#and i’m like uhm but i thought we were gonna hang out too. not just smoke and leave like.
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digitaldiseas3 · 8 months ago
my friend is lowkey pissing me off
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A day with the Fitzgeralds (Dean Winchester x female reader)
You and Dean visit Garth and Bess while you’re close by. There’s babies and diapers and a house full of chaos, and maybe Dean likes the look of you with the kids.
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Read it on AO3
Rated T. 2.9k words. Glimpses of Dad!Dean. Family planning fluff. Garth being Garth.
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You were hanging up on Sam just as Dean was pulling up to the house.
“We’ll see you when we get back,” Dean was saying into the phone you held between you two.
“Alright,” Sam replied. “Say hi to Garth and Bess for me.”
Ending the call, you put your phone in your back pocket, looked outside at the Fitzgerald house.
“It’s quaint,” you observed. Dean looked out the window too.
“Yeah,” he said, sighing, “can’t wait for our sleep-over with the werewolf family.” You chuckled.
“Beats some seedy motel,” you offered. Dean turned to you, grinning. “I like seedy motels.” You patted his arm, then opened your door.
“I know you do, honey,” you said.
Dean rang the bell, then took a step backwards, briefly running his hand into yours. You squeezed his and then the door was opened by a broadly smiling Garth.
“Hey you guys,” he said, widening his arms. Dean didn’t seem to want to step into them, so you did instead, squeezing the skinny man’s shoulders as you did.
“Good to see you, Garth,” you said, and he let you pass.
“Drive okay?” he asked just as Dean stepped closer, enduring a long hug.
“Yeah, all good,” he said, wrangling himself out of Garth’s arms and throwing you a look.
“Where’s Bess and the kids?” you asked to cover.
“They’re in the living room,” Garth replied. “Go on through.”
The cozy living room was only a few steps away. You had just enough time to see Bess sitting in an armchair, the twins in a little playpen before something grabbed you around the hips.
“BFA!” Gertie squealed, squeezing you. Your arm landed around her shoulders.
“Hey, squirt!” you grinned. Gertie let go of you, her little face beaming up at you.
“I have sooo much stuff to show you,” Gertie started rambling, not letting go of you. “I have a new game where you have to collect cards that are all pictures of boogers and Mom said we can make a cake or if not a cake then cookies.”
It was all one run-on sentence, but you thought you got the gist of it. Booger game. Baking a cake. Maybe cookies.
“That sounds awesome,” you replied, squeezing the little girl again. “I can’t wait.”
“Gertie,” Bess said, standing up and moving towards you, “give our guests a second to arrive, okay?” Gertie let go of you, reluctantly, and you and Bess hugged.
“It’s all good,” you said, pinching some of the girl’s hair between your fingers. “Me and the Gertster just have big plans.”
You heard Dean and Garth walk up behind you. Gertie shyly waved at Dean.
“We have the guest room downstairs made up for you,” Bess said, after also giving Dean a quick hug. “You guys wanna settle in first?” You looked down at Gertie.
“Dean can take the bags,” you said, throwing him a look over your shoulder. “I’m dying to see that booger game.”
Dean was back twenty minutes later while you were just laughing uproariously at one of the cartoon booger pictures Gertie was showing you.
“That is vile,” you said, making a face. Gertie was giggling like crazy and a rush of love for her went through you. Garth was putting the twins down for a nap and Bess was in the kitchen, preparing dinner. You showed Dean the card.
“Look at that,” you said, shaking your head. “Where was this kind of premium entertainment when we were young?” Dean chuckled, sitting down in one of the armchairs.
“No idea,” he said, “but I had an Etch-A-Sketch and I was freakin’ Michelangelo on that thing.” Gertie’s eyes went tide.
“You’re not supposed to say the f-word,” she lectured him. Dean raised his eyebrows.
“Uhm” he said, but Gertie was already distracted. Looking at you, she said: “I’m gonna ask Mom if we can make the cake, okay, BFA?” You nodded.
“You do that, booger,” you said and Gertie ran off.
“BFA?” Dean asked, while you were putting together the game, putting it back into its box. “What does that mean?” You shrugged, like it wasn’t a big deal.
“Only means best friend aunt,” you said, throwing Dean a look out of the corner of your eyes.
“Really?” he said, smiling a little.
“Yeah,” you replied, pushing yourself up from where you were squished between the couch and the small table you had been playing on.
“She christened me the last time I was here. But don’t be jealous.” You walked closer to Dean, and as he was raising one of his hands you held it. “I can have two best friends at the same time. I can be your…”
You thought for a second. “BFGF?” you asked. “Best friend girlfriend?” Dean chuckled.
“Sounds like a Bee Gees cover band,” he said and you grinned.
He raised his chin, looking up at you and you leaned down, kissed him.
“Gertie’s crazy about you,” Dean said when you separated. You sat on the arm of the chair, Dean’s arm going around you.
“Can’t say I blame her,” he added, petting your thigh.
“She’s got good taste, is all,” you said, leaning into him.
You were both quiet for a second, simply watching the sunrays falling through the window play across the wall of family photos, the reassuring sound of cars and people somewhere outside, Gertie’s excited voice in the kitchen.
“Would you ever want something like this?” Dean asked, not looking at you. You turned your head to him.
“Like what?” you asked. Dean shrugged, trying to look non-committal but you knew him well enough to recognize the seriousness on his face.
“This,” he said, using the hand that wasn’t around you to motion to the room you were in. “A house, mortgage, couple of kids.” He squeezed your leg where he was holding it.
“A handsome husband who’s an incredible lover,” he added, with a grin. You grimaced.
“Where do I find one of those?” you asked.
“Hey,” Dean said, squeezing again. You chuckled and he finally looked up at you.
“I don’t know,” you said slowly. “I guess I never really thought it would be an option. Not with hunting.”
“Yeah,” Dean said, absentmindedly running his hand over your leg. “We would have to get out of that first.”
You felt yourself tense a little. When had this gone from a would you to a we would?
“Do you want this?” you asked, your voice maybe sounding a little skeptical. “That would mean no more late nights at bars with no responsibility, no driving across the country,” you said. “Well, at least not as much of it. Plus diapers, and stuff.” Dean raised his free hand.
“Babies,” he said, like he was about to start a lecture, “are a lot like cars.”
“Oh, here we go,” you said, unable to suppress a grin.
“I’m just saying,” Dean continued, “there’s a logic, a system to how they work.”
“No,” you snorted, “babies are the exact opposite of that.” Dean shrugged.
“We’d figure it out,” he said and you tried not to get hung up on the we, but then Dean was looking up at you, catching your gaze.
“I could imagine doing it with you,” he said, his voice a little quieter.
You felt a shiver run over you. This was not the direction you had expected this little exchange to go. As if sensing the serious turn the conversation had taken, Gertie burst back into the room.
“We can bake cookies,” she said, a little out of breath and you just wanted to squish her. When she saw Dean’s arm around you, she wrinkled her nose.
“Eeew,” she said, “are you two cuddling?” Dean put his other arm around you too.
“You best believe we are,” he said and then, in a quieter, more theatrical tone: “And I might even kiss her later.”
You started laughing while Gertie ran from the room, screaming to the high heavens.
You were pretty sure you were going to find flour on your clothes and hair for a week when you all finally sat down for dinner, but there was a beautiful batch of rainbow sprinkle cookies cooling in the kitchen. Bess was a great cook, considering she and Garth mostly ate cow hearts, and you were all chatting away, Gertie proudly narrating her baking misadventures while the twins sat in their high chairs.
As you were getting up to collect the empty plates, Garth was just holding baby Sam when baby Cas knocked over his feeding bottle, sending juice flying everywhere.
“Oh muck,” Garth exclaimed. He was standing closest to Dean, so he turned around, quickly depositing the baby in his arms.
“Hold him for a second?” he asked. You pressed your lips together. You’d never seen Dean interact with a baby, but you were pretty sure he would hand the kid back as quickly as possible to Bess or Garth or even Gertie if he had to.
You put the plates in the sink, started running the water but then Bess was shooing you away, telling you no guest of hers would ever be doing the dishes. When you returned to the table you looked back at Dean and the toddler.
Instead of the panic and discomfort you were expecting in his eyes, he was looking down at baby Sam, quietly talking to him while letting him play with his finger. You felt a breath catch in your throat and saw that Dean was gently bouncing him on his leg.
“Wow,” you said, feeling a smile creep to your lips. “You’re good at that.” Dean looked at you, raising his eyebrows and grinning a little.
“I’m full of surprises, darlin’,” he said.
“I’ll say,” you replied, sitting down, Gertie pushing some wax crayons your way to help you with a picture she was drawing, but your eyes were caught on Dean.
“Sammy always got fidgety after dinner,” he said, then added: “The other Sammy, I mean.” You smiled, but you felt a little pinch in your heart.
Of course you always knew that Dean had essentially raised his little brother, their mother being dead and father barely around. You felt a little bad and a little naïve for thinking Dean wouldn’t be good at this.
It broke your heart, the circumstances under which he’d had to learn to be good at it, but it also filled you with love. Dean never gave his sweet, caring side enough credit, like it was something he needed to hide from the world. It had become your life’s mission to show him that he didn’t need to. Maybe it was closer to the surface than you’d thought.
“Alright,” Garth said, coming back from his clean-up mission. “Let me take this little goober off your hands.”
With that, he picked up Sam. You saw Dean looking after the two, father and son, a small smile on his face.
He caught your eye then, and you held his gaze, at least until Gertie tapped on your elbow, asking you to draw a tree.
The kids put to bed, you, Dean, Bess and Garth had sat around, chatting a little, but soon gone to bed. It was earlier than your usually bedtime, and much earlier than Dean’s, but as you climbed onto the creaking basement room pull-out couch, you couldn’t have been happier.
Dean tucked himself in behind you, one arm under your pillow, the other slung tightly around you. You stroked his hand, staring off into the near perfect darkness of the room, listening to the unfamiliar sounds the house was making.
“I could imagine doing it with you, too,” you said, quietly. You couldn’t feel Dean move and you wondered if he had already fallen asleep, but then you heard the rustling of the sheets, felt the movement of his head right behind yours, heard him breathe out of rhythm.
Also, you weren’t sure if he had understood what you meant, if that sentence had stuck as much in his head as it had in yours.
“Really?” he finally asked, also quietly, as if he was worried to say it out loud to the room.
You turned yourself around a little, because although you couldn’t really see him, you wanted to face him.
“Really,” you said. He had raised his head, was looking down at you and you could feel his warm breath on your face, smell his toothpaste.
“What would that mean?” Dean asked. He wasn’t one to get hung up on logistics, but he knew as well as you that you didn’t have the luxury of simply putting a child out into the world without first thinking about exactly what meant for the way you were living. You shrugged.
“I don’t know,” you answered, and it was the truth. You had no idea what that would mean, and it was hurting your head to even think about how much would need to change first for this to make sense.
“We’d figure it out, I guess,” you added. You felt Dean nod in the dark and then you felt him moving closer to you, the arm that had been around you running down over your hips and then to your thighs.
“Maybe we should already get some practice in,” he said, and you knew exactly what that tone he was saying it with meant. You grinned, lifting your head up to catch his lips as you gently kissed.
“I don’t really think that much practice is necessary, it’s pretty basic stuff,” you said, and then cupped Dean’s face, feeling the smile there.
“But better to be safe than sorry,” you continued, as you pulled him in.
The next morning, you were getting ready to leave. You’d volunteered for coffee duty, and were just pouring some into a large thermos when Dean’s arms wrapped around you, his face going to your neck as he hugged you hard. You giggled, trying not to spill any coffee. Dean’s hands were running over you, and stopped at your belly.
“I can already imagine how sexy you'd look pregnant,” he mumbled to you.
“Jesus, Dean,” you giggled, writhing out of his hold to put the thermos on the table together with your other stuff.
“It’s 9 AM, baby,” you said with an unbelieving smile, as you turned around to him. Dean grinned.
“Well,” he said, “it’s the truth.”
Just then the Fitzgeralds, all five of them, came in, there to accompany you both to the front door.
Gertie shed a couple of tears when she finally had to let you go, and you promised that you would call her from the bunker.
She looked up at her father, sadness in her face as Garth laid his hand on her head, and said, with utmost pity: “Do you know that she has to hang out with three boys all the time?”
“That’s why it’s so important for me to have cool friends like you,” you said, leaning down to hug her one more time. “To balance out all the boy stuff.”
After Dean finally escaped Garth’s arms you were both walking down to the Impala. You put your bags in the trunk and then waved again once you were sitting in the front. You took a sip of the coffee as Dean started the car. You were quiet for a few minutes, just looking at the road.
“So was that just momentary madness last night,” you asked after a few miles, “or do you really want to have kids?” Dean looked at you sideways in that playboy way he did.
“I’m pretty sure I counted you having three momentary madnesses,” he said. In response, a loud pfff left you and you slapped his arm, making Dean laugh, but then you laid your hand on his knee.
“I was being serious,” he finally said, concentrating on the road. “Were you being serious?”
You thought for a second, looking at Dean. Imagining what he could be like with his own children. You wondered how that would change him, what it would do to him. You wanted to find out.
“I was,” you replied. Dean let his right hand drop to your one on his leg, holding it.
“Okay,” he said, “then we’ll talk about it.”
“Sounds good,” you said. He looked over at you, and letting go of your hand, waved you over with two fingers. You scooted over while he was looking at the road again, kissed him as much as it was possible with his face turned sideways. Then he held your hand again.
You turned yourself around a little, looking at the backseat.
“Do they do baby seats for Chevys?” you asked, wrinkling your brow. Dean raised his eyebrows, also briefly looking back. He inclined his head when he looked out front again.
“We can get a van,” he said, and then quickly added: “Additionally, of course. This one needs to stay around.” He patted the stirring wheel and nodded. “It’s a good car to learn how to drive in.”
What he said tugged at your heart. The idea was too lovely, too sweet.
Dean looked over, and maybe he saw that your eyes were a little misty.
He let go of your hand again, and instead laid his arm over the back of the bench. You moved closer to him, leaning against his shoulders.
“That sounds really nice,” you said, in a quiet voice, and then you were both looking ahead, at whatever was in front of you. 
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halfbloodprill · 1 year ago
Hiiiii !! I have a req :)) sooo loser virgin bsf Luke x fem reader smut ^^ luke is also horribly in love w her but won’t confess cuz he’s nerdy 😍 but we know he does anyways with the way he acts to us, and how flustered he can get from small things — like if ur shorts ride up a little too much and he can see ur thighs or literally even just when ur knees touch
authors note- omfg. i love this. i hope you don’t mind i took this in a very subby and needy luke way. if u want it written another way submit again and i can redo it for u. this was so fun thank u! sorry for the long wait 😣 enjoy <3
best friend luke who gets so flustered from nothing. he swears he’s good at hiding the rising blushes and his sweaty palms when he’s with you but you see right through his lies. you have always noticed the longer than normal gazes or the way he hangs on every single word you utter. how his face gets so red from the smallest things. it was cute. it was so anxiety ridden and antsy of him. his nervous behavior was just normal in your friendship now. he had gotten bolder though. the way he shamelessly stared at your boobs when you wore those little tank tops that had him hyperventilating. or when your little sleep shorts would ride up and he saw every inch of your soft and plush thighs. and especially when you would stand up and he could see your ass and how it swayed so tantalizing with every step you took. it especially killed him when you two had a movie night and you were pushed against his chest, your boobs practically spilling out of your tank top and it took everything for him to not look directly down at them.
the contact was too much this night. your body was so warm against his. it didn’t help that now he knew how warm you were and he knew he would think of this the next time he was fisting his cock while he was moaning and whining your name. he could already feel his erection growing so he abruptly stood up.
