#and i have a midterm next monday
gotta-bail-my-quails · 11 months
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(magical girl toland inspired by the accursed (affectionate) comment from @supernovaae on how Toland got his hat in jail)
also why did they remove his disconnected limb swag to put handcuffs on him
Open the images for better quality <3
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reborn--maggot · 5 months
Do YOU like Mission: Impossible? Do you wish Benji was put into even more situations than he already gets put in? Are you a fan of anguish, emotional turmoil, and Ethan Hunt being reportedly "a very in love guy"? Look no further!!!! Check it out!
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horiizonsstuff · 2 years
the knorr cubes 😠 knorr western,,, cuz my week was actually shit so ended up making them as free therapy @beumdi @bruhstation (they're forcing me to memorize medical terms 😠‼️)
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Bonus thing I sent in my class gc to cope:
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I stg the entire ep of James to the Rescue was James trying to flex on his boyfriend while Toby was like "BITCH U CANT DO IT 😠‼️ ASK ROCKY FOR HELP ALREADY 😠‼️‼️‼️‼️"
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I’m afraid this blog may soon devolve into me just ranting into the void about the frustrations of grad school
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kakusu-shipping · 11 months
Mountain's Peak (Part 1) - Nepal Sanctum (Part 2) - Talk it out (Part 3) - The Fight (Part 4)
Here's hoping this is the last bit of Delinquent Zenyatta we'll be seeing for a while!! Thank you for reading!!
In which the heart is moved
Zenyatta had never understood the term "his heart sank". The human heart is a very vital organ that rhythmically pumps oxygen rich blood throughout the human body. It does not "sink", any movement from it's cadge in the chest would be catastrophic for the human in question.
He'd never understood.
A minor concussion, major whiplash, two broken ribs, three more cracked, a dislocated shoulder, a minor wrist fracture, a twisted ankle, and mild frost bite.
That was Emile's diagnosis.
Zenyatta stared passed Mondatta into the human's room, warmth rushing out from the lit fireplace. Emile lay unconscious on a makeshift bed he'd been using now for 3 months, just a pile of hay for a mattress and spare robes for blankets on the stone flooring of Mondatta's home.
"Zenyatta." Master Mondatta's voice brought Zen back from his thoughts. He stared up at his brother who stood before him and the resting human.
"He will be alright." Mondatta assured, "Sister Reya has tended to him the best she can, now he must rest."
Zenyatta gave another glance to the human, Emile, small as he was, bruised black and blue. He looked like a corpse. The grip Zenyatta had on Emile's broken glasses tightened.
"Emile tells me the two of you were sparring," Zenyatta flinched, and prepared for the worse. Exile, he assumed, forced out the monastery and onto the human filled streets of the outside world. He would need to sneak away in the dead of night, or Ramattra would surely follow him. "when he slipped and fell down the stairs."
That.. confused Zenyatta. That was not what had happened at all, had it? They had sparred, Zenyatta had laid his hand upon Emile until he could stand no longer.. correct...? Why would the human... lie..?
"Is this true, Brother Zenyatta?" Mondatta asked genuinely. He believed the human's words, or at least was willing to believe them if this was the truth he was willing to bare with.
Zenyatta hesitated, the glasses in his hand made a faint crunch as what little remained of the lenses fell out.
"...no.. Master Mondatta... That is.. Not what happened.."
"I see," Mondatta cupped Zenyatta's shaking hands in his own, leaning down ever so slightly to be on level with his shorter brother, "Perhaps you can tell me the truth of the events over tea?"
It was warm.. so warm... A soft chime played in the left corner, soft and mournful, a lullaby for someone no longer here..
Emile's eyes cracked open to see the now familiar blurry ceiling of his bedroom in Master Mondatta's home, the soft crackle of the fire by his feet much louder than is usually once when he'd first wake up.
Emile turned to reach for his glasses, which he'd always rested on his left side. His entire body ached at the motion, which turned out to be fruitless as his hand came to find nothing.
"Looking for these?" A voice asked, a metallic hand out stretched and slid Emile's glasses onto his face, "You have impeccable timing as always, human, I just finished repairing them."
"Zenyatta...?" Emile's eyes widened behind his cracked glasses, the Omnic in question sat in a meditative position in the opposite corner of the small room. He couldn't believe his eyes at first, assuming it some sort of dream that the monk who'd hated him most of all would pay him a visit during recovery.
Zenyatta wordlessly assisted Emile as he raised himself off the ground, leaning him against the back wall of the room, as the human racked over possible reasons Zenyatta would have to visit him.
Emile's eyes filled with tears as he came to his conclusion. He'd lost. He challenged Zenyatta and lost and had to fulfill what he'd promised to do. He had to leave.
Tears flowed down the human's face, which wasn't unusual for this particular human, but was still rather startling, "Wh-why are you crying? Are you in pain?"
Zenyatta started to get up to go get Master Mondatta when Emile responded, "I-I'm sorry- I-I said I'd leave when I lost bu-but- I-I can barely sit u-up right now-" He hiccuped and rubbed at his eyes with his one good arm, "I-I'll leave, li-like I said, as soon as I can sta-and I promise,"
Zenyatta suddenly understood the term "his heart sank"
Zenyatta grabbed the human's cheeks, they were so hot, wet with heavy tears, soft and round and so very human.
"You won."
"I- h-huh..?"
"I... Forfeited. Just before you passed out. I lost. You won." His thumb ran gently against the under side of the human's eye, brushing away another tear before it fell, "so.. no more tears.. you may stay.."
Emile breath hitched, his entire body was shaking, the news hadn't sunk in yet. He reached to put his hand on Zenyatta's, only to flinch in hesitation just as his skin brushed Zenyatta's arm. "I-I- I'm sorry-"
"It is alright." Zenyatta kept his hands firm, pushing the human's cheeks together slightly with his force, "You will not hurt me..."
Emile gripped onto Zenyatta and sobbed into his chest. More tears, wet and salty and thick drained from the human's eyes. He was so warm. Had humans always been this warm? Zenyatta wrapped his arms around Emile and held him securely to himself.
"Did you know," Emile spoke as he wove red thread together on his lap, "You make a little chime tune when you meditate?"
Zenyatta looked up from his own work, a basket, and tilted his head, "A tune? Surely I would hear it if I did."
"That's what I thought too!" Emile shifted to turn to face Zenyatta, letting his legs hang over the edge of his bed, "But I caught Master Mondatta doing it the other day and asked him about it, and he had no clue what I was talking about!"
"So.. What, we make music only humans can hear while we meditate? That seems unlikely. Perhaps there is something loose in your head Reya did not pick up on the first time."
Zenyatta stood from his seated position on the floor and cupped Emile's face, rattling his head gently to emphasis his point.
Emile laughed, placing his hands over Zenyatta's, his left wrist still tightly bandaged from their spar three weeks ago. He'd been recovering well, both of them had.
"I'm serious! When we all get together for Meditation in the evening it's like a symphony! I can't believe you don't notice."
"Perhaps because I am busy meditating," Zenyatta pinched and pulled at Emile's cheek, "unlike some little human I know~"
"Oooow!! I meditate!!" Emile pushed at Zenyatta's head in a weak attempt of prying the Omnic off him. Instead Zenyatta doubled down and pinched the other cheek, pulling them both.
"Ah yes now I know the 'Chime' you are talking about, you do it too. It's called snoring."
"Aaaaaaaugh Uncle!! Uncle I tap!! I give!!!" Emile flailed until Zenyatta finally released him with a chuckle.
His laugh made Emile's heart soar and a flush rise to his cheeks, which were already red from Zenyatta's previous assault.
"Brother Zenyatta." Mondatta's voice came with a light knock to Emile's door frame, "You are playing nice with Brother Emile, yes? He is still in recovery you know."
Zenyatta flinched and spun to face Mondatta, plopping himself on the bed next to Emile before wrapping his arm around him, "Yes yes! Gentle as ever, Master!" He waved his hands as a show of innocence.
Mondatta gave a glance over the scene, before picking up Zenyatta's discarded half finished wicker basket with a soft hum. "Good then, though I hope all this playing is not getting in the way of your chores." He extended the basket to Zenyatta, who too it sheepishly.
"My apologizes, Master Mondatta.." Zenyatta held back from pinching Emile's squishy cheeks once more upon hearing the human giggle at his scolding.
Mondatta found himself admiring the quickly closing gap between his siblings. How fast they'd gone from hatred glances to sitting hip to hip. He still wasn't sure how they'd come to this, but he was happy non the less.
With a hum Mondatta motioned for the two to come stand, "Well then, if you two are ready, Ramattra is already outside awaiting us to head to evening meditation."
Zenyatta stood quickly and started to pull Emile up with him, but the human waved him off, "Go on ahead of me, I'll catch up."
Despite the quick relations Emile had formed with Zenyatta, he could tell Ramattra was still holding a distance, one he attempted to cover with a high voice and faked laughs. As much as he enjoyed Zenyatta's company, he wanted to give the monk time with Ramattra as well.
"Are you certain?" Zenyatta asked, "It's no trouble."
"I know. I'm fine, go on."
Zenyatta hesitated for a moment longer, then nodded and quickly was out of the room.
Mondatta watched his brother go before offering his arm to Emile, which the human took and pulled himself from the bed on wobbly legs. His ankle was still wrapped and stung when he'd put his weight on to it, and his chest still ached when he breathed too deeply, making meditation rather exhausting, and his wrist still occasionally seized in pain. All part of the healing process.
Still, Mondatta noticed the way his student would flinch upon stepping, or when he'd grab something with his left hand without thinking. He hated to see his siblings in pain...
Emile smiled up at Mondatta, "Shall we get going? Wouldn't want to be late."
Mondatta looked over his student once more, cheeks flushed red, glasses broken, old bruises littering his exposed skin turning green and yellow, wrapped in patchy bandaging. He wondered to himself if it was right to allow him to stay..
And then he remembered the laughing he'd heard from down the hall, a mix of human and omnic, joyfully playing together with nary a care in the world
Mondatta pulled Emile's robe up snugger on his shoulder, adjusting his clothes for a moment to be sure they kept him warm. He belonged here, same as all of Mondatta's other siblings, because he too was in tune with the iris.
