#and getting the highest scores I could get (almost all of them in the 9 spectrum)
reginrokkr · 11 months
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Once I'm done with this week's exams on Thursday, it'll be over for you 🔪 (gently).
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wyllzel · 5 months
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🔗 Link to Google Doc.
AKA my variant of u/Victorvnv’s guide, The Terminator Bard build (r/BG3Builds).
This is how I’ve built Minthara for a Tactician playthrough! While this isn’t thematic at all for a character who’s supposed to be a Paladin, the Bard with a Machine Gun is a high DPR (>200!), powerful build – and we all know how Minthara feels about power, haha.
The goal of the Bard With a Machine Gun (8 Bard / 4 Fighter) is to get up close to enemies and shoot them in the face. 💥 The focus for this guide is on leveling, feats, and gear. This build wants to deliver maximum Piercing Damage via a melee Heavy Crossbow: 
Your Bard should be in melee to take advantage of the Bhaalist Armor’s Aura of Murder.
Heavy Crossbows are the Piercing Damage-type weapon with the highest Damage Dice (1d10). Also, they feel cool.
The Bard With a Machine Gun comes online in Act 3, but can perform well enough to keep up with Act 1 and Act 2.
This guide assumes that the Bard is Minthara, but this build can work with any one of your party members. No illithid powers are necessary.
(Fair warning: Possible spoilers ahead!)
Please note that this guide is really just my personal preference! I recommend reading through the Wiki page on BG3’s Bard and Fighter classes so you get a good idea of how this multiclass synergizes. In this guide, I’ve added a star (⭐) next to each of the class features or spells that I especially like.
To start with, I’ll recommend these base stats:
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In the early game (Act 1), it’s a good idea to keep Minthara's Dexterity and Charisma Ability Scores up. Dexterity affects Minthara’s effectiveness with weaponry, and Charisma affects her spellcasting ability.
However, note that Minthara won’t be casting a lot of spells. Because she’ll be using her crossbow most (if not all) of the time, she should take Bardic support spells that don’t rely on high Charisma (eg. Longstrider, Enhance Ability). I recommend focusing on Minthara as a martial who may occasionally rely on spells, rather than trying to run this multiclass as primarily a caster.
Because of this, I also recommend focusing on “martial-leaning” Skills that Minthara will make good use of on the battlefield. For example, I like to bolster her Acrobatics and Stealth.
📝 If you’re okay with respeccing… When I reached the githyanki crèche at the Rosymorn Monastery, I acquired the Gloves of Dexterity for Minthara so that I could dump her Dexterity score and take the Sharpshooter Feat instead of an ASI (for her Level 4 feat). However, I swapped the Gloves of Dexterity for the Legacy of the Masters gloves in Act 3, and respec’d Minthara to set her base Dexterity back to 16. I did this to improve her Attack Roll Bonus. By the time your party reaches Level 9, Minthara's base Attack Roll Bonus (without accounting for other gear and features) would be calculated as follows: - Gloves of Dexterity (sets DEX to 18): +8 = +4 (18 DEX) +4 (Proficiency Bonus) - Legacy of the Masters and 16 DEX: +9 = +2 (LotM) +3 (16 DEX) +4 (Proficiency Bonus) However, doing a respec around the Gloves of Dexterity may feel a bit convoluted. The following leveling guide will still give you an adequate build that becomes great in Act 3.
Because Minthara won’t really be using her spells, I will abstain from making any "must-take" spell recommendations. The following is an abbreviated example of her level progression.
Level 1 (Bard 1)
3 Bardic Inspiration charges (1d6) (Recharge on Long Rest)
Recommended cantrips: Mage Hand, Minor Illusion
Recommended spells: Healing Word, Longstrider, Sleep, Bane
Level 2 (Bard 2)
Recommended spell: Thunderwave
Level 3 (Bard 3)
Recommended spell: Enhance Ability
Select Subclass: College of Swords ⭐
Defensive Flourish (Melee/Ranged), Slashing Flourish (Melee/Ranged), Mobile Flourish (Melee/Ranged)
Fighting Style: Dueling
Minthara will almost always use Slashing Flourish (Ranged) while in combat. Slashing Flourish (Ranged) allows your Bard to make two Ranged Attacks at once, and adds a Damage Dice per Attack.
Once Minthara gains Extra Attack (Level 6), by using Slashing Flourishes, she can make up to four improved Ranged Attacks per round of combat. This gives the build that “Machine Gun” flavoring.
Level 4 (Bard 4)
Recommended cantrip: Vicious Mockery
Recommended spell: Invisibility
Feat: Sharpshooter ⭐
Level 5 (Bard 5)
4 Bardic Inspiration charges (Recharge on Short Rest)
Improved Bardic Inspiration (1d8)
Recommended spell: Plant Growth
Level 6 (Bard 6)
Extra Attack (College of Swords)
Recommended spell: Calm Emotions
Level 7 (Fighter 1)
Second Wind
Fighting Style: Archery ⭐
Level 8 (Fighter 2)
Action Surge
Level 9 (Bard 7)
Recommended spell: Dimension Door
Level 10 (Bard 8)
5 Bardic Inspiration charges
Recommended spell: Knock
Feat: Crossbow Expert ⭐
This feat lets Minthara use her crossbow to full effect while in melee combat.
Level 11 (Fighter 3)
Select Subclass: Champion ⭐
Improved Critical Hit
Level 12 (Fighter 4)
Feat: ASI (+2 DEX) ⭐
Final Composition
By Level 12, Minthara will have the following notable qualities:
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Feats: Sharpshooter, Crossbow Expert
Fighting Styles: Dueling, Archery
Improved Bardic Inspiration (1d8)
Improved Critical Hit (19-20)
The goal of this gear selection is to maximize Piercing Damage.
Headwear: Helmet of Arcane Acuity
Battle Acuity: Whenever you deal damage with a weapon attack, you gain Arcane Acuity for 2 turns.
Dexterity saving throws +1
Because Minthara’s Spellcasting DC is going to be naturally low (16 CHA), this helmet allows her to build up Arcane Acuity from making weapons attacks. Therefore, if combat requires her spellcasting abilities, she’ll have a better chance of succeeding. As such, especially in Act 3, it may be a good idea for Minthara to hold onto Hold Monster scrolls.
I like keeping this helmet on my gish out of habit, but Minthara is foremost a martial. A good alternative headwear is the Marksmanship Hat.
Armor: Bhaalist Armor
Aura of Murder: Enemies within 2 m / 6.5 ft become Vulnerable to Piercing Damage, unless they are Resistant or Immune to it. ⭐
Ambusher: Gain a +2 bonus to Initiative Rolls.
AC 14 + DEX modifier
Aura of Murder doubles all of the Piercing Damage that Minthara does while in melee combat. This passive is why the build requires the Crossbow Expert Feat, which allows you to effectively use your crossbow while in melee.
Cloak: Vivacious Cloak
Arcane Vivaciousness: Gain 8 temporary HP for four turns after casting a spell while in melee.
Minthara is, technically, a caster (Bard). While she won’t be casting often, 8 HP can be a gamechanger.
Handwear: Legacy of the Masters
Arming Enhancement: Gain a +2 Bonus to Attack Rolls and Damage Rolls with weapons. ⭐
Strength saving throws +1
The +2 to Attack Rolls helps offset the Attack Roll penalty from the Sharpshooter feat.
Footwear: Boots of Brilliance
Restore Bardic Inspiration: Play your instrument to restore one of your Bardic Inspiration slots. (Recharge: Long Rest.)
Minthara may run out of Bardic Inspiration fairly quickly. These boots and the Wondrous Gloves increase Bardic Inspiration.
I also like the Disintegrating Night Walkers on Minthara - especially since these are drowish boots!
Amulet: Amulet of the Harpers
Advantage on Wisdom saving throws.
Shield: Cast as a level 1 spell. (Recharge: Long Rest.)
The Advantage on Wisdom saving throws (used against spells like Hold Person) offsets the Risky Ring, which is recommended below.
Alternatively, the Amulet of Misty Step can help Minthara with positioning.
Ring A: Crusher’s Ring
Movement Speed increased by 3m / 10ft.
Minthara needs mobility to ensure that she’s close enough to her enemies (for Aura of Murder).
Ring B: Risky Ring
Risky Attack: You gain Advantage on Attack Rolls and receive Disadvantage on Saving Throws.
The Advantage that this ring grants should help offset the -5 to Attack Rolls from the Sharpshooter Feat.
Melee Main Hand: Phalar Aluve
Performance +1
Phalar Aluve: Melody: The sword hums in anticipation, ready to Sing or Shriek. Effect ends when Phalar Aluve is unequipped.
Melee Off Hand: Sentinel Shield
Minthara won’t be using her melee weapon much, if at all. Therefore, it’s more useful for her melee weapon to be a buffer (ie., Melody: Shriek).
Phalar Aluve is also nice in that it's a longsword with the versatile tag – meaning it can be wielded based off DEX rather than STR!
Heightened Awareness: Gain a +3 bonus to Initiative rolls and Advantage on Perception checks.
Shield Bash: When a foe hits you with a melee attack, you can use your Reaction to knock them Prone unless they succeed a DEX saving throw.
AC +2
Any shield here works, I just recommend Sentinel Shield for the +3 to Initiative.
Ranged Main Hand: Hellfire Engine Crossbow
Lightning Arrow: Cast as a Level 4 spell. (Recharge: Long Rest.)
Piercing Shot: Shoot a foe in the chest and possibly inflict Gaping Wounds. Undead and Constructs can't suffer Gaping Wounds.
Brace (Ranged): Spend 6 m / 20 ft of your movement. For the rest of your turn, roll Ranged Damage twice and use the highest result.
Reposition Malefactor: Pulls the creature 9 m / 30 ft closer to you if it fails a DC 15 DEX saving throw.
This is Minthara’s primary weapon, so you definitely want to give her the most badass Heavy Crossbow you can find. >:) An alternative is Gortash’s Fabricated Arbalest!
Ranged Off Hand: N/A
Number Crunching
The following table should give you an idea of how Minthara performs on the battlefield as a result of her gear synergy. This table assumes that Minthara is Level 12.
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(The (A) means that Minthara is attacking with Advantage (Risky Ring).)
Since Minthara has Extra Attack (College of Swords, Lvl. 6), she can do up to 160-288 DPR for an average of ~224 DPR. Additionally, Minthara has a higher chance of landing a Critical Hit (19%) – which can significantly increase her DPR.
On a Critical Hit: 19% Chance
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Note that Minthara is essentially making four Attacks per round (two Slashing Flourishes, where each Flourish is two Attacks).
This concludes my version of the Terminator Bard, which I call “Bard With a Machine Gun”! A melee fighter that takes advantage of ranged weaponry/feats is a really interesting concept, and is a lot of fun to play since it feels different from your standard hack-and-slash melee martial.
As always, there are probably ways to get your Bard even more optimized – but an average of >200 DPR is more than enough for me!
Another way to make this build interesting is to run your Bard as a dual Hand Crossbow wielder (rather than Heavy Crossbow). To do so, you should take the Two-Weapon Fighting Fighting Style at Level 3 (College of Swords Bard). Recommended Hand Crossbows are the Hellfire Hand Crossbow and a Hand Crossbow +2.
Thanks for reading, and hope this gave you some ideas for your Bard-based builds! :)
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xerith-42 · 7 months
Redesign the Nine
[This post is very long. Just a heads up.]
I'm a member of the Jury of Redesign, proud member of fleshing out previously left to rot or forgotten content. It's a hobby. A passion. I have and will continue to go into entire novellas to describe the inter personal relationships of characters we know next to nothing about, but what about characters we know literally nothing about?
We know only 6 members of the total 9 that belong to the Jury. Technically seven if you include Garroth, but that last for like twelve seconds, that doesn't count. And one of them is only made known as a member in Rebirth (which I really like and I like Rebirth). That means there's three entire characters just waiting to happen! How have I never thought of this before?!
This idea really struck me when I was looking at the Jo9 wiki page and saw this comment
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The rest of the comment goes on to their whole theory about Ein killing Blaze, but I am mostly against the idea of killing Blaze because nobody ever gives it enough story significance, weight, and meaning. Only I get to kill Blaze, you all lost your privileges.
That's not what's important though. What's important is that I actually love Teony and Ein. I think they're some of the most wasted Aphverse characters, and that's saying something considering how I literally never shut up about Blaze. So let's flesh them out in a... different setting.
I imagine Teony being in a very similar situation to Katelyn and Jeffory. She has someone she deeply cares about that Zane knows about and is threatening to put in danger. For Jeffory and Katelyn, it was family. For Teony, it's similar, but just a slight flavor different. A gay flavor different.
Teony belongs to a high ranking noble family in O'Khasis, like one step below the Ro'meave family. Originally the plan was for her to be married off to one of the Ro'meave heirs (probably Zane), but then she did something weird. She uhh... She started training to be a guard. And got strong enough fast enough that nobody could really stop her because Teony would just challenge them to a round of armed combat about it despite being literally 12.
So she was allowed to go to guard academy and go through full training. She was never going to be a lord, and she could still easily join the Jury and serve the same purpose with less arranged marriage. Also if they tried to arrange Teony into a marriage she might just pull a sword on them about it. She learned very quickly that her parents wouldn't be allowed to abuse or control her if they feared her. Caused a different kind of trauma compared to the other children of nobles.
And then she found out she was gay. While she was at the academy the person who was writing the Jury recruitment list was the newest member of the Jury herself; Ivy the Venom Scythe. Teony fell in unending sapphic love from first sight. Even if she had become wise to her parents controlling nature in search of power, she still respected and revered the Ro'meave family, and the Jury of Nine. She was set up for it, and she wanted that. And now that she was finally experiencing love for a member of the Jury of Nine.
As always, things in Teony's life were set up for perfection. And she was such an overachiever, are you kidding me? Top ranks in all her classes even though she didn't need to. She would half ass it sometimes and still get the highest scores on every test. When she put her all into something, there wasn't any competition. She was just showing off for Ivy, and she did not hide that in the slightest. Ivy was fully aware that Teony was not only showing off, she knew that Teony was in love, or at least lust with her. Teony is not subtle at all, it's just not a concept to her yet.
On the last day of her training at the academy, Zane Ro'meave himself shows up. I imagine Zane and Teony were almost sort of childhood friends. Zane didn't really like having friends, but he and Teony were personable and able to get along when they were forced to spend time together by their parents. He has a sort of fondness for Teony in a "I'll see where you're going with this" sense. He's heard how passionate she is about fighting and being a guard. And he knows it's not for a violent sake, but because of that nobility that is her bloodline and the baseline of her identity as a person.
She may be overzealous, she may be a know-it-all, she may be a show-off, but Teony always fights with honor. She always showers her classmates a great amount of dignity and respect when they fight her. To her combat is an art form, one that she takes very seriously. She won't attack unless provoked, and more often than not will just skip the talking it out phase and just jump to the dueling stage because that's the part she understands best.
She's autistic. That's what I'm saying. Teony is an autistic lesbian. Look at her go! However, Zane is terrible and evil and so is Ivy. When telling him the candidates, he brings up that Teony is a no brainier. Which is when Ivy tells him that Teony is in love with her and was fighting to earn her attention. She willingly threw away some of her nobility in the name of love. Which means she can do it again if provoked to.
What better way to provoke her than to give it to her and then threaten to take it away? Zane and Ivy literally manipulate Teony, putting her on the Jury, assigning her to work with Ivy, and Ivy starts actively feeding into it in a rather coy way just to drag her along. And right when Teony is ready to fess up, her parents show up at the Ro'meave manner. Teony remembers what they expect of her. That they don't know the truth about her.
She knows beyond a shadow of a doubt they'd disown her. Jury members aren't supposed to have family anyway. For a minute she thinks about outing herself to sever her ties. But then she learns that her mother is pregnant again. She... She has a little sister on the way. And if she cuts ties with her family now, she'll never get to meet her. She doesn't know Zane invited them at first, but when he talks to her later, she pieces it all together.
Zane says he'll let her family live, even let them be known as her family if she wants, but she isn't allowed to be with Ivy in any non-professional manner. Otherwise she'll give herself away, and while he doesn't exactly threaten it, Zane makes it very clear he will out Teony to her parents if she doesn't do as he orders from now until the end of time. It's then that Teony realizes she's trapped. She went from one gilded cage to another.
Until it got to be too much for her. Remember how Jeffory was apparently on the Demon Warlock Island in Gal'ruk? And it was literally never explained. What if he was there to find her? What if it became too much for Teony after meeting her sister, and she ran away? Zane doesn't know what happened when Teony met with her younger sister, but it was enough to shake her that she barely responded to Zane's taunting when she returned. And then she left that night.
Jeffory was sent to follow her trail. And he actually found her before she managed to break the Demon Warlocks curse. On a completely different continent, no guard escorts, and no way that Zane can hear them, they talk openly. They confide in one another. And they work together, as friends, to break the curse and get themselves back home. Teony moves to a different island in Gal'ruk, and tells Jeffory to give Ivy a letter the next time he sees her.
And he's not allowed to let it leave his hands unless it's Ivy taking it. No messengers. No leaving it somewhere she'll find it. Jeffory never learned the contents of that letter, but he did manage to deliver it to Ivy. Only she and Teony knows what's contained in those pages.
(Final note, idk what her funny anime villain name or her weapons would be. I would love council/jury/anyone to give input here. Same for the next member)
Ein being a big heroic softie is the best thing ever to me you don't understand.
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Much like the doll anon, this anon changed my life. I love this idea so much. Listen, I like unrelentingly evil characters, just look at Zane. But that's the thing. Zane's already there. And so is Janus. And Ivy. And probably Lilian. And another character I've yet to get to. And even more characters when we get out of the Jury. We need more innocence that becomes corrupted in the Jury, everyone likes being evil too much.
So I want to make Ein a big ol' softie. He grew up in the Brightport Wolf Tribe with his best friend eventually turned lover Blaze. They mostly stayed within the confines of their tribe, which was small, but spacious enough for two wolf children prone to rough housing to get their energy sufficiently out. It was only when they were older that they started waking up to the... less than ideal circumstances of their relationship.
After being friends and being incredibly close and physically affectionate, when the two started thinking about mating and all that dumb romantic nonsense, it just made sense that they would be with each other in that way too. It's how they got through everything else in life. It was at the ruiner and creator of gay romances, that Irene forsaken Guard Academy that things got... worse.
Because Ein is definitely a very well rounded fighter. He's decently studious, wanting to keep up on speaking both the werewolf language and the more common language, and making sure that Blaze does the same. But Blaze finds these things to be dreadfully boring and doesn't put in more effort than Ein makes him. This is fine when they were kids and their plans weren't more ambitious than protecting their tribe. But their Alpha wanted to see if humans and werewolves could truly get along.
If anyone could prove that werewolves are just as human as they are, it would be these two dorks. But uhh, people are racist. And homophobic. So it doesn't go great. Couple that with the fact that the academy prioritizes individual excellence over collective greatness and suddenly things are just doomed to go wrong for these two. Ein naturally excels, and Blaze who's used to having someone to rely on starts falling behind without the consistent support system.
That was his emotional support nerdy jack of all trades boyfriend! How could you take that away from him? And Ein is stripped of his absolutely pure of heart dumb of ass boyfriend. They don't even get to stay in the same bunks as each other, and barely have any classes together. It's just awful. But Ein finds... something else. After doing particualrly well on a certain test, one of the teachers pulls him aside and tells Ein he might be able to qualify for the Jury of Nine position. Or at least be their bench warmer.
Ein's ambitions in life never went too far beyond the borders of their childhood home. He was the one who always pressured Blaze into going further than they were allowed, but Blaze was easily convinced anyways. But Ein was always an ambitious person. He just didn't know enough about the world to realize them. The highest he'd ever gone was thinking "Wow, it'd be cool to be the Alpha." And like that's it.
Suddenly he's told that if he somehow gets better than he already is he could hold one of the highest positions in the entire fucking continent. It's a no brainier. He has to go for it. He doesn't realize it means he's only being further isolated, pulled away from his few meet ups with Blaze to study, to practice, to do something that only a top student does and a near drop out student doesn't.
In fact the last time they see each other is, like with Teony, the day before the Jury posting for their class. Ein is sure he's on that list. Maybe not the top spot, but defiantly in the top five. Just as he's about to go introduce himself to Zane Ro'meave, try and make a good impression to sweeten his chances, he gets intercepted by Blaze.
Who just hands him a letter. And he whispers a single word under his breath as he's leaving; "Goodbye."
Ein reads the letter immediately, heartbroken to read that Blaze flunked out and is going back home without him. Blaze says he's proud of Ein for being able to go so far, and hopes he gets on the Jury. Ein knows he's lying. He tries to chase after Blaze, to try and make it up to him, but then suddenly Zane's there. He's caught Ein in a dangerously vulnerable moment, and while Ein manages to recover, he never gets the chance to wipe the tears from his eyes.
He never learns what rank he got on the Jury list. Just that he was one of the two who were filling vacant seats from this class. It's painfully bitter sweet. It's everything Ein wanted, but he realized that he never made room for Blaze in these dreams of grandeur. He tried to help Blaze at first, but Blaze eventually rejected his offers. And Ein couldn't even blame him. He'd been ignoring and neglecting the most important relationship in his life. And if Ein keeps going down this path, he realizes he'll destroy it even more.
In spite of that, he accepts the invitation and starts working as a Jury member for Zane. One month into his stay at the Ro'meave Manor as Zane's personal body guard, Zane asks him an odd question. A name he's apparently heard Ein muttering to himself and in his sleep. "Blaze."
Ein tries to say it's nothing, just an old friend he was thinking of reaching out to. That's when Zane makes it clear that Ein has absolutely no control here. Because he saw what happened between them. He asks if this old friend happened to be the one that gave him "that love letter". Ein tries to find it where he keeps it tucked into his armor, but Zane is holding it. He knows everything. And he's known the entire time he's had Ein in the Jury. It was all a test of loyalty.
If he reaches out to Blaze, he will fail. And again, Zane doesn't directly state what the penalty is, but he makes it abundantly clear that it's death for both Ein and Blaze. Ein was always easiest controlled when he was isolated. After this he was only paired up with two members of the Jury Zane trusted enough. Lilian, and the last member of the Jury. We'll get to him in a second.
As a result, Ein desired but never sought freedom. He knew Blaze was capable of a great life, he had a future, and was probably going on incredible adventures without him. He never forgot where he came from, and who he accidentally left behind. When Zane and Lilian disappeared... Ein was set free. His leash was just dropped for the first time. Mr. Mysterious wasn't even there to pick it up.
And he ran straight home.
There's only one threat that's unknowingly standing in the way of Ein's happiness. And his name is
Zachary the Plague
Nobody knows where the title came from. They don't want to. Zachary is one of the oldest members, sometimes referred to as the "shadow member" of the Jury. He's rarely seen, and scarily little is known about him.
And that's because he doesn't directly work for Zane. Unlike the others, who were all put under Zane's command after the other Ro'meave heirs died, Zachary stayed under the command of Garte. He did work for Zane here and there, Garte didn't get out much and was content to leave it all to Zane. And Zachary took a liking to Ein when they met, and when he requested that Ein train under him for some time, Zane wasn't in a position to object.
