#and i did a covid test earlier and it came back negative
oflgtfol · 9 months
girl i think i fgot the fucking flu
0 notes
writingwithciara · 8 months
Broken Bond ~Chris Sturniolo~
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summary: the stupid reason chris stopped talking to his best friend
pairing: chris sturniolo x reader
word count: 4.3k
notes: allusions to sexual content, nearly toxic chris, sweet baby matt
y/n and chris were inseparable from kindergarten all the way up to the summer between freshman and sophomore year. it was as if chris just decided he didn’t want to be in her life anymore. and that shocked everyone. but unfortunately for him, she was always going to be a permanent fixture in his life, whether he liked it or not because she was still close with nick and matt. they never felt the urge to get up and abandon her like he did.
but he believed he had a good reason.
the summer between 9th and 10th grade, chris noticed that y/n changed quite a bit. she had gone to florida to visit her grandma for a week and when she came back, her shorts were shorter and her shirts seemed to be tighter. every time chris saw her, he had an over abundance of unfamiliar thoughts. he didn’t like them so to cope with the change, he stopped talking to her altogether. he started going out of his way to make sure whenever she was at the house that he wouldn’t be.
and it broke her heart.
she spent the first week alone, afraid that matt and nick would also change their minds and leave her too. but on a cold rainy saturday morning, when matt showed up to her house with movies and snacks, she knew he wasn’t going anywhere. and for the rest of that summer, y/n spent all her free time with nick and matt, almost completely forgetting that chris even existed.
when the boys announced they were moving to la to move their career along, they invite y/n to come with them. she was supposed to go to school there anyway so she figured it would be easier for everyone. so they packed their bags and headed west.
when they got to town and the boys began their career, y/n found herself feeling alone again. especially when the boys had to leave to film a video. or when they went on tour. she joined them when she could but most of the fans were never happy with her presence, despite her blossoming career as a youtuber.
it was never matt or nick that made her feel alone though. they publicly defended her against the fans & spent whatever time they could with her. it was always chris who would make her feel unwanted. he just didn’t seem to care.
but he cared so much.
he could tell that basically abandoning her in sophomore year had really hurt her, both physically and emotionally, and he wanted to go back and change it all. but he couldn’t do anything about it now, nor could he get rid of the impure thoughts that littered his brain whenever she was around. she used to be his best friend and he shouldn’t have been feeling that way to begin with.
he couldn’t take back what he did in the past but he could try to make up for it in the present.
whenever he would see a fan comment something mean about her, he would send that person a message, completely defending y/n. but nobody ever knew about it.
so when the hate started to die down, chris felt like he did a good job. y/n was confused at first as to why she was getting fewer and fewer hate comments but brushed it off, happy they weren’t being mean to her anymore. it started taking a toll on her mental health. luckily for her, she still had matt. he helped her through her first everything and they were suddenly the inseparable ones. probably even more so than y/n and chris once were.
y/n was sitting in her room when nick called her. although she was confused, she picked up her phone and smiled. “why are you calling me when you live right upstairs?”
“y/n, i tested positive for covid so i'm stuck in quarantine until i'm better. and seeing as how you were just with me earlier today, i feel like you should get tested too, just in case.”
“oh okay.” y/n grabbed the text from her nightstand and sighed. she took the test and waited on the phone with nick. when it came back negative, she was relieved. she didn’t want to be stuck in her room all day every day. “i'm sorry you have it, nick. do they boys have it?”
“matt does but chris keeps testing negative.”
“so i can’t hang out with my 2 best friends but i'm gonna be stuck with chris? i would much rather have covid, honestly.”
“the week is going to fly by. i promise.” y/n smiled at her best friends optimism.
“i could always pretend i have it so i can avoid him.”
“that’s true.” nick chuckled. “but why would you do that?”
“i can’t be around him, nick.” y/n sighed.
“girl, it has been 6 years. it’s about time you bury your grudge.”
“i tried. but you can’t just get rid of several years of feeling every emotion. i loved him at one point and the fact that it was before he ditched me really hurts.”
“if it makes you feel any better, i could tell you why he ditched you, even if it is the most ridiculous reason ever.”
“you know?”
“not entirely. but i did read his journal entry from that date and although it lacked detail, it’s pretty obvious why he did it.”
“tell me.”
nick decided to describe the reason in as much detail as he could create. he painted a vivid picture for y/n but she didn’t seem to believe that was the reason chris stopped talking to her.
later that day, y/n was in the kitchen preparing a meal for the boys when chris decided he was hungry. he walked up the stairs and stopped at the top when he saw y/n at the stove. he could’ve turned around and headed back down to his room before she knew he was there but his stomach rumbled so he decided to walk to the fridge. y/n turned at the exact moment chris was reaching for the door, causing her to nearly slap him with the spatula she was holding.
neither of them said a word as they silently stared at each other. the tension was palpable and seeing y/n dressed in sweats with her hair up in a messy bun, caused chris to cough awkwardly. he shifted slightly as he tried to look anywhere but her face.
y/n was the first to break the silence. “what are you doing out of your room?”
“was hungry.” chris shrugged nonchalantly and opened the refrigerator. “need food too you know.”
“yeah but i figured you would’ve seen me and went back into your room, seeing as how that’s the way it’s been for 6 years.”
“my need for food was too strong.” chris turned but avoided her gaze. he looked down at the food in front of her. he went to grab some off the plate but she smacked his arm and pushed him away.
“this is for the 2 brothers who didn’t abandon me.” she looked at him.
“can you make me something too?”
“no.” she grabbed the plate and walked to matt’s room first. when she walked in, matt noticed she wasn’t wearing the mask she was supposed to.
“where’s your mask? i don’t want you to get sick too.”
“matt, i keep telling you that i don’t care. i'll be fine. and even if i do get sick, i know you’ll take care of me.”
“what makes you say that?” he asked, jokingly raising an eyebrow.
“okay fine. guess you don’t want this wonderful & delicious food i made you.” she picked up the plate and went to walk towards the door but matt’s whines stopped her.
“you know i'd take care of you. in sickness and in health.” he chuckled. y/n set the plate back on his desk and smiled.
“the way you’re talking sounds like we’re making a wedding vow.”
“that’s the deal, remember?” matt smirked, causing y/n to think back to their junior year of high school.
she had been in a relationship with a member of the lacrosse team for quite some time so when he abruptly dumped her with no explanation, she began to wonder if there was any hope for her. matt found her after a game and they had made the promise to marry each other if neither of them were in a serious relationship by the time they were 25.
“yeah i remember.” y/n smiled. “but i highly doubt that’s going to happen, matt.”
“and why do you say that?”
“because look at you. you’re…good looking and you have a great personality. plus, you’ve dated way more than i have. i think it’s safe to say that you’re more likely to be in a serious relationship at 25 years old than i am.”
“don’t sell yourself so short. you're good looking too, obviously. and you have the biggest heart out of anyone i know. your personality rocks and you’re going to find the right guy someday. gary just wasn’t the right one, of course.”
“you’re my favorite triplet, you know that right?”
“oh i am fully aware.” he chuckled and took a bite of the food she made. “don’t worry. i won’t tell nick.”
“i'm sure you will eventually.” y/n kissed his head and walked back to the kitchen. she ignored chris and took nick’s plate to his room. he was asleep so she left the plate on his nightstand and went back to the kitchen.
she had only been out of the room for 10 minutes and chris had somehow managed to make a huge mess.
“what the fuck are you doing, chris?”
“i'm trying to make myself some food since you won’t do it for me.” he rolled his eyes and focused back on the grilled cheese he was trying to make. or burn, y/n wasn’t sure what the endgame was.
“holy shit, you’re helpless.” y/n rolled her eyes and moved him out of the way. “go to your room and i'll call you up when it’s ready.”
“i don’t get room service?”
“don’t push your luck.” she pointed the spatula at him threateningly and smiled to herself as he retreated to his room in defeat. she began to cook his food and questioned why he was even talking to her, eventually chalking it up to the fact he was probably lonely without nick or matt.
when she finished cooking, she decided to bring it down to him. she knocked on the door and opened it slowly when she heard the faint ‘come in’. she set the plate down and was about to walk out when chris called out for her.
“wait, hold up.” he turned around in his chair and looked up at her. “thank you.”
“no problem.” she stood awkwardly as he stared at her. “can i go now? got a big mess to clean up.”
“yeah you can go. but, um, don’t worry about the mess. i did it so i'll clean it.”
“okay?” y/n was more confused now than she was earlier. she walked out of the room as chris resumed the game he was playing.
chris' eyes roamed the computer screen in front of him but his mind was running rampant with thoughts again.
“how am i supposed to get her out of my head?” he muttered to himself. he could hear nate laughing on the other end of the headset.
“still can’t believe you stopped being her friend just because she got boobs.”
“she got boobs and she got hot. all it took was one week.” chris sighed.
“and you’ve been in love with you since you were 8. in case you forgot, that was before she was hot. so why did her, um, development have to change the dynamic between you two?”
“i don’t know. it just did.” chris sighed frustratedly and looked down at his phone, suddenly coming with a way to get rid of the thoughts that wouldn’t leave. “i'm gonna go now. play later though, okay?” nate said his goodbyes before chris hung up. his attention turned to his phone. he picked it up and opened instagram. the first post he saw was a picture of y/n and he thought it was perfect. he took a screenshot and added it to his album filled with pictures of her through the years. chris swiped a few times until he settled on a picture of y/n that he always loved. he knew matt had taken it but he didn’t care. she was smiling and wearing an orange fresh love hoodie. it was right after he launched his brand and he gave them each a hoodie, purposely giving y/n the orange one, even thought it would drive him crazy.
and it was certainly driving him crazy. he hated that it didn’t take much for him to get excited but he also loved that it was only y/n that could do it for him.
y/n was watching netflix in the living room when she just happened to glance over at the kitchen. it was still a mess and she hadn’t seen chris in a few hours.
curiosity got the best of her and she found herself slowly approaching chris’ bedroom door. it was slightly ajar and she could see a faint light coming from the crack, along with some low music coming from his speaker. his voice could be heard but he was muttering something y/n couldn’t hear. she quietly pushed the door open a little more and her jaw nearly dropped at the sight before her.
chris was facing away from her but from the way his arm was moving, y/n knew what was going on. that didn’t bother her though. it was what he was getting himself off to that bothered her. there, right on his screen, was a picture of her. it took every ounce of self-control not to scream out loud or go over and berate him for using a picture of her.
she stood there, unable to move, and watched as chris finished himself off. he rolled onto his back with his eyes closed and y/n found herself finally able to make a run for it. too bad she suddenly lacked the coordination to do so and crashed into the wall. chris' shot open and he looked at y/n. she was trying to look anywhere other than him. he pulled the blanket up to cover himself and couldn’t find the words he needed to say.
