#and i DO try to eat vegetables--i try to eat healthy in general
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rhys-ravenfeather · 2 years ago
Ironic how I ate more vegetables as a kid than as an adult.
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fuckingrecipes · 5 months ago
Do you have any healthy snack suggestions for someone who isn't a huge fan of nuts and dried fruit?
FIRST: A 'Snack' is just a small portion of food. It is a signifier of quantity. 'Snack' does not exclude any type or form of food - it just means a lil' bit of food.
SECOND: "Healthy" is entirely relative to every individual.
'Healthy' is just 'Supportive of a complete nutritional profile, taking into account a person's existing diet, dietary needs, and habits of energy expenditure'
For example:
A small, greasy hamburger is an EXCELLENT snack for a highschool athlete who needs to consume an large amount of calories every day to maintain their body. It has lots of fat and protein for muscle recovery and long-term energy, carbs for immediate energy, and some lettuce/tomato/onion for some extra fiber/vitamins/minerals.
On the flip side, if someone already eats a fair amount of of meat and carbs already but has a lower-energy lifestyle, a healthy snack for them might entail leafy greens, beans/legumes and vegetables, because they need more fiber and nutrients in their diet that plants have in abundance.
If you are allergic to or hate eating something, then it's not healthy to force yourself to eat it anyway. Find a different food, or a different way to prepare it that doesn't cause physical or psychological distress!
Don't like peanuts, but peanut butter is good? Eat peanut butter instead! Hate the texture of whole tomatoes, but tomato sauce is good? Eat tomato sauce instead!
Don't be afraid to finely mince or blend your ingredients into a sauce or smoothie if you feel you need or want to eat something for the nutrients but hate chewing it.
I'm a big fan of probiotic stuff in general, like fermented foods (kimchi, pickles, sauerkraut, miso, mustard and yogurts), since a strong bacterial colony in the gut has a positive impact on wellbeing for most folks. More importantly, I love the taste.
Buuuuuuuut~ some people are extra sensitive to compounds that are concentrated in fermented foods. Those people should not eat a lot of fermented foods. It's not healthy for them.
If you're munching snacks out of boredom when you're not actually hungry, something low-fat but satisfyingly crunchy usually does the trick for me. Something I can keep devouring for the sensory delight, gives some good nutrients, and won't make me feel overly full afterward.
Carrots, bell peppers, mung bean sprouts, apples, pears, jicama, radish, pretzels, sweet onions, green papaya, broccoli, popcorn, cucumber, water chestnut, seaweed crisps, coconut chips, any of those fermented foods I mentioned... hell, coleslaw is mostly cabbage with oil and vinegar - plow through that and have a great time!
If you want a snack because you're hungry, but you just want to tide yourself over until the next meal, eat something that is high in fat and fiber. Fat & Fiber makes you feel full.
Cheese, Yogurt, Butter. Olive oil. Guacamole. Tinned fish. Cream. Fry up an egg. Olives, Hard-boiled eggs - These are all relatively high in fat.
Beans, Legumes, Oats, Leafy Greens, and most Berries are pretty high in fiber, and can pair up with any of the fatty things.
Hell, a slice of cheese pizza is also fine! Buttered toast is fine! A small portion of roast beef from last night's dinner!
Eat a little bit, wait 20 minutes, and see if you're still hungry after that. A normal stomach takes 20-30 minutes to register feeling satiated. (Some people's stomachs don't really feel the difference of hunger vs satiation. Those people need to be more mindful of the quantities of food they eat - both eating too much, AND eating too little!)
If you want a snack because salty snacks in particular sound fucking amazing, but other fatty and high-protein foods sound kinda gross, Try chugging a glass of water.
If water doesn't resolve the feeling after giving it a few minutes, try something with salt.
Dehydration and not having enough salt in your body both cause salt cravings. Acute thirst is often mistaken as hunger.
Honestly, you can have a handful of chips. Eating a whole family-sized bag of potato chips in one sitting is probably too much salt & fat for most people, but eating a handful here and there is fine. It's just as morally neutral as eating a carrot.
Eat some rice with soy sauce. Eat some pickled okra, or pickled onions. Eat some miso soup. Drink some soup broth. Have some salt-cured meats.
So: A Healthy Snack!
Ask yourself: Am I hungry, bored, or thirsty?
Ask yourself: What have I been eating lately, and what has my diet lacked, or had in excess? (Fats, Protein, Carbohydrates, Vitamins/Minerals, Water, Salt)
Ask yourself: Am I trying to provide my body with a complete nutritional profile, including fats and carbs - or am I focusing on an imagined 'purity' of food and assigning moral value to eating what diet culture calls healthy so I can be 'good.' (Aka: Do you think instances of eating candy or fatty food is 'being bad'? Stop that.)
Ask yourself: Am I able to rely on my body's signals for hunger and thirst, or do I need to manually track this?
Sometimes a snack is a small portion of leftovers from yesterday.
Sometimes a snack is carefully sliced, cooked, and arranged on a cute plate.
Sometimes a snack is gnawing through half a head of cabbage doused in vinegar.
Sometimes a snack is a handful of shredded cheese eaten from your own palm so you become both the gentle horse and the stablehand feeding it, and that's all okay
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honeytonedhottie · 1 year ago
starting ur fitness girlie era⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🌷
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starting ur fitness girlie era is actually super easy! its consistency and discipline where most ppl struggle. i hope this post can help make the sustenance of ur fitness girlie era super easy and fun + some fun working out resources to start ✨
when starting anything, the most important thing, although cliche is starting from a place of love rather then hate. it feels better and is more sustainable in the long run.
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be clear on your goals for ur fitness girlie era. is this something that u wanna maintain in ur day to day life for general health? do you wanna gain/lose some weight? do you just wanna be stronger?
knowing what ur trying to achieve makes finding workouts that target your goal specifically more easy (the more specific the better)
you should be fueling ur body properly in order for ur body to function well when ur in ur fitness girlie era. if ur goal for example is to gain weight but u notice that u have a habit to eat very little, make a log.
i started a what i eat in a day log for a couple reasons. one bcuz i love lists and documenting things about myself, and two bcuz i wanted to make sure that i was eating well and eating good quality foods. bcuz i notice that when i eat well -> i feel well.
eat to fuel your body, dont eat just to eat
include fresh foods
make sure that you eat healthy portions (calling four almonds a meal is NOT healthy, and calling six pizza pies a meal is NOT healthy)
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overall just be mindful of what u decide to fuel your body with. an easy drink that helps to be mindful with what u fuel ur body with is with SMOOTHIES.
im so sick of ppl sleeping on smoothies cuz if u dont like to directly eat vegetables or if u want an easy way to intake fresh fruits and veggies smoothies are the way to GO.
the fun part of the whole journey, romanticization. made a pinterest board for ur fitness journey aesthetic and make it super pretty. invest in cute workout clothes to motivate urself to workout.
formulate a playlist for ur workout, something that gives u energy and motivates you. find a workout class or a youtube channel that you love. dont make working out BORING. get a workout buddy, make some video diary entries about working out/ur workout for the day.
make a blog that records whatever workout that u did. find fun ways to work out, like dancing or going on hot girl walks. create an atmosphere where u can work out and treat the time that u spend working out as a time to nurture and nourish your body.
motivation isnt going to get u through a sustainable fitness girl journey, motivation can only get you so far. its DISCIPLINE that gets you the results that you want and consistency.
be patient with yourself even if u fall off ur routine and grind, ur only human so let yourself live. as long as you dont make falling off a habit, you'll be okay.
make sure that u emphasize the mind -> body connection bcuz thats super important. working out is not just about working up a sweat; it's about connecting with your body and embracing the mind-body connection.
le sserafim workout - i've done the le sserafim workout once or twice and it absolutely destroyed me 💀 but in a good way. its challenging but its also rly effective so i recommend.
dancing - if ur into dancing, find a way of dancing that u enjoy to do. some examples include ; ballet, kpop dances, jazz etc
join a sport - join a sport with a friend to make it more fun! but theres lots of different sports that u can play and not only is it good for ur health, but its also super fun
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blissfullyecho · 3 months ago
My Skinny Tips for the Holidays
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If you’re in the US, Thanksgiving is this week and next month begins all the holiday parties and events for Christmas, Hanakkuh, Kawanzaa, and all other winter holidays that will include a ton of processed and sugary foods, seasonal coffee’s and fun drinks, and alcohol.