“Uhm- i’m gonna get water. need anything?” he questions before he retreats. “Oh. No i’m okay lukey. make it quick, ‘kay?” you replied sweetly. he internally groans at the nickname you gave him. so sweet and innocent. if only you knew how filthy your best friend was. but of course you knew. you had a plan. he finally came back with a full cup of water. he settled back next to you and he could feel your hand start to slide down on his thigh.
“What- What are you doing?” he questioned in a breathy tone. already affected by your touch. “ I cant touch you? Thought we were friends lukey,” you said with a small pout. your lips were so kissable and your eyes were wide and so doe like. “N-No it’s fine. that’s okay,” he stuttered out. your hand began to travel to his inner thigh. he couldn’t hold back his whimpers anymore. “Can i make you feel good? i know you want this. wanna treat you so well baby,” you ask as you start to slide off of the couch and into your knees in front of him. He starts to whine at how perfect you look in front of him. “Fuck. Yes. please. never done this though,” he admits shyly.
“Aww that’s okay. i’m so glad i’m your first. you’re gonna remember me forever baby,” you say with a smile. you get into your knees and start to lean up at him for a kiss. he’s nervous at first. clearly also new at kissing. your sucking his tongue and prodding into his mouth. your teeth are clashing and he’s letting out the cutest whimpers ever. “Please- Please make me feel good. I’m so horny for you. been horny for you forever. please,” he pleaded with you. his eyes are so watery and his face is so red from how good he feels already. you can’t help but laugh at his state. you stop teasing him and begin to leave a wake of kisses from the base to his tip. his hips are squirming off of the couch and you have to use your hand to push his hips back into the couch while the other hand is rested on his thigh. you begin to engulf his length with your mouth, staring up at him through your lashes. you see him straining to hold back. your mouth is so tight and warm and so foreign to him. he’s never felt this way before. he’s straining and panting. he’s letting out deep breaths. his face is flushed from his effort to not cum yet and there are droplets of sweat evident in his forehead that his hair is sticking to.
“Cant! Cant, Cant. feels so good. your mouth is so good. please don’t stop,” he’s whining with his head thrown back in pleasure. you giggle at his reaction. your tongue is teasing his slit and his eyes go cross at the sheer amount of pleasure. just to tease him, you let your teeth scrape him and he lets out a low groan from the sensation.
“Oh fuck feels so good. So warm for me,” he’s whimpering. he feels so good tears are brimming in his eyes and threatening to spill. you keep sucking and attacking his sensitive slit until his hips are bucking into your mouth and you feel his cum hit the back of your throat.
He’s groaning as he comes down from his high. His body is twitching and is feverish to the touch but you aren’t done yet. You start to straddle him and his tip is at your entrance before he realizes.
“Wait! Please it’ll be too much. Cant take it anymore,” he’s sniffling.
“Yes you can. and you will,” you reply with a devilish smirk. At that, you lower yourself and feel the stretch of his cock. His head is thrown back again and his eyes are crossed, his drool about to spill from the corner of his mouth. He looks so perfectly fucked out.
“Wait- Feels so warm. So tight. You’re so velvety inside, maam. Feels so good,” he says mindlessly before he starts to buck up into your cunt. His hips are moving faster now, chasing his urge to finish. His tip is pounding your cervix. He’s moaning and stuttering at every sensation of you clenching around him. You’re lost too. Your hands are groping your tits, hair wild around your head, and sweat glistening your body. you forcefully grab his jaw and make him kiss you as you sloppily make out with him. there is spit running out of your mouths and onto his chest. it’s sticky and messy between you too.
He pulls back with a moan. “Fu-Fuck. Gonna cum.Please say I can cum. PleasePleasePlease,” he chants while his hips are still vigorously fucking you, not letting up his pace.
“Go ahead baby. Cum for me,” and at your words he paints your gummy walls white. But you’re not done. You still need to teeter off that edge. You’re still riding him while he’s lying limp on the couch. He’s trying to regain himself but the overstimulation is too much.
“Stop Stop Stop. too much. too far. Ca-Cant take it. M too sensitive,” he says before you finally crash over, finishing with a a loud moan.
“Good boy.”
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gh0stsp1d3r · 10 months ago
ℳ𝒶𝓎𝒷𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 𝓈𝒾𝓈𝓉ℯ𝓇
Chapter 8- hate you too
Summary: Rafe is back at Tannyhill, taking care of “business.” Pope gets himself into some trouble, and you get to talk to Rafe again. But by doing so, you betrayed the pogues and your brother.
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“Look at you! You’re so grown up!” Big John told you, you gave him a smile and wrapped your arms around him. It had been a while since you’ve seen him.
Everyone celebrated big John’s return to the Chateau, JJ hopping on his back with a wide smile on his face.
JJ thought of him as the father he never had, whenever your guys dad used to hit him, he always had a place at the Chateau. You had even been there quite a few times, when it got real bad.
You all sat down now, listening to them explain everything.
“Yeah, yeah, so we, um… we went to the archive in Charleston, and, uh… it was a dead end. A dry hole.. so…”
“So that’s the gold, the cross, and now El Dorado. We’re there for three, guys.” Pope spoke, pausing. “The streak continues.” He scoffed. “That’s great.”
Pope and Kiara left, you looked at JJ and he stood up. You did as well, mostly because he was your only ride at the moment.
You got him a new bike with some of the money you saved, and you were fixing the car later.
“I’m going fishing. Thanks for the beer.”
“Yea, thank you. See you guys later.” You told them, giving John B and Big John a small smile before following him.
“The cross is not on the train, Rafe. It did not arrive. Somebody stole the cross.” Wards voice spoke over the phone.
“Oh my God, wait, who stole it?” Rafe spoke, feigning his confusion.
“I don’t know who stole it, Rafe!”
“That’s rough.. I- I mean it could’ve been anybody, really, right?”
“Not really, Rafe. It could be one of a very few people.”
“Well, I mean, you know, we were just giving it away anyway… so, who cares?” He shrugged. “Who cares?”
Ward exhaled, making Rafe have a smug smile on his face.
“Okay, Rafe, okay. That’s done for now. I need you to finish the list I gave you. I want you to… sign for the east river property, when that’s completed, shut down the offices-“
“Yeah, no, I- actually I wanted to talk to you about that. Uhm, I’m thinking maybe we should keep the offices.”
“Yeah, I’m thinking maybe I should stay down here for a while. You know, really grow the company. I think it’d be good for us, right!”
“Listen to me, Rafe-“
“No. No, no, no, you listen, okay?” He put himself on speaker. “You listening? You remember when you told me to make myself useful? Well, thats exactly what I’m doing. I’m making myself useful, alright? I can do shit, you know? Explore options… so for the benefit of all, I think I’m gonna hang out for a while, okay?”
“Rafe, listen to me, you are there for one reason. You are to act as my proxy to shut down the companies, okay? That is our one play, and if you cannot do it-“
“If I can’t do it? If I can’t do it, then what? Then what?” He shouted, “you gonna hop on a plane? Come down here? I mean- it’ll be like a goddamn Elvis sighting! Ward Cameron, everyone! Oh my God, he lives! He’s back from the dead!”
Rafe scoffed, looking down at the ring on his finger.
“I got the family ring now, Pops. Yeah, I’m wearing it, and it’s my time to step up, okay? You’re dead.”
You took a deep breath, raising your hand to knock on the door.
“Hold on!” Ricky shouted from inside, you heard rummaging before he came over and opened the door.
He looked at you, your eyebags dark, your clothes dirty and ruined, your expression tired.
“Holy shit.” He spoke, dropping whatever was in his hands before stumbling to pick it back up.
“I- i heard you were back and i tried texting you- but-“ he said with a laugh when you wrapped your arms around him.
“Broke and lost my phone.” You told him, smiling as you pulled away from the hug.
“Shit- uh, come in.”
“And rumor has it, along with everything else, you stole that catamaran out there.”
“I didn’t s- I was with Sarah Cameron when i was on that boat. That’s their families boat!” He pointed.
“Not according to the registration. It’s Rafe’s boat, and he says you stole it. He’s keeping it here because he doesn’t want you around it.”
“Okay, Billy, come on. There’s got to be something.”
“I’m sorry kid.” Billy sighed out. “Guffy put the nix on it. Okay? I can find cheap help that doesn’t piss my clients off.” The phone started ringing and Billy glanced over. “I gotta go.” He sighed, leaving.
As JJ walked on the dock with tears begging to be let out, he heard a familiar voice shout.
“Damn, Rafe. Come on, country club. Bro, how are you gonna have this and not even tell me! You got a whole YMCA up on this bitch, dude.” Barry spoke with a laugh.
“Barry! Time to think. All right, we need to make a move.” Rafe shouted, standing up now.
“That’s all we do, bro. We been making moves.”
JJ hid, watching the conversation and listening in on it.
“Yeah, well we don’t have much time. Yo, come down here, you’re not gonna believe this shit.” Rafe spoke, all of them stepping down.
JJ sighed, thinking as he stood up. He took off his shoes, and dove into the water.
“I’m just saying we need to take this shit seriously.” JJ heard Rafe say when he went closer, now in front of the boat.
“Dude, bro, i should get a tooth made out of this, huh?” Barry asked, smiling as he held up a bar to his teeth.
“Look, don’t be touching the shit. Just put it back.” Rafe told him.
“So paranoid, bro.”
“I don’t give a fuck about the cross. I’m trying to make money.”
JJs head snapped up at his words.
“I told you, my aunt, she got some contacts. She gonna help us move these little bitches. The gems, the nuggets, the whole damn melted enchilada.” Barry told Rafe.
“These gems are mint, man. The golds bullion. We’re selling it in bars. Alright? I’m not gonna deal with some half assed pogue shit with some reject from Zale’s, bro-“
“Watch how you speaking about my auntie, dog.”
“I’m not talking about your aunt. I’m just…” JJ swum back to the dock, the rest of the conversation not important now that he knew about the gold and the cross.
“Pope… he has the cross and he melted it down.”
Popes face fell, he stared out into the water.
“Fuck!” He shouted. “Of course it was Rafe.” He said as he panted.
“Yeah, I mean, we probably coulda guessed that.” You said.
“The cross of Santo Domingo, desecrated! For money? God!”
“I know.. so.. I think we need to stay calm to make a plan, but we got to stay-“ JJs sentence was cut off as Pope smashed the floorboards.
“Getting better at that.”
“This is messed up, man. Even for them.”
“I know.” JJ said.
“Couldn’t agree more.” You told them.
“And they’re just gonna keep getting away with it. They’re gonna keep doing that shit. Gonna keep winning.”
“I mean, pope, is this news to y-“
You hit JJs shoulder before he could finish that sentence, giving him a pointed look as he rubbed his shoulder.
“No. But I’m sick of being the good guy.” He said, before walking away.
“Pope.” Cleo said, but he started to run. “Pope, where are you going?”
“Well, I appreciate the help, you three.” Mrs. Heyward spoke, you and Cleo coming out and setting up tables.
“You know I ain’t missing Mrs. Hayward’s cooking.” JJ said with a small smile, wiping down the table.
“Unlike my derelict son. He’s usually here by now”
JJ tried to steal something off the grill, but his hand was slapped away.
“I’m sure he’ll be back any second, Mrs. Heyward. Probably just going through a rough time. It’s been hard adjusting back to normal life. For all of us.” You told her, a hopeful smile on your face.
“Either one of yall moved the pistol from in there?” Heyward spoke, pointing to the inside. “The one I keep under the register?”
“Whoa, okay, I didn’t touch it. Okay?” He quickly defended
“He didn’t.” You told him.
“Yeah, well somebody did. Cause it’s gone.”
“I got my own gun, Mr. Heyward.” You held your hands up in defense when he looked at you.
“You see? I- dang it. I gotta find it.” He stormed inside, Mrs. Heyward following.
“Shit.” You muttered, turning to the both of them
“He’s going after Rafe.”
“I’ll check the marina.” You quickly spoke up. “Okay… I’ll come with.” JJ spoke, but you shook your head.
“Go with Cleo to Tannyhill. I doubt he’ll be at the marina still.”
“I haven’t talked to you in a minute, all right? No, look, listen, okay, the situation is we got… I got it. I got it right here. It’s bars, in bullion. All right.” Rafe spoke on the phone, pacing on the boat.
Pope held the gun, moving it up. He cocked it, pointing it to Rafe and aiming carefully with tears in his eyes.
He heard the footsteps before he heard your voice.
“Pope..” you mumbled. “If you do this, your whole life will go to shit. Trust me.”
“I don’t care.”
“But you care about your mother. And your father. What would they think?”
“I think they would understand how I feel.” Pope said, tears now streaming down his face. “For once, he would lose like we always do.”
You sighed, sitting down next to him and putting a hand on his shoulder, as he spoke.
“It doesn’t matter anyways. I’ve lost everything.”
“Are you kidding? You have a family, you have a home. You have friends that would kill themselves for you. Pope, you are the smartest fucking kid I know, but that is some bullshit coming out your mouth right now.” You paused for a moment.
“I know that right now it feels like nothing matters, and believe me, I’ve been there, but trust me, what you do is going to matter.” You continued.
You grabbed his arm, lowering it along with the gun, he exhaled and sobbed. You held him, letting him cry into your shoulder.
“Just breathe, dude. You’re good.”
You glanced back at Rafe on the boat, watching him pace back and forth on the phone.
“I’m sorry, J. I already asked, but there’s no room left in the house. I’m sorry.” You told him, a sad smile on your face.
“You think you can stay at the Chateau for a while? I- I just got this new job, and I’m really trying. I swear. I’m gonna get like- I’m gonna have to get like two more, but I swear, I’m gonna get some place soon, even if it’s like.. a fucking shithole-“ you rambled on.
JJ nodded, cutting your off with his words. “I’ll figure it out, it’s all good. Don’t worry ‘bout me.”He told you, shrugging and putting his cap back on his head.
“Are you sure?”
“Jesus, I’m sure. Jb won’t mind, I already practically lived with him before, I’ll do it for years again if I have to.” He shrugged.
“Thank you, JJ. See you,” you nodded, giving him a small smile before walking away.
“See you, dude,”
Yeah, a lot happened after that. John B showed up, Big John had been kidnapped, and now JJ and John B were going to some professors house to get info on where he might be, because all they knew is he was somewhere in South America.
And you were currently working two jobs, one of which was a bartender one.
The bar was in a club on figure eight, so of course you heard a bunch of shit. But today, you couldn’t help but listening in on the conversation.
“You know that Rafe Cameron is sellin’ fucking gold? From like some… ancient artifact or something?” One man said to another, downing the shot he had just gotten.
“Sell a bit here, a little bit there. Under the radar.” Rafe had told Barry when he talked about the plan for selling the gold. Clearly, that had not worked as well as they hoped, since word got around.
