#and i would have to start the game again from SCRATCH which sounds so annoying
uten4 · 1 year
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lynzishell · 24 days
The Past 💛 Atlas
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I’ve finally reached a point where I can sit down and do some work on Ash’s game on my own. It took a lot longer than I thought it would. Not only because his workflow is incredibly chaotic, but also his design is incredibly complex, far more complex than anything we work on at Rainy Day, but it’s fun to feel challenged again.
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I’ve spent every night this week in Ash’s living room while he walks me through everything he has so far, sorting out the design and the mechanics, his ideas for the worlds, characters, storylines, objectives, and so on. Yet, it feels like we’ve only scratched the surface.
We work well together, but we’re also easily distracted, often going off on random tangents and talking about everything from our families to school years and childhood friends to experiences we’ve had or want to have; we talk about how fun it would be to have our own indie gaming company one day, if only we could focus on the actual game for longer than an hour at a time.
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Last night a song came on that inspired a whole conversation about music and all the songs we used to sing the wrong lyrics to, and some he still sings wrong just to annoy Lex. We started playing a game where we’d give each other a random word or category and the other would have to play a song they liked that fit. At one point I asked him what his guilty pleasure song is.
“Oh, I have dozens of those,” he said, “uh, but the first one that comes to mind is The Boys of Summer.”
“Your guilty pleasure song is an 80’s song?” I was shocked considering the amount of shit he gives me for the majority of my playlist.
“No no no no,” he shook his head, “I should clarify. The original sucks.”
“Of course you think so.”
“Obviously. Okay, but the one I’m talking about is the cover of The Boys of Summer by The Ataris.
“I like the name, but I have no idea who that is,” I admitted.
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He laughed as he pulled up the song and told me, “You’re either going to love this or hate it. I’m not sure which.” When he pressed play, all I could do was watch in awe as he shamelessly enjoyed the song, complete with hand motions, air guitar and lip syncing. At one point he leaned in and sang directly to me, “But I don’t understand what happened to our love. But baby when I get you back, I’m gonna show you what I’m made of!” And then he spun away and started dancing to the chorus.  
Before I had a chance to think too hard about whether he was trying to tell me something through the lyrics, he pulled me off the couch to join him. We sang and danced with everything we had until we collapsed onto the couch, out of breath and wiping tears from our eyes.
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When we finally calmed down, he pointed at me, “Your turn. What’s your guilty pleasure song?”
“Oh god,” I covered my face, “I can’t believe I’m going to tell you this.”
“Tell me.” He demanded.
“Dancing With Myself by Generation X. I can’t hear it and not sing and dance around my apartment like an idiot.”
“Oh, I have got to see this!” He sat up excitedly to find the song and turn it on… and then cheered when I began clapping my hands to the beat… and then completely lost it and fell over laughing when I sang along with my eerily accurate Billy Idol impersonation.
It’s become one of my favorite things, making him laugh. He has about a dozen different laughs from a rush of air through his teeth, to an infectious giggle, to a loud belly laugh… but my favorite is when he’s laughing so hard that no sound comes out aside from a series of clicks until he finally catches his breath.
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It’s so easy with him, to get out of my head, to just relax and be myself.
Not everything is easy, though. I keep telling myself that eventually my feelings will fade, that it will get easier to just be his friend and nothing more, but if anything, it’s getting more difficult. Sometimes when we’re together, all I can think about is sliding my hand over to rest it on his leg, or to pick up his hand and interlace our fingers, or to reach up and hold his face, turning it toward me so I can kiss him. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about kissing him, his lips, his neck, that inch skin above his waistband that sometimes shows when his shirt rides up just enough, every part of him. Sometimes I let my eye contact linger just a little, desperate for him to give me a sign that he still feels the same way, but he never does. On some level, I’m grateful. It’s better this way. I’d only end up hurting him again.
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I hear the front door open and close, bringing me out of my daydream and back to my computer screen. I look over what I’ve done so far to make sure I didn’t screw anything up while I drifted away.
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A second later, I hear Dawn enter the room and flop onto my bed behind me and I glance at the clock, it’s only two.
“What are you doing here?” I ask.
“Finished early. What are you doing? I thought you weren’t working on Fridays anymore.”
“I’m not. It’s just a side project I’m working on with Ash.”
“Ooooh I see.”
I roll my eyes and change the subject before she can inquire further. “So, why are you on my bed? What do you want?” As I say the words, I’m overcome by the feeling that we’ve done this before.
“For you to take a break and go do something with me." I'm antsy. "I’m antsy.” Her words come out like an echo from my own mind and my whole body feels fuzzy for a moment.
“Have we had this conversation before?”
“No. I don’t think so.”
“Hm. I’m having the weirdest déjà vu.”
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“Maybe you’ve been staring at that screen too long. We should get out and do something.”
“What do you have in mind?”
I’m open to suggestions. “I’m open to suggestions.”
Weird. This conversation, the song playing through my speaker, Dawn laying on my bed, me at my computer… everything feels so familiar. “Where’s your boyfriend? Why aren’t you dragging him out?” Even as I ask the question, I know I’ve asked it before.
“He’s busy…” Having coffee with his ex-girlfriend. “Having coffee with his ex-girlfriend.”
Okay, I clearly need some fresh air, and she clearly needs my support right now, so I save my work, lock my computer, and spin around to face her. “Oh, that’s why you’re antsy. Okay, I can take a break, but let’s go outside. We can go for a jog, that’ll get your energy out.”
“Fine, I’ll go change.”
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Prev // Deja vu // Next
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rishiimaa · 2 months
HI HI! I was the person who requested the “jjk with a child who’s tooth was growing or lost a tooth” which was 😮‍💨🤌. Then I had another thought where jjk characters child/children first start crawling/walking 🤔(I’m having a baby fever rn) please lmk if these requests are bothering you 😭😭
Nope! Requests’ll never bother me, and if they do, it’s not your fault, I’d just turn the requests off, so please, do more requests! I love it when people give me attention anyways!
Anywho… onto the fanfic!
Yuji, Megumi, Gojo, Geto
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Yuji would be the reason your son walk, he’d be watching football and cheering on, and he’d feel a bump on his leg, only to find out his son was standing!
“Wh— God damn it! How do you fucking fumble that?!” Yuji yelled at the top of his lungs, earning a glare at you from the kitchen.
“Watch your mouth in front of C/N and stop yelling, I don’t want his first words to be that.” you narrowed your eyes at Yuji, easily making him shrink in size as he scratches his neck.
“Sorry, babe, it’s just I can’t understand why my team is fumbling so many balls! Especially the easier ones…I could totally catch that…”
You roll your eyes before getting back to your cooking, and you let out a breathy laugh, it was absolutely impossible to stay mad at Yuji, he’s just too sweet for his own good…so sweet that you even feel bad for scolding him.
Yuji laid back onto the couch in a pout, this game was totally scripted…all these years of rooting this stupid team just to lose again…so annoying.
While Yuji was having his temper tantrum, C/N, required his father’s attention, he tried reaching for him, throwing toys, making random babble noises, and even throwing toys at him! (Which never really makes it that far…But it’s worth a try!)
But nothing gained Yuji’s attention, his focus was on the game and only the game, which made C/N mad.
Suddenly…C/N made an attempt to stand by himself, by placing his feet on the floor and allowing to push himself up, just like his daddy does!
C/N began to finally wobble towards Yuji, slowly, but surely, C/N made it to Yuji’s leg, and began to punch it softly, this caught his attention, so when he looks down to his knees, he saw a very close standing wide-eyed C/N.
The silence grew…and both stared at eachother for a while, before Yuji finally realized what was going on.
When C/N finally learns how to crawl, it took everything in Megumi not to cry, because if he did, he’d never hear the end of it from you…of course he ends up crying anyway…
It was a normal day with the family, since it was the weekend, everyone was off work…So the Fushiguro family was stuck at home, Megumi was reading a book, you were watching TV (and a bit of baby clothes shopping), and little C/N was just laying on her belly on a blanket on the floor full of toys.
You continued to show Megumi the baby clothes you “scrolled” upon, but Megumi could never be irritated, he loved to hear you talk.
“Megumi! Look! This one has cute little sheep on it! You can also match with her—“
Megumi groans, avoiding eye contact, you seethed at him with the sudden interruption.
“Pardon me? What gives you the right to say no to me? I pushed out C/N for two hours straight, and you can even match with her?”
Megumi groaned once again before pulling you on top his lap and giving you a light peck on your cheek.
“I meant with the sheep one, do the wolf one, that one’s cooler.” Megumi points at the screen, you let out a snort.
“You’re so cute Megs, who knew i’d be married and have a baby with the cutest man in the world.”
“Could you not call me cute? That’s embarrassing…”
While you and Megumi were gushing, the ball that C/N was playing with rolled away, she tried to reach for it instead.
She made a sound, to alert her parents, but to no avail, no one responded. She pouted before lifting herself off the ground and deciding to crawl by herself to get the ball.
“Megumi, where’s C/N?”
Megumi looked over at the empty pile of blankets, both of you quickly went to your feet, but as you both stood up, you see a little C/N reaching for a small red ball.
You squealed with joy and you ran to your daughter and picked her up, simply out of pure excitement, you didn’t even let her finish crawling, but Megumi simply just stood there in silence.
then suddenly…you hear sniffs over your squealing, you look over at Megumi, covering his face, as the room fell silent.
“Megumi…Megumi are you crying over—“
“Shut up…”
Megumi said, wiping his tears but of course, knowing you, you didn’t shut up.
“Aww!! Look C/N, see how much your papa loves you? All those times he’s been mean doesn’t mean anything after all!” You tightly hug C/N, before she asks to be put down.
You put her down, when you do, C/B begins to crawl to her Papa, making happy baby noises as she reaches for Megumi for carrying. This definitely snaps Megumi as he lifts her up, hugging C/N once again with small sniffles sounding off…except this time it’s a bit louder…
You snap a picture, once again.
“I am definitely hanging this up.”
It takes Gojo so many attempts to get C/N to walk, and when she does…Hysterical, absolutely an abomination of tears and a camera roll full of pictures that he puts in his wallet.
“Come on sweet pea…! I know you can do it! Walk to daddy, I got you!” Gojo said in a whiney tone, reaching out for his daughter, only for her to crawl to him and give him a sweet hug.
“It’s adorable that you did this, but I’d rather you’d walk…”
Gojo said sadly as C/N blew bubbles. He sighs of defeat before grabbing the remote and deciding to put it on spongebob, during that time it was C/N’s favorite show.
“Satoru, you know C/N’s not gonna walk when you ask her to, it’s gonna have to come natural.” You sigh, sitting on the couch after getting out the shower.
“I told you to let me get in the shower first! You take all the hot water!”
“Hm…well guess what, I’m a full grown woman! Should’ve been mature and went in yourself!”
Gojo pouts, before continuing to fidget with the spongebob plushy that C/N loves so much.
It makes sense that C/N would love spongebob, who wouldn’t, first of all, and second, her dad is Satoru Gojo, maybe it’s just genetic…
“Ugh…I can’t understand why you like this episode C/N, this one sucked.”
Gojo said, as if C/N could understand.
She acts like she does, because she looks at her dad and tilted her head, Gojo simply just looked at her with a pouty expression.
C/N furrowed her eyebrows, she took the insinuation that her dad was sad! And she couldn’t have that.
And so when Gojo wasn’t looking, she took the chance to walkover to him to comfort, with a little bit of struggling, she finally began to walk to her dad, you noticed this and pointed it out right away.
“Toru, Toru! Look! C/N in walking!” you pointed at C/N, but you always pull pranks on Gojo like this, so he simply tirelessly looked at her, not believing you at first
“Ohh yeah…and I’m the weakest man on—“ Gojo stops mid-sentence when he sees C/N slowly waddling towards him, in an instant, Gojo opens his arms so C/N could fall in them, she then places her chubby hand on Gojo’s cheek, and made a blabble that sounded like ‘there, there.’
You counted down from thee till the waterworks come…
hell yeah! right on queue!
i “You’re so adorable, C/N, I love you so much, never grow up and stay this age forever…” Gojo tightly holds C/N before he whips out his phone and takes a picture of his now standing daughter and a tearful Gojo.
Y/N thinks that those tears will never stop.
Geto was obviously the calmest out of everyone in this list, but this time, you were the reason the twins walked, they were going through that phase when they only wanted their mother.
Geto was currently giving both the twins a bath, he was struggling, as G/C/N was squirming around and is avoiding getting scrubbed, but of course B/C/N was being compliant.
“G/C/N…please…at least let me clean your butt, you literally just took a shit.” Geto sighed of defeat, you walked to the bathroom with a basket full of laundry.
“Any luck, Sugu?” You said, half-joking, Geto just shook his head and sighed
“G/C/N is refusing to take a wash…the most she’s done was get in the water” Geto almost lets out a whine. Before you let out a chuckle.
“It’s okay, Sugu, G/C/N is just stubborn like that, I’ll put your clothes in the washer, ‘kay?”
Geto gave a sound of approval, before trying again with G/C/N, she dodges the wash cloth once again while B/C/N was playing with a toy boat.
B/CN accidentally threw the toy out of the bath (don’t ask how), causing him to whine, Geto sighs, getting up to go and get the boat.
G/C/N took this opportunity to make a run for it after seeing her mom walk by, she crawled out of the tub, and stood on her feet, her naked body standing proudly, B/C/N said a “woah” noise, following his sister, just a bit more clumsily.
As if it wasn’t their first time walking, they both dashed out of the bathroom, following their mother.
“What the hell—? Y/N! Catch the twins! They’re making a run for it!”
Geto said in a panic, it would be easy to catch up to them, but they were small, so it was hard to grab them.
“Making a run for it—on my goddd!!” You said in a panic, running over at the door of the laundry the laundry room as both naked twins jumped on their mother laughing out loud, Geto sighed a breath of relief when he finally makes it to the twins, he couldn’t chose between being happy that they finally walked, or he should be pissed that not only did they wet the carpets, but they ran around the house naked.
“Well…who knew this’ll be their first walk…”
Geto ran his hand through his soft locks, sighing as he bent down to their level.
“Sugu, it seems they won’t take one unless I’m there, how about we all just take a bath together?”
