#and i hate it !!!!
deancoded-deangirl · 1 year
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This one.
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coralreeferband · 6 months
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her-stars · 3 months
I’m just a hopeless romantic with trust issues and a high sex drive.
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animatedtext · 11 months
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inumori1 · 3 months
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niinnyu · 1 year
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Yuuji really said \(@^v^@)/
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plush-rabbit · 10 months
Working for Mammon
A/N: I can't get this dumb spider clown out of my head oh my gosh. Also you're a singer here. Jack of all trades ig. enjoy!!
Fizzarolli was his money maker- compared to the other business and people Mammon invested in, they were nothing compared to the imp. The only one who ever came close to the clown’s revenue was you. You were a close second. There were moments where your sales would rival Fizzarolli’s and you were the starlight in the sin’s eyes, only to be replaced by someone that burned brighter than you ever could. Then, of course, the imp goes and quits and you’re bumped from being second place, to first. 
Being number one comes with a lot of responsibilities. Sales cannot falter. You cannot falter. Not even for a moment. Any grand gesture or event that there is must be perfect. You’re marketable. And because of that, the Sin of Greed treasures oh so much. You may be a lower class demon, but you belong to him. Leaving you alone can bring all sorts of trouble, trouble that he isn’t going to tolerate. He dresses you in fine clothes, adorns you in sweet things that came from your pay- you deserve to own something nice that you worked so hard for is what he tells you. You are protected and cared for, treated like porcelain and pressured into a diamond.  
Ever since the abrupt departure of the imp clown, it’s clear that the Sin of Greed has a bit of an attachment issue. He hardly likes to leave you unattended just in case people start to whisper to you about just how covetous he is. He lost quite a profit with Fizzarolli and the Sin would never say it out loud, nor even entertain the idea, but it left him rattled. He treated him better than the underlings, but that isn’t saying much. Maybe he was given too much freedom and became involved with Asmodeus, and that put some wicked ideas into his head, but it’s a mistake that will not happen again. You have guards that take care of you, and there’s hardly a moment when Greed isn’t seen with you in public. He likes to know where you are- always calling and messaging, appearing if you haven’t answered within five minutes. He always has this scared look in his eyes, and he hands always clasp around your biceps, and it’s silent, as if he’s trying to contain his anger, and trying to mask any worry that he had, but it’s always noticeable with the appearance of his many eyes and the frown that’s stitched onto his face. He’s consuming, taking and wanting, and it’s never enough.
It comes to no surprise that the Sin of Greed desires to be around you at all times and in doing so, he always has a hand on you. It was different in the beginning. It felt possessive, like a child gripping onto their blanket, held in a fisted hand that won’t let go no matter how hard it’s tugged at. You remember the sore feeling, the way you were dragged around like a dog and unable to go anyway without his approval and without him. Now, it’s different. He holds your hand softly, interlaced and pulling you closer to him. You can lead him around so long as you squeeze his hand. In public, he has you pulled close to him- hands around your shoulders as he whispers for you to not mess up the performance, an arm pulling you close to him as you walk through a crowded area. He can’t seem to let go of you.
Your attention has to be on him constantly. In public during a talk show, you sit beside him and you look up at him, your hand interlaced with his, another free hand on your knee- the benefits of having multiple arms. You have to talk about him, mention how wonderful he is, and not look away. It feels marketable, there’s no intimacy to it. It’s all for show. But then you go to his home, and he whines and grumbles about everything and nothing at all as his head lays in your lap. He only sighs and mumbles something barely comprehensible when you begin to scratch the crown of his head. Or he’ll pull you close to him in private, watching some random movie, all for an excuse to have you close to him, desperate to just touch you, his hands scratching lightly at your side and splayed over the top of your thigh. He’ll twist at your hair and trace shapes against your skin, and sometimes, you forget that he’s a Sin. 
No matter how you look at it, you have to be marketable. You have to sell plushies, prints, keychains, chips and sodas and endorse perfume and clothes. And you have to sell sexbots. It took time to convince you to agree to have your likeness placed onto something that was going to be used for lewd purposes. It took even longer to convince Asmodeus to create them. But it was all worth it. The profits that came in were amazing, better than he could have ever expected. However, you still belong to him, and it comes to his attention just how creepy fans could be. Were they like this with Fizzarolli as well? No, surely he would have noticed.You’re no different than the imp that you replaced. But when he sees a fan try to get a picture of you in your dressing room, he feels angry. Rageful, even. He sees how panicky you get, and he loves how you cling to him in fear and for protection, but he hates seeing you so sad. For a brief moment, he reconsiders recalling the sexbots, but then he gets a notification that the bots are out of stock. He tells you that he’ll hire more security for you with a kiss on the top of your head. 