The only people who would be able to give more insight into Zachary are Garte, Janus, and Ein. Garte won't talk. Ever. Zachary is his most trusted guard, and that is all anyone needs to know. Janus just says they respect Zachary. It says enough given what it's known that Janus values. Ein freezes when he hears the name. Even when he says it.
He's only told Blaze what he knows, and neither one will willingly give up this information. He's a quiet fear in the back of Ein's mind, but Zachary stayed with Garte. Even when Zane disappeared, he stayed with Garte. He was never relieved of his duties officially or unofficially. The reason he abandoned Ein is because Garte told him to. He always followed orders.
It's unknown where he or Garte are now.
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crystalelemental · 1 year
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Limited CS clears. I opted to try to beat each stage with a type matching their ace. I uh. I somehow managed to neglect that there were two Ice types in this, and that is...that's not happening. So the Red fight is Flying instead. It matches the secondary type, I'm counting it.
Vs. Koga Poison Man vs. Toxic Ladies. I went with this fight first because I'm a moron. They didn't need higher status chance because Oleana is guaranteed, nor high Toxic damage because Emma is going to massacre them. Which is exactly what happened, by the way. 10k+ per shot off-type. Just no threat to her at all.
Vs. Glacia And now the exact opposite, the hardest fight I had. Ice on Ice violence could probably work on any who isn't Glacia. She also abuses Hail like crazy, and with Ice Zone, Blizzard is a guaranteed KO on any partner Irida could have. After much trial and tribulation, we settled on a solution. Ghetsis' Cold Snap. It's a bit risky, but if he lands it, it's a separate effect from the move, so he can re-queue and we can keep up pressure. So long as Icy Wind doesn't hit us, gauges are...well, still bad, but can be managed. And manage we did, after many attempts, as Irida threw down sync, and still didn't KO, but Ghetsis did get a clutch freeze against Hail and we were able to finish the job. This...was not our best work.
Vs. Molayne When I looked at my Steel-type options, I realized that Steel support is a rough time. They do not have many good options, so for High Score purposes, that's what DeNA should aim to release. My decision was between Registeel and Rose, or SC Jasmine and Summer Tate. There has never been an easier decision. Fun fact! Did you know that Tate's Flash Cannon into Doom Desire combo can one-shot sides after SC Jasmine's sync? Not even with Zone! And with like -2 attack, his sync was still like 30k. Summer twins were stupid good. That said, SC Jasmine is a bit of a weakness in the structure, due to Molayne being physical. Jasmine does not take Hammer Arm well, so Marnie needs to be on top of her flinch game. Marnie was not on top of her flinch game. This was the second highest number of resets to success due to her missing flinches early on and Jasmine getting dead. Pretty embarrassing!
Vs. Grimsley Idiot decided to be Dark type. Get SC Zinnia'd, moron. SC is so good it's disgusting. Legitimately think she's better than NC Marnie, that's not even a joke. Higher disruptive effects, no gauge considerations in 3v3, absolutely batshit sync with respectable DPS, complements Calem so well that in one turn they've capped the entire team's Atk/crit, etc etc etc. I love that it's Thievul who gets to do this. Justice.
Vs. NC Red I want to preface this with "I did make an honest attempt at Ice." I tried out Ghetsis/SS N, but it was not working. If I had SS N to 3/5 and EX, maybe it would, but I'm not about to invest that strongly into nonsense. Instead, we had to pivot to Flying, because Ice is just...it's bad out here, man. Once Irida's gone, when you're like me and refusing to pull Red, it's bad.
Thankfully, Articuno is also part-Flying and we're calling that. I did attempt Ghost against Glacia but my team uses NY Dawn as a tank and guess who's weak to Ice. This had to be the non-Ice clear. And despite the Hostile Environment 9 thing, I never saw Red even try to queue an Ice move. He always went for Brave Bird against Falkner, despite Falkner being weak to Ice. So I'm calling this legitimate. He's clearly maining Flying here. And...yeah, two tries. I got Anni Skyla to 3/5 on the paid select, and good lord what I have been missing all my life. 50% AoE flinch rate and Disarm is disgusting. On the lost fight, I need it to be understood that I only got Red to -2 special attack, and Liza still almost survived it, and would've won with another attack. Disarm, if I had gotten confuse earlier (or more flinches), would've salvaged that run. It's really strong as a supportive effect. Meanwhile Liza over here has absurd sync potential and DPS. She missed every sync crit on this clear and still just powered through with raw Giga Impact energy. Summer Twins, friends. Hilariously over-looked threats.
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undertale-data · 3 years
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[Image Description: An Undertale chat box that has “WHY FANS LOVE UNDERTALE” at its center. Next to it are a line chart and an Egg from the Dating Hub on its left, and a CRIME measurer (also from the Dating Hub) on its right. End I.D.]
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[Image Description: a pie chart titled, “LEVEL OF LOVE FOR UNDERTALE.” The textbox on the top right reads, “On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being the least and 10 being the highest, how much do fans enjoy Undertale?” From the top going clockwise, 12 or 0% chose 5 and below; 23 or 1% chose 6; 98, or 4%, chose 7; 325, or 12%, chose 8; 529, or 20%, chose 9; and 1664, or 63%, chose 10. End I.D.]
It’s clear from all of the data analyzed so far that fans who took the time to answer our survey love Undertale. It is unlikely that they would have taken the time to answer so many questions if they had not, and even less likely that they would have come across our survey in the first place. Naturally, it comes as no surprise that 63% of our responders gave their love for Undertale a score of ten out of ten. 95% gave their love for Undertale a score of eight or higher, and only 12 responders responded with five or below, a number so small that their responses had to be lumped together to be visible on the pie chart. Of those, only 3 responders gave their love for Undertale a score of 1, and based on those responders’ other answers, it is likely that they were only intending to troll. We are very fortunate that the vast majority of responders took the survey seriously, enough so that responses like this are barely a blip in the data.
Now, for our final analysis post of the event, we will delve into the reasons that fans love Undertale so dearly.
(Essay and highlights under the cut.)
There have been countless essays on the impact that Undertale has had on people’s lives. I can hardly add more on the subject than what has already been said, but I hope this summary can provide a brief overview of what stood out among the over two thousand answers given in response to this survey. That said, due to the sheer volume of answers, I could not read every single one in depth—however, I did skim all of them, and some that stood out or were representative of several responses have been highlighted below. If you would like to see what every fan who consented to share their response had to say, you may view the full list of responses here. Note that these responses have not been edited in any way. This document may take a long time to load, as it is over 100 pages long.
(Warnings for mentions of suicidal thoughts in the following essay.)
Several responders loved the theme of choices mattering in Undertale. Whether people played the pacifist, merciless, or neutral routes, they enjoyed how the game reacted to their actions. For some, it even made them consider their own morality. One touching response explained the impact that the theme of mercy made on them. “I realized that Mercy isn't something that's given to those who deserve it. Flowey didn't deserve it. I don't deserve it myself. Shoot, we ALL need Mercy in our lives.” Many fans left similar comments about how the themes of Undertale made them better people.
Undertale changed how its fans treat others, and it also changed how fans treat themselves. The theme of staying determined and the messages of hope in the game were a light to a very large portion of fans. I cannot list all of the fans who said that Undertale helped them out of a dark place, or that they would not be alive if not for Undertale. “DETERMINATION became a metaphor for not killing myself at a really rough time in my life and I’ll always cherish that. Undertale isn’t afraid to go to really dark places but at the same time holds on so tight to its hope.”
Undertale brought fans together in unexpected ways. Some said they met friends or significant others through the fandom. “I wouldn't have met my now husband without Undertale,” one fan said. A different fan who is non-native English speaking mentioned that the game and the fan community helped them to learn English.
It would be impossible to discuss Undertale without mentioning the fan community. Whether for good or bad, many responders mentioned the fandom in their responses. Overall the feelings towards the fandom seem positive, though many made references to “toxic” parts of the fandom without specifying which parts they consider toxic. Others rejected the idea of toxicity in fandom. One response said: “[SLAMS FIST ON DESK] I KNOW MOST PEOPLE SAY THE FANDOM IS TOXIC AND CRINGE OR WHATEVER BUT OH MY GOD. The Undertale fandom, both the UTMV and the actual UT fandom, has been so much fun to be a part of. I've met countless friends because of our shared interest in something related to the game! The art people create can be breathtaking and so inspirational, and the fanfics are so so good!! I've seen people write incredible things for this fandom and it's what made me continue writing!”
One thing that makes the Undertale fandom unique is the way it embraces various AUs. Some fans are tired of AU content, but the majority of responses show a love for the creativity behind AUs. “Roll your eyes at the 50th AU Sans all you want, it's encouraging people to step outside the boundaries of fanart and pushing people to make their own ideas! I mean, hell, it was how I gained the confidence to start making my own original content.” The lack of a judgemental atmosphere seems present in the AU community, according to the responses we saw. There is an interesting balance between AU and canon (sometimes referred to as “classic”) content that another responder pointed out: “The fandom helped keep the game alive all these years, with all of its AUs. Although personally, I always enjoyed AUs that kept characters as close to the classic material as possible (dancetale, outertale) I do appreciate the creativity of the fandom. They almost created entirely new stories with new characters of their own! If it weren't for those people, the Undertale fandom would have probably not been as active as it is now. I do feel like we're getting a resurgence of classic content now too! (In 2021)”
Regardless of the many AUs the fandom has created over the years, the original game of Undertale still feels like home for many fans. They wished they could reclaim the feeling of playing the game again for the first time, but even though we can’t reset time in real life, there is still a special feeling for fans each time they play Undertale. One fan said, “Even the best fics I've read can't capture that feeling of nostalgia/almost-"coming home" that comes with hearing the music and talking to the characters.” This feeling is one that can be cherished time and time again. In the words of another responder: “It always feels welcoming like home or like comfort food that I never grow tired of no matter how many times I go to it.” Others pointed out the strength of the found family trope in Undertale, which likely contributes to this feeling of “home” as well.
As mentioned briefly earlier, the music is part of what makes Undertale feel like home for fans. Even when responses focused on other aspects of the game, many would throw in a comment about the soundtrack at the end. One comment focused on the music said “IT'S SO GOOD like I will literally go through the entire thing over and over and not be bored with it. It makes my monkey brain so happy you have no idea.” Like with the game itself, the music has incredible replay value, an amazing feat considering most of the tracks use the same few motifs. “I think what I like the most about Undertale is how the music attaches you to the story,” another responder said. “They're simple melodies that stick with you throughout the whole game, and they can remind you of both good and bad times.”
If the music sticks with fans in their hearts, then the game’s lore sticks with fans in their minds. Even six years after the release of Undertale, fans are still creating new theories and digging up new secrets. The way the game breaks the fourth wall in particular intrigued many fans and has stuck out through all these years. The awareness that the game shows for the RPG genre makes it memorable. The game plays with the player’s expectations and turns them on their heads, all while reminding the player that they’re in a game. There are few other games that do this on such a large scale, so it’s no surprise that fans cite this as one of their favorite things about Undertale.
Lastly, the LGBT+ representation in Undertale has been a huge draw for fans. Especially in 2015, the sheer volume of non-cishet characters was unprecedented, as one fan pointed out: “It's practically unheard of to see so MANY from just one source, especially during its heyday in 2015-16. Hell, you can't even GET the true pacifist ending without helping two gay couples hook up. It's really nice to see all of them being accepted for who they are and not judged for their sexuality or gender, at least in-canon.” The LGBT+ cast including Frisk, Chara, Napstablook, Monster Kid, Mettaton, Alphys, and Undyne each connected with fans in unique ways. It’s clear how important this is from responses such as: “There are canon nonbinary characters 🥺. i have never seen representation of myself before.” “It made me gay and trans so thanks for that.”
Once again I am overwhelmed with just how much there is to say about Undertale. One responder really understood when they compared Undertale to an iceberg, explaining that there are so many layers to the game that there is something for everyone: “everyone can find something to enjoy in the lore/game regardless of what kind of fan they are! Being able to appeal to various types of fans—from simple happy shipper people to deep dive lorediggers—is the mark of the coolest games!” I would have to agree with them.
It’s been six years, and despite everything, it’s still you. Thank you for reading, participating in this survey, and above all, staying determined.
DETERMINATION became a metaphor for not killing myself at a really rough time in my life and I’ll always cherish that. Undertale isn’t afraid to go to really dark places but at the same time holds on so tight to its hope.
I think the coolest thing was having the opportunity to watch the AU community grow from its bare roots. It's nearly insane how big and complex it's gotten, unlike anything I'd ever seen before. Roll your eyes at the 50th AU Sans all you want, it's encouraging people to step outside the boundaries of fanart and pushing people to make their own ideas! I mean, hell, it was how I gained the confidence to start making my own original content.
i love how the lgbt rep is so naturalized... there are just gay people! and its nobodys business!
The music is my go to answer, but what I really really REALLY love is how the minor characters have so much personality to them when you talk to them. They aren't incredibly important to the overall story, but they're all so likeable and diverse that you just can't help but like them immediately!
I think it was the first videogame I have played that broke the fourth wall that much. Of course there has been other videogames that broke it but just for one or two tongue-in-cheek jokes. The guilt of killing mama goat was also something intense as well that I appreciated as an experience and that I didn't think a videogame could cause on someone.
I love how no character can be seen as completely bad! Everyone builds up Asgore as some horrible villain, but he turns out to be a 'fuzzy pushover' who's broken and just wants his family back by the time you meet him. Then you think Flowey's an irredeemable killer who engineered the suffering of the monsters across many timelines, and he is... but he also used to be the kind and beloved Prince Asriel Dreemurr, traumatized by his death and subsequent rebirth, projecting his best friend onto you.
The fact that choices matter in the game. Your first playthrough and getting the golden ending for the first time. I can never replicate those feelings again, wish I could erase my memories and replay the game from the start.
I wouldn't have met my now husband without Undertale.
(Toxic parts of the fandom aside) The community is possibly one of the kindest I've ever met. Cringe culture is completely dead, and I feel like I can be myself. I felt a very close connection to many of the characters, and I loved consuming content about them when I was in a rough patch in my life.
just everything, the whole game has just impacted my life so much. i know it sounds really lame, but when the game first came out, i would purposely put my hands in my pockets and sway slightly, like sans' idle animation. of course i dont do that anymore haha, but undertale still really impacts me to this day, and i wouldnt have it any other way :)
it made me gay and trans so thanks for that
I realized that Mercy isn't something that's given to those who deserve it. Flowey didn't deserve it. I don't deserve it myself. Shoot, we ALL need Mercy in our lives.
The thing I love most about Undertale is no matter how many times I play or watch a playthrough it always makes me genuinely happy. It always feels welcoming like home or like comfort food that I never grow tired of no matter how many times I go to it. Toriel still makes me feel all warm and cozy in her home, the Skelebros always make me laugh, and I still cry on the inside watching Frisk comforting Asriel. And on the flip side the No Mercy run still invokes the negative emotions in me as well. In short Undertale just feels like a second home to me and I always wish I could stay.
The reader inserts are my favorite way to decompress after a hard day
I think Undertale helped me discover my love for 8-bit games, and made me realize how IMPORTANT music is in video games.
the worldbuilding and character design are my favorite parts of the main game apart from the music! I’m also a huge fan of the random AU music- not for like underswap or underfell i like the stuff where someone makes a megalovania for a random au where gru from despicable me replaces sans as the character. i think its funny
Just... the vibe, honestly? Even the best fics I've read can't capture that feeling of nostalgia/almost-"coming home" that comes with hearing the music and talking to the characters.
there are canon nonbinary characters 🥺. i have never seen representation of myself before.
[SLAMS FIST ON DESK] I KNOW MOST PEOPLE SAY THE FANDOM IS TOXIC AND CRINGE OR WHATEVER BUT OH MY GOD. The Undertale fandom, both the UTMV and the actual UT fandom, has been so much fun to be a part of. I've met countless friends because of our shared interest in something related to the game! The art people create can be breathtaking and so inspirational, and the fanfics are so so good!! I've seen people write incredible things for this fandom and it's what made me continue writing!
There's a scene where Frisk (the player) is going towards what is presumably going to be their death. They will fight Asgore and he will use their human soul to break the barrier and free his people. The music, despite the player's impending doom, is... triumphant. You are not the triumphant one here, and yet, the score invites you to experience the monsters' joy and happiness as they tell you the tale of their subjugation. The monsters are going to be free. This is their victory, but they don't hate you or want you to die. They're just... happy. That scene has always struck me very deeply. I feel it represents the best parts of Undertale.
I loved how well thought out the Geno route was. It really made me feel like I was doing something horrible, and the characters were very obviously reacting to dire circumstances.
I dunno? I like Undertale for it's characters, story, music, secrets and many more. I am not good with Headcanons but I also like the neutral endings and how different they can depending on who you spare and kill
I was very bad at english before, i thought i couldn't progress because i was very shy and not confident. But my sibling and i wanted to have the best experience with this game so we wanted to play it in english. It's this game and the fandom which helped me to make huge progress in english !
THE SOUNDTRACK. IT'S SO GOOD like I will literally go through the entire thing over and over and not be bored with it. It makes my monkey brain so happy you have no idea.
to avoid writing an essay i will say one word. Mettaton
It is like Toby specifically made the games to fit the iceberg meme and it's awesome, everyone can find something to enjoy in the lore/game regardless of what kind of fan they are! Being able to appeal to various types of fans - from simple happy shipper people to deep dive lorediggers is the mark of the coolest games!
I love almost everything about Undertale as a game on its own. The music, the art and especially the characters and how they interact. They made me feel at home. Undertale means a huge amount to me. (I even got a tattoo of the castle when you and MK walk together!) The fandom helped keep the game alive all these years, with all of its AUs. Although personally, I always enjoyed AUs that kept characters as close to the classic material as possible (dancetale, outertale) I do appreciate the creativity of the fandom. They almost created entirely new stories with new characters of their own! If it weren't for those people, the Undertake fandom would have probably not been as active as it is now. I do feel like we're getting a resurgence of classic content now too! (In 2021)
the mystery. toby fox refused to give answers to anything and i think thats very sexy of him.
I just feel guilty for liking it so much when I'm in my 30's. But I recently got diagnosed with ASD, so I guess it explains things a bit. Many ppl consider Papyrus to be neurodivergent, and some adult fans are too, so seeing that makes me feel a bit better.
i think about "Despite everything, it's still you" everyday of my life.
I like how it's just as funny as it can be serious. All routes are this way. I laughed as much as I cried when I played the Pacifist route and then once I opened the game again and Flowey was telling me to let them be happy, I immediately turned off the game. I somehow felt bad.
The Found Family Trope
The True Pacifist Ending is just...man. And the fanworks about saving everyone even when the game doesn't let you? MANNNNNN
I think what I like the most about Undertale is how the music attaches you to the story. They're simple melodies that stick with you throughout the whole game, and they can remind you of both good and bad times.
there's honestly a LOT to love about this game, but i think one of my favorite things about it is just how many lgbt+ characters there are??? i can think of alphys, undyne, frisk, chara, mettaton, napstablook, monster kid, asgore, mad mew mew, the dress lion, the royal guards, and arguably even papyrus off of the top of my head, but im sure i'm forgetting a few from just undertale alone (there's even MORE in deltarune)!! it's practically unheard of to see so MANY from just one source, especially during its heyday in 2015-16. hell, you can't even GET the true pacifist ending without helping two gay couples hook up. it's really nice to see all of them being accepted for who they are and not judged for their sexuality or gender, at least in-canon.
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[Image description: A wordcloud in the shape of the capitalized word UNDERTALE. The text is white on a black background, and uses the font found in the game. Some of the most visible words are: Game, Love, Music, Life, AU, Store, Friend, and Feel, which represent the most common words in the essays people wrote about their love for the game. End of ID]
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limeinaltime · 3 years
R and X Switcheroo Thingie 3: My Rambles Have somehow Climbed an actual Tree
I'm back! And today, I shall be expanding upon X's angst lore! To be perfectly honest, I wasn't happy with where I ended things in my previous submission, mostly because it doesn't answer the question of why X is more dangerous in this au. So I'm gonna try to answer that in the part after this one! But enough of that, let's continue with the angst lore, shall we? Oh, and be prepared for a lot of reading. Sorry for making you read all this.
To start off this angst lore fest, R and X still get passed for deployment in favor of the disassembly drones squads. They told X that she was too valuable to be let go. She knew that was a lie. X was disappointed, and a little angry, but also relieved. She didn't really try that hard anyways, Besides, simulations and training were things she was familiar with, but to actually be out there...to actually kill someone... it didn't sit right with her. So she was glad she wasn't picked.
But then she turned to R.
R looked...betrayed. And afraid. so very afraid. And she understood why. The scientists' words still rung in her ears months after they were uttered. She wishes they didn't. She realized that this was was basically R's only chance to get away from them. From the experiments. From the scientists who broke her. From everything that wished her harm.
And she didn't get the chance.
It wasn't even an escape.
Then a thought hit her.
She overheard one of the higher-ups in the break room. She was standing guard, though she wasn't told to. Old habits die hard, I guess. One of them said that, "If one of those two giant-ass robots gets through the training in one piece, and manages to get the highest score, you have to send em both to that frozen husk!" he was making a bet. She hoped knew it was, what with the mildly angry reply the person got saying the she was "too valuable to let go." A repeat of what they said to her. Though they agreed to the bet anyways.
X would make the man who proposed the bet win. She had to. For R's sake.
The training began again, but this time, X was going to do her her best to make it through.
She was once again partnered up with R, and she was roughly the same as last time. But she had a more...different face than before. Before, she looked almost manic with joy, at the prospect of an escape. But now, she had a face of anger, and determination.
X couldn't let R down. Not here. Not now.
Not again.
And sure enough, after fighting oil and artificial sweat, the bet was won. They were going to Copper 9, with the other squads.
For the first time in a while, X was happy. She had helped R escape her hell. And though the company would be watching them, as long as they killed some worker drones, they'd be fine. She looked to R to share her joy.
She wasn't prepared for the absolute look of betrayal and hatred she got that dashed her joy in half of a second.
X didn't understand. Why wasn't R happy? Why does she look like she hates her? She should be thanking her! She was free now thanks to her! SHE...she...
...She had tried her best last time. And she still failed.
X realized that the only difference was that she herself was actually trying to win this time.
X wanted to apologize, but before she could, R stormed off.
Fine. Let her hate her. They were going Copper 9 together. R was free to an extent. As long as they didn't go against the company, and did what they were told to do, they would be fine. X thought the sky was finally clearing up.
The sky was getting darker.
Tomorrow, I finish Swapped!R's whole thing, answer why she's dangerous, and take a small break from rambling. Stay tuned :)
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Getting hyped to see how this ends! I’m really liking this little saga you’ve got going on with X and R, and I hope to see more of your ramblings going forward!
I like this dynamic between X and R a lot. Here, R has actual motivation for hating X, and an actual personality outside of being a Bitch™, and X is less bland and the two have proper history. I am currently rewriting their backstory/dynamic, and if it’s okay with you, I would like to take some inspiration from your ramblings.
