#rottmnt synthesis
trilobitepunch · 3 days
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colibrie · 17 days
Confrontations: Friendly Fire
Credit to resident art genius (and Donatello consultant) @trilobitepunch.
Keep your head centered, and shoulders down. Align hips, knees, and ankles to ensure even weight distribution. Space feet twelve inches apart…
“You good Don?” Raph whispered, his deep voice rumbling like thunder in the dense hush of the corridor.
“Fine,” Donatello replied, eyes trained carefully forward as stark gray walls loomed large and cold around them. Dull steel gleamed weakly in sterile light, painting the world in somber shades as the brothers moved swiftly towards their destination.
Arms to the side, hands open. Do not fidget or flex your fingers. Chin at a 45-degree angle to the chest. Eyes following the same line to the floor. Facial muscles must remain in neutral position three. No chewing of the lips, cheek, or tongue. Blinking limited to fifteen to twenty times a minute. Respiration rate will hold steady at twelve to eighteen breaths per minute.
“Ya sure?” Raph prompted; an emotion Donatello could not identify at the moment slipping hesitantly into his tone. “I know things got kinda crazy out there for you. I can give the report this-”
“No,” Donatello quickly cut in, neck muscles groaning with tension as he jerkily shook his head. “I already told you; I am fine. Further, you conveying the report will only arouse suspicions.”
Keep your voice at neutral level one. Present the data, and only data. Maintain calm. Maintain control.
Carefully he gathered those volatile elements within him. Emotions, incomprehensibly sharp and barbed, hazardous as an untested solution. Once he had them, he reached for the box that he kept in the deepest recesses of his mind, the only other survivor of his time within the temple. It was a heavy thing, reinforced in layers of steel and will and sealed with a thousand locks. Its fathomless depths swallowed his burden, stripping away the unwanted and unnecessary to allow data to flow through his thoughts uninterrupted. The ache in his heart deadened, permitting his body to shift and morph in accordance with his thoughts.
“Everything is alright Raphael,” he assured, allowing himself the space of one heartbeat to feel relief as his words came out with the desired lack of inflection before he shut that emotion down too and locked it away with the rest. The door at the end of the hall loomed large, a maw reaching out to swallow them as they passed through “I will handle it.”
I will do this.
I can do this.
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He bit down on the urge to shiver, steeling his spine as both he and Raph snapped to attention. He carefully kept his eyes forward and breaths measured as his superior’s exoskeleton stepped from the gloom of his inner office. Burning yellow eyes swept over them, a long mechanical tail lazily swiping from right to left as clawed hands folded behind his back.
“Inquisitor Krang,” they intoned together, dropping into identical salute that their leader dismissed with a lazy flick of his tail.
“Back so soon,” Krang mused, baritone voice dangerously light in comparison to the baleful red eye that glared unceasingly down at them.
The claws of one hand rose to casually trace his metal faceplate, producing a shrill screech that stretched the uncomfortable silence. Beside him Raph shifted slightly, discomfort evident as the permission to speak continued to be withheld, but Donatello resisted. His posture remained perfect, his face still and breathing metered as the sound assaulted his eardrums. He knew this game. He had played and lost so many times before. This time, this time he would win.
I can do this.
He closed his eyes and took half a step forward.
 “Sir. Following the reports of possible Jedi in sector 4B, we deployed and identified two individuals. Upon confrontation…”
Carefully chosen words poured past his lips, a clinical and concise script that outlined events in as few details as possible.
I can do this.
In his mind the box shivered, the tiniest of cracks opening.
Mikey eyes reflecting fear and a lack of recognition for the strangers who shared his blood.
I can…
Leo, frozen. So close but so far…
He pushed the images back, forcing them into the box.
I can do this.
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“…Neither target demonstrated force related abilities, even when pressed. It is possible that the informant was wrong or lied to curry favor with the Empire.”
“And where are these subjects now?”
“We were separated from them when the building came down. They escaped.”
Such a soft syllable, yet it sent a bolt of icy fear through his gut. He forced down the urge to swallow as Krang turned away, claws rasping stridently against the floor. His shoulders hitched half a centimeter upward before he could stop them.
“Two potential force sensitives, ostensibly untrained, managed to thwart two fully trained inquisitors. Unusual, given the lack of displayed talent. Tell me more about these two subjects.”
“Not you.”
Lightning speared him, eyes flaring wide as his thoughts ground to a halt. In the corner of his eye Raph flinched, shock telegraphed for the whole galaxy to read.
“Do I need to repeat myself?”
“N-no sir. Sorry.”
 Raphael stepped forward, shoulder to shoulder with Donatello once more.
This wasn’t right. Krang never asked Raph to report. Why was he asking Raph? What had he done wrong?
Stay calm. Stay calm. You can fix this, just…
“The subjects were like us. Looked and acted like they were siblings. The older one was Donatello’s height, bright green, with red crescent markings on his face and blue face mask. The younger one came up to the first one’s shoulder, was a darker green, and had an orange face mask.”
Sweat broke out along the back of his neck, the muted lights within the room becoming painful as the images of his twin and baby brother broke free from the box once more. His eyes slammed shut against his will, squeezing tight as he fought to push them back down.
He knows what they look like… oh force he knows what they look like.
Mikey’s sweet round cheeks, the left one smudged with hints of orange and yellow paints. Leo’s brilliant red crescents, his pride and joy, perfectly framing dark eyes that mirrored Don’s own.  
Stay calm. Stay. Calm. It’s fine. Appearances can be altered. Breathe. BreatheBreatheBreathe. You can turn this around. You can do-
“And how did they act upon encountering you?” Krang prompted. Even with his back to them, Don could feel the weight of those eyes, yellow and red, bearing down to delicately carve his nerves from their protective sheaths. Pins and needles prickled down his arms and legs, stinging and nipping the tips of his fingers and toes as his armor chaffed against unbearably sensitive skin.
Don’t answer that, Raph. Don’t…
“They were surprised. The older one kinda froze up when he saw us. It was like he was looking at a ghost, or something. The little one seemed clueless and freaked out. He tried to get the older one to leave, but, uh, we moved to separate them. I took the little one, Donatello handled the older one. The little guy had a lot of agility. Looking back, that might have been from some force abilities. Not trained though. Kid was running on instinct. I didn’t see the older one fight, but he survived getting thrown around Donatello, so he could be-”
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His hands clenched, nails biting deep into the meat of his palms in search of something grounding. An anchor against the sensations crawling through his veins like sludge.
The crack in the box grew a little longer.
Mikey. Effervescent and unguarded, brighter than a star. His baby brother, force signature bubbling with innocence and raw ability, defenseless against shadows that would snuff out his firework soul within a heartbeat.
