#and i think that oddly fits ace's role
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anbaisai · 7 months ago
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Ace Trappola x Heat Abnormal (熱異常)-iyowa
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stopmyhearts · 20 days ago
Gallifrey: Intervention Earth liveblog was somewhat confused at the beginning because there's such a big timeshift? actually I'm not even sure when this is placed, but whatever, Trey is amazing and I love her and I could listen to her forever and also Ace!!
it's Ace!!
love her
very excited to see what they do with her here
it's very interesting how they put all her different futures in here
oh it's a bit of a different tune
I liked the old one better
this is a very good portrayal of Ace so far
very interested to find out why Romana is Trey in this one
like what happened
this is pretty messed up
love Narvin back in his coordinator role
he can be a bit evil again
as a treat
I love the way Ace as a human differs in her views from the Time Lords
looooovee Trey's voice
this is very good
Ace you love blowing stuff up of cours devastation is beautiful
that's pretty mean stop being mean to Ace
earth? that's bad
love Ace btw
she's great
oh he's a traitor
makes sense
the hell
trey's voice>>>>>>>>
okay the tune is also nice
it fits Trey somehow
oh this is mean
because he doesn't have any regenerations anymore 🥺
I love Trey and Narvin
one term? since when do Gallifreyan presidents have terms
it's very interesting how Narvin's morals have changed
even as Romana appears to have left some of hers behind
I have no idea what's going on but I am entranced by Trey's voice
oh what happened with Leela?
this is all so odd
I feel like Narvin should notice he's being followed
you know as a spy
ah that's Romana
ah so he did notice
he's not completely useless then
Narvin and Romana seem almost romantic here
the way she keeps talking of trust
don't let me down the way she says that I don't think there's anything I wouldn't do for her
Narvin meeting humans is so funny
I love that their first reaction is just to try and cut Narvin open
I think he is thinking of Leela too
oh Narvin realizing they're talking about sex 😆
he is so bad at this
he just announces himself wherever he goes
doesn't even try
I adore how he talks to himself
he is such a guy
and I love him using human idioms
the way those have spread through Gallifreyan society by way of the Doctor, Romana and Brax
a brave man but quite useless with a blade just like Narvin then
except that Narvin is also a coward at heart
okay now what are they doing
this is pretty messed up
love that Trey is still very much personally involving herself in all of Narvin's business
I love the way this Romana seems so much closer to the Doctor in her behavior
oh he wants to use Narvin?
perhaps not the best choice
what is happening
this is so
oh they are using Ace as well
that is smart
she is always so sweet to everyone
some of these music bits feel a bit oddly placed
or well they just start a bit suddenly they are very nice
I find the way Omega calls the Time Lords brother or sister very interesting
that's an interesting way of using a TARDIS
did they make it?
oh that's bad
oh this hits hard
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 year ago
Backup Drummer
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Right off the bat, we follow up a note from last time. Kuma's upping the ante on being an unreliable narrator. Now we're doing it a second time. A nested flashback. Fun! I love this, same with the idea it's a pointless exercise. Tragic though it may be, the idea these letters never find Bonney is such a great narrative nugget. Type of thing where...well, I was gonna say you see a flash of static that was there intentionally to cover a key detail but we did that one didn't we?
Seeing this flashback start to fray and break down is interesting. We keep seeing it and now I definitely think we'll have shenanigans upon our return. That's not the only bit of narrative peculiarity though. There's another beat that caught my eye even more:
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We've done the "static" effect. Covering up a detail with sound effect Kanji. This one feels more like...listening to the radio at the edge of the station's rage. When it starts to intermingle with another station on the same frequency. This is such a weird little blip. "A smart hawk hides its claws" is a great idiom for all this then we shift to a brief moment with Stussy going oddly philosophical. She went too quiet during the time between the cutaway and this flashback, don't forget her. If there's another "Rashomon" break from the main story she might be a good one. Especially with this weird little adjacent element of a potential relative for Kalifa. It is odd how we get Lucci, Kaku, and a replacement girl. Not to mention the three brothers. Sabo was in Vivi's story, Luffy Bonney's, and the OG Stussy has already been around Marco so Ace fitting in isn't that much of a stretch. Still think Rashomon & Riddles is one of my better ones.
Don't forget she gets tied up in the Tamataebako thread too. Bonney is sorta inherently tied up with Urashima Taro by default with that power while we're at it. Likewise with Vegapunk, but that'll be a little secret for later. Which means now we have to get to Bonney's grand escape. That was our deal. Bonney's really horning in as someone who can fill this open role we've identified. What does our story have to say here?
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Distortion. Who does "becoming Nika" remind you of? Club, white hair, doggy form, tboy swag...it smacks of Yamato's Oden fixation. Credit where credit's due, I can argue Kiku threads the needle of these Egghead characters, but Bonney's a good mix of Carrot/Kiku/Yamato as well. Still, this plus the narration feel a certain way to me. Like they're really, really reasserting Bonney as a rival. Her own captain. Someone who could have taken Luffy's place if he wasn't here. Fair is fair, our main narrator being unreliable has happened too. With the redacted announcement of the Luffy v Kaido battle. But this makes me wonder how much we'll even focus on Bonney if this flashback continues. Remember she's the third Supernova this arc set up to end her saga.
We'll get to Luffy & Kuma tomorrow, but I have a last thought on Bonney. With all the Thriller Bark elements floating around, did she lose her crew to the buzzsaw of the New World? As in, end up like Moria? Interesting parallel on the table at least. I always thought Yamato was intriguing from the vantage point of like, being perfect if Luffy did blunder into the New World too early and meet the same fate. Yams is a great person to bail you out and start a new crew. Not like anyone wanted that outcome but you can't forget Moria's shadow hanging around. Potentially even literally given the Blackbeard ship could be stolen.
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milekael · 11 months ago
💚 and 💀!
HELP I will throw out there several fandoms I like because whynot ASDFGH excuse to talk
What does everyone else get wrong about your favorite character?
FMA: I mean for Riza is the whole "xd mean serious girlboss who has to control her manchild husband" I hate it will all my soul and sours everything I hold dear SDFGH In the same vein people taking this interpretation as if is more "Progressive & Feminist" as if it also didn't center her characterization around the man LOL
Cosmere: For Shallan huh absolutely everything <3 If there is one way I can summarize it all is that Stormlight is a series that deals with very human morality and is very sad that most people I see take Shallan's own perception of being "A terrible person who has done irredeemable stuff" at face value and run as if thats the intended takeaway and not "This woman is extremely traumatized to the point any mistake she makes her extremely anxious to the point she keeps digging her own holes deeper and deeper". Again head too full of thoughts and anger I am taking her away
Ace Attorney: For Maya is the people that treat her like an baby child LOL like YEA she is A Teenager she is immature and all but also she is someone who every single responsibility was put on since her mother's disappearance and sister leaving. I think is a perspective thing because she acts more carefree around Phoenix but that's because... that's the point. I think people usually diminish her input and role in Phoenix's life and narrative as a whole and she ends up just at the funny quirky girl that third-wheels the attorney yaoi
One Piece: See with this one I just don't go out looking for anything anyone has to say about Nami or Robin or Sanji❤️ or literally anything I understand the One Piece fandom is not a place I should ever lay hands on if I want to keep my sanity ❤️❤️❤️
If you had to choose one major character to die, who would you choose?
FMA: Huuh Note already for this whole question in very much a guy that usually doesn't like to see characters die LOL And in FMA I really can't think of anyone SDSFGH I think in canon manga every death is perfect and in 03... Idunno, I don't wish for Roy to have died I mostly just wonder how did Archer shot him in a way to only take his eye but not killed him?????? Idunno I don't care as much LOL Cosmere: I want Dalinar dead and gone in book 5 thank you
Ace Attorney: Lmao no main characters die here lol although I think they should have kept Phoenix in his Apollo Justice characterization and out of the spotlight. But like, this is an extremely lukewarm take lol One Piece: Again I don't want any of my wiwis to die </3 HOWEVER I do have the take that if someone has to die... it would be Luffy or Luffy AND Zoro. Idunno how to explain it but if just the captain dies it makes sense that the crew has to go on with their lives, but only Zoro dying feels... oddly asymmetrical? Idunno, it feels wrong and not even for any particular story reason it just does lol. If Luffy AND Zoro die it feels fitting because both their goals have an specific end point and it just so happens that end point is connected. Also heaven and hell symbology... The God and the King of the Underworld.... AGAIN I DON'T WANT THEM TO DIE and I really don't think they will but if it has to this is how I see it going down shrugs
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alyjojo · 2 years ago
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The Person On Your Mind in June 🥂 2023 - Capricorn
Whole of their energy towards Capricorn: Ace of Swords
Feelings: Queen of Pentacles
Intentions: 2 Pentacles rev
Actions: 6 Wands
This one is kinda difficult to navigate and feels oddly specific. This can go two ways. Either this person is your divine counterpart, or you’re possibly living with or taking care of someone, and this is their divine counterpart. Either they see you as someone who can and does handle everything and then some, the manager of the home, PLUS being the nurturing and more loving & domestic kind of motherly figure. A single parent perhaps, playing all of the roles. They’re being very honest with you about not being around, choosing you or speaking up sooner due to some level of toxicity, addiction to drugs or alcohol - especially with 9 Cups rev here too, avoidance of accountability or sneaky business, all of it, could be 1000 possible different things, but they’re not happy with the way things have been. If you’ve had issues in the past with this King, others may have assumed maybe you were enabling, or your friend does, that vibe is here if that fits. I do think it’s a misunderstanding, at least where *you* fit, maybe not their person, where toxicity does actually exist or has prior to now.
How they feel about you is either you’re both of these Queens, or you’re a roommate, sibling, family member, someone close to their counterpart. If you, they see you as handling everything on your own, and in the intentions they know you can’t keep this up forever. There may have been some disconnect between you and your Queen of Cups friend. Or they know you love them, but maybe there isn’t a lot of passion between you, and in some cases that’s what they’re annoyed with. In the intentions, they want to bring you stability because they see you doing everything, all of the time. They feel you need rest, a break, help, whatever they can do to ease the pressure, they want to do that for you. It’s possible Queen of Cups is someone you’re helping take care of, especially within the family, and you could be inviting these people into your home or vice versa as a nursing type of situation. I got that for someone else recently too…you? Idk.
Their actions show the both of you in victory and success together, rising above the odds, having a new beginning rooted in both love (Ace of Cups) and real, tangible opportunities (Ace of Pentacles), they see you as 10 Cups, and come out themselves as King of Cups. If this is romantic, they’re the one, hands down 💯 If this is platonic, maybe they didn’t like you during a toxic time period, or there have been breaks in this connection due to that, and that’s changed, because they’re coming around to not only “accepting” you but celebrating you as part of the family. Either way this person does care very much about you, and wants what’s best for you.
Their side:
- I don’t know how to communicate!
- Kind 😊
- We make a great team!
Your side:
- I don’t want anyone else.
- Bookworm 📕
- Wise Spirit 🦉
Possible signs:
Capricorn, Pisces, Aries & Cancer
If you’re dealing with:
The Sun shows you as a bright shining light in the lives of others, you bring the warmth & the fun wherever you go. This can be success in a venture of yours, promotion, some level of fame or recognition, you also have 6 Wands in the reading which all point to the same thing. Really good things are happening for you ☀️ You could be in the spotlight in some way.
Aries - excitedly jumping into a new beginning or a fresh start with their family, business, and you are probably included in that, could be this person for some
Taurus - the clarifiers are very positive, they seem to be either advising, asking for advice, or a religious/conservative type, maybe they’re that way
Gemini - happy & successful with everything you or they have planned, could be signing a contract they’re really happy about
Cancer - either you are their dream come true, or a dream relating to their career & financial situation is coming true
Leo - leaving this behind because they’re unreliable and that’s what they do
Virgo - could be this person, possibly a mother figure of some kind, or pregnant, they are someone very beautiful, intelligent, nurturing, and their financial growth is on 💯 right now
Libra - heartbroken by indecision, or you are, one of you can’t choose between two options, yes or no
Scorpio - confused over how you’ve reached conclusions about them, you think the worst? Or maybe they do, could be psychological or trauma related…feeling very intense right now
Sagittarius - terrified of romantic action with you, could be afraid of commitment, or you could be some kind of sneaky link with them…”it’s complicated” between you
Capricorn - burdened by working with you because they actually *like* you and don’t want to cross boundaries but, yes they do
Aquarius - could be dealing with debts, family issues, or several different things right now, I get them stressed out but don’t think it’s you
Pisces - the ending between you is the most fair and balanced decision, it’s something that has to happen to get you somewhere else because something destined is coming
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ice-cream-writes-stuff · 4 years ago
¤°~Ghost Marriage: Lovely Bride To Be?! Part 3°~¤
At the end of the hall, Senior Vanrouge and Sebek were conversing with the ghosts knights. "They became angery just because of a mere joke I made about them. Such a bunch of narrow minded ghosts." Lilia jests with ignorance in his tone.