Thank you for doing this. It really brightens my day :)
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“I just wanted to help…”
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lalosalamcnca · 4 years
Scoring The Top TVD Ships From AO3
I’m bored and stuck in lockdown; this is based on the TVD relationships tab on AO3, so I’m giving the TVD couples with the most fanfictions written about them a score out of ten. This is NOT an insult to fanfic writers, they’re doing amazing work and I’ve read some fantastic stories.
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((TO scenes will be ignored)) they had really great chemistry, I found them fun to watch although their physically-romantic scenes were ok
Pretty interesting dynamic, I liked how they could be charmed by the other but they could also play their more fiery scenes very well
Could’ve used more development for sure, they definitely came out of nowhere. I did believe there was an attraction there but nowhere near klaus being in love with caroline. They weren’t that deep
Klaus still terrorized her and her friends, almost killed her and took her boyfriend away and then killed his mom. People love to excuse Klaus but no, he’ll be getting a lower score from me
I’d only be interested in seeing them in a toxic/dark relationship, they’re not endgame material to me
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DELENA: -9/10
I wanted to barf looking through their gifs, I cannot stand watching their scenes
Toxic, unhealthy, half their lines were BS, Damon didn’t change at all, Elena enabled him, never had a real conversation, absolutely nothing in common, tried to compel her to kiss him in 1x03 and he basically forced her to turn off her humanity, didn’t respect her at all, killed her brother, still made moves on her after Stefan literally saved him, all about sex, not much chemistry, Elena lost her personality, took dying and a sirebond for Damon to finally be her choice after a year, he terrorized/abused her friends and she didn’t give a shit, became so dependent that she “couldn’t live without him,” I didn’t buy that he loved her when Isobel first said it, bad boy/good girl plot that went off the rails and straight into toxic waste, he just wanted a nicer version of Katherine
started with a sirebond where she had NO FREE WILL AND SHE WAS COOL WITH IT?? WHAT?? I was so pissed when that storyline went down, it’s so problematic
When I saw their 6x22 dance, I wasn’t impressed. I kept thinking “can u guys just have sex pls like this isn’t cute and sex is the only thing u guys really have”
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STELENA: 9.5/10
So cute together, Stefan supported Elena’s decisions, HE RESISTED COMPULSION SO HE WOULDN’T HURT ELENA, they had fun together and the sex was pretty hot (idk why people say they had no passion), they were each other’s first priority, Stefan always did whatever he could to save Elena even when he wasn’t with her, Elena chose him at the end of the day, Elena also resisted compulsion by thinking abt him, stefan supported her as a human and vampire, didn’t try to change her (despite julie’s lame writing tries to convince us), both were always so understanding with each other, Elena was never afraid of him and always tried to help him, saw her as her own person and not a different version of Katherine
My love for them really floundered in s4, after that szn I only got crumbs of them so it was kinda hard to ship
I do think Elena was mostly faithful to Stefan but some moments...girl, u clearly had feelings for Damon. And if I’m to believe Julie Plague, you first loved Damon in 3x01...but yeah, keep telling me how you were so devoted to Stefan
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BAMON: 7.5/10
they had such good chemistry together, I rmb watching the scene above where Damon saved her from the truck and I was like “KISS HER OMG”
Loved their friendship and buildup over the seasons, they could’ve been a great couple
I feel like the person they needed was each other, Bonnie needed Damon’s loyalty (fully) and Damon needed Bonnie to tell him when he screwed up; the two people that always seemed to come up second should’ve been the first for each other (nice symbolism in my opinion)
She was much more honest with him than Elena, generally held him accountable for his actions and I thought Bonnie could handle Damon way better; he had more respect and admiration for Bonnie
The show would’ve needed to gone through some serious rewrites and changed to make this ship canon, which is why I only love fanon bamon
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I love Stefan and Caroline individually, but not together; on paper they should work, but in reality they kinda suck lol
I understand why people ship them, they had a nice transition of friends-to-lovers but they had almost no romantic chemistry; they were so much better off as friends
SE was constantly a shadow in their relationship, not to mention Stefan didn’t always treat Caroline well
I enjoy them as a minor/other ship in fanfics, but not a fan of them in the show
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Ngl, I laughed when I saw that they were one of the highest couples for tvd on AO3
Alaric was good on calling Damon out on his shit, they were a pretty good team so why not be a couple
Never really felt any romantic chemistry lol...wait I’m watching scenes of them and I’m kinda seeing a connection (I forgot how he would leave a seat for Alaric!!!)
Still kinda hard to imagine them as a couple, but you know what, they could’ve been pretty good together
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FORWOOD: 8.5/10
Loved their development, they were so cute together and always leaned on each other for support
I feel like they were so dedicated to each other, definitely had their fair share of challenges and they both accepted each other fully
Always liked their chemistry, I feel like the tension with them liking each other but not admitting it was their peak
Didn’t like the way they ended, and I HATE that Tyler died; my fav ship for both of them, SHOULD’VE BEEN ENDGAME
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BONKAI: 6.5/10
I think these two could’ve had such an interesting and layered toxic relationship, or even a healthy relationship could’ve been cute (if developed correctly). I’d be equally interested in either storyline and I really enjoyed their scenes
I’m sticking to canon, so Kai did torture Bonnie and these two crossed the other more than once….I’m not about to endorse that which is why their score is lower
They had SO MUCH potential, imagine the storylines they could’ve had...ugh fuck u Plec
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Not a lot to go on for them, I wish they could’ve had more scenes since I enjoyed what we got
I think they could’ve been a power couple; they balance each other out, and I could see them being really soft and vulnerable with each other but then really hot and dark
Idk why Jeremy’s death changed Elijah’s mind about Katherine considering Elena killed Kol...like what’s the difference
Both of them have done bad things but as vampires, bygones should be bygones so their score isn’t lower bc of that, I’m just not super invested in them
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ELEJAH: 5.5/10
I wouldn’t have minded seeing them together, they probably would’ve had some nice moments
I think they had an interesting dynamic in s2 and s3, but I think allies/friends is the furthest I’d like for their relationship to go
Not a perfect match, I think they’re better suited for other people and I doubt they’d be long-term
Elena did kill Kol and help to kill Finn, while Klaus has terrorized Elena and her friends, killed Jenna so their score isn’t that high
Kind of surprised by the couples, but also makes sense LOL. Please, do not start attacking me in the comments, I’m fine with a respectful discussion bc I like to hear what others think. It’s fine if you disagree, idc who you ship and kudos to all the fanfic writers out there!!
((may be edited and changed over time, gifs are not mine))
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meandmyechoes · 3 years
Star Wars Visions review Part 1
binged them all in subs! will revisit the dub. first pass viewing order is 548621793.
[Part 2]  [Part 3]
The Ninth Jedi: Yay, Kara my girl! Look, I know it wasn’t the smartest decision to stan her out of all the girls even before we’ve seen the full series, but I’d like to be somebody different! I have, what you could call the highest expectation of this story. I heard it is actually two standalone concepts merged into one, that it has the grandest of a worldbuilding mechanism. Incidentally, that feels like it turns on itself - that the deviation from “canon” makes it almost its own fantasy story. And I say that going in knowing the rule book.
The aftertaste is: I watched a trailer. which is true, because that’s where the concepts started out. It feels like they set up a world, a quest, the main character and threw in the coolest fight scene to hook you on, and it frustrates me because Ninth has the longest runtime of them all. The lightsaber-smith is such a Japanese/traditional concept that I can understand the inspiration, just that I prefer building your own saber and a Jedi being more than a weapon. However that theme wasn’t lost in seeing Kara has to strengthen herself to earn her namesake. Kara turns out to be a bit ‘main-chara’ (in a perfectly fine but underexplored way) but I do like the confirmation of what I first saw in her: the optimism and fearlessness. Kind of reminds me of Ahsoka bouncing around with that green saber of hers! The character I’m more interested in learning though, ended up being the old pilot droid(s). My verdict for The Ninth Jedi is, I like its details and clues, but I’d like it better if it was its own story. 
8:2 / 7 (Japanese : Star Wars ratio + score out of 10)
The Village Bride: This one, expectation and reality matches up! This with T0-B1 are my favourites, but I think this is a close second because I’d have liked it to be a feature-length film! There are enough materials covering the village’s past and invasion, building up the characters like how Haru and Saku came to differ, Asu’s role, and how Van and F met! It doesn’t feel like a trailer like Ninth because instead of asking you to look forward to the next chapter, Bride feels like an extract with its dialogue delivering just the crucial story, and giving us a concluding climax. I super-love the costumes and visuals. The unconventional lineart and colour choices leave a refreshing impression. Music is killer. Chills every time the vocal hits. I think this hits that perfect mark of melding Japanese (mountain) culture (animism) and Jedi heroism.
5:5 / 10
Lop and Ocho: Lop puts a Japanese story inside the Star Wars framework more than the other way round. The industrialization and family feud works in Star Wars, while rooted in Japanese stories. Lop has the most palatable art style so it is very easy for a layman like me to go 'wow this has money' staring at the rich backgrounds and frame rate. The zinc rooftops, rundown alleys, shitamachi neighbourhood shops are very close to heart. I’m seeing old Kowloon while seeing old Shinjuku haha. The retrofuturism is an essential element of Star Wars that often gets overlooked (at least to me) and I’m glad it is the foundation for the aesthetic and conflict of this short.
And then I feel so dumb not realizing the time-skip haha! I was the one who sieved the trailer and I couldn’t make the connection! I was initially imagining more of a cheerful quest not unlike Ninth. Well wouldn’t you like to be wrong! I do like this more than I expected.
Felt just the slightest bit rushed. Ocho’s transformation and fight sequence are amazing. The final frame with the sakuras at the background just took my breath away. The inscribed lightsaber is a novel idea, but right where my mind swam towards the ‘Japanese’ side than the ‘Star Wars’ side. There were so many details in a frame I would go back to see the Easter eggs. This story is so pretty and when you peel all that away, at its core is a drama that is… an age-old tale. And I’m not complaining, because that's what Star Wars is, a ‘cliche’ that works. It brings novelty to Star Wars, but those are elements I’ve seen in classic stories I grew up with. In the end, Lop works, it is definitely a very high-quality work, but I don’t think it can quite secure a most special place in my heart.
6:4 / 9
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house-of-cakes · 3 years
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Jamais Vu 
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Chapter 17:  Gimme! Gimme! Gimme
Jungkook x Reader: enemy to lovers AU
Word count: 2164
Warnings: Swearing and mentions of slight bullying
Premise: “There’s an opposite to déjà vu. They call it jamais vu. It’s when you meet the same people or visit places, again and again, but each time is the first. Everybody is always a stranger… Nothing is ever familiar” – Chuck Palahniuk, Choke
AKA Jungkook goes in search of the girl who got him expelled.
I feel so bad posting late that I wrote a bonus chapter 😅 the extra chapter will be out this weekend.
If you would like to give feedback or be tagged in this story please send me an ask/message 😊
Tagged list: @inspinkyring @betysotelo18 @kardia-apo-marmelada @casspirit0705 @preciouschimine @therealsugababe  @lucedelsole97 @deolly @lexy9716  @thesweetest-peas @sannsia​
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Bright flashing lights…catchy retro theme songs…the loud cheers of victory from teenage boys and girls defeating their opponents – these were the ingredients that made up Y/N’s favourite place in the world. While Namjoon found comfort on the stage, she felt most at home under the glowing neon lights of Reload.
A few years ago, Y/N had found the arcade a by chance after she had “run away” from home. She had just had an argument with her mother about her appearance and after countless moments of nagging and insults she had finally snapped and left home without permission…it was her first act of rebellion.  
Y/N’s mother was fixated on looks and how a “lady” should behave and present themselves. She always claimed that Y/N she be focusing on her physical imagine instead of having her face hidden behind a computer screen. It killed her mother that her youngest child spent all of her free time working in a place she deemed to be so juvenile. Y/N knew this for a fact and if she was being honest it only added to the appeal of working there. The job didn’t pay much nonetheless she loved it just as much as she did the Magic Shop.
A young boy runs through the arcade and finds Y/N sat on top of an air hockey table (a privilege that only she was allowed). Her attention is focused on her phone, trying to keep tabs on her best friends who are working a job without her. It was not very often that she could not attend an appointment however her elderly boss had caught a cold and there was no one else to cover the busy Friday night shift.
“Noona.” The soft whimper of the young boy catches her attention. “What’s wrong, buddy?” She jumps off the table and kneels so that she is eye level with the child “A-an older-r b-boy…” his words are choppy as his small body shakes with sobs “Stole my game.” “That wasn’t very nice of him. Can you point him out so Noona can have a chat with him.” The little boy continues to whimper but with some comforting words of reassurance and 5 free game tokens, she is able to convince him to point in the direction of the most popular first-person shooter game towards the back of the arcade.
“Thank buddy, that was very brave of you. I promise you in 10 minutes the game will be free for you to play.” She wipes the last of his tears and ruffles his hair for good measure “Come find me soon, ok?” The boy sniffling boy nods as Y/N quickly makes her way to the other side of the room.
At the game Y/N stands off to the side of the machine and pauses to analyse the teenage boy and his skill. The teen would get easily flustered each time a surge of villains would rush after his character and he would frequently let out a string of cuss words whenever he missed his mark, he was an amateur and it showed.
Suddenly his life bar at the top right of he screen started flashing, indicating that his game would soon end if he was not careful with his energy. This must have been enough motivation for him to focus better because his kill streak went from 3 to 9 in almost an instance.  A wicked plan formed in Y/N’s head as she he went in for the last shot of the level.
“Hey!” she called out to him causing him to flinch and miss his target. This caused a fatal error as the enemy on screen took the opportunity to shoot his character right in the face. The teen let out a sound of frustration as the screen read ‘Game Over’ in giant letters and request more tokens to continue. Y/N waited for him to insert the coins before making her presence known in front of him.
“You stupid bitch! You made me lose my game.” He grumbled and lift his gun to continue playing. Y/N reached over to the power point behind the game and switched it off.
“Get the fuck out of my arcade.” She spat and point towards the exit “Reload has a strict no bullying policy so don’t think for a second you’re getting a refund on those tokens.” The teen didn’t bother arguing, he has realised his mistake when he figured out who she was and walked away looking rather embarrassed he had been called out in front of everyone on a busy Friday night. He was sure his class mates would all be talking about it come Monday morning.
The screen of the machine flickered back to life as Y/N switched the power back on, she waited to make sure that the unexpected reboot did not affect the game. The download bar reached the end of the bar and loaded the high score screen. She read over the listed and frowned when she got to a name that had been annoying her lately – Nochu.
This Nochu person had climb two positions high on the leader board since the last time she had checked this game and the achievement displeased her. That name was popping up on the leader boards of many games recently and while she did not feel her abilities were being threatened, she was annoyed that she could not put a face to this person.
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Hours later back at the Kim residence, the two cousins enjoy the cooling weather on their porch as Jin attempts to tune his guitar by ear.
“The Basement wasn’t closed tonight.” Jungkook states when he scrolls through his Instagram feed and comes across a new post by the club “I never said it was.” Jin pays no attention to his cousin, instead he fiddles with the knobs at the head of guitar and plucks at a string once he believes he’s tightened the key enough. The sound rings out and the pitch is too high. “So why did we go to Reload instead?” Jin repeats the process with the chord again, the pitch is closer to where its supposed to be however the sound is still off. “None of the guys had a battle or a performance tonight.” He explained as he plucked at the string again and again, trying to pin point why it sounded wrong “And Y/N had to work, so we decided to hang with her instead.” “So we went for Y/N?” Jungkook tone was accusatory “No one forced you to tag along.” Jin fired back, he had stopped trying to tune the guitar to face him “She’s always supports the guys at the Basement, sometimes we repay the favour by making an appearance there to help drum up business.” Jungkook scoffed “You told me Reload was popular because she attracts people with her skills…if that’s the case why would she need you guys?” “She doesn’t need us at all.” Jin moved his guitar from his lap and lent it against his seat. He was frustrated with it and this conversation was adding to the stress.  “That’s the thing about having a good relationship with people…you do things to support them, even when they don’t ask.” “Oh yeah? If she’s so good why is she only ranked second on all the high scores.” Jin rolled his eyes at his cousin, he was being petty again and completely missed the point he was trying to make. “Mr S.K?” Jungkook nodded in confirmation.
Jungkook was becoming a regular at Reload and it was evident to him that Mr S.K was clearly the real champion of the joint. The guy had dominated every game of the arcade by holding highest score and while Y/N’s name always sat below his, her score was always miles away from meeting his. To Jungkook this was clearly another instance of Y/N receiving praise and adoration where it was not merited… it was Mr S.K who deserved to celebrated and yet it was Y/N who stole his popularity. If he had to come up with an explanation as to how this occurred, he would bet all his money it was because Y/N was considered to be “beautiful”.
“Mr S.K has held the top for as long as anyone can remember. There’s no mystery to who he is…He’s obviously the owner of the arcade.”  Jin windshield wiper boomed out and filled the stillness of the night as his cousin’s face fell. 
Jungkook pondered on the last few weeks, there was so much background information he didn’t know and for some reason his brain chose to fill in the gaps by somehow hating on Y/N.
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a car blaring loud music as it sped up and down the street.
“What the fuck is going?!” Jungkook exclaimed as he stood from his seat and made his way to the top of the porch stairs to get a better look at car. “Ah my Angel is home!” Jin jumped up and went to stand next to Jungkook. “Does she always carry on like this? She drives like a dipshit.” “Nah, that’s not even her driving. You see a while back she got caught at the illegal races, her parents made her sell her car as punishment... She must have gotten into a fight with her mother, this is how she always gets back her.”  
The car finally stopped doing laps down the street and pulled up into Y/N’s drive away. The pair watched as Y/N jumped out of the passenger side of the car and wave to the driver as they pulled away from the house. She was still unaware that she was being watched by them
“Hey Brat!” Jin called out, capturing her attention “Didn’t your mother ever tell you not take rides from strangers?”
Jungkook’s breathe hitched at the thought of Y/N allowing herself to be in a car with a stranger, especially someone who drove like a lunatic. He didn’t catch a glimpse of the driver but surely, she wasn’t reckless enough to put herself in such a dangerous situation…was she?
“She did, that’s what make’s it all the better.” Y/N bantered on smugly, Jungkook couldn’t figure out if she was joking or not. “Well it’s past your bed time young lady, you march right on inside and get right to bed.”  Y/N let out a sound of fake indignation and clutch her hand to her check overdramatically. “To think I raced all the way here with a surprise and this is how you treat me? You really are such a punk!” “A surprise?!” Jin’s eyebrows shot up in excitement, the façade dropped immediately. Everyone knew she gave the best surprises. “Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!” he demanded and waved her over to them. Y/N laughed at his eagerness and rummaged through her bag as she closed the distance between them.
“Sorry I didn’t have time to wrap it.” She purposely handed him a grey game cartridge face down so there was some kind of element of surprise to the gift. His eyes widen comically when he turned it over and read the title of the game. “Y/N…is this…??” For the first time in Jungkook’s life he had seen his loud mouth cousin speechless. “Yah! Don’t make a big deal of it.” She tried to brush it off “Consider it an extremely late birthday gift.” “Not a big deal? This is the original Super Mario Bros 3! I played this game every day as a kid then this idiot blew it up somehow.” He nodded his head in Jungkook’s direction who rolled his eyes in response.
The incident happened years ago and he still hadn’t heard the end of it, he pretended like it didn’t bother him but deep down he felt so bad for accidentally destroying something his cousin held so dear to him.
“I’ve been trying to find it ever since! This must have cost you a fortune.” “Like I said…it’s no big deal. I was cleaning out storage at work and found it packed away, we never got round to fixing game console for it so the boss-man was nice enough to let me have it.”
That was a bold-faced lie.
Y/N had known about the sentimental significance this game had to Jin and went in search for it many months before his birthday. She only managed to get the game after she traded a set of mint condition baseball cards, she had acquired as collateral when a client fell through their end of a deal.
“Y/NIEEE this is why you’re my angel! Thank you so much.” He pulled her towards him and wrapped her up in a big bear hug. Jungkook felt out of place as he watched Y/N shriek and attempt to struggle out of his grip as he showered her with love…he could help but feel jealous of the fact that she could fix a mistake that he had made so long ago.
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #166
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Bonjour and Bienvenue boys and belles to another bit on the BB Channel! For today we’re building the boisterous baroness of bacchanalia as one bit Berserk Bewitchment Bloodline, one bit Battery Builder, all for badass beatdowns! All this brouhaha is to say we’re building and buffing the beauteous brat known as BB.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet here!
Next up: Hacking the planet? I think you misheard.
Race and Background
The evil AI from the moon BB is about as Custom a Lineage as they come, giving you +1 Dexterity and Intelligence. She also comes packed with Darkvision to dunk on those foolish human eyes and the Lucky feat to tip the scales in your favor by re-rolling attacks, checks, or saves that directly involve you three times per long rest. Games aren’t fun if they’re fair, silly!
Again, Evil AI from The Moon isn’t going to be a background you can find in most games of D&D. That being said, she certainly likes to put on shows of life and death, so once you get past their obsession with fire I’d bet she’d find a lot of common ground with Rakdos Cultists. This gives her proficiency with Acrobatics and Performance so you too can twirl around on stage and put a little flair into your attacks.
This background also gives you an additional bunch of spells to tack onto your spell lists. When you unlock spellcasting in the first place, you get Fire Bolt, Vicious Mockery, Burning Hands, Dissonant Whispers, and Hellish Rebuke. Your free second level spells are Crown of Madness, Enthrall, and Flaming Sphere. Third level is Fear and Haste, fourth is Confusion and Wall of Fire, and your free fifth level spell is Dominate Person. Don’t look at me like that, how else are you going to keep your daughters in line? BB doesn’t rely on fire that much -yet- but the other spells are absolutely in her wheelhouse. And giving a computer virus a fire wall is just plain funny.
Ability Scores
As a hyper-advanced AI from the future, it’d be a little weird if your Intelligence wasn’t your highest ability score. Your smarts are almost as obvious as how great a kouhai you are, so make your Charisma the next highest. Your Dexterity is pretty good too- that outfit probably isn’t armor, at least not in the practical sense. Your Constitution isn’t too bad either. The saying goes, “if it bleeds, you can kill it,” but you’re made out of data so you don’t bleed at all. Your Strength isn’t anything to write home about, but you can warp reality, so why would you need to lift? Dump Wisdom. You’re not exactly the most stable person in Chaldea.
Class Levels
1. Artificer 1: First level artificers get Magical Tinkering, so now you can put minor magical effects into tiny objects. Most of them probably aren’t that practical, but every event shop needs some junk.
You can also cast Spells this level, using your Intelligence to prepare and cast them. On top of your rakdos spells, you can use Lightning Lure and Mage Hand to mess with people. You can also prepare first level spells, like Identify to scan enemies for their status effects, Tasha’s Caustic Brew to re-enact your extra attack card, and Cure Wounds for a bit of maintenance on your spirit origin. It takes work to look this good, y’know!
Finally, you get proficiency with Constitution and Intelligence saves, as well as Arcana and Medicine. You were built to look after humans, and you obviously know a lot about tech.
2. Artificer 2: Second level artificers can Infuse Items to turn dumb ol’ mundane objects into magical objects! You learn four infusions right now, but you can only keep two of them available at a time, and you can swap them out between long rests. Really lean into it, make the rest of the party fight for the affection of their kouhai.
