#and honestly maybe it would have been better if we were
moonstruckme · 10 hours
hi mae!! hope you’re well and warm and cozy!!
I saw your post that requests are open and saw you talk about bodyguard!sirius/james and it made me think of reader going out with friends maybe in not weather appropriate clothes (hot girl don’t get cold and all that) and after making bodyguard‘s (you should decide if sirius or james) life hell all night by being all over the place and hard to keep an eye on but also dancy and fun and hot, reader insist on walking a bit later but gets cold and I see our bodyguard marauder giving reader his jacket, maybe making a comment, maybe hugging, maybe they kiss, maybe rain is involved maybe not (clearly I can’t keep a thought), so I came to you with the request.
I just realized this was so long and rambly, and honestly I’m not offended at all if it doesn’t spark that creative spark just thought you could make something fun with it.
xxx 🫶🫶
Hi baby! I hope you're well and warm and cozy too, and thank you for your request :)
cw: alcohol
bodyguard!Sirius x fem!reader ♡ 865 words
Sirius is watching you with a smug knowingness in his gaze, and you decide upon seeing it that you’d rather freeze than admit he was right. 
“Can I have some more?” you ask your friend. She hands you a thermos full of gin, and you take a hearty glug. Sirius comes up behind you as you pass it back to her. 
“Staying warm?” he murmurs close to your ear. 
“Mhm. Toasty.” 
“Yeah? These aren’t goosebumps, then?”
Sirius skims a knuckle down your bare arm, and you shiver for more than one reason. “You must be seeing things.” 
When you’d been getting ready back home, your bodyguard had taken one look at your outfit and grinned sharply. 
Babe, you look killer, but you’re gonna be frozen solid in ten minutes if you go out like that.
Maybe, you’d replied, perhaps enjoying too much the feeling of his eyes on you. But that’s the price I’ll have to pay. Anyway, alcohol will keep me warm.
Better than a coat? Sirius wasn’t shy about letting his eyes dip down to your legs, dark lashes drooping where he leaned against your doorway. Or pants?
Probably. You weren’t truly as confident as you sounded, but you were wearing this outfit one way or another. And you could never be reasonable when Sirius was around. Once I get a few drinks in me, I won’t even notice.
You’re definitely noticing. But all night, you’ve seen Sirius noticing you as well. It’s his job to look at you, to look after you, but there’s little professionalism in the way his gaze darkens as it skims over the soft, exposed parts of your body, from your calves to your clavicle. The shapes of your nipples showing through your top, pert from the cold. 
“I’m getting another drink as soon as we get to the next bar,” you reassure him, or possibly yourself. Sirius’ expression doesn’t change. 
“Actually,” one of your friends pipes up, “I was just thinking of heading home.” 
There’s a chorus of agreement to which you eventually succumb, though you really would have liked at least one last stop in a warm place before you have to make the trek home. As your friends disperse, Sirius starts walking you in the direction of your place, his presence a steady solidness at your side. 
“Still not cold?” he asks you. 
You wrap your arms around yourself. “Nope.” 
“I think your kneecaps are shivering.” 
“They do that all the time.” 
“Oh, yeah?” You can hear the laughter in his tone. “You look cold, dollface. I could give you my jacket if you want.” 
You glance at him. Sirius isn’t looking at you but around you, keeping an eye on street corners and monitoring passerby with a giant stupid grin on his face. His jacket looks really warm. 
“Thanks, but I don’t need it.” 
His grin only spreads. He loves when you get contrary, it’s his favorite form of entertainment. You’re coming to the realization that this may be a lose-lose situation for you. “Because you’re not cold, huh?” 
“Alright.” He continues strolling along beside you, hands comfortably fitted in his pockets, gait the unhurried ease of someone not currently forming ice crystals on their nose. 
Then it starts to rain. 
Sirius tilts his face up, looking at the sky as though in curiosity. “Shame I didn’t think to bring my umbrella,” he says. “You feeling cold yet, gorgeous?” 
“No,” you grind out. Your teeth are chattering. 
“No? I’d hate for you to get hypothermia.” 
“I’m good. It’s actually cooling me off.” 
“Good god.” Sirius huffs a laugh, and a second later his jacket is settling heavily over your shoulders. “You win, fine, but wear it for me, yeah? I can’t have you coming home half blue. It wouldn’t look like I was doing my job very well.” 
The warmth actually makes your shivering worsen. You try not to look too eager as you put it on, but the zipper nearly breaks from how hard you tug it up. 
“Thanks,” you say to Sirius. He grins, and you notice he was only wearing a fitted long-sleeve underneath. Your eyes stick to the places where it tightens over his shoulders and biceps. “Shit, sorry, now you’ll be cold.” 
“I thought you were never cold, though?” 
You roll your eyes, and he snickers. 
“I’ll be fine, we’re not far. Anyway, no one cares if I come home half blue.” He pinches your nose between his thumb and forefinger. Looks torturously fond as he pouts. “Poor girl, you really are freezing. C’mere.” 
He grabs you around the shoulders to tug you into his side, and you go happily. His hand rubs up and down on your arm. You think that this may be pointless, seeing as his shirt is already growing damp from the rain and you’re now the one with the coat, but you’re hardly about to contradict him. 
“I care if you come home half blue,” you say, your voice half muffled from how he has your face squished against his side. 
“Awe, really?” Sirius plants his lips happily on the cold top of your head, still rubbing diligently at your arm. “Thanks, doll.”
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cyten0 · 3 days
A Symphony In Crimson
Act 1: A Movement in Black
Chapter 17
… You can’t sleep. Still worrying about Sif. Their alone right now, dealing with… whatever is happening to them. Crab. You wish you had stuck it out a little longer, saw if you couldn’t get through to them. Helped them, somehow. It’s tearing you up inside, thinking about it.
You tried sleeping, and ended up with a nightmare. Sif crying blood, as something rips them apart from the inside. Not quite how it played out, but pretty close to the mark as far as nightmares go...
Maybe you need some fresh air. You quietly get out of bed, so not to wake the others. And head out-!!!
You’re greeted with a message written in blood right outside the door!!!
I am sorry.
The king will be dead by morning.
My final act.
Oh. Oh No. Crab NO.
▲ “Everyone wake up! We have to go, NOW!!!”
You’re resting at the tree. You don’t need sleep, but your mind still wants it. At least rest. Trying to process this. Trying to figure out what to do. You haven't even checked on Stardust. Why bother? They won’t want your help anyways. Not anymore.
You don’t feel bad about doing it. Never did. But blind it all. They shouldn’t have had to know. Not yet.
You’re awoken from your musings by a familiar voice, approaching the tree.
▲ “Sif?! SIF?!!! Where are you!!!!”
The fighter? Up this early? They look desperate. What’s happened?
✸ “Oh, dear, What has dear stardust done now?”
▲ “H-Huh?!? Who’s that?!”
You shift yourself outside your realm, right in front of them.
✸ “A friendly helper of our local white cloaked Traveler~”
▲ “W-Wait really?!?”