"Ugh, the guys from Diasomnia! Why did you bring these ghosts here?!" Ace yells out in fear. "You naive ghosts who dare to snarl at Lilia. I'll get rid of you guys!" Sebek said with very little amusement.
Present Time..
After the fight with the ghosts. The student's and Headmaster go to the field so ghosts won't bother them. Students who were also kicked out the school stayed at the field. "Ha...haaa. Ugh the sides of my stomach hurt so much." Ace tries to say as he and Deuce groan and grumble in pain.
"Ace, Deuce." A familiar voice spoke. "Ah, Prefect Roseheart!" The two huff out as they nod. Azul and Kalim stood next to Riddle, but Azul looks at the two with confusion. "Where is Prefect (Y/N)? Shouldn't you two be with her?" The prefect of Octavinelle points out.
The A-Deuce combo only shrug. "I think she got mixed up the crowed." Deuce says as he looks at the growing crowd of students. "How did you guys get put here?" Ace asks the three dorm leaders.
"We had gotten chased out by some ghosts that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Even though it was valuable time for the three of us to study together." Kalim responded, while Azul shot him tired glance. "Kalim. Shouldn't it be "valuable time where we teach you about studying."?" Riddle could only sigh and cross his arms. "We almost got Kalim to understand the question..!"
"When we stayed in class, a bunch of ghosts appeared. They chased us out while saying, "this will be the brides fitting room!"" Grim watched as more students came up to them. Telling the same tale. "Everyone who was kicked out from campus has already gathered around..!"
"It seems like the whole campus has been taken away by those ghosts." Deuce said rather calmly. Ace on the other hand was more shocked than calm. "Oi! Principal, what's going on!?"
Before Mr. Crowley could respond, Ortho decided to explain. "I'll be the one to explain. You see, yesterday..." Once the young Shroud told everyone of the events that occurred. Everyone went silent. The only person who spoke after Ortho, was Riddle.
"The ghost groom has been searching for his ideal princess. Then had chosen (Y/N) as his ideal bride... That's the idea, correct?" Riddle revised as his expression was oddly calm. "WHAT!!!!" The group of NRC boys all screamed in anger and fear, a lot of other expression as well.
"We need to save her!!" Ace says immediately after the video was shown. "What will happen to (Y/N) if she does marry the Ghost Groom?!" Deuce asks the principal with fret. Mr. Crowley casted his eyes downward, with a somber voice he said.
"If (Y/N) marries the ghost prince, that is the same meaning of signing a contract. Which will mean, once the wedding is over.. SHE WILL FOLLOW HER SOON-TO-BE-HUSBAND TO THE UNDERWORLD!!!" "EEEEHHH!!!" Everyone yelled out in shock.
Mr. Crowley continues: "I put my guard down because I never would of expected someone who meets the conditions of the prince and his ideal Princess would exist in this world." Headmaster Crowley said with dread in every word he spoke.
"(Y/N)... Is going to be a ghost..!?" Epel gasps out with fear. "We can't let that happen!" Jack gruffs out as he bared his fangs. Many others agreed at helping the female student from her impending doom.
"We need to come up with a plan then!" Ortho tells the group of fired-up teens. "How about we start talking with them? We can throw a party! I bet that the ghosts will definitely let (Y/N) go if we just explain the situation."
The young Al-Asim heir suggested to his fellow peers. Rook nods, agreeing with his classmates. "A truly splendid idea, Roi d'or." A slim smile crepts on Rooks lips, "though..." The huntsman drawls out, his eyes turn a bit narrow.
"Do you think you'll be able to persuade a groom who has been searching for his bride for so long?" Rook crossed his arms over his chest as he continues on. His voice hinting with amusement. "If I was in his place, I'd never let my beloved go."
Leona growls, "so our only option is to just beat those ghost into submission." Vil scoffed at Leona and his idea. "Have you forgotten that we all ran all the way out here because we couldn't do just that." The male model said sassily with a frown gracing his painted lips. "No matter what we did, we couldn't defeat all those ghosts."
The headmaster starts to speak, "they are truly a infuriating opponent to take on. We should avoid confrontation as much as possible." Lilia starts to ponder as Crowley squawked about. "Lord Sam is well versed in the ways of ghosts and things of a spiritual nature. Shall we go see what he has to say on the matter?"
"Lord Sam... Do you mean Sam from the student store?" Deuce questioned the old fae. Lilia hums, "I was acquainted with his great grandfather." Cater starts to laugh dryly. "I still can't tell when you're joking or when your being serious... Lilia."
"Then we must make haste to the student store!" The headmaster yells as he and the others rush to Sam's shop. As soon as the shop door closed, Sam greets them. "Yo, headmaster and little demons. Whay could you be looking for that brought you all here?"
Sam chuckles and shakes his head. "Kidding! I know you're looking for something to deal with that ghost groom, right?" Sam told the group of teens and headmaster. Riddle is perplexed by Sam and his words. "This speeds things up but it sounds like you knew we would end up here."
Sam starts to laugh once more. "My friends on the other side bring me all kinds of info." Soon Sam's voice quickly turns less cheerful. "But things are getting really dicey. Ghost are tied to this world by a really powerful "lingering attachment".
Sam explained more in depth on what he meant. How they still come back because of the "attachment". "And as long is it remains, they'll keep comin' back." Grim felt realization struck him like lightning. "That's why the ghost of Ramshackle keep coming back!"
"Bingo! Precisely. That's why ghosts are so hard to handle." Ortho asked how they can save (Y/N), saying there was no such item like that to get rid of the ghost permanently. Sam grins and says, "IN STOCK NOW!" Azul looks at Sam selection while Leona tsks.
"Groom and brides are especially quick to meet tragedy. So they turn into ghosts all the time." Sam then holds up a item, "to get rid of a ghost groom. You need the "ring of severance." Slide this ring onto the host's left finger while saying "I shall love you till death do us part." And it will forcibly send him to the other side."
"How could (Y/N) give this to him? She's not even here!" Vil said as he picks up the small ring. Crowley gasped as he remembers something about the ghost groom. "Hold on a moment, the ghost groom was a boy who loved a challenge."
"So if one of you asked for (Y/N)'s hand. He'll see it as a duel for her hand in marriage, you don't have to win. But you must be able to give her the ring and tell her what to say." Lilia giggles at the crows plan. "It'll be fun to watch the drama unfold by stealing someone's bride."
"We shall call this plan... "Operation, Lovely Bride To Never Be!"" The headmaster said confidently, "it's a bit long for a name." Ace mutters under his breath. "Now I must decide on who the grooms will be for his plan." Crowley exclaimed as the male students to crowd and shout. "I'll do it!" "Let me do it!" "As if!"
The headmaster started to sweat with nervousness stirring in him. The gleaming eyes of the students were scaring him! It was almost as if each student was ready to take a role as a groom by ANY means necessary. Which it seemed like the students were readying themselves for.
"Alright alright! Will do a vote! I will write down all of your names and put them in my hat. I'll choose four grooms for this operation. So that means four names will be drawn." Mr. Crowley says with a exasperated look on his face.
(Y/N) sat in the far corner of the "fitting room." She held a blank expression as she looks at herself. She wore a beautiful wedding (gown/suit/ect) as her hair was spruced up and was placed into a (loose/ponytail/ect). A (white/gold/silver) tiara with a veil attached to it was on her head. (Y/N) wanted to rip the thing off her, but then the ghost would force the item back onto her head again.
Sighing and cursing under her breath. (Y/N) felt queasy, or maybe it was because she hadn't ate anything yet. This was all happening so fast! (Y/N) did not want to be married to this ghost groom. She hoped that her friends would find a way to get too her before the wedding started.
"Bleh..." The female utters as she looks at her bare feet. A knock was heard on the door as a soft "coming in" was heard. A slim ghost that wore a white suite appears in front of her. He was the nanny of the ghost groom.
"Come, my dear lady. Your fiance is waiting, he needs your help with decorations and would like your words on it." (Y/N) felt herself become stiff, but agrees. Playing along was her better chance of escaping her "wedding". "Of course," (Y/N) said politely as she walks with nanny ghost.
The two reach the cafeteria, now transformed with pretty decorations and tombstones. Along with dark blue flowers and white sheets cover each table. The nanny smiles at his prince with nostalgia. "It seems like only yesterday you were a small child. Trying to find follow your dream and find your dear princess. A dream you lost long ago with your life as well. What a cruel twist of fate." The nanny said as his voice started to crack.
"If only I had arrived at your room faster, I could of helped you escape..." The sweet prince smiles at his caretaker. "It is alright now, know need to bring up the past. Don't let all that stuff bring you down."
The young princes smile never faltered. "Besides, going through all that pain and sadness is what allowed me to meet (Y/N)!" His caretaker could feel his spirits lift at the princes words. "Oh prince Elias, you are always so courageous and strong."
(Y/N) could feel her heart cry at what she heard. She didn't know that... Breathing in a gulp of air, she slowly walks closer to the two. 'It's gonna be okay..' "You did a great job Elias." (Y/N) said as she gives him a small smile.
The ghost groom returns her smile tenfold as he looks at his bride. "My goodness, (Y/N)! You look just as beautiful as a.. Well beautiful than an' undead flower!" Elias said happily, (Y/N) giggles at his childish wording.
"Thanks." The caretaker gives the two a tender look. "You both are just perfect for one another. Prince Elias, we must get you ready before nightfall. You have to look your best for your princess."
The caretaker jests as he pushes the prince out of the cafeteria. "Wha- but I wanted to-!" "No sir, you must get ready. *Sigh* your still a stubborn little boy too." Elias waves at (Y/N), "I shall see you soon, my love!"
Once the two were gone, the ghost soldiers take (Y/N) back to the dressing room. Before the door closed, (Y/N) asks them something. "Can I please have something to eat? I haven't ate in a few hours."
To be continued...
(Okay, part three was supposed to be the end of the series. But that didn't happen, so I'll do my best to make sure part four is the last installment. I really wanna get to work for the Halloween event for Twst and a bunch of other stories I wanna put on this account! But I have to wait until I finish part four. Thanks for reading!)
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ezioauditore-s · 4 years ago
top 5 historical figures in ac, top 5 underrated characters ❤️
top 5 historical figures
1. LEONARDO!!!!! ubisoft may be dumb and stupid when it comes to some of their characters, but leonardo was Everything. I wouldn't say it feels 100% (like he comes across much cockier and up himself in his journals lol and in ac hes just....always in the same place so meh) but I do appreciate how they not only worked his inventions/paintings and personality to fit around ezios story so well, but the way they handled (hinted) his sexuality was amazing, and while never 100% confirmed, it better than most of seen handle it (coughleonardoraicough).
2. sokrates. who never shuts up super annoying but my god if they didnt nail it, you dont think it would be Hard to make a character whos so wose, oddly likeable but also one where your like " no yea im backing ur murder bro soz" but nope ubisoft did it good for them
3. caterina sforza. how can i begin to describe caterina sforza 😍😍. i hear she could ride a horse, hunt and dance. they say she rebelled agaibst the pope. they used to call her the "tigress". she also wrote books about medicine and alchemy. caterina sforza 💍💍💍
4. alkibiades. an amzing character, a incredible portrayal. i think we should be allowed to sleep with more historical characters its what we are all here for lbr.
5. brasidas. a figure i knew nothing about before but who seems incredibly interesting. and i know ubisoft SHOUDNT change history, butttt 👀👀👀
top 5 underrated characters
1. maria thorpe. i think shes an incredible character and i wish there was more content for her. the enemies to lovers with altair, going from templar to assassin, dressing as a man, being an outspoken confident women. the book & bloodlines gives her a lot of backstory and i think a lot of people misunderstood her 😔
2. cristina. while i think the brotherhood romance was incredibly out of the blue, i think in its entirety cristina's story was heartbreaking. her romance with ezio was a tragic case of missed connections but cristina herself seemed confident but still sweet and sentimental.
3. hytham. is he underrated? meh i dont care he restarted the british brotherhood and did so much for not only the brotherhood, but also eivor. better at his job than basim was thats the tea i hope he gets his promotion
4. lucy stillman. i know there are Business reasons why lucy had to die but the loss of her character potential hurts. i dont get the traitor thing, and i feel her and desmond could have been much more if they were fleshed out more. :((
5. henry green. though ive not played syndicate yet, i've seen quite a few comments complaining aout his character & romance which, knowing a bague outline of his story role, seems petty and dumb
henry green i love you 💖💖
anyway .....
