punk-pandame · 1 year
idk i just think we should be ashamed of ourselves like as a society that there are so many people literally fucking dying for want of competent healthcare and disability benefits. like idk i just think it's humiliating that we're a so-called global superpower but the average person can't make ends meet working full-time and has next to nothing in savings and it takes years to get on disability if you're unfortunate enough to get sick or injured and it's expected otherwise that you're gonna work until you're in your 60's or older and when you're too old to care for yourself we have limited resources to affordably stay alive let alone active. idk man i just think it's fucking embarrassing that we spend so much of our lives working to survive and have no goddamn quality of life.
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kurim-chis · 1 year
"Never a Choice" — Kafka
AKA Elio offered Kafka a choice to spare the Trailblazer of their fate, and she turned it down.
This is also how I slingshot myself into the abyss of "overthinking on some random thing"
Something that just occured me is, WHY did Silver Wolf say that Kafka could choose between "two receptacles"?
There are several fanon interpretations as a result of having this at the start of the game: 1) Ppl joke that it makes Kafka our Mom. 2) It means that Trailblazer never had a gender to begin with because Kafka could've always chosen to have them be female or male. 3) Test tube baby Trailblazer! 4) Everything is fake THE SKY IS FAKE EVERYONE /bonk and it's just a game mechanic.
However, as it turns out, this was more likely just point 4. It isn't meant to have any relevance to the story, and is just there to make it convenient for new players to choose their preferred Main Character at the start point. I say this because Blade remembers Trailblazer from BEFORE the Prologue and seeing them tagging along Kafka for a long, long while. Whatever receptacle player chooses, they have always been that receptacle. Caelus and Stelle are VASTLY different from each other despite similarities, so he wouldn't be confusing Caelus for Stelle and vice versa.
However, because my brain wanted to think too much about it, what if we were to take this into a SERIOUS context:
Kafka's choice didn't matter. It was a predetermined fate in the "story" of Honkai Star Rail. Why?
Well, Blade remembers seeing the Trailblazer before. The Trailblazer had already existed prior to the prologue as "Stelle" if you chose Stelle or as "Caelus" if you chose Caelus, it's unlikely he would've said he recognized them if they were Stelle in the past but then Caelus in the future because, as I said, Caelus and Stelle look, well, different.
So why did Elio tell Kafka and SIlver Wolf that Kafka could choose? And it was only Kafka. Silver Wolf knew the Trailblazer but not as anything more than perhaps the Receptacle or an existence that Kafka knew, since she is indifferent to the choice of Receptacle X or Y, but then says that the Trailblazer will remember Kafka at least.
Kafka: Elio said this decision will bring about lots of changes. Silver Wolf: He also said it must be you who makes it.
After Kafka's companion quest and how the Trailblazer has ALWAYS been the Trailblazer you choose, so "making a choice" doesn't make sense or matter. (Unless well, gender change shenagians... But that is an another whole can of worms.)
BUT this made me think. To us, it's just a convenient game set up for us to choose a preferred MC. In the story however, perhaps the choice Elio was giving Kafka was to choose the "protagonist" of the story. Say for example that I chose Stelle, so Stelle is the person that used to travel with Kafka and was glimpsed occassionally by Blade in the past. Something happened to Stelle, maybe she died or her role was always to become a Stellaron vessel, and that's the deal she made with Elio; so, she willingly resets most - if not all - of her memories and becomes the Stellaron vessel in exchange for something. So the time came, she vanished, the Stellaron Hunters set up everything to steal Herta's Stellaron and house it inside Stelle, and so on.
Which brings us to The Choice. In this brainstorming (and totally WRONG IT'S ONLY FOR FUN!!!) interpretation of the scene where Kafka is choosing the receptacle, it could be that at the start of the game is Elio basically telling Kafka:
"You have a choice. Choose if you want the person you have travelled with to be the main character of this script. She will be the hero of this tale, the centerpiece to this plot, the protagonist of this story; but she will suffer. I will continue to use her as per my deal with her, just like I use all of you."
"However, you can also choose to give her fate to another. To an all-new vessel. Stelle will continue to be dead, but she will no longer be the pawn in this game, and she will not need to go through what the script entails. Instead of Stelle, another Receptacle will take her place."
"The choice you make will decide the future, and it will be the right one."
