#and go hug your fucking mom
liyahwild · 2 months
hey public announcement to the fucktarts of tumblr who are transphobic (terf included u dipshits) homphobic or antikin:
need i remind you what fucking platform you are on, you imbeciles?
tumblr. you will find more cringe on here than you will find anything. before you were here making fun of expressive minors or fulfilled self assured adults there were SO much cringe content on here and there still is.
stop projecting your insecurities onto people who youre jealous of because theyre happy with themselves & ur never sure if youll ever be and masking it as them being weird.
because trust me theyre not weird for knowing and loving themselves.
do they not fit your box of what a person is? of what gender is? what affection is?
life is what you make of it. gender is made up - YOUR gender is what YOU say it is, youre getting that confused with sex (which is also debatable and ambiguous in EVERY single case, dumbass). boohoo, a man kissed a man. im sure ur daddy did the same in his day.
youll never be fucking happy with yourself if you cant learn to shut the fuck up about other peoples lives.
no one is tryna 'turn u to their side', change ur mind, or end the world with their super sonic mega blast gay tranny fur rainbow sparkle beams, they live normal lives like you do. you pass by people like this all the time in public (if u even go out), your family or your friends (if u even have any) may be like this, your teachers or classmates.
whatre you gonna do? kick yo granny in her neck cuz she was born with a penis? punch your teacher because he has a husband? set fire to the grocery store janitor because you suspect theyre a furry? throw hands with a barista because they wear a 'They/Them' pin?
they know themselves more than you ever will right now.
stop reblogging and commenting under obvsiouly queer peoples posts, bullying and harassing them, calling them cringe, and posting them on reddit. keep doing this bullshit, lemme see it, and ill do the same thing to you. dedicate a WHOLE blog to you fuckshits because you just dont understand how much of a complete ASS youre making of yourselves. im sick of your restless coping-via-bullying bullshit it is honestly disgusting and nobody but a couple of unhappy nobodies find your incompetence funny.
Hate is ugly, cringe is cute, and queer is cool
my trannies, furries/kin, and homos (all terms i can reclaim i swear lmfao) are the coolest people ik. they dont bother u, u dont bother them, wanna strike up a convo with them? 99.9% of the time theyre chill as all get around and even share your interests.
stop being an insolent worm. you dont like queers? on a queer platform? go back to reddit and tiktok you assfaced moron go back to the shitty hole whence you crawled from (the attic) 😐
love u :)
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bakudekublogblog · 8 months
god thinking about katsuki murmuring "gotta win... right izuku?" right before charging right into his death is so so so fucking batshit insane of a thing to include. like he's yearning for him. like not only is he speaking as if izuku is still at his side, but he still remembers what izuku said to him all those months ago and is fighting to live up to the version of himself izuku admired. and then he goes "tell me.... izuku.... can i still reach you" CAN I STILL REACH YOU LITERALLY LONGING FOR HIM, TELL ME, ONE LAST THING BEFORE I GO, JUST TELL ME IF I CAN REACH YOU FUCKING I'M LOSING MY MIND OVER HERE IT'S PEAK PINING TRAGIC ROMANCE
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the-meme-monarch · 4 months
biggest complaint about you is your not a big enough hater about kralsei. Get rageful with it. Make a whole rant about how gross it is in canon. Let the rage take over
oh it takes everything i have to not say swears about it like every day trust me. i am kra/lsei number 1 biggest hater
