#and he enjoys it
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15-lizards · 10 months ago
Modern AU Bramie worst couple on gods green earth. She’s a college sophomore on a sports scholarship just trying to get through her classes. He works at Tywin Roy’s multi media empire bc nepotism and he sucks so hard at his job he couldn’t tell you his title. They met while she was on her daily 5 am jog outside of campus and found him hungover on a park bench after a two week bender with coke in his pocket and 30 missed calls and 55 suggestive texts from Cersei. She thinks he’s a bum but gives him her water bottle out of pity. They meet again a week later at some business soirée Tywin is throwing that Briennes dad got invited too and they meet eyes and immediately feel some kind of godawful connection they are Locked In now. He beelines over to her bc he subconsciously thinks she’s Mother Teresa but then verbally starts making fun of her for having a social climber daddy. She asks how his monthly detox at rehab was. They’re snippy with each other all night. A few days later she’s getting coffee with Sansa after class and she looks over to see who Briennes texting and goes why are you arguing with a thirty two year old man over his college sports highlight reels. Aaaaaand scene.
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colibrie · 10 months ago
Confrontations: Friendly Fire
Credit to resident art genius (and Donatello consultant) @trilobitepunch.
Keep your head centered, and shoulders down. Align hips, knees, and ankles to ensure even weight distribution. Space feet twelve inches apart…
“You good Don?” Raph whispered, his deep voice rumbling like thunder in the dense hush of the corridor.
“Fine,” Donatello replied, eyes trained carefully forward as stark gray walls loomed large and cold around them. Dull steel gleamed weakly in sterile light, painting the world in somber shades as the brothers moved swiftly towards their destination.
Arms to the side, hands open. Do not fidget or flex your fingers. Chin at a 45-degree angle to the chest. Eyes following the same line to the floor. Facial muscles must remain in neutral position three. No chewing of the lips, cheek, or tongue. Blinking limited to fifteen to twenty times a minute. Respiration rate will hold steady at twelve to eighteen breaths per minute.
“Ya sure?” Raph prompted; an emotion Donatello could not identify at the moment slipping hesitantly into his tone. “I know things got kinda crazy out there for you. I can give the report this-”
“No,” Donatello quickly cut in, neck muscles groaning with tension as he jerkily shook his head. “I already told you; I am fine. Further, you conveying the report will only arouse suspicions.”
Keep your voice at neutral level one. Present the data, and only data. Maintain calm. Maintain control.
Carefully he gathered those volatile elements within him. Emotions, incomprehensibly sharp and barbed, hazardous as an untested solution. Once he had them, he reached for the box that he kept in the deepest recesses of his mind, the only other survivor of his time within the temple. It was a heavy thing, reinforced in layers of steel and will and sealed with a thousand locks. Its fathomless depths swallowed his burden, stripping away the unwanted and unnecessary to allow data to flow through his thoughts uninterrupted. The ache in his heart deadened, permitting his body to shift and morph in accordance with his thoughts.
“Everything is alright Raphael,” he assured, allowing himself the space of one heartbeat to feel relief as his words came out with the desired lack of inflection before he shut that emotion down too and locked it away with the rest. The door at the end of the hall loomed large, a maw reaching out to swallow them as they passed through “I will handle it.”
I will do this.
I can do this.
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He bit down on the urge to shiver, steeling his spine as both he and Raph snapped to attention. He carefully kept his eyes forward and breaths measured as his superior’s exoskeleton stepped from the gloom of his inner office. Burning yellow eyes swept over them, a long mechanical tail lazily swiping from right to left as clawed hands folded behind his back.
“Inquisitor Krang,” they intoned together, dropping into identical salute that their leader dismissed with a lazy flick of his tail.
“Back so soon,” Krang mused, baritone voice dangerously light in comparison to the baleful red eye that glared unceasingly down at them.
The claws of one hand rose to casually trace his metal faceplate, producing a shrill screech that stretched the uncomfortable silence. Beside him Raph shifted slightly, discomfort evident as the permission to speak continued to be withheld, but Donatello resisted. His posture remained perfect, his face still and breathing metered as the sound assaulted his eardrums. He knew this game. He had played and lost so many times before. This time, this time he would win.
I can do this.
He closed his eyes and took half a step forward.
 “Sir. Following the reports of possible Jedi in sector 4B, we deployed and identified two individuals. Upon confrontation…”
Carefully chosen words poured past his lips, a clinical and concise script that outlined events in as few details as possible.
I can do this.
In his mind the box shivered, the tiniest of cracks opening.
Mikey eyes reflecting fear and a lack of recognition for the strangers who shared his blood.
I can…
Leo, frozen. So close but so far…
He pushed the images back, forcing them into the box.