Leo. Shattered and fragile and vulnerable within the force. No shields or walls to hide behind. A cracked shell that would be obliterated with a flick Krangs claws.   
Donatello could not let that happen. And that meant he had to pull himself together.
He forced himself to suck in a subtle breath, ignoring how the air shredded his throat on contact.
Calm. Down. You are probably giving away more than Raph is at this point. It’s just Krang playing games to get under your skin. Stop giving in. All these details are inconsequential so long as he does not have the context to put it all together. He doesn’t know. No one knows. And that gives you the advantage.  
"Interesting," Krang purred as he turned back to them, slit pupiled eyes flickering over Donatello’s body as though it were a particularly intriguing holopad.
He does not know. Breathe. Stay calm. Don't give in. He doesn't know. He can't know...
Krangs smirk deepened to as he caught and held Donatello’s gaze, a cruel sneer that shone with wicked delight as his superior’s gaze then slid pointedly to Raphael.
"Very interesting."
He knows...
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All the air in the room disappeared, evacuating his lungs as a wave of terror swallowed his thoughts. His limbs locked; muscles durasteel ridged as Krang sauntered away. The lights in the room were lasers, piercing flesh, and bone to shred his brain. Every tap of Krangs claws crashed against his ears like cymbals, deafening him to all but the pounding of his heart. In his periphery Raph’s gaze bore down on him, the silent questions within it pinning him down as the guillotine hung high overhead, doom preparing to drop.
“Your failure might have revealed a unique opportunity,” Krang mused, the barb at the tip of his tail flashing like a knife as he strode back towards his desk. “I must decide the best course of action regarding it. Your punishments will have to be decided later.”
“Yes, sir” he mumbled, the words barely whispering past his lips as his throat threatened to close around them.
“You two are temporarily dismissed.”
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trilobitepunch · 2 months
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This is where you find stuff.
RP-Related sketches
Bound By the Light of the Moon - RotTMNT Edo AU
S Y N T H E S I S - A RotTMNT x Star Wars AU Story
General RotTMNT sketches and stuff
Ask Responses
I'll take requests so long as they're not nsfw or shippy but I get final say. Just drop 'em in ye olde box.
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trilobitepunch · 1 month
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Here we go! Collecting things in one place! This is for all things RotTMNT x SW-related, specifically this little AU story @colibrie and I accidentally cooked up. Story is ongoing, updates happen when they happen!
Several years after the Clone Wars and the Purge of the Jedi, the paths of brothers thought long lost, cross...
Main Story - S Y N T H E S I S
Act I
Mikey and Leo
Meetings: Reunion and additional images
Meetings: Familiar Strangers
Meetings: Resonance - Part I ✦ Part II & III ✦ Part IV ✦ Part V
Reflections: Part I ✦ Part II
Confrontations: Doubling Down - Part I ✦ Part II ✦ Part III
Confrontations: Friendly Fire
Confrontations: Ricochet, Donatello
Confrontations: Bullseye, Krang
Act II
May the 4th
The Inquisition
Concept Sketches: The Boys
Omake - Helicopter Blades
Concept Sketches: Grand Inquisitor Krang
Concept Sketches: 5HL-DN
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trilobitepunch · 1 month
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Sketchdump for this SW crossover nonsense.
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trilobitepunch · 1 month
....so in my excitement to throw that other pic up yesterday to accompany @colibrie 's story snippet, I completely forgot to add the other pic that was supposed to follow it.
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There we go! Please check out the scene writeup for this part. :D
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trilobitepunch · 6 days
Iiiit's sketch-dump time! Synthesis-flavored!
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It's ya boy! Look, it's not SW without a droid and I do love me my droids. SHELLDON may not be turtle-shaped but he still has some sass as a modified personal medical droid.
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George and 5HL-DN hanging out. As you do.
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colibrie · 9 days
Confrontations: Ricochet, Donatello.
Art and sanity credit to @trilobitepunch.
He distantly felt his body jerk into a weak salute before his mechanical limbs turned, carrying hm away from his most recent failure. The walls of the base caved in as he moved, Raph’s calls of “Donatello!” barely registering over the incomprehensible muddle of thoughts and adrenaline. Some barely functioning portion of his hindbrain guided him to the correct door, shaky fingers pawing at the embedded scanners.
“Don, wait!”
The door slammed shut, sealing him into the blessedly familiar darkness of his bedroom.
His helmet sailed across the room, striking the far wall with a sharp crack as he crumpled to the ground. A faint whine slipped through his teeth as he dragged his numb legs into his chest, arm wrapping around them in a hug as he frantically began to rock back a fourth.
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Bloodless fingers dug into the edges of his armor, throat now strangling his vocal cords as he tucked his head into the protective circle of his arms. Time crawled, broken only by his hiccupped breathing and the occasional knock of his battle shell against the wall as he rocked.
He knows.
It's going to be okay, DonDon, don't listen to them. Do you wanna squeeze my hand?
Something cool and solid carefully bumped against his shoulder, bits of binary breaking through the shrieking reel of his mind. Donnie sniffed, reluctantly lifting his head until his eyes could just bare peer at his visitor. Silvery fins waggled at him in greeting as a large lens swept Donnie from head to toe. The miniature droid beeped softly once more, and when Donnie failed to respond beyond a faint flinch, it drifted closer to gently nudge his shoulder. One fin gently brushed against his knuckles, accompanied by binary based command to relax. It didn’t flinch or retreat when Donnie’s fingers tightened reflexively. It simply continued to drop light taps on his knuckles until Donnie finally gave in and acquiesced, winching as blood rushed back into the tips of his fingers.      
Wiggling with joy, the drone zipped forward to wedge itself into the minuscule space between Donnie’s legs and chest, gently pushing and pressing, soft beeps and clicks asking him to lower them.
A stronger beep cut him off as small struts unfolded from the droid’s undercarriage, delicate pincers grasping onto his chest plate as it forced Donnie’s legs a smidgen further from his chest.
It took far longer than it should have to fold his legs down into a crossed position. His joints were stiff, and somewhere in the haze of his panic a deep, familiar ache had begun to simmer beneath his shell. The presence of that pain, the way it swept up and down his spine like a molten tide, would have sent him spiraling once more if not for the droid in his arms. A port in his armor popped open, and the hiss of a hypos-syringe filled the room before he could fully register what was happening.
“Hy!” he choked; voice garbled as his teeth ground together.
An unrepentant chur was all he got in response as the droid settled back into his chest, motor shifting until a soft purr rumbled forth, one deep enough that it was more felt than heard. It gently pulsed through Donnie’s chest, soothingly repetitive as the muscle relaxers from the hypo quickly went to work. The fire in his back cooled, banked by the drugs that allowed his legs to finally drop into a loosely crossed position. The tension in his throat loosened too, letting air pass freely in to and out of his starving lungs.
