#and hopefully I’ll actually finish one of these drafts I talk about all the time- soon-🤞🏻
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l3viat8an · 1 year ago
ro i've missed interacting! (anon is off still so here is my main >:))))) ) i still am deeply in love with levi don't get me wrong 🥰 i just have been going through a hard cod hyperfixation !!! which now got me back to thinking about admiral levi, ugh. much love!
Omg hiii!! I’m gonna turn anon on again soon-ish!! I promise lolol I miss all my sweet anon sm <3 I just hate Internet bullies more :/
‘n It seems like everyone I know is going through a cod hyperfixation right now jshsjsh half my friends don’t even play but spam me with fanart / fics (which definitely isn’t a bad thing 😮‍💨)
Admiral Levi ugshsgsh- I need more canon content of himmm!!!- I also need more time to finish any of the like 8 drafts I have about him- i’m going to post more about him!! Definitely! It’s just editing stuff to post it- takes me forever- cuz I hate it 🧍🏼‍♀️ 
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reidrum · 6 months ago
you say ‘what a mind’ | s.r.
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A/N: she’s back and with fluff! (?) exams were really putting me through the ringer but i missed posting so i fixed up this draft i had, i hope you enjoy :D ive been listening to sabrina 25/8 since she dropped so hopefully song inspired fics coming soon 🤞🏽
summary: you get really excited about something new you learned and spencer gets really excited about you
wc: a short n sweet 1k
cw: none, tooth rotting fluff
With Spencer's extensive knowledge of just about everything, you had assumed that there wasn’t much you contribute to his abundant learning.
You maybe weren’t three-PhD’s smart, but you were smart, averagely speaking. But you knew Spencer was smart, and truth be told it intimidated you. He never made you feel bad about not knowing something, ever. Anytime he gets to talk to you about anything his face lights up like the night sky.
There was, however, one time you had come home all excited to explain a concept from class that finally clicked for you. And the first person you wanted to tell was Spencer.
He watched you bound up to him with a spring in your step, bright eyed and wide cheeks as you told him, “I have to tell you about what I learned about today, it finally made sense to me. Like it felt like a real life light bulb final puzzle piece fitting type moment!”
He smiled warmly down at your eager face, “Alright angel, lay it on me.”
“Okay, I know it’s a little stupid it’s taken me this long to get it, but it’s—“
The call of your name sternly yet fondly falling from Spencer’s lips interrupts your self deprecating preamble, “Hey, we don’t do that, remember? We talked about this.”
Your rants almost always started with some self deprecating remarks, and he would always frown and try to interject and shut them down, to which you’d wave him off under the guise of, “If I stop, I’ll forget!” You were smart, but stubborn to a fault. He loved you for it, but it was hard for him to see you not understand the value you held, the value that your voice and your words and your opinions held. The value that he knew with all certainty you possessed.
A sheepish blush rises on your cheeks as you mumble, “Sorry.”
His fingers trickle closer to yours and wrap around them firmly, bringing you to sit on the couch next to him as he pulls your legs over to rest on his.
“Don’t be sorry, baby,” he says saccharinely, “We’re working on being nicer to ourselves right?”
You nod, he smiles softly back at you and continues, “Okay, tell me what you learned today.”
You start on your long explanation of the inner workings of the nervous system and its intricacies, explaining details and anecdotes that really showcase the inner workings of how your mind processes information.
Spencer can’t help but stare at you in deep fascination, complete with an awestruck smile and glimmering eyes.
He’s met hundreds of scientists, specialists, celebrities even, and listen to them talk about their research in extensive detail and with expansive knowledge. Hell, he’s had to do it himself with his three doctorates.
But as he sits in front of you, watching the person he’s most fond of on this planet watch you talk with so much speed, conviction, passion, with your hands move with purpose and excitement, he truly swears he has never been more in love with you than that moment.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” you ask cautiously.
“You,” he moves closer, “Are so intelligent, did you know that?”
“Spencer, I’m not in the mood for jokes plea—“
“No, my love. You are brilliant,” he moves closer to be an inch away from you, placing his hands on your cheeks, “The way you process information is fascinating. When I watch you explain things to me I can see you organize it in your pretty head. It is actually mesmerizing watching you absorb knowledge the way you do. You’re like, a beautiful puzzle all undone, but by the forces of nature you’re able to put yourself together and bear the finished product to me, to anyone.”
Your eyes tear up, “Spence…what the fuck.”
He chuckles softly, “I mean it,” he holds you firmly, planting you in the roots of his belief, “What a mind you have, darling.”
It’s enough to make you tuck your head into his chest, obstructing his view from your imminent tearfall.
“You can’t just say things like that.” you mumble against the soft fabric of his shirt.
Spencer instinctively wraps his arm around your torso, letting the other hand take purchase in your hair, gently stroking it down, “Why not?” He speaks softly.
“Because…I might think you're like, in love with me or something.” You joke.
His laugh rumbles through his chest and into your rested head, “Would that be so bad?”
“And why is that?”
“It’s going to be another whole moon cycle before I have another a-ha moment like this again. I’ll have nothing to impress you with.”
Spencer smiles and sighs, squeezing you tighter against him, “You always impress me.”
You groan, “Ugh, you don’t have to say that to make me feel better.”
“You do know that you’re really smart, right?” you open your mouth to argue but he cuts you off, “You always underestimate yourself, but you’re really one of the smartest people I know. And I know a lot of smart people.”
A deep sigh leaves you, but he continues, “And you don’t have to believe me. I’ll believe it enough for the both of us. You and your brain are remarkable, so when you come to me with your a-ha moments thinking I’ll be impressed with your spark of knowledge, just know that I am impressed with you, but it’s more because I get to see you realize just how capable you are yourself.”
The calming motion of his fingers through your hair tether you back to this world, your insides fluttering about like butterflies in an open field. It was hard not to believe his words when Spencer was always so kind to you. It was always so easy for you to play it off like you didn’t deserve it.
But Spencer knew wholeheartedly that you did deserve it, that you were even entitled to it. And he’d spend the rest of his life reminding you. That, you knew for a fact.
“I love you,” you say softly, “Thank you.”
“No need to thank me angel, I love you too.” He mumbles in your head, his hand trailing down your sides in comfort.
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liivzen · 1 year ago
Hiii i saw your requests are open. So i have a little something. So, I've had this daydream about post-war levi, where he has a cozy little tea shop. The reader, who is a law student, goes there to study quite frequently. She basically went there for the ambiance and kept going for the owner, if you get me :p. So yeah, it is obvious to lev that she has a crush on him, and you know you know, they talk and all that and one thing leads to another. I hope this isn't too detailed. You can let out anything you're not comfortable with, of course. Lots of luvv ~~
bruh i seriously i have an issue with tumblr. they deleated my draft i had for this. BUT ANYWAYS HIIIIIII, you’re the first person to have a request everrrr! Im so happy someone finally submitted something! I hope this is something that you like, i wish i could’ve wrote more but i am busy with finals (fucking kms). I hope i can expand on this soon though:)
nothing nsfw for now but hopefully we’ll expand on that as well 😏 Also mind the grammar or errors of any kind, I am not an english major for a reason.
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You sat in a chair at a small table against the window of the little tea shop in town. Your books scattered around the table, but with no actual work getting done though however. You’re attention was on the man behind the counter with his back facing towards you making a tea for a fellow customer.
This isnt isnt the first time you’ve been at the tea shop. You started coming just to study and enjoy a tea or two. Now you stay for a completely different reason, or well person. You couldn't help put stare at his defined back, his sleeves rolled to his forarms and hands moving with skill.
Unknown to you, Levi could feel your stare, and has been feeling them for months. He could feel you staring at him right now, he tries ignoring it but in the end he always turns around and makes brief eye contact with you. You quickly looked away, breaking the eye contact and pretend to work on whatever was in front of you.
You keep working, sort of, while stealing quick glances to the man. This goes on until it starts to get dark outside and you can tell the owner is starting to clean up the shop. He slowly finishes wiping down a table next to yours and you try not to stare by pretending to work. He slowly makes it to your table now and clears his throat looking at you.
You peek up through your eyelashes before he starts saying something.
“Miss, the shop is about to close.” He says softly, looking into your eyes.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll clean up and get out of your way.” You replied back to him, starting to pack up your stuff into the your satchel. He nods at you as a thanks, but not before setting something on the table. Confused, you pick it up.
‘come to the shop on Sunday, 6 o’clock’
You think for a second, wondering why you might have gotten this. Then your brain clicks, the shop is closed on Sundays. Heat starts to rise to your face as you look over to the man again, he’s back behind the counter, back to you cleaning tea cups. You grabbed your satchel and walk over to the counter, this time your the one to clear your throat.
“Um, can I ask you your name sir?” You ask him politely. He turns around, cup and rag in hand.
“It’s Levi.” He responds, while still cleaning the cup. You nod your head at his response, shifting on your feet nervously.
“Can I ask why you left this note Levi.” You prompt him, saying his name with a soft tone. This time he sets the tea cup down and leaning on the counter slightly.
“Well I was hoping I could see the pretty girl thats always in my shop, but on her own.” He replied with a bit of red on his cheek as well. You hum at his answer, thinking about what you’re going to respond with. After a moment of silence Levi opens his mouth,
“If you’re not comfortable-“
“Ok, Mr. Levi.” You interrupt him before he can get his full sentence out. He stares at you for a second and nods his head.
“Ok then, I’ll see you sunday then?” He clarifies.
“I’ll see you on Sunday Mr.Levi.” You smile at him, a small blush on your face. You turn around and start to walk out the door, the little bell atop it chiming when it’s opened. You turn your head over your shoulder one last time and wave at him. Levi gives a small smile back, hands returning to clean tea cups. Walking out with a blush and a smile on your face you have one little thing on your mind now, nothing related to school work.
You have a date this Sunday.
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aethercurrent · 5 months ago
If you've been around, I just finished Time Travel AU. If you're from AO3, you know what this post is and you can skip further down to read more. If you don't know what Time Travel AU is, it's a long FFXIV fanfic I've been working on for the better part of six years. Five and a half of which it's been online to read.
This post is to document some of the early plotting that I never talked about written down into a coherent-ish(?) post. Mostly to get it out of my system and to hopefully stave off the absolute breakdown I'll have once that "it's finished after six years" thing settles in.
Let's start this off with something funnier, because this a looooooooong post: the name.
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(That isn't a word, for the record. I just mashed two nouns together to be funny.)
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And then, finally, being a class clown at heart, I follow that up with:
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It wasn't too long, and that joke that took me half a minute to come up with stuck around. It still makes me chuckle.
But, I suppose now we go back to a couple months before that conversation took place.
The first idea for the AU started rotating in my head a few days after finishing Shadowbringers. I’m kind of a sucker for time travel of any sort (a good chunk of my favourite media of all time includes it somehow!), and another thing I enjoy is enemies to “unfortunately, we’re on the same side for a while”.
So, as one does after a game thoroughly rearranges their brain, I started throwing darts at random points and saw what started sticking.
The first major things decided for the fic at that early conception stage were the following points:
the time travellers are WOL, Exarch, Ryne, Elidibus
the Final Days were caused by the star itself
Hythlodaeus (shade or real deal) is involved (maybe as 14th?)
Hydaelyn and Zodiark are non-violently undone by the end
it ends with a city by the Crystal Tower on the Source
I started drafting a few ideas for it over a couple weeks while waiting for 5.1.
Initially I genuinely wasn’t sure if the WOL in the story was going to be Meteor or my own WOL (every iteration of her has been in this fic, but when it started she was actually still a male Seeker… he’s the jumpy conjurer tagging along in the Praetorium; and the Dunesfolk, Highlander, and the Hrothgar are all obvious or hidden in the background, too). It took me a while before I settled on Meteor, mostly because I don’t want to ship her with NPCs, really. Also, Catboy Lahen was extremely jumpy and wouldn’t have been able to keep him being a time traveller and an Ascian secret for long. I needed someone made of sterner stuff, sorry Catboy Lahen.
The party was a proper light party at that stage, too, even before I settled on Meteor (Meteor / Ryne as tank, Exarch as healer, Ryne / Lahen and Elidibus as DPS)… and then dropped that once I started getting into the more detailed part of plotting.
