#and i only had to change out of sweat drenched clothes once!
saprophetic · 10 months
honestly i am doing SO good for being undermedicated during a time that i am famously Not Doing Well
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taintedpearls · 4 months
˙✧˖ ༘ ⋆。˚spiderman!ellie williams and upside down kisses in the rain... yeah. — daily click. written at 2am.
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"mind if i get a kiss?" you teased the vigilante in front of you, rocking back and forth on your heels, hands clasped together behind your back. it was dark out, the only source of light being from the streetlamp that she was currently hanging from, hands holding webs in place. rain lightly pattered on the pavement below from the cramped alley you were in. the infamous spidergirl right in front of you, upside down and hanging on a lamppost. the rain causing her suit to have a darker contrast compared to the usual bright red.
"i- um, uhh..." you giggled as she stumbled over her words, finding amusement in her awkwardness with you. ellie would react the exact same way.
"don't sweat it spidey, i'm only joking!" you continued, trying to convince yourself that you were joking. that you didn't genuinely wish for a kiss with the red-suited woman who reminded you a little too much of your childhood crush, ellie williams.
she stayed upside down, unmoving and thinking over your request, she knew who you were, you didn't know who she was under the suit. would it be wrong? allowing the girl she's infatuated with kiss her under the impression of someone else?
when no reply was given to you, you sighed. closing your eyes gently and focusing on the feeling of rain on your clothes, slowly drenching them.
"i'll see you 'round, spidey." you conclude, opening your eyes once again only to see her much closer to you this time, slightly jolting back in surprise and almost slipping, you let out a confused squeak of surprise.
"you can kiss me." she blurted out suddenly, muffled by the mask. the thoughts of feeling your lips on hers got the best of her, even if it was somewhat wrong morally.
you paused, pursing your lips silently and ellie felt she could die. maybe you really were just joking, but from the slight pout that came after and kept its place on your lips, she assumed you weren't.
slowly, your face changed into a dopey smile, walking forwards and towards her again wordlessly. ellie's suit on the verge of telling the girl her heart rate was alarmingly high.
"and how do you propose we go about that with the whole secret identity thing you got going on there?" you teased further, curious to just how much you could push her buttons.
"i don't care how you do it," this time it comes out as a whisper "just do it."
your expression quickly changes from her own change of tone. the bold white eyes somehow look droopier and almost lovesick. who were you to deny the superhero a kiss?
gently and wordlessly, you tug at the bottom of her mask. heart pounding out of your chest, were you really about to do this? what would ellie think? would it make her jealous?
the thought gets lost in your head. all you can focus on is the feeling of latex between your fingers. her chin becomes visible, then her lips, then half of her nose.
she looks exactly like ellie.
the same cut on ellie's upper lip is on her lip, auburn locks are slightly spilling out the bottom of the mask, and the freckles on her nose are the exact same. you had memorised them. the only thing missing is the distinct scar on her eyebrow.
everything suddenly clicked in your head. when you would wake up in the middle of the night to ellie requesting to be patched up, claiming she "fell down the stairs! i'm clumsy, you know this!"
but you weren't wearing a mask. she knew she was going to kiss you, and she wanted to.
not wanting to ruin the moment, you keep your revelation to yourself and mouth shut.
although the rain is growing heavier, you can barley feel the way your clothes have started to stick to you, instead focusing on how you're so close to spidergirl- ellie's face, how you can feel her breathe cascading down your neck.
"are you sure?" you whisper, latex held tightly in your hands as you cup her cheeks.
"just kiss me." and you do.
it's soft and sensual, there's no sense of urgency or hunger. just a feeling of belonging and security, with her. with the girl of your dreams.
after all this time, all it took was being bold with the friendly neighborhood spider? you would've almost been mugged much sooner if that was the case.
your lips move in sync with hers, one hand of hers releasing the web she was previously holding to cup your cheek and pull you in closer if that was even possible.
slowly and hesitantly, the two of you pull away to catch your breath.
"wow ellie that was... amazing" you manage to muster out of your now slightly swollen lips, eyes half lidded and now open.
the eyes on her mask open wide,
"how did you-?!"
you shut her up with a kiss once more, one that she now melts into.
"you're not slick, i always had a hunch. i just needed confirmation." you kept your eyes shut as you rested your forehead on hers and broke the news.
she sighs, relief flooding her body at the prospect of you finally knowing about her secret little side project, no longer needing to come up with stupid excuses about why she was constantly bruised and battered.
the rain is now pouring down, and you giggle ever so slightly, pulling away.
"i hate to say this, but im gonna get a cold if i stay out here much longer,"
"oh shi-!"
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originally, i wrote this with hazel callahan in mind, but upon realising it wouldn't do as well i changed it to ellie williams. this is the original original version i scrapped with hazel, the one above was originally hazel as well.
spiderman!hazel who has been infatuated with you since the start of freshman year and you who's been infatuated with hazel since the end of freshman year. when news of a new spider looking vigilante swinging through the streets of brooklyn got to you, you were determined to meet her. just one picture for your blog was all you wanted! seems easy enough, right? after relentless ranting to hazel about how desperate you are to meet her, you did! what surprised you was the fact that when you finally did come across the vigilante, it was pouring rain and dark out. not exactly ideal conditions for a photo. what also surprised you was how much this mysterious red suited woman reminded you of hazel, from her voice to her body language, she was the embodiment of hazel. hell you even questioned if it was her before brushing the thought off, she would've told you if she was. the random cuts and bruises that appeared were from fight club, obviously. but, in a moment of absolute desperation for even the slightest hint of what hazels lips might taste like, you found yourself requesting a kiss. a request you instantly took back, profusely apologising for your forwardness, and starting to walk away, but they agreed. calling after you and swinging to be right in front of you, upside down. the rain harshly pattering against the pavement as you stared into her mask. after realising she wasn't going to let you leave without fulfilling your wish, you gently pulled her mask down just below her eyes. the sound of rain dissipated from your ears as all you could focus on was her. cupping her face and moving forward and connecting your lips. it was passionate, filled with emotions. you thought you knew this mystery woman personally from the way she moved, spoke, acted.
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flowerandblood · 3 months
The Fall from the Heavens (40) (End)
[ canon • Aemond x Strong • niece female ]
[ warnings: description of childbirth, breeding and lactation kink, sex content, smut, angst, fluff ]
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[ description: A cool distance turns into friendship and more when two children see that they can find refuge and understanding in each other. However, naïve dreams collide with the reality in which every event has consequences and what once could have been love becomes a dark, newly painful obsession. Angst, sexual tension, obsession, violence, madness, very dark Aemond. ]
The story in this series is an alternate reality from the oneshot Stay and love, leave and die, in which Aemond reads the letters his niece has sent to him over the years. They are the same characters and it shows what would have happened between them − I have changed the background story from their childhood slightly for the sake of the plot.
Characters & Series Moodboard Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Moodboard Aemond & Lady Strong Childhood
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Next chapters: Masterlist
Nothing terrified her more than giving birth. During the night, she often dreamt that she was dying an agonising death, that her husband was ordering her womb to be cut open as her grandfather had done to her grandmother.
She would then wake up drenched in a cold sweat and sigh with relief when she realised it was only a dream. She didn't tell her husband about it because she knew he would have been furious at the mere suggestion that he could do something so monstrous to her.
To her surprise and the initial panic that gripped her, though she would never have expected it, the presence of Alicent and Alys eased her delivery. The two experienced women told her exactly how she should sit and when to walk, how she should breathe, when to push and when to rest, stroking her hair and her back.
They comforted her with warm words, told her how perfectly she was doing, how brave she was, that everything would be well, that she could do it.
She felt like her baby was about to tear her apart, moans and screams erupted from her throat as if she were a monster or an animal, tears of exertion and suffering running down her cheeks hot with emotion.
"– I can see the head, Princess – the baby is placed in the right position – all is well – when I tell you, push –" Alys said, peering at her from between her thighs, and she nodded quickly, feeling relieved at her words, thinking that she would not die.
That she would give her husband a son and end the war.
She screamed, clasping her hand over Alicent's palm as she tried with effort to bring her offspring into the world, this brutal act unknown to the man full of blood and fluids, sickening and beautiful at the same time, giving life.
And suddenly she was relieved when something large finally slid out of her body and began to quiver. Alys smiled, as if she was genuinely happy about what she was seeing.
"– it's a healthy little boy –" She said, and she laughed with joy while simultaneously crying from relief and exhaustion, tilting her head back, panting loudly.
When her son's umbilical cord was cut he was wiped quickly and given to her, rolled up in a soft white cloth so she could see him.
His hair was white.
She looked at Alicent, who pressed her lips together, tears one by one running down her face.
"I'm so happy for you, my love. I truly am."
When her husband was summoned, she had the feeling that he had survived her labour worse than she had – he walked into the chamber shaky and pale, breathing loudly through his mouth as if he was about to faint. When he closed them in his embrace, when he saw their child, there was a smile on his face that she had so rarely seen: wide, joyful, full of life.
They had a son.
They had an heir.
They had an heir to the throne.
The word was immediately sent out to Dragonstone and King's Landing along with the signatures of Daemon and the Queen to attest to the truth of the message.
Both Aegon and her mother arrived in Harrenhal to see that it was true, and were greeted by the head of Lord Larys Strong impaled on a spike, as promised by Daemon.
She ran out to greet her mother as soon as she noticed Syrax in the distance – Rhaenyra embraced her immediately as she slid from her saddle, sobbing with joy at the sight of her, kissing her forehead and cheeks.
"– my only daughter –"
Aegon was already waiting for her, together with her husband bent over the cradle in which their son lay.
Viserys looked at the newcomers with his big, bright eyes, hiding his face in his small hands, watching the historic moment when a settlement was to be written between her mother and her uncle that would change the order of succession by their agreement, establishing her and her husband as ruler-regents until their son reached the age of sixteen.
According to Rhaenyra's will, neither of them was to wear the crown or sit on the Iron Throne – that honour would be bestowed only on their son, Viserys, when he reached the right age.
She watched, cradling her son in her arms, who put his whole little hand in his mouth, mumbling something squeaky, as Aegon and then her mother put their signatures to their arrangements written down by the scribe, and she clenched her eyes shut, swallowing hard, knowing that it had finally happened.
This was the end of the conflict.
Although the atmosphere in Harrenhal was tense, and Aegon had immediately returned to the Red Keep, the exact date had been set for when she, her mother and her husband would appear in King's Landing to present the will of her mother and her uncle to the entire kingdom in the Great Sept.
She was horrified that what had remained only in her imagination was now to become a reality.
Her husband was to become King Regent and she was to become Queen Regent.
They were to rule the kingdom together.
She was not prepared for such a life and was terrified, her husband, however, seemed calmer and more confident than ever, as if he had been destined for it.
She trusted him and wanted to be his support.
Viserys was changing every day, growing in front of her eyes. It seemed to her that he had more of his father in him than of her, for he was a sweet but shy child, hiding his flushed face whenever anyone but her or his father looked into his cradle or touched him.
To her delight, her husband, although at first afraid to take him in his arms, began to do so to ease the strain on her and her back as their son began to grow heavier.
She watched from the sidelines as the physical contact began to bring them closer together – Viserys stretched his small, chubby hands towards him when his father merely leaned over him, and her uncle was taking him in his arms, whispering something to him, from which their son giggled loudly.
She knew that he wanted to be a better father to their son than the one he had.
Because of what was happening they were too tired to do anything at night other than sleep, so they cuddled exactly as they had when they were children, falling asleep with their foreheads touching each other, holding hands, silently reminding each other that they were not alone.
Her uncle loved watching her feed his son. When she took him in her arms and slipped her shirt off her shoulders, he always interrupted whatever he was doing and came over to them, sitting down next to her, looking silently at this mythological sight of a woman breastfeeding her offspring.
One night as she put their son down, sleeping peacefully with a belly full of her milk back into his cradle, her husband looked at her with a look she knew well. He licked his lips as he sat spread out on the bed, watching her entire figure from afar.
"– come here –" He commanded with a grimace from which she felt a pleasant shiver, his eye fixed on her expression of satisfaction.
"– it's time for your husband to taste you –"
She didn't think he meant it, but as it turned out, her childhood friend still managed to surprise her. His lips kissed her soft thighs and stomach, where white lines had formed, and although, indeed, her body looked different, he didn't seem to notice.
"– my brave wife – she brought my son and heir into this world – shouldn't I, as her husband, caress her every night in return? –" He gasped, sliding his tongue down between her thighs, his light, taunting lick traveling up her puffy bud made her throw her head back, all thirsty.
"– yes –" She exhaled, feeling in her loins more than ever how much she wanted it, how much she needed those words, her cunt swollen with arousal.
"– mmm –"
She almost cried out as his nose pressed against her warm, sensitive folds, and his tongue invaded deep between her slit, trailing its tip and teasing the spot from which her thighs trembled in the grip of his hand.
"– fuck – Aemond, oh, fuck –" She mumbled, rocking her hips so that her pearl rubbed again and again against his face, feeling the tension and tingling in her lower abdomen, in her hard nipples and lips, her hands clenched in his hair, begging him for more.