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twistedtummies2 · 3 years ago
Air BnB here. A few questions for ya! 1) Prax can't sing to save his life when drunk...how about when sober? 2) If Eli directed his own play, which source material would he adapt and who in Night Raven would he cast for the parts? 3) Who burps the loudest of your gods? 4) How often does Skim tease Mike's kinks when Prax isn't around? 5) What would your TW OC's dress up as for Halloween? 6) Reno and Monopoly. Do with that what you will. XD
1. Prax does not have a very good singing voice, in general...Mike, however, DOES have a decent voice. As does Bela, but you already knew this. ;) 2. Oooooh...oh, honestly, that sounds like a fic idea right there. XD I'll give TWO answers, and cover just a couple of the primary roles in each. One is Shakespeare's Scottish play (you know the actual title). I headcanon that as Eli's favorite classical play...partially because it is MY favorite classical play. :P And presuming we have guys playing all the roles: I would say Leona as MacB, Vil as Lady M, Malleus as Malcolm, the Prefect as Macduff (because I'd want the Prefect to be in the play), and Ruggie as Banquo. (That would give Leona SUCH pleasure, knowing he finally gets to have the hyena killed onstage; that'll show him for making fun of the weight the lion's gained!) And yes, obviously, in THIS headcanon, the Prefect is a male...or a gal playing a guy's part, I suppose. :P The other play would be a musical: "Phantom of the Opera." Alongside "The Scarlet Pimpernel," that is Eli's favorite musical. Without question, Malleus would play the Phantom: there is frankly no other cast member better suited to that role. The Prefect would play Christine, and Jack would play Raoul (because that seems both ironic and oddly fitting at the same time). I'd say Vil would play Madame Giry, Epel would be Meg Giry (much to his aggravation), Riddle would be Carlotta, Rook would be Piangi, and PERHAPS Ace and Deuce would probably be The Managers, because we need a comedy duo. Not sure though, because I can also totally see Azul as one of them. XD 3. Bela. (pauses) I hope you weren't expecting a different answer, because...you should know me, and it's Bela. :P 4. I'm pretty sure he makes it his sworn duty to tease our oddball detective at least twice a day, when able. Thrice if he's working overtime, once daily if he's decided to take a vacation. ;) 5. Well, presuming they all chose their own costumes and not a dorm event type thing...Elias would probably just turn into the Phantom Blot and call THAT his costume. He doesn't need any other. Billy would probably dress up as a giant pink bunny (yes, you are allowed to smile at that), Nakoda would dress up in a ninja-type getup (think Reptile or others from Mortal Kombat), and Reno would dress up as a skeleton in a tuxedo. (Because OH, THE DELICIOUS IRONY.) 6. ...I think you just described the Apocalypse. 'O_O'
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giveamadeuschohisownmovie · 4 years ago
RWBY / MCU AU (2.0)
(reposting since Tumblr is being weird)
The Avengers
1) Ruby Rose as Tony Stark / Iron Man (reasoning: weapons nut, expert inventor, red color scheme, main protagonist)
2) Jaune Arc as Steve Rogers / Captain America (reasoning: awkward blonde guy who is always trying to prove himself, forged his papers in order to get into Beacon, team leader of JNPR)
3) Weiss Schnee as Thor Odinson (reasoning: yes, I know that Nora is the more obvious choice. I went with Weiss since I felt that she fit Thor’s story better. Nora doesn’t really have good parallels for Loki, Sif, Odin, Hela, and the rest of the Thor cast. As for Weiss, she started out as an arrogant heiress with a terrible father and brother. She later lost her inheritance and was humbled by her experiences in Beacon and with Team RWBY. To me, her character arc fits Thor to a tee)
4) Yang Xiao Long as Bruce Banner / The Incredible Hulk (reasoning: prone to anger, known for brute force and punching. Also, since she’s Bruce, she would be close friends with Ruby, which could mirror their sisterly relationship)
5) Harriet Bree as Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow (reasoning: if the Atlas Military and Ace Ops are S.H.I.E.L.D. in this AU, then I felt that a member of Ace Ops should be Black Widow and Hawkeye)
6) Clover Ebi as Clint Barton / Hawkeye (reasoning: if the Atlas Military and Ace Ops are S.H.I.E.L.D. in this AU, then I felt that a member of Ace Ops should be Black Widow and Hawkeye)
Guardians of the Galaxy
1) Mercury Black as Peter Quill / Star-Lord (reasoning: douchey guy who always feels the need to overcompensate. Hates his biological father)
2) Emerald Sustrai as Gamora (reasoning: she’s partners with Mercury, green color scheme, can be said to be in league with Salem due to her association with Cinder, black character)
3) Roman Torchwick as Rocket Raccoon (reasoning: loudmouthed thief who mocks everyone, partners with Neo who is Groot)
4) Neopolitan as Groot (reasoning: characters known for their distinct way of “speaking”, Roman’s closest associate, cutest member of the team)
5) Cardin Winchester as Drax the Destroyer (reasoning: big, muscular guy who is not really known for his brains)
6) Cinder Fall as Nebula (reasoning: she’s one of Salem’s main followers, Salem being our Thanos. Also, her connection to Emerald)
1) Blake Belladonna as T’Challa / Black Panther (reasoning: daughter of Ghira, our T’Chaka. Her story is all about discrimination and finding a way to bridge the gap between humans and faunus. Technically, she’s of royal blood. She’s also part cat)
2) Adam Taurus as Erik Killmonger (reasoning: anti-human/pro-faunus extremist who is obsessed with Blake. His main plan is basically to kill everyone who he feels is a threat to his people. True, the origins of his obsession with the Black Panther is different in this AU but still)
3) Kali Belladonna as Queen Ramonda (reasoning: Blake’s mom)
4) Ghira Belladonna as King T’Chaka (reasoning: Blake’s dad)
5) Sun Wukong as Nakia (reasoning: Blake’s love interest. Don’t come at me Bumbleby stans, he’s a faunus and Yang’s already cast as Hulk)
6) Ilia Amitola as W’Kabi (reasoning: since she’s a White Fang agent, I felt that she should be the member of T’Challa’s inner circle who ends up siding with Killmonger)
7) Sienna Khan as N’Jobu (reasoning: this is to act as a parallel to her relationship with Adam. N’Jobu was Killmonger’s father, Sienna was Adam’s leader. Also, just like N’Jobu, Sienna was a radical who wanted to fight against discrimination towards her people)
The Black Order
1) Salem as Thanos (reasoning: main villain of the series)
2) Arthur Watts as Ebony Maw (reasoning: member of Salem’s Inner Circle)
3) Tyrian Callows as Corvus Glaive (reasoning: member of Salem’s Inner Circle)    
4) Hazel Rainart as Cull Obsidian (reasoning: member of Salem’s inner circle)  
1) Jacques Schnee as Odin (reasoning: Weiss’ father)
2) Willow Schnee as Frigga (reasoning: Weiss’ mother)
3) Whitley Schnee as Loki Laufeyson (reasoning: Weiss’ brother)
4) Winter Schnee as Hela (reasoning: Weiss’ sister)
5) Klein Sieben as one of the Warriors Three (reasoning: associate of the Schnee Family)
6) Nora Valkyrie as Valkyrie (reasoning: besides the obvious naming reasons and Viking symbolism, Nora is also headstrong and stubborn)
7) Lie Ren as Heimdall (reasoning: okay, to be honest, Ren is Heimdall mainly so that he can have some type of connection with Nora. In terms of personality, Ren is also stoic and honorable)
Stark Industries
1) Qrow Branwen and Summer Rose as Howard and Maria Stark, respectively (reasoning: going with the fan theory that Qrow is Ruby’s biological father, then it made sense to have Qrow and Summer as the Starks. Also, Qrow being Howard oddly fits if you picture him as a raging alcoholic who unintentionally neglects Ruby while she was growing up)
2) Penny Polendina as J.A.R.V.I.S. / Vision (reasoning: A..I. and android who is close friends with Ruby)
3) Pietro Polendina as Ultron (reasoning: okay, so this one is a bit of a stretch. Since Ultron is the “father” of Vision, then it made sense that Penny’s father would take this role. Just imagine that Pietro is a rogue A.I./killer robot made by Ruby and Yang in this AU)
4) Oscar Pine as Pepper Potts (reasoning: Jaune and Weiss have already been cast, so I guess this AU is a Rosegarden fic)
5) Coco Adel as James Rhodes / War Machine (reasoning: I was running low on characters. This is literally just because her main weapon is a minigun)
Other Major Characters
1) Raven Branwen as General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross (reasoning: so instead of Ross being Betty’s father, Ross would be Bruce’s father in this AU. The reason for this change is that I really wanted to include Raven in this AU and casting her as a power-hungry general chasing her daughter around the world in order to control the Hulk felt appropriate)  
2) Vernal as Betty Ross (reasoning: to keep the General Ross-Betty Ross relationship to some extent, then Vernal as Betty made sense. Instead of being father-daughter, it’s “mother figure-daughter figure”)
3) James Ironwood as Nick Fury (reasoning: big military guy and the head of Atlas Military and Ace Ops)
4) Glynda Goodwitch as Maria Hill (reasoning: this would’ve been Winter...but I have Winter cast as Hela. So Glynda, being my second choice due to her past relationship with Ironwood, gets this role)
5) Neptune Vasilias as Jane Foster (reasoning: closest character we have for Weiss’ love interest. Don’t come at me Whiterose stans, Ruby’s already Iron Man)
6) Bartholomew Oobleck as Erik Selvig (reasoning: it’s mainly because he’s a professor)  
7) Pyrrha Nikos as Peggy Carter (reasoning: warrior, closest character we have for Jaune’s love interest)
8) Saphron Cotta-Arc as Bucky Barnes / The Winter Soldier (reasoning: there was literally no other character who I could think of that could fit this role, so I went with Saphron since you have the sibling relationship element with Jaune. This is obviously not a romantic-Stucky interpretation, this is more along the lines of Steve and Bucky being spiritual brothers)
9) Ozpin as Stephen Strange / Doctor Strange (reasoning: Earth’s protector, one of the guys leading the charge against Salem. Also, Ozpin looks like the kind of guy who’d be a mysterious sorcerer)
10) Marcus Black as Ego the Living Planet (reasoning: Mercury’s estranged, biological father)
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mochikeiji · 5 years ago
Take a Hint.
Tumblr media
↠ Pairing: Bokuto Koutarou x Akaashi Keiji
↠ Warning: College AU! Fukurodani Volleybal Team!(with managers) Shy Akaashi! Popular Bokuto! Slight NSFW, Fluffy
↬ Word Count: 3,912
Summary: First year college student, Akaashi Keiji begins his new life away from the comfort of his home solitude. Growing up to be an introvert, Akaashi had a hard time gaining friends and fitting in. But what happens to someone when they've met a rowdy senior who somehow slithers their way into their lives and becomes their only friend? Or maybe more.
⇢ Day 2: Obliviousness/Pinning, Roomates, College AU @bokuakaweek2020
It really is terrifying for some to move out of the comfort of their house and their personal room to move into a dorm for their first year in college. For some it seemed fun and adventurous, only because they were an extrovert.
Unlike Akaashi, a man with few words, was an introvert. Sure he used to play volleyball back in his highschool days— even got himself the spotlight as their schools top tier setter, but he believes he could never match the other monsters such as Atsumu Miya, Kageyama Tobio and former captain of an opposing school, Oikawa Tooru. To him, he was nothing but an average person trying to get a good grade and a college degree and good job and die just like that.
His mother did try to tell him to atleast make some friends during his days in highschool so he wouldn't be so lonely. He couldn't say he can't do it due to his facial expression and blunt words. He couldn't help it, it was already part of his charisma. Now, he wished he wasn't so alone as he carries a box of his belongings in a crowded hallway to the dorms. Seeing other freshmen and seniors helping out each other was one thing he secretly envied. He wanted a friend too, but he was just clueless on how to even make one.
Keeping his head lowered and muttering small, soft excuses on his way to his dorm, he manages to make his way smoothly away from the crowd, thinking they might've been whispering stuff about him being odd when clearly no one even saw him pass through.
Rummaging in his pocket for the key, he pulls out the small metallic object. But before he could thrust the key up into the doorknob, it flung open.
"Oh? Are you my roommate!?"
