#and i totally definitely dont love them more than anything ever
lara-cairncross · 2 days
OKAY. SO. I just looked through the entire fairy au tag..I apologize for all the notifs .... bUT that being said, because I just looked at everything, I don't think any of this has been discussed much, so I have a few questions!! (This is actually a really long ask I apologize for that as well)
Do the turtles give gifts to April? I know there was talk about Donnie making like tiny versions of what he thinks are his own ideas and inventions for April to use, but do the other turtles ever make anything for her? I noticed like a vine kind of looking ring that she had in the size comparison with Leo, and I was wondering if that was given by one of the turtles, or if she already had it just because she would definitely make herself a little ring out of like flower stems or whatever. ALSO. ACTUALLY. It looks similar to what Mikey has around his arms and legs, sooooo ??? (And is that bracelet she has, also in that drawing, possibly from one of the turtles as well ?)
And, does she ever make anything for the turtles? AND AND AND does she ever make anything with the turtles? I feel like she would make things with Mikey, like jewelry and stuff idk
OH AND ALSO. I'm curious about Donnie's glasses. Because they are clearly different than Bobble's with the water drops, are Donnie's like glass or something? Like actual lenses or whatever?? Aaaand did he somehow make them himself, while not being able to see very well before making them, or did someone else help him with that? And how did he get the materials for them?
I realized I'm extra curious about Donnie (and his glasses specifically help-) and extra EXTRA curious about April's interactions with the turtles.... I'm wondering if you have any ideas about the kinds of stuff they do together? Whether just April and one of the turtles, or all five of them together, or any combination?
Anyway yeah that's it for now. I really really really really love this au and I will probably come back and ask more questions because RHAHWWSUWHSWHHSHWNWKEZJEJHRHEHFHGEGS they're my favourite silly goofy little guys fr!!!!
AHSHSHFHE PLEASE DONT APOLOGIZE FOR THE NOTIFS OR THE QUESTIONS !!! getting spammed makes me feel so loved mwah <3 I know this ask is from a while ago, but I remember seeing you all over my "activity" tab :DDD
Yes, the turtles all give gifts to April! she has SO many little trinkets laying around her cabin from the fairy boys, bc she never throws any of them out,,, even if a lot of them are kinda useless to her lmao (looking at Donnie's "inventions" for this one). The little flower stem ring around her finger is just something she made for herself (probably after one of the boys taught her, I'm thinking Mikey?), but the bracelet was intended to be a gift from Leo :D he finds all kinds of pretty rocks/gems/lost things around Neverland when he's making deliveries and finding materials and stuff. April gets a lot of old jewelry and seashells and things from Leo! Raph tends to give her little things that his animals have shed (pretty scales and feathers, maybe the occasional antler or talon?), and Mikey will just. Fill her house with flowers. And not, like, cut flowers-- just CLUMPS of dirt and roots all over April's counters. All the boys will help him do it too, and April feels too bad to tell them to stop HAH
2. Most of what April "makes" for the turtles is just various human dishes that they want to try! She gets a bunch of weird snacks for them too-- like, can you imagine a fairy trying a Taki for the first time? A SOUR PATCH KID??? Donnie drinks one single drop of hot sauce and dies immediately lmao. She doesn't really make them gifts, but she'll buy Donnie whatever cool human materials she thinks he can make something out of (more on that later--), and she'll get specific video games and phone apps and movies that she thinks the boys will like!! And maybe the occasional bigger gift, like a stuffed animal for Rose :) ALSO YES she would totally make flower crowns and rings and stuff with Mikey!! gotta do smth with all the flowers he's dumping in her living room rip
3. FUN FACT ABOUT DONNIES GLASSES (I've been waiting for someone to ask about this--): He started off with glasses/goggles that were similar to Bobble's water-drop ones!!! He only figured out to make glasses with actual lenses once he met April, and got to study HER glasses! His own glasses are made of, like, cheap magnifying lenses April bought him, and he cut them down to size :DD The metal on his goggles/shell/glasses is all also stuff that April bought for him-- probably like, wire of different sizes. She gets him a lot of human materials to play around with hehe
4. Group activities with the boys + April can be anything, really. Her family's cabin is kinda in the middle of nowhere, and April is a city girl at heart, so sometimes the boys will force her to go hiking or exploring in the woods with them :D She hated it at first, but as time goes on, she gets more used to the bugs and the wildlife and everything-- especially since Raph and Leo will do their best to scout out routes beforehand so she doesn't get freaked out by anything. Movie nights are also really common! So are video games, to an extent? But it takes basically all four turtles to maneuver one X-box controller, so it's a little more rare lmao. April definitely wins 90% of the time.
5. As for individual activities-- those are also a bit more rare. The two boys April interacts with one-on-one (or two-on-one) the most are Leo and Mikey, since they're usually the least busy, and Leo can fast-fly them to April's cabin and back really quickly. Typically though, Leo doesn't go to the cabin unless all five of them are available to meet up!
(...although Leo starts bringing Mikey more often once Mikey loses his job. teehee.)
let me know if you have any more questions! thanks bby <3
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maxxzophone · 10 months
Wild totally random question but how do u feel about the daycare attendant
Oh I kind of like them just a little bit eh
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bitterbutblue · 16 days
What if i request Robin x Fem!Reader where Robin felt a bit pressured from the media and as her beloved girlfriend you help her relief stress :33
It can be fluff or smut, i dont rlly care i just want more Robinnn content :333
Thank you in advance!!!
Also can i be 🍷 anon? :3
you're not bad, but rather good ☆ robin x fem!reader
~ omg hi!!!! ur my first anon this is so exciting.... i don't do smut but i can totally do fluff.. anything 4 u <3
gonna start naming out the song lyrics i've been using as titles
loveable ~ jo yuri <3 ~
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Robin's recent comeback- a miserable failure.
Robin's new EP 'Welcome To My World' has been nothing but a colossal failure. With each new album, Robin continues to disappoint- fans are sick of her low effort songs and lack of stage presence. Her comeback stage shows her clearly lack of passion. Just because she has made a name for herself does not mean she can now slack off on stage when fans pay thousands to see her-
You closed the article before you finished reading it. If you continued, you probably would've ended up throwing your phone across the room or do something along the lines of that sort of stupidity that you would end up regretting later. That article was like a knife through the heart for Robin but for you it was a knife through the author's decaying and bleeding out body as you stab that fucker over and over again. Okay, maybe that was too violent but fuck you can't stand to see people say such bullshit about your girlfriend. She called you at work, crying and saying she couldn't do it anymore. You could barely make out her words through her sobs and the bad signal (which led you to believe she was hiding in the bathroom).
"I worked so hard, I don't know what they want from me. I can't-"
"Robin, baby, deep breaths- okay? I'm right here, it's okay."
It infuriates you, how people can run their mouths and say whatever bullshit that comes to their mind just because they're not satisfied with their own miserable lives. Just because they feel like dragging someone down would perhaps make themselves feel better about the fact that someone half their age is more successful than they will ever be. You want to tell her that you'll fucking find them and make their life a living hell but that's definitely not what she wants to hear right now.
"What do they want from me? I'm so tired, I don't wanna do this anymore."
All you really could do was continue to comfort her, hoping that she can pick up what you're saying through the static and cut offs due to bad internet. You just stayed with her until her cries became sniffles and she stated that she has to go before they suspect anything. You swallowed back your worry and just nodded.
"Okay. I love you, Robin.
You can feel her smile from across the phone.
"I love you."
That night you spent the entire evening in the kitchen, prancing around and trying not to burn the eight things you have going on the stove as you flip through your phone to find that recipe for the thing in the oven that looks horrifically bad.
"Ah fuck..."
You check the time- 8:03, she should be back soon. You finally find the recipe page and you feel your heart drop. Fuck, you were supposed to bake it for 30 minutes- not 50! No wonder that shit looked so wrong! You scramble to pull it out of the oven, the timer with 5 minutes left. You groan when you see how it looks- first it looked wrong and not it was probably burnt too. So much for making your girlfriend's favourite dessert.
The soft voice startles you, yelping as you dropped the cake pan.
Robin stands there in all her glory. She looks exhausted, eye bags worse than before and shoulders sagged but to you she was still the most beautiful woman you have ever laid your eyes on.
"Everything okay?"
She tries to smile at you but it looks so forced. You feel your heart clenching in your chest as you pick up the cake pan from the ground, moving it back onto the counter.
"Baby, just let me take care of you tonight?"
You pull her in close, hugging her tight. She freezes at first, before completely melting in your grasp. She lets out a shaky sigh as she buries her head in the crook of your neck.