✸ “Of course! Was quite frankly made for that purpose~”
You take off your mask, briefly, showing the fighter your face. He seems surprised! You suppose wearing the same face as stardust has SOME perks! No need to spend time convincing them~
✸ “With that in mind, I assume they’ve gotten into some extra trouble, if your searching so frantically!”
▲ “I! He left a note, outside our room and-”
✸ “Oh? Let me see really quick~”
You shift your eyes towards the clocktower… Oh.
✸ “Oh dear, that’s not good. They’re probably already at the house then. Hm.”
▲ “Crab, I thought so. I better get the others. We have to do something.”
You can’t sit idly by at this point. It’s all coming to a head. And if Stardust's mental state is this bad, the house might be...
✸ “Allow me to help! I’ll round up the others quickly, and I’ll help guide you through the house. You’re going to need it~”
▲ “Alright, I’ll start heading over!”
✸ “...Actually, could you do something first? Something that might give us an edge.”
▲ “Huh?”
✸ “You want to save stardust, right? With all your heart?”
They look at you. And nod.
✸ “Then… Let me teach you a ritual. To make the favor tree help grant that wish…”
You’ve been searching around for a bit when the strange person showed up, and told you what’s happening. You’re now just waiting for the others. Oh, Siffrin…
You can’t leave them to do this. Not when their going to risk their life for you all…
There they all are!
◉ “O-Okay! We’re all here! It’s… Earlier then expected, but we were planning to fight through the house anyways!”
✸ “I’m going to stop you there, dear housemaiden~ Don’t be expecting this to be ANYTHING like what you were preparing for!”
◆ “What does that mean?”
✸ “Stardust wasn’t just dealing with 'being a horror monster' issues. If they had been, things would honestly have been fine! No, the real issue is the Timecraft at play.”
▲ “More timecraft? Did the king do something to them?”
✸ “No, I will explain as we go, but Stardust has gone through this house many times. What we need to worry about now are the seeds he’s planted in the sadnesses in prior attempts.”
Seeds? Did he do something to the sadnesses?
✿ “Wait… Is that why that sadness before was movin funny?”
✸ “Very observant, Kid! Yes, stardust can control any living thing he puts a piece of himself inside, like a living virus.”
◆ “Should we be worried about infection?”
✸ “Oh no, don’t worry, they won’t! It has to be done manually, and even if it they did for SOME reason, you’d be able to know and remove it quickly, at least early on. Honestly a bit of Pineapple juice works just fine, and the Kid has plenty!”
✿ “...Why pineapple?”
✸ “Stardust is Allergic!”
✿ “Oh okay!…. Crab, that means I can’t make pineapple stuff for them.”
Hehe, kind of relieving a little to hear such a normal answer to something scary like this! Just allergies! Helps remind you this is still Siffrin… Feels bad, thinking about that? You didn't even see the worst of it, and you're still struggling with all this.
✸ “Regardless, the problem is control isn’t all they can do. If they just eat the sadnesses for strength, we should be fine. But if they made those seeds sprout… be prepared for this house to be far, FAR more horrifying.”
Okay, so you’ve read enough horror stories to get the idea. Kind of a zombie hivemind thing? Um.
◉ “I-I mean! If Siffrin’s controlling them, we should be fine! They’d never hurt us!”
Right? They shouted a bit yesterday, and got upset, but never actually hurt?
✸ “Yes, that was the reason they infected the sadnesses in the first place~ But their still sadnesses, and stardust’s not consciously controlling them right now… Just. Be wary?”
◆ “...The warning is welcome, thank you… I’m afraid I didn’t catch your name?”
✸ “Call me Loop! It’s not a very creative title, as you’ll find out, but it’s what I have!”
You nod. And head towards the Houses gate. It’s been closed behind itself, but not locked. You use a little craft to trigger it and…
…You stare down the corridor. The walls are darkened with the King’s curse, yet living flesh seems to creep through the cracks of the stone, growing out of it like mold, yet beating like a heart. You see eyes stare out at you from the growths, looking around erratically but with the majority focused directly at you all, staring you down. The air seems to shudder within, with a rhythm you can feel but not hear.
You feel the others shaking. Even you are surprised. But. You can’t afford to hesitate. You HAVE to press on.
◉ “… Let’s go. We can do this.”
The others steel themselves, and you march in.
… The strange growths continue, all the way inside. The eyes follow your movements, and it kind of makes you worry a little. But then… You hear music?
You look for the source of the sound. And see something moving up ahead, in the darkness.
✸ “Looks like I was right. Get ready everyone.”
The creature starts shuffling towards you. As it approaches you can see it more clearly. It looks like a sadness at first. But… There is a pale white mask, fused onto it’s face. The openings for it’s eyes are a lightless void. And it’s body… dark tendrils seem to peek out from it’s edges, it’s limbs seem skinned the way flesh has fused itself onto it’s liquid body, it’s hands are formed into cutting blades of bone and sinew, and it moves like it’s being picked up by invisible strings. Yet it doesn’t stop singing.
You ready your rapier. The others follow suit.
You charge forwards, piercing it’s heart, and filling it with craft power. You watch as it barely flinches, even as the injury rips it apart. You back off, as it takes a swing towards you. It’s blow cracks the ground as it hits, but Isa takes the opening to knock it off it’s feet. It falls to the ground, unmoving. But then lifts off the ground, and it’s body twists around towards him. Odile then fires off a paper craft to blast it into the wall.
◆ “Please let that be it.”
You watch as it doesn’t move for a bit.
Before suddenly raising it’s head and charging at you all like a feral beast! It’s so fast, you don’t have time to-
A hole pierces through the creatures mask, and it stops dead, before dissolving into water and blood.
You turn, and see Bonnie holding a strange device.
✿ “… Eyes glowed funny whenever it got up. Gotta be a weak spot.”
◆ “...Huh. Good eye, Boniface. But also. What was that?”
✿ “Oh, yeah, Frin gave it to me. Said it’s a craft revolver. I wanted to help fight, so...”
▲ “Huh. Sif gave you that huh?”
✸ “That they did. You’re a good shot, Kid.”
✿ “H-Huh!? No, I… I hit Frin last time I used it. I didn’t wanna use it but…”
✸ “You only did that because you were scared!… Look, you might not know it, but you have a very good track record with that thing! You once went through the entire house without ever missing a single shot~”
✿ “Huh? What’s that mean?”
✸ “Like I said, Timecraft~ This day has happened a few times!”
Bonnie looks at the craft revolver.
You look at the stain where the sadness was. Even for horror stuff, that was...
◉ “S-Sorry to change topics but… Did Siffrin… Really do that? Did they… make that thing?”
✸ “Yes~ I hope you’ve gotten used to it! There’s almost CERTAINLY more where that came from!”
▲ “Well, at least we know their weakness. Hit them in the face!”
✸ “Fire would also probably work. Stardust had that fear for a reason, after all!”
◆ “Not that we have much access to that right now. But worth knowing, I suppose.”
You nod. Alright. You have a plan! So. Let’s keep moving.
You go a little further, and- Wait, something’s moving above you!
A sadness drops down next you you, and starts to make a swing!