A note for the dieting police out there: Don’t even try it with me.
How I Manage the Holidays + My Body
So generally during November and December, I eat very clean (except for the holidays). I allow myself a Thanksgiving plate with everything (literally everything), dessert, sugary fun drinks/alcohol, and leftovers. This is the same thing I do with Christmas dinner as well. I don’t limit what I eat on the actual holidays, but the other days I do.
How I Eat on Non-Holiday Days
So like I said, I eat very clean in Nov and Dec because I know it’s going to get crazy on Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. So I stick to eating mostly vegetables, soup, and lean protein. I actually stop drinking smoothies this time because I’d rather eat my protein than drink it so I’m not feeling hungry so soon. I get hungry faster when I drink a smoothie than I do with actually eating, so I eat more (just sticking with veggies, soup, and lots of lean protein). I do cut back heavily on bread, rice, and pasta; but my main source of carbs comes from fruit, sweet potatoes, and corn (corn is carb-heavy). I also cut OUT added sugars. I read the label on everything. 0g of added sugar is what I get. Like I said, I still indulge on whatever I want during the actual holiday meal which are things loaded in sugar, so I cut back for the month. And for everyone saying “it’s restricting” … babe, respectfully, shut up. Cutting out added sugar that does nothing for you except make you crash, bloated, ruin your gut lining, decrease collagen production, can increase your A1C (diabetes risk), and turns straight to fat is not restricting. You’re gonna have that stuff on the holidays— you can cut it out for 3 weeks, I promise.
Managing Holiday Office Parties & Community Events
I still enjoy the office potlucks and other mini events because I usually reach for the protein options instead or the veggie options. I’ll have the turkey, the ham, the deviled eggs (deviled eggs hate to see me coming), the cranberry chicken salad, etc. I still enjoy myself, I’ll just not have the pumpkin pie, the Mac and cheese, the stuffing, etc. because I’m saving that for my actual Thanksgiving/Christmas meal. Also… I do not trust other people cooking for me unless I’m there watching things happen. I don’t know what goes on at your house lol.
… But what if Paula from HR brought in her world famous (insert sugary, fatty, super processed, but super yummy food here)?
I’m most definitely going to have something if it’s something I can’t get anywhere else. If there is something that I know looks good (or is actually good) and I’m not gonna have it at my Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner, then I’ll have some. I don’t say no because it’s not part of my “diet”. There’s this girl I used to work with and she would bring in these cheesy, turkey, apple, and cranberry sliders. They were SO GOOD. I would have 1 slider and then load up on the celery and other veggies or fruit.
I’m not drinking alcohol unless it’s Thanksgiving, Christmas, or NYE. That’s just a no go for me. When I drink, I like to drink socially. But there’s 3 days for the rest of the year where I’m going to be drinking all night, so I don’t have any alcohol unless it’s the day of the holiday.
Bring in a healthy side option
For my office potluck, I’m making a fruit bowl, a veggie plate, and a large charcuterie board. My work bestie and I will prob be the only ones picking off of the veggie plate, but at least we do have options to load up on in case Paula from HR brings in that delicious yummy option and we want a full plate of food like everyone else.
If I’m going to have it on Thanksgiving or Christmas, I’m not going to have it anywhere else (unless it’s protein)
I will skip the sweet potato casserole and the macaroni and cheese because I’m going to have it on my Thanksgiving and Christmas. Again, I don’t care for home cooking unless I was there watching you cook for me (or if you’re a cute old lady or a grandma, I trust them so much). But the point is, I’m not going to have 8 Thanksgiving dinners this month. I’ll have one with my family and that’s it. I’m not even doing a Friendsgiving this year (but that’s only because we’re all traveling or working). But the main reason we gain weight during the holidays isn’t because we have a treat or two, it’s because we are having a Thanksgiving or Christmas meal every 2 seconds.
What’s on my Thanksgiving/Christmas plate?
I eat whatever I want, but I’ll only have a plate and a slice of dessert. I don’t get seconds or thirds. I’m a one plate girly and that’s it but I load my plate with everything and I give myself solid amounts. I don’t put tiny scoops of anything on my plate. I’d rather have food on my plate that I can’t finish rather than me cleaning my plate because I didn’t put enough of anything on there and still feeling hungry and restricted. I want to enjoy myself with my family. Thanksgiving and Christmas isn’t the time to feel restricted. For dessert, I’ll have a slice of a dessert. This year I’m being told we’re having pumpkin pie and Dutch apple pie, which are both my favorites. So I’m going to have HALF a slice of pumpkin pie and HALF a slice of the apple pie and it’ll equal to one full slice. With alcohol, I’m always drinking water. I actually drink water with my meal and drink alcohol around the meal. I personally like to stick to red wine.
How do I handle leftovers?
My family likes to give the kids (which would be me, my sibling, and our cousins) the leftovers so we can take it home. I try to take most of the protein, green bean casserole (my all-time fav omg), and deviled eggs (my grandmother makes the best, it’s impossible to beat her tbh) whereas my sibling and our cousins like to take the macaroni, garlic mash, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, and the other foods.
I’m exercising everyday. Even on Thanksgiving and Christmas I’m exercising. I have my own routine but on Thanksgiving and Christmas, I’ll also be doing a hot (plump) girl walk after my meals to help my food digest. But even on my rest days, I’m doing active recovery.
The whole month isn’t a holiday.
I think you just have to manage the holidays by reminding yourself that’s it’s not Christmas or Thanksgiving everyday. You don’t need a full Christmas or Thanksgiving plate each day. Still enjoy the fun Starbucks drinks or Kelly from the marketing department’s apple pie, but order the tall Starbucks and not the grande or venti. Have a slice of the pie and not 1/3 of the pie. Don’t eat the candy on the table that you don’t really care for but it’s within reach so you eat it anyway. Save that for something you actually do like.
…And for anyone who is going to rage type a weird message saying I’m promoting anything unhealthy, please save yourself the time.
Happy Holidays! 🤍
✨ My new book “The Luxe Girl’s Playbook” is available now (this is the link). It’s about going into 2025 a brand new, leveled up version of yourself mentally and how you can make everyone that doubted you absolutely sickkkkk. It’s the mental diet we all need. It’ll be unavailable mid-December 2024 🫶🏼
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chaos-bites · 11 months ago
🐍 Subtle Jormungandr Worship 🌍
Own a map or world globe; can even be a world from a game or something, if you want
Support environmental or ocean preservation organizations
Clean up any local bodies of water or beaches
Clean up your local neighborhood or just pick up litter in general
Have a snake stuffed animal; I think he'd enjoy any animal, though, since he encircles the earth, especially sea animals
Have snake, globe, or ocean imagery around
Have a candle that reminds you of him (no altar needed)
Keep a picture of him in your wallet
Wear jewelry that reminds you of him
If you own a reptile, take care of/play with them
Start a personal routine of some kind; skin care, body care, before bedtime, morning, etc.