I can do this.
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“…Neither target demonstrated force related abilities, even when pressed. It is possible that the informant was wrong or lied to curry favor with the Empire.”
“And where are these subjects now?”
“We were separated from them when the building came down. They escaped.”
Such a soft syllable, yet it sent a bolt of icy fear through his gut. He forced down the urge to swallow as Krang turned away, claws rasping stridently against the floor. His shoulders hitched half a centimeter upward before he could stop them.
“Two potential force sensitives, ostensibly untrained, managed to thwart two fully trained inquisitors. Unusual, given the lack of displayed talent. Tell me more about these two subjects.”
“Not you.”
Lightning speared him, eyes flaring wide as his thoughts ground to a halt. In the corner of his eye Raph flinched, shock telegraphed for the whole galaxy to read.
“Do I need to repeat myself?”
“N-no sir. Sorry.”
 Raphael stepped forward, shoulder to shoulder with Donatello once more.
This wasn’t right. Krang never asked Raph to report. Why was he asking Raph? What had he done wrong?
Stay calm. Stay calm. You can fix this, just…
“The subjects were like us. Looked and acted like they were siblings. The older one was Donatello’s height, bright green, with red crescent markings on his face and blue face mask. The younger one came up to the first one’s shoulder, was a darker green, and had an orange face mask.”
Sweat broke out along the back of his neck, the muted lights within the room becoming painful as the images of his twin and baby brother broke free from the box once more. His eyes slammed shut against his will, squeezing tight as he fought to push them back down.
He knows what they look like… oh force he knows what they look like.
Mikey’s sweet round cheeks, the left one smudged with hints of orange and yellow paints. Leo’s brilliant red crescents, his pride and joy, perfectly framing dark eyes that mirrored Don’s own.  
Stay calm. Stay. Calm. It’s fine. Appearances can be altered. Breathe. BreatheBreatheBreathe. You can turn this around. You can do-
“And how did they act upon encountering you?” Krang prompted. Even with his back to them, Don could feel the weight of those eyes, yellow and red, bearing down to delicately carve his nerves from their protective sheaths. Pins and needles prickled down his arms and legs, stinging and nipping the tips of his fingers and toes as his armor chaffed against unbearably sensitive skin.
Don’t answer that, Raph. Don’t…
“They were surprised. The older one kinda froze up when he saw us. It was like he was looking at a ghost, or something. The little one seemed clueless and freaked out. He tried to get the older one to leave, but, uh, we moved to separate them. I took the little one, Donatello handled the older one. The little guy had a lot of agility. Looking back, that might have been from some force abilities. Not trained though. Kid was running on instinct. I didn’t see the older one fight, but he survived getting thrown around Donatello, so he could be-”
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His hands clenched, nails biting deep into the meat of his palms in search of something grounding. An anchor against the sensations crawling through his veins like sludge.
The crack in the box grew a little longer.
Mikey. Effervescent and unguarded, brighter than a star. His baby brother, force signature bubbling with innocence and raw ability, defenseless against shadows that would snuff out his firework soul within a heartbeat.
Leo. Shattered and fragile and vulnerable within the force. No shields or walls to hide behind. A cracked shell that would be obliterated with a flick Krangs claws.   
Donatello could not let that happen. And that meant he had to pull himself together.
He forced himself to suck in a subtle breath, ignoring how the air shredded his throat on contact.
Calm. Down. You are probably giving away more than Raph is at this point. It’s just Krang playing games to get under your skin. Stop giving in. All these details are inconsequential so long as he does not have the context to put it all together. He doesn’t know. No one knows. And that gives you the advantage.  
"Interesting," Krang purred as he turned back to them, slit pupiled eyes flickering over Donatello’s body as though it were a particularly intriguing holopad.
He does not know. Breathe. Stay calm. Don't give in. He doesn't know. He can't know...
Krangs smirk deepened to as he caught and held Donatello’s gaze, a cruel sneer that shone with wicked delight as his superior’s gaze then slid pointedly to Raphael.
"Very interesting."
He knows...
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All the air in the room disappeared, evacuating his lungs as a wave of terror swallowed his thoughts. His limbs locked; muscles durasteel ridged as Krang sauntered away. The lights in the room were lasers, piercing flesh, and bone to shred his brain. Every tap of Krangs claws crashed against his ears like cymbals, deafening him to all but the pounding of his heart. In his periphery Raph’s gaze bore down on him, the silent questions within it pinning him down as the guillotine hung high overhead, doom preparing to drop.
“Your failure might have revealed a unique opportunity,” Krang mused, the barb at the tip of his tail flashing like a knife as he strode back towards his desk. “I must decide the best course of action regarding it. Your punishments will have to be decided later.”