“i just….i’m just gonna head out now.” y/n almost slipped as she stood up and rushed back up to the living room. there was no way she just witnessed that.
the week that followed was even more awkward than it had been before. y/n never went out of her own way to avoid chris before but how was she supposed to look him in the eye after what she saw?
when nick and matt both tested negative and were able to come out of their rooms, matt was the first to point out the tension in the air. nick brushed it off and told y/n she was going to be in their car video, giving her no time to argue as the 4 of them piled into the car.
matt took them to mcdonald’s to get food then drove them to an empty parking lot and they began to film. y/n wasn’t sure of what the topic was and the only thing she could focus on was chris.
“how are you guys feeling today?” chris asked, keeping his gaze on matt, fearing that if he looked to the backseat, y/n would disappear.
“i'm feeling fantastic actually.” nick threw a few fries into his mouth. “so glad i can actually taste things again.”
“yeah me too.” matt smiled and shoved some fries in his own mouth. “i'm also glad that you two didn’t kill each other or burn the house down while we were stuck in our rooms.”
“chris almost burned it down on the first day.” y/n stirred her mcflurry and looked at matt. “after i brought you your food that day, i returned to the kitchen and this kid was wither trying to consume a charred sandwich or was intentionally trying to burn the house down.”
“hey now.” chris spoke directly to y/n but caught himself and looked at matt. “she refused to cook me a meal.”
“i don’t blame her.” nick rolled his eyes and looked back at y/n. “but you should’ve known letting the kid in the kitchen unsupervised would result in a disaster.”
“did you end up making him food anyway?” matt chuckled.
“of course. couldn't let him attempt it again.” y/n attempted to joke and looked up to see chris looking at her through the rearview mirror. he looked away quickly. nick witnessed the awkward interaction and he shared a look with matt. matt stopped recording so they could address the tension in the car privately.
“what’s going on with you two? one minute, things are back to normal between you two & the next second, it’s like you guys were never friends at all.”
“yeah. what happened?”
“nothing happened.” y/n and chris said at the same time. nick shook his head, clearly not buying it.
“that’s fucking bullshit. the tension, as strong as it was before, has never been this intense. why is it so awkward? did someone see something they shouldn’t have?” nick chuckled and when they didn’t respond, his eyes widened. “wait, what?!”
“you’re joking, right?” matt glanced between them. “tell us.”
“i’d rather not. it was kind of embarrassing.” y/n looked out the window behind nick.
“so did chris see something?”
“no. y/n saw something.” chris sighed and looked back at y/n. “and i'm sorry.”
“it’s okay, chris.” y/n avoided eye contact and opted to look at matt.
“well, what did you see then?” nick questioned, getting more and more invested in the story.
“she caught me, um…..” chris glanced down at his lap, hoping his brothers would pick up on the hint. they did, immediately going crazy.
“what? no way!” matt couldn’t contain his laughter. nick on the other hand was too grossed out to even speak.
“told you it was embarrassing.” chris glanced out the window, hoping nobody would bring up what he was using to satisfy himself and thanking y/n for not mentioning it.
the rest of the video went by rather smoothly after the revelation. when they got back to the house, y/n and chris were in the kitchen while the other 2 went to shower. chris was focused on his phone and y/n was finally ready to ask why.
“i know it’s a week late but i was just wondering-“
“no, i'm not going to tell you why it was your picture. i don’t need you to hate me anymore than you already do.” chris sighed, not even taking his view off the phone as he answered the question she never finished.
“chris, i don’t hate you. and as much as i have tried to do it in the past, i just can’t. you may hate me but we’re clearly going to be in each other’s lives forever, whether or not we want to  be. so maybe we should just start at the beginning.”
“i don’t hate you, y/n. that’s the fucking problem.” chris set his phone down and finally looked up at her. she was scared of the sudden aggressiveness in his tone.
“then why the fuck did you stop talking to me before sophomore year?!”
before chris could answer, matt came out of his bathroom. his hair was still damp and he was attempting to dry it with a towel. he looked up and could feel the tension again. “what just happened?”
“nothing.” chris picked up his phone and went down to his room, slightly slamming the door.
matt just turned to y/n with an apologetic look. “i'm sorry.”
“not your fault.” she sighed and walked over to him. “let’s just go to your room.”
matt didn’t argue with her as they both climbed into the bed, passing out shortly after.
chris was not as lucky. he stayed awake for most of the night, trying to come up with a valid explanation for the picture.
when he finally managed to get to sleep, he was woken up by a soft knock on his door frame. he looked up to see y/n standing in the shadows. he sat up straight and looked towards her.
“we need to talk, chris. so please don’t brush this whole thing off. i'm being serious. don't change the topic when you know i want a clear answer. got it?”
as rare it was, chris loved it when y/n would get a little bossy. thankfully, it was dark and the blanket was hiding everything from view. “okay.”
“first, i need to know why you ditched me that summer. then i need to know why it was my picture you were jerking off to. and please don’t lie to me, chris. i know your tell.”
“if you know my tell, then how come you couldn’t figure out that i have never once had a bit of hatred towards you in my life? how come you didn’t figure out anything from the past? i don’t think you know what my tell is.”
“fine. i don’t. but i want to know the reason you dropped me like i meant absolutely nothing to you. are you gonna tell me or am i just going to have to go tell matt what you were using when i caught you?”
“fine. i'll tell you. just please don’t tell him. he’ll kick my ass for being a ‘pervert’ and i would rather that not happen.” chris shifted himself on the bed as y/n walked closer. she was wearing matt’s blue fresh love t-shirt and her legs were bare but chris knew she had shorts underneath. “the reason i stopped talking to you that summer was because when you came back from florida, you changed.”
“changed how? my tastes and personality were exactly the same.”
“no. i mean, um…” he hovered his hands over his chest and gestured them outwards. y/n quirked  an eyebrow before catching on.
“oh.” she looked down at her feet. “that’s the stupidest excuse i have ever heard.”
“i had to stay away from you as much as possible because when you came around, my mind was fully clouded with very impure thoughts and i didn’t want to keep them. plus, i didn’t want to be around when all the guys came out of the woodwork to ask you on a date. i figured with distance and time, i could stop myself from wanting to kick the crap out of every guy that suddenly decided you were interesting, just because you had boobs.”
“and then gary, the only guy i ever truly felt jealous of, asked you out and you guys dated for a while. i hated that so much. he didn’t treat you how you deserved.”
“oh, and you did?” y/n felt angry at this revelation. “you don’t get to stand there and tell me how i deserve to be treated when you didn’t treat me any better than those guys did. it's complete bullshit, chris.”
“i was a stupid teenager all jacked up on hormones. i didn’t know how else to deal with the feelings that were bubbling up inside.”
“that’s still no excuse, chris. do you have any idea how many nights i cried myself to sleep after, thinking i just wasn’t ever going to be good enough to be your friend? every fucking night, chris!” y/n tried to keep her voice down but she kept getting angrier. chris pulled her into his room and shut the door.
“will you keep it down? you're gonna wake matt.” chris let go of her shoulders and sat back on his bed as y/n began to pace.
“the way you’ve been treating me for 6 years is not fair. do you know how hard it was to get over you? it seriously fucked with my mental health.” y/n paused and looked over at chris. “so, were my boobs the only reason you stopped talking to me?”
“yeah. well that, and the fact that i had a terrible crush on you since we were 8. you should know that i'm not the best at expressing how i feel. i do stupid stuff all the time. for instance, i have an entire album on my phone filled with pictures of you and since i'm being honest, i use them sometimes.”
“for what?”
“seriously?” he looked up at her and noticed she was standing at the end of the bed. he could see the look of realization flash through her eyes.
“oh. right. that thing.” y/n shifted on her feet before sitting on the end of the bed, facing chris. “so why did you use my picture? why not use one of the other girls you find attractive?”
“i literally don’t find any other girl attractive.” he looked away from her and missed the look she shot him. he only looked up when he felt the mattress move beneath him. when he finally looked back at her, she was sitting in front of him.
“you’re lying.” she looked into his eyes and held the eye contact as he swallowed nervously
“no i'm really not.” he shook his head and his eyes flicked down to her lips. “you’ve always been the only attractive girl i know. and i'm sorry i could never find the proper way to tell you.”
“well you’re telling me now.” she looked at him. “the next time you need to ‘take care of yourself’ please come find me. i would be more than happy to help.” y/n climbed off the bed and made her way back to the door. “good night, chris.”
she walked out of the room, leaving chris no opportunity to beg for her help.
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taglist: @worldlxvlys @carolinalikesthings @fearfam69691
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gccdstories · 5 months
// yesterday was horrible. Started when I woke up with a headache. No (big) deal, I get them all the time. So I took my medicine and went to work.
Boy was THAT a mistake! Barely made it to lunch as it was, and I knew I had to be back to finish out the last three hours because it was just me and all. (At that point, I'm still just thinking it's a bad headache that isn't going away.)
Go home with an (extended) lunch to take a nap and immediately fall asleep. When I wake up, the head is a little better, and I think "okay, I can do three more hours."
Wrong, AGAIN!
I do make it to work, I do manage to finish the shift, but by that time, I'm exhausted, my head is still killing me, my throat is on fire and I can barely talk and every single part of my body just hurts. In that "I got hit by ten trucks" feeling.
Needless to say, I came home and immediately went to sleep. Slept all night, and well into this morning (b/c work had said I could come in late to get a bit more sleep, etc.) However I wake up feeling even worse (I wasn't sure how that was possible, but apparently it was) so I made a doctor's appointment.
They tested the usual -- flu, covid, strep throat, etc.-- all of which were negative. So... good? I guess.
I've been doing so much sleeping lately, and I did manage to eat a bit earlier which helped my head settle down.
And getting all the kitty love as neither Xaden or Sasha have left my side for the whole thing.
(It's also a good thing that I was off tomorrow anyway, so I have until Friday to get "all better" before dealing with work again.)