Be gentle with yourself; learn to forgive your past mistakes
Make a list of your personal strengths and all the difficult situations you got through; take a moment to recognize and honor your strength
Embrace change; take new risks, and try new hobbies/skills
Engage with childhood media/toys; honor the child within you
Volunteer at animal shelters
Start a garden; tend to plants
Explore nature (safely!!!); visit a nature preserve or go on a nature walk/hike
Engage with peaceful activities and things that help you ground, such as drawing, painting, or crocheting
Sit outside in nature for a while; meditate there; find peace within your natural surroundings
Collect cool rocks, crystals, or gemstones
Study your local flora and fauna
Help to rid your area of invasive plants (safely!!!)
Watch nature and ocean documentaries
Practice mindfulness; ground yourself often
Take care of yourself physically
Practice lots of self-care; be kind to your body
Cook yourself a meal, especially comfort food
Drink something soothing, especially herbal tea
Eat any vegetables, herbs, or fruits you've grown or that a local farmer has grown
Fall asleep/meditate to the sounds of the ocean
Go swimming or dip your feet in a body of water; ocean, lake, river, etc.
Leave a glass of salt water on your windowsill; pour it out at the end of every day (do so safely; some plants react badly to salt water)
Take care of your space; make sure your space is one that you feel comfortable in
Take time to yourself everyday to decompress; be comfortable within your own presence
Practice setting healthy boundaries with others; some boundaries need not be spoken
I may add to this later on! For the time being, this is my list of discreet ways to worship Jormungandr. I hope this helps someone, and take care! 💚
Link to my Subtle Worship Master list
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Bachelor/ettes and Cooking
Gonna rank how I think the marriage candidates would do in the kitchen
Elliott -- it takes a while, but once the man has a real kitchen at his disposal and some encouragement to try, I think he would really enjoy cooking and could be very good at it! I HC him as growing up in a wealthy home where he probably wasn't allowed to cook for himself, and then the cabin has nothing... but he remembers dishes he really enjoyed. I like to think he starts cooking just trying to help out once he moves to the farm, and there is DEF a learning curve... but there's a master chef hiding in there. I can feel it.
Alex -- you do not grow up with Grannie Evelyn and not learn how to cook. Impossible. Now, he's not a fancy chef by any means, but he can make a meal without issue. If you get this man a grill, he will 1000% become Grill Master, Kiss the Cook apron wearing Grill Dad. Also, though he rarely does it, he can bake up a storm. Generally only bakes for birthdays.
Harvey -- He can cook, but only cooks healthy meals. He will need to be taught that it's okay to season your food. Brown rice, steamed veggies, and plain tofu/ chicken breasts type guy. Otherwise, it's pre-packaged frozen food. Maybe he can get better w/ encouragement but he's always going to be checking portions and making sure you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and watch your sodium intake. The most likely bachelor to be vegetarian/ be willing to go vegetarian. Gets nauseated if he's preparing meat.
Shane -- Mid-tier like Harvey, but even though he's had kitchen access he rarely feels like cooking. He knows what seasoning is-- his usual cooking style is the exact opposite of Harvey, mostly family recipes. All flavor, calorie count who?? Loves making food covered in cheese, sauce, or gravy. His chili would win awards, but he only makes it once a year.
Sam -- He could keep himself alive if the box has directions. Anything more complicated than boxed mac and cheese, though, and he gets a little lost. Can help YOU in the kitchen very well, but to be honest he would rather be doing something more exciting.
Sebastian -- The only one who is a worse cook than him is Abigail. He is NOT allowed in the kitchen even to watch. Could burn iced tea.
Emily -- Oldest sister + working at the Saloon added together means she's definitely going to be a decent cook, but she genuinely enjoys cooking. She loves to experiment with different cultural dishes. She only cooks vegetarian or vegan dishes.
Penny -- She's pretty self sufficient. I don't think she knows too many recipes, but she enjoys experimenting if she moves to the farmhouse. She's very adapt at stretching a budget, and I think she would enjoy making jams/ pickles. Not the big amount the farmer does, but small batches in special flavors.
Leah -- She's a simple cook. She prefers raw dishes, or things like buddha bowls. A lot of texture and flavor. Loves using herbs and edibles from foraging locally. Leans vegetarian but doesn't mind fish from time to time.
Maru -- Maru is proficient at cooking, but I think takes after her dad too much and is very nutrient focused vs what actually makes a good meal. Occasionally makes questionable decisions in the name of efficiency. Could go from making some sort of casserole if busy w/ a project to Extremely Experimental if she has the time. No in between.
Haley -- I considered putting her higher but no. She has rarely if ever had to cook for herself before, so if she's at the farmhouse she will be surprised if you expect her to do anything in the kitchen. Eventually I think she could be fine. It's not hard. She just hates doing dishes. Enjoys baking somewhat, especially w/ Alex.
Abigail -- She eats rocks as a snack and thinks if you just crank the oven to 600 for fifteen minutes it's better than 350 for an hour. Her stomach is alien to this world. Can and will eat anything without issue.
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historia-vitae-magistras · 10 months ago
A lightee ask than usual but do you have any food or eating habit thoughts?
Ooohooohh, I did a whole ass seminar on the history of food. Failed it because I almost bled to death but I got to keep all the material! I've got.... a lot of thoughts and feelings about food culture. Too goddamn many, tbh. This got really long so I'll have to do a part two for other characters if wanted but lol enjoy.
 —Actually pretty gourmet little shit when he's got time and effort. He's made food Maria loves so often she has to give up on pretending she didn't enjoy it because fucking hell, he makes good chilaquiles after they've been drinking and fucking. There is, however, a non-zero chance he hasn't eaten a vegetable since the Nixon administration.
 —With that combustion engine metabolism, he's also perpetually hungry, so he eats whatever is around him. His guts do not like this, especially when it's a lot of dairy.
 —He has that kind of lactose intolerance that's tied to his health and stress, so if he's been particularly freaked out lately, he'll remind the world of his nuclear arsenal when he's got to use the toilet after that triple cheeseburger with a side of deep-fried cheese curds.
 —He's a stress eater too. He eats every negative emotion he's ever had especially when he's trying not to binge drink or do drugs.
 —He’s exceptionally food-motivated. They didn’t call one of his first major historical eras ‘the starving time’ without reason. He has preferences, but food is also food, and he’ll genuinely enjoy it in most forms as long as it's not rotten or otherwise godawful. Cowboy coffee and beans for ten days straight, and he will genuinely be the only man on that cow trail not sick of it by the end.
 —This also goes into why he’s so generous with food. He’s big on homemade food. He’ll make a whole big ass batch of like some sort of mac and cheese, and all the neighbours will get a big ol’ bowl of it with an ‘oh just return the Tupperware whenever,’ and it will genuinely be one of the best things they’ve ever eaten in their lives. Europeans recoil in horror, but our portion sizes are almost never single servings. It’s a generosity and hospitality practice except drinks. He really will down like a 2 liter of Slurpee in a single sitting.
 —He doesn’t mind eating alone. Actually prefers it sometimes. He loves eating in his car. American frontier culture, especially mountain men, had an often hyper-individualized, almost mythic culture of spending long periods alone in the woods and not being very sociable; thus a lot of situations where single servings were a thing, eating alone in quiet without something to do can be a real goddamn luxury.
 —He’s a really big protein guy with his metabolism. Sometimes exists on protein shakes but is more often a beef or barbeque or ham or alligator jerky. And a somewhat chunky Alfred is a healthy Alfred. A perfectly cut no flab Alfred is an Alfred who might be severely dehydrated and on several kinds of uppers.
 —He has better tastes than Arthur who didn't really realize food was supposed to taste good until like ten years ago but his combinations can be equally wild and unappetizing as they are batshit tasty.