The chattering hallway was immediately silenced as the mega phone like tone of voice dominated the entire atmosphere. He was a loud person, Akaashi thought.
"Y-yes, but you may want to keep it do—"
"Ah? What are you nervous about! These guys," he points behind Akaashi with a grin, "They're all my buds! Right? Hey!" he starts as the students behind Akaashi laughed and followed his lead, "Hey, hey, hey!!"
It surprised the black haired male to see them, even the mean looking ones just go along with this mans quirks. He must be popular then.
"Anyways, come in! I'll show ya around." Bringing his hand on Akaashi's smaller frame from behind, he flinches from the contact and squeaks silently with the door clicking behind him closed. Sighing, he takes a long look at each corner of the dorm. It only held two beds from each side and two study tables. Typical.
He then reviews over his roommate's side of the dorm, it wasn't as neat as he expected from him. His bag was wode open with papers bulging out, his sheets were torn off the mattress, and what caught his eye was a volleyball jersey displayed on his pillow.
So that's why he was so popular, he thought.
"Sorry about the mess there, didn't expect my roommate to come until tomorrow." Bokuto follows Akaashi's eyes, giving him a sheepishly smile while scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. "But enough about that, I forgot to introduce myself." he swung his right arm toward Akaashi, "My name's Bokuto, Bokuto Koutarou, second year college student."
Fumbling with the box, Akaashi quickly places it down on his side and bows in respect, "Sorry, I didn't know you were a senior....Senpai." he can feel his skin crawl with goosebumps from the honorific rolling out of his tongue like a female character in a shonen manga, "I'm Akaashi Keiji, first year college student. Thank you for having me here."
After that small introduction Akaasgi managed to pull off, he was giving himself a pat on the back for actually interacting with someone normally with out bluntly saying anything out of the blue.
Or so, he thought.
"A-ah, no, it's fine. You can just lay off the honorifics, Kaashi. Bokuto is fine."
He was caught off guard by the sudden nickname he was given. I guess they were in that bases now. Akaashi gets up from his position and gives him a small nod, "Very well, Bokuto."
The room fell into a deep silence, other than the sound of Akaashi's stuff being carefully put away properly. His other stuff were still downstairs in his mother's car, he'd have to hurry un packing. But his movements were not only slow, nor careful, it was as if he was trying not to mess up or do something embarrassing as he felt golden eyes just grazing at the back of his head.
"Say, Kaashi," flinching again from Bokuto's sudden call, "Do you play volleyball? You have pretty big hands for a small boy like you."
"Have you been watching me?" that's what he wanted to say, instead he was flustered and pushed up his glasses to hide his already sweaty self.
"I used to be a setter."
Putting his leg down, Bokuto's eyes lightens up with a sparkle, "Really!? Then join the volleyball club here!" jumping off of his bed while looking at Akaashi with hope glittering his golden eyes.
"There's a volleyball club here?" to Akaashi, all he thought of college was just study, libraries, and cafeteria. He didn't stop to think if there were clubs like the ones during his highschool days.
"Of course! It would've been boring to study if we didn't atleast have a sports club. So, will ya join?" egging him, Bokuto was on his feet awaiting for the males answer.
Ah, that was too blunt.
"EHH?! Why not? You must be a pretty good setter!" His eyes trail at the tips of his seniors hair. They were dropping down as if they too were also feeling his emotions. Afraid that he might've hurt the males feelings, he quickly apologized and explained.
"Sorry, it's just, I think there will be mroe better setters for your team, Bokuto."
"Hm? But we don't even have a setter."
Akaashi's mouth closes, not knowing how to tell Bokuto that he was just not the type to be outgoing and indulging himself into prying eyes. Sure, he was able to sought out his passion in volleyball back in middle school and highschool, but that was only because he was never noticed by some people. During official games, he'd only have his hair slightly grown a bit to hide his eyes whenever he plays to avoid feeling thw pressure by the crowd. Sometimes, he'd allow himself to be seated during an entire game and watch his other setter take his on his role.
Yet somehow on his third year, he manages to catch the title of being captain.
"I'm just not cut out for it, Bokuto." he twiddled with his fingers from both habit and to ease his sweaty palms, "I'm not a pretty good setter."
"Show me first, and I'll be the one to comment." Bokuto huffs and crosses his arms with a childlike pout forming on his mouth, "And for the record, I think you're pretty."
And that was the beginning of Akaashi's heart always beating harder whenever he was with Bokuto.
After four months of adjusting into the new world, Akaashi had gone through the months according to his neatly made schedule. But even so, the past four months was also filled with Bokuto's never ending pleads for him to join the volleyball club and be their setter.
Which leads to him now panting in his sweaty attire with Bokuto still high on stamina and determination.
"One more, Kaashi. Give me a good toss!" with that being said, the setter runs into his position after one of their teammate's had flung the ball up. With long fingers easily grazing the ball and fitting his hands perfectly, Akaashi delivers it to his right to where Bokuto had already sprung up with his feet.
Like a big bang, the ball sounded as it looked squished by the floor after having the ace smash it down. Pants were heard from all players, but Akaashi paid no attention to the sweat dripping on his forehead nor was feeling exhausted. His eyes were more focused on the way Bokuto had spike the ball and landed perfectly on his feet.
And it was oddly satisfying for Akaashi to keep seeing his only friend send him straight into an awe.
That being said, it wasn't the only thing that was seen by just him, but the fact that he has done it ever since he has gotten in the team, it was so obvious to everyone that he was staring at their ace.
No one bothered to say a word about it, but being with an airheaded captain, at some point without Akaashi by the distance, they would run forward to him and say, "Looks like you've caught a really rare attention there, Bokuto."
And it always ends with, "How do you catch someone's attention though?"
Blowing a whistle far from the team had broken his stare from the captain. Before any of them could gather up, there were cheering from both above and below the sidelines of the gym.
"Bokuto senpai! You did so good!"
"What an amazing spike!"
"You really are an unstoppable ace!"
Most of them were consist of females. From senior to freshmen, they seemed to be oogling more on his physical appearance more than his passion according to Akaashi. It had been like this ever since he joined, every end of their practice, his senior would always be crowded in a herd of praises and swooning ladies. It was said by his teammates that Bokuto was a sucker for praises, and since he was well known to this university everyone of his adoring fans knew that about him.
And it made his insides churn into an unpleasant twist to see him casually talking to them, more so letting them touch him so freely.
"Akaashi, you seem troubled." another one of his senior who was at the same class as Bokuto, Yukie had spoken as she passes him his water bottle. Looking at to where his eyes were seconds ago, she could see Bokuto and couple of males but more on females gather around him with another round of praising and some gifts given.
"Bokuto has always been gaining a lot of attention ever since he entered the campus," Yukie sighs, "It's getting really annoying, we can't even finish a simple meeting after games." looking back at Akaashi, she let's out a small flinch when she saw him looking almost depressed by staring at Bokuto.
"I wish they'd leave him for his peace." no, that wasn't what he meant. Feelings were not a stranger to Akaashi, he wasn't oblivious of his own emotions. He knows what he has between him and the ace, and knowing that and seeing something like this happen all the time crushed him. The only thing the setter didn't know was how obvious he was pinning after the ace to his teammates and managers.
"Hey, hey, Bokuto senpai," calls out by a random girl, "Who's that guy over there, the one wearing number 5." she points at Akaashi, who now averted his eyes immediately away from Bokuto and started talking to Yukie.
"Yeah, I don't think we've seen him before."
"Isn't he that nerd from Class 1?"
"I think sensei offered me a tutor from him."
"Wasn't he wearing glasses? He looks kinda hot without them."
Each comment passes to Bokuto's ears made him bite the insides of his cheeks. There was no way they were going after Akaashi.
"Ah, well, that over there ladies is our setter, Akaashi Keiji. He just joined in a month ago so he's still kinda shy." Konoha, another close friend of Bokuto and his teammate steps in the conversation, "He's single but I don't think it's easy to catch a fella like him." he jabs the ace's chest with his arm, hinting him about something with his eyebrows moving up and down.
Wincing at the slight pain, he glares at Konoha, "I don't think it's a good idea to pin for Kaashi, ladies." he finally spoke, this time his tone somehow getting lower only to be noticed by Konoha who was quietly snickering behind his fist, walking away to go talk to the red haired manager.
"Why not, Bokuto?"
"Does he already have his eye on someone?"
Contemplating whether or not he should admit it, Bokuto blurts out, "Yes! Well no! Soon, someone's already have their eye on him and well," glancing slightly at Akaashi with a hint of longing and impatience, he holds himself together and lets out a sigh, "That someone is trying really hard to get him to like them."
"So, did he got mad at you?" Yukie places her hands on his hips as Konoha approaches her with a sly grin on his face.
"No but he did somehow indirectly admit his love." winking at Yukie, who sighed at his little antics.
"You really are an idiot."
"So are those two."
An hour passes, Bokuto managed to get all of his fans out for them to resume packing up and cleaning the gym. Akaashi was silent after the entire fiasco and placed each ball on the basket carefully, still deep in thought about his friend.
Bokuto notices how quiet he has grown. It wasn't the normal kind of quiet he's known to Akaashi, but rather this one seemed to be sad, "Hey, Yukie. What's up with Kaashi? He hasn't spoken to anyone, let alone, me." finally done lowering the net, Yukie sighs once more and lightly smacks his head with her clipboard, earning a small whine from Bokuto.
"Honestly, can't you take a hint Bokuto?"
For the past four months, since Akaashi's first day in the University. When Bokuto had decided to introduce him to his group of friends, despite them being older than him, they could already see how fond the owl haired male was with the smaller male.
Even before Akaashi was introduced, he was all he talks about with them during dismissal or anytime they'd get together. Everytime they'd go ahead to the cafeteria, they can see his eyes caught in his direction all the time. The kind of eyes that showed so much emotion to volleyball.
And once they got to know Akaashi, they thiught to themselves they were going to be fine knowing Akaashi wasn't as dense as their baby like captain was.
Oh how wrong they were.
Akaashi had gotten close to Yukie for the oast two months since she was mostly on her own. Kaori was always with Konoha and Washio since she was in the same class they were, but different schedules. When Yukie found out that Akaashi did too, have emotions for Bokuto, she was giddy. But when she heard him utter out, "I don't think he likes me." that's when the frustration built up. Doesn't he notice the way he was being stared at or even the lingering hand on his shoulder whenever Bokuto pats him?
"What hint?" his tone was troubled, Bokuto was truly lost at this moment, not knowing what had caused his beloved friend to feel this way.
"Try talking to him later, Bokuto," patting his shoulder, "And please, tell him already." letting go of him, Yukie walks away with the rest of the team, leaving Bokuto behind to think.
"Tell him what though?"
Back to their dorms, Akaashi rubs his eyes using his fingers to ease the tension that had been laid upon his shoulders for the past few hours. Admittedly, he has this kind of bitterness flowing in his blood remembering the events earlier, but after a few seconds, those bitterness occurred to his insecurities. He was used to over thinking a lot when he was alone, but never about another person. It was always about him.
Groaning loudly he lands his face on the plush of his pillow, releasing a shaky breath as he looks at the bedside Bokuto owns, "Why did it had to be you?"
"Who are you talking about Kaashi?"
Jolting up at the sound of the door clicking behind him, Akaashi could only stare into his face with the orange light of their room illuminating his features in the dark night. Being roommates was harder when you were living with someone that literally shakes your entire world.
"Nothing." plopping back down on his pillow, Akaashi exhales deeply. To Bokuto, it seemed Akaashi was more frustrated to see him here, but to the timid male, he was just calming his heart from beating erratically inside of him. Hearing his footsteps closing in, he thoughts to himself he was finally going to sleep. What surprised him and made his face flush against the pillow was when he felt his bed dip down from his feet as Bokuto sat down.
"Are you mad at me Kaashi?" Bokuto looks at his back side in worry, "You haven't talked to me after practice. You even left without me today." There was a tinge of guilt inside Akaashi. He didn't realize he left Bokuto alone after he left since they always walk together back in the dorms.
When Bokuto heard no reply, he continues, "Yukie told me something about not taking a hint on something? I don't really get it," golden eyes averting up on their dim light of the room, "But the more I thought about it on the way back, all I could think of was you, Kaashi."
Holy shit, he wasn't going to do it now.
"I know it sounds lame, but I really did thought of what she said and all that pops out was you, you get where I'm getting at, right?" Bokuto had his arms on his legs by now from moving into motion as he spoke. Meanwhile if Akaashi were to sit up, his heartbeat might've been already heard.
Gulping quietly, feeling Bokuto's eyes watching him intently, all he could do was shake his head slowly. He wanted him to go on. He needed to hear where he was going with this. He can feel the vibrations of his light chuckling from his body as Bokuto sighs.