You listened intently, your job of wiping up the bar now forgotten.
“What? That’s weird. Heard he’s been on his fuckin’ rocker ever since his dad, and ever since that one girl from the cut.. what’s her name?”
“You talkin’ bout Maybanks sister?” The man asked, not even glancing at you as you filled up his cup again.
“Yes!” He snapped his fingers. “Her. He’s been weird since they broke up.”
“Has he, now?” You asked them with a quirked eyebrow. It was then they looked at you, eyes widening in realization.
“I mean, shit, I see why now.” One of them mumbled when you walked away, making you smile to yourself.
Tannyhill parties. You hated them. You sighed as you stood in front of the house, shaking your head to yourself as you went in through the back and hopped through an open window, avoiding the dude at the front door.
Rafe really had to hire his own bouncer? That’s low.
You tried not to get spotted, and somehow it had worked. Because among all the drunk and horny teenagers, you were hidden.
You went up the stairs when you didn’t see him anywhere. And you glanced in his room, no sign of him.
“And, if you would kindly follow me, Miss Sofia.” Rafe spoke, guiding her outside.
“VIP section.” He spoke, putting an arm around her.
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah, only very, very special people are allowed here.. so.”
“So you can see the water…” he pointed out to the ocean.
“Hey, that ain’t no Jim beam bullshit! All right? That’s Pappy Van Winkle, that’s like a days salary bro! Aye, if you don’t have a drink in your hand get the hell out of my house! Get off my property!” He shouted to the partygoers, all of them cheering at him.
“So this is the VIP life huh?”
“Mm-hmm. Yeah.”
“Cool.” She beamed at him.
“You wanna see some more?” He asked, but before she could answer he heard a a familiar voice.
“Nice party. This shit still tastes like garbage.” You told him, holding up the red cup with some expensive shit you got downstairs.
You wouldn’t admit it stung to see him with another girl. But you did like the way her smile faltered and fell when his eyes were on you now.
“How’d you get in here? Thought I had-“
You shrugged. “I used a window. Can we talk?”
He glanced at you and back at Sofia.
“Alone.” You clarified.
“I’ll be right back, don’t go anywhere, yeah?” He told her quietly. She nodded.
You both went into his room, he shut the door behind him. You stood in front of him, your arms wrapped around yourself as you looked around the room.
“You wanted to talk, so talk.” He snapped impatiently.
“Jeez, okay, okay. Just cut to the chase, do you have my jacket? I haven’t been able to find it and I know I always left it here.”
“You came here, through a window, for a fuckin’ jacket?” He asked, his tone annoyed.
“No… that’s… that’s not my point. I just… Rafe, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t need to be.”
He was listening now.
“Why the fuck did you burn down the cross?” You asked him.
“What?” He laughed, your sudden change in demeanor was hilarious to him. “I- it’s mine. Don’t you guys get that?” He pointed to himself, his eyebrows furrowed. “Mine. I fuckin’ went to hell and back for that thing.” He pointed, voice louder now.
“Yeah, all for some fuckin’ money! Which, may I remind you, you already have plenty of. You’re being an asshole, Rafe-“
“Yeah, and when am I not with you?” He scoffed.
“Do you really wanna have this argument? Right here? And while I’m here, I broke up with you, so why are you telling people it’s the other way around? You don’t wanna seem like a pussy or something?” You are practically shouting now, happy that the music drained out the noise.
“Oh, don’t even!” He laughed. “Are you fucking-“
“It is Popes cross, not yours. And just admit you don’t wanna be seen as the boy who begged and cried for his girlfriend to come back!” You yelled at him, poking your finger into his chest.
When the fuck did you two get so close to each other? You thought.
You looked up at him, panting. He stared down at you. He grabbed your wrist, harshly holding it in his hand.
Your heart raced as he leaned down, capturing your lips in a fiery, heated kiss. One full of anger, pent up feelings. Of course, you didn’t reciprocate at first.
You fell under his spell, however, seconds later, kissing him back. His hand let go of your wrist, and were currently on your sides, pulling you even closer as you both crashed onto the floor, you straddling him.
“I- I fucking hate you.” You muttered when you both pulled away, causing him to smirk against your lips.
“Hate you too.” He told you, going back to shoving his tongue in your mouth.
@cassie0sstuff @rafesgiirl @fals3-g0d @tiaamberxx @callsignwidow @saintnourah
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mrschristensen · 6 months ago
Yesss that’s absolutely fine can’t wait to read it 😁😁😁
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(link to og ask)
WARNINGS: eventual smut/porn w plot (READ AT YOUR OWN RISK), female s/o, threesome (the boys aren’t dating each other tho cuz INCEST), unprotected sex (piv), dp (double penetration), praise, degradation, name calling (slut), a bit of worship, oral/facefucking (m receiving), brief tit and pussy slapping, brief nipple play, a bit of aftercare, lmk if I missed any!
synopsis: The twins take their best friend on a trip with their family, and end up confessing things that weren't wanted to be said.
-> note: Scott still does have sexual trauma, but it was with his aunt (who they now have a restraining order against). I’m so sorry this took so long!
WC: 1,922 words
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Sam and Scott were going on a trip to Maine; their grandparents had owned a house there and they handed it down to their parents, so now they used it as a vacation home whenever they were going up there for a bit. This time, though, they wanted to bring an extra guest.
"Morning, mom," Scott said as he came down the stairs from his room. Sam was already in the kitchen, eating a bowl of cereal. It was rare to see him actually eating elsewhere besides his own room, but his excuse was he "just felt like it."
"Hi, sweetie," she responds lovingly as she makes herself some waffles, "what do you want for breakfast?"
"Uhm... I'll just have some cereal," he decides, grabbing the box and pouring some into a bowl he fetches as well.
The silence was deafening, and all it did was create a slight tension in the room. "Mom..." Scott starts, and he looks at Sam, raising his eyebrows at him. They discussed this last night, wanting to ask to bring their best friend (and crush) along with them, but they never really came to a final thought. Sam shook his head quickly, but stopped and continued eating his food normally when their mother turned around.
"Yes?" she said. "What is it?"
He hesitates for a minute, wondering if he should give into not asking like his brother wanted him to, but he decided to ask anyways, being the asshole he is. "...Can our friend come with us to Maine?"
Sam groaned, slamming his head onto the island in frustration, which earned him a silently scolding look from his mother. He was fucked as soon as Sam could get him alone.
"The one that dresses like you?" she asks, to which he nods. "...Well, we all like her and enjoy her company. So, to be honest, I don't see why not."
Scott's eyes widened in surprise, and Sam's head shot up, his expression one of pure shock too. "What?" their voices rung out through the kitchen.
"A thing at work popped up, emergency, so I can't go with you guys. However, I'd be more than happy if she went with you both, so then you'll have someone else to hang out with. I was going to invite her anyways."
They certainly didn't see that coming.
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That’s how they ended up loading up their mom’s van with their bags, waiting for her to show up. Their hearts pounded in their ears, the tension only heightening with each passing second.
And then she showed up, wearing a simple sweatshirt and sweatpants. It was going to be a long ride, so it made sense why she’d want to dress comfortable. But all it did was make their cocks harden in their pants. They thought she looked good in anything; she could wear a potato sack and they’d still get aroused.
“Hey, guys,” she greets as she carries her bags with her, gently putting them on the ground to return the hugs they immediately gave her. They were acting like they were little kids on Christmas with how excited they were.
“Hey,” Sam said, ruffling her hair a bit playfully. “You excited?”
“You should be,” Scott chimed in, “the place we have in Maine is huge. We got jet skis and kayaks for the lake, we got a shit ton of games… It’s gonna be so fuckin’ fun.”
"I bet," she responds as she puts her bags in the back, the twins following suit with theirs. Sam couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt; she might just think of them as friends, but they wanted something more. What if they completely screwed up if they told her, and that their friendship was ruined?
Scott felt the sudden tension from his brother, since they're pretty much involuntarily synced, and elbows him lightly. They both lock in a stare, and immediately, Scott knows what he's thinking about. "It'll be fine, man," he whispers to his brother.
"Are you sure about that?" he murmurs back, hoping it didn't seem suspicious. However, he felt a bit of relief since she was already opening the door and getting in the car. "I just... I don't know about this, dude."
"We at least gotta try," Scott says, "because we'll never know if we don't. You know she ain't gonna make the first move if she does feel the same."
Sam nods a little, "I know, I know. I guess we can try... I at least wanna stay friends. But what if she doesn't wanna?"
He sighs. "Then we'll just have to live with that. Somehow."
The both of them just decide it's probably the best that they stop talking, and they both get in the car as well. They weren't going to get anywhere just sitting there with their dicks painfully hard.
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Once they got there, they settled in, unpacking their things and chilling out on the couch. The place was massive, and they took pride in it as they saw how awestruck she was. They were right on the water, too, which made it even more of a beautiful area.
"I wanna go for a quick swim," she states, getting up from the couch, "you two can come if you want. Then we can watch a bunch of horror movies when I get back, like we wanted."
They nod, and Scott looks over the couch. "I'll come," he says, turning off whatever random movie they put on.
Sam only took the initiative, feeling a little bit of jealousy, "I'll come too."
And so they all changed into swimwear, and the twins couldn't help but stare as they saw her in a black bikini. She smirked, rolling her eyes playfully. "Like what you see?"
They snapped out of their trance, their faces flushing a bit in embarrassment. They were way too alike sometimes.
She chuckled, "I'm just fucking with you guys."
They made their way to the dock, and she was the first jump in, emerging a few seconds later and moving her hair away from her face. "C'mon, you chickens!" she called out. "The water's perfect."
Sam looked at his brother, who simply shrugged, before following suit and jumping in. Coming up a few seconds later, he gestured for Sam to join them. He sighed, rolling his eyes before doing the same.
Eventually it became a warzone, all of them splashing water at each other and laughing. It was perfect, the addition of the sunset making the moment even more memorable, and Sam couldn't hold it in anymore. As she sent water towards him, he went under, popping up right in front of her.
His blue-grey eyes locked on hers, and they both just looked at each other for a moment before he cupped her face and kissed her passionately. Surprisingly, she was kissing back. Thank god, that would've been awkward.
Scott, for one, was shocked. Wasn't Sam literally the one that was reluctant to do this in the first place a few hours before? However, he didn't object to the idea, making his way over to the two. He put himself behind her, grabbing her hips and kissing her neck.
She moaned a bit into the kiss as she got double the attention, wrapping her arms around Sam's neck as their tongues danced.
He picked her up while still kissing her, her legs wrapping around his waist, and carried her inside, Scott following the two eagerly. They were in for a wild ride.
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They laid a towel on the bed, and put her down on top of it, taking a second to just admire her there. Her hair was fanned out above her head, as if it were a halo, and she was panting for air she was trying to regain from the heated kiss. They made quick work of removing their swimwear, and soon all three of them were naked.
They couldn't even believe this was happening right now, but she wasn't objecting to anything, so they took it as the hint that she wanted this just as much.
"Jus' tell us if it's too much, mkay?" Sam murmurs, to which she nods in response.
She then looks over at Scott. "Are you sure about this, Scotty?" she asks, "I don't want you to force yourself-"
"I've never wanted anything more in my entire life," he cuts her off. "I'm okay. Trust me."
He then then grabbed her hips, bringing her to the edge of the bed, his cock right at her entrance. "I'm goin' first."
Sam rolled his eyes and got on the bed above her, tapping the fat head of his dick to her lips. "Kiss."
She obeyed, giving little kisses to his tip like she were worshipping him. He smirked, satisfied. "Good girl... gonna have to make you worship me a lot more often. Lick."
She once again complied, kitten licking the throbbing head. He sighed in content, watching her submit to him as Scott pushed inside her.
She gasped, her head tilting back a bit so now her nose was touching Sam's tip, and he slapped her breast, making her cry out. "I didn't tell you to stop, slut," he growls, and she immediately goes back to kissing and licking, to which he hums in approval. "There y' go. Good fuckin' girl."
Scott set an unimaginable pace, barely giving her time to adjust. He just fit so perfectly, how could he resist? "Oh my fuck, Sam. You're gonna love this pussy just as much as I am," he grunted, "fit so nicely. She was so made for us."
"Yeah?" he says to his brother, before giving her another command. "Open."
She opens her mouth, and he slides inside, ignoring her tiny gag and he thrust into her throat. "Oh wow, baby. You're a fuckin' natural. Takin' us like a pro."
"I'm gonna cum!" she whimpered, though it was muffled because she had Sam's cock stuffed down her throat. They could make out what she said, though, and Scott only sped up, even though it felt like he was already at maximum speed.
"C'mon, cum for us," Scott coaxed, moving his hand to give little slaps on her clit, amplifying her pleasure. At the same time, Sam pinched both her nipples while still fucking her face, sending her over the edge and squirting all over Scott's cock.
He groaned and followed shortly after, shooting ropes of his hot seed inside her, her walls milking him for every last drop. Sam came at the same time as his brother, ironically, releasing his cum into her mouth and pulling out shortly after. "Show me," he commands, to which she sticks her tongue out, his seed on her tongue and in her mouth. He hums in content, smirking, "Swallow." She complies, and he leans down to kiss her.
Scott had a smug smirk on his face, too, pulling out to admire his work and watch his cum drip from her greedy hole. "Let's switch."
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After a long, intense night, the three of them cuddled under the sheets, her in the middle, Scott in front of her and Sam behind her.
"...I love you guys," she whispers, still overstimulated from all the rounds they had.
Sam smiles, kissing her cheek from behind. "I love you too."
"And I love you too," Scott adds, not wanting to give his brother the upper hand, kissing her forehead.
She smiles to herself, "So, are we're like... dating now?"
"Well, duh," Sam responds, putting his chin on her head. "Just not dating... each other, y'know."
Scott nods in agreement. "But we're gonna have to get used to sharing, then."
Sam smirks a bit, "I'm fine with that."
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kissedlver · 1 month ago
「 ✦ jeysmullet ✦ 」 presents
chapter 3.
i would like to say before we get into this chapter. there will be mentions of domestic violence and abuse.
Janae Parker.
9:52 am. January 4th, 2024.
I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. A groan fell from my mouth as I stretched before reaching over to the table beside me, grabbing my phone. I saw it was a text from Josh. My brain was foggy but the memories of yesterday brought a frown to my face as I remembered why he stayed with me last night. i unlocked my phone before checking the message.
hoochie daddy josh🤙🏽.
my fault for leaving while you were sleeping, but Jon wanted to train and i didn’t want to wake you. i left you some breakfast in the microwave. if you get upset again just let me know and i’ll come back over.
hoochie mama janae🤙🏽.
*you loved hoochie daddy josh message*
thank you for staying with me last night, and thank you for the food too.
I locked my phone, placing it down on the couch before getting up and stretching once again before walking into the kitchen. I stepped over to the microwave, opening it, seeing a plate with eggs, bacon, and hash browns wrapped up in saran wrap.
I took the plate from the microwave, taking off the foil, before placing it back in the microwave and heating it up for a minute.
I grabbed the hot plate with caution, before closing the microwave and making my way to the drawer with my utensils in it.
I opened it, grabbing a fork, before closing it with my hip and walking out the kitchen. I carefully sat down on the couch and placed my food in front of me, on the coffee table.
i got comfortable before grabbing the plate back up and digging in.
