#and i read like 3 manga volumes trying to catch up
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tallytals · 1 year ago
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genuinely i might just read chapter 236 bc i dont know if i can handle this
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arget-star · 2 months ago
red 'cause i'm shy, you're my angel in white
Sakura Haruka x F!Reader
A/N: Happy Holidays to everyone who celebrates! I hope they are a joyful time <3 Title unashamedly taken from Christmas Love by Stray Kids This is set within the By Any Other Name verse, but you don't have to read that first :)
tags: none! just fluff :)
wc: 2k
about: Sakura has never experienced a traditional Christmas Eve. He wants to make is special for you
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For all the mystery surrounding Sakura, he can be surprisingly easy to read. There’s no hidden agenda with him—what you see is what you get. Even his angry outbursts are easy to decipher, once you get to know him.
Something’s weighing heavy on his mind. That little crease forms on his forehead when he thinks you’re not paying attention, and you’ve caught him texting more than once over the last two weeks. His phone never stops buzzing, courtesy of Class 1-1’s group chat, but he usually scoffs and ignores the thing. Replies from him are a rare thing; a text conversation actually holding his attention is unheard of.
When you asked him about it, an offhand little inquiry over dinner one night, he’d shrugged. “Umemiya’s plannin’ our next captain’s meeting.” But he couldn’t meet your eyes as he said it. Sakura went as far as shoving his phone in his pocket, face a charming shade of pink. You didn’t push the matter; Sakura will tell you when he’s ready. It’s not like you’re concerned he’s cheating or involved in some nefarious matter. He’d struggled enough asking you out for your first official date. Not to mention, if he ever did try and pull some nonsense, Suo and Nirei wouldn’t hesitate in knocking sense back into Sakura’s head.
A day or so after you’d asked him, the texting stopped. He was more engaged than he’d been recently, so you considered everything done and over with. Whatever was going on sounded like Bofurin business.
The odd behavior starts up again a week before Christmas. This time around, along with the increased texting and furrowed brows, he keeps opening his mouth, like he’s about to ask you something, then closing it just as suddenly. You remain patient, despite the worry niggling the edges of your thoughts. Sakura’s demeanor towards you hasn’t changed. If he was upset about something you did, he’d be straightforward enough to tell you.
You both opted to stay in tonight—Sakura’s patrol ran late because everyone in town, according to him, needed help shoveling snow away from their storefronts. It’s sweet, how much he cares, and equally endearing how hard he tries not letting it show. You didn’t mind a lazy evening in yourself. End of term exams consumed your school hours, leaving you exhausted by the time the final bell rang.
You have a sneaking suspicion Sakura prefers lounging around his apartment. There’s no chance of anyone in town purposefully riling him up when they catch sight of the two of you together.
Curled up on the secondhand couch, you lean your weight against him, holding out a volume of some new manga Nirei had recommended. Sakura’s only half paying attention; he keeps asking you to go back a page, or who that character is, or why they’re at that other guy’s house. You’re in the middle of summarizing the last chapter when the cushions vibrate.
Sakura jolts. Fingers scramble for the phone laying underneath his thigh. You trail off mid-explanation, watching Sakura’s expression. A blush creeps up his neck despite the prominent frown curling his lips. The phone buzzes again, his knuckles tightening around the device. Yikes; whoever’s on the other end is in for it next time Sakura seems them in person.
One more buzz. His eyebrow—the white one—twitches. You close the tankōbon, setting it carefully beside you and shifting so your body is facing him. A charged silence settles around you. Patience can only go so far; you’re worried, and a little irritated he’s not making even the smallest attempt at communicating. More messages arrive in rapid fire succession. With each, Sakura’s cheeks turn darker, emanating a heat you can practically feel. He keeps sneaking glances at you, little flashes of gold from beneath a fringe of white bangs.
“Sakura, what’s going on?” You ask gently, daring to rest a hand atop his knee. Physical affection is still a gamble with him. The rules change depending on where you are, who you’re with, his overall mood. Figuring them out is a bumpy, ever evolving road; one you’re proud to navigate so long as it’s with him.
“Hah?” Nothin’!” He says, far too loudly, jumping both at your voice and touch. (Too late, he realizes you didn’t use his first name.) You remove your hand. He fumbles with the phone, finally turning it off and letting it drop unceremoniously into his lap.
Now you frown. Sakura isn’t the type to keep secrets. There are things he doesn’t discuss, like what led to his arrival in Makochi, and that’s fine. You don’t care about any of that. You do, however, care about what’s currently going on in his life, especially as it pertains to your relationship. “It’s clearly not nothing,” you reply, with more bite than you intend.
Mismatched eyes meet your own for what feels like the first time all evening. Gold and blue widen in momentary alarm; he’s caught, and you both know it. His throat works as he swallows back an undoubtedly angry retort. In any other circumstance, you’d be proud of him. Right now, you’d take his misplaced anger over whatever this is.
You’re rarely truly upset with him. Huffy over petty squabbles here and there, like any couple, things that blow over in an afternoon. This time, there’s genuine hurt flickering in your eyes, and Sakura notes how you’ve stopped touching him completely. A sigh escapes his nose a split second before the cursed phone buzzes again.
“They never shut up,” Sakura grumbles. He rubs the back of his neck with one hand, turning his attention to the floor. “I asked ‘em for advice.”
You pause. The admission halts your rising annoyance in its tracks, makes you reconsider the situation. Christmas Eve is around the corner. Judging by his unspoken past, it would not surprise you to learn he’s never celebrated the holiday properly. Your heart skips a beat. You’d love to give everyone who ever made Sakura feel less an incredibly loud piece of your mind. Perhaps a taste of your fists, for good measure.
“Advice about what?” You prod softly. His phone remains untouched in his lap. A lengthy pause follows your question. You’re about to encourage him again when he finally, finally, catches your eyes.
“…D’you wanna go out on Christmas Eve? With me?” Using every ounce of will in his body, Sakura forces himself to stay put. A faint tremor runs through him with the effort. His brain screams at him to run, that old irrational fear of his that you’ll wind up laughing in his face overriding any reasonable thoughts to the contrary.
He knows he’s terrible at this. But you always take it in stride, smiling at him like he’s somehow worthy of being loved.
You’re smiling now. “Haruka,” you say with a surprised exhale—or perhaps it’s relief—cradling his burning face in your cool palms. “Of course I do.”
He’ll never get tired of hearing you say his name. He can’t take it anymore; he looks away, shoulders dropping as the tension leaks away. Dammit, when he tells everyone, they’ll blow up that stupid messaging app all over again. If he waits until he sees them in class, then he’s just asking for them to all pile on him in celebration. Which isn’t so terrible anymore, all things considered.
What a study in contradictions, you think, watching the gears turning in his head. The brilliant blush of his has yet to fade. He’s subtly leaning into your touch, and you swear you catch the faintest hint of a smile tucked in the corner of his lips.
“I was hoping you’d ask.” Initially, you’d planned to spend another quiet evening with him, laughing over homemade karaage while watching the snow fall outside.
“Yeah, well, I did!”
Honestly, you’re impressed he lasted this long without letting off some steam. It’s an improvement from the day he’d asked you out, officially—after barely getting the words out through gritted teeth and a blush to rival this one, he’d stalked off without waiting for your response. Later, you’d heard him yelling at who you assume was Suo-chan. You never did give Sakura a proper answer; just showed up at the agreed restaurant five minutes early and that was that.
Laughing, you release his face, settling back down on the couch. “Please tell everyone I said hello.”
(It’s the first thing he does upon entering class the next morning.)
Sakura keeps his hands tucked into his jacket pockets as you stroll along Tonpu Street. Something as simple—as normal—as threading your fingers together is out of the question among the crowed streets. Too many eyes on him, too many people liable to say the wrong thing and set him off. Part of discovering his unspoken rules about physical affection required learning it’s not just how Sakura feels while doing it; it’s how others affect his overall feelings.
Put plainly, he doesn’t want to give anyone more ammunition to start a fight with him.
So you’ve found little ways to compromise. He maintains his dignity and you can still satisfy the urge to be affectionate with him. A desire you know for a fact he also feels. One day, you’re sure he’ll overcome whatever mental hurdle prevents him from doing so in public.
Tonight, you wrap your left hand around his right bicep, both of your shoulders brushing with every step. You prefer this arrangement to holding his hand, truthfully. Not that you’d ever tell him that—you don’t want to risk ruining his carefully built-up comfort.
“We helped put some of these up,” Sakura says, tilting his head at the many strings of lights crisscrossing the street. Their golden glow turns the snow the same burnished bronze as his eye.
“Beautiful,” you reply. Predictably, his cheeks redden, though you don’t think he caught on to the fact you meant him instead of the lights.
You steal glances at him as you wander down the street. Lights reflect off his hair, highlighting the snowflakes stuck to the black strands. He’s scanning the streets with the same purpose he does while on patrol, but you catch him lingering on all the Christmas displays. Beautifully decorated trees adorn various shop windows. Little kids all bundled up in jackets and beanies weave between the crowds, giggling as they clutch boxed up pastries in their gloved hands. A few couples pass by; Sakura misses the first pair, but he makes a surprised noise when the second one stops a few feet in front of you, the girl placing a kiss on her partner’s cheek.