"– dirty little cunt – all sticky – am I wrong? – He cooed with a sneer and she shook her head, feeling a wonderful shiver of delight run through her body at his words as his tongue slowly built her path to fulfillment.
"– my wife is unmannerly – she can't even answer her husband – what a pity –" He hummed, rising on his arms, wiping his face with a grin. She looked at him with her eyes wide open, panting loudly, feeling her whole womanhood pulsing and quivering with desire.
"– n-no – please –" She muttered pleadingly, and he chuckled under his breath, delighted apparently at her condition.
"– what shall I do with you? – how to teach you good manners? – treat you like a mere wet-nurse? – a source of milk for my offspring? – hm? –" He sneered, making her turn red with embarrassment, her fingers clenched on his hot, naked body.
She squirmed, startled, when he suddenly leaned over her chest and pressed his face against her breast, enclosing her puffy, delicate nipple between his lips, and then began to suck greedily.
She heard him swallow her warm milk and moan low at the same time as her, as if something about the act aroused them both.
"– fuck – fuck, fuck, fuck, please –" She mumbled out and sighed as his knee hit her leg and forced her to spread her thighs – not letting go of her breast from between his lips, which he kept squeezed between his fingers, he blindly tried to meet her entrance with the tip of his cock, into which she herself guided it with her fingers, desperate, spreading her walls in front of him.
"– here – here, uncle – gods, yes, right here –" She mewled and threw her head back as he slammed into her with an aggressive, deep thrust, sliding into her with ease. She squealed when he put his arm under her back and suddenly lifted himself to a sitting position, pulling her against him.
He forced her to fit his hard, throbbing erection inside her again and again with sharp, quick thrusts while keeping his hands clamped on her waist and breast – his lips released her nipple and clung to her mouth, letting her drink her own milk, warm and sweet.
"– fucking delicious –" He exhaled, sliding his tongue down her throat, embracing her tightly, her full, swollen breasts bumping against his chest, rubbing against her oversensitive nipples again and again. Their bodies slapped against each other loudly, her walls slick and wet, welcoming him easily deep inside her.
"– I've missed this little cunt – gods, Rhaenys, 'm close –" He muttered, ashamed and flushed at not being able to persevere any longer after such a long break, and then groaned loudly in pleasure along with her, his mouth wide open in relief and bliss.
"– Aemond –" She panted, along with him coming down from their peak, her fleshy walls squeezing his half-hard, twitching manhood, the remnants of his seed filling her womb.
"– six – you promised me six more –" He muttered, and she nodded quickly.
"– yes – yes, my beloved –"
The day their little son was to be presented in front of the crowd and the terms of the agreement were to take effect was one of the most terrifying of her life. She and her husband had returned to King's Landing several weeks earlier to oversee the preparations and what was to happen.
They and their families had travelled in carriages to the Great Sept as agreed. She rocked their son in her arms, who would not be calmed, crying loudly, feeling her terror and fear, the thought that something would happen, that someone would betray them, that there would be a tragedy that would destroy everything.
"Give him to me." Said her uncle, and she pressed her lips together, handing him squirming, whimpering Viserys.
"There, there. Easy. Your mother is just very scared, but we are not in any danger." He whispered to their son, rocking him calmly. Viserys looked at him, putting his small hand into his mouth as was his custom when he was intrigued.
"– no –" She and her uncle said at the same time, but her husband forestalled her, pulling his hand from his mouth.
"– you can't do that –" He rebuked him, apparently believing that the several-month-old infant would comprehend the weight of his words.
However, it turned out that he did not when, after a moment, his little fingers reached his chubby face again. Her husband grabbed his arm to stop him from doing what he wanted.
"– he's stubborn just like you –" He said, looking at her reproachfully, as if it was her fault that their son was displaying behaviour incomprehensible to him. She sighed heavily, shaking her head.
"– you haven't replied to my letters for eight years and you're going to lecture me on stubbornness? –" She asked with raised eyebrows and saw her uncle press his lips into a thin line, exactly as he had when they were children and she had told him that Aegon the Conqueror spent nine nights out of ten with Rhaenys.
He was just as she remembered him.
"Did you hear that, son? Your mother never forgets anything." He muttered, looking her straight in the eye. She smiled at him with a sneer.
Her husband responded to her words with the same expression, grinning.
"Little tease."
When they finally arrived in the Great Sept, to her surprise, they were greeted with flowers and cheers; contrary to what she thought, the people of the kingdom were not in favour of a bloody solution to the matter and wanted peace above all else.
They went inside through a side entrance, her mother, her uncle and everyone else waiting on a large stone platform, onto which they stepped, accompanied by the solemn sound of trumpets.
"Heir to the Iron Throne, Viserys Targaryen, his father, King Regent Aemond Targaryen and his mother, Queen Regent, Rhaenys Targaryen." She heard the voice of one of the guards and looked at him in shock.
Rhaenys Targaryen.
Her husband had ordered that her real name not be read out, only the one he had given her.
That was how he perceived her.
Her mother looked at her, furrowing her brow, thinking something bad had happened, but she nodded at her with a smile, feeling tears under her eyelids.
The crowds began to cheer, and an overwhelming relief could be felt all around her, as if fresh air had suddenly filled her lungs, and she began to breathe again. She kissed the temple of her son, who snuggled into her body, terrified by the sudden screams and loud sounds, seeking refuge in her.
The more Viserys grew, the more he reminded her of his father. He quivered with contentment as her husband leaned over him with a book, showing him drawings of dragons, reading aloud to him the history of their lineage. When he was alone, he spent his days in the library, sitting in the exact chair her uncle had sat in when they were still children.
His role overwhelmed him and she knew it; he was a polite, composed and sensitive child. He had watched his father when, cold and mocking, he had dealt with members of the Small Council who had aroused his frustration, also spending a lot of time with his uncle, Prince Aegon.
"I took the throne from him. What was rightfully his as first son." He told her once, pale, bent over a book as usual. She ran her hand through his hair in a subconscious, maternal reflex and hissed when she felt the baby kick inside her abdomen.
Her husband had told her the night before, kissing her rounded belly, that he had hoped that after three sons he would finally have a daughter, and indeed, she had hoped so too.
The whole kingdom benefited from how stable their relation was, how strong their partnership was, their union, their trust in each other.
"The matter of succession was unclear because, before his death, your grandfather said that Aegon should become King, even though he had forced the Lordships many years earlier to pay tribute to my mother as the heir to the throne. This caused both her rights to the throne and your uncle's to be challenged throughout the kingdom, and there was no way out of the situation except war, which would have destroyed us all. Your appearance was a sign from the gods." She said softly, and her son nodded, something like relief on his face. He stared ahead for a moment, playing with his fingers.
"Do you know when Princess Alyssa will return?" He asked quietly, as if embarrassed.
She raised her eyebrows in surprise, remembering that, in fact, Alicent, Helaena and her two daughters had travelled to the Old Town some time ago to visit Dareon.
"Well. I do not know that." She answered truthfully.
Alyssa was the youngest child of Aegon and Helaena, already born after the Targaryen family's great truce, and in accordance with this agreement, she lived with her parents in the Red Keep.
She had inherited her mother's beautiful, delicate beauty and her father's cheerful, loud character, while retaining her gentleness and warmth. She used to laugh and speak a lot, hence it seemed to her that her son, withdrawn and quiet by nature, watched her from afar with indulgence and irritation rather than curiosity.
"Are you fond of her?" She continued, wanting to get more out of him, and he simply nodded.
"She is kind." He replied, playing between his fingers with the page of the book on his lap.
She smiled at him involuntarily, placing her hand on his shoulder.
"Let's write her a letter then."
Author's note: This is my most important, favorite and longest series since The Impossible Choice, Glass Cuts Deepest and The Man in the Black Mask and I must admit that I didn't expect it would have so many chapters. The story of Aemond and Rhaenys is special to me. Thank you for the wonderful reception of this series. There is also an epilogue coming, which you will read from the three diffirent perspectives: Viserys's, Aemond's and Rhaenys's.
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AHHH hii angel thank you so much for responding to my last request, it was more than perfect!! 💗
idk if you'd do this because it's a very sensitive topic and i don't want to make you feel uncomfortable but i need a little bit of comfort and reassurance since my bday is in like an hour hehe.. but can i have a bucky with a reader who's attempting to lose weight by dieting and working out but it kinda goes downhill (i think you know what I'm hinting at), and she's like a bit insecure and compares herself to models. and bucky finds out and helps her.. and just a bit angsty but turns out very fluffy with cuddles and stuff. you absolutely don't have to write this request if it's too overwhelming, lot's of love, take care! 💗💗💗💗
- 🦢
my love hi!! you’re more than welcome, glad you liked it!! happy belated birthday, hope you had a great day!! I love stuff like this so it’s no problem. sending love, hope you’re well. thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
bucky barnes x fem!reader — angst & comfort
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word count. 1073
warnings. potentially triggering content? mentions of dieting and working out. might be a hard read for some?
Comparison is the thief of joy. 
It's something you've always struggled with, the endless questioning of yourself, picking yourself apart in ways you believe you don't fit in. It's an easy habit to slip into but a difficult one to break out of. 
As of late, those feelings resurfaced - finding more and more 'faults' when you put yourself up against others. Models. It was as if you got sucked into a spiral of scrolling through images and doubting yourself, all of it leading to you curled up crying in bed. Always. 
No matter how upset you'd be, you'd still find yourself swiping up to see more - feeding that little gremlin in your mind. 
And after a little while, you decided you wanted to do something about those feelings - granted the reasoning behind it wasn't coming from a good place, but you'd be bettering yourself, and that's what you originally wanted.
So you changed your routine: waking up before six, secretly squeezing in an hour workout before joining Bucky on his morning runs, coming back home to have breakfast —an apple— then going about your day only to workout again once you get home. 
You thought food was the enemy, so you restricted yourself with crazy diets and regimes you hear about in Hollywood. You tried a water cleanse, a juice cleanse, keto, even fasting, but no matter how hard you thought you tried, your efforts would not be enough for what you wanted.
All it left you feeling was tired and crappy. No matter how much you hated your body, your body hated you more for what you were doing to it.
You thought you were being sneaky and secretive in the way you were going about it, but you couldn't be more wrong. Bucky, your boyfriend, knew something was running rampant in your mind: every dismissal of a snack you previously loved, every time he watched you dodge a mirror —or on the contrast of seeing you stare too long in one— all of it only confirming what he had hoped not to be true.
It's a sensitive topic, especially to bring up to a loved one. Bucky knew you weren't going to be forthcoming, so he wanted to take the first step.
You were in your shared bedroom, sorting through your dresser to find a clean pair of workout clothes - all of your others drenched in sweat from your previous workouts. 
"Hey, honey?" Bucky calls out, knocking on the ajar door. 
You turn around to see his sweet face, your own almost embarrassed from being caught. "Yeah?" 
"It's almost dinnertime. What do you say about going to that restaurant downtown? The one you love?" he asks, trying to scope you out.
"I have some stuff in the fridge. I bought a bunch of kale that needs eating before it goes bad," you reply, turning away, redirecting your focus to the clothes in your drawer.
Bucky leaves his spot in the doorframe, instead walking over to take a seat at the foot of the bed - behind from where you stand. "That's not food," he softly shakes his head. "Rabbits eat that. Let's get something good. What about a chicken sandwich? Pizza?"
"It is food," you reply. "Put on some pepper and olive oil, then bake it— it's good," you add, trying to convince him and yourself. 
He faintly sighs, resting his elbows on his knees. "No one likes kale."
"Maybe you're not cooking it right," you playfully protest, trying to distract him. 
"No, I cook it right," he stands up, walking to stand beside you. "We haven't gone out to eat for a while. I miss spending time with you like that."
You missed it too - far more than you'd ever anticipate. But you didn't want to slip up again. You already had a few times this week and you didn't want to make a habit of it. 
"I do, too, but I already ate. Maybe in the week?"
"What did you have?" he asks, craning his neck to look at your face.
You hesitate, not having an answer. "I can't remember."
He exhales weakly, your unknown confirmation making his heart sink. His hand reaches for yours, the act like he was pulling your attention back to him. "That means you haven't eaten," he utters, his tone soft - the meaning behind his words almost scolding. 
You feel cornered, and once again, you have no answer for him. 
His grip tightens, gently turning you back to him. "You need to eat, honey. Your body needs it... I know what you've been doing."
After hearing something you didn't want to, your stomach drops. Bucky knew.
"I should've said something when I noticed it," he shakes his head, feeling at fault. "You know you can't keep doing what you're doing?"
You nod meekly, avoiding his eyes. You did know that what you were doing was unhealthy, but you wanted to be like them. If they can do it, why can't you?
"Why have you been doing it?" he asks faintly, cocking his neck to meet your gaze.
"Are you telling me off?"
He's quick to shake his head, denying it almost instantly - both his palms reaching to cup your face. "God, no," his soft eyes bore into yours. "Of course not, honey. Never," he reassures, thumbs grazing over your cheeks. "I just want you to look after yourself."
"I do," you hesitate a response, the words delicate - almost inaudible.
"You don't," he mumbles. "The working out, not eating? You're hurting yourself," he pauses. "If you want to change, I can help you. But we'll do it the right way, okay? None of what you've been doing."