By the time 5.1 rolled around I begrudgingly accepted that the WOL was going to be the 14th member of the Convocation, but I’ll be the first to admit that I didn’t like that. I still don’t like it, actually. I would’ve liked the WOL being a genuine random soul choosing the road and becoming modern day Azem just as Venat and her successor were before them, instead of having it just be Venat’s successor 2 electric boogaloo.
I also finally accepted the clown’s nose and admitted that my favourite Ascian was Lahabrea because he was a good villain back when I started in the last couple days of 2014. I was disappointed that after how much Emet-Selch and Elidibus got and were getting throughout the end of Stormblood and Shadowbringers, Lahabrea still hadn’t gotten much of anything else. Yes. The first time I met one of my now better friends, she joined call for Endwalker fanfest and the first thing she ever heard from me was me straight up bursting into tears over FFIV references and Pandaemonium.
A few more plot points were also starting to come together:
I wanted Emet-Selch and Lahabrea as POV characters
Hythlodaeus definitely was going to be one as well
he was going to have sat by and watched all of history
he was going to be tempered by Hydaelyn and Zodiark
Unukalhai, if not a POV character, was going to be somewhat important
the party was going to try saving some NPCs who died (success rate varying)
Meteor’s characterisation started to crystallise a bit more
because of that, they were going to try and substantially alter the Steppe section
Lahabrea would be explosive early on, leading to him being taken out of 2.55
Minfilia vanished before she could catch on to Ascian shenanigans
Ysayle would catch on to that, though
It’s glossed over in the finished fic because it’s mostly irrelevant, but as I worked on on the plot draft more and more, I noticed that the party accidentally fit into the elemental chart rather neatly:
Lahabrea as lightning; most volatile and destructive party member
Emet-Selch as fire; also fairly temperamental and not easy to work with
Elidibus as wind; easier to handle but still fairly dangerous
Meteor as earth; unmoving object that can bury a lot of things if they want to
Exarch as water; that one was mostly a “river of time” joke, I won’t lie
Ryne as ice; it’s the closest to light and once she’s determined she’s unyielding
Hythlodaeus as light; absolute stasis due to his circumstances
Unukalhai as darkness; always on the move and always thinking
A lot of the character dynamic comes from that! Emet-Selch and Lahabrea don’t get along, Elidibus manages to get along with both of them. Ryne as the most interesting mortal out of the bunch as far as Emet-Selch is concerned stems from a fire and ice joke that ran away with me; him and the Exarch butting heads is a water and fire joke. The reason why Ryne was the one to surprise Elidibus comes from the fact that she’s a solid ice wall to his wind, and so on and so forth.
That’s also why Unukalhai remains closer to the Ascians to some degree, while Hythlodaeus has absolutely no qualms whatsoever interacting with mortals as long as his restrictions are adhered to even if he doesn’t like them in the end.
It became extremely less relevant as time went on, but a lot of the early fic can be traced to that elemental balance.
Along with the elemental balance of the team, I started working on the magic system for the Ancients. I was extremely stuck on the sidequests in Amaurot and how two of them dealt with the WOL not being able to use creation magicks. I thought it was interesting that it seemed as if the one making clothes didn’t use a concept crystal, while in one you were handed one to summon those funny slimes.
The final point was that you had to catch a cubus for one while you didn’t for the other.
So, eventually I came to the magic system in the fic. Three classes of magicks (body, soul, environment), and differing levels of innate ability and trained skill. Ironically, the three antagonist Unsundered all fit into three out of four extremes of that latter scale…
Then there was the question of what was considered “dark arts” before the Sundering. It wasn’t necessary, none of the main characters would be students of the dark arts, but it was a fun thought experiment. Eventually I came up with the idea to animate something inanimate with malicious intent. Living weapons, defensive automatons, sentient traps, and so on and so forth.
I started applying that to all of the relevant Ancients, and it was a lot more fun than I want to admit here.
Essentially what the concept crystals thing came down to in the end was a certain level of intricate casting and preservation. Lahabrea can create a flock of his birds effortlessly because he knows the concept inside out with all its details and intricacies, while someone trying to summon it themselves would have to use a crystal to get the details right. That’s also why most of the time the Ascians don’t seem to be using concept crystals—they aren’t creating much, and when they are it’s things they already know how to make.
Actually, I dug out the notes on the innate/trained scale. There’s a lot of things that are irrelevant for the fic on that, but let me write down the most relevant ones:
Emet-Selch: soul; high innate/low trained
Lahabrea: body; high innate/high trained
Elidibus: environment; low innate/high trained
Hythlodaeus: soul; high innate/not trained
Alexis (Meteor’s ancient): environment/dark arts; low innate/medium trained
Igeyorhm: body; medium innate/high trained
Minfilia: body; low innate/low trained
Venat: environment; medium innate/high trained
Rafael (previous Elidibus): soul; low innate/high trained
There was also the question of what to do with Ancients in general. True, we had the shades in Amaurot as a general idea, but just like with Azem above, I wasn’t a fan of the featureless or just “human” thing. I still am not, for the record. I think it’s goofy to have everyone be proto-Hyurs and then post-Sundering we suddenly have Hydaelyn give some people a goddess-assigned fursona. And that’s coming from someone who previously played a Hyur, for the record!
But just like how magic focused on the elements specifically instead of the broader strokes, I decided that in ancient times there would be one term for the different tribes. I tried to handwave the shades away with making the region around Amaurot the ancestral home of proto-Hyurs… and then only had one of them in the party. Oops!
Overall, my thought process was to address the weird lore bit that apparently interracial relationships are frowned upon in Eorzea. I mostly wanted to… not… have that apply for ancient times because it’s fucking weird. Not gonna call it anything other than that.
From there, it was as simple as… naming everything and everyone, giving them a place they come from, and… oh god I wrote so much stuff that never came up just so it stayed internally consistent y’all, I almost don’t want to talk about it.
The main notes on that are in Astral Scions, Umbral Sinners I, but to recap:
Hyurs were Amaurotines
Elezen were Atlanteans
Miqo’te were Children of Sirius
Lalafell were Saronian Marchers (Saro)
Roegadyn were the Galg
Viera were Lunarians
Hrothgar were the Watchers
Au Ra were white-scaled Steelhearts and black-scaled Flareseekers; formerly the Volcana
Specifically the Au Ra have a lot of background history that gets mentioned due to Lahabrea being a Flareseeker. Long story. Too long for this already long post.
Speaking of Lahabrea, though; there was rhyme and reason behind why the Ascians were what they were.
Lahabrea (Flareseeker+Amaurotine) is a renowned scholar who also is something of a social outcast both in Amaurot due to his Flareseeker heritage and in Bodhum due to his Amaurotine heritage, which leads to him being quite hard to deal with thanks to bad experiences way in the past
Elidibus (Child of Sirius+Saronian Marcher) is both very quiet and observant and still relies on company if not community and is rather lost without the support of those he deems his family
Emet-Selch (Amaurotine) is the one who misses home the fiercest out of all of them because that’s where his family and he always belonged, that’s where everyone he ever loved was
Hythlodaeus (Atlantean+Amaurotine-Lunarian) feels all over the place and cuts out his paternal home under the waves and his maternal home high above ground to find his own home
Venat (Amaurotine+Lunarian) grew up on her father’s stories about how the star looks from the Floating City of Babil and wanted the more grounded people of her home to see that as well
Another fun thing about ancient times was the fact that I could do whatever I want. It’s not that glaringly obvious with their names, but when it comes to their cities and settlements in general, I got to go a bit wild with it.
And with “wild” I mean I had some fun picking settlement names across the Final Fantasy series. I hope people who know the series a bit outside of XIV itself had some fun with the interludes; I know I had a lot of fun with it. I think if I had to pick a favourite it’d be the Floating City of Babil, the underground city Insomnia, and Archades on the mountains by the sea.
Again, I think having everything, apparently, be Ancient Greek Mythology is… stifling. I admit that even in my more canon-compliant other works I struggle with it. There’s a lot of myths to draw inspiration from; I for one would’ve loved Hermes to deal with a mfing Wolpertinger. Creature of all time.
But… at that point I was writing two different drafts. One where Unukalhai joined shortly before Hythlodaeus as POV character (which also was a joke about the darkness-aligned character joining before the light-aligned one because darkness is active), and one where he remained a non-POV but important character. Kind of similar to what Minfilia became after she was saved! It was the same for both of them up until he joined the party for good.
If I had gone with 7 POV characters instead of my full party set-up, there was a bit of an act dedicated to unravelling his feelings on this nonsense. Specifically a non-POV Unukalhai wouldn’t have spent as much time with everyone else and would have gone down a different mental rabbit hole of eventually struggling with not being able to get his revenge on Igeyorhm while also starting to feel like a replacement heist from an alternate timeline self is extremely creepy considering how the “heroes” of the Void all changed until they were effectively replaced by alternate versions of themselves. He’d have tagged along for Meteor’s Regula mission and would have gotten to hear their version of the replacement heist after they escape from Garlemald together. (Meteor taking over this timeline’s version of themself grew much less important overall as the drafting continued, so it never really came up again beyond Titan where the alternate self died during Living Dead).
After that Unukalhai would have mellowed out a bit until he would join the Ascians and Cylva on the First to deal with the Flood of Light. That would’ve been the last of him until the part where Meteor and G’raha come to the Empty.
Overall, a non-POV Unukalhai would have been less gloomy but also would have been a completely different beast. He remains fairly introspective and reclusive across both drafts, but the reclusion gets the better of him as non-POV character.
The setting itself was also becoming rather rigid—part of having so many things set in stone while adding more and more. It would be extraordinarily hard to integrate whatever canon proceeded with. I couldn’t add or remove characters because that led to a ripple effect throughout the whole plot, and the ending was admittedly the first thing I decided on after I got the idea for the premise. It was the only thing I couldn’t negotiate myself out of.
I can work with that! I’ve worked with that before!
But unlike previous longfics, something about TTAU felt daunting in ways I couldn’t articulate at any point. Still can’t. I guess I just really wanted it to be everything I’d want to read at any given time, and I really am my own harshest critic. Great going, Ms aethercurrent née vanitaslaughing, now you’ve made yourself anxious about disappointing the target audience (yourself).
I also struggled with not only making it fun for me but also for readers; I wouldn’t have posted it if I didn’t want to share it with people. I hope I did a good job in the end, but really I can only speak for myself here. If you read it, even partially, I hope you at least had some measure of fun before you dropped that absolute behemoth of a fic, and if you finished it entirely there are no words in either language I speak to convey how happy I am that my silly big baby entertained you to stick through with it until the end.
I eventually reached a point where more and more details were starting to form that were needed to keep things straight while probably never coming up.
Every member of the Convocation before the Sundering has a name and was assigned a race. Most of them are mentioned in an Interlude, but in most cases there’s some sort of underlying joke to them. Similarly all of them received titles similar to Speaker, Emissary, Architect, Seer; I attempted to keep it somewhat balanced and/or in line with a fantasy government. Messenger Mitron and Listener Loghrif sound a bit redundant with the Emissary Elidibus around, but those two specifically mostly stick to Amaurot and the more immediate surrounding settlements—specifically calling back to that one city mentioned in the sidequests in Amaurot where you deal with the debating shades. Something akin to a national relations minister, an international relations minister, and one specifically for the neighbouring countries.
At around that time the Twelve were also decided to be actual genuine deities of the star. A bit of inspiration comes from Sailor Moon (nothing concretely 100% similar, but the Twelve are effectively the star’s Sailor Scouts who also have the ability to become a new small system if they decide to leave), but I mostly just wanted them to be, y’know. Gods. Coming back to the issue I have with canon going “everything’s Amaurot”, I can’t say I love how the Twelve are in canon but I do adore them as characters. It made me choosing Menphina as the one to speak with the group all the more sweeter since I think out of all of them she’s my favourite design-wise.
There was also the thing with the Seer position that needed to be tackled at this point. I’m morbidly fascinated by characters who know the story they’re in but can’t do much to influence it because they can only tell what path they’re on depending on the ending.