And Kafka will choose Stelle anyway (the same applies if the player chooses Caelus and Caelus is the predetermined MC).
Because she is Kafka and she does not understand many emotions, but most importantly she does not know fear, and thus cannot fear for Stelle's unknown destiny. She subconsciously loves Stelle, but she does not fear for Stelle's future. She regards Stelle very preciously, but she also trusts in Stelle. She knows that destiny will not be kind, but she will choose for Stelle to undergo destiny's trials anyways.
Kafka: Listen. In the future, you will encounter all kinds of perils and hardships, but you will also have many wonderful experiences. You will meet companions who treat you like family, and embark on surreal adventures with them. Kafka: At the end of your jouney, all that perplexes you and troubles you will resolve. This is your future that Elio has forseen. Do you like it?
Elio says that if Kafka chooses Stelle, then Stelle - despite her hardships and suffering - will get the ending that she deserves.
Happiness. Family. All her troubles and woes, resolved.
Stelle's ending will be a happy ending.
And well, it's known that of the Stellaron Hunters, Kafka is probably the one who most zealously believes in Elio's abilities to see the many branches of the future.
However, perhaps it could be argued that the ending does not validate the process. Too much suffering would make ending too bitter to swallow. So much lost in the name of the greater good tends to make for a bitter victory. Moreover, this is only IF everything goes well, there's always the possibility that they will not be able to script the future in the best direction and everything will have been for naught. Like how in Kafka's Companion Quest if we refuse to help her, the future will go in the direction of Sam and Silver Wolf needing to bail both of them from Xianzhou, Blade being gravely injured, and relations with Xianzhou broken beyond repair probably as a result of Sam and Silver Wolf's less than peaceful methods.
The future is uncertain, but destiny will never be kind, and they both know it. That's why Elio still gave Kafka the choice to spare Stelle, and somehow, her choice will always be the right one.
Kafka chooses Stelle anyways.
Kafka believes in Stelle their destiny, and that's why she made that decision to not spare her on that day in Herta's Space Station.
(Because Stelle is her destiny. Hers.)
(Subconsciously most likely, even if Elio were to present her with the choice, Kafka will not accept anyone or anything else as her destiny.)
And perhaps, this is something that Elio had forseen anyways.
Anyhow, I chose to write Trailblazer as Stelle just to make it easier to explain my thoughts AND because I love Stelle and am unabashedly biased towards her. But like I said, this is a brainstorming that is in relation to the Trailblazer, and also applies to Caelus if player chose Caelus at the beginning.
AKA me making shit up. Thanks for reading all that brain vomit.
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i'm partway through piranesi and i did not expect piranesi to be such a fucking fantastically written autistic character holy shit
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thekittyburger · 5 months
back at sixth form tmrw guys wish me luck 😀👍 (bricking it)
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abasketofnothing · 2 years
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redskysailor · 1 year
I will not pop this thing I will not I am so strong I will not do it I must resist
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I hate this so much. I am investing way more energy, time and feelings in this than I am alright with. Genuinely considering if I should just cut off contact and if that'll be better in the long run. I can't keep having fucking mood swings over this forever
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crowleysgirl56 · 2 months
Timeline of the last 12 months of the Good Omens fandom.
July 2023 - Good Omens season 2 drops. Fans watch on the presumption this season is based on the sequel idea Terry and NG spoke of in the 90’s and 2006. Reactions are mixed but mostly positive. We’re happy with fluff. Initial thoughts: “I don’t see how this story could have been fleshed out into an entire novel, but I guess it was only ever just initial ideas, so I suppose that works.”
July 2023 - THE KISS.
Fandom reaction: NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
August 2023 - NG responds to fandom
NG: “Season 2 isn’t actually based on the idea Terry and I spoke about.”
Fandom: “What?”
NG: “Season 2 is just a bridging story to get us to season 3. That will be the story that Terry and I discussed.”
Fandom: “What!?”
NG: “Season 3 hasn’t been greenlit by Prime yet so we might not get it.”
Fandom: “WHAT?!”
NG: “Also I wrote the kiss that way by giving the fandom what you want without actually giving you what you want. So like, stop asking me for things or I won’t write them.”