「 ✦ timeskip ✦ 」
I sighed as i plopped back down on the couch after putting the plate back in the kitchen. I reached forward towards my phone, grabbing it, and then settling back comfortably.
As soon as i unlocked my phone, my stomach dropped. Ya’Mari had texted me 10 minutes ago.
Ya’Mari ❤️.
You really thought i was gon let that shit from last night slide? You was with dude whole time we were on the phone. You playing in my face and you know ion play that. Lemme catch you, Janae.
Janae (main fuck).
Ya’mari, what are you talking about? You’re scaring me.
I’ll be there in 5 minutes.
I felt my heart drop as i reread his message. I tried thinking of what to do. I decided the best thing to do was call Josh.
I quickly went to his contact and called him. It rung two times before it indicated he answered.
“Wassup?” Josh spoke out of breath.
I’m guessing he’s still working out.
“Josh i don’t want to interrupt you but i know you told me to call you if something happens.”
I heard him tell somebody that he had to step away and then he responded to me.
“Yeah, you not interrupting me. What’s wrong, Nae?”
“Uhm, Ya’Mari texted me and it really scared me. He said he was coming over.”
I heard Josh take a deep breath.
“What did he say?”
“basically he was like you thought i was gon let that shit from last night slide? You was with dude whole time we were on the phone. You playing in my face and you know ion play that and then he said lemme catch you. Josh i’m scared..”
I heard as Josh went quiet and started walking somewhere.
“Aye Jon, i’m gonna hit you later. I got something to deal with.”
I heard rustling on his side before hearing him speak to me once more.
“I’ll be there in 10 minutes.”
“Okay. Be careful.” I said as i brought the phone from my ear and hanging up.
I threw my phone on the couch beside me before running my hands down my face. I felt tears well up in my eyes. I was terrified. i mean, yes, i could defend myself but it’s different with Ya’Mari. It’s not just physical. It’s mental too.
I felt myself jump as i heard a bang on my front door. I mentally prayed that it was Josh. I slowly got up and walked over to the door. I looked through the peep hole seeing, Ya’Mari.
“Open the door. I know you in there, Janae.”
I felt the heat run through my body as his pounding on the door began to grow louder. I slowly reach to unlock the door before opening it.
As soon as the door was fully open, I noticed the wind being knocked out of my body, as Ya’Mari pushed me onto the hardwood floor. My hands rushed to my side as i felt a sharp pain.
“Please Mari,” I called out to him but you could barely make out what i was saying.
He laughed at me before bending down to be leveled with me. He grabbed my hair pulling my head to the side. I let out a loud sob as he continued to tighten his grip.
“Nah bitch, ain’t no please now. Should’ve thought about that shit before you gave his bitchass my shit.” Ya’Mari stated before forcefully grabbing my throat.
“MARI PLEASE, I NEVER DID ANYTHING WITH JOSH,” I felt the air escaping my lungs as his hand wrapped around my throat. My hands made there way to his, trying to pry them off my neck.
I saw my vision getting blurry before Ya’Mari brought his hand to my face, slapping me.
“Nah bitch, you staying awake for this.” Ya’Mari wrapped both his hands around my throat, before bringing his hand up in the air and slamming it back down onto my face once again.
My sobs got louder and louder. I was gasping for air before i felt the pressure being removed from my neck. I took a deep breath trying to regain my breath. As my eyes cleared up, I saw Josh on top of Ya’mari.
“Don’t ever pull no bullshit like that. Fuck you thought this shit was. I should fucking kill you.” Josh spoke as he slammed his fist into Ya’mari’s face.
Josh got up and grabbed Ya’mari by his hair, before dragging him outside, before walking back inside and slamming the door.
He looked over at me before rushing over to me.
“I’m so sorry, Nae. I should’ve driven faster.” Josh started to ramble.
“It’s okay, atleast you’re here now. Thank you.”
He smiled before placing his hands under my arms and helping me get up.
“Come on , i’m taking you to the hospital.”
「 ✦ timeskip ✦ 」
Janae Parker.
“Okay, all your tests came back good. You do have a slight concussion, but if you rest and avoid any physical activities, then you should be good by monday.” The doctor smiled at me as he placed the small flashlight in his pocket.
“Thank you, Doc. I really appreciate it.” I stood up from the table smoothing my shirt back out before walking back over to Josh.
“Of course, and as of the bruising just make sure to ice it.” I nodded before going to open the door. I walked out with Josh right behind me before making my way towards the door leading to the office area.
Josh wraps his arm around my shoulder before speaking.
“You good ma?”
I shrug before sighing.
“I just never thought he would do something like that. He really put his hands on me.” I feel tears spill from my eyes once more before Josh brings his thumbs to my face and wipes them.
“I got you, Nae. Don’t cry. He ain’t never gon touch you again.” Josh places his hand on the door handle before pulling it open allowing me to go first.
Josh keeps a comforting arm around my shoulder as we walk on the sidewalk on the way to the car. He goes to the passengers side, opening my door, letting me climb in. He shuts the door behind me before walking to his side and getting in.
“You wanna go back to your house?” Josh looks over at me with a questioning look as he places his hand onto mine. I shake my head. “Good cause I wasn’t letting yo ass go back there anyway.”
I laugh as he starts the car and starts driving. I feel my eyes get heavy as I play with his hand. I gave in as my eyes closed letting sleep take over as Josh drives us to his house.
「 ✦ timeskip ✦ 」
9:45 am January 17th, 2024.
I groan as I sat down in the corner of the practice ring as Trinity went to grab her water bottle as we wrapped up our training.
“You good sis?” I lifted my head up from leaning on the turnbuckle and looked at her with my eyebrow raised.
“I’m as good as i can be right now.” I know what Trin’s talking about. I told her what happened with Ya’mari a few days after it happened. She offered to let me stay with her while I was recovering and resting, and while Jon was on the road with Josh.
“Are you going to tell your mom?” I sigh as I lift myself off the mat before shaking my head.
“Janae, you need to tell her.” Trinity continues as I slide out of the ring.
“I will, I just need time. I don’t need her to worry.” Trin sighs as she nods.
“I understand but just promise you’ll tell her eventually. You know she’ll get pissed of if she finds out from someone else.” She holds out her pinky towards me. I wrap my pinky around hers.
“I will, I promise.”
Trinity grabs our bags, handing me mine before throwing me the keys. I caught them before grabbing my water bottle. We walk out of the training facility and get into my car.
As I was driving, Trin started talking.
“What’s going on with the storyline for you and Josh?”
“We’re starting it this week. I’m interfering in his match to defend him from Rhea.” I stop at a red light.
Trinity smirks. “Ooo baby, i’m excited.” I laugh at her words.
This was going to be exciting.
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brewsterispunkk · 2 years ago
eddie munson x reader
part 1/4
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pairing: eddie munson x f!reader, eddie munson x shy!reader (only one use of y/n and I cringed writing it)
rating: 18+ mature! minors be gone!
summary: reader has had a secret crush on Eddie Munson for months, only she has been too scared to tell him. When she’s forced to tutor him, she lets it slip that she feels like she’s missed out on the normal “high school experience.” Eddie aims to change that.
A/N: this has been in my drafts since LAST MAY!!! & i am just now finishing it jfc. this is part one to a series I’m looking to make three parts! I’ll finish it if it’s the last thing I do!
You hated first period. Always had, ever since sophomore year when you’d had AP literature with the juniors and Carol Perkins had made it her life’s work to make your life a living hell.
You didn’t know exactly what you had done to make her hate you so much, but early on in the year, she’d made it abundantly clear that you were going to be her new target. And you, being the only awkward, braces-faced sophomore in the class, had elected to suck it up and take the bullying.
After all, she was telling you everything you already knew; your hair was frizzy, your teeth were crooked, your acne was ugly and awful. The usual things that you, with the same awful self esteem that was characteristic of every knobby-kneed 14-year-old, had already heard and already believed.
Eventually, when your study-buddy and the only other underclassman in the class, Nancy Wheeler, found out about the full extent of the bullying, she’d done something about it. She had just started dating Steve Harrington at that point, and despite his larger than life hair and not so great reputation, he was nice to you by association. He was the one who got Carol to stop.
Still though, you thought that that god-awful year of excruciating first-period classes had ruined them for you for good; conditioned you somehow into expecting the worst from your first class of the day so that now, as a senior, you still dreaded it.
Today was no different.
You tapped your foot distractedly in the back seat of Steve’s car as he pulled out of your neighborhood.
“For the last time, Robin, no you cannot play the new Clash cassette. Put it away—“
“Oh come on, Harrington. It’s good.” Robin sighed exasperated. She’d been your next door neighbor since you were five, and your best friend ever since.
“Oh, oh! Like the new Madonna album?” Steve asked, eyebrows raised as he looked at Robin in the passenger seat.
“Or the Duran Duran one?” You piped in, biting your nails and looking at her expectantly. Immediately, her head whipped back to you, mouth open in a silent gasp.
“Wha—“ she made a choked sound, looking between you and Steve before bringing her gaze back to you, narrowing her eyes. “Who’s side are you on?”
“Uhm, the side of good music.” You countered, playfully sassing your best friend.
“Wow..” she drawled dramatically, interrupting you.
“And right now,” you continued. “Harrington has the better mixtape. Sorry!” You batted her hand away as she reached back to smack your arm.
“Boom!” Steve declared triumphantly, raising his hands from the wheel for a split-second. “Sorry, Robs, we love you but if I have to listen to one more of your mix tapes, I’m gonna—“
“Yeah, yeah! I get it.” Robin was silent for a moment before turning around to glance between the two of you. “You know, every day I remember how it was me that got this little group together, and every day it comes back to bite me in the ass.”
“Oh right,” Steve scoffed. “You’re forgetting, I’ve known y/n since junior year, and I’ve only known you for like, I don’t know, nine months.”
“Okay, but you two weren’t friends.” She gave Steve a pointed look. “It wasn’t until I convinced her to come work with us at Scoops Ahoy that we all started hanging out. So what I should be hearing is ‘thank you Robin.’”
In the rear view, you saw Steve roll his eyes at her antics, a smirk on his face.
“Actually,” you pointed out. “Steve and i hung out almost every day sophomore year.”
“Yeah,” Robin pressed. “But that was because of miss prissy-pants, Nancy Wheeler, not because you two were friends.”
You bristled a bit at your best friend’s name for Nancy. You knew she probably didn’t mean anything by it, but still. She didn’t know Nancy like you did. And Nancy had been nice to you when you didn’t have many friends besides Robin. She’d made it her problem when you were being bullied and did what she could to stop it, when she didn’t have to.
You and Nancy hadn’t really talked much since she and Steve broke up. Even after the whole ordeal last summer, with the mall “fire,” and Russian agents in Hawkins, you two hadn’t really reconnected. But there was no bad blood there. You wished her the best.
“I don’t know, Robs,” Steve interjected. “I think she gets bragging rights for knowing me longer.”
You laughed at that.
“Oh whatever,” Robin shook her head, leaning her elbow on Steve’s open window, bopping her head to the music pouring through the speakers.
“Good god, I don’t wanna be going back there.” She groaned as Hawkins High came into view. “It’s not too late to skip you know.” She craned her head back to look at you, a hopeful look in her eyes.
“I’m highly considering it.” You bounced your knee, trying to relieve some of the tension in your limbs.
“Ugh, no I can’t.” Robin exasperated. “My moms gonna kill me if she finds out I skipped again.”
There goes my chance, you thought, knowing there’s no way you’d skip without her.
“Yeah, I do not miss this place, gotta say.” Steve mused as he pulled into the parking lot. Robin rolled her eyes at him. You chuckled. They fought like an old married couple.
“I have Ms. Taylor first period,” you groaned at the memory of the stern, mean older woman who you had for home room this semester.
“Oh god,” Steve laughed. You smacked his shoulder. “Well, good luck with that. I’ll see you two at 3.”
You and Robin begrudgingly exited Steve’s car, facing the pit of despair known as Hawkins High School.
Thank god this was your last year, you thought to yourself.
As you eyed down the beige brick building, you could’ve sworn you felt a bit of your soul get sucked out. It may sound dramatic, but it was true. You felt yourself retreat into yourself the closer you got.
Something about Hawkins high just did that to people. Made them retreat and put on whatever mask they had to go get through the day. You were no exception.
“Let’s get this over with,” Robin mumbled beside you, beginning to walk toward the doors.
“Let’s.” You sighed back.
- - - - - -
There was one aspect of first period English with Ms. Taylor that you considered a saving grace—not that you’d ever admit it out loud.
Eddie Munson.
You weren’t sure why it started, if you were honest with yourself.
In fact, at the beginning of the year, you, like everyone else, were actually a little bit terrified of the lanky, tall metalhead that the rest of the school had dubbed “the freak.”
Before this year, you hadn’t really had many encounters with Eddie Munson. You’d known of him, sure, but never really interacted with him. Besides the few random outbursts he’d have in the cafeteria, and one time when you’d given him a pencil in your art elective freshman year, you’d kept your distance. Most of what you’d heard about him came from the kids; which meant they were lies, at worst, and exaggerations at best. You could tell they admired him from the way they spoke of him—Dustin in particular, who had spoken of Eddie in the way he’d only ever spoken of one person before: Steve. But that was the extent of your knowledge.
Eddie had been two years ahead of you technically, although now he was a senior, same as you, and stuck in the same miserable first period English class with Ms. Taylor.
It had started out innocent enough, you liked to tell yourself. You weren’t always swooning over him and his leather jackets or studded rings. It had just snowballed.
It had begun like this: it was the first day of your senior year, and to add to your nerves at a new dreadful year, Ms. Taylor had given you, and all your classmates, assigned seats.
Great, you’d thought. Just great. Now you had to sit next to a complete stranger while also being a complete ball of anxiety all class.
You were early. Much to your chagrin, Steve had insisted on picking you and Robin up earlier than usual because it was your first day, and what if you have trouble finding your classes. Completely ignoring the fact that you and Robin had gone to Hawkins High for three years and knew it like the back of your hand.
Still, it had gotten you here, 15 minutes early to the first bell, trapped in a room with no one other than Ms. Taylor, and Eddie Munson himself.
“You’ll be right there, beside Mr. Munson.” Ms Taylor had drawled monotonously, eyes focused on a stack of papers on her desk.
You froze, looking over at Eddie, who was scribbling down in a notebook in the second to last row of desks from the back. He looked up at you for a moment before going back to his writing.
“Did you hear me?” Ms Taylor said your last name. You snapped out of it, smiling over at her and gripping the strap to your backpack before making your way to the seat.
“Yeah. Sorry, Ms. Taylor.”
You sat down rigidly, looking anywhere but at Eddie. Ms Taylor left the room to refill her coffee cup in the teacher’s lounge, leaving you and him the only people in the room.
You felt your hands begin to shake at the impending doom of first period rolling around. You knew it was dumb; it’d been two years since the first-period-from-hell, and you still couldn’t shake your fear of home room. You clasped them together, folding your fingers on top of each other on the desk, trying to calm your breathing. Your heart pounded in your ears.
“Look, you can relax, okay,” Eddie’s annoyed voice beside you snapped you out of it. “I won’t bite.”