As far as your actual infusions go, Mind Sharpener is a great one for spellcasters, letting them force their concentration to stick even if they fail a save as a reaction. You can also use an Enhanced Arcane Focus to make your spells even stronger. For magic items, the classic Bag of Holding is always in fashion, and Sending Stones will help bring party communication into the 21st century.
3. Sorcerer 1: Being smart is nice, but it’s time to make things a bit more.. interesting. As a sorcerer, you get another Spell list that uses your Charisma to cast. You also get your own home game version of BB slots thanks to your Wild Magic Surge. When you cast a sorcerer spell that uses a spell slot, your DM can make you roll a d20. On a one, you then have to roll on the wild magic surge table.
If that’s not wacky enough for you, the Tides of Chaos can speed things up. Once per long rest, you gain advantage on one attack, check, or save of your choice. Your DM can also force you to roll on the WMS table when you’d normally get a WMS to recharge it.
You get cantrips like Friends, to make friends with Senpai; Message, to send calls to Senpai; Light, to help with Senpai’s dumb human eyes; and Minor Illusion, for some cheap holograms. For first level spells, Mage Armor makes that outfit less of a tactical issue, and Tasha’s Caustic Brew frees up some prep slots for artificer spells.
4. Sorcerer 2: Second level sorcerers are Fonts of Magic, giving you sorcery points equal to your sorcerer level each long rest. Right now they can be used to refill spell slots, or you can empty spell slots to get more points.
You can also cast Magic Missile for some caster balls. I know you’re not a caster, but you do run around with a magic wand, it’s not that wild a concept.
5. Sorcerer 3: Third level sorcerers get second level spells, as well as Metamagic to make them a little bit more you flavored. Distant Spell doubles the range of a spell (or gives it a range of 30′ if it’s touch), while Subtle Spell lets you cast a spell without all that vocal or somatic component nonsense. Why waste time chanting when you could spend it narrating?
You can also cast Enhance Ability to alter your data in favor of one kind of skill checks, gaining advantage on them for the duration. You also double your carrying capacity for strength checks, avoid small falling damage with dexterity checks, or gain temporary HP with constitution checks.
6. Sorcerer 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to bump up your Charisma to make Senpai notice you. And also to make your sorcerer spells harder to avoid.
You can also cast Prestidigitation to make more small magical effects, or Alter Self to further improve your being. When you cast it, you pick one of three modes. Mode 1 gives you a swimming speed and the ability to breathe underwater. Mode 2 lets you change appearance as an action for the duration, and Mode 3 lets you grow Natural Weapons that are magical against resistances. Honestly Mode 3′s a bad matchup for you, but you’re an independent AI who don’t need no humanity, I’ll let you make your own decisions.
7. Sorcerer 5: Fifth level sorcerers get Magical Guidance, letting you spend 1 sorcery point to re-roll a failed skill check. You can also cast third level spells like Dispel Magic to bonk Kiara back into horny jail. Probably. We haven’t built her yet, still not entirely sure how that’s going to work.
8. Sorcerer 6: Sixth level wild mages can Bend Luck, using their reaction and 2 sorcery points to add or subtract 1d4 to another creature’s attack, check, or save. You love playing games, but more in the ‘dungeon master’ sense.
You can also cast Clairvoyance to set up your very own BB channel studio wherever you’ve been before.
9. Artificer 3: Third level artificers can always find the Right Tool for the Job, creating whatever tools you might need over the course of a short rest. Thanks to being an Artillerist, you can also bring one of those weird geometric enemies from the CCC event to the battlefield in the form of an Eldritch Cannon, creating a freestanding small cannon or a handheld tiny one. They’re pretty customizable, but they all come in one of three flavors. Flamethrowers deal AoE fire damage, Force Ballistas deal single-target force damage and throw people around, and Protectors give out temporary HP.
You also get the freebie spells Shield and Thunderwave. 
10. Artificer 4: Use this ASI to bump up your Intelligence for better artificer spells.
11. Sorcerer 7: Seventh level sorcerers get fourth level spells, like Ego Whip! If your target fails an intelligence save, they get disadvantage on all attacks, checks, and saves, and it can’t cast spells. At the end of each turn it can try to make another intelligence save (still at disadvantage), but tbh most creatures aren’t that bright compared to you.
12. Sorcerer 8: Another ASI already? Bump up your Charisma to make it even harder to break out of your ego whip, and also grab Banishment so you can deal with that giant pain in your behind, Kingprotea (note: this level description does not contain the opinions of fateandphantasms. fateandphantasms does not condone any kind of Kingprotea hating.)
13. Sorcerer 9: Fifth level spell time! Grab Creation so you can warp reality and make pretty much whatever you might need out of thin air!
14. Artificer 5: Fifth level artillerists can make Arcane Firearms this level, adding 1d8 to artificer spell damage cast from a specific focus. This also means that your artificer spells and sorcerer spells can finally come out of the same wand, though I doubt most DMs would care to correct you before now.
You can also cast the freebie spells Scorching Ray and Shatter now, since you can learn 2nd level artificer spells. Use Heat Metal if you’re feeling sadistic, Invisibility or Spider Climb for some hacks, or grab Lesser Restoration for some cursed cupid cleansing.
15. Artificer 6: Your Tool Expertise doubles the proficiency of all tool-based checks, but you also get two more infusions, and one more concurrent infusion to boot! A Spell-Refueling Ring will give you more energy to deal with your many, many, problem children, while a Radiant Weapon will just make your wand shinier. Not that it’s a bad reason to grab it.
16. Artificer 7: At seventh level, you can speed up your processors to have Flashes of Genius, using your reaction to add your intelligence modifier to an ability check or saving throw nearby. You can use this Intelligence Modifier times per long rest.
17. Sorcerer 10: Your newest metamagic option lets you twin spells, turning a one-target spell into a two target spell. Now you can keep both your daughters under control at once with one casting of Dominate Person!
You also get the Mending cantrip, because let’s be real your outfit probably doesn’t look as good as it did 17 levels ago. Finally, you get the spell Far Step to bip and bop all over the place as you see fit. Remember, if you teleport off camera it’s not cheating!
18. Sorcerer 11: Eleventh level sorcerers get sixth level spells, like Tasha’s Otherworldly Guise! If you’re going to wear a nurse outfit, it might as well come with superpowers. You get immunities to certain damages and conditions, you can fly, your AC goes up, and your weapon attacks use your spellcasting modifier, are magical, and you can attack twice per action. Ramming a giant needle into somebody never felt so right!
19. Sorcerer 12: For your last ASI, grab the Tough feat. All these sorcerer levels have not done your HP total any favors.
20. Sorcerer 13: Your capstone level nets you a seventh level spell, so grab Plane Shift so you can finally escape the Mooncell and show Senpai all the hard work you’ve done!
You have a ton of ways to cheat at dice, manipulating the world to always work in your favor. Re-roll dice with magical guidance and lucky, or just stick a finger on the scale with bend luck and flash of genius. Either way, your party will be thankful to have you.
You also make a decent variety caster thanks to the variety of technological goodies at your disposal. Support team communication with sending stones, spy on people with clairvoyance, create whatever the party might need with creation, or just blow people up with thunderwave and your eldritch cannon. You come packing a little bit of everything.
You’re particularly good at shutting down one or two opponents, with Ego Whip destroying their ability to do much of anything, Enthrall and Fear keeping you their main focus, or Banishment shoving them out of existence entirely.
Those wild magic surges can bite you in the ass just as much as they help you, so try to make sure you don’t spin a bankrupt on the BB slots. Seriously though they can straight up kill your entire party at level 1. Don’t be unlucky.
Having a bit of everything means you aren’t focused on any one thing. Builds like Ishtar and -god help me- Mephistopheles?? beat you in magic damage, Scheherazade and Kogil beat you for utility, and Medea Lily and Irisviel beat you for healing. It must be nice to have so many senpais though!
Trying to keep on top of all those checks and saves means you’ll burn through your sorcery points really fast, so just... don’t push yourself too hard, you might not like what happens when you run out of power.
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ladyc0312 · 4 years
A Jikook Guide to RunBTS: 20-29
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I’ll be totally honest here - I was kind of worried when I took this on that looking closely would end up convincing me that I was just seeing things through shipper goggles. And, sure, there are moments that have had their significance overplayed because all of the guys are touchy. But overall, I've ended up being even more convinced there's at the very least something unique about this relationship!
FYI - I started putting these notes together a few months ago, so my memory about certain episodes has grown a little hazy. In the interest of not needing to rewatch these episodes for a third time, I’ve decided that if I don’t remember much about the episode, it must not have been that memorable, and that’s reflected in the (totally subjective) rating. 
Thanks so much to everyone who shared moments I’d missed last time around - please continue to do so! 
Ep 20 "The Taste of Korea" (Ep: 4 / KM: 2)
The one with Tae’s squirrel plate and JK’s sticky sweet potatoes 
01:45 - Jimin stands super close to JK
12:55 - Jimin laughs particularly hard at JK's glazed sweet potatoes sticking to the plate
13:15 - JM and JK lock eyes as they joke about the sweet potatoes. Then Jimin continues laughing at JK's antics even when they start going on a bit too long
15:05 - Jimin is the only one to laugh when JK makes another joke about the sweet potatoes 
17:44 - JM is the only one paying enough attention to laugh with JK at Jin's comments on the sweet potatoes
Ep 21 "Board Game Competition" (Ep: 1 / KM: 1)
The one I recall almost nothing about beyond that the room was ugly (and maybe in Chicago?)
12:44 - JK has moved next to Jimin during the cut. JK pats JM on the shoulder and starts to say something about him, but gets cut off. 
12:54 - JK compliments Jimin's card-dealing 
15:46 - JK tries unsuccessfully to get JM's attention so he can advise him what color to pick 
Ep 22 "Hangawi Festival" (Ep: 3 / KM: 3)
The one where the members wear hanbok to make food and play games
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3:18 - When Suga comments that JK is good enough to be a songpyeon artist after retirement, Jimin says JK has a lot to do after retirement since JK told him he wanted to run a BBQ place.
7:01 - Jimin leans in close to JK and asks him to vote for his songpyeon (weirdly, hearts pop up on the screen when he does). Despite his desire to win, Jimin cheers loudly and puts his arm around JK when JK's songpyeon gets the first vote. He keeps his arm around him the entire time the voting is happening and as they start announcing the votes. 7:45 - When the other members go over to look at the dishes, JM and JK stay behind together. 21:00 - After watching Jimin spin in fascination, JK tells everyone that Jimin used to be a dancer (no idea why he says that like it's new info for anyone lol) 29:11 - JM and JK walk off together BEHIND 2:58 - JM and JK look over all the songpyeon together and Jimin compliments JK's 3:55 - more footage of the super long amount of time JM had his arm around JK
Ep 23 "Pet Friends" (Ep: 5 / KM: 1)
The one where adorable boys play with adorable dogs 
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5:16 - Jimin seems to find JK's joke about eating dog treats as snacks hilarious and adorable  18:01 - JK and JM address each other when bragging about their dogs and have a moment of just looking at each other  19:50 - Jimin smiles when JK enters with his dog and the captions feel the need to clarify that it's a "brother-like smile"
Ep 24 "BTS vs. Zombies" (Ep: 4 / KM: 0)
The one where BTS (minus JK) is too afraid of zombies to complete any tasks
Ep 25 "Game King" (Ep: 2 / KM: 3)
The one that reminds us video games are more fun to play that to watch people play (but it’s super fun to watch Jimin dance while water is poured over him)
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1:36 - JK walks over and puts his arm around Jimin when they get put on the same team. He does the same to Jin after and there are much better jikook moments in this ep, but including it for the sake of completionism  22:32 - JM sits right up next to JK and is kind of touchy when they pick a punishment. 22:56 - When the producer asks what song Jimin should dance to while getting water poured on his head, JK requests "'Blood Sweat and Tears,' a sexy one" and then gets shy and rubs at his ear.  23:32 - Jimin has his arm around JK when saying goodbye. 23:52 - When Jimin says he's nervous to dance, JK asks them to play the music loud. They're all staring at Jimin when he dances while getting soaked (because how could you not?), but JK's face at 24:16 after he gives JM a once-over is pretty great. And I think it's JK who yells "so hot!" at 24:23. He's also the only one still clapping at 24:43. 
Ep 26 "Secret Agent" (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
The one where the boys wear tuxedos and drive go-karts
15:19 - Jimin comments that JK will like the laser part of the course. 17:38 - JK taps JM on the shoulder to indicate something. 24:30 - JM proudly tells JK that he heard he scored the highest (even though that is a. not true and b. would be bad for Jimin's team). BEHIND 0:15 - Jimin reaches over to pat JK's stomach even though Jin is the one who messed up.
Ep 27 "Welcome to Your First MT Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
The ones where BTS play games, sing karaoke, and have a BBQ
6:22 - Jimin points out that they shouldn't make things harder for JK's team and imitates JK's confused big eyes. 7:48 - Jimin is playing the nonsensical answers game and is doing well until they ask what JK's favorite color is and Jimin immediately says yellow. Then, looks over at JK with an embarrassed smile. 13:55 - Jimin loses again with JK involved and, after, keeps looking at him and sings something I don't recognize.  19:22 - When Jimin has to do the nonsense game again, JK cheers him on with a "Jimin fighting!" even though they're on opposing teams. 20:50 - When Jimin has to drink lemon juice, JK volunteers that Jimin will be good at that since he likes sour things. He then repeats that fact another two times.  24:30 - Not super shippy, but the sound effect JK makes for Jimin's die toss is pretty great. 24:44 - When JK argues that Jimin's team should get less time, Jimin looks at him and acts cute so JK laughs and stops arguing. 28:18 - When Jimin gets an answer wrong in a funny way, JK says "this is is how he makes the show awesome."  BEHIND 0:58 - Jimin complains that the shirts with JK's face on them make Jungkook look "too cute."
Ep 28 "Welcome to Your First MT Part 2" (Ep: 4 / KM: 1)
6:50 - Jimin doesn't even glance at J-Hope when he makes a comment to him while JK is singing
Ep 29 "...Be Each Other's Stylist" (Ep: 4 / KM: 4)
The one where the guys all dress each other 
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10:18 - Jimin says he wants to try Jungkook's clothes because he thinks he might look great in them.  This whole scene, JK seems kind of nervous and keeps hovering near Jimin - it's especially apparent at 10:45
13:25 - When he gets picked to be styled by Jimin, JK celebrates, calls JM Jimini-ssi, and clasps his hand. 16:36 - Not a shippy moment per se, but the look on JK's face when Jimin holds up the pink shirt he's considering dressing him in is pretty great.  17:14 - Jikook keep joking around with each other about the pink shirt while the others are introducing their styles. JK swats at JM with the prop rose at 17:45 as part of this.  21:19 - While the guys are getting changed, Jimin calls everyone's attention to how he's dressed JK and gets them to compliment how good it looks. Then, V comments that it's the boyfriend look and Jimin says he wanted it to look great.  23:21 - JK trails his eyes up Jimin's body as JM poses. 23:27 - This starts the sequence of JK modeling Jimin's clothes, which involves a lot of laughing and looks plus JK imitating Jimin's hair sweep. At 23:54, JM calls JK Jungkook-ssi and says he looks even better than he thought. JK immediately stops posing and gets shy and earnest as he asks "really?" and says thank you. Then he takes JM's hand and holds it a few seconds and his entire face lights up.  (This isn't a moment I'd given a lot of thought to before, but watching it now, I actually think I'd put it on my "moments that highlight how differently JM and JK interact with each other than with anyone else" list) 29:10 - While doing his model walk, JK imitates JM's hair sweep again and then does a piece of JM's choreo from "Save Me." JM cracks up the whole time and they do a bro-hug when JK is done. 33:00 JM and JK crack up together in the middle of the final poses.  BEHIND 5:29 - As they get changed, JM and JK joke about the fit of the pants JM is trying on. 6:58 - JM and JK decide that JK should change into the outfit JM originally picked out. JK does and then starts imitating JM, which makes JM laugh and playfully smack him. They keep talking and at 7:40 JM briefly touches JM's back. 9:10 - J-Hope says that Jimin said before the episode that he wanted to dress JK. JM corrects him that he said Tae. 
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shadow-lord-by-day · 4 years
Undoubtedly the greatest sin of D&D is its treatment of skills. It’s actually pretty funny just how poorly they’re handled, to the point at which it’s genuinely sad that for so many people it’s the only RPG they’ll ever play, because there are much, much better ones out there. (Also, assume when I say D&D that I am referring to the fifth edition of that game.)
Ok, but why? What’s wrong with D&D’s skills? For a start, they’re almost meaningless. They’re presented as closer to specific appliccations of an ability score than they are as their own indepentent abilities. Ultimately, this comes down to the way proficiency works, as a one size fits all single modifier. You use your ability score and your proficiency bonus, the latter of which means very little at the levels at which 90% of play takes place. For example, the character I play in one of my games has been educated extensively in the internal workings of the multiverse, and has proficiency in Arcana and Religion to reflect this. Except... their intelligence isn’t particularl high. It’s respectable, sitting at 14, the second highest in the party, but when one of the other players, who hasn’t had the canonic education that mine has, has only one point of modifier to those skills lower than mine because their intelligence is 18... it doesn’t really make any sense, does it? How did they come by that esotric knowledge, introspection into the nature of reality and their own being? Yeah, no. I’m not buying that.
3.5, which I played for many years before 5e, got around this issue by allowing curated skill progression. Each level up, you assigned skill points, which you were given a number of according to your class and intelligence (I also seem to remember that humans got a few more per level). (Intelligence, by the way, has dropped from being an absolutely crucial ability score to (ironically) the no brainer dump stat for most characters, which while not inherently a bad thing doesn’t do great things for balancing wizards and artificers.) There were certain skills that it was harder to level up, as you had to invest two points to increase that skill’s modifier by one, which was dictated by your class. This led to enormous modifiers only a few levels in, but the game got around this by just inflating DCs as players progressed in level (which was incidentally an incredibly good tool for DMs to indicate that the player’s shouldn’t be attempting a certain challege too early on - they simply could not reach the DCs required at the level they were at. This also appied for AC, by the way). The end result of this was that in the late levels, the actual roll barely mattered, but at those levels, where characters are expected to be consistently good at things, that made sense!
Recently, I’ve started prepping for a game of Werewolf: The Apocalypse, a game that I absolutely adore, but haven’t really been able to play for a while because I haven’t been able to find a group until now. Anyway, while going through the rulebook, I was amazed at how much better skills are dealt with than in D&D (I’m not claiming that Werewolf is perfect, but Gaia is it a breath of fresh air after playing nothing but D&D for so long). For one thing, the rulebook is much more concerned with the concept of failing forward than that of D&D, and provides the Storyteller with help on how to do this effectively, but this isn’t as relevant. They can’t be compared as directly as with 3.5, because the die rolling system in World Of Darkness games is completely different, but the nice thing about them is that they aren’t tied to any one ability score (they’re not called that, but the equivalent of them). In D&D, if I, a lawyer, make a bulletproof case to a jury as to why my client is innocent, including indisputable evidence and flawless logic, I am asked to make a Persuasion check. In D&D, Persuasion is a Charisma based skill. This very plainly doesn’t make sense in context, my Intelligence should be the driving ability here, but it’s not. In Werewolf, however, the Storyteller (me in this case) asks the player to roll Intelligence + Expression, combining the Persuasion equivalent with the character’s mental acuity. Much better.
My final gripe with the skill system is just how of them there are. Look at this. Compare these, representing the numbers of skills in each of these game lines.
Call of Cthulhu: 59
Werewolf: The Apocalypse: 30x9 (As there are 9 different Traits (Ability Scores) with which to combine Abilities (Skills))
3.5: 36
D&D 5e: 18
By the way, in 3.5 the number is actually a lot higher than that because you can add other skills like Engineering, Law, and Economics based on what your character knows about or knows how to make. D&D falls massively short by comparison, with a lot of things left out entirely. I understand the motivation behind combining things like Run, Jump, and Swim into Atheltics, and Listen and Spot into Perception, but there are entire, and pretty useful, skills like Appraise and Craft which are completely done away with.
Ultimately, this doesn’t really matter, but it is the driving factor in why I am becoming less and less interested in D&D on the whole. I do completely understand why people like it, it’s simple and it has a larger fanbase than most other games, making it perfect to start out with in the hobby, but I just can’t help but feel that it could be doing something so much better. I’ll get back to planning Werewolf stuff now. Play whatever you want to play.
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ducktracy · 4 years
184. the woods are full of cuckoos (1937)
release date: december 4th, 1937
series: merrie melodies
director: frank tashlin
starring: mel blanc (owlcott, walter finchell, milton squirrel, wendell howl, fox, raven mcquandry), tedd pierce (ben birdie, tizzie fish, andy bovine), sara berner (polly gillette, canary livingstone)
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this cartoon gets the honorable award of possibly being the most dated warner bros. shorts in its vast repertoire of cartoons. not to worry! this will be a fun cartoon to unpack—i love delving into the shorts that involve extensive research. learning something new is something that‘s very rewarding to me, and i hope it is to you, too!
a giant ode to the short lived radio program community sing (lasting from 1936-1937), the short chronicles a woodland radio show hosted by a variety of caricatured animals putting on various acts.
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iris in to the ringing of a bell. a pudgy, bespectacled owl rings it as he stands illuminated by the moonlight, preaching to all of the woodland critters, ready to start the show. he introduces himself as “owlcott”, a take on commentator alexander woollcott. he “blandly announces” (his words, not mine) the introduction of the master of ceremonies, ben birdie--a bird caricature of radio personality ben bernie, “the old maestro”.
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birdie’s caricature is not new to audience’s eyes. the caricature, along with a handful of others, is reused from friz freleng’s the coocoo nut grove from 1936, a short that is very similar in vein to this one. tedd pierce provides birdie’s suave, velvety vocals as he introduces the program, only to be interrupted by the nasally cries of mel blanc. out pops walter finchell, a caricature of bernie’s faux-enemy walter winchell, both of whom carrying a notorious (and fake) feud in the radio-verse. it was common for winchell to interrupt the smooth-talking bernie, either throwing pranks or remarks his way, to which bernie dismissed every time. indeed, a signature tashlin upshot angle reveals finchell dropping an egg on top of birdie, who blocks it nonchalantly with a handy umbrella.
art loomer’s backgrounds for the cartoon are absolutely gorgeous. they’re vibrant in color, very lush and painterly, but remain playful and sophisticated at the same time. they certainly serve as a highlight to the short. and, as always, carl stalling’s scores are a blast to hear--his sardonic, wah-wah rendition of “cause my baby says it’s so” is a jolly juxtaposition to the prior score of “love is on the air tonight”, the latter being the song’s cartoon debut. it would be reused in cartoons such as the daffy doc, whereas “cause my baby says its so” was heard previously in rover’s rival.
birdie introduces a clever squirrel caricature of milton berle, whose routine gets interrupted by a little parrot named polly. polly is a take on eileen barton’s character, little jolly gillette, who was portrayed as the daughter of the show’s sponsor. polly and milton go through their act together, polly bluntly (yet innocently) announcing “my daddy says ya gotta let me sing ‘cause he’s a sponsor!” you can listen to real recordings of their banter here!
volney white’s animation of milton and polly is lively and jovial, constantly moving. milton energetically introduces us to our next star, pointing in the wrong direction and fixing it last second as he gestures towards a bird caricature of country singer wendell hall.