…? It. Stops. Inches from your face.
It stumbles backwards, and starts to twitch and writhe. It’s singing devolves into screeching!
And then it… stabs itself. Over and over. Until… it drops dead….
✸ “… It seems Stardust is still subconsciously controlling them. Good!”
▲ “That… Crab. That was… brutal.”
✸ “Still, too close for comfort! Best not drop your guard, anyways~”
You can’t move. You… heard something. While screeching. Just for a second… it…
◉ “It sounded. Almost like Siffrin…”
✸ “… At this point, I’d say these things are basically half Stardust… Don’t let that stop you! They’ll still try to kill you, even if part of them will try and hold back~”
You… Nod. And keep moving on… What could have pushed things this far?
You all have been making good progress through the house. The deeper in you go, the more odd growths there are, and the more twisted the sadnesses. You’ve even seen entire hands and maws growing out of the walls. This cannot be healthy. Moreover, that eerie rythmic feel in the air just keeps getting worse. The sadnesses singing seems to keep to that invisible tune.... But despite everything, Loop has been guiding you through the paths well.
Loop. Strange character, they are. Oddly cheerful during all this, or at least faking it. They know far more about all of this then you. Best get information, while you all are making your way towards Siffrin.
◆ “So, Loop. You said you were here to help Siffrin? I presume with this?”
✸ “Sort of! I wouldn’t need to exist if the monster stuff was the only problem~ But a different issue exasperated it significantly.”
▲ “Really? Mind telling us?”
✸ “Of course! First of all, I should mention the forces at play~ The first being wishcraft! It’s the power to turn desires into reality, with the right rituals~
▲ "Like that favor tree thing you asked me to do?"
✸ "Correct! There’s more to it, but The king used a different ritual to gain their powers over time. But their not the only one! Another desire gave stardust the power to turn back time in desperate situations~”
✿ “Woah, Really?!?”
✸ “Yes! Stardust knew the rituals of course, they were born in the land that made wishcraft~ But a simple wish they made on a favor tree acted as a lightning rod for a much bigger wish!”
◉ “W-What wish was that?”
✸ “...The wish of all of Vaugarde. To be saved from the king~ A desire as strong as that was more then powerful enough to turn back time many, many times! I think we’re a little over a hundred at this point?”
A hundred?! Awfully casual about that.
▲ “That many times?!? Did we never beat the king?!?”
✸ “That’s the Issue. You did! But something went wrong. By that point, a little flaw turned the whole situation on it’s head~”
◆ “What would that be?”
✸ “Two things. One, Stardust's hunger carried over attempts. And they have a much bigger appetite then the Kid's snacks can do~ I could mitigate that somewhat, pulling in prey for them from elsewhere, even if options were limited.”
Loop rounds a corner, and snaps his fingers, as a sadnesses falls down, it’s head vanished from it’s shoulders, only to appear at Loops feet, who promptly crushes it. Efficient, aren’t they?
✸ “Sadnesses aren’t nutritious, but it’s not exactly like there was a lot of wildlife in Vaugarde to hunt~ Which led to the other issue! By the time Siffrin beat the king, they were too weak to keep up their human disguise for much longer.”
▲ “Disguise? Were they always like… this?”
✸ “Indeed! Their face and name is borrowed from before they swore off their more… Disastrous tendencies.”
◆ “Disastrous? Compared to this?!...How bad was it?!”
✸ “Well, Their old home was a certain Island north of Vaugarde~”
You all take a moment. Hunting your memory for anything… Wait. You. DON’T remember it. But. You remember that’s a thing, isn’t it? That everyone forgot?!...Were they-?
✸ “I see it just clicked~ They most likely didn’t make people forget, probably! But It WAS likely done to stop our dear traveler~ ...But what we do know is that, from what little they remember..."
Loop turns towards you all. Eyes grim. Voice cold.
✸ "Everyone there is dead. Every. Last. One.”
T-that... no way!!!
◉ “Change!”
▲ “Crab!”
◆ “Gems!”
✿ "...h-huh?"
No wonder Siffrin hid this! They're a walking Calamity! An entire COUNTRY wiped out overnight?!?!!
✸ “They don’t remember why they did it. But they’ve held that guilt ever since.”
...None of you know how to respond to that. It’s terrifying, thinking little Siffrin is capable of that. Would ever do something like that. But more then that… How that must hurt…
You remember your mother. How when you were younger, you sometimes felt it was your fault they left. You can’t imagine how that must feel for your entire home…
✿ “...But frin wouldn’t hurt anyone now, right?”
✸ “Not willingly, no~ And it would take a LOT to push them past that point!"
You figured not, but it's still a relief to hear.
✸ "Again, over a hundred loops, and only NOW are they even willing to do anything like this, even to the KING! They’d rather just be human… Which gets to the issue we’re dealing with now.”
◉ “O-Oh, right. You said… they were weak, after the king? What happened then?”
✸ “Stardust’s own wish kicked in! I can’t remember quite what it was! It wouldn’t be my place to say even if I did~ But they believe they’d need to be human after this all in order to do it. And because that wasn’t an option, The wish forced Siffrin back, to try again~”
Believe they would? Worth looking into. But you can see how that turned out.
◆ “I see. But since they only ended up like that because of going back so much…”
✸ “You catch on quick, Researcher! For the past two days, Stardust has been in an unending loop of the same two days, slowly starving to death~ We only recently figured out the cause!"
Not a lot of time to test options then.
✸ "And now? ...Stardust is desperate. So their making a last ditch effort to end things.”
▲ “Does it have something to do with the king? Is that why they came here?”
✸ “Correct! The king can stop time, prevent it from going forwards. And potentially, backwards! What would happen if Stardust stole the King’s wish, and shoved it into their own?”
Hm. There’s a certain logic to that. But that sounds tricky.
◉ “Can that even work?!?”
✸ “Maybe! It could also permanently kill them, since their doing it by force! Which I suppose solves it either way~”
What!?!… So that’s what they meant by their final act! They aren’t planning to live through this!... Gems, your head is running a mile a minute, trying to take this all in.
◆ “… This is a lot to take at once. And we barely know you…”
Loops cheerful demeanor gives way to dead seriousness.
✸ “I was based on stardust. I showed you my face. I have a share of their memories. I was sent to help them through this mess, and I’ll happily die to get them out... But I also understand these actions. The alternative is far worse…”
✿ “No it’s not! Nothin would be worse then frin getting themselves killed! That’s dumb!”
You’d like to agree. Issues aside, Siffrin shouldn’t have to die for this.
✸ “You sure? Because if they kept going, eventually there’s only one food source left. Like I said, sadnesses won’t cut it, and there are no animals. Normal food isn’t enough, not unless supplemented with something bigger. Tell me, what do you think that leaves?”
You think. It’s a given it needs to be a living creature, at this point, given what you know of their diet and how meat based it is. But the only things living at this point are…
◆ “… People.”
The others stare at you. Not knowing what to say. You know who would have been on the menu eventually. And the very idea of that...
✸ “...You get the desperation now, don’t you?”
