#and i got offended when my friends didn't want to be animals with me. i had a lot of Horse Girl friends as a result
nexus-nebulae · 3 months
thinking about when i had such intense phantom limbs as a kid i told my math teacher about it
#like. I've had phantom wings since i was a CHILD and I'm not even kidding#i remember specifically saying 'i pretend to have wings so much that i can just Feel them there all the time now'#and he reacted in a way where he didn't want to tell me that's weird bc i was a Kid but also he totally thought it was really weird#which. was a reaction i knew very well at the time. that kind of quiet 'i dont know how to react to that but ok'#the trying not to make a weird face about it#so i shut up about it ever since! and then when i was 20 i found out what otherkin was#i remember them specifically being pegasus wings too we've always loved pegasi it was entirely bc of the barbie movie#i can't remember what the term is. for when you're A Fucking Lot of things all at once? poly something?#but we've always been like that#our first OC was plural coded and otherkin coded to the absolute max it was insane#and she was fully and entirely a self insert (at the time. nowadays she's her own guy)#but like. she could absorb souls on the brink of death and communicate with them inside her head#and she could shapeshift into any of those souls' forms at will#and she was supposed to be some kind of chimera#her 'true form' that i made of her was just all of her different forms crammed into one body#like. one owl wing one dragon wing. a dolphin tail. a fox paw and a pegasus hoof. scales mixed with fur. human shaped body. horns#if we weren't a system at the time then we were at least REALLY REALLY susceptible to becoming one we've always been Like This#and I'm willing to say i was an otherkin kid in the same way i say i was trans before i knew what that was#i didn't say I Am A Boy i just said I'm the closest a girl can get to being a boy (a tomboy)#i always leaned towards boys interests and boyish things. in the same way i taught myself to walk like a cat and meow convincingly#(to a point where i meowed once and my sister yelled at me to put the cat down if she's meowing. i was not holding a cat)#i didn't know what being otherkin was but i spent about as much time as possible being as animal as i could get#and i got offended when my friends didn't want to be animals with me. i had a lot of Horse Girl friends as a result#(hard to avoid horse girls in the middle of rural ohio tbh)
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gassydumbjocks · 7 months
Filthy Animals
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Shawn sighs trying to focus on his algebra book again to study as he hears all the noise coming from the living of the apartment he shared with his roommate.
He couldn't have any worse luck than living with the most sexist, grossest, filthiest, and DUMBEST guy he've ever met, Jaden was watching the football match with his bunch of good-for-nothing bros again, or apes, like Shawn liked to call them, filling the house with the obnoxious sound of their dumb laughs and bodily functions, Shawn swore he couldn't pass five minutes without hearing (or smelling, even from his room) a belch or fart those ogres would let out, and then giggle like toddlers cuz it was so much fun for them.
"BOOOOOUUUUURRRRRPPP" the jock lets a fat bassy belch out after drinking a whole can of beer "Woooh Broo! Hahaha, that was a fucking BEAST! ah?" He says joking with his slob peers as they all agreed while watching the game or commenting about the breast or butt from the cheerleader girls they were dating on.
It was already enough for him, as he made his way out of his room decided to confront him, he found him on the couch wearing nothing but his nasty underwear and a hand under it as he scratched his balls casually, Shawn grimaced.
"Y'all will never behave?! I can hear your disgusting noises from my room, You animals!" He said, almost red from rage, but Jaden simply letted a goofy laugh with the dumb smile and look he always had, same with his dudes.
"Lil bro, relax a bit, we're bonding as we men should do, you afraid to cut the cheese or what?" he smirked as he lifted one of his legs and pointed right at Shawn, he grunted and before the poor guy could do anything "Protein fart bomb!".
The putrid stink of the protein combined with the beer and all that food he and his friends were eating hitted Shawn almost immediatly, making him gag and feeling nauseus, wanting to run to the bathroom and throw up, while Jaden was having a good laugh and fist bumping with his all his bros, some even responding with another fart just to bother Shawn more "Damn i fucking stained my briefs with that one hahaha" Jaden said smiling, and it was no joke as even Shawn could see the brown mark on them, horrifying him.
"Ewwww! STOP YOU BRUTE!" He covered his nose "You are an ANIMAL" he hissed giving him a killer look.
"What is your damn problem?" It was then when Jaden got done with his whines and looked at him "Why dont you fucking relax and start acting like a man? You could even join us if you wanted" He offered, for Shawn's surprise, but the nerd was so mad that he made a disgusted face at the idea of it.
"I wouldn't join a group of slobs without manners who only know how to think with their cocks and fart or belch non-stop like fucking pigs, You are so dumb that you cant even count past 10 or say your own names correctly!" He stated, The jocks made overexaggerated gasping sounds, seeming offended by it, Jaden just stared with a neutral expression, his 'you're dead already' look perforing him deeply. Shawn quite started to fear him once he lost his sudden dose of courage.
"We'll see who ends up being the animal here, lil bro" was all the jock said before focus on the game again, leaving Shawn with a bad feeling running throught his spine as he rushed back to his room.
"Idiot... He just wants to scare me" He said as he seated again in his chair to continue his studying for the rest of the night, A little worried tho, for Shawn he just said the truth, but he didn't know what the immature and stinky athlete could do to him, time after overthinking about it he decided go sleep, unaware of the plan the Jocks at the living were making in that moment.
During the next morning, Shawn woke up around 9 am, so he supposed Jaden would probably be at the gym before his training, he got out his room and walked to kitchen to have some breakfast, but to his surprise he was there, still in his undies as always when he was home , eating some brownies from a plate that was in the table, before smiling at the nerdy guy "Brodaah!, you want some of these? My girlfriend brought me brownies cuz she made some for the annual campus event tomorrow, but i can share" he said, as innocently as he could sound, Shawn narrowed his eyes at him and then at the brownies
"If you farted on them i swear i'll throw them to you" he threatened, Jaden rolled his eyes, grabbing another "Bro, grab some, i didn't put anything nor poisoned them, ya paranoid" He said "I left the white chocolate ones for you, i ate the rest"
The pale guy doubted for a sec, but then he thought that Jaden maybe couldn't even be that smart to think on something to ruin the food, he was the last of his class and his IQ didn't pass over 65.
He slowly extended his arm, and picked up a brownie, he sniffed it before "Smells a bit rare... What did she use to bake them?"
Jaden simply proceeded to shrug "they tasted good to me, just try one bruh! You wont regret" The jock said once again, Shawn looked at it unsure of what to do, after some eternal seconds, he sighed and finally bited the brownie, gulping it down his throat once finished
"Eh... Actually it wasn't so bad-" He got interrupted by a huge growl, coming from his deep gut in his stomach, he held it in pain with a hand, and somehow for some reason he started to feel a bit... Bloated.
"What the hell was in that?!" The nerdy guy looked in horror the taller jock, who just dedicated him an evilish and satisfied grin.
"You'll see, lets just wait it does its effect" He said, Shawn tried to run, but he couldn't move neither "This is bullsh-..SHIOOooOOOUUURRRRPP" a wet then deep and smelly belch made its way out of him out of nowhere, but instead of feeling ashamed, that burp seemed to take all the worry out of him and leaving him on a slacking and relaxed state.
"Cool haha" Jaden approached him, seeing the scrawny boy with a lost look standing there "Now we can start... Where should we... You said we were animals, but what if i tell you you are one too? Man, you even smell worse than me, just sniff your pits!"
Shawn proceed to lift his arm and sniff deeply, he showered daily, but now his armpits immediatly took a fetid and rank odor that could make even the strongest faint.
"And you also said we dont have manners, remember? You dumbass, we both know your fumes are deadly, you love to let it rip bruh hahaha"
That blast made Shawn's pants vibrate at the bass from that fart, with each gas he letted out, his expression seemed more and more relaxed and drool scaped from his lips.
"You forgot you are such a dumb jock" Shawn made a goofy laugh at that as he scratched his butt.
"Such a dumb and gross jock"
"BOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUURRRRRRP" was Shawn's response this time.
"You truly are an animal, dude, so dumb and filthy i cant imagine how you are even able to talk haha"
"Du... Dumb hahaha" A new deep voice came out of his throat, and then he belched again before grinning stupidly.
"Oh and, for the record" he made a pause "I did farted on those brownies, but just yours man, and Bryan could possibly rubbed them in his ass... And Wesley maybe burped on them too, i dunno, just enjoy the extra flavor haha"
Shawn never felt more dizzy or dazed in all his life, not that it mattered now tho, his life now was being a hot dumb and smelly jock, blasting burps and farts as if it was his own breath, it felt good to be dumb, it felt good to act like a man.
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keen-observations · 1 month
Keen observation: Genya might not have heard Sanemi in the infinity castle. (Iykyk)
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(Shoutout to my friends who let me rant to them after I read this chapter, I think I caused some emotional distress)
Okay so if you've continued to read this, I'll assume that you've red the demon slayer mana, and have been made more than aware of the untimely death of one Genya Shinazugawa. And that you have also read the scene in which Sanemi and him have their hurried heart to heart, in which Genya finally gets to apologise to his brother, while Sanemi assures him that he was never in the place where he needed to apologise.
And on my second reading (Once I had calmed down and semi-processed the manga's ending) is where I kinda noticed that Genya's reaction to this was not what I would have expected from him. In chapter 133 of the manga, and episode four of season five of the anime, Genya tries and fails to apologise to Sanemi, and instead gets himself into even more trouble with the latter, mentioning his demon-eating abilities. Genya is defeated by the fact that Sanemi still doesn't want to hear him out, as he is seemingly still hurt by what Genya said to him when they were younger.
But little did he know, Sanemi was just worried for his safety, and as revealed by Tanjiro, has loved him all this time. Genya is clearly shocked by this, and apparently just didn't have a single clue that his brother cared about him a all, let alone loved him.
Part of me thinks that Genya didn't fully believe Tanjiro when he first heard this, but that when he saw Sanemi fighting for him, that he came to the realisation his brother did still care for him.
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All of this combined makes Genya's reaction to what Sanemi was saying a little underwhelming...? AND I KNOW THAT HE WAS LITERARELLY DYING, BUT BUT BUT
We have seen demons show emotion as they die, or be a little more... interactive? And I think I'll focus on Gyutaro and Daki to make my point. They are clearly very aware of what is being said to them, as Gyutaro gasps when Daki said
"Someone as ugly as you couldn't possibly be my brother!!"
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And she is offended when he insults her for being dependant on him - but then as Daki proceeds do disintegrate more, she becomes more manic and cries out to no one in particular, as though her senses are going out of whack - and that brings me back to Genya.
By the time that Sanemi awakens to see Genya, notice that Genya is staring off into space, and his ears are disintegrated. He mutters his apology to his brother, but doesn't really look at him, or seem to respond to anything that he says either - in fact he talks over him a few times. And I think that that is down the the fact that Genya just couldn't hear him.
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As you can see in the photo, Genya doesn't even acknowledge a single thing that 'Nemi says to him. he doesn't even have the heart to look him in the eye as he finally cranks out the apology he has owed his brother for so so long. And I think this is because he was scared that Sanemi might not let him finish - that he might lash out at him - or worse - tell him he loves him as he has to leave him behind.
Genya loves his brother so so much, but in his last moments he doesn't even look to him as he speaks, doesn't respond to his brother's cries for him, and doesn't even let him know that it is alright for him do die in advance of him, something that I think our usual Genya would have done - given his brother at the bare minimum some half assed comfort due to fatigue - but no. We got nothing.
And yes, this does mean that Genya may have died thinking that Sanemi was still frustrated with him in some way, or that he was always going to have been some kind of a burden to him, and that does hurt me quite a bit.
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(Also do we think that Sanemi realised that Genya had fully become a demon by the time he died? When he saw him turning to ash he screamed
But he doesn't really focus on it, I mean clearly there were more pressing matters - but if Genya were to have lived on as a demon do you think that he would have been killed inevitably by Muzan at the end of the battle? Or do you think Sanemi is pulling a Tanjiro and searching for a cure to get his little brother human)
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kingconia · 1 year
hiiiiii! ugh, i am not sure if you take requests? but if you do, can i ask you leona one, where reader is the descendant of scar, and afterglow savanna always treats her like shit, thinking she will try to kill farena or leona?? idk tbh the dynamic between her and others, but maybe with a prompt "why are you keep protecting me?" "because if anyone kills you it will be me?" BUT NOT ANGSTY MORE LIKE CHEESY ONE like she is joking she has no plans to do so!!