Sakura’s arm tenses beneath you. Muffling a laugh, you tug him along, following the pervasive scent of fresh bread. “Come on. I think Cactus made Christmas cake!”
He follows for a couple steps without protest, if only to get away from the affectionate scene playing out in front of you, and then his brain catches up with your statement. “Christmas what?”
Again, you’re struck with the urge to pummel everyone who ever ignored Sakura. He’s rubbing off on me.
“Christmas cake!” You repeat cheerfully. That doesn’t answer his question, but he appreciates how you never make him feel like an idiot when he unintentionally reveals just how little he knows about the world. “Sponge cake with strawberries and whipped cream. It’s delicious.”
Sakura considers this. He doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth—all that sugar gives him a headache—but the last thing he wants to do is kill your enthusiasm. “If you say so.” It’s petulant, because he doesn’t know any other way to be. He’s trying, even if it doesn’t always seem that way.
You squeeze his arm and lead him through Cactus’ front door. One of the bakers snaps his head up from behind the counter to greet you and Sakura, recognition breaking across his face. “Oh, you’re one of the Furin boys! Hold on, please!”
What a difference it makes, being singled out for something other than his appearance.
A handful of other customers begin whispering to each other. You catch a faint thank you! from someone that goes unanswered. Sakura’s tensing up again, scowling through another blush. Another five seconds and he’ll start throwing punches. “Tch, I’m just takin’ care of business.”
You’ve stepped into his line of sight, prepared to calm him down should he need it. Pride glows warm in your chest instead; he’s looking off to the side as he says it, though you consider the fact he said it at all a victory. You smile, a soft, sweet thing, the type of smile that makes Sakura feel all weird inside. Weird in a good way, he determined all those months ago—because now he has the oddest impulse to smile right back.
The baker returns with a box in his hand. “Enjoy the cake, you two!”
Sakura’s almost-smile drops. He swipes the box, then pauses. “Ain’t this a bread place?”
“He means thank you,” you sigh. Tactful as ever, your Sakura. The baker, to his credit, looks unbothered. He waves before darting behind the counter to assist another customer. You usher Sakura out of Cactus, the little bell above the door chiming in time with your exit.
“It was a genuine question,” Sakura states, hands curled carefully around the box.
“They’re allowed to make other things. Like a special cake for Christmas.” A pause. “Ready to go home?”
You say it so casually. So easily. He doesn’t understand how you’re able to do that. He also doesn’t understand what’s so important about this damn cake, and why it makes your eyes sparkle, or why it suddenly matters to him that this is the best slice of sponge-strawberry whatever you’ve ever tasted.
“Yeah,” he replies, voice suddenly a little hoarse. “Let’s go.”
Truthfully, you would not have minded enjoying the Christmas lights a little longer. Everything felt more magical this year. Most likely due to the boy sitting on the tatami across from you, staring dubiously at the slice of the expertly crafted treat on his plate.
You’ve never spent Christmas Eve in love before.
But you could tell his already wire-thin patience was fraying down to practically nothing. The clear thought and effort he put into this entire evening is more than enough for you.
Sakura cuts off a piece of cake with his fork. You watch him eagerly, your own dessert momentarily forgotten. He chomps down on it, lowering the fork as he chews. A crumb clings to the corner of his lips.
“Well?” You prompt when he swallows.
“It’s…why’re you starin’? It’s good, alright?” There’s no anger behind the words; they’re just a reflex at this point.
Triumphant, you cut your own piece of cake, raising the fork in a mock toast towards him. “Merry Christmas, Haruka.”
That weird feeling returns. He almost—almost—wants to run away, or start shouting, but the reaction is delayed. Distant. Whatever you’ve done to him, he doesn’t hate it. Finding comfort in someone else isn’t the worst thing in the world. His expectations of other people have changed. Slowly. He’ll never completely shake what the lessons of his youth taught him, but he is grateful that tiny shift allowed you into his life.
“M-merry Christmas,” he replies, spearing another bite of cake onto his fork.
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obscureaestheticist · 2 months ago
DC & MARVEL are awful at publishing their own amazing stories...
Read some western comics for the first time in a while this year. I wanted to start reading more in general anyway so I added comics and manga to the list. HOOOOOOOOO GGGAAAD DAYUM some of this stuff is good! I wanted to start with DC's Absolute & Marvel's New Ultimate. I've read mostly DC but have never fully gotten into a series or mini series before. These new books were meant to be jumping on points for newcomers so I wanted to give it a try.
And I gotta say... these need more attention... By their own publishers, I mean.
Even though I only really started in the last 3 months of the year, I get peoples frustrations with these being monthly releases and the fact that a lot these you HAVE to buy individually and not part of a magazine or some other form of collective release. At least until a volume release. On top of that these are NOT easy to find, not where I live, and not online either. You need a subscription service for the digital releases and you need to find a comic book shop to even buy it physical. These aren't cheap either! If I wanted to buy, say, a manga volume's worth of issues to try and catch up, its almost 5x that of a cheap physical manga volume. And the only place you're going to be getting a volume of some of these is at a book store, not a comic shop, just because there's way more bookstores generally. By the time those volumes have released there's no gaurantee the series that you like is even still running, because they havn't made it easy to even find these to read and it might've been cancelled due to low sales. So that leaves me with a problem... I either cave in and get a subscribtion or I pirate it. I'm poor af, of course I'm going to pirate it. MOST people will. Except they won't because barely anybody knows these comics even exist. There's little to NO marketing around any of these comics. Seriously, why aren't these in a magazine?! Why aren't these easily veiwable digitally? I don't want a subscription service just to look at a few books. I'm DONE with subscription services. Even if it's just a website where you pay to read online per series, or even throwing these into webtoon behind a paywall, it'll be infinitly better. At least that way people actually get to see the amazing work they're putting out there. And... yeah, the monthly wait on these is agonising. If the wait cannot be shortened then a weekly magazine is needed DESPERATELY, because there is NOTHING in the way of audience interaction for newcomers except a very limited fandom which might be gone in a few months just cause the series could be up and cancelled at the snap of their fingers. Their websites suck... Like, straight up, they suck. Nothing unique or stylised about them, not even a bit of background music or some flare, it's trailers for games, movies, and TV. Theres not even viewer guides for comics, bits of info on the world, or even those silly "who is the strongest/fastest/richest,etc" graphics like in old magazines. there's no fun. It's painful because the stuff thats out there is genuinly good. A lotta bad, certainly, but the recent stuff is thoroughly engaging. Another thing, the issue 1 crisis. If you don't know what this is, it's publishers resetting issues back to number 1 to bump up the price. It's disgusting. Especially when it makes it a NIGHTMARE to try and find the series you're looking for... and its same name as 8 other series only seperated by a date. THESE NEED TITLES! I was reading Ultimate Black Panther and Black Panther recently... Or rather, NEW Ultimate Black Panther: T'Challa vs. The Moon Knight, and Black Panther[2023]: A King Without A Crown. The naming alone causes frustrations when trying to navigate and find a story you might actually like. King Without A Crown is a title I just made up for the 2023 release. Its a great story, the art is some of the best I've seen in any comic. And the premise is very enganging, about T'Challa having been exiled from Wakanada, returned to watch over it as a secret protector and trying to reconnect with the people in places he believed he'd overlooked. To try and deepen his understanding as a king, and as protector of his country. It's Cyberpunk Crime Thriller Sci-Fi with a mix of central African mysticism. It even comes with an official map.
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It got cancelled. Only lasted 10 issues... New Ultimate X-Men / Secret Society X Men is a shojo horror mystery set in japan inspired by major works of J-Horror... and it's FREAKIN' X-MEN Nobody talkin' about it. New Ultimate Spider-Man is about Peter, married to MJ, Father of 2, becoming Spider-Man after receiving word from the future that he was supposed be a hero and that it was taken from him, and Uncle Ben is alive in this... Nobody talkin' about it. New Ultimate Black Panther is kinda slow but it's about 2 warlords trying to infiltrate and take over wakanda who are posing as this world's versions of Konshu & Ra and leads to a greater conspiricy about Vibranium itself. Nobody talkin' about it. I LOVE the absolute series. I'm a DC fan, but these Marvel works also need more love, like... guys. Not to mention Spider-Man and Ult X-Men is fanfic and fanart GOLD! LIKE GET ON THIS SH!T NOW! There are other big issues i've got with western comics but I wanted to talk about it's accessibility. I love comics and manga a lot, it was what got me to start reading in the first place, and I want these cool stories to continue in a way that is like, actually enjoyable. I wanna talk about these with people, but there's no point if nobody is out there to enjoy it with. In the meantime, if you like these stories but can't afford them, make fanwork of it. Fiction, prose, poetry, art, music, silly comments, anything. Same goes for Manga and Indie works that you like. Don't let a company's incompetence stifle your ability to enjoy art that has ACTUAL passion behind it.
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starlostlix · 1 month ago
Yuumori Light novel review!
