intolerance to dairy.” You couldn't help but to stare at Bradley as he placed your daughter down. She’d gone right back to her original trajectory of the small chair by the coffee table–colouring in one of her many colouring books. “What?” He laughed as you pushed his shoulder softly, shaking your head. 
“You wanna write me a list of Santa’s allergies Bradshaw?” Taunting Bradley as he followed you around the corner into the hall. You didn't want to subject your daughter to public displays of affection that might confuse her. So behind the wall that separated the living room from the hall that led up to the stairs, You pulled Rooster into you. Kissing him as his hands immediately went to your hips, pressing you against the wall as he deepened the kiss almost instantly. 
“Feel like I'm back in highschool, sneaking around trying not to get caught kissing girls under the bleachers.” Bradley mumbled as one hand came up to cup your cheek, the pad of his thumb rubbed softly against your skin. “Only it's a curious toddler who will have my ass and not Mrs Rundle.” 
“I don't wanna confuse her.” You whispered as your hand came down between the pair of you, palming Rooster through his jeans as he stilled and let out a breathy groan. “But after she's asleep, and Santa has helped me put out all her presents.” You cooed into Bradleys ear as you felt him growing under your touch. “I wouldn't mind being a little naughty under the tree.” 
“You don't know what you do to me Y/n.” Braldys head was spinning as you continued to palm him through his jeans. “Christ I really am back in highschool, you keep doing that and I’m gonna cream my pants.” Before you could answer with some witty remark, Dot wall calling out for you. 
“Back to motherhood I go–”
“I'm gonna go take a cold shower.” Rooster smirked as he left you with one final kiss, taking his bags upstairs as he adjusted himself with every step he took. “You’re killing me mamma!” Rooster cried out from the top of the staircase. You just laughed in response as you turned on your heels biting your lower lip. 
Christmas Eve at the hard deck was always a hard one to pick. Penny Benjamin never really knew what to expect when the time came every year. Last year, it had been packed to the rafters, but that had been because most of the crew that occupied Mirimar on a more permanent basis had stuck around. This yeah? Mostly everyone had gone back home to see their families. Besides you and Rooster? Everyone had left a few days ago. Leaving the Bar abandoned except for some stragglers and a handful of families that had drifted in for a cheap pub feed. 
“What can I get you?” Penny sent the man sitting at her bar a quick toothy smile. He smiled back when he’d been acknowledged and shifted in his seat. Pulling his wallet out from his back pocket. 
“A rum and coke thanks dear.” 
“Anything specific?” Penny pressed as she turned to read out the rums she had on offer. “I've got Jim Beam, Jack Daniels, Gentlmens, Morgans, Kraken–” She listed them out one by one as she flung the bar towel over her shoulder. 
“Gentlemns sounds good, Thankyou.” 
“What's brought you into town?” Penny was good at making lighthearted conversation as she poured the man's drink. She’d been doing it for long enough to know how to go through the motions without getting too emotionally invested in whatever answers were thrown her way. 
“Uh, I just transferred here from Kingsville–Texas.” Penny widened her eyes as she passed the man his drink, taking his card in return to run it through the eftpos machine. “Don't officially start till the third but I had nothing better to do.” 
“So you're in the Navy?” Passing the card back, Penny leaned on the bar. “Hate to disappoint but most of the crew have gone home for the Holidays, they’d usually be here till dawn otherwise.” 
“Yes ma’am, Lietantent Jaidyn ‘Zeus’ Dolan at your service.” Jaiydn sent a thousand-watt smile Penny’s way as he took a sip of his drink. “And that's alright, in due time I guess.” 
“Did you ever believe in Santa?” It was a beautiful sight. Rooster on his knees neatly tucking the presents you'd wrapped together under the Christmas Tree. 
“I think for a while there I did.” You sighed as you crossed your legs and sat back against the back of the lounge. Matching pyjamas matching Bradley’s and Dots as she slept soundly upstairs. “But after a while I think I started to question why Santa didn’t stop at our place.” Bradley kept placing present after present under the tree, unlike yourself when you were a kid, you wanted your daughter to remember Christmas as a time for family and friends and the gift of giving and receiving. You just remembered it as a time where all the other kids in the neighbourhood got whatever it was that was on their Christmas wish list—you? You were lucky if your parents hadnt loaded themselves enough to overdose on the back porch. “I remember accidentally ruining Santa for Jake one year because he’d told me he got this new transformer he’d been begging for and I told him his mum had brought it six months prior.” 
“You Christmas Grinch, you ruined Christmas for little Seresin? No wonder he’s a dick now.” Bradley chuckled as he came out from under the tree. “You’ve really spoiled her haven’t you?” Looking at the sight, it warmed your heart. You had and you weren’t ashamed of it. You were in a position to do so. 
“Yep, and I’m gonna make sure I always can.” It was the glow about you that had Rooster melting into a puddle at your feet as you spoke about your daughter. “I may be projecting but I’m always gonna make sure she has everything she needs, wants, desires.” Rooster smiled, creeping closer till he was sitting beside you. 
“Has anyone told you recently that you’re a really good mum?” Rooster cooed as you looked his way, the light from the Christmas tree illuminating just enough of you that to Bradley you looked like a goddess in the dim glow. “And it’s not because of the presents, although an added bonus I’m sure—but you're a really good mum because you love her so much Y/n.” 
You folded completely, all your walls, all your worries about not being good enough for Bradley went out the window for just a few fleeting moments. Leaning in closer to ghost your lips against Bradley as he leaned closer into you. 
“Just know if you kiss me right now I don’t think I’ll be able to control myself—“ He whispered against your lips as you moved to straddle his waist on the floor. His back against the lounge. “You’re so beautiful.”
“Rooster—“ You whispered as his hands roamed your body, slipping up the back of your Pyjama shirt. 
“If you tell me you don’t want this I’ll stop.” He reminded you before softly and ever so gently placing his lips on yours for a brief moment. Pulling away seconds later. “You gotta tell me you want me Or we’re just gonna keep going around in a circle.” 
“I’m scared.” You knew Rooster valued honesty, so the truth of the matter is what he got. “I’m afraid I’ll let you in and I’ll be too much trouble than what I’m really worth.” Your forehead stayed pressed against his as your hands slid down his chest, unbuttoning the small line of buttons that kept the flannel closed. “That the more you learn about me, you’ll realise that it would be easier to run than to stick around.” 
“Nah, I think I’m good where I am with you.” Bradley kissed you a little harder as you removed his top, exposing him for all he’s worth. You’d seen him shirtless a million times—but in this very moment he looked otherworldly. “I’m not going anywhere unless you tell me that you don’t wanna do this.” 
“I do, I do wanna do this—“ You couldn’t hold back the soft moans that escaped as Bradley started a soft assault on your neck. Leaving butterfly-like kisses up and down the junction of your neck and shoulder. “But things are complicated, you have to know that—“
“I’ll do complicated for you, fuck I’d do just about anything for you.” Against your neck Bradley moaned as you started to move your hips across his crotch. “Please Fe, just let me in?” There had been a handful of times where you'd gotten close enough with Bradley that you’d almost followed through to a home run. But it had never gone any further than third base. Until now. 
Nodding before you captured Bradley lips in a feverish kiss, only pulling away so you could remove your own shirt. Setting the pace for how this was going to go—Rooster caught on immediately. You were in control. 
“Fuck, you’re so pretty Y/n.” Bradley smirked as your hands went to tug at the waistband of his pyjama pants, lifting yourself up to rid yourself of yours as Bradley discarded his own. “Do you wanna, maybe—“ He was trying to ask if you wanted to mess around first, but the look in your eyes told him all he needed to know. You were ready and you wanted him now. “Are you sure?” Rooster's voice hitched in his throat as your fist wrapped around his length, palming him up and down creating a perfect friction. “Ahh, fuck Y/n—ohhh.” 
“I want this Roo, I want you.” You lined his lip up with your entrance—already slick and needy just for him. “Are you sure?” Nodding frantically, Bradley’s hands helped to guide you down slowly. Taking him inch by inch as soft moans echoed off the walls around you. “Ahhh fuck, yes!” Throwing your head back as you bottomed out on Bradley, he said still beneath you while you adjusted. “God, Bradshaw how the fuck do you walk around with this thing?” 
“You’ll notice the slight limp now that you’ve mentioned it.” Rooster took your lips hostage once again as his hands helped to guide your hips. Slowly, you began to ride him. Bobbing up and down along his slicked up shaft. “Oh fucking Christ you’re perfect.” Capturing one of your nipples in his mouth—Bradley reveled in the sounds you made all for him. The whimpers, the groans of pleasure, the shift gasps whenever the head of his cock pressed against the velvety walls of your dripping cunt. “So pretty, all for me.” You’d never heard such loving praise before, and it was doing something for you. 
“Please keep talking—“ You begged as your hands came up to rest on Roosters shoulders for more stability. Still remaining in full control. “Please Roo.” 
“You’re beautiful mamma, so beautiful while you ride me.” He wasn’t lying, he was telling the whole ass truth. “Bet you look even pretty when I do this huh?” Rooster waited for you to tell him otherwise, his hand slowly coming down from your hip to rub small soft pressure against your bundle of nerves. 
Ahhhhh fuck!—“ You didn’t stop him, if anything you got just a little faster as you picked up the pace to match his rhythm. “Bradley—I—I’m.” 
“I’m right with you baby, I’m here—you can let you.” Bradley sweet nothings were coaxing you closer and closer to your high, a feeling so overpowering it took control of all your senses. “You don’t have to be scared, or afraid, you—Ahhh, ohh ffgghh, you don’t have to run from me baby I got you.” 
Crumbling into a pile on Bradley's chest as you came, Bradley bucked his hips as you cried out through your high, jaw slack on his shoulder as he quickly gathered himself and pumped his shaft till his own high was splattering onto his lower abdomen. He didn’t want to cum inside you, he didn’t want you to get the wrong idea. He knew just from what you’d told him that it would feel like a sense of ownership—Bradley didn’t own you nor did he ever want you to feel like that. 
“Holy shit, Y/n, that was—“ Bradley cut himself off when he heard your groans turn to gentle sobs, tears against his skin soon followed. “Hey, hey what’s wrong Fe?” It came out more panicked then it probably should have, But Rooster had never had someone cry after sex with him before. “Y/n? Hey darlin what's wrong? Did I do something?” 
“Nothing–” Bradley cupped your face as you rose up to meet his gaze, the slightly rough pads of his thumbs worked to wipe away the tears that streamed down your cheeks. “I just forgot what it was like before the world fell at my feet.” 
The next morning, wrapped in Roosters arms, Dot had you both waking with a gasp as she screamed from her bed at whatever god awful hour it was. 
