#and her for never missing an opportunity to drag him lol
turvi · 1 year
Helloooooooo! I saw your clingy Severus fic, and absolutely loved it so muchhhhhhh!
If possible, could I request something a bit like the opposite? I would love to see Severus with an s/o who’s BEYOND cuddly, and will kind of just find him between classes (or whenever they can rlly) and just cling to him like a needy cat XD.
They won’t do it if he’s not comfy with it, but I could also see Sev melting if s/o would just cuddle up to him even if people are around lol
Ahh, thank you so much for this request. I am glad you loved the fic. I hope you enjoy it.
Severus was returning back to his office for the lunch break. The students make way for the potions master. His ominous presence scares all the living souls present in Hogwarts. All except one.
His wife.
She waits in his office preparing tea for him. As soon as he enters his office the smell of cinnamon and tea fills his senses. He never liked the strong smell of spices. But he never even told his wife either. He wondered why. He would always look for opportunities to ridicule or critique people. But he could never do that to his Y/n.
His sweet Y/n. She is an angel really. But Godric it feels like she keeps making an excuse just to cling to him. But he doesn't hate it. No. Even though he doesn't show it he accepts the warmth Y/n has for him. He has been cold and lonely without her.
She feels like the spring that comes after a harsh cold. The kind of spring that mother earth celebrates. The kind of spring that brings out life.
As if on cue Y/n turns back and smiles brightly at his sight. He thinks she might be the only one who is this happy to see him. And he is thankful. And as expected before Severus could even greet her she took him in her arms.
Even after being together for Godric knows how long (because it feels like he has known her for his whole life), his heart still flutters when she holds him like this. He can only pat her back. And she gets it. It's his way of saying he loves her. He loves how she gets he is still not used to this type of affection.
As she busies herself in making tea for him again he remembers how she had unexpectedly shown up in his life. So full of love and life. He previously hated how bright she is. How she could find the good in the bad. Heck, she found something great in him hence she decided to spend her life with him.
He remembers how he would be annoyed at how clingy she is. How he would grumble and groan when she would hug him tightly. How he would frown and tell her she is constricting his breathing. But he wouldn't admit how he would look up at his office door every time it would open, expecting her. How it would break his heart to find it was someone else and not her. When she got sick and had taken leave for a few days..he missed the feeling..he craved it. How when he finally saw her he had to control himself from taking her into his arms then and there.
Like usual she put his tea on the coffee table and took a seat right beside him, nuzzling her nose in his neck. He shivered when he felt her breath against his skin and surprisingly his hands as if they had their own mind dragged her closer to him.
He didn't even pay attention to the tea sitting on his coffee table despite its strong smell. His onyx eyes focused on her. The sunlight seemed to have been glowing brighter as it hit her skin. He was almost afraid to touch her even though he had ravished her last night. He was afraid his touch would ruin something so beautiful like her.
He looked into her eyes. They always looked soft and kind. His touch is featherlight on her cheeks. She leaned into his touch even though it was light. His heart raced as she leaned into him, her eyes asking for permission.
He knew he couldn't love her anymore. His eyes teared up watching her still being respectful of his boundaries as if he will say no and she will still love him as much as she did on the day she met him.
He met her halfway and kissed her passionately. Y/n was surprised when she felt his arms tightening around her waist. She smiled at him as they broke from their kiss. He was slowly but surely accepting the kind of love she had for him.
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kankuroplease · 5 months
are you going to make a Hc for all of Wolfgang's children???👀👁️👄👁️ I love it, ma'am, thank you very much! to make Hcs 😭 sniff* can you make a Hc for the little pirate Arashi, he's the baby of the family like his mother 😆 '' I like his little pirate mustache and Captain Hook look.🏴‍☠️
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Who knows lol but Arashi is how he looks
His parents were seasoned vets by the time he popped out
So he was relatively easy to handle even though he was a bit hyper compared to the others
He spent most of his childhood trying to keep up with his older siblings and matured rather quickly because if it
He even thought he’d hit a growth spurt like Asahi did, but that never happened
He’s the shortest of the boys in his family and roughly about the same height as his mother
No one really missed with him because everyone knew his older siblings were very protective of him and they (and their ninken) didn’t necessarily believe in fair fights
So it was smooth sailing for him
He told his dad most of his secrets
And he told his mother all of his secrets (she knew about his first boyfriend before anyone else)
Asahi was always dark and mysterious, so Arashi didn’t even noticed when he moved out
He didn’t get much time with Kuri as she got married and moved out while he was still young
Frederick always let him get away with everything because he refused to act as a parental figure when he wasn’t
Leonie let him play with her paints as long as he didn’t touch the works she was working on or had completed
Mika taught him how to swim
Sena taught him how to successfully hide things in places others wouldn’t think of
He got bored of the mundane things that filled his day while Asahi, Frederick, and Sena would be out exploring the world
So he hoped onto the first ship he could to do the same
But as luck would have it, that ship got ship wrecked and he was stranded on an island for a fortnight before getting rescued and taken to a port that was a pirate’s paradise
That’s where he joined a crew and fell in love the dangers and highs of being a pirate
No rules (well some rules) and the open salty sea was great
He learned to appreciate how his life was and even met his soulmate
A beautiful man from an island he never heard of
Rudest man he had ever met but also one of the kindest pirates around
Who also just so happened to be the captains son
He would risk being captured freeing other pirates whenever the opportunity arised
There was never a dull moment
They sailed for years, but eventually, Arashi got a bit homesick
He was also fairly certain his then husband was over the whole sea shanty deal
But they couldn’t go to his husbands home town because his father would almost certainly drag him back on the ship if he found them
So settling down in Arashi’s hometown was a good idea
He was a bit nervous to introduce his family to his husband as he never discussed his sexuality
It was a relief when all his siblings and parents welcomed them both with open arms even after all these years
And even more of a relief that his husband loved this village
They set to building a home while camping out under the stars (they passed on stay with Wolfgang and Ringo)
And worked as farmers during the day
He really wouldn’t change anything (accept for having to yank his husband’s wanted pictures off of walls lol s when they do manage to travel)
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garbinge · 2 years
Riding With Angels
Jax Teller x F!Reader
Request by: @justreblogginfics​ Scenario #1 Decorating the tree Dialogue #4: "I know we said no presents this year but..."
A/N: Okay so I’m either 2 months late for a holiday fic OR 10 months early... you decide lol. If you know me, you know I can’t write anything without making it angsty. This can be read as a standalone but is meant to be a continuation of Home. Thank you for submitting this... I had a really great time brainstorming this up and writing it!!!
Word Count: 4.1k words
Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Cursing, angst, mentions of death, car/motorcycle accidents. Canon-level angst. 
SOA Taglist: @drabbles-mc (happy to add anyone to any future SOA fics!)
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The atmosphere had everything going for it to be the perfect holiday evening. There was Christmas music playing lightly in the background, the kids and you had baked cookies and attempted to make gingerbread houses during the day. You had started to hang up some string lights throughout the windows in the house, but currently you were staring at the tree. Abel was dancing around the fake pine roping tinsel around it as Thomas was picking through the storage bin of Christmas items with likely no thoughts but what would taste good. It was a picture perfect moment, but you couldn’t help but miss Jax. You hoped the kids didn’t feel the absence of their father as much as you did but unfortunately that wasn’t the case. A little hand tugged at your shirt, the motion caused you to shake yourself from your thoughts and look down at Abel. 
“When’s daddy coming home?” 
The question left a weight on you. Your eyes moved over to the clock that sat above the entryway table. 8:17PM. It was technically still early, you thought, even though you knew you were kidding yourself. You always found yourself in this position, waiting on Jax. You were brought back to reality when the doorbell rang. 
“Daddy will hopefully be home soon, baby.” You picked him up to offer a little bit of comfort to the kid before making your way to the door. 
“Is that him?” Abel said as the doorknob turned. Gemma appeared through the door with her keys in hand. “Grandma!” he called out and wiggled out of your grip. 
Gemma hugged the boy as he collided with her while you went to grab Thomas to say hello. 
“Sorry to drop by unexpectedly,” Gemma said as she made her way to the living room. 
“Are you?” You subtly snapped. 
Gemma looked at you with annoyance and a little shock in her eyes. It wasn’t like you to act like that, while you had your opinions on Gemma, especially after reading John Teller’s manuscript, you never showed your cards to her. It honestly had nothing to do with being scared of her, which is what Gemma probably thought, it had to do with the kids, with Jax, the family you built together and the plans you and Jax had for the future, not showing your true thoughts and feelings was for that reason only. And even with all of that in mind, you did love the woman, just not her choices in life. But at this moment, you were taking out your anger on Jax and the club on Gemma. 
You quickly responded “I’m sorry, I’m in a mood.” 
“Rare for you.” The statement usually would have been sarcastic out of the older woman’s mouth but she meant it, because you always were able to put on a face. Before you could continue to talk, Abel was dragging both you and Gemma into the living room begging for you to help with the tree decorating. 
Your eyes were focused on the dish in front of you. It was sparkling clean but you were scrubbing furiously as a way to get your frustration out. The kids were in the living room still with Gemma, you weren’t sure if they were still decorating the tree or had moved on to something else, but as long as Gemma had them under her supervision, your mind couldn’t bring itself to focus on that. You took the opportunity to be by yourself and be upset, you didn’t like showing that to the kids, between that and everything with Gemma you felt like there were rare and few times in between that you could be your true self. If anything, Jax was really the only person you were your true self with and with him being MIA more often than not these days made you feel like you were losing a part of yourself. Which is why you were taking it out on the dishes. You hated the fact you were losing yourself over a boy. And yes, you understood it was deeper than that. It wasn’t just a boy. It was your family. But nothing took the sting of that away. 
“Looks pretty clean to me.” Gemma’s voice sounded from behind you.
You took a large sigh and looked back at her over your shoulder. “Where are the kids?”
“Playing in the living room, Abel wanted to wait till Jax came home to finish the tree.” Gemma said, leaning against the counter with her arms crossed. 
You mumbled under your breath, something that Gemma didn’t hear but she definitely understood what was happening.
“You gonna keep sulking or tell me what’s on that pretty lil mind of yours.”
You kept your mouth shut and moved back to a different dish in the sink, you weren’t going to entertain her on this because she wasn’t approaching the situation from a place with care, she was being nosy. 
“You know that ring on your finger doesn’t change anything.” 
And apparently now she was being mean. You stopped dead in your tracks, your eyes moved down to your left hand where the silver engagement band glistened under the running water. 
“It’s the same Jax. Same club. Same ways of working. There’s gonna be late nights, sweetheart, that’s why you’re here, for the kids, for the house, you keep the foundation solid and they bring the money home for you to keep things solid. The ring doesn’t change that, if anything it makes it more prevalent.”
Boiling. Your blood was boiling. Now your thoughts of losing yourself were being taunted by the thought of being just a housewife, just someone’s old lady. 
Gemma might have been right in her time, even if the irony of the fact that she had never been one to sit on the sidelines, she might as well be patched with the sway she had on the men in the club, Jax included. 
“You realize you’re lecturing me because I’m upset Jax wasn’t here to decorate the tree with his kids.”  You turned to her, you started out the night giving her attitude and you weren’t going to stop now. “You talk about keeping this solid,” you waved your hands around the room, “how do I do that when my kids are asking about Jax all day long?”
“Your kids?” Gemma smiled.
You turned around again back to facing the sink and shook your head. “Why do you start these conversations when you just want to argue, your goal in this is to just come out on top. Those ARE my kids, Gemma. I feed them, I spend my days with them, my nights with them, I placed them in the best schools, best daycares, they call me mom for fucks sake.”
Gemma walked over to you, in a Teller attempt to apologize and clarify herself. 
“Those ARE your kids.” She said, “It’s just shocking to hear you say it.” 
“Shocking?” you turned realizing now, how close she was to you. 
“You’re very hard to read, you know.” She cocked an eyebrow up. 
That made you laugh, “I know what you’re saying, about keeping things solid, but you out of all people should know that it's different when they’re at the position they’re in. I’m not just a Son’s old lady. I’m the VPs old lady. I’m Jax Teller’s old lady.” 
“You aren’t just marrying the man, baby. You’re marrying the club.” 
Those words weighed heavy on you. You weren’t marrying the club. You and Jax had long conversations about leaving the club which is why you were feeling how you felt. Everything felt backwards, he was spending long nights doing club things, it seemed like he was getting deeper in the club when he was promising you that he was getting out. But in Gemma’s eyes that was fact so you quickly flipped a switch. 
“You’re right, sorry Gem. Just the holidays and stuff make it harder, you know.” You shrugged and dried your hands off. 
“C’mon, let’s get back to the boys.” Gemma tried to move past this whole conversation like nothing happened. 
“I’m gonna make myself a cup of coffee, I’ll meet you there in a minute.” You said with the best smile you could. 
You made your way to the kitchen table with your cup of coffee. Slamming your head against the table seemed like a viable option right now, but instead you opted to rub your temples. 
The door opened, causing your head to jerk up to see who it was. Even though there was only one person left who it could be, it was still surprising to see Jax at the door. Opie was behind him, both of them looking like they had the longest night of their life. Abel’s voice filled the entire house as he screamed in joy. 
“DADDY!!!!” His little feet making quick stomping noises as they darted toward his father. 
A smile grew on Jax’s face immediately, he bent down to catch Abel in his arms. At this point, Jax was already past the opening in the entryway that led to the kitchen, leaving you unnoticed in the kitchen. 
“Someone was waiting for you to come home so you could decorate the tree.” Gemma’s voice was low but you heard it. Your anger boiled in your throat again, that wasn’t for Gemma to tell, that was for you to tell, but you didn’t even get greeted in your own home yet so what did you honestly expect. 
Opie looked into the kitchen, his eyes taking in the scene of you. Clocking your frustration straight away, he called to Jax and nodded his head into the kitchen. Jax’s head peaked in and his expression dropped seeing you at the table. With a deep sigh, he entered the kitchen. 
“You want a cup of coffee?” Your feet were pushing up from your seat and making their way to the coffee machine before you could think, you knew that one hug from Jax and you’d be pushed over yet again. 
“I wanted to say hello to my wife.” You could hear how he was trying to work you in the tone of his voice. 
“Fiancé.” You corrected him and handed him a mug. 
His eyebrows raised, and a smirk played on his face. “I stand corrected.” A hand moved up in surrender while the other one gripped the coffee mug. 
You could hear Gemma and the boys playing together and Opie’s voice with them too. Now that was rare. Opie barely played with his own kids let alone Jax’s, which got you going down the rabbit hole of what that meant and how if Jax’s best friend could so easily dive back into the club after being so against it, was that what was happening with Jax. 
“What’s going on with you?” He asked genuinely. 
“What’s not going on, Jax? It’s fucking Christmas time and you’re barely home,” you paused to whisper your next sentence, “you told me you were done with this shit and now you’re deeper in than ever and you’re pushing me out, I don’t know anything that’s happening.” 
Jax understood your pain, but he wasn’t going to subject you to the club dramatics, he knew what he had to do to get out and he was doing it, despite what it might have looked like. 
“I’m sticking to our plan” His voice was firm. 
You shook your head and rolled your eyes. “Our plan.” You laughed like that actually meant something. 
“Darlin’.” He was getting annoyed but trying to meet you halfway or somewhere.
“No, Jax. This isn’t something you can just sweet talk your way out of. This is our fucking life.” 
“Do you trust me?” He said, stepping towards you. 
“Less and less everyday.” You said truthfully and it pained his heart but he did understand. “But, yes. I do.” 
Jax peered into the living room, seeing Gemma in deep conversation with Opie. 
“You out of all people should know why I can’t just leave, why I have to leave everything in a good place. This was the last thing my dad had. I didn’t get a house or some real estate investment when he died,  this is what he left me. The club was his and I can’t just let it die because I want out.”