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even if viewers don’t recognize the bird’s counterpart, they will most certainly recognize his voice--mel uses his foghorn leghorn voice for wendell “howl”. of course, foghorn wouldn’t debut for another 9 years, but that’s another story. the animation of the raucous bird is fun to watch as he extends his neck and wraps it around in coils around the microphone stand. random? yes, but fun nevertheless.
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perhaps even more commendable is the staggering crowd shot that succeeds wendell’s scenes. the crowd is mirrored horizontally, but that doesn’t lessen the blow from how claustrophobic it is. wendell asks the audience to get out their songbooks and turn to page “22... no, page 44. uh, no, uh, page 28. uh, 42, uh, 36, uh, 45...” 
wendell is transformed from an entertainer to an auctioneer, spitting out numbers at rapid pace as his crowd frantically tears through their songbooks. finally, he concedes. “oh, never mind. we won’t use the books.” off screen, the crowd roars in unison: “OH YES WE WILL!” with that, wendell is generously showered with a barrage of books, buried in the pile of rejected papers. the timing of the scene is comedically sharp and energetic, one of the more entertaining acts of the cartoon.
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now, for the real song number, lead by goat and bear caricatures of billy jones and ernie hare (would a rabbit caricature be too on the nose?) respectively, animated by volney white. they march out onto the stage--er, tree trunk--and open the curtains to reveal a sing-along to the eponymous song. thus, the camera pans into the lyrics as everybody bursts into the all-too-earworm-causing song number. 
as the crowd, ben birdie and walter finchell all lend their voices to the song, a fox caricature of fred allen sings “swanee river”, clashing with the unity of everybody else. in a nod to friz freleng’s toy town hall where the same routine was executed, a little bunny excitedly coos “ohhhh, mr. allen! you’re singing the wrong sooooong!” the fox bursts into everybody’s favorite Mel Blanc Yell as he repeats a frequent ‘30s catchphrase: “WHY DON’T SOMEBODY TELL ME THESE THINGS!?”
featured in the song is a seemingly interminable cast of celebrity caricatures, all introduced as the camera pans across the screen, each lending their voice to part of the song. some puns require more effort than others (dick powell as “dick fowl” rolls off the tongue better than al jolson as “al goatson”). caricatures include: 
eddie cantor as eddie gander, sophie tucker as sophie turkey, w.c. fields as w.c. fieldmouse, dick powell as dick fowl, fats waller as fats swallow, deanna durbin as deanna terrapin, irvin s. cobb as irvin s. frog, fred macmurray as fred mcfurry, bing crosby as bing crowsby, al jolson as al goatson, ruby keeler as ruby squealer, lanny ross as lanny hoss, grace moore as grace moose, and finally lily pons as lily swans.
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speaking of grace and lily, they’re both highlighted as they fight to out-perform each other, seeing who can sing the highest note. tashlin pulls of a rather intriguing camera move: as the pan settles on the two of them, the background changes. it’s a subtle maneuver, but smart thinking nonetheless--especially since the camera extends into a vertical pan. as both women fight to sing the highest note, their necks extend, both of them scaling high into the night sky, harmonizing on one final shrill note. they both crumple back into the stands, exhausted by their efforts. some fun exaggerated animation for sure--one wonders how much further this would have been pushed had this been tashlin’s second stint at WB rather than his first. his speed often rivaled, if not out-performed, tex avery’s.
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birdie and finchell have a brief interstitial together before making way for a raven caricature of haven macquarrie (raven mcquandry). his sequence is almost jarringly short, but full of fun drawings and poses--the pose of him standing curtly with his arms crossed is awfully reminiscent of izzy ellis’ work under tashlin and later bob clampett in the mid ‘40s. mcquandry asks “do YOU wanna be an actor?”, parotting the name of his real life counterpart’s show so do you want to be an actor? the audience shouts “NO!” in unison, causing mcquandry to do a take and shrug dubiously. though the scene is only a few short seconds, the animation brings forth some much needed vitality.
next is a penguin caricature of joe penner, singing a hilariously out-of-tune rendition of “my green fedora”. the animation is reused from the cartoon of the same name (notice how he doesn’t have penguin feet!), which was also used in toy town hall. not a complaint, but more an observation--this is by far the most humorous performance of the song yet, sung by blanc rather than tommy bond.
another fun scene with some vivacious animation is a sequence featuring a mule caricature of martha raye (dubbed moutha bray), singing a cover of “how could you?”, which has been featured as an underscore in cartoons such as porky’s badtime story and its later remake, tick tock tuckered. raye’s large mouth served as prime material for caricatures, as we see here. the animation is snappy, fun, and vivid--she finishes her song by “swallowing” the camera, an old trick that beckons memories of the harman and ising cartoons of animation past. 
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an interesting trend in the ‘30s WB cartoons is the trend of playing with the iris, whether it was the closing iris out or an iris in between transitions. tex avery would consistently play with the final iris out on his cartoons, whereas directors such as friz freleng and bob clampett would use one as a transition between scenes. here, tashlin uses the “swallow the camera” technique as a segue for an iris in, tedd pierce’s falsetto squeaking “hello folksies!” as we’re introduced to a fish caricature of tizzie lish, a character played by bill comstock on al pearce and his gang.
though tizzie has long faded into obscurity (as has the entire community sing radio show), it’s still quite easy to appreciate pierce’s vocals and mannerisms as he portrays the character. it’s always a joy to hear him doing voices for cartoons--he’s never been my favorite writer on the crew, but he was an excellent talent as a voice actor. his squeaky deliveries, matter of fact deliveries “mix them up... are you mixing? my friends say i’m a good mixer. are you? or aren’t you?” as tizzie haphazardly dumps food items and their respective utensils into a bowl and prepares the meal are nothing short of hilarious. the timing is very well executed and can be appreciated regardless of background knowledge.
after humming a pitchy rendition of “the lady in red” while waiting for her concoction to bake in the waffle iron, tizzie removes the homemade waffle and discards it, instructing the audience “now take the ‘wiffle’ out and eat the iron. you must have iron in your system. or should you?” thus concludes tizzie’s act, certainly heightened in hilarity by pierce’s vocals and timing.
for the final act, ben birdie introduces a possum caricature of louella parsons, the host of the radio program hollywood hotel, which served as a way to advertise upcoming movies by featuring guest stars enacting some of the scenes. here, we have caricatures of jack benny (as jack bunny, the first of his many reoccurrences), mary livingstone (canary livingstone), and andy devine (andy bovine).
tedd pierce voices andy bovine, whose voice burlusqued not only in this cartoon, but to a greater extent in friz freleng’s my little buckeroo not even a year later. devine, a western star, was notorious for his scratchy, shrill voice which was rife for comedic opportunity. indeed, this scene here with pierce’s vocals is nothing short of hilarious: 
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the trio chronicle the prodigal’s return, in which bunny and canary coo over their baby son. out of the bassinet pops incongruously large bovine, who shrieks “HOWDY MAAAA! HI PAAAA!”, the sheer volume of his voice enough to blow both of his parents away and out of the scene. and, with that, the scene ends, red curtains colorized from porky’s romance marking the sequence’s end. short, sweet, to the point, and hilarious.
ending right where the cartoon began, the owl caricature of alexander woollcott bids us farewell, the iris closing in on the bell he rings as he exclaims that all is well.
like so many other cartoons i’ve reviewed, this is one that i slowly warmed up to upon rewatching it and typing out the review for myself. i didn’t entirely dislike the cartoon upon my first watch, but it’s undeniably dated and deserves its title as possibly the most dated cartoon. without further research, some of the jokes and caricatures (if not all of them) are difficult to appreciate. the animation has bursts of energy throughout the short, the highlights being the scenes featuring raven mcquarry and moutha bray, but otherwise remains relatively simple and conservative. tashlin does incorporate a few intriguing camera angles throughout the cartoon, but many other entries of his are far more cinematic.
however, despite all of that, this cartoon is not without its bonuses: art loomer’s backgrounds are stunningly gorgeous and rich, and as someone who loves the lush, painterly backgrounds of the 1930s, this is heaven to me. and, as i mentioned previously, tedd pierce’s scenes are great--the tizzie fish and andy bovine sequences are undeniable comedic highlights.
so, if you’re willing to dedicate time to put in the research for this cartoon, you’ll find it’s quite fascinating! i’m certain this was a much bigger gut-buster in 1937 than it is in 2020, but even then, this is a good cartoon for people such as myself who love to learn more information and seek out facts. as a result, i’d recommend it to people who fall into that category. if you’re just someone who wants a good laugh and a leisurely watch, there are more interesting cartoons that lie ahead. you won’t miss much by skipping it.
with that said, here’s the link!
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100. White Horse (6.881) Highest score was 10; Lowest score was 2.7
Just barely scraping into the top 100 is Fearless’s track 5! White Horse is one of the only Track 5s to get the single treatment, the only other one being Delicate (unless you count The Archer being a promo single). This song won Grammys! 2 of them, to be precise - Best Country Song and Best Female Country Vocal Performance. And yet, here it languishes at number 100. Shame on us.
Highlighted comments: @corneliaavenue​: “I think this is her track 5 that aged the worst” @yourivysgrows: “Another amazing track 5″
99. I Wish You Would (6.900) Highest score was 9; Lowest score was 3
Finally, we enter the double digits! This song has some excellent storytelling with the very classic Taylor motif of 2am, and yet it’s never really gotten a huge amount of love from the fandom. While it’s hard to really pinpoint any song on 1989 as being “the most slept on”, since the whole album dominated pretty much the entire year after it released, but if we had to choose one song, this would probably be a big contender.
Highlighted comments: @yourivysgrows: “One of the most forgettable on 1989 ??”
98. Tim McGraw (6.953) Highest score was 9.25; Lowest score was 5
Her debut! This is THE song that introduced Taylor Swift™ to the world. If you’ve been a fan since this song was released, you have bragging rights and you should absolutely use them. There’s just something so timeless about this song, while I don’t consider it a favourite of mine, I enjoy it every time I listen to it.
Highlighted comments: @onceintwentylifetimes: “Timeless classic.” @tobesolonely: “literally her best opener” @itspeterlosingwendy: “good song, makes me nostalgic” 
97. Afterglow (6.963) Highest score was 11 (@na-smetisti); Lowest score was 3
The second-most slept on song of the Lover era. This song tackles a fight with a partner, and the resulting apology Taylor makes for starting it. It’s a nice song, and it got almost no acknowledgement from Taylor (I think it was mentioned in one interview? I can’t really remember and I can’t be bothered to go digging for it). If LoverFest had actually happened, this was probably going to be the song that got the cut. You all know its true.
Highlighted comments: @yourivysgrows: “She's beautiful”
96. the lakes (6.981) Highest score was 10; Lowest score was 3
I firmly believe that this being a deluxe track with a delayed release harmed its standing amongst the fandom. Had we had time to digest this alongside all the other folklore tracks, I’m sure it would be a lot more loved. It uses a lot of big words, and that can be intimidating!
Highlighted comments: @corneliaavenue: “I'm glad this was a bonus track, the tweet line ruins the entire song for me” @yourivysgrows: “I never reach for her ??”
94. This Love & I Almost Do (6.997) This Love: Highest score was 9.5; Lowest score was 3.4 I Almost Do: Highest score was 10; Lowest score was 1
Another tie! This Love is poetry. Literally poetry - it started out as a poem that Taylor wrote back in 2012 (we even got a sneak peek at its original writing in the Lover journals!). The slow and atmospheric production really fits the lyrics - that being said, while I love this song for that reason, I suppose I can understand why others might dislike it.
Highlighted comments: @yourivysgrows: “Dreamy as hell”
Now, let’s talk about I Almost Do. This used to be my least favourite song on Red - I still like it, just as I like every song on Red, but it was the one that stood out the least for me. So, while it has grown on me since, it’s not a great surprise to me that it didn’t rank particularly highly here.
Highlighted comments: @leadinmeon​: “this song has good lyrics but i always think abt the "ooooowooooowooo" at the start of the bridge and it's a bit cringe” @liabilitys​: “one of my fav songs but v underrated”
93. hoax (7.016)  Highest score was 9.5; Lowest score was 4
There is something about the lyric “stood on the cliffside screaming ‘give me a reason’” that is just so haunting to me. We never quite worked out what this song was, did we? Or if we did, then I missed the boat somehow. Someone fill me in please <3
Highlighted comments: @yourivysgrows: “I actually like this one a lot”
92. The Moment I Knew (7.056) Highest score was 10; Lowest score was 1
The storytelling! The storytelling! The Moment I Knew is a song that slowly, slowly reveals itself as it goes on. Cast your mind back to the first time you heard this song, and that final chorus came in and dropped the bomb of “Happy Birthday to you”, and you finally have the full picture of what went down. Her birthday party! How could you not show up to her birthday party! It’s hating Jake Gyllenhaal hours.
Highlighted comments: @leadinmeon: “it's weird i used to relate so much” @yourivysgrows: “Fuck Jake Gylenhaal part 25″
91. Ronan (7.106) Highest score was 10; Lowest score was 1
This is Taylor’s saddest song for me, no contest. I’m not going to say anything more about it, because Ronan is not really the type of song that invites critique.
Highlighted comments: @tobesolonely: “for how she incorporated Maya's blog posts as verses to give her writing credit”  @itspeterlosingwendy: “sad but good”
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godboundrpgfans · 3 years
Guts in Godbound
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  Guts, the Black Swordsman.
  One of the most badass characters in fiction.
  Not just for his sheer, unadulterated power and being everything a 90s Anti-Hero is expected to be, but also for being everything that a 90s Anti-Hero isn’t expected to be.
  Guts is a much more complex character than first glances would have you believe, and I don’t think I could do his character justice by talking about it here.
  Thankfully, that’s not why I’m here.
  I’m here because I was bored and got the bright idea to use the Godbound Character Creation System to create Guts.
  Why? Cause why the fuck not?
  Now before we start, I’m going to be doing two version of this character creation.
  The first will follow the standard character creation for a Godbound. You roll up/pick attributes, pick three Words, etc. For this, I will be creating Guts when he was still in the Band of the Hawk, right before he left. Since you could kind of consider that his “peak” before the Eclipse.
  The second version will be the same, except I won’t be using the 6 Point limit that the game gives you at the start. Instead, I will just give Guts any and all Gifts/Artifacts and otherwise that I believe he should have at this point in the Berserk Manga.
  With that out of the way, let’s begin!
  Standard Creation:
  Attribute Scores:
  8, 16, 13, 10, 12, 18
  I’ll wait until after I choose Words since those will have an affect on the Scores.
  Grew up in a Mercenary Band
The Raiding Captain for the Band of the Hawks
Has formed a deep friendship with all of the major members
  Since this is Guts before the Eclipse, I feel these would be the best Facts to use as his Origin, Past Profession, and Relationship.
  Armor: Medium (AC 5; -4 Save Penalty)
Weapon: Greatsword (1d10; Heavy)
Goals: Find his own Dream so he can stand next to Griffith.
  I’ll put the penalty towards Evasion (Guts was never known to be very dodgy).
  Divine Powers/Words:
  Sword (He’s been using a Greatsword since he was about 5 years old. It’d make sense he’s really fucking good with them)
  Endurance (Guts is fucking durable. Seriously, even before he became the Black Swordsman he was surviving shit that would kill normal people. See his fight with Zodd or Wyald for examples)
  Luck (I was going to put Might here, but as strong as Guts is, during his time as Raider Captain in the Band of the Hawk, he didn’t do anything that really showed off physical strength. Most of the crazy shit he did (such as break through a cast iron door) was with his Sword. So, instead I’m choosing Luck as, let’s face it, Guts has been exceedingly lucky during most of his fights. While it hasn’t exactly made his life sunshine and rainbows, it’s allowed him to survive fight after fight when paired with his unending willpower)
  Now to set up the Attribute Scores:
  Str: 18 (+3): Check: 3
Dex: 13 (+1): Check: 8
Con: 18 (+3): Check 3
Int: 8 (-1): Check: 13
Wis: 12 (+0): Check: 9
Char: 10 (+0): Check: 11
  And here’s our final scores. I set Strength and Constitution the highest for obvious reason (go watch any montage of Guts and you’ll understand). Dexterity is the way it is cause, while Guts is fast, he’s not exactly someone I could see dodging all over the place like a ninja. He’s a much bigger and easier to hit target than someone like, say, Griffith. Wisdom and Charisma are the way they are cause Guts is perceptive, just not too perceptive. On top of that, while he himself is very gruff and not much of a smooth talker, he does seem to attract the opposite sex to him a lot….even the same sex to an extent. And Intelligence is the lowest stat cause….well obvious reasons. Guts is not book smart in the slightest. He knows a lot about surviving on his own or in the wilderness, but he won’t be solving any advanced math problems.
Defy the Iron (While not necessarily negating the damage, Guts is able to ignore most attacks and keep moving even when they should be fatal)
Nine Lives (The dude seems to always luck out on events that would kill him. Look at his fight against Gambino or Bazuso)
Unerring Blade (Do I even need to explain why he gets this one?)
Cutting the Crimson Road (I was actually having trouble deciding between this or Shattering Hand. In the end I chose this one, since one of his most defining moments is when he fought 100 soldiers and won).
Body of Iron Will (Just to give him an AC of 3 and represent how his body is tough as shit).
  With that, here’s what the final Character Sheet Looks like for Guts:
  Name: Guts
Grew up in a Mercenary Band
The Raiding Captain for the Band of the Hawks
Has formed a deep friendship with all of the major members
  Str: 18 (+3): Check: 3
Dex: 13 (+1): Check: 8
Con: 18 (+3): Check 3
Int: 8 (-1): Check: 13
Wis: 12 (+0): Check: 9
Char: 10 (+0): Check: 11
Defy the Iron
Nine Lives
Unerring Blade
Cutting the Crimson Road
Body of Iron Will
  Weapons: Greatsword (1d10; Heavy; Atk Bonus: +1; Attribute Bonus: Str)
  Armor: Medium (AC 5; -4 Penalty to a Save)
  AC: 3
  HP: 11
Hardiness (Con): 12
Evasion (Dex): 18 (Base 14)
Spirit: (Wis): 15
  And here we are, Guts before he became the Black Swordsman as a Godbound. Now then, on to what I would give him if I had full freedom and didn’t have to worry about point limits.
  Free Version:
  I’m keeping the same Attribute Scores, but the Facts will be different:
  Grew up in a Mercenary Band
The Raiding Captain for the Band of the Hawks
Has formed a deep friendship with all of the major members
Is marked by the Brand of Sacrifice
Has given up his Revenge against Griffith to protect/help Casca, the woman he loves
Has killed over 1,000 Demons
Wields the Dragonslayer
Wears the Berserker Armor
Is haunted by his Beast of Darkness
His companions keep him grounded
He lost his arm and eye, now he has a mechanical arm.
  These are all of the obvious Facts that would be included after the current part of the manga.
  Following that, I would add in these Words:
  Might (By this point, and with the help of his mechanical arm, he has shown that his physical strength is just as strong as an Apostle’s)
  Peak Human (Guts has gone well beyond the realm of a normal mortal by this point. He has proven that, despite not having any real, inherent magical powers, he is able to go toe-to-toe with Apostles, Sea Gods, Demons, Constructs, and just about any supernatural creature that steps in his path. By now, I’d say he’s right on the cusp of being Superhuman)
  Vengeance (Though he has given up on getting revenge against Griffith, it is still a defining characteristic for him, and something he draws strength from)
  Fear No Steel (At this point, normal weapons are like tickles to Guts.)
Fist of Black Iron (He literally has a fist of black iron)
Loosening God’s Teeth (He can cut an Apostle in half with one swing of his sword)
Contempt of Distance (Guts seems to be able to move to wherever the hell he wants when he needs to kill something)
Thirsting Razor (There are normally too many enemies in front of Guts for him to even worry about hitting Mobs)
All Natural (Guts’ abilities don’t really appear very magical, and that’s because most of them aren’t. Alot of them are from either pure sweat and hard work, determination, or his own equipment)
Mortal’s Luck (The dude never stays down)
Trained Aim (He always seems to hit whatever he aims at…it’s just that most things he aims at has enough armor or scaled hide to resist it)
Human Grit (And how. The dude is able to heal from fatal wounds faster than any other human in his world)
Indomitable Will (Do I really have to explain this one?)
Street Sweeper (Have you seen the size of his sword?)
Bloody Vengeance (Guts loves to use all or nothing attacks that immensely damage both him and his enemy)
Shattering Hand (Dragonslayer. That is all)
  A great sword that is like a hunk of raw iron. This blade has bathed in the blood of so many demons that it now rest on both the Mortal and Astral planes, turning it into a magical weapon that can harm both spiritual and physical creatures. Due to its massive size, it can also be used to block projectiles and smash through any type of armor.
Effort: 5
Hunk of Raw Iron (Greater Gift): As an Action, the wielder may Commit Effort from the artifact to launch an attack at every enemy within sight, doing a maximum of 1 damage even on a miss. Mobs are automatically hit for 1d10+15 rolled straight.
Too Thick, Too Rough (Lesser Gift): As an Action, Commit Effort from the artifact to immediately break any armor, weapon, or piece of equipment in range of the sword. Any magical substance is not destroyed, but damaged to the point where it is almost useless.
The Berserker Armor:
  An ancient, magical armor from the time of the first Emperor, the Berserker Armor is a black and spiked. It completely encases the wearer when it is equipped. It is considered heavy armor and can defend against most attacks, including magical ones. However, the armor’s true ability comes from its power to lock off the wielder’s nervous system, pushing their body to heights that a normal human could never reach. There is a downside to this, as the armor will remove the wielder’s sense of self and cause them to view everything as an enemy. On top of this, the armor does not heal the wearer, instead holding their body together and preventing them from dying to any injury. Once all living creatures have been defeated, all of the wearer’s damage will return full force and can kill them instantly if it is more than their HP can handle.
Effort 10
Unstoppable Rampage (Greater Gift): Commit Effort from the Artifact to immediately gain three bonus Attacks that can be used on this round only.
Jump Good (Lesser Gift): Commit Effort from the Artifact to instantly leap to any spot within double your movement speed. This does not count as an Action.
Beast of Darkness (Greater Gift): This Gift can activate whenever you kill an enemy as long as you wear the armor. At the end of a round, if you’ve killed an enemy, roll a Spirit Save. If you fail, this Gift activates. Commit Effort from the Artifact to remove all limits on your body and lose yourself to your inner beast. You lose the ability to make rational decision on the battlefield, and see even your friends as enemies. In return, all of your attacks now deal 1d12+10 Straight Damage, you gain two bonus Actions, you become immune to all mental, emotional, or psychological damage, your attacks shatter any substance even if it is magical in nature, and your attack bonus is now +10. Whenever you take damage, record it somewhere else. Once the battle is over, you must make a Spirit Save to regain control of yourself. If you fail, you must keep fighting everything around you, even if they are your allies, making a Spirit Save each round to regain yourself. If you pass, make a Hardiness Save. If you pass that Save, you only take half of the damage you took during battle rounded up. If you fail, you take the full damage straight.