—He loves spicy food. He's got so many opinions about hot sauces.
—He’s always hungry. If he isn’t hungry or turns down food, its genuinely a bad sign. If he turns down anything or just is just picking at it his food alarm bells should be sounding. He’s either about to declare war or puke all over the table or keel over dead. Peckish or food coma is his default state. Like if he was a smaller guy someone would say he’s got a binge disorder but he’s tall and beefy so he’s pretty okay.
 —Incredibly adventurous eater too. People will assume since there’s that old school culture of Anglo-American who eats the same 7 meals every week and might keel over dead if the meatloaf is slightly different he’ll be a bit hard to please but then he’s absolutely charmed by everything from Korean kimchi to Lithuanian Lašiniai.
 —He loves anyone who feeds him, just got to be a bit careful because he’s got surprisingly delicate stomach for the world superpower.
 —That American obsession with authencity means he’s surprisingly good at remembering people’s food culture or eating norms. He figured out chopsticks in ten seconds and quickly picked up the cues and manners of eating in any given culture. Still struggles with modulating his voice and personality, so he can often come across as rude, but he's so excited to do so. It's almost frustrating how happy he is to try and adapt to people around him and how happy he can be to fit in.
 —He's a very good cook when he's putting in effort for other people, but he's not really like Alfred, who he'll make a whole ass meal for one just to relax on a Sunday.
 —He does tend to eat more vegetables than Alfred, but only because his northern vitamin deficiency has him binging them when he can afford them or they're available during the summer.
  —He can be weirdly picky on his own, but no one ever really needs to ask about his favourite food or how he likes anything because he always just goes with the flow around other people. “Just get me whatever you’re getting.” comes out of his mouth often.
 —There's a lot of sour cream/crema and yoghurt/coconut milk involved when he eats Mexican or Indian food for as much as he loves it.
 —Katya was singlehandedly responsible for his ability to maintain a normal weight during the 20th century by adding rye bread and perogies/vyrenki to his diet. He craves mushroom-umami flavours when he misses her, which is most of the time.
 —When he’s normal and eating the Anglo-North American diet, but he isn’t always eating it, he gets some strong sugar cravings, especially when he’s west of Manitoba. He’s as fond of birch syrup as a flavour as he is maple; there’s just less production. But the kind of deprivation he got and his own tendencies to not eat sometimes cause white sugar to just straight-up burns.
 —There's very much something of François to Matt's dietary habits, but less in his personal tastes and more in that he might be more sensitive to flavours. He has that kind of discerning and slightly oversensitive palate, but he’s a shitty perpetually broke frontier settler colony. He knows better/feels too guilty/is too embarrassed of himself to really indulge it.
 —He kept too much of his peasant communalism in his eating habits. Where Anglo-American communities did have a lot of cooperation, communal eating was a special occasion. The norm was based on the individual household. In contrast, French Canadian habitants still technically lived on medieval land plots and owed labour to a lord while also having a culture of seasonal male work, so Matt grew up used to communal ovens and eating most of his meals around others. Later, in Arthur’s jurisdiction, it was usually the same. He got a plate of whatever he was given, and it wasn’t something he had ever had to initiate himself.
 —Partially, he's sometimes exceptionally bad at eating when he has to choose to do it himself. Especially since the Americanization of the food culture took hold in the '80s and '90s. Whereas Alfred is food motivated from going without when he was little, Matt learned how to block out physical sensation until he collapsed because it was rare that someone, including himself, cared about what kind of state he was in. He just doesn’t eat at all when he’s stressed or anxious. And now it's his sole responsibility to do so as there aren’t the same community structures. He has a lot of Alfred’s abundance now, all the brunch and BBQ places anyone could ask for, but it hasn’t meshed with his eating habits. His people gave up so much of their communal eating in exchange for various choices and then wondered why they were so lonely. So he’ll just microwave a potato or a packet of Kraft dinner a day for a week straight and wonder why he feels dead because, technically, he did eat something. It’s seriously a miracle he got as tall as he did.
 —Feed him nothing but hardtack for three years, and he won't complain until he's dropped dead of scurvy. If Arthur puts some sort of godforsaken mixture of plum sauce or gin-infused spag bol in front of him, he’ll compliment it before he disassociates to get at least some of it down.
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rederiswrites · 4 months ago
Menus, Oct. 23-30
Several people were open to seeing my menu planning, and it's something I enjoy doing well, so here we go!
Notes: My dishes can all be gluten free (they are, for us) by using gf pasta (we like Rummo brand gf noodles and Tinkyada are good too). Otherwise, we're pretty generally low carb and most things are from scratch, but typically pretty simple. Most of these rely on root vegetables or beans for their carbohydrates.
Feta tomato pasta and sausage --This was viral on Instagram a while back, and I decided to try it. Now my daughter requests it pretty often. I don't make it quite like the original--mostly, I add some zucchini, double the feta, and add a bunch of Italian seasoning. This link is pretty much the same thing. They add shallots, which does sound lovely but costs a bit extra. I cooked some sausage with the meal because I didn't want to load up on pasta, personally, as I'm still staying very low carb.
"Bowl of the Wife of Kit Carson"--modified caldo tlalpeño--Pity poor Maria Carson, whose indigenous name I can't even learn, now remembered by her husband's name. That aside, it's a family favorite. We make it with the entire can of chiles in adobo, but that's a family preference. The avocados are pretty much the vegetable in this one so uhh...have plenty. I make the rice separate, both because that way you can vary it depending on your spice tolerance and because that way the rice doesn't suck up all the soup for leftovers.
Roast whole chicken, roasted mixed root vegetables, and garlicky kale. I basted the chicken with avocado oil (expensive but healthy; feel free to sub cheaper vegetable oil), seasoned it with a Penzey's mix I like called Ozark Seasoning, and stuffed it with rosemary, onions, and garlic. The root vegetables can be whatever; mine were yellow beets (slightly less "earthy" tasting than red, which might be more appealing to some), rutabaga, and carrots. Salt, pepper, and garlic powder is enough, seasoning-wise. And the kale, I blanch and then saute with a LOT of garlic.
Garlic parmesan white beans, brussels sprouts, and Gujerati carrot salad. I've not made the beans yet; they'll be a new dish for us. Sound great, though, and I'm trying to learn more meatless dishes generally and bean dishes specifically. We like to halve or quarter our brussels sprouts, depending on size, steam them, and then eat them with sour cream. And the carrot salad is a longstanding family favorite, which I got from my well worn copy of Madhur Jaffrey's Indian Cooking. This is almost the same recipe, but I don't add cayenne, and I wouldn't use olive oil, since it has such a low smoke point. I'd use peanut or canola or something. It's not spicy or "exotic" tasting, and it's been well-received at potlucks.
Pot Roast. There's no point giving a recipe for this one; just pick one that looks good to you. Just include lots of good veggies. I like carrots, onions, potatoes, and parsnips. It's fun to add a bag of frozen pearl onions, and I like frozen peas put in at the very end of cooking.
Tuna salad. I eat it over lettuce, the others eat it as a sandwich. Dinner for a tired night. My tuna salad is made with well-drained chunk light (in water), finely diced celery, finely diced green salad olives, salt, pepper, and mayo to bind. My family really likes the olives so I go heavy and also use a little of the jar liquid as a salt stand-in.
Deviled eggs and raw veggies with hummus. Another phone-in meal, or it would be if I didn't find making deviled eggs such a hassle. We all love them, but I have some inexplicable personal antipathy for how long they take to make. ANYWAY, my deviled eggs are the bestest, and you will not think so if you eat yours southern-style with (shudder) "salad dressing" instead of mayo, or sweet relish. No, mine are made with salt, pepper, mayo, and lots of finely minced green salad olives, and topped with paprika, preferably sharp paprika.