All you can do is nod, silently acknowledging your accidental wrongdoings.
"Just small changes," he leans in, pressing a kiss to your lips. "That's all you need, okay?"
"Okay," you faintly smile, agreeing to the help. 
"So," he starts, removing the placement on the sides of your face. "We're going to go out for dinner. And you're going to order whatever you want— whatever it is you've been wanting to eat," he pauses, noticing the hesitancy in your expression. "And we're going to order water instead of wine. Small changes."
The thought of ordering a meal you've restricted yourself from is enough to make your smile genuine. The idea of having your lover's support making it all that much easier.
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idiswhadidis · 10 months
only you
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mafia-bf jungwon x fem.doctor reader
sypnosis jungwon got hurt and you‘re the only one he wants - genre fluff, angst - warnings blood, needle, stabbing wound, cursing - wc 0,8k
a/n. hey there i posted earlier than i expected wohoo have fun reading <3
knocking onto his door rather harshly, annoyed and concerned written on your face
15 minutes ago you got a call from his personal assistant telling you he got himself injured during a mission and wouldn’t let any doctor help him if it’s not you
and here you are, not so patiently waiting for him to open the god for saken door
„i swear to god Jungwon if you don‘t open the door i will not come again to treat your ass ever again.“
not hearing any response or movements you get anxious he might be actually bad injured and fell unconscious
fishing out the keys you got from him in cases for these from your back pocket, feeling absolutely stressed
as you step slowly into the room you see the light shining through the door from the bathroom
walking to it and knocking on it, not hearing a response once again
„when i step in and i see you not unconscious i will smack you for not answering me even once mark my words“
you turn the knob and the first thing you see is a topless Jungwon right infront of a sink full with tissues tainted with blood
„fucking shit“ you speed walk up to him and take a look at him, seeing him drenched in sweat his bangs sticking onto his skin and his breathing a bit unsteady
„took you long enough“ he says the audacity
„what the fuck happened“ you say full with panic, him taking his hand off from his adomen
„got a bit traced by a knife?“
„traced?! - you mean stabbed“ taking as many tissues as you can and pressing your hand onto the wound trying to stop the bledding as best as you can making him squeeze his eyes shut and lean onto the sink for support
„love, don‘t be so harsh god damn“ glaring at him „you‘re so stupid you are bad injured but you didn’t let your doctors treat you? are you kidding me you could have passed out before i got here and it could have gotten more complicated“
looking up at him you see him smiling at you, „i love to see you care for me“
smacking his arm and pressing onto his wound a bit more had him throw his head back
„fuck okay sorry“
„try to lay down slowly so i can treat your ass“
„always so nice to me“ he says with a pained voice as he try’s to lay down
taking your hands off his wound you take a better look at it seeing that it‘s not that deep so it didn’t damage any organs
opening your bag full of medical stuff preparing to stitch him up, handing him a towel to bite on
„you know the drill i will numb the area but you still gonna feel pain“
you hear him snuck in a breath every time the needle goes through it „just 3 more times okay hang on and don’t close your eyes or i will haunt you“
making him chuckle silently
putting a bandage on it and done.
you take a deep breath brushing your hair back and looking at Jungwon who’s already looking at you with gratitude-
„i will definitely get more wrinkles from all the stress.. - you’re pretty dirty shall i help you wash up?“
nodding at you, and helping him getting freshen up.
you wait outside for him to change into different clothes and prepare the bed
hearing the bathroom door swung open you turn around seeing him in sweatpants and a tanktop
„thank you love“
„no problem just promise me to let your doctors do their thing when its gonna happen again which i hope the fuck not but still..“
„can‘t promise“
„i wouldn’t trust any other doctor besides my lovely girlfriend who is a doctor herself“
turning back around, a slight pinkish taint on your cheeks feeling a bit flustered „you‘re annoying“ you mutter
you feel arms wrapping around your waist pressing you to his chest his face on your neck tracing it with his nose and leaving butterfly kisses along it, making you melt into his arms
„i’m sorry for making you worry princess, i didn’t thought the mission would escalate like that, and you know you‘re the only person i want to see after such disaster“
„it’s okay and i know, i mean it wasn’t the first time but i for sure hope the last- turning around and giving him a stern look
„-got the person who stabbed you atleast his punishment?“
„the next second after he did that, don’t think about it“
leaning a bit down and tucking your hair behind your ear, whispering against your lips „i love you“ making you peck hip lips muttering a i love you back.
„well can we now got to bed, your assistant woke me up in the middle of a dream“ you turn around ready to jump into the cozy duvet
him smacking your butt „i for sure hope it was about me"
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swappingbryn · 5 months
Best Purchase
I knew I would likely not be able to achieve ALL my fitness goals, but I still wanted to try and achieve some of them. I was on the wrong side of 30, not balding but my head was thinning, I gained the “freshman 15” and it grew like compound interest, and I had little visible muscle.
After a year of strict diet, exercise, supplements, I had lost about 20 pounds of fat, gained some muscle, but I was fat from where I wanted to be and from where I thought I would be after all this hard work.
I kept seeing ads for a clothing brand “Midlife Changes,” which I only remembered because I thought it was strange that a company called “midlife” would have only influencers as models. However, they had lots of five star reviews and nothing below a 4, but the weird thing was that all the reviews were short or had no comments. Their prices were high, so I only bought a shirt from the clearance page called “Ragin Ray.”
It arrived in a small, nondescript package a week later (since I refused to pay for expedited shipping). Inside the package was a note thanking me for my purchase, a request to leave a review once I was satisfied, and instructions. I thought it was strange to include instructions with a shirt, but figured it was just washing instructions, but it was a detailed note explaining how to use it. I was to shower, then wear it to bed, the entire following day, making sure to work out as much as possible, not to shower or remove it, and sleep in it once more, and only then should I remove it and shower and then was the shirt. I thought it was stupid, but figured I had nothing to lose. I waited until Friday night, so I’d have all day Saturday to follow the instructions, I showered, put on the short and went to bed.
I woke up the next day and I felt different, and once I saw myself, I realized I was at lease 10 years younger. I wasn’t big, but I was younger, and with the extra time, I knew I could make better gains.
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I wore the shirt all day as instructed, and went to the gym for two hours that morning, when I’m usually exhausted after one hour. Went home for lunch, I wanted to shower since I smelled but I held out, then knowing I couldn’t go out with friends or do anything since I was sweaty and smelly, I went back to the gym. I did another 3 hours. I was drenched in sweat but still felt good. When I went to the locker room, I saw my reflection, I was amazed, I was huge.
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I went home, had a small dinner and went to bed. I refused to deviate from the instructions. I woke up Sunday and KNEW something was different. I ran to the bathroom and realized I was even bigger. As per the instructions, I removed the shirt, got in the shower and explored my body. It felt amazing, huge muscles, hard abs, and my dick was almost 9”. I exited the shower and when I entered my room, it was all different, trophies all over the wall, messy bed, a desk, and a closet full of clothes that for me, the new me.
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I threw on some clothes, grabbed my phone and wallet and went to the gym. When I arrived, the desk attendant, who never paid attention to me before, said “what’s going Ray? Party last night?” I mumbled agreement and kept going. I checked my wallet in the locker room and saw a new ID, I’m Joel Raymond Edwards, 24 years old.
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This was the best purchase I’ve ever made, and I made sure to leave a 5 star review, but only write “best purchase ever, love this shirt.”
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tomssexdoll · 5 months
can you do 2010tom x reader fic where they’re having twins<3
Mini me's
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2010 x Female reader CONTENT: FLUFF SYPNOSIS: Y/N and Tom are having twins, it's time for her to give birth and she delivers 2 healthy babies, one boy and one girl. Tom is brought to tears seeing your beautiful babies. A/N: i cried while making this WARNINGS: details of giving birth
The day had finally come, 9 dreadfull months of being pregnant. I am being quite dramatic, being pregnant was so fun until the third trimester. The twins were so active when I was nearing my due date, kicking around and making me so nauseous.
I sat in the hospital bed, my water broke 10 hours ago and I was waiting to be fully dialated to give birth. Tom rushed in the doors, chest heaving up and down as he ran to my side, holding my hand.
"Sorry I was late baby..I had to get everything from the house that you needed" I chuckled "you were only 5 minutes late baby don't stress, I haven't even started pushing" he sighed and sat in the hospital chair next to the bed, relieved he didn't miss the birth of his children.
"I can't believe we're having kids at 21, I thought we'd be saving it until we were 30" I sighed, rubbing my huge belly. "Well we both love kids and couldn't wait I guess" he chuckled, rubbing my hand with his thumb softly.
Suddenly I started to feel more contractions and knew I was probably going to give birth any second now, "fuck! Tom get the nurse!" I winced, holding my belly and closing my eyes shut, taking deep breaths to try distract myself from the pain.
Tom shot up instantly and called out for a nurse, 3 of them came in and calmed me down, preparing me for the birth. Tom rushed by my side again and held my hand, whispering sweet nothings into me ear, "it's ok baby..you're doing great" he smiled, kissing my sweat drenched forehead.
I started to push, the pain stabbing into my lower abdomen. "Ahh!" I screamed, tears streaming down my cheeks as I did another big push, "good girl schatz, keep going" Tom called out, I cried out, a few more big pushes made one of the babies heads pop out.
"So close honey! Keep pushing!" the nurse said, grabbing onto the babies head and pulling it out softly. The first baby came out and I was so tired, not being able to open my eyes properly. They took her to wash and treat her, check if she had any abnormalities.
The second babies head popped out a few minutes later, I started pushing again, my body weak and tired. "Cmon, just one more big push honey!" the nurse reassured me, pulling the baby out and cleaning him as well.
I layed back and panted, trying to catch my breath. Tom kissed the top of my head gently, "you did so well, I'm so proud" the nurse came around with the babies and pulled my nightgown down, revealing my chest and placing them on top.
I smiled down at them, tears streaming down my cheeks, "they are beautiful..oh my god" Tom choked out a sob, tears falling down his cheeks too.
Once the babies settled and finished crying I breastfed them, giggling at how tired they looked. "They are so adorable, they have your eyes" he smiled, pulling out clothes we had packed for them.
We got them changed and into the carriers, Tom softly rocking them so I could sleep. I fell asleep for a few hours, needing to rest desperately after everything that happened.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @tomscumdump @tomscumdoll @tomkaulitzloverr @ge-billsgf @syylss @bkaulitzlover @estxkios @ballhair @charliesgoodboy
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mehidktbh · 2 years
Sharing Is Caring
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
Summary: You can’t sleep, it’s too overwhelming in your room and the memories get to your head too much. Thank God your Lieutenant has a soft spot for you.
Warning: War, a lot of military topics, swearing, minor injuries, sharing a bed, mentions of insomnia, talk a bit of Ghost’s past, reader has a bit of trauma, pining?, talk of readers' family, awkward tension, nightmares and trauma-based memories?
A/N: Can I just say that I fucking LOVE the idea of the force team having their own group barrack or having to share one with other soldiers. But let's just pretend you live with other soldiers in this story and that you're not divided by gender 👀
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The haunting screams and yells awaken you from your slumber, your face drenched in sweat and a thick smell of fear engulfing you. Looking around your small room the faint light seeping through the bottom of the door meant someone was awake. Your room was quiet and dark, the faint sound of a TV or someone talking was the only thing you could hear if you focused hard enough. The window was open, the soft breeze flowing through your room, blocking the outside light from entering. But it still wasn't enough from keeping you at bay, you tried everything to sleep nowadays. From medication to doing soothing stuff before bed to taking other soldiers' advice but nothing worked. The taunting flashbacks haunted you from days of endless guns firing and the blood of enemies even when you got countless days off to relax it just never came.
You sat up in your bed (cot), taking in everything and mentally trying to calm yourself back to sleep, thinking about anything that brought you joy but nothing came. Your room had pictures of your task force on there, photos ranging from stupid and silly selfies to ones where you stood next to the others holding a serious stand. Other polaroids of stuff that your family occasionally sent you through letters, vacations they took and family pets. You were not one to really put your family/private life out there but then again you weren't ashamed of saying anything when the conversation was brought up.
A small desk sat right next to the door on the opposite side of your bed, files and papers crowded its limited space with stationary all over it too. But you didn't have time out of your day to think once about cleaning your room, you've seen other soldiers' rooms that look way worse. And there's never that time you have, you're either too busy or don't give a shit. You walk in most days after a long mission or training just to sit down at your desk and do work all over again or lousy change your clothes. Throwing them into a pile that's constantly there sometimes when you realise you made yourself a mountain of dirty clothes.
Getting up from your bed you tread carefully and cautiously over to your door, stepping over any unwanted things crowding your wooden floor or trying to make your way through the dark. You're used to being able to see through the dark on missions but now you take caution in not disturbing others who sleep right next to your room through the thin walls.
You begin to wonder how you're going to make it through the night, maybe take someone else's sleeping pills or just do an all-nighter but your too tired but still pretty shaken up enough to not sleep. Slowly and quietly opening your door you look down and up the hallway to investigate if anyone's around. Only the hallways are long and dimly lit, sometimes the lights stay on in the hallway or for some reason otherwise there off. The only thing illuminating the barrack/building is the TV that is playing.