"I missed you."
Her voice is muffled against your shoulder but you just smile as you tiptoe to press a kiss to her forehead.
"I missed you so much, baby." You pull away, cupping her face with your hands as you brush your thumb against her cheek. "You look beautiful."
"Don't lie."
She gets flustered so easily, face turning pink as she looks away but she can't stop the small smile from forming on her face.
"I'm not. You look beautiful."
She sighs as she looks back at you, and the tired expression on your usual warm and happy girlfriend really does hurt you. The way the media can tear people down into nothing but the most insecure parts of themselves has always rubbed the wrong way with you but watching it happen to the one you love most is absolutely heartbreaking.
"I made you dinner?"
"I saw."
Her smile is not as forced now as she looks around the kitchen, a soft giggle escaping her lips.
"Quite a mess you made."
You just shoot an embarrassed grin at her as you tried to hide the cake pan behind your back.
"Well, I'm not a good cook."
"I think you did amazing."
She steps forward, caging you between the counter and herself.
"You make the worst days brighter, you know?"
"You make each of my days better. It's only fair I do the same to you."
Robin looks down, playing with her hands.
"I don't deserve you."
"Oh shut up."
The kiss was soft, gentle and loving. She cups your cheeks as she steps closer, bodies pressed against each other as you pour all the love you can convey through a simple act.
"I love you. I really love you so much, Robin." You say breathlessly to her when you pull away. She doesn't say much, only resting her head on your shoulder as she takes your hand into her own, lacing your fingers together.
"And I'm so proud of you for your new comeback. You've worked so hard and it paid off. You keep outdoing yourself and the people who don't see that can fuck off and die."
She sighs.
"No need for the violence, yeah?"
"Violence is always the answer."
You feel your heart flutter when she lets out a soft laugh, like a songbird's first melody of a new spring.
"You do whatever you want." She says, resting a hand on your chest as she leans in to press a quick but soft kiss to your lips. "Thank you- for this."
The food you cooked was mostly inedible- resorting to the two of you ordering takeout together but you couldn't care less about the burnt cakes or undercooked mac and cheese. Robin is smiling again, and that's all you wanted to achieve for the night.
Response to: Robin's recent comeback- a miserable failure.
Robinsdog: op do u not have a life
servallandau_official: No one thinks this.
⤷ talesofthewinterlandsfan222: serval spitting facts but also what r u diong here
⤷ servallandau_official: Do I know you?
⤷ talesofthewinterlandsfan222: ENEVRMIND
march4robin: im giong to find u my entire crew is oing to find u we will run out train into u
galaticstelleballer: i am also going to run my train into u. and my bat. both at the same time.
⤷ dh: Guys please.
Sunday_Oakfamily: We are taking this post and the writer off the platform.
The article you are searching for no longer exists.
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Hugging Dethklok Hcs
depending on how im feeling after posting this i think i might make a second part including side characters (likely the second post will contain charles abigail and knubbler !! and maybe even some smaller characters that i feel deserve more love) anyways uhuhuh first official MTL post except it.. actually isnt, ive written for knubbler and the dethklok minute host before so yeah very nervous about this since im still trying to find my footing in how i wanna write the characters, so heads up that this might be VERY OOC and what better prompt to do than do one of my "i dont know what to write" ones written with reader as their partner vague mentions of like. sexual stuff but nothing explicit, i still wish to keep this blog as sfw as possible, really just implications of it than anything also some characters had bonus hcs of cuddling so uhuhuh
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built like a mattress, though that can mean anything since not all mattresses are made the same... hmm.. have you ever hugged/cuddled one of those tiny headed kingdom plushies? very firm but not comfortable, i think thats what nathan feels like, but perhaps just a smidge softer. but how would nathan feel? i mean hes very protective of you, and being able to hold you gives him a moment to keep you close. not very affectionate otherwise, but this is nice. definitely the type to do hugs from behind, especially if theres someone trying to flirt with you
short so theres a good chance youre around his height if not taller and he may or may not feel things about that (both negative and positive but lets save that for another post as i fully intend on keeping this sfw), i always thought pickles of being physically affectionate so him having a hand on you is a common occurrence. probably takes the opportunity to whisper something in your ear, usually something dirty or something incoherent with him being drunk or otherwise under the influence. oh yeah i can easily see him being the type to swing his limbs over his partner while he sleeps and trapping them there
maybe im cooking something doodoo, but i feel like skwisgaar may or may not struggle with non-sexual stuff, like being purely romantic and innocent with no intent to get your pants off is foreign to him. i whole heartedly believe the reason hes so sexual is due to being in dethklok and being huge, but also because of his mother constantly bringing new people home. so in the beginning he might actually be tense in giving you affection, definitely going to need to take some time. very cold, skinny people tend to be colder ive noticed so totally you shouldnt take this as an excuse to hold him closer (winks)... i DO think he would also have a hand on you a lot of the time like pickles, whether or not those hands have other motives is up in the air
make him take a shower first/j
okay jokes aside, this man is so starved for attention and affection, but he would never ever EVER say it. you guys could be 100% fully alone in bum fuck no where and he still wouldnt say it. but its definitely there in his actions and body language. i think hes warm, and his skin is a little... i mean he canonically has dry skin with eczema, and while i dont have eczema i know what having that dry scaly skin feels like... perhaps we could tie in some self care with the reader helping murderface take better care of himself? i mean it would be one hell of a fight to get him to try but i think its do-able.. tight hugger, kind of lets his arms linger before sliding them down when you eventually pull away. wish i had more but i think murderface is the type to deny affection whilst also deeply craving it
probably the easiest to hug in terms of getting him to accept it, actually i think he might be the most likely to initiate one alongside pickles. very warm, though he sometimes hugs you a little too tight and might even tug you back in if you try to pull away before hes ready. full body cuddles into you when you guys sleep/nap together, arms and legs keep you in place so... good luck trying to slip away before he wakes up. i like to think he fiddles with your hair, too, though im unsure if that fits with his character... i think that, despite still having a love for all things brutal he still likes these smaller moments of just. affection. very clingy and possessive though so keep that in mind, i think he would hold you and physically try to pull you away if someone tries to flirt with you; a lot less subtle than when nathan does it
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vaguesxrrow · 3 months
i didn’t know you write for pjo! could i rq general dating headcanons for jason grace?? tyyy
hii yes i do ! i love giving credit to pjo for me being as queer as i am LMAOO
jason grace / reader dating hcs
a/n: i live laugh love jason grace !! that being said, ive never written for him, so i hope this isn't ooc 😭
tags: gender neutral reader
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- ok firsttt, how would you and jason end up dating?
- i hc that he doesn't realise he has a crush on you until leo or another member of the group points out how it looks like you're a couple
- he would always find himself doing things for you - like jason would be suchh a gentlemen even before you start dating
- opening doors for you, handing you everything you want/need, grabbing you a snack when he goes to get one for himself...
- and then when it hits that he likes you it's like "oh. i do, don't i?"
- how he would ask you out:
- at first he would contemplate himself how to tell you, but then spill to leo and piper
- imagine: leo and piper rattling off ridiculous ideas of how to ask you out, and being cut off by jason every time
- until, piper yells at him to just "tell [name] you like them already!"
- at which point you walk in.
- jason would go red and glare at leo and piper, who would flee the scene immediately but watch from the doorframe as the confession of a lifetime happens
- after you get together, jason would be over the moon but also completely at peace with you at his side
- his love language is probably acts of service as mentioned before
- imagine: jason flying you to places, even if it's somewhere you could get to on foot, just because he likes your surprised laugh when he takes you soaring through the air
- ...away from leo and percy, who are probably making fun of you two and singing 'a whole new world'
- he would always wanna be with you - i'm not talking clingy, more of a golden retriever bodyguard kind of boyfriend, you know?
- of course this doesn't mean he would ever underestimate you - if you ever find yourself in combat, he's confident you can hold your own
- he thinks it's so attractive when you swoop in to save him from whatever monster you're fighting that day... or rather hour.