So today I finally read all the Yuumori light novel stories (thanks to @teawaffles translations! I highly recommend reading their translation blogs) and I wanted to talk about them a bit separately because I feel like I haven't seen much talk of them. So I'll summarise the premise of each one and talk about what I like about them and what they can mean for the characters and the wider story! Spoilers ahead!
Volume 1 - Stories 1 - 4
1) The Lord of Crime's Caper
- Summary - When Moran is accused of cheating in a card game at a pub, William and Fred tag along to expose the accuser for cheating as well.
- Opinions - this one is a really fun story where William gets a night out and a bit of time 'off' from being the Lord of Crime to just have a bit of fun... and by fun he means showing people how to do card tricks. Moran content is always great, the card game itself is entertaining and the way the cheater (a guy called Johnson) gets caught out is really fun. The bond between Moran and William is also interesting in this story! And Fred is there too and he does a disguise ploy and I love that for him. Not a ton to say about this one, but it's good fun!
2) Louis and the Aquaria
- Summary - in order to catch out a nobleman interested in rare animals, Louis is tasked to look after various rare fish in the Moriarty house - which he accidentally gets perhaps too attached to.
- Opinions - this one genuinely nearly made me cry. First of all, Louis cares so much about these fish and it's really sweet. Moran getting confused by the species names is funny (because I would be too), and everyone naming the fish after each other is fun and interesting. But the best part is Louis' attachment to the fish named after William as it falls ill, as it is not only genuinely heartwrenching but also acts as foreshadowing for much of Louis' role in the Final Problem (doing whatever he can to try and save William since he cares for him so much). When he was caring for fish William so much that he put his own health on the line I was almost crying (and I don't usually cry at books). Brilliant story, probably my favourite in this volume. Also the translators at teawaffles adding visual guides to the fish is brilliant!
3) Albert's drinking contest
- Summary - after the creation of MI6, Albert challenges Moran to a celebratory drinking contest for some fun. Fred and Louis also join whilst William watches.
- Opinions - perhaps the funniest story out of all of them. Seeing these characters get drunk is really fun and it's nice to see them so casual with each other. I'm convinced the amount Moran and Albert (especially Albert...) drink is not humanly possible (or at least not possible without getting alcohol poisoning) but when has that stopped this manga series. Albert having 51(!!!) glasses of wine yet not being drunk is genuine insanity. Quite a short one so not much else to say here!
4) The Adventures of John
- Summary - a young girl asks Sherlock to help find her missing dog but he refuses, so John decides to help instead. After some suspicious (and expensive) searching, He and Sherlock end up walking into a huge mystery to solve.
- Opinions - John is such a sweetheart and a kind soul in this story (and most of the time really) and I'm so happy to see more of him! Also I feel like this is one of 3 times Wiggins and the Irregulars are actually plot relevant and I kind of wish we knew more about them... nonetheless this story is quite fun. I like that they uncover this ring of thieves but make it clear that besides the ringleaders, most are forced into this through abuse and find a way to protect them rather than arrest everyone. Also the way it links to the first story (the mention of a bar cheating scandal, the Moriarty carriage passing by at the end, etc.) is really good I love that. Again the translators at Teawaffles went all out with maps and pictures of the places they visit which I also love!
Volume 2 - stories 5 - 8
5) Forbidden games
- Summary - Sherlock and William are in Durham investigating a club for a noble's missing son and end up walking into a dangerous game of russian roulette.
- Opinions - This is probably what most people talk about but SherLiam's bond and interactions in this story are so important - both intriguing and a testament to their connection despite their limited meetings. The way Sherlock begins to wonder if William could be the Lord of Crime and seems happy of such a worthy opponent feels kind of gay I love that for them. But there's also such a deep level of trust already and that's fascinating. I fear the story is somewhat predictable but it's kind of meant to be (the mention of the 3 assassins paradox at the start ties directly into the ending, as does mentions of russian roulette with fake bullets (that I rightly assume would be switched for real ones in their game)) as the foreshadowing is heavy. It also in some elements foreshadows their face off with Milverton in The Two Criminals in the nature of the scene which is really cool. The antagonist Alan playing rigged games for the thrill of winning after a life of losing is actually a really interesting backstory for him but also it's satisfying when he's defeated. Some elements of this story with the russian roulette remind me of Squid Game s2 (which I watched for the first time recently, i'm thinking of the scene with the Recruiter specifically). Really good story.
6) There's no business like show business
- Summary - Bond helps a group of theatre actors from the slums with a play based on children's stories, only for their performance to be cancelled by the prejudiced theatre owners. So he helps them find an alternative way for the show to go on.
- Opinions - I love this story so much! I love seeing more Bond especially in him coaching these kids in theatre skills and supporting their show. The constantly moving show or 'guerrilla theatre' was honestly genius and so cool, and using the whole of London as a stage in fhis way kind of resembles how William also uses London as a stage for the performance of his crimes. The end of the play where Bond steps in to be Alice's sister and Maya (the lead and main girl in this story - I also love her) uses the lines as a way of expressing her desire to dream big like she did as a kid is so sweet. The connection with Maya being from the same orphanage that William and Louis were from is also amazing I love it. Probably my favourite story in this volume tied with the previous!
7) The eternal children
- Summary - a flashback of how Jack Renfield became the combat teacher for the Moriarty brothers, challenging them to a potentially deadly duel.
- Opinions - the mention of an entrance test made me go "entrance exam... BSD reference?"... but genuinely this story is really interesting but it shows how strategic the MoriBros are even in their youth. Seeing a young Jack was kind of confusing tbh. The ploys the MoriBros used were great though - both the maid ploy and especially the teacup ploy were really smart and the brothers work together so well with each having their own strengths. Quite a short one so not much else to say really.
8) It happened one night
- Summary - Whilst staying in a Cotswolds house of Mycroft's noble friend, Sherlock and John get roped into a wedding party, and eventually wrapped up in an art theft case!
- Opinions - A really interesting mystery story for Sherlock and John, especially with them trying to figure out the mystery. I somehow managed to predict the art thief right (it being the painter Rheos who was in fact a serial art thief running from the law), but it was still quite interesting! Also the Holmes brothers content was brilliant even if short, I love seeing brotherly Sherly and Mycroft!
Volume 3 - Stories 9-11
9) The girl who sees rainbows
- Summary - whilst out looking for presents William makes a new friend, but also gets wrapped up in a hostage situation led by a dangerously evil man.
- Opinions - Helena's dynamic with William is so brilliant he's genuinely so sweet and kind with kids (same with him giving the young boy a piggyback ride.. my heart..). The Synesthesia representation was also really cool! I don't see it talked about very much. Also the villain being called Jake Voorhees as a reference to Friday the 13th's Jason Voorhees is genuinely insane and the naming trend of the antagonists in the vol 3 stories is perhaps the funniest thing to come out of these novels. It's nice to see Patterson a bit more too and his connections to William!
10) The Conspiratorial Bullet
- Summary - the Moriarty group set up a large game of paintball with various nobles, including Helena and her father, in order to prevent a murderous plot and uncover a criminal in the midst.
- Opinions - I love the huge game of paintball and the group being split into different teams, with play and strategy by Bond, Louis, Moran, Fred and Albert being really fascinating! I love getting to see Helena and William again they were so father and daughter coded when he took a paintball for her it's so sweet (the book even said that itself!). The ending was really interesting too and the antagonist was really interesting too (especially finding out he caused the previous story and Helena's father's disappearance), and his name is Andy Krueger... like Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street... the naming trend continues. Really good story especially the paintball game I love the paintball game (and seeing Von Herder more was really great!).
11) The Fugitives in the fire
- Summary - Sherlock investigates some of the escaped criminals from the department store crime, and ends up stumbling upon a locked room mystery with 3 bandaged suspects! But in this case he is forced to work with Inspector Gregson instead of his best friend John...
- Opinions - I'm so happy we finally got a locked room mystery for Sherlock! Him being forced to work with Gregson is so funny though because he was fed up of him at the start fr but they coming to respect each other at the end was really nice. Also despite the lack of John in the chapter there's quite a few cute John and Sherlock moments (especially with him pretending John was with him, thinking of his possible responses and also at the end where he praises him!!!). I may have been able to predict the criminal (mostly because he had the name Mike Myers, a reference to Michael Myers from Halloween.. the naming trend continues again) and to some element the method (but I probably figured that out when Sherlock did actually sooo) which was also really interesting. This story also shines in its ending... finding out that one of the suspects is in fact Helena's father who is still alive, her recognising his colour with her synesthesia, her reunion with him... it's also so sweet and the fact William did all of this for her warms my heart and it's honestly the perfect place to end these novels.
Most fun - Albert's Drinking Contest, Forbidden Games (Sherliam content), The Conspiratorial Bullet (specifically the Mori group paintball game)
Most emotional - Louis and the Aquaria, There's no business like show business (Maya's character especially), The Girl who sees Rainbows, The Fugitives in the fire (ending).
Overall Favourites - Louis and the Aquaria, Forbidden Games, There's no business like show business, The girl who sees rainbows, The conspiratorial bullet.