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devldom · 1 year
sweet nothing
solomon x gn!reader. 1k words, sfw.
they said the end is coming, everyone's up to something / i find myself running home to your sweet nothings / outside, they're push and shoving, you're in the kitchen humming / all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
a/n: there’s been so much solomon content lately so this is probably nothing new, but i still wanted to write this bc i live for some fluff. set in the nightbringer timeline. inspired by sweet nothing by taylor swift.
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The Devildom streets were so silent compared to the sounds that tend to fill the House of Lamentation. You could hear them all in your head: Levi and Mammon’s bickering, Lucifer’s annoyed voice as he lectures his brothers, the sound of Satan flipping book pages, and a million more variations of the brother’s shenanigans that you know like the palm of your hand. But all of those sounds would disappear as soon as you stepped outside to walk home.
Home. You let out a sigh, thinking about how the House of Lamentation isn’t home anymore. It feels weird, so much colder and distant, just like the brothers. You still haven’t adjusted to this new life, to being in the past, to having them all be strangers again. It was exhausting thinking about how all that you had before, all the relationships you’ve forged with everyone, none of that matters here. And you have so much love for them, but they’re not your brothers. Not your demons, nor your angels.
You felt as if you were made of glass, and every day that you had to show up to work as their attendant, it was the little things that scratched your delicate surface—like the way Beel doesn’t know what kind of snacks you like, how you can’t go up the attic anymore, the fact that you can’t stay up playing games with Levi, and the fact that Satan is not giving you very specific book recommendations based on what you like— and you know that, eventually, it will all break you.
But it was in moments like this, in which you felt like you were drowning in your own pitiful thoughts, that thinking about Solomon felt like a breath of fresh air. Going home to him after a long day and seeing that look in his eyes that you know so well, a look that is only for you, fills you with so much warmth, familiarity, and hope. Strangely, Cocytus Hall feels like home.
You walked in, quietly closing the door behind you. The building was completely silent, except for the sound of some steps walking towards the entrance.
"Hey," the white-haired sorcerer greeted you, the smile on his face lighting up the room as soon as he saw you.
"Hey," you couldn’t help but smile, too, as you took off your coat and hung it near the entrance.
"How was your day?" he asked as both of you walked into the living room. You let out a sigh as your tired body rested on the soft sofa. "It was fine."
"Are you sure?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow at your sigh. Your body language was telling him a whole different story.
“I mean, it was the same as always, I guess. You know how they are,” you explained. Really, nothing major had happened that day, but you were tired. Tired of them not knowing you, of being stuck in an uncertain past, of being around people you love so much but them not loving you back.
Solomon put his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him, encouraging you to place your head against his chest, which you did without a doubt. You sighed again, this time a sigh of relief as you heard his heartbeat. "You know you can always talk to me, right?" He whispered, his fingers running lightly through your hair, his touch ghost-like.
"I know," you whispered and then went silent for a few minutes. It wasn’t an awkward silence; he respected your space and could’ve been silent for hours if that’s what you needed. But you opened your mouth again, your voice barely there. "I don’t know. Lately I’ve been so tired, everything’s too much. This is too much. I’m starting to think maybe I’m just too soft for all of this."
Solomon was the one letting out a sigh this time. "I see," he mumbles against your hair, placing a soft kiss against the top of your head. As the most powerful sorcerer in the three realms, there weren’t many occasions in which he felt powerless, but knowing that you’re so sad, so tired, he felt useless. He wishes he could take those feelings away from you with magic, but all he could do was sit and listen, and make you feel as loved as he could. "It’s okay to be soft, though. I hope you know that. You’re in a complex situation; it’s normal to feel the way you’re feeling, and you should allow yourself to feel these emotions, but I promise you you’re doing fine. If I were thrown into the past and I had to face you, and you did not know who I was, I would feel the same, too."
"You would?" you asked, looking up at him, his gray eyes looking at you warmly.
"I would. I don’t know how I’ve lived so, so many years without you by my side, starlight. My life would never be the same without you." He whispered, running his fingertips down your back. And you could feel it right now—that fuzzy feeling that only appears when you’re with him. You could feel your face warming up at his words, which made him smile.
"I love you, do you know that?" you asked, your lips brushing lightly against the skin of his jawline, making him shiver. You placed a light kiss on that area.
"I know. And I love you just as much." He murmured back at you, moving his face lightly, his lips looking for yours. You couldn’t help but smile as you lean in for a kiss, his lips warm against yours. In that moment, it felt like nothing else mattered except the love and care you have for each other. He sighed, satisfied, as he pulled away from the kiss.
"Aren’t you hungry? It's kind of late, but I can cook something comforting just for you."
"Actually, I had some snacks before getting home," you said, almost out of muscle memory, as you cuddled up against him. "Please, let’s just stay here. I want to be with you."
The sorcerer smiled as he pulled you closer to him, indulging you. When everything around you felt like it was falling apart, it really was those little moments with Solomon that pulled you back together, reminding you that you were capable of everything. He was your rock, keeping you grounded when you needed it most. And you couldn’t be more thankful.
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embersflame · 1 year
Part 6
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This whole thing with the credit card was the last thing you needed some of the charges didn’t even make sense the bank promised to look into further but it was stressing you out and when your stressed you want to have fun so on your way to a club you went you texted Buck to see if he’d join but he was busy that annoyed you for some reason meaning that left Eddie but would it be too awkward to see him alone again “hey Eddie what are you up to tonight”
“Nothing much Christopher is at a sleepover so I’m just playing video game and drinking beer”
“Oh i was wondering if you’d like to join me at the club I called buck too but he’s busy and it’s so boring here right now”
“Can’t really drive but your welcome to join me if you want”
“Amazing I’m on my way”
You soon arrived at the Diaz residence ready to drink your ass off while playing games with Eddie
“I’m so kicking your ass at this Diaz”
“Your cheating I’m clearly more drunk then you there for it’s only fair you take a shot”
He hands you some tequila which you happily down more then a shot of
“Stop shooting me I’m on your team y/n”
“So what that doesn’t mean anything I never signed a contract”
“Stop it seriously”
“Make me Diaz”
He tackled you wrestling the control form your hands while you squirmed trying to continue shooting him trying to piss him off more you let out loud laughter as he pined you down
“Bite me Diaz”
“Don’t have to tell me twice”
He leaned down further and started kissing and nibbling your skin your hands now in his hair as his roamed your body soft breaths left your lips before you joined them with his completely lost in his taste he sat you up hands under you shirt as you both tried to get rid of as much clothes as possible before he picked you up carrying you to bed never breaking the kiss until he layed you down removing your thong and his boxers you groaned looking at him
“Fuck Eddie”
You mumbled trying to catch your breath you watched him with lust filled eye as he kissed his way up to you settling between your legs wrapping then around himself as you nuzzled into his neck scratching his back as he slowly entered you he moaned as you whimpered at the size rocking your self slowly to get use to it until pure pleasure endured
“Oh my god Eddie please move”
Knowing you were ready pulled out a growl out of him as he thrusted trying to muffled your moans you bit in to his skin sucking and kissing his neck shoulders and chest everything you could reach but he wasn’t having it pulling your chin up he caught your swelling lips in his thrusting harder as your moan left your mouth and into his
“You feel so fucking good y/n”
He dipped his head taking one breast in his mouth and his hand wrapped around the other you threw your head back it utter bliss trying to get five words out desperately
“Speak up what do you want huh”
He taunted with a particularly hard thrust
“I need to ride you”
Flipping you over immediately both groaning at the new position his hands on your ass while you held on to his shoulders digging your nails in
“Fuck just like that I’m not gonna last long”
“Me neither I’m almost there Eddie”
His hand traveled down to increase pleasure sending shockwaves as you screamed while coming undone Eddie following suit crashing his lips on you to savor every moment panting coming down from your highs you settled next to him while hes running his hands all over the love bites he left admiring every one while you drifted asleep
You woke up tangled in the sheets to a loud banging on the door which prompted Eddie to jump out of bed a scramble to find pants before the sound of the door opened and bucks cheerful voice filled your ears announcing his arrival before he headed for his room hoping to interrupt Eddie’s slumber but he didn’t get the chance as Eddie darted out and met him half way no shirt on as soon as Buck laid eyes on him he broke out in a smirk hair all tossed purple marking every viewable part of his body and not to mention to claw marks now Turning red as they ran down his torso and back he looked down to see clothes littering the living room floor kick your bra for emphasis “Eddie you dirty dirty dog” he clapped his hands together letting out a amused laugh “look at you she did a number on you no wonder you wouldn’t pick up” he remarked “what do you want buck”
“Nothing now you were clearly busy or are busy I’m never going to let you live this down bud”
Delivering a hard pat on the back makeing Eddie wince in discomfort add fuel to bucks amusement
As he backed away and left still chuckling
Eddie Returned to you
“Thank goodness I took an Uber here so he didn’t see my car” you said relived
“ well I wasn’t so lucky by tonight everyone is going to hear About this” he dropped his head in his hands annoyed
You put hand on his shoulders a massaged soothing him
“Come on Ed’s it’s buck he exaggerates maybe it won’t be that bad but just in case don’t let anyone see you with a shirt i sorry about that by the way”
“Well maybe you can make it up to me Chris is off to school directly from the sleepover and we could both use a shower” he grin while pulling you towards the bathroom
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lysol1201 · 1 year
One Hell of a Vacation
RE4!Leon Kennedy x GN!Reader
Summary: You're in Spain for a vacation, but you wound up in the wrong place… you find your savior, but… you might annoy him. Just a little.
Takes place in modern times and not 2005, because I said so, and so then I could make certain jokes lol
Also, probably not very correct in the timeline of the game, it's really just for the haha's LMAO
Word Count: 1409
Genre: Mostly just comedy
TW: profanity, not beta read (we die like luis)
Leon walked up to a home with his gun in hand. He’d already encountered many… “locals” in Spain, and he was always prepared to be greeted by more. He didn’t expect to hear whines from behind the door, though. Unsure if it could actually be an enemy or not, he knocked. Suddenly the whines stopped and it sounded like someone held their breath.
“Who’s in there?” He spoke with a stern tone. No response. “You don’t have to pretend, I know you’re in there,” He sighed.
“Nobody’s home,” A small voice spoke, almost like a squeaky mouse.
Leon groaned and placed his forehead on the door while he leaned onto it. “I can’t deal with this shit…” He muttered to himself. “I’m coming inside!”
“That’s trespassing!” The tiny voice spoke up again. “No one’s here!” 
Leon ignored the small voice and went to open the door anyway, which was locked. “Unlock the door, or I kick it down,” He demanded. Silence. “Okay,” He shrugged and backed up. He put all of his strength into his right leg and kicked the doorknob, forcing it open.
“Ahhh!” The no longer squeaky voice yelled at the loud bang and him as he walked in. They were sitting in the opposite corner of the room from the door. Knees-up, arms wrapped around their legs. “Don’t come any closer I, uh,” They stuttered, searching around them in a panic. “I have a stick and I know how to use it!” They grabbed the wooden stick next to them and pointed it at Leon.
Leon’s shoulders slumped and he sighed in annoyance. He pulled up his gun and pointed it at them. “Who are you?”
“Guns aren’t something to mess around with, you know!” They panic again. “Put that thing back where it came from, or so help me!” 
“Tell me who you are, or I’ll shoot you like you’re one of the cultists!” Leon threatened.
“Please, I don’t even know how to speak Spanish!” They shouted in fear, dropping the stick and raising both hands up in surrender. “Please, I came to Spain on vacation and now Adam Sandler is trying to get in my head,” They started sobbing uncontrollably.
“Adam…” Leon put down his gun and looked at the person in complete disbelief. “Sandler?” He groaned and threw his head down, placing two fingers on his temple as he massaged it. “Do you mean… Osmund… Saddler?”
They look up at Leon through their blurred tears, and their facial expression almost turned into one of shock. “Oh my God, I thought they were saying Adam Sandler this whole time!” They exclaimed, then began sobbing more uncontrollably. “I’m so stupid!” They groaned into their hands while they covered their face.
If Leon could abandon this random human, he would. Unfortunately, he was… a good person. He groaned at the thought. “What’s your name?” He sighed in defeat.
They released their hands from their face and looked at Leon with puffy red eyes. “I’m Y/N,” You replied.
Leon walked forward to you and crouched down to your level. You flinched slightly. “I’m Leon,” He introduced himself and stuck out his hand. “I’m here to help,”
You looked at him in awe as he began to be more calm and assuring towards you. “Really?” Your words came out in a whisper.
“Yes,” Leon responded. “Really,” You took his hand and he helped you get up on your two feet. “How did you get here, anyway?”
You scratch the back of your head and chuckle awkwardly. “Long story,”
“I got all day. Except not really,” 
“So, basically I had a pen pal from Spain, and we planned this trip to meet, but I got here, and I was like ‘woah, they aren’t at our meeting place, did I get catfished?’ or however it’d be, and so I asked around the town for their location and people knew who they were, but said they recently went missing, so I was like ‘yo what the fuck’ and so they explained to me all the missing people shit and this area and that my friend had come here, so I decided to Nancy Drew this shit thinking I was the bravest person to walk the Earth, and now I’m here,” You responded in one long run-on sentence in one long breath. Once finished, you started breathing heavily to catch your breath. “There’s the TLDR.”
Leon listened attentively to your TLDR. “Do you know where they are now?”
“Oh, they’re dead,” You spoke bluntly. “Like, dead dead. SUPER dead.” You laughed, but it was obvious to mask the pain and trauma of whatever happened.
“How did they die?”
“Have you seen the anime, Chainsaw Man?”
“Yeah…” Leon sighed, unsure of what to say. “I’m in way too much shock right now to think, if I just smile, it never happened, right?” You speak with a look of pain on your face along with a smile. You kind of look awkward and freaky.
“It happens,” Leon shrugs. “Anyway, I need to find someone. I’m on a rescue mission for her. I had her, but she ran after Saddler had gotten to her. Have you seen a young girl with blonde hair anywhere?” 
You shake your head. “I’ve been hiding in here for a long time now. I haven’t seen much,” You explain. “I also really need to pee, so it’s hard to pay attention to anything,”
Leon groans in annoyance. “Is there not a bathroom in this place?”
“There is a bathroom here, but that’s disgusting! I don’t want to get some disease, or even worse, have some worm thing eat my ass!” You complain, your words shocking Leon and having his entire body language and facial expression fall in defeat.