- expect a lot of compliments; little things like "you look really nice" said quietly to you when he sees you for the first time that day
- you also like to compliment him back. especially about his glasses, and how he looks like you're 'hot nerd boyfriend' with them on
- it never fails to make him blush
- he would enjoy you playing with his hair
- like i bet it would relax him instantly and put him right to sleep
- also i hc that he wouldn't really know how to style his hair, so if you know anything about that then he would be more than happy for you to do your magic
- because of this he also often keeps his hair short and easy to maintain like the camp jupiter boy he is
- but you would definitely encourage him to try his own thing
- if ur into skincare and stuff he would be down to having spa nights with you
- imagine: giggling over how ridiculous you look in facemasks, trying new products that probably dont do anything but are fun anyway, and ending the night with your favourite movie, drinks, snacks, and blankets, ofc
- these domestic kind of dates where you just exist together would be his favourite
- you would catch jason looking at you with heart eyes, totally enamoured with you, multiple times (whether he's aware of it or not)
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artdcnaldson · 3 months
hi boo, as promised, my dodge mason thoughts :))) i was cooking up a storm lol (its very long, apologies)
dodge mason… the cowboy that you are. i need this man more than anything. something about that man just makes me wanna be a sweet innocent christian country girl lol. this is much more cheesy and cutesy than my previous submissions, he just makes my knees weak fr (but also i need him desperately)
im attaching this (hopefully it works) cuz its exactly how i picture him here
alright, picture me this, youve just moved with your dad to this nowhere town in texas. you know no one here, theres nothing to do, youve already graduated high school before the move. its just summer, in a strange place, full of strange people.
maybe youre kind of a farmers daughter type? youve moved onto a ranch, your dad is really into rodeos and he gets you your very own horse. but hell if you know how to ride a horse that big. youd only ever ridden ponies when you were little. its sweet of your dad though, at least now you have a friend to pass the time with.
on one particularly hot day your dad decides that you should go into town a grab a cool drink and enjoy some shade. you settle on the cute looking diner, very fitting for a town like this. if you happen to notice the cute boy behind the counter you dont say anything about it. just steal a couple glances at him, maybe blush a little pink when ordering your shirley temple with an extra cherry. (tihi)
if he notices how pretty your flowy little sundress hugs your waist or sits on top of your thighs while sitting in the booth, he doesnt say anything either. he simply makes a mental note to find out your name, he's sure youre new, he wouldve remembered you if youd gone to the school senior year.
some time later he meets your dad at one of his rodeos (competitions? idk, i am not a country girl yall). spots him in the crowd, sees his opportunity to find out your name. they get to chatting, your dads all too happy to talk about you, his pride and joy. he happens to mention that youre wanting to learn to ride your new horse. dodge happens to offer his assistance. how can he resist an opportunity like that? theres truly nothing he would love more than teach you how to ride... a horse, of course :)))
when your dad had told you hed found a cowboy to teach you how to ride, you had expected another one of your dads friends. already made peace with the fact that it would be slightly awkward but ultimately worth it. but then he shows up, the boy from the diner. a cowboy, huh? definitely not what you were expecting. but hes wearing the boots and the hat, he certainly looks the part. hopefully he can play it too. (also i need him to call me darling and tip his hat, i need to have it)
you try your best to get to know him while he's teaching you, but he's not big on answering questions, instead redirecting them back to you. he does laugh, a beautiful, intoxicating sound, when you make a joke about his name being very fitting. dodging all your questions. (legit giggling to myself rn) he tries to tell you about the town, but he doesnt know much more than you, except this weird game he's heard people are playing over the summer...
he asks a surprising amount of questions about your life, you had pegged him as the quiet, stoic type when you first saw him at the diner. but this charming cowboy whos teaching you how to bond with your horse - because apparently its important for her to trust you before you start riding her - is a totally different story. when you invite him in for some fresh lemonade, hes chatting away with your dad about rodeos and all the places nearby he needs to visit. it wasnt at all what you had expected from him.
he starts spending a lot of time around the farm, teaching you to ride your horse, your dad inviting him to come for dinner, or really any excuse he can find to drop by. hes totally enamoured with you, he even feels a little guilty about it. youre so innocent and pure-hearted, he really has no business flirting with you the way he is. hes sure you cant even tell most of the time, that same sweet smile on your lips every time he speaks. totally unaware of the way his gaze lingers, eyes wandering, glued to your ass when youre wearing those damned blue jeans.
it takes you a long time to learn how to ride your horse, but eventually you get good at it. the day you finally succeed at riding around the farm without his help, you both dread that it might be the last time he comes by. but the next time he shows up on a horse of his own. tells you that he wants to show you more of the area, he takes you around, you talk for hours. simply just enjoying each others company.
the time after that you're already waiting for him outside, that morning you had gotten up earlier than usual, just to spend extra time picking your outfit, styling your hair, blushing your cheeks. this continues for a while. your dad starts to notice, youre acting like a little schoolgirl around him. dodge can tell, hes basking in it, he loves it. his compliments become more frequent and more intentional.
eventually your dad insists on bringing you to one of the rodeos, youre hesitant, youd rather not end up trapped in a long conversation with one of his old friends. but when you realize that dodge will be there, competing, you immediately agree to go. youve never seen him in his element like that. you make sure to wear his favorite dress of yours and style your hair just the way he compliments it the most.
its not like youre together, but you want him to know that youre there for him. to see him. and oh he knows. the second he sees you, he knows. ugh he can barely contain himself. youre standing right there, dressed up just for him, watching him in awe as he hang on tight to the rowdy horse.
need him to come out all sweaty and running high on adrenaline. picking you up and spinning you around, his pretty little thing, all dressed up for him, special for him. i need him to be so caught up in the moment that he put his hat on your head, kissing your cheek. luckily your dad had left with some buddies, because everyone at the rodeo knows what it means to wear a cowboys hat, everyone but you. you dont realize that hes staking his claim on you, making it clear to anyone who looks at you that you're his. not that you would have minded that part if youd known.
i need someone to make comment/joke about the cowboy hat rule, and dodge teaching you to ride, to which you enthusiastically, but oh so very cluelessly, mention that yes, hes been trying teaching you for a while now. but that youre only just starting to it right, something about it all being in the hips. i need you to look up at him confused when he just drags you away, mumbling something about that guy being an ass and promising to explain later...
what the fuck do yall know about my man dodge mason. my man my man my man. i havent stopped thinking about him since that fancam... i need to be the innocent farmers daughter who gets corrupted by the handsome mysterious cowboy, such a clique, but i need it anyway!!!!!
This is soooo so sweet too like :(( he’s literally the only thing that makes Carp bearable :((
Just thinking about like having your first kiss with him like maybe a cute little picnic you set up in a little clearing hidden away from prying eyes 🥺
It’s all innocent and sweet— you made little sandwiches, and cut up fruits, and made him a pie. Little glass bottles of lemonade. It’s all so sweet, like you’d copied it off of an old movie.
And you’re talking his ear off and he’s so fine with that— he’s more of a listener anyway. Besides, you look so pretty with your hair in braids, a little sundress, glowing from the sheen of sweat on your skin.
He interrupts you mid sentence with a kiss, nearly knocking his teeth into yours. Your eyes stay wide for a moment, but you melt into him like butter. Its so chaste and sweet, but you end up on his lap and his tongue is in your mouth and his hands are palming your ass 🥰
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smashingdollz · 1 year
Headcanons of how would Guzma, Raihan, Piers, and Adaman's first date be with gn s/o? - 🌠 anon
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how cute, i love this prompt! thank you so much for the request!
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-he wasnt really sure where he should take you for your guys's date (hes trying his best!). maybe a cute little walk around Alola or the Team Skull base so he could show you off to the others. the date would kinda be all over the place, you guys would be in the forest for a walk, then at the beach, then the next you guys are suddenly in the city looking at all the shops.
-and while the two of you are walking he always has an arm around you and quietly observing you. he would notice how your eyes would light up when you found something you like but then turn away because it would be too expensive, he would get it for you either way. it doesnt matter how he gets it, just as long as your happy.
-he teases you a bit during the date, i mean of course he would he’s Guzma. Constantly complimenting how you look and how good you would look in certain clothing you look at. something he does is that he pokes your sides while you guys are walking and laughs a bit as you yelp.
-this moment is special to him, so if anyone dare to ruin this date with you, whether it be a Team Skull member, a trainer, or whoever, they will face his wrath. how dare someone waste the two of your time together.
-once it gets dark the two of you just sit down staring at the moon together, enjoying each others presence wether it be in silence or not. he adores the way the moon reflects upon your face and eyes. he does not regret spending the day in your presence, nor will he ever forget it.
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-he definitely takes you on a shopping date, or wherever you want. totally will take you to all the attractions they have to offer in Galar! and wherever the two of you go he is taking all the silly pictures he can get! when going clothes shopping hell have you try on clothes he think you'd look good in and he'll take a picture so he could post them for later!
-like Guzma, he likes to have you close, so he intertwines his hand with yours while the two of you are out together. and when the two of you are walking together he loves to poke or lightly pinch your cheeks! he also teases you a bit.