(also maybe she is friend with azul bc both of them manipulative masterminds idk)
A/N: that's actually sounds so fun. i am genuinely invested, though, i had never thought that someone will ask me to write something. but, oh, darling, thank you. i would love do that more, so if anyone wants, i am open to your ideas.
warnings: not detailed mention of blood and some threats with mentions of gore? it is lighter than it sounds.
Hatred followed you from a very young age. And it wasn't necessarily yours.
You were six, when you learned to understand that kindness will not help you survive. But cruelty will.
Abandoned, throwed away, you were nothing in the world of kings and queens. Your whole existence were cursed from the day you made your first breath, and no one was going to tell you why. Why you were so hated by the whole country, by every single person in your motherland? Why your mother turned away from you? Why you were considered to be dangerous?
But the more you grew, the more you understood that it is for the better. Their hatred, their suspicion, their rage. It made you the independent person. The predator.
And you were fine with that.
At some point, you stopped caring about what all of them thought. Instead, it filled you with even more power to move forward.
And so you survived. Proudly, with chin up to the sky, ignoring the way others treated you.
Savannaclaw wasn't necessarily bad, though. You thought it will be; Farena Kingscholar never being kind to you, and his kingdom therefore, too. But Savannaclaw was different. There, your only king was Leona. And Leona didn't care whose descendant you were.
If anything, he never even took it seriously.
”Why the fuck I would care about that cursed king?” He spitted it out once, as Ruggie asked him in what he thought was a whisper, as you passed by. ”Stupid lion is dead for a long time. Why would she care about him, even?”
And that was it. Savannaclaw never acted like you were enemy, no one glared at you with participation, no one was suspicious about your every single world.
You were free.
And the freedom you had gained, finally, made your loyalty to Leona stronger.
So, you didn't really like, when someone offended him.
It was your job to annoy him, to try break his trust towards you by cynical remarks—”oh, my King, you shouldn't trust me with your nephew. What if I tear him apart?” or ”Tsh, tsh, little lion... Haven't your brother told you? You shouldn't really turn your back to the hungry animal,”—even if he never cared.
And if someone tried to steal your job... Well, that would be really-really bad.
”Remind me once again,” you yawned, throwing a grape in your mouth, ”why I am not allowed to fight that Pomfiore boy for you?”
Azul chuckled.
”You got almost expelled twice, tigerfish. I am flatted that you are willing to try it for me, too, but I have more interesting ways to get my revenge.”
Azul was probably the strangest friend you ever had—and you had the only one, who was Jack—but it wasn't necessarily bad. He always got you involved in his plans, and as both of you were thinking about this or that in complete solitude, scheming and laughing, you thought it actually was nice.
”I caught him applying foundation on his face a week ago,” you share with him quietly. ”On the whole face. And let me say, he is not that perfect without it, Zul.”
He gasped dramatically.
”And that after interview, where he says he hates unnatural beauty?!”
”Tigerfish, you are so cruel,” he smiled. ”I love it.”
”Sure you are,” your ears moved by itself and you turned your head on the right. ”Do you hear that?”
Voices. Very loud, very angry voices. Usually, you would ignore that, but it was a familiar scent that made you move forward, ignoring Azul's question.
”Are you fucking insane, Hunt?”
”Oi, oi, I only cared to see if you would react immediately!”
You groaned.
Fucking Pomfiore kids.
As you stepped closer, your annoyed expression shifted to a worried one. There was a crossbow in Rook's arms, and Leona was holding an arrow is his hand, face angry.
So, it was it: little hunter tried to hunt Leona down.
Before he acknowledged your presence, you moved forward, raising Rook by his collar, right from behind.
”Don't get frightened, little one,” you said, voice, despite a smirk, vicious. ”I only cared to see if you would react immediately.”
Leona scoffed.
”Aha, how nice! Jolie Lionne! Had you came to save your pretty prince from the trouble?”
You frowned.
”He is the king, hunter.” Your turned him to face you properly, still leaving him hanging in the air. ”Listen to me, sweet human, the next time I see you trying to shoot him, I will scratch your eyes with my claws, and eat them in front of your fake housewarden. And then, I am going to make a feast. Do you hear me?”
His face scrunched for a second, but he put his usual smile on the face rather quickly.
”My, my... We were merely playing! But, fine, fine. As you wish, jolie lionne!”
You freed him, and this time he was rather quick with leaving.
Other students shun you actively, so it wasn't surprising. Beyond Savannaclaw, Azul, and, well, Lillia Van Rouge, other either ignored your existence or avoided you in fear. You had one the hell of the reputation, and your own attitude never helped to fix the damage that rumours left on you.
”I didn't ask you to do that,” Leona clicked his tongue, moving to your right side.
”You never do,” you shrugged. ”I don't really care.”
Maybe it was the fact that you never denied his power, never looked down at him, that helped him to make a peace with the fact that you were so eager to protect him. Because, well, in the beginning, he thought it was offensive.
”You are so fucking strange that, do you know that?” You repeated your previous action, and he continued. ”If I were you, I would love to kill me. And my brother. Especially him. But you keep doing that. Keep guarding me like a lapdog. Why?”
You wondered about it too, once. But the answer came easily to you.
It was a boy with unusual scar on his young face that stared at you without hatred the first. Simply stared, without any particular emotion, and handed you a little red flower, before leaving.
And though, he probably didn't remember it...
It was still him, who looked at you without despise in his eyes, when both of you grew up, meeting here and there, as your presence should have been always controlled and seen by the royal family.
And it was him, who made Savannaclaw respect you, as he joined this school, a year later than you did.
It was always him.
”Having trouble with creating another lie?” He smirked, moving to stop in front of you, clearly disliking the fact that you ignore his presence.
”You want to know why, Leona?” You tilted your head, meeting his curious eyes. "Because I consider you to be the King, more than your brother ever will, and therefore, I should protect you.”
Before he opened his mouth, you caught him by the chin, moving him closer. He stared at you, not annoyed, but quite lost by this action. Your eyes shimmered with a familiar hunger that always lived inside you.
A hunger for fame. Acceptance. Peace. Blood. Cruelty.
”And because,” your lips brushed the corner of his, as you breathed out on his cheek, ”if anyone ever tries to rip out your golden heart, my King, it is going to be me.”
His lips curled in a same wicked smile that played on your face.
And as his arms fall on your hips, he accepted the game.
”What a coincidence,” his whisper came out like a purr. ”Because if ever try to rip our my heart, my dear Consort, I will allow it to you.”
A laugh that escaped your chest sounded so taunted that others would find it scary.
But you know Leona didn't. In fact, he enjoyed it very much.
And both of you had a very long journey to find out what else you enjoy about each other. Gladly, you had plenty of time for that.
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melminli · 11 months
cats and colors
summery: you talk about how black & white reminds you of satoru and suguru
contains: gn reader, no pronouns mentioned, non curse au, satosugu talk, fluff/crack, satoru being in love with reader a bit, kinda weird ending but really funny
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"aww." you exclaimed when you saw two cats playing with each other on the sidewalk. guess it was worth it after all to wait outside on a bench while satoru was withdrawing some money. you nudged geto with your elbow to get him to turn his attention away from his phone. "look. it's you and satoru." you said, pointing to the two animals with a small smile on your face.
he looked a little confused for a second until his gaze went to your finger and saw the scene in front of him. "this again? is it really just because one is black and the other is white?" he asked, not really understanding the concept behind it. he really wanted to, though.
you always spoke up when you saw the two opposite colors together, just to say how it reminded you of them. they usually got it through messages you sent in the group chat, like just a while ago when you sent them a photo of just two side by side chairs in ikea with the caption reminded me of you guys.
you nodded. "yeah. why?"
geto just shrugged his shoulders. "i don't know. i guess i just don't think our hair color is the crucial factor that represents us as you know us and like as friends." he laughed out, making up this little theory. he stopped laughing once he noticed your completely serious expression.
"oh, please. you think i'm a beginner?" you asked a little offended. "it's so much more than just your dumb hair." you began waving your hands in the air as you made your impassioned declaration. "these colors represent you so beautifully because they're opposites who still go perfect with each other, like ying and yang for example. Satoru is hot-tempered and extroverted, which is usually more associated with something light, while you have a more introverted and quiet nature, which is more associated with something darker." you took both your hands and put them together to demonstrate. "like two puzzle pieces... but on second thought, your hair colors also play a bit into that, i guess."
his mouth just opened slightly at what you said since he didn't necessarily know how to respond to that. "that's very perceptive on your part. i'm kind of impressed - a bit scared - but uhm, mostly impressed." he admitted.
"i can't believe they don't accept credit cards in that place. i mean, who carries cash around these days." satoru interrupted you two a bit annoyed because of the fact that he had to go to the bank. he then spotted out of the corner of his eye the two cats that were still playing around with each other, and his mood lifted again as he watched the two. "aww, how cute." he stated and took out his cell phone to take some pictures.
"they're you and me." geto said and looked at you afterward. when satoru heard that, he knew exactly what he was referencing with that. "if the black cat is geto and the white one is me, then you would be a...birmen cat!" he decided, placing two question marks over both of your heads. this statement had little to do with your previous profound explanation.
"...birmen cat?" you repeated, not quite sure what that meant exactly. you were also having trouble deciphering what such a cat looked like, to be honest.
satoru just nodded while looking at you a bit dreamy. "i love birmen cats. they're my favorite."
his best friend laughed slightly at that and looked over at you to see if you could read the meaning between the lines. unfortunatly for his best friend, it didn't look like it since you still seemed to be thinking what a fucking birmin cat had to do with your color theory. "...that's cute i guess?" you said in the end and were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard a loud meowing out of nowhere.
three pairs of eyes turned to the two cats who had previously been playing sweetly with each other. the two were now busy with something else entirely as the white cat mounted the black one from behind to...perform certain activities.
geto quickly spoke up with a stern tone before anyone could say anything. "i'm not going to listen to any theories or sick jokes about this." he said, deeply regretting his previous saying.
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shy-urban-hobbit · 1 year
Five times the Witchers learnt just how cat-like Aiden actually is
Biscuit making - Lambert
Lambert stared down at his friend, eyebrows raised in silent question as Aiden dozed lightly, plastered to Lambert so they were snuggled chest to chest in the small inn bed. He'd gotten used to Aiden purring in his sleep when the Cat witcher felt safe (and Lambert tried not to linger too long on how that made him feel) long ago but this…this was new.
The hands resting on Lambert's chest were rhythmically gripping and releasing the material of his shirt in tandem, the pinprick scratch of long, tougher than average fingernails just enough to feel through the fabric. It wasn't uncomfortable as such, in fact once he got used to it, when paired with the soft, barely audible purr it was actually quite relaxing.
Soon enough, Lambert found himself being pulled into sleep, either not caring or not realising that he himself had started letting out a steady stream of content rumbling of his own in response.
"Question for you, Cat."
Aiden didn't pause in lacing up his boots, "Ask away, Wolf."
"You know you were-" he clenched his fingers in imitation of the gesture, "I don't know - kneading - me last night?"
At that, Aiden did pause and Lambert had the feeling if he could blush he'd be bright red.
"I..shit. Sorry, I didn't even realise. I usually only do that around my siblings. I'll try to control it better."
"Didn't say it was a bad thing. " Lambert bumped his shoulder lightly against Aiden's, "I was just curious is all. I don't give a shit what you do, short of stabbing me."
Lambert tried to ignore the warmth blooming in his chest as Aiden let out a tiny purr.
Jumpscare - Eskel
Eskel hummed to himself as he bought in the last of the vegetables from the greenhouses for pickling. Glad to see that Aiden was already in the kitchen setting everything up and was currently busy with a keg of brine. Things had been a bit tense to start with when his little brother had rolled up with a Cat of all people but Aiden had made it very hard to not like him. If nothing else, he was always more than willing to lend a hand with chores - always a bonus when your home was in a near constant state of disrepair.
"Alright." Eskel said, dumping one of the sacks out onto the stone countertop, "That's the last of this year's crop. If we work quickly we should be done by-"
He was interrupted by a yowl next to him and if Aiden was an actual cat, Eskel would be inclined to think somebody had just stepped on his tail. Whirling around he saw no sign of the other Witcher. Until he looked up just in time to see Aiden hauling himself up to fully perch on one of the rafters, glaring at Eskel's haul.
"Get those things away from me." The Cat hissed pointing accusingly.