August to November 2023 - The fandom, now lost and depressed, mope through the halls of Tumblr and Reddit, desperately clinging to any piece of information dropped by NG, sharing fan art, creating headcanons and theories, and writing the angstiest of angst fanfiction ever written. Some weep in a corner mumbling about the South Downs. Most just trudge through their daily lives, listless and despondent.
December 2023 - Prime greenlights Good Omens Season 3.
Fandom: YES! OMG HOORAY! WAHOO! Dancing in the streets. Fanfiction turns to fluff and smut. NG is active and happy, answering many questions without actually answering them. Gives us the hilarious gift of Dottie and Sadie.
January 2024 - speculation of when season 3 filming will begin commences. Realisation that it could be quite a while starts to sink in. Actors and writers strike has caused delay to the scripts being written. David and Michael have taken on theatre work which will delay their filming schedules. Douglas McKinnon announces he’s stepping away as director. Fandom has slight freak out, but NG reassures everyone it’s nothing to worry about, and linked to the recent strikes.
Early to mid 2024 - “The invisible and unbreakable line that joins Crowley and Aziraphale”.
Fandom: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! We inevitably become even more feral. Much fanart is made.
March 2024 - David hosts the BAFTAs and Michael helps him during the opening. David is then nominated for TV BAFTA for Good Omens.
Fandom: OMG YYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!! Much dancing and celebration is had once again. We are so in love.
May 2024 - filming schedule for GO season 3 is announced. It will commence January 2025. The fandom reacts.
Fandom: “That’s still so long away!” “Michael and David will have their hair dyed white and red for the awards season!” “Going by the previous production schedule this means season 3 won’t reach our screen until 2026! No!” “Cannot wait for this to start filming we are going to be so feral!” More fanfiction, more fanart.
June 2024 - David hosts Pub in the Park. Michael joins him.
Early July 2024 - horrible allegations are laid against NG and the fandom comes to a terrible crashing halt. Much debate and discussion is had back and forth: “Believe the victims”. “Separate the art from the artist”. “Drop the fandom entirely”. “Step back for a moment”. There is a lot of arguing, but there is also still a lot of love. NG has fled all social media.
Late July 2024 - until it’s January, and the show actually starts filming, Good Omens season 3 has now become Schrödinger’s Series. It both now exists and doesn’t exist. Prime at any moment may pull the production due to the backlash against NG. The fandom now re-examines McKinnon’s departure speculating if he left for other reasons. We once again despondently trudge the halls of tumblr and Reddit feeling the same feeling of this time last year.
And that pretty much brings us up to date. Anything could happen in the next six months, which is why I feel we’re all worried. It’s why I’m worried. So instead, keep sharing the art, keep writing the fanfiction, keep speculating with theories and headcanons. Let’s be here for each other. Because we created this fandom for each other. It doesn’t belong to NG anymore. Let’s do this for Terry. Personally, I can’t wait to come back to this timeline and add January 2025 - filming begins.
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Baby Mama P3
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Media The queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X reader
Rating sweet and Adorable
Concept Baby Mama series
Warning Features heavy swearing & graphic descriptions of childbirth
"Okay, Mrs. Watts we are going to get you set up in room 16, Mr watts you're welcome to the labour waiting area just down the hall" the nurse explained as they sat me on a wheelchair but the moment they did liquid began rushing down my legs "Okay your water may have broke, we need to get you down there now"
"Yeah, okay, I love you." He nods, giving my bump a kiss "I love you." He says kissing my head "I'll see you soon I promise."
"Okay, bye Benny"
"Bye y/n" he smiled before they took me off to the small room setting me up in the bed giving me a gown, and setting my bag by the bed for me They all talked around me but honestly I was kinda in another word just trying to process the pain until my doctor arrived and peeked under my gown
"Ahhh I see"
"You are further along than I thought almost fully dilated and water has definitely broken?"
"Almost per minute doctor," the nurse says
"Further along?" I asked
"Yes, from the information from the call I assume early active labour' but no no were much further than that"
"We are!"
"Yes I'm surprised you were able to be so calm From the look of it you've been in active labour for at least twelve hours"
"Ahhh I have?"