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drowsinginspace · 22 days ago
10 books for 2025
I was tagged by the lovely @hemnalini over here: thank you! Your picks are very interesting!
Since I've joined The StoryGraph it's been fun to follow some reading challenges, so I've actually managed to read a bit more and finally got out of my reading slump! I've already finished 5 books so far this year, but let's see if I'll keep this pace for the rest of it.
10 books I would like to read this year:
Emma by Jane Austen. This would be a re-read, but I've been trying to reread with a more adult perspective all Austen books I'd read when I was a teen. It's also a nice pick for a book club, and I've made it a buddy read on The StoryGraph, if anyone else wants to join, too!
The Inkheart trilogy by Cornelia Funke. When I was a kid I read the first book (Inkheart) and I was obsessed, but I never got around to read the sequels, so I've decided that if I only have to read one saga this year, it'll be that. I'm currently rereading the first one, and I hope my library will acquire Inkspell and Inkdeath.
Sunrise on the Reaping by Suzanne Collins. Last year I've reread the whole Hunger Games trilogy and The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, and I still think that it's one of the best sagas I've read, so I'm excited for the new one!
Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett. I am slowly making my way into Discworld and it's the best thing ever. Very excited to meet the witches!
The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky. I've started reading this last year, and I am just taking it slow, but I've already reached the 46%, so I might even finish it this year.
Wicked by Gregory Maguire. I've heard very weird things about this book, so I'm very curious about it. Hopefully my acquaintance will still be happy to lend it to me soon because I am trying to save some money this year and unfortunately no book shopping will take place in this household.
Le Strane Storie di Fukiage (I did not find a translation in English of this, but from Italian it would be The Strange Tales of Fukiage) by Banana Yoshimoto. I bought this book at a buy 2 pay 1 sale last year, and I haven't got around to it yet. I don't even know what it's about, which is how I like to read my books.
I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak. Since I read The Book Thief, a decade ago, I've wanted to read more by the same author. Maybe this year it's time to finally find this book and read it.
Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne. I have a very pretty copy of this novel I bought in 2018 I never got around to read, so it would be nice to at least start reading it this year!
Detective Conan by Gosho Aoyama. Last year I also bought the first three volumes of this manga series, but I haven't yet opened them because I was trying to at least finish other series or sagas. Last year I finally caught up with the amazing Spy x Family, and then I started reading Saint Young Men, which I have still to finish, so if I manage catching up with that series, this one will be a really interesting one to start!
Thank you again for this tag! Reaching 10 books wasn't easy, because I rarely have a checklist. If they don't mind, I'd like to tag @2minutes2midnight, @agentofship, @miusmusings, @an-imaginary-raven, @andmethefivefooter and my tag pal @pollodigitale.
I hope you all have a lovely day <3
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makeste · 1 year ago
You still planning to catch up with the rest of the chapters?
thanks for checking in, anon. yes of course I am going to finish reading all of the other chapters. that's a huge part of the story I'm not just going to skip out on, lol. and I'll also be posting individual chapter reaction posts for 342-402 (plus the elusive chapter 321 reaction which I never did finish editing and posting) once I'm done catching up. all of the reactions in my volume recap posts are just excerpts; there's a lot more I haven't posted yet.
I think I'm going to try and make Fridays a general update day, regardless of whether that takes the form of a new chapter recap, an old chapter recap, or just a quick, generic "hey, still alive and working on getting my shit together" update. so with that said, I've unfortunately been busier than expected the past couple weeks, so I haven't read past chapter 374. my energy to do recaps tends to ebb and flow and is generally either all or nothing, so when the next burst comes I'll probably marathon another 5-10 chapters in one go. I also haven't read this week's chapter yet so I don't know if it will be up today or tomorrow, but either way it will be posted this weekend.
a few people have also sent me asks encouraging me to catch up at my own pace and not to feel pressured to write down long reactions if it's getting too stressful, and I just wanted to say thank you for the concern and reassurance. <3 but also, I want to clarify that doing these reaction posts really is my preferred way to read this particular series, even if it takes longer. I genuinely get a lot more out of the manga this way. I notice more details and it forces me to pay attention to things I might gloss over otherwise. and I'd be sitting here making jokes in my head and gushing over the characters nonstop either way, so it's nice to have the additional outlet for it, lol. and of course it goes without saying that I love the fandom interaction that comes from making these posts. that alone is more than worth the extra effort.
anyway so yeah, that's my update for the week! chapter 408 recap will be forthcoming within the next 24-48 hours, and maybe some more ask replies as well depending on how much work I feel like putting off lol.
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dykecadence · 8 months ago
omg! yuri recs???
extremely dangerous question to ask me! allow me to say way too much... I'm only gonna offer 10 recs so I don't go completely crazy on you
1. The Moon on a Rainy Night by Kuzushiro is a yuri i think EVERYONE should read. It's about a girl and her deaf classmate getting to know each other and slowly catching feelings for each other. It's incredibly thoughtfulabout queerness and disability in a way I haven't often seen in manga. (and it's just super cute in general).
2. I Don't Know Which is Love by Tamamushi Oku. A lesbian goes to college and is popular with women for the first time in her life. She's got five potential love interests each with a connection to one of the five senses. It's goofy and has some light fetishes.
3. Cheerful Amnesia also by Oku!!! I swear this one was made in a lab for me. A girl gets amnesia and when she sees her girlfriend again upon waking up she's immediately head over heels AGAIN. it's super cute and low stakes despite the whole memory loss thing.
4. Superwomen in Love by sometime. Villainess falls for the hero so hard she ends up changing sides for her. This is perfect for dorks who love superheroes (like me) but who also think there should be more women who kiss in their manga.
5. She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat by Sakaomi Yuzaki. I feel like everyone already knows this one but on the off chance you don't: domestic slice of life about women falling in love over shared meals. Very few stories have made me feel seen the way this one does.
6. Monthly in the Garden with my Landlord by Yodokawa. "Landlord!?" I hear you say but fear not this is basically just a cohabitation story. Woman ends up living with a retired idol she knows nothing about and they slowly fall in love. Can you tell I like slow burns?
7. Whisper Me a Love Song by Eku Takeshima. Another really popular one but I love it so much. Typical high school romcom stuff but it does that thing a lot of manga do that I really like where the story just keeps going after they get together. The drama with the side characters and the lesbian love triangles/squares/pentagons are good fun.
8. This Monster Wants to Eat Me by Sae Naekawa. This one only has one volume out in english so far but I am. deeply obsessed. A girl who wants to die meets a mermaid--who wants to eat her. But she can't just kill her right away, after all food tastes better when its had time to ripen. A darker yuri (at least for my taste) but so so so good.
9. There's No Freaking Way I'll Be Your Lover! Unless... by Musshu. I think girls should be this messy in all manga actually. A girl gets to high school and really wants to make friends and the most popular girl in their class takes an interest in her. Romantically. And now she's just trying not to fall in love with her. Very chaotic but im obsessed with it.
10. The Summer You Were There by Yuama. A loner ex-bully is befriended by her bubbly (but secretive) classmate... who then asks to date her. Do you want to be sad? Do you like tragic yuri? Insane that this author also wrote one of the most tooth-rotting and wholesome yuris I've ever read (The Girl I Want is So Handsome).
This is not an exhaustive list but I have already said too much
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formulaorange · 1 year ago
2024 Winter Anime
It's here! It's finally here!!! Solo Leveling comes out this season! There's definitely a few others to keep an eye out for but this is the star of the winter season:
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Solo Leveling One of my most anticipated series. I'm caught up on the english light novels (8 volumes) and I'm honestly so invested in this story. In a way it gives the same impact as One Punch Man but if the story progressed a little faster toward fame and growth in his power. Easily the best of the season. Noteworthy On Going Shows: Frieren - Episodes 17-28 One of the most mesmerizing and well paced fantasies I've seen. Also one of my 10/10s of all time. Worth looking into if you remotely like fantasy. Shangri La Frontier - Episodes 14-25 Another fantasy game series that honestly just looks like it's a fun game. Explores a lot of game mechanics within this full-dive VR type game that almost puts SAO to shame. Fun action, fantasy and fun for game lovers. Apothecary Diaries - Episodes 13-24 My current favourite drama/romance/medical mystery series. The characters are simple but the show highlights the different dynamics and almost feels like an enemies to lovers plot. New Seasons:
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Blue Exorcist - Season 3 This is one of the og shows I watched growing up. It's a mythology school themed show that I loved. It's been 13 years since season 1 aired and I'm stoked to see it come back. It's being done by a different studio since A-1 is busy with solo leveling, so I'm not sure if it'll hit the same but I'll still check it out at least for the nostalgia.
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Mashle - Season 2 The funniest anime I've seen in a while. Man muscle brains his way through magic school and the whole show is a meme of harry potter and other magic series. Truly entertaining. Can't wait for this season
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Delicious In Dungeon This is a series I've wanted to pick up the manga for for a while. It's about dealing with food and hunger when these adventurers are deep in a dungeon and learn to start cooking and eating what they can find down there. Funny concept but honestly looks like a lot of fun.