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thewirewitch · 2 years
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I posted 1,157 times in 2022
That's 1,074 more posts than 2021!
74 posts created (6%)
1,083 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,151 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#reblog - 1,051 posts
#text post - 141 posts
#reblog game - 133 posts
#my stuff - 90 posts
#video - 70 posts
#important - 70 posts
#birds - 43 posts
#tw caps - 41 posts
#tw swearing - 39 posts
#gif - 37 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#the disappointment is immeasurable when i check out an album and find only one song has the right sound to it from that band
My Top Posts in 2022:
That post I just reblogged reminded me of how much I hate the color salmon, especially when I try to sort items by color, specifically Silly Bands.
I collected Silly Bands as a kid (still have them by the way) and there was this one...just this one that was salmon. Pretty sure it’s a fire extinguisher, but I would end up putting it in the pink pile, then the orange pile, then the pink, then the orange, and I just couldn’t accept it in either pile so I left it all alone which also made me unhappy because it was the only one that didn’t have any color matches.
Salmon is too orange to be pink and too pink to be orange.
7 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
Gonna talk about some serious stuff.
If you’re not up to hear about sickness or hospital or personal stuff, please don’t read under the cut because that’s what I’ll be talking about and I’ll be giving some details which will probably be tmi (to much information) but I wanna let those who want to know what’s up some detailed stuff about what’s been going on.
If you don’t want to read all that: I haven’t been feeling good for about a week+ now. I have been trying to get a diagnosis. I got nothing so far.
For the past...a few days over a week now, I’ve been waking up feeling pretty bad. Rapid heartbeat, cold chills (usually), uneasy stomach, weakness, diarrhea, dehydration, it hasn’t been fun. It’s been hard for me to get into the right mood to eat something even when I’m hungry, and recently I’ve also been unable to tell when my bladder is full and also the past two days when I woke up my feet were halfway asleep. This has never happened before and it’s been worrying me.
I went to an Urgent Care three days ago. They took swabs for covid and flu. Both were negative. They took a urine test, and they found nothing. They want me to bring them a stool sample, which I hope will give them the answers that they need to help me feel better, but some issues came up where that day I barely ate anything, then next I was able to eat, and this morning I incorrectly got a sample because they originally gave me the wrong stuff (AKA not enough stuff) and no instructions.
Yesterday I went to the hospital’s emergency room to get some stuff done. They took blood samples, urine samples, and did a covid swab. All came back without any answers. I thought I may have been low on iron, but they said that my iron levels were fine, I was just dehydrated.
I have a doctor’s appointment in 7 days. I hope either Urgent Care figures out what’s going on or I feel better before that appointment. I can tell I’ve already lost weight and my energy levels have been pretty low. I don’t want to have to wait that long to possibly get an answer.
8 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
Today is my birthday.
I know it’s 8pm and I could have posted this a lot earlier but I was distracted by getting and later eating cake.
9 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
The fun thing about listening to radio static for hours on end is that you begin to hear things that aren’t really there.
Voices, music, patterns, indistinguishable tones. You catch small glimpses of these sounds, small scraps of something that never was.
You hear the ghosts of stations you’ve listened to, frequencies you’ve picked up in the past. But it’s just you and the sound of undead air.
10 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Oh shoot it's National Throw Short People Day.
Have mercy on me!
12 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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requiemforarainbow · 2 months
I have to miss the con this year. Personal shit under the cut.
I ended up in the hospital on Saturday because I nearly fell on the floor walking back from the bathroom. I got dizzy and couldn't breathe - luckily the kitchen table and chair was right there or my ass would have been on the damn floor. Dad the paramedic listened to my lungs - I was wheezing and honestly he didn't need the damn stethoscope to hear that. *I* could hear it.
He drove me and my mom to the hospital (5 minute ride, btw. I like that we live close.) He didn't come in with us but honestly didn't need him to, my mom was sufficient. (I would learn later WHY he didn't.)
ER wasn't that busy since it was noon on Saturday and you really don't spend Saturday in the ER if you don't have to, so I was right that it would be slow (I did NOT say that out loud to any of the staff, omg). Got me into an actual room this time within 30 minutes.
They ran an EKG and did a chest Xray, then did a strep and Covid test. Only the Covid test came back positive, but by then I was also pretty sure that's what I had.
Also... my dad had told us he had bronchitis. (Spoiler alert: they don't give you Paxlovid for bronchitis. I spotted it on the table while he was taking it. Yeah... he didn't tell us. I get why, but still...if he had, I'd have tested myself 3 days earlier than I did.)
My arms look like I got beaten because at one point they had 2 different IVs in me at the same time, one in each arm. So I'm bruised to shit.
I feel like death on a Triscuit, but tested with an at-home test earlier today. Came out negative, but since I still feel like shit I opted not to even try to go to the con. I honestly wouldn't have fun since I'm still coughing and weak. (Also I no longer have the option of a hotel room, and trying to fit 4 people in one king-sized bed room with likely no cots... nah.)
My sister on the other hand has felt pretty much fine even though she also tested positive on Saturday (at-home test, no hospital). She also tested negative earlier so contacted the friends we were going with and they came to pick her up. I do honestly hope she has fun. She deserves a vacation and to go after half killing herself to try and pull this off the last 6 months. She's also promised to bring me Jon St. John's autograph. (Duke Nukem's VA. I wanted a selfie but I'll settle for the autograph. Maybe they'll get him again next year...this is the 2nd year in a row he's been there, so...idk maybe not.)
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creepygoth666 · 10 months
It's always fun when, you get into an art groove, to suddenly be hit with a three day fever and God knows what kind of illness. Two COVID tests came back negative but unsure if they even catch the new variants.
Also, did you know fevers raise blood pressure? You know what's NOT fun for someone who's had issues all year controlling their blood pressure? I hit 170/112 last night. Even after taking the calcium channel blocker I was still at 163 earlier today. Had to take it again. At least I can go to my doctor's and wave my little blood pressure/food diary in their smarmy faces, because I've got proof it's not salt related considering I haven't eaten dick for three days.
Ugh. And I used up the last of my PTO for the year on this damn sick. I could've been finishing up that Echo Garden piece, but I could barely move.
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cancioh · 1 year
Coachella 2023
Where do I begin with this one. I guess we can start with a little back story before we get to the actual event. We’ll probably have to go back to Coachella 2022. I was so excited about this trip when I was invited to go. The year had just begun, and things were going so well for me. As time went on, things started to fall apart, and I found myself in a low and dark place. Few knew of that situation but to keep it simple, my heart was broken. I needed to get away and luckily Coachella was right around the corner.
The day arrives, and of course, with my luck, I start feeling under the weather. I’m already in a bad head space but now it’s also physical. I took medication and we’re on our way. Hello LA, hello Palm springs, we have arrived. I call my sister to show her the place and she suddenly gets serious. She asks if I’m alone and then tells me that our mother has covid. Hearing this, my body just sinks. I make sure she is fine first but then all these thoughts run through my mind. I’m already feeling sick, maybe I have covid too. I was around her the whole time until I left. What do I tell everyone? Do I have to quarantine and miss everything? I’m starting to go into a panic and eventually I tell Nick what’s going on. Luckily, they have a test on hand and it’s negative. At this point, it’s too late, I’m already in my head.
First day of the event comes, and for the most part I’m clocked out. I don’t want to miss this opportunity so I take more medicine, hydration fluids and we make our way to the grounds. It was a great experience but again, I’m not totally there. One thing though, we did catch Madeon that day and I will forever remember that performance. In hindsight, that was the performance that showed me the potential of what this event can do for me. Madeon will forever hold a special place in my heart. We catch a few more sets, I believe we close out with slander and then we head back home.
The second day came, and as I awoke my body and mind was like, no, not today. My overthinking got the best of me, and my body just shut down. Still tried to push through, but eventually I had to just call it. Told Nick I wouldn’t make it out today. I literally just slept all day and just tried to move on. Luckily that was enough for me to recover enough to make it to day three.
Day three was tough as well. Traffic was crazy just trying to get to the grounds but we eventually get there. Not even sure who we saw but I do remember the closing set, Swedish House into The Weekend. Although it was a bit of a rocky weekend for me, that closing set was also a great experience for me. The festival ends, and we’re back in LA. I’m processing everything and examining all the highs and lows. I came to the realization that the lows were all on me, all self-inflicted. I had to redeem myself, and had to wait a year to do so.
Coachella 2023 is approaching and to be honest, I did not prepare for it at all. I said I would, but I was just lying to myself. I had no expectations for this trip and was kind of going through the motions. The only thought I had was, just go out and experience it. I think that was the best decision I could have made because it ended up turning into everything, I needed it to be. I fly out a day earlier just to get better situated and just have an extra day. It was just the four of us (Jase, Lee, and Lex) and it was just a chill vibe. The next day comes, everyone’s flying in and we make our way to the house. I can’t explain it, but for some reason I was just more comfortable with everyone. Last year, maybe because I was in my head so much, but I felt like I was walking on eggshells with everyone. This time around, I was more carefree. I still didn’t talk as much, that’s more so how I am, but I did talk much more than last year. I was just present and not lurking in the background.
Day one comes, and oh boy did we start off right. Everything was just a vibe, and everything was just right. It didn’t matter if we left a set early, cause whatever set we went to next was still a banger. I’d be damn why we leaving already only to be like, yo, this sets fire. I’m already vibing but when we go to see Metro Boomin, everything just opens. I simply walk over to Nick, I walk over to Lee, and just tell them, I’m feeling it. I was in my own world and nothing mattered anymore. Metro fucking kills it and we go to see bad bunny. I’m not even a fan and that guy killed it. Even with the difficulties of trying to bring post out, he still put on a show. Day 1 ended and I’m excited for the rest of the weekend.
Day two comes around and its more of a relaxed start to the day. I decide to do some merch shopping first at the grounds and then continue on with the festivities. We catch a couple lit sets, eventually split up to watch what we wanted, and I ended up going with Blackpink. This was truly a dream come true for me. I thought this would never happen, I would only just see them on youtube or the Korean shows I watch but nope, there they were, right in front of me. It was everything I thought it would be and more. There set ends and again, I’m vibing. Calvin Harris is next and luckily he’s playing at the stage I’m already at so we just settle in and I just lay there looking at the sky. Our group eventually comes back together and Calvin goes on. Another banger to close the night.