“Holy shit.” Rooster groaned as you scurried off the bed to collect your very excited two year old. “I'm up, I'm awake, just give me a second.” 
“Santa! Santa! Santa!” Dot jumped around as you picked her up with tied eyes. “Did he come mamma?” 
“He sure did.” Rooster teased as he sat up rubbing his eyes. You sent him a look as you held Odette to your hip, settling her just enough so that she didn't break your hip. “What? I'm just telling the truth.” Rooster was quick to defend himself as he rose from his spot on the bed. All of you matched in the red striped flannel pyjamas and it was just the sweetest sight. “Come on you two, let's go see what’s under the tree yeah.” 
You thought Odette’s eyes couldn't have gotten any bigger, but sure enough when she laid eyes on all the presents sitting neatly and tidy under the tree she’d helped you and uncle Jake decorate, she was screaming with pure joy and excitement. 
Rooster took picture after picture for you on your phone so you didn't miss a single moment of Dots third Christmas. Her first was when she was just a newborn, born the eleventh of January. She was only just now starting to take things in, her brain starting to develop the ability to remember things long term. 
When Bradley wasn’t taking pictures, he was cleaning up the sea of wrapping paper Dot had torn through. Two massive bin bags full of the stuff sat on top of the lounge. He couldn't believe just one little girl could make such a mess but here he was, trialling after her mess like every Dad ever on Christmas day ever. 
“You didn't?” You beamed as you helped Dot in your lap and helped her unwrap the present Rooster had gotten her. “Bradley Bradshaw you surely didn't.” Oh he had. 
“I know, I overdid it.” He ginned ear to ear as you held up the flight suit. Custom ordered for Dot. “But I couldn't help myself, she's an avid aviator already.” Holding the Normex up you couldn't help but to laugh, it was the cutest little thing. “Odette “Polkadot” Dolan reporting for duty.” 
“This is just amazing, thank you–I'm definitely going to keep that even when she grows out of it.” It truly did mean the world to you. Rooster didn't have to get your daughter a single thing. But the fact he;d gone to such great lengths to make it something special just melted your heart. 
“I got you something too.” Rooster crawled under the tree to fetch the box he’d snuck under the tree last night. Grabbing it out gently before passing it your way. “Here.” 
“Oh–Roo you didn't have to.” You had grown up in a family where gift giving was barely non-existent. And when there was a gift involved it usually came with a but or would be thrown in your face at a later date. “Really–” 
“Just open it.” Bradley huffed as he sat beside you, an arm coming to rest behind you as Dot squirmed out of your lap to investigate her newest toys. “And I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to.” Yuu didn't think arguing would lead you anywhere, so reluctantly, you opened the gift Rooster had gone out of his way to get for you. 
“Oh Rooster–” You gasped when you opened the bracelet box. Speechless as Bradley kissed your shoulder. 
“I've still got the receipt if it needs to get resized, the lady said the warranty should cover it.” It was the white Gold bracelet you'd been eyeing off each time you went past the jeweller in Westfields. “But I'm hoping it fits just right.”  
“Can you help me put it on?” You asked just above a whisper as you held yourself together, not wanting to cry on Christmas morning. Noone had ever gotten you something so special. “It's beautiful.” 
“Beautiful women deserve beautiful things.” Bradley clipped the claps together as you held out your wrist. “See, it fits perfectly.” 
“Okay well, now you have to open your gift.” You sighed as you reached under the tree for Roosters present. “And don't argue that I got you something when you just did the same thing.” Calling Bradley out on his bullshit before he could even start, he held his hands up in surrender before accepting the gift. 
“Oh. My. Gosh.” Bradley laughed as he unwrapped the present you had given him. “He’s gonna love these.” You couldn't help yourself after the whole boxer brief incident with Jake in the Kitchen. You'd given Bradley a few pairs of briefs with Jake's face plastered all over them. “For when I get up for water right?” 
“Exactly, for when you get up for water.” 
Jake Seresin stood in the kitchen of his parents place on Christmas morning helping his mum peel potatoes of the potato bake she was planning to make for Christmas lunch. He’d already gotten over the festivities when he’d been asked about the possibility of a girlfriend in the future. He loved his family to death–but sometimes they were a little much. And when they all got together, they were a lot. 
“I forgot to mention earlier that I ran into Jaidyn earlier in the week.” Jake recoiled at the name, he hated that the man who’d caused you so much pain behind closed doors for so many years played it off that he was an upstanding citizen. 
“Who?” He pretended not to care as he peeled the russet potatoes for his mum. 
“Oh you know Jacob, Jaiydn Dolan, He was dating Y/n for the longest time.” 
“Ma, I haven't spoken to either of them for at least two years.” Jake had chosen to play dumb when it came to you for your own safety. He didn't even want his family knowing you were still as close as you were. “What's Jaidyn doing talking to you?” 
“I ran into him at the grocery store, it turns out his reposting to North Island cone the new year.” If Jake hadn’t been paying so much attention to what he’d been doing, he was sure he would have cut his finger off with the potato peeler he was using. Gasping a sharp hiss when he slipped and nicked his finger. 
“Ah fuck, Mum what do you mean he’s reposting to North Island?” Panic. Pure panic rose in the Depths of Jake's heart. This couldn't be happening. 
“Well as it turns out that Y/n girl ran off with his daughter a few months back, just took off with her without a trace, he hasn't heard from her since and with nothing left for him here he decided to take up a new posting.” 
“And he just told you this in the aisle of Wholefoods did he?” Jake huffed as he ran his hand under the stream of water racing out of the fossett. “Y/n probably left his bitch ass because he’s a wife beater.” 
“Jacob Seresin!” Jake's mother hissed his way. “You know that girl’s no good, you always have, ever since you were kids.” 
“Yeah well, not everyone can come from money ma—Y/n’s good people, she always has been—she just didn’t have good people around her, you know that.” It’s not that Jennifer Seresin disliked you. She’d taken you in more times then she could count on one hand. She’s even been the one who helped you get your driver's licence. But she had a distaste for people who could easily drag her beautiful baby boy down into the gutters. She knew with your background that wouldn’t be hard. “You know she’s a good person, heart of gold.” 
“A girl with a heart of gold would run off with a man’s only child?” 
“Just because you never had the guts to leave dad doesn’t mean Y/n had to tolerate the same treatment.” Jake was seething, he loved his mother with all his heart but sometimes she saw the world from a less than perspective. He couldn’t blame her all too much—it was his dad who’d reprogrammed her to believe the things she did. “If Y/n ran? She’s running from him mum.” 
“What do you know, Jacob? Hmm? For someone who hasn’t seen or spoken to either of them in two years you seem to have an awful opinion on the situation?” Jake knew he had to quiet before the questions came down on him like an avalanche. He also saw just how much of a bullet you’d truly dodged forfeiting the invite he’d given you to the Seresin family Christmas. “That girl will always be family, you know that–if she's in trouble she can always come to us for help but lord have mercy on my soul if she ever corrupts my baby boy.” 
“Did Jaiydn really say North Island?” Jake asked as he stood with his mother in the kitchen. Holding his finger under a cloth to dry it, stop it from bleeding.
“Sure did.” His mother confirmed as she went back to cutting her russets. Fishing his phone out of his jeans, Jake went to send Rooster an SOS message. Before he did, he noticed the text he’d missed from Penny yesterday afternoon.
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Tags: @a-serene-place-to-be @lilyevanswhore@thescarletknight2014 @blindedbythelightt t @averyhotchner@emma8895eb @blairfox94 @caitsymichelle13 @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo
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ughgoaway · 10 months
Playing on my mind blurb where the band is out walking or getting coffee and they run into y/n. She’s in her regular clothes (maybe even just sweats?), no makeup and super chill. After you and Matty are done catching up (he introduces you to everyone) and she leaves, the boys all sit down and just listen to Matty talk about you for the rest of the time:
“She seems very cool, matty”
“And pretty too right? Just absolutely gorgeous…”
“Sigh… yes matty she is very pretty”
(I'm so sorry this took me so long. I promise I'm trying to work through my asks <33)
Oh, this is a sweet concept… you would be so mortified this is how you're meeting his friends but also so fucking excited to meet his friends. I'm gonna alter this slightly and just have you meet George, i have different ideas for the other two boys…
I think it's probably early on a Sunday, and George and Matty crashed at the studio last night, falling asleep at the mixing desk before trudging to the sofas at 3 am. So once it hits 8 a.m., and they wake up, they are in desperate need of a coffee.
You had a slightly less fun or productive night, just staying up late catching up on the newest episodes of the great British bake-off (yes this is me projecting <3). You don't think you'll run into anyone so you're dressed pretty comfy, in jogging bottoms and an oversized jumper.
You nearly wore your newly purchased 1975 hoodie, but it was in the wash after you spilt tea on it last night. Thank GOD. yes, you were embarrassed about buying it, but your yearning for Matty had reached new heights. This was a way to cope with those feelings that wouldn't get you fired…
You order your coffee and are waiting to hear your name be called, and it is - but not by a barista. 
“y/n! Ohmygod, hi!” Matty says insinctively coming to hug you but catching himself at the last second and just waving awkwardly, with George standing behind him equally as awkward. 
“MATTY! Oh wow - hi!!” You say moving your hands to fix your hair and pull at your clothes self-consciously.
Holy fuck WHY was he here??? When you looked like this?? Sometimes you show up looking very cute, prepared to work in the coffee shop and live your fantasy of being that cool girl in a cafe.
But OF COURSE, the one time he shows up, you look like this. In a snoopy hoodie, no makeup and your massive glasses on. 
Matty is immediately enamoured by you, his brain going straight to domestic delusions. Seeing you dressed like that in his house whilst you're making tea, or when you are getting ready for a movie night.
He focuses on your freckles and your glasses, feeling his heart stutter at how beautiful you look when you're not even trying.
Matty thanked god George told him to fix his hair before he left. 
Speaking of George, he was still there, but he might as well not have been. You two were standing in silence, grinning and drooling over each other, and it's then when it clicks to George exactly who you are.
Matty had been talking about you for MONTHS.
“y/n wore a red dress today” 
“She waved goodbye to me this morning”
“I saw her at the Christmas disco and nearly gave her a drink”
“No, I don't like her!! Shut up, George. I'm not 15, I don't have crushes anymore”
Despite Matty's denial, he had heard all about you from Matty and from Adam, who watched you two interact recently and reported it back to George and Ross.
“he was basically drooling. Do you remember how he was with Julie Smith in year 10? Like that, but WORSE!”
“oh god, he's down bad huh”
George coughed lightly behind Matty, and suddenly he came back to life and introduced him, “Right! Yes! Sorry, y/n, this is George, my best friend and bandmate. George, this is Annie's teacher, y/n!”