You looked over at him, his face looked impatient, though if you looked closely, you thought you could detect a little bit of hurt there too. Your eyebrows furrowed, before you realized what he must have been thinking.
He thought you were scared of him.
It made sense, though that was far from what was going through your head.
“No,” you began quietly, before clearing your throat. “That’s not what I—that’s not—that’s not it.”
“Whatever you say,” he mumbled, eyebrows raised as he continued writing.
That was the day it started. The watching him.
It’d begun as a way of coping; a way to distract yourself from Ms. Taylor’s droning on about Shakespeare, or the whispers of the two mean girls who sat at the front and liked to glance back at you and snicker.
Your therapist had mentioned the method to you a few months before, a way to maybe cope with your anxiety in anticipation with the upcoming school year. It was a method that your shrink had described as a way of ‘hyper-focusing’, or concentrating on one thing until the anxiety wore away.
And in the haze of your first day, you’d focused on Eddie.
But eventually, as the year wore on, it developed into something different.
You began to notice his hair; how it would fall over his face as he frowned in concentration at whatever he was writing in that book. His hands, big and flanked with gaudy silver rings. You began to wonder how they’d feel on your skin, running through your hair, over your stomach.
It was almost a type of game you played with yourself; a form of escapism. On days your anxiety got too much, the days your hands would sweat and your feet couldn’t cease their tapping, you could look beside you and focus on Eddie. And it would all fall away.
You supposed that’s why you kept your little obsession a secret; it was embarrassing.
Not the fact that you were infatuated with him, but the fact that you’d been using practically a complete stranger to talk yourself down from anxiety attacks. You hadn’t even told Robin, the person you shared everything with. And somewhere in the back of your mind, you knew that this wasn’t some little crush or admiration—it was more than that.
But you refused to admit that to yourself, because there was one huge, glaring problem. That being that Eddie Munson hated you. You were sure of it.
It was as if after the awkward encounter you’d shared at the beginning of the year, he avoided you like the plague. Not looking, talking, or even so much as breathing your way once. And the one time when you’d gotten the nerve to ask him a question, he’d barely grunted out a response before the had rung and he was gone.
That had been the first and last time you’d attempted to talk to Eddie Munson. Your crush was doomed, you knew it. Not only were you convinced he couldn’t stand you, you also were almost positive that he still thought you were scared of him, like he did at the beginning of the year.
Which, to be fair, you were. Just not in that way. As far as Eddie was concerned, you were scared of him in the judgy, superficial, ill-intentioned way that the rest of Hawkins was, not in the butterflies, tongue-tied, make-your-hands-sweat way that you truly were.
Besides, even if you were the most confident person in the world (you were far from it), and if Eddie didn’t, for some inexplicable reason, hate you, you were sure that you would have absolutely no chance with him anyway. Because why would Eddie Munson, all crooked smiles and sure steps and kind eyes, be even the least bit interested in you? It was inconceivable. Because you were shy and scared and binary and everything he was not.
So, you’d deduced that you were doomed to wait out this life-ruining crush the same way you’d been doomed to wait out countless other things in your high school life: silently.
- - - - -
Today was no different than the other nearly insufferable first periods you’d endured this school year, aside from the fact that today was Monday, which brought with it a more tired you, and a much, much more irritable Ms Taylor.
She’d assigned two detentions so far this period, to Bradley Green and Doug Mitchell, two boys from the basketball team that had been throwing spitballs and harassing Eddie, who merely smirked at them in response, effectively egging them on.
You glanced at the clock, tapping your foot subconsciously on the off-white tile below your feet.
5 minutes left, you reminded yourself, watching the clock tick down. Your hands started to clam up. Perfect.
You let out a shaky breath. A few rows in front of you, Pam Simpson and Diana Fiorelli glanced back, eyes zeroing in on you, before Pam snickered and leaned over to whisper into Diana’s ear.
This wasn’t new; they always had some off-color remark or an unnecessary eye-roll to throw at you ever since they found out about your close friendship with Steve Harrington, former king of Hawkins High.
How two nerds like yourself and Robin Buckley had managed to bag someone as popular as Steve the hair Harrington as a best friend seemed to be beyond them, and they sought everyday to punish you for it.
The truth was: Steve had left all of that behind. From the wake-up call that was his break-up with Nancy, to the whole fighting-monsters-from-another-dimension thing, he didn’t really care about it anymore. He’d found better friends in you guys. The whole Russians-in-Hawkins, and Starcourt “fire” helped too.
It was true what they said about trauma: it brought people together.
You tried to ignore their whispering, like Robin had encouraged you.
She was absolutely livid when she’d found out that Diana had “accidentally,” spilled her yogurt parfait over your new blouse last week. It had taken a whole five minutes of both you and Steve talking her down from her stupor to stop her from marching straight to the gymnasium, interrupting cheer practice, and giving Diana a black eye. After though, when you’d managed to calm your best friend down, she’d gone off—trying to convince you to stick up for yourself, to say something. If not to the mean girls themselves, then to Ms Taylor at the very least.
But that was the difference between you and Robin; where she would act, you would listen. Remain passive. It was a trait that served you well when it came to retaining information or solving upside-down-related issues, in situations like these, it kind of screwed you over.
You turned your head from the front of the classroom, blocking out Ms Taylor’s lecture on T. S. Elliot and instead turning your head to the desk beside yours. Eddie’s desk.
He was hunched over, head on his hands, which were crossed and folded on top of the desk in front of him. His chin rested there, and his dark eyes were focused on the board, squinting, as if trying to make out what it said.
He seemed to be trying to pay attention, a stark contrast to how you usually saw him hunched over around his worm notebook, scribbling or drawing.
He wore dark blue jeans today, instead of his usual black ones, and a Quiet Riot band T-shirt . His leather jacket was draped over the chair behind him, as Ms Taylor’s room was hot today. His hair fell messily over his back and in front of his face. His ringed fingers tapped on the desk—he was evidently as anxious for the class to end as you were.
You knew he had trouble focusing. You’d picked up on as much throughout the school year, watching him try and try and try to stay locked in to whatever Ms Taylor was teaching.
So many of your classmates had written him off: cult leader, satanist, idiot, freak, but you saw something different. The Eddie you knew (well, not really knew, more like observed) was none of those things. He was different, yes. Flamboyant, sure. But he was not an idiot. Nor was he evil or freakish or anything of the sort.
The ringing of the bell snapped you from your thoughts. You jerked your head back to your desk as your classmates began to pack up and bustle out to their next classes, the sound of backpacks zipping and chatter filling the classroom.
Per usual, Eddie was the first out of his seat, already packed and ready, before leaving the classroom with long strides, eyes trained on the floor, narrowly avoiding your gaze.
You shoved your notebook into your bag, bending over to zip it up and run like hell out of the classroom. You hoped to avoid any unnecessary contact with Pam and Diane. Ms Taylor cleared her throat, before saying your name.
“I’d like to see you for a moment, please,” she said monotonously, eyes focused on the grade book in front of her. A shot of anxiety spread through your stomach.
“Yes, Ms Taylor?” You asked quietly, noting that you were the only two people left in the classroom.
“You have one of the top grades in the class, second only to Mr. Levy, did you know that?” She asked, still not looking up. You puzzled. So you weren’t in trouble?
“Uh-I-no, I didn’t, actually.” You mumbled, brows furrowed.
“Indeed,” she hummed. “I also have been made aware that you are lacking an extracurricular for graduation, is that correct?”
Shit, you thought. She was right.
Last summer, you’d been set to take a summer gym elective; the ones that the school offered during the school year were too crowded and made your anxiety act up, so you and Robin had both signed up to take summer gym. However, the upside-down and the Russians’ presence in Hawkins at Starcourt had had other plans, so both you and her had failed the class, due to bad attendance. And while Robin had made sure to complete her gym credit last semester, you’d completely forgotten about the whole debacle until now.
“Yeah,” you breathed, in shock that you’d managed to forget about something so important when graduation was only months away. “I-I forgot—“
“I figured as much,” Ms Taylor cut you off, finally looking up at you. “Well, seeing as it’s too late in the semester to sign you up for any electives, it would seem that you’ll be having to repeat your senior year.”
Your breath left your lungs.
No, you thought, no, no, no. The last thing you could handle was another year stuck here. In this high school, in this city. You felt your breathing stutter at the thought.
“Luckily for you,” Ms Taylor continued, refocusing you on the moment. “I have a solution that may just save you from that.”
You blew out a breath between your lips, looking at her anxiously.
“Yes,” you breathed out. “Anything— I completely forgot about—“
“I trust you’re familiar with Mr. Munson?” She interrupted you. Your brows furrowed. What did Eddie have to do with this?
“Well, then I’m sure you’re aware that this will be his second time repeating his senior year.” Ms Taylor looked up at you now, her beady eyes laser-focused. “If he fails again, the school won’t be giving him another chance. It would seem that this class is one of the only things standing between him and a one-way ticket out of this school.”
“I dont think I follow—“ you began.
“You will tutor Mr Munson.” She clarified, face stoic as ever. “From now until the end of the spring semester. If you do this, and if I see improvement, I will make it count as your extracurricular. You’ll be able to graduate on time, and he will get the hell out of my classroom for good.”
You were stunned—not only by the fact that you’d be forced into proximity Eddie Munson for the rest of the year, but the fact that Ms Taylor would speak so candidly about a student.
“I—I-“ you tried to articulate what to say next, but found you were unable to gather your thoughts.
“I can’t,” you finally managed, dumbly. Ms Taylor raised a thin eyebrow at you.
“Well,” she said. “It seems that unless you want to repeat your senior year, you don’t have much of a choice.”
“But, Ms Taylor, I—“
“Look,” she sighed your name. “You’re a smart girl. Mr Munson may be… a handful, but I promise he’s harmless. You will be fine. You can even meet on the school premises, if you’d feel better about that.”
Dear Lord, you didn’t know how to tell her that the reason why you couldn’t tutor him was not because of his reputation, or that you were scared of him, it was because you could barely form a coherent thought in his presence.
“Are we clear?” She asked, arms crossed. You tried to speak, but your mouth was dry. You just gulped and nodded.
“Good,” she smiled tightly. You sighed, turning to leave, already knowing you’d be late to your next class. She called your name as you began to exit, your hand on the door handle.
“Just know, I will be checking weekly with Mr Munson to see how tutoring is going. So don’t think that if you fail to show up I won’t know.”
You nodded, shutting the door behind you as you left.
Great. No escaping it. What if you embarrassed yourself? What if he really did hate you? What if—
You jumped, too caught up in your thoughts to even notice the tall, lanky figure leaning up against the lockers next to Ms Taylor’s classroom.
“Jesus, sorry.” Eddie looked at you with wide eyes, an arm coming to steady you on your shoulder. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
When you just stared at him, he cleared his throat, removing his hand from your shoulder. A part of you mourned the loss.
“So, uh,” he began, looking down at his feet as he walked alongside you. You tried not to notice the faint scent of his cologne that sent a thrill through your gut. “So I guess she told you? About the tutoring?”
When his curly head snapped up to meet your eyes, you quickly faced forward, realizing that you’d been ogling his side profile while he was stumbling over his words. You nodded in confirmation.
“Ok,” he said, rubbing his hands on his legs. “Ok,” he repeated, stopping and turning to face you. “I’m just gonna cut the bullshit: I really, really need the help in this class.” His eyes were a bit wild, panicked. Like he thought you were going to run away from him the moment you got a chance. “Like, ‘really,’ as in, if I don’t pass, I don’t graduate. And I know you really don’t wanna do this, and she’s forcing you, and that you hate me, and you’re scared of me, and all that, but if you could please—please— just help me get through this class, I will make it as painless as possible spending all the time with me.”
By the end of his little speech, he looked frantic, like he was pleading—and you suppose he was. And before you could stop yourself, you just nodded, looking at him dumbly, before remembering to speak.
“I’ll help you pass.” Was all you could manage.
He sighed a breath of relief, running a hand down his face.
“Thank you,” he said, and you could’ve sworn it was the most sincere you’d ever heard him. “Thursday after school in the library sound good?”
- - - -
You arrived early, because, of course you did.
To say you were nervous would be an understatement; you were terrified. Mostly of making an even bigger fool of yourself than you had earlier in the week.
You’d spent the better part of the last three days poring over your last interaction with Eddie in the hallway, when he’d begged you to tutor him, and you’d gotten about five words in edgewise.
He’d practically accused you of hating him, and instead of correcting him—like you’d been dying to do for the whole semester—you stood there like an idiot.
You wished you’d told him then and there in that hallway that he was wrong; that you weren’t scared of him, and that you didn’t hate him. That you were just shy and awkward and he unnerved you. So, you decided to do just that.
Last night, while finally talking through the whole situation with Robin, you’d decided that the first words you’d say to him would be: “I’m not scared of you and I don’t hate you.”
It was a bit abrasive and to-the-point, you knew that. But, you also knew that if you let him get a word in before that, you’d lose your nerve. At least this way, you got your point across.
Your eyes ran over the page of your book for what felt like the fiftieth time. You sighed, throwing the worn novel down on the table.
There was no way you’d be able to get any reading done, not with your nerves eating you alive.
The book wasn’t that good anyway. You had no clue what Robin meant when she said Hemingway was ‘profound.’
You sighed again, eyes finding the clock in the library.
He was five minutes late.
You felt something deflate inside you. Maybe he’d been bluffing about the whole thing, or maybe he’d changed his mind and wouldn’t show. Your mind ran with the possibilities.
The library was sparse at this time.
It was just past three, and most students had already rushed out of the building. It was Thursday, which meant that the town was just waking up for the weekend. It wasn’t uncommon for friend groups to have small get-togethers, or even for one of the bigger cliques to throw a party.
In fact, Steve had managed to convince Robin and yourself to attend one later that night. Which was a feat, because you didn’t make a habit of going out.
It was at Darren’s house: one of the few friends from high school that Steve actually kept up with after, y’know, everything.
Robin was hoping Vicky would be there. You were just hoping to let loose a little.
With all this business with Eddie and your impending (maybe) graduation, your nerves had been through the roof. A party was just what you needed to calm down.
“Sorry,” he appeared out of nowhere, and before you could stop yourself, you jumped.
“Sorry!” Eddie rushed out, slumping down in the chair across from you. “Really, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to scare you all the time. Sorry I’m late.”
You stared at him.
God, he was pretty.
His hair was big and frizzy, per usual, and fell around his face as a halo. His brown eyes were wide and almost doe -like, and his cheeks were rosy with exertion.
He must have been running, you thought. But why? He wasn’t that late.
“Were you running?” You blurted before you could think. Your brows furrowed as you looked at him.
“Uhhhh, yeah,” he drawled. “Yeah, I ran into some trouble getting here.”
“What trouble?”
“The usual.” Eddie rubbed his eyes, and for the first time since he’d sat down, you noticed how disheveled he looked.
His white tee shirt was stained on the shoulder with what looked like… fruit?
“Is that… food on your shoulder?”
“Shit,” his gaze snapped to his shoulder. “Yeah, uhm. It’s jello.”
Eddie looked… embarrassed. For the first time in the time you’d known him, he looked sheepish.
“Was it Jason?”
“That obvious?” He laughed mirthlessly. In fact, it was a little menacing.