Last day, lets go. There weren’t many sets I was interested in this day outside of Porter Robinson. He played a bit earlier but nonetheless, great set. Not only that, he brought out Madeon for shelter. Remember what I said about Madeon earlier. I think that was the climax for me. I was set for the whole trip now. I got everything I wanted and I couldn’t be happier, but we still had more to go. Everything after this was just bonuses. Catch a few more sets until we get to Jai Wolf. That set took everything out of me. I left it all during that performance. We leave and all that’s left is Frank Ocean. He was a huge disappointment but I won’t let that take away from my experience, Coachella 2023 was a fucking hit.
Festivities are over and we’re all heading back to LA. All the emotions are hitting me at this point. I was so happy and all of a sudden it was all over. I was so thankful to everyone, I was sad it was over, happy to experience all that I did, and tears just came down. I excuse myself to let everything out and I just want to say thank you to Nick and Lee for checking up on me. That truly meant a lot to me. Its now our last day in LA and people have already started flying back home. Its just a few of us now and we decide to go get some food. Afterwards, they wanted to go to the beach but I had already made up my mind after the first day to get a tattoo to remember this moment for the rest of my life. I told Nick and Lee that day, I know what I’m getting. We split up and I go get my tattoo. Now every time I look at it, I will always remember this weekend and these people. This truly has been the greatest weekend of my life.
Again, I just want to say Thank You to you all and Thank You, COACHELLA.
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humdelhi · 4 years
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“It was about an year ago when I was asked to declare the death of a patient for the first time. I was just a starry eyed, twenty something doctor in the beginning of my first year as a resident. My experience with seeing, let alone, handling death had been next to nothing. A 16 year old girl who had fallen off the roof of her own house, survived for 5 days in our ICU, only to die right before my own eyes. And I was supposed to tell her mother that she would never be able to talk to her daughter again. I was anxious. I had never done this before. A billion thoughts were rushing through my brain. Would I be able to say it correctly? Would I use the right words? Would my words be a perfect combination of empathy and detachment? Would I be able to comfort an inconsolable parent? How would they react? What would their grief look like?
With each death that I have painfully declared since then, I have seen the families go through five stages of grief: (1) Denial: The initial denial that the death could not have happened. (2) Anger: The anger at the doctors for not doing more. (3) Bargaining: The bargaining with themselves, as to why they didn’t seek treatment for their patient earlier. (4) Depression: The tears and the crying. (5) Acceptance: The acceptance that the person was not coming back. It was always this sequence, these stages. No matter who the person was, what their age was, what their economic status was, where they came from or what they did, their grief always looked the same. However, after working in a COVID facility, the experience has been vastly different. Instead of counselling the patient’s family in person, everything is done on phone. Considering the nature of the disease, we often get patients who cannot be salvaged. Their condition deteriorates too quickly. They stop responding to all ventilation techniques and go away too soon. And hence, “prognostication” has become a common practice for us i.e. prepare the family for what has to come. I have also come across a strange phenomenon in the family members’ response as well. They aren’t going through the five usual stages of grief. There was a bigger, more palpable emotion that I could feel coming off of them. Fear! They were all scared. More than the person who was gone, they were concerned about those who were left behind - themselves and the remaining family members. The first questions that they would ask me are, “Doctor, have we also got the virus?”, “Where and when can we be tested?”, “I have also been having difficulty in breathing. Should I get admitted?”, “Please keep the body in your ICU till we get a COVID report. We won’t take the body till we know that the person was negative.”, “No we do not wish to collect the belongings of the deceased. It is all infected.” It’s very surreal how we are living through a pandemic that is so much bigger than any of us. How this pandemic has changed people’s perception of death. How fear has replaced grief. In fact, everyone is in a constant state of fear. Even the doctors. But we are doing out best to defeat fear each and every day by duty and responsibility.”
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tiffanytannerstuff · 2 years
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We had so much fun today. I felt a lot more calm. We woke up late, but early because Odette didn’t actually go to bed until 2:30 or 3:00 in the morning. We had breakfast, I paid some bills, we went out to the playground and enjoyed that for a bit. Then we went to the grocery store and quickly got a few items and meals for the week.
We took those back to the house, made a quick lunch and then ran to catch the bus. We enjoyed the bus all to ourselves and captured us in the front seat like the kids like to do. Bus 15 to Oxford city centre.
We stopped at the museum of Oxford, ate our lunch on our walk and then went in for 30 minutes while the kids dug in their archaeological section. They loved it. Then we got on the bus and headed back. We tried to catch a bus before our 24 hr group ticket ran out but it expired as we stood in line so I asked him if it would work and he said yes, begrudgingly.
On our way home we stopped a few stops early and played at another playground. We met a French woman with her two young girls and visited with them for quite a while. Her kids speak French and Russian and she is teaching them English. Amazing. They are only two and three and a half years old.
We exchanged numbers and I told her that we are members of the church which helps us in all of our moving. We may meet up again at the park.
When we got home we had dinner of stir fry which was yummy, and the kids love, and then we write letters to Santa! August convinced everyone that it was his turn to wash the dishes and he did a great job. I’m so happy to have another helper.
Chandler came home earlier than we expected and got to join in for the last of it, only after he tested negative for covid, since a classmate worried him by testing positive.
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Los Angeles Times: How four ’70s-obsessed Italians became America’s favorite new rock band (29.12.2021)
The four members of the Italian rock band Måneskin grew up gigging around the Eternal City of Rome. But when they flew into L.A. for their first sold-out gig at the Roxy in early November, there was one local site of Saturnalian bad behavior they just had to visit.
“The Rainbow Bar!” bassist Victoria De Angelis shouted when asked about which local rock ’n’ roll haunts the band had to see on its first trip to the West Coast. “I grew up on metal and glam rock, so we were all sitting on the couch in there, like, ‘This is where Lemmy and Mötley Crüe used to hang out.’”
Måneskin is an almost unnervingly lithe band of 20-somethings who can squeeze into ’70s David Bowie bodysuits (or, as is often the case at photo shoots, squeeze out of them). It emerged victorious at 2021’s Eurovision Song Contest that, decades earlier, gave the world ABBA and Celine Dion; on Friday, it’ll help ring in 2022 on “Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve With Ryan Seacrest.”
But Måneskin is an anomaly in a rap- and pop-driven era: a guitar/bass/drums combo indebted to Queen and T. Rex that performs largely in Italian and whose breakout U.S. single was a cover of the Four Seasons’ oldies staple “Beggin’.”
Even its first scandal — a stray Eurovision camera angle capturing what looked like cocaine at its table, which the band denied having and the European Broadcasting Union cleared it of — seemed charmingly retro.
After a year when it made genuine inroads into the Hot 100, where “Beggin’ cracked the top 15, Måneskin — Danish for “Moonlight” — could reasonably claim to the the biggest new rock band of 2021. It topped U.S. rock and alternative radio charts; “Beggin’” has more than 800 million plays on Spotify, and “I Wanna Be Your Slave” tops half a billion too.
“They’re one of our three biggest hits of the year, if not the biggest,” said Lisa Worden, program director of Alt 98.7 in L.A. and vice president of rock and alternative music at iHeartMedia. “It’s so unusual to have a rock band with streams of that magnitude. To have a song like ‘Beggin’ that gets launched on pop and rises in alt and rock, it’s been a while since we’ve had that across formats.”
Mesh tops, low-cut leather pants and eyeliner for everyone — should TV sets near Sunset Strip hotel windows start getting nervous again?
“The fact that there’s a band in the top of the charts playing just three instruments, it’s something that hasn’t happened for so long,” De Angelis said. “But we didn’t expect it to happen in such a short amount of time.”
A couple days after their Roxy show, the foursome — bassist De Angelis, singer Damiano David, guitarist Thomas Raggi and drummer Ethan Torchio, all between 20 and 22 — were smoking cigarettes for breakfast on the roof of the Mondrian in West Hollywood. De Angelis is the chattiest in English; Raggi and Torchio were more laid-back, while frontman David was mostly content to quietly smolder on the rooftop lounge couch.
They almost didn’t make it onstage. After the band’s U.S. TV debut on “The Tonight Show,” Torchio came down with the flu just as they landed in L.A.
A resurgent COVID-19 (which tore through Italy in the first waves of the disease) had them fearing the worst as they prepared for a packed Roxy crowd. The band would have had to cancel if everyone hadn’t tested negative, which they did. “It wasn’t too bad. It’s getting better,” Torchio said, still a little wobbly from the show.
But they pulled it together for one of the last pre-Omicron blowouts on the Sunset Strip. “We were playing songs in Italian from the record that we didn’t think were very known here,” De Angelis said. “But everyone knew the words, even if it was harder for them to sing.”
Måneskin hit U.S shores fully formed and tightly honed. Its members have played together since 2016 and already put out two well-received records in Italy before March’s “Teatro d’ira: Vol. I,” released before its May Eurovision win. “It’s a completely different thing when you play on television because it’s so important to be precise,” De Angelis said. “You can’t get anything wrong because you’ll see it through the television. At a gig, it’s not that important to be perfect.”
From “American Idol” to Olivia Rodrigo, TV fame can be a leg up the pop charts, but Måneskin was already wary of its biggest win defining it out of the gate.
“We were pretty far from that concept,” David said of Eurovision. “The fact that we won was kind of strange because we’re not very mainstream for that kind of competition, but we knew we already had a catalog.”
That catalog is packed with zippy, bombastic yet endearingly analog tracks like Eurovision winner “Zitti e buoni,” which has a Strokes-y cool in the verses and a Zeppelin-size wail in the chorus. “MAMMAMIA” makes a strong case for a mid-’00s dance-punk revival, and the band turns “Beggin,” a Four Seasons song twice as old as the band members, into a 2021 pop-rock single as crackling as “Good 4 U.”
“We meet young people that are like, ‘I’m 10 years old, I’ve never heard stuff like this, now I want to buy a drum kit,’” Raggi said.
Oldies resurface on TikTok all the time today, but era-hopping covers are part of the band’s appeal. “When we make a cover, we don’t really think about the original structure or the original instrumental. We try to rebuild it,” De Angelis said.
“I bet a good portion of my audience didn’t even realize it was a Four Seasons cover,” Worden agreed.