So now, our final Guts sheet, looks like this:
  Name: Guts
Grew up in a Mercenary Band
The Raiding Captain for the Band of the Hawks
Has formed a deep friendship with all of the major members
Is marked by the Brand of Sacrifice
Has given up his Revenge for Casca the woman he loves
Has killed over 1,000 Demons
Wields the Dragonslayer
Wears the Berserker Armor
Is haunted by his Beast of Darkness
His companions keep him grounded
He lost his arm and eye, now he has a mechanical arm.
  Str: 19 (+4): Check: 2
Dex: 18 (+3): Check: 3
Con: 18 (+3): Check 3
Int: 13 (+1): Check: 8
Wis: 13 (+1): Check: 8
Char: 13 (+1): Check: 8
Peak Human
Defy the Iron
Nine Lives
Unerring Blade
Cutting the Crimson Road
Body of Iron Will
Fear No Steel
Fist of Black Iron
Loosening God’s Teeth
Contempt of Distance
Thirsting Razor
All Natural
Mortal’s Luck
Trained Aim
Human Grit
Indomitable Will
Street Sweeper
Bloody Vengeance
Shattering Hand
  Weapons: Dragonslayer (1d10; Heavy; Atk Bonus: +1; Attribute Bonus: Str)
  Armor: Berserker Armor (AC 3; -4 Penalty to 2 Saves)
  AC: 3
  HP: 11
Hardiness (Con): 15 (Base 11)
Evasion (Dex): 16 (Base 12)
Spirit: (Wis): 14
  A great sword that is like a hunk of raw iron. This blade has bathed in the blood of so many demons that it now rest on both the Mortal and Astral planes, turning it into a magical weapon that can harm both spiritual and physical creatures. Due to its massive size, it can also be used to block projectiles and smash through any type of armor.
Effort: 5
Hunk of Raw Iron (Greater Gift): As an Action, the wielder may Commit Effort from the artifact to launch an attack at every enemy within sight, doing a maximum of 1 damage even on a miss. Mobs are automatically hit for 1d10+15 rolled straight.
Too Thick, Too Rough (Lesser Gift): As an Action, Commit Effort from the artifact to immediately break any armor, weapon, or piece of equipment in range of the sword. Any magical substance is not destroyed, but damaged to the point where it is almost useless.
The Berserker Armor:
  An ancient, magical armor from the time of the first Emperor, the Berserker Armor is a black, spiked armor that completely encases the wearer. It is considered heavy armor and can defend against most attacks, including magical ones. However, the armor’s true ability comes from its power to lock off the wielder’s nervous system, pushing their body to heights that a normal human could never reach. There is a downside to this, as the armor will remove the wielder’s sense of self and cause them to view everything as an enemy. On top of this, the armor does not heal the wearer, instead holding their body together and preventing them from dying to any injury. Once all living creatures have been defeated, all of the wearer’s damage will return full force and can kill them instantly if it is more than their HP can handle.
Effort 10
Unstoppable Rampage (Greater Gift): Commit Effort from the Artifact to immediately gain three bonus Attacks that can be used on this round only.
Jump Good (Lesser Gift): Commit Effort from the Artifact to instantly leap to any spot within double your movement speed. This does not count as an Action.
Beast of Darkness (Greater Gift): This Gift can activate whenever you kill an enemy as long as you wear the armor. At the end of a round, if you’ve killed an enemy, roll a Spirit Save. If you fail, this Gift activates. Commit Effort from the Artifact to remove all limits on your body and lose yourself to your inner beast. You lose the ability to make rational decision on the battlefield, and see even your friends as enemies. In return, all of your attacks now deal 1d12+10 Straight Damage, you gain two bonus Actions, you become immune to all mental, emotional, or psychological damage, your attacks shatter any substance even if it is magical in nature, and your attack bonus is now +10. Whenever you take damage, record it somewhere else. Once the battle is over, you must make a Spirit Save to regain control of yourself. If you fail, you must keep fighting everything around you, even if they are your allies, making a Spirit Save each round to regain yourself. If you pass, make a Hardiness Save. If you pass that Save, you only take half of the damage you took during battle rounded up. If you fail, you take the full damage straight.
  And there we go. I would’ve added another Gift to the Dragonslayer, but I couldn’t think of what to put there.
  So, there you go. How I would stat Guts as a Godbound.
  Feedback would be appreciated, and if you think there are things I could’ve added or done better, please let me know.
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK 131 Chapter Poll Results
The chapter poll closed with  2,192 responses. This month’s poll results were brought to you by @momtaku​, /u/staraves, Crunchwrap, u/_Puppet_, Luna.  Thanks as always for your support.
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  RATE THE CHAPTER 2,118 responses
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This was a standout chapter for the fandom, garnering a positive rating from over 90% of respondents and an average score of 4.68 which makes it the highest rated chapter since 122 - and in the top 5 in the history of the poll! Many of you were eager to express your enjoyment of it, with this question getting the most responses it has since chapter 102 (over two years ago!). As we go deeper into the endgame, it’s good to know enthusiasm is going strong.
Yams is a damn genius. This is one chapter I have not been able to stop thinking about or rereading. It's just... its so fucked up and SO. WELL. DONE.
I really, really loved this chapter. My favourite so far probably.
This is the first time I cried after a chapter. It hit me so hard.
Almost made me quit the manga. We finally got a confession from Armin, but right in the middle of all that grief, I couldn't enjoy it. Poor Ramzi and Halill, and all other innocent people beyond and within the Walls.
This chapter has had a ripple effect on how I’m seeing the series now in retrospect. I’ve been re-reading the manga , & I’ve become very melancholic after the Rumbling , knowing  everything was leading to this.
This was a phenomenal chapter. Thank you Isayama for everything.
2,137 responses
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Finding a favorite moment in a tragic chapter isn’t easy but we managed. “Child Eren’s moment of happiness” tops the list with an impressive 30% of respondents. “Seeing the reality of the rumbling” (18.8%), “Eren’s tearful apology to Ramzi” (15.9%) and “Getting Eren’s thoughts on the Rumbling while in Marley” (13.8%) round out the top four.
Very cool to finally see the destruction caused by the rumbling and some more insight into Eren's character
I like that this chapter showed perspectives from both the initiator of the rumbling (Eren) and the victims of his choice. It makes you sympathize with Eren, but at the same time, terrifies you with the price humanity has to pay.
Definitely one of the most depressing, if not the most depressing chapter thus far. Isayama brilliantly handled the transition between Eren's despair and the result of Eren's despair (Rumbling). Beautiful artwork. Great cliffhanger. Definitely a 9/10.
Tragic, Terrifying, Heartbreaking also Awesome because atleast AruAni became somewhat cannon
beautiful art as usual
The freedom scene with kid eren is the most beautiful/horrifying scene of the manga.
I also loved the Annie and Armin talk, anyone who says it's shipping cringe is a child, this was a long time coming and it was executed beautifully. (I also love how Hitch was mentioned twice, she would be proud of Armin this chapter.)
Ramzi and Halil deaths were the saddest part of this chapter, and I don't know about Ymir, but I guess she's helping Eren.
The panel showing the wall titans faces, especially the one shown on the right with empty eye sockets, gave me the chills. Can't wait to see how things will go down between the gang and Eren.
  WHO WAS THIS CHAPTER’S MVP? 2,144 responses
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This month giving us the most harrowing chapter in a while made it feel wrong to be looking for an MVP amidst all this despair, and almost half of you agree (47.5%). Just over a quarter of you believe the Eren focus earned him the spot (28.9%), with 9.4% choosing Armin and 9.1% selecting best bros Ramzi and Halil. A distant minority of you chose Annie and Birb, the former of which coming dead last. Poor Annie, you’ll be more popular than a bird one day.
the true mvp was the depression we got along the way
Eren needs a hug
Eren needs to be put down.
I really admire the way Isayama deeply makes you care for a character in a few panels, like he did for those two - relatively unknown - boys.
Annie is the best girl
birbs are the rreak mvp since chap 1
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Only a month ago, the fandom had no idea what to make of the mysterious Fez-Kun. The plucky pickpocket had a simple but effective story, and knew more secrets than he could possibly have understood. A perfect half of respondents were pleasantly surprised with Fez kid’s part in the story. 41.2% were content as it was about what they expected. 6.2% wanted to see a more in-depth picture but alas, that chance has been crushed mercilessly along with Ramzi’s hopes and dreams (and… the rest of him). 2.5% just weren’t into anything that let Eren lean into some morally black territory. Don’t worry, there are still plenty of grey shades here. Very dark shades of grey.
I didn't expect Ramzy's story to be expanded on, but it's so brutal to see the man he's been talking to killing him, his brother, his family and his hopes.
I know Ramzi and Halil were plot devices, but damn their death hit hard.
I think Eren saving Ramzi is foreshadowing. He knew Ramzi was gonna die in rumbling, yet he saved him. Same will happen, after someone reaching him and reminding him who he is, Eren will stop this madness and die. Or I wanna be hopeful.
even if i'm satisfied with Ramzi's story, I wish there would have been more to it because it is a tiny bit dissapointing but it's more or less what I expected.
Ramzi and Halil didn’t deserve death
i think everybody who dies in this rumbling will get back alive same will happen to halil and ramzi they will come back alive
Ramzi and Halil's deaths were so horrible but so good to see, because this is what it means when you destroy the world. You don't get to pluck out the nice ones and enjoy killing the bad ones. It's the height of cruel selfishness. And no amount of apologies changes that.
Ramzi and Halil deserved so much better
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There’s been disagreement over exactly what Eren meant when he said he was disappointed that humanity existed outside the walls and our poll reflects that. Just over a third of the fandom (34.2%) take Eren’s words literally and believe that his disappointment was with any existence of humanity since it marred his pristine childhood vision. The second most popular option is that he was disappointed in the attitudes, selecting “he was disappointed to discover all of humanity was filled with violence and oppression” (29.5%). We deliberately left off an “All of the above” option but that didn’t stop more than 50 people from writing it in.
He is disappointed at the fact that he has to fight humans with homes, families, pasts and futures and not mindless titans.
It's also a clear contrast between the outside world Armin envisioned and the one Eren wanted. Armin genuinely wanted to know more about it, Eren wanted his worldwide natural park to walk on. When it was full of civilization, he wanted to get rid of it. Like any typical villain wanting to purify the Earth of all the worms infesting it.
When he discovered that humans are just as cruel within the walls as without, it put his entire journey into perspective. He could not be Eren the hero or Eren the explorer and ultimately meant that the sacrifices made by his comrades were negligible in comparison to the big, cruel world , at least in his own mind.
He thought of all the beautiful landscapes and stuff that Armin showed him. Too bad there's these stupid humans in the way. Makes sense to eliminate the entire human population ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Everyone's fight against titans was pointless and the people who caged them could enjoy the things that Eren will never experience. The world is not a uninhabited landscape open to explore it, the world didn't need them and their freedom wasn't a possibility to enjoy it like the others civilizations do.
The world was out there and yet they did NOTHING to help Eldia
yes, eren is disappointed because there are now more enemies. but more than that, he's disappointed that they're not the monsters he's imagined them to be. that he can't kill them without feeling guilt and remorse.
he would never be able to enjoy the freedom he wanted because the clock is ticking and he will have to keep on resisting the whole world till the end without ever having time to properly realize his dream
I think he's disappointed in the fact that he's feeling sorry for humanity outside the walls just like Reiner used to feel sorry about people inside the walls. When he discovered Reiner was a traitor, he especially hated that part of his behavior, and how he realizes they're not that different, and in any case he's worse because at least Reiner had his child soldier brainwashing as an excuse
His disappointment is as bad as it sounds, having to deal with humans outside the walls was too bothersome for him and when the option to wipe them out was available to him, he was more inclined to take it, instead of fight for another resolution.
Typical privileged White boy outraged by prejudice and hatred OUTSIDE the walls, as if that didn't exist in Paradis already.
Any hopeful expectation Eren had of the outside world were completely decimated. Not only did he discover that humanity hadn't perished, but they actively contributed to or blissfully ignored Paradis' hell. In addition, the outside world is exploiting one other for resources. Paradis’ synthetically concocted hell is just part of a game to the outside world (there’s some uncomfortable real-world allusions here and I think it’s important that it’s being explored). Eren thought he was the saviour of humanity only to discover everything's he's done was for naught, humanity's the problem in his eyes.
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Deciding to crush the vast majority of the world and its citizens kind of takes a mental toll on people. Who knew? 48% of respondents think Eren’s emotional breakdown side by side with determination to reach freedom at any cost is simply him deciding the results will be worth his immense guilt. 23.2% think it’s a very human case of cognitive dissonance, and that Eren’s just trying to juggle his conflicting values. 19.2% believe his mental state is fraying at the seams reminiscent of the way Reiner’s did. 6.8% don’t buy that there’s any contradiction being shown here.
He was willing to throw away his humanity to become the monster that brings change
He's being a hypocrite. His guilt doesn't hold any value because it's entirely his choice. He's apologizing because there's no greater good, just his selfish dream.
He's never been okay, it's just that we're finally seeing him for who he is without the "protagonist illusion".
I don't think it's contradictory though. He's grieving sure, but he's also going along with his plan. Because he wants to be free.
He's not mentally stable and it shows
He's to some extent influenced by the Shingeki and/or its previous holders
He's trying to convince himself that humanity is evil sl he won't feel guilty about what he's doing
Hes a fully grown adult who knows better, no matter how bad he feels he doesnt deserve sympathy
The future cannot be changed and Eren is a slave to the attack titan's objective to push foreward
This chapter shows a lot of parallel between Eren and Reiner, he even said himself that he's worse than Reiner in the genocide that he's created. says himself that
What a fucking asshole
When Eren saw the future he knew the rumbling was inevitable so he is the one having to carry to burden of being ‘humanity’s enemy’ whether or not it was Eren to fulfill the rumbling it would’ve happened either way so he isn’t immediately a devil
Erens nature isn’t contradictory. He’s just now becoming self aware of the impact of his violent nature
He feels guilty about his actions and feels sorry for people who are going to be killed, but on the other hand - he is selfish and will do everything to reach his perfect reality.
Humans are an amalgamation of their actions. They sometimes arrive at destinations they did not fully intend. They may also realize too late that the path that they’ve set down is leading them in a direction they are not happy with, but eren is too far gone. He’s sane, understands he is objectively evil, but cannot turn back.
He totally snapped and turned into the psychopath that was sleeping inside of him for a long time. It was indeed very dangerous to entrust him with more power than he can handle.
Isayama did the same thing with Zeke. I think he likes the idea of the cool, mysterious guy, but it falls flat when the motivation doesn’t line up & the characters turn out to be crying & weak to fit the narrative once it’s revealed.
I don't know how to word this, but he is caged in his own vision to the point where any human decency and the ability to think is killed. Only a selfish, hateful and childish shell remained that is throwing a tantrum over his childbook fairytale not being true. It's not the same as Reiner, because Eren chose this. He wanted this, it is his fault. He had the power to stop this, but didn't. He can apologize as much as he wants, but he isn't feeling sorry at all.
He feels guilty, which is why he is having a mental breakdown like Reiner.
He’s having a mental breakdown but it's worse than Reiner's
painfully obvious this chapter was just Eren trying by all means to justify the Rumbling. Not because of some noble intention or cornering them into the inevitable, but just because he wanted to erase the world.
the eren reiner parallels man.. they never stop
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Ymir has finally appeared since we last saw her in chapter 122, and her presence as well as motivations are seemingly shrouded in mystery. Over a third believe she is watching everything but not necessarily feeling good or bad about it (32.1%), and some of you think she may be questioning her decision (16.2%). A minority of you opted to choose that her appearance means she is enjoying seeing it unfold (9.6%), or that we are witnessing a phenomenon related to titan deaths that have occurred all this time (7.5%). The most popular choice, however, (34.6%) is simply expressing bewilderment at the Evangelion-esque shenanigans we’re seeing.
Ymir could be the one doing all the actions of destruction since Eren let her free.
i really think after ymir appeared again even tho eren freed her that she's regretting giving him the founder's power and will have a role is taking him down
the presence of Ymir intrigues me and I hope that in the next chapter we will have her point of view.
I think Ymir is the one who's been pulling the ropes for a long time. Whenever Eren thinks there might be another way (especially throught he disappearance of the Eldian race) he compulsively thinks that he just CAN'T accept that, like there's a force driving him towards seeking freedom.
I hope that Ymir appearance means that she is counting and seeing Eren victims so she can create them Again without Eldian hate
Ymir being outside, and Kid Eren appearing in the paths might have a connection. Ymir was a grownup when she was killed but inside the paths she was shown a kid. Same as Eren being shown in the paths. This might signifies Eren is not in control of the situation but Ymir is.
I have had theories for a while about Ymir possibly turning on Eren, whether this is to save the world to show she is better than Eren, or to bring Paradis to destruction as well to show she is just as bad.
Loved the Evangelion reference. YAMS YOU MADLAD!
Ymir might be the true enemy
  WHAT IS KID EREN DOING HERE? 2,099 responses
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Child Eren appears in one of the most stunning panels of the chapter, but what does it mean?  Two options came out on top, with the idea that Eren is mentally regressing to a child (37.9%) edging out that it’s symbolism comparing child Eren to current Eren (36.1%).
I think we are going to see different Eren during the rumble, the past with Eren as a child, the future perhaps with a more mature or elderly Eren and the Eren of the present.
Adult Eren is incapacitated and Kid eren took his place through paths, will wake up for the "see you later, Eren"
Adult Eren unknowingly brought kid Eren’s consciousness to the present while he was sleeping under the tree. This is part of his “dream” that he had at the beginning of the story.
It is symbolises Erens mentality as a kid and how his flawed ideology doesn't hold up to the real world he faced outside of the walls. Also to cope.
Eren is the only character who cannot overcome the cycle of violence, so he will die.As you know, only without people can you become absolutely free, so he enjoys it when he realizes that nothing else binds him.
He has taken over paths from ymir, but since he is not bound by anything, he can do whatever the hell he wants, and is the reason he connected to armin while speaking to him.
It shows that Eren is not fully in control of the PATHS. For example in this scene, he remembers Armin because of his memory as a child talking about freedom with Armin then Armin suddenly appears although Eren himself didn't wish for something like that to happen thus it's just to show that PATHS connecting all Subjects of Ymir even in different timeline.
This links in with Floch... Eren loves Floch.
He was dreaming about the past and accidentally used the power of the Founder to show his younger self a vision of the Attack Titan's current point of view.
He's a sociopathic freak
It is symbolic of his old dream that he will have to give up on soon.
Can I say all of the above again? I saw it as a representation of Eren in his most pure, idealistic state which is then contrasted by the realistic horror of the destruction he is causing.
Brought into the present by adult Eren to give his younger self a taste of freedom without all the guilt. This is the beginning of the long dream kid Eren awakes from in Chapter 1.
Child Eren's Evangelion/Devilman(Crybaby)-esque "elation" seems like a metaphorical emotional release (and P A T H S shenanigans).
Something about the kid-Eren “freedom” scene is just so incredible and impactful; fully restored my faith that Isayama will deliver an amazing finale for this masterpiece.
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The world-shattering reveal almost a year ago of Eren gaining an important glimpse into the future, characterised as “that sight”, was finally answered in this chapter -- or was it? The majority of you believe kid Eren was merely enjoying the view from above that filled him with freedom, blissfully ignorant to the carnage of the rumbling (50.8%). Close to a quarter (23.8%) think he was able to see the rumbling but was enjoying the freedom in spite of it, with a small portion (5%) believing all the death was a part of his glee. Some aren’t yet sold on the idea that this is “that sight”, perhaps believing we will see it later (20.4%).
I don't think that his inner child is aware of the rumbling. He is only focused on the scenery and wants Armin to see that too.
A world without any walls is what kid eren always wanted to see. Through paths, kid eren achieved this (without seeing the death)
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Child Eren showing up was confusing enough, but he had to see Armin through paths too!?  What does it mean!?  A majority, at 55.5% think it foreshadows Armin’s coming importance in whatever the endgame turns out to be. Almost a third, at 28.6% think that it also opens up the possibility for other characters to connect with Eren through paths.
Armin was the person Eren has been sharing his dreams with. He is mentally showing his friend that the realisation of their dreams is finally at hand.
Eren can call forth anyone he wants, but if he doesn't want to see them I'm not sure if they could get to him
It foreshadows Armin and Eren clashing on a deeper level. I don't think anyone can actually stop Eren at this point.
Eren is so suped up with in this final form and with Ymir's "support" that when he thought about Armin it created a link through the paths.
Armin gets to briefly see the old "idealistic" Eren again. The one he can somewhat see eye-to-eye with and incidentally "created".
I think it might be just a visual metaphor on how Armin and Eren never really understood each other while sharing the same dream and that Armin is realizing that (I mean that the dream of "seeing the outside world" didn't mean the same thing to them). Or it might be that Eren is in a comatose sort of state and that since he technically is in control of paths, his thoughts are "sent" to Armin since he's reflecting on their shared dream
It shows Eren and Armin both want the same end goal. Though they disagree on the means of getting to it
The world is not like the one he saw in Armin's book. Hence why he contacted him, this is his way of reaching for his vision of freedom that he was denied because of the trauma of the wall.
Reference to the ocean scene where Eren was depressed and Armin excited, now its reversed
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While this tiny moment of apparent romance was a delight for the 20% of the fandom who expressed “Whoo hoo Aruani is canon!!”, the remaining 80% were slightly more subdued in their reaction. The largest percentage (35.3%) was happy that the build up between their characters had some payoff. The second most popular selection had nothing to do with Armin or Annie at all with “I just wanna know what’s up with the birds” garnering 26% of the vote. Lastly, 11.2% felt like this moment was completely out of place, selecting “Now’s not the time for love drama Isayama.”
We better see Armin and Annie kiss next chapter
The Armin/Annie was not that necessary, I’d loved way more a more "group" discussion with Mikasa, Jean n Reiner in it. Old 104th days style
Besides the shipping moment, Annie just came to terms with that she’s still not alone, which is huge for her character
I'm not sure if Isayama knows how unnatural aruani is. These two had a grand total of 3 interactions, and sparing each other still isn't prone to romantic feelings blooming on either side.
a bad fking attempt by isayama at romance, should have stuck with eren historia love child
The aruani was unexpected but nice xD I don't exactly ship them but they are cute in this chapter(I can't help but feel one of them is getting a death flag because of this though💀)
What about them talking about all the shit she did or has been through? I wanted to see that.
Ship and let ship, this is actually a very intresting pairing and I think the scene flowed very naturally. But I still hope that in the future manga focuses more in the plot and not in the ships. I'd hope the same from fandom, but of course that's too much to ask...
This was a nice moment away from death and destruction
They’re definitely gonna die soon
am i the only one who don’t ship annie and armin? like bro... she squashed your little friends like bugs
Yoo bitch AruAni is canon LETSS FUCKING GOOO Love this cinnamon couple..More canon couple please Yams!
I only saw Bertolt there.