Continuing to walk further down you pass multiple rooms, some times you hear people talking quietly enough so they don't bother others but still talking above a whisper. Others have their lights on which shine through the cracks in the door, from under to in between the hinges. You'd have to guess that it's roughly around 12-1sh, the second you pass a small opening or window you get the feeling of the dark vibe outside. And every night it's not common for half the people to be up and around, you hear through other soldiers about their experience. How they deal with insomnia but most times it's hard in these conditions, drill Sargents wake you up in the middle of the night to discuss training right then and there.
♡ ♡ ♡
After what seemed like an endless stream of doors on either side, countless whispers among others and lights shining through the doors. You finally reach the door, the wooden door stands intimately in front of you, some times doors can have the person's rank on the sign, showing which task force they belong to and their code name in metal. But the sign shows a clear neat bold wording of "Ghost (Task Force 141 Lieutenant)" There's nothing out of the ordinary and you hesitate for a while your knuckles touching the naked door but not moving. You're scared of how he'll react when you bring up your pathetic reasoning for disrupting him so late. But sighing heavily you quietly, your rapid and unsteady heart beats thick against your chest as you swallow the ball of saliva in your throat.
"Who is it...?" Ghost's tone was hard to determine but he seemed confused but also emotionless at the same time. "It's Y/N, sir." You cringed to yourself already regretting ever bringing yourself to his door but there was nothing you could do now as he would fish out your lie easily. "Come in." His husky tone signalled for you to enter. Upon opening the door you were met with his greasy flat dimmed room, the atmosphere felt a mix of emotions.
His room was a bit bigger than yours and others, his higher rank meant he got a bit more luxury, sometimes an A/C, but it's rare. He had a reasonable size desk that stood right next to his bed, untidy files littered it too as it was just as dirty. This time his room was rather bare and dusty, with no decoration anywhere, the walls or anything, only the basic thin sturdy walls stood tall.
Has was sitting upright in his bed, still wearing his previous clothes from training today with no excessive amour. His same old mask you've seen countless times covered his unknown face as he stared at your hunched-over pose. "Need something?" He questioned you, his eyes ranking over your tank top with rolled-up military pants. "I wanted to ask you a favour..." Your quiet and unwonted tone made Ghost more curious than in the first place, he cocked his head to the side allowing you to continue speaking.
"Could I maybe lay down with you..." Your surprising question fell silent through the room, the more you two awkwardly stood facing each other the more you cursed yourself for being so fucking stupid. Ghost felt a tingle in his body, his mind telling him no and how someone would probably walk in on you two and get the wrong impression. But then again your tired and exhausted shape felt hard through him, watching as your eyes tried to stay awake, rapidly blinking. As your tone of mind tried to make it seem as if you weren't sleepless to him, the bags under your eyes stained his head with memories of him being exactly like you.
He'd remember standing him in your shoes, his first few years of the military and staying in a barrack full of other men was stressful. Back then he had no one to direct him where to go and what to do he stared at the ceiling every night wishing he could surround his head into the pillows and drift to sleep. But it came to no easy task for him.
"Sure" He blurted out, watching as your face rose bashfully, stalking over one by one to his bed. You stood tense like a log as you watched him make room, sliding over as much as he could so you could rest with him. The bed wasn't too bad, kinda like your coat but more comfortable in size and it didn't feel like sleeping on a thin piece of cardboard.
Ghost waited for you to lay down fully, his stare invited you to get comfortable more so you wouldn't have to feel like you needed to be a guest in his room. He wanted to hear your soft breaths and snoring not your wide eyes staring at his back still restless. He could deal with himself not sleeping but you or his team were different. "Need another pillow? Blanket?" You quietly laughed nervously, shaking your head before he turned around to turn off the lamp sitting right on his desk. Hearing the tick and the sudden pitch black swallowing you whole was relaxing.
Now you couldn't hear anything, no TV playing down the hall and no whispering from anyone beside walls. You close your eyes painfully as you tried to keep your thighs and arms clenched together, making sure you took up as little space as possible. The blankets that Ghost had on his bed were just pulled up by him, his hand ghosting over near you as he tried to flatten it out more, making sure the thin material fits perfectly over you. Hearing his head hit the pillow as you begin to close out any thoughts, his rapid hot breath surprisingly hitting your nose as you didn't know he was facing you. His foot and hand came over to just nearly graze your skin, his calloused muscular hand was inches away from your hand. His foot just barely wrapped around your tightly squeezed thighs/legs.
As you slowly and peacefully drifted to sleep, your thoughts shut off as all you could focus on was Ghosts' breathing his pinkly now lightly grabbing yours. You could practically feel him grip tightly onto yours as you drifted to sleep at once.
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ilythena · 2 years
Childhood friends to lovers with itoshi brothers and they leave us for soccer then comes back to us for a second chance with like a little bit of angst to fluff like the song "right where you left me" ❤️
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Tags. ᯤ ignoring, sudden appearances, realizing feelings, kissing, some touchy touchy shit but not too much
A/N: YOU LEFT SO MANY IDEAS 😭. THANK U TBH CAUSE I WAS RUNNING OUT! Two things, I only did Rin because I’m not really sure how to write for sae, and Ion really listen to Taylor swift BUT hopefully I’ll do your asks justice !!!
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𝐑𝐈𝐍 𝐈𝐓𝐎𝐒𝐇𝐈 (りんいとし)
The day Rin left you was probably one of the saddest days of your life.
Your best friend suddenly wasn’t interested in you anymore. It was like he had changed into a completely different person once he started taking soccer seriously and it hurt you, he knew everything about you, how could he just up and change his mind like that?
Walking past him in the hallways was bad too, even when you both share a class and he’s always right there. You’ve never had to worry about being without Rin.
When he suddenly stopped showing up, you assumed he just moved away or found new ways to move around the school to stop seeing you.
But obviously that wasn’t the case when he was at your doorstep, drenched in rain on a Saturday night.
“Wha-“ “please let me in. It’s cold.” He shoves his wet body through yours and you look at him as if he had 3 heads. “Hold on. What the fuck? Rin.” You say as he makes his way to your bathroom. “Do you still have my clothes over here?” He shouts as soon as he closes the door shut, and you’re banging on it. “Um. I think so. But- we’re not gonna move past this!” He unlocks the door in an oversized black shirt and a pair of his grey sweats that he found in the corner.
“Move past what?” “You coming in here like nothing is wrong!” “What’s wrong?” You cannot believe what you’re hearing right now.
He moves to your room and lays down on your bed, grabbing the remote and turning on the tv. You slam the door shut behind you and he turns to you confused. “What’s wrong?” He asks again, and you’re ready to rip his head off.
“What’s wrong?! You ignored me for weeks, up and left, and now you’re back?! Where were you? Why was I ignored? What did I do?” You rant. And his sudden amnesia seems to magically clear up
“What’s wrong?! You ignored me for weeks, up and left, and now you’re back?! Where were you? Why was I ignored? What did I do?” You rant. And his sudden amnesia seems to magically clear up
He’s silent, and you’re still looking at him. “If you’re gonna be silent here too you can get the fuck out.” “Okay hold on, calm down a little” he says, sitting up and looking you in your eyes.
“Uh, I wasn’t trying to hurt your feelings, I have a reason, it’s just really embarrassing.” He mumbles but it’s loud enough for you to hear. Your shoulders drop, you’ve always had a soft spot for him.
“Rin.” You say, and he knows he’s gotta spit it out eventually. “Okay okay, so you know how I love football right? And I wanted to focus on it more, that’s why I ignored you the way I did.” You stare at him. Does he really think that’s a good reason? “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” Rin looks at you with wide eyes. And you’re rolling yours. “If you wanted space all you needed to do was ask, Rin. That’s not a good reason to cut me off.” And he feels guilty, he didn’t know how else to go for it.
“Listen. This is really hard for me.” “Harder for you than it is for me?” And he shuts up, “where did you go? What if you died? Why was I ignored?!” “I just told you why” “give me a better answer Rin Itoshi!” And your throwing a pillow at him, but it’s no use because he catches it like it’s nothing to him.
“I realized I liked you okay? That’s why I ignored you.” Now it’s your turn to shut up. “I couldn’t focus on football with you around, you made me too nervous.” He mumbles, looking for YouTube on your TV. Your silence is making him anxious, he flickers his eyes to you every once in a while to make sure you’re still there. You sigh out a “Rin” and flop down on the bed.
He looks at you with a “what” and you just wanna smack him. “I like you too. I thought you realized it and that’s when you ignored me.” He laughs “ignore you because you like me? I would have been jumping up and down.” He whispers, and pulls you closer. You can feel his heart beat and it’s going pretty fast—yours is too though.
You stare into his pretty blue eyes and catch a slight blush on his cheeks when he catches you looking. “What?” He mumbles and you softly grab his chin and kiss him.
Takes him by surprise but it doesn’t take long for him to grab your waist and tilt his head to the side to deepen the kiss. You two stay like that for a minute, you laying on top of him with your hands in his hair and him having a hand on your waist and another on the small of your back.
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queenshelby · 1 year
Forbidden Desire (Part 15)
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Reader (Female/Incestuous)
Warnings: Incest, Smut
Please comment and engage xx 😘
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When you finally pulled up in front of Tommy's mansion, you knew things were about to change. There was a weightiness in the air, a tension between you and Tommy that made your heart race. As you both stepped out of the car in your blood-soaked clothes, his eyes met yours, and you felt a spark ignite between you both. This was going to be harder than you thought.
As you climbed the steps leading to his door, your thoughts drifted to the past, the countless times you had been here together, both loving and hating each other.
You remembered the night he took your virginity - your first sexual experience, filled with tenderness and fear, a mixture of pleasure and pain.
"Sir, are you alright?" Tommy's maid Frances asked as you both walked inside the house.
"We're fine, Frances," Tommy replied curtly, his eyes fixed on you. The look in his eyes made your skin crawl, as you tried to read the depths of his emotions.
"But you are covered in blood, sir," Frances noted, her brow furrowing.
"I know," Tommy grunted, dismissing her concern with a wave of his hand, resulting in Frances to change the topic and reaching for his blood stained coat.
"I shall clean this. And for the lady too," she said in a kind manner. 
"Thank you, Frances," you said as, with an absentminded gesture, you removed your jacket, exposing your bare arms underneath. Tommy watched you with a mix of fascination and unease, his gaze trailing across your body, lingering on your curves. His eyes burned with intensity, demanding attention, drawing you closer.
Feeling the intensity of his gaze, you felt an unfamiliar stirring deep within you, an awakening of desires you never knew existed. You found yourself longing for him, wanting to feel his powerful arms wrapped around you, yearning to taste his lips once more.
"Shall I prepare a bath for the lady? Will she be staying in the guest wing tonight?" Frances then asked, but Tommy shook his head.
"No, she will not. Please take the night off Frances," he said before he took your hand and led you upstairs, the two of you walking side by side in silence.
As you reached his room, he pushed the door open, and you stepped inside, your heart beating faster as you recognised the space that held so many memories.
"Let's get cleaned up, eh?" Tommy suggested, breaking the tension as he turned away to undress himself. His muscular form glistened with sweat as he stripped off his bloody clothes, leaving only his tight boxer briefs covering his imposing physique. Your heart raced as you observed his toned body, unable to tear your eyes away from him.
You bit your lower lip and, almost awkwardly, undressed as well, stepping out of your soiled clothes. Nervously, you glanced at Tommy, feeling self-conscious as you stood in front of him naked. Your body seemed to radiate confidence, yet your heart pounded wildly as you realized the gravity of the situation.
"Very well then, Uncle Tommy," you teased him as you took a step closer to him and ran your hand over his clothed crotch, feeling him hardening under your touch. 
As you touched him, you looked at Tommy's chiseled body, once again noticing the scars that marked his life as a criminal. The contrast between his tough exterior and his gentleness when you were alone together only added to your attraction. He then took off his briefs and your core started to tingle at the sight of his erection. 
As you circled him, slowly running your hands over his chest, you felt the tension mounting. His breathing became labored, and he grabbed your waist, pulling you closer. You leaned in to kiss him, your mouths connecting in a fiery dance of desire. Tongues tangling, teeth nipping, it was raw and primal, consuming your senses completely. He picked you up, his strength overwhelming as he carried you to the shower, the water soon cascading down, drenching your bodies.
With fingers intertwined, you stood beneath the water, letting the heat consume you, allowing yourself to forget everything else.
The scalding water poured over your bodies, causing you to shiver with excitement as your skin glistened. The warmth enveloped you, creating an almost hypnotic effect, drawing you closer together.
He gently washed your hair, his hands massaging your scalp as he guided you beneath the spray. Slowly, he moved his hands along your body, tracing delicate patterns that left you trembling in anticipation.
"You realise how fucking wrong this is, don't you?" Tommy whispered against your ear, his voice hoarse with emotion.
"Yes," you whispered back, feeling your own walls crumble.
You were both lost in a whirlwind of passion, a storm that threatened to destroy everything around you. The heat of the water intensified, and the steam clouded the air, making it impossible to see anything but each other.
Tommy grasped your hips, lifting you up slightly and pressing you against the wall, taking advantage of the slick surface.