Pork tenderloin, frozen corn, and stewed apples and quince. Aren't we just POSH? Jacob got me a quince to try at the farmer's market. It's uh...well pretty much I guess it's like a rock-hard and fairly tart apple, with the granular texture of an Asian pear. They're generally eaten cooked, which is why I decided to stew it mixed with apples. So I just sliced the apples and the quince up fine (just leave out the quince if you don't have it which you probably don't, and maybe add a dash of lemon juice instead), simmered them in a couple tablespoons of apple cider (or juice; we had cider), and threw in a teaspoon of pie seasoning, a fistful of dried cranberries (the recipe called for raisins) and very approximately a tablespoon of allulose syrup. Obviously you could just use sugar instead. I topped mine with pecans and it was so so good. Oh, and also the pork: Usually two tenderloins come in a pack of tenderloins, so I put a different seasoning on each just for fun. Various blends. Lemon pepper and Montreal Steak Seasoning are favorites, but tonight I opened an unlabeled container in the pantry and discovered that it was rosemary salt the bestie made and left here, so I mashed it up with some garlic and put that on one, and did bbq rub on the other. The frozen corn....is frozen corn. Except, you know, microwaved.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 2 years ago
Some financial advice that may be actually helpful
Based on one of y'all (sorry, I'm lazy, I'm not scrolling back) mentioning the terrible advice of "Make six figures."
Like, bitch. I'm TRYING.
But, let's say you live in a shocking world where you don't pull six figures out your bosses's ass every year. How can you make small financial changes that can lead to larger financial security?
These are all utterly subjective and based on things I've either actually done or just observed. I'm gonna try to skip over shit like, "shop for clothes second hand!" because shit like that can require a HUGE time commitment, and it's not even always worth it.
If your grocery store has a free rewards program (you put in your phone number or email address), get that set up. Yes, it will track what you purchase. But it also means when you get coupons in the mail, they're for things you actually buy. In our two-person household, we can save anywhere from 0-15 bucks a week depending on how coupons land.
If you can get a grocery card with fuel points (Fred Meyer and Safeway do it here in the PNW), you can save LOADS on gas. A dollar a gallon easily.
Also do any pet store reward programs that might be available. As the Bean does not require a great deal all the time, her rewards build up slowly, but every few months, we get enough points to get ten or twenty bucks off a purchase.
Do NOT buy in bulk if you're not gonna eat in bulk. Five pounds of rice is great if you eat rice regularly, but if you only have it every now and again, smaller portions of boxed rice are likely a better option. The same is true for any dried foods. Yeah, it's shelf stable, but it takes up more of the shelf. That could hold the stuff you actually eat steadily.
Frozen fruits/veggies are as healthy as fresh. And they'll stay ready to eat a lot longer. Consider that with how you eat and how much you eat a certain vegetable. It may be better worth your money to have three bags of frozen broccoli in your freezer than to keep buying fresh broccoli you forget to use in time.
If you're looking at a generic that says "Compare to BRAND NAME." It's the same formula. That's why they can say that. The reason it's cheaper is because the copyright or trademark costs money. Take that off, and boom. Cheaper cost for the same stuff.
If you have a car, know the way you drive it and how that can affect it. For example, if you do a lot of city driving, your transmission and (if applicable) stick shift are gonna wear down faster than you might expect. It's not always mileage. It's starting and stopping. However, if you drive long distances without stopping a lot (rural areas), your higher mileage car may not need any work on those things. Get your oil changed and your tires checked, and know what to look out for in terms of the kind of car you have and the driving you do. For example, we have less than 100k miles on our 15-year-old car, but we've mainly used it for city driving. We had to get the clutch re-built a few years ago, and last year we had to get the transmission goos updated because they'd run dry. These aren't surprising needs for a city-driven stick shift that's over ten years old.
There's a schedule to big shit going on sale in the US. Mattresses are a big thing around Memorial Day for some reason (Support the Fallen Troops by...fucking???). Electronics go big on sale before school starts and on Black Friday. Memorial Day is also big for cars, as is the 4th of July. If you hand make anything, certain colors of stuff go on sale before major holidays. Orange and black before Halloween. Red, green, and white before Christmas. Pastels before Easter. Etc.
Consider how much use a product will get before you decide you can or can't spend a little extra on it. Do 300-count sheets do the job? Yes. But speaking from recent experience, the 1500-count sheets feel so much nicer, which makes sleeping so much nicer, and I use them literally every single night, so the initial investment works out to basically the same even if I'd gotten cheaper sheets.
But also, stuff like sheets and comforters and stuff go on sale at various times! And your bed ain't gonna go through a growth spurt! Keep an eye out for those deals and scoop up the super soft stuff at a discount if you can!
And lastly on this main list, a very very important thing coming from a former poor kid: Fucking treat yourself. You know how much money you have. You know how much money you need. Maybe it's not hard to treat yourself because you're financially solvent, and in that case, this advice isn't for you. It's for those of us who have struggled to deviate at all from our list of NEEDS to give ourself even a very small WANT because WHAT IF I NEED FIVE BUCKS IN TWO DAYS. I get it. I do. To my bones. And I say fucking treat yourself, and if in two days, you suddenly need five bucks, do NOT feel bad that you got yourself a little something. You can't see into the future, and catastrophizing is so bad for you. Trust me. I know. Just. Remember, in all of this, give yourself a little focused care, okay?
All of that being said, a few more general points:
Dish soap is made to break up grease and oil, and it's commonly antibacterial. This makes it fucking perfect for cleaning your shower (covered in your greases and oils) and your bathroom in general (same reason). I don't recommend it for your toilet, but that's a personal preference based on zero research. The point is, most of your bathroom can be cleaned with dish soap. Get all your stuff off your counters. Make a thin layer with the dish soap. Let it sit for five to ten minutes. Scrub. Bonus: You can breathe the whole time.
Vinegar kills germs. Like, lab-tested kills germs. You can clean your kitchen with Vinegar and Borax (odor-reducer), and it costs a fraction of buying the kitchen-branded cleaners.
Borax is also great as an addition to laundry soap for odor-reducing reasons. So, even the cheap laundry soap is more effective with Borax.
"But Gayle, you can make your own laundry soap if you--" Yes, I know. And it's cool you know that. But it takes TIME to make laundry soap, and time is the only thing less reliable than money when it comes down to it.
Look up "No Buying" options in your area. This is usually a Facebook group or maybe a subreddit. The goal is that no one in the group wants to buy or sell anything. They just have stuff they want to get out of their house. It's not a 24/7 goldmine, but it's a once-a-day scroll through that could lead you to a pricey item for free!
If you have stuff that says "handwash," and you think, "Okay, I want to, but that's a whole new task." Nah. Just take a shower and bring it with! Hell, wear it in if you have to. I do this a LOT. Use the water and your soap (which, as it's likely a body wash or soap, will break down those skin oils and such) and give it a good washing while you stand there. Then, squeeze out the excess water and toss that thing over the shower rod. If you have a drying rack, use it. But if you don't, just leave it where it is and leave the fan going. It'll take care of itself. Just double check the label to know if hot water is a bad idea and if you need to lay flat or hang dry. If you need to lay flat, super squeeze the water out and lay it flat wherever you can.
And, lastly for this long post: If you need the expensive shit, buy the expensive shit. I have celiac and MCAS. My bread is five bucks a loaf. Peanut Butter fucks up my histamines. Almond fucks up my histamines. I need five dollar bread and fucking cashew butter to make a fucking sandwich. But the other option is getting sick from putting stuff in my body my body will fight against, and trust me, those urgent care visits stack up.
