#and i just feel like crap ya know like i wanna go home and take a nap and rush my assignments but instead
pettytiredandjewish · 7 months
Ya know what…
I’m so tired of this crap. I’m tired of being scared and having nightmares. I’m tired of seeing people that I thought were friends post/share antisemitic shit/ propaganda and misinformation that hamas created. I hate having to be cautious about people and their intentions. I don’t like having to make a mental list of people that would help me if something happens- I don’t want to drag them into this shit show…
I hate that most of y’all are just sharing/posting misinformation/propaganda about this war. Y’all stop fucking getting your information from social media/and Hamas run “news sites”. Fun fact Hamas is in control of Gaza and certain news media’s. They can tell the world that Israel is doing so and so and y’all would fucking eat it up (and y’all do that). And don’t get me started on the fucking trauma porn- y’all are so obsessed with seeing those photos and pictures, and here’s the thing- no one knows if they are real/“posed”/ai generated and same with the “stories”… heck y’all even twist up the stories just to make Israel the only bad guy in this war…
Most of y’all don’t even care about Palestine. If y’all did why are you not condemning Hamas and their government? Y’all claim you want this to stop- Israel has offered multiple ceasefire deals but Hamas turns them down because they don’t fucking care. They don’t care that civilians are getting k*lled. Hamas end goal is to exterminate Israelis and Jews. They even admitted it but y’all were just turned a blind eye. Hamas is taking control of the narrative of this war and y’all are fucking falling for it…
I don’t trust anyone who uses Zionist/zionism as a slur, wishes death against Israel and their citizens, calls the IDF the IOF, those who turns a blind eye to the antisemitic shit that y’all are causing/or joining in on, chatting genocidal slogans, the list goes on and on….
You claim that y’all don’t blame Jews- just those “Zionist”. I don’t know how to say it but the majority of Jews are Zionist and a lot of us don’t want this war. (Also most of y’all don’t know what Zionism is and are spreading false information about it). Also stop calling Israelis terrorist. They are not- I’ve said this multiple times, citizens are not their government…
Blaming Jews for this war does make you antisemitic. Harassing Jews/attacking Jews/wishing death upon Jews/ cheering and supporting terrorist organizations that want Jews dead/ all of this plus more doesn’t help Palestine. But it does make you a raging antisemitic asshat. This is why we Jews are fucking scared and terrified. History is starting to repeat itself and y’all are contributing to it. Y’all wanna know why Jews are wanting to leave their home countries- because we don’t feel safe because of this shit that is happening…
I could keep going but I’ll stop. This is just me venting out my frustrations. I’m so frustrated that y’all are doing this. I’m tired and scared. If y’all don’t like this- I don’t give a damn. I said what i said. Just know that if y’all start spitting out antisemitic shit on this post- I will call you out and block you…
Am yisrael chai ✡️
And to those who lost people in this war and to those who were killed just because they were Jewish- May your memory be a blessing.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 7 months
I've been seeing some words in the tags and thought, hey, why not. I hope it's any good!
Daryl x male!reader
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Being the new guy in the recruitment party was scary.
You ran with Aaron, who had a mace for a hand and was a badass.
And Daryl, who was probably the biggest walking distraction you had ever seen. He was everything you wanted to be, or to have? You weren't sure you just knew the crush you had on him was obvious to Aaron, and Daryl was luckily oblivious to it.
Daryl did always look out for you, though. He cared for his party members and whowed it in many different ways, like heading into a store to find you new, sturdy steel-toed boots after seeing you shove walkers to the ground and stomping their skull with worn out shoes that could easily tear if you did that more often.
"C'mon, give 'em a test run." He'd call out after knocking a walker down on its stomach and holding it down for you to crush its skull with much more ease now.
Next time you guys were going out on a run when the weather got a bit colder Daryl made sure to find you a thick leather jacket. You thanked him only for it looking really good and wondering how he knew you wanted a cool jacket, but when he told you why he gave it to you it was even better. "Walker won't tear this as easy as yer other coat. Will bite through it so don' go bein' reckless now just cus ya look badass." The pat on your shoulder radiated through your entire body as heat rose to your cheeks and Aaron laughed from next to Daryl. "Looks good on you, you two match now."
Aaron found it hilarious how you had confessed to being head over heels with the huntsman but always declined when he told you to go make a move. "He clearly wouldn't mind if you cooked dinner for him or let him teach you stuff about his bike." With a fork pointed at you from across the dinnertable he continued. "Which you still need to ride, by the way." The way he made a fece when he said 'ride' had you almost choke on your dinner. You swallowed the food and coughed. "Oh come on! Just when I take a bite, really?" You both laughed and Aaron decided to drop the teasing, letting you finish your dinner in peace.
The next day he found Daryl working in the garage, deciding to go fish for a bit so he could see where he was on the spectrum of liking you.
It was difficult to fish when he couldn't just outright ask seeing Daryl didn't talk about these things, but he managed to learn he was absolutely fine with having you around and teaching you stuff. He counted that as a win.
A couple of weeks passed and Aaron was getting tired of seeing his friends be a bunch of dumbasses and rung them up for a supply run to a stocked warehouse to take whatever they could fit in the car.
"Where do you expect me to sit, dude?" You stared at the car's trunk, backseat and passenger seat stuffed full of random crap you disn't even know the community needed. Only when Aaron pointed out you could ride back with Daryl the hint dropped. You didn't really need all this junk, he just wanted you two to admit your feelings.
"Hop on, yer with me." Daryl was already seated on his bike and waiting for you to join him, watching you approach slowly and get on the bike with awkward movement.
"Now hold on tight, ya don't wanna fall." He revved the engine but didn't drive off yet, instead looking over his shoulder. "Said hold on tight. Tha' aint' tight, kid."
You pressed further into his back, but still he grabbed your hands and wrapped your arms closer around him. "Tha's tight. Now lets go home of we wanna be done unpackin' all tha' crap 'fore nightfall."
With that, you were off to home.
You never imagined how amazing it felt to ride on a motorcycle, but maybe that was because of how you were squished against Daryl's back.
Which was something Daryl was enjoying an awful lot too, if he had to admit. He really had to invite you on solo hunts more often.
It was in fact far into the evening when you had finally empties out the car and sorted all the items. Tired and sore you bid the men goodnight and headed home, in dire need of sleep.
Daryl had taken you out on a hunting trip not long after. "Pretty boy like ya shouldn't be out there unprepared." He claimed while teaching you how to soften your steps and breath through the process of keeping aim on a target far away. You managed to catch only one small animal but Daryl still called it a successful hunt and took you home to continue the teachings by showing you how to clean and skin in preparation for cooking.
You shared dinner together and hung out on the couch, going over the day, how proud Daryl was of your quick learning and how thankful you were for him teaching you.
Daryl came back from the kitchen with new drinks and sat down closer than before, setting the glasses down on the table and lounging back. He lifted an arm to drape around you and pull you against his side, finally gathering the courage to do what Aaron told him to, in his own Daryl way of words of course.
"I like havin' ya around, kid. Stick around fer a while longer?"
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albertasunrise · 8 months
Hope - Hope I See You Again
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Summary: After Joel loses his wife and your best friend during childbirth. You support him as he takes on parenthood on his own at 22. But when feelings start to develop, you battle with the guilt you feel for falling for your best friend’s husband.
Relationships: Joel Miller x Reader
Warnings: Like AO3 I choose to give none. Read at own risk. 18+… this is to avoid spoilers! (So a longer chapter...Another angst fest but I hope you enjoy. Had most of this written out already hence posting it so quickly after chapter 4, can't wait to heart what y'all think ♥️)
Series Masterlist - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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10 years later...
"Sarah!" Joel calls up the stairs as he munches on his toast "Hunny you're going to be late." 
"COMING!" She replied as thumping steps erupted on the landing. 
Joel chuckled as he listened to his daughter clamber down the stairs, smiling when she planted a kiss on his cheek and skipped to the plate of toast he left on the side for her. 
"You're a good father." She said as she ravaged the breakfast he made her. 
"I try to be." 
"You make some for Uncle Tommy?" She asked as her ears perked up at the sound of his truck parking on the drive. 
"Yeah, yeah..." Joel waved her off "Although he's gonna eat me outa house n' home at this rate." 
"Who is?" Tommy asked as he walked into the kitchen, giving his brother a friendly slap on the arm as he passed. 
"You asshole." Joel grumbled, eliciting a snigger from Sarah. 
"Sarah baby... you're gonna miss the bus if you don't leave." Joel said as he eyed the clock. 
"Ah... crap... Okay, gotta go. See ya later Uncle Tommy." She said sweetly as she kissed his cheek before skipping to her father to do the same thing "Still on for tacos tonight?" 
"Wouldn't be Tuesday without them." Joel winked before waving at his daughter as she sprinted out the door. 
"Ready?" Tommy asked as he unceremoniously shoved the last of his toast into his mouth. 
"One of these days, you're gonna choke." He snorted as he pushed himself to his feet "I'm driving today." He said as he snatched up the keys and headed to the garage. 
Joel was just finishing up laying the table when Sarah came screaming in. He couldn't understand how she had so much energy despite being at school all day and then soccer practice afterwards. 
"HEY!" She shouted, practically skipping into the kitchen. 
"Hey baby girl, how was your day?" He asked as he grabbed and placed the serving spoon into the bowl of chorizo and potatoes that he'd just finished frying off. 
"Great, do you mind if a friend joins us?" She asked sheepishly, smiling sweetly at him as he turned to see a tall boy beside her. 
He seemed familiar. His dark hair and piercing blue eyes reminded him of someone he used to know. 
"Dad this is Noah." She said sweetly "He's new and his mum wasn't able to get him from school so I said he could come here for dinner and then you could drop him home later?" 
The boy's name made Joel's stomach twist. There was no way this was the boy that had been practically glued to Sarah's side as a toddler. There are plenty of kids with that name. 
"Baby I-" 
"I know I should have asked first but Dad... you always make extra so there will be plenty for all of us." She pleaded with her big brown eyes, knowing that it would win him over. 
"I don't wanna impose Mr Miller, sir." Noah said, his head dropping "I can probably walk home from here." 
"Sit down." Joel grumbled as he motioned to the table with his head, smiling when Sarah kissed his cheek and whispered thanks in his ear. 
He watched as Sarah eagerly dug into the food on the table before noting Noah's hesitance. 
"Dig in son." Joel encouraged and Noah gave him a nervous nod before doing as he was bid. 
Dinner then passed fairly easily. Sarah talked about school and practice as Noah smiled at her enthusiasm. 
"So where are you from Noah?" Joel asked as he wiped his hands on his napkin and grabbed his beer to take a swig. 
"I was actually born here." Noah confessed and Joel's heart sped up a little "My parents moved when I was little. Dad wasn't well and so we moved closer to my grandma." 
"You don't say." Joel replied, his heart in his throat as Noah continued. 
"We moved back here 'cus mum got a job in Austin. Thought it would be good to get a new start after dad..." He trailed off, his eyes growing sad. 
"Perhaps next taco Tuesday you can bring Ali?" Sarah suggested as she gave Noah's arm a friendly squeeze. 
"Ali?" Joel asked and Noah smiled sweetly "Ali's my little sister. Short for Alison." He replied sweetly "Well little ish... She's a few years younger than me." 
"Joel thought he was going to be sick. There was no way this wasn't the Noah he knew as a boy." 
"Dad..." Sarah called but Joel felt like he was drowning, her calls for him muffled like his head was underwater. 
"DAD!" She shouted and he leapt from his skin as he returned his attention to both of them "You okay?" 
"What?" Joel asked as his eyes flitted between the two kids "Oh... Yeah, sorry just uh... Just a long day." 
Noah's cell phone ringing filled the awkward silence that had blanketed the room and when he pulled it out to see who it was, he excused himself to take it. 
"You sure you're okay dad?" Sarah asked as she grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze "You look like you've seen a ghost." 
"Yeah, baby." He replied sweetly, trying his hardest to be convincing "I'm fine." 
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10 years earlier...
"Joel, you need to take it easy man." Tommy pleaded as he pushed his brother back onto the bed "They cut into your fucking skull man." 
"What I need... is to get out of here." Joel grumbled as he let out a frustrated huff. 
"Sarah and I nearly lost you." Tommy choked, his eyes growing glossy as he remembered the last few weeks "We've watched you crash twice... Been told to prepare for the worst more times than I wanna remember... So please, just rest." 
"How are they?" He asked and Tommy sighed "They're doing as well as can be expected." Tommy sighed and Joel nodded "I think the kids have been a great distraction though." 
Joel smiled at that.
"When do you ship out?" Joel asked, changing the subject and Tommy signed "Sunday. Now you're not knocking on death's door, they've decided it's time for me to leave." 
"I'll be okay." Joel promised but Tommy didn't look convinced "I promise."
2 weeks later...
Joel watched as you puttered around the house, looking anything but relaxed as you finished clearing up after lunch. He gingerly pushed himself to his feet, wincing when his stitches pulled. 
"Need some help?" He asked as he limped into the kitchen. 
"No." You replied plainly and Joel sighed.
"Please, let me help." Joel pleaded and you growled in frustration. 
"You can help me by sitting the fuck down so you don't pull a stitch." You growled and Joel shrunk back. 
You'd been cold towards him since he got out and Joel couldn't say he blamed you. You were now stuck babysitting him as he recovered from three major surgeries on top of his daughter whom you'd been caring for for almost a month. 
"Please... I just... I want to help." 
"You've done enough Joel." That statement had him shrinking away from you as he nodded. 
"I'm going to check on Sarah." He said quietly as he limped from the kitchen.
"She's sleeping."
Joel didn't reply. Just left you to finish your frantic cleaning as he limped away with his tail between his legs.
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Present day...
"Sorry." Noah said as he stepped back into the room "Was my mum." 
"Everything okay? Sarah asked and Noah nodded. 
"Yeah, just a broken arm." 
"What happened?" Joel asked, his confusion obvious from his expression. 
"Oh, my sister hurt herself during gym." Noah replied "Why mum couldn't grab me... Was up the hospital with her." 
"What about you dad?" Joel asked and Noah grew quiet again. 
"Noah's dad died a few months ago." Sarah pipped up and Joel's eyes almost bugged out of his skull.
"Shit... I'm... Shit I'm so sorry son I-"
"It's fine." Noah assured him as he gave Joel a weak smile "Not like you knew." 
"Do you need me to drop you home?" Joel asked and Noah nodded. 
"If you don't mind." 
Joel gave him a friendly smile before grabbing his truck keys off the side. 
"Come on." 
Sarah sat in the back as Noah directed Joel home. He couldn't help but think about the little boy he'd known a decade ago and how he'd grown into this polite young man. Part of him wanted to confess that he and Sarah had been inseparable as kids but until he was sure that he was who he thought he was, Joel needed to keep that information to himself. 
"This is me." Piped up Noah as he pointed at a house with a Large Volvo parked in the drive. 
It was nice. Exactly the sort of house he'd pictured you living in. Pulling up, the porch light flicked on and the door opened, revealing a face that Joel had thought he'd never see again. Time had been kind to you. Your hard was cut to just below the shoulders and wavy and your features had matured but it was unmistakeably you. 
"Thanks, Mr Miller, sir." Noah said as he unbuckled his seatbelt and grabbed his pack "Thanks for letting me crash Taco Tuesday." 
"Call me Joel, please." 
Noah gave the older man a shy smile before turning to say goodbye to Sarah. Hopping out the truck, Joel watched as Noah jogged up to you and he smiled as he watched to greet the boy with a hug. He'd known you'd be a natural mum. 
You glanced up at him and his heart stopped. Your eyes locked and he wondered if you'd recognise him too but when you squinted before raising your hand in thanks, Joel realised it was too dark in the cab for you to see him. 
Sarah clambering from the back to the front pulled Joel's attention away from the spot you'd been standing and he chuckled at the inelegant way the 12-year-old dumped herself in the passenger seat. 
"So what do you think of Noah?" She asked as she tried to act casual and Joel snorted. 
"He's a good kid." Joel replied as he pulled away from the curb "How did you guys meet anyway?" 
"He had to redo a year." Sarah replied "Not his fault. His dad was in and out of hospital so he missed a lot of school. When they moved here the school suggested that it would be good for him to redo 5th grade." 
"Do you know what happened to his dad?" Joel asked, trying to sound as inconspicuous as possible. 
"Apparently his dad was in an accident when he was little. Complications from that had him in and out of hospital but a year ago he got real sick and his immune system just couldn't cope." 
Joel once again felt like he was going to be sick. 
He'd had suffered a few long things from the crash. Back pain and headaches being the key ones but nothing following the surgery he'd had. So to learn that Alec had continued to suffer in the 10 years that followed the accident had him wanting to pull over and vomit up the tacos they'd eaten for dinner. 
You must hate him. 
"How was your evening hunny?" You asked as you finished unstacking the dishwasher. 
"Was great." He replied with a smile "Made a friend. Sarah Miller." He continued as he placed the plate you handed him in the cupboard "She invited me to join her and her dad Joel for taco Tuesday." 
"Joel Miller?" You asked, your heart hammering against your ribs as your eyes widened. 
"Yeah... You know him?" Noah asked as he turned to face you "Mum?..." 
"Um... Uh, yeah I..." 
Noah's eye caught a glimpse of a photo on the wall that until now he'd never looked at twice. It was of you and his dad with two guys you'd told him were friends from when you'd lived here. He looked more closely and noted how he was gripping the jeans of a man who looked a lot like Joel and then his eyes flitted to the little girl in the man's arms. His eyes widened as he studied her face. 
"This is them... isn't it?" Noah asked as he turned to look at you, pointing at the photo he'd been studying just a moment ago. 
"I was best friends with Joel's late wife." You answered as you sat down at the kitchen table "You and Sarah were inseparable as kids." You chuckled as you remembered how fond of Sarah Noah had been. 
"Why have you never mentioned them before?" 
"Because we fell out of touch." You confessed, "After your dad's accident, things got tense between us." 
"Tense?" Noah pushed "How?" 
"Joel was driving the car that night." You told him "He almost died but when he left the hospital, I blamed him for your dad's condition and so our friendship kinda fell apart." 
"But Dad's car was t-bone by a drunk truck driver." Noah pushed and you sighed.
"I know."
"So it wasn't Joel's fault." 
"No." You choked as you remembered how bad things had gotten "But I blamed him anyway.
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10 years earlier... 
Joel's head was pounding. 
Headaches had been a constant complication from the surgery on his head. Limping into the kitchen, he found you leaning against the counter sipping a cup of coffee as you started out the window across from you. 
If you heard him enter you didn't show it. It had been a week since you'd snapped at him and Joel had done his best to give you space. Even if that meant suffering his increasingly painful headaches but this one was unbearable. 
"Have you seen my pain pills?" He asked as he limped towards you and you shook your head.
"Any idea where they could be?" He asked as he tried to rummage through the cupboard for them. 
"Please... my head is pounding." He pleaded and that seemed to snap you out of your trance. 
"Oh... You have a headache do you?" You growled condescendingly "Poor Joel's head hurts." 
"Please." Joel pleaded but you were having none of it. 
"Alec is paralysed from the waist down and you want me to keep track of where you put year headache tablets?" You growled and Joel immediately stopped searching. 
"The man I love... the father of my unborn child is never going to walk again." You snarled as you slammed down your mug, making Joel flinch from the sound "He's never going to walk again... meanwhile, you get to walk away with no long-term consequences. How is that fair?" 
"I'm so sorry." 
"I don't want your apologies, Joel." You growled, "I just want you out of my life." 
Joel didn't care that you could see his tears. He stood there openly sobbing as you scoffed and turned your back from him.
"I think it's time you left." You said as your hand closed around something in front of you, turning to toss his pain pills at him. 
Joel didn't reply he just nodded. Limping from the kitchen to pack his things. 
He left an hour later. 
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Present day...
Noah had been off with you since the evening he'd learned his history with Sarah and Joel. You felt guilty about how you'd treated Joel all those years ago but you'd been pregnant and lost. You'd hated the fact that your husband had been crippled for life and needed someone to blame. 
You'd blamed Joel. 
You were standing in line waiting for your morning coffee when a familiar voice caught your attention. Looking over your shoulder you saw an older Tommy Miller walking towards the bar. 
He ordered his coffee, paid then walked towards you. Only to stop in his tracks when he spotted you and his smile disappeared. 
"Long time no see." You said when he took a few more tentative steps towards you. 
"Yeah. Been a while." He replied plainly and you flinched at his tone. 
"How have you been?" You asked and he shrugged.
"Left the army. Working for Joel now." He replied and you nodded. 
"How is Joel?" You asked as you accepted your coffee from the barista and thanked them. 