"But that does mean baby will be along shortly. But not a lot of time for"
"No no, I know what you're gonna say, no. It's not going to happen. I need my drugs"
"I'm afraid that's just not possible Mrs watts not this late. It could do major damage and cause a lot of issues I'm afraid we cannot give you anything. Maybe if you'd come in a few hours ago you could have" he says
"I didn't know I was in labour hours ago! Please please I'm begging you I need drugs there is no way I can do this without drugs. There is going to be a whole Human making its way out of me, I was promised drugs"
"Sorry, Mrs. Watts." He says before he got on with business with the nurses I just laid back on the bed trying to comprehend this I'm already in agony and I have to do this without medication... I .. I'm going to die. I am literally just gonna die.
"Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed as this pain rocketed through me and the room sprung into action a nurse beside me giving me a pace to breathe at, the doctor between my legs and nurses beside him by now the waves had subsided and it was now just this constant pain growing and growing each push of my almost numb muscles made the pain grow more and more I could hear them talking telling me things but I was so overwhelmed by pain all I heard was breath and push and that's all I did just keep breathing and pushing keep breathing and pushing I'd never felt pain so intense in my life that my mind basically shut itself down tears streaming down my face my body numb but in agony "aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!'
"Good good you're doing fine, another big push for me"
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed
"Very good"
"Where Benny?" I asked the nurse beside me as she let me have a drink
"I'm sorry?' She asks
"Benny, where's Benny? My husband, where is he?"
"In the waiting room," she says
"Let me see him"
"We don't allow fathers in the delivery room" the doctor warns "Big push for me"
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! Let me see him! Let me see my husband! You denied me my goddamn medication! I want him here. The least you can do is let my husband be here to hold my hand. I need him here you are not taking this from me"
"Madam we-"
"Being me my fucking husband!" I screamed
"Get him in here" the doctor sighed "Okay another big push it won't be long now"
"Hey, hey you doing okay?" Benny smiled as he arrived taking my hand and kissing my head
"Do I look okay!"
"Sorry, what's going on?"
"They won't give me drugs!"
"She's been in active labour too long, Given how long it has been since her water broke it would be far too dangerous to give her anything but she's fully dilated and I can already feel the baby's head" The doctor explained
"I see why you wanted me" Benny nods "You must be... in agony"
"You think!"
"Well I'm happy to be here to hold your hand sweetheart" He smiled holding my hand sweetly and giving it a kiss but I grabbed his shirt
"You really think I brought you here to be all cute and loving? You think I brought you here to hold my hand and kiss my head like some shit rom-com movie Benny! NO! If I have to sit here and push a goddamn human out of me without even a fucking ibuprofen as it rips its way out of me, You are gonna fucking be here! and you are going to fucking watch the absolute shit show that is the birth of a child! You dare look away I swear to god I will make you feel this pain Benny I swear it!"
"And push" the doctor demanded so I did what I could even if my body basically began to work on its own at a point where my body knew it had to get this out whether I liked it or not pure animalistic evolutionary madness fueled my body as it worked to get this thing out! And I screamed the blood-curdling sound bouncing off the hospital walls "You did this to me! You fucking bastard Benny! Ahhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed
"Oh my god! You broke my hand!" He screamed
"Uhh doctor?" The nurse spoke up
"Ohh - uhhh Nurse check his hand." The doctor demanded "Okay we're almost there One more big, big push for me and we should be at the ring"
"Ring of fire Mrs. Watts." a nurse spoke up
"Ohh fuck no. no. I'm not ready I can't do this" I panicked
"Of course you can, not much more now," The doctor says
"He's fine she just popped his finger out of place," The nurse said as she returned from checking Benny's hand having reset his finger for him and he sheepishly returned to my arm
"You can do it y/n I know you can," he says
"Do you understand what the ring of fire is?"
"That's when the skin stretches as the baby's head makes its way out"
"Oh god-"
"Okay big push," The doctor says and I grab Benny's hand and scream "Perfect perfect keep that going," he says and I basically left my body from the stinging burning pain my vision blurring all I saw was the nurses working the doctor barking orders and benny holding my hand even if I did see his face go white I swear I blacked out and merely woke up to the nurses rubbing my legs and smiling
"You did great, that's amazing, baby's here," The nurse told me
"Baby's here?" I asked
"Baby's here, nurse is just checking them over"
"Oh... I see..." The doctor says
"What?" I asked
"Nurse, I need some fresh tools and a new blanket" The doctor demanded
"What! Why!" I yelled
"Don't stress-" he began
"WHY!" I screamed
"Well we are having a second," he says
"A- a second?" Benny asked
"It's twins, so you need to push"
"Noo... I thought it was over!" I cried "I don't wanna do this again!"