Donnie sighed as he tipped his head back, eyes falling shut as he clumsily tried to follow meditation breathing that had been drilled into him at the temple. His droid trilled softly, giving him more space by floating down the settle on his now crossed legs. For a while all was quiet once more, save for sonorous breaths and the low hum of an idling motor.
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The little droid perked up, ignoring the gravely strain on its name in favor of nuzzling into the hand suddenly resting on its carapace.
“How long was it this time?”
A longer stream of bleeps and clicks answered, partially jolting Donnie out of his daze.
“What do you mean, ‘access denied’?! That data is not password protected!”
More bleeps and blips flooded the air as 5HL-DN and Donnie glared at one another.
“5HL-DN, you give me that data right now or I-”
“…That bad?”
“I…I acknowledge that it has been a while since I have experienced one of this magnitude. It has been a…difficult day. All the more reason to look at the data.”
“What kind of a trade are you proposing?”
5HL-DN’s antenna wiggled as the following binary made Donnie’s mouth drop open.
“Wha- twelve hours?! Unacceptable!”
“I will consider resting for four.”
“You will do no such thing! The materials for those experiments are not easily acquired!”
“Fine! Fine, I will sleep for six! Satisfactory?”
“Oh my…yes. Yes, if it will keep you out of my research, I will take off the battle shell.”
Donnie tried to maintain his scowl but could not stop the hint of smile that bloomed as his droid wobbled, whooping in triumph as it shot up and zipped towards Donnie’s bed.
“I don’t recall installing blackmail software,” He grumbled, slowly levering himself up. His legs trembled, but held, allowing him to limp after the droid and sit on the edge of his bed. A sneaky retaliatory pinch was all he got in reply.
“As agreed, I will rest for six consecutive hours. However, if Raph comes or if Krang summons us, you need to wake me. Understood? Either scenario would be too important for me to risk sleeping through.”
5HL-DN bobbed, pincers pulling back the blankets as Donnie slowly removed his armor, placing it in neatly accessible piles on his bedside table, until only the battle shell remained. His fingers hovered over the latches, hesitating as sour discomfort stirred in his stomach. As cumbersome as his battle shell was at times, the freedom and security it brought made it a difficult thing to part with for any reason. Perhaps…perhaps he could simply…
A low warning whistle shut that train of thought down.
“Yes, alright. I am a turtle of my word, calm yourself.”
A series of subtle clicks later and the battle shell popped free, falling to the mattress with a soft thump. A moan of equal parts pain and relief snuck past his lips as Donnie rolled his shoulders, one hand slipping down to tentatively rub at the edge of scar tissue that ran in a jagged slash across the base of his shell.
Beeps that sounded somehow smug yet concerned tinkled through the air just before one of 5HL-DN’s struts flicked the side of his head.
“Stop that,” he huffed tiredly, scooting back a smidge before dragging his legs under the blankets held by his unrepentant friend. Heavily weighted warmth, one of the few secret splurges he’d ever claimed for himself ensconced him, working with the relaxants to turn his tense muscles into jelly.
“Member t’wake me,” he mumbled, nuzzling into his pillow as lead weights dragged his eyelids down. “An don…don’t touch th…s’sensitive…”
Soft coo’s followed him down to sleep as 5HL-DN settled into the junction of Donnie’s shell and neck, motor gently vibrating as it began its watch.
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trilobitepunch · 1 month
Oops, this part slipped through the cracks because their brothers are attention hogs. The write-up is as always by the wonderful @colibrie !
Meetings - Familiar Strangers
"Would you hold still!" The big one snarled, a second red blade extending from the back end of his weapon.
"Uh, no?!" Mikey squeaked, tucking his arms in close to his side. "How about you stop trying to kill me?"
"So, uh, this kinda my first time fighting someone who isn't Leo. What do I-whoa!- call you?! I mean… big guy just seems kinda rude…ya know?"
"The name is Raphael," his opponent growled, vein visibly pulsing in his neck as Mikey launched himself up and over the whirling red blades.
"I'm Michaelangelo! See, now we know each other's names, so maaaaybe you could stop trying to slice and dice and we could…I dunno, talk out whatever the problem is? "
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trilobitepunch · 1 month
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I felt the need to rescan this because the stray speck of eraser dust was bothering me XD;
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colibrie · 1 month
Reflections, part I
Art (and some writing!) courtesy of @trilobitepunch
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Found sumthin…”
Donnie jumped, biting down on the urge to hiss as the sound of Raphie’s voice, soft as it tried to be, raked a knife sharply across his nerves. His insides writhed with the need to scream, or bite, or tuck himself into a dark corner and rock until the world disappeared. But he couldn’t do that. The master’s had always disapproved when he did. They had scolded him to “center himself”, to “release the feelings to the Force”. And he had tried too. So, so many times, he had tried to do as they said to control his body and mind. It had never worked. Only his family had… But the masters were gone, and so were most of his family. There was only one left. Only Raph. Raphael and Donatello against a cold world that did not care about them, and so Donnie had to find that stupid center and pull. Himself. Together.
He bit down hard on his lip, the pain helpfully grounding as he squashed those writhing, icky needs down and locked them away, smoothing his face into practiced neutrality before turning to look at his big brother. Raphael stood a few feet away, nervously shifting from foot to foot. His head was wrapped in makeshift bandages torn from the relatively cleaner portion of his inner robe, partially covering a patch of rust red crusted over the left side of his face. Small flakes broke away as his beak pulled back into a tentative smile, fluttering down to join the detritus of the alleyway as his hands triumphantly presenting their prize for Donatello’s inspection.
It was, in short, not much. Two slightly smushed ration bars in torn wrappers and a hunk of visibly stale bread. Not the most filling spread, or the most nourishing. But neither of them could afford to turn down the calories.
“Well done, Raphie,” Donnie nodded, something in his heart loosening when Rahael beamed at him. “You should take your portion first.”
“Nuh-uh! You go first Donnie!” Raph denied, puffing out his cheeks when Donnie shook his head.
“No Raphie, you require a greater level of caloric intake.”
“Raph doesn’t know about calor-a-whatitz, but you said I was your big brother, yeah? That means it’s my responsibility to take care’a you.”
“I am not that hungry,” Donnie protested, his tummy twisting uncomfortably as he stared at the food in Raph’s palms.
“That’s wha you said earlier, but I also know you haven’t eaten in a while. You gotta eat if yah wanna get big an strong Dee.”
“Just try. Please?”
“…Sigh. Very well.”