"Do you care?" He growled and your brows pulled together. 
"Oh course... I wouldn't have asked if I didn't." 
"He's fine." Tommy grumbled as he poured a few sugars into his coffee before turning to you "He wasn't the night you kicked him out." 
"Tommy I-" 
"He collapsed after getting out of the taxi that had taken him and Sarah home." He interrupted, his tone ice cold as he turned to face you and leaned in closer "He'd developed another brain bleed and almost died. Ali's parents had to fly out from Canada to take care of Sarah whilst Joel fought for his life for a second time." 
"I didn't know." You choked as your hand flew up to your mouth.
"No..." Tommy trailed off as he scoffed at you "You were just too caught up in your own problems to notice how he'd started to go downhill." 
You didn't get a chance to reply. 
Tommy was out of the door before you could utter a syllable. He just left you standing there feeling terrible about the fact that you had neglected him. You had blamed him for your misfortune and you had pushed him away when he needed you. 
You had to fix this. 
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For updates follow @albertasunrise-ficsblog
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sorrowfulrosebud · 9 months
You want wolf/puppy Bakugou asks? You gottem! (Hopefully I do this right lol)
Wolf/puppy hybrid Bakugou who is aggressive towards anything and everyone. Will growl and show his teeth if someone even looks at him funny, even though they were just glancing around and just looked at him for a second. Will scare off or threaten other hybrids that try to be friendly, exempt maybe for his "friends".
Except for reader. That aggressive boy will act up and start fights while out and about but when he's home? He'll just wanna throw and rip his toys, and want cuddles.
You better have a hand on him at all times, whether petting or not, cause if you ain't he's stopping ya in whatever you're doing, good time or not, for some affection and attention.
Pls give it to him, he just wants to feel like someone cares about him after all he's been through (If ya don't then I will, just saying)
He’s such a bratty, whiny little shit 💀💀.
All big teeth and growls, ears pinned and hackles raised until you squeak his favourite chicken and all of a sudden he’s like ‼️‼️ Chicken ‼️‼️ Where ‼️‼️
He’s such a grumpy bastard too. He’ll eye you sitting comfortably on the couch, casually reading or watching TV before he’s borderline running and TACKLING you for cuddles. He will pin you down, huffing into your neck. Katsuki will stare at you with carmine eyes before breathing on you, meat in his breath from the steak sandwich you made him.
You gag and choke, trying to push your fatass puppyboy off you as he cackles and puts his deadweight on you. He just sits there, staring at you as you try to get comfy. Will deadass pick up your hand and plonk it on his head and shake it grumpily.
“Ohhhh, you wanted pets brat? Hmmm, maybe you don’t deserve them,” you grin slyly. Katsuki growled.
“Bi..bitch,” he let out in broken puppy speech, threatening to graze your ticklish tummy with his claws. You have to bite back a chortle at his grumpy face, playing with his ears as he blinks slowly at you. You adore watching his face melt in pleasure, his thick and fluffy tail hitting the couch.
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“Katsukiii, here boy!!” You call your puppyboy as you came home. Katsuki looked up, pretending to be nonchalant as his tail beat back and forth. He greeted you with a chuff, eyes locking on to the bag in your hand.
His teeth curled up, recognising the logo from the pet store you rescued him from. A low growl left him, his hackles raising.
“Hey, none of that. I got you a surprise!” You tell him happily, sitting on the couch.
Katsuki slunk closer to you, eyes not moving from the bag. You tut and roll your eyes. You did have to use the “I got you a surprise” gimmicks few times to give him his flea and worming tablets, so you could understand his feelings. You pat the couch next to you as he sits with hesitation.
“Okay, now close your eyes!” You coo, sighing when Katsuki growls.
“Look, I know the past few times have been crap because you refuse to take your pills, but this time is genuinely a nice surprise that I think you’ll like,” you promise him. Katsuki glares at you as his ruby eyes flutter close.
His pointy ears hears you dig in the bag, before grabbing his hands gently and placing the object in it. He opens his eyes, before they widened completely.
“Tada! I’ve seen how grumpy you’ve been since you broke your last rope, so I got you a new one!” You exclaim happily, taking in his slightly pleased look. You go to take the toy from him, delighted when you hear the playful growl.
“Let me at least take the tags off, sweetie, and then we can play,” you said, going to the kitchen. Although your pup struggled with his speech, his bouncy and increasingly riled up body language expressed his immense gratitude. You snip the last of the tags off, before handing one end to Katsuki.
He grabs it with his teeth, pulling it back with a playful snarl. His lips were curled with a slight smile, his eyes bright as he played. You pulled with all of your strength, desperately trying to keep up with your puppy’s own immense strength.
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You are not allowed to be distracted with him AT ALL on walks. No phones at all, you have to be fully concentrated on him. He’s an aggressive species of dog, despite his love for squeaky chickens and dog treats.
He requires a muzzle when he’s out, to guarantee the safety of everyone there. He lowkey pouts when you have to put it on, making you kiss his crinkled brows as you click it behind his head. You have to keep a close, close, CLOSE eye on him. But a few years down the line, he does something that surprises you.
Imagine going on a walk with him, his leash curled tightly in your palm as you patrol the neighbourhood. You have to pull the leash every once in a while, and he does still bark at your neighbour’s hybrids, but he’s a good boy. A very sharp contrast to younger him, who would fight his way out of your grip.
You were on your phone, ordering him some more puppy toys when you stopped. You hadn’t even noticed you dropped his leash until Katsuki was stood right in front of you with the leash. Turns out whilst you had been paying, he had continued walking and didn’t know you had stopped holding him 🥺
He grunted through the muzzle, holding the leash and placing it into your hands.
“No stop. You hold.” He said firmly, turning as you stood in shock. A smile overtakes your features. 5 years ago and the little shit would have ran away, brawling and attacking the next person who saw him. You feed him a treat through the muzzle and pet him, cooing about how much of a good boy he is as his tail wagged like crazy.
He’s such a good boy 😭💕
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kingofbodyrolls · 6 months
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My Heart's Home (m) | pjm | nine
🐴Chapter summary: You haven’t talked to Jimin in months— he has been successful in avoiding you since he saw Yoongi kiss you. But when a charity gala forces you together, will you erupt like an active volcano? 🐴Chapter title: Take the Rain Away 🐴Pairings: jimin x reader (main), jungkook x reader (only happens once in the first chapter), jungkook x OC (jessi), namjoon x OC (jessi), yoongi x hoseok, namjoon x oc, seokjin x oc, taehyung x oc 🐴Characters: female reader (isn’t mentioned by name and no “y/n”), Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Seokjin, Taehyung and four female original characters. 🐴Genre/AU: ranch!au, slice of life!au, soulmate!au, cowboy!au + smut, humor, fluff, romance, slow burn and angst 🐴Rating: mature/explicit/R18 – this is mature/explicit content, so minors, please do not interact!
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🐴Disclaimer: I do not own BTS or know them personally and this work of fiction is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. The actions and personalities described in the story do not reflect those of BTS— it’s just fiction. Also, if you would kindly read the tags/warnings before reading, that would be lovely: and if you don’t like whatever is described in the tags, just hit return and find something else to read. Thank you 🌸 🐴Chapter warnings: yelling and curse words 🤭 Jin’s pink slipper is finally here (though it’s not him wielding it lol) 🩴 🐴Status: completed 🥳 🐴Word count: 8.2k
🐴Taglist: @kookswifesblog, @kiki-zb, @babejinnie, @ownthesunshine, @allie-is-a-panda, @glllhjh, @bergandysam, @13-manggaetteok, @jeonsbabygirlsworld, @antisocial-mochi267,
🛑 psa to all you lovely people on the taglist, I’ve seen that some of you aren’t interacting… I’m wondering if you’re still reading or not— do you wish to be removed from the taglist? It’s okay if you don’t like it anymore, I can remove you if you want to 🛑
🐴Now playing 💿 “Take the Rain Away” by Rebecca Lavelle. [Wanna listen to the serie’s playlist?] 🐴Author’s note: can you tell I wrote this chapter while severely depressed (as I did the previous)? 🥲 But, it was very easy to channel all my feelings into it, so I wrote it in like a day while crying most of the time. But here it is! Also, again I’m sorry. I’m really going through it and dealing with my depression, so I’m sorry if I take longer to reply… I do look at your messages though! I don’t know, life is hard and I’m waiting to get a referral from my doctor… all that shit takes such a freaking long time! But yeah, I’m still struggling, but I’m doing my best to hang in there; bad days and a few good days finally. Thank you all so much for reading and for sticking with the story, tbh there were a few times in the latest chapters where I just wanted to delete it all and stop posting.. But yeah, thank fuck🫂 Also… I really hope you’ll love the next chapter and please don’t hesitate to let me know your thoughts in either a comment or a reblog ☀️💦 🐴Author’s note #2: I'm sorry… today I'm feeling extremely emotional and anxious. It’s making me cry and my head is so heavy with a lot of thoughts… I hope you still like the chapter, right now I’m afraid it’s crap, so I’ll go hide (don't mind me, this is 50% my anxiety speaking). See ya on Thursday lovelies!
It’s been cross posted to AO3 if you prefer to read there. Wanna see the book cover?
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“Take the rain away Take the rain away Give me hope Give me love Make it sweet from above Take the rain away Oh take the rain away Give me praise Give me heart Take the rain away”- ‘Take the Rain Away’ by Rebecca Lavelle
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The rain pelts on your windows, a rhythmic symphony against the glass that serves as the melodic backdrop to your dance with the paintbrush. Each stroke elicits a clench in your heart, a poignant harmony with the emotions that escape onto the canvas. Despite a tear finding its way down your cheek, you persist. The canvas becomes a vibrant tapestry, weaving through an array of red hues, from the delicate blush of pink to the profound richness of vermillion. In this intimate dance, you surrender to the guidance of the brush, allowing the strokes to tell a story only your heart understands.
The paintbrush becomes the voice of your unspoken thoughts, an ethereal extension of your mind that guides you through an escape. It whisks you away to an alternate reality, a place where joy and serenity prevail. Yet, as you gaze upon your canvas, the illusion shatters – a mosaic of red tones, a stark reflection of your inner turmoil. You’re aware of the truth it conceals, reluctant to acknowledge the lingering ache for a man who remains silent, a man whose choices have been clear and that choice wasn’t you. But why the heck would he decide to date someone that looks like you?
The baffling revelation still eludes you, a persistent enigma that has gnawed at your thoughts for days since the girls disclosed it. The meaning behind it remains a puzzle, and you find yourself grappling with the uncertainty. There’s an urge to confront Jimin, to seek answers, but the apprehension holds you back. 
Instead, you retreat to the solace of your bedroom, losing yourself in the strokes of your paintbrush. Each canvas becomes a testament to your emotional turmoil, saturated in shades of red that echo anger and sadness. The thought of whether anyone would buy these artworks fades into insignificance; the therapeutic process takes precedence, offering a semblance of peace in the midst of your inner storm.
For a solid week, the relentless rain has played its melancholic symphony, a constant companion to your shifting moods. While you don’t inherently despise the rain, its prolonged presence begins to cast a subtle veil of gloom. The weather, once a neutral backdrop, now becomes a weight on your shoulders, a persistent force tugging at the edges of your mind, leaving a trace of subtle melancholy in its wake.
Perhaps a twinge of bitterness creeps in, accompanied by an admission of jealousy as you observe Jungkook becoming a frequent overnight guest. Their shared moments are anything but discreet, the resonance of their love making echoing through the walls. You’ve mastered the art of drowning out those sounds, resorting to nocturnal strolls when needed. In the depths of your heart, you yearn for the same intimacy, but with Jimin. 
You sigh, feeling utterly deflated. Life never goes the way to want it to. Why can’t you just have something good happening for once?
In the dead of night, raindrops patter on your skin as you venture out once more for a solitary walk. The rhythmic percussion of raindrops becomes a welcome reprieve, drowning out the less-than-subtle sounds emanating from your sister’s room. Ugh. it’s just great— now you can’t stand people in love anymore! Despite your genuine happiness for your sister and Jungkook, witnessing their affectionate gestures becomes a bitter pill to swallow. The kisses, the embraces, the whispered words—all of it, a poignant reminder of what you yearn for with Jimin. 
If only you could have that.
You know that jealousy is a nasty feeling and it leaves you feeling bitter inside.
The rain penetrates your jacket, seeping through to your skin—a subtle reminder of your lack of preparation. Cursing under your breath, you navigate through the yard, each step burdened with the weight of your drenched attire. As you reach one of the paddocks, darkness envelops you, the atmosphere dense and humid, mirroring the warmth and heaviness echoing in your chest. Yet, you yearn for this feeling to dissipate, much like the wishful thought that the rain will cease, allowing the sun to once again cast its hopeful rays upon you.
Lifting your gaze to the sky, the night sky unfolds above you, a vast canvas adorned with innumerable stars shimmering in their cosmic dance. A sigh escapes your lips, a blend of appreciation and melancholy. The celestial display, though undeniably beautiful, carries a bittersweet weight tonight, stirring emotions that twirl like distant constellations in the vast expanse above.
With the rain as your shield, you ponder whether it’s safe to return inside again or not. Opting to let the rhythmic dance of raindrops cloak you further, you choose the soothing drumbeat of rain over the potential moans echoing through the walls. It’s better to give them more time to finish whatever they are doing, instead of going back and having to listen to it.
As the rain clings to your clothes and skin, an uncomfortable yet strangely welcomed sensation, you yearn for more than just the soothing touch of the downpour. Hoping against hope, you wish the rain could wash away the turmoil in your chest, or perhaps, deliver to you the one thing you crave and need the most—love. 
In the recesses of your heart, the truth echoes loudly— he is the one meant for you, and the regret gnaws at your soul for not confessing your feelings earlier. The fear of disrupting and jeopardizing his current relationship hangs heavy, a bitter pill you swallow. His decision is made, and you must bear the weight of it. 
Frustration clenches your hands as you yearn for a conversation, a connection—anything to breach the walls he’s created, leaving you to wonder why he’s avoiding you or won’t acknowledge you at all.
As your breath quickens, tears intertwine with the raindrops on your cheeks, a blurred fusion where your own sorrows become indistinguishable from the weeping sky.
Your clothes cling to you, saturated by the persistent rain, and you decide it’s time to retreat from the star-studded night. With a silent farewell to the celestial display, you make your way back into the house, yearning for the solace of a quiet room, and silently hoping your sister and Jungkook have concluded their love making.
As you open the door and traverse the hallway, the muffled exchange of hushed voices reaches your ears, causing your heart to sink. Determined, you press on and step into your bedroom, conveniently situated next to your sister’s. Lately, you’ve cursed this proximity, contemplating the idea of seeking refuge downstairs in the guestroom.
The rhythmic creaking of the bed and muted moans persist, making you release a weary sigh, hastily snatching your pillow to shield your ears from the intimate sounds infiltrating the air.
Morning arrives, and you’re weary, having fallen asleep with the pillow cocooned around your head. Your once-neat hair now resembles a bird’s nest, and your body, feeling rigid and sore, yearns for the elusive embrace of a restful night’s sleep.
Fatigue clinging to every step, you drag your weary body to the bathroom, performing the mundane rituals of brushing teeth and washing your face. The mirror mercilessly reflects the under-eye bags, taunting reminders of restless nights. A scoff escapes your lips as you splash water on your face, a futile attempt to shake off the lingering exhaustion and rouse yourself from the morning haze.
When you finally emerge from the bathroom, Jungkook steps out of your sister’s room, wearing a sheepish yet gentle smile. Weariness etched on your features, you respond with a weary nod, acknowledging his presence.
Apology etched in his expression, he inquires, “Did we disturb your sleep?” 
Concern lines his face, yet beneath the surface, a subtle smirk plays on his lips as his eyes sweep over your tired form.
“It’s fine,” you sigh, the weight of exhaustion evident in your voice, though deep down, you acknowledge that ’fine’ is a distant echo from the truth. 
“We’ll keep it down,” he assures, a warm smile gracing his features as he absentmindedly scratches his head. A soft chuckle escapes you, an acknowledgment of the genuine sweetness and kindness that radiate from him.
“Jungkook, really, you don’t have to worry. I’ll grab some earplugs or whatever,” you laugh, the sound devoid of true joy. Despite your attempts at humor, each forced smile or chuckle only serves as a reminder of the hollowness and sorrow settling in your chest.
Jungkook gives you a reluctant nod, a silent acknowledgment of your weariness and the deflated emotions you carry. With a heavy heart, you retreat into your room to get dressed, the weight of the morning and the unresolved thoughts lingering in the air.
As you descend and enter the kitchen, the comforting aroma of Ha-rin’s nearly finished breakfast fills the air. Offering a hand, you assist her in setting up the table in the cozy dining room. The rarity of having everyone gather for a meal is not lost on you; usually, you’re consumed by solitary, hurried bites as the demands of the ranch beckon. However, today unfolds differently, marked by an unusual slowness in the rhythm of ranch life.
“You look tired,” she observes with a gentle concern in her voice as the two of you collaborate in setting the table. A soft chuckle escapes you, a mixture of acknowledgment and self-deprecating humor. It’s as if they’ve pointed out the obvious—yes, you’re aware you don’t look your best, but must they bring attention to it?
“Thanks. Jungkook and Jessi kept me up again,” you respond with a weariness that seeps into both your voice and posture, a tiredness underscored by a stifled yawn.
As you turn your head, Jungkook and Jessi stand in the doorframe, wearing apologetic expressions that mirror the remorse evident in their eyes.
“We’re sorry,” your sister offers a sincere smile as she pulls out a chair, settling down. Jungkook follows suit, immediately diving into the meal with an eagerness that hints at his hunger.
“It’s fine,” you brush off their apologies with weary eyes and a nonchalant wave. “At least you’re getting some,” you jest, but an awkward hush descends upon the room. The atmosphere turns dense, and their uncertain expressions reveal they’re unsure how to react. “Don’t mind me; I’m just... frustrated. Not at you, though!” you quickly reassure them, taking a seat and joining in the meal.
For a few minutes, an uncomfortable silence descends, wrapping around the room like an unwelcome guest. It’s the kind of awkward stillness that feels stifling and peculiar, and you find yourself yearning for someone to break it, to utter anything to shatter the tension lingering in the air.
“We actually have something to tell you,” your sister begins, and as you meet her eyes, you notice a sparkle of excitement, maybe even love, dancing in them. Her happiness is contagious; a radiant smile graces her lips, and a delicate pink hue adorns her cheeks, complementing her beautifully. It’s a sight that warms your heart, pulling a genuine smile from you in return.
Jungkook gently moves his hand over Jessi’s, giving it a tender squeeze, and his eyes gleam with a radiant light, an unmistakable shimmer of affection, you presume. Their laughter dances in the air, and their shared smiles are like a silent declaration of the love that binds them.
“We’ve been meaning to share something with you,” your sister begins, her voice laced with a mix of excitement and apprehension. “Jungkook and I are dating,” she announces, and you can’t help but feel your smile broaden. You observe the subtle exchange of glances between them, a blend of happiness and nervousness, as if unsure of how you’ll react to this newfound chapter in their relationship.
Your eyes glisten with unshed tears, and you can’t help but beam, your emotions laid bare. “That makes me so happy to hear!” A single tear escapes, and you playfully scold yourself, but deep down, you’re overwhelmed with joy for your sister and Jungkook.
Your sister’s concern deepens as she leans in, her eyes reflecting worry. “Are you okay with this? You seem a bit sad…”
With tear-streaked cheeks, you point to your clearly emotional face, chuckling through the joyful tears. “This? I’m just thrilled for you. I just... wish I had that too. But I’m genuinely happy for you.” Sniffling, you manage a smile, though your plate is nearly obscured by your overwhelming emotions.
Jungkook, your sister, and Ha-rin exchange concerned glances, but wisely refrain from prying further. You believe they’ve caught on; your weeks of moping and the emotional rollercoaster have left little room for secrets. It’s ridiculous, you scold yourself internally, navigating the intricate maze of your own emotions. The irony of grieving a relationship that never truly existed weighs heavy on your chest, and you can’t help but feel a pang of sorrow for what could have been.
Genuine happiness radiates within you for their newfound relationship, and you don’t perceive it as strange. Sure, there was a fleeting encounter with Jungkook, as Jessi pointed out, but it was just that—a passing moment. You never harbored romantic feelings for him; your joy stems from seeing them genuinely happy together. Yet, an undeniable pang echoes in your heart, a yearning for that elusive connection you witness in them, to have that special someone— and that someone is Jimin.
Caught in the whirlwind of conflicting emotions, you grapple with the uncertainty of your feelings for Jimin. Every attempt to navigate this emotional maze has hit a dead end – avoiding him, attempting conversations that fall on deaf ears, and even embracing silence only to be met with his intense gaze. 