"We don't have time to go over this just push," the doctor says
I was so so tried but I didn't have a choice my body had to get this out of me the pain was now even worse than before as I was so tired, so exhausted but I just had to keep going until I reached the second ring of fire which again made me basically blackout, only really coming back when they gave me oxygen for a few good breaths until I pushed it away myself
"Is it over?"
"It's all over, it's all okay," He says giving my forehead a kiss "There with the nurse it's all okay," he says
"It's over, it's over" I muttered
"Okay, placenta time," The doctor says
"No. No. I'm done. I'm done." I told him
"Not just yet, just the placenta and then it's over," He says as nurses work on my stomach at that point I didn't care, my body was just done with this shit. And finally, he said the words I had been longing to her since this the moment I got pregnant "There we go, we're all done, it's done. We'll get you sorted" He explained leaving the room with the nurses and leaving us alone
"Are you okay?" Benny asked and I merely glared "That's fair." he nodded "I'm sorry"
"For what?"
"Throwing up"
"You threw up?"
"Yeah, when I saw the first one coming out it kinda got stuck with its shoulder and I threw up. Sorry"
"It's fine. I was out of it I didn't even know, I'm sorry for popping your finger out of place"
"It's no trouble, the fact you did all that without pain meds is impressive and terrifying," he says "But you did amazing," he says giving me a kiss "You want help getting cosy? Maybe get changed into your nightie?"
"I'd like that"
He helped me change and I even got to put my slippers on with the blankets over me I had water, and air if I needed it I even got to use some water to scrub the top half of my body at least and put my hair up so I could be comfy
"Any news?"
"Not yet, still with the nurses"
"They've been gone a while"
"Yeah well no news is good news," he says perching himself on my bed so I can cuddle him
"I guess. Did you see?"
"No all kinda happen so fast
"Did it?"
"Yeah, like seriously the head comes out then the shoulders pop through and then it just kinda plops out and they scoop it up, cut the cord and wrap it in a blanket"
"Oh? Guess I kinda went into some strange primal state and didn't really pay attention"
"Oh yeah, you were primal. You were terrifying"
"Two babies just forced their way out of me"
"I'm not saying it's not justified I'm saying it's terrifying"
The door then opened to a nurse with two happily swaddled babies in her arms
"Good news, both are happy and healthy, We had a bit of a scare but it's all fine they are both perfect" she explained
"A scare?" I asked
"The second one here wasn't breathing at first likely due to being second out waiting behind the sibling They were exposed to things longer but after some oxygen and a little slap on the back they were both fine" she explained as she came over and gently helped me to hold one of the children immediately as I was the red mushy little face I fell utterly in love if anyone tries to take this child from me or harm it in any way I will literally bite them I noticed "this is a little boy" she smiled
"Awww hi, little guy" I smiled tearing up as I looked at every bit of him in his little Blanket and tiny little hat barely even aware of the world he was just born into I noticed immediately he had Benny's dark brown eyes and mildly convinced he had his nose too.
"And then this is little girl," she says helping Benny to hold our little girl "You need anything just press the call Paperwork is on the table," she says before heading out I couldn't help looking at them both as they were so snug and cosy and I noticed
"Are you crying?"
"Shut up. I'm allowed to cry. I'm holding our daughter holding our little girl for the first time" he muttered clearly trying not to cry
"Awww it's okay to cry Benny It's adorable" I smiled giving his cheek a kiss "I think he looks like you"
"Humm I think she looks like you"
"Great I'm a generic printer"
"You know what I mean, they're both so beautiful."
"They are, you not naming him jr"
"No that's stupid he should have something that matches his sister'
"Who was first?" I asked
"Uhh" he says he sighed and slowly handed her over to me giving her head a kiss and then giving his head a kiss too before he checked the paperwork "Little girl first little boy second he had the troubles"
"We'll keep an eye on him just in case" I smiled "Here I'll trade you" I laughed handing him little boy so I could really look and snuggle our little girl
"Hi little guy, now was it you or your big sister who caused your mummy all that trouble?"
"I have an inkling they were fighting"
"Probably kicking each other all day every day"
"That does sound right, already at odds with each other" I laughed
"Any ideas?"
"I have one"
"Ohh? Do I get to know or do I not get a say?"