Worden booked the band for iHeartRadio’s ALTer Ego rock festival at the Forum in Inglewood on Jan. 15. “It’s important to give them a chance to be more than a single,” she said. “They deserve to have more of their music exposed. I saw them at the Roxy and they’re a force. I think people will walk away with a new respect for them.”
Måneskin has an even bigger show next year in its hometown at the Circo Massimo, a huge public park that was once the site of ancient Roman blood sport and carnivals.
“It’s gonna be our biggest crowd ever, so it’s gonna be very emotional,” David said. “It’s like the biggest place where you can play in Rome.” As Italy continues to endure COVID-19, he added: ”I think it’ll be very good for the country too.”
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writing-in-april · 4 years
Any Iteration
Spencer Reid x Female Reader
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Summary: Reader is nervous that this new iteration of her won’t be something Spencer will like.
A/N: This is my first fic for my 1250 follower celebration!! If you want another fic with nipple piercings check out my first smut ever- Surprise Pretty Boy. It’s also based on this request that my amazing girlfriend @spencers-dria gave me- also please go send her some love she just tested positive for covid 🥺 Also again thank you all for 1250 followers- I can’t believe this is my 4th follower celebration!! I’m planning to continue to do them every time I hit another milestone (every 250) however- if I hit one while I’m doing my 30 fics in 30 days for April I’m going to find an alternative way to celebrate besides my usual 7 fics in 7 days- let me know what y’all would be open too (maybe a bunch of fic rec lists or maybe a writing contest 🤷‍♀️ idk send me an anon if you have an opinion on what would be the best option!) Thanks for reading and requests are open!
Warnings: 18+, Non specific dom, Nose piercing (F), Nipple Piercings (F), Lots of nipple play, Unprotected sex, Slight bit of cockwarming at the end
Main Masterlist Word Count: 2.1k
Spencer wasn’t one to get angry about anything, disappointment or frustrations were the most extreme negative feelings that he normally felt towards someone that had wronged him. I was dreadfully afraid to see the look of disappointment on Spencer’s face.
We hadn’t been dating for long, only about three months of official dating. We also hadn’t gotten much further than a heated makeout session so he wouldn’t have seen any of the other piercings I had hidden under my shirt.
I had other piercings that weren’t visible to the naked eye that didn’t help quelling the fear that I felt. He had never taken off my shirt before as we had decided to go at a relatively slow pace in our relationship. I wondered in fear if he would also be disappointed with the barbells that were pierced through both of my nipples or- would he like them because they were not as prominent as the ring that was proud on my face.
I had said I’d meet him at his apartment to watch some Dr. Who and eat whatever take out we were feeling like that night. My nerves were lit with worry as I stood in the elevator after he had buzzed me up.
When he opened the door to his apartment to let me in I held my head slightly down as I walked in not wanting to have the conversation about the nose ring while I was in the hallway.
“Do you like it?” The words slipped out immediately when I turned to face him, not even letting him get a good look at me before speaking, my voice meek.
“Like what?” He was still confused, until I pointed to the ring that was pierced through my nose. “Oh- of course I love it!”
“Thanks, Spencer.” I fidgeted with my fingers a little still feeling nervous even though he had said he loved it.
“Why do you look so nervous?”
“I was afraid you wouldn’t like it.” My admission made Spencer frown and silence fell between us for a second while he pondered my words.
“I’d love any iteration of you.” There was no hesitation when he spoke. He always had such a way with words, including when he was ranting and of course his stuttering when he was embarrassed or nervous. His eyes were wide with adoration as if he’d never consider thinking you were anything less than gorgeous.
A rush of boldness came through me, wanting to show him what else I had hidden. My fingers danced along the hem of my shirt, maybe this was moving a bit faster than what we had spoken about earlier. But, I wanted to show him, to either let it lead to something more or to let him know what he was looking forward to when we made that step at a later date.
“Well- if you like this one I have another piercing that you might enjoy…” My voice was still holding a bit of tension, he may have liked the nose ring- but would he like the others?
When I pulled off my top his eyes went wide, his pupils expanding into black pools, he did not stop me. Then when my bra went off finally exposing the barbells that sat under my clothes everyday he was stunned speechless. I withered a bit under his gaze, fearing that my boldness had scared him. “I’m sorry if that was too much.”
He cut me off by speaking quickly, “N-not too much- just ummm- shocked??”
“Do you like them Spencer?” My confidence had returned a bit since he had confirmed that he did in fact, like them, but I still was holding back a bit.
When he gasped out a little ‘yes’ I decided to stop holding back, stepping closer towards him.
“You can touch them Spencer, that’s part of the reason why I got them.” I leaned in to press a soft ghost of a kiss to the shell of his ear making him shudder, I then whispered, “it makes them more- sensitive.”
A groan from deep in Spencer’s chest rose up quickly taking me by slight surprise. His large hands then rose up to finally palm my breasts, his hesitation had been whisked away by my words.
When he was no longer satisfied with palming my boobs he reached up with one hand to pinch my left nipple slightly. The slight sting sent a shock of pleasure down my spine in an instant, my panties dampening further in quick response.
A moment of silence passed, the tension suspended thick and heavy in the air before Spencer spoke, “Did you like that?”
I knew it was a rhetorical question, but I still answered with a slight whimper in my voice, “Yes!”
The confident smirk on his face was something I hadn’t seen much of from Spencer, but I was thoroughly enjoying it. He pinched them both this time- and much harder too. The moan I let out was almost pornographic which spurred Spencer on to continue to pinch them, rolling the buds between his fingers before pulling again.
When he moved forward to wrap his lips around one of my nipples I felt like I had gone to heaven. As he laid kisses all along my chest I couldn’t help but try to grind my hips up into him, however I couldn’t from the position I was in.
I was tired of not being able to touch Spencer in the way I wanted, I wanted to give him some pleasure too. I pulled his mouth off of me momentarily so I could push him down to sit on the couch to be able to straddle him properly. He had whined a bit in protest at first, but when my legs that were now stripped of their clothing slung over his lap his complaint died in his throat.
My core rested right over the prominent bulge in his slacks now. I smirked cheekily a little bit before grinding down onto him.
His lips captured my nipple again, this time the one that had been slightly neglected. This time he also decided to bite his teeth down slightly and nibble a little.
“Harder, please!” I gasped as I continued to rock my hips over his clothed cock. He thankfully obliged me by taking my perked nipple and slightly sawed it back and forth between his teeth. The pleasure that came through me from his actions far outweighed the pain, the moan that came falling from my lips was a sign of that.
A squeak then fell from my lips as I was suddenly lifted up and then set on my back. I guess he had gotten impatient from my teasing.
“You’re needy.” I commented with a smirk. He had been unbuttoning his pants when I spoke, but paused when the words came out of my mouth. He then pinned my hands above my head with one of his own and dipped the other between my folds.
“Who’s really the needy one here?” I definitely liked the little taste I was getting of this side of Spencer, that was firmly evident by the amount of slickness was evident on his fingers when he brought them up to my mouth. I wrapped my lips around his fingers eagerly before he could pull them away bobbing my head as much as I could in my constricted position pinned underneath him.
“Fuck-“ He swore which was another normally uncharacteristic thing for Spencer, it spoke to his own neediness. Though I could not make a remark about it as his fingers were still far down my throat.
When he removed his fingers he also lessened his grip on my hands that had been pinned. I wiggled out of his grip to help him get his slacks out of the way. I didn’t care if I was needy as he had said, I was tired of the teasing and my arousal was so prominent I could feel it dripping down my thighs.
He didn’t need any preparation either, his erection looking almost a little painful. ThoughI was more caught up with observing how beautiful he looked- which wouldn’t normally be the adjective someone would use, but it perfectly described Spencer’s cock.
He filled me slowly, letting me feel every vein and letting himself feel every ridge. After he filled me all the way to the hilt he stopped for a moment, just to relish in the feeling of being impatient. I however was too impatient.
“Please move, Spencerrrr…”
“And you say you’re not the needy one…” He commented with another smirk that was now becoming a staple on his face, I never wanted it to leave. I moved my own hips, squirming underneath him to try to coax him into moving.
When he finally obliged me by snapping his hips quickly up into me I couldn’t help but involuntarily make a desperate moan.
It wasn’t long until he had created a steady rhythm along with me. The pace we had set wasn’t rushed, but was still desperate in a way. His thrusts were deep and quick, but he always paused a minute moment at the end of each thrust to appreciate me fully.
Our hands couldn’t stop exploring each other while he kept up our pace. From the amount of time Spencer was lingering to play with my boobs you’d think he was obsessed, maybe he was just a little. He also made sure to pepper kisses all along my neck, jaw, and face. He even made an effort to kiss the tip of my nose, making everything much more sweet.
I however had decided to rest my hands on his hips and ass, sometimes pushing him forward slightly when I felt our pace faltering slightly. When he started to pick up the pace I could feel my pleasure starting to come to its peak. I was going to fall over the edge soon and fast.
“I’m gonna cum!” I gasped, almost so whispley that it was barely sensical. Spencer was able to still understand my words, pitching his hips to hit at my sweet spot more intensely. Then he moved his dexterous fingers down across my boobs pinching my nipple on last time before he spoke,
“Go ahead, I want you to cum for me.”
My hands wound their way into his hair trying to grasp onto something as my orgasm washed over me in waves of pleasure. Spencer too wasn't too far behind, his own triggered as my walls clamped down tightly around him. We rode out our highs together, our heavy breaths mingling in harmony as we started to come down.
Spencer’s gaze was still heavily fixated on my body as we both caught our breath again. His eyes were glanced down at my naked chest, pupils still wide with wonder as he got to fully take in the sight without being clouded by lust. I couldn’t help but want to tease him a little.
“Hey, my eyes are up here, mister.” I said cheekily, though I could tell that he had definitely missed my joke by the look on his face.
“Sorry!” His little squeak was adorable and he started to move his way off of me with averted eyes until I stopped him.
“Spencer- I was joking.” The smile that was prominent on my face then morphed into a coy look. I moved my hands down to cup my own boobs before continuing while I pinched my nipples like he had done, “You’ve got permission to look anytime you want.”
His shoulders slumped a little as they always did when he was relieved, I was happy to see his own smile back matching mine.
We had no desire to move from our position, at least for a little while until I had to get up to clean myself. But, I was content to bask in bliss with Spencer for a while.
He brought me out of my thoughts by booping the tip of my nose with his pointer finger, my nose scrunching up a little in response. I giggled a little bit, moving my own pointer finger up to boop his own cute little button nose.