There was so much to argue with what he said, you read that manuscript and even though JT had blueprinted a way for the club to earn legit, you also knew that he ended it wanting to burn it all down. Jax believed that was just a desperate man angry at the world who knew he was on borrowed time, but you knew it was the writing of a man who had exhausted every option. The only reason you didn’t have it in you to say that to Jax was because you got it. This was what bonded you two. This was how you met and got to talking all those years ago…bonding over dead fathers and the irony of how they both had gone from motorcycle accidents. That day you met in the Harley shop, you both stood in the plaque aisle getting something to honor them. The very thing that glued you two together was the very thing tearing you apart.
You understood the pain of trying to live in their honor, do things to carry out their legacy. In fact, it was probably why you were so eager to get out of this horror of a town. But the same very thing is what was keeping Jax here. 
“I know I didn’t know JT, but, I can’t imagine he’d want you drowning, Jax. Exhausting your options is exactly what he did, there becomes a point where you have to recognize that before you end up like both of our fathers...” 
“Riding with Angels.” He finished your sentence looking at the two plaques that had brought you two together that hung in the kitchen. “That’s not gonna happen. Please, that’s why Opie’s here, I briefed him on everything tonight, I’m gonna give him JT’s book and just it’s gonna be fine, I need you to believe that.” Jax was begging you. 
Looking into his eyes, you saw he needed that faith. You thought back to what Gemma had said, that you need to be solid, be the foundation and keep things stable at home. Hating to admit it, but she was right. Even though she had no clue what was truly happening, she was right. And you hated that. 
But there was nothing you could do, and that’s what you hated even more. 
Feeling defeated, you stepped towards him, letting your hand raise and sit on the left side of his kutte, your fingers lightly swiping over the redwood original patch. Slowly your hand moved down to  grip his arm that was holding the coffee mug, your gaze moved up to his eyes, blue as ever, you wished you could get lost in them like you used to, before looking into Jax’s eyes felt like euphoria, it felt like young and wild passion, but lately it felt like you were drowning, looking into them was like a high tide pulling you back in deeper and deeper each time until you were drowning. And they did, because as you looked into them, you gave up and let the waves of baby blue take you in. “Tell your mom to go home, give Opie the manuscript, and decorate the tree with me and the kids.” You demanded those three things, if you were going to give him another chance you at least needed to feel like you were in charge. “I’ll be in the bedroom, waiting, I can’t look at either of them right now.” 
Truthfully, you would have said that about anyone associated with the club. You felt defeated, broken, and like you had lost the biggest game of tug o war. Realizing the club took priority over you was a reality that slapped you across the face every time and looking at Gemma and Opie was just pouring salt into that wound.
He tried to smile down at you, trying to offer compassion even though truthfully he was glad that a fight didn’t escalate and he had the opportunity to show you he had everything under control.
You escaped to the bedroom, not even glancing up to Opie and Gemma as you walked down the hallway, their eyes were burning into you but still you didn’t even look through your peripheral vision. 
As you stood in your shared bedroom, part you thought to pack your shit up and leave, you could go through the window, take only what you needed and just leave it all behind. You stared at the open closet where your suitcase sat, it was covered by Jax’s duffel, the irony behind it all. Before you could have a thought more, you felt a tug at your pants. As you looked down into the little eyes that were staring back up at you, every thought of leaving escaped you. There was a slight giggle out of his mouth as he tucked his head into you. A pang of guilt hit you for a moment, that you even thought about leaving. If Jax’s eyes were the high tide drowning you, Abel’s were the breath of fresh air to save you. 
“Daddy says to come out to the tree.” The boy hid his face again with a giggle.
“Oh, really? Are we going to finish decorating it all together?” You asked bending down to his level. 
“He said Santa gave him something to give to you.” 
“Santa, huh? I can’t believe daddy knows Santa!” You teased the boy, he laughed and pulled your arm because he seemed eager to see what it was. “Come on, let’s go.” You said picking him up and walking out to the living room. 
Jax had been placing ornaments on the tree with Thomas who was trying to pull them off. 
“I hear Santa gave you a gift for me.” Your voice had changed, it wasn’t as lively as it was when you talked with Abel but it also wasn’t as rigid as when you were talking to Jax. Somewhere in the middle of that was where you were now. 
Jax smiled, and bent down to grab a black bag that was under the tree. "I know we said no presents this year but...Santa doesn’t listen.” Jax smirked as he handed the package over to you. “Santa also didn’t have time to wrap it.” He smiled, his grin was shit eating and if he didn’t have Thomas in his arms you would have pushed him back slightly but you just shook your head and took the black bag in your free hand, the one that didn’t have Abel. 
It was a pretty big package, decently heavy. You placed Abel down, he started decorating the tree, handing ornaments up to Jax and Thomas as you stared at the bag. 
“You gonna open it or what?” Jax asked, still grinning. 
“Open it! Open it!” Abel jumped up and down. 
With a deep sigh you grabbed what was inside the black bag to find another bag around whatever the item was. This bag however, was clear with the words ‘EVIDENCE’ printed across it. There was some writing on the white printed square on the front of the bag. A frown filled your face, a fucking evidence bag? What was Jax thinking? Your eyes scanned over the bag reading the red marker notes. 
April 28th, 1994 Highway 99 Marker 78 TOD: 11:37
This was all the information of when your father died, your heart started beating faster as you started to come to terms with what this was. Your hand opened the evidence bag and met the fabric from inside. The feeling of the worn leather and patches felt like the cure you needed. It sent something over your entire body. Just when you thought that nothing could beat this feeling, you took it out of the bag. The smell of your father’s cologne was still faint on the fabric but strong as it hit your nose. The tears built up as you let the evidence bag fall to the ground and the leather jacket fully drop open. The brown leather was so worn, it had seen a lot over the years of your father wearing it, many highways, many states. The patches each had a story of their own. Most of them coming from the different states he had traveled to, Nevada, Texas, Arizona and more. Some to honor his time in the military and service to the county. Some just for decoration, a skeleton’s middle finger, a bear with it’s teeth showing, a compass. Then your hand passed over the patch you gifted him when you were a kid. #1 Dad. It was worn, more worn than you had remembered, but that’s when you saw the scuff from the accident. It had ended where the #1 Dad patch was, expanding across a large amount of other ones, making them have loose stitching where the leather was scratched. The pavement probably ripping the threads from them off as he slid against it from the accident. It offered you a bit of closure, seeing how it all happened. You had begged the police department for more information besides a crash, the report you saw didn’t even have an officer sketch of the accident and since foul play was a potential factor, they had kept all the evidence. You gave up years ago trying to get the evidence from lockup, but somehow it was sitting in your hands right now. 
Looking up from jacket, your eyes blurry from tears, you stared at Jax. 
“How?” It was the only word you could get out of your mouth. 
Jax placed Thomas on the ground to crawl around, and turned up the Christmas music so it would be harder for them to hear what he was gonna say. 
“Unser owed me one. He was able to pull a few strings at the Stockton State Trooper station. That’s why I was home late tonight, Ope and I went to pick it up and got stuck in traffic on the 99, construction shit.” 
You were in awe. After everything you tried, after all these years, you had his jacket in your hand, you had closure in your heart, something that almost felt unreal. 
“Unser has the police report, the real one. Figured you’d want the choice to look at it,” he started to explain, “that and it wasn’t up for civilian grabs.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Thought the jacket would be more of a heartwarming gift. There’s something in the inside pocket, too. Pictures. I didn’t look through them, I just wanted to make sure it was really it, based on what you’ve told me.” 
“Jax–I,” you had no words, you brought your hands up to wipe the tears from your eyes. 
“Why is mommy crying?” Abel said trying to raise his voice over the music. 
“Santa got me a really good gift, Abel.” You said looking directly into Jax’s eyes. “Something she’d been asking for for a long long time.” 
“Does that mean Santa is going to get me a skateboard this year?” Abel asked excitedly. 
You and Jax both let out a laugh, yours was cutting through the tears. “Thank you. So much.” You mouthed to him, it was all you could offer up with how much emotion you were feeling. 
Jax just shook his head with a nod, like it was nothing, a simple favor but he knew how much it meant to you.
“Come on, let’s finish decorating this tree.” Jax’s voice got higher as he spoke to the kids, picking Abel up to get the candy cane ornament near the top of the tree.
After placing the jacket safely on the couch for now, you picked Thomas up, so the 4 of you could all be at eye level. You looked over at Jax who was laughing about something with Abel. The music had changed, one of your favorite Christmas songs playing in the background. As the latest laugh left Jax’s mouth, his eye caught yours and he looked at you. Like really looked at you.
The blue eyes you were staring at weren’t trying to drown you in that moment anymore, they had a tint of hope and glimmer in them. You didn’t feel like the tide was trying to bring you in, you felt like maybe they were saving you. So for what you told yourself would be the last time, you forgave Jax, and more importantly you believed Jax. Because he had proven to do the impossible tonight for you, he must have been able to do it again for your family. Right?
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Hello, how are you? Now that you clarified my doubt I can place my order hehe. I would like to request for Buddha, Jack, Zero and Tesla with a reader who is a great empress/queen who is very powerful and respected but also very shy and distracted, a little bird is able to take her attention 100% (a little ADHD lol). thank you dear
Shy and easily distracted Royalty!S/O
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Buddha, Jack, Zerofuku, Tesla ]
[ Records of Ragnarok / Shuumatsu no Valkyrie ]
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Dear annon I LOVED YOUR IDEA!! It was so funny to write! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did
Also i don't know much about ADHD so i didn't especify it like that, and I always try to keep it as GN
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It was really surprising seen the one who leave everything behind with a partner with a great title, but what really matter is that you two love each other. Buddha will never force you to leave everything like he did, but the invitation is always there
He was used to be from royalty, he know how to proper behave as such, but you never going to make him actually do it, he leave that a long time ago and he's not going back
Also, for him your title doesn't really matter, he's respectful but will always treat you as an equal
He is always messing with your servants and even with your bodyguards, specially if he make you laugh with it
He get easily in trouble for not behaving or distracting you, but you always help him get away with it, just a word from you and he's free and even receiving an apologize from who where scolding him (and he find this really atractive, whenever you do something like this he feels as falling in love with you again)
He find pretty hilarious than with such title you're actually really shy, but he loves it, teasing you and making you blush is his favorite hobby
Also, Buddha is really affectionate, always expresing his love for you (with physical affection or words) not caring if you two are alone or not, this man doesn't really have shame and doesn't care either
He find quite funny that is so easy to distract you, this man for sure will be distracting you all the time, except for when you're doing something really important, in those moments he will even help you concentrate (just because he wants you to finish soon)
He always finds ways to drag you away from work, especially when he sees you stressed or overworked
If you're the energetic type is really easy for him keeping up with you and to match your energy, and that makes the servants' work more difficult, but both of you had fun
You're really important for him and he will hate for you to forget about yourself in order to bring happiness to your people (like Jataka did), so he will always make sure you're taking care of yourself, your happiness come first
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Jack the Ripper
He never thought he will end dating someone from the royalty, but he wouldn't trade you for anything either. The tittle doesn't really matter to him, but is respectful of it
Jack is a gentelman and know pretty well how to behave in formal situations, in case he doesn't know something he won't have problem to learn it rather quick
He gladly learn about your work to be able to help you out whenever you need it, and that means more opportunities to spend time with you
Your shyness amused him, he find it really cute and won't miss an oportunity to tease you about it, he just love all your expresions. Also if you have troubles with social interaction he doesn't have problem speaking for you if you want
Jack is really affectionate and caring, always showing you his love for you but more by words of afirmation and acts of service (but if you prefer physical affection he won't mind)
Other thing he find amusing is how easily you get distracted, he always laugh at how in a moment you were just doing work and in the other your fully attention in anything else
Jack will always encoure your behavior, unless you have to do something really important, in those cases he always manage to keep your attention in your work (at least until you finish it)
He's not really a energetic person, but if you are he won't mind follow you in your little adventures, most of the time just watch you (he loves it)
The servants and your people are already used to your behavior and they are respectful of it, but in case someone dare to make a bad comment about you Jack will take care of it himself
The servants see him as a perfect partner since he's always helping you with everything and looking after your well-being, he never get problems with them, and even make things easier for them
Jack always makes sure you never get too stressed or overworked, but in case happen he's ready to help you, either distracting you or helping you relax
Even if you have all the luxury you can ever ask for, Jack is always giving you gifts, significant for both!
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Zerofuku is someone who's used to being ignored or leave behind, so he really feel lucky that you love him and want to be with him, and with the fact that you have a lot of power, being able to be with anyone you wanted and still you want him, make him feel so special (and flustered too)
He barely know about royalty or titles so that fact doesn't matter much to him, he just loves you for who you are! But the fact that you have a lot of people at your service actually intimidates him a little
He is a little shy when it comes to affection, so in that part your relationship will grow slowly
Zerofuku is a kind soul and will sadden him if you or one of your servants is treaten badly, he always treat everyone with respect
He is always distracting you without even noticing, he's always following you around and asking you a lot of things (he's really curious), so both of you always end up deviating from the main topic
If you're energetic or have dificult to stay still Zerofuku doesn't really see anything bad about it, and, since he is a little childish, he's always inviting you over to do other things like go and run have a walk around the garden, climbing trees and having little adventures. The servants will have to catch you to make you go to attent your responsabilities
Sometimes he gets scolded by the servants for distract you so much, but, again, it just take a word from you to leave him, at the end Zerofuku always apologize to you and the servants
With time Zerofuku will learn more about humans and your work too, and he may even try to help you sometimes
He's always looking after your well-being, for him your happiness is more important that all your responsabilities, and if he has to take care of you himself he'll do (he doesn't mind)
Whenever he sees you getting too stressed or overworked he try to help you out, mostly distracting you from work
He is more curious than anything to all the luxury you have, like the jewelry and fine clothes, for what do you use it and why? He may even try put it on just for fun (if you let him)
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Nikola Tesla
Tesla doesn't really care about the title, he just love you for who you are, but he find it rather interesting
He doesn't really know how to behave in formal situations, but he doesn't really care (he just try to stay quiet when is need it)
He finds really cute your shyness, but he's not someone who will tease you for it. However he usually make you get all blushy unintentionally, since whenever he gets excited Tesla practically forget about personal space! And, also, he has not shame when it comes to give affection or compliments
He probably ended up distracting you a lot without even noticing, it just take you to show interest in his work and he's already ranting about it, even dragging you to his study
He get used to you being easily distracted rather quick, so whenever he's talking to you and notice that you're distracted he just laugh at it and catch your attention again (sometimes he took a moment to stare at you with a lovestruck expression)
Also, he's really smart and won't mind learn about the work you have to do to be able to help you out, even make your own work more interesting for you so you could do it without much trouble
Tesla himself sometimes overworked himself becouse he gets too invested in his work, so he may not be able to help you too much about stress or overworked
If you're energetic he actually find it fascinating, he mostly prefer just to watch you have fun, but if you insist he will go with you. Also, you're always welcomed in his study to play around with his inventions (he loves seen you having fun with them)
Sometimes he gets scolded by the servants for distract you so much or for getting hurt since he can be pretty impulsive, but he doesn't mind, and if you help him with it will thank you but also tell you that is not need it
He doesn't care too much about luxury, if you offer him something it should be be related to his work (aside from you, his work is the most important thing for him)
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atinystaypixie · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a long distance relationship scenario with Hongjoong x black fem reader where either he surprises her from coming back home on tour. Can you make it fluffy smut please? Like they’re super in love & lust with each other 😉 If you do this, thank you in advance! -🧜🏽‍♀️
Welcome Home, Baby
📜: 2.3k+
⚠️: 18+ MDNI!!, sex, unprotected sex, it's mostly just regular sex nothing crazy
Idek if you are still looking forward to this. It’s been a month lol. If you see this, I hope you enjoy it!
You sat in your car outside of your house. A heavy sigh escaping your lips from the tiring shift you just worked. The day dragged on making it seem unnecessarily long. Your phone lights up from a random notification, your lock screen displaying a picture of your loving boyfriend. The boyfriend you have been counting down the days till you can see again because he was on tour. His face only made your heart ache along with the aches in your body. You were aware of how difficult it would be while he was gone, but it still doesn’t ease the pain of missing him.