Now Eskel was even more confused, all that was there was a perfectly innocent pile of….
"You mean these?" He held up one of the cucumbers, causing Aiden to growl low in his throat in response. Eskel hastily dropped it again, "Ok, ok. I'll put these away for now and we can work on the beetroot instead. Ok?"
Aiden nodded but still refused to leave his perch until the offending items had been shoved back into the sack and into a cupboard.
Soundlessly, he grabbed a knife and began to peel and chop the beetroot.
"Cat thing?"
"Cat thing."
Zoomies - Geralt
Geralt couldn't sleep. Again. He was nowhere near desperate enough to go down the Djinn route again but by the Gods it was starting to get annoying. He just wanted one night where his mind wouldn't keep throwing up scenarios where he failed his responsibilities to Ciri, Yen, Jaskier, his brothers…he was just one man for fucks sake.
He decided to go check on the animals, Eskel had mentioned that the fence on one of the goat pens could do with repairs but it was already getting dark by the time he'd noticed. It was on the list for the following morning but his brother would be heartbroken if any of them had gotten loose and hurt in the meantime.
Turns out Geralt wasn't the only one feeling restless. As he entered the courtyard he caught sight of a figure seemingly in the middle of running laps along the wall. Too lithe to be Eskel or Lambert, too tall to be Ciri, it had to be Aiden. Geralt stopped for a second, unsure why until he realised. Aiden was moving fast.. too fast to be running it safely in the dark and frost. Even for a Witcher, that could be a broken leg or concussion at least if he fell.
As if the Gods had been reading his thoughts, Aiden lost his footing and soundlessly tumbled down onto the cobbles of the courtyard, landing in a heap. Only to bounce back up immediately as if nothing had happened and continue running laps at ground level instead.
Geralt felt his brow furrow as he continued watching, what the fuck?
"Couldn't sleep either?"
Aiden had come to a stop in front of him, hair plastered to his forehead with sweat and eyes darting around ceaselessly as he almost seemed to be vibrating in his own skin and using all of his self control to stay still and talk.
Geralt hummed in response before gesturing to the wall "You do that often?"
Aiden looked slightly sheepish as if he expected to be reprimanded, "Only a couple of times since I've been here. The mutagens. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to combust there and then if I don't move , for some reason it's worse at night. I think there was something meant to make us nocturnal, at least partially anyway. If I were on the path I'd go hunting or just go run pell mell in the woods for a bit. Doing that on an unfamiliar mountain didn't seem like the smartest thing though. I'm reckless, not suicidal."
Geralt huffed a laugh, "Well, don't let me stop you. Just don't make us find you lying out here with your skull cracked open in the morning."
Aiden gave a mock salute before going to mount the wall again, "Remind me to tell you about Cat Trials. Trust me, a fall from this is nothing. You could always run a couple of laps with me if you want? It's just, you look as if you could use something to tire you out too."
Geralt shrugged. At this point, why the fuck not?
Chirp - Jaskier
"Melitele's tits, it's cold. I mean, it. Is. COLD." Jaskier proclaimed as the two of them closed the door on the snow storm they'd just left, moving to hang his cloak and hood by the fire in the great hall, "I swear, if you and Lambert ever decide you're heading South for the winter I'm coming with you. Geralt can freeze his tits off up here alone, he'll survive. Unlike me. "
Aiden said nothing, although the bard had been around enough Witchers by now to know his companion was probably silently laughing at him as he removed his own cloak. Jaskier tsk'd at the snow clinging to Aiden's hair and moved to brush it out without thinking. The Cat let out a small but clearly audible "mrrrp" and momentarily pushed into the hand before he caught himself. He turned to face Jaskier, who was grinning at him like both Yule and his birthday had come early.
"Oh, well. That is just precious! " He exclaimed, clapping his hands together excitedly like a small child who's just been shown a magic trick, "Oh my dear, if all Cat Witchers make such adorable noises I may have a new favourite school. Do you all do that or is it just some of you? Purring's a given, every Witcher I've met purrs to some degree or other."
Aiden caught Coen's eye, the other Witcher flashing him a smirk which said 'You're on your own'
"That's it, I've decided! I'm making it my mission this winter to find out just how cat-like you are!"
"Do that and I'll hide your lute up in the rafters." Aiden said with no real heat, the Bard trailing after him asking questions about tables and glassware, distracted (for now) from the coldness of the Keep.
If I fits… - Vesemir
Vesemir basked in the quiet. There were perks to being one of the first ones to wake in the mornings. As much as he loved having his boys back safe and sound for the winter, after months alone the constant noise could become a little overwhelming at times, making these moments of quiet solitude all the more precious.
He made his way to the laundry room with an armful of bedding he'd found which probably hadn't been washed since the previous winter if the stale smell was anything to go by. No matter.
He quirked an eyebrow at the closed laundry hamper. He was certain he'd opened the lid earlier unless old age and senility were finally starting to get to him. Dumping the dirty sheets on the ground to free his hands he lifted the lid again.
And was greeted by Aiden blinking sleepily up at him, disturbed by the sudden brightness. Vesemir briefly took a moment to try and figure out what manner of contortion he'd used to cram himself into a space the boys had struggled to fit in even as adolescents before catching Aiden's eye. The two held eye contact as Aiden tilted his head in silent question, still half asleep. Vesemir wordlessly lowered the lid again in response before walking away shaking his head. It was too early for his boy's antics.
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spicy-apple-pie · 6 months
I love fan art about finding family. In one popular fic which I read, the kindest, most clumsy, at times cruel to the offenders of his friends, man, just like Batman, without noticing it, actually adopted a dozen characters, who for the most part were either orphans or had cruel parents. All this time, “father” thought that for them he was just a figure of a reliable adult who did't exist in their lives. He didn't want to reopen their wounds related to their parents. And at one point, another character asks the youngest of the children if he considers “that guy” his dad. To this the younger replied light-heartedly: “Yes, of course, we all think so.” And the “father,” falling from his chair, lost consciousness from “an excess of happiness in his blood.” Bruce, in fact, also did't adopt at first, but simply took custody. Do you think he would have had the same reaction if at one point, for example, Cass had revealed the truth to Bruce in the same conversation?
Aww, I saw your ask about One Piece too! (sorry I didn't answer it earlier). My friend recommended it to me, and I saw some of the live action and really enjoyed it. I might pick up the anime, but I don't like things that are sooo long.
I love those fics where Bruce's kids call him dad behind his back and then he finds out and he cries with happiness. Because I don't think Bruce set out to be a dad for Dick when he first took him in a ward, only to make sure he was okay and had support. Same with Jason, he just saw a kid in need and wanted to help him. EXTRA POINTS if Bruce fully admits that he sees them as his kids, but understands if they don't see him as a parent and respects that.
That actually reminds me of a comic I was going to write where Duke gets arrested or otherwise in trouble for sticking up for another. Bruce absolutely tears whoever thought it was a good idea to mess with his kid a new one. And then Duke's upset because he got in fucking trouble and he hates that. And Bruce is like "oh fuck, I stepped over the line, I parented too close to the sun and he hates me now." and then something something they talk and Bruce is like.
"Duke, you... you are like a son to me. And that doesn't mean you have to see me as your father, I just- I wanted you to know that you are loved and I will do anything to protect-"
And then Duke cuts him off with a hug. He confesses that he doesn't see Bruce as a dad, but that support is something he really needed and is so thankful that Bruce is there for him.
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kangshxrtie · 7 days
ch. 23 ⤍ left 4 dead
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​​you switched the screen from the "starting soon" animation to your face cam, flashing a quick smile before going  into your introduction.
"i honestly have no idea what i'm doing today," you confessed to the stream, leaning back in your chair. "so it would be really great if one of my friends watching could hop on and play games with me." 
almost instantly, a message popped up in chat.
jenaissante am i one of your friends 👉🏼👈🏼
"i would assume so. would you like to play games with me, yunjin?"
jenaissante yes pls jenaissante i'm getting food rn jenaissante inv me though
you only saw the first message and didn't invite her, instead scrolling through the chat, searching for someone else.
_chaechae_1 can i play?
"yeah, of course, chaewon," you replied casually.
jenaissante how dare u say yes to chaewon when i asked u first
you squinted at the screen, confused. "wait, did you say something? i didn't see it."
jenaissante fake —permanently banned
your eyes widened. "wait, shit! i didn't mean to ban you, i was trying to check the logs!" you broke into a laugh as you quickly unbanned her.
jenaissante just say u don't fk with me
"i swear i didn't see it! you said you were getting food, then 'invite me' a second later. how was i supposed to know?"
jenaissante can't believe you hate me
"just get your food and join us," you said.
jenaissante okay
you hopped on a call with chaewon, brainstorming what games to play. the two of you tossed out random suggestions, but each idea was quickly shot down due to the number of players needed or a lack of interest in the game. finally, yunjin joined the call—still eating, so not much help in the decision-making process.
"let's play left 4 dead 2," you suggested, scrolling through your steam library.
"isn't that for four players?" chaewon asked.
"yeah, but how hard can it be to find one more?" you shrugged. with everyone in agreement, you immediately started looking for a fourth.
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"i've got a fourth!" you announced.
"who?" yunjin asked, curious.
"just a girl i know," you said cryptically.
"what girl?" yunjin pressed.
"you'll find out when she gets here"
"wait... is it kazuha?" chaewon guessed.
"uh, no, she's busy today," you replied.
"oh, right," chaewon nodded in understanding.
suddenly, yujin joined the call with a loud ping, interrupting the conversation.
"oh, it's just yujin," chaewon said casually.
"just yujin?" yujin echoed, clearly offended.
"not like that!" chaewon chuckled. "y/n was talking about you like you were some random girl we'd never met."
"i literally said she's a girl i know, which isn't a lie," you defended.
you booted up the game and invited chaewon, yunjin, and yujin to your lobby. everyone picked their characters as you fiddled with the settings.
"what difficulty should i pick?" you asked the group.
"maybe advanced?" yujin suggested.
"or, you know, maybe normal?" chaewon said, her voice laced with caution.
"we can handle expert. we've got this," yunjin declared confidently.
"can we, though?" you asked, skeptical.
"of course! we're pro gamers," yunjin insisted.
"you know what? you're right. expert it is," yujin agreed, backing her up.
"i don't agree with this at all, but sure," chaewon muttered.
sighing, you set the difficulty to expert, not trusting yunjin or yujin at all but just wanting to see what happens.
user2 we'll see how long that lasts user3 "they're not even lasting a minute" is winning the polls by a landside rn user4 betting all my points on them losing rn
the game loaded in, and as usual, you all messed with the controls to get comfortable. scanning the ground, you grabbed a weapon and glanced at everyone else's characters.
"wait... why is chaewon's character kinda hot?" you remarked suddenly.
"huhhhh?" yunjin blurted, totally caught off guard.
"y/n, you can't just say stuff like that," yujin laughed, trying to hold it in.
"i'm serious!" you continued. "her character just backed it up on me. y'all need to see this from my point of view."
as the first wave of zombies swarmed in, everything fell apart in record time. chaewon screamed as she died almost immediately, yujin calmly took out a few zombies, while yunjin panicked because of chaewon's freakout—only to die herself. you were just trying to help, but it was too late. you all died in less than a minute.
you quickly went to adjust the difficulty. "normal or advanced?" you asked, trying not to laugh.
"we died so fast!" yunjin laughed, still in disbelief.
"we can handle advanced," yujin suggested.
"no, we cannot," chaewon said, her voice sounding genuinely scared.
you set the difficulty to normal for the sake of chaewon, who seemed like she was actually traumatized from the previous events.
"no, we cannot," chaewon said, her voice sounding genuinely scared.
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"everyone on the roller coaster," yunjin instructed, already making her way up the tracks.
you followed, but when yunjin turned around, she noticed chaewon still struggling at the bottom. "she's down there alone. she's not gonna make it."
"i am!" chaewon yelled, her voice laced with panic as she fought off the swarm of zombies below, while the rest of you were already perched at the top of the roller coaster tracks, watching her struggle.
"you gotta get up here!" yujin called out, her tone urgent.
"i'm trying!" chaewon replied, breathless.
"she's actually not gonna make it," you observed dryly.
before long, zombies started appearing at the top of the tracks, forcing all of you to engage in a fight. yujin was downed causing yunjin to freak out and looked to see chaewon stuck below, trying to fend off zombies and ultimately getting downed herself.
without hesitation, yunjin leapt down to save her. "i'll save you, chaewon!" she shouted, helping her back to her feet.
as soon as chaewon was revived, she announced, "i have a defibrillator! i can save yujin!"
meanwhile, yunjin called out, "i'm about to die!" as she sprinted up the roller coaster tracks.