You wave politely at George, and he waves back, cheekily saying, “Ah yes, y/n! I've heard SO MUCH about you” which earns him an elbow in the stomach from Matty.
You obsess over him saying this FOR MONTHSSSS. “But what did he mean??? So much?? From Matty or Annie??? Or adam?? Probably not from Matty… BUT WHAT IF IT WAS??" (your cat does not respond to this rant sadly)
Soon after, your name is called, and you couldn't run away quicker, internally dying at Matty seeing you like this. Matty and George sit down, and Matty is staring out the window, looking in the direction you walked off in wistfully and sighing. 
George taps his nails against the cup to bring Matty back and is just about to start talking about the track they were working on but Matty starts talking before he can. 
“So…?” Matty says with a lovesick look in his eyes.
George briefly considers not humouring Matty and ignoring what he said, but he plays along anyway, “Yeah she seems really cool Matty, just like you described.” 
“I don't talk about her that much! … but yeah, she is really cool. And pretty too, right? Just absolutely gorgeous. But not in a weird way or an ‘I like her’ way just… objectively” he says unsurely, as if he is trying to convince himself as well as George.
With a heavy sigh, knowing no work will get done today, George agrees with Matty “Yes Matty she is very pretty.”
A few seconds of silence pass, and George can't help himself,
“You totally like her though”
blurb masterlist
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coloredsolos · 2 years
hi :) i’d love situations #6 + fluff with jean please. love your writing!
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pairing: jean kirstein x reader
prompt: watching christmas movies
content: jeanboy surprises you for christmas, MODERN AU, not proofread
wc: 1.2k
a/n: sorry this took so long! the new semester started and since I’m a senior in college it’s gonna be a little crazy!! also, i'm sorry I kind of broke off from the prompt! find the list of prompts here
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“Alone? For Christmas?” Jean asked you, his eyes wide as he did so. 
You shrugged. It’s not like you had chosen to be alone this holiday season, but with your father working all break, you figured you might as well stay in your small apartment. Besides, your roommate, Annie, would be visiting her father, so you would have the place to yourself.
“I don’t see the problem,” you admitted, the walk to Jean’s car seeming longer than ever. Despite your protesting, Jean was driving you home from the 4pm history class the two of you shared. Damn this winter weather.
“W-what?! You don’t see the-! You can’t be alone for Christmas!” Jean practically cried out, throwing his hands into the air in exasperation. 
The now exhausting conversation had started when Jean had begun telling you about his own Christmas plans. Mentioning how he would most likely go visit Sasha’s family again with Connie. It was their tradition, he would tell you. However, when asking about your plans, he did not like the answer he received.
“Jean it’s really ok. Annie will be out of town anyways. It’ll be nice not having to share the living quarters. Besides I’d much rather be alone at my place than sitting there at my dad’s. So can we please drop it?”
Jean sighed, but reluctantly nodded his head. 
There was a chill in the air on Christmas eve.  The snow that fell having no problem sticking to the ground, layering on top of one another until it was several inches thick. You had been bundled under a plethora of blankets while the heat in your apartment worked overtime. Jean has let all of your friends know about your Christmas plans, or lack there of, and now you were starting to regret declining Eren and Mikasa’s offer to come home with them. Especially since Carla made a mean Christmas dinner, or so you heard. The plate of place and bake Christmas cookies sat in front of you. 
They weren’t very good.
You only prayed that the copious amounts of sugar would knock you into a sugar coma that would last until the next day. Most places were closed, and probably would stay that way even a few days after Christmas due to the snow storm that was taking place outside. That being said, the lack of groceries at your place was starting to leave you feeling massively underprepared. Grocery shopping was not your forte. 
While debating if you wanted to pay the delivery fee in your favorite Chinese restaurant, your phone lit up from its place on your coffee table.
Jean: u awake?
You: do I ever sleep?
Jean: true
Jean: wyd
You: freezing to death
You: how’s Sasha’s?
You: did Connie sing the whole car ride there? rip to ur ears
Jean: I wouldn’t know, didn’t go
You were surprised to say the least. Why wouldn’t he go to Sasha’s? It was tradition wasn't it? 
Jean: coming over rn
Jean: damn there’s a shit ton of snow 
You knew there was no bother trying to stop the man from coming over. He was stubborn. Always had been. Instead your fingers hovered over the keyboard of your phone, unsure of what to say next.
Jean: do u want me to bring over groceries? connie bought way too much shit before he left fr 
You: yes pls ur a lifesaver
You: been eating christmas cookies all night 
You: also, please drive safe. I mean it. i’d be pissed at you if you died
Jean: <3
Deciding not to text the man while he was driving, you settled on making the living quarters look a little less like a tornado had ran through it, picking up and putting away any dirty dishes from earlier in the day.
Before too long, Jean was there. His arms draped with grocery bags, he wasn’t kidding when he said Connie may have gone a little crazy. However, you were more focused on how he looked. Jean had been dressed in what looked like a black turtleneck with a gray overcoat keeping him warm. How he always looked straight out of a fashion magazine amazed you. Meanwhile, you were wearing a pair of black sweats with mismatched cat socks on. And yes, they did have little ears on them. 
“Well are you gonna leave me in the hallway all night?” he joked, the smile evident on his face. 
Your face flushed as you realized you had zoned out. 
“Y-yeah, come in.” You stepped out of his way, ushering him inside. 
Jean immediately headed to your kitchen to put the groceries he had brought away. His familiarity with your apartment bringing a smile to your face. Jean shrugged off his overcoat, his muscles straining against the turtleneck that had been underneath. You couldn’t help but stare. It was no secret that your friend was a very attractive man. Not to mention he had the personality to match. His suave attitude, yet gentlemanly charm gaining the attention of many women whenever your friend group had their weekly outings.
“Helloooooo?” Jean waved his hand in front of you, bending slightly so he could meet your eyes. Snapping back to the present, you apologized quickly. 
“Sorry… what?”
“I asked if you’ve eaten? I can make something for us if you’d like.” Jean offered .
You nodded shyly, embarrassed you had been caught daydreaming again. “I’d like that…” 
Jean grinned, pushed up his sleeves and clapped. “Alrighty then!”
The two of you now sat on the maroon sectional located in the middle of your living room, your empty plates resting on the coffee table. 
“I just don’t understand how they forgot their kid at home!” You cried out, your legs tucked under yourself in an attempt to keep yourself warm. 
Jean let out a boisterous laugh, the sound music to your ears. “It’s just a movie! The whole point of Home Alone is being… ya know… home alone.”
You giggled, the harsh air providing the goosebumps on your arm a permanent residency. You shivered slightly despite the mountain of blankets you had been hoarding. 
“Come here.” Jean spoke softly.
“You’re cold.” He stated. “Just come here.”
Too cold to argue, you scooted over closer to Jean. His arm that had been resting on the back of the couch pulled you closer to him. You immediately felt relief, his body radiating enough heat for the both of you. You couldn’t help the sigh that fell from your mouth, nuzzling closer to the man without thinking. The tips of Jean’s ears turned a rosy shade of pink as you fell deeper into the man’s chest. 
You let the continuous stream of Christmas movies play lowly on the television. Neither you or Jean wanting to get up to find the remote and change it. Eventually, Jean felt your breath fall steady, the gentle sound of soft snores slipping from you as you slept soundly.
Without thinking, Jean shifted slowly, positioning himself in a more comfortable position, careful not to wake you as he did so. Finally comfortable Jean was able to follow suit, slipping into a warm, comfortable sleep. The soft sound of Christmas movies continued to play in the background for the rest of the night, counting down the hours until you and Jean would wake up and celebrate the holiday together. The first of many holidays together. And truthfully? Jean didn’t mind this being his new tradition. 
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alexblakeisgay · 9 months
If You're Gonna Love Me, Love Me Like an Outlaw
Ship: Ian Doyle/Emily Prentiss
Summary: Sometimes, Emily wonders whether all this was worth it, whether giving up her entire life to be by Ian's side made any sense at all. She doesn't wonder often, though.
Warnings: None Apply
Word Count: 1028
Author's Note: This was written for the @cmgiftexchange for the lovely @pagetprentissishot - I hope you like it, friend!
Emily stood on the balcony of their little hut overlooking the turquoise waters, arms wrapped tightly around herself, keeping the light shawl she wore wrapped around her shoulders from blowing in the slight breeze.
She didn't hear Ian approach behind her until he'd wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. "What's on your mind, Love?" he asked in a whisper, then dropped a kiss below her ear.
"It doesn't feel like Christmas," she said with a slight shrug, jostling his chin.
"The lack of snow?" he guessed.
She shook her head, but didn't comment on the matter for long enough that he wasn't sure he was going to...but eventually, she simply repeated. "It doesn't feel like Christmas."
The moon hung full and low in the sky, casting a golden shimmer on the water below them. It was one of the things she liked best about their little hidey-hole: the brilliance of the night sky. When she'd moved around as a child, she'd liked to look up at the stars and find the familiar constellations and it helped her feel like at least one thing in life remained constant amidst the chaos.
She tilted her head back to stare up at the sky. Almost immediately, she felt Ian trailing his lips along her carotid, knowing he could smell the blood thrumming beneath her skin. "Don't get any bright ideas," she warned.
He chuckled darkly. "One of these days, you are going to let me turn you..." he said, that smugly confident way about him he always seemed to have whenever the topic came up, as it invariably did.
She didn't dignify his confidence with a reply. She never did.
"You know you don't have to do this, right?" he said at length, uncharacteristically quiet.
"Do what?" she asked in that way she often had where he couldn't quite be certain whether she was being intentionally obtuse or whether she genuinely didn't know.
"Stay here. With me."
That had her attention... She turned sharply in his his arms to fix him with a look somewhere near disbelief.
He continued on undeterred, "You can leave. Tell everyone I kidnapped you, held you against your will. Make up any story you like. You don't have to sacrifice everything for my sake."
"It's not a sacrifice," she insisted vehemently, almost furiously. "I'm not here because I think I have to be."
"No, Ian!" she hissed. "Your thrall might be good, but it's not that good," she added sardonically.
He barked out a laugh. "Sarcastic little shit," he muttered, but there was no heat behind it.
She rolled her eyes. She'd known it wouldn't be easy, wouldn't always be smooth sailing when she'd confessed everything to Ian. She'd known she would probably end up staring down the barrel of a gun, counting the remaining second of her life. What she hadn't expected, though...
He'd pulled from his safe three passports he'd had made for himself, her, and Declan. New names, new identities. They'd packed up all the irreplaceable possessions and travelled to the Maldives where they didn't extradite. No questions asked.
(Of course, she did eventually ask questions... Namely, why? Because he was Ian fucking Doyle, afterall...and Ian Doyle had a notorious reputation for rooting out and ruthlessly killing every single undercover operative sent in to bring his arms-dealing empire down, so why, then would decide not to kill her when she confessed to being exactly that?)