The way Raph’s face lit up with pride and relief gave him the strength to reach out and take one of the ration bars. He broke off half, then grudgingly took a little bit more when the chasm between Raph’s eyes grew. The texture, like pavement gravel, dried sand, and fake fruit, made him want to puke, but he forced his reflexes back enough to swallow. Neither of them could afford to waste food.
“Come on, lets sit fer a few minutes, yeah?” Raph said, one hand landing on the back of Donatello’s shell to steer him closer to the ally wall.
“We shouldn’t stay in one place,” Donnie protested, even as his traitorous legs trembled beneath him, “the lower levels of Coruscant are dangerous.”
“An we’ll run faster if we take breaks when we can, right?”
“That is…unusually logical of you Raphala.”
Donatello’s heart sank at the hopeful look that Raph shot him as they curled up together behind a dumpster.
“Yes. You’ve always been a more, in your words, gut based turtle…I…take that to mean your memories have not returned?”
“Not beyond what you’ve told me,” Raph shrugged, looking down as he gnawed the bread. “I’m Raphael, your big brother. We’re Jedi, or we were? Somethin happened in the temple, an we had to run away. Then the tunnel collapsed when the bad guys caught up to us. Did I forget anything?”
“No, that is the gist of events,” Don confirmed, forcing himself to eat another tiny piece of the ration bar. “I will admit, I was hoping to see more come back independently.”
Hope was perhaps an incorrect term for the unidentifiable mess of emotions that churned inside him, but Donnie didn’t have the energy or inclination to try to pull those impossible threads apart. Not without…
“Well, maybe you could tell me more?”
More… a dangerous concept.
“What specifically would you like to know?”
“I dunno. What the temple was like? Did we have any other family there?”
“The temple?”
His face pinched slightly. He couldn't really fault his brother for wanting to know what he couldn't recall, knowing full well he'd want to extract every detail he could regain if he were in the same position. Then again, maybe he wouldn’t if it meant… It was a horrifying thought he quickly backed away from, ducking his head and drawing in a breath as he prepared his response, reluctantly letting his thoughts dip back into simpler, more pleasant times.
Vaulted halls supported by towering pillars and dappled with sunlight. The lush humidity within the Room of a Thousand Fountains, the blissful hush of the Archives. The soft, colorful walls of the creche, covered in drawings made by little hands. Food smudged on tiny fingers, colorful patterns swirling over a tiny shell…
“DeeDee! DeeDee I dwew this fo you!”
“It bwoke DeeDee, can you fix it?”
“I luve you DeeDee!”   
"The temple.... was the only home we knew. It was huge, and somehow both busy and quiet. People were always coming and going, especially after the war started. Jedi come from all over the galaxy, so we lived in the creche with others, and we had lessons in all matter of subjects. As for family…”
“Dee! Pst, Dee! Bet I can block more than you!”
“It’s gonna okay DonDon, don’t listen to them. Do you want to squeeze my hand?”
“That’s never gonna happen to us, Donatello. It’s going to be you and me, always. I promise.”
"...the Order was more or less family, but the Jedi didn’t encourage bonds and connections between its members," he finished, pretending to nibble at his ration bar to hide as he swallowed hard around the knot in his throat.
It was hard to keep that mask on with the pain of everything lost still so fresh. When that messy cyclone of emotions twisted and knotted even tighter inside of him. As his thoughts circled continuously around those last moments in the sewer tunnel, and those lost beneath the cave in. Master Yoshi, Michelangelo, Leo...
 He didn't even try to swallow another bite of his rations as something hot and sour and wrong flooded his throat, coating his tongue and teeth in bitterness. His stomach roiled, every little ache seemingly magnified as the emotions in his chest screamed their names over and over and over and-
“Well, at least we still got each other, right?”
Raphaels words pulled him from the maelstrom, gave him the strength to look up as one big arm wrapped around his shoulders. He stared as Raph smiled, the same smile overflowing with the warmth and reassurance only his eldest brother could provide. An eldest brother free from the enormity of all they had lost.
“…Yes,” He replied, bowing his head as he carefully tucked those names, and the memories they brought with them, away within his own memory.
“It’s for the best,” his mind whispered. “He doesn’t need to feel this. He doesn’t need to miss them. I can bear it for the both of us.”
“Come on then, lil bro,” Raph’s arm gently guided him back to his feet, taking the remains of his ration bar to tuck away for later. “Let’s try to look for a good place to sleep.”
"What have we here?"
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trilobitepunch · 28 days
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Height adjustments XD
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Also gave Krang's armor the Grievous treatment so it would look a little less organic. He is too much fun to draw, help
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colibrie · 1 month
Reflections, part II
Art by the amazing @trilobitepunch
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Consciousness floated back in hazy waves, each pass slowly peeling away another layer of blissful oblivion from around his thoughts. Their younger selves dissolved with it, wide eyes and shocked faces disappearing as light cautiously worked its way through his defenses. Colors, blurry and swirled, followed, forcing him to squint as his muddled brain worked to incorporate this new data.
“Come on brainiac, talk to me.”
“shhhhhh, too loud,” he complained, head lolling as his muscles tried to remember their function.    
“You’re lucky you can hear anything after a stunt that stupid!”
The anger in his elder brother’s voice, coupled with a rough shake, helped to snap fully back to reality. His body was draped over Raphael’s shoulder, both of their armor covered in dust and dents. Not far away the remains of the structure groaned, small cracks and bursts of dust filling the air as the debris settle into themselves.
“I thought I said to hold it together,” Raph growled, the chasm between his eyes crater deep as Donatello flailed gracelessly down from his perch.  “You wanna tell me what the shell that was all about?”
“Nothing,” Donatello huffed, one hand flying to his head as pain swelled into a tight bud between his eyes. The other hand, blindly groping for support, latched onto the chest plate of Raphaels armor and held on tight.
“That didn’t seem like nuthin.” Raph pressed, covering Donnie’s hand with one of his own as the other moved to support his elbow. “Did you know those guys from…back then? Were they friends?”
“Don’t leave me!”
“I need you!”
“Yeah…” Donatello replied slowly, lowering his hand as he stared at the rubble. “Something like that.”
I’m coming, Leo.
“Let’s go. We have a report to make.”
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colibrie · 26 days
Confrontations- Doubling Down, part III
Art credit to the incredible @trilobitepunch. Check out all of her art, it's incredible!
When no reply came in return Mikey pushed back and went to his and Leo’s room, quietly closing the door behind him. The room was exactly how they had left it, but the excitement of the morning felt so far away now. Nearly another life time, another him all together.
He sighed, dropping down to sit on the edge his bed.
“Man…What am I going to-Ack!”
A shadow broke from the rest to zip across the room, leathery wings beating gusts of air into his face as happy trills and squeaks broke through the gloom.