Maybe it's just me but i dont see anything romantic about the scene to me i prefer the weird friendship they have
While it seemed slightly out of place I’m glad Isayama touched on their “therapy sessions”.
Oh God no please don’t do this, Annie isn’t they type of character that needs any sort of romance in her story to be happy
Both aruani is canon 🥳 and wtf Isayama not the time…
c'mon falling for an enemy uncounscious girl with whom you have wangsty once-sided talks, a girl you manipulated to capture and used as a bait against enemies, really ???
They’re finally talking, I’ve been waiting so long for them to talk things out, also I really like Annie’s character development! And finally CANON, I’ve been waiting for sooooo long!!!!!!
I selected the bird because I feel threatened by it but also WOO HOO ARUANI IS CANON
I really enjoyed the scene between Annie and Armin. I think it further cements AOT as a very human narrative. They both know there are bigger things going on, but that doesn't allow them to turn off their very human emotions, which come out in a moment of rest. I don't believe this will necessarily lead to more romantic scenes between them, unless the ending of the story is far more hopeful than I expect it to be.
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Not long after his grand arrival on the shore, Eren seems to be having a little nap. 45.3% of respondents think he’s relying on his base instincts for his walk around the world. 15.8% think he’s wide awake but just trying to ignore the squishy things he’s stepping on. Turns out it’s actually pretty tiring to declare war on the world, or so say 14.2% of you. 12.1% think it’s no coincidence his apparently sleepy face was shown right after the intense stare of birb, and 8.8% think that the image hints at a secret puppet master pulling Eren’s strings. We received a lot of comments suggesting Ymir might be the big bad after all - now how is Eren gonna earn that sweet sweet freedom if he’s not willing to bust a few billion skulls, eh?
He left the Attack Titan on auto-mode
i just wish to know that....now that Eren has a long ass neck.....will he come back as a human or....he will be like this forever
Symbolic of the fact that he isn’t really seeing the sight. It’s a fools errand like Eren’s goal.
I think it is symbolic. The 'adult' in him is sleeping while the 'child' in him is taking the reigns.
His consciousness has been transferred to his titan's brain. He's essentially an Attack Titan battery .
He is dreaming, ignorant to the destruction below and seeing the freedom he envisioned as a kid.
his consciousness is in PATHS dimension and he's controlling things from there
How the fuck is he sleeping when the wall titans are executing complex commands, like diving under ships and surrounding the city?
I don't think he is sleeping. He rather looks beaten and devastated and just numb to what he is doing in order to cope.
I figure that bc he's so big, he kind of has to be like this. Normally when he's in his titan with his eyes open, he's being active. I think that although he's set the titans in motion, he's in a more passive role now. He also can't be all that active when he's that huge, right?
I honestly don't know. I can speculate its connection to Ymir's apparition and child Eren's lucid dream?
He's irrevocably fucked thanks to good old Gabi and her rifle.
He's losing his will to live.  Also leaves an opening for Armin to wake him up like he did in Trost.
Maybe he is actively controlling / managing something else at the time? Maybe something crucial we don't know about yet, I don't believe that he is just exhausted.
His adult self is asleep now because his child self is having fun in his perfect world. Eren is mentally weak as adult but his inner child is strong and is reaching everything Eren always wanted - freedom and happiness.
He’s unable to regenerate due to controlling all the colossal titans, or just won’t because he wasn’t in Titan form when his head was blown off, meaning he will eventually die
i feel as if having eren not be in control would be mildly disappointing because the manga has done so much to set up erens decent into madness and how his actions became so extreme, i would be disappointed if all of that went to waste.
I would guess that Eren might be sifting through future memories at the moment. Looking at the "unknown world"/"the scenery" that made him smile wistfully instead of being horrified/the thing "beyond hell" Eren mentioned to Falco.  
His adult self is sleeping now, while his young self is having fun.
I think hes not fully in control (maybe ymir calling the shots)
I'm kinda torn between him operating on base instincts and him being controlled by someone (Ymir?) so I'm gonna go with both as the possibility.
Maybe he really doesn't want this? I think Ymir's the one in control
Ymir is controlling him
He is not the one driving this titan, Ymir is.
Really? You talk about his eyes being closed and not the fact that he has the neck structure of a turkey!?
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Despite the darkness this chapter brought to the story, Armin ends on a hopeful note. The top two options were 36.8% thinking there’s a possibility Armin will in fact be able to stop Eren. and 33.7% believe Armin to be too optimistic, and that it won’t pan out the way he wishes.
Armin's recalling of his childhood dream with Eren in the last page made me think there's still a hidden solution to resolve the dilemma.  
This chapter also shown Armin not wanting to give up with reconciling the Eren he wanted to see and the actual Eren. He hears no evil.
Tragic ending, yes, but I don't think Armin's hope is misplaced all the same. I think Eren cannot be stopped without death, but I also don't think the entire world will be destroyed, and I don't think it will end hopelessly.
Either Armin’s gonna save humanity or everybody just dies the end 😹
That one bird that was perched on the ship might be the symbol of peace. But I'm not sure how that peace is going to be achieved if the option's still on the table.
I hope the alliance is able to save Eren from doing this unthinkable sin.
Probably a blossoming hope through Armin breaking Eren from Ymir's plan uwu
I think Armin could join/support Eren
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The Spy Birds theory seemed a bit nutty last month, but I don’t trust that seagull one bit. And it looks like many of you agree because that nutty theory has gone mainstream! The majority of respondents (54.1%) think that the birds are under the influence of a higher power, mainly that of Eren (27.4%) or Ymir (26.7%). 26.6% don’t think the birds are suspicious, they’re just free, man. 13% just reckon Isayama has moved on from his love of drawing thicc horses, and birds are the cool new animal. No complaints here. But I still don’t trust that seagull.
The birds are up to something
Animals sense danger coming from nature before humans do.
bird is symbol for freedom, but some bird like crow and raven in some culture are symbol for death.
I think that pigeons are watching me through P A T H S
Black birds symbolize the people's doom , white bird that flew to armin symbolises hope
black birds: death ; seagul: garbage :))) I dunno, the seagul was so random. It means they are approaching the shore?
I dont sure its eren or ymir. But i hope there is something about bird. I hope there are a huge plot twist
Might be another Odin parallel if Eren is using them, but I don't really see why he'd bother. I don't think he needs to do recon.
Last time I thought that the bird theory was a little far-fetched but now I think that's 100% the deal. That seagul is just somehow way too focused on to be just a random animal.
I commented in the previous poll that the birds are surveillance cameras and i’m even more convinced now. And isn’t it poetic that the Wings of Freedom logo is made up of a pair of black and white wings, representing the different interpretations of freedom pursued by Eren and Armin.
This is all just a Genjutsu by Itachi
my personal favorite theory, it’s zeke seeing everything transpire through the power of the beast titan
Pure!Boy Armin gets the seagull because he still has DREAMS and Eren gets crows because he wants to feast on human flesh.
I don't know but is really cool if you see it as a symbol of hope/freedom. Birds are the only kind who will not going to be tumble over the rumbling.
I think it's about the colors, black is dark, just like the destruction Eren is causing to the world (including Ramzi and Halil) and white is bright, just like the peace that Armin wished for and is aiming to achieve with the alliance
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If we thought seeing the reality of the rumbling would be a game changer when it comes to our view of it, we were wrong. Only 5% of people who formerly supported it no longer do. For the rest of us 44% do not support the rumbling and 30% do. Most curiously, 21% claim to have no opinion. More on that below when we mirrored this question about our views on Eren.
I still don't support The Rumbling, I just want it to stop. It doesn't do anything good for anyone, even Eren himself, and this awfully awesome chapter proves it. I totally expect that via P A T H S.FM Armin and Mikasa could stop him (and save him, physical or psychologically, idk) . It's the only plausible way.
I think the rumbling is justified but I don’t think the civilians who had nothing against Erin don’t deserve to die.
I don’t think there is any other solution, and that’s the point… His outburst at Hange tells me that he was desperate for something. This is coming from Eren who can essentially see everything and inherited multiple people’s memories. If he couldn’t come up with it, I don’t think anyone else can (aside from Armin? But I’m not holding my breath). The 50-year plan was a delusional fantasy at best, technology would evolve rapidly and nullify any threat the Rumbling poses.
I was still kind of hoping Eren had something up his sleeve that wasn't mass slaughter, but I guess we're going there
I believe the full rumbling is a morally grey decision, but I’ll concede and say it’s on the darker end of the spectrum. ultimately eren will have to answer for what he’s done, necessary or not killing millions of innocent people is a horrible thing to do.
The world was never peaceful, and never will be. The Rumbling was inevitable, nothing could stop that.
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This probably didn’t need to be asked but we did it anyway. For the vast majority of us, the portrayal of the rumbling was overwhelming in terms of sheer horror. “It’s awful! I love it!” seems to be a common reaction.
Whelp... we wanted to see the rumbling. I guess be careful what we wish for.
I am once again reminded how gory SnK can be.
No holds barred. This is the sad, traumatic truth that we asked for.
RIP in pieces Clown-kun
At this point, it makes me sick to read pro-rumbling posts. Normally, when you like a villain or a morally grey character (Eren went past this point long ago) you enjoy seeing how their mentality works. And this is fully respectable, but not the "uuuh my baby did nothing wrong". If we did the same with our kings Floch and Zeke, it would be crazy, wouldn't it?
I’m glad the Rumbiling was shown in its full glory. It didn’t hide anything about the situation and was very gory. I’m glad we were shown what happened to the people during it, and not just after.
I can't feel engaged in the rumbling when it has been the default scenario since the sea, but more specifically 123. The boy had a death flag the size of Marley and now he's dead. Thanks for the shock, Yams. I'm interested in the potential of everything else. I hope I didn't follow this story for the final conflict to be whether to save more people or less people
It was great to see the Rumbling in its full gore. Isayama showed it masterfully and rly put emphasis on how terrifying and disturbing it is. I was never anti or pro of it before, bc I'm just enjoying the view as the reader, that didn't change, and I still like Eren bc he is a very entertaining character.
I loved seeing how awful everything was. Ofc in real life I wouldn't support it, but narratively? Wow!
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This chapter didn’t hold back in its brutal display of the rumbling, and it may be difficult to find the words to describe it, so we gave you twelve. A clear majority are able to agree on it being both tragic and terrifying, closely followed by those who would describe it as unavoidable, distressing or immoral. The choices in the minority included describing the rumbling as awesome, justified or heroic. Fun fact, over a third of the people who chose “heroic” also described it as some combination of “excessive”, “immoral” and “indefensible”. Talk about mixed feelings.
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If we thought seeing the horrors of the rumbling would be a game changer when it comes to our view of the person who unleashed it, we were wrong. This chapter did nothing to change the minds of the 40% who support Eren and the 30% who do not. Only a minority (8.3%) said this chapter made their support for Eren wane.
We were most curious about the 20% who selected “I have no opinion.” When we’ve waited so eagerly for Eren’s POV, how could a quarter of the fandom be neutral on how it affected them? Was this a failure on Isayama’s part or were our poll options poorly worded? We decided that rather than having no opinion,  “I don’t know what to think yet” might have been the better cop out...err I mean *neutral* option :P
I was one of those that was convinced that there had to be something more to the Rumbling, and this chapter shocked me to my core by revealing that there really isn't. Eren is just that disturbed. We wanted Eren POV but we weren't ready for it. Now I just want to see how Armin and Mikasa end this.
i love eren so much nothing can make me hate him but he is insane... all this and for what. THEY COULDNT HAVE TALKED IT OUT??? i feel so bad for eren he clearly does not want to kill all those people man...
We finally have Eren's pov now; I still don't know how to feel about it, but I'll always support him.
Eren is a character who really disgusts me because of his fucked up delusion of fReEdoM but I love him at the same time because he's really well written, this boy is a fascinating mess.
This chapter seems to have made things pretty straightforward. Eren is a lot of things but he’s not one to go back on his word. He said he was gonna rumble and now he’s doing it.  Not sure why people are having a hard issue saying he wouldn’t have done it. Uhhhh hello he’s nuts
i get eren's side but i just wish that there was another way to bring freedom and justice without genocide
I support eren as a character, however if his actions were translated to real life I would disagree with them. At the end of the day, genocide is not ok. He could’ve wiped out military bases, but civilian deaths is not ok. HOWEVER, for the sake of fiction, & the fact that there’s no decent alternative, it’s team Yeager.
Deep down his choice is selfish and this is why he is ashamed of it, the rest are just justifications. And he is not the only character who has selfish objectives hidden over good intentions, Erwin fought for humanity, but deep down he wanted to prove his father right, and Reiner on his quest to "Save Humanity" was just a mask to become a hero.
Really I want to see Eren fufill his dream, I’m still supporting him.
Ymir might have a role to play in his mental state.
Not to support the rumbling or anything, but I do feel sorry for Eren. He's like a cornered animal that attacked in panic and that attack's freaking deadly.
Even though the rumbling is tragic, this is Eren truly getting his way, no matter what. It's a rare thing to see in any literary work, and although I'm curious as to what the downfall/tragedy of his character will end up being after this, I love it all because for what feels like the first time, a character with bad intent is using the god power to accomplish their goal, and I can't get enough of it.
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Empathy for Eren is the theme for nearly 70% of the fandom with “I feel for him. He’s in a tough position” (43.7%) and “my heart aches for him” (22.1%) being the top two selections. On the opposite and more extreme ends of the spectrum, those who think he’s the greatest (15.1%) and those who think he’s the worst (14.9%) are nearly evenly matched. Interestingly only 4.2% expressed “I have no opinion” on this question compared to more than 20% on the question above.
Eren is my favorite character but I also don't support his actions.
I was disstressed for a few days after it.  How did it go to this? I kept reading this far just because I wanted Eren to be happy and have his happy ending, and what do we have now?..
I feel bad for eren, he's in a position no one would want to be, and he hates what hes doing no matter how much he needs to
This chapter could possibly stablish once and for all Eren as a unchangable character since he has reached a point of no return.
Eren is GOAT, the rumbling is wrong but I still love eren
This entire chapter just reaffirms the fact that Eren has always been a self absorbed, self-pitying child from the very beginning
I don't get how people can still support Eren just because he cried a little.
To think that all the shit that has happened since RTS (Sasha killed, Liberio attacked, Tybur murdered, Zackley assassinated, Nile and Pixis titanised, Levi forced to decimate his own titanised squad and then nearly dying, Jaegerist coup, Shadis beat up, Historia pregnant AND ANYTHING ELSE I'VE FORGOTTEN) is all because of some long, convoluted plan for one single boy's childish, problematically simplistic, black-and-white dream for "Freedom" is. I can't. I'm tired. Eren's pov is so outrageously outlandish that I can't relate. At all.
I cant feel bad for Eren, he is the only person responsible on his guilt and sadness. Also genocide is the worst option and even Eren says it.
He was sheltered his whole life; he has no proper context or framework for concepts like racism and war between humans. He “optimistically” thought his fight was that of human vs titan. That's why I don't blame him for coming to the Rumbling conclusion after the basement reveal. I give him a lot of credit for empathizing with "the other side" and I do believe Eren tried his best to come up with alternative solutions.
I feel for Eren, he was sold the idea of a perfect, peaceful, untouched world, ripe for discovery, filled with the beauty and awe of nature, but in reality it was full of cruel xenophobia people who hated his very existance. I don't support the rumbling but i understand why Eren did it.
Eren is obsessed with his perfect vision of "Freedom" where there are no limits to his will, but sadly for him, he lives on a reality where others exist and as long he has to interact with them, there are going to be limitations he is going to be bound. So even if he kills everyone outside the island, there is going to be another "wall" he needs to overcome.  
Seeing Eren cry and hear his doubts actually made me just more angry with him: "If you are so sad about the fate of the outside world then fucking change the future, don't just give up!!!!!!!" He seems to be very clung in the idea that the future is set and there is nothing he can do to change it.
Okay but look at Eren's centipedal Hell's creation's TINY BUTT. It's so funny seeing that little boney ass on this gigantic thing
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This one was interesting. With this chapter’s iconic imagery of kid Eren spreading his arms declaring “this is freedom”, it’s unsurprising that most of us agree with that as a very important motivation for him. His friends were also chosen as a very important motivation, though not as much as his love for freedom. Historia and her child just edged out the motivation of the people of Paradis, though interestingly it has less “somewhat important” votes and more “not important at all votes”, making it clearly divisive even if it has more “very important” votes.. But the motivation with an even more divisive perception is revenge, with nearly an even split between those who view it as very, somewhat and not important at all.  
Everything Eren is doing is for the sake of his friends and Historia, there was no other choice to protect the island.
I think that the only thing what matters to Eren is freedom and reaching the perfect world he saw in his dreams after reading Armin's book. The dream of his inner child is playing the most important role in his life. Eren is ready to sacrifice his friends, his mentors and people on Paradis - just to see the special scenery and finally feel FREE.
Feel sad to see eren need to do all of this, but i know its for his friend and paradis
I hope that Eren doesn’t harm the alliance
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It’s truly a testament to Isayama’s strength as a writer when a character’s deliberate annihilation of billions is met with a majority response of “there are no villains or heroes here.” 57.1% think that as tragic as the situation now may be, nobody in this manga really qualifies as villainous. Or at least, not when our feisty protagonist is involved. 33.7% think the manga is a tale of a hopeful boy slowly turning to the dark side. 5.6% see this all as part of a hero’s tumultuous journey. Finally, 3.5% think it’s unfair to cast Eren as a villain since he’s not the one in control. Gotta say, if Eren is not the one destroying the world he really shouldn’t have said he was going to destroy the world.
This chapter just proves that Eren ISN'T a complete villain. I disagree with the rumbling, but what Eren's going through is something that I empathize with.This chapter just made it easier for me to keep rooting for everyone, even though a completely happy ending is not an option anymore.
I really hope Eren's in for a change of heart soon. I hate the idea of him being the final villain. He's definitely redeemable. Even he is eligible to have a dark foil and rival. Maybe we'll get that later on in Zeke who I feel is also redeemable.
More and more of the story is unveiled, I really like how this is going. Ever since knowing the outside world I have decided that Eren is no longer a hero but then he is not a villain either so does everyone in the story. I like Eren a lot but I'd say that I just like to observe, to see, never to support or to oppose. So this chapter is really amazing to me as I managed to see more about Eren.
eren is a villian whether you like it or not
I feel Walter white Vibe from Eren.
Eren is evil period!!!! There is no justification for mass murder. If he wants to savr his ppl then just wipe out the army, navy, air force, warriors and the leaders period not everyone including INNOCENT ppl....
EREN IS GOAT. He is portrayed as a hero who makes tough choices that no other shitty shonen character even can do.
Eren needs to stop the rumbling. It maybe justified his needs but the people outside the walls didn't deserved it. They're both each other's enemies. He used to say people outside the walls are monsters but he became one himself. He desired freedom but in the end he was a slave to his own desire.
Isayama could chose to make him some what of a villainous character, or he could chose to set it up as if eren is more of an anti hero doing then wrong things for the right reasons
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No superlatives to describe how great or awesome this chapter was this month. The Rumbling hurt us all (well done, Yams, mission accomplished). That being said, it looks like we’re all masochists, considering this chapter is in the top 5 highest rated chapters since chapter 91.
Tragic [169; 4.69]
Sad [89; 4.73]
Pain [77; 4.86]
Depressing [69; 4.75]
Heartbreaking [48; 4.77]
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With what we want next chapter we find it especially surprising that the majority are ready to give Eren’s perspective a break. Since google sometimes fails us in displaying the data, we’ll just list it all out. Of the options we provided, our wishes for next chapter from most to least popular are: Let’s keep it with the Eren POV (23.4%), The alliance reaching Odiha (22.4%), WHERE TF IS LEVI??? (10.6%), I could go for a few more mental breakdowns (10.1%), More Ymir being mysterious (7.9%), WHERE TF IS LEVI??? (10.6%), SAVE US ZEKE (8.9%), Oh god go back to Historia please (8.5%), Finality for Floch (6%) and More birbs ovo (2.2%)
Yo where tf is Rico
I want to see levi
fuck yeah more mental break down, I'm ready to be depressed
I really want to see more of Armin and kid Eren in Paths next chapter. That one panel was super interesting and I would love to go back to it.
hurt me more isayama
Please yams I want to see Flochad kill Hange, that’s all I ask for.
Zeke returns next chapter pleaseeeee
It's getting to the final and I don't like that
as only 3-4 chapters are left, I dont think we are going to get another eren POV, I am still dying to see the conditions of the other main characters, whereas zeke and floch are unfinished mysteries.
someone from alliance is dying soon
I've gotta see more Historia. What is she doing and thinking right now? What is her role moving forward?
Just shut up with historia in this survey. She's irrelevant. Now I hate answering your polls.Never again!
i literally don't know what to expect next chapter like yams is just THAT good
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The platforms where we discuss the series remain relatively unchanged with Reddit providing the plurality of responses. Thank you Reddit! We appreciate it. That said, we’d love to see this chart balance out a little more so please feel free to share the poll wherever you discuss the series. That includes the 5 of you degenerates on Snapchat.
Uhhh *disappears*
listen, birds are pretty cool ok
Beautifully tragic, exactly what I wanted to see from Eren after being shown in a villainous light for 30+ chapters. Being introduced to a new character, in particular an innocent child and then finally revealing his name and story was a perfect way to show the true horrors of an indiscriminate near-omnicide, it definitely brought tears to my eyes.
As expected of Isayama-sensei, it's exactly right.
Annie being revealed as aromantic is the unexpected happy development in this tragedy.
Kiddos, the "it's just fiction" argument refers to the fact that you are allowed to *enjoy* watching fucked up things in fiction because people, in general, can distinguish between fiction and reality. It does not mean writing essays to *justify* said fucked-up things that happen in fiction, because you almost certainly start bringing your own real-life logic to fictional events. Aka, mixing up reality and fiction. Showing your true colors. Allowing your beliefs to slip into discussion. Whatever you call that.
Annie has always had a hard time expressing her feelings and that she has had complexes for a long time. I'm glad Armin was able to tell her what he was thinking because it will give Annie more confidence. Plus, Annie has always been introverted and I love that Isayama tells us more about her character.
The ravens are a reference to Odin’s, a mythology character. He has two ravens, they symbolise memory and mind/thought.
What a manga.
what eren did is right you can come up with any other solution
What in the everliving fuck is going on? Can we go back to factory reset and knock some sense into Eren before he starts having wild ideas like this one? Please
If Eren is the bird he really is Armins WINGman.
I KNEW ARMIN LIKED ANNIE! But seeing Annie blush was a nice surprise. I thought she was the ice queen in terms of romance.
This poll is bias toward historia. I wish if y’all stop the shipping b.s
birds are supposed to symbolize freedom in most cultures, innit?
This chapter was so important to me. It showed the reality of the rumbling, and that scenery, and most importantly, Eren's true feelings on the genocide, including his now split younger self. He feels guilty about it, he knows it's bad yet he has to do it because he has no other option if he wants Paradis and everyone he loves to survive. During my life I have had a lot of instances where I had to sacrifice a lot  in order to survive, including disociating and splitting my personality in two, crushing my own feelings to do what had to be done, so characters like Eren are very relatable in that sense to me. In a kill-or-be-killed situation, there is no place nor time for doubts nor mercy and you have to do what you have to do.