“I have no idea what to do with you,” Leon mumbles. “Is there a bush outside you can just use?” He huffs out.
“But what will I wipe with? I don’t want piss on my underwear.”
“A leaf, I don’t know?”
“Wouldn’t that be painful?”
“God, just piss your pants then for all I care!” Leon’s voice raised in frustration. He was so upset and annoyed, and you were no help for him. But, he couldn’t just leave an innocent civilian, either. “You can argue with me about where to piss, or you can just do it! I’m going to leave here with or without you!”
“Okay, okay, God, I’ll pee in the bush!” You shouted back and rushed out the back door. Leon waited, quite impatiently, and when you returned from your bathroom break he looked at you in defeat. “I’ve successfully pissed in the bush,”
Leon shut his eyes tightly. He was never one to be religious, but he was suddenly praying to God to give him strength to deal with you. “Let’s get going,” He huffed.
When you two had turned around to walk away, two locals had begun to walk over. You screamed. Obviously, like any normal human being. Leon quickly took out a shotgun and shot both, their heads blown to pieces. You stared in shock. Your face then turned pale when tentacles came wiggling out of their necks where their head should be.
“Oh my God, why are they worms!” You screamed. “No, I will not love you if you were a worm, get away!” You panicked, going over to Leon and grabbing the pistol in his holster.
“What are you-“ But before he could finish his question, you began shooting aimlessly at the worms. 
“This is why I don’t wanna use the toilet! What if they eat my ass!” You scream, your eyes shut as you continue to shoot. You were lucky that you didn’t shoot Leon, and the locals did get shot a couple of times, but you did waste all the ammo Leon had.
“God fucking dammit!” Leon shouted as he turned back to the enemies and shot them with his shotgun again, enough to kill them entirely. “What the fuck were you doing?” He shouted at you.
“You used all the ammo!”
“I was scared!”
After Leon was done with his fit of frustrated grunts, and you finished your confused screams, you both caught your breath. “I’m going to help you leave,” He started to speak while he panted. “And then I never want to see you again. Okay?”
“Yes, sir,” You squealed with fear and saluted Leon.
You were having one hell of a vacation.
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bots-and-cons · 3 months
Just some thoughts
I'll try to get back to writing too, even though it seems tumblr ate at least one of the asks I got, though it wasn't a request. This is maybe kinda me venting again for the first time in a while. It's not really anything super-duper serious, and I'm mostly just annoyed about a hundred little things. I just love complaining on the internet lol...
If you don't want to read the rant/vent/whatever part, don't read past this
So I was at my mom's for two weeks and came back home like a week ago. The first week I was there, I was alone, since I was house/pet sitting while my mom, her husband, my two youngest siblings +some other relatives went to a cabin in the north. I didn't want to go, hence I was recruited to watch the house and cats. We had a little evening of card and board games with my two younger (but of age) brothers and my best friend, some alcohol was involved and we had in general a good time. I was also having a good time, but afterwards my BFF kept asking me if I was okay and if I was having fun. Since I drank quite a lot, I wasn't masking as much, so even though I was having a good time, there was apparently a bit of a resting bitch face situation going on with me, and by "a bit" I mean I looked like I wanted to strangle someone the whole night. Also I only slept like maybe 7 hours the previous night, which was way too little for me, so that also contributed to me being "annoyed".
It felt kinda bad that when I unmasked, even if unintentionally, it was immediately perceived as negative. It's not like this is the first time this has happened, I was always the weird kid and the whole "resting bitch face" thing has always gotten me a lot of complaints. I mask so much when I'm around other people, even family and my BFF, and when I unmask a bit or stim a little more obviously I get comments like "What are you doing?" or "Why are you acting weird?" Then I go back to trying to mask absolutely everything again and to not show any "weird behavior". It's really frustrating tbh.
Anyway, when my mom and the rest came back from the cabin, I had cleaned most of the downstairs, which is a huge fucking job because of how much stuff they have, they're all kind of hoarders. They came back in the middle of the night and when I came downstairs in the morning the kitchen had already basically exploded, and I was pretty pissed, because wtf? I kinda hoped they would be able to keep it tidy for like more than half an hour, but I apparently that was a stupid thing to expect.
My little sister had a hobbyhorse day camp thing the next week, and her best friend was also at my mom's almost the whole week. I don't like my little sister's BFF, she makes my sister act out and be stupid in general, and the friend is super entitled. Anyway, I was really stressed by Wednesday and I had a bit of a meltdown and went to cry outside while my mom was putting my youngest brother to sleep and my sister and her friend went upstairs. I was sobbing and scratching and hitting myself, because I was really fucking upset and overwhelmed. I didn't tell my mom about this, because she's stressed enough already, and I don't want to add to it.
I feel like my mom is basically a single mom most of the time, because her husband is away so much, be it because of work or because he goes to Germany for two weeks to fucking car shows. While my mom has to manage two kids alone, take my youngest brother to his summer club and my sister and her friend to their camp. It might not sound like that much, but there's a lot more I don't feel like explaining. My youngest brother is autistic and has ADHD and my mom has ADHD too, so he alone is a lot for my mom to manage. I was there for most of the time while my mom's husband was away, so she was really grateful for that. When July starts, her husband leaves for another leisure trip, and my mom has to work and figure something out for my youngest siblings, because the summer club thing ended, and they're too young to be left alone at home. My little sister can manage alone while my mom works, but I feel like she really shouldn't have to, but my sister and youngest brother CANNOT be left alone together for more than like an hour. (My youngest brother is 7 and my sister is almost 10.)
My mom can manage, but it's hard, and she doesn't get to take trips like that EVER. It's not that her husband doesn't let her, but he's very good at the whole "weaponized incompetence" thing, and I feel like my mom just feels better when she knows there's someone who's actually taking care of the kids. If she goes somewhere it's always a family trip or max one night for her alone. I feel bad for her and I try to help, but I can't really handle the kids and the mess well, so I can't be there all or even most of the time.
Again, I'm doing okay, just pretty tired. Thanks if you read, I appreaciate it :D
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astromechs · 1 year
💧 for the WIP game
💧share something romantic/hot from your WIP so! i realized that everything i'd written recently was sad! but i didn't want to leave you hanging, anon, so i... wrote an entire 1k drabble from scratch in about the past hour and some change, just for this? and now that this is in existence, i'm sort of thinking of expanding on this modern au. anyway, without further ado: (and also now on ao3!)
It shouldn’t make Cassian feel anything, honestly, when he wakes to the sight of an empty bed beside him; that’s just life, and he’s an adult who knows better than to expect more than what a situation has to give.
There’s a heaviness tugging at him now, though, as his eyes linger, as a hand reaches out before he thinks to stop it, smoothing over sheets that are no longer warm. A heaviness, like the smoke left in the air when a fire has burned itself out on its embers, like a sense, in what remains, that something is missing. It’s stupid to think that, to feel that, after just one night, and with a woman he barely even knows beyond the name that she’d given him (Jyn Erso), but —
Even within a second of locking eyes with her, much less actually being in her presence, something had felt different. It hadn’t been in a way he could really explain — but after so many years of drifting aimlessly, it’s as if she’d pulled him to shore; it’s as if something in him had woken up, as if some part of him that had never actually returned from the war had been kickstarted back to life. And when she’d kissed him, when her body had been pressed to his and he’d known nothing but that heat, and the sweetest sounds he’s ever heard, he’d known, without a doubt, exactly what had been missing.
But it doesn’t even matter, anyway, does it? Because she’s gone. She’s moved on with her life, same as he should do with his — and there’s more than enough to move on to today; he might not be physically going into work until the middle of the afternoon, but before then, he still needs to carve out some time to continue to adjust the new menu, and soon enough, his phone will be ringing.
Exhaling a long sigh, he stretches, beginning the whole meticulous process of starting out his day in a way that’s least likely to aggravate the old back injury that will never quite heal.
That’s when the distinct shrill of his apartment’s smoke detector begins to ring in his ears.
He freezes in an instant, heart pounding, fingers twitching to reach for a weapon like they still always do, even more than a decade away from any warzone. It takes a moment for him to catch his breath again, for his brain to come back online enough to steer him toward an actual plan of action.
There’s no actual smoke that’s immediate or obvious, but the scent of burning wafting through the air guides him down the hall toward the kitchen with a purpose. Is there some kind of electrical thing going on? Had he forgotten to unplug the coffee maker at some point yesterday, and now an outlet is sparking? He doesn’t think that he had, but those are the only potential explanations his brain can produce.
And those come nowhere close to guessing the actual one: Jyn, standing in the kitchen, fanning one hand over her face as she drops one of his pans (which he can tell, even from this distance, is charred) down onto the counter with the other.
Cassian can count the number of friends he has on one hand, and every single one of them knows this: his kitchen, as well as all his pots and pans, and his set of best knives, aren’t to be touched. He keeps his home as ordered as his workstation — and he takes pride in that. He should be annoyed at the sight in front of him; if any of those friends had done this to him, he would have an earful for them later.
Somehow, though — he isn’t annoyed. Maybe it’s the way that when Jyn creases her brows, her whole face seems to scrunch up right along with them; maybe it’s the way that her hair falls loose and unkempt to her shoulders, or maybe it’s the way that she’s standing there in one of his shirts, and it’s so big on her that it practically goes down to her knees.
Maybe it’s the glint of recognition in her eyes when she finally turns to face him, the hint of something soft that’s there even through her scowl, even through her shrug when she says, probably unnecessarily, “Tried to make breakfast.”
No, in a surprising turn of events, he isn’t actually annoyed at all.
Actually, a smile threatens to break out on his mouth as he crosses the kitchen, only coming to a stop when he’s close to her. (And the damage. All things considered, though, it isn’t that extensive or devastating; the charred pan is one that’s lived almost past its usefulness, anyway, and he has much better sitting in his cabinets.) It threatens, still, as he tells her, placidly, “That was thoughtful.”
The crease in her brows only seems to deepen as she regards him, silently, for a time. Then: “You’re laughing at me.”
“Hm.” The hum is as noncommittal as the expression he tries for on his face — an effort to continue to keep that smile under wraps. He loses, though; he’s not sure he’d really had a chance of winning this particular battle in the first place.
Besides, the smile that mirrors on her face in turn, and the huff of a laugh that escapes her, isn’t something he’d want to miss.
There’s so much that he doesn’t have it in himself to be happy about; happy is hardly even a word that exists in his vocabulary. But for whatever it’s worth, he finds himself… relieved that she’s still here.
“Why don’t we order something?” He reaches a hand for one of hers, pulling her closer. Leaning in until his lips are practically touching her ear, he adds, “There are other things we can do while we wait.”
Without letting go of his hand, Jyn pulls away with a grin, hoisting herself up onto an empty spot of counter before tugging him back toward her and crashing her mouth into his.
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calciseptinefic · 2 years
a luxury few can afford
Marvel || Wade Wilson/Peter Parker || Part 1 notes: i cannot believe this is what gets me back on tumblr. jfc. this fic is also available on ao3 warnings: discussion of blowjobs?
Peter has exhausted his resources.
Correction: he has exhausted most of his resources. Which are... limited to begin with, as he is a broke college student slash vigilante slash part-time photographer running on little more than fumes and cheap pizza slices. He could maybe find another solution to his problem given more time, energy, and money, but he has none of those things. Zero. Zippo. Nada. And the man he's been tracking—some mid-level goon working for Kingpin—is going to leave the country in less than three days. If Peter doesn't want to waste several months of stake-outs and information gathering, then he needs to resort to his last resort:
Asking a favor of Wade 'Merc with a Mouth' Wilson.
"Sounds like I'm gonna get shot at," Wade says contemplatively around a mouthful of masticated Mexican mush. As is usual, they're sitting on the ledge of a building, feet dangling a dozen stories above a dimly lit alley. "And I charge extra for being shot at. I mean, it's not like being shot at is gonna do anything except temporarily make me look even more like swiss cheese, but..." He takes another massive bite of his food, finishing it. "It's the principle of the thing."
"And what's the going rate for swiss cheese?" Peter asks as casually as possible.
Wade names a price with a few more zeroes on it than Peter can afford.
"Ah," Peter says.
"But for you, baby boy, I can give a discount!"
Peter has a feeling that even a discount would still be wildly outside his budget.
"Let's pretend I don't have any money," Peter says instead of asking, picking at the tinfoil keeping his burrito warm. His late dinner (early breakfast?) is starting to look a little sad, the congealed cheese greasy and the shredded lettuce limp. "Let's pretend the food truck took the last of my already meager paycheck, and that the only thing I have to offer is a favor."
"Ah, the favor," says Wade wisely. "Ye ol' tit for tat. The mutual scratching of mutual backs. The amorphous, ambiguous assumption that sometime in the unknown future, I will need you to do something for me that I am unable to do for myself, for whatever contrived reason the author thinks of."
"Umm, yes?"
"Umm, let me think about this." Wade bunches up the leftover mess of tinfoil and parchment paper from his own meal and tosses it over the side of the building. Amazingly, a few seconds later, there's a soft plink as the ball makes it into an open dumpster. "And my answer is... no."
"Why not?" asks Peter, voice rising.
"Because there's not a whole lot you can do that I can't." Wade shrugs.
"That's not true!" Peter protests.
"It isn't?" The smile Wade gives him is wry, an unexpected flash of straight white teeth against angry, pockmarked skin. "I can't think of much that would require your superhero spidery-ness that I cannot accomplish with a) my distinct lack of morality and b) my god-tier ninja skills. Oh, and c) this pesky inability to die. That's super duper helpful, in the right contexts."
Peter exhales slowly. Usually, he and Wade get along annoyingly well, but sometimes, Wade just annoys. So he tries again, attempting to keep his tone level as he says, reasonably, "Well, maybe there isn't anything you can think of now, at this particular moment—"
Wade interrupts him with a shake of his head. "I'm going to stop you right there, baby boy. This fic is only five k and it ain't tagged for fake dating shenanigans, so... No. I don't think that temporality is the name of the game here."
"It will be two hours of your time," Peter says.
"Ooo, a new angle!" Wade crows. "Still temporal, but okay. Lay it on me."
"Two hours, Deadpool. I need to put this guy away. Now. He's leaving for Germany soon to arrange another shipment, and the new drugs they're flooding our community with have already killed 17 people."
