#and i think i forget that not going out and not talking to people actually does fuck my physical health up
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the-cats-noodles · 11 hours ago
Everytime I see this, everytime, someone brings up marriage as an exception and I can't help but think, really?
I get it, promises are important (to death do us part, which is in and of itself an unrealistic standard but whatever i dont have time to talk abt that) but I feel like people forget that marriage for love is relatively recent? The point of marriage being to join households and pass on property is much older (and the origin of the whole "only death can make us separate" bc property and inheritance) like, the reason people stayed together was bc of duty not love and that was a very different environment than the one now (which is good) but it still means we're talking about a standard that is unrealistic in our current environment (not to mention the insane amount of murder over not being able to get divorced in the past, like it's a very good thing we can end marriages now)
There's nothing wrong with marrying someone and wanting to stay with them forever (we chose to do this for love and that was good actually), but can we stop pretending this idea is universal?
Making a promise is all well and good, but people change and their promises do too.
Like, yes you keep growing as you get older and yes you might grow closer with your partner (and that's perfectly normal and okay) BUT you might also grow apart and that is ALSO PERFECTLY OKAY
Saying that marriage is something to exclude from the idea of decentering permanence is kinda ignoring all the people who really shouldn't be staying together but "have" to (for the kids, reputation, etc) and anybody involved definitely feels that dynamic shift...
Just, yeah "keep your promises" but also know that breaking them is a part of life and its much better for both parties if you break a promise instead of wither away trying to uphold it for some perceived sense of duty or obligation to people whose opinions literally DO NOT matter
(If you wanna be with one person forever? great! If they don't agree bc they don't love you anymore? Oh well, tough luck, I guarantee you'll be better off letting them go then forcing them to stay in a legal contract, which is what marriage becomes when you don't feel love for the other party anymore)
Also I get most people don't want to force someone to stay in a situation that makes them miserable, at least I really hope they don't, but when (as a society) we place more importance on the whole 'till death do us part' bit and less on the 'I love you and want to show it' (or even say the only way to show it is to hold onto that person forever) then it kinda forces people into this idea of "having" to stay
And look, counseling is great, it can work wonders, but it is NOT a miracle worker. It can't fix everything and it doesn't have to bc A LOT of marriages aren't broken they're just fizzling out
Am I making any sense? Who knows, but I was raised in a community where ending a marriage or relationship was worse than cheating bc "marriages are work"
They are, but you also retire from work when it becomes a strain and you can't do it anymore. You can quit a job if it doesn't fit. I'm not saying marriage is a job, but I am saying that if we expect marriage to involve work we can expect it to reach the point where people just DONT WANT TO DO THAT ANYMORE and that's okay
I'm begging: please stop insisting marriage is different from other relationships in this regard bc it isn't. It's sweet and a wonderful experience but it's still just a love between two people and we can't expect that to be magically enough to stop the natural progression all relationships go through.
You lose friends over time but some stay around. You lose family over time (like, no contact in this case not necessarily through death) but some stay around. You lose lovers and partners over time but some stay around. And that's okay, u just don't see how the last one is somehow expected to have more weight.
(Which I believe was op's point? That they're all temporary and that's a good thing actually)
Like everything is temporary, it's just sometimes that temporary lines up with our lives bc we ourselves are temporary beings, and it's okay if it does and it's okay if it doesn't.
I think a lot about how we as a culture have turned “forever” into the only acceptable definition of success.
Like… if you open a coffee shop and run it for a while and it makes you happy but then stuff gets too expensive and stressful and you want to do something else so you close it, it’s a “failed” business. If you write a book or two, then decide that you don’t actually want to keep doing that, you’re a “failed” writer. If you marry someone, and that marriage is good for a while, and then stops working and you get divorced, it’s a “failed” marriage.
The only acceptable “win condition” is “you keep doing that thing forever”. A friendship that lasts for a few years but then its time is done and you move on is considered less valuable or not a “real” friendship. A hobby that you do for a while and then are done with is a “phase” - or, alternatively, a “pity” that you don’t do that thing any more. A fandom is “dying” because people have had a lot of fun with it but are now moving on to other things.
I just think that something can be good, and also end, and that thing was still good. And it’s okay to be sad that it ended, too. But the idea that anything that ends is automatically less than this hypothetical eternal state of success… I don’t think that’s doing us any good at all.
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persevereforahappyending · 3 days ago
A Legacies Regret |8|
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader
Summary: You were living in New York with your girlfriend, trying to forget about last year and just enjoy life, but that was easier said than done. (Sequel to A Legacies Secret)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.8k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist | A Legacies Secret Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
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Tara stood at the back of an ambulance as you got checked over. You didn’t seem in too bad of shape, you actually managed to not get stabbed this time. Tara crossed her arms as she waited for you, they were surrounded by cops and ambulances, this was where she should feel the safest but given that she didn’t know who she could trust she wasn’t awarded that comfort.
Her eyes darted back and forth from Sam off to the side talking to Danny, to Chad next to the ambulance Mindy was getting patched up in. Anika had been there in her own ambulance, but the medics decided her wounds were too severe and rushed her off to the hospital. Tara wanted to think that Anika would be safe in the hospital, away from all the craziness, but she knew better than anyone that just because someone was in the hospital didn’t mean they were safe.
Tara’s attention fully snapped back to you when she overheard you thanking the medic. You slipped off the gurney and hopped out the back of the ambulance. Tara made sure to raise her hands when you landed, she didn’t know exactly what happened in the apartment, but it was clear you were hurting.
Tara wrapped an arm around your waist, partly because she wanted to help you keep more weight than necessary off your knee, but mostly because she didn’t want to let you go. Back in the apartment you didn’t even hesitate to push her behind you and towards the door, the first thing that crossed your mind in a moment of crisis wasn’t your own safety but hers. She loved that about you, she truly did, but she really needed to have a talk with you about putting yourself in danger. Tara knows you want to protect her, but she needed to put her foot down, if you were going to be all heroic and self-sacrificing then she was going to be by your side.
The two of you had only walked a few steps when Tara noticed just how much you were limping. She could feel the muscles in your back tensing up with every step. “Are you okay?” she asked. “What happened up there?”
You slowed to a stop, wincing one more time before leaning into her. You looked around as if you were afraid someone was going to overhear whatever it was you had to say. “When I tried to stop him from getting Anika, he kicked me in my knee,” you whispered, your lips brushing against her ear so only she could hear.
Tara furrowed her brow. A whole new rage was burning inside her, she couldn’t believe Ghostface did that. Well, she could, but that didn’t change the fact that if she ever got her hands on him, she would tear him apart. She looked up when she realized you were looking at her expectantly. She had a feeling she missed the point of what you said for some reason, but she wasn’t exactly sure what her takeaway was supposed to be.
“He knew I was injured,” you whispered. Tara mentally slapped herself, not many people knew about your injury, that you still struggled with it so much. That meant Ghostface was either stalking all of them and saw you or he was in the friend group and paid much more attention to everyone than anyone thought.
“Who do you think it was?” Tara asked. She herself didn’t have any ideas, everyone, besides you and Sam, was a suspect. You experienced Ghostface up close though, to close for comfort if someone were to ask Tara. If you fought him, if you got close enough then there was a chance you felt something, something to determine if he was in fact a he, or if you picked up on something like the way he moved or talked.
You opened your mouth to answer but your head snapped up just as Tara whipped around at the sound of a loud bang. Tara released a breath; it had just been Chad slamming Ethan against one of the vans. She should probably be worried about Chad’s quick response to violence but given what was going on she couldn’t say she actually cared.
She couldn’t hear exactly what was being said but it was clear Chad was questioning Ethan and accusing him of potentially being Ghostface. Tara tilted her head, she never suspecting Ethan of anything, the only reason she hung out with him was because he was Chad’s roommate. He wasn’t the worst company by any means, she was just kind of quiet and awkward, sometimes he would have good taste in movies, otherwise he was just there. She couldn’t picture Ethan as some psycho killer, but then again there was a point in time she would have said the same thing about Amber.
Ethan weakly defended himself by saying he was in his night class. Tara honestly didn’t know if he was telling the truth, she didn’t know his schedule, she didn’t even know what his major was. Ethan was insistent in his denial, he even told Chad to ask the people from his class, which could speak of his innocence, or it spoke of how cocky he was. Night classes were rather popular, she didn’t know how big Ethan’s class was but there was a high chance that if Ethan skipped class no one would even notice.
Chad gave Ethan one final shove into the van before walking back over to Mindy. Tara’s eyes lingered on Ethan as he fixed his sweatshirt and looked around at the chaos as if he were a lost puppy. If he was Ghostface he sure was doing a good job at pretending to be clueless.
Your entire body tensed underneath Tara’s touch, making her furrow her brow at what could have possibly caused such a reaction. You weren’t looking at her though, you were looking straight ahead at something else. When Tara turned to see what you were looking at, she couldn’t contain her eyeroll as she saw Gale Weathers running up to the two of you.
“Are you okay?” Gale asked, looking at you with the most concern Tara had ever seen. “I came as soon as I heard.”
“Don’t you ever give it a rest?” Tara snapped.
“I’m not here to start anything. Truce,” Gale raised her hands in defense.
“Bullshit,” Sam said, coming up behind them. “What are you doing here?”
“I want to help.” Gale’s eyes darted to you. Tara wasn’t Gale’s biggest fan by any means, but she had a feeling wanting to help catch this Ghostface wasn’t the only reason Gale was there now. “Off the record,” Gale rolled her eyes.