I think the biggest struggle especially towards the end was the fact that I often drafted at least two possible POVs for a chapter. I often went in expecting to write one POV, got stuck irreversibly on it somehow, steamrolled the whole thing, and wrote out the other draft. I’ve cannibalised previous drafts into complete rewrites of the same POV a lot more than you’d think I have. And I only save a copy of a chapter that reached a certain word threshold or if there’s something integral written to a degree I like.
One of the worst offenders of the bunch was Chapter 78… which became Chapter 79 when I posted it. Yeah. It got so bad and frustrating that I had to make dealing with Hythlodaeus future me’s problem. Thankfully it didn’t cut too much into the pacing thanks to Act XI being extremely slow due to how introspective it was.
In the earlier days one of the other struggles was formatting. Something about my documents went haywire when pasted, leading to endless strings of completely superfluous <spans> that added strange spacing issues between all that mess. It was something that my older works struggled with too, which became a non-issue over the years (thankfully. I shudder thinking about possibly having to deal with that issue while already spending 48 hours formatting Eden Rewrite correctly).
The documents just eventually started to bug out because they were so damned long. I never expected them to be in one, but I have five documents holding all of this fic. It’s rather funny to see four chilling and the fifth on top with a 00 as its first characters in the document title so I see it first.
It's... really bittersweet to remove that 00 and seeing them all together now.
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That's... about it for the fic as it was posted there. Whether you read the fic or just read this post, once again: thank you.
Thank you for sticking with me for six years, or for reading about the earliest of these six years!
For those who remember at a certain point I was considering overhauling the fic and implementing canon from Endwalker at that time, there's a bit more post to go specifically relating to that idea!
You’d think I’d struggle with keeping the canon characters and the fanfiction versions apart as someone who prefers staying canon compliant, but over the years those guys became their own beasts. Ophion could never have been Themis, but why would I want them to be the same? I needed Ophion for this fic to work, after all.
A lot, and I mean a metric shitton of stuff, breaks and changes there. It’s been a fun thought experiment at the very least. I’ll be the first one to admit that I don’t like the Warrior of Light being a reincarnation of Azem’s sundered soul; I just like them being a nobody with no preconceived notion that they’re bound to adventure no matter what because that’s what their soul always did… but Hythlodaeus likewise can’t replace them in that case.
The solution to that first massive hurdle? I suck up the Azem thing, and instead of an Unsundered Hythlodaeus, the one that joins the party is the Shade. His plot stays surprisingly intact through all of that, but instead of dealing with forced indecisiveness it becomes more of a plot about identity and what to do when you’re a creation on the path to freeing the real deal you were based on.
Out of all of them, Lahabrea changes surprisingly little—I wrote him like a stern father to Igeyorhm in this, and you can mostly mix and match a lot of that onto Erichthonios. Instead of dealing with her ascensions and the fact that she needed to be taken out, Lahabrea gets to see his son reincarnate and die over and over again.
Honestly? I could even keep the dual Elidibus approach. Instead of Ophion (the previous one’s student) and Rafael (the Zodiark sacrifice), it would be Elidibus (the Heart of Zodiark) and Themis (the rest of the Heart still remaining with Zodiark). There would be a lot of overlap with the Shade here but in the end the Shade and Hythlodaeus would exist independently from one another while the Heart of Zodiark reunites and becomes Themis again.
I think the parts where I would have to genuinely start rewriting it entirely is where to integrate canon Venat over TTAU Venat and the Endsinger. TTAU Venat is a lot more mellow than canon Venat—a shitty mother but an excellent politician versus canon’s all-loving hero with an understanding of but no love lost for politics. The Meteia as a villain are a lot less vague and distant than the Star Itself. Instead of a journey to the innermost reaches it’s to the edge of the universe. Doable, yes, but marginally harder to do. Honestly, thinking about it as I’m writing this, I think I would have to do an arc where at least Meteor if not all Sundered go to Elpis in the past to learn something while the Unsundered+Shade remain in the present to deal with the Final Days…?
Actually, let’s tackle the characters one by one in a canon-adjusted remake.
This would be assuming that there is inter-shard travel so the starting group would still be Meteor, Ryne, and G’raha. The one major major change would be that instead of Elidibus the “Ancient” to go with them would be the Shade.
Meteor would change the least. They don’t care about being Alexis, they don’t care about being Azem either. They’re one of a handful children of a farmer family in La Noscea, not some sort of government freak from ancient times long before they were ever born. They didn’t start travelling because their soul told them to after they got the Echo, they started travelling because they damn well wanted to after seeing the Calamity, get outta here with that “Azem” nonsense.
In an Elpis episode they would do the opening section for the most part. Not much else to say here.
G’raha would be a lot more cheerful once the initial horror stage of travelling through time to prevent the end of the world again faded. He’d still have his struggles with the idea of possibly letting down the future Ironworks and being arguably the least experienced in the adventuring department.
In an Elpis episode, G’raha would likely be the one to deal with Venat overall. She’d be the perfect foil to him; an experienced traveller to his inexperienced adventurer. They’re both old but he’s barely a blip on her lifespan. They’re both incredibly determined to find the reason for why this is happening.
Ryne would feel a bit more resentment towards Ascians in general at that point. Other than that, her struggle was always being the odd one out amongst the Sundered, about being face to face with the woman she was named after and seeing why that woman was so beloved. About finding her own niche and staying there, no matter the people she loses.
I think out of all of the Sundered in a possible back-in-time-again Elpis episode, she would be the one to sympathise the most with Hermes despite also possibly interacting with him the least; she would likely lead the charge right before Ktisis Hyperboreia and her plot in Elpis would mostly be about travelling treacherous foreign terrain just the way Thancred taught her.
Unukalhai’s a bit of an odd case. After all there’s still two drafts, one where he joins the party as main POV character, and one where he becomes something along the lines of TTAU Minfilia. In a rework of that, I’d have to apply a lot of the Void lore since revealed to him, which makes him go from an odd case to an even odder case. He’d… either possibly involuntarily make Azdaja’s predicament worse, or free her before Endwalker happens but she loses her memories and becomes his cool new partner in crime until a completely flabbergasted Vrtra has to drop the facade immediately because no one told him a thrice-damned Warrior of Light had his sister tagging along what the fuck.
The hypothetical Elpis Episode would have a POV Unukalhai likely be the one to help Meteion get a gift for Hermes. His already intense internal hatred coming to the surface to turn a flower from bright white to darkest shadow, mirroring what happened with Hermes and the flowers in the past? Yeah. That’s the good shit.
In a non-POV case he’d stick with the Scions to help deal with the Final Days and his section of the story most likely would have gone to Ryne.
Ophion would likely still be a soul in Zodiark. Other than that, he’s not relevant.
Themis or the Heart of Zodiark… wouldn’t necessarily be the first one to join them. Actually, I think he’d be the last one. Immovable object without memories meets unstoppable force that draws in his allies. Overall he would be a lot colder on account of having no memories, and be rather fiercely protective of the other Unsundered for reasons he cannot recall. He’d make for an excellent diplomat, but it would likewise lead straight into his greatest vice: vague, foggy memories of something other other that might float up to the surface on occasion. Claudien would be an extremely weak spot for him, except unlike Lahabrea in the same position, Themis cannot tell how or why he’s reacting like that.
While the Sundered are off for their Episode Elpis, Themis would likely scour through the Crystal Tower to find a way to interact with the him from the timeline the others came from.
Emet-Selch would be the first legitimate Ascian to “join” their cause.
Mostly out of morbid curiosity, partially because he wants to figure out how in the name of all good graces a recreation of Hythlodaeus with sentience so advanced it can be deadpan sarcastic and have an identity crisis is with there, and it’s driving him just a bit insane. He’d actually be a lot more antagonistic as a result, and he’d be the one mostly bemoaning the Sundered and how Meteor is a disgrace to Azem early on until they have enough of his nonsense and beat him up. That would serve the purpose of actually confirming that they have the strength to kill an alternate timeline version of Emet-Selch and he mellows out a bit. Not much. Just a bit.
Overall he’d be a lot more prickly—which makes for an interesting switch when during the Final Days on the Source he very swiftly drops the antagonism. It’s a bit of a “been there, done that” attitude but since the star itself is in danger he has surprisingly few qualms about saving a few Sundered while he’s at it.
Lahabrea wouldn’t change much like I said, though there would be a lot more ruthlessness behind anything and everything he does. He’s willing to walk over corpses no matter what instead of calming down a little on that once he’s been thoroughly humbled (and untempered).
He’d also be a bit more strangely sentimental internally around Minfilia specifically; he already compares her to Igeyorhm a few times in TTAU proper but in a canon-compliant rewrite the comparison point would be Erichthonios. No matter how ruthless he is, at the end of Pandæmonium he and Erichthonios started the long journey of making up, and Minfilia reminds him of Erichthonios’s best qualities in a quite haunting way. They’re both tenacious and care about everything and everyone from the bystander to the one causing the mess… except Minfilia is a bit more spicy and willing to speak her mind. He wouldn’t be as fond of her by the end, but he’d still accept her terms and teach her.
Lahabrea during the Final Days would likely be recruited by Urianger and the Loporrits as additional quality control.
I’ve gone over the Hyth Shade, but the endgame there would be essentially affirming that he is as much a person as the Sundered are. Sure, he may have been someone else’s creation but that doesn’t make him any less a person on this star, not to mention he was one of the time travellers.
The real Hythlodaeus also would’ve been rather delighted to have an identical twin, and one who’s fighting against the Final Days no less.
Can’t go into too much detail otherwise, since this canon compliant version never quite left the drafting phases for obvious reasons. He’s the one character who more reacted to the plot than being the one to move it along, and without the plot there isn’t much to say.
He’d have stayed behind to deal with the Final Days, and he’d likely have been one of the first to go to Garlemald when news of the skies changing there broke.
The one major departure from canon would be that Zodiark and Hydaelyn aren’t fully slain—Zodiark specifically it put under a complete stasis spell in the middle of unravelling, but that breaks the protective shroud He has over Etheirys and the Final Days start happening again. Hydaelyn created meticulous seals and mechanisms to ensure that despite being bound the protective shroud remains, but under full stasis and while the whole thing is falling apart…
(Hyth Shade was the one to suggest it to the Watcher, Elidibus, and Emet-Selch as an absolute last resort. None of them really wanted Zodiark to suffer; the main goal still remains to bring back those Ancients should it prove possible).
All issues with how wonky and not finished that is aside, I’d also get a lot of extremely fun things to explore. Jullus already is one of my favourite characters introduced in Endwalker, but having him tell his story to Emet-Selch would be super interesting. There’s knowing what you’re doing, and there’s coming face to face with it, and that would genuinely be super cool to do.
Then there’d be the whole Heart of Sabik business—I’d unironically love for that whole mess to unfold with the real Lahabrea and Elidibus there while there’s memory-creations Erichthonios and Themis there as well. That would be absolutely chaotic on top of Athena also being there. Atrocious vibes, ten out of ten.
Likewise, Ryne and Vrtra would also be an interesting pair of characters to interact; they’re both the youngest siblings (of a sort in Ryne’s case), they’re both intensely protective of the people they care about, and they couldn’t bring themselves to hurt those they love even if it were absolutely necessary until someone else confirmed that this was the only way. There’s also that loss of family (Azdaja missing, Ratatoskr/Bahamut/Nidhogg dead; the whole abandoned timeline) that would have them interact in a neat way too, they’re quite similar to each other.
Unukalhai and Zero. She’s effectively everything he was said to be and they both failed. There’d be an interesting dynamic between them because of that—even if getting Zero in on the plot would be rather hard. Unukalhai would definitely try and sympathise with Zenos’s voidsent and maybe try to get them to abandon their master, and through that realise that she might not be there entirely willingly.
But overall, the hardest character to implement would be the Meteia. There’s eight main characters and there’s eight different opinions on this mess, ranging from intensely sympathetic and willing to rebuild burnt bridges (Ryne, Meteor, Hyth Shade, Elidibus if he regains his memories before Ultima Thule), apathetic despite how high the stakes are (Unukalhai, Elidibus if he doesn’t regain his memories), different levels of less sympathetic (Lahabrea, Emet-Selch), and the option where G’raha has such intense issues with being not overly sympathetic and having no sympathy at all that his understanding of the situation is wildly out of control until the very end.