"...Perhaps you should put on a few more layers first"
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
And i really did decide yeah i'll take an exam on tuesday, another on wednesday, and another on friday and then another next tuesday, i'm sure i'll be fine ab that and not want to kill myself by thursday
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nervousmonolith · 2 years
i am so close to the midterm. copium
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galariangengar · 5 months
My friend in my chem lab and I finished today’s work early and we weren’t the last ones to leave for once
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nope-body · 1 year
#midterms week is so stressful and for what#also losing my phone Thursday evening and only getting it back this morning meant that my functionality over the weekend plummeted#other issue is that with my fatigue I cannot handle a 3 class day- especially one that doesn’t give me time to rest#by the time I get to my last class on Mondays and Wednesdays I am like half asleep and barely capable of coherent thought#and it is an entirely discussion based class that I have to write an essay for#i have a test for one of my other classes but honestly half of it is 6th grade chemistry and the other half is environmental issues I#learned last semester so I’m not too worried#but there’s no clear prompt for the essay!! and I’m behind on the readings and barely remember classes because I’m so fatigued by the time I#get to the classroom- this isn’t even something that becomes a problem halfway through that class#honestly it usually becomes a problem a bit before my second class ends just because of how that class functions#we do small group discussions every class and I can never hear what people are saying because it’s so loud and there’s like three people who#are just. so. loud. and I can’t hear someone else talking even if they’re literally right next to me#so that saps a ton of energy#I might ask my professor if going forward I can choose to opt in or out of that part due to how much fatigue it causes and how much I#struggle just to understand what someone is saying#I also need to send an email to the ODA because they dropped the ball in a couple different ways in regards to my accommodations and I need#them to fix that. also like. I know the head of the department. we have had multiple conversations since I am the chair of the student#disability group and she is the head of the disability department#I also know multiple people working in the ODA (students) and another person who I specifically can go to if an accommodation is denied#because she will get them to revisit my case (and likely approve the accommodation)#what I’m saying is that I have Connections. but they’re worthless if I don’t know if I’ve been approved or denied an accommodation!#I’ll send them an email. cc the person I met with both this year and last year (who somehow managed to remember me?) and see what happens#one of the issues is that they approved me for an accommodation to use this application and said they’d send me a link to access my account#and they just. never did! like they approved an accommodation and then failed to provide me with said accommodation#and the last thing that the ODA wants is the person in charge of the disability group on campus to decide that they’re not doing a good#enough job because I can cause a huge commotion#I have semi-regularly emailed with one of the assistant deans. I am actively communicating with one of the organizers in our#campus’s student labor advocacy coalition (which I was a part of last year) and they are super experienced in making a big impact about#an issue. I also learned from them last year and we support each other this year so again. Connections#they really don’t want me on their bad side. should I have to threaten my way into getting my accommodations? no but I will as a last resort
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strmpt · 1 year
me n my child psych professor have beef. aint no reason to schedule this much work w a 4 day weekend coming up
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chooey · 1 year
wishing so much luck to future me
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sufjamstevens · 2 years
i have to call my doctor 😰 to get my adhd medications refilled 😭
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astridthevalkyrie · 6 months
the floor between you and xavier is thin. you are beautiful. and xavier is tortured.
cw: afab reader, masturbation, nonconsensual auditory voyeurism 😭, xavier being a pervert
i have a midterm in two hours and i spent the last two hours writing all of this. dammit. inspired by this brilliant post (original poster is @skynapple) thank you for giving me permission to write this lolz
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once a habit forms, it is incredibly difficult to break. he knows that. he has known that. xavier has had years and years and years to make habits and to subsequently break them.
those twenty-something years he was a nail biter. the tugging of his hair whenever he was tired for around thirty-two decades. six hundred years strong and he still can’t keep a straight face whenever he smells something his nose doesn’t agree with. 
some habits he’s fine with not breaking. 
but this one.
oh, he needs to break this one as soon as possible.
and yet, every friday evening he tells himself that this time will be the last time. when friday morning arrives, he wakes up refreshed and confident that it will not happen again. by the time the clock hits 3 pm, he can already feel his palms become clammy; if he was a cartoon he’d think an ironic bead of sweat would form on his temple. and by the time the sun is going down and the rain has soaked his hair completely, xavier is shoving his too practical key into the too practical lock of his apartment door, and the dread in his chest has already settled with the weight of what he knows he’s going to do.
he could leave. he could go.
he doesn’t.
xavier takes his time changing out of his uniform and showering. the water burns even when he sets it at a lower temperature. his entire space feels too hot. sweat is actually building on his forehead now. 
it’s been a long week, he thinks, as he rolls onto his bed, opting to wear nothing but boxers (and even that’s useless). he tries to remember all the missions he’s been on since monday, and more importantly all the missions you’ve been on. you’re a bit of a braggart, so he hears all about them, and he never minds, because he could listen to you brag about yourself for centuries on end and the whole time he’d only nod along and agree.
the more missions there’s been, though, the more exhausted you are at the end of the week. and the more exhausted you are, the more orgasms you try to pull from your fingers every friday night.
when tara’s over, your music is never loud. your laughs rarely carry over. and your volume has never been disruptive (not that he would consider hearing you to be disruptive at all). it’s as if you know that the walls are thin and you’re trying to be as polite as possible. 
then why is it that when you touch yourself, you’re so loud?
are you trying to make sure he can hear you?
or, and this is what already has him hardening at the thought, are you just so sensitive that you can’t help it?
your first whimper blesses his ears, and xavier shuts his eyes, lying flat with his head against his pillow. closing his eyes helps. it makes him feel less like a stalker who’s crossed through time and space for you, and more like he’s just someone you care for, because this way he can imagine you’re in front of him, on top of him, letting out those first few sweet sounds at his touch.
“mmh,” your voice carries over, and goosebumps litter his arms as he swallows, teasing the line of his boxers with the tips of his fingers. there isn’t a rush. usually, he has just enough restraint to make sure he comes with you.
the next thing he hears is a sharp gasp, and xavier groans lowly, trying to be quiet, or at least more quiet than you. already he’s building tonight’s fantasy up, spurred on by the sound of the rain beating against the window. the last time you and he had spent the night in the rain…
“just stay until tomorrow morning,” you’d urged him, lashes fluttering innocently, not knowing the key that he’d supposedly forgotten was heavy in his pocket. even though he was the one who’d lied, he’d still argued against it, because now that the invitation was out in the open you were too close for his rapidly beating heart, your eyes too inviting and your hands too soft.
xavier imagines he didn’t argue that night. he imagines he’d agreed instead, and had accepted the change of clothes from your closet. the acid in his chest that hisses knowing you even have another man’s clothes in your closet is quickly silenced when you don’t wait for him to leave the room, and instead lift your own shirt right above your head.
he’s never seen you like that. but his imagination is more than ready to supply him with what you’d look like, evidence gathered from how your uniform would cling to you while you fought, or even from how your robes would slip up a little when you were sparring him some hundred years ago—
his hand wraps around his cock without him even realizing it, and he lets out a small, choked moan.
your hands are softer than this. they’d feel better. in the corner of his mind he sees you, topless, pushing him back onto the bed and crawling above him, caressing his face with those soft hands before running them down his chest. your touch does so love to wander. and his body is yours to explore. he’s never belonged to someone else.
he whispers your name and almost as if in response, you let out a cute little squeal, and xavier curses under his breath as he pictures you making that sound while he fingers you. he’d start off with one, just because you seem sensitive. but then he’d add another. and another, and then he’d watch you ride them. 
slowly, he rubs his hand up and down his length, remembering the last time you’d held this hand to resonate with his evol. last week, for a particularly tough wanderer. your palm had been smooth against it, and now the next time you do it he’ll remember that he touched himself to the thought of you with that same hand.
“mmh, don’t tease me…”
oh, you’re speaking today. pleading with an invisible voice, or maybe you really do know that he’s just below you, hanging on to your every word. and he’s disinclined to acquiesce to your request—he’d do nothing but tease you. once he’d make you come once with his fingers, he’d toss your legs over his shoulders and drag his tongue along your folds, bring you to the brink before pulling away. he’d watch the way your lips pout and the way your eyes flare up whenever you’re emotional, and he wouldn’t give you time to complain before diving in again.
“sorry, sweetheart, you know i can’t help it.”
xavier’s eyes fly open with a gasp at the sudden other voice—there’s someone with you. there’s someone in your room, on your bed, with their hands on you. 
there’s a pause, and then he hears you again, letting out a small, “y-you’re so…haah, mean…”
one of his hands curl into the sheets below, clutching them so tightly in his fist that he wouldn’t be surprised if they came off.
someone is touching you. someone is making you—incredible, wonderful, beautiful you—whine like that, close enough to hear you, far closer than xavier has ever been.  
“i’m not mean,” the man who is invading your bedroom right now says, “you can’t look like that and expect me not to edge you. you’re the most beautiful when you’re begging, you know?”
“i could say the same about you,” is your not-so-hushed response, and during the next pause he can barely hear anything but he knows you must be kissing him. him, whoever he is. a date, your boyfriend, the devil—you’re kissing him, those soft, gorgeous lips of yours are against someone else’s when all xavier has done in his time with you is try to tear his eyes off those lips, wondering what they would like against him.
“c’mon,” your voice pleads again, “i need you. i’ve needed you all day.”
the man groans, and xavier hears the kiss this time, one fierce and stolen in the heat of the moment. 
“if you insist. you know i can’t resist you, sweetheart.”
there’s some shuffling and xavier thinks his heart is going to beat out of his chest. he feels…he feels everything, sick and jealous and almost angry, and he can feel himself trembling with every inch of him screaming to get up and confront whoever thinks they can touch your skin and draw those noises from your throat—
but when you let out a high-pitched, muffled cry, xavier’s hand goes back down, and he starts stroking himself with more urgency.
you’ve never been this loud before. and xavier used to enjoy that, thinking of it as a challenge, that if he ever got to have you, he’d make sure you were louder with him than you were with anyone else. he’s brought himself to orgasm at just the idea. but now it’s torture, hearing your voice go up several octaves for someone who isn’t him, for whoever’s hips are roughly colliding against your own, filling his ears with a muted plap, plap, plap…
“fu-u-ck, baby, how are you this tight?” the interloper groans, “gonna make me come, m’gonna come inside you…”
xavier’s skin crawls at the needy moan you let out in response.
the fantasy in his head is ruined. there is no more vision of a seductive version of you having your wicked way with him, but instead he is imagining exactly what is happening, a dirty picture of him in a corner watching someone else enjoy you to the fullest extent. wrecking your beautiful body the way you deserve.
your moans are building, higher and higher, and his back is arching off the bed as he fucks his fist, still trying to pretend like he’s yours and you’re his, that he’s the one burying himself inside your wet heat, that your nails are digging into his back, leaving lines on his skin, drawing blood if that’s what you wanted—
“raf!” you wail, and your voice breaks, and xavier’s eyes roll back, and he spills into his hand.
there’s still a ringing in his ears as he pants, breathing heavily while the sound of skin slapping becomes more desperate, as the intruder—raf— speeds up to try and reach his own end too.
his hand moves on its own. with barely an intention formed in his mind, he presses it to his heart, and he feels a surge of energy run through his chest, no time left to regret anything.
the sounds stop completely.
after a minute, his phone lights up with a notification.
starlight: hey did your lights go out too???
starlight: my room just blacked out
starlight: i had a friend over i’m so embarrassed lol
with his chest heaving as he lays back against the pillows, and his right hand sticky, xavier texts you back with his left, a soft, tired sigh escaping him.
xav: no mine’s still on
xav: i’ve got tea and takeout come over
xav: i’d love to meet your friend
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Theodore nott x Gryffindor fem! Reader fluff and soft smut she’s reading in his lap while he’s leaning against the bedpost reading with her holding the book and Turing the pages while she keeps reading it and it’s super smutty (maybe the actors spin-off book abt nesta and cassian-) and she just traces his arm veins while they read (and if you decide to make it smutty pls make the reader LOVE LOVE LOVE his hands, abs, arm viens-)
a l l u r i n g
fandom- Harry Potter
pairing(s)- theodore nott
a/n: hullo, I have my midterm math exam on Monday so its all rushed and i barely have time to post but this has me screaming and crying all at once. i could not find any hardcore smut from a court of silver flames , I couldn't find any hardcore smut from court of silver flames, I'm so sorry abt that. the scene you're reading out loud is written by none other than @lustingbones, featuring Dick Grayson. I've written her fanfic in cursive so as to not get confused. she has single handedly created an obsession for nightwing in me. here's the link to the inspiration :) requests are forever open, luv, teddy
requested- yes
warnings- mf this is an advanced apology, i've never written smut. i've never even held someone's hand romantically, hell, i can't even keep eye contact, soft smut, fluffy, vulgar language, they both are minors, no protection is mentioned, it might make you uncomfortable, the reading of smut, the writing of smut
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The sleeves of your black satin shirt had already fallen down your arms, the shirt itself was only being held up by two thin chains over your shoulder. it was basically as good as transparent, there wasn't a thing you couldn't see through it.