Sam crossed her arms and shared a look with Tara. She still didn’t want to trust Gale, especially with how she’s treated you but Gale willing to help out off the record was definitely a start. “Fine,” Sam sighed, although a little reluctantly.
Gale looked at you, as if she were waiting for you to say something. You had yet to look Gale in the eye. Tara couldn’t even imagine what was going through your head. Besides recent selfish behavior she used to be able to read you better than anyone, when she opened her eyes, it seemed to be going back to that, except when it came to Gale. You already didn’t talk about Dewey but somehow you talked about Gale even less, Tara truly wasn’t sure where your mind was in regards to Gale.
“I see my present came in handy,” Gale said, giving an awkward smile as if it would help break the ice with you.
You still didn’t look at Gale as you lightly nodded. “Yeah,” you whispered. “Thanks for that.”
Tara looked from you to Gale and then back again. Her eyes widen as she came to the realization. “That’s where the gun game from?” she shouted.
Your mouth fell open, but nothing came out. Tara could practically see your brain spinning trying to come up with an answer. When you first came out of the apartment she didn’t notice the gun, she was too busy being relieved you were alive. When she did notice the gun, she didn’t get a chance to ask about it as you were being dragged to an ambulance. She knew Gale gave you a present, but you put it under the bed and that was that, she never even knew you opened let alone that it was a gun.
“The less people that knew about it the better,” Same said.
Tara slowly turned her head to her sister. “You knew?” she turned back to you, tilting her head and narrowing her eyes. “You told her and not me?”
You began opening and closing your mouth again. “I need to stay on her good side,” you defended weakly.
Tara just gave a small hum at the reveal. She knew that if you hadn’t told Sam and Sam later discovered it, she would have been pissed. She still couldn’t believe you never even told her though; it’s not like she would have told anyone; she knew how to keep a secret. That being said, Tara also couldn’t say you were wrong in keeping the gun a secret, no one else knowing was probably why you were able to catch Ghostface off guard. If the others had known she was sure you’d go for the case only to find it empty in your moment of need.
An uncomfortable silence fell over the group as Bailey walked up to everyone. He wiped his eyes from where he had been crying over his daughters’ body. “They took me off the case,” he said. “But that’s not going to stop me.” Tara had never seen such a rage burning behind someone’s eyes. “You fuck with my family, you die.”
“Hey,” Kirby greeted as she walked up to the group. Tara assumed she had to have just arrived because she hadn’t seen her before then.
“Kirby?” Gale asked, her eyes wide. Tara wasn’t sure how it was possible, but it seemed Gale hadn’t known Kirby was in town. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m in the FBI now,” Kirby smirked.
Gale rolled her eyes. “Then you’ll probably want to hear this too.” Tara scrunched her eyebrows together at what Gale could possibly want them all to hear. “It’s about the first victims; I found where the masks are coming from.”
Tara’s eyes widened. It was clear the masks Ghostface was leaving behind were the actual masks from the previous attacks. She didn’t know how anyone could possibly get their hands on those, but it seemed as though they had.
Tara barely listened as Gale went over everything. They were all going to go see what Gale discovered but Tara couldn’t take her mind off of you. She didn’t know where Gale was taking them or what they would find there, the only thing that Tara knew was that she didn’t intend to leave your side again.
Taglist: @mamas-evil-hag @thatshyboy1998 @btay3115 @idontliketoread2137 @nwestra
@honorarysimp @canyonyodeler @chxrryxcx @aceofspades190 @worstendingever
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sparkleyun · 2 days ago
7 minutes in heaven
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pairing: jake x fem!reader genre: fluff, highschool au synopsis: After weeks of burying yourself in textbooks, your best friend has had enough. She insists you take a break and drags you to a party thrown by her and a few of her other friends. You’re skeptical at first, since parties aren’t really your thing, but you find yourself actually enjoying the night. That is, until he walks in. The guy who’s made your life miserable all year. The one who never misses a chance to tease you. wc: 2.4k warnings: Jake teases reader for being uptight and a "nerd", alcohol, Jake redemption arc basically
"Come on, you can’t seriously be saying no again."
Your best friend is sprawled across your bed, her head hanging off the edge as she stares at you with an exaggerated pout. You don’t look up from your notes, but you can feel the weight of her gaze.
"I have a chemistry exam next week." you reply, flipping a page in your textbook for dramatic effect.
She groans, dramatically rolling onto her stomach and burying her face in your pillow.
"You always have a chemistry exam, or an essay, or some other reason to close yourself off and forget what fun is."
You frown but don’t respond. However, she doesn't stop there. She props herself up on her elbows, eyes narrowing.
"You know what your problem is?"
"Oh, I’m sure you’re about to tell me." You mutter, playing with your pen as you agonizingly await her answer.
"You don’t do anything," she declares, flinging her arms out like this is some major revelation. "You just study and go to school, and come home and study more. When’s the last time you had an actual conversation with someone who wasn’t a teacher or me?"
You open your mouth, then pause. You were unable to answer her question, which unfortunetly meant she was right.
"Exactly. Which is why you’re coming to this party tonight." she says with a proud grin plastered across her face.
You scoff. "Yeah, no. Not happening."
"Yes, happening." She rolls onto her side, supporting her head up with her hand. "It’s just a party, not a death sentence. You go, you loosen up, maybe even talk to a cute guy"
You shoot her a glare.
"Fine, fine." She waves you off. "But at least let yourself have fun. You deserve a break."
You hesitate. You really don’t want to go, but she knows you too well. She’s persistent, you're compliant, and she always gets her way eventually.
She starts listing all the things she’ll do in exchange: buying you coffee for a week, finishing your half of a group project, doing your laundry, etc. Exhausted by her antics, you finally cave.
"One hour," you say, closing your textbook with a sigh. "And if it sucks, I’m leaving."
She grins like she’s just won the lottery. "Deal."
The party is already in full swing by the time you arrive. The house is packed with people, and the music is playing so loudly that you can feel the bass vibrating in your chest. They are everywhere, spilling out onto the front lawn and swaying to the beat of whatever playlist is blasting through the speakers inside.
You hesitate at the entrance. This isn’t your usual scene. Crowds, noise, chaos- it’s the opposite of the structured, predictable and quiet world you are used to.
"Stop overthinking it," says your friend, linking her arm through yours. "I swear, you’re gonna have fun."
You let her pull you inside, where the air reeks of alcohol. The energy is infectious though, and despite being outside of your comfort zone, you start to loosen up.
After a few introductions (most of which you forgot immediately), you manage to carve out a comfortable spot in the kitchen, leaning against the counter with a soda can in your hand. Surprisingly, you’re enjoying yourself more than you expected. You’re still not a party person, but it’s nice to let go for a while, to watch the chaos from a safe distance and not worry about exams or deadlines.
Then, just as you start thinking this might not be so bad, your stomach drops.
Jake is standing near the pool table, laughing with his group of friends.
Your body freezes and your heart begins to race. No, no, no. This isn’t happening. Out of all the people in the world, why does he have to be here?
He hasn’t seen you yet, but that doesn’t stop the familiar wave of irritation and, if you’re being honest, a little bit of panic, from crashing over you the moment you realized he was there. Jake, your personal pesterer, the guy who has spent the entire year making you miserable. He’s always got a sharp comment ready, always looking for ways to get under your skin. And now, somehow, he’s here, in the same space, at the same party as you.
Your first instinct is to disappear. Maybe you can blend into the crowd, maybe-
Too late.
His eyes land on you.
You watch in real time as he recognizes your face, followed by something else. A quick curl of his lips into that infuriatingly familiar smirk.
"Well, well," he drawls, abandoning his friends and making his way towards you. "Didn’t expect to see you here."
Your grip tightens around your drink.
"Didn’t expect to be here." you mutter, shifting your weight as he stops in front of you. He looks effortlessly relaxed, dressed in a way that makes it clear he belongs here, like he was made for this kind of scene. Meanwhile, you feel like an imposter.
He tilts his head, his smirk deepening. "So, what happened? Library closed down?"
You roll your eyes. "Wow, you must’ve been saving that one all year."
He chuckles, clearly amused by your growing impatience. "I gotta admit, I’m kind of impressed. Didn’t even think you knew what a party was."
You glare at him, but before you can snap back, your friend suddenly appears at your side, looking between the two of you with an arched brow. "Everything okay?"
Jake doesn’t even glance at her. His focus is still on you, eyes fixated on your nervous figure, despite your attempts to retort.
"Oh, we’re just catching up," he says smoothly.
"Yeah, more like trying to ruin my night" you mutter under your breath.
He grins. "Now, now. I didn't do anything besides try to have a pleasant conversation."
"Are you kidding me?" you muttered under your breath.
Without thinking, you grabbed your best friend by the wrist and pulled her towards a quieter corner of the room.
"Whoa, what was that about?" she yelped.
"Why is he here?" you hissed, jerking your head in Jake’s direction.
She blinked, following your gaze. "Who?"
"Who do you think?"
When she spotted him, a look of realization crossed her face.
"Ohhh, him? Yeah, I invited him."
You gaped at her. "Are you actually insane?"
"Relax," she said, waving a hand. "He’s friends with a bunch of people here. I didn’t think it’d be a big deal."
"Not a big deal?" You stared at her in disbelief. "He makes my life miserable, and you invited him?"
She rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on, y/n. He teases you, yeah, but it’s harmless. He’s actually kinda fun if you get to know him."