“He’s a dick.” You said without thinking.
Eddie just nodded, staring down a place on the table.
“Are you okay?”
He looked at you, dark eyes guarded.
He seemed to be sizing you up, eyes following you up and down. But his usual playfulness was gone. Instead, he looked almost… forlorn.
“Uh, yeah.” His lips lifted into a humorless smile. “Just done with this bullshit, I guess.”
“Hmm,” you hummed.
“I’m tired of people looking at me like I’m a freak. I’m tired of not behind able to fucking walk to class in peace, I’m tired of people being fucking,” he slammed his hands on the table in front of you. When you jump, he throws them up. “Scared of me!”
You stay silent for a moment, letting him stew and collect himself. After a few seconds, Eddie sighs.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t—“
“I’m not scared of you, and I don’t hate you.”
“—mean to—what?”
“I’m not scared of you.” You repeated, wiping your clammy hands on your jeans. “And I don’t hate you, like you said on Monday. I’m Im just,” you stopped to take a breath. “It’s just hard for me sometimes. With… new people.”
“You sure? Because you look scared to me.”
“You aren’t helping.”
Eddie shivered, rubbing at the jello-colored stain on his shoulder.
“Do you… want to change?” You asked shakily.
“Nevermind,” you rushed out, shaking your head. “It’s nothing. You just—looked cold. I have an extra sweatshirt.”
“And you think it would fit me?”
“I like to wear them a few sizes too big.” You added lamely.
Eddie contemplated you for a moment, before sighing.
“What the hell,” he said half to himself. “Why not?”
After he pulled the lilac crew neck over his head, he smiled.
“Okay,” he chuckled. “I’m sorry. Thank you for doing this. I know it can’t be great for your…image.”
You snorted at that.
“Yeah, my image isn’t exactly suffering.”
“Yeah?” He leaned forward, setting his chin on his fists.
God, his forearms. You forced yourself to look away.
“Yeah. Not exactly prom queen here.”
“Eh, prom queen is overrated.”
You laughed, your own crinkling eyes meeting his. You thought you saw his eyes soften as they looked at you. The vision of him there, in front of you, made your stomach flip.
You cleared your throat, turning to your notes in front of you.
“So,” you straightened your notebook. “Ready to talk about T. S. Elliot?”
- - - -
The party was loud. Mötley Crüe boomed through the speakers that Darren’s rich family had in what seemed like every room.
You silently thanked Darren for having good music taste. The party would have been unbearable otherwise.
You sighed as you walked out the back door of the house. The inside had gotten a bit too stuffy for you, and with Robin trailing after Vickie and Steve reconnecting with one of his old flames, you were flying solo for the time being.
You brushed your jeans with your hands before sitting down on the back step, a lukewarm rum and coke in the solo cup in your hand.
You felt yourself deflate.
As a senior in high school, this was the closest you’d come to actually living.
While Robin had had her fair share of secret flings and parties and Steve had lived a wild four years of high school, you were just… there.
At eighteen years old, you felt like you’d missed out. Been robbed. The Upside Down had something to do with that, you supposed. Fighting for your own and the kids’ lives from Russians and other-worldly demon creatures tends to do that. Still, it didn’t stop your friends from living. You felt like you’d let your teen years pass you by, but mostly, you felt pathetic.
Sure, you had the grades, but rather than that? You had nothing to show for your time at Hawkins High.
“Hey tutor,” the smooth drawl came from the side of the house. You’d know it anywhere.
Eddie rounded the corner of the house, approaching where you were sitting on the back step.
He wore the same black jeans he wore earlier today, but his jello-stained shirt and your lilac crew neck were gone, replaced by a t-shirt with what looked like Judas Priest’s logo. His arms were crossed over his chest, covered by the black leather he wore more often than not.
“Hey,” you offered lamely, rubbing your hands together.
“What ya doing out here all alone?” He came to stop in front of you, his chunky combat boots taking up your line of vision.
“Just…taking a breather.” You smiled up at him, tight-lipped.
“Hmm,” he hummed. “Scoot over, then. It’s a little too… preppy for me in there.”
You obliged, scooting over a few feet so he could sit next to you. As he dropped down on the concrete step next to you, he was close enough that you caught his scent.
It was deep, some kind of cologne, mixed with cigarette smoke and a hint of what you knew was weed.
“So…” Eddie bumped his shoulder into yours. “Thought this wasn’t your crowd?”
“It’s not,” you pressed your hands between your knees. “Robin and Steve dragged me here. I thought it would help me… unwind.”
“Robin… she’s in band right?”
You nodded.
“And Steve… I don’t think I know that one.”
You chuckled.
“You definitely do,” you peeked over at him, eager to see his reaction. “Uh, Steve Harrington?”
Eddie looked at you like you grew a second head.
“The hair?” He asked incredulously.
“The very same,” you nodded.
“God, sweetheart.” Eddie shook his head. “I’m beginning to question the company you keep.”
Your heart leapt at what he called you. Sweetheart.
“I know, I know,” you held out your hands. “He was an asshole. But he’s different now.”
“I find that hard to believe.”
“He is!” You turned to Eddie defensively. “I wouldn’t be friends with him if he was still the way he used to be. He isn’t like…”
“Jason?” Eddie raised an eyebrow at you. “Like Pam and Diana?”
“Exactly.” You nodded. “He’s still… peppy. He just lost all the bad parts.”
“Hmm,” he crossed his arms. “I’ll take your word for it.”
A moment of silence passed between the two of you, the only sounds being your breath and the roar of the party inside. Your breaths swirled in the chilly air around you.
“Why are you here?” You spoke finally. “You said this wasn’t your scene.”
“It’s not,” he shrugged, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a little baggy filled with green substance. “I’m, uh, supplying the party favors.”
You snorted at that.
“These things good business?”
“You have no idea.” He nodded to the inside of the house. “A lot of these kids’ allowance is more than what my uncle makes in a week.”
You hummed, content to just sit in silence.
Eddie tilted his head at you, leaning his chin on his hands again like he did earlier in the library. He tilted his cheek toward you, an easy smile on his lips.
“So, why are you really out here, tutor-girl?” He looked at you curiously. “You look upset.”
You drew a heavy breath, before sighing.
“It’s dumb.” You picked at your nails.
“Try me.”
“I feel like..” you looked up, before turning to Eddie. “I feel like I’ve missed out. I’m a senior, I’m graduating this year, and I have done nothing.”
Eddie’s eyebrows furrow, but he doesn’t move to interrupt you. He only leans further toward you, spurring you to continue. The alcohol gave you the rest of the confidence you lacked.
“All my friends have had their little rebellions. Their flings, all of it. And I have done nothing, except drink shitty booze and nearly lose my mind.”
You blew a deep breath once you’d finished. Somehow, you felt even worse—more pathetic—now that you’d vocalized it.
But Eddie didn’t look at you like you were pathetic. Instead, he looked pensive, hand on his chin as he contemplated. It was your instinct to backtrack.
You moved to stand
“Sorry. That was a lot. Nevermind. Let’s just forget I—“
“No, no, don’t apologize.” He grabbed your arm and gently pulled you back to sit beside him. “Especially after what I dumped on you earlier.”
Your cheeks were red, you could tell. Whether that be because of the combination of the alcohol and the confession, you couldn’t tell.
“Hmm,” Eddie hummed, still thinking. You snuck a glance over at him and noticed a wry smile on his face. “Let’s fix it then.”
“We have til May, don’t we? That’s eight months. Your senior year isn’t over yet.”
You laughed nervously.
“I couldn’t ask you to do that—“
“You’re not! I’m offering. Consider it payback for all the hours you’ll be tutoring me in Taylor’s class.”
“Okay.” Eddie smiled. “It’s a deal, then .”
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6okuto · 1 year ago
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gn!reader | late bokuto birthday post. kyaaa.. sorry for using sociology btw. i’m coping
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university student!bokuto who you meet the first day of classes. it was hard not to notice him on the train, nor how you seemed to be taking the same path. you’re speed-walking down a pedway—just a few minutes from being late—when his eyes flicker over to you. “we were on the train together, right? i thought it was funny we started walking the same way. what class are you going to?” he asks with a smile.
and it’s a cute smile, but you wish it wasn’t because you’re starting to run out of breath and you don’t think the one you flash back is anywhere near as easy. “sociology with, uh, philip.”
your new-found acquaintance lights up. “really? me too!”
“yeah, i had him last year and he was really good,” you reply. and maybe it’s the adrenaline, or the way he seems so friendly despite how little you’ve spoken, but you decide to introduce yourself first.
the stranger grins again. “it’s nice to meet you,” he says your name hesitantly, as if testing it out for the first time. “i’m kotaro!”
university student!bokuto who has an impressive skill for keeping small talk going in a way that isn’t awkward or miserable. he sits across from you on the train every morning you have class—taking the side that keeps you from squinting at the sun, which, of course, garners a thank you—and talks about anything and everything. he tells you about his other courses, asks for yours, what you had for breakfast, whether you prefer pancakes or waffles, and even describes how he likes to drizzle on designs with his syrup. (one of his favourites was a wonky little owl, and kotaro swears he managed to draw mario once—or at least his long-lost twin.)
it’s easy talking with him, and even when you want to skip and sleep in, you find yourself getting ready, just in hopes of seeing him again.
university student!bokuto who has a pad of sticky notes in his backpack, filled with reminders and drawings and scribbles from testing if a pen has ink left. the professor is going over the syllabus when you turn to see his brows furrowed, pen doing something on the paper. you have to stop yourself from smiling too big when kotaro passes you a note—a little doodle of the you holding hands and cheering, “SOCIOLOGISTS! >:)” written in block letters above. you have a collection growing by the end of the first two weeks.
bokuto who offers to hang out with you while you wait for your next class, and even walks you there when you’re ready. forty minutes—it’s an awkward amount of time where you can’t really do anything, or sit outside the room to wait, so having someone with you is always nice. you’ve just sat down when you remind him again, “you could just go home, kotaro. you don’t have to wait for me.” and kotaro shakes his head, taking a sip of his drink before replying. “you can’t get rid of me that easy. i like spending time with you, anyway, so don’t worry about me.”
bokuto who stops mid-bite of his lunch when you use his nickname for the first time. “kou, did you get napkins?” you try to ask casually, ignoring how foreign the name feels on your tongue. kotaro stares, cheeks filled on one side with rice. “…kou?” “huh? oh, yeah! uhm.” he fumbles, but manages to hand them over. you thank him quietly and he smiles. he considers himself lucky that you’re looking down at your food, and can’t see how he’s holding back what could possibly be the biggest grin of his life.
bokuto who casually mentions his birthday is coming up, much sooner than you’d expect, and much sooner than you’d hope considering you wanted to get a gift. you lightly hit him on the shoulder. “why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
“aw, you don’t need to get me a gift. but if you’re free, i was gonna have dinner with some friends,” he offers. “which probably sounds awkward because you don’t really know them, but i told them about you and they’re really nice, and i’d be there so i don’t think it’d be too bad? and it’s after your assignment is due for your other class, i think. or we could do something another day? if you wanted to.”
your ears heat up when he says he’s talked about you, the rest of your face following suit when you realize he's been paying attention to your schedule, but you bite the inside of your cheek and say nothing. “no, it’s okay, i’ll come to dinner, if that’d be okay with them.”
any nervousness that was building inside him evaporates, and kotaro is suddenly back to his usual grinning self. “awesome! it’s my birthday so they’ll be fine, promise!”
bokuto who, himself, is not fine when the day comes—who starts shaking akaashi’s shoulder when you text to say you’ll be there soon. he’s barely paying attention to how his other friends are snickering, or even to akaashi’s reassurance that yes, bokuto, your outfit looks nice, and yes, he’s sure you’d have mentioned any allergies to his cake and no, he doesn’t think he’ll need an epipen by the end of the night.
bokuto who had no idea you managed to text akaashi and the others privately to figure out what the best short-notice gift would be. they told you that kotaro would appreciate anything you bought or made, even if it was just a simple card. they’re all a little surprised when you show up with not just a card, but also a sweater, owl plushie, and collection of sticky notes.
“i mean, i just thought the sweater was pretty soft and the owl was cute. but the sticky notes are ‘cause you always draw on them during class. so i sort of…made you little drawings? of you, stuff you like…they aren’t the best since i had to make them fast, but...” you trail off as he flips through each one.
one of his friends—kuroo, you think—looks over kotaro’s shoulder and snickers. “huh? i don’t know what you’re talking about, i’m pretty sure i’ve seen him make that exact face before. are you considering going into the art industry?”
you smile as everyone else looks over your gift, but your eyes are fixed on the birthday boy himself. he’s smiling widely as he takes in each sticky note, making comments and laughing when he reads an inside joke you have from class.
bokuto who takes you to the side while everyone else is talking amongst themselves, surprising you with a hug. “oh!” you take a second to process the fact that there’s arms wrapped around you, but eventually wrap yourself around him in return.
he says your name, dragging out the last syllable as he squeezes you tighter, moving you side to side. “thank you for the present!”
you snort and pat his back. “i’m glad you liked it, some of those sticky notes took a few tries to not look like shit.” you joke.
when he finally lets go, kotaro has a look of determination on his face. “i’ll be sure to make a birthday present just as good as yours, or even better! i didn’t miss it, did i? is it close? i should have asked earlier,” he panics. “well, even if it’s tomorrow, i’ll make sure it’s super good. it isn’t tomorrow, is it? or are new year’s presents a thing?”
bokuto who’s already planning what to do for a gift after you’ve all left, wearing the sweater and holding the plush, with the drawings on his desk, waiting to be put up in the morning.
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sofiasworld00 · 2 years ago
Harry reassuring Reader that he loves her and her body, even after a baby.
Hiiiii:) so it’s my first post, uhm pls help me improve and give som suggestions<3
- dad!harry x reader
- fluffy fluffy fluffy, little angst?, self esteem issues, nakedness?,
- As y/n is showering harry walked in and sees her looking at herself unsure of herself, he decides to join her and tell her how beautiful she is.
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credit to gif owner!!
you were about to start scrubbing your legs when you heard the bathroom door open making the breeze that followed in hit your naked skin. you peeked out of the shower curtains only to see harry stripping down, only in his boxers he hooks his fingers in his underwear slowly sliding them down his legs while you unknowingly admire his body.
"creep," you snap your head up at his voice. he’s standing there looking at you with his famous smirk, "ariel’s asleep, thought we were gonna watch the christmas movie you were talking about the other day?" you watch as he gets under the hot water, his hands coming up to push his hair out of his face as the hot water runs down it.
"well, i felt yucky after the diaper blowout but we’ll watch it when i’m done.”
your daughter ariel was only 18 weeks, 4 months if we’re talking non-mom-talk. harry and yourself were so happy and blessed to be able to create and grow your own family together.
but, only being 4 months postpartum you were of course, naturally a little insecure about yourself. your tits weren’t the same as they were over a year ago. they used to be bouncy, plump and sexy. now they’re just hanging, still plump, but it’s not the same as before. your tummy still had some extra skin and some swelling from your pregnancy, skin that used to be tighter and now just there, hanging.
harry could see you starting to get a little self conscious about yourself, understanding but also wanting you to know how beautiful and sexy you are to him.