"please don't," you muttered as you yourself were downed.
"y/n!" yunjin screamed from the other side of the tracks, panic evident in her voice.
yunjin and chaewon fought desperately to fend off the incoming horde, trying to revive at least one of you. but in the end, yunjin got downed too, leaving only chaewon to fight.
"teamwork did not make the dream work, yikes," you commented, leaning back in your chair.
"that's toxic, y/n," yunjin groaned.
"i'm coming back!" yunjin exclaimed as chaewon managed to help her back up.
"please don't," you deadpanned.
they finally revived yujin, but the zombie horde was relentless. despite your best efforts, it wasn't enough, and you were all taken down by the overwhelming hoard. the level had to be restarted, but at least you managed to beat it on the second try.
now that you all were in a safe room, the group decided it was time for a quick break before the next round. you took this time to turn your attention to chat, seeing a chat from kazuha causing you to smile at it.
k_a_z_u_h_a__ ain't no way ur playing with my roommates & not me rn
"are you jealous?" you asked in a teasing tone.
k_a_z_u_h_a__ and if i was?
"i would have invited you, but you were busy," you replied with a grin.
k_a_z_u_h_a__ :( k_a_z_u_h_a__ still messed up
user2 should we leave 🤨
"i'll play games with you next time then."
k_a_z_u_h_a__ :) k_a_z_u_h_a__ that works k_a_z_u_h_a__ gotta film now... k_a_z_u_h_a__ i'll miss u
"bye, kazuha. go do your job," you said, waving at the camera with a smile.
once kazuha logged off, you responded to a few more questions about the game and joked with your chat before the break ended. then it was time to lock back in for the next round.
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"chaewon, behind you!" yunjin shouted, swinging a baseball bat wildly at the zombie chasing after chaewon's character. "this thing's so fast!"
chaewon let out a scream once she finally noticed, firing her gun with her eyes squeezed shut. somehow, she managed to kill the zombie.
"i got it, chae!" yunjin said triumphantly, smacking the now-dead zombie one last time for good measure.
"oh wow, thanks a lot," chaewon replied sarcastically. "really saved my life there."
before yunjin could respond, a spitter grabbed her character. "wait, huh? chae, help!" she called out, struggling.
chaewon just burst out laughing, watching yunjin's character get dragged away.
"why are you laughing? help me!" yunjin begged, "my character's gonna die! do something!"
chaewon kept laughing, only stepping in after yunjin's health hit was completely down.
"i was actually dying, and you just stood there laughing like a maniac," yunjin grumbled. "even after i saved you."
"oh, that was funny," chaewon said, still catching her breath.
a little later, yujin came up to you, wielding a chainsaw as you took down the last zombie in sight only for yujin to swing the chainsaw at you.
"what the fuck!" you yelped.
"oh, sorry! thought you were a zombie," yujin said with fake innocence.
"no, you didn't. don't lie to me," you laughed.
"i'm serious, i couldn't tell the difference!" yujin insisted.
"yeah, sure," you replied, shaking your head.
eventually, you all reached the safe room, the mid-level stats appeared on screen, detailing the damage each of you had dealt. once your characters were back in view, everyone reloaded their weapons, patched up any wounds, and stocked up on ammo and supplies, prepping for the next onslaught.
"alright, last level. let's go," yunjin said with determination prompting you to open the door.
"yippee! last level!" chaewon cheered, her voice full of excitement.
"we're professionals now," yunjin boasted confidently, with chaewon echoing, "professional gamers!"
"seasoned at this point," yunjin added.
the mood was light as you ventured out, shooting the few zombies that outside near the safe room. things were manageable until chaewon's panicked scream rang out.
"behind us! oh god, they're behind us!"
user5 instant chaos 😭
you whipped around, guns blazing as yujin tossed a boomer bile into the horde, and you got out of there following behind chaewon who was now heading up some bleachers. as you were a prompt came up to start the stage lighting.
"do i start this?" yunjin asked, eyeing a prompt to activate the stage lights. before anyone could answer, she hit it.
"oh—we have to survive here," yujin noted, already scanning for a place to take cover.
"there's some medkits up here!" chaewon called out.
the notification flashed across the screen: rescue is coming! defend yourselves.
"alright! where are we holding out?" yunjin asked.
"under the main stage," yujin suggested, and both you and chaewon agreed.
with that, the fight began. molotovs flew, bullets sprayed, and zombies kept pouring in, all while the stage lights burst like fireworks overhead.
"yujin, behind you!" yunjin yelled, saving her from a sneak attack.
"thank you," yujin replied, barely catching her breath.
"i got the right side!" chaewon called out, steady in her role.
"i got all the sides... except for the ones i don't," yunjin quipped.
"we're literally destroying them," yujin remarked confidently. "this is easy."
"too easy," yunjin agreed.
just as the lights flickered out and the zombies seemed to stop coming, you were about to relax.
"that's... it?" you muttered.
"i knew we would end them," yujin said proudly.
you were about to reply when chaewon's voice cut through. "guys..."
"it's just one. we'll mow it down," yunjin said dismissively.
"yeah," chaewon echoed.
as you focused on the tank approaching, chaos struck again—a jockey rode yujin, dragging her health down fast. you quickly intervened, freeing her before returning your attention to the tank.
"wait... it's not dying," yunjin exclaimed in disbelief, continuing to unload bullets.
"he's so big," chaewon groaned.
"oh, wait, it is now!" yunjin cried as the tank finally fell, everyone cheering as victory seemed close.
but then, another swarm appeared. zombies flooded the bleachers, and yujin was slammed to the ground by a charger. chaewon, wielding an axe, rushed in to save her, only to face yet another tank. the group barely managed to set it on fire and take it down as the rescue helicopter appeared overhead.
another notification flashed across the screen: rescue has arrived! get aboard
you and chaewon scrambled up the bleachers while yujin held her own on stage, fighting off the remaining zombies. but just as she made it to you, chaewon was downed. yunjin ran to help but got downed herself.
yujin threw a molotov to clear the area but ended up setting both you and chaewon on fire in the process. "both chaewon and yunjin are down! we can't go without them," yujin said urgently.
"i'm coming, give me a sec!" you yelled as you fought through the flames to revive yunjin.
"just run to the helicopter!" you shouted once yunjin was back on her feet.
as you made your escape, yunjin got downed again. yujin, torn between survival and saving her friend, paused. "i can't leave without her!" she cried, fighting off zombies. but eventually, she gave in. "actually, i might have to leave her," yujin said, backing away.
"yujin! what the fuck!" yunjin shouted as yujin left her behind.
"sorry, i gotta put me first," yujin quipped as she headed to the helicopter with you and chaewon.
"wait, we can't leave without chaewon," you said.
"you right, we can't leave her, and by we i mean you two" yujin agreed staying near the helicopter, far from the danger.
"i have a defibrillator!" you said, rushing to revive yunjin.
"alright, i'll cover you," chaewon promised, while yujin hung back in her safe zone.
you called for help, taking damage while trying to get yunjin up. "wait, help me!"
chaewon hesitated but eventually stepped forward, just as yujin climbed into the helicopter. "pilot, you can leave now."
"what do you mean, leave?" you snapped.
before you knew it, the helicopter left with only yujin aboard. the sound of her triumphant laughter echoed in your headset.
"yujin, you left?!" chaewon's disbelief was palpable.
"ain't no way," yunjin muttered.
in memory of:
chaechae jenaissante gameryn
"i went to get a medkit for chaewon, and they killed me for it," yunjin said.
"in memory of us minus yujin's bitch ass" you said.
"don't worry, you'll be going in the autobiography for sure," yujin reassured like that meant anything.
"it's so on brand. yujin would leave us in a zombie apocalypse," chaewon sighed.
yujin just laughed in response.
"wow. you're not even gonna try and defend yourself?" you asked, incredulous.
"y'all wouldn't believe me anyway," yujin said casually.
"damn right! you left us!" yunjin exclaimed.
"if we ever end up in this situation for real, i'm sacrificing you first," you said firmly.
"fair," yujin responded, still laughing.
after the game, the group spent a few minutes laughing and recapping the best moments, mentioning yujin's betrayal and the chaos that ensued. once everyone said their goodbyes and left the call, you sighed in relief, finally able to settle in for some one-on-one time with your chat to debrief without the noise of the rest of the group. 
user6 yujin really said "every man for himself" lmao
user7 ofc yujin would be the one to leave
user8 yujin's betrayal arc, wow...
user9 left 4 dead (literally)
user0 no mercy, no loyalty, just vibes
user1 yujin's so real for that
“never inviting yujin to another lobby again,” you declared, shaking your head. you spent a few moments catching up on donations and responding to messages you missed during the game before wrapping up the stream with your usual outro.
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they-them-that · 1 year
Light trigger warning: gender roles, misogyny, transphobia
I love Ouran Highschool Host Club and with the Shoujo classic that it is, I adopted the general consensus that the show was "ahead of its time" with how it portrayed gender. Haruhi will always be a non-binary icon but upon rewatching it, especially after my own trans awakening, I remembered something that never sat right with me and that was how Tamaki treated Haruhi. My two cisgender friends didn't seem to pick up on the same problems even though they also consider Haruhi to be non-binary which made me think I was just projecting onto the anime. But another friend of mine later told me how it was much more "heterosexual" than she remembered that helped validate the feeling I had.
Although Haruhi doesn't like to make a fuss about gender, the anime does and it constantly reminds us that no matter what Haruhi feels, she is still a "girl". Tamaki is the worst offender of this mentality where even his entire perspective on Haruhi changes as soon as he finds out she's afab. A huge part of Tamaki's character is that he dotes on Haruhi "like a father" where his actions are actually founded on the authoritative, patriarchal belief that he needs to "protect" her because she is a woman. Not just protect her from actual harm either but from things like kissing someone and wearing a swimsuit...
Although in certain ways, we're supposed to laugh at Tamaki's overbearing nature, he's never actually taught to respect Haruhi's autonomy. In what felt like every episode, Tamaki fixates on Haruhi's assigned sex much to her annoyance. Yet rather than learning to look at Haruhi as a person regardless of gender, we're expected to see his obsession with upholding gender roles as a sign of affection. This felt clearest in episode 8, "The Sun, the Sea, and the Host Club!" where Haruhi confronts two men for harassing her female peers. She gets shoved into the water where Tamaki saves her but the conflict arises when he scolds Haruhi for standing up to men at all. The message emphasizes to us that "Haruhi is a girl" and it's something that she has to accept for her own well being while Tamaki's anger is meant to be perceived as chivalrous rather than patriarchal and heteronormative. The reality is, even if Haruhi was in danger, that isn't actually her fault but the fault of the men who felt entitled to women's bodies (something Tamaki is guilty of, even if not to the same level of aggression).
I still cherish OHSHC but it hasn't fully stood the test of time as I've been led to believe. That's not to rob gender queer people the comfort they feel from the show but that for myself, it's a bit hard to look past the cishet energy that the anime exudes. Although I see Haruhi as non-binary, the show doesn't seem to agree and goes great lengths to invalidate Haruhi's gender indifference. It's tragically common in anime and manga where trans-coded afab characters are reminded that they're still women and it's usually "proven" to them through patriarchal scenarios that put CIS men in a role of dominance. A lot of the time, these women are only gender nonconforming out of happenstance or circumstance rather than by choice, which even includes Haruhi Fujioka (she only cut her hair because there was gum in it). That's not to conflate gender expression with identity but it does feel like we're only being met half way, especially when the anime still romanticizes the gender dichotomy with Haruhi and Tamaki's relationship. I would've loved to see Tamaki be able to toss the notion of gender the same way Haruhi is able to and have that be the groundwork in which their mutual feelings blossom. Instead, it just felt like we got a man who stubbornly wants someone who grew up without gender labels to visualize herself the way he does, as a "woman".
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kenjakusbrainstem · 1 year
Affection (Kenjaku x Reader)
Hello <3 so I decided to try my hand at taking requests, and this one was for @midnightshade's prompt of 'something softer/more domestic' with Kenjaku. I was wracking my brain all weekend trying to come up with a good plot but the backstory of it all wasn't fitting right for me so I just got down to the meat of things! Hopefully this is along the lines of what you wanted, as I'm not the most well versed in domestic. It was fun to play around with the idea though and just admire Kenjaku though. Enjoy~
Kenjaku's large hands felt heavy in your hair. Fingers running through your soft strands, nails scraping gently against the scalp. This was a rare intimate moment between the two of you. You sighed softly, the way his fingers could be so soft with you when he was usually reserved with his affection was comforting.