"I don’t want to get to know him."
"Well, too late," she said, nudging you playfully. "You’re at the same party. Might as well make the best of it."
You exhaled sharply, resisting the urge to throttle her.
Just then, as if the universe was conspiring against you, Jake glanced back in your direction. The second your eyes met, his lips curled into that infuriating smirk once again.
"So" he drawled, making his way toward you. "You didn’t think I’d see you here, huh?"
Your grip tightened on your best friend’s arm.
"Look, can you just let me have this?" The frustration in your voice clearly displayed. "I don’t want to deal with you tonight."
He raises an eyebrow, lips curling into that all too familiar smirk. "Wow, I didn’t know you were so desperate for a night off from me. I must really be living rent free in that head of yours."
You shoot him a sharp glare, but to your surprise, he just chuckles, raising his hands in a mocking surrender. "Alright, alright. I’ll let you sulk in peace for now."
With one last glance, he turns around, meeting his friends and disappearing into the crowd, leaving you exhaling in relief, but your body still tense.
You’ve been at the party for over an hour now, and to your own shock, you’re not hating it, even after the small encounter. Your best friend was right. Getting out of the house for once wasn’t the worst decision. You even found yourself relaxing a little, laughing at jokes, sipping your soda, and, of course, avoiding Jake as much as possible.
Unfortunately, your luck runs out when someone shouts over the music.
"We’re playing seven minutes in heaven! Everyone get in a circle!"
Your stomach twists. No, absolutely not. No way.
You immediately shake your head and turn to your friend. "Nope. Not happening."
"Oh, come on," she groans. "It’s just a game!"
"Yeah, a game where people get shoved into a closet together for seven minutes," you point out."That sounds like my personal hell."
She rolls her eyes. "You don’t even have to do anything. Half of the time people just talk. It’s just for fun."
You’re still not convinced. You’re about to make a run for it when a hand suddenly lands on your shoulder, stopping you in your tracks.
"Oh, you’re definetly playing"
You already know who it is before you even turn around. Jake stands behind you, looking infuriatingly amused.
"I am not playing," you insist.
"She is!" your friend calls, betraying you in an instant.
Before you can argue, someone grabs your wrist and drags you toward the circle. You shoot a desperate glare at your best friend, who only grins and mouths "you’ll thank me later".
Doubt it.
With a pained sigh, you lower yourself onto the floor. The circle is filled with laughter and excitement. Most people are already whispering about who they hope to get. Meanwhile, you sit stiffly, arms crossed, willing yourself to become invisible.
"Alright," someone announces, shaking a hat filled with slips of paper. "Ladies first!"
One by one, people take turns drawing a name and disappearing into a nearby closet. You silently hope the game will be over before it gets to you, but of course, life isn’t kind like that.
Eventually, the hat is passed to you.
You hesitate. You knew that if you refused now, you’ll just draw more attention to yourself. Sighing, you reach inside and pull out a folded slip of paper. For a brief, hopeful moment, you pray it’s someone harmless.
Then, you unfold it, and your stomach drops.
Jake Sim
Your breath hitches as you stare at the name, hoping it would magically change. Maybe if you blink enough times, you’ll see someone else’s name instead.
No such luck.
"Who’d you get?" someone asks eagerly.
You open your mouth to lie, to make up a name, but before you can, he leans forward, plucking the paper right out of your hands. His laughter is immediate.
"Well, this is going to be interesting."
You glare at him, heart pounding. "I’ll pick again."
"That’s not how it works." someone protests.
"C’mon, rules are rules." Jake chimes in.
You clench your jaw. He’s still looking at you, waiting, enjoying this far too much.
"Fine." you snap. "Let’s get this over with."
Someone cheers as you push yourself up, and before you know it, you’re being ushered towards a small coat closet. He follows you at a relaxed pace, as if this is all just another way for him to mess with you.
The second the door closes behind you, you cross your arms tightly over your chest and sit down on the floor, determined to count down the minutes in silence.
For a while, that’s exactly what happens. Neither of you speak. The only sounds are the muffled bass of the party outside and the occasional distant noise of people speaking.
Then, predictably, he breaks the silence.
"You’re taking this way too seriously."
You don’t respond.
"What? Are you afraid of being alone with me?" he teases.
"No." you mutter.
"You sure? Because you’re standing all the way over there like I’m contagious."
You scowl. "Maybe you are."
He chuckles, amused. "Damn."
Silence again.
Then, softer this time, he speaks as he bends down to sit at your level "You really don’t like me, huh?"
You look away, your throat tightening. "What gave it away?" you say in a sarcastic tone
He sighs. "Look, I know I mess with you a lot. But it’s not that serious."
Suddenly, something in you snaps.
"Not that serious?" you echo, your voice rising. "You humiliate me every chance you get. You make fun of me in front of everyone. You act like I’m some kind of joke- like I’m beneath you. So yeah, it kind of is that serious."
The words spill out before you can stop them. Your voice is thick, emotions bubbling to the surface all at once. You didn’t realize how much had built up until now.
He doesn’t respond right away, but when he finally does, his voice is quieter than you’ve ever heard it.
"I didn’t think it actually bothered you."
You scoff. "Of course it bothers me."
There’s a pause. Then, unexpectedly, he says, "I’m sorry."
You blink in disbelief. "What?"
He exhales. "I mean it. I didn’t think- I just thought it was fun, you know? I didn’t realize I was actually hurting you."
You look at him, really look at him, and before you can process it, there’s a shift in the air. The small space between you two seems to shrink, his apology hanging heavy in the air, dense with unspoken feelings. Your pulse suddenly quickens.
Then, he reaches out.
Your body freezes as his fingers brush against your wrist, the touch barely there. You should pull away, you should, but for some reason, you don’t.
"I didn’t mean to make you feel like that," he murmurs. "I swear."
Your throat tightens. "Then why do it?"
His fingers curl slightly around your wrist, hesitant. His voice is almost too quiet to hear.
"Because it was the only way I knew how to get your attention."
Your heart stops. The space between the two of you shrinks, and something shifts in your chest.
Before you can process it, the door suddenly swings open.
"Time’s up!"
Light floods the tiny space, and you both flinch. Laughter erupts from the crowd outside, but you’re too disoriented to play along.
You step out first, heartbeat hammering in your ears. Jake follows closely behind, his expression unreadable.
"Well?" Your friend asks eagerly. "What happened?"
You open your mouth, but nothing comes out.
You’re still reeling, still processing the fact that everything between you and Jake abruptly changed.
Because he apologized.
Because he meant it.
Because for the first time ever, you don't hate him at all.
a/n: this is my first ever fanfic so I hope it's good ( ◜ᗢ◝ ) if this post does well I might post a part 2!!
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hellodahliah · 2 days ago
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son of the grim reaper: PROLOGUE
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ophelia: *sigh* auntie-... olive: oh please, don't start again! ophelia: but-... olive: i'll tell you when you're finished. ophelia: just a five-minute break that is all i ask for! olive: i swear all your generation is doing is whining. life is not without hardships, ophelia. but fine, you'll have five minutes. ophelia: whose grave are we digging? i mean i don't see a tombstone. olive: oh, ophelia... i was hoping you wouldn't have to find out like this... olive: it's your grave of course. ophelia: haha! y-you're joking, right? olive: no. olive: you really thought i'd die and leave my only beloved niece behind? ophelia: let me go! --- johnny: *whisper* hey, phi... ophelia: *incoherent mumbling* anjelo: i see that some people are too bored to stay awake during class, so i am concluding my very important lecture here. check our learning platform for information about the home assignment. - ophelia: i am so s-sorry, mr. morlind. this won't happen again! anjelo: apology accepted. but that is not why i asked you to stay behind. ophelia: o-okay? anjelo: have you thought about what you want to do after High School? ophelia: yeah, a bit. something creative... maybe. anjelo: you don't need to have a clear plan yet, but it'd be wise to start looking at different University programs and what kind of scholarships you can apply for. ophelia: yes. --- ripp: i am not even allowed to take the school bus, not like i would run away (i totally would) but he wants to be extra and pick me up with his military tank. johnny: what the actual fuck? ripp: yep, that's my life now. anyway it's just for this year, until he thinks you're finally gone. but jokes on him, i have decided to move out and follow you wherever you go. i'll sleep under a bridge if i have to, i don't fucking care. johnny: and will buck be ok with you leaving? ripp: pff, he can come too if he wants to and if you're fine with it. --- ophelia: what the fuck? he is literally isolating you. johnny: you think we can hang out at your workplace? ripp: about that... --- *indistinctive chatter* --- *school bell rings* ___ teacher: alright, that is it then. time to clean up! don't forget to write your name on your artwork! --- tank: nigmos. we need to talk! ophelia: fine, i have something i want to say to you too. tank: then tell me why the fuck my mom is buried in your psycho aunt's garden? ophelia: i have no idea what you're talking about. tank: don't bullshit me! did she kill her? johnny: hey, you better stay away from her! tank: *pushes johnny*
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aringofsalt · 13 hours ago
you are on 🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕 lockdown actually idk what you were thinking adding other WIPs to the list only 🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕 (12 dogs!)
12 dogs 😭 the way this is gonna be like a quarter of the fic lmaoooo
"An...adoption drive?" Bobby asked slowly, looking down at the clipboard Buck had dug out from god knows where.
"Yeah!" Buck replied excitedly. "I was talking to James, you know, the guy from the shelter from the other day? They were full when the fire happened, and we got everyone out, but now they're down to less than half capacity until they can get the repairs done, and none of the shelters around can help because they're also full. So I thought maybe we could help out, get some visibility."