Theodore had leaned himself on his bedpost, his shirt was long gone. You were reading to him, your legs were on either side of his hips, your ass was cupped by his hand as he found utter joy in this situation. Your breasts were Infront of his face as he struggled not to get hard under you so quickly. Theo was never this grateful for being taller than you, he could just look down at you and get a perfect view. he wanted nothing more than to hold them in his hands and squeeze it or just rip the shirt off at this point.
"He moaned softly at the squelch of your cunt swallowing him, a creamy white ring surrounding the base of his cock every moment he pulled out."
your flingers grazed the hoops of his trousers, hooking them absentmindedly. sometimes they paused and was placed next to his hips.
“D-Dick, p-please baby-” a hitch in your voice. you could feel your pussy, but more than that, you could feel a lump in his pants.
"its so attractive when you say baby like that, but when i fuck you, its gonna be theo" he mumbled by leaning closer to your ear.
all you could do is nod as he signaled for you to continue.
“Gotta breed you baby.. Show all these fuckers that you’re mine and get you pregnant. You’d like that huh? All full with my baby, my cum deep inside this needy lil’ pussy, hm? You want that princess?” You felt him smirk against your skin as he never faltered, his cock reaching so deep inside you–fuck this man would be the end of you."
Theo's eyes were fixated on you. the way your voice was wavering, the way you squeezed your thighs, how a blush crept to your face. he loved how you got so shy with the pregnancy kink. it made him wonder if she had one herself.
"you're into that? why read about it when i can give you the full experience in 6D?"
you tried to waver him off, this was the last thing you needed in this situation
" "All I do is treat you so fuckin’ well, don’t I?” Dick mumbled as his fingers started to toy with your clit, his middle finger rubbing the sensitive nub in circles as he continued his brutal pace on your weeping cunt. “F-fuck..” he whined as he pulled away for a moment to look down at where the two of you were connected, his cum from earlier rounds already starting to pool onto the bedsheets and trailing down your thighs. “S’good to me, ya know that? Such a good girl..” Fuck it was starting to become too much for him, but it felt so fucking good.."
you could feel your own pussy throbbing. If you were being honest to yourself, you were thinking about you and Theodore. your head keeps going to the idea of him saying this to you, doing this to you and feeling him so hard just got you more turned on.
“G-Gonna come, Dee–fuck!” you whimpered as you fell back into the sheets with your face squished against the pillows, gripping the blanket into your hands tightly."
your palm grazed his veiny arms, has he been working out? they've gotten so big..
“F-fuckin’ come baby, come all over this cock..” He coos through clenched teeth, his nails lightly digging into your plush skin as his thrusts sped up."
from palms to fingernails, they slowly trail up his forearm and roamed around his chest.
"Whiney breaths leave your throat as your climax starts building, before the coil in your tummy finally snaps, your juices gushing around him as he let out a whine and threw his head back."
you find yourself adjusting to place your pussy right above his cock. you could see his face trying to not to show any signs of satisfaction. that was all you needed.
“C-Come inside me, Dick–please!” you squeal with your face squished into the pillow to muffle your needy whines as his cock twitched inside you." 
all he could concentrate about is trying not to break character. his eyes fixated on the elegant curve of your back beneath the clear fabric. her rough voice ran through his head in circles. he lifted an arm from his side, letting it play with the bottom buttons, almost only leaving one left. The only thing covering you up.
“I know baby, I know–fuckk!” he groaned as you felt him release inside you, thick ropes of his cum painting your walls a creamy white, giving a few shallow thrusts before stilling inside you, pants and heavy breathing leaving both of your lips as you sat in silence."
you ran your arms down his abs, he loved your not so secret fixation you had for them. but you loved it more.
"You whine as you try to crawl away from his needy hands before he grabs you by the waist and pulls you back to flip you onto your back, a few pieces of his hair stuck to his forehead as he looks down at you with a grin painting his plush lips. Gosh it’s like he was trying to kill you."
“Said ya’ wanted to help me..” he cooed as he leant down with his lips ghosting over yours. "
“So, help me..”
Theodore was done. He gently picked the book from your hand and placed it on his nightstand. both his hands went under your thighs as to place you on the bed so he could tower over you, his chain dangling Infront of your eyes.
"hi handsome" you said peering up to him. you pulled his arm to examine it. his veins looked so hot, just absolutley lovley to have around you.
"hey beautiful"
you take his hand, a quiet smile made way too your face as you rest it on your breasts
Theodore felt your hands as it unzipped his trousers leaving him in boxers. your hand slid up and down his dick in slow strokes, just to drive him mad.
he takes her into my arms still kneeling, hitching your leg around his torso before pulling you as close as possible. The kisses you shared were soft, unbothered needy but never rushed.
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shmaptainwrites · 7 months
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PAIRINGS — James Wilson x single mom!Reader
SUMMARY — James moves into a new apartment and finds a new friend in his neighbour across the hall
WARNINGS — mild descriptions of blood and injury, hospitals/hospitalization, a little angst and hurt comfort
NOTE — Guys this was supposed to be out Monday, I am so sorry, life is just not life-ing (ie. its midterm season) so enjoy this being posted as I am fighting for my life in cell bio. Also this has only been minorly edited by me so if there's any weird wording ot typos I apologize in advance
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If no one had told you someone was moving into the apartment across the hall from you, you probably would have gone months without noticing anyone in there. You weren’t sure if your schedules were just not in sync or maybe he never really left his place. Regardless, it took at least two months before you met your new neighbour. 
When you did, it was a coincidence. You were leaving and he was coming back home. 
You both paused and stared at each other for a moment before rushing to introduce yourselves, only to accidentally talk over each other. 
After you both stopped, he motioned for you to go first. You gave him your name and made a stupid comment about how you hadn’t met until now. Maybe it wasn’t stupid because he laughed, or maybe he was just being nice. 
“I’m James,” he said. “And about not seeing me, well it probably doesn’t help that I leave at the crack of dawn and usually come back late.” 
“Oh, let me guess, doctor?” you asked and he nodded. “It was either that or day-shift stripper so I figured my odds were pretty good.” 
That made him laugh again and you smiled. 
“I hope you rest well before your next shift. Unfortunately, I have to head out. Duty calls.” 
“I’ll see you around,” he gave you a small three-fingered wave which you returned before jogging down the stairs. 
You didn’t think you’d have much reason to see him again, but accidents do happen. 
You knew sometimes you’d have the tendency to be a bit clumsy, but this was beyond that. Dropping your knife down next to the half cut vegetables, you looked around for something to wrap your hand in to stop the bleeding. 
You thought about your options, you could call an ambulance and pay the ridiculous fee, you could drive yourself to the ER and risk getting into an accident, or you could knock on your neighbour’s door and hope he was home. 
You sprung for option three, seeing as it was most immediate. 
Opening your door, barely even bothering to close it behind you, you knocked on James’ door, praying that he was home and would be able to help. 
It seemed as though your prayers were answered because you heard the lock click and the door open to a very confused looking James. 
“I am so sorry to bother you,” you started, “but I was making dinner and the knife slipped-,” 
“You cut yourself,” he filled in the blanks himself and you nodded, biting down on your tongue from the pain. “Come in, let me see if I can get you sorted.” 
He opened his door wider and you stepped into his apartment, an identical layout to yours, but differing in decor and furniture. 
He pulled back a chair at his small dining table for you to sit at and went to another room to grab something. 
He came back with a first aid kit and sat down in the chair next to you, opening the kit and grabbing a few things he knew he would need before pulling back the towel you had wrapped your hand in and examining the cut. 
“Wow, this is really deep,” he remarked. “You must be in a lot of pain.” 
“Yeah, trying really hard not to pay attention to it right now,” you nodded through gritted teeth. 
“Look, I don’t have a lot of stuff with me, but I think this lidocaine numbing spray should help a bit, but it will sting first,” he warned you and you nodded. 
He used the spray and you winced, but just as he said the pain slowly dissipated and soon all you could feel was a dull ache. He started by cleaning the wound and flushing it with some water and alcohol. 
“So what were you cooking?” he asked. 
“Trying to make just some chicken and potatoes, but of course my hand and the knife decide to slip at the same time,” you sighed. 
He pulled out a needle and some surgical thread next, determining what the best way to stitch you up was. 
“Do this often?” you asked. 
“Unfortunately for you, no I don’t,” he shook his head. “I work in oncology so I have to think a little harder about my stitching.” 
“As long as it’s free, take all the time you need,” you joked. 
“Oh, no one told you, my rate is 500$ a minute, I take cash or cheque,” he teased right back and you chuckled a bit. 
“How about I do you a favour when you need it and we call it even?” you asked and he nodded his head. 
“Seems equivalent. Alright, you’re gonna feel a light pinch,” he said and saw your face contort in discomfort and he quickly apologized. 
He tried to do the stitching as quickly as possible, and then covered it up with gauze and tape to make sure the stitches were protected. 
“You should probably come by again tomorrow so I can take a look and make sure everything’s okay and it isn’t infected,” he said. “I should be back around six.” 
“Sure, thanks again for this. It’s handy having a doctor next door,” you smiled. “Now I should probably go and clean all the blood off my counters and order something to eat.” 
“Hey, why don’t you just have a plate of food here before you go back?” James suggested. “I made extra.” 
“You sure? You already stitched me up and now you want me to eat your food?” 
“It’ll be nice company,” he assured you. “Unless you have someone you need to get back to.” 
“No, it’s just me right now,” you nodded. “I’ll stay, the blood can wait.” 
James served you a plate of the food he had made before grabbing his half-eaten dinner and joining you again at the dining room table. 
“So, um, you know what I do for work first hand now,” James started. “What about yourself?” 
“I like to say I’m a constant student of the world’s universal language,” you smiled to yourself, “but people don’t really know what I mean by that so usually stick to saying I’m a professor of mathematics.” 
“Wow,” James looked impressed. “You don’t really look like a math professor. All of mine were a little…crazy. I never would have guessed.” 
“Unfortunately not everyone can have Einstein’s hair,” you joked and James laughed. 
“Do you teach at Princeton then?” he asked and you nodded. “What a coincidence. I work at the teaching hospital.” 
“Oh, you must know Lisa then,” you grinned. “She’s a good friend of mine.” 
James nodded, “Such a small world.” 
“You’re telling me.” 
You continued to eat dinner and chat about various things, most pertaining to the school or your mutual connection through Lisa. By the end of the evening, when you wished him a good night and went back over to your apartment, a part of you was happy your hand would give you an excuse to see your neighbour once more. 
James stared blankly at his fridge wondering how he’d managed to go this long without buying any groceries. He could just eat out and put off shopping for another day, but he had time off and he probably should take advantage of it. 
Without much more thought, he grabbed his house key and his coat, deciding to go to the grocery store just down the street, it would be a nice walk in the afternoon sun. When he opened his door, he saw you standing outside with a few empty grocery bags in hand. 