-anything you gaze at he automatically buys for you. you can looks at a top or Pokemon plush for a split second and hes already in the store buying it fir you. you tell him that he doesnt have to but he still does it anyways, you basically have to pry him out of the store. but of course he doesnt mind buying you things, he would do anything for you of course.
-he loves seeing how happy you look when you walk around looking at all the amazing shops and such. just looking at you brings him happiness and hes greatful that hes able to spend times like this with you for the rest of his life.
-whenever you guys stop by an arcade or any place where you can win things or play he acts like a child. he drags you along so he could show off how good he is at these games, and of course he wins you more gifts than you already need. i can also see him getting really competitive with kids who are playing the same game as him.
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-he would totally buy you tickets to go see a band that you like together. or he would preform a concert just for you! with your favorite songs and songs he mad just for you! or maybe even both!
-at the concert the two of you are having the time of your lives! enjoying each others presence and the music with no Team Yell to pester the two of you. he loves seeing how ecstatic and excited you look. while at the concert hell buy you anything youd wany from the merch stands, shirts, jackets, hoodies, cds, etc. especially a cd so the two of you could listen to it together. hell also keep you close to him so that you dont get hurt.
-after that as i said before he would preform a special concert just for you. but he understand that you're tired so itll just be a slow song. hed take the lead a bit before letting his Pokemon continue the song so he could dance with you. then hed sit down and rest with you while continuing to sing- aaaaaaa how cute!
-i have the biggest headcannon that he likes to give people trinkets or souvenirs, so he would totally give you small creepy cute trinkets during your date. and with you the amount of trinkets he gives you is doubled.
-when looking at you laying next to him he just couldnt help but think about how lucky he was to be able to go out with you, he hopes to do it more often and that it never ends
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
-he took you to the festival of course! he showed up at your house and offered his arm for you to take. when the two of you linked arms he lead the way not before he compliments how you look in your yukata/kimono, obviously. oof the bat he expresses how honored he is to be spending this special day with you.
-once you guys arrived at the festival he kinda let you take the lead because he could see how excited you were. every now and then you would stop to look at what people were selling and he would buy them for you! he would also buy food that he thinks youd like and the two of you would share it the way a couple would (not in a weird way but the lovey dovey way they do) and the others would tease you.
-you know those cute scenes in anime where the guy would stop the girl and put a hair pin in her hair all romantically? yeah he did that with you. or he would do that with a shirt pin! and the hair pin/shirt pin would be matching with his outfit.
-when it was time for fireworks he stood behind you an gently grabbed your head towards the sky to see the fireworks. since he didnt want to stand for too long he lead you towards a bench where the two of you sat down together admiring the flashy fire in the sky with hands intertwined.
-it couldn't have spent his time any better, time doesnt matter too him as long as youre around.
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this is a bit late (thats an understatement) but i hope you enjoyed!
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starryletters · 1 year
gojo; friends to lovers headcanons!
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notes : set in 2006, reader being silly and a bit dense, gojo falls first and you fall just as hard , fluff! suguru and shoko mentioned bc i love their friendgroup🫶
a/n : eep my first (published) piece of writing! im so excited, and i hope people like it!!! this isn't the most polished, but i wanted to start off with something a little more simple ( ◡‿◡ *) anywhoo satoru is the boyfriend ever!
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you met him when you joined the jujutsu high second years aka geto shoko and gojo!
and gojo IMMEDIATELY decided to annoy the shit out of you
but like in an endearing way (that's what he thought, at least)
surprisingly, you actually found him funny, and bantering with him back and forth quickly became your favorite part of every day.
he really liked how you were able to keep up with him and how easy it was to talk to you about anything and everything. no matter what he had to say, you had a reply (or an insult) ready to go.
satoru's a really physically affectionate person in general and he was over the moon when you didnt seem to mind how he randomly slung his arm around your shoulder or how he liked to fall asleep with his head in your lap. (i could tie to this whole thing to his infinity and talk about how sad it is for someone that shows love through physival affection to experience smth so traumatic that they put a LITERAL barrier between them and others preventing all forms of touch but..i wont!)
it wasn't anything romantic at first! (i love platonic physical affection, okay?)
but there were small moments where you felt his touch and felt such a warmth in your heart. you had pure adoration for him [and if you ever caught his stare, you would know he adored you the same.]
anywhoo! you always thought he was attractive because i mean, look at him
but you never really saw him as a romantic prospect. at least not until you talked to him and got to know him. which you told shoko later on, and she called you a freak of nature for it because "usually he has the opposite effect on people"
there wasn't really a distinct moment you can remember where you developed feelings for him. the realization totally caught you by surprise!
you were hanging out with your fellow second years after school, and gojo made some dumb dad joke, at which only he laughed (of course), but you glanced at him from the side and his laugh!!! it was so beautiful!!! like, why are you enchanted by this LOSER right now???
either way, that's when you noticed that maybe that feeling you got in your stomach whenever gojo touched you may not have been entirely platonic. horrified and also a teensy bit excited at your discovery you look away and try to make your blushing face cool down. cool, this was definitely gonna ruin one of the best relationships and friendships you've ever had! gojo knew geto and shoko before you, so if you ever confessed, it would probably ruin your friendship with them too! cool, cool, very cool.
of course, that was total bs, but whatever you were anxious at, your newfound feelings and relationships are confusing, and you maybe (definitely) had a bit of tunnel vision in that moment.
after that (like the smart person you are), you convinced yourself that "well. if i just avoid gojo..the feelings will probably go away, right?"
oh, you poor naive FOOL
first of all, avoiding gojo was no easy feat (just ask nanami)
second of all... by the point you realized your feelings, he was already completely WHIPPED for you
"suguru! did you see? she totally looked at me for two seconds longer than usual today!"
"she definitely loves me back, dont you think so too?"
"you're delusional."
"you're my best friend! you're supposed to indulge me in my delusions!"
definitely the type to lay on his stomach and kick his feet in the air while thinking about you
and he NEVER shuts up about you
shoko and geto seriously deserve financial compensation for this and are BAFFLED by the fact that you dont notice how lovestruck he is by you?
so as soon as he realized you stopped replying to his texts like you usually did and you didn't sit next to him anymore so he could lean his head on your shoulder, he was devastated
like what did he do????? why does the universe hate him??? ( like he isnt the strongest sorcerer ever?)
you thought you were clever for coming up with your "get rid of feelings for satoru" plan
but no. for days now everywhere you were, suddenly there he was.
you didn't give him the silent treatment or anything you just... kept your distance.
well, you tried anyway
man has no sense of personal space.
"i missed you." he pouts, leaning down and placing his head on your shoulder from behind. "we see each other everyday, thats not enough for you?" you replied, trying to remain calm while he was so SO close to you. "we barely saw each other at all yesterday!" he whines. "i was busy -" "no, you weren't." "yes, i was?" "nuh-uh, " your face contorts into a grimace. "seriously, how old are you?" "sev-" "it was a rhetorical question." he moves from his postion behind you and stands right in front of you. if he wasn't so silly looking, you would probably be intimidated by his towering height.
his face turns serious. "you've been avoiding me." he states, a small pout on his lips. shit, dont look at his lips! "eh..uh..what? no, i'm not! that's crazy talk..." you sputter nervously. he sighs, and puts his hands on your shoulders "are you okay?" he's genuinely concerned for you now. damnit why couldn't he be less likeable?! this was really throwing a wrench in your plan.
"i am..i'm just..uh..argh." you lower your head and massage your temple out of frustration. your heartbeat was going a mile a minute. "i didn't mean to avoid you, satoru." you say in a soft tone. a lie, but you couldn't handle telling him the truth. his face brightens instantly. "i'll forgive you if you pinky promise to never avoid me ever again." he reaches out his pinky. "wow, future me is gonna regret that when you get inevitably annoying.." you chuckle reaching out your hand to interlink your finger with his. this was good, this was normal. you felt normal, platonic, and normal feelings. yep. a bright grin spreads across his pretty face. "although.. you might still have to buy me something sweet to really convince me!" of course. "you're the worst." "you love it!" yeah, you do.
okay, plan b. push it all down and focus on your friendship!
you did really enjoy just being his friend after all..otherwise you wouldn't care so much about ruining your friendship!
so things went back to normal sort of...except for the fact that over the next few months, the romantic tension got worse and worse.
you thought it was just you being delusional when he started holding your hand more and more frequently, freuqently bought you small trimkets and gifts( his reason being " i thought of you!") told you how pretty and cool you looked after missions, even with your hair all messed up and uniform askew. you tried so hard not to read into it even though these things were obviously pretty romantic.
satoru thought he was going insane
"i mean??? am i not being clear enough, suguru? am i being too subtle?"