#and number 1 biggest poly scc hater evidently (looks out on the sea of users who’ve blocked me/that I’ve blocked)#i hope I’m not in their thoughts bc they’re not in mine HDNDNNSNJ#that one I’ve just been louder about bc they’re my By Far favorite characters#but honestly I’m a lot more vindicated when it comes to My Hate Of K/ralsei#but anyway yeah its fucking weird even with what we see in canon. kris is uncomfortable around ralsei. they don’t want him to hug them aft#after the spam neo fight. ralsei tea heals them the least out of their friends. ralsei is +60 noelle is +70 susie is +120#noelle saying ‘hey that guy looks like asriel’ susie saying ‘he kinda looks like your mom’ (bc she’s never seen asriel)#kris probably looks at him and sees their brother But Not Quite.#AND I SWEAR TO FUCKIMB GOD. ‘whuh buh but kris clearly isn’t biological related! and then ralsei clearly isn’t Actually related to the dree#to the dreemurrs’ SHUT THE FUCK UP ! shut the entire fuck up ! even so. you don’t know shit actually !#look me in the fucking face and acknowledge. 1 adopted families are real families. don’t fucking start w that shit#2 if you look at someone who looks like your fucking Brother and go ‘would.’ there’s no saving you actually#kr/alsei likers are fucking weirdos you can take that one to the bank#not even getting into All the art I’ve seen of ‘kris Doesnr like ralsei but ralsei likes them and the player wants them together and ral#and ralsie is Using this to his advantage to Be in that relationship even though Kris Doesn’t Like It. fucking nasty.#the monarch’s court#stops pacing. smooths my hair. ok I’m normal again
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deathsmallcaps · 2 months
I work as the person in an amusement park who watches the children who get lost. Here’s some advice. This also applies to any mentally disabled adults that are under your care. Keep in mind that many places will not look for a minor ages 13-17 unless it is close to closing or they are disabled, as corporate considers it a strain on resources and employee use.
1. Teach them your phone number. Best gift you can give them. I’m not supposed to have my phone out at work but I can cut down dependent’s being-lost-time by probably 400% if I can contact you. It also assures the children That We Are Doing Something and that They Are Helpful and Smart. If your dependent has a poor memory, apparently writing your phone number in sharpie and then covering it in nail polish makes it stay all day, even if they’re sweaty or getting in the water. I haven’t tested this but I’ve heard a lot of moms recommend it. I’ve also seen bracelets with little plates or the beads saying the phone number.
Addendum: your dependent may tell you that they know your phone number, but they actually only know your passcode. True story. This summer has been a lot better, but last summer exactly one child the entire season knew his mom’s phone number.
2. Acknowledge that dependent’s memories are faulty, especially in new places. If you tell them to meet you in X spot or that your stuff is all in Y place, they may not remember where it is or remember how to get there.
3. All dependents, but especially little ones, have shit time sense. They might find your stuff, wait there for a minute or two, and truly believe that they’ve been there for an hour. Half the small kids that are brought to me are ones who *know* where their stuff is, but haven’t seen an adult they know personally in 5 minutes, so they’re going to panic.
4. Don’t take naps!!! And don’t let your dependent go anywhere you can’t go or at least go where you catch them at the end!!! Yes you’re staring at the play structure your dependent entered, but can you see them? No? Then there’s a good chance they went elsewhere. So many of the littler kids that are brought to me are brought by genuine, good-hearted strangers who see lost children and take them by the hand. Away from the spot you’re napping in front of/staring vaguely at.
5. This might just be something from my work, but we will not call dependent’s descriptions over the loudspeaker. This is because if an asshole were to see your dependent, hear the description, know it’s a lost dependent, and decide to steal it, they can then use the excuse, “I know where your guardian is! Come with me!” And then lead them out of the park or toss the dependent over their shoulder. Do you know how many crying and screaming dependents leave the location every day? A lot!!! We’re a fun location!!! We’re not going to know if the dependent is screaming because they don’t want to leave or if a stranger is taking them away. We might call the description over the loudspeaker if it’s past closing time and the dependent still isn’t found. But before that, we will only report it over secure radios across the park.
6. Tell a park worker right away. Preferably someone with a radio. Even if you spot the dependent within the next minute, that means the dependent will have less being-lost time. Especially if we already have the dependent with, you guessed it, me. Also please tell us when you find the dependent.