“George!” Mikey cheered, his mouth and mood lifting as he held up an arm to his beloved pet. “Hey buddy!”
The smooka chirped as he settled on the proffered perch, chattering affectionately as his scaly head nuzzled against Mikey’s cheek.
“Heh, I missed you too,” Mikey hummed, giggling at the sensation of a wiggly nose pressing against the sensitive parts of his neck. “You would not believe the day we’ve had.”
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Words poured past his lips as he told his beloved friend about training, about the fight, their flight home, and the revelations of the afternoon. About his father’s story and the weaponized words his brother and father had hurled at one another.
“I don’t know what to do George,” he groaned, flopping back to stare at ceiling. “I don’t know how to fix this!”
George let out a sympathetic croon, prehensile tail wrapping lightly around Mikey’s neck in a lose hug as a pair of sharp front teeth tugged at the collar of his shirt.
“I know they didn’t mean what they said, either of them,” Mikey continued, fingers stroking the short fuzz on his friend’s mottled brown skin. “Dad and Leo are stubborn, and they just…gah, I don’t know! I don’t even know how I feel about all this! I mean, it’s not like I didn’t know that I had two other brothers at some point, but Raph and Donnie… it’s…I’m…”
George purred, a deep rumble that shook his tiny body as it sank soothingly into Mikey’s chest. It coaxed the air and frustration from his lungs and encouraged him to take a new, clean breath.
“Yeah…You’re right George. I can’t help any of them if I don’t start with me. So, let’s do this Dr. Feelings!” he agreed, lightly clapping his hands to psyche himself up.
“First step is to break the feelings down and define them. I’m…overwhelmed. Confused, and scared. Someone tried to kill me, and that someone is actually my big brother, whose name is Raphael. Leo froze up and got hurt because of my other brother Donatello, and that is scary too. I’m also…frustrated, and maybe a little angry. I’m frustrated with myself for panicking and forgetting how to land the ship. I’m frustrated that Leo and Dad can’t just talk to each other. I’m... I’m angry at dad for treating my force abilities like they’re bad thing. I’m angry that I didn’t even know my other brothers’ names. I’m angry…no…I’m hurt that I’m the only one who doesn’t get remember them, that Leo and Dad have all these memories to fall back on while I’m stuck in the dark. I’m hurt that I just found out my big brothers are alive, and dad won’t let us go after them.”
He paused to pull in several slow breaths, carefully counting each one as George continued to purr against his throat.
“Okay, emotions identified. Great job! Now to take a step back and put those emotions in context.”
The shadows slowly grew longer as he worked, George occasionally letting out a squeak or chirp in support as he carefully untangled the skeins of his thoughts and feelings.
“There’s something dad isn’t saying about what happened back at the temple, but…it’s not because he wants to hurt us, and I don’t think he forbid us from going after Raph and Donatello because he doesn’t care. I think he’s just scared. For some reason, he’s scared of whatever it was Leo saw, and he’s probably scared that what happened to Donnie and Raph will happen to us too. Leo is probably feeling awful right now. Probably feels betrayed and thinks he’s all alone with everything. Which means he’s gonna do something stupid…”
“Not on my watch,” he muttered, pushing himself up. “Come on George, we’ve got work to do!”
The silvery light of the moon gilded the treetops, wispy clouds scrolling lazily across a sky studded with breathtaking stars. The night’s chorus well underway, a symphony of nocturnal insects and creatures moving through their monotonous routines, unconcerned with the faintest footsteps that slipped by. Beaten earth wound on to the clearing, shadows peeling back as a lone, lean figure strode toward the parked shuttle. One hand was shoved deep into a pocket while the other held a bag slung over his shoulder, the hem of a long coat barely kissing the top of grass as he passed. His head hung low, the moon highlighting the brilliant blue of his mask as he frowned absently at the ground.
“Bedtime stroll, Leo?” a voice broke the silence as a second, smaller figure detached itself from the side of the shuttle, stepping out into the moonlight as the taller one flinched to a halt.
“M-Mikey?” Leo blinked, mouth falling open in puzzled shock as he glanced between his little brother and the direction he had just come. “Wha…. How…but you were…?”
“Wow, you must be really off your game if you actually fell for the old pillow under a blanket trick,” Mikey scoffed, letting his own bag drop beside him with a dull thump before crossing his arms. “Care to share what you’re doing out here in the middle of the night?”
“Because I know it’s not because you were planning to steal the shuttle to go after Donnie and Raph all alone, right?”
“What? Pshaw, that doesn’t sound like something I would do,” Leo laughed, faceman smile spreading across his lips as Mikey silently returned a dry, unimpressed look.
“Really Leo?”
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“Really! Everything is fine Mikester, I just couldn’t sleep is all. You know how it is. I just need a walk to wind down. You should head back though; dad will go ballistic if he finds-”
“I’m gonna save us both some trouble and stop you right there,” Mikey cut in, planting his hands on his hips as he leaned into Leo’s space, pinning his elder brother with a glare that had Leo leaning back, hands half raised in unconscious surrender. “I know you are planning on stealing the shuttle. I know you are planning to go after Raph and Donnie, and I am going with you.”
“I won’t…you’re what now?”
“I. Am going. With you.”
“Absolutely not! Mikey go ho-”
“They are my brothers too, Leonardo,” he argued. “I may not remember them the way you do, but that doesn’t mean I love them less!”
“I didn’t say tha-”
“And that also goes for you. You are my big brother, and I love you! Whatever comes next, we are going to face it together. Understood?!”
They stared at each other, a silent battle of wills backset by the songs of the night. George shuffled on his perch on Mikey’s shoulder, chattering softly as he too stared a Leo with shiny, expectant eyes. Little by little Mikey’s resolve chipped away at Leo’s, until at last the elder gave in, huffing out a resigned sigh. The next smile he gave shifted away from the perfect, artificial faceman to something a little more crooked, a little more real.
“Alright, alright, I give. Yeesh, you’re a real delicate touch when you want something.”
“You know it baby!” Mikey crowed, a wide smile replacing his glare as he leapt forward and wrapped his arms around Leo’s neck. “I’ve got your back Lee!”
“I know,” Leo mumbled, gently patting Mikey’s shell. “Its going to be a lot harder with out the maps in dads holocron, but we’ll figure something out.”
“Or” Mikey snickered, fingers deftly poking the sensitive skin at the back of Leo’s neck, “you could just say “abracadabra”.”
“Abraca-aaahhhh! Mikey, why?!” Leo squawked, flinching back. Mikey smirked as his brothers glare quickly transformed into dumbfounded delight as he took in the bright cube now sitting in Mikeys palm.
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“How did you…?”