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local-philocalist · 8 months ago
Entry to your 20s, advice to the 20-year-old women
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Four pieces of advice for the twenty-year-old women from a twenty-something year old woman.
1. Move Your Body
I cannot stress this enough, if you can, please move your body! Move your joints and build your muscles. The doctors, scientists and our parents were unfortunately right, the older one becomes, the weaker they get. If you want to still be able to run around in your fifties, sixties, etc. You need to start the habit now. Get a routine, start working out, try a sport, attempt a dance class, and get active in general.
I’ve recently gotten a gym membership and have begun pilates once or twice a week. Although at first, my muscles were burning, my body soon got used to it and I found my stamina and flexibility improving.
However, you don't need to spend money on a gym membership or Pilates to get fit. You can take a run around your local park, start a sports team with your friends, or try a YouTube workout from the comfort of your home. There are so many different ways to stay fit without emptying your pockets.
2. Eat Your Vegetables
I understand that some people are genuinely picky eaters and their parents never took the initiative to introduce different textures and flavours healthily. Thus this has followed into adulthood and are now unable to eat anything outside the same four meals.
I also understand I cannot say too much as someone who can eat almost anything but as a reformed vegetable hater I do have a little bit to offer. To live a long, healthy life vegetables are a necessity. So if you find yourself unable to eat certain vegetables, I would suggest cooking the vegetables differently, or incorporating ingredients you enjoy in your meals, think outside the box!
There are many articles about breaking picky eating, as adults we should try to expand our tastebuds, there's so much food to enjoy in this life. Nobody likes to be the person ordering chicken fingers at a Michelin restaurant.
3. Feed Your Brain
[edited: the previous paragraph has been published on my personal substack as a full piece; I've rewritten and changed this section for publication and privacy purposes].
I urge young women to nurture their brains; you are so blessed to be in a society and world where education is so accessible for women. If you live in the West, take advantage and don't feed into the propaganda of "I'm just a girl". Women are being minimised, and I don't want young ladies falling down the rabbit hole of this recent no-purpose lifestyle that's advertised.
Looks are essential, and don't get me wrong, I know attraction still plays a huge part in society, but it isn't the only important thing. It's not cute to be ignorant, lack life skills and use social media concepts like "I'm just a girl" as excuses. Stupidity isn't hot, so while it's okay to indulge in media consumption, find yourself hobbies outside of that and put in the effort to grow intellectually and further yourself.
4. High Self-esteem Will Protect You
Most of my girlfriends are in the dating field, and from the stories they tell me its clear these men are crazy. Good discernment is needed and for you to trust your discernment you need a healthy level of self-worth.
I’m not just talking about romantic interest, in general, high self-esteem will take you far in life. From romantic partners to career paths, when you know your value and do not settle, that translates to every crevice of your life. People treat you with more respect, you're likely to find yourself in fewer abusive scenarios and get better opportunities in your place of work.
Nothing good comes from beating yourself down and letting others treat you horribly. Overall your twenties can be fun but also filled with anxiety so take it step-by-step, don't beat yourself up and remember comparison is the thief.
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c-ptsdrecovery · 2 years ago
Sometimes, when I’m trying to decide what would be a mentally/physically healthy thing to do, I think, What would my hunter/gatherer ancestors have done? And yeah, I’m sure that some of my mental image is based on stereotypes, but like...
You’re tired? Don’t have something you actually need to do right now? Take a nap. It’s early afternoon; it’s natural nap time.
You’re hungry? Get a snack. Yeah, something  like nuts is probably better, but human evolution was dependent on root vegetables, so some form of potato is fine.
Feeling bad? Your ancestors spent most of their time outdoors in nature. Try that for a bit.
Feeling bad part 2? Your ancestors did not live isolated in their own houses. They lived in tight-knit communities, in extended-family homes. Nurture connections with other people of all generations.
Judging yourself for shit? Is it shit your hunter-gatherer ancestor would have given one single fuck about? No? Then fuck that shit.
Wanna look pretty today? Go ahead and put those pretty colors around your neck! Go ahead and braid your hair. Beautifying oneself for the fucking hell of it is an ancient practice.
Spend a lot of time joking around with friends. Spend time playing and exploring your environment. These are baseline human instincts.
You’re starting a new craft and you kind of suck at it? Who cares? You’ve lived in close proximity with an entire community your entire life. Everybody starts out by sucking at a thing. Some people will always suck at that thing. That’s fine. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep practicing or that you shouldn’t enjoy the process.
My hunter-gatherer ancestors did not care about their “career”. They did not care about their historical “legacy”. They cared about eating today, having a good time with their friends, crafting beautiful and useful objects, playing with the kids, finding spiritual fulfillment, playing their little part of the human community. Am I romanticizing? Yeah, definitely. But I don’t think that’s a bad thing. My ancestors wouldn’t have given a shit about romanticizing when they were teaching their community through storytelling.
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alien-bell-boy · 1 year ago
!! Attention Clown Husbanders !!
I Have A Clown Breed Idea: Crayon Clowns! 🖍
Crayon clowns are a small breed, and the adults generally are between 0'6in tall and 2'0ft tall.
They have very simple, but colorful designs, and almost always have a Crayon in hand.
All Crayon Clowns have a white box on their stomachs (think teletubbies!) That they use to draw on to express their needs or emotions.
They may look something like this!
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They're very adorable, as you can see! This one is named Boba the clown.
Their shoes are often very big, as are their clothes. They enjoy wearing big clothing, and may try to steal or hide in their owners' clothes.
They are a very friendly social breed! They love playing with other clowns, and getting them in at least a pair is good for their wellbeing and welfare. Isolating them from other clowns will distress them and may cause them to try and run away, or to try to harm themselves.
They love drawing- all the time! They draw whatever comes to their minds, and don't care where they have to do it. Getting a lot of paper frequently is recommended, otherwise they may draw on your walls, counters, furniture, etc.
They need plenty of room to play, and having a lot of toys and activities to keep them occupied is good for them. They are very energetic though, and it takes a while to tucker them out. Playing with them until they have absolutely no energy often is not good for them, and isn't recommended.
They are omnivores that need to be fed twice a day. They like most fruits a lot, and need to eat them frequently, along with a consistent and healthy amount of well-cooked meat. Some vegetables need to be eaten every so often too! Occasional, small amounts of sweets or candies or soda won't hurt them, but frequent consumption will. They may be sneaky and try to eat more behind your back, so be mindful, and try to keep these where they won't be able to get them on their own. Caffeine or coffee is never recommended.
Feel free to ask any questions or concerns you may have about your clown! Have a good day! ♡
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quirkwizard · 10 days ago
Sup Wizzy. It’s been a long time sing I’ve been on your tumblr! While scrolling though what I missed, I seen your quirk Health Nut and was wondering if you could expand on that? Muchas Gracias El Mago!!
"Health Nut" relies a lot on the user's training to work properly, but the training wouldn't be that complicated. It would simply involve the user doing a lot of physical exercise, making health-conscious decisions, and researching ways to maximize both of those. The Quirk becomes better the more the user takes care of their body. Exercising, eating right, getting to sleep at a decent hour, all that kind of stuff. The rest of it would be them eating as much healthy food as they can to gain the boost the Quirk gives out. By eating them and then applying the power boost, the user could try and force more out of the boost and try to make it last longer.
Evolutions would see the user's physical abilities reach their peak, letting them pull off similar physical feats to Aizawa in his prime. The biggest growth would come from the boost the user gets from food. This could start with the boost lasting longer or giving the user a more potent power up from the foods they eat. The real benefit would come from the foods themselves. The user could try and amplify the specific benefits they get from the foods, trading out the general boost for supercharging one aspect of their body related to the food. Like they could eat a carrot to give them brief supervision or spinach to get them a surge of super durability.