7. Take a picture of your depdendent at the start of the day! That way security guards can have a good idea of what to look for. One mother told me her daughter was blonde and showed me a picture. Her hair color looked brown to me, but then I knew what to look for in the crowd.
8. Keep at least one person in your group in one spot at all times, especially if you don’t have access to your phone or forgot to give out your phone number to the guards. That way they can find you if they pick up the dependent. If you are the only person in your group, then PLEASE stay in one place or at least stay with ONE security guard. It sucks for the dependent if they can’t find you right away even if the both of you are looking for each other and a guard is helping them. You are NOT helping if you panic and run around. And keep your goddamn phone on you and answer calls from unknown numbers!!!!! God. This is a good time to do that.
9. If you lose your dependent in an attraction like the lazy river at a water park, and you have that ONE person staying in place, then this is what you can do with 1+ mobile people.
A. If only one person can be spared to be mobile, have them pick a spot and stay right there, watching the river go by. Eventually, if the dependent is in the river, they’ll go by.
B. If you have two people that can be mobile, both start at the same place in the river and go opposite directions. If you meet up again without spotting the dependent, well, they’re not there.
C. If you have more than 2 people, you can do B but also station different adults at the lazy river entrances/exits.
10. Don’t blame the dependent! Even if they ran away and/or are pissy that you’re upset once you all reunite, trust me, there’s a 99% chance they’re upset too. Yes, this is a good time to have a serious conversation with them. Yes, if this is a repeated problem, and/or you warned them you’d leave the park if this occurred, you should not back down. But also - they’re dependents. They’re not stupid, and they should be told consequences and dangers so they can make good decisions, but they will never have the adult/guardian perspective that you do. Be kind.
Also please for my sake teach them if they’re brought to someone like me, that it’s THEIR job to be safe and listen to me while us park workers look for you. It’s YOUR job to find the dependent, not the dependent’s job to find you. I had a six year old little girl genuinely toddler-howl at me because she wanted to go look for her mom. I’ve never before heard a kid her age howl like that. I can trick kids out of crying 9/10 times but howling came as a surprise lmao. I think I can manage it now that I’ve experienced it but damn.
Also make sure those kids are DRINKING. Being in a water park is NOT the same as drinking water. They should be drinking every 15 minutes at LEAST, I am NOT kidding.
Also if I call you to tell you your kid is here, please don’t call or text me back after you have the kid. I’m sure other places have phones for these types of things but the only one I have is my personal phone. And I am happy to get the kid off my hands and into your arms, but I’m using my personal phone so plz. Don’t call me back. Absolutely call me if you need directions to my ‘office’ in the park. Don’t call or text me after. I have stories about that hoo boy but this post is already long.
#I am not exaggerating when I say howling#not in a wolf way more like a howler monkey if you have no idea what human toddler cries sound like#I like kids of all ages but there’s a reason why#I’m not going to teach elementary school#I am the person in the *place I work* where if a kid is lost#the staff brings the kid to me until the parents are found#so like. I’m never going to see these kids at their best#I wish I could just hug them but I’m barely allowed to hold their hand if I’m escorting them to get water#this time of year their emotions are heightened by the fact that they’re almost certainly dehydrated#but if they’re a flight risk I do NOT want to risk losing the kid#so I have to wait until#a coworker comes by to get them some water sometimes#the howler girl = this kid#this kid was reunited with her mom without too much time going by thank god#she was a huge fucking flight risk omg#she desperately wanted to go find her mom and I’m like#GIRL you are the lost six year old ITS YOUR MOM’S JOB TO FIND YOU!!! Your job is to stay safe!!!#and color this pretty picture oh god please look back at the coloring page instead of calling upon the hounds of hell#I like to assure every kid that is brought to me that#1. mom’s (or whoever) not going to leave without you (sometimes this is a lie judging from the parents.still very important to tell kids thi#2. they did the right thing asking for an adult’s help#3. as they are literally a kid it’s not their fault they’re lost (again a little debatable with the older kids but still they’re minors)(so#I tell them all this)#4. it’s their job to stay safe while we find your mom#5. now do you want some water?#it’s more obvious in the pale kids but I’ve had so many Black and Brown kids come up to me the last couple days looking positively pink#those kids needed water. so I try to get everyone water#it pisses off my coworkers but idgaf. everyone has a legal right to water in this state esp in the summer#and even if they didn’t#fuck you I’m stealing it. these kids need water
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martyrbat · 1 year
so many of you talk about the cruel adults in your childhood that negatively effected you and caused lifelong insecurity yet you're still perfectly fine with being that mean stranger to any kid that has the misfortune of existing around you and thats just really gross !!!