“Jedi secret, oh beloved brother. Maybe one day you’ll reach my level of skill.”
“You little!”
Mikey squealed as Leo lunged for him, and the clearing rang with laughter as the two chased each other under the watchful stars. Mikey inevitably ended up in a headlock, giggling like a fool as Leo fought to both noogie him and push away a swooping George. Said headlock slowly transitioned to a tight embrace, the two of them standing firm against the looming unknown.
“We’ve got this Lee,” Mikey whispered, holding on with all his strength.
“Let’s bring them home,” Leo answered, pressing a kiss to the top of Mikeys head.
Down below their father awoke to a horrifyingly familiar feeling, one he’d had only once before, on the night when everything changed.
No. Please, no!
The door slammed as clawed feet tore up the path, terror mounting as the familiar whine of a shuttle lifting off shattered the night.
Not my boys. Please! Please, not my boys!
“Boys, no!” he screamed as the shuttle appeared above the trees, willing his legs to go faster even as his heart wailed for the impending loss.
They are too young! he begged, willing the force to listen. Please don’t take them too!
He reached the clearing as the ships thrusters engaged, one hand reaching uselessly for sky as the shuttle, and his precious children, shot into the atmosphere.
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colibrie · 26 days
Confrontations-Double Down, part I
Art credit to the incredible @trilobitepunch
“We’re nearly home…”
Silence met his cautious words, and Mikey chanced glancing away from the shuttles view screen to take in his brother. Leo lay over one of the vehicles rear benches, long legs a messy sprawl and crossed wrists pressed tightly over his eyes. The mouth that so rarely lost its smile was pressed into a deep frown, a minimal improvement on the grimace it had been when Mikey had dumped him there in the scrambled haste to get them in the air and away.
It had not been the smoothest of exits. For all his many talents and interests, he would be the first to admit he knew very little about shuttles, and thus usually left the flying to Leo or their father. But he knew the basics, and a few small dents here and there seemed a small price to pay when every other breath from his prone brother seemed to come attached to a whimpered hiss of pain.
Those had died out too during the two-hour trip home, submitting to silence. This silence was not like the one on the moon, the one that had left his big brother an unrecognizable husk. This one was rare, but unpleasantly familiar, a heavy hush that clung to air like tar, obnoxiously smothering all it encountered.
It wasn’t often that Leo got angry, but the silence foretold a storm brewing behind those crossed wrists.
“Lee?” He tried again, voice wavering uncertainly as he clutched the controls, swallowing hard as the ground grew steadily closer. “I know you probably feel five different kinds of not great right now, but..uh…you remember the last time I tried landing the shuttle on my own, right?”
They still hadn’t removed all the scratches from along the underbelly of the ship.
His mouth went dry as an alarm chimed on the consul, the alert that said it was time to begin the landing sequence. Hands that were definitely not shaking hesitated over the control panel, a heart that was definitely not pounding skipping a few beats as the multitude of colorful switches and buttons became suddenly incomprehensible. Was…was he supposed to extend the landing gear? No, no that came after engaging the…what? The V-Tol! Which were next to the…the…
“This one first.”
Leo’s warm hand wrapped around his smaller one, guiding it to the correct switch while his other reached around to steady the hand still resting on the yoke. Mikey sagged, heart rate dropping back to a more acceptable rhythm as Leo’s chin came to gently rest on the top of his head.
It didn’t fix anything. The storm beyond the silence still loomed, simmering and churning. The events of the day still painted their skin in swirls of dusty bruises. But here, wrapped up in his brother’s embrace as Leo walked him through the landing procedure yet again, their home in clear view down a familiar winding path, things didn’t seem nearly so overwhelming. Panic took a few steps back, making some room for rational thought to start parsing out the cloud of “Omigosh,” and “What just happened?” that kept obscuring his thoughts.
“Easy. Keep her steady. Touch down in 3,2,1…”
 The shuttle bounced slightly as its struts met solid earth, the hull groaning and pinging softly as Mikey and Leo worked together to shut down the engine and run through the post flight checks. Leo’s arms disappeared as the back hatch whooshed open, replacing sterile ship air with the humid scents of swampy moss and sun warmed trees. Mikey slumped back in his seat and let relief sweep over him like a wave, tension unraveling from his limbs as he tried to crack his neck.
“Whew, home sweet home! Thanks for the save Leon…Leo?”
The pilot’s chair squeaked as he turned, expecting to feel the pressure of a teasing noogie or the warmth of an arm pulling him up. But neither came. The cabin was empty, and Leo’s form was rapidly disappearing down the path.
Mikey threw himself out of the chair, scrambling to catch up to his elder brother’s longer strides.
“Leo, slow down!”
Leo did not slow down. He did not even pause to acknowledge Mikey as he stalked towards their house. The sun beat down, dappling their path with shadows, yet the atmosphere between them hung heavy as the storm gained speed. Dark clouds of emotion swirled and danced in Leo’s shadow, flickering, and snapping in the folds of his coat. His back and arms were ram rod straight, invisible currents of electricity barely held back by flesh and bone. Hands that had been so gentle on his only moments ago were now clenched into fists so tight that the knuckles on his skin had turned a pale green.
“Leo…what’s going on?” Mikey tried again, his own arms rising to hold himself in a hug as the barometric pressure of Leo’s emotions pulled dangerously at the residues of his own fear and confusion.
“Who were those guys? Why were they trying to kill us?! Why was the little one so upset with you? He said…. he said you promised him something?”
His questions finally seemed to hit home as Leo slowed, and Mikey took it as a sign to keep going. Not that he had much of a choice. Now that he had gotten his initial questions out words and feelings rushed together, bubbling past his lips like water from a fountain.
“Those armored guys didn’t just find us by accident, did they? They were looking for us. They know us. Or at least, they know you. And you know them too, don’t you? That’s why you froze up.”
Leo stopped. Frozen once more in the middle of the path, as though Mikeys words were some kind of mystic spell.
“C’mon LeeLee, talk to me,” he begged, keeping his voice feather soft and open around this oldest of childhood nicknames. His heart panged as Leo’s shoulders dropped, stark pain splitting through the storm like a flash of lightning. It was unusual for his brother’s true feelings to be so openly displayed; Mikey would not waste the opportunity.
“You don’t have to face this alone. I’m here. I may not know who they are… and I really don’t know how to explain this, but…it hurt to see them,” Mikey continued, shrinking in on himself a little at the mention of his own tangled emotions. “It felt…wrong. Everything about that was wrong. We shouldn’t have been fighting them and as much as I’m glad we got away its…like something is missing now. In here.”
He pointed to his chest, towards the dull pain that was slowly making itself known in the depths of his heart.