The enigma that is Jimin remains beyond your comprehension. Your desire for him lingers, leaving you in a perplexing predicament with no clear path forward.
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“Relax your shoulders,” Yoongi’s voice cuts through the rhythmic sounds of hooves against the earth, offering guidance as a fiery-red mare gracefully circles you in the pen. Perched atop the fence, Yoongi, accompanied by Hoseok, shares his insights. Lately, with the challenging task of taming wild horses, Hoseok has become an invaluable ally, contributing his skill and energy to the shared pursuit.
His involvement extends beyond mere assistance; he actively contributes to the preparations, occasionally joining your rides and, on other occasions, simply sharing moments as you engage in the day’s tasks. Today, he observes with keen interest, his presence an unspoken support in the rhythm of your work.
You attempt to find your focus, and you let your shoulders sag, reminding yourself of the importance of a calm and clear mind in handling the unpredictable nature of the horses. Despite your efforts, stress and frustration linger, making the task more challenging. Today seems particularly difficult. Your gaze repeatedly drifts toward Yoongi and Hoseok, seated closely. The air between them carries a subtle tension, Yoongi fidgeting with his shirt, an uncharacteristic unease marking his demeanor. It’s funny how being around someone you like can change the way you behave.
You let out a soft chuckle, finding Yoongi’s crush on Hoseok endearing. The uncertainty of whether Hoseok reciprocates, or even what his preferences are— if he’s into men, women or both. You have no clue, but you genuinely hope that Hoseok shares Yoongi’s feelings; knowing that Yoongi could use a guy like Hoseok in his life.
The red mare’s whinny echoes through the air as it breaks into a wild gallop, gracefully navigating the pen with powerful bucks. This one, a recent addition, demands more patience than its counterparts. However, you embrace the challenge, recognizing that each horse is unique, and you’re willing to invest the time needed to build trust and understanding.
You let the spirited mare run around the pen, attempting to divert your attention from its antics. Instead, your gaze returns to the two men on the fence. They’re engaged in casual conversation, possibly about work, but the genuine smile on Yoongi’s face has an inexplicable effect on your heart. Hoseok’s eyes light up at every word from Yoongi, and it feels as if your heart could burst into a garden of blossoming flowers. In that moment, you yearn for a connection as beautiful and captivating as the one unfolding before you.
As your gaze drifts, it travels up to the yard, settling on the house that holds the thoughts of the man who occupies your every waking moment—Jimin. The silence between you two persists, leaving you in a state of anticipation. Every now and then, you catch glimpses of him with Deiji, their laughter echoing through the air. Despite the small flower in your chest withering at the sight, you remind yourself it’s okay, even though anger still lingers.
“Watch out!” Hoseok shouts, leaping down from the fence with Yoongi in tow. Before you can react, you find yourself sprawled on the ground with a thud. A frustrated groan escapes your lips as you rub your back, rolling over to your side.
You spot Yoongi approaching the red mare, hands raised in the air, skillfully redirecting its attention away from you. Meanwhile, Hoseok is already down on his knees beside you. As your eyes flutter open, a wave of confusion washes over you.
Concern fills Hoseok’s voice as he asks, “Are you okay?” 
Your gaze meets his, lingering confusion evident. Meanwhile, Yoongi persists in his attempt to soothe the red mare, now employing a gentler approach, his words whispered in a hushed tone.
Your eyes lock with Hoseok’s as you ask, “What happened?” 
His outstretched hand becomes your anchor, pulling you up into a sitting position, your fingers instinctively rubbing your sore back again.
His words hit you, “The horse ran you over,” accompanied by a subtle chuckle. Yet, his eyes reveal a deeper concern as he carefully scans you, ensuring that you’re genuinely okay.
You glance around in confusion at the sandy expanse of the pen. 
“It did?” you inquire, perplexed, your gaze shifting down to the ground where you find yourself. You must have blacked out or something. You assess your body, feeling a general lack of pain, at least not as much as you expected.
“I think I’m fine,” you assure Hoseok, allowing him to help you up as you stand. You dust off the sand from your pants and shirt, trying to regain a sense of composure.
Yoongi, having calmed the mare, walks over to you. “Are you sure you’re fine?” he asks, raising a brow as he looks you up and down. You chuckle, dismissing any concern with a wave of your hand. There’s no need for a fuss over a simple fall.
“I’m fine. I was just pushed. No biggie!” you declare, gesturing with your hands to reassure them that everything is under control.
“Maybe we should take a look at you at the house?” Hoseok suggests, and you instantly flinch, a wave of apprehension washing over you.
“Oh god no. I’m fine, and I really don’t want to go in there,” you state firmly, a pressed smile on your face. The last thing you need is to see Jimin with Deiji again; better to stay clear of them, as you’ve been doing recently. Both Yoongi and Hoseok laugh, and you notice the way they look at each other, as if there’s something you’ve missed. For a split second, you feel left out before joining in the laughter yourself.
You ask Yoongi to finish working on the red mare while you and Hoseok take a seat on top of the fence. From there, you observe him letting the horse run about, much like you did earlier. Yoongi always appears so relaxed when he’s working. His ability to keep his mind sealed off and clear during tasks is incredible. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for you or Hoseok. The dynamic between the three of you is unique, each with your own way of approaching the work at hand.
The happy-go-lucky man next to you appears captivated by watching Yoongi work; his eyes shine as bright as the sun. The way he holds his breath, as if the air is too thick with something, sparks a glimmer of hope within you. Perhaps it’s because he might harbor feelings for Yoongi.
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You meticulously apply eyeliner and mascara, ensuring you look flawless. Returning to your room, your eyes fall upon the elegant purple satin gown laid out on your bed. The floor-length attire boasts a sweetheart neckline, perfectly complemented by a pair of carefully chosen low heels that you gracefully slip into.
Before stepping out, you steal a moment to gaze at your reflection in the mirror, and what stares back at you is nothing short of captivating.
As you step outside your door, you encounter your sister, adorned in a floor-length gown of deep blue that borders on the verge of velvety blackness.
“Wow, you look stunning,” you compliment your sister, and she responds with a soft smile, her fingers nervously dancing with the edges of her purse.
“Thanks, you look incredible too,” she smiles warmly, and together you descend the stairs to join the other girls.
Ara, Soo-ah, and Ha-rin await you downstairs, adorned in stunning gowns for the night’s gala in town. The charity event, featuring an auction, aims to raise funds for the local hospital’s children’s ward. Ara stuns in a radiant red dress, Soo-ah elegantly dons baby blue, prompting you to ponder if it’s her favorite color, and Ha-rin exudes sophistication in a black gown. The quartet, a vision of beauty, gathers in the kitchen, the air buzzing with excitement for the glamorous night ahead.
“Ready for an enchanting evening, everyone?” you inquire, casting a smile across the group, your eyes dancing with anticipation.
“Yeah!” Soo-ah cheers with infectious joy, and without a second thought, you all rush to the door, hitch up your dresses, and dash into the yard, the relentless rain already kissing your gowns with its playful touch.
You hastily hop into the car, and Jessi swiftly ignites the engine, reversing out of the yard. The rain’s symphony dances on the windshield, while the sun gracefully sets, painting the sky in captivating shades of gold and pink.
Jessi navigates the road with precision, and the group settles into a comfortable ease. Casual conversations and light-hearted jokes fill the air, yet your mind strays elsewhere, tethered to thoughts of Jimin. Anticipating his presence at the gala, you resolve to keep a careful distance, aware that the crowd might offer a shield for the avoidance you seek.
Navigating the rain-drenched roads adds extra time to your journey into town, but finally, you pull up in front of City Hall. The building itself seems to have donned its best attire for the occasion, adorned with banners and a vibrant red carpet that unfurls invitingly through the grand entrance.
As Jessi skillfully parks the car, you hastily step out, seeking refuge under the overhang of the building to escape the relentless rain. A quick scan of the parking lot reveals the presence of Jimin and Jungkook’s trucks, instantly causing a pang in your chest. The prospect of encountering Jimin tonight tightens your heart, and you brace yourself for the emotional storm that might follow.
“Ugh I fucking hate the rain,” Soo-ah groans beside you, her disdain for the downpour resonating with your own sentiments. Your chuckle, a small escape from the damp reality, lingers in the misty air.
Ensuring everyone is prepared, you lead the way into the grand hall. The opulence hits you instantly – a symphony of golds and reds creating a lavish spectacle. The vast space is adorned with small, round tables draped in rich red cloth, each topped with flickering candles. Towards the front, a podium commands attention, surrounded by carefully curated art pieces. Among them, proudly displayed, are a couple of your own paintings, awaiting their moment in tonight’s charitable auction.
Approaching the guys, you’re met with a sight to behold—Jungkook impeccably clad in a black tux adorned with subtle stripes, while Yoongi and Hoseok exude charm in their tuxedos, each strand of hair meticulously styled. Embracing them warmly, your attention shifts to Jimin, not far off, accompanied by his stunning girlfriend. The duo radiates elegance, and you can’t help but curse Jimin silently for his undeniable allure— his ass looks so good in those pants. His tux drapes his frame flawlessly, accentuating every curve, and you catch yourself practically drooling before quickly averting your eyes.
Spotting his gaze directed your way, you respond with a silent nod. Despite your desire to keep your distance, you choose the path of politeness, offering this small acknowledgment in the crowded elegance of the gala.
The room swells with a mix of familiar faces and strangers. Across the expanse, you catch sight of Namjoon and Seokjin at a neighboring table. With a warm smile, you extend a friendly wave in their direction.
As the auction commences, you navigate through the crowd toward a table, silently grateful for opting for low heels to spare your feet. A glass of champagne in hand, you join Yoongi, Hoseok, Soo-ah, and Ara at a table. Meanwhile, Ha-rin has engaged in a lively conversation with Namjoon and Seokjin across the room, their friendship evident even from a distance.
Jessi and Jungkook are stationed at a table alongside Jimin and Deiji, and a scoff escapes you when your gaze lands on Jimin. The silence between you two remains, a lack of surprise settling in as a familiar companion at this point.
He appears incredibly alluring, like a full-course meal, and something stirs within your veins—a concoction of anger and jealousy, perhaps. The desire to speak to him, to feel his touch, clashes with the urge to tear him apart. Later, the thought of dancing with him lingers, but the awkwardness stemming from his radio silence and the undeniable truth that he isn’t yours keeps you at a wary distance.
The auctioneer’s voice becomes a distant murmur, his words lost in the whirl of paintings and various items on the stand. Your attention, however, is not tethered to the auction; instead, it’s ensnared by the intensity in Jimin’s gaze. The way his eyes lock onto yours mirrors a familiarity, reminiscent of the look he gave you weeks ago during Jessi’s cast celebration dinner. The unspoken depth in his eyes unsettles you, inducing a subtle sweat, nervous energy, and an involuntary gulp.
With no refuge in sight, you attempt to anchor yourself in the rhythm of your heartbeat, a desperate bid to quell the storm of emotions swirling within you.
Indeed— sin personified gazes your way, but what does it matter? His silence, his refusal to engage, grates on your last nerves. You know you’re at an auction right now, and it would be weird to talk at this event, but dammit, he could just come over and ask you for a talk, pull you off to another room. Anything, really. 
A sly smile graces your lips as Yoongi playfully nudges your shoulder, and you, in turn, lean into the comfort of his presence. A subtle shift in Jimin’s gaze doesn’t go unnoticed, the intensity of his eyes deepening as the unspoken tension weaves through the air.
Hoseok playfully nudges you as your vibrant red painting graces the auction stage. Surprisingly, an elegant elderly lady becomes enamored with it, bidding generously and claiming it as her own. Gratitude swells within you, knowing that the proceeds will contribute to a worthy cause.
Jimin’s unwavering gaze continues to linger on you, an irritation bubbling within. You question why he can’t redirect his attention to his girlfriend or, at the very least, the ongoing auction.
The auction unfolds in the background, but your focus remains unyielding to the bidding, stolen by the persistent gaze of the blonde man. His intense gaze feels like he’s stripping you down with his eyes. Yet you remain nonchalant, indifferent to his silent advances.
During a brief respite, as delectable appetizers circulate the room, you discreetly savor the miniature delights, determinedly diverting your attention from Jimin as per your original strategy.
Abruptly, you interject into the group’s conversation, “Is there something on my face?” Their perplexed gazes pivot towards you, uncertain of the sudden inquiry.
As you munch on a bite of food, you nonchalantly toss in, “Jimin keeps giving me these intense stares, and I just don’t get it.”
Yoongi and Hoseok share a knowing chuckle, their eyes reflecting a camaraderie that Soo-ah and Ara immediately catch onto, shooting you looks of playful understanding.
“No, there’s nothing on your face,” Soo-ah says with a teasing smile, her words dripping with a playful undertone.
“Maybe you should talk to him?” Ara suggests, her voice carrying a gentle note of encouragement, like a flicker of a candle in the dim room of uncertainty.
“He doesn’t want to talk, and I hardly think this is the place for it…” you say, the words hanging in the air like a fleeting sigh, drowned out by the buzz of conversations around you as you take a thoughtful sip of your champagne.
You redirect your attention to the auctioneer, a black vase taking center stage this time. As the bidding unfolds, you indulge in another sip of champagne, feeling the effervescent bubbles dance teasingly across your tongue, a subtle distraction from the tension in the room.
As the final gavel falls, signaling the end of the auction, a wave of relief washes over you. The speakers come alive with soulful melodies, casting a warm ambiance over the room. To your surprise, the atmosphere becomes infectious, and you observe couples from other tables swaying to the rhythmic tunes. A chuckle escapes you, realizing you’ve never been one to dance at such formal events. Nevertheless, the music’s allure beckons, and you find yourself succumbing to the rhythm, ready to embrace the unexpected joy of the night.
Yoongi seizes your hands, whisking you onto the dance floor in a whirl of laughter and joy. The dance is a delightful blend of fun and friendship, his every move resonating with an infectious rhythm. As you twirl under the dazzling lights, you catch Hoseok’s gaze fixed on Yoongi. Leaning in, you share a whispered observation, “Hoseok’s eyes are practically glued to you, you know?”
His laughter reverberates through the air, a melody that resonates with a warmth you find comforting. “I know,” he chuckles, the sound a harmonious note in the symphony of the evening.
As he smirks, a playful glint in his eyes, you can’t help but reciprocate with a grateful smile. He twirls you around, a dance of understanding, letting you sway out of his embrace only to draw you back in. Oh, the dance you share with him is a temporary refuge, a wishful escape from the reality you yearn to change. However, your joy falters as you catch Jimin’s gaze; his eyes, far from angelic, hold a mysterious intensity that pierces through the rhythm of the music.
With a chuckle, Yoongi leans in, “Jimin’s got his eyes on you too.”
“I’ve felt his eyes on me since we walked through that door,” you admit with a sigh, your gaze wandering over the dance floor where your sister twirls with Jungkook, and Ha-rin gracefully dances with Seokjin.
“You should consider talking to him,” he suggests again, but you dismiss the idea with a subtle shake of your head.
“I doubt it would make any difference, honestly,” you laugh, pressing your body into Yoongi’s. His warmth envelops you, and for a brief moment, in his embrace, everything feels like it might just be okay.
Taking a step back from Yoongi, you express the need for a break. As you make your way back to the table to sip on more champagne, you observe Yoongi inviting Hoseok to dance, a proposal met with a willing agreement. Soo-ah joins you at the table, casting a gentle gaze in your direction.
“You danced with Hoseok?” You inquire, your gaze softened with curiosity.
“I did,” she admits with a smile. “He’s a really nice guy.” You nod, acknowledging her words. However, you can’t shake the understanding that someone in your circle might end up with a bruised heart, considering both Yoongi and Soo-ah have affections for Hoseok.
As you watch Hoseok and Yoongi gracefully moving on the dance floor, impressed by Hoseok’s skilled control over his body, a genuine smile plays on your lips. However, that fleeting moment of joy is interrupted as you sense the weight of brown eyes piercing into your back. Turning around, you find Jimin dancing intimately with Deiji, the intensity of his gaze making your smile fade.
You observe Jimin and Deiji dancing cheek to cheek, their bodies pressed tightly together, making you scoff and redirect your attention to Soo-ah. Just as you try to shake off the unsettling sight, a tap on your shoulder interrupts your thoughts. You turn around to find Hoseok, his bright smile inviting, “Do you want to dance?”
You seize his hand, allowing him to whisk you onto the dance floor, reminiscent of how Yoongi did earlier. Hoseok effortlessly twirls you around, evoking laughter that bubbles up from deep within. Knowing you’re not the most adept dancer, you surrender to his guidance, and he proves to be exceptionally skilled at leading you through the dance.
Amid the enjoyment, a surge of audacity overcomes you, prompting an uncharacteristic move. “What do you think about Yoongi?” The words spill out unexpectedly, catching Hoseok off guard, a reaction vividly displayed on his face. A chuckle escapes you as you revel in the spontaneity of the moment.
“What do you mean?” he asks, catching off guard. 
Unable to contain your mischievous grin, you lean in and tease, “You know he likes you, right?” As the words escape your lips, you’re conscious of the trust you might be breaking but convinced that mingling is the key to any potential connection. Hoseok, though initially shocked, isn’t repulsed as you feared. Instead, his eyes widen, and a subtle pink tint adorns his cheeks, leaving you wondering how he’ll respond.
“He does?” Hoseok stammers, caught off guard and missing a beat. Your chuckle only intensifies as you nod in confirmation. The revelation lingers in the air, and you sense that you might not have to do much more to set things in motion.
As you continue to dance, a comfortable silence envelops you both before Hoseok breaks it, his words hanging in the air, “You know Jimin likes you too.”
You roll your eyes, well aware of the situation. “Yeah, not much to do about it when he has a girlfriend,” you admit with a wry smile. Despite Hoseok’s good intentions, you’ve firmly decided not to act on your feelings while Jimin is still in a relationship. It’s a line you won’t cross.
You dance a little longer until Yoongi is at your side again, grabbing your arm and pulling you into his embrace. He wears a curious smile as he asks, “What were you talking about with Hoseok?”
You chuckle softly, “I told him.”
He glances at you, a puzzled expression on his face, “Told him what?”
“That you’ve got a crush on him,” you declare, matter-of-factly, in a hushed tone meant just for the two of you. However, with the rain tapping on the roof and the music playing, it’s a challenge to catch every word.
Yoongi’s expression doesn’t exactly radiate joy, but there’s a subtle softness to his features, an almost-relaxed demeanor. He releases a frustrated sigh, raking a hand through his hair in apparent exasperation.
“I’m sorry. I know it isn’t my place to say anything. But he actually seemed intrigued!” You share, your words riding the rhythm of the music as you sway with Yoongi. His tension eases, and he responds with a soft expression, a subtle acknowledgment of the revelation.
“It’s okay,” he breathes out, “it wasn’t your place, but it’s fine.” 
You lean into him, embracing him gently and offering a reassuring pat on the back. In that moment, you catch Jimin’s gaze fixed on you once again. The repetitive stares leave you puzzled. Why is he focused on you instead of his girlfriend?
You feel your heart quicken, your nostrils flare, and your hands clench around Yoongi’s back. He pulls you away, confusion etched on his face, questioning what’s wrong. But you see red. It’s reached a boiling point. The anger simmers inside you, consuming every inch of your being, and with determination, you let go of Yoongi and stride purposefully over to Jimin and Deiji.
Standing before them, you take a deep inhale, a turbulent storm of emotions brewing beneath your skin. “Why the hell are you staring at me like that?” Your voice slices through the ambient sounds, a piercing question that fractures the comfortable cocoon around Jimin and Deiji. Jimin slowly turns to face you, his expression shifting from surprise to a somber acknowledgment, as if he’s been caught in the act of something he’d rather keep hidden.
“Shouldn’t your eyes be on your girlfriend, huh? Why the fuck do you keep gazing at me? Look at your damn girlfriend!” you hiss, your hands tightly clenched at your sides, radiating with anger.
“And while you’re at it, why the fuck can’t you talk to me like a normal human being?” you raise your voice, the anger boiling so fiercely within you that you feel breathless as you unleash your words.
“You’re a damn coward, aren’t you? You shouldn’t be casting your eyes my way when you have a girlfriend right there!” You jab your finger accusingly at her, and she flinches, uncertain about how to react. Jimin simply gazes at you, as though you’ve lost your marbles—and maybe you have, because the words keep pouring out.
“You fucking jerk. If you had the decency to communicate, to use your damn voice instead of making baseless assumptions, we wouldn’t be in this ridiculous situation!” You huff, the waves of anger radiating from your body. The sudden realization hits you that the entire room is now fixated on the spectacle, and an eerie silence envelops the space, punctuated only by the intensity of your heated words.