(His answer was simply that he believed her when she said she loved him. She'd scoffed, of course, because love can be faked... You're not that good an actress, Emily, he'd said, emphasis strong on her real name as it fell from his tongue for the first time.)
Those memories were floating forefront in her mind as she fixed him with her most deadly serious stare and said, "I gave up everything for you, Ian. Not because I was in any way forced, but because there is literally nothing in my life worth going back to."
"What about your family?" he protested, though it was an admittedly weak protest.
"You and Declan are my family," she murmured, softer now, but no less firm in her insistence. "The only family that means anything at all to me."
He grinned, a hint of fang peeking out. "You forgot someone..."
She raised a brow, confused.
He pressed a palm to her stomach, a pointed look on his face that clearly told her the jig was up. "You really thought you could keep a secret from me?"
"What gave it away?" Emily asked, a little pout on her lips at her little surprise being ruined. She'd thought she was being sneaky...between the lack of morning sickness and her still slender frame.
"I can hear the heartbeat," he said, a shit-eating grin on his face.
"Smug bastard," she muttered, also without any heat. "That was supposed to be your Christmas present."
He laughed heartily. He pulled her in for another kiss, this one more heated than the last, his hand drifting from her hip to cup her ass, coaxing a pleased hum from her lips. "I can think of something else you could give me..." he said when he pulled back, brows waggling suggestively.
Rolling her eyes, she said, "If you'll recall, I already gave you that gift last night..."
"I didn't realize it was a limited time offer," he said dryly, though they both knew he was only teasing.
With a sarcastic laugh, she said, "And people think you're not charming..."
"Who said that?"
Rather than reply to the smart remark – which was mostly rhetorical anyway – she shot him a wicked grin as she pulled her nightgown over her head and tossed it aside before diving into the ocean, clearly expecting him to follow.
Ian, of course, would follow a gorgeous naked woman just about anywhere...especially when she wore an expression promising mischief.
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auspex · 3 months
VtM Fangfest 2024 Prompt 6: The Hierophant
Hello! Here is my sixth fic for Fangfest 2024 :)
All my fics will be about characters that are previously established, so you might not have context for everything mentioned or hinted at within :( Feel free to reach out to ask I love explaining!
I've never really posted my writing before so be kind!
my first fic is here
my second fic is here
my third fic is here
my fourth fic is here
my fifth fic is here
This fic is about the Gangrel from the game I am the storyteller for, Blood and Silicon, which has its own blog run by the player @chiss-ticism here: @sanguineasylum. The starting phone call dialogue is from in game - @vtmgremlin played Blake and BIG SHOUT OUT TO @eric-the-bmo for transcribing!!!
The cold wind blew smoke and sparks from the fire towards Nelida’s face. Repressing a shudder, she composed herself and answered her ringing cellphone.
Nelida picks up after a moment's hesitation. “Hello?” As she picks up, Rico gives her a look, and listens in. Whatever. 
“Hey, it's B! I'm calling from a different number 'cause my other one broke. Sorry for the late-night call, do you remember that guy I was telling you about? That asshole? Hunter?” She didn’t know a guy named Hunter, but the way he emphasized that word… “Yeah, him? A few of his friends are in town, and they tried to start a fight, but we just took off. Just lettin' you know in case he comes by and tries to give you trouble. Probably stay out of the city for a little while. Yknow, Hunter and his crew are somewheres down there- they like to prowl downtown, so.”
This must be Blake calling - a new Gangrel, who had recently visited their little camp in the forest for the first time a week or so ago. “Wait, is- What- Do you think Hunter is coming tonight?” 
“Eh, I don't think so. I think for the most part he kinda took off with his buddies, but they're probably gonna be somewhere downtown. Who's to say. I do think the sheriff's probably gonna be looking out for him too, 'cause he knows he likes to cause trouble, so.”
The sheriff? Like this was some Camarilla city? No, he surely just meant kine legal trouble, right? “Um. Can you come over to talk?”
Blake inhales sharply. “Eh- I would if I could, but the problem is I gotta head out tonight, just in case, 'cause I gotta head up somewhere warm for the holidays. Y'know, family and all that.”
“What the hell. Are you talking about?” Nelida may not know much about Blake yet, but she highly doubted he actually had family he could go visit. But it's time to worry about herself, and her pack. If he’s leaving, then perhaps she should too. 
Before Blake can reply, she continues. “Should I head somewhere for the holidays?"
He replies, still casual. “I mean, if you want. I'll just say probably stay out of downtown for a little while. Uh, probably around South Market Street. Probably don't go around there’.
That’s downtown, which he had mentioned before, but this was near where Baron Harrison makes his domain. She didn’t know much else off the top of the top of her head about the area. “Okay... Wasn't planning on it, but thank you? When can we talk more about this?”
“Uh, probably be back in town... sometime next year.” 
“Next year!?”
“Y'know, after New Years!” Blake actually laughs. 
Oh. Cheeky. “Well, you better have a story for me then.” He still owed him one, and now this story clearly was one that involved her. Or at least, one that could. 
“I'm plannin' on it. But y'know, I gotta go and make a story happen first for me to tell you one.”
“What the hell.” She caught herself before saying his name on the phone. “Are you sure you can't stop by really quick?”
“Nah. I gotta head out soon, so- Yeah, just wanted to call and let you know. I don't want this call to go on for too long- I'm sure you need your beauty sleep- so Merry Christmas and all that, happy holidays. Also, probably don't call back this number, 'cause I actually had to borrow a phone from somebody- like I said, my other one broke, so.”
Was he implying he needed help? “Do you need.. assistance?”
Blake had hung up. 
“The fuck was that all about?” Rico stared up at her, crouching over the fire. 
“I’m not sure,” Nelida pursed her lips. “Something odd happened tonight for sure, we may be in danger. Blake must have uncovered something, he did say we don’t have to leave or anything though. Not that you would leave even if the place was on fire.” 
“Do you know anything about South Market Street?” 
Rico scratched his head as he replied. “Uh, the Hecata and Harrison had a small dispute over the area once, since resolved, it's a tourist trap area with a cathedral, not much else of note. Why?”
“Blake said to avoid the area.” 
“You gonna elaborate?” 
“He seemed to imply hunters.” 
The group was silent, listening to the crackling of the fire. Nelida began braiding her hair, and then continued. “This wouldn’t be the first time there were hunters in the city.” 
After a moment's pause, Melinda, one of the newer Gangrel, spoke up. “Uh, mind filling me in?” 
Rico and Nelida looked at each other. 
Nelida’s eyes glimmered looking into the fire. “In the 80s, before your embrace, kindred society San Jose was settling down. The Tremere had accepted that there was no way they could push out the Hecata, and sequestered themselves to the North. A gang of Ventrue took it upon themselves to push down any would-be-upstarts, and so any who called themselves ‘baron’ only laid claim to small areas. Kindred were masters of their own domain.” 
Mel scratched the back of her neck. “Not like now.” 
Rico snorted, and Nelida gave her a small smile. “Well, do you know much about another kindred’s domain? Could you tell me what goes on in the Hecata’s turf, or up north, where the thinbloods are now?” 
She shook her head.
“Right, no, we don’t know much other than what they tell us. And no kindred talks about their own business - we’re secretive, and for good reason. So, back then, no one knew what was going on in the city at all, only across the street from their own haven. There was no coordination to look out for threats. We were all blind. Now - keep in mind, this was the 80s, so kindred did not have to contend with the Second Inquisition. No one was worried about kine hunters.”
Melinda smiled. “Y’all were careless.” 
Rico cut in. “Hey now. Me and Nelida, we were minding our damn business out here. Wasn’t our fault.”
“Yes Rico.” Nelida finished one braid and moved on to another. “But we are still affected by other’s recklessness. Now shh, let me tell it.” 
Melinda spoke up. “Wait, do we not like, need to do anything? Do we have time for this or should we be preparing for an attack or something?”
“No, I think he just wanted to give us a heads up. There’s nothing to be done, unless you have friends that you wish to warn. Now let me fill you in, like you asked.” The winter wind whispered and Nelida lowered her voice. “San Jose was experiencing a population boom. Whatever kine was your preference, it was not hard to find them. The Camarilla was not threatening the area. Unlife was good.” 
“So good in fact, that new kindred were moving in too. Without any centralized leadership, arguments over territory were common. Rico made his place here, and allowed other Gangrel to join him, but other clans were a lot more fractured. The Toreador and Malkavians practically drove each other out.” 
“Harrison is the reason why there’s no Roses in the city?” 
Nelida smiled. “Harrison wasn’t here yet. As I was saying though, there was conflict, and conflict draws attention. There was a Toreador named Miguel, a wonderful guitarist, beautiful, exactly who you are probably picturing right now. He had a penchant for attending concerts within the local music scene, even fraternizing with mortals there beyond one-night-stands. Unfortunately for Miguel, one of his favorite bands frequented venues in an area claimed by a Malkavian at the time named Gloria.” 
“Gloria got sick of seeing him, and despite warnings, he would not stop interacting with kine she considered hers.” Rico looked like he was about to say something, but was silenced by a look from Nelida. “She was known to kine as the landlord, a rather cruel one at that, and Miguel took advantage of this. He spurred those she collected rent from into action, protests and such, and had the bands support it.” 
“But some of the mortals he was supporting dug a little too deep, and found that she had been a landlord for two decades, despite only looking 30.” She looked from the fire into Melinda’s eyes. “If you wish to involve yourself in mortal business personally, your identity has an expiration date.” 
“Two of these kine, a couple, were assigned to keep looking into it. I do not know when they began to suspect something supernatural, but they surely caught wind.”
“Miguel won his fight, and Gloria ceded some territory to him. However, many months later, the couple confronted Gloria directly one night, and she was found staked and beheaded in an alley behind her haven.” 
“Such is the price of making mortals fight your battles - they have their own too. Miguel had put them on the scent. This all caused quite a stir, right Rico?” 
“Oh? Yeah. Yeah we were all freaked out by that. Gloria had been here for a long time, and she had a lotta connections. We didn’t know what those hunters had found by searching her shit. I mean, I wasn't too worried about myself and my pack, but others were. And soon enough, another Malkavian was reported killed, and another.” He stood up as he continued.
“After the third death we all really started to get our shit together. In the end it was actually the Tremere who found the pair. Probably tortured them for info that they didn’t fully share with the rest of us, but whatever. The final deaths stopped. But ever since then, kindred who live in the city or own shit have been a hell of a lot more careful. Plus, some people just started leaving, good riddance. It was getting too crazy here. And I thought things were pretty peaceful, until, well.” 
There was only the sound of the fire for a few seconds, until Melinda spoke. “Until tonight.”  