"Usually I'm not afraid of doing something out of the blue, y'know? You've seen me do some weird crap all the time." Akaashi's light laugh muffles against his pillow as he continues, "But when it comes to these, it really gets into me. Telling someone how you feel about them."
The last line made Akaashi almost ascend to heaven. Was he dreaming? Was he expecting too much to know what was going to happen next? The numerous scenarios running through his head all mixing up, causing his cheeks to flare up. They got worse when Bokuto landed a soft palm on the small of his back, jolting a bit from the sudden contact.
"I guess what I'm trying to say is that," Bokuto pauses, shifting his position closer to Akaashi, leaning his head next to his ear, "I like you."
Shivering at his warm breath against his ear, Akaashi bit his lower lip at the small rush of arousal from his lower regions, clenching his thighs together to ease himself.
"I like you. I don't know why it connects to Yukie's words, but somehow telling you this at this moment felt kinda right." he gave his back a small stroke for comfort, noticing him tensing after uttering out his sudden confession, "You probably don't like me, Kaashi. It's not everyday you see someone the same gender as you say that nonchalantly." chuckling out sadly, he smiles, "Still, I'm still here for you. So please, whatever is bothering you, tell me. We can dismiss what just happened now."
Not liking the end of his sentence, Akaashi grabs his hand from behind and sits up quick, "No! That's not what I meant, Bokuto." both were in shock and daze. Their faces held a tinge of redness in them, for Bokuto, Akaashi looked way more tempting than he already was with his added messy appearance.
"I-I'm sorry I left you unintentionally." he glances down at his smaller hands being held by himself, fighting away the butterflies as his feet were getting colder, "I was just really troubled by those people," he explains, "It had been a bother to me that you were always crowded by so many people...That I began to look down at myself." he grips his hand as he thought about how painful it was to endure the same scene as earlier everyday.
"What's worse is that I have feelings for you.." Finally admitting with quivering lips, "I like you, but there were so many people better than a squanny nerd like me." sighing, he lowers his forehead on Bokuto's hand that he held, avoiding eye contact. Despite having to hear his confession first, he was in fear of the future he had no idea what held the possibilities that might hurt him.
"Kaashi, why do you think I came here, sitting down on your bed, and telling you that I like you," each line he said, his voice was going lower, huskier, followed by moving his hand away from his forehead and cupping his cheek, "And just you."
Akaashi was shaking on his spot. He didn't know what to do consisting this was his first time to be experiencing this. And his first instinct?
Was kissing him.
It caught Bokuto off guard and balance, luckily he stabilizes himself by carrying his weight with one hand leaned on the mattress, and the other pulling Akaashi closer in the kiss. Both males were stuck being oblivious to each other, now getting addicted into something that they've wanted for so long ever since they've encountered each other.
Akaashi whimpers a bit feeling Bokuto's tongue swipe his lower lips for entrance, in obligating, he allows himself to be dominated by the muscled male, letting himself gently fall back into bed with him hovering over him. Hands making their way on his sides to squeeze them, making him squeak and melt into the kiss.
Pulling away panting from the loss of oxygen, they both stared at each other in daze and with so much love.
"I guess you made your own point there, Kaashi." Bokuto teases, lacing his hands together from the side of Akaashi's head.
"Shut up, please." he scoffs, pushing his head to his side to feel less embarrassed of his vulnerable state. Bokuto chuckles, peppering the side of his cheek with kisses and affection.
"I'm kidding, Keiji. I've been wanting to kiss you too."
He sees the way Akaashi's cheeks reddened from calling him by his first name. It felt so right coming from his mouth. And he loved every second of it.
"So why don't you do it again..."
"Do what again?"
He laughs, and it was music to Bokuto's ears. Making him flustered above him. Akaashi pulls him by the neck, an inch aay from his face, "Does this mean I'm your boyfriend now?" he asks, his voice lacing with worry.
"Well you are my boyfriend, but you can ve the girlfriend if you want." Bokuto teases once more, before giving his pouting lips a short kiss of confirmation,
"But yes, I'm all yours now, Keiji."
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be-dazzled · 5 years ago
FT Rare Pairs Week 2020 Day 6
DAY 6: Fantasy Pairing: Rogue Cheney x Minerva Orland Part 1: Longing
Writer’s Corner: I really let go of myself with this one. I just loooove Roguerva. Took me a long time but the important thing is that yes, I made it. Hahaha. Last would be my Day 7 Entry, which is Navia. Please, look forward to it!
05:30 P.M.
Rogue could feel the rise of the embarrassment up his head. Everyone was looking at them, all those eyes trained at the little family coming into the front of the temple for a photo memorabilia. He wasn’t used to that kind of attention. He was a shadow, a cast hiding behind the darkness. No one ever paid attention to the shadow.
Rogue’s down-casted eyes shifted to the little voice that called up to him – Raina, in her traditional kimono, a spitting image of the woman holding her hand; the other slender hand she offered to him. Rogue took it without hesitation, sheathing her small hands within his much larger ones. The thin line on her worried face broke into a wider grin. It was so contagious that Rogue caught himself also smiling.
“Next family please!”
Familiar with the surroundings, it was Kaname who led the faux family to their spots, arranging them under a decorated arc filled with colorful flowers and lanterns.
“Please stand in the middle.” The person behind the image-taker gestured towards the center, adjusting the figures to fit them into his monitor. “Just a little closer.” His gestures wanted the three to squeeze closer. The distance was translating into his lens and he didn’t mean it in the literal sense. The honey-haired young man scratched the back of his head, unsure how to say there was a lack of warmth he expected from a family. “A little bit closer.” Now, he was feeling uncomfortable as the ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ shot his way a menacing glare.
It was very tempting to just strike down the man with his dragon force. Has he any idea what he was asking of Rogue? Forcing the man to invade Ojuo’s personal space? No one even dared, not even the Guild Master, coming close to the woman. Then, suddenly, his internal one-sided battle was disrupted. He withdrew the menacing glare from the poor guy and glanced at Minerva who was now standing close next to him; so close that their shoulders brushed.
“Let’s not waste any more time.” She wasn’t looking at him but Rogue was sure she was talking to the dragon slayer.
“Y-yes, Ojuo.”
But brushing shoulders wasn’t enough.
“They are so shy.” The middle aged ladies giggled behind Kaname, prompting the caretaker to suggest that Rogue put his arm around his ‘wife’. The man was hesitant but Minerva was surprisingly reassuring that she wasn’t going to cut his arm off. So, freely, albeit nervously, Rogue put his arm around Minerva’s waist.
Then, flash. The white light nearly blinded the dragon slayer.
“Alright! Another one.” Because the kid was the only one smiling in the monitor. “I-if the couple w-wouldn’t mind.” He had to rethink that suggestion as an identical dark, murderous aura enveloped the “couple”.
“Yey! Another!” All thanks to the little ball of sunshine bouncing in excitement, the dark aura and the matching dagger looks quickly dissipated. “Mama and Papa should kiss now?”
“K-kiss?!” Rogue and Minerva had a shared expression on their faces: utter shock on the former; a slight mortification on the latter, to which Rogue took an offense. He wouldn’t dare do it but would it really hurt if Sabertooth’s ace didn’t act like kissing him was the grossest thing she was ever to do? Sure, it wasn’t the best idea but…
“Great idea, Miss Raina!” Kaname clapped her hands together, egging the young miss about her bright – crazy – idea.
“Fro thinks so too!”
“Don’t encourage her, Frosch.” Rogue whisper-yelled at his Exceed.
“Don’t parents usually kiss?” The so called ‘parents’ looked down at the small dictator staring up at them, eyes rounded in that awfully cute pleading look. But both parents knew better. Her evil expression was telling, ‘I got you both falling in my trap.’
So evil!
Rogue wasn’t going to bite. He wasn’t born yesterday. Minerva, on the other hand… she wasn’t the kind of woman who would easily give in to pressure.
“They’re just probably shy around people.” One middle-aged woman suggested, making some excuse on their behalf.
“But they were so bold earlier in the changing room.”
Rogue was forced to recall that shameful, yet oddly titillating, experience in the family dressing room.
“But kissing is natural between married couples.”
The shadow dragon slayer wasn’t actually listening to the murmurs running around that middle-aged circle. He was too busy pushing the memory down the back of his mind to actually care. It had a weird way of raising the temperature and thinning the air around him. And he did not need any of those weird things messing up with his brain – and his innocent body.s
“We must… commit to our roles.”
Rogue hadn’t had the time – or the mental presence – to even decipher that code when suddenly Minerva had her slender fingers gripped at the collar of his own kimono, pulling him by it and crashing her lips against his.
It wasn’t as he expected. Not like he’d ever expected having to kiss Minerva. That thought never crossed his mind. But here he was now, his lips pressing against the woman’s – warm, soft, tender lips. He’d never given it any thought but kissing surprisingly felt really nice. He didn’t know what it was – a really good feeling, a sensation that made his head all fuzzy but also so focused on the woman right in front of him – that pushed him to dare, to step out of his comfort zone and shamelessly moved his lips over hers.
“T-t-that’s enough, Rogue.”
Minerva shoved him away, pulling him back to his senses. It got Rogue apologizing for what he tried to do; a little guilty and ashamed of himself for overstepping. But a part of him, that smallest part that was a bit more freeing, convinced Rogue he shouldn’t be sorry. But that part he’d always push at the back burner.
Rogue honestly didn’t know what came over him but that unexplainable feeling had him seeing things too, like the light blush that powdered Minerva’s cheeks rosy.
06:00 PM
No one spoke between them. They just continued weaving the Festival, led by the ever enthusiastic little dictator as she bounced amongst the crowd, holding a photo in her hands.
“Lady Raina sure looks energetic.”
“Yes.” Both Rogue and Minerva answered in unison, glancing at each other when they realized the sudden synchrony. Strange. Then, both swiftly looked away trying not to get caught. Minerva, however, was quicker to recover as compared to Rogue, who was still fighting the strange feeling warming his cheeks.
As they continue on foot, something caught the little lady’s attention, pulling her to a sudden halt. Her caretaker walked up beside, both palms planted on her knees as she read the announcement for her mistress’ sake.
“Look, Miss Raina, they’re having fireworks later tonight.”
Rogue wasn’t even that older than the young caretaker but she was acting more like the young miss as they both had a shared sparkle in their eyes, not the identical amused stares off the sign.
“Raina wants to see the fireworks!”
“Kaname too!”
“Fro three!”
Minerva, the voice of reason, quickly interrupted. “It’s a little late, Lady Raina. We need to return to your home as Rogue and I need to travel back by train.”
“Actually,” Kaname answered, her heart eyes glued to every word on the announcement, “the last train has left around four p.m.”
“What?!” Minerva’s dark green eyes uncharacteristically widened in shock and the coming trouble. “Why didn’t you inform us earlier?” It quite bothered her more than it should and it was showing. An expression no one would ever put next to the name Minerva – freaking out.
So, while Minerva was dealing with the surge of thoughts overloading her brain, the little devil seized the opportunity to make her move.
Raina knew exactly how to play this and which parent to flash the expression no adult ever said ‘no’ to.
“Let’s see the fireworks together.”
07:59 PM
“You shouldn’t let a child dictate you, Rogue. You are the adult.”
Rogue respected the woman, he did. He really respected Minerva. He was somewhat the same as she was – reserved, rational and very sensible. But there were days when he wished that Minerva would loosen up a little. Like today.
“But, Ojuo–”
“–We shouldn’t answer nor tolerate a child’s every whim and capricious. They need discipline.” She continued lecturing the dragon slayer.
To Minerva, it was seizing an opportunity to call out her subordinates and correct their misconducts, well, misconduct in Minerva’s eyes. To the rest who didn’t know them, it was a picture of a wife lecturing her husband how to raise their child. It looked like the mistress was winning.
“If you let them take advantage of you like this, you can never demand from these wolves in sheep’s clothing.” She continued to a half-listening dragon slayer.
The reason for his scolding interrupted, unknowing of the position she put her father in.
“Look! They’re about to start.” She exclaimed, grabbing on the two adults and pulling the startled couple towards the gathering of people. The five of them grouped behind the protective railing and waited for the sparklers to light the evening sky.
“Maybe we should learn from these kids, Ojuo. There’s absolutely nothing wrong about stopping to smell the roses.”
Or in their case, watch some fireworks.