"i dont think the word subtle really suits you, in any situation ever."
at this point, he was close to giving up. maybe you just didn't like him as much as he liked you?
but then! one late summer night!
the first kiss!
which was sort of out of the blue but also not really, since you'd been pining for each other for a while.
he was invading spending time in your dorm room late at night again like he frequently did. he got real chatty at night. you were both sitting on your bed, and his head was leaning against your shoulder, the soft ends of his hair tickling your neck.
it was around mignight, his voice was low and he spoke in a hushed tone.
"..you know? and then he had the audacity to insult nintendo? like sorry you hate fun, loser? anyways my original point was..." he trails off his voice, getting lower and lower by the end. you turn your head in his direction, expecting to find him asleep. instead, your nose almost bumps against his.
his eyes are..so breathtaking this close, with the moonlight reflecting in his sapphire irises. his snow-white lashes flutter as he glances down at your lips. a silent request.
this moment was so full of tender love while still so quiet. you had never felt anything quite like it before. you nod ever so slightly and softly your lips meet eachother. slotting together like two puzzle pieces, it made something click in your brain. suddenly everything made sense.
after a few moments you pulled back. your face felt hot. it was still quiet. gojos thumb rubs over the back of your hand.
he leans his head back onto your shoulder, positively beaming, he giggled "like i was saying.." he starts again the smile still evident in his voice.
an equally bright grin breaks out on your face. he was not even acknowledging the kiss you two shared. but it felt right that he didn't. this moment felt so warm and so much like satoru. there was no more confusion and no words that needed to be said. you both understood what it meant. you both finally understood what you were.
what you failed to consider was telling your best friends. geto and shoko. the four of you were hanging out and gojo had to leave early for another mission, before he leaves he quickly pecks you on the lips (which to be fair surprised you too) before waving and running off. shoko's eyes were practically bulging out of her head, and getos face couldn't decide between a surprised expression and one of disgust. "what. was that." shoko furtows her brows. "uhh..oh! oh." you couldn't exactly pinpoint what you were supposed to say now. how did you forget to tell them? how did GOJO forget to tell them? granted, it only happened last night, but still... you had assumed he spent the rest of the night lying on his stomach, feet kicking, telling geto every detail. "we're dating?" you reply awkwardly. "damn it!" shoko exclaims, and suguru smiles smugly. odd reactions... that's what you thought until you saw shoko pull out her wallet and hand suguru a big wad of cash. "see? i told you they would figure it out before they turned 25." he chides.
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thank you for reading!!! and i hope you liked it! im not sure about this formatting (w/ the tumblr bulleted list. it's like not spaced apart enough, yk?) anyway! im open to constructive criticism, but please be nice im sensitive LOL (ノω・、)
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oceanwithouthermoon · 10 months
Talking about Saiki and SA here a bit, btw, just a warning~
Thinking about how you said Saiki was a victim of SA and you’re literally so right. I feel like people sometimes just blow right past the fact that Kusuke is like that with his brother, but I think it can add a lot to interpretations of his character. But even if it only goes as far as what is shown in canon — which I almost doubt — it still remains the fact that Kusuke is doing all of that knowing fully well that his brother can hear him. It’s literally sexual harassment.
People point it out more often with Teruhashi and her brother (back to the reasons you said, people think it’s more serious if it happens to women). But the things he does, that’s all sexual harassment. And yet when Kusuke does similar things, it’s often brushed aside. Just,,, a bit crazy to me.
(And that’s not even mentioning when people completely disregard this part of Teruhashi’s story and act like she’s one-dimensional,,, but that’s another story)
But all this to say you’re literally so right. Anyways love you mwah =^•w•^=
(heed the sa warning + abuse and incest warning before opening, i talk a LOT here.. im mostly just reiterating what happens directly in the manga though.. ALSO EXTREMELY LONG POST WARNING..)
I always viewed kokomi and makoto + kusuo and kusuke as like.. paralleling each other ? not sure if thats the right word, but IMMEDIATELY when i saw both of these dynamics i made the connection.. i guess since it was so clear to me, i assumed that it was so obvious and on purpose that everyone else knew too, but so many people just.. ignore it..
i think most people that read/watch saiki k have recognized the fact that most main characters are meant to parallel or relate to saiki in at least some way, (if anyone who doesnt know what im talking about is reading this, im sure at least someone on here has done a better breakdown on that, i just.. dont know where to find that..) but this particular connection is one i dont see often and i genuinely believe that its almost entirely because of the whole "sexual assault/harassment isnt as serious when it happens to men as when it happens to women" thing.. most of the fandom acknowledge that what makoto does is awful and kokomi is a victim, so why is it different when its kusuke and kusuo ??
its EXACTLY the same.. what we see on screen with the saikis is WORSE, actually.. and what WE see from these two relationships isnt the full extent of what the two victims experience off screen, and i strongly believe that its heavily implied that both kokomi and kusuo have been through much worse with their brothers than whats shown..
we have no idea what kusuke couldve done BEFORE moving away and creating the telepathy canceler (and dont say that he couldnt have done anything cuz they were kids, cocsa [child on child sa] is still a thing and still valid, ESPECIALLY since they were both kid geniuses and kusuke definitely KNEW better.. but yea, kusuo implies that hes been like that for a long time, way before we ever saw them, sooo..) and its highly likely that whatever happened that we didnt see, before or after the move, was WORSE than what he does ON screen (i honestly dont want to think about what a guy with an incestual obsession with his brother does with cameras everywhere in his brothers home..) and what we see him do is already insane..
literally using his brother to get off, manipulating him and forcing him to play the games that give him sexual pleasure.. actually, speaking of, ive seen some people say that what kusuke does isnt really incest because the only reason he uses kusuo is because hes a masochist and kusuo is the only person that can overpower him.. this is a total misfire LOL, his upbringing alongside kusuo and his relationship with him is the REASON that hes a masochist, the ENTIRE REASON why thats what he gets off to.. its not just CONVENIENT that kusuo is there to get him off, he SPECIFICALLY seeks kusuo out and forces him to do things that give him sexual pleasure.. he believes that kusuo is the only person in the world that can ever give him sexual pleasure, what about that doesnt sound incestuous?
and one of the worst parts of it is, kusuo BARELY acknowledges how weird it is.. in fact, he's COMPLACENT in a lot of the games, obedient even, being bribed into them the same way he does with simple things like bringing kuniharu to work.. this is the biggest reason why i believe the off-screen stuff is probably worse, because kusuo is obviously conditioned to think that letting your brother get off to you is just.. fine.. we hardly see him try to get away from this situation beyond simply calling him gross.. theres one moment during the cat tank situation where kusuke tries to get him to grab the limiter off of his crotch specifically so that he can see him in that position and kusuo looks terrified and cant do it, BUT its unclear whether the expression of fear was entirely his concentration because he didnt wanna break the limiter or because he didnt want to let his brother get off to that, and i think its mostly the former ? idk, i dont remember this part that well but im preeeetty sure..
he does acknowledge that MAKOTOS behavior is bad when he sees it, but he never thinks its a big enough deal that he needs to help her or anything, (except for maybe the okinawa situation) which i know is probably just for the sake of not letting the gag manga get too serious, BUT it can also be explained pretty easily by this whole thing.. the way kokomi is treated is literally the same way kusuo lives his life, even down to their incestuous brother being possessive to the point of berating their potential love interests.. (which in this case happened to be each other, kusuo and kokomi..)
so yeah, kusuo just. doesnt really know how bad it actually is ? or maybe he does, but doesnt acknowledge it because he doesnt WANT to.. him barely acknowledging it and being complacent is part of why some people dont really get that its sa and incest, but his complacency obviously plays a big part in how its effected him too, like thats purposeful.. like i said, hes been CONDITIONED not to acknowledge it..
to me, it looks like a classic situation in which kusuo doesn't acknowledge his trauma because he knows that if he did, it would change his outlook on his life, his family, and his childhood FOREVER. he would never be willing to tell anyone or ask for help on his own accord, and accepting that there was anything wrong in the first place means, to him, dealing with that issue by himself for the rest of his life.
why would he ever admit that anything was wrong if nothing would change either way? the only thing that WOULD change is HIM, and why would he want that? isnt it better to be blissfully unaware than to knowingly suffer in silence?
plus, he genuinely does love his brother and knows in the back of his mind that kusukes feelings toward him comes from their unhealthy upbringing and relationship and its more complex than just "hes an evil guy blah blah.." because he isnt really evil and kusuo KNOWS that.. actually, he might be the only person in the world who COULD understand..
so yeahhhh.. kokomi and kusuo are both CANONICALLY victims of sexual harassment.. (and incestual abuse at that..) and, by my interpretation, implied victims of sa as well !! (im not really sure where the line can be when it comes to this sometimes, like when your brother sniffs your bedsheets and rubs himself on them or gets off to you right in front of your face or tries to get you to grab something positioned over his crotch so he can see you in.. THAT position.. but i already said that its pretty likely that both brothers have gone farther than that off-screen..)
anywayyyy.. this is so important to me and i wish people would talk and write about it more instead of pretending it never happened and mischaracterizing every one of these characters, especially for the sake of a ship like i was talking about in my other post.. it sucks that people so often just cast kusuos canon issues aside..