With another sigh, you unbuckle your seatbelt and open your car door. Shuffling of your feet fill the air of the garage as you slowly drag into your house. You kick your shoes off once inside and make your way through the house. You pause noticing the air seems different. A familiar cologne is lingering in the air, a scent you haven’t smelled in weeks. It invades your nostrils making you shake your head trying to rationalize that you miss your boyfriend so much you are starting to lose it. You continue your path to the bedroom, pulling your well done hair back into a low ponytail.
Your eyes meet your phone again checking the time. It’s late and usually around the time Hongjoong would have contacted you by now. He never misses an opportunity to talk to you when he is on tour so he must still be busy. The shows can run over sometimes and the after parts of the shows can cause them to stay longer than intended. Your boyfriend is such a hard worker and does so much for the group. Always ensuring that everything goes smoothly and always staying late to help the staff leave quicker. He is always attentive to his group and even more towards you.
A pout forms on your lips from thinking about your boyfriend as you enter your bedroom. The pout is joined with raised eyebrows as you see the pretty red roses littering your floor and making a heart in the middle of your bed spread. The familiar cologne is stronger in your nose as a voice graces your ears.
“Is that a pout on my baby’s face?” The man who had been swirling in your head, consuming all of your heart, and not supposed to be back until the end of the week was standing in your shared bedroom shining his beautiful smile at you. His hair is neatly placed, shirt unbuttoned, and pants hanging loosely around his waist. His presence brings tears to your eyes. The longing in your chest turns to elation causing you to cross the room in hurried steps. He greets you with open arms, a smile tugging at his lips when still as he finally is able to hold you again. A relieved breath fell from him as your body clutched onto his. Tears rolling down your brown cheeks as his arms wrap around your frame. He holds you for a minute before he cups your cheeks and looks deeply into your eyes.
“I’m here, baby. I missed you so much.” His voice is soft and filled with love.
“When did you get here? You weren’t supposed to be back until the end of the week.” You sniffle and take in his features. The curve of his eyebrows, the brown of his eyes, the point of his nose. Every feature was being adorned by your tear lined eyes. His grip on you firm as he looks back at you with love in his eyes.
“A few hours ago. I wanted to surprise you. I missed you so much, baby.” His hands slide down and land on your hips. “You seem down. Let’s make that better.” He takes the bottom of your shirt and begins removing it from your body. His hands lightly graze your skin in the process, igniting goosebumps across your flesh. He takes his time removing the rest of your clothes, eyes tracing every inch of your body as he undresses you. His lips land on your tear stained cheek as he guides you to the bathroom.
A gasp leaves your lips at as you take in the candlelit bathroom. The warm scent lingering in the air as a full tub of water waits for you. “I know you’ve been working hard. Let me help you relax.” Hongjoong never failed to take care of you. He is always attentive and makes sure you are relieved of your stress. Taking care of you is his stress relief and he never lets you lift a finger. Your fingers were held in his palm as he helped you step into the tub. Your white polished toes pierce the water first before you sink down in it. The candlelight casting a golden glow on you.
“Joong, babes you just got back from tour. Aren’t you going to relax too?” Your eyes are clearing as you look at him wanting him next to you. You haven’t had his warmth in weeks and are in desperate need to be close to him.
Hongjoong let's a breathy chuckle escape him. “I’m going to, baby. Just want to make sure you’re comfortable first.” He watches you adjust in the tub before removing his own clothes. Your eyes scan him slowly and intently as his skin is exposed to your sight after so long. The dim lighting and sensual mood causes you to clench your thighs as he strips in front of you. The movement of the water doesn’t go unnoticed by Hongjoong, a smirk crossing his face again. He steps in the tub, slotting himself behind you. A content sigh comes from both of you as he wraps his arms around you. “I missed you, baby.” He speaks and leaves a soft kiss at the back of your neck, a deep breath being taken in as his eyes close, taking in the feeling of being close to you.
You both sit in the tub basking in each other's presence. The distance between you two finally closed, mending your longing hearts. Soft kisses are exchanged as you two soak in the tub catching up with each other. Words are more like whispers, almost if you two are afraid that if you speak too loudly it will make the moment disappear. He was just away on your, but it felt like a lifetime. You both are the full of each other's hearts and the time apart was hard.
The water is starting to get cold when Hongjoong speaks and says you two should be getting out now. He drains the tub and blows out the candles in the bathroom after drying and wrapping your body in a towel and telling you to go sit on the bed. It doesn't take him long to join your rose surrounded body with several of your favorite products. Oils, lotions, and perfumes are in his hands as he enters with his towel wrapped around his waist. Your eyes follow him as he sets them on the side table and comes to stand in front of you.
“I missed you. Just let me take care of you.” He removes the towel from your body and positions you to his liking. Your tummy flat on the bed as he stradles your hips and kneads at your skin. A slicken glide of his finger meet your skin as he works the last of the tension from your body. Hongjoong always loved touching you, his hands never missing a chance to make contact with the softness of your body.
His hands work on your body, certain spots making you whimper underneath him. The sounds going straight to his dick as he continues to rub on you. He leans down placing a lingering kiss to the of your spin. His litters kisses across the width of your back until he reaches your ear and nibbles at it. You feel his arm wrapping around your middle pressing his hand to your stomach.
“You seem desperate, love. Is there something you need?” He teases you noticing how you unknowingly had been rocking your hips underneath him. You were touch starved and so much attention after the time seperated had you sensitive. You feel his fingers creeping lower to the place you needed him most. Your hips lifting off the bed as you and grab his wrist.
“Please, Joongie. I just want you. Can’t wait.” You speak brokeningly. You’re desperate for your man and don’t feel like doing the extra. It’s been long enough, you just want him in you.
You’re quick to cut him off before he starts telling you about how you need prep. “Hongjoong. Please, I just want you in me.”
That’s all it takes for him to discard his towel and flip you over. He needed to properly see your face as he made love to you for the first time in a long time. His dick was an angry red, just as desperate as your leaking cunt. Your fingers wrap around his dick guiding it to your entrance. His red tip seperating your brown folds to be greeted with your wettness. A sharp hiss escaping him from the small but intense contact. He pushes your hand away and rubs his dick up and down your folds collecting your slick.
“Watch as I enter you, baby.” Your eyes lock where his are. You both holding your breaths as he pushes pass your leaking muscle. It’s pulsing, and sucking him in as he slowly slides into you. A moan bubbling in the back of your throat and a grunt building in his as he pushes the head of his dick in. He’s trying to control himself, knowing he hasn’t properly opened you up. He doesn’t want to hurt you, but damn your pussy is welcoming him home so well and he isn’t even fully in yet.
After a few moments, Hongjoong is fully in you. Both of you breathing in ragedy puffs of air. His forehead is pressed to yours as you both lay entangled in each other, letting your bodies get accoustomed to the familiarity of being connected again. Your hand is caressing his cheek as he his are holding onto your waist. Soft kisses of the lips and sweet nothings are being passed between you.
The throb of his dick and clench of your pussy bring you two back to the fact that you need each other. Hongjoong doesn’t make you wait. His hips slowly drag back, before thrusting into you again. His dick rubbing your insides only the way that he can, only the way that makes your juices leak more than they already are. He’s holding eye contact with you as he makes love to you. A claim on your mind, heart, and body being said through his burning stare.
“Let me hear you.” His thumb traces your bottom lip removing it from the cluches of your teeth biting into it. Your jaw slackening letting your sounds of pleasure reach his ears. He missed this. He missed you, missed touching you, missed loving you, missed hearing you.
“Nngghhh…mmm…Joong.” Your eyes are watering again, but this time from the building pleasure you feel. “I missed you. I missed you so much.” You’re moaning through your words, each drag of his dick bringing you closer and closer to your release.
“I know, baby. I’m here, my love.” His hips pick up pace and he leans in to lock lips with yours. The kiss expressing every ounce of love you two shared. It has you locking your legs around his waist and him interlocking your fingerings dragging your hands above your head. Your hips push up into his meeting his thrusts as your lips smack against each other. His tongue finds way into your mouth and swirls with yours. The kiss is broken at times from you being unable to do anything else other than moan.
“Let me ride you. Wanna help you relax too.” You plea to him. He hasn’t let you do anything for him since he suprised you and you want to let him relax too. His hips stutter at the thought and he’s flipping over so that you are on top.
Honjoong’s eyes squeeze shut as your ass slaps against him. The low lightening casting a glow on your brown skin, your walls working his sensitve dick, the feeling of being back with you after so long. It had him on edge, the edge you wanted him on, the edge where he could only focus on the feeling of you.
“Hhuuhh, huuhh…Y/n…Y/n.” His eyes creaking open to see you riding his dick. The sensual movements of your hips had him ready to explode. As your hands landed on his chest, your hips were circling with each bounce. Hongjoong loved taking care you, but he was weaker to you taking care of him.
“I’m so close.” You whine feeling the coil in your stomach tightening. His fingers are digging into your sides as you both move with each other chasing your awaited highs. Skin slapping and broken moans are the only thing heard. His feet are planted on the bed meeting your hips uncontrollably. Neither of you have a rhythm, just pure need and longing being released with each movement.
You feel it coming and so does he. “In me. Cum in me!” Those are your last words before you are cumming around his dick. Your chest is now pressed to his and he is holding you tightly as he fucks up into you. It doesn’t take long before he is releasing his seed inside of you. Both of you are panting in each others holds. There is nothing but you two existing at the moment. You only feel him in your arms and he only feels you.
After a moment you life your head and look him in the eyes with a tired smile spreading across your face.
“Welcome home, baby.”
Thoughts of a Slutty Virgin ~ 🧚🏽‍♀️
Whewww! My first kpop smut🥳 Hope you enjoyed! More coming soon!
Pixie's Masterlist
Taglist: Taglist: @444ghosty @un-lawliet @witchbybirth @tophamhat-kyo @nobianna
Taglist form: out of order rn. I'll open it again in November 🫶🏽
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jameswyerford · 11 months
i got so many things to say i dont even know where to start...
first of all, they could have given yichan a deafness arc in which he could have lost his hearing progressively without going through any of this car accident bullshit (they introduce cheongah's stepbrother only to make him the culprit for the sake of nonsense angst) but of course writers decided to make it a big traumatizing messy deal for both yichan and eungyeol like... such a nasty move
second, yall see how yichan was able to verbalize after going deaf?? IT SHOULD HAVE STAYED THAT WAY AS HE BECAME AN ADULT!! -- it makes NO SENSE that yichan cant communicate with oral language in the present, he did that half his life and he should be able to speak (i promise you it doesnt matter that he sounds different) because someone who has gone deaf after learning oral language wouldnt stop using it with hearing people!!
idk everything felt rushed in the finale i was disappointed to say the least,, they dragged the drama for many episodes and then boom! they left everything for the last two episodes including the time jump within the last 20 minutes?? where is my scene with cheongah finding out about yichan's accident? did they end up mastering sign language together? did they graduate together? did yichan's grandma adjust to such a drastic change in her life? -- give us more scenes of them as they grow older not just a lame time jump???
and on top of it all, how come they consulted deaf people to write the drama and somehow still managed to mess up the representation? i genuinely wonder lol
they threw at us many plotlines that should have been explored only to abandon them (just like they did with cheongah's biological mother lmao) i dont know... they could have done so so much with this drama i feel like they had a great opportunity to create something different and missed it
despite all this, it was nice decent watch i guess
––cheongchan always and forever my babies tho i could never say anything wrong about you <3
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mana-jjk · 9 months
this is so good. ok so it seems like toge did not take yuuta leaving to study abroad very well. I wonder how that conversation went.
Also I am obsessed with fashion student nobara. I'm curious how the main trio become friends
thank you !! 🥺
study abroad:
• so the last thing i want to do is make toge out as being too dependent. the reason why he struggled so much is because of a variety of factors weighing on him. his family life, his unhappiness with college, losing a close friend for a year, guilt at his scholarship, isolation from classmates who couldn’t understand sign, etc.
• that being said, yuuta was completely against the idea of going abroad at first.
• it was a proposed study abroad/internship that gojo and shoko helped set-up for him without really consulting him first (gojo lol). but it was also a really good opportunity under the guidance of a traveling anthropologist, miguel, who had medical connections in africa.
• maki immediately pushed him to do it, saying it would be an insult not to take advantage of every opportunity. med school is competitive and he needed every advantage and connection on his side. she was obviously going to miss him, though she’d never admit it out loud, but her ambition is what has fueled her for her entire life.
• panda was less passionate about it, and a lot more expressive at his bittersweet reaction. but he grew up around academics with no perception of time, so he was full of encouragement and promises.
• toge’s immediate reaction was pride for him, he was always trying to tell yuuta how amazing he was and this was just a product of his work. he tried to ignore the heavy pit in his chest, the way his eyes burned every time he thought about going a year without seeing him.
• for yuuta the thought of leaving his friends to an entirely different country was terrifying. what if they found new friends they liked better than him? what if they forgot him? what if everything was different when he came back? he was terrified, and anxious, and everything in between and at night it felt like he couldn’t breathe.
• it’s toge with his awful sleep schedule that finds him huddling under a blanket at an ungodly hour. face pale, eyes dull, knee bouncing with a mind of its own. and despite the way toge wanted to tell him just to stay, he never could bear to see him suffer.
• so he ignores the way his hands shake, he pulls the blanket up just enough to hide alongside him, and traces into the palm of his hand, ‘what do you want?’
• and strangely enough, he’s the first one to ask him that. it’s enough to send him to tears, shoulders up to his neck, and head bowed with a sniffle.
• “i want to do this,” he says, “but i don’t want to leave, i want to stay with everyone. What if you forget all about me?”
• ‘you think one year would be enough for us to ever forget you? stupid. we encourage you because we love you, but we’ll be counting down the days until you come back,’ toge hesitates before softly reminding him, ‘how could i ever forget you?’
• by the end of it, yuuta runs out of tears to cry and promises to buy a better phone so they can facetime.
• if they hug for a little too long at the airport, not even maki gives them grief about it. they even get a calendar designated, ‘days until yuuta is home.’
the first-year trio:
• so i do have some grief about how exactly these kids would have met. and i know for sure that yuuji is probably the gravitational force here.
• so if i had to break it down, i would say that megumi probably noticed yuuji right away, but was too emo to approach him. they probably shared a pre-requisite class that yuuji struggled in and then noticed how smart megumi was. cue yuuji bombarding him, pleading for help and basically dragging him into helping him. from there, yuuji eventually attached himself to his hip, especially after meeting his dogs.
• they met nobara halfway through the semester. completely on accident, on their way back from a study session that accomplished nothing, to see her threatening someone with a hammer.
• to say they were shocked is downplaying it.
• it turns out the guy had tried attacking her first. but as per her heated explanation, she happened to have a hammer from one of her projects in her crafting bag that she busted his knee cap with. then proceeded to yell at him for the next ten minutes until they passed by.
• they helped her move the guy to the nearest police station, and yuuji insisted on walking her back home. she gave him a scrutinizing glare before shoving her bag into his hands, to which he took with minimal complaint. from there she decided their presence would be beneficial enough, though she complained about megumi’s resting face.
• i absolutely love nobara getting to do fashion design and marketing, i think she would be such an unhinged creator.
• she has every social media possible, posting pictures of both the outfits she creates and the crazy marketing strategies she employs.
• she still wants to model, and insists her style is completely unique. she even hammers metal into her functional fashion that she boasts with a crazy grin.
• yuuji once offered to model for her and she gave him such a disgusted look that it physically wounded him lol
• it’s actually meeting maki and toge that inspires her. she designs so many outfits for maki that her closet actually starts to fill with something other than training equipment. meanwhile toge does have some interest in fashion and is genuinely interested in her work. he’s one of the few men she tolerates and actually has asked him to be her reference for male attire, something that makes yuuji give her a kicked puppy look.
• anyway toge is actually her bestie because he’ll spend hours talking about her designs, and also do the dance trends with her. she already decided the day she and maki have a child that he will be the god parent lol
whew, thank you for the asks !! i always talk way too much so this might take a hot minute to go through them, but i truly appreciate the interest !! 🥺🫶
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
wait, iff I may ask, do you think Mothwing should've killed Hawkfrost at the lake confrontation, or his ghost during the great battle? And why?