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The Unwanted Undead Adventurer I read this manga and light novel so long ago. (Literal years - link to my manga thoughts and summary). I'm looking forward to the adaptation. I think nowadays this kind of story doesn't catch nearly as much attention as it did a few years ago. An adventurer dies in a dungeon and is reborn as an undead who can evolve as he kills other monsters and he deals with trying to fit in with the human realm again and evolving. I'm still looking forward to it after keeping an ear our for so long!
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Mr. Villain's Day Off I recently heard about this series and thought it was such a cute concept. Us with all our villain complexes with enjoy this one. Will likely be a background show for me as there won't be a huge plot, regardless, still fun to watch. Burn the Witch - #0.8 - 30 min Special I think this won't be as exciting now that Bleach has come back and we aren't as depraved of Tite Kubo's work but I really enjoyed the original short series. Hoping for more of this world in the future. Sequels: Classroom of the Elite - Season 3 Tsukimichi - Season 2 (Link to review of season 1) The Dangers in My Heart - Season 2 More Continuations: Undead Unluck Ragna Crimson After going through 20+ shows every season, many with sub-par animations and the same fantasy twists, I've become real picky about which series are even worth trying to watch these days. Here are the ones that deserve at least 2 episodes in order: A Sign of Affection - Gets a special spot since it's incredibly rare to see disability representation in anime and it looks like it's done quite well- A romance between a guy and a deaf girl. Looks super sweet Bucchigiri?! - I honestly can't say this looks appealing to me personally but I've hear the name before and well it's MAPPA. (Give em a break) 'Tis Time for "Torture," Princess - looks well animated and just a fun watch Metallic Rouge - The sci-fi series for this season. I'm not sure I have it in me to watch something heavy like this this season but it looks decent. The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic The Witch and the Beast - Here for manga readers - lowkey looks like the manga will be much better and this might be a skip for me. Hokkaido Gyaru's are super Adorable (Ecchi) ALSO - Big reminder: Haikyu!! and Demon Slayer have their movies coming out this season as well (both theatrical releases so keep an eye out!!!) Demon Slayer: To the Hashira Training - Feb 2nd 2024 Haikyu!! - The Dumpster Battle - Feb 16th 2024
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animehouse-moe · 1 year ago
Media I Experienced In 2023 That I'm Thankful For
It feels crazy to process that another year's effectively gone by already. A lot of people will always say "this year was worse than the last" in the context of a lot of things, and I'm usually one to disagree with that sentiment. This year though, it's been tough for entertainment in general. But that's not what I'm here to talk about, I wanted to share some of my favorite experiences from this year, and look back on the wonderful and impactful media that I've been able to read or watch!
Witch And The Beast - Kousuke Satake
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Yes, this is the third volume's cover, I know. I just really love the color choices and style for it.
Anyways, this was one of those series that I'd always see and never pick up. It took some severe pestering from a friend for me to finally pick it up, and it was totally worth it.
I would say it's definitely far from bad right from the start, but I'd also say that once you reach around volume 3, Satake really catches their stride and provides some beautiful work in the volumes leading up to their hiatus. If you want a world all about magic that prioritizes form over function, it's impossible to not recommend The Witch and The Beast and its wonderful appeal.
A Home Far Away - Teki Yatsuda
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Yes, this is a one-shot manga, but the grip that it had on me after I read it was so intense. You know how you can tell when a one-shot wants to go past that single volume but can't? This is like the exact opposite. The pacing, themes, characters, all of it is so well structured for a single volume run that you end up with aimless frustration that it can't continue.
The themes of various types of trauma and the idea of searching for a savior in someone else are just so strong alongside the systemic failure in caring for and helping minors. It's just so so strong and painful in how it represents a slow slip into helplessness as they claw at each other to try and unearth their freedom.
Also, definitely read their serialized manga The Yakuza's Bias! Totally different vibe that is just full of absurdity and humor.
Pandora - Hagiwara Rei
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Pandora was a very healing manga to read. Beautiful watercolor artwork is donned by each page in the various short stories appearing in this work. Though each is a different person in a different situation, the themes of survivor's guilt, loss, and the hope to be found at the bottom of despair are very strong to feel. If people are looking for a heavy but positive and emotional read, this is certainly a great choice.
Okinawa - Susumu Higa
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I don't think it's a secret to say that anti-imperialist Japan manga is seen as "few and far between" in English. We have a lot of impactful and important works that haven't been translated or are currently out of print, so Okinawa came along at a really great time to help drive the point home alongside other experiences like Godzilla Minus One (which is on this list, of course).
Anyways, stepping away from the general act of the war, or the (typical) experiences of it post-war, Okinawa is an incredible read for displaying the interaction and relationships between the Okinawan people and the two separate armies that occupied their space. It does a wonderful job of not painting anyone as inherently evil, but showing the sinister nature of war and the aftereffects that it leaves on a people. Very very worthwhile read that I can't recommend enough.
Until I Love Myself - Poppy Pesuyama
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It's only two volumes, it's a manga essay, and it deals with LGBTQ+ content among other things. This is something that was essentially destined to be criminally underread and underappreciated.
What Pesuyama does in exposing their difficult experiences and personal trauma is beyond valuable to people that find themselves in similar positions. The idea of sexism distilled into every aspect of society through the patriarchy, and how that's reflected on someone that doesn't feel comfortable in their own body is almost impossibly poignant. The frustration, the distance, the fear, it takes an incredibly personal experience and without losing even an ounce of that value is able to translate it into something that almost any reader can grasp. An incredibly powerful piece from an equally brave author, it's also an invaluable resource and experience for many out there.
Skip and Loafer - Misaki Takamatsu
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I'm a big P.A. Works fan. I've got a lot of their art books, I watch a lot of their series, I just think they do a lot of good work. I also had my reservations about them doing the Skip and Loafer anime, but it was wonderful.
Simply put, it's a modern classic in the slice of life/high school era genre. The characters feel perfectly childish and immature, the direction of the story and its themes are perfectly on the nose. It just has the perfect balance of everything you could hope for. There's not really much to add past that, really. If you like slice of life or high school stuff, you'll love Skip and Loafer. Incredibly refreshing experience.
Heavenly Delusion
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I'm a massive fan of the manga, and I was coping insanely hard when I saw that first trailer. I was praying I was in for greatness and wasn't going to get scammed, and Production I.G brought out arguably their best work in the last decade for it.
Mori Hirotaka and the rest of the staff did an absolutely phenomenal work in transforming Heavenly Delusion into an anime. Massive restructures and thematic changes that feel like sheer art within the context of the series. Ishiguro couldn't have done it better himself, and he made that point known on Twitter. Right up there next to Frieren (and even above it depending on the significance of various criteria) for the greatest anime of 2023, and puts itself in contention for one of the best in the 2020s. Absolutely a must watch.
Undead Girl Murder Farce
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Mysteries and series that really encourage you to analyze and break them apart are some of my favorites to experience. Include historical context, a penchant for intense showmanship rooted in Japanese culture, and animation and direction that will knock your socks off, and you've got the Dark Horse of the summer season.
Undead Girl Murder Farce had me absolutely hooked from the very first episode, bringing almost SHAFT-like direction and execution that brings out the absolute most in something so fluid. Lapin Track struck gold with this work. Even though they were struggling a little towards the end, they provided and endlessly satisfying and creative experience that had me on the edge of my seat breaking apart every single little frame for meaning and value. An absolute treat for a mystery fan.
Blue Giant
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Like many, I discovered Nut (the studio) through Tanya The Evil. Crazy visual effects and ridiculously competent visuals for such a new studio, I was immediately enthralled with their quality.
Not that Blue Giant as a story isn't incredibly good, but that in this context, Nut brought out every last drop of greatness that could have existed in this movie. I'm really struggling to come up with more to say, but it's just so visually stunning that the experience as a whole just feels like a performance on an incredible level. Simply great, I guess I'm forced to say.
The Boy and The Heron
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It's Ghibli, it's Miyazaki, need I say more really?
I don't, but I will. I went and saw it twice in theaters so that I could experience both dub and sub for it. Something that people should be 100% experiencing in theaters, and absolutely should be watching multiple times. Miyazaki doesn't tell just one or two stories with this movie, it's so many experiences in his life rolled into one. A love letter to the man behind one of anime's most beloved studios, but also one that leaves lingering feelings of sorrow for some of what Miyazaki instills in it. So yeah, watch it to your heart's content.
Godzilla Minus One
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Last, but certainly not least, Godzilla Minus One. I loved it, I knew I'd love it from the moment I laid eyes on the trailer. The idea of Godzilla being presented in North American theaters, to North American viewers, as a direct and destructive of the atomic bomb and its effects on the Japanese population just set something off in me.
North America's view of Godzilla as some sort of anti-hero over the years has weakened the original sentiment that barely existed here in the first place. Minus One sets the record straight in devastating fashion, and adds to the theme in spades. I'd love to explain but I want as many people as possible to experience this without any spoilers, so I'll leave it at being one of the best Godzilla movies bar none.
And that's the list for this year. I think overall it was a "weaker" year, but I'd be more comfortable with calling it a radicalized year. The bad stuff got worse, but the good stuff got better. The best experience of the year were incredibly good because of that, but it overall felt like slimmer pickings than the prior year.