“you look so fucking amazing.”
he’s walking towards you, stepping underneath the stream of hot water, too hot for his liking but he’s learned to deal with it for you. placing one hand on your waist and bringing you closer to him, so now your chest is up agains his. his hand going to caress your face, fingers in your hair and his thumb stroking gently on your cheek.
“you just say that because i’m your girlfriend.” looking into his eyes you can see his brows furrow and his lips pulling into a tiny smirk. both his hands now by your face, touching and stroking you gently. your hands go to his waist and chest, wanting to feel his warm embrace.
harry just continuing shaking his head with a small smile on us face. “what?” you say, laughing slightly at your smug boyfriend.
“i just don’t know how you don’t see how sexy you are.” closing his eyes and putting his forehead against yours, still slightly smiling. “you’re so fucking beautiful. i just wanna kiss you everywhere.” he said to you, giving your lips a little gentle kiss.
opening his eyes he sees you staring at him lovingly. “thank you baby.” you give him a little kiss back. “i love you.”
“i love you too, always.”
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armored-angel4798 · 9 months ago
kinda how they got into the toxic relationship 🤷
A little bit of the setting:
It’s 2018 Eddie and Steve are both working fast food they are 19 years old and fresh out of high school. Eddie hasn’t come out as anything other than liking boys so they are not being misgendered!!! Steve and Robin do not know!!!! Eddie doesn’t even really know!!!!
Steve ran out of the building and climbed into the passenger seat of Eddie’s van.
“Oh my god, finally. I thought I was gonna have to come get you.”
“Sorry, I had to talk to Robin.” Steve said sheepishly, ducking his head.
They both smelled like greasy fast food but Steve was still more than happy to sit with Eddie all night in his greasy uniform just spend some time with him. Eddie’s hair was tied into a bun at the nape of his neck. His own uniform hat had been tossed somewhere into the backseat as soon as he’d gotten out to the van. Even in the gross uniforms they were required to work in, Steve thought Eddie was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. They had been friends through high school and Steve fell hard and fast, as he always does. He’d never made a move because even in 2018, small town USA had some major prejudice against gay people and while he trusted Eddie, if it wasn’t gonna go anywhere why put a target on himself? Two weeks ago Eddie told them that he might be bi. They had been smoking with Robin after work and lips were getting loose, the few secrets that they had between them slipping out with the rolls of smoke. Steve was sober enough to hold onto his crush, though it was a near thing. It hadn’t felt like the right moment to tell one of your bests friends that you had been ass over tits in love with them for nearly four years. Robin had caught him on his way out the door to convince him to tell Eddie tonight. Robin had the closing shift so they were coming back to get her for a smoke session after the store closed at midnight. They had at least 6 hours before then.
“Hey, Eds?”
“What’s up Stevie?”
“I, uh, I have something I need to tell you.”
“Hmm sounds serious. You wanna ride to my house and get outta these clothes?”
“God, yes. You always know how to treat a guy.”
Steve fluttered his eyelashes in an exaggerated, flirtatious fashion as Eddie threw his head back to laugh.
“You get the shower first when we get there. I’ll dig out your favorite shirt and sweats.”
Steve smiled to himself as Eddie put the car in gear and got them moving. Steve spent a lot of time at Eddie’s house these days, enough they he had sort of claimed a set of soft, worn sleep clothes as his own to wear any time they stay up too late or just want to get out of the nasty work clothes. It was an old oversized Metallica tshirt, black, of course, and a large pair of soft sweatpants that fall off of Eddie any time he tries to put them on. He claims the strings can only make them so tight and that it isn’t enough for him to wear them. Robin tells Steve that it’s just because Eddie wanted to see Steve in his clothes. Steve liked seeing himself in Eddie’s clothes. It made him feel wanted, even if it was all in his head.
Eddie exited the shower not too long after Steve made himself comfortable on the couch, scrolling through the tv channels for something to watch. Eddie took the remote from him at sat beside him.
“You had something you wanted to tell me?”
Eddie’s hair was damp and dripping onto his shirt that was hanging ever so slightly off of his left shoulder. His big brown eyes focused on Steve.
“Uh, yeah, well…. mmm. Now I’m nervous.”
Eddie reached for Steve’s hand.
“Don’t be, it’s just us.”
“Yeah, uhm… well, it’s… about us. I… I kinda have a crush on you.” Steve got it out and then panicked, “I know! I know you just figured out that you like guys and it’s completely okay if it’s not requited! But we’ve been spending a lot of time together and I just, uh, I felt like you needed to know because…”
Eddie kissed him. Steve was frozen. Oh, god Eddie was going to hate kissing him. Shit. Fuck. Steve knows how to do this. He has kissed people before! He can do this! Eddie pulled away before Steve got his thoughts in order.
“Steve, shut up.” oh, oh no, he’s fucked it up. Steve opened his eyes, Eddie was smiling. “I have a crush on you too. It’s kinda how I figured out that I liked guys.”
“Wanna go on a date sometime?” Eddie asked
“Ye… yeah, yes, of course, Eddie. I would love to go on a date with you.”
Steve kissed him again, he wasn’t a statue this time. He was ass over tits in love with Eddie Munson, there is no way this could be bad, right?
2023 realities
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mxlktxa · 1 year ago
𝘨𝘶𝘢𝘳𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘭
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𝘢𝘣𝘣𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘰𝘯 𝘹 𝘧!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘢𝘣𝘣𝘺, 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳, 𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘦 (𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘥)
𝘤𝘸; 𝘯𝘰𝘯𝘦???? 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦???? 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘴/𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘣 (𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘴), 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵?????
𝘸𝘤; 574, 3.1𝘬 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴
𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 2 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘪𝘤 :)
𝘢𝘯; 𝘏𝘜𝘜𝘜𝘜𝘜𝘜𝘜𝘜𝘜𝘎𝘌 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥 @eviestevie-14 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴!!!!! 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘨𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘦𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥 🥰 𝘨𝘰 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 & 𝘴𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶!!!!
𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘭𝘢𝘸𝘴; @jinxtheplanet @solaceocean
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You lie in the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling blankly for what felt like two full years. In reality, it had only been a week. That one night was ridiculous and all you wanted was to go home… With Abby, of course, you refused to step inside that house whatsoever.
That stab Ellie gifted you? You thought it wasn’t too deep, till you passed out from not only just the blood loss but also due to how scared and stressed you were. You hated being in the hospital, feeling so vulnerable and alone. Thankfully, Abby was there with you, just now walking through that door.
“Who knew such a tiny blade could go so far, hm? Cut so deep,” you shrugged, watching as Abby dragged a chair to your side, settling down next to you.
“That’s generally what knives do, silly,” Abby scoffed, hand resting on yours now, “I’m sorry I wasn’t there in time. I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.”
“If you need anything, I’m here, okay?”
“Abs,” you huffed. Oh, how you wished you could instantly recover from your current state just to miraculously leap into Abby’s arms. Of course, this action was impossible so you just lay there shaking your head.
“Right… Uhm, so, they say they’re just keeping you a little longer to observe you now, but also because I want you to be at a hundred percent. They also wanna make sure your stitches are fine, you’re not in any more crucial pain,” the dirty blonde nodded, huffing softly.
“Yeah, I figured,” your eyes rolled in annoyance, Abby knowing you’d hated being ‘held hostage’, “I just wanna pack up all my things and go home with you.”
“I know, I know. But the packing is almost done. I—, don’t be mad—, I took your keys before we left the house and started packing up your place myself after you were seen.”
You stared at Abby, mouth hanging open a tad while your brain was trying to form words that let Abby know you were by far beyond thankful, “You—, I’m—,” you hummed, raising your eyebrows, “You’re amazing,” that’s all you could say, a shiver taking over your body. Abby took notice of your little action, looking at the blankets.
“You want some more blankets?” you shook your head, “You hungry? I brought you some food from that ramen place you like so much. I got it extra spicy like you always—,”
“Abby,” you giggled at her mindless rambling, “I don’t want anything.”
“Nothing? No, no blankets? No food? No painkillers?”
“No. Just you, Abs,” you huffed, holding your hand out and giving Abby that stupid pouch she could never refuse, “I just want my big ol’ baby,” you pat the decent space for Abby to take up, grinning as she rolled her eyes and attempted to fit in the bed with you.
“This is so not okay. We’re gonna get in trouble.”
“No, we’re not,” your tone was playful, hand coming up to rest on Abby’s chest, “I’ll just say I didn’t know,” you managed to give Abby such a soft, sweet kiss, the blonde staring at you in shock, oddly enough.
“The second you’re all healed up, I am most definitely taking you out for dinner at least three times a week,” Abby held back from returning the kiss, “And you can’t say no or okay because you deserve it.”
“Okay, now you’re just being unreasonable. An unreasonable guardian angel.”
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roses-r-rosie3 · 2 years ago
Hello; can I request MRxChad Meeks. It’s an idea I randomly had but i’m not creative enough to write a story 😭 It would take place after the apartment ladder chase but basically MR is Anikas brother. Chad met him earlier through the school year and thought he was cute so decided to ask him to hang out that day and then the attack happened. Chad pulled reader out of there (like he did with Tara) so reader doesn’t know that Anika died until after.
That’s like the background so then the story would be Chad comforting MR and helping him through the loss of Anika/ maybe confessing that he likes reader; it could be like fluff and angst and you can decide whether or not it happens after all of Scream VI or just after the ladder scene. I was gonna say that Chad and MR would be officially dating but idk I feel like Anika and MR being siblings and then dating Chad and Mindy at the same time was kinda weird 😭
But anyway ya that’s the request idk 😭 Thank you if you decide to write it!
As Long As I’m With You
Chad Meeks x M!Reader
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Scream 6 Spoilers!!!!!
Warnings: fluff, angst, swearing, character death
Quote: “I’ve been waiting for you to do that since we met”
A/n: Do we like the little picture thing instead of those gifs??? Btw I was inspired by @thealtoduck
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It was almost destined for Chad and y/n to meet each other. I mean their siblings were dating each other and they were eventually going to be apart of the same friend group.
Chad did find y/n cute, but he found it kind of weird that Mindy was dating y/n’s sister, so he decided to keep his feelings for the other boy a secret.
Chad saw y/n walking around campus and decided to ask him to hang out, I mean it wasn’t technically flirting or anything if he was just asking to hang out right?
“Hey you’re y/n Right?” Said Chad
“Yeah, you’re Mindy’s brother, Chad right?” Said y/n
“Yeah, uhm your sister and my friends are going to hang out and I was wondering if you also wanted to hang out with us” said Chad
“So, you’re inviting me to hang out with my sister and her friends?” Said y/n who sounded annoyed
“Yes- I mean- uh- if that’s fine with you” said Chad
“I’m joking, I would love to hang out just text me when it is” smiled y/n as he wrote his number down on a note to give to Chad
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Y/n was talking to Anika about what he should wear while they were there and Anika suggested matching. So y/n wore a White shirt with a Green sweater on top of it, with blue jeans, Anika wore something similar to make it seem like they were matching
Y/n and Anika thankfully lived closely to Sam and Tara’s dorm room so it wasn’t too far of a walk.
“Hey guys this is my brother y/n, Chad invited him over” said Anika as her and y/n walked inside the room.
As y/n and Anika got settled in, the group decided on watching a movie. Anika sat next to Mindy and the only spot that was open was next to Chad, so y/n took his seat.
While the group was watching the movie y/n couldn’t keep his eyes off of Chad, there was something about him that seemed so mesmerizing. Although y/n knew that Anika was dating Chad’s sister and while yes it felt a little weird having a crush on your sister’s girlfriend’s brother he couldn’t stop staring.
Eventually Chad caught y/n staring at him
“Is there something wrong?” Said Chad politely
“Uh no, sorry I just noticed something on your uh- your hoodie” said y/n as he brushed off Chad’s hoodie.
Chad just chuckled as he went back to watching the movie
The movie was pretty boring to y/n so it didn’t take long for him to fall asleep, the only thing was, he accidentally fell asleep on Chad’s shoulder.
Chad didn’t mind as he just laid his head on top of y/n’s and a little later fell asleep too.
“Hey- hey Mindy look” said Anika as she pointed at the two boys who were asleep.
“I’m definitely taking a picture of that” said Mindy as she pulled out her phone and snapped a picture of y/n and Chad.
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
After the movie ended Quinn and her hookup went to her room knowing god knows what in there while the rest of the group except for Chad and y/n got up from the couch.
“Wake up sleepy heads” said Mindy.
Y/n woke up with a jolt which also caused Chad to wake up too.
“I’m so sorry” said y/n as he realized what he just did
“Nono I should be the one saying sorry” said Chad as both boys started to get off the couch.
“Would you two just kiss already” said Anika as she teased the two boys.
“What- What do you mean?” Said y/n.
“You know what we mean” said Mindy as she started to laugh along with Anika.
A little while later Anika showed Sam the news about people thinking she was the one responsible for the original woodsboro massacre of 2021.
After Sam heard that news she immediately turned the TV onto another channel and stormed into the Dining room as Chad, Tara, and Mindy followed behind her.
That only left y/n and Anika on the couch as the two siblings talked.
“You two would be really cute you know” Anika smiled at y/n
“Shut up!” Said y/n as he punched his sister’s shoulder playfully
While they were talking they heard what sounded like Quinn’s moaning.
Y/n looked at Anika who seemed to not be affected by the noises.
“Is this normal for you?” Said y/n.
“I mean it’s happens a lot so yeah” said Anika
Y/n was too stunned to speak. So he just sat on the couch trying to watch tv while listening to Quinn’s moans.
But not too long later those moans turned into murderous screams. The core4 rushed into the room and y/n and Anika quickly got off the couch. The screams came to a halt as y/n and Anika went to open the door.
Chad held y/n back while Mindy held Anika back. Y/n was about to tell Chad ‘what was wrong with him’ but suddenly Quinn’s ‘dead’ body came flying out of the room causing y/n and Anika to fall.
Chad quickly ran to y/n and dragged him out of the room.
“Chad, wait! Anika and the rest of the group are still in there!” Said y/n.
They made their way back up the stairs but when they reached the dorm room ghostface closed and locked the door.
“Fuck!” Said Chad who was banging on the door.
Y/n quickly called the cops while Chad tried to open the door.
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
When it was all over y/n heard the cops arrive as him and Chad met up with the rest of the group outside.
When y/n arrived to the alleyway he saw a body. When he looked closer is he recognized that it was Anika and immediately broke down.
Y/n cried and cried and Chad tried to comfort him.
“Y/n, I’m so sorry” said Sam.
“Thanks” said y/n who was still crying.
Y/n walked up to Mindy and sat next to her.
The two just hugged each other and coped with what just happened.
All of a sudden Ethan came on the scene as Chad started to confront him.
After all that was done Ethan walked up to y/n and Mindy.
“I’m so sorry, for the both of you” said Ethan.
“Step the fuck back” said y/n.
“Mindy?” Said Ethan.
“You’re at the top of my suspect list” said Mindy.
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
As the group walked to what Gale said she found, Chad was trying to comfort y/n the best he could.
When they finally got inside, Gail turned on the lights to reveal what looked to be an abandoned movie theater.
“It’s not just a Movie Theater, It’s a shrine” Said Gail as a secret wall opened up, showing all the past ghostface costumes.