I do!! At the lake confrontation for sure because man. what a missed opportunity. It feels like TNP is so focused on Brambleclaw's "struggle" it ignores all the dramatic potential of playing around with the other Tigerkin. As soon as you heard the "blood will spill blood", it's pretty obvious it's gonna be Hawk and Bramble, so I think if they had switched it to Mothwing, it would've been a great twist! Then the book itself just plays out exactly how you'd expect.
I think on a character level, it would've added some conclusiveness to Mothwing's arc with her brother. I personally like the idea that she sees how far he's gone and that eventually, he's going to string her along into continuing to drag their Clans with them...so she steps in. That or she does it by accident, piercing her own brother without realizing it - love the drama! It always bothered me how they set up that she was being manipulated and hurt by him....and it never came up or played a bigger part.
As for the great battle, i mean. i would've taken that over Brambleclaw dragging his brother back for a public execution lol but otherwise, yeah! My main reasoning is I think it would've been a great twist on the blood would spill blood, where it's so obvious that it's supposed to mean Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost but then WHAM out comes Mothwing with the fox trap!!
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I had an absolutely silly IDW1-ish AU that I needed to share.
Basically, Prowl went to work for Sentinel to try and improve things and is barely keeping him from being worse, and finally, he has enough. The issue is that he can't quit. His contract is solid.
Sentinel has to fire him or nothing else.
Prowl cannot bring himself to do subpar work so he has to do the thing Sentinel can't stand.
Prowl begins flirting with people in front of Sentinel. He isn't very good at it at first, so her corners his co-workers Sideswipe and Jazz for advice and slowly improves. Sentinel is flabbergasted, as is Prowl’s victim, Senator Ratbat, who was the closest free person. But he can literally see Sentinel firmly think about this and dismiss it to his dislike.
Prowl decides he has been too subtle and also Ratbat was a one off. So he thinks carefully and decides to go for someone Sentinel doesn't like but has to deal with.
Gritting his teeth, he takes a shot, drinking on shift is another offense he hopes will work to his advantage, and takes over correspondence with Orion Pax. Who slowly realizes his advances when he takes Jazz's advice and boldly asks him if he'd like to interface.
This is successful and perfectly adequate.
Prowl keeps this up and flirts lightly which Orion returns. He actually becomes easier to work with as a result and then Prowl sees his opportunity while Orion is visiting and grabs him by his helm and starts passionately kissing him as Sentinel walks in.
OP does not realize what happened and thinking Prowl locked the office continues kissing him.
Sentinel clears his throat, and they part, and Prowl nonchalantly greets him while trying not to look like he is preening while Orion looks embarrassed and Sentinel splutters. Prowl makes eye contact and can see Sentinel swelling up to yell, and he starts to. But then he cuts off when he says he ought to fire him and Prowl's door wings twitch up in interest.
Sentinel falters, and then Prowl sees him make some connections because he visibly calms himself, looking horribly offended, glares at Orion and dismisses him after forcibly calmly giving them a lecture on workplace relationships and saying he'll let them off this time before dropping some paperwork on Prowl’s desk.
OP walks off afte pecking Prowl on the cheek, leaving Prowl fuming and plotting.
It escalates from there with Prowl kissing, groping, and heavily petting Orion at any chance he gets at events, late shifts, and one gala. It accumulates with them having sex in Sentinel’s office while Prowl makes sure they are in front of the cameras Sentinel keeps there and Prowl absent mindedly responds to Orion who is saying something about feelings and concerns but is easily distracted when Prowl pushes everything off Sentinel’s desk and drags him on top of him.
The next day, Sentinel won't look at him, and Prowl is thrilled absolutely convinced he will be fired and decides to reward Orion for his assistance with a blowjob. He has become grudgingly fond of Orion at this point and realizes he's one of the few people he regular interacts with besides Jazz who continues to give him advice and is eating up this office drama though also doesn't know why Prowl has suddenly gone wild.
Now, here I had two directions, either Orion invites Prowl on a date at his friends party, which they never do and Prowl agrees because he's feeling satisfied with Orion's performance as of late only for Orion to introduce him as the person he is courting with intention of Conjunxing (he really missed that discussion before office sex since he was plotting and three drinks in) or Orion breaks up with him to "spare Prowl’s feelings" since he'd become convinced Prowl was in love with him.
They are two different but equally humorous plotlines post this scene.
Prowl, babygirl, yes
Oh Sent
It took him a bit but Sentinel realized what was going on lol
Prowl sweetheart are you sure this is better than just being shit at your job
Yes he is
Because part of him fucking loves this. Part of him absolutely is getting a spite filled "and that's karma for you, bitch!" feel. Even if Sentinel doesn't fire him, he can tell Sent disapproves. And I mean. The 'facing is good.
Jazz is having the time of his life watching this go down, of course he's gonna enable it
Two funny directions that both lead to some interesting office drama, and I'm wondering if Sentinel will even fire him
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witchersmistress · 1 year
Heads You Lose
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Hello my darlings!! here is part two to Tails you win. https://www.tumblr.com/witchersmistress/716840196299276288/tails-you-win?source=share
Ive linked part 1 for those who have missed it or havent read it.
Warning: Blood, violence, death and gun shot wounds.
Word count: 9.8k
my usual warning, you do not have my permission to copy or use my work in anyway, if you do ill haunt you for the rest of your days!!
Propbably gramatical errors and typos but i type to fast for my own good lol
Name pronounciatuion for the FMC : her given name is Saorise, Sheer-sha, in Irish-Gaelic means freedom
Her nickname, gifted to her at a young age by Syverson: Louhi, Lo-hee, Finnish origin, she is the goddess of Death and Disease.
“People like you and me don’t get to love…” 
Those are the words that play on repeat inside my head as I stagger to my feet, blood seeping from the bullet wound just below my right shoulder and mixing with the drying blood already covering my body. I don’t feel the pain from it. On the contrary, I’m numb to everything bar Saoirse’s words. People like you and me…
Don’t get to love… 
Don’t. Get. To. Love…
 She’s right in a way, but not entirely. It’s true that the likes of us don’t get to love without fear. When you mix with the people we do, you gain enemies. Even the friends you think you have can turn against you on a penny if the price is right. Look at the King - he was ‘friends’ with Carter, but he took the opportunity to take him out the moment it was offered.
I took out my boss without a second thought.
 Granted it was to protect the woman I love from her very own dad, but she doesn’t know that, and I can’t tell her. 
Not yet, anyway. But one thing I do know with absolute certainty is that I do get to love. And I never thought that was possible for me. Yeah, it’s dangerous to love when it can be held against you, but it doesn’t make it any less true. If I know anything about myself, it’s this: I won’t give up on our love. I refuse to, because what the fuck kind of man would I be to turn my back on something so fundamental to my very existence? A fucking pussy, that’s what, and if there’s one thing I’m not, it’s a pussy.
 I won’t give up on our love. Not now, not ever.
Lifting my head, I meet Saoirse’s hard stare with that promise burning in my veins. But right now, no matter what I say, I know it won’t make a difference. Saoirse might love me, but Louhi has to make a stand. We both know that. Shooting me was her only choice given the circumstances. Closing herself off, shutting down, was her only option. I don’t fight it, I can’t fight it, but most importantly, I won’t. “Get. Out!” she snarls, the slightest flicker of regret in her eyes the only sign that beneath the pain, betrayal and disappointment, she still cares for me. 
That Saoirse is still there inside of Louhi, who stands before me now. “I said, get the fuck out!” I ignore Rodriguez’s laugh. I ignore the King’s smirk. I ignore Dom asking Saoirse to reconsider. Instead, I lower my head in acquiesce. I raise my hand and place it over my heart, over the tattoo of her handprint embedded in my skin and vow to myself that I will find a way to protect her from afar, no matter what. With one last look at Saoirse that I hope conveys all the love and affection I feel for her, I twist on my feet and stagger towards the exit, my gaze falling to Dom as I reach the door.
“Take care of her,” I bite out through gritted teeth, fighting the darkness that’s threatening to drag me under. He nods. “You can count on me, Sy.” 
*Hours later*
“Fuck me sideways!” Connall exclaims as I blink back the heavy fog of sleep and try to get my bearings. “Where am I?” I ask, groaning as I try to sit up. Bright white light pricks my eyes like a bullet straight to my brain, and I lift my hand to my head, feeling my scalp where Derby whacked me, hissing when I feel the tender skin and the stitches there.
 “Joey’s place. He’s fixed you up. Got you on a drip as soon as we arrived and gave you a couple pints of blood. There was a moment I thought we’d lose you.” “I’m hard to lose,” I reply, giving him a weak smile. “But man, do I feel like shit.” “You look like shit too,” Joey says, stepping into his makeshift operating theater and giving me a toothy grin, antiseptic and the scent of car oil following him into the room. The amount of times I’ve been in the back of his garage getting fixed up is crazy, though to be fair, he keeps this room spotless. I mean, I haven’t died of my injuries or a nasty infection yet. That’s got to count for something, right? Thank god for old ranger buddies. “Thanks, old man,” I reply, easing myself upright on the gurney. It creaks under my weight, and I feel every single bit of pain now that the adrenaline has worn off.
 Damn, I could up chuck. Swallowing back the queasiness, I wait for the room to stop spinning. “What’s the damage?” Connall asks, frowning as he stares at me. I have a vague recollection of calling him for help, but other than that I remember nothing after stepping outside of the club. He’s a good man, one I can count on.
The fucking best. “Couple broken ribs, lots of bruising,” Joey says, drawing some clear liquid from a vial into a needle. He pulls it free, presses the plunger to get rid of any air bubbles, then stabs me in the bicep with it, dispensing the liquid. “I fucking hope that’s painkillers,” I say, trying to laugh but failing. He nods, pulling the needle free before throwing it in the medical waste bin. “I got you, pal.” “What else?” Connall urges impatiently.
 “The gash to his head was pretty fucking deep. I’ve sewn it up but you’ll need to keep an eye on him over the next few days. He was concussed pretty badly, and there’s always a danger of bleeding into the skull or swelling on the brain, but I think we’re good where that’s concerned.”
 Connall swipes a hand through his hair. “You think?” “Well, short of getting Sy into the hospital for a CT scan, I can’t say any better than that.”
 “No hospitals,” I say firmly. “Don’t need the law on my ass for offing Carter-fucking-Davidson.” 
“You what?!” Connall exclaims, looking from me to Joey. “Did you know about this?” “First I’ve heard,” Joey says, casting a look my way. He knows I had my suspicions about Carter and his relationship with the King, so I imagine he’s putting two and two together and coming up with a pretty good assumption about what went down. “Jesus fuck, Syverson! What the hell happened last night?” “Last night?” I have a question. “How long have I been out?” “Ten hours, but stop avoiding the fucking question. Spill. I need to know so that I can give the family a head’s up. If a war is coming, they’ll want to back you.” “There’ll be no war. We’re leaving.”
“You and Louhi?” Joey asks, even though I’m pretty fucking sure it’s a trick question given she ain’t here and he’s not fucking stupid. “No.” I shake my head, ignoring the pain in my chest that isn’t coming from my bullet wound, but is most definitely coming from my heart. I look at Connall. “When I said we, I was kind of hoping you’d come with me.” “Me? Go where, exactly? And what about Louhi?” “Saoirse was the one who shot me,” I explained, leaning my head back against the gurney. Joey whistles and Connall’s mouth drops open in shock. “Wait, back the fuck up a minute,” he says scraping a hand over his face. “You killed Carter Davidson and Louhi shot you for it?”
 “Pretty much,” I replied.
 “But she’s in love with you,” he counters.
 “He’s her dad, Connall.”
 “And clearly a prick given you killed him. You don’t need to tell me what he’s done for me to know you’d only ever off your boss because he’s done something unforgivable. So, I’ll ask again. Why would Louhi shoot you when we all know that girl is head over heels in love with you?”
 I heave out a sigh. “I wish I could say that was still true.” “Are you still in love with her?” Joey asks me pointedly.
 “Jesus, Mary and Joseph! She shot you, Logan. Are you gone in the head?” Connall yells, shaking his head in frustration. “You know what, don’t fucking answer that.” “So you’re running?” Joey asks, moving the conversation along. “It’s complicated.” “So UN-complicate it for us because as much as I like Louhi, I don’t like the fact she nearly killed you and you’re leaving like a beat-down dog.” “Number fucking one, I’m not a beat-down dog!
 Number fucking two, if she wanted me dead, I’d be dead. We were five feet apart, there is no way she would’ve missed from that distance. No fucking way,” I say, pointing to my bandaged shoulder. “He’s right. Even if she wasn’t a trained markswoman, which I understand that she is, there’d be no missing. So do you want to tell us why you killed Carter?” Joey asks. “Because the cunt was going to use her to pay off his debts to the King.” “The fuck you say?!” Connall yells. “You heard me. Carter got into a lot of trouble fucking his way around the escorts at The Crib Club, not to mention racking up a substantial gambling debt. I found out about his plans and made the King a better offer.” 
Drawing in a deep breath to fend off the queasiness, I continue, “I would kill Carter if he backed the fuck off from Saoirse. He agreed, providing I stay quiet about his involvement, and he could remain a silent partner in the club.”
 “The conniving bastard. Why didn’t you just kill the cunt as well?” Connall asks. “Because, as you well know, he’s powerful. Much more powerful than me on my jack jones and far more powerful than one woman with a dead dad. She needs him… For now.” “And you’re okay with that?” Joey asks this time. “Of course I’m not, but equally she’s backed into a corner. The King has a forty-eight percent share in the club, he has a big army behind him and lots of fucking connections. 
She can’t go up against him. This way she keeps his protection and a share in the club whilst she establishes herself, and we find a way out of this mess.” “And you believe he won’t go back on his word the minute you're gone, and take her for himself?” “I know he won’t. Saoirse shooting me proved she’s tough enough to run the club. Besides, the King doesn’t want a woman who’ll fucking shoot him when he tries to raise a hand to her. Saoirse is too much of a handful, and one he ain’t willing to mess with, thank fuck.”
“So let me get this straight,” Connall tries to rationalize, pacing up and down as he gets all the information straight in his head. “Carter was in debt so he goes to the King for a loan, the payment of which is his own fucking daughter and a share in the club.” “Yes,” I say, the pain in my head, shoulder and ribs easing a little now the medication is doing its job. Doesn’t stop the ache in my heart though, or the constant feeling of nausea when I’m reminded of how Saoirse had looked at me as though I’d broken her heart as surely as her banishing me had broken mine. She had to do it, I don’t fucking blame her for it, but it still fucking hurts.
 “You find out and cut another deal with the King,” Connall continues, “You kill Carter and the King backs off from Louhi, acting as what, a silent partner in the club?” “Precisely, he’s also got connections with some of the best clubs in the world. He can bring in the fighters. She’s smart, she’ll grow the business, and won’t throw it down the drain alongside whisky and stripper cum like her dad did.” Connall raises his brow at that. We both know Carter wasn’t the type of man who cared about a woman’s pleasure over his own. “Turn of phrase,” I mumble.
“So the King gets to sit back and reap the benefits whilst you take the blame for killing Carter, am I close?” “I don’t know about that part. That all depends on what happens now, but I’m not sticking around to find out whether Saoirse grasses on me. Though I wouldn’t fucking blame her if she did.” “She won’t,” Joey says, sounding far more certain than I feel. “And you know how?” Connall asks. “As you well know, there are rules we all live by, unspoken ones, but ones we all obey. No fucking police. However Louhi chooses to deal with this is up to her, but that girl has grown up in this life and she won’t be pulling the police in unless they’re bent and she’s using them to cover her back.” 
 “Fair point,” Connall concedes, leaning back against the counter as he regards me. “And your big plan is to slope off with your tail between your legs, heart fucking broken, whilst there are a fuck load of snakes and sharks out there who are more than willing to take a bite out of your woman?” 
“I’m not sloping off,” I growl, “And I’m not willing to let anyone do any such thing. I trust Dom to keep an eye on her, and I believe the King will have her back whilst it suits him. Right now keeping her safe, and more importantly the business safe, is in his best interests.”