“Yes, sir” he mumbled, the words barely whispering past his lips as his throat threatened to close around them.
“You two are temporarily dismissed.”
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tomatodogplush · 4 months ago
Okay, but can we just talk how Jesus Victor isn't Victor anymore. But the space thingy Victor...
He's not tired. He's not in pain. He's not wasting his time.
He's happy.
Truly happy. He's the Victor we met in season one. He wants to discover, he wants to understand, to help people. He likes science. He enjoys science. It's the Victor that broke into Heimendingers lab to prove some mad theorie. That's the Victor that went with Jayce to the distinguished Innovators competition and threw up.
That's our Victor. What Jayce killed? Just a hex core shell.
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rain-day-today · 1 year ago
Heres the fic. i went ahead and wrote the second chapter. The third/ last chapter should be out tmr hopefully.
Warning the pacing might be funky, its not beta read
i write on phone so the punctuation and spacing might be weird sometimes.
Edit: lied again 3rds out 4th comes out tmr
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technovillain · 3 months ago
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i come from the universe where everything is the same except disney heroines get like an ounce of their fathers' obviously dominant genes and their clothes are like 80% more historically accurate. it's beautiful here.
[2] [3]
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brainrotcharacters · 7 months ago
When irl pisses me off, I rewatch the Honda Odyssey scene to relax
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prlssprfctn · 2 months ago
I often see debates on what Jason actually listens in music, and I think we as society need more of "Jason listens almost everything, depending on his mood" flavour, actually.
Jason Todd, whose music taste just depends on the day or an hour of a day, and his family can't keep up with that.
The Batfam: (having a brief meeting in the Batcave, going over some case)
Stephanie, putting her papers aside: Okay, I am tired of pretending that I don't hear anything — what is with the screaming sounds from the manor?
Bruce, with noise-cancelling plugs in his ears: Jason's hard rock hour. Ignore it.
Stephanie, blinking: Okay.
Nightwing, in the middle of banter with goons: What? Why are you suddenly so scared—
Red Hood, storming in on his bike, with Taylor Swift's songs roaring: ARE YOU READY FOR IT?!
Nightwing: A-ah, checks out. But you should be glad, guys. The last dude got his shit beat out of him on the beat of "made it out alive, but I think I lost it" song with a crowbar. Taylor Swift is chill.
Damian, sitting down in the car, warily: Todd. Why are you escorting me to the school today?
Jason, shrugging: Alfred is busy.
Damian, swallowing down, eying at the music system: ...Okay.
Jason: (casually puts a classical music)
Damian: (sighs out in a relief)
Black Mask, at some point: Did the Red Hood guy just wrecked me while rapping Eminem?!!?
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great-and-small · 7 months ago
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Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
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blabberoo · 4 months ago
"You have 72 hours."
Left alone in the consequences of his obsession, he let desperation get hold of his intellect and come up with a plan. For the world. For himself.
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aluminumneedles · 4 months ago
I'm knitting in the corner at a party
and guys my age stop by to tell me I remind them of their aunt, of their grandmother. This is a compliment and I take it as such. They confess to having tried crochet once, and I smile. They get back in line for the bathroom.
I'm knitting in the corner at a party and a queer woman sits on the floor next to me, arranges her skirt, and smiles up at me. (I try not to blush.) She asks me all the questions on her mind about my craft and I answer them, hands still moving. We swap yarn sources. She doesn't stay, but she knows where to find me.
I'm knitting in the corner at a party and everyone knows where to find me when they need a minute, when socializing is too much and the music is too loud and they need to catch their breath. They pretend to be checking in on me, which is sweet, but I can see the relief in their eyes the moment they stop performing for a house full of people. They sit down and tell me things and all the while they never take their eyes off my hands.
The party has wound down and I'm still knitting and the hosts, two guys in their twenties, thank me for "helping to curate the vibe." I had no idea that's what I was doing. I leave the party having forgotten to drink anything and without that woman's number but with many rows added to my top-down raglan sweater. I call it a night, and a good one.
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batfam-stuff-posts-0 · 5 months ago
at 3 am
Tim: You can say 'Have a nice day!' without a problem.
Tim: But you can't say 'Enjoy the next 24 hours' without sounding vaguely threatening.
Jason: How the fuck did you get into my safehouse again?!
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seagiri · 11 months ago
when did this happen???
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monkesupreme · 4 months ago
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a satisfactory answer for Selina
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mroddmod · 5 months ago
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uhhhhh happy halloweiner
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months ago
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You're just not toxic enough.
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chell-min · 19 days ago
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well, i just assumed...
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