The return of Leo’s voice was a welcoming sign, but he did not let it sidetrack him.
“Tell me what is happening.”  
Both boys jumped, shocked faces whipping up in tandem to stare at the diminutive form of their father, suddenly standing before of them on the path.
“H-hey dad!” Leo coughed, cheeks contorting awkwardly as he quickly pulled out his signature ‘Faceman’ smile. “How’s it going?”
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“Would one of you care to explain where you have been all day?”
Mikey winced, slipping to stand slightly further behind Leo as his father tried to pin him with a piercing glare.
“We were on a supply run, remember? You asked me to go two days ago?” Leo swept in, shoulders casually shrugging to pull the focus back to him.
“I did indeed, Leonardo. Yet, curiously, I see no supplies. Only two sons, one of whom was supposed to stay home today, who look like they have been a brawl.”
“Ehehehe, what? Come on dad, does that sound like us?” Leo laughed, waving one hand through the air in airy dismissiveness. “The market was kinda light on the supplies we needed, and I wasn’t gonna waste our funds on substandard stuff. I’ll go back in a few days once the new shipments come in. As for the rest, it’s kinda a funny story actually. See there was this-”
“If its so hilarious,” Splinter cut in, “then I am sure Michelangelo would be delighted to tell me all about it.”
“M-me?” Mikey squeaked, fingers tapping and sweat breaking out across his brow as splinters beady eyes turned expectantly to him. “I-uh-well…”
“I am waiting to be amused,” his father prompted, deadpan gaze boring into Mikey as the pressure mounted.
“The thing is…we…we went to the market-”
“We established that.”
“Right! Right hahaha. Um, and then after that we, uh… we went…”
“Keep it together Mikey,” Leo mumbled under his breath, smile taking on a sharp edge as he shot a covert glare over his shoulder. “Remember what happens to snitches.”
“Do not interrupt!” Splinter snapped, tail whipping out to smack Leo’s side. Pain tightened the corners of Leo’s eyes, his breath hissing from between clenched teeth as the eldest fought to keep his posture normal. A fight easily noted by their father.
“Is that also part of the ‘funny story’?” Splinter demanded, an edge of concern creeping into his voice as he leaned in towards Leo.
“M-Maybe?” Mikey stuttered lamely, resolve crumbling under his father’s scowl and the renewed evidence of the day’s impacts. “We, uh, maybe took a slight detour on our way so that I could work on…stuff.”
“What kind of ‘stuff’”
“Um...f-force stuff?”
“Mikey, shut up!”
“And while we were there, completely minding our own business and not bothering anyone, these two guys showed up and then one of them started yelling at Leo about promises and the other tried to cut me into itty bitty pieces! And the first guy threw Leo into a wall and the whole building started coming down but we got out of there and we flew straight home and,um…that’s about everything.”
The sound of flesh meeting flesh was loud as Leo’s face met his palm.
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“How many times,” Splinter started, arms waving and voice quickly growing in volume, “have I told you boys not to trifle with the force? How many times have I told you of the dangers that could befall us if you are recognized. You stole my holocron, didn’t you?! I knew I should have thrown that thing into a black hole when I had the chance!”
Mikey shrank back as their father’s angry rant continued, gaze shifting anxiously between his father and brother. Leo stood with his arms crossed, posture and facial expressions set in a carefully cultivated mask of disregard and boredom. He knew that look, it was one Leo wore when he didn’t want his true thoughts or feelings to be perceived, a near flawless fortress. Except for his eyes. Mikey had learned that Leo’s eyes were never as fully guarded as the rest of him, and right now his eyes were dark with the storm that surged and strained to get free. A storm that was now fully focused on their father.
“You two are never to do this again, do you hear me?! How long has it been going on?!”
“Jee, I don’t know pops,” Leo replied, voice flippantly cold and smooth in a way that sent shivers down Mikey’s spine. “How long were you going to lie to us?”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Splinter growled, scowl deepening.
“Lee, don’t,” Mikey whispered, reaching out to grab his brother’s shoulder in an attempt to defuse the impending explosion, only to have his hand shrugged away as Leo turned to fully face their father.
“How long were you going to lie to us about Raph and Donnie being alive?”
Their father froze, shock obliterating all traces of anger as he stared at them.
“Raphael and Donatello are alive,” Leo enunciated, lightning snapping between the vowels. “We weren’t caught by some random bounty hunters; we were caught by our brothers. Brothers with red lightsabers, dressed in black armor. Brothers you said were dead.”
“Wait…what?!” Mikey gasped, neck cracking as his head whipped between the opposing members of his family. “Those guys are…but…how?! They died years ago!”
“Great question Miguel,” Leo muttered darkly, “any thoughts, dad?”
“I…no, that… that is impossible,” Splinter stuttered, his hands shaking as one rose to cover his open mouth.
“That ‘impossible’ put me through a wall! Not into one, through it!” Leo snapped, taking a single step forward. “That ‘impossible’ tried its hardest to slice Mikey into ribbons! That-”
“Leo, stop!” Mikey commanded, flinching but standing firm as the ferocity in his brothers’ glare was momentarily diverted to him. “I get you are upset and confused. I am too. But if we want answers, let dad talk.”
For a long moment, nothing was said. Leo glared, defiant, and Mikey waited, face soft and expression gently pleading. Splinter watched, face grave as he waited for his sons to reach a verdict. Finally, Leo’s shoulder slumped, storm clouds contained once more as he crossed his arms and stepped back, silently facing their father with a brusque nod.
“Okay dad, start from the beginning,” Mikey encouraged, plastering on what he hoped was an encouraging smile. “What happened to Donnie and Raph to make you believe they were dead?”
Splinter sighed, bowing his head as his eyes unfocused, staring into the past.
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colibrie · 6 days
Confrontations: Bullseye, Krang.
This installation wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for @trilobitepunch. Not only is she responsible for the amazing art, but she got me through when life and writer's block hit me hard. Parts of the writing here is hers, and I am so greatful for her input and her patience.
There were three truths, as fundamental to the foundation of universe as the force. The first was that strength always prevailed. The second was that there were many, many ways to exert one’s strength. The third was opportunities were rare, and thus every one was to be exploited to the fullest. Krang had always known these rules, and had followed them faithfully even when trapped within the sanctimonious confines of the Jedi order.
They had kept him sharp when others had become complacent, had kept him focused when arrogance had blinded that pompous council to what lay right under their upturned noses. He had seen and seized the opportunity of the Empire. He alone strode from the smoldering ruins of the temple, ready for what lay ahead. And next to the emperor, he alone understood the art, the sever beauty, that lay within the dark side of the force. Unlike the other imbecilic inquisitors, or the emperors simpering apprentice, he knew that killing jedi was a waste, and torture alone was lazy. The best paths to breaking a jedi were often the slowest. Pressure was key, but timing was everything.