“Maybe you’d also look good with a nose ring.” He snorted loudly into my ear, making another fit of giggles erupt from me. At least this time my joke was caught by Spencer.
“Maybe so, but no. I’d like it better on you anyway.” His goofy little smile brought me such joy. In hindsight I should have never worried about Spencer loving my piercings, he’d think I was beautiful no matter what iteration I was. The little kiss he left on my nose was a testament to that.
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Spencer Reid/CM
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aus-wnt · 3 years
we already kind guessed she had covid but sam confirmed it
Sounds like she's had a poor run of illnesses lately. Hopefully that bout of Covid was the last of it for a while!
‘Everyone only sees 90 minutes’: Kerr reveals she played CL match with Covid-19
Chelsea and Matildas superstar Sam Kerr has revealed she played a Champions League match last year while suffering from Covid-19 – and also faced the USA while battling gastroenteritis.
Kerr exclusively told FoxSports.com.au that she tested positive in the days after last December’s final Champions League group stage match against Wolfsburg, but played while ill.
“So I woke up on the morning of the game and I was ill at about 8 o’clock – I was just really ill. I’d reported that I wasn’t feeling well, but I didn’t really have Covid symptoms, I was just feeling quite sick. And then as the day went on, I started to feel even worse and worse.
“And then I was like, ‘I have Covid, guys. Like I just know I have it.’ I just felt a different way than I’ve ever felt.”
Kerr played the entire match – a 4-0 defeat to the German side that saw an (understandably distracted) Chelsea fail to progress from the group stage – and came close to scoring when she found the woodwork.
But on her return to England, Kerr soon discovered she had the virus.
“I tested negative for like five days (before the game) because we had some positives (but) I tested negative. Had to do a pre-departure test – negative. We weren’t testing on the day because you only need to test the day before the game. And when we got back from Germany, I got tested and I got the test back the next day and I was positive.”
Two other teammates had been unable to travel to Germany for the match after testing positive for Covid-19, while a number of Kerr’s other teammates, as well as her girlfriend – talented American player Kirstie Mewis – subsequently tested positive afterwards.
“You know, at the end of the day everyone only sees the 90 minutes,” she said. “And I appreciate it, I’m a fan too of football and when your favourite player or your team doesn’t play well, you get angry. And I think there’s been multiple times in my life where I’ve been unable to perform because I’ve felt uncomfortable, I felt tired and that’s part of sport. Like you have to get up every day and play your best even when you’re not feeling well … It’s really, really hard to stay at the top of your game all the time.”
Kerr added: “That’s just an example of that. You just have to keep going and it freaking sucks sometimes, like I spent Christmas in iso then so (it was) terrible.”
While Kerr was left ‘with a headache for a day and half, two days’, she says it was nothing like representing the Matildas while battling gastroenteritis – a stunning revelation she also made to Foxsports.com.au.
“I had the flu a month earlier and I had gastro while I was in (Matildas) camp. When we played the US I had gastro. That was way worse. Like, I’d take Covid over the gastro any day. And I had the flu two months earlier and I had high temperatures, I thought I had Covid that time, but no.”
Kerr started both of the Matildas’ matches against the world number one US women’s side in November – a 1-1 draw and a 3-0 defeat. She did not reveal which of the two matches, in front of record crowds in Sydney and Newcastle, she played while battling illness - though she trained away from the group the day before the first match.
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mintelepathy · 4 years
"You are my safe place"
idol!jimin x reader/oc
word count: +1.2k
summary: oc goes to their home country, gets stuck there because of quarantine, and then finally goes back to korea without telling jimin so oc could surprise him.
FLUFF so much fluff
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Getting stuck in your country because of quarantine wasn’t in your plans when you went to visit your family earlier this year.
At first you were going to stay there for a month, but from one day to the other your flight back to Korea was cancelled, and the president had decided to implement a strict quarantine due to the increase of covid cases.
Everything was a mess and there was nothing you could do.
The worst thing was that this happened all of the sudden, and maybe if you had known beforehand you could have moved your returning date forward.
“You still don’t know when are you coming back, do you?” you watched him through the screen of the phone.
Even though you were at the other side of the world, and it was hard for Jimin and you to find the right time to facetime each other, you made it work.
Even if that meant that one of you had to stay awake late at night you’d always find some time for each other. Your times zones were so different that every time you texted him he would text you back hours later because either he was sleeping or working, and the same happened when he texted you, you were either sleeping or.. yeah sleeping.
You’ve been talking for an hour straight now and he was the one awake at 3 in the morning.
You noticed how tired he looked and somehow you felt guilty for talking too much and making him stay with you on the phone for so long.
“Sadly there’s no news, but I’ll let you know if something happens”
That was a lie, you actually had some good news, actually great news but you didn’t tell him because you wanted to surprise him.
Tomorrow at that very right moment you’d be sitting on a plane.
A few hours ago you’ve received an email which said that the permission you requested was accepted.
This permission allowed you to fly out of the country, and it was only possible because you had a reasonable motive to ask for it. Of course you mainly wanted to come back because you missed your boyfriend, but there were lots of important things you had to take care of in Korea, such as the new job you'd be starting in two months.
“You know what I’ve noticed these past few weeks you haven't been here?” you watched him as he rested his cheek in the palm of his hand.
“Tell me” you copied his action.
“I’ve realized how important it is to me to have you physically here” you raised your eyebrows twice and smirked at him just to tease him.
“You dirty minded” he smiled and tilted his head “but seriously, most of the time when I arrive from work you are always there waiting for me, and now when I get home it just feels so empty, or every time I wake up and turn around I hope to see you there sleeping besides me, but then I remember you are not here, and the list goes on and on” you pouted at his words.
“You don’t have idea how much I miss those things too, and I have something to confess too” he nodded and waited for you to tell him.
“You know how bad my experience with my ex-boyfriend was, sorry to mention him, I won’t go deeper into the subject because you already know but‐” you took a second to breath in before continuing, you always felt a lump in your throat every time you mentioned him. “but what I’m trying to say is that after him I was so afraid to try it again with someone else, I was so scared to get hurt, and then I met you, and you showed me in so many different ways how real love is, of course I’ve experience love before with family or friends, but I’ve never felt the same way I feel with you with anyone else and it’s just so beautiful. You are my safe place Jimin”. You didn’t notice you were tearing up until now.
Jimin couldn’t stop smiling at you. “You are also my safe place babe, I’m trying so hard no to cry right now, shit. I hope you can come back as soon as possible” you let out a chuckle.
“Me too babe, me too..”
It’s been more than two weeks since you last facetimed Jimin and more than two weeks since you arrived.
You told him your phone fell and your camera stop working so he wouldn’t find out you were already in the same country as him, and it seemed he didn’t suspect anything.
You would phone call him every day anyway.
You wished you could have seen him as soon as you got there, but you were a responsible person and you didn’t think of breaking the safety protocol for covid, you also got tested and the results came negative so now you were more than ready to finally see him.
The only person who knew you were already there was Hoseok, and he had texted you earlier saying that him and Jimin were going to their dorm after practice so you could go and surprise him later.
You were so excited to finally see him, that was for sure.
A few hours later you’ve received the message you were waiting for. Hobi and Jimin were already at the dorm and it was time for you to go.
Hobi told you to let him know when you were there to help you go through security, and that’s what you did as soon as you got there.
He was so fast to welcome you that you were already greeting him with a small hug.
“Jimin is in our room watching videos of cats on his phone, I’ll let you have your moment alone” you couldn’t stop thanking him.
You felt your stomach spinning as you walked in, you were so nervous, but not in a negative way. They were happy nerves if that made sense.
The door was closed and you didn’t know if you should just open the door and run towards him, or knock at the door. You went for the second one because it was the safest considering you can cause him a heart attack.
You knocked five times.
“Come in” you heard him shout but you kept insisting and knocked five more times.
“Hobi hyu‐ WHAT THE HELL?” he opened his eyes so big, like he was trying to see if you were actually standing there in front of him, if you were actually real.
“Surprise!” you opened your arms at him.
He didn’t waste a second and embraced you so tightly and hard that you ended up falling to the floor.
“I can’t believe this is real, am I dreaming right now?” he pinched himself and you couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction, he was so shocked and happy just like you.
“Totally real Park” you kissed him how you could because you weren’t in a really comfortable position.
He deepened the kiss as he helped you to place yourself on top of him. It was so much better now.
He suddenly turned you around and now your back was against the floor.
He started to give you small kissed across all of your face and then he put his arms around you to hold you tight.
You didn’t know for how long you’d stay like that but you did know that neither of you would let go.
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nerdforestgirl · 3 years
Note: Thank you to everyone who still cares enough about Sheldon and Amy to celebrate today.  I miss them, but it helps to know I’m not the only who still cares about them.  Thanks for playing along with this stilly fluff crawlspace stuff all these years later.  I know I shared my tattoos earlier, but obviously I had to write a little something too.  Enjoy.
“All right. Our appointments are all set,” Amy told Sheldon with a big smile. This was nearly the moment she had been waiting for for the last year. She and Sheldon were finally going to get their Covid vaccines. They were finally going to be safe and be able to get back out into the world.
“I don't feel well. Perhaps you should cancel mine,” Sheldon said to his wife.
“Well, our appointments aren't until next week, so you'll be fine by then,” Amy said. She was pretty sure that it was just nerves. Even if it wasn't nerves, she had a point that the appointments weren't for several more days. He would likely be over whatever was bothering him by then. She left his appointment as it was and set back to making dinner for the two of them.
Over the next several days, Sheldon continued to complain that he wasn't feeling well. Amy took his temperature, and it was normal. Then she took him to get a Covid test even though he insisted that it wasn't that.
“Maybe we should get you in for a doctor's appointment,” Amy suggested when both of their Covid tests came back negative.
“I just don't feel well, but I don't think it needs a doctor's appointment,” Sheldon protested as he booted up his current game of Resident Evil on the PS5 Amy tracked down for his birthday.
Sheldon wasn't acting like he felt sick. He just mentioned it whenever Amy talked about how excited she was about the prospect of having her life back. When she mentioned that she looked forward to going back to brunch with the girls or working in her lab instead of the apartment, Sheldon would start in on how his stomach hurt or he had a headache. Whether or not Sheldon actually felt sick was up for debate, but Amy was fairly certain it was in his head.