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notmaverick · 8 months
MORTAL KOMBAT 1: Stranger! Kenshi x F!Reader “Sweater Weather with Kenshi Takahashi”
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Warnings: Reader is getting robbed, Killings, Kenshi has sento but mystical powers aren't mentioned, kissing, kind of one night stand? Kenshi is also not blind here, usage of Y/N and L/N, kenshi is a little mean here, Dom & sub.
Author's Note: Hellooo I'm back with the sweater Weather fic with mortal Kombat 1 Characters!SORRY IF THERE'S SOME ERRORS I DIDN'T GOT ANY TIME LEFT TO FIX THEM🖤
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
It's almost Christmas, you decided to take a small vacation in Kyoto, Japan. Some of your friends online live there so you told them that you and your friends can meet in real life and have some fun.
After many hours of flying, you finally arrived in Kyoto, Japan, And boy the place is so beautiful. The people there are kind and seem like they're always smiling. You heard someone calling your name, it's your friend, “Y/N! Over here-” Your friend waved at you excitedly You waved back at your friend and ran over to give her a hug, “Omg! We finally met each other!” You gave her a long tight hug and kissed her cheeks, “God, girl you look stunning!” “So do you Y/N! C’mon I'm sure you're starving-” she said as she grabbed your hands and went to a fancy looking restaurant.
You and your friend ate a lot and your friend drank a lot of alcohol but you decided to drink only a little since you didn't want to be a mess all over the place, a guy walked up to you, a tall and handsome looking guy wearing a suit and a red button up shirt with tattoos all over His hands that goes all the way up. He sat beside you, “You look like you're not from around here.” He said looking at you, “I'm not, just trying to get a nice vacation.” You smiled at him, “Is your friend ok?” He asked, pointing at your drunk friend, “Oh- yeah, she's ok- or I guess so..” You and the stranger laughed, “So, What's your name?” You asked the guy as you smiled up at him, “The name's Kenshi, Kenshi Takahashi.” He said, extending his hands to offer a handshake, “What's yours?” “Y/N L/N” You shake his hands, “That's a beautiful name for a stranger like you, Y/N.” He teased, “Such a tease for a stranger, eh?” You teased him back, earning a chuckle from him. “Nice meeting you, Takahashi, but I need to go or else my friends gonna make a mess-” kenshi smiled at you, looking at you from up to down as you stood up, “C’mon, we have to go-” you said helping your friend walk, “Y/N-” “No, I need to get you home-” kenshi chuckled at the sight of you.
You sent your drunk friend home as you walk into the dark Alley, you felt like someone's following you, You grabbed your pepper spray as you walked fast, then there's a guy jumped In Front of you, holding a knife, “Money, give it-” says the guy In Front of you, his English is dull, probably knows that you're not from around here, “Stay back!” You said as you pull out your pepper spray holding it out to the robber, “Stay back, or I'll spray it to you-” “Stay away from the girl” You heard a familiar voice, you turned around and you saw Kenshi, holding a katana, You blinked and he's gone, you turned around to find him slashing the robbers throat, You felt scared, terrified even. “Are you ok, Y/N?” Kenshi said as he checked on you, “Did he hurt you?” “I'm ok- Tha-Thanks..I- Are you ok?” You asked as you saw his hands, bleeding, “It's just a little cut,” “Where's your Friend?” He asked, grabbing your stuff from the floor, “I sent her home, I was about to go home but then that guy interrupted me-” “Home? a hotel?” Kenshi asked, “Yes.” He chuckled, “You can stay at my place for tonight, Here take this.” He said, giving you his sweater and coat, “Wear it, you'll catch a cold.” He helped you put his sweater on and his coat to prevent of being cold, as he helped you put his sweater on, you noticed his tattoos, His tattoos that goes all the way up to his biceps, his sleeves are rolled up all the way up to his elbow, “Your tattoos..they look..they look so.. Beautiful.” You admire his tattoos as he puts his coat on you, “They aren't, let's go it's getting late.” He said coldly.
You wonder why kenshi doesn't like you appreciating his tattoos, it does look beautiful, all the elements inked in his skin, you found them beautiful, You're starting to like him.
You walked into a nice dark red sports car, He pulled out his keys from his pocket, “My place is a bit far from here, I hope that's not gonna be a problem?” He asked looking at you, “Yeah- i- totally that's ok.” You smiled at him, and he gave you a cold look. He scoffed as he reached for the passenger door to open it for you, “Get in.” You obeyed him as you get inside the car and sat beside the driver's seat, then he closed the door and went around to the other side of the car, he opened it as he gets inside, he puts his katana in the back seat.
He started the car, as the cold air from his car made you shiver, “Are you still cold?” He asked not looking at you, “yes..” with that he turned in the car heater for you, you felt relief as he does this, “Better?” “Better, Thank you, Kenshi.” You said as you smiled at him.
Kenshi tried to hide his smile by looking to the side. He liked the way you said his name. He Wonders how good it would sound when he's plunged deep inside of you. He also likes your smile, the way you smile up at him because he flirted with you or because you just wanted to smile at him, he hates that he couldn't be soft for you or be a ray of sunshine like you do, he admits to himself that you two have only met few hours ago, a total strangers, never knew anything about each other, just the name, he liked the way you look wearing his sweater and coat, and it's too big for you too, He Wonders what would you look like when you're wearing his clothes when he wakes up in the morning and seeing your figure in his bed only wearing his clothes.
“Kenshi-” you called his name again, “what- oh-” he's been zoning out for a while, smiling like a fool, “You ok?” You asked him in concern, “Yeah..i- I'm ok I'm sorry about that I kinda zoned out, You ok?” He looked at you, eyes admiring your face “Yes, I'm ok.” “Right.”
Almost half an hour of driving around you two finally arrived at Kenshi's house. You thought it'd be a simple house but it wasn't. It's a mansion and it seems pretty secure too. Men with guns guarding around the mansion, all of them have tattoos too, “Stay here.” Kenshi said as he went out of the car leaving you inside, he talked to some guy, an old one, who seemed to be his father, you thought. You got scared when the old man slapped Kenshi's face, Kenshi remained calm. The old man left as Kenshi looked down as he sighed and went to open the car door for you, “Are you ok? Who's that? Why did he-” “Can you just not interfere in any of my business?” He said coldly, eyes glaring at you, he seemed upset, not to you, but to himself.
He grabbed your hands and led you to his house, the guards glared at you as you passed by, “Don’t mind them.” He said coldly as you two went upstairs and went to his room.
“You stay here, I'll be back and don't touch anything, understand?” He glared at you, “Yes, sir-” you teased him as you smiled up at him, he nodded as he left.
When you heard the door closed you looked around his room that's almost the size of your living room and your bedroom combined, there's a lot of katanas displayed, but there's one missing, the one that he used earlier, you wonder why he has a lot of katanas when he only uses the other one.
Meanwhile, Kenshi left and smiled to himself like a fool, acting all cold and mean to you, he went to his father's office to confront him about the incident in the alley.
“Are you sure, that girl Is the only person who saw you there?” Kenshi's father pointed out, “Yes, I'm sure of it.” Kenshi couldn't look at his father, as if he's embarrassed. “Good, take the girl home and never talk to her again or I'll make sure that you'll never see her again.” Kenshi nodded and left his father's office.
You felt bored and hot, you decided to take a shower quickly, but you couldn't because of the feeling of warm water splashing onto your skin. You shivered as you showered, feeling relief as you do.
After almost half an hour of showering you went out of the shower finding your clothes on the floor, you picked them up as your about to wear them but you decided to just wear Kenshi's sweater, you put some panties on and the sweater, the sweater looks like a dress on you.
You sat on Kenshi's couch, admiring his room as the door went open, you saw Kenshi who looked mad (?)
Kenshi's eyes trailed down to your body, “What's with the outfit change, Y/N?” Kenshi scoffed, “I'm sorry it's just- well I got bored and- you know what nevermind I should go, I'll go change-” you were about to stand up when Kenshi pushed you back down, “Stay, please?” His eyes softened “Stay, i- just for tonight.” “Are you sure?” You asked him, “yes, besides it's snowing- you'll find it hard to go back to your place, I'll drop you off in the morning.” he assured you, looking down at you as he touched your chin to look up at him, “I'll keep you company for tonight.” “Kenshi-” he cuts you off as he leaned down at you to kiss you.
His lips is perfect, just like you imagined, his hands wandered around your neck and shoulders, his touch is so warm that it made you shivered, you felt Kenshi smiling on your lips, “what?” You said in between kisses, “Nothing-” your hands trails on his chest, teasing him, “Keep doing that and I'm gonna make you unable to walk.” He stated, You pull away from the kiss as you look at his eyes, “So I'll just tease you the whole night?” You chuckled as he surprisingly lifted you in bridal style, “oh sh-” you said as he lifts you up going to his bed.
He puts you down gently, lifting your sweater to get a better look of your body, but he wasn't expecting that you're only wearing underwear.
“Well look at that, Y/N-” he teased as he rubbed your thighs, “All this for me?” He added, “kenshi-” he shuts you of with a kiss, a deep one, your tongue danced with his, hands trailing around your body, he cupped your breast with both hands, gently squishing them, earning a whimper from your lips, “You like that?” He pulls away as he looks at you, you only nodded, you couldn't find a word to say to him, eyes full of lust.
“We need to make this quick, understand?” He commanded, “yes..i- ok.” You said as you're about to remove his sweater from your body as he stops you, “keep it on, looks good on you.” He said as he starts to unbutton his clothes, your eyes widened as you saw his tattoos, his body, it's like sculpted by the gods, his tattoos goes to his hands all the way up to his shoulder and chest, he hates it and you don't, you thought that's its beautiful.
He threw his clothes on the floor, as he leaned down to kiss your neck while lifting the sweater to get better access to your breasts.
He brings his mouth to your breasts licking the nipple teasingly, “Kenshi-” you moaned his name, he smirks with the sound of it as he bites your nipple, “Kenshi-!” You cried out, he pulls down your underwear leaving you naked for him, you look at him as he licks your cunt teasingly, this earns a moan from you, arching your back, grabbing his bed sheets as he continues to tongue fuck you, “kenshi- oh fuck-” you felt like you're growing wetter and wetter, “You taste better than I imagined, Y/N.” He said kissing the lips of your cunt, you arched your back as you felt his fingers teasing your cunt, he pushed three fingers inside you, the feeling of Kenshi's fingers stretching you out is making you go feral.
It made you tear up, it hurts and it feels good at the same time, “God, Y/N-” he chuckled, “So fucking tight.” He said as he roughly fucked you with his fingers and tongue, while he fucks you with his fingers, he licks your clit until it's swollen, “Kenshi- stop- ah- too much!” You arched your back, “Stop? I thought you wanted it?” He chuckled, “I can't- fuck!” He pumped his digits inside of you, you felt something, a knot in your stomach, “Y/N, I can feel you, cum for me.” He demanded, “Too much-” “C’mon Y/N, I know you can do it, cum for me, please?” He begged, eyes glistening.