#like i get kids can be overwhelming for a various amount of reasons but its not going to kill you to treat children with basic human decency#adults can be just as overwhelming or annoying—if not more. yet if you talked to an another adult the same way you do to a kid#then ppl would fucking hate you and not want to be around you because youre not being cool and witty—youre just mean!!!#everyone has experienced the frustration of being a kid being mistreated by an adult. some more than others#rather its ignoring your bodily autonomy (from sa and assault to hugging you when you don't want to be touched to not letting you#make your own harmless choices like a haircut or whatever). everyone has been talked down to or had their opinion treated like its nothing#or that their thoughts or input doesn't matter. everyone has a childhood experience with a mean or judgemental adult#yet over and over ppl are fine just repeating that cycle of abuse and hatred#like youre a young adult and youre still getting treated like shit by older ones. but youre able to have a drink or you graduated or smthn#so now you feel like you earned that right to be judgemental & angry & mean to a group of people that didnt fucking do anything to you#anyways. this is because im sick and had to go to the store to get groceries and meds#so its a 20 minute walk to the nearest store in 108 degrees bc i dont have gas money and then in the store im ofc using a face mask#like im sweaty and feel disgusting and like shit but this kid was SO fucking excited about his spiderman toy and wanted to talk and#his mom said ‘i told you no one wants to hear about that crap leave her alone’ and like?? no fuck off let a kid be happy?? hes not fucking#doing anything wrong?? so we talked and he showed me the little tiy that lights up and asked if i saw the new spiderverse movie#and i told him i havent! so he asked why so i explained i have photosensitivity and what that means and why i cant see it#(‘even though i heard its super cool!’) and HE WAS SO SWEET... like immediately hid the toy because oh! flashing lights can hurt me!#and then immediately said dont worry because he'll tell me about it so its like i saw it instead!#and like. guys imma be honest with you. i stilm got no fucking idea what this movie's plot is.#but you bet your fucking ass i was pretending like i was following along & was going ‘no way!’ ‘so it's a parallel universe...?’ ‘oh wow!’#like yea its unnecessary. i felt oike i was gonna collapse and im still struggling to breathe at home now. but also i been the kid#who just wanted to talk about my interests and no one wanted to or was dismissing it.#i know it's not a end of the world deal but i also know that crushing feeling. you gotta be the kindness you want to see in the world yknow#anyways. be nice to kids or im not going to be nice to you. they're one of the most vulnerable members of our society and deserves kindness
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enevera · 6 months
nothing feels real. its like some fucked up dream i can't wake up from, like if i could wake up i could call her and talk to her. but it's not a dream and i'm never going to see my mother again.
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 1 year
The way some of y’all be treating parent characters who, lets face it, did fuckall wrong, makes me worry about how y’all treat your parents. It’s giving “you’re ruining my LIFE, mom!!” when you’re grounded for being a shitass. It’s giving “This is child labor!!” when you’re asked to do the dishes. “I never want to see you again!!!” when you have One misunderstanding.