“You aren't afraid of the vaccine, are you?” Amy asked. He knew the science. He knew that despite the appearance that the vaccines had been developed quickly, they were actually developed with more than a decade of science behind them. They had been thoroughly tested. And of course there weren't any microchips in them. Sheldon wasn't one of those people who believed in conspiracies. Or at least Amy didn't think he was.
“No,” Sheldon said. “Of course I'm not afraid of the vaccine.”
“Then why don't you want to get one?” Amy finally just asked him. She was tired of skirting the issue.
Sheldon opened his mouth to answer, but then he closed it. Amy had never seen him seem so unsure of himself. That sold her more on the idea of him feeling unwell more than anything, but she just stayed silent and waited for her husband to answer her.
“I liked the last year. I liked staying in with you every night. I liked the grocery delivery and the take out delivery. I liked never leaving the apartment. I liked that everyone was using hand sanitizer all the time. I liked the masks,” Sheldon confessed. This pandemic felt like it had been built for him. He was happy in it. He didn't want it over.
“Oh,” Amy said after a moment. That actually made a lot of sense. Sheldon was the only person she knew who really did seem to thrive in all of this. “At least you included me in the things you liked about the pandemic,” she added after a second.
“Of course I did. You are my favorite person in the world. If I was going to be locked in a pandemic with anyone, I'm glad it's you,” Sheldon told her. She knew that. He couldn't live without her.
“You're my favorite person too. That's why I want you safe. That's why I want you to get the vaccine,” Amy told Sheldon.
“Hmm. That's a good point,” Sheldon agreed. He hadn't thought about that element. He didn't want things to change, but he wanted Amy to be safe. The idea of his wife being safe was absolutely worth things going back to how they had been before.
“I'll hold your hand while you get it, if you want,” Amy offered. She thought of their original agreement all those years ago when a hand hold during a flu shot was one of the only forms of contact he would allow. That had all changed in the years since, but she was happy to be there in any moment of need.
“Well, that was a given. I suppose we can go get our vaccines tomorrow,” Sheldon agreed.
“And we'll still need second doses and then two weeks after that before we'll be protected,” Amy reminded him. They had plenty of movie nights alone snuggling on the couch left before they'd even be close to having their lives back. Plus more time after that to get used to being back out there. Sheldon could keep things the way they were for a while longer. As much as Amy missed some elements of her life, she certainly didn't mind the idea of some time alone with Sheldon.
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all0nsyidjits · 3 years
Guess I'm going to out myself here just a bit. I'm a Lokean. In fact I'm a Godspouse have been since July of 2011. I came to realize who the imaginary friend I had as a kid who never really went away was via pop culture. Before you roll your eyes and dismiss me as a Marvel Loki fangirl let me explain. I didn't fall in love with Tom Hiddleston or his version of Loki. In fact a whole other fandom brought me to Loki. See I'm a fan of the show Supernatural and a favorite character was Gabriel who starts off as the Trickster then it is revealed that he is really the archangel Gabriel who skipped out of heaven and hid his true identity by pretending to be a trickster god, Loki to be exact. I wanted to write a fanfiction about Gabriel's time posing as Loki but I knew shit all about Norse mythology aside from the names of some of the Gods and Godessess. So I started researching and reading the lore and by accident stumbled across a few Lokean blogs. Shortly after Loki showed up and I proceeded to start to question my sanity. I'd gotten into Wicca in my early teens so I had some concept of Pagan deities and all things woo. Still having a god show up and just want to hang out and talk freaked me right the heck out. When he started flirting I was sure I'd completely lost my shit. Slowly he calmed me down and earned my trust. I found others who had been His for a long time and they helped me navigate this new relationship.
Then the Thor movies came out and suddenly everytime I went online there was a new Lokean Godspouse. Loki is not one to waste free PR I guess. I stayed active in the community for awhile but then the cattiness of some in the community made me decide to go solitary. Years passed I rarely missed the community. Loki and I just did our own thing. Sometimes Loki would be gone for some pretty long stretches. Still he was here and things were good.
Then 2020 happened. Look in all honesty I can be a bit of an introvert. I tend to withdraw from people if I sense to much conflict or tension. It's not so much my true nature but more a trauma response to withdraw. My childhood was well complicated. But I'm getting off track here what I mean to say is 2020 was a really shitty year for me and my family. In June I cought Covid 19 I never got all that sick, but the body aches and fatigue never quite went away. Then at the end of July my husband who is diabetic and has neuropathy stepped on a tac and ended up with MRSA. He nearly lost his foot and could have died. He was hospitalized for a month and out of work for three. I worked myself to a frazzle. At one point I had three jobs and was on the clock for 23 hours and 45 minutes one day. I was headed for a breakdown. My husband physically seemed to be on the mend, but his personality was no longer the kind, easygoing affectionate, man I had known for nearly twenty years. Then came the suicide attempt. Like I said it's been a rough since about this time last year.
When my husband made the suicide attempt Loki showed back up worried about both of us. Loki and my mortal husband know about each other. They like each other so please nobody suggest that Loki is trying to get rid of my mortal husband. When we married the priestess who married us was well aware that Loki was part of the ceremony and that I was marrying the both of them. We've been happily married and Loki always felt like I would be okay during his absences because I had someone else that he trusted there with me.
At first Loki tried to be my distraction from all the stress, he's really good at that. Then Loki started to worry I worried about mortal hubby and Loki worried about me. Many pleas to slow down before I had a breakdown too and Loki finally put his foot down I had to learn to say no and I had to take care of me if I was going to take care of anybody else. Finally the tears and the exhaustion came after my husband told a lie that made me look like a very bad person. My mother-in-law went off on me I had been up for three days with only about four hours sleep and those weren't even consecutive hours and I was reduced to a sobbing mess. Like so many times before Loki was there to catch me He let me cry, He let me rage, when the worst had passed I looked at Him.
"So I guess being the God of change you're going to tell me to throw away twenty years of my life and file for divorce." I asked.
"Oh you think you know me so well Little One." Even at a such a solemn moment Loki can't resist using an old nickname from back in my childhood when he was the imaginary friend who took me on wild adventures far away from whatever was going on at home at the time. It had went from term of affection for a child he had chosen to protect to a teasing dig at my 5'3 height compared to well all of Them.
"Well aren't you?" I asked.
"Little one besides being the God of Change what else am I?" I start to rattle off titles and associations.
No let me rephrase that Little One who am I married to who are my Wives his voice somehow conveying the capital W that lets me know it is Sigyn and Angrboda he speaks of.
"Sigyn and Angrboda" I say.
And what Little one is my precious Sigyn the Goddess of?
Fidelity I answer and then it hits me She had stuck by Him through far worse.
So I'm here I'm staying but there are days when I just wish I had someone to talk to. Someone human.
This year has been hard the isolation brought on by Covid 19 precautions is wearing on everyone in one way or another I think. Add to that the fact that I live in a very rural, very Conservative Christian area where I have to hide my witchy ways. Knowing full well just how many people in my life would utterly abandon me if they knew about Loki and my true beliefs. I can't talk about Him to well anyone besides my oldest and there are things about being a godspouse you wouldn't want to discuss with your kid. I used to have my husband but now talking to him about the most mundane things is a cross between walking on eggshells and navigating a mine field. I got lonely, really lonely.
Against my better judgement I decided to dip my toe back into the Lokean Community after walking away from all the groups, blogs, message boards ect in about 2013. So about 7 years as a solitary Lokean witch and I was ready to test the waters again.
I found a Lokean on social media (I don't want to draw any negative attention to this person because they are doing a fantastic job with what they are doing) so much of what they were saying resonated with me and I wanted to talk. Hey maybe I could make a friend. I commented maybe a bit too much. I meant no harm I was just excited to talk to someone after so long keeping it all to myself. Well that went spectacularly wrong and I ended up with someone who I'm pretty sure thinks of me as a rival or an enemy now. Loki being Loki was quick to remind me that my ramblings don't offend everyone. I had commented on a completely unrelated post about Him a few days earlier and within hours of the well I fucked up incident I'm reading a post by someone thanking me for talking about how I experience Loki because it resonated with them an affirmed a few things.
Then Loki was like I want you to start talking about me. I want you to rejoin the community. I was like oh hell to the no. Well you can see who won that argument. So here I am hoping I don't come to regret this.
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hatari-translations · 4 years
Matthías on Vikan með Gísla Marteini, 05.03.21
Once again Matthías appeared on this weekly talk show, this time mostly to discuss A Song Called Hate. Most of the show isn't about him or the film, but I'll summarize basically everything Matthías comments on nonetheless, and then fully translate the bits centered on him/Hatari. The other guests on the show with him this time around are former politician and activist Sóley Tómasdóttir and geologist Kristín Jónsdóttir.
Slated for the end of the show is a performance of a new song by Bubbi Morthens raising money for the Women's Shelter; Gísli Marteinn asks if they've heard the song, and Matthías says he hasn't but is looking forward to it. He then asks how they're feeling this Friday night; Matthías says he's in a light and happy mood, even though he's a bit ill (Gísli Marteinn uses the word lurða for his sickness, and Matthías maintains he thinks it ought to be luðra; both seem to be recognized). He notes that he has been tested negative for COVID. Gísli Marteinn quips that the nation would never forgive him if he infected Kristín, who is an expert on earthquakes and has been part of the team reporting on the ongoing wave of earthquakes in Iceland, which potentially signifies an oncoming volcanic eruption.
There's a humourous segment where Gísli Marteinn goes over the news of the week, and they discuss the earthquakes for a while. Krístin says science needs all sorts of people, which Matthías can be heard agreeing with, and says she's the biggest extrovert on the earthquake specialist team; Matthías jokes about whether that's why they got her to go on TV. Sóley references actor Villi Neto saying on Twitter that he's transitioning from being a self-appointed expert on earthquakes to one on volcanic eruptions, and Matthías says, "Villi Neto, always one step ahead."
Following that, Gísli Marteinn asks if he's been following the earthquakes. He says he hasn't been following them, but has of course felt them, like everyone has. "It's easy to ask the big questions, or the wider context, when the Earth is shaking below you. You're just, 'I'm a pawn'. That's the feeling I get. But it doesn't shake me awake, like people have complained about." Gísli Marteinn says it startles him, and makes a joke about that making him sound like politician Brynjar Níelsson; Matthías laughingly asks why they keep talking about him (there was also a joke about him in the news of the week segment), and Gísli Marteinn explains that he's very easily startled.