It wasn't often that he was able to drop in to see you, even less often that he stuck around for more than just a small conversation or a night visit. So you chose to savor the moment, nuzzling your head into his leg as you rested it on his lap.
The fluttering of pages above you pulled your gaze upward. Kenjaku turned the page of the book he was reading, some book a curse friend recommended to him if you recall correctly. That wasn't important to you though, you took in the relaxed look on his face. He seemed at ease, as comfortable as you were. Though he could be hard to read at times.
Geto Suguru wasn't the first face of his that you'd seen, but it was a very attractive one, you couldn't deny. You knew seeing him go through different bodies was special. It was something that he shared with very few individuals over the years, so you felt lucky to be by his side still. Though it did make reading his moods a bit more difficult as he took over a whole new set of facial features.
You held no complaints though, smiling softly to yourself as you took in his sharp jawline and amber eyes. Long tendrils of black hair falling freely around his face and shoulders, it almost softened his more masculine features.
Eyes trailing up from his lips and eyes to the line of stitching across his forehead. Every now and then you caught yourself staring at them, knowing that his true self was right behind that line. While the body was still Kenjaku, you couldn't help but want to be closer to the real him.
"Enjoying the show?" Kenjaku asked playfully, eyes not leaving the book in his hands.
You felt your face flush a little at being caught staring. His fingers in your hair stilled, hand cupping the back of your head. As if he were forcing you to keep your eyes on him even if embarrassment wanted you to look away.
"Just admiring your features, I don't get to see you very often with how busy you've been lately," You said, pouting even if the complaints were hollow. Holding his work against him is something you wouldn't do, though you had to admit, having him with you like this was much nicer than being alone.
Kenjaku chucked lightly, a small smirk forming on his face. He looked down at you, stretched across his lap like a small animal. It was like you were a pet to him, something he kept around for companionship when he got too lonely in his near immortality.
The thought of being kept around like a pet didn't offend you the way it probably should have. You were content in your role, the infinite lust for knowledge inside you was sated by him often. The way he pushed the boundaries of science and jujutsu had you hooked.
You moved to sit up, Kenjaku allowing you to move freely and closing his book to allow you to now sit in his lap. His arm came to rest on your back, holding you steady, while the other rested on your thigh. His touch always warmed you, and this was no different.
"Oh you don't feel neglected, do you darling? How will I ever make it up to you?" Kenjaku's kind words dripping with sarcasm. His voice was low, teasing as he spoke. Eyes staring straight into you as if he could read your innermost thoughts.
It made you squirm.
"I want to kiss you," you said bluntly, hoping he would know what you meant without you having to ask. You knew he preferred when people were forward, but there was still something odd about asking for affection like this.
Another small laugh left his throat as he leaned forward, lips pressing against yours hotly. The soft kisses quickly turning into something more passionate. Kenjaku's tongue heavy in your mouth as the two of you shared the kiss that you requested.
Pulling back suddenly, he continued to smirk at you, as if his own cheeks weren't flushed the way yours were.
"Is that all you want?" Kenjaku asked, strong fingers digging into your flesh.
You couldn't quite find the words to convey how you felt. How he wasn't quite right about what you wanted in the first place.
Taking initiative you moved yourself up and into a position where you were straddling his thighs. You looked down at him as he did you so many times, and smiled. Knowing that for once, he probably didn't expect what you were about to do.
Slowly bringing your hands up, you held the sides of his face still. You brought your lips down, pressing a soft kiss to the line of stitches across his forehead. You could feel the slightest tensing of his body underneath you as your fingers slid further up the sides of his face.
Gently, you pulled at the stitching along his forehead until the string came lose. Moving one hand up and into his hair you slowly lifted until you could see the pink tissue of his brain exposed to you.
Kenjaku himself, exposed to you.
He was still and silent as you again moved yourself closer.
You pressed your lips softly to the hot, wet tissue that was the man you cared so deeply for. Trailing kisses down the brain until you were met with the teeth you had been shocked to find out existed. This was something you had thought about since the first time you had seen it.
The mouth was open when you pressed your lips to it, snaking your tongue inside you were surprised to find him eagerly kissing you back. The slight nip of his teeth against your lips felt good as you coaxed his tongue into your mouth.
The sloppy kiss lasted longer than you'd expected as he hadn't moved to stop you. The sound of his vessel panting reached your ears by the time you realized he was gripping your sides so tightly they'd surely be bruised.
Pulling yourself back you could see the fluids, saliva maybe, dripping from where the stitching used to be and down his face. The look was too erotic, too intimate of a sight for you.
Gently you placed the top of his head back where it had been before. You brought your hands up, planning to stitch him back together as you've seen him do before. Before you were able to though, his hands shot up and held yours still in an iron grip.
"You're not stopping that soon, we're going to finish what you started," Kenjaku's voice was shaky, he sounded as if he were on the brink of climax already.
You knew you were in for a long night.
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prescottsgirl · 1 year
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sidney prescott x tatum riley
summary: emotions are high after an eventual night. tatum and sidney can’t keep their feelings contained anymore at their sleepover. they can’t keep their hands to themselves either.
warnings: none
note: my first tatney/satum fic!! also title is inspired by silk chiffon by muna bc duh
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Tatum lightly bobs her head to the soft melody playing and Sidney looks over at the poster on the wall of a shirtless actor. She thinks; she doesn't want to kiss that man as much as she does Tatum. She should feel attracted to that, but the only ounce of attention that picture gets is when Tatum makes her flustered and she has to look at anything else besides her.
She thinks about what it would feel like to kiss Tatum. To think about soft blonde hair, and soft skin, and kissing her best friend. She wants to do each others makeup, and giggle at movies, and paint each others nails, but she also really wants to kiss Tatum.
She notices all the little things about Tatum, and she falls further in love with her. How she wears shirts that barely cover her stomach and she loves to show off her legs with little skirts. But when it was just her and Sidney, she always wore childish pajamas and cuddled with her stuffed animals. Sidney got to see all of her. Not just the Tatum that the boys want to see.
"I think you're going to drill a hole through my wall if you stare at that picture any longer," Tatum says boldly. Sidney turns her head and looks shocked at the fact that Tatum was still even there. She realizes that she was staring right at her.
Tatum rolls her eyes at her, but she doesn't do it with malice. "Okay, what's going on?"
"Nothing," Sidney shakes her head, but she continues on talking, "I just— do you think something’s...wrong with me?"
"What?" Tatum now says. She looks offended that her best friend would ever say something negative about herself. "This is going to sound bias but absolutely not. Why? Did grease-ball-Billy say something to you?"
"No," Sidney sharply replies. She broke up with Billy a few weeks ago. She wasn't attracted to him and she didn't think it was fair to continue the relationship. He, still, continues to try and change her mind. "I just— why don't I like Billy? You always tell me how he's so perfect and all the girls love him..."
Tatum sighs and moves over to the other bed that she bought specifically for Sidney when she sleeps over. Somehow they always end up in one bed by the morning. She sits cross cross and is directly facing her best friend. Sidney can smell Tatum's strawberry shampoo from where she sitting, and she can already feel herself falling into a hazy trance.
"So what? You're not attracted to Billy. There are so much better men out there." Tatum says it like it's not big deal, but Sidney's heart sinks and she feels the walls closing in on her.
Tatum notices that Sid's not content with her response. There's something deeper that's bugging her. "You don't need a boyfriend anyways. You have your best friend." Tatum nudges Sidney's shoulder and she only slightly smiles. Right. Her Best friend. That seems to be the problem.
"It's just that every time Billy touches me I just want to be small and run away. But everytime you even hug me I feel safe and it's comforting." Tatum's eyebrows raise at her best friends confession. Sidney doesn't even process what had been said until she sees Tatum's reaction. "Oh. I didn't mean it like—"
"It's fine," Tatum says. She doesn't want Sidney to work herself up, she doesn't want Sidney to stop talking either. "Keep talking."
Sidney was always very smart, but Tatum knew more about love and relationships than her. She was never interested and always had to pretend that she wasn't staring at the women in a romcom when Tatum would make her watch them.
"I know you're my best friend. It's supposed to feel this way."
"What way?" Tatum pushes, because they'll get nowhere if she doesn't. Sidney is good at doubting herself and falling back on her feelings.
"Like...jealous when Stu holds your waist or kisses you," Sidney admits, and her cheeks burn a bright shade of red because deep down she knows that that's not what best friends are supposed to feel. And deep down she knows that she wants to be able to kiss her the way Stu does.
Tatum reaches out and holds onto Sidney's waist. It's awkward because they're sitting down, but Sidney can only focus on the feeling of gentle fingertips on her body. Every time Billy tries to hold her like that, she squirms away. He's too aggressive with it and his fingers poke too hard into her skin. 
"Like this?" Tatum asks, referring to what makes Sidney so jealous.
"Mhm." Sidney's voice is weak and fragile, and if they weren't sitting so close then Tatum wouldn't have even heard her.
"I hate when Billy would touch you like this," she moves her hand down to Sidney's thigh. Closer to her knee than anything because she respects her best friend.
Tatum watches a lump go down Sidney's throat as she swallows down her anxiety. "You got jealous of us too?"
"Mhm," Tatum now says, sounding more sensual than Sidney did. "Made me so mad. Wanna know why?" All Sidney can do now is nod. She really, really, wants to know why, but she forgot how to even speak.
"Because I wanted to do that to you." Tatum whispers it, and they're so close that Sidney actually hears it. She can feel her best friends breath against her face and it makes her shiver. But she's not even cold. Why does she feel this way?
"Well...you— you finally got to," Sidney says and nervously chuckles. She feels like she ruined that moment but Tatum doesn't bat an eye.
"Maybe you should kiss me. So I can get the real idea."
Sidney doesn't even move. She doesn't even know how to do this. She's been in a romantic relationship but this is with Tatum. Her best friend, another woman, someone who actually makes her heart beat faster than it should.
"I don't know how..." Sidney trails off and hopes that her best friend comes to an understanding of her resistance. She wants to kiss Tatum so bad that it's actually dizzying, but she doesn't want to ruin it.
"Kiss me like you kiss Billy."
Sidney feels a boost of confidence with this. Tatum wants her to kiss her. She just wonders if Tatum wants it in the same way she does. She couldn't possibly...right?
Sidney puts her hand on Tatum's jaw so she doesn’t move. And it takes her a minute to actually put her lips on Tatum's. Her skin is just so fucking soft under her fingertips.
She finally moves her face closer. Her lips taste sweet like the cherry lollipops that she always sucks on. And then Sidney can't stop thinking about that goddamn lollipop and the way that her favorite blonde stares her down as she licks it. Suddenly, everything starts to piece together and make sense.
And she doesn't kiss Tatum like she kisses Billy. She kisses her likes she really wants it, like she needs it. That not how she kisses him.
The kiss doesn't last long, but neither of them seem to move more than a couple centimeters away from each other. They stare back at one another like they've witnessed the collapse and creation of the world.
Sidney doesn't know where to go from here. She liked it more than she thought she would.
"Do you feel something right here," Tatum pokes Sidney's stomach as she speaks, "that you don't feel when you kiss Billy?"
Sidney doesn't even want to answer that, because she can hardly even admit to it in the safety of her own head. Her face is a deeper shade of red now and Tatum's bright light is only accentuating that. That itself answers Tatum's question.
All Sidney does is nod and she doesn't understand why she feels the need to cry at this confession. She doesn't though. She just bites her tongue because crying right now would just be embarrassing.
"Me too." Sidney feels a little better at Tatum's same confession. If only it weren't for the nagging anxiety in the pit of her stomach. She wasn't supposed to like this. Her dad probably wouldn't approve and the entire school would be even more disgusted with her than they all already are. "I'm really into you, Sid."
But, suddenly, she doesn't care what anyone else thinks. All that matters is the fact that she just kissed her best friend and liked it. All that matters is that Tatum Riley just admitted to the same feelings Sidney has.
Sidney leans forward and presses her lips against Tatum's again. It's enough to show her that her feelings are certainly reciprocated.
Before Sidney knows it, she's being pushed back on the bed and Tatum's on-top, straddling her. Tatum's never moves her lips away from Sidney's. She can't get enough of the sweet taste of her best friend.