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nighttimenarcotics · 1 year
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bylertruther · 2 years
really crazy how they made so many parallels like almost a #cringe amount of parallels between will and sara and gave will and hop so many compelling scenes together and literally had them save each others lives and had other characters refer to hop as will's dad and hop was the one that heard/saw will trying to communicate in the shed etc etc.................. only to then pay them fucking dust..... not even that..... just air...... an absence..... negative fucking space...... matthew and rossthew, you bitches DISGUST me for real i am both mad AND disappointed... hop and will bonding in s5 or else. OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!
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im2tired4usernames · 7 months
My parents should be fuckin ashamed
#you borrow 80 bucks then can only find me 21 back then i put that 21 into good for your kids then spend the rest of my paycheck getting#diapers pull ups medicine more food for kids and then i fill up the 15 passenger van and then when dad asks why i don't have money to eat#on my lunchbreaks at work like I'm some over spending wild irresponsible bitch when he's the one going to concerts and paying for fancy dat#s and jewelry for his gf and buying groceries for her but you know it's fine#take all my time and energy#so that i literally am a zombie and fall asleep on the very very very limited free time i get#(after doin extra chores to earn said free time)#wo that i fall asleep half way in which isn't fair to my partner and isn't fair to me#take all my income so i cant afford anything#take all my time#take all my energy#YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED YOU GROOMED ME AND MESHED THE FAMILY'S ENTIRE LIFE STYLE FOR ME TO BE LIKE THIS#I CANT MAKE HEALTHY FRIENDSHIPS BECAUSE I JUST CAN NOT FUNCTION IF I'M NOT GIVING EVERYTHING TO SOMEONE#IT SUCKS I HATE IT#THEY'LL NEVER ADMIT THEY FUCKED ME OVER#EVER#THEY'LL NEVER DO ANYTHING TO FIX IT OR CHANGE#AND I HAVE NO HOPE FOR ANY CHANGES#MY LITTLE SIBLINGS SEE WHAT I DO FOR THEM AND THEY HUG ME AND TELL ME HOW MUCH THEY LIVE ME#'thank you so much for taking care of us' that tell me all the time 'you do so much for us'#it breaks my heart i wish i could give them the world i love them so much they deserve so much better#my mom lost her chance to be decent my dad better learn soon otherwise all his kids minus his favorite will hate him#i love ny parents#and i know they live me and my siblings#but they groomed me into the most miserable personification of elder daughter syndrome and they should be ashamed for what they've done#and be ashamed that they sucked so bad that they're own child had to step up
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ban-joey · 8 months
fit of horrible sobbing so full of mucus i had to emergency strip and use my sleep shirt as a gigantic hanky. i do not feel better and have a pit in my stomach that won't leave but at least i am dealing with grief in real time for once instead of locking it away for several years however it does feel like the vault busted open and now im dealing w like. all of it at once. so that's cool
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
The amount of people who seem to enjoy spending time with a lot of people for a long period of time baffles the shit out of me man
#like gatherings and such#don’t get me wrong; if i’m functioning at above 80% of myself i can happily spend time with my friends or pleasant people for many hours#especially if there is alcohol and i am sitting in a comfortable chair. never underestimate the power of the comfortable chair#you put me in a stool and i’m bowing out an hour in. give me an armchair? i’ll still be there 8 hours later flirting with someone ineptly#you make me stand? i’ll walk away in 5 minutes or less#anyway what prompted this was my mom is currently at an all day; 12 hour long wedding#it’s all happening at one fucking venue. ceremony; meals; drinks; everything#in fact i think it was technically 14 hours because doors open at 10:30am and you don’t have to leave until 12:30am#the way i’m so glad i wasn’t invited. i would’ve rsvp’d saying unless you can pay for 14 hours of therapy i will not be spending 14 hours#in PUBLIC. fucking HORRIBLE#imagine choosing that for your wedding though. imagine thinking. i know what i want to