#and head tilted up.
hellenhighwater · 6 months
Do you usually make esqueletons for you sculptures? I'm struggling to make poses that look fluid when I make the little wire structure, but if I don't, the thing is not firm enough and kinda goes sideways and also cracks a bit more than usual
Man, I wish I could. Kiln fired clay shrinks significantly as it's dried and fired--the temmstone speckle clay I'm using has a shrinkage of 12.5%. You can get high-temp nichrome wire that will survive the heat of the kiln, but the problem is that if you have clay shrinking around an internal armature that does not shrink, you wind up with cracks and breakage.
You can, sometimes, get away with small bits of wire, but generally I just don't risk it. My sculptures are just solid clay. Or, actually, sometimes I hollow them out so they're not actually solid, but no wire or anything.
If you're feeling like your pose is not dynamic enough, rotate it. As you build your armature, make sure it is engaging space from every side. If you pose is just stretching all its limbs forward and back, with no engagement on the left or right, then you may have an issue. Similarly, if they're standing normally, you may want to consider adding a twist to their torso/hips, a bend to a leg or arm, so they're engaging space more interestingly. When you're working in three dimensions you want it to be interesting no matter what angle you're looking at it from. So rotate your armature, and if it looks flat from any angle, adjust it.
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If you are doing poses in motion, look for single lines that extend all the way through your figure that help convey the movement. Theseus, for example, has lines that go all the way from his back leg to his front shoulder, in order to help express that he's pulling hard. That will also help your figures feel like they have weight and they're actually balancing.
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sensitivesiren · 5 months
just a reminder it's canon that Dean took Castiel to Hot Topic to pick out a grumpy cat plushie for Claire's birthday.
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waltricia · 27 days
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Colin looking at Pen in that specific way that he does.
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inchidentally · 5 months
someone tell me how old he would've been here I'm already crying with laughter if he's any older than 8
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this is the FUNNIEST fucking way they could have lead into Jaskier's intro for the season I am trying not to cackle
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sunnibits · 9 months
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I’m sorry but like… it’s her.
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autumn-may · 4 months
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never forget hoder drew her blade first :)
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Tim is one of those kids that can use their mom voice on their mom except the mom in this case is Bruce
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cali-kabi · 1 month
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~ Paper Mario Thousand Year Door🌟Chapter 1: Castle and Dragon 🐉
For those who played Paper Mario 64 will understand the second picture. SpongeBob meme I know- When I was playing and heard the name Kolorado I was like xD Mario knows him and didn’t bother to say anything just stares at you.
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dizzybizz · 8 months
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redraw of a galo from last year!!! :3
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side-by-side comparison :-)
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averlym · 9 months
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litany of the martyrs (click for better resolution!)
#at some point i wanted to make an illustration for each character but in retrospect maybe each is multiple song-coded..#drew the sketch for a quincy thing after a chat with a mutual reminded me this song existed dfsghjkl and then spent weeks rendering this#quincy cynthius martin#adamandi#i'm finally done with this! the saints especially were joys to paint and the halo a menace.... this has been the most ambitious one so far.#but it also took quite long because i only worked on it <engages with quincy> when mentally okay to deal with the themes. i'm not religious#but i do identify with the irrational(?ish) guilt + family legacy + academic achievement + disregard for self. also more complex thoughts#about love [but depsite quincent being a large part of quincy's character this piece deals with mostly the Rest of it. so another time..]#anyways! in the original sketch- the saints had heads bent towards quincy so the halo spikes pointed at him. but this worked better! halos#of the saints implying/creating one for quincy was a concept from the start though. in the show they don't touch him directly here but#differences in mediums i think- i don't have time in an image to craft a narrative so everything has to be happening. also artistic liberty#misc inspiration for this includes stained glass windows. i might have maybe misinterpreted the saint costume but i think i logic-ed it out#as the cloth part following a nun's habit w the hood. and then halo above. the material is also more transparent originally but i had. um.#too much fun painting fabric folds.. if you look closely you can see the basis of faces though behind the cloth; but only the vague shapes#because smth obscurity + inhumanness// cassian is the only one i gave a mouth though. that stems from melliot's post about the saints and#st cassian as spokesperson (<- did research teehee!) that's also how i found out which costume = which saint. speaking of which.#left to right: 'st lucy take my hand' // 'st lawrence give me strength' (presses quincy forward; but hand on shoulder connotates guidance)#/'st cassian help me smile' (quincy's mouth is btwn a grimace and a smile; tilts up at side. also no direct touch bc added insidiousness.)#//'st jude [...] i hope your causes burn' (jude's hand is in two places to show movement- nearing the flame and then snatching back; burnt)#other notes: at the midst of the flame the core is shaped like a human heart /the saints and their wax are all melting like the candle for#fun visual effect and also this way they are even less tangible <real>. perks of painting as a medium i guess. // also insp from icarus?#wax and burning imagery; looking at the halo and rays as parallel to sun that burns. too close to the sun; melting; hurting; hurtling //#candles at bottom are a nod to the frankly gorgeous set// also the entire composition kind of stems from the lyric <what use is a candle if#both ends aren't burning>; the two sides between the concepts of catholic guilt and academic perfection that spur quincy#the halo above (saints and guilt; litanyofthemartyrs) and the 'halo' below (academic papers; insp from choreo for perfect at school)#the papers were originally supposed to be more glowy. but i like the idea of it now being a reflection of how quincy's priorities shift#also of note is that <candle> in centre = quincy; w burning candle + aforementioned heart in flame -> most human; idea of love + passion#last thoughts: kneeling + hands close tgt = prayer //wax dripping onto the red As make an effect that looks like blood. because i like#hiding that within the adamandi pieces :OO continuity!! // i've run out of tags but yeah! had fun with this one! every so often i go a#little insane in making art and the final result astounds even me. ngl i'm quite proud of this one. pretty colours <3333
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prettysweetprettysweet · 11 months
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sethlost · 3 months
no but seriously. how it started:
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how it's going:
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and we haven't even started seeing episode two yet! what a delight!!!!
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keepofkandrakar · 4 months
anyone ever think about how the tdp fanbase literally created some of the most prominent plot points and parallels in the whole show? (maybe not actually but def heavily contributed)
the creators were like “we didn’t even consider rayllum until the fans started shipping them” and they just fucking RAN with that. nice work my fellow rayllum stans 👍
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asmogorna · 1 month
Oh my FUCKING God.
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