“They’ve got the whole damn franchise” said Mindy as everyone started to walk around.
Everyone except for Ethan, Detective Bailey, and y/n related to something in the shrine.
“How did they get all this stuff, I mean isn’t this evidence!” Said Tara.
“Well cops like money, and evidence can get lost pretty easily” said Gale.
“Present company excluded of course” said Gale as she looked at Kirby.
“Uhm, why am I here exactly? My alibi checks out” said Ethan.
“So I can keep an eye out on you, roomie” said Chad.
Y/n didn’t know how to feel, it seemed like Ethan was a nice guy, but him being the only one in their group who wasn’t there during the attack was suspicious.
“The killer must have found this place before he murdered Jason and Gregg, and then he took the masks off the mannequins, all nine from Stu and Billy, to Amber and Richie” said Gale as everyone slowly started to walk towards the mannequins.
“So sombody killed these chuckle-fucks, and just took them” said Chad.
“Somebody who believes Sam masterminded woodsboro” said Gale
“If this were a normal stab movie this would be the killer’s lair” said Mindy.
“Which means this isn’t a normal stab movie” said Kirby.
The group watched as Tara walked away from the mannequins due to the stress and trauma. And after Tara left everyone started to separate to explore the place.
“Hey, y/n, can I talk to you, alone” said Chad.
“Sure” said y/n who was obviously still hurt from his sisters death.
Chad led y/n to what looked to be a snack area.
“You can tell me how you feel if you want” said Chad.
Y/n immediately started to cry on Chad’s chest as chad hugged him.
“It’s my fault she died, if I helped her get out of there, she wouldn’t have died” sobbed y/n
“It’s not your fault y/n, don’t blame yourself” chad said.
After y/n was done crying he just hugged Chad in silence.
“Thanks for, helping me deal with this” said y/n
“Anytime” smiled Chad.
The two boys just looked at each other in the eyes. Chad slowly started leaned in and little did he know he was kissing y/n.
“I-I’m so sorry, I don’t know what happened” Chad said as he pulled away.
Before Chad could say anything else, y/n pulled Chad in for another kiss.
“I’ve been waiting for you to do that since we met” chuckled y/n.
“Me too” smiled Chad as he pulled y/n in for another kiss.
“Oh… my… god…” said Mindy as she walked in on the two boys kissing.
“I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!” Said Mindy as both boys pulled away in embarrassment.
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eternalwritess · 1 month ago
Hii so I was hoping to get a JJK matchup 😋please and thank you !!
Gender: I’m a guy ! (He/him)
Sexuality: Gay ^•^
Personality: uhm my MBTI type is ISFJ. I joke around a lot with my friends and stuff. I talk a lot with people I’m comfortable with. I think I’m decently funny. I’m pretty smart. I suck at remembering what personal space is. I overthink a lot. Uhhh idk I’m bad at describing my personality 🙁
Likes: reading, music, rollerblading, acting, theater in general, playing guitar, stuffed animals (I have like 120 or smth), singing, i lovee space, my favorite animal is a raccoon, red and black, art, yeah idk I’m out of ideas 😔
Dislikes: people who don’t respect me or who I am (I’m trans and a lot of ppl don’t like that), spicy food, bugs, people being mean to someone I care about.
Fun facts about yourself: I was an athlete for 10 years and did like 6 sports, I’ve played 3 different instruments.
Love languages: physical touch and words of affirmation
Appearance: I’m 5’2 (like 157cm or smth) short curly brown hair, green eyes. I dress in masculine stuff, always pants and a shirt or jacket. I wear jewelry a lot, earrings bracelets necklaces rings all of it. I live in converses atp. I think that’s all ?
What you're looking for in a partner: someone who’s nice and wouldn’t mind me talking a lot or being really touchy and clingy. Obv someone who’s respectful and doesn’t make me feel bad about myself. And someone who doesn’t mind reassuring me when I’m feeling down.
Thank you sm if you do this ^•^ sorry if I didn’t give enough information :( again, I’m bad at describing myself
i match you with... 𝔂𝓾𝓾𝓳𝓲 𝓲𝓽𝓪𝓭𝓸𝓻𝓲 ██ 20% _ ████ 60% _ █████ 80% _ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100% ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ!
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✸ Now first off we got the classic jjk meetup!!! Since you're smart and Megumi was most likely on a mission Gojo had you introduce Yuuji around to the school properly, he would've had Nobara do it but she's a girl and he thought a guy doing it might help Yuuji feel "more at home"... also he just did NOT want to risk Nobara asking for his card-
✸ Afterwards you and Yuuji would totally spar, just for the both of you to see where he's at and oh- he's crazy strong... well no worries! I still think you'd best him (especially since at the time he is new to this) just because you clearly have a LOT more experience in this type of stuff than him and also you did say you were an athlete for quite a while so yeah :)
✸ Every now and then he'd have a silly little quip and whenever you'd respond back he'd start giggling, you really made him feel welcome at Jujutsu Tech which meant a lot seeing as well... his grandpa did just die a while ago so yeah... trauma and all that lol
✸ You once asked him if he wanted to go rollerblading and he said yes so the both of you did end up going rollerblading. It was his first time and he wasn't very good at it but you still helped him get the overall hang of it <3
✸ Once he figured out he liked you Nobara had already found out 100x over and then proceeded to lock the both of you in a room together the moment she found out that Yuuji did not want to confess... he ended up confessing in that room-
(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
✸ He loves your physical touch and he leans into it every single time, he also grabs your hand a lot and wraps his arm around your shoulder quite often. He also puts his arm around your waist too! He also picks you up... yeah he loves physical touch :)
✸ You being smart is definitely a good thing with him seeing as he isn't the brightest 100% of the time... yeah he's gonna need your help </3
✸ You like red and black? Well those are kinda his colors in a way... well that and pink... i hope you like pink lol. But i's mostly red and black with him :)
✸ Theater? Oh you totally take him to see plays with you all of the time and he loves it. Absolutely eats that up, and in return he'll take you to see movies with him and if there's a play based on a movie or a movie based on a play you'll both see it and have a little discussion about which one it better
✸ The two of you don't shut up and Megumi and Nobara hate it. Gojo thinks its hilarious though and every time he looks at you two he gets a little reminded of him and Suguru... (stsg!??!?!)
✸ He gets you stuffed animals from time to time... just keep them away from him because he's gotten punched by some of them a few too many times for comfort </3
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bbitess · 11 months ago
tear you apart-charlie walker x reader
based on the song by she wants revenge‼️
warnings‼️ making out + idk fear? (i don’t want to write about a murderous charlie lol)
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i trace the red lipstick on my lips in front of my mirror before finally heading downstairs, my hair and makeup perfect wearing a cute white dress with a black bow. “charlie’s here” my dad says from the bottom of the stairs. i notice him look through the open doorway, a smile peaking through his lips. i walk down the stairs and get into his car.
“i’m glad we are going to this dance” charlie says, smiling at me, “me too” i smile back. it’s quiet for a moment. “i always thought you were really special.” he says, now looking at the road. “what do you mean special?” i question. he pauses then says “you just seem different then everybody here.” “different?” i ask.
he’s interrupted after a glance in the rear view mirror. “what the hell?” he whispers under his breath. he looks over “i think that car has been following us… and it’s driving really close.” i look over my shoulder, a little nervous.
he looks at me, “i hope it’s not another ghostface.”
“charlie, do you really believe in all that?”
“not really… it’s just it’s repeated itself three times now… i sometimes wonder”
“i moved here after that”
“well rumor has it-”
“hey, i don’t want to talk about this…we’re here so let’s just have a good time” i say, he looks over at me with a look of concern but also smirking slightly. “did i scare you?” as if it excited him. i pause, “no,” then look behind me again, “i just want to have a good time.”
we arrive shortly and charlie turns off the car quickly to run to my door and open it for me. he puts out a hand and i take it as he escorts me into the building.
we walk into the dance, there is a mirror ball and balloons and streamers hanging from the ceiling and a band playing on the stage.
we start dancing, he’s a little awkward, gently holding my waist and almost stuttering, “so what are you gonna do after school?” he asks, trying to make conversation. “i’ll go where my parents move next.” i respond. “why do they move so much?” he asks, tilting his head and you start to twirl his hair.
“i don’t know we don’t talk.”
“why not? you don’t get along?” he questions “not really… i think my dad wanted a boy and he got me”
“he’s lucky he got you.” he smiled and pulled me a little closer. “do you want to go somewhere private?” i ask. “uhm… okay” he says, obviously nervous.
i grabbed his hand and led him to the film club room, i knew he had a key. once the door closes we stand in the faint light looking at eachother for a second before pressing our lips together, closing the gap between us.
he presses me up against the wall and kisses me harder. i was suprised with his confidence as he slipped his tounge in my mouth to kiss me deeper. he felt amazing and i didn’t want it to end but i pulled away and said “i want to know you really like me.”
“i do”
“no matter what?” i ask, playing with his hair again. “yes, you want to know how much?” he asks stepping closer. i don’t respond, he grabs my face and shifts my head so he can whisper in my ear, his lips grazing my hot skin, “i want to hold you close, skin pressed against me tight, soft breath, beating heart…” he placed a kiss on my neck, feeling my fast pulse in his lips, “i want to fucking tear you apart.”
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yudontknowmesblog · 1 year ago
Stan x Reader
Idk this song just gives a good vibe while reading this 😘
Context: y/n and Stan were playing together but then Randy came in and told them it was time to leave since it’s getting late but y/n has nobody to pick her up so she goes walking but ofc Stan would never let her walk alone in the cold so they walk together ALL THE WAY TO HER HOUSE
“Nooo I personally think the first movie was better” “what?! That’s so old and boring the new one is better” “is not!” “Is so!” “Is not!” *knocking on the door* “hey Stan- oh hey y/n didn’t know you were here..uhm it’s getting late” “awh man okay I’ll see you later Stan” “oh bye babe” as you were walking outside Stan could see you walking out his window (weirdo) and noticed your walking home “WAITTT Y/N” *stan runs out the house and you turn around* “yeah?” “Your walking home?” “Well..yeah why?” “Well if your walking home I’m gonna walk with you home” “Stan that’s sweet but it’s fine” “no I wanna walk you home” “no-“ *stan holds your hand and walks you home* “you sure Stan?” “Yes I’m sure this is the least I can do… besides we get to hang out more too like this” you smile “yeah your right” a couple minutes go by and you can Stan talk about random things like “did you see how cartman fell in the bush it was hilarious!” “Yesss and he started yelling at us to help” and even loving moments like “crazy thing is y/n ever since we met I just always thought you were beautiful so beautiful I would tell Kenny about you” “really Stan?” “I can’t believe I admitted that..” but you guys arrived home “well it was nice walking me Stan” “a-anytime b-bro” Stan gets mad himself for saying bro “I hate myself sorry I meant love..is that too clingy uhh babe?” You giggle “I love you more babe” you kiss him and once you kissed him his eyes were practically heart eyes and he started blushing so hard you thought it was cute but Stan thought he looked weird “I love you” Stan says with half lidded eyes smiling with your kiss print on his lips (he started puking right after you went inside poor baby doesn’t know how to control it he’s just so nervous)
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lisutarid-a · 2 years ago
[Gakuen K] Totsuka Tatara Route Translation
Lots of hobbies
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[Translation under the cut]
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Saya: (Summer vacation ends in a few days...I thought it would be long, but it went by so fast)
Saya: (I had a great time camping with everyone in the Red club. I wonder what they are all doing)
Saya: I remember Yata-kun and Kamamoto-kun saying they were catching up on homework.
Saya: Kusanagi-san and Suo-senpai went off-island. And Totsuka-senpai...
???: Did you call me?
Saya: !
Saya: S-senpai...Don't startled me anymore.
Totsuka: Haha, sorry-sorry. I just happened to see a familiar face. What are you doing here? Shopping?
Saya: No. I had nothing to do, so I just wandered around.
Totsuka: What about summer vacation homework?
Saya: I've done it.
Totsuka: Whoa, that's gre-eat. I wish Yata and the others take a lesson from you. I see, you have nothing to do...
Totsuka: So, do you want to join me in my hobby?
Saya: Senpai's hobby?
Totsuka: Uhm. I'm too having a day off today. So I was just thinking we could hang out. How's that sound?
Saya: Yeah, I'm in!
Totsuka: Yay! Well then, let's go to the park.
Saya: Okay.
Totsuka: Don't forget your binoculars!
Saya: Yeah!
Saya: ...Yeah?
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Saya: I didn't know that bird-watching is your hobby, senpai.
Totsuka: Bird-watching "also" my hobby. Because this isn't the only one.
Totsuka: The day is gonna over in the blink of an eye. Let's move on to the next one!
Saya: Eh, next one!?
Saya: Senpai, I didn't know that bonsai is..."also" your hobby.
Totsuka: Uhm, I like bonsai. I can't buy it because it's expensive, but I can see a lot of them at the bonsai exhibition.
Totsuka: ...Could it be that the bonsai exhibition was boring?
Saya: No, it was very interesting.
Saya: (...Senpai was so enthusiastic about telling facts about bonsai, but I didn't understand anything at all)
Totsuka: I'm glad to hear you say that. Well, next!
Saya: Okay...Ah, next!?
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Totsuka: Haaa, it was a fulfilling day. We had a lot of fun today!
Saya: Y-yeah...
Saya: (Bird watching, bonsai, soba making, running, fishing...)
Saya: Senpai really has lots of hobbies...
Totsuka: Right. And that's not all of what we did today.
Saya: There's more?!
Totsuka: Uhm, there's lots more. I don't know how many days it would take me to get to all of them...Anyway, thanks for hanging out with me today.
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Choice: [It's nothing...]
Saya: It's nothing...It was great to get a new experience.
Totsuka: Well, I'm glad then. But you must be pretty tired. Sorry I didn't take better care of you.
Totsuka: I'll pay more attention next time. May I ask you out again?
Saya: Yeah, of course.
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Choice: [It was fun] ♥
Saya: Thank you too. It was a lot of fun.
Totsuka: I'm glad to hear that. So you had a lot of fun. Maybe we're a good match, huh?
Saya: Eh?
Totsuka: Just like food likes and dislikes, there are hobbies that don't match.
Totsuka: You went out with me without complaining. Besides, you even told me you were having fun. So I thought we have a good compatibility.
Saya: Well...That may be so.
Saya: (Compatibility...What do you mean by that, senpai?)
Totsuka: What's wrong?
Saya: No, it's nothing. ...You're right. We might be a good match.
Totsuka: Fufu, you think so too? Let's make time to hang out again. Just the two of us. Okay?
Saya: O-okay.
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Saya: Senpai, please be careful on your way home.
Totsuka: It's okay, it's okay. There are no cages in town.
Saya: Even if there are no cages. You might go to buy something and fall down.
Totsuka: Oh, I'm such a loser in your mind?
Totsuka: I got it, I'll be careful on my way home. Oh, right. Can I call you when I get to my room?
Saya: Call?
Totsuka: Uhm. I thought if I told you that I made it home safely, you would be relieved. Also, I simply want to hear your voice. How's that?
Saya: Yeah. That's alright.
Totsuka: Yay! Well, see you later.
Saya: Yeah, see you later.
Saya: ...
Saya: ...I'm looking forward to the phone call.
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