"You are my fucking niece and all I can think about right now is how good you will feel around my cock," he growled against your neck, sending waves of excitement coursing through your veins.
"You smell so fucking good," he whispered, as he trailed his nose along your jawline, his nostrils flaring with desire.
"Is this okay?" he asked, his voice rough with lust.
"Yes," you murmured, your eyes locked with his, your voice thick with arousal.
"Goddamn, you're so wet," he muttered, his fingers brushing lightly against your dripping folds.
Your knees weakened, and you clung onto him for support. "So damn hot," he groaned, his thumb circling your clit expertly, eliciting moans from you.
"Don't stop Tommy," you pleaded, your voice quivering with need. Tommy's lips curved into a wicked smile, and he thrust his fingers into you, filling you with his hand until you gasped in ecstasy.
"I won't Love. Not until you cum all over my cock," he growled, his fingers slipping easily in and out of you, driving you to madness.
"I can't wait any longer," he said roughly, his mouth crashing down on yours, your tongues dancing, your breaths mingling.
"Neither can I Tommy. I want you inside of me," you moaned as, suddenly, Tommy lifted you higher, pressing you against the tile wall, your legs wrapping around his waist, his hands firmly holding your hips.
"Such a naughty girl, eh? Wanting her uncle to fuck her," Tommy remarked with a grin, his gaze burning into yours.
"Yes, Uncle Tommy. I am a naughty girl. So very fucking naughty. For you," you moaned, feeling his erection pressing against your thigh, his hardness adding to your arousal.
"Please, let me feel you inside me," you begged, your hands eagerly seeking out his cock. With a low growl, Tommy stepped out of the shower, carrying you in his arms, dripping wet, his muscles flexing with each movement.
His powerful arms encircled you, the strength in his hold both comforting and thrilling.
"I'm going to fuck you on my bed, not here," he rumbled, his words reverberating through your body like a promise of what was to come. Your heart raced in anticipation, knowing full well that there would be no turning back once you reached his bedroom.
As Tommy laid you down on his bed, you couldn't help but notice the faint scent of roses mixed with his distinct masculine essence.
The sheets were soft and crisp, inviting you to sink into their embrace as the warm water was still dripping off your bodies.
"Spread your legs for me, Love," Tommy ordered, seeing that neither of you could wait any longer.
Your compliance only fueled his fire, and he couldn't resist touching you just one last time. His calloused fingers gently caressed your inner thigh, moving upwards until they encountered your soft, wet entrance. Your entire body tensed in anticipation, and you writhed beneath him, desperate for relief.
"Take me, Uncle Tommy," you urged, your voice heavy with lust. His eyes darkened further, his hands finding your hips, positioning you perfectly.
Slowly, he lowered himself onto you, letting his weight press down onto your slender frame. His erection, thick and pulsing, teased you mercilessly as it sought entry. You gasped in anticipation, welcoming him with your body.
His hands found your hips, guiding you upwards until your bodies aligned seamlessly. The sensation of his warm flesh against yours sent shivers throughout your body, creating a cacophony of feelings you'd never experienced before.
"Oh God, Y/N," Tommy groaned, burying his face in your neck, his teeth gently nipping your skin as he finally entered you with one swift thrust. 
You held onto him tightly, reveling in the pleasure coursing through your body. He gave you no time to adjust and each thrust made you scream his name, the intensity of the moment overwhelming your senses.
"Fuck, you feel so good," he whispered, his voice rough with desire.
"Tommy," you panted, trying to catch your breath. "Fuck," you cursed as his fingers dug into your hips, his pace becoming more frantic. "This feels so amazing!"
Tommy's muscular body flexed with each thrust, his face twisted in ecstasy as he relished the power he held over you.
"Deeper, Tommy," you demanded, your hips bucking off the bed in a desperate attempt to match his rhythm. Your nails dug into his shoulders, leaving shallow claw marks behind as you fought to maintain control over your rapidly spiraling emotions.
Each thrust caused your body to shudder in unison with his, the sensation heightening with every passing second.
"Tommy, I can't take much more of this," you cried out, your words ragged with desire. "I am so fucking close," you moaned. 
"Then let go for me and come all over my cock," he growled, his hands reaching down to pinch your sensitive nipples, eliciting a sharp cry from you.
"Yes, oh god," you screamed, your voice filled with pure, unadulterated bliss.
As Tommy continued his relentless pace, your body ached for release, every cell screaming for completion. Your hands clutched his shoulders, your nails digging deep into his skin as you tried to regain some sense of control amidst the chaos.
In response, Tommy bit down on your shoulder, his teeth leaving a sharp impression that mirrored the ferocity of his thrusts. Your hips rocked wildly, meeting his every movement with equal force, each collision between your bodies echoing in the silence of the room.
"Do you want me to cum inside of you?" Tommy asked huskily, his pace slowing briefly to give you time to respond. 
"Uh huh," you barely managed to say, before spurring him on. 
"Tell me that you want to cum inside of me, Tommy! Tell me that you want to cum inside your own fucking niece," you teased, moaning and groaning, all at the same time.
The thought of having Tommy's seed inside you, even though you knew it was morally wrong, filled you with a sense of power. It seemed to embolden you both, driving you further into a frenzy of passion.
"Fuck, yes," Tommy roared, slamming into you harder than ever before. His muscular frame shook violently, and his face took on a primal expression as he lost himself completely in the act.
As you felt your body tense and release simultaneously, your orgasm engulfed you, washing over you in waves of pleasure.
"That's it, love. Let go for me," Tommy encouraged, his voice thick with lust as he watched you lose yourself in the ecstasy.
"Tell me Uncle Tommy! Tell me that you want to cum inside of me," you almost screamed through your please, your body convulsing. 
"I want to cum inside of you Love. I want to fill you with my fucking cum," Tommy grunted, throwing his head back in satisfaction as he felt the familiar wave of ecstasy engulf him. His body trembled under the intense force of his release, his seed splattering against your inner walls.
"Fuck!" he cried out, his voice hoarse with exertion as you called out his name once more. 
Without warning, Tommy pulled out, his muscles tensing, and you gasped at the sudden loss of his presence. He grabbed a couple of tissues from the nightstand, quickly cleaning you both up before collapsing beside you, his chest rising and falling heavily.
You remained nestled in his arms, your bodies pressed together, the cool air outside contrasting starkly with the heat between you two. "Did you enjoy that?" he asked, running his fingers through your hair gently.
"More than I ever imagined," you admitted candidly, allowing yourself to rest comfortably in his embrace.
"This is fucking dangerous, you know," Tommy then pointed out, causing you to smirk.
"I know," you replied solemnly, turning to face him, your eyes meeting his. "But it is also very exciting," you then pointed out, smiling seductively. 
"Despite, we can't stop it, can we?" you challenged, raising an eyebrow at him.
"No, we can't," he conceded, his voice gruff with resignation.
You settled into his embrace, your head nestled against his chest. "Maybe we should forget about everything else for now," you suggested quietly. "Just be in this moment."
"Perhaps," he agreed, his fingers idly tracing patterns on your back while holding you close.
You remained silent for a few moments, savoring the closeness of your embrace, the gentle rise and fall of his chest, your cheek resting against his sternum. 
Eventually then, you fell asleep in Tommy's arms, and he did not move to disrupt you. The house creaked and settled around you, its age and history seemingly absorbed into the very fabric of the building.
Time slipped away, their lovemaking etched into your memory as you drifted off into a fitful sleep until the sun came up the next morning and you were both woken up by Frances.
"It is urgent sir. You must get up immediately," she said from outside the door after having knocked twice.
"It seems we have guests," she said, just as Tommy rolled out of bed. 
"Who are they?" Tommy inquired, pulling on his clothes quickly before opening the door for her, unbothered by the fact that you were still naked, in his bed, your body covered only by the sheets on the bed. 
"I am unsure of their names sir, but they are two inspectors, investigating a murder of some sort. Your cousin Michael Gray is with them," Frances explained, but Tommy remained unphased. 
"Alright Frances. Tell them to wait, eh?" he mumbled, fastening his shirt buttons and grabbing his jacket. 
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akaashislover1 · 7 months
AU where Nanami is a cop ur his wife and that’s all I’ll say to avoid spoilers.
Warning:‼️ mentions of blood, guns, and violence. Maybe some swearing.
Flashbacks and flashbacks skim through your brain as you stare lifeless at the grey,moldy concrete wall. Your skin trickles with blood and sweat, drenching your clothes. It felt as though your heart was going to burst out of your chest but at the same time it wouldn’t even have the energy to do that. You couldn’t move.
“Y/N? They’re ready to see you now,” A police officer greeted you, giving you a solemn look as he lead you to what you guessed to be an interrogation room. He motioned for you to enter first. As you walked in, two detectives were sitting next to one another, you sat down, and gave the smallest smile you’ve ever given somebody. Well, giving the circumstances, who could blame you?
“Mommy, mommy! I want to go on there! Come on!” Your six year old daughter laughed with the biggest smile on her face, pulling you towards the playground. You couldn’t help but laugh along with her.
“Kento! We’re just going over here!” You yelled over to your husband, Nanami. He nodded slightly as a response as his phone hung for dear life between his shoulder and his ear. All the while holding your newborn son. As much as you wanted to smack the back of his head for taking a work call, you were glad he was at least able to take some time off work to take the four of you to the park. If it were up to you, your husband’s line of work wouldn’t be the first occupation you’d choose for him to take. You hated always wondering where he was or if he’d return home. The restless nights, scared out of your mind. What pained you the most however was how much your daughter was beginning to notice. You guessed the reality of his job was showing a little too much. Too much that she’d ask questions like: “is daddy coming home?” Or, “What if he never comes back?” Or even how she started to count and pick at the newfound scratches all over his face and hands, with a face of worry. He’d always change the topic or tell her not to worry. Nanami would tell you the same too but everyday it was getting harder and harder to believe it.
“Mommy, come on already! You are so slow!”
“Hey! I just had a baby you little munchkin! A baby you wanted me to have might I add!” You playfully yelled at your daughter, whose only response was to stick her tongue out at you. Once the two of you had reached the playground your daughter raced up the stairs and headed for the slide. She waited for you to stop at the bottom, still a little too scared to not have someone catch her.
“Ready? I’m gonna go really fast!” She yelled, accentuating ‘really’, making it sound like a longer word. You nodded and extended your arms as she pushed herself down. It wasn’t as fast as she’d promised but she still screamed with joy nonetheless. You both laughed as you caught your daughter in your arms.
“Again! Again! This time I want daddy to catch me!” You laughed as she squeezed her face into yours.
“What? Mommy’s not good enough for you or what?” You laughed out. After you said that, your daughter must have felt a little bad from the way she hugged and kissed your face all over.
“Okay, okay! I’ll call daddy over for you my love. You go run up and get ready at the top.” You say lovingly, placing her on the wood-chip covered ground. She nods happily and races up the jungle gym. Seeing your daughter smile made your heart squeeze. Her laugh made you want to cry tears of joy. She was your everything. Your whole family was your everything.
Once you got to the bench your husband and baby boy were sitting on, you found a very exhausted Nanami. You smiled at how peacefully he looked with his eyes closed. His huge biceps wrapped around your baby boy who was also fast asleep. Your smile grew wider if possible as you lifted your baby from Nanami. He jerked awake quickly. His eyes widened until he saw you trying not to laugh at his scared state.
“Sorry,” you chuckled. You sat down next to him and placed your head on his broad shoulder, sighing lightly. “Your daughter wants you to catch her going down the slide. You’re the best catcher in the ‘bizz’ apparently.” You finished, closing your eyes, smiling. Nanami let out a breathy laugh as he stood up. He rolled up the sleeves on his deep blue button up until they met his elbows. He then kneeled down and placed a peck on your baby’s head and then placed a loving kiss on your lips. You smiled into the kiss as he stood up and began to walk towards your daughter. He called over to her in a silly voice. You heard her laugh in response as she jumped up and down on the top of the jungle gym. You watched as she started to go down the slide. A wave of happiness washed over you. Nothing could take this feeling away right now.
The sound of kids laughing and screaming combined with the sounds of cars driving and honking filled your ears. The sun peeked and poked through bunches of leaves at the top of surrounding trees. It warmed your skin which got evened out by the slight breeze whistling through your hair.
Your eyes closed for a moment, giving them a rest. It heightened your other senses even more and it made your smile. When you opened your eyes something felt off. You stayed well aware as you noticed a black car, across the field in front of you, slowly drive by the park in the parking lot. Chills ran through your body as you watched it. It circled around the meridian, passing through parked cars.
You looked towards the playground to see your husband and daughter still playing. Nanami was on the ground, reaching between the poles of the bridge, trying to tag your daughter who was laughing hysterically. Your baby boy started to ease awake, moaning and groaning while slowly opening his eyes.
When you looked back up, you noticed the black car was gone. It was no where to be seen. But for some reason you didn’t feel relieved. Just as you were about to get up and gather your family up to leave, you spotted the car. It was driving past the playground.
The front and back passenger windows rolled all the way down.
Two guys dressed in all black emerged from the windows.
They had guns.
Your face paled in color. You heart dropped to your stomach. You began to sweat.