Buck turned on his own puppy eyes then. Bobby would never admit it, but Athena had made many comments about them working on him far more often than they really should.
He sighed. "Fine. But you're organizing it."
Two days later, by some miracle of planning and sheer determination—and more than a few cans of Red Bull—the firehouse was full of barking, meowing, and even the occasional chirp. They'd had a steady stream of people all day, and far more of them had actually adopted than Buck expected. He stood next to James, matching grins on their faces as a pair of twins walked away with their mom and a bonded trio of kittens.
"I can't believe how well this is going," Buck said happily. He turned to James, who was already looking up at him, smiling softly, and his own smile faltered for a second.
"It's all thanks to you," James said, gently nudging their elbows together. "I don't know how you got this together so fast. I should give you my number, get you on the board at the shelter, I could use you."
"Oh, yeah, I—I love helping out—"
"Hi, I'm so sorry, I was wondering if I could meet that cat over there?"
James gave his arm a squeeze and went to go help the woman who'd interrupted him, and Buck sighed, face falling as soon as James wasn't looking at him anymore.
"You know he was flirting with you, right?"
He'd been so lost in thought he hadn't even noticed Chimney coming up behind him.
"Yeah, I know."
"And you're... not going to do anything about that?" Chimney asked slowly.
Buck shrugged. "Nah."
Chimney opened his mouth, clearly about to start in on a lecture, but Buck was saved when one of the other shelter employees came in, struggling with three dogs on leashes and a fourth in her arms.
"Hey, let me help you with that," Buck offered, reaching for the dog she was holding before the poor thing could squirm its way into falling to the floor.
"Thank you," she said gratefully. "Billie gets so stressed out with change, poor girl. It's been a rough few days."
"I bet." Buck stroked her little forehead, cradling her gently against his chest. "Hi, Billie!"
She was a tiny thing, practically able to fit in one of his hands, with soft blonde fur that fluffed up around her ears and on her tail. Her eyes seemed to take up half her face, deep brown and soulful and looking up at him with the most trusting expression he'd ever seen. He hadn't been around a dog in years, but one look in Billie's eyes and he knew he wasn't going home without her.
"You want to what."
Eddie sounded unimpressed.
"Uh, house sit for you?" Buck winced. "Look, just for a week or two, I know you're still looking for renters and I don't want to mess with that. I can just—I dunno, take care of the house for a while instead of you having to pay the real estate guy to do it."
"How the hell did you forget your apartment doesn't allow pets? Again? Didn't this happen with that dog a few years back?"
"Hoover," Buck supplied. "But, come on, Eddie, look at this face." He flipped the camera, zooming in on Billie, who was happily playing in the corner of the room with one of her new toys. "She doesn't bark, we've been really lucky so far, but sooner or later somebody's going to notice me smuggling her in and out for pee breaks."
make me write!
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hanquokka-mochimochicheeks · 15 hours ago
♡ First Love ♡
Han Jisung x (f) reader Word count: 2.3k Genre: first love, smut, highschool, one-shot warnings: marking ⋆ creampie ⋆ inexperienced han and inexperienced reader ⋆ oral (f. receiving) ⋆ multiple orgasms ⋆ cunnilingus ⋆ squirting ⋆
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
It's nearing the end of summer but for some reason the heat is the worst it's been all week. A drop of sweat drips down your neck as you chat away with your friend on the grass. There's a river that runs through your high school and the shade of the trees along it is the only escape from the scorching heat during lunch break.
You're telling your friend all about the good looking boy you sat across from on the bus the other day and gushing over how he looked while your friend listens with sympathy.
"He had this wavy, chocolate coloured hair that fell in front of his glasses when he was reading. I saw him flick his head to move it and his face was so pretty I thought my soul was going to leave my body when I saw it!", you say. "I get you like looking at cute boys and admiring them, but how about you actually try talking to one?", your friend teases. "Maybe ~", you reply unconvincingly. "And then", you continue, blushing as you recall it, "he flicked his hair away again and we made eye contact!" Your friend rolls her eyes and replies, "In all seriousness, you need a boyfriend or at least some interaction with the male population."
You know she's right; you don't have any male friends or in fact anyone of the opposite sex in your life, apart from family and teachers. Attending an all girls school makes making male friends harder than you had expected.
While all this was going on, you yet again fail to notice a certain chocolate-haired boy watching you from across the river for the fourth day in a row. Han Jisung watches you talking with your friend from the opposite side of the river through the trees. Perched on a rock with a book in his lap he makes sure not to miss any of your movements and expressions as he admires you from afar.
Han is in no way a model student but he has impressive grades despite that. He seems like a quiet nerd but in reality he's carefree and loud. He does whatever he feels like doing and skips school often.
His heart and mind were somehow captivated the first time he saw you as he was wandering by the river. The way your long wavy hair dangled around your shoulders, how your smile seemed to radiate all the way to where he stood and how your elegant movements and your silly ones mesmerized him was beyond his understanding. He's desperate to speak to you at least once, even just to hear how your voice sounds.
As the bell rings and you're getting ready leave your class on the second floor, you spot someone through the window. Looking down at the gap in between the trees, you see a person sitting on a rock and leaning on a thin branch with their head sagged downwards on an angle towards the water. Thinking they might fall in, you rush down the stairs past all the people and out the building.
Running down the path and across the bridge towards the person as your bag thumps against your side, you realize he's falling asleep. Worried you'll startle him, you make your way behind the rock he's on. He looks familiar but you can't tell where you've seen him before, especially since you're looking at his back.
You reach out to grab his shoulders to make him lean away from the water. He suddenly jolts forward in surprise at the touch, causing you both to lose your balance and fall into the river. The cool water gives you a shock and you struggle to lift yourself out. Even though the river is only thigh deep your whole uniform is soaked.
You almost forget about the person you just failed to save when you hear splashing and cursing coming from behind you. A chill runs through your spine as a strong grip takes hold of your wrist. Your throat closes in fear as he says, "Who the hell are you and how did we both end up in this damn river?" "You were nodding off and I tried to stop you from falling in but I didn't expect you to pull away like that...", you trail off at how utterly stupid you sound. Expecting to hear an exasperated response, you raise your head upwards to see a look of complete shock painted on his face.
Now you properly see his face, you notice how insanely handsome he is; large eyes, perfect bone structure, a toned body and in particular you notice his chocolate coloured hair that is dripping with river water.
Realizing who you are, the one and only girl Han had been obsessing over for the past few days, he composes himself and lets go of your wrist. "Thanks for trying to help, I guess," he says, laughing awkwardly, "and I'm sorry if I scared you.
Perhaps it's because of the relief that he's not mad or just the strange and hopeless situation you're in or how cute he looks - all wet and sad puppy like - you let out a laugh. Han malfunctions for a second when he hears your laugh for the first time and then tentatively asks, "Are you free now?" "Well I can't exactly walk home like this", you say gesturing to your wet see-through shirt. Han feels his face heat up as he looks at your chest and quickly averts his gaze.
You end up talking for a while as you sit next to each other in the sunshine facing the river. "That's right!", you exclaim, "I saw you on the bus the other day ~ I knew you looked familiar!" Han looks at you in surprise as his thoughts slip out and he says, "but I definitely would've remembered seeing you-" "You were completely in your own world; reading and listening to music", you reply. "O-oh that makes sense", Han splutters, realizing you heard him. Han didn't know what was wrong with him; he's never this flustered or the blushing mess he's become.
"Would you like to come over to my place to dry off and I can give you a change of clothes?", Han suggests and adds, "it's just down the road." By this time your clothes were mostly dry but a change of clothes sounded nice; his clothes. "That sounds perfect," you say, your mind a scramble of relief and anticipation.
Soon enough you're in his room getting changed into one of his t-shirts. You've removed your soggy bra and underwear leaving you in only your skirt that had luckily dried.
Even the thought of you changing in his room into one of his t-shirts was too much to handle and he only just noticed a bulge that appeared under his sweatpants.
You open the door and when Han sees you he's speechless. You do a quick spin and ask him how you look but all he can do is avoid eye contact to stay calm. He tries to erase the image in his mind of when your skirt lifted as you spun around.
Breaking the silence, Han offers to braid your hair as it's become a bit of a mess since falling in the river. Gratefully, you accept and sit yourself down on his bed, turning away from him.
You flinch slightly as his fingers graze your neck while he's dividing the hair. You can feel his soft breath from behind and the warmth of his body even though the room is already hot.
"All done!", he says a little proudly. "How about I give you a massage as a thank you then?", you suggest. "Really?", Han says in disbelief. "Lie down on your stomach", you tell him. Next, you're sitting on top of him and massaging down his back. His shoulders are wide and muscular and his waist is incredibly thin. You giggle as the thought of his back feeling like a big muscly marshmallow pops into your head.
Han's sure it feels incredible but all he can focus on is the discomfort of his dick pushing into his stomach from below. His body is still tense under your touch despite your efforts to help him relax. As you find your hands focusing too much on massaging the sides of his slim waist, you scold yourself internally. "Now turn over", you command. Han panics but it's too late. You've already pushed him over in his jelly like state. Your eyes widen as you pause to look at the bulge in his sweatpants.