“So what’s the plan, and why do you want me tagging along for the ride?” Connall asks. “For your charm and wit, of course,” I reply, deadly fucking serious. He laughs. I don’t. “Okay spill.” “I’m gonna find her an army of the best men and women money, charm and connections can buy, and you’re going to help me.” “Well, when you put it like that, how can a man say no?” Connalls replies, grinning. “And what do you need me to do?” Joey asks. “Keep your ear to the ground and let me know the second you hear anything about the King that should concern me. Better still, ingratiate yourself with Louhi. Get in on the business. She’ll need someone to fix up her men after they’ve been in the cage. Make sure that man is you.” Joey nods.
 “You got it.” “So where to go first?” Connall asks me as my eyes begin to drift shut. “Italy. Romeo Ricci, remember that crazy bastard, he has some contacts out there I’d like to explore…” “Italy it is,” Connall replies, with a shake of his head as exhaustion and a heavy dose of painkiller pull me under.
*2 years later*
Sy’s POV
It’s been almost two years since I left. Two long motherfucking years where I’ve watched over Saoirse from afar. My Princess. My woman. My heart. She turns twenty in a week. And I’m back to tell her the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me fucking God.
I owe her an explanation, my apologies and my love. But more than that, I owe her my life. Saoirse isn’t a crap shot, and no one misses major organs when they’re firing a bullet from a few feet away without purposefully intending to miss. She shot me that night in the cage, banishing me from her life and sending out a message to the criminal underworld. No one fucks with Louhi. Not even the ones she loves. It was her saving grace, because when she pulled the trigger she proved herself a Davidson more than worthy of standing in Carter’s shoes, and she’s been proving herself ever since, building a business and an army that she can be proud of. Unofficially she’s been running the club from the moment Carter was murdered by yours truly, officially just a few short weeks since his will was read and her name replaced his as the owner of the club. Either way, she’s gained respect and a reputation. 
According to Dom, who’s been my inside man this whole time, despite the King still having involvement in the club, he’s backed off and allowed her to make a name for herself whilst he reaped the benefits. It won’t be long before she buys him out, or better yet kills the cunt, but all in good time. For now, she’s running the most lucrative fight club in all of Europe. Two months after the refurbishment, the old club mysteriously burnt to the ground and she moved premises to a larger, more discrete site where the club has also become more commonly known as Louhi’s Fight Club. As it should be. She’s a badass, and I’m so fucking proud of her. Two weeks ago, Dom called me to let me know that Carter’s will had finally been read, after his funeral took place a couple weeks before that.
 A funeral that, by all accounts, was attended by every fucking lowlife criminal you could think of. None of them were there for Carter, and even less to pay their respects to Saoirse. Like vultures around a rotting carcass, they wanted to see what they could get out of the situation because up until three months ago, Carter was deemed a missing person. And a missing person is still a threat, but a dead man? Not so much. What they hadn’t counted on was the woman they met at the funeral. A woman who, according to Dom, single-handedly laid out three men and shot a fourth in the kneecap for even trying to disrespect her. They also hadn’t counted on the soldiers she’s acquired or the loyalty of mercenaries with a big enough reputation to scare even the most hardened criminal off. Like I said, she’s been building an army. It’s also common knowledge that the remains of Carter’s skull was found in a shallow grave in Hampstead Heath, and that he was identified by his teeth.
It’s not common knowledge that the police were tipped-off with where to find Carter’s remains, or the fact that the rest of his body was fed to pigs who have long since been butchered too. Both calculated decisions that were made by Saoirse herself. Of course, speculation had been rife in the criminal underworld, and according to Dom, Saoirse endured weeks of police interrogations, interviews and accusations. But she never wavered from her story, and she never once ratted me out. Carter’s cause of death was deemed suspicious, but given there was very little left of Carter’s body and no other evidence to be found given the old club is now nothing but a pile of ash, the case ran cold.
 Though I’m more than fucking positive that there was a handout to the police chief and a few people higher up the chain of command to nip any further investigations in the bud. Like I said, Saoirse has come into her own. Or should I say Louhi has come into her own, because there isn’t one person now who’ll call her Saoirse. She won’t allow it. The last person who tried was beaten by her men so badly that he can’t even remember his own name, let alone hers, or so I’m told. Saoirse has well and truly shredded her skin and stepped into the role of Louhi completely. It’s a heavy burden to know that I’m part of the reason for that.
That my actions, my half-truths and my lies to keep her safe, forced her into a persona she couldn’t escape from. Honestly, I’m not certain she would even want to now. But I’m not back to change her in any way, I’m back because I can’t stay away a moment longer. There’s so much I need to fix and I’m not self-centred enough to believe I’ll be successful, but I’ve got to fucking try. I blow out a steady breath, swiping at the mist covering the mirror from the shower I’ve just taken, and stare at my reflection. I look much the same as I did when I left.
 I’m still a bulky fucker, probably bigger than I was given I’ve spent a lot of my time training in gyms around the world, but it didn’t matter where I was, there was no sunshine without her. My happiness wasn’t a focus, her safety was, still is. I haven’t been complacent in my time away. I’ve made alliances, acquaintances and friends with powerful men and women. And I’ve done it all for Saoirse, for Louhi. I’ve been standing by her side this whole fucking time we’ve been apart. I never stopped working to build her army. Never stopped loving her. Never stopped dreaming about her every fucking night, and thinking about her every minute of every day. I’m surprised my dick hasn’t dropped off from the amount of times I’ve abused it whilst thinking of her. 
That night in her bedroom where she’d spread herself for me and finger-fucked herself so perfectly has been on repeat in my head for the last two years. Even now, after all this time, thoughts of her make me hard. That won’t ever change. Scraping a hand over my face, I mentally psych myself up, because if I was nervous about telling Saoirse about my feelings back in my tattoo shop two years ago, that’s nothing to how I’m feeling now. I ain’t shitting a brick. I’m shitting a goddamn mountain. Dom has made it perfectly clear that she’s not the same person I left behind, but then again neither am I. Truth be known, being away has changed me. I was never a spiritual man, and I won’t pretend that I am now, but a few months back I accompanied Connall on a trip to Ireland to visit his family and met a lad who has this uncanny ability to uncover a man’s secrets and capitalize on them. The little fucker got me talking about personal shit that I would never share with anyone. I can’t even blame my loose mouth on the pints of Guinness I knocked back, given I only had two. Pretty sure he pulled some voodoo shit on me. All I know is if anyone has the heart of a criminal, the soul of a thief and the mind of a genius, it’s Arden Dálaigh, and I have no doubts we’ll meet again when he’s grown a few more chest hairs. But that’s a concern for another day. 
With a shake of my head, my gaze falls to Saoirse’s handprint tattooed on my chest, the outline of which is now completely filled with black ink. From there my eyes track across to the puckered scar that sits just beneath my right collar bone where Saoirse shot me. Both are a prominent reminder of the woman I love, and I will wear them with pride until the day I fucking die. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” Connall asks, the second I slide into the passenger seat beside him. I gave him a look. “Not in the fucking slightest, but it’s time.” “She might actually kill you this time.” “She might, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take,” I reply, drumming my fingers against my knee in agitation. 
The fucker of course notices. He’s been a good friend to me and I owe him so much more than I could ever repay. Connall has been my right-hand man through all of my travels around the world. “Listen, mate, I love you, you know that right?” I laugh. “If you’re about to tell me to run away with you—”
“We’ve been there, done that already,” he cuts in with a smirk, breaking sharply and swearing at a kid that suddenly dashes out into the road in front of us. She slams her fist against the bonnet, before giving us the middle finger. Beneath her hood I can see bright blue hair and a scowl that would rival the many Saoirse has given me in the past. “Watch where you’re going, asswipe!” she yells, then pelts it across the street chucking a spray can at the car for good measure.
 “The little fucker!” Connall exclaims as we both watch her leg it down the street and disappear down an alleyway a little further up. “That one’s gonna cause someone a heap of shit in a few years.” “Looks like she’s already causing a heap of shit,” I remark, as Connall puts the car in drive and moves on. We both laugh, the tension easing a little. Ten minutes later Connall pulls up outside a gated industrial estate, manned by a security guard who looks very familiar.
 The last time I saw him, he was in the crowd at the club whilst I was getting the shit kicked out of me by Derby. Connall gives me a look. “Is he gonna give us trouble?” “I guess you’d better roll your window down so we can find out.”
Mark steps out of the little hut he’s sitting in and strolls over to the car, ducking down to look through the now open window. It takes him less than a second to lock eyes with me. “Well, fuck! Dom said you were back, but I didn’t believe it. Syverson, as I live and breathe. How are you, mate?” Not quite the reception I was expecting, but okay. I grin. “I’m good, you?” “Head of security here these days,” he says with a wink, tapping on the walkie-talkie attached to his chest. “That uniform looks good on you,” Connall says, jerking his chin towards Mark’s outfit. He looks like a cross between a copper and a bouncer in his deep blue shirt and trousers. 
The fact he’s got a handgun strapped to his hip and a knife slotted next to it just adds to the whole don’t fuck with me vibe he’s got going on. “Louhi likes her soldiers dressing smart. Things have changed around here since…” His voice trails off and neither of us fill in the silence. Mark was at the club the night I fought Derby, but he wasn’t there when I killed Carter. I found out later he was dragging a fuming Hudson Freed home. 
Though he couldn’t keep him away according to Dom, who’s been my inside man this whole time. Hudson came back an hour after I left and is as deep in this pile of shit as the rest of us in attendance that night. Honestly, I expected to hear that Saoirse and him had got together after I’d gone, but to my surprise they’re still just friends and have remained close. I guess I owe him a thank you for looking out for my girl too, even if it pisses me off that he got to spend time with her and I didn’t. I should be grateful, I am grateful, but it doesn’t stop me from wanting to beat the shit out of him for having her time and attention though.
 Never thought I’d be a jealous man, but here we are. “Sy is here to see Louhi. Is that gonna be a problem?” Connall asks, before I’m able to even clear my head enough to do the same. For a beat Mark looks between us, his expression serious. We were friends once, and the thought of having to knock the fucker out so I can get inside the gates doesn’t sit well with me, but I’ll do it if I have to. “A few weeks back I would’ve seen you on your way,” he admits with a wry grin. “And today?” I ask, my stomach churning at the thought that just on the other side of this gate is the woman I love. “Today you’re allowed in.” Connall grins. “Excellent, want to get the gate open then?”
Mark’s smile drops. “Sorry, Connall. Sy goes in alone. Orders of the Boss.” Connall looks affronted, glancing at me. “Why is she pissed at me? I ain’t done nothing wrong. Surely, she has missed my Irish charm?” I laugh, and Mark grins. “Couldn’t tell you. All I’ve been told is if Logan  turns up he comes in alone.” “Not a problem,” I say, unclipping my seat belt. “Follow me then,” Mark replies, bumping fists with a put-out Connall, before striding back to the gate. “Seriously, Sy, are you sure you wanna do this? We both know that Louhi has quite the reputation these days.” “I’m sure. Go home. I’ll call you later.” Connall nods, blowing out a breath.
 “Well, don’t let me tell you I told you so when you end up in the coroner's office with a bullet in your brain.” “Pretty sure I’ll be incapable of listening or responding at that point,” I say with a laugh, before jumping out of the car and striding through the open gate.
Two minutes later I’m pushing open the door into the warehouse Mark pointed me towards, and stepping into a cornered off wire cage with wrap around curtains and a locked door opposite. In the corner of the space is a table and a sign that says:
 Remove all weapons or entry will be denied.
I grin. Saoirse is way smarter than her father. Security is clearly a priority, as it should be. Glancing around the space, my attention is caught by a tiny red light flashing in the top right hand corner of the cage. I stare up at the camera and wait, a smile pulling up my lips. “Weapons on the table,” a familiar female voice barks through the intercom. It’s been a long time since I heard her voice and for a moment I’m taken aback. Struck fucking dumb, actually, though my dick doesn’t seem to have the same problem. It jerks at her voice, standing to fucking attention. “Jesus fuck,” I mutter. “Weapons on the table, Syverson. You’ll get them back when you leave.” 
Syverson. Call me a fool, call me whatever the fuck you like, but the sheer fact she’s addressing me by my real name is a good fucking sign. I hear the sass buried deep beneath the coolness, and it fires my fucking blood like nothing else. Maybe there’s hope. “I have no weapons. I come in peace,” I reply, grinning, unable to help myself.
For long moments there’s just silence, then the intercom makes a clicking noise and her voice follows shortly after. “Prove it. Strip.” “Sure thing, Princess,” I reply without hesitation, more than happy to oblige. I hear the sound of the intercom clicking once more and wait, but there’s nothing but static. Maybe it’s too early to be calling her Princess again so I follow my reply up with a statement that I hope she takes as truthfully as it’s meant. “Ain’t nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” Her scoff comes through the intercom clear as fuck then. “Just get on with it.” I stare up at the camera and nod. If she wants me naked, then I’ll get naked.
 She can see how my cock is growing for her too. I don’t fucking care. She can take her fill. Removing my jacket and boots first, I throw the former onto the table and kick the latter across the concrete floor. There isn’t one moment when my gaze isn’t focussed on the camera, and I’m hoping she can feel the intensity of my stare, because I sure as fuck can feel hers. Next, my t-shirt, jeans and socks come off and I stand in my boxers with a raging hard on that would rival any of those other fuckers that she might’ve invited into her bed. I sure hope I get the chance to erase any bastard cock that has had the pleasure of her attention these past couple years. It fucking kills
I know that someone else has taken what was always supposed to be mine, but I can’t blame her for it. I won’t do that. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t fucking gut me though, or that I won’t off the fucker who took it from me. Just saying. “Do you need me to remove my boxers too, because you know I will, Princess,” I say unabashedly. This wasn’t exactly how I pictured our reunion, but I get the psychology behind it. She wants to show me who’s boss, what she doesn’t realize is that I never wanted to be hers.
 Every action I took came from a place of love, and the need to protect her. “Is that a gun in your pants or are you just glad to see me?” a familiar male voice says, followed by a burst of laughter that has my cock deflating quicker than you can say gonorrhea. Across the other side of the space the curtain surrounding the cage is pulled back and Dom is smiling at me. “Fucking hell, Syverson, I can see that cock of yours is still a lethal weapon.” I bark out a laugh, shaking my head. “You prick!” 
“Nope, you’re definitely the prick.”
“Good to see you, Dom,” I reply, my smile fading as I give him a look that I hope he interprets as gratefulness. Without him keeping an eye on Saoirse, and letting me know how she’s been doing, I would’ve been even more of a fucking mess. “Get dressed. Louie's waiting for you in her office,” he gives me a knowing look, then punches a number into a keypad on his side of the cage and pulls the door open. He waits for me to put my clothes back on, and with one last glance at the camera, I follow Dom into the lioness’s den.
Saoirse’s POV
I stare at the screen, at the man who stole my heart and made me an orphan. He looks the same as I remember and different in a way that’s difficult to pinpoint. There are lines around his eyes, and a tightness around his mouth that I have the sudden urge to soothe. He’s more muscular, if that’s even possible. His hair is a little longer on top and he’s clean shaven. If I weren’t already sitting down, I’d need to.
There’s no doubt that he’s grown even more handsome, and despite my head telling me not to get drawn in, my foolish heart is beating wildly. Don’t even ask me about my pussy because she’s already forgiven him and is about ready to throw herself at his cock and beg for oblivion. “Fuck!” I swear, my gaze roving over every inch of his face as he stares up at the camera.
 This was a bad fucking idea. I can’t be weak for this man, I can’t. Flicking my gaze to my phone, I consider calling Mark to come get his arse and chuck him out, but  I hesitate. My stomach churns with anxiety, and I grab my packet of cigarettes from the table, lighting one and dragging in a deep lungful. The tip sizzles, and when I blow out a stream of blue-grey smoke, some of the anxiety lifts. Narrowing my eyes at him I make a decision, then lean back in my chair and press the intercom button. “Weapons on the table,” I say, keeping my voice steady, cold. He stiffens, his muscles locking tight as he blinks back up at the camera. He wasn’t expecting to hear my voice. Good, let him feel as fucked in the head as I do. I take another drag of my cigarette, enjoying the power shift as he chews on his lip. There’s no doubt that he’s nervous. Well that makes two of us.