For equipment, they could carry around pouches full of healthy foods they could eat like fruits or vegetables to give themselves whatever boost they want or need while on the job. Maybe small workout equipment like hand grippers to keep themselves fit between fights. The user could have a suit that can help monitor their body like a giant FitBit. That way, if they are lacking anywhere physically or are having any kind of health issues, the suit could update them about it. As for the look, I really like the idea of the user having a very fitness-themed outfit to go with their health-themed powers. Like something themed after a tracksuit or weightlifter.
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alyjojo · 2 months ago
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Yearly Tarot Reading 2025 🎏 - Aquarius Sun/Rising
Meditation: Complete darkness, just the sound of dripping water into more water, like a faucet, echoing off of walls, like it was a cave. Slowly, a little “seed” of light appeared, grew brighter, and blossomed into a lotus 🪷 flower, which was beautiful. And then the flower opened and a divine being, floating and surrounded by glowing white light, illuminated the whole cave - and you stood by in awe of it. They had a message, but what it is differs for everyone. It’s showing “quiet & still moments” that lead to major awakenings or realizations for you. Or literally someone with a message, an earth angel, a spiritual awakening, could mean a lot of things - depends on how you see/need it.
General: The Moon 🌕
Work: Death
Love: The Star
It’s deep. Are you ready for Pisces North Node, because that’s what this reading is heavily reflecting. Most people sit with the south node for a minute or a year 😆 but you’re diving straight into the darkness of Pisces, with all of its illusion, delusion, and confusion. At least, the part that’s reflecting in this reading. It’s because of the south node Virgo energy, but that’s coming off as more natural to you, the wake up call you already knew but didn’t know - the practical knowledge to your intuitive nudges.
I’m actually seeing Virgo energy generally being very positive for you, you’re more likely to be swept out to sea with this heavy water 💧, Emotional Storm and Letting Go - and it’s this Virgo energy (or people?) pulling you back in. Feet on the ground. Eat a vegetable. That keeps you sane - remember that in those “drowning” moments. For some this could be in regards to your health, mental health, working conditions for someone - and I’m seeing asbestos, is that still a thing? May not be literal. I’m seeing alcohol 🍷 as an issue for some, not to the point of a Devil but…chill. All substances. Health is going to become a priority if it hasn’t already, I just don’t see a ���why.” Could be different for everyone, I don’t see a health issue per se, or maybe one has already happened prior to now, but something will have you on a healthier path, with a healthier mindset - that’s inspiring you 💯
The Moon could show you not seeing this yet, in fact, you can’t see anything ahead of you or why things are happening how they are/have. Or you won’t. Many will be walking blindly into whatever comes next, not having any clue what that is - and there’s a lot of fear with that. Of course there is, it’s not logical to walk in the dark with no light. It’s the light 💡 that’s coming, and it seems to be focused on career. The Moon only lights what is directly in front of you, Death shows a girl holding a candle, and The Star is guiding you in love, Realizations show your lightbulb along with Ace of Wands - you’re going to see what’s not good for you. One step at a time perhaps, one little thing leads to another and eventually you change your whole diet. I’m seeing a vegetarian/vegan with the Tiger and Nourish - better food generally. You could be inspired by a Leo in this way, whether you know them or follow them on something, doesn’t matter. Could be a coworker, you bring some burrito and they’re like oh baby no…try this healthy thing idk. It’s an inspired thing, you love it. Doesn’t have to be food but that’s what I’m getting - healthier, better, more productive. You don’t know, The Moon, until you do 🌙
One step at a time, you don’t have a choice. Movement into Balance shows things being unbalanced first, because of Letting Go - however that applies to you. Death with career may not be an actual ending, but for some it is. You’ve been doing a job for however long and realize it’s too much stress, time, confusion, there’s a lack of potential for advancement, something that’s just…you’re done. It may not be that way right now, again The Moon can’t see how/why/when, but it can just know. Maybe you just know, you’ve always known, and something is proving you right. A Virgo? Not for everyone but for someone it’s a person and they’re probably next to you nodding like “yes, dear god, just listen to me.” 😩😆 Or someone that acts like that, I’m laughing but they’re probably not, they’re stressing for you. Or with you. It feels platonic where it applies, could be a coworker.
For work, Death is clearly an end to something unhealthy. Knight of Wands clarifies, this can be temporary jobs or impulsive, yolo, devil-may-care behaviors where you go through jobs like toilet paper, temp jobs, come in late, finish whenever and do the more social thing. Chat, gossip, idk but something is showing that you’re not actually friends with these people, valued or appreciated appropriately, or it could just be one person. That one that manipulates, could flirt or party, they’re unreliable, they could try to deceive you or lie on you, bring you down with them. Or you may say so or do something about it and it affects a whole group that won’t speak to you or something. There’s Pride about stupid or impulsive behavior that’s keeping you separate from “the group” at work - and this is an Aquarius reading so…what else is new? You’re the weirdo? The outcast? No shit? 😆
Be careful a group doesn’t deceive you, someone could try to give you something weird, it’s like “don’t take whatever Peggy gives you for headache medicine, it’s not.” They may flirt or try to be cute.
Someone may leave your work that you have some kind of realization about later, maybe what they did or why they weren’t nice to you, why you weren’t nice to them - you just had a feeling. If you do, you’re probably right and should listen to that feeling, work or not. I’m seeing a job with a douchey person in charge and you’re just…no ⛔️ Exit stage left. I’m also seeing a possible drug overdose, a tragedy, someone getting fired - but not you, and you’ll realize why something went a certain way or whatever you didn’t see before. You thought Bob was creepy or on something that one day, and turns out he actually is, but you considered him a friend anyway - you’re going to get the confirmation for the feelings, whatever they are, eventually. This reading is heavily focused on intuition and spiritual awakenings - you’re the one waking up 💯 It’s possible someone tries to pull the wool over your eyes in regards to work, and it may work for awhile with Moon and Cloudy Judgement, but you’re going to see it eventually. Someone isn’t who they say they are or show up as. If you’re the one acting carelessly, focused more on fun or partying, there could be disciplinary action.
For love it’s very simple, you’ve been through hell and just want to focus on yourself. Single or not, it doesn’t say. The whole reading is about what’s healthy, what’s unhealthy, and the effect your current life is having on you. Is love healthy for you? Some yes some no. You could be interested in a water 💧 sign, for someone, maybe they’re going through it and you’re just trying to help heal or support them. Or you’re already with your person and they’re someone that’s very nurturing and watery, emotional and loving. They thrive in water where you’re more like…halp, can’t breathe 😆 I need AIR. Logic, Jesus, back to Virgo for some tea 🫖 and conversation that makes sense. If not Virgo the person, Virgo the energy, or the House where Virgo sits in your chart. Self care. Health, hydration check, posture check, clean up your space, air out the house, get rid of clutter, prep your smoothies, make a list, little “errands” that make your days a little easier. Keeps you sane. Virgo is also The Hermit, and with the meditation card can show you being your own wise counsel. Quiet, still moments…in the dark? You could have prophetic dreams with The Moon. Your emotions are likely to go haywire, probably several times, or your person’s will, why is different for everyone. It’s necessary to incorporate earth grounding with water drowning - one foot in each, a balancing act, is probably your best aim.