Minerva opened her mouth to shot back at the insolent dragon slayer, who took advantage of the brief silence to shame her. But the sound of the first cracker exploding into the dark sky stunned her briefly, transfixing her on the spot as all she could do was watch the magical shadow of the fireworks dance on the side of Rogue’s face. For a moment and for some unknown reason, Minerva could hear her own heartbeat, feeling the hard thump against her chest. Something else pulled her attention and her eyes magnetically drifted to the figure carried in the dragon slayer’s arms, reaching out to the spectacle in the sky as if she could catch them in her small hands. Catching herself staring and remembering it was rude, Minerva averted her eyes towards the heavens and, along with the rest of the village, watched as magic light up the darkened sky. It was beautiful but that lit-up sky paled next to the warm scene beside her, to that warmth Minerva had always been longing for – her father’s love.
9:00 PM
“It doesn’t make any sense.”
Minerva wasn’t too loud but might be enough to surprise the sleeping little miss, as she spat the words with much condemnation. She was confused and mad about being all confused.
“Ojuo, I think we should keep our voice down.” Rogue tried not to sound too indignant as he slowly and carefully lowered the sleeping figure on the large mattress. He wondered why Lady Minerva has been staring at him since after the fireworks show, twitching her face like she was grappling an internal battle. And losing it. “We do not wish to wake up the princess.” Rogue pulled the cover over Raina’s small figure sprawled on the bed, her chin was sticking out. He didn’t want his daughter to catch a cold.
And with every second that passed watching Rogue take care of the young lady, Minerva was getting pretty annoyed.
“Doesn’t make sense at all.” She obeyed the dragon slayer: less loud, but more confused.
“What does?” Kaname appeared out of nowhere but it didn’t seem to bother the spatial mage whose disbelieving eyes were still trained at the scene playing before her.
“This.” She said, brows meeting in the middle, nodding towards Rogue.
“I don’t see anything unusual about it.” Kaname was standing close to her now, which Minerva seemed to mind. She walked a few steps away from the helper, who had that a crazy smile on her face and an even crazier glint in her eyes.
“You and Mr. Rogue would have to share a room, Ms. Minerva.”
Rogue slapped his own mouth for reacting too loud. Good thing his daughter… good thing the kid was so wiped out that she only stirred to the side and resumed snoring like a drill.
“W-w-what do you mean… share a room? An unmarried man and woman i-is not allowed to share t-t-the same bed!”
His eyes darted back and forth from the woman who shamelessly suggested – pushed – the ridiculous notion and the lady who appeared to welcome it. Wait, what? Lady Minerva wasn’t opposed to…
“Let’s not overstay our welcome, Rogue.” She said, and stopped at the door frame without looking back. “Point us to the room, Kaname.”
And that little incident in the changing room flashed back Rogue’s very eyes.
Rogue? Sleeping with Lady Minerva? Even his heart couldn’t keep up with the idea. Then, he remembered the softness of her lips and Rogue’s heart had a whole new reason to marathon.
“Let’s go, Rogue.”
“Y-y-yes... Ojuo.”
“Are you running out of breath?”
7:00 AM
Rogue rubbed the backside of his shoulders. Maybe it was a bad idea refusing Lady Minerva’s offer to just sleep on the bed next to her. In his defense, it wasn’t right to share a mattress with a maiden and he was regretting it now. Sometimes, he wished he was just as clueless and shameless as Sting and sometimes, he wished Lady Minerva would get some clue. Did she just offer to sleep with anyone? Well, not ‘sleep with’ in the common context… was she okay kissing anyone, too? All this thinking about Lady Minerva was driving him off the wall. It shouldn’t. As a matter of fact, he shouldn’t be thinking about Lady Minerva, at all.
But how could he not when she boldly pulled him against her and claimed his first kiss? No! He shouldn’t be thinking about the kiss. Lady Minerva had probably kissed a lot of men.
“You seem dissatisfied with me, Rogue.”
Rogue shuddered at the voice. He only realized now that he was glaring at the woman sitting opposite him in the train.
“I-I’m sorry, Ojuo. I didn’t mean to... stare.” He wasn’t going to admit he looked ready to strangle the woman thinking she had kissed a hundred men. “Please excuse me, Ojuo. I need to use the washroom.” Rogue slid out from his booth, carefully lifting and moving his Exceed peacefully sleeping on his lap. Oh, how he wished he could get the same peace.
7:10 AM
Minerva watched him leave until he disappeared behind the door to the public toilet. She wasn’t quite sure why he looked mad at her. Yesterday, she wouldn’t even care. But now, every little thing Rogue did, she took notice. And every slightest thing about him bothered her.
“It doesn’t make sense.” The Lady barked, ladnding a fist on the leather she sat on, getting so mad not understanding herself, and waking up poor Frosch.
“Lady Minerva?” he sleepily asked, rubbing both eyes with his little fists.
“I apologize, Frosch.”
She was only answered by two confused half-closing eyes and little ‘hmmm’ before Frosch returned to snoring again.
Minerva couldn’t help chuckle. She always found Frosch cute. Actually, it wasn’t only Frosch that she thought was cute and that was the notion she’d been grappling with ever since… ever since… since when?! Since when had she been thinking that no non-sense shadow dragon was cute?
Minerva refused to answer that. Then, she decided she needed to splash her face with water; that ought to clear her mind. She slid out of her train couch, careful not to wake up Frosch, and headed to the toilet. Rogue was done using it, just stepping out of the door. He shifted on the side to make room for Minerva.
“Thank you, Rogue.”
Rogue nodded in response but unlike how he’d usually act around the Lady, he bravely met her forest eyes. That same feeling hit him again, one that got his mind hazy but focused at the same time, the one that pushed Rogue to dare. He stopped the sliding door with his bare hand, getting squeezed between the edge and the frame.
“What are you–mmm”
The dragon slayer pushed Minerva into the washroom, slammed the sliding door behind him and captured the rest of her words in his mouth. She wanted to push him and tell him off but her body refused to listen. All reasons abandoned, Minerva’s slender fingers grasped on his coat, clutching the garment in her fists and pushing herself up against him, wanting Rogue’s presence all around her.
“Ojuo…” He moaned against her lips, making Minerva cling to him desperately. “Ojuo…”
The concern in Rogue’s voice quickly dragged Minerva out of her reverie. She wasn’t in the train’s washroom anymore. She wasn’t clinging to the dragon slayer. Minerva was now back at her own couch and stared into the eyes of a confused and worried Shadow Dragon Slayer.
“Your knuckles are turning white, Ojuo. Are you alright?”
The spatial mage looked down at her fist resting on the leather, drained of color. She released her fingers immediately, realizing that she was already hurting herself.
“Yes.” She only spared Rogue a glance, masking her embarrassment with her usual indifference, then, turned away from him completely to do something more safe than fantasizing about the unwitting dragon slayer. Minerva propped her hand under her chin and watch the green pasture pass by the train window. She internally thanked the dragon slayer for not prying into the real reason because the spatial mage herself could not offer the man an answer.
Because even to Minerva, “it doesn’t make sense,” what she was starting to feel towards Rogue Cheney.
Bonus Chapter 6.5:
Minerva was just looking at the request board, deciding which S-Class job to take next, a mission her and Yukino could work on together. She needed sometime to be away from the other half of Sabertooth’s Twin Dragons – the shadow half. She hadn’t come to terms about this strong feeling she started to harbor ever since that one job she did with Rogue.
“A moment, Yukino. I haven’t decided on the request yet.” She answered without even looking at the owner of the voice.
“You have a visitor.”
Curiosity made her pull away from staring at the request board and towards Sabertooth’s resident Celestial Mage.
The child appeared from behind the Celestial Mage, raced towards Minerva and threw her arms around her legs, her height only reaching the Spatial Mage’s belly.
“Did you grow taller?” She asked, patting the top of Raina’s head, who looked up at her, stretching her mouth into that bright smile Minerva really missed. “Only this much!” Raina answered animatedly, flatting her palm on top of her head to say, “I’ve only grown this much!”
Minerva chuckled. She acknowledged Kaname’s presence and returned to her conversation with Raina, telling her that she had learned spatial magic too, just like Minerva’s. She had that radiant smile, all the while, telling Raina she’d train her if she liked. Her unprecedented warmth towards the child confused the hell out of her guild-mates who were just standing by the side, watching the scene unfold, wrapping their little heads around the idea that some little kid – who had the same dango buns as Lady Minerva – just called Sabertooth’s Ace mama.
“Oh my!” Yukino grew red realizing that Minerva-sama had been intimate with a man and conceived a child they all didn’t know. Being the only one brave enough to dare, the Celestial Mage asked the question everyone had in mind. “M-m-minerva-sama… who… w-who is the f-father?”
“Raina?” Came the voice from behind the flustered Sabertooth mage.
“Papa!” She abandoned her mother and ran into the open arms of the Shadow Dragon Slayer. He picked her up and carried the little miss, asking, “How have you been, Princess?”
“Elexent! (Excellent!)” She beamed at him, her plum orbs disappearing.
And the rest of Sabertooth witnessed, for the very first time, how Rogue Cheney radiated with a brightness that rivaled Sting’s White Dragon Slayer Magic. After recovering from the brief shock, Yukino and the rest of Team Sabertooth demanded some answers, throwing the family questions like…
“What the hell is this commotion about?” Sabertooth’s Guild Master appeared annoyed, probably just coming out from filing all the paper works when he heard the noise. “Whose kid is that?” He asked the Dragon Slayer carrying the child.
And almost choked on his own saliva when the little kid introduced herself.
“I’m Raina and they are my parents, Papa Rogue and Mama Minerva.”
“P-papa Rogue a-a-and O-ojuo’s daughter?”
Sting Eucliffe turned white and not because of his White Dragon Slayer magic. A lot of question were probably running in his head, disbelieving his own ears when the kid claimed Sabertooth’s Ace and his own partner as his parents.
But worse of all, how come Rogue never told him he was harboring a secret child with Lady Minerva?!
“In that case, hi. I’m Uncle Sting.” He extended his hand to shake Raina’s little one and showed her a toothy grin that mirrored Rogue’s secret child.
“Hello, Uncle Sting!”
Rogue would have a lot of time to explain later and he better start with how, when and where did that affair started and how come he never told him. For now, he’d like to welcome this little princess into his family.
tags: @ftguildevents @fairytail-rarepairs
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theonceoverthinker · 5 years ago
Alternate Staff Theory Idea #2
It’s weird. The more time I spend with the Staff Theory, the more I grow to like it and think it’s got a fighting chance of actually happening, but also the more I like remixing the ideas of how it might happen.
So here I am again!
I was recently doing more Staff Theory musing, I got to thinking about the common counterpoints to the theory, namely (1) Why bring back Clover of all people, and (2) How are they going to use the staff while it’s supporting Atlas. And while I think everyone in the CDB/FG movement has done a wonderful job explaining how this would work, I also think I’d like to see something on the more streamlined side of things.
And oddly enough, it was the strangest of movies that gave me an idea of what could happen: “South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut.” In this film, the US and Canada go to war in the movie’s climax and only settle down after a large amount of people have already died. But Satan is willing to grant Kenny -- the kid who helped him stand up to his abusive boyfriend Saddam Hussein (Yeah, this was a WERID movie) -- a wish, and so Kenny (giving up his own chance of coming back to life) wishes that everyone killed during this war was revived.
Now let’s put that in RWBY terms and elaborate on what I think might happen, so join me under the cut.
 In order to get the staff into a usable form, Atlas is going to have to literally fall. Obviously, if that happens, a LOT of people are going to die (I mean, they already have because of the Grimm attack, but you know what I mean), both in Atlas and Mantle, and while I’m currently really pissed with the CRWBY, I don’t think they have it in them to kill two major cities that basically make up the entire population of a continent.
How are they going to get the Staff, you may ask?
I’ve been playing around with the idea that Ironwood’s line last volume about having Penny completely under control has been more literal than we were initially led to believe. Considering that Ironwood very clearly played a role in getting her created in the first place and how easily he turned off everyone’s scrolls in 7X11, I think that there’s a case to be made for Ironwood having something of a remote control for Penny. And once Ironwood finds out that Penny is the new Winter Maiden, that’s a remote he will be all too willing to use.
BUT others know Penny is the Winter Maiden as well or can figure it out easily enough under the right circumstances. So in the vault, a battle plays out, and this time, the villains grab the staff from its resting spot (I’m thinking this should be Cinder because she’s already been established as having the ability to fly), and the moment it’s gone, Atlas propels down. This accomplishes the task of both letting the staff be used for other purposes and having it act on the Chekov’s gun of its purpose in holding up Atlas.