“Weapons on the table, Syverson. You’ll get them back when you leave.” I can’t help but grin at the surprise in his eyes when I call him by his real name. Before, when I used to call him Syverson, it was to wind him up, to get a rise out of him. Now, I just want to remind him that I can call him whatever the fuck I want and he can’t do a damn thing about it. It takes him a beat to reply, but when he does he gives me a grin that almost makes me forget what he did. Almost. “I have no weapons. I come in peace,” he says. I take another pull of my cigarette. 
There’s nothing about his body language that tells me he’s being anything other than truthful, and despite everything, I believe he isn’t carrying. Not that it would matter if he was, because my soldiers would have him disarmed and on his knees with a gun cocked at his head before he could even blink. Syverson might be the best fighter in the cage, but he’s no match for the combined force of the mercenaries I’ve gathered over the two years since he’s been gone. Every single one of them walked into the club as a fighter and stayed as my soldier, and I took full advantage of the universe bringing them to me.
 We eyeball each other through the screen, and deciding that he needs to be knocked down a peg, or five thousand, I test his willingness to follow my orders because there is no way I’ll even entertain talking to him if he thinks he can just waltz back in here and pick up where we left off. I don’t care how fucking sexy he is, or how much he still makes my legs go weak and my pussy wet. “Prove it. Strip,” I demand, smirking as I lean back in my chair and wait. I don’t have to wait for long. “Sure thing, Princess,” he replies then begins to remove his clothes. I press down on the intercom about ready to tell him to fuck off for calling me Princess, but then he says something else that stills my heart and immediately puts me back in the headspace of the girl who was utterly in love with him. “Ain’t nothing I wouldn’t do for you.” I blink at the screen, at his sincerity. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! Swallowing hard and pushing those feelings deep down, I scoff, then say; “Just get on with it.” 
Then I click off the intercom so that I don’t do something fucking stupid like ask him to do everything I’ve dreamed of in the privacy of my bedroom these past couple years since he’s been gone. Dragging in another hit of my cigarette, I watch him undress, my mouth dropping open as I stare at the screen, transfixed. He strips right down to his boxers and there’s no denying that his almost naked form is as stunningly attractive as it ever was, but it isn’t his defined muscles or his broad shoulders
and strong thighs that leave me breathless. It isn’t even the intimidating size of his erection. It’s my handprint that’s completely filled in and resting over his heart in a permanent tattoo that sucks all the oxygen from the room and has my own heart pounding so loud that I barely hear my phone ringing. “Shit! Fuck!” I exclaim, picking it up. “What?” I snap into the mouthpiece. “He’s about to take his fucking pants off. Are you still convinced he’s packing?” Dom asks me, undeniable laughter in his voice. He’s certainly packing, I think, my gaze trailing to his boxers and the bulge there.
 “Bring him to me,” I ordered. “Sure thing… And boss?” “Yes?” “He’s a good guy.” I snort. “Tell that to Carter.” By the time Dom knocks on my door five minutes later, I’ve shrugged off the girl who was in love with Syverson and firmly stepped into the role of Louhi. I promised myself I would listen to him, and I will, but that doesn’t mean I’m just going to take him back no matter what he has to say. “Come in,” I called out, arms folded across my chest in defense mode that I quickly uncrossed because letting him know I’m feeling out of sorts by his sudden appearance today isn’t what Louhi would do. She is strong, unfazed by anyone, and it’s her grit I funnel as  Dom opens the door and Syverson steps past him into my office.
 I glance at Syverson quickly, willing my heart to stop racing and ignoring the very real need to just go to him, then give a tight smile to Dom. “Need me to stay?” he asks. “No. Get home to Nancy. I’ll see you back here tomorrow night for Ziggy’s fight.” “Sure thing.” He nods once, flicks his gaze to the back of Syverson’s head and smirks, shutting the door behind him. “I should shoot you dead now,” I state, my fingers running over the Glock resting on my desk, internally wincing at the opposing emotions fucking with my head. I just want to go to him, wrap my arms around him, but I can’t. I fucking can’t. “I wouldn’t stop you,” he replies evenly. “Do you have a death wish?” I ask, genuinely interested, and trying hard to focus on being Louhi and not the girl who’s still in love with him. He holds his hands out, palms up. “The only wish I have is for the chance to talk. That’s it. That’s all.” We stare at each other for long moments, and I’d be a liar if I didn’t want to throw caution to the wind and forgive him instantly for everything. But I can’t do that.
I won’t do that. “Drink?” I ask instead, if only because I need something to do with my hands. Without waiting for him to reply, I push back from the table and stride over to the drinks cabinet in the corner of the room, pouring us both a three-fingered shot of bourbon. I take my time, letting him get his fill of my fitted shirt, tight leather skirt, bare legs, and stiletto ankle boots. I know for a fact my knee-length skirt hugs my arse, and the slit at the back gives glimpses of my thighs. He’s not the only one who’s kept themselves fit these past couple years. I spar three times a week with Dom and Mark and train with Cleveland, one of the mercenaries, twice a week too. I keep up with pole dancing as much as I can with Nancy and Matty as well. Exercise has helped to keep my mind focused, sharp. What no one knows is that on my nights off I indulge in copious amounts of junk food to ease the pain in my chest whilst sitting in my threadbare pyjamas, feeling lonely as fuck. There has to be balance, right? With his eyes on me, I grab the drinks and return to my seat, sliding one across the table to him. “Sit.” Syverson nods, watching me carefully as he pulls out the chair and takes a seat opposite me. I will my cheeks not to flush at the intense way he stares at me,but rather than looking away I stare right back, not willing to let him see how affected I am by him. Taking a sip of the bourbon, I wait. 
“Saoirse…” Syverson begins, his Texan accent causing a sharp pang in my chest,  “Louhi,” I retort firmly. “Louhi,” he corrects, leaning forward and clasping his hands together on the table, completely ignoring the glass of bourbon. My gaze trails over his thick fingers and the veins protruding on the back of his hands before I slowly lift my eyes to meet his. I’m pretty sure he was just checking out my tits too. Can’t say I blame him, they’ve filled out some since he left. I guess I’m what you call a late bloomer. “You’ve got five minutes. Speak,” I demand, so fucking grateful my voice remains steady. “You look good,” he remarks, the sound of lust in his voice like a wet dream come true. There’s no denying the need in his eyes and for a second I allow myself to bask in it. To let his words wash over me like a sweet caress. Then I pull my shit together.
“If you’re just here to compliment me on my looks then you can get your arse up out of that chair and fuck right off. I don’t need your compliments, Syverson. I get enough of them as it is.” His eyes flash with possession, and a whole dose of jealousy, but he shuts both down and nods, clearing his throat. “I’m sure you do.” We fall silent again, and I pick up another cigarette, lighting it. He looks surprised but instead of questioning why I’ve taken up smoking, he nods towards the cigarette packet. “May I?” “You may,” I say, inwardly smiling at the way he seems to shift uncomfortably in his seat. I wonder if he still has a boner. The sheer fact he got hard because he knew I was watching him strip makes me feel all kinds of ways. 
Mostly horny, but also wanted, desired. Yeah, I’ve had plenty men want to fuck me, but the way Syverson is looking at me now, it’s different. It’s more. As he leans forward and reaches across the table, his loose fitting, v-neck shirt gapes a little, revealing the top of the handprint tattoo. Now it’s me who’s staring as I remember the day he took me to his tattoo shop and stole my breath with his actions and his promises.
“I like what you’ve done with the club,” he interrupts my reminiscing. I rip my gaze upwards and watch him place a cigarette between his lips before lighting it.
 “You’ve been busy building quite an empire since I’ve been gone.”
 “You sound surprised.” 
“No. I never doubted you.”
 Blue-grey smoke curls up out of his mouth as he speaks and I can’t help but notice the note of pride in his voice. I don’t need a man’s validation, but surprisingly getting this recognition from Syverson means more to me than it probably should. “Yeah, you’re right. I have been building an empire since I banished you,” I reply, forcing all those warm feelings I have no business entertaining deep into the pit of my stomach. Anger is by far a safer emotion right now, and I’m clinging onto it with everything I have. “I’ll rephrase that. You’ve been building quite an empire since you banished me.” There’s a hint of a smile in his eyes that warms a part of me that turned cold a long time ago, and it’s that feeling and not his flirty smile that has me reacting the way I do.
 I. Can’t. Let. Him. In.
 I Can’t.
“Get out!” I snap. Stubbing out my cigarette, I push up from my desk and stride towards the door. “Now!” He twists in his seat, frowning as he watches me yank open the door . “What?” “I said, get the fuck out!” My voice is low, dripping with fury. “Woah, Louhi,” he retorts, stubbing his own cigarette into the ashtray before getting to his feet.
 “Calm down darlin.”
 “Calm down? Calm-fucking-down! No. You don’t get to patronize me.”
 “I wasn’t! Shit! Fuck, that’s not what I was doing!”
 I bark out a laugh, feeling a lot less Louhi and way more Saoirse than I have in a very long time. Saoirse is the one who flies off the handle at the drop of a hat, who’s emotional. Louhi is nothing like that and a large part of me resents that he still has the ability to pull her out of me.
 “Did you honestly think you could waltz in here, flash me a smile, give me flirty fuck-me eyes and think I would fall at your feet like some lovesick teenager?”
 “Well, I—” he smiles again in that infuriating way that makes my heart squeeze. “Don’t you dare!”
 I hiss, slamming the door shut in anger instead of slamming my fist into his cocky face. “Don’t make this into a fucking joke.”
“I’m sorry, let me start again,” he begins, scraping a hand over his face. 
“Fuck, I knew I’d balls this up.”
 “I’m not that girl anymore. I’m not someone you can flirt with and charm, who begs for your attention. I won’t just roll over and forgive you for everything just because you’re back.”
 “I don’t expect you to do any of that,” he replies earnestly as he steps towards me. “I misjudged the situation. I guess I thought—I hoped—that because you hadn’t already shot me dead that we were on better terms than we actually are. I was wrong. I apologize.”
 “The only terms we’re on is me giving you a chance to shoot your shot before I decide whether to shoot you dead for good this time!” I bite back.
 “That’s fair,” he replies, holding his hands aloft as he approaches me guardedly. “I’m just asking you to listen to what I have to say. Will you?”
 “So now you want my obedience?” I shake my head. “Nothing’s changed there then.” 
“You were never obedient,” he retorts, moving closer still. “As I recall, you did nothing but cause me shit. I’ve missed that.” 
This time his smile isn’t flirty, it’s pitted with regret and the barely stitched together wounds in my chest rip open at that. He missed me. God, I missed him too. So fucking much. But I don’t admit it.
“And you were nothing but a tease and a heartbreaker!” I retort, hating the fact that I’m losing my cool so spectacularly, that somehow I’ve moved towards him instead of putting more space between us. “I’m sorry it felt that way.”
 “Are you?”
 “Saoirse,” he says, then slams his mouth shut when I give him a glare that ordinarily would end in someone getting kneecapped. 
“Louhi,” he repeats, still stepping towards me.
 “I never meant to hurt you.”
 “But you did. And that girl you made an orphan? She’s gone now.”
 “I understand,” he acknowledges, stopping a few inches from me.
 “You don’t understand though,” I reply. “You don’t understand anything.”
 “Then explain it to me. What’s going on in your head, Princess?”
 I look up at him unable, or perhaps unwilling, to drag my gaze away. I don’t even pull him up for calling me Princess again because, fuck, I’ve missed him so much. I ache to step into his arms. It’s physically painful to keep this distance between us, but I have a reputation to uphold and letting him back in would ruin mine. No one knows for certain that he killed Carter, but speculation has been rife since his body, or what was left of it, was found. The fact Syverson disappeared the same night my dad did but has turned up alive and well two years later is a big fucking red flag.
Not to mention that he did actually kill my dad. It’s just as well I’ve got the police chief in my pocket, otherwise Sy would’ve been pulled in for questioning the second he stepped back in town. He knows that just as much as I do. “You lost the right to ask those kinds of questions two years ago, Syverson.”
 “You’re right, I did, and it guts me to know that.” He sighs, tracing my features with his gaze. “There’s so much I need to say to you, but all I can think about right now is taking you in my arms and loving you until you understand that I’m sorry.”
 “Syverson,” I warn, but he ignores me and brushes his knuckles against my cheek, and just for a moment I’m caught in his pull, in the chemistry and the attraction we’ve always shared. It’s as strong as it ever was. It’s intoxicating. 
“Fuck, Louhi. Fuck,” he murmurs, his thumb brushing over my lips.
 “Syverson,” I say, trying and failing not to lean into his hold as his palm presses against my cheek and his fingers massage the shaven hair behind my ear. I can feel myself giving in, feel my heart calling out to his whilst my brain screams at me to stop, to think, to step the fuck away from him. “We belong together, you and me,” he murmurs as I struggle internally, wanting to let him in, knowing that I shouldn’t.
He lowers his head slowly towards mine, and in the short time it takes for him to lean closer, Louhi comes back fighting. I shove at his chest, taking a step back and putting space between us. “I don’t belong to anyone, Syverson. I don’t need to be loved by you. I do just fine without that bullshit in my life!” I lie, my chest heaving as we stare at one another. “We both know that isn’t true, because this thing we have, this connection, it ain’t going away. We’re inevitable, you and me…” And he’s right. We are. A part of me, a desperately needy, lonely part that has missed him, has yearned for him, wants him to take charge and pull me into his arms and kiss me stupid. The other part sighs in relief when he backs up. 
“But right now we can’t explore ourselves until you know the truth, and I’m here to give it to you.” “And what truth is that?” I ask, feeling the hair on the back of my neck stand. The look in his eyes is enough to make me withdraw emotionally, locking my feelings down, hardening up. Whatever he’s about to say isn’t going to be good. “That I killed Carter not because he wanted me dead for loving you, although that’s reason enough in my book, but because he drew up a contract with the King selling you to that asshole in exchange for paying off his debts.”
 Stunned doesn’t even begin to cover what I’m feeling. I’m fucking stupified, a sudden ringing in my ear drowning out every other sound. It takes me a few moments to gather my thoughts and I have to blink back my shock. “What?” I eventually choke out, the floor tipping beneath my feet as I try to make sense of what he’s just said. “That’s a fucking lie!”
  “I wish it was.” Sy  blows out a sharp breath, my reaction to the truth hurting him as much as the truth hurts me. “I made a new deal with the King as soon as I found out what your dad had planned. I would kill Carter and the King would back off from you, remaining a silent partner in the club. I did it so that I could give you time to build an army so that one day, when the time was right, you could take out the motherfucker yourself.”
 “He was going to sell me to the King?” I ask, disbelief quickly dissolving into rage that fires my blood and makes me wish Carter was still alive so that I could drive the motherfucking knife into his back, just like Sy did that night. “Yeah, he was,” Sy confirms, giving me a look of such deep sorrow that I almost, almost stepped into his arms. Instead, I tip up my chin, straighten my spine and funnel some Louhi energy. Maybe my dad had a hand in bringing her to life, but it was always Logan who fuelled her strength. “Tell me why I should believe you?” I ask, not because I don’t believe him—the truth is, I do—but because I need a moment to gather my thoughts. To figure out what the fuck I should do now.
 “You don’t have to believe me, but if you want to corroborate my story you just need to check the accounts at The Crib Club,” Sy says. “And how do you propose I do that?” “You managed to shut down the case investigating Carter’s murder. I’m sure you’ll find a way,” he says, knowingly. “Yeah,” I retort, already knowing exactly who to go to for help in that department. “Carter was a bastard, and he deserved to die,” he continues, “And what’s more, I’d do it all again to keep you safe.”