“Kenshi- Fuck I'm gonna cum-!” “There we go, angel-” he said pumping your cunt with his fingers while you squirt on his hands, “Fuck-” kenshi said as he wasn't expecting you squirting at his hands.
You're catching your breath, you feel like you're going to pass out, you've done this before but squirting and three fingers inside of you? Not in a million years.
“Y/N?” Kenshi said hands still inside your cunt, “Can I fuck you, Please?” He said as he gently remove his finger inside your cunt, you whince in pain as you felt empty inside.
You nodded as he kissed you gently, unbuttoning his pants as he kissed you, he only stopped to remove his pants and god knows where he threw them, he went back in to kiss your lips, exchanging moans and whimpers, “Kenshi..” You whispered, “hmm?” “Can I…?” You said as you grabbed the hem of his underwear, Kenshi looked surprised as he nodded, “Yes you can, princess.” with that you pulled his underwear down as your eyes widened by the size of it, “Think you can take it, Y/N?” Kenshi looked at you as he smirks, “Seems like you don't know me well, Kenshi.” You sat up from the edge of the bed as Kenshi guided you, you took his cock as you licked the tip like a little cat while looking up at him, “Y/N.. please-” kenshi begged, you look up at him as you took him whole down your throat, not breaking an eye contact as you do, “Ah- fuck- fuck-” kenshi moaned as he guided your head to his cock, “Y/N..if you kept-Fuck-doing that I- I'm not gonna last long- ah-” kenshi pushed your head down to his cock as he painted your throat white with his seed, “Ah- fuck- Y/N-” Kenshi murmured as he came, while tears ran down on your cheeks you tried your best to to gag on his cock, relaxing your throat.
As Kenshi came down to his high, he looked down on you, still sucking his cock like a whore.
Kenshi chuckled, “Y/N..Are you ok?” You nodded, cock’s still inside of your mouth, “Can I fuck you now?” You gave him puppy eyes as you nodded, with that kenshi pulled his cock out from your mouth with a loud ‘pop’, “Ass up now, baby.” He said as he guided you to a position he wanted, “I hope that prep that I made is enough, or else…I'm gonna break you apart.” He said as he roughly pushed his cock in your slick folds, “Kenshi!” “Ah- fuck- Y/N, You're so tight-” he started his pace slow as he felt that you're adjusting to his size, he fucked you harder pushed your head down to the mattress as he lift your hips, his nails digging down to your flesh as he fucked you.
You sat up to read the note,
Y/N, I know this looks bad but I've got to go and so are you, you're not going to be safe if they've seen you with me, I like you, like a lot. I hope this isn't the last time we see each other Y/N…I hope this isn't the last time I'll see your beautiful and warm smile…There's a car waiting for you outside, please be safe. I love you, L/N.
You got sad but happy at the same time as you read Kenshi's letter for you, Though, you're curious why he left you because of not being ‘Safe’, You kept his letter inside your bag as you got ready.
After an hour of getting ready, you decide to leave a note for kenshi, you grabbed a pen and paper and wrote down a note saying,
Kenshi, I wish this isn't the last time we see each other too, I'm hoping to see you soon as well, just to let you know that I fell in love with you since you came to protect me in that Alley, I wasn't expecting you to be a part of some gang as well, but hey I still love you for it, I find it hot to be honest…And I love you too, Takahashi. Please take care of yourself while I'm gone, I'm hoping to see you soon in one piece.
After you wrote it you put some kiss marks on the paper, tons of them. As you fold it and put it on Kenshi's bedside table putting his name on it, as you grab your things and leave his house.
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Hello I know this took a while and I'm sorry for it!! I had to clean up my room and declutter some of my school papers because I'm now in the second semester. I'll try to keep some updates up, I promise!!
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***i just changed my username so i know these urls don’t work pls pls i will fix it pls***
is it casual now?, pt. one part two: fwb!steddie, inspired by chappell roan's "casual" [AO3]
i swear that i’m not thinkin’ ‘bout you all the time (just today, yesterday, every day, and tomorrow night) T, COMPLETE
Robin and Eddie are sitting on the couch facing each other, talking about dumb shit before Eddie finally asks her what Steve’s deal is. Robin snorts. “I’ve known him almost a year now and your guess is as good as mine.”
OR: Eddie's out of the hospital and Steve won't leave him alone. Steve's trying to seduce Eddie through chores.
i'm such a fool for you (you’ve got me wrapped around your finger) T, COMPLETE
"Nance and I have been in this together since the beginning. But it was never gonna be romantic between us again. I love her and always will, but we’re definitely not meant for each other.” Steve lets out a huff of a laugh. “Besides, I’m striking out with someone else pretty frequently.” He doesn’t know why he says it; the weed and the beers are combining to sabotage him probably. He hears Eddie shift next to him.
“King Steve’s lost his touch?” Steve can hear the smirk in Eddie’s voice as he says it.
“Oh, I lost it a long time ago,” Steve laughs into the night sky, rubbing a hand across his face.
OR: Steve and Eddie are both very dumb and very into each other.
it’s christmas (this is gonna be a nightmare) T, COMPLETE
“Okay, what’s wrong?” Robin asks him.
Steve takes a deep breath. “Nothings wrong.” He turns from the cutting board on the counter to look over at the two of them standing next to each other. They look skeptical. Steve takes another breath. “Okay, before I say anything, just remember that you guys are my friends and roommates and I always take out the trash at night when you guys are too scared and I take all the spiders you find in your rooms outside for you and you care about me deeply for a multitude of reasons, okay?”
Robin rolls her eyes and Eddie’s eyebrows crinkle in confusion. “Steve?” Eddie says, his voice calm. Steve turns back to the counter, facing away from them. Maybe if he doesn’t look directly at Eddie, it’ll be easier to say.
“I may or may not have implied to my mother that Eddie and I are dating and that’s why I’m bringing him home for Christmas,” Steve says in a rush, hoping that he won’t have to repeat himself.
Tumblr Ficlets
i hate your big dumb combat boots: a steddie x 10 things i hate about you AU part one part two part three part four part five part six part six 1/2
what if Nancy Wheeler and Eddie Munson worked at Scoops Ahoy in the summer of ‘85?
Steve has a first date tonight, but he’s self-conscious about his scars
you’re a cowboy like me: steddie x cowboy like me au
sorry for not making you my centerfold part two steddie x coney island au
all the girls dreamed that they’d be your partner: steddie x how to lose a guy in 10 days au (part one part two)
wwdits steddie au
kiki’s delivery service au [AO3]
you should think about the consequence of your magnetic field being a little too strong steddie x gorgeous au (landscaper!eddie/bored rich kid in Beverly Hills!steve)
I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this steddie x paper rings au (pining fwb!steddie) [AO3]
i'm so in love that i might stop breathing steddie x taylor swift's "paris" au [AO3]
there’s just one who could make me stay steddie x you’re on your own kid au [AO3]
you smile that beautiful smile and all the girls in the front row scream your name steddie x superstar au (songwriter!eddie/musician!steve) [AO3]
taylor swift inspired aus on AO3 here: my heart’s been borrowed and yours has been blue
bring it on!steddie au
soak up the sun early 2000s steddie head canon
i would never pretend to not know you steddie x normal people au
what, like it's hard? pt. 1 steddie x legally blonde au
steve's parents hire someone to "date" him steddie x no hard feelings rom com au
if we lived on the moon (steve deals with some complicated feelings at the grocery store) [AO3]
the newsroom au steddie x the newsroom au (prime time news anchor!steve x executive producer!eddie, past relationship, past cheating, exes to lovers)
steddie x failed threesome au (steddie meet in a threesome and they can't perform)
steddie x love rosie au (accidental teen pregnancy, childhood best friends)
freddy krueger stripper au
steddie x cafe au
and i wouldn't marry me either, pt. one steddie x plus one rom com au (wedding dates for convenience, fake dating adjacent)
the ultimatum reality show au (reality show contestants to lovers)
i don't need wings to help me fly, pt. 1 steddie x the princess diaries 2 au (prince!steve, scheming aristocrat!eddie)
may the odds be ever in your favor, pt. one steddie x the hunger games au
rockstar!eddie/personal trainer!steve
Multi-chapter ‘fics
sorry about the blood in your mouth (i wish it was mine) M, COMPLETE, 10/10
Max had read every one of Eddie’s novels and every one of his screenplays. In every single one of them, in every universe that Eddie could think up, she watched as Eddie fell in love with Steve, over and over and over again. They had different names, different professions, there were different, wild, fantastical circumstances, but it was always them. In every version of reality, they found each other. It was time they found each other again in this version and Max was going to help them do it, even if it killed her.
OR: It's 1997, ten years after Eddie and Steve leave Hawkins. Eddie, a novelist/screenwriter, Max, Hollywood's shiniest scream queen, and Dustin, the hottest indie horror director in the business, reunite to make a movie and they're bringing the Party along with them to the middle of nowhere to do it.
when i don’t touch you it’s a mistake in any life, in each place and forever. M, COMPLETE, 12/12
If Eddie didn’t know any better, he would think that he’d slipped into an alternate dimension. A dimension where he was happy and not dead. A dimension where Steve Harrington sleeps in his bed—or maybe where he sleeps in Steve Harrington’s bed.
OR: Eddie dies. But then he wakes up next to a sleeping Steve Harrington.
it had to be you. M, WIP, 3/7
“You guys are gonna have a great time,” Dustin beams at them.
Steve lets his eyes take in all that is Eddie Munson, from his messy long hair to his Black Sabbath band tee to his painted black fingernails. He looks loud and obnoxious. Steve seriously doubts they’re going to have a great time. From the look on Eddie’s face, Steve imagines he’s thinking the same thing.
OR: It's the When Harry Met Sally AU that literally no one asked for.
oh my, love is a lie (shit my friends say to get me by) M, WIP, 1/4
“Is that—?” Robin starts, before she's interrupted by Dustin calling them over.
Because Eddie is Eddie. After Nancy had demolished Steve’s heart, he’d gone out for the weekend, Robin in tow. He’d drank enough to forget his own name and had ended up making some questionable decisions. One of those decisions had, apparently, been Eddie Munson. They’d spent two nights together, back in June, drenched in cheap beer and barely leaving Steve’s bed. On the afternoon of the second day, Eddie had left, saying he was going for a McDonald’s run, and Steve hadn’t seen him again. He hadn’t even left his number.