Yoongi steps up beside you, a silent force attempting to ground you, but you refuse to yield. The torrent of anger surges within you, and with an accusatory finger, you unleash your fury on Jimin.
“I fucking hate you! You’re stupid. I hate you. I fucking hate you. I love you. I fucking hate you. I hate you so fucking much!” Your words, laden with venom, spill from your lips in a torrent of conflicting emotions. You seethe, feeling strangely lighter, though the room spins around you. Yoongi releases your arm, his face a mix of shock, and confusion mirrors the peculiar glances from those around you, leaving you wondering why everyone is now looking at you even more strangely than before.
“You fucking bastard. Stop looking at me like that,” you hiss at Jimin, catching him off guard. Deiji wears a displeased expression, and Jimin’s features soften in a way that leaves you utterly bewildered. 
Deiji appears visibly irritated, and you’re left wondering if her frustration is directed at you or if she shares your exasperation for Jimin. As the tension simmers, Jimin unexpectedly breaks into laughter, his audacity fueling the fire of your anger. The laughter grates on your nerves, aggravating you further. Why on earth is he finding amusement in this situation? There’s nothing remotely funny about it, intensifying the blaze of your already fiery emotions.
You jab your accusatory finger at him once more, your voice cutting through the tension, “Stop laughing. This isn’t funny!”
Your voice may carry the tone of an angered child denied its desires, but you couldn’t care less. In this moment, you’re finally confronting Jimin, even if the conversation seems to be one-sided.
You observe as he parts his lips, ready to utter words that you don’t wish to hear.
“I don’t want to hear it! You know what? I’m done!” You hiss in frustration, ready to pivot away from the awkward situation, aware of the collective gaze of all the guests upon you. As you start to turn, Jimin’s firm grip on your wrist stops you, compelling you to face him again.
“You can stick your dick where the sun doesn’t shine!” You shriek, wrenching your arm free, and storming out of the building. The erratic thumping of your heart resonates like a dissonant ringing in your ears, mirroring the chaos within.
Gasping frantically for air, your breath catching in turbulent spasms, you step outside, feeling as if your body is unraveling at the seams. Collapsing on the stairs, you surrender to the tremors of anger pulsating through you. Attempting to regain composure, you strive to slow your breath, but the task proves as challenging as holding back a tempest.
Regret floods your senses, a torrent of remorse for every word unleashed in the heat of anger, half of them lost to the haze of fury. The weight of all eyes fixed upon you, their gaze searing into your soul, amplifies the desire for the ground to open up and engulf you whole. 
What transpired in that room, and how did it all spiral into such chaos?
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A symphony of hooves shatters the tranquility of your peaceful slumber, jerking you awake. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you hurry to the window to witness the commotion outside. In the distance, a captivating spectacle unfolds — a wild herd of horses, led by the majestic brown stallion, thundering across the landscape. These creatures have become frequent visitors, drawing nearer to the ranch with each passing day. Curiosity grips you; what secrets do these untamed spirits carry, and why do they venture closer to your haven?
With a contented sigh, you wearily make your way back to your bed, sinking into its welcoming embrace. A spontaneous yawn escapes, accompanied by a luxurious stretch that sends waves of relaxation through your well-rested body. The simple joy of a peaceful night’s sleep settles over you, like a comforting blanket enveloping your weary soul.
Entering the bathroom, you brace yourself for the day ahead. Under the rejuvenating spray of a quick shower, you allow the cascading water to serve as a cleansing force, washing away not only yesterday’s mistakes but also the lingering regret that clings to your every thought. The steam clouds your reflection, a metaphorical veil between the past and the potential for a better today.
The bracing cold water jolts you into wakefulness, a refreshing prelude to the day ahead. As rivulets of water cascade down, you ensure every trace of sleep is banished, emerging invigorated and ready for the rigors of another day on the ranch. Donning a weathered shirt, worn-in pants, and your trusty boots, you complete the ensemble with the signature hat that shields your face from the sun’s relentless gaze. Descending the stairs, you find Ara in the kitchen, skillfully crafting a sandwich for her morning appetite.
“Hey there!” you chirp, a grin lighting up your face, buoyed by the rare joy of a restful night’s sleep. A subtle acknowledgment forms in your mind—thankful for your sister and Jungkook opting for a night at his place, granting you the serenity that fueled the upbeat mood.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” Ara inquires, her attention focused on putting away the butter, as if carefully choosing the moment to meet your eyes.
“Actually, leave it out. I could use one too,” you interject, and Ara obligingly retrieves the butter, finally meeting your gaze. “As for how I’m doing—just fine.”
She hands you the butter and a knife, a wry smile playing on her lips, “Some party, huh?”
She chuckles, and you roll your eyes. The weight of her laughter only intensifies your embarrassment, a vivid reminder of the scene you created at the gala. You find yourself wishing for the ground to open up and spare you from the aftermath of your emotional outburst. Why did you have to make such a spectacle?
Damn you and your relentless emotions. Now the whole world, or at least everyone at the gala, knows the depth of your disdain for Jimin, you assume. You bury your face in your hands, releasing a frustrated grunt. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to create such a spectacle.”
Ara’s laughter rings out, much to your dismay, intensifying the furrow in your brow. You don’t see the humor; you’ve practically made a fool of yourself in front of everyone.
“Well, we all had a blast,” she laughs, a beautiful smile playing on her lips, “I’m sure Jimin is having a good laugh about it too.”
You roll your eyes once more, highly skeptical. After all, you called him so many terrible names, didn’t allow him a word in, and basically told him to stick it in his ass.
Wonderful. Great. Peachy. Words that utterly fail to capture the chaotic storm of emotions swirling within you at this very moment. The vivid memories of your passionate outburst yesterday haunt you, casting a shadow over any semblance of composure. There’s a lingering wish to escape the possibility of encountering Jimin and his girlfriend again, but deep down, you acknowledge that luck doesn’t favor you so generously.
You hastily slather butter onto your bread, devouring it in its pure simplicity. The imminent need to depart gnaws at you; the day awaits, beckoning you to gallop over to the Bell ranch, where the untamed spirits of the wild horses entwine with the shared endeavors of you and Yoongi.
“I have to go,” you declare, snatching the bread in your mouth, and dash outdoors toward the barn. The sun, now radiantly shining, bestows a sense of hope upon your day, propelling you forward with anticipation.
As you saddle up Marshmallow and guide him outdoors, a faint sound begins to patter on the roof—a soft, rhythmic reminder of the rain.
Out in the open, the rain embraces you in seconds, a relentless downpour that draws a scoff. Undeterred, you plant your foot in the stirrup and swing the other leg over, urging Marshmallow into a full gallop. The rain pelts your face, but you ride on, indifferent to the weather’s challenge.
As you ride, thoughts of Jimin’s expression at the gala linger in your mind. Despite his initial composure, his face betrayed offense and anger, as if restraining the urge to shout back. He stood there, his girlfriend by his side, absorbing every word you hurled at him. Regret tugs at you, but the words are irreversible, a turbulent exchange you can’t undo, even if you wished otherwise.
A yearning lingers within you, hoping that Jimin would have retorted, engaged in a verbal sparring, or at least defended himself. However, his silence echoes louder than any words, leaving you to ponder the significance of his unspoken response.
You sense that words were poised on the tip of Jimin’s tongue, ready to spill out, but a conscious decision to shield yourself from his potential revelations compelled you to shut down any communication before it began.
The peculiar weather paints a contradictory scene: raindrops cascade, yet the sun defiantly radiates its warmth, creating a surreal ambiance. In the midst of this meteorological paradox, a double rainbow graces the distant horizon. The sight, both enchanting and whimsical, elicits a genuine smile, urging you to spur Marshmallow into an even faster gallop. Each rhythmic beat of his hooves seems to synchronize with the cadence of your heart, a determined attempt to outride the persistent thoughts of Jimin that linger in your mind.
As the ranch emerges on the horizon, a welcoming sight after the turbulent events, you guide Marshmallow down to the pen where Yoongi and Hoseok eagerly await your arrival. Skillfully securing Marshmallow to the fence, you exchange greetings with the two men, the atmosphere pregnant with anticipation for the day’s tasks on the ranch.
Hoseok’s laughter greets you even before you utter a single word, prompting an eye roll from you in response.
As Yoongi dedicates himself to the fiery-red mare once more, you find your way to the fence, settling in next to Hoseok with a sense of camaraderie.
“Nice gala, huh?” Hoseok teases, raising his eyebrows in a way that suggests he’s well aware of the evening’s drama. You respond with a loud groan, wondering why people find the need to rub your failures in your face.
“Shit. I regret how I behaved. It’s so embarrassing,” you confess, closing your eyes as if wishing to erase yesterday from existence.
“I understand. But it was fun to watch,” he laughs heartily, his entire being pulsating with mirth.
You shift your gaze downward to Yoongi in the pen, “Have you noticed the herd of wild horses getting closer?”
Yoongi nods knowingly, “Yeah.”
You observe the mare’s lively movements before turning your attention back to Yoongi, “What do you think it means?”
Yoongi looks up from the mare, his expression serious, “Nothing good.”
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Author’s note(2): Thank you so much for reading! 🌸 I would very much appreciate it if you reblogged the chapter, if you liked it ✨ A small review or a comment would also mean a lot to me, and even a like. But please, don’t be afraid to let me know what you think; your kind words makes me extremely happy 💜
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Animation-twitter, animation video essay youtube, etc. would probably be better off if they assumed every upcoming animated movie was going to be CRAP.
The director of INSIDE OUT 2, Kelsey Mann, has talked a bit about the picture recently. After all, it's out in less than two months... And immediately, so much of what he's saying is either being misread or quoted out of context. Something something Anxiety is going to be "the villain", something something they cut characters Shame and Guilt out of the movie because they felt it was too heavy, something something-
And we've got other people freaking out that Pixar showed 35 minutes of it at CinemaCon... LIKE... What's THE issue? Pixar has done that before! CinemaCon attendees were treated to half-hour chunks of Pixar movies in the past, like MONSTERS UNIVERSITY. When TOY STORY 3 was coming out, Pixar prepared a cut of the movie that ended just as the toys were escaping Sunnyside Daycare... to show to college campuses across the country a month before release.
Y'all need to calm down.
This movie isn't even out. We don't know how it'll tell its story exactly. Maybe there's more here than it seems? Maybe Anxiety will be an antagonist in the sense that she's doing what she feels is right, or is straight-up malevolent. I doubt it's the latter, that would be kind of... Not nuanced? For a sequel to INSIDE OUT? Having Anxiety just be an evil scheming bad guy just doesn't seem like it'll happen, nor is it a good idea. I think director Kelsey Mann meant that by her kicking the other emotions out of the main control room, she'll be the "big bad" of the movie. Why she kicks those emotions out could be related to how anxiety tends to work within the human brain. Taking control of your brain, thinking that it's steering you to make the right decision, making you cautious of dangers more so than "Fear" does. Pixar movies have had antagonists in the past that aren't necessarily evil, they just think what they're doing is right.
I also doubt that Pixar would let out a movie that flat-out stigmatizes people who suffer from anxiety disorders, such as myself. Maybe the Shame and Guilt characters were cut from the movie because director Mann, writer Meg LeFauve, and several others just didn't like the direction the story was going with them in it. Maybe it was too depressing for THEM, not because of any concerns for kids in the audience. People tend to associate Pixar with "tearjerking storylines", maybe it's possible that this went WAY TOO FAR at one point? I don't know, neither do you. Pixar's team isn't Disney Animation's leadership. Pete Docter is less controlling than John Lasseter based on everything I see and hear, but there are probably still some ground rules and some do's-and-don'ts. But I think it was ultimately down to the director not enjoying making the film back when it had these characters in it. As a writer/creator myself, I sometimes pull back when I feel something I'm making is causing ME lose the drive to make the thing in the first place. Maybe it hit too close to home for Mann, LeFauve, someone- Just a few variables, ya know? Not just "Pixar is too afraid to be sad", "Disney's telling them what to do", etc. etc.
Maybe animated movies shouldn't have this kind of pre-release thing... How about, just... Movie title, release date, BOOM. Nothing else. No interviews with the filmmakers and cast, no nothing... Wanna know more? You have to see it when it comes out! Put that in big letters in the teaser trailer!
But if they did that, twitter and the YouTube Animation Opinion Industrial Complex would sound the alarm: "They're not saying anything... IS THIS MOVIE IN TROUBLE???"
(sarcasm for those last two sets of sentences)
You can't win. And watch... It'll come out, and it'll be disliked for some weird reason. Probably because it isn't... PUSS IN BOOTS 2 or whatever. While the rest of the world goes, "Yeah, that's was pretty solid." And said population streams it on Disney+ a gazillion times. I'm not part of this "animation fandom" thing, quite frankly I don't even know what half of these people want most of the time. It seems like every movie is an oncoming stinker to them, and it ends up being a stinker. Sometimes the worst thing ever made, a work of evil. You know I still see people raging over that completely harmless CHIP N' DALE RESCUE RANGERS movie from two years back? The fuck is that all about?
I get that INSIDE OUT is a sequel to a beloved Pixar movie, I get that the original movie means a lot to so many people. I love it myself. At the same time, I'm not gonna be weird about a sequel I never even wanted until the day they announced it. Okay, if it isn't very good, I'll just go on with my life. But we're not even there yet... It's not out... This is the only INSIDE OUT sequel. Now if we were coming up on an INSIDE OUT 3, and INSIDE OUT 2 managed to somehow upset everybody? Then I'd somewhat understand...
Others will dole out their dislike of recent Pixar movies as their reason, but you know me... I feel each Pixar movie - for the most part - is a statement of its filmmaking team. Not a Mr. Pixar person coming up with each and every movie. (That was Lasseter in a sense, lol.) If "animation is cinema", then you oughta look at these movies as director-driven. I feel the other way around reduces the films to a brand, and not the people who actually make them. INSIDE OUT is first and foremost a Pete Docter-directed film... Made at Pixar. Not a "Pixar film". Pixar isn't a person nor is it a collective, it's a place. It should be judged on how functions as a movie and as a sequel to INSIDE OUT, not up against other movies made at the studio by other people. Like I'm not here for THE INCREDIBLES or UP, I'm here for an INSIDE OUT sequel. I know, that's a very radical opinion to have. Silly me!
I just don't get it... I'm just gonna do it the old-fashioned way... I'm going to see the movie, and hope that I like it or get something out of it.
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lokis-army-77 · 1 year
Wiled Hearts Pt.2
Cowboy!Eddie Munson x female reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Meeting the new farm hand isn't exactly as glamorous as one might have predicted.
Warning: Nothing in this chapter except the reader calls her dad "daddy" a few times, but obviously not in THAT way, and some cursing.
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Morning came all too soon. The bright rays of sunlight filtered in through my window and I groaned as the light hit my eyes. Grabbing my pillow I shoved it over my face to block out the morning but removed it just as quickly when it became stuffy and hard to breathe. Slowly, I stretched myself out and sleepily threw the covers off my body. 
The alarm clock on my bedside table flashed the time, 8:15 a.m. I sighed, realizing my hope of sleeping in late would not happen with my internal clock being so used to waking up early for classes. Groggily I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and made my way out into the hallway where the smells of breakfast hit my nose and my stomach began to growl. 
The bottom of the stairs opened up into the kitchen, so when I made my way down I could see Mama and Daddy and my baby brother in the room. Although, my baby brother wasn’t a baby anymore. 
I stood just out of sight for a moment, admiring the family I hadn’t seen in forever. Mama was in the middle of cooking her world-famous buttermilk biscuits, Daddy had his glasses on looking at what I could only assume were bills, and Tucker was shoveling bacon and grits in his mouth like he had never eaten before. 
Looking at them made me a little sad. I’ve been gone for a few years and so much can change in such a short amount of time. I mean, the last time Tucker and I were in the same room he had the chubby baby face of a thirteen-year-old, and now… now he was more muscular and had a full face of facial hair. If I didn’t know he was almost sixteen, I would have thought he was older. I can’t help the feeling that I have missed so much. 
I’m pulled away from my thoughts when I hear Mama call out to me. “Morning sugar bear, go have a seat and I’ll bring you some breakfast.” 
I shake my head clearly and smile. “Mornin’ Mama, Daddy,” I say as I descend the last few stairs and find my seat. “Morning to you too turd.” I push an elbow into Tucker’s side. 
“Shut up.” He elbowed me back and I laughed as I threw an arm over his shoulders, bringing him in for a hug. “Missed you,” he laughed as well.
“Missed you too. Although I'm pretty upset you didn’t come to graduation.” I teased.
“Hey, I was sick. I couldn’t help it.” 
“Were you sick or did you not wanna come to see your one and only sister on her big day?” 
Mama shook her head as she placed a bowl in front of me filled with buttery grits and a plate with two sunny-side-up eggs and three strips of bacon. “You two stop it.”
Tucker ignored her. “Oh crap, you caught me. In fact, I didn’t want to go so I decided to get a fever of 101 just so I could stay home in bed.” 
“Oh well, I guess that means you don’t get to have the little present I bought for you,” I stated smugly as I began to eat my food. He sat there mouth agape if foux shock.
“Son, close your mouth when ya got food in it,” Daddy hit Tucker’s shoulder with an envelope. 
“Sorry, Sir.” Tucker apologized and bumped me with his shoulder, making my spoon fall into the bowl. 
“Yep, definitely not getting your present now.” After a couple more bites I turn to Dad and ask, “So what’s on the agenda for today?” 
He takes a sip of coffee and clears his throat before speaking. “Well, you’re brother, Randy, and I are going out to the eastern pasture over the hill and herding all the cows back this-a-way so they have some fresher grass to feed on. Munson’s sposed to be fixing the fence down by the creek and as for Mama, what are you doing today hun?” 
Our heads turn to her as she places the biscuit dough in the oven. “Well, I was gonna work on the garden before heading into town to the farm supply store.” 
“So I’m free to do whatever?” I ask. 
“You can tag along with any of us, just thought you might want some time to settle in before I start making you work again.” Daddy smiles at me before going back to his papers. 
“Wow, a free day on the farm.” These were rare and to be treated as such. Summer was coming and the heat was a testament to that, maybe a day spent at the pond or the creek was just the thing I needed. I could also use the time to go and introduce myself to the new guy. 
I had almost forgotten about him until he was mentioned again. The vision of those biceps flooded my mind and I shook my head, blushing. If his silhouette was anything to go by, he would be absolutely devastating to look at. 
Once I finish my food, I clean off my dishes and bound upstairs to get showered and dressed for the day. By the time I come back downstairs at a quarter to ten, everyone is already gone doing their own thing and I am left to my own devices. 
First things first, I need to go down to the barn. I had grown up riding horses and the moment I went to college I was so upset that I couldn’t have that anymore. 
There was an almost giddy pep in my step as I raced over the dirt driveway and through the grass and into the large open breezeway of the barn. The stalls were empty which prompted me to make my way to the back of the barn, where the breezeway opened into a two-acre fenced-in area. 
As I was rounding the corner I ran face-first into something, or rather someone who was coming out of the feed room. 
“Shit.” The person's aggravated voice sounded as it was accompanied by the sound of a bucket clambering to the floor. 
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” I reached down for the bucket only to hit my head against the person. “Ow.” I stumbled backward, hand on my head.
“Fuck, can you watch where you’re going?” The unfamiliar male voice groaned with a slight northern Appalachian accent. 
“I didn’t mean to, you came out of nowhere.” I looked up at the man and boy was I right earlier. He was devastatingly handsome with his large brown eyes and hints of brown hair sticking out from under his black, straw cowboy hat. 
He stared at me, eyes going from wide open to squinting in a matter of seconds. Shaking his head he bent down to pick up the spilled alfalfa hay. 
I twiddled my thumbs for a moment before I realized he was finished talking. “I really am sorry.” 
“Mhum.” He hummed in response, which aggravated me a little. 
“I said I was sorry,” I started again a bit louder. 
He looked up at me and gave a shrug. “What do you want? A fuckin’ medal? I heard you the first two times.” 
I scoffed. “Well excuse me, ya don’t gotta be a dick.” 
The hay was now all back in the bucket and the guy stood to his full height in front of me. He was tall and frankly intimidating, which also added to the fact that he was gorgeous. My eyes traveled to his rolled-up sleeves and dear god, those biceps were just as amazing up close. 
I tried to reason with myself that I should not be ogling the new farmhand, especially since he was being a grade-A asshole. 
“Whatever you say, Princess.” He pushed past me and into the first open stall. 