"I mean I carried them for nine months and gave birth to them"
"I helped"
"You did help Benny" I smiled giving him a kiss "I love you very much"
"I love you too, I love all three of you"
"Yeah, our nice little family of four, ohh no"
"We have one crib"
"And one car seat"
"And you said I was stupid for keeping the recipient. I'll go tomorrow and trade them in her a double seat and stuff. But come on I wanna hear your idea for a name"
"I have two ideas, the first" I smiled stroking their little faces "Marcy and Mark"
"Marcy and Mark?"
"Marceline and Marcus for long"
"Mark and Marcy watts? It is nice I feel like I can yell that up a flight of stairs"
"I don't know, I'm not sure he's a Mark or Marcus."
"Yeah plus kinda don't want them to sound too twiny. It's cute when there little but teenagers and adults are gonna get mad about it like imagine getting shouted at in class"
"Yeah you have a point"
"What's the other idea?"
"Simon, and CeCe"
"...okay, that I like."
"Yeah he looks like a Simon"
"Simon Watts. That does sound like a good name. I can see it on a book spine or a tournament sign"
"Yeah me too,"
"CeCe Watts," he says "I think it suits her"
"Or Cecilia?" I suggested
"No, I think plain CeCe suits better"
"I think so too, are you happy?"
'More than happy, you like it?"
'I do, little Simon and CeCe Watts"
"It's perfect, they're perfect, I'm so happy" he Cooes "You don't seem as excited?"
"I am Benny, just you know pain."
"You give them two a snuggle I'll go find a nurse and get her to give you some drugs"
"Thank you Benny" I smiled
"I love you so much my little baby mama" he Cooes giving my lips a kiss "I love you little boy, and I love you little girl. Don't cause your mummy too much trouble while in gone," he says kissing both their heads before leaving to find the nurse. 
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Got the Danny phantom graphic novel a day early and without giving any spoilers I just want to say AAAHHHHHHHHH
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creative-hanyou-girl · 8 months
PJO SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Watching the new Percy Jackson episode (ep.5) and I just had to pause for a second to squeal and have a mini freak out over Annabeth dropping the "Seaweed Brain" nickname outta nowhere!!!! It seriously took a hot second to register that Annabeth JUST DROPPED HER NICKNAME FOR PERCY!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I. AM. SO. DONE.
Now all we need is for Percy to call Annabeth "Wise Girl" and my life will be complete💙
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small-world-au · 2 months
Geto Suguru :3
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I know the link doesnt work, just copy n paste :3
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obsessivevoidkitten · 4 months
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! (Not the anon who asked about Animal Farm, I just wanted to scream with you)
I had to scream because I already laid out what stuff I'm working on and in what order.
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amorousnightmares · 17 days
been thinking abt steve + eating pussy... what are ur thoughts? 🤭
hed def eat pussy like a GOD tbh and he would get carried away soo quickly he wouldnt stop overstimulating you until you have to physically pull him off of you. but beware,,, hed get really turned on from you pulling his hair so it might just egg him on even more 🫣🫣 alsO i see steve as a huuuge loverboy like hes just sooo infatuated and in love w his girl he could spend hoursss in between your legs 😖😖 caressing your hips n thighs, littering them w small kisses n hickeys while working on your pussy like theres nothing else that matters in this world. hes soooo into eye contact as well, constantly reminding you to watch how hes making you feel soso good w light slaps to your hips n ‘’eyes on me, baby’’. i feel like hed be v vocal during it in general, talking you through it,,, making sure youre enjoying what hes doing. that doesnt mean that manz isnt nasty tho bc he sooo is!! hed especially like eating you out after cumming inside you. he says its to help clean you up but in reality he just likes how intimate and dirty it feels, telling you to ‘’taste us, my little princess’’ when hes kissing you afterwards, making sure to let your mixed fluids flow into your mouth.
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Ohh summoning, Johnny that's so smart!! Oh nvm, Miles very much disagrees. 😂 I see his point though.
The way Britta said, "got it Miles" I think Miles still has majesty on.
I know Neil often feels like the add on in this coterie. But he is so useful for them! They almost always look to him to find something or someone and he has so much knowledge.
Wynn, hoe badly do you want to find him??? Interesting! What why how though??
A surge of cainite power??? What does it mean???