Not that this list couldn't have added any number of entries like Scott Pilgrim, Frieren, Kamonohashi Ron, Bleach TYBW, Gwitch, and so on and so forth. More so that I wanted to keep this list a little more contained. The idea of importance or appreciation begins to lose its value when everything is important or overly appreciated.
Anyways, that's all the past, this post is in the present, and I've got my eyes set on the future with things like the Hokkyoku Department Store movie, Dandadan from Science Saru, Delicious In Dungeon, and plenty, plenty more in 2024!
So with all that said: happy holidays and I hope people have been enjoying having time off and getting to spend some with their families and friends!
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stone-stars · 11 months ago
Tag game! Tag nine people you would like to know better i was tagged by @wall-e-gorl! woah thank you vic <3
Last song: "Irina" by Emily Axford. since that's an instrumental, last song with lyrics was "Visions" by Sea Wolf, which i have normal feelings abt.
Favourite colour: yellow! this might be obvious. i love light/pastel yellows especially and like. sunny yellows.
Currently watching: right now in this moment i'm watching lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring for the first time bc my coworkers finally rioted and decided i needed to watch movies (i have a list of homework lol) i'm also watching d20: fantasy high junior year as it comes out! the anime season like... Just switched over so i don't have any that i'm actively watching rn but there are usually a handful (i need to catch up on dungeon meshi tho. i got behind and then detoured to read the manga and keep meaning to go back to the anime.)
Sweet/savory/spicy: sweet or savory! depends on mood. spice kills me tho...
Relationship status: i have a girlfriend!! hi ria!
Current obsession: naddpod. and specifically naddpod music. oops. maybe i can talk for five million years about it.
Last thing you googled: "i want to be a wall volume 3" bc i was trying to figure out the release date (it's soon!!!). it's such a good manga about an ace woman-- i would say she's aroace, the only term they Use is asexual but there's literally a line that's like "she doesn't want romance or sex for herself"-- and a gay man getting married. it's truly incredible i love the mc's relationship SO much.
no pressure tags (i think some of these are people's side blogs feel free to do it on your other blogs instead): @purplecladmerchant @theatricuddles @metamagic-adept @sideblogdotjpeg @one-little-nerd-stayed-home @kindleaf @crazyness-overpowers @damienthepious @dulcecatrina and you. the person reading this.
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the-nysh · 1 year ago
Would it be ok to start my path to the trigun hell hole with trigun stampede? I just KNOW that this show would consume and hurt me in many ways so any advice would help. Thank you.
👀👀!! Oh yes, absolutely you can - because for many newcomers who never got the chance 20+ yrs ago, Stampede was their first introduction to the series! So you wouldn't be alone there. :3 (I grew up with the 98 anime however, so that one was my first.) Stampede's also likely the shortest time-investment too, at a speedier 12eps for the current season vs the 98 anime's longer 26eps. So you're very welcome to try that when braving your first Trigun plunge~
Just note that every iteration available (old anime, new anime, manga) is different, with regards to their own plotlines and modified characterizations, so you'll gain something new out of all of them on each watch or (re)read.
For example, Stampede draws its lore/inspiration from the completed Trimax manga (but does not follow the exact same plotline; Stampede is its own separate retelling, not a 1:1 adaptation), which was not possible when the 98 anime was made, as the manga had not been completed yet. So the 98 anime adapts the first few manga vols (along with inserting many fun/silly slower character building eps, before switching to darker/heavier content in the later half) and has its own unique anime-original lore & ending (kinda like how the first fma did it), but the themes it presents are still quite solid and universal, so it's very worth a watch too! Even though yes, some parts are noticeably dated with 90s tropes (which you can 100% safely ignore, as both Stampede & Trimax Vash are not like that), just so you're aware.
I recommend at least watching the 98 anime before tackling the harder manga though, as the manga greatly expands into territory the 98 anime could never do or show at the time, so if you go say, from the manga to 98 in reverse order, there's a chance you may not enjoy the older anime as much? (Your mileage may vary.) In my experience, I went 98 -> Trimax manga -> Stampede (basically in release order), and since Stampede is very much a love letter + passion project for both new/older fans alike to enjoy, it's full of references to spot if you're already familiar with the series. I had lots of fun catching those (ep12 alone is like AAAA!!! *____* with so many Trimax elements thrown in) So you can start with it AND rewatch Stampede a 2nd time after completing the manga too, to get the most out of it! :D (Plus, the Stampede story isn't even over yet; it was more like a deliberately planned prelude, with plenty more endgame Trimax material to possibly explore in future seasons. You'll see when you get there~)
As for the manga, it begins with 2 volumes titled Trigun, before switching genres/publications to a darker/heavier seinen retitled Trigun Maximum (abbreviated as Trimax), which continues the same story right where the other vols left off, and for many fans, is considered to be the definitive Trigun ~experience~ (that'll change your life~)
It can be a difficult read, with regards to the serious subject matter presented and even for comprehending the vaguer 'up to reader interpretation' scenes (bc you can't speed-read this; there are times you may have to pace yourself with breaks to process if needed, and bc the expressive artwork itself does much of the talking through strong vibes and impression, which requires your full attention to grasp what's happening.) And since Nightow, the author, rarely draws speech bubbles with directional tails to indicate who's talking - cues which instead are understood thru context and the characters' unique accents/speech patterns, which while obvious in Japanese, is a much harder challenge when translated into english. So if you ever feel lost/confused by what's happening with the need for clarification, there's many bookclub fans here, including the main fan translator, who'll gladly help you out!
Be prepared for much mental trauma, emotional damage, character death(s), morality/reality checks and pain and suffering abound....but it's done in a very cathartic, soulful, healing way...where you suffer and heal in the same boat along with Vash instead of leaving you permanently hurt, it may leave you coming out of it feeling quite changed and enlightened refreshed and comforted by its messages instead. :')) (I've seen plenty who consider it their comfort manga bc of this, as well.) The enduring good faith Vash has in humanity, pursuing kindness as a choice for a better future (where things are not doomed when there's always a second chance to continue), and the ability to survive and recover from almost impossible, terribly hopeless (to downright suicidal) odds are what resonate strongly with me. :'3 Again, it's an ~experience~ you just have to feel to decide for yourself how it impacts you. But for some extra reassurance, the ending is not a tragic one, but something more bittersweet leaving off on a positive note, which is most importantly, hopeful. I hope you enjoy it!
And just fyi, after personally reading and comparing both the official Darkhorse and the Overhaul fan translations, I highly recommend the Overhaul manga over the official one for a much better time (since the official tl unfortunately has many mistakes, missed line callbacks, and misplaced speech bubbles, etc leading to more confusion, so yeah!) You can find the nicely accessible Overhaul manga translation (plus it seems there's plans for an improved ver2.0 fan translation in the works), along with their online reader too, right over here~
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littleragondin · 1 year ago
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better:
I have been tagged by @my-rose-tinted-glasses and @troubled-mind, thank you both! (っ˘ω˘ς )
3 Ships You Like: Currently, I am still basking in the warmth and kindness of Kasuga and Nomoto from She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat (probably going to be stuck there for a while ngl).
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I am also still quietly invested in Zorro x Luffy from the One Piece Live Action, in a way I haven’t been since I read the first two dozens volumes of One Piece about… twenty years ago …
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And I have restarted Khun Chai so the itch is back for Tian and Jiu.
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First Ship Ever:
Not sure about first ship ever, but I saw something about Peach Girl the other day, and I was reminded of how hard it was for me to decide if I wanted her to end with Toji or Okayasu lol (this and Evangelion were my first manga ever)
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Otherwise in the first ones, there is GaaLee from Naruto I guess. I think that’s the first story where I really started shipping/writing and reading fics/and swapping the characters around.
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Last Song You Heard:
It's a Fry and Laurie kinda evening. Gosh, I still know the lyrics by heart...
Favorite Childhood Book:
I used to read so much (where has all that reading time gone etc…) so it changed often. But I was a huuuuge fan of Artemis Fowl (he was a genius! And a villain! And he loved his mom!! and Holy was so badass!).
There was also a french SF series for kids, Kerri et Megane, that I loved SO much (they were ‘orphans’ who in the first volume hide in a spaceship to try to find Kerri’s parents), and it had gorgeous illustrations and I was obsessed.
Currently Reading:
I am in a terrible reading slump I’m afraid. I need to finish Love in the Big City (part 3 kinda broke my heart so I’m having trouble getting back on the saddle), as well as Flux by Jinwoo Chong, and I have started Textual Poachers by Henry Jenkins. So instead of reading any of that, I restarted Escalier C by Elvire Murail – that I have read a dozen times already but what can you do.
Currently watching:
Same thing, I guess. Things are going slow here too. Week to week I am keeping up with Sukiyanen kedo do yaro ka and 23.5 degrees (yes yes there is only one episode out but it still counts). I am also slooooowly catching back up on Ossan’s Love Returns, Kamen Rider Revice, and Pale Moon, as well as working my way through Leverage (I’m halfway through season 4). And I am binging Khun Chai again right now, for comfort.