Most of our main players get out of this okay, but notably not all. Ironwood, Penny, Cinder, Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Oscar, Qrow, and some others are alive, but I would have either Ren or Nora at least not make it out (I’m thinking Nora so that Ren’s treatment of Nora in the last volume can especially gut him and give that whole subplot some actual weight), and maybe Blake if you REALLY want to sell that this isn’t permanent (And give way to an AMAZING Bumbleby scene once she’s revived).
By this point, Salem (Who definitely already wrecked some havoc while she was there with her Grimm Whale) has gone home. I don’t have this part planned out, but it’s not really relevant to what’s going on in this theory, so use your imagination. 
Cinder is fought off and the staff is saved. But this is ANYTHING but a victory. THOUSANDS of people are dead, and EVERYONE is pissed at Ironwood. At this point, now looking at the literal cost of his control over Atlas, Ironwood finally snaps out of his insanity. Perhaps he cries. Everyone does. Many of their teammates and friends are dead, alongside countless innocents. They may have defeated the bad guys, but this was anything but a win.
And then Oz/Oscar speaks. There’s a way to bring everyone back. He takes the staff out of whoever’s hand who was last holding it. Much of the Staff’s power has been used supporting Atlas for so long, but it still has a woosh of power in it. With a sacrifice, it could restore everyone’s lives taken during the last 24 hours (This is INCREDIBLY important).
Ironwood volunteers, and after a speech is given by Ironwood and goodbyes are exchanged, a piano rendition of “Hero” (Or even an acoustic reprise) plays as he takes the staff and allows it to end his life. 
As Ironwood falls down dead, and the staff loses its illumination, corpses glow and start to rise to the surface of the rubble. And then those corpses come alive, just as they were before. 
Reunions happen (BIG Renora and Bumbleby scenes), and then we turn to Qrow. There’s this subtle but undeniable spark of hope in his eyes, and he bites his lip as he looks at all the emerging bodies. ...Perhaps he made it out, too... Oz DID say 24 hours, right? ...But it looks like who he’s searching for isn’t here...
...Guess he was just a bit too late...just his luck...
Then, an impossible voice speaks from behind him.
“You see my pin?”
Qrow turns around and Clover Ebi is there, right as rain, just as he was before. Qrow’s speechless, and Clover knowingly smirks at him.
“Is something on my face?” he asks.
Qrow forgets any bit of pride he has and runs over to Clover, grabbing him in a hug. Tears swell in his eyes as the embrace is exchanged. There’s an implicit implication that they do need to talk about the things that went down right before his death (Maybe some “I’m sorry’s” are exchanged too during the hug), but for the moment, they are just so happy Clover’s okay that they don’t care.
In addition to bringing Clover back and giving Ironwood a fitting end, what I like about this theory is that it literally pushes Atlas and Mantle to rebuild their kingdom together. They don’t have a choice, and through that rebuilding, there’s a real chance for the kingdoms to once more unify not just geographically, but emotionally, and that is what’s important for the themes of this series.
Cue end of volume stuff. I and I know my other Clover/FG/CDB fans would love to see Clover join the main group, but it makes sense if he doesn’t or can’t -- then again, Winter, Robyn, and the other Ace Ops can take control of things, so it’s not impossible by any stretch and would be infinitely better if Clover joined them for character work for both himself and Qrow (Not to mention, allow them to touch upon all of that discussing I previously mentioned they had to do).
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chibiclem · 5 years ago
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'The Queen was gardening, head over her flowers, When she felt a slight sensation, a presence holding an ancient power, reacting to her own ones. As she was stuck looking down at her begonias, a shadow suddenly obscured their bright colors from her sight. And when her head moved up, she was facing a young man, looking at her with a curious but intense look. Surprised, she backed away a few steps, but no sound came out of her open mouth as something about the individual struck her. His ears...and this giant tail, forming a diamound. His clothes looked ancient but elegant, oddly long, as if it was only made for beings that could fly like he was actually doing. But there was something else. She felt like she had some sort of ...connexion, to this creature. No, in fact, she felt like the connexion was like..restaured? "Could it be...no way...." she whispered. The weird dragon was still looking, not even fazed by her movements. He looked like something in between a contemplative painter and a cat asking for a hug. Maybe more like a cat, floating lazily and without much effort. His tail was holding a clock that would show exactly, she discovered after, the time it was in her kingdom. There was not many beings  that could fit such an odd description, Lili knew. But among all the stories she had ever read from the royal library, she would never though this long lost legend to be true. Her hand moved slowly forward, as if a little girl wanted to pet the wild cat that had just appeared, with cautious not to scare him. In response, the floating one bowed his head slowly, saluting his Queen with complete faith, but no contact was made, as some servants behind them started screaming. Lili saw the core of diamound taking altitude, flying around her, before escaping in the air, not once losing his stern look. Oh, she knew the best he wasn't scared at all by all the noise, may be just annoyed by the intempestive presence. But he was back where was his place, after so long... And as Francis her King came running to her, wearing a worried face, and asked what happened, she slowing turn to him and announced : "The Ace of Diamounds....he has returned." ' *** Here is a little sight of a story about Cardverse and the awakening of the 4 aces! Actually, seeing how long I put to draw a single piece of any of my project, I'm not sure I can do a whole fancomic about it, but at least I can draw some of the sceneries! * Diamonds : In the stories I've read so far, there's mostly stories about Spades ( I will just let "USUK" as an explanation of why! XD), and maybe a little with Hearts? I didn't saw one where the story was centered on Diamounds actually (except an Hetagame "Diamantalia"!), and among all the stories, Lili was really not a central character, if she may appear at all. I want to put each kingdom at the same place in that story; beginning by develloping my idea of diamounds. *Greece, Ace of Diamound : “Hé” is a lazy scaredy-cat Ace that can stay days floating in the same spot while making his siest. he isn’t as worse as Greece but he have more free time than a country though! Nothing seems to faze him or his face. And like a gigantic floating cat, he likes to be patted on the head by his Queen. The Kingdom of Diamound is the one of Nature, and Hé can, more than making things grow exponiancially, litteraly create a whole forrest and making it move from nothing! * King Francis and Queen Lili : May be people find that France and Liechtenstein is a weird couple, but I would say that in contrary it gives something interesting to the whole! Lili appears a frail young lady and Francis, as we saw with Jeanne d'Arc, can be a real gentleman that treats his ladies with care. But my vision of thing is more elaborate, so let me explain what I think happened on their background : Lili wasn't a noble, but was born with the mark and the magic power that would potentially make her a queen. (Potentially because she isn't alone in her case. I like the idea of Mother nature marking a future Queen, but not the one saying it's only one person, decided by fate! Let's have some choice! I will explain another time how Queen and Kings are actually chosen in much details !) So, among all the other pretendants, and despite her young age, she was chosen by Francis as she was pure, loyal, smart and cared about people. Also, she may have complete lack of knowledge about aristocracy (so she makes  mistake on the etiquettes), being a little shy in public (she will never be the one to speak loud before too many people) and may seem a little out of place sometimes hiding behind her charismatic husband, but she is actually quite sharp at noticing details and remaining calm, and her Jack knows better than anyone she is quite capable at her duty despite the wat she displays in public. I can't say Francis and Lili are in deep love because no, we can't say that, but their relation is sweet anyway so it's hard to tell for their people. They respect each other and they know they can count on the other one if something bad happens. They could even be mistaken as brother and sister sometimes, because they don't need to talk to understand each other and are quite accomplice. Francis being older (like I would say 7 years older because well, it's the middle age and I think they married when lili was around 16 and him 23!), he often guides her in her decision and teach her how to reign, even though they don't have the same role in their hierarchy. ( The rules wanting the King to be in charge of the need of the citizen and taking care of open international negociation, while the Queens have more secretive goals, studying magics to use it for the sake of the kingdom, but also controlling the undercover operation. In summary, the King is the bright side of the iceberg while the Queens are their shadows to make everything go smoothly, more or less depending on the kingdom) And no, I don't like the idea of an hidden romance between Francis and Arthur, it irks me! OuO Because they respect each other, neither him or Lili would ever go watch another woman/man (Well, not seriously, Francis actually likes to flirt with ladies to build a certain image of himself but he will never go too far. Besides, he appearing as frivolous is actually made on purpose so he can gain informations and relations  by seducing noble women who doesn't suspect it and think he's a Don Juan!! So his attitude is actually all strategic!) . In that they are quite old fashions! * One last thing about the kingdoms : Each have a magical speciality, and I choose that they would be the kingdom of nature and agriculture, being quite rich as they feed the 3 others kingdoms (with taxes, muahaha). Queens of Diamounds have the power to grow plants with their wills and accelerate the process, though Lili likes to garden like a common person most of the time. But the flowers of the Royal garden would only bloom once the Queen has been chosen! ***
Links to others Cardverse related art: https://chibiclem.tumblr.com/tagged/cardverse
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deltaengineering · 4 years ago
Imagine there was a summer 2020 anime season
Sorry I bailed on the season impressions, it just got depressing. Though that does mean I actually watched only decent and up shows this season.
No Guns Life
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Well, “decent” is somewhat debatable. No Guns Life is still nothing but its key visual voiced by Junichi Suwabe. But it’s a very cool key visual, and a very cool voice actor. The noir mood, when present, delivers - the long and short of it is that every scene with saxophone music is good. I didn’t feel the rest much though, because I just can’t bring myself to care about Tetsuro, or Mary’s brother, or fucking Pepper of all people. And a lot of the season, including the climax, sure did revolve around them a lot, huh. Not to mention that there is of course nothing that could be considered an ending, but I knew that already. And I knew the rest of the problems already too, to be honest, so I’m hardly disappointed. Everything about Juzo, character development, flashbacks, having a gun for a head, etc, was still good. 6/10
Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater
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Well guess the fuck what, Doga Kobo made a Kiraralike about fishing. 6/10
Okay, okay, fine. Breakwater is well above average for this kind of show (better than Koisuru Asteroid if nothing else), but it’s still not outstanding or even memorable - It’s not as good as Yuru Camp, and that’s not mentioning examples I think are actually significantly better than Yuru Camp. On the other hand, it does nothing wrong (drunk teacher character probably gets the closest, but it doesn’t amount to a whole problem) and several things right, such as, yes, being chill and unexciting. So it’s better than expected, but the score doesn’t change. 6/10
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Hey, Deca-Dence is cool. Not the most innovative, but a nice mashup of action anime things with some cool visual flair. It’s pretty fun! Even if everything related to the tankers (including Natsume) eventually turns out to be nothing but a prop for Kabu’s development. Oh and the monster CG is fucking terrible, so I can’t call it a feast for the eyes. But yeah, fine seasonal consumption anime.
Of course that’s not the story with this property though. D-D is fine, good even, but it was hyped up to nauseating levels because the creative team Mob Psycho 100 and other overrated nonsense was involved. I don’t want to talk about MP100 yet again but D-D looks nowhere near as good, not does the writing stink as much. The point of this isn’t MP100 anyway, but that this review is dedicated to the people who convinced themselves that D-D was amazing before they ever saw a frame of it, continued to call it amazing when it continued to not be, then fantasized about it was the most savage takedown of capitalism since Das Kapital when the best it had to offer was some generic “authoritarianism bad, yo” takes (not wrong, but also something so tepid that even noted thematic tire fire Darling in the Franxx managed to do it), and finally docked it half a point from perfection when the ending wasn’t at all about the thing the show never was about in the first place. A moderately clever, mostly good looking, generally entertaining anime with an insufferable fanbase. 7/10
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So here’s where we get to the real good stuff. Appare-Ranman has low to moderate ambition (the idea here is to be goofy and fun first and foremost), but the execution is ace - especially the writing, which is essentially perfect for what it wants to do and introduces just enough realness on the edges to not turn into a complete frivolity. Once you get used to the character designs (which are definitely an acquired taste, but I can’t say they don’t fit the show), it’s smooth cruising. The pacing is on point as well, turns out that there’s something to the idea of writing an original TV show in a way that perfectly fits its episodic presentation. And yes, Kenjiro Tsuda completely obliterates the scenery in the role of mild-mannered, low-key gentleman racer Richard Riesman, which seems oddly outside of his wheelhouse but okay. 8/10
Great Pretender
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Now this is a hard followup to write, because most of what’s rad about Appare-Ranman is also rad about Great Pretender. Except GP is just, on average, even better at it, and it features a more interesting conceit and more ambition to boot. I love how it looks (yes, really), I love the character designs, and I love me some heist movies. This is the closest we ever got to a real Cowboy Bebop of this generation, and by that I mean that it’s another instance of “Lupin III, with some contemporary updates, and what if we just make every episode good”. There’s still some problems that keep it from being excellent, but it’s mostly minor things and not core issues -  things like the occasional overuse of insert songs. Or that the villains are set up as being more than just a bit too evil for how lighthearted everything always plays out in the end (this matters less than you’d think because it doesn’t lead to whiplash, it’s very gradual). And yes, more ambitious than Appare-Ranman, but hardly very ambitious on an absolute scale. In the end, all of those are fridge problems – something that lowers the score when I gots me thinkin’ trousers on, but not much of anything that dampens the enjoyment in the moment. In fact, it’s better than Kaguya S2 so  fall season will have to try unusually hard to keep this from AOTY. 8.49998/10
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askaceattorney · 7 years ago
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(The Links in the Letter) -- Strong Language Warning in the first one
Dear James CyberLink,
Great!  Here’s the original letter, everyone:
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And since it was your idea...