I followed, never knowing when to let something go, always having to have the last word in any argument. “Don’t call me Princess.” 
He never stopped what he was doing, only replied to me over his shoulder. “Oh dear, please forgive me, Your Majesty.” The new name was said with more venom than it should have for a person who I had known all of five minutes. 
“I have a name and it’s not that.” I stood there, arms crossed and head high. I was not going to let this guy get to me. 
He hummed again before walking out of the stall toward me. “I don’t actually care. Now, you can either leave me alone or find a way to make yourself useful.” 
I scrunched up my nose in distaste. “Fuck you, asshole.” I turned on my heel and headed out of the barn and to the fenced-in area. 
What was his deal? All I did was say sorry, is it that much of a problem to acknowledge me? I can’t believe Dad would hire someone so unpleasant. 
My thoughts were jumbled as I thought over the interaction and if anyone were to be close enough to me, they would think I’m crazy the way I’m talking to myself. “How dare he call me princess, like I’m some spoiled brat. I’m neither of those things.” I huff. 
I look over my shoulder to see if he was still in the barn and low and behold, he was staring at me. I glared back at him. I was not going to be the one to look away first. 
He seemed to glare back before turning to walk further into the barn. A small sense of triumph washed over me like I had won. 
As I internally celebrated my victory, I heard heavy footsteps coming closer and the swish of a tail. I smiled. The brown snout of the familiar horse entered my field of vision and my hand reached out instantly to pat its strong neck.  
My fingers twirled mindlessly in the dark, coarse hairs of its mane. Kota had been my horse since middle school. She had been a birthday present from Mama and Daddy. 
I still remember them setting me down and Daddy saying, "She's your responsibility. You fed her, you water her, you take care of her." 
That had been one of the best days of my life. I was so excited to have my own horse so I could ride wherever I wanted to, I could be free. Going to college several states away and almost never coming home had made me sick with longing for her. If I could have, I would have packed her right up and brought her with me. 
“Hey, girl,” I whisper to her and she lets out a puff of air. “You wanna go for a ride?” It was almost like she knew what I was asking when she nodded her head over and over. 
The grin that overtook my face was wide and toothy. I had absolutely missed this. We were close to the wooden slatted fence, so I lead her over to it and stepped up to the second slat before swinging my left leg over her back and getting comfortable. 
I nudge my legs into her side, encouraging her to walk forward and to the gate. Once it’s open I nudge her a little more, and then we're off in a canter. It was like all my thoughts left once I could feel the breeze flowing past me. All the world just faded away until it was just me and Kota and the wide-open pastures. 
It took an hour or two but we explored many places I had missed when I was gone. The tallest oak tree on the entire three-hundred-acre property, the old barn out in the woods where my friends and I would party and get drunk in high school, the clearing in the middle of those same woods I used to sneak out to in the middle of the night to clear my head. Now, we were headed back closer to the house, maybe a mile or so out, where the creek widened out into a pond. It was hot and if I was in need of a cool down, so was Kota. 
The pond was near the edge of the pasture and the bobwire fence ran out about twenty feet from the back side of the water. Trees covered the area on three sides and on the side that wasn’t shaded, it looked more like a beach, with sand and a dock that went a little way into the water. The sand and the beachy vibe had been Mama’s idea several years back when the yearly trips down south to Orange Beach had been canceled due to money. It was cleaner than the other areas of water on the property since the cows rarely came to this spot, as they preferred to be more downstream and closer to the larger pond.
Pulling on Kota’s mane a bit, I get her to stop. I if didn't she probably would have happily carried us both into the water. I jumped off and landed in the sand. Since I was no longer stooping her, Kota trotted her way to the water. I shook my head as I watched her. 
Before I could even begin making my way to the dock to take my boots off, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, in the woods. It was almost hard to spot but the sun had caught the mirrors of the black Chevy Silverado. Never having seen the truck before, I wandered my way over, not worrying if Kota ran off or not, the house wasn’t that far of a walk. 
As I came closer to the vehicle I peered inside its open window. The red upholstery looked a bit dirty, like any farm truck. Nothing out of the ordinary caught my eye, and neither did anything that could tell me whose truck it was. That's when I heard a frustrated cry. 
"Fuckin' fence!"
I whorled around to face the voice and there, knelt down by the broken bobwire fence, was the new guy. Then I remembered what Dad had said at breakfast, that Munson would be out here working.
He had new wire tangled in a heap to his left and a couple of tools to his right. Not wanting another interaction with him, I tried to back away slow and quiet, and yet whatever controlled the universe decided that I wasn’t getting out of this unnoticed when my heel made contact with a tree root and I tumbled to the ground with a yelp. 
“Well, if it isn’t the Princess.” He said smugly from where he knelt. 
I glared at him as I stood to my feet and brushed the dirt and leaves from my legs and hands. “Screw you.” 
“I know you want to but unluckily for you, you aren’t my type.”
“Oh yeah, and what is your type? Whore?” I spit out.
He smirked. “Anything except spoiled brat.” 
Anger was bubbling inside me as I looked at this guy’s smug and unfairly handsome face. It took everything in me not to launch myself at him, to scream in frustration. So, I kicked a plume of dirt in his direction and griped, “I’m not a brat, and you’re never gonna get that fixed if you don’t have the wire stretcher… Asshat.” And with a roll of my eyes, I was gone.
Cowboy!Eddie taglist: @munson-blurbs @munsonology @my-malachai-stilinski @tiannamortis @chrissymjstan @chelebelletx @breathinfive @lma1986 @poguestyleskye
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justicerikai · 5 months
Charisma House - Superhuman Sharehouse Story “Charisma” - #84 What must be done
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Please read alongside listening to the drama track on Youtube.
Let me know if I missed something!
TL note:
What does Amahiko mean with "burners" & "lingalamambo"? Good question! I don't know either.
Ohse: (Amahiko-san seemed like a whole different person from the way he was strangely nervous while staying at his parent’s house.) 
Iori: I’m baaaack. I went out to do some shopping.
Amahiko: Iori-san, please leave that to the people of the house.
Iori: I am a slave so pay no mind♪
Amahiko: ….
Amahiko: Such a handful… I will bring these in then.
Iori: Wait!
Amahiko: ?
Iori: Aren’t you curious about what I bought? Wanna see? 
Amahiko: Pardon?
Iori: Ta-daaah! Enoki!
Amahiko: ….
Amahiko: Enoki, right.
Iori: ….! Eeh, then this, eringi!
Amahiko: Uh-huh.
Iori: ….! Shiitake!
Amahiko: ?
Iori: Cucumber! Eggplant! Gourd! Banana!
(Iori throws everything away and takes an athletic stance.)
Iori: COME!
Amahiko: I will provide the payment later.
(Iori stomping around)
Iori: NOOOO!! COME ON!!!
Sarukawa, Fumiya, Ohse, Rikai: Amahiko-san/Amahiko!
Amahiko: !? What are you all doing! Running around like that---
Sarukawa: We’re all gonna take a bath together
Amahiko: A bath, at this hour.
Fumiya: Bathing, Amahiko.
Ohse: Indeed, a bath.
Rikai: We’re bathing, Sensei.
Iori: Your local slave shall also participate!
Amahiko: I-I see… Enjoy yourselves.
Fumiya: No, not just us.
Sarukawa: We are ALL bathing, Amahiko!
(The five of them all stance up and beckon him with both hands) 
Sarukawa, Fumiya, Ohse, Rikai, Iori: Come! Come! Coomeeee! Sensei! Amahiko!
Amahiko: Then I’ll go ahead and inform the servants of the house to prepare the bath.
(The five of them all founder on the floor)
Sarukawa, Fumiya, Ohse, Rikai, Iori: COME OOOOON!!!!
Iori: He’s not going with the flow!
Rikai: The bait’s ineffective!
Sarukawa: This sucks! What a sham of a Minister of Sexy Affairs!
Fumiya: Retire, bonehead
(The five of them all complaining)
Terra: Um, what is everyone doing?
Fumiya: Ah….
Fumiya: Not enough Amahiko….
Terra: Huh?
Iori: Before I knew it, my whole body came to yearn for those acts of sexual harassment…! 
Terra: EEEEH!?
Sarukawa: How bland it all feels now that it’s gone…!
Rikai: He got domesticated right under our noses…!
Ohse: Oh heavens, how terrific
Sarukawa, Fumiya, Ohse, Rikai, Iori: World Sexy Ambassador!
Terra: WUH???
Sarukawa, Fumiya, Ohse, Rikai, Iori: Sigh….
Rikai: (It’s the kind of sight everyone’s familiar with.)
Rikai: (The time we spent together on the regular was detrimental to our sanity, if anything.)
Rikai: (But once we saw what we had lost- how much of it was indispensable, important to us, it all became clear.) 
Rikai: (Regardless, by then it had far been too late…)
Terra: (I mean, yeah but. I think this and that are like, two totally different things---)
Rikai: (And then separation came suddenly.)
Terra: (EEEH!?)
Rikai: Phew~ Great job there.
Fumiya: Big thanks.
Iori: Where are we off to next?
Sarukawa: We gotta head back soon, yea
Rikai: ?
Iori: ….? Amahiko-san?
Amahiko: …This will be it for me.
Amahiko: I must go my separate way from everyone.
Sarukawa, Fumiya, Rikai, Iori: Eh?
(They all run up to Amahiko)
Rikai: What do you mean, Amahiko-san
Iori: I don’t get it…
Fumiya: Why
Sarukawa: What’s gotten into ya…
(The four of them are flustered)
Ohse: ….! It’s inevitable.
Sarukawa, Fumiya, Rikai, Iori: ?
Fumiya: Ohse?
Ohse: Amahiko-san can’t keep doing whatever he pleases forever. 
Ohse: He’s a person with a responsibility, with a duty he must fulfill.
Ohse: The home of his family is an important place he has to go back to.
Sarukawa, Fumiya, Rikai, Iori: …!
Rikai: That can’t be… 
(Fumiya grabs Amahiko)
Fumiya: Cut the crap, Amahiko. What’re you pulling this for now
Fumiya: We’re already too far gone, our bodies won’t survive without you.
Terra: HUH!?
Iori: How cruel! Take responsibility! For molding our bodies into this!
Terra: Waitwaitwait
Sarukawa: The fuck’s supposed to pleasure us now, huh!
Terra: What are you on!?
Ohse: Amahiko-san… I’m sorry…
Ohse: I… actually overheard the conversation with your father…
Ohse: You have no choice but to stay, isn’t that right?
Amahiko: ….? What is this about?
Ohse: Eh?
Amahiko: That’s entirely unrelated. 
Ohse: EH!?
Rikai: Huh.. T-then, um Amahiko-san, why must you go your own way then?
Amahiko: The reason I must leave you all behind, is…
Amahiko: For the sake of my long-cherished dream!
Amahiko: To participate in the Sexy World Cup!
Terra: Hah?
Fumiya: Sexy World Cup….!
The five of them: It’s, coming, no? It has to… 
The five of them: Or did it already? Wait holy shit… Here it comes!
Terra: Uuuh, uuum what? I’m like, so lost it’s making me puke.
(Luxurious, sparkling sound)
Amahiko: A sexy carnival held once every four years.
Amahiko: When this Brazilian tournament is around the corner, naughty rascals gather from all over the world to show such parts and these kinds of parts.
Amahiko: And from doing that and this sort of thing in public, there will be one sole champion.
Amahiko: The “Perfect Ecstasy”
Amahiko: The burners amuse themselves with lingalamambo and guzzle down lemonade.
Amahiko: Everyone- No, the whole world lays the sex within itself bare, to confront and release-
Amahiko: A halelamaya from head to toe! 
Amahiko: A grand meeting of the Amorous Congress! That is! THE WORLD SEXY CUUUUUP!!!!!
Terra: I dun’ get it.
The five of them: I see!
Terra: HEY!
Amahiko: I will certainly be crowned with victory.
Amahiko: My life’s purpose of cultivating sexiness was all for the sake of this.
Amahiko: A dream that I have to fulfill, no matter the sacrifices.
Amahiko: It’s been the only thing on my mind lately, which in turn might’ve made me nervous.
Ohse: So it had nothing to do with your family.
Amahiko: They’re completely irrelevant.
Amahiko: The needed preparations will be done after this, and the departure abroad will happen without informing my family.
The five of them: Thank god!
Terra: Hell no!
Amahiko: However, there’s no doubt the professor will track us down if we all stand out from departing together.
Amahiko: I cannot bear the thought of being a burden to everyone.
Amahiko: Thus it is for this reason that we must separate.
The five of them: ….
Amahiko: “As to why I am so hung up on winning this tournament, I couldn’t have told you myself. However, I have a hunch that I understand now. Perhaps my answer lies within all these lovely days I spent with everyone.”
Amahiko: “The joy of others accepting you for who you are, the amalgamation of impulses that stimulates one as a person- it was impossible for me to not grasp the source of my own libido.”
Amahiko: “Everyone, thank you for everything that you’ve done for me. Keep in mind to nominate me.”
Amahiko: “World Sexy Ambassador, the Minister of Sexy Affairs.”
Rikai: F-from… Tendou Amahiko.
Fumiya: (And that is how we all ended up going our separate ways.)
(Sarukawa, Fumiya, Ohse, Rikai, Iori all crying) Terra: THIS MAKES NO SENSE!
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sickficideas · 1 year
Hiya! May I request sick Chuuya and the flags take care of him?
ANON !!! I FINALLY GOT A GOOD BIT INTO STORMBRINGER...i got WAYYY too attached oh my god i love them all so much. i hope you like this fic i had fun writing it!!!
just a dream || chuuya + the flags sickfic (+ skk)
ao3! 5k words, sickfic, stormbringer light novel spoilers - please refer to the link for additional tags!
"I'm comin' in. Hide your girlfriends."
Chuuya groans, holding a pillow over his head. It's far too early in the morning for this. The morning light hasn't even fully flooded his room yet. He’s not entirely sure how Albatross got into his apartment to begin with, but either way, he wasn’t invited.
"Or boyfriends! I don't discriminate. You know, me and D-"
"Stop! Stop, I don't wanna know," Chuuya exclaims, loud enough to drown out the rest of Albatross's sentence in case he decided to keep going. He had plans with Albatross this morning, he thinks. Something work-related that he can't quite place right now. But they were supposed to meet at work.
Chuuya got up at some point in the middle of the night to throw up. He hardly remembers it at all, but he just barely made it to the toilet. He remembers making a few texts about not being able to come into work this morning, and one of those texts apparently went to Albatross.
"Wake up! A hangover never stopped any of us," Albatross exclaims proudly, his voice suddenly sounding much closer. Chuuya's arms are weak, he doesn't have the energy to hold the pillow over his head, and he doesn't care enough to use his ability. Albatross takes the pillow and uncovers him, and clicks his tongue at the sight. "Oh, shit, kid. You really did it this time, huh?"
"I'm not hungover," Chuuya groans, reaching an arm back out for the pillow. Albatross hands it back, but only lets him tuck it against his chest. Chuuya holds it close to him with a weak groan.
"Could'a fooled me," Albatross jokes.
"I'm serious," Chuuya grumbles, letting his eyes travel up to Albatross's face. "It's - a cold, or something."
Albatross still looks suspicious, landing a hand on his hip. He leans forward and reaches for Chuuya's forehead with his free hand.
"Sheesh, kid. You're really runnin' a fever there," he says with a click of his tongue. He pushes his sunglasses up to the top of his head, giving Chuuya a rare glimpse at his eyes. He really wishes he’s put them back on. He doesn’t like how concerned he looks. "How long you been feelin' sick for, huh?"
"Just…just since last night," Chuuya murmurs, dropping his gaze. He doesn't see the point in lying to him. He doesn't even really remember feeling sick the night before, it really only hit him that time he woke up.
"You stayin' home today?" Albatross asks.
"Uh-huh," Chuuya murmurs. He only looks at him for a second but he can't handle the worry on his face. It doesn't look right. He's never seen him make that face. "Told everyone I needed to already."
"Good. Cause it'd be crap to work when you don't feel good," Albatross says, sounding relieved. "I'll call Doc for ya. I'm sure -"
"No, please - please don't," Chuuya murmurs. "Don't tell anyone."
Albatross tilts his head.
"I just…it's not a big deal. I'll be fine tomorrow," Chuuya huffs, turning his face into his pillow. He hopes Albatross will just leave Chuuya to sleep this off, but he's not sure he'll get too lucky this time. His body betrays him and forces out a few coughs that are muffled by the pillow. He can’t tell if that’s part of his illness or if he’s just starting to feel nauseous again.
"Alright, alright. I've gotta call someone if you don't get better, though, got it?" Albatross tells him. “Lemme get you some water. You gotta stay hydrated, kid.”
Albatross disappears from Chuuya’s bedroom, and Chuuya groans into his pillow before he turns his body around, facing away from the door.
He hears Albatross talking to himself in Chuuya’s kitchen, which isn’t unusual at all for him - the guy has a hard time keeping things to himself, no matter the content. Chuuya thinks he hears his name at some point, but now that he’s starting to wake up some more, he’s starting to feel nauseous again.
The saliva starts to pool in his mouth and he groans at the feeling, starting to panic just a bit. He doesn’t want Albatross to see him throw up. He doesn’t want anyone to see him sick at all, it’s humiliating enough as it is, but this would just make things so much worse.
He's swallowing saliva, something he can’t do much longer because he feels his stomach pushing up and trying to get something up his esophagus. He knows he's going to throw up, but he can't move. He's so sore and achy. He tries to force himself to sit up, but he can hardly keep himself propped up with his weak and shaky arms.
Chuuya's stomach lurches without time for him to better prepare and he feels something splash into the back of his throat. He gags, hard, all the muscles in his abdomen contracting to bring something up, a thin stream of pale, digested contents from his stomach. He groans, his free arm wrapped tight around his middle, eyes screwed shut. It hurts.
“Shit, Chuuya…” he hears from behind him. His stomach twists and he starts to breathe heavy, hoping that getting more air in will somehow quell his nausea, but it only makes it worst. He’s just a billion times more anxious now with someone watching him and now he can’t get anything else up. He wants to cry, but he can’t imagine doing that while he’s already puking.
"Just get it up, kid. Sheets are super easy to clean," he feels the mattress shift as Albatross climbs on next to him with a gentle hand on his back. "Don't breathe so hard. Breathe gentle and it'll come up."
He tries, he really does, taking deep, calculated breaths through his mouth, trying to not focus on the fact that he’s not alone right now. Just a few breaths later, a wave of Chuuya's partially undigested dinner comes pouring out of his mouth. Chuuya coughs and gags through it, eyes screwed shut.
“There ya go,” Albatross says.
He leans over the puddle that’s started to pool in his sheets, hoping that anything else will make an appearance quickly so he doesn’t have to struggle much longer. He burps a few times in some effort to get more up, and one particularly wet belch brings up another wave of pale vomit, followed by a pained whimper.
From there, his stomach calms down just a bit. He still feels nauseous, but not enough to puke again, at least for the time being. He doesn’t remember it hurting this much last night, but maybe he’s already sore from that incident.
He groans, wishing he could just melt into the mattress and disappear. He really doesn’t feel good. He’s glad his fevered middle-of-the-night brain made the right call and decided to not come to work.
"You're gonna have to let me call somebody to bring you some meds," Albatross says as he slides the soiled sheet off of Chuuya’s bed, clearing him to lie back down. "I don't have nothin’ and I doubt you do either."
"Fine," he murmurs quietly, curling in on himself and taking that same pillow from before to hold against his aching stomach. The pressure does help a little bit.
“You got extra comforters anywhere?” Albatross asks, and Chuuya barely manages to lift up an arm to point toward a closet at the corner of the room, where Albatross wastes no time in finding something to cover Chuuya with. He feels a shiver take over his body even after Albatross lays the comforter over him. The last thing he needs is to deal with the chills.
Evidently, though, throwing up tired him out so much that he starts to fall asleep before he can further agonize about his situation.
"Special delivery!" Chuuya hears. He doesn’t pay much attention to who it could be at first, but it’s not Albatross. It’s further away, far from his bedroom door. He groans, wishing he had stayed asleep. 
It's Pianoman's voice, he thinks. He starts to tense up at the realization that someone else is here now, and his stomach starts to cramp again. He's gotten used to Albatross seeing him ill, but now he's going to have to be okay with others, too.
He decides his best course of action is to pretend to be asleep, not that it will be too difficult. He’s starting to realize he feels worse than before. His stomach hurts from the nausea but the soreness too, and his head swims and spins at the slightest movement.
He hears their footsteps come closer. There’s a third set, too, so it’s not just Pianoman. He curls up tighter in the center of his bed with a pained groan, tucking his face back under a pillow. Go home, he wants to tell them. He’s fine. He just needs to sleep it off. He doesn’t want anyone’s help.