do. spend FOURTEEN HOURS with not only my closest#friends and family; but also a couple hundred of the biggest randos we can dredge up#you had the ability to plan Everything and you were like. yep. let’s make it fourteen hours long#bro i’m too much of a loser to ever get married; but if i did it would start to finish take an hour#you get 5 minutes to get your ass in the venue and sit the fuck down and then i’m walking down the aisle. if you’re late you’re not coming#ceremony takes like 10 minutes then for 45 minutes we’re having drinks of some sort and maybe an ice cream van#and stay if you want but i’m leaving an hour after i arrived. i don’t care if the minister was delayed an hour and i’m not actually married#yet. i allocated an hour. it’s taking an hour. don’t hug me. i’m going hone#*home#a fourteen hour party is incomprehensible to me. i would rather do just about anything else for 14 hours#personal
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Hey anybody going to talk about rescued sacrificial maidens. Like yes a guy with a fuck off sword turned up and so you're not getting fed to the dragon/water creature/mountain spirit/vague embodiment of all things scary and you get to go back home, but is that really home? Your mom hugs you and your dad says he's so happy you're alive and you know that when they said they'll do anything to keep you safe they didn't really mean it. They have a feast prepared and you get to taste what they cooked for your funeral, help wash the dishes after. And it's selfish to think that between the whole village with everyone in it and you they wouldn't pick the lesser evil but it still leaves an emptiness in your chest, knowing exactly how much your life is worth. And the neighbors smile at you awkwardly and the neighbors' kids yell "hey! I thought you died!" because they don't know not to do that yet and maybe you did. Maybe you did.
And the hero with the fuck-off sword rode off into the sunset the way they always do but you're still here and you herd the cows by the cliff where you were tied up in your cleanest clothes waiting to not be alive anymore and sometimes you think that would be easier and when you don't come back one day, you can imagine it's a relief for everyone involved. Maybe you'll be the new thing to haunt the mountain, or maybe you'll follow down the road and listen for cries that sound like yours did. Either way, there's little left to fear. You know exactly how much your life is worth.
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All, der real
Me: they sure are perfect...damn
****HugeP***Hugo*****Hugo now ok**
This message has been brought to you by NASA.
"Take your girth from the Seventh Seal"
#overlaying the Hun's yellow pages with gemini is a rather funny way of doing things#I really can't say how many sisters I bring to see myself young#I went to that place a bunch with mom and grandpa#that would be kinda funny though#yeah....so our dad kinda fucking sucks as a person and you're better off not having him around to have access to you#the weird counter balances of people and dog names in that place#I don't know where Merlin is at#maybe it the guy that Arthur likes to visit on the quest to keep the network cooling#perhaps we could transfer the Abraham's ailments to be done with the dog of a resurrection#I love my burrito so fucking much#he is like some grounded if not irritated and(horny A LOT) version of myself#gotta say though#I never needed to masturbate#I was built for Vagina pleasing a second kind of hand#xtra large marriage = Mormons#like yes you made enough of an impact on me my goodness#me talking to you both before you go serve me (*nice*) in 1983#ladies you have practiced for this your entire smoke filled lives#this is the most important fag you will ever smoke#also: weapon: lets fuck with Alex....me: no life does that enough#a double doggy bagger#yoga on the knees back to back#takes huge rip: damn you are some bad bitches....licks one vagina and rubs the other#that tension for a bug fucking hug from you..... shit#me looking back: you wore your hair in a ponytail but made sure it looked curly#my words: are you dancing still....why? mm mm mm that body.... fuck#Also I called you over right and then you kinda look down and then oh shit this is what happens when we lock eyes
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poetess-trobadour · 3 months
너무 무서워
매일매일 더 무섭게 되어
난 속으로에 한 걸음도 걸어가길 두렵게 되는 어둠
심장이 고동치길 들을 수 있는 병동의 침묵
'오늘 컨디션이 어떠세요?'