None of you know how to respond to that…
...They’ve been looking at you all this whole time, their body telling them to kill you all. Fighting it every second. Did they never give in?… No. Loop’s implied as much. That they never would.
◆ “… They never did it though, did they? The way you talk about it, they’ve had ample opportunity. Not like we would remember.”
✸ “But They would remember. They’d happily die before that.”
You look over the twisted house… Siffrin is willing to die to protect you from this…
They’ve been fighting themselves to not hurt you for who knows how long…. You would do horrible things for your allies here. But. It seems your not the only one. This twisted horror show that you stand in, it’s always been there, this entire journey. But Siffrin threw themselves through this hell for you all. And kept it all bottled up inside them, so you all would never see.
...If they’ve taken things this far… What can you do at this point?… They understand it far more then you do. And… They’ve already accepted death...
◉ “… We won’t let it come to that.”
You look at Mirabelle.
✿ “Yeah! Frin don’t gotta get hurt for this! T-They aren’t a bad person!”
▲ “Yeah! We aren’t letting anything happen to Sif!”
...Heh. Gems, despite everything... You believe them.
◆ “I daresay we can think of SOMETHING.”
You look at Loop... Hm? Are they… Crying?
✸ “… Stars, I half believe you when you say that... Well then~ First we have to go save them from the king!”
Right. Best pick up the pace! No idea how much time you have left. You start hunting your notes as you move, for any crafts that might help.
You'll get Siffrin out of this! You WILL save them!
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my-pjo-stuff · 2 days
This is mainly a Luke Castellan blog, but also a TA blog… so I’m just going to share my thoughts about how underutilised Chris is because despite Luke being my favourite I find the character Chris could be is fun to think about.
Chris was only claimed after the war, and I don't know if its ever mentioned beforehand that he knew he was Hermes' son since some unclaimed (mainly of minor gods) do seem to know who their parent is without being claimed. But running off the assumption he didn't? He was inside Hermes' cabin the entire time, you'd think the guy would atleast have the decency to claim his kids so they're treated better in his own cabin, like surely his children being treated as guests would atleast be some sort of insult towards him but I guess I expected too much for a guy like him even if the bar was already in hell. He doesn’t even get to move cabins like he’d maybe imagined after being claimed because he’s always been inside his cabin, he just never realised it. Luke, the guy who most likely recruited him to the TA, has been his brother this entire time and he just didn’t know. I wouldn’t blame him if after the war he left camp as fast as possible, if it just wasn’t about leaving camp but leaving behind that cabin that seems to just remind and taunt him of the fact that his father didn’t want to claim him until he was forced to, of the siblings and life he could’ve had.
Also the entire execution of demigods in the titans army, if he knew about it? (Because I think it seems like the gods are keeping it hush-hush? And the other demigods just think they’ve gone into hiding after losing? Looks like it from what I’ve seen anyway but I’m not caught up on the newest books…) Imagine watching people you fought alongside with, most likely were atleast friends with some of them just be slaughtered and know the only reason you’re not right there dying with them is just because you got lucky and decided to switch sides. Because who’d save Chris if he was standing infront of the Olympians as their enemy? Certainly not the guy who forgot or didn’t care enough to claim him. Do you think he ever sometimes wishes that he hadn’t betrayed the TA? Sure, he wouldn’t have changed who won the war, but would it have been better to die for the cause, knowing he atleast pissed off the gods than to have to watch while they don’t even try to change?
Point being I think Chris is a character who has a lot of potential but nothing is done with him and I also think that after the war he (along with all of Hermes’ children tbh) should’ve been allowed to punch his pathetic excuse of a father in the face. (Luke was Hermes’ favourite, his so called pride and joy, and if Hermes treated his favourite child so badly… what does that say about how he treats the rest?)
Not going to lie, considering he was BARELY there for Luke he props was a complete no-show for his kids. As for Chris, I honestly agree. We have nothing on him and his only function really is just "Clarisse loveintrest". Which, ngl- came outta nowhere if we are all honest. Personally, I would like to know why he switched sides in the first place. I mean you can assume it had something to do with going mad and being cured- but it's still relatively little. Chris was with Luke and the TA from the beginning, you'd expect him to hold some sort of grudge. Alas, Rick doesn't like fleshing him out ig T-T
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erika111111 · 2 days
"Fun fact about that line. The line is supposed to imply I don't like either of them because I kind of like you" - Justice Smith about Ryan's "maybe neither" line when Laura asks if she likes Dylan or Kaitlyn more
As a rabid, hardcore Laura x Max shipper, this can't just be ignored. If anyone thinks that fan interpretation is somehow more canon than what the literal actors who studied and portrayed these characters and scenes say about them, then you have a bad case of shipper's delusion. The Quarry definitely did a lot of queer-baiting, both with Ryan and Dylan and Emma and Abi, and that's annoying and harmful, but we need to stop denying that Ryan was just not interested in Dylan. Or Kaitlyn, for that matter.
It's actually annoying to me that Ryan and Dylan have pretty much no fan content individually, especially Ryan, it's all just Rylan. I feel like Rylan overshadows Ryan as an individual character, his character development, and his involvement in the main story with Chris and the entire Hackett family and everything. You know, the Hacketts, the entire focus of this game. Ryan is basically the main character and all people pay attention to is the Rylan ship and it's exhausting and disappointing. I'm not a fan of this ship personally because Ryan is evidently uninterested in Dylan, and Dylan often seems put off or upset with that, so it just seems unhealthy/like it wouldn't work out. And same with Ryan and Kaitlyn. In fact, I didn't even know Kaitlyn liked Ryan for the first couple of playthroughs.
This is also only on Ryan's side, mind you. Although Laura is even more obvious with her flirting toward Ryan, I believe that's because of her infection, same like it was with Nick. I say this especially because there's still an ending you can get where Laura happily reunites with Max. Granted, Ryan is dead in this ending, but I kind of doubt Laura, who was immediately willing to kill both Travis and Chris just to save Max, would dump him for Ryan in a few hours. Laura and Max were already in a relationship, but Ryan and Dylan/Kaitlyn weren't as serious. (Also feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about Laura's feelings for Ryan, if the actors/developers said anything about it as well.)
I'm just tired of people saying stuff like "Laura and Ryan are so brother/sister, Laura and Ryan clearly weren't flirting," because obviously that's not true. Justice Smith said it himself. And by any of this do I mean to say that I like Lyan or think it should've been end game? No, like I said, I'm pro LauraMax, and I'm pretty sure Laura is pro Max herself. I honestly think it was pretty sloppy and rushed writing for Ryan to be so aggressive toward and suspicious of Laura basically up until her eye regenerates, then all of a sudden he seems to have a crush on her. I think the pacing could have been way better, and most of all, I just think they needed more time together for that to even be fleshed out, but they quite literally only had an hour.
Also, as someone who tends to be a fan of extremely hated, unpopular, or non-canon ships myself, this is not a post demanding anybody to not ship Rylan (or if there are Ryan x Kaitlyn shippers out there too). I really don't care what you ship, I only care when you start denying canon. I just don't get all the shipping wars, not just in The Quarry, but in general. I wish people would just acknowledge and accept canon, but still feel free to ship what they wanna ship anyway. No need to tear each other down.