 I swallow hard, trying to form the words that just won’t come, because even though I believe him, I have to know for sure he’s telling the truth. When I don’t respond, he swipes a hand through his hair then says: “The only mistake I made was not telling you everything at the time. You weren’t wrong when you said that you didn’t need a man to make decisions for you. I can see just how capable you are, have always been. I’m proud of you. I’m proud of what you’ve built and I’m truly sorry for not giving you the respect you deserved and coming to you with what I found out.” My chest swells with conflicting emotions and it takes a great deal of strength not to fucking buckle, but I stand my ground and remain calm on the surface, even though beneath it all I’m struggling to make sense of everything. I stare at him for a long long time, my throat dry, my pulse racing, my stomach churning and my heart trying its very best to punch a hole through my chest. But I have to keep my head. First I need to check out his story, and then I need to decide what I do with that information. Eventually, I swallow hard and nod. 
“I appreciate you coming here and telling me.” “It’s the least you deserve.” “I have a lot to think about,” I admit. “Yeah, I imagine you do,” he acknowledges. “What are you going to do about the King?” “I don’t know yet.” “Well, when you figure that out, I’ve got your back, no strings attached,” he says, giving me a tight smile before heading towards the door and pulling it open. “Syverson!” I call out before I can stop myself, swallowing back the fucking neediness in my voice. He stills, glancing over his shoulder at me, his eyes flickering with hope.
 “Yeah?” “Are you still fighting?” “Not since I fought against Derby, why?”  “Next weekend I’m holding a contest at the club to celebrate my birthday. Anyone can fight.” “Is that an invitation?” “The winner gets to become one of my soldiers. Are you still a beast, Syverson?” I ask, picking up the glass of bourbon I poured for him and knocking it back in one gulp, relishing the burn. We both know that this is a test, but it’s also an olive branch. The question is, will he take it? “I’ll be here,” he replies, then steps out into the hallway and leaves.
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damagedintellect · 2 years
OnePiece x Y/N Secret Santa 2022!
💌 Sanji x reader for Wurm-food 💌  
A/N: It’s finally time! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! I participated in the @onepiece-blorboexchange Haha yes it’s me unveiled! I, am your secret Santa @wurm-food , it’s been me all along! (FixedSpeech is my alt lol) I lowkey stalked your blog and was inspired to write this after I had already drawn up the sketch so you technically get 2 presents! I might have gotten a little carried away but I hope you enjoy them! Also small world I read your fic “Set Ablaze” on Ao3 a back in October  😩 👌 Good shit! 
Summary:  You decided to finally confess your feelings to your best friend ! Although on a busy day at the shop it was harder to find the opportunity to do so. You just wanted some alone time to spill your guts but who knew the weather would be your greatest wingman. 
Tropes: Modern/Cafe/Bakery/Coffee shop AU, Mutual Pining, Fluff, Friends to Lovers
💌 Word count: 3,902 💌 Oneshot (originally I planned for smut but thought this ending was cuter...might still write it later when I’m less busy tho 👀)
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It was always lively at the cafe you worked for. The Thousand Sunny was well known around town and was attached to the base floor of an apartment complex. It was a popular spot during the rest of the year but you notice people go apeshit for holiday drinks and pastries. Not that the day had been overwhelming or anything. You loved your job and your coworkers to death but on busier days like today you barely got to see the man of your dreams, your big time crush and the head chef in charge of the whole place, Sanji. Your heart swooned just thinking about the blonde but on days like these Sanji was pretty much confined to the kitchen. Sanji didn’t seem to mind much; he was swiftly gliding around the kitchen with that cheery grin that you’ve come to love but you wouldn’t be able to admire him from your spot at the register as customers begged for your attention. Currently it was you, Nami, Robin and Sanji handling the afternoon rush. Over all the noise you could faintly hear the phone go off as you rang up the next customer handing them their long awaited pastries. The line was seemingly never ending today.
“Can someone get that? My hands are kind of full at the moment.” Sanji hollered from the other room as Nami picked up the phone, relieved to have a short break from the demanding crowd. You switched off of the register with Robin to give her a breather too. You were faster at preparing drink orders anyhow. During the much missed downtime before the holiday season you asked Sanji to help you with your drink making skills. In all honesty it was your lame attempt at asking him out on a date but who could blame you. You both had naturally flirty personalities. It's hard to distinguish the line between being close friends and something more. Not to mention the way he worships women in general. You got scared that your feelings were unrequited and panicked. So instead of asking if he’d like to go get coffee with you sometime, you asked if he could teach you how to make coffee sometime. In the end you still got to spend time with the cook so it wasn’t that much of a trainwreck but ever since then you had been trying to come out and profess your love to him. Sanji may be one of your best friends but that makes it all the more confusing trying to figure out if he likes you the same way you do. You were dragged out of your thoughts when you heard Nami shout.  
“What do you mean they told you your flight was canceled, do they know who you are!”
You tried to focus on bringing the line down faster. Twirling around the selection of machinery and syrups like it was second nature. You learned from the best after all. As the waves of people died down Nami updated everyone on the situation. “Apparently Vivi’s flight was canceled due to bad weather predictions and unless someone can pick her up she’s going to be stuck at the airport all night. The next open flight isn’t until this time tomorrow.” That sucks.
You looked at the clock you’d be getting off shortly but you weren’t about to drive through that traffic hellscape and to the airport no less. You hummed as everyone was thinking over who they could call that would be able to pick Vivi up. It was going to be difficult knowing everyone's schedules didn’t line up this week. You glanced back at Sanji who was quickly clearing down the counter while he had some time before he started prepping for the next wave. That’s when you got an idea “Nami, you close today right? I’ll just cover for you instead! That way you could pick her up.” As long as you could be around and useful to Sanji you felt like you could do anything. Even if that meant you'd be working another few hours. It would at least give you a chance to say what’s on your mind. Fingers crossed.
 Her eyes lit up as she jumped up and down hugging you “You're a lifesaver! I’ll tell Vivi I’m on the way.” you hugged her back as Sanji bounced over to you with heart eyes presumably to see Nami off. You were caught off guard when Sanji casually hugged you from the side. “That’s our sweet (Y/N)-chwan as selfless as ever!” you blushed at the gesture. Sanji’s touch lingered around your waist for a brief moment before heading back to the kitchen. Robin looked at Sanji and then looked back at you softly chuckling in her knowing way as you all got back to work. 
The hours flew by with the sheer amount of customers coming in and out but as the night came the heavy traffic seemed to still. You assume it was due to the snow. People often don't want to brave the weather, especially not at night. You and Robin had about half an hour left before you properly closed when Sanji suggested you all leave before the weather gets any worse. Robin seemed eager to leave, asking if you didn’t mind finishing up by yourself. Of course you didn’t but something was weird about the smirk she gave you as she said her goodbyes. After you swept and mopped you went to check on Sanji. It seemed like he was getting started on the baked goods for tomorrow. You couldn’t help but watch the way he kneaded the dough. There was just something about the way his fingers delicately rolled the pastry that made you wish that you were those cinnamon buns and that Sanji would cover you with his icing. This is not what you should be thinking about right now! Not when you're in public and definitely not while he's a few feet away from you. Unfortunately it was already too late, you could feel the small amount of blood dribble down your nose. You just had to think about making Sanji cum for you.
You gasped unintentionally, causing the blonde to look over at you. Your face heated up as your eyes met. How were you going to explain yourself? You were so embarrassed. Sanji on the other hand rushed over to you grabbing a clean towel to delicately hold against your face. “(Y-Y/N)! Are you okay? You’re bleeding!” staring into his eyes you start to stutter.
“A-ah um, t-t-the weather! Yeah sometimes if it’s too cold outside my nose just b-bleeds?” you wanted to perish that just sounded stupid. Entirely possible but stupid. Although it didn’t seem like Sanji even heard your explanation as he picked you up and put you on the counter to help wipe the blood off of your face. Such a gentleman he was always so attentive to your needs. It’s one of the reasons you fell in love with him. 
Sanji cleared his throat “I thought you went home with Robin?” Sanji was glad you didn't leave without saying anything. He was confused when only Robin said her goodnight. He was afraid he did something to upset you but seeing you, the beautiful love of his life, stay behind to give him his own private farewell filled his heart with so much glee.
You tilted your head down slightly, unable to meet his gaze taking the towel from his hands. Your heart pounded faster in your chest as your fingers brushed his. This was your chance “Actually I wanted to," you trailed off. No, it didn't feel right you already made a fool of yourself with the nose bleed you didn't have the confidence to confess right now. At least you could come up with something else. "I wanted to ask you if you needed any help! Yeah! I know you always prepare all the pastries the night before.” That was a better idea. Honestly you missed hearing his praise and flirty remarks all day. At least now you could get your daily dose before you go back to your sad cold apartment.
Sanji loved how thoughtful you always were but if the weather was supposed to be bad enough to cancel flights he might want to say no just so that he could make sure you got home safe. As much as he would love to spend more time with his angel your safety was his first priority “That’s sweet of you but I couldn’t ask that of-”
You eagerly cut him off “You wouldn’t be asking, I'm offering to help. Besides, we sold our last gingerbread house today. I was hoping we could make some together.” 
Sanji’s eyes widened, his goddess wanted to bake with him. Just the two of you he felt blessed. How could he say no to you like that. He gave you a soft smile as he helped you off the counter bowing his head "What kind of man would I be to refuse such an offer from my princess." He winked at you for good measure. If only he understood how flustered he truly makes you. 
Sanji couldn’t help the fact that your joyful enthusiasm took his breath away, from the way you hummed while you mixed the ingredients to the way your laugh filled the room whenever a gingerbread man didn't quite come out of the cookie cutter properly. Even now as you vigorously mixed creams and icing with an intensity that had small flecks fall in your hair, all he could think about was running his hand through that soft luscious hair and capturing your lips with his. His heart felt like it was going to burst as you accidently wiped some icing on your cheek and tried to lick at it to get it off. The consistency, the color, that's when his mind went elsewhere and suddenly it was Sanji’s turn to be embarrassingly red faced on the floor with a nose bleed.
"Oh god, Sanji are you alright! What happened?" One moment Sanji was watching you making icing and the next he was on the floor. What did you miss?
He coughed bringing the corner of his apron to his face as he stuttered out "Y-your cuteness was just too much for my heart to take." It wasn’t entirely a lie but he definitely couldn't tell you the truth.
His words made your legs weak as you gracefully knelt down next to him pulling a handkerchief from your pocket to help clean up the blood, blushing at the proximity you both were in. If you wanted too, all you would have to do was lean forward and kiss him. Then he would know how you felt about him but do you risk it. You didn't have time to think about it as the oven chimed signaling the batch of gingerbread was done.
You both composed yourselves and shuffled the trays onto drying racks in silence as you continued preparing other pastries while you waited for the gingerbread to cool. You and Sanji made a good team. You were surprised how little you had to communicate to know what the other needed. Now if you could apply that to your romantic feelings then you were all set.
By the time you were finished baking and decorating it was much later than you anticipated it being but your apartment wasn't too far of a walk. You should be fine, you hope. As you walked back into the storefront you noticed that the “bad weather prediction” was no joke. More than half the length of the door and windows were covered in white barely showing the outside world. You looked at each other both coming to the same conclusion. You were snowed in. You couldn’t get home like this or well you probably could but you'd have to climb the wall of snow and then hope you could access the door to your apartment complex.
Sanji cleared his throat "You could stay the night. I don't mind. Not like you can get home like this anyway." you only nodded. You didn't trust your voice to not betray you and you were too busy blushing to realize that he was just as flustered in this situation. Sanji's inner monologue was running rampant overjoyed at the prospect that you'd be sleeping over. He would be the last thing you saw before you went to bed and he'd be the first person you'd greet in the morning. He smiled at the thought of seeing you all cute and sleepy when you woke up tomorrow. After he locked the Sunny, you followed him up the stairs and into his apartment. 
It was small but something about it being Sanji’s made it feel warm and cozy. As Sanji stepped in closing the door behind you he gestured to the couch "Make yourself at home, I'll see if I can find you something to wear. Would you like a bath? Are you hungry? I can make you something!" He needed to calm himself down before he makes you uncomfortable but he couldn’t help it. He giddy wanting to pamper his princess for always being so good to him. Before you could answer any questions he disappeared into his room. When he came back he brought you some of his clothes to wear and ushered you to the bathroom for your shower. Your head was spinning thinking about using his soaps and body wash. You were standing where Sanji has stood many times naked, as you are now. If you close your eyes you could almost imagine it. At least if you got another nose bleed you were still in the shower but still you didn't want to make too big of a mess. As you finished up it finally dawned on you that you would be wearing Sanji’s clothes. It would be like he was hugging you from all angles. You lift the shirt to your nose. Of course it smelled clean but there was a hint of something uniquely distinguishable as Sanji’s scent embedded in the fabric. 
Meanwhile in the kitchen, Sanji cursed under his breath looking at the contents in his fridge. Go figure the one time you finally come over is the one time he's low on everything he envisioned cooking for you. To be fair he didn't have a lot of time to prepare anything impressive like the wine and dine he had in his head. He knows you would be fine with something simple but Sanji still wanted to make it special. This was the first time you would be staying the night and he didn't want it to be your last. He lit some candles to set the mood as he rolled up his sleeves to get to work. By the time you emerged from the other room he had just finished setting the table. He was awestruck looking at the way his clothes fit on you. Sanji couldn’t help the "adorable" that slipped past his lips. He beckoned for you to take a seat pulling out the chair for you like the gentleman he was. 
It was all so romantic it felt like a dream. Almost like this was naturally how it should be everyday but reality is a cruel mistress and once you both finished eating the power went out leaving the candle to dimly illuminate the room as you stare into each other's eyes with shock and surprise. The weather was a force to be reckoned with.
"I guess we should turn in for the night." Sanji said, picking up the candle and offering you his hand. Your heart was racing with how warm he was to the touch. You were glad the candle was your only light otherwise the blonde would see you blushing profusely. As you made your way to the bedroom Sanji let go of your hand to open the door. He gestured to his bed.
"You can take my room, I'll be on the couch if you need me-"
"NO wait!" You cut him off grabbing the edge of his sleeve. The moment your actions register you recoil shyly nudging your fingers together. "You'll be cold on the couch without the heater on, you should stay an- and keep me warm!" Stumbling over your words aside, you were proud of yourself for not chickening out at the declaration. Even if you can't mentally rally your bravery to profess your true feelings, maybe your actions will speak for you.
Sanji’s heart clenched. Of course how could he leave his angel at a time like this. "As you wish, my princess." He practically moaned at your request hoping you couldn’t tell how sensual his thoughts were becoming at the notion of you “sleeping” together. You both got under the covers as he blew out the candle. You laid facing each other trying to focus on your breathing but the blood was rushing to your ears. Your heart was doing back flips while your mind was doing summersaults. You should confess now but the words were stuck in your throat. It wasn’t until his hand brushed yours that you even remembered how to breathe properly.
"(Y/N) are you cold?"
You nodded slowly "A little, are you?" He only hummed before he spoke in that mellow sultry voice that puts butterflies in your stomach "Turn around for me?" Oh god did he even realize the words he was saying, what he was asking of you?
Mesmerized with the idea you did as you were told. You felt him shifting closer to you feeling his warm breath on the back of your neck. You bit your lip to suppress a mewl. You became hyper aware of the space between you but the arm draped around your torso made you dizzy. His touch was so loving, you felt safe. "That better?" Sanji asked unsure how comfortable you were with his arm around you. The tension was killing him but the fact that you didn’t push him away immediately was a good sign right. He was torn between the two voices in his head. His more perverse side was egging him to shoot his shot. The worst that could happen is you say no but then you might lose all respect for him and he didn’t want that either.
Meanwhile to answer his question you wanted to say no, you were still a little cold but you wanted him to pull you closer. Instead of answering vocally you had a better idea. Taking full advantage of the situation you muster up the courage to lean back into his touch catching him off guard as he stutters for a moment not quite forming full sentences. You were going to be the death of him. You pressed yourself against him letting his warmth envelope you before he inevitably pushed you away, or so you thought but he never did. You laid spooning drowning in your thoughts. Sanji was doing the same, neither of you spoke, both enjoying the moment. Time passed but you weren’t capable of counting the minutes.