"Firstly, 'our community'? Really? Going for the empathetic, inclusionist vibe?" Then, without pause, Wade points out, "Fisk's men aren't the only bastards dealing. Not exactly going to solve the problem."
"No, it won't," Peter admits. "But I can't keep webbing up random dealers, because it doesn't do anything, because someone else from Kingpin's gang just replaces him. And Kingpin's operation is the biggest provider. If I can get this last bit of proof, then I can hand it over to Matt and get the actual operation shut down. Legally. The supply will be choked. Sure, some random dealers will get the trickle down from the outside, but those guys I can web up."
Wade is quiet. Peter hopes, for a moment, that Wade will sigh, say 'fuck it', and do what Peter wants in exchange for that favor he mocked. Instead, Wade says,
"Still a no, baby boy."
Peter's low-simmering irritation flares into real anger. He knows Wade isn't altruistic and that there are plenty of good reasons he has a darker view of the world. Most of the time, it doesn't bother Peter; in the years he's been Spiderman, he's grown more pragmatic, and he understands the worlds in deeper shades of gray than some of his other superhero counterparts. It's one of the reasons why he gets along with Wade when most people don't.
Right now, however, Wade's apathy for something Peter's struggling with feels like a betrayal. It stings. Deeply. Peter had been trepid about asking Wade because Wade is a wild card with a fondness for explosions and mayhem, but he had been so sure that Wade would say yes. He thought that their friendship—as odd as it was—was beginning to feel like... like... like something else. Like something more. Something that would make Wade sling an arm around Peter's shoulders and say, Okay, baby boy. Anything for you.
But Wade said no. Such sharp, sudden hurt—this needling reminder that Wade comes with a price, even for Peter—makes Peter mean, and he snarls, "Fine, then. If you won't do it because it's the right thing to do, and you won't do it in exchange for a favor, then what do you want? A blowjob?"
Peter knows he's crossed a line the moment it leaves his mouth. The whites of Wade's mask go round in shock and his mouth goes slack. Soft. A moment later, his tongue slides, searching, across his bottom lip. Peter feels a lightning strike of awareness race down his spine and pool in his gut.
"Wade." Peter bristles. "I told you not to use my name when we're—"
"Peter," Wade says again. Lower. Unyielding. "Shut the fuck up for two seconds. Now."
Peter closes his mouth so quickly his teeth click together. The line of Wade's shoulders is so rigid that it looks brittle, as though one quick movement would make him physically snap apart. Peter rarely sees such seriousness from Wade and, truthfully, it worries him, quietly bleeding the last of his irritation from him as two seconds becomes two minutes, becomes two more.
Together, they sit in silence stretched thick and tense, Peter still clutching his half-eaten burrito, Wade with his fists balled atop his thighs. Wade's eyes are open but unseeing, and the rise and fall of his chest is deep and rhythmic. Peter's seen him do it before, a few times, when the voices in Wade's head start screaming so loud he can't think past them; it's an attempt to put himself back into his brain's driver's seat.
A small amount of guilt wriggles beneath Peter's worry. He folds the excess tinfoil over his food and sets it aside. He isn't hungry anymore.
"I am going to give you the opportunity to take that back," Wade says, after a time. His words fall down into his lap; he hasn't looked up since he told Peter to shut up. "Because if you're fucking with me, you tell me, right now. Tell me it's a joke, and we'll laugh about it. Because if you're not serious—"
"I am." Peter interrupts. "Wade, look at me."
Because the thing is.
The thing is.
Peter's thought about it.
About Wade's mouth, his hands, his cock.
Everything about Wade is big. And Peter—who is shorter than the national average and leaner than most—cannot help but be keenly aware of the difference in their sizes. He's thought about it for years, imagining how Wade could completely box him in, how heavy Wade's weight would be atop him, how full Wade's dick would stuff him. Sure, Peter could lift Wade above him with one hand, but it's less about being overpowered and more about being engulfed, cradled or grounded by nothing more than Wade's bulk.
Peter's well aware of the obsession. He's pretty sure it's mutual, considering Wade's preoccupation with his ass and the insane amount of flirting that normally occurs between them, but he's never been sure enough. He hates that it came out like this: something meant to hurt instead of something meant to heal.
"I shouldn't have said it like that," Peter says when Wade tilts his head to the side. Not looking at him directly, no, but enough so Peter can see how carefully blank his expression is. "It wasn't a joke, but I was angry. I mean, I am angry. This means a lot to me and I do need your help, but I shouldn't've... put that out there, like that."
"Well, why not?" Wade says. His voice is still heartbreakingly even. "A little blowie for a little job. Better than a bar of gold to me, baby boy. You know I'm fucking gagging for it."
"In this case I think I'm the one who would be gagging for it," Peter jokes. Then, "Wade. Please. Look at me."
Wade does.
Peter leans towards him and places a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth. Wade's textured skin is warm beneath Peter's lips. It isn't how he imagined their first kiss, but it's as dangerous as he knew it would be. Such a small movement, lasting less than a heartbeat, sending a disproportionate wave of heat through Peter's entire body. He begins to pull away and—
One of Wade's hands reaches out and—
Grabs the nape of Peter's neck and—
Hauls him back and—
Wade's mouth is unforgiving on his, closed, pressing so hard that Peter's lips are crushed against his teeth. It's a graceless kiss, bruising. A thin whine rises in Peter's throat as he turns the rest of his body into it, grabbing the straps of Wade's shoulder holsters, fingers desperate to find something to hold onto, to keep him grounded. Just a few, frantic seconds, and Peter already feels undone. Hungry. He shifts his hips, slipping his leans thighs over Wade's legs to crawl into the other man's lap, to bring their bodies close—
Wade yanks himself away, breathing hard.
"No," Wade says, hoarsely. "No no no, not now. Not when you're mad at me though—Jesus fucking Christ, don't think I'm not like, half-chubbed up in my fucking cup thinking about you glaring at me while you blow me. Holy shit, that's like, at least twenty percent of my credit line at the spank bank."
"Wade," Peter begs, his head spinning.
"I know, baby boy, I know," Wade croons. He pushes a thumb to the indent beneath Peter's swollen lip, other fingers curled under Peter's chin. "But if we're gonna do this, we're gonna do it later, after the job, when we can get a pillow under your knees and I can see your pretty eyes. You understand?"
"You want me to take my mask off," Peter elaborates.
"I want you naked," Wade clarifies, his voice going low again. "Wanna see how cute you are, how far those freckles go down. Wanna see how red your cheeks get and how you cry when you choke on my cock. Those are my terms. Capice?"
Peter inhales shakily at the mental image, eyes fluttering shut. Him, on his knees, between Wade's massive thighs, struggling to take Wade's cock while Wade's scarred fingers fist in his hair. It will be the first time Wade will see him completely; not just the lower half of his face, mask pulled over his nose, or his bare hand when he takes off his glove to fine tune his web-shooter, but all of him. It's a daunting prospect. Of course it is. Only a handful of people know that Peter Parker and Spiderman are the same person. Can he trust Wade Wilson to be one of those people?
The answer comes quickly.
He can.
In truth, over the past five years, Peter has been giving Wade small pieces of himself. Pieces of Spiderman and pieces of Peter. He finds that he's not actually scared of letting Wade see the whole of him. He might still be wary of owing Deadpool a favor—sensibility is not the mercenary's most well-known character trait—but he knows, to his bones, that he can trust Wade, the man, with this. With him.
This is not how I expected tonight to go, Peter thinks mirthfully. Aloud, he says, "When I get what I need, and I get it to Matt, I'll text you my address."
"Fuck me, baby boy," Wade hisses. His big hands, still on Peter's body, tighten briefly, then relax. "Are you absolutely, red-100-underline-underline emoji sure?"
"Been thinking about it, for awhile. Haven't you?"
"Since the day you swung into my life."
"Then you have your answer." Bravely, Peter leans in to bump his nose against Wade's. "I'll text you the details."
Wade rubs their noses together before pulling away. Peter unhooks his fingers from Wade's shoulder holsters and climbs out of Wade's lap, standing on the ledge and taking a step back. The places where they had been touching are unexpectedly cold. Peter quickly tugs his mask back down over his mouth and throat before he's tempted to do something foolish, like climb right back into Wade's arms.
"Tomorrow night," Peter says.
"Tomorrow," Wade answers.
Peter salutes as he lets himself fall off the rooftop. Gravity tugs him down and—fleetingly—he experiences the exhilarating weightlessness of free fall. Then he fires his web-shooter and swings away, the rush of air around him unable to disguise Wade's loud whoop of triumph.
Behind his mask, Peter smiles.
Part 2
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selamat-linting · 2 years
so, last time i left off on homestuck, i was introduced with the cherubs, and meenah peixes' bizarre (afterlife) adventure. as always, some thoughts :
-i kinda feel bad for dirk lol. out of all the group, he was the one caliborn felt is the most tolerable to talk to. and worst of all, he kinda let him play his shitty games. eugh, if that was me, i'd just scoff at caliborn's threats on killing his sister and accidentally kickstarted the apocalypse too early since my ignorance pissed him off. to be fair, the porn drawing game feels like a pretty lackcluster attempt at trolling. its so cute how dirk draw himself kissing his crush.
-poor calliope though. last time i saw her she's very much a ghost, maybe stuck around the furthest ring along with the other very dead ghosts, but is somehow able to subtly influence things like guide caliborn into doing his quest from the viewport, and allegedly maybe stop meenah and vriska from having their duel and waking up john. this is only a maybe though, im not very convinced at my perception of events here.
-speaking of calliope and caliborn, this is where things started getting meta right? homestuck has always have a bit of metafiction elements to it, and a lot of its themes seems to be deconstructing and examining popular culture. act 6 is where things started getting off the rails, i mean, where references to internet subcultures gets more blatant, more up to date with the current time it was made (direct meme references instead of making its own inner jokes derived from irl shit like sbahj), and started to put a mirror on homestuck since it has grown into a notorious major fandom now. it makes sense that hussie would start writing about homestuck instead writing about the internet in general. there is no way act 6 can be something else. and it has its negatives just as much as it has its positives
-first of all, meme references in media has always been hard to do right. remember that burger ad fiasco? some of the jokes on act 6 doesnt land as well as in act 5 and 4
-wait shit i went off the rails. i want to talk about caliope and caliborn first. caliope is a hypothetical fan of hs meanwhile caliborn is a hater right? he was also a representation of misogyny which fits with the times. a lot of cringe culture ppl in the 2010s, at least the loudest ones, tend to be misogynists. i've seen the case over and over again. people who said they hate the fandom when actually they just hate to see teen girls having fun. they also tend to be ableists esp their attitude around bullying and autistic ppl but hussie is also an ableist too, so even though he was the one being bullied by cringe culture people online and benefitted from autistic kids making fanworks, he made caliborn to be the guy with a learning disability. hilarious bitch ig.
-but other than that, caliope's insult to caliborn implies that the murder he did was detrimental to his growth as person. not just metaphorically, but literally. im not so up to date with cherub lore and alien biology, but killing your headmate before their natural death and integration Sounds Bad. and based on calliope's word alone, it might even make caliborn perpetually stunted in cherub equivalent of puberty forever, unable to reach maturity. poor dude. but, is actually a pretty good commentary on toxic masculinity preventing one's full growth as a person because he can't allow himself to gain emotional maturity and do so called female activities.
-okay, moving on from the cherubs. the dancestors. personally, i like their designs, i spesifically love meenah, porrim, and aranea. meenah is scratching the vriska itch but with a different flavor. and i guess kankri, despite his massive annoying factor was nice too. i know a kid who actually act like him. the kid in my town went drunk with his friends and when his friends started being sad about his ex, the kid called him a sexist pig. a few weeks later i got news that this same kid persistently try get girls into having sex with him. educating him was a bitch and a half yknow and im not even that sad the kid decides to withdraw from organizing for now. but it is a bit hopeful to see that a kid like kankri, in another timeline, if given the chance to grow up and learn would be a terrific leader. maybe a few years later the kid in my town would change too?
-but other than that its... man how do i say this. okay, its bad. a lot of the characters are just there just for the sake of having to be there. hussie, you dont have to complete all 12 of the dancestors its okay. youre just wasting more energy animating stuff that you obviously dislike by now. like idc what they says, but the 12 dancestors wasnt even a good mirror of tumblr subcultures. its just there as a one off gag instead of something they wants to delve into later on. the jokes wasnt even that funny like, i've spent two years on reddit making fun of softboy nice guys and gamer gurls the joke is old at this point. and hussie seems to delve deeper into being an ableist asshole the more people criticize them. its pathetic to make a strawman character of your haters and criticizers. honestly, caliborn would have been a better character if its just a stand in for toxic masculinity instead of a homestuck hater. the story is too bloated at this point. just give it a rest.
-also, act 6 weakness is that most of the story elements would fly over someone who never know the heydays of 2012-2015 tumblr. okay, this applies to homestuck as a whole honestly. like its about the internet and american 90s nostalgia. only a terminally online person would fully appreciate it. but dear god the mental illnes you'll get if youre one of lucky demographics to understand... hussie might have hit and miss on some things, but when they're right theyre right. i do think there are merits on making things that will never have mass appeal.
-okay, now thats out of my system im gonna say that from now on, im not gonna take homestuck as seriously as i did yesterday. i can see this is the point where things started to fall apart. bloated character sets, too many authorial self inserts, plot is becoming overly convoluted, the social commentary are becoming incoherent. hussie can make an entire page about dirk explaining the downfall of western civilization using historical materialism to jake but this will always be the webcomic where the 'scariest' troll is a rapper who made vodka pie, slept in a bed of honks, and taped wings on his godtier cosplay.
-okay this is getting too long. on to facking part 2 of my post!!!!
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qutiesquish · 2 years
“Hexed Child”
Chapter Two Chapter 1/ch3
Prompt: a child ends up in the Entity’s realm, in the cursed hell where those who had already suffered enough in life had been chosen to suffer for eternity, a hell where they had to kill or survive, and make constant sacrifices. How well will they handle having a child to take care of in this constant game of death.
Authors Words:
You ask, I shall deliver! Oh! Also feel free to hit up my ask box if ya wanna dm for suggestions and stuff for this story cause I have my dms off lol #trust-issues
Tags: @yourkairii
Pronouns: He/Him
Warning(s): strong language, de@th, screaming kink(?), gore(?), de@th, manipulation if ya squint
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The three adults gawked at the child who stood before them.