EDIT: The Rylan shippers unfortunately wanted to get on my bad side and prove just how delusional and unnecessarily nasty they really are. In NO WAY does Justice saying "Looking back on that line now, I view it as Ryan is an asexual king" somehow miraculously manage to erase what Justice himself said was the original, canonical meaning given to him by the creators of that line. THAT is Justice's personal interpretation, but he literally said what the true meaning was, and that is that he's interested in Laura. Like it or not (I don't even like it because it's rushed and underdeveloped and I'm a LauraMax shipper to the grave), that's just what that line meant. The fact that Rylan shippers are so obsessed with that ship to the point where they must attack and be obnoxiously rude to anyone who ships Lyan or even MENTIONS it is just so unhealthy and bothersome. It really makes me not want to be a part of this community anymore because logic and canon apparently just gets ignored in favor of a ship that just doesn't and won't happen. I think people are just either misogynistic or have a fetish for gay men, especially seeing as it's literally the same way, only SLIGHTLY less aggressive, for Climbing Class in Until Dawn; most Climbing Class shippers vehemently deny the existence or even the idea of Jossam, and even Chrashley sometimes which is hilarious because it's ALSO literally canon, but whatever. I give up. Cue attacks on me in five...
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shorthaltsjester · 1 year
honestly as someone who has been in various fandoms for a long time now and who also watched campaigns 1 and 2 without really getting into cr fandom it isn’t Shocking but it is annoying how often people will look at the stories that cr tells and make absolute claims about the goodness of characters (goodness here meaning Moral goodness, not I Like This character and think it’s well made goodness, which is a separate post entirely). particularly regarding the gods and pc parents. and honestly like, typically in fandom i get annoyed by people bending over backwards to woobify characters who are active in their choice to be unkind and generally horrible but in the cr fandom it’s tended to be the opposite where like. a character is just. a human being (in the sense of being Average not in the sense of Fantasy Races) and huge swaths of the fandom act like that’s the most unforgivable thing someone can be. and maybe it is, but one of the most powerful things about fiction is that it tends to encourage people to expand their empathy and exercise their ability to forgive. because fictional characters, no matter how much people like to project onto them, tend not to cause anyone harm, so it’s easier to learn how to forgive and accept things you don’t understand without also villainizing them.
this is mostly prompted by the recent 4sd and the fact that matt’s response to what’s up with the dawnfather was a very insistent “He’s not bad!” and also seeing the online reaction to the mention that the matron would punish vax for saving keyleth that has taken the as usual completely bonkers tune that the raven queen (Who When Met With A Brother Asking A God To Kill Him In Favour Of His Sister, Gave Him A Job, and Later Extended His Natural Life To Help Protect The World And Have More Time With His Family And Allowed Him To Visit His Sister On Her Wedding Day) is a horrible evil abusive bitch of a god. like. can we grow up? can we understand the world and fiction that represents the multitudes of experiences found in it in shades of grey? is that too much to ask (i know it is).
but also specifically the like Extremely Adamant way that both matt and laura were like no no no no relvin isn’t Horirble he’s average. he’s not good he’s just. he’s A father, not a good or bad one. and on the surface it’s hilarious that they’re both so like. enthused to point out that he’s Average because typically when people respond to a claim of a characters badness with the level of immediacy they both did it’s a rebuttal of “no, this character is good actually.” but it was just to affirm that relvin did harm imogen, but not because there’s some aspect of his character that is inherently cruel or especially Bad. and like. yeah actually. yeah you should react like that to a claim that this average person who Has hurt someone, the way that nearly every single person has hurt someone in a way they cannot repair, with immediacy to say this person is a Person and thus imperfect and capable of great harm, but that isn’t some all encompassing judgment on their morality or capability to also do good or be fine.
anyway this is kinda just a rant post but also is just me saying i’m very grateful that when surrounded by a fandom that tends to paint characters as Good or Bad and even while using a game that can encourage that with its alignment system, cr has always told stories that see goodness as a persistent choice that might sometimes falter and that can be chosen even after a lifetime of Badness. i can’t remember exactly what the quote was so forgive me if it’s incorrect but when jester is talking to caleb after he claims he’s not a very good person and she says “good people do bad things sometimes. even bad people do good things.” that’s it! that’s one of the most consistent themes across campaigns. and yet.
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cosmicterrorthe8th · 7 months
Another Grant headcanon:
I think he wrote love notes when in relationships, and he went all out with like making the paper scented and stuff. But like he had no good perfume so he ended up using his horrible body spray. So like the lucky boyfriend would like find a paper reeking of the body spray like every once in a while.
Also I think he was someone who fell deep into romance because having a crush and feeling butterflies in his stomach was better than numbness. So he would pursue every crush even if he knew it would not end well because of the thrill of it. I think this sucked but I think he atleast felt like this is a normal way for life to suck.
#honestly I was thinking he continued the note thing with marco in college maybe?#and now marco likes the smell of the body spray even if grant found better perfumes cuz nostalgia#i think i am in my own la dee da world after this episode#where I think if willy takes a break from torturing the parents they should form a circle and become bffs#they should form a circle#toast to rebecca#and then just talk shit idk#i think they would be very funny as a group after they are done grieving#like cassandra would be like how could I have dated such a loser#he literally kidnapped like four of my exs ex friends and put collars on them when we were dating#and they would be like no its not your fault he is that manipulative#and then one of them would talk about their ex to comfort her#and then somwhow it would come out that willy is like the age of their grandparents#and cassandra would be like why did this senior citizen get me so bad#he told me to make him a sandwich and I#a multimillionaire made him a sndwich#this will probably never happen in canon#dndads#grant wilson#dungeons and daddies#the tags are their own seperate post at this point#dndads s2#looking back on this(tags)#all the spouses knew willy as a nice guy who saved them#rebecca was the only one who suspected him so thats why he killed her#they must be feeling so duped getting tortured except for marco who saw him kill a man#cassandra has been feeling duped since heaven#this is killing me all of them are having conversations in my head now the comedy and the pain is killing me mostly the comedy#marco li wilson#grant li wilson
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alluralater · 3 months
super long rant incoming:
the joegoldbergification is super weird. like please please if you’re obsessed with me to an unhealthy and dangerous degree, just keep it to yourself. just don’t tell me, please. the amount of times someone has gotten like this with me and escalated things when i��ve told them to stop is seriously wild. and like wtf is this about saying how you didn’t want to have parasocial interactions like hello?? is my existence a performance to you? am i content created to be fed and consumed by you? and why WHY would you ever think it’s alright to take my kindness as an avenue to then start talking shit about femmes you had falling outs with?? what do you gain from that? certainly not respect from me and that’s why i called you out repeatedly on that shit. so so fucking weird. do you think you gain my pity or my sympathy?? you’re not a beaten dog so please stop. like oh my god the dog metaphor makes me wanna slam my head into a wall. like as someone who has literally been forced to watch animal cruelty take place, shut the fuck up. shut the hell up. your relationship ended and now you wanna demonize people and rewrite history thinking that if certain people don’t know the full story that they’ll just believe you. legitimately how the fuck and why the fuck would i do that when you position yourself as a blameless victim?? it’s so weird and odd. and on top of aaaaaall of that, to obsessively text me and try to like corral me into a corner and say all of this weird stuff like as if you’re spiraling about me when we’d only texted for three days (two of which i wasn’t even responding to you for) is seriously bonkers. like seriously thank fuck something told me not to sext you because i just know things would have gotten awful. it’s not normal and it’s not okay and it’s not healthy. please stop idolizing me. i’m just a person and i am no more interesting than the next person. your