Tatum's blonde hair tickles Sidney's face and her body pressed against her makes her feel warm. But all she can think about is the way Tatum's tongue glides across her bottom lip, or even the way that her breasts press again her body. She thinks she's going to melt in this warmth.
Tatum's the one to pull back. She looks for any sign of discomfort on Sidney's face, but she can't seem to find it. She wants to keep kissing her, making her feel alive, but she can see her best friend is struggling to keep her heavy eyes open.
Maybe they should both sleep now. Maybe they should sleep and clear their heads.
Sidney holds Tatum by the back of her neck and tries to bring her in for more but she doesn't reciprocate it. She worries for a moment that she went too far, but Sidney quickly pushes back those thoughts as Tatum speaks. "You're so tired," she says. And it's the simplest thing in the world. They just made out, they just confessed their feelings, but Sidney's tired and she needs to sleep.
"I know but I wanna kiss you," her words are almost slurred. She's so drunk on Tatum. She needs to make up for all those years that she didn't kiss her best friend.
Tatum plops herself beside Sidney on the bed and before the young brunette can cuddle closer, she's being pulled on top of Tatum by her waist. She didn't know Tatum was that strong. Maybe she's just too sleepy.
She lays her head down on Tatum chest and the blonde girls arm wraps around Sidney's body. She feels so safe here. She hasn't felt so safe and comfortable since her mother died. But nobody can hurt her in Tatum's arms. She can rest. Finally, she can rest without being so afraid.
Tatum could stay up all night to make Sidney feel good, but Sidney was always had a schedule with herself. She would never be able to get up for school if she didn't go to bed. And Tatum cares more about Sidney's needs and wants than her own.
"Goodnight, Sid," Tatum says, and continues in a whisper, "I love you."
She's said it before. Of course she has. She loves her best friend. But now she loves her...girlfriend? Is that what she is now?
Sidney eyes quickly start closing in the comfort of her lovers arms until she's fully asleep. Tatum just watches with a gentle smile on her face. Watches the way her long dark eyelashes flutter, watches the way that her teeth show through the small gap of her parted lips.
She too eventually drifts off.
Sidney always thinks of Tatum as the sun goes down, and now it rises with her in Tatum's arms. It's a full circle, she's think. She's so glad that circles are never ending.
When Sidney wakes up, she's still in Tatum's arms, and the girl is still sleeping. She knows there's school today, and she's a good girl; she gets good grades and doesn't miss any days of school. But was the feeling of academic success better than this? She'd rather lay here in Tatum's warm arms than sit on a cold hard chair all day. So she simply doesn't wake her up.
Sidney tries to hold in a giggle at the way that Tatum's nose scrunches in her sleep as stray frizzy hair tickles her nose. She bites down on her lip, hardly realizing that she's nearly drawing blood. Her finger lightly trace the outline of the young blondes pale jawline.
She wants to lean down and replace her fingers with her lips, but her desires are interrupted by Tatum's eyes fluttering open. Her dark eyes were flaked with gold and Sidney seemed to be mesmerized by it. It suddenly didn't matter that they had this confusing affair going on. All that mattered was the way Tatum looked at Sidney like the sky rose and fell with her.
"Good morning," Tatum says it first, because she could see how lost Sidney looked.
Neither of them make an effort to move out of each others arms. It was then that they realized that they didn’t need to just sleep whatever happened last night off. They truly wanted what they gave each other.
"Mornin," Sidney responds and Tatum can hardly understand her when the brunette slurs her words with the way her mouth moves again hers.
Tatum's taken back but the sudden confidence in her lover. Her cheeks shine a bright shade of pink in the morning sunlight that peaks through the crack of her sheer curtains. She focuses on how noticeable Sidney's freckles are in the morning light, and the way that her lips are still plump from the kiss. She thinks she can get used to waking up like this.
"We gotta get dressed. Sorry for not waking you." Sidney’s not truly sorry. She knows Tatum shows up late to school most of the time and that she’d rather stay here in bed with her anyways.
Sidney attempts to get up, but Tatum grabs her arm and keeps her in place. There’s something in the way that Tatum grabs her that isn’t so greedy and aggressive. Her heart doesn’t sink when she’s pulled back. She doesn’t wonder if that hand around her arm is going to squeeze too tight until she just explodes. Tatum’s gentle, and her fingertips softly brush against Sidney’s arms while she holds it.
“Not so fast,” Tatum speaks to her in a quiet, tired manner. Her eyes are still foggy with sleep, and her brain is still in a dreamlike state. Maybe it’s just Sidney. Maybe she feels like she’s in a dream because she’s curled up in bed with Sid.
“We’re gonna be late—” Her words are cut off by the soft press of Tatum’s lips shutting her up. She sighs into it. A gentle, content sigh. And suddenly nothing else in the world matters too much.
“Okay now we can get dressed,” Tatum says, and gets up, but it takes Sidney a moment to process it.
Tatum sits at her vanity while she finishes up her makeup and begins doing her hair. Sidney’s stands in the background of Tatum’s mirror while she throws her clothes on. The young blonde tries so hard not to be distracted by Sidney’s lacy white bra on her body, or the soft pale skin of her stomach. She tries so hard to focus on her hair.
She gets frustrated as she tries to run a brush through her hair though. It's so frizzy and tangled and the more she brushes it, the puffier it gets. Tatum loves fashion and makeup, but as soon as she has to do her hair, it's a lost cause.
Sidney notices Tatum's struggle and walks over to her. She stands behind her and looks at her through the vanity mirror. "Stop fussing. Do you want me to do two braids for you?" Sidney talks so gentle and all of Tatum's anger flutters away. She picks up her brush before she even gets a response because she can't stand seeing Tatum so frustrated.
"Yeah. Thanks."
Tatum's picky with who touches her hair. In middle school, she was so stubborn that she wouldn't even let her own mother help her brush and style it. She would wait until she got to school to let Sidney do it for her. Sidney was always better at doing hair than she was and it never hurt when she brushes through all the knots for her.
She watched Sidney through the mirror the entire time that her hands work on her hair. Her eyes almost flutter closed as she has her blonde strands brushed through but she's too entranced by Sidney.
When she's done with her task, she looks at the braided hairstyle in the mirror. Instead, she meets Tatum's eyes, locking with hers. It's makes both of their cheeks burn a bright shade of red. Tatum doesn't get embarrassed that often, but this had caught her off guard.
Sidney finally clears her throat and lightly smiles. "All done. Ya like?"
"Love it, Sid. Thank you." They both pretend like it didn't happen. But then Tatum decides to stand up and kiss Sidney's pink cheek. She thinks it adorable how Tatum has to stand on her tippy toes to kiss her, especially with Sidney having a small heel on her boot.
Sidney turns her head to the side so she can properly kiss Tatum this time. Both girls are flustering messes at this point, but neither of them can stop.
"We should go have breakfast before we're late." Sidney says, somehow having Tatum's confidence rubbed off onto her now.
"Breakfast. Right. C'mon."
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
AITA for trying to kill my evil(ish) symbiote?
For context, I (19F) am an adventurer. I come from a small town, but I really like to travel and fight and explore. Also for context, one of the gods in our continent's pantheon doesn't really exist anymore— they used to be a sentient entity like all the other gods, but wanted to become 'more' than that, so they gave up all of their conscious thought, emotions, stuff like that, and locked all that stuff away in a tower to basically become more of an omniscient force of nature, like a law of physics. That tower was in my small town, and a few years back, something messed up broke out and escaped from it. We've just been calling it the shadow.
So, my best friend (19F) and I had been adventuring around our town for a few years, and a couple times now, we'd been accosted by this shadow monster. It started two years ago. It had basically been jumping from body to body, surviving in the bodies of animals and random people and corrupting them to attack us. After a particularly dangerous mission out of town, I fought with it, and it promised to kill everyone I love before immediately darting away. I panicked and we raced back home, but it got there before we did, and it had attacked my dad and injured him really badly. A really powerful family friend at the time managed to fight it off, and as I got back, the shadow realized I had some pretty powerful associates and became interested in me, and decided it wanted me to be its host. So it jumped into one of my tattoos and, essentially, became a symbiote. For the most part, it just talked to me (it was a real asshole), but it also gave me powers that could make me fight better, and even brought me back up from the brink of death a few times. But it also used magic to charm me once when I didn't do what it said, and even took control of my body to help us win a really brutal fight. I learned that what it wanted was to build itself a body of its own. Since it was basically made up of all the parts of a god that it didn't want and was imprisoned in a tower for what felt like eternity, it had been through a lot and only really knew being cast off. We learned more about each other and were times it felt like we were even starting to bond. But it still hated me and I still hated it.
After we managed to save our town, both of us decided this arrangement couldn't work anymore, so the shadow offered two options: we could wait several years as it started to build a new body as the body incubated, or we could go on a trip to try and find it a new host. I did not want to wait that long, so we started to travel together. It took about a year, and to tell you the truth we sort of bonded a bit along the way! There were times when we would laugh and joke together, it saved me a couple times, I learned more about it. It seems like it just wanted to have a real body and be able to interact with the world more than anything else. But it still attacked my dad and hurt my friend and charmed me before. It's hard to forget that stuff. After months of traveling, I stowed away on a pirate airship, where I learned the captain was a witch who was going to die soon. This is where it gets a bit iffy: I knew she was going to die. Like, soon. So I tried to offer her as a host to the shadow, because I figured if she died, the shadow would probably die too. It turns out, it was listening in, and it knew she was dying too, so it got really hurt and offended that I was trying to kill it. It found a different host instead, and now things are really awkward between us. On one hand, I did try to deceive and kill it while it was in a very vulnerable position, and also tried to foist a malevolent shadow monster off on a dying woman. That's sort of bad. On the other, like, it is (was?) evil! And did all that bad stuff! And maybe it's better for the world that it's not alive? I don't know. I feel a bit guilty. AITA?
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ladyclwriter · 2 years
Meowpheus x gn!human!reader
Summary: that huge dark cat came to your house every night for two years. Then came in a morning for the first time; showing who he really was, also, for the first time.
Fluff, fluff, fluff
“And I've been meaning to tell you, I think your house is haunted”
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“I'm home!” you said while closing and locking the door skillfully with your arms full of bags. It was late in the night, so, you already knew someone was waiting for you.
After stumbling while taking off your shoes with the back of your feet, you walked towards the kitchen of the tiny apartment. Unpacked your goodies, put it where it should be, then turned around to the living room, hands on your waist. Weird. When you looked in the other rooms and didn't found your friend, instantly got worried.
For two years, a really really big dark cat would show up every night. Sometimes, just when the sun set. Or, after midnight. Indeed, the cat always came to see you. Even if it was for an hour, or until the sun would start rising.
Then, it hits you it might come later. So, unworried, you focused on making dinner and finishing your after-work tasks.
You only went to bed at 1:47am. Head laying heavily on the pillow, you stared at the open window, not even one star visible with the city lights overshadowing them. Eyes closing by themselves, you yawned, taking the blanket to your nose. The cold wind that came from outside reminded you the reason all the windows of your house were open.
It was because of that very first night.
You were crying, heartbroken, nothing more than a crumbled mess on the floor, when a shadow crossed your eyesight. Scared, you jumped, looking around to find whatever it was. Back froze, goosebumps when you felt someone gazing at you. Slowly, terrified, you turned around.
“Holy shit!” you screamed, yellow bright eyes staring at yours. Hand on your chest, feeling it pumping crazily, you let out a gasp when a low meow fills the room. “Oh. Damn. Okay, so... Okay. Jesus Christ”
Brushing hands to wipe away the tears off your face, you got closer to the big feline. There, both sitting on the ground, he was almost as tall as you. “Hey, beauty. You scared me. Are you from the new neighbor? How did you got into my house?”
No, didn't had a collar, nor any sign of owner. Infact, the cat seemed to be in a very good state to be from the streets. “What can I do for you?” you reached out your hand to touch the dark fur.
The animal flinched away from your palm, looking almost offended. You kept your outstretched hand with a puzzled face. “Alright, not the petting type, I got it.” taking your hand back to your lap, you stayed there, staring into those golden eyes.
Indeed, the cat did nothing more that night but to look; watch, you. Even when you went to sleep, the animal sat on the window, observing. Well, at least, the dream you had that night made you don't give a fuck about all the heartbreaks next morning — and the cat wasn't there anymore.