"Can I... touch it?", you ponder out loud. But before Han can answer you're pulling the waistband down and taking in the view. It's long and curved with a couple of veins running down the sides. Han groans and you stare down at him in fascination before lightly holding his dick and tasting the precum off your fingers. Han almost cums at the sight and muffles a moan. You begin stroking his dick and Han covers his face with his hand and lets out another pretty moan. The tip is pink and dripping with precum as you continue exploring his dick with your hands. He's a flustered wreck below you and you can't help but wish you could ingrain the sight into your brain. He starts trembling and repeatedly moans your name as his dick twitches and your hands are covered in his cum.
"Shit, I'm so sorry it's just you were too pretty and it felt so good and I might be in love with you and I've been thinking about you way too much and and-", he says as you cut him off with a quick kiss. Not how you expected your first kiss to turn out but it was still perfect somehow.
"I might be in love with you too", you confess, feeling a little overwhelmed but happy. Han looked dazed but excited at the reply to his sudden confession.
He swept you into a hug and kissed you until you were both gasping for air. He kept kissing down your neck with his soft puffy lips, giving you little shivers of pleasure until he reached your collar bone where he sucked hard at your skin making you gasp as he left red marks. He began playing with your breasts before focusing on your nipples, licking and twisting them. He kept his intense gaze fixed on your face so he could catch all your expressions to how he was making you feel.
You gasp in surprise as his hot wet tongue starts licking inside and around your ear making you flinch at the sensitivity. He continues kissing all the way down your stomach and your inner thighs with such tenderness and care you almost feel bad about the slightly rough handjob you gave him earlier.
Han holds you knees apart as he studies your dripping pussy and tries blowing on it. He marvels as you flinch and clench around nothing. "At least our curiosity goes both ways", you think to yourself.
Covering his fingers in your juices he gently tries rubbing your clit and you arch your back at the feeling. Taking this as a good sign he begins licking it and inserts his middle and ring fingers into your pussy. His fingers are long and slightly rough as he strokes your g-spot and he begins sucking on your clit. Too much was happening at once for your brain to take in and all of sudden you're squirting on his beautiful face but he's too out of it to care as if he's drunk on your pussy.
You think you must've blacked out at some point and as soon as you're back you're cumming again. "Awh this time you didn't squirt baby", whines Han as if he just lost a videogame. "We'll have to try again okay?", he says. You're in too much of a daze to reply so you just nod.
His fingers speed up and his tongue moves faster before lightly nibbling on your clit. Your insides spasm as the clear liquid shoots out again and you begin seeing stars. Your brain's empty apart from Han and you couldn't focus on shit even if you wanted to.
You're so overstimulated and it all feels like a dream but then you hear Han say, "Come on baby I know you can take more than this." And he's not wrong; you're craving more but whether you can handle it is a different story.
He turns you over like a ragdoll onto your stomach and raises your hips up to his. The fucked out look on your face is short circuiting his brain and all at once he's inside you.
You feel him twitching deep inside you. His hand presses down on the bulge on your stomach making you clench even more around him. He starts relentlessly pushing in and out of you the same way you go in and out of consciousness. The pleasure's driving you both insane and soon you're cumming and trembling around his cock. He doesn't slow down until he's cumming too and the hot liquid is coating your insides and leaving you shaking and whimpering with your eyes rolled back as you clutch the bedsheets.
"Are you okay baby?", Han asks, his eyes big and full of concern. It's already morning and you're still in Han's bed. You try getting up before realizing how weak you are, never mind the rest of Han's cum pouring out between your thighs. "Han, I'm not too sure I can move ~ ", you complain, more surprised than mad. It's hard to be mad when your boyfriend wakes you up looking this cute.
You reach for your phone smiling and message your friend 'I got a boyfriend (^///^)'.
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mothstvrnz · 2 days ago
ʚ♡ɞ・"WHAT'S UP DANGER?" 0.5・ʚ♡ɞ
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"Before we begin, I'd like to say something, well, maybe two things. Possibly three, or four, or maybe even five things-?" The hero says awkwardly while you put your mask on. "Listen carefully, I'm sure you're aware I have a powerful quirk, it's called 'Black Hole.' I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust." Thirteen explains, holding her hand up. "That's right! You've used Black Hole to save people from all kinds of disasters before, haven't you?" Izuku asks while Uraraka is eagerly nodding her head at everything that's said. "That's true, but my quirk could very easily be used to kill." Thirteen says grimly. "Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous. In our superhuman society, all quirks are certified and stringently regulated, so we often overlook how unsafe they can actually be. Please don't forget that if you lose focus, or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly." Thirteen continues to explain with a short pause.
"Even if you're trying to do something virtuous, like rescue someone. Thanks to Aizawa's fitness tests, you have a solid idea of your quirk's potential, and because of All Might's combat training, you likely experienced how dangerous your powers can be.when used against other people. Carry those lessons over to this class.Today, you're going to learn how to use our quirks to save people's lives. You won't be using your powers to attack enemies or each other, only to help. After all, that's what being a hero's all about, saving others." She concludes with balling her fist up. While she was talking about that, you couldn't help but think of how your quirk could be dangerous. Sure, Bakugo's could easily be dangerous, he has explosions for heaven's sake, but you? You've got spider webs, sure you've got that adrenaline boost thing, but, what good is that?
You're freed from your thoughts as your classmates around you cheer with excitement. "Right, now that that's over,-" Aizawa begins before the lights around the facility begin to short circuit and buzz out, and the fountain stops. You squint your eyes to see below what was appearing, but to your surprise, it's a portal with a man stepping out. "Stay together and don't move! Thirteen, protect the students!" Aizawa yells. "Whoa, what is that thing?" Kirishima asks upon seeing people step out of the portal. "Has the training started already? I thought we were rescuing people?" Kirishima asks and takes a small step forward. "Stay back!" Aizawa snaps. "This is real, those are villains." He says while putting on his yellow goggles.
"What the fuck is that thing?" You ask nobody in particular as you see a giant monstrous thing step out of the portal. It's clearly strong with bulging muscles, but that's not what's scary about it. Its brain is exposed and instead of a normal mouth, it has a yellow beak with sharp teeth poking out. Its eyes are wide and the only human-like thing about them is a black pupil.
"The only real heroes I see here are Erasure Head and Thirteen. Perplexing, according to the schedule we retrieved from UA,, All Might was also supposed to be here." The giant purple smoke with yellow eyes said with a deep voice. "So you scumbags used the press as a cover and sneaked onto campus." Aizawa accused while getting into a fighting stance. You watch as Aizawa's hair and scarf flare up while the rest of you sit back and watch.
Fear strikes through you like a rattlesnake would its prey, except the villains are the rattlesnake and you're the prey. However, as soon as that fear freezes your veins, the ice is replaced with the familiar intense heat of adrenaline. This isn't the normal adrenaline you cherish so much, it's the kind of adrenaline that courses through your veins to keep you on your toes, but in all reality, you can't get enough. Your brain tingles as your body shakes with the urge to fight the villains in front of you and your class.
"What? Real villains? How could so many of them get into a UA facility this secure?" Kirishima asks from somewhere in front of you, and Yaomomo is quick to chip in. "Yeah, Thirteen, why aren't the alarms going off?" Thirteen looks around the facility before replying. "Good question. I'm not sure." Thirteen answers with fear evident in her voice. More of your classmates speculate about the situation, but a voice next to you distracts you.
"Bug, you alright? You're shaking like a goddamn chihuahua." Bakugo scoffs from your side. Your (e/c) eyes look at his crimson ones, and if you look close enough, you can see a small, teeny-tiny hint of fear. You had heard he was attacked by a sludge villain a while back, was he scared because the thought of villains brought him back to that danger?
"Yeah, I just haven't felt adrenaline this good in a while." You admit while shaking your hands out and grinning like a mad-man at the villains. You feel his gaze harden as he looks at you, but he scoffs and looks to the fight ahead. You're about to turn and say something to Katsuki, but Aizawa beats you to it.
"Thirteen, get them out of here and alert the main campus. Actually, if they've got the ability to block the censors, then they might be jamming our regular communication system as well. Kaminari, try using your quirk to contact the school." Aizawa instructs, Kaminari doing as told immediately. "What're you going to do? You can't fight them on your own! There's too many of them, even if you can nullify their quirks, your fighting style's not suited for this. Your power works best in stealth and one-on-one fights. That's not gonna help against a group." Deku tries to reason.
"You can't be a pro if you only have one trick." Aizawa says while readjusting his goggles. "I'll leave it to you, Thirteen." He says before jumping down the flight of stairs and in front of three people. In a matter of seconds, he ties them all up in his scarf and hits their heads together with enough force to knock them out. He goes on to knock out villain, after villain, after villain with such ease it's incredible.
You're sitting there watching the group of villains as you stand next to Izuku. You're just itching, twitching, basically freaking out that you can't go down there to fight. When adrenaline courses through your veins, it's never normal adrenaline. It's always boosted in a way, never fades away like normal, and always lasts longer than it would with any normal person. Not only that, but it's so, so incredibly more influential than a normal person's adrenaline. You don't hear the voices of your classmates around you, the only sounds coming into your brain like fuzzy radio signals.
Upon noticing Izuku begin to run, you force yourself to follow suit, the little voice that you like to think belongs to Adrenaline Rush screams at you to go down there, use your current adrenaline and then continue to fight using your special ability. Adrenaline always feels odd in your body, like fire and ice clashing in an internal battle as it tries to make you run away or stay and fight. You get close to the entrance, but get stopped by the same purple portal freak that brought all the villains here.