obsession is not my responsibility! to try and manipulate me with the way you talk about your ex is super super weird. like extremely weird. i have a mind of my own?? hello?? i make my own judgments myself and i use intuition for a great deal of that. took me all of five seconds after blocking you to check the femme discord and see that i should have already done so but i haven’t because i’ve been busy with family emergencies for like two months. very uncool. very weird, very strange behavior. not my job, not my problem. i am not all of these weird deified titles you like to call me. i don’t have to be ‘omnipotent’ to know that you are trying to bury her and scream your lungs out into the fucking grave as if she deserves it. god i fucking hate when people do this shit. like can toxic mutuals maybe just instead leave me alone?? ‘why are you mutuals with them if they’re toxic” BECAUSE I DIDNT KNOW AND I HAVENT BEEN ABLE TO BE SOCIAL AND FIND OUT UNTIL NOW. like fuck dude i hate it here sometimes. if you’re just haha obsessed with me, GREAT. but please don’t start dumping all this weird shit about how i *make* you feel when im not doing anything and i’ve stated that im not encouraging anything and ive communicated that’s a you thing. i literally told you to focus on yourself and stop talking shit about her and you just kept doing it. the whole obsessed with me thing can be what it is, at this point it’s so normal irl and on here that i’m too exhausted to try and do it all, but the decision to keep going and keep talking shit about her and demonizing them and making yourself a blameless victim is fucking gross and no i actually won’t just sit there and listen to it in exchange for your attention or some weird shit like that. i find it super super weird your constant asking of me to tell you what i think about you and what i think about ANYTHING and everything about you. what the actual fuck?? and then to be like ‘i want to take accountability’ after i’ve already told you everything you’re doing wrong and locked my boundaries and said how uncomfortable i am?? that’s hilarious. anyways ugh okay that’s it bye
#literally come into my dms and take advantage of the fact that i haven’t been able to be social with any of my tumblr femme mutuals#like?? i literally thought ya’ll were still together and you switched up SO fast being fucked up to her. i was literally sick and why would#be responding to a million (maybe like 2-300) messages from you per day + 20 minute voice notes when i was legit rotting and dying and i#said that already but you still chose to make it about you for some reason??? red flags ALL over the place. and all of my posts which you#somehow decided to also make about you even though NONE of them were about you??#i was trying to be chill and see if you would balance out with the obsession but it just kept getting worse and worse and worse AND you kep#talking shit about them. you just couldn’t stop yourself. so yeah— fuck you for all of that bc i know they don’t deserve it.#the fact that im a kind person might make me look easy to manipulate to you but let it be known that i have great boundaries and im quite#capable of making my own decisions and making my own judgments about what the fuck is going on. god i should have just went to the server t#see in the first place. i should have just done that. by the time we were texting a bunch though i was like no im not gonna go check becaus#now it would be an invasion of privacy + nothing awful is being said so i suppose i don’t need to. fucking egg on my face lmfao. so stupid.#i should have checked and then blocked you. the fact that you were able to do all that in just a matter of days in our dms is like honestly#super wild to me. like??? maybe it’s because i was sick but it all felt so much longer. very uncool. super uncool. blocked as fuck.#ugh okay. that’s all i will be saying about that and now i’m done. 100% going to be very wary of mutuals i don’t talk to that come into my#dms. like next time you better bet im doing my research. my trust is fried.
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lameow-l · 11 months
so wait… furina is the name of the archon role that “furina” had to play
wouldn’t make more sense narrative wise to give her a name of her own?? like scara gets his own epic chapter about him ridding himself of his past and adopting a new name then proceed to ignore said name in favor of “hat guy” but the actress playing “furina” doesn’t get to be known for her own name?
like people of fontain (partly maybe) know the truth so why not let her free? let her enjoy the simple human life she so so longed for? even the other furina wouldn’t want this
#i think her story is a better use of the (give character name) mechanic that wasn’t really needed in scara’s arc imo#like yeah it’s cool and all but we literally saw him throw the actual physical manifestation of his past into the fucking void!!!#i personally think it was kind of wasted on him on top of me thinking that idea was entirely stupid to begin with and hyv keeps proving tha#no one actually refers to him as wanderer or by the name they choose online.. its just scara#thats both bad marketing and confusing burying the character away from new players#and like the amount of shit u have to go through as a new player just to name ur weird huge hat angry little dude is just..#but imagine how impactful such a mechanic would be for ‘furina’ who spent all her live acting a role she wasn’t#at the end of all that agony do u think she could endure hearing people call her by that name??#unlike scara she did that for the people every moment of those 500 years knowing that the fate of every person is mere a breakdown away#there was nothing in that for her or for a reward she thought deserved.. just suffering on her own#it just makes more sense for her to want a different name a different identity that has nothing to do with that role#and again i think that mechanic is stupid anyway but if it had to happen i’d loved it more with ‘furina’#or idk give her like a clueless friend she gets to meet that keeps calling her a different name for reasons and her liking the name or smth#maybe give her a different role she gets to play.. or have neuvillette give her a name#same with scara i think it would have been a lot better if he went by a name he choose when all his previous names were chosen for him#i dont see how the entirety of genshin writers and devs agreed to this mechanic being implemented honestly#like traveler is literally there waiting for a single soul to address them by their actual name (the one we choose) but every time it’s jus#traveler traveler.. even their most beloved companion calls them traveler#like that alone should've changed the writers minds bc such a name would 1. either not ever be used or replaced by a nickname#2. the hell devs had to go through to not allow certain phrases and names and 3. the hell both teams will suffer should they add a new char#tl;dr stupid dumb mechanic but they should still give furina a new name#genshin impact#furina#fontaine archon quest#scaramouche
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seaofreverie · 8 days
So busy with Sparkstember that I almost forgot that I go back to school on tuesday
#honestly maybe it's better this way. i'd rather just not care at all rather than be super stressed about it#just like i've been doing with every little thing for most of my life#might have missed the date when we were supposed to choose our elective courses. well whatever Lol#and i still don't even know what my schedule is or what classes i have this semester oopsie#well the university itself doesn't seem particularly pressed about giving us the schedule either#but i'd probably better still read up on the classes at least before they start#i don't have high hopes for this year just like with the last. probably should just stop pretending that i still want to study anything atp#this wasn't even my first choice of a course bcs i had to prepare for that damn exam to be accepted for my preffered one#but i couldn't be bothered to study for it again which probably should have told me enough abt whether going into this again is a good idea#i'm so tired just thinking about it but i know that actually looking for a job and then having a job will be a thousand times worse so uh#but at least i'd have my own money and start doing something ughhhh. useful maybe. who knows what it will be though#i have no ideaaaaaa. but this feels like just putting off the inevitable. like at some point i need to get my shit together#i will probably report at the end of the next week about how i'm so done already#i don't really knowwww mannnnnm. i don't feel like i had any vacation at all even though 3 months have already passed#and i also sort of didn't prepare something relatively easy to do that would have given me an actual document#that would confirm that i actually finished that part-time school thing last semester#can't really be bothered to come back to it at this point though#well at least i learned something actually useful and interesting from that and that's enough for me tbh#and a lot of it is also relevant to my current area of interest (digital drawing and computer graphics in general)#well speaking of which i'd better just get back to drawing now lol. just one more left to finish!!!#in short i guess that my new way of dealing with stress is just ignoring it all#well it's worked in some way at least so it can't be an entirely bad thing lol#goosepost
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forcedhesitation · 5 months
Tumblr media
oh? something mizora said actually being worth listening to??