"I think he's asleep. I'll give it to him when he wakes up," Albatross says quietly right outside the bedroom door, and Chuuya sighs in relief, thinking he’s avoided a crisis for now.
He wonders what time it is. It seems Albatross has pulled down the blinds, so any sunlight to tell him the time of day is blocked out. He’s tempted to get up and see, or at least reach over to grab his cell phone, but he really doesn’t even have the energy to do that.
He lies still for a few moments, but with the way his stomach is turning, he’s not sure if he’ll be able to fall asleep any time soon. He’s hungry, but too nauseous to even think about food. That’s the worst kind of feeling.
"Hey. I know you're awake, Chuuya," Pianoman says, his voice suddenly beyond Chuuya’s bedroom door. His voice is gentle, not accusatory, so Chuuya doesn’t feel as anxious - but he still doesn’t want anyone to see him. "I think it'd be better if you took this medicine sooner rather than later with how you're feeling."
Chuuya doesn’t move. Maybe he can trick Pianoman, but he quickly realizes that’s a foolish thought. He couldn’t ever trick Pianoman.
He hears a plastic bag rustle, and Pianoman sits on Chuuya’s king mattress. “I have some nausea medicine for you too. Albatross told me your stomach’s been bothering you.”
Chuuya doesn’t like that Pianoman knows about that, but at this point, he would rather get his nausea under control than worry about his image. He begrudgingly turns over so that Pianoman knows he’s not hiding anymore. When their eyes meet, he watches Pianoman’s brow furrow.
“I know I look like shit,” Chuuya mumbles, surprised at how hoarse his voice sounds. He hasn’t been coughing all that much.
“I wonder how you caught this,” Pianoman says, taking three medicine bottles out and setting them down on Chuuya’s nightstand, along with two cups of water that he apparently brought with him. “Two of these are liquid, sorry. But they tend to work better, I’ve noticed.”
Chuuya doesn’t care much, as long as they’ll help. He forces himself up, and Pianoman reaches out an arm to help him - the touch makes Chuuya freeze up. “Relax. I’m just trying to help.”
Chuuya groans and lets him. Pianoman props up a few of his pillows at the headrest and helps Chuuya lean against that, that way he’s sitting up but still comfortable, and he’s grateful for Pianoman’s thoughtfulness, but he keeps his eyes low. He’s hoping that avoiding eye contact will make him forget about this faster.
“I feel like this one always gives me awful nightmares,” Pianoman says with a huff as he hands Chuuya a cup of medicine, which he takes like a shot with no issue. The taste is artificial fruit and bitter, but if he imagines it’s more like alcohol, it’s not as unbearable. "Do you get nightmares?"
"No," Chuuya murmurs. "I don't dream at all."
"I thought I heard you say that before. Might be a good thing, then. A lot of people get bad nightmares when they have fevers like you do, even without medicine," Pianoman says. "Lippmann does."
That seems like an intimate detail to know about someone, especially to share with others, but he doesn't say anything.
“We’ve all seen each other sick. You don’t need to hide from us,” Pianoman assures him. Chuuya realizes that’s the point he was trying to make, but he still can’t meet his gaze. He just takes the next cup of medicine and downs it, but this time, his stomach twists. This one tastes much worse. He thinks this one might make him vomit even if he wasn’t ill. He presses a hand up to his mouth and Pianoman is quick enough to recognize the situation - he’s holding a trash bin under Chuuya’s chin, allowing him to choke up the medicine he just swallowed, that never had a chance of staying down at all.
His stomach still tries to get more up, even though he’s sure that the only thing left in his system was the medicine he just swallowed. The way his abdominal muscles squeeze together against his sore stomach hurts so much he can hardly take it. He’s ashamed. He’s dealt with injuries far worse than a little stomachache, but this hurts so bad that tears prick at his eyes.
"It's okay. I know it hurts," he tells him gently, tucking Chuuya’s hair behind his ears as it threatens to get caught in the saliva that’s starting to form strings from his mouth. "You don't have to hold back your tears for any of us, Chuuya."
“But, I…” he starts, cut off by a pained groan. He spits up the salvia that’s gathered in his mouth.
“I know. Your whole body’s sensitive right now ‘cause of that fever you’re running. And throwing up with nothing in your stomach hurts. Trust me, I know,” Pianoman tells him. “I don’t blame you at all.”
Chuuya lets his tears fall, and he whimpers from the pain he’s in.
He seems to only get worse from there. He doesn’t have enough energy to hold himself up properly anymore, even with the propped-up pillows, so once he thinks he’s done gagging, Pianoman helps him lie back down. He can’t stop his tears, they darken spots on his pillow. He feels so sick. He wishes he could just fall asleep again. He doesn’t want anyone to see him.
He quickly finds out Lippman was the third person who entered his apartment, and the concern taking over his face as soon as he sees Chuuya from the doorway is too much for him to handle. He can’t imagine how awful he must look, especially now that he’s been crying. He’s so pathetic.
“Albatross, that’s far too wet to put on his forehead. You need to wring some of that water out,” he hears Lippmann say after Chuuya stuffs his face back into a pillow to avoid being seen. “Here, let me see it.”
“Always stealin’ my thunder, huh, Lippmann…” Albatross says, clicking his tongue.
“This isn’t thunder. This is a monsoon,” he says, supposedly waving the soaked cloth around.
Soon enough, he feels a hand gently turn his head so he’s looking at the ceiling, and Lippmann lays a cool, folded washcloth over Chuuya’s forehead. It feels incredible. For just a second, he feels like he’s cured, but of course, it’s never that easy. He lets his eyes fall shut and tries to take the opportunity to relax.
Lippmann smooths down Chuuya's hair, something he would normally be greatly opposed to but it feels nice. Lippmann's hands are always ice cold. He thinks Lippmann is sitting beside him on the bed, which for some reason, he’s not opposed to. He’s trying to relax. Every breath makes him more sore. He groans from the pain and turns his head to the side, only to be turned back up by Lippmann.
"I called Doc. He should be on his way soon," Pianoman says as he enters the room. Chuuya didn’t even realize he was gone. "Definitely wouldn't hurt to get some IV fluids in you. I'm sure you're dehydrated."
"Poor thing," Lippman says with a sigh, a hand of his on Chuuya’s clammy cheek. "Let me see a thermometer, Piano. He feels much warmer."
“I couldn’t find one earlier,” Pianoman says. “I told Albatross to go look at his place. Let me go make sure he still remembers what I asked him to do.”
Pianoman disappears again too, but Lippmann stays, still smoothing down Chuuya’s hair. He tries to shift himself onto his side to get more comfortable, and he realizes just how much sweat is covering his body. The hair framing his face feels like it’s stuck to his skin.
Chuuya hears his phone buzz in the nightstand. It’s a buzz different from the normal notifications, because it’s Dazai. That son of a bitch gets his own special one.
“Lippmann?” Chuuya croaks, his eyes barely about to make it up to his face. “Can you…can you hand me my phone?”
“Of course. In the nightstand here?” Lippmann confirms and Chuuya manages a nod. He gently hands him the phone.
Chuuya’s eyes take a few seconds longer than normal to adjust to its brightness, and Lippmann briefly leans over to turn it down for him while he’s still getting used to it. He groans when he sees the message on the screen, and he replies almost right away without thinking much of it.
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He sees Dazai open the message, but to his surprise, he doesn’t get a reply. He groans. Why on earth would Dazai message him anyway? Why does it matter to him where he is?
“Is this the Boss’s kid you’re texting?” Lippmann asks, his head tilted. Lippmann knows that Dazai isn’t actually Mori’s son, but that's what the Flags call Dazai.
Chuuya just groans and nods. He closes his phone for a moment. Half of him just wants to block Dazai’s number, even though in his defense, he’s just asking a rather innocent question.
“I saw him very early this morning on my way to meet with the Boss. He asked me where you were. That was before Albatross called us,” Lippmann says. “It doesn’t hurt to tell him. Maybe that way he won’t bother you, if that’s what you want.”
Chuuya huffs. He’s not sure how he feels about Lippmann’s claim that Dazai would ask where he is. Would he even really care? Chuuya doesn’t think so, but it’s strange that Dazai would ask Lippmann that, and even directly text Chuuya on top of it.
He groans again, long and annoyed, before he opens his phone to send another message.
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He lets his phone slip from his hands, and Lippmann takes it and puts it back in the drawer for him - and it’s not long until he hears the others come back too.
Chuuya really doesn’t feel well.
He can’t rely much on his senses at the moment. He feels himself cough every now and then, but it almost feels numb, like his body forces him to do it. The last thing he can clearly hear from any of them is his temperature - a hundred and three point one, only because Lippmann makes it a point to make sure Chuuya can hear him. Chuuya never measured his fever to begin with, but he know it wasn’t that high. That’s not good.
It feels as if he only shuts his eyes for a moment, but when he opens them again, Doc has entered his field of vision. It looks like he’s talking to someone else, but he can't hear anything.
He feels someone tugging on his arm, and another smoothing down his hair. He’s not entirely sure what’s going on. He feels his chest tighten up and he wants to get away. His body tenses up and he’s waiting for Doc to leave an opening for Chuuya to get away, but he doesn’t. He turns his head and makes eye contact with Chuuya, and smiles. Doc kind of has a creepy smile, and it’s difficult to tell if it’s genuine most of the time, but Chuuya finds this one reassuring. He relaxes.
No one here is going to hurt him. He’s safe with them.
When Chuuya wakes up again, he feels like a new person.
His ears feel clear. He can hear the mattress when he shifts his weight, something he would never imagine being grateful to hear. He hears someone else breathing, and somehow, he has the energy to push himself up.
Doc is leaned against the wall in a chair from Chuuya’s kitchen. Reading from some impossibly large textbook that Chuuya almost thinks must be too heavy for his frail arms, he doesn’t notice Chuuya’s movements, or he at least doesn’t acknowledge them.
Chuuya sneaks a hand into the drawer beside his nightstand to fish out his phone to check the time, and he sees a message from Dazai.
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Chuuya wasn't expecting a sort-of-nice message from him. He almost thinks for a moment this isn’t really Dazai, but he’s distracted by movement from Doc.
“Heheh…good morning, Chuuya,” he says, lowering the textbook down to the floor. Chuuya knows it’s not really morning, now, his phone said something close to seven in the evening, but he wouldn’t be surprised if Doc was being serious. He doesn’t strike him as the kind of guy to have a good sleep schedule.
Doc stands up and drags the chair behind him over to Chuuya’s bedside, and Chuuya moves closer to the edge, assuming Doc’s intention is to check him over. Chuuya doesn’t want to make him stand, he knows he can’t do that for very long. Chuuya’s eyes follow Doc’s IV line up to a pole that’s standing beside Chuuya’s bed, with an extra bag of fluids on a line extending down to Chuuya’s forearm.
“We’re matching,” Doc says with his usual off-putting smile, meeting Chuuya’s gaze. Chuuya’s never asked him why he always has that thing, but maybe he’s more content with not knowing.
“Guess that thing’s kinda handy,” Chuuya says as he lays back. His voice is still pretty hoarse. He tries to clear it, and Doc offers him a glass of water that’s been on his nightstand. He starts to wonder where the others have run off to, and the door opens, revealing the missing Flag.
"You look a little better now," Iceman says to him as he walks over. Doc doesn’t turn his head, so Chuuya assumes he’s known that Iceman has been here. "Compared to what I saw when I got here."
"Where is everyone?" Chuuya asks before Doc slides a thermometer under his tongue.
"Passed out in your living room,” Iceman says bluntly.
“Albatross sent us all a photo of Lippmann and Pianoman sleeping together, heh,” Doc recalls with an amused grin before he takes the thermometer back.
“In my apartment? Ew,” Chuuya groans. “What’s it say?”
Doc had already laid the thermometer down on the table, and he leans over to refer back to it to answer Chuuya’s question. “One hundred point seven. Much better than earlier.”
Chuuya’s relieved to hear that. He was really worrying this was something he was going to be suffering from all weak, but Doc seems to have worked his magic on him. Chuuya wished he had given in to calling him over sooner.
“We already notified everyone who needed to know that you’ll be off tomorrow, too.” Iceman tells him, wandering over to the window to open up the blinds and let some of the evening light in. Another one had already been opened up.
“Tomorrow? No way, I’ll be fine by then,” Chuuya grumbles, looking over to Doc for backup.
“I don’t recommend it. Unless you’re fond of fainting on the job,” Doc says, shrugging his shoulders.
“Just one extra day to get your energy back. You’ll live,” Iceman says. “You should take any days off you can get, Chuuya. Take it from us.”
Maybe if they’re all here, it won’t be so bad.
“I’m putting an injection into your fluid line here…might make you tired…” Doc says, pushing a syringe full of a clear substance into the line, and Chuuya feels the effects almost right away.
“Just don’t go anywhere…” Chuuya murmurs as his eyes start to fall shut. His mouth betrayed him by admitting thoughts he didn’t want to share with the room, but he sees faint smiles from both of them before he loses his battle with the drowsiness.
"You finally up?"
Chuuya wasn't expecting to hear Dazai's voice.
He forces himself to sit up, and he's in a different bedroom. He’s done so far too quickly, it seems, because his head swims and tilts his world sideways so much that he nearly faints, but he forces himself to stay upright on the bed.
Dazai is standing right at the end of it. He looks perplexed, and Chuuya can’t figure out why, but Chuuya’s even more confused. Dazai looks different. His eyes don't look so dark. He looks taller, somehow. He’s not wearing his usual getup. He’s wearing a bolo tie. Why the hell is he wearing a bolo tie?
"Where's…" Chuuya murmurs. He can’t quite remember what he was going to say.
"Where's who? It's just me here," Dazai says, the confusion in his eyes only deepening as he makes his way over to the side of the bed.
Chuuya's stomach drops. He doesn't understand what's going on.
"Hey, hey. What are you so worked up about?" Dazai asks him, and the tiny hint of concern in his nonchalant attitude is freaking him out. Dazai hadn’t texted him that he was coming over. Why is he here? Why would he show up?
"I was just…I just, um…" Chuuya starts mumbling as he scrambles to get to the edge of the bed he’s on, "they were all here. You were at…they…"
"Bad dream?" Dazai says, a hesitant hand reaching out towards Chuuya’s. That’s not like him. Why is he so confused?
"What…?" Chuuya starts, just then registering Dazai’s words. That's not possible. Chuuya doesn't dream. He's never had a dream. Chuuya swings his legs over the edge of the bed and stands up despite his head’s protests, and he’s relieved to see Doc’s face, back where he was, leaned against the wall.
But he hears blood dripping.
And when he lowers his gaze, just a bit, it seems his brain omitted the fact that the lower half of Doc’s body is missing. There’s nothing below his torso, nothing but a growing pool of blood.
Chuuya screams.
"You blacked out on me again," Dazai says. His voice is gentle, as Chuuya wakes up again, once again in a different room. It feels more familiar this time. He’s in a living room, and he thinks it’s his. “Your fever’s worse. I took you out here, it’s kinda warm in your bedroom.”
"Sorry," he mumbles. He can't muster up energy for much else. His body aches. He looks for any signs of the Flags. The IV pole. Lippmann’s hand on his forehead. The medication Pianoman brought home for him. None of it is there.
Was any of that real? Was he hallucinating? It’s happened before, when he gets high fevers, but this one felt so real. It was almost like he just experienced it, in real life, and then suddenly he fell asleep for several years - and now he’s back in the present.
Was it a dream?
"I wanna go ride," Chuuya murmurs. Dazai’s hand is on his cheek. He pulls it away and sits back on the coffee table, that same look of confusion taking over his face again.
"Your bike?" Dazai asks.
"Uh-huh," he says.
"No-can-do, buddy. You can barely stand up," Dazai reminds him with a half-smile, hints of concern still visible.
Chuuya’s head turns in his direction. His chest feels tight. "'S not my bike."
Dazai still looks confused. "Yeah?"
"'S Albatross's bike," Chuuya barely manages. He still feels his cold hand in his. He knows they’re all dead, it’s beyond him why he thought just a few moments ago that they were all still in his apartment. It takes everything in Chuuya to keep himself together.
"I know, Chuuya." Dazai murmurs, his expression falling. “What’s up with you today?”
Chuuya’s eyes start to flood with tears, only furthering Dazai’s concern. He kneels beside the couch and Chuuya tries to sit himself up, only melting into Dazai’s arms in his attempt to get up. Everything hurts. He doesn’t know why he’s so overcome with emotion. Maybe he’s just sensitive right now because of his apparent illness, but the feelings he holds are real.
Dazai’s trying to comfort him, but Chuuya can’t hear his words. He holds him close. It’s incredibly rare for him to be so sympathetic. He must know something isn’t quite right with Chuuya right now.
If it really was a dream, he wants nothing more than to go back.
“We can go visit their graves when you feel better. If you want to,” Dazai offers, sort of out of nowhere. Chuuya’s been silently curled up in his bed for a few hours. Dazai offering him water and bites of food he can hardly stomach every now and then, making sure he takes medication.
“It’s raining,” Chuuya murmurs. He’s mindlessly scrolling through old messages from his friends, on a cellphone he hasn’t touched since they were killed. His heart hurts. He doesn’t have the will to get up.
“Hopefully it stops once you’re up for it,” Dazai says, reaching forward to brush some of Chuuya’s unruly bangs from his eyes.
Chuuya sees a rare photo in their message thread. A picture of Lippmann and Pianoman sleeping together on his old couch from an apartment he used to live in, followed by them in the same position, but this time, in selfie form courtesy of Albatross. It’s a photo that feels familiar, but he can’t remember why. Maybe they were drunk. Maybe he never came across this photo until now. But for some reason, it’s comforting to see.
“Yeah,” Chuuya mumbles, his eyes floating up to Dazai. “Let’s go.”
“Alright. Just let me know whenever you’re up for it,” Dazai tells him.
Chuuya’s still staring at the photo.
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sarahrogersevans · 2 years
Totally Safe- Henry Cavil xreader fan fic
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Summary: Reader has a nightmare and Henry their boyfriend is there to comfort them and reassure that they’re safe and Henry plans a really relaxing day for them both.
Warnings: mentions of a nightmare, mentions of a panic attack, angst, fluff, soft Henry, comfort fluff, let me know if I miss anything
(Y/N’s POV)
Woke up out of nowhere from a nightmare and laid there for a minute trying to catch my breath and then I saw my boyfriend laying next to me and I went closer to him and cuddled by Henry trying to relax. Henry noticed I was awake and looked upset and he wrapped his arms around me holding me close & noticed I was shaking. Henry kissed the top of my head and said “hey Y/N you’re shaking, did you have a nightmare?” I cried and said “yea a really bad one, my stomach really hurts Hen..” Henry hugged me tighter and said “hey hey you’re totally safe my love try and take nice deep breaths ok? I got you.”
I closed my eyes and took a few slow deep breaths while Henry rubbed my back and I felt a lot better after a few minutes and Henry smiled at me and said “there you go good girl, that feel better my love?” I nodded and then laid on my boyfriends’ chest while he had his arms around me and we just cuddled in bed for a little while. Henry smiled at me and I blushed and said “what? What is it bear?” He kissed the top of my head and said “you’re so beautiful Y/N I love you.” I smiled and leaned in to kiss him and said “I love you too Bear.” Henry and I got out of bed and Henry said “so Y/N what do you think about going out on the town for the day taking a day to go downtown to enjoy the beautiful fall weather?” I still felt like crap but I loved how Henry would make plans for us and I got excited and said “I would love that, it’s a wonderful idea Hen.” Henry knows about my nightmares and always tries to have a nice day planned for after I have one and I loved that he did that.
(Henry’s POV)
I hate seeing Y/N deal with nightmares it hurts me to see her in pain and terrified, I always like trying to have something relaxing and fun planned for her so it takes her mind off of it and being able to help her through it. Y/N and I both got dressed and ate breakfast and so did Kal and then Y/N and I headed out to town and walked around and whenever I noticed Y/N getting overwhelmed I would hold her hand and she would smile and squeeze my hand gently and she came closer to me and I wrapped my arm around her and said “I’m here pup you’re totally safe my love.”
I saw there was a restaurant facing the river and we stopped for lunch and we sat outside and Y/N smiled at the river flowing by and she said “wow! This spot is beautiful I’m glad you found this place Henry.” I smiled at her admiring how beautiful my girl was and I said “yes me too I thought you would like it, I had such a good time with you today Y/N.” Y/N blushed and took my hand in hers and said “yea so did I bear thank you for helping me get out today this is exactly what I needed and I’m just really glad you’re here with me I love you so much Henry.” I’m so proud of this woman she is so strong and no matter what she goes through she comes out so much stronger. I kissed her hand and said “darling I love you twice as more you are my everything, wanna go home and cuddle with binge watching friends and some snacks?” Y/N’s smile was so big and she said “you know me so well Bear, yes that sounds great.”