“Nanami! Grab-”
Two shots went off. Four. Eight. Twelve. You started to loose count of the shots. You couldn’t tell when shots ended or when they began. Suddenly your body moved on its own accord. You slammed yourself and your boy to the ground. The stroller acted as a kind of shield as you loomed your body over your baby’s. His cries shocked your ears from the noise. You couldn’t stop shaking and it was now that you realized you were crying.
As quickly as they started, the shots ended. It felt like an eternity before you actually looked up. Your ears were muffled but that didn’t stop the ringing. People were screaming. Sirens could be heard from all over. You fixed yourself to your knees, embracing your baby who was screaming bloody murder. A cold sweat coated your body as you looked around frantically for your husband and daughter.
Your heart skipped a beat when you saw the blue of Nanami’s shirt. His back was facing you.
You stood up. If it weren’t for the bench that you gripped on for balance, you would’ve fallen back down. The relief you felt when you saw him was a feeling you’d never forget.
However, it wasn’t long lasted. The closer you got to him, the more frantic you became. As hard as it was to see, you still managed to notice the splotches of blood along the grass. You were probably about five feet away when you noticed it. When it finally hit you.
“O-oh my god. Oh my god, oh my god!” You screamed. Your heart was skipping beats. Your breathing became heavy and laboured. Your body shook with weakness and fear as you reluctantly got closer. Tears began to waterfall down your face as your eyes stared at Nanami’s back. There was blood on his neck, his shoulders, his arms, his hands. His hands. They were embracing your six year old daughter.
A whimper escaped you.
Whimpers turned to cries.
Cries turned to full on screams.
It all hit you.
“MY BABY! OH MY GOD! HELP! S-SOMEONE PLEASE! M-MY BABY!” You screamed as you quickly dropped to the ground. With your boy still in your arms, your right arm gripped your daughter’s face. Her eyes stayed closed. She didn’t move.
“PLEASE, OH MY GOD!” You yelped. You could feel your throat getting raw from your screams. Suddenly you felt an arm grip you. You shook it off and went to embrace your daughter’s lifeless body tightly. Her blood seeped into your clothes and stained your skin. The same arm came to grip you again and you started to shake violently.
“Y/n. W-we have to move. It’s- it’s going to be okay.” Nanami’s voice was muffled but you still heard what he said. You didn’t want to move. Your grip on your daughter got tighter, despite your husband and who you now noticed a paramedic trying to get you up. Your body suddenly started to feel weak, no longer able to hold both your limp daughter and your son. Your screaming stopped once you started choking on blood, and your own spit and sweat. That didn’t stop the cries though. Your eyes closed as Nanami balanced your weight on him. You didn’t notice when he had grabbed your son from you and stood you up. He rubbed your back gently. His face was resting on your shoulder. He was crying. His tears seeped through your sweater and shirt. Still crying as well, you stared at your daughter. You never realize the amount of blood a body has until it’s gushing out. Your lips quivered as you took in the sight. Her body was so small. Why does she have so much blood? Why isn’t she waking up? The paramedic was hovering above her, trying to help all he could. He stood up. You didn’t want to know what that meant. He gave you a solemn look. You didn’t want him to look at you like that. Why wasn’t he scurrying to get your daughter to a hospital? He shook his head at you.
Your legs gave out. Nanami followed suit, his arm wrapping around you. Everything went quiet. You couldn’t hear your son crying. You couldn’t hear Nanami sniffling and weeping. The sirens. The screams. Nothing.
Okay. I’m sorry if this was too much. I really wasn’t expecting it to take a dark turn. If u cry reading this I’m sorry(dw I cried making it). This is gonna be my only sad one for a while(I’m not a monster). 👹
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
emily tying reader to the bed with a remote controlled vibe on her clit. basically edging her the entire time while em does some paperwork, when emily’s done— she finally lets us come😵‍💫 - 🐦
Temptress 18+
*Authors note~ domme Emily is just mmmm imma dt this to 👋anon @just-your-casual-nerd bc we had the convo of domme Emily a few nights ago*
Trigger warnings~ mommy kink restraints sub r domme e toys edging overstimulation humiliation squirting and aftercareeee♥️
Prompt~ see ask^^^^^^
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You were simply a doll for Emily to use as she saw fit, that was proved by the fact you were a mess of cum, sweat and tears. The remote controlled vibrator on your clit driving you insane with need. Emily had you tied to the bed unable to stop the brutal assault on your body as she sat at her desk working on some paperwork from the previous case.  You should know better than to break her rules while she was away, but really was it your fault when she sent you texts to remind you to be a "good girl."
You were in dire need of your girlfriend to rail you stupid. You couldn't help but break the rules and touch yourself, after all she wasn't meant to be home for another day. Or so you thought. Just as you were about to fall over the edge to thoughts of your girlfriend fucking you dumb, you heard her voice instantly halting your movements. "E-em?" You stuttered knowing you'd been caught, "such a desperate slut you break the rules hmm? Didn't think you'd be caught did you Angel?"
Emily used that to her advantage and that's how you ended up in your current position, extremely sensitive as she edged you time and time again, your throat hoarse and dry from crying out for her to take pity on you. "Mommy please" you whined hoping she'd take pity on you. All you got was a tut and reminder that the phone was set up to watch just how much you were enjoying it, you wouldn't want to ruin the film with pathetic sounds like this would you?
When Emily finally finished with her paper work she crawled over to your boneless body. "Oh angel look at you, such a beautiful puddle of sex just for mommy, are you going to be my good girl now?" Emily purred before latching her lips onto your beautiful neck. "Be bestest girl please mommy" your broken whines filled the room as you had your pleasure ripped away again, "mommy please hurts help please ."
"Hush angel, mommy's gonna make you feel so good darling" she purred leaving the vibe on your clit and slipping her fingers in your fluttering core. "Mommy, fuck. Oh god" you mewled as your hips let the thrusting of her slender fingers. "Please" you mewled over and over again, "need please, oh god!"
"I know Angel, let go, let the camera see how your whorish cunt squirts for mommy" was all you needed to hear as she removed the vibe and curled her fingers as you felt the wetness squirt all over the raven haired woman. "Oh fuck baby, look at how fucking hot you are. Good girl, such a good girl" she praised as she fucked you through the intense tidal waves of pleasure. "Look at this pretty cunt drenching our sheets, so fucking good for mommy."
Emily worked you back down only stopping when you cried out in overstimulation, the pain now outweighing the pleasure she was bringing. "Okay angel, it's okay you're done. You did so so good baby. Just need to clean you up okay sweetheart?" With a small nod from you, Emily moved her phone, knowing it hadn't recorded anything but the thought of it triggered your humiliation kink, grabbed a warm wash cloth and some new sheets to clean up. Once you were cleaned and the sheets were changed she ordered some take out and got your favourite soda before cuddling you in bed. It was nice to be home and just soak in the love you shared.
Word count~ 681
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wordsarelife · 3 months
—the moment i knew
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pairing: quill kipps x lockwood!reader
summary: quill and you were a lot closer once, before everything suddenly changed and he was not there when you needed him most
warnings: canon typical violence, angst (with a happy ending)
note: this had been in my drafts for way too long, the ending is kinda meh and i kinda hate all of this so..
"look out, y/n!" kat called and you jumped to the side at the last second, before the ghost could touch you
"thank you" you called towards the girl and continued to try and fight the ghost off. that seemed to work for a while, until it didn't.
"quill!" you called out. the boy had his back facing you, searching through a stake of books at the table. "quill" you repeated "i need you, please" the wail screeched and you jumped aside once again. there was only so much you could do, until it would be able to come close enough to touch you
you continued to fight as much as you could, stepping back when the ghost charged at you once again. you stumbled over a piece of furniture and quickly made contact with the floor, losing your rapier in the progress.
"shit" you exclaimed and watched in horror as the ghost came closer and closer to you "quill" you called for the boy once again, but he was still much more concentrated on whatever he was doing "quill"
the ghost outstretched his arm and— darkness
you shrieked up in bed, forehead drenched in sweat, once again being awaken by the nightmare there replayed itself in your worst nights.
you got out of bed, changing into comfortable clothes. the walk down to the kitchen was quiet, only filled with the chatting of your friends.
"morning" you smiled, entering the kitchen and sitting down next to your cousin, anthony lockwood himself.
"morning" your friends chimed
lockwood noticed the stoic look on your face, just how he noticed about everything that you did. he was always concerned of your well-being, especially after your almost death a year ago, while still working for fittes.
the moment he had heard what happened, he showed up at your doorstep and talked you into joining his newly founded agency. at least he could have a look over you.
he hated kipps even more, after what he did to you.. or more precisely.. didn't do.
"it's the nightmare again, isn't it?" he muttered and you nodded softly
after you joined the agency you had resigned to only do researches, helping george and mostly staying away from cases, your trauma being too much for you to handle that again.
lockwood was glad that you decided to stay away from fighting ghosts, but he was concerned either way. you had always loved working in the field and never were scared before facing a ghost. that all had changed and in some moments, anthony thought he didn't recognise you anymore.
"we'll talk about it later, yeah?" you asked to stray away his eyes from your form. lucy and george watched curiously as you leaned back in your chair and slowly started biting down your sandwich.
"you look tired" noticed george and you nodded
"the traffic was too loud, I will try to catch some sleep later" none of your friends said anything about the obvious lie. they knew it was your way of telling them to just drop the matter. they all shared a glance, before returning to the topic they had been discussing before. a new case that had just revealed itself this morning.
"i think we should take a stop at the library" george suggested
you smiled at that. "oh yeah, we haven't gone there together in forever!"
the rest of the group nodded, happily accepting the shift in your mood and continued eating. after breakfast you cleared the table and took your stuff, heading to the library.
you stood in the middle of two rows of shelfs, a few feet away from the table the group had sat down at. you could hear lockwood's faint voice. he sounded... angry?
you collected all the books you needed in your arms and went back to the table. the last thing you caught was what lockwood had to say, before you arrived. "y/n will be back any minute, i want to see you gone by then"
you looked up and caught kipps' eyes across the table. he looked at you, interest in his features. you hadn't seen much of each other in the past year, always keeping away from places you knew the other person could be.
"quill" you greeted neutrally
"y/n" he nodded
"what did I tell you?" you could feel lockwood's anger bubbling.
"i'm sorry" quill shook his head "i wasn't aware that you had bought the library"
lockwood rolled his eyes. "we haven't. but here are a few tables where we wouldn't have to see your faces"
quill ignored him completely. he stepped next to where you still stood and took a glance at the books you held in hand. his face was so close, that you could feel his breath fan over your neck. if you had moved your head, you probably would've kissed.
you knew that quill didn't do it to anger you. after all he was mostly searching for your forgiveness. the letters he send you never stopping. lockwood didn't know about that, and you would never tell him, because in his eyes quill didn't deserve one second of your attention, while you were only mere seconds away from breaking and forgiving him.
quill only did this to anger lockwood, but you knew he was concerned about you. you just get yourself back in a position where you were dependent on that concern.
"leave them alone" lockwood bellowed and quill grinned, resting his hand against your waist and giving it a gentle squeeze. you looked at him and you could see the sincerity in his eyes.
in your head, you had forgiven him a long time ago. you were still distanced and hurt, but you knew that he hadn't done it to hurt or potentially kill you on purpose.
it were still the same feelings that made it hard for you to stir away from the boy. in his letters, he had talked about those same feelings he harboured, not that lockwood would let you out of the house without lucy, george or himself, so there wasn't a chance to pursue anything.
and you weren't even sure if you still wanted it.
he stepped away from your body, and something in you was sad at the warmth that left with him. but that was the weak side of you, the side that would read his letters and cry itself to sleep or that would sometimes even answer them. you had to get over him and you had to do it fast.
the next morning you all stood in front of the house that you had spent the whole day before researching. lockwood had just parted you in two teams, this was the first case you would join again, after the incident.
but before you could walk in, a deprac van honked and came to a halt next to you. barnes stepped out and greeted you all with a warm smile and the look of his eyes that clearly said 'i have to do this so just accept it'
you all looked at him questionly, but before he could explain, why he was even here, the back doors of the van opened and quill kipps, followed by his team members stepped outside.
"oh hell no" lockwood said loudly, but you knew that barnes couldn't do anything against it.
"sorry, tony" quill shrugged his shoulders and looked absolutely everything, but not sorry
"hey" said kat, before she hugged you in greeting, bobby and ned following
"hi" you smiled back at your former team members
quill was the last to greet you and he just touched you lightly at the arm.
"stay away" lockwood bid at him
"it's alright, anthony" you said softly. lockwood watched in disdain, how your eyes looked up at the blonde and followed his every move, you looked at him like he had hung the moon and lockwood stepped forward in protest
"it's alright, tony" quill repeated your words, softly stroking your cheek, before he stepped away. you immediately missed his touch.
"why are they here?" lockwood turned his head at barnes, waiting for an aexplanation.
"because it's a big building" barnes shrugged "it's already higher than your paygrade, so just be happy i'm still letting you on this case" he crossed his arms and waited for lockwood to protest.
lockwood looked between his friends and of course noticed your pleading face. "alright" he said between clenched teeth. "but we will get our fair share"
"of course" barnes nodded, before he got back into the car and drove off.
"cozy" kipps raised his eyebrows "so, what's the plan?"