"There is no escape for you. It's a pleasure to meet you, we are the League of Villains, and I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say 'hello'. And besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Might, the symbol of peace to take his last breath? I believe he was supposed to be here today, and yet I see no sign of him. There must've been some change in plans we could not have foreseen. Oh well, in the end, I suppose it doesn't matter, I still have a role to play." The purple cloud of smoke finishes as he begins to grow in size, but you see two of your friends begin to get into a fighting stance, clearly about to launch at the villain.
The loud commanding voice of your adrenaline screams and screams, yells and yells. 'Go fight with them, use the pent up adrenaline. Go fight with them, use the pent up adrenaline. Go fight with them-' it gets louder, and meaner every time until you can't take it anymore. Fuck it. Who's going to stop you besides yourself? You bite your lip and jump up at the villain just behind Bakugo and Kirishima, the two boys let out an intense yell, which you're biting back laughter at the feeling of finally being able to burn off your adrenaline. Bakugo lets off blast after blast, and you make the mental note to thank your friend in the support course to thank her for making your suit more blast and fire proof.
"Did you think we were just going to stand here and let you tear this place to shreds?" Kirishima challenges with a toothy grin. The grey smoke from Katsuki's explosions fades away, and the voice of the villain fills the air. The same loud voice of your adrenaline is yelling at you for more, more, more, more, more, but you don't get to do such a thing. "You live up to your school's reputation, but you should pay more attention, children, otherwise, someone might get hurt." The void says before Thirteen gets the chance to speak.
"You three, get out of the way, right now!" She says in a panic before the villain speaks once more. "I'll scatter you across this facility to meet my comrades, and your death!" The purple smoke laughs. "You guys, hold on tight!" You yell to Bakugo and Kirishima as you shoot as many strong strands of web you can spare to the ground and at the two boys next to you to hold on. "I don't need your damn webs, bug!" Katsuki yells over the raging wind, but hangs on tight despite his complaining. Around you, classmates are thrown up into the air, and around the facility, one by one, you're all separated. "Bakugo, (L/N)!" Kirishima yells as the webbing breaks apart, thread by thread until everyone of you are thrown from each other.
"Fuuuuuckkk!!" You yell as you begin falling through the sky with Kirishima and Bakugo falling not far from you. "Okay, assess the situation. Where are you?" You think to yourself while looking around at the environments you're about to land in. You recognize the area as the collapsing zone Thirteen had pointed out upon your arrival. "Kirishima, Bakugo!" You yell as you send a line of web to the ground to help bring yourself closer without damage. "(L/N)!" Kirishima yells out as Bakugo carefully lands onto the ground.
You get to the ground and send out a bundle of webs to help soften Kirishima's fall, which does a great job. "Bug? You got thrown here with us?" Katsuki asks while you three circle up with backs facing each other, villains circling around you three. "No sweat, we'll squash these guys with ease!" Kirishima confidently while throwing up his arms, skin turned into jagged points. "Heh, no fucking problem, let's show them what happens when you mess with Class 1-A!" Katsuki cackles while his hands begin to fizzle and pop with explosions. "Hah! They're delusional if they think they've got a fighting chance at killin' us! Fucking losers. Make sure to keep up boys!"
You cackle with excitement while sending out webs to pick up two of the villains in front and hit their heads together, tossing their knocked out bodies to the side as the villains begin to charge with yells. Katsuki lets out a yell of his own as he begins to blast villains left and right, while Kirishima charges, punching villains without mercy. You know everyone around the facility is fighting for their lives, and reminding yourself of that only makes the adrenaline pushing through your body louder and meaner in your head.
Your vision begins to blur from the adrenaline rush of fighting real villains, blood begins to seep onto your abused tongue, the sweet taste of metal invades every inch of your mouth as you either knock out, or tie up each villain that's within your reach. Your heart feels like it's being both electrified and doused into a pool of acid within seconds after the other. You shake yourself from your intense adrenaline rush after feeling Kirishima's hand on your shoulder.
"Yo, man, are you okay? You were shaking, like, super badly." Kirishima asks as you turn to face him with a shuddering breath pushing past your lips. "Yeah, just.. Just fine." You say as tingles of what feels like static energy pulse through you. "If you say so.. Let's hurry and find the rest of our class. If us three are still in the USJ, then everyone else probably is, too. Not all of them have the offensive skills we do. We gotta make sure they're safe, especially since we screwed things up when we got in the way earlier. If Thirteen had been able to suck up that villain, then we never would've been separated like that. We have to help the others" Eijiro explains with a huff.
"If you wanna track down the others do that, but i'm going to destroy that warpy bastard." Bakugo snarls, getting a confused look from both you and Kirishima. "What in the world are you going on about? Our physical attacks didn't do a thing to that purple bastard." You say with confusion. "Would you shut up? I'm going to take him down because he's their way in and out! If I cut off their escape route, they'll be stuck here and have to pay for what they've done. We'll just have to figure a way out." Katsuki says, snapping in your face, canines peeking past his lips.
Suddenly, he reaches over and sends off an explosion at a villain that was invisible. You feel your eyes widen from astonishment at the fact he knew the villain was there. "Anyway, if all these villains are small fry like these guys were, then our classmates can handle 'em." Katsuki explains as he holds up a guy with a chameleon quirk. "Woah, that reaction time was insane, also, since when do you act so calm and rational?" Ejiro asks. "Bad question there, Kirishima." You mumble to him before Katsuki can reply.
"I'm always calm and rational, you red-haired loser!" Katsuki angrily barks. "Yeah, there you are!" Kirishima laughs before Katsuki scoffs. "Go find the others if you want to." He says while he begins to walk away before he's stopped by the redhead next to you. "Hey, I think what you're really saying is that you believe in our classmates, and that's thinkin' like a man, Bakugo." He says with a toothy grin and clashing his fists together.
You bite back a small laugh as he rolls his eyes and grumbles something incoherent to you. "What was that?" You tease as you hear the voice in your head begin to quiet down. "Nothing ya' damn bug." He grumbles.
"Oh my... All Might!" You basically cry as you, Kirishima, and Bakugo step out of the zone you just cleared, but how are you supposed to feel now that you see what that Nomu freak is doing to him. Katsuki is already blasting off, letting out a yell. "There, the fight is just right there!" Adrenaline rush yells at you, and you feel so forced to use it now because,��what the hell, it's either the bird fuck kills you, or you kill it. That's just how it'll go, no way around it. You feel tears spill over your eyes from the adrenaline pushing through your entire body.
It feels so good, so painfully good. Your vision blurs as your heart rate increases and breathing speeds up. Fuck. The adrenaline just feels too good to ignore. Your body shakes with overwhelming power as raw energy zaps rhythmically through your body. You open your eyes and shoot web after web towards All Might. You fail to notice the way you slowly begin to catch up with the blasting blonde boy, and Izuku running towards you guys just the same.
Because of the sweet static pulsing through you you're so much faster than normal and you almost want to laugh because how can something feel so good? As you get closer, and Midoriya's hand gets in range of the purple smoke freak, Katsuki lets off an explosion, "Get the hell outta my way, Deku!" He yells as you watch Bakugo pin the body of smoke to the floor, and ice rakes up the entire body of the Nomu. You help by webbing the metal piece that must be protecting the body of the warp villain and move on to web the arm of the Nomu to the ground. You turn to see the half-and-half haired boy, eyes glaring at the villains. "One of your poorly trained thugs told me you're here because you think you can kill All Might." Todoroki says bordly.
All Might pries himself free of the Nomu's grip, his hands now laid flat to the ground because of your webbing. "Are you okay?" Deku asks All Might with tears in his eyes while Kirishima jumps from the air and lands less than a foot away from the hand fetish villain. That desirable acidic burn you can only get from using your ability starts whispering things to you again. It begs and pleads for more, and you want to listen, you really do, but what else is there for you to attack?
Words are muffled from your friends as you feel your body shake and hands fly up to your mask. "Oh this feels so, oh so good!" You say with a small laugh to yourself. You're broken from your thoughts as the blue haired villain begins to talk. "Kurogiri, how could you let this brat get the best of you? You've gotten us into a real jam here." He complains, ah, so the purple warp has a name.
You hear slight muffles of voices around you, but you're so focused on the Nomu, it's hard to hear. That hand villain says one simple word, its name, and suddenly the bird monster is back to life. It moves itself out of the portal even at the cost of its right arm snapping through the web and breaking off because of Todoroki's ice. It snaps your strengthened webs as if they're nothing.
You want to vomit as it regenerates half of its body. The way you watch as each necessary thing falls into place, being created from nothing is sickening. You aren't able to decipher what the voices around you say. The little voice of adrenaline gets louder, telling you things you don't want to listen to, but hey, what's the point of it telling you things if you're just going to ignore them? While it speaks, a particular sentence sticks out from the rest. "Watch as they prepare to fight, they're not prepared for killing if it's necessary." Now that's one hell of a thought.
"First we need to free our method of escape, get him, Nomu." The head villain instructs, to which the Nomu heads straight for Bakugo."Katsuki!" You scream, sending webs around him as quickly as you can, you lower the density so they move through the air faster. In a matter of seconds, you wrap him in webbing and yank him towards you guys all while a flash moves to Bakugo at the same time.