(Y/N’s POV)
Henry and I got home and Kal came running up to greet us and I knelt down to pet him and said “hey Kal hey sweetie I missed ya!” Henry petted Kal too and said “why don’t you go get Friends set up and I will go get the snacks hmm?” I nodded at him and got up to get the DVD’s from the bookshelf and got the disc in to the DVD player and Henry came over to me and pulled me into a hug and said “how are you feeling pup? Need anything?” I smiled up at him and said “I’m doing ok, I only need you Henry and Kal, as long as I have you both I’ll be ok.” He hugged me closer and kissed the top of my head and said “we’re here sweet girl I promise you, you are totally safe ok? I got you I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Henry and I sat down after he grabbed the snacks and I cuddled up him and Kal in between us and we laughed while watching friends and my body totally relaxed while I’m watching friends & Henry has his arm around me and it felt so good to wind down with no overwhelming thoughts for a while since I was focusing on the show and being with the love of my life. An hour later I started yawning a bit and Henry looked at me and said “getting sleepy puppy?” I shook my head no shyly and said “no I’m good, not tired.” Henry knew I was tired and said “try and close your eyes Y/N “I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere.” I said “no.. I’m scared about sleeping again Bear.. I wanna keep watching Friends.” Henry understood and said “alright pup but you need to rest at somepoint ok? How about we watch the rest of the disc and then we try and sleep and keep Friends in the background deal?” I smiled and said “ok bear deal, thank you.” Henry kissed me and said “anything for you baby.” We watched the rest of the disc and Henry got up to put the next one in and I started to close my eyes and I could still hear friends going in the background and I was finally able to go to sleep without any nightmares the first time in a while and I felt totally safe in my boyfriends’ arms.
I thought the idea for this one was really sweet and fluffy 🥹😊🤍🤍 nightmares are awful 😭 I had one recently and really needed a fluff comfort fic, hope you all enjoy xx♥️
If I ever forget to tag anyone in my tag list please let me know 😅🤔 a lot of people have been requesting to be tagged so sometimes I forget people I’m so sorry 😬xx
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autistic-crypt1d · 2 months
Season 4 SGA live blogging:
Aight so Atlantis is stranded and lost in a void between systems leaking power, here we go!
S1, S2, S3
- man oh man is there a lot going on off the bat, Weir is down, Rodney is scrambling to figure out how to save everyone in the city, and John is now burdened with leading Atlantis
- god the guilt Rodney is having to shove aside to try and save everyone else is so bad ahhhhhhhhh
- ahhhh seeing John about to cry makes me wanna cryyyy
- the jumper coordination is so cool!!!
- and ofc, Teyla has Atlantis under control while Sheppard does what he does best
- I forgot to add this earlier, SAM
- Ronon is so sweet y'all, poor baby 😭
- seeing Rodney and Sheppard fight like that is so weird and I hate it
- not Rodney scolding Ronon like a damn dog
- how exactly could she do the hand in the head thing while having a mostly human body? Like, how's that work with human fingies
- ya know, the ancients really screwed any future people who discovered atlantis by not leaving the instructions on how to make a ZPM. If it does exist in the database they sure didn't make it at all easy to find considering they never do
- always knew you could do it John
- of course it's Teyla taking care of Weir's things and of course it's Ronon who comes to be with her during it 😭 I love them so much
- Reunion, oh boy
- Ronon I love you but they just tried to kill Teyla, you could acknowledge that before jumping for joy
- Sam in charge let's gooooooo
- PFFFFT the painted pineapple
- Rodney, I love you but please stop speaking
- Ronon, buddy, take it down a notch please
- aw man I just realized Ronon calls the expedition members his people 😭
- Ronon did decorate 😭
- these wraith are going down awfully easy, I can't tell if they're faking it cuz the 3 are in on it or they just haven't fed in a while
- yessss backup your team Ronon
- how tf did Rodney get in that thing
- poor Ronon man, he just cannot catch a break
- "Ronon, where are your friends?" "They're right here. Let's go home." MY HEART
- Doppelganger, ah crap
- please don't touch that John
- god damn it John
- I've never seen the shirt Teyla's wearing before! Very pretty as always
- poor Teyla
- ahhhhhh I hate Keller's nightmare dude!!!
- Ronon's nightmare being completely alone again and being hunted 😭
- Lorne, poor baby
- I have to say, they've introduced Keller as a main character really really well in my opinion
- oh Kate no 😭 (this is what inspired the heightmeyer joke btw)
- ah man John's expression, you know that he has to be feeling so damn guilty right now. He didn't kill her but touching that crystal did even if it's not his fault. Plus the fact that he knows that she died afraid of him. That has to hurt.
- Teyla hugging him after all that must have meant the world to him, he was so scared she would hate him
- of course Sheppard volunteers to be the one to go with Rodney
- god the devastation on John's face about Rodney...
- and of course Rondey runs back into danger for Sheppard!
- I wish we knew why the entity did this, like why it tormented and killed and tried to kill them. Surely by being in their mind they could tell they didn't mean to take it, also the fact that it drew him in, why?
- the team gathering together at the end is so cute
- ah Travelers, this episode is ok
- the closet scene is pretty funny tho
- Sheppard had that gun for all of 2 seconds before it ran out of ammo, but we've never once seen Ronon reload
- oh boy, Tabula Rasa. This episode is so good but also so trippy. It scared tf outta me as a kid
- the way they did the colorgrading, lighting, angles, sound track, so good and so eerie
- I can only imagine how terrifying it is forgetting like that so quickly. People like the doctors and soldiers hanging on to their duties over anything else, not even knowing why they're doing it
- I love the flashing back and forth too
- Ronon has the coolest jackets
- Ronon getting annoyed and impatient and just shooting Sheppard and typing him up will never not be funny
- poor Rodney, knowing that with Teyla gone he's going to completely forget any minute
- also hello Zane from Eureka
- it's so hard seeing Lorne like that, he's trying so hard
- come on John, stop pointing a gun at your bestie
- I love seeing Ronon take charge for once, he really is so smart and capable and awesome and I wish he got to shine more
- of course Rodney is the first person Sheppard asks about
- I'm not a fan of Rodney and Katie, but that was a cute moment
- OH BOY Missing, shit is about to get realllll
- I'm glad we get to see more of Teyla's absolute badassness in this episode even though it stresses me tf out
- poor Keller, her first introduction to off world shit and it's this
- Teyla's face when Keller is talking about summer camp 😂
- Teyla's ability to hold it together even after being told she is the last of her people, so intense
- not the Bola Kai with a damn lolipop XD
- again with Rodney and Sheppard hanging out in their free time playing games
- Teyla is so sweet to Keller, asking her about her home while they're captured
- I also very much love that Teyla and Keller got to bond
- The Seer is pretty interesting. There's 2 rather big plotlines going on here, the replicators annihilating human worlds, and the thing with Teyla's people.
- "well, this is awkward." "Yes."
- Miller's Crossing, this episode is a good one, very stressful. I love when they visit Earth tho, especially with Ronon.
- "I looked dumb!"
- I love that they call Todd "Sheppard's wraith"
- ok I get Rodney going in like a dummy with no backup, but Baret, come on you should know better dude
- also, where tf did Jeannie's change of clothes come from, did they grab them while they were kidnapping her or something??
- it's pretty hilarious they just put Ronon in the same outfit as Sheppard
- Jeannie, that was incredibly fucked up to say
- Walter, why the hell would you stop Ronon from eating while you are talking
- watching Sheppard talk that guy into getting fed on is... rough
- This Mortal Coil is a pretty good episode. The initial issue with the gate and then all the lead up, very cool
- this show has always done a great job of subtly hinting that something is wrong until it becomes undeniable
- I kinda love when Ronon and Rodney get paired up, they're so funny together
- I really love seeing more of the good replicators, they still do bad stuff, but they have dimension ya know?
- I believe that city being destroyed was Sam's vision tho
- the 2 groups meeting remind me of that one SG-1 episode, the "comtria!" dude who duplicates them
- gotta say, Jack takes it a lot worse than John's team does
- aw man, Rodney and Zelenka talking about losing Elizabeth and Carson... this is the first time we really see Rodney be honest about his feelings to anyone but Sheppard
- AHHHH and then Rodney and Sheppard talking about her
- Be All My Sins Remember'd, oof, seeing them trying to evacuate all the planets in the replicator's path before they get hit, that's rough
- PFFFFT the fucking "Colonel"s bit is hilarious
- poor Rodney never being allowed to fully explain :/
- Todd and Rodney are pretty funny together
- Todd looks different here for some reason
- Ridney and Zelenka always make me laugh when they work together istg. Their dynamic has changed so much since the start of the show too. They're much more comfortable around eachother now and interact on a friend level now
- PFFFFT, Ronon immediately moved away from Todd when Larin was gonna kill him
- Zelenka this is what happens when you leave Rodney alone for too long
- OOP, noooot a great moment to tell everyone you're pregnant
- awww Ronon 😭
- god Sheppard is so gay, I've never seen that man react normally to being flirted with by a woman
- pfffft Zelenka shuffling away at the awkward convo XD
- the way F.R.A.N. said "Hello" was so satisfying wtf
- the replicator blob is horrifying I love it
- I always forget how this Elizabeth survived
- Spoils of War, Todd you sneaky bastard
- Ronon is the sweetest y'all, "who says you have to keep up?", him and the rest of the team are gonna love her no matter what, but he's the first one to tell her that
- PFFFT Ronon pulling Rodney out of the room
- Lorne!!
- if this is the episode I think it is, OH BOY
- oh? Maybe not?
- "you touched something didn't you" "no... maybe a little"
- again with Sheppard knowing random ass very specific things about Rodney
- ah gross, the birthing facility
- why do they have the same access play like, all the queens
- Lorne is so sweet 😭
- oh boy, Quarantine
- of course the boys are hanging out again
- pfffft of course everyone's first thing is to try and call Rodney
- Teyla is so over John being skittish about her pregnancy
- oh my god Ronon and Keller are so damn awkward together
- damn it Radek, just let Sam workkkkk
- you're yelling me that Chuck climbed down the tower???
- Harmony, this episode is pretty funny honestly, and I'm always a fan of John and Rodney on their own doin stupid shit
- the kid annoys tf out of me
- why are the Genii always doing this shit
- their faces when she's talking about John like they're married is hilarious
- Outcast, I like this episode a lot, but poor John man
- Rodney requested to go with him AHHHHHH
- pffffft Ronon just showing up like, I'm coming with you, obviously
- ahhhh see this is a much better outfit for Ronon than the last one where they just duplicated what Sheppard was wearing
- not to mention the second outfit with the vest???
- the girl is a badass, gotta say
- Trio... OH WAIT
- this episode stresses me tf out
- it's kinda hilarious that it's 3 nerds stuck though. I mean like, is Sam military and a badass? Yes, but she is also first and foremost a huge nerd.
- man Sam gets like one off world mission in this show and she gets beat tf up during it, we're already at 2 of 3 big ass falls and the 3rd one is OUCHY
- Sam is such a badass, ugh I love seeing her in action again
- Rodney, Rodney please shut up, PLEASE SHUT UP
- 1. Should've tied the rope off a lot shorter. 2. Should've shoveled out dirt as you went
- Rodney really comes in clutch during the escape
- look, Rodney and Keller are cute, I will admit that, but him and Sheppard are still my favorite
- midway is such a good episode oh my god
- yay Teyla is back!!! I missed her
- "I must admit, I am partial to the tator tots" PFFFFFT
- god I've missed Teal'c
- them fighting is so damn good
- *drops sticks, immediately starts first fighting*
- I forgot how small the room is, especially once you put two big ass dudes like Ronon and Teal'c in it
- now see, why tf would they not install and iris on the midway station gates just in case
- man SGA is a lil lazy with their wraith casting, we've seen this same dude play like 3 different wraith that all look identical but can't possibly be the same because we see them die. And the same woman plays pretty much every single female wraith.
- like we just saw this wraith dude die in the cloning facility episode. Technically I guess it could be that he's a clone but to my knowledge, they only cloned soldiers not the other ones
- also, couldn't have locked down the control room a lil quicker? Like idk, THE DOORS
- PFFFT the little smack Sheppard gives Rodney
- the alien boys and their funky alien energy weapons
- I hate him but his hair is nice rn, finally got rid of the weird ponytail
- god it breaks my heart seeing McKay's expression when he thinks Sheppard is dead
- Rodney's face when he finds Sheppard 😭
- poor Teal'c man, he's been through the ringer again and again and now getting fed on by a wraith???
- oop, there goes midway
- the IOA meeting lighting is so weird and creepy I hate it
- how'd they open the jumped from the outside?
- PFFFT Ronon waking Sheppard is so cute, I love them so much
- also, where did they pee during the time stuck in the jumper cuz... they were in there for at least 2 days
- The Kindred pt 1, yesssss a Teyla focused episode!!! I missed her
- Hoffan virus comes back once again
- poor Lorne like, uhhhh Teyla, whatchya doin with that knife
- Lorne has such a sweetie pie vibe, like, look at that face!!
- ah crap, Michael is back again
- Lorne came back looking like a dog that got caught getting into the trash, pure shame face
- woah I forgot Michael figured out how to stop needing to feed. See now why can't they just be friends now, if they don't need to feed on humans they can be buddiessss
- ouch ouch ouch, Rodney's face seeing Carson again 😭
- part 2, boy howdy there's a lot going on this episode
- Ronon and Sheppard's tactical roll over the counter plus Rodney literally pushing Carson out if the way is hilarious
- Poor Keller man, it's gotta be hard having to save the life of the guy who not only tried to kill you and your friend, but also alerted Michael to the location of the Athosians
- ahhhhhh I hate her being in the table dude it's so creepy!!! Michael stop being creepy to Teyla!!!
- the mix of joy and fear Teyla showed when Michael showed her the ultrasound is so sad
- why tf is that extra just standing in the background staring like that wtf
- did he have brown hair when we last saw him? I could've sworn it was white. Like I get that he's been messing with the mix of wraith and human dna but still
- Rodney is so protective of Carson it's so wholesome 😭 his first instinct when gun fire starts is to protect him
- aw man, Teyla now on top of all that having to come to grips with Carson being alive again, OOF
- last episode of the season and boy is it a dosey! The Last Man.
- the idea of being alone in Atlantis is HORRIFYING
- this episode is so sad y'all
- Todd!!
- Ronon 😭
Season 5
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Uh oh, my own unfinished story!?
“Get back ‘ere you li’l thief!”
Crap. This is bad. A boy runs as fast as he can, weaving between crates and stalls in the packed marketplace of Marletti. He needs to go as fast as he can if he wants to get away with the goods. 
The boy runs around a corner and into an alleyway, which happens to be a dead end. It was the wrong one. Craaaaap. He turns around and there stands the baker, dead set on getting the little rat who’s been stealing all his products. Not that he’s a little rat; actually, he’s been more compared to a cat. A–oh Death he can’t believe he’s saying this–”little meow meow”.
HOWEVER, that is beside the point. Right now, he’s trying to think of a way to get out of this mess without having to deal with teleportation. His long tail twitches behind him, the tuft of hair at the end swaying in the breeze. There are very few ways he can think to get out of this situation, 3 of which involve the ONE THING he is trying to avoid. The boy guesses that will be his only option. Eugh, teleportation can be such a mess. 
The baker takes a step towards him, and the boy takes a step back in turn. He has to keep his mind on track, this situation could get serious quickly. “A’ight kid, one more chance ta give me the pastries. I don’t wan’ it turnin’ messy. You’ve been stealin’ my goods for a while now, an’ I can’t stand to lose more money ta ya.”
“W-well, ain’t that unfortunate,” started the boy nervously, getting ready to teleport out. “A guy’s gotta eat, though. Can’t be starvin’ myself just ‘cause y-ya need to make a profit.”
“Alright, that’s quite ‘nough, youngin’. I can let ya keep some o’ the stuff ya stole if ya give me some of my own back. Can’t give away too much free food, now can I?”
“That’s quite friendly of ya, lad. Too bad I can’t spare any o’ this food.” The thief begins to feel his body move to his home, the nauseous feeling of teleportation spreading to his stomachs. 
“Can’t say I didn’t give ya a chance, kid!” The baker, dropping his forelegs to the ground, begins to run at the kid. He gets closer faster and the teleportation feels as though it’s going slower than usual. He needs to be faster. Faster, faster, faster—
— — —
“Amare! You’re back!” cried a young voice. 
“Yeah y-yeah, I’m here.” The boy, Amare, slipped the bag containing stolen pastries onto the floor. “Now ‘old on a s-sec, don’ wanna th-throw my guts to the ground.”
“Yeah yeah, take yer time, but what took ya so long? I was almost knockin’ on Her door!”
“The baker finally caught on. ‘Ad to run away. Sorry I took s-so long.”
“The baker man sounds mean,” Amare’s little brother said as he peered into the bag. “What’d ya get this time?”
“Oh, I got a l-lot this time! We’ve got tertos, st-stabacks, tratas, lombolomi, and lugab ju-junams. I made sure to get s-some o’ yer favorites.”
“Thank you, Amare!” 
“‘S no problem at all, Altora.” The younger runs up to his brother and tackles him into a hug, smushing his face into his older brother’s stomach. “Ha, w-what’d ya think yer doin’, kid?”
“Gettin’ the snuggles ya promised me earlier.”
“Least l-let me get myself situated before tryna attack hug me, bud.”
“Nooo, wan’ snuggle now,” whined Altora, cuddling up closer to his brother. “Ya left fer too long and now ya must pay the price of yer insolence!”
“Now where’d ya learn a big word like that?” Amare wraps his arms around Altora as he asks.
“The orphan lady complained ‘bout some new kids bein’ a bother. Said somethin’ ‘bout them bein’ ‘insolent’.”
“Y-you were hangin’ ‘round the boardin’ ‘omes?” Altora suddenly goes rigid.
“Uhhh, no?” He slowly unwraps his arms from Amare to take a step back.
“Uh-huh. And my name is Sh-Sharon. Why in the nine hells would ya go near one of those? They could take ya without any warning.”
“I-I know… I jus’ wanted ta see how my cousin was doin’.”
“It’s ok-kay as long as yer not caught. I know ya must get bored while I’m gettin’ food fer us. Just- just be c-careful, yeah?”
“O’ course! Those old hags can’t catch me!”
“I-I trust ya, k-kid. Just. Be. C-careful.”
“I know, I know. WELL, ‘side from that… let’s actually get to eating!” It was an obvious dismissal of the topic. It was a conversation for another day, it seemed. 
Now that food was served and finished, Amare dismissed himself to get started on his studying with a ruffle to his brother’s hair. He needs to get into the ACOTKU to keep his brother safe. If he doesn’t, he’ll end up leaving his brother all alone next year. The draft age was his next closer to the end, and that is bad. So very bad. He knows well what happened to his family, as well as Altora’s, and he doesn’t want it to happen to him. Their shoddy little planet is always a target, and that always bleeds into the people. They are targets and use their all to fight back. And he means their all. One or both sides always end up dead, and the one is never his own planet’s people. He opens the thick alien sciences book he had “borrowed” from the nearby library. They wouldn’t miss their umpteenth copy of–he peaks at the cover–A Comprehensive Guide to the Biology of All Known Intelligent Species. Lady Death below, that title is long. And unnecessary. Wait, need to get back on track. Amare kills that train of thought and finds his bookmark. He dog-eared his books. “Heathenous behavior,” his brother called it. “Practical,” Amare called it. And it was! There were plenty of reasons to fold the corner of a page instead of using a bookmark. 
That is, again, beside the point. Amare actually begins to read the page he needed. The teen pulls out his worn 5 subject notebook, which he got from Death-knows-where, and opens it up to his most recent page. “Sherannings–” the book reads– “are a highly dangerous and have comparatively low intellect among dominant species, despite their portrayal in the children’s show Sharon the Sheranning.” Huh, so that one kids show he used to watch was wrong. Darn. He continued reading and note-taking late into the night, not that it was a very long night. The summer months made their nights almost unbearably short, so the amount of time he worked was closer to 4 hours. That was, however, a lot for someone with an attention span like Amare’s. Luckily, he’s a fast reader and learner, having made his way through 50 pages of dense 0.6 text. The notebook, the poor thing, was stuffed full of messy writing and drawings so detailed that only the artist can understand the models. Amare marks his page and closes the notebook. He would need another one soon. Drat.