Since then, he — you discovered in a very investigating look — came back. Never hungry, never stinky or dusty. Sometimes, he meowed. Sometimes, not even a purr, which was rare for him to do so. In a year, he became more approachable, specially on your sad days. Laid on your lap, slept with you on the bed, even asked for petting. Apparently, the only thing the cat wanted was attention. And you gladly gave him.
You had pictures with him on your Instagram, and actually made a profile just for him, since your pictures with the huge Maine Coon — that's what race internet stated he was — got so popular. His stories and reels would beat celebrities from time to time. Everyone that came for a sleepover knew him, your relatives considering the cat a part of the family. And you accepted it as truth; the cat was your cat. Even if he never stayed for the day.
The feline became the joy of your nights. Sometimes, he was the only one to calm you down. The way he came at you, gave you nudges and asked for petting the exact time you needed. When you cried all the night with a curled ball of dark fur on your arms. The cat really was one of your best friends at this point.
Too tired, you, unlucky, slept all night. Nightmares, one overlapping other, different types of terrors and fears filling your mind made you wake up, wet on sweat and gasping for air. Quickly and slippery, you got out of bed to throw water on your face. Staring at yourself in the mirror, you tried to calm down.
After getting your breath in a normal rythm, it hits you. Coming back to the bedroom, no sign of the feline. One of your nightmares was about losing him; the cat crying as drunks hits him with baseball bats and iron bars.
Panick strangled your heart when you noticed the sun rising.
He didn't came.
And for a fucked-up week, it was like that. Nightmares all these days, people on social media asking about the cat, you having anxiety crisis everytime you thought about him. Should've put protections on the windows and never let him out. Should've bought a collar. Should've gave him more attention.
On the seventh morning, after taking a long shower to ease your disturbed mind, the face in the mirror wasn't the same from a week ago. Dark pouches under your tired eyes, pale as you could barely stand out in the sun, body almost collapsing with tiredness. Still, you put on your clothes, take care of your hair and heads out of the bedroom.
“Holy shit!”
You reached out for the first thing you saw to defend yourself; a plant vase. Holding it near your head, wide eyes, you shouted. “Who the fuck are you?!”
“Calm down, child” the low voice filled the room. You instantly froze, mind getting slightly numb with what sounded like a command. The man was casually sitting in your couch, with a fond smile. “Some things never change, right?”
Your breath was uneven as you reluctantly spoke, loud but trembling, “I asked who the fuck are you! And how the hell did you got into my house?!”
“The same way as always” he gestured with his dark-haired head towards the window. You instantly heard your tenant's voice saying that it was dangerous to sleep with open windows, even on a high floor.
“Then get out. Now! Or I'll throw this... This plant, and call the cops!” the threat was funny even to you. When he didn't moved, you did, arms swinging to throw the vase. Before you did so, he stood up, making you freeze again.
Damn, he's tall. Too tall. You couldn't fight him even if you wanted to. “I-I said get out!”
He walked towards you, and you stumbled back to your bedroom. The man took the plant off your hands, placing it nearby as he kept trying to get closer. On your reverse pace, you ended up stumbling on your bed, falling sit on the bouncing mattress. With a gasp, you crawled backwards, picking up a pillow.
“Fuck off!” you screamed. Then, on some weird instinct, throw the pillow on the man. He didn't even tried to dodge it, getting hit on the chest. After throwing two more, and not getting a reaction, dispair made you bend your head on a plead. “I have money! It's on the dressers, and on my bag. Take my cards and my phone, my fucking TV, but just please don't touch me!”
Morpheus had to contain a smile. He felt, just a little bit, awful and amused with your reaction. Not as bad as he thought it would be, actually. The idea of turning into a cat right there would fix his sudden approach, yes. But he decided to not do so, the scene being too special for him to throw away.
“I know. You always store your money on your favorite bag. It's the one that your best friend gave you on your birthday. The one when all your friends gathered here for a sleepover” he stated in a soft voce, making all of it sound even more strange. “And you save money on the shoes drawer; because, yes, you have one. Inside your oldest sneakers, the ones from your teenagerhood.”
“Jesus Christ. Where are your cameras? On my phone?” you looked around, searching spots for the possible spies.
“Hey. Look at me” you didn't. “Just look at me, please”
Please? Instinctively, you did. His dark brown eyes turned into a familiar yellow. As scary as it was, you kept staring, trying to remember where you saw that glow.
“I know this is a... Confusing way of revealing myself. Unexpected, to say the least. I should've sent signs or anything else. Forgive me” slowly, he lowered himself, sitting on the bed. You couldn't stop staring at the golden eyes. “You never gave me a name, or tried to put me on a leash. But you cared for me and gave me a safe place anytime I needed”
You had a total of zero clues about what he was talking. Instead, your mind was like a haze, filled with fog and mist.
“Do you realize who am I?” with your empty expression, he knew the answer. “Alright... Guess I'll have to be more clear”
The light on his eyes faded as he looked around the room. He got up, to you like a tower rising to the sky, and went to one of your nightstands. Opening a drawer, he picked a frame, then gave to you with gentle eyes. You took it off his hand, staring at the picture. “My... Cat?” It was your favorite photo. Both of you with Santa hats, in front of your Christmas tree. “What does that mean?”
Morpheus sighed loud, closing his eyes. Then, sat on the bed again. This time, right in front of your curled body against the headboard. His eyes changed to the yellow again, as the light on the room started to fade out. Shadows rose from nowhere, even the sunlight not able to illuminate the room. It all turned cold, scary, a bad feeling rising from your heart to your throat. Suddenly, you wanted to cry.
“You have a curse, my friend. One that has been haunting your family dreams for generations. I've been trying since then to revoke it, with no success. So, filled with remorse, I tried a desperate decision” when a tear escaped from your eyes, something like a ghost appeared in front of his face. The image of a cat; of your cat. “I had to be close, to help you. And this seemed the easier way to. I like to be a cat, anyways”
“What... What are you talking about?”
Then it hits you. The dark room, your tears and sadness, the bright yellow eyes. It all came in a wave, like a lamp and a light switch. You remembered the first night “There you go” he smiled, the darkness fading away, your sadness at the same time.
“If you were my cat... Who are you? What are you?” the question falls into the silence. With his pause, you started to be aware of everything.
His pale skin, perfectly contrasting with the black outfit and dark hair. And... He smelled like the cat. Something like lavender and incense, a perfume that you never imagined someone would give to their pet. Indeed, every single time you feline friend came, he always smelled the same. The man seemed to notice your thoughts, a little smirk on his lips.
“I am Dream of the Endless. Lord Morpheus, even though I had many names, as we saw on my page” every fan of his cat-persona had a different name for him. “To simplify to you, I'm what you call gods. The dreaming is my realm, kingdom, and duty”
“That's why I had nightmares while you weren't here” he approved your quick thought. “Why you disappeared? And why showing yourself now?”
“Good questions” dark eyes came back, and it darts off to his usual sleep space on the bed. “Some things kept me busy. Very important and critical things. I decided to tell you the truth because of them. I might be away for a while”
Your heart twisted. Confusion took your mind once again; were you sad for your cat, or for the man? Weren't them the same person? The same animal? The same... Thing?
“I'll do a trick to keep your nightmares away. It'll probably come back, since it's a very old curse. When it happens, pray for me” you raised an eyebrow. “Exactly. Pray. And remember to pray while dreaming too. I'll come to your aid”
You remembered. When the bad dreams tried to haunt you while with your cat sleeping on top of you, a voice would send them away. A voice that felt like a warm hug, a soothing song, pulling good memories to your mind. And then, that week made you shiver. The awful things that haunted you, not only in the night, but on the day too. When your face expressed the past days terrors, warm hands held yours. It made you jump, staring at him instantly.
“I said I'll come to your aid. Alright?” startled, the only thing you could do was shake your head. “Good. You'll get late to work, won't you?”
Like a bucket of cold water, you remembered. Got up quickly, stumbling on blankets and pillows. When you finally got away from the bed, you paused, thinking on what to do next. “I didn't had breakfast. And... And you? What about you? Are you hungry? Oh, you're a god, right. Um... That's why you never ate the cat food?”
Morpheus only laughed, leaning against the head of the bed. You got even more confused with his casualty. Oh, he's my cat.
“I'm fine, thank you. Now, you should get ahead”
“Yeah, you're right. Okay” organizing your thoughts, you went to the kitchen.
Decided to prepare something quick, while talking on your smartphone, arranging work things and having your morning talk with friends and family. Three people asked about your Maine Coon, and you gave the same answer from the past days. We're taking a break.
“I forgot to mention. I don't know how long I'll be away from you, nor if I'll be able to send news” his voice made you shiver once again. It felt like a cold wind on your back, as his silent steps vibrate on the floor.
“You'll leave me worried? That's unfair, um...” didn't knew how to call him. Morpheus laughed, and only then you sensed the close presence.
“It's okay to call me the way you called as a cat”
“Really? You want me to call you beauty, big boy, panther?” and the list goes on. You both laughed, his laugh way too close to your ears. Only then, you felt arms around your waist.
Time stopped. You paused completely, not even blinking, your food breakfast's smoke rising to your nose as you felt the man's on your shoulder. He's my cat. He's my cat. He's my cat.
“Didn't you? Two years and a half” he mumbled, voice muffled by your shirt. “I must say, I'm grateful for everything. For receiving me, taking care of me, and giving me such special moments to cherish for”
“But...” gathering strength to speak as your face blushes with his closeness, you said lowly. “You were the one taking care of me”
“Indeed. But in the end, you did way much more for me” he squeezed you a little bit, fingers crawling on your clothes just like he used to do as a cat. “I know to you, it might be simple things. But I, as someone who sees dreams of all living things, acknowledge some people wouldn't be that friendly to a stray cat”
Trying to be casual, you started eating as Morpheus spoke, your food turning into something really interesting to focus, so you would get distracted from everything.
“Other than that, these nights we spent together I saw many faces of humanity. Your friends, your family, all of them teaching me a lot. And, with my quiet observation, I assure” he lifted his head, mouth now way too close to your ears. “You're the best one among all of them. The brightest heart and soul”
Your system was panicking crazily. “Brightest than my grandma? She's so cute. So kind” he chuckled, brushing nose against your cheek.
“You would never guess how rotten her heart is. Her past too” at this point, you were barely listening.
It was too, too weird. You could notice he repeated all his costumes as a cat, each little detail mirroring the feline. You could almost hear his purr, a memory in the back of your brain. Still, he was a man. An unknown man, but also, a familiar one. It was and it wasn't the cat. You felt conflicted, and all that was too much to deal with.
“I've got to go. I won't see you tonight, will I?” you turned around, regretting instantly. Morpheus didn't moved away, still holding you close. He was comfortable enough to do so; and wouldn't let that opportunity go away.
“No. Nor tomorrow, or next week. Or month” or year. Dispair almost took over you again, but with a breath, inhaling his scent, you remembered who he was. Not your cat; a god. “I'll try to visit you at the dreaming. But, as I said, call me and I'll aid you”
“Promise?” it scaped from your lips. He smiled, almost, very almost like a kitten. That melted your heart completely.
“I do.”
You had to finish your breakfast with the big man attached to you, quietly observing — just like he always did. Only parting when you had to pick up the last things to get out. When on the door, you looked back at him, standing to watch you leave.
“As soon as you close the door, I'll go away. I'm not one to be here at seven in the morning” you laughed softly. Morpheus tilted his head, looking into your eyes with a smile.
You were thinking the same thing. How as a cat, he would come and rub on your legs, meowing for you to pick him up for a last hug. And so he did. Each step, to you, felt like a thousand miles. When the man closed the distance again, even if your heart skipped a beat, it was... Okay. Hugging him was weird, but not that much. The familiar scent, and the warm of his body paid for everything.
“Stay safe, big boy” a mutual laugh. “How should I think of you while you're away? As a cat?
“For sure. Please, picture me in the weeds” a wild black cat, jumping around. You imagine perfectly. “Before I learned civility”
“We'll have a long talk about the cat life when you return” it sounded almost like an order. He laughed, agreeing.
“A sweet tea in the summer?”
“It's on my agenda”
In the most casual way, you kissed his cheek. He touched your hands, and watched as you closed the door. And, casual, as if everything was happily normal, you headed out of the building. Your cat is a god of dreams.
So, so casual.
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I'm kinda disappointed with the way this turned out, but, at least, I can work a lot of other parts, so tell me if you'd read it.