Protean, and what??? Now she is three ravens?
Uhoh something awakens? And it knows where she is???
Make a roll or be DIABLERISED!?!?!? What the fuck?????? 😭😭😭😭 If you fail this roll you're gone forever?!!!! LEX WHAT THE FUCK????
Difficulty 10 and 2 succes?? She rolled 2 successes with the willpower thabk fucking god!!!! What if fucking Wynn had died there, that would have been devastating. Dying with her last act being (what she sees as) betraying Kabir and becoming what she was afraid of, someone who isn't themselves anymore but just a thing that lives and does what other people want.
Omg Miles knows animal speak!!! Thank god!!!!
Johnny being our rock. We need you, Johnny!!
I'm sorry, but Britta's "don't yell at Miles!" made me giggle.
Neil is so upset. 😭 His noise when Miles said diablerised.
What the fuck, who is this guy? he sounds creepy. Fucking tzimisce or how ever the fuck you spell it.
This is so fucked. Like I know we all knew that going in, but being here it's different when it's all real. 😭
Weathers in torpor!!!! 😭 His flesh was baked??? That is so gross.
Noooooooooo not Britta 😭😭😭 5 levels of lethal damage. Soaked to 4. Oh god. Yikes.
LEX!!! Don't just say "let's roll inish" so casual.
I know now is not the time for smugness, but come on Rob! You can show a little bit more than the 'cool' when we learn that coldun is now holding a knife to his own throat!
I was gonna say, Johnny is not gonna let this go.
Lmaoooooo "I ask only thst you spare my pack mates, wait they're dead." 😂😂😂 I'm glad we still get to laugh in the middle of this fuckery.
Oh no. Nonono remember when I said fun just 2 seconds ago. Now we got the orange sponginess and daddy. FUCKING DADDY??? WHAT THE HELL? NOT JESSICA. this is a manipulation. Right.
I'm sorry, 16 successes? The amount of dice they roll is insane.
Oh my God oh my God. We finally get Nara and it's after all this??? Assamite means Nara, right? Right?!????
Fester is alive! But also a uhaul full of people bound and gagged, damn.
Lmaoooo yes Wynn grab Vicky by the face. 😂 Wynn, my love, I know you're in Anguish right now, but you're so goddamn funny. I love you.
YES NEIL LOOK FOR FUCKING NARA!!! Say you're looking for Nara!!!!! Goddamn. NO NARA??? FUCK.
The woman who could heal Miles... The woman?? Is it Nara???
What??? Looking for business??? Hella suss.
Wynn's lingering looks at Miles, needing to do something but unable to. 😭 And then Lex comes and makes it a little worse.
Oh boy Neil feeling it's a huge mistake to send Wynn.
Oh god is that Fester? Oh no! His sire????!!!!
Wait Neil is just talking ON HIS OWN?????
A AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH so fucked up. But I love it so much. 👀 Also now we can do a The sire was inside Neil all along meme.
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whatsnewalycat · 1 year
What’s new, alycat?
I have been in my hidey hole for a while. Escapism took the form of writing this time, and NOW I HAVE EMERGED with so many things I can’t wait to share. I have to practice patience and stagger them out so y’all don’t get sick of me, which is painful (for me bc I love attention), BUT AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH just super stoked.
So here’s my plan for the next couple Fridays:
6/9 (nice): Chapter 2 of Passenger
6/16: a Psychomanteum snack inspired by an ask that the lovely @frannyzooey sent me a million years ago
6/23: Chapter 3 of Passenger
6/30: Part 2 of apparently-not-a-one-shot one shot Bunny
These are all the things that just need a little editing TLC but are pretty much ready to rock. I’ve started Ch 4 of Passenger, Ch 8 of Designated Person, and Ch 13 of Psychomanteum, so those will be coming next month. Probably starting w Psychomanteum because that’s my baby and sometimes I play favorites. But we will see how the adhd gods let it all play out 🥰
Also I’m creeping up on my goal of 1k followers, which is fucking insane. If/when that happens, I want to gather ‘round an imaginary campfire with y’all to share your spooky stories. Ghosties, ghouls, aliens, humans, inexplicable shit, whatever, I wanna hear it. I think that would be neat. Of course, I am always open to hearing these things at any point in time (drop me an ask or whatever), because above all else, I am a spooky bitch.
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