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slaymbo · 7 months
more yan!class 1a with earthbender readerr :3
y'all know the sports festival where they had to fight eachother in the ring? yeah, if y/n got to the point where they have to fight todoroki its gonna be INSANE
because technically earthbenders can bend certain oils, riiight?
and it would be hilarious if y/n threw oil at him right after he finally lets himself use his fire
Todoroki steps into the ring, feeling electrified after his victory against Izuku. He knew you were strong, but as the festival went on he realized he was stronger. Or so he thought
"This is it, Y/N. It's impressive that you've made it this far, but I will be the one to end your winning streak once and for all." He says with a bit of melancholy in his voice, wanting to hurt his darling as little as possible.
You said nothing as the cameras focused on you opening a bottle of what seems to be water. Todoroki tilts his head in confusion "I thought you couldn't control water?"
You smile knowingly, shaking your head right before you force the viscous liquid out of the bottle and onto him.
As soon as it hits him, so does realization. This isnt water...it's oil. He runs towards you in an attempt to freeze your precious body in place, but he's too late. The earth around you both starts to rumble and get hot as parts of the ground begin to break apart. Shoto looks into one of the cracks...
Holy shit
That's lava
You strain your muscles as you bring up the hot magma slowly, obviously not wanting to hurt your classmate. Frozen in fear (or awe?), he doesn't even realize that it has already surrounded him. He's fucked.
"I-I...how...huh???" Shoto tries to form a coherent sentence, but all of his words have seemed to fall into the cracks of the earth and burn.
You smile as Midnight declares you as the victor of the match, pushing the lava back from were it came with your quirk and walking up to Shoto, giving him what was essentially a "good job" hug.
that day is when the whole class went crazy over you
yeah, shoto was a bit embarrassed that he was defeated so quickly, but he was more proud of you than anything
your classmates always want to train with you now, you becoming their first pick whenever they must partner up (the rest of them get jealous, but who cares)
izuku not only has ten pages dedicated to you and todoroki's fight (if you can even call it that), but he definitely has multiple videos of it.
bakugo ALWAYS wants to fight with you now, claiming because he 'needs to show you that he's better' (he just loves your attention fr)
denki and sero take any chance they get to flirt with you and put you off rhythm when you fight with them
unrelated rapid fire hcs GO!!!
the bakusquad helps you with vocal tolerance training (itll make sense if you read the other post), it started with far away whispers and now they can yell with you only being slightly overwhelmed!
jirou has totally eavesdropped on you singing in the shower b4, damn near dying because of your angelic voice (you could literally sing like you have nails in your throat, you still sound like an angel to her)
also i feel like she understands being overwhelmed by noises bc of her quirk, so you guys have both had cuddle sessions to calm yourselves down while listening to each others heartbeats
shoji's mask accidently came off one time, and he was ashamed bc he didnt want his darling to think he was ugly!!! but when you gasped and your eyes started twinkling, his heart damn near stopped. you thought he looked good!!! and ever since then he shows his face around u
momo, iida, and shoto all try to compete with each other to see who can get you the most elaborate gifts.
alr thats all i got rn. dont be afraid to send asks! :3
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shigayokagayama · 1 month
gender+random headcanon for tome? or tsubomi, whichever one you're feeling
why not both?
Sexuality Headcanon:
Gender Headcanon:
trans girl! ive actually thought about this one a lot but her whole arc of like. coming out of her mostly male friendgroup and trying to totally remake herself to fit into a girl friendgroup and make herself more palatable to girls her age before realizing that all her friends have weird hobbies too and you dont have to stifle all your interests to fit in with other girls fits the experience of a lot of trans girls i know
A ship I have with said character:
her and keiko from the reigen manga
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A BROTP I have with said character:
her and mob's friendship is very special to me but her and the whole telepathy club ouuughhhhhhh alien arc my beloved... i miss when youd get like 20 posts a day of her and takenaka messing with each other with telepathy shenanigans they mean the world to me. i also think she and teru would get along really well theyd be terrible influences on each other.
A NOTP I have with said character:
i really cannot see her with mob i know this is punching down because theres maybe 1 person on the planet who ships this but theyre definitely a "mob-kun youre my best friend and i love you but i would never date you under any circumstances" sorta friendship. also not really a notp just a "?" but of the possible femslash ships i feel like her and tsubomi appeals to me the least. probably just because they never interact and we dont know enough about tsubomi's interests to know if theyd have anything in common. it gives "pair the spares but we dont like mezato" to me.
A random headcanon:
tome mentions in one of the semi canon anthologies that kijibayashi asked her out when they were first years and im incorporating that into my worldview. i also think she and takenaka had a like one week long middle school "relationship" that consisted primarily of them being too awkward to speak to each other or be in each other presence until they broke up over text just because it makes alien arc even funnier. also more of a reigen headcanon than a her headcanon but in the context of reigen manga i think it makes sense if reigen was very similar to her in middle school then when he was approaching highschool he was like "well i cant stay passionate about things forever" and dedicated himself solely to being a good student and good employee til he burned himself out.
General Opinion over said character:
she is solidly my second favorite mp100 character i love her so so much shes so special to me shes like. level of favorite character where i get excited handflaps seeing art of her. daughter of all time.
Sexuality Headcanon:
aro lesbian is fun for her i think!
Gender Headcanon:
one of my friends really likes transmasc tsubomi and i respect the vision. boy fans be like "not yet"
A ship I have with said character:
mezato and tsubomi. listen. listen to me. of all the femslash ships it makes the most sense. every time we ever hear mezato talk about tsubomi it gives "dear dumb diary". that girl is one long psychoanalytical speech about this girl she's never even had a conversation with from realizing she's bisexual and i think tsubomi would find mezato a really interesting person to interact with. they'd study each other like bugs. it's perfect.
A BROTP I have with said character:
her and mob staying friends is really important to me i like them a lot </3
A NOTP I have with said character:
honestly none really, like i said with tsubomi i dont really get tsutome but i dont dislike it. i prefer her and mob as friends but i dont necessarily think them getting together like. years post canon really ruins the message of the show or anything bc the whole point of the confession arc is that he was chasing this fake image he'd built of her as this perfect person so them getting to know each other and dating in the future wouldnt really ruin that i dont think.
A random headcanon:
i think she's a music person!!! one of her fanbook interviews mentioned that she likes to scream as loud as she can in empty piano rooms and it kind of put the idea of her going into music theory or smth when she's older into my head
General Opinion over said character:
i really really like her and find her narrative role interesting and i both wish we got more of her but also understand that knowing tsubomi would kind of ruin the plot of the show. seeing her only as glimpses and trying to extrapolate who she is through that is unfortunately the point </3
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chuuyasfanboy · 9 months
HII!! Could you do one with Dazai, Chuuya and Atsushi reacting to a reader who has one of those SHTWT accounts? It's a kind of strange request, but I've never seen anyone talk about it!!
I actually loved your blog, I'm currently hooked! <3
NOT a weird request at all! I dont have any social medias like this, but I interact with edtwt and have friends with both edtwt's and shtwt's, so I think I'm comfortable enough talking about the issue!
Now this may be very hypocritical of me BUT IF YOU ARE STRUGGLING MENTALLY PLEASE REACH OUT FOR HELP! Here's a link to a website with hotline numbers! Even if you cant get yourself to stop completely, please at least be save enough to keep living. Love you all mwah<3
Definitely didn't skip a matchup request to write this... Promise I'll get to you soon other person! I've had some ideas in mind heheheh
Dazai, Chuuya, and Atsushi (Seperate) x shtwt!Reader
Tw: Sh tw, mentions of edtwt in the ooc lol, spoilers dazai totally has a shtwt too</3
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Dazai Osamu
Starting off with the worst reaction
Why is he the worst, you ask?
He has one too!
He totally followed you by accident because he just found this all so inspirational. And then you posted a tweet with the same joke you'd made earlier that day.