Hope you enjoyed, and thank you so much for reading! I appreciate comments or reblogs, helps a lot to produce. Love ya, see you later 💕
If you'd like to be added to my Morpheus tag list, just lemme know
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wind-becomes-lightning · 10 months
Bye to Wind and Lightning
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Did you know that in 2020 when the pandemic held us all in a chokehold I decided to reread One Piece and Bleach, but consciously decided not to touch Naruto, as if I knew that I'd be sucked in real bad if I read it again? I was right. In 2021, I randomly thought "No, I will read it now" and then I did and boom I talked about nothing else for that summer and to channel my thoughts I made this blog right here separate from my main and not as a sideblog. I wanted to start completely over at a different place.
I had a terrible summer in 2021, constant mental breakdown. I don't want to bore you with the details because you don't care, but just being back doing the stuff I loved when I was 16 was such a blessing. I was truly happy in the first months here, especially with the discord servers and the oc talk and the friends I made. My boyfriend commented on it all the time, that I looked so very happy. And I was! But these things never stay.
The problem with me is, I want community, I want to talk headcanons and to bitch about characters I don't like and promote ships I love and cry and laugh and hug all of you for liking the same things as me and at the same time I'm terrified of rejection, of people hating me, of people spreading lies behind my back. I guess school does traumatise you in some way.
I can't survive in a cutthroat fandom like this one, I take things too personally too quickly. I don't understand that if you, a normal person with your own wishes, likes a thing I don't like or dislike a thing I like it doesn't mean you automatically hate me. You are just a different person and that is ok! It's not you. It's me. NO I'm not just saying that. It really is me.
Did you know that when I started out here I didn't tag my stuff? Especially not my OC stuff (and I still rarely tag it). The fear that someone might find it, hate on it, send me hate, make fun of it etc, sits so deep that I rather have my work not be seen at all. Yet, I need the attention to keep going because without the reblogs and likes and asks I feel like an utter failure.
My boyfriend says I am not good with the public eye on me and he is probably right. I envy those of you who can stand their ground and be self confident in their arguments. I envy those who don't care what others say, who can block and move on, who don't get a knot in their stomach when someone they had nice interactions with unfollows. I shouldn't care, but I do.
On my first tumblr blog I never looked at my followers, I never got asks either or was deep in fandom or anything, but I reblogged my stuff and posted my thoughts and was feeling good. I love tumblr, its the best social media out there for a reason. Yet, with this one, I got so self conscious about my followers, about what I can and can't say. If my presence would offend or not etc etc.
I was kinda looking forward to 1000 Followers because it is an insane number, but now at 997 I'm throwing in the towel. Isn't that like giving up before the finish line? Maybe, but I'm so tired and I want to be unknown again. I want to be nobody again. I want the naruto fandom to move on and forget I was ever here.
So I'm leaving! Sorry, I guess! At least for a good while. I might be back to finish the requests still pending on this account and then disappear again, but I don't know if I'll ever permanently come back. If you by any chance really, really really care about my presence, you can find me under @kikuneesama as a general spam blog with all sorts of things and under @konohamaru-sensei for anime-only stuff. This is also where my Naruto posting will be moving.
If you are a moot I will follow you from Kikuneesama again.
Thanks, I guess, for over two years of hanging out. I'm sorry I am such a lame loser.
One thing is for sure: Though I am moving to a blog named after Konohamaru, Kakashi will always be my love.
tschüss und auf wiedersehen, ~Nisi
PS: I'll q this a couple of times so I'm sorry if you have to see it a few times in the next few days. I swear I'll be gone after that.
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billkill · 1 year
The Death of the Birds ❤��🩹
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"He sleeps all day, he doesn't talk at all...he's in so much pain. You should talk to him, Ice."
That's what got Tom running to Pete. He had been given a few days off since Nick had died, so he was with Penny Benjamin. Penny had heard that Pete had been speculated to had been dating an instructor named Charlie, but she hadn't felt offended. With Nick's death, it wasn't something to think about anyway.
Penny realized very early that she wasn't doing the right thing by letting Pete stay in their home. Pete was in a very much bad condition. She had done the first thing that came to mind, she had told one of his friends at Top Gun on the phone, because Viper had directed herself to Iceman. She didn't know Iceman, it was the first time she'd met him on the phone; now she'd see his face, he must have been a nice guy since Viper was the voucher. When Penny let this tall, blond, handsome man in; she told him that Pete was asleep.
They chatted for a while, tried to get to know each other, Tom didn't tell her what he was hiding deep inside, he was keeping it for Pete.
“Penny, Pete is dangerous,” he said.
"I know."
"No, but it's not what you understand, I'll try to comfort him when he wakes up, but he might make a mess, you better not be around. You don't mind, do you?"
"Oh, if you want me to leave you two alone, I will, Iceman. It's really okay, but I'd appreciate it if you could stop him from messing the place."
"I'm not sure," Tom frowned. "If you incur financial loss, I'll cover it, okay?"
Tom was really that rich, but Penny didn't think it was going to get to that point. She wasn't that much pessimistic. He left Tom alone, and Tom reached the door of the room where Pete was sleeping. When he opened it first, he found Maverick sleeping with his back turned, then, thinking that even cats wouldn't sleep that long, "You're awake, aren't you?" asked he.
He heard Pete sniff.
"Can I lie down next to you?"
There was no answer.
"Well, I'll take your silence positively because I'm so tired. Do you know how long it took to get here from Top Gun? Well, not everyone has a motorbike like yours... for the whole day, I had to be patient with that terrible traffic in my car. If you want me to go, you better kick me out. But you'll have to talk first for that," said Tom firstly, laying on his back, next to Pete. His eyes were watching the ceiling. "I lost my children too, you know?"
It was a sentence so heavy that it would end Tom's lack of response.
"You had children?" he turned slightly, but still hadn't changed his position.
"Sure! I was a dad... They were the prettiest birds in the world, but one day, I lost them. Both of them. Then I said, 'God, why'd you take them both from me? Wouldn't you just let one of them live?'"
"Ice, I'm sorry but… I don't think you can compare a human to a pair of birds."
"What difference does it make, they were the only family I ever had. The family is not always the ideal 'nucleus of four'. Sometimes a single mother and a daughter are a family, sometimes a single father and a son are a family, sometimes animals like mine are your children. You regarded Goose as that, didn't you?"
"Goose was also the only family I ever had."
"So you could compare a human to a pair of birds…"
Pete's response was, to shed tears. He could block them in public, but when he was alone, he could make as much noise as he wanted. Maybe the guess that Tom had made before he knew Pete that much well was coming true. Not knowing what to do, Tom turned to his left, his hands trembling in the air; but he finally dared hug Pete. Pete continued to cry, not turning to face him, but allowing him to hug him. "You don't understand, Tom…" he said, after five or ten minutes, not realizing that he had used Tom's first name, nor it had touched something in Tom. "I loved Nick… I was in love with him!"
Tom swallowed some "lump", which had suddenly been in his throat. Was he Pete's first "friend" to whom he confided in this secret, did Nick know about it... so many questions came to his mind, but he couldn't ask any of them.
Many years were waiting for him to ask them, and more importantly, to be even more dearly with Pete.
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iamumbra195 · 1 year
Job Headcannons for the Karakura Gang
I hate most of the jobs everyone in bleach was stuck with or their occupation wasn't mentioned or I didn't notice it because I've only really brushed over the chapter so I've taken the liberties to think about different ones for them
Orihime: I've already mentioned what I would've loved to see her become in another post but I think a creative path really suits her. One of her defining traits was how creative her mind is, regardless of the fact that the things she comes up with are rather absurd and it would've been great to see her become a writer, a mangaka, a conspiracy theorist, just anything down a creative path. She's stated to be intelligent-- the third in her district and she's emotionally intelligent as well which means that she could go down whatever path she wished but I think something creative would be what makes her happy. Plus, she was in the crafts club with Ishida, creativity suits her
Ichigo: I'm sorry I have nothing to say about his job, I absolutely love it. Him being a translater because he wants to bridge the gap between two worlds and his little ass being Shakespeare nerd is one of my favourite things about him so I have no complaints. Him being a translater is also perfect for my Orihime job hc because he could be her translater if she writes a fantasy book or creates a mangaka and I think that's absolutely adorable given the fact that they end up together. Just imagine the two of them together in their early twenties before they got married with her writing/drawing her story and him editing/proofreading/translating it for her-- it's so cute *sobs*
(God, I am the most inconsistent shipper in the universe like one day I love a ship because it has me kicking my feet and giggling but then the next I'm like '.... meh.' like what??? make up your mind brain, do I like them or not???)
Chad: ANIMALS. I said this in another post but it got like no attention so I'm saying it again. Chad + animals = my happiness. But anyways Chad becoming a boxer at the end of the manga… idk, it never sat right with me. I mean, he likes cute things and animals given his reaction to yoruichi in cat form and the fact that he kept yuichi’s parrot even after konso he could’ve been like a vet or a zoologist or an animal trainer of some kind. Imagine we got a pic of him hanging out with a bunch of parrots and yuichi's parrot in another country like the amazon rain forest or something. It would've been amazing. Also the idea of him being in a band as like a side thing just struck me and I absolutely love it, I would've loved to see him and Ichigo being in a band as like a thing they did on the side for fun and Uryuu would join them occassionally (this is totally not influenced by Uryuu and Ichigo both holding guitars in the new opening, what are you talking about)
Uryu: Honestly. Honestly, I'm a little offended for him. The groundwork for him to be a fashion designer was all there, it would've been amazing. Him and Orihime could have a beautiful friendship in which he makes her beautiful outfits when she goes out for like book signing or something for her and she occasionally moonlights as one of his models in the fashion shows he enters, dragging Ichigo along with her sometimes because you cannot look me in the eye and tell me every single person in that show is not model-worthy, I dare you. I hate that he became a doctor, following in his father's footsteps and I hate that he's shown to be alone at the end of the manga. I get that he's the loner character but his connection to Ichigo and Orihime are so important to me, I hate that even after all this time he's still alone.
Keigo: Once again, I'm not truly upset with his career, he feels like the type of person that wants a comfy life and while he's fully willing to throw hands for his friends and deeply cares about them, his ramen shop suits him. I like to hc that it gets really popular after Ishida and Orihime are seen visiting it. I also love the idea of him joining chad and Ichigo in their little band sometimes
Mizuiro: He strikes me as the entrepreneur/lawyer type but also... imagine him as an actor. My mind is just really stuck on that idea, it's so fun. Idk it just feels like the sort of thing that his shitty rich (I think?? Mizuiro feels like the rich neglected type ngl) mom would hate so I love it. He's so unhinged just look at this clip omg: Mizuiro vs Aizen. He threw a molotov cocktail at Aizen with the most calm expression on his face like who does that?? Love him to pieces. I also love the idea of him and Urahara becoming friends and Ichigo and Keigo just not vibing with that fact at all XD
Tatsuki: My favourite girly achieved her goal of becoming a vale tudo champion and then proceeded to open a dojo of her own. She was a big help for Orihime when learning how to draw fight scenes (as a mangaka) and would often serve as her model for doing so. Uryuu designed the uniform for her dojo because I love the idea of the two of them becoming friends while agonizing over Ichigo's stupidity
Karin: This might sound weird but- but I think being a detective really suits her. Don't ask me why or how, she just does. She specializes in murder cases-- specifically those of children because she wants to help them move on, inspired by how upset she was about yuichi's situation and how much she wanted to right that specific wrong. She solves those murders with help from the ghosts she can see and evidence she finds to prove her 'hunches'. I know it's been stated that she doesn't want to be involved with the spiritual world however, it seems like she's moved on from that, especially after Ichigo got his powers back. She has a really good reputation despite being so young. She also activated a form of her powers, not really enough to be called a fullbring or anything but she can manipulate the reishi around her and in her body (quincy-like ik I just feel like she leans more into her quincy heritage than her shinigami one like Ichigo) to augment her natural strength, especially in her legs. I like the idea of her still playing/coaching soccer when she's older
Yuzu: honestly, she is not expanded on the same way Karin, Ichigo, and Isshin are, which I find a little sad but I love her nonetheless. From what we've observed, she enjoys or feels a duty to take care of the ppl around her so I do think her becoming a doctor or a nurse is a really suitable occupation for her and I especially think that her attachment to her family would lead her to taking over the Kurosaki clinic or working with Isshin until she has to do so.
So that's the end of my headcannon rant, what do you think?
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