Currently consuming:
I just finished a cassoulet (sponsored by my brother who seems to always worry that I will forget the taste of French food and sent me home with cans of food this year) and am eating a yogurt to top it off.
Currently craving:
Some sushis (unattainable) and some mango ice cream (more attainable once I go grocery shopping I guess).
If you feel so inclined (but of course no pressure) I will tag @benkaaoi @sparklyeyedhimbo @petrichoraline @gillianthecat @bengiyo @isaksbestpillow and also @scienceoftheidiot and @coquelicoq .。.:*☆
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anisaanisa · 2 years ago
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Limerence: The Masterpost ☆
I couldn't miss the opportunity for another canon-flavoured masterpost, so here I go again with Limerence. This collection is a prequel to Homecoming, so if you're not ready to say goodbye, by all means, carry on! The structure remains: above the cut lies links, and below lurks a prompt breakdown where I attempt to justify everything that just happened. Onward!
Tumblr: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Read it on AO3 ▶ Previous Masterposts: Homecoming〡Evermore
This is your rest stop. Beyond the Keep Reading banner are many words and manga caps for those with a vested interest in Inuyasha headcanons/meta/anecdotes. Snacks applicable!
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The Personal Bit ☆
ALRIGHT, masks off besties. Are they your OTP? Cause they’re my OTP too, and we should consider bursting into flames about it together (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥
I didn't think I’d participate with writing this year, until about a week before the event, when I was frying-panned with some notions. As a fellow bearer of the curse, it started with a seedling of Kagome looking out for Inuyasha in the modern era, whether she realised it or not and even if, logically, she knew better, and snowballed from there. So, I blasted through each prompt with the intention of keeping them short, and after a survey back, each chapter grew deceptively longer, and I thought: why not add a stair [100 words] to Kagome's case for each day?
This particular canon universe is approached thusly: the prompt is the starting point, and the characters do the rest. I don't control the narrative, the narrative controls me, type thing. Hence, chapters are plot-negative, and times skips are abundant. Anyway. Enough waxing!
Note: I am working with the Viz English translation of the Inuyasha manga with some anime filler for seasoning, and the timeframe for the 3-year separation falls loosely between 1998-2001.
Final Note: Limerence spoilers start here.
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Prompt Breakdown ☆
Day 1: Love Language(s)
Summary: Kagome's been distracted. Or, I hc that Kagome spent a good amount of time away with the fairies (and trying to catch up with school) when she first got back. Thoughts and Feels:
Love Language(s) were coined in 1992; the likelihood of them being such a commonly adopted phrase/ideology was as slim as Kagome knowing what her friends were going on about. They're a relatively new conception of navigating romance, but that doesn't mean buzzwords didn't make it into those teen mags we remember so well, though! Point for fuck it we ball!
For better or worse, friends are gonna be a tad nosy, and Kagome’s definitely were. Consistently and without fail:
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Chapter 23, Volume 3, Mask of Flesh ☆
—and how else to feel her “snapping back into the room” in 100 words, if not when confronted with mathematics?
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Chapter 411, Volume 42, The Kind One ☆
Fun Fact: There is a small high chance I spent the most time on this one overall because trying to spin a tale in 100 words is wild.
Day 2: Possession
Summary: Kagome acts on impulse. Or, I hc that uncanny resemblances might ruin a girl's day out. Thoughts and Feels:
Okay, yeah, okay, technically the baseball cap didn't happen in the manga. But this is why filler episodes are good for the ecosystem, or something.
Shock can have a lot of side effects. Confusion, agitation, complete and utter lack of personal or road safety (to name a few), and in Kagome's case here, shoving Inuyasha-shaped familiarity under her nose when she least expected it had her acting up, because not only has the well been sealed off for X time, she was used to him acting up whenever he stepped foot in the modern era:
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Chapter 392, Volume 40, A Peaceful Meal ☆
Her friends still care, though! Cause that's what friends are for! As wild of a creature as Kagome can be, they're aware of her “struggles” with her health, and are oddly used to her odd ways:
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Chapter 35, Volume 4, A Little Imp ☆
Fun Fact: I rewrote that last line, like, 7 times. The free writing tag is actually fake news.
Day 3: Safe
Summary: Kagome's has a nightmare. Or, I hc that a brave face doesn't do much when she's at her most vulnerable. Thoughts and Feels:
If you've ever had nightmares/night terrors/sleep paralysis, you'll know how, well, terrifying they can be. Lucid states between sleep and wakefulness has a nasty way of warping perceptions, and with everything Kagome witnessed, her dreamscapes had to be vivid, especially after her stint in the jewel, where reality and fantasy blurred real bad, and what's worse, it taunted her about it:
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Chapter 554, Volume 56, High School Life ☆
To further that point, Inuyasha gets brutal - beheadings, graphic slaughterings (sometimes at the hands of an MC eheh), you know, justgirlythings - and therefore toned down for television, as anime adaptations often are. Kagome was 15, and while she did that, it would leave a mark. Trauma, guys. We're talking about trauma now.
If the reference was caught during her tiny tale: the scene with Mama H being shook to fuck over her baby glowing is anime-only, but I really dig the idea that she knew something was up with Kagome from Day 0, really aided in reasoning why she was so okay with her daughter doing all that, thank you for understanding. Another point for filler!
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Fun Fact: I…barely remember writing this one, actually, truly, read it back a week later like: don't know her. I love her like any proud mother, though!
Day 4: Modern
Summary: Kagome asks a question she doesn’t like the answer to. Or, I hc that curiosity killed the cat. Thoughts and Feels:
The trickiest one, in terms of setting. I spent too much time looking into the availability and flavours of historical records in Tokyo (particularly 2000ish, bc digital archives weren't that hot then) and came to the conclusion that while yes, it was possible for her to gain access to [something], no, it wasn't very likely she'd come across any death records, (specifically Koseki) for her friends, with the added bonus that family names are notably lacking until 1868. But take Kagome's resourcefulness + Japan's love for paperwork, and it led me here – to some kinda fake archive with fake books and fake names that could potentially be somebody that she used to know. And while I try my best to be respectful of the people and the setting I'm writing within, I asked myself bluntly, if I really gave a fuck about being accurate in this regard/fictional setting, and the answer was also: no. There isn't a Sunset Shrine either, so a fictional National Archives with The Right Documents there shall be.
Of all the Fuedal-Inuyasha characters, I feel like Sango is the one that would have Done Something to leave a mark, somewhere written on paper. You know...Badass Women For Agriculture Union [codeword for demon slaying], something. Yeah, Miroku was a holy man, but we're not talking about history right now, we're talking about Herstory.
And finally, that moment. The one where Kagome almost cracked and unleashed self-inflicted rage on some guy, cause time didn't cease to exist for them. The thing about Kagome, apart from her being an all round great character, is that she isn't tame, nor timid, and certainly no shrinking violet. But where she's brash and loud and (sometimes) quick to anger, she's also kind. And reasonable, and at the core, a wonderful person, and that duality is what makes her so lovable, relatable, and fun to write. Lookit her:
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Chapter 175, Volume 185, Where They First Met ☆
Fun Fact: I really wanted to point out that Kagome was supposed to be in her high school uniform, but writing restriction said naur. Irrelevant. Also, this is my favourite chapter. Weird, right? Haha?
Day 5: Heat
Summary: Kagome hears a bump in the night. Or, I hc that stranger things have occurred than a random bout of sleepwalking while living with PTID (Post Traumatic Isekai Disorder). Thoughts and Feels:
There was a small blip in time where this chapter skewed Mature. Explicit, even. Something about imagining a certain someone in a compromising position, but then the wind changed direction, and I went for literal heat. Japanese summers are stifling, and heat...is hot. Ace card, go!
Lunar charts and such: they don't add up when you compare two points in time, 500 years apart. But there could still be some peculiar celestial moon stuff that led a sleep-deprived Kagome to have a gander at the moon, especially when it's new.
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Chapter 140, Volume 15, The Other Side of the Well ☆
Inuyasha had a brilliant way of turning up when she least expected him, or staying away when she wanted to see him the most. There are little things that happen, like an open window or remnants of a dream that might stay with her upon waking, to lead her to think-maybe it was him?
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Chapter 287, Volume 29, Mimisenri ☆
BEHIND THE SCENES REVEAL: Kagome was the one who opened her door and tried to feed the cat, but it didn't work, because sleepwalkers are silly. Easter Eggy Subtext: Buyo is the catalyst, but Kagome is the key. Think about it.