Letting Go carries over from last year, whatever went on last year is still being released in order to have a new beginning, which is here with 111 - but you don’t see it yet. In fact my favorite part of this whole reading are the oracles which shows “resistance is futile ⚔️,” and that the more you resist a new beginning - the more it brings in what you actually want. You don’t know, you can’t see, you’re fearful of what’s ahead, waking up to shit and sitting in the dark - and what you want is right on the other side of these realizations. Ace of Wands. Inspiration 💡 Did you ask for it, no for some, but it’s here, or will be - and it feels like irony. What were you resisting again? Happy Accident makes it seem like something you’ll joke about later, or a particular event will. You’re slugging through swamps when dry land is in the dark area you avoid and it’s just some trees 🌲 with your future on the other side. What you do see, you won’t be able to unsee, and what ends will end, but it feels like it’s for your benefit. Embrace the unknown and focus on what’s best for your health in each individual moment. Hydration check 💧Don’t drown in it, drink it 🩵 Someone may be going through a major spiritual awakening with the meditation, and you’re being encouraged to trust the process. You’ll know when you know - which is the Spirit equivalent of “I said what I said.” 🙃 Day to day Virgo business is the advice for how to deal with the watery illusion, delusion, and confusion…or is it intuition? BOTH. That’s Pisces for you air signs (and Virgo) 😶‍🌫️ It’s going to not make any damn sense until it does.
Zodiac Signs: Heavy Aquarius, Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn & Gemini
Numbers: 43, 1, 65, 64, 61
111 with Movement into Balance, Actualization, and Ace of Wands - and it all starts with a Happy Accident or a realization of something you didn’t see/know. You will 🩵 and your new beginning is something exciting, passionate, or creative, being Wands. Setbacks are to be expected, but it’s shown as part of the journey. You’re walking in the dark, you’re going to fall, and while you’re there maybe you find the light you’ve been looking for💡
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bluegekk0 · 4 months ago
what kinda food does each family member need in terms of calories and nutrients? like does Vyrm need more fats in his diet to assist with the blubber?
I won't go into a lot of detail cause admittedly I'm no expert on nutrients. So I'll just talk more about what they eat, I suppose. Particularly in regards to Holly and Grimm since they're both a bit unique here.
I'm not sure about which nutrients it would be specifically for Vyrm to maintain the extra fat under his skin, but he would definitely need to eat quite a lot in comparison to an average bug. I don't think he overeats, and I don't think he's at much risk of health issues related to his weight either. Wyrms naturally are supposed to have noticeable blubber-like fat, and I think it makes sense that in a reduced form he would end up looking a lot chubbier while still being healthy. In regards to what he eats, I mentioned before that he's an omnivore, which is the case for everyone in the family with the exception of Zote. So he needs to include fruits and vegetables in his diet as well, to at least some extent.
Lewk, Asta and Milo are basically the same case as him, in their case they need all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals needed for a pup to grow up healthily. Milo in particular, since he was born quite weak, would need a more carefully planned diet in order to ensure he doesn't suffer from significant health issues.
Hornet wouldn't differ much from Vyrm aside from needing less calories than him. She generally doesn't eat very much, she's quite skinny but that's mostly because she moves around a lot. She may also have fast metabolism inherited from Herrah, which would be another way to explain it.
Zote, like I said, is a herbivore, so he can't digest meat and thus he gets all of his nutrients and calories from plant-based foods.
Holly and Grimm are two unique examples, I'll start with Holly. They don't have an actual stomach in the same way the others do, and because their body is made from void, their nutritional requirements are also difficult to pinpoint. The void in their body does need to consume things in order to stay active, and it does so by absorbing food rather than digesting it. It primarily consumes meat, which implies that protein might play a big part, but I think it's capable of making use of any nutrients. It's very adaptable so it makes sense that it would adjust to Holly consuming a variety of foods.
Grimm, on the other hand, does not technically need to consume food to survive. It's only really needed to allow his body to perform certain functions such as producing fluids, I would say. He's definitely a strange case, but that's because his body is not fully organic. That's not to say he doesn't eat food at all, quite the opposite, he did create a stomach for himself as well as all the taste buds that would let him enjoy the taste and sensation of food. But aside from absorbing whatever is needed for those certain body functions, the food simply gets incinerated or dissolved within his stomach. Blood is part of what he consumes, and it serves the most function in his body as it gets absorbed into it, allowing it to run for a longer time (I imagine it would also play a big role in the production of fluids that I mentioned). I try not to get into too much detail about just how exactly his whole body works since a lot of it runs through supernatural means that would get insanely convoluted if I tried to make sense of all of it. It just works, I guess. The only other thing I'll mention is that nutrients and calories play a big part when he's carrying eggs, since in that case they all go directly into the development of the offspring. As for Grimm himself, since blood provides him with an energy boost, he would have to drink a lot of it during his pregnancy in order to not become severely weakened during and especially afterwards.
I'm not sure if this is the answer you expected, like I said, I'm not an expert on nutrients and a lot of this is likely not too realistic, especially in regards to Grimm. But I hope it was still worth reading.
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zukoromantic · 6 months ago
Dietry aspects that help you if you suffer from thyroid issues, specifically hashimoto's disease:
Avoid gluten. It sucks, yeah, but every source i found so far agrees on this. People with thyroid issues are more likely to be straight up gluten intolerant! If that isn't the case, you absolutely don't need to cut gluten out of your life. However, you should try to reduce the intake regardless. But not to worry! You can find brands that have pasta, bread mixes, pizza dough, even little snacks as gluten free! Alternatives are also always rice or corn for a lot of things. If you like to snack on crunchy things like cookies i can really recommend rice waffles. They even come with chocolate and other flavors a lot of the time. And as for the bread mixes don't worry, at least the german brand i get has the lowest effort kinda stuff. As in, put water, stirr, form on tray, oven, done (and i found one that is SO delicious to me even!)
Avoid pork. Also got this one from multiple sources. Like with gluten, it can be a problem if you're out a lot, BUT there is usually plenty of other meat. My go to is chicken or turkey. Beef is great too, but naturally it's more expensive than chicken etc. You don't need to cut out stuff like salami either because these days there's a lot of alternatives to pork in those regards
Veggies, veggies, veggies! I mean, who doesn't this apply to?! Vegetables are great and have so many vitamins. I try to eat a salad a day and have some veggies in my lunch. There is so many different vegetables, there's sure to be SOMETHING for you! In my salad for example i put grated carrots even though i don't like them apart from that. I also put apple to make it more sweet and delicious! (Note: for salad you should put some oil, otherwise your body can't absorb the nutrients that well. I love pumpkin sees oil bc i'm picky and don't like olive oil. But there's more you might like too!) Potatoes count as well for your vitamins. Put anything with some meat or in a stew or with rice, it doesn't really matter how you make them
Fruit is less helpful than veggies, but it's still great! Especially berries, apples, oranges, peaches, plums and more are helpful. That's because they have less sugar that for example pineapple, banana, grapes, or mango
Seeds and nuts. They can help you as well. I usually put sunflower seeds in my salad, but you can also put something in cereal or yoghurt or your lunch! They're nice and crunchy and can be great additions to some food
Less (cow) milk. Milk is fineee, but you shouldn't overdo it. Especialy with things with a lot of fat, like cream
Most fish. Most fish is great, salmon and tuna for example. In general, fish is really healthy. I don't like it but i know many do! So definitely keep eating it! :)
Eggs. Eggs are always good, get your protein! Many lovely ways to make eggs. Just make sure you don't always eat them with too much fat, so be careful with your fried or scrambled egg
Those are things i was told by a doctor or things i found from different sources on the internet. Some is obvious like you should just so in general get protein and vegebtables!
But for example, i've had hashimoto's disease for over six years now and only THIS YEAR i was told by a doctor that i should avoid gluten
So i wanted to make a little post for me and for others to have a quick check list regarding one's diet with thyroid issues! If you know/think of anything else, please share! It'll be much appreciated!
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