This child was the new survivor.
Suddenly, the four felt their heartbeat start running.
“Feng! You distract the killer and me and David will take the kid and tell him what’s going on!” Bill whispered.
Feng nodded and sprinted the other way, knowing she was leaving scratch marks behind her.
David and Bill went the other way, the new survivor right behind them.
“Okay so, you see those flickering lights?” Bill asked as he crouched down and pointed up. The child nodded as he looked to where Bill was pointing.
“That’s where a generator is, we gotta fix up five of them alright?” Bill said as he and David started walking towards the gen.
“But… what do I do?”
“Just stick your hands in and mess around with things, once you do that you’ll know what to do, it sounds weird but it happens to all the new survivors” David said as he started working on the gen.
Bill just choked back a cough as he too started working on the gen.
“Okay I guess…” the child said confused.
Hesitant and shaky hands going into the generator. The moment he started messing around with the wires and gears he suddenly felt like he knew what he was doing.
Almost like muscle memory had taken over, he started expertly weaving his hands around the inside of the gen, fixing it up.
While the three worked on the gen the two adult males went back ‘n fourth explaining what the kid what to do and what this place was.
As the gen popped a scream was heard.
Feng had been knocked down.
With Feng and The Trickster
“Stop wiggling you dumb girl, it’s getting annoying and you’re putting wrinkles in my jackEt!” The killer’s voice cracked as he ran into another wall.
“Fuck— you dammit—“ Feng managed out as she continued to swing her arms and kick her legs.
She had several stab wounds in her back, sides, and calfs. Some of the Trickster’s daggers still embedded in her skin.
It hurt to move, and she felt like she was gonna die.
If only she could.
Unfortunately the Entity made it so she would continue to bleed out and feel pain, unable to even pass out for a moment of peace.
“AHHHHHH!” Her scream reached across the map as she was put onto a hook.
The Trickster laughed out at her pain.
He went on about how glorious her screams were and that he hoped he could hear her teammates screams as well.
After his short rant he ran off, away from the hook to go find her teammates.
Feng looked around and saw one aura which was across the map, seemingly working on a gen. As she thought that the gen had popped.
Three left to go.
Feng saw the other two auras, one much shorter than the other.
Then she saw David’s face pop out from behind the wall infront of her.
She could still see the aura of his legs, and the child. The child seemed to be somewhat behind David, probably not to get caught.
As David was grabbing Feng, both of their heartbeats rang inside their ears loudly.
“I was waiting for you David! I saw you ya know?!” The Trickster laughed as he hit David.
“FUCKING RUN!!!” David yelled as he and Feng sprinted off.
One thing led to another and suddenly Feng was back on the hook and David had been slugged.
After hooking Feng again Trickster left to go hook David on the second closest hook.
Feng sighed, Bill was still pretty far away and wouldn’t able to save her.
Suddenly she felt her legs be hugged.
She saw the kid.
“That’s not gonna work kid— AHHHHHH!” Feng screamed as a black fog appeared above the child and black shiny, slick claws grabbed her.
This was the end.
Then suddenly she felt herself on the ground.
What the fuck just happened?! Feng didn’t know.
“Was that the fucking Entity?!” She whispered out as she crouched down to the kid.
“I dunno. They just help me do stuff.” The kid shrugged.
Feng looked at the kid.. wait a minute.. “what’s your name kid?”
“Okay than… {Reader}.. I need you to—“ Feng was cut off by the sound of her heartbeat.
“Run kid!” She shouted as she vaulted over a window.
“Wha?..” Reader looked behind him and was met with a purple haired man with some kind of trench coat.
The two stared at each other for what felt like hours, even if it had only been a few minutes.
“I like your coat.”
Trickster POV
I giggled as I heard Feng tell her savior to run.
It’s not like they’d escape my grasp anyways….
What. The. Fuck.
“Wha?..” The child said as he turned to look at me.
Normal POV
As the Trickster continued to question what his morals were, {Reader} just stared at him silently.
The man with the trench coat was really pretty.
Like really, really, really pretty.
{Reader} didn’t know it but the word he was looking for was stunning.
He didn’t know men could be so pretty.
He wished he could be as pretty as the man who stood before him.
{Reader} noticed neither had said anything yet.
He got no reply. Trickster not hearing him over his internal screaming about what his morals actually were.
“I like your coat.”
This time the Trickster looked at the boy before him.
“Say… can you be a dear and do me a favor boy?”
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gaysimpsstuff · 4 years
Could I get a Hawks in his rut headcanon?
No problem, Anon! I’m sorry this took so long, I wanted it to be perfect since I really like thinking about Hawks’ avian traits, and I know people really like it too. I hope it’s good! 
Hawks Rut Headcannons
Genre: fluff, smut
Type: headcannons (so... many... headcannons)
Warnings: animal traits, Keigo being possessive af, the commission being assholes, sickness, food, breeding kink, lots of horny times
Other: most of this is based off of real research, but some of it also comes from personal preference. @keilemlucent and their fic Best Nest very much inspired many other headcannons, check them outI They’re one of my favorite creators, and the linked fanfic is one of my favorites! Hope it’s okay I tagged you here lmao
NSFW Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @combat-wombatus @mandalorian-baby-bird @waffleareniceandfluffy (Lemme know if you wanna be added to or removed from the Taglist)
Remember to check if requests are open before sending in a request. This was made while requests were still open.
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Pre-Rut Behaviors
Grooming and Preening
Before his rut, Keigo starts to feel dirty. He just seems to accumulate more dust and dirt during hero work than usual. He’ll come back home grumbling about blood in his hair and little bits of concrete in/on his skin.
He will insist you clean him off. So you get to brush his hair, put creams on his face, and wash him off in the shower.
Finally, there’s the preening. If he lets you preen his wings, then you know he’s in it for life. He loves and trusts you with everything he has. 
Expect him to press his nose against yours a lot.
Possessiveness and Protection
You’ll notice he gets more clingy, more possessive of you. He gets really controlling in the days leading up to his rut, so you’ll be annoyed a  l o t.
Just text all your friends and family that you’ve been swamped at work, it’d be a little weird to say “hey guys, sorry I can’t hang out, my boyfriend’s horomones are crazy right now and he gets really insecure if I so much as exist near anyone but him.”
You would come home from work and he’s already on you, sniffing your body to see who you’ve been around, and to see if any of them were attracted to you at all.
If he had any kind of sneaking suspicion that anyone posed a threat, he’s literally laying on you and rolling on top of you to try and get his scent on you. Even if no one will smell it except him, he’s gonna do it.
He’s so protective of you, and if something tiny hurts you or makes you upset...
Someone was rude to you? He’s screaming at them.
Someone tries to hurt or touch you? You’ve got to hold him back to stop him from ripping that person apart limb from limb.
All that x100 when he’s approaching his rut.
One person accidentally bumps into you? He takes it as passive aggressiveness even if they’re very apologetic about it.
You stub your toe on a table? He’s smashed the table and burnt it then thrown the ashes in the ocean. 
If you’re sad about something he can’t beat up, he feels horrible. He’s not the best at comforting people, so he’s just grabbing onto you and not letting go, telling you how much he loves and cares for you, and just how amazing you make his life feel.
If you don’t give him enough attention, he gets really huffy, and it gets worse leading up to his rut. 
You lifted your hands from his head to reach for your buzzing phone? He’s already whining and pouting and begging you to give him more head-pats again.
He’ll leave hints asking for you to make a nest, usually saying things like “Our bed needs some changing, don’t you think?” “Don’t you wish our space was more personalized?” 
If you don’t get the hint, he’ll be very sad, and he thinks you’re rejecting him. So you’d better be good at reading into things and realizing he’s approaching mating season and wants you to build a nest.
He comes home one day and sees you piled blankets, pillows, and dirty clothes in the living room, sprayed with his cologne and you’re cologne and/or perfume. He pulls you into his arms and spins around with you, giggling and laughing.
He’s so happy you made a nest for the two of you. 
He starts putting pretty shiny things he likes around the nest. Your toothbrush went missing and you found it in the mountain that was your nest.
Once, you were in desperate need of a clean shirt, and the only clean shirt you could find was in the nest. So you picked it up to put it on, and two seconds later, Keigo was in front of you, hands in your shirt, staring at you with such a fierce intensity, you felt almost like a villain.
He was very mad at you for taking things from your shared nest.
He leaves feathers all around the penthouse, but they’re all piled mostly around the nest, they’re for your protection so don’t try and throw them away.
He also gets really noisy, so he’ll be ‘singing’ and squawking and cooing constantly. He feels really bad about it so he might get you some noise-blocking headphones for when he’s screeching into the sky in the dead of night about how “THIS IS MY FUCKING TERRITORY Y’ALL MOTHERFUCKERS STAY AWAYYYY!”
You really think bird’s springtime songs are about love? Nah he’s mostly screaming about how he’s gonna fuck his partner and how the neighborhood  practically belongs to him.
Someone called the police once, tired of all the shouting, but the officers backed off when they saw who was doing all the shouting. Most of your neighbors are used to the screaming during early spring.
Rut End-game
On the third and second to last day before his rut, he gets a sudden burst of energy and an increased appetite. He refuses to eat anything unless you’ve made it though, so let’s best hope you can cook at least a little.
When he was younger, his hungry times before his rut were spent either eating anything and everything he can get his hands on. The commission broke that behavior very quickly though, so he’d starve himself before his rut, which would result in him getting very sick from a lack of energy and sustenance. That plus the extreme arousal was a recipe for pain and suffering.
So when you noticed he suddenly stopped eating, you insisted on making food for him, telling him that you wouldn’t let him go hungry ever. That was the first rut in years that didn’t feel like torture.
You’re cooking almost all the time, and he’s constantly eating everything you give him, running around from room to room while he waits for his next meal. He’s basically a hobbit.
In the last day or two before his rut, he suddenly has no energy, and starts getting hot and cold flashes. He’s sniffling, curled up in your shared nest, dirty tissues surrounding him. He comes in and out of consciosness, and when he’s awake, he’s whining and complaining about exhaustion and aches.
Physical Changes
Most of these happen in the last few days leading up to his rut, so it’ll be very sudden. These physical changes is what causes the extreme hunger and sickness.
His feathers darken several shades, and they become super sensitive. They also seem to grow in size, so when you cuddle, you’re smothered by them more than usual.
He also gains an extra couple inches in height, so expect some teasing now that he’s just that little bit taller. His hair also gets thicker and stronger, that’s so you can pull on it when he fucks you.
His nails get longer and darker, and they’re impossible to file or cut. So when he holds you and touches you, he often scratches you on accident. He’s really apologetic about it, but honestly you could totally paint his nails and pretend they’re acrylics if you’re into that.
His teeth get sharper, and he starts biting you just for fun. Bites your finger, hand, wrist, neck, even your nose. He underestimated just how strong his teeth are, and he made you bleed first time he bit you.
His whole body is very sensitive, so head-pats, back rubs, wings, and even his touching his feet can get him to the verge of cumming.
his tongue is longer, and it’s a whole lot stronger. He could probably carry a full plastic water bottle with his tongue (which isn’t a lot, but for a tongue it’s very much a lot).
His voice drops a whole octave and a half- mans is sounding almost like Corpse now. Maybe Markiplier? Anyways, if you’ve got a voice kink, you’re in luck
His dick changes too, it gets bigger, and he grows a lump at the base of it, between his shaft and balls. His balls get smaller until they’re barely noticable beneath what he calls him ‘knot.’
His eyes become sharper too, so don’t try and hide anything from him. 
Everyone already knows Keigo has a breeding kink, but he hasn’t brought it up with you until now. It just kind of- happens. As he’s drilling into you, he suddenly starts blabbering about fucking a kid into you, and how hot you’d look all round with his kids. Might be a little weird for those of you who physically cannot give birth to children (my lovely AMABS and infertile AFABS). 
He can’t control it, so it’s especially weird if you don’t even want kids. If you can get pregnant, you’d better double check that you’re taking your birth control. And get to know some good clinics just in case.
However, if you do want kids, if you want to start a biological family woth Keigo, fuck. You will not be able to handle his happiness and horniness in that moment when you beg him to get you pregnant.
He is going to mark you up. Hickies, bruises, hand prints, bite marks, plus his scent. He needs everyone to know that you are his. He wants to claim you, make sure you know you belong to him. No one else can have you but him.
Halfway through your fuckfest, he starts making animalistic noises. He’s growling, roaring, whining, chirping, etc. This is around the time when he stops thinking about you, so he’ll really rough you up during this phase.
This man was a virgin before you, so this is also the first rut he’s ever going to have with another person, so he’ll hold himself back a lot. He needs you to reassure him at every step, tell him how good you feel, how you want him to fuck you, how not only are you okay with him going all out, you want him too.
Did he just cum? You think you’re finished? HA! No way in fucking hell is he finished after one, two, five, ten... so many rounds. He just keeps going and going and going and how the fuck is he still hard? He cums so fucking quickly, so much, and then keeps going.
When he finally does go soft, his whole personality changes. it’s like he didn’t just fuck you stupid. He immediately goes into ‘protect’ mode, which includes cuddles, him spoon-feeding you, petting you like a dog, and singing to you.
He puts the nest near a window so he can keep an eye out for possible threats. Just like “gotta keep mate safe. Is that the mailman? NO FUCK NO GET OUT OF HEREEEE!” 
One moment, he’s fucking you, and the next he’s leaning halfway out the window, screaming at some poor dude walking his dog. Remember, he’s still naked. You learned your lesson after that and kept the windows locked, and warned the neighbors to stay out of sight of the window, at least for the time being.
You’re going to feel very dirty, because he does not want you cleaning off the sweat, cum, and tears from your body. He likes that you smell like him, and you washing it off makes him feel rejected. 
He’s going to break a lot of things, so move pictures and vases into another room and lock the fuck out of that room. Or else he will break all of it.
He thinks any clothes you’re wearing are mocking him, so wear clothes you hate when his rut starts, then get used to being naked for a couple days. 
Oh yeah, his whole rut lasts one to five days. He’s fucking you for about three days on average.