OR: Six months ago, Steve Harrington had his heart crushed by Nancy Wheeler. To cope, he'd rebounded in the worst way, spending two life-changing nights with the guy of his dreams. The only problem was that the guy had ghosted him, no number, no Insta handle; Steve didn't even get his last name. Now, he's resurfaced at Steve's Friendsgiving party, apparently Dustin Henderson's new best friend.
i can’t let go when something’s broken (it’s all i know and it’s all i want now) T, COMPLETE, 5/5 (also on tumblr here: part one part two part three part four part five) 
Steve Harrington wakes up like he does every day, alone in his big bed with fluffy white sheets, weak sunlight streaming through the blinds on his windows. He rubs the sleep from his eyes, drinks the glass of water he put on his bedside table last night and swallows the aspirin next to it, and then climbs out from underneath the covers. He wanders into his bathroom to brush his teeth and shower, to fix his hair the way he likes it (a much less intensive process than it was when he was seventeen), and pulls on the same jeans he wears every day. He fixes himself breakfast—scrambled eggs and burnt bacon—and then he leaves for his shift at the coffeeshop.
The day passes slowly, like it always does. Steve makes small talk with the regulars, he laughs half-heartedly at Frank’s jokes, he pours espresso all over his hands. He cleans the tables and stacks the newspapers. He tries his hardest to ignore the new stack of Rolling Stones Frank has placed by the door.
monsters are always hungry M, WIP, 2/9 (Horror, ST4 rewrite)
Robin finally slides the tape all the way in to the VCR and Steve rolls his cart back over to the counter and leans over it, ready to watch some kid’s fourth birthday party or a Little League baseball game.
There’s nothing but static for the first thirty seconds.
“Maybe it’s blank?” Robin suggests, and just as she says it, the mess of snowy static shifts to a blood red screen before the images begin to flicker. The footage is grainy, like a real home video. The images are almost indistinguishable, but Robin and Steve can make out a big house, a front porch, a stained-glass window with a rose at the center. The cuts are choppy and jarring as the screen shifts quickly from one image to another in the blink of an eye. Cobwebs in the corner of a ceiling, spider eggs, limbs bent at inhuman angles, a child’s face.
The images stop, almost as quickly as they’d begun, and the television returns to static. Steve and Robin stand in silence for a minute before Steve rounds the counter and reaches up for the power button, turning the TV off.
OR: Steve and Robin watch a mysterious, unmarked tape they find in the returns bin at Family Video.
all of me changed like midnight. M, 4/11
In the fall of 1986, Eddie invites Steve and Robin to one of his shows at the Hideout. Steve is mesmerized by Eddie's performance, captivated by the way Eddie's hands move up and down his guitar, by the way Eddie's measured breaths deliver a strong and confident lyrical performance. When Steve compliments Eddie after the show, Eddie offers to teach Steve to play the guitar. Steve is completely taken by the whole project and a romance blooms, tender and soft, as they begin to speak through the music they play for each other.
Shortly after Steve confesses his love for Eddie, Eddie flees Hawkins, determined to live out his dreams as a rockstar and convinced that's not what Steve wants for himself. Steve and Robin move to Indy, where they begin playing open mics at the coffeeshop Steve works at. Steve finds that songwriting is the perfect way to give voice to his feelings of grief, love, and abandonment.
The fic spans ten years as Steve and Eddie weave their way in and out of each other's lives, writing songs that can only be meant for each other.
project 146 of the steddie bigbang
tell the devil i’m waiting. M, COMPLETE
Includes: sorry about the blood in your mouth (i wish it was mine) & i make up things that i would never say (i say them very quietly)
my heart’s been borrowed and yours has been blue T, ONGOING
unrelated taylor swift-inspired steddie
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andorerso · 10 months
Christmas with the Andors + Erso + Kerri. For the 5 things.
oh, this one's definitely a modern AU! not Maarva friendly but I hope you guys don't expect anything else from me by now.
it's first time Cassian's introducing Jyn to his family. they started dating recently, or so they say. no, Maarva doesn't have to know they've been dating for a year. no, she doesn't have to know Cassian has met the Ersos numerous times and actually spent Thanksgiving dinner with them instead of stuck at home with the flu as he claimed. no, she doesn't have to know they're already living together. it's just... he's learned over the years that it's easier to keep Maarva out of his love life when he can. but it's been a year now, and he actually thinks he might spend the rest of his life with Jyn if she wants to as well, so they have to get over the introductions at some point.
Kerri very kindly pretends she's never met Jyn before and hasn't known about her all along. no, Maarva doesn't have to know they went Christmas presents shopping together just last week. hey ma, isn't Jyn great? don't know what she sees in my idiot brother, but I'm happy for them.
well, Maarva's not sure she agrees. she isn't being outright hostile or rude, but there's always that undercurrent of judgment in her tone. Cassian's so used to it, he almost doesn't notice, that's just how Maarva talks, but Jyn definitely notices and is a bit off-put that this seems to be the norm. Maarva's skeptical, suspicious, inquisitive, definitely overbearing. she doesn't suspect their treachery, but she's clearly evaluating Jyn like she's at a job interview applying for a position in their family, and somehow Jyn doesn't think she's passing.
honestly, she doesn't even care. let the woman think what she wants, what matters is Cassian's opinion. but Cassian's clearly getting more and more pissed off by the second. this is why he never introduces his partners, this is why he waited a year to even tell them about Jyn. Kerri tries to remain cheery, and Clem does his best to keep the tension at bay, but there's no way it doesn't all end in an explosive argument once Cassian finally snaps. in the heat of the moment, he lets it slip that not only has he and Jyn been dating for a year, they've also moved in together last month. the oven pings at that exact moment to signal that the pie is ready. shockingly, no one wants any.
Jyn feels like it's probably best for her to leave at that point. she was gonna spend the night here with Cassian but it doesn't seem like such a good idea now, and although she would like to stay and support him, her presence is probably only making things worse. she gets up to excuse herself, but Cassian absolutely panics, thinking this is it, Maarva has successfully driven her away, because why would he be worth enduring this treatment, what sane person would want to put up with it every year? he follows her outside in a desperate haze to apologize, and she reassures him she's not that easy to scare away. I'm not dating your mother, Cassian, I'm dating you, she says while stroking his cheek. Cassian lets himself lean into her touch, relaxing for what feels like the first time that entire night. yeah, he's gonna have to go back in there and have a very difficult conversation with his mother, and it's not gonna be pretty, and there might be tears and screaming, but right now, it's just the two of them with flakes of snow falling around them and their breaths mingling in the cold air and nothing's going to ruin this moment. (inside, Kerri's definitely yelling, and he can hear Clem's soothing tone once again trying to play the peacemaker. just about how your average Andor dinner would go. Merry fucking Christmas.)
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staliamazing · 4 months
weekly tag game that i'm bad at xoxo
name: sarah
age: 21
astrological sign: taurus
upon which continent do you reside: australia
tell us how you're feeling right now using 3-5 emojis: 🎃👩‍❤️‍👩🍫🤒😴
whats your favorite flavor of gum?: grape hubba bubba tape
whats the last movie you watched?: challengers! best movie oh my gosh that's why i've been reblogging so much stuff from it. i don't usually watch them so it's really blown me away. patrick zweig the man that you are.
what was your worst subject in high school?: geography! it didn't really click for me but i really hated my teacher who refused to call me my name and only called me "miss insert last name here". i say i was bad at maths but got a band 5 in it for the HSC aka like, a B/B+ for the non-aussies?
whats the job you stayed at for the shortest period of time?: an aussie lingerie company! i was only a christmas casual. it was actually my first ever job and i was very scared of the manager but it helped me rip off the bandaid.
whats your favorite thing to do at an amusement park?: bitch NOTHING. eat some ice cream and go home. i am not a thrill seeker, i hate people and not having two feet planted firmly on the ground. even then the food would probably make me sick.
what condiments go on top of the perfect hot dog (meat or plant-based)?: bbq sauce and onion. by hot dog i mean bunnings sausage sandwich.
cincinnati chili, thoughts?: very few! but chili is yum, i have been enjoying spicy stuff lately. hearty meals as it's getting to be winter!
do you sleep with a plushie?: yes! well they sleep on my bed. i get too overstimulated when i have to touch them at night cos sleep is very difficult. they are named wags and shaky and are my absolute best friends, i don't know what i'd do without them. they're a bit saggy cos they're both around as old as me.
how do you feel about thunderstorms?: not great! the last thunderstorm i endured i was HOME ALONE listening to ethel cain so safe to say i was certain it was my final, doomed hour on this earth. only in the past year have i stopped going into mums room when they get really bed. i am a naturally very fearful person who is convinced i'm unsafe a lot.
what's the last animal you touched?: my sister's cat, norton. who is being a bully to his sister so i was patting him gently and telling him to not be mean.
grab the nearest item with words on it that ISNT a book and tell me the final word: "VEGAN" - my body shop mango lip scrub because mine are always weird and chapped.
have you ever forgotten to do an assignment until the night before its due?: most certainly not! if it's the night before and it's not done, that's a purposeful choice. i'm not sure what it is in me but if i feel like i'm gonna flop i just. stop. can't fail me if i already failed MYSELF, babygirl.
thanks for tagging me @iansw0rld aka the only person who will read this probs LOL. they're fun!
@randomuser-05 if you wanna add some answers u can xoxo
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stray-cat-21 · 2 years
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus
“And away they all flew like the down of a thistle. But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight happy Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight!” Eddie read using one of his very best dnd voices. Little Jamie let out a yawn her big brown eyes hardly staying open. “Goodnight princess.” Eddie whispered kissing her on the head. “Goodnight love bug.” (Y/n) added copying her husbands actions.
“G’night mommy g’night daddy.” Jamie yawned. Eddie shut off the bedroom light leaving the room dimly illuminated by the night light. The couple exited out to the hallway. “Well Eds you ready to get started?” (Y/n) questioned grabbing her husbands hand. “Actually I haves surprise I’ll meet you downstairs!” Eddie exclaimed one of his mischievous smiles on his face.
(Y/n) sent him a questioning look that Eddie only responded to with a kiss. “I’ll be right down!” He grinned. (Y/n) simply shrugged heading downstairs. She took a seat on the couch waiting for her husband. After about ten minutes Eddie came bouncing down the steps.
Only now he was dressed in Santa Claus’s iconic get up complete with the beard and big belly. He had on his proudest smile.“Wow look at you!” (Y/n) giggled standing up to meet him. “Tada!” He cheered gesturing down to the costume.
“What’s brought all this on? I mean Jamie’s in bed she’s not gonna see you.” (Y/n) said with a small laugh. Eddie shrugged ducking his head a little embarrassed. “I know but if she’s anything like me she’ll probably try and sneak down to get a peak at the big guy. If she does I want her to see Santa putting presents out instead of well you know.” He said gesturing to himself.