this is an interesting bit of foreshadowing to ansur being dead/wyll being the true "heart of the gate!"
#bg3#thoughts about media#I have to wonder if they considered draconic sorcerer wyll at all...#I don't believe there are really any stipulations for how a draconic sorcerer obtains their power from the dragon.#maybe they DID consider it- but decided against it because they didn't think/didn't have time to make it so that wyll would-#-automatically be the one chosen to speak to ansur were he in the party. that would have been a cool potential path for him honestly!#like if he was in your party- he would get auto-selected to speak to ansur and if you chose certain dialogue options-#-he could gain the powers of a sorcerer! it would work well to build upon the twist in his fairy tale-like story!#is it because of the bad reputation sorcerers have? or because mizora is technically classified as one?#or maybe it's because they didn't want to have wyll and the durge to BOTH be sorcerers. since they're both origins...?#idk. I'm kind of the opinion that durge is somewhat...overrated. I'd rather wyll get the fancy magical dragon powers.#I feel like they should have just...not added durge as a character and focused on REALLY polishing the 6 main origin companions.#because even with a character like star. who has a lot of material-- the writing feels...directionless? at certain points?#in a better world. we would have 6 main characters with more cohesive stories of relatively equal length and complexity.#in a better world. wyll would be treated as THE main of the main characters that he is. he and lae'zel.#they are like the CORE of the story imo.
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mothram · 11 months
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dredshirtroberts · 9 months
feeling a lot more stable about everything, i decided to forego keeping a bandaid on because my fucking skin cannot take the adhesives for that long omg itches so bad around them
I have a plan in place to replace the bandaids should i require not needing to see my elbow again about it, but i also wanted to see for myself how bad it was.
BOY HOWDY do I bruise purty. That shit is dark where it's not already going greenyellow. looks like I put a sharpie in a chokehold and barely managed to wrangle it into submission like damn.
#i am probably going to have us put on a replacement bandage over the bruising because it's honestly yeah a little distressing to see#but i no longer feel like it's going to explode open and spurt blood everywhere if i'm not careful and that's important#this would be easier if we were like one solid continuous consciousness but unfortunately we're not#and for anyone who wasn't there during the cause of the Visible Injury having a visible injury suddenly be a lot worse#than what you were anticipating based on what the last person who looked at it remembers (let alone was just expecting in general)#(because lets face it i've not bruised this badly after a poke before. i think the closest was the IV for sedation before i got my#wisdom teeth taken out) and if you're maybe significantly younger than most of the rest of the soup in the bowl at the time it can y'know#freak a guy out a little which is what happened yesterday/last night#i'm glad i'm not navigating this without the context of being several opossums in a trenchcoat because that would be i think even more#distressing than it already has been. it keeps embarrassment for uncharacteristic freakouts to a minimum at least#gonna try and let it breathe for a bit and just kind of chill out with the elbow exposed a little to hopefully help#both with like acclimation to the sight and also maybe the cool air will help it feel better.#but also like i just cannot do that much bandage adhesive on my skin for that long it is so itchy around where i was wearing them augh#doesn't help my upper arm where my vaccines went look like i got bit by the worlds largest skeeter like damn#miecz posting#garrett posting
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timeisacephalopod · 1 year
I saw a post the other day that kinda pushed back on the way all coming of age movies are about sexuality and all high school stories basically center around who wants to fuck who and how that's like. Not really all coming of age and high school stories should offer since you know. Youth isn't about who you have a crush on and probably coming of age stories in particular should be far more diverse in subject matter than they are.
Honestly as someone who, when I was 'coming of age' age, hated coming of age stories and still do for the exact reason listed above (see the weird scene in It where we all sexualize a 13 year old girl because boys have crushes and surely there's no other way to portray this than feeling a child up with a camera to demonstrate boys have ~feelings~ Bev gets no equivalent scene because she's the object of affection rather than the subject feeling desire) I also wish there was diversity in those stories. And coming of age stories about adults- we don't stop going through huge life moments that change everything forever, but back to kids. When I was a kid I could have desperately used a coming of age story where the character has a sick and dying parent who does die by the end of the story and what happens after that. Granted I did just fine without it, but even without being asexual it's always irked me that coming of age stories don't seem to appreciate that kids have way larger problems and way better stories to tell then first crushes and first kisses for shit sake give kids who went through what I did as a kid some kind of story about what happens when your parent gets cancer and how complicated that is and stop assuming the biggest thing that happens around puberty is discovering sexuality that, if you were queer, you probably already noticed what you felt wasn't in a coming of age story anyway.
#winters ramblings#id actually LOVE to see a coming of age story about an immigrant child moving to a new country#and have the coming of age center around THAT instead of these bizarre vaguely adult explorations of sexuality#that honestly ive never related to anyway like maybe the allos get it but even THEY deserve more diversity in stories#SURELY even your local allos have a dad dying of cancer they desperately need to know what to do with#like deadass a therapist told me at 26 i was robbed as a child because of what i went through and i STILL cry when i think of that#but no coming of age is all sex shit because children according to adults dont have real issues#which tells me adukts writing the stories are MASSIVELY privileged or stunted by execs or straight up assune kids wont watch#a REAL coming of age story. also i want a coming of age story about a 40 year old who is going through a career change#and the struggles that come with late career change. the benefits of a late career change. all the complicated family goo around all this#just give me decent stories that arent too focused on fycking RELATIONSHIPS for once. have them there sure i dont care#but for FUCK sakes can we stop pretending a 13 year olds biggest concern us who they have a crush on??#my dad was DEAD and i knew only one other person who lost her mom way younger than me at 8#we did not understand each other and how could we when our situations were so different. BOTH of us were so highly alienated#because NO ONE not even each other could relate to a lot if the people around us. the only thing we DID have in common#was the sick feeling we got when someone would bitch about their parents having fair expectations or not giving them literally everything#we both had an 'at least you HAVE parents to hokd you to reasonable standards and all you do is SQUANDER it' even if our feelings werent#faur to our peers anymore than their feelings were fair to us. wheres the coming of age story about THAT#tell me a story about a 16 year old whos mom has been dead HALF her life already like my friend. i was lucky enough not to deal with that#until i was 24. she deserved better out if high school and coming of age stories too. believe it or not kids have REAL lives and problems#and im SO tired of no one writing anything but some sad kids books about it even if the books are SOMETHING to start with#like for shit sakes must NICEthat the worst thing YOU went through was realizing you had a sexuality but my queer ass#ALWAYS knew i was different and highschool highlighted that a BUNCH so unless we're exploring aroace teens that doesnt appeal either#great yet ANOTHER story about straight teenagers because THEYRE the ones who need guidance on how to express themselves#like they dont see strsight people storoes and sexuality EVERYWHERE plus the ACTUAL opportunity to date in high school#that most queer kids dont get or dont get in the same way. why is THAT the only story being told when its the most saturated and BORING#and also ignores that kids have REAL issues and NO angency. explore THAT. do ANYTHING but yet another fucking coming of age story#about straight kids having crushes on each other and thats IT like come on SERIOUSLY
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melonpond · 3 months
I think it should be absolutely mandatory that people work at least a month in a blue collar job and take time to learn about their coworkers before making a statement about blue collar work. I simply think it would fix so many things.