He fucks you until you faint, and then keeps going until he’s out of ‘fuck’ mode and into ‘protect’ mode. A few times, he fucked you unconscious in the middle of the afternoon and then kept fucking you until the sun rose. 
Yeah, he’s got that much energy.
Don’t worry, during the whole time, he lets out pheromones with a strong vanilla-chocolaty scent that keeps your body and mind relaxed. 
There’ve been times when he’s just fucking into you and your water bottle is just out of reach.
During his rut, he has no shame. Let’s hope your walls are soundproofed, or else your neighbors will all know how he fucks you. 
He will not restrain you or hurt you in any way during his rut. So no degredation, no collars or chains, the only thing keeping you in the nest is his weight on top of you.
He gets upset if you try to touch yourself, things it’s you trying to tell him that he’s not satisfying you enough. 
He wants you to cum as many times as him, which is difficult because of his increased sensitivity, so he’s using every skill he knows to get you cumming again and again and again.
Most of the time, he’s going hard, rough, and spilling absolute filth from his cock and mouth, but in the last few hours of his rut, he suddenly gets emotional.
He’s rocking up against you, holding you close to his body and blabbering about you
How much he loves you
How good you make him feel
How he wouldn’t want anyone else by his side for his rut
How you’re his mate for life
How he’ll protect you and keep you safe.
Please be gentle with him, he’s very vulnerable near the end of his rut, and he’ll cry very easily.
When he’s nearing his last load, he makes out with you sloppily, trying to talk as he shoves his tongue down your throat.
He finishes off by  pushing his knot all the way inside you, and stays there for an hour.
This is the softest moment, and he’s covering your body in kisses. 
His knot pushes these small eggs inside you, and you have the lovely job of pushing them all out the next day. 
Post Rut
When his knot deflates, he finally pulls out and starts cleaning you off. 
He’ll carry you around and finally gives you a bath, constantly making sure you’re okay.
He’ll give you lots of massages and he’ll cook for you. He’s constantly thanking you for helping him, telling you he didn’t deserve it.
Just kiss him on the cheek, tell him you had fun, and that you love him so very very much.
He needs the most reassurance now than ever before.
He’s also very tired, so you’ll be taking care of each other.
Then his ‘post-rut’ resets, and he sleeps for hours.
Then he gets super hungry, and the two of you make huge meals and just kinda binge eat for a day or two.
Then his physical changes go back to normal, and you have a happy lil bird boy who simps for you so hard
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navstuffs · 2 years
omg you write for rob pat? if youre okay with it, could i request a rob x gn (gender neutral) reader? the plot is that he and reader are costars on a movie where theres a love triangle. reader is the one that doesnt get chosen by the main guy (rob) but the directors keep needing to cut because every scene they have together, the tension between them is too strong
i think it would be cute? if you like the idea ofc☺
Pairing: Robert Pattinson x gn!Reader
Warning: none
Summary: You finally get hired to a big production. You are worried your chemistry with your co-star Robert Pattinson might ruin it all.
Author's note: i love the idea! usually when i write gender-neutral i write in second person cause it gives that more personal feeling, in my opinion. idk anything about acting as well so i apologize for any mistakes on the topic. emilia clarke is your friend in this <3 just a little guide: alex = reader, leo = robert, ripley = emilia. marc mckaney is an oc.
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When you were hired to Marc McKaney's new romantic movie project, you were thrilled. Marc was a big name in the industry and working with him meant one or two awards for the production, usually. You were even more excited when you heard Robert Pattinson and Emilia Clarke were going to be your costars. You knew Emilia during your two seasons in Game of Thrones. You didn't know a lot about Robert although having friends in common with him.
Filming began two months later. You played Alex, best friends with Ripley, portrayed by Emilia Clarke. Ripley and Alex fell in love with the new handsome guy in town Leo, played by Robert. The best friends would start a competition over Leo's heart which would make their friendship eventually fall apart. Leo would choose Ripley in the end, compelling Alex to leave town.
What no one in the crew, or you, or Robert could have predicted was the insane amount of chemistry you would have with Robert Pattinson. From the beginning, you knew your character wouldn't end with his, but that didn't stop you and Robert from getting along very well, transporting that to your characters. You heard from a producer that Marc was a little upset that you and Robert had bigger chemistry than the main couple.
Like in the first scenes Ripley and Alex met Leo. Leo was meant to have fallen in love with Ripley right there but he and Emilia looked just okay together? Now during scenes with Alex, your character, it was like it was almost meant to be. Everyone could feel the intensity. Leo looked much more relaxed and better on Alex's side. His eyes were supposed to be "shining with love" when they looked at Emilia's character, but they only did towards you. Marc had to scream multiple times "CUT", adjusting scenes every time it got too intense between Alex and Leo.
Or when Robert completely forgot his lines when Alex was flirting with him during a bar scene. Alex started giving a lap dance into Leo's lap and you could feel Robert's fingers tighten up in your waist as you danced against his thigh. You looked over your shoulder to catch his blue eyes burn with lust. That wasn't exactly how it was on the script.
Marc's voice was loud and he sounded a bit annoyed. He came walking towards you and Robert, scratching his chin.
"What am I going to do with you two? Rob, are you okay? I know (Y/N)'s acting is pretty impressionable, but you gotta stay with us. And (Y/N), good work. Too much of a good work that Robert can't take his eyes off you."
You laughed, nervously, glancing rapidly at Robert. He seemed to be blushing a little, getting a wink from the director before they tried the scene again.
But nothing, nothing would compare to when you two kissed.
It was during Alex's last attempt on convincing Leo about their love. Leo would reject Alex, saying since the beginning he only had eyes on Ripley. You prepared yourself mentally for that scene, not that would be hard since you got dumped a lot of times. Just use the experience from your teenage years and you would do fine.
Alex held onto Leo's arm not letting him leave the apartment. They gazed at each other for a long second, Alex's eyes filled with hope and desperation. They couldn't let Leo just go like this, let him leave like this.
"Stay with me, please? Please?" Alex started bringing Leo's body close to theirs, involving him with their arms.
Their mouths got close to each other and you could feel Robert's anxious breath against yours. In the original script, Leo was supposed to push you away at the moment of the kiss and leave, but it seemed Robert was going to try to improvise. Your heartbeat was fast as his mouth finally touched yours and you kissed him back. There was no sound coming from the crew as you and Robert shared a kiss for a long minute, before breaking apart. You gasped for air, his forehead still touching yours and you saw so much desire in his blue eyes.
"...and cut?"
You had completely forgotten about the crew and so did Robert. Getting away quickly from his arms, your heart still beating fast, you searched for Marc's astonished face as the rest of the shocked crew.
"Mhm, what was that, guys? Rob?"
"Just thought Leo would want to try with Alex, one time before he chose Ripley."
"Ooooooookay?! I think we need to take five, everyone?" Marc suggested waking up the rest of the filming team.
You saw yourself being surrounded by the make-up team, not having a chance to talk with Robert about what just happened. He didn't look in your direction as well or tried to repeat the kiss that day.
"So he kissed you? Like a big kiss?"
"I'm telling Emilia, he kissed me and said was improvisation."
You and Emilia were talking in your dressing room. You had texted for help the night before after the events from yesterday. You knew something was going on between you and Rob but you also knew you needed to keep it professional. And since Emilia was an experienced actress and she had your entire trust, you called for help. She arrived with your favorite cup of coffee, vibrating with the news.
"But you liked it?" Emilia teased you.
"No, I am asking because everyone has noticed: Rob has a crush on you."
"It is not that!"
"Then what is it then?"
You didn't want to mess up your big chance. After years in the industry, you finally got a prominent role that could open more doors for you. Robert was handsome and you couldn't deny you also felt an attraction for him, but you didn't want to lose focus.
"Look (Y/N), I don't want you to feel pressured about this. You have to do what you want and feel is best, my friend. I will support you no matter what."
You passed the rest of the day very distracted. Robert didn't talk with you except for a hello although having a full day of scenes with him and Ripley. The crew didn't talk about what happened the day before. Marc was satisfied with your preoccupied expression when Leo told Alex that he chose Ripley. Alex would leave, with tears on their eyes, without looking back. Ripley would try contacting Alex and they would only be mentioned at the end of the movie: a card congratulating Leo and Ripley for their engagement.
It took you a few times doing the last scene since you had to look into Robert's eyes and you simply couldn't on your first takes. Rob's body was too tense on those takes, making Marc scream "CUT!" at least five different times until you and Rob got the hang of things. Every time you stared into his eyes, you would remember the kiss. You needed to control yourself. The director didn't tease you or him this time, wrapping the scene up after numerous repetitions.
"Good job, everyone! Good work!" Marc announced, applauding, coming in your direction for a hug. He went next to Robert, giving him a few taps in the back before an assistant called his attention.
Robert started making his way towards the exit when you caught up to him.
"Can I walk with you until your dressing room, Robert?"
"Yes (Y/N). We need to talk."
The walk to his dressing room was silent, at first. You had your hands in your pockets, looking ahead. Robert spoke, uncertain:
"Look about the kiss, I am sorry. I don't know what came to me. I thought it was what Leo would have wanted."
"What Leo would have wanted or what you would have wanted?" you tested, unsure. Robert passed his hands on his blonde hair, making it even messier.
"I guess you are right. I am sorry. I shouldn't have. Especially since you don't feel the same."
"Who says I don't feel the same?"
"If you do, you have been better at hiding than me." Robert confessed, a half-smirk on his lips.
"And I kissed you back, didn't I?" You taunted. Robert stopped in his tracks to stare at you. "Look, I am not popular as you and Em. I just want to make sure I don't fuck it up with anything in this. You as well. Maybe, if we can start slowly, getting to know each other? A cup of coffee?"
"I would love that."
Taglist: @uwiuwi
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mercyisms · 2 years
Niche Nona liveblogging: Day Three - Five
And we continue my copious and niche note-taking and very predictable reactions. Previous and future installations can be found here. Spoilers for up to page 282 in the hardcover or up until Day Five. Also very, deeply cool to reblog or reply or come yell in my askbox. Whatever you please.
Puppy love “just made you want to open the puppy’s lips and play with the puppy’s teeth.” God. Some of these observations are simply too good.   Pouring several out at “You’d never act like you were married to me” and “Landmine people” (at first sight!?) and “I mean, also redheads. Love a redhead.” Pyrrha Dve I am still free on Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday and my hair is very technically red. I’ll work on the Molotov cocktail personality. We have clocked Nona’s skin being described as an egg carton (brown ones, I assume? Not grey) and Corona having “skin like amber.” We are very much paying attention to these descriptions. “Crown Him with Many Crowns Thy Full Galant Legions He Found It in Him to Forgive” – I don’t have Wake’s full name handy right now, but we are noting the gender happening in “Crown Him” but also that hymn is pared with what I am seeing is an excerpt from the Côte d'Ivoire national anthem (Thy Full Galant Legions) plus a song by Dominion Road called Mutiny Within. Mutiny Within, well! That seems very apt for Coronabeth. But with the play off of Dominion Road, we have three name-parts that all evoke sovereignty. Fitting + perhaps this will idk be mobilized in some way in the text. (Also compare “He Found it in Him to Forgive” with John’s professed “There can be no forgiveness.” Possibly a useful ideological difference to map?) Noting the portrait of Wake (Pyrrrhaaaa) but also the plastic flowers, which is very logical but a bit different from Blood of Eden’s previous associations with more organic substances. Then again, war zone commanders can’t, we suspect, be choosers. (Though, of course, they were never entirely organic! Just thinking, thinking.) “Let us move on from playing games with how clever and how old you are. I am not impressed, and they annoy my colleague.” + “Yes. Good. The intel, I mean, not anybody’s romantic history, which I abhor.” I do not abhor We Suffer and We Suffer. In fact, I love her, and also while she would loathe it, there is a little slight waft of Mercymorn energy. I’ll say, I will. An itch, you see, of “mean lady” is being scratched. “When Nona was angry her cheeks went red and her voice got squeaky.” Terrifying implications for whoever’s body she’s in. Also Nona’s relative smallness to Coronabeth/Crown --> that’s a point in Harrow box, to be sure. “There were bones inlaid in the sides like fossils in a dried out riverbed…” Aesthetics of environmental collapse + frankly, the ship just sounds sexy (152). Great design. “Assume the worst, ignore the best… Do not catastrophe.” Wake content, we love to see it. Oh, also, of course the No Hopers comment is fascinating, though the extent of my knowledge on the historic/Christian adjacent “No Hopers” is Emily Dickinson. So. I’m noting it, but I’m likely not someone to take it up. Source Joyeuse and Source Piotra AND Source Aegis AND Source Chrysaor !! God I love all of these BACKSTABBING DEMI-GODS. Joyeuse and Aegis seem very straightforward as far as code names. I am totally unsure what to do with Augustine as Source Piotra?? Why? Is it to do with St. Peter and can someone explain that to me? Not sure why Cytherea’s been given the name of a dude who sprouted from Medusa’s fallen head / Pegasus’s… sibling? Y? But I love any mention of that beautiful, beloved, evil girl and it is very dramatic. I’m sure she’d like that. (How much say did the Lyctors have in their code names and did Mercymorn insist on absolute near-literality? If so, Mercymorn, your self-preservation game is so weak. I love you.) “Lyctors take the very flooring from beneath our feet. We cannot see them coming. We can never stop them. When they arrive the clock starts, and another home is taken away from us… our children stateless, our grandchildren perpetual nomads.” Love an insight into Lyctors-in-combat. Fascinating. Devastating. The worst part of me was dying to see some of those old fuckers fight, I must admit (156). “The Eighth was killed by something we don’t understand.” WHEN are we going to talk about the stoma and the teeth and WHATEVER happen to Colum?? What ate him??? My true, teethy love. It's necessary to talk about Chapter 13 all together, so the fact that Nona and only Nona hears the Captain (sensitive, immensely, to Varun/RB7?) say: “Dust of my dust…what shape they made you fill—we see you still—we seek you still…you misused green thing—come back to us—take vengeance for us” – I mean, this has to be RB sweet talk from one Resurrection Beast to another and I am deeply interested in listening to the planets talk and not in an astrology way. But also we are bookmarking “the Captain didn’t say anything when you came into the room. She only screamed.” & Nona’s capacity to understand the scream as language, and potentially screams as planetary (post-trauma? post-destruction?) language. IF all is as I assume, that’s a fascinating thread to pull on later. “Camilla was gone and then we met Harrowhark, and she came back” devastating, btw. “Love that melodrama. Is there Eighth somewhere in your family tree?” Please. Please. Show me the Eighth. Show me what Mercymorn and a nun (????) wrought and also, I am certain, abandoned. Show me this million-fold cult. “That meant Nona was only being ordinarily selfish, not dangerously selfish.” I love you, Nona. “You’re scared of Pyrrha, and you do think she’s nice-looking, but you’re confused when you think that so you don’t look at her very much. You want Camilla to cuddle you but not in a—a sexy way. I think you want Camilla to look at you like you look at me. And you’re in love with th—” [e Captain, surely.] Yum. Desperate to know, though, Coronabeth’s intel on The Saint of Duty & Gideon/Pyrrha’s inter-empire reputation per “I’ve heard too much of the Saint of Duty to trust Pyrrha Dve.” “That’s why I should ask you what I look like, and ask my sister what I’m feeling… You’ll always tell me I look beautiful and she’ll always tell me what I want her to think.” Equally invested in the Tridentarii situation but especially the implication that Corona believes she can deceive Ianthe (175). “He never liked losing control… he could not be coaxed to sleep unless she stood in the doorway, or in the worst times stroking her thumb between his eyebrows, down the bridge of his nose.” A very ‘I am paying deep attention to the John/Alecto (??)’ vibes to you too (188). “M-- had brought her best friend, the nun” The stadium getting to their feet, chanting Cristabel! Cristabel! Cristabel! And I am the stadium, entire. Also of course the very neat “And then A—brought in his little brother who was a hedge fund manager. A—Junior was useless but he was a darling, I couldn’t fault A—for adding him into the mix.” Because of course Cristabel and Alfred are introduced together, as A—and M—were. We have completed a set that is very dear and darling to me. (Mildly losing it over Cristabel and Alfred being less named and rendered, instead, in the possessive in relation to A—and M—. I’m crawling the walls over it a little, actually.) Although, I will say, they are the detail throwing me most for a loop right now. I have to recalculate all of my assumptions about Cristabel and Alfred. Cristabel? Wildly competent and brisk and a nun?? Applying to and arguing with the Vatican? Insisting John keep office hours and learn practical lessons from Christ? I am listening. I am fascinated. I’m tearfully rolling up my weeaboo Cristabel headcanons and getting ready to replace them with new and equally dazzling colours. (Okay, but what if she has Neon Genesis Evangelion energy?? Did Madoka not die for our sins??? Here’s how weeaboo Cristabel can still win, etc.) Likewise, Alfred being Augustine’s younger brother and not older or a twin is the last thing I expected. Even more so than hedge fund manager. (God, what a family. I am imagining it now.) I really thought Augustine specifying he was a few inches taller than Alfred but clearly wearing heels was a secret little hint that they might be twins but Augustine had a warped and inflated ego. This, this is good too. “A—and M—were making black jokes about taking volunteers from the crowd for the skeleton army,” They future-hate each other. They can’t stop working together. They have the same sense of humour. They ruined my life. “I can’t believe nobody’s ever going to laugh at my jokes again… It’s all gone, I’m the only one left. It’s just me and you and no more jokes.” (193) Genuine pathos here, for me. This is truly John characterized at his most #millenial, this chapter. But ALSO cf. some of the early things I’ve pulled out around Nona and Nona/Alecto’s atonement to loneliness vs. the profound loneliness and isolation of John. And now: terrible occupation politics. Good. “Prince Ianthe Naberius the First, the Lyctor Prince, the Saint of Awe” + “Crown Prince Kiriona Gaia, heir to the First House, the Emperor’s only daughter” + “Tower Princes” – we note, of course, the Gender and this move to, with the end of the emperor’s lyctors, tower princes. Ianthe and Gideon being prices is very interesting to me. We also note that Cytherea’s naming convention (disliked by Augustine and Mercymorn, all too apt for G1deon) has been adopted by Ianthe, which is… fascinating. Also, John renaming Gideon with an Indigenous name and the pivot back? to Indigeneity in the empire – fascinating, rich stuff. Also I was today years old when I realized Gaius was maybe not a play on like “just some guy” or any of the characters from Tacitus et al. but potentially the masculine of Gaia as in Earth. God!!! “Pretending you can bandage bipeds” I cannot remember where I learned the fact that a vet is more ideal in an apocalypse situation than a doctor, but it’s in my brain and you can have it now too. (You want someone with more diverse than specialized knowledge, is the thought process.) (Again, I cannot remember where I learned this, so who knows if it’s valuable. I would also very much take a doctor in a doomsday situation, personally.) Which reminds me: this book is really making me wish I had a more useful degree to ingratiate myself to our future undead leader. And also it is, again, patently unfair that John is a science guy and that well-read. It’s not the unkillable thing that’s OP to me. It’s that he can quote Poe and do math. Smh. “Chance to be her, huh? A little independent living for once?” “It is my enormous privilege to be they.” I am very EYES EMOJI at whatever is happening with Angel but also with their gender more broadly. (215) I feel like I have not commented on how much I love all of Nona’s school friends, but I really do & think they are deployed ingeniously, I do. Perhaps we can discuss it later, but I fear I have more Old People adjacent things to transcribe. Sorry to teenagers everywhere. “[John] was scared of that—he was always scared of the water” (219). We are both fascinated by the scope of John’s powers but also comparing this to Nona’s (Alecto’s??) love of salt water… (CAN John swim? Asking for a friend.) “’Don’t follow me, I’m mad.’ … She wondered again why anything that hurt them only hurt briefly, but that anger took such a long time to go away.” (220) I’m. “When M—had been all, I will not accept those numbers, I will not accept a plan that incorporates reproductive injustice…” We stan a girlboss and a feminist. Also “I couldn’t follow, but A—could” – god, love an awful man who, again, can do mental quadratics. “M—freaked out…. And A—agreed with her, which was how you knew it was really, really bad.” 😊 Also if you knew how prominently generational ships had featured in my life this past year… And, like, that one forgotten Canadian generational ship show, where I think one wing of the ship is just Amish..? It sure is an idea. “They left you. They left you….  She said, ‘I don’t remember.’ He said, ‘I cannot forget.’” I mean, look, God being the only person (I assume, based on Mercymorn and Augustine having this gap in their memory as well) who can remember the death of the planet, and at the hand of trillionaires and ineffectual governments… and neither being able to forget or let go or forgive… and becoming that himself… It’s compelling stuff, I think. I think. (It’s very [redacted] of him. I need to run this take by someone before I post it outright, so, sorry, just noting it here so I remember.) “Another plastic echo of buttons. The same voice answers, but not the same person. The conversation that followed was filled with weird pauses, as though they were actors in a play who couldn’t quite get their cues right.” (229) Take this whole recorded conversation and pull my heart out through my eyeballs. Also adding it to latent thoughts abt sixth house epistolary forms. “Love and freedom don’t coexist, Warden.” A lot about love in this book, and all books, and this line… We are highlight it for later. (230)  (“I am your end.” As in, I will destroy you? As in, I am where you reach your limits? Or I am your limits, your boundaries? Every way you cut it: good. A fun twist on ye olde oath.) “[Pyrrha] was teaching Nona how to dance.” Someone write that fic, too. Someone (Tamsyn) confirm or deny the number of terrible dad moves Pyrrha has or if she exactly dances or what. We note that Lemuria is a fake and sunken city. (239) “Edenites go through people like water… His dads are baggage.” (250) We remain interested in this third ‘civilian’ pov, but also belatedly noting that the increased proliferations of languages, genders, and family formations really does show you have regimented and controlled House life (or elite House life anyway, as we can only really speak for the upper-class representatives) is. It is smart and, again, revealing. “Time exited her body.” (255) re: depictions of violence, death, and John’s potential abilities. Also just very effective writing. “It was A—‘s little brother who said, Well you have to understand money is one big shared hallucination…” Obsessed with Alfred being a hedge fund guy who makes these caveats. I am listening, I am learning, I am adjusting my perception of Alfred Quinque. And also someone, apparently, semi to totally fluent in crypto. Incroyable. “M-- and A—were a united front, and that was scary as fuck. It was always frightening when they stood together.” We have been taking too many shots re: every time John points out A + M acting as a united pair!!! This feeds me. This truly does. “A—and M—looked at it, and looked at me, and they said, Do it.”  + “And that’s when A—and M—stepped in to negotiate.” “They were hitting the table like in a police drama, like, We can end this whenever we want! The ball’s in our court!... I was like Wow, sorry guys, I don’t really know either of these two, they’re very unexpected and mean. I came here to have a good time and I think they’re being very harsh.” This alone could nourish me for weeks, but also Mercymorn/Augustine horrible TV serial AU when. Also deeply revealing for how John has always positioned himself, really. Characterization! We love it! His hands and his fingers and his gestures and his angry, way harsh fists. (274) “Nona… let out a long, bellowing scream, one that went on for ever and ever… and she was screaming blood as well as sound.” (276) Noting for scream-as-language purposes. Good. Good. Good. Good. God, this is so well structured. Inhuman how Tamsyn can say so much and plot so tightly and it’s all so fast as well. 300ish pages just whizzing by. The Acts are strong, etc. You know the drill, more from me here.
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yoooespinosa · 3 years
could you please write a draco x reader fic, where the reader is hopelessly in love with draco, and she's not afraid to show it. but draco doesn't feel the same. and draco being draco, he rejects the reader with no remorse. then when the reader finally comes to the realization that she deserves better, she started seeing new people (not necessarily dating, but more like talking), then that's when draco feels a bit jealous now that the reader isn't all over him anymore. the rest is up to you, love! just something really angsty, you could end it in any way you'd like.
also, sidenote. you're an amazing writer and i love you!!
a/n: Thank you for your request! ily <3
To say you had a crush on Draco Malfoy, was an understatement.
You couldn't help it, you couldn't just stop the feelings you developed every time he came around.
When he walked into the room it was butterflies breaking out of their cage, palms growing sweaty and your heart racing so fast you were scared you'd be able to see its indentions.
It was scary at first, to have such feelings at only thirteen years old. So you did your best to ignore them. You did your best to stay out of his way.
That only worked for so long.
When you are friends with Draco and the people that surround him, it becomes very hard to stay out of his path.
So it was only inevitable that your crush on him would become so much more. Especially as the years went on.
He hadn't made it much easier. Sometimes you felt as if, maybe, he returned your feelings. How could you think otherwise? With the way he walked with you to class, carried your books at times and spent time with you. Just you. Alone.
How could you not fall in love with him.
With all that simmering in you, you finally let it out. You made your affections obvious, not afraid to show Draco how you felt for him. You had thought it was welcomed. You thought that the feelings would be returned.
It seemed as though he could only tolerate you for so long. Yes, that was the right word for it, the only thing he had for you was toleration.
Your shoes sounded on the stone under you, on your way to the Slytherin common room. You had just got out of detention with professor Snape. You suppose it was well deserved, you had seen Draco almost put the wrong ingredient in his potion, so you being you had wandered to his table and helped him, much to Snapes dismay.
Whispering the password, you made your way through the dim passage. Chattering of people from all years and faint laughter was heard all around.
You spotted your friends right away, seated by the green flamed fireplace, as usual.
"She just can't take a hint." You heard Draco grumble, you paused your steps, you didn't mean to eavesdrop but it seemed as if your feet had a mind of its own.
"Wait," Blaise closes the book he had in his hold. "who are we talking about again?"
Pansy sighs, seeming they had been on the topic for some time. "We're talking about y/n."
Your brows furrow. Going back to the first thing you heard Draco say, she just can't take a hint, what was that supposed to mean. What hint?
"Why can't you just tell her how you feel?" Theo adds, his voice is laced with annoyance, maybe this isn't the first time they've talked about this.
"I thought how I felt would be obvious enough, without having to say anything." He huffs.
"Well," Theo sighs. "apparently not."
You were becoming anxious. What were they talking about and what exactly was Draco feeling? There was streak of hope in you, maybe he'd confess right here that he felt the same.
"What do you suggest I say then, oh-wise-one?" Draco asks teasingly.
"Easy, just say exactly what you tell us." He clears his throat dramatically, adopting a mock version of his voice, "Y/n, you have to be one of the most annoying girls, I have ever had the dissatisfaction of meeting. Please, oh please take the hint and leave me alone because these attempts at getting at me are getting more pathetic each time." He finishes with a clumsy curtsy.
The other Slytherins try to stifle their laughs.
You hadn't even noticed the gasp that escaped your throat until four heads turned to your direction.
"Y/n, I didn't kn-" You cut of Theo's words and apologetic stare.
"Is that true?" You ask Draco, your voice low, laced with hurt. Your nose was stinging and your bottom lip hung heavy, but you refused to cry in front of them. You wouldn't give them another weakness to laugh about.
Draco managed to keep his face blank, no emotions shining through. He shrugged, "Pretty much summed it up."
You almost flinched. He didn't even care about the hurt those words brought you.
You left without a look back. Leaving behind your friends call of your name. They weren't the ones you wanted an apology from. They had known how much you felt for him and didn't even bother telling you that it was definitely not mutual. They even laughed, like it was a joke, like your heart was a comedic topic.
The cold air hit your face, freezing against the tear stain tracks. You sat on a lone stone bench in the court yard, letting those tears make a home on your cheeks.
It wasn't obvious--his dislike to you. If it was, you would have gave up long ago. But a part of you felt that there was hope and you had chased after that.
Why couldn't he have just told you when you first let your affections known, it seemed that he had encouraged it back then, with lingering touches and soft smiles.
Looking back now, you notice that those advantages had slowly disappeared. You had been too caught up in his silky hair, those gray eyes filled with mirth and mischief, his angular face with high bones that no one could compare to, that you hadn't notice everything was unrequited.
A sick part of you even felt honored to have your heart broken in the hold of his beautiful hands, the part that saw him do no wrong.
Maybe that was the first problem, you put him on a pedestal, so high up you weren't able to see anything negative of him. You weren't able to see his cruel reality of his feelings towards you.
And he didn't even seem sorry. He didn't even look bothered by the damage of his words.
You were so nice and considerate to him. You would support him at every quidditch game, cheer the loudest even when he lost. You bought him presents for every one of his birthdays and even Christmas, each one sentimental and thoughtful. You had comforted him when he got those letters, that he despised, from his father. You had voiced encouragements when he showed a little tell sign of his insecurities. You had been there for him.