The Sin of Greed likes to act like he’s in a romantic relationship with you. He plans your outfits to match with his. It doesn’t have to be a direct copy of what he wears- honestly, he has some semblance of tact- but he wants to coordinate with you. The colors have to bounce off each other, the theme of the outfits, the jewelry, and accessories. He wants to match with you. It’s easy for people to start rumors that the two of you are together, and he doesn’t stop them. If people think you belong to him in a romantic way, it doesn't matter. The rumors do encourage him to be more touchy with you, to hold you closer and have a reason to not let you be alone. Sometimes he’ll play it up, talking about how pretty you are, and how your singing voice is even better in person and people should really buy tickets for your next performance. He’ll even mention how in the next act, he’ll come in with some throwing knives- just a bit of a kick to add to your performance. 
When he books you at a more high-end event, he likes to have you sing ballads. You confess to  him that you don’t know where to look during those types of songs. The more energetic ones are easier because you’re constantly moving and performing, but ballads are softer, and you can’t just look at strangers. He’d never admit to anyone that it was just a way to get you to look at him as something more than a manager. He tells you to look at him- to sing to him. During those few minutes where you long for him and declare your love and how you’d wish to kiss him again and again, nothing else matters to him. You sing to him, not to the others. You care only for him during those minutes until the song pauses and a new one comes along and you sing to him again and again. And what is he but greed personified, and the desire to hear you tell him that you wish for him and no one else, keeps your nights busy until your throat is too sore to sing.
As a clown, he takes great satisfaction in knowing people are laughing because of him. It fills his pockets with green and it keeps the masses entertained enough to keep coming back. It didn't matter who was laughing, it just mattered that he was getting paid. But then he makes you laugh. And it’s nice, and loud, and it’s your laughter that has him pausing and feeling his face grow warm. It’s uncontrollable, and your smile is lovely. Ever since he found out he likes your laugh, he does his best to keep your laughter going. He wants to hear it, to drown in it, to memorize the sound and never let another soul hear it. 
Mammon is a manager first and a sort-of-romantic partner second. He pushes you to be better than perfect. You can't afford to lose money. But when you’re at your limit, when you’re too exhausted and irritable, there are few times where you actively fight back and grow resentful and it frightens him. You don't talk to him, you avoid anything of his, you detach yourself from him.. Even if he does hold your hand, he can feel how cold you are. He hates how you affect him so much. If he makes you upset, he makes up for it but it's always half-hearted. Mammon tells you that he didn't mean to push you so hard, but he wants you to be perfect. He cares for you so much, he knows that you can be better than the imp. So he sits beside you, grumbles something that isn't an apology and he looks so sad, you can't help but forgive him. He'll pull you close in private and tell you how you did such a good job, that you're his treasure and star and where would he be without you.
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maze-mind · 5 months
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'𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒖𝒑 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒈𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬.' ... '𝐈 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐈 𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮. 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨.'
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liccy · 1 year
I want to see people's routine when a scantily clad empty blog starts stalking you.
Please reblog to obtain a larger sample size, thanks!
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thotsfortherapy · 2 years
so much of self care really is just dragging yourself kicking and screaming through the things that are good for you because eventually, eventually, it'll make you feel better
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edwinspaynes · 17 days
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colorsinautumn · 7 months
can she please just have one deluxe version of the album with all the bonus songs or whatever and all the alternative artwork in a little book, please im so tired of these multiple versions and artificial scarcity with limited time preorders
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fbfh · 1 year
very much in need of some more ben florian content literally anything works i am desperate.🥲
I AM SO FUCKING GLAD YOU ASKED. AWWWUGUUHGHH. It's really been a minute since we talked about Benny boo huh. okay so I have some stuff planned for Ben so that's definitley something to look forward to, until then......
one thing about Ben Florian is that he's easy to fluster until he's not. He's a very patient, very diplomatic man. He can withstand a lot of teasing from you. he can handle all the jokes and jabs and flirting, all the getting up in his face just to watch his cheeks flush, watch him try to maintain his composure. but at some point... at some point, Ben is really really going to want to call you on all your big talk. He's going to want to shut you up. it's an instintaneous and almost invisible change in his demeanor, but before you know it he has you pinned against a wall or his big mahogany desk asking you to repeat what it was you just said. You have no idea, you can't remember anything except how good his muscular chest feels pressed against yours, how easy it is for him to hold you down with his big old hands.
"Mhm. That's what I thought, bunny."
He presses a kiss to your nose before standing you back up and parting ways so he's not late for his next meeting. You're gonna be thinking about that for the rest of the day.
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cfr749 · 4 months
Poor Lucy… (spoilers for 6x09 below)
1. They told us it’s her birthday, only to show no one (other than Kojo 😂) cares it’s her birthday.
2. She rambled to Nolan about how “good” she was obviously not doing and he was like, “Great 🙂” / gave zero f*cks
3. She brought up her failure to make detective (again) with no acknowledgment from Harper or Lopez, which makes it appear she is acting like a child about it and the adults in the room do not care.
4. She is not v stealthy for an undercover operative 😂
5. We got to see everyone come together and rally around Tim in his time of need (as they should have), while seeing Lucy be isolated as she’s struggled all season for apparently no reason at all…
What else did I miss?
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lovelylulib · 2 months
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The one who has the final say.
Or your crew?
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