#melon rambles#my father (who makes over 100k a year in his comfy computer job where he can work from home and honestly doesn't even do that much technica#stuff and works less than 40 hours a week) talked about the horrible overtime requirements of the factory I work at#as 'well that's what you get. You just take that job for a bit until a better job comes around'#and it's like. This IS the 'better job' for most people I work with!#Like we live in a small town with maybe 30 companies total that anyone could work at#one of my friends has lived in this town for over a decade and almost exhausted his job options here#because there's only one company in this area that could use his degree but they said he doesn't have enough experience so they refuse to#hire him. Meanwhile he's got a family and bills to pay so he picks up a customer service job and guess what? It sucks#He's worked like at least 10 jobs here and about half of them have had such deep issues (horrible labor law violations. Incompetent manager#who yell at people and cut hours willy billy. Safety issues. You name it)#and now he's trying to find a 'better job' but all of the jobs he can get are bad. And the only good job refuses him for a stupid reason#and that's how it is for a lot of people! Some of my coworkers are 60-70 year olds who can't retire#they've been working blue collar jobs their entire lives and this factory was the most bearable one with good enough pay#it drives me crazy that my father thinks anyone can just somehow work their way up to a job they enjoy#when a lot of people just never get that perfect opportunity#and it also infuriates me how companies can decide to just screw over workers with something like mandated 50+ hour work weeks#and some people can't leave because it's the only job they can get that pays enough to feed their kids#and tangentially related point: blue collar workers are the absolute backbone of society#where would we be without janitors? Construction workers? Factory people? Anything customer service? Maintenence or repair people?#they literally run everything but get treated like absolute crap by companies or looked down upon#it just aaaaaaghhhhhhhggggghhhhhhh#I wish we lived in a world where manual labor jobs were just another career path you could choose of many#and they were deemed respectable honored jobs by everyone#and they were given good pay and good management and working conditions#because honestly from the jobs I've worked. I've actually enjoyed the job itself to some degree#but there were just so many bad management things that made me just dread going in every day.
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fingertipsmp3 · 6 months
Full disclosure I do not care if someone copies me. I quite literally do not give a shit. Maybe it’s just because I’m 28 and getting mad about someone “copying” you is high school shit, maybe it’s genuinely not a big deal, I don’t know. I could run into someone who’s wearing the same thing, head to toe, that I am and I would neither notice nor care
#this post brought to you by my friend…. apologising for buying the same model of fitbit that i have?????????#like excuse me but what in the goddamn hell are you talking about#we are BOTH 28 years old. we have not just been beamed back to secondary school#even if we had; i doubt i would’ve given a shit THEN??#it’s a fucking fitbit. it’s not like you’ve tried to xerox my entire style. and even if you did i would not care#frankly if someone walked into this room wearing the exact same thing i’m wearing (grey cardigan bought at tesco ten years ago; dark blue#long sleeved t-shirt; fitbit; light grey sweatpants from the university i was at during 3rd year; brown socks; grey slippers)#my first thought would not be ‘omg they’ve copied me!’ it would be ‘they look comfortable’. or maybe ‘honestly they could do better’#maybe this is just because i got bullied for accidentally copying someone in secondary school (read: there were about 3 shops near us that#sold supplies; and they had very little in the way of choice so i COMPLETELY COINCIDENTALLY bought the same ballet shoes; pencil case#and tote bag that she already had)#but i get kind of violent when people either apologise for copying someone’s style/haircut/etc; or get mad that someone has done that#to them. like half the time it’s literally not intentional#i mean i can see it getting to be way too much but like#I DON’T CARE IF YOU OWN THE SAME FITBIT AS ME. in fact buy it#good christ i wish i’d bought this thing before i went through two terrible offbrand smartwatches that beeped at me while i was trying#to sleep and had ugly ass interfaces#personal
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arolesbianism · 6 months
Y'know there already is such a nonexistent market for oni art in general so the fact that I wanna draw more au art is killing me. Like I draw for fun and don't need notes to be happy with a piece but also I need ppl to view my art and be curious and ask questions because while I may not desperately need approval I do desperately need excuses to gush abt the things I like
#rat rambles#oni posting#Im thinking abt the rabbit au clones again#in particular the two main nails clones I love them sm theyre so silly#we have guy shaking and crying while internally actually being rly relieved and guy smiling and laughing while being plagued by the Horrors#I should probably give them nicknames but idk what would work best#but yeah the older one is the one whos chip got damaged and is stuck pumping them full of stimulants and hasnt slept in 3 months#and the younger one has been spending the past three months spending day and night at gravitas working their ass off#it wasnt until they got hit by a rly intense wave of fatigue that they were finally pushed into actually going home to rest#at which point the older one was like yo whats up I didnt expect that to actually work lol#things are initially very chaotic after that since younger nails just found out a Lot and older nails didnt rly have a plan for this#they were basically just finishing up a project a past nails clone started since they had nothing better to do#at first it was because they were hoping it could maybe disable their own malfunctioning chip but as the days turned into weeks they#swiftly realized that even if it could disable their chip its probably already far too late for that to save them#and even if the months of no sleep didnt basically instantly take them out there would still be a half broken neural chip in their brain#which likely already had caused complications that they just havent noticed because of the everything else going on#so while they still finished up the project it became a much more half hearted ordeal that they honestly werent expecting to work#but evidently it did leading to the awkward experience of explaining to someone that they're a clone#younger nails hadnt necessarily suspected anything to that degree but they had noticed that smth was off#which is part of the reason they spent so much time working in an attempt to ignore it#so the revelation actually helped somw things click into place and while it wasnt good news by any means it was kind of a relief in a way#not in the sense that now they are in active danger of dying at any time but yknow#they both die eventually ofc but yknow at least they get to be povs of sorts#I mean not much they could do to do anything abt their situation even if one of them wasnt basically doomed to slowly die already
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