And he treats you like this, like you can be so easily dismissed. You didn't deserve that, you didn't deserve to be called pathetic for having normal feelings and then being laughed at for it.
The longer you sat on that cold bench, the angrier you got. A bitter feeling growing in your stomach, melting away those knots.
You wasted all this time and effort on some guy who didn't even deserve it, some guy who didn't appreciate you. It wasn't fair.
"Hey, you okay?" A familiar voice sounded through your revelations.
You looked up and met green eyes framed with circular glasses.
"Yeah. I was just thinking." You mumbled, the bitter taste was stuck on your tongue, you wanted rid of it.
"Mind if I sit and think with you?" Harry asked, he was nervously scratching the back of his neck, smiling warmly at you.
You offered him a smile, welcoming his genuineness. "Go ahead."
He sat there with you for hours. Surrounded by the sound of wind. It was nice and comfortable. The bitter feeling leaving you completely. You were content now, even if you could still feel the ache in your arms from holding onto Draco for so long.
Weeks had passed. Weeks of no signs of you. The first week Draco hadn't been worried, a little curious, but that was all. The longer it went on though, he became a little more than curious. Not because he cared, cause he didn't, just that if something happened to you, it would be his fault. His rejection was the reason you ran off like a fool to who knows where.
Which is the only reason he went looking for you. He already got a lot of shit from the others, he didn't need more problems stacking up.
He checked all of your favorite places. Starting with that tree down by the black lake that you enjoyed to lean on and watch the sun go down, the sunset wasn't near so he should've known you would not have been there.
He then went to the gardens, there was a bench there that was next to a small pond. It was filled with odd creatures and was home to your favorite flowers, lotus's. You weren't there either.
Lastly, he went to a certain abandoned hall. You had to be there. You went there to be alone with your thoughts, you had taken him with you there a few times. There was a big window there with a thick ledge, streams of sunlight beamed through and tiny rainbows would reflect on the opposite wall due to the cracks on said window.
He heard you before he saw you. A soft laugh reverberating through the empty hall, a laugh he had always found annoying. Hearing it now though, just made him want to get closer to you.
So he did, walking with light footsteps. He froze, you were not alone. Sitting there in the space he once accompanied, was Harry fucking Potter. What kind of sick joke was this?
Why were you sitting with him? And does that mean you just laughed at something he said?
Your laugh sounded through again, once piercing now melodic. It was a bitter feeling, Potter shouldn't have the honor of dragging that sound out of you, he shouldn't even witness it.
Draco left the hall before either of you saw him, he needed to get himself in check.
More weeks passed. Weeks of you hanging out with Potter. You were doing things with him that you had done with Draco.
It was on purpose, you had to be doing it on purpose. You were simply trying to make him jealous and it was annoyingly working.
But how could you be doing that when you didn't even look back to see a reaction.
Draco didn't know what to think. He didn't even know what to feel, or more like let himself feel. Something had changed in the weeks you were away from him.
A revelation of sorts. He missed you. Missed what you would do for him. He regretted what he said and what he never had the chance to say. Because maybe deep down those feelings had been returned, but he was just too stubborn to show.
And now he's seeing you realizing that you deserve more than blurred lines and assumptions. And he's realizing maybe Potter is that more that you deserve.
Draco doesn't like that one bit, he can't even stomach the thought. So he promises to himself that he will do everything in his power to win you back. Even if that means saying that he was sorry and admitting that he was in the wrong, something he's never had to do before.
But if that makes you his again and gets you away from Potter, then its worth it.
Part 2
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cerebrumrott · 3 years
Obey Me! Shall we Date?
Brothers x MC
Synopsis: Reaction to one of the other brothers insulting you
It had started out as a nice evening for once. Though of course that would never last with his brothers. Levi was at Mammon's throat all through dinner over some dumb figurine he was missing.
The argument quickly escalated into a full on screaming match, just as Lucifer was about to tell them both to shut up or take their pissing contest else where. You had chimed in asking them rather politely not to fight at the table.
Leviathan on his war path didn't stop to think before insults were thrown your way. "Shut up you worthless human and stay out of it for once!" Levi had snapped.
Everyone almost leapt out of their chairs in fear when Lucifer's fist loudly collided with the table silencing the room. "Leviathan you will apologize and go to your room." Lucifer said clearly a command and not a suggestion.
Levi now scared and embarrassed muttered a rushed apology to you before scampering away his tail literally tucked between his legs as he had been so startled by Lucifer's intervention that he had poofed into his demon form.
Once dinner was over Lucifer pulled you aside to ask if you were okay. With reassurance from you that you are indeed fine and didn't take anything that was said to heart he can go about his night without worry.
It had been a rather stressful day for everyone in the house. Tensions were high and it resulted in Mammon acting as the punching bag for his younger siblings. Not that he really minded in all honesty as he knew they were just letting off steam and didn't mean anything they said.
Asmodeus was currently laying into him as the two sat in the living room. Mammon admittedly antagonizing Asmodeus into saying some particularly mean things as he just played stupid further annoying his little brother.
You had been an innocent bystander, sitting on the other side of the room just watching the whole spectacle before you whilst working on a school project. Mammon had something particularly weird in response to one of Asmo's outbursts which had pulled a small laugh out of you.
Though that had been enough for Asmodeus to turn his frustration on you in that moment. "Shut up you ugly bitch!" Asmodeus snapped but as soon as the words left his mouth the regret seeped into his features.
Mammon was far past playing now as he rose from his seat glaring down at Asmodeus. "Apologize Asmodeus." Mammon nearly shouted. Asmodeus was taking far too long for Mammon's taste to apologize and it was quickly angering him to the point he could feel his teeth grinding together.
Asmodeus quickly apologized to you after seeing how serious Mammon was before excusing himself. You weren't so much as hurt by the words as you were just taken aback by the sudden turn on you.
Mammon none the less joined you were you were sitting practically draping himself over you as he pulled you into his arms. "Don't worry MC the great Mammon is here there is no need to cry." "I'm not crying-" "Shhhh, it's okay." He would loudly hush you while smiling feeling better when he hears you laugh again.
He was sitting with you in your bedroom. Excitedly explaining the plot to this new game that was coming out and how it ties into the tv show it was based off of. Though Mammon who had been pacing around the room sulking was getting rather sick of Leviathan's consumption of your attention.
Mammon short on patience snaps at his brother urging to him to just shut up and get lost. Before Leviathan could retort for himself you had leapt to his defense.
"So what you are just as big of a loser as he is now?!" Mammon scoffed though the panic in his eyes was evident when he saw how upset Leviathan was at insulting his henry.
Leviathan literally hissed in anger at his brother as his tail lashed out behind him Demon form in full swing as he positioned himself between you and the idiot now backing up with his hands raised.
"N-Now Levi lets think about thi-" "Apologize and get out!" Leviathan roared his fangs bared to his idiot of a brother.
Mammon sputtered out an apology over his shoulder as he ran out of the room slamming the door behind him as Levi turned back to you. He spends the next ten minutes making sure you are okay.
"Levi I promise I'm fine." "Are you sure?" "I'm sure." "Are you sure you're sure?" "Levi please..."
Satan had been sorting through his collection in the library when you joined him. One thing led to another and now the two of you were working on using one of the spare bookshelves to turn it into your own little reading nook where Satan could put books he wanted you to read and you could easily browse your way through them.
Things were going swimmingly if Satan had to say so himself. He was happily chattering about books he thought you would like and was even more excited when you suggested a few for him to read himself.
The two of you so engrossed in the world you had formed between the two of you had forgotten that Belphegor was attempting to nap on the couch.
Satan had handed you a book and was beaming down at you as you exclaimed excitedly starting to explain how this was one of your childhood favorites when Belphegor yelled out in frustration.
The rage in Belphegor was painfully clear to Satan as his younger brother sat up suddenly glaring at the two of you with irritation.
"MC Do you not know when to shut your damned mouth!" Belphegor snapped as he stood to leave in a fury. Though he hadn't taken more than a few steps when Satan's roar made him turn back in fear.
Satan was unable to hold himself back as he flew forward tackling his younger brother to the ground his weight driving the air from Belphegor's lungs. The two wrestled for a moment both now in their Demon forms lashing out at each other, Belphegor attempting to throw Satan off of him by kicking out and scratching him with his thorn laced tail. This did nothing more than anger Satan further as he screamed pulling back his arm to punch Belphegor right in his face.
Satan was a half a second from caving Belphegor's head in when he felt you throw yourself on him arms wrapped around his neck as you asked him to stop.
He hesitated a moment as he listened to your pleas. Belphegor used this opportunity to squirm out from under Satan bolting from the room with a speed that was unlike the avatar of sloth. Satan would have laughed had he not still been boiling inside.
Rather than chase down his brother he instead turned to you holding you against his chest as he took many, many deep breaths until finally the calm returned to him and he could look down at you without seeing red.
"Thank you for standing up for me but please don't murder the others for me." "Not even a little?"
Asmodeus had acted on instinct as he felt his arm snap out from his side his hand cracking across his brothers face. Even when his brother turned to look at him with a devastated look he couldn't help the anger seeping from him.
Asmo had spent the morning with you helping to assemble a new wardrobe for you with outfits more suited to devildom weather. Seeing as much of the clothing in majolish was designed with demon physic in mind, you had grown a bit timid in some of your choices.
Asmodeus was having none of that, wanting to show you how beautiful you are insisted on a mini fashion show in his room.
You had been loving it so far. Asmo taking special time to pull you in front of his full size mirror and point out all the best parts of you and your clothes. He was also quite enjoying the snuggling and cuddling between outfit changes.
You were trying on your last outfit, one you had been openly against initially due to its sheer fabric and open back. While in the bathroom changing, Asmo took the time to fold up your purchases slipping in a few shirts of his own for you to add to your collection that he thought you would like.
When Mammon let himself in...
The second oldest threw the door open striding in going on about something about Asmo hoarding you all to himself just as you stepped out from the bathroom shyly showing off your new shirt.
Before Asmo could throw Mammon out by the scruff he turned to look at you and snorted upon seeing what you were wearing.
"MC, How can you let Asmo do that to you? Don't you feel stupid dressed up like some old geezer?" Mammon teased not at all seeing the effect it had on you. Asmo could feel his heart clench as he saw your face fall.
"You don't like it?" "I mean MC you look like one of the pirate people from the movies you had us watching." Mammon laughed as Asmo stepped forward glaring up at him
"That's enough out of you, get out." Asmo snapped motioning towards the door as mammon gave him a confused expression
"So you can let MC walk around looking stupid? I don-" Mammon wasn't able to finish his sentence as Asmo's arm snapped out slapping Mammon across the face.
The impact sounded much worse than it truly was as Mammon stared down at his younger brother in surprise.
"Don't you dare say such things to MC when you dress like a total slob half the time! They will be taking no mind to the words of a fool like you!" Asmodeus all but growled as he grabbed Mammon by the collar of his shirt and tossed him out of his room.
Asmodeus was absolutely fuming as he walked back to you pulling you into his arms and snuggling you against him.
"Don't you listen to a single word that come out of that idiots mouth do you hear me? He wouldn't know a thing about beauty if it hit him upside the head." "You did just slap him Asmo." "My point exactly! He still couldn't see how dazzling you look!"
The two of you had been cooking dinner in the kitchen. Really it was Beel's turn to cook but he couldn't be trusted not to just eat it all before serving it so you were on babysitting duty.
Even though it wasn't your turn to do anything you still insisted on helping Beelzebub with chopping and prepping things while he took care of the more labor intensive tasks.
Whilst working Asmodeus had made his way into the kitchen to get himself something to drink. You had yet to notice him as you were too focused on kneading dough to realize the brother was walking behind you. It was only when you suddenly whipped around with a handful of dough and splattered the avatar of lust across the chest that you realized your mistake.
The shriek that came out of Asmodeus startled Beel from his own work turning back just in time to see the anger flash across his older brother's face seeing his shirt was ruined.
"MC why is it that you can never do the simplest of things right?! Are you stupid!?" Asmodeus had snapped letting his anger over take his thoughts. Too busy trying to clean his shirt he didn't notice the tears welling in your eyes, but Beelzebub did.
"Asmo, you know it was an accident so apologize for yelling at them." Beel said sternly coming over to look down on his older brother.
"I think not! Look at the state of my shirt!" Asmo huffed only now glancing up to see you wiping the tears from your eyes with the corner of your apron.
"Asmodeus, Say your sorry." Beel urged as Asmodeus pouted pulling you into his arms.
"I'm sorry MC I lost my temper and I didn't mean it." Asmo apologized and Beel beamed down at the two of you happy that you two had made up.
"Group hug!" Beelzebub announced as he was already wrapping his arms around the two of you and squeezing
Belphie had decided that today was going to be a day just for the two of you. With enough snacks and drinks hoarded up in the attic to keep even Beelzebub sated. He stole you away early in the morning content to snooze the day away with you at his side.
It was nearing mid day when Belphegor was roused from his nap. He was still curled into your side as he opened his eyes seeing you trying to have a whispered conversation with Lucifer who was looming over the bed with a sour expression.
"Seriously MC now is not the time to be wasting about when you have work to be doing. Now get up and stop being so lazy, You think you would know better than to-" Lucifer ranted his voice slowly raising in timber as he grew more heated.
Belphegor felt his own temper flare just from hearing Lucifer's voice but then knowing he was harassing you sent it over the edge. Belphegor couldn't help the growl that started in his throat his demon form appearing before he himself could register it.
Without rising from the bed he felt the thorns on his tail bristle as he wrapped it around you barricading you from his older brother.
"Go away..." Belphegor grumbled glaring up at Lucifer through his bangs. Clearly not wanting to deal with Belphegor's attitude Lucifer simply sneered and strode off making a few remarks as he left though Belphegor ignored them preferring to you you down into his arms.
"Ignore him he doesn't know anything..." Belphegor yawned tucking your head under his chin. He could feel the dwindling tension in your shoulders as he pulled you close. Rubbing his hand in circles on your back he felt the unease slowly slip from you before he himself slipped into sleep.
He admits he may be over reacting with this next part but Lucifer's already poor sleep may be just take a nose dive with the ideas he was cooking up.
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