Later they mention that none of them have ever experienced such an extended deluge of earthquakes within their lifetimes. Kristín admits she doesn't really know what it was like in 1973 and 1933. Matthías says, "Ah, yes, those years we all know." (Of the four of them, only Gísli Marteinn was born by 1973.)
They talk about the possibility of an eruption, which the experts have gone back and forth on a bit as the situation evolves. Gísli Marteinn suggests it might just be good for tourism (the eruption is highly unlikely to put people in danger or cause serious damage). Matthías says "Yeah, just to draw attention? I was going to say, are foreign news anchors going to try to say the name, if we get an eruption? Will it be news of that level?" He's referencing the eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in 2010, which gave foreign newscasters a lot of trouble to pronounce, causing Icelanders no end of amusement. Kristín points out that unlike that eruption, this one would not be likely to affect air traffic, so it wouldn't be as internationally dramatic, but nonetheless there is some press interest. They try to remember what the name even is this time; they're thinking of Þráinsskjaldarhraun ('Þráinn's shield lava field'), which was joked about in the news summary segment earlier, but Gísli Marteinn starts with "Þrándar...?", misremembering the name Þráinn as the similar name Þrándur, and Matthías improvises the intentionally overlong "Þrándarskjaldargígaraðahraun" ('Þrándur's shield volcanic fissure lava field'). Kristín points out it'd be more likely it'd be referred to as the eruption of Fagradalsfjall ('Beautiful valley mountain'), which may not be so bad. Matthías says Fagradalsfjall with an exaggerated American accent.
They talk about how COVID has been basically eliminated in Iceland (unfortunately just today it was discovered that somebody with the British strain managed to infect two people in their building without having even interacted with them, and one of those people attended a concert with 700 people on Friday), while Sóley lives in the Netherlands where the situation is much worse; Matthías asks jokingly if she's allowed to be there, which she affirms.
She describes how there's a curfew at 9PM and you can be fined for being outside at all. Matthías goes "Díses" (the crude Icelandicization of "Jesus" used like the English exclamation which I've mentioned on this blog before). She says there's an exception if you have a dog, and people have talked about renting out their dogs; Matthías laughs and quips, "A dog loan black market."
Gísli Marteinn asks her about the Dutch language and difficulty pronouncing it; she says some words, and Matthías automatically imitates them. This causes Gísli Marteinn to ask about his German:
GÍSLI MARTEINN: You're fluent in German, aren't you? I just remember in Eurovision--
MATTHÍAS: I speak German at the level of a polite ten-year-old child.
GÍSLI MARTEINN: But you were there, drawing all the attention -- this is a diversion into talking about the film, A Song Called Hate, which is about Hatari and is in theaters now --
MATTHÍAS: So me bullshitting in Dutch was your cue? Wow, nice.
GÍSLI MARTEINN: Well, it's a great movie, and an incredible journey that's fun to see. But you were drawing a lot of attention, and I was there, there was a queue of the biggest media organizations in the world wanting to interview you. And I thought you were total heroes in all this, I've said it a lot, and really brave.
MATTHÍAS: Thank you.
GÍSLI MARTEINN: But there you were just dealing with the Frankfurt Allgemeine and big German newspapers, in German, like it was nothing!
MATTHÍAS: Yeah -- well -- they did the interview in English, and I was scared to show them that I knew any German, and the interview was over. They were leaving. And then I sort of tried to say something, just to be fun or something, I don't remember what I said, and then just, "Sprichst du Deutsch?!" And they just, "Come back in!", and they wanted to do everything all over again. And I had to struggle through some German, trying to describe Hatari in German, "Industrielle BDSM dystopische Technomusik-Performance-Gruppe von Island", something like that, and they just, "Wow! Industrielle! Okay!" They thought that was very impressive. So yes, I could make my way through that, but then the headline on the interview was just, "These cool guys show their soft side, speak of their grandmother", something like that. It was not a cool interview.
GÍSLI MARTEINN: But okay, you were there, and you've got CNN and all these channels, and you're really going hard, talking about apartheid --
GÍSLI MARTEINN: -- apartheid in Israel, which was a word that you were reprimanded for using, or probably.
MATTHÍAS: We suspect that that was the line, so to speak. You can't really put your finger on it, because nobody says it, but you get that feeling. And we met -- this is all in the movie -- a professor, a Palestinian of Israeli descent, who came and met us at the hotel, I think illegally. At least he took a multi-hour circuitous route so that he couldn't be tracked. And he had written academically about apartheid in Israeli law, how it's very well concealed but effective nonetheless. Who can buy houses where, who's allowed to do what. But it was just so trippy to be in this Eurovision bubble, and all these interviews, "Oh, wow, you speak German!", and then you arrive at the hotel, kind of exhausted, maybe wearing some -- Klemens was wearing this pink plastic getup that night -- and then there's just this professor going, "I've been waiting for you." Klemens describes how he met him. And just all these realities clashing there, the entire time.
GÍSLI MARTEINN: You have to play the part of pop stars on the stage, and make Iceland proud, and then you have to make your Palestinian friends proud with some protest -- it's a tough situation!
MATTHÍAS: Yeah, just trying to walk the correct path through those narrow streets, or expectations, or... trying to follow your heart through an... 'unprecedented time'. [The COVID-19 pandemic caused a real surge in the use of this term, which I'd guess was much less used in Icelandic than in English; he's obviously aware that's what he's drawing on as he says it, even though it's not incorrect to describe their Eurovision journey as that either.]
GÍSLI MARTEINN: Did you think -- what do you say, girls, how did you think the stunt went, as a whole?
KRISTÍN: Awesome. Just incredibly cool.
GÍSLI MARTEINN: Yeah, I agree!
SÓLEY: I had some trouble with it, because I didn't know what to do, whether I should boycott or not, so in the end, what I always do when I don't know what to do is talk to my most radical friends and do whatever they say. So I boycotted and didn't watch you guys. Still know what you did, I wound up seeing it, but officially I was boycotting it. And I think it's interesting, that thing you were saying about walking that path. That's something that people who are in human rights activism in general -- I've had that with feminism and when I talk to companies and organizations about what they should do, and it's always -- you both get criticized from the radical side and are too radical for the conservative side, and you have to represent RÚV but also -- it's a really tough situation to be in.
SÓLEY: And that's what we're all always dealing with.
GÍSLI MARTEINN: The film shows that really well!
SÓLEY: How do we change the world without going too far, but still going far enough.
MATTHÍAS: Yeah, exactly. This is... something I've pretty much been processing since then.
GÍSLI MARTEINN: But how do you feel about it now? The movie is out, which tells a bit of this story...
MATTHÍAS: Yeah. Maybe it's the end of a chapter. I don't know. It's just been rattling inside you for... two years now.
GÍSLI MARTEINN: I feel like everyone's really proud of you.
KRISTÍN: Yeah, I think so too.
GÍSLI MARTEINN: I feel like everyone thinks that you just hit exactly the right note.
MATTHÍAS: Yeah, thank you. You can't really know -- I don't know the alternate realities where we did something else.
GÍSLI MARTEINN: Let's look at a clip from the movie, where you're basically deciding, out there, in a hotel room, what you can really do.
MATTHÍAS: Nothing was really decided.
GÍSLI MARTEINN: Well, okay. Where you're discussing it.
MATTHÍAS: Yeah, we're discussing it, sure.
GÍSLI MARTEINN: And it's self-explanatory, but you're there just lying in bed, musing on what can be done, and it's a bit like the idea is being born.
MATTHÍAS: Yeah. And in the movie we're changing our minds left and right.
GÍSLI MARTEINN: Yeah, many times. And you're even considering getting everyone to make some statement together...
MATTHÍAS: Yeah. Are we going to do something on the stage? No, we can't do that because there's a delay, and if we go off-script they'll switch to a recording, so the stage is kind of not within our power to affect. Where do we have a voice? And yeah, then we realize something in this clip.
GÍSLI MARTEINN: And then you got this idea, which we'll see now.
[Clip from A Song Called Hate, transcript:]
ANDREAN: Start with the gay flag, everybody knows that gig. Then I just start with the trans flag, people will love that. And then all of a sudden, the Palestinian flag?
MATTHÍAS: Yeah, like, that's something I hadn't thought about, because that time, voting is over...
KAREN(?): The competition is over.
MATTHÍAS: The competition is over, and the camera is on us, live--
EINAR: Interesting.
MATTHÍAS: Something we hadn't thought about.
KAREN(?): It's too late to kick you out then.
[End clip]
GÍSLI MARTEINN: It's too late to kick you out of the contest at that point, like someone says -- please excuse the lack of subtitles.
MATTHÍAS: Yeah, yeah. Andrean was brainstorming about flags, because he'd been waving the Pride flag and the trans flag, and whether the Palestinian flag couldn't just be a continuation of that. And then we realize, what he's saying, yeah, that's the only moment that's truly live. The moment where we can --
GÍSLI MARTEINN: There's no recording.
MATTHÍAS: Yeah. There's no recording of us cheerfully waving the Icelandic flag, like they always -- that's what that shot of us was for, for you to be all "Whoo, we got points!" Just a few seconds, and we managed to make use of them, and that's good.
They move on to how Kristín used to be in a band in junior college. She mentions singing in "Óðríkur Algaula", which both Gísli Marteinn and Matthías are confused by; it's the internal song contest of the junior college she went to, MH (same one I did, so I recognized it). It's named for the Icelandic name of Cacofonix, the questionably talented bard from the Asterix comics. They show a clip of a music video she did, and while she concludes she's found her true place in life now as a geologist and won't be returning to it, Matthías says, "Never say never."
They talk a bit about a new craze for cross-country skiing; Sóley says back in the day you'd just do proper skiing. Matthías amusedly questions the idea that cross-country skiing is not proper skiing, but admits he knows nothing about this. "Isn't it just sliding down a hill on two planks?" He is clearly not a skier.
At the end, Gísli Marteinn asks what they're planning to do this weekend.
MATTHÍAS: I'm going to try to write a play.
GÍSLI MARTEINN: Yeah, aren't you the resident playwright for the City Theater?
MATTHÍAS: All this movie talk, I've forgotten where my head's supposed to be at. Now it's just playwriting.
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