And oh he knew.
He's mad, but mostly because you never told him you were struggling.
He's the one who's supposed to be masking his emotions, damn it!
(I'm not sure if shtwt is the same way, but i know edtwt is chock full of motivational disgusting food images posting! I'm making those assumptions that its similar lol)
He definitely tries to convince you to get help, and he feels really bad for not actually being that worried.
He trusts you to keep yourself safe enough and so eventually he just gives up on the notion altogether
It doesnt take long for the two of you to be a bit more open with it all
He finally shows you whats under those bandages
It's worse than you think.
You're the one who convinces him to properly treat his cuts, and after enough bothering, you finally let him treat you the same.
Late nights when the two of you cant sleep, and he comes over.
The both of you in each others arms, disinfectant and fresh rolls of bandages discarded on the nightstand
While he may not be the one you go to for support, he definitely wont judge you for anything, not even a bit
And if you do decide to finally get help, he's there to cheer you on
Dont be fooled though, he wont be changing his ways at all
Good luck getting this stinker to find value in himself!
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Chuuya Nakahara
He's got the best reaction, by far
He's trying not to judge you, really
It's not something he's ever had to struggle with these things, and the furthest he can really give you is an absurd amount of sympathy
The little experience he does have comes from his years with Dazai in the port mafia, but that was a long time ago and he hasnt had to think of it since
It brings up old memories...
You'd left it open on a private tab one night, and he found it when you asked him to look up something
He's about ready to cry, really, but he's strong
For you
He encourages you to get help, professional help
And if you decline, he doesnt push it much further
Instead, he offers you help directly
He cofiscates your razors the best he can, but he soon finds you manage to get them anyway
So he comprimises
When you forget to clean them, he does it for you
Buys you disinfectant and fresh bandages every time he knows youre running low, keeps your first aid stocked
Things like that
He politely asks to not be shown any fresh wounds, twitter post or not, and does his best not to think about the fact you post these things so openly and he hadn't even known
If you do decide to seek help, he's the most supportive.
He keeps you on your recovery plan, holds you close if you relapse, and never passes a single word of judgement your way
He's here for you, always
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Atsushi Nakajima
Akutagawa found it before he did
Atsushi was told, immediately
He PANICS, and as soon as he sees you he pulls you aside
And he just cries into your arms
You're left so confused like?
He understands why you didnt tell him, and he doesnt blame you for it
But he's still pretty upset
Moreso with himself than you
Again, like the other two, you'd been posting pictures of it all online and he had to be told!
He insists you get help, and he wont let up on it
Reminds you every day after a nicely times good morning text
"If you're feeling down make sure you call somebody before you do anything, okay?"
He's practically on his hands and knees begging you to unfollow the shtwt's you've bombarded your feed with
Suddenly he's terrified of looking over your shoulder at your phone, but also so afraid every time he isnt
He's really not good at sorting it out, his brain is scrambled and he's panicked every time he thinks about it
But he really does try hard to stay positive
And while one or two things he says may unintentionally come off as judgement, a good majority of his opinions on the topic is really just trying to get you help
He makes an alt account just to keep tabs on your shtwt
Its really obvious, made a day ago and following only you
You don't tell him that though<3
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wrongcaitlyn · 20 days
i wanted to know if you have any plans for the og campers???? like luke, clarisse, silena, beckendorf, etc etc
this is SO funny bc i was literally JUST talking to @wronghuntress about them like a few hours ago😭😭 BUT to answer your question,,, it's sort of complicated. bc i didn't realize that i was doing it until like a good way into the series, but i've been unintentionally picturing pretty much all of the og campers/people from the main pjo series as part of the acting side of hollywood, whereas i've been leaning more toward, like, toa/side/minor characters for the rest of the main cast! this makes sense to me because like, nico and will get their big moment in toa, and apollo's a huge character too. percy and annabeth are actors obviously, but i did give them some connections to nico - but either way, i guess i just saw all of those characters as not really having any sort of connection to nico & will (even though i'm the hugest fan of will being close with clarisse and silena and beckendorf- he was totally will's bi awakening it's canon u heard it from me)
but anyway im getting off track, i've sort of had like a completely separate plotline for them going on in my head (not really detailed at all, i'd have to think about it more), dealing with more of those og characters, including percy annabeth and grover! i'm not entirely sure if that'll ever be included in the main fic seeing as they don't have much connection to nico's storyline specifically, but who knows... maybe a spinoff fic one day? i definitely won't be able to write some long 100k fic for them but i'd love to dive into that!
the only thing that i DO see happening is - if you remember this, a while ago, i mentioned the possibility of a third fic or some future plans for nico to write a musical to get that egot, namely hadestown. while the idea was being organized in my head, i've been thinking of silena as helping nico write the musical and playing eurydice, and then ofc i'd love having beckendorf play orpheus - i think he gives the vibes?? or is that just me???
and then jenna (wronghuntress) gave me the BEAUTIFUL idea earlier today of this... silena and charlie as actors, specifically broadway/musical theater actors (though im sure they have also been in some other projects), clarisse as silena's bodyguard,,, and im usually so against love triangles but like. there's so much potential there - again, nothing's finalized, i dont even know if i'm gonna write it, i don't really have ANY plans other than potentially making nico contact silena when he wants to work on his musical and having them + beckendorf work together for the demo recording - it's all VERY vague and blurry so we'll see if i come up with anything more to fall down that rabbit hole!
and as for luke, i pretty much have this: he's an actor, at some point he was prob friends with annabeth after working on a show together or smth, and ends up getting cancelled. for what? i'm not entirely sure yet, but it's probably very shitty for the internet to turn against a hot white guy. actually that fact might make him getting cancelled very unrealistic. but like it's my fic so that's what i'm saying happens! unfortunately he prob still gets roles and he's prob still like a millionaire and stuff but in general: bad person. though he probably (and thalia, because she used to be an actress too before running away) were in a movie/show/something with annabeth when she was young and they kinda mentored her/helped her learn the ropes before her big break. they started a club of neglected child actors which eventually turned into just annabeth, but at least she has percy and reyna and jason and piper and magnus on her side now :)
so long story short: i don't have specific plans, but they're all actors and definitely have a lot of lore that one day i would like to try to figure out!! for now i'm still very focused on tgol/the side stories that take place in THAT main timeline (so right now it'd be 2020-2024), whereas all of the main drama/plot in the actors' timeline would be happening BEFORE talk your talk (percy + annabeth + thalia + luke + silena) (around 2008-2015) or AFTER the greatest of luxuries (silena + clarisse + beckendorf + chris(??? i have no idea what's going on with him?? he's prob famous somehow but idk??? or maybe like childhood friend tis the damn season vibe. god there are so many fame tropes i have yet to unlock and so many characters i have yet to mess with) (around 2024-2026)
thank you for the ask!! i hope that one day when i have some more time to make some playlists, properly listen to hadestown, and learn more about musical theater/broadway/acting in general, i'll be able to answer the question more thoroughly!!
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dozingzzz · 4 months
these are @robbie-lee-zombie 's tickle questions! (sorry for the tag! ik you dont know me haha)
i thought id answer them because why not! also its a fun way for yall to get to know how i am tickle-wise since my blog is so new ☺️
1. What’s your favorite tickle tool?
honestly, just hands. but feathers and paint/makeup brushes are fun too. i just dont like the harsh/scratchy ones
2. Favorite Ler? (Tag them if you dare~)
im not super close with really anyone on here just yet, (totally feel free to change that, send me a dm lets be friends!!) so im not sure! i dont wanna tag someone i hardly know lol
3. Favorite Lee? (Tag them to call them out~)
same as #2!
4. Opinion on blindfolds/restraints? Why or why not?
not really my thing! they scare me like a lot haha. like im okay with maybeee my arms up or being pinned if i trust someone, but that's as far as ill go.
as a ler, ill pin a lee if they want it, but big bondage is still not my style. whatever the lee prefers other than that ☺️
5. A spot that gets you squealing?
this question is so cruel 🥲
lower back n back ribs
6. How long do you estimate you could last before calling mercy?
not sure. ive never been tickled for an extended period of time before, but id estimate maybe 2 minutes? before I need a break.
7. Ever have tickle fantasies?
if "fantasies" is being used non-sexually in this case, absolutely. haha i think about lots of cute little scenarios of either me tickling someone or them getting me.