His longest running projects had just handed him two gilded prospects. Two force sensitives, unaware and untrained. Two individuals his masterpiece had taken pains to hide not just from Krang, but from his own flesh. He could practically taste the potential, feel the scales of the force teetering to-and-fro. Whoever these two were, they were essential, the missing piece to complete his magnum opus. Two lambs, perfect for the sacrifice. He just had to think…
A knock shattered the silence within his office, bringing him back to the present, and his waiting opponent.
Earlier than he’d expected, but he would adapt.
Heavy footsteps shuffled across the floor, armor clicking and clanking as its wearer snapped into a salute. Determination and fear flooded the air in a sweet and sour scent, and he allowed himself a brief, hungry grin before schooling his face into a stern scowl.
“I don’t recall sending for you, Inquisitor,” Krang mused, sinking back into his desk chair. He laced his claws togethers as he swiveled to face his visitor. Raphael. The simple brute was less of a challenge than his prodigy brother, yet he possessed characteristics that were their own unique form of intriguing. Ones that made him worthy to play the game.
“I trust you have a good reason for this interruption.”
“I do, sir,” Raph replied, massive body shifting with discomfort as his gaze flickered between the red eye of the mech suit and his golden eyes. It was an easy opening move. The indecision and anxiety of which to maintain eye contact with was such a simple means to discomfit the weaker chattel within the Empires ranks. From whole suites of pompous admirals, intoxicated with their engorged egos and perceived importance to ranks of pawn level inquisitors, all could be caught wrong footed without having to exert himself.
He let the tension build, keeping his face the picture of cold indifference as Raphael’s shoulders slowly bowed inward, as his eyes finally settled on some far point over Krangs shoulder. Signs of submission. Finally, Krang raised a hand, claws skimming the air in ambiguous invitation.
“Then speak but make it brief. I am busy.”
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“It was Raph’s fault the mission failed,” Raphael reported, hands tightly clasped behind his back as his eyes remained fixed on their chosen spot. “I underestimated the younger targets’ agility an took out one of the ruins supporting walls. Donatello nearly had the other target apprehended before the place came down. I figured you should know before you start deciding punishments.”
“I see,” Krang hummed, anticipation building. “Are you so eager for punishment?”
“I own my messes,” Raph growled, chest swelling slightly as his eyes finally drifted to meet Krangs own. Something shone in their depths, a molten red that Krang relished seeing. Now, the true game could begin. “Donatello woulda been successful otherwise. He doesn’t deserve punishment.”
“You forget yourself inquisitor. That decision does not lie with you. Do you require a reminder?”
“No! I... I’m sorry." Ah, but how quickly he backtracked, those brilliant carmine emotions running so hot then cold. His boldness was perhaps admirable, if ill formed and entirely misplaced. Krang waited, fingers drumming steadily against the metal of his desk as the stocky young Inquisitor reigned in his resolve once more. "But really, it was my fault! Please, ya can’t punish Don.”
There it was. The thing that made Krangs time and efforts worthwhile. Earnest fidelity spread wide like herald’s banner for all to see. A pillar of strength that refused to bend or cede, no matter how the darkside of the force crashed against it. It was a trait that once would have been hailed by the Order, the dead Order that would also have ironically condemned the very bond that fed into it. The bond of brotherhood... While not an intelligent player, Raphael would still perform above and beyond expected parameters for his brother's sake.
It was harder to hold back his hunger for dominance, to keep the smirk he felt from surfacing upon his face as he thought of the earlier debriefing. How hard Donatello had fought to control himself, to control the flow and shape of the information reported. The silent symphonic devastation that had slowly built as his witless older brother revealed everything, placing yet another victory squarely in Krangs crown. Young Donatello’s mind was Krangs to command, and it was a far more effective punishment than any of the physical penalties preferred by the indolent thugs within the Empire’s ranks.
Yet Raphael had presented the opportunity, and Krang never let an opportunity go to waste. It was time for the next phase.     
 He remained aloof as he intoned the rule, one he knew Raphael to be aware of, savoring each step as their game drew closer to its inevitable climax.
“Punishments are shared. There are no exceptions.”
Krang silenced him off with a look, his next words subtly sweet as they rolled off his tongue. “However, the proportions of said punishments can be…adjusted.”
The elder brothers face lit with the light of a false hope. The snare was set. All that was required now was a final push…
“Since you confess that the failure was primarily yours, you may choose to take on half of Inquisitor Donatello’s punishment in addition to your own.”
“I do! I mean, I will!” Raphael blurted all too eagerly.
This time Krang very nearly did smile, savage glee making it difficult to manage the façade of bored acceptance.
“Very well,” he straightened just a touch, brandishing his claws in a casually sweeping gesture towards the door. “The isolation chamber awaits.”
He sat back, savoring every moment as the snare snapped tight.
 Raphael paled, pupils dilating as his whole body shuddered in primal terror. It was as satisfying as watching Donatello try to hide his spiraling collapse, watching as the pillar trembled, tiny microfractures hidden within its foundation spreading like broken wings. The banner faltered, colors fading as darkness loomed.
“Th-e…the isolation…”
“Changed our mind already, have we?" Krang scoffed, one claw coming up to mockingly tap the edge of his face plate, glancing dismissively down at the documents on his desk as though intending to resume his prior tasks. "Very well, Donatello’s punishment will be-”
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The dread from the other side of the desk was palpable, its progenitor so tightly coiled that Krang half-expected the boy to lunge at him. Some part of him, the part that sang for battle and conquest half hoped the fool would do it. He arrested the urge as he watched Raphael wrestle with himself before taking a step forward. Eyes filled with miserable determination dropped to the floor, head bowing in defeat as his arm slowly rose to a salute of surrender.
“No, I…Permission to begin my punishment, sir?”
“Granted," Krang replied, putting weight into the word like it were a sentencing. Raphael nodded, body shuffling away, blind to the wolfish smirk that had finally slipped across his superior’s face. A few quick taps to his personal consol, and Krang was leaning forward in his chair, grin now a full-blown sneer as he watched Raphael curl up into the smallest physical ball within the isolation chamber, head buried deep in the circle of his arms as he slowly swayed side to side.
“I wonder how long he’ll last this time,” he idly mused to the ether, eyeing the deep, overlapping claw marks gouged into the walls. “Perhaps he’ll make things interesting and go for a full two hours. Heh.”
The shadows of the room swallowed the tartness of his laugh, heavy hush ruling once more as he closed the screen. As amusing as it would be to watch the pillar break itself, he had work to do, and two new subjects to account for in the greater game.
“Now…where are they?”
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