Having worked with them as both individuals and as a hivemind in a couple writing exercises, I honestly would have had a Meteion for every main character, and give all eight of them a proper story on top of what’s already going on there. Narrative foils that lead both parties to Ultima Thule.
Putting that one lightly: that would’ve been a goddamn motherfucking nightmare to write. Fun, but a nightmare.
And that's a lot coming out of Ms Almost Half a Million Words Across Six Years.
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kekaki-cupcakes · 1 year ago
Hiiii, hope u're doing well :)
Can I request a slow burn-strangers to lovers connor stoll x mortal reader please?
( no headcanon, just a one shot 🫡)
Like how they met, their first kiss... AND connor reveling he's a half blood
A fem reader or gender neutral is okay
Okay so this has been sitting in my drafts since the stone ages but I had a burst of motivation so here's 2.9k of teasing and fluff
It's not really a slow burn because it's a one shot but it's implied that it happens over time so yk yk. And I checked all the boxes you get first interactions a make-out session and the big reveal :)
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Cafe au but it's not an au--- Connor Stoll x gn mortal!reader
»»————- ★ ————-««
“We’ve got a new kid today, you wanna show him the ropes?”
You finished ripping the receipt out of the machine and smiled politely at the customer who took their change and moved to the side. The receipt made a tearing sound as you pushed it onto the metal spike [you didn’t actually know what it was called, you realized], and then spun around, “oh thank god, yes please.”
“That’s what I thought,” Maria chuckled, wrapping an apron around her middle and pining his name tag to the front of the green material that had an odd shaped stain on the pocket. “You hate the till.”
“Who doesn’t?” 
“Hopefully the new kid, he should be here in a minute, I did say four thirty.” He looked up at the clock behind the queue of customers waiting for their coffees that read four forty, and then glanced towards the glass doors.
“What’s his name?” You ask, resetting the price on the cash register and taking off the stupid little cap whoever was at the til had to wear. You groaned, “oh please don’t tell me it’s his first job, i can’t explain how to count change to another pimply little-”
“It’s his first job, just moved to New York,” she said, lifting up a sticky note and reading the note underneath it on the whiteboard near the mops. “And his name is… Cecil Markowitz.”
“I’m here, I’m here!”
“We noticed.” Maria muttered drily, pulling the cap over her jagged strawberry blonde hair. 
A blonde kid, maybe fifteen or so, panted on the other side of the counter. He was in a school uniform that he tugged a black hoodie over the top of as he spoke at the speed of light. “Sorry, my brother had to drive me and he ran like four red lights so we wouldn’t be late but then-”
“Then you shut up so your amazing big brother —who did not have to drive you here by the way, I have other things I could be doing— wouldn’t get arrested?” Another boy asked with a raised eyebrow, swinging car keys around his pointer finger. You had to pay a little more attention to him than the bouncing blonde currently eyeing the tip jar, because wow, the jawline he had…
“You have to look after us Connor! That’s the whole agreement!” Cecil hissed up at his brother. 
“Zip it, short stuff.” Connor [you liked the name] smirked, then turned to you. His eyes widened for a moment and you ignored the fact you immediately noticed they were blue. He blinked a few times and then cleared his throat, “Um. uh, I’ll get a black coffee… please.”
You just shrugged at him, and motioned for Cecil to follow you into the kitchens, where the fridge foods were whipped up. “Don’t order from me, I'm showing short stuff around.”
A look of horror dawned on the new employee’s face. “No, not you too!”
»»————- ★ ————-««
“I’m sorry, but we don’t serve pizza here, there’s a dominoes a few blocks away if you-”
“No, I want to order one here, thank you.” The customer said to you with a frown and that patronizing look you got ten times a day just for being a teenager. “I know what I’m talking about, I’ve gotten pizza here a million times, and I'd like two large meatlovers.”
You stared blankly at the woman in front of you for a moment and wondered if it was too late to drown yourself in caramel sauce just so you wouldn’t have to deal with this lady. You take a deep breath and bring out that perfectly fake smile again to-
“Oh Fucknuggets! Miss, that chick just ran off with your purse! You’d better go chase her down!”
“What?” She shrieked, and reached for her big red leather bag and went pale under her orangey powdered face. “Oh for heaven's sake!”
The woman was out the door immediately, chasing down four different people that had just left the cafe. She waved her arms wildly and wailed like a duck that had just been stepped on.
Connor watched her leave with an amused expression on his face you had to quickly pull your eyes away from. He reached into the pockets of his spiderman hoodie [SpiderHam, to be specific] and pulled out a blinged up silver purse, flicking through the contents with interest. 
He turned to you and held up an ID card with that smug expression that made your stomach feel like you’d had too much bubble tea. “I reckon I could pull it off, in the right lighting.”
“I’m gonna pretend I didn’t see that.” You said quickly with your eyes narrowed, but Connor pulled the wads of cash out and stuffed it into the tip jar as he turned to the glass double doors. 
Cecil nearly stumbled into another customer and you motioned to the back of the cafe, pulling his apron off the rack and handing it to him as he took off his yellow beanie, which for some reason had a lot of little sun’s sewn around the edges. “Hey short stuff, you can start by taking the trash out.”
He visibly sunk, tying the apron around his middle and sighing. 
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes. “Definitely don’t go over the fence to the back of the dollar store because it would be a terrible idea to see the baby racoons living in the recycling bin.”
Connor grinned, watching his little brother speed out of the room with black bags of rubbish in his hands. “So… Can I order from you today?”
“As long as it’s not a pizza, go ahead.”
“...What’s your favorite?” Connor asked, leaning on the bench littered in plastic cup lids and receipts, with his chin in his hands. He was lucky there wasn’t a queue behind him, but you probably would’ve let him sit there and distract you anyway.
You just tapped away at the ipad, sending the last of the order’s over to Maria, who was making one of the matcha teas. “Not a black coffee, if that’s what you're asking.”
“No seriously, what is it?” he said, and you felt yourself get hot when he glanced somewhere a bit lower than your eyes. Not in a gross way, but holy shit when did his own eyes get that lidded? “Maybe I’ll try it sometime…”
“Are you asking to kiss me or do you actually want an iced strawberry tea?” You blurted out, hand frozen over the screen in front of you. 
Connor went red in a matter of seconds and shot up, his eyes certainly not lidded anymore. “Oh look at the time I have to go make sure my goldfish doesn’t drown,” He yelped, tripping over untied shoelaces and scrambling to the door. 
“Careful… You’re looking at him like you look at those racoons.” Maria muttered as he walked past with a little grin.
»»————- ★ ————-««
You dumped your school bag on a bench in the corner of the kitchen, but before you could ask Jerry if there was a new order you were supposed to pick up some new ingredients [the amount of times Connor ordered a black coffee when he dropped off Cecil meant they were seriously out of it[, someone banged on the back door. 
It was pouring with rain outside, but you eased open the door and peaked out into the stormy weather, then frowned at the figure. “What are you doing back here-”
You stopped in your tracks and choked, nearly dropping the drink in your hands. Cecil rubbed his hands together to avoid frostbite, a thin line of blood down the side of his face. His hair was stuck to his forehead, and thin patches of golden powder covered it, and his clothes.
He grinned, wiping his nose. “If it’s any consolation… This isn’t my blood?”
“Maria’ll clean you up, go.” You open the door properly and shove him into the warmth, then shut it behind you and step out into the biting wind that ripped though your green apron, and marched up to the car parked near the dumpster.
Holding your hand over your eyes so you weren’t blinded by the headlights, you yelled at the driver. “Why the fuck did short stuff just come out of a fucking apocalypse movie?”
Connor leant over the passenger seat and opened the door with a totally fake innocent smile. You didn’t think he could look innocent. Hot, on the other hand…He still looked hot with blood smeared across his cheek and something shiny underneath his fingernails, apparently. He shrugged one shoulder “I mean, it isn’t our blood?”
“Connor.” You muttered, crossing your arms and squinting through the mist swirling around your feet. You looked down and had to step out of a puddle with a grimace. 
Connor blinked and replied instantly, as if this was something he had to do a lot. “Do you want the technically legal version, the version that’ll make you happy, or the-”
You cut him off and glared, rain clinging to your eyelashes. “The truth.”
Connor thought for a moment and then gave you an apprehensive look. “There was a feral Harpy in the backseat of the car that popped out when we got to the intersection two blocks over.”
You sighed. “I said the truth-”
“You don’t believe me.” His voice was faint, and somehow hurt. He sounded resigned though, like he was expecting it. The look on his face made you want to climb into the pretty beat up car and grab his face and tell him you believed him so much and forever just so he’d look happy again.  
Maybe if you let him talk. He could be referencing something you hadn’t seen, you reasoned. “Was the harpy like a monster or a furry?”
“Well when you think about it harpy’s really are just furry’s, but yeah it was an actual monster.” Connor said simply, and then he chewed on his thumbnail nervously “Uh, do you wanna… hop in? You look like my brother when he stuck a huntsman in Annabeth’s pillow case.”
“What does spider pranks have to do with being soaked?” You mutter, not really meaning for it to be a question. You climbed into the passenger seat, brushing pools of water off you and wiping your nose. 
“You can’t even imagine.”
You raise an eyebrow at Connor. “I work in customer service, try me.”
“My dad is a god.” He blurted out, then froze and turned away from you with an odd expression, his gaze trained on the rain outside.
“Are you talking about the Romans and the Egyptians, or are you Jesus?”
“Greeks, actually.” Connor said through gritted teeth, then his eyebrows shot up and that familiar tone you might have thought about a few times seeped back into his voice. He untensed and grinned at you“One of my buddy’s did come back from the dead actually… but I don’t think Jesus would like him very much.”
“He’s dating one of my other buddies.”
“Oh.” You blinked, but you weren’t really sure what this conversation had to do with Connor and Cecil being attacked. “Good for him.”
“My dad’s Hermes.” Connor said suddenly, sucking in a breath and closing his eyes. When you didn’t answer, too focused on the way his face looked when he scrunched up his eyes, he glanced at you again with a cautious smile, as if your reaction really mattered to him.  “Surprise?”
You thought for a moment, actually considered it, and “Yeah. That checks out,” 
“Whaddaya mean? I don’t have wings on my shoes!”
“Isn’t he the god of like, traveling and stealing shit?” You ask, smiling back at him as reassuring as you could, soaked to the bone sitting in a boy’s car six minutes before your shift started. “Dude, you drive your brother back and forth across New York four times a week. And you stole that lady's purse.”
‘Oh yeah. That was fun,” he sighed, and sunk in the driver's seat. He pressed the back of his hand to his forehead and closed his blue eyes, relief painted across his face.
You wiped your nose again, sure that you’d get a cold tomorrow just from standing in the lovely New York weather for more than a few seconds. A song played on the radio quietly, and you recognised it from the playlist Maria played on the speakers in the cafe sometimes. 
The lyrics went something like ‘I rob and I kill to keep him with me,
I'll do anything for that boy’. When you looked over at Connor, you gulped.
Connor glanced at you from underneath his hand, and then looked down at the drink still clutched in your hands. The pink tone of it matched the fluffy strawberry’s hanging from the rear view mirror, and it was making your fingers hurt with the cold. 
He smirked. “Are you supposed to drink while you’re working?”
“You make it sound like I'm doing shots behind the counter.” You shot back with a glare, and then felt your face heat up as you spoke. “And uh… it’s not… I didn’t make it for myself.”
“There’s an angry old lady in there, you know?”
This was excruciating. You ducked your head and bit your lip a little, looking out the window so you wouldn’t have to see Connor’s face when that stupidly hot smirk spread across his lips. “Uh… I didn’t make it for a customer, either…”
“Is that-”
“Yeah, whatever.”
Connor was wide eyes and slack jawed when you turned back to him, a dark blush across his cheeks that you wanted to take a photo of because goddam he was cute, but you knew you wouldn’t be forgetting the sight any time soon. He opened his mouth to talk, his eyes no longer at, well… eye level. 
You put the drink into the holder between the seats and followed his gaze. “Just kiss me.”
You hadn’t seen that smile before. 