Very interesting, trágico and raw, but also  liked the comparison between different concepts of the world and freedom between Armin and Eren. Also loved all the AruAni moments, they were not only adorable but also helped those two characters talk about things they needed to open up about since a long time ago lol.
I want to get off Mr. Isayama's Wild Ride
Am I the only one who can't take the alliance seriously?
Wasn't really feeling the AruAni moment, but other than that top tier chapter can't wait for more.
Armin possibly realizes Eren isn't in the right state of mind. If Eren is projecting himself as a child, then Armin might be able to come up with a plan to stop what he is doing.
Fantastic, worth the wait.
Fav chapter yet. Fall of Wall Maria got overthrown as the most depressing event in the series for me.
Favourite line in AOT :"SIT DOWN"
I don't want it to end, but I am very happy about the direction the manga is going.
I felt for eren
This chapter was legendary, it hit all the right notes for finally giving Eren's POV. The shot of child Eren above the clouds will go down as one of the best panels ever... also Eren's line about "disappointment"... fantastic it gave me chills.
I find ‘the cycle of revenge’ storyline tiring. I’ve seen it so many times before and there isn’t anything new being covered here. I just feel tired and sad honestly. My last (and probably unfulfilled) hope for the series would be for Levi to make it through this, work things out with Zeke without violence and be able to move on in his life. He could help the survivors of the rumbling and reestablish civilization, maybe open his tea shop, see the world, maybe fall in love. I don’t really care. I just want to see my boy alive and doing okay for himself. A ridiculous thought for this series, I know. With 3-4 chapters left I feel we will most likely just be left in a misery marinara. I’m soaking in it right now.
I have too many thoughts on this chapter, I wouldn't know where to begin
i wanted him to save ramzi, but i didnt at the same time?? i was glad he didnt spare him, but im sad he didnt?? i dont know why
I just want everything to end already
i just want the best ending for all characters, esp Eren.
I like how Isayama is pushing the cognitive dissonance that i have of what side i should choose.....he is really fuckin with me at this point. All the thinking has now made me kinda numb
I like Isayama drawing birds and see the art improvement through the chapters :D I announce August is the Eek Appreciation Month dedicated to the Wings of Freedom! EEEEEEEEEEEK
I like that it pretty much ended the discussion of Eren having other plans. He's been totally honest the entire time. If he had other plans, why'd he put his friend in danger by having them fight against him?
for real had to pause for a bit at many points in this chapter lmao
Maybe this is why he never talked to his friends- he didn't care about discussing what's right for them, he just wanted his FrEeDoM and would walk over children to get it.
Glad to see Armin and Annie being cute, they deserve a few moments of happiness.
Glad to see Eren’s thoughts and feelings about the rumbling. There are a lot of loose ends that I was hoping to have some answers for in this chapter but it didn’t happen in this chapter, which just made me more intrigued.
Glad to see that Eren's uncaring exterior was finally dispelled this chapter
God I can't see this ending good and I just really want this to be over soon. Never rooted as much for an MC to die as now.
Which of the following best describe how you feel about the rumbling?  Pointless, it won't achieve anything.
while i find aruani cute i still find it weird since she literally was crying the previous chapter. i was disappointed that we didn't get to see all the alliance
Why tf is Ymir in the realworld!?
SS ARUANI GONNA RUMBLE THE SHIP HARDER THEN EREN RUMBLED THOSE POOR CHILDREN, TAKE THAT NONBELIEVERS no really, this was built up from s1, and they have wonderfully complementing personalities. Sad that half the fandom gets triggered from any het ship (and vice versa)
Crack theory: Eren has two personalities which is why he acts in contradictory ways. The "evil" nature is in kid Eren and the "good" nature is in the bird. There is no consciousness in his actual body anymore.
Genocide route best route
Way better than the last chapter. 130 was just good art and shipping bait which felt like it was forced for the sake of the end of a volume. This chapter was amazing and balanced its multiple purposes effortlessly, as opposed to the clunky nature of the previous chapters. Probably the best chapter since Ymir's backstory. I love how Armin tied into it, we haven't seen he and Eren's shared dream brought up for a while, as it had faded into background despite being such a driving force for both characters before the timeskip.
I was sure that the dichotomy between Eren's motivations was clearly between his friends/the people he wants freedom for, and his own quest to soothe the anger he has in his heart. Essentially is he doing this for love or hate. Yet we get a third motivation introduced this chapter, of him achieving his child self's dream of freedom in a wall-less world, and what do you know it's tied into "that scenery/that sight", Isayama you genius. What does this mean about those other motivations, though? Is everything false and it's just what Eren is telling himself? What's the lie? What's the truth? What to believe…
It might just be because Eren subconsciously called to Armin. So if more memories surface, more characters can talk with him potentially.
Time loop theory!
Timey Wimey P A T H S shenanigans.
Even if I'm not surprised, it's disappointing to see how Eren is the worst Jaeger after all. He used to make bad decisions trying to help "humanity", but now he just thinks he's right, when not even half of Paradis agrees with his ideas.
I hate Eren from the bottom of my heart. He's disgusting, a total piece of shit. And I love Isayama for giving me all these feelings. He's the real GOAT here.
Really made me wish Isayama hadn't gone for the ~mystery~ of Eren becoming the villain and had instead at least given us the flashbacks in chronological order. The way this long-awaited PoV reveal has been done has felt so clunky and awkward.
I honestly don't understand those who used to support the Rumbling but no longer do after this chapter; maybe they are the same kind of people that romanticized Omnicide and kept defending it as the  "morally correct thing to do"  and that they "would most certainly do it"  if they were in Eren's shoes... Until the reality hit them and all of their posturing like a bag of bricks - i.e. the typical edgy keyboard warrior.
As a pro-Rumbling fan, I always knew this was the expected outcome; if anything this chapter was everything I hoped that Isayama would show to us because it once and for all disproved the idea that Eren has a plan beyond the Rumbling. A Lelouch ending (which I hope doesn't happen) can still be pulled, but its not something that Eren is actively working torwards, but the end result if the alliance somehow stops him.
rumbling go brrrrrrrr
Zeke is controlling the bird with his beast Titan ability that he learnt from the paths realm
"what will my mother think of me?" Ashamed of you, eren, duh.
I really can't feel sorry for eren when this is ultimately the choice he made. There were always other choices up until the point where he killed many world leaders in his attack on Marley.
A bit sappy but understandable. From a egoist point of view Eren is justified in his actions, but of course this just reaffirms the Eldians "monstrous" nature to them. The Eldians dont have a realistic out unless the titans are truly gone forever if Eren loses. Curious about the birds.
A freckled girl appeared. That's progress.
Also what about the Eldians living outside of Paradis Island? IMO they are the ones suffering the most
Can he even be stopped?
Can people stop saying that because you enjoy the direction of the story that you’re a genocide supporter? I like shooter games too but I’m obviously not going to go kill anyone, everyone needs to chill out with the moral policing, you sound like the Tipper Gore crowd. Is the rumbling justified? No, but it’s a great direction for the story and it was inevitable once it was established what was in the walls. Chekhov’s gun had to go off sometime, I’m actually surprised how many people seem to be agonizing over this.
Can't put it into words how amazing AOT has become and is just stepping over each level taking one step at a time !!!
Can't wait till next one
Changed the opinion of many people on eren's genocide
Chapter confirmed Eren is NOT the father
Cruel just like the world
This chapter re-assured me that that first scene of Mikasa is the moment she says goodbye to a dying Eren.
Damn bro it’s great
Dang. When this is animated, I guarantee a lot of youtubers and just the anime fandom in general will think this is the best series of all time.
Eren is one of the best MCs of all time.
Eren is one of the most tragic characters on manga
Eren is the best protagonist
Eren is the GOAT but is also wrong and needs to die real soon
Eren is truly the best developed main character from any shonen series, this chapter made my mind.
Eren loses it, again
great job Isayama. well done you madman
Great painfull chapter, Eren having a breakdown Made me so sad and depressed,  I wish him to achieve freedom
Greatest manga of all time
greatest piece of fiction of our generation
Hange is right, this is not an acceptable solution
I cried while reading it no joke
I don't even know what to say about Eren. Sure, this chapter is showing his guilt, but that definitely does NOT justify his actions. EXPLAIN YOURSELVES, YEAGERISTS, EREN STANS!!!!!! (sorry I'm just angry about him)
I still think there needs to be a twist, because for me the character development still doesn't work. Eren and Historia have both forgotten common sense and do awful stupid things for stupid, hollow (plot) reasons, and the 104th this entire arc have both become somewhat useless and self-righteous at the convenience of the author. I don't care if the whole arc happened this way just because clearly Isayama wants to have the rumbling as the last arc, but if this was his objective he should have been more focused on character consistency and less on the mystery of it all. It still all feels less like the choices of actual characters than plot convenience, and it gives me the same sensation of the Serumbowl, which I thought was the nadir of the series.
If truly there's won't be some last minute twist it's just bad character writing in service of a plot decided in advance. Same with Historia and the 104th. Who cares about character consistence? Not Isayama, apparently
For some reason Eren wants Armin to the what his is doing.
Honestly, of all the characters Armin is the last I'd want succeding in stopping Eren. Let Mikasa have the spotlight, damn it.
Beautiful pain
Beautifully drawn but very gory
a person can gladly become a devil or a god if he has to, for justice.
A truly sad and terrifying chapter. I never understood how anyone could support this. Don't get me wrong. I understand plotwise why it had to happen. I knew Isayama would show us this. This part was unavoidable for the story he's trying to tell. Doesn't mean I have ever supported it, or that I ever will. But hey at least Aruannie is cannon, so that's a silver linning to this absolutely horrible chapter.
PS. I never wanted to punch a fictional character in the face as much as I want to punch Eren's. Alas, he's not real and I will never get the satisfaction of doing that.
Adding onto child eren's freedom panel, i believe it represents the idea of freedom he had wished for before he was betrayed by the world itself.
All hail the mad king
All that suffering, for what. You won but at what cost
It really shows that Attack On Titan isn’t an ordinary story. It is a storyline filled with emotions, tragedies and somehow the cruel reality that this world possesses.
It shifted through a lot of POVs, it was pretty good.
It showed the rumbling and Eren in much more impartial way.
It was crazy to finally see in Eren's Head but all it did was confirm the things I was thinking for awhile and put me more on his side.At this point I'm ride or Die Eren Yaeger just so I can see how this all ends.
It was good, but I wish we would've gotten more with the rest of the crew going to Marley.
Listen, I really love Eren, I have deeply felt for him. I still do, I relate too much with his own traumas but since the timeskip. I have distanced myself from him and I don't and have never supported on his stance for genocide because he set this up with Zeke and pushed Marley to go into war while they didn't want it in the first place. However I have too much of a strong emotional connection to him so I understand him and I admit, it made me doubt a little bit on some of my stances. Since Eren is so different from who he was back before the timeskip, I have always assumed and the manga has not proved me wrong, that he's being influenced by something or someone which is feeling on his traumas, anger, depression and dissapointments. So I am still extremely optimistic about him.
Jesus Fucking Christ
its funny how the dream dies with reality
Its great to finally get some of Erens thoughts but it’s just made me think he’s not acc the one in control
My tears create a whole new ocean.
no opinion really, chapter felt kinda flat and repetitive in parts
Alliance supporters learning that Eren is suffering with all this shit and isn't trash and pitiful like their hypocrite babies who were genociding their own people in the last 32 volumes.
Amazing. The way Eren developed from this angsty little child to someone who's willing to kill everyone to achieve his childhood dream and save his pals is truly wonderful.
Rumbling go wee
I found it tragically ironic that Eren just has a passing thought of what his mom would think of his actions, and it reminds me of how he wouldn’t listen to her when he was younger. Do you think this is a subtle indication that Eren hasn’t matured from the thought processes of a selfish boy, or does he truly hold weight and more consideration to what his mother (and other people) would think? Personally, I think he is more aware of outside views, but just refuses to accept that reality because he is so stuck on his own desires.
It's one of the pivotal scenes because atleast I know that within Eren he still at somepoint have consicience and shows that at somepoint he can be stopped.
Rumbling goes rumble
Eremin <3
Yams makes me confused! I dunno!
Collosal Titans go brr
CONFUSING IN WAY TOO MANY PARTS!!! where to start or stop... from ymir to bird to child eren is all confusing af but nice :)
Depression and depression
Did we really need to spend that many pages on that AruAni BS? So much for fucking 5% being left.
Dis gon be good
Let's get the final confrontation underway!
Welp, there is absolutely no defying it: Eren is the big bad and there is no secret plan to make it up.
Let’s get ready to RUUUUUUUUMBLE!
Levi and Hange convo when? Armin and Annie end of the world sex when? Jean confessing to Mikasa when? Floch suprise killing Connie or Jean when? Floch getting thrown over board to die at sea rather than being shot when?
LOLZ at anyone still defending the rumbling after this chapter portraying it as something heroic or justifiable
Make me feel. Make me feel more.
Man, this is rough.
Overall well rounded chapter. Time to get back to alliance and Historia after this though.
Poor Eren. But I kind of understand.
Ppl who are calling Eren GOAT or saying they were only sad in this chapter bc Eren cried are legit psychopaths.
Seeing Eren’s POV and reasoning behind pursuing the rumbling makes me feel for him. We know he cares about his friends, paradis, etc. I am at a loss of words for this chapter. However I will say this, Armin in paths with Eren is not a coincidence. I think isayama is foreshadowing of a conversation THEY’VE ALREADY HAD, and what’s to come..
Isayama is being stingy about letting his characters talk to each other properly. I mean really how many scenes do we have left on this boat while the rumbling goes on? When there’s still so much to be said. Wasted chapter imo, a lot more could’ve been said and done.
Eren confirmed that he will kill everyone. The rumbling cannot be stopped.
Even though we have gotten some insight on Eren's pov, it has created more questions than answers. His motives are still very confusing and we are still being kept in the dark
Every chapter update makes me sad :( the story has gotten so tragic and i love it but oof. I didnt think it could get sadder but Isayama proves me wrong every month
Every new released chapter is better than the last one. I love these series. Props to mr. Hajime Isayama 💪🏆
Exactly what we needed, have more faith now.
Exceeded my expectations. The last two chapters were mindblowing after a slow mini Arc at the port. Isayama can really pull ar your heartstrings with flashbacks and Eren's pov.
Thanks Isayama for the microscopic eremin crumbs
that kid eren scene though... easily the best scene the series so far
That was damn perfect
That was f***ing amazing and awful at the same time. I want this series to end, but actually no. Keep going Isayama. You crazy motherf***er.
the "beyond the walls" talk between armin and eren is being brought up again and im emotional now thx
The ending's gonna disappoint people, no matter how well/badly it's executed. Chapter was cool, but overhyped imo
The pacing seems slow, but then again, it was recently nodded to that the manga won't end at Chapter 134 or 135 but 136. And Isayama does have everything planned out for a long time. I don't think he'll disappoint.
the significance of many things in the story are too epic, carla and mikasa look alike, grisha and eren look alike, historia and dina even look alike, the repeating actions, along with the intricate history formed, give us a lot to speculate but nothing to confirm.
I am somewhat sad for eren, to see the point that he has reached by having that freedom that he longed for so much but that I hardly think exists is sad, I don't know how the hell this is going to end but hey I don't know
I can't even begin to imagine how this is going to look in the anime. Definitely not for the faint of heart.
I can't imagine how the manga will end in a few chapters
I can't wait for 132.
I can’t believe this
I can’t wait to see this chapter voice acted, holy shit.
I loved the context that Eren's apology provides, really gives some much needed insight on his thoughts about the future during the timeskip
I need him to talk to mikasa and armin!
On this poll, I noticed that there's nothing about Mikasa haha. I want her to have a moment for the next chapter, or appear on Eren's memories. We know she's gonna be playing a big role for this arc.
I like where the story is going and I can’t wait for the anime so I can show AOT to everyone.
I think Eren is going somewhere. If he wanted to rumble the world, he can control the titans even from the safety of Paradis. I think he is going to that tree under which Ymir fell.
I think it focuses on Eren a bit too much. Maybe show us some Levi? Thank you.
i think reiner is gay
I am currently not taking a side. Not with Eren or with the Yeagerists or with our heroes. I'm just here to see how it all goes down and how Isayama wants to play it out. I've been enjoying every single chapter and being so moved it's insane. F the ship wars and the bs, this story is much more than that. And tragedy is written all over it. Ok brb getting my tissues prepared for next chapter.... 👍
I don't know how many more issues we're going to have but I worry that the story is going to come to a screeching halt and leave too many questions unanswered. Isayama has got so many plates spinning, narratively speaking, I have no idea how he is going to finish them or if he'll finish them at all.
Just a series of gut-punches one after the other after every panel, oof this chapter affected me more than any other. It also made me wonder about how the planet in general would be affected.  Like how would ecosystems change?  Will Eren only go after the civilized countries and then stop?  Or will he not let a single person survive outside the island and just actually steamroll the whole planet?  If he does, wouldn't that change climates and stuff?  What's about the animals and plants? Am I thinking too much about this? How will the drastic changes affect the Paradisians? All this assuming the alliance doesn't manage to stop him (which is likely)
although initially him and reiner seemed to pursue the same path, eren initial motive was to wipe them all and he said it multiple times, I don't believe he has guilt nor remorse because "it was all set from the very start"
We also got a seamless reintegration of the theme of what it means to be a "good person", something both Armin and Annie have grappled with as far back as Female Titan arc, and it's great to see it re-emerge in the context of the rumbling. Annie is an underrated character. Isayama could have had her come back with some bullshit royal blood or daughter-of-Kruger twist, but instead he decides to integrate her into the conflict as her own person and make her a more interesting character than Reiner (sorry Soul).
Eren is allowed to have emotions, he should be able to feel terrible about himself for having to wipe out most of humanity. But he also believes that this is the only way. He begged Hange if there was another way, he WANTED an option that didn't end with the world being rumbled. When Hange had no ideas, and no else had a plan that would keep Paradis safe, he felt like he had to move forward, towards freedom.
Eren is neither right or wrong in his decision. Killing innocents, destroying entire ecosystems and ending human civilization is morally bankrupt. In many ways his plan is short sighted, but when I say this, my stance comes from a logical standpoint rather than a moral one(the political instability of the island, the precedent it sets, the danger he put his friends in). The *most* moral thing to do was a partial rumbling(there are still some issues both logistical and moral) and while 2 wrongs don’t make a right, I hold Marley and many other nations equally at fault for not being willing to end this diplomatically. Their scorched earth policy brought this on. It’s unfortunate that their citizens are paying the price for their governments crimes. But you can’t threaten to wipe out an entire civilization with no negotiation and not expect a desperate response like a full rumbling. This doesn’t absolve eren of responsibility of his actions, but the rumbling is an extremely unfortunate even that was 100% avoidable if diplomacy had been an option.
Eren, no! That’s all I can say at this point! Armin please, I’m begging you, stop your mans.
Eren, what the fuck?
Eren's self pity doesn't change the fact that he's killing millions of innocents and he's not going to stop despite it.
Eren’s guilt over his actions doesn’t mean a thing considering he’s still doing it. The fact that he saw the future and did nothing to stop it (and actively made it happen) makes him even worse. I don’t feel sorry for him in the slightest.
Even though Eren has the skeletal structure as an (I don't even know.. turkey/bird.. eh...) people are still going to simp the shit out of him on twitter, like jfc-
Eren wanted to destroy all life outside paradis not because he wanted outside world to be just a wonderland of blazing fire , grasslands etc. but because the people outside are making it impossible enough for him to realise his dream of total freedom
I would like to add that AruAni scene was, in my opinion, really important for both armin and Annie character development, since they're having a romance scene with the theoretically enemy (armin is from paradis and Annie is from Marley). I think this represent well that people from Marley and people from Eldia can live together, without violence. (I wish I could write more, but English is not my first language)
I'm glad we're finally getting things more thoroughly from Eren's perspective. Up until now, his motivations and thoughts have mostly been discussed by other characters, but we finally get to hear from him directly. This chapter mostly confirmed what I suspected, that Eren isn't heartless, but he was also a tragic character that was perfectly aware of the destruction he was about to bring upon so many people. Overall really good, can't wait for the next chapter, whatever it may be.
I'm happy that Isayama made clear what an egoist and violent nature  Eren always had, since he was a child: he's not an hero, not an avenger and surely not the "chad goat" some teen edgelords think.
I'm literally shaking so hard rn
The wall titans were always an obvious metaphor for "what if Japan had WMDs", but in this chapter this is made even more obvious when there is nothing left from migrant children but two dark kid-shaped splatters on the ground, which is a pretty clear visual reference to citizens of Hiroshima leaving nothing but scorched silhouettes behind when the atomic bombing happened.
Ironically, there was a popular twitter thread this week about the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and despite not being very familiar with the topic itself, I was somewhat amused to find the arguments in the comments to be very familiar. It's payback, it's to prevent future war, it was justified because of Japanese government's war crimes, Japanese citizens were indoctrinated and racist and would NEVER give up fighting foreigners so bombings were a mercy, it's collateral damage, etc etc.
The warriors deserve much better than being used as props.
There's 99% chance this series is getting a downer ending
They had it coming. The world was warned yet they still provoked him so much. I feel for Eren..
What is the most disappointing thing is how selfish and unreasonable mankind can be. So much hatred between so many people and nations, the world of Attack on Titan is a cursed one. So much blood spilled everywhere, and why? Is it because it's justice? Or is it because it's mother nature? Or is it because mankind is known for bloodshed and selfishness? So much hatred has blinded people, they no longer care to listen for the reason. Nothing matters to them, just their goals. All of this pointless conflict when people can simply try to speak up, try to understand each other, simply make bonds. If people could only live with a bit more empathy... All we can do is hope that so many deaths will have any meaning. Or perhaps Genocide/omnicide never had any meaning... Perhaps all of this was pointless strife.
This chapter confirmed Uri's predictions during his conversation with Kenny by the river. It remains to be seen now whether the alliance will be able to stop eren. I am sad for the world and for Ramzi and his brother. The pictures were horrible to watch (Isayama is very good at drawing emotions).
i'm...so very tired
I’m freakin cryin i need someone to hold me
Slowly, everything is coming back in its place. I am super dedicated at this point to the manga and I just hope Isayama is gonna be able to reach the perfect conclusion for such all these years of construction.
So Eren is a fish Titan...?
Still pro-rumble
Such a tragedy this whole story is. Really heartbreaking to witness. But so meticulously done and masterfully written.
Somebody said, maybe Eren and Zeke were actually fighting or going on memory journey schmuck in the Paths currently, that's why Eren is sleeping and automatically runs the titan on the outside.
If zeke didn’t pull this shit up in the first place none of this wouldn’t happen
Starting to reconsider the time-loop theory being wrong. Everything is literally coming full circle.
Isayama youre a genius but you love seeing us hurt and confused dont you 😭😭😭
It bothered me how surprised people were that Eren did the rumbling and it was sad.  He's been saying he was gonna do it for ages, and now he is.  What's with the surprised pikachu fandom?
Jesus Christ everyone needs therapy
Please end this story with happy ending!
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