"you're waiting for me to tell you?" lockwood asked in surprise
"well" kipps shrugged "you were here first" he paused and lockwood didn't miss the quick look in your direction "and i'm trying to be amicable"
"great" lockwood nodded sarcastically "i say we split up. your team will take the west wing and mine the other — wing, yeah"
"wouldn't it be smarter so split according to our talents?" lucy asked from behind the boy
"lucy" lockwood hissed
"yeah" kipps almost jumped into the air at the opportunity "that means y/n is coming with us and bobby stays with you"
"you must be mental if you really think i would let them go with you" lockwood walked closer to kipps
"it's alright" you pushed your arms in the middle of the two boys' bodies, seperating them.
"no, it's not" lockwood said
"it is!" he raised his eyebrows in surprise at the adamant tone in your voice
you reached for kipps' arm, dragging him into the building behind you. the rest of his team following.
"i will kill you if something happens to them" you could hear lockwood call after you
quill flashed a cheeky grin at lockwood over his shoulder, fully aware of the storm he had stirred up. you led quill and his team through the dimly lit corridors of the mysterious building, a mix of emotions swirling inside you. lockwood's warning echoed in your ears.
"what's wrong?" you asked, turning to face quill, when he halted in his step. he put a finger to his lips, signaling you to be quiet.
kat and ned had taken on the rooms down the corridor on the second floor, while you and quill had stayed back, searching the first floor.
“someone’s coming” quill whispered, reaching for your arm.
you saw the ghostly form approaching, slowly it came down the stairs. it was like if you had been frozen. the past years flashed before your eyes, the house and the touch of a ghost you had almost felt. you thought you had left it behind you.
“y/n!” quill shook you “y/n, come on” he was looking between you and the ghost. he noticed your eyes not moving from it.
“i—“ you tried to speak, but you weren’t able to utter a single word.
the ghost was too close now. quill drew his rapier, knowing that he would have to fight it on his own. and he put up quite a fight, throwing salt bombs, before he was finally able to get rid of it, atleast temporarily.
“we need to go” his hands were on your shoulders and the ghost was nowhere in sight, but you still looked so scared. quill knew that he was to blame for that. “y/n”
he could hear the ghost come back to life behind him. it did not take him longer to decide what he had to do. it was to no use to fight it off, he did not have anymore salt bombs and a source was nowhere in sight, not that he would’ve known what it was.
he picked you up, just as the ghost began charging at you. and he ran, calling for help or someone to finally pull a few silver net over potential sources.
someone might’ve actually found something, because right as it was too late, the ghost disappeared and quill came to a halt.
“y/n!” anthony called, sprinting into the hallway, closely followed by lucy, george and bobby. “thank god” he sighed when he noticed that you were alright.
“thank you” you looked at quill, who had saved you. “quill saved me” you said, turning your head to look at lockwood.
lockwood nodded, wearing a tight-lipped smile, before he outstretched his hand, shaking quills to thank him.
“i just did what i should’ve done a year ago” quill answered uncomfortably “i’m sorry for all the hurt i caused”
you nodded, already having made the decision that he was truly sorry and did not longer deserve to be punished for it.
“everything is okay, quill” you just said. quill smiled at you and even lockwood could not stop his features breaking into a grin.
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
Ruhn x Reader | It All Falls Down
type: angst warning(s): coma, near death experience, near loss of a loved one, blood word count: 2.1k words summary: based on this request, but I changed it a little; could you please do a Ruhn fic and maybe she has been his best friend for a long time and she felt the mating bond since she first met him and she waited for him to figure it out but he never did and then he met Lidia; the Asteri injure the reader lethally and he finds her body and the bond snaps between them, he had always hoped that it was her and thought that she was never interested in him, he finds a journal that the reader keeps and it explains her feelings towards Ruhn and declarations on how she wishes she could tell him about the mating bond and Ruhn just completely breaks down and he says that it has always been her……
- all rights reserved -
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The phone call that wakes Ruhn is not at all what he expects. At that time it is normally only ever a call from a completely shit-faced Tristan who can’t find his key, or Declan who forgot his key at home, or Ithan who just did not bring a key because someone will open the door for him anyway. A shock rumbles through him when he hears Bryce speak the words, but he can’t really comprehend what she is saying, does not really know what to do with them, how to act, how to react. It can’t be real what she is saying. Your body has been found, he needs to come there, the Asteri.....everything else becomes a blur of words and phrases
Almost like in a trance Ruhn gets up and gets dressed, his heart pounding frantically in his chest, the blood rushing in his ears so loud it drowns out all the other noises. He rushes to find all his necessities, collecting his phone and his gun just in case. In the next moment he is out of the house, jumps into his car, puts in reverse, leaves the parking lot and then heads for where Bryce and Hunt are. Ruhn arrives at the park, at the crime scene, and panic and dread collide inside of him. Your body is lying lifelessly on the in ground. It is early in the morning, only past four, the grass is still drenched in dew, the sun has not yet risen. A fresh moist scent lies in the air when the wet grass slides against his legs and soaks through his shoes. Ruhn is running towards his sister, her mate and you. His knees buckles when his eyes land on the puddle of blood next to you, under you, everywhere around you. There is so much blood, there are so many wounds on your body. “Y/N,” he breathes and his knees give in. He falls to the ground, and it is when is hands cradle our face that something inside of him snaps, something starts to glow and he can feel the bond connecting you to him. But why now? Why did it have to take so long for the damn bond to snap? Why couldn’t it have happened earlier? But would you have even excepted it? That all does not matter now. 
“The Asteri,” Bryce says calmly and places her hand on her brother’s shoulder. “We think that the Asteri are behind this.” Ruhn’s head whips to her and he furrows his brows, his heart dipping and cold sweat breaking out on the back of his neck once again. “Why?” he asks and it is Hunt who answers. “We don’t know, we hoped you might know?”
But Ruhn shakes his head. He has no idea. And also does not care about it in that moment. “Did you call an ambulance.” Bryce nods and takes out her phone to take some pictures of the crime scene. Celestina informed them that something has happened from where she knew they had no idea but Bryce and Hunt did not waste a second before heading here and informing Ruhn immediately when they saw who the victim of the attack was. “The ambulance will bring her to the hospital. We maybe need to collect some clothes for her, you know where she lives?” Ruhn nodes, his hand brushing the side of your face, the bond glowing brighter and brighter in his chest. It almost suffocates him, he does not want that now, can’t deal with it now. He wants you to be safe and fit again. And only when you are awake does he want to share the joy of the bond with you. 
The ambulance arrives only a few minutes later. One of them cringes at the sight, but tries to act cool a moment later when he heaves your body onto on of the medical bed and brings your to the car. Bryce arranges with them that Ruhn will bring clothes to the hospital. 
She drives Ruhn to the place where you live and your roommate lets him in, Bryce and Hunt in tow so they can look around in the flat if their are any hints on why they attacked you and what you might have found out about them. Ruhn does not care about any of it, he only cares about you waking up again. That’s the only things that matters to him.
The little bullet journal falls open and Ruhn really does not want to look but his eyes land on his name and he just has to see what you have written about him. His heart halts, then starts beating frantically at every word he reads. It explains everything, your feelings towards him and small declarations on how you wishes you could tell him about the mating bond… The mating bond.
Ruhn sits down on the ground and smacks his hands over his face, reasling a loud shout. He is rocking back and forth, sobbing while awareness dawns on him. He has been such an idiot. He never realised the bond because he was so caught up in his own world, how he hurt you so many times and he never saw you as anything more than a friend because he thought you would never see him as anything more than a friend. He started dating Lidia, who was a wonderful person, because he thought he would anyway never have a chance with you. But actually he was such a blind and oblivious fool. He hates himself for that, for maybe never getting the chance to tell you. A knock sounds from his door and it makes Ruhn lift his head. It is Bryce. She carefully opens the door and peeks inside. “Her parents just called. They are there now. Have you collected all her things?”
Ruhn sniffs loudly, his shoulders shaking with silent sobs when he looks at his sister through his swollen eyes. “I can’t lose her,” he breathes and the damn breaks once again, tears streaming down his cheeks. Bryce walks up to him and crouches down next brother, slinging her arm around his shoulders. She presses her head against his, his ear piercings cool against the side of her head. “She will be fine, I know it.” But Ruhn doubts that, saw your injuries. And as much as he wants to believe his sister, he can’t. 
Flynn and Declan come to pick Ruhn up to drive to the hospital. He is still shaking when he arrives at the hospital, when they arrive in the entrance hall of the hospital, ask for your room, walk past the coffee shop and the emergency department where trauma patients are being brought in on beds or in wheelchairs. He does not pay any attention to anything around him, his whole focus is on you and the hope that you will wake up again. He can’t enter the room immediately, your parents are still inside, wanting to be alone with you. He understands but it drives him mad. Ruhn can’t stay outside your room, he places the duffle bag on the ground next to where Flynn sits in one of the visitor chairs and starts wandering, telling them to call for him when he can go inside. 
Ruhn is pacing, walking through the long, maze-like hallways with the bright lighting than burns in his eyes. He has barely gotten any sleep the previous night, was terribly sleep deprived and in panic. He walks past a gift shop, glances inside. There are magazines, toiletries and other small items, as well as flowers and stuffed animals. He hesitates for a moment, but walks in and decides to by you a little bouquet of flowers — he chooses the violet ones, remembering how you always loved to comment on his eyes, how violet and glowing they were. Nothing is left of this glow, Ruhn’s eyes are dim and dull. It is when he leaves the shop that Declan calls for him, meeting him half-way in the corridor to your room. “Her parents are going home now, said you can go in.” Ruhn inclines his head and follows in silence. 
His heart stops in his chest at the sight of you — you looks so peaceful, but at the same time like all life had been robbed from you. They probably put you in a coma… 
The moments between him standing in the doorway and looking at you and him moving closer become a blur until he finds himself right next to you, his hands shaking, and turning damp from the cold sweat breaking out on his skin. His friends join him in the room, supporting him. 
Ruhn sits on the adjustable hospital bed beside you, his hand holding yours. The one with the cannula, the small tube that has been placed into a vein in your arm or your hand in order to deliver your intravenous therapy. 
You look like your are sleeping, lying there on the white linens, eyes closed, lips parted a little bit. Flynn stands behind Ruhn, Declan on his other side, keeping his hand on Ruhn’s shoulder. Ruhn is staring at the plain walls, lowering his gaze to the equipment plug-ins. The fluorescent light is still bright in here, but at least a little dimmer. Your chest heaves a little bit, barely visible but it gives Ruhn enough comfort to even his breathing. Through wires your heart is connected to a heart monitor and Ruhn watches the steady line, that does have too big highs. With a loud sigh Tristan Flynn leans against the bedside table with drawers, accidentally pushing one in. “You can go home. You don’t have to stay with me,” Ruhn says, honestly. 
“You should also go home,” Declan answers, squeezing his friend’s shoulder, but Ruhn shakes his head. “No, I am staying with Y/N. When she wakes up, I want to be here.”
“But Ruhn—“ “No!” the starborn prince answers loudly. “I am staying. You go home.”
Declan and Tristan decide that it might be best for them to actually go home and leave Ruhn alone, wanting to give the two of you some privacy. It seems like it is what Ruhn needs. 
His eyes are trained on the grey garbage can in the corner of the room when he opens his mouth and says, “I am so sorry. I have been such a fool.” His throat starts to ache, tears dwelling in his eyes when Ruhn gives his head a little shake. “I am so sorry.”
His thumb strokes gently over your hand, it feels cold in his one and he his heart squeezes. “I know that I have been such an oblivious fool to not see it, to not see that you like me the same way I like you. To not see the bond. I know I am an idiot… And it feels wrong that the bond snapped for me now, that this had to happen that the bond snapped, I hate myself for it.” His throat constricts, aching when a single tear slips out of his eyes. It falls onto your hand and it is then that your hand makes the tiniest jerk. “Y/N?” Ruhn asks, his voice baffled. He looks at you intensely but no more movement follows. Maybe he was mistaken? Ruhn parts his lips again, they are dry. “I want this bond with you, want nothing more. Well, I do. I want you to wake up. I want to see you smile again, hear you laugh again. I want to hug you, to have sleepovers with you where we smoke a little mithroot and watch sunball or your silly romance movies. I want to cook with you again and I just want to have you in my life. I can’t lose you, Y/N.”
He leans down and kisses your knuckles, more tears wetting your skin. “You are one of the most important people in my life, I need you.”
The heart monitor shows large lines when Ruhn hears a beeping noise and lifts his head to the screen. He does not understand what he is seeing, but a moment later he does not really care about it anymore. You shift a little on the bed, stirring and your hand twitches again. 
Ruhn’s eyes widen, his heart stopping, then rapidly hammering against his ribcage. 
Your eyes open a little bit, the corner of your mouth lifting when your look at Ruhn through a heavy-lidded gaze. “Your are my mate.” With that your eyes fall shut again, lips opening a little further. Ruhn leans over you, kissing the top of your head and he says, “That I am. Yours and only yours. And you are mine.”
tags: @azrielsbabyg @brekkershadowsinger 
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sailor-aviator · 11 months
Do you know what? I've been thinking and I personally would love to read about when Jake got the curse in Fool's Fare. What he felt physically and emotionally. Even just as flashes from a nightmare or flashback, basically in any form. I just think it is super interesting. I don't know if you were already thinking of including this. If not, no worries, only write what you want.