His hands were so warm on your jaw, as hot as the tight feeling in your chest that melted quickly. It happened so fast you couldn’t really register anything until you realized Connor was halfway between your seats with his teeth on your bottom lip and his soft hair threaded between your fingers. 
You used it to tug him closer, as close as he could and then more, because he was warm and soft and you could feel his grin through his lips that moved against your own in rhythm that ebbed and flowed. He slid his hands off you and you nearly pulled them back, until Connor was hugging you tight around your middle, his fingers knotting through the bow tied on your apron. 
You chewed on his lip, which felt puffy and pulsing under your touch, but you kept kissing him, breaking away every few seconds to breathe, but you couldn’t not press your lips along his jaw. He was just too much. You had to kiss him everywhere and pull on his hair and tilt his head back and melt into his touch like you’d die if you didn’t. 
Connor sighed into your mouth and gulped, you could feel his Adam's apple bob under the palm of your hand as you pushed him back gently by his neck. You got up on your knees as he blinked once or twice, like he’d been in a trance. “You took that all very well,”
“Don’t worry, I’ll freak out later when it sinks in.” You muttered back, pushing him back into the driver's seat where he’d begun. He made an odd noise and tightened his arms around your waist, ducking his head and when he pouted you couldn’t help but slide over the cupholder and sit on his lap, as if you hadn’t been planning to do so the whole time. 
Then he frowned, “Wait, you’ll freak-”
“Shhhh,” you said, pressing a finger to his soft lips. He shut up immediately. You glanced behind you at the console, checking the time. “I have four and a half minutes til I have to start, we can discuss this later.”
“Deal,” Connor breathed, dragging your hands down to his neck again and looking up with vague out eyes. You grinned at him and went back to wiping that stupid smirk off his lips.
»»————- ★ ————-««
“Your boyfriends here.”
You looked up from the kitchen counter you were wiping down after an accident with the tub of coconut shavings, “Why?”
“I’m assuming he’s here for you, short stuff doesn’t have a shift til the weekend.” Maria checked the whiteboard and glanced out the swinging doors. You moved to peek over her shoulder and saw Connor standing by the doors, swinging his car keys around his pointer finger absentmindedly. He was wearing that spiderman hoodie again, the one you’d accidentally tipped black coffee down the front of once when you’d worn it. 
You grinned, if you finished up cleaning and took the trash out, you’d be done in five minutes and you’d get to follow him to his car that surely wasn’t road safe and then go wherever it was he’d planned this time. 
“Go. But tomorrow you have to stop the racoons from eating the tires off my Harley.” Maria sighed, crossing his arms and motioning to the exit.
“I love you.”
He raised his eyebrows “Was that directed towards me or the boy-”
»»————- ★ ————-««
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sukunafuka · 5 months ago
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1: you were my first ever ask so i love you extra extra— still remember how giddy i got when i read it. i’ve had an unfinished draft for puppy!nanami and then one for a pt 2 of puppy!satoru too for a while..but i never felt like it was as good as the first one i wrote so i havent posted it.. still thinking on it but im so glad you liked it bby<3
2: yaaa i will continue writing on wattpad as well, it’s just easier for me to post quick one shots on tumblr rather than taking the time to plan out every chapter and where it’s headed for the ones in the future with watty and ao3. but i promise i’ll get back to it as soon as im able.. i actually worked on part of a new chapter for each of my fics on wattpad recently so maybe soon!! <3
3: pretty sure you submitted this when i first first started posting a few months ago and lemme just say— it made me giggle and kick my feet. how sweet are you<33 im so grateful you enjoy my work and you motivated me to continue writing fr.<3
4: honestly, puppy!satoru will always be my top favs ive ever written. might be tmi but i def wanked it to that more than a few times 💀 so happy you found as much enjoyment in it as i did lmaoo thank you sm<3
5: so i’m pretty sure you’re talking about my part 1 yuji pussy eating fic and by now the part 2 is already up and i’m working on part 3. thank you sm- i really appreciate the praise fr it keeps me writing <33
6: i thinkkkk you’re talking about the first one i posted being puppy!satoru and i’m assuming by post another one like that you mean a part 2? but feel free to lmk if not, i have 2 unfinished drafts for puppy!satoru and puppy!nanami but they haven’t met my expectations since the first one was so delicious. but hopefully i can get out a part 2 soon bc that first one is still one of my favs ive ever written. makes me so happy to know it’s one of ur favs too<33
7: ANNONNNN when i tell you best friends dad toji was one of the reasons i even started writing in the first place…. i wanna make more about him and write him better so thats DEFINITELY gonna be a long fic that’ll come out eventually. i thought no one rly was into that one so it means a lot that you are. i am so hornee for best friends dad toji lol. i have a soft spot for that one so thank you so much for enjoying it<33
8: TEHEH you read all my fics at that point?! *crying shitting throwing up* i’m so happy to know that you love my writing. ur comment made me jump up and down like an idiot when i first read it and again rn lol <33
9: puppy!satoru shall come eventually since i have a few unfinished drafts for him and puppy!nanami but not sure when.. keep an eye out bc the way i write is rly odd and sporadic so who knows when lol. the ‘pleek’ killed me btw lmaoo. so glad you enjoyed it<3
10: more puppy!satoru shall come eventually xx if i can finish the draft i have for it.. and the puppy!nanami one too. you’re so sweet saying i wrote it well im abt to kiss you on your salivating mouth lol. thank you for reaching out to tell me you enjoyed it<3
11: so like what if i told you im about to pounce on you for saying that. i literally squealed like an idiot when i first read that and again rn. when i first started posting i was nervous but ur ask is one reason i felt more comfy. thank you so much for enjoying my work<3
12: lmaoo suka meaning bitch in polish is so fitting. i’m def sukuna’s bitch and his sucker foreva lol. crazy bc i initially was super into gojo when i first read and watched jjk (who isn’t) but my luv for sukuna snuck up on me. anyways ily thank you for telling me that— so cute<33
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darlingpoppet · 2 months ago
👾 Do you have any "bad" writing habits you want to break?
🤖 Are you looking to change your current writing setup? (Or establish one, if you don't have one?)
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
🛏 Is there a new trope you'd like to write this year?
Wait did you even reblog the ask list am I just demanding answers out of you
HAHA it’s funny because I was waffling over reblogging it but then I thought “no I should be responsible and do other things like reply to comments and write my fic chapter first” but then you kindly sent me prompts anyway so I thought what the heck! (And then took several days to reply anyway lol.) Either way thank you, I was happy to receive your ask!!! <3
👾 Do you have any "bad" writing habits you want to break?
I don’t know if this is a bad habit or if this is just something I see people often saying is something you shouldn’t do and me not really seeing the big deal: at a certain point in the writing process, especially when I’m really starting to struggle with squeezing the blood out of that stone, I’ll start rereading and editing what I have written so far, which usually helps me feel productive more confident, which will then usually inspire me to finish the rest.
But, as a result, that means sometimes I end up with an otherwise completed draft that has like, a whole scene missing LOL… it may possibly bite me in the butt someday if I do a too-quick & shoddy patch job or if writing the missing scene ends up forcing me to rewrite bits I’ve already “finished”… but YOLO I guess :) Maybe inefficiency is why I’m often so slow :)
Oh wait, this was supposed to be about bad habits I actually WANT to break, huh… mmm I want to get better at reminding myself that prose doesn’t have to all be technically correct and lyrical when it’s more natural for the narrative voice to be looser and more colloquial… I need to learn to be less stiff when it’s necessary!
🤖 Are you looking to change your current writing setup? (Or establish one, if you don't have one?)
I think what I have going on now is pretty effective for me… I do all my writing and/or projects on scrivener nowadays and you can’t really beat having every chapter/scene document, inspo board, notes & outlines etc organized all together in one project folder. I have my little typewriter style keyboard that sparks joy when I write at home… and I have my weekly cafe trips so I have opportunities to write without interruption in a quiet place.
Perhaps this goes hand-in-hand with the previous “bad habits” question but I suppose if I did change anything I would figure out a way to make my use of scrivener more efficient/productive… it seems like a lot of people say they’re not actually sure what the program is really capable of and everyone just gets it to fit their needs via trial & error… So sometimes I’m not sure if I’m using a roundabout, wooden stick and duct tape solution to an actual feature… like for example when I talked about revisiting my writing in the middle of a draft I often paste the whole project into a new separate document… I probably don’t HAVE to do that and scrivener has a way of tracking changes from draft to draft but oh well *shrug emoji* I like to mentally reset and start fresh after a while.
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
I haven’t talked about WTDF chapter 9 yet but some things happening in that chapter are Achilles & Patroclus having A Talk after Patroclus found out some things in chapter 7, Theseus & Asterius Hadesgame making their debut appearances, and some choice scenes from the Trojan war that I suppose would best be described as Achilles character discourse in prose form… so hopefully interesting! I should really make WTDF my top priority next year because if I can just get half of the remaining chapters finished, we’ll be in a nice place in the narrative by this time next year and I would really like for that to happen and I know you all would like that too :)
🛏 Is there a new trope you'd like to write this year?
I don’t usually have a list of tropes in mind when I come up with ideas haha it’s usually scenarios (idk, in my mind there’s a difference) and I work backwards to figure out which tropes apply only after writing the thing. That said I do sometimes think it might be interesting to try out some classic/cliche fanfic tropes just to say that I did them: only one bed, 5+1, maybe even a coffee shop au?? BUT that said again idk if this is necessarily something I have to get done this year (or ever?) As always it’s just whatever and whenever inspiration strikes… I’m definitely not driving the car :)
Ask me about my writing goals!
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boybandbaby · 2 days ago
Fallen (Ravi x gn!118!Reader)
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word count: 2198
warnings/tags: gn!reader, shy!reader, mention of alcohol/drinking (doesn’t take place), teasing from the team, as always if I missed anything please lmk
note: tried to make this gender neutral (please let me know if I left a “she” anywhere, it’s a habit I’m sorry), had this in my drafts for a long time - currently trying to clear my WIPS
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
You’re a new firefighter on the B shift. You’ve only been with the team for less than 3 months. Ravi has been your trainer, showing you how everything is done and making sure you’re comfortable.
Over the last few weeks, you’ve realized just how much you’re starting to like him. He’s patient and sweet and makes you laugh.
You spent hours building up the courage to ask to see him outside of work hours. You knew he’d be working a different shift today and you’d hopefully see him as you were leaving.
Of course you loved the moments when you worked together but you also loved those passing moments when he’d flash a smile at you or ask how your day was.
You’d finished getting dressed into something comfortable for your drive home when you see him. He quickly waves to you and your smile grows.
“Hi, y/n.” He greets almost immediately.
“Hi, Ravi.” You pull at your fingers, looking at your shoes.
“How was your shift?” He stands in front of you, one hand tucked into his pocket and the other holding his bag.
“Pretty good. Not too many crazy calls.” You breathe, shifting from foot to foot.
“That’s good.” He laughs. “Let’s hope my shift goes the same.”
“I’ll try to manifest it.” You laugh with him.
Through the glass walls of the locker room, Buck and Eddie exchange curious glances, eyebrows raised as they attempt to listen to your conversation.
There’s an uncomfortable, no, awkward, maybe, silence that settles between you two. “Well, I should get dressed.” Ravi rocks on his feet, pointing behind you at the lockers.
“Right, no, yeah.” You jump away from the locker room, not that you were blocking the doorway at all. “Have a good shift.”
“Thank you.” He gives one last smile. Just as he passes you, your hand shoots out to stop him, landing on his bag strap.
“I was wondering actually, if maybe you’d like to hangout sometime? Like outside of work?”
“Just us two?” He furrows his brows.
“If that’s something you’re comfortable with, of course. If not, it’s totally cool. We can just forget-“
You’re ramble is thankfully interrupted by the sounds of bells, flashing lights and voice dispatching them to a call.
“I’m sorry, I’ve got to-“
“Yeah, go. Of course.” You usher him, quickly turning to leave the station.
“So, you and Y/n huh? How long has that been going on?” Buck inquires when the team is on their way to the scene.
“What do you mean?” Ravi turns to look at him.
“You guys were making goo goo eyes at each other.” Eddie teases, looking out of the window.
“We were just talking.” Ravi states, confused.
“Ohhhhh, so you don’t know then?” Buck laughs.