"Woah, (Y/N), you managed to save him!" Deku says with shock, but you know for a fact that you didn't do that yourself. "No I didn't, All Might had to have helped in some way." You say from your spot on the ground as you undo the webs around Katsuki's body, his crimson eyes are widened slightly with his skin a tone paler. "These are kids, and you didn't hold back?" All Might asks with disgust in his voice, followed by a glare. "I didn't have a choice, he was threatening my companion, besides, these kids are no angels. The plain looking one? He tried to kill me with a maxed out punch. What kind of 'hero' does that? You think you can get away with being as violent as you want, as long as you say it's for the sake of others." The man hidden behind a hand says with his scratchy voice filling the air. "Well you know what, All Might, that pisses me off. Why do people get to decide that some violent acts are heroic and others are villainous? Casting judgement as to what's 'good' and what's 'evil'. You think you're the symbol of peace? Ha! You're just another government-sponsored instrument of violence, and violence always breeds more violence. I'll make sure the world understands that once you're dead."
As the villain rants about heroism, you feel a deeper part of your adrenaline say something that sounds so far away, you're not sure what it is, like a sudden gust of wind that leaves no signs of ever coming, but before you can make any guesses, it's gone again. "You're nothing but a lunatic. Criminals like you always try to make your actions sound noble, but admit it; you're only doing this because you like it, isn't that right?" All Might asks the scrawny man in front of you.
"We've got them out numbered." Todoroki says from beside you. "Right, and Kacchan figured out the mist guys' weakness." Izuku adds before Kirishima speaks up. "These dudes may act really tough, but we can take them down now with All Might's help. Let's do this." He says, flashing a few of his sharp teeth. "Yeah, let's kick some villain ass." You add with a challenging smirk, the eyes on your mask showing your expression perfectly.
"Don't fight. Get out of here." All might instructs, holding his arm out to show that you and your classmates won't be sitting here fighting the big fight. "You would've been in trouble if it weren't for me, remember? You need our help." Todoroki says coldly while holding out his hand, preparing to launch more ice if necessary. "I thank you for your assistance, but this is different. It's going to be alright, just sit back and watch a pro at work." All Might argues.
"But you're too hurt. You're bleeding, and you're almost out of-" Midoriya says, pointing out the obvious, but cutting himself off at the end. What did he mean? 'Out of time, out of energy'? You're pulled from our thoughts as you see the hand freak come running towards your group of five. "Heads up, guys, looks like we're fighting after all." Kirishima says, getting into a fighting stance and activating his quirk. You all do the same, but things change up in an instant when All Might begins to fight the Nomu with a renewed determination.
"Didn't you hear me, idiot, one of his powers is shock absorption!" The blue haired villain yells, but All Might simply ignores him and begins throwing punches faster than your human eye can follow. Wind pressure begins to build up from the fight, causing the villain that was just running at you to fly a bit away, leaving you and your classmates struggling to stay in place. You hold yourself down with a bit of webs as you feel the first sign of Adrenaline Rush leaving your system. "No! No! No! Not now! Now has got to be one of the worst possible timings!" You yell internally as your eyelids feel heavy after a simple blink.
"He's going to fight that brain guy head on!?" Deku asks out loud while struggling against the wind pressure. You notice a small stutter in Nomu's punches, small, but still a stutter. "A real hero will always find a way for justice to be served!" All Might yells as he throws Nomu into the ground; before speaking once more. "Now you may have heard these words before, but always go Plus Ultra!" He yells as he punches the monstrosity up into the air and out the glass dome of the USJ. "That was like a finishing move in a video game. He beat the shock absorption right out of him. I've never seen that kind of brute strength!" Kirishima says in astonishment, while you sit there staring at the hole in the glass. "Hell yeah, All Might beat the shit outta' that bird freak" You say with a chuckle before Bakugo speaks up. "Imagine having that kind of strength, he must've been punching that monster so fast, he couldn't regenerate" Bakugo says with his mouth slightly left open.
"You've been bested villains, surrender. We all want to get this over with quickly" All Might instructs as you watch smoke come off from his body. You watch as the scrawny villain begins to grumble and mumble to himself as he intensely scratches his neck. "What's wrong? Not attacking? Didn't you say you were gonna' clear this level earlier? Well, come and get me, if you dare." All Might threatens despite clearly being tired.
"Man this is... intense." Bakugo says from your side, causing you to turn and see his widened eyes. "As I expected, there's no reason for us to fight now, he'll handle this." Todoroki says as they begin to walk off, with you sticking behind to try and get Midoriya to follow. "C'mon Midoriya, (L/N), we should regroup with the other guys, last thing we want to do is be taken hostage or get in his way." Kirishima says with the other two boys.
"Deku?" You try to ask, nudging his shoulder a bit, but it's no use. Whatever he's thinking about, it's intense. By now, you're so close to passing out on the spot it isn't even funny, you're fighting a whole other battle to keep your eyes from closing and from keeping your body from collapsing.
"What, are you scared?" You hear All Might's voice boom before Kirogiri speaks. "Tomura Shigaraki! Please do not fret. Look at him, he has definitely weakened, Nomu's attacks were successful. He's on his own, the children appear to be frozen in fear, and look, our underlings are recovering. We likely still have a few minutes before their reinforcements arrive. If you and I work together, we can do this. We haven't missed our chance to kill All Might." The mist says, getting Shikiraki to calm down
"Shit, okay, not good. You're about to pass out and there's more fighting to do. Wonderful." You think to yourself while you shakily prepare yourself into a fighting stance. You're not sure how strong your webs will be now, but it'll have to do. "All Might can hold his own against those two main guys, let's make sure these dudes don't hurt anyone else." Kirishima says, preparing himself for battle.
You watch as Izuku disappears and reappears right next to All Might. "Woah, Midoriya!" Kirishima calls out after you all find him in the air. He yells something you can't understand before a hand reaches out of Kirogiri's must and aims right for Izuku's face. The hand is mere inches away from Deku before a gunshot goes off and shoots a hole straight through the pale hand More gunshots go off before you turn to see principal Nezu standing with more heroes than you care to count with Iida straight in front.
"Your class rep has returned! I've fulfilled my duty, and I've brought reinforcements!"
Chapter .06 teaser quote: "Fine, if he wants to be rivals, I'll be waiting."
Chapter .06 will be posted on March 8, 2025
Taglist: @mystic60@cupkiki
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cakeinpants · 1 day ago
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He, Pat, a Mudokon, stood right in front of the CEO of the Palace herself.
"So, Oddett... I've heard you and Mr. Jabodo got into a bit of a.. disagreement. And that preparations for your next performance aren't going so smoothly..." The Oktigi inquired. "I would like to hear what you have to say about that..."
Her drone companion, Maximus, stood by her side as always. He avoided eye contact with the dancer and looked pale.
Overwhelmed and intimidated by talking with a person of such authority, Pat tried his best to keep composure and sound clear and confident. He was in disbelief that Delvona actually decided to hear him out. He had nothing to depend on but his words now, and there was nothing left for him to do but to speak his truth, and hope that his value to the Palace might help him be heard.
"Madame Delvona... I sincerely hope for your understanding. I can not continue working in the conditions that Mr. Jabodo is putting me through."
"Jabodo is a respected art director and trainer of the Palace." Delvona argued. "There's never been any problems before." (At least, problems that weren't covered up for him, but she wasn't going to mention that, of course.)
"The things he's asking from me are far beyond what I'm willing to do. Not out of selfishness, but out of respect for my art and for what my Master taught me..."
The Qktigi thoughtfully put a tentacle to her cheek.
"Now... I want to give you a chance to come to an agreement. I'll ask Mr. Jabodo to be.. easier with you." The Oktigi offered. "I suggest you go back to training and we forget about this little misunderstanding. It'll be for the best for all of us."
"I'm sorry, Madame Delvona.. I don't think I can accept that offer."
Delvona's eyes narrowed.
"What are you expecting, then?"
"I-if..." That was a bold move but he had to try. "If you could grant me the permission.. I can work for the Palace as an independent contractor."
"Absolutely not. That's out of the question." She declined sharply barely letting the dancer finish speaking. "A Mudokon can't be working here on independent conditions."
"But it's possible-"
"Not in practice, it's not."
"I can make it work! It won't affect preparations for concerts. I'll still be attending the same rehearsals.. All I'm asking for is some freedom of action and I will give you results in return-"
"I said it's NOT an option. I can't have that kind of reputation for the Palace."
The dancer swallowed nervously.
"In that case the only thing I can suggest is that you let me go. I'm ready to resign from my duties as the Palace's Principal Dancer."
For a split second Delvona's face lost it's imperturbable expression.
"Yes. Send me wherever else. Sell me to a different owner or company.. I know there's people who are ready to offer a lot."
"If you think things are bad for you here, you're not ready for how they'll be if you leave." The Oktigi warned. "Are you trying to bargain with me?"
"Not at all. Whatever your decision, I will accept it humbly, even if you find my behaviour prompts punishment.. but the only thing I will refuse to do is continue my work in current situation."
Madame Delvona went silent, seemingly pondering something. She then calmly exhaled.
"Now you will listen to me, and you will listen carefully. I offer you two options...
Option one — you will return to your duties as normally and we forget this conversation ever happened. You will perform and you will never speak of this again.
Option two..." She nodded somewhere to the side...
The dancer's blood ran cold as he felt the cold touch of steel against his head.
"... you're not leaving this room."
One of the guard Sligs held a gun to the dancer's head.
Maximus flinched and almost yelled out at the slig to stop. But Delvona's ties were stronger than instinct. He stopped himself, staying quiet by the Oktigi's side with a terrified look.