He dropped his face onto the notebook—Oh Lady Death, why did she have to kill him like this? Through studying. No one really needed to study much on his planet because of the low survival rate. What was the point if you were going to join the Lady once you hit the ripe ol’ age of 33? None—that’s the answer. There’s no reason to learn more than how to wield a weapon when that’s all you’ll be used for. The only reason he’s studying is to avoid the draft.
He finds no honor in dying to some pointless war for the umpteenth time. He wants to go to The Lady Below when he’s old and knows his brother will be alright. Amare sighs at these thoughts. He needs to make sure he can pass the entrance exam to begin formal training as a member of the ACOTKU. This is his and his brother’s one ticket away from that cursed draft, and he will not throw away the opportunity. No matter what.
Amare finds little sleep that cycle.
Part 2
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welcome2southpark · 1 year
Episode 1 pt 2
The trio stood in a desecrated field before following the trail.  
"Dude how do you not burn up in that cloak Mysterion" Human Kite asked, green and gray eyes trailing the area trying to find the creature hiding in the grass. Farmer Denkins had attempted to handle it by shooting at it before they got there, scaring it into hiding. 
"I used to where a huge parka 24/7" he shrugged, voice all gruff. 
"Let's focus," Sunstar said. "I don't want us getting mauled…..but how did you manage with the parka- KITE BEHIND YOU!" Kite leapt away as Mysterion summoned shadows to have it slam into. 
"Box it in!" Kite called as he and Sun launched into the air. 
"Got it!" He's about to but it recovered quicker than planned and it charged him. It bowled him over and attempted to claw him only to be plasma blasted away before being hit by a mint green wind. It stumbled dizzy and sleepy. 
Mysterion quickly surrounds it as Sun grabs the edges making a bindle with the flexible shadows. Human Kite healed up the scuffs on Mysterion. "Take the tunnels back"
"I will after letting Farmer Denkins know its done." He glanced around "I feel like Mephesto's gonna be sued for damages…" 
"Oh definitely" 
After shedding his costume and hiding his less than human features, Kyle attempted to sneak into his house.
'Shit' he thinks, turning to see his angry mother. "Hi mom…"
"You're two hours late and we're supposed to pick up your little brother." She said angrily, hands on hips.
"I had an emergency, and Ike is ten. You let me go all over when I was ten." He grumbled. 
"That's not the point!" She huffed. "Where have you even been?!"
"My friend had an emergency"
"Kenny fainted due to low iron so I stayed till he was better."
"Oh well that was very sweet of you bubby but tell me next time. Me and your father were very worried!"
"Yes mom, I'm sorry. I got distracted." He gave her a hug before heading upstairs. 
"I almost won Rainbow Road too-" Karen was telling Kenny as they approached their home. She was cut off by glass breaking. 
"Karen…climb the ladder to get to your room." 
"Kenny I'm not afraid ta pass their fights, Mama used to hold me-" 
"Karen. No. Go"
Karen went silent, his voice was scary. Familiar but scary. She nodded and slipped around the back. 
Kenny slipped to the front to see the fight. 'Crap' he thought as he saw his dad had thrown a desk through the window. He'd have to get some plastic to patch that. He looked into to see if they had any weapons.
"You know how hard it is to get GOOD crack anymore!"
"God damn it I told you that wasn't me!" 
Kenny sighed and went to the back ladder and climbed up. 
"Are you gonna go to work tonight?" Karen asked sniffling. 
"No, I'll call Tweek…."
Ramona arrived at the pharmacy. She just needed to get her meds and go. 
"It'll be a minute." the pharmacist said. "Sit down."
She sighs and sits down. Praying they'd read the note on her ID paper. 
"Ramone? Ramone Winstedle?"
'Damn it. At least it's not my dead name" she thought and went to grab it. "It's Ramona"
"Well last week it was-"
"Shut up Gerry, fucking conformist." Micheal walked up from the back. "Mark told you to knock that shit off" he edged him away from the desk. "Go sort pills"
Gerry grumbled as he walked away.
"Ignore him he's a fucking loser. Anyways here. You wanna snag a candy bar for ya troubles"
"Wow that's surprisingly nice of you-"
"Loser, I get a bonus every time I sell one. They count the bars, not the cash. Idiots."
"That's the Micheal I know." He huffs and gestures with his pen for her to leave. 
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Temptation Pt25
Temptation Masterlist
A few weeks later
I wake up to an empty bed, I presume Emmett went hunting. I get up and go downstairs to a panicked house
"What's going on?"
"Bella's pregnant" Rose smiles excitedly. I laugh out loud
"Good one Rose. Seriously what's going on?"
"Kat Rosalie isn't lying. Bella really is pregnant" Alice now says with a worried expression
"Ok I must have ate bad meat last night and I'm just having a weird dream" I close my eyes tightly "wake up Kat" I open one eye still with a scrunched up face
"What are you doing?" Jasper asks and I sigh opening my eyes properly
"Trying to wake up, but it's not working. How is this even possible?" I frown looking at Carlisle
"Im not sure"
"So male vampires can still... ya know... well actually we all know they can because we....."
"Woah babe" Emmett chuckles wrapping an arm around my shoulders
"Sorry. So female vampires are the ones who can't... but I'm only half, how come Emmett and I haven't ever had a child"
"I'm sorry Kat, I know how much you wish you had been able to be with your daughter and I know you would have loved another child" esme says pulling me into a hug
"So you'll help Bella then?" Rose asks me
"Help with what?"
"They want to kill the baby"
"Rose it's going to kill her" Alice argues
"Cant Edward turn Bella then she can have the baby as a vampire?" I ask
"I don't know, but that could also kill her" I then hear the car pull up outside. Then the door opens and quickly Edward is carrying Bella who looks like crap
"Holy shit" my eyes widen
"Edward" she weakly says "I need a bucket" Esme quickly runs off to find one and comes back before Bella throws up. Edward places Bella down on the couch
"So what are we going to do?" he asks folding his arms.
2 weeks later
"Is it true?"
"Hello Jacob how are you?"
"Listen, just give it to me straight" Emmett and I are sat on the couch opposite Bella watching her throw up the food she just ate
"This isn't good" i say as Rose walks over holding a glass of water
"Maybe Jake will knock some sense into her" Emmett mutters
"Jake? is that him at the door"
"She's here?"
"They came home 2 weeks ago" Carlisle sighs. I can hear foot steps walking up the stairs then Jake walks in. Rose is stood in front of Bella, Alice is sat in front of the tv while Jasper is behind her. Thomas and Esme are stood next to Emmett and I on the couch
"I'm glad you came"
"Close enough"
"What is your problem?"
"Jacob" I scold feeling the need to as if we are close, but of course we aren't. Him and Billy are my only living relatives and our families are enemies
"Rose it's ok" Rose moves out of the way over to Thomas. Jake sighs as he sits down
"You look terrible"
"Yeah, it's nice to see you too"
"So are you going to tell me what's wrong with you?"
"Rose, kat, you guys wanna help me up" I get off the couch and help Bella stand up with the help of Rosalie. Jake stands up staring at Bella's large stomach
"You did this!" Jake goes towards Edward but Emmett quickly stops him
"We didn't know it was even possible. Look at Kat and Emmett" Carlisle defuses the tension
"Well what is it?"
"I'm not sure"
"It's a baby" I look at them
"We don't know if it's human or not. Ultrasounds and needles won't penetrate the embryonic sac"
"I can't see it either" Alice stands "and I can't see Bella's future anymore"
"Like Ive told you all, I can hear a heart beating. It's not a vampire or at least it's not full vampire" I sigh
"We've been searching legends, but there isn't much to go off. We do know that it's strong and fast growing"
"Why haven't you done anything? take it out of her" Jake begins to get angry at Carlisle
"This is none of your business, dog"
"Rose" I frown "I'm still here and he is my great grandson"
"All this fighting isn't good for Bella"
"The fetus isn't good for Bella" Alice says between gritted teeth
"Say the word Alice, baby. It's just a little baby"
"Possibly" Jasper stands next to Alice
"Carlisle, you gotta do something"
"All of you just shut up!" I yell which shocks everyone "I'm sorry but no one here actually knows what it's like to grow a baby inside of you. You would die for that baby, if you had to chose your own life or the one inside you you would choose the latter. Ok yes not everyone has that opinion, but if you want that child then that's how you would feel. I'm the only one here who has been through this so I'm sorry, but no one here gets to decide what happens other than Bella. It's her body, her life not mine not yours so just everyone shut the hell up" I sit down on the couch with my head in my hands
"Thank you Kat" Bella weakly says
"Jacob I need to talk to you" Edward moves towards outside, Jake follows him.
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milady-pink · 1 year
Waitress AU
Warnings: Food/baking, domestic abuse, unplanned pregnancy, cheating
Summary: Working at a dead end job, waitress Christine soon finds herself with a new problem: an unplanned pregnancy. Life is all about trying to find the sweet spots and luckily this pie genius has a new (and pretty adorkably sexy) OBGYN, who isn’t too happy at home either.
TL;DR Quirky cute and sexy Erik as a doctor, lab coat and all.
Word Count: 2477 || Graphics: @firefly-graphics
"You Matter To Me "
Recipe Book
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It was going to be a long day, Christine could already feel it. Her casual fling with her doctor has occupied so many thoughts, she almost forgot she was carrying a child she wasn’t too happy about.
The biggest reminder was her bladder was losing more and more of its control, and her stomach was slowly getting a little rounder each week. She wouldn’t have noticed if it weren’t for her deadbeat husband, still not looking for a new job, was paying more attention than she was. His favorite way of reminding her was dropping needlessly to his knees, and plopping some unwanted kisses to her bump. The whole thing only made Christine feel uncomfortable, and a tad guilty for wanting to take away his child.
But she knew too well that the second he heard that baby cry for more than three minutes, he would have been over it.
So, keeping her thoughts on her work and not the two opposing men in her life, Christine walked over to her favorite customer of the day.
“Hiya Jo, how are ya?” Giving him her best fake smile.
“I’m the same bastard I was yesterday, Christine. The question I wanna know is how are you?”
She gave him a sad smile, “Same train wreck as yesterday.”
“What about that charming husband of yours?”
“Charmin’ as ever,” she answered sarcastically.
Taking no notice of her tone he continued to ask, “And the lipstick smudger?”
“Huh?” She asked, confused.
“Oh you know, the dog on the side?” Then, almost to purposely make her squirm, he loudly declared, “The affair.”
“I am not havin’ an affair.” She hushed. “We just—“
“Are cheating with each other. Your lipstick smudged so bad it looks like someone gave you a good one.” Christine pulled out a napkin and tried to fix her makeup after his comment. “When you finish wiping off your indiscretions, ya wanna hear your horoscope?”
“No.” She told him, not entertained.
“Aquarius,” he starts, not caring what she said, “‘Even if your husband is a miserable snake, you probably shouldn’t go havin’ an affair, ‘cause its beneath you and people might look at you like a common hussy. Not to mention the pain you might cause other people.’” He finished the supposed horoscope, and continued to tell her his order.
“This afternoon I want the ‘Singing Tuney Fish Casserole’, no pickle. Well-done frenched fries, on their own plate. And can’t forget Christine's ‘Devil’s Food Oasis Pie’. Which is the one you should bake for that contest, by the way. Then once you leave your husband you can smudge your lipstick with whoever the hell you want.”
Deciding to ignore his rather insightful advice about her marital affairs, Christine instead focused on what he said about her baking. “You really think that’s the pie good enough to win?”
Folding his menu and placing it flat on the table, the old man looked deep into Christine’s eyes, showing how serious he was being. “That pie is a thing of beauty….with every flavor opening itself up, one by one, kinda like chapters in a book. First ya get flooded with a dark and bittersweet chocolate, like an old flame…then the strawberries, they taste the way strawberries were always supposed to taste, but you never knew how….and— ya know what? Forget the other crap, just bring me a slice of that dan pie. Whattaya standing around for?”
Christine let out a soft chuckle at the old man’s antics. “I don’t buy for a single second that you’re as mean as you try to look. You’re the best tipper in this diner.” 
Over at the counter, after giving the old man his pie, Christine made it to the other waitresses just in time to hear about how Nadir had awakened something feral and horny inside of Meg. She eventually got to telling the girls that she was going to meet his mother tonight over a formal steak dinner. It seemed to be going fast, but the two work well with each other, both in and outside of the bedroom. The whole talk got Christine thinking of a new pie.
Mix together Golden Delicious Apples with melted free flowing brown sugar….add cinnamon and some allspice…fold in to some cocoa chiffon until they merge together perfectly….top with peaks of everlasting Chantilly cream…
The Pursuit of Happiness Pie
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“Mrs. DeChagney?” Asked a voice, breaking Christine of her mental recipe book.
Looking towards the voice she was surprised to find Nurse Norma walk through the exam room door, not Eri— Doctor Destler.
“I’m sorry, but Doctor Destler and his wife had to go back East for a funeral.” She explained to her.
“He flew East with his wife?” She questioned, feeling deflated that she wouldn’t see him today. And to be reminded he was married.
Looking up from her chart the nurse commented, “Are you feelin’ okay? You look like shit.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just— you know the baby.” She tried to deflect.
“Course. So, how has it been working with the doctor?”
“Oh he’s very…uhm..professional.”
The nurse lets out a laugh. “That’s what they all say. Such lovely bedside manner.” She then spotted the treat in Christine’s lap. “Is that pie for me?”
“Uh…yeah…” she answered rather distractedly.
“MmmMmm. What kind is it?”
“The Pursuit Of Happiness Pie.”
“I think we could all use some of that.” Placing the pie on the table, the nurse placed her stethoscope over Christine’s middle. “Strong and steady heartbeat. Here, take a listen.”
Without replying in the negative, the nurse placed the eardrums onto Christine’s. Sure enough, a loud heartbeat filled her ears, reminding her for once that she wasn’t alone, even after all of these weeks. It caused Christine to think of a letter for the child.
“Dear baby,
Let me start by saying I’m sorry. Please, don’t take it personally, if I don’t seem as excited as the other mamas jumping with joy over themselves. I wish I was excited that you’re with me. Or have faith that I’ll be as good as the other mamas, even if my life is a sticky mess, and this world isn’t nearly as pretty as they want you to think it is in those baby books. I don’t know what I can give you, baby. What if I don’t win that contest and we can’t leave Raoul? What the hell am I gonna do with you then, huh? Some days I wish I could just give you away to a good family that gives you everything I know I can’t. I wish I could run away from it all. What kind of mama is that?”
After a regular checkup, Christine leaves the doctor’s office to return home, feeling more alone than she did before she was reminded that life was creating itself inside of her.
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She turns around to see who said her name. “What are you doin’?You can’t just come in here.”
It’s been weeks since the doctor’s appointment, and even longer since the last time she saw Doctor Destler. Today was a long day, as usual, but Piangi promised Christine that she could stay in the kitchen late today to make tomorrow's pies for the diner. There was a soft rain outside, which has been falling all day, making Christine feel like she’s living in a fog or a dream.
Makes sense then for a ghost to show up in the evening.
“I had to see you, it’s been weeks and…I can’t take not knowing how you are.” He told her, concern making its rounds through those amber eyes.
“Doctor Destler…we can’t keep doin’ this, it has to end.” She told him.
“Wha— Why?”
Trying to steal her nerves, Christine began to answer him. Honestly. “Because,I’ve been thinkin’ a lot while you were gone with your wife…an—and I can’t live with myself.”
“I’m not going to have a conversation about how insane this is, how bad my judgment’s been, or how sorry I am. I would only be lying.” He told her, earnestly.
Taking a deep breath through her nose then letting it out through her mouth, she knew this talk couldn't go on for too long, otherwise they risk the chance of ending up in each other's arms. “Please, don’t say anything else, don’t talk me out of it, just leave. I don’t even know how to do this, haven't felt like this…in a very long time.” She said, mostly to herself.
“Neither have I—“
“So, now what?” She asked, hoping he would leave her to her heartache alone.
Looking down at the various ingredients layer out before her on the counter, he motioned with his shoulder. “Maybe…you could teach me how to make a pie?”
Of all the reactions, that was not one of them she was prepared for. Slowly blinking as if he was a figment of imagination, she asked, “Seriously?”
“Seriously.” He nodded.
After thinking about it for a minute, Christine realized she hasn’t taught many people and this man that has done so much for her deserves to be part of it. “Sure, I could do that.”
“I actually have something for you….a present.” He disclosed, handing over a wrapped box from behind his back, never noticing.
A little suspicious but quite frankly, kind of grateful, she opens the box to find a black, stainless steel pie dish. It was beautiful, something Christine would look at for hours on a fancy restaurant warehouse website. Something that reminded her of her mama.
“I, uhm, had your name engraved on the back.” He pointed, eyes curios and versus to see if she likes it; if it wasn’t too far.
“Thank you, it's the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Blinking away the tears that gathered in her eyes, she tried to distract herself. “Uhm, I have some gorgeous blackberries.”
“I love blackberries.” He answered with a small lopsided smile.
“Great. We’ll make one my mama used to call, ‘Lonely Chicago Pie’. She made hundreds of different pies. They all had real weird names too.” She told him, crinkling her nose at the memory.
“Like mama, like daughter…”
“She had such big dreams for me. It would make her so sad to see how my life turned out.” Christine lets out a sigh. “Maybe I’m talking too much.”
The simple word reinforced her sureness and continued on. “She would sing to me right in the kitchen when my daddy was in one of his moods. She taught me everything about baking… We had this song we used to sing together. ‘Let’s make a new one, mama what do you say? I like it when you let me pick out the name. Sugar, and butter, and flour, and mother.’” Christine helped pour each ingredient in the order she sang them. 
“What the hell are you doin’ here?” She asks him.
“I’m learning how to make pie.” He replied, slightly confused.
“No, I mean in this town. Why here?”
He takes a while to answer, even if his words hurt a little when he does. “We came because of my wife; she’s doing her residency here.” He can’t meet her eyes,but Christine is thankful for the honesty.
“Are you happy with her?” Christine blurts out, then, “Don’t answer that,” after regretting saying anything at all.
Even though she didn’t want him to answer, he gave her one anyway. “I’m not very good at happy. I tend to be a bit neurotic…” He smiles at her. “You calm me down. You…make me feel peaceful— needed even…. And you’re so beautiful, Christine.”
With her insecurities amplified by one-hundred percent because of how big her stomach has gotten, she finds it hard to believe. “I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about…”
The doctor does something bold then. He moves around Christine’s body and envelopes her with his arms, his chin resting comfortably on her shoulder with his hands holding hers over her stomach. Even his cheek, the unmasked side, fit perfectly next to hers, sharing the same breath.
“Christine,” he begins, his voice so soft and soothing on her wounded soul, “I can’t put into words, what your presence has done for me these past few months. Something about your eyes, like they hold words and sentences that I think and feel, but could never say out loud. I see all the words you wish you could say, and that made me feel so seen, noticed. I know what we’re doing is wrong, there’s no excuse for it. But if somehow we could have met under different circumstances, I wish we could have tried….to be more than what we are. Give each other more than what we can give right now.” He positions their bodies so that they now face each other, Christine craning her neck up at his tall form, and places one of his hands over her cheek and one of her’s over his masked cheek. 
“I won’t lie to you and tell you emotions I don’t feel, but you matter to me. Your life crossing with mine has meant everything, and you were just being yourself. Whatever happens with us in the future is your decision, but know that what you’ve given me with what little time we’ve had will forever be remembered by me. Even if you want to forget and move on with your life, I’ll cherish every moment we had together.”
She feels safe, Christine thinks, here in his embrace. So she lets herself freely cry, every emotion running rampant through her she needs an outlet. Looking deep into his eyes where she sees a very hurt and scared boy hiding behind the mask of a well adjusted man, she tells him the same. “You matter to me, too. More than I could ever bake into a pie.”
The sentiment made him give a soft laugh, a hearty one. She removes her hand from his cheek, instead finding refuge in his arms hiding herself in his chest in a loving hug. They hold each other for a while, long enough for Christine to think of something else she’d like to tell her baby.
“Dear baby,
I hope that someday somebody wants to hold you for 20 minutes straight. They don’t look at you, they don’t try to kiss you, and they don’t pull away. All they do is wrap you up in their arms without an ounce of selfishness to it. I hope that you become addicted to it, baby. Addicted to saying and doing things that matter to someone.”
That night is colder for sleep, both for the scarred boy with years of harmful words thrown at him, and for the little girl who has her own scars from years of abuse, only hers were marked on her heart.
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soonhoonsol · 3 years
so my brother went out with his friends without permission so my mum came home wondering why the house was empty and for some reason instead of being angry at my brother, she decided to go through my bank account and interrogate me for every transaction I've made over the past month
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