“Know what?” Ravi presses.
“Y/n likes you.” Buck states matter of factly.
“No, we’re friends.” Ravi clarifies.
“You guys were literally flirting.” Eddie sasses.
“We were talking about work.” Ravi defends.
“Right…” Eddie drags out. “By talking you mean flirting?”
“Alright, leave him alone.” Bobby rolls his eyes, amused.
The ride is silent as Ravi’s brain processes his coworkers words. Do you like him? And does he like you?
He did start getting a funny kind of feeling two weeks ago when you offered him a napkin during dinner without him asking. You just noticed he needed it and handed him one without question. He’s not even entirely sure why he got flustered when you passed the piece of disposable cloth to him. Then there was that tough call during the same shift. A young boy had gotten hurt badly while at the mall. Ravi was a bit shaken up at the severity of the injury. You offered him a bottle of water and sat with him in silence until you had to leave.
Then just a few days ago, you’d walked in at the start of shift and he’d thought you looked and smelled really nice. You appeared to look freshly showered and the glow from the large open door behind you, created an ethereal halo that had his heart skipping a beat.
The call goes smoothly and not much is needed from him. He has to ask, everyone in engine has more dating experience than him, he needs answers.
“Do you really think y/n likes me?” Ravi blurts, cutting all conversations in the truck.
“It seems like you’re got a crush on the probie.” Buck singsongs.
“Don’t say probie.” Ravi groans.
“So, you like them and they like you. Now, you just ask them on a date.”
“Date? Already? Shouldn’t we get to know each other first?”
“That’s what first dates are for.” Buck winks.
“Before the call, y/n asked to hangout outside of work. Does that count?”
“Wait! What? Why didn’t you start with that?” Chim looks around to the group.
“We didn’t get to finish our conversation.” Ravi shrugs.
“So, you didn’t give them an answer?” Hen raises a brow.
“No, I didn’t have the chance.” Ravi sighs.
“Well, send a text right now.” Buck encourages.
“What would I even say?”
“Just say, hey. Sorry about earlier, I would love to hang out with you. Maybe we can go out for drinks.” Buck offers.
“No, maybe just go out to eat. Do you even know if they like to drink?” Hen shakes her head. “Start with something simple.”
“Drinks help people loosen up, it’s the perfect way to not have an awkward date. Also, you’ve got to be confident and suave. Liquid courage.”
“If they asked to hangout with you, then they like you for you. Just be yourself.” Bobby turns in his seat to face the group. “And don’t take dating advice from Buck.”
“Hey, I’m just saying! The first date is always the most important. He has to take her somewhere nice, show off a little bit. You have to act like you know what you’re doing.”
“It’s not a date, we’re just hanging out.” Ravi clarifies.
“Another name for a date.” Eddie states.
“Wait, really?” Ravi whips his head towards Eddie.
“Not always. How did they word it when they asked you?” Hen sits forward.
“I was wondering if maybe you’d like to hangout sometime, outside of work?” Ravi repeats your earlier question.
“Hmmm, could just be a friendly hang out.” She shrugs.
“So, you don’t think y/n likes me?” Ravi cringes at how it comes out.
“No way, y/n definitely likes you. I mean they did go out of their way to say bye to you and wish you a good shift.” Buck nudges his shoulder.
“I’ve done that with Chimney before, doesn’t mean I like him.” Hen points out.
“You’re married to a woman and he’s your best friend. That’s completely different.” Eddie says. “But to Buck’s point, y/n likes you. We saw it in their behavior.”
“Look, just text them that you’d love to hangout and when are they free. It’s that simple.” Hen tells Ravi. “You have your phone with you?”
“Yeah…” Ravi shifts in his seat to pull his phone out of his pocket.
Ravi types out a text message and shows it to Hen before sending it.
Ravi: hey y/n, just finished the call. I would love to hang out sometime. When are you free?
Several days later, you and Ravi meet at a local pizza shop. You’re nervous as you walk up to the restaurant, hands clammy and legs shaking like a baby deer. The gust of air almost knocks you back as you open the door.
You take a look around a see Ravi sitting at a small table in the corner. He looks up at the sound of the cashier welcoming you in. He jumps up immediately and smooths his shirt down.
“Hey.” You wave, approaching the table.
“Hi, how are you? You look nice.”
“Thank you. I’m good, how are you? It’s so weird seeing you not in uniform.” You laugh.
“I’m great.” He smiles. “It does feel weird, right?”
“Yeah…” You take the seat that Ravi has pulled out for you. “How are you feeling? Our last call yesterday was pretty rough.”
“My arms are a little sore but it could be worse.” He shrugs. “What about you?”
“I was so exhausted. I slept for like 10 hours today.” Ravi laughs at that. “I’m starving too.”
“Me too. What kind of pizza do you like? Maybe we can share or get two to try?”
“Yeah, I like that idea.” You smile. Ravi smiles back at you. You talk briefly about the pizzas you want to order.
“I’ll go order, what do you want to drink?” He stands, peering down at you. You pull out your wallet to give him money to pay but he shakes his head. “I’ve got it.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, my treat.” He grins before running off to order.
You’re fiddling with your thumbs under the table as Ravi comes back and hands you your drink. “Thanks.”
“Of course.” The smile he’s wearing has your heart racing and you can feel a sheen of sweat on your brow bone.
You go to speak to fill the quiet space but Ravi seems to have the same idea as he speaks at the same time.
“I’m sorry, what were you going to say?”
“No, please. You go ahead.”
You’re both stumbling over each other to speak. Ravi’s the first to laugh, taking a sip of his soda.
“Oh! I forgot to tell you but I told Buck to stop calling you probie. Trust me, I know how annoying it gets.”
“You didn’t have to do that. I know he’s joking. It doesn’t bother me too much anymore.”
“Well, you deserve to be called by your name and not by your skills or experience.”
You feel heat rise to your cheeks as you find the straw wrapper interesting. It’s the bare minimum but you can’t get over how kind he is to you. Really, it’s not just you. You’ve seen the way he interacts with victims or community members.
Ravi has a way of making people feel welcome and supported and he’s very easy on the eyes. You can’t imagine how he’s single. You only know because he’s mentioned it in passing. Some part of you was hoping that was his way of hinting feelings toward you.
You’re not even sure if he has feelings for you, that’s why you’ve disguised your feelings as simply being friends. That’s why you asked to hangout instead of asking him on a date.
You’re broken out of your thoughts by the smell of cheese being passed across your face. Both pizzas are placed on top of the stands as you’re given two plates.
Ravi kindly thanks the waiter. “Looks good.”
“Smells good too.” You point out as you both dig in. “This one has a good cheese pull.”
“I love the crust. It’s not too soft or too hard.” He meets your eyes. “It’s been really nice having you on the team.”
“Really? It’s been nice having you as my trainer. You’re really good at it. Thank you for being so patient with me.”
“You pick up on things quickly.” He assures. “You’re good at what you do.”
“Thanks Ravi.”
After pizza, you don’t want to stop spending time with Ravi. You’ve both been asking questions about why you became a firefighter and learning more about each others’ personal lives.
You ask if he’d like to walk at a nearby park to walk off the big meal you’d just finished.
You’re both too full and a little bit too shy to make any conversation as you walk along a path. Families and couples are still out, enjoying the cool summer night air.
“Y/n?” Ravi stops abruptly. “Is this a date? He blurts out.
“Oh? Um, I-“
“It’s okay! I was just wondering because usually dates imply people like each other.”He shoves his hands in his pocket. “Not that I don’t like you! I-“
“I like you too.” You bite your lip.
“You do?”
“Yes, wait, did you mean like like or just friend like? Oh my god, this is so embarrassing. I’m really sorry, I-“
Ravi steps forward and kisses your cheek. His lips, cold from the soda he took to go, press against your flushed cheeks.
“I like you too.” He whispers against your cheek. His hands find yours as he pulls back.
“Oh… that’s good.” You whisper back, squeezing his hands.
“Can I drive you home?” All you can do is nod as you walk along side him back to the restaurant, hand in hand.
The next day, you’re already at work when Ravi makes his way in. The A-shift is just leaving when he’s stopped by Buck.
“How was the date?”
“Good.” Ravi smiles, face turned to the ground.
“So, it was a date?” Buck wiggles his brows.
“Yeah, it was.” Ravi smiles, his eyes drifting past Buck as he sees you button up your shirt, listening to something Hen is saying.
“We’re glad it went well.” Eddie nudges his shoulder as he walks by.
“We knew it would.” Chim smiles.
“Have a good shift, loverboy.” Buck teases as he catches you and Ravi smiling at each other.
─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ─── ⋆⋅ ☾⋅⋆ ───
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awritingcaitlin · 6 months ago
August Wrap-Up
August was a bit like July. I wrote more than I thought I would. Slowly easing back into Heist. Actually feel like I’m getting somewhere again. Also it helps that I���m not holding myself accountable to have “[so many] chapters done by [date]” it’s more like “I will write/edit for at least 30 minutes every day and see how that goes.” And it’s working really well for me right now.
Still no move. Still no luck with job applications. Not much to say there because it’s depressing.
📺On the Screen📺
So we watched Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon. And that was fantastic. I knew I was gonna like it. I did not realize how much I was going to like it. I loved watching something that talked about diet serving you and your body, not trying to push yourself into something that’s ultimately bad for you. I loved watching everyone’s particular brand of autism. The magic system. The worldbuilding. The general symbolism I could write essays on it.
Marcille is, unsurprisingly, my favorite. You had me at “elf mage” to be honest. But also the way she approaches magic. The reason she does the things she does. Her propensity for “blow it up first, ask questions later.” Her particular brand of necromancy :) I just love her. I think one of my favorite parts was when they were fighting the red dragon and Laios told her to blast him up to the dragon’s face using only Senshi’s shield as protection and she balks a bit but then she does it. The two of them are matched crazy for crazy in the best way.
I’m slowly working my way through the manga now to see what happens next. I am mad that we didn’t get the bit about Marcille’s hair during the ritual but otherwise I’m loving how faithful the anime adaptation is. Looking forward to Season 2!
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🎮With a Controller🎮
Technically, mouse and keyboard, but still. Continuing my run of Dragon Age: Origins. I keep binge playing it off and on. So I’m only about halfway through. I’ve finished Ostagar, done the Brecelian Forest, the Circle Tower, and Redcliffe through saving Connor. I’m now questing to find the Urn of Sacred Ashes.
I’m also going through a bit slower because I’m sorta-kinda writing down events as they happen for that theoretical Origins fanfic I keep telling myself I’m going to write. But I actually have more substance to it this time. (Oh yeah I did mention this last month. So yeah, it’s still happening.)
Also the brainrot of “Delicious in Dragon Age” happened and I was thinking about a blend of the two. Have I actually gone anywhere with this? Nope! But it sure was fun to think about for a few days.
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(also it's so amusing when I'm on fire during a cutscene because the animation didn't stop prior to the scene starting.)
💻At the Keyboard💻
In addition to the zero draft stream-of-consciousness Dragon Age fanfic, I did put some more effort into Heist this month. Restructuring everything last month really got me going again. My total net word count for the month wasn’t very high, but that’s also because I’ve been deleting stuff that isn’t working. (Or, rather, moving it to a deleted scenes folder which doesn’t impact my total word count in Scrivener.)
But yeah, Chapter 27 got half rewritten to set up my new stakes. Then, naturally Chapter 28 needed edits to reflect that. Chapters 29-30 actually were mostly unaffected. But then Chapter 31 needed edits, Chapter 32 needed the major conversation in the second half entirely reworked, and Chapter 33 needed to be reworked tonally. Chapter 34 was entirely new, but it fit in and filled a hole nicely. The latest thing I’ve done is change the POV for Chapter 35, which I’m almost done with. There’s now going to be 48 chapters according to my most recent outline and hopefully I’m still under 110k words when I’m done. (Previous draft was 60 chapters and 106k words.)
But word count is actually not something I’m generally thinking about at the moment. I’m trying to get it all on the page. Ideally, by the end of this month I’ll be nearing the end of this draft. It’s the stretch goal, but I’m not going to beat myself up over it. 30 minutes a day minimum, we’ll see where that gets me.