“You heading down to the store?” he asked and you nodded with a smile. 
“You too?” 
“I don’t have the hardware,” he pointed to your bags. “But the fridge is empty, so yeah, I figured it was about time to do a grocery run. How’s your hand doing?” 
“A lot better than last week. Thanks for asking,” you looked down at your bandaged palm. “Excited to be able to take this off.” 
Just as James was about to say goodbye and wish you a good rest of your afternoon, your door opened and a young girl stepped out. 
“Mom, I can’t do up my zipper, it keeps getting stuck,” she grumbled. 
“Here, let me give you a hand with that,” you bent down and put the grocery bags to the side, helping her out with the finicky zipper. “Maybe we need to get you a new jacket, this one’s starting to get a bit tight, huh?” 
The girl nodded and thanked you for your help by giving you a kiss on the cheek. 
“Mom, who’s that?” she pointed to James and you chuckled a little. 
“I was just about to introduce you two,” you said. “Nadia, this is James, James this is Nadia. My daughter.” 
“Nice to meet you, Nadia,” James waved and she waved back. 
“Are you friends with my mom?” she asked. 
“I-I think so,” James nodded. 
“Yeah, we’re friends,” you agreed. 
“If he’s your friend can he come over for dinner tonight?” Nadia asked. 
You looked in between your daughter and James once a few times before saying, 
“You know, I think it’s his day off, I’m not too sure if he had plans already.” 
James shoved his hand in his pockets and asked, 
“And what if I don’t have plans?”
You bit back a small smile, “Then I would say, do you want to come get groceries and have dinner with us tonight?” 
“I’d love to.” 
“Nice,” Nadia grinned. “That means we get dessert.” 
You scoffed and looked down at your daughter, “Is that what this was all about?” 
“I don’t know,” she shrugged her shoulders innocently and you shook your head, locking the door behind you and beginning to walk down the stairs, Nadia leading the way and James at your side. 
“You never mentioned you had a daughter,” James said quietly while you walked down the sidewalk, Nadia running ahead to press the button for the crosswalk. 
“Never came up,” you shrugged. “She was with her dad both times you saw me before.” 
“She’s cute,” James said simply. “Looks a lot like her mom.” 
“Thanks,” you smiled, trying to ignore the warm feeling rising up in your cheeks. 
You watched as Nadia came running back up to you both and tapped James on the arm. 
“Do you like apple crumble and ice cream?” she asked. 
“I do,” James nodded. “I used to make it with my mom when I was around your age.” 
“My mom makes it with me too,” Nadia grinned. “Can we have that for dessert tonight?” 
“Sure, if they have the granny smith apples, if not maybe we can make a peach cobbler instead,” you suggested and Nadia agreed, taking your hand and dragging you towards the store so you could get the ingredients faster. 
You and James did your shopping in parallel and would both send Nadia on small quests to retrieve some things you needed to keep her busy. 
“You’re pretty good with kids,” you commented after he had told Nadia about her next ‘top secret mission’. 
“Comes a bit with the job,” he said, sifting through the peppers on the produce stand to find a few good ones. “It’s nice to be reminded every once in a while that not all kids are going through treatment.” 
“I don’t know how you’d be able to see that every day,” you shook your head and sighed. “I would be a wreck if Nadia was in the hospital.” 
“Well, let’s hope that never happens.” 
“James! I got the berries!” Nadia came speeding back and handed him the basket of strawberries before taking a moment to catch her breath. 
“Wow, that was fast,” he grinned. “Come on, I think it’s about time we go pay for all this stuff.” 
You weren’t sure whether it was slight of hand or if James had an in with the cashier, but he managed to pay for the groceries, insisting it was just paying for dinner, so to even it out you slipped 50$ to the cashier to pay for his things. 
“It’s not really letting me pay for dinner if you just pay for my stuff too,” he teased you as you walked home. 
“If you’re really that set on paying me back you can come help me and Nadia cook. Maybe make sure I don’t cut my hand again,” you waved your bandaged hand in the air. 
“Alright,” he conceded. “I’ll be over as soon as I drop these off.” 
When you got home, you and Nadia quickly cleared up a few of her toys from the living room and a few minutes later, as expected, James’ knock echoed through the apartment. Nadia beat you to the door and grabbed James’ hand, bringing him to the kitchen and shutting the door behind them. 
“Since you know how to make the crumble you can wash and peel the apples,” Nadia instructed. 
“Is this okay with mom?” James asked. 
“I’ve tried your cooking before, it’s okay with me,” you nodded. “Nadia, hon, do you want to help with the salad? Like I taught you?” 
She nodded her head and went to wash her hands quickly before standing up on a stool so she could reach the counter and cut the vegetables. 
“Be very careful with the knife, okay? Don’t make the same mistake mom did otherwise James is gonna start asking for our medical insurance,” you teased and Nadia gave you the classic, 
“I know, I know. I’ve done this like a million times.” 
“Well, let’s make it a million and one without accidents,” James added and you mouthed a thank you to him. 
Nadia was chopping away and bossing all of you around like she was head chef at a restaurant, all the while interrogating James about his work at the hospital and how he ended up in the apartment across the hall. 
“Where did you live before?” she asked. 
“Uh, kind of close to where your mom works,” he said. “In a house with a nice apple tree in the front yard.” 
“So why did you move to an apartment then?” 
James chuckled. “Good question. I um, I used to be married, but I’m not anymore so I decided to move somewhere different.” 
“Like mom and dad,” Nadia nodded her head in understanding. 
“Yeah, a bit like your mom and dad, I guess,” he agreed. “Do you like it in this building?” 
“Yeah,” Nadia nodded. “And mom cooks better than dad, but don’t tell him that.” 
“It’ll be our little secret,” James winked and finished mixing the apples with cinnamon, sugar, and a few other spices and ingredients. 
Dinner was ready within the next hour and dessert followed soon after, much to Nadia’s excitement. 
“Okay, moment of truth,” James sucked some air through his teeth as he served Nadia a plate with some ice cream on the side.
She dug into it and put on her best thinking face before giving a big thumbs up and a smile. 
“Phew,” James sat back down in his seat and Nadia giggled at his exaggeration. He finished serving you and himself before putting the ice cream back in your freezer so it wouldn’t melt. 
“So, did you enjoy your day off?” you asked. 
“More than I was expecting to,” he nodded. “Thank you guys for having me over.” 
“Maybe you can come again next time I’m back with mom?” Nadia suggested. “Can we have dinner with James?” 
“I mean, if he wants to I have no objection,” you agreed with her. 
“I’ll mark it in my calendar.” 
Nadia quietly celebrated and said something about having dessert every time and you gave her a warning look that only encouraged her to continue to be cheeky. 
Dessert was followed by a sugar rush, and crash and while Nadia snored on the couch you were saying goodbye to James and thanking him for spending the day. 
“She really likes you,” you looked over at your sleeping daughter on the couch. 
“Feeling’s mutual,” he smiled softly. 
“You know, if you ever want company or a friend, my door’s always open,” you told him. “Even if it’s just someone to sit in silence with you at the end of a long day.” 
“Thanks, I appreciate it.” 
“And I’m sorry about your divorce,” you said. “If I can say one thing it’s just that it gets better. Eventually.”
He nodded his head and gave you a sad smile. 
“Helps when you have a friend who understands,” he patted your arm and wished you goodnight walking across the hall and disappearing behind the door. 
The couch was your favourite place to grade assignments and midterms. Final exams needed something a little more substantial considering how long they’d take when you didn’t have a teaching assistant helping you. 
You didn’t know how many cups of coffee you’d gone through when you heard the knock on your door. 
“It’s James,” you heard through the other side. “A little birdy told me you were stuck grading all day.” 
“Come in,” you called back and he opened the unlocked door and slipped inside, coming to join you on the couch. 
“I brought you a pick me up but I see that may send you into cardiac arrest,” he looked over at your many mugs littering the table. 
“I have a weird thing about making coffee in the same cup,” you shook your head. “And I will take that,” you grabbed the to-go mug out of his hands, taking a sip of the piping hot drink. “God, sometimes when I’m writing these tests I forget I have to grade them too.” 
James chuckled and looked over at the papers laid out on the coffee table. 
“Why don’t you take a short break. No one expects you to get all the exams back the day after midterms,” he said. 
“Yeah, but my TA expects me to grade all the long proofs so that they can do their part and grade the short answer stuff,” you sighed. “But you’re right I should take a break before I start taking marks off for using a weird letter as a variable, or something more complicated than that, I don’t know I can barely think straight anymore.” 
James took the coffee and midterm out of your hands, putting them on the table, letting you lean back further into the couch and close your eyes for two seconds. 
“Is Nadia with her dad?” he asked. 
“Yeah, visiting her grandparents,” you nodded. “I hope they don’t fill her head with too much nonsense.” 
James looked at you a little confused so you explained further, “They hated me, don’t know why. Maybe because they expected Mike to have a stay at home wife, but after we graduated I wanted more.” 
“So you went to get your master’s and doctorate,” James filled in and you nodded. 
“They thought I was trying to make their son look stupid, but they grossly overestimated my motives,” you chuckled humourlessly. “I’m just really nerdy and like math. I wanted to learn more so I did.”
“And what did your ex think?” he asked. 
“Mike…he’s an interesting guy,” you shrugged. “I don’t think he’s a bad person, he was just a bad husband for me. He’s a decent dad, he’s there for Nadia, but he wasn’t there for me when I needed him to be.” you shared. “What about you? What went wrong there?” 
“The first time or the second?” he asked with a sigh, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“No kids I’m guessing,” you said and he shook his head.
“First time, I was working two jobs to keep us afloat while she was at an unpaid internship. We both had terrible communication skills, and shouldn't have been married in the first place. The second time, I think I screwed that one up.” 
He ran a hand through his hair before letting both his hands rest in his lap. 
“Marriage is hard as hell,” you sighed. “I mean I wasn’t much of a picnic for Mike either.” 
“You don’t have to try and make me feel better,” he assured you. “Although I appreciate the sentiment.” 
“I’m serious. A marriage goes two ways and yeah sure, one person can screw up bigger than the other, but it’s not that one person is perfect and the other isn’t,” you said. 
James pursed his lips and leaned forward, his arms resting against his legs. He wished it was that simple. 
“Okay, my goal was not to bring down the mood,” James finally said. “This was supposed to be a fun work break.” 
“I hate to tell you you’re failing miserably at the fun part,” you teased. 
“Alright, then tell me why you decided to study math, of all the things you could have learnt about, why did math speak to you the most?” 
“Katherine Johnson,” you said and yawned, rubbing your eyes. “I read about her in some random book in the library and I realized that numbers are what make everything in the world work. If she could send a rocket ship to space using math, then she had a superpower and I wanted a taste of it.” 
“Did you get a taste of it?” 
“Did my master’s degree research while jointly working with NASA, so yeah, I did,” you nodded with a smile. “And unfortunately, I have to use that superpower to finish grading these. You can stay if you want, I don’t mind.” 
James looked at his watch and sighed, 
“I have a meeting scheduled with the hospital board tomorrow morning. I should probably go get some sleep. Don’t stay up too late, okay?” 
You patted his leg and assured him you’d be in bed within the next few hours whether you liked it or not. Your body probably wouldn’t let you stay up any longer. 