You were too busy trying to sort the words out in your head that you didn’t notice Sanji’s almost anxious nervous shifting. Without thinking about it you moved closer barely catching a muffled grunt. That’s when you notice something pressing against you that wasn’t there before. You blushed, gasping at the sensation. Sanji wanted to die. He tried to roll over pulling his arm back to hide his shame but you held on rolling over with him incidentally being pulled into his lap. You were straddling him when you finally let go of his arm. You both were seemingly shocked at the others actions speaking at the same time.
“Sanji I have something to-”
He covered his face spewing out a stream of apologies mixed with compliments of your beauty and how that's no excuse for his actions. The bottom line was that he wasn’t listening to you when you were trying to tell him everything that was on your mind. You swallowed, it was now or never and you felt you had a good chance. Grinding down on his hard on you manage to pull a groan from his lips shutting him up. Sanji threw his hand over his mouth embarrassed over his body's reactions. His mind was racing, brain short circuiting with the position he was in. His princess was grinding down on him; surely this was a dream. He let out another whimper as you finally stilled your hips. A soft pant escaping your lips from the movement. Sanji’s eyes were blown wide, taking in the image of his goddess in the moonlight. The blonde was worried that if he blinked he’d wake up from this fantasy of his.
The friction between you felt just as good to you and seeing Sanji this disheveled was doing things to your head. You’ve barely touched him but you wanted to see how much of a mess you could turn him into. You guessed now was a good time as ever to get the weight off your chest. "Stop apologizing, I've been thinking about this for a while but haven't found the right time to say it." Sanji slowly moved his hand from his face. Even in the dim lighting you could tell it was a deep crimson. Your face was warm as well but it comforted you enough knowing you both were on the same page. At least that’s what you were going to assume.
You took a deep breath to calm your nerves as you continued "When we are together every compliment, every smile, every lingering touch sends me reeling and it feels like my heart is going to burst. You're my best friend and you mean the world to me but I've fallen in love with you and I can't hide it anymore. Sanji I love you."
“(Y/N)” Your name died on his lips as you slowly crashed yours against his. Sanji pulled you closer, reveling in your soft touch melting against him as his hand wandered your body to hold you lovingly. You put your hand on his chest as you pulled away. This was it, the moment of truth. Both of you were panting with lust filled eyes as he slowly rolled you over so he could be on top. Gently grabbing your hand he kissed each one of your knuckles taking the time to place kisses up your arm watching you flush as he was mere inches away from your face smiling at you like he's waited his entire life for this moment. 
“You are my world,” he kissed your forehead. “My goddess,” he kissed your cheek. “My angel,” your other cheek. “And if you’ll let me, my lover.” He looked at you eyes full of adoration, almost waiting for your approval before saying “I love you, most.” Sanji finally met your lips, cherishing the way you met him halfway. He shifted ever so slightly, placing him right against your entrance. You moaned into the kiss pulling him closer as you rolled your hips up matching the pace of the kiss, hot and slow. You both had all the time in the world and Sanji was going to make sure you savored the moment. 
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In My Head, I'm Yours
Chapter 5: I'm Kinda Hoping For Forever
Thalia had been gone for 4 days, which meant Annabeth hadn’t seen Percy in almost a week. Her resolve was slowly cracking.
On Thursday, she broke completely.
Annabeth: are you busy tonight?
He replied almost immediately,
Percy: I’m free. Usually Jason would be here with pizza by now but he’s probably stuck in La traffic lol
She bit her lip as she typed.
Annabeth: pepperoni okay?
Percy: I’ll set the table
Within 45 minutes she was knocking on his apartment door.
“Come in! It’s open.”
He came around the corner as she toed off her sneakers. Percy was wearing a forest green hoodie, those same dark denim jeans he wore on the night they met that clung to his legs practically begging her to drag her gaze down his calves and thighs. As Annabeth did exactly that, she noticed the socks he was wearing.
“Are those fortune cookies on your socks?” She asked.
He took the pizza box from her hands and led her into the kitchen.
“Yeah, Estelle picked them out for me for Christmas.”
“Estelle, your four-year-old sister?”
Percy put the pizza on the island countertop and reached into the cabinet for some plates.
“Yeah, mom takes her to the dollar store to pick out gifts. The socks were a hit but the knock-off Clorox wipes still got used.” He smiled fondly.
His hoodie was riding up just a little bit as he stretched for plates. A thin line of his lower back.
Annabeth couldn’t help herself. After holding herself back for a solid week, she needed this. Craved it.
He was just so attractive. Even with his weirdly patterned socks yet knowing they were a gift from his little sister was endearing. His back was to her so she spun him around and pressed her body against his so he was leaning against the countertop.
“Annabeth what—“ he never got to finish his thought because she was kissing him.
And she kept kissing him. From the kitchen to stumbling onto the living room couch, she only broke the kiss to take off his hoodie and was very pleased to reveal he was shirtless underneath it.
“Are you sure—“
She didn’t want to answer questions, she just wanted to fuck Percy Jackson again.
So she kissed him and that shut down all his future questions.
They ate cold pizza an hour later.
“Do we get to talk now or are you going to delay questioning with kisses? Because either is fine,” he joked but his tone suggested otherwise.
“We can talk,” Annabeth picked up another slice of pizza and took a deep breath. She was going to take Hazel’s advice and just tell him where she was at. “I’m hyper focused on school, it’s been my life’s dream to be an architect and I am two months away from that reality. And I get sucked into my schoolwork and I don’t really have room for anything else. Honestly if I didn’t live with Thalia and Leo I’d have zero friends,” she said, shrugging.
“You deserve someone who can commit fully to you and I just don’t know that I can do that.”
She grabbed his hand and squeezed before letting it go. “I think I could really like you and I’m afraid if I get attached and then Columbia takes over my life like it has for the last four years, I’ll end up with the worst broken heart ever.”
Then, she gestured for Percy to talk, extending her hands as if to say the floor is yours.
“I think I could really like you too. I want to keep getting to know you.”
“I get having trouble balancing school and friendships, it makes dating super hard. That’s one of the things Piper and I bonded over at the start of our friendship but now she’s with Jason. Which only happened because of the band.” Percy said, “there’s something here though and I don’t want to miss the opportunity to be with you. Maybe we can start as friends?”
“I'd really like that.” Annabeth smiled. “Just one issue with that idea.”
“We’re still going to want to jump each other when we’re alone.”
“Can’t keep it in your pants, Chase?” Percy teased.
“I’m not wearing pants,” she reminded him.
She was wearing his hoodie from earlier. It was soft and smelled like him. Annabeth was half tempted to steal it but she couldn’t get caught wearing it in her apartment. Leo would call her out immediately.
But she’d happily give it back to Percy if it meant he was the one taking it off of her.
… After defiling his countertop and round 2 in his bedroom, Annabeth’s phone dinging is what brought them out of their little bubble.
“Fuck it’s in the living room.”
“That’s what you get for not wearing pants,” Percy told her.
“I didn’t see you complaining about my non-existent pants an hour ago.”
“And I’m not complaining now.”
He was quite enjoying the sight of a naked Annabeth Chase in his bedroom. With an eye roll, she left to get her phone.
Percy tried to convince himself that he could be her friend. But he knew he was a goner either way.
He thought about the lyrics he wrote about her. I’ll take what I can get from you.
They were really going to have to work on not screwing each other before they finished their very serious conversations.
He sat up and ran his fingers through his hair. He wanted to pull at the ends of it and scream. Instead, he pulled on some sweatpants and met Annabeth in the living room. She was wearing his hoodie again.
“I better get going,” she said.
“Are you stealing that?”
Annabeth shook her head. “Leo will notice.”
She was ready to leave in less than five minutes. When she came back out of his bedroom, Annabeth was pulling her blonde hair not a messy bun.
Percy was nothing if not a gentleman so he walked her to his door. She kissed his cheek.
“When can I see you next?” He asked.
He didn’t mean for it to slip out but seeing Annabeth was quickly becoming an addiction.
“I’m not sure, I’ll text you.”
And then she was gone.
Percy didn’t see her for two weeks. By now, they were both back in school, he was getting ready for Delphi’s next gig. They texted sporadically. Light flirting and how was your day.
Which brings Percy back to the tightness in his chest. He invited Annabeth here tonight but she wasn’t coming. Thalia was already sitting at the bar. If she didn’t show up with her best friend, Percy knew not to get his hopes up.
Once he was on stage, he tried to shake the tightness building in his chest. He even spotted Grover in the crowd, at least that was something to look forward to.
“This is a new one,” Piper was saying, “it’s called Talk Fast.”
As soon as Percy closed his eyes and started to sing, she walked in.
I don’t wanna think about a moment with you I’m kinda hoping for forever
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questinwitchface · 2 years
For WIP game! would love to hear about 6. Questionable Decisions and 7. Yellow Brick Road
Thanks for asking!
So, Questionable Decisions doesn't have much written beyond a few lines of dialogue, but I do have it plotted out. It's a stand-alone spin-off from one of my other fics, and it's about the growing relationship between Peter Parker and the trans gay guy (Oli) he met in the first fic, Pride Brought Us to Bad Decisions. The basic premise is that Peter is a freshman at MIT and living with Ned and MJ. Oli's roommate moves out to live with her boyfriend, so Oli ends up needing a place to stay, so Peter invites him to stay with them. *probably gonna be emotional parkour*
Yellow Brick Road is actually a SamSteve Halloween fic, but I didn't get it done in time for Halloween lol. I don't even really ship SamSteve, but enough of my friends do that I wanted to try writing it for them. It's... something. Here's a (long) snippet:
Then he’d met Steve and Nat. Then a lot of shit happened in a very short amount of time, and he became an Avenger. A few months later, Nat was one of his closest friends, and Steve was his boyfriend. That Halloween, for the first time since Sam was a teenager, he had the chance to do a group costume.
To Sam’s surprise, Nat had been extremely easy to convince—who knew she loved Halloween almost as much as he did? She wouldn’t go into details, just vaguely mentioned a deep cover op that had allowed her an opportunity to experience Halloween once before, when she was a child.
Steve had resisted a little at first—apparently Halloween wasn’t as big a deal for him growing up—but then Nat had pouted and Sam had done his best puppy eyes, and Steve caved almost instantly. Steve had put up with not only the group costume, but also the horror/Halloween movie marathons with Nat, the decorating, and the two attempts at making some old mulled cider recipe (even though Steve insisted he never drank the stuff back in the day). He hadn’t even complained when Sam dragged him into taking a two-day trip down to Massachusetts to tour a list of supposedly-haunted locations Nat had found online. It was the most Sam had enjoyed Halloween since he was a teenager.
Sam sighs, thinking about it. He and Nat had so much fun that year. Last year, he corrects himself. Was their first Halloween together really just last year? Things move so fast these days, it’s hard to keep track, especially since they’ve been on the run for a few months now. Days just blur together when you’re hunkered down in Nondescript Safe House #11 (or is this #12?) with little to do.
But they’d celebrated Sam’s birthday just last week, which had kind of reset Sam’s understanding of the passage of time, and he’s only too-aware of it now that his birthday’s over and he can feel that crisp, constant chill in the air.
Sam leans his head back against the arm of the couch, looking up at the living room ceiling in Nondescript Safehouse #12. It’s October first, and he’s going to end up missing Halloween this year.
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criptid-specter · 12 days
finished Persona 2 Innocent Sin
overall score? 7/10 The story is pretty simple but I think it handles it very well despite kind of falling off near the end, the premise of rumors becoming true and being a double edged sword was pretty fun to watch, my grip with it is that started pretty slow and was hard to get hooked, but after a certain point it picked up and stood solid. Unfortunately I couldn't simply take Hitler being the big bad and climax of the story, I get the whole "this is how stupid rumors can get" but take and important part of endgame can feel very like, I don't know how to express it but more like "are you taking this seriously?". Joker was a missed opportunity, specially when he ended up being the mysterious 5th member of the group, had barely any screentime before disappearing and being remembered suddenly at the last arc. Cast was small and handled pretty well, I ended up loving everyone, they have agency besides orbiting around the MC their own stories outside Tatsuya are pretty cool, despite of wanting more of Ginko outside of her being american looking and her crush on Tatsuya it was handled in a pretty satisfactory way (despite of hating the whole trope of "orbiting around your crush) to the point I was rooting for her. I do feel Eikichi got sidelined but not bad as forgotten Jun lol Maya is totally the highlight, like Mich said in her review, despite of being the adult she clicks easily with everyone and does not fall on the "become the thinking braincell" trope, she can take responsibility as an adult yet she has fun, lets the silly take over her and does not let the adulting get consuming. Yukki was another fun adult to be around, despite of being the thinking one and despite of being an outsider, she still partook on the groups shenanigans and fit perfectly. Like Maya too showed that adults can still dream and fight for them (despite of being, honestly young).
Philemon and Nyarly being the same was something I did not expect but it was a pleasant surprise, and then after an emotional scene suddenly appears and kills Maya.... it felt super wtf, but like yea Nyarly would do that Jun Kurosu, the fandom really gaslit themselves on this guy being PEAK character, felt a fuckton of missed chances, the zodiac cult was too much to chew on but they could've perfectly implement him there, dropping a few clues of his true identity the Leo character being crucial on the whole tragedy yet actually forgotten.
I can't care about someone who had barely any screentime, never drop any hints he liked Tatsuya aside a few missable scenes and you had to look every nook and cranny Gameplay is too convoluted, a little bit of more accessibility could've helped, like highlighting the correct options on demon negotiation and tutorial barely existing and like "here you go, have everything, gl!", I swear if I didn't had a guide I'd have no idea where the fuck I was or do(Aquarius temple aaaaaa)
Its not like the game was hard, but jesus it felt like a drag trying to play it sometimes, specially endgame where it was press autocombat while looking if anyone died, estoma being trash on this game because if I'm taking it, it means I do not want encounters, not taking more time. Attack types too many, fusion spells being trial and error aaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Innocent Sin is an enjoyable game, lots of trial and error like your good old jrpg from early-mid 2000s.
Maya Amano best grill
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kmze · 5 months
“I do LOL at Stefan not being able to say a nice thing about Tyler even in death, disliked his ass until the very end. “ ugh makes me remember the waster potential of Sterowood 🥹. The Tyler/Caroline/Stefan triangle would have been better than the Tyler/Caroline/Klaus one, and the fact that Tyler and Stefan both sincerely loves and accepts Caroline sighs still bitter about it lol
FOREVER AND EVER BITTER! I got mad all over again about this missed opportunity watching S4 because that is how you do a triangle and they just wasted it! No contrived drama needed the animosity has been there since S1, Stefan and Tyler never liked each other and it was because of who they both are as people not whatever supernatural drama could be thrown at them. And it was building up since S2 because Stefan had no reason to stop Damon from killing all the werewolves except Caroline asked him to help Tyler. The scene that always gets me is 4x09 when Tyler says "you told HIM" like THE HATRED when he says him and then Stefan positions himself in front of Caroline to protect her from HER BOYFRIEND and Caroline can't even speak. Then as Tyler is telling Stefan to basically go fuck himself he keeps looking at Caroline because he needed her on his side and time and time again she keeps bring HIM into their secrets and plans. And Caroline loves them both and she never knows how to handle their animosity to the point I think she ignores it until like this scene where it blows up in her face.
I mean Stefan should have been removed from the triangle of doom in S4, after his S3 arc I'm sorry but he became too interesting to get dragged down by that anymore. They were already hinting at romantic SC in S4 so they could have just kept building up to that and then in S5 they could have had the TC break-up in 5x05 but skip the forest sex and then second half of S5 were doing Sterowood triangle! Instead the show made Enzo be a Klaus-lite fill-in to create a "triangle" no one cared about until S6 when the writers had no idea what to do with that stupid character. Trevino and Wesley also played up the animosity in interviews! There’s one where Trevino was so excited he got to kill Stefan and like joyfully rubbed it in Paul’s face. Then they both said they’d kill each other first in the hunger games.
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roominthecastle · 5 years
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me & caffeine
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