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More rambling about Heist under the cut:
The Needed Changes: (as of right now) Chapter 35 - POV shift that I’m still working on Chapter 36 - will need minor edits Chapter 37 - needs to be entirely redone Chapter 38 - I have a framework but the stuff I’ve changed will mean major edits Chapter 39 - taking bits and pieces from other chapters from the previous draft for an effectively brand-new chapter Chapter 40 - similar case as Chapter 39 Chapter 41 - framework there, but will need major edits to reflect previous changes Chapter 42 - moderate to major edits Chapter 43 - major edits Chapter 44 - moderate to major edits Chapter 45 - major edits Chapter 46 - major edits Chapter 47 - major edits Chapter 48 - mostly all good, but will need minor to moderate edits Anyway, here’s to getting further in this draft and getting it out to beta readers within a month or so!
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egipci · 1 year ago
re: your flash-fic 'tutorial' (lol), I'm curious: what was "the sentence" that sparked your last few fics? (your choice)
do they normally survive until the final draft?
hello dear friend <3 so I would say a lot of the time "the sentence" ends up being the first or last sentence of a story, but sometimes it goes somewhere in the middle, especially in a longer piece, in which case I'm kinda stuck until I find another sentence to go first. A lot of the time for a flash I need both the first and the last sentence before I even start writing, so I have a general sense of the sound of the story. And I really try to make sure it survives, but it doesn't always happen, in which case it lives somewhere in my drafts until I write a new story for it (if I actually remember, but the good ones tend to stick around!)
So like, for "Vertigo," I'd already had the first sentence playing around in my mind for a long time, and I actually lifted it from a Mary POV fic I was working on (that sentence is sort of a madlib of a first sentence I really like from a Kathryn Davis short story-- which is a great way to come up with "sentences"). And then a final sentence came to me, which according to my gdoc history is
"But then you turned your head up to the sky, so I looked up, and it was huge and black, super-infinite."
I really really wanted the last word to be "super-infinite." I was very much in a John Donne mood (cf. fleas and mysterious bitey things in this story and in "Chorus"). I played around with all variations of "the sky was black and it was super-infinite," and "it was black and super-infinite," and "it was huge and black and super-infinite," "black, super-infinite" etc. for probably way too long. There was a weird discordant thing going on where I didn't necessarily want to write this story in first person, but that last line demanded it. And then by the time I'd finished the bulk of the story that line had to go, in part because of logical/practical concerns, e.g. how are they looking at each other if they sky is black? but also because it didn't sound right. First-person can very easily veer on excessively sentimental, and a fic context is doubly perilous because we know how the characters talk (not that 1st person fic has to sound like a monologue off the show or anything, but you know). And so it was cut, but having it as scaffolding was really helpful for me to figure out that I wanted that stargazing moment and the feeling of smallness that comes with that, which (hopefully) is more subtly translated in "to feel us so small again..."
For "Chorus" the "sentence" was also the first sentence, which had been floating around in a j/d draft since like, May 2022. It was initially "we hung from the rafters" (which now that I think about it could have worked, "We hang from the rafters and we watch," but I guess I liked the rhythm of those first four sentences more: "We watch from the rafters. It’s dusk. He’s in love. We send him home."
For "Miles Ahead" the sentence was that opening fragment and the last line as a unit. "What I was trying to tell you---" came first and I played around with it for a while until I got "is I’ll take you anywhere," and then all the stuff in the middle (the interruption/flashback) came in after. Needless to say, many many hours were spent agonizing over "I'll take you anywhere" vs. "I'd take you anywhere," but I liked the tense-trickery of the first one more.
For this (older) flash, the sentence was the (incredibly baroque lol) final phrase that had been on my mind for a while -- "quiet for little Sammy sleeping, then vigil for little Sammy gone"-- and the whole story is basically written to get to it.
In "Dubuque" (which started off as a flash) the sentence was the first sentence: "In the space of three hours that no-good son of a bitch Lee Webb had Dean swaying on his feet," but the reason the story ended up going further was this bit in the middle: "fingertips over strong muscle loving him and loving the weight of him. Loving his danger. His masculinity," which felt excessive to throw in in a flash.
But like, sometimes the sentence is not a sentence and just more of a story structure I want to play with. This story from earlier this year stalled for a couple of days after I nailed the opening until I remembered Jamaica Kincaid's "Girl," so that inspired the structure there. This birthday story has no stand-out "sentence," I just liked the rhythm of "Dad said and Dean said and Sam said," etc. (Though just now I'm noticing the sentence is basically the whole story!)
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jittyjames · 2 years ago
darling dissident
perfidy 👀
and literally every single of your works, but these are the two i’m most desperate for content for
VERY GOOD CHOICES BESTIE OK (these are still very early drafts so they’re subject to change lmao)
"Are you indentured to them?"
Alexandra whirled around, eyes wide, "What?”
Aaron just stared at her blankly.
"No. Of course, not," Alexandra bit out, “Don’t be absurd. They would never.”
"So, you're doing this of your own volition," Aaron stated darkly, "It's dangerous business, espionage."
Alexandra crossed the floor quickly grabbing his wrist as she ground out, "Keep your voice down, you ridiculous man."
He dropped his voice to a harsh whisper, "If you are caught, you will be hanged just as well as any man. The British will not care what your sex is. They will punish you, torture you just as much as they would anyone. Maybe even more so."
Alexandra's eyes searched his, "Careful, Mr. Burr. If I didn't know any better, I would say it's starting to sound like you care about me."
"If you accept Washington's offer, you would be throwing your life away."
"What life, Mr. Burr? I love the Schuyler family as if they are my own, but dusting shelves, baking pies, lacing corsets? That is not the only purpose I want my life to have. You should have seen that the day we first met."
"Listen to me," Aaron's voice shook over his words as he grabbed her shoulders, "You could be killed.”
Alexandra's eyes glimmered, "And tell me why you care."
"Alexandra-" Aaron breathed, but the door to the balcony swung open at the same time.
Judas was on the ground.
He was on the ground, cradled by Peter, while blood doused his lolled back head. Despite the sheer amount of it, Jesus could tell most of it was already drying, encrusting his brow, staining across his forehead, and even smearing down the side of his face. It was a testament to how long he had been gone, how long he had been hurt.
"What happened?" Mary was the one who actually managed to get the question out first. Jesus could only stare at Judas and his slackened face. It looked as if it were drained of blood despite the fact he had been out in the sun for most of the day. He was completely white under all the crimson that stained him.
He looked as if he were dead.
"He just stood there," Peter prattled wildly, arms tight around Judas, "Then he got this strange look on his face, and he- and he just-"
"Maybe he fell," John's small voice broke through the tense silence. He looked to his older brother hopefully, but it was only met with more quietness. They all knew better than that. People didn't look the way Judas looked by just falling. It also hung heavy in the air.
Something terrible had happened.
His Twelve erupted all at once with their theories. The chattering was nearly unbearable.
"He was at the market, right? He must have been robbed. That explains why he doesn't have any of our things."
"Or maybe it was his snark that finally got him in trouble. Maybe someone decided to finally shut him up."
"No, that doesn't make any sense. He doesn't even talk to anyone besides us-"
"Could it have been the Romans?"
The word came out raspier and more growled than Jesus had meant for it to. The harshness did the trick, though. A hush immediately fell over them, leaving only the crackling fire and Peter's quickened breath for Jesus to hear.
He forced himself to move toward him.
"Judas?" Jesus kept his voice as soft as he possibly could as he crouched down, bringing a hand to the side of his battered face. He ignored the way his fingers shook as he did.
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plantwithoutplot · 2 years ago
Hi! I just started reading your work on Ao3 and I just have a question and a bunch of compliments.
I’ll do compliments first—
The characters are so believable and I had a hard time realizing this was a fan fiction because they all just seemed so… well, THEM. Luffy cracks me up, as Luffy should, but I was surprised with how much Ace and Sabo would make me laugh.
Also finding out that English wasn’t your first language was mind blowing, your writing style is just so good. I can’t wait for the next chapters, I hate that I binged it all in one night.
As for the question, which you do NOT have to answer, when were the brothers before the sudden time-travel thingy? I was wondering whether this was before or after Ace dies in the manga/anime, but after finding out Luffy doesn’t know Haki yet, I assumed before the Marineford Arc. You don’t need to answer, I just wanted to know and ask!
But anyway, I love the story so much and it’s curing all the little sadness I have about the ASL brothers. Your work is amazing!!!
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I just woke up to your amazing message and I couldn't imagine a better way to start my day!!! 🥹🥹🥹💕
Your words mean SOOOO MUUUCH for me!!! Thank you thank you thank you ༼꒦ິɷ꒦ິ༽💕
I couldn't imagine a better compliment as a fan/fiction writer than to hear that I managed to make you forget that this is fanon content! Every time I write, I try my best to keep them in character ― yet I always fear that they may end up too OOC or that my headcanons about them will sound too hollow to be believable...
Same goes for my English, actually? There's always this lingering fear that some sentences will sound awkward or be grammatically incorrect to the point it interrupts your reading ( ´ ▽ ` )💦 Which is why reading your message is truly relieving, and I will definitely reread it every time I have doubts about my writing/this fic 🥺❤❤
For your question! It is a tricky one (๑❛ڡ❛๑)✨
There's been a few clues here and there, buuuut nothing too explicit yet, so answering it will not be an actual spoiler! 🦀
All three boys come from the same moment in their timeline, which means :
Sabo was just vibing peacefully on Baltigo after a mission
Ace is stuck in Impel Down (has been for a while)
Luffy was on his way to Amazon Lily (and has just been separated from his crew by Kuma)
I hope it helps you understand their mindset a little better as well! These boys 300% need a hug and to talk about their feelings, because there is quite a lot to unpack here lol
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Thank you again for your message!!! (I totally screenshoted it to keep in a lil folder that cheers me up)
I can't promise the next chapter will be out soon, because it is one I am very excited about 👀✨ I want to do it right and nitpick every little detail, b u t !! I'm having a writing day with my roommate today so, hopefully, I can finish the first draft of chapter 10 and start typing it tonight!! ٩(*´▽`*)۶❤️‍🔥
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lavendelhummel · 26 days ago
6, 8, 30 for the fic writing ask? :)
Hi! Thanks for the questions! I am late! But I always am, so okay! I said I would get back to writing the day I reblogged that ask meme and that was… more than a week ago. I didn’t write in between because I accidentally got addicted to knitting, what can I do (socks). Now, seriously I already told you privately, but let me tell the world as well: trying to rest and recover healthily is actually not as easy? I am chilling all day but that doesn’t feel good after a short while? I want to do things but things are tiresome and I want to do nothing but I have time! I can do things! But I don’t feel like I can! I don’t even know what things are! What do I even like! Writing! Rationally I know that I like writing and that I usually felt better after I took time to do so! But now everything is weird! But I want to, but it doesn’t always work because it reminds me too much of actual work but I am trying right now so after this elaborate introduction you will now get answers to these writing questions:
They were from this ask meme. (And I‘m still open to more questions -- maybe even quicker this time)
6) the word that appears the most in your current draft: which draft…?
I have one untitled AU that has 3% „Myka“ and „one“, 2% „Captain" and „could“ and if I say the 1%s as well that would give everything away. But it is from Myka’s POV.
There is the one titled *Cacao*, which is from Helena’s POV, but also has Myka on top, with a 5%, next up are the 2%s which are „When“, „one“, „never“, „sometimes“ and „hair“. 1% have „even“, „all“, „just“, and „time“. Time… an interesting one (no it isn’t traveled through here).
The next chapter of *Jump* is finished just needs some more looking through and posting… but I’ll get to that when I get to it. It also has 5% „Myka“, the others are boring, except maybe for 2% „water“.
One for another fandom, it’s called *Springball*, and the fandom will be obvious in a second. But you know this one already, Lilo! (thank you for the beta read! Hopefully I’ll find a moment for this fic soon!). We have 6% of Nerys. Yes, it’s a Kira POV! 4% Jadzia, yes that’s the second character in this little story. 2% „liked“, because *Nerys liked Jadzia*. This is what that is about.