Dear James CyberLink,
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Well said.  You don’t have to be famous or save lives to be a hero, do you?
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That video didn’t make me cry, but I sure felt some warmth while I was watching it.  It takes a special kind of person to save so many lives and keep quiet about it.
-Phoenix Wright
Dear James CyberLink,
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Whoa...  I sure wasn’t expecting that sort of thing.  That’s some high-class embarrassment, all right.
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But, hey, at least you learned something from it.  It’s weird how even moments like that one can have a positive outcome.
-Maya Fey
Dear James CyberLink,
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I agree that those are all important laws.  As any student in America could tell you, checks and balances are a fundamental part of any democratic government.  The law gets a bit messier when it comes to the internet and personal data, but it's no less crucial to maintain there as well.
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I’d imagine the same to be true for drinking laws.  Without a breathalyzer, a bartender may have trouble distinguishing a drunk individual from a sober individual who simply acts the same way.
-Miles Edgeworth
Dear James CyberLink,
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A Build-A-Bear workshop for computers?  That’d sounds like it’d be fun!  I live in a rural area too, so I’d love to learn more about how to use them.
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But...where would you put the stuffed heart after you’ve finished building one?
-Pearl Fey
Dear James CyberLink,
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Yeah, I’m just going to sit this one out, if that’s okay.  Good answer, though.
-Apollo Justice
Dear James CyberLink,
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It’s okay to be unsure about your personality.  People have been known to change from one to another several times before they settle on one.  It’s not uncommon for them to fit into more than one either.  It’s still not an exact science.
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That doesn’t mean it’s bunk, though!  If you ever meet Adam, you can tell him he’s a J-E-R-K type!
-Athena Cykes
Dear James CyberLink,
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You recognize genius when you see it, don’t you?  We can thank the scientific method for helping us save lives, develop as a society, and learn things we never would’ve thought possible.  I use it in everything I do, from analyzing fingerprints to buying snacks.
-Ema Skye
Dear James CyberLink,
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You’re not supposed to find out how they work!  That takes away the whole experience of seeing impossible things happening right before your eyes!  That’s the whole point of illusion!
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You’re welcome to try and figure out how my tricks work, though.  Don’t blame me if you start getting dizzy from all the spinning your head does!
-Trucy Wright
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Dear rogertheegg,
To me, the difference made by a gender swap would depend on the character.  For some, there’d be hardly any difference (Pearl would be just as adorable, the judge would look and sound just as authoritative, and even some of the main characters would be practically the same), but for others it’d change quite a few things about them (Laura Butz would likely be hitting on guys instead of girls, Mason Fey would have a completely different role in his family, Frederick von Karma would be intimidating in a completely different way, and so on).  And let’s not even get into Marlene Grossberg.
No, really.  Let’s not.
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Dear gunmaxx,
Thanks a bunch!  Lately I’ve been afraid I might be losing my edge, so I’m very happy (and relieved) to hear you’re enjoying this blog.  Coming up with new letter responses every day and trying to keep them accurate is a challenge, but the sheer personality in Ace Attorney’s diverse cast of characters makes it a lot easier than it would be for, say, a Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog, or Kirby blog.  (Would that last one even be possible?)  It’s still a challenge, though, so thank you for sharing your appreciation!
Also, no need to worry about spamming.  As long as you aren’t sending five or more letters every day, we’ll be happy to answer them.
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Dear starry-nightengale,
The only real difference between them is that one is the real “champion of justice,” and the other just acts like him.  If someone writes to Bobby Fulbright without stating whether it’s to the real one or the Phantom disguised as him, I usually answer it as the Phantom.  The games don’t give us much information about what the real one was like, so it’s probably safe to assume the Phantom’s personality is an almost perfect copy of his.
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Dear Fulbright,
First let me just say that I’d be giving you a high-five right now if I could.  It’s a breath of fresh air to hear some words of encouragement about the controversies that have crept into this blog more often than we (and I imagine you all) would like to see.  I do my best not to let those stress me out too much, but there are times when they do, so thank you for being understanding about it.  That’s an attitude we can all use more of.
There aren’t very many characters I like but dislike answering as, or vice versa, but I guess one example of that would be Apollo.  He’s a nice guy and a great character, but he doesn’t seem to have the same goofy sense of humor as Phoenix, Trucy, and Athena -- in fact, probably the funniest thing he does is to get fed up with their jokes.  I do enjoy answering as him, but I think he takes himself a little too seriously most of the time.
A good example of a character I’m not fond of but enjoy answering is, oddly enough, Dahlia.  As much as the cut of her jib sickens me, it’s interesting to think of how she might try to out-clever people who get sassy with her (as I have many times before) or come up with a twisted rationalization of her sadistic actions and thoughts.  Not to mention I sort of like the creativity in her haiku.
(Sort of.)
Lastly, while submitters are under no obligation to keep away from any specific topic, they are advised to keep in mind that, as our Submission Guidelines page states, letters that include hot-button topics will be less likely to get an answer.  How much less likely depends on the topic, but if the risk of hurting feelings is too high, they’ll be deleted.
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Mothmouth,
That happens to the best proofreaders out there.  Thanks for clarifying, though (and for expressing your frustration in a family-friendly way).
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Dear Mothmouth again,
This is sort of embarrassing, but...I actually didn’t know quite how to do that until the Modthorne gave me some help.  Here you go.
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Dear Guquis,
No one’s made that joke here as far as I can tell, but it has been done before.  (Epilepsy Warning)
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Dear idk,
Really?  That’s a shame.  A moment of silence, everyone.
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Thanks for letting us know.  I've been neglecting to check on the status of blogs we have links to, so I’ve got some “summer cleaning” to do.
On that note, if you have an active ask blog you’d like us to add a link to, feel free to give us a shout!  It’s been a long time since we’ve added any.
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Dear naitomeruu,
Sorry to break it to you, but it looks like that’s already been confirmed.  If we’re lucky, maybe they’ll release a version for 3DS as well, but if not, I guess I’ll be making a quick dash to the nearest GameStop for a Switch.  I still think the Wii U didn’t get a fair chance, but I’ll do it for the blog’s sake!
-The Co-Mod
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camsthisky · 7 years ago
Just a thought, I always have problems in seeing Dick Grayson’s skill set when he is with the BatFam. I was rereading some of the old Titan and TT books, as well as his solo series and I tend to see that there writers have a better grasp at his skill set. AKA, they treat him as in according to his skill level. He’s not the best at everything, but he is an ace at everything, typical Robin rules apply. I actually see it as well in TTA. Though, I’m beginning to learn why he’s so inconsistent in
-the batbooks. In TT we have the skill set cut out. Leader, tactician, martial arts, acrobatics, close combat, intuition, intelligence, detective know-how, basically Batman Jr. He’s not the best at everything but is an ace at everything, and can substitute for members of the team. 5-Man Band leader rules apply. Nowadays I think they are “the Robin Rules” in which all Robins apply to this, in which all Robins are expected to be this, adjust skills to character accordingly.
—Now all Robins are suspected to follow that rule. Except Jason, oddly enough. Though the current RHaTO is supposed to be a subversion of the Trinity anyways. In solos skill is balanced with things that make the character stand alone, things that make them unique. Acrobatics, detective stuff, tactics. Balancing those skills without a team and implementing more character in them is where I think the solos are best at. As well as, how big of a threat the Big Bad is. —
—Back in the Robin days balancing skills was fairly simpler. He’s a junior partner and therefore at an apprentice level. Never really surpassing the master, though still an ace. He’s in a Duo and therefore the Ying to Bruce’s Yang. But what happens when the apprentice grows up? Does he surpass the master? This wasn’t answered clearly, well ever clearly because when Dick became Nightwing he was off with the Teen Titans. Where he played the “Leader” role. Then he came back because, editorial—
—and we have Tim, and Babs, and Cass, and Bruce. And I feel like BTAS Nightwing is the definitive Nightwing of this era when collabing w/BatFam. Good, but mostly there for plot advancements so skill isn’t really impt. He’s a supporting character. Then late post-Crisis happened and Dick became Batman again almost for realzes this time and had to be as great as Bruce but in his own way (solo skills apply). He also had to be mentor as well. Then we get to the modern era where we have the Robins—
—and Batman. By the Robins we get the guy Robins: Dick, Jay, Tim, Dami. Then Batman himself. This would be ideal 5-man band material itself with Bruce=leader, Dick=Heart, Tim=Smart Guy, Jay=Lancer, and Dami=Big Guy. Now Dick plays another spot in the band. And this is where the conflict kicks in. Dick’s the leader of the TT. The lancer in the Dynamic Duo. And the Heart in the Robin’s 5-Man band. If we include Steph and -Bruce the roles switch but Batbooks tend to focus on this dynamic.—
—Hearts tend to get the skill set that is missing in the team to fill in that role. This is a subversion to Dick since he was the first Robin. But also due to this some of Dick’s skills are downplayed or not even shown at all because it fits another member of the band. Till his main unique skills are the ones that are cherry picked and that is what he has to offer to the band. Since he’s an ace then he easily fill the roles that are missed in the band. Since he has no powers—
—and with band applications in mind Dick’s skill set tends to dumb down. Not all hearts are weak fighters (Starfire) but I feel that the Robin’s 5 band is the one that is most integrated in the 5 man band alignment and stereotypes. Dick’s role as a supporting character and as a Heart affect his abilities. He can no longer be as good a hacker, he can’t be the main lance to Bruce and looses the Daddy-issues vibe, he HAS to be emotionally supportive and offer a quirky big bro vibe—
—there for supporting reasons. He’s a supporting character. He’s still second in line for leadership but his position in the band is what makes his skills sooo inconsistent. What do you think? Sorry 😐 for the long ask… just thought that you’ll find this interesting. Here’s a potato 🥔
Wow. Okay, so this came into my inbox out of order, so I apologize if this isn’t the order that you meant it to be in. I tried my best to piece it together.
So, I’ve been questioning characterization of the batfam (or at least my characterization of them) for the past week or so? So I’m not sure if I’m the best to give my thoughts on this issue, and to be honest, I’m not quite sure exactly what you’re trying to say, so I’m going to give my piece, and if it doesn’t match up to what you were trying to say, then feel free to ignore this.
I think it just might depend on where you look for characterization and skill? I mean, in Young Justice, Dick is a really skilled hacker, but in the comics, he’s fairly average. Tim and Barbara (and Bruce, I think, but don’t quote me on that) both have hacking skills that outweigh his, but that doesn’t mean he’s necessarily bad at it?
The thing that stays consistent about Dick’s skillset is his acrobatics and his characterization is usually very light-hearted, and yes that makes him kind of goofy and he’s not the complete best at everything, but he does know how to get by. Adapt. I think that if Dick can be Batman (and he’s good at it, even if his heart can’t quite take the wear and tear of what Batman means, and Gotham prospers better under Bruce’s Batman), it means he’s flexible. He can adapt to whatever situation and role he needs to play, and he moves forward because of it. Of course, I’d love for Dick to be be able to show all of the skills he’s learned in his fifteen to twenty years of being Robin and Nightwing and Batman, but sometimes it doesn’t turn out like that.
But I don’t think that Dick’s changing skill set makes him a supporting character (I think that’s what you were saying?). Yeah, he can be a goofball sometimes, and he’s definitely the heart of the family, and sure, he’s not the best hacker, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t ground the others. He’s important, to the superhero community and to the batfamily, and without Dick, there would be a lot of things that would be different. Clark once called Dick the multi-verse constant:
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Dick is important, and even though his skill set changes with the writer or the adaption, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t the same person lying underneath. At least, not in my opinion.
Dick is the heart, you said, and I definitely agree, but I don’t think that’s so bad. He grounds people, he can keep Batman in line, and he’s a good person that just wants to do right in the world. Hell, Bruce saved a whole world because of Dick:
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I don’t know if this made any sense, but thanks for asking.
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