"You see, Patrick, I can't let you get into anyone else's hands. Not to mention what news of you leaving to work for someone else will do to our reputation... I'm not dealing with all that trouble.
It will, on the other hand, be much easier to make it look like an unfortunate, tragic accident...
A brilliant dancer lost to grief for his Master not long after the tragedy... devastated devotees competing for last records of his dancing in Palace's possession... And the rebels are to blame for it all." She painted an imaginary picture.
"The Palace won't ever let you go.
Do you understand?"
The mudokon stood frozen, unable to utter a word.
"Take off your shirt."
With shaking hands, the dancer unbuttoned his shirt. The cloth dropped to the floor, revealing the pale skin of his torso and a serial code tattoo on his lower back...
Property of The Palace.
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"First position." The Oktigi commanded.
The mudokon complied, taking the ballet stance.
"Perform the White Bird variation."
His body started mechanically reciting the memorised movements. His hands trembled, and his eyes were full of fear and defeat, yet even in this moment it showed how perfected his technique was. But it looked so wrong. Unnatural even.
Delvona watched attentively. She waited for the dancer to complete the whole variation before she spoke again:
"Very good. That's much better.
Now. You have a fitting scheduled in a few hours with our new buiseness partners... You're going to go, get yourself together and get ready. You're going to show up and act normally. And you're going to look good.
Instructions clear?"
"Yes, Madame Delvona..." The mudokon bowed.
... He lost.
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mamawasatesttube · 4 months ago
the whole "jason rules crime alley and none of the other bats are allowed there!!1!" thing is so funny like. tim LITERALLY lives in the theater where bruce's parents died,
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radioroxx · 6 months ago
What do you think Odile does for a living? She feels teacher like to me. What do you think she would do post canon?
ive seen a lot of people hc her as a teacher / professor so i!! think that suits her pretty well. specifically as someone who studies + specializes in different types of craft (that would be why shes so proficient in multiple craft spells. also how she was able to figure out the loops stuff, AND to find something that could prevent siffrin from looping back).
post canon i am not sure… i am always torn between how the party would handle things post canon. obviously they would keep travelling for a bit, odile alongside her family without the stress of. constant sadness encounters + a king to kill lol. i think maybe she would get to take her time, reeaally get to know vauguardian culture when not within. a crisis. as was her original intention.
eventually. EVENTUALLY. when the family settles down somewhere (i am a “they all get a big house together” believer lol) she would get back into craft stuff. maybe go back into teaching too—surely people would be eager to hire a saviour. especially though i think it would be neat of her to try looking into wish craft etc, as a long forgotten form of craft. to satisfy her own curiosity, for siffrins sake, or just as a way of preserving the countries culture in whatever ways possible.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 10 months ago
i think its weird that i have to make this disclaimer but the internet is crazy so wtvr,, anyway,,
if i say i dont like something, that doesnt mean "that thing is bad and nobody should post it.."
i swear literally every time i even mention that i dislike something, people will go "wow does that mean u fucking hate me cuz i post that thing? ur a fucking stupid bitch and all ur opinions r wrong" LIKE ?? er.. no. just because i say i dont like certain characterizations of certain characters (the saiki k fandom is CRAZY about this cuz i can state an opinion on literally any character and a group of people will still go 'well only we're allowed to post our opinions about them because we're always right!1!1!'), or certain ship tropes (mentioned my hatred of toxic yaoi maybe once or twice on here months ago and people STILL get mad at me as if i said toxic yaoi lovers r evil or something), or certain ships, or WHATEVER, does not mean that i HATE the people who are posting them or that i think they shouldnt post them at all, NO, im just posting about my personal tastes on my personal blog and it would be extremely weird and hypocritical if i decided that i was the ONLY person that was allowed to do that,,
i think the only reason people assume that is because there are a lot of other people on here who ARE like that, and a lot of people toe the line between posting that they dont like something and posting that they think everyone who likes that thing is stupid, annoying, and wrong,, so i guess all i can say is, sorry for whatever made you make these assumptions but they arent true about me so plz leave me alone ʘ‿ʘ ur doing the same thing to me that ur accusing me of but i didnt do it in the first place so ur just actively being a dick for no reason
#crazy that the mindset some people on here have is that theyre the only ones allowed to post their opinions#ive repeated this a lot on this blog but i rlly think people forget that the person on the other side of the screen is in fact a person#if ur harassing people and publicly making fun of them then ur just as bad as any real life bully#that shit isnt as funny or harmless as u like to pretend it is#not once have i ever targetted anyone or went on someones blog to harass them over my opinion#yet people think its fine to do the same to me and treat it as if its like. revenge or something#like ? me saying 'i dont like toxic yaoi' is not equivalent to someone going on someone elses page and going 'how tf do u like toxic yaoi'#I DONT CARE !! all ive ever done is sit in my own little bubble and had opinions and that makes people mad#honestly though the people who will publicly talk and post abt it are significantly meaner#and i want to act like im not bothered by it because i know most of them r just angry that someone has a different opinion#and they want all their followers to bandwagon off of them (idk why maybe for validation or whatever-same reasons anyone would bully)#but seriously if u actually do think that something i said was out of line and crossed thise boundaries- just fucking tell me ?#im a person bro. ur solution to disagreeing with me shouldnt be 'lol im gonna post abt this and make everyone harass them'#have a conversation with me dude i dont bite ? if u cant talk to me like a person then just dont fucking say anything wtf#its so cowardly to be like 'well no i didnt wanna say anything to u cuz i didnt wanna be rude.. so instead i publicly made fun of u!'#LIKE WHATTTT STOPPPPP </3333#ok anyway this post wasnt supposed to get THAT serious.#MY POINT IS just be considerate of other people and dont base ur hatred off of assumptions#ur deflecting the blame onto someone else because u dont want to admit that ur just a fucking bully lol#being inconsiderate on here is something ive also been guilty of back when i first joined the fandom and was clueless#but grown ass adults who have been on here way longer r still doing that shit which is crazy#and i cant say anything because they have so much leverage over me and idk if its on purpose or if they dont even realize#ok im putting fandom tags cuz i want people to see this sorry. this is my one post thats actually targetted but its at a lot of people#so if u look at this and think 'hey i do that' pls evaluate urself<3#i mean its also targetted at everyone who does this anonomously so i dont know who it is OKOK IM DONE BYE SORRY HOPE THIS IS UNDERSTANDABLE#watch nobody read this fr#saiki k#tdlosk#the disastrous life of saiki k.#meows post
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beesinspades · 8 months ago
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forgot to post some dokomi pics! vashusitter wolfwood real....
I was in a RUSH because I arrived later than planned (thanks train delays (and getting lost in the park....)) so after the panel (where I managed to be in the front row!!) I only had 6 hours to run around and do my shopping before going home. not my best decision but now I'm prepared for next time.
thank you @blizzly (whom I must also thank again for emergency loaf creechur surgery and taking some of these pics :D), @lesoldatmort, @artofalassa and @ohohge (get ready for our reverse bang collab....) and her friend for hanging out with me for a little bit 💜 also met @luchichufer who just happened to sit right behind me and gifted me some prints including our vashwood big bang art! 🥹
the true honor was meeting the real brushbuddy....totally not considered running off with it.......
it was so lovely meeting up with everyone, however briefly in some cases <3 next time i'm staying longer and hopefully making better conversation!!
haul and....cookies.....and post-realizing johnny bravo was photobombing us picture below :D
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cetoddle · 2 months ago
i think a lot of people irl think i might be a lesbian just because i am so picky about men. cause most of the time im like eh he’s okay. oh he’s not my type. no i dont think that guy is hot. so they just assume i dont like men at all. which is. fair
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deeisace · 11 months ago
#sorry sorry I just woke up and im having yesterday-was-weird thought again#and they are going here so i don't have to talk to the person that they're um about yet#basically im glad that im in a good enough space now that um#someone ive ive had text-based sex with and uhhh sent an ill-advised video to in like oct when i was Feeling Bad™ and doing. hm. too much.#like 6 months post text-based sex/ill adised video now aha and we've not spoke at all since like january and that was 'how was hols'#they asked to meet up 'not for sex just as friends' or i forget exact wording but basically that#no-pressure museum not-a-date#and i said I'd think about it. because i am as everyone knows a fucking idiot.#basically im glad that im in a better place now than the last time someone like expressed an interest in me as a person#because while this did give me a day long wobble i didn't have a full weekend long actual panic about it#tho they are two v different situs#an ace poly friend asking to go out with me vs someone i uh virtually fucked aha um asking to meet up for (mostly) being-friends purposes#same several-hours-later 'oh god no what have i done bad bad bad no thank you actually no sorry i cant sorry' but less intense this time#but at least i only said ill think about it?#and not actually immediately said yes because it's nice to feel wanted#and then gone Maximum Regret™ because actually all of this is way too much i don't like it i don't want it thank you but im sorry no#weird. i guess i don't have such a high baseline stress level any more? since i'm not at uni n stuff#and someone over messages going no pressure you want to be irl friends (maybe fwb no pressure)? is um#is different. to someone irl going you want to go out acely? yeah? awesome lets hold hands here is the discord with a whole buncha people#i guess#but i am being equally aro-not-super-ace Autism™ about it aha#and i am. eventually. going to be like. thought about it and no sorry. eventually.#if they ask again#i am kinda hoping they'll leave it there and forget they asked so i don't have to navigate social stuff#im much better at navigating canals everybody leave me alone please thank you#(everybody over there leave me alone. y'know. you guys are fine.)
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