Oh I found more! How about a 2% "Nyneave“? A Nyn POV? Who’d have thought? Not me! We also have 2% „just“, „little“, „poke“ and 1% „Semirhage“ Yessss my ultimate evil blorbo! Sorry for the name-spoiler, this is where I’ll stop associating words to it ;) (the other 1%s are boring either way)
And 5% Moiraine; 2% „about“, „just“, „seal“; 1% „waves“, „all“, „Damodred“, „head“, „still“ and „eyes“… this one sounds like a fun guessing game...
Oh wow I found even more, how many WiPs are there? I thought I didn’t start most of my ideas for fear of not finishing them. O-kay then. I’ll just list the interesting words: Myka, Pete, Books, Worried, Read, First. (Yes, it’s about books)
It starts to make sense now that my muscle memory always types „Myka“ when I try to say „Maybe“, I do seem to like her name. Anyway, next question!
8) A sequel! To a fic of mine, let’s see! I said I wanted to write spin-offs to Laundry Day when I finished it, one about going to the botanical gardens and Helena talking about algae and kelp (but I didn’t read the book I got on those yet) and one about Shelley, the Jelly — I forgot the plot of that one unfortunately and if I am honest I’m not sure how serious that ever was.
In a way I would always want to finish Yellow, because I ended that one in chapter 8 when I had notes and scenes, a life for them, until chapter 15 with a time jump, with things coming full circle. But I will not any time soon and that is good that way, the ending works imo and working on that story would not be good for me at this point.
There is also Fly Me To The Moon which would be fun to do the smutty sequel to but since I can’t/won’t write smut I will not. But it is one that would be fun and that would very fitting to have one!
30) share a fic you’re especially proud of:
I think Laundry Day as well. In a way it was one of the easiest to write because it was so *fun*. Obviously most fics I write are fun or I wouldn‘t write them, but this one flew, no swam from my brain and I rode the wave. I also wrote it during an interesting time of my life, both more bound and more free than in a long time, kind of fitting for the fic. I still love the idea, I like how I did the outline, and how I followed it, improving it and seeing it through. It has obvious flaws, in sentence structure for example, but, and that I haven‘t gotten done as much in others, was mostly on purpose.
I think it‘s also easier to mention a younger fic here because my writing is a constant work in progress and improving. Though my newest WiP I feel is not up to the standards I had in the beginning of last year. I don‘t know, in a way I am the kind of person who will criticize her own work to death on the other hand I had fun with most of them and am proud of the vibes I created, when that worked (Pretty Picture, Dreaming of waves) and that I did write them at all, how much of a world or dynamic I created (Yellow).
Thank you for the questions! And for answering some in return as well! Talking about fic is fun!
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screampied · 11 months ago
hey hey !!
how are you vaygus ? personally, my day just started so, my objectives for 2day is to finish most of my hc and one shots/drabbles rotting in my drafts 😞😞😞
question 😋: do you have a wishlist?
by wishlist it can be clothes, food, furnitures etccc
personally i even have a special drawer in my notes named “thoughts” were i write all stuff i will HOPEFULLY buy one day (when money will show up🥰)
and one of em are games omlllll
like Re ofc, let’s play are good but real life experience is gooder 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼(expect biohazard i can’t die yet), and a playstation 5, or a switch.
about switch, my friend maybe s’ gonna lend me her switch because she want me to test “zelda”
i heard a few things about it and the visuals are just so beautiful i hope to try one day !
i remember yesterday when me and my frens were talking about our childhood and nintedo ds and how i was the only one who didn’t have any (strict parents obliges 😞😞) but a girl one day lend me her ds and i played E-shop games all weeknd 😋😋(was the only video game experience i had in my entire life till now)
but THE game i dream of every day and night is Detroit Become Human. Omllll this work of art
if i get one day to play this game on computer, tv or whateva i’ll jump of a building of happiness
omggg sorry vaygus i wrote a whole essay (i even have more to say but i better shut the f up)
have a good day !
i’m good !! i was quite productive today :) did lots of cleaning n stuff and i was writing a nanami request but i’m currently doing my hair 🌞🌞🌞
i hope u got ur stuff done !! or at least a good amount of progress on it 🤞honestly real, i have ab 20+ drafts rotting currently atm.
oooo a wishlist? hmmm. honestly not really. i do need to get a new bass guitar soon (i play bass) and i’m saving up for this pretty one i stumbled upon, she’s so hot. for other stuff, maybe some things to decorate my room + vinyls since i collect vinyls, some clothes for the spring time, and probably some manga. aw that’s cute !! <3 i hope u get everything u need pookies
real 🕺 some lets plays r kinda boring ngl, i find it more fun to actually play the game (unless they’re one of my fav youtubers ill watch them all day)
ZELDAAAA. such a goated game, lmk how u like it !!! yessss the graphics is so gorgeous, quite breathtaking xo
and you’re good !! i always adore u stopping by in my inbox starry bae <3
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koqabear · 2 years ago
oshdkfj HELP? we're seriously telepathic at this point it's kind of scary... even more so because i've noticed this is Constantly happening to me and it's like, i'll tell someone we're telepathic as a joke at first, and suddenly it's not a joke anymore LMFAOO i think i'm the problem 😞 (fun fact: i'm really good at accidentally manifesting it's like midas touch but with words)
i've been well for the most part though n i hope you have too! i've just been preoccupied with school, playing the sims 4, or decorating toploaders...! i will literally do anything and everything except write; which sucks because i was really excited about this idea and i wanted to finish it by this month, but i haven't made any real progress with writing the storyline or mundane scenes so i don't think that's happening unless i suddenly get a burst of inspiration turned motivation. also, i know some people say that if you get stuck you should work on something else entirely or write a different scene, so i did both of those and here i am again... with two unfinished fics but complete ideas.
the ideas never stopping but the motivation does is actually so real and True though like omfg? i think with myself and my writing style in particular, i absolutely can't let myself get distracted, otherwise my source or motivation is entirely lost and difficult to get back again. i'll constantly get super immersed in a story, outline every last detail and write bits and pieces here and there, but actually writing/finishing and posting it seems to always end up being my problem and . idk how to fix it ?! like i have way too many story outlines in my notes that at this point i think i should just rebrand my blog and make it an idea bank for writers seeing how my own writing does Not want to see the light of day Ever
anyways, sorry i didn't really mean to talk so much about myself but i hope you find your motivation soon! you honestly have a lot more perseverance than i do when it comes to writing and getting your drafts done, so i don't doubt for a second that you'll get over this block soon and tackle all four...? fics 🙏🏼 boxer tae and loser gyu are here to stay ! – ml
We literally share one mind at this point bc it’s like we summoned each other or smth 💀
I’ve been well also! Life’s been a bit busy these past few weeks, but I’m finally getting some free time again,, hopefully this means I’ll have more time to write too
but omg I totally understand what you mean! Sometimes writers block is so intense that nothing helps, and now I’m stuck with so many more drafts it’s actually driving me insane..
And yes!! Mundane scenes are soooo hard to write!! It’s literally whats keeping me from my boxer tae and loser gyu fics, like they need to be there for character development but oh lord is it getting boring for me to write ! I’m also the same way with writing— I need to stay in one place and remain focused or else that fic is not getting touched again 😭 and if I don’t stop writing at an interesting scene it’s over for me
I usually avoid outline my stories in detail it’s insane 💀 the only one I’ve done a full outline on was OYD, and most of it was a voice recording of me incoherently throwing ideas out; after that I took the key points and wrote them down (then I added important details i needed to remember as I wrote)
I always wing my stories which is why I always have to go back and add stuff in LMAO it’s not the best method but it works most of the time…! Then when I’m about to stop a writing session I leave a vague checklist of stuff I wanna write (like scenes and stuff) and hope I touch it again </3
Making ur account an idea bank is such a mood I have so many good stories that are just gathering dust bc my inspiration is dried out 😭 I also hope you’re able to find motivation and inspiration for your stories, it’s such a frustrating feeling to have writers block and I’d love to see your stories !
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crescencestudio · 2 years ago
Devlog #27 | 01.24.23
Hi everyone!
Wow, it’s been a while! I didn’t realize how long it’s been until I had to go searching for the last devlog to see what my progress has been since then LOL. I hope you all have been well and that 2023 has been kind to you so far <3 
Before we start, I wanted to show our holiday art in case anyone missed it! For the end of the year, we met Fenir under the mistletoe and many people gave him kissies (someone also grabbed his face).
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We also wanted to celebrate Lunar New Year with bunny Aisa 🥰
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Now for the actual updates. I’ll put them below the cut, so I’m not clogging up everyone’s feed! 
Last time we talked, I said I was making headway on Druk’s first draft. That was a lie LMAO. I’ve switched from Druk to Fenir and have been spending most of my time getting Fenir’s first draft finished. I am VERY close to finishing the first draft—I only have one chapter left.
I think by the time the first draft will be finished, we’ll be sitting at around 30k words; however, this is before I’ve put in things like fun little romance scenes, choices and branches, etc. So Fenir’s route is shaping up to be in a similar range to Kayn’s \o/
Regarding Kayn’s route, we are sitting at 50k+ words wee! I’m super happy with where the script is at right now, especially for it being the developmental phase ^^
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golden hour in alaris ✨ 
In general, the BGs needed for the demo are wrapping up. Because I anticipated this part to take the longest (since there’s just SO many BGs), it means I’m going to be balancing more of my focus on the updated demo as well—focusing more on updating the CGs, coding the soundtrack and VA in, updating the script a bit, cleaning that godforsaken bug, etc. I don’t have a solid estimate on when the updated demo will be ready, but I will update you all immediately when I do <3 
Recently, Vui finished up Etza’s room as well as the Market date BG. He also has been working on the Cafe BG, which in my biased opinion looks sososoosososo cute. I just have the sketch right now, and because of Lunar New Year, he is on a (much deserved) break. But I’m very excited to show you all (because obviously I’m going to show you because I have no impulse control and I get excited over everything) the final product! 
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kayn’s updated demo cg
I’ve continued to work on CGs. Some of it has been updating demo CGs, while some of it has been working on CGs for Kayn’s route. As you can see, with updated ones, my style has changed a lot since the demo. So I’ve slowly been going back in for each of the LIs demo CGs and updating them! It hasn’t been too bad, but I am nervous about the duo ones lmao. I’m not very good at composition that involves more than one subject, so we’ll see how those go ha... ha...
I sat down and actually planned out and did the math for the CGs required for Kayn’s route, and it’s looking like it’ll be around 8-10! Because this amount will be consistent across routes, it means the final CG number for Alaris will be around 48-60 CGs. Looking at that number makes me want to cry a bit, but I know I’ll be working on these throughout the entire year, so it hopefully won’t feel as overwhelming as it looks on paper.
I have most of the sketches finished for Kayn’s CGs (and even some sketches/finished pieces for some of the other LIs), and it honestly hasn’t been too painful of a process, so hopefully it stays that way lol! 
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Something I’ve had to start thinking about is getting beta testers again.  I bring this up mainly because once Kayn’s route finishes the developmental phase, I’m going to start creating the beta version of their route. Additionally, the new demo will need beta testers.
I’m realizing now with the scope of Alaris, I’ll probably need.... a lot lol. The Alaris demo has a bug that didn’t come up for my beta testing team but has affected some players, and the bug literally makes a part of me die every time I think about it. The demo was much smaller in scope compared to the full game, and I kept the beta testing team small because I didn’t think I would have to make it super super big. But now, I’m realizing the more people involved with the beta testing process, the better so I can ensure a cleaner product.
I’m still not sure how I’ll go about “recruiting” beta testers. It will most likely be a tier available in the upcoming Patreon, but aside from that, I’ll have to give it more consideration!
“Market Research”
And then of course I have been playing visual novels and simping---who do you think I am?? I recently finished V’s route in Mystic Messenger. Wow, that was a ride LOL. I don’t actually have anything drawn up for him, but the experience was so wild, I felt the need to share anyways. 
I started playing Piofiore, though! I’ve surprisingly been enjoying it. Nicola is my bbg. I only have Dante and Gilbert’s routes left, so we’ll see if one of them changes anything!
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It was also Toasty’s birthday recently, and while I hadn’t planned on drawing anything to celebrate, I did because a sleepy Toasty was too powerful to ignore. 
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