“You Eddie Munson are an amazing father.” (Y/n) smiled leaning up to kiss Eddie on the lips. He grinned his big toothy smile wrapping his arms around his wife. “I try.” He mumbled against her lips between repeated kisses. “So Santa should we get started?” She hummed straightening his crooked red hat. “Well I think I'm entitled to some cookies first sweetheart.” Eddie beamed walking over to the coffee table.
“Oh yes Mr Claus my husband and daughter made those especially for you.” (Y/n) teased moving to stand in front of him. “Your husband huh?” he hummed, picking up the cookie as he took a bite of it. There was a pause as he chewed the chocolate chip cookie. “Isn’t he a lucky man to have such a prerty little thing runnin’ around and baking cookies.” Eddie continued letting his hand rest on his wife’s ass.
“Mr. Claus you’re very handsy, what would my husband think?” (Y/n) gasped playfully. “Well sweetheart good thing your husband isn’t here huh?” Eddie teased. He let the half eaten cookie fall back onto the plate. His large palm squeezed (Y/n)’s ass softly pushing her against his chest while slotting his leg between her thighs. Her own hand traveled over his makeshift belly made of a pillow under his shirt to wrap it around the back his neck.
“Now tell me Mrs. Munson, have you been naughty or nice this year?” He whispered in a sultry tone. His words made her want to rip that white beard he was wearing off and replace it by sitting on his face instead. Roleplaying wasn’t uncommon between the couple, but the whole Santa Claus thing was definitely a new one. “I’m always extremely nice sir.” (Y/n) whispered back putting on her most innocent smile. “But I can definitely be very naughty too if need be Mr Claus.”
“Why don’t you show me how naughty you can be then?” Eddie hummed. His now ring bare hand reached up to his face pulling the beard off. Eddie eagerly leaned in but she interrupted with a soft giggle gently putting the beard back in its place. Once the white beard was straightened (Y/n) leaned in kissing him. He laughed softly against her lips but didn’t question it, instead deepening the kiss.
Little Jamie shot up in her bed as soon as she woke up not even fifteen minutes after being put to bed. The littlest member of the Munson family practically rocketed out of her bed to rush over to the window. Upon realising it was still night time and not time for presents she began to pout. She had definitely inherited her father's dramatics and even more so his knack for trouble. Sure it may not be time to open presents but it could be time to catch a glimpse at the man of legend.
Jamie had no idea what time it was or if her parents were still awake but she figured getting caught would be worth the chance to see Santa in person. Doing her very best tiptoe she shuffled out of her room to the top of the stairs. The only light left on downstairs came from the Christmas tree. Jamie slowly and quietly stepped down two steps not wanting to scare away Santa if he was truly there she peeked over the bannister of the stairs.
The small girls eyes immediately widened her mouth falling open when she saw the white bearded man with his big belly and signature red suit sitting in her dad’s usual spot on the couch. She would’ve hurried down the stairs to meet him if it wasn’t for her mother sitting on his lap, lips pressed against his. The man who gifted her with the toys she wanted every year, the one who paid her a visit every Christmas Eve, the one she stood in line for over an hour to see in the mall even if they had already done it five times. Jamie loved Santa of course she did, but he definitely was not her father. Only Daddy was allowed to kiss mommy on the lips, not Santa Claus or anyone else for that matter.
With teary eyes and a deep frown Jamie quietly storemed back up the steps running into her room. Normally she would have slammed the door shut with a fiery display of her emotions but right now her world was crumbling to the ground. Giant tears rolled down her cheeks quiet sniffles the only sound filling the room. Jamie crawled back into her bed shoving the covers completely over herself. The child felt absolutely positively betrayed.
Jamie was not only angry she was furious. Not just at her mom but Santa, and even a little at her father. The little girl was in utter shock of what she had seen . And where was her daddy while you betrayed him? He should’ve been there to stop it or even beat up Santa like he did with some of the bad people in her uncle Gareth’s stories.
The next morning (Y/n) woke up before her husband. As her eyes adjusted blinking away the sleep she was able to read that their clock on the bedside table read 8:15 AM. Now Jamie much like her father was not a morning person with four exceptions her birthday, Father's Day, Mother's Day, and especially Christmas. Even as a baby it seemed like as soon as the sun was up on Christmas morning little Jamie’s eyes were wide open. On previous Christmass their daughter would run into the room jumping on the bed in a rush to wake up both of them.
(Y/n) rolled over facing her husband who was currently snoring next to her. Eddie’s hair was everywhere and partially covering his face while one arm was stretched out around (Y/n)’s waist while the other was tucked under his pillow. She smiled reaching out to delicately push some of his hair back away from his face. “Eddie love.” She said quietly while letting her hand rest against his cheek. Eddie let out a groan in his sleep moving his face into the pillow.
(Y/n) playfully rolled her eyes moving closer to her husband pressing slow kisses against the side of his face. After a minute or two he finally looked up a sleepy smile gracing his features. “Morning sweetheart.” He croaked voice still deep from waking up. “Morning handsome.” (Y/n) grinned. Eddie turned his face again to press slow kisses against her palm.
“What time is it?” He mumbled against her skin. “About eight twenty Eds.” (Y/n) replied. Eddie furrowed his eyebrows looking over at the clock for himself. “Then where might our little dragon be?” He questioned fully sitting up in bed. “That is a very good question, if she’s anything like her father probably up to no good.” (Y/n) teased.
Eddie rolled his with a playful smile but still the pair got out of bed in search of their daughter. As they got out to the hallway they could hear some relatively quiet slamming around coming from downstairs. “Grab Jamie and go to our room.” Eddie demanded in a hushed voice. (Y/n)’s eyes widened at the thought of someone breaking into their house on Christmas morning. “Be careful please.” She pleaded earning a nod from Eddie.
(Y/n) took off to their child's room while Eddie crept his way down stairs. He wasn’t quite sure what he’d do if there was someone down there but he knew he needed to protect his girls no matter what. Thankfully when he got to the bottom of the stair he was met by the sight of his daughter causing all the ruckus. Jamie was stood by their Christmas tree seemingly pulling off specific ornaments and tossing them into a box. Even more surprisingly around the living room decorations with depictions of Santa Clause were torn down as well.
“Eddie Jamie’s not here! She’s not in her room!” (Y/n) yelled in a panicked voice bounding down the stairs. She stopped short next to her husband observing the same scene he was. Upon seeing her daughter the panic had left but was only replaced by complete and utter confusion. The couple shared a confused look before entering the living room all the way.
“Jamie princess.” Eddie started softly stepping closer to their daughter. This close up both parents could see the year streaks down the little girl’s face. This time when the couples eyes met both pairs were both filled with worry. Seeing her father Jamie dropped the thankfully plastic ornament she was holding to the floor running straight to him. She clung to his legs mumbling incoherently.
Eddie scooped his daughter up into his arms attempting to get to the bottom of this. “Baby what’s wrong?” (Y/n) questioned reaching out to attempt to push back her daughters wavy hair. The minute (Y/n)’s fingertips brushed Jamie’s brown locks the little girl jerked away. It was as if her touch burned her. (Y/n) flinched away recoiling her hand.
Her angry expression softened a little when she saw both her parents looking at her with such concern. Jamie couldn’t stop her bottom lip from wobbling, her emotions getting the best of her. As soon as tears started welling up in her big brown eyes, she pressed her face in Eddie’s chest latching onto the shirt he was wearing. "You and Mommy don't love each other anymore!” she cried, her words muffled. Eddie attempted to pull her away from his chest to hear her more clearly but Jamie only managed to cling tighter to him.
"An- and it’s Santa's fault!” Jamie continued with a loud sob. Eddie and (Y/n) shared a confused look frowning. (Y/n) again reached out gently brushing her daughter’s hair back. This time Jamie allowed the touch. "Jamie love, what are you talking about?" (Y/n) asked softly.
Jamie finally pulled away from Eddie and looked up to her mom, tears falling down her cheeks. "Oh momma, please don't leave daddy alone he can’t live without you.” She wailed stretching her arms out to (Y/n). She had been angry with her mother not even minutes ago but the thought of her mom leaving her to go live with Santa in the North Pole crushed her. (Y/n) immediately reach out pulling her little girl into her arms wiping the tears from her face.
"Don't leave me and daddy please momma!" She sniffled. "Jamie, where did you get that idea? I'm not going anywhere!” (Y/n) promised kissing Jamie’s head. Jamie responded by wrapping her arms around (Y/n)’s neck and hugging her so tight it was like she worried her mother might disappear the moment she let go. "But last night I-I saw you ki-kissing Santa." she sobbed into her mothers shoulder.
Eddie had to hide his mouth behind his hand to conceal a laugh. "Jamie love bug look at me please.” (Y/n) chuckled softly. Jamie finally pulled away her shoulders shaking with silent sobs lip still trembling. Eddie met (Y/n)’s eyes with his Cheshire grin waiting for her to explain to their daughter what she had actually witnessed. (Y/n) gave him a stern look begging for help.
Eddie cleared his throat standing closer to his wife and daughter. “Jamie, what you saw last night was really just mommy comforting Santa. Daddy forgot to put his milk out last night and Santa was got really sad, because he thought we had forgotten about him.” Eddie explained. Jamie looked at her father thoughtfully thinking about his words hard. "Yes baby girl and I told him a you would never let us forget about him and gave him a big hug and kissed him on the forehead like I do for you when you’re sad.” (Y/n) continued.
Jamie looked between her parents sniffling a little wiping at her eyes. "Really?" She questioned. “Promise kiddo.” Eddie added ruffling her hair. Jamie finally smiled straightening up a little. “Good daddies much prettier than Santa anyways.” She beamed.
Eddie smiled smugly wrapping his arms around his two girls. “Now that that’s taken care of what do you say you help daddy put the decorations back up before grandpa comes over?” (Y/n) suggests. Jamie nodded excitedly so (Y/n) sat her down on her own two feet. The little girl ran over excitedly placing ornaments back on the tree.
Eddie kept his wife wrapped up in his arms pulling her flush against his chest. "Seems like we might need to keep the costume for the bedroom huh sweetheart?” He hummed quietly in her ear. "Without the beard next time Kringle.” (Y/n) smirked. "I didn't hear you complaining when I was between your legs last night." he whispered teasingly. (Y/n) slapped his chest lightly smiling at him. “Yeah I was feeling festive Mr Munson but I prefer the real you any day.” (Y/n) grinned.
Eddie leaned in pressing a soft slow kiss against his wife’s lips. When they pulled apart they were both wearing a loving smile. “Daddy help!” Little Jamie whined. Both her parents turned to see Jamie struggling to put an ornament back on the tree now caught in tinsel. “That is definitely your daughter.” (Y/n) teased towards Eddie who shook his head going to help Jamie.
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