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Chapter 494, Volume 50, Two Worlds ☆
Day 6: Courting
Summary: Kagome tries her best. Or, I hc that Kagome gives it the old college effort, a la jewel illusion. Thoughts and Feels:
Kagome's family want the best for her. Kagome's friends are boy-crazy hen-peckers. Hojo is cute, and has always shown an interest in Kagome. Therefore: it would be wild to assume she didn't at least say yes, once, to going out with him, even if she knew it really wasn't going to go anywhere:
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Chapter 140, Volume 15, The Other Side of the Well ☆
Sometimes you have to do things to understand how much you don't want to do that thing. At this point in time, Kagome's coming up for graduation, she's spent almost 3 years dealing with everything that happened to her, and she's not a complete tool. However, the mind wanders, especially when you'd rather someone else's company:
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Chapter 69, Volume 8, Sensing Presences ☆
She's going to give the modern era one last shot – because while romance isn't everything, it can be part of something – before throwing in the towel and saying fuck it, I tried. And as Kagome's will Kagome, she'd want to make an effort for the sake of others:
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Chapter 35, Volume 4, A Little Imp ☆
Fun Fact: This chapter (and the next) ended up floating around 1.5K at first draft. I'd like to formally apologise to the words lost in transit, you will be missed.
Day 7: Smile
Summary: Kagome comes home. Or, I hc that Kagome finally puts her wants, needs and feelings first, and those might suspiciously man-shaped. Thoughts and Feels:
Yeahyeah, the “I never thought I'd write this”, we've all seen it. But it's true! Never thought I'd write a chapter retelling, and this one is that fact's poster child. They aren't my bag (to read or to write) but the ending was there all along, obviously:
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Chapter 494, Volume 50, Two Worlds ☆
The right wish, the wrong wish, a selfish wish, a selfless wish – as many Isekai's go, wish fulfilment is a huge part of the narrative (not just for Kagome, but so many of the characters) but she, unlike others, had a huge weight on her shoulders about making the right one that I wanted to tease out that moment where she gets it:
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Awfully familiar cap is familiar, Chapter 558, Volume 56, Tomorrow ☆
Are you sure you're supposed to be there, Miss Thing? Life doesn't end just because you finished a job, or have to feel beholden to a sense of home. Home can be anywhere! Home can be a person! You can do it, bestie. Do it for her! Her is you! Go Kagome!
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Chapter 79, The Fruits of Evil ☆
She made her dreams – from acing school, to making her family proud, to seeing Inuyasha again – a reality. There's really nothing more I can say about that, it's all there. She chose herself! And that included him! Ain't that neat!
Fun Fact: In Japanese, Inuyasha calls her a baka. In the scanlation, he calls her an idiot. In the English sub/dub, he calls her an idiot. In the Viz translation (the one I refer to most) he calls her a fool. Imho, in English, he says idiot, cause Inuyasha has zero respect and carries that no-finesse kind of rizz. Bless him.
Bonus Fun Fact: Chapters like this are why I'm such a flaming monster about writing advice being a tool, not a rule. Those last two lines, without the use of But and And at the beginning, would not carry the same weight and timing I wanted to achieve, therefore, you can pry them as sentence starters out of my cold, dead hands.
The End.
Weehee! This could have been way longer (you're thinking how, I'm thinking I'm proud of how restrained I was) but alas, we've reached the end. Thanks again to @inukag-week for hosting the event of all time! I love them sooo much. Sososo much, they're the best little guys 🎉
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, click here to send me an ask! I love not shutting up about them 🛸
ttyl bbs 🤸
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sweetchcolate · 1 year ago
I have just started reading Maomao's misadventures within the palace (aka Apothecary's diaries) and so far it seems pretty good! Will the entire novel maintain this level of 'being pleasant to read'?
Woohoo, congrats! Glad you're having fun!
(And lmao, misadventures is definitely the best expression to use. For someone who hates being in the spotlight or involved because it might lead to drama and trouble, Maomao sure is good a catching important people's eyes haha)
As for the rest of the light novel... hmm, that's a bit hard to say. To remain spoiler free, all I'll say is that future volumes try to move the action outside of the rear court and while I liked some of the plot points, at times I felt lost/confused trying to keep up with all the new characters and their relationships as the cast and the span of the story grew. It also doesn't help that I started to develop KnH fatigue because I binge watched the anime, the manga, and then the LN in like 2-3 days haha
Do give the LN a try and see how much enjoyment you get out of it! That's the most important part imo!
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ecargmura · 1 year ago
Cherry Magic Episode 10 Review - Ulterior Motives
Remember how I pointed out how the anime deviated from the manga in Episode 3 regarding the company dinner scenes and how it was originally a company trip in the manga? Deviation from the original source material happens in this episode, but it’s with the Tsugemina scenes this time. Just to warn you, I will be spoiling about future events of the manga—mainly about Tsugemina and some future scenes; please turn back if you don’t want to be spoiled.
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Let me start with the beginning of the episode. Minato asks if Tsuge writes romance novels, which catches Tsuge off-guard, but he does admit it. Minato saw his newest work having a display in the bookstore which he read. This scene actually happens backwards in the manga where Minato sees the display first before talking to Tsuge about his book. It’s not a bad change as it doesn’t change anything too major; it’s pretty much the same scene in both versions. This scene is important because Minato learns about what motivates Tsuge to keep writing, to which the older man says that he visualizes the people who reads his book. Tsuge is correct as writing is all about wanting people to read your work; I can attest to that as a writer myself. The scenes with Minato dancing are all the same with him failing and what not. The only minor difference is that Minato’s other friend Hashiguchi wasn’t given a name in the manga. The scene where Minato goes to Hashiguchi’s company for a small visit is the same, as well as the Tsugemina bike scene. I have a bit of a soft spot for this pair, which is why I always enjoy their scenes. The bike scene must have been super unexpected for first-time viewers. I was confused when Tsuge dished out the bike; I was legit like “Where did that bike come from?” I initially thought he had a car before the twist reveal in that he had a motorbike.
The scene after the “ulterior motives” part is where the story deviates. In the manga, after Tsuge declares to himself to not intrude in Minato’s life, a time skip happens as the chapter takes place in was well after Adachi returned from his Nagasaki transfer, which was a few months. Tsuge started having writer’s block and he suffers from it a lot to the point that he starts looking a bit haggard; his hair grew longer and he hadn’t shaved in a while. Adachi was shocked to see him like that when he went to visit. Eventually, Adachi learned from Rokkaku that Minato had been busy with stages, hence why he had been out of contact for a while. Tsuge eventually sees Minato on the big screen, like in the anime, but the time jump doesn’t exist in this adaptation. Now it makes me wonder if the Tsuge change will happen after this episode or if they’ll still keep him the same. The events of the last part of the Tsugemina scenes in the anime happened in Volume 9, which was released a few months ago in English. Basically, what happens after this episode is really up for assumptions now. Will they get together towards the end of the show? That’s for you to find out.
Tsuge does play another pivotal role in this episode as he helps Adachi realize what it is he did wrong. He tells Adachi that he was wrong to consult another coworker, let alone another man, while he is dating Kurosawa. You did good on giving Adachi advice yet you flubbed a bit when you were trying to confess to Minato but blurted out that you had ulterior motives. Great job, Tsuge.
Adachi and Kurosawa know that they both did something wrong towards each other. Adachi was wrong to consult someone else about his transfer. Kurosawa was wrong to corner Adachi and admonish him. Both know they did bad things, but the resolution has yet to happen. Hopefully, it’ll get resolved next week. It was agonizing to see them like this.
Anyways, I just hope I don’t get flack for revealing some spoilers despite me warning beforehand. What do you think will happen for both couples? Will Kurodachi resolve their conflict? Will Tsugemina resolve their misunderstanding? Find out next week. What are your thoughts about this episode?
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atlantablack · 1 year ago
9 People To Get To Know Better (tag game)
Thank you for the tag @m-b-w!
3 ships you like: oh geez, only 3, I guess I'll have to say Merlin/Arthur (bbcm), Steve/Jonathan/Nancy (Stranger Things), and Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes (mcu)
First Ship Ever: I have to say Draco/Hermione - my brother lied to me at some point before the last two movies came out and told me they were end game and I foolishly believed him and from there I somehow spiraled into fandom
Last Song You Heard: caffeine by brakence (I've been in a like hyper/glitch pop mood and brakence's album hypochondriac is single-handedly responsible)
Favorite Childhood Book: I was really obsessed with Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden and the Boxcar Children as a kid. Honestly, is it fair to use a manga, because if so my love of Fruits Basket has lasted to this very day, I just bought the collector's editions in January and binged the newer anime recently. So, I think I might have to go with those.
Currently Reading: ohgod, so, I started "The Light Between Worlds" by Laura Weymouth a time ago and haven't finished it yet. Also "the hidden culture, history, and science of bisexuality" by Julia Shaw is one I'm working through. Also Volume one of "Fruits Basket" and for school I'm reading "Pale Fire" by Vladimir Nabokov (which I do not think I'm going to manage to finish) and I've also started "Time is a Mother" by Ocean Vuong....... so I'm doing super great and will one day actually start finishing some of these
Currently Watching: I have a few episodes left of Fruits Basket to get through and I still need to watch the last episode of Percy Jackson. Before that I was in the middle of trying to catch up on MCU content, she-hulk was next on my list.
Currently Consuming: coffee and water , the usual
Currently Craving: the ability to focus on schoolwork for longer than 15 minutes would be super neat, or the ability to write
Tagging: @queerofthedagger @kairyenn-n @magicinavalon @alchemistc @nextstopparis @emryses and anyone else who wants to!
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