8. Why did you make your tickle blog?
ive had a few before this that i abandoned, and have lurked for like 2 years since my last one, but i joined again because i love interacting with this community and having tickle friends makes me soo happy
(again, dm me!! id love to be friends)
9. Does anyone irl know of your interests?
nope! farr, far too scared haha
10. Can you say the t-word?
i think i can, ive never actually said it in front of anyone before because it never comes up, but like ive said it just fine sitting in my room or while reading aloud
11. Verbal teases, yes or no and why?
depends. some of the stuff i see is awkward and corny, i guess i would have to really experience it myself because most of what i see online doesn't appeal to me. im not sure if that would change if it was an actual interaction haha
this also is the reason i dont rp online as a lee, because its just awkward to me lol. i dont actually feel anything lol 😭
12. Upper body tickles or lower body tickles?
i like both, but probably upper body if i had to choose.
no, definitely not because my belly and back are there shush
13. Neck or ear tickles?
i dont think my ears are very ticklish, so probably neck tickles haha
14. Pinned on your back, or your stomach?
i dont think i could choose haha both make a bad spot super vulnerable 🥲
15. What do you love about the lees you know?
they're SO tooth-rottingly adorable oh my goddess. they make me wanna hold them in my lap and just gently tickle them silly you literal cutie pies.
16. What do you love about the lers you know?
one, they're also so adorable, and two, they're so nice about tickles 🥲 they make me feel so safe and nice
17. Feathers or Paint Brushes?
this question.. 🥲
i dont think i could choose i love them both
18. How long have you known about your interests in the community?
since i was young, like maybe 7-8 years old, i had that feeling about and fixation on tickling, and thats also when i became a little scared and very shy about the subject on top of being a very reserved child, and only just secretly watched yt tickle compilations in my bedroom. i didn't find out about the community until i was more like 11-12. it was huge to me since i thought i was just.. weird haha, and while i was very dumb and didn't put up proper boundaries, i engaged with tickle content for a while. when i was 14, i believe, i had this like year-long phase where i wanted to not be like that anymore, deleted tumblr, and tried to completely push it out of my life but surprise surprise haha! at 15, i started lurking again and here i am now at 17 with my current blog!
19. What’s your favorite way to be tickled? (As in provoked, teased into asking, etc.)
surprise tickles or having someone straight up ask if they can tickle me would probably be my favorites because i feel its SO cute, and also doesnt involve me asking.. also the second one usually means gentler tickles like we're cuddling on the couch or something and those aaa are for sure my favorites
20. Are you/Do you like Polite Lees or Bratty Lees? (Asking for tickles vs Pissing someone off for tickles)
i love all lees because all of you are adorable and i will never say anything different, but someone coming up to me and asking for tickles will always hold a special place in my heart because AA its so incredibly cute it makes me so happy
i myself am a polite lee, im very shy irl in general and that kind of bleeds into how i am about tickles, so while it would take like a whole day of hyping myself up and figuring out how to ask and i would almost 100% chicken out, if i could ask i would. i don't like making people mad either haha
if you have any other tickle (or just normal!) questions you want my input on, my asks are open! ask away!!☺️
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weirdfreakshow · 1 month
okay, hear me out in s6 i feel like Grian would have a huge addiction to sh (due to past yhs/kov and probably family stuff that hasnt been resolved) and he would do it anywhere he could find privacy and time, sometimes he'd just let the blood drip off and dry because he was so desperate for the pain and harm, he did it alot around mumbo's place alot simply because he liked being around mumbo, and blood blends in with redstone (imo) and thats where we transition(🏳️‍⚧️/j) to mumbo, he has always had an odd fascination with blood imo. also mumbo has awful self asteem thinks he is shitty all the time and thinks hes dumb if he fails even 1 thing (was deff pressured as a child+labled gifted and got burnt out), he also deff has seen some stuff on the internet and thats how he heard of self harm, over the time it became a thing that he did more often, definitely not as much as Grian though, But mumbo always kept a stainless steel razor blade in one of his pockets if he ever needed it. One day Grian was cutting himself in a more risky area late at night (11pm-1am)and mumbo caught him (in Sahara's redstone area maybe? idk) grian was cutting with a super shitty blade but he still managed to get good results. mumbo noticing the shitty blade walks up to grian and this scares the SHIT out of grian bc hes been caught by not so nice ppl b4, he thinks hes about to get yelled at or something but instead mumbo pulls a new blade out of his pocket and gives it to grian says something like "use this instead, i dont want you to get tetanus or something" bc i feel like hes a bitch abt being healthy in that way/lh(paranoid) grian took the blade thankfully but also shocked bc like mumbo jumbo? self harm? thats kinda gay😕/j (im a fag dw) also mumbo was also wearing short sleve so his cuts and scars were showing too (he took off his hoodie(its night hes not wearing his suit) to show grian "hey same dude"). Grian unwrapped the blade and asked he he could continue, MJ said yes and pulled out his own blade and joined grian.
Thats how they had their first cutting sesh together:3
HCs for this: Grian usualy does bean cuts and Mumbo does a bunchh of styros / cat scratches, he's done bean b4 but it made him almost pass out. Grian was deff Scene once and showed off his scars. Grian and Mumbo get high together all the time (and maybe a little toutchy 🤭🤭🤭).
ough i wanna make this like . a mini fic or something
also Grian and Taurtis totaly cut eachother for the funzies all the time
this is so big brain, and so extensive I don't feel like I'd be able to add anything substantial to it, but I'd like to say that I just love the image of Mumbo always carrying one or two new, fresh razors on the pocket of his suit. Something about it, about not really feeling ashamed of cutting but still having them hidden under the sleeves of his pristine suit. I also think of him having a strange fixation with everything red. From redstone, to red foods, to blood. Watching the cuts form, especially if they're clean, made with a sharp enough object it's just like cutting through butter. He finds it so satisfying in such a strange way, scratches his brain that perfect way he didn't know he needed.
Grian, shaky and afraid of being judged before Mumbo just places a shiny razor in his palm. So good.
Might not be accurate at all, but just thinking of .. Cuts giving Mumbo a sense of euphoria while they give Grian a sense of control.
"Mumbo has seen some shit on the internet" oh I KNOW that guy watched copious amounts of gore. He likes watching beans cuts but he just doesn't have the endurance to handle them, unlike Grian. A total expert, huh.
Can't help but acknowledge the mentions of yhs. I'm sure Grian learned from Sam, i KNOW Grian found Sam cutting more than once. Sam would be COVERED in scars too, always. He pushed Taurtis to cut for the first time too, insulting him in so many ways that taught him to hate himself, hate his own body ♡ so much fun
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myaoiboy · 10 months
The Boss being John's emotional pillar and base to what he thinks relationships are supposed to be like/end up really fucks him up and i dont think people talk enough about that...
and yea she definitely slept with him at some point and all that, theres so many implications that she was more than one thing at the same time (master, mother girlfriend thing) and it just makes sense yknow? I wonder if part of his attraction to Ocelot is motivated by the fact he looks so much like her,,,, ouch
Anon you have no idea how much you fed my brainworms today lmao
Like, we definitely know the Boss and Snake were involved. We hear people talk about it on Mother Base in V, and when asked if she was his lover Snake doesn't deny it but says it was "deeper than that"
But ALSO Kojima literally said this:
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so I mean idk maybe we're all crazy and The Boss would never fuck the kid she picked up as a replacement for the one the Philosophers stole, and we're the sick ones. lmao.
I love The Boss bc she really is this all-encompassing icon of femininity and nurturing (naive Maiden/mature Mother/wise Crone roles vs Lover/Mommy Figure/Mentor) while being completely untameable. You've heard of a domestic housewife? The Boss is a feral wildwife.
And then you bring me to the thing that I think is the most hair-pulling, teeth-grindingly tragic thing about Bosselot: the fact that they're just perpetually loving *past* each other. Big Boss wants a solution for his mommy issues, and Ocelot just wants to be seen and cherished, even used, for just a fucking taste of love and appreciation from Big Boss (that he doesn't even get in death, god i will cry about this forever).
The worst part is, Ocelot is by far the Boss's son that has the most inherent capacity to be most like her, but he has neither the environment nor the inclination to foster that in himself.
If he had ever listened to anything BB said, he would know that the fact that he lived with the Boss as an equal, someone who challenged him, was exactly why he loved her. He had the capacity to be exactly what BB wanted, but instead he went the low risk/low reward route of making (or trying to) himself indispensable as a tool, a weapon, an attack dog for BB to command, a possession instead of a partner.
But it's better to be appreciated by the love of your life for what you aren't than potentially lose them for what you are, right?
Also the same people who want to talk about how Bosselot is the better mgs3 ship bc of the mommy figure situation totally ignore the fact that that makes them like...adoptive brothers? Wouldn't be a Kojima game without a strong undercurrent of incest themes.
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