I actually did not think about including this, but I would LOVE to talk about it actually!! Also, just know that this curse is different from the one in the teaser because I changed it up to suit the story better.
The rain poured down in heavy sheets, and Jake wouldn't be surprised if they left bruises behind at their ferocity. The sand beneath his feet stuck to him like glue, and his heart thundered at the sight of the glazed, white eyes that stared at him, down to the depths of his soul. There were no pupils to break up the milky white, but still he knew they were locked onto him.
There was no color to his skin, and the flesh was drawn tight around his face, a salt and pepper beard hiding the lower half of his face. His clothes were near rags. He looked like death come to life.
"For your arrogance, a token I leave for you," he rasped, the sound sending chills up Jake's spine. It didn't sound fully human, but like a voice you would hear in a distant memory. Whispery, not quite there.
The man lifted a spindly arm slowly at him, a shock running through the blond as he fell to his knees, gripping his sides in a feeble attempt to stop the pain.
"This Earth you'll walk neither dead nor living."
Jake felt something inside of him snap, he howled in pain.
"No meat or marrow will quell your hunger. Only ash will you taste."
Jake suddenly felt hollow, a bottomless emptiness that knocked the wind out of his lungs.
"No wine or water will quench your thirst. Your throat shall never know relief."
Jake felt fire in his throat, like all the moisture had been sapped out of it.
"Your touch remains, but no relief will you feel at the hands of another. You too will know the agony of being parted from the one you love, a yearning inside you for the touch of another that will never be sated no matter how many arms you throw yourself into."
Jake couldn't describe the hunger that suddenly filled him. Not for food, but for the touch of another person. A yearning so strong that it brought him to tears.
"Please," he groaned out, begging the man to stop.
"Your pleas won't work on me, boy," snarled the figure. He slowly walked over to where Jake was curled in on himself in the sand. He crouched down, eyeing Jake with a look that would have made any man beg for forgiveness. “And any man who stands with you will suffer the effects as well.”
"Please," Jake tried again, tears beginning to fall down his cheeks. "I'm sorry."
"You're not," Davy Jones murmured, cocking his head to the side. Jake let out a sob that any other time would have caused him to be embarrassed, but now? Now he was at the mercy of the lord of the seas. "You will be though, once my curse has had time to settle."
"Please," Jake let out weakly, reaching out his hand. Davy Jones considered the young man before him.
"Alright, boy," he rasped. "Today I shall show mercy to one who did not see fit to give it himself."
Davy Jones leaned closer, stopping next to Jake's ear, and he could make out what smelled like dust and the ocean drift over him.
"You'll have seven years to the day to find that which is most valuable. The greatest treasure of all."
"What is it?" Jake asked him, eyes wide and desperate, pleading. Davy Jones chuckled, standing up to step back. He peered down at the blond.
"What would be the point in tellin' you, lad?" He chuckled. "Find it, and I'll lift the curse. If you don't..."
He paused, cocking his head to the side.
"This will be your fate for all eternity," he finished, booming out a laugh.
Jake shot straight up in his bed, sweat drenching his skin as he fought to regain his breath. He was safe, he told himself. He was on his ship, in his bed. Nowhere near Davy Jones.
Jake winced as a wave of pain rolled over him, a tugging in his chest begging him to go to where you slept in the next cabin over. He sighed, laying back down.
Seven years had come and gone. Seven years was almost up.
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spadesolace · 1 year
polaroid love- bonus 0.4: safe haven
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yn arrived exactly 30 minutes after her last message. standing in front of the same door a couple of days ago, it was quiet compared to last time, or so she thought. ringing the doorbell led to a bunch of screams, a bit of running around can be heard, only for haerin to open the door.
“unnie? what brings you here?” yn bowed at the cat-like girl, showing her smile that makes people swoon for her. haerin understands why minji and hanni like her, her aura itself gives off comfort and safety along with her bright smile.
“is minji ready?”
“minji-unnie? i thought your date was this coming weekend?”
before yn could answer, there stood in front of her was hanni and minji behind her. even in their most comfiest clothes they still look ethereal, hanni with her hair a mess while brushing her teeth and minji just looking at yn in awe.
“hey.” minji was glowing, despite running around to pick the perfect comfy clothes she had. she’s here for minji this time, the first girl to have caught her eye when their music video released. she’s pretty.
“hey.” yn could only glance at hanni, she couldn’t decipher what she must be feeling right now. similarly with minji last time, there was something off.
“just in time, huh?” minji laughed as she put on her shoes. right after, giving yn a hug as a greeting. haerin could only nod in approval as hanni watched the interaction in front of her. oh, that stings.
“bring her home by 11, unnie!” haerin shouted as minji pulled away and waved goodbye to her group.
“that’s just 3 hours, rinnie.”
“i don’t care, just bring her home safely.” it didn’t take long as danielle and hyein went to greet yn and say their goodbyes as the pair walked off.
minji was much bolder than hanni, holding onto yn’s arms right away as soon as they started walking. a bit taken aback because as far as yn remembers minji’s love language isn’t physical touch.
“what’s the plan for tonight?”
“dinner first and… wait have you eaten yet?” minji shook her head. she really just got off of practice and changed her clothes into some clean ones that weren’t drenched in sweat.
“then come on, we’ll get dinner on the way. its one of my fave spots.” something about the way yn runs while holding minji’s hand brings adrenaline in minji’s veins as the feeling of being together with her crush is giving her the drive to do unimaginable things.
even yn felt the adrenaline, after opening the passenger side for minji or the fact that she assisted minji with her seatbelt. if hanni brought her comfort, minji gave her confidence. it was the same scenario, the aux was given to minji as yn jammed to everything in her playlist.
“so where’s this fave dinner spot of yours?”
“its near the place we’re going to, just a small noodle shop.”
the date was different from when she went out with hanni. minji is more relaxed but also alert, a bit talkative compared to hanni but it wasn’t to the point she’ll get tired of it. yn enjoys listening to minji talk about her interests, her day, and asking yn that sometimes took her by surprise.
“why’d you audition for jyp?” weird question for a date but so be it.
“at the time, before big hit or hybe really took everything by storm. jyp was the leading entertainment company and i was a big twice stan.”
minji explains hers, yn is interested, sometimes singing to the songs together as they wait for the red light to turn green. making a bit of a bold move by holding minji’s hand, she was a bit fidgeting, clearly nervous about this whole ordeal.
“you good?” minji hummed, yn’s hand still holding hers as she continues to drive.
“yeah, i’m great even.” haerin would not hear the end of this later once minji arrives home.
“good, i don’t want you to be uncomfortable while you’re with me, cutie.” the butterflies in her stomach keeps on erupting, her cheeks flushed, and her gaze on the driver who clearly been keeping track of her. minji never thought she could feel this sort of way, something that would make her excited to see yn everyday.
you’re making me fall for you, yn.
as yn would describe it, the noodle shop was indeed small and lowkey, yet they offer good noodles and dumplings at a reasonable price. clearly, the idol has been to the same place that she has a designated spot already, minji found it adorable, especially the grandma handling the place. while walking to the table, she was teasing yn on how the grandma is very fond of her, asking if minji was her girlfriend. it was a good thing minji was behind her to notice her flushed cheeks along with her ears being red as a tomato.
“aish, you two have fun, i’ll give you dumplings for free.”
“it’s fine-”
“just sit down and pick what you like.”
minji was just laughing at the interaction, she knew yn had a very comforting and friendly personality but seeing it in person with (she sees as) a stranger, shows that the title of nation’s heartthrob is very fitting. despite it being sudden, a literal one call away, here she was sitting in front of her crush who has been nothing but a pure sweetheart.
yn was a walking green flag, holding the door open for minji, putting her comfort first, and when minji was shivering, without saying anything yn gave her jacket to minji. she wonders if she did the same thing to hanni when they went out, but from the looks of it, yn gave off a very different vibe. one that would surely make you stop and look at her while walking past her.
“stop staring, cutie. i might melt.” it wasn’t just minji staring but also yn, she really looked cute wearing her jacket that was clearly way too big on her.
“sorry, you’re just… pretty.” yn didn’t catch the last part, watching as minji’s cheeks slowly turned red along with her covering her face.
“min-” before yn could start her sentence, their food was served along with the dumplings the grandma gave for free, along with a pitcher of ice cold water.
dinner ended the same way with yn’s date with hanni, getting to know each other further along with some flirtatious banter here and there. yn took notice how minji scrunches her nose in either cringe or how good the food is, no in between, or how minji eats a bit slower than her and yn slowing down just so she wouldn’t be pressured to finish her food right away, and how she still fed yn one of the dumplings and wiped the broth that was spilling on the corner of her lips.
minji also noticed how yn is very meticulous and clean while eating, especially preparing her anti-acid meds on the side if the dish is too spicy for her to handle. yn is soft-spoken that she forgets that this is the same girl that screams in their lives and causes chaos along with the maknae line.
“i like how when you’re speaking in korean your voice is so soft then you speak in english suddenly i feel like its a different person.”
“i assume its the accent?”
minji nodded, but yn also pointed out the same thing, and it ended up with the both of them trying to speak in english without making their voices deeper.
time went by slower than they expected, only spending an hour at the place. the grandma still didn’t let them pay for the dumplings.
yn and minji fought on whose paying only to end up with yn paying as sunbae which was total bs according to minji. as they walked out, minji took yn’s hand as they walked back to her car, laughing and talking about everything and nothing.
“ok but where are we actually going?”
“that is a secret, cutie.”
they took their time walking back to yn’s car as minji pouted and let go of her hand just to cross her arms. yn found it amusing, a bit cringe but she still found it cute with minji doing it. wrapping her arms around the girl, swaying side to side as she apologized. she couldn’t even act mad at yn, what more if they were actually dating.
i can’t with her, sim yn, stop playing with my heart.
minji hugged yn back and finally continued their walk back. walking as if they weren’t rookie idols who dispatch could probably be following for their new year tradition. that is for future minyn to deal with.
— — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
the ride to the carnival was a blast as minji put on songs that were perfect for hyping them up. especially when she played tokyo drift and yn jokingly sped up a bit only for minji to laugh at it and see the fun in it.
in minji’s gallery, there is a picture of yn driving that perfectly showcases how much she adores how playful the girl is. she won’t forget this night, maybe this could be the start of something beautiful.
although crowded places is the number one thing yn hates despite being an idol and performing for hundreds or thousands on the daily. being part of that said crowd is what she despises. here she is, at a carnival looking for the arcade where not a lot of people go just to play with minji and when things die down that’s when they go around the carnival itself.
the things i do for the people i like.
minji was having a blast, beating yn in some of the games, watching yn sulk over a racing game as it didn’t have a tokyo track so she can jokingly sing to tokyo drift, or how yn manage to win her a bunny plushie on her second try on the crane game. the date was at its peak as minji pulled yn to the rides, some that weren't crowded. she’s aware of yn’s social anxiety in these certain situations. she has mentioned before during the group dinner that she gets a bit overwhelmed.
to keep yn afloat, she held on her hand as they walked through the carnival, looking for rides that they would enjoy.
they screamed while going through the haunted houses, minji laughed as yn almost punched an animatronic, and just lost it as they got out.
“you- really- almost punched that ghost animatronic.” minji said in between laughs as yn sat on the floor catching her breath, laughing along and looking up at minji. oh wow, she’s beautiful.
“not my fault, it's called self defense.” her laugh died down as minji offered her hand to help yn up. that was the first time she felt a spark, literally.
it was a bit concerning with the amount of screaming they’ve done within those 15 minutes. a few more rides, some carnival games in between, the night was coming to a close as yn and minji walked hand in hand towards the ferris wheel. they’re just grateful no one has recognized them, the mask surely helping them.
as they relaxed in the ferris wheel, minji sat next to yn who still held her hand as it slowly went up, watching the view. the city lights create a comforting atmosphere for yn, minji, on the other hand, simply let her head rest on yn’s shoulder. letting things be as it came to a stop on top of the ferris wheel.
“i had fun, minji.” caressing the back of minji’s hand with her thumb, her attention diverted from the view to their hands.
“me too, yn.” both looking at their intertwined hands, it felt familiar for yn. too familiar that it scared her a bit. letting go of minji’s hand, she placed it around her waist, watching the view change as the ferris wheel started moving again.
somewhere within that ferris wheel basket, minji did the unspeakable. the unexpected.
minji kissed yn… on the cheek. maybe, she’ll do it properly next time.
the trip home was peaceful, for minji.
yn’s mind was buzzing, putting a facade as her and minji sang to the songs playing on whoever’s playlist. the familiarity of kim minji, compared to the unfamiliarity that is pham hanni yet there was a sense of home and comfort.
yn also did the unthinkable, hugging minji, thanking her for the time, and lastly, kissing her forehead. minji walked inside their dorm, leaning back on the door, and screaming on her hands. finally taking notice, she’s still wearing yn’s jacket.
yn is fucked and she needs to buy that snorlax bean bag, ASAP.
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