'복용량을 늘려야 할 것 같네요'
그말 들을때마다 차츰 세상이 잊혀져
겁이 목을 졸려, 내 정신이 미쳐
근데 그래도 더 많은 겁과 아픔 참시는 나의 엄마
날 언제보다 더 많이 필요하시는 줄 알아서 걱정마
엄마의 곁에 지금 있을 테니까
엄마, don't cry, please
엄마, don't hide your fears
엄마, 엄마, 엄마,
Don't cry for you and me
엄마, 나의 곁에 계셨는데 always
지금 엄마,
난 네 곁에 있을께 언제나
어렸을때 가끔 잠들기까지 엄마의 눈썹을 스다듬은 기억들
머리카락도 빠지기 시작돼도 엄마의 얼굴 여전히 예쁠 보기는
언제든지 겁 나면 엄마의 품속 속에서 위로 받은 때 있었죠
지금 두려움이 맘을 비틀 때 언제든지
나의 손을 단단히 잡아줘요
다시 함께 바닷가에 가고 싶어요 엄마
옛날처럼 생각 없이 웃고 싶어요 정말
부모님의 역할을 담당하셔서 영원한 감사를
대체 어떻게 표할지 전혀 몰라서 이 세상에
이 순간따라 시간이 부족할까봐 무서워
수많은 할 말이 있는 이 순간 막
근데 그래도 부당한 어려움을 맞서셨던 엄마
지금 나 의지하실 수 있어 이건 내 약속
어릴때 항상 엄마 의지하곤 한 것 처럼
힘을 합친다면 도욱 강해지겠어 우리가
걱정하시지 않게 나 죽도록 무서울지라도 한마디도 안하려고
엄마, 엄마, don't cry
엄마, 엄마, don't die
아이처럼 아직도 너의 손을 놓을 수가 없잖아
I'm so scared.
It gets scarier with every passing day.
This gloom, I'm afraid to walk another step in;
Silence of the ward, where I can hear my heart pounding.
"How are you feeling today?"
"I think I need to increase my dosage."
Every time I hear that, I forget about the world,
Fear chokes me, I'm going crazy.
But my mother, who bears with more fear and pain,
I know you need me now more than ever, so don't you worry,
I'll be by your side right now.
Mum, don't cry, please.
Mum, don't hide your fears.
Mum, mum, mum,
Don't cry for you and me.
Mum, you were by my side, always;
Right now, mum,
I'll be by your side all the time.
When I was little, I sometimes caressed my mother's eyebrows until I fell asleep;
Even if your hair starts to fall out, my mother's face will still be beautiful.
When I was scared, I was comforted in my mother's arms;
Now, whenever fear twists your mind,
Hold my hand tight.
I want to go to the seaside together again, mum;
I want to laugh without care like we used to, really.
Eternal gratitude for playing the role of both parents,
I don't know how to express it in this world.
I'm afraid I'll run out of time at this moment,
This moment when I have so many things to say;
But my mother, who faced unfair difficulties,
You can rely on me now, this is my promise,
Like I used to rely on my mother when I was a child.
If we stick together, we'll be stronger.
Even if I'm scared to death, I'm not gonna say a word,
So you don't have to worry.
Mum, mum, don't cry.
Mum, mum, don't die.
I still can't let go of your hand like a child.
엄마/Mother, March 2019
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a-tale-of-legends · 3 months
Ray: I'm.....I'm sorry for hiding for so long. I was just- ( he takes a deep, shaky breath) I was trying so hard you know? To not think about it. B-but Mrs. Burnet is so nice, and she tries so hard to make me feel at home and I just- ( another deep breath. He looks like he's trying to stop himself from crying) It's so weird. So weird she- she's not my mom. A-and I appreciate everything she's doing for me, but she's not my mom. B-because I know I have one! I know she's the reason I'm here but- but every time I try to remember her face I just can't. ( his frown deepens, tears very close to falling) I can't remember my mom, I can't remember remember my home, I can't even hear right anymore. ( he curls up, feeling small. His tears finally start to fall) It's not fair.
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