James gave your hand a gentle squeeze and said goodnight, showing himself out. 
The sound of the phone ringing echoed through the house and you called for Nadia to pick it up, busy washing dishes. When she didn’t respond, you sighed to yourself and quickly turned off the water, wiping your hands and going to pick the phone up yourself. 
“Hey, it’s James.” 
“James, what’s up? Aren’t you still at work?” you asked, looking over at the clock. 
“That’s actually what I’m calling about, I don’t think I’m going to be able to make dinner this week,” he said. “Something’s come up and I’m going to be here late.” 
“Oh that’s too bad. We’ll just have to reschedule,” you assured him. 
“Can you put Nadia on the line? I wanted to apologize to her myself.” 
“Sure,” you chuckled and called Nadia again. She came out of her room, rubbing her eyes and you told her James was on the phone asking for her. She took the phone from you and said hello, talking to James for a short while. You could see she was disappointed that he wouldn’t be able to make it, but you heard him promise to make it up to her with a movie night one weekend instead.
“Bye James,” she said and nodded her head in response to something he said before hanging up. “He says bye to you too.” 
“Thanks honey,” you patted her back. “Are you feeling okay?” you asked. “You’re looking a little tired.”
“I feel tired,” she confirmed. “Can I go take a nap?”
“Sure,” you rubbed her back. “Do you want me to come and stay with you?” 
“I’m okay right now,” she yawned. 
You nodded your head and watched her make her way back to her bedroom. That evening you had a quiet dinner, deciding maybe to make soup in case Nadia was coming down with something. She didn’t have much of an appetite, only eating half of her bowl before beginning to cough, one of those deep chest coughs that made you feel a little worried. 
You quickly got her changed in her pyjamas and had her sleep in your bed for the night so you could keep a close eye on her. 
Your instincts that something was wrong ended up being right, as Nadia woke up with a continuing cough in the middle of the night and she felt hot to the touch. 
“Nadia, honey are you going to be okay here for two minutes? I’m gonna go see if I can get some help,” you said and she nodded her head while continuing to cough. 
Quickly, you ran over to James’ place and knocked on the door, an arm wrapped around your stomach while you chewed on your fingernails. 
James opened the door wearing a college t-shirt and sweatpants, immediately taking in your concerned features and asking what was wrong. 
“Nadia got sick and I think she’s getting worse,” you bit your tongue. “I’m so sorry to wake you up, but could you come check on her for me?” 
“Of course,” James nodded, placing a hand on your back as he stepped out of his apartment, closing the door behind him and walking back to yours. 
You led him over to your room where Nadia was laying down and he took a seat next to her on the bed and placed his hand on her arm, letting her know he was there. 
“James?” she coughed. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” he gave her a soft smile. “I heard you weren’t feeling too good.” 
She nodded her head. 
“Is it okay if I do a quick check up to see what’s wrong?” he asked and she nodded again, letting him help her sit up. 
He first touched her forehead with the back of his hand to feel her temperature and then placed his ear to her chest to listen to her breathing. 
“Thanks, Nadia, you can lay back down now while I talk to your mom, okay? Try and stay on your side, it'll help with the cough.” 
James motioned for you to follow him just outside of the room so he could tell you what he thought was going on. 
“I think she’s caught some kind of bug that’s causing pneumonia,” he said. “Her breathing didn’t sound too great so I think it’s a safe bet to take her to the hospital, but I’d say you still have time to pack a bag with a few things and I can get Nadia ready and drive you guys.” 
“James, you don’t have to do that,” you shook your head. “I already woke you up and-,” 
“I insist,” he said. “You walk with me into that ER and I’m allowed to boss around the nurses and call the best doctor in pediatrics.” 
“Okay,” you nodded your head and took a shaky deep breath. “She’s gonna be okay, r-right?” 
“They’ll give her an antiviral or antibiotic and keep her for a few nights to make sure it doesn’t get worse and before you know it she’ll be good as new.” 
You chewed on your lip and went to go pack a bag with a few of your things and Nadia’s while James helped Nadia get out of bed and into some shoes and a warm jacket with a hat so the cold air didn’t bite at her. 
“Are you coming with us?” Nadia asked James after a string of coughs. 
“Sure am,” he nodded. “I’m gonna drive and your mom’s gonna sit in the back with you.” 
“Why do we have to go to the hospital?” she asked. 
“Well, sometimes when we get sick at night that’s the fastest way to see a doctor and get the right medicine to get better,” James explained, opening his arms up for Nadia to climb into them to he could carry her to the car just as you had come out with a packed duffle bag. 
“We can take your car,” you said. “I’ll find my way back tomorrow to get mine.” 
James nodded his head and quickly went into his place to grab his keys and lock the door behind him. 
He drove as fast as he could while still being within the speed limit, keeping an eye on his rearview mirror, seeing Nadia huddled up into your side. 
“Mom, my chest hurts,” Nadia blinked back a few tears. 
“Hold on, hon, we’re almost there,” you squeezed onto her a little tighter. 
James pulled into the ER parking lot and grabbed Nadia while you got your things, walking into the hospital together. 
“Dr. Wilson, what are you doing here?” one of the nurses asked, confused. 
“I’ve got a young girl, seven-years-old with pneumonia symptoms, we should get her on oxygen, do a test for bacterial and viral infections, and get a chest x-ray as soon as possible. And call Dr. Herberts, tell her I’m calling in my favour,” he instructed while placing Nadia down on one of the beds. “Nadia, this is my friend Alice,” he motioned to one of the nurses, “She’s gonna be with you while we figure out what’s going on.” 
“What about you?” she asked while James grabbed the oxygen mask from one of the nurses. 
“Your mom and I need to deal with a few other things before we can come be with you, but I promise Alice is going to take really good care of you. She’s really nice.” 
“Promise you’ll come?” she asked and James stuck out his pinky for her to link with her own. 
“Swear it,” he nodded. “Now can you put this on for me?” he asked, showing her the oxygen mask. “It’s going to help you breathe.” 
She nodded her head and let James slip the mask over her head before the nurses wheeled her off to get the tests done. 
James turned around and saw you finishing giving your information to one of the attendants and she was about to inform you where to go wait, but James motioned that he had it covered and she nodded. 
Your exhaustion and worry had become all muddled together and you couldn’t hold back your tears anymore, covering your mouth with your hand while James came and wrapped you in his arms. 
“She’s gonna be okay,” he assured you. “You did the right thing.” 
You nodded your head and reciprocated the hug, burying your face in his shoulder to hide your tears from the onlookers. 
After a few more moments, you pulled away and James quickly helped you wipe away your tears with the heel of his palm before wrapping his arm around you and leading you to radiology where Nadia would be getting her chest x-ray done. 
He sat with you in the waiting room chairs until they brought Nadia out and told you that you could follow them to her room in the pediatrics ward. 
By the time you got there and were settled with Nadia, James looked at the clock and noticed his shift would be starting in around an hour. 
“You didn’t have to stay,” you said, quietly, gently brushing your fingers against Nadia’s cheek. 
“Of course I did,” James smiled. “I pinky promised.” 
Nadia looked up at you and nodded, making you chuckle. 
“Nadi, can James go home so he can get ready for work?” you asked. 
“I’ll come back and see you later after you’ve rested,” he assured her, “But nobody's gonna believe I’m a doctor dressed in these PJs.” 
Nadia giggled, “You can go. Mom says you work here so you have to come back.” 
“Bingo,” James snapped and gave her a thumbs up. “I’ll see you later sweetheart.” 
He bent down and pressed a small kiss to her forehead, wishing her to get better before reaching for your hand and giving it a squeeze. His signal to you that everything would be okay.
You pressed your lips together, knowing you were on the verge of tears again, but begged them not to leave your eyes. Instead, you watched misty eyed as this man who you didn’t even know only months ago cared for you and your daughter without question. It was something you hadn’t felt in a long time and so you let yourself soak in it for as long as it lasted. 
After James had left, you called your ex and explained to him what had happened and he came to join you and Nadia at the hospital. The morning passed without much eventfulness and the doctor and nurses came to periodically check on Nadia, adjusting her medication and seeing if her symptoms were changing. 
You left her with her father so that you could grab a cup of coffee from the cafeteria, barely having gotten a wink of sleep last night. When you returned, you couldn’t see Mike in the room with her, assuming he’d just made a run to the washroom, but instead you saw James sitting on the side of her bed talking to her. 
He was dressed in his white coat, his hair a little scruffy and messy like it normally was. It looked like he was playing some sort of game with her because you could hear laughter and teasing through the glass walls and you decided to give them a minute alone together. 
“Who’s that?” you could hear Mike’s voice ask as he walked up next to you. 
“Dr. Wilson,” you said absentmindedly, smiling to yourself while Nadia laughed at James’ defeat in a thumb war. 
“Acting more like a candy-striper than a doctor,” Mike muttered. 
You continued to watch as Nadia pointed to the IV in her hand and James examined it for a moment, explaining something to her before pressing a gentle kiss to the affected area and telling her that he unfortunately had to leave, but he’d come again later and see her. Nadia pulled him in for a hug and they exchanged cute kisses on the cheek. At least it was cute to you, but to Mike who had no idea what was going on they looked a little suspicious. 
“What the hell is he doing with my daughter?” he asked you, pushing past to try and give him a piece of his mind. 
“Mike, wait!” you ran up to him, but he wouldn’t stop. “Mike, would you stop and listen to me for a minute!” 
He stopped and turned to look at you, “You have an explanation for this?” 
“Yes, I do,” you scoffed. “He’s my neighbour. He drove Nadia and I here last night. Just lay off. He’s a friend.” 
Mike didn’t seem entirely convinced, but he listened and as James came out of Nadia’s room he pushed past him to go be with his daughter. 
You rolled your eyes at his actions while James came to stand with you. 
“I take it that’s Mike,” he said and you nodded your head with a chuckle. “Nadia looks a lot better.” 
“Yeah, doctor’s said they want to keep her under observation one or two more days just to make sure everything is all okay and then they’ll send us home with some antivirals since they don’t think it was caused by a bacterial infection,” you explained. 
“And how are you?” he asked and you took a deep breath, prompting him to reach for your hand that was by your side. 
“I’m tired, I’m worried, I have to deal with Mike, I just…” you shook your head. “I’m happy you’re here.” 
He gave you a half smile and brushed his thumb across your knuckles.
“You need anything and you call my pager. I’ll be right over,” he insisted. “And if you need a moment alone you can sit on the couch in my office.” 
“Thank you,” you said. “I’ll see you later.” 
“Yeah, see you.” 
His hand slipped out of yours as he walked away. You were just about to go back into the room with Nadia before you felt someone tap on your shoulder. 
When you turned around you saw Lisa there with a small teddy bear in her hand from the gift shop.
“Hey,” you smiled and wrapped her in a hug. 
“How’s Nadia? Wilson told me you had to bring her here last night.” she asked. 
“She’s doing okay, a lot better than yesterday,” you shared with your friend. 
“Will she be fine in there with Mike for a bit if I steal you?” she asked and you nodded your head. “Let me go in and say hi and give her this then we can walk.” 
You went in with her and gave a kiss to Nadia whispering to her that you were going to go for a walk, but would be back soon. 
“Mike,” Lisa gave him a curt nod which he returned before she turned her attention to Nadia, the expression on her face changing from one of neutrality to a smile while she handed her the gift and assured her she was gonna get better so fast and be out of the hospital in no time. 
“I’m just gonna take your mom to make sure she gets something to eat so she can keep taking care of you. Does that sound good?” Lisa asked and Nadia agreed. 
“James said you’d do that.” 
“Oh, did he now,” Lisa placed her hands on her hips. “I’ll have to have a little chat with him later. You know I am his boss,” she winked and Nadia giggled. 
You stepped out of the hospital room and once you were a bit of a distance away Lisa looked over to you. 
“What was all that about right before I came?” she asked. “With Wilson?” 
“James? Oh he was just checking in on me and Nadi,” you shook your head. “It was nothing.” 
“Didn’t look like nothing,” Lisa raised her brows and you rolled your eyes. 
“We’re not in high school. It was a rough night and he was there for it. That’s all.” 
“And what did Mike think about that?” Lisa asked. 
“He wasn’t impressed,” you sighed. “But he doesn’t really know how much time we’re spending together and he doesn’t need to because he’s not in charge of me.” 
“He is half in charge of Nadia though,” Lisa said, making a fair point. “Just be open enough with him that it won’t be a headache when it comes to her.” 
You nodded your head, and didn’t argue with Lisa when she offered to buy you something for breakfast. 
“When was the last time you ate?” she asked. 
“Last night, dinner,” you sighed, Lisa took the coffee out of your hands saying you shouldn’t be drinking the caffeine on an empty stomach and you chuckled a little at her motherly attitude. 
You sat down at one of the tables and began to eat with her lightly chatting about a few things that had happened since you had last seen each other. 
“You know, if anyone gives you trouble you can just call me,” she said. 
“Is that an abuse of your power as Dean?” you asked, with a slight air of teasing in your voice.
“Not really,” she shrugged. “I’m just trying to make sure the patients here get the best care possible.” 
“Especially when that patient is your unofficial niece,” you winked and she kicked you lightly under the table. 
When you finished eating, Lisa walked you back to Nadia’s room before going to the clinic. Nadia was sleeping now and Mike was reading a magazine in the chair next to her bed. 
“Thanks for staying with her,” you said. “I hadn’t eaten since last night.” 
“No problem,” he said without looking up from the book. 
You took a deep breath and sat down on the chair on the opposite side of Nadia’s bed, twiddling your thumbs. 
“She talked a lot about Dr. Wilson,” he said, finally breaking the silence, putting the magazine off to the side. 
“Yeah, she likes him a lot,” you nodded. 
“Do you like him a lot?” he asked. 
You shook your head at his question, “Mike does it matter what I feel? We’re not married anymore. I can understand your concern for Nadia, but I can tell you with certainty that he’s shown us nothing but kindness.” 
Mike looked at you for a moment with a piercing stare before backing off and leaning back in his chair, opening the magazine once again. 
You rarely liked the idea of being away from Nadia, but tonight you were feeling grateful she was at her dad’s place. The furnace had broken in your apartment and the only thing warming it was a small space heater you had in your room that was doing a job it was not built to do. 
You were huddled under blankets wearing a hoodie and two pairs of pants, still feeling the cold air cut through somehow. You were just about to give up any hope of sleep when you heard a quiet knock at your door and curiously you made your way there, grabbing your housecoat as an extra layer.
When you looked through the peephole you saw James on the other side, just as bundled as you so you quickly opened the door, wondering if he was in a similar circumstance to you. 
“Hey, I-I’m sorry were you asleep?” he asked and you shook your head. “My furnace broke and it’s absolutely freezing in my place, can I sleep on your couch tonight?”
“Talk about coincidence, mine’s broken too,” you chuckled. “I do have a space heater in my room, it’s not much but it’s better.” 
“I-I wouldn’t want to-,” 
“James, we're both freezing our asses off. Come inside.” 
He didn’t argue with you and followed you over to your room. When you got there, you both stared at the bed like maybe something would change to make the situation less awkward and when it didn’t you took the lead, climbing into one side and getting under the covers. 
James looked a little nervous, but he followed your lead, getting in on the other side. 
It felt weird to talk so you both stayed silent, turning your backs to the centre of the bed and trying to focus on curling up to stay warm. 
Unfortunately for you, you could feel your body start to move the blood away from your extremities in order to keep your core warm. It came with light shivering and some chattering of your teeth that you desperately tried to stop until you felt a hand on your arm. 
“Turn around,” James said and you listened, maneuvering yourself so you were facing him, your bodies just a few inches apart. He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you fully into him, letting his legs tangle with yours. 
You could feel your heart beating in your ears while he brought your hands up to his chest, holding them in his slightly warmer ones, using a bit of friction to help them regain their heat. 
“Better?” he asked and you silently nodded your head. “Good.” 
Eventually you had regained enough heat that your body felt well enough to let you fall asleep and you could feel your eyes slowly begin to close as your head rested against James’ chest. He made sure you had enough room to breathe, but kept a tight hold on you until sleep came for him too. 
“You slept with him?” 
“I did not sleep with him,” you emphasized, pacing your office. “I slept with him. In the same bed. Together.” 
“And you are freaking out about this, why?” Lisa asked. 
“Because you don’t sleep in the same bed as your neighbours, Lisa!” you insisted. “But we did, a-and I was cold and he held me and…I liked it,” you finished in a whisper. 
“What’s stopping you then?” she asked. “He’s cute, he’s a doctor-,” 
“He’s divorced.” 
“You’re divorced,” Lisa countered. 
“Exactly,” you nodded. “He’s divorced twice. I’m divorced with a kid. That makes things… complicated.” 
“Are you trying to stop Nadia from getting hurt, or are you trying to find an excuse to stop yourself because you’re too scared to see where this goes?” she asked you and you sighed. 
“I don’t know,” you shook your head. “How can I tell that everything won’t just fall apart if I do something?” 
“You can’t,” Lisa stood up and put a hand on your arm. “Just try to trust your gut, that’s all you can do in situations like this.” 
“My gut is telling me to kiss him and run away,” you shook your head and Lisa nodded, 
“Yeah, you probably shouldn’t do that.” 
“I’ll figure it out though, right. Eventually.” 
Lisa didn’t say anything, simply giving you a hug, knowing deep down you knew what the right thing to do was and like you said, eventually, you’d come to the same conclusion. 
Hearing the knock at your door, Nadia bounced off the couch and raced to open it, knowing what was awaiting her on the other side. 
James leaned into the doorway when Nadia swung the door open and said, 
“What night is it again?” 
“Movie night!” Nadia cheered and jumped into his arms, her eyes growing wide when she saw the assortment of treats he was holding. 
“It’s not a movie night without snacks,” he said and Nadia agreed with him. You came up towards them and snatched away two of the bags of candy. 
“She just got a hundred percent clean bill of health from her pediatrician, you really wanna go and mess that up with all this candy?” you asked. 
“Come on, I’m a doctor, I know what I’m doing,” James assured. “We’ll be reasonable, right Nadia?” 
The young girl nodded her head and swore on her allowance that she wouldn’t eat all the candy. Hesitantly, you handed the bags back and gave them a skeptical look while they walked over to the couch to get things started. 
You finished what you were doing in the kitchen and brought over a bowl of popcorn with you smiling to yourself when you saw Nadia sitting in James’ lap and telling him how to use the remote for your TV. You placed the bowl on the table and went to change into something a little more comfortable for the evening, hoping that by the time you came out they had picked something to watch. 
When you stepped out of your room, now wearing a sweater and some flannel pyjama pants, Nadia informed you they were just about to start the movie. 
“Come sit, quick mom,” she patted the spot next to her and James and you slipped in next to them, noticing how James wrapped his arm around you, bringing you in a little closer. You didn’t fight the close proximity and instead leaned into it more, resting your head against his shoulder. 
Nadia had already leaned back against his chest, her eyes fixed on the screen and her hand shoved inside one of the bags of candy James had brought. The top of her head was just resting against the side of James’ chin and when you looked up at him he was glancing down at Nadia, a small smile on his lips. He looked content. 
You could have stayed like that all night, just watching them, but you knew sooner or later you’d have to pay attention to the movie before they started asking questions. 
Around halfway through the movie, James tapped your arm and you looked up at him, seeing him point to Nadia with his eyes, who was now fast asleep on him. 
You chuckled quietly, sitting up a little straighter and saying, 
“I can move her to her bedroom. You don’t have to stay for the rest of the movie.” 
“Actually, I’m kind of invested,” James admitted. “But I will take you up on the moving her option, I’ve had to go pee since like the second musical number and she’s really squeezing my bladder.” 
You bit back a laugh and shook your head, pausing the movie and standing up so you could genty lift Nadia off of James’ lap and carry her over to her bedroom, tucking her under the covers and placing a kiss to her forehead before going back out to the living room. 
James was in the washroom still so you went and made yourself and him a mug of tea. When he came out, he joined you in the kitchen watching as you poured the hot water into the two colourful mugs with math puns on them. 
“You take anything in your tea?” you asked. 
“No, do you?” 
“A little sugar,” you nodded and he offered to grab it for you, opening the cupboard in front of you and placing a hand on your back moving you slightly out of the way so he could take out the box of sugar cubes. Your breath hitched at the sudden contact and you hoped he didn’t hear it, instead masking your desire with small talk. 
“I thought you had a sweet tooth,” you said. “It would explain all the candy.” 
“I have a bit of a sweet tooth sometimes,” he admitted. 
“I think Nadia enables you,” you grabbed your mug and passed James his. 
“Oh she definitely does,” he nodded his head, taking a sip of the steaming hot drink before walking back to the couch with you. 
You fell back into the same positions you were before, pressing play and continuing to watch the movie. After a few things progressed in the plot you spoke up asking,
“You think this movie’s going to have a happily ever after?” 
“Sure, it’s a kid’s movie,” James nodded and looked down at you. “Why?” 
“I don’t know,” you shook your head. “It’s stupid.” 
James rubbed your arm, coaxing you to look back up at him again. 
“You were thinking about something, what was it?” 
“It’s just the happy endings don’t always happen,” you said. “I don’t know if I should let Nadi live in a world of fairytales or destroy all her hope of the future.” 
“Maybe life isn’t all bells and whistles when it comes to love,” James started. “But we win with other things. I mean look at you, you’ve got an amazing daughter and you’re doing something you love with your life, isn’t that its own kind of happily ever after?” 
“I guess it is,” you nodded. 
“And you know, your life isn’t over. Who’s to say love is out of the picture?” 
You were looking up at him and wondered how he could hit the nail on the head so accurately, like he could read your mind. 
Right now, love was pretty clearly in the picture and it was sitting right in front of you. 
You could feel yourself reach out your hand, gently brushing your fingertips against his cheek. 
“And what if I’m not brave enough to go after it?” you whispered, feeling your heartbeat mixed with his and his shaky exhale that came with your touch. 
“Then maybe,” his thumb and forefinger came to hold your chin up, his face inching closer to yours. “Maybe it can meet you halfway.” 
You could feel your eyes flutter shut and his lips just barely ghost against yours when you heard a sound coming from Nadia’s bedroom and the spell was broken. 
You both opened your eyes and after a moment you pulled away, just before Nadia opened the door to her room. 
“Why was I in my room?” she asked. 
You were still too stunned to speak, your mind racing at the idea that you were just about to kiss James, and he was going to kiss you back. You felt like a teenager, not knowing what to say or how to act. 
Luckily, James was a little more composed than you and explained to Nadia that she had fallen asleep and that you both didn’t want to wake her. 
“Is the movie over?” she asked and you all looked at the screen, seeing the end credits rolling. 
“Yeah, it is, sorry sweetheart,” James apologized. “Can I make it up to you and read you a story before you go back to bed?” 
“Sure,” Nadia agreed. 
“Go brush your teeth first,” you instructed. “I’ll tuck you in once James is done reading.” 
Nadia went off to the washroom and before James could say anything you stood up and grabbed a few of the dirty dishes, taking them to the kitchen to clean up. You couldn’t talk about what had just happened, not now at least, not when it was still so fresh. 
 You focused only on the dishes and cleaning the kitchen while James read Nadia her story before wishing her goodnight with a kiss on her forehead and waving goodbye to you and thanking you for the tea. 
When the door closed behind him you let out a small breath that you had been holding and went to tuck Nadia into bed. 
“Mom, are you okay?” Nadia asked, sensing your far off look. 
“I’m fine,” you assured her with a forced smile. “Rest up, I have to take you to your dad’s place tomorrow.” 
“Okay,” she yawned. “Night, mom.” 
“Goodnight, honey.” 
You kissed her on the cheek and stood up, going over to your room and sitting on the edge of the bed. You brushed your fingers against your own lips, closing your eyes you could still feel James pressed up against you, but you pushed it away. 
Clearly, you still weren’t brave enough. Not yet. 
The following weeks were awkward to say the least. You began spending more time in your office when Nadia was with her dad, just for another excuse to avoid James in the hallway. 
He hadn’t made too much effort to reach out, you assumed to give you your space. You knew if you told Lisa she would just say you were overthinking things, but you couldn’t get out of your head, even if you wanted to. 
You felt like you were going to stay in this crippling state of indecision forever, but you couldn’t keep it up, not when Nadia would ask questions, you needed to come up with something or someone needed to come up with something for you. 
You arrived home late from campus today, this time with the legitimate excuse of grading finals. After the long hours of marking that had pushed you to extreme tedium and boredom you just wanted to curl up on the couch with a good book or something that would stimulate your brain. 
Before you went to your room to get changed, you heard a knock at your door. Checking the time you wondered who it could be. It wasn’t often you had visitors past 9PM, that was unless it was James. 
When you checked through the peephole, you could see James standing outside your door, waiting for a moment before knocking again. 
“Come on, I know you’re in there,” he said. “Please, just let me in.” 
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, unlocking the door and opening it, allowing him to step inside. 
“Is Nadia at her dad’s place?” he asked while you were shutting the door. 
“Yeah,” you nodded, still facing the wood door. “She’s at her-,” 
You didn’t have a chance to finish your sentence before James turned you around, taking your face in his hands and pressing a searing kiss to your lips. 
You stumbled back until you were pressed against the door, your eyes now closed while you pulled him closer to you. You let yourself run your fingers through your hair like you’d dreamt of doing the night you almost kissed, his hands moving from your face down to your waist, pulling you flush against him. 
You could feel your heart beating throughout every cell in your body, so loud it almost blocked out your thoughts. Almost. 
You paused for a moment, holding James’ face in your hands and pulling away. Your lips felt swollen from the force with which he had kissed you and you wanted nothing more than to do it again, but you had to ask. 
“Is our history going to make this complicated?” 
“It’ll be complicated if we make it complicated,” he snuck past your defenses and stole another kiss, shorter, softer. “I want this. You. I want quiet nights just the two of us; loud nights with Nadia; breakfast in the early morning; lunches in your office; dinner together like this makeshift family we’ve created. I just…I want you and everything that comes with it.” 
You smiled at his words, bringing him in close to you again for another kiss, this time long and slow like you were dragging out every moment of the future you had together. 
When James pulled away from you, your hands fell from his face, travelling down his arms until they were in his. You looked over at him, blinking a few times until began to pull you towards your bedroom, a small smile coming across your face. 
James sat down on the edge of your mattress and you stood in front of him. His hands were still in yours, looking up into your eyes. You let your hands come back up to his hair, scratching against his scalp. You smiled when his eyes closed and he hummed at the feeling of your touch. 
His hands came back to hold your waist and he brought you closer, his thumb rubbing circles around your skin. 
You bent down and pressed another soft kiss to his lips, causing his eyes to flutter open when you pulled away. 
“What do you want to do?” you asked, fixing his hair you had messed up just earlier. 
“I want to lay down here, and hold you,” he leaned back and pulled you on top of himself, sharing another kiss with you. “And I want to fall asleep knowing you’re in my arms.”
You smiled and nodded your head, whispering a quiet ‘okay’ while you adjusted yourselves to be more in the centre of the mattress. 
And just like before, James pulled you close into him, but this time you didn’t let yourself feel taken aback or nervous, you leaned into his touch, savoured when you felt his lips pressed against your hairline, sighed when you felt his hands slip under your shirt to trace mindless shapes on your back. 
No equation or formula would be able to describe what you were feeling and it made you realize that maybe math wasn’t the world’s universal language after all.
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@cuntyvicodin @paola-carter @shots-of-wilson-and-whiskey
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lumi-nescentt · 11 months
And When I Break It's In A Million Pieces
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Pairing: Oscar Piastri x Reader
Warnings: kinda angsty, reader overworking herself, arguing and someone fainting
Words: 3.8k
Summary: Oscar can understand how important exams are to his girlfriend but he can't stand to see her overworking herself and this close to breaking down without trying to comfort her.
A/N: it was supposed to be a cute oscar one shot but I guess midterms kicked my ass so I had to make Oscar do what I would have loved someone to do for me.
Now that I'm done writing this I'll start on the requests :)
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Oscar had been away on the last triple header of the season and as much as he loved racing and how good the car felt lately, he missed his girlfriend and couldn't wait to see her again.
She usually came with him as often as she could, but she had been drowning in homework lately so she had chosen to stay home and work a little extra to make sure she stayed up to date. Oscar didn’t mind, or at least he tried not to show it because he knew how bad she already felt for missing some of his best results in F1. 
The Australian knew how hard the girl was on herself and how she tended to forget to take care of herself when she got engrossed in her studies so he thought coming back as early as possible from the British Grand Prix was the best thing he could do. 
Flying from London to Melbourne felt like one of the longest trips Oscar ever had to endure and it was only worse because he was all alone. Usually he either had Lando, Logan or his girlfriend to entertain him during layovers and on the flight itself, but now as he sat on the first plane taking him from London to Qatar, Oscar felt bored to death.
He had chosen the earliest flight possible on Monday and that had been one that took off at 3pm so he wasn’t even tired enough to sleep. He had already watched a movie while waiting in front of the gate so he was honestly starting to run out of ideas on how to entertain himself. 
He considered paying for wifi access to try and chat with his girlfriend for a second but then realised that he had decided to plan his comeback in secret so she had no idea he was coming back. In the end, Oscar still paid for it just so he could play 8 ball with Logan and joke around with Lando. 
His two friends entertained him for a few hours, but when he landed in Qatar, they both had stuff to do so he was left all alone again. He had nothing to do during the layover in Dubai, so walking around the entire terminal at the slowest pace possible seemed like a good enough idea for the 2 hours he had to wait before boarding again. 
To say the 13 hours flight to Melbourne had been long was an understatement. It had only been made worse since he couldn’t sleep, so Oscar had watched the entirety of the Lord of the Rings trilogy and still had found time to be bored once he was done. By the time he finally arrived in front of the apartment he shared with his girlfriend, it was almost 1am and he hadn’t slept in 30 hours now. 
All he wanted to do was crash on his bed and cuddle against her but when he opened the door as quietly as he could, the first thing he saw was his girlfriend sitting on a barstool, hunched over her laptop on the counter. She had her headphones on and the volume was so loud Oscar could hear the song playing very clearly from where he was standing in the doorway.
After taking off his shoes and dropping his suitcase in a corner, he slowly made his way over, trying his best not to startle the girl. She was so engrossed in whatever she was reading that even with Oscar standing right next to her, her focus was still on her computer. She only flinched and snapped back to reality when Oscar delicately removed her headphones and put them next to her now empty coffee cup.
-“ Oscar ? What– How ? You were supposed to stay in Europe until the break.” she stuttered, too tired to understand how her boyfriend was standing in front of her
-“ Surprise !” Oscar smiled softly as he wrapped his arms around her waist. “ I missed you too much to wait an entire month so I decided to come spend the week here.” 
-“ I don't know what to say, wow.” 
-“ Oh God, was it a bad idea ? I don’t want to intrude if you had plans, baby. I can ask my parents if I can stay at theirs instead if you want me out of your hair while you study.” 
-“ No no, it’s a good surprise, I just didn’t expect it, that’s all. It’s our flat so of course I want you to stay with me.” she quickly clarified, burying her head in the crook of his neck and tightening her arms around him
-“ Ok good, I got scared I was bothering you for a second.” he answered, placing a soft kiss on the top of her head
-“ Don’t say that Osc, you could never bother me. I’m always happy to see your pretty face in real life.” 
-“ So you think I’m pretty ?” the Australian asked with a proud grin
-“ Of course I do, pretty boy. Now as much as I’d love to keep this lovely flirting going, you must be exhausted so why don’t you get ready for bed and I’ll join you in a bit ?” 
-“ That sounds great, I’ll go shower and then we can cuddle because I can definitely feel the drop of temperature between here and the UK.” 
-“ It’s not even that cold but I won’t say no to that.” she smiled before turning back to her homework.
Oscar didn’t really know how long he stayed under the warm spray of the shower but judging by the amount of steam that was now filling the bathroom, he assumed he stayed for a little while. Since he took his time, he fully expected to find his girlfriend dozing off under the covers but when he reached the bedroom, the bed was still untouched. 
Gathering the remaining energy he had, Oscar dragged himself to the kitchen where she was still in the position he left her in. Her headphones were back on at a lower volume and she was now frowning and holding her head between her hands, seemingly trying to make sense of what she was reading. 
-“ Are you coming to bed soon ?” Oscar asked seeing the time on her laptop 
-“ Yeah, of course. Just give me a minute, I’ll meet you there.” she answered without looking at him
-“ Baby, it’s almost 3am. You need to sleep as much as I do.” 
-“ I know, I’m coming. Don’t wait up, you must be knackered.” she tried, squeezing the hand he had put on her shoulder to reassure him
-“ I want to sleep next to you. I’ll wait for you to finish what you’re doing. How long is this going to take you ?” 
-“ I don’t know, you shouldn’t stay awake for me. I promise I’ll cuddle you as soon as I’m in bed, you won’t even realise I’m not here at first.” 
-“ That’s not true, I always notice so will you come ? Please ?” 
-“ You’re lucky you’re cute and that I love you because I really need to finish this paper.” she finally caved in with a sigh, closing her laptop to face her boyfriend who was sleepily smiling at her
-“ I love you too, now come. I can tell you’re exhausted too.” 
Oscar linked their hands together and walked towards their bedroom, handing her one of his shirts as he stripped down to his boxer before hurriedly getting under the covers. At the sight of her cold boyfriend all cosy under the blankets, the girl couldn’t help but chuckle before she joined him and let him wrap his arms around her, resting her head against his chest and falling asleep to the comforting sound of his steady heartbeat. 
When Oscar woke up at 7am a few hours later, he brought his arm closer to the rest of his body, hoping to steal some of his girlfriend’s body warmth but his arm closed on nothing. With his eyes still closed, he patted her side of the bed, simply thinking she had rolled away from him but all he touched were the empty bed sheets. He would have assumed she had just gone to the bathroom if it wasn’t from how cold her side was. 
As hard as he wanted to tell her to come back to bed, Oscar wasn’t fully awake and he didn’t really think there was something he could do so he let himself fall back asleep for a few hours. When he opened his eyes again, finally feeling rested enough to figure out where she had gone, he was still alone in their empty bed. 
He made his way to the living room, secretly hoping she’d be all curled up on the sofa and had only moved there because he was snoring too loud but it was just as empty as their bed. Not liking where he thought this was going, Oscar went to the kitchen where his girlfriend was exactly in the same position he had found her hours earlier. 
Without saying a word, Oscar wrapped his arms around her from behind and nuzzled his face in her neck like he knew she liked. When the only acknowledgement he got was a low hum without even a smile or a look towards him, he decided to try something else. He slowly turned his head and started kissing her neck tenderly, which always got her attention usually because she was never one to pass on getting some physical affection from him. He was so sure it was going to work that when she finally breathed in before talking, Oscar couldn’t stop the smile creeping on his face.
-“ Not now baby, please.” she brushed him off softly, without even looking at him
-“ Oh, okay. Sorry.” Oscar muttered, feeling his face flush from a wave of embarrassment he couldn’t stop
He quickly escaped to the opposite corner of the kitchen, getting busy with making breakfast to forget about the uneasy feeling coursing through his veins. It took him 15 minutes of meddling around before everything was ready and before he was ready to try to get her attention again.
This time, Oscar planted himself next to his girlfriend and put a coffee cup and a full plate with eggs and toast right next to her laptop before poking her shoulder with his finger to get her full attention.
-“ Hello there, I made you breakfast.” he half smiled
-“ Hi baby, that’s really sweet of you. Thank you.” she returned the smile, cupping his face with her hands before planting a soft kiss on his lips and turning back towards her homework
-“ I was wondering if you wanted to have breakfast together in the living room, maybe ?”
-“ I’m sorry Osc. I really need to study but don’t let me stop you, I know you love to eat there.” 
-“ Yeah, sure.” he started out loud before mumbling to himself as he exited the room “I don’t know what I was expecting.”
After his very lonely breakfast in front of a TV show he didn’t even want to watch, Oscar popped his head into the kitchen to see if she was done working. When he saw that she was still very focused on what she was doing, he decided to do something to occupy himself until she was finally free. He got dressed and yelled that he was going for a run before finally going outside. 
When he came back a little less than an hour later, Oscar was determined to spend some time with her so he hurriedly went to the bathroom to shower before eventually stealing her away from her homework. 
Once he was finally done, it was time for lunch and he was feeling like ordering so, while still looking at his phone, he went towards the kitchen and called her.
-“ I’m gonna order food, what do you feel like eating ?”
He waited a little bit for an answer but nothing came back so he walked a little closer and tried again.
-“ Baby ? Are you not hungry ?” 
Getting worried from the clear silence he was met with, Oscar walked in the kitchen but, to his surprise, he couldn’t see her.
-“ y/n ? If this is a joke, it’s not that funny. Where are you ?” he asked, feeling his heart beat a little faster
He knew she hadn’t gone out because both her keys and her car were still there so he went around the counter to go look into the laundry room when his eyes fell on something on the floor. Seeing his girlfriend laying down on the floor made his blood rush fast in his veins and he immediately kneeled down next to her and wrapped her hand in his.
-“ y/n, baby can you hear me ?” he tried again “ I’m going to put your feet on my lap, okay ? I’m not letting go of your hand, if you hear me just squeeze it.” Oscar explained, praying that he’d feel her grip tighten around his fingers
He felt the faintest squeeze but he wasn’t sure if he had imagined it or not so he tried again.
-“ Can you squeeze my hand again, please ?” he asked, voice barely above a whisper from how scared he was until he felt a clear squeeze “ Atta girl, you’re doing great.” 
Oscar felt his breathing slowly go back to normal as his girlfriend slowly gained back consciousness. He was still a bit shaken up but seeing her eyes fluttering open and feeling the constant squeezes of her hand on his was reassuring him. He waited a little more before asking her questions, not wanting to overwhelm her.
-“ Do you remember what happened ?” 
-“ I don’t know, I was just standing up to get another coffee and then I started feeling dizzy so I tried to call you but I don’t know if anything came out.” 
-“ Ok well at least you remember, you scared me to death there sweetheart.” 
-“ I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” she apologised, mortified that he had seen her like this
-“ Hey, none of that. Don’t apologise, I’m glad I came back in time to find you. I would’ve hated for you to be all alone here when you fainted.” he reassured her, bringing her closer to him
-“ What do you mean came back ? When did you go out ?” 
-“ I told you I was going for a run but I guess you were so focused on what you were doing you didn’t hear me. Next time I’ll make sure that you hear me.” 
-“ It’s fine, you don’t have to.” 
-“ I know but I want to. Now let’s get you something to eat, you didn’t even eat breakfast so you must be starving.” he stated, pointing at the plate he had made her a few hours earlier, still untouched on the counter
-“ I’m not really hungry actually.” she whispered, looking at her feet
- “ You have to eat something baby. I’ll just order something from your favourite restaurant and you can just eat however much you can, does that sound good ?”
-“ Yeah sure, thank you Osc.”
Oscar didn’t answer and instead just placed a kiss on the side of her head before standing up and picking his phone that he had left on the counter to get the food. While they waited for it to arrive, Oscar sent her to shower so she could relax a little before eating. Before leaving her be, he convinced her to let the door slightly open so she could yell if she felt dizzy again so he could also relax.
He always stayed within earshots of the bathroom as he got busy around the flat until the delivery guy arrived. Oscar wanted it to be quick but the guy recognised him and wanted to take a picture with him. Oscar wouldn’t have minded the picture if the guy also didn’t seem to want to become his friend and didn’t talk for what felt like ages. Oscar didn’t know how to make him stop without sounding rude so he just waited until he was finally done before hurrying back to his girlfriend. 
He expected her to either still be in the shower or to be waiting for him in the living room, resting like they had talked about after she fainted but she was the most stubborn person Oscar knew. That’s why he wasn’t exactly surprised when he found her back to her studying spot with her headphones only wearing one of his mclaren hoodies. 
-“ I thought we said no more studying for today ?” Oscar scolded her gently
-“ I know but I can’t just stop like that. I need to finish this part and then I can rest for a few hours.”
-“ Baby you fainted, that means your body is exhausted and you shouldn’t put yourself through this.” 
-“ I don’t have a choice, Oscar. The exam is coming up and I need to finish this paper too. I can’t just decide to take the day off because my stupid body decided to betray me.” she spat in one breath, feeling her heartbeat quicken just thinking of the ton of stuff she still had to do 
-“ Alright, just breathe please. You can definitely afford to rest for today. I know you and I know you’re capable of doing what you have left before the due date. Just come lie down with me for a bit while we eat.” 
-“ You don’t know that for sure. I can’t afford to take such a risk.” 
-“ Baby, please.” he pleaded, feeling how she was getting more worked up by the second
-“ I said no, Oscar !” she said through gritted teeth, trying not to raise her voice 
-“ Why can’t you just slow down for a second ? What’s the worst that can happen if you let go a little.”
-“ Slow down ? That’s rich coming from you mister always running around the entire globe to drive at 300kph.” she cringed at how high pitched her voice was getting
-“ You know that’s not what I meant, y/n.” 
-“ Then what did you mean because I clearly don’t get why you’re getting in my way here.” 
-“ I only meant that you’re going to tire yourself out over some homework and that it can’t be healthy.”
-“  I’m sorry ? Some homework ?!” she scoffed loudly “ This is the last class I need to have my diploma, if I fail it, I can say goodbye to my dream job. Don’t belittle what I do because you don’t understand it.” 
-“ That’s not how I meant it, y/n. I’m just worried about you.”
-“ I didn’t ask you to be, in fact I didn’t even ask you to be here. You were supposed to be away doing your stupid job while I was here studying on my own but no you just had to come back and tempt me with ideas of relaxing and hanging out with you when you know I can’t. I can’t just decide to go away and take a break because I miss my partner. Some of us have real jobs and they can’t run away whenever they want to, Oscar.”  she finally lost it, her eyes filling with tears as she realised what she had said
-“ Wow, hum alright. I think I’m just going to go outside for a bit.” Oscar muttered, grabbing his car keys and turning around as quickly as he could
As soon as she heard the door close, y/n broke down crying in the middle of the room. She hadn’t meant to snap at him, she knew he just cared about her and most of all, she didn’t think anything she said was true.
She knew how hard Oscar had worked to get to where he was now and she was so proud of how far he had come. She loved that he was able to do something he loved as his job and how he always made time in his busy schedule to either fly her to where he was staying or fly back home to see her. 
In all honesty, she had been missing him so much lately and all she wanted to was take a break and seek comfort in his arms but she couldn’t help the anxiety and the guilt that kicked in whenever she stopped studying even for a second. She had been staying up late and waking up at the crack of dawn for a week now, studying as much as she could before she had to attend classes. She barely had time to eat and she couldn’t remember the last time she had a decent meal. 
The mere thought of having hurt Oscar was filling her with guilt and she wished there was something she could do to take it back. She was so tired of feeling like this and right now it felt like she had pushed away the only person she wanted to comfort her. 
When Oscar opened the door half an hour later, he didn’t expect his girlfriend to come running to the door and then stop in her tracks the moment her eyes met his. She tried to open her mouth but tears started falling again and she was struggling to take a full breath. The sight tore Oscar’s hurt and he closed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around her, bringing her head against his chest. 
-“ It’s okay, baby. Just let go, I’m here.” he whispered, tracing circles on her back
-“ I’m sorry, Oscar. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean what I said. I–”
-“ I know, it’s okay. It’s already forgotten.”  
-“ It’s not okay. You didn’t deserve to hear that.” she sniffled, looking at him in the eyes “ I love what you do and I’m really happy you’re here. I’m sorry if I made you feel like it wasn’t the case. It’s no excuse but I’m frankly exhausted and you were just at the wrong place at the wrong time.”
-“ Thank you for apologising. It’s forgiven and I promise you I’m not mad or anything.”
-“ You’re sure ?” 
-“ Yes, I wasn’t mad earlier. I was a bit hurt and I knew you needed time to calm down before we could have a discussion so I just went to the store to buy brownies and ice cream.” 
-“ That’s so sweet, Oscar, stop.” she said, feeling her voice shake slightly
-“ I was thinking we could take a proper break and eat in front of a movie. Then if you still want to work, I could help you study and after that we could take a bath ? How does that sound ?” 
-“ I love you so much.”
-“ Is that a yes ?” Oscar teased, smiling as he heard her laugh
-“ Yes it is.” she said, as he grabbed her hand and guided her towards the living room where the food was still waiting for them
-“ y/n ?” 
-“ yes ?” 
-“ I love you too.” 
-“ I know, now come here.” she smiled again, wrapping her arms behind his neck before pulling him down to kiss him properly 
Oscar hadn’t been sure of it at first but coming back home was the best choice he ever made for the both of them. They missed each other too much to wait